Another Month Almost in the Books

And what worthwhile has she accomplished?  Just about zero in my calculation.


  1. My brain read this as "another month in almost-books" as in, the one she's been talking about writing / selling the last four years.

  2. Hey all - FYI: Usually when a new thread is started and there's something on the last thread that needs to be addressed, I copy and paste it on the new thread cuz I'm not sure how many go back to read the old thread. But this time there were too many posts to bring over here, so I answered them over there if you are interested. Anyway, Happy Friday/weekend night to you all!

  3. Twitter Twaddle - "Funny Stuff That Animal Abusers Say" Edition:

    "206 votes no?!?!?!?! My disgust with the GOP has gotten so personal the more and more they want to treat me like a second class citizen. Hell, some don't even want me to be a citizen at all. Or exist."

    Umm, propelled yourself into being less of a citizen when you:

    1) Shocked those innocent piggies. On purpose. With extra water for spite. And then smiled.
    2) Went inside your warm house instead of searching for the chicken who froze in your driveway.
    3) Left a small animal to die a painful, anguished and lonely death in a f*cking wheelbarrow.

    So quit feeling sorry for yourself you heartless grifter. Because worrying about being judged for who you choose to be with as a partner is not the same as being judged for intentional animal abuse. You clearly need to worry more about how to avoid abusing animals. And neglecting them.There is something in this world called animal love. You should try it sometime.

    Plus, according to you, you live all alone on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere so I doubt you really receive the second class experience that people in big cities do. Seriously, shut up already. Get off Twitter and take your overgrown teenage angst with you.

    1. **BTW, Please note that this post ^^^^ has nothing to do with politics. This post is not pro nor con re the GOP. My post was simply to point out the hypocrisy of the Pig Shocker wanting to be treated a certain way as a human, while denying her animals the same treatment and respect.

  4. Hey, totally random/non-Pig Shocker post here. I know we don't normally do this but with lockdown continuing and boredom constantly afoot, I thought y'all might be amused (and inspired) by this super cool 2 minute video.

    Earlier this month in Myanmar (formally Burma) there was a wrongful coup d'etat on the gov't by the military. At the very moment it happened, when the military vehicles were driving towards Myanmar's parliament, there was a young lady exercising by the street's roundabout. Not only was she not aware, but she inadvertently captured the coup in real time which is astonishing.

    Upon going home to edit her footage, and seeing all those black vehicles (some with tanks), this young woman uploaded the footage to her Facebook and it went viral. And despite the horrible situation going on behind her, she is a beacon of inspiration for her energy, ambition, her willingness to wear a mask, and her high spirits. The music she moves to is funky cool and her dance moves are fierce! This video has inspired me to not only think even more about other people in this world, wherever they may be, but also to get up and dance a bit!

    The video is here:

    What an energetic cutie pie she is against all those black military trucks going past her in the background. What a surreal moment, and quite a story to tell.

  5. What is up with her running goals? I am not a runner, just someone who likes to keep up with bills, house, and animal care. Who the hell has time to run however many k's and how does it change her situation ( and that of the poor critters in her care). Spend time on 2 month out logos instead. Damn foolishness I say.


  6. her running goals are so stupid for a middle aged woman. Who the hell cares if she cut 2 min. off her time (not like she has a gold star chart on the fridge--well wait maybe she does) and even then besides mommy and daddy who would care. Why not spend that 44 min. and 22 seconds getting cartoon art done and sent out. It couldn't possibly take any longer to do that then run her "virtual" miles.

    1. I don't get the "virtual" miles thing. Does that mean she's not physically running? She's doing it on a computer or phone app or something?

  7. I saw a 2019 movie "Brittany Runs a Marathon" on Amazon Prime recently. It was kinda cute, and helped me to understand the reasons people are so into running. The main character is obese, and her doctor won't give her the Adderal stimulant she wants, and instead gives her straight talk about her health. She starts running with a group of neighbor characters and it changes her life. Whatever.
    Jenna is also very into that guy who runs with Donkeys, Christopher McDougall, and other celebrities he's connected to the running world.

    I also read "Nomadland", the book, and saw the movie. Both were good. I would recommend the book. It's about older people with very little money due to recession and other life circumstances, but they aren't afraid to work difficult unpleasant jobs to make a living, such as campground host and hard seasonal work in Amazon fulfillment centers, and still have their dignity. Not cyberbegging. I was very moved and affected by this book.

    I have never enjoyed running. I walk, hike, used to ride horses, did aerobics classes, and waited tables for 10 years. Recently had a hip replacement.

    Take it easy on your joints out there.

    1. Anon 10:32 - I enjoyed running as a child, but puberty changed my body so much that running is not an enjoyable activity for me. I like swimming, horseback riding of course, going on walks / hikes. I just can't be obsessed with performance times, because I'm too prone to injury when I push it.

      But I have friends of all sizes who really do love running, so good for them. If I'm going to focus on the metrics of a physical activity, I prefer to be swimming laps. I've never been injured in a pool, I don't overheat or dehydrate. Our new place is just a few minutes from a great ocean inlet swimming spot - man am I looking forward to summer!

      Jenna's running updates don't interest or bother me, really, though I don't know any other supposed farmer who needs to add in exercise to their routine. It just makes me wonder if she has the energy to run because she doesn't actually work on her "farm".

    2. All her 5K run talk is a way to make it look like she's a hardworking person, which is important to her brand.

  8. wow is it just me or has Pig Shocker toned down her begging so far this month? She did make sure to show a very very cropped picture of her "pack" goat who knows when it was taken though. There didn't seem to be any snow in the picture though. But begging is almost nada.

    1. the feed net Shannon made is visible, so it was taken this winter. It does look like there's a lot of straw on the ground too, but it's too cropped and the background is out of focus, so who knows.

    2. Anon 12:01 - She didn't have time to beg cuz she was too busy running 5Ks!!

      But it looks like she's right back at it today. She even lowered the price on her pet sketches to $50. Finally, a reasonable price that might attract more sales.

  9. Begging is back up and running I see. "And if you don't want to buy a darn thing but do want to support this farm's 13+ years of free writing at barnheart dot com - please feel free to support us here:"

    10+ years of that writing is about paying the mortgage. I honestly don't know why she seems to think her blog content is that valuable. She's not producing anything close to what she was in 2009.

    Another tweet:
    "Writing a book is a whole thing. Some days I fly through thousands of words. Most days I look at my computer like I owe it money."

    How many people does she owe money, I wonder?

    There's been a trend in "you owe me money" memes, which is where I suspect this came from. Still, it's the same old song. She's TRYING, but this life is SO HARD. Her laptop is accusatory and hostile!

    She's also asking for truck leads on instagram. Do you know anyone else who asks for leads on a vehicle on social media? Me neither. You look online and on auto trader, and if you don't find anything in your price range after a few months you adjust your expectations.

    Of course, we all know what she's really doing by asking for "leads" on a truck. She's hoping someone in her network will basically give her a break on the price of a truck worth hundreds of thousands less than what they might otherwise get.

    1. "Please feel free to support US here"

      Welp, its official. The Pig Shocker has dragged her girlfriend into a never-ending lazy lifestyle of online panhandling. How lovely for them.

      Lol at asking for a truck on Instagram. Her asking for "truck leads" on any social media is just her way of getting the word out in the hopes that some generous fool will "gift" her one for free.

      And in addition to Auto Trader, there's probably a CarMax or equivalent in a larger town, and there's also Craigslist. But all those vehicles would cost money. Money that she doesn't want to part with. Wonder why she's not doing a Kiva loan this time?

  10. So here I thought that with a live in partner to contribute to household expenses, the begging would cease. But yes, it now looks for certain that she is begging for two.

  11. I don't feel particularly comfortable speculating on very little to go on. But I'm wondering if Shannon was attracted to the "live like fiction off other people's money" lifestyle. What I know is this. There are two educated, able bodied women who can't seem to make ends meet, even though they claim to have work from home jobs and even though there are plenty of jobs to be had in town as supplemental income.

    1. A lot of people would probably love to live a carefree life not having to work if it was based on something honest like their savings, a lottery win, or a trust fund. But to try to live a work-shy carefree lifestyle by begging others for their hard earned money? Utterly fcuked up and despicable. I just don't get her.

  12. I can't help but laugh as she says if you want to throw in for the last 13 years of writing you can paypal me. If you look back she goes weeks and weeks without updating her bleg posts so why would anyone pay for that? Also you would be paying for begging.

    Also my thoughts Anonymous 8:52 if she always scrapped by with her daily begging as a single you would think with the 2 of them they could finally make a living together. Nope now we are expected to support 2 of them instead of just one lazy life style looser.

  13. Maybe it’s a millennial entitlement thing.

  14. Faux Farmer and Faux Junior don't feel shame at taking other people's money because they believe FFF's stay-at-home job is "social media influencer" so all is fair in collecting $$$.

    My opinion of this? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    According to a product placement company (EliseDharma), social media influencers are users "who have an established credibility and audience (and) who can persuade others by virtue of their trustworthiness and authenticity."

    If there isn't credibility, trustworthiness or authenticity -  even for a scrappy feral farmer who desperately wants to be a social media influencer - the chances of becoming an Instagram Influencer are slim...and NONE.

    While hugely popular social media influencers tend to be attractive and fit (and they no doubt work f'king hard behind the scenes) influencers come in all shapes and sizes. However, no matter the "look", there is commonality. They must:

    ➡Define their niche and be a standout.

    ➡Create high quality posts.

    ➡Be trustworthy.

    ➡Engage with followers and collaborate with others.

    Whew! A LOT of work will be needed in the wilds of VerYork because this ain't happenin' now!

    💩 She doesn't have a niche and doesn't standout. Other than half-assed fattening of a few meat animals, she's not competent or successful as a farmer. Her "homestead" hasn't substantially improved in a decade. Promised initiatives never happened. Ongoing begging undermines long-term credibility, and it isn't appealing. She changes religions, opinions, "beliefs" and alleged deep-seated convictions as frequently as hay suppliers.

    💩 In fact, there's embarrassingly little farm-related content that's high quality or interesting. Unlike in earlier years, writing is slipshod and educational posts /guest interviews are all but gone. Thought pieces are shallow & derivative; worrisome situations seem contrived; old photos, often without credit, are used to suggest current content.

    💩 With so little content that is trustworthy, readers are instead treated to continual pleas for donations or sales, often as follow-ups to over-the-top (or easily prevented/fixed) crises. Begged-for finances never, ever make sense.

    💩 All but a few soon notice reader engagement is as rare as baby chick survival at her farm. Unless you're a coveted "blue check" there's precious little interaction and collaboration. It's all one-way. When called out or corrected, contributors are put down or blocked - only praise is allowed.

    Honesty and integrity, like inspirational farming, is in very short supply. People sense it and this is why they don't engage and will ultimately leave.

    1. The content boils down to this: “pay my mortgage, pay my mortgage, pay my mortgage”.

    2. Still cracking up at the idea that Jenna Woginrich is a social media influencer. Yeah, and I'm a world class chef because I once heated up Chef Boyardee on the stove instead of microwaving it.

      PDD - All excellent points. And her lack of reader/foollower engagement is her biggest mistake in my opinion. You are right, she ignores pretty much every non blue check commenter. If she wanted to be a more $uccessful online panhandler she would need to take the time to engage with each and everyone of them. Oh, but that would take away precious time searching for hot new Taylor Swift news.

      I also think that the ridiculous idea of her being a "social media influencer" was just a pathetic attempt by her girlfriend to defend the Pig Shocker's online mortgage begging. Has Shannon not read and compared the earlier blog content with the constant blegging of the past 5 years? Obviously not.

  15. She asks people to pay her mortgage because she has some sheep in the back yard ( by the way that doesn't = farmer) but has money for YMCA membership? Stupid cunt.

  16. Looks like Pig Shocker is trying to do damage control by starting a fresh new bleg:

    "In more exiting news to you, the reader, this blog will soon be retired and replaced with a new website, blog (all of this will be archived) and an easier way to order soap, art, logos, classes, books, etc. Finally getting ducks in a row."

    I wonder how many animal abusing posts will be "accidentally" lost during the archiving process?

    1. "Finally getting ducks in a row"....... okay its been what, 10 years?

      What earth shattering news is she going to blog about? She barely writes as it is and now in her latest tweet she's complaining about being "behind" on her writing. Whatever takes so much of her precious time? She's gotten Shannon doing the farming.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Spell-check/auto correct is awful. Trying again.

      I'm guessing JJ is now doing purchase or business-related computer work and links. Like others did her "farm-related" work and setup. What a surprise.

    4. The Pig Shocker should pay JJ for all the work and new improvements she's done in the past year.

  17. Also from that bleg post:

    "The hawk will be released back into the wild this week."

    Didn't she recently release that hawk? I can't keep track of all the hawks that she's trapped, killed, and pimped out for social media. Groundhog day indeed.

  18. Yeah, she’s got JJ setting up her website and handling orders. Remember how she always had to have help with cleaning out her shed or stacking her wood? She can’t seem to do anything by herself.

    1. I really don't get this JJ character, as there are so many red flags that should've sent her running. Yet she made the strange decision to move in with a questionable person who:

      -Lives on a run down property
      -Hardly ever tells the truth
      -Abuses and neglects animals
      -Has no job, real income, or website
      -Begs online all day, all month, all year

      She is simply not a catch of any kind. So what on earth is the attraction? Maybe JJ is under a gov't witness protection program on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere?

  19. This is funny:
    "My goal today is $200 and in exchange for your tender I will ply you with soaps and fine doggy pictures and possibly a logo picture and you should please DM me! Here's to staying ahead of trouble!"

    Tender??? First who talks like that and why doesn't she just say MONEY!!! We all know that is what she is really after. Bitch just can't admit it.

    1. Lol, came here to say this. Yeah, she just can't be honest and say "I want your money" or "I want your hard-earned cash." No, she's always gotta use less caustic terms that help hide her glaring need and greed.

  20. HALLELUJAH she's setting up a website!

    Way to look less like a scammer, Jenna!

    I'm also inclined to believe the hawk survived it's stay with Jenna this year, and she legit released him as she claimed on her instagram. There wasn't a release video, but I think living with JJ has made it easier and more necessary to do what she should be doing in terms of caring for the animals.

    With a decent website, she will have no excuse about being "behind" or "losing orders" so she'll have to come up with some other reason. We'll see how the summer pans out.

    I wonder if JJ really does believe Jenna when she tells her the excuses for being "behind". I think JJ may be in problem-solving mode, basically picking up the slack for FFF herself, and doing things FOR FFF that she should have done on her own years ago.

    I'm honestly rooting for JJ here, I just hope she doesn't end up sinking good effort and years into a property she doesn't actually own.

    Maybe we'll start seeing livestock photos with actual backgrounds.

    1. No hawk release photo either. Just an old pic from when the poor thing was kidnapped. Also, not a single comment on those tweets except from Patty who was probably high on furniture varnish.

      And this whole thing with much is finally being done there. So much improvement in just one year together vs the last 10 when FFF's entire day consisted of two 30 minute sessions of animal prop feed slops. But hey, at least the props are getting better care now.

    2. Sort of brings back memories of my lazy ex-husband. He was a laid back kind of person and I was more of a go-getter. Turns out he was happy to lay back while I picked up the slack. When he let things slide, always saying he was going to get to them, I would jump in and do them. Until the day I realized that I was doing the lion's share of the work while he was reaping the benefits.

      I wonder if that is how it's going with JFW and JJ.

    3. I certainly hope JJ is getting something out of the deal. She seems to know a bit about farming (I'm just guessing this; she also seems like more of a hire than a gf). I"m sure Jenna wouldn't shack up with just anybody; the person would have to know enough to do the work that Jenna just can't seem to bring herself to do. Probably doesn't know where to start; the whole farm is an absolute mess!

    4. Anon, I agree. I'd actually written a similar comment and deleted it, because I thought I too might be projecting my own experience. I also had a partner who was "depressed" and I say that in quotations because they sure got their shit together quickly after I kicked them out, before they started mooching off a friend, and then a new girlfriend.

      I can't claim to know what the dynamic is between Shannon and Jenna, but I do think Shannon is younger, perhaps more naïve and more optimistic as I was in my early 30s, and sees Jenna's situation as a series of totally solvable problems rather than symptoms of Jenna's choices, attitude, and entitlements. She's still probably giving Jenna every benefit of the doubt too.

      And who knows, maybe the payoffs for Shannon will make this relationship actually last in the long run. Certainly the animals are better off for her presence, given that she actually does the simple things needed to improve their lives. The longevity of the relationship is going to depend on whether it's possible for Jenna to contribute equitably. That doesn't have to mean financially, but certainly the work and enjoyment must be balanced between two people for a relationship to last in the long run.

  21. She is in super begmode these days; wanting a truck. It's $1k more than she can "afford." In other words, poodles help a girl out won't you?

    Hating on those that can afford to buy a car at a dealer. Well I guess I am one of them. I bought a fully loaded brand new car last year. I also did it the old school way....worked a job and then saved for several years. Guess what Jenna? It can be done. You just have to be disciplined and stop throwing money at stupid shit like TS merch, booze, stupid outfits and NF. And work a job! Aint gonna happen sitting on your ass.

    1. On February 19th Pig Shocker wrote she had around 3K to spend on a truck.

      On March 13th she wrote that she now only had 2K to spend. That's a pretty big nose dive financially speaking. Wonder what she blew the 1K on? Or maybe she lied about the amount to get more poodles on board?

  22. saw how she is in her beg-a-thon mood big time. She said she had 3,000 to spend on a truck but this one is a thousand dollars more for a 2003? Is she only asking for trouble? Yeah she sure is hating on car dealers, people who go to car dealers to buy a new car/truck and anyone who has money. Oh those damn pesky people who go to work at LEAST 5 days a week (and many more than that to get ahead) , thank heavens she is above all of that.

    1. Don't know about you but I simply *cannot* wait to hear about all the problems this new truck will soon have!! I give her new-truck-honeymoon period about month before she starts tweeting about a broken fuel pump, bad rotors, tranny problems, needs new tires, and so on.

      There should be a bingo card for this! And popcorn!!!

  23. It’s a calculated move. She’s so close....if only she had an extra grand. And that’s where you come in, poodles. Pony up some of your stimulus $$$.

    Speaking of which, she and JJ have stimulus cash coming in. Use that, JFW, and quit your bellyaching.

    1. true she has the stimulus which is $1,400. coming in which is more than she needs she is only a cool thousand short. Of course that money is probably ear marked for Taylor Shit stuff. So okay poodles pony up.....

    2. Come on now poods, Holy Crow she's "BROKE AS A GOAT!!!" Who the hell says that? Is she trying to sound cute or something?

      Ha ha Jenna, we all know you are not "broke as a goat" as you so eloquently put it. We know you have some secret money rolling in.

      Let's see if she comes up with some sort of scam to get money in from people. Like she did Birchthorn, or her new puppy (Friday), or dozens more.....Stay tuned.

    3. Why the hell isn’t Shannon contributing!

    4. Being that Shannon doesn't appear to have an online begging scheme, she probably doesn't get much graphic design work...thus no money to contribute to the lost cause that is CAF.

      So that leaves her with plenty of time to build the *long-anticipated* new website, take proper care of the animals, AND time to pin a half dozen button pics of perma-teen Jenna onto her clothes each day. And speaking of said buttons, why aren't they still in proud possession of Ma Wog? Is it cuz daughter is such a colossal disappointment that Ma didn't want that crap taking up space in her attic?

  24. Yep, BIG TIME calculated grifter move. And it seemed to have worked cuz after she tweeted that she only had $2K to spend, some idiotic foollower commented:

    "I’m going to DM you."

    So good for her, she got the truck. So you think she'd shut up...but no, she has to let the Twitterverse know that she's now broke. As a fcukin' goat no less. GimmeGimmeGimme!! The BS never ends with her.

    Anon 10:27 - Great point about the stimulus payment she so conveniently forgot about. A chunk of money coming any day now. Naw, that money is earmarked for the next Taylor Swift concert....gas money to NYC...overnight stay with JJ in a swank meals...TS tour merchandise, etc.

    1. Whoopsie...meant to initially reply to Anon 10:02's post.

  25. Twitter Twaddle - Broken Record Edition:

    "Okay and lastly. If you simply want to support this gin joint, and perhaps like to read a 13 year long story on my blog about learning to farm on a mountain - complete with horses, hawks, hounds, and a lot of hustle - you can do so here:"

    Only 8 of those years can be seen as genuine blog posts about farming. While the past 5 years are just blegs about begging. And emergencies. Root canals galore. Terrifying and seemingly unsurmountable problems that can only be fixed with poodle money.

    "And a lot of hustle" she says. More like a lot of bullshit begging.

    "If you simply want to support me" she pleads. I will forever be astounded that she is an able-bodied human being, from a first world country with tons of opportunities, who still begs others to pay for all her expenses while she sits on her ass. Just unbelievable.

    Right now, in many undeveloped or still-developing countries, there are little children atop garbage heaps scrambling around for anything at all to eat. They are impoverished, starving, and not old enough to make a living. I've seen photos of this and it is heartbreaking. Meanwhile on the other side of the world, you have a VERY well fed adult grifter who spends any surplus donation money on luxuries instead of donating to children who are TRULY in need. The Pig Shocker is the epitome of human garbage.

  26. Kinda strange that FFF re-tweeted a post from another soap maker:

    Technically, this soap maker is her online competition. Especially so since the soaps are much better looking and there's an actual website to order from. So why re-tweet that ad when it might takes sales away from her melt-n-pour soaps?

    Is she trying to poach customers from other soap sellers?

    1. I thought the very same thing Anon7 then I saw the name of the soapmaker and it was something to do with former sex worker. So Pig Shocker is being so woke and "helping" out a gal in trouble. She is so kind you know. That or the other person had a higher price on her soaps and she wanted to look good.

    2. Yes, this is exactly what she's trying to do. You try and cross-pollinate against followers of your competitors, in the hopes that because they're interested in the competitor's products, they'll be interested in yours too.

      Instead of retweeting like a nincompoop though, the strategy is usually to just send follow requests to everyone, and even automate follow requests on a platform like twitter.

      The point of retweeting a competitor is a love n light "there's enough for us all, we can magnanimously retweet each other". The reality is it's a stealth move to poach others' customers, yes.

      But whatever, this practice exists across all sorts of businesses. Sure it's skeevy, but its effectiveness is pretty limited online when all you do is retweet a competitor and hope their followers follow you.

      Truly skeevy marketers that are motivated will target those followers to try and get them signed up and get their email address. Sign 'em up to a charity, a discount code, whatever. Anything to get their email address.

      Then, once you have that precious email address, you sales funnel the shit out of them.

      Maybe this is what JJ's working on. There are whole tried n true methodologies out there. At the very least, FFF should be trying to capture the email address of anyone who visits her blog.

    3. Anon 7:27 - I saw that too (former sex worker) which makes what the Pig Shocker is doing even worse -- by trying to steal customers from someone trying to turn their life around.

      WIW - Thanks for the insight. Had no idea people use Twitter like that. And you know, it was bad enough when she was desperately targeting different new groups (hikers, joggers, LGBT community) for sales but directly poaching individuals is a new low for her.

  27. I'm just getting caught up on the tweets of the past week. THIS:

    "Buying a used truck is so damn hard when you only have 2k to spend and everything decent is scooped up in 30 seconds. Was on my way out the door and the guy selling an f150 had someone coming to buy it 30 minutes before me. I officially disdain people who can afford dealerships."

    Oh, fuck off.

    Plenty of people get financing through dealerships because they're making an unideal financial decision. I got financing through a dealership not because I had a lot of money, but because I had almost no money and lost my housing, and needed a decent vehicle to drive in order to keep my job and be able to live at the only other rental housing available to me.

    It took me time and interest to pay that vehicle off, but pay it off early I did.

    Dealerships will sell to almost ANYONE. All you need is some form of regular income, and you can drive out of there with a high-interest loan and a near-new vehicle.

    Jenna HAS regular income. She's not paying those bills with soap and cartoon sales. She has something coming in. And, she *already has access to another vehicle*. She doesn't need a damn truck, she gets everything from hay to firewood to piglets delivered to her door.

    The truck is a vanity purchase, like everything else.

    And it sure does look like some poor poodle stepped up and gave her their stimulus cheque.

    Gurl, you should be saving that money for the next time you it "winter's bottom".

    1. To clarify, I'm not saying Jenna could or should go to a dealership if she wanted to, I'm saying she doesn't need a truck, full stop.

    2. You're right, it really doesn't seem like she really needs one. Yet look what she wrote on one of her latest bleg posts:

      "Right now we only have the one vehicle, a hatchback, which isn’t idea for moving livestock (though we certainly have!) and so the hunt [for a new truck] is on."

      Moving livestock? What the hell is she on about? The only new livestock recently were a half dozen meat birds, and some chicks that arrived via mail. And she needs a big truck for that?!?

      Agreed that she only wants a truck to keep up the "feral farmer" story. Vanity purchase indeed.

  28. Twit Shit:

    "Happy 11th Birthday to this good boy."


    What kind of weirdo wishes Happy Birthday to a ROOT CANAL??!

  29. Hope everyone has a good Easter weekend!

    I was working with a collie cross I train for a neighbour this weekend, and thinking - remember when Gibson was supposed to be a working farm dog?

    He comes from working lines, has so much potential, and she was taking him to the sheepdog training classes wasnt she?

    She got Gibdon because she absolutely HAD TO have a herding dog, despite being committed to the Huskies already, nooooo, she needed a SHEEPDOG. She was calling herself a "shepherdess" for a while there.

    Gibson probably could have become a great sheepdog, in different hands.

    Any idea why she got Friday? I dropped off when that happened.

    She already has one BC she wasn't using, why did she need a second?


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