I vote to knock off all the crap.

Hi, Whack!  Hope you had a good vacation.  

Let me say something about mental health.
Does anyone here question PS's mental health?
I can have a broken leg and know it...and others know it without a specialist in leg health diagnosing it.  You can tell by the way the foot dangles from the end.  Saying she has mental issues is really really low hanging fruit.
Additionally, everybody has mental health issues!
So many people nowadays just seem to want to fight.  Folks have such low self esteem or self worth they will fight anyone over anything to show they are smarted, better, right.  It gets old, folks.
I'm not saying I don’t do it too.  My saving grace is I'm quiet...I just think things in my head.  But I live amongst idiots.

Back to PS.  Mental health issues?....absolutely!  She's a hot mess.  Someone balanced would never post what she posts, to the public.  Balanced people don’t harm animals for fun and power.  Balanced people at her age have a pretty good grasp of who they are.  Not saying you can't evolve but she shape shifts.....over and over and over again.  She obviously hates herself so I believe I'll go with it too.  She knows herself better than I know her.


  1. I think Jenna is textbook narcissist. Sadly, she has brought animals in for their utility. It is a mental disorder, that has to be diagnosed, but if you look at all the criteria, she's got em. The bad part of narcissists, is that those around her all all used for one reason or another, treated terribly, and then leave. This goes on until much later in life when there is literally no one left. The narcissist ends up pretty much alone, through their own doing.

    1. I recently watched a video from Dr. Todd Grande on the intersection of narcissism and borderline personality disorder, or the Vulnerable Narcissist. I feel like it applies to PS.

      She has a lot of the hallmarks, especially with her victim complex. Most narcissists would not do that level of begging, but with the VN, you see them leveraging how nothing is ever their fault and therefore it is everyone else's job to bail them out.

    2. TBH LOL!!! Most excellent user name.

  2. HD. Can you comment again in a post? You recently left one, but I haven’t seen another. I don’t have the psychology degree to definitively diagnose JFW. But it’s obvious, after observing her behavior for years, that she has major mental health issues.


    1. Yes, I can. It's been so long that I couldn't, I forget I can.

  3. So you can call it “crap” when people are pissed about repeatedly being falsely labeled as another woman, and finally defend their viewpoints, but others are allowed to denigrate them this way? Sounds a lot like enabling to me.

    1. Sounds to me like you are one of the ones that likes to fight.

    2. I'll just say this once and move on. The person Anon 1:37 is referring to has insulted numerous posters on CAST and has attempted to intimidate anyone who posts opinions contrary to her own by accusing them of being Jenna. I hope by reading our posts, she understands how her actions have affected others, and accepts the opinions of others, regardless of whether she agrees with them or not, as she would have others do for her.

  4. What happened to her goat kid? Seems to have disappeared like so many other non-farm livestock animals.

    1. Right, you mean the little pack goat? She was all about it earlier and now never mentions it. Okay next time she mentions a new animal I'm going to make note and keep tabs on it. Its probably dead or neglected like so many others.

    2. According to her bleg, she acquired that goat "Cade" back in March. And she talked a lot about him in April and May (in between paragraphs about the mortgage) and it sounded like he was doing OK at the time.

      But the last time he was mentioned was in November. Years ago she had another goat who managed to escape, due to her worthless electric fencing skills:

      "I pulled into the driveway and there was Finn, coming from behind the house. He was fine but I could see the damage that had been done. The chicken feed container was knocked on its side, the remaining vegetables devoured, strawberries I planted by the door gone, and a rhubarb plant torn to shreds. How Finn knew to not eat the leaves is beyond me. The stalks were gone and the floor of the planter littered with the poisonous leaves. Had he not been such a clever goat he'd be dead."

      Based on that, Cade likely ded. CAF - Where animals go to die.

    3. She did have another "sad farm day" recently. Code for an animal death, which she no longer publicizes, because documenting the untimely death of livestock doesn't support her victim story the way "sad farm day" vague posting does.

  5. I think there's a difference between identifying rightly that someone whose behaviour is destructive has mental health and addiction issues that should be addressed, and calling them "crazy" or "psycho" which only further stigmatizes mental health needs.

    I also think there's a difference between a mental health disorder and antisocial behaviour like choosing to scam, lie, manipulate, and misrepresent for money.

    I'm not looking for a fight, I was genuinely shocked when someone claiming to work with people with mental health issues used stigmatizing language. Using stigmatizing language creates collateral damage by perpetuating myths about mental illness. It's a big reason people who need help don't seek it, which is exactly why mental health professionals should never use it.

    1. WiW - Thank you for clarifying the difference between a mental health disorder and antisocial behavior. And also for pointing out that stigmatizing language should never be used by mental health workers, or I should add, anyone else for that matter.

    2. Thanks Anon 1:06. As mentioned below, I'm a health care worker, and have been all my life in various capacities that are proximal to primary care. I take enormous pride in my work, and in the public service that is health care. I admire and deeply respect my friends and relatives who are doctors, nurses, lab techs, aides, housekeepers, cooks, and all other employees of hospitals, mental health units, outreach units, transitional care homes, and long term care. This is more than a job, it's a life, and in many ways, it's a calling.

      Not all health care workers identify with their job and duties in this way, and they don't have to. But they shouldn't be actively derisive of the people in their care.

  6. I see she hasn't updated the lezwolfmemes instagram in a while. I guess those folks weren't paying any bills.

    1. I'll bet people grew tired of her vapid gatekeeping and asinine proclamations about lesbian life.

      As for the Pig Shocker's CAF Instagram, the most recent post shows the dog in her living room next to a cage that has a white bunny and some other white animal in it. I can't click on the post to see what she said cuz I'm not a member of Facebook-owned Instagram. I wonder if it's an old photo or if she just procured new fuzzy props for financial gain?

    2. I don’t have the stomach to view her on Instagram anymore. It’s all the same old crap with pet props being used for more photo ops, and moronic memes that make me cringe.


  7. Whackadoodle - Was wondering where you were and if perhaps you may have caught the virus...so it's good to know it was just vacation time with family and nothing serious.

    And speaking of the Coronavirus, several reckless people in my family finally caught it. A few months ago I wrote here about my frustration with a handful of family members who were not taking it seriously and were going to parties, mixing with other households, etc. In particular, a healthy 80+ year old who lives alone, and who insisted on going out because she's bored and needed things to do.

    All last year she tried to invite me places but I declined -- in addition to politely brushing off her many attempts to invite herself over. But I'm not totally heartless, so towards the end of summer, when our city allowed socially distanced outdoor dining, I finally agreed to have lunch with her on two occasions because I could sense her anger at me for being so strict about the lockdown. And I felt bad because she is lonely. So I went, but brought us both napkins and utensils from my place to be super safe.

    But when the virus started raging again in November, I put my foot down. To the extent that I told those living with me they could not go to any family gatherings, as to stop the mixing of other households risking infecting each other. One was fine with it but the other snuck off a few times and upon returning, was quarantined to their room for several days. Harsh, I know, but I don't want the damn virus and don't want to see any family members die.

    Then the news became dire:
    -One person dying in Los Angeles County every 7 minutes
    -Hospitals full; zero ICU capacity
    -Refrigerated trucks parked outside our city hospital

    So you can imagine how enraged I became when I heard these family members were not only getting together for Christmas Eve and Day, but also New Year's Eve and Day. WTF fam?!?

    At this point I spoke to said 80+ year old family member urging her to stay home and she responded with, "Well, I don't want to become paranoid to the point that I don't go anywhere."

    I replied, "But that's what we are supposed to be doing! The hospitals are at full capacity and the doctors and nurses are pleading with us to not gather for the holidays. They are tired and overworked, so the least we can to do help is stay home!"

    Sadly, this plea fell on deaf ears. I suppose that because her and the other family members didn't get the virus at Thanksgiving, that it'd all be OK. (Plus, a few of them have mumbled the word "hoax" a few times.) Well, I happened to see texted pics of the New Year's gathering and was dismayed to see all of them huddled together, celebrating without masks. And to make things worse, it was a mix of 5+ households. Including one that had just flown in from Florida.

    And then came the news yesterday: She, her son, and his girlfriend all tested positive for COVID. The latter two are experiencing mild symptoms, but she had a 100+ fever, coughing, lung infection, and had to go to the hospital. Her illness is serious, and thankfully not too bad, but she was sent home cuz the hospital needs the beds for those with worse symptoms.

    If she fully recovers, once she's well, I truly hope she'll be more careful. And so guys, please keep reminding everyone around you that the best way to avoid getting sick and infecting others is to stay home. Sure, it sucks. And everyone had crappy birthdays this past year, but think about the frontline health workers who are exhausted. Someday this will all be over, but in the meantime, stay safe.

    1. My SIL's brother, who I knew well, was a stupid anti mask person. Ended up in the hospital and died 2 weeks later. He was 58 and healthy. His wife and her two sons had it too but I guess not too bad. Even after all of that she still thinks that wearing a mask will just make you sick. Holds in all those nasty germs, ya know.
      Thankfully he canceled seeing his 87 year old dad when he thought he had a cold.

    2. We wear masks in Vermont all the time. I hope that everyone here is staying safe.


    3. That is so frustrating to hear, Anon7. My wife and I have not socialized outside our own household since the summer because I'm a healthcare worker and have an obligation to not get sick, even if I have good odds of being fine if I did catch it.

      My wife is now an essential services worker with a lot of public contact, and she wears goggles and an N95 to work. It costs $4/day to mask her up, but we don't care. She has to take public transit too.

      We are very fortunate here on Vancouver Island. most of the population on this island is invested in keeping covid out, and tamping it down when outbreaks happen. We had a big outbreak last month, everyone did what they were supposed to do, and we are back down to just 20 cases in our whole city.

      These precautions DO WORK, the sacrifices DO save lives, and save the ICUs, but everyone has to do their part.

      We are currently training med/surg nurses on ICU floors so that we can increase our surge capacity. It's scary because ICU nurses have specialties, and can do things regular medical or surgical RNs can't do, so the strategy here is to orient med/surg nurses to the ICU as much as possible and leave the specific ICU skill sets (ventilators, head to toes) to the ICU qualified nurses, and have the medical and surgical nurses handle everything else under the supervision of an ICU nurse.

      So in a surge, if you ended up in the ICU, you would not have a dedicated ICU nurse taking care of you like in the before times. You would have a nurse who would have NO BUSINESS in the ICU looking after you, under the supervision of an ICU nurse who probably has to keep an eye on dozens of other patients. Maybe more than that. In the before times, an ICU nurse would be paired to a patient 1:1.

      These are crazy times, all healthcare workers are under an unfathomable amount of stress, and will endure for more than 1 year. The worst imaginable workday, over and over again, for more than a year, and getting called on their days off to see if they can squeeze a few more hours of work out of their exhausted bodies and minds.

      Oh, and now we have to staff vaccine clinics, so we are now calling these exhausted workers to ask them to slam vaccines into arms, which they would LOVE to do, but it's very high-risk work, exposing them to hundreds of members of the public a shift.

    4. HD - Sorry to hear about your family member. It's so strange how this virus affects everyone so differently. And some of the reasons for people not wanting to wear a mask...are ridiculous.

      Well, good news so far as our 80+ y/o family member no longer has a high fever. Still congestion and coughing, so not totally out of the woods. But appears to be recovering and we really, really hope she learned her lesson. Because she can still get it again if she's not careful going forward...or worse, become infected by the new mutated strains.

      WIW - You and your wife are smart ones. As for your island, I vaguely recall a story last spring or summer about a popular harbor on Vancouver or a nearby island -- about how they were trying to keep vacationers/Coronavirus away from their docks and popular boathouse restaurant...something like that.

      Also, thanks for taking the time to explain/educate the seriousness of what's happening in hospitals. Everyone needs to read this. Crazy times, indeed.

  8. HD wrote: "Balanced people don’t harm animals for fun and power."

    And she publicly WROTE about it too. And tried to inject humor into the situation. And STILL hasn't had the brains to delete those posts.

    Either she won't delete them because that will be admitting she did wrong, or she's proud of what she did. In any case, it clearly shows she has zero empathy or respect for animals.

  9. From the last thread:

    "Twit Shit:
    "55 bars of soap mailed this week and 3 pet portraits. Working on more every day with batches cooking and sketches messaged. Trying to catch up best I can!'

    You go, girl!!! Such a scrappy little scammer. Her busy life is inspirational. It’s also amazing that she gets any work done between begging, buying more Taylor Swift sweaters, and writing stupid tweets.


    Seriously, she's sooooo inspirational! OK, time to crunch some numbers:

    55 bars of melt-n-pour soap X $6.00 each = $330
    3 pet portraits of a dog that barely resembles yours X $75 each = $225
    GRAND TOTAL: $555 (Which is roughly half of her foollower's mortgage)

    Makes me wonder if this is her average weekly sales haul or if it's a month or more of combined/conveniently forgotten sale orders? $555 is not exactly chump change. Especially since that amount could buy her a whopping 11 Taylor Swift sweaters/hoodies!!

    1. Nah, I doubt that's a regular weekly sales rate. I'll bet that's the entire month of November sales that should have been sent out before christmas, done posthaste because the UPS "lost" them.

  10. Also regarding comments made on the last thread:

    WIW - As PDD stated, you do have to attach a bank account for PayPal in the US. And if you make over $20K in one year PayPal notifies the IRS and then you gotta pay taxes. Which is probably why the Pig Shocker has two PP accounts. So shifty!

    PDD - On the last thread you wrote "JJ" once or twice...what/who does that stand for?

    1. Anon7, as usual, your posts make me smile. (Except for your ill-behaved family, grrr).

      I've decided JJ - Jenna Junior - is a good name for the younger copy of FFF who resides at Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.

      After all, she's no longer the mystery girlfriend ...or new girlfriend. Like J, she refuses to work outside the home to pay bills, uses farm animals for photo ops and is developing a slightly deranged look about her.

    2. I also started calling her Jenna Jr. a few posts back. Shannon is just JFW in a younger version.


    3. She has two paypal accounts? How can you tell??? And yes, shitty, but still on Paypal to cross-reference the legal names attached to accounts. She probably has one "personal" for "gifts" and one business one.

      Just watch, soon she'll be paying JJ a salary so she can write it off.

    4. Thanks PDD - JJ is a perfect description. I wonder what JFW's sales pitch to JJ was: "Come move in with me...you don't have to work...the money comes in free!"

      WIW - My memory is foggy on when/what year we noticed, but it was on her Twitter where she usually begs people to PayPal her with this link: paypal.me/JennaCAF -- and then she used another link a short while later. Can't remember if it was just her name, or just CAF, or a different combination of the two, but it was definitely different. Occasionally switching them out and hoping no one would notice...sneaky!

  11. Twit Shit:

    “Spent my entire chubby youth idolizing wolves. Reading, drawing, collecting wolves. Hell, I wanted to BE a wolf. Now I think I am finally accepting that all I want to do is be strong, run, and camp all summer but spend the winter sleeping, getting fat, and cuddling.

    I'm a bear.”

    Nah, she’s a lazy lifestyle loser not a bear.


    1. Most adults accept being human, but not JW. She still fantasizes about wolves and bears. Maybe in her case that makes sense. It would be unendurable to be a fat, faux farming failure at 40.

  12. Twit Shit:

    “Per this pinned tweet: I realized today I DO have a partner now. Which has made all the difference during this terrifying year. Still the rest is all true & every month we farm and work freelance to pay the bills. If you want to kick in towards the writing or farm, it all helps!”

    This stupid tweet is Jenna’s disingenuous disclaimer, and more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.


    1. And the blatant lying sentence “I realized today I DO have a partner now.” (Who is another parasite like herself.) She makes it sound like Shannon shacking up with her has just happened. When she’s been living at her hovel since this past spring. Every year is “terrifying” for the lazy loser. But she implies that it’s because of COVID. Which is a bunch of bull. The only “kick” she deserves is on her fat ass.


    2. Every month she begs without either shame or guilt. The only way it will ever end is for foolish people to stop enabling her behavior. Otherwise she has no need to change.

    3. So what she is saying is, I DO have a partner but I'm still gonna beg daily. She's gonna continue with her sorry-ass ways even though:

      -There are now TWO people to "farm" or whatever they do
      -Two people means less time spent on chores, leaving plenty of time for a job
      -Two people mean one can stay and watch the animals while the other works

      And TWO freelance artists living together should be double the income, right? But then, CAFenomics comes into play...so nevermind.

    4. Anon7 spot on as usual. Shackin' up should have solved numerous persistent problems at CAF, but since these problems are manufactured or imaginary, she'll just continue to beg and whine about *normal life events* for the indefinite future.

  13. “For how awful this year has been I have never felt happier on this farm. Not because I fell in love, but because I found a person that helped me love myself. Which was a task I wasn't up to but am so grateful for it may crack a rib.”

    But not enough “ love” to stop begging, scamming, and animal abusing.

    1. Even having supposed self-love hasn’t changed her life. Except now she’s begging for both of them not just herself. And neither of the college-educated, able-bodied women will work to support themselves. Yeah, that’s quite an improvement. SMH

    2. So I guess "that person" helped her love her scamming and online panhandling too.

      I guess then it's just part and parcel of their love. *eye roll*

  14. and now you can get 2 bars of soap for only the low low price of $20.! Wow what a bargain! She says she sends her soaps through USPS so that means they have tracking numbers but earlier this week she is saying that 3 customers didn't get theirs. All she has to do is track those darn pesky boxes.

    And yes i have to agree there are now 2 of them so now she is a beginn' for 2 college educated people. Shaking my head so hard it hurts.

    1. Yep, they have tracking numbers so she should be able to easily check, but no, she's all hAnDs uP iN tHe aIR instead. Those customers should call her on her bullshit.

      As for that price, she's clearly ripping off her customers. Postage for the USPS Small Flat Rate Box does cost around $8 to ship, BUT she could ship them for half as much if she bubble wrapped them and put them in a padded envelope...or even a small plain box. But then she would need to purchase those supplies. So the customer is paying double cuz she gets those USPS boxes for FREE at the post office. Total rip off.

  15. I was willing to give JJ the benefit of the doubt. I thought JFW was looking for a sugar mama to pay the bills. Turns out maybe that’s what JJ was looking for. She may have bought into the live like fiction mindset of play while others pay. Two freelancers? More like freeloaders.

    1. Another possibility: JJ is playing the long con to completely wrest away ownership of CAF, essentially grifting a grifter.

      Whatever is going on, at least the animals are getting better care with her around. And another pair of eyes would make animal abusing harder to hide. Sounds like she's built/improved some structures as well. Maybe a horsey shelter is next.

    2. I agree, Anon7. It really does seem like the husbandry has improved a lot since GF's arrival.

      Though the scamming persists, I'll bet it becomes harder to beg for their existence over time. "Buy my shit so I can live here another month!" Any halfway intelligent person would scratch their head and wonder why on earth two able-bodied women need to sling soap to pay their bills.

  16. Twit Shit:

    “I'm the kind of person who drinks 64oz of water in 2 hours and then worries she's peeing too much because of a cancerous cyst pressing into her bladder. No joke. Just my brain's tiny arachnid babypuddings acting up.”

    I’m the kind of person who writes stupid tweets in order to attract more free funds for doing nothing but breathing. No joke. Just my lazy loser lifestyle acting up.


    1. I’ve never found her funny. Even her tweets have zero humor to them. She’s way too contrived.

  17. “Sold one yesterday! Want to be my sale for today?! Hecking yeah ya do! You get a cartoon of your sweet baby angel pet and I get to live here another month! YES! DM!”

    Obnoxious beyond belief. She’s shameless about begging.

    1. Why would she try to talk like a hick? “Hecking yeah ya do!” It sounds so stupid. It’s easy to mock her for many reasons. What a poser.

  18. “Find yourself a girl that makes hay feeders from baling twine... *swoon!*”

    Find yourself a girl, not a grown woman, who will tolerate your daily begging and animal abusing. *GAG!*

  19. Her number of followers on Twitter is way down again. She got dumped by people who were sick of her scamming. Time to buy more bots!

  20. One of these days, one of her soap experiments is going to give a customer a rash. Yes there are people out there making coffee soap, but the oils in coffee beans easily go rancid. Unless she's using very freshly roasted coffee, the chances this soap has of giving someone acne or hives is much higher than, say, plain ivory soap.

    The oils in roasted coffee beans and cinnamon can actually cause minor burns. Despite this, lots of amateur soap makers, and some larger-scale operations, continue to use these food products in skincare.

    1. Ian into soap making and do it in a hobby. ANYONE who sells soap to the public and is legit in any way has insurance for their soap business because of this. It’s about $500 a year, so I doubt she has it.
      They also cure their soap six weeks.

  21. Snoopy Anon here with the instagram report. Since I can't tell when she makes it public or not, and some folks here don't want to look at it anyway, I'll just keep reporting on it. I don't really have much to say otherwise. Besides, this next one includes yet another expensive and unnecessary product:

    Picture of girlfriend walking away in the snow. Caption: "Walking nearly every day, and today was a lunch of hot soup and winter birdwatching. Also, rocking our @kulacloth cause if ya gotta go, ya gotta go; and we aren't the kind of broads that want to pack out dirty TP."

    A "kulacloth" is basically a potholder made to wipe yourself after you pee. It costs $20!!! PLUS SHIPPING!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!

    I'm sorry, I've been camping all my life, and never needed a $20 wiping cloth.

    Next, a post of a black pig, caption: "Posh, the littlest of our Spice Pigs*, escaped the fence yesterday. Two women and two border collies got him back right quick!"

    The pigs are STILL breaking out. She has one livestock species she claims to sell. One (supposedly) profit-generating breed on that property, which she has been keeping over 10 years now... and they are STILL breaking out of the fencing.

    ~ snoopy anon

    1. "we aren't the kind of broads that want to pack out dirty TP."

      Maybe it's diff. back East, but around here if you dig a proper cathole, you just bury your biodegradable TP. Such first-world problems she's having! $20 for TP???!!! Send money, quick!

    2. and I assume she has to wash it afterwards? I am not a camper never have gone camping in my life but this sounds pretty darn horrible if you ask me.

    3. Anon 11:48 - I camped a lot in my teens and twenties. A $20 wiping cloth is just nuts, especially for someone who's "behind on her mortgage".

    4. "KULA CLOTH

      Women have been using pee rags for years — it’s an excellent Leave No Trace alternative to toilet paper. Usually, pee-rags are simply a handkerchief. A new product, created by a Washington woman, takes the pee cloth to a whole new level.

      The Kula Cloth is intentionally designed for outdoor activities. It’s made with antimicrobial, absorbent material on one side, and a waterproof layer on the other. It has a ribbon with snaps to attach it easily to your pack. Leave it open to let it dry in the air and the sun while you hike. Or snap it closed to keep it clean — particularly useful for those who don’t always remember to set their bags down carefully.

      For day trips, simply toss it in the washer when you get home. For longer trips, pour some water over it (at least 200 feet away from a water source), ring it out and hang it to dry on a tree branch. The reflective ribbon makes it easy to find if you need it at night. It’s a particularly great product for anyone who wanted to try a pee rag, but felt a bit squeamish about the idea. It’s also great for kids. kulacloth.com, $20."

      At least Jenna is trying to do the right thing for the environment. People are leaving toilet paper and orange peels and even baby diapers in the pristine wilderness here in WA state. Too many classless people are moving into northwest for tech jobs and all like to hike in the many, many nearby mountains. Never seen so many out of state license plates. It's alarming!

    5. I live in Washington, too, but on the east side. Those Kula things just have too much of an "ewww" factor for me, sorry. I could see just using 100% cotton "rags" (t-shirts cut up or whatever) and burying that. It's totally biodegradable. (Or like I mentioned before, bury your biodegradable TP). I agree there's a ton of people moving into WA, and not just on the west side for those tech jobs. They are moving to the east side, too. As a matter of fact, Spokane (also Coeur d' Alene and Boise, ID) are some of the hottest real estate markets in the country. Many of the people moving here are actually from the west side (almost 25% who moved here in 2018 were from the west side of the state).

      I agree, though, that many who move into the beauty of this state may be from total urban environments and don't know how to treat our wilderness. I'd say somehow, some education is in order.

    6. Oh, and as far as Jenna "doing the right thing" let's remember, she was the person who left a dead, diseased UNBURIED sheep in the woods to decompose, which is against the law. It could have been near a waterway, and might not have even been on her property as the neighboring property is large and wooded, too. I think it's probably more the NG's deal to be environmentally conscious. I've not seen that from JW in the past.

    7. Hi All.

      Maybe we're missing the point of Jenna's @kulacloth virtue signaling. She made certain to TAG the manufacturer on IG, hoping to pick up some of their 26,000 followers or appeal to their brand. You know, in case they're looking for an animal neglecting, pig shocking, online-begging spokesperson to promote their products.

    8. LOL! PDD, you're probably right!

  22. “I just cry-typed an apology to someone for taking too long to finish an illustration set & how I am prepared to send a refund and they wrote back that all four illustrations were hanging on their wall because I mailed them already weeks ago...

    That's how this day is going.”

    Boo fucking hoo. Gimme money for being a victim of my own stupid behavior.

    1. It just shows, once again, how unprofessional JW is when it comes to sending and tracking people’s purchases. And then she has the chutzpah to try and elicit empathy. The responses to her stupid tweet are clearly from followers who are foolish enough not to know about her begging and manipulative marketing.

    2. This is such an ADD/ ADHD thing. JENNA PLEASE GET THERAPY. At least get evaluated by a clinical psychologist.

      My sister was diagnosed, my wife was diagnosed, and then I finally got evaluated myself. It's can be life-changing if you actually engage in the *very effective* therapies.

      I've been saying this for a while now. So much of her behavior - her unreasonable risk tolerance, her disorganization, her impulsive purchases, her anxiety, her drinking - could all be rooted in this common and commonly unrecognized in women diagnosis.

      ADD / ADHD is not an *excuse* for antisocial behaviour or neglecting her animals, but as a person who likes to focus on solutions, and as someone who's learned a LOT about this diagnosis and loves a lot of women who have it, it is SERIOUSLY worth pursuing an evaluation. I sincerely hope Jenna or Shannon reads this and reads this book, or one like it: https://www.audible.ca/pd/Women-with-Attention-Deficit-Disorder-Audiobook/B079C4SKSY?source_code=GDGGBRF0814170003&ipRedirectOverride=true&gclid=CjwKCAiAo5qABhBdEiwAOtGmboyUf_jnVz6WexTvTBFn9iUr9HDHlVV6PeiOmKNqrVGTEjSDbBQHWRoCGMcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

      Treatment often includes medication but doesn't have to.

    3. I don’t know what specific mental health issues are happening with the FFF. But I can’t cut her any slack for scamming innocent people out of money, and also animal abusing the poor pigs by sadistically, deliberately shocking them. She’s been doing this for decades.

    4. A diagnosis like add/ adhd would be an explanation, but not an excuse. Treatment could have numerous positive effects on her life, her partner's life, and her animals' lives.

  23. the twit:
    "Somewhere there is a straight woman genuinely worried about another woman being one heartbeat from the presidency and I hope she walks slowly into the ocean soon."

    Okay don't understand this. What does being straight have to do with Kamala Harris? Why does she always pit gay vs. straight into everything? I have a gay friend who is very opposed to Biden/Harris (don't ask me why) so straight vs. gay has nothing to do with this. Shows how little she knows....Jenna grow up please.

    1. “And I hope” that JFW quickly shuts her stupid, opinionated yap up. She’s been an out lesbian for a short time, but behaves as if she’s the authority on Sapphic subjects.

  24. Another day and dumb poll. No one cares, cunt:

    “Is the freezing temperature (f) of water not common knowledge? Do you know it without looking it up? Help me settle a personal concern.”

    1. She can’t even say please or thanks in her ridiculous request.

  25. “What is the evolutionary purpose of waking up between 3-5AM to relive your biggest mistakes and regrets with shuddering anxiety?”

    Her “purpose’’ for stupid tweeting is to try and evoke empathy. It’s just more manipulative marketing.

    1. each time she does this I just can't believe how low she can go. She will do anything for attention (hey look at me) and try to manipulate her twitter followers to the point of distraction.

    2. Anonymous 3:57. I agree. She’s shameless when it comes to begging for a living on Twitter. It’s like she’s lost all sense of pride in supporting herself.

    3. Yeah, more of that "poor, poor pitiful me". Send money.

    4. "It’s like she’s lost all sense of pride in supporting herself." I disagree. She never had it in the first place. Never. Ever.

      I've been following her for 10+ years. Even when she was working full time, she was begging for a down payment on a house and a down payment for a horse. Also, she wanted miscellaneous donations to help her get on her feet and realize her dreams. She felt entitled to it because she wanted it.

    5. Anonymous 12:50. You’re correct, thanks. I made the comment that you cited, then realized afterwards that it was wrong. She’s always had a massive, unearned sense of entitlement.

    6. Anon 12:50 - I remember that too. That's back when I was cheering her on, and also when she bought Gibson yet had been evicted from the cabin and hadn't actually found a new place to live yet.

      Your money is that tight, and you know you have to move, and you're buying a puppy NOW? It's not like there won't be border collie puppies available in 3 - 6 months once you're settled in the new place.

      Then she moved, and the pipes froze, the roof needed replacing, it just seemed like the whole house was ready to fall over, but she could still sell this story of, "just help me fix the roof, then I'll be fine. Just help me install a wood stove, then I'll be fine."

      Just one more thing, then another and another. And now it's morphed into this infinite cycle of whining.

    7. Her life is a litany of constant kvetching, and never having enough. What a greedy grifter.

    8. Anon 12:50 - I haven't been following this shit show for as long, but I did read her bleg from 10+ years ago and was really struck by the selfish nature of her "Barnheart" dream. Basically, a city person who wants a romantic rural farm life, but isn't willing to work or pay for it. And blindly goes for it anyway.

      It's almost unthinkable that she begged online strangers to finance it, and then suckered in the townspeople to help her with absolutely e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Total asshole move. And all those folks who gave their time, expertise, and gifts...she pissed them off and burned just about every bridge. Yet she wants people to "kick in" for her writing about it. SMH

  26. Truck ad is still up. I wonder if her charming sales pitch garnered any nibbles?

    1. She's dreaming if she thinks anyone is going to pay more than a grand for a truck that, according to her, is no longer drive-able.

  27. Instagram update:

    Old photo of lambs, caption:

    Looking through old pictures of lambing seasons from my first years on this farm. There weren't any lambs last year and there won't be any this year. A few years back I cut down my load of animal-based work here a lot by selling my entire flock to Moxie Ridge. He needed the starter ram and ewes and I needed to be able to breathe a little and not strain myself. But now as we head into February and March and the days grow longer I find myself missing and longing for 3Am field walks by lantern light. The smell of a just-born lamb. The bucket of supplies by the front door and old faded towels ready to go and the light and joy lambs bring. Next spring, there will be lambs again.

    So yeah. She's planning on breeding sheep again. However will she pay for all that hay?

    ~ snoopy anon

    1. Pig Shocker wrote: "I needed to be able to breathe a little and not strain myself."

      Liar. She was forced to re-home them due to neglect and abuse. And didn't she leave one to die in a wheelbarrow?

  28. Snicker... I hope she and her girlfriend don't leave that homemade bird suet out for too long, or don't clean it all up every night. It attracts vermin, especially rats, which then can climb up into your attic and establish a home there and are extremely difficult to get rid of. Who knew rats climb trees?

    It's wonderful to watch and learn about birds, but she's gonna have to put that red hawk raptor to work catching them, if their not careful!

    1. Time well spent at CAF I see.

    2. I'm no expert, but isn't their suet/seed ratio off? It looks like way too much fat and not enough seeds. Poor birdies are gonna get congestive heart disease.

  29. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Making 4 more pounds of coffee soaps this week, including wolves, owls, dragons, goats and Celtic knots! Get yourself a caffeinated bar to start your day right! DM to order!!"

    Four pounds sounds like a lot, and makes her sound like a hard-at-work busy 'ol bee...but how much soap is that really? If I recall correctly, a bar of her slop is between 3-5 oz, so let's say 4 oz to be safe.

    (Now comes the math part, which I suck at so hopefully someone will let me know if it's wrong)

    16 oz = one pound
    16 oz divided by 4 oz = 4 bars
    4 lbs = 16 bars

    Is that correct? She's only melt-n-pouring 16 bars, yet trying to make it sound like a lot more?

    1. Anon7, more exaggerations from the Pig Shocker who has a history of presenting mundane tasks in a way that makes her a SUPER farmer.

      Remember when she picked up a truckload of small square bales of hay for her horses? An F150 pickup truck bed will easily hold 20 bales. Each weighs about 50 pounds. Moving hay bales is an exercise horse people do every day. It's not difficult. But moving 20 bales isn't enough drama, so Pig Shocker told her readers she moved "half a ton" of hay!
      (20 bales × 50 lbs/bale =1000 lbs hay).

      After a big rainstorm, she made a huge deal out of redirecting water from the basement. Task sounded Herculean, but it turns out she used a sump pump and garden hose. Because she's basically incompetent as a home-owner (despite living there for ten years), she didn't notice the garden hose pumped water back INTO her basement. By fixing it (!) she pointed the garden hose back outside. Wow.

      Who can forget when she "modified the ventilation system" in the falling-down barn? Later, she admitted she'd propped open a door to let in fresh air.

      She also "repaired lighting" in her barn, which I assume means she replaced a lightbulb.

      Lying and exaggeration are second nature to her. She's a manipulator, and lying is a lazy person's way to get attention, feel important & earn accolades without putting in solid work.

      She must believe listing imaginary farm work leads naive readers to donate poodle cash towards her - helping the scrappy female farmer who "works so hard y'all"... on the side of the mountain... in the middle of nowhere... in upstate New York. PayPal, it means so much.

      Now, if you'll excuse me, this country person is heading out... through the snow... to feed nearly five tons of livestock, sling 250 pounds of hay and deliver nearly a ton of water!

    2. Great points PDD, as usual! When staying on a farm once they sent me into town in a slightly bigger truck to pick up 15-20 bales. I had to unload them too. Seriously not as big deal as she makes it.

      And to add to your list: Her damn mountain smashing rhetoric. Most people simply hike with a bottle of water or maybe a small backpack. But no, she SMASHES MOUNTAINS while carrying as many HEAVY household items she can! No lite weight paperback books for her...she only lugs heavy hardcover editions! And a full cooking set up too, complete with coffee service! Not to mention the weight of her ego!!

  30. WiW - I think you really nailed it with this comment:

    "just help me fix the roof, then I'll be fine. Just help me install a wood stove, then I'll be fine."

    "Just one more thing, then another and another. And now it's morphed into this infinite cycle of whining."

    She begs by "littles". Just $200 more and she can pay the mortgage and stay there one more month. Just needs one more sale today. She's so close! Just a little more and she'll be fine.

    Her con is getting small amounts from a great number of people. It's how she has operated from the beginning.

    1. Again, everything that JFW does revolves around manipulative marketing for more free funds. The pattern is simple once one sees it repeating.


    2. “Still working a month behind so all sales cover the Dec mortgage, help a farm catch up! DM to order soaps, shares of meat, logos, or illustrations!”

      Today’s tweet is an example of what we’re talking about here in regards to her unscrupulous, “behind” behavior. This kind of crap happens monthly, yet she implies that her faux farm just needs to “catch up!” once and she’ll be okay.

    3. Ironically, by her own admission, “this farm” hasn’t been solvent and successful since its start. But her false narrative never changes in terms of begging for a living. She’s a blatant liar.

    4. Anon 8:04 - Yep, incremental begging seems to be her thing. And that pinned tweet that she has: "Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010 blahblahblah."

      Yeah, by begging online strangers to "kick in" a little bit each month.

      "I'm almost there!"

      "And here's how you can help!"

      "Sorry for all the constant promoting!"

      "But I just need a LITTLE BIT more!"

      No, the Shocker of Pigs needs to get a JOB. Or have new JJ to get one. (Cuz remember, she already has gas in her car!)

  31. Twit Shit:

    “So frustrated that I have had my truck up for sale for weeks and every single person who made an appt to see it, set a time and date, simply didn't show up. Didn't even say they changed their mind. I changed plans, waited, just no shows. Is this common?”

    Another one of her asinine questions for more manipulative marketing. What a shock that no one wants her “classic, metal-sided” crap truck named Taylor. Who woulda thunk it?!


    1. Wow! How about people who waited for their copies of Birchthorn. Wasn’t it like 4 years?! Or people who waited for their logos, soap, drawings, etc. Or people who never got them.

      Is this common, Jenna? No it isn’t! But maybe now you’ll understand your clients’ frustration.

    2. I also agree. That was well-put.


    3. Wow...EXCELLENT point! Now that the shoe is on the other foot, she's not liking it, lol.

  32. “I have not gained "weight" during the pandemic, okay? yes I have achieved some extra mass due to comfort eating after darkness falls upon the land... BUT it isn't JUST fat. It's resting potential. I will not be taking questions at this time.”

    UGH. Her humor always falls flat on its face.

    1. Hmmm...no one here has recently commented on her weight. And didn't see any comments on her contradictory appearance on Twitter either. Wonder if people are finally figuring out that she's full of it? Or maybe experiencing CAF bullshit fatigue? Cuz here's her latest tweet:

      "Still working a month behind so all sales cover the Dec mortgage, help a farm catch up!"

      And it only received 3 re-tweets and 3 likes...which is far less than she usually receives. Sounds like her foollowers are finally tired of her shit?

    2. Uh, oh. Look for FFF or one of her minions to come to CAST and create weight drama.

      Her victimhood shtick only works when she's a victim of: real farmers, learned opinions, businesspeople, weather, men, banks, poodle women, the government, miscellaneous haters, straights, animal lovers, POS-truck haters, TS haters, bad-art haters and online scam detectors.

    3. I don't think her weight comment was in response to anyone here or Twitter. She brings it up from time to time.

  33. she now has "guest soaps" for sale (owls) and you can get 2 for $20. guest soaps means little, tiny etc. BUT she is going to add another one! oh my! Why not just say 3 "guest soaps" for $20.? And please please please let me know how would pay $20. for 2 or 3 guest soaps made in such horrible conditions cause boy do I have some property to sell them.

    1. Her deal is to steal.

    2. Cuz in her mind, the word "bonus" sounds more enticing than the crap deal she's offering.

      She should become a game show host. Or a late night pitch person for products no one really wants. Instead of ShamWow she can sell lessons on how to ScamNow.

  34. On very rare occasions the Pig Shocker actually does something that I personally find useful or interesting. Like today, she re-tweeted about "Bodega Cats" which I didn't even know existed:


    This is super cool! Those cats are so neat!! This animal supportive community makes me happy!!!

    So cheers to Jenna, who no doubt sat on her ass all day perusing Twitter, thus saving me the time of randomly happening upon this gem of an account. So she's not totally useless I guess.

    1. It makes sense though - we all started following Jenna because we had mutual interests.

  35. pictures of her dogs in coats and of course there was a post about her tap dancing around that she got the one back when she worked for Orvis BUT not once in all these years has she ever mentioned having coats for the dogs nor pictures of them with their coats on. I say bullshit she "found" them at the dump in the right exact size for her dogs.

    1. Yeah, it’s like her lying about the bike that she miraculously found in new condition at the dump. When we lived locally there was never that kind of stuff. It’s all part of her manipulative marketing for free funds. She wants to come across as being broke so that enablers’ donations don’t stop.


  36. Apparently, she and shameless Shannon have been together for one year. JFW bragged about it today on Twitter. Which kinda contradicts other crap that she’s said regarding when they connected. The point is that when her mouth moves, then lies always come out of it. She can’t be trusted to tell the truth.

  37. “Pipe burst”

    Sure they did. She’s used this lie before in her blog, but never posts pics as proof. I guess that the recent fake tooth crisis didn’t work to bring in enough money for this month. Why would you even mention issues unless you’re a beggar and scammer?

    1. And even if that were true about it bursting, then no one would take time to tweet about an emergency. They’d be busy dealing with the problem. That transcends her usual level of stupidity.

    2. The simple "pipe burst" tweet is just attention-getting for people to ask her about it. (Then she can further elaborate and beg for the repair on a disaster that doesn't exist.)

    3. Duckmama. Exactly. We’ve got her nasty number here.

    4. How do you not figure this problem out after 10 years in the same house?

      Like it or not, as a homeowner, Jenna is in a more privileged position than millions of north americans. Suck it up and get some spray foam or something.

  38. if I remember correctly didn't she meet Shameless Shannon around the fall when she bought the monkey dress and boots for the date? Kind of what I remember as they were laying on a railroad tract for a photo opp. Saw the one year thing but it didn't add up. Wonder if Shameless Shannon ever got to see her in the cowgirl skirt? Now that would be a deal breaker for sure.

    If they kept the wood burning all night and the doors open don't think the pipes would burst. We heated with wood for years and we could bank it to keep it going all night and no need to get up and add more wood to it but she never has been able to. Also she has a oil fired furnace seems like it would be cheaper to use this when it is so cold along with the wood to keep "pipes" from bursting all....the......time......

    1. She's got multiple space heaters. Just put one in the basement. D'uh! Idiot alert.

    2. So far no one has responded to the stupid tweet. Not even a lone “like.”

    3. She tweetered several hours earlier that the pipe had frozen. This is the point where I have out the space heater, the blow dryer, the water turned on, whatever it takes to prevent the burst. And I live in an old southern bungalow that was never meant to take freezing temps.

      Anon in GA

    4. Shameless Shannon looks like she belongs on a short bus for faux farmers. Her facial expressions seem silly.

    5. Her hawk is used as a pet prop again in the pic of she and Shannon. It’s to further the facade of being a feral farmer.

  39. I think that the stupid “pipe burst” tweet was a portent of “Winter’s Bottom 3” about to rear its ugly, lying presence again like last year and the one before.


    1. https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2018/01/day-eleven-of-winters-bottom.html

      “8AM Stats
      Outdoor Temp: -5° F
      Tonight's Low: -20F
      (-31° F with windchill factor)
      Indoor Temp: 47° F
      Truck: Started this AM”
      Pipes: Burst. Water shut off.
      Toilet Bowl Water: Flushing with bucket, tank empty.

    2. What a shock that her poor pipes burst again. She likes to recycle her crisis collection. The liar is “laying the (frozen) groundwork” for a big beg.

  40. Burst pipe, broke truck, bad tooth, yada, yada, yada. You would think she could come up with something new. Unless these are proven money makers.

    1. She hasn’t used her dogs and vet bills for awhile.

  41. can't see why she needs to beg she begged and begged and begged back in the day and she made it through, well now she has another able body there which means double income so she should be just fine if you ask me. How come the beg a thons keep going on?

    1. Again, it’s not need but greed. It’s just her manipulative marketing for free funds.


    2. The plausibility of this fictional need she has is fading with each passing year. 10 years of equity plus a live-in partner now? She's downright wealthy at this point. A minimum wage job would meet her cash flow needs.

  42. So! Should we start a pool for what impractical and expensive replacement vehicle Jenna will buy next?

    A pickup is a solid possibility, but I'm thinking she will want something with towing power so she can get a livestock trailer too - something else to break!

    Here's an article of some likely candidates:


  43. I bet: Chevrolet C/K (fourth generation, 1988-2002)


    It's only in Ohio! ROAD TRIIIIIP!

  44. OMG, quoth the scammer: "Well! There's a lot to update you on round here! Starting with my heavy decision to sell my beloved truck, Taylor. She's a 1989 4WD F150 and my main ride the past half decade. Besides repairs out costing the expense of a newer, used, truck - I simply need a more reliable vehicle. I am hoping someone who needs a trusty farm or plow truck will buy her. I'm aslig $1200 and hoping to make a sale soon. So far, no luck. But who knows? Maybe one of you need a slightly rusted red farmhand? Email if you do!"

    It's not a reliable vehicle and in need of more repairs that it's worth, but hey, it's a trusty farm or plow truck! Slightly used!

    She'll buy another beater just like it. Oh *cough cough* excuse me, a CLASSIC, not a beater.

    "this past half decade".

    FIVE YEARS gurl. That's not a long time to have a vehicle. I've had my vehicle for 7 years and because I take care of it, and didn't buy it as a beater, it hasn't cost me in major repairs. I've put over 100K km on it.

    Beaters are almost as expensive as buying new off the lot, or leasing. I learned that the hard way. My first three vehicles were beaters. After 5 years, most of the value has depreciated.

    Funny thing - if she just had... what's that called? a jub? a joob? One of those things where you exchange 37.5 hours of your time per week and they pay your living expenses? You could afford a car payment! Hey! What do you know! Society! Participating enables you to do more things! yayyyyyyyy.

    1. The thing is you KNOW she never took good care of her precious truck. It sat outside 24/7, seemed to never have preventive maintenance done and consequently frequently broke down. No doubt tires, electrical, transmission, engine and brakes are shot (or soon will be). A lot of rust is the kiss of death for an old truck. Living in upstate NY, with all their road salt = rotted out frame, truck bed and metal sides. In other words, it's a broken-down, used up rust bucket.

      Any sensible person can Google her name + truck and learn the multitude of times she complained about electrical problems and miscellaneous breakdowns.

      Any smart buyer would run away.

    2. August 2015 “I found this girl on Craigslist. A 1989 Ford f150! She’s got 4WD, barely any rust, and a NEW transmission! She’s for sale for 2 grand. A truck in this good of shape for that price is a STEAL…”

      Yeah, a steal. That seller stole your money on that deal!

      January 2016 “The tow truck arrived around noon and left with my pickup. …and then got picked up by a neighbor for a ride to the mechanic where my 1989 F150 was waiting.”

      June 2017 “Thanks to the magic of micro-lending, 63 different people loaned my farm small amounts of money. Those small gestures of faith and friendship 2 years ago added up to the total cost of buying, taxes, tags, and registration of a used 1989 F150.”


      March 2018 “That loan was paid off early and this past summer a second loan was taken out for farm updates/truck repairs - happy to report this morning that second loan is 20% paid off!”

      So…. She’s begging for overdue mortgages but paid off the truck loan EARLY? I wonder if the second loan is in arrears, and that’s actually why she’s selling the truck.

      Sept. 2019 “Happy to report that the truck is going into the shop today for all the repairs and surgery it needs to pass inspection. And that is only possible because I got very lucky with a Hail-Mary small loan offer.”

      February 2020 “My truck broke down getting hay.”

      January 2021 “Besides repairs out costing the expense of a newer, used, truck - I simply need a more reliable vehicle.”

      Really? Like a multitude of people didn’t tell you buying a truck that old was a BAD idea?!

    3. I’m sure that the stupidly stated “Hail-Mary small loan offer,” was probably Patty bailing her fat ass out again.

  45. Curious - does PP have a job? She does, right?

    1. She had a job but left under suspicious circumstances. Something about embezzlement. It’s public record. Some astute shamster posted it here awhile ago.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. PDD. What did you write? Just curious about your comments, thanks.

    5. Apparently, Patty Wesner was the former director of the Pember Library and Museum, and was accused of misappropriating funds for her husband’s business. I don’t know what’s transpired years later. It figures that she’s JFW’s most massive dumb enabler. They’re a lot alike.



    6. Sorry all, I had typos in my PP story and then was busy on farm. Sorry for any duplication.

      PP was director of a charitable Foundation's small town museum/library. As such, she ran day to day operations and finances.

      Perhaps because questions were raised over the museum's financial management, a State audit was conducted. The audit covered two years, and it found mismanagement. Bills were paid late, "cash receipts" had weak controls and the museum violated its own rules by improperly taking money from the Foundation's restricted account. The audit resulted in the shake-up of the Board and a great deal of public discourse. Soon thereafter, PP resigned and took early retirement.

      A number of issues were raised as the drama unfolded:

      The museum/library hadn't done enough work to generate income. The organization was cash poor with high operating costs. Donations had dropped and/or were dropping.

      They spent money they didn't have, paid bills late and improperly siphoned off Foundation assets;

      They awarded $260,000-plus to PP's husband (his firm) to do an "architecture study" for a,museum/library addition that appeared unlikely to be funded.

      Articles and comments were critical of museum/library oversight. Some suggested if the audit went further back, many more problems would have been identified. There were questions of possible ethics violations.

      I don't live in the affected town or know details first hand. No doubt mistakes were made by people at the museum/library and its Board. When I reviewed all the news articles, I was reminded how difficult "public positions" can be - trying to please everyone, etc.

      However, there's a similar pattern to what we see with FFF's business and public dealings: tout your creativity; publicly exaggerate your expertise and qualifications; bristle at suggestions for improvement and find yourself criticized, for mismanagement. IDK, maybe this explains their connection - they are similar in pretty fundamental ways.

      For your viewing, here's a link to one of many stories written at the time. In the end, no charges were filed. The museum/library changed personnel and implemented tighter oversight through the Board (who also shared in the financial mismanagement). The museum/library now appears to be back on track.


    7. Thank you all. WOW. I was not expecting this, and it sure does explain why PP of all people are one of the few people who have not distanced themselves from FFF.

    8. WIW, the timing is interesting too. The library/museum audit period took place shortly after FFF moved to NY and socialized extensively with PP, enjoying country life with rural toys like draft horses, carts, wagons, etc. I've often wondered how much inspiration FFF received in living a better-appointed life using other people's money (donations etc).

    9. Excellent write up, PDD.

      "When I reviewed all the news articles, I was reminded how difficult "public positions" can be - trying to please everyone, etc."

      Yeah, do doubt. And in Pember Patty's case, there's a difference between that, and making sure your husband's firm profits from a $260K -- like there weren't any other firms available to do the job?

  46. “Half a decade”. Once she wrote that her urgent care bill was “a quarter of a grand”. Always trying to make things seem more than they are.

    1. She’s an expert at embellishment, and also blatant lying.

    2. "a quarter of a grand". Just... *facepalm*.

      $250 bucks. Not that much. In Canada we're expected to pay more than that out of pocket for things like ambulance services and prescription deductibles.

      $250 as an unexpected expense is pretty typical of normal adult life, isn't it?

    3. Anon 7:45, it's like she does nothing but lie. The only truth spoken by her is when she begins a sentence with "I" -- as in I did* or I have** or *I can't***

      *nothing today
      **frozen pipes
      ***pay my mortgage

  47. “This is not a quarantine joke. I've written 5 books about homesteading....”

    And none of them are decent. But it is a “joke” that she considers herself to be an authentic farmer. And the extra periods at the end of her stupid sentence implies uncertainty.

    1. WHAT HOMESTEAD!? It's barely a hobby farm? She is in NO WAY self-sufficient. She has backyard chickens, scant unproductive hoofstock, a handful of pigs she grows out and sells, and claims to be constantly behind on normal cost of living expenses.

      Some homestead.

    2. WiW. Right. She’s failed at farming, and is hopeless at homesteading. And she’s constantly begging for more free funds.


    3. I wonder, if there was a sudden total lockdown, where all stores and businesses were closed. And I mean everything closed down, and people are told to stay home or else. What exactly would her supposed "farm homestead" provide for her?

      Obviously she has some animals to eat. And soap to wash up after vomiting up that meat. But what else? You can't survive on logos and pet sketches.

  48. Nothing has changed at CAF over 5 years later. I’d suggest that newbies check it out:


    1. The comments also point out Patty’s fixation with the FFF.

    2. People should search for themselves online about her rotten reputation. They’ll come to the conclusion that we have here.


    3. Meredith’s blog below has more pertinent information about JFW. You can click on the link:


    4. https://highstfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=Jenna+Woginrich&updated-max=2015-11-08T08:26:00-08:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false






    5. NOTE: Please take time to read the comments in my above post links. They’re pointing out the same issues at CAF that are happening years later with no positive changes in her behavior and actions.

    6. Great links. It's mind-boggling that the Pig Shocker has been pulling the same crap for years. But hey, looks like it's working out well for her!

      This quote from 2013 is interesting:

      "I do not depend on blog donations to run this farm. They are not how I make a living."

      Lol, she's actually right. It's PayPal donations that run her fake farm. And begging online strangers to make a living.

    7. Another link for posterity:


      long conversation dating back to 2005 and some say earlier, art commissioned and never delivered, refunds not provided.

      She's been doing this for over 15 years now.

  49. The twit:
    You know what? For years people told me I was foolish for quitting my job, cashing out my tiny 401k, buying a farm, and putting all my time and energy into horses, falconry, homesteading, and gardening....

    Then 2020 happened.

    Once again Jenna exclaiming to the world how superior she is to everyone else. You are screaming into the void Jenna. No one gives a shit.

    1. She has put almost NO effort into gardening at all. The first couple years she tried to grow a few peas and some kale, and failed miserably. She might have grown a pumpkin once... And homesteading is a mindset to be more self-sufficient. She's been the most dependent person I've ever heard about with all her begging and scamming. Quite the opposite of a homesteading attitude.

    2. What the heck does 2020 have to do with her quitting her job? Lot's of people have been working from home. She acts like 2020 was Armageddon and she was one of the survivors. Quite the opposite. She's been hysterically begging all year. Like 2020 has been so unfair to her...

    3. Hey Jenna! You know what? You WERE foolish for quitting your job, cashing out your tiny 401k, buying a "farm" (with other people's money) and putting your time and energy into begging, whining and playing on your faux farm. And once 2020 happened, you proved more than ever how dependent you are on the kindness of strangers.

    4. I came here to say the same thing about her stupid, lying tweet. She’s bragging about being self-sufficient, but her faux farm has never been either solvent or successful by her own admission.


    5. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Has she forgotten how often she's cried poor in 2020 because of the pandemic? Saying her sales were down, expenses were up? Saying she had to get yet another hail-mary "loan" to catch up the mortgage so she doesn't go into foreclosure?

      Of course she's forgotten all that, because none of it was ever true.

      She can't keep her story straight, and she can't resist any opportunity to be smug.

      She'd have to change a lot to call her animal hoarding a homestead.

    6. Anon 9:07 - I don't get what she's trying to say either. Because her living situation didn't help her out at all beneficially. Maybe she means that living-all-alone-on-the-side-of-a-mountain-in-the-middle-of-nowhere reduced her risk of catching the virus?

      Because yeah, like you all said, she begged even more than usual. And had more terrifying emergencies as well.

  50. We know Jenna reads here, so I propose a challenge for her. I’d like to see her go one month without begging for donations or even pleas to buy soap or drawings. We all know she does not make a living that way, that it’s a thinly disguised beg and that she has some sort of work from home job that she doesn’t write about.

    In addition, she has a live in girlfriend who is able bodied and capable of getting a job as well.

    Let’s see you do it, Jenna. One month of doing it on your own. Just like the rest of us who do it on our own, month after month, year after year...

    1. I’d be shocked if she’d take the challenge of not either begging or obnoxiously “promoting” her products for a month.

    2. Right. She’s totally dependent on other people.

    3. Anonymous 12:10. And also neither of the women wants to work to support themselves.

    4. Oh, I agree with anon 10:50. There is no way she's making enough in sales or "donations" to pay for her living expenses. It's not possible. Her begging and soap melting is a side gig hobby that occasionally brings in fun money.

    5. "I’d like to see her go one month without begging for donations or even pleas to buy soap or drawings."

      Lol, as if! But what I don't understand is why she feels the need to beg each and every day when most, if not all, of her foollowers KNOW about her monthly mortgage crisis and they KNOW about all the crap she sells. They fcuking KNOW!!!

      I believe she does in the hopes that she'll wear some of them down and they'll buy something out of pity...or just to shut her up. Which never works, obviously.

  51. what is going on anyway? PS has 3 1/2 days left to pay her Dec. mortgage and she hasn't mentioned it yet. No I need to stay in this farm for another month blah blah blah. She must have been reading here how we all have been watching her do this each month. She has probably had a miracle happen and she has paid all of her bills on time and she doesn't need her foolwers for a change to pay them for her. I also agree she has money coming in from someplace else you sure can't pay a mortgage payment on 4 pounds of soap even with her over inflated prices.

    1. Both of the work-shy grifters probably just received their $600 stimulus checks = $1200 combined = Mortgage payment. My son finally received his 5 days ago due to some delay. The first stimulus he was mailed a check, and this time mailed a debit-type card with the $600.

    2. oh Anon7 I don't think she would ever waste her grifter gift of $1200. on a mortgage payment that is what her foolwers are for to pay that. That will be their play money for sure.

    3. Their stimulus money will probably be spent on more Taylor Swift sweaters, and also bottles of bourbon. Why would they wanna waste it on a pesky payment for her faux farm?


  52. "I believe she does in the hopes that she'll wear some of them down and they'll buy something out of pity...or just to shut her up. Which never works, obviously."

    Yeah, I remember a lot of people who donated money to her because she was just...so...close to being solvent. They thought their donation would be just what she needed to finally get on her feet. Of course it never did. The begs continue day after day, month after month, year after year.

    1. It’s what I call her infamous “fraction finances.” She’ll write something stupid like “I’m 3/4 of the way to paying my mortgage this month!!!” But it’s all a bunch of bull, and more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.


  53. Twit Shit:

    “When your day job is also your home, farm, gym, therapist, and grocer it feels really, really, good to make a house payment and feel safe for a bit. Today was a good day. 2020 is PAID OFF!Onward!”

    Yeah, saying “feel safe for a bit’ is Jenna’s disingenuous manipulative marketing again. She’s just keeping the begging options open for 2021. Nah, she doesn’t read here. LOL!!!


    1. “Guys?!” I’m in awe that an able-bodied, college-educated has honored her responsibility and paid her monthly mortgage. Even if it’s late as usual. It must be a miracle, and an amazing accomplishment! Let’s all bow down, and hail the faux, feral farmer of Veryork. What. A. Warrior. Woman. OMG.

    2. “college-educated person...”

    3. Anon 2:25 - IKR? So inspiring! Makes ME want to live the precarious life she details and contextualizes as brave! If I dream big, maybe *I* too can talk incessantly about paying normal bills chronically late and being "stressed".

  54. who in the whole wide world BRAGS about paying a bill that is 2 months past due? For this she is happy? Here goes the headache again from shaking my head so much. I have "kids" the age of her a couple even older and they have never asked me for a dime have had sole custody of their children (unusual for males to do) and they never ask anyone for anything. Have homes real homes with heat and electric and everything. Kids in good schools, bills paid etc. How does a person of her age keep living month to month like this. Oh and 3 of the 4 of them have their own business they they built up on their own.

  55. “Getting ready for a really cold weekend here. Lows well below zero and a whole farm to keep comfortable, including us in the house! Everyone is prepared but really looking forward to thaw.”

    We’re waiting for the “pipes burst” again fake crisis.

  56. Jenna, here’s a hint for doing your own research, instead of asking stupid questions to get attention on Twitter:


  57. Ummmmm, this car display clocks this vehicle as newer than my own. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1354490963180335108

    Must be her partner's car, but damn. I'm still using a 3.5mm cable to plug in my music. My vehicle is a 2013, which I guess is getting older. Huh. Well, the plan is to drive the wheels off of it while maintaining it because that's how you save money as a household.

  58. As a long time Shamster, I remember when Jenna once wrote on her blog, that she was going to take her donation button down. She had just purchased the "farm" (with other people's money, of course) and wrote something to the effect that she didn't expect other people to support her and that she was going to pay her own way, blah, blah, blah.

    I cannot find that post now, but maybe someone who is better at searching can. Or maybe she deleted that post. Anyway, I think she got way too used to all that free money.

    1. Found ittttt!!!!

      "P.S. Now that I am in the home stretch - I will be removing the donation button from the blog. The point of that button was to allow readers to contribute to making Cold Antler into my own farm, and that is what is finally happening. I want to thank everyone who kicked in a dollar or two, and in some cases more, to help save for the future of Cold Antler. But I feel my savings are set, and would not feel right accepting any more farm-buying donations. Any gifts that were given remain in the savings pot, and were used for nothing else, but it's time to help someone else. It's not your job to help pay for painting the kitchen or putting up fences. We're here guys. We did it. I could not have gotten here without you. I thank you with all I am."


      A fun searching technique is to copy this into the google search bar first, then put a space, then quotes around the phrase you want to find.

      So I pasted this into google to search the site for the phrase "donation button" which is how I found the post.

      site:coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com "donation button"

      You can just replace the words inside the quotes and use google to search only the coldantlerfarm blog for specific phrases.

    2. Ahhhh, 2010. I see a congratulatory comment of mine under that post, one from Meredith too. Most of us were still rootin' for Jenna back then...

      Even then, though, she'd been evicted from her cabin because of husbandry issues. It was juuuuuust the beginning.

  59. I really had it wrong. I was sure she was getting into a relationship so she could live off that person. I never dreamed she’d be begging for two.

    1. I honestly never thought it would go so far that a person would move in to her house. I guess it makes sense it's another unemployed person, someone who sees nothing wrong with FFF's behaviour.

  60. Hey, guess what! I just found confirmation of the theory that "oakpaw art" is furry art.

    if you google oakpawart@yahoo.com you'll see a result come up:
    "VCL - Oakpaw - VCL - Furry Art"

    There isn't anything of note when you actually click the link, but just that this label exists confirms a theory, that the anthropomorphic animal cartoon art is based on t he production of "furry art".

    Which, fine, whatever. I wouldn't care about this if it weren't a part of the backstory and she was stiffing people on furry art.

    Obviously this isn't proof, but it's a pretty big indicator.


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