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June 22, 2024
Autumn is coming in at full force.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
at this point all you can think is "it has to get better" from here on in. Also does anyone think over the last several months that at the last minute of the last day for several months now PS has "pulled it out" and got the money at the very last minute? like wow I was so worried for her (said no one ever who has a normal mind). This has happened each and every month now. Happy New Year all.......
ReplyDeleteI’ve also noticed that the damsel in distress always gets her manipulative marketing money at the last minute. Which would be impossible odds unless she’s blatantly lying like usual.
yep LS that is why I don't believe that she is behind in her mortgage just a "marketing" ploy to get her fun money. It appears to be almost like a game with her. One does not just all of a sudden each and every month pull it out of thin air at the last day, last hour, last min., last second of each and every month. Just not possible. She is such a liar.
DeleteIt's so amusing to watch her scam and beg.....for months and years. I had incredibly bad lap top luck starting in July and was without until late November. (It was kind of nice). When I finally got back on, guess who was STILL doing the same stupid scamming and begging.? Guys!?! please, please wash with my special expensive soap.. and wash away Covid, Trump, and 2020 all at once. I promise, if I ever do send it to you, it will probably, might maybe work.
It’s simply implausible that anyone can live on the edge for years like JFW, and yet never have her faux farm finally foreclosed. Which is why it’s all a bunch of bull. She’s been running a long con.
DeleteI totally agree. Having gone through such a phase myself, I know what actual "tough times" looks like, and how housing insecurity actually rolls out.
DeleteShe's *such* a liar, and will never lose the property, because she's never been in danger of losing it. If she were, she would have lost it for real, years ago.
Excellent points, all of you. Yeah, it just never ends. And realizations like that are what make me think that the mental illness theories others here have suggested may be true.
DeleteCuz who in their right mind could lie, day after day, month after month, year after year?
guess what guys! she just might give up drinking again because of Chrissy Tiegen!! It appears she has been drinking all along and it wasn't her fault! She had others make this decission for her. Damn I hate when that happens.........
ReplyDeleteShe’s a sheeple who will follow along with whatever one of her juvenile crushes is doing.
DeleteI'll bet Shannon gave her that book, "Quit like a woman".
DeleteShe's not going to CHANGE!
This is temporary, as she'll never stop drinking. Cuz being "dry" being "sober" would never fit in with her hardcore feral hipster wannabe persona. Seriously, as soon as the next trendy must-have liquor hits Twitterverse, she'll be all over it for the attention that brings the donations in.
DeletePretty sure she received her $600 stimulus check and that is why she was able to pay. Not that she would mention that.
ReplyDeleteI also thought the same thing.
DeleteI’m sure that Shannon would share her stimulus money, too. After all, she’s been living at her hovel. But Jenna begs for both of them.
DeleteDid the cheques actually go out for folks? Sorry, I'm in Canada and haven't watched the news in a week-ish. I'm glad they're out there for the people who need it, too bad it wasn't more.
DeleteYes - many of the checks went out and it was very quick, which was great for the folks that really need them, through no fault of their own.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNot true. I had no income and no gov. Benefits last year but got the $600.
DeleteHD. It looks like you’re able to comment again. Happy New Year to you and our gang.
Good to see you, HD! And thanks for the new thread!
DeleteHappy New Year to everyone! Stay healthy, stay safe!!
Instagram Update:
ReplyDeleteBlack and white video of hawk recalling to glove with a chick. In comments, someone asks what she was holding, and she said it's a defrosted chick, purchased from another falconer. She linked that profile, which is: https://www.instagram.com/mikedupuyfalconry/
Second photo is of gibson with a knit hat on his head. Background is the fireplace (of course) of note an axe on the floor with no cover on it. Just an axe, laying on the floor. Also a beer bottle with a turquoise label (or craft soda, whatever). Recycling and a sharp item on the floor.
~ snoopy anon
Her Instagram is public again.
DeleteAck! My eyeballs!!
DeleteWell good, no point in my snoopy anon updates anymore then, which was part of my purpose in doing this. She got tired of making instagram-specific content and had been posting most of the same shit to twitter anyway.
Deletegoodbye forever... or until next time she privates her insta. ~ snoopy anon
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete“2020 was a good year to be a mountain hermit. At least I had that going for me.”
She’s blatantly lying again about being a “mountain hermit.” JFW lives with a woman, and is close enough to town to walk. And she has nothing “going” for her lazy loser lifestyle.
And it’s a hill not a mountain. Her hyperbole is obnoxious. We’ve driven down her road many times when we lived locally.
Interesting that she's always said that town is close enough to walk or ride a horse to. Yet she also says she's a hermit all alone in the middle of nowhere.
DeleteBullshit. She has the local Subway on speed dial. And the GF's car has free gas.
“Hey did you know this now-farming-but-once-corporate-designer sells logos at $100 flat rate if you can wait 8 weeks to start? Yup, all the revisions you need, original files, print and web, etc for one Benjamin and it helps me stay on this homestead. DM to order!”
ReplyDeleteRepeat. Regurgitate etc...
The "did you know" part...seriously? Of course her foollowers know. She reminds them every damn day.
DeleteAnd 2 months to start? I could understand a week, maybe even two. But 8 freakin' weeks? And lol, notice how she's lowered her price from the original $400, then down to $300, then to $250, and now $100.
She has no customers cuz they've figured out how to copy and paste stolen clip art by themselves. And they do a better job at it.
$100 gets you such gems as a free font inside a yellow circle: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1346534484313845772/photo/3
DeleteThis took 5 minutes, and a "design lab" could have done this themselves. Shocker that this logo is not in use on their website.
In 2021, I hope she steps on a rake. Repeatedly. The same number of times that she begs.
ReplyDeleteWho knows...a daily thwack to the head just might bang some sense into her to finally get a JOB.
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete“If five black people hopped the fence with a BLM sign they'd be shot dead without question. What you are watching isn't white privilege, it's blatant white supremacy. And the cops, the president, his fans, are doing nothing.”
It looks like “Woke Wog” is taking a brief break from begging to pretend that she’s politically motivated.
“This is a really, really, great time to support small farms. This farm, your neighbor's farm, the place down the road selling eggs in a cart. Pay farmers directly.”
DeleteThis was stupidly tweeted today, too. And it’s the real JFW with her manipulative marketing at its most obvious.
she is so kind to tell us what to do. We are just a big old bunch of oafs sittin' here a pickin' and a grinnin'. dahhhh.......
DeleteJenna is disingenuous. She acts interested in other’s small farms, but it’s all a false front for her own gains.
DeleteI thought a woman was shot and killed. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/capitol-breached-protesters/story?id=75081629 not clear who shot her though.
DeletePart of her strategy for commenting on trending topics / threads is to get more exposure for her handle.
DeleteShe does go through these phases of identifying strongly with a particular group, then becoming very active / vocal in that group's online community, and always using her real name / business persona, so that any traction anything she says or does gets will hopefully feed her follower count and sucker sponsors.
That disaster of a reddit thread r/IAmA was a blatant attempt at gathering more followers that fortunately backfired. Clearly though, it was a, "Hey look, I'm cool and living your dream life! AMA / Follow me! Photo of me on a horse with a hawk."
"Pay farmers directly" -- This is great, for real farmers. But she is not. She wants you to give her money for questionable pork available "sometime" next year, and even more money for pigs she doesn't even have yet. That's not a farm. And the occasional couple of eggs or chickens she may sell? That's more homestead like.
DeleteWIW - Totally agree. Anytime there is a hot news story she's all over Twitter, re-tweeting other's opinions alongside her own. Free exposure!
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete“I am so angry at people who think this is okay, or the same thing, or ignore the horrific double standard we all witnessed and just going back to watching episodes of 30 Something on DVD.”
But she’ll watch multiple reruns of Buffy or Gilmore Girls. What a hypocrite.
“Soap is still available in bulk orders if you are willing to wait until near Valentine's to get a bulk 20 bar box! Sale rate still on for $100 and hoping to sell 2 today! This lady has GOALS!”
She’s far from being a “lady.”
“I know the world is a lost cause but I have to make sales or so is this farm, and since this is where I am trying to find peace I will promote the hell out of my skills and hope like crazy one of you is interested today! Cause I gotta look forward to spring and a better country.”
It’s always all about her under the false front of caring about our country and others. And her sentence structures are stupid and lack sense.
"I know the world is a lost cause" and "this farm is where I am trying to find peace..."
DeleteI'll give her credit for stopping her begging on the 6th when the violence broke out, but not for this and the barrage of tweets the very next day. It's like she saw a hot "BREAKING NEWS" story and an opportunity to comment on Twitter to gain new foollowers. Sad.
what appears to be PS biggest concern (even over getting her melt and pour soap made and shipped in a good 6 or 8 weeks ) is that weed get made legal on day 1. So happy now that she is all grown up middle aged woman she has her priorities in place. Phewwwww I was getting worried there for a while.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet doesn't smoke it. She just mentioned it cuz it's a hot topic. And if just a few people re-tweet what she said, there's the potential for more eyeballs on all her "farm" goods for sale.
DeleteI'm something like 2- 3 years older than the Freaky...er,Friendly..Beast, and as I recall when we were young, weed was a " teenage" thing. If you hadn't given up smoking it past your mid 20s be at the oldest, people saw you a loser, similar to how they would look at a 30 year old who was still getting falling down wasted at frat parties. Then again, Jenna is used to being seen that way.
Deletewell it is official PS has a "wife" now. Not sure if it is just shaking up and her calling her her wife or if they actually got married. Either way what I don't understand is she used to beg and plead all month and dang every time at the last moment she pulled it off all by herself. Now she has a wife with the same "skill set" as she has (pardon my laughing at this point) and she is still begging but even more than before. Shouldn't they be able to meet their monthly expenses now that their income has doubled? Pretty pathetic if they can't. I do have a headache from shaking my head. Begging for 2 must be hard.
ReplyDeleteDid you get that from her bleg? I think she was referring to "farming" as her wife. Did you see something else on Twitter or something?
DeleteIf she and Shannon shacked up permanently, then I think that they’d be obnoxiously announcing it on Twitter. But JFW is begging for both of them now.
DeleteHer “skill set’ is manipulative marketing, and parting PayPal poodles from their money.
Delete"Farming is my life and my love. It's my wife and my dream." Agree, Duckmama, that's about farming not SD.
DeleteWhat are the chances that she always has the past month and current month covered, but is begging for the upcoming month?
DeleteAlso, it's interesting that she never begs for luxury item money. Like, if she really was broke 24/7, you'd think that just once she'd ask for gifting money or whatever. But she never does. Yet in her photos there's fancy new stuff that just "magically" appears out of nowhere! Where does it come from? Elves maybe? Gifting fairies?
She’s very cunning, and knows better than to beg for “gifting money.” In her case it’s more like grifting.
ReplyDelete“DM me this morning and offering a set of 2 color pet portraits today (9x12" free shipping) for $100. That is $50 off the regular price and the money goes towards this farm making December bills. Thank you for even reading this! I wish I didn't have to post so many promos.”
ReplyDeleteLIAR. She doesn’t mind blatantly begging at all. This is a false front to appease people.
"I wIsH i Didn'T hAvE tO Do sO mANy pRoMos!"
DeleteThey aren't promos. They are flat out begging tweets. And the "thank you for even reading this" is a way to guilt foollowers into thinking they should help by doing more than just reading.
Tweet beggin' as usual the morning before the violence broke out at the Capitol:
ReplyDelete"Broken machines at laundromat mid-wash and a dump charges $5 a bag to take trash which means between redoing loads and garbage removal I'm down $50. If you're wondering why its so expensive to be broke in America, that's a great example."
In my younger years I frequented laundromats and sure, a machine here or there might break down. But she makes it sounds like ALL the machines broke that day. Like what are the chances of that really happening? AND, the real reason she's finding it expensive to be broke in America is because she refuses to get a JOB. But yeah, let's blame it on broken laundry machines and dump fees.
And this tweet that followed:
"Also bought a bag of pig feed for $17 and soap making fats, another $50. If I'm lucky Ill make back today what I spent to break even saving nothing towards the mortgage payment. Still owe for hay, loans, Internet etc. It's crushing we lost that 2k stimulus. Crushing."
Yes, a quick financial follow up just in case she wasn't clear that she needs free money ASAP. Laying out all her expenses for animals and supplies. And oh, she also still owes for other stuff too. (In case you haven't been paying attention.) But what about the approx. $120 she spent on TWO Taylor Swift sweatshirts in the past year? Not to mention buying the 2 or 3 CDs that TS put out in 2020?
Stick a half-washed sock in it, Jenna.
Gross when all that’s going on and people are truly suffering.
DeleteOnce again Fake Feral Farmer has hopped onto the "I'm so poor" train. Considering she and JJ are college-educated, able-bodied, middle-class white women who CHOOSE not to work, she should disgust anyone who reads her crap. There are real people out there who need help, people who cannot make ends meet through no fault of their own.
Delete1. Broken washing machine at laundromat. Waaa. Like Anon7 writes, likely only one machine wasn't working, and if so, the loss is refunded. Machines in trendy CT cost $3-4 each. No doubt, they're probably cheaper in "rural" NY.
2. Pig Feed. $17/bag. OK, but the pigs she has have already been PREPAID by customers who are covering their feed, care, butchering etc. by the shares they purchased. Obviously the Pig Shocker already spent the money that should have been reserved for pig care.
3. Last, lying about transfer station fees too? Of course! Btw, fees at the transfer station changed in 2019. According to town information, the fee structure is: "$2.25 for a 13-gallon kitchen trash bag size and $4.50 for a 30-gallon bag." So they don't charge $5 per bag. A 30-gallon plastic trash bag is HUGE. If you can't get a shit-load of trash into a 30-gallon bag, you're an absolute idiot.
But she had to buy her stupid and tacky Taylor Swift sweaters. They took priority over pig feed. Her whole life is lies.
There’s that ghoulish grimace again. Her fat face reeks of fakery.
DeleteSomeone mentioned this before, but does she ALWAYS have her mouth gaping open in photos? Maybe she's showing us all the dental work that 'fans' paid for.
DeleteDM. She uses that ugly, gaping mouth look as a default facial expression for photos. It’s like a parody of amusement which falls flat.
DeleteLMAO at "Maybe she's showing us all the dental work that 'fans' paid for."
DeleteSeriously, good one DM!!
“Buy a logo, save a farm!”
ReplyDelete“This” faux farm has never been solvent by her own admission. So by buying lousy logos, that one has to wait two months to get, is simply scamming for more free funds. Nothing will “save” JFW from her own failures.
LS - I wonder how desperate she is for a sale? Like if I contacted her for a logo commission of a fake farmer, laughing while pouring extra water on a grounding rod to shock pigs, do you think she'd do it?
DeleteAnon7, OMG perfect! With a frugly TS cardigan, gold fingernails and teensy LGBTQ flag.
Deletehasn't mentioned her girlfriend in a while now and then with her very strange photo of her out in the "wild" with another girl but no mention of girlfriend, do you think she got tired of living in a shitty house and moved on?
ReplyDeleteI think that Shannon took the pic of them. She’s still living in her hovel if you saw the Christmas photos on Twitter.
DeleteNOTE: Nat is also another local enabler. She’s infamous for making stupid faces like the FFF does.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePretty sure that's the Natalia K Insta chick who rips the corners of horse mouths by yanking the reins the wrong way. And a Jenna-animal-abuser enabler to boot.
DeleteThe Twit a few days ago:
ReplyDelete"Which is not meant to knock farming. Farming is my life and my love. It's my wife and my dream. But to go on tiny adventures or weekends away is a larger goal of mine. To get to spend time away and bring that love of farming with me on the trail, part of what I carry in my pack. To learn to let go of my worries about the farm and its safety. To get away for more than 2 nights a year. Not vacations. Not silly wastes of money or resources. But seeing small things with friends and when the world is more open than it is now."
Soooo, who is going to take care of the animals while she is away playing in the woods? Aren't there animals to take care of? Do the horses feed themselves? The sheep? I don't want to begrudge anyone of taking a small vacation but not when there are animals to take care of. Isn't this what you signed up for Jenna? The farm this, the farm that? Now you have to get away from it?
She's not a farmer, never has been, never will be.
Poor widdle baby and her stupid “tiny adventures.” It’s perfect for her “dumb little life.”
DeleteAnd her “silly wastes of money or resources” can be spent on stupid Taylor Swift sweaters. Which is a ridiculous way to use finances when you’re a lazy loser like JFW.
Delete“be better spent instead...”
DeleteShannon gettin' the cabin fever, is she?
DeleteTrouble when you have so many animals, you need to pay a farm sitter, or really owe someone a favour for taking care of your animals for a few days.
Heck, as much as I miss my dogs, it is so much easier to get away for little trips with only cats, who need just one visit per day. I have friends begging to take care of them for free.
The animals would actually be taken care of properly when she was gone! I am all for that! And Jenna, stop saying you farm. You have literally. never. farmed.
DeleteOh, so NOW that she has someone (GF) who is somehow tolerating her, NOW she wants to travel? NOW she thinks traveling is cool?
DeleteShe needs to be reminded of a bleg post she wrote 3 years ago about her NOT wanting to travel. How it's not a cool thing to want. Cuz she thought it was a waste of time. Cuz she thought it was only something vapid people with money did. And how she thought they took worthless vacation pics of their SCUBA dives, zip line adventures, long hikes, drinks on the beach. All stuff she thought was dumb and meaningless. Here's an exact quote from the mouth of the Pig Shocker:
"I see these pictures and feel nothing. No sense of envy or desire. I always saw travel as something anyone can do with enough money, time, and the will to book a flight. By its nature travel is flirting. There is no commitment to the destination, only pleasure. Guest is a title travelers learn to accept. That word makes me cringe. "
OH!!! But NOW she's into it! Yippity Yay! Pack her bags up! It's time for hipocracy!!!
She also wrote this in that sorry bleg post:
"The truth is you can't buy enlightenment from a travel agent..."
That's not true. I went to India for a month to work, so no, I didn't buy my ticket, as I was sent there, thus a ticket paid for not by me. But I came back enlightened AND inspired by what I saw and all whom I met. And to wrap up my comment, and to be clear, human wanderlust is not something that should be shamed and discouraged. To do so makes one a gatekeeper and makes for one very unhealthy person. Let people live (and vacation) the way they see fit. Mind your own business. And STFU while you're at it.
Full bleg post here:
(And if you are thinking of skipping that link, don't. Seriously check it out and read her delusional drivel while you use your coffee free hand to hold up your gaping jaw while you ponder her stupidity and her idiotic thinking process while wondering if she's actually a legit member of the human race and not human garbage.)
I love it she is complaining that the post office lost her 3 packages she sent out almost a month ago but hey you know not her problem BUT at the same time she is begging for more sales. First if you believe she mailed this shit out you are her customer for sure and 2nd why would you take a chance spend the money to buy this crap and probably never get it. If you are so inclined better to just give her the damn money and call it a day cause that is all you are going to get.
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHAHA! The post office did not LOSE three of her packages. What bullshit. She. Never. Sent. Them.
DeleteCustomers, she's lying to you. She never sent them out. She's done this dozens of times.
Go to your nearest health food store and buy soap from a local maker there, for less per bar and no shipping. Why anyone buys her ugly ass soap I'll never understand. I've seen so much cool-looking and beautifulhand made soap from other sellers. Soap that looks like cupcakes. Soap with multiple swirls of colours.
Hers are just melt n pour with a few herbs or other rando ingredients thrown in.
A child could make that soap for arts n craft time at homeschool.
It’s part of her plan to appear like the soap, logos and pet portraits are popular. Which is why she has a fake wait list of a few months to get them. Making people pay upfront is scamming, however, when she has no intentions of fulfilling their orders. The postal service supposedly losing packages is just Jenna’s justification.
DeleteHow many times has an order been lost? Dozens of times? Always someone else's fault.
DeleteShe is so full of it. I sell on ebay and will say that prior to Christmas, shipping times were slower than usual. But a few days after, all of the packages I sent were delivered in the normal amount of time.
DeleteAlso, the people who bought stuff from me before Xmas, I upgraded the free shipping I offer to Priority Mail due to the delay. And all those packages arrived before Xmas. So yeah, I also don't think she sent anything out.
Anon 7, what you did is definitely more the norm. I had a gift I ordered that was seriously delayed. The Etsy shop owner offered to send a replacement trying to get it me before our family Christmas gathering. The package arrived, but she didn't just blame the P.O. without offering to help in some way.
DeleteAnon in GA
Dear Customers: The pigs ate your soap. Buy shares in a pig, that I will kill for you next year.
ReplyDeletehahaha yes and you are getting 2 for one pigs plus soap! This will be her new "marketing" ploy suckers.
DeleteWow, I can actually see her doing this. Lol, don't give her any ideas!
Delete“If you don't want to wait you can also start sooner! Dm to order this farm needs sales quick to have some cash after paying a ton of big bills end of December. I know it's a lot of promotion here. It's because I need to do it. Thanks again, for not muting!”
ReplyDeleteShe knows that many people have her muted. And she’s always blatantly begging, but lies and calls it promotion. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.
“This is a GREAT time to support this little farm! Hoping to make the December mortgage in two weeks and have 2020 officially off my back. Message to get soap or art or logos or a personal haiku”
ReplyDeleteHer haiku:
Gimme your money
I’m a lazy loser twat
Taylor Swift’s my bitch.
Since she’s never written any form of poetry before, then the new haiku must be her latest lure.
DeleteLS, hahaha! A new Shamster art form!
Delete“This is a GREAT time to support this little farm! Hoping to make the December mortgage in two weeks and have 2020 officially off my back."
DeleteWhich one of her backs? Cuz she's got LOTS of backs: Monthly mortgage, utility bills, animal feed, Taylor Swift merch, dentist bills, auto bills, firewood, booze, etc. Not to mention a plethora of monthly subscriptions for Netflix, HBO, WOW, Hulu...and probably one for a Furry Friends Fantasy Fcuk Network.
And it's just so cute that she makes it sound like once 2020 is done, she's home at last!
NO. Not even close. Cuz 2021 will just be a repeat of 2020, and 2019, and 2018, and 2017, and 2016, and 2015, and 2014, and...I think you know what I'm getting at here. Her bullshit never ends.
ReplyDelete"A Haiku. PayPal me."
Lambs die in the night.
Chickens freeze on the driveway.
Cold Uncaring Farm.
DeleteFaux feral farmer
Won’t work like normal adult
Binges on bourbon.
DeleteIf a chicken dies
From neglect and laziness
Isn't it fowl play?
PDD. Are we having fun yet?!
DeleteShe shocked her poor pigs
It’s animal abusing
Ugly grimace face.
Curious goat's head
Deletepeeks over top a barn door
hiding shit mountain.
Flies crawl on entrails
Deleterenewed the "laugh" in "slaughter"
faux feral farmer
processed raw chicken
sick from leptospirosis
pays the puking price
Two graceful horses
DeleteWithout a barn in the cold
dreaming of summer
Inquisitive face
cranes her neck over the fence
sinks deep in manure
OMG, I'm dead guys. From laughing so hard.
Delete"Cold Uncaring Farm"
"Binges on bourbon"
"Isn't it fowl play?"
"hiding shit mountain"
"sinks deep in manure"
She is guilty of all of this.
Thanks for joining in with more haiku you two. You made my morning.
WIW, you killed with "hiding shit mountain".
DeleteLS, "ugly grimace face"? Nailed it!
the "fowl play" one is my favourite. *chef's kiss*
DeleteHaiku + pun? Hi-larious
“Have any of you gotten your paper check $600 yet?”
ReplyDeleteOur stimulus money was direct deposited quickly both times. Too bad, so sad for JFW.
And she’s shown envy of others for having direct deposit accounts. As if it’s something special.
DeleteI guess she can't get a chequing account if her credit is trash? Why don't people have chequing accounts????
DeleteI imagine she has a checking account in which to send her foollower's money to her mortgage lender.
DeleteBut I think she doesn't have direct deposit because unlike most normal people, she doesn't have a job. Cuz lazy. Her. Very lazy.
I've always been confused by that. She has a paypal account, so yeah, she *has to* have a chequing account. All you have to do is give the institution, transit, and account number to the government body sending you money, no? Do you need something other than that in the US? (Honest question from this Canadian.)
DeleteMaybe it's running a deficit and she plans on cashing the cheque at one of those places that keep 10% of it, just so it doesn't disappear into her overdraft hole.
If This Farmer had an off-farm job, she'd be getting payday loans by now.
Woe is Wog, you're right. For direct deposit, or wire transfer, you need to provide Bank Name, Routing Code and Account Number /Name. The US Internal Revenue Service Will "direct deposit" tax refunds from this information.
DeleteFFF has spoken about mailing mortgage checks to the bank, hoping they clear, so she obviously could have had money directly deposited.
What's more likely is she's creating another false narrative to gather attention (poor widdle farmer on the side of the mountain that she is). It's also possible she never gave the IRS her bank details for direct deposit. Why might this have happened? Maybe she doesn't file taxes / pay taxes so there's never a refund to consider.
Her truck ad is hilarious. Bitch is so damn lazy she can't get the shit outta the back? Are you kidding me?
ReplyDeleteShe should have Shannon do her tasks. The same way that she had her heathen group tackle personal projects on “this” faux farm.
I wonder how many frozen day-old donuts and empty whisky bottles that they'll also have to pry off the floor of that barely drivable rust bucket.
Delete*Lightbulb* Maybe that's why...I mean, she mentioned that the floor of the bed has rust problems, and so maybe her prying that crap off would rip holes in the bed and make it less worthy of the impossible $1,200 that she expects to get for it?
She’s like the farming version of Hilaria Baldwin. They’re both fake as fuck. Fortunately, Jenna is far too fat to do yoga poses on top of her stove like HB.
Yeah, I don't get it. Why can't people just be themselves, warts and all? Ask any person and they'll tell you that honesty is the one human quality they respect the most.
DeleteBINGO! Truck AND teeth in one tweet! What do I win???
DeleteYASSSSSS! JUST WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED!!!! A reason to beg for free plumbing services, YAAAAAY!
DeleteText from her craigslist ad:
ReplyDelete1989 F150 Lariat 2 door - $1,200 (Cambridge NY)
I bought this truck in 2015 and used it as my everyday ride for farm and work for 5 years, time to upgrade because it needs the kind of work a person with more time has - basically it needs simple things like a new muffler, new tires and break lines/oil leaks and radiator leaks too - but the larger issues are rust - so far the frame is solid but you may feel it needs reinforcement under the bed. Anyway, I love this truck more than life itself and the cab is gloriously clean with a sweet red bench seat. These pics are from 5 years ago, the truck has had no damage to the body other than chipped paint and rust showing around wheels and doors. Bitching tape deck works. You're job to take junk out of back that is frozen to it - like it's muffler. Come take a look. SEND EMAIL, I'm not calling you dudes. And I don't have a cell to text with.
SHE IS NOT SELLING THIS TO PAY FOR DENTAL WORK. She said *right in the ad* that she's upgrading!
How on earth she expects to get anything more than junker fees for this - even says you have to clean the shit frozen into the back of the bed.
Does anyone happen to remember how much she paid for this five years ago?
1989 ford f150 xlt
Deletecondition: fair
cylinders: 8 cylinders
drive: 4wd
fuel: gas
odometer: 200000
odometer broken
odometer rolled over
paint color: red
title status: clean
transmission: automatic
type: truck
Gurl, just donate it to kidney car and be done with it.
DeleteAnd it’s is “its muffler” in the context of her stupid sentence. The rotten writer knows nothing about proper punctuation, and makes major grammatical errors all the time.
LS - it drives me nuts. This person wants to be known as a published authour, yet doesn't give her posts a once-over before throwing them out into the world.
DeleteWiW. Exactly. Her unpolished purple prose, improper punctuation and major grammatical errors are annoying. I’d be shocked if she ever got a gig at a reputable publication again.
FYI: Speaking of writing, I purposefully omitted an Oxford comma from my comment.
She "paid" $2,000 for it 5 years ago. And she thinks it only depreciated by just $800?!? And by "paid" I mean that she (as usual) got her foollowers to pay for it. Bleg post from 8/15:
ReplyDelete"I found this girl on Craigslist. A 1989 Ford f150! She’s got 4WD, barely any rust, and a NEW transmission! She’s for sale for 2 grand. A truck in this good of shape for that price is a STEAL and exactly what I need for both farm and writing gigs [...] This baby is coming to Cold Antler if I can wrangle up the funds this weekend! [...] I planning on buying this used truck outright. It’s safer, easy and cheap to fix, and honestly… it’s my dream truck. I also am done buying new vehicles, it just isn’t my reality and a payment plan at a dealership isn’t in my budget.[...] BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY FOR HER. THAT'S WHERE YOU GUYS COME IN."
My gawd, I can't even imagine telling a bunch of internet strangers that they need to help my buy a truck. Like, fcuk no could I ever sink that low.
Also note the stark change of tune in what she's been telling her foollowers for years: That it's old, always breaking down, needs a lot of work, etc. But then in the ad she says it "basically" just needs a few "simple" things done. Uh, Pig Shocker, that's NOT what you told everyone all the times you begged for money to fix major problems. Someone needs to enter her into the Liar Olympics.
Whoops...I meant to reply to the above comment. But another thing: Did she write that craigslist ad whilst drunk?
Delete"Bitching tape deck works"
"You're job to take..."
"I'm not calling you dudes"
Yeah, and they probably won't be calling you either, darlin'. Also, when she states "the cab is gloriously clean with a sweet red bench seat" I believe she's totally forgotten that she once wrote this on her bleg last year:
"This Monday morning started with a trip into town for feed and hot coffee. Soon as I closed the door on the sun-warmed truck I could smell....myself. Hooo. This single-woman-farmer-self-employed thing can get away from you. I was wearing a worn in shirt (with hand-mended patched parts), tights, kilt, and canvas vest. The same worn in shirt, tights, kilt, and canvas vest I'd been wearing around the farm the last few days."
Yet in the craiglist's ad she paints the condition of the cab as near pristine. No way. Not after years of wearing the same clothes day after day -- and the fact that she brags that she only showers a few times a week.
Gloriously clean? I doubt it.
Sweet red bench seat? No...it's more like stank red stench seat.
Full bleg post here:
Honestly. The real Jenna is seeping out like sewage from a faulty tank.
DeleteSad news: Put my beloved truck up for sale. The dentist informed me my crown can't be reattached and needs extensive repair work or extraction. No sales. Headache.
Glad news: Given the world we're in, medical news could be a lot worse. A lot.
Back to work.”
I like this line: “The real Jenna is seeping out like sewage from a faulty tank.” It could become a haiku.
I love the long memory of this forum.
DeleteThis is what keeps me checking in on Jenna's bullshit - there is so much of it, and it's so EASILY pointed out, yet she has yet to fly her little plane into the side of her mountain.
She's not any different from a person who dresses up to play poor to panhandle in the city streets, and is observed getting into a brand new car and being driven home to the suburbs at the end of the day.
True story by the way. https://torontosun.com/2013/02/14/infamous-sticker-lady-makes-a-return-to-yonge-st
there are a couple others like her.
On Jan 5th snoopy anon posted:
ReplyDelete"Well good, no point in my snoopy anon updates anymore then, which was part of my purpose in doing this. She got tired of making instagram-specific content and had been posting most of the same shit to twitter anyway. goodbye forever... or until next time she privates her insta. ~ snoopy anon"
Hey, I hope this doesn't mean you're leaving. We've appreciated and have enjoyed not only your ability to view the Pig Shocker's private Instagram bullshit, but also your personal thoughts, descriptions and commentary. Sure hope you'll be sticking around
Well I guess she is getting even more desperate to score some cash. She is now trotting out the tired old story of more teeth problems!
Sad news: Put my beloved truck up for sale. The dentist informed me my crown can't be reattached and needs extensive repair work or extraction. No sales. Headache."
Call the WHHHAAAAAMBULANCE! Jenna is having extensive teeth problems AGAIN. And you know what that means....she doesn't have the money to pay for it because she is piss poor and living on the side of a mountain and has firewood to pay for, so can you please spare a few hundred dollars?????
Poor baby.
Guessing JJ wants a mid-winter Cabo vacation, so the Faux Feral Farmer has to pull out ALL the stops.
DeleteGod damn animals!
Fake farmers need that sunshine
Why not Mexico
DeleteHer whole life is lies
It’s all an excuse to steal
Faux farmer is fucked.
You would think between the two of them, one would get a job.
ReplyDeleteWhy would either of the lazy losers work when dumb enablers keep giving them free funds for doing nothing but breathing?
Yeah, this arrangement with two able-bodied people refusing to get "off-farm work" is a harder sell than before.
DeleteThis Farm does not need two adults when for a decade it got by just find with only one.
You're partners now, suck it up, at least ONE of y'all GO GET A JOB.
Happy 2021 everyone!!! The fam and I took a lonnnng vacation and a break from everything online. It was the best! I hope everyone's holidays were awesome!
ReplyDeleteI see the sludge of cambridge is still as dark and slimy as ever! I completely agree with previous comments regarding PS and that she has never been in danger of losing her shit pit property. She has only been in danger of losing other people's pity donations which fund all of the moronic purchases that she frequently makes.
What’s your psychology background?
DeleteI was wondering the same thing. She never answered our questions about it after making claims regarding her professional background in psychology.
Delete"Hannah" and "anon" who or what I am isn't any of your business. I'm not an idiot like PS, I don't divulge such things on a public forum. Next.
DeleteYet you bragged about your background in psychology. Just as you mentioned investing CAF, but never had any results when asked. You’re as much of a liar as JW.
DeleteYes, we are waiting to hear all about your "psychology" background and also the investigations that never come to fruition.
DeleteI honestly don't care what you do or don't do for a living. But when you accuse people of being Jenna just because you don't agree with them, don't blame us for piling on.
WHS, we here are all critical of Jenna. I hope you reconsider your approach. I also don't care what you do for a living, and I wasn't trying to catch you out or anything. I'm a life-long healthcare worker, I started volunteering as a candystriper when I was 12. I've worked in patient care settings for longer than most.
DeleteI hope you don't work as a mental health worker, or a counsellor, or a psych nurse, or a health care aide, and believe you can diagnose someone based on their photos and tweets.
I've speculated about what's going on with Jenna mental health wise too, but such discussion should not contribute to the over all stigma attached to mental illness and mental health services.
“Yet you bragged about your background in psychology. Just as you mentioned investing CAF, but never had any results when asked. You’re as much of a liar as JW.”
DeleteInvestigating not “investing.”
“Whack,” you really can’t read the room. You’ve been falsely accusing commenters for years here of being Jenna. It’s your way of silencing and stifling any opinions that differ from your own. GFY.
ReplyDeleteWhack, people speak for themselves, not the room. We each have our own style on the Shamster page. I, for one, don't intend to pile on to someone who's been a part of CAST for years.
ReplyDeleteBtw, welcome back. Glad you had a great vacation.
Whack is Jenna.
DeleteHi Sash. Maybe.
DeleteHell, from my perspective, anyone but me could be Jenna! 😜 😝
PDD. I often agree with what you write, but not this time. When one is falsely accused of being another person, and then mocked when they deny it, then there’s an issue. It’s beyond having “their own style” which would be fine. It’s a deliberate attempt to nullify someone’s opinion by saying that they’re Jenna.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete“55 bars of soap mailed this week and 3 pet portraits. Working on more every day with batches cooking and sketches messaged. Trying to catch up best I can!”
You go, girl!!! Such a scrappy little scammer. Her busy life is inspirational. It’s also amazing that she gets any work done between begging, buying more Taylor Swift sweaters, and writing stupid tweets.