Happy early Groundhog's Day 2021. This is why we are here!

Where the same stupid stuff at Jenna's happens day after day after day.


  1. she sure must have been reading all our comments here as she just "regular" begged this month. No fraction begging or fraction math (hey guys I am 1/4 away from doing this or that) etc. Just plain old straight begging. Now pass the popcorn sit back and lets here all about the cold and the snowstorm as no one else has to deal with it but those two special snowflakes. Now my coffee is 2/3 done so another cup for me.

    1. I call it “fraction finances.” Of course, she and Shannon reads our comments.


  2. Groundhog Day is right. Go back anytime in her blog; five, six, seven years, etc. and it’s the same old tired sob story.

  3. It must be a miracle. Once again, the damsel in distress saves her faux farm from foreclosure. What a stupid, scrappy scammer:

    “While there isn't a chance in hell this farm makes the January mortgage payment today, I am going to hustle what wares I have in hopes of taking a crack at it. DM to order handmade soaps, pet portraits, pork shares for 2021, logos, or for summer/fall archery lessons!”


    “Holy shit guys! I just paid the January Mortgage payment! THIS IS AMAZING!!! WHAT A DAY!! This farm hasn't been this caught up since the beginning of the pandemic!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!”

    Apparently, some dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters gave her free funds for doing nothing but breathing.


    1. NOTE: Yeah, people will pay during a pandemic to take archery lessons from a lazy lifestyle loser like JFW. Right. Funny, how her teaching fiddle isn’t mentioned anymore. After hearing her play in person, and the screeching sounds being so bad that we left the room, I can see why.


  4. What’s up with the silence, Shamsters?

    1. for so many WE have to work to pay our bills unlike the Pig Shocker who just sits on her fat ass and begs for money. Makes a difference you know.

    2. I asked the question, and appreciate your response. She seems to spend a lot of time sitting “on her fat ass,” and tweeting stupid crap to get more money.

    3. so sorry thought it might be PS being a smart ass (which she is an ass but not smart).

    4. Anonymous 3:17. I knew what you meant, and wasn’t offended at all. And also agree about the FFF.

  5. “When it is this cold, for this long, and all night we're feeding the wood stoves and thawing pipes and all dat thawing livestock water and damnit I deserve an omelet the size of my face.”

    Then the omelette will have to be huge, because her face is so fat. Guess that the dumb “dat” is trying to sound colloquial country again.

    1. She was born and raised in the suburbs of Pennsylvania. Which is why her asinine attempts at imitation falls flat.

  6. “Might just load my pack for a backpacking trip just to feel something.”

    She has plenty of time to waste for an imaginary excursion, but buyers will wait for months to receive prepaid projects.

  7. “Hard day on the farm. But I learned to play Your Are My Sunshine on the ukulele and that made me smile.”

    The conniving feral farmer wants followers to ask about her “hard day.” It’s all about begging and money mooching.

    1. She can’t even take time to get the song title correct. It’s “You,” moron.

    2. "Hard farm day" is also a euphemism for an animal died. If it was something she could write about without getting flak she'd be creating content specific to the day's manufactured crisis.

      "Hard farm day" could also simply be depression / anxiety / lack of sleep resulting from the heavily stomped down conscience bubbling up in the absence of alcohol.

      But I suspect it's more of the former.

      Sad guessing game: who died this time?

      A pig? A sheep? The goat? A cat?

      Oh she has bunnies now. A bunny? They recently moved there and could be stressed under the new living conditions.

    3. Hoarding all these animals AGAIN? I thought she wasn't allowed to have any more livestock due to the neglect and forced rehoming of most of them last year.

  8. Oh, wait, she posted this on instagram:

    "Living on a farm and being outdoors and active helped for a long time, but Covid Brain has officially set in. Lately I feel distracted, foggy, and easily forget where I put things or tasks at hand. The world feels like too much is going on and every time I scroll through socials I am either reminded how awful people are or how awful I am in comparison to others in my weirdly curated feed. I know I am not alone. And I also know it is temporary. But please be kind out there because, holy shit, everyone is jogging on a knife's edge right now in a race for a decent night's sleep."

    So the "hard farm day" meant "feeling depressed."

    But but but I thought living your feral farm dream and quitting your day job and daring to live the life others don't understand and living like fiction and being outside and being surrounded by animals was just the mental health ticket! Homesteading means you don't have to worry about covid, right?

    1. Covid brain is a symptom of having had COVID. The appropriation of ANYTHING is strong with this one.

  9. “This is the first month in a while I am earning towards THIS MONTH's mortgage & not behind at all! Hoping to KEEP that momentum and make $100 in sales today. Happy to make you a deal on bulk soap orders or mulitple pet portraits! DM to connect and order!”

    No one cares, cunt. We’re worried about our own lives not yours. Cue the countdown soon for a faux farm emergency: 10, 9, 8...

    1. buying a new vehicle is about to get escalated to emergency level.

  10. Hawk-prop alert: hooded Hamish placed on a ukulele for some reason.

    I find it kind of funny how she's pretty much abandoned the banjo and the fiddle, and is working on the first string instrument most toddlers get. The whole ukulele crazy ended in the mid 2000s I thought.

    Again though, this is pretty consistent with ADHD - multiple instruments taken up, played with for a few months to a year, then dropped in favor of a new thing. It's a common diagnosis, it's often missed in women, I really hope Jenna gets herself checked out by a qualified professional.

  11. “All You Can Eat pancakes for dinner.

    It was a marvelous horror.”

    UGH. STFU.

  12. Take a look at her Twitter threads today. She’s been blaming us for a drive by. Wish that I could take credit, but we have Vermont license plates not New York. She and Shameless Shannon have their Walmart panties in a bunch over being supposedly stalked. The FFF also lied about the re-homing reasons, and acted innocent of any animal abusing. What a crock of crap.

    1. “Shannon left a long comment on that blog explaining a lot, because she was pissed, and they of course did not publish it. They only use the site to body shame, mock, slander, and call local authorities on me. Now they are driving past taking pics.”

      Sure Shannon did. HD would never not post a comment, even if it’s controversial. That’s blatant lying again. So JFW whining about a fake victim narrative is probably going to precede a big beg.

    2. I hope that whoever drove by her hovel is also a commenter here, and that they’ll report back to us on what they find. Maybe they saw her horses eating hay mixed in with feces, like last year on videos posted by stupid herself. I love seeing her pissed off. Thanks, Jen. You made my day!

    3. Almost 500,000 people in America dead from Covid and you're worried about a gal making soap :)

      What priorities you people have!

    4. Yeah, the innocent, little country “gal” is just trying to “Live like fiction!” And it’s always at the expense of others supporting her fat ass. She’s been running a long con, cretins. But you’re too stupid to see it.

    5. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/03/coronavirus-animal-abuse-us-factory-farms

      But yes, please attack the small farmer selling soaps, artwork and logos while humanely raising animals!

    6. “But yes,” let’s deflect from the facts about an animal abusing, beggar and scammer whose whole life is lies.

    7. So you confirm you care more about a woman selling soaps and artwork to get by, living the life she wants to, doing nothing illegal, raising animals humanely and similarly to any other small farmer and paying her taxes than say, pigs being cannibalized, chickens living in cages, billionaires paying zero $ in taxes, shelter animals being euthanized every day and the 500K homeless people in the US?

      What a great person you are! What a saint! You're doing the Lord's work here! Jesus would be so proud to see you taking down... a small farmer just trying to live her life the way she has chosen to.

    8. Anonymous 1:49. Clearly, you’ve “confirmed” the stupid status of an illogical moron. Your asinine attempts to deflect from the facts are almost amusing.

    9. Poor widdle “small farmer” is so misunderstood by the big, bad world. Why won’t they let her alone to scam and beg in peace?!

      And I’m Jewish, jerk. So you can keep your imaginary friend, Jesus, to yourself.

  13. Why are you so afraid??

    1. Who are you referring to as being afraid?

  14. You all know my email, how about you stop being anonymous trolls and talk to me? - Shannon

    1. I’m sorry, honey. It must be unbearable to have so little in life, that living with an animal abusing, scammer and beggar is preferable to an apartment in Boston.

  15. Gail Hoppe, Kim, Debra Nickol, Pam Bisset, Kay Gilbert, Katherine Dunn - Would love to have a real chat with you biddies!

    1. How about also bringing in Pember Patty and Moronic Miriam, too? They’re two of her most massive dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters, along with Shameless Shannon. Go fuck yourselves.

    2. I grew up on a farm, was in 4H my entire childhood and love living away from the city.
      Would love to talk to you Katherine!

  16. Imagine if you all spent your time on taking down factory farmers that let their chickens peck each other to death and pigs spend their days in cages they can't move in!

    1. Imagine if you spent your time focusing on companies that are making billions of dollars a year and paying zero taxes

    2. Imagine if Jenna actually got a job, and didn’t beg for mortgage money each month. She depends on PayPal poodles for free funds to buy essential items like Taylor Swift sweaters.

    3. Her job is a freelancing graphic designer that also sells soaps and artwork.

      Have you never been on twitter or instagram? This is how many millennials are living. There is a whole category of people called "instagram influencers" that make money by posting pictures. And they're making a hell of a lot more money than Jenna. Y'all will be dead by the time we're of retirement age so I don't know why you care so much.

      Jenna has zero effect on your life. She is taking nothing away from you and she is not harming you.

      You people love to throw around jokes about mental illness but it seems like you all are the ones with the mental illness. Who would spend this much time on a person living their life and making it work for how they want to live?

    4. If that’s the case they have actual businesses and are not strictly Twitter based.
      What exactly will Jenna be retiring from? Scamming? Nothing she says ever adds up or is logical because it’s not true. I’d say let her come here and talk to us, but it’ll just be lies.

    5. Jenna Woginrich begs each and every month on Twitter for financial support. You’re delusional if you think that soap sales, lousy logos, and stupid scribbles pay her bills.

      Per her own admission “this farm” has never been either solvent or successful in almost a decade. She’s the one who has a mental illness, and is a lazy lifestyle loser. We provide a public service to warn potential victims about being taken advantage of by her.

    6. How are people being taken advantage of? From my perspective she is selling her goods, I've bought soap from her in the past and just received a pet portrait. If people like me like her goods, what is the harm?

    7. She’s lied about medical and farm emergencies in order to get free funds. A young girl and old man donated money to a project that she never even did. So the gifts was given under false pretenses. JW is a despicable POS, and a pathological liar.

    8. “gifts were given...”

  17. Trying to get any info on the confiscation report on her animals? What year and what state please?

    1. Absolutely wild y'all are following this blog but you don't even know where Jenna lives? Why are you here!?

      Focus on animals that are actually in danger you dingdongs!!!

    2. One million dogs and cats are euthanized every year in the US - are you all trying to stop that too?

    3. I don't know much about her but I follow her on Twitter and heard about this blog there and I want to see the police reports about this place before I make up my mind. I can't find any, or any news stories about animal surrender/confiscation? Other farms do show up in news stories though around Latham NY? Is that her?

    4. She is not in Latham, she is in Cambridge. Please share with the group what you find!

    5. We gave a lot of links on the last thread to a blog that has past posts proving that her animal abusing and behavior hasn’t changed in over five years. I’d suggest reading it. Her former friend, Jon Katz, has also written about her on his site. Search under: Jenna Woginrich animal abusing, begging and scamming. Look under her Kickstarter campaign for the Birchthorn book, and read the comments. Reddit also called her out. Her username there was shieldmare.

    6. Anything more current than 5+ years ago? I believe in people changing and improving themselves over time. In fact, I think that's how the human race progresses.

    7. Believe what you want to about people positively changing, but Jenna’s juvenile actions and bad behavior hasn’t changed since she’s graduated from college. Otherwise, why would she constantly beg for help each month? Normal adults don’t do that. And this has happened long before the virus appeared.

  18. Here are links:






    1. She’s also deliberately and sadistically shocked her poor pigs. And bragged about it on her blog. Only a sociopathic would say “I put the laughter back in slaughter.”








    2. Lucklass, these are all blog posts and reddit. Where are the actual news articles? Thanks!

    3. I had to post the links in two parts. It’s a glitch in the platform. I also wanted to say that we lived locally in her area for a few years. So I’ve met her in person before, and have driven by her hovel. Additionally, she’s had hawks that have disappeared and died under suspicious circumstances. Jenna doesn’t care about conservation. Her animals are only pet props for more photo ops to further the facade of being a feral farmer. Her reputation is rotten because she’s created it.

    4. Hey Meredith (LS) can you provide any links that are not just your own blog posts? I want to see cold hard facts, not your blogs.

    5. I’m not Meredith, but it’s her blog, and that’s all you’ve going to get from me. Do your own work. I’m not a nanny. I gave you links as a start to search for yourselves. SMH.


    6. Anonymous 1:51. I find the comments on the Birchthorn Kickstarter site particularly telling. She even stiffed her own editor.


    7. Anon 1:51

      In addition to the birchthorn comments, the oakpaw art comments (check the end of the comment thread on the previous post to this one) show she has a long-standing pattern of taking money for products she doesn't deliver on.

      That's fraud. There are more instances of this if you care to read back in this forum. She was commissioned to deliver a cloak a fellow on facebook never received, I seem to recall pig shares never being delivered, there were certainly wool shares that were never delivered, and every so often she'll post on twitter about "please remind me if I owe you art or soap" as if making a list of sales and fulfillment isn't the easiest business 101 thing to do. She's just shifting responsibility for the people who already paid her to follow up before they get their product.

      She also has a history of writing about a life or death crisis on her blog, getting an influx of donations, and then using that money not for what it was donated for - like dental surgery or a new roof, but for a puppy she did not need, or a pony she did not need, or a horse she did not need, or new camping gear, or any number of additional luxuries that no one here would begrudge her purchasing if she weren't constantly claiming to be "right up against it."

      The math for her farm also never works out, and all of her supposed money problems could be easily resolved if she just hitched up her underpants and got another job.

      As for the animal neglect and abuse, you can search this forum for when it was noticed that she simply stopped writing about a particular hawk, or cat, or sheep. Animals would just disappear and never be mentioned again. Or sometimes she would write about how they died, when they died, and her lack of due diligence and preventative husbandry was shocking. She'd reject very good advice from lifelong farmers, and then when her animals died or ran into problems, she wouldn't deal with it correctly. She would ignore or snap snarky come-backs to people who were offering genuine good advice.

      You say you haven't followed Jenna very long. Well, many of the people posting here have been following her for over 10 years, and a few are from her immediate area.

      I think it's good that you don't believe everything you read on a blog or reddit - just remember that Jenna is writing a blog too. Everything she writes has a spin, and a purpose.

      Please don't give her any money.

  19. What a strange idea to suggest a Shamster decided to drive to mid-state New York in the winter to take photos of someone's farm? As far as I know, CAST has never seen photos that weren't public information or made public by the homeowner herself. Since I've followed CAST, there have been parody songs, limericks, comments, jokes and opinion all shared - based on social media and the personal experiences of Shamsters themselves.

    It's also odd that CAST is being criticized by an individual who attempts to justify "earning up" money by a social media influencer who has spent years gate-keeping & dishing out cynical, manipulative and highly questionable commentary.

    We have seen plenty of criticisms of suburban women ("poodles"), rural men (characterized as simpletons), white males, cis-folk, religious people, non-farmers, the elderly, people with 9-5 jobs, etc etc. In fact, her blog and Twitter feed has been a smorgasbord of snarky comments on anyone who doesn't mimic her lifestyle.

    Shamsters don't care how people earn a living as long as it is done honestly and doesn't harm animals (or the environment). They don't care about marital status or gender identity. Many are single farmers and/or LGBTQ. There isn't any personal issue at stake.

    Instead, we see people who have become frustrated as they've watched a publicly advertised business owner spin hyperbolic/deceitful tales year after year, collecting sales/money/donations from kind-hearted people who believe what they read and "try to help". To take money under false pretenses - or not deliver agreed-upon product - isn't noble or normal. It's dishonest and fraudulent, and anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior, is naive or equally skewed.

    If larger monies were involved, there would undoubtedly be serious consequences.

    1. ^^^^^^^^^ APPLAUSE That's the thing about the small money amounts (with the exception of Birchthorn). Stiffed customers don't feel it's worth it to pursue retribution. I really wish someone from the Birchthorn debacle had sued. Another thing that ticks me off is her obvious tax evasion. She has two (maybe more?) PayPal accounts so that neither account exceeds the maximum taxable amount.

    2. Duckmama - Yes, many people who were stiffed by her for $100-$200 didn't feel it was worth their time or money to go to small claims court. They chalked it up to experience. To JFW, they were just a faceless someone on the internet, but I always saw them as my mother or grandmother.

    3. PDD. Exactly. We’ve been stuck in snow since the storm. I can’t believe that anyone would take time to drive by her faux farm for photos now. And applause for the rest of what you wrote, too.

  20. I can tell you one thing, Hound Doggy would NEVER censor any comment. Shannon should try to post her comment again, as I'm sure many would like to hear from her.

    Many of us started out as CAF fans, but noticed some things were not as they seemed. Many people who purchased product either did not receive it or received it late after a lot "reminding".

    There were also a lot of disturbing stories of animal deaths or making light of killing them.

    People began doing Google searches to learn more about CAF and we began to find each other and compare stories. One of the most frequent comments was, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that or felt that way". Something was not right in the state of Veryork.

  21. In addition to the above criticisms, a few of us here just can't stop watching the train wreck. If she were really, honestly, as behind on the mortgage and close to foreclosure as she's claimed, numerous times, to be, the Jenna saga would have ended in bankruptcy *years ago*. But it hasn't, and that's a hook that interests at least a few of us.

    She's been caught and called out on contradictions and lies she's made on twitter and her blog - because the math never adds up, and the song never changes. She cycles through proclaiming to be living the dream, to saying she wakes up in a cold sweat of anxiety, to fearing for her farm's continued existence in sheer crisis mode, and then a week later she'll announce the mortgage is paid and she bought more sheep.

    It doesn't *track*. Someone who's genuinely in fear of losing the roof over their head doesn't get more hay-burners.

    So we have a few different theories. Some people think she actually does make enough in $20 - $100 soap and cartoon sales to pay the bills, some people thinks she has a regular side-gig she never confesses to having, some think she's on some sort of disability / flat income.

    As a new reader, surely you can at least see what's going on right now - there are TWO able-bodied people living on that property. The mortgage can't be more than $1000.

    There is absolutely no reason Jenna should be worried about paying the mortgage. Yet she continues to write about it as though they're on the razor edge of poverty. Why? What could her motivation be?

    1. That was well-put. She careens between being “terrified” of people like the “scary red van man” from the bank, and older, weird women in trucks. Then her life is idyllic for a few weeks, and she’s “the richest poor person on the planet!” Or some such nonsensical word salad. Her mercurial moods never lasts long, and then there’s another predictable crisis. Let the begging begin again. Rinse and repeat the same stupid cycle for years with never any changes for the better. It’s no wonder why we wonder, and speculate about her sources of income. I think that her sole “motivation” is mooching money from followers. She’s a master of manipulative marketing for free funds.

  22. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1357065682760986625

    There's only one shamster who talks like that. Take another internet break. Longer this time please.

    1. Also, Shannon could literally post anonymously. There's no approval process on this blog.

      I've been posting as an anon for years, never once had a comment deleted - and I've pissed a few people here off.

      If anything, HD would let Shannon's comment stand so that the rest of us could talk to her.

      So bullshit, Shannon ever came here to post anything. Maybe she just messed up the "confirm you're not a bot" step and lost her comment.

    2. Re posting to CAST: there are also built-in computer restrictions I've yet to sort out. On one of my computers it is impossible to post comments onto CAST, even anonymously. I've tried various settings (unsuccessfully). There seems to be a conflict between Windows10/Edge and Blogger. 😞

      Using a different computer or my cell phone works fine.

    3. Twit response: "Sometimes I think people are jealous when they see people pursuing their passions (when they're probably stuck in a job or life they hate) and can only express it through more hate."

      Why do people even think this??? JEALOUS?! Of what, FFS? And no, I'm not "stuck in a job or life I hate." I actually quite enjoy my life and am free to pursue my passions (within my means). I don't have to beg for my bills, feed for my animals, medical/dental work, and I certainly don't have to ask others to fund my luxury items. These people who post shallow "they're just jealous" responses don't dig any further than the original tweet. They don't look at all the lying, inconsistencies, history, or background of CAF. Let's just keep doing what we're doing, shamsters. I'm sure we've made a difference to someone, somewhere who, after reading here, thought twice about supporting the FFF.

    4. Yeah, I’m just jealous of Jenna, a lazy lifestyle loser who has nothing to offer the world of worth. LOL!!!


    5. Duckmama - yeah, it's a pretty immature response. "You're just jealous!" Am I on a primary school playground right now?

      There's a difference between "I hate you for having something I don't" and "Your behaviour is unethical for x y z reasons and this repetitive cycle is frustrating to watch."

    6. PDD - yeah that's right, there is a weird posting glitch that happens occasionally, one of the reasons I just signed up for a handle. (also so that my comments would not be confused with the other anons who post.)

      If Shannon wants to give it another try, she should sign up for a new gmail and then post here under that handle.

      I can understand why she wouldn't want to engage, and I'm surprised to hear she attempted to post here (if that's true.) I'm sure she'd be talking about the Jenna she knows and sees, and she WOULD see a different Jenna than the one we see, because no matter how long you follow someone online, you're never going to have a 360 view of that person. You might think you know that person well, but all you know is what they choose to share, and living with someone gives you a perspective in a few months that none of us here would have after 10 years of following Jenna's blog and social media.

      I still, I'm just worried that Shannon has hitched her wagon to an *idea* of a person, rather than the real human. Maybe she can stick the landing when she finds out what things Jenna actually can't or won't change, but what I'd really love to hear from Shannon is:

      Shannon, could you please tell us:

      When you see the regular posts on Jenna's twitter about being behind on orders, and also being behind on the mortgage, what do you think about that?

      Do you worry about living with someone who talks regularly about being worried she'll lose the roof you live under?

      If you're not worried, why not?

      I personally will be polite and respectful in engaging with you.

    7. I’d be shocked if Shannon had the courage to respond to your questions. She’s content to be Jenna Junior. The childish, hyperbolic comments left last night about Jesus etc... were likely hers.

  23. Thanks, friends. I appreciate your usual intelligent comments. Funny, again, how once we reveal the dirty details about JFW, then her dumb enablers can’t contradict what was written. They’re silent like last night. The truth speaks louder than her life of lies.

  24. Regarding the Twitter exchange about people stalking her/ her business? I sincerely hope that's not the case. However, the whole series of posts looks like a false flag* to me. Let me explain.

    CAST doesn't agree with the way FFF has "looked after" animals, and disagrees with her business practices. Even though she invites readers to contact her directly, who would write a separate anon message? Or drive to her place in winter?

    No one. CAST contributors freely share opinions about public social media posts and publicly-advertised businesses, including hers. Comments can be anonymous, of course, and there's no fool-proof way to know who posts what.

    This means there is opportunity for colorful, occasionally nonsensical posts, but also there may be disingenuous or false flag posts.

    Based on her many public objections, it's obvious FFF resents criticism of her business practices, her self-promoted "brand" and her animal husbandry. It's not hard to see her posting critical comments about herself as "proof" of harassment. Is this idea far-fetched?

    Not really. After all, she once wrote an overwrought, highly-emotional piece about her dismay at receiving a hard-copy job application from a "cowardly anonymous" critic. For dramatic effect she included a photo of the offending mail. Unfortunately, the photo also revealed that the address was written in HER own handwriting, so it appears she fabricated the entire episode. A sad story, if true, for many reasons, but mostly because it showed the lengths she would appear to go to gain sympathy and attention.

    Business owners improve when they understand criticism is a blessing in disguise, as it provides an opportunity to recognize and solve problems. That she resents criticism and refuses to change year after year is why her business has not succeeded and appears unsustainable.

    I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping she improves. Sadly, after years of self-sabotage, this will be challenging. Hope she's up for it though, because a turnaround would make a captivating story!

    *False flag definition: an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on a second party.

    1. I agree with every point here, PDD. Thank you for this. I also sincerely hope she improves, and maybe Shannon will be the person that elevates this whole situation.

      Unfortunately, the mortgage drama is ongoing, despite cohabitation for what, 6 months?

      I really hope the situation improves, I'm afraid that I'm cynical about that improvement happening, and I'm concerned Shannon will end up being collateral damage after 5 - 10 years. But Shannon's an adult and can make her choices too.

    2. To clarify my point, the mortgage drama being ongoing despite having a partner indicates to me that either a) the mortgage drama is fictional and always was or b) the mortgage drama is not changed by Shannon's presence, meaning Shannon is now another recipient of the cash donated to CAF.

  25. she was very quick to point out it WAS NOT THE BANK riding past her house (you know red van man). How does she know this? Well she has a different bank now since her mortgage was bundled and sold to another bank. How does she know it wasn't the new bank? Sounds like to me she protests to fast. I say it never happened or she has been threatened by the new bank that they aren't going to put up with her 3 month behind nonsense after all "somehow" she pulled off 2 new home payments in about a weeks time while they usually are running way behind. I call bullshit as usual.

    1. When her mouth moves lies come out of it. Her hovel should’ve been foreclosed years ago due to delinquent mortgage payments. Yet it hasn’t happened. Because it’s all a bunch of bull.

  26. I still say that the smug smirk on her fat face is “duping delight.”

    1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.paulekman.com/blog/duping-delight/amp/

    2. https://psychopathsinlife.com/psychopaths-and-duping-delight/

    3. Anon 7:39 am. Fascinating links. I was familiar with some of the microexpressions for lying, but the expression "duping delight" is a revelation. It really makes sense that people who successfully deceive others and gain from the deception "get off" on the power dynamics. They cannot help their microexpressions, smirks included.

      If you've never watched it, check out the American drama series "Lie To Me", starring the incomparable Tim Roth, who plays a "deception researcher" loosely based on the real life Dr. Paul Ekman, who wrote the articles you linked.

      Speaking of people who enjoy deception, I remember the story of a certain ~13 year old future faux feral farmer, who celebrated the classmate who got away with cheating on their school exam. Does anyone have the link?

    4. "The micro expression most common in the videos and most relevant to this article is the 'duping delight' smirk". Yep.

    5. PDD, I remember that post, but can't remember exactly what the issue was. Someone did something wrong, but an innocent student was punished for it and the FFF admired the person who got away with it. Maybe someone with a better memory than me can find it.

      I also remember when she wrote about taking her dog into a building without asking if it was ok, because if she asked for permission, she was "giving away her power". Total selfish behavior. Her wants apparently take precedent over others.

    6. PDD. I left the original comment, and have watched that entire series. Tim Roth was wonderful in his role. I learned a lot about microexpressions. Which is why I call her smug smirk “ duping delight.”

    7. Joe Navarro has produced a lot of content on reading body language, and it's important to note that these old school ideas about particular gestures meaning particular things has no basis in legitimate science, despite being trained out to FBI officers and law enforcement all over the world for decades. Instead, blocking gestures and facial expressions that used to be considered signs of deception are actually just signs of stress, and that every person has a baseline set of expressions that must be observed and taken into account.

    8. WIW, I appreciate hearing that take. I believe the author also discusses stress indicators and the need to critically examine the entire interview experience (with many types of questions and data), when assessing truth.

      Btw, the whole idea of someone presenting a fabricated, carefully-curated lifestyle in an attempt to become a social media influencer is fascinating to me. Not criticizing at all -unless animals are harmed or the purpose is to deceive others for financial gain!

  27. Just so many things that don't add up (CAF math indeed). If two able bodied women are living in the house (I will not call it a farm), why can't they keep up with the bills? Does Shannon contribute financially or is she just another mouth to feed?

    There is no indication Shannon works. If she "freelances", she obviously isn't making much of a financial contribution. Since they live so close to town, there are many job opportunities. Grocery store, feed store, waitressing, answering phones at a business or medical center...

    If that was Shannon making snarky comments above, I would like to ask her why Jenna still needs to beg.

    1. They’re both able-bodied and college-educated. But working at a Walmart is beneath the special snowflakes. Shannon is just Jenna Jr., and a younger version of the greedy grifter.


    2. "CAFenomics" is another way it's been stated too, lol. Hey, do any of you ever wonder about the type of conversation that goes on in that house of horrors? Specifically, the freak-a-zoid conversation between two fully grown, able-bodied women who refuse to do truly gainful work for a living? Well I do, and I'll bet it goes something like this:

      Shannon: "Hey Jenna, the pipes just froze, I think."

      Jenna: "Hand me my phone...I'll let Twitter know ASAP"

      Shannon: "Yo Jenna...we're short $800 on the mortgage!"

      Jenna: " Shit...I know, I know. Don't worry, I'll just bust out my PayPal link on Twitter."

      Shannon: "I don't think we have enough hay/feed for the animals."

      Jenna: "Don't worry...the Twitter folk will provide. Those suckers always do."

      Shannon: "Jenna, we don't have..."

      Jenna: "I TOLD YOU don't worry. I've got those Twitter dorks wrapped around my finger!"

      Shannon: "So...um...is Twitter the answer to everything and every problem we have?"

      Jenna: "Duh, you idiot. Only poodles work real jobs."

  28. She also said in a response yesterday that we’ve called her “fat and evil.” Not once have I ever seen her described as evil here. Again, she’s lying and projecting. And if she doesn’t want to be labeled fat, then she should stop bragging about her stupid “mountain smashing” and “5K runs.” Clearly she’s in poor condition despite claims to the contrary. It’s ironic how she never addressed either the begging or scamming that she’s been doing for decades in her reply to the person. And also ignored the animal abusing. Instead her focus was on weight, and falsehoods that she’s fabricated for a victim narrative.


    1. LOL! She has ABSOLUTELY been described as fat and evil here! OMG! Come on, we can be critics but we have to be honest with ourselves.

      In this post alone she was called evil 4x: https://coldantlershamtruths.blogspot.com/2019/01/great-job-dash.html

      WHS calls her evil, I found a few examples. Here's one:

      The fat n evil thing comes up every once in a while, along with the crazy stuff, and I just voice my disagreement to that language and move on. It *does* play into her hand when she is victimized by language and stereotypes rather than criticized based on what can be objectively observed in her posts and photos.

      I do think it's a minority of posters who do use that language, though expressing anger and frustration does understandably lead towards rants and hyperbole.

      This has been brought up multiple times and there is ongoing disagreement about the language used and topics discussed. Welcome to the internet.

    2. Yep, I've definitely called her evil. Because people who purposely shock pigs ARE evil. And even though I try not to refer to her weight, cuz it's low-hanging fruit, well I've done that too sometimes.

      But only because I'm sick of her narrative where she begs for donations while painting herself as some hardworking feral farmer who just needs a break.

      A BREAK?!?

      She gets a break all day long in between the two half hours she spends in the morning and the evening feeding her furry props. Anyone with a brain (and some extra time to peruse her Twitter) can easily see how much time she wastes online obsessing over Taylor Swift, hot media topics, and gods know what else.

      Yet she lies about running miles and miles every day when, well, c'mon, just look at her. Sorry, but she's full of shit and just trying to paint a picture to get people to feel sorry for her so that they'll donate to her PayPal. So that she doesn't have to get a job.

    3. Sorry, I’ve must’ve missed the evil. But I didn’t deny the fat label.


    4. I try not to post weight comments, although I did slip when I spotted the new Robinhood tunics (whilst begging for mortgage money). I know, I know, low hanging fruit and really, there's so much else going on in her Twitterverse 😜, so why post about weight?

      To some extent, she makes it tempting. She sells herself as a fit, hard-working, long-distance running, mountain-climbing, feral warrior woman. That's her "brand". She posts posed photos of herself, often manipulated to slim down or increase cleavage. When her pics haven't been photoshopped, it doesn't appear she has the body-type for such routinely strenuous exercise.

      Then she frequently posts about food - cooking and gorging on large amounts of unhealthy foods. Really, I like food and I'm not a health-food purist, but I kinda lose my appetite reading some of her posts. Who wants to read about someone eating an omelet the size of her head? Or someone sitting at the top of the stairs, like a Yeti, scarfing down A bowl of high-fat?

      The truth is she's 180-plus pounds. At 5'2" that's clinically obese ("fat").

      Having dispensed with that fact check, I do agree we should lay off future weight jokes.

      But please, puh-lease don't make me stop commenting on any "evil" actions she takes, affected outfits or gold fingernail polish (kinda digging the gold nails)...

  29. It’s strange that her supporters ran out of steam so fast. I think that the links and proof from her past, too, could’ve convinced some of them that we were telling the truth about JFW.

    1. It's maybe because they (her lame supporters) haven't taken the time to read thru 10+ long years of Jenna's bullshit bleg (and Twitter) where she proudly detailed all of her animal abuse like she was trying to win trophies.

      Remember when she wrote this after purposely shocking those pigs?

      "Peta my ass. The most abused animal on this farm is me, hands down."

      THAT was right after she wrote THIS about shocking the pigs:

      "I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite."

      Sorry, but that's just pure evil. And if you are cohabiting with or supporting this abusive and sad excuse for a human being, then you are an ENABLER. Pure and simple.

  30. We’ve been waiting for Anon7 to appear again. Her comments are always appreciated. Hope that she’s okay.

    1. Hey, OK here, thanks for asking. Just been busy with family stuff. Specifically a much beloved and elderly family member who recently had the Coronavirus but thankfully recovered and we just (well, still are) moved her into a senior-style living place and it's a lot of work and logistics.

  31. I also wanted to add that her stupid tweets about being stalked and this site yesterday only got 15 replies, and I didn’t see any of them being her coveted blue check accounts. For someone who has almost 5,000 followers the message is quite clear. Very few of her followers cares about her at all. Many have her muted so that they won’t be bombarded by begging.

    1. 5000 followers on twitter isn't saying much of anything, because there are so many auto-follow bots.

    2. Looking at her daily stats (amounts of likes, re-tweets, comments) they are almost always in the single digits. Which would suggest that there are only about 30-75 true foollowers who have not muted her. And the rest are bot accounts she purchased...with donation money meant for animal feed no doubt. Sad.

  32. I read the duping delight article, and while we cannot read her body language there are other tells that have come out over her many years of blogging.

    Someone mentioned the incident where she admired the perpetrator who got away with cheating while the innocent student got punished.

    There are many others. Her lack of empathy showed when she made a joke about one of her slaughtered lambs. Or when she wrote she would rather see her lost cat dead than picked up by a do-gooder (she got her wish).

    I’m sure a long list of these tells could be compiled. While most of us have never met her, she reveals her true self through her writings, bit by bit.

    1. And only a sociopath
      would say something like this sick statement that was cited above:

      “I put the laughter back in slaughter.”

    2. http://highstfarm.blogspot.com/2016/02/jenna-woginrich-and-donald-trump.html?m=1

    3. I’d suggest taking time to read the comments in the above link. This one was excellent:

      “Something must be deeply disturbed within an individual to prey upon their own fan base.This is worse than opportunism, it is predation.

      We must remember, she isn't just preying on her "fans"; amorphous entities as far as we are concerned. Jenna Woginrich is preying upon her customers, her fellow farmers, her readers, who are in turn someone's father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, grandparents, husband or wife. Like the female mosquito, she lands and anesthetizes the area of the heart. Upon the submission of the prey item, she inserts the proboscis of her projected need into the chest where she feeds her dream on the very life's blood of another's desire.“

    4. Here’s another comment from the link above that could’ve been written today, but it was left five years ago. Nothing has changed:

      “When you put your life and choices out there in the public arena and live off the money of your dupes oh, I mean supporters, then be prepared to get comments that cover the spectrum. Jenna invites response knowingly because she chooses to live a public and dependent life.

      To Jenna and her supporters who come here to attack, you are ridiculous and petty. If you really stand by Jenna, then you would ignore us. But we evidently hit a nerve - you know the truth about Jenna and her fantasy world. That is what drives your anger.

      You don't have to be a Dr. to diagnose her problems of which she has a plenty. Understand: Jenna is the architect of all her problems, of her pitiful life and the damage she causes to the animals who have no choice but to be living as her props.

      I'll say it again: when you make your life a public affair and live off the donations (begged and manipulated for) of those who read what you willingly put out in the public arena, you must accept all comments. To cry foul is disingenuous at best and manipulative at worst.

      Do not for one second think that Jenna is ever truly hurt by those who disagree with her; if so she would not scam and steal from people if she had a heart. Where is Birchthorn - you know......the one she was given $15K for and promised publicly last August? Are people who lent her money for her junk truck being paid on time like she publicly promised? I bet not. There is a long list of people still waiting for their wool, meat, etc. who will never get what they paid for. Don't cry for Jenna. If she's talking, she's manipulating and lying. The Wizard of Oz couldn't even give her a heart - or a conscience! Bottom line.

      So again, when you come here angry, you are showing that you truly know the real story. That's why you are so angry. You wanted so badly to believe in her fairy tale but deep down you know you too have been duped. Move on...”

    5. And here’s another good comment left in 2/16:

      “Sometimes - as in this swift assemblage of around 50 all-out stroking fans - I suspect there's a good chance that JW continually creates fictional commenters to glow their goodwill and love upon her. Some comments are weirdly similar and even sound like her. Tres weird, the everlasting, adoring fandom.

      They really do swarm when she does her victim, poor abused me thing. I guess will ever be a mystery that so many still think she's amazing, an utterly admirable and likable heroine of her own brave, scrappy farmer's life. I'm hard-pressed to believe they are all unique, read commenters.

      She'd never disable comments for long, or write privately, since surely she thrives on the negative feedback (not that she wants anyone to actually see it, so swiftly deletes); her anger and perceived bullying fuels her carrying on and she puts criticism to good use to gather accolades - and funds - from fans - far more than just either admirers or diffident readers can ever provide.

      And I was briefly imagining that, since it's been a mild winter, she had a part-time gig, and such a busy social/heathen life, that we might, this year, actually escape the usual 1st quarter dramatic, woe is me, please prop me up, postings we've come to expect.

      If she were an admirable, responsible, slightly humble, thankful to people, sympathetic character I could feel some empathy, since life is hard for people often. Can't go there with or for her....AT ALL. She only now ever manages to fuel my contempt.”

  33. Question: Are animal confiscations public record in NY?

    They aren't where I live. There are federal and provincial privacy laws protecting the names of people who have had animals seized by the SPCA.

    Rarely to such seizures hit the media, and if they do, it's because the SPCA needs to drum up potential fosters / adopters in the area, so all you can know is, for example, 20 puppies and 4 dogs were transferred into the care of such n such SPCA. They might not even be from that area.

    It's the same with sex offenders. You have to be a police officer or other law enforcement to get access to the names of people who have committed these crimes.

    I have long been disturbed by the stories of neglect and animal abuse surrounding CAF. Others are too, hence the use of the word "evil". But like the newbie poster above, the only proof I've seen are the pics of the goat standing on *something* inside a barn door, assumed to be manure, and the photo of the horse gate that is now two rungs deep in the muck. Oh and the photo of the horses eating hay off the ground in a yard that had a lot of manure needing shoveling.

    We also know that the neighbours of her cabin complained about the condition of the property, and that animal control was called even back then.

    We know inspectors have been to Jenna's homes multiple times, and we never get proof of that "a+ report on my fridge!" nor the "she was told she had to get rid of her hoofstock."

    NEITHER SIDE has offered any actual proof. So probably, the truth is somewhere in the middle. I think Jenna makes a lot of impulsive, short-sighted decisions, and has developed a habit of relying on others to bail her out. She sells product she doesn't deliver on, and animals in her care seem to disappear or die at a rate that is deeply concerning to readers here.

    We know she's rejected good advice from experienced people, and we know she struggles with alcohol *that she's written about herself*. She vacillates between a new ultra-healthy identity, and then posts photos of whatever she's drinking.

    I don't think she's decides to be abusive, but I think it's plausible she's made some terrible errors or judgement, repeatedly, with the animals in her charge, and that animals in her care have died as a result. Just open these pages and hit CTRL+F to search, and type the word "died".









    That's not even all of them, I'm just tired of copy-pasting.


    1. I'm not saying all of these are Jenna's fault, and if you keep hundreds of animals, you're going to have deaths. It's the accumulated deaths in these various circumstances, and her attitude towards the deaths that's unsettling.

      And don't tell me "that's farming". There is a huge range of farmers' attitudes towards livestock. On one end you have the dairy farmer having the hoof trimmer out every two weeks to try and save an old cow who's gone lame, who upgrades the stall beds and gets scratchers for the animals' stimulation and comfort. On the other end you have factory chicken farmers leaving live almost dead chicks out back of the barn for the coyotes to get. You have horse people who will feed a hayburner / pasture pal until he's too stiff to rise, and you have a callous racetrack breeder who sends a 3 y/o to slaughter despite winning nearly 100K for the owner, because he didn't win *enough* to be worth breeding.

      The range is huge. And Jenna started her whole journey *as a Buddhist vegetarian*. She collected a LOT of us by appealing to animal and nature lovers. I don't know why it's such a shock to her that the mortality rate of her animals ~that she choose to write about~ would be so disturbing.

    2. Excellent research and links, WIW.

      And to the naysayers, ask yourself this: If you believe that Jenna Woginrich is not an animal abuser, despite her OWN admissions, then WHY are there several websites dedicated to exposing her sick animal abusing ways? And why are there so many internet sites about her online scamming, along with a plethora of complaints from people that never received product that she promised?

      And that's not even counting the $15K Birchthorn book scam where she pocketed the advance money, and then reluctantly (and sluggishly) churned out a thin and poorly written book with see-thru pages that I wouldn't deign to wipe my a** with. She basically took the money and ran. Case closed. And then she behaved poorly and unprofessionally when called out. Don't believe me? The proof is in the 50+ comments from the Birchthorn investors she callously ripped off.

    3. Thanks for all that info, WIW!

      I had an animal hoarder that lived across the road from me for YEARS. I complained years ago, they tried to catch her, but she caught wind of it and moved all her animals (cats & dogs) to another property out of the county.

      Then she moved out of the house. It's sat empty for the past two years, but the smell was still there. I also noticed that she was coming by and taking the trash to the street once a week. Why would there be trash if no one lived there? She had lawn care people come once a week to mow. Those people noticed a cat IN THE HOUSE and called authorities. It was a huge deal. Animal control parked an RV trailer over there and the worker stayed there for a week until he caught all the cats. They took out almost 20 cats in HORRIBLE condition and one parrot. Photos of the near-death cats was posted by animal control on their FB page.

      To the point of whether these goings-on are public, I never could find any listing or lawsuit regarding Animal Control vs. [X her name] anywhere. That must be non-public information, even though they posted horrid pics on their FB page.

      "It's the same with sex offenders. You have to be a police officer or other law enforcement to get access to the names of people who have committed these crimes."

      I'm not in NY, but here I signed up for a law enforcement email alert system that sends you an email about every registered sex offender that moves into or out of the area. This includes their name, their address, their pic, and what crime they were charged with and when.

      Point being, it seems to me that animal control issues are mostly non-public, judging from my experience and the fact that nobody here is able to find any info on the FFF's animal seizure. I wish that weren't the case. It would sure help if the public knew, for a variety of reasons, whether or not a person is a neglector or abuser.

    4. You’ve all made good points. And it’s also like the saying goes: “Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence.” She’s posted enough proof of her own in videos, posts and tweets to show ample examples of animal abusing.

    5. I think in different parts of the US, the sex offender registry is public, but in Canada it isn't. We have more strict privacy laws here, for better and for worse.

  34. Wow, a lot to read here. And some very good responses to the person(s?) who is/are defending the one who shocks pigs. A few of their questions stood out to me:

    "Anything more current than 5+ years ago? I believe in people changing and improving themselves over time."

    I do too! And I agree that in most situations, people CAN change for the better. But NOT when the situation is animal abuse. C'mon now. We're talking about someone who purposely and sadistically shocked innocent pigs with a smile(!) on her face. And bragged about it on the internet. Sorry, but that kind of deviant behavior and vile cruelty runs deep in their smooth brain. And that's not something that can be changed. You're either a wonderful creature-loving person at heart, or you are a disgusting piece of human garbage who pours water on the grounding rod for an extra painful jolt. (And if this is Shannon I am addressing, do take note if Jenna ever casually places a plugged-in hair dryer near the tub you're soaking in. Just a heads up, kiddo.)

    And this comment:

    "Lucklass, these are all blog posts and reddit. Where are the actual news articles? Thanks!" [...] "I want to see cold hard facts, not your blogs."

    Yeeaaaaahhh...nice try there. But in reality, all those blog posts and reddit comments are simply us online folk discussing HER OWN COMMENTS and stories where she openly detailed animal abuse and neglect. (And laughed about it.) Yup, stuff that SHE wrote on HER OWN bleg. Yes. And not shit we just made up. So do yourself a favor and read those blog posts and comments so that you can know what you've gotten yourself into. And it's not too late...you can still cut and run.

    AND IN ADDITION TO ALL THAT: To anyone here who is trying to defend the Shocker we call Pig, you are just sadly not looking at the big picture. Which is this:

    Jenna Woginrich BEGS every single month for her mortgage and for money to feed her animals. Really think about that: She's asking online strangers to feed her furry props. And in doing so, she's totally ignoring the golden rule of NOT OWNING PETS/ANIMALS IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO FEED THEM! Simple as that. Yet she has two to three dozen animals which she freely and publicly admits she can't afford to feed. Not to mention other things like medication, emergency vet bills, etc. Bottom line, she's a straight-up idiot and grifter. Open your eyes.

    1. THIS. Don't get animals you can't afford to care for. No one whose housing is as precarious as Jenna claims her own situation to be has any business having any sort of animal.

  35. Where is the pack goat?

    Anon in GA

    1. Who knows with her. But she did post this tweet back in January:


      It shows a goat that looks like the earlier/younger pics of "Cade" -- but who knows. It could be any goat, from any year, on any farm.

  36. I do think she has learned to not mention specific animal deaths anymore. She gives vague references to having a rough day, and newly acquired animals simply vanish, never to be spoken of again.

    1. Yep, which is why we start getting twitchy when we haven't seen updates on particular animals. There have been too many that simply disappear, and are no longer mentioned, including the hawks.

  37. It looks like she’s lost more followers since her stupid tweets about being a victim. Her own idiocy and fake victim narrative has led newbies to this site. Where what they’ll learn about “Woke Wog” will be far from flattering.

    1. Lol, true foollowers or bots? I wonder, do paid bot followers ever expire and drop off?

  38. Many of us remember the fabricated drama of FFF "worrying" about lambs born in snowstorms, the times she came home from drinking to lose lambs or be unable to reunite them with their mothers. Here's an educational comment from Anon on Meredith's blog referenced above:

    "Update to Lambing season...........You don't crutch your ewes? (shave around their birthing area to prevent infection and make it easier to see how the ewe is fairing. You don't set up Jugs (small pens inside a warm safe barn to protect the lambs from freezing outside) but you seem to revel in having to run around to try to find your ewes and describe in painful detail how the newly born lambs have ice on their tender little bodies?...you're sick. But I guess it gives you the drama you seek and exploit to pay your bills and defend your lack of getting promised things done. A classic...and the animals pay the price."

    Let's remind Newbies of the many times that experienced farmers offered expertise and advice on the correct way to raise sheep, pigs and goats so they could lead safe and healthy lives. Such advice was either ignored or put down with snarky replies. For those who care to research, it's painfully obvious most of FFF's crises and problems are self-created. As Jon Katz so rightly wrote in 2013: " I shudder to think of all of the disasters she has survived... Stability and predictability are not very exciting. Drama works."

    PayPal. It means so much (to her).

    1. Suggested reading: All posts about the Pig Shocker on Jon Katz's "Bedlam Farm" blog. Just search for "Jenna Woginrich" and "Cold Antler Farm" and prepare to be disgusted. He washed his hands of her for good reason.

      A few comments that stood out to me is when Jon talked about his wife's disapproval about how much he was helping the forever-needy Jenna. His wife asked him, "You're not thinking of giving her money again, are you?" And in another comment, he said his wife called Jenna "his disease" -- Ouch.

  39. “Can't wait to start running again outdoors. I haven't wanted to until this week. I think hours of daylight directly influence my desire to move across the landscape.”

    Can’t wait to hear more about moronic “mountain smashing” and exaggerated “5K runs.” Nah, she doesn’t respond to our comments about being fat, lazy, and out of shape.

    1. Yep - She hasn't mentioned 5K's/mountain smashing in awhile. Then we bring it up, and she quickly makes a statement. Anything to keep the idea of her "brand" alive and the donations coming in.

  40. Excellent write up WIW, LS, DM, A7 et. al.

    A big part of the problem is she desperately wants to be a "public figure" / social media influencer, but can't quite pull it off. She wants accolades for her public posts, and she detests criticism. She can't have it both ways.

    Years ago, she posted her dream that Hollywood would co-opt her life story of being a fish-out-of-water and turn it into a tv series or movie. In fact, as recently as ~ a year ago, her profile was listed as "public figure".

    She's worked extensively on her "brand" - a solitary artist who left the corporate world to boldly earn a living as a feral farmer, homesteading and "smashing mountains" in the middle of nowhere.

    But the brand isn't exactly true. Based on her own published writings, long-time readers sniffed out hyperbole, inconsistencies and outright fabrications.

    Fiction vs. Reality

    Fiction: "She struggles alone on the side of a mountain, in the middle of nowhere."

    Reality: She lives in a house w/6.5 acres, along a main road of a somewhat trendy town - well known to NYC weekenders. For at least 10 years, she's refused to get a roommate to share expenses. Since last year, she has a partner living with her.

    Fiction: "Poor thing must heat her home with a wood stove."

    Reality: It doesn't fit the narrative, but she has a whole-home oil furnace. She's used electric space heaters. The wood stove is her choice, perhaps because it's more dramatic to plead for sales and donations to keep a wood stove going.

    Fiction: "She grows lots of vegetables."

    Reality: The garden is a hobby garden at best, with very little cultivated and harvested. Notice that past photos of plants are close-cropped since a wider view would reveal how little is grown. Not exactly homesteading material.

    Fiction: "She's great at raising chickens and animals - she wrote books and is an example to follow!"

    Reality: She's unsuccessful as a farmer. By her own admission, she bought twice as many chicks as needed, because half die unexpectedly. She lost multiple lambs to winter elements and predation. She neglected pigs and goats. She has admitted her business isn't profitable or sustainable. It's a hobby, with photo opportunities for social media.

    Part 1

    1. PDD. Excellent analysis, as usual, of JFW and her farming failures. I’m making popcorn for Part 2!


    2. OMG, I remember the cringe fest that was her thinking Hollywood was certain to call and make a movie all about her. However, I will admit that her "My First Year" (on the farm) YouTube video was kinda impressive, but there are many videos like that...and with people who have way more charisma and charm.

      Also, let's not forget the dead frozen chicken she found on her driveway cuz she was too lazy to search for it while rounding the others up.

  41. Fiction: "She should be supported because she's a farmer who cares for the land and animals."

    Reality: The land is overgrazed and has deteriorated. She quit raising her own livestock. No knowledgeable person who read past posts would believe this was a working farm. She posted about tapeworm/roundworm. For years, animals were fed on top of their own manure. It can be argued the land is worse for her being there.

    Fiction: "She lives a genuine rural lifestyle."

    Reality: How so? Fences are falling down; animals routinely escape; she hasn't repaired a collapsing barn roof; aged horses don't have good shelter; she doesn't "use" hand tools and any work seems to be done by others. She sold wool shares to people, but the wool was unusable. She received paid subscriptions for events that she cancelled, but she didn't refund money. She asked for donations on projects that were never initiated. Rural living requires shared trust and commitment with neighbors. It's unsure that she enjoys much of a relationship with townspeople beyond using them. In one noteworthy piece, she posted that locals consider her trouble. Former area residents say she burned local goodwill. Why is that?

    Fiction: "She's a role model."

    Reality:  Nah. Not inspiring, despite presenting herself as a real-life GOT extra. She's claimed excellency in animal husbandry, farming, horsemanship, archery, falconry, fiddle, and "mountain smashing - long distance running". It only takes a short time to realize how laughable these claims are. If she's anything, she's an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

    Fiction: "Her books and writings are inspirational."

    Reality: This may be true, except "her success" is fictional. She encourages unprepared people to chuck their 9-5 jobs and get into farming like her. By using herself as the shining example of homesteading success, she is being disingenuous at best and fraudulent at worst.

    Fiction: "She did it (buying and running the farm) all on her own, without help."

    Reality: Patently false. She begged readers for donations to purchase her house, pony, hipster truck and pricy border collie. She's continued asking for donations for truck repairs, house repairs, animal feed, firewood, dental work, computer replacement, camera etc etc. Locals were all-too often called upon to bail her out of crises and perform occasional repairs.

    Fiction: "Shame on people who criticize her."

    Reality: Really? She's a public figure who operates a publicly-advertised business. It may not be the most profitable business, but it's a business. She's shared her address, has held numerous classes and public gatherings and frequently invites commentary. She operates accounts on Instagram, Twitter and a public blog. She posts excruciatingly-detailed comments on her life (her brand) and her businesses (graphic design, soap selling and farming). She publicly asks for donations, shares and solicits sales on each of these platforms. As a public personality who posts daily information on her businesses and who solicits comments, it's absurd to think there won't be criticism, opinion, commentary and parody.

    Shamsters, any that I missed? (the hawks come to mind...)
    Part 2

    1. PDD. I’m munching popcorn and applauding at the same time. I couldn’t have summed it up better myself.


    2. Thanks LS. I know it seems like there aren't many ways forward for FFF, but this isn't true.

      She can 100% turn this around. She needs to apologize to people she stiffed, repay monies owed (even if it takes 10 years) and do better going forward.

      Build a website. Offer quality products. Don't use hyperbole. Be honest. Be professional. Don't use contrived crises to generate donation and pity sales. For the love of God, until she gets her finances in order, quit using animals as "no effort" social media props to generate money. There is nothing more pathetic than reading we must (!) buy her soap/logo/cartoon so the animals can be fed! If she needs cute animals on her social feed, let them belong to others.

      Going forward, it would be nice to see rekindled enthusiasm for whatever her next chapter is. I don't know if it's raising animals or faux farming. (JJ seems more enthusiastic than FFF at this point.) Maybe she should get an outside job for a year, save up money, cut back on animals and take a trip somewhere. Who knows? What a story that could be.

      Whatever she's doing feels forced at this point and isn't working. It would be nice to see her life change - to reduce or eliminate the need for continual begging and pity sales.

    3. Seriously! I completely agree!

      Christ, it would be fantastic to see her make some actual positive changes such as the one above.

    4. I remember a conversation awhile back about things she should be doing (for the sake of the animals) like Jon Katz was doing ("Liming" the pastures or something like that?) Also, regarding the animals, she's made it clear many times that she has zero emergency funds for the animals. No spare money to pay vet bills. Nope, none...cuz all that spare money is in Taylor Swift's bank account.

      And yes, by her own admission, she's burned a lot of people in that town. She once wrote about some town mechanic who she couldn't call cuz she still owed money. And all those places she used to get hay and wood from? They are no longer mentioned.

      All anyone has to do is peruse the early years of her bleg (up until about 2015-2016) and you'll note that all the many names of friends and town folk are no longer mentioned. Did all these people just die? Or did they stop talking to her cuz they grew wise to her con artist ways and their bills not paid?

      BTW PDD, excellent job on parts 1 & 2 -- extremely organized and informative. Bravo!

  42. “Sunshine and dentists. What a day.”

    What a shock. It’s another dental emergency. Cue for cash crisis, and money mooching from followers.

    1. She needed to deflect from people checking out the review of valid criticisms and the lists of her own blog posts, as well as blog posts dedicated to criticizing her farming practices. Her "woe is me, I have trolls" twitter post backfired.

    2. Yep, her latest bleg post reads like she came here and made a list of all the accusations and then addressed them over there. So transparent.

  43. “$75 to go towards today's income goal! Get yourself a bundle of soaps! DM to order!”

    Unlike most professional businesses she has no site to place orders. Awww, it’s such a measly amount of money! Surely someone will help the scrappy scammer out. Again.

    1. If she had a wesbite, the IRS would have proof she's running a business, and she'd have to claim taxable income. She funnels all her sales through the paypal donation button, which means buyers can't get their money back if she fails to deliver (on of the reasons paypal was invented) and she can claim to the tax man that all of her paypal money was given to her by an army of fans from the goodness of their hearts in exchange for a chance to receive a gift of soap or a cartoon.

  44. To back up above comment re Jenna not having the proper setup to breed sheep and this having an adverse affect on the lambs, here's her own blog post detailing the disaster:


    Quoth the inept shepherdess:

    " Soon as I arrived I saw another lamb, still, on the ground in a small ditch. I rushed to it and saw it curled up, legs tucked under it and mouth open. My heart sank and I went to inspect it. I picked it up and heard the slightest whimper of life. I wrapped it in a towel and brought it inside straight away - torn between its dire needs and the needs of the two other lambs trying to nurse with ice forming on their tails and damp bodies."

    Wtf? This is the kind of thing that has occurred numerous times. Just read her blog from beginning to about 2015. You'll see plenty of examples.

    She has no. business. breeding. sheep.

    She has no business owning animals she claims she struggles to feed in terms of sourcing and paying for hay.

    She has no business being responsible for animals that she claims to love, but if she finds one dealthy ill, like Maude in bloat - which is a terribly painful condition, yet she did not want to pay to have a vet come by to treat her, and did not have the stomach to shoot poor Maude then and there, she instead took a wait n see approach and claims Maude didn't suffer as her "body just shut down". That doesn't mean she didn't suffer, I'm terribly sad to say.

    There are many valid criticisms that have been levelled at Jenna and her husbandry practices for years, and rather than improve transparency and resolve the issues, aka take responsibility for herself and her actions, she dismisses any suggestion and any critic - and will even try to leverage the presence of criticism to her advantage by holding it up as an example of victimization.

    You're not the victim here, Jenna.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry, the program hiccuped before I was finished.

      WIW, your comment reminded me: after numerous debacles with animals, a number of individuals tried to reason with FFF, offer legitimate animal husbandry advice, or criticise her mistakes. She ignored, belittled, or blocked them. She also,took legitimate concerns and comments as bullying.

      Her pages, her rules, I understand, but let's not pretend she was ever interested in an open dialog about farming methods and ways to improve.

    3. Yep, she shut off the ability for anyone to comment on her bleg* because those people were rightly critical and were also making sense. Also note that those people commenting were not just from here -- there were 2-3 if I recall. The vast majority of those commenters were her true fans, people who bought her books, attended her farm events, etc. And she grew annoyed with them suggesting she get a part-time job and/or making animal husbandry suggestions. So she cut them off.

      *To anyone new here: The mis-spelling of "blog" is intentional -- "Bleg" is a portmanteau for "blog" and "beg" aka blog begging. Which she does on Twitter too.

    4. Since turning off the comments she’ll sometimes brag about receiving positive, supportive responses from readers. But since there’s never any proof of them, it then appears that she’s lying about it, too. What a shock. Not.

    5. When you try to leave a comment on her blog this is what appears:

      “New comments have been disabled for this post by a blog administrator.”

      I guess that normal moderation takes too much time away from tweeting stupid stuff about Taylor Swift, and doing her daily begging for free funds.

  45. Give me a break about dentists. She acts like she’s the only person who has had dental work. I don’t want to even think about the $$$ I’ve spent over the years on dental work. Which I paid for out of my own pocket.

    1. And with the new girlfriend, she's got an entirely new set of teeth to mine for root canal candidates!

    2. The fact that she’s in constant crisis over multiple issues, and then needlessly tweets about them, shows that she’s begging for help from followers. It’s not possible for one to have that many problems all of the time. It’s a pattern of behavior that has been happening for years. Wake up, enablers. She’s using your money to pay for her “Live like fiction!” fantasy “lie-style.”

  46. I'm calling it right now - FFF is posting that it's soon time to release the hawk. VIDEO OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

    The posted videos and photos of this year's hawk could have all been taken 8 weeks or more ago. This animal easily could have died over the winter, and I will classify this raptor among the casualties of CAF unless I see a color video of this bird's release.

    1. Where/when did she make that announcement?

    2. Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CK6sYPDA0Vm/

    3. "Hard to believe that this falconry season is already wrapping up. It has been such a pleasure hunting with Hamish, the small male I had this season. He was trapped at the fall Equinox and will be released this spring to join in the happy wild life of finding a mate and making more little hawks. Proud to have worked beside him and so loved sharing the process with my partner, who was there from the jump helping trap him. We have a few weeks left to fly together, and I hope they are nothing but blue skies and fast bunnies and the joy of working side by side with these amazing animals. #falconry"

  47. you know this is a little late to the party but she never listed who "won" her box of soap for sending her Christmas Cards! Don't you think she would be bragging about that or was it all a hoax as usual?

    Also guess what I had dentist appointment this week for x-rays and cleaning and now have to have a 2 year old cap ($2,000) taken off and a new one made as it wasn't right (another $2,000) plus the cleaning and x-ray cost. So if all you people want to send me oddles of cash I will set up a pay pal account--it means so much. Has she ever paid for anything for herself? Dollars to donuts there will be a whole lot of Taylor Shit Stuff showing up right after that.

    1. You're right. She didn't announce a winner. Nor did any foollower tweet their thanks for the book the won. Just another hoax from the Con Artist of Cambridge.

  48. HD - is there any way you could pin this post and name it something like, "The reason CAST exists"?

    Basically, all of the good points we've covered over the years are collected here, along with numerous links to blog posts and quotes pointing to her shitty husbandry practices. It would be nice if this were the first post newbies were to read. Is that possible?


    I don't know if the above article is helpful or applicable, as I don't use blogger myself.

    You could also turn off comments for this post to keep the size manageable... https://blogtimenow.com/blogging/enable-disable-comments-blogger-pages-posts/#:~:text=In%20Blogger%20you%20have%20easy,overall%20comment%20settings%20for%20Blogger.

    Totally not a demand, only a suggestion.

    1. WiW. That’s a good suggestion, and it’s been made before. Even though HD rarely comments on her blog, many of us have taken time to leave links and information. We’ve investigated years of effort. Why not honor our work and pin this post? That way newbies will know more about the FFF, and her unethical behavior and business practices.

    2. WIW, I'm trying to get this to work.

    3. Anon 5:35....I suggest you take over this blog if you'd like. That way you can have it exactly like you'd like it to be.

    4. “invested” not “investigated”

  49. Jenna has a new blog post today talking about her partner Shannon and her helping with chores and such. I wonder if Shannon pays part of the mortgage? What a sucker.

    Wonder who her clients are?

    Jenna mentions a vet friend who is very sick and to help them out via the link shown. There is no link that I can see.

    1. Two take-aways:

      1) Shannon IS working, thus would be contributing financially.
      2) The labour is now split between them

      Therefore, "this farm needs me" is no longer an excuse (as if it ever was) to not get a job to pay the mortgage Jenna talks about struggling with every month, and the struggle should be cut by half, given Shannon would be contributing financially.

      LOTS of farmers have "off-farm jobs" aka gainful employment. Join 'em! It'll pay the feed and vet bills for your hobby farm.

    2. WIW - You just beat me to it! Was going to say the same thing re the new bleg post:

      "Shannon has a lot of conference calls and meetings with clients."

      So not only is she working, but she's working A LOT. Which begs the question: Why then is the Pig Shocker still begging so much? Maybe it's a hard habit to break?

    3. Anon7 - yet another narrative in FFF's story that does not *track*.

      She has help with bills and chores. Why is there any stress at all about paying bills? Why not get a job since your stay at home employed partner can keep an eye on the animals? There is no reason or excuse basic bills like mortgages and plumbers can't be easily paid. And there's no reason to acquire more animals than you can afford to feed, or vet.

      There are simply no excuses left.

      Her choices do not make sense, unless she's lying. Then it makes a lot of sense.

    4. I think that she’s lying. Which would make Shannon both an accomplice and enabler.

    5. FINALLY the horses and livestock don't have to eat off their own feces on the ground.

      "Horses and the flock get hay, filling the nets Shannon tied by hand here in the farmhouse."

      (Also, Anon 5:48, the link works. You just have to hover over the words in the post referencing it and click.)

    6. Hay nets. Wow. Maybe the horses will finally get to eat above their manure-filled paddocks. For people unfamiliar with hay nets, they're used to keep hay off the ground, so the hay isn't trampled into manure and wasted. If their "hole size" spacing is small enough, they slow down a horse's rate of eating (which is considered better for digestion as it mimics grazing). Amazing it took FFF over ten years to implement this common equine practice!

      Hay nets can cost the LEAST of horse supplies, selling for as little as $5.99 at Amazon. To be sure, top quality ones can cost much more (Nibble Nets, I'm looking at you), but the principle is the same. No one I have ever known makes them from scratch because time isn't usually worth the effort. At least it's recycling.

      There are DIY instructions (re-using baling twine), but horse owners, lol, usually aren't that cheap when it comes to their animals. It seems to be another case of the faux feral farmer household pretending to be anachronistic farmers but merely working inefficiently -  like watering animals by carrying buckets of water instead of using a garden hose!

      Using hay nets still means that the human has to fill them which, let me tell you, can be a pain in the derriere. I'll bet the FFF won't be thrilled about filling those nets twice daily in lieu of tossing loose hay over the fence, so this will be another JJ job.

      I hope it lasts for the horses' sake. Well done JJ. Now, if you want to know how to make easily refillable hay nets, feel free to do an Internet search or ask at CAST.

    7. WIW - Shannon is probably thinking, "Why fix what ain't broke" in regards to the daily-begging-for-free-money shitshow she just became a part of.

      As for the hay nets, it's really sad that it took 10+ years for that to happen. And really pathetic that Jenna is so lazy and lame-brained that she couldn't have wrangled that set up on her own. SMH. Hopefully the horses will be happier and healthier now.

  50. I was wondering if Whack got her feelings hurt. She hasn’t left comments for a few months.

    1. She posted back in mid-January that she had been with family on vacation. But I don't think she's posted since.


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