
Why isn't she terrified of the snow storm that's heading her way?  She should be scurrying around begging begging begging about wood and hay and food and booze!  The ultimate lazy...can't even beg properly.  SMH.


  1. HD. You’re giving her new begging ideas. LOL!!!


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. (Typo corrections)

      You're all right! FFF has been too busy buying TS crap, playing on-line games, showing off the social media hawk prop and playing house with FFFJr TO REMEMBER TO BEG ABOUT POTENTIALLY THE BIGGEST WINTER STORM IN 3 YEARS.

      Since we all know FFF reads CAST, it's not too late for her take HD's advice, then drag out her never-fail "winter's bottom" scare phrases and post them.

      In all of this, I feel SO SORRY for all the animals, especially her poor old horses - stuck with an uncaring, false-faced POS like Pig Shocker.

    4. My first thought was not how "terrified" she is of snowstorms. My first thought was, how are the horses, who NEVER use the crappy one-sided shelter because she never feeds them in it, going to survive? Merlin is coming on up (or already?) 20 years old. She is heartless.


    5. LOLing hard at "FFFJr" -- Good one!

      Of course she's using the latest hot topic news story to get sympathy and donations. Remember at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic when she tweeted that she had a fever? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

      Agree about those poor horses. Especially the one she claims never needs a blanket. In the 10+ years she's been there, her lazy ass has never taken the time to build a barn for them. But oh, she had plenty of time and money to build a mews for her hawks. And don't forget, just last year she spent even more time and money building some sort of add-on contraption to the mews. Ugh.

  3. She made it!!! She made it!!!! Somehow today she made at least $500. for soaps and crappy $20. "art"? Also she had 41 bales of hay delivered for $500. I mean that is $12.20 a bale? You have to be kidding me. Isn't that pretty darn steep? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Exactly two months ago she wrote:

      "There are about 80 bales of hay in the barn with another 75 on hold for in reserve to deliver when I am ready for them. [...] Going through 2 a day for the horses and flock right now."

      80 + 75 = 155 bales

      On December 12th she wrote:

      "The 130 bales I set aside to get a jump start on winter feed are nearly gone."

      I thought she said she had 75 set aside? Or perhaps she meant that she already had 80, plus the ones "set aside" (75) which equals 130...not 155. (BTW, she states that her barn's capacity is 100-130 bales.)

      And don't forget the 200+ bales she had "set aside" at Patty's barn. What happened to those? Oh, who cares. Let's all pitch in and PayPal her pronto cuz even though she has 3 cords of firewood she'll be announcing it's all gone any day now.

  4. “I will be using all the money I have to buy in that hay and hope to earn it back soon as possible. Or I need to sell livestock.”

    Oh, please, please, sweet baby Jesus, sell the livestock.

    1. she had no business bringing home those hay-burners to begin with.

      What did she pay for those sheep, $100? And now she's spending hundreds in hay?

      People sell horses when hay gets too expensive. Why the hell did she even get sheep? It's not like she ever posts photos of them.

    2. I thought she didn't have sheep at the moment? Which is why I questioned her using an old(?) photo of her feeding a sheep in her current begging thread. I assume it's just horses, the dogs/cats, a few pigs, some chickens, two geese that I hope bite her in the ass, and a hawk at this time, correct?

    3. No, she has three sheep. A shamster actually laid eyes on them. They're there.

  5. I'm am sooooooo tired of seeing this disgustingly dishonest pinned tweet of hers:

    "Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010. It's been tough. Done without a partner, family assist, govt assist, inheritance or a trust fund. I make a living now writing, farming, and making art. Your sales & contributions keep the lights on."

    It is TOTAL bullshit. She barely writes anything, she doesn't farm, and doesn't sell enough "art" to make a living. If she were a truly honest person it would read more like this:

    "Cold Antler is a wannabe farm I bought by begging for help from my blog followers, who lent me the money for the down payment cuz my credit was crap. Until recently I ran it alone, but the first 5 years I ran it with the help of the town -- before I took advantage and screwed them over. Now they don't really talk to me. It's been tough making the monthly mortgage, especially after quitting a good paying job w/benefits. But I HAAAAATE working, so in order to pay my bills (and buy luxury stuff) I decided to rely full-time on my fans instead! So no need for a partner, family, gov't assist, etc. (Well, I do now have a partner, but she doesn't work either!) And so now I make a living begging, pleading, scamming, and begging. And I do this every single day, all year long, cuz constant drama really pay$ off! In addition to never making my mortgage payment on time, I also struggle hard to pay for animal feed, truck repairs, root canals etc. You name it, I can't pay for it. Like at all. Ever. At least not without your monthly help. It's tough and every month is a major struggle. And you can read all about it in my free blog!! (But please puh-lease "throw in" some cash for the 10+ years I've been whining about being broke.) And oh yeah, Taylor Swift darlin'!!!!"

    1. Anon7,
      Hilarious and spot on!!

    2. You legit made me snort my coffee. "You name it, I can't pay for it. Like at all. Ever. "

    3. That made my morning, thanks!


    4. Your welcome! And don't forget to thank Jenna too, cuz her constant never-ending bullshit makes her super duper easy to lampoon. She's a satire writer's dream.

  6. Her hay stories are so much bullshit. I live in the same general region, and while it's true we've been under a draught, most farmers harvested two - three cuttings of hay this year. I even saw one go for a fourth!

    So I'm confident Pig Shocker had sufficient hay available to buy. As I've mentioned before, most people purchase hay right after its harvest, or at least have their hay supplier set it aside for them, even if the hay supplier "stores it" until needed. That Pig Shocker couldn't do this mostly speaks to her no-doubt rotten reputation with local suppliers. How many has she burned? They won't sell hay to her...or let her pay over time!

    Also, only an idiot waits until December to buy hay. That's like looking for a generator after a hurricane has wiped out your city's power...or buying your snow shovel after a blizzard. If she hadn't been wasting her money, she could have easily purchased hay in the summer (when it was cheap) and kept it secure by stacking bales on recycled wood pallets covered with a plastic tarp (courtesy of Amazon Prime).

    For grins, last week I checked on hay availability in her neighborhood. You won't be shocked to learn there was hay for sale, even at the local feed store (about 10 miles away). The cost at the feed store (always more than local farms) was $7/bale. Not the cheapest, but it's a seller's market when buying hay in December!

    IMO, the hay shortage saga is nothing more than her latest attempt to fabricate drama and get poodle cash. She knows city people have no clue about forage and unless you live locally (or do your research), you don't know local hay conditions. She's received a lot of sympathy over the "lack" of hay. Poor little farmer - SUCH a tough life. Her hay problems, if they're real, were explicitly caused by her own laziness and idiocy.

    SMH (continually) at her stupidity and false stories.

    1. Her whole life is lies. Looks like she’s bought bots on Twitter again with free funds from dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters.


    2. I wish one of her foollowers would ask her about the 400+ bales of hay she bragged about helping unload at Patty's farm a few months ago. And she said that HALF were for CAF. So what happened to all those bales?

    3. LS - Good eye on noticing the newly purchased bot accounts. Definitely bought and paid for with grifting money. Cuz how else could she go from 4,700+ to 4,900+ practically overnight?

      Another thing that makes it obvious that the majority of her foollowers are bots: Hardly any engagement from them. For every tweet she makes, she receives an average of about 10 likes and 10 re-tweets. Out of almost 5,000 foollowers? Yeah, right. And the fact that she BEGS for sales every single day also shows that the majority of those supposed foollowers lack flesh, blood, and bank accounts.

      But on the bright side, she's training artificial intelligence how to spot a grifter. So that's cool.

  7. No, she never reads here:

    “this farm really needs sales to cover a large hay bill today, gift certificates available for logos and art! Thread of what is offered below. Please retweet! It could make all the difference here before the storm hits!!”

    I never knew that an inanimate object like “this farm” needed sales to survive. JFW is a lazy, piece of shit parasite who begs online for a living rather than work to support herself like a normal adult.


    1. I'll bet her parents are SO proud of her and her begging ways.

      You know, she never writes about any birthday or Christmas gifts she receives from them. I'll bet it's cuz they send her gift-wrapped boxes full of job applications. To be fair, I probably wouldn't write about that either.

  8. well if she got her 41 bales of hay and she uses 2 bales each day it sure isn't going to take her very far. 20 days worth of hay that would be the beginning of Jan. around the 5th or so, then what more begging and then the hay will be oh I don't know 30 dollars a bale? Her new math just never ever adds up and to say she paid over $12. a bale this time around it sounds very fishy to me.

    1. On one of the hay beg tweets she wrote:

      "...it is for dried grass to feed livestock and roof!"

      She throws hay on her roof? WTF for? Or did she mis-spell "root" and forgot to type "canal"??

  9. Twitter Twaddle:

    “The amount of snow here is insane. I was walking through pile up to my boobs to get to the show shovels. MY BOOBS.”

    “We started digging out the farm at 8:30.

    We are still digging.

    I have never worked my body this hard in my life.

    All the animals are fed, have paths to water and food and shelter.

    I need coffee. Bad.”

    Poor widdle feral farmer actually has to get off her fat ass and shovel. And “her girl” is here to help. “Isn’t that special?”

    1. Gee, I usually put the snow shovel right by the door so I can easily get to it. :-/

    2. the day before the snow started she DID mention she had the snow shovels by the back door and the wood stacked and hay in the barn. It is very hard to keep her stories straight you know when there is a chance at a good line and she can talk about her boobs. She is a boob.

    3. I wonder if she meant her real boobs or her Photoshopped boobs? Like, did the snow go up to her normal cleavage line or up to her edited cleavage line? Cuz that would be a big difference of 4-5 inches. And I really must know. For like...um...science reasons, I guess.

  10. Well Shamsters, another holiday season is here! May your season be full of home made (not store bought) pies, hoses, twinkle lights, working vehicles, a winter's worth of hay, and nary a root canal!

    1. Happy Holidays to everyone! Well, as happy as they can be during these times, lol. It's been a weird year for sure. And very strange it will be to be spending time away from the usual suspect family members. But it's all for the sake of everyone's health -- which is the most important gift we can all give each other. (I know that sounds corny, but I truly do wish that everyone survives this holiday season.)

  11. She acts like she's the only person who's ever shoveled snow. Where I'm from, you learn to shovel almost as soon as you learn to walk. Sometimes you have to shovel your roof. So she shoveled snow. Big deal.

    1. Like many ignorant millennials she thinks that doing things like shoveling snow merit rewards like stupid participation trophies in school.


    2. The driveway issue is one millions of people resolved by.... buying a snowplow. Or *gasp* paying for someone with a snowplow to do your drive.

      Hand shoveling that snow is a poor use of effort and time. I bet she posted that as a passive-aggressive way of getting a neighbour with a plow to come do her drive.

      Even in suburbia, that's what is done - the neighbour with the plow does the drives on the street, everyone buys him / her beer.

    3. She pays someone to mow her lawn. For all we know, she pays someone to plow her driveway.

    4. Actually, she’s bragged about being a lesbian who mows her own lawn.

    5. On Twitter she posted a photo of herself raking on the roof of her hovel. One of her foollowers asked her this question:

      "Wow. Is that to ease the weight on the roof? Or the risk of dropping on someone?"

      She so far hasn't bothered to respond to him. Probably because his tweet didn't include the golden "Do you have PayPal?" question. For someone like her, who constantly panhandles online, you'd think she'd engage more with those who take the time to comment.

      So why is she raking her roof anyway?

    6. She's up there raking the roof because she's an idiot. Roof rakes are normally used, with telescope handles, so people can safely stand on the ground and pull snow off the roof.

      Why rake snow off a roof?

      Snow can be heavy and if the house is poorly constructed or maintained, or too much snow arrives, the accumulated snow can damage or cause roof collapse. In general, a roof is designed to handle 20 pounds/sq foot of snow, or about 4 feet

      We've only shoveled snow once in the many years we lived in the Northeast. And we did it from the ground...safely.

  12. Oh! and now she is "hawking" her chickens for sale but not till next year so if you can just pay her now and pray real hard that "your" chicken isn't one that is eaten by wild animals around or her dogs then sometime next year you should probably get some scrawny chicken to take home an bake. Please Please don't read my post though if you only knew what I feed those little suckers you would puke.

    1. Again, she’s doing a long con.”


    2. Lols at "scrawny chicken" :D

      Does anyone know her rates per chicken? Curious to know how much she charges for something that she probably buys at the store and then re-packages.

  13. Friday Drivel:

    “Driveway is almost cleared. It is very hard to hand shovel 4 feet of snow in a driveway. My back left. It just left.”

    I predict that her back will be the next begging topic on Twitter. “I still don’t have insurance. It’s because I’m queer, and they’re discriminating against us gays. PayPal me. It means so much to this farm!!!”


    1. Why wouldn’t she buy a snowplow for her crappy “metal-sided” truck? Maybe they either “terrify’ her like chainsaws do, or she’d rather shovel by hand the same stupid way that she hauls water by bucket. She’s inefficient and inept at country living even after a decade of doing it. What a pathetic poser.

    2. Her house is RIGHT NEXT TO THE ROAD. Knowing a major snowstorm was due to arrive, a normal person might have parked as close to the road as possible (while out of reach of snow plows) so s/he didn't have much to shovel out.

      Or...Oh, oh, I know! Since she's feral and all that and even had PAYING customers attend her "emergency preparation class", I'm sure she can rig up a DIY snow plow, so she can hitch up her unused farm pony to plow the snow. You know, like a real farm person - someone who tries to work smarter?

      Here's one of many designs:


    3. PDD. An intelligent person would do what you’re suggesting. But the brave, badass feral farmer never listens to sensible suggestions. She also brags about living on a mountain far from civilization. But she can walk to town. Her whole life is lies.


    4. Can't she just lay down on the driveway and flatten or roll the snow outta the way?

      Neat video -- would like to see that plow in action (as a person who's never lived with snow). BTW, anyone else think that man in the video sounds like Bill Murray in Caddyshack?


  14. Twit Shit:


    It’s either the temp today, or her character rating. (Which would be a lot less.)


    1. More lies. Her town is 5°F (we are 6°F).

    2. Yeah, I also looked and saw that the temp was different than what she tweeted. She lies every time her mouth moves.


    3. On her beggity bleg she wrote:

      "And now for a -2 degree night! Wish the pipes luck!!!"

      Here we go again. Frozen pipes are her favorite go-to disaster for the annual Winter's Bottom donation drive. Can't wait for the "finally got to take a hot shower" comment once she meets her donation quota.

  15. Twit Shit:

    “This farm really needs sales and you really need that last minute gift! I'm to order anything in the thread below!”

    The true tweet: (and it’s “Time to order” not “I’m,” moron)

    We need more free funds for doing nothing but breathing. And “my back left” last night. PayPal me. It means so much to this farm!!!


    1. “Last minute gift”

      So she tweeted the time had passed to get orders out in time for christmas. What last minute gift are people buying? An IOU?

    2. Her words are worthless. An IOU from the FFF is like the Birchthorn book backers waiting for their hard copies for a few years or more.


    3. I wonder if she meant to say "DM to order" ??? Either way, she's hoping that people will purchase CAF gift certificates for a logo or pet sketch. And she's hoping that they'll forget and go away.

      Speaking of the Birchthorn disaster, did we ever get a final number on how many people didn't get their book? Also curious if there are any new comments on the website, as that page doesn't load for me so I haven't been able to check.

  16. “Yes the chair is fraying, all my money goes into not having to work off-farm.”

    Yes, my shit shack is falling apart. All of my money mooching donations goes into buying Taylor Swift sweaters, pricy coffee, and ugly pleather jackets. It’s all just an excuse to not work to support myself and Shannon.

    1. She also buys bottles of bourbon, new leather falconry gloves, hipster kilts, expensive archery equipment, mountain smashing gear, 5K running shoes, wolf contact lenses, Amazon fat girl tunics, and Walmart hair extensions.

      Then she pay for her mortgage with any money that’s left over from frivolous purchases.

    2. also it was just a few months ago that she mentioned this was her new chair on twitter. Doesn't appear to be holding up all that well. So she used money from somewhere to buy it not that long ago.

    3. I think that Moronic Miriam gave her that chair. The same way that she recently gifted JFW with a used Mac. She’s another dumb enabler like Pember Patty.


    4. Fixed it for her.

      “Yes the chair is fraying, all my money goes into not having to work. I play while others pay."

    5. Lol. I wonder what goes thru her mind when she makes certain financial decisions. For example, her entire income is generated by online strangers. She leaves it to chance that she'll be able to make the mortgage and pay bills.

      So imagine at any time during the month, she has only half saved up but then she sees some sparkly new item that she just HAS to have. She eyeballs her bank account knowing full well it's not enough for the mortgage and that she shouldn't touch it.

      But decides anyway to spend $50+ on sparkly item, while thinking to herself: "It's OK, I'm sure someone online will buy something to replace what I just spent."

      Why do that? Why take a stupid risk like that?

  17. It’s weird how Whack hasn’t commented since we called her out for not responding to the questions about her background in psychiatric care. Thoughts?

    1. I’m puzzled as well, but to be honest, her absence is a welcome relief. I usually skip past her posts because they are crude and vulgar, but sometimes I accidentally catch a phrase or two. I do not think she has a psych background, but I think other things which I’m not going to speculate on here.

    2. I hadn’t noticed until you mentioned it.

      The reason I asked is that I know, and WDH knows too, if she really works with psych patients, that you cannot diagnose someone just by looking at them, let alone by seeing a photo. Psych professionals would also not throw around terms like “crazy likes crazy”.

      I have also speculated on here about what diagnosable mental health / neurodiverse diagnoses FFF may qualify for based on her behaviour, because I can’t help but ask why, especially when it comes to anti-social behaviour.

      I don’t often engage WDH on here because she doesn’t really want to have a conversation. That’s fine if all she wants to do is vent her frustration at FFF’s continued exploitive behaviour and immature choices.

      Returning to WDH choosing not to answer our honest questions, it might be that in answering them, she could reveal where she works, and could get fired for showing what sort of prejudice and distain she has for the patients they care for.

      Even though mental health workers are not supposed to hold such stigmatized judgement, some of them do.

      If WDH has actually been an inpatient, well, then that shows what she thinks of herself too, for needing that treatment, and every “crazy” comment she made is a double edged blade cutting against herself.

      I have no idea if that’s true or not.

      Taking only what WDH actually said, I think she may work on or near a psych ward, but not as a mental health professional.

    3. Anonymous 12:25. I second what you said. Her crazy insistence that many comments were made by Jenna was strange.

    4. WiW. We just left our comments at the same time. Thanks for your pertinent points.

    5. I'm interested to know what's up as well. I've noticed that from time to time people here take a break due to CAF fraud fatigue or illness, but they eventually return.

      Hope everyone stays well and healthy!

    6. There is no way WDH is a mental health professional. Her comments are unprofessional, crude and juvenile. I also do not think she works with mental health patients for the same reason. It is very possible she has been an in-patient or an out-patient. Her absolute intolerance for anyone with a different opinion is disturbing. Also, I do not think she really believes Jenna comments here. She accuses people of being Jenna in an attempt to discredit them and also to get under their skin.

    7. It’s also odd how Whack has never given any follow-up reports on her alleged animal abusing investigations against CAF. I’ve even asked her to share them with us here. Yet she’s ignored my questions. You’d think that she’d want to brag about her positive results. Which is why my conclusion is that she’s lied. (Ironically, it’s just like Jenna has done.)

    8. I don't enough about WHF to speculate, but I hope she's staying safe and healthy. Like Anon7 writes, people sometimes drop out after they burn out on the "muchness" that is Dead Animal Farm.

      Year after year, post after post, FFF doesn't really change and while Shamsters bring light to the abuse and neglect, she still has birds, a captive raptor, sheep, a goat, maybe pigs and two long suffering horses. It can certainly frustrate. I do realize that without online watchdogs, FFF would likely be even worse - and that sustains me. At least for now.

      Stay safe, everyone.

  18. i live in the area and I personally know the animal control person here. She did not investigate nor did she know of any inspection at FFF's property. I asked her when this whole investigation thing started and she knew nothing about it. I would assume that she would have heard something if it happened. i drove by a few weeks ago and only saw a few sheep. I'll look again next time I head to Cambridge.

    1. I was responsible for an investigation this past spring, and one the winter before. (Others also assisted independent of me.) A deputy emailed me about the last results. So I can personally vouch for at least two of them happening. Just because one woman doesn’t have any knowledge of them is meaningless to me. I spent hours of effort to try and help the livestock, and her hawks too.


    2. I also wanted to add that this deputy wasn’t on the local level. He was based in Glens Falls, NY. That might be why this woman had no knowledge of any investigations.


    3. LS - And remember that the Pig Shocker wrote, at least two times on her bleg, that she had a surprise inspection she wasn't very happy about. And how they all became best friends afterwards!

    4. Anon7. Yeah, I recall her stupid bragging about being their best friends bullshit. It’s a fact that her faux farm has been investigated multiple times for animal abusing. I think that the deputy who worked with me could’ve communicated with the Cambridge authorities regarding what he found out. Unfortunately, I can’t confirm this theory.

    5. Right. She wrote about the inspections and was pretty po’d about them.

  19. PDD - Like you, I find it beyond frustrating that JFW is still operating her lazy lifestyle. But I also agree that we are keeping her in check. She knows she’s being watched and it could be much worse.

    Anon 4:25 - I agree with you. Whacko would offer some tantalizing information about an upcoming investigation or break that was going to happen any time now, but nothing ever came to fruition. Don’t know if it was a lie, delusion or what. It remains a mystery.

    1. I’ve emailed Whack a few times regarding my information on the investigations. Even privately she never responded after my first message. Although she expressed a lot of interest. I was surprised that she didn’t have the common courtesy to reply. Since I took time to send her a detailed report. Although she agreed that what I’d accomplished was good. So her sudden stopping to comment, when she’s been a prolific poster, is a mystery to me too.


    2. Maybe whack is really PS, and she got you to send her all the detailed info. I don't know, just sayin'.....

    3. Anonymous 12:35. I’ve also thought that might be possible. But because we went through HD to exchange emails it felt okay. And unlike Whack, I don’t believe that Jenna is everywhere in the world.


  20. Anon12: I'm going through a burn out phase with her. P.S. Further up in the comments someone cited all the crap she has bought over the years with her dire emergency save the farm money. I would amend one thing to read: CUSTOM MADE archery equipment. If memory serves right, and maybe not, she had a bow made up extra unicorn special for her. It's when she was begging, which she's been doing since I started reading her, and then the kilts and Merlin and pony lessons cropped up and me going, "HUH?" Not to mention....was the goat named Belinda? that she acquired so she could make soap and she needed a milking station and the cart where she and PP would harness to go to town to get some ice cream. The more people fund her, the more she can play out this fantasy that should stay solidly in her head while she works to earn what she wants. Thank God I never gave her a penny. The fiddle lessons, martial art lessons, soap making lessons...never mentioned anymore.

    1. Did she ever receive that bow? She hasn't mentioned it since, and that's not like her. Maybe she fell behind in payments and then ghosted the company?

      As for the fiddle, archery, etc., lessons it's no wonder she gave up on that because her prices were outrageously stupid. Anyone can teach them selves how to use a bow and arrow as it's not rocket surgery. Yet she charged $250 for four hours of instruction that you can probably find on YouTube for free.

  21. The lazy lifestyle loser edition:

    “WASH AWY 2020! Offering discount bulk bundles, 20 bars for $100 shipping included! All soaps are made on farm and these sales will help pay the mortgage and keep the hay flowing. Trying to catch up with the November mortgage asap and prepare to make the last payment of 2020! DM!”


    1. Her hysteria is hilarious. Apparently, she never edits her stupid tweets before posting them:

      “Somebody out there's gotta need soap!”


    2. Seriously...is a quick edit before posting THAT hard?

      Also note that the latest bleg post is titled, "Gail Force" instead of "Gale" -- or perhaps she meant to type "Fail" ??

    3. She’s a rotten writer who won’t take time to either edit her stupid tweets, or her overwrought purple prose

  22. It’s been said before but I’ll say it again. There is no way she is supporting herself on soap sales. I think she has gotten so much pushback on outright begging that “soap sales” is a dog whistle for “just send money”. She always mentions the mortgage because she knows it will invoke sympathy.

    It’s subliminal suggestion and manipulative marketing at its finest.

    1. Exactly. She’s little more than a cunning beggar who uses Twitter for free funds, instead of standing on a street corner with a cup in her hand. Her whole life is lies.


  23. Twit Shit:


    “Still working to pay off last month. Make a difference for this small farm and buy some art, soap, meat, or kick in towards 13 years of writing! Share if possible! I want to exhale this holiday”

    These stupid tweets are examples of her manipulative marketing. They’re complete with crazy capitalization, and implying that she can’t breathe because of financial stress. Which she’s caused by her continual crappy choices to not get a job.


    1. She’s like a dyke damsel in distress every month due to her refusal to accept adult accountability for her own expenses.

    2. More like "still BEGGING to pay off last month"

      And "Make my Christmas" she says. This lazy yet able-bodied grifter is asking for money from people who are probably broke themselves and out of a job due to current circumstances. Man, she is soooooo tone deaf. Make your own Christmas, Pig Shocker, just like the rest of us.

    3. She’s asking her followers what they’re doing for Christmas, but hasn’t responded with her own plans. She’ll probably beg on Twitter for mortgage money. Then she and Shannon can take turns squatting on the top of her stairs and scarf their dinner. Like she’s bragged about doing before.

  24. oh so now we are up to 13 years of writing. I swear her years must be 2 months long. First she was saying 10 years then all of a sudden it was 11 then 12 and now 13? Dang. All her lies she can't get her stories straight for sure.

    1. She’s the queer queen of exaggeration, hyperbole and blatant lying.

  25. Anyone care to guess what the heck is going on with her soap making process? In the Twitter photo she uses to attract buyers they look like this:


    In that pic, the mold lines are sharp and the design is defined pretty well. But then one of her customers posted a pic of what she recently received and they are a hot mess:


    Compare the photos side by side and the difference is huge. The customer's soaps are lacking definition...perhaps they partially melted during the shipping process? The type of soap used looks different too...like slimy instead of matte. And while the snowflakes that Jenna advertises look OK-ish, the ones that her customer received look like something my cat puked up. Twice.

    1. The stuff she is selling looks like cheap melt and pour soap that has started "sweating" where the stuff she photographed looks like either high end melt and pour or cold process soap.

      I have a friend who makes her living selling handmade soap. Her stuff is vegan, eco-friendly, made from scratch, and seasonal. She charges about the same as PS per bar, and sells literally thousands of bars to make a living. Her profit margin is higher because she is not buying premade stuff. I can't see PS making more than $1 per bar unless they are hotel soap size.

    2. I know locals who have bought her soap. They’ve said that it’s crappy quality, and also doesn’t last long.

    3. Tyr's Bad Hand: Sorry I didn't see your reply sooner, but thanks for the explanation! It makes sense as her soaps look diseased and demented. And if she really is using cheap melt and pour and charging the same as well-made soap, well that's just more bad karma for her.

  26. I find it ironic that someone asked in the previous thread why we were picking on Jenna when there were so many COVID cases and Jeff Bezos was making a fortune, blah, blah, blah.

    How about this. Long lines of people at food banks, record high unemployment and there is Jenna, a college educated, able bodied person begging month after month, year after year. She has no awareness of other people’s real struggles.

    1. Exactly. That was well-put. She doesn’t deserve to have a home.


  27. Twit Shit (the holiday whining edition):

    “Do you use soap? Know someone that does?! Send a DM! I have so me to sell!”

    The stupid sentence “I have so me to sell!” is nonsensical. Her desperation and delusional manipulative marketing is beyond pathetic.

    “If you are a soap customer and would like to see this farm keep going, please send a DM and secure an order for 2021! Buying ahead lets me plan & cover the November bills. Not ideal, but when things are right up against it life is less about ideals and more about making it.”

    Again, she’s money mooching in advance for next year. Nothing about her lazy loser lifestyle is “ideal.” Shannon should feel ashamed to be with a beggar.


    1. No one cares whether or not “this” faux farm survives. Even her parents are probably praying that it’s finally foreclosed.

    2. Maybe Shannon could get a job bagging groceries to help pitch in if “this farm” is up against it.

    3. Neither of the special snowflakes will work to pay for their own living expenses.

  28. CAFinition of the day.

    Freelancer = Freeloader.

    1. Speaking of Tyr's Bad Hand, I found this article online about a "white only" Asatru church granted a permit in a Minnesota town. The community did not want to permit it, but unfortunately their lawyers told them it would be too expensive to fight. That's the same religion (Asatru) that JW was toying around with a few years ago. I guess now we know she's a bigot, too.



    2. I forgot to mention, that religion is followed by ancestors of Norse and Germanic people. JW is Slavic. Another misappropriation of another culture by her.


    3. Heathenry is a religion open to all. Those who appropriate it for racial reasons misunderstand history and culture of the pre-Christian Germanic people. They were open, and frequently adopted others into their culture, as well as adopted gods and practices from other cultures.

      PS was never involved in any of the explicitly racist groups like the AFA from the story above, but she was very friendly with the Theodish via her subreddit, and they have issues with racism, sexism, and protecting child molesters. Granted I am 99% sure she isn't Heathen anymore

      If you want to know more about this, I suggest looking at Heathens Against Hate (heathensagainst.org) and The Troth (the troth.org) which is the largest Heathen organization that is a progressive organization.

    4. I guess you can make anything into whatever you want.

      As far as adopting practices from other cultures, I think that was sorta forced on them by the incoming Xtians, right?

      "[Odinists] claim they are opposed to racism, but they define racism very differently from the average person," says Rood. "They say, 'We're not racist. We just believe in keeping ethnicity separate.' Which… it's racist."


    5. Not really.

      Adapting practices happened long before Christianity. The idea of "pantheons" is actually incredibly modern. Because Germanic groups were used to adopting new gods into their traditions, it made Christianity easy to kind of sneak in there without as much conflict and bloodshed as other areas.

      Racists/Folkish/Odinists are an interesting phenomenon. For the most part, they are indistinguishable from Christian Identity as far as morals. They just refuse to belong to a religion that worships a Jewish person.

    6. White supremacists adopt/appropriate a lot of heathen symbolism. To say all heathens are racists is like calling all muslims terrorists, etc.

    7. What anon 10.24 said. I have many Heathen friends, and they are NOT happy with it being appropriated by white supremacists. Plenty of KKK members are Christian. It has nothing to do with the religion. Trash humans are unfortunately everywhere in every race, creed, or faith.

  29. I have no problem with people adopting traditions from other cultures. Our American culture is an amalgam of cultures from around the world.

    What bothered me about JFW though, was that her “religion” du jour was superior to all others. I remember her post about the difference between a heathen and pagan was IQ.

    1. That's the influence of the Theodish. They are a snobbish lot. Most other Heathens find them insufferable.

    2. I was pretty shocked that she insulted the intelligence of anyone who followed paganism. Although by now I shouldn't be surprised by her attitude of superiority. The motto of her heathen group was, "be of use". Should have been "be useless".

    3. She drops interests overnight if they no longer serve her scamming purposes. I haven’t heard her mention paganism since she came out as a lesbian last year. And she doesn’t post on her Reddit account anymore since they accused her of being a beggar.

  30. Maybe I missed it but did she ever mention who she sent the soap to for sending her Christmas Cards? Just wondering you know it means so much..........

    1. The beauty of this scam is that nobody will ever know who got the soap. My bet is that nobody got the soap or ever will.

    2. I'm with you Anon. 9:14 I figured it was all another scam of PS. You know she just never sent that soap along to anyone.

  31. She’s clearly buying bots on Twitter again. Her engagement numbers are too low considering the amount of followers that are present.

    1. Case in point: Her Christmas tweet last night received only two responses and thirty “likes.” Those are nothing numbers for someone who has almost 5,000 followers. Most of whom have her on mute so that they won’t be bothered by her begging.

  32. She has no problem appropriating Christmas with her request for Chri$tma$ card$ when it suits her. Otherwise, she just has disdain for anything Christian.

    I have no issue with what religion she practices, or if she chooses to not practice any. It’s her intolerance for beliefs other than her own. Just like someone who regularly posts here.

    1. If you’re referring to Whack, she hasn’t commented since called out about her ignoring our questions.

  33. Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope you are all doing well.

    I've been knitting and baking and just staying busy. Just trying not to let stress get to me to bad. My grandmother has covid and it looks like she's taking a turn for the worse. At least she's had a happy full life, so if she doesn't make it at least there will be those memories.

    Stay positive and stay safe.

    -A Concerned Homesteader

    1. May your grandmother get well!

    2. Wishing your grandmother good health and peace.

    3. Thank you sash and poodledidoo.


    4. Concerned Homesteader - My thoughts are also with you, your grandmother, and your family. I sincerely hope she pulls through. Wishing you the best.

      I also hope everyone somehow had a happy holiday despite the current situation. And I wish everyone good health and happiness, now and in the new year. Stay strong guys.

    5. Thank you Anon7. I wish you the best as well.

      News on grandma- she's needing less oxygen, but they made her sign a DNR before they'll accept her back to the nursing home when she's released from the hospital. Something is going on with her heart though, but she is refusing tests. I've got mixed feelings about all that, but it sounds like grandma is agreeable to the DNR, so can't change how it is. I just don't know. It's very stressful. Just hoping she stays with us long enough that we can see her again and so she can meet our littlest in person if the lockdowns on the nursing home ever cease.

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    6. Needing less oxygen is great news. She sounds like a strong one. Not sure how accurate this is, but I heard that frontline people and nursing home folk are receiving the vaccine first, and that they will be able to receive visitors once that happens. Fingers crossed for you and your family!

    7. My fingers are crossed too, Anon7. :)


  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I am thankful FFF didn't post her annual poor farmgirl-on-the-mountain drivel in her desperate attempts for poodle cash. Remember these gems?

    "There is nothing sadder than an estranged small town lesbian during the holidays." (PayPal Me)

    "Can I interest you in a pet portrait...I get to buy hay and feed and keep the lights on..." (PayPal Me)

    "I don't think I'll be able to make a house payment by tomorrow, still trying to gather sales somehow..." (PayPal Me)

    "Trying hard to make enough sales...help keep the bank happy and lights on." (PayPal Me)

    "...if you don't want to buy anything and just want to send some jingle jangle bells a ringing..." (PayPal Me)

    "This winter, especially this holiday season, has been very hard on me... I haven’t been doing much..." (PayPal Me)

    "To help get this farm more solvent, and to go into winter with the firewood, new tires, and the mortgage a little closer to caught up..." (PayPal Me)

    *I didn't post the MANY tweets where she begged for shares and sales so the animals (including her prop hawk) could be fed!

    Her artiface knows no limits; she is today's Artful Dodger, using animals in lieu of criminal children to pick the pockets of unsuspecting readers.

    Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the non-neglecting animal owners and people who don't lie for a living - you know who you are! 😉

    1. PDD. Your long list sums up her manipulative marketing and obnoxious begging. Looks like she’s been busy with Jenna Jr: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1342648629450788864/photo/1

      But she still has time to retweet those pathetic pleas for PayPal poodles to give her free funds for doing nothing but breathing.

      Happy Holidays!


    2. OMG PDD, when you list all those tweets together like that, one right after the other...hoo, man...that is desperate stuff. It's just a long list of "feel sorry for me" bullshit. But then remember, she bragged that she's the best, smartest, strongest one to survive the apocalypse. Yeah, OK liar.

      LS - That twit pic...they look like twins. Creepy grifting twins.

  36. Why I think the Dec. 12 Anon 10:15 in the previous thread who told us to lay off Jenna was Patty.

    1. As a long time shamster, I have read Patty's comments on Jenna's blog when comments were allowed. It was written in Patty's style.

    2. "But this group of five white women baby boomers are worried about someone selling soap and logos for $100."

    Jenna has often said that the comments on this blog are made by the same 5 women. Someone close to Jenna would know and repeat this false assumption.

    3. "Check your privilege. Y’all should get your priorities straight."

    Jenna has tried to guilt people with direct deposit into sending her money, because they have it and she doesn't, even though she did and threw that privilege away. Patty would know this.

    4. "Total US COVID DEATHS ~296,000

    ~3,000 people in the US are dying EVERYDAY from Covid

    644 US Billionaires have made $1 TRILLION dollars since the pandemic started.

    Jeff Bezos has a net worth of 182 BILLION DOLLARS and pays nothing in taxes while Amazon workers barely make minimum wage."

    Statistics. Patty worked for a library and I believe she was director before she lost her job. Citing statistics is a very library thing to do.

    5. "NocashfrommeDecember 9, 2020 at 2:10 PM
    PP tweeted her farm was owned by Madoff investors who lost everything. Nice work Pat, profiting off others misery (IMO)."

    "NocashfrommeDecember 10, 2020 at 3:26 PM
    Anon 7, Patty mentions her farm was purchased by her from Madoff investors who lost everything. It was in the context of rising farm prices and how she got a good deal. This was on instagram, I’ll try and find it again."

    "NocashfrommeDecember 11, 2020 at 11:09 AM
    I looked for PP’s Madoff post. It WAS in instagram under a post by Hoarse Whisperer on Nov 6. Looks like it’s been deleted."

    These comments appeared 1, 2 and 3 days before the Anon 10:15 post. Looks like Patty read it and got mighty po'd. And since the Anon 10:15 comment appeared on Dec. 12, I'd say it was Patty.

    If it wasn't Patty, whoever Anon 10:15 is, prove me wrong.

    1. You’ve made good points. And I agree that it’s probably Pember Patty defending the FFF.

    2. ❗❗❗

      Makes sense. "I got the better of others" seems to be a shared philosophy.

    3. Agreed. A lot of that talk sounds like the stuff on PP's Twitter and Instagram.

      Another thing I wonder about: Patty is roughly old enough to be Jenna's mother. Jenna is 38 and Patty's disabled son is just a few years younger. Her son has cerebral palsy and is bed-ridden. He sadly doesn't have the opportunity to live a full life as someone like Jenna could. If she wanted.

      Cuz she, who is a fully able-bodied person, is essentially a living-room-floor-ridden person by choice. Meaning she only gets up twice a day to feed animals and then spends the rest of the day on her lazy butt watching Netflix or obsessing over Taylor Swift on Twitter. In other words, totally wasting her life away by being sloth-like and not contributing anything of meaning to this world. And not getting a job either. Opportunities that Patty's son would surely covet if he had the ability.

      And so, Patty is OK with seeing lazy Jenna beg her life away like that while her son is denied the opportunity? It makes no sense to me that Patty is friends with someone selfish like Jenna who takes her own able-bodied life for granted. But whatever.

  37. awe she's got her Christmas Cardigan on just like every proud 13 year old girl out there.

    1. I saw the stupid sweater. She has no sense of style.

    2. that's her proud Taylor Twitshit sweater, just like a 13 year old "fan". Good God she is middle aged and she is still acting like this? There is no hope for her.

    3. How often (especially when she's begging for mortgage money) has the Pig Shocker stated that "throwing in" just a "buck or two" means so much and makes all the difference?

      Yet. That Taylor Swift cardigan was $60...which is a lot of "thrown-in bucks" to waste on something she didn't need. A lot of "bucks" that were supposedly earmarked for the mortgage. How is it her foollowers are so stupid that they don't realize their hard earned money went to waste? And it will go to waste the next month and the month after that. What dumb asses.

  38. I'm shocked that the Pig Shocker managed to make it thru Christmas Day without begging once. All she posted was a pic of her and the GF.

    And speaking of...is it me or is Shannon morphing into Jenna looks-wise? Anyone remember that 90's movie "Single White Female" where the new roommate took over her roomie's identity?

    Dun! dun!! dun!!! (Stay tuned...)

    1. I’ve also noticed the facial similarities between the two. Although she didn’t beg she still retweeted her pathetic pleas for money mooching. And Shannon doesn’t resemble TS. It’s just another illusion of Jenna’s to try and make her feel better.


  39. Twitter Twaddle - Shut The Fcuk Up Edition:

    "So a few days left in the month to make up November, things are getting a little tense. Please click and share the post below? It could lead to a few sales that make all the difference here!"

    Jenna Woginrich, do you ever stop to hear yourself? Your tweet sounds like everything will be fine if you can just make November. But it's almost January, which means you'll be begging all month for free funds to pay for December. Rinse and repeat for every damn month in 2020.

    You can't keep living this lifestyle. Being lazy and refusing to work is not admirable. And you are racking up some seriously bad karma for yourself. 2020 is just around the corner. And a new year brings New Year's resolutions. So why don't you make some? In particular, a resolution to stop the online panhandling.


    1. Whoops...I meant to say 2021 each time I said 2020.

      I guess it's because I LoVeD 2020 sO MuCh, I just can't let it go.

    2. And what does it say about Shannon that she's happy to live in a house that's a month away from foreclosure, apparently?

      I still think this I cAn'T pAy My MoRtGaGe WAAAAH schtick is bullshit, and she pays for her roof first just like everyone else. Shannon must know that too, or else why would you risk homelessness? Of course, maybe she can just move back in with her family. *shrug*

    3. I don't get what's up with the GF at all. By this time, she must see that Jenna is a major online panhandler hiding behind the guise of producing goods now and then from a fake homestead. And she's OK with that?

  40. And this pathetic tweet from a few days ago:

    "If you are a soap customer and would like to see this farm keep going, please send a DM and secure an order for 2021! Buying ahead lets me plan & cover the November bills. Not ideal, but when things are right up against it life is less about ideals and more about making it."

    "...but when things are right up against it life is less about ideals and more about making it."

    Yeah, Pig Shocker, remind us about that again the next time you are:

    -Buying new Taylor Swift merchandise, CDs
    -Spending money on booze, premium coffee
    -Purchasing new mountain smashing equipment
    -Renewing Netflix, HBO, Disney Plus, Hulu and WOW subscriptions

    Cuz "ideally" you should be spending that hard core begged-for donation money on actually "making" the mortgage. On time for once. Or better yet, you could get a job. Or at least make the GF get one. So many options, you!

  41. And why doesn’t Shannon get a job if things are right up against it? Did Jenna promise her a “live like fiction” lifestyle where she could quit her job and be supported by strangers? And why does getting a job seem like failure to Jenna?

    1. Shannon is just Jenna Jr. in a younger version. They’re both lazy lifestyle losers who won’t work to support themselves like normal adults.


    2. Silly Anno 7:01 getting a job and working for someone is for "the little people" not our special well now 2 special snowflakes. We need to live like fiction forever and ever amen......

  42. I discovered Dave Ramsey when I was in my late 30s and drowning in debt. His advice was merciless. Sell as much of your stuff as you can, only spend on necessities, live on beans and rice, deliver pizzas and tackle debt with gazelle intensity.

    I looked forward to the day when I could scream, “I’m debt free!” like his callers did on his radio show.

    It took many years, but I did it. I could go to the mailbox or answer the phone without worrying about debt collectors.

    So when I see Jenna whining about her mortgage then spending money on foolish stuff, I want to slap her silly.

    1. Dave Ramsey’s motto is, “live like no one else, so one day you can live like no one else”.

      Jenna’s motto is “live like fiction and get other people to pay for it”.

  43. Anon12: I looked up that Christmas Day photograph on Twitter. The body language is interesting. The younger girlfriend is in the more dominant position, with her arm over FF's shoulders. FF is in a rather shrinking, "I'm the stupid younger sister" posture. She literally looks drawn down. I noticed the girlfriend wears a lot of jewelry: earrings, necklace, multiple rings. FF even has some oddly mismatched crap pieces on. Also, Junior has on nail polish and has plucked her eyebrows and is wearing a seasonal (i.e. is this necessary?) snowman turtleneck. A lot in this picture reveals either past or present expenditure that doesn't match with the chopping wood is fun (if others do it for you) mindset of the PP Queen. These two are like mismatched luggage, and yet they might come from the same egg. You'd think one of them would want to earn some money to move ahead in life.

    1. Anon 7:55 I think you hit the nail on the head with this post. First thing I thought when I saw this picture was the shirt PS Jr. was well that's an old lady shirt that she drags out for the week of Christmas and yep PS Sr. for once was shrinking in the background with her "cardigan" on as a loyal 13 year old fan. The most mismatched picture I have seen in a long time.

    2. Yet Jenna has bragged about being the sexually dominant one in their relationship, and calling herself the stupid term “futch.” Several of their photos strongly suggest that the opposite is true.


  44. Back to begging by unpopular demand:

    “Okay so I know there's very few days left in this year, but this farm is still working on the November mortgage and it's getting right up against the wire. Hay deliveries and possibly more firewood to go so making a high income goal every day through New Years in hope we make it!”

    Go fuck yourself, Jenna. You’re a parasite and pathological liar.


    1. So why isn't one or both of them out bagging groceries or delivering pizzas if they're right up against the wire? Sorry, Jenna. Your mortgage, your responsibility.

  45. Hey Patty, Miriam, Shannon or whoever was defending Jenna in the last thread. She's up against the wire and working on November's mortgage. How about a) giving her the money or b) kicking her butt into getting a job. And not a "job" that requires begging every month.

    1. Are you kidding Anon. 3:29? You want her to work to pay her own bills? What is this world coming to? Don't you know that you can now play WoW for free? She needs this to keep all the stress down after all this soap making this past few months and those pesky people who want their doggie pictures that she should be scribbling out but playing WoW. So just send her the damn money, it means so much.

    2. The lazy lifestyle losers would rather be supported by dumb enablers than work.


    3. The Pig Shocker definitely reads here cuz not only did she mention that WOW was "free" she also today asked about hiking boot recommendations (for a 5" wide foot) but also made sure to mention that she's not buying them "anytime soon" -- as she's buying them later after she "earns up" the money.

      BTW, my foot width is 3" which seems average. So is she bullshitting about hers being 5" wide? Cuz that's almost half a foot wide. And I've never seen anyone with feet that big.

      Also in that tweet she publicly begged Backpacker Magazine to send her free wide hiking boots and PAY her to write about them:

      "Any ideas? @BackpackerMag?! Do you want to hire me to write a review of these?! I pitched it to another outdoor mag I did reviews for and they passed but HOBBITS HIKE TOO!

      *sigh* Get a job you beggar.

  46. So I looked at that twitter picture with the Taylor Swift cardigan. I've been following CAF for over 10 years and have watched the evolution of JFW's style. First it was the Scots/Irish thing. Kilts, St. Brigid's cross, etc. Then the Viking theme with Thor's hammer, then Anna Kendrick's Rag & Bone jeans. And now it's everything Taylor Swift.

    I remember when she posted this. She was all about kilts and cloaks during her Braveheart stage.


    "You just got to be yourself. What you see here is my usual wardrobe. I'm most comfortable in kilt, sporran, riding chaps, good hiking boots, worn jacket and wool hat. And by wool hat I mean a wool western hat you've seen in many of the vlogs. It has a pewter falconry pin of a raptor on a fist and usually is adorned by one of my turkey's feathers until it falls off while riding that horse too fast.

    If you like kilts, I suggest you get a hold of one and start bringing them back as agricultural normalcy. To hell with the overalls and jeans, a good kilt is the best! I wear it riding, working, hunting and hanging out. With a good pair of full-seat breeches cut above the knee they never chaff your thighs. You have mobility, brush protection, pockets, and layers of touch canvas over your swimsuit places."

    You just got to be yourself? Sounds like she's trying to be everyone besides herself. And she referred to herself as a badass albaphile, whatever that is.

    1. JFW has never had a sense of style no matter what she’s worn. Her kooky costumes are part of her pathetic posing and presentation.


    2. Anon 5:41 - And don't forget her early "English rider" persona back in 2012, complete with fancy equestrian boots, helmet and crop:

      PIC HERE:

      Even her riding instructor told her to quit her wannabe "English rider" bullshit:

      "Yesterday trainer Dave wanted our lesson to be about western riding. It's what he rides, what he teaches, but that wasn't his real motivation with going across the pond, tack wise. Dave always tells me "riding is riding. tack means nothing to a horse"

      Yeah, but it means everything to Jenna, who always wants to be an "interesting" character instead of herself.


  47. Twit Shit:

    “This morning, after animal feeding, water buckets, wood chopping, fire making and tending and coffee I got into my work for the day not related to homesteading. I finished 2 pet portraits, emailed 2 sketches, and made and packaged soap. I usually can't get to more than ...

    5 people's projects a day, and like today, only 3 of those are orders completed. I am trying to be productive as I can but I may need a reminder if you haven't heard from me in a bit. Please send a kind DM and I can get your status to you asap!”

    She’s setting it up so that customers can’t complain. It’s no one’s responsibility but hers to keep records of orders. It’s just more manipulative marketing.


    1. And her long list of morning crap, including coffee, is to present a false front of a busy person. Not one who is stupidly tweeting about Taylor Swift for hours, and trying to get noticed by more blue check accounts.


    2. "I am trying to be productive as I can but I MAY NEED A REMINDER if you haven't heard from me in a bit."

      How about a kick in the ass???

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Edit: We’ll volunteer to do the kick for free.

    5. What kills me is that on both her bleg and Twitter, for both November and December, she posted pics and stories of:

      -Practicing yoga with the GF
      -Going for long romantic walks thru the woods
      -Hunting and hawking
      -Playing World of Warcraft (for free!!)
      -Spending hours online with "Swifties"
      -Watching all the latest movies, TV shows
      -Hours upon HOURS begging on Twitter

      Yet she doesn't have the time to work on more than 5 people's projects a day? Yeah, right. Also, here's what she said on Dec. 11th:

      "Got 17 orders out this week, a mix of portraits, logo files, and soap packages."

      17 orders divided by 7 days = 2.5 orders a day. Not the 5 that she claims. Liar.

  48. Crock of crap:

    “I can't tell you how much I could've used that $2k it would get me from a month from foreclosure threat to safe.”

    Her faux farm has never been solvent and “safe.” She’s using the lack of more stimulus money as a excuse to lie again. Even if she received the funds it wouldn’t be spent on her mortgage. JFW would fritter it away on TS sweaters, and other stupid items. Now, she wants the 2,000 from her followers. This is another example of her manipulative marketing.


    1. Not only is she piling on the end-of-month tweets to attract attention (and more hopefully more eyeballs on her offerings) but she's also jumping on a super hot topic for the same reason.

      "Buy my crap, all you broke and disappointed stimulus people!"

  49. It is NOT her clients’ responsibility to send her a reminder. She just wants to see who remembers and who has forgotten or given up.

    She pulled the same crap with the wool and webinar CSA. And she blamed those waiting for refunds because they didn’t remind her.

    She is really hoping people forget, give up or write it off as a “donation”.

    1. Seriously. And in addition to checking to see who remembers, that tweet also serves as a sort-of fictitious business statement so to speak -- in that if someone later complains she blew them off, she can point to that tweet and say, "Hey look, I GAVE you a chance to speak up, and you didn't."

      But here's the thing...obviously there are other ways to contact her customers as I'm sure when they pay her they give an address to send the crap to, as well as a phone number or email.

      Yet the simplest thing she could do is just KEEP A DAMN LIST of orders and cross them off as they are completed. Which is something even a frickin' 10 year old could do.

  50. Instagram Update:

    Same campstove photo as in this tweet: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1343272621761323009

    with a different caption: "Did we use the backpacking stove and billy can I got for Shannon for Christmas? Yup!"

    More gear purchased instead of paying her ever-behind mortgage.

    Next, a black and white version of a photo taken earlier this summer, Jenna and hawk in a ditch / depression looking thing in the field. Caption is an update on the bird's health and progress, which is something I don't recall seeing before.

    "You get the bird you get, or at least I do. Some falconers release birds that don't take (or have interest in even trying to take) larger game like squirrel or rabbit. I feel there's just as much fun and wisdom to learn tracking voles and white footed field mice. I hope my little guy (930g fat!) is having as much fun as I am hunting beside me, and while I do hope for that bunny soon, he's flying free, and taking live meals beside me and that's falconry. #falconry #hunting #womenandwings #wwgiaf"

    The hashtags are interesting to check out if you want to go on a tangent.

    Next a photo of the border collies with a sunset in the background. Caption: "Watching backpacking videos on youtube and dreaming of more nights in the mountain. This past September the dogs, Shannon, and I went up to Rupert VT and had an amazing overnight at Ridge Shelter point at Merck Forest. Cant wait to be back on the trails again as a scrappy little pack come melt. And I can still see that sunset when I close my eyes."

    Yes, please, just sell up your extraneous livestock, stop begging online, both of you get jobs, and then you can hike and take actual vacations. That's a great pivot. Go on wild women expeditions trips. Go hike the Appalachian trail. Be a hiking / travel blog if your ego needs the exposure. Write the next eat, pray, love. Stop this begging nonsense.

    Next is a book promo in which she claims that after 10 years, it keeps getting better. That's up for debate.

    Next few are variants on photos of the dogs and the snow. No photos of any other animals during that snow storm, so let's hope the horses found their way to that pathetic shelter.


    Happy new year, y'all. ~ snoopy anon

    1. Thanks snoopy anon for the update! Good to know all these time wasting activities can be added to the list I made above that was in contrast to the Pig Shocker's "I don't have time to complete customer orders" claim. She is such a lazy sod.

      I wonder how much that backpacking stove and billy can cost her foollowers? And how much it set her back on the mortgage payment she's still begging for? (She needs $650 more. SMH as always.)

      LMAO at her writing the next "Eat, Pray, Love" -- cuz if she did, it would have to be called "Eat, Beg, Buy" (With other people's money)

  51. "Did we use the backpacking stove and billy can I got for Shannon for Christmas? Yup!"

    This reminds me of the Flintstones cartoon where Fred bought Wilma a bowling ball that he wanted.
    Shannon's gift was something Jenna wanted. Interesting that she is selfish even with her significant other.

    1. Hope like hell Shannon doesn't have any desires or dreams of her own. Cuz Jenna ain't allowing that! Nooooo, it's all about the Jenna Show.

  52. Twitter Twaddle:

    “Almost there! Just $650 to go!!!!”

    “Only $500 to go!”

    No one cares you lazy, lying cunt. Normal adults, unlike she and Shannon, work and quietly pay their expenses. Announcing your finances is totally tacky and lacks class.


    1. I also wanted to point out for newbies here why Jenna is disingenuous. Her manipulative marketing is implying that she’s so close to her faux goal, that your small amount of support will help her achieve it. She’s done this for almost a decade, and uses it all the time for free funds.


    2. Yep. LS is bang-on. There is no reason, and has never been any evidence, that FFF is has ever been behind on her mortgage or any other bill.

      She learned a long time ago that manufacturing crises is the best way to get free money, and she's learned that the mortgage / firewood / health crisis are the most effective crises to invent. She will have to switch it up with other necessities, truck repairs, hay, etc., just to attempt to keep things semi-believable for her new followers, but that mortgage is the free square on the CAF Begging Bullshit Bingo Card for a reason.

    3. It must be exhausting! Like Hilaria Baldwin. Lol

    4. WiW. I appreciate your confirmation of my comment, thanks. It’s her blatant lying to get free funds that I find despicable. I consider her a criminal, and it’s also about her animal abusing.


  53. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1344426239289937923/photo/1

    She has that scary psycho look again.

    1. The open mouth scream-smile is one of two looks I've noticed in photos. The other is the not-smiling squinty-eyed smug mug.

    2. Actually her photos with Shannon are the only genuine smiles I think I've seen in a long while.

    3. The two look remarkably alike. Both can, and will kill horses. And both kill chickens. Hmmm, they should get married!

    4. Her facial photos are as fake as her faux farm. I’ve never seen her sincerely smiling.

  54. “All I have on my mind in the winter is hawks, fire, and consuming enough cheese to concern medical professionals.”

    All I have on my mind year round is online begging, buying more Taylor Swift sweaters, and drinking enough bottles of bourbon to concern substance abuse professionals.


  55. She posted a detailed hawk update on twitter. Falconry is a fairly ridiculous way to hunt rabbit though, her supposed justification for this hobby. Why not just use snares? A child could hunt rabbit with snares.

    Of course, rabbits / hunting is not the point. Looking cool while crying poor is the point.

    1. Her hawks are only pet props for more photo ops to further her faux farming illusion.

    2. Shamsters, including me, have long commented on the unfortunate hawks she captures, holds hostage and uses as photo props for social media.

      Except for the first one (when she was under direct supervision of a master falconer) and the recent one (when, it appears she is on best behavior for JJ) she rarely took hawks out for requisite exercise and training. They seldom caught game and appeared woefully prepared for release.

      Her own writings clearly stated her interest in falconry was to look "cool", hang her insufferable self around others and pretend to be a feral hunter. She expressed ZERO interest in helping raptors. That fictional narrative didn't happen until the NYT fluff piece that was packed with her fabrication, exaggeration and lies.

      Let's never forget that only one hawk (the first) had its release properly documented. The others are questionable. One allegedly died in her home; one flew away, in full gear, right before a major snowstorm and two - three were unexpectedly "released" without proper photodocumentation (yeah, right).

      Without a doubt, NYS hawks have a better chance of survival without Pig Shocker getting her paws on them.

    3. You’ve all made good points. It’s always about appearances with JFW.

      Happy New Year!


  56. Anon12: Only a point about her lack of effort to bag a deer, or rabbit, or anything really. The chicken roadkill doesn't count. I live in a major city and I have deer coming into my yard, small herds of females, the males come out usually pre-dawn and sunset, but I see the females and their offspring any ole time anymore. You want a deer? Come to my yard. This summer, I had a few of them (pregnant) taking naps in my back yard under the shrubs. FF could drive wee wee wee all the way home with one on her front bumper. And since we're discussing her butchering of animals, none of us will forget those pictures of what she left in the woods, and who in thunder buys meat from her before she even owns the animal? How crazy is THAT? Not to mention the prices she has set for her "labor." Shaking head in bewilderment. I am truly amazed there haven't been several cholera outbreaks at that dump.

  57. can we start another thread?


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