Happy Thanksgiving to the US peeps


  1. Happy Thanksgiving HD! Thanks for the new post and for always being an awesome host!

    1. Hear hear!

      Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Day and weekend! We stayed home and did nothing since our county just went back to a stay-at-home order...a memo which some people in my extended family didn't get, or ignored. Grrrrr.

      So instead of a traditional turkey dinner, we enjoyed takeout from the best chili cheese burger place in town. Gotta support our favorite local eateries! We drank lots of booze too!!

  2. Twit Shit:

    “I have officially made the amount to make a mortgage payment! But earning enough now to cushion it a bit so my account isn't near negative when I do. So here's to hocking all the wares I have the day before Thanksgiving and hoping for some luck! DM to order!”

    “Update: I forgot I need to spend $90 on shipping orders today so that means I am actually not at goal yet. I hope soon.”

    She’s shameless about begging for mortgage money, and in using manipulative marketing techniques to get free funds from followers.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.


    1. Soon she will tweet that she forgot she needed to buy toilet paper so add 5.99 to the the amount she needs to make the mortgage.

      Between being a waddling land monster and not being able to pay ANY of her bills, a job would be extremely beneficial to her.

      Of course she is incapable of getting a decent job, the same as she is no longer capable of getting a book published, all thanks to a well earned horrible reputation. Especially in this age of cancel culture. If a business has one bad association with a sewer human being like Pig Shocker their business could be gone overnight.

      However, civilization will always need ass wipers and burger flippers, so she might be able to find something 😂.

    2. She's beyond shameless.

      "...to cushion it a bit..."

      Translation: You guys didn't "kick in" enough for all the little extras.

      (For those who've seen Goodfellas, I wrote that in Karen Hill's voice)

  3. Ummmm, didn’t people already pay for shipping their orders?

    1. It’s just one way for her to scam more money.

    2. Same as butchering the imaginary pigs. She claims the ridiculous amount of money she charges for pork includes butchering and feed.
      Then when it's time to butcher she has her porky hand out again.

    3. Yeah they paid her. But now they gotta wait for their purchase to arrive cuz Pig Shocker spent that money on other things.

      It's funny...she's always saying it takes time to get all her orders out. She tries to make it look like she's super busy. But it seems the true reason is cuz she no longer has the money to send out packages. Meanwhile, she's sporting a new Taylor Swift cardigan or some mountain-smashing backpack water apparatus. Or new trail patches for the doggies! I don't know why people order shit from her and put up with all her BS.

    4. I doubt many do it more than once. And it's probably that the few who do are people with money to spare, who pity her and think they're helping.

  4. Replies
    1. huh, I can post again. Weird, I experienced an inability to post comments on the last post in the past few days. Cleared cookies and everything. Blogger has some weird quirk as this keeps happening to random posters here.

  5. Happy American Thanksgiving people.

    Yeah, the "oops I forgot I need to pay $90 for shipping" shows a number of problems with the way she organizes her finances.

    Note that the taylor swift cardigan cost $50 plus taxes plus shipping, so that plus a take out meal is about $90.

    1. This is what I don't understand. She clearly states the price of her crap along with the cost of shipping upfront. So when some idiot pays her, isn't she supposed to set the postage money aside for when she finally sends out the package?

      But it sounds like she blows that postage money on who knows what crap. And then begs her foollowers for more $$$ cuz she's irresponsible? Why should that be anyone's problem but hers?

  6. Can I get some clarification on the term "freehold" in the context in which FFF uses it in her blog header?

    "A Washington County Freehold"

    Doesn't freehold literally mean, "free from hold" ie paid off? Or does it mean something else?

    1. Thought - one day, maybe in another 10, 15, 20 years, FFF will have paid off that mortgage. HOWEVER WILL SHE BEG THEN!?

    2. She barely knows her own name and address, so it's probably a given that she isn't usually the term correctly. 😂

    3. I did a search for "freehold" and the first result was referenced World of Warcraft:

      "Freehold is a dungeon...a safe haven for pirates and scoundrels"

      Well, she does like to steal away people's hard-earned paychecks.

      The second result was from Wikipedia:

      "...a freehold is the common ownership of real property, or land, and all immovable structures attached to such land."

      So common ownership eh? Sounds like that's why she thinks everyone needs to help pay her mortgage. It's a freehold! But you can't sleep or pee here!

  7. I notice the website for FFF's now defunct Heathen group is still up:


    Honestly, this reads like a religion Jenna just invented. The bylaws are so inflexible it would be impossible for anyone to maintain membership. I wonder if that mandatory public service was farm work?

    "send a letter to the farmstead" indicates it was Jenna's property, and that Jenna was acting at least as secretary / treasurer.

    Here's the kicker though - THIS RELIGION HAS MERCH! And the merch store is STILL UP!!!!!

    Betcha it's linked to you know who's paypal account.


    Yeah a cafepress store you can just set and forget, but it's not an accident that store is still up.

    That atrocious logo is obviously the work of FFF as well. Looks like she set it up in 2015 and was active in it until 2017. With all that free labour, I'm surprised how long it took her to burn out that particular group of friends. I take it one or two of them stuck and are now board / card game friends, but no longer provide free labour.

    1. Yet more passive income for PS.

      I still want to know how she REALLY pays the mortgage. She's got to be on some sort of SS/disability or something. The only other plausible explanation would be that she makes a lot off of her weird furry art. Still, I don't see that as something steady enough to pay the mortgage every single month. I wonder if it's possible to find her art on some of those sites (yuk) just to see if it's profitable.


    2. I am on board with the theory she has steady income that covers the basics, and the pittance she makes hawking her wares on social media is just fun money intended to maintain animals, hobbies, and collector habits she does not need.

      The CAF math, as others have said, never works out. It's not possible she's covering her living expenses with soap and logo sales. She's just spinning a yarn, fishing for suckers.

      I doubt she's seen a sale through that cafe press store for her heathen group in years, but that the group HAD MERCH... I don't know whether to facepalm or laugh hysterically.

      If she really was intending to do good through community organization, she and her group could have organized food drives, volunteered for well-established organizations, etc. Religion / good deeds don't need swag.

      It's annoying to me too because I've seen this kind of thing before, where someone who sees themselves as good can't help but center themselves as they do their "good thing". A person I know for a long time started a straight person in support of gay marriage visibility group. They have merch too. They sell it, presumably, to other straight people who are pleased with themselves for not intentionally oppressing sexual minorities.

      I suggested to this friend, hey, why don't you - instead of having this fundraiser for your visibility campaign - give the funds to an organization that's doing the legal work of making same sex marriage a reality? Or donate it to the community center that's housing homeless youth, a high proportion of which are gay?

      Nope. For going on 20 years now, every year this friend sets up a booth at the pride parade and sells t-shirts, so they can fund next year's booth and sell more t-shirts.

      I really don't see the value in building an identity around "look at how good a person I am!" Just be a good person. Do good things quietly.

    3. It's sad because that Heathenry group seemingly started out with real promise. Until she grew bored of it, realized it wasn't making her any money, and, the other members finally figured out they were being used for free labor. And they probably had to pee 'n poop behind the barn. So of course they abandoned her.

      And those bylaws...so cold and so ridiculously strict and unwelcoming to anyone interested in learning about Heathenry. Almost as if she tried to construct an elite group of perfectly like-minded people who had to be as special as her before being "allowed" to join her highness of all highnesses.

      "And if we decide we don't like you, you have to give the initiation necklace pendant back to us!"

      What happened to "you are your deeds"? Cuz that's mean, petty and selfish as fcuk.

  8. well now it all makes sense about NG. According to the beast she has been told more than once NG looks like Taylor Swift! I have not had the "pleasure" of seeing NG but I will take her word on it.So we have that cleared up.

    1. NG looks like a younger, thinner, much more attractive younger sister of Pig Shocker.

      I could not figure out what in the hell NG saw in PS. I guessed that PS is an escape from something in NGs home state.

      Then I saw a couple of photos with NG grinning. After working with psych patients for years, I recognize that grin 1,000%. Working in triage with psych patients it got to where after a short conversation and observing certain mannerisms there would be a clear indication of what disorders patients were dealing with. I recognize in those photos that NG has some mental health issues. Also knowing NG chose to uproot her life, move out of state and live with a person with PS's reputation, not having a job, being complicate in duping the public, all of that makes sense. Crazy likes crazy.

    2. WHS I'm curious, what work with psych patients have you done? (I'm a healthcare worker as I posted before, trained as an RN but kept to the support services as direct patient care was too high-stress.)


    3. “Me: Babe, another person told me you look like Taylor today.

      Her: Wow, congrats babe. You made it. *Exits to go screw in more roosts in the chicken coop*”

      Wow. So MUCH immaturity is apparent in their relationship. How nauseating and annoying. It sounds like they’re both 13 in the head. Which lends credence to what Whack wrote.


    4. The dynamics of the relationship couldnt be more obvious. NG is a drooling idiot only there for free labor, fodder for social media and some sort of financial benefit.

    5. WDH. I’d also be interested in hearing about your psychology experiences. I’ve always found that fascinating.

    6. I wonder why Whack won’t answer the questions about her psychology background?

    7. Anon 6:49 - Perhaps it’s because her background was as a patient.

    8. Anonymous 6:48. You might be right. Her silence is suspicious, but she’s avoided questions before.

    9. Maybe she’s only allowed to use the psychiatric hospital’s computer during certain hours.

      Doc: “What’s this patient’s problem?”
      Nurse: “She’s suffering from CAF paranoia, and thinks that many commenters are Jenna Woginrich.”

    10. A week later and Whack still hasn’t responded to the questions. Guess that she can criticize others for comments, but can’t handle the heat herself. What a keyboard coward.

  9. Okay, look at this photo of her logos for sale:


    Look! She used the SAME FONT in Hamlet Grove as Hideaway Farm!


    I enjoy graphic design. Today I spent a few hours updating several images for my mailing list, and launched a promo via mailchimp, facebook, twitter, and my blog, tied together with the same images, creating a sales funnel to my website.

    Canva is generally what I use, and pixabay is one of several free clip art image websites. It is easier than ever for people to just to their own graphic design.

    Back in 2009, I paid a designer nearly $1000 for a very simple logo, of the type FFF churns out. Now, with the proliferation of online courses through the library (via lynda.com) plus the advancement of tools like Canva, or cheap labour through Fiverr, it's a wonder anyone hires graphic designers anymore.

    It's easier and faster AND cheaper to just do it yourself, because YOU know what you want.

    1. There's an old saying when hiring someone to do something for you. You ask them to pick only two of these three options: good, fast, or cheap.

      I believe the Pig Shocker makes that decision for her customers. And it's always fast and cheap:

      Fast - So she can get back to Netflix or napping.

      Cheap - Cuz she doesn't pay for clip art. She just steals it.

  10. It's so obvious to me NG is there to clean up the farm. It seems like she does all the labor. Hopefully she will wise up soon.

    1. Anon 7:39... I mean... that has been her pattern with her friendships. If you're going to be on FFF's good side, you're doing work for her on her property.

    2. Eventually, everyone gets sick of being her faux farm servant. Which is why her heathen group ended. I doubt that any of her stupid site merchandise was bought, too.

    3. Remember when she wrote that stupid line, “it takes a village to raise a Jenna”? She had the whole freaking town helping her out. Plus the Common Sense Farm cult. Then her heathens. Heck, she even wanted to charge people to do her “farm” chores. Sheesh.

    4. I’m sure that her “village” wishes that she’d move back to Tennessee.


    5. TN doesn't want her! Ship her off to Florida. She'd fit in just fine. I can see the news headlines already:




  11. I also believe she has some kind of steady, work from home job. Of course, she will never mention it because the pity donations would dry up. There is NO WAY she is supporting herself on soap and drawings.

    1. It’s all about her manipulative marketing for free funds, and asking for cards with cash in them. (Her futile fantasy which won’t be fulfilled.)


    2. She’s asking for Chri$tma$ card$ again?!

    3. “Hey all! If you want to help spread some cheer up here and get entered in a raffle for 6 bars of soap & a signed hardcover of One Woman Farm - send a holiday card to:

      Jenna Woginrich
      Cold Antler Farm
      Jackson, NY 12816

      Because I love mail and you love a free book!”

      I’m surprised that she didn’t beg for people’s stimulus money.


    4. How does she still have free books to give away after all this time? Are they ones that didn't sell and were shipped back to her? Or did she bulk buy them at some Dollar Store?

  12. Twit Shit:

    “Still trying to make the October mortgage before December begins. Getting scary and time to really focus with one more day left before the farm is 2 months behind. Share tweet below if you can? Help spread the word?”


    “Rough weekend here for sales. Some interest via DM but few actual purchases. Apologies for retweeting all these things, it's to somehow get this payment made.”

    Improper usage of question marks and commas again. Apparently, she’s not scared enough to get off her fat ass and get a job. Yet she has plenty of time to play faux falconer with the Taylor twin, Shannon. The lack of responses show that no one cares about a lazy lifestyle loser like JFW.


    1. Yeah, she spends all her money on fun stuff and then there’s nothing left for bills. It’s a juvenile thing that most responsible adults grow out of by their 30’s. If she’s that desperate, she can find a job that covers her lifestyle. If she can’t make ends meet, then she can’t afford that lifestyle. It’s really that simple.

    2. It sure looks like Shannon doesn’t mind living with a using grifter, too. It’d be ironic if she was taking advantage of JFW.


    3. LS, that would be ironic and entirely possible. NG doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to get a job either, with the mortgage supposedly 2 months overdue.

    4. WiW. The pics of them together seem strange. They don’t come across as a couple.


    5. JFW looks like a soccer mom posing with her teenage daughter.

    6. And this:

      "...it's to somehow get this payment made."

      Somehow? You'd think that by now someone would let her in on the secret that a JOB would help with that.

      And "this" payment?

      What happened to "my" payment? Using "this" is very telling: She doesn't consider that pesky mortgage payment to be hers and hers alone.

      CuZ iT's EvERyOnE eLSe'S pRoBLeM aNd nOT hERs!!!!!

    7. Anon7. She makes her monthly mortgage payments everyone else’s responsibility. But it’s her hovel and accountability. The soccer mom line made me snicker. She finally found a woman weird enough to put up with her lazy loser lifestyle. They deserve each other.


    8. It looks like Moronic Miriam took the pic of them. She’s one of JFW’s dumb enablers, and sees nothing wrong with animal abusing.

    9. Soccer mom!!!! How funny! They don't match at all. She does look way older than her GF. Probably is. GF is probably young and naive.

    10. 😜 Did anyone else notice the too-busy-to-work and I-can't-afford-my-mortgage faux feral farmer is wearing a second Miagooo uneven Hemline "Robin Hood" tunic, this one in red?

      But, please tell me again how hard she works to save money and earn a living for that "farm".

      Oh, and for the record, the Taylor Swift cardigan she bought is f'king ugly.

    11. FFF & NG look like a lot of w/w couples I know / have known. 🤷

      It's not at all uncommon for same sex couples to have a 10 yr or more age difference, because our dating pool is significantly smaller, and child-rearing is not necessarily a priority, and if it is, it's not accomplished the traditional way anyway.

      Six months ago I was happy to give NG the benefit of the doubt, naive / young, but she's lived there for months now and is just as in on the mortgage scam any FFF by now.

      Maybe NG was just not expected to contribute financially, and has her parents' home to evac to if she needs / wants to, so paying her own keep isn't a priority for her / her problem at all.

      While she's there, any labour done to the property will benefit FFF's assets, but it is pretty clear the animals have better care since NG arrived. I'm on board with that.

      It is pathetic that "GoTs To PaY My MoRtGaGe" is the main selling point when she's hawking any of her wares, or asking for donations.

  13. Twit Shit:

    “Rainy Monday morning here but the farm is doing well, all the animals are fed and splashing about, and I'm deep into illustration and freelance. Taking a trip to the post office soon. Anyone need anything?”

    She’s really saying that it’s her who needs mortgage money. And cash in cards. Jenna is very disingenuous, and it’s her manipulative marketing again.


  14. Twitter: "GOOD MORNING From Cold Antler Farm! Happiest of winter greetings and well wishes because this farm MADE A HOUSE PAYMENT YESTERDAY EVENING! Onward!!!"

    What do you want, a fuckin' cookie? Why are you celebrating basic, rock-bottom fiscal responsibility? Do you think your audience cares? Do you think it is at all a good look for someone who is pretending to live an inspiring life? Is this a part of the unique Jenna Adventure?

    No thank you. No one cares.

    1. Correction: the "atta girls" and "amen charlie's" seem to care. How does FFF NOT feel like a kindergartener surrounded by a bunch of clapping adults exclaiming in falsetto, "GOOD JOB!!!!"

    2. First of all, a farm cannot make a mortgage payment. Secondly, it is not a farm. Third, it was her fans responding to her constant begging and whining. And fourth, what the hell? Millions of people make a monthly mortgage payment. Why does she need a clap on the back every time?

    3. who brags about sending in a mortgage payment 2 months late? If she made it last night like she said it won't post till today (if it was done on line or over the phone). Oh and there is that pesky problem that Nov. is now a month behind not to mention that Dec. would be due today. So acting all dramatic like she did something no one else does seems a little silly. Oh and by the way my payment was due today and I made it early this morning. That is Dec. that was due and that is what I paid. So where is the standing ovation?

    4. I have my mortgage payment taken out of my account every two weeks. Double hyper-hand-claps for me!

    5. Also, her whole "October's mortgage payment" has been ambiguous too. She has never said the payment was due on the 1st, the 10th, or if there were simply 10 days grace so she never considered the payment "due" until after the grace period.

      Finally - all that other shit she bought before paying the mortgage, so the story goes, I doubt the mortgage is ever behind - all the extra wood, the hay, the new chickens, the tswift sweater - there is at least another mortgage payment in there.

      The bullshit charade continues.

    6. JFW doesn't see it or feel it now, cuz she's up to her wolf contact eyeballs in debt and panic, but someday she'll look back and feel the shame and embarrassment of being a pathetic grifting jackass during this time in her life.

      I'm sure all of us, like normal people, look back at stuff we said or did in our earlier years and just cringe at our own clueless bravado and misguided attempts to adult. And unless she's truly mental, these CAF years are gonna haunt her someday.

      And that's why I think some of you are onto something re the mental illness theory. Cuz how else can a person beg daily, monthly, yearly, and act like it's an OK thing do do? And then want a pat on the back for their successful begging? It's like all her screws are loose in a movie called "Brokedance 2: Electric Begaloo" -- coming soon to an asylum near you.

  15. She’s really not bragging about making a mortgage payment late. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing. She’s saying, see I have so little money that I can barely scrape enough together to make a late mortgage payment, hoping people will feel sorry for her and send money. And she definitely wants $$$ much more than accolades.

    1. Yup. And to rally the foollowers into thinking "We did it!" again. So they'll be energized into doing it the next month...and the next...and the month after...

      "And she definitely wants $$$ much more than accolades."

      Totally agree. And every time she receives a letter with no cash or an email with no PayPal addy inquiry, I imagine massive amounts of steam escaping her head in classic cartoon fashion, lol.

      BTW, notice how her latest (and yearly) money drive, which she refers to as a "Card Exchange" -- notice how she once again writes that she'll "attempt" to send a post card for each one she receives.

      Attempt. "at-tempt" (v) To try to perform, make, or achieve.

      So according to the Pig Shocker, her "attempt" means that less than half of those card sending suckers will get a reply. And I'll bet the recipients will be the suckers who actually sent money. While the rest are ignored. How the hell is that a card EXCHANGE?!?

  16. Why can't TWO able-bodied young women pay a very reasonable mortgage payment on time? I could maybe understand sympathy donations when it was just her (a decade ago) but she's GOT A PARTNER. She can't even truthfully spout the "done without a partner" line anymore.

    1. She refuses to take responsibility for her hovel, and wants others to pay for her lazy loser lifestyle.


    2. Yep! NG has been living there since summer. Really no excuse that mortgage is behind one damn day.

      I don't believe it's behind at all, and it's just a part of the yarn she spins to keep the "sales" going.

    3. Maybe it's a case of two grifters finding each other.

    4. Anon 12:40 wrote: "Why can't TWO able-bodied young women pay a very reasonable mortgage payment on time?"

      Cuz neither one of those lazy twits has a JOB. And the greed of one has affected the other in record time.

      Think about it: You meet a "farmer" on a dating site. You hook up. And despite being legally blind, you think everything "seems" OK. Because you can't really see. So you move to be with farmer thing. But then slowly realize it's not a real farm. But you've driven so far...and all your shits here now anyway. So you kinda settle in. Cuz she keeps making you drive everywhere, thus, you don't have enough gas to drive back home anyway. Then you slowly realize that she doesn't have to work, and neither do you! All ya really gotta do is dust and repair a few things while the thing begs all day on the internet! Easy peasy...and like that!!

    5. They both have a massive sense of self-entitlement to being lazy lifestyle losers.


  17. Instagram Idiot update:

    Most of the photos have also been posted on twitter, except for one:

    Pic of hawk on top of a fabric ottoman. Both collies are close by in the background.

    That is just fucked up. Dogs are predators. She's had dogs kill chicks before. She knows this. Regardless of how good your dog may be, I can't believe a hooded, wild-caught falcon has any business being in chomping reach of two dogs.

    This one pissed me off. Anyone know if there are any rules against this?

    ~ snoopy anon

    1. Wow, totally agree. What the hell is she thinking? Yes, the dogs have killed before. And the medically-neglected one -- named after a guitar that no one is ever going to buy JFW -- he is getting old, possibly senile, and could lose it and snap...and suddenly feathers everywhere. Or...being that the hawk has a sharp beak and razor sharp TALONS...scratched dog corneas galore.

      But hey, it's time for everyone to gather around all cozy to watch Love Actually!!

    2. Her hawk is just another pet prop for photo ops.


  18. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Weekday mornings here are a blur. Getting through chores, heating the house, breakfast, freelance, zoom meetings, conference calls, hawk weighing, yoga class, firewood chopping..."

    There it is. In her own words. Total proof that it's not a farm and she's not "farming" at all, other than feeding a few animals twice a day -- which she refers to as "chores." She needs to drop the guise, give up the farm ghost, and call it what it really is: CAC - Cold Antler ChoreHouse.

    (Also note: There's not a single mention about all the time she spends online "tweet-begging" and time wasted drooling all over Taylor Swift's merch page.)

    And these "zoom meetings" and "conference calls" sound like she's trying to create the impression that she's hard at work at something gainful and important. Sorry, but argumentative conversations with customer service reps cuz yer new cardigan doesn't fit DO NOT count.

    1. What a bunch of bull. She’s lying again about having any zoom meetings and conference calls. The stupid bitch isn’t even working. It’s presenting a false front as more of her manipulative marketing.


    2. uuummmm people the zoom meetings are for real it is a "meet up" for Taylor Swift gtroupies most are in the 13-18 year range so she fits right in.

    3. Yeah, but it looks like she wants to give the misleading impression that it’s for work. Jenna is disingenuous about everything.

    4. Since she appears predatory towards younger women it’s possible that the zoom meetings are part of replacing NG with a teen twit.

    5. Meant to type part of a plan.

  19. Since Hawks are covered by the Federal migratory bird treaty act, and come under the umbrella of the Dept of Environmental conservation, for licensing, a good contact to have, to report suspected abuse of the Hawks on her property is the following: SpecialLicenses@dec.ny.gov
    This will be the place to file a request for an inspection. I would suggest anyone with concerns, go ahead and make contact.

    1. Anyone who sees relevant info or photos of hawk should take a screenshot, with date and time of her post, then save. I agree with others who've said putting photos of the hawk on her business feeds is intended to drive interest and income.

      It is against the law for captured raptors to be used in advertising. Any/all instances of this should be reported.

  20. Freelance, Zoom meetings, conference calls...Yep, she definitely has work from home income.

    1. If she got a good gig there would be bragging about it. I think that she’s lying again.

    2. Actually, I think she would hide the fact that she has a good gig and I think that is exactly what she is doing. A good gig would mean good income and she wouldn't be able to whine and beg her way her way into people's pocketbooks. There is absolutely no way she is supporting herself on drawings and soaps. I think that is a smokescreen. I'm guessing she's making a decent living from home, but admitting it would cut off donations, pronto.

    3. I assumed the mention of meetings and conference calls was to give the impression there is interest in her latest book pitch. Possibly to try and get a publisher to bite by creating the illusion another publisher is talking to her.

      But yeah, you're probably right - it's a TSwift Groupie zoom call. She probably ensures the hawk is in frame so she's the coolest of all the swifties.

    4. oop! This is probably the photo snoopy anon was talking about:


    5. Yeah, those dogs are way too close. The hawk is right at dog face level. There is no way that's kosher falconry practice. Dogs aren't even allowed at the facility I took those courses at. The health and safety of the bird is paramount. Your own safety, and those of others around you, including animals, is also the falconer's responsibility.

      That photo is an accident waiting to happen.

    6. Why does that poor hawk look so much fatter than her other victims? Is it supposed to be that large? She's talked in the past about the importance of the weighing and feeding of them but this doesn't look right compared to the others.

    7. Or stressed. Because he can hear the dogs andhe can’t do anything to get away from them. He should at least be on a proper perch away from the other animals.

  21. Man, sooooooo much begging today. I can smell the desperation from here.

    Is it just me or does anyone else feel like her begging has increased exponentially the past 2 months? There was a time awhile back when she let up on it a bit (maybe skipped a day or two) but it's every freakin' day as of late.

    And since the GF seems to think begging is perfectly acceptable adult behavior, Jenna's confidence for mooching got a rocket-sized boost?

    1. Sure. She’s begging for two now.

  22. Twitter Twaddle - Price Gouging Edition:

    "If you'd like a wolf and moon set, it's $20 (includes shipping!) DM to order one!"

    Two soaps that will cost the buyer more than the usual price of $6 a bar.

    $20 - $12 = $8

    So $8 for shipping two bars that only weigh a few ounces? No way the postage costs that much. And even if she's pocketing an extra few bucks it's still price gouging...and a really crappy deal.

    Pic of boringly bland soaps here:

    She commands $6/bar for that?!? Couldn't she make them more aesthetically pleasing by adding a bit of colored dye into the molds before adding the melt-n-pour? Oh but wait, that would require more effort on her part. Never mind.

  23. Anon12:

    Jenna Woginrich Rainbow flag
    I've been doing my design work on a ten-year-old iMac. I've needed replacement for years, but I didn't have the ability to make the purchase. Yesterday my friend Mir gave me her beautiful new-to-me desktop Mac as an early Xmas gift. I can't tell you how grateful I am!
    11:17 AM · Dec 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

    Am I allowed to call bullshit on this? BULLSHIT. Her friend "Mir?" Mir is Russian for "peace." It's also the name of a space station. Her "design" work. HA! Hahahahaha. That puts the "merry" in Christmas.

  24. I call bullshit also. All of a sudden after a big old begfest for her mortgage and a new computer shows up (and only a Mac will do) just like her dogs, etc. Same old same old. Keep on moving by folks nothing to see here.

  25. I'm bet "Mir" is her photographer friend/enabler Miriam. I don't doubt this happened, because she comes across as a weird fan. Miriam did a show of her photographs of Jenna's "farm". She actually put photos in a gallery that showcased the animal abuse. There was a pic of the butchered pigs' intestines dumped in the woods, and also a pic of the goats standing on a pile of packed feces so tall that it almost completely blocked the barn door. This woman does not have the brain power to understand what a real farmer is. If she hasn't seen it by now, I doubt she ever will.

    1. Ahhh, yes! Mir. Our favorite Russian Space Station, lit match and Diane Arbus wannabe. She must be so pleased she found photo-ready rural decay in Jackson, NY, just a short drive from NYC. This is a woman who documented goats standing on top of many feet of their own filth. She rejoiced at putting the laugh back in slaughter. She must have spotted many instances of animal neglect yet evidently did nothing about it. In my book, she's a complicit coward.
      Mr. Space Station, on the other hand promotes creepy boudoir photography. ??? And Mr. and Mrs. Mir allowed Pig Shocker to teach their son to ride. That she's so bad at horsemanship and yet they entrusted their son to her tells you everything you need to know.

      These people celebrate selfishness, questionable judgment, animal neglect and public manipulation. How do these broken toys find each other???

    2. Yeah, Moronic Miriam is a massive enabler just like Pember Patty.


    3. But still send cash in Christmas cards!!! It’s never enough for JFW.

    4. She has a huge hole in her soul which can’t be filled with anything. The FFF is a gaping, greedy pit of neediness.

    5. SOTM, your "showcasing animal abuse" comment is a perfect way to put it, lol. And let's be thankful that "Mir" was so obtuse as to unknowingly provide evidence of that!

      PDD - That "lit match" logo -- Just took a quick look and it doesn't seem that Miriam ever used it. The only logo-like thing I found was here (Look at her name in the upper left hand corner):


      That looks like a fancy font rather than a creative logo. But if it is a logo, Mir paid anywhere between $250 to $400 for that? What a sucker!

  26. Didn't have the ability to purchase a new computer, eh?

    By the way, it doesn't escape my notice that her "10 year old Mac" would mean she purchased it at the same time she purchased the house.

    I actually think it's not quiiiiiiite 10 years old, and instead she purchased it with the Birththorn $$$$.

    I feel like I remember her complaining about needing a new computer around that time.

    You know, you can get a fresh laptop for a few hundred bucks. You don't need a mac to do the "design work" she sells. All that can be done with Canva, with a free membership no less. I have the paid account and it's a few bucks a month, and it does all the common functions of Photoshop.

    It's not like she uses anything other than standard repetitive fonts and clip art vectors for those logos anyway.

    Yes, it's wild how the delusional people find each other. This is why we need government regulations, because individuals can't be trusted to make logical decisions based on evidence that's right in front of their face.

    1. WIW wrote: "Didn't have the ability to purchase a new computer, eh?"

      Just came here to ask the same question. The "ability" -- Ugh, the absolute nerve of her saying that. I'm not gonna waste my time, but I'm sure if I went back and added up all the non-essential luxury crap she's purchased in the past 3 years alone, it would be more than enough for a new Mac. She is such a horribly dishonest person.

      And unless I'm wrong, I believe that 10 y/o Mac was given to her by ex friend/mentor Jon Katz before he yeeted the Pig Shocker out of his life. Which brings up another point: This is now TWO free computers she's managed to grift from sympathetic people. Think about it...no one is going to just gift you a computer unless you are the squeakiest wheel on the beggar bus.

      And think about how many times she must've mentioned her dying computer and her "inability" to purchase a new one. Like a broken record until some sap gives her one just to shut her up. It's an old tactic that sadly works for some grifters.

      WiW, good point about a cheaper laptop, as you'd think that'd be good enough. Also, you'd think she'd at least once pay for one herself. She's now had two free ones in a row. At what point do you think she'll realize that she can't always rely on "slung" luck?

    2. Also, a new computer in the context of what she puts forward as her life would be a *business expense* and a *tax write-off!*

      Notice how she never ever ever talks about saving for income tax or paying it? If she were running an actual business, she'd have to do all those things, and she absolutely would be buying whatever computer she could afford, because you need those tax write-offs in a business, or else you just pay that money anyway in taxes.

      Of course, we know she doesn't declare any of her "sales" income as such.

    3. If anyone, ever, takes FFF down and off the internet, it would be the IRS.

      The IRS could look at her years of history tweeting for "sales" and how she has at least one mortgage payment worth of "sales" each month, by her own words.

      She could be looking at $12,000 / year of undeclared taxable income a year, minimum. Times ten years. What's the income tax rate in NY, 30%? Let's be generous and estimate they'd only nail her for 20%. That's still $24,000 she could owe in taxes on undeclared taxable income, or income she declared and categorized as donations.

      Such an audit could put into question every dollar she has received through that paypal account, as she categorizes everything as donations, so she just might have screwed herself there, because she could have to pay income tax on ALL of her paypal income, even the stuff that actually WAS donations, because she has been laundering taxable income through the donation stream.

      Yeah, laundering money is what she's doing, if she's not paying tax on those "sales".

      By the way, if she IS doing things properly, paying taxes on what she should and keeping quiet about it, then the shipping costs she talks about should be deductible too, no?

  27. I remember when she was asking (read: begging) her readers if anyone was selling a used Mac. She was very specific about what she wanted. Of course, she wasn't really asking if they were selling. She wanted someone to give one to her.

  28. And then there was the time when she said she couldn't fulfill orders because her computer crashed. I doubt she lost the data. It was just an excuse to stiff people again.

    1. If she had really wanted to buy one, she would have been looking on Craigslist, eBay, or NewEgg which has refurbished tech equipment for cheap.


    2. I do remember that Anon 1:23! She was wanting everyone she was doing work for to email/call her or some shit. It was ridiculous. Who runs a business like that?


    3. what I could never understand was if her computer crashed how could people e-mail her since you know she doesn't have a cell phone.


    Horrifically messed up. Trigger warning for animal abuse imagery.

    Our fraudulent "farmer" shared in her instagram stories another instrgram account, an artist by the name of Beth Cavener.

    Before I link that artist's instagram, I need to warn you that the imagery is fucked up. Animal lovers may not want to look at all, and just read my description. Or just skip this post.

    Here goes.

    The artist Beth Cavener produces clay sculptures of animals, pretty much to scale, but with a slightly cartoonish style. Like Secret of Nymh, slightly anthropomorphized in their expressions.

    The artist is inarguably skilled. Her sculptures are realistic and objectively beautiful. The subject matter is straight up fucking disturbing.

    Because damn near every subject animal she produces is in pain, in fear, or dead.

    It is so fucked. It's like a 3D version of those furry cartoons Jenna used to produce under the pen name Oakpaw, except none of the animals are smiling. They're all either dead, trapped, dying, or killed.

    It is so fucking disturbing.

    And the images Jenna chose to share are actually the WORST ones.

    I am going to link the images, click at your own risk.

    You have been warned. I am going to continue my commentary up here so that those of you choosing not to view horrific animal imagery can see what I have to say about it.

    Why THE FUCK would Jenna share this shit on her instagram? To her followers who supposedly love animals???

    Of course, we KNOW why Jenna thinks this art is worth sharing, and why she likes it. This isn't simply butchering photos, the anthropomorphic animals are contorted in painful experiences, some in bondage, and there was NO CONTEXT given for these images, just "Hey, here's some great art!" I was NOT PREPARED for this shit when I clicked, and I'm betting a lot of other people weren't prepared either.

    I am a hunter, a fisher, and I eat farm animals. I have worked in medical and veterinary settings my whole life. I am not squeamish. I am also a fan of challenging art. But you would not put a link of fucked up imagery in your instagram stories with no goddamned prep or context. Challenging art can serve a useful purpose, but why this Cavener woman produces SO MUCH fucked up shit, not just one show's worth but it seems like this is her *thing*, FUCK. I JUST CANNOT.


    A few links to specific images that Jenna shared are below the dots, but honestly, you'll wish you didn't click. I'm just documenting this for posterity at this point, because this is just too fucked up to not record.

    I now agree that Jenna must have some serious personality disorder to think that this content was okay for her to share on her coldantler instagram.

    My eyes. I want to scream.

    ~ snoopy anon


    Wolf vomiting entrails.

    Fox with leg in snare, chewing off wrong leg

    live sheep (made to look like it was still alive) hanging from a chain in the ceiling, dripping blood into a wine glass, fleece dripping off

    There was a big cat pawing at a wasp nest in her stories, but I can't find that image on Cavener's insta.

    1. Here is the context given by the artist, thought "moments of tension" is an offensive understatement.

      Jenna found an artist as fucked up as herself. It *pains me* this artist sells enough of their work to perpetuate it. ~ Snoopy Anon

      Animal Body, Human Space
      Primitive animal instincts lurk in our own depths, waiting for the chance to slide past a conscious moment. The sculptures I create focus on human psychology, stripped of context and rationalization, and articulated through animal and human forms. On the surface, these figures are simply feral and domestic individuals suspended in a moment of tension. Beneath the surface, they embody the consequences of human fear, apathy, aggression, and misunderstanding.

      Both human and animal interactions show patterns of intricate, subliminal gestures that betray intent and motivation.
      The things we leave unsaid are far more important than the words spoken out-loud to one another. I have learned to read meaning in the subtler signs; a look, the way one holds one’s hands, the incline of the head, and the slightest unconscious gesture. I rely on animal body language in my work as a metaphor for these underlying patterns, transforming the animal subjects into human psychological portraits.

      I want to pry at those uncomfortable, awkward edges between animal and human. Entangled in their own internal and external struggles, the figures express frustration for the human tendency towards cruelty and lack of understanding. Something conscious and knowing is captured in their gestures and expressions.

      An invitation and a rebuke.

    2. I won’t look at the links. But I’m not surprised that JFW admires “art” that’s sadistic towards animals. Considering how she’s bragged about deliberately shocking her poor pigs, and also saying “I put the laughter back in slaughter.” Your comments confirm that she’s a sociopathic POS who delights in suffering.


    3. I checked out the artist and her work. Yeeeeesh. This artist has received awards, legitimizing the imagery of anthropomorphized animals twisted in suffering.

      This is 100% an artist who was funded selling made-to-order explicit imagery. Of course FFF thinks this work is great. My wife has a visual arts degree, and can reference work that sets the precedent for this artist in the scene, and she does her own versions of "challenging art" which are uncomfortable to view, but they're not essentially snuff scenes. She rolled her eyes at the artist's statement and said, "This is why I never did group shows."

      This sort of thing tends to grab attention in the art scene, and she says this is an example of a woman capitalizing on sexualized and violent imagery. It's furry porn adjacent. Not quite but close enough that the brain feels uncomfortable viewing it, and the artist's statement tries to frame that discomfort into something intellectual and high-minded, with a moralistic twist.

      I could definitely have lived the rest of my life without knowing this artist exists, but yeah, this is exactly the kind of work FFF *wishes* she could do, because one thing this fucked up artist has over FFF is that she actually has artistic chops.

    4. HOLY HELL, those "artworks" are disturbing. As disturbing as someone purposely shocking a little pig. No wonder JFW is a fan. And I'll bet 10-year old Jenna was no doubt fascinated by the details of the Jeffery Dahmer case. After all, her house is filled with dead animals and their assorted parts. In the past she talked about learning taxidermy and even made soap. Check it out:


      Deeply disturbing and no wonder she'd be a fan of such awful and distasteful art.

  30. OH NO! FFF is just about out of hay. And of course she wants anyone in the area please let her know if they know anyplace. Just last month she was talking about how well she was supplied with hay not to mention when she said late summer she had 400 bales at PP. Darn life changes all the time, and those damn pesky bills that you and I have to pay seems to apply to her also which of course she doesn't think is fair.

    1. It’s time to play CAF Bingo for Bucks: truck, teeth, dogs, hay, heat, hawk, clothes, computer etc... It never ends.


    2. yep. I picture her as an auctioneer trying to get a higher price on each thing. Bud do love CAF Bingo for Bucks another good one. LS.

    3. Thanks! If we were able to do images here I’d create a real Bingo for Bucks board.


    4. She said in September that she wanted to have the "lions share" of 250 bales stacked before "first snow fall" which was to get her through the whole winter.


      I interpret her latest worried about hay tweet as, "Hey, Patty, could I have some of your hay?"

      Why does she have so many hayburners on her property if she can't source or afford the hay? She was talking about the "no hay bank" situation in August.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I made a Bingo Card! I redid the link, try this one:


    7. The center mortgage square is free. I could make a bigger one if we want to include more excuses to beg

    8. Anon 11:26 - My mouth dropped open when I read that tweet. You are correct, as back on June 13th she stated that she helped stack 400+ bales in PP's barn and that roughly half were for her. (About 240 I believe).

      On August 11 she wrote: "I am without a hay bank. In years past I could buy hay as I went, getting 20-30 bales at a time. That was a standard truckload and easy to manage as one person loading and stacking small quantities like that of square bales. But this year I need to buy in hay in bulk, pay for it, store it, and do it all soon as possible because there's a shortage from the dry summer."

      ^^^^^We called her out on that because she clearly stated on both the bleg and Instagram that she had 200+ bales at PP's. And in that same bleg post she also grunted this:

      "My prices went from $3 a bale I paid as I went to upwards of $7 a bale plus delivery. Now I don't have a lot of critters to feed, but I need about 200 bales to get through the worst of the winter and that is daunting. MY current hay guy has quoted me at $365 for a delivery of only 50 bales. Yikes."

      ^^^^^Not sure if that's relevant, but whoop there it is.

      And THEN on Sept. 23rd she stated she had 80 bales in her own barn -- but she didn't say whether these bales were from her "hay bank" over at PP's. In fact, she implied that the bales were a recent purchase. But why would she have to purchase any if she had a shit ton of hay at PP's as she claimed in June?

      Seven days later on Sept. 30th she wrote: "Besides a poorly-working tarp in the barn wetting some bales - most of the farm is dry (those bales are going to be used FAST though...)"

      (Obviously she's setting the stage for a future hay beg)

      On October 19th she wrote: "There are about 80 bales of hay in the barn with another 75 on hold for in reserve to deliver when I am ready for them. I'm a little worried about how tight the barn is for hay storage, but I reckon I'll find out soon. Going through 2 a day for the horses and flock right now..."

      Didn't she just say the month before that those 80 bales were gonna go FAST? But she STILL has 80 bales one month later? AND she has 75 on hold?? I'm not understanding her math here. But there it all is, in case anyone wants to do the real math.

      This is why she gets away with all her monthly begging, year after year, as her idiot foollowers obviously have shit memories and she counts on that to keep her lazy "slung luck" lifestyle. She should hang her head in shame, as I've met many a homeless person who are more honest than the Pig Shocker.

    9. Shit, I didn't see WIW's comment before posting. And it's something I missed that the PS wrote on Sept. 6th:

      "There are around 75 bales stacked in the barn, lining the entire base floor of the small structure. This is the most hay I've ever had in that little barn because in the past I only needed to store a max of 40 or so bales at a time since I could constantly resupply that same space from hay banks around the area. Now with being in charge of an entire winter's worth of hay I need about 200-250 bales to get through the winter."

      There's that 70+ bales again for a 3rd time..all as of different dates. She's soooooo full of shit.

    10. WIW - Your bingo card is BRILLIANT!

      I laughed hard at "Truck Done Broke"

      Great job!! I re-posting below so no one misses it.

    11. I would’ve appreciated being acknowledged that the Bingo board was my idea. The same way that the username Woe is Wog was mine. It’s common courtesy to give credit. It’s a sore spot for me because often my ideas have been ignored.


    12. LS, a big thank you to YOU too. You have an abundance of funny ideas and I'm sure everyone knows and appreciates your content.

      In part, because of the way Blogger sorts responses, it's not always easy to search and be reminded of who did what.

      Years ago, CAST had Beggin Bingo, but for the life of me I couldn't track its history. Pretty sure you were also connected with it.

    13. Thanks, PDD. And I appreciate you, too!

  31. PP tweeted her farm was owned by Madoff investors who lost everything. Nice work Pat, profiting off others misery (IMO).
    Also wanted to say I watched a programme on pigs and they were say it’s NOT OK to castrate pigs without pain control. They say we should know better by now. I agree.
    Also wanted to mention FFF’s gf is a no talent dipshit, I checked her FB, artist my ass.

    1. Of course she’s with a woman who isn’t talented. Otherwise there would be too much competition between them. Shannon is just like Jenna, but a younger version.

    2. Has anyone else noticed that Patty and Shannon often have similar stupid facial expressions?

    3. Also NOT okay to dock lambs' tails at the late age she did them using the elastrator, with no pain meds (none mentioned anyway.) That method of tail docking is only considered humane before 6 weeks of age or something like that.

      I was shocked she'd castrate the goat with the elastrator when he was what, 6 months old? But apparently that, at least, was within standards of practice, considered more humane than at a young age when more things tend to go wrong.

    4. Nocash - I didn't see PP's Madoff victim property comment but it sounds like an awful thing for her to say...and not something a normal person would talk about. What was the context? Was PP bragging about it?

      Anon 2:40 - Great observation. And if true, it's a common thing for narcissists to surround themselves with those of lesser ability. Makes themselves feel better.

      Anon 2:44 - Not just weird facial expressions, but crazy eyes too.

      WIW - I agree that all animals should receive analgesia or anesthesia before invasive procedures. Heck, even those fun new murder hornets were put out before trackers were attached to their bodies. Yet were talking about a woman who laughs while she purposely shocks innocent piggies. Animal suffering means nothing to her. She probably cries every time she accidentally tears a $20 bill in two. And weeps while trying to tape it back together. But cry over a dying or dead animal? Naw.

    5. Anon 7, Patty mentions her farm was purchased by her from Madoff investors who lost everything. It was in the context of rising farm prices and how she got a good deal. This was on instagram, I’ll try and find it again.

    6. I looked for PP’s Madoff post. It WAS in instagram under a post by Hoarse Whisperer on Nov 6. Looks like it’s been deleted. That’ll teach me to grab screenshots but tells me they so read here, probably every AM with morning coffee.

  32. OMG, the latest Twitter pic of the two sent a chill down my spine. Just imagine...you are walking in the woods and you decide to lay down against a tree, close your eyes, and enjoy the sounds of nature. Suddenly, you're startled by the sound of twigs being crushed underfoot. And you open your eyes to this:


    Your stiffen in horror at the sight of not one, but TWO pairs of crazy eyes! And while your body is torn between pissing itself or fleeing, your brain interrupts with the melody of a Doublemint Gum jingle from the 80's:

    A double nightmare is waiting for you!
    A double nightmare from an income-less two!
    A double bad feeling, making you realize...
    These Doublescamers are gonna grift you!
    Double shams, Doubly screwed,
    Double-trouble is out to get you!!

    (I'll show myself out)

  33. In case anyone missed it, Woe is Wog made a fantastic CAF Begging Bingo card:


    WIW also wrote: "The center mortgage square is free. I could make a bigger one if we want to include more excuses to beg."

    Not sure if the "mortgage" being in the free square was by accident or design, but it's PERFECT because out of all those things, the mortgage is the ONE THING that happens every time, every single month, thus, it's a given, just like the free square. Genius!

    And I'll bet ya, if any of us here had all the free time that Jenna does, we could go back in her bleg and find ONE month where she used ALL those bingo begs at once. I am confident of this.

  34. FLASHBACK to when Jenna seemed to be smoking CRACK: While searching the bleg in response to a post snoopy anon made, I found this gem:

    "Arrows Rising Sale! - To also help out with Gibson's bills I will offer these two spots at a huge discount, instead of $350 a person, it will be $200 a person for 2 days of small group instruction and your own longbow. Sign up for 2 people for the price of $375! Since the bows are here and paid for I can eat the cost to make the workshop sale, and it will help this farm very much! Learn a skill, too!"

    This is the Dunning-Kruger effect on STEROIDS. So before the "sALe PrICe" of $200, she was commanding $350 to teach someone how to shoot a bow and arrow? There's really not a whole lot to it. Yes, I know there are tips about accounting for the wind, and range, angles and stuff...but it's not worth $175 a day to stand around four a few hours listening to an out-of-breath Pig Shocker ramble on about arrow-related stories that are only funny to her.

    Meanwhile, you can't pee in her house, she doesn't provide lunch, and you can't camp overnight there either. So yer paying even more money for Subway and a hotel in town. And surely the "free longbows" are obviously cast-offs she no longer uses and are probably about to break. $350 for all that? What a bargain!

  35. Her latest blog post is so full of stupid typos on top of the usual BS that it communicates one message loud and clear: "I don't actually GAF about you, reader. I just need to post every so often so I can keep begging for my 10 years of writing." Seriously, it's not possible that she read the post twice; just dumped out some shit and hit "Publish".

    That said, hope everyone is hanging in there and finding some hope and comfort for the holidays. I am enough of an introvert, I am still not totally tired of being mostly home. COVID is spreading like wildfire through my neighborhood, though thankfully most are coming out on the other side okay. My 100 year old grandma has it in her assisted living community - so far not hospitalized, but I am feeling pretty pissed that we haven't been able to see her since March to keep her safe and someone who works there did NOT keep her safe. She's a trooper and if a centenarian is going to kick COVID's ass it will be her.

    Anon in GA aka the Grumpy Reader

    1. "Her latest blog post is so full of stupid typos..."

      OMG. How freaking hard is it to hit "spellcheck" after you write something? SMH


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anon in GA, my fingers are crossed that you and your family continue to avoid (or fight & win) against Covid. People in Georgia have so much 'stuff' going on right. - I'm absolutely sending you healing positive energy.

      My state now holds the dubious honor of being number one in per capita cases of Covid. We'd done so well in the spring and summer, but after Labor Day the amount of anti-mask sentiment and hostility increased to a frightening level. It's disheartening! At the start, no one quite knew what to do - and CDC downplayed use of masks because they didn't want public buying up/ hoarding PPE. That was a mistake.

      But now, every SENTIENT HUMAN BEING should fully understand the need to mask up and stay apart. Hell, even this Administration's Handmaiden, the CDC, publicized that people should wear masks and stay at least six feet apart.

      Yet, there are thousands who won't do something as simple as wear a mask to protect their family, friends and neighbors.

      I pray we'll all make it through this pandemic safe and sound.

      PS deleted first because of automatic typo.

    4. Thanks. Just spoke to Grandma on the phone; she is weak but still home so far.

      Yeah, Georgia is in the thick of the crazy these days! It's exhausting, but I personally would be so happy to see this southern state be the one that flips the Senate.

      Anon in GA

    5. Oh man, you weren't kidding! Here we go:

      "Banket" of flurries
      The "night are" growing darker
      "figth" (fight)
      "grateul" (grateful)
      "OCtober morthage"
      "savig" (saving)
      "Hoestly" (honestly)

      Yeah, it's obvious she's just phoning it in to have fresh new bleg posts that people can "throw in" for. AND...it's yet another platform to mention her latest past due mortgage.

      Anon in GA, like lots of Americans right now, we thank you and we LOVE you guys! Stay safe and well!!

  36. Life is just not fair for PS. Poor dear she is buying up as much hay as she can so she cannot possibly pay her late mortgage payment. (insert foot stopping here). Poor little thing she is going to up her begging on line (when did she slow down?) you have been warned.

  37. Her December bleg, Hahahaha.

    "...It's been tight, but sometimes a big sale or luck comes through and it's enough to order some gifts without guilt..."


    "Big sale" = ALMOST FREE POODLE CASH *

    * Clients may expect a slight amount of work for their $$$. But if FFF can drag out, delay, lose orders or forget, she gets the money - they get the regret.

    "Gifts without guilt" = a trick! FFF is NEVER guilty about taking and spending other people's money!

  38. well she must be planning on not delivering her orders in time this month. She has listed on her twitter that if your gift doesn't arrive in time for Christmas just take a picture of it and wrap that up for the person. Plenty of time to fly birdies in the air but not enough time to get her orders out that are paid for already. I swear I am dizzy from shaking my head.

    1. USPS is so slow right now cuz they are sadly overworked. I shipped a tiny package from CA to AZ and it took 8 days instead of the usual 1-2 days. It's reported that excess holiday packages, short staff and pandemic are the reason.

      But did the Pig Shocker ease up on all her play activity and hawking adventures? Did she devote more time to getting those orders out? Of course not! Not exactly a big priority when she already received and spent the money.

  39. Instagram update

    Jenna has a *brand new leather falconry glove* as seen in a video she posted of her hawk recalling to the glove. It is so new, the leather stands off of her hand, resisting bending and the cuff's only crease is from when it lay flat in whatever box it was shipped in.

    This is at minimum a $100 expense minimum. $50 glove plus $15 - 20 tether plus tax & shipping. She already has a glove and they are meant to last a lifetime, so I assume she bought a second glove so that Shannon could play with the hawk too.

    The also cross-posted the photos she's already shared on twitter.

    ~ snoopy anon

    1. Thanks snoopy anon. I've said it before, I wouldn't care how FFF spends her money if she weren't constantly crying poor and begging. This is the kind of thing that wore thin in my years living in a former hippy mecca. The idea of "community" is great when everyone's contributing and pulling their weight, but in reality, these "communities" end up supporting people like FFF, who expect others to "help" ie pay for them, and repeatedly put themselves in preventable crisis.

      I found one such friend of mine weeping a coffee shop one day, because she had an infected tooth and couldn't afford to get it pulled. She could get the extraction done via the emergency room referral system (as opposed to making an appointment with the dentist herself) but first she had to complete an antibiotic prescription, which she could not afford to do.

      Of course without thinking I paid for her prescription. It was $30. The Canadian public health care system does not cover pharmaceuticals except in specific circumstances.

      Thing is, this young woman was flat broke as a result of her choices. Living in a van and only working a few months out of the year seems great in theory to a twenty-something pseudo-spiritualist-hippy, especially if that work is picking weed with a bunch of like-minded transient workers who reinforce your life choices with their own, similarly foolish and short-sighted philosophies.

      So there she was, fully able-bodied, otherwise healthy young woman, who couldn't fill a $30 prescription for antibiotics.

      And of course I helped her, because she was (and still is) my friend, and the time to talk to a friend about their life choices is not when you find them weeping in a coffee shop.

      That incident alone wasn't enough to change her lifestyle, but over the course of the next year, similar events resulted in her making some major life changes. She used her experiences to learn, grow, and change.

      I still buy her jewelry, but she doesn't try to live off of her art and weed picking anymore, which is great because I don't worry about her anymore.

      I think of my friend, and then I think of FFF. FFF has something missing, compared to my friend. FFF never changes her behaviour, and she is never going to stop spinning fictional tales about how her mortgage is late or how stressed or scared she is.

      The big difference is my friend actually never asked for my help, or anyone elses. She was willing to sit with that toothache and contemplate her remaining options. I'm sure she would have called her mother for help, if I hadn't offered, and there would have been consequences to that too, but a normal person, even a unique / spiritual / neo-hippie has more of a sense of personal-responsibility than FFF.

      I remember FFF's bank-shot off the homesteading trend was based on self-sufficiency. What a farce she's become now.

    2. She wouldn't need a new glove if she had taken care of the old one she had. Remember the pic of the glove laying in the mews with mold all over it?

    3. The new glove is a lot like the pricey pair of boots that she buys yearly, because she won’t take proper care of her possessions. Why would she when PayPal poodles keep giving her free funds?

    4. ew - what? is that pic of the moldy glove still up somewhere?

    5. Total US COVID DEATHS ~296,000

      ~3,000 people in the US are dying EVERYDAY from Covid

      644 US Billionaires have made $1 TRILLION dollars since the pandemic started.

      Jeff Bezos has a net worth of 182 BILLION DOLLARS and pays nothing in taxes while Amazon workers barely make minimum wage.

      But this group of five white women baby boomers are worried about someone selling soap and logos for $100.

      Check your privilege. Y’all should get your priorities straight.

    6. Anon 10:15 - What on earth does that have to do with JFW cheating people? No one cares if she sells soap and logos. What we DO care about is that she has been cheating people for over ten years. Preying on they sympathies. Taking money and not delivering product. Crying poor and then spending donor money on unnecessary items. Neglecting and abusing animals.

      We cannot take on the world, but we can take on one grifter.

      Anon 10:15, get your priorities straight.

    7. Sorry! I forgot to cure Covid, fix the tax system, and raise minimum wage before I went running errands this morning.... Sheeeesh.

    8. Anonymous 10:15. Go fuck yourself. This blog isn’t about news. Jenna Woginrich is an animal abusing, sociopathic scammer. She’s been doing this for decades. And this public service site consists of a diverse range of people. She should be so lucky if we were only “five white women baby boomers.” You must be another dumb enabler, and stupid sycophantic supporter.

    9. Anon 10:15, what have YOU done about COVID, Jeff Bezos, and the other billionaires??

    10. Anon 10:15 - I am shocked by your lack of empathy. For every person scammed, I see someone's grandmother, mother, aunt or sister. Especially my kind hearted grandmother who had fallen prey a few times to someone's sob stories because she wanted to help them, even though she had very little money.

      I'm also disappointed in your lack of empathy towards her animals, many of whom have suffered or died under her "care".

      So go ahead and take on Jeff Bezos while we take care of the kindhearted people who have lost money to JFW's scams.

    11. There's a possibility Anon 10:15 is Patty. She has defended JFW's scamming practices in the past. And she is no stranger to scandal herself, something about embezzlement and the local library. Patty was discussed here recently, so maybe that is her chiming in.

    12. I’ve never agreed with (still silent) Whack that JFW comments here. But it’s possible that Patty, Miriam or even Shannon chimes in.

    13. She’s also loathed by locals, and former friends like Jon Katz. Plus her heathen group quit in disgust due to her demands for them to help with faux farm projects. Her rotten reputation is well-deserved. Bilking the Birchthorn book backers out of over $15,000, and then not sending them their hard copies for a few years was outright thievery. JW is a cunt. It’s a crude word, but fits her abhorrent actions.

    14. We won’t keep quiet like demure little ladies about her deliberate and sadistic shocking of pigs to prove a point. And we’ll continue to encourage authorities with investigating her hovel until the faux farm is finally foreclosed.

    15. I'm sorry, but what an absurd comment by Anon 10:15

      "But this group of five white women baby boomers are worried about someone selling soap and logos for $100.

      Check your privilege. Y’all should get your priorities straight."

      1. There's more than 5 regular posters.

      2. Maybe some here are baby boomers but I am not (gen x if you please) - regardless, what sort of ageist bullshit is that?

      3. selling soap and logos - if that's what she were doing, no one here would care. What she is actually doing is lying about her mortgage and household expenses, and also lying about how much she actually makes selling $20-100 items. The math never works out.

      4. Speaking of taxes, she gets everyone to pay her for "sales" via a donation link, and so records the income (if she reports it at all) as "donations" or gifts or whatever. If she is making enough to pay her mortgage for years on end, then that's taxable income. Uncle Jeff should be paying taxes too, but there is all of twitter for you to bring that discussion. That's not what we discuss here.

      5. "Check your privilege." Well there's a phrase that is not intended to be used in the discussion of an american-born property-owning university-educated able-bodied white woman who lies about her income and expenses to make "sales" she records as "donations".

      Here's an article on the history / origin of the phrase: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/05/what-the-origin-of-check-your-privilege-tells-us-about-todays-privilege-debates/370795/

      While I'm helping you use google to learn about the phrases you toss out, here's a reminder of the context of "okay boomer" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK_boomer

      I get it - as a gen x-er with boomer parents who just did not seem to get it that we are on very unequal ground to what they walked when they were our age. I am maybe one or two years older than Jenna, I'm also a queer woman, I have also experienced family estrangement. I understand my privilege compared to some of my friends, but as far as Jenna is concerned, we're on equal ground. She's actually ahead of me because she was able to buy property 10 years before I did.

      I'm not simply a meanie here to troll Jenna, I post here because Jenna's continued antics over the past 10 years have made *want* to talk to other people about it, as in, "are you seeing this bullshit!?"

      If you're Jenna's new girlfriend, I completely understand your impulse to post here and call us old, and tell us we're privileged, and that there's more important things in the world than Jenna's small-time con.

      Just know that how someone begins is how they tend to go on. If you have ideas about how things will progress or change with Jenna as your years together go by, just know that things won't get any better than they currently are. Maybe you're okay with that. No one is perfect, after all, just be real honest with yourself about who you're hitching your wagon to.

      Good luck.

    16. Funny that the timing of Anon 10:15's comment is at the same time that Jenna started her "Twelve Days of Hardcore Begging" BegFest Thread. Sales must be BAD.

      Also, pretty sure Jeff Bezos has never purposely shocked a pig or neglected/abused animals on the regular.

      BTW, Gen Xer here, and only half white. And a queer. Also, since the pandemic was mentioned, well duh, we sure DO have a lot of free time these days, being that we are on lockdown in our homes. Lots of free time to report and blog about serial scammers like Jenna. All for the sake of those poor animals.

  40. Irony:

    Anon 10:15 trying to support PS by saying we should instead talk about billionaires (like Bezos) who take advantage of people and obtain money they don't deserve.

    What's the difference between them and the FFF? Nothing but a whole lot of zeros... By her own writing, FFF takes advantage of people for financial gain. The only difference is she's too lazy to be good at it.

    Reminds me of this old joke:

    "Bernard Shaw was at a party once and he told this woman that everyone would agree to do anything for money, if the price was high enough. `Surely not, she said.' `Oh yes,' he said. `Well, I wouldn't,' she said. `Oh yes you would,' he said. `For instance,' he said, `would you sleep with me for... for a million pounds?' `Well,' she said, `maybe for a million I would, yes.' `Would you do it for ten shillings?' said Bernard Shaw. `Certainly not!' said the woman `What do you take me for? A prostitute?' `We've established that already,' said Bernard Shaw. `We're just trying to fix your price now!' "

    1. I’ve noticed many times here that whenever one of her rabid fans comes and comments, then they never respond back to our counterattacks. It’s like they run out of ammo.

    2. The ample amount of negative evidence against her is overwhelming, and there’s no way for it to be negated now. Which is why they can’t counterattack it.

    3. Excellent joke! But who is Anon 10:15?

    4. Just found it above. Nevermind.

  41. Anon 8:19 - You are correct. They run out of ammo fast because they know we are right. Notice that Anon 10:15 did not deny the scams. She just basically said to leave her alone. None of her fans dispute the fact that she begs or takes money for product and doesn't deliver.

    I remember when Jenna was allowing comments on her blog, and Patty responded to people who complained they didn't get refunds, calling it a "grudge match". A grudge match? Really? All they wanted was their money back for product they didn't receive and Patty called it a grudge match?

    I'd like to know what Patty, or Jenna for that matter, would do if they paid for product and didn't receive it.

    1. We won’t leave her alone until she stops abusing animals and also her hawks. Jenna and Patty would be angry if they were ripped off. But they’re both huge hypocrites.

    2. The begging doesn’t bother me as much, because people are foolish to not do research before donating. But the animal abusing is abhorrent.

    3. Anon 3:01 - I respectfully disagree with you. My heart goes out to the victims because I believe they are genuinely good people trying to help. They probably have enough honor in them that they can’t conceive the dishonor in her. I will never blame the victims.

      And yes, my heart also goes out to her poor innocent animals.

    4. I understand your point, thanks. But I’m not “blaming the victims.” Unfortunately, with all of the scammers online now, it’s foolish to not do research first before donating. It’s not about one having “honor.” It’s protecting a person’s investment from falling into the hands of someone unscrupulous like JFW.

  42. well it appears that our little snowflake has been confronted about not delivering work for them. She has let it be known you just don't threaten her that's for sure. I guess she is acting like her "art" won't be what you expect or it won't be good. Once I wiped away the tears from laughing and laughing and laughing I thought how will the person know the art isn't any good, none of it is.

    1. in her twitter feed. It is a threat to anyone who you don't piss of 1. a person serving your food and 2. someone making your "art" and I use that word oh so loosely for sure.

    2. So she is threatening someone who paid her for product she hasn’t delivered?

      Anon 10:15. - THIS IS WHY WE’RE HERE!

    3. Exactly. Which is why we’re watchdogs keeping track of JFW, her animal abusing, and disgusting begging.

    4. How does one "threaten" an artist? How would an artist retaliate? Keep the money and not deliver? Deliver shit art? Has this client been paying attention at all?

      "Threaten" - what hyperbole. What does FFF consider threatening, in this context?

    5. This was probably a christmas present that someone purchased 4-6 weeks ago which will now not get delivered in time for the holidays.

      I hope whoever she screwed over will check in with us here to let us know what went down.

    6. WIW - That's probably exactly it. While the Pig Shocker was frolicking around the woods in her new Taylor Swift cardigan and playing hide-n-seek with the GF, that particular customer's order was filed away under the sofa, crumpled and covered by dust bunnies!

  43. You can see the brand new glove discussed above in this tweet:

  44. Twit Shit:

    “Okay so the month is halfway over, I'm still working on last month's mortgage and I need to get in about $500 worth of hay too. I got the $500 for hay so I am working towards a payment in under 2 weeks. So please buy some stuff! it is for dried grass to feed livestock and roof!”

    “And if you don't want to buy stuff, but love the idea of a couple of gays running a freelance/farming homestead and trying to make their dream work - you can always just contribute for writing! Barnheart dot com has been alive and kicking since 2007! http://PayPal.me/jennacaf”

    “If you live too far away to pick up meat shares, hate soap, don't have pets for me to draw and you still want to kick into the farm's fall expenses or support 12 years of free writing at the blog - please, by all means, chip in a buck to http://PayPal.me/jennacaf”

    “Why is there an 8-hour maintenance update in WoW on a Saturday?! Why?!

    “I'm an enneagram 4. Yup.”


    1. It’s all a crock of crap. Her bullshit begging is to get more free funds for doing nothing but breathing. And her enneagram type is troubled, too:

      Unhealthy Levels

      Level 7: When dreams fail, become self-inhibiting and angry at self, depressed and alienated from self and others, blocked and emotionally paralyzed. Ashamed of self, fatigued and unable to function.

      Level 8: Tormented by delusional self-contempt, self-reproaches, self-hatred, and morbid thoughts: everything is a source of torment. Blaming others, they drive away anyone who tries to help them.

      Level 9: Despairing, feel hopeless and become self-destructive, possibly abusing alcohol or drugs to escape. In the extreme: emotional breakdown or suicide is likely. Generally corresponds to the Avoidant, Depressive, and Narcissistic personality disorders.

    2. Yes but then the PS wrote this a few days ago:

      If there's two types of people you shouldn't threaten when you get impatient about what your ordered: it's people serving you food or making you art.

      So get on it already bitch. Obviously you owe people some art or their money back. So this person already bought stuff from you, others who may be thinking of buying from you may not now because they know they may never see it.

      And why would anyone care who runs the damn farm. Gays or straight, I don't give a rat's ass what their sexuality is. What does that have to do with anything and why does she feel the need to mention it. Who cares???? You are not making a dream work, you are a straight-up grifter and has-been writer.

    3. She only mentions her stupid sexuality now, like a teen twat, because it’s another asinine attempt for money mooching. Ironic how she currently calls herself “gay,” but was “SUPER QUEER” before meeting Shannon.

    4. Yeah, I really don't understand her need to keep cramming the fact that she's gay into all her begging tweets. BTW, interesting link about enneagrams...I haven't heard of this before.

      So someone actually threatened her over late artwork? Lol, can't say I'm surprised since she takes forever. But I'm guessing it wasn't a serious threat. Probably more something like demanding their money back. Which you know is loooong gone spent.

  45. Yep. She’s definitely begging for two now.

  46. Look at how Ms Sneaky Sneakerton changed her pig shares post:

    "We raise pork without antibiotics, hormones, and in small sounders for shares of 1/4 and 1/2 pigs. Orders available for next winter/spring! DM for prices and details!"

    Next winter / spring she says. Last time she did a big pork push she was selling for more than a year in advance, so for late October 2021.

    "Next winter" appears to mean 2022. She is claiming she's selling pork nearly two years in advance now.

    Why the hell would anyone want to throw a few hundred bucks at pork they would receive nearly TWO YEARS from now? You can go basically anywhere else and order in organic pork from any butcher, have it within weeks, not years.

    Notice she never seems to fundraise for pig feed. It's always "hay".

    This is a part of the scam, though. Instead of selling pig shares two years in advance, why wouldn't she expand her capacity, and order *more pigs*. She apparently butchered some back in the fall, right? But she seemed to already be selling the batch of pigs after the batch of pigs she hadn't yet purchased. Logically, you'd think she would simply add a few more pigs to the next batch.

    1. Good catch! You are right about this. She DID already supposedly sell shares for those dates. So what is she gonna do now? Buy some older pigs that are halfway grown?

  47. Wowsa, the Pig Shocker is in hardcore begging mode. No surprise there, but still. It's not just the daily individual begs, but now she has a begging THREAD going. With hardly any re-tweets, lol.

    And why is she using a pic of sheep when she doesn't have any at the moment?


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