“Trying hard to make enough sales soon to pay the October Mortgage. If you are interested in soap for the holidays, gifting a pet portrait or logo to a friend, or a share of pork for 2021 now is the time to buy it! All sales help keep the bank happy and lights on. DM to order!
And if you don't want to buy anything and just want to send some jingle jangle bells a ringing: PayPal link”
She never stops begging online. What she wants are free funds for doing nothing but breathing. JFW has used holidays, the virus, and even the election as manipulative marketing tools.
Reposted from past thread in regards to supporting Pig Shocker:
I'm not sure what is happening in other states but in mine the last two days have been filled with news articles of doomsday about "sudden" spikes of covid. Moreso than we had when covid cases caused the first shut down. My guess is that here, in my part of the midwest, they will blame thanksgiving gatherings on even higher sudden numbers of covid cases and that our local economy will shut down small businesses again by christmas.
I feel horrible for all of the hard working small business owners who cannot survive another shutdown. I have been buying grocery items from fav local restaurants who are selling milk, eggs, cheese, flour, etc. that they have too much to use with the current restrictions. I order delivery meals or curbside pickup as often as possible.
I buy anything and everything that I can just to try to give them support. They won't have the income to order any sort of inventory if we shut down again.
I would support my local small businesses a thousand times over before I would give a single cent to that animal abusing cu$t in cambridge. She can go straight to hell right back where she came from.
I wonder how long it will be until the Pig Shocker announces that the girlfriend needs a root canal? Think about it: By gaining a girlfriend, Jenna now has an entirely new mouth to mine for cash! Especially with Gibson on his last leg, it's high time for a new puppy, doncha' think? Just in time for Christmas!!! #PayPalMe/JennaCAF
Whackadoodle - Great reminder for everyone to support small businesses. Any day now I'm sure my city will bring back limited business hours for essential stores only. Crazy times we are in. But as long as everyone wears a mask, avoids unnecessary gatherings, and limits contact with others, we can get thru this. Hoping for a much better 2021 for everyone -- except those who neglect and abuse animals.
Sigh. We are seeing community spread in our area for the first time. We did such a great job at keeping it out of the community. I think we are headed to a 4 week "circuit breaker" shutdown, just in time for the holiday shopping season, a make or break time for many small businesses.
I've already done my gift shopping and have mailed them out. I'm glad I got it done early.
Spend your soap money with a company that has thousands of positive reviews while also saving money and getting better quality. Don't spend your money on soap made with the same hands that abuses animals!☹ 🤢🤮
"This moment, right NOW! is a great time to DM and order a set of 2 snowflake bars right now! Shipped anywhere in the US for a total of $20! ($6 a bar, $8 USPS Priority shipping)"
Total rip-off. Those snowflake bars are half the weight of her normal $6 bars. They are about 3 oz according to her. Which makes for a tiny package that would ship just fine via USPS First Class Mail. And only cost a few bucks. I know, because I sell and ship jewelry online. There is no need to use Priority Mail -- and she's probably using the Small Flat Rate Boxes as they are about $8 -- and she's doing that because those boxes are FREE at the post office, so they don't cost her anything.
I guess since she no longer has sheep she still feels the need to fleece something. Also, imagine paying $20 and receiving a tiny box with two tiny soaps. But oh, yOu'Re hELpiNg A gAy fArMer!!!!
If one wants to support the queer community, there are plenty of actual charities and non-profits that help actual distressed queer people in many ways, like funding the fight to get and keep equality-enforcing legislation, or helping persecuted queer folks from other countries seek asylum in safe countries.
“If you're visiting a friend's farm, you shouldn't feel obligated to get up with the hay throwing and wood chopping. But don't expect the pancakes to be still hot.”
She even expects guests to do faux farm chores. It’s no wonder why her heathen group quit. They got tired of being conned into doing her personal projects.
What an incredibly bitchy thing to post. If I were a guest there, I'd be both pissed and mortified.
Notice she posted later,
"What understood rule of social etiquette did you learn embarrassingly late in life?"
She is such a passive-aggressive communicator. Is this another dig at a houseguest that didn't pitch in with chores and received cold pancakes as punishment? Or did the guest say something about FFF's earlier passive-aggressive post, explaining that as the HOST, you damn well SHOULD provide meals to your guest, and not expect them to do a damn thing! I take it the guest brought wine.
Again, this is another crumb I add to the dustbin pile that is my theory FFF has some undiagnosed neurodiverse condition. Someone with ASD / ADD / a few other potential things really could get into their 40s not having noticed the social mores which exist all around us, like not showing up to someone's home empty handed, offering to help with post-dinner dishes. This childish self-entitlement is pretty typical for people who haven't had any sort of therapy.
Get. Therapy. Jenna! It will not hurt and could help A LOT.
If hell were to freeze over and I was her guest, I'd purposely avoid helping just to avoid her cooking. She's admitted that she bites her animal blood-covered nails and also that she revels in not washing her hands...before she eats. That's a hard pass from me.
As far as I know, repeated animal abuse is not a symptom of ADD.
She has shown predatory behavior which is from a mental disorder such as narcissism, sociopath disorder or borderline personality disorder. I think she might try to hide behind an ADD diagnosis but she has much a deeper mental illness.
It's a beautiful chilly morning. The animals are fed. The fire is warm. I like this small life more every year.“It's a beautiful chilly morning. The animals are fed. The fire is warm. I like this small life more every year.”
Her stupid “small life” is made possible by PayPay poodles and dumb enablers.
The animals are fed. She's the largest animal on the farm and I'm sure feeding her is no small chore.
As for feeding the other animals, I bet it's rough having to feed 2 horses and 2 dogs 🙄. Due to Pig Shocker's obese condition, it is obvious that the smallest "chore" exhausts her. As is evident in any of her lame blogs in which she videos showing her as she walks around her shit pit property. PS huffs and puffs as though she has full blown copd. Her rotten heart has to work ten times as hard as a healthy heart and you can tell by looking at her. She looks much older than she actually is and as if she is allergic to vitamins and nutrients.
Yup, Anon 9:39. And you'd think that she'd take a moment to thank all her enablers for her small life. But nope, the narcissist in her thinks she's done it all by her widdle self...who has not one, but TWO PayPal accounts in which to "earn up" a small living!!
When you follow someone and they post, do you get alerts or do the posts just show up in your feed? Reason I'm wondering is cuz the Pig Shocker posted her PayPal link THREE times in one day recently. 3 fcuking times. Just straight up begging for a handout in the manner of "send some jungle jangle balls to me" nonsense. *hard cringe*
I don't know if anyone here follows her, but either way, how do Twitter posts show up for you? Cuz if there's an alert for each post, I'd be a bit infuriated to be following an obnoxious unemployed online panhandler who thinks it's OK to bother me 3 times a day while I'm working a full time job.
I’m not sure how that works, but would flag her begging tweets as spam. Sometimes Twitter suspends those accounts. Which would cramp her money mooching.
I have a twitter for my business account, which I use to read FFF's public tweets but I do not actually "follow" her on this account. You don't need a twitter account at all to read her tweets as long as she posts publically.
If anyone has notifications turned on for twitter their phone would never stop chirping. Most people leave the notifications off.
Everyone who follows her wants to have the option of watching the shit show but at the same time they can't stand reading her insipid, constant tweets.
Based on the pathetic number of likes and comments in response to her tweets, all but a dozen of her followers have her muted. 😂
NG obviously can't take care of herself financially and it won't be long until a better deal comes along. She will get tired of playing maid soon enough. Someone will come along who isn't too crazy to get a job and doesn't look like the ass end of a baboon.
That girl must have the lowest of self esteems to have allowed herself get sucked into the black hole that is Cold Antler Fauxrm. Where animals go to die.
Agree Anon7. The more I see her grinning the more I think she looks as though she has some sort of mental disability. Which would make a lot of sense, as Pig Shocker is a predator and would be looking for someone she perceives to be weaker than her.
Long time shamster here. There was a time when she was playing around with the idea of charging people to do chores on her "farm". Yes, you read right. It never came to fruition, but just the idea is cringe worthy.
I remember reading something about that on her blog when she first bought the property!
She NEVER wanted to do the day to day drudgery of farm labour. I remember thinking that was so weird.
She probably could get a local teen girl to shovel out the yard in exchange for a horse ride. I used to do that all trail riding season long! Great way for poor horse girls to get their equine fix.
That girl's parents would not be impressed if they expected adult supervision. Also, it might be an insurance nightmare.
Wow, I want to know more about this! Anon 8:10, have you any other clues, like what year or even a keyword I can search for? I read a few years of her bleg before rage-quitting, but I don't remember anything about that. And if I find extra time this week, I'll definitely research it and share what I find.
Back off, Whacko. I've asked you not to comment on my posts. One minute you're agreeing with me, the next you're accusing me of being Jenna. We disagree on the weight issue, so get over it. Not everyone is going to agree on everything, so we need to agree to disagree instead of attacking like you do. Disagree with me - I don't care. Attack me and make false accusation and I will call you on it every time.
Anon7 - It may have been in the comments section which I don't think would show up in a keyword search. There may have been some discussion about bringing on an intern. Or some other discussion about ways to bring in income. When she mentioned bringing someone on to do chores, a helpful person suggested a paid intern. That's when JFW replied that she was thinking along the lines of someone paying HER. I wish I could remember more, but that's about it.
How would Whacko or anyone else here even know how to differentiate between multiple anonymous posters? I’d suggest choosing a name or initializing your comments. Otherwise no one can tell who you are.
She claimed on twitter that her hawk had a successful hunt today. No photos of course, no details, as usual. Just a prompt for the cheerleaders to kick up their routine.
That is so crazy. The hawk doesn't need that twat to hunt. She isn't helping with the conservation of hawks as more have died in her care than have been successfully released (one documented release) and the hawk doesn't need any help hunting.
I am going to follow up with the nyseoc regarding the multiple times she has been reported. It's bad enough that she keeps acquiring hawks (personally I think she buys them from other falconers and doesn't bother trapping them herself) but to only have successfully released ONE is criminal and deserves another investigation.
Those cheerleaders either have her on mute or they just don't care, cuz she only received ONE comment and 30 likes. A paltry amount of admiration from her supposed 4,800+ foollowers. Lol.
Agree that she's not helping those hawks, as the purpose is to snare them early and help get thru their first year in the wild. But she keeps them for 2-3 years so she can take snazzy pics of them for internet likes. Or they wind up dead.
On September 20, the sexy-boudoir photo peddler of Cambridge (husband of Diane Arbus wannabe) posted a photo of FFF's latest captive hawk tied to his complicit paw. They were inside FFF's hovel, with hawk wearing its hood, thereby prevented from having sight and sound. She couldn't wait to show off her raptor prisoner, could she? These people disgust me.
She is already mentally disabled which is why she chooses to pick on those she perceives to be weaker than herself- i.e. innocent animals.
Pig Shocker wants to feel powerful and since she is such a social pariah, as well as downright crazy, she has chosen animals who cannot tell anyone about their abuse.
She has a predatory, warped mind that allows her to abuse without feeling any sympathy or regret. She should be monitored daily by a psychiatrist in a clinical setting.
Right now, using the hood in falconry is common accepted practice. There is plenty of documentation online from reputable falconers, as well as historical documentation.
But old training methods have been usurped by new, better, more humane ones for many other species. Horse training has changed a lot just in 40 years. Some practices of horse training used to involve blindfolding the horse to gain compliance - of course that's not done now, except in extreme emergency (like leading a horse through a dangerous situation to safety.)
Dog training has changed a lot too, to the point that using positive punishment is widely discouraged, and positive reinforcement is preferred.
Hooding the falcon is supposed to "calm" the bird. I'm no raptor expert, but I wonder how calming it really is for the bird to be deprived of its sight while acclimatizing to the falconer's sounds in the home. In dog training it's called "flooding" - forcing the animal to be present in a scary situation until the dog realizes he's not actually going to die, and in fact the thing they were afraid of is actually harmless.
It seems to me this is the same method. The bird is hooded while learning to associate the sounds of the human are not dangerous, and in fact the human provides food pretty regularly. Food is a classic positive reinforcement, and before I knew better, I trained lots of wild birds, squirrels, and raccoons to come when I called by feeding them. (I was a latch key kid.)
At first, I don't think the bird is "calmed" by the hood at all, but simply paralyzed by fear, the way the blindfolded horse would be, and it's a way of forcing the bird to become dependent upon the human.
I'm not really sure what would be better. Taming birds in captivity still involved a lot of archaic methods.
It is clear that falconry does improve the survival of the birds (when done correctly), though FFF's poor documentation of the releases and her admission that at least one bird died in her care, leads me to believe these birds aren't actually any better off in her care.
It is clear the birds are just props. She's posting more photos of hawks than anything else.
I have taken courses with a falconry organization near me. Why do you ask? Everything I said above is available online. I use this resource: http://bchawkingclub.ca/
It seems like you know a lot about it. I've read quite a bit on falconry and find it interesting. I wanted to have a basic understanding when discussing PS with authorities.
The falconry courses I took involve birds specifically bred for falconry, and are cross-breeds not seen in the wild. They are domestic birds used to humans from hatching.
This org is also associated with wildlife rescue, and houses many raptors who were injured and could not return to the wild. These are the wild birds I've had the great privilege to handle.
Falconry as FFF practices it is not common here. Most of the people within the association work with larger facilities, so they are not solely responsible for a bird, and the domestic birds work with falconers their whole lives.
WHS, if you get the opportunity to take a course, even if it's just a day program, you'll learn a lot. I highly recommend it. I have taken all the courses this facility has to offer, and the only way I could get more bird time would be to volunteer, or repeat the courses. I'm 2 hours away, so volunteering isn't very practical.
I have never used a hood with a bird, but that's because I have only worked with the birds on the facility's property / acreage. These birds travel across the country providing services to airports (scaring / killing pigeons which are a hazard to aircraft.) When the birds travel they are hooded, but there doesn't seem to be any ill effect, but they were never afraid of people and were trained to be used to the hood from a young age, by the humans they imprinted upon. Very different from the process of capturing and training a passage red-tail hawk, which is still young enough to train, but wild enough to be stressed by the process.
That's awesome you have been involved with an organization whose purpose is to help birds rather than exploit them.
I don't think that Pig Shocker has the slightest idea about falconry. She's such a poser and only wants to draw attention to herself. The well being of the hawks doesn't matter at all to her.
Now that I've warmed to the subject, I'll elabourate on the cross-breeds. The facility breeds Harris Hawks for their falconry business, and some Harris / Redtail hybrids. The reason they go for Harris hawks which are not native to our area, is the Harris Hawks naturally hunt in packs!
Coolest thing ever, eh? They evolved to work in teams, so they do especially well with falconers as they are already wired to work cooperatively with other hawks. They will take a team of two or three birds to the airports and the place is cleared of pigeons very quickly.
I agree that FFF overstates her falconry expertise. You'd undoubtedly learn by working with the animals for as long as she has, but she never talks about her mentor, or vet care, and never even shows weighing the bird. If she doesn't do those things, then these birds could easily die on her before she notices anything is wrong. That's just sad.
Even though I've taken all the courses available, I don't feel I'm equipped to successfully care for a wild-caught passager red tail by myself! I'd surely kill birds too if I tried!
Pig Shocker has never been able to realize what her limitations are in any aspect of her life.
If she was even remotely self aware she would not continue to procure hawks after so many in her care have "disappeared" i.e. died.
Pig Shocker doesn't want to put the work in that would be required to be an excellent falconer. She only cares about photo ops and too many hawks have suffered for it.
WIW have you seen the falconry documentary on hulu called The Challenge?
It's about opulently wealthly Qatari Sheikhs who are amateur falconers. They fly their prized Falcons on private jets and take their pet cheetahs out for desert drives in their Ferraris.
WHS - I've not seen that show, I don't get Hulu in Canada. Even so, I'm not sure that show would be for me. Not a huge fan of wildlife and exotics being kept as pets in private collections, as so much goes wrong so often.
Neither am I and the documentary is just plain gross. It's a grander scale of the way PS treats animals as a means to get attention. There's a scene where one of the guys is in his private jet and there are approx 5 seats removed with perches put in their place with a hawk on each perch. One of the five hawks keeps making weird jerking movements as if it is suffering. It's horrible.
Not one, not two, but FOUR Taylor Swift tweets today. And TS is as tone deaf as the Pig Shocker, as she's worth $400+ million and is whaa-whaaing about lost revenue from her masters being sold. Taylor, get over it and look around the country, as there are millions of Americans who only got ONE measly stimulus check and are again losing their jobs due to the new lockdown. Not to mention all the people who died from Coronavirus. Sheesh...she's totally clueless about the real life of people, fans or otherwise. No wonder Jenna worships her so. Greedy pigs, both of them.
Good point. On her bleg she wrote a few times about how neat it would be to hang out with certain celebrities. Radiohead's Thom Yorke was one of them...something about enjoying a drink with him...which made me laugh cuz he's a vegan who promotes animal rights and thus would hate the one who purposely shocks pigs.
Also, imagine if Taylor Swift bought a farm in the Pig Shocker's area. How much time do you think she'd waste mountain-smashing past her property for a glimpse?
TS would contact the bank who holds PS's mortgage, offer them more than the property is worth, buy it and bulldoze every building on the property just so she wouldn't have to live next door to crazy.
Two of the same photos on twitter - hawk in the tree, FFF below. Next one is hawk on a glove, wearing the hood.
Next we have a recycled old photo of FFF leading Merlin on foot with an old hawk flapping it's wings for balance as she walks on the trail. This is a fall photo so blends with the recent fall photos. The caption is a long-winded post about falconry positioning herself as a sage expert. Photo was not identified as a recycled old one, just keeping up the social media content dispenser.
Next photo is of girlfriend in a hammock petting a cat. It's black and white because why not, I guess.
Next one - same photo as on twitter - spider plants and horse figurines on the windowsil.
Next - cover of book "One Woman Farm" which I assume was posted because the cover art is fall leaves. Her sales pitch is thus: "With holiday shopping season beginning I would love to suggest this illustrated book of days on a homestead. I wrote it. Emma did the illustrations. And it is small and feels good in your hands and under the book jacket is a small crow feather embossed in the front of it and it's my favorite thing about any book I published!"
No longer a "one woman farm" - the presence of various farm animals is always in question since she doesn't consistently post photos out of fear of reprisal / criticism of the conditions in which the animals live, so pitching this book seems painfully ironic. I think it's been years since she's picked up the fiddle.
Watch her do so now just to prove me wrong! Don't think we haven't noticed the little indications you read here, Jenna. Odd how she keeps checking on her "trolls".
She also posted a video version of the hawk high in the tree, with Jenna in the brush below, beating the brush with what looks like a long stick. I assume she's flushing game for the bird.
The hawk would like nothing better than to scratch that evil twat's eyes out.
Being constantly followed around by the Annie Wilkes of Cambridge must be both emotionally and physically horrifying as well as exhausting for the poor bird.
I can picture Pig Shocker lumbering behind the hawk like a junk food fed gorilla, while wheezing and straining and screaming for the hawk to slow down.
And it is small and feels good in your hands and under the book jacket is a small crow feather embossed in the front of it and it's my favorite thing about any book I published!
and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and
And...it's been almost a decade since she's gotten a book deal.
And......that best-seller Birchthorn received a few new reviews this year:
PEEEEUUUUUU! - February 24, 2020: "This book is a stinker! Doesn't make sense at all and the plot is thin. Characters change throughout the story."
OKAY STORY, REALLY POOR WRITING - July 22, 2020: "I think the premise of the book is alright and there are some eerie parts, but unfortunately overall the writing isn't very good, which detracts from the whole thing. The author I think was trying to sound folksy (for instance, instead of saying a sign was made of "wrought iron," it's made of "black wrought"), but it comes off as awkward and belabored. The dialogue is also not even close to how real people talk, and there are a lot of anachronisms and historical inaccuracies. Sadly, not really worth the read."
Maybe the lesbian equestrian werewolf book will be better!!
Pig Shocker is publishing poison. There isn't a publisher out there who would touch her project with a ten foot pole.
She made off with $15,000 from patrons without fulfilling her promises.
Her "righting" is dogshit.
Even if she could find a ghost writer to make the manuscript readable, as soon as her name is attached the project it would be dead in the water.
Gone are the days of an editor correcting her manuscript to the point of the editor being the actual author of the book. The only thing Pig Shocker's books are good for are firestarters on camping trips. I don't even consider them to be actual books.
Also, publishers aren't interested in someone whose idea of doing press is posing like this:
I appreciate reading about experiences and training of people who legitimately hunt with raptors (especially if bred by falconers). Unfortunately, except for her first RTH, FFF hasn't done what she claimed in the NYT puff piece: save juvenile raptors in the Fall, teach them to successfully hunt by the next spring, and release them back into the wild. I remind Shamsters that only the first RTH had its timely release properly documented - probably because her sponsor paid attention. As FFF figured out how little she was overseen, she got lazier. In virtually every past case, there was no evidence she took hawks out frequently, or that they successfully hunted. There were a couple of photos that looked staged and a LOT of "near misses" or failures. The last RTH, Auburn, was a laugh to FFF & her friends because when it was released to "hunt", it walked through the woods. I don't know, but guessing a bird who doesn't exercise much might be reluctant to spread it's wings.
So now we have Hamish. Bought (likely) or trapped (maybe). I have no doubt FFF is being on excellent behavior because of NG living with her - much as she was on good behavior with the first hawk.
If she does indeed train the hawk to hunt, exercise it frequently and then properly release it in the spring, I will dislike Jenna a little less. Still, knowing that she only catches and uses them to further her social media brand (and donated income) remains appalling to me. It should be appalling to everyone. Hawks do not belong in a heated house. They do not belong tethered to a lamp, taken to bars (pre-Covid) or held by idiots who want to feel important. She's a repulsive person because her concern is never about the hawks - it is all about her wanting to feel cool,, exciting and appealing.
As we have all seen, her fanciful initiatives rarely last. It's a travesty that animals suffer the fool that runs Dead Animal Farm.
Very well put PDD. I agree that what she does with her hawk victims isn't good for them and makes a mockery of the sport of falconry.
We all know that eventually she will get her falconry license revoked. It's inevitable same as it was inevitable that she would be forced to give up her livestock.
However, how many innocent hawks have to die under her care before someone finally does something about it?
Authorities most definitely have their eyes on PS for MULTIPLE reasons but everything is a process to ensure the best result. I can appreciate that and only hope that she knows that she is inching closer to a world of consequences and therefore is taking better care of the current hawk than she would have taken care of it otherwise.
I don't think that NG makes a bit of a difference in how PS treats any of the animals. It is evident that Pig Shocker's abhorrent behaviors don't matter to NG at all. If they did, NG wouldn't have anything to do with her. Apparently living in a shit hole in NY with a severely mentally ill animal abuser is better than her previous living situation. That's scary af. I think that NG is most likely as mentally ill as PS and crazy is NG's normal.
I agree on all points, PDD. The study on the positive effects of falconry on hawk populations was involving an active and cohesive community of falconers who were all accountable to each other. Taking a wild caught bird to a bar is beyond the pale. The lack of documentation and accountability is shameful, and her return to using the hawk to gain social media traction is outrageous.
Even if she took excellent care of her animals and was an exemplary falconer, which she's not, her continual fundraising to pay her own damn mortgage would still have me and many others shaking our heads disgust.
We can't forget the math on her theoretical sales never evens out to the cost of a mortgage, modest groceries, utilities and supplies to run her property. She's been caught in lies so many times over the years that nothing she puts forward publicly can be taken at face value.
To clarify my intention on sharing my personal experience with raptors, is that it takes a decent-sized organization to care for raptors, and for practical hunting purposes, there are purpose-bred birds who do not need the acclimatization to a scary human the way a wild-caught bird does.
While it's nice in theory that responsible falconers can have a positive impact on the wild population, the practice is barely self-regulated, so we have a lot of Jenna's out there, wanting to look cool with a bird on their fist.
I think capturing a wild bird like Jenna does is a selfish act, not one done for the love of wildlife or for conservation. If that were so, she'd be in touch with a broader community, like the one that exists here.
I agree she's on her best behaviour as she's still in the honeymoon period with NG, and has stepped up her falconry game.
It does show that when Jenna is actually doing what she's supposed to be doing, she takes photos of it and posts it. So we're correct in our assumptions that if she's not talking about it, she's not doing it.
NG hasn't made a difference in PS lying about having pigs so at this point she probably feels that if Pig Shocker is found out and gets reprimanded, NG could also be in trouble as she had pretty much made herself an accomplice. NG does not appear to be very bright.
It all comes down to the fact that Pig Shocker was not able to take care of basic livestock. The care of a hawk is so much more involved. I doubt she is able to get off the couch or social media long enough to take proper care of any animal. NG is just one more distraction and a ridiculous enabler.
It's interesting that of all the birds FFF has worked with - six or more now, none of them come back.
Once wildlife have become acclimatized to humans, or just one human, a lot of them end up coming back to say hi.
For example, one of the red-tails that landed at the facility, injured, was released back into the wild. Three months later, he returned to the facility, looking for some easier meals. They took him back and started working with him as an educational bird, since he apparently didn't want to live in the wild, until one day he simply took off during a demonstration, and travelled several hundred miles before the radio tracker finally fell off of him.
The next year, he was back again, much skinnier, looking to fill up on meals again. He still lives there to this day.
They're smart, these birds. I know folks who have rehabbed injured song birds and see them at their feeders annually, for years. It's significant that so far, none of FFF's birds have returned.
If any of them are still alive, they have no positive attachment to FFF or her property.
Yes, what she told the NYT guy is not what she's doing now. She seems to have adopted her own rules. And note, there's no longer any mention of, or photos with, that falconry group that used to meet at her bar. In particular, two guys named Jeremy and Michael, I think. Perhaps they disapproved of her keeping her hawks longer that she's supposed to?
Woe is Wog, your point about raptors returning to their 'benefactors' really hit home. It makes perfect sense, and further evidence that either the RTHs hated their time with the Faux Feral Farmer (and had no interest in returning), were incapable of surviving because of the lousy job she did preparing them to return to the wild...or they were killed and unable to return.
To amplify your point, there is a wildlife center not too far from me. A frequent visitor is a wild red tail hawk who's returned to them in order to receive "free meals" for at least 10 years now. The hawk is free, but clearly understands where free meals reside, and so it returns to its outside perch to ask for food.
The ones who have "disappeared" would have been wearing that asinine equipment that Pig Shocker puts on them. There's no chance of survival if they are wearing that. They can't hunt effectively, etc. However, most of them did not "disappear" they just outright died in her care. The one who scratched her nasty face up was more than likely murdered.
Just like when she shocked the pigs after they escaped her shitty fencing, there is a festering rage in her that is not normal. That is a rage stemmed from long term untreated mental illness.
Over at Reddit I'm reading a thread asking folks "What Was Your F*** It, I'm Done Helping Others Moment?" And several of the replies sound like they are talking about you-know-who:
"I had a coworker in tears once telling me she had nothing to feed her kids for dinner, no laundry soap to wash their clothes, etc etc. I fell for it, gave her money to buy the kids food and brought her some laundry stuff from home. The next day she shows up to work with two Redbulls and a breakfast sandwich from a drive thru coffee stand with her nails done. Never again." [...] "I just dont understand how people like this keep pulling the same crap and landing on thier feet everytime untarnished. Its amazing."[...] "Taking advantage of one sucker at a time I guess."
"Grifters shamelessly lie and beg and are always the louder, squeakier wheel with the better sob story and the better fake resume, who get helped first, more often, and more generously..."
"People like this usually struggle to rise in the system because you need the support of others to get there. There are exceptions of course, occasionally a grifter will either be given high achievement or be able to run a con long enough to get ahead, but most of these people are being genuine when they say they have no money. It's just that instead of spending it on the things they need, they spend it on luxuries and then have to run the con again and again and again to stay ahead of their poor decisions."
I think Jenna's a case of both. She's running a long con - she certainly has some regular income that's enough to keep her from truly fearing homelessness and changing her behaviour. The CAF math never makes sense, and that's because she has undisclosed income she pretends she doesn't have.
But, she ALSO makes poor decisions and I'm sure she has let her mortgage payment fall behind so she could buy things she wanted but didn't need.
Choosing to stay home and play at falconry, instead of using her best working years to earn her living, is a large scale form of buying tswift swag while letting her bills lapse.
I'd say it'll catch up with her sometime, but given it hasn't already, I honestly don't think it ever will. Not even in retirement age. I'll bet she inherets some of the assets her parents worked to accumulate, and that, combined with whatever undisclosed income she has now, plus whatever is left of social security, will keep her going. She won't ever stop mooching or telling sob stories to get other people to give her money and do her work.
I wonder what NG's family thinks of her? I'm sure they were nice to her when she met them, but they must see how she earns / doesn't earn a living.
NG must have been having some sort of problems in her life to completely relocate to a different state and get into a relationship with an unemployed, animal abusing twat.
Not just any unemployed, animal abusing twat but one whose background and horrible character defects are easily researched online. NG chose to ignore all of it.
NG knows that there aren't any pigs living on the property and that the entire AG visit PS mentioned was total bullshit. Yet NG is still there.
Pig Shocker is a manipulative predator and NG appears to be the perfect prey. Young and stupid, just how Pig Shocker likes them.
NG's family can thank mama and papa W for creating the monster that is Pig Shocker. If NG were my daughter, I would do everything I could to get her back home. Including researching and then contacting authorities to assist in any investigation they are currently involved in targeting PS. I
doubt NG's parents ever go to visit the hovel. Pig Shocker has to keep NG secluded in order to successfully manipulate her.
Woe is Wog said, "I agree that FFF overstates her falconry expertise".
She overstates her expertise on everything! When I started to follow her, she was in her twenties and giving workshops on all sorts of farm topics. I could understand if she had grown up on a farm, but she was just learning herself, and had a lot to learn. What I didn't understand was how she could become an expert in such a short time. Short answer - she wasn't.
She gave out a lot of misinformation, and when people more knowledgeable stepped in to give advice, she shot them down.
The last straw for me was when she justified buying packaged wood at Stewarts because she didn't have a way to keep wood dry. I do not have a farm, but I do have a wood burning fireplace and a backyard woodpile. A google search will show you many simple ways to keep wood dry. There was no excuse for not at least throwing a tarp over a woodpile. Many people commented that she bought the wood at Stewarts out of lazieness.
As for the firewood, I'll bet Stewarts is glad she no longer slithers in to steal cream 'n sugar packets under the guise of buying packaged wood. And yes, a tarp is the easiest solution. I stayed on a farm once and they stacked cords onto pallets and used two tarps. Super simple.
What do you mean, packaged firewood? As in, the packets that are wrapped in plastic you buy at a gas station if you're going to have a campfire on the beach?
Like, she was buying essentially one day at a time for $7 / day????
LS it is amazing how so many people believe Pig Shocker's crazy ramblings.
That dumbass was buying a couple pieces of firewood at a time and yet at home she has both a furnace and space heaters.
As I have said MANY times over the years, if Pig Shocker used one stove (let alone the two she says she uses) in that small house with a door closed to the upstairs (a door installed by PP because PS can't do anything herself), that hovel would be so hot she wouldn't be able to stay in there. Yet she always says its below 60. It's just another thing she chooses to lie about that she has no knowledge of how it actually works. Like truck repairs.
What she said was wrong with her truck and what repairs she claimed it needed, never matched up. That's because she doesn't know anything about automotive repair or how vehicles work and therefore she couldn't successfully lie about either.
WDH. It just goes to show you how many dumb enablers there are around. It’s like I always say here, but it bears repeating, everything that she does is all about manipulative marketing for more free funds. Her motivation is money from stupid sycophantic supporters.
I would like to reiterate what has already been mentioned in previous threads: The house she lives in has baseboard heating. She may have a wood burning stove, but it is not the only option she has to heat her home. So the year in and year out struggle of procuring and paying for firewood seems like at another lazy and dramatically portrayed attempt at presenting, what is in reality an optional choice, as yet another live or die situation.
I used to be interested in her writing and blog posts 8 years ago. But she never grew her skills as a farmer, or whatever she says she is, and her constant pandering is so off-putting. I don't know a single person presenting their homesteading/farming journey online who isn't working 24/7 on their land and who typically also has off farm employment.
I just don't get what the point of Jenna's blog or anything else is anymore. It just seems like a way for her to earn a largely passive, nontaxable (asking for donations) income stream to fund her beer money.
LS I totally agree. Everything she does is a manipulation or a set up. She frequently sets the tone ahead of time for a begathon. Most of us pick up on it immediately as we easily recognize her patterns. She is one trick goon who isn't creative enough to ever change her m.o.
WIW I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere that she has baseboard heat. This is an old bleg post where she first discussed changing to stove heat and once again lied that she would be using wood from her lot. If she did use wood from her lot, no one would send $$$ for purchasing wood, so that won't EVER happen. http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2011/02/not-crazy-idea.html?m=1
“This is my fifth winter on this farm, but the house and I have changed considerably. When I bought this place I depending on an oil burner with baseboard heat.”
Incidentally, did you see the plethora of helpful comments under her post WH? Dozens of great ideas for keeping the heat in her house and heating system ideas. Unfortunately, most of them required either money to set up or the dreaded four-letter word (w-o-r-k) to accomplish. SMH
I have zero knowledge of baseboard vs other types of heat. I had no idea that oil could be used as fuel for baseboard heat. I'm guessing she only mentioned it one time so people weren't questioning why in the hell she would use firewood/stoves.
She left an amazon review for a space heater that she obviously ran into the ground until it stopped working. A space heater could easily heat that small space no problem and she's home all day to keep an eye on it. The ONLY reason she claims to need firewood is because she wants DONATIONS $$$.
WH, I remember the Amazon review. She'd bought a large, decorative space heater and admitted she probably broke it from overuse. I think it was the same time period in which she told OTHER readers that she only had the wood stove for heat.
She reviewed an expensive trail saddle (one she claimed to have purchased at an obscenely low price because of a mistake the seller made. Yeah, right.).
She also wrote Amazon book reviews to shamelessly promote her OWN books.
She might've thought she could become a popular Amazon reviewer, but it took her time to realize her bragging about expensive and frivolous purchases didn't fit the narrative of the "poor widdle farmer" who can't afford her own mortgage.
I saw that it was my civic duty to buy her soap but I am an old rebel and just won't do it! Even when someone tells me it is my civic duty. I laughed and laughed when I read that one for sure. What an ass.
I deleted my comments due to autocorrect mistakes. I’d say that it’s also our civic duty to warn and alert the public about the animal abusing, sociopathic scammer called JFW.
Don’t know who barefootboomer is, but once when she conned some local men into fixing her truck for free, some guy commented on her blog that we (her followers) should all chip in to buy those men a pizza. Yes, you read correctly. She has many dumb enablers.
When she was selling things on Facebook, there was a guy who would buy things, then ask her to store them. He obviously didn’t live close or want the items. I guess he felt it was his civic duty to buy stuff from her.
WH, good point. I always think there's a story behind her massive enabling of FFF. After all, you shall be known by the company you keep.
Why would Barefoot support FFF and laughably tell people it's their civic duty to buy her melt-n-pour overpriced soap? I think FFF captures the brief attention of flybys, people who don't stay long enough to spot her story's inconsistencies and who probably feel they're doing a good deed by helping a *cough* farmer.
She excels at using words as emotional triggers, and with recycled "farming" photos peppered throught her posts, casual readers get confused and may believe she's a legitimate farmer "on hard times". Anon7 calls it tethering people to her potential. It's a known scammer and con artist trick. It's only after perusing & comparing IG, Twitter and blog feeds that the obvious lies are revealed.
😵For example, who can forget her begging for money because of a too-bad-to-eat tooth problem - while her friend's post revealed her gorging and grinning at their Thanksgiving feast.
😜 Or the time she posted about horrible winter weather and her poor animals...while she was hanging at the bar instead of looking after them.
😂 And let's not forget the many photos of her drinking with friends, hanging out without masks and not remotely practicing social distancing...while chastising others for the same behavior.
There are innumerable examples of her exaggerations being exposed If all platforms are examined. And Shamsters do this. This is likely the reason she locked down social media to 'approved' people only. No one threatened her. No one shared information that she hadn't previously posted. Her ire was that clever people peeked behind the curtain and exposed her lies for what they are.
However, most readers don't bother to cross check her. If it wasn't for the animal neglect, I wouldn't bother following such a con, but her success at getting social media $$$ (because of the lies and exaggerations) means she will continue to have - and neglect animals - and that isn't acceptable.
Or the time she went on and on about checking on her sheep every couple of hours as they were ready to give birth and then suddenly NONE of them were ever pregnant. As in the lambs didn't make it. She actually thinks that if it comes out of her mouth it is automatically believable. No one could believe that multiple sheep who appeared ready to give birth, weren't pregnant.
Remember when she came home from the bar and found a newborn lamb standing next to a horse? She was too drunk to try to reunite it with its mother and in instead turned it into a bottle baby. Horrible. That alone shows how much she paid attention to her pregnant sheep.
It definitely didn't sit well with the authorities and was a huge reason as to why the sheep (and ALL of the livestock) had to be rehomed. She had x amount of time to rehome them herself or the authorities would have taken custody of them.
someone brought up about the truck and repairs, hhhmmmm funny but when you think about it she hasn't mentioned her truck in months now!!! (I wasn't being mean to whoever brought it up just rang a bell with me). Funny how that used to be a monthly thing with her and now she never mentions it at all. Also see she has spent the day out hunting with her bird and not working on orders or getting ahead with her soap. What a poser.
PS has mentioned NGs car so you know they have only used NGs car and gas since she arrived. No doubt PS told her that she feels bad blah blah blah but just can't afford a truck repair blah blah blah during the pandemic blah blah blah.
repost of the same old snowflake soap, caption: Last chance to order these in time for holiday gifting! These are chunky mint snowflake bars made with goats milk, coconut oil, lye, and olive oil. Also have peppermint essential oils and wild-harvested mint that was hung and dried in the farmhouse. These are $6 a bar and I am hoping to sell enough this weekend to catch up on the mortgage! Support small farms/businesses this holiday season! #shopsmall
Instagram Story - photo of hawk on the ground. Very close up so you can't see much but feathers, of course. Overlapping text and clip art of a bunny further obscures the photo. Caption: Best hunting day of the season so far happened yesterday. Over 45 minutes flying with me, diving after rabbits and voles, ignoring squirrels, and so damn proud! Come hunting with us! Need people to help flush game!
This is her public tweet about the hawk making a kill:
"Good day of hunting today, with and without the hawk! He killed a fat rodent and I got a nice cottontail!"
What does she mean, she got a cottontail? She doesn't carry weapons out on her hawk walks, does she? In the instagram story she made it seem like the hawk got the rabbit.
Only that heifer would follow a hawk around in the name of falconry and have to kill a rodent rather than the hawk successfully killing prey.
Snoopy, is the hawk in any photos promoting her soap or anything else?
She has been warned by authorities not to use the hawk for promotional purposes as it is strictly prohibited in the nys falconry guidelines. They were sent screenshots of questionable photos on her instagram but of course she is too crazy to ever change her behavio, warning or not.
Her self righteousness and stupidity will be her downfall.
The hawk has not been pictured in the same shot as one of her products.
It could be argued she's using the hawk to promote her sales, because her instagram feed is so heavy in hawk photos, and sales promos are interspersed.
She is not explicitly using the hawk to promote her products. She is documenting some of the activities she does with the hawk. It's obvious to us her falconry practice in general is to satisfy her own idea of being cool, and less about education and conservation. At best, the hawk is an exotic, temporary pet she posts about A LOT for a supposed farmer. You can refer to my previous comments for the general listing of the subject of her last 20 photos. It's nearly all hawk photos, old photos, ads, and a scant few photos that could be classified as "farm photos".
My long answer is, she uses the hawk to gain social media traction, then uses that traction to promote her soap, logos, pig shares, books.
There is an argument to be made about the hawk being used in a feed that also promotes sales.
She could easily set up a "cold antler hawk" instagram feed, and separate the hawk photos from the general farm / sales feed, which would be what a smart person would do so her documentation of the hawks could not be construed as promoting sales.
She set up that other lezwolfmemes account, why not have a dedicated hawk account, and never promote anything on it?
Yeah the nys falconry authorities gave her quite a few areas she had to improve on and couple of the reprimands were regarding the hawks pics all over social media.
She hasn't posted any sort of educational videos of the hawk.
Instead she posts videos of her dressed in what can only be described as a bedridden, elderly, woman's plus size mumu purchased at a thrift store to which she has added fabric in an attempt to make herself look like Friar Tuck. Apparently she thinks that's a good look. ðŸ¤
No doubt she killed both the rodent and the rabbit. She frequents here, and comments as we have seen recently, and has read our comments about how the hawks in her custody NEVER kill any prey. Whereas if you google falconry hunt/kills they have piles of prey from a single hunt.
So tubs decided to kill a couple of small ground game and claim the hawk killed ONE of them. She's such a blubbering idiot.
Caption is different. reads: Sometimes she catches the most perfect moments on this mountain. @heyshannay took this yesterday around sunset, me asking Hamish to the glove after he flew into the lure for a quail. Hamish is hunting so well now, we can fly nearly an hour now, and he's learning how useful I can be in the field helping flush game. #falconry #hunting #womenwhohunt
The #womenwhohunt tag is a pretty good indication of her true motivation. Get hawk. Look cool. Renew alienated customer base. Sell shit.
Again, I couldn't give a flying fuck what she looks like, since that subject's been brought up again.
hahaha WoW my thoughts exactly when I read it. She does not have the sense to know that means working at....a......job......in order to get paid. She just thought you beg you get.
“Hot water stopped running because I ran out of heating oil, so I got more. Can't bleed the line to restart the furnace because the bolt is stripped. Any ideas?”
This is an example of her manipulative marketing for more free funds. She’s leading up to a big beg. The faux feral farmer doesn’t go online for advice, she just wants foolish followers to pay for her lazy loser lifestyle. And none of the responses are offering her any money. Go fuck yourself, Jenna. You’re a parasitical user.
Since I know you read here, JW, if the bolt is stripped you'll probably have to replace the pump. Call your local furnace mechanic and get it done. No fair begging for money for this, BTW. A J-O-B works nicely for these kind of situations. ;-)
Funny how we were literally commenting on here about how she has a furnace and space heaters, yet she claims to need firewood which is ONLY because she wants $$$ to spend on wolf contacts and everything Taylor Swift because she is mentally 12 years old.
Now suddenly "she ran out of furnace oil." We could literally post links to dozens of past bleg posts asking stupid questions about her furnace or detailing furnace problems. It's more than obvious that tubs is continuing to spin more lies.
What about the space heaters she owns? One space heater can easily heat 1,000 sq ft. PP made a door for lazy Pig Shocker which she can close so she isn't heating the second story of the hovel. A space heater would easily heat the first floor. She has very low ceilings, as seen in hundreds of her photos posted online, which makes it even easier to heat.
I'm sure she will be tweeting soon about how the space heaters suddenly caught on fire or malfunctioned in some way.
Guess what? A quarter of the money she claims to need for firewood would buy a suitable space heater. She's home all day, doesn't have any livestock or crops to tend to and can easily keep an eye on a space heater.
The money she constantly tries to scam for firewood is not firewood. It's more money for her and her mentally insufficient girlfriend to spend on booze, streaming services and a plethora of juvenile crap that neither of them truly need.
When you no longer have hot water because you "ran out" of oil, it's time for the two able bodied, lazy twats who live there to get JOBS.
The oil "runs out" when you don't order and PAY for more. It's not rocket science.
This is a good example of how enabling degenerates by giving them money only leads to them needing more and more money. Money problems aren't solved with money. Money problems are solved by evaluating habits and changing those habits to get a better outcome. THAT is the only way financial problems are solved.
Cannot prime a line because she let the oil run out? Hahaha. What an idiot. What are the odds the PP household bailed her out...again?
And, by the way, rural people would fix the f'king problem and get on with it. Or call a friend and deal with it - maybe posting the story afterwards.
Not her. She has to post minute by minute updates on social media - for drama and to create angst in her readers. Even when it's not much of a problem. Dear, oh, dear, whatever shall she do? I know, BLAST IT to the universe on her nonexistent smart phone.
Btw, this also reinforces how she absolutely did not properly release four of her five previous hawks (They're ded, Jim) because if she had, she would have milked the crap out of those stories with step-by-step and photos.
Yes anyone else could easily manage a problem after living there for TEN years. This isnt first time homeowner shit. This is I'm a manipulative moron shit.
There's such a thing as GOOGLE. Not to mention the hundreds of times PP has done home repairs for her and has been able to problem solve for her. Pick up that cell phone and text PP. Maybe you can use her one more time.
It either didn't happen (likely) or she already knows the answer and is setting the trap for a begathon.
There are two able bodied, grown adults living in that nasty hovel. Neither have jobs because obviously they can't even pay for someone to do a simple repair. They are not self employed, they are both unemployed.
The majority of smart "self employed" people can pay their bills with revenue from their own business and if they can't, they pick up another job to survive. That's the difference between those who have a good work ethic with a strong sense of personal responsibility and those who do not.
What idiot has problems paying their bills because of their own laziness and refusal to get a job and then takes on a roommate who is also unemployed and expects that to go well? Someone who is severely mentally ill with the mental maturity of a 12 year old, that's who.
Besides being a mentally ill psychopath, she doesn't want to work for anything. If it's not important enough for her to get a job and work hard to keep what she has, why would she think it's important to anyone else? The only explanation is Narcissism.
She does not want advice. She want someone to pay for the repairs. It used to work so well in the past. Not sure if it’s working now, but it only takes a few clueless followers to give her what she wants.
There are countless examples on the bleg of PS asking for advice and then never acknowledging the advice given to her.
Same thing with her woe is me world is ending tweets. If someone sends her hugs instead of money, Pig Shocker doesn't respond to that person at all.
Everything is a means to an end with PS and that end is always money that she did not have to work for. Be it via ridiculous clip art "logos," insane caricatures of people's pets, crappy soap, dental emergencies, starving animals, animals needing emergency vet care, truck repairs, kiva loans, begging for people to pay for the crap archive of terrible "righting" on her bleg, etc. It's all for one purpose and one purpose only- donations.
Logos aren't ever used by the companies who purchase them. What does that say? It says the logos are dogshit and the companies only buy them out of pity for who they perceive as the mentally ill woman who doesn't have the sense or ability to survive on her own.
I think it is hilarious when she obviously begs the people who buy her art to promote it on social media. Especially when they show the "art" next to the their pet. The scribbles look nothing like the actually pet to the point of being funny. It's like the baking fails show Nailed It. Hilarious! Those begged for "promotions" are basically telling people "don't waste your money on this shit."
If one’s work is good then it speaks for itself. The fact that JFW begs for retweets shows how shoddy her pet portraits, lousy logos, and subpar soap is in reality. And she’ll rarely thank anyone unless they’re a coveted blue check account.
Yep! Pig Shocker is a narcissistic sociopath and it's never more evident than when she is trying to manipulate social media for dollars and instead gets prayers and hugs. Anyone who sees that type of response should immediately know what they are dealing with. There's never enough pity, never enough attention, never enough money for Pig Shocker. She is a predator of idiots and fools.
Her latest bleg is about how she went from being a scared girl to a strong woman because of the farm. For the 1,000th time. Blah, Blah, Blah.
We have heard this declaration so many times its tedious, tiresome and nauseating. If you were truly a farmer you would write about what happens on your farm, amirite? How many times do you write about the same crap over and over again?
“I realized the book I was working on needs some edits, because the life I am living in the prayer the book was based on. A warm read if you want a gentle start.”
This makes no sense whatsoever. It’s her horrid purple prose trying to sound poetic, but she’s never able to appear authentic. What a rotten “righter.”
“This weekend it is really important to help small businesses. Especially those on the edge this Holiday Season. #SmallBusinessSaturday”
She always makes everything about herself. Her faux farm has been “on the edge” for almost a decade because its owner is a lazy lifestyle loser who won’t work to support herself like a normal adult.
Benjamin Button comes to mind. It’s a story about a man who ages backwards. JFW seems to be getting more immature as she ages and her writing has been deteriorating.
One reason I was a fan so long ago was because I was impressed that a woman her age could write so well and have accomplished so much.
Now I see it was smoke and mirrors. She attacked that lifestyle with reckless abandon not through discipline but through the lack of it. No careful planning and no vision for the future. Just instant gratification.
Her whole life has drastically deteriorated over the years. I also think that the term duping delight describes the FFF.
(Noun) Duping delight is a term coined by Dr. Paul Eckman. He says, “Duping delight is the pleasure we get over having someone else in our control and being able to manipulate them.” The smug smirk on her fat face is evidence. It’s similar in style to the expression that Jeffrey Epstein wore.
It pains me to think that there are those who enjoy duping other, yet I know plenty of them exist. I always picture the victims as kindly grandmothers, naive young girls or people so lonely, they are willing to do anything to get people to like them.
I remember reading here that one of her disgruntled heathens said she laughed about getting other people to pay her bills. Whether it is true or not, it is certainly believable.
The best part for her is that these are nameless, faceless strangers. She never has to face them or look them in the eye.
Jenna is also disingenuous in implying that her faux farm is only in trouble now due to the pandemic. That’s a crock of crap. She’s even admitted that it’s never been solvent the entire time that she’s lived there.
I believe that she feels mistakenly superior to others, and has no compunction in ripping people off. Look at how she took advantage of that young girl and old man who donated funds. JFW apparently didn’t pay them back, and used their money for unintended purchases.
I chortled at her attempt to lure in the #SmallBusinessSaturday buyer crowd. And although that hashtag does include online sellers, it's mainly to bring attention to brick-and-mortar mom 'n pop shops in your city, and not jingle-jangle donation beggars like her.
And lol, imagine being Jenna each morning, grabbing her phone at first light, before the teeth brushing and coffee guzzling...grabbing it and logging into her PayPal only to find that the balance still at $0.00, due to no new sales overnight. Rinse and repeat X20 more times a day and you see why she begs people to "throw in" so much.
Anon 11:06 - Smoke and mirrors indeed. She made the mistake of boasting and sounding accomplished while still trying to accomplish her dream. It doesn't work that way. And raw ambition means nothing if you aren't willing to roll up your sleeves and do the hard work required. That's why she failed.
OMG I was nearly at the end of her bleg, and it was yet to mention….
Cue: The Mortgage! “So know that I am well. So far, Covid free and just six weeks behind on the mortgage instead of three months.”
There it was, crushing my hope that she may have actually written something WITHOUT MENTIONING THE MORTGAGE. Better luck next time, I guess.
And the puke-worth lies… She goes on and ON about her “farming” in several parts of the bleg.
“I have been here farming alone for ten years.”
Farming? FARMING?! I grew up on a farm, a “real” farm. We had no other income other than my dad farming, and we had FIVE kids. It insults and infuriates me to no end that she continues to put forward this delusional lie.
I’ve got news for you, JW. Sitting on your ass all day tweeting and begging away, is NOT FARMING. Spending hours on WOW is NOT FARMING. Tossing a bit of hay over the fence to my little ponies is NOT FARMING. NOTHING you do at that disgusting hovel will ever pass for FARMING. Full stop.
This latest nauseating bleg post seems to have been motivated by guilt. Cuz here she is this month begging DAILY for handouts, yet slapping that PayPal link on every other tweet. "Pay for the free writing" she bellows. But then remembers she hasn't written fcuk all about farming in more than a year.
So it's damage control time! Cuz Xmas is comin' and she needs new-girlfriend gift money!!
The post then offers up a million excuses. And several narcissistic paragraphs about how awesome she is. How strong she is:
"What I got out of that was a rough and scrappy homestead, amazing friends and mentors, animals that showed me how to be a better person and experiences that forged a scared girl into a strong woman."
^^^^^^To that I say: 1) It's not rough 'n scrappy. It's a hovel on the verge of becoming a "Superfund" site. 2) Those "amazing friends and mentors" -- and where are they now? *crickets* 3) A better person she is? SHE SHOCKED THOSE PIGS. And then she smiled. 4) She is not a strong woman. She is a whiner. She begs DAILY. She complains about everything. She sits on her butt most of the day and expects hard working people to pay her bills. Strong women don't do that. Just because she can lift a case of whisky into her truck one-handed...no, that's the wrong kind of strong.
"You all watched a young woman leave a corporate job to start working on her own land."
Er, no. We have watched in horror a stubborn, arrested developmental perma-teen quit a sensible, gainfully employed job to chase after a fairy tale fever dream. Sure she was in love with an idea...Barnheart, she called it. But then she realized it took actual work and found that begging was easier. Remember in the early days of the bleg where her foollowers suggested she get a donation button and she feigned shock at the very idea? But then she got one. "It's only temporary" she said. That was 10 years ago. And that button is still there. Plus the PayPal donation button she added to Twitter. And a second button for her other PayPal account.
Then she wrote that she learned "To figure out how to pay the bills and keep the feed bags flowing even at the worst of times."
Seriously?!? No, she has't figured out ANY of that as she still begs Every. Damn. Day. The only thing she's figured out is that she can fool people into thinking she has more molars than humanly possible.
"Horses helped. Hawks helped. Dogs helped more than you will ever know."
Oh dear. No, it was the PHOTOS of horses and hawks that helped. And it was root canals that helped. Especially in the case of that one dog. You know, the one that needs proper ongoing elderly vet care but is denied cuz Taylor Swift sweatshirts are more important and more affordable.
"At 38 I am learning that running from failure isn’t fuel enough to lead a good life."
Oooh, she's SO CLOSE to getting it here. So close to self awareness and the fact that her scrappy "I'm in my 20's trying-to-buy-a-farm" story isn't selling anymore. And that her "running from failure" word salad isn't worthy of a publishing deal even if each book came with a packet of ranch dressing stapled to the cover.
"I was madly in love with the idea of becoming a Farmer."
Fair enough. But it turned out that she was not madly in love with the idea of actual hard work. Well, maybe in the beginning, as she showed some ambition via all that Antlerstock and workshop stuff. But due insurance liability issues, customer dissatisfaction, and overall snake oil salesman tactics, Antlerstock died out. As did her motivation and overall pipe dream.
Oh, Anon7, you made my coffee-drinking morning (after I fed, watered and cleaned up after farm animals).
She's the WORST example of a strong woman. She cries at every turn, sits petrified in her POS poser-truck, cannot figure out how a garden hose works and has SOMEONE ELSE do all of her property and farm repairs. The girl / *cough* woman is seemingly unable to do much of anything except neglect her animals, flail, and sit on her tush, begging for donations and cyber-stalking celebrities.
Lest we forget, this is a woman who has a perfectly-good whole-home oil furnace yet she pretends if she doesn't get $$$ to buy firewood, she will freeze. This is a person who is so stupid, she re-flooded her basement because the discharge hose from the submersible pump was pointed back into her basement!
Oh FFS. The latest blog post is essentially her book proposal. GURL. A decade of poor and risky choices, supposed panic-begging and constant deep discounts on services for sale, does not an inspiring story make.
Even if that person making the poor decisions, soliciting and accepting donations and then spending that money on items for which those dollars were not intended, happens to also be gay and have a coming out story.
Every gay person in this country, most across the world, have coming out stories. They're necessary to correct the assumption that you're straight, and your life is on a straight (ha) path. No one's coming out story is without drama and fraught emotion - even if immediate family and friends are accepting, we live in a world that treats non-straight folks differently. That's every one of us.
Her story isn't one of overcoming struggle, though. Her real and obvious story is one of skating along, learning very little, relying heavily on the kindness of friends, neighbours, and readers, to accomplish anything on her property.
And wouldn't writing a memoir of the last 10 years be overriding her latest books about farming on her property? Throw those things out, here's the real story?
She *could* have a story to tell IF she were honest, but she isn't. She's been caught in so many contradictions and lies, nothing she says or writes about can be depended upon as truth.
May as well label that next book fiction right now.
Yes, she acts as if she's the only one to have ever come out. And since sHe'S a FaRMeR she thinks that makes her story somehow more "special" -- and...I still believe her newfound sexuality is temporary. She'll drop it once she realizes it's not bringing in any money. Just like she did Heathenry and other pursuits that didn't pan out.
If she wants to be a successful writer she should learn how to spell, and stick to what she knows: How to grift the stupid masses into supporting her lazy lifestyle. Sooooo many people would totally read a how-to on doing nothing for a living and getting paid for it.
Publishers didn't want her "book" a year ago. They didn't want her book six months ago. They didn't want her book three months ago. They sure af don't want it now.
There are SO MANY talented new writers out there. Pig Shocker isn't worthy of wiping their asses let alone sharing a shelf with them.
Yup. And reading between the lines, she's saying that publishers didn't want her book so now she's gonna write about "tHe LoVE sHE fOUnD" in the hopes it'll make her long forgotten, stale story interesting again. You know, like "sexy it up" a bit...in a vague PG way. Hollywood does this all the time...cuz they know that love/sex can sell even the biggest stinker of a movie.
Hence the sudden (and nauseating) change in direction for the Pig Shocker's latest book proposal. Keep yer barf buckets near and dear guys.
Pig Shocker has what's called destructive entitlement (along with her many mental illness disorders).
Destructive entitlement is when someone feels as if they have been wronged at some point in their life and think that they DESERVE to do whatever they want no matter the consequences.
Though she had discussed having the nickname "the beast" in school, I absolutely doubt that name was earned solely based on her appearance alone. She has such a condescending asshole personality, she most likely earned that nickname. There is nothing worse than a moron who acts condescending when clearly their knowledge of any subject is subpar to say the very least.
Pig Shocker still continues to act like a beast and won't ever change that destructive entitlement behavior.
I think that a celibate monk could write better erotica than the squatting-on-her-stairs-to-scarf Sasquatch of Veryork. Her rotten “righting” isn’t deserving of being published by a reputable company. It’s only good use in print would be to line litter boxes for cats.
There are so many issues with the new bleg post, I can't even.
It will take approx two seconds for someone to find the sentence that she could not even bother to proof read. Super short bleg post and she can't bother to proof read it. I imagine proofreading is pointless when a person can't admit they make mistakes.
She only wants a card exchange because she knows that some dumbass will include a check. That is the ONLY reason she "likes mail."
Now she is offering to send hand drawn (i.e. doodles from the institution) in exchange for raffle entries because IT WILL GIVE HER SOMETHING TO DO. Is NG already tired of her crazy ass and no longer keeping her company? Wouldn't doubt it. Hey lazy ass, know what people do who have time on their hands and can't pay their bills? THEY GET A JOB.
I wonder what the people who have paid her in advance and are waiting on her craptastic "art" work think about her offering hand drawn cards? Of course she will find excuses not to do it, such as wayyyy too many people entered the raffle for her to possibly be able to send postcards to everyone. Even though she will probably receive 5 if she's "lucky."
As far as telling people to get the livestock conservatory stamps, unreal. That shows what a diseased mind she has. She was forced to rehome her livestock after MULTIPLE animal cruelty investigations in MULTIPLE states. Someone investigated for animal cruelty is the reason other people have to get involved in conservation. They are trying to protect animals from a variety of things including people who hurt them. How many hawks have "disappeared" in her care?
One day when she eventually finds herself in court for animal abuse, they will use examples from her social media (as we have and investigators have) to show just how conniving and flippant she is about her role in the abuse. She has ZERO regrets for her behavior and has done nothing to try to right any of her wrongs. That is the behavior of someone who is severely mentally ill to the extreme of being a violent predator. She is a true narcissist and a true sociopath.
Exactly! Anytime before today she has said getting the mail gave her anxiety. She lies so much and she's such an idiot, she can't remember what she has said and constantly contradicts herself.
Not that they'd hire her, but Cumberland Farms in Cambridge is hiring full and part timers. Maybe NG can get a job too! GASP! Between the two of them, it's pretty easy to keep the animals cared for and the mortgage paid... just sayin'!
"And I will also be attemption to mail back little hand-made postcards in return to cards sent! It is something to do on these long nights and we need a happy post office, too!"
Just... what the f*ck here? "attemption"? "Attempting" is what she meant to say? She's not even using basic spell check.
The part about the happy post office - she is so out of touch. The post office has been begging people for weeks to get their cards out early and their packages sent / ordered, because this Christmas season is going to see an unprecedented crunch of demand on the post office.
You're not helping the post office or keeping them happy by sending cards this year.
When your schtick is "I'm too busy / overwhelmed / behind to get pre-paid product out in a reasonable time" and then you post you're looking to start a holiday card exchange because you need something to do at night, you've just poked a hole in your own boat.
She's also trying to jump (again) on the Blair Braverman holiday activities. It's creepy how she stalks celebrity and coveted blue-check accounts, then tries to jump into their flow with a "Me, too!" or "Look at me!" post. She's hoping to attract the attention of a social media star (fat chance), or failing that, have one of their readers look at FFF's profile and impulsively donate $$$$ to SAVE the *cough* fArM.
PDD I would love for someone to ask that heifer what makes her shitty property and hovel a farm. There's no livestock and there's no crops.
There's two horses (maybe, she hasn't mentioned them in a long time) two dogs (also maybe) and a cat or multiple cats that might or might not be alive.
That's not a farm, psycho. That's a crappy, bank owned, run down, animal hell property that she has ran into the ground. Which is another reason she wanted a "partner," i.e. unpaid labor, so that someone (sure as hell not her) could maybe make the place look less abandoned as though occupied by crackhead squatters.
"Sharing this in case of luck, been a very November trying to catch up with last October, so if you read http://barnheart.com and feel like kicking in towards the writing: please feel free and know it's hella appreciated!"
It's been a very November? What the hell does that mean? Also, that is a misuse of the colon. That should have been a comma.
This makes my brain itch. Let me fix it for you: <-- that is the correct use of a colon btw
Sharing this because there's a sucker for my sob story born every minute! It's been a very lazy November, in which I did not even attempt to procure employment. If you've read my shit, and would like to enable me, please feel free! Consider this tweet a thank you in advance!
Check it out: she ordered more taylor swift swag! So says her tweet:
So let me get this straight, @taylorswift13 ... I get an email my cardigan is being derivered the same day the Hudson Valley special drops and are you a witch?
BTW, that cardigan costs $50 USD. https://store.taylorswift.com/products/the-cardigan
Heyooooo! But never mind that mortgage payment, right????
This is what I've been saying - there is NO WAY her mortgage payment is actually behind. Anyone truly struggling to pay for the roof over their head would not be buying *anything else* before that shit's caught up, including most food when it comes right down to it.
I'm sure all of us have subsisted on peanut butter sandwiches, rice and beans, kraft dinner, or ramen at one point or another to live within our means and ensure we had essentials paid for.
And how DARE she write about the mortgage being behind when she has a partner living with her now!? Even if NG can't pay 50% she should be contributing SOMETHING!
NG has some sort of money or Pig Shocker wouldn't be with her. Pig Shocker wanted a "partner" to pay her bills and do her "chores." NG may not have a job (PS wouldn't dare mention it if she did because that would decrease the pity donations) but she's getting money from somewhere, perhaps from her family.
NG is apparently both young AND dumb if she fell for the manipulation of a predator like Pig Shocker.
Notice how there aren't any likes on that one crazy tweet? How can people not see through her craziness? And it amazes me how brazen she is about slipping that note showing she bought some unnecessary, over-priced thing in between all of her begging posts!
Her fan girl postings are the most cringe-worthy. She thinks Taylor Swift is going to respond to an almost 40 something who sounds like a stalker! LOL! I'm embarrassed for her since she's obviously not.
Snoopy Anon here. The scamming continues, I see. Only one photo update, another hawk pic, same one she posted on twitter.
In her insta stories, she is inviting people to friend her on world of warcraft shadowlands.
Lots of time to play video games, make handmade post cards, fly the hawk, but no time to get a job because the farm keeps her so busy, and she's always behind on orders.
Hey, maybe DON'T catch a wild animal that needs hours of daily care. Maybe just get up early enough to walk the dogs and care for the horses, feed the pigs and chickens, and go to work to earn up what you need to pay for things. Then you can buy all the fan girl merch you want and no one will say shit about it.
She tweeted this today. Looks like she’s really concerned about making her mortgage payment.
“I am sorry if I am no longer interacting with your posts. Some time long ago I didn't like something and the algorithm chucked your lower and now I only see content from 10 people and gay swifties so please know you are missed.”
Her asinine attempts at being funny are always epic failures. She never proofreads before posting, and her errors are obvious. Since she presents herself as a writer this issue matters.
“Just a couple hundred to go to make the October mortgage before Dec 1! Help out and get some soap if you can?! or want! If you can't - well, have a nice day and thank you for not muting me!”
It’s her infamous “fraction finances” again. She’s been blocked and muted by most of her foolish followers. Again, the obvious misusage of punctuation isn’t appropriate for someone who professes to be a professional writer.
“No luck yet, not even a sighting. Lots of tracks, fresh scat, signs.... but I think they travel through my area at night. No bedded bucks or does found like previous years.”
Boo fucking hoo. The big, badass fake hawk hunter had no luck in killing innocent victims today. She’s a despicable piece of shit.
Pig Shocker couldn't walk quietly if she tried. Deer and other wildlife tend to hear lumbering gorillas from miles away.
Then there's the matter of body odor. Those who have had personal interactions with Pig Shocker say that she reeks as her personal hygiene appears to be nonexistent. Deer have impeccable senses of smell and would smell her nasty ass from miles away.
Remember one of her prior "hunting" attempts where she claimed (🙄) to have possibly injured a deer with a shitty shot and decided to go home to get warm and eat and "look for it later?" Didnt matter one damn bit that an animal could be injured and suffering. Same as it didn't matter whenever any of the animals in her custody suffered.
If she ever manages to bag a deer I can promise it won't be Pig Shocker who tracks it and shoots it. Someone else will shoot it for her. She will ask some nice person to go with her and at the last minute, when seconds count, she won't take the shot and the other person will shoot for her. Might be PP or PPs husband or someone else who puts up with her criminal behavior but it definitely won't be that nitwit.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
“Trying hard to make enough sales soon to pay the October Mortgage. If you are interested in soap for the holidays, gifting a pet portrait or logo to a friend, or a share of pork for 2021 now is the time to buy it! All sales help keep the bank happy and lights on. DM to order!
ReplyDeleteAnd if you don't want to buy anything and just want to send some jingle jangle bells a ringing: PayPal link”
She never stops begging online. What she wants are free funds for doing nothing but breathing. JFW has used holidays, the virus, and even the election as manipulative marketing tools.
Reposted from past thread in regards to supporting Pig Shocker:
DeleteI'm not sure what is happening in other states but in mine the last two days have been filled with news articles of doomsday about "sudden" spikes of covid. Moreso than we had when covid cases caused the first shut down.
My guess is that here, in my part of the midwest, they will blame thanksgiving gatherings on even higher sudden numbers of covid cases and that our local economy will shut down small businesses again by christmas.
I feel horrible for all of the hard working small business owners who cannot survive another shutdown.
I have been buying grocery items from fav local restaurants who are selling milk, eggs, cheese, flour, etc. that they have too much to use with the current restrictions. I order delivery meals or curbside pickup as often as possible.
I buy anything and everything that I can just to try to give them support. They won't have the income to order any sort of inventory if we shut down again.
I would support my local small businesses a thousand times over before I would give a single cent to that animal abusing cu$t in cambridge. She can go straight to hell right back where she came from.
I wonder how long it will be until the Pig Shocker announces that the girlfriend needs a root canal? Think about it: By gaining a girlfriend, Jenna now has an entirely new mouth to mine for cash! Especially with Gibson on his last leg, it's high time for a new puppy, doncha' think? Just in time for Christmas!!! #PayPalMe/JennaCAF
DeleteWhackadoodle - Great reminder for everyone to support small businesses. Any day now I'm sure my city will bring back limited business hours for essential stores only. Crazy times we are in. But as long as everyone wears a mask, avoids unnecessary gatherings, and limits contact with others, we can get thru this. Hoping for a much better 2021 for everyone -- except those who neglect and abuse animals.
DeleteSigh. We are seeing community spread in our area for the first time. We did such a great job at keeping it out of the community. I think we are headed to a 4 week "circuit breaker" shutdown, just in time for the holiday shopping season, a make or break time for many small businesses.
DeleteI've already done my gift shopping and have mailed them out. I'm glad I got it done early.
WDH. That was well-put. I’d even give my money to anonymous street people before donating a dime to JFW. She doesn’t deserve support.
ReplyDeleteThere are sooo many other homemade soap options for sale online. This is one of many on etsy:
For possible future PS victims:
Spend your soap money with a company that has thousands of positive reviews while also saving money and getting better quality. Don't spend your money on soap made with the same hands that abuses animals!☹ 🤢🤮
Her latest sales plea:
Delete"This moment, right NOW! is a great time to DM and order a set of 2 snowflake bars right now! Shipped anywhere in the US for a total of $20! ($6 a bar, $8 USPS Priority shipping)"
Total rip-off. Those snowflake bars are half the weight of her normal $6 bars. They are about 3 oz according to her. Which makes for a tiny package that would ship just fine via USPS First Class Mail. And only cost a few bucks. I know, because I sell and ship jewelry online. There is no need to use Priority Mail -- and she's probably using the Small Flat Rate Boxes as they are about $8 -- and she's doing that because those boxes are FREE at the post office, so they don't cost her anything.
I guess since she no longer has sheep she still feels the need to fleece something. Also, imagine paying $20 and receiving a tiny box with two tiny soaps. But oh, yOu'Re hELpiNg A gAy fArMer!!!!
Lmao! 😂
DeleteIf one wants to support the queer community, there are plenty of actual charities and non-profits that help actual distressed queer people in many ways, like funding the fight to get and keep equality-enforcing legislation, or helping persecuted queer folks from other countries seek asylum in safe countries.
DeleteThere have been comments about how Pig Shocker's hawk shit, dog hair soap just dissolves when it gets wet.
DeleteThere are so many other soap options, like WIW mentioned, that when purchased truly helps great causes.
Why buy soap of sub par quality made in a filthy, moldy home when there are so many alternatives?
Enabling Pig Shocker enables animal abuse and scams. Don't be an enabler.
“If you're visiting a friend's farm, you shouldn't feel obligated to get up with the hay throwing and wood chopping. But don't expect the pancakes to be still hot.”
ReplyDeleteWhat a whining cunt.
She even expects guests to do faux farm chores. It’s no wonder why her heathen group quit. They got tired of being conned into doing her personal projects.
DeleteSounds like the smirking girlfriend is over the indentured servitude.
DeleteSo she'll only make you pancakes if you help with chores?
Delete$50 says she has a tip jar on her kitchen counter...right under that vintage menu wall sign where she lists meal prices.
Everything in the tip jar has been spent on Rogaine, Dollar Store hair extensions and booze.
DeleteWhat an incredibly bitchy thing to post. If I were a guest there, I'd be both pissed and mortified.
DeleteNotice she posted later,
"What understood rule of social etiquette did you learn embarrassingly late in life?"
She is such a passive-aggressive communicator. Is this another dig at a houseguest that didn't pitch in with chores and received cold pancakes as punishment? Or did the guest say something about FFF's earlier passive-aggressive post, explaining that as the HOST, you damn well SHOULD provide meals to your guest, and not expect them to do a damn thing! I take it the guest brought wine.
Again, this is another crumb I add to the dustbin pile that is my theory FFF has some undiagnosed neurodiverse condition. Someone with ASD / ADD / a few other potential things really could get into their 40s not having noticed the social mores which exist all around us, like not showing up to someone's home empty handed, offering to help with post-dinner dishes. This childish self-entitlement is pretty typical for people who haven't had any sort of therapy.
Get. Therapy. Jenna! It will not hurt and could help A LOT.
Giving a narcissistic sociopath like Pig Shocker etiquette advice, via twitter or otherwise, is a total waste of time.
DeleteShe isn't capable of "reading a room." Anything appropriate vs inappropriate can only be imitated after she sees someone else's reaction.
The tweet about getting a cold breakfast shows how her sociopathic brain works. She constantly expresses anti social behaviors.
Some common characteristics of a sociopath are:
Untruthfulness and insincerity
Lack of remorse and shame
Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
General poverty in major affective reactions
Specific loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without
Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
Failure to follow any life plan
If hell were to freeze over and I was her guest, I'd purposely avoid helping just to avoid her cooking. She's admitted that she bites her animal blood-covered nails and also that she revels in not washing her hands...before she eats. That's a hard pass from me.
DeleteAs far as I know, repeated animal abuse is not a symptom of ADD.
DeleteShe has shown predatory behavior which is from a mental disorder such as narcissism, sociopath disorder or borderline personality disorder. I think she might try to hide behind an ADD diagnosis but she has much a deeper mental illness.
It's a beautiful chilly morning. The animals are fed. The fire is warm. I like this small life more every year.“It's a beautiful chilly morning. The animals are fed. The fire is warm. I like this small life more every year.”
ReplyDeleteHer stupid “small life” is made possible by PayPay poodles and dumb enablers.
DeleteThe animals are fed. She's the largest animal on the farm and I'm sure feeding her is no small chore.
DeleteAs for feeding the other animals, I bet it's rough having to feed 2 horses and 2 dogs 🙄.
Due to Pig Shocker's obese condition, it is obvious that the smallest "chore" exhausts her. As is evident in any of her lame blogs in which she videos showing her as she walks around her shit pit property. PS huffs and puffs as though she has full blown copd. Her rotten heart has to work ten times as hard as a healthy heart and you can tell by looking at her. She looks much older than she actually is and as if she is allergic to vitamins and nutrients.
It looks like NG is taking over the heathens’ help by doing work that should’ve been done by PS.
DeleteYup, Anon 9:39. And you'd think that she'd take a moment to thank all her enablers for her small life. But nope, the narcissist in her thinks she's done it all by her widdle self...who has not one, but TWO PayPal accounts in which to "earn up" a small living!!
DeleteQUESTION for those who have and use Twitter:
ReplyDeleteWhen you follow someone and they post, do you get alerts or do the posts just show up in your feed? Reason I'm wondering is cuz the Pig Shocker posted her PayPal link THREE times in one day recently. 3 fcuking times. Just straight up begging for a handout in the manner of "send some jungle jangle balls to me" nonsense. *hard cringe*
I don't know if anyone here follows her, but either way, how do Twitter posts show up for you? Cuz if there's an alert for each post, I'd be a bit infuriated to be following an obnoxious unemployed online panhandler who thinks it's OK to bother me 3 times a day while I'm working a full time job.
I’m not sure how that works, but would flag her begging tweets as spam. Sometimes Twitter suspends those accounts. Which would cramp her money mooching.
DeleteI have a twitter for my business account, which I use to read FFF's public tweets but I do not actually "follow" her on this account. You don't need a twitter account at all to read her tweets as long as she posts publically.
DeleteIf anyone has notifications turned on for twitter their phone would never stop chirping. Most people leave the notifications off.
Thanks guys. WIW, I'll bet everyone has notifications turned off when it comes to the PS.
DeleteEveryone who follows her wants to have the option of watching the shit show but at the same time they can't stand reading her insipid, constant tweets.
DeleteBased on the pathetic number of likes and comments in response to her tweets, all but a dozen of her followers have her muted. 😂
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"My girl's decorative touches around the farmhouse feel magical"
When did dusting become a decorative touch? And yeah, it's magical alright...if it happened with zero effort on your part ya lazy sod.
NG obviously can't take care of herself financially and it won't be long until a better deal comes along. She will get tired of playing maid soon enough. Someone will come along who isn't too crazy to get a job and doesn't look like the ass end of a baboon.
DeleteIt’s obnoxious how she calls Shannon “my girl” like she’s a sexist man.
DeleteThat girl must have the lowest of self esteems to have allowed herself get sucked into the black hole that is Cold Antler Fauxrm. Where animals go to die.
DeleteAgree Anon7. The more I see her grinning the more I think she looks as though she has some sort of mental disability. Which would make a lot of sense, as Pig Shocker is a predator and would be looking for someone she perceives to be weaker than her.
DeleteLong time shamster here. There was a time when she was playing around with the idea of charging people to do chores on her "farm". Yes, you read right. It never came to fruition, but just the idea is cringe worthy.
ReplyDeleteYeah, people want to pay for the privilege of doing the fat ass, faux farmer’s chores.
DeleteApparently that didnt go so well lol. She has used every "friend" she has ever had for manual labor around her crappy property.
DeleteThose "friends" don't ever last. She uses them until they get sick of it and then she moves on to the next moron. NG is her current moron.
I remember reading something about that on her blog when she first bought the property!
DeleteShe NEVER wanted to do the day to day drudgery of farm labour. I remember thinking that was so weird.
She probably could get a local teen girl to shovel out the yard in exchange for a horse ride. I used to do that all trail riding season long! Great way for poor horse girls to get their equine fix.
That girl's parents would not be impressed if they expected adult supervision. Also, it might be an insurance nightmare.
Wow, I want to know more about this! Anon 8:10, have you any other clues, like what year or even a keyword I can search for? I read a few years of her bleg before rage-quitting, but I don't remember anything about that. And if I find extra time this week, I'll definitely research it and share what I find.
DeleteBack off, Whacko. I've asked you not to comment on my posts. One minute you're agreeing with me, the next you're accusing me of being Jenna. We disagree on the weight issue, so get over it. Not everyone is going to agree on everything, so we need to agree to disagree instead of attacking like you do. Disagree with me - I don't care. Attack me and make false accusation and I will call you on it every time.
DeleteAnon7 - It may have been in the comments section which I don't think would show up in a keyword search. There may have been some discussion about bringing on an intern. Or some other discussion about ways to bring in income. When she mentioned bringing someone on to do chores, a helpful person suggested a paid intern. That's when JFW replied that she was thinking along the lines of someone paying HER. I wish I could remember more, but that's about it.
DeleteHow would Whacko or anyone else here even know how to differentiate between multiple anonymous posters? I’d suggest choosing a name or initializing your comments. Otherwise no one can tell who you are.
Pig Shocker is too stupid to realize that all Anon posts look alike. It's hard for her to pay attention when she's stuffing her face.😂😂😂
Delete"Longtime shamster here." Yeah, right.😂
DeleteShe claimed on twitter that her hawk had a successful hunt today. No photos of course, no details, as usual. Just a prompt for the cheerleaders to kick up their routine.
ReplyDeleteThat is so crazy. The hawk doesn't need that twat to hunt. She isn't helping with the conservation of hawks as more have died in her care than have been successfully released (one documented release) and the hawk doesn't need any help hunting.
DeleteI am going to follow up with the nyseoc regarding the multiple times she has been reported. It's bad enough that she keeps acquiring hawks (personally I think she buys them from other falconers and doesn't bother trapping them herself) but to only have successfully released ONE is criminal and deserves another investigation.
Those cheerleaders either have her on mute or they just don't care, cuz she only received ONE comment and 30 likes. A paltry amount of admiration from her supposed 4,800+ foollowers. Lol.
DeleteAgree that she's not helping those hawks, as the purpose is to snare them early and help get thru their first year in the wild. But she keeps them for 2-3 years so she can take snazzy pics of them for internet likes. Or they wind up dead.
Her hawks are mere pet props for more photo ops to further her faux feral farmer illusion.,
DeleteOn September 20, the sexy-boudoir photo peddler of Cambridge (husband of Diane Arbus wannabe) posted a photo of FFF's latest captive hawk tied to his complicit paw. They were inside FFF's hovel, with hawk wearing its hood, thereby prevented from having sight and sound. She couldn't wait to show off her raptor prisoner, could she? These people disgust me.
DeleteShe should be blinded with wearing a hoodie, and see how it feels to have her stupid senses impaired.
DeleteShe is already mentally disabled which is why she chooses to pick on those she perceives to be weaker than herself- i.e. innocent animals.
DeletePig Shocker wants to feel powerful and since she is such a social pariah, as well as downright crazy, she has chosen animals who cannot tell anyone about their abuse.
She has a predatory, warped mind that allows her to abuse without feeling any sympathy or regret.
She should be monitored daily by a psychiatrist in a clinical setting.
Right now, using the hood in falconry is common accepted practice. There is plenty of documentation online from reputable falconers, as well as historical documentation.
DeleteBut old training methods have been usurped by new, better, more humane ones for many other species. Horse training has changed a lot just in 40 years. Some practices of horse training used to involve blindfolding the horse to gain compliance - of course that's not done now, except in extreme emergency (like leading a horse through a dangerous situation to safety.)
Dog training has changed a lot too, to the point that using positive punishment is widely discouraged, and positive reinforcement is preferred.
Hooding the falcon is supposed to "calm" the bird. I'm no raptor expert, but I wonder how calming it really is for the bird to be deprived of its sight while acclimatizing to the falconer's sounds in the home. In dog training it's called "flooding" - forcing the animal to be present in a scary situation until the dog realizes he's not actually going to die, and in fact the thing they were afraid of is actually harmless.
It seems to me this is the same method. The bird is hooded while learning to associate the sounds of the human are not dangerous, and in fact the human provides food pretty regularly. Food is a classic positive reinforcement, and before I knew better, I trained lots of wild birds, squirrels, and raccoons to come when I called by feeding them. (I was a latch key kid.)
At first, I don't think the bird is "calmed" by the hood at all, but simply paralyzed by fear, the way the blindfolded horse would be, and it's a way of forcing the bird to become dependent upon the human.
I'm not really sure what would be better. Taming birds in captivity still involved a lot of archaic methods.
It is clear that falconry does improve the survival of the birds (when done correctly), though FFF's poor documentation of the releases and her admission that at least one bird died in her care, leads me to believe these birds aren't actually any better off in her care.
It is clear the birds are just props. She's posting more photos of hawks than anything else.
WIW are you a falconer?
DeleteI have taken courses with a falconry organization near me. Why do you ask? Everything I said above is available online. I use this resource: http://bchawkingclub.ca/
DeleteIt seems like you know a lot about it. I've read quite a bit on falconry and find it interesting. I wanted to have a basic understanding when discussing PS with authorities.
DeleteThe falconry courses I took involve birds specifically bred for falconry, and are cross-breeds not seen in the wild. They are domestic birds used to humans from hatching.
DeleteThis org is also associated with wildlife rescue, and houses many raptors who were injured and could not return to the wild. These are the wild birds I've had the great privilege to handle.
Falconry as FFF practices it is not common here. Most of the people within the association work with larger facilities, so they are not solely responsible for a bird, and the domestic birds work with falconers their whole lives.
WHS, if you get the opportunity to take a course, even if it's just a day program, you'll learn a lot. I highly recommend it. I have taken all the courses this facility has to offer, and the only way I could get more bird time would be to volunteer, or repeat the courses. I'm 2 hours away, so volunteering isn't very practical.
DeleteI have never used a hood with a bird, but that's because I have only worked with the birds on the facility's property / acreage. These birds travel across the country providing services to airports (scaring / killing pigeons which are a hazard to aircraft.) When the birds travel they are hooded, but there doesn't seem to be any ill effect, but they were never afraid of people and were trained to be used to the hood from a young age, by the humans they imprinted upon. Very different from the process of capturing and training a passage red-tail hawk, which is still young enough to train, but wild enough to be stressed by the process.
That's awesome you have been involved with an organization whose purpose is to help birds rather than exploit them.
DeleteI don't think that Pig Shocker has the slightest idea about falconry. She's such a poser and only wants to draw attention to herself. The well being of the hawks doesn't matter at all to her.
Now that I've warmed to the subject, I'll elabourate on the cross-breeds. The facility breeds Harris Hawks for their falconry business, and some Harris / Redtail hybrids. The reason they go for Harris hawks which are not native to our area, is the Harris Hawks naturally hunt in packs!
DeleteCoolest thing ever, eh? They evolved to work in teams, so they do especially well with falconers as they are already wired to work cooperatively with other hawks. They will take a team of two or three birds to the airports and the place is cleared of pigeons very quickly.
I agree that FFF overstates her falconry expertise. You'd undoubtedly learn by working with the animals for as long as she has, but she never talks about her mentor, or vet care, and never even shows weighing the bird. If she doesn't do those things, then these birds could easily die on her before she notices anything is wrong. That's just sad.
DeleteEven though I've taken all the courses available, I don't feel I'm equipped to successfully care for a wild-caught passager red tail by myself! I'd surely kill birds too if I tried!
Pig Shocker has never been able to realize what her limitations are in any aspect of her life.
DeleteIf she was even remotely self aware she would not continue to procure hawks after so many in her care have "disappeared" i.e. died.
Pig Shocker doesn't want to put the work in that would be required to be an excellent falconer. She only cares about photo ops and too many hawks have suffered for it.
WIW have you seen the falconry documentary on hulu called The Challenge?
DeleteIt's about opulently wealthly Qatari Sheikhs who are amateur falconers. They fly their prized Falcons on private jets and take their pet cheetahs out for desert drives in their Ferraris.
WHS - I've not seen that show, I don't get Hulu in Canada. Even so, I'm not sure that show would be for me. Not a huge fan of wildlife and exotics being kept as pets in private collections, as so much goes wrong so often.
DeleteNeither am I and the documentary is just plain gross. It's a grander scale of the way PS treats animals as a means to get attention.
DeleteThere's a scene where one of the guys is in his private jet and there are approx 5 seats removed with perches put in their place with a hawk on each perch. One of the five hawks keeps making weird jerking movements as if it is suffering. It's horrible.
Not one, not two, but FOUR Taylor Swift tweets today. And TS is as tone deaf as the Pig Shocker, as she's worth $400+ million and is whaa-whaaing about lost revenue from her masters being sold. Taylor, get over it and look around the country, as there are millions of Americans who only got ONE measly stimulus check and are again losing their jobs due to the new lockdown. Not to mention all the people who died from Coronavirus. Sheesh...she's totally clueless about the real life of people, fans or otherwise. No wonder Jenna worships her so. Greedy pigs, both of them.
ReplyDeleteHer worship of female celebrities like Swift makes me cringe for how childish JFW is at almost 40. She’s like a teenage boy in heat.
DeletePig Shocker, and nutjobs like her, are the reason celebrities have to have security teams.
DeleteI doubt that any celebrity would want anything to do with an animal abusing, scamming, goon like Pig Shocker.ðŸ¤
Good point. On her bleg she wrote a few times about how neat it would be to hang out with certain celebrities. Radiohead's Thom Yorke was one of them...something about enjoying a drink with him...which made me laugh cuz he's a vegan who promotes animal rights and thus would hate the one who purposely shocks pigs.
DeleteAlso, imagine if Taylor Swift bought a farm in the Pig Shocker's area. How much time do you think she'd waste mountain-smashing past her property for a glimpse?
DeleteTS would contact the bank who holds PS's mortgage, offer them more than the property is worth, buy it and bulldoze every building on the property just so she wouldn't have to live next door to crazy.
DeleteInstagram Update:
ReplyDeleteTwo of the same photos on twitter - hawk in the tree, FFF below. Next one is hawk on a glove, wearing the hood.
Next we have a recycled old photo of FFF leading Merlin on foot with an old hawk flapping it's wings for balance as she walks on the trail. This is a fall photo so blends with the recent fall photos. The caption is a long-winded post about falconry positioning herself as a sage expert. Photo was not identified as a recycled old one, just keeping up the social media content dispenser.
Next photo is of girlfriend in a hammock petting a cat. It's black and white because why not, I guess.
Next one - same photo as on twitter - spider plants and horse figurines on the windowsil.
Next - cover of book "One Woman Farm" which I assume was posted because the cover art is fall leaves. Her sales pitch is thus:
"With holiday shopping season beginning I would love to suggest this illustrated book of days on a homestead. I wrote it. Emma did the illustrations. And it is small and feels good in your hands and under the book jacket is a small crow feather embossed in the front of it and it's my favorite thing about any book I published!"
No longer a "one woman farm" - the presence of various farm animals is always in question since she doesn't consistently post photos out of fear of reprisal / criticism of the conditions in which the animals live, so pitching this book seems painfully ironic. I think it's been years since she's picked up the fiddle.
Watch her do so now just to prove me wrong! Don't think we haven't noticed the little indications you read here, Jenna. Odd how she keeps checking on her "trolls".
That's it, you're caught up.
~ snoopy anon
Oh I forgot to mention the instagram stories:
DeleteShe also posted a video version of the hawk high in the tree, with Jenna in the brush below, beating the brush with what looks like a long stick. I assume she's flushing game for the bird.
**** HuNtInG tOgEtHeR ****
The hawk would like nothing better than to scratch that evil twat's eyes out.
DeleteBeing constantly followed around by the Annie Wilkes of Cambridge must be both emotionally and physically horrifying as well as exhausting for the poor bird.
I can picture Pig Shocker lumbering behind the hawk like a junk food fed gorilla, while wheezing and straining and screaming for the hawk to slow down.
snoopy - They got a new black and white cat? Or did you mean the photo? Cuz the last thing they need is another mouth they can barely feed.
DeleteShe sounds like a kindergartener here:
ReplyDeleteAnd it is small
and feels good in your hands
and under the book jacket is a small crow feather embossed in the front of it
and it's my favorite thing about any book I published!
and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and
And...it's been almost a decade since she's gotten a book deal.
DeleteAnd......that best-seller Birchthorn received a few new reviews this year:
PEEEEUUUUUU! - February 24, 2020:
"This book is a stinker! Doesn't make sense at all and the plot is thin. Characters change throughout the story."
"I think the premise of the book is alright and there are some eerie parts, but unfortunately overall the writing isn't very good, which detracts from the whole thing. The author I think was trying to sound folksy (for instance, instead of saying a sign was made of "wrought iron," it's made of "black wrought"), but it comes off as awkward and belabored. The dialogue is also not even close to how real people talk, and there are a lot of anachronisms and historical inaccuracies. Sadly, not really worth the read."
Maybe the lesbian equestrian werewolf book will be better!!
Lmao Anon7!
DeletePig Shocker is publishing poison. There isn't a publisher out there who would touch her project with a ten foot pole.
She made off with $15,000 from patrons without fulfilling her promises.
Her "righting" is dogshit.
Even if she could find a ghost writer to make the manuscript readable, as soon as her name is attached the project it would be dead in the water.
Gone are the days of an editor correcting her manuscript to the point of the editor being the actual author of the book. The only thing Pig Shocker's books are good for are firestarters on camping trips. I don't even consider them to be actual books.
Also, publishers aren't interested in someone whose idea of doing press is posing like this:
I appreciate reading about experiences and training of people who legitimately hunt with raptors (especially if bred by falconers). Unfortunately, except for her first RTH, FFF hasn't done what she claimed in the NYT puff piece: save juvenile raptors in the Fall, teach them to successfully hunt by the next spring, and release them back into the wild. I remind Shamsters that only the first RTH had its timely release properly documented - probably because her sponsor paid attention. As FFF figured out how little she was overseen, she got lazier. In virtually every past case, there was no evidence she took hawks out frequently, or that they successfully hunted. There were a couple of photos that looked staged and a LOT of "near misses" or failures. The last RTH, Auburn, was a laugh to FFF & her friends because when it was released to "hunt", it walked through the woods. I don't know, but guessing a bird who doesn't exercise much might be reluctant to spread it's wings.
ReplyDeleteSo now we have Hamish. Bought (likely) or trapped (maybe). I have no doubt FFF is being on excellent behavior because of NG living with her - much as she was on good behavior with the first hawk.
If she does indeed train the hawk to hunt, exercise it frequently and then properly release it in the spring, I will dislike Jenna a little less. Still, knowing that she only catches and uses them to further her social media brand (and donated income) remains appalling to me. It should be appalling to everyone. Hawks do not belong in a heated house. They do not belong tethered to a lamp, taken to bars (pre-Covid) or held by idiots who want to feel important. She's a repulsive person because her concern is never about the hawks - it is all about her wanting to feel cool,, exciting and appealing.
As we have all seen, her fanciful initiatives rarely last. It's a travesty that animals suffer the fool that runs Dead Animal Farm.
Very well put PDD. I agree that what she does with her hawk victims isn't good for them and makes a mockery of the sport of falconry.
DeleteWe all know that eventually she will get her falconry license revoked. It's inevitable same as it was inevitable that she would be forced to give up her livestock.
However, how many innocent hawks have to die under her care before someone finally does something about it?
Authorities most definitely have their eyes on PS for MULTIPLE reasons but everything is a process to ensure the best result. I can appreciate that and only hope that she knows that she is inching closer to a world of consequences and therefore is taking better care of the current hawk than she would have taken care of it otherwise.
I don't think that NG makes a bit of a difference in how PS treats any of the animals. It is evident that Pig Shocker's abhorrent behaviors don't matter to NG at all. If they did, NG wouldn't have anything to do with her. Apparently living in a shit hole in NY with a severely mentally ill animal abuser is better than her previous living situation. That's scary af. I think that NG is most likely as mentally ill as PS and crazy is NG's normal.
I agree on all points, PDD. The study on the positive effects of falconry on hawk populations was involving an active and cohesive community of falconers who were all accountable to each other. Taking a wild caught bird to a bar is beyond the pale. The lack of documentation and accountability is shameful, and her return to using the hawk to gain social media traction is outrageous.
DeleteEven if she took excellent care of her animals and was an exemplary falconer, which she's not, her continual fundraising to pay her own damn mortgage would still have me and many others shaking our heads disgust.
We can't forget the math on her theoretical sales never evens out to the cost of a mortgage, modest groceries, utilities and supplies to run her property. She's been caught in lies so many times over the years that nothing she puts forward publicly can be taken at face value.
To clarify my intention on sharing my personal experience with raptors, is that it takes a decent-sized organization to care for raptors, and for practical hunting purposes, there are purpose-bred birds who do not need the acclimatization to a scary human the way a wild-caught bird does.
DeleteWhile it's nice in theory that responsible falconers can have a positive impact on the wild population, the practice is barely self-regulated, so we have a lot of Jenna's out there, wanting to look cool with a bird on their fist.
I think capturing a wild bird like Jenna does is a selfish act, not one done for the love of wildlife or for conservation. If that were so, she'd be in touch with a broader community, like the one that exists here.
I agree she's on her best behaviour as she's still in the honeymoon period with NG, and has stepped up her falconry game.
It does show that when Jenna is actually doing what she's supposed to be doing, she takes photos of it and posts it. So we're correct in our assumptions that if she's not talking about it, she's not doing it.
NG hasn't made a difference in PS lying about having pigs so at this point she probably feels that if Pig Shocker is found out and gets reprimanded, NG could also be in trouble as she had pretty much made herself an accomplice. NG does not appear to be very bright.
DeleteIt all comes down to the fact that Pig Shocker was not able to take care of basic livestock. The care of a hawk is so much more involved. I doubt she is able to get off the couch or social media long enough to take proper care of any animal. NG is just one more distraction and a ridiculous enabler.
It's interesting that of all the birds FFF has worked with - six or more now, none of them come back.
DeleteOnce wildlife have become acclimatized to humans, or just one human, a lot of them end up coming back to say hi.
For example, one of the red-tails that landed at the facility, injured, was released back into the wild. Three months later, he returned to the facility, looking for some easier meals. They took him back and started working with him as an educational bird, since he apparently didn't want to live in the wild, until one day he simply took off during a demonstration, and travelled several hundred miles before the radio tracker finally fell off of him.
The next year, he was back again, much skinnier, looking to fill up on meals again. He still lives there to this day.
They're smart, these birds. I know folks who have rehabbed injured song birds and see them at their feeders annually, for years. It's significant that so far, none of FFF's birds have returned.
If any of them are still alive, they have no positive attachment to FFF or her property.
What is RTH?
DeleteYes, what she told the NYT guy is not what she's doing now. She seems to have adopted her own rules. And note, there's no longer any mention of, or photos with, that falconry group that used to meet at her bar. In particular, two guys named Jeremy and Michael, I think. Perhaps they disapproved of her keeping her hawks longer that she's supposed to?
Sorry, Anon7. RTH = red tailed hawk
DeleteWoe is Wog, your point about raptors returning to their 'benefactors' really hit home. It makes perfect sense, and further evidence that either the RTHs hated their time with the Faux Feral Farmer (and had no interest in returning), were incapable of surviving because of the lousy job she did preparing them to return to the wild...or they were killed and unable to return.
DeleteTo amplify your point, there is a wildlife center not too far from me. A frequent visitor is a wild red tail hawk who's returned to them in order to receive "free meals" for at least 10 years now. The hawk is free, but clearly understands where free meals reside, and so it returns to its outside perch to ask for food.
The ones who have "disappeared" would have been wearing that asinine equipment that Pig Shocker puts on them. There's no chance of survival if they are wearing that. They can't hunt effectively, etc. However, most of them did not "disappear" they just outright died in her care. The one who scratched her nasty face up was more than likely murdered.
DeleteJust like when she shocked the pigs after they escaped her shitty fencing, there is a festering rage in her that is not normal. That is a rage stemmed from long term untreated mental illness.
Over at Reddit I'm reading a thread asking folks "What Was Your F*** It, I'm Done Helping Others Moment?" And several of the replies sound like they are talking about you-know-who:
ReplyDelete"I had a coworker in tears once telling me she had nothing to feed her kids for dinner, no laundry soap to wash their clothes, etc etc. I fell for it, gave her money to buy the kids food and brought her some laundry stuff from home. The next day she shows up to work with two Redbulls and a breakfast sandwich from a drive thru coffee stand with her nails done. Never again." [...] "I just dont understand how people like this keep pulling the same crap and landing on thier feet everytime untarnished. Its amazing."[...] "Taking advantage of one sucker at a time I guess."
"Grifters shamelessly lie and beg and are always the louder, squeakier wheel with the better sob story and the better fake resume, who get helped first, more often, and more generously..."
"People like this usually struggle to rise in the system because you need the support of others to get there. There are exceptions of course, occasionally a grifter will either be given high achievement or be able to run a con long enough to get ahead, but most of these people are being genuine when they say they have no money. It's just that instead of spending it on the things they need, they spend it on luxuries and then have to run the con again and again and again to stay ahead of their poor decisions."
Reddit is on to you, Jenna Woginmooch!
Woginmooch - LOL!
DeleteI think Jenna's a case of both. She's running a long con - she certainly has some regular income that's enough to keep her from truly fearing homelessness and changing her behaviour. The CAF math never makes sense, and that's because she has undisclosed income she pretends she doesn't have.
But, she ALSO makes poor decisions and I'm sure she has let her mortgage payment fall behind so she could buy things she wanted but didn't need.
Choosing to stay home and play at falconry, instead of using her best working years to earn her living, is a large scale form of buying tswift swag while letting her bills lapse.
I'd say it'll catch up with her sometime, but given it hasn't already, I honestly don't think it ever will. Not even in retirement age. I'll bet she inherets some of the assets her parents worked to accumulate, and that, combined with whatever undisclosed income she has now, plus whatever is left of social security, will keep her going. She won't ever stop mooching or telling sob stories to get other people to give her money and do her work.
I wonder what NG's family thinks of her? I'm sure they were nice to her when she met them, but they must see how she earns / doesn't earn a living.
NG must have been having some sort of problems in her life to completely relocate to a different state and get into a relationship with an unemployed, animal abusing twat.
DeleteNot just any unemployed, animal abusing twat but one whose background and horrible character defects are easily researched online. NG chose to ignore all of it.
NG knows that there aren't any pigs living on the property and that the entire AG visit PS mentioned was total bullshit. Yet NG is still there.
Pig Shocker is a manipulative predator and NG appears to be the perfect prey. Young and stupid, just how Pig Shocker likes them.
NG's family can thank mama and papa W for creating the monster that is Pig Shocker. If NG were my daughter, I would do everything I could to get her back home.
Including researching and then contacting authorities to assist in any investigation they are currently involved in targeting PS. I
doubt NG's parents ever go to visit the hovel. Pig Shocker has to keep NG secluded in order to successfully manipulate her.
Woe is Wog said, "I agree that FFF overstates her falconry expertise".
ReplyDeleteShe overstates her expertise on everything! When I started to follow her, she was in her twenties and giving workshops on all sorts of farm topics. I could understand if she had grown up on a farm, but she was just learning herself, and had a lot to learn. What I didn't understand was how she could become an expert in such a short time. Short answer - she wasn't.
She gave out a lot of misinformation, and when people more knowledgeable stepped in to give advice, she shot them down.
The last straw for me was when she justified buying packaged wood at Stewarts because she didn't have a way to keep wood dry. I do not have a farm, but I do have a wood burning fireplace and a backyard woodpile. A google search will show you many simple ways to keep wood dry. There was no excuse for not at least throwing a tarp over a woodpile. Many people commented that she bought the wood at Stewarts out of lazieness.
Ah, the old Dunning-Kruger effect! Incidentally, the apex where confidence meets knowledge is called "Mt. Stupid" lol
As for the firewood, I'll bet Stewarts is glad she no longer slithers in to steal cream 'n sugar packets under the guise of buying packaged wood. And yes, a tarp is the easiest solution. I stayed on a farm once and they stacked cords onto pallets and used two tarps. Super simple.
What do you mean, packaged firewood? As in, the packets that are wrapped in plastic you buy at a gas station if you're going to have a campfire on the beach?
DeleteLike, she was buying essentially one day at a time for $7 / day????
When we lived in her area it was well-known that she bought firewood from Stewart’s. And it was pre-packaged in plastic.
DeleteWIW-Yes, plastic wrapped firewood.
DeleteAnon7 - We also kept our wood dry by stacking on pallets and covering it with a tarp. Super simple is right.
LS it is amazing how so many people believe Pig Shocker's crazy ramblings.
DeleteThat dumbass was buying a couple pieces of firewood at a time and yet at home she has both a furnace and space heaters.
As I have said MANY times over the years, if Pig Shocker used one stove (let alone the two she says she uses) in that small house with a door closed to the upstairs (a door installed by PP because PS can't do anything herself), that hovel would be so hot she wouldn't be able to stay in there. Yet she always says its below 60. It's just another thing she chooses to lie about that she has no knowledge of how it actually works. Like truck repairs.
What she said was wrong with her truck and what repairs she claimed it needed, never matched up. That's because she doesn't know anything about automotive repair or how vehicles work and therefore she couldn't successfully lie about either.
WDH. It just goes to show you how many dumb enablers there are around. It’s like I always say here, but it bears repeating, everything that she does is all about manipulative marketing for more free funds. Her motivation is money from stupid sycophantic supporters.
DeleteI would like to reiterate what has already been mentioned in previous threads: The house she lives in has baseboard heating. She may have a wood burning stove, but it is not the only option she has to heat her home. So the year in and year out struggle of procuring and paying for firewood seems like at another lazy and dramatically portrayed attempt at presenting, what is in reality an optional choice, as yet another live or die situation.
DeleteI used to be interested in her writing and blog posts 8 years ago. But she never grew her skills as a farmer, or whatever she says she is, and her constant pandering is so off-putting. I don't know a single person presenting their homesteading/farming journey online who isn't working 24/7 on their land and who typically also has off farm employment.
I just don't get what the point of Jenna's blog or anything else is anymore. It just seems like a way for her to earn a largely passive, nontaxable (asking for donations) income stream to fund her beer money.
LS I totally agree. Everything she does is a manipulation or a set up. She frequently sets the tone ahead of time for a begathon.
DeleteMost of us pick up on it immediately as we easily recognize her patterns. She is one trick goon who isn't creative enough to ever change her m.o.
Anon 2:26 WHAT!? I thought she used space heaters when she needed to. That place has baseboard heaters!!!???
DeleteOH MY GOD what a manipulative bitch!!!!
That really burns my waffles.
WIW I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere that she has baseboard heat. This is an old bleg post where she first discussed changing to stove heat and once again lied that she would be using wood from her lot. If she did use wood from her lot, no one would send $$$ for purchasing wood, so that won't EVER happen.
She most certainly does have baseboards.
Delete“This is my fifth winter on this farm, but the house and I have changed considerably. When I bought this place I depending on an oil burner with baseboard heat.”
Incidentally, did you see the plethora of helpful comments under her post WH? Dozens of great ideas for keeping the heat in her house and heating system ideas. Unfortunately, most of them required either money to set up or the dreaded four-letter word (w-o-r-k) to accomplish. SMH
I have zero knowledge of baseboard vs other types of heat. I had no idea that oil could be used as fuel for baseboard heat. I'm guessing she only mentioned it one time so people weren't questioning why in the hell she would use firewood/stoves.
DeleteShe left an amazon review for a space heater that she obviously ran into the ground until it stopped working. A space heater could easily heat that small space no problem and she's home all day to keep an eye on it. The ONLY reason she claims to need firewood is because she wants DONATIONS $$$.
WH, I remember the Amazon review. She'd bought a large, decorative space heater and admitted she probably broke it from overuse. I think it was the same time period in which she told OTHER readers that she only had the wood stove for heat.
DeleteShe reviewed an expensive trail saddle (one she claimed to have purchased at an obscenely low price because of a mistake the seller made. Yeah, right.).
She also wrote Amazon book reviews to shamelessly promote her OWN books.
She might've thought she could become a popular Amazon reviewer, but it took her time to realize her bragging about expensive and frivolous purchases didn't fit the narrative of the "poor widdle farmer" who can't afford her own mortgage.
Question: Anyone know who barefootboomer is? He says it's our civic duty to buy soap from Jenna: https://twitter.com/barefootboomer
I saw that it was my civic duty to buy her soap but I am an old rebel and just won't do it! Even when someone tells me it is my civic duty. I laughed and laughed when I read that one for sure. What an ass.
DeleteI deleted my comments due to autocorrect mistakes. I’d say that it’s also our civic duty to warn and alert the public about the animal abusing, sociopathic scammer called JFW.
DeleteDon’t know who barefootboomer is, but once when she conned some local men into fixing her truck for free, some guy commented on her blog that we (her followers) should all chip in to buy those men a pizza. Yes, you read correctly. She has many dumb enablers.
DeleteWhen she was selling things on Facebook, there was a guy who would buy things, then ask her to store them. He obviously didn’t live close or want the items. I guess he felt it was his civic duty to buy stuff from her.
DeleteSounds like yet another username used by Pig Shocker.
DeleteIf it is, Barefoot has many more followers.
Delete😂 😂 😂
I still like WDH’s “poser squash” for a username.
DeleteLol 😂!
DeleteAnd there goes Whacko accusing someone else of being Jenna. Maybe Whacko is Jenna. Maybe everyone here is Jenna. Maybe the whole world is Jenna.
DeletePDD it could also be PP. She is one of the few people online who constantly peddles PS's crap.
DeleteWH, good point. I always think there's a story behind her massive enabling of FFF. After all, you shall be known by the company you keep.
DeleteWhy would Barefoot support FFF and laughably tell people it's their civic duty to buy her melt-n-pour overpriced soap? I think FFF captures the brief attention of flybys, people who don't stay long enough to spot her story's inconsistencies and who probably feel they're doing a good deed by helping a *cough* farmer.
She excels at using words as emotional triggers, and with recycled "farming" photos peppered throught her posts, casual readers get confused and may believe she's a legitimate farmer "on hard times". Anon7 calls it tethering people to her potential. It's a known scammer and con artist trick. It's only after perusing & comparing IG, Twitter and blog feeds that the obvious lies are revealed.
😵For example, who can forget her begging for money because of a too-bad-to-eat tooth problem - while her friend's post revealed her gorging and grinning at their Thanksgiving feast.
😜 Or the time she posted about horrible winter weather and her poor animals...while she was hanging at the bar instead of looking after them.
😂 And let's not forget the many photos of her drinking with friends, hanging out without masks and not remotely practicing social distancing...while chastising others for the same behavior.
There are innumerable examples of her exaggerations being exposed If all platforms are examined. And Shamsters do this. This is likely the reason she locked down social media to 'approved' people only. No one threatened her. No one shared information that she hadn't previously posted. Her ire was that clever people peeked behind the curtain and exposed her lies for what they are.
So why don't people catch on? Many do, and they leave. Many put her on mute, or only occasionally check in to the 💩 . Some encourage her to see how crazy it can get. Some come to CAST.
However, most readers don't bother to cross check her. If it wasn't for the animal neglect, I wouldn't bother following such a con, but her success at getting social media $$$ (because of the lies and exaggerations) means she will continue to have - and neglect animals - and that isn't acceptable.
Or the time she went on and on about checking on her sheep every couple of hours as they were ready to give birth and then suddenly NONE of them were ever pregnant. As in the lambs didn't make it. She actually thinks that if it comes out of her mouth it is automatically believable. No one could believe that multiple sheep who appeared ready to give birth, weren't pregnant.
DeleteRemember when she came home from the bar and found a newborn lamb standing next to a horse? She was too drunk to try to reunite it with its mother and in instead turned it into a bottle baby. Horrible. That alone shows how much she paid attention to her pregnant sheep.
It definitely didn't sit well with the authorities and was a huge reason as to why the sheep (and ALL of the livestock) had to be rehomed. She had x amount of time to rehome them herself or the authorities would have taken custody of them.
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ReplyDeletesomeone brought up about the truck and repairs, hhhmmmm funny but when you think about it she hasn't mentioned her truck in months now!!! (I wasn't being mean to whoever brought it up just rang a bell with me). Funny how that used to be a monthly thing with her and now she never mentions it at all. Also see she has spent the day out hunting with her bird and not working on orders or getting ahead with her soap. What a poser.
ReplyDeleteMaybe NG brought her own vehicle.
Delete"maybe NG brought her own vehicle"
DeleteYeah, so PS can run that into the ground, too.
PS has mentioned NGs car so you know they have only used NGs car and gas since she arrived. No doubt PS told her that she feels bad blah blah blah but just can't afford a truck repair blah blah blah during the pandemic blah blah blah.
Guess how many of these logos can be found online i.e. are actively being used by the company/event?
Rhymes with zero. ðŸ¤
Instagram update:
ReplyDeleterepost of the same old snowflake soap, caption:
Last chance to order these in time for holiday gifting! These are chunky mint snowflake bars made with goats milk, coconut oil, lye, and olive oil. Also have peppermint essential oils and wild-harvested mint that was hung and dried in the farmhouse. These are $6 a bar and I am hoping to sell enough this weekend to catch up on the mortgage! Support small farms/businesses this holiday season! #shopsmall
Instagram Story - photo of hawk on the ground. Very close up so you can't see much but feathers, of course. Overlapping text and clip art of a bunny further obscures the photo. Caption:
Best hunting day of the season so far happened yesterday. Over 45 minutes flying with me, diving after rabbits and voles, ignoring squirrels, and so damn proud! Come hunting with us! Need people to help flush game!
What do you all make of this?
~ snoopy anon
This is her public tweet about the hawk making a kill:
Delete"Good day of hunting today, with and without the hawk! He killed a fat rodent and I got a nice cottontail!"
What does she mean, she got a cottontail? She doesn't carry weapons out on her hawk walks, does she? In the instagram story she made it seem like the hawk got the rabbit.
~ snoopy anon
Only that heifer would follow a hawk around in the name of falconry and have to kill a rodent rather than the hawk successfully killing prey.
DeleteSnoopy, is the hawk in any photos promoting her soap or anything else?
She has been warned by authorities not to use the hawk for promotional purposes as it is strictly prohibited in the nys falconry guidelines. They were sent screenshots of questionable photos on her instagram but of course she is too crazy to ever change her behavio, warning or not.
Her self righteousness and stupidity will be her downfall.
The hawk has not been pictured in the same shot as one of her products.
DeleteIt could be argued she's using the hawk to promote her sales, because her instagram feed is so heavy in hawk photos, and sales promos are interspersed.
She is not explicitly using the hawk to promote her products. She is documenting some of the activities she does with the hawk. It's obvious to us her falconry practice in general is to satisfy her own idea of being cool, and less about education and conservation. At best, the hawk is an exotic, temporary pet she posts about A LOT for a supposed farmer. You can refer to my previous comments for the general listing of the subject of her last 20 photos. It's nearly all hawk photos, old photos, ads, and a scant few photos that could be classified as "farm photos".
My long answer is, she uses the hawk to gain social media traction, then uses that traction to promote her soap, logos, pig shares, books.
There is an argument to be made about the hawk being used in a feed that also promotes sales.
She could easily set up a "cold antler hawk" instagram feed, and separate the hawk photos from the general farm / sales feed, which would be what a smart person would do so her documentation of the hawks could not be construed as promoting sales.
She set up that other lezwolfmemes account, why not have a dedicated hawk account, and never promote anything on it?
Yeah the nys falconry authorities gave her quite a few areas she had to improve on and couple of the reprimands were regarding the hawks pics all over social media.
DeleteShe hasn't posted any sort of educational videos of the hawk.
Instead she posts videos of her dressed in what can only be described as a bedridden, elderly, woman's plus size mumu purchased at a thrift store to which she has added fabric in an attempt to make herself look like Friar Tuck. Apparently she thinks that's a good look. ðŸ¤
No doubt she killed both the rodent and the rabbit. She frequents here, and comments as we have seen recently, and has read our comments about how the hawks in her custody NEVER kill any prey. Whereas if you google falconry hunt/kills they have piles of prey from a single hunt.
DeleteSo tubs decided to kill a couple of small ground game and claim the hawk killed ONE of them. She's such a blubbering idiot.
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DeleteSnoopy anon again. One more update, same photo as in this tweet:
Caption is different. reads: Sometimes she catches the most perfect moments on this mountain. @heyshannay took this yesterday around sunset, me asking Hamish to the glove after he flew into the lure for a quail. Hamish is hunting so well now, we can fly nearly an hour now, and he's learning how useful I can be in the field helping flush game. #falconry #hunting #womenwhohunt
The #womenwhohunt tag is a pretty good indication of her true motivation. Get hawk. Look cool. Renew alienated customer base. Sell shit.
Again, I couldn't give a flying fuck what she looks like, since that subject's been brought up again.
~ snoopy anon
Everything about her is poser. Every thing she says and everything she does.
DeleteOMG, check out this retweet:
Anne Helen Petersen
Every woman should have people in their lives who will tell them, over and over again, to ask for more money
hahaha WoW my thoughts exactly when I read it. She does not have the sense to know that means working at....a......job......in order to get paid. She just thought you beg you get.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete“Hot water stopped running because I ran out of heating oil, so I got more. Can't bleed the line to restart the furnace because the bolt is stripped. Any ideas?”
This is an example of her manipulative marketing for more free funds. She’s leading up to a big beg. The faux feral farmer doesn’t go online for advice, she just wants foolish followers to pay for her lazy loser lifestyle. And none of the responses are offering her any money. Go fuck yourself, Jenna. You’re a parasitical user.
Since I know you read here, JW, if the bolt is stripped you'll probably have to replace the pump. Call your local furnace mechanic and get it done. No fair begging for money for this, BTW. A J-O-B works nicely for these kind of situations. ;-)
Funny how we were literally commenting on here about how she has a furnace and space heaters, yet she claims to need firewood which is ONLY because she wants $$$ to spend on wolf contacts and everything Taylor Swift because she is mentally 12 years old.
DeleteNow suddenly "she ran out of furnace oil."
We could literally post links to dozens of past bleg posts asking stupid questions about her furnace or detailing furnace problems. It's more than obvious that tubs is continuing to spin more lies.
What about the space heaters she owns? One space heater can easily heat 1,000 sq ft. PP made a door for lazy Pig Shocker which she can close so she isn't heating the second story of the hovel. A space heater would easily heat the first floor. She has very low ceilings, as seen in hundreds of her photos posted online, which makes it even easier to heat.
I'm sure she will be tweeting soon about how the space heaters suddenly caught on fire or malfunctioned in some way.
Guess what?
A quarter of the money she claims to need for firewood would buy a suitable space heater. She's home all day, doesn't have any livestock or crops to tend to and can easily keep an eye on a space heater.
The money she constantly tries to scam for firewood is not firewood. It's more money for her and her mentally insufficient girlfriend to spend on booze, streaming services and a plethora of juvenile crap that neither of them truly need.
When you no longer have hot water because you "ran out" of oil, it's time for the two able bodied, lazy twats who live there to get JOBS.
DeleteThe oil "runs out" when you don't order and PAY for more. It's not rocket science.
This is a good example of how enabling degenerates by giving them money only leads to them needing more and more money. Money problems aren't solved with money. Money problems are solved by evaluating habits and changing those habits to get a better outcome. THAT is the only way financial problems are solved.
Cannot prime a line because she let the oil run out? Hahaha. What an idiot. What are the odds the PP household bailed her out...again?
DeleteAnd, by the way, rural people would fix the f'king problem and get on with it. Or call a friend and deal with it - maybe posting the story afterwards.
Not her. She has to post minute by minute updates on social media - for drama and to create angst in her readers. Even when it's not much of a problem. Dear, oh, dear, whatever shall she do? I know, BLAST IT to the universe on her nonexistent smart phone.
Btw, this also reinforces how she absolutely did not properly release four of her five previous hawks (They're ded, Jim) because if she had, she would have milked the crap out of those stories with step-by-step and photos.
Yes anyone else could easily manage a problem after living there for TEN years. This isnt first time homeowner shit. This is I'm a manipulative moron shit.
DeleteThere's such a thing as GOOGLE. Not to mention the hundreds of times PP has done home repairs for her and has been able to problem solve for her. Pick up that cell phone and text PP. Maybe you can use her one more time.
It either didn't happen (likely) or she already knows the answer and is setting the trap for a begathon.
There are two able bodied, grown adults living in that nasty hovel. Neither have jobs because obviously they can't even pay for someone to do a simple repair. They are not self employed, they are both unemployed.
The majority of smart "self employed" people can pay their bills with revenue from their own business and if they can't, they pick up another job to survive.
That's the difference between those who have a good work ethic with a strong sense of personal responsibility and those who do not.
What idiot has problems paying their bills because of their own laziness and refusal to get a job and then takes on a roommate who is also unemployed and expects that to go well? Someone who is severely mentally ill with the mental maturity of a 12 year old, that's who.
You’ve all made pertinent points. She doesn’t deserve to have a home, and own any animals.
DeleteBesides being a mentally ill psychopath, she doesn't want to work for anything. If it's not important enough for her to get a job and work hard to keep what she has, why would she think it's important to anyone else? The only explanation is Narcissism.
DeleteShe does not want advice. She want someone to pay for the repairs. It used to work so well in the past. Not sure if it’s working now, but it only takes a few clueless followers to give her what she wants.
ReplyDeleteShe always asks for advice on Twitter when what she wants are free funds for doing nothing but breathing.
DeleteThere are countless examples on the bleg of PS asking for advice and then never acknowledging the advice given to her.
ReplyDeleteSame thing with her woe is me world is ending tweets. If someone sends her hugs instead of money, Pig Shocker doesn't respond to that person at all.
Everything is a means to an end with PS and that end is always money that she did not have to work for. Be it via ridiculous clip art "logos," insane caricatures of people's pets, crappy soap, dental emergencies, starving animals, animals needing emergency vet care, truck repairs, kiva loans, begging for people to pay for the crap archive of terrible "righting" on her bleg, etc. It's all for one purpose and one purpose only- donations.
Logos aren't ever used by the companies who purchase them. What does that say? It says the logos are dogshit and the companies only buy them out of pity for who they perceive as the mentally ill woman who doesn't have the sense or ability to survive on her own.
I think it is hilarious when she obviously begs the people who buy her art to promote it on social media. Especially when they show the "art" next to the their pet. The scribbles look nothing like the actually pet to the point of being funny. It's like the baking fails show Nailed It. Hilarious! Those begged for "promotions" are basically telling people "don't waste your money on this shit."
If one’s work is good then it speaks for itself. The fact that JFW begs for retweets shows how shoddy her pet portraits, lousy logos, and subpar soap is in reality. And she’ll rarely thank anyone unless they’re a coveted blue check account.
DeleteYep! Pig Shocker is a narcissistic sociopath and it's never more evident than when she is trying to manipulate social media for dollars and instead gets prayers and hugs. Anyone who sees that type of response should immediately know what they are dealing with. There's never enough pity, never enough attention, never enough money for Pig Shocker. She is a predator of idiots and fools.
DeleteHer latest bleg is about how she went from being a scared girl to a strong woman because of the farm. For the 1,000th time. Blah, Blah, Blah.
ReplyDeleteWe have heard this declaration so many times its tedious, tiresome and nauseating. If you were truly a farmer you would write about what happens on your farm, amirite? How many times do you write about the same crap over and over again?
She’s a weak woman trying to convince herself and others of the opposite. It’s a blatant lie and an obnoxious display of narcissism.
DeleteShe is so delusional that I suspect, someday in the future, doctors performing an autopsy on her will find an empty piggy bank in place of her brain.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete“I realized the book I was working on needs some edits, because the life I am living in the prayer the book was based on. A warm read if you want a gentle start.”
This makes no sense whatsoever. It’s her horrid purple prose trying to sound poetic, but she’s never able to appear authentic. What a rotten “righter.”
“This weekend it is really important to help small businesses. Especially those on the edge this Holiday Season. #SmallBusinessSaturday”
She always makes everything about herself. Her faux farm has been “on the edge” for almost a decade because its owner is a lazy lifestyle loser who won’t work to support herself like a normal adult.
Benjamin Button comes to mind. It’s a story about a man who ages backwards. JFW seems to be getting more immature as she ages and her writing has been deteriorating.
DeleteOne reason I was a fan so long ago was because I was impressed that a woman her age could write so well and have accomplished so much.
Now I see it was smoke and mirrors. She attacked that lifestyle with reckless abandon not through discipline but through the lack of it. No careful planning and no vision for the future. Just instant gratification.
It’s a house of cards.
Her whole life has drastically deteriorated over the years. I also think that the term duping delight describes the FFF.
Delete(Noun) Duping delight is a term coined by Dr. Paul Eckman. He says, “Duping delight is the pleasure we get over having someone else in our control and being able to manipulate them.” The smug smirk on her fat face is evidence. It’s similar in style to the expression that Jeffrey Epstein wore.
It pains me to think that there are those who enjoy duping other, yet I know plenty of them exist. I always picture the victims as kindly grandmothers, naive young girls or people so lonely, they are willing to do anything to get people to like them.
DeleteI remember reading here that one of her disgruntled heathens said she laughed about getting other people to pay her bills. Whether it is true or not, it is certainly believable.
The best part for her is that these are nameless, faceless strangers. She never has to face them or look them in the eye.
Jenna is also disingenuous in implying that her faux farm is only in trouble now due to the pandemic. That’s a crock of crap. She’s even admitted that it’s never been solvent the entire time that she’s lived there.
DeleteI believe that she feels mistakenly superior to others, and has no compunction in ripping people off. Look at how she took advantage of that young girl and old man who donated funds. JFW apparently didn’t pay them back, and used their money for unintended purchases.
I chortled at her attempt to lure in the #SmallBusinessSaturday buyer crowd. And although that hashtag does include online sellers, it's mainly to bring attention to brick-and-mortar mom 'n pop shops in your city, and not jingle-jangle donation beggars like her.
DeleteAnd lol, imagine being Jenna each morning, grabbing her phone at first light, before the teeth brushing and coffee guzzling...grabbing it and logging into her PayPal only to find that the balance still at $0.00, due to no new sales overnight. Rinse and repeat X20 more times a day and you see why she begs people to "throw in" so much.
Anon 11:06 - Smoke and mirrors indeed. She made the mistake of boasting and sounding accomplished while still trying to accomplish her dream. It doesn't work that way. And raw ambition means nothing if you aren't willing to roll up your sleeves and do the hard work required. That's why she failed.
Anon7, Another great name "Jingle-Jangle Donation Beggar" hahaha!
DeleteOMG I was nearly at the end of her bleg, and it was yet to mention….
ReplyDeleteCue: The Mortgage! “So know that I am well. So far, Covid free and just six weeks behind on the mortgage instead of three months.”
There it was, crushing my hope that she may have actually written something WITHOUT MENTIONING THE MORTGAGE. Better luck next time, I guess.
And the puke-worth lies… She goes on and ON about her “farming” in several parts of the bleg.
“I have been here farming alone for ten years.”
Farming? FARMING?! I grew up on a farm, a “real” farm. We had no other income other than my dad farming, and we had FIVE kids. It insults and infuriates me to no end that she continues to put forward this delusional lie.
I’ve got news for you, JW. Sitting on your ass all day tweeting and begging away, is NOT FARMING. Spending hours on WOW is NOT FARMING. Tossing a bit of hay over the fence to my little ponies is NOT FARMING. NOTHING you do at that disgusting hovel will ever pass for FARMING. Full stop.
* puke-worthy
DeleteThis latest nauseating bleg post seems to have been motivated by guilt. Cuz here she is this month begging DAILY for handouts, yet slapping that PayPal link on every other tweet. "Pay for the free writing" she bellows. But then remembers she hasn't written fcuk all about farming in more than a year.
DeleteSo it's damage control time! Cuz Xmas is comin' and she needs new-girlfriend gift money!!
The post then offers up a million excuses. And several narcissistic paragraphs about how awesome she is. How strong she is:
"What I got out of that was a rough and scrappy homestead, amazing friends and mentors, animals that showed me how to be a better person and experiences that forged a scared girl into a strong woman."
^^^^^^To that I say:
1) It's not rough 'n scrappy. It's a hovel on the verge of becoming a "Superfund" site.
2) Those "amazing friends and mentors" -- and where are they now? *crickets*
3) A better person she is? SHE SHOCKED THOSE PIGS. And then she smiled.
4) She is not a strong woman. She is a whiner. She begs DAILY. She complains about everything. She sits on her butt most of the day and expects hard working people to pay her bills. Strong women don't do that. Just because she can lift a case of whisky into her truck one-handed...no, that's the wrong kind of strong.
"You all watched a young woman leave a corporate job to start working on her own land."
Er, no. We have watched in horror a stubborn, arrested developmental perma-teen quit a sensible, gainfully employed job to chase after a fairy tale fever dream. Sure she was in love with an idea...Barnheart, she called it. But then she realized it took actual work and found that begging was easier. Remember in the early days of the bleg where her foollowers suggested she get a donation button and she feigned shock at the very idea? But then she got one. "It's only temporary" she said. That was 10 years ago. And that button is still there. Plus the PayPal donation button she added to Twitter. And a second button for her other PayPal account.
Then she wrote that she learned "To figure out how to pay the bills and keep the feed bags flowing even at the worst of times."
Seriously?!? No, she has't figured out ANY of that as she still begs Every. Damn. Day. The only thing she's figured out is that she can fool people into thinking she has more molars than humanly possible.
"Horses helped. Hawks helped. Dogs helped more than you will ever know."
Oh dear. No, it was the PHOTOS of horses and hawks that helped. And it was root canals that helped. Especially in the case of that one dog. You know, the one that needs proper ongoing elderly vet care but is denied cuz Taylor Swift sweatshirts are more important and more affordable.
"At 38 I am learning that running from failure isn’t fuel enough to lead a good life."
Oooh, she's SO CLOSE to getting it here. So close to self awareness and the fact that her scrappy "I'm in my 20's trying-to-buy-a-farm" story isn't selling anymore. And that her "running from failure" word salad isn't worthy of a publishing deal even if each book came with a packet of ranch dressing stapled to the cover.
"I was madly in love with the idea of becoming a Farmer."
Fair enough. But it turned out that she was not madly in love with the idea of actual hard work. Well, maybe in the beginning, as she showed some ambition via all that Antlerstock and workshop stuff. But due insurance liability issues, customer dissatisfaction, and overall snake oil salesman tactics, Antlerstock died out. As did her motivation and overall pipe dream.
Oh, Anon7, you made my coffee-drinking morning (after I fed, watered and cleaned up after farm animals).
DeleteShe's the WORST example of a strong woman. She cries at every turn, sits petrified in her POS poser-truck, cannot figure out how a garden hose works and has SOMEONE ELSE do all of her property and farm repairs. The girl / *cough* woman is seemingly unable to do much of anything except neglect her animals, flail, and sit on her tush, begging for donations and cyber-stalking celebrities.
Lest we forget, this is a woman who has a perfectly-good whole-home oil furnace yet she pretends if she doesn't get $$$ to buy firewood, she will freeze. This is a person who is so stupid, she re-flooded her basement because the discharge hose from the submersible pump was pointed back into her basement!
She is an object lesson on how not to successfully live in the country. I can only imagine how unbelievably ignorant her continuing followers must be to fall for her 💩 💩 💩.
Oh FFS. The latest blog post is essentially her book proposal. GURL. A decade of poor and risky choices, supposed panic-begging and constant deep discounts on services for sale, does not an inspiring story make.
ReplyDeleteEven if that person making the poor decisions, soliciting and accepting donations and then spending that money on items for which those dollars were not intended, happens to also be gay and have a coming out story.
Every gay person in this country, most across the world, have coming out stories. They're necessary to correct the assumption that you're straight, and your life is on a straight (ha) path. No one's coming out story is without drama and fraught emotion - even if immediate family and friends are accepting, we live in a world that treats non-straight folks differently. That's every one of us.
Her story isn't one of overcoming struggle, though. Her real and obvious story is one of skating along, learning very little, relying heavily on the kindness of friends, neighbours, and readers, to accomplish anything on her property.
And wouldn't writing a memoir of the last 10 years be overriding her latest books about farming on her property? Throw those things out, here's the real story?
She *could* have a story to tell IF she were honest, but she isn't. She's been caught in so many contradictions and lies, nothing she says or writes about can be depended upon as truth.
May as well label that next book fiction right now.
Yes, she acts as if she's the only one to have ever come out. And since sHe'S a FaRMeR she thinks that makes her story somehow more "special" -- and...I still believe her newfound sexuality is temporary. She'll drop it once she realizes it's not bringing in any money. Just like she did Heathenry and other pursuits that didn't pan out.
DeleteIf she wants to be a successful writer she should learn how to spell, and stick to what she knows: How to grift the stupid masses into supporting her lazy lifestyle. Sooooo many people would totally read a how-to on doing nothing for a living and getting paid for it.
Publishers didn't want her "book" a year ago. They didn't want her book six months ago. They didn't want her book three months ago. They sure af don't want it now.
ReplyDeleteThere are SO MANY talented new writers out there. Pig Shocker isn't worthy of wiping their asses let alone sharing a shelf with them.
Yup. And reading between the lines, she's saying that publishers didn't want her book so now she's gonna write about "tHe LoVE sHE fOUnD" in the hopes it'll make her long forgotten, stale story interesting again. You know, like "sexy it up" a bit...in a vague PG way. Hollywood does this all the time...cuz they know that love/sex can sell even the biggest stinker of a movie.
DeleteHence the sudden (and nauseating) change in direction for the Pig Shocker's latest book proposal. Keep yer barf buckets near and dear guys.
Pig Shocker has what's called destructive entitlement (along with her many mental illness disorders).
ReplyDeleteDestructive entitlement is when someone feels as if they have been wronged at some point in their life and think that they DESERVE to do whatever they want no matter the consequences.
Though she had discussed having the nickname "the beast" in school, I absolutely doubt that name was earned solely based on her appearance alone. She has such a condescending asshole personality, she most likely earned that nickname. There is nothing worse than a moron who acts condescending when clearly their knowledge of any subject is subpar to say the very least.
Pig Shocker still continues to act like a beast and won't ever change that destructive entitlement behavior.
I think that a celibate monk could write better erotica than the squatting-on-her-stairs-to-scarf Sasquatch of Veryork. Her rotten “righting” isn’t deserving of being published by a reputable company. It’s only good use in print would be to line litter boxes for cats.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many issues with the new bleg post, I can't even.
ReplyDeleteIt will take approx two seconds for someone to find the sentence that she could not even bother to proof read. Super short bleg post and she can't bother to proof read it. I imagine proofreading is pointless when a person can't admit they make mistakes.
She only wants a card exchange because she knows that some dumbass will include a check. That is the ONLY reason she "likes mail."
Now she is offering to send hand drawn (i.e. doodles from the institution) in exchange for raffle entries because IT WILL GIVE HER SOMETHING TO DO.
Is NG already tired of her crazy ass and no longer keeping her company? Wouldn't doubt it. Hey lazy ass, know what people do who have time on their hands and can't pay their bills? THEY GET A JOB.
I wonder what the people who have paid her in advance and are waiting on her craptastic "art" work think about her offering hand drawn cards? Of course she will find excuses not to do it, such as wayyyy too many people entered the raffle for her to possibly be able to send postcards to everyone. Even though she will probably receive 5 if she's "lucky."
As far as telling people to get the livestock conservatory stamps, unreal. That shows what a diseased mind she has. She was forced to rehome her livestock after MULTIPLE animal cruelty investigations in MULTIPLE states. Someone investigated for animal cruelty is the reason other people have to get involved in conservation. They are trying to protect animals from a variety of things including people who hurt them. How many hawks have "disappeared" in her care?
One day when she eventually finds herself in court for animal abuse, they will use examples from her social media (as we have and investigators have) to show just how conniving and flippant she is about her role in the abuse. She has ZERO regrets for her behavior and has done nothing to try to right any of her wrongs. That is the behavior of someone who is severely mentally ill to the extreme of being a violent predator. She is a true narcissist and a true sociopath.
Let's remember how much she "liked" getting foreclosure notices and job applications in the mail. LOL
DeleteExactly! Anytime before today she has said getting the mail gave her anxiety. She lies so much and she's such an idiot, she can't remember what she has said and constantly contradicts herself.
DeleteAmazon is hiring warehouse pickers just 30 min drive from her house. $15+ per hour, health benefits. Wide variety of hours available.
Since she's looking for something to do on those long winter nights and "trying" to make mortgage payments.
DeleteShe's not really trying. Driving 30 mins to a warehouse job is making a minimal effort.
There's another amazon picking location hiring in Johnsonville, 20 mins away.
DeleteNot that they'd hire her, but Cumberland Farms in Cambridge is hiring full and part timers. Maybe NG can get a job too! GASP! Between the two of them, it's pretty easy to keep the animals cared for and the mortgage paid... just sayin'!
DeleteThe problem is that she doesn't want a job she wants a handout.
DeleteWhat she will never realize is that adults do what needs to be done regardless and responsiblity is not an option.
"And I will also be attemption to mail back little hand-made postcards in return to cards sent! It is something to do on these long nights and we need a happy post office, too!"
ReplyDeleteJust... what the f*ck here? "attemption"? "Attempting" is what she meant to say? She's not even using basic spell check.
The part about the happy post office - she is so out of touch. The post office has been begging people for weeks to get their cards out early and their packages sent / ordered, because this Christmas season is going to see an unprecedented crunch of demand on the post office.
You're not helping the post office or keeping them happy by sending cards this year.
When your schtick is "I'm too busy / overwhelmed / behind to get pre-paid product out in a reasonable time" and then you post you're looking to start a holiday card exchange because you need something to do at night, you've just poked a hole in your own boat.
DeleteHave fun sinking.
She's also trying to jump (again) on the Blair Braverman holiday activities. It's creepy how she stalks celebrity and coveted blue-check accounts, then tries to jump into their flow with a "Me, too!" or "Look at me!" post. She's hoping to attract the attention of a social media star (fat chance), or failing that, have one of their readers look at FFF's profile and impulsively donate $$$$ to SAVE the *cough* fArM.
DeleteShe’s always been an attention whore, and it’s very evident by her worship of coveted blue check accounts.
PDD I would love for someone to ask that heifer what makes her shitty property and hovel a farm. There's no livestock and there's no crops.
DeleteThere's two horses (maybe, she hasn't mentioned them in a long time) two dogs (also maybe) and a cat or multiple cats that might or might not be alive.
That's not a farm, psycho. That's a crappy, bank owned, run down, animal hell property that she has ran into the ground.
Which is another reason she wanted a "partner," i.e. unpaid labor, so that someone (sure as hell not her) could maybe make the place look less abandoned as though occupied by crackhead squatters.
Another nonsense tweet.
ReplyDelete"Sharing this in case of luck, been a very November trying to catch up with last October, so if you read http://barnheart.com and feel like kicking in towards the writing: please feel free and know it's hella appreciated!"
It's been a very November? What the hell does that mean? Also, that is a misuse of the colon. That should have been a comma.
This makes my brain itch. Let me fix it for you: <-- that is the correct use of a colon btw
Sharing this because there's a sucker for my sob story born every minute! It's been a very lazy November, in which I did not even attempt to procure employment. If you've read my shit, and would like to enable me, please feel free! Consider this tweet a thank you in advance!
Check it out: she ordered more taylor swift swag! So says her tweet:
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this straight,
... I get an email my cardigan is being derivered the same day the Hudson Valley special drops and are you a witch?
Is she just drunk-posting today? Honest question.
BTW, that cardigan costs $50 USD. https://store.taylorswift.com/products/the-cardigan
DeleteHeyooooo! But never mind that mortgage payment, right????
This is what I've been saying - there is NO WAY her mortgage payment is actually behind. Anyone truly struggling to pay for the roof over their head would not be buying *anything else* before that shit's caught up, including most food when it comes right down to it.
I'm sure all of us have subsisted on peanut butter sandwiches, rice and beans, kraft dinner, or ramen at one point or another to live within our means and ensure we had essentials paid for.
And how DARE she write about the mortgage being behind when she has a partner living with her now!? Even if NG can't pay 50% she should be contributing SOMETHING!
She just burns my biscuits.
DeleteNG has some sort of money or Pig Shocker wouldn't be with her. Pig Shocker wanted a "partner" to pay her bills and do her "chores." NG may not have a job (PS wouldn't dare mention it if she did because that would decrease the pity donations) but she's getting money from somewhere, perhaps from her family.
DeleteNG is apparently both young AND dumb if she fell for the manipulation of a predator like Pig Shocker.
Notice how there aren't any likes on that one crazy tweet? How can people not see through her craziness? And it amazes me how brazen she is about slipping that note showing she bought some unnecessary, over-priced thing in between all of her begging posts!
DeleteHer fan girl postings are the most cringe-worthy. She thinks Taylor Swift is going to respond to an almost 40 something who sounds like a stalker! LOL! I'm embarrassed for her since she's obviously not.
She’s received zero responses on her stupid tweet as of today. Asking if Swift is a witch made me cringe with embarrassment for her juvenile behavior.
DeleteShe has the social skills of a teen girl, but the FFF is a middle-aged woman. It’s pathetic.
DeleteSnoopy Anon here. The scamming continues, I see. Only one photo update, another hawk pic, same one she posted on twitter.
ReplyDeleteIn her insta stories, she is inviting people to friend her on world of warcraft shadowlands.
Lots of time to play video games, make handmade post cards, fly the hawk, but no time to get a job because the farm keeps her so busy, and she's always behind on orders.
Hey, maybe DON'T catch a wild animal that needs hours of daily care. Maybe just get up early enough to walk the dogs and care for the horses, feed the pigs and chickens, and go to work to earn up what you need to pay for things. Then you can buy all the fan girl merch you want and no one will say shit about it.
Her hawk is only a pet prop for more faux photo ops.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete“Off hunting. Wish me luck.”
She tweeted this today. Looks like she’s really concerned about making her mortgage payment.
“I am sorry if I am no longer interacting with your posts. Some time long ago I didn't like something and the algorithm chucked your lower and now I only see content from 10 people and gay swifties so please know you are missed.”
Her asinine attempts at being funny are always epic failures. She never proofreads before posting, and her errors are obvious. Since she presents herself as a writer this issue matters.
“Just a couple hundred to go to make the October mortgage before Dec 1! Help out and get some soap if you can?! or want! If you can't - well, have a nice day and thank you for not muting me!”
DeleteIt’s her infamous “fraction finances” again. She’s been blocked and muted by most of her foolish followers. Again, the obvious misusage of punctuation isn’t appropriate for someone who professes to be a professional writer.
“Sharing this for folks interested in supporting the farm, and not interested in meat, soap or design work!”
DeleteShe wants free funds for doing nothing but breathing.
What happened to her girl crushes on Anna Kendrick, Aya Cash and Emily Blunt?
ReplyDeleteHer stupid cyber stalking is only focused now on Taylor Swift. Maybe the others got restraining orders on her Twitter account.
Delete“No luck yet, not even a sighting. Lots of tracks, fresh scat, signs.... but I think they travel through my area at night. No bedded bucks or does found like previous years.”
ReplyDeleteBoo fucking hoo. The big, badass fake hawk hunter had no luck in killing innocent victims today. She’s a despicable piece of shit.
Lmao @hunting!
ReplyDeletePig Shocker couldn't walk quietly if she tried. Deer and other wildlife tend to hear lumbering gorillas from miles away.
Then there's the matter of body odor. Those who have had personal interactions with Pig Shocker say that she reeks as her personal hygiene appears to be nonexistent. Deer have impeccable senses of smell and would smell her nasty ass from miles away.
Remember one of her prior "hunting" attempts where she claimed (🙄) to have possibly injured a deer with a shitty shot and decided to go home to get warm and eat and "look for it later?" Didnt matter one damn bit that an animal could be injured and suffering. Same as it didn't matter whenever any of the animals in her custody suffered.
If she ever manages to bag a deer I can promise it won't be Pig Shocker who tracks it and shoots it. Someone else will shoot it for her. She will ask some nice person to go with her and at the last minute, when seconds count, she won't take the shot and the other person will shoot for her. Might be PP or PPs husband or someone else who puts up with her criminal behavior but it definitely won't be that nitwit.