I think he missed the point.

Thanks WDH for the link to Jon Katz' writing.

First, some disclosures from me.  I did not go back and reread the posts he was talking about but I was there at the time.  And being only one of a group, I cannot defend what any other member of the group might say at a given time.  I am not a writer but I try to muddle through as best I can.  So here are some of my thoughts.

In regard to Scott...I don't recall people really bashing him.  But if he was distressed, welcome to the internet.  I'm distressed by things in a Plant ID group I’m in on Facebook.  Some things just need to roll.  I guess I don't really have an opinion on him, crowdfunding or otherwise.  If he was asking for money to save his business and he used that money to save or try to save his business, I see zero issue.

Jon...I'm not a "fan" or a non-fan.  I've read a few of his essays.  He asked for money for a camera and used the money for a camera.  Fine.  

I don't think we have a problem with any of that.
Jenna asks for money for emergency dental care and says she's in pain and is having to chug whiskey because it's so bad and she uses the money to buy an expensive puppy.  Asks for mortgage money but buys wolf contacts.  Mortgage money buys T. swift sweatshirt.  Firewood money buys lemur dress, new shoes, new purse,  who knows what else.  Not once, not twice,....all the damn time.
Who would give her money to support her drinking umm.."situation ".  Nobody.  That's who.  Or any of the other crap she buys.  So it has to be some heart string pulling emergency.
Jon is comparing normal people to Jenna.  That is wrong and he is wrong.  It's not crowdfunding that's the problem....it's Jenna that's the problem.
I think Jon is upfront.  I think Jenna doesn't have an honest atom in her being.

Also, the whole anonymous thing...I admit this subject is a trigger for me.  I am not "hiding in shadows".  I am friends with a couple of you on Facebook.  I have posted my email on here a few times.  If I go to her twitter or whatever and say Hi, Jenna..I'm Kimber and I live in Middleton, KY.  What exactly does that accomplish?  The reason that everyone started posting as Anon in the first place was that Jenna sent her flying monkeys out and they were threatening people that were giving her their opinions and offering criticism.  These people were commenting on a blog...not posting their life story in a public forum.  Does Kim mean anything different to you than Anon?


  1. 👏👏👏👏👏

    One cannot compare the begging and scamming Pig Shocker to legitimate fundraising or crowdfunding as there is not one thing about her that is legitimate. She has to LIE to get money from people. Legitimate people do not have to lie to fundraise or crowdfund. Another difference- most havent been investigated for animal abuse MULTIPLE times in MULTIPLE states. They are just good people who have hit a rough patch and need temporary reprieve.

    Pig Shocker has needed "help" (which always means $$$$$$) constantly for the past 10 YEARS. Huge difference.

    Recently on social media:

    "My mortgage company sent me a warning letter about an intent to foreclose after being 30 days late in a pandemic. These are carefully worded letters made to scare homeowners during a freaking pandemic. I hate that they do this. I hate being scared of losing a roof before winter."

    She's NEVER worried enough to GET A JOB. She's so comfortable begging for a living that she even moved her girlfriend in from out of state and now SHE BEGS FOR TWO.

    Neither of those halfwits have ran out to get a job to save the house. Why would they? People online have been paying Pig Shocker's bills for the past 10 years, since BEFORE she even bought the house.

    1. now Whackadoodle this isn't true. Sometimes she ask for good thoughts and words e-mailed to her or pictures of puppies. You know it means so much........now that is horseshit.

    2. Yeah, what's her excuse for receiving threatening mortgage letters during at time when it's NOT a pandemic? Also, crap like this when she busts out her PayPal/PayMe button:

      "I share this because it so helps, and customers and support is needed to keep small ag strong! And if you don't want to buy anything, or live too far away to support the farm - you can click this to support the 12 years of writing available free...

      Aw, it sooooo helps guys! And so does getting a job. Also, if you PayPal her to support 12 years of free writing, then it's NOT FREE.

  2. Anyone know of any other farmers who have tweeted an average of 10 tweets per day and liked other people's tweets 15 times a day everyday for the past 10 years? Twitter is only one social media platform out of at least 3 others (2 instagram, the crappy bleg, etc.).

    Anyone able to explain how there is any time left for "farming" and "animal husbandry"?

    NOPE, there isn't any. Pig Shocker claims she doesn't use a cellphone which has been reported to be a total lie by locals in her town who have seen her texting/talking on a cell phone. So she claims she is going inside that many times a day or at least stopping whatever she's doing to get onto the kindle she claims to have or her laptop. Which means it takes her more time on social media just getting to the platforms than it takes most people.

    Is it any wonder that she has been investigated multiple times in multiple states for animal abuse/neglect AND that she lies about currently having livestock? Of course she does, she doesn't have any time leftover to take care of anything or work at a JOB!

    1. I work at my computer all day with my phone next to me and I couldn't tweet that much and still get my job done!

      My Anon'ing is to let me keep following her on Instagram.

      Anon in GA

  3. Who here remembers when she justified going to the movies in the afternoon calling it a farmer’s matinee? Or how she takes a farmer’s nap. ROLF! Sure, the theater is full of farmers in the afternoon. NOT!

    1. That was a pathetic justification. Plus, all one has to do is just look at the amount of time she spends online and see that her idea of "farming" is hauling buckets of water and tossing hay at the beginning and end of each day. Then it's hammock time!

  4. Great post, Hound Doggy. Very interesting to know more to that story. And I agree...anon or not... how does that make a difference? And yep, I've seen you post your name and city several times. And what good did it do her? She who is always insisting on real users names. For what?

    As for Jon Katz, I just love this other post he wrote about the grifter we all call Jenna Woginrich:


    Think about it, they were bosom buddies for a time. Until she wore him down with her greed, stupidity, and refusal to welcome constructive criticism. He disagreed with her asking internet strangers to pay for her life and dumb mistakes. Here's a choice quote:

    "Jenna’s farm has been a spectacular and wrenching soap opera since the beginning, she is always in trouble, always sounding the alarm, always chasing her sheep up and down the road, rushing to fix fences, shooting raccoons, picking up body parts, repairing busted heaters, cracking a tooth, fixing a truck, sleeping on the floor downstairs to save on heating bills, and always coming out the other end. [...] Jenna has been in struggle and drama for almost every day of the six years she has lived on her farm."

    He wrote that 5 years ago. And she's still begging as much as she did back then. Still cracking teeth too. No wonder he washed his hands of her.

    1. The only thing that's "coming out the other end..." is a crock of crap. Her whole life is lies.


  5. That Jon wrote that and the other article about Jenna shows how he and his family had her number after a year or two of knowing her.

    Notice how his wife asked if he was giving Jenna money:

    Maria looked at me with that hard look I have come to know. “You are thinking of giving her money, aren’t you?”

    Maria knew any monetary donation was so much paper down the toilet, and it wouldn't make a wit of difference in the long run.

    The fact that FFF hasn't actually "failed" meaning gone bankrupt or lost the property to foreclosure, shows how her drama from day 1 has been overwrought, exaggerated, and has actually never been as dire as she's written about.

    People REALLY in survival mode have to do or die. Some people can't do, so you see how their life changes. Yet FFF has been in supposed continual crisis for over 10 years now, and nothing has visibly changed in her life.

    That's what has make me start checking this "hater" site more frequently, because I just can't believe what I'm seeing, and I really appreciate having some place to go where I can say, "Can you BELIEVE this shit?"

    Part of me hopes she'll see some karma come her way, but I'm old and wise enough not to expect to ever see it.

    1. WIW wrote: "People REALLY in survival mode have to do or die."

      Couldn't agree with you more. Survival mode seems to escape her. She gets by with begging instead. And that can be a successful tactic for attractive people with normal hygiene, but in her case, I think any help she gets is from people who just want her to go away. Just go thru her bleg and look at all the past people whom she no longer mentions. Smart people who realized they were being taken advantage of. People who became fed up with her bullshit drama.

      And yes, this is a really great place to vent all our disbelief that the Pig Shocker is still standing somehow. But someday...someday...her luck will run out.

  6. Instagram Update:

    What looks like a sheep's skull on top of a hardbound, black, gold embossed book entitled "reputation". So have fun with that one.

    It reminds me of a role playing book. No visible author. Caption: We're Post-1989 Gays in this house.

    On a hunch, based on all her other vague references to taylor swift, I googled "reputation" and "album" and sure enough, it's a:

    taylor swift limited collector's edition hardcover book.

    1989 is a different taylor swift album, so that's what "post 1989 gay" must mean to Jenna. Here I thought she was referring to the AIDS epidemic, or any one of a number of human rights laws. Nope. Fan girl swag. I wonder whose pig shares bought that?

    Second update, Jenna with a black chick on her shoulder - same chick as in the "vote" video on twitter. Fall colors in the background, recent photo. Caption: "just a couple of chicks" and an indication the photo was taken by girlfriend, linked to girlfriend's instagram account.

    That's it for now.

    1. FFF makes vague Taylor Swift references on every social media account. She's made several on twitter, and on the lezwolfmemes instagram account. When in doubt, it's Taylor Swift.

    2. The reputation photo including the sheep skull is her reference to her being a sheep and animal abuser, and by neglect, killer. It *clearly* demonstrates that she *knows* she is doing this, and is *proud* of it. I hope someone took a screen shot of this.

    3. That hard cover Reputation book is on Amazon for $45. Poor JW, can't afford to pay the mortgage or bills, but can somehow afford the little luxuries in life. (cough, cough...)

    4. Anonymous 5:32. Good catch. That's what I figured. Yeah, it's like her bragging about "being gifted an pricey Taylor Swift sweatshirt" when she bought it herself. Or the brand new bike that was "found at our dump." She sure does come across as "scared," "terrified," and worried about "Wolves are at our door!!!" And where's that lender's letter that she mentioned recently? It must be on her filthy fridge door, along with the "perfect inspection report." Right.


    5. "a pricey" not "an"

    6. Taylor Swift and Anna Kendrick would be disgusted by Pig Shocker. Her dirty secrets are closer to the surface and anyone who is halfway astute can see who Pig Shocker REALLY is. PS and creeps like her are the reason that celebrities spend millions on their security teams.

    7. Anon 303 - snoopy anon here.

      That would one goddamned hell of a dog whistle if she intentionally placed a sheep skull on top of a black book entitled “reputation” as a reference to the sheep deaths at her farm.

      That is pure fucking evil.

      My personal take is she is just that dumb - to put a cool skull on a cool possession and post it to social because that’s consistent with how she tries to build her persona. She is just that clueless about how this photo could be interpreted.

      She’s had that taxidermy deer head for years, and the skull with horns might not even be a real skull, it could just be decor. You can pick up animal skull replicas at any hipster design shop. She spends all her fun money on poser shit to boost her image.

      I think that’s all this is - here, look at my cool shit. She may as well have put her fiddle or that showpiece cross bow in the photo. It’s all props.

      I have not seen her farm or her animals in person, so maybe I just haven’t been horrified enough to believe the worst.

    8. Great detective work, Anon 6:49 re the unnecessary fan girl swag. More proof that the Pig Shocker squanders animal feed donation money on stupid crap she doesn't need. And those poor animals...I don't know how they manage to survive there with such bare-bones care.

    9. She's always been a pretentious poser, like her putting stupid sunglasses on a taxidermy deer head on the wall. Instead of looking cool she appears idiotic.

  7. Speaking of reputation - I remember when she tried to restore her reputation by having her heathens collect food for the poor, while she delivered the food to the foodbank. Yes, she even outsourced her reputation mending. Unfortunately for her it didn't work. The only way she can restore her reputation is to deliver products on time, or god forbid, get an actual job so she can stop begging.

    1. An able bodied woman who chooses to take charity, including 2 kiva loans meant to help those who are truly disadvantaged, rather than work is disgusting.

    2. What confounds me the most is how she is able to beg every single day of the year. I could maybe understand once or even twice a year if there was a legitimate unforeseen emergency crisis, but Every. Single. Day?

      The anxiety she must have, waking up every morning knowing that the better part of your day will be spent re-tweeting begs so that people will PayPal you. No wonder she drinks so much.

    3. Anon7 - The answer is simple. She believes she is entitled. She believes that money thrown her way is payment for her “work” (i.e. writing). That is why she throws hissy fits and begs every day. She feels entitled to other people’s money, pure and simple.

    4. Nothing will "restore her reputation" because it's rotten now. Over a decade of animal abusing, scamming people, and pathological lying have ruined it. And her self-entitlement is beyond belief. She's done nothing worthy of constant support for doing nothing but breathing.

    5. Anon 4:34 - That makes sense. I imagine that in her mind, she still sees the earlier and somewhat successful homesteader that she once was. The published author, the busy-bee workshop creator, etc. But she's not that person anymore. She's become lazy as all get out. Playing all day instead of working.

      You're right...in her mind she's still "all that" and if you subtract the past few years of her bleg -- in which she wrote about nothing but mortgage scares -- she probably thinks the past stuff is still worth being paid for. Even though it's supposedly "FREE"! What a joke.

    6. Her writing isn't worth a spit in a bucket and that's why she can't get another book deal.

  8. Twitter Twaddle - "PLEASE SEND ME MONEY!" Edition:

    "Having a bad day. Please send pet pictures and dad jokes."

    Yeah right. She doesn't really want pics and jokes. She wants to see her PayPal blow up with donations. I'll bet she scrolled thru all the replies without looking at any of the animal pics sent to her. As she was only hoping for just one type of reply: "Do you have a Venmo? PayPal?" But not one person so far has asked her that. Womp womp.

    Another thing I found interesting was that her pathetic tweet garnered 43 replies thus far. Which is way more than her average tweet gets. And why did so many people reply? Because people love to show off their pets for attention. And it's sad that they think that she's gonna actually see a pic of their pet and be all like, "Thanks! My day is so much better now!" No it's not. Cuz no one has offered her money.

    Also, 43 replies. She "supposedly" has 4,800+ foollowers, but only a teeny tiny fraction of them bothered to reply? I suck at math, but I'm willing to bet she only has about 100 people who are currently engaged with her Twitter account. The rest are dust in the wind. Bored with her bullshit and tired of the constant non-stop drama.

    Jenna...just STOP and get a JOB already. Work for a living like the rest of us.

    1. And oh, in case you are wondering...she so far has not bothered to respond to even a single one of those kind and supportive tweets. Not even one "Thank you!" Not a single one.

      Because those pics are not what she wanted. This is proof that she doesn't care about anything besides donations from online strangers.

    2. Anon7. I was going to respond to that stupid tweet, too. Lately she's also been mentioning the "Help support a gay farmer!" lame line. I guess that using queer wasn't netting her new free funds. And she rarely thanks anyone. It's part of her unearned self-entitled crap. Why would she work when PayPal poodles are foolish enough to support her lazy loser lifestyle?

    3. That's another thing I don't understand: Why she doesn't interact more with her foollowers? The only time she engages with them is if they've responded to one of her "Buy my shit" tweets. She doesn't get that it looks really awful and one-sided? In doing so, she makes it so obvious that she doesn't care about anything than their money.

    4. That's a text book narcissistic sociopath for you.

      Wah, wah, wah, me, me, me. Repeat.

  9. Awwww poor tubby is having a bad day. I guess living off of handouts on a run down property that belongs to the bank while spending her days playing like a demented child isn't all it's cracked up to be.

    Nothing a wolf meme and hard liquor can't fix (if you're a moron).


    1. Things could be worse Pig Shocker. You could be making yourself a laughing stock at a local bar right now .


      DM her for quotes on lessons folks!

    2. WDH. She and Shannon probably made a pan pizza, and took turns scarfing it down while hunched over at the top of their stairs. Everything with her is the hysterical "DM for prices and availability!!!"

    3. The fact that she no longer offers fiddle lessons is because there was ZERO interest in paying her $350 for a 4-hour lesson. Especially after seeing that video. It's very telling that she doesn't even bother to offer that up cuz even she knows it's a futile effort.

    4. The only "lessons" that JFW could offer with expertise would be ones on how to scam people.

  10. Twit Shit:

    "Good morning from the muck! But happy to share that Hamish started flying free beside me on short hunts this week! So proud of the progress we made!"

    Her hyperbolic exclamation points are like something a stupid teen would tweet. And what a waste of time playing with her pet prop victim. All of her fake "fears" over losing the faux farm are a bunch of bull. She's master at manipulative marketing, because JFW doesn't want to work like a normal adult does.

    1. In between the twice-a-day feeding times of her furry props, she has 8-12 hours of free time. Certainly she could sandwich in a 5-6 hour part time job, right? So what does she do instead?

      -Online sales begs
      -Peruses Twitter for hours
      -Goes hawk hunting
      -Straight-up begs online
      -Goes mountain smashing, swimming
      -Lazes and naps in her hammock
      -Watches movies, TV (during daytime)
      -Writes long tweets/bleg posts about the mortgage

    2. And now she "doom scrolls." Sounds like she's purposefully looking to depress herself even more with fearful subjects. Rather than seeking out uplifting news and information.


    3. Until she learns how to live like a responsible, self sufficient adult, her life will always be filled with doom.

    4. WDH. "That ship sailed a long time ago." She could've kept her career at Orvis, saved some money, and then bought a farm later on. Her irresponsible dream that's been paid for by poodles and sycophantic supporters has failed.

    5. Most likely she was fired by her employer and then claimed that she was taking a leap at farming.

      Now she's near 40, dressing like a fat garden gnome while continuing to lie about having pigs and various other livestock all while scamming with her woe is me victim rhetoric online.

      She's a lazy pos who neglects her animals as she feeds her social media addiction instead of working for a living and taking care of the responsibilities that come with owning pets. Make no mistake these two dogs and two horses are pets, not the livestock she purports to have and she sucks at caring for them.

  11. "I want everyone to know that while making egg-related puns my girlfriend said:

    cloacing-me crazy!"

    And no one finds that funny, or cares about her life and "my girlfriend."

    1. Cloaca: The posterior orifice that serves as the only opening for the digestive and urinary tracts, as well as reproduction (think eggs). Cloaca is also known as a "sewer" or "cesspool" as it's the common chamber into which birds poop and pee out of simultaneously.

      So "cloacing-me" must mean PS and NG have a scat-play fetish.

    2. Keep showing what a moron you are Pig Shocker by ranting about what comes out of your equally stupid girlfriends mouth.

      If she were the least bit clever, she wouldn't be with an animal abusing, googly eyed scammer.

  12. From CAST Archives:

    "PoodleDiDooJune 12, 2019 at 11:44 AM...

    🐷🔌⚡ is a classic con artist, always nice & supportive to people who can help her socially and add credibility. We've all seen the effort she makes for Blue Checks and other influencers (e.g. Jon Katz). She works so hard to have them like her. Influencers can then unknowingly peddle the narrative that she's a good person, allowing a scam to continue.

    Among her more questionable enterprises: Oakpaw, Antlerstock, wool shares, You Tube subscriptions, over-promised meat shares, Birchthorne, Kiva, and on and on. The script is essentially the same: sell a narrative, get money up front, delay or drop the work, issue excuses if challenged. Only provide refunds if threatened. Hope (and plan) that most people will forget about their product, in which case completion isn't necessary. Anyone who loses money will likely be too embarrassed to seek legal recourse.

    Sound about right?"

    1. Perfecto. Think about it: If she were truly a good person, hardworking, honest, and gave the best animal care, there wouldn't be online suggestions like "scam" and "sham" when you search for Cold Antler and Jenna Woginrich.

      She only has herself to blame for that. But in her warped mind, it's trolls who are supposedly harassing her for absolutely no reason -- thus she's a victim! Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Pig Shocker.

    2. PDD. That was well-put. She's only a "victim" of her own laziness and stupidity.


  13. She has to ask Twitter for dad jokes since she disowned her mother and father based on who they are voting for. What a twit.

    A close minded twat like Pig Shocker doesn't have the mental chops for political discourse nor does she realize that her freedoms that she claims to be marginalized are the very reason other people might not agree with her incoherent political ramblings.

    Freedom of speech, freedom to chose, freedom for ALL.

    1. WHS, when “politics” literally affects your right to exist and have equal treatment in the world, like whether your partner can see you in the hospital or adopt your kids, when your family *votes against* your right to equal treatment, they are literally voting against your right to exist.

      I think unless you’re gay you may not understand what that’s like.

      It’s not about normal discourse.

      I am not sure whether FFF has really experienced the level of rejection, abuse, and ridicule common amongst the queer children of conservative parents, and maybe she’s just milking this common occurrence in the gay community. Part of the reason the queer community exists as something separate from the rest of society is because the conservative right is still using our issues to debate our right to exist. We really are marginalized, many of us by our own families.

      Now, if FFF really is estranged from her family, she needs THERAPY. I have levels of estrangement in my own family that are absolutely not my fault. Therapy helps you to cope with family members and set boundaries, and possibly even keep communication open.

      It’s not political discourse when someone with privilege and power is telling someone in a marginalized demographic they are wrong, or evil, or should be treated differently than any other member of society who wants to live their life and not harm others.

      Do I think FFF is milking it, and exploiting her story as rejected estranged queer person, paypal me bitches? Yep, I sure do.

      But is it her fault she’s estranged as a queer person from a family that votes for someone with the track record of anti-lgbt orders in his past 4 years in office? Hell no. If I had a family member voting conservative I’d be having some come to jesus conversations with them too.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. "Guys?!" I just put up a pic on my profile for the first time. I didn't want to use the one that WDH nabbed awhile ago. I always feel sorry for her horses.

  16. OH NO!! don't tell Pig Shocker that Karlie Kloss is pregnant. She will only believe that TS is the father.

  17. LS I like your new profile pic.

    It's a perfect depiction of PS the crazy person and the pitiful animals that are trapped living at her crappy property with her.
    Merlin always looks so sad. He is an elderly horse who deserves to live the last years of his life in comfort instead of hauling around a 200+ lb moron while she poses for lame photos.

    1. WDH. Yeah, the pic is a "perfect depiction" of what a pretentious poser the FFF is in reality:

      1. Horse with head hanging that's unhappy - check
      2. Asinine archery attempt - check
      3. Kooky kilts - check
      4. Dilapidated buildings on her property - check
      5. Game of Thrones extra fail - check

  18. "This body tends a farm, hikes, rides horses, trains hawks, runs and is learning yoga. It cooks and laughs. It loves and strains.That's magical. I'll be posting more pics of me because I love my body, and bodies change."

    "My body shape shifts. Gaining and losing the same 20lbs consistently every 12-18 months. I'm on the heavier side of that now and trying to accept that with love and patience. It's work. We are trained from day 1 to hate ourselves. I'm tired of it."

    1. It's always "This..." Fill in the blank with body, farm etc... She's about to post the pic of her in an ugly muscleman pose. No one cares about her health or weight. Why would they? Everyone has their own concerns, but she's too self-centered to see it.

    2. I take issue with the statement, "we are trained from day 1 to hate ourselves". Sure, there is an impossible standard of beauty we are all exposed to, but she should speak for herself.

      It's obvious she hates herself and is trying to pin the blame on others. As for her excess weight, it's a matter of taking in more calories than one expends. Yes, some people gain weight more easily than others. I have been a lifelong Weight Watcher member, and when I take in more calories than I expend, I gain weight. When I take in less, I lose. When I take in the right amount, I maintain.

      This past year I let myself go and put on 15 pounds through no one's fault but my own. My clothes didn't fit and I hated the way I looked. I told myself that I could accept it or do something about it. I was the only one who could do it. It was up to me.

      It was a tough 3 months, but I lost every one of those pounds. I am now maintaining and am very pleased with the way I look.

      It is up to her. I am tired of her complaints about her weight. She has the power. We all have the power. We are the only ones who can control what we eat. No excuses and I've heard them all. I even lost weight when I was laid up for 6 weeks with an injured foot. It was just a matter of taking in fewer calories than I was expending.

    3. Ugh. As usual she's so full of shit. Always adjusting her narrative to fit the amount of donations she needs to get her thru the month financially. So now she's a shape-shifter? Interesting swill, that. Her "I love my bod" and "I hate my bod" see-sawing is just attention-whore tactics for sympathy and free money.

      Why doesn't she just write about homesteading and farming? Oh, it's because she really isn't doing either one these days.

    4. Yes Anon 7! She doesn't do anything but beg and whine. The days of working at anything are far in the rearview for Pig Shocker.

  19. Let's talk about weight. I'm curious. Who here is overweight and does it bother you when people comment on JFW's weight? I am not overweight, so I can't see it from the perspective of someone overweight.

    1. I'm not currently overweight, but have had about 3 instances in the past where I was. (I'm 5' tall and should weigh between 110-125 lbs) But there were a few times where I got to be 135, 140, and 150 lbs -- due to illness/meds, unable to ambulate due to ankle surgery, and the time I had an awesome job with scrumptious all-you-can-eat food in a 10 hour shift, lol.

      I am bothered by others making fun of other people's weight when they don't know the circumstances. Like when someone sees an obese person they don't know and starts speculating that the person eats too much. Sometimes, that can be true, but other times, it's due to illness or other reasons they can't help. And if it's a stranger, how do you know if they've always looked like that, or if it's just a recent major weight gain due to circumstances out of their control? You don't.

      In the Pig Shocker's case, it only bothers me if someone comments on her weight for no reason. (e.g. out of context comments just to be salty)...I don't care for those, even though I'm guilty of doing that a few times in the past and I really try not to. That being said, I do feel that comments about her weight are acceptable when she's loud-bragging about her 5k-10K runs when it's obvious that she's full of shit. (She's never once posted a pic of her supposed running shoes...only a few pics of her "hauling buckets of water" twice a day $200 boots.)

      I feel like she's trying to appeal to wealthy, active-lifestyle people to donate to her, which is wrong because she's visibly stagnant -- and the money goes to her bar, not the animals. So there she is, trying to sell her "brand" as a super fit athlete and mountain smasher, when there's clear evidence (if you look at the time she spends on her butt perusing Twitter) that she's one of the laziest grifters ever who looks nothing like a person who actually exercises. I just flat out don't believe her lies anymore.

    2. Anon 9:22

      Yes, I am overweight. I suppressed my weight through diet and exercise for 20 years, but in my mid thirties, nothing worked.

      I started off bigger in my early 20s before I started dieting, and I have personally experienced the shift in how the world has treated me because I successfully suppressed my weight. Suddenly people were smiling at me, I got three promotions in quick succession, people held doors and were interested in what I had to say.

      The thing with weight suppression - which is different for those who are naturally large vs those who are naturally thin - is that eventually it stops working.

      I lasted longer than most - statistics show weight rebounds and stays on in five years afyer the weight loss. I yo-yo’d a bit, but basically suppressed my weight for nearly 20 years.

      Then it stopped working, and at the same time, I started to develop chronic pelvic pain. Docs would blame this on my weight (which was bullshit) and tell me if I just lost weight, my health problems would go away.

      This is something many people with a BMI categorized as “overweight - obese” experience.

      In desperation trying to solve debilitating pain, I developed an eating disorder, and my rational brain knew enough to seek help before things got too bad.

      Eventually I got in front of the right doc and got surgery which resolved my pain - that had nothing to do with my weight.

      But I have had to go down a long road to find some semblance of peace with my body.

      It does bother me when Jenna’s body is dragged here, because she is nowhere near the level of “overweight” that people here call her - and calling her “obese” etc., is using being fat as an insult, as though her weight is something she has complete control over - she doesn’t.

      She talks about her weight because the culture is obsessed with weight - health care culture, wellness culture, pop culture - it’s impossible to escape.

      There are plenty of valid reasons to criticize Jenna. Calling her fat is a lazy, cliched cheap shot.

      And it’s a cheap shot every actual fat person, people who are really fat, not “extra 20 lbs” fat, have to deal with on a daily basis.

      It is so easy to find actual fat farmers. Fat equestrians. Fat runners. Just google them. They exist, and they’re just fine.

    3. I am overweight and it bothers me when anyone talks about another person’s weight.

    4. I've been rail-thin and now I could stand to lose 20 pounds, but throughout I've been active and fit. My shape and condition is really only my affair. I have friends who are big and small, and while "Fat" isn't a trigger to me, I agree using the term perjoratively isn't nice.

      However, the Fake Feral Farmer is a special case, because she uses her physical condition as a prop to drive business and extract donations from well-meaning people. She tries to appeal to well-heeled urban/suburban woman, and she seems to think bragging about real /imagined physical activities (Hiking! Falconry! Martial Arts! Riding! Mountain Smashing! Running 10k!) makes her more appealing as an aspirational brand. She is the one who makes an issue of her body and her weight. There are many farmer-content accounts that I follow and their personal appearance is never an issue. Why should it be?

      But Pig Shocker makes it all about her appearance, either as victor or victim. Her appearance is obviously at odds with all the physical activity she claims to do. She's a walking, waddling conundrum for her business. It's as though Gwyneth Paltrow was caught gorging on McRibs, while espousing a Vegan lifestyle...or a nationally-known "BUY AMERICAN" business secretly sourced products in China. Most people would agree that 💩 needs to be called out.

      FFF is the same. She runs a business, takes money from others and has long referred to herself as a "public figure". Her hypocrisy - even about her body - should be called out.
      By paying attention and connecting information for HER posts, her narrative crashes apart, and this is why we highlight and poke fun.

    5. Bwahahaha. Anyone who takes the criticism of Pig Shocker and applies it to themselves has problems. It's all about her and her never ending lies.

  20. I'm overweight but it doesn't bother me when they talk on here about JFW since she brings it up first and goes on and on and on about it. She is only looking for "atta boys" from her followers. Like fishing for compliments. I don't discuss my need for weight loss (also around 20 pounds) with people I know and especially with people I don't know figure it is my own business, not theirs.

  21. Current Twitter bio for Jenna Woginrich @ColdAntlerFarm:

    "Author, Farmer, Falconer.
    Writes books about farming
    and feelings
    as well as pieces for
    Guardian, huffpost, Outsidemagazine

    Hey, faker...don't ya think it's high time for an accurate update on your current situation? Here's a rough draft to get you started:

    Former author, Former farmer, Hawk abductor.
    Used to write books about farming
    and feelings (Of the eating variety)
    as well as snow job pieces for...
    ...magazines that now refuse to work with me

    Feel free to tweak it a bit. Like maybe add: Taylor Swift stalker, forever mortgage avoider, lapsed Heathen, anti-PETA animal abuser, master of time wastage, hammock-lazing world record holder, non-stop liar...so many possibilities! Your lazy grifting world is your oyster!!

  22. The look on every animal's face when they arrive at Cold Antler Fauxrm:


    1. It's that psycho smile. That scares me. Very much so.

    2. I tried to find the one with her dangling the poor pig, and wearing the psycho smile smirk. It's on her friend's blog, but I didn't have time to search. I'll look later. I found this instead: http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2011/01/winter-pork-harvest.html. Clearly, she "puts the laughter back in slaughter" by blatantly displaying carcasses.

    3. Yes another hideous photo of the Pig Shocker. Her fav photographer took photos of the Pig guts they threw into the woods to rot. The one of her swinging the pig with her crazy smirk is on one of the friends' site. The friend that she used like everyone else who constantly helped PS do any little bit of labor. She's never been able to do anything other than post on social media, drink or obviously eat without someone else doing it for her.

  23. Anon 8:48 - thank you for your insight on weight. I will admit I’ve been blessed with genetics where weight has never been a problem, so I cannot see the issue from another perspective.

    Something you wrote struck a chord with me where the term “fat” or “obese” is used as an insult when it has nothing to do with a person’s character.

    I appreciate your openness on this subject and I hope the posters here will be more cognizant of the fact that when they use certain words, they are insulting some of their own.

    1. When it comes to Pig Shocker and exposing her many lies, it's a matter of pointing out everything that she is dishonest about. Your opinion will not change mine whatsoever.

  24. I am not overweight, but have people in my life who are. And some of them are the most beautiful souls. They radiate love and goodness. Being overweight is not a character defect.

    1. When has anyone ever said that it is? Pig Shocker is unhealthy and clinically obese, yet, because she doesn't know how to speak the truth, she purports a life of physical fitness. Just another lie from a lazy pos who refuses to work to pay her bills and because of her laziness she has also neglected her animals and had numerous animal abuse investigations on her property. If she's breathing, she's lying.

      Countdown until her girlfriend finds someone else who doesn't have to lie to make a living and isn't hideous to look at.

    2. "Pig Shocker is unhealthy and clinically obese"

      No. She. Isn't. That is everyone's point. Even if she were, she would / could still be capable of all the physical activity she claims to be doing.

      You cannot just look at someone and determine their health.

      She is certainly not "obese", and it's ridiculous to pretend she is.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Awwww, you always come out when someone tells you the truth about how you actually appear. Sorry your bullshit about running and daily activities isn't believed by ANYONE other than your girlfriend. OBVIOUSLY she is mentally deficient to be involved with an animal abusing, scamming, heifer just to get free room and board.

      Don't worry, she will likely move on to someone who is younger, healthier, better looking and doesn't abuse animals and scam people for a living. It's only a matter of time. 🤣

    4. Anon 11:32. - Ignore Whacko. She has no respect for anyone with a differing opinion. Fortunately, the other shamsters do.

    5. It's been a while but she's back! Now waddle your fat ass outside and take care of your pitiful looking horses.

    6. Anon 11:32, thanks, and I generally do ignore their comments about Jenna's body. Speaks to their own personal issues with weight, to use "fat ass" and "obese" as insults.

      You can't use a physical attribute as an insult and expect people to take you seriously.

    7. She's both obese and hideous and is also both an animal abuser, scammer and compulsive liar.

      The only people who think otherwise are Pig Shocker and her shit for brains girlfriend.

  25. I was a fat child. My mother was fat. We had candy and cookies and cakes lying around all the time. I got teased at times for being fat, and it hurt a lot. If someone got mad at me, for say, winning at a school game they would sometimes use the "you're fat" retort to hurt me. It did.
    At age 12, I put myself on a calorie counting diet , and it worked for a few years - through Junior High. Then, I blimped out again in high school and just rode my horse a lot, mostly by myself. I starved off weight sometimes, and took small amounts of my mom's diet pills. College brought even more weight-gaining and loss of control. I felt had no choice whether or not to eat the candy and fattening dorm food.

    Finally, I joined Weight Watchers. I was in school, and open to everything they said and taught me. I have had good results for 50 years. A couple of set-backs, for sure, but now I'm 5'5" and 125-128. So, I've been on both sides of the fat issue. I feel compassion for overweight people but I have not been one for decades. WW was one of the best things I ever did. I do eat a fair amount of artificial sugars, and trick myself into feeling really full by creating volume by eating large salads at lunch, and lots of veggies on my plate at dinner time along with a protein and starch. My dessert is usually a large smoothy made with lowfat milk or yogurt, and maybe some cocoa to make it chocolate, or added fruit. Yummy.
    I am highly addictable to sugar, and over the years have avoided real candy bars, cookies, cakes, pies etc. I will have real desserts at holidays with relatives and really enjoy it, especially home-made ones.
    I don't go to WW meetings anymore, I don't need to. But I do always use their their teachings about portion control and such. 50 years of reasonably slim - wouldn't trade it.
    So, I wouldn't criticize Jenna too much, having been there.

    1. You aren't an animal abusing asshole.

      Once again, it's ALWAYS criticism of Pig Shocker and ALL of HER lies. Which happens to contain multiple lies regarding her physical fitness.

      Pig Shocker is not physically fit as she spends her days sitting on her fat ass expecting other people to pay her bills. It's all part of pointing to her lies and how she is anything but truthful with the people she ropes in to her scams.

      If anyone else is overweight it has NOTHING to do with the criticism of Pig Shocker.

  26. PS says voting isnt for you it's for everyone. So is organ donation, twat.

    PS discussing the election is hilarious considering what a parasite she is in this world.

  27. I do agree that the body shaming is gross. I also understand that it started because of the outlandish claims Jenna makes about running and (at one point) how little she eats. It just isn't possible to eat almost nothing and run so much without losing weight.

    That said, I do think a lot of people don't realise what obesity looks like. I get the impression people think it only applies to absolutely huge people. It doesn't.

    I've been obese. I'm taller than Jenna and was not as wide as her even at my heaviest when I had an obese BMI. People would likely have said I was overweight and I remember a friend being horrified when I called myself obese. But I was!

    I'm not saying this as a value judgement. I'm not trying to make her feel like shit about her body. But I would bet good money that she is technically obese according to the BMI and height/weight charts.

    THAT SAID, do I think folks need to stop harping on about it? Yes. It just reads as misogynistic. And you can justify it anyway you want but there's frankly plenty enough to criticise without bringing up her weight all the time.


    1. Pig Shocker is definitely obese. The only running she does is to the refrigerator and away from the animal abuse investigators.

    2. Anon 8:10 aka HH, I agree. Harping on her weight is not only juvenile, it makes the person who is harping on it look bad. They are free to make those comments but they just end up coming across as childish and petty.

  28. Pig Shocker's girlfriend must not be keeping her occupied because she's back posting back and forth as anonymous talking to herself.

    Her time would be much better spent caring for her animals and cleaning her disgusting house but defending her googly eyed, obese, garden gnome appearance takes priority.
    If she actually took care or her animals instead of neglecting them to the point of having to be investigated for animal abuse, she wouldn't have time for such nonsense. Funny how all of the anonymous posters show up at the same time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. AND everyone one of them defending an animal abusing scammer's weight. Lmao! That's some coincidence!🤣🤣🤣

  29. I just don't get it. She's got ALL FREAKING DAY to work a part-time job AND take care of the farm and animals the way they should be.

    I just took early SS retirement, and am looking forward to a little extra money and time so I can IMPROVE MY HOUSE and PROPERTY! I can't wait to work less (but still work my from-home gig) and get going on all these projects that need doing.

    Today is unseasonably warm at 62 degrees, and I went out to the garden and mulched some berry plants with some of the old coop straw. I found some onions that got missed, too! I chopped some kindling, brought in firewood, started some herb seeds indoors, and did my usual household chores.

    She must really have an internet addiction big time. She NEVER says anything about picking the horses' hooves, brushing them or the dogs, cleaning out the barn/chicken coop, splitting kindling, starting on wintertime craft projects. NOTHING. There's an infinite number of chores and projects when you have animals and property. ^^^ This should be the stuff she's writing about, not celebrity stalking, mountain smashing, and just being a general lay-about. SMDH


    1. she will now...........

    2. Agree DM! The problem is she is a well known pos and no one would hire her. I doubt even fast food would want her nasty hands on their products.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. You're exactly right, DM. So many farmers who not only *actually farm* with significant stock numbers take and post photos as they go along, or take videos and later edit and post them to youtube - consistently! Multiple times per week, consistently.

      I will continue to nurse my theory she has ADD / ADHD. One of the common traits is having difficulty initiating tasks, prioritizing tasks, and - get this - being self aware and able to even see they have a problem.

      I'm not sure how this jives exactly with my theory she has consistent cash flow covering her basic needs.

      I always want to look for the reasons why a person behaves the way they do, even, and especially, when that person is behaving in a dishonest, anti-social, destructive, or criminal way.

  30. Instagram Update:

    Wolf howling with a blue filter and the caption "VOTE BLUE!"

    Old photo of Jenna with hawk. Caption: Taken by @caerluna a few seasons back, red tails are in my blood at this point. Versatile, local, hearty, and true. All I ever want to be.

    It's a nice photo, I don't mind the recycling since it's properly labelled as an old pic. It doesn't name the hawk and I wonder if this is one of the ones which disappeared.

    Black and white version of the unflattering photo that was posted to PP's profile. I regret bringing that photo up to see the criticisms of her body that followed. I am critical of JW's live-like-fiction game-of-thrones-character persona that she builds online, and how she sweeps the realities of how the animals pay the price for her lifestyle and amateur mistakes under the rug.

    I was commenting on her choice of attire and how it looked strangely unsuited to the outdoor activity of falconry, and seemed like more of a photo op choice than a practical garment. I thought it was funny that she obviously tried for another cool hawk and falconer photo and the result was not something she even wanted to post on her own timelines, let alone use for PR. I do not give a flying fuck how fat or not fat she is.

    I have noticed that whenever JW wants to hide something but still post a pic, she changes a color photo to black and white. She does this with animal photos where there is visible shit in the photo, or to hide details of an animal's condition.

    Moving on.

    Fall forest scene with JW in pants, brown pattered long sleeve shirt, and hat, looking up at Hamish in the tree during a free flight exercise. NG is tagged as photographer. Caption "Hunting together."

    Speaking of hunting, has she hunted deer, like ever? I remember a post where she told a hunter they did not have permission to hunt deer on her property because she was hunting the property now.

    Photo of NG from the summer camping trip, sitting at a picnic table, tent in the background, green tree tops in the background. Caption "Happy birthday!"

    Cream colored chick - very close up photo, I think it's new as I haven't seen it before. Caption: Meet Grandma Perry. 5 weeks old.

    Another photo from the first free flight, Hamish on a bare tree branch, fall leaves covering the ground. Caption: First free flying today! He did amazing! He followed, came to the fist every call, and ended the hunt on the lure. Proud hawk trainer tonight!

    Photo of a fucking polaroid. I hate this shit. Is it supposed to look old timey? Based on the caption it's a photo of NG, but it's barely decipherable even on my big computer monitor. It looks like a more recent photo based on fall colors, at a scenic point on a hike. Figure under a tree, fall foliage and a field visible in the background. Caption: Girls, mountains, and dogs.

    Next photo: The overused pic of snowflake soap and pine, with the usual promo. What's really funny is she doesn't actually use the word "soap" in her ad, so one of her followers commented asking "Is this soap?" LOL!!! She did reply clarifying that it was in fact soap, and not something meant to be eaten.

    VERY OLD PHOTO of the lower 2/3 of her face, wearing the red plaid shirt, a dog on either side licking her face. Caption: Snow is in the forecast this week! Snuggle with your homies

    Maine coon type cat perched in an overgrown scrub bush with the farm house in the background. Caption: Mo Breagh, mo donnis. No idea what is meant by this.

    And that brings us back to the skull on the taylor swift book. Yer caught up, folks.

    - snoopy anon

    1. It's pics of what she does instead of work or taking care of her horses. She's knocking on 40 and everyday chooses to behave like a child. No responsibility whatsoever, she leaves that to strangers online who she scams for money.

    2. Snoopy Anon, thanks for the update. No, she never "succeeded" as a deer hunter. In a way, I'm grateful for this as I can imagine she'd be the type to wound an animal but not track and humanely kill it. After all, she let her beloved sheep suffer and die in a wheelbarrow, rather than call a vet or put it out of its misery. She let chickens freeze to death, then dismissively wrote it was their fault. She let ewes lamb in a New York blizzard rather than place them in safe birthing jugs. Why would she offer a deer more consideration?
      She talks about hunting, because She desperately wants to be a rural badass, like PP and others in the area who seem to be responsible hunters.

      What about her hawking? For those who've read details on her hawk hunting partners, you'll see they seldom, if ever, caught anything. Lots of "near misses". It may be different now that she's showing off for NG, but unsurprisingly she seldom exercised the hawks in the past, so they were out of shape and unskilled hunters. That's why she fed them frozen Quail, rats and road kill.

      I know. I know. You're shocked at these revelations, hahaha.

  31. oh she never posted nor blegged for Oct. payment of mortgage at the end of the month! What is up with our wittle girl? Is she scared of the man in the red van? What shall she do?

  32. She's long ago lost interest in doing proper farming or animal husbandry, but she's now caught up in her own fiction.

    If she loved farming, the content would flow automatically. There is so much to write about. But she doesn't love it, so content is forced - another "chore" for her to do.

    But if she didn't post about farming and "rural living" why would people follow her? Her opinions are shallow. She's not well-read, pretty, brainy, charming, funny or fashionable. She's not a good writer, and she's too undisciplined to become a better one. Her "story" is pretty mundane: privileged white woman quits her job, intermittently hoards animals while begging for mortgage money.

    So she lives her fiction - spinning the same old narrative in which she's barely interested, trying to generate enthusiasm in her long-dead project: a scrappy farming life.

    Personally, I wish she had the courage to re-home the animals, sell the house, pull up stakes and try something new (then write about it!). That would make a compelling story and she'd probably attract a new audience...but she won't. So the boring slog continues: recycled photos intermittently spliced with cute animal pics and NO meaningful rural life content.

    Last, dear WH and others, for the record, FFF IS obese by definition. She's 5'2" and 180 pounds (or more). Her BMI calculates at 32.9, and a BMI >30 is considered "obese". You may disagree with that, but facts are facts.

    Peace out. Btw, if you're in the NE, we're having a fabulous week of glorious warm days. Enjoy!

    1. "If she loved farming, the content would flow automatically. There is so much to write about. But she doesn't love it, so content is forced - another "chore" for her to do."

      PDD, you nailed it! If you're doing something you're impassioned about, it's not "work" so much as a labor of love. And I think you're definitely right about her trying something totally new. She's bored with her life, even though she tries to convince herself she's not. Now is probably not the great time to pull up stakes (COVID), but think if she had done this five years ago? She could have had some great content about whatever adventure it may have been. Plus, I think she would have ended up being much happier, or at the least, 'it's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all.'


    2. DM, you are so right. She's in a self-imposed rut. There's an adage that if your job / business / relationship hasn't evolved after five (5) years, it's time to change and move on. This should be her mantra.

      She's been running her own business with red flags evident for years. None of her sure-fire initiatives have panned out: Celtic MeetUp, CSA, Antlerstock, video subscriptions, honey harvesting, community book (Birchthorne), that next "big" novel, custom breeds from her farm, solar-power, self-sustainability, etc.
      Instead, she's the farmer with derelict buildings, falling-down fences, mediocre livestock and barely-hanging-on supporting graphics design and soap making.

      Part of me feels sorry that she can't dig herself out of this hole but mostly, I'm unsympathetic because of her self-riotous animal abuse and various business misrepresentations.

      Here's hoping she frees the animals and evolves.

    3. Of course she's obese. Pig Shocker and her girlfriend aka multiple anonymous accounts who only come here and argue about if PS is overweight and hideous are dead wrong. PS is both obese and hideous and she's a liar and an animal abusing scammer. Anyone who wants to argue otherwise are kidding themselves.

    4. I would *love it* if she'd sell up and do something new. Hell, I might even become a fan again.

    5. BTW, if you're interested in learning about where the BMI came from and why it's actually not a useful metric for individuals, why it's so focused on is the USA, and how what is considered to be "obese" and "overweight" by this index has been changed - TWICE - making millions of North Americans into these negatively construed categories overnight, just do a google.

      The BMI is actually bullshit, bad science, and causes more harm by stigmatizing people with a higher BMI, making it more difficult for them to access proper health care, and contributing to poorer health outcomes.

      "Obese" used to be a term reserved for people with severe mobility restricting weight issues. Now it's used to pathologize and stigmatize healthy bodies. I'm not going to participate in that.

    6. Except she doesn't have a healthy body, not even close.

      As for the comment saying someone might even become a fan again, who could ever be a fan of someone who neglects and abuses animals? Who cares about anything else, nothing would ever change that she has abused animals and continues to. That's the lowest of the low bottom of the barrel behavior and there is no excuse or reparations for that.

    7. I must've had a stroke. You're right, I really couldn't go back to being a fan after all I've learned & seen about her animal husbandry. I sure would cheer her selling that property and moving on though... which I agree she'll never do.

    8. You're right, she's chosen to die on that hill rather than cut her losses, find loving homes for the remaining animals and put her life back together. That takes a will of steel and a lot of fortitude and there is a lot to be respected in a person who does that.

      The failure to recognize her failures, shows a complete lack of character. Adults who can admit their faults and short comings are able evolve and grow as people, which Pig Shocker refuses to do.

  33. My fiance' and I bought a house and 4 acres in June. We've been working on the house, so haven't dealt much with the land yet, aside from mowing it.

    We've got a dozen chicken eggs in an incubator, and went to plant some apple trees this past weekend.

    The garden area has an old spigot, which is great! ...only it doesn't work.

    So I was left carrying buckets of water from the barn (where the spigot DOES work) across to the other side of our property to water those apple trees.

    And you know what I did? Immediately after I was done, I ordered 300 feet of hose.

  34. I doubt she is ever going to reinvent herself. I think we’ve all seen who she is. She can’t maintain interest in anything for long and she can’t support herself. How her story will end up is anyone’s guess.

    As for weight, it is a measure of pounds not a measure of character. And anyone who uses weight as an insult shows how little character they have.

    1. I completely agree with you on both counts, Anon 7:09

  35. Last fall, I discovered a wonderful online store - Universal Standard - that offers classic women's clothing pieces in ALL sizes. Their prices aren't "cheap", but quality is excellent and their periodic sales range 10-60% off. I've purchased a handful of items (several tops, jeans, sweater and jackets) and each one has been well-constructed, fashionable, durable and delivered safely.

    I especially like that they celebrate equality and their models are diverse. A review of their company by the cut.com noted: "...they offer a fit liberty initiative, which allows you to exchange an item of clothing for a new size if your weight fluctuates (free of charge). Their website just debuted an online feature where you can view items modeled by women in your exact size. And recently, they did something unheard of: Every single item of clothing online and in their stores is now available in sizes 00 to 40."

    I'm curious if any Shamsters have used them and your experience.

    1. I like how their site uses all shapes/sizes of models. These clothes, though, are totally out of my price range. Top justify the price, they should be made in the U.S. or they should be paying a fair wage for the foreign workers that are putting the clothes together. I see that they have a factory in Peru, but nowhere on their site do they claim to be paying the sweatshop labor a fair price. So... I'll pass.

    2. *To justify the price....

    3. Anon, I appreciate your due diligence. Living in NE, I get used to east coast prices. And while I'm no stranger to thrift shops, every so often I indulge in timeless classics for business meetings or mix-n-match.

      What I like is United Standard is a black-owned business, actively engaged in recycling, BLM, sustainable clothing, diversity, women's issues and they're listed in multiple places as an ethical clothing supplier.


    4. I have searched several websites and tried to do a deep dive on this company, but try as I may, I could not come up with any mention of their manufacturing practices other than this single sentence:

      “The clothes are made mostly of Peruvian cotton and are produced in factories that Waldman and Veksler have actually visited.” https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/womens-fashion-history-rational-dress-society-universal-standard/Content?oid=36044487

      That’s the only mention of their production center for their clothing, that they’ve “visited” it. Companies that do not use sweatshops are PROUD of it and they play it up in their mission statements and advertising.

      Sorry, but I’m just not buying it that this clothing line is anything but 1000% markup on sweatshop clothes.

    5. How is the quality, PDD? I'd pay this if I know they'll last a minimum of 2 years.

      I find Lands End makes good quality basics, and has very good sales. They have sizes up to 3x which is not an all-inclusive plus size line (up to size 26)

      I find a $16-$20 tshirt from lands end does not fade, stretch, or pill, and lasts 2-3 years before starting to wear enough that I can't wear the item in an office setting.

      Skirts are great too.

      While we're recommending things, my friend in Toronto founded and still owns thigh society. https://thighsociety.ca/

      You can wear the "classic" as bike shorts, they're opaque. I have several pairs and wear them as swimwear. I have multiples of the "cooling short" too and I wear them under skirts. They're so much more comfortable than classic underwear I gradually shifted over to them entirely. I rarely wear pants anymore as I get crazy dermatitis on the back of my knees if they're not in the open air constantly.

      They're not cheap, but the prices are USD. I started buying them 6 years ago and I haven't had to throw one pair out (which is how I'm amassed enough to wear every day.)

    6. oh hey, thigh society has a by one get one sale on right now - I've never seen that! Usually I can only get 10% off. *buys the cotton shorts*

    7. Thanks for posting, I haven't seen those before. All inclusive companies are awesome and rare.

    8. Woe is Wog, I'm on the second year of some of my items from US (I just discovered them) and they're doing great so far. The fabric is thick and seems durable.

      Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Gap, whose women's tops develop holes in them by the second year of light wear. I also bought blousy summer pants from Sudara, a fair-trade ethically-rated women's business - and the fabric literally shredded after half-dozen washings. Sad because I loved their joggers and culottes.

      Like with any higher-priced brands, I shop their sales. I bought beautiful, perfectly fitting dress denim jeans from US that cost $45 after sale. Free returns on their products and if I change clothing size in the future, they will issue me a new size at no cost. Frankly, I've never heard of a company doing this. So, for the time being, they're on my "good" list.

      WIW, thanks for the recommendation of thigh society. I'll definitely look into them!

    9. Thanks, WiW TS influencer, lol:)! I just ordered the cotton shorts and bogo so two are coming. Added 15% off coupon (THIGHLIFE) so with shipping ($8) two pairs for $38.60 total (this is USD). I'm psyched! Adds to the goodness of November 7, 2020 - what a day in the USA!!!!

  36. I was thinking of this forum while listening to the "plus mommy podcast" - though I am not a mommy, I really enjoy the content.

    Recently the power-lifter Becci Holcomb was a guest.

    I thought I would post this link to photos of Becci. This woman is a record-breaker, and has placed in the top three of every competition she's ever been in since she started lifting.

    I thought I would bring this information in here to show that no matter how "obese" a woman is, you can't determine her fitness just by looking at her. This woman could out-lift all of our asses.


    She is on-track to be among the first in her sport to compete in the Olympics, should power-lifting be added in 2024.

    Go go Becci Holcomb!

    I hope this example will help open a few people's minds.

    1. And guess what? Becci comes from farming!

    2. https://corvusstrength.co/becci

    3. Obviously Pig Shocker sits on the proverbial couch or plays horsey while other people pay her bills and investigators keep an eye on her animals.

      How did that ever turn into "no matter how obese a woman is..."

      Holcomb isn't anything like Pig Shocker. It's not lumping overweight women into a category of being lazy pieces of shit when describing ONE person.

      Obviously PIG SHOCKER is obese and is also a lazy piece of shit. She refuses to provide basic care for her animals as indicated by the numerous animal abuse investigations, she refuses to work for a living and instead scams strangers on the internet to pay for her bills and she isn't doing ANYTHING she claims online to be doing including her "running miles frequently" insanity.

      Nothing truthful ever comes out of her mouth and one example is the fitness narrative that anyone who looks at her can see is false af.

      A person can be described with adjectives and just because someone is blond and overweight it does not mean that every overweight person is blond or every blond person is overweight.

      What's next? One unattractive womean is an animal abuser so let's post examples of unattractive women who are not animal abusers? It gets ridiculous real quick.

    4. Woe is Wog - Thanks for posting. The singer, Lizzo, is very overweight, yet has amazing energy. Have you seen her dance? She could put a lot of skinny girls to shame. Her flexibility is amazing too. Far, far better than this slender, yoga practicing poster.

  37. There's a lot going on out there. Sales are rough. If you want to plain old contribute to 12+ years of writing at http://barnheart.com or just help a farm right up against it, here is how:

    1. She’s a piece of ������. (Test to see if emoticons appear.)

    2. If someone could remind us again on how to use those cute, color emoticons, that would be great. I've forgotten how (or never knew). Thanks!


    3. DM. I was the one who tried to type in the emoticons. And I agree with wanting to know how to use them on an iPad. Thanks!

    4. She is definitely a huge piece of 💩!

    5. WDH. How do you leave emoticons? We wanna know. Thanks.

    6. When I use them, I'm not using an iPad, I just use them like I would in a text. It might be a phone thing.

    7. Anon, if you're on a computer, you can just google the emoji you need. Example, if I google "fire emoji" I get this page:


      the click the copy button next to the emoji, and left click + paste, or hold the CTRL key and tap the V key at the same time to paste.

      It should paste the emoji and the needed code, which will translate to the visible emoji in the comment.

    8. Thanks, WiW. I’ll try it. ��


    9. Didn’t work with the code. I used the instructions.


  38. “Luckless Slinger”November 8, 2020 at 5:40 AM

    She’ll have to find another topic to kvetch about now that Biden’s won.

  39. She is going on about dogs back in the White House and he is a rescue dog. Funny she doesn't have a rescue dog only expensive purebred dogs for her.

    1. Wasn't her first two dogs rescue dogs? The huskies?

  40. “Election news is music to this farm's ears, but now I gotta focus on catching up with the mortgage again and getting orders to the post office. DM to make a small purchase here for soap, art, logo or meat shares and help a little gay homestead bloom and tuck in before snowfall!”

    “And if you don't want to buy anything from me and simply want to help a farm get more solvent because the world is slightly better today than it was a few days ago: what the hell, kindness welcome! http://PayPal.me/jennacaf”

    I never knew that this farm had ears to hear. And her little gay homestead will wilt not bloom. Wrong time of year, moron. She never changes her manipulative marketing for more free funds. Go fuck yourself, Jenna.


    1. It’s not a farm. It’s not a farm. It’s not a farm.

    2. How disgusting that she's using the election results to raise funds for her lazy lifestyle.

      No better time to beg than when lots of folks are in a jolly mood!!

      "$end $ome of your goodwill in my direction!" she's saying.

      OMG, get a job already.

    3. I'm not sure what is happening in other states but in mine the last two days have been filled with news articles of doomsday about "sudden" spikes of covid. Moreso than we had when covid cases caused the first shut down.
      I predict here in my part of the midwest they will blame thanksgiving gatherings on even higher sudden numbers of covid cases and that our local economy will shut down small businesses again by christmas.

      I feel horrible for all of the hard working small business owners who cannot survive another shutdown. I have been buying grocery items from fav local restaurants who are selling milk, eggs, cheese, flour, etc that they have too much to use with the current restrictions. I buy anything and everything that I can just to try to give them support. They won't have the income to order any sort of inventory if we shut down again.

      I would support my local small businesses a thousand times over before I would give a single cent to that animal abusing cu$t in cambridge. She can go straight to hell right back where she came from.

  41. Her theme song should be, “Money for Nothing”.

    1. LMAO

      "I want my...I want my...I want my money for free"

  42. Snoopy anon here.

    Today in Jenna's stories she cross-posted the release of a zine from another account, and I noticed this account bears more than a passing resemblance to Jenna's lezwolfmemes account: https://www.instagram.com/xenaworrierprincess/

    The content is very similar. Though Jenna's meme account is obviously wolf focused, it's clearly "inspired" by xenawp's account. On one hand, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. On the other hand, I think Jenna started her meme account in an attempt to get a slice of the 60k+ followers of this account.

    The wolf thing ties into the old oakpaw / deviant art thing, so there's your thru-thread. Thought that was interesting.

    Instagram update:

    Close up of a hawk wing spread across the grassy ground, caption: Sitting in a field high on a hill I called my hawk to the lure. He enjoyed a quail with rays on his feathers. The tired November light made his wings glow like embers. What a day.

    Next one is a photo of taylor swift in a rainbow sequin shirt for some reason.
    Caption: Just popping in to say how happy I am that Joe won. Insanely happy. The next few years, hell, decades could be terrifying for LGBTQ+ folks out there with this Supreme Court. But just having Biden make it clear in that speech last night that queer people are equal in his House means a lot. Trump pretended to care about us and then went on to enact over 30 anti LGBT legislative actions, conservative judges, etc. It's a sigh of relief to have him long gone, what a fucking nightmare. We are here and paying taxes and not going anywhere. This is America. Love it or Leave it.

    Notice that third to last sentence. Is Jenna paying taxes on her "sales"? DOUBT IT!

    I don't have any beef with the rest of the caption, but the photo of the artist she must stan is cringy. We get it. You've built a big part of your identity around being a taylor swift fan. OMG.

    Finally, the next one is a pic of a hawk on a glove with a caption that was posted before the election results were clear, cheering flipping of red to blue with the rest of the world.

    "This farm's" instagram account sequence goes like this:

    vote blue wolf meme
    old pic / ad
    old pic of pigs / ad

    You have to go back more than 20 photos to get any variation, and then it's close ups of the horses on a trail ride.

    "this farm" my ass. There's no farm there. There's backyard chickens, a hawk, and some rumored hoof-stock.

    Last photo of the sheep and goat were posted 3 months ago.

    Piglets were apparently purchased over 4 months ago, should be finishing in 2 - 4 months, where are the pics of those?

    Her "pack goat" was last "trained" over 4 months ago as well.

    1. Wow, that IG account is definitely where the Pig Shocker gets her inspiration from. Although, that account is actually funny with it's understandable and relatable humour, unlike PS's lewdwolfmeme tripe.

      It's only a matter of time 'til her queer interest and participation goes the way of her short-lived wannabe Heathenry phase. Then she'll be onto the next ka-ching thing.

  43. Still snoopy anon. I just checked Jenna's twitter account before logging on and saw this:

    Trade chat on Moonguard NA is hella pro Biden, so
    gotta respect the vibe despite the everything else.

    and I thought, "WTH is moonguard?"

    It's a damn world of warcraft reference. OF COURSE Jenna plays WOW, probably has for years! Why on earth WOULDN'T she sink hundreds (if not thousands) of hours into an online role playing game that by the way, has a monthly cost attached to it.

    To top things off, urban dictionary has this to say about moonguard:

    A place in World of Warcraft where a bunch of erotic role players (ERPers) have sex in goldshire and do weird role-playing stuff, Once you go to Moonguard your personality changes.

    At best, moonguard is a forum for WOW players, yet another online community for Jenna to waste hours online instead of earning a living. I don't want to say at worst it's an erotic role playing backroom chat... but that does somehow seem worse. Like, what the fuck. Why would you call that out on your twitter? Even if it is just a gamer community shout-out?

    1. One last snoopy anon post....

      I think urban dictionary is bullshitting that it's an erotic role playing chat room. I did a bit more reading and it looks like it's simply the main north american server for world of warcraft.

      All that to say, her tweet translates as: "People seem to be talking a lot about Biden today on world of warcraft!"

      There you go.

    2. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

      Yet another thing to do instead of getting a job to pay that pesky mortgage.

      I looked it up and it costs a minimum of $15 / month to play this game, and there are of course additional expansions you can get that cost even more.

      For someone whose "farm is right up against it" she sure find a lot of ways to spend money. Is anyone keeping track of all the various subscriptions she's mentioned having? She's paying monthly for access to some wolf art I remember.

    3. Thanks again for the Instagram info, snoopy anon. The WOW subscription...I think she mentioned that before. I'm really vague on this, but it was a few years back and she was discussing subscriptions that she might have to let lapse due to tough times. But it looks like she "earned up" the money somehow!

      "Pesky mortgage" lol. A mortgage that she asked for. A mortgage that she begged her online followers for help in obtaining. What were her beggin' words back then? Something about how the mortgage was "an easy thing to manage" but she just needed help in getting there? *cough* *cough* What a liar.

    4. Almost a month since the last bleg post and she wants people to pay for that crap.

      She refuses to work and can't even handle regular posting on a bleg. Why? Because twitter begging and scamming 24/7 is more likely to being in $. She is the most poser "farmer" ever to hit social media. She has a crappy property, a bank owned home that they will eventually seize, two horses and two dogs. The cats are probably living somewhere else or dead and she isn't allowed to own livestock. No crops EVER. Just some poser squash from Aldis once in a while for photo ops. There is no farm. There is no farmer. Just a lazy, mentally ill goon with an internet connection.

    5. That was spot-on. The “poser squash from Aldis” would be a good username. It’s funny.


    6. It sounds like a punk band from the 90s!
      Love that idea with a pic of a squash for an avatar! 🤣😂

    7. Testing..... ��

      Wow, it worked! Thanks.


    8. Ooops. Apparently it didn't work. I saw the emoji when I pasted it in my post, but now it's been replaced with ?? Any idea why? :-(


    9. Maybe it only works with phones? Not sure. I have other devices but my phone is always near by.

    10. DM, just use a site like https://emojipedia.org/

      you can copy and paste right from there, that's how I do it.

    11. Whackadoodle, I also scratch my head at her frequent begs for folks to support a blog with hardly any new content.

      And don't forget the poor YouTube suckers who paid for premium and exclusive video vlogs. Lol.

  44. She's still playing World of Warcraft? And at her age? Normally I wouldn't care but when she's whining and begging for her mortgage each month...No wonder she can't get her products done in a timely manner.

    Mature adults spend their time making a living. If they want to blow off steam after work playing WOW, fine. It sounds a little immature to me, but whatever.

    She seems to be in a state of arrested development.

    1. I've suspected that she's got Asperger's or some form of high functioning autism for a while now.

    2. I think that JFW has many mental issues, and is deeply immature for an almost middle-aged person. (She watches reruns of Buffy, and idolizes Taylor Swift like a teenager would do too.) Playing online games is one way that she avoids her personal responsibilities.


    3. I have loved ones who are on the ASD spectrum and who have ADD / ADHD. While these types of neurodiverse brains do have a harder time holding down jobs, the scope of what is possible is unlimited, including some of the most demanding and prestigious jobs.

      I also think FFF may have some undiagnosed neurodiversity issue going on here, but even if she did have a diagnosis, it's up to the individual to take responsibility for their choices.

      What I've learned about ADD in women would explain a LOT of what's going on with FFF, and there is a lot of cross-over between ADD and ASD. That very well could be a reason she doesn't feel able to hold down a job, why she was bullied as a child. By the way, queer women have a much higher rate of ADD / ASD diagnosis / neurodiversity. So that would all track with FFF's story.

      The reason why, in my armchair psycologist's hypothesis, I think it's more of an ADD thing than an ASD or a personality disorder is that ADD people genuinely don't see how their actions impact others. They just can't see outside themselves. And they tend to attract caretaker types - ie Patty. Maybe NG is a caretaker type too. ADD can read as narcissism on the surface, just by looking only at behaviours, and not motivations.

      Anyway, that's largely me projecting my personal life experience. In order to actually determine if FFF qualified for a diagnosis, she'd need to be evaluated by a qualified professional. That takes a lot of time, usually involves family, and it's *expensive*.

      I'd donate to a kiva loan to get FFF evaluated if I thought she'd actually follow through, be honest about the results, and seek treatment.

      FFF's coping mechanisms seem to consistently be to dodge personal responsibility.

    4. Totally agree, Anon 9:19, she's a master of time wasting. I wish more of her customers would call her out when their purchases are late cuz she's too busy on horsey rides with friends and watching TV

      And the year of her arrested development seems to be at the age of 13. Which happens to be Taylor Swift's favorite number! Coincidence?

  45. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/toxic-relationships/201801/the-difference-between-narcissist-and-sociopath%3famp

    It sounds as though this article was specifically written about Pig Shocker. She is so insane, she could easily be a case study.

    1. Not completely sold on the sociopath determination, but according to the criteria below, she is no doubt a full-blown narcissist:

      1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance and exaggerates achievements and talents
      (All of her social media "About Me" bios contain aggrandized info regarding her work, talents and hobbies.)

      2. Dreams of unlimited power, success, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
      (Her bleg is pretty much one big dream of what she wants but isn't willing to work for.)

      3. Lacks empathy for the feelings and needs of others
      (This is obvious. Remember her "Fuck Peta" statement? Also, unless it's regarding a possible sale, she doesn't interact with the commenters on her tweets. Never thanks any well wishers or folks who send pet pics at her request.)

      4. Requires excessive admiration
      (All four of her social media accounts are proof of this. Being on the internet for the best part of each day also shows her need for constant attention.)

      5. Believes he or she is special and unique and can be understood only by, or should associate only with, other special or high-status people or institutions.
      (She's a Heathen! A fiddler! An archer! A badass! An author! A queer! A Taylor Swiftie! And a real Game of Thrones extra too!!)

      6. Unreasonably expects special, favorable treatment or compliance with his or her wishes
      (Just ask her long-suffering mortgage banker...and...all the folks who came to her $400 weekend workshops and received pitiable hospitality like no camping and no meals provided.)

      7. Exploits and takes advantage of others to achieve personal ends
      Just ask anyone in her town. Especially Jon Katz and the myriad of people she once wrote about in her bleg. People who she no longer talks about, as the friendship didn't work out.)

      8. Envies others or believes they’re envious of him or her
      All the proof in her past bleg posts. She also thinks that people who write about her scamming and abuse are just jealous folks.)

      9. Has “an attitude” of arrogance or acts that way
      (Just click on any one of her YouTube videos. Peruse her tweets to get a general idea of her obnoxiously self-important personality in which she thinks she's ALL that. And a mountain-smashing legend as well!)

    2. Ironically, she attracts more negative attention here than on all of her combined accounts.


  46. I'm surprised that her girlfriend is still there at this point. She's had more than enough time to see that Jenna is not who/ what she says she is. Really, leaving Jenna's weight and physical attractiveness out of it and just considering her off-putting personality and horrendous hygiene, it amazes me that anyone agreed to date her in the first place, never mind live with her.

    1. There's a lid for every pot, I guess.

    2. Maybe with the virus, and lack of work, Shannon needed to shack up with the FFF as a means to survive the pandemic. I’m also amazed that she hasn’t dumped JFW yet. An animal abusing, sociopathic scammer who begs online for a living would be a disaster if one was a normal adult.


    3. Her pot has huge holes so the lid is lopsided.

    4. Should’ve said the lid is loose.

    5. I'm surprised as well. At least with her living there, some of the animals are finally getting proper care, housing, shelter, etc. But as I said below, it's pretty sad that it took another person to do it for her lazy ass.

    6. They have shown no evidence of the animals being properly cared for. NONE for MONTHS.

      Pig Shocker was GIFTED a nice chicken coop set up in exchange for promoting the coop. When the temps hit freezing and below do you think that she made any effort whatsoever to secure the chickens inside the new coop?

      Nahhhhh. That would mean getting up off of her fat ass, putting her alcohol down and ignoring social media for 5 min.

      Instead, she let chickens freeze to death, one in her driveway. Then she blogged about it and how she hoped she didn't come out and find Merlin "down I the field" one morning frozen to death as well. Why ? Because Merlin's shelter consists of a piece of metal sheeting and isn't close to being a proper structure at all.
      That's when an animal welfare check request was made to the local police who handle animal control in her area.

      Just because nitwit the girlfriend is supposedly doing all of the work around the place, doesn't mean it will benefit the animals one bit.

      All Pig Shocker is doing is trying give a stupid excuse as to why the girlfriend isn't working at a real job. Working around the home you live in is called unemployment not self employment.

      Two able bodied women living in a fantasy bubble which is on the verge of popping and day now. Playing horsey and building coops won't save them from their own poor character, laziness, the mental disorders that convince both women that animal abuse is fine and being with an animal abuser isn't a problem.

      The animals need NEW homes if there is any hope of saving them. Moving in a second nutjob could only get worse not better.

  47. Two hot takes from the Pig Shocker's latest bleg post:

    1) Proper farm maintenance and repairs are FINALLY being done there. All thanks to the new GF, who sounds like she's doing all the work whilst Jenna lounges around the internet. While I'm relieved that the chickens are finally getting a proper coop built, I'm disgusted that the only reason why is cuz she had the GF do it for her. In all these years, the lazy PS couldn't have done it herself?

    2) Despite stating that she's procured what she needs for the upcoming Winter's Bottom, and despite having her GF contribute to the finances, the Wog is STILL going to do a ton of hardcore begging. Why? Cuz she still hasn't managed to pay the October mortgage, and of course, Christmas is coming. That means presents! Lots and lots of gifts for the new GF!

    So be generous poodles! Wifey needs lots of cool new shiny stuff!! PayPal her now!!

    1. She writes about still owing "October's mortgage" like it's a big happy thing, because she's not owing September's like last year.

      Why does she choose to tell her story this way? It's such bullshit that she's behind on anything. No. way. I don't think she's lying about having pigs, but I do think she's lying about being chronically behind on the mortgage.

      Why does she think it's okay, or somehow admirable, to be behind on the mortgage payment so consistently, that she includes it in nearly every blog post?

      It's June and I'm behind on the mortgage.
      It's August and I went swimming and I went camping and I'm behind on the mortgage.
      It's September and my gf moved in! Joy! Aaaaand I'm behind on the mortgage.

      Just put up a banner ad at the top of the blog and be done with it. "I'm always behind on the mortgage. Paypal here."

    2. The girlfriend building a coop isn't going to make dick of a difference as I commented above.

      Pig Shocker is too damn lazy to utilize the equipment she has had in the past and the result was chickens freezing to death in the c%nts driveway.

      Unless the girlfriend creates some sort of machine that can tear Pig shocker away from alcohol and social media and junk food AND give her a shot of character, compassion and a work ethic, the girlfriend had might as well be making mud pies because anything she tries to improve wont do a damn bit of good.

      Just like all the people in year's past who volunteered to build things around shit hole farm and it NEVER led to Pig shocker performing any better. Those projects just deteriorated and disappeared.

      There us no evidence of the animals being treated any better than they were five years ago. NONE, ZIP, ZILCH. It's a whole lot of talk without any evidence.

  48. Instagram Update:

    PIGS! Looks like a new photo of two pigs. Damn these guys are cute. I love pigs. The photo is a close up of two pigs poking their snouts through a fence. It's very close up, of course, so you can't really see anything about the pigs, their physical condition, or their living condition. They're outside, in what looks like a fenced in yard.

    Next pic: Settlers of Catan board game and a bottle of tequila. Classy.

    Finally - the same skull as in the previous taylor swift fan gear pic. This time the skull is atop what I can only guess is an additional tswift collectable, a hardcover book titled "above the timberline". There is an actual novel of this title, but given the black tswift book from the previous post is under this new book, I figure it is more fangirl shit FFF spent money on instead of paying her mortgage on time.

    Oh, and the skull has dried hydrangea flowers stuffed in the eye socket for some reason. Same photo is posted on twitter.

    ~ snoopy anon

    1. I tried to go on Twitter to view the pics, but guess what??? "Your Twitter account has been suspended."

      WTF?! I hardly EVER go on Twitter, just to check out JW tweets and a long time ago, (months) I may have responded to a tweet from brenner. I don't post on my own account, I don't respond to any tweets. I just browse around and look. I haven't even been on Twitter for ages.

      Anybody have ANY idea why Twitter would do this??? Hmm...


    2. DM. It might’ve been a glitch. Twitter is weird that way.


    3. SA. Thanks for the update. The stupid skull is her asinine attempt to appear artsy.

    4. Pigs that could be anywhere and belong to anyone. Any animals that could possibly be at PS's shitpit property, are only there briefly for a photo op and then the animals go back to whoever actually owns them.

      Portly Pig Shocker brings scams and lies online to a whole new low. PS doesnt own a farm (no crops, no livestock, no farmer). She doesnt own any livestock currently. Ever since that pesky animal welfare investigation a few years ago, she has had to add owning livestock to her long list of lies.

      If PS is breathing, she's lying. She doesn't even remember what the truth is at this point.

    5. WHS, wasn't a shamster driving by in the past few months able to confirm there were sheep on the property? The horses are there too, and the photos of the chickens seem recent. I think she does have livestock there. All the more reason for concern.

    6. DM - you don't need to be logged in to view tweets. Here's a direct link to the one snoopy anon was talking about:

  49. I am waiting on copies of certain documents from certain organization(s) that refer to past livestock and things that took place on the property.

    Any sheep/lamb photos posted on social media are OLD. Those photos have been used online before. All of her photos are years old or are so close to the animal that any background isn't included in the photo. That's because there aren't any animals living on her property other than the two pitiful horses and two dogs.

    Pig Shocker has to stoop as low as lying about owning livestock like the psychopath that she is.

    1. I hope you receive that doc soon. We do know that FFF has posted photos of piglets with a crate, and I think there was one with NG and a piglet. Sure they could be at some other farm. Objectively looking at only the facts, there are recent, non-repeat photos of pigs.

    2. Pigs that could be anywhere and belong to anyone.

      Pig Shocker doesn't know how to tell the truth and apparently her shit for brains girlfriend thinks that lying for a living is perfectly fine. I wouldn't expect anything other than a nutjob to be interested in an animal abusing goon.

  50. She's promoting logos for the first time in a while. A new one popped up: Akal Ranch Spanish Barb Horses.


    I looked them up and of course, FFF's logo appears *nowhere* on their website.

    Gee, what would I think if I were searching for a logo artist and 9/10 logos she promotes are not represented on the companies' websites?

    I'd think they didn't get what they asked for.

    I still chuckle remembering the "light your farts" falcon.


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