It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Life good here. Sheep doing well, dogs good. Loving those apple cider donuts. Oh, and $4.00 a bale for hay? I'd like to know where. Probably 2019 hay.
ReplyDeleteHay is $9 a small square bale here. The fewer hay fields near the higher the price. More forest, less fields.
DeleteThis was copied from the end of the previous thread:
ReplyDeleteWoe Is Wog:
Why on earth would someone want to move in with a person who claims to be two mortgage payments behind? Unstable housing sucks, why would you volunteer for that?
UnknownOctober 17, 2020 at 6:13 AM
And also why on earth would someone even be attracted to an animal abuser who begs online for a living? Clearly, "her girl" has major issues.
Clearly the NG must be fleeing from sort of situation that is worse than living with a nasty, animal abusing, narcissistic sociopath twat who begs and scams for a living.
DeleteThere must be some sort of mental disorder on board as well for NG to put herself into such a destructive/dead end situation.
PS knows it's just a matter of time before NG finds a new partner who is mentally healthy, attractive and actually works for a living.
NG is young and won't have any problem finding someone else.
It is inevitable and PS deserves to be dumped and scammed as she has scammed so many people over the years without any hesitation or guilt.
All the years of lying and constantly taking whatever she can from whomever she can will come back on her via karma. It's been a long time coming and finally her dirty little secrets are coming to light.
WDH. Shannon is shacking up with one of the worst animal abusing, online beggars out there. But we're hoping that she soon sees what a lazy loser JFW is in reality. The FFF has nothing to offer anyone of substance. In fact she's a liability in a relationship, because the association with her is far from being favorable. It's the opposite.
LS totally agree. For those who say "give her time," um no. PS's character defects and mental illness aren't mere whispered rumors within a small town. PS is widely despised and there are many accounts online of her insane behavior. NG would have to be dumb as a rock or severely mentally ill to read about the many animal abuse investigations and decide that she wants to be in a relationship with THAT. PS has absolutely nothing going for her. Someone would have to be easily manipulated to ever believe a loser like PS over multiple accounts from those who have witnessed PS's crazy first hand.
DeleteAlso, here's an example of how NG is not only COMPLICIT but is now a part of the predation herself.
Remember the lie about the AG visit to check on the pigs? When they first visited, Pig Shocker said that not only did they find nothing wrong with the pigs but that they simply gave her some brochures and she even hoped she could be friends with the inspectors.
Recently, Pig Shocker said that AG had returned. TO FOLLOW UP ON AN ISSUE and to drop off a perfect inspection report. First of all, they don't make a follow up inspection unless THEY FOUND A PROBLEM THE FIRST TIME. Second, NG was living with her during the second inspection, NG knew the truth that they in fact had returned because Pig Shocker had LIED about the first inspection and that there is no way in hell that they stop by just to drop off a perfect score report. NG has become an accomplice in the abuse of animals. Not to mention what kind of lunatic gets a visit from AG to inspect their pigs in which the inspection shows she has not been taking care of them properly and then posts on social media that she considers the inspectors to be friends? That is psychopath type behavior.
NG had a recent example of Pig Shocker's animal abuse and that she lies about inspections. Yet NG is still living with the Annie Wilkes of Cambridge. NG doesn't need "time" she needs to see a shrink. NG's family must either be in the dark about Pig Shocker or completely mortified about her choices.
WHD. Exactly. It's like I always say here, her whole life is lies. And anyone willing to live with that kind of sick person isn't healthy either. Shannon is willfully wearing blinders to JFW's animal abusing and online begging.
Don’t be so quick to judge Shannon. Remember, many of us were fans at one time. Jon Katz and JFW’s editor, Heather, were friends for awhile. She had about a dozen or so faithful heathen followers until they got wise. Give the new girl time.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 7:21. That's a good point. Sometimes it takes awhile to discern someone's behavior patterns. We were once fans briefly, too, but living locally in her area was an eye-opening experience. When we witnessed firsthand how she neglected and abused her livestock, plus also felt no compunction about ripping off locals and others, then we changed our attitudes. JFW is a master at manipulating emotions, and I hope that Shannon eventually wises up.
She used to write about her friend, Brett, and the people at Commonsense Farm. She has either just stopped writing about them or has fallen out with them as well.
DeleteIt's been ages since she's mentioned anyone at Commonsense Farm, and she used to frequently brag about buying hay from them etc... So JW probably screwed them over like she's done before with many others, and they steer clear of doing business with her now for fear of being ripped off.
DeleteBeing a "fan" and living with an animal abusing scammer are miles apart from one another. NG must be a total piece of shit to be in a relationship with that heifer.
DeleteAlso, in the past, whenever PS posted on here she referred to her "fans" a lot. That is not a term that anyone else has used in a long time. Just saying...
Anon 9:02, PS only knows how to burn bridges. Those people who have stayed in contact with her over the years must put up with a lot of narcissistic sociopathic bullshit from her and are fine with it. The majority of people recognize someone who refuses to get treatment for her many mental disorders and they appropriately remove her from their lives.
ReplyDeleteWDH. Yeah, she's burned a lot of bridges both locally and online. BTW: When I mentioned her fake attorney "Jack Black" in the last post your follow-up comment on the solstice made me laugh. I recall that ridiculous threat about the blog being deleted. She can barely afford to beg enough money to feed her fat face, let alone have the funds for a lawyer in a libel case.
Twit Shit: (the theater version):
ReplyDeleteStage Wrong: Enter the sycophantic supporter and dumb enabler:
Just now read blog post, "Dark Sides". Just wanted to break through that with some light. For every ugly troll, there were many people like me. Several years ago, I was scared to write publicly...and then met you at a Mother Earth News Fair. (1/3)
And it changed something in me. I decided to start my own blog. I took "baby steps" to heart. My hubby and I made small changes until we could make a big one. Now, we live on 28 acres out in the country that we both love. We are becoming more self-sufficient all the time. (2/3)
I work at a job I love & I now have two blogs. One is about me following my dreams & encouraging others to do the same. The other blog follows an interest I have in genealogy/history. And, I am still always pushing your books at the library where I work! (3/3)
That's FFF: encouraging everyone who may be ill-prepared to properly look after themselves, their land or the lives of other creatures to JUST DO IT.
DeleteAnd if, as a result of inept "farmers", the land becomes polluted, the wells poisoned, local suppliers get burned or animals suffer /die???
Don't worry. Take NO responsibility. Tell people who know what they're doing to that you were just learning and to STFU. Live like fiction, bitc***!!!
And PayPal her. It means so much to the farm.
PDD. Ironically, it sounds like "Diane" is doing better than her inspirational idol at Cold Corpses Farm.
LS, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.
DeleteDiane strikes me as an extremely kind person who would have figured out how to take "baby steps" one way or another, and then she moved into adulthood. I'm betting she was inspired during FFF's earlier years when FFF at least tried to farm, even if incompetently.
Unfortunately FFF has never moved beyond the toddler, baby-steps stage. She still expects others to look after her. PayPal her, because her mortgage is late AGAIN.
PDD. Your acorn sentence cracked me up. I think that sociopaths like JFW like kind people, because they tend to be trusting and forgiving. I heard that someone sent Diane an email with links to this site and other pertinent information;).
LS 😂😂😂
DeleteNotice that Diane has a job. She and her husband also took baby steps, didn't jump into it blindly. I'll give credit where credit is due. If Jenna inspired Diane to follow her dream, fine. But Jenna is in a state of arrested development where Diane and her husband are not.
DeletePig Shocker's life is a cautionary tale on what NOT to do with your life. Pig Shocker abuses animals and scams for a living. She is hideous to look at which in my opinion is directly related to how she treats other living beings like shit. She is ugly inside and out.
DeletePeople will find inspiration when and where they need it. It's no surprise that FFF would be inspiring people who are looking for inspiration, because she'll happily tell anyone to leap and the net will appear.
DeleteWise people make a plan, business plan or otherwise, and unfortunately, unwise people can find "inspirational" figures like FFF all over the internet asking life-coachy questions like, "but what does delaying your dreams COST YOU???"
FFF and everyone else in the world are free to make whatever choices in their lives, even self-destructive ones. I think we all know and cared for someone who made a serious of destructive choices and repeatedly looked for friends or family to bail them out.
Thing is, FFF's style has been to cycle through new followers and suck them dry. She's not the addict child of a loved one who keeps promising this time rehab will work until there are no more friends or family to help her, she's more like a con artist who moves from mark to mark, targeting people's pain points (live the life you want!) and then leveraging their investment in her story to solicit financial aid to float her through one manufactured crisis after another.
How is NG not paying her share of the living expenses now? This co-habitation should have been a huge financial help to FFF.
"I hate being scared of losing a roof before winter."
What hyperbolic bullshit designed to goose "sales".
Only a complete idiot and loser would get into a relationship with Pig Shocker. Of course NG isn't paying her share. If she was responsible or a tiny bit financially solvent, she wouldn't have a damn thing to do with Pig Shocker.
DeleteYeah, she really "hates being scared..." But it's never enough "terror" for JFW to get off her fat ass, and support herself like a normal adult. She wants the world to do it. "Live like fiction!" And always, it's at the expense of others funding her faux farm. Shannon sure picked the wrong "sugar mama" to shack up with. LOL!!!
Sugar Mama aka fat garden gnome with a shorter hat. I have always thought that Pig Shocker would do ANYTHING to get attention on social media. That was until NG came along. Moving her entire life to shack up with a broke, animal abusing psychopath makes Pig Shocker's attempt at attention online look minimal.
DeleteCould it all be just because Pig Shocker has a small following on social media and NG wants some of the spotlight? Those who do not have Pig Shocker muted only follow her to watch the shit show that is her life. Is that really worth it? I guess if you are missing a lot of brain cells and are extremely desperate, anything looks good.
she is now complaining that she paid her Sept. payment almost 7 weeks late but "they" charged her a late charge of $40. (which sounds really low for a late payment on a mortgage) plus $20. to process it over the phone. AND she is late for the Oct. payment and the wording on the registered letter was worded to scare little old her. I may be way off here but I thought when you sign on the dotted line to buy a house you already know this stuff. Like they really want you to pay your mortgage on time like you are suppose to. Mortgage does NOT equal charity from all I understand.
DeleteUh oh. Get ready for all the sympathetic responses from the Attagirls who'll condemn mean ol' corporate banks on behalf of the fake farmer-on-the-hill!!! Why can't buyers use 1000s of bank's money and then pay their mortgages weeks late? It's SO unfair. Guys???
Oh, and for the new visitors. The fake feral farmer would have you believe she lives alone in the wilderness, on the side of the mountain. In reality she bought a small house set on 6.5 acres (a small piece of a 100+ acre parcel) adjacent to a main street and in/near Cambridge, NY, a trendy Washington County suburb filled with boutiques, gourmet food and NYC weekenders who bicycle, pick apples, hike hills and shop til they drop. The hill (*cough* mountain) belongs to the original owners, who have been selling off parcels bit by bit.
And as for being a farmer? Well, a true farmer can farm anywhere, practicing good stewardship of land and animals. However, our FFF bought a house and yard and proceeded to damage it. It's been way overpopulated with pet horses, too many livestock and poor sanitation. She has very little pasture (which she hasn't replenished or expanded in over 10 years) so the land is overgrazed and washed out. A farmer she is not - no matter what image she portrays. She admits this in every blog: she lives like fiction. Get it? She lies.
So true PDD. Pig Shocker constantly exaggerates. When she talks about "mountain smashing" she is actually waddling up and down hills. Anyone who has seen Pig Shocker's physique knows that tubby isn't hiking or running "miles.". Notice how her lies about running have all but stopped since NG moved in? Even NG won't go along with that lie.
DeleteThere's a photo online of Pig Shocker and NG from behind. It literally looks like NG has taken someone out of an institution for a "day out." Pig Shocker is the heaviest she's ever been and dresses like she is blind and lives alone. If your girlfriend tells you that you look good, when in reality you look like a fat garden Gnome, she's a LIAR.
WDH. Still smirking at the "day out" line. She has no sense of style. Nailed it.
WDH. Girl, you're one witty wordsmith.
Aww thanks LS!
DeleteWhen I was growing up, my parents stressed that the mortgage was the most important bill to pay. You always paid that first.
ReplyDeleteShe’s lucky she was only hit with a $40.00 late charge. I had to pay that amount once, 20 some years ago when my mortgage payment was delayed in the mail.
So sick of the whining. Pay the freaking mortgage before spending on other things, dammit!
I think she decided to add a comment about late fees because on this blog, we've been saying for months how, if she were really paying a mortgage late, she'd have late fees and service charges. It wasn't realistic for her to say she was constantly behind on the mortgage but never seem to get late fees.
DeleteThere also has been no mention of her repaying that "loan" she got in April to save her house from foreclosure when the "mortgage was sold". That's because it's fiction, and she can't keep track of all the lies she tells to keep the story cohesive.
When she was making payments for Merlin, or her Kiva loan, she wrote about making payments.
I think we're about due for another health crisis, what do you think? Will she get "a fever" soon?
WIW, that is EXACTLY why she made a big deal over late fees. We could make shit up such as you only have to pay late fees if your mortgage is between 300 and 3,000 days late and in her next social media post she would go on and about how she was charged a late fee because her mortgage is 299 days late.
DeleteAww poor baby got yet ANOTHER mean letter from the mortgage company. Whatever will she do? Please send money. I know you've sent it in the past but she needs it yet again. And probably next months too. And the next. The animals will starve, she will LOSE HER FARM!!! Everyone in the bank and mortgage business is so mean!
DeleteBullshit she got a foreclosure warning... again. Photos or it didn't happen.
"Oh heartless banks! Such meanies demanding I pay my mortgage on time... *in a pandemic*! Oh me! Oh woe is wog!"
So true. And as Anon 12:19 said above, she knew what she was signing up for when she signed those papers, quite literally. But then she says this on Twitter:
Delete"I am grateful I was able to make the payment. I hate it is under duress."
Under duress????????????
Definition: du-ress (noun): Compulsion by threat or violence; coercion.
Is she kidding? She knew it was coming since she refuses to pay her mortgage on time. And the demand came in the form of a certified letter...not a couple guys with baseball bats.
What a nut job!
DeleteIt's your mortgage, which is not an option. You are contractually obligated to pay it and if you don't, you have to move. Pretty cut and dry and should be easy enough for a even a moron like Pig shocker to understand.
She is making less and less sense in her social media posts (which I'm surprised is even possible). Perhaps "love" has her believing she can consume larger quantities of alcohol or meth or take less meds prescribed for what must be a litany of health issues.
Her ridiculous response to making mortgage payments is "Wolves are at my door!!!" Rather than act like a responsible adult, and just pay the damn bank. It was her own major mistake to buy a faux farm, which was always beyond her means, that started the entire stupid cycle. She's always reacted like this even before the pandemic. So using the virus as an excuse to continue her victim narrative is a crock of crap. Hey, JFW, where are the pics as proof of any letters, bills, inspection reports etc...? "Her whole life is lies." (To quote myself.)
Countdown until she posts some ridiculous looking documents that happen to resemble her crazy hobbit map. Most likely written in crayon. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
DeleteHer hokey "hobbit maps" are my personal faves to mock. It's like something silly that a teen would do for art class. I also find it funny that she calls her "double digit" bank account "my tiny treasure."
The letter is most likely a lie, just like the perfect report the AG supposedly dropped off at the hovel.😂😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteIt's been so long since PS told the truth, I doubt she even remembers what it's like. Two adult women live together, both able bodied and yet neither of them hold a job. Both are UNEMPLOYED. Both think that they deserve for other people to pay their bills while they spend their days playing like a couple of demented toddlers.
Pig Shocker couldn't afford her bills before NG moved in and she thinks it's perfectly normal to move another person in hoping that they find suckers to give BOTH of them money. Who does that? Who moves to another state to live with a crazy, animal abusing, unemployed, scamming, googly eyed beast of a woman without a job or means to pay their bills? Someone who thinks that what Pig Shocker is doing is perfectly fine, that's who. Someone who can love an animal abusing scammer and is easily manipulated. NG always has a goofy look on her face. I would not be surprised to find out that she has the I.Q. of a child or the mentality of a 10 year old.
"It's been so long since PS told the truth..."
DeleteWell now, to her credit, she does type in the correct month for each bleg post she writes. So there's that. And she truthfully says she lives in New York. Pretty sure she does drive a truck too...cuz I've seen pics of it...with her in it! And that brewery she goes to? They put a few pics of her on their Twitter. So that was the truth. I'm also inclined to believe her when she keeps going on and on about this being an election year...cuz I think I did hear something to that effect, on TV I think.
So see, she DOES tell the truth sometimes. So give her some credit, ok? Sheesh.
DeleteThe latest blog, more blah blah blah and wahhh, wahhh, wahhh. I'm sure NG waited for the delivery so she didn't have to pay or pay on an owed bill. She could simply say " Pig Shocker isn't here...." Also, the support she received after her last bleg post, no doubt, came from the handful of crazy people who have been throwing attagirls at her for the past 10 years. Anyone who emailed her to condemn her for "her homosexuality" would not wish her luck as well. She is so crazy, she makes that shit up in her head. Then she has dumbass NG constantly shaking her head yes like a human bobblehead while blindly believing everything that Pig Shocker says.
ReplyDelete"I'm sure NG waited for the delivery so she didn't have to pay..."
DeleteOr...even more sinister...the Pig Shocker snuck off to the laundromat and didn't even tell NG about the delivery so that NG would be forced to use her own money.
And for as much as PS boasted about those so-called "supportive" emails, you just know she was disappointed and pissed that none of them contained offers to donate to her PayPal. I imagine she gets crazy excited every time she receives a DM or an email cuz she's greedily hoping it's free money -- but it's just "You go girl!" crap instead, lol.
"I make no goal to pay the October mortgage before the end of the month. But at least I can earn towards it while stacking firewood..."
ReplyDeleteSure, that logic tracks. She supposedly got hit with $60 in late and processing fees for being more than 30 days late on her Sept payment, but has no plans to pay the Oct payment until it's over 30 days too.
Late fees are such a colossal waste of money, and they're designed to be a deterrent to delinquency. If she were REALLY paying late fees on a late mortgage payment, we'd be seeing some different actions from the woman who lives in the hovel on the hill.
What does she mean by not making the mortgage a goal? Does it mean she's gonna beg less on Twitter and just hope the money magically comes in anyway? It sounds like a manipulative statement, but I'm not sure how exactly.
DeleteYet just about everyday she talks about her "goal" for the day and how much money she needs to make.
DeleteIf it's not to pay the mortgage, whatever could it be for?
WHS - LOL at the toilet paper emoji
DeleteJust realized she's trying to get creative with her begging again:
ReplyDelete"My mortgage company sent me a warning letter about an intent to foreclose after being 30 days late in a pandemic. These are carefully worded letters made to scare homeowners during a freaking pandemic. I hate that they do this."
She mentions pandemic TWICE. Yet she's always behind on the mortgage and frequently receives warning letters...for years...when there wasn't any pandemic. Just goes to show that she's clearly using the pandemic as an excuse for sympathy and pity donations. Such manipulation. Ugh.
As for the latest bleg post, I found it curious that the Pig Shocker was magically able to come up with the mortgage out of thin air. She's been squealing all month about how she didn't have September's payment, but then she's suddenly able to procure it the day after some scary warning letter came?
ReplyDeleteI've got a strong feeling she begged/convinced the NG to bail her out. "Just this one time, Shanny-poo!" If true, that poor sucker of a girl is in for a wild ride each month with being chased around and shaken upside down for loose change. Maybe Jenna offered to do the laundry today cuz she was hoping to find some forgotten $20 bills in her girlfriend's pants pockets. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
Yep. NG had better learn how to beg mom and dad on behalf of Pig Shocker.
DeleteOh No! We are going to be homeless, do you think your family could help us out?! Repeat again and again until NG's family disowns her.
Pig Shocker couldn't think her way out of a paper bag. If your mortgage is constantly late for the past 10 years, they will tend to warn you as soon as you are late at all even if it's "only 30 days" and during a "pandemic." Duh.
I doubt the letter even exists. Same as the perfect Pig inspection. Pig Shocker doesn't live in reality. She makes up her "live like fiction" life to bring in pity donations for ridiculous purchases. Anything Taylor Swift, yarn hair extensions, wolf contacts, barrels of rogaine, etc.
Ya know everyone owes her a free ride because she was hideous in high school and her peers called her The Beast. Everyone run to your paypal and give until you're broke. Those bald spots aren't going to cover themselves!
The entire story is a lie. As usual. You need to up your game. It's so boring. Perpetual teen sharing scary stories. That is you.
ReplyDeleteShe’s got plenty of money. The $600 a week EXTRA federal unemployment benefit was going on this spring through July. (That’s on top of your state’s regular UI benefit)
ReplyDeleteFrom NY State’s website:
“If you are not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, farmers, workers with limited work history, and others) and are unable to work as a direct result of the coronavirus public health emergency, you may now be eligible through Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).”
And now: “Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) Update (Posted 9/10/2020): The $300 Lost Wages Assistance program payments will begin during the week of September 14th. Per federal regulations, your unemployment must be related to COVID-19 to be eligible for LWA benefits.”
You can bet your ASS little miss “my mortgage is late” has been milking this one dry and raking it in.
They tend to frown on fraud and people have to repay what they fraudulently obtained all of the time. They encourage people to report possible unemployment fraud which they happily follow up on.
DeleteOf course they frown on fraud, but they are too overwhelmed to deal with it. I am self-employed and actually did file for UI and was approved. After a couple payments, my claim was hung up for FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS due to Washington State's big fraud case and they stopped almost everyone's payments, even our legitimate claims. It was not us little individuals who committed fraud, but a huge foreign scam. I actually had to get a nonprofit law firm involved to try and get my claim pushed through, and still, four-and-a-half months it took. You can't get anyone on the phone or their website - they're too inundated.
DeleteSo I know from whence I speak that JW is a teeny, tiny fish in a sea of record unemployment claims and government incompetence. She wouldn't even be a blip on their radar. Period.
They may not notice on their own but they will follow up on fraud tips.
DeleteThey are innumerable cases online in my state where individuals have been investigated and ordered to pay back what they had received in unemployment benefits (in the last six months alone). I agree they turn a blind eye and also have certain departments that investigate fraud which are not the same departments that set up payments or grant the benefits. They would not spot fraud because as you said it's just not on their radar.
However, when they receive a tip speculating possible fraud, the information is forwarded to the correct department and is most definitely followed up on.
The F in JFW not only stands for "fucking" (per her own stupid usage on Twitter), but it could double for fraudulent too.
Lmao LS! Yes, fraudulent is her middle name for sure.
DeleteDM - YUP! That tracks.
DeleteThe F is also a contraction of FFF.
DeleteThe F stands for so many things...
...take yer pick.
I'll also add one of her favorites: "feral." Which would explain the bad body odor that hangs over her like a stench. (Unfortunately, I'm speaking from experience at being around her putrid presence when we lived locally.)
That is so nasty. She actually looks like she smells bad. She always looks so dirty and gross.
DeleteIf FFF is immediately manufacturing a mortgage crisis to leverage money from NG, that would be one of the stupidest, most short-sighted things she could do at this point. NG isn't even invested long-term yet, though I wouldn't be surprised if FFF tried to lock it down with a proposal or something uncomfortably soon. Time will tell. But it's generally the MO of a manipulator to treat a romantic prospect very well for the first year or so before allowing things to deteriorate.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how NG couldn't be aware that FFF is flapping about the mortgage, and I don't know if NG is staying with FFF as a "guest" and thus not expected to contribute yet, but FFF has been referring to herself and NG as "family" since 3 months after they first appeared together on social media, so that SHOULD indicate that FFF's problems are not NG's problems too.
Although I really do want to give NG the benefit of the doubt, and I tend to do this for people to a fault, and to my own detriment, NG has been involved with FFF long enough to know what's up. Either she's swallowed FFF's bait and BELIEVES everything FFF says, (assuming what FFF says to NG is consistent with what FFF says online), in which case NG may yet have an awakening.
There are other factors here too. While NG's family seems nice, NG may have reasons for wanting / needing to move out, and FFF has offered her a place to stay. NG may actually believe that this pattern FFF has established over 10 years will actually change after NG moves in.
My take is that NG isn't actually a scammer herself, but young, maybe isolated, and somewhat naive or vulnerable, and willing to tolerate heaps more horseshit from a potential partner than the average woman out there.
That's my benefit of the doubt for NG. I would bet money she's read some posts and comments here, because if someone I was dating told me they had trolls, I'd sure as shit read up on what they were saying, even if it was just to gauge my own personal risk / safety. So I think we can assume that NG, like FFF has done some reading here.
What we don't know is what FFF has told NG, specifically, about her "trolls". We know FFF is convincing enough for the new followers to fall for her crap time and again over the years. I remember my own early twenties and what I'd believe and fall for back then.
So I am inclined to give NG heaps of leeway here, but only for so long. At some point, NG is a human with enough of a brain to obtain post-secondary education, so she's intelligent enough to observe for herself the shady and immoral ways FFF gets extra money from the internet.
She'd also be able to see how FFF actually pays the mortgage - although it's possible that FFF has regular income and NG hasn't seen the bank account, so doesn't know about it, and believes FFF pays the bills with "sales" and mysterious donations.
NG will eventually work it out on her own, though. A year from now, if NG & FFF are still together, I think it'll be safe to assume NG is in on the scam.
Yes! All this hardcore begging lately is probably for some big fancy ring, just in time for a Christmas propoosa!! <------ (Intentional mispell)
DeleteI'm really scratching my head at NG's involvement, as there is so much not to like about JFW. But like Anon 7:21 (10/18) said, people need time to discover the awfulness for themselves. At first glance, the Pig Shocker's social media, books and furry prop photos ARE impressive. Until you starting looking closer, and you read about the neglect/abuse, and are bombarded with non-stop Twitter begs. Then the rose-colored glasses come off. And next thing you know, you've become a frequent poster here at CAST. What a journey!
Another thought: Like attracts like so maybe NG is a scammer as well with a long con planned to wrest the farm from away from PS.
Instagram Update: and this one is funny.
ReplyDeleteOld photo of pigs in field, caption:
Cold Antler Farm still has a few pork shares available to folks who are able to pick up on the farm next late summer/early fall! It's well in advance, but that's because your money goes to purchase, feed, and care for the pigs AS WELL AS cover all butchering and smoking fees for the meat. There is one price for my 1/4 and 1/2 pigs and I am certain it can't be beat by any other local competitor. Shares work out to an average of 25lbs a 1/4 share and 50lbs a half. You are also welcome to visit and see the pigs you'll be co owning with us! DM for prices and details!
There it is folks - she states pork share prices are meant to cover the feed and processing expenses. That's in contradiction of what happened last month, when she called the butchering costs a big expense.
She will "pay her mortgage" with that money.
Next photo is the same painted pumpkin she posted everywhere else.
You're caught up.
- snoopy anon
Lmao! She's encouraging strangers to visit her hovel during a pandemic (surrrrrrrrrre she is) yet she's supposedly terrified of all of the internet "trolls." 😂😂😂 Bipolar much? Just shows how full of shit she really is. If anyone called to see the invisible pigs, she would have a laundry list of lies/reasons the visit times or days won't work with her schedule.
DeleteIf you are going to sell pigs that the AG found an issue with (as she stated on social media), you should disclose what the issue was and how it was remedied. People want total transparency on the food they buy and legit sellers have no problem providing any and all information. Of course most people are legit and don't have to lie about their livestock.
She might have a friend pose as a "visitor" for photo ops but other than that she would NEVER let a random stranger visit. When strangers see criminal behavior or extreme craziness, they tend to report it and she doesn't want that. Plus that stranger could be there for many other reasons. They could be people who have been ghosted by her after paying for an item, the kickstarter patrons she screwed over for thousands of dollars, scary townspeople who supposedly hate her "lifestyle," animal rights activists, etc. Pig Shocker has way too many secrets to keep because she lies for a living.
I mean, I'd never give her actual money at this point, let alone the $275 - $300 she charges for a 1/4 share, but I am almost tempted to do so just to see what happens. Would I be allowed to visit? What would I see? Would the product actually appear in a year's time? (We know she's stiffed many others of products they've paid for.) If I did get product, would it be the promised $25 lbs? Would it be comparable quality to pork I could walk my ass to the local butcher and purchase right now? Might I even be able to get it quality-tested?
DeleteIt'd be an interesting exercise... except like rescuing a puppy by buying it from a pet shop, I'd be perpetuating the problem.
It would be interesting. My guess is that she is saying she would let someone visit but she would probably cancel at the last minute.
DeleteOf course when people are terrified of online "trolls" and supposed stalkers, they usually invite strangers to their house via social media, right?
Everyday she acts more insane than the last.
I live over 4500 km away, so I'd have to send someone in my place. Would you go? Lol.
DeleteTuition to see CAF in person has always been in the hundreds, hasn't it? Archery lessons? Antlerstock? Rabbit workshop? They all cost over $100, right?
DeleteAnother thing just occurred to me. She's burned through her local patrons completely. I figured she no longer offered CAF local activities like wood chopping and archery and horse driving for insurance reasons - that if anyone was seriously injured on her property and sued her, her insurance wouldn't cover it. If she even has insurance.
But another factor is a probable too - that anyone who might have been interested, and lives within a day's drive of CAF, wouldn't go there if you paid them.
Still, there's a lot of people in NY and surrounding states, so maybe someone will buy one of her pork shares.
so here's some pig math for y'all -
DeleteYield from a reputable processor is 70% of the HCW (hot carcass weight).
25 lbs for a quarter share of a hog means you're getting 100 lbs of product out of it. that means your HCW is probably somewhere around 142lbs.
I'd be embarrassed to send a hog to processing and have it weigh in at 142 pounds.
Carcass weight is typically 72% of the animal's live weight, putting a CAF pig at an average live weight of 197lbs. That's what a typical pastured pig on free-choice grain would weigh at five months old.
And CAF pigs typically live to be nine months old. We know they're hungry because they're always escaping into the woods to forage, so it's not like we need any confirmation that JFW is cutting corners on feed.
Keeping pigs longer than necessary is also a terrible land management practice.
Anyone familiar with her past practices of selling shares, there is always an excuse as to why people don't receive the share that they have already paid for months in advance. It is usually something along the lines of well folks, that's farming! Sorry no refunds, it's all been spent on the livestock.
DeleteRemember the pregnant ewes that were "ready to pop" any minute and then suddenly she said she had made a mistake and they werent pregnant? Um, if a ewe is ready to give birth it is easy to see by looking at her. There is no mistaking a group of pregnant ewes hours away from giving birth.
Once again, Pig Shocker lied to get money and then came up with the reverse pregnancy miracle and people were out of their share and money.
Selling shares of animals is one of her biggest scams and it happens at least once a year.
Maybe someone who was screwed over in the pregnant ewe scam might dm about coming to see the pigs. Then when the married couple turns out to be someone she screwed over accompanied by their attorney, they might actually get to tell her about how they are going to sue her as well as get a quick look around.
I would recommend calling local law enforcement to go with them to the property so that what takes place is witnessed, along with filming the interaction.
I'm sure LLE are well aware of the psych case living in their town.
There's that Ponzi scheme again!
DeleteMore like a a schizo scheme! 😁
DeleteShe can't even pull off a Ponzi scheme. And No one wants to visit the "head hog" of Cold Corpses Farm. It's Green Fakers at its worst.
The only Pig on the property lives in the house with an obviously mentally challenged roommate.
DeleteOnly 50 lbs for a half pig? It should be 60-70 lbs if she grows them out to about 250, which is average. Why can't she just list her prices? Because when someone contacts her for a price, she "feels them out" on how much she can scam out of them?
DeleteAnyone familiar with the Casey Anthony case? When her daughter disappeared, investigators found that she had lied about a litany of things in her life. One lie being that she was currently employed by Disney in Orlando. Investigators found out that she did not work there but gave her enough rope to hang herself so to speak. They asked her to show them exactly where she worked within Disney. Not only did she happily agree to show them she doubled down on the lie. It wasn't until they had walked thru the Disney building on their way to her office area and ended up in a dead end hallway that she turned to investigators and said "I don't work here."
DeletePig Shocker is a Casey Anthony type liar. It's easy to say DM me to see the pigs and then either not respond, respond with an excuse as to why they can't come over on any day or time that works for the visitor(s) or I could easily see her inviting the person to come by and then when they get there have an excuse as to why the pigs aren't there or why they are obviously newly acquired piglets.
Now with the pigs being in "freezer camp" (what a nutjob) and saying she was getting piglets to fill the "remaining" shares, she has set up her latest lie.
I have maintained that she has not had any livestock since the animal abuse investigation in july of 2018. There have been no new photos of pigs. Any that might possibly be new contain only a close up of the pigs in the photo with none of the background visable. Those pigs could be anywhere.
Now the pigs have suddenly been butchered without any mention of the butchering (which in the past, PS has ALWAYS begged for money to pay for the butchering, even though she always claimed that the payment for the share covered the butchering).
I wonder how long it took for Pig Shocker and NG to come up with that lie? It would be difficult to argue that NG isn't in on this one when she had been living there for at least a couple of months...
I remember the Anthony case -- good comparison there re the lying. The Pig Shocker might say, "Oh, there not here cuz I lent them out for a wedding photo shoot."
DeleteI'm not exaggerating at all when I say that all the talk about her mystery meat spam shares makes me nauseas...especially when I see pics of it on her Twitter. Ugh.
(And thanks, snoopy anon for updating those of us who avoid signing up with the Facebook-owned Instagram.)
Yes, thank you for keeping us updated on the things that make us vomitous eruptous to look at!
DeleteAnon 705: Thanks for the pig math. Nine months? She was selling pork shares in May 2020 so did those people get their pork this fall? I haven't seen any testimonials. She did share a retweet, but I thought that was a friend who ate bacon at her house.
ReplyDeleteMy impression is she sells pork shares twice a year, and each time the harvest is further and further in the future.
If it takes nine months to finish one of her pigs, why the hell would she expect anyone to pay her a year in advance?
In all these years I've only seen 1 or 2 testimonials on Twitter, and never with any photos of the meals made from them.
DeleteI wouldn't be surprised if her shares turned out to be re-packaged pork from the local food pantry.
I wouldn't be surprised either. Not once has she ever shown any of the pork packaged up and ready to go to the share owners. She has only shown the butchering and the remains of the animals thrown into the woods (🤢🤮photo taken by her fav photographer).
DeleteThe times she actually had pigs to butcher, I wouldn't be surprised if the meat was diseased or infected and not suitable for sale and therefore never packaged.
Yeah, you'd think that just ONCE in the 10 year history that there'd be at lease ONE photo of the packaged product. Nope. Hey, I wonder what would happen if someone local called all the area butchers to find out whether any of them process her pork.
DeleteThe could mention they were highly recommended by CAF, to which the butcher might say,
"Cold Antler huh?"
"Jenna Woginwhat?"
"Never heard of her."
So true! Someone posted on here who she claims is the person who butchers her pigs. Someone could also call him and say the same thing. I would bet he would say she hasn't called him to butcher anything in the last two years and that she owes him money. Money she has collected from strangers at least five times over for a single visit.
DeleteAnyone know what breed of pigs she gets? IPP cross? Something else?
ReplyDeletewait a second, I found it: she gets YORKSHIRES! Per her own blog post here:
Don't they finish at 400 lbs live weight at least??? So 72% of live weight = 288lbs HCW, 70% of which = 200 lbs total yield. TWICE AS MUCH as she's selling in shares.
Yep. She's selling every share twice, or she's doing something terribly wrong to get an industrial breed to finish at half the weight they're supposed to.
Do I have this right????
It sounds like the yearly scam math. In previous years, shamsters have calculated that she's definitely selling each share at least twice.
DeleteOh wait, here's a post that puts pigs at CAF size:
"During slaughter, a healthy Yorkshire would normally weigh 200 pounds in average. They are mostly considered for butchering at 6 months of age. In some cases, they might weigh in excess of 335-350 pounds."
But then this site states "...where at approximately 6 months they reach a desired slaughter weight of above 280 pounds, which will produce an approximate 210 pound carcass."
So that would again put CAF pigs on the sadly small side.
I am not a pig farmer, so I don't know. Anon 705 mentioned they'd be ashamed if their pigs finished at 200lbs live weight, so I can assume their pigs finish at closer to 300 lbs?
here's the second site I neglected to link:
DeleteMore like YIKESHIRES after JFW is done "caring" for them.
DeleteAnyone notice that Pig Shocker hasn't offered "fiddle" lessons in a long time? I would like to think that we helped get the word out about the lesson scams. We posted the video of her horrible public screechfest and went into detail showing exactly what she was doing wrong (everything) and what a waste of money the lessons are not to mention the disappointment in driving hours to a music lesson only to pay hundreds of dollars for a lunatic to show someone how to play an instrument that she can't play at all. I would bet there were more than a few people who were furious when they heard her attempt to play for the first time.
ReplyDeleteYep, I've also noticed the lack of lessons being offered. We've heard her play before in Cambridge. My ears have been permanently damaged due to her screeching sounds on the fiddle. She's a total hack.
Back when she used to play on her porch all the nearby screech owls no doubt learned a new tune or two.
DeleteWDH, here are the ridiculous prices she charged for her lessons which included a cheap China-made fiddle:
4 Hour Half Day (8-12AM or noon-4PM)
1 person: $250
2 people: $400
each additional person: $120 each.
Full Day (hour lunch break) 8-4PM
Includes all 4 hour skills plus shuffling and droning
1 person: $375
2 people: $600
each additional person: $120 each
I can't believe anyone would pay those prices to such a low-skilled novice. Just check out this YouTube video:
Her poor neighbors.
Holy shit, how no one ever punched her in her fat face is beyond me. I also remember that lunch was not included or at her crib and the last lessons mentioned on her social media weren't at her house but instead at some public space in town.
DeleteSo people were driving hours to the lesson, paying those ridiculous prices and it didn't even include lunch or a tour of her supposed farm. Tubby should have been kicked right in the ass for that scam.
Wow, that's lousy. I thought she was selling her "brand" which like you say, SHOULD have included a tour and lunch. Otherwise, what's the point? So maybe that's why she's not offering lessons anymore. Also, no recent mention of archery lessons either. Perhaps insurance liability issues are the reason?
DeleteThe reason that lunch wasn't offered was because only her fat ass could crouch on the top of the stairs and scarf down pan pizza. (Like she's bragged about before.)
DeleteWDH. I think that she's compared her slovenly self to a Yeti, Sasquatch or Hobbit. Which seems so fitting and also unappealing. Here's a past post of hers which relates to what we discuss here. Of course, the comments are her usual group of dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters. She also mentions wanting to find a man. I guess that the born-again-lesbian hadn't surfaced yet. There are numerous grammatical errors which she still won't take time to edit, too. In short, almost a decade later, very little has changed at Cold Corpses Farm:
DeleteMonday, February 25, 2013
The Real Jenna
"One of the workshop attendees confessed I was not what she was expecting. She didn't say she was disappointed or pleasantly surprised, that I was just different. She could not have been a more kind person, and in no way did I take offense. We blew over that bit of conversation fairly fast that day, but in truth I thought about this all night.
When you come to this farm, do not expect the voice from the blog. In person I am a very blunt, in every way. I am built like a war Hobbit, short and squat and stocky. I look exactly like a woman who hauls bales of hay, buckets of water, milks goats, and bosses around stubborn ponies. I'm also blunt in how I talk and interact. I am louder than I would like to be. When I get comfortable around folks (which takes me about 40 seconds) I have a mouth like a sailor (albeit and elegant one). You don't hear that tone on the blog, but in person you meet a swarthy dairy maid with a gutter mouth. I write pretty things, but that's really the only pretty thing about me.
I think the blog also gives folks the idea I have a sense of serenity I certainly do not have in person. I write how I feel when I am writing, which is calm. Sitting down to write means I am forcing myself into a type of meditation. I am still, breathing slow, my mind focused. When I write my heartbeat is down and I am not thinking about losing my home insurance or my grocery list. So what you read is a mental trot of considered things. But at a workshop I am talking fast, running around, and probably still red-faced and hay flecked from morning chores.
I guess you should expect a Tornado. Be ready for the occasional vulgarity accompanied by a body and a force of will ready to run into battle with a war axe. That's the best preparation I can give you for real-life Jenna.
Also, I am working really hard on being more like the Jenna who writes. Really, really, hard. This blog is my journey towards an authentic self I feel inside, know inside, and am fighting like mad to achieve. You read on here about my goals to work with this farm, make things happen on the soil. But most of the work is between the lines, a healthier person in every way. My real goals are to be physically healthier, emotionally healthier, and to find a man out there whose willing to put up with the journey and who I am so excited about I feel like a member of a two-person fan club. Perhaps this post is all about my anxiety over not being the person I am expecting? That's probably the heart of it. But like I said, I am working on it. I hope we all get to meet this Jenna soon. She's got a lot of work to do when she arrives!
Also, here's a photo of a dog in a hat in case you think I am being too broody."
Yeah, asshat, we get it. You're unattractive and have zero personality and speak as though you were raised in a cage and never saw the inside of a school.
DeleteIf she wasn't such a cruel hag, I would say she most definitely has some form of asperger's. But people with asperger's aren't usually cruel and they are often a genius in one area (such as music, computers, etc.).
LOL WHS... raised in a cage. snort!
DeleteI would like to add, though, that you can't generalize about people with Asperger's any more than you can about people in the larger population. My son was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 12. Yes, he's brilliant. No, he's not cruel in the least. Doesn't have a mean bone in his body. I also worked in a school district with kids on the spectrum that were the most severely impacted by autism. Yes, they have their condition in common, but THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT, just like "normal" kids.
As an example, the teen (19) who stockpiled guns, had an arsenal of weaponry, and threatened to kill Biden recently also had Asperger's. I recall another teen who shot up a school had been diagnosed with Asperger's, as well.
"According to court documents, Treisman’s attorney noted he has been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome."
JW generalizes, and I hate when she does that. It just serves to alienate people and keep bias going. Okay, rant over. LOL
I agree with you about her cruelty. I too think she might be on the spectrum, but her cruelty doesn't have to do with that particular condition. I frankly don't know what's "wrong" with her, but I do know she is one psychologically effed up individual.
DH totally agree. I have a family member who works in temporary care for people with disabilities. Most of her clients have Down Syndrome but they also have clients with autism. She has stories that would make your toes curl but it's the same with all human beings. There's bound to be a bad apple in every group.
DeleteFrom PSs latest bleg: "Pigs are in their new homes for freezer camp with new piglets raising for the next lot of owed shares."
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck does this mean? Is it her admission that pigs were butchered...or is she admitting that someone else is raising the pigs?
I think that it's her usual method of manipulating people about the pigs.
Haven't a clue. This sentence makes no sense and is intentionally confusing.
DeleteImplies that piglets are already born for the next round of shares, so they should be weaned and moved to CAF in 6-8 weeks. But it's ambiguous to make you think she's farrowing out her own sows which I hope to God she's not. Line breeding underage gilts that were never vaccinated or wormed... ugh.
She has never mentioned how she gets her pigs in a trailer. That can be the trickiest part of pig farming, because it requires skill to get pigs to trust you and go where you want them to. So I doubt she moved them to another farm. She probably just moved them into a pen where the butcher can shoot them.
She claims to use Greg Stratton for processing. He isn't requiring deposits this year because of covid (nobody is cancelling, and if they do he has a wait list a mile long).
All a newbie needs to know about her butchery is this terrible line that she wrote: "I put the laughter back in slaughter." JFW is a sadistic, animal abusing POS.
DeleteShe's doing a lot more drinking or meth lately as she makes less and less sense everyday. Suddenly the pigs are gone because they have been butchered?
DeleteNot hardly. She never had any in the first place. Now she claims to have piglets? Sounds like a brand new load of Whackadoodle horseshit.
That mess of a sentence is one of many reasons she's not going to get another book published... unless she self-publishes again.
DeleteBirchthorn really killed her writing career. Despite the so-so content of the books subsequent to Made From Scratch, she was publishing regularly until Birchthorn came out and was a horrific mess.
I am not a mean-hearted person. I really did, and a part of me still does, want to see Jenna succeed *at being a good farmer, and a good person*.
I guess it's all my years in public service that's trained me to see the behaviour as separate from the person. Her choices are shitty. That's putting it mildly. I want her to make different ones.
But if there's anything the last ten years has shown about JW, is she is frustratingly opposed to change, to constructive criticism, and to personal accountability.
Get therapy, Jenna. All the cool lesbians have done it.
Somethings are unforgivable imo. She has never admitted fault or truly sought help to be better. She has only lied to get pity donations and that's all she will ever do. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
DeleteI could not care less if Pig Shocker had to live in a cardboard box in a gutter in the bowels of hell. The only thing that I care about, that has anything to do with her, are the remaining animals who depend on that psychopath for their survival. Imo she is beyond redemption.
She has zero interest in changing her lazy loser lifestyle. I think that she actually enjoys bilking victims out of their money.
It's a vendetta. Peers have always recognized her as a narcissistic sociopath and, starting when she was younger, they treated her as such. Social pariahs are usually (and appropriately) shunned. Now she feels powerful when she can take from other people. What she fails to realize is that people can easily get another $60 but she will always be a condescending, socially inept, unattractive, narcissistic sociopath.
DeleteWDH. The fact that her nasty nickname was "the beast" in high school is indicative of who she still is now.
The usual and never ending Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"If you can throw towards the writing, please do!"
Kick in, throw in, toss in...
If she didn't use euphemisms like that and had to straight-up say "Give me money" she probably wouldn't beg as often as she does. Same goes with her favorite "earn up" lameness.
Lmao! She should pay people to read her "righting."
DeleteShe's a rotten "righter." Her hyperbolic purple prose is overwrought, and the underlying message is manipulative marketing for free funds. The only reason that her past books were popular was because of the timing. The homesteading interest was peaking when she was published.
Hey Jenna! I know you read here, so may I present to you a fuckity-fantastic solution for your perpetual need for firewood:
Think about've got tons of animal shit all over the place (including your own!). And you never seem to have any money. So, all you gotta do is set down the whisky bottle and march your lazy ass outside to collect it! Simple as that!!
Benefits include:
*Cheaper than most modern fuels
*Alleviates local pressure on wood resources
*Readily available - short walking time required to collect fuel
*No cash outlays necessary for purchase!
*Safe disposal of animal poo!!
*Sustainable and renewable energy source!!!
It's a win-win situation for everyone because the animals will no longer have to eat shit-flavored hay, and you'll save so much money too! And Twitter will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief with no longer having to "throw in" to keep your warm butt warmer! So go for it!!!
Is anybody watching "The Con" on ABC? The first episode was last night and I could not help but think of Jenna's numerous scams and deceptions.
ReplyDeleteA description: the series will introduce the audience to victims and perpetrators of too good to be true offers and the destruction left in the wake of these scams. It will reveal how the victims were fooled and the cost of their false trust - emotional and financial.
One of the takeaways from last night stated that scammers aren't smarter than the people they are conning, they just know how to use emotion to get what they want. And that is just what Jenna does...she uses emotion to separate her marks from their money.
So true. She most definitely isn't smarter than those she takes advantage of she just comes across as pathetic and a huge loser. It's all pity donations even when someone "buys" the garbage she makes.
DeleteYeah, that's exactly what she does, she appeals to people's emotions. The fact that it works to a certain degree reinforces her behaviour, but it ultimately undermines her self-esteem... unless she has an empathy deficit, which there seems to be evidence for...
DeleteSome uplifting news!
ReplyDeletePet portraits. Far better than FFF, and you have better chance of getting your product (artist has so many requests, he says it's a lottery at this point). Oh, and all money goes to charity!
1) It is NOT a farm. She has PETS as props for donations, and her PONZI scheme. The pigs don't even exist.
ReplyDelete2) There IS no grass left, and we know this because of the photos SHE shares.
3) She goes through 60 bales of hay at the VERY least a month. Her barn cannot store that many. Not if she has ANYTHING else in it.
4) The ewes ARE STILL LAMBS! And GOD FORBID she breeds them. There is NO FOOD for them!
5) No one cares about your sexuality but you. Literally NO ONE.
The tapestry of lies that she floats out is worthy of a dead beat emmy.
WOW: "The tapestry of lies that she floats out is worthy of a dead beat emmy." You've nailed it, thanks.
"Dead Beat Emmy" 😂😂😂
DeleteLmao! Great!
DeleteAnonymous 5:37, PDD, WDH: Her lazy loser lifestyle is so bad that it wouldn't even be worthwhile making a mediocre movie of it. Can you imagine who'd play the part of JFW?!
Cathy Bates if they used a ton of makeup to make her look really rough. Much bigger nose, bad skin, crazy eyebrows, bald spots and a wonky eye. It would be Annie Wilkes revisited just crazier.
DeleteWDH. I agree with your choice. I also had the feeling that you'd say Cathy Bates, but she might balk at the idea of playing a real life loser like JFW.
I linked an above post called "The Real Jenna" written by the FFF years ago. I think that a good topic for this site would be our version of hers. Here are some of my own ideas:
ReplyDelete* Pathological liar
* Online beggar for free funds
* Sadistic animal abuser (using them as pet props for photo ops)
* Bad body odor
* Repellent on every level
* Braggart with an arrogant attitude
* No sense of style (ugly lemur dress, hokey kilts, ugly Indiana Jones hat, bile brown pleather jacket)
* Pretentious poser and wannabe
* Cyber-stalker of Taylor Swift and other female celebrities.
* Sociopath who has no scruples
* Rotten "righter"
* Gate-keeper/gaslighter
* Sensitive but only to her own selfishness
* White trash mentality when it comes to maintaining her hovel
* Major manipulative personality/likely other mental illnesses
* Inauthentic in every endeavor (farming, fiddling, running, hiking etc...)
Any that you want to add?
Forgot to sign my initials "LS."
DeleteWDH, PDD, WIW, DM, Anon7 etc... No comments on my long list? I would've thought that you'd chime in with your own.
LS, I think you've got it pretty much covered! I haven't been able to read in a couple days, as we got a winter storm (in October!) and broke records for snowfall here. Now it's about 10 degrees... So, I spent the last couple days working outside to ready my flock/coop for the cold. (Unlike some "homesteaders" who take a survival-of-the-fittest attitude...)
DeleteAfter our 6" of snow, I shoveled paths to the chicken hangouts under the huge spruce trees. No snow under there, and that's where I feed them to avoid mice inside the coop. They don't have a fenced or covered run - they free range, so it was necessary for them to be able to come to their usual spot.
Then for the coop, which is large at 10x12 feet. I cleaned out the nest boxes (where some of them also sleep), cleaned the roost, added fresh bedding. There's two big turbine style vents in the ceiling, which I cover from the inside to prevent cold air from sinking in. Also, there's a vent that runs the length of the coop along one side at the bottom. That had to be covered, too. My chickens and ducks are buttoned up nicely. Heads-up, JW - it takes the dreaded four-letter word, WORK, to keep animals properly.
I've never heard our FFF explain any of these type of maintenance chores in detail - because she DOESN'T DO THEM. For a homesteading channel like hers, that should be the meat of it. It's interesting and informative to people who want to start homesteading, but there's a total lack of substance in that regard from her.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the "chicken wrangling" I had to do to get these spring-hatched pullets, who've never seen snow, back in the coop! I had to physically net a couple of them because they did not want to cross even the shoveled paths I had made to get back inside. LOL
DeleteDM. So right! I love reading about actual country life - like your winter chicken coop prep and chicken wrangling! Ha! Sorry to hear you already have snow, but not surprised.
DeleteHere we haven't had snow yet (how nice!), and somehow we've dodged the big frost (although it's coming this week), but fall is another busy time for people who live in the country and actually take care of their properties and animals.
We've taken down five large trees (mostly courtesy of summer storms), two of which we'll keep for future firewood. Three trees will go to a friend who heats with wood, because we cannot use our wood fast enough. (Yes, we could sell the wood, but friends help friends and he heats his home with it.). We chipped up all the brush, leaves and small branches (which will become mulch!) and we'll store the remainder of the wood for next year.
Perennial and vegetable gardens were also prepped for winter. This meant harvesting, cutting back, freshening the compost top coat and turning over if needed. Hanging flowering plants, like Nasturtium, were brought inside along with favorite tender herbs: rosemary, sage, oregano and lemon grass. I've planted garlic and seeded spinach and arugula (in a cold frame) for an early spring harvest. Still in the gardens are Swiss chard, kale and sorrel.
We also winterized the animal barns: took out summer screens, put in storm windows and repaired/added wind protectors. We bought additional heated buckets because animals drink a lot of warm water in the winter and if a heater dies during a cold snap, animals need an immediate replacement. We also cleaned and repaired animal sheets and blankets: summer fly sheets and masks were stored, while previously-cleaned winter blankets were checked over before bad weather hits.
And inside kitchen work? Whew. I made a delicious rhubarb cordial, drunken grapes, candied jalapenos and rhubarb vinegar. I canned tomatoes, salsa, jams, peppers and dried all sorts of herbs. Kale and wild Chickweed have been frozen along with cubes of basil pesto. I forage for wild mushrooms which are usually sauteed and frozen for winter soups and stews - I still have a few giant Puffballs to dehydrate. And I'm late in starting my teensy indoor hydroponic garden which I use for basil, dill and winter greens.
I mostly love reading what other country folks do because it gives me great ideas for my own farm. This year, based on what I read, I tried rhubarb cordial and candied jalapenos for the first time (OMG, both are excellent). I've made homemade organic dog treats (salmon for one and dehydrated sweet potatos for the other) from a shared recipe THIS is the content I'd like to read about - guessing I'm not alone.
Love it PDD! Thanks for sharing. I have a lot of other irons in the fire, as you do, but just wanted to share my last couple days of poultry prep. I don't know if you keep poultry, but I'm going to try setting up a fodder system in the house to grow green feed for them this winter. They're used to getting their greens in summer free ranging, but providing some in winter is my goal. There's a lot of YouTube channels on how to do this, and it's not expensive or difficult. Just takes maintenance and rotation. Voila! A taste of summer in the middle of winter.
DM, PDD. The contrast between what you two do, and the lack of effort at Cold Corpses Farm or Homestead Hovel 101 is striking. Please keep posting your preparations. I find it interesting, and am sure that others do too. Thanks.
I love reading those type of posts! You guys kick ass and run circles around Pig Shocker!
DeleteDid I mention I'm in my 60s??? LOLOL I love running circles around someone 25 years my junior. ;-)
That is awesome, you go Duck Mama!!
DeleteSorry LS! I spent the weekend messing with a kitchen sink AND trying to finish sorting thru all the voting stuff.
DeleteIt's a great list. Very complete. The only thing I'd add is how extremely unintelligent and very, very stupid she is. But that really goes without saying, I suppose.
Instagram Update:
ReplyDeleteTwo videos. One is the chick pecking the camera with the “vote” caption. Same as on twitter.
Second video is a leashed flight of Hamish in Patty’s field, to Jenna’s glove, saying he is nearly ready to hunt.
Over on Patty’s instagram is the same video, plus a photo of Jenna she did not post on her own instagram.
She’s wearing the kilt and the hat, a green shirt I haven’t seen on her before. It’s long sleeve, asymmetrical hem, four buttons at a 45degree angle at the collar bone, with either a hood or caul neckline. Looks handmade or indie design, synthetic fabric or blend would be my guess based on how it hangs. It’s not a practical garment is my point, and while I see why she selected this style as it’s consistent with the image she likes to construct, it doesn’t really fit well. She must have bought it online.
It seems she got dressed up for a photo shoot with the hawk and didn’t like the resulting shots.
Her green shirt is available on Amazon. Guessing she thought an asymmetrical hem and diagonal buttons would make her look slim.
DeleteLS. Suffering from Jenna fatigue. Her faked feral lifestyle is so contrived and so poorly done, sometimes I can't even...
Take the latest video of her visiting PP, with her poor captive hawk, tied up, coming to her fat paw to eat BECAUSE SHE KEEPS HIM HUNGRY SO HE WILL COME TO HER FOR FOOD.
She obviously "dressed to impress" as she imagined a hawkster would look. All the checks. Her ugly Indiana Jones hat, a new green tunic (Amazon Prime, where all,people who cannot pay their mortgages buy frivolous purchases), brown kilt and high leather boots, with messenger-style bag.
Unfortunately, the whole ensemble is hideous. Tunic material is thin and her body has definitely NOT been smashing mountains, roads, hills or exercise equipment so the tunic showcases her flabby middle. If the fabric was heavier, it might work, but it would still look fake as hell.
Now I try not shame people for body types and I don't care if she's big or little. It's the hypocrisy of constantly bragging about her commendable physical exercise - while looking like this - that's too much.
The hawk doesn't need her fat ass to hunt. It's able to do perfectly fine on it's own.
DeleteIf you arent using falconry to hunt for the falconer's food, why the hell are you putting the hawk through that just to have it hunt to feed itself?
That's the most idiotic notion EVER. If you Google falconry kills, REAL falconers hunt for a ton of game. She has never, with any of her hawk victims, brought in game like that.
She looks like, once AGAIN, a conservation wildlife group has visited the lock down mental institution to let the patients pose for a photo with the hawk.
Also, tell me again how tubs in the kilt runs "miles" on the regular and hikes with a "heavy pack." If she does, the pack must be in a little red wagon that she pulls behind her.
PDD. I get the "Jenna fatigue." Funny how she hasn't whipped out the ugly muscleman photo this year to brag about how physically fit she is from faux farming, "running 3-5Ks," and also "mountain smashing." Her "hypocrisy" knows no bounds.
Anyone who believes that a 200+ lb woman who is COMPLETELY out of shape and clinically obese is running miles on a concrete road on a regular basis without any injuries needs to educate themselves.
DeleteUnless she is robotic, it isn't possible, period.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they know what kind of monster they are associating their products with? How many hawks have "disappeared"? Not a good look and I absolutely won't be purchasing anything from the company and will spread the word.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one that I've also linked before here.
I think she has made her twitter account private again. When you click on it you have to do it 2 times to get in and now it only shows one or 2 tweets. I am no good with twitter but think this is what is happening.
ReplyDeleteTwitter has been having site access issues for a few weeks now, too.
Private = less future victims. We can hope.
DeleteIt's acting wonky for me. Like something is taking forever to load on that page. Doesn't scroll smoothly at all.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCorrected copy below.
DeleteThat photo of her is just not...
That is all.
The pic is here for those who haven't seen it:
Fuck she's fat. And complete with uni-boob, too. So much for "mountain smashing" and running races. Right.
The 'uni-boob' is because of the bra - I wear the same ones, they're cheap and comfortable. I recognize the strap.
DeleteI know I'm a terrible troll to say this, and I'm not coming to her defense in other areas, but Jenna's body does not need or deserve criticism.
I'm significantly larger than Jenna and I am fully capable of a day's physical work. A friend of mine who is a nurse and does a minimum of 30K steps a day, while volunteering for search and rescue on her off time, has 100 lbs on me due to hormonal issues. She actually did run a marathon last year. Exercise and diet are only contributors to body type. The major predictor is genetics.
Big people can do shit, I wish the majority of posters here could understand that concept. Jenna's size and body are not in any way indicators that she is or isn't a runner, or a farmer.
For those of you who are thin, check your privilege please. You're not just shitting on Jenna when you drag her body.
Jenna looks like 10 lbs of shit crammed into a 2 lb bag.
DeleteAnimal abusers who scam for a living won't ever be exempt from public criticism. Discussing all of her lies paints a bigger picture. She isn't physically fit because she's on social media 24/7 and can't be pulled away from it. That's why she doesnt have a job and why she was investigated for animal abuse. Purporting a lie that she is anything other than a lazy asshole who refuses to work will be called out on this site. We aren't trying to please anyone who reads content or comments on this site. We are trying to get the word out about a psychopath and if the truth upsets someone, too bad.
JFW is criticized for her animal abusing, scrappy scamming and online begging. But her obese body is also part of the package, because of her hypocrisy in claiming that she wears a small size and is in great shape. Would we call the Pillsbury Doughboy sleek? Of course not. So it's the same with her. We've personally seen her huffing around town. She's far from being fit. I've never said that fat folks can't accomplish anything that they're capable of doing. But when one brags about an attribute that's clearly a lie, then what they're falsely purporting deserves to be discussed.
Courtesy of Amazon Prime, you too can look like a fake feral Robin' Hood (get it?), while bemoaning your inability to pay your mortgage or feed your animals: Miagooo Uneven Hemline Hoody Shirt Pocket Tunic Long Sleeve Casual Tops
The jolly green giant!
DeleteYeah, and it's more like The Jerky Green Jenna.
DeleteMore evidence of donation money spent on stuff she doesn't need.
DeleteBTW: The dumb twat still has a public profile on Twitter as of this afternoon. So any issues with seeing it are due to the site's issues.