
Of course I don't Know...but I don't think she has pigs.  I don't think she has sold any shares for a long time.  
We do know she lies.  We do know that there have been zero legitimate pictures.  Even when she said her pig had babies.  No details.  Did she have a boar?  I would think she would be terrified to have a boar.  Never talked about the pregnant sow.  She would know nothing about having piglets.  Baby pigs are cute....there should be tons of pictures.  Never any talk of loading up the pigs or the butcher coming.  Years ago she talked in gory detail about the butchering.
I believe none of this is happening.  No details, no stray comments about. "People coming to pick up meat", no nothing.


  1. I agree, she lies. One can write anything on the internet, and it's very hard to fact check.

  2. Her whole life is lies.


    1. Lol, you should DM her to ask how much to make phrase that into a t-shirt logo.

  3. She has shown a lot of narcissistic sociopathic behavior. Lying comes easy to them. They even believe their own lies. She may be telling the truth or she may be lying. Unless I see irrefutable proof of something she claims, to me it’s a lie or at best an embellishment of the truth.

  4. as I said before I do NOT believe she got some kind of inspection or there would be pictures. We have not seen any pictures of things since the letter she got with the job application in it with her own writing on the envelope. She was called out that time (after dramatically falling to the ground) and she hasn't shown any of her good reports since that time since we know she is lying and others might finally figure it out also.

  5. Twit Shit:

    "Almost there!!! Working on the last 1/4 of this goal!!! Trying to make it by Tuesday!"

    It's her infamous "fraction finances" again. The message is "PayPal me now, bitches!!!"

    "Guys! Got a new roommate today! He's a young male red tail, no name yet, but trapped next to train tracks. Name suggestions welcome!"

    Guys! Got a new bird victim today! He's going to be trapped in my hovel, and forced to perch on my Mac while watching Taylor Swift videos. Name suggestions welcome! I said that the next one would be called Anna Wintour, even if it's male, but lied about it like everything else. I hope that he stays alive for awhile. After all, the other hawks died under my care. But I'm a pretentious poser, and need him for more photo ops.


    Her stupid poll is soliciting followers for dumb names. She's moronic beyond belief.


    1. She'll also show the hawk off at "her bar" in town like it's a new toy. I recall that pic last year with the poor bird roasting in the hot sun while fat ass drank herself stupid inside. He's nothing more than a prop for her faux farm. Her animal abusing makes me sick.

    2. "Doomed" should have been one of the poll name choices. Cuz it is.

  6. Totally agree HD!!!!

    I've been saying all along that the pigs are just more of her BULLSHIT lies. I doubt she has any livestock.

    Photos are either cropped so close to the animals that you cannot see the background, so therefore they could be located anywhere, or the animals are young and small and easily transported to her shit property for a photo opp.

    I now have the opinion that she doesnt own any pigs AND none of her acquaintances are letting her pretend that their pigs are hers. Therefore the share selling is a total scam. When people who have paid MONTHS ahead for a share don't receive their share (because they don't exist) there will be some excuse as to why she couldn't provide their share.

    This is something that needs to be investigated by authorities. I have screenshots of what she is purported to be selling and investigators can stop by to see if she does indeed have the animals. Of course she will tell them that she hasn't acquired the pigs yet but little does she realize it can easily be proven fraudulent.

    1. WH: I agree. Everything she writes/says, is to scam money from people. The animals are, and have always been props in her little play. It is CLASSIC narcissism, where other people/animals are extensions of her. They exist to support her only. People like her are stains on society. I used to be much more understanding about her, because I do get that it is a mental disease, but I know *too* many people who have learned by seeing that everyone leaves them--- that they need to start looking within. These people work hard to be better people, or at least leave people alone. Not her. She is very happy using, and abusing people, and animals. So, my sympathy is gone.

    2. Whackadoodle - All great points, agreed. The lack of new photos sets off everyone's hinky meter. As for the CSA scam, I asked on the last page but don't think anyone answered: If she tells her future meat share buyers that sOmEThINg HApPEnd and there's no meat to distribute, does she legally have to pay them back? Either fully or partially?

      Like those folks who invested in yellow liver cyst meat...did they see a refund?

  7. Weird how hardly anyone here has commented on her new hawk.

    1. Neither did anyone in Twitter world. The only comment she got was a suggestion of "Freedom" as the name to give it, which is clearly a reference to what she SHOULD be doing with it- letting it go. She has no business trapping wild animals as a hobby. Animals she will do *nothing* with. It's sadistic.

    2. She won't do anything with them except let them die.

      A member of her defunct pagan group posted on the old site that a hawk died "in PS's house overnight."
      PS posted that the hawk had flown away or disappeared.

      The hawk mentioned in the nyt article, also seemed to disappear as PS said she "never saw (the hawk) again."

      Another time, PS described going to buy bandaids and the cashier mentioning the cuts on her face. Shortly after, she said she "released" the hawk she had at the time. No photos or videos of the release as she had documented previously with the one hawk she actually appeared to release.
      One can conclude the hawk (most likely in self defense) scratched/clawed her face and then she injured or killed it.

      Just like with the pigs, I seriously doubt that she has a new hawk. Just because she takes photos of an animal doesn't mean that animal is in her care or lives on her property. We all know how much she depends on the animals for pity donations. People feel terrible for the innocent animals who have to rely on that crazy, maniacal twat for their survival.
      Without the animal props, she wouldn't get nearly the amount of pity $ she has come to rely on to pay her bills. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that she would tell any lie she possibly could to portray herself as owning livestock and the various hawks.

    3. Wow, you guys aren't kidding...there's not any comments on any of those long-winded tweets. Sounds like her foollowers have prop-hawk fatigue. Guess she'll have to think up another type of animal prop to groom and traffic for money. Maybe next she'll search for strays and start a "Save the Barn Cats" racket?

  8. Ugh, too bad she seems to have caught another hawk. Let’s hope this one survives her care.

    1. This was discussed days ago above, and the hawk will die one way or the other.

    2. Anon 5:38, who are you, the posting police? Sheesh. I assume it was you who also made that similar comment a couple weeks ago.

    3. Anon 5:38 didn't say DONT POST ABOUT THE NEW HAWK because someone already mentioned it. They only said it was discussed days ago above and that the hawk will end up dead. Which is reasonable in that assumption considering how many others have met their demise after being captured and held by PS.

    4. I'm the original 5:38, and WDH is correct about my comment. It looks like someone has her panties in a bunch. "Sheesh."

  9. This was written on Jon Katz site about a week ago:
    "Just thought I'd share this. I paid Jenna 125.00 several years back for a cloak. After reminder emails for a year I finally gave up. She told me she was much to busy to get to it 8 months after I paid her but she might have time in the fall. Then she changed her email. Jenna is a different kind of homesteader. I'll give her that."

    She has flat out stolen money from so many people.

    1. Could you please link the post? He's a prolific writer, and it would help. Thanks!

    2. I took time today scrolling through all of his September posts, and still couldn't find any reference to the cloak.


  10. This is it:

    1. If just one person would take the time to take her to court or report her to the FTC for ecommerce fraud, it could make a difference.

      The porky thief has gotten away with this for so long because the amounts usually aren't worth pursuing in court. BUT it is so easy to report it to the FTC online. They have fairly strict rules such as if a merchant promises an item within a certain amount of time and it is not received, the FTC can take action.
      Not receiving it at all is a definite FTC party foul.

      Maybe someone could post the FTC info on FB for the victim.

    2. Sorry, but that Facebook post is from 2016 not a recent blog. This is kinda confusing about the cloak. I don't doubt that it exists, but it's impossible to find.

    3. And the Facebook post doesn't mention anything about Jon Katz and a cloak.

    4. The referenced post is from Jon Katz's Facebook page, originally from 2016. The referenced comment was posted a week ago with another comment added today. After watching FFF continue her begfest for four MORE years, I wonder what Jon (or more importantly, his wife Maria) would think of all the drama FFF has inflicted on readers and the community since that 2016 post?

    5. PDD. Thanks. Could you please post the second comment today? I'm not on Facebook, so can't see it.

    6. It was implied earlier that Jon Katz wrote the cloak comment, but now it seems like one of his Facebook followers did. Which was confusing until I sussed it out.

    7. Anon, sure. "Jenna works it so that people pay for something way in advance and then she "conveniently forgets" to send them what they paid for. She's been doing this for years."

  11. Pig Shocker to falconer: Nice hawk! Mind if I hold it for a photo?

    Falconer: Well actually, ummm....

    Pig Shocker then shoves the glove on her man hand and grabs the hawk as her brainwashed companion moves in with the camera...

    Sure she caught a hawk....

    1. Miriam replied to the twitter poll that it was nice to meet the new hawk. I'm not sure how up PS's butt Miriam is, but I would reckon at least slightly. So who knows?

    2. Very up PS's butt. She had a gallery exhibit that was only of PS and her animals. This was pre-animal abuse investigation rehoming of the livestock. So PS is responsible for a lot of M's business and getting her name out there.

    3. Moronic Miriam is just another stupid sycophantic follower. I suspect that she's also a twat judging by some of her curt comments. "Like attracts like."


    4. She took photos that included goats standing on 3+ feet of their own shit and was too dumb to realize that constitutes animal neglect. Not the brightest bulb...

    5. https://i2.wp.com/www.romaisphotos.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Romais-0871.jpg?fit=620%2C414

      And who can forget this one of Cambridge's Annie Wilkes:


    6. Thanks for this WHF. There was an awful photo of the goat barely able to walk out of its barn door because of all the manure/old bedding, and Miriam posted some idiotic comment about "starting out the day right..." Wish I could find it.

    7. Scroll about halfway down the page to Day Eleven of Winter's Bottom (Buttcrack). This isn't the pic you mentioned (although I remember it) but under all that snow is 3 feet of manure and straw. See the goat coming out the barn door? That is a Dutch door, and the goat is coming out the TOP HALF OF THE DOOR. The bottom of the door is under said manure and snow.



    8. Yes, that's how bad it eventually got.
      Remember how she had to rent a bobcat to basically muck out several feet of goat manure and the bobcat got stuck?

      That is soooo disgusting and her friend M didnt see anything wrong with it and used a photo of the goat pen in a gallery presentation.

      PS has always managed to saddle up against people who are either bleeding hearts and feel sorry for her or those who are incredibly stupid. It just boils down to who the PS predator can easily manipulate.

    9. Around that time PS also "rote" a bleg post about how she thought the barn door had been moved open or closed by someone else. She then proceeded to have one of her many breaks with reality and was upset about someone having been on the property.

      You know who doesnt freak out about something like that? People who have nothing to hide.
      PS wasn't worried that an intruder might still be on her property. She was only worried that someone had been there. That was around the time of one of the animal abuse investigations, so hindsight it's easy to see why she freaked out.

      It's the same reason she would never let someone watch the animals while she went out of town. No one would want to stay in her hovel without working plumbing and if someone wasn't there 24/7 that would leave an opportunity for someone to access the property, take photos of her property of horrors and report her to various authorities.

  12. Just seeing that brown head thing again after many years is enough to make me nauseous - yet does makes me a bit nostalgic for those cape sewin' days - and the kiltie - up there on the cold, lonesome brae.

    Oops, begging pardon, PS...I was trying to vibe with yer kilts, sporrans, and such - - but ok, not just a gentle brae but clinging, barely yet so bravely, to the cold, mean side of the ominous MOUNDin. I meanThis Moundin - home of This Farm.

    'Braeside school tot"

  13. Look everyone! The falcon lit her farts a-fire!


    The best CAF logo yet!

    1. Here, I fixed it!


    2. She seriously drew that???!!! LOL Good catch, WIW.

    3. OMG now this is funny. I can't with her!

    4. OMG that is GODAWFUL! I'm a graphic designer and I can tell you she took two pieces of clip art and merged them together. They don't even match.

      That is piss poorly done. Farts a-fire indeed.


    5. Farts-a-Fire Falcon! LOL

    6. So there are two graphic designers living together and that's what sort of crap PS is producing?

      PS always goes for the clip art, doesn't matter who it belongs to...

    7. It goes to show how little time she puts into these logos - it took me 30 seconds to change the words in that falcon with no special software. If I’d bothered to open up canva and match the colour and font, I could have created a CAF logo sold for t-shirts in, say, 5 minutes.

    8. And I am NOT a graphic designer.

    9. WIW you and Pig Shocker have that in common 😂. She must have completed her degree thru one of those mail order schools.

    10. WIW - Your fix-it logo had me roaring!! I really hope that person didn't pay more than $1 for that crap logo cuz it's just awful. Definitely looks like a flaming hawk fart. And at best, it looks like someone shot a flaming arrow at a pissed off hawk.

      Looking closer, I think that's supposed to be a match, not an arrow. She used a match for Miriam Romain's logo too. What's up with that? Are Pig Shocker's farts so bad she came up with that idea on the toilet?

  14. With a sigh, I note that she has successfully scammed members of the queer community she started targeting a while back.

    Farts a-fire falcon aside (as that woman seems to be happy with her purchase) it looks like it’s other queer women overspending on soap and logos.

    If people are happy with their products / trades etc, whatever. Who cares. But I bet if those women knew how she takes money on the regular with zero intentions of fulfilling her obligations to her customers, they might think twice before “supporting” FFF.

    The 3 feet of barn much and disappearing fence rungs might clue them in.

    1. What we try to highlight is all of the people she has scammed who have paid for products or services that weren't given to them as agreed upon. I completely agree, if someone has an extreme lack of discretion as to what is good art, who cares. Those aren't the victims we are always trying to advocate for.

      99.99% of people who appear to be satisfied with their purchase realize that the work is terrible but they feel sorry for her. Some feel sorry for her because she is pathetic and some because she is obviously severely mentally ill. Those are what I call pity purchases. The majority of her business is one time customers and pity purchases/donations as she doesn't offer anything worth paying for.

      I'm sure the customers/victims would tell her to keep the artwork but they don't want to hurt her feelings. I would also bet that she PLEADS with customers to promote her work on social media. Which only bites her in the ass because it's just advertising how terrible it is.

  15. Twit Shit:

    "Does Netflix release extended or less-edited versions of comedy specials over time or am I crazy?! @natebargatze

    No one responded to her stupid tweet. Not even one lone "like." What a shock. Not. "Woke Wog" is an attention whore for more.

    "I know the saying is "You are not alive to pay bills and lose weight." but honestly those are the only messages I have ever gotten loud and clear."

    'Cause "clearly," she's never "gotten" the "messages" to work like a normal adult, and get off her fat ass to support herself.

    "Sharing this in case of miracles"

    Retweeting again the untruthful crap about her faux farm. Still waiting for "miracles" and "slung lung" instead of just getting a job.


    1. Lol! When a person claims to be running "miles" daily for the past couple of years yet has consistently looked like the pillsbury dough boy, it will result in comments about how full of shit that person is and so obviously mentally ill.

      To think that other people won't take one look at her and call bullshit shows just how crazy she must be.

      Then there's the social media addiction and problem with alcohol that has ruined her life. Bad choices upon more bad choices. Repeat.

    2. Her "Sharing in case of miracles" phrase really burns me up and makes me cringe at the same time. It amounts to flat out begging. Why can't she just say, "Hey, I have no money. Puh-lease give me some." While that is pathetic, it's at least more honest.

      I mean, it's OK to ask for money if you really have to. If you have an emergency you ask your parents, family, maybe even friends. But not online strangers. Especially when it's not an emergency and it's your daily go-to way to "earn up" each month's expense money.

  16. So much weird crap on her Twitter the past few days:

    "My girl is at a power tool seminar and I am training a hawk to hunt with me. We are a lesbian power couple."

    Maybe she's trying to be cute but that's not power couple criteria, lesbian or otherwise. And why isn't she talking about "farming"stuff? Oh, cuz she isn't doing any.

    Also note that this post didn't receive a single comment, nor did the pic of her and MG walking arm and arm. So why aren't her friends and foollowers not saying anything when she posts stuff like that? Do they think she's full of it?

    1. That screams "neither of us have jobs."

    2. She and Shannon are a shit-show.

    3. Two losers who spend their days pretending Pig Shocker isn't hideous and that NG won't drop her first chance she gets.

  17. And this:

    "While watching LOTR, Gimli came on screen and I laughed and said, "That's me!" And my girlfriend said, "No, you're Samwise." So matter of factly, like arguing was silly."

    Eh, no...they're both wrong. She's pure Ork. Also, I'm starting to wonder if the girlfriend might be homeless and just there for the free food and a place to sleep? Cuz Jenna's daily begging has not abated a bit.

  18. More like ungrateful:

    "I'm grateful for this farm. It feels like a refuge I need to fight for every single day. It's a lovely anxiety that keeps me running on fumes and exhalation."

    Her ability to keep holding onto that farm is solely due to her foollowers, yet she NEVER thanks them. She brags about still owning it but never gives them the credit they deserve.

    And from the beg-ity blegity bleg:

    "The farm isn’t yet at the place it needs to be for hay and firewood to exhale with a safe feeling of completion..."

    Yeah, we know. It never is. And she tell's everyone this every year -- several times during the year. Man, doesn't she get tired of typing that sorry-ass line all the time?

  19. And this MASSIVE steaming pile of gate-keeping bullshit:

    "I always said, and still say, only organ donors should be eligible to be organ receivers. You dont have to donate, but then you dont get that kidney."

    Wow. OK, so a small child who's parents don't know (or forgot) about organ donation, their child is denied? Or a teenager who doesn't know about it either, they deserve to die too? Or what about someone older, or even middle aged who also didn't know (or forgot) to become a donor? Or perhaps an elderly person who swears they signed up to become one long before computer tech, but their info was somehow lost...now they die as well?

    Reasons why people are or are not organ donors is not as cut and dry as the Pig Shocker thinks. To her, you either are, or you are not deserving of a life-saving procedure. So death to everyone who's not a donor! No kidney for you!!

    Hey Jenna, here's a scenario for you: Your new girlfriend, let's say she was originally from another country where organ donation is not well-known about. Or she simply forgot to sign up. Or the very idea scared her. But now she's in the US living with you. The love of your life. And then she suddenly falls ill and needs a new kidney or liver. But oh-noes! She's not a donor! Welp, guess you can be the one to tell her she's not worthy by your standards.

    And I'll bet you aren't even a donor. But if you are, why don't you follow up that tweet with a pic showing that pink donor dot on your driver's license?

    1. The "miracles" always makes my blood boil.


    2. Anon7. My "miracles" comment was directed above, sorry. But her donor tweet was stupid, insensitive and ridiculous.


  20. Okay. Enough. I call BS. I know several gay couples. You know what I have *never* heard anyone in a gay partnership/marriage do? State that they are a "lesbian couple" or "gay couple". Never. Literally, NEVER have I heard this. They use their names, and refer to their significant other as "my partner" or "my spouse". There is *no* reference to sexuality in characterizing themselves. The reason that there are no likes on these tweets, is because she is literally OUTING herself as NOT gay, but wanting to be looked at as gay. She has found a financial niche in the gay crowd, and needs to be able to identify with it. I find her even MORE atrocious now.. Oh, and this "my girl" garbage. If a heterosexual man called his partner/girlfriend "his girl" he would probably be jumped on as being sexist, but there she goes- doing EXACTLY that. So, in conclusion, Jenna is NOT gay, and she IS sexist. She grosses more and more people out every single day.

    1. "Oh, and this "my girl" garbage. If a heterosexual man called his partner/girlfriend "his girl" he would probably be jumped on as being sexist, but there she goes- doing EXACTLY that."

      I posted this exact sentiment when she first started waxing poetic about "her" girl. She loves to go on about the bias against 'a single female farmer' and gays by men in her area, but then uses the same misogynist language.

      She's so full of it.

    2. That was well-put. I agree with what you wrote. And I called her out too on that "my girl" crap months ago. She's a pretentious, posing POS. JFW is a huge hypocrite. The constant labeling of her identities: farmer, falconer, designer, writer, lesbian etc... shows her perpetual teen-age mentality. STFU


  21. Love how the laziest POS ever tweeted that she has zero tolerance for anyone who doesn't vote for Biden. I'm not getting into anything political. It's about free choice and she takes advantage of her freedoms everyday and NEVER gives back to anyone.

    There are people who do not tolerate other people's lifestyles or choices and if any of them blatantly proclaimed on Twitter their "zero tolerance" for other people's choices they would be shunned off of Twitter.

    The only reason that hasn't happened to the Annie Wilkes of Cambridge a.k.a. Pig Shocker is because the majority of people have that crazy heifer muted and have no idea what she is saying.

    I have ZERO tolerance for lazy pieces of shit who lie, beg and manipulate their way thru life all while sitting on their ass and not putting in ANY effort whatsoever. Instead she finds other people to take care of her responsibilities.

    1. She also has "zero tolerance" for getting off her fat ass, and working to support herself like a normal adult.


  22. Falconry is a hobby. I think most would agree. Unless you are seeking a gold medal in falconry at the Olympics, it shouldn't replace working to pay the bills.

    Those who contribute so much as a penny to Pig Shocker most likely work at a job and aren't spending all of their time on frivolities.

    People who feel sorry for her need to do a little due diligence and look into her story and history of manipulation and often outright thievery to pay her bills.

    1. We all know here that the acquisition of her animals are pet props for more faux photo ops. Again, it's all part of her manipulative marketing for money mooching.


  23. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Sorry about the influx of sale tweets. No sales the past two days, so I keep retweeting hoping it catches new eyes."

    Gimme a fucking break, bitch. What a lousy liar. She's only "sorry" that more free funds haven't been offered by foolish followers. And no matter how much money she mooches the begging will never be over, because the middle-aged moron won't work to support herself.


    1. She's not sorry enough to get a job and she doesn't have an issue with expecting strangers to pay for her girlfriend's expenses. She OBVIOUSLY can't even take care of herself let alone anyone else.

      We have seen the NGs designs and its pretty easy to see that's not going to pay for two people to live in New York without jobs.

      If NG could pay her own bills she wouldn't have had to move into Pig Shockers house of horrors without reliable plumbing and all the other nastiness that PS lives and waddles in.

      Since NG actually lives there, she will also be responsible for any neglect of any animals on the property.

      Wow! She gets a crazy girlfriend AND the title of co-defendant? She must have won the Steaming Pile of Shit lottery! If she plays her cards right, she might even win the bonus round of a raging staph infection!

    2. WDH. Exactly.


    3. So let me get this straight. She won't put up a website because she said she couldn't handle the sales volume. Yet she has to tweet and retweet her sales pitches ad nauseum because she can't get sales.

      Interpretation: she doesn't want sales, she wants handouts. Like she always has. Pure and simple.

    4. When she was just starting out people were happy to give a "hand-up," however, her "hand-outs" have become JFW's almost sole means of supporting her faux farm.

    5. Anon 9:44 - You are so right. She got used to the easy money and now she feels entitled to it. I can almost hear the hissy fit when she's like, "I'm going to keep retweeting these sales pitches until someone pays up" or more likely, "I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue unless you send money". And unbelieveably, people send money. They must because it's still working for her.

    6. Anonymous 11:51. It won't work forever. We think that once she's over forty, and that's just a few years away, then her farm will finally be foreclosed due to lack of funds from followers. The faux farmer will look like a lazy loser who refuses to support herself by getting a part-time job. I already know for a fact that this blog has prevented people from donating, because several locals have said to me CAST helped them "see the light" about her begging. And also the animal abusing.


    7. Unknown - I agree it won't work forever, but so many of us long time shamsters thought the end was coming years ago, and then she had some slung luck thrown her way. Who knows when the end will come. She has no new material and I can't imagine how she can gain new followers with nothing to give.

      I wonder if her new girlfriend is somehow supporting her? My guess is she is contributing something.

      I have a brother who grifted for years. First off my parents, then wives (he had three), my sister, and numerous girlfriends. I kept waiting for the end to come but it wasn't until his late 60s. He's sure paying the price now, but it was heartbreaking to see how many people he drained financially.

      I sure hope you are right that foreclosure is coming soon.

    8. LS that is awesome to hear that locals are aware of her bullshit.

      Have any of them had run ins with her that they told you about?

    9. WDH. Yep. Many locals have had issues with her, and been burned by her in business transactions. I've also made it my mission whenever we're in her area to talk to locals, and tell them about this site. We won't quit until she loses her faux farm. She and Shannon should move back to Boston, and continue being a loser "lesbian power couple." As if. LOL!!!


    10. LS, Looks like one of her crazies have decided to post about the "vulgarity" on this site. 😂🤣

      Anytime she is investigated, the pro Pig Shocker comments start. It makes me laugh everytime and is a sure fire way to know that what we are documenting and reporting is indeed making some leeway.

    11. WDH. That's a good point. And I've also noticed a correlation between the two.


  24. https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/4u6yzi/do_you_ever_really_quit_your_hate_reads/

    "I still hate read Cold Antler Farm, because I am still amazed at the way Jenna manages to separate people from their money. She crowdfunds pretty consistently to "save her farm," but once the money is delivered she follows up by posting about large purchases she made. One recent example is asking for ~ $3000 to get a root canal, then purchasing a $1000 puppy."

  25. She has not taken one photo of a pig bigger than a piglet in well over a year. She is using photos of the pigs she owned years ago (they were the ones that lived in the woods) to advertise the shares she is selling.

    Why oh why hasn't she posted a new photo of the pigs she purports to own currently? She constantly posts photos on social media so it would be easy to do so.

    Obviously the pork shares are a scam and she doesn't own any pigs. I predict a meat disaster in which no one gets their share or a refund.

    Pig Shocker is way too dumb to consider the possibility of someone from a government agency, posing as a customer, contacting her to buy a share and then paying for a share and documenting the entire transaction from start to finish. When she doesn't give that person the item they have paid for and refuses them a refund, there's gonna be a huge problem with her name all over it.

    Agencies who investigate consumer fraud do that all of the time as it's the only way to guarantee a conviction.

    1. It sounds like that might be happening soon. (Wink.)

  26. Twit Shit:

    "Flies are bad this year. In and outside the house..."

    And the biggest "bug" of all lives in her hovel.


  27. As much as I dispise her (and I have good reason to, I was stupid enough to give her a lot (too much) money before things started to feel fishy), this recipe of hers is a fall staple in my household: https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2018/08/autumn-is-calling.html
    Which makes me think that I really should write it down somewhere so I do not need to access her blog

    1. This is not original to her.... Just saying.

    2. Sorry to hear that she took advantage, again, of your kindness. Would you mind sharing more since it's anonymous? I think that it's helpful to hear details. I was also wondering how you heard about this blog. Thanks.

    3. Nothing is ever " original to her." She doesn't have a creative bone in her body.

    4. The recipe not original to her.... I figured as mcu, and yet it is her blog where I go to look it up... But I will simply write it down when preparing it this year...

      I had shared my story on the previous iteration of this blog. Basically I had donated some dollars quite a while back and two years ago I donated a substantial amount to cover a tooth emergency (think mortgage payment and higher). Now I could easily afford to give away this money and did so completely out of my own volition. However it struck me as weird that when she thanked me, she said she will use it to cover the complete wood for winter and not her tooth which is a weird way of prioritizing your expenses. A couple of weeks later she blogged about not having enough money for wood.... So I took to Google and subsequently was taken to a previous version of this blog.
      While being a reader of her blog for years, not paying too much attention to her entries, I hadn't realized previously how long her pattern had been going on.
      I only read and comment on this new blog very rarely as often the tone and too avid speculation is a bit much for me.

    5. I'll admit the tone of this blog can be off putting to the un-initiated. But, those who have met Jenna in person, and those of us who have read of her animal abuse, and continued scamming people out of their money, have well.... every right to be upset. I am the person who stated the first blog. I stopped it because I had other things to do. You know there must be some strength to it when someone else takes it on..thanks Hound Doggy! There is also the get off my internet threads about Jenna, and also on Reddit. There are many sources of people sharing how they have personally been burned by her.. Even her publisher of the defunct Birchthorne debacle.. Sorry that you've been burned too. I think we all agree that if she quit abusing animals, and scamming people out of money, we would all be happy to share happier things here :)

    6. Hi Julie! Hope that you're doing well. Aren't you the Dancing Shepardess here? She is repellent in person, and her animal abusing is also sickening.

    7. Whoops. Sorry. I didn't realize until now, Fakefarmer, that you're Julie. Guess that you changed your username. The new one is good, too.

    8. Hey there, yes, I'm dancing shepherdess. Doing well. My sheep are good, although the grass took a hit this year because of the drought. Got 2 nice loads of hay in the barn, got a nice new ram and ewe lambs. Dogs are good. If my animals are good so am I.:)

    9. Julie. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. I was wondering if you've kept the old blog as a backup? That pertinent information would be very helpful for newbies to access, and also for appropriate agencies to use against her animal abusing "allegations."


  28. The tone of this blog can be more than off putting. It degrades the integrity of the blog and the people who have worked so hard to get the word out. We can be angry. We can be upset. We have that right. But the name calling and the vulgarity will send most newcomers running. And any authority will not take it seriously.

    I will have to say the tone has somewhat improved as of late and I hope that trend continues. Thank you Anon210 for sharing your story. It is stories like yours that lend credibility to the mission of this blog.

    1. I agree with what you wrote, but people have the right to express themselves even if it's deemed "vulgarity."

    2. Anyone who complains yet is commenting when they could just spend their time reading millions of other sites, obviously has personal bias against this site.

      We aren't trying to please anyone who isn't involved with observing, documenting and reporting Pig Shocker's various scams or animal abuse. If you don't like the content and yet read and comment, you are as crazy as Pig Shocker.

  29. Sure, people have the right to be as vulgar as they want. Write whatever you want. Say whatever you want. It's just not very effective or believable. It comes off as petty, juvenile and mean spirited.

    Far more effective are posts such as the earlier one where the author cited a specific example of how she was deceived. Also effective are posts where some astute shamster spots a discrepancy in something JFW wrote and calls her out on it. Or the stories from longtime shamsters that show patterns in her behavior.

    But go ahead and be as vulgar as you want. It's a free country. Just don't expect any good results from it.

  30. Wouldnt it be a normal practice of posting a pic of the pigs you are planning to butcher and sell? Especially if that person constantly posts photos of everything BUT the pigs.

    Photos are either years old of previous pigs or are extremely close and do not show where the pigs are. Could be anyone's pigs.

    The only photos of grown pigs shown in the past year, are of pigs that Pig Shocker no longer has and are from years ago. That sounds like a total scam. Which is par for the course with the Annie Wilkes of Cambridge NY. That cross eyed fool is too busy being crazy to actually work for a living.

    1. Pigs from 2018 with the chicken:


      Pig photo used to promote pork shares available in 2021:


      There's only one reason she would use photos from two years ago rather than photos of the pigs being raised for slaughter in 2021.

      The latest pigs she purports to own in 2021 don't exist.

  31. New Bleg Post:

    My fat ass still doesn't have a job so I want some dumbass to send me money stat. I'm worried about winter and buying all of the stupid shit I can't afford and don't really need like firewood. I have a furnace and space heaters but they don't bring in donations so I never mention them.

    Merlin can barely move after our ride yesterday because he is old and I weigh 200+ lbs.
    Sometimes when he goes too slow, I scream at him and tell him he's going to the glue factory.

    My girl is secretly trying to find a way to escape. By the time you read this she may have chewed thru her restraints.
    I tell her over and over again that she loves me and thinks I'm pretty and for some reason that makes her cry. She definitely loves me. #losercouplegoals

    1. I can no longer read her overwrought purple prose posts, and the obvious pathological lying. But your recap is spot-on and funny. "Winter's Bottom 3" will happen soon, and her bleating begging will begin in earnest on Twitter.


    2. Winter's Bottom 3, lol. Now keep in mind, if the legally blind girlfriend is really living there, the Pig Shocker runs the risk of being busted for making up fake emergencies, root canals, frozen pipes, etc., on her bleg and Twitter. So it will be interesting for sure what shit she tries to pull this winter.

  32. NYS ag and markets do not "inspect" swine prior to slaughter. They do inspect food processing, which Pig Shocker is not processing any food.

    They do however investigate ANIMAL CRUELTY. Their animal response teams do not mobilize and show up to investigate without having substantial evidence that the investigation is warranted.

    So apparently she was investigated for garbage feeding of her pigs and animal cruelty. NYS ag would only come back a second time because there was a problem the first time that was considered a violation.

    Remember how she said everything looked great during their first visit so the Ag just gave her pamphlets and that she even made "new friends?" Um, yeah, keep on telling your crazy lies....

    They do not show up a second time to drop off a "perfect score inspection" report.

    I've requested all reports from the department thru the FOIL system. I plan on having them wayyyyy before slaughter time.

    If she had pigs this go round, they were seized during that initial inspection, which their team is by law allowed to do.
    Obviously by lack of any new photos of pigs, she no longer has them.

    Once again she has lied about something she has zero knowledge of and it has bit her in her fat ass.

    1. Also the Ag team had read multiple social media posts from Pig Shocker describing how she picked up old donuts in town and fed them to her pigs.
      That is not considered proper Pig food whatsoever.



    3. Girl, when that crazy twat tweeted about putting the NYS Ag "perfect score" on her fridge, it made me lmao. That's so nice of her "new friends" to come out and drop off her "perfect score."
      🙄GTFO with your insane chatter.

      So the AG reports dated prior to the multiple social media reports advertising of the shares for sale will definitely show that she was/is advertising something she legally shouldn't have.

      Stand by for an announcement any minute now that the shares have "sold out."

    4. Blog post stating everything went well with the NYS Ag during initial visit in MARCH:


      Tweet about the "perfect score":

      "Jenna Woginrich
      SEP 19
      I hung my perfect inspection scoring from the NY State Ag and Markets peeps on my fridge. It's the review from a recent surprise inspection on my little pig concern here. I am proud of it. On the fridge it stays."

    5. WDH. Since I was responsible for the two inspections this past spring, and others the year before, I can't thank you enough for continuing to take responsibility for reporting the FFF. I wonder if her "new friends" will celebrate the "lesbian power couple" and their pig shares by having drinks at "her bar" in town? The only items on her filthy fridge are probably Taylor Swift stickers, and personalized magnets that say something stupid like "PayPal me now, bitches!!!"


    6. The animals deserve due diligence and I will continue as long as it takes.

      I have also let each agency know of the other agencies who would have interests in her practices. Ag might not be aware of the new hawk she claims to have or the soap making in filthy conditions or internet sales paid for but never delivered. Each of those could be investigated by a different agency.

      When the officers showed up during winters bottom to check on the animals, they were not aware of the pigs in the woods living in low temps without shelter. It was icy at the time and they only checked the horses and goats closer to the house. So investigators aren't always aware of everything taking place at Dead Animal Farm when they show up. But they are now.😁

    7. WDH. Can't wait to hear the updates!


    8. Great sleuthing as usual, WH -- can't wait to see what you find. As always, I'm just as confused as everyone here re her animals. Just did a quick search of her bleg for 2020 and found:

      March: State inspectors come. She shows them her 2 largest male pigs, Gunther and Garth. Largest? She has more? Despite only ever showing pics of two pigs?

      April: Announces she still has two shares of pork available for winter delivery. Tempting, but I'll pass.

      May: Posts a pic of two large male pigs. (Presumably the doomed males, G&G)

      June: She claims she acquired 3 new little piglets. We all start to pray.

      July - She gave a farm animal-count update, but didn't mention any pigs.

      Now at some point after that, she DID post a pic of two large male pigs, along with 3 small ones, but if I remember correctly, there were in the snow. And I don't think it snows in Cambridge in the summer, does it?

      BTW, this pic was on her Twitter but that shit takes too long to scroll thru with all her re-tweeted sales and donation begs. Does anyone remember this somewhat recent pic that was probably a very old pic?

  33. she is talking about how people in town treated her differently since she is voting for Biden and they were hostile towards her today. Girl that has nothing to do with politics it is this time "all about you". Also doesn't she like to put people down if they think differently from her?

    1. No one in town would talk to her long enough to know who she's voting for. No one gives a shit what she does, they just don't want to have to talk to her.

    2. Yeah, she's also claimed that "her town" snubbed her when she came out as a lesbian. What a bunch of bull. Speaking from personal experience as having lived in her area, and also knowing many locals, the FFF "burned her bridges" long ago by being a using, conniving POS. It has nothing to do with her political stances. But Jenna is disingenuous, and won't tell the truth about anything.


    3. She is absolutely full of it. She likes to act like Cambridge is some sort of redneck place. It is *not*. It is a regular small town, full of both sides of the aisle people. I come from a small town and live near even smaller ones. No one *cares* who is voting for. Again, this is her narcissism making everything about her. As LS wrote above, the people in town who are hostile toward her, know her using ways. That's why- not who she is voting for.

    4. Exactly. Cambridge is full of very liberal locals. But JFW's "narcissism" makes "everything about her."


    5. People shun her because of her reputation. It's got nothing to do with her being gay or her political views.

      You can't live in a small town, constantly sounding the alarm on truck/hay/wood needs and then not pay people when they come to help you. Word gets around. I'm sure she has burned every bridge there.

      You did it to yourself Jenna.

    6. Jon Katz, her even mentions her "sounding the alarm" in this post. He dumped her fat ass years ago, and is a former friend. I assume it's because of her using locals for farm projects, begging, and animal abusing:


    7. Meant to type "Jon Katz even mentions..." not "Jon Katz, her even mentions..."

    8. That Jon Katz post is a goldmine of warnings to steer clear of her. And don't forget this shit-nugget of a bleg post she wrote just last year titled "Selfish, Broken, or Trouble":


      In it, she waxes woetic about how everyone in town avoids her because she's a single lesbian. And how she now feels "terrified" and "not safe" in her town. Someone please pass me the barf bucket.

  34. Twit Shit:

    "Support a small farm, queer women, and get slabs of bacon to show for it! Selling shares now for 2021! DM if you are around upstate NY! 3.5 hours from Boston and NYC!"

    Now, she's begging for both her and Shannon. And she's playing the queer card for money mooching. But the bacon buying is for next year when the pigs aren't even available yet. What a criminal cunt.


    1. The pigs aren't even born yet!

    2. It makes me angry to see her chutzpah in trying to sell non-existent pigs. She should be ashamed of herself, but that would require a conscience.


    3. Selling pigs that don’t exist to cover the CURRENT firewood bill (supposedly).

      It’s ridiculous to even SAY you’re leveraging assumed profits A YEAR FROM NOW to pay current bills.

      Vet, feed and butchering costs for these fictional animals notwithstanding.

      This is fun money, plain and simple, and all purchases of pig futures will be classified as donations.

      Astute, WHS, to point out the livestock inspection who left leaving her pamphlets and the impression she made friends, and later was subjected to a follow-up inspection.

      No photo of the report on her fridge by the way, of course.

      There are so many things she COULD be lying about here, and she’s been nailed on improper care before so many times she now just keeps her histrionic updates as vague as possible, while still being manipulative.

    4. WiW. You've nailed it. Her non-existent "business model" is based on manipulative marketing for foolish followers, and those who don't do their online research about her rotten reputation. I can imagine her creating a fake report just to post on Twitter to prove us wrong. I'm sure that she would've done it already if it were real.

      And why would anyone who is savvy pay money now for unborn pigs that won't even be ready until next year? It makes no sense whatsoever. Particularly, when they can purchase it sooner from other reputable farmers, and not the faux feminist fuck-up in her hovel. It's a scam.


    5. And why, if she's planning to get the pigs later, act like it's the pig she currently claims to have that will be slaughtered for shares?

      It's one big lie created by someone who is too mentally ill to keep track of her lies.

    6. WDH. "Oh, what a tangled web she weaves..." Fortunately, but not for her, we keep track of the truth. Which means her lies.


    7. What really stood out for me in that tweet was this:

      "Support a small farm, queer women..."

      She's always written "support a queer womAn" not "womEn" -- so it's official, she wants her foollowers to now support TWO lazy pretend homesteaders -- just like many of you predicted.

    8. She and her girlfriend are total pieces of shit. The girlfriend must be stone cold nuts to have let her life fall apart and end up with the Annie Wilkes of Cambridge.

      You know you have hit rock bottom when you are living in a house that should be condemned with a hideous animal abuser and serial scammer begging for money online.

      If that doesn't scream need an intervention, I don't know what does.

    9. Lol, and you know you've hit rock bottom when the person you are with has terms like "scam" "abuse" and "neglect appear when you type their name into a search engine.

      Hey, what would you rather endure:

      a) 12 hours with your hand trapped in a hydraulic press

      b) 24 hours spent with the Pig Shocker, at her home, eating her food

    10. I'll take the hydraulic press over spending any time in her hovel, surrounded by the stench of her horrid hygiene.


  35. she has a new blog up (same old same old) but the picture there is of a pumpkin with her Indiana Jones hat put on top. First time EVER that damned hat looked decent, looks so much better on a pumpkin than on her head for sure.

    1. Yep, same old BS:

      " I didn't end up making the September house payment yet but hope to before mid October."

      This happens EVERY month. Why even bother mentioning it since it's no surprise? Oh wait, because people won't feel sorry for her and donate if she forgets to remind them. Every. Damn. Month. Without. Fail.

    2. Soon we'll be reading about her infamous "fraction finances" on Twitter. "Guys, I'm almost 1/4 of the way to making my mortgage payment this month!!!"


  36. Here's a list of the Pig Shocker's latest prices (she posted these on 9/24 in the comments for a 9/7 sales beg tweet):

    "Soap is $6 a bar, shipping not included. I use flat rate USPS boxes in small and medium so it is either $8 or $15.

    Sketches are $20, ink is $40, color is $75

    Pork Shares start at $275, include butchering and smoking fees.

    Logos are $200 done now or $100 to wait 8 weeks."

    Looks like she's still ripping customers off on shipping. A USPS Small Flat Rate Box is tiny. It maybe fits 2-3 bars tops. So anyone ordering more, like 5-6 bars, is grossly overpaying for the Medium Flat Rate Box which is $15 and could probably hold 2 dozen bars.

    If she had a brain, she could order Regional A size boxes which are the same size as the Medium Flat Rate Box and only cost about $9 or so to ship from one coast to the other, and even cheaper if the recipient is in the midwest or on her coast. But hey, it's a few more scammed bucks her pocket!

    1. And the $245 for pork shares...is that for the whole pig? Or just a quarter? I've never bought CSA meat, but $245 sounds like a lot. What exactly do you get for a quarter share?

    2. I run several small businesses from home. Postage on soap? That is outrageous. You can buy from companies like Udine, or on eBay (cheaper) bulk boxes, liners, bubble wrap, tape, etc. all at discount prices that would better fit the item (a bar of soap or two) and there is no way in hell she should be charging those prices in postage. There's no excuse for her selling meat shares into next year with non-existent animals, nor overcharging or delaying products from her hand. It's all a scam. I've got more serious things to worry about than her mentally ill lifestyle.

    3. From what I can tell by browsing through other meat CSA sites, a quarter pig is anywhere from about $350 to $500, depending of course upon the weight. Looks like there's a per pound charge for hanging weight (weight before dressing the pig out) which could be $4 to $7, then you sometimes have a butcher/cut/wrap fee if it's not included in the per pound price. You end up getting 35 to 50 lbs. of meat. Our FFF obviously doesn't know how much it costs to raise and butcher the pigs because she's not charging enough. No wonder she's losing money on that enterprise.

    4. Most well-run farms feed good amounts of select pig feed in addition to field grazing, so pigs reach their ideal weights in about six months. It costs good money to provide such solid nutrition and care. Based on starting time/weight and the amount of food they receive, farmers know what pigs will weigh almost to a pound and since they know how much $$$ it took to raise them, they can easily compute cost.

      But PS doesn't "manage" her process. I doubt she regularly feeds quality feed. The pigs are left to wander, eat whatever weeds they can find and, if she ever gives them grain, still fed on top of their own manure. Guessing she still feeds scraps and garbage in order to put as little money as possible into them. If they are what they eat, it's a sad situation for all involved.

      For PS, it's mostly profit because she does the bare minimum for others.

  37. There was a post on reddit's "choosing beggars" subreddit in which some fool was asking Facebook strangers to borrow some horses for a weekend for free, and also asking for their food, tack, and a trailer, etc. And folks responded with a lot of comments like these:

    "Horses are so expensive [...] Vet bills can be anything from a couple hundred dollars to thousands easily. Horse people are just crazy cat people that are two tax brackets higher. Food, medications, farrier comes every 6-7 weeks (anything from basic trimming to special orthopedic shoes), constantly keeping an eye on them in case they hurt themselves or get stuck on something."

    "The amount of work and money spent on medications and vets to keep them healthy is for sure an investment."

    "Also grew up on a horse farm. They are asking [to borrow] TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars worth of animals/equipment for free..."

    "100% correct. I grew up on a horse farm that bred equestrian thoroughbreds and paints, the amount of fucking effort it takes to A) produce a horse B) feed and care for the horse and C) keep the stupid fucking things from killing themselves makes this beggars request a verbal slap in the face. By the time the horse is 3 they've probably cost you about as much as a luxury car but with 20 times the maintenance."

    So I'm wondering...the Pig Shocker constantly gives the impression that her two horses don't cost her much, but that can't be true can it? So she's either downplaying the costs of owning two luxury props that are not a necessity for that farm, or she hardly spends any money on them (aka neglect). So which is it?

    1. Also - Does she even own a horse trailer? If not, how on earth would she be able to evacuate/transport them in the event of a raging wildfire? (I'll bet she doesn't even own a fire extinguisher for the house or the barn)

    2. I have 3 horses. Hay, vitamins, vet, farrier, maintenance pellets all add up to a whole lot of money each month. Hay where I live is $58 for a round, and much more cost effective for me than bales. They go through 1 a week and a bit more in the winter. Vitamins are $120 a month. The farrier comes every 7-8 weeks and is $120 each visit. Vet visits are $100 for him to pull in the driveway, not including whatever he is there to do. I also give them horse maintenance pellets as a little boost each day, not much but the bags are 50 lbs and last about 2 weeks. $20 a bag. Plus there is the labor cost of keeping the barn clean, moving the tons of poop that accumulate everywhere, fly spray, and the general once-over that everyone gets every day and of course the general time it takes to just enjoy their company. Time and money are whats required to keep horses!

  38. Whackadoodle wrote a great post up above about the mystery of the Pig Shocker's pigs and whether or not they exist. Which had me wondering: Has anyone ever tweeted thanks and praise for her pork shares, and how great and delicious they were?

    From time to time a few foollowers tweet about receiving her soaps and pet portraits, but don't think I've ever seen a word about her supposed CSA pork. No thankful customers. So she either doesn't have any customers, or her meat is crap.

  39. Horse ownership is VERY expensive, especially if you are taking proper care of them.

    As for pork shares, she couldn't make much profit. But she uses them to make a quick buck and here is how I know.

    Many, many years ago when she was whining about her bills and I was still sort of a fan, I emailed her and suggested she get a part time job to cover her fixed living expenses. She emailed me back and said she wouldn't make much money that way. But she could make $1,000 in an instant by selling pork shares.

    I was floored. First there is the cost of the piglets. Then the feed over a period of many months. And the butchering costs. Not sure what else but probably medications for de-worming, etc. There is no $1,000 profit!

    But she saw it as that. $1,000 in an instant. Which she spent in an instant and as her usual M.O., had to figure out how to meet pig raising and butchering expenses down the road.

    1. Her bogus "business model" is based on bullshit manipulative marketing, and trying to get "slung luck" flung her way. Which is why her whole life is lies.


  40. Another memory of her pork shares popped up. When she still had a Facebook account, someone who had purchased a pork share posted that he still hadn't received his share and emailed repeatedly but never heard back from her.

    She posted back that she couldn't find a source for piglets but that she would have them the following season. He said that was too long and he wanted a refund. She ignored the request and assured him he would have his share the following season.

    She deleted her Facebook account soon after that, because people started complaining about not getting what they paid for.

    1. She did the same scam stunt when Birchthorn backers wanted a refund after waiting well over a year for their hard copies. "Oh, I'll send it soon!!!"


  41. Anon 9:59 am. You explained her pork share scam perfectly. If people "buy" a share in an animal ahead of time, they are effectively putting their money into raising and butchering that animal. So four quarter-shares of a pig would equal $1000 that should be used for that pig: its purchase, vet care, quality feed and butchering.

    But Pig Shocker uses future meat share $$$ to pay present day bills. She doesn't have money to adequately care for the pigs. To save money, she then buys runts, or allows accidental breeding and feeds scrounged-up unhealthy food (old donuts and discarded deli store sandwiches). She certainly cheaps out on vet care. Because they aren't fed a predictably nutritious diet, their growth may be delayed and their health impacted. Likely, because she's already spent the butchering fees, she must wait until she begs even more money to butcher.

    In the midst of all of this, she no doubt hopes the foolish people who purchased her "product" will forget about it...or will consider it a donation for a "poor struggling farmer" who lives on the side of the mountain and must water her animals with buckets of water / heat her home with firewood.

    Of course, it's all 💩💩💩, but the type of person who would purchase $$$ meat shares remotely without due diligence on the farm is operating on an emotional level. S/he feels good about giving FFF money so she can somehow *sniff* survive that harsh East Coast lifestyle.


    1. PDD - I love that you used the phrase, “operating on an emotional level”. Too many people call her customers “stupid”. Yes, I believe her customers tend to be good hearted people who want to help her out. Which makes it all the more heartbreaking when she scams them. Which makes me more determined to get the word out.

    2. Agree. These are probably kind hearted people who are hoping to make a difference. They probably have barely two nickels to rub together themselves or have a lot of expenses in which they are holding off on paying for in order to help her out. Shame on you Jenna. This is why I am here too. Karma will come to CAF one day.

  42. I think some of the kindest hearted people were the knitters who bought into her wool shares. Jenna knew those Scottish Blackface sheep couldn’t produce the right kind of wool for yarn. If you look up Scottish Blackface sheep, the first thing you learn is that their wool is coarse and only suitable for such things as carpet. It’s basic, it’s elementary and there is no way she did not know. She took their money anyway.

    When they asked for a refund, she said she could only send them $10.00 a month. She sent some people a few payments, others none, and then the payments stopped.

    That’s when Julie started the first sham blog. The people who were scammed came on and told their stories. Some eventually gave up and went away. Some considered it a donation. Some a lesson learned.

    Yet Jenna insisted she did nothing wrong. She put the onus on them saying a CSA was a risk. Yeah, the only risk there was trusting they would get product for their money.

    1. Anon 6:47. Yes, you are right about the wool and people not being refunded. But I think the biggest straw that broke the camel's back for me was when she let Jasper chase a lamb she bought from someone I knew. She thought it was great fun. Equids can kill sheep (do a youtube search to fact check this). This little lamb soon after died of pneumonia. Then of course, the really big horrible-ness was shooting the pigs in the same stall. The one got to watch the other get it's brains blown out, and got sprayed with blood- and it squealed in terror. Pigs are super smart. Smarter than dogs they say. Even if NOT smart, NO farmer kills an animal with another next to it. It's INHUMANE. She posted all about this in her "Putting laughter in slaughter" post on her blog. See, nothing we know about we imagined- she SHARED it ON LINE. -Julie

  43. What is she holding in the hand in her latest IG video of the hawk flying to her glove?

    1. I can't see her stupid private profile. It's probably an old, stale donut left over from feeding her poor pigs.

    2. It's actually on twitter too.


    3. I zoomed in. It's 100% a dead baby chick.

    4. She can continue to "Put the laughter back in slaughter." What an animal abusing, disgusting cunt. JFW doesn't even care about falconry as a sport. She just uses the birds for more photo ops to further her faux farmer illusion.


    5. I just saw the sickening video. This isn't nit picking, but the profile of her bulging body is far from being that of a fit runner and "mountain smasher." Again, it proves that her bragging about constant exercising is a bunch of bull. It's like I always say here, her whole life is lies.


    6. I think she enjoys pain and suffering of animals because it makes her feel powerful. Why else would she have tortured pigs and casually dismiss dead chicks, lambs and chickens?

      Looking at her video on my small phone, I can't tell if the chick is alive or dead.

      Whichever it is, her disregard for the sanctity of another creature's life disgusts me. She is no honor.

    7. It's a fact that she enjoys the pain and suffering of animals -- and the proof is right there on her bleg. Here's what she wrote after purposely adding water to the grounding rod for an extra jolt:

      "One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. No part of me felt any pity at all. I smiled. If you think that's crule you haven't rewired a charger with the slow burn of nettles on your inner thighs while blood ran down your arms. Peta my ass. The most abused animal on this farm is me, hands down."

      Trying to blame the pigs for escaping on the pigs, while ignoring the real reason, which was her inability and laziness to construct proper fencing in the first place.

  44. Twit Shit (the "Woke Wog" whining edition):

    "Im living in constant anxiety and I'm so tired"

    I guess that she forgot that "Im" has an apostrophe. It must be the "anxiety" and feeling "tired." "Terrified" will be next. Poor, pampered suburban baby and her busted faux farm dream. This stupid tweet is an example of her manipulative marketing. So far, no one has offered her money. Which is what she wants not pity. I recall how recently she bragged about "This farm has never been better!!!" It looks like being part of a small town "lesbian power couple" isn't working out well in terms of finances. Either she or Shannon could get a gig at Subway or elsewhere, but that'll never happen. She'd rather sit on her fat ass and hope for some "slung luck."


    1. Seriously, she has NO EXCUSE to be "anxious or tired." She's a white woman living in a sheltered NY enclave. She could get a job any time she wants. So many people right now are dealing with serious problems, job loss, people are DYING FFS, and she has the audacity to whine??? Just FU, JW. Really,

    2. This anxious and tired schtick is getting, I mean has GOTTEN old. If you are truly anxious and tired, you actually do something about it. It's like a little kid complaining they are bored. Get up and do something. Jenna's anxious and tired is just another tag line to ask for more donations. "People, please stop making me beg for money, my fingers are tired of typing. I have Hawks to catch, and hikes to go on."

    3. And as of this morning her pathetic tweet netted no new offers of free funds from sycophantic supporters. She only received a handful of "likes," and two vaguely supportive responses. Even her most massive dumb enabler, Pember Patty, was silent too. Moronic Miriam from Saratoga didn't say "Sorry!" either. I think that "Woke Wog" weariness and wariness has happened now.


    4. According to Wikipedia:

      "Begging (also panhandling) is the practice of imploring others to grant a favor, often a gift of money, with little or no expectation of reciprocation. Beggars may operate in public places such as transport routes, urban parks, and markets. Some beggars operate all alone on the side of a mountain, in the middle of nowhere."

      And looky here, that Wiki page has been updated to include Jenna Woginrich:

      "Internet begging is the modern practice of asking people to give money to others via the Internet, rather than in person. Internet begging is usually targeted at people who are acquainted with the beggar, but it may be advertised to strangers. Internet begging may encompass requests for help meeting basic needs such as medical care and shelter, as well as requests for people to pay for vacations, school trips, and other things that the beggar wants but cannot comfortably afford. For example, Taylor Swift sweatshirts."

    5. She apparently vacillates between utterly content and happy ("couldn't be happier!") to fuel the perception of her idyllic lifestyle, and crippling, nightmarish anxiety over supposedly uncertain cash flow.

      Monday - GAH! Mortgage! Firewood! HALP!

      Tuesday & Wednesday - Pretty animals! Fitness Hobbies! Historical / Fantasy fiction references! Aren't I just like the characters in your favourite books???

      Thursday - *cries in sales*

      Friday - Had a panic attack, nobly using anxiety to plow ahead and "promote my services" on social media... sorry folks I have to make a living somehow! *cough cough by my shit cough*

      Weekend - Hey I ruined a pie or roast! Don't farmers just eat the best food ever??? I like coffee. I think I'll pick a new religion. Hmmmm, can I get government grants if I register the farm as a lesbian-separatist commune? No parents allowed!

    6. Excellent analogy, WIW. And as other's have said, she uses these tactics to manipulate online strangers to donate to her so she doesn't have to work.

      "I feel good. I feel bad. I feel happy. I feel sad. Gimme money. All you have."

      Sounds like a Dr. Suess book written for con artists.

  45. Twitter Twaddle (The "It's a miracle, but she's better!" edition)"

    "I've knit wool from this flock and it's a mighty warm hat! Also the best bumper sticker I ever owned! Get some Irish goodies!"

    She's finally showing support for small farm female owners, but only because we've called her out here first for not doing it.

    "If you're a member of my family and voting for Trump, don't expect to see me for 4 more years. Don't expect an invitation to visit. You don't get to vote for a party taking away my rights as a woman and a lesbian and get to pretend we're cool. Ask yourself."

    LOL!!! She never sees them anyways, not even when Obama was in office. So it's a moot point if they vote for Trump. It's just Jenna's justification for continuing to ignore her relatives. And "Ask yourself." is a stupid sentence that she's left half-finished.

    "Offering 2 logo sales today at a deep discount to cover a firewood delivery needed soon. If you'd like some top notch work for a discount and help save a farm's ass. Let me know!"

    There are zero responses to save her fat "ass." The "deep discount" is a crock of crap since everything that she peddles is always on sale for less. She chooses to buy firewood when it's free to pick up all around her. Plus, she has heaters and a furnace. It's just more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.


    1. In my town, not that far from FFF, people are GIVING AWAY firewood, saying "Please take it away."

      Now that there are TWO hearty, healthy, mountain-smashing farmers, they can't pick up free logs or firewood between them?

      And for the uninitiated, FFF could rent a log splitter for 1-2 days and have enough ready-to-burn logs for the next two years. The cost for rental? $50-60/day. This is a lot less than $185-$220 per cord of wood.

      SMH repeatedly.

    2. I mean, she lives in the gol'dern woods FFS. She has her own woodlot on her own property, yet somehow, the great homesteader living on the side of a "mountain" can't figure out how to get said wood from the trees to her woodstove. (eye roll...) I've gotten free wood around here. It's just not that difficult. It's on CL all the time. As a side note, I'm also always a bit astounded at how much less things cost back there. To rent a wood splitter here is $85 a day. Maybe she could use her superlative axe skills (from her "axe throwing period) and just split her own wood??? SMH


    3. Hi DM, I did a search on log splitter rentals around the Pig Shocker. It's likely smaller places charge even less. Home Depot rents them for $100/day, and I saw plenty for $65-85. Our local guy rents them for $45/day. I picked an average price. Some of the splitters are so powerful, they're advertised as being able to split 10* cords per day.

      *Of course, PS couldn't "work" all day, needing to take time to brew hipster coffee, stalk Tayler Swift, choke down a whole pound cake, devour a ten-cheese skillet pizza, run 10K and search road kill for her latest captive hawk (which should be free - he already knows how to catch his food). Maybe she could split 3/4 cord...then she'd only have 3/4 to go!


    4. Pig Shocker: "...and help save a farm's ass."

      Just love how she tries to make it sound as if "saving her fauxrm's ass" is a one-time thing or a sudden emergency situation. When in reality it needs to be saved every single fcuking month.

      PDD: "SMH repeatedly."

      At this point, being almost 3 years into watching the Jenna shitshow, I'm now a human bobble head.

    5. Also, craigslist for her area shows at least 8 ads for free firewood. And even more a bit further away.

      And this: "If you're a member of my family and voting for Trump, don't expect to see me for 4 more years. Don't expect an invitation to visit."

      Wow, what a harsh thing to say. How unfortunate for her family members. I'll bet they're grief stricken and sobbing uncontrollably at the thought this threat. Goes to show what a narcissist she is, thinking so highly of herself that not getting to see her would be a punishment.

    6. "At this point, being almost 3 years into watching the Jenna shitshow, I'm now a human bobble head."

      OMG Anon7 ... You NEVER fail to totally crack me up. ROFLMAO!!!!!!


    7. Haha, thanks. And I know what you mean, this place is not only a bastion of info about the pig shocking animal abuser, but also a place to have a good laugh. Thanks to all the creative and snarky Shammers here, I never leave without a chuckle, chortle or snort!

  46. Interesting article:


    The Pig Shocker ticks the box for 4 out of the 6 types. And the profile that fits her best is "The Slacker" persona:

    "Some people truly need help, while others act like they need help though they really don’t need it. These people – the ones crying wolf – are the ones that can be a challenge. They ask for money, though they actually aren’t doing anything to try on their own. Living off others is what they would rather do, instead of taking the difficult step of trying to be self-sufficient."

    That's Jenna in a nutshell. Financially toxic indeed.

    1. That is a really interesting blog post.

      Jenna asking for people to kick in on "12 years of free content" is the moocher cherry on the beggar's pie, because the majority of her blog content for the last 10 years has been overt or covert begging for money!

      "Hey, want to kick in on my future wining about my mortgage and how it comes around every damn month? Support free content! Paypal!"

    2. It really just blows me away, the month-after-month aspect. And I suppose if I were ever stupid and arrogant enough to be in her sad shoes, I suppose, maybe, um, I guess I could beg online strangers for help? Maybe. But only once. And I'd have to be in dire straits. With a gun to my head. With no friends or family to help. And it would weigh on me and make me feel ashamed for a long time. (Especially if I was able-bodied and had a college degree to boot.)

      But she does it all month! Every month!! All year! Year after year!!

      The fuck is wrong with her? Did she step on a rake?!? Someday, when she's old and looks back at this time, will she look back with pride and satisfaction that she led an honest life? Don't think so. Seems like she only lives one day at a time for self gratification at the expense of others. Kinda like a junkie.

    3. She's got to have such an inflated ego to imagine her blog posts warrant continued donations.

      Most creators / public figures produce high-quality content, and then offer exclusive additional content to patreon backers or sell books, merchandise, or classes.

      I think that's how FFF intended to start out, but girl got no follow through. This is what comes from starting a business with no business plan.

      Broken record time: there is no way she's subsisted all these years on donations and sales. She's on some sort of income assistance or disability. I think she probably legit has mental health challenges, because she reminds me of folks I know who have been diagnosed - but the unfortunate frosting on this shitcake is her ego and entitlement.

      Be on income assistance if you need it, but don't pretend to be eking out a living from your "farming", or your arts n crafts.

  47. Instagram Update for those who are curious:

    Same video as on twitter with new hawk coming to the glove

    New photo of hawk on glove eating the chick / food

    New photo of Shannon's back and Gibson overlooking the valley from a viewpoint on a hike.

    Photo of a trail marker

    New selfie in the saddle - I think this may have been cross-posted to twitter but I'm too lazy to check atm.

    Supposedly new photo of a hen with two chicks in fall leaves, with the extremely faded red barn in the background. Is she ever going to paint that thing, or let it rot to the ground? This photo reminds me of one I have seen before so not sure if it's new.

    Merlin photo from saddle with fall background, so likely a new photo.

    Black and white photo of new hawk with wide-eyed JW. Really wide-eyed. Hawk is hooded, being acclimatized indoors.

    Shannon in a hammock

    Old photo of her mentor's hawk "Preacher".

    View from indoors through window to fall foliage and sheep outside. Seems like a new photo.

    Carved pumpkins with wolf and cat face.

    I want to say this next one is an old photo of geese but there is a pumpkin in the foreground with the outline of the cat face drawn on, so seems like a new photo. Would be funny if the pumpkin was just photoshopped into an old photo, but I don't think JW has the chops for that.

    Horses saddled and grazing in a field - no fall foliage in this photo so it's either from earlier in the summer or from a previous year. Either that or the leaves all turned overnight!

    Old pic of gibson herding pigs

    Professional quality photo of new hawk on black background - but this one looks so much like the old photos of Italics I wonder if this is the new hawk or not.

    New hawk indoors in front of monitor showing scene from Braveheart. (Acclimatizing hawk indoors.)

    Handful of hatchling chicks in Shannon's hands in front of her puffy coat. These look like the same chicks as the ones with the hen in the fall leaves in a more recently posted photo, meaning the photo of the horses between these two photos is definitely out of order.

    New hawk hooded, on gauntlet.

    aaaand I think that brings us to where I left us last time.

    Overall, seems like there are a lot more actual, real, new photos on IG in the last couple of weeks, and *gasp* even a few of actual farm animals. Most of them are of the new hawk though.

    I wonder if instagram got locked down because she's clearly using the hawk to promote herself again?

    1. Anon 6:09 - You are worth your weight in GOLD for continuing to expose what the pig-shocking fake farmer would like to keep hidden. Thank you! And you're right, she's continuing to keep her IG private because she is once again exploiting a helpless hawk for personal profit.

      Also, your photo descriptions paint a clear picture of a lazy grifter who has a lot of time on her hands to:

      -Pursue falconry
      -Take horsey rides
      -Go mountain smashing
      -Laze about in a hammock
      -Carve pumpkins long before Halloween
      -Watch movies

      Not to mention the wasted time she takes to go thru old photos to find ones she can pass off as new. And then goes online to beg for money when she should be spending all that time working a real job. Can't wait until she finally gets her comeuppance. Cuz it's coming.

    2. At face value, if I were coming upon her blog for the first time right now, it would still stick out to me that she cries and panics so much about the same damn bill everyone else in the working world has to pay.

  48. A Summary of CAF Appeals for "Sales"

    Blog posts by date & mention of $

    Sept 30 - Still have a ways to go on hay and firewood, and soon as I can afford another cord I will order it. But in the meantime I am working on selling pork shares, logos, the usual. Sales are slow but not dead and it's encouraging enough. I didn't end up making the September house payment yet but hope to before mid October.

    Sep 23 - The farm isn’t yet at the place it needs to be for hay and firewood to exhale with a safe feeling of completion; but there are 80 bales in the barn and a cord and a half stacked outside, and that isn’t nothing. I am hoping to order more hay and firewood soon. It all depends on sales, but the August mortgage was paid and slowly I am working towards September.

    Sept 11 - Pork Shares for 2021

    Sep 6 - Entire "winter prep" I'm still slowly working towards the August Mortgage. I hope to take care of it soon. It'll take a lot of frugality and luck and planning to pull it off, September's house payment, butcher bills, hay and wood...

    Sep 4 - And since home, it's back to winter prep and hoping to cover August's mortgage before mid month.

    Aug 24 - Mention of hay delivery, this is not even really a begging post at all. Does she give her readers a break every 6 weeks, throws them a post that barely mentions expenses?

    Aug 22 - If the hay delivery comes today it’ll be the third 25 bale order this August.

    **** take note, on this date she states she had 75 bales of hay. Can the actual farmers here tell us how many months of food for her known animals this will cover?

    Also: Firewood is stacked for half the winter, and soon as I can swing another order I will. My goal right now is to may the August mortgage soon as possible and then focus on more wood and hay.

    *** She claims to have half the wood needed in August and has been talking about firewood orders in Sept as well.

    Ugh, I'm sick of going through these posts already.

    But there you go, six weeks of posts, only one that isn't a barely disguised plea for sales or donations.

    1. Oh, her animals aren't grazing are they? She's feeding hay year round?

  49. Twit Shit:

    "This farm needs sales, like usual, because these dang bills keep showing up every month..."


    "Still offering this [deal], no one took me up on it the past few days."

    *super surprised face*

    Yo, dim-witted one, did it ever occur to you that no one's buying cuz they just aren't interested in what you have to offer? It's as simple as that.

    1. Anon7: Knock knock!

      Pig Shocker: Who's there?

      Anon7: No sales.

      Pig Shocker: No sales who?

      Anon7: No sales for YOU.

      Seriously, quit trying to sell stuff that is based on your own self-serving interests and figure out what people really want to buy. Do some research! See what's selling and why. Cuz how many people want to buy a logo from a Taylor Swift-obsessed fake farmer who lazes in a hammock all day?

      Pssst...not very many.


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