Happy Labor Day!

Another season and she keeps crawling along.  The only thing that changes for her is the weather.  I can't imagine how she chooses this sort of life.  But she is the one who is paying.  The price gets larger as she gets older.  I think at some point she'll see it for herself but I think it will be too late.  At some point you can't turn it around.

My thought is basically that I don't care.  She can do what she wants.  If others get sucked into her crazy that is on them...not at first...but you need to learn what crazy is and then it's your choice.  That may be why MG is there.  Younger folks haven’t been exposed as much.  It takes a while to figure it out.  The animals are a different story.  They are the innocents in the story.

Carry on Jenna.  You're just a case study to me.


  1. HD - You are absolutely right. There is a point where you can no longer turn it around.

    I've seen it among friends and family who were irresponsible. I used to envy their free spirit lifestyle while I was slogging through a full time job with direct deposit and benefits. They were playing outside while I was stuck in a cubicle under florescent lights breathing circulated air.

    Now I'm the one who gets to play all day while I receive passive income and have no debt. And those free spirits are still working into their 60s and 70s with low wage jobs and mountains of debt. With failing health to boot. And no way out.

    1. HD. I agree with what you wrote, and Anonymous that was well-put too. She's quickly edging towards forty. Years ago she was the young wannabe farmer that people were eager to assist. Yet she ignored and scorned the sage advice which was offered to her for free.

      Now, her rotten reputation and animal abusing are all over the internet. JFW should be supporting herself like a normal adult, but she'd rather be bragging about boating and backpacking. Then she has to chutzpah to whine, and return to begging on Twitter for mortgage money. She's shameless.


    2. "has the chutzpah..."


    3. Wog had better hop on the work wagon pretty soon. You have to make at least $5600 a year in employment income for 10 years to qualify for social security benefits when you retire. Even if she gets right on that, she would probably only qualify for the minimum social security monthly payments. To give you (and you, JW) an idea:

      Years of Coverage Minimum Benefit at
      Full Retirement Age (per month) 2019 numbers

      11 $ 41.90

      12 $ 85.60

      13 $129.40

      14 $173

      15 $216.30

      Have fun in your retirement!


    4. Yet another reason she needs a partner. Her very survival in retirement depends upon it. Just like the rest of her pathetic life, she cannot make it thru retirement without other people's money. If someone is stupid enough to get into a relationship with that and be that financial lifeline, even better for PS.

      Has the new girl considered how she could have a very successful life without having to carry Cambridge's Action Bronson look alike financially?
      Obviously not.
      Being in a relationship with PS is the equivalent of a drug addict hitting the proverbial rock bottom.

    5. Notice how MG is driving them up to meet the boating friends. Jenna can't ever drive? I bet it's her car and her gas and her everything.

    6. I'm guessing the boat owners are MG's friends as well.

    7. LS and Anon 11:21, WH - So right about turning things around when it comes to social security. What did she work, like 3-4 years in total? The Wog is screwed unless she gets a main hustle soon and not just the side shit she's trying to peddle.

      Anon 6:10 - I noticed that too and was wondering if she'd try to feed her foollowers another "free trip" story with the GF already having gas in her tank. But here's the rub: There's no way the Pig Shocker can claim that day was free unless she's cluelessly uncouth. Boats themselves, and every trip they take cost money. And there's something called boat etiquette which means that if you are invited onto one, even if it's just a casual invite, everyone knows that you should generously accept and reciprocate.

      Which means that you offer to pay for gas, or you at least provide the big lunch, or at the very least, all the beverages. This is just the way it is done in civilized society. No boat ride is free. And a lot of sail boats do have gas powered engines. Not to mention slip fees, ramp/docking fees, etc. But yeah, just watch the Wog try to call it "free".

      Anon 7:27 - I noted that too. She's never mentioned in the past any friends with a boat. So it's interesting that the GF's friends are suddenly her friends too! What a mooch.

    8. The friends are the nataliak_line family, who Jenna's tagged many times in the past and I believe vice versa. I am quite sure they are Jenna's friends.

    9. For example, December 6th she has a picture of them with china plates. And pretty sure before that she tagged them on board-gaming and going to the bar posts.

    10. I remember that name...she has an Instagram too. I believe there's pics on PS's IG showing her riding brown/white horsey and holding the reins the wrong way.

    11. As others have said, "Boats ain't cheap." Even the smallest. They say the two happiest days in your life are the day you buy a boat, and the day you sell it. My brother had a boat for a few years. You pay all sorts of fees that have already been cited. You can spend hundreds just taking a short trip on a river or a bay. You don't show up empty handed, yet I can't think of FF as doing anything but showing with her pockets turned inside out. I've often thought whenever regarding her, that one day, maybe in her 40's or 50's she'll attempt something, have an injury that is slow to heal, an extended illness, and then she'll really learn about begging. These are key earning years for her. There will be a price to pay down the road. We all know it.

  2. Hey, Happy Labor Day to everyone here who actually labors for a living, unlike lazy Jenna Woginrich. Hope everyone here had an enjoyable day despite the nationwide heat. It was so HOT here. Over 110 degrees in my area, and 121 degrees in a town nearby. It just sucked. Like being wedged in tight under Satan's ball sack. Luckily we have AC, but I shudder to think what the homeless experienced this weekend. This heat can go fcuk itself.

    1. Hope everyone's Labor Day was good, also! Anon7, I saw that in San Francisco (where I lived for 20 yrs) it was 102 degrees!!! So Cal being hot, I get, but SF?! I actually couldn't believe it. Nobody there has AC (except offices/commercial buildings). Normally, if it gets hot (like the occasional 90) then the fog rolls in at night and cools everything off. Climate change in action. May the heat abate in the West. Please.

      We had an unusual cold front move in with severe winds here in Eastern Washington. Labor Day blew away! 50 mph gusts. The winds fanned the flames of the existing fires we have burning, and new fires started. Almost the entire town of Malden, Washington (pop. 300) burned down as there was no way to fight the fire that had started with 40 mph winds. :-( The combination of smoke and dust was so bad, several highways shut down entirely. So... that was our Labor Day.

      Stay safe, everyone.


    2. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/08/910578980/fast-moving-wildfire-destroys-80-of-small-town-in-eastern-washington-state

    3. I was super surprised too to hear that San Fran gets that hot. Back when I was a kid a light windbreaker was suggested for tourists...like it was always chilly there.

      And all these horrid fires...I can't believe that the US can put women and men into space but haven't found a way to combat forest fires? With the exception of water dropping planes, we haven't advanced much at all. I read last year about an idea to spray fire retardant chemicals (to coat vegetation) via aircraft but then that kills all the wildlife, insects, etc.

      So sad about Malden WA...practically an entire town! There's another one down here that wiped out more than half the homes in Big Creek CA. And a large fire in So Cal was started by explosives during a gender reveal party, that took place in a brush area, on the hottest day (115+ degrees) for that area. People are so stupid. I hope they enjoy possible jail time and huge fines they'll have to pay. Innocent people lost their homes because two selfish parents just had to let everyone know about their unborn baby's genitals. Grrrr.


  3. Twit Shit (the beyond barfing edition):

    "Okay going to be a big push for sales today. Have last month's and this month's mortgage to pay plus a big bill, so a healthy panic has set in and hoping to earn what I need to pay that mortgage today! All I have to offer is on sale! Send a DM, RT if you can!"

    No one cares, JFW, about your pathological lying. They also aren't interested in your ongoing shit-show, and that you have two month's mortgage payments to make. The fact that you have "a healthy panic" due to being a lazy lifestyle loser is laughable. All of your epic failures are due to your refusal to support your fat ass like a normal adult. And do your own manipulative marketing without asking for ridiculous retweets. Go fuck yourself.


    1. When so many people are unemployed, through no fault of their own, this entitled loser is asking them to pay HER mortgage when they can't even pay their own?! Go fuck yourself, indeed.


    2. DM. It also burns me that she brags about going boating and backpacking, but then has the nerve to continue begging on Twitter.


    3. So she didn't worry about her mortgage when she was riding around in a boat this past weekend. In fact she only worries about it when she needs play money.

      BTW what is up with that dog portrait she has posted? It looks like shit. What is wrong with its eye? Why does all her portraits look like a 5th grader did it? My cat could have drawn something better.

    4. Anonymous 12:03. "She plays while others pay." All of her stupid scribbles look alike. She literally, has no range as an artist. Her pet portraits are awful. It's unbelievable that she's still getting away with begging online for a living. Which is why it's still happening.

    5. It's pretty obtuse. Her audience is of people who are homestead / farming enthusiasts. She's trying to rebrand or move her audience into other queer women / the queer community at large, but that's a poor strategy, as queer folk tend to earn significantly less than straight or straight-passing people. Unless she's able to appeal to the double-income-no-kids demographic - which is actually mostly gay MEN - she's going after a demographic that has less income than the hipster farmer wannabes that followed FFF in the first place.

      Fuck off entirely with that bullshit.

      LS - it burns me too.

    6. Choo choo! Jumpin' on the fUcK JenNA train! Every time she says "a big sales push" it's not the amount of tweets that increase, it's the frequency.

      And she's now peddling her crap for the holiday gift giving season. But how can she manage that when most of it has a two month wait time? Sept and Oct are the only two months where Xmas delivery is possible when it comes to her laziness.

      Anon 12:03 - I noticed that weird portrait too...it's like the dog has a stick up it's butt?

  4. "plus a big bill" - she's being vague even about her bills now. "a big bill" could be anything. Time to get out the bingo cards!

    It's probably not a vet bill. Despite having so many animals, she rarely talks about having the vet around.

    Truck finally crapped out? Beaters are *such* a waste of money. It's fine if you just need an a-b run-around-town for a year or two, but beyond that you need to sink thousands into them to keep them going, unless you're a mechanic.

    Something for the house she has to fix now that MG is living with her?

    (By the way, I'll continue to refer to her as Mystery Girlfriend, given it's a mystery why she is dating / living with / enabling FFF.)

    Yes, it's clear the sail boat friends are friends of MG. That's how it goes. It's another, brand new community for FFF to burn out. There is no way she contributed anything financially or even food-wise to that sailboat trip.

    It does offer a clue to the sort of crowd MG hangs out with. Sailing is an expensive hobby, she went to an expensive school - it seems MG probably isn't concerned with saving for retirement either, as she's never been in fear for her own survival like that.

    I also know several hippies who cannot retire. They lived their lives rotating through communes, travelling seasonal farmers, weed-pickers (also known as high-liners, people who maintain and harvest weed grown in the rainforests of BC), who didn't pay into pension plans, had no savings, and made poor financial choices their whole lives. They are now either living off of their children, or working despite deteriorating bodies to pay market rate rents. It's terrible to watch, but I've been around them for over a decade, and it's been clear the choices they made which got them to this place.

    FFF hasn't taken on board any warnings or advice prior to this, why would she listen / care about her potential retirement?

    I'm surprised in 10+ years of working with large animals and supposedly running 5Ks that she's never sustained a serious injury. Not even a twisted ankle.

    1. Hmmmm...a big bill could mean:

      -An engagement ring
      -A pallet of cleaning supplies/air freshener
      -A new Christmas pony for MG!

      Being that she's so vague about this big bill, it's probably all three.

    2. All good possibilities. A new something - a big purchase more likely than a big bill. By the way, it occurs to me that those who pre-paid for pork would have also pre-paid the butchering fees. There's no reason that "bill" should be coming due only now.

      Firewood, hay and mortgage is all normal costs of living. Nothing there should be considered a "big bill".

      $2K engagement ring sounds about right. Christmas pony - sure, why not! New truck to boot! Woot woot!

  5. Oh she probably deleted that tweet Lisa Steele commented on because it's the only way to get rid of Lisa's comment from her thread / record. Dirty Deleting!

    1. Yes, PoodleDiDoo on the last thread stated that the comment read, "Still can't make ends meet?.....or wait is this an old tweet from last year?"

      I'm out of the loop -- who is this Lisa Steele? And how can I join her fan club?

    2. Here's a link to Lisa's Twitter account. We've discussed her here before. She's known about JFW and her constant scamming. I also sent her an email awhile ago: https://twitter.com/fresheggsdaily?lang=en. Lisa Steele seems to be the opposite of the FFF.

    3. Thanks for the link! What a great Twitter feed Lisa has. Lots of pics of her doing actual productive homesteader things. And she doesn't beg.

    4. I searched twitter and found all kinds of lisa steele goodness, wow! Awesome! I love FFF hasn't blocked her because she has a larger audience than FFF.

      BTW, Lisa produces some great content - thanks!

      Here's what I found, for your clicking pleasure:


    5. this one - SAVAGE!!!! OMG the lolz


    6. Thank you for these links! Guys, the link on WIW's 4:32 post is GOLD. This Lisa Steele chick is amazingly savage. She doesn't tolerate the Pig Shocker's bullshit one iota. Please click on that link for shitz 'n giggles. After Lisa accused her of begging for handouts, PS said this:

      "It's not a "hand out". It's letting readers contribute to free content if they want to."

      How generous of her! But if they wanted to contribute she wouldn't have to beg. And since they don't want to, she has no choice but to beg...which results in a handout. And if you beg them to pay you, then how is that free content?!? And how does the daft cow not see that?

    7. Yeah, like, what the hell do you call it when you post income goals, and outrageous statements like "need to make $2K in 10 days" and then POST YOUR PAYPAL LINK!?

      What do you call that, if not begging???

      What do you call that income if not a hand-out?

      I don't see how it can be a "donation" since FFF's house isn't a charity, it's not a non-profit, it isn't even a community hub. It's literally just her, and, it seems, MG.

      Gotta buy enough firewood to keep them both warm!

      Let's watch the begging amount go up now that TWO healthy, hale, university-educated white women live there.

      You'd think getting a live-in partner would solve a few financial problems... not so, it seems. Two unemployed, socially-advantaged white women hunting for pet hawks on a work day. Niiiiiiiiiiiice.

    8. When I clicked on your first link, this came up. Apparently, the Wog was responding to someone who had posted a link on Twitter to a pic on IG:

      "I am sure the picture is nice, but I will never swap over to Instagram to see the photo you linked to here on Twitter. I am not made of time." JW

      I AM NOT MADE OF TIME???!!! Good God, she's got all the time in the world to beg all over the internet. That's all the girl IS made of! LOL

    9. She's also "not made of money" either.


  6. Instagram updates:

    Cartoon dog and weird cat (ad)

    sailing Polaroids placed to not show the but of her friend

    video of sunset from camping trip (really getting mileage from those pics)

    logo design (ad)

    Italics pic

    Gibson from camping trip

    soap pic (ad)

    old hawk pic ... I think you're caught up.

    In the daily story update, she shares her own lezwolfmeme update, along with a few other people's memes and political social media posts

    1. Awesome job, thanks! It seems like she's posting more sales begs than ever on that platform. Wonder if that's why she made it private?

      And this: "sailing Polaroids placed to not show the but of her friend"

      Lol, what does that mean?

    2. I think that she meant to type "butt" not "but." Maybe Shannon is sensitive about her booty. But it's probably smaller than JFW's fat ass.


    3. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1302655266220105728/photo/1

      I meant "butt" not "but" - sorry for the typo.

      Look at the lowest photo, and see how another photo is overlapping it to cover the butt of MG's friend?

    4. There are no photos that I can see which are unique to the instagram profile. All the new photos are also posted on twitter, all the ads are also posted on twitter, and the rest is recirculated old photos, mostly hawks.

    5. The person with the hidden hiney looks like a dude, and the chick in between his legs looks to be MG. Odd photo.

  7. Logo check!

    Tawny head farm - no using the logo
    True story botanicals is not google-able, doesn't come up
    Immigrant & minority farmers conference - this one looks like Mt Rushmore, and it's not being used. A different logo is being used instead.
    Again with comox valley electrical - they aren't using that logo either.

    They may have paid for the logo, but they clearly aren't happy with the end product.

    1. It's been that way for years. She often shows examples of her terrible clip art logos and yet the companies never actively use the logo. They are clearly pity purchases. Once the client sees the shit that PS comes up with, they throw the logo into the circular file where it belongs and chalk up their purchase to charity for a talentless lowlife.

    2. Yeah, and imagine all the suckers who were so bitterly unsatisfied that they refused to use it out of spite. We've made lists like this in the past and if I remember, only 1/3 of the logos were in use.

  8. Rugged Roost farm not searchable either. I wonder how many people just bought a logo they didn't need because they felt sorry for her? They didn't really need one or have plans to use it, and once the product came back, they just shrugged and counted their contribution as a "donation".

  9. Twit Shit - Mystery Girlfriend edition:

    "She's in the house doing yoga and I'm outside listening to Taylor Swift because we make space for each other's daily wellness practices."

    First off, sounds like she is avoiding her already. And she's actively working on healthy self improvement whilst the Pig Shocker lazes in her hammock listening to Taylor Swift all day just like always. I wonder if PS has taken to hiding her mid-afternoon drink in a soda can?

    1. Her asinine attempts to be hipster funny are always dismal failures.


    2. MG makes space for Jenna until Stinky McFatass decides to take a bath.

    3. She'll tweet about that, but nothing about the laying hens, the pigs, the other farm animals or the harvest / garden.

  10. Flat out begging once again:

    "This farm needs to make about 2 grand in 10 days to not fall behind. I know I can't do that, But I am going to try like hell. Still working on the August mortgage, butcher and hay and firewood bills ahead. It's a great time to support CAF if that's something you want to do!"

    Lmao, $2K in 10 days?

    1. Oh the butchering is the "big bill". Nice ask, $2K eh? Sure, why not. That's only $200 / day. Sheesh. Sailing and camping wasn't so free, was it?

    2. Is she planning on getting another puppy? Travel somewhere? Downpayment for a new truck? I'll bet that's it.

      Notice how this ridiculous ask is getting more engagement than her usual begs - she might ask for $5K next time. Poodles, pony up!

    3. Yeah, two people asked for a price list and one sucker asked for her PayPal info.

      I wonder how much she gets from people who donate like that? It can't be much cuz she never ever thanks them. I'll bet she gets all excited thinking, "Ooh mebbe $200!!" and then checks her balance to find maybe $10 or $20 bucks. Lol.

    4. MG has prob been cut off from her family since she made the decision to live with PS. That could mean MGs car payment, insurance, etc has been added to "that farm's" "needs." One begger + one begger = $2,000 in 10 days.

      Then within a week later, she will need it again.

    5. These are not surprise expenses either, hay, butchering, the ever-loving mortgage. $2K in 10 days? That means that a week ago, while she was camping and laying her trap out for another mouth to feed this winter, she knew (cough she's lying but theoretically knew) these expenses were on the books and coming due.

      But she just fucks off and does whatever she wants anyway, then does a "push" for sales which means she hits the retweet button a few extra times.

    6. Cue the "I have anxiety / nightmares" post in 3...2...1...

      There is an easy cure for needing to make $2k in a month.

      And now, with another healthy and younger woman living there, that's TWO people that could be stocking shelves at the local grocery, or walmart, or costco.

      They'd only need minimum wage jobs on a part-time basis to clear the mortgage. I just don't understand why anyone donates or buys anything from her, ever.

  11. I am really sorry to read about all the wildfires down south. The winds changed direction, and the smoke was coming up to vancouver island yesterday. It didn't get bad where I live, but we could still smell / taste it.

    We used to have very aggressive forest fire control programs here in BC, which dispatched water bombers (that were on-call) at a moment's notice. That's part of the reason the fires never got too far out of control.

    Over the last 20 years though, all these publicly-funded programs have been cut back. The very year one premier decommissioned a water-bomber, we had the worst forest fire in recent history, because it took too long to get the other planes / helicopters over to stop it before it spread too much.

    Decades of suppressing fires as soon as they start (to a degree, forest fires are a natural part of the forest life cycle) and then cutting back drastically on the suppression systems, plus ever-drier summers has led to some horrific fires in the past few years.

    1. Me too. Oregon and NorCal are getting hit hard as well. And while these (non-arson/natural) seasonal wildfires are to be expected, there's one fire in 2017 that was so out of the norm, it blew everyone's mind: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tubbs_Fire

      Normally, suburban neighborhoods (mostly cement, asphalt, brick and mortar) are generally safe as long as they are not too close to a mountain range, and especially if there's a major highway in between. But the neighborhood of Coffey Park burned to the ground from a fire which came far from the east and managed to jump a highway, all due to unusually strong winds. I live in a similar situation in a city and have always felt safe from large wildfires. But no longer...not after seeing how far away that neighborhood was from danger. Check out this map and be sure to zoom out to see how far away that big green mountain range was:


      What a fucking nightmare for those people who had gone to bed feeling safe that the fire was 20+ miles away. Only to be frightfully awakened at 3am by police driving thru their neighborhood screaming to them via bullhorn to evacuate. No time to grab shit. Go NOW. They opened their doors to a bright orange firestorm showering them with large flying embers. Houses on fire in every direction. A fiery blizzard that completely destroyed 1,200+ homes in minutes. A far away fire driven there by violent 50+ MPH winds. And if you feel that a neighborhood being so far from the fire should never have burned, global warming effects would like to have a word with you.

    2. Here's a graphic that illustrates what happened:


      All the homes that were completely destroyed in Coffey Park:


      And this, just insane, as they were nowhere near that mountain range:


  12. Twit Shit (the spoken like a sociopathic POS edition):

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Seeing a lot of posts from other upstate farmers also worried about their markets and farms lately. Which is nuts because we all should be eating closer to home in a pandemic. Be kind to a farmer today. Or better yet, buy something from one."


    1. And her mention of being "kind to a farmer" is little more than virtue signaling, and trying to appear as if she has a conscience. It's all a bunch of bull, and pretentious posturing to look like a caring human being. She's not.


    2. That's funny, because small-scale area farmers selling vegetables, fruits, dairy, eggs, baked goods and meats have told me they never had so much business!

      Seriously. People from urban areas bought or rented all available properties and they are 100% buying locally. Farmers have teamed together to offer farm packages to residents - very popular. Pick-your-own stands cannot keep up. CSAs are sold out for this year.

      Legitimate farmers do all this without begging on Twitter/IG, using word of mouth, road signs and town FB pages.

      The fake feral farmer's problem is local people KNOW she treats her livestock like 💩💩 and, based on past posts, provides minimal health care and feeds them substandard or crap food. She's also had worms, parasites and diseased meat. Since animals are what they eat, and react poorly to stress (it taints the meat) you can bet locals won't touch her "product".

      So she begs from people who don't live near her, because she hopes they won't learn the truth behind dead animal farm.

    3. PDD. Exactly. Our local farmers have stands that sell out daily. I'm speaking from experience. On Sunday my fave one had a long line of eager buyers waiting for them to open. Her shit-show depends on people being ignorant about "the truth behind dead animal farm." I also think that Shannon Doyle, her girlfriend, knows about the FFF by now. Apparently, she doesn't mind living with a "scrappy" beggar.


    4. This is such a bold-faced lie. If she was actually seeing farmers posting about needing to make sales, you'd like she would be retweeting them, since she claims to support other artists/farmers when she can... But this tweet is all about including herself in a group that she doesn't belong to, and claiming a problem that doesn't exist (except for her). I farm, and we are selling EVERYTHING. We literally can't process animals fast enough to satiate the demand.

    5. Exactly! Our CSA farm purchased more land and is expanding. Another has added wedding venues and outdoor music concerts to their list of services. Our hay supplier, who also sells meat, eggs and vegetables, took his entire large family for a Hawaiian vacation.

      And in case the fake feral farmer wants to lie about availability of hay and firewood...

      1. Remember, courtesy of August's tropical storm Isaias there are still large numbers of downed trees & branches, free for the taking. We ourselves gave neighbors wood from a three-foot diameter oak tree that fell in the wind. I often see people stopping along the roads to pick up unclaimed wood.
      2. Hay farmers have just completed their third cutting, so hay is plentiful. If FFF cannot get affordable local hay, she's lying or no one local will sell to her. Oh, wait, didn't she already have all she needed months ago? Bwahahaha.

      Her motto: never let truth get in the way of a good lie.

      Live like fiction indeed.

    6. Well, lots of upstate new York farms including mine just finished their second cutting. We had a very, very dry June which put the grass very far behind. that did shake up the market quite a bit. and although downed trees are plentiful, that won't turn into cut and seasoned firewood in time for winter. If she'd planned ahead in the spring like virtually every farmer I know, that would be a different story.

    7. Anon, sorry to hear your delay in harvesting second cutting, but happy you did get it in. You may remember FFF bragged she had plenty of first cut hay, so more hay shouldn't be needed. However, I know of farms less than 1.5 hours from her that have plenty of hay, so I assume, geographically speaking, she's not in too bad of shape.

      And regarding free firewood, lol, we Shamsters talk about this every year. The fake homesteader, yes the woman who taught paying customers about homestead preparedness, is incapable of securing free wood and letting it dry out for the next year. But I guess since she begs her way into having 🐩🐩🐩 pay $$$, she can use her hipster yellow wall phone to have aged-cut firewood delivered.

      Goodness sakes, why do all you farmers go to the trouble of getting your own firewood?

    8. "Live like fiction!" And it's always at the expense of others paying for her free funds.


    9. I'm so glad that this site has folks here like PoodleDiDoo, Luckless Slinger, and many others who are either local to PS, or are real farmers/homesteaders who have the knowledge to call PS out on her bullshit.

      Without you all, naive cidiots like me would believe every word the Pig Shocker spouts because we don't have your knowledge or experience. And that's the main thing I love about it here...I'm always learning about things I'd otherwise never have a chance to know about.

  13. Not to sound strange, but how could anyone "go down" on such an ugly inside and out hag? It's beyond my comprehension.

    1. "Not to sound strange" - did you mean "not to sound homophobic but..."

      I'm not here for that.

    2. Anonymous 12:20. "Lighten up, Francis." There was no mention of sexual preference. It's probably your personal projections on "homophobia." And we're all "here" for different reasons. If you don't like it then feel free to leave. I also find JFW disgusting, and feel the same way. I can't fathom anyone being intimate with an unethical scammer either emotionally or physically.

    3. Anon 12:20 - I'm sure a lot of us wonder about that...but what we wonder about even more is how or why anyone in their right mind would want to even know or be associated with such a nasty animal abusing pig like her.

      For example, her family. I suppose they really have no choice. But anyone else? Their motives...what can they be? We discuss this all the time here cuz we are eternally dumbfounded about who could like someone who is so ugly inside and out. And who happily shocks innocent pigs.

    4. And her horrid hygiene would make any intimate encounters especially "pungent." Ugh.


    5. Having met her personally. I see 0 compelling reason to spend time with her. She comes of as absolutely self centered, and lazy. She's a narcissist, and those types tend to groom others to become helpers. And they do, until they get tired of her. That's why you won't see most sticking around. They finally get wise to the truth that even if they do help her, it won't be enough. I am sure her family sees that as well.

    6. Fakefarmer. I was speaking from experience of her horrid hygiene. Unfortunately, we've met her a few times when living locally in her area. She comes across as having an unearned arrogant attitude with her snub nose stuck up in the air. Her social skills appear almost autistic since she doesn't pick up on cues. We were repelled by her presence, and also her bad body odor. It's no wonder why her heathen group disbanded, and former friends like Jon Katz avoid her. They got sick of being used, and doing her faux farm projects.


    7. LS: I agree with you 100%.

    8. Why is saying she has a horrid, non existent hygienic practice = homophobic? Because the person who had to stretttttcccchhhhhhh for that one is looking for any reason to whine and cry and gaslight.

      It's much simpler than any of that folks. Pig Shocker shits in her backyard and lives in a shitpit house that should have been condemned YEARS ago. She lives in mold infestation without working plumbing and various sorts of animal shit IN HER HOUSE. MANY people who have seen her up close and personal say that she REEKS of horrible body older.

      No one with intact olfactory glands would want to get anywhere near her caustic genitals, whatever they are.
      That sort of poor hygiene carries disease.

  14. I haven't really been paying much attention to JW as much lately, but I do check in on her twitter from time to time... and I just saw a tagged tweet that quoted a couple of her lines and I'm just scratching my head. "We are just another bit of blood and meat blessed with pleasure"... huh. 😬 That sure is a phrase, isn't it?

    Anyway, looks like things haven't really changed much, have they?

    I hope you're all doing okay!! Stay safe, y'all!!

    1. Good to see you again Cryokid. Hope all is well.

    2. I swear to god she writes bad werewolf erotica / fan fiction in her oodles of spare time.

    3. Cryokid! I was just thinking of you two or three days ago. Wish you had more time to post here. We miss you, your insight, and wit. Happy to know that you still check in here!

      As for that tweet, I'm guessing it's the Pig Shocker's roundabout way of hinting that she's finally having sex. Or something. I really don't really want to really know.

    4. It really did read like bad werewolf erotica... 😬 From the tweet, though, it sounded like a line from one of her books. Yikes.

      Aw thanks Anon7!! 🥰 You're the one that's out west, right? I hope you're staying safe with all the fires!! I'll try to drop in a little more often! I think I was feeling a little JW-fatigue, but I have been thinking of everyone here!

    5. Her asinine attempts to write erotica are always gross. They're the opposite of sexy. She has no sense of what's appropriate. It's like her overwrought purple prose posts. JFW creates weird word salads, but they don't make sense.


    6. NOOOOO!!!!! Do any of you have links to any of it??? I could use the LOLs!

      "word salads that don't make sense" - yep. I don't remember Made From Scratch being that bad, but maybe I didn't clock it as I was younger, or maybe she had a great editor for that book.

      FWIW, I have a friend who is an actual writer of erotica, and she makes an excellent living. Subscribers, sells books in advance, does work to order etc. The lolz I am seeking are FFF's cringy attempts.

    7. WiW. She's only written stupid snippets, and nothing of length. At least, that she's been willing to show in public.

    8. CK - Yes, I'm on the west coast -- awful Southern California, way too close to LA -- hate it here, too hot, too many cars, people, traffic. Someday I will escape!

      LS - The Pig Shocker's attempts at writing erotica are akin to asking a 6 year-old kid to describe a peanut butter 'n jelly sandwich to their pet hamster all while whizzing down a playground slide wearing flip-flops on a foggy morning.

      WIW - Can't remember particular links, but if you search her bleg for "Lesbian Equestrian Werewolf Book" you just may get unlucky and find an example.

  15. Instagram update:

    raw chicken posed next to carrots and potatoes with this caption:
    "We have whole chickens ready right now for your Sunday Roast! Come by the farm and get a glorious mother clucker for your family, visit the other meat birds at their coop, and support a small farm raising healthy and happy free range birds! #smallfarm #chicken"

    I hope those veggies were scrubbed before they were eaten.

    Hawk photo "Every day I am out trapping, even if it's just keeping an eye out on the way into town on the post office. So far there have been a lot of juvenile birds all over but no luck taking one home yet. Besides trapping a brooding hawk and some play on the traps without a snare, there aren't any new hawks at CAF yet. Wish us luck out there!"

    So, Ad, then old hawk photo.

    1. If she was a trusted supplier, the birds would already be spoken for.

      Btw, I have no doubt she's cleaned up her farming act (likely temporarily) for MG, much like she worked ' so hard ' to appeal to the NYC social media crew. Y'all remember the many times she threw new hay over the horseshit to hide the mess for photos? No doubt MG is choking on lavender spray by now.

    2. C'mon birds, keep clear of those traps!

      Just so I understand, when trapping a raptor, it's baited with a live mouse, right?

      So, somewhere she's keeping a bunch of live bait mice? In her car with the trap, ready to throw it out in case she spots a likely passager?

    3. If she's storing all those chickens in the freezer next to her BBQ/mustard stained jeans, well shit, that's free seasoning right there!

      And this: "No doubt MG is choking on lavender spray by now" -- Lmao, I chuckled-snorted at that. :D

      WIW - That's a good question. When I did an image search for hawk traps most all pics showed a small live bird. So maybe she's using baby chicks? What she should use for bait is a pair of her dirty underwear...if she could manage to chase them down.

    4. That makes more sense, that she'd pick up chicks from the feed store or something... maybe even hatch a few out?

  16. OLD pig pic shown in bleg post offering Pig shares? She can't even show a recent photo of a piglet?

    HELL NO she can't because she doesn't have any healthy looking pigs to offer, piglets or otherwise.

    That pic is from when she had the pigs living in the woods with the chicken that liked to hang with them. Most likely trying to get as far away from Pig Shocker as possible....

  17. Want to watch an excellent documentary about two people with a farm dream who create total awesomeness? All with money raised by family and friends to get them started:

    The Biggest Little Farm documentary on Hulu.

    It starts with a rescue dog and ends with one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.
    I laughed and I cried hard. It is awesome. I can't recommend it enough.

    1. I saw that doc. It was great! The only downside to the whole idea is that none of it would be possible without a lot of water. The story was awesome, though!


    2. Yes! The problem was being in CA with the limited water available but they worked it out. What I really loved about it is how they found solutions from within the farm for every major setback that they faced. They never went the easy way out but really put thought into it. The 85+ owls that came at the end brought tears to my eyes. What was left after the other things that made me cry. So awesome.

    3. I love to watch docs about resilient and resourceful people doing just about anything interesting and inspirational. Looks it won an Emmy and other awards too, plus I know that area which will make it even more interesting. Gonna see if it's available on any platform other than Hulu as I only have Netflix, HBO, Youtube, etc. Thanks for the recommendation, WH!

    4. Anon7, You can rent it off YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHYWEttABVU


  18. The grifters must really need money..
    "Selling shares in advance helps this farm plan it's year ahead."

    In other words, give me money now so I can conveniently forget to send you your tainted meat when it becomes available.

    1. And "it's" is spelled "its" in the context of her stupid sentence. Apparently, the "real righter" needs an editor.


    2. The "future pork shares" thing has me baffled. She says it's for summer and fall 2021... so a year from now. Does she really expect people to pay full price for pork that they wouldn't even see for a year, for pigs she doesn't even have yet?

      Pretty sure this isn't how it works??

    3. Cryokid. Nice to "see" you again. She doesn't "expect" people to pay that far in advance, but the FFF is conniving enough to try and convince foolish followers to do it. In the future her faux farm will be foreclosed, and she'll either be living under a bridge by herself or with SD. "Till debt do they part."


    4. Ever notice that she never tweets/blegs about the actual butchering dates? She may say vague stuff about butcher day "coming up" or needing to "earn up" money for that day, but never says anything about how it went. It makes you wonder if it even happens at all.

      Also, people on her Twitter sometimes tweet about how happy they are to have received their soaps or pet portraits. But I don't think I've ever seen even one person attest to or thank her for her meat shares and/or exclaim how delicious they were.

  19. At what point do her foolish contributors realize the money they spend on "future pork shares" will not go to the pigs, ever?

    1. That's really sad when you think about it. Those poor pigs get the bare minimum to survive while the money goes to luxuries for their neglectful owner, who occasionally tosses them a day old donut.

  20. Another ad on insta: "Offering shares of pork for 2021! Limited quantity available for next summer and early fall. Selling shares in advance helps this farm plan its year ahead. I offer a flat rate that includes butchering, smoking, vacuum sealing of meats in 1/4 and half hog. Please DM to order!"

    Selling animals she doesn't own and haven't been born yet, a year in advance.

    I notice she starts pushing "pork shares" when she has a big $$$ ask out there, because "pork shares" bring in more $$$ than fire-sale graphics and pet portraits (also purchased absurdly in advance.)

    1. Question for the real farmers here:

      Does a small farm selling meat products need to have a license to do so? I was thinking back to an old post when FFF got very sick after not cleaning up after her raw chicken well enough, and she was sick for days.

      Seeing that raw chicken next to the produce made me think about cross-contamination.

      Selling produce and eggs to the public is one thing, but do you need to have a license or get inspected if you're going to sell chicken or pork?

      Inquiring minds want to know.

    2. It goes by state. In NY state, you do not need a license to sell meat products, but you cannot sell unless the meat has been processed by a USDA certified processor. You can barter the meat without the certified butcher, but not sell. There is a whole lotta range in quality, and safety of product. With Jenna, it does not matter, because no one ever gets their meat. It's a great deal, everyone stays safe, and Jenna lives off of stolen money.

    3. Actually, the most problematic aspect about Pig Shocker's meat shares travesty is that "she" controls all aspects of meat production, which is a recipe for abuse.

      Small meat producers are licensed either to sell meat by the pound or sell "shares" in an animal. She is only allowed to sell meat shares, whole, half or quarter.

      However, she has been caught trying to sell the equivalent of multiple half-shares in the same animal because she wanted to subdivide a large animal to get more $$$. This was illegal and she wasn't allowed to proceed.
      Because she controls the total breakdown and distribution of packaged meat, there are no guarantees that customers receive their full shares.

      Now she presumably uses a USDA- certified butcher, but the meat is not kept at the USDA-approved meat locker. Instead, it's returned to her where she (as she's posted) stores it with road kill, hawk food and fecal-contaminated dirty farm jeans. Also, never forget the times her power went out, which means the freezer also lost power.

      The whole process kinda makes me gag.

      So how do other small meat producers do it?

      In my state, pork, beef and lamb are typically sold by the share. You pay the farmer for your share of the animal and you coordinate the rest of your order with the farmer or meat locker. The butcher cuts and packages meat to your specification. You pay them separately and you get an itemized list of total pounds meat processed, waste and pound-weights of various cuts. They also safely store meat until you pick it up.

      For farmers who go the extra mile and become USDA-certified, they can also sell processed meat by the pound. We have farmers who do it both ways.

    4. Anon 3:30 - Her saying "Selling shares in advance helps this farm plan its year ahead" is such BS. She doesn't plan for anything in advance. She flies by the seat of her pants, which is not a bad thing IF you aren't asking others to fund that way of living. But we all know those pig future sales go to her latest new interest or emergency.

      PDD - So grateful for your farming/homesteading knowledge as always. The USDA info is interesting -- do you think there is a USDA approved butcher storage locker in her area? Or do you think she's cutting corners and/or too cheap to spend the extra money?

  21. Someone is selling a copy of Birchthorn on Amazon for $60 "HARDBOUND, rare, dedication signed by author, 1st ed. 2017"

    1. Your comment, literally, made me laugh out loud. (There won't be any more editions either.) The seller is stupid, or knows nothing about the crappy contents. Her bad book wouldn't be worth buying even if it were available for $1. Although I suppose one could rip it up, and use it to start a fire. Now, that's an idea for her wood stove. I'm sure that she has copies left over.

    2. They're probably trying to recoup some of the hundreds they donated to that piece of trash booklet.

    3. Anonymous 6:27. Exactly. If you read the disgruntled comments on her Kickstarter campaign, and also the rotten reviews on Amazon for Birchthorn, then you'll see how bad the book is. It'll never be made into a movie. LOL!!!



    4. I'll bet it's the Wog who's selling that book. Doesn't she still have an entire box of them according to her editor?

    5. Anon7 you're totally right... it's her last-ditch effort to milk Birththorn dry!

  22. Man, the Pig Shocker's Twitter for the past two days has been a dumpster fire of depressing thoughts and images:

    1) "I am 25% of the way there with about 7 days to go." Thar she blows again, reminding the hard-working folks of America that she needs YOUR money to help keep HER going! C'mon, we can do this people!!

    2) "If you live too far away to pick up meat shares, hate soap, don't have pets for me to draw..." Uh, sooooo...we should feel sorry for you and send you money anyway? But then what about next month? And the month after that? And the next year? And, gulp, the next decade?!?

    3) "If you are local enough for pickup, we have whole roasting chickens available at Cold Antler!" Babe, no one wants to eat yer meat. Plus, don't you have to be certified to sell food poisoning?

    4) "I am 25% of the way there with about 7 days to go" Thanks for the reminder! I haven't checked your Twitter in a few days and I was wondering, like all day long, how is the Pig Shocker doing with her $200 a day goal? Sucks that you're nowhere near that but thanks for the update!

    5) "Offering shares of pork for 2021!" OK look, not one person commented on that tweet. So why don't you re-tweet it in a few hours? Maybe you'll get lucky.

    6) "SHARES FOR 2021 AVAILABLE NOW! SECURE YOUR MEAT FUTURES!" So awesome, you took my advice! But womp womp, still no interest. But I see you used ALL-CAPS! Great decision there as that will REALLY let people know you are SERIOUS about making money off tainted animal meat. Yay! Good call.

    7) "Saturday update: New covid-19 deaths..." Yeah, great idea to address something that hasn't really affected someone who lives alone on the side of a mountain. But hey, plow on as it's still a hot topic and you gotta rope in as many suckers as you can I guess! And everyone should know that CAF melt 'n pour soap kills the Coronavirus too cuz you said so!

    8) "How long does it take established adult cats to accept a new cat the same age into your home?" Better question: How long does it take to learn to care for farm animals so they don't suffer or die? Also, don't you have like, fencing to improve, animal feed to buy...yet your worried about a few cats being pissy? Oh, wait...this is your subtle way of telling everyone that your Mystery Girlfriend has moved in. Neat! Which area of the living room floor will she sleep?

    9) "Summer is almost over, enjoying the trails on the mountain here. Shannon is learning to ride..." Hmmm, I'll bet she's learned a lot of other stuff from you too: Like using dirt in lieu of dry shampoo, when to wake up, where your Rolaids and aspirin are, where the water buckets are, which liqour store has best deals, and which day she must run inside to hide from the red van man. Top notch edification ala CAF university!

    10) 'Trapped a little broad wing! Still no redtail yet!" She's talking about hawks here. But what about the cute little rodent at the bottom of the pic? What is it? And does it get eaten? Or is it allowed to escape? She calls herself a falconer, but she never talks about the trapping beyond the day she imprisons it. And after that, she only takes pics of how majestic she thinks she looks holding her arm up. And usually no more than a short sentence about the hawk, cuz it's all about Living Like Fiction!

    1. It's time to play her infamous "fraction finances." It's more of her manipulative marketing. "Guys, I'm so close to making my mortgage payment, but your $$$ would really help keep the lights on in this farm. PayPal me now, bitches!!!"


    2. Thanks Anon7, that was a hilarious commentary and spot on!

    3. That answers the bait question. Looks like a feeder mouse.

  23. Twit Shit:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! This girl is fitting in hawk trapping whenever she can to hopefully get this year's hunting partner started soon. But for now, enjoy this picture of me, Aya Cash, and a lot of hair extensions because I was in a phase." (https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1305494731313602567)

    She's showing off her ugly, bile brown pleather too-tight jacket. It's "This girl," "this year's," and always "this farm." JFW really should retire her over usage of "this." The cheap hair extensions and Indiana Jones wannabe hat are hipster posing. I'd like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fat face.


    1. Twitter Twaddle, too:

      "Welcome new followers! I wanted to share this story about what I love most about the seasons getting colder: falconry! Here's a story about me and my birds!"

      Clearly, she's bought new bots. And it's also an asinine attempt to trot out her claim to fame: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1305495255702286336. Even though her hawks don't "hunt," and it's just Jenna's pretentious posing as a faux falconer. Her beefy biceps and fat ass are unattractively accentuated by the pic.

      "Need to make around 1500 by the 22nd, and trying like hell here by posting over and over what I have to sell. If you are looking for holiday gifts like a logo for a friends business, a pet portrait, soaps, or a share of pork for 2021 please do DM. This farm needs a lucky break!"

      No, "This farm" needs to finally be foreclosed, and have someone like HD buy it back. And she always wants a magical "lucky break!" rather than working to support herself like a normal adult does.


    2. What a waste of money. Any sort of cosmetic accoutrement such as makeup, drums of rogaine, dollar store half off synthetic hair extensions, etc, is like putting the red lipstick on the proverbial nasty, feral hog. It doesn't make a bit of difference in a positive way and just wastes a perfectly good lipstick.

  24. I think she really meant new suckers instead of followers.

  25. For those of you with better memories and/or searching skills, didn't she pay her mortgage catch up with a loan? I remember thinking at the time that now she is going to have yet another monthly payment to beg for and disguise as a dentist/vet/truck/hay bill.

    Also, how are you west coast shamsters doing? Please stay safe!

    Anon in GA

    1. Thanks for asking, Anon in GA. It's bad here in Eastern Washington. We lucked out with NE winds for a few weeks there, but now the wind has shifted and is bringing up all the smoke from the Oregon and California fires. Our city is in a basin which expands out into a valley, so the smoke just lays here.

      We "broke" the Air Quality Control Index Sunday. It's a scale from 1-500 (good to hazardous air quality). We were at 499.


      Just awaiting some change in the winds and progress on the fire lines. Staying totally indoors for now. :-(

    2. Air quality here on vancouver island was very hazardous for most of the week. Everything in the house is covered in a fine layer of ash. We aren’t anywhere near the fires, the smoke is just blowing up here. The island town is surrounded on three sides by ocean, so it takes a LOT to inundate us with smoke. It’s been a hard week, honestly, but I’m mindful that there are thousands of displaced people dealing with more than a day of dusting.

    3. Anyway, yes, she did pretend to get a loan to catch up her mortgage. I call bs, though. I don’t think she has truly worried or struggled to pay the mortgage for many years, it’s just the most effective emotional screw to twist.

      She’s learned that presenting herself and her story as oppressed victim struggling to overcome gets people to give money.

      When she presents herself as super-scrappy cool girl, it gains followers, but not actual dollars, so she has to vacillate between the two.

    4. I have tried to reply 3 times, so hopefully this one works.

      Wish I could share my Hurricane Sally rains with the west coast! We are in either 3-5 inch or 5-9 in forecast, so any flooding shouldn't be catastrophic.

      I am never sure about JFW's struggles. Seems just exhausting to beg with no actual need; my profession is fundraising and development and I would never ask for money just for fun, even though I am experienced at the asking!

      The loan seemed unsustainable and completely unquestioned when she said she did it.

    5. Anon 10:02 - So nice of you to ask about us west coast folks. Eh, it's sucked here. The fires, the HEAT, the smoke. People having to evacuate, some losing their homes. City animal critters and wildlife are suffering as well. And one of the fires was started by folks having an incendiary baby gender reveal. Grrrrr. Some people.

      WIW - Totally agree. And it angers me, her constant need for a "lucky break" -- yeah, maybe if she was someone working 1-2 real jobs and still not making ends meet. But she's as lazy as they come. So it really burns when she asks for handouts whilst sitting on her butts.

      Anon 8:38 - What we wouldn't do here for just a few inches of your rain! But glad to hear things aren't catastrophic for you. Hang in there. The Pig Shocker begging with no actual need is just pure greed. And you mention being a fundraiser and "experienced in asking" -- so if someone here asks you to elaborate, it's probably Jenna looking for pointers, lol.

    6. No one in Pig Shocker's situation could get anything other than a Kiva loan. She isn't gainfully employed and hasn't been in years and she is supposedly behind on bills. The loan to catch up on the mortgage has to be a lie.

  26. She is trotting out the way old story about her and hawking in the NYTimes. This is from the first paragraph:

    By that summer, she was gone,” Jenna says, with surprisingly little regret in her voice. “I haven’t seen her since.”

    Notice the "surprisingly little regret in her voice." Did you catch that? Is that surprising? I don't think so either when you consider she has no real love for her animals.

    1. What would one expect from a sociopath who has "no real love" for either animals or humans?

    2. Yes, Sociopath, and to think I almost sent her a bundle, Thank God I found

      Sham Truths, you saved my life, Thank you again. My heart broke for her and her
      finances, her animals, purchasing the horses, I almost became a sucker.

      My deepest Thanks, Cold Antler Sham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. So did we Molson. Thank goodness I never gave the POS any of my hard earned cash but did feel really bad for the animals. Didnt give two shits about her. When did you see the light? And welcome! We are a great bunch and very entertaining.

    4. Molson. Welcome. I've been part of this site for awhile. We consider it a public service to warn potential innocent victims about JFW. It gives me great satisfaction to know that this blog contributes to her not getting free funds from empathetic people.


    5. Welcome, Molson! I like your name...it reminds me of Molson Golden beer.

      Glad to hear you saw the light before you were suckered in by her manipulative ways. Similar thing almost happened to me. She led me to believe she was the bee's knees. And then I found this site after researching some. There are so many knowledgeable people here who have been keeping track of her and warning other's about her nefarious ways for years. There are real farmers and real homesteaders here. And lots of animal experts too.

      Hope you stick around!

  27. Drives me nuts (but doesn't surprise me) that she is still saying she runs "the farm alone" in her retweeted begs when we're pretty sure MG is living with her now.

    1. Lol. Soon it will be “two women on a mountainside farm”. For someone so punchy around strangers near the property, she certainly has gone out of her way to advertise how alone she is.

      She’s all brave with a shotgun when a raccoon is after the chickens, but a single woman ALONE when the red van shows up.

    2. Anon 3:51 - It's because she's too lazy to update her old tweets when re-tweeting. Just like the "About Me" section on her bleg. It's all outdated bullshit too:

      "The blog of author Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm. Where pop culture meets agriculture! Here she writes about her adventures following her feral life as a self-employed writer, homesteader, archer, falconer, equestrian, martial artist, hunter, spinner, brewer, geek, and real-life Game of Thrones Extra. She loves movies, music, running far, and eating animals."

      -She's no longer a self-employed writer, as she hasn't had a book deal in AGES.
      -She's barely a homesteader, as she is nowhere near being self-sufficient.
      -Archer - She's doesn't even bother offering lessons anymore. Probably bored of it.*
      -Equestrian - Yeah, sorta. But it's too expensive a hobby for her. Hence all the begging.
      -Martial artist - So she took a few classes almost a decade ago. So what?
      -Hunter - She doesn't hunt anything. She watches her hawk hunt. Not the same thing.
      -Spinner - Yeah, like a decade ago. Now all she spins are lies. Lots 'n lots of 'em.
      -Brewer - Just because she drinks her weight in craft beer, it doesn't make her a brewer.
      -Geek - No. Celebrity worshiper, yes. Online entertainment obsessed freak? Fuck yes.
      -Real life Games of Thrones extra - This one really pissed me off back when I first saw her bleg, because it led me to believe that she was a genuine extra who was filmed for the show. No, it just meant that she aspired to cosplay all that stuff on her own sad property. And BTW, everyone now despises that show cuz the writers totally fcuked up Season 8 by being lazy and greedy. Just like Jenna.

      Also - "She loves movies, music, running far, and eating animals." Movies, music...that's true, as she's sadly addicted. But running? No, she doesn't run anything except her mouth. And she's never posted even a single photo of any running shoes. As for eating animals, yes, yep, she eats ALL the animals. This I believe.

      *Hey guys, remember a year or so ago she was bragging and posting pics of that "special" and "customized" bow made for her by some bow company? Well, it never materialized and she hasn't spoken of it since. I'll bet she bartered for it with a logo. And they hated the logo and things went downhill. So, no new bow.

    3. Anon7 - it was swifthound bows. She did do a logo for the bow maker too.


      However, I don't see that logo in use, even though the logo on the swifthound website also looks like it could have been a jenna special too. Maybe it is.


      Bows seem to range between $300 - $600, more than the logo would be worth, and a bow certainly takes more time to make than that logo took.

      It doesn't look like they're on bad terms at all. Anyway, these bows are trophy pieces, they would be heavy for actual hunting. If she were a serious bow hunter, she'd have a proper compound bow.

      She probably bought the bow, maybe bartered a discount with the logo, and then set the thing against the wall near the wood stove where it'll dry out and warp.

  28. Thank you for everything and for opening our eyes to the truth!!!!!!!!!

    1. I’m glad you found this site before giving Jenna money. She’s been doing this for 10 years. It never changes, and when you pay attention, you can start seeing the lies in her contradictions and in her behaviour.

      She raised money for a root canal, then used that money to buy a second puppy she did not need. She’s cried poor and unable to pay the mortgage, then took out a loan for a horse she didn’t need.

      The worst though is clocking the animal neglect. Seeing rungs in a fence disappear into the muck over years of photos is appalling and heartbreaking.

  29. 1500 in the next 7 days... over $200/day.

    Whatever, Jenna.

    1. First she said she needed $2K in ten days. That was on the 9th, which meant a 9/18 deadline. Now it's needed by 9/22. It sounds like she extended her deadline by 4 days because the donation response wasn't what she expected.

      I'll bet she extends it once again...to 9/30...or maybe even sooner.

  30. Girl whacked her hand on a rusty nail. Feel sorry for her yet?

    1. We could make a long list of all her "Feel sorry for me, and PayPal me bitches!!!" Next it'll be truck, teeth, and maybe needing more hay/wood.


    2. Aww, she injured her widdle hand?

      Guess she won't be able to pat herself on the back for any successful begging days.

  31. The twit:
    "Sitting in urgent care waiting room, because I just slammed my hand into a rusty nail while mucking the barn. Fun."

    Setting up for a giant beg again. I bet she will claim that she had the money set aside for hay, feed, truck repairs, etc. And now this happened and whatever will she do now???? Her new followers (suckers) better start pitching in!

    1. Which is what we were discussing above your comment earlier today.

    2. Well carry on then.....

    3. Anonymous 8:08. "Carry on..." Indeed. It's always the same ole shit-show with JFW.


    4. Her insurance should cover it.
      Or maybe like when she supposedly had,a chimney fire which FEMA paid her $$$$ for the damages as did anyone else she whined to about it.

      Now she is either low income and can easily qualify for financial assistance or qualify for a very low premium each month. If she makes too much for either of those options, she makes enough to pay out of pocket.

      Sounds like more self injury for attention. NG is probably writing under cover for a local group and as time goes on she is having an extremely difficult time faking any sort of physical activity with the beast.

      Run before she hobbles you, New Girl!!

    5. I wonder how many of her foollowers, when they saw that tweet, suspected it'd be followed up with the resulting bill she can't afford. Cuz that was my first thought. Pretty sad that when you mention being hurt, others immediately start wondering how much it's gonna cost THEM.

      WH - I may be wrong, cuz it's hard to keep track, but pretty sure the last we heard about her medical insurance was that she had to drop it yet again cuz she couldn't afford it. And I think she announced that last fall/winter. Did she once again get insurance?

    6. If she did have it, she would lie and say she didn't. If she can afford the asinine purchases she constantly makes, she can afford healthcare either out of pocket or a monthly premium.

  32. I'm selling some pork too
    I have one pig, breaking it down into 7 half's or 13 quarters
    Look this ain't rocket science
    I kill the swine, me and girlfriend get kinky with the knives, slice slice
    Some peeps get a little more sausage than others, that's life and death on this here farm
    We then put it it plastic and suck out the air like its our first date
    It goes straight into the fridge, you live close by, c'mon over when you want, open the fridge, take the meat and get the hell out of our house
    You live out of state, no problem, we "donate" it to the local poorhouse, its happy days here in Veryork
    Win, win all around, DM me for more details, you need this pork, don't be stingy, its tasty

  33. Hah! OMG, I cracked up so hard at: "We then put it it plastic and suck out the air like its our first date."

    Jenna no doubt sucked all the air out of the room that night; ranting on in great detail about how much she hates HATES to work for an employer, how aMaZInG hawks are, and how perfect Taylor Swift is, lol. I wouldn't last even a minute on a date with her. Just seeing that awful pleather jacket would make me beat a path outta there ASAP.

    1. For a twenty - thirty-something, I could see how FFF's lifestyle choices could seem brave and exciting... for a twenty or thirty-something who has never truly feared for her own security.

      As a fourty-something myself, I look at FFF's life now and shake my head. I no longer see an independent person working her ass off to build an unconventional life. She's immature, and irresponsible; her lies are as flimsy and transparent as cling film.

      Can I torture that simile any further? How can I make it more "country"?

    2. Plus, she thinks it's OK to poop 'n pee in her yard when the shitter's broke.

      I would love to chat with the red van man to see if he has a photo of that.

    3. Her writing is rotten. It always has been bad. The purple prose is cringe-inducing. The only reason that she got published years ago was because homesteading had become popular with hipster wannabe farmers.


    4. I totally agree LS. I also think that whoever her editor was at the time pretty much wrote the books themselves. Can you imagine editing a manuscript written by that dumbass?

  34. Well according to her latest Tweet, her and TS are practically twins! Or maybe besties if they ever meet. They have sooooo much in common.

    1. Eh, I saw that insipid tweet and my eyes rolled hard. Oh yes yes yessie, they are certified twinsies for sure! Both were born in PA, moved to TN, then moved to NY...and now they both own something named Gibson!!

      But the difference is that Taylor's "Gibson" is a guitar that she utilizes to make honest money. Whereas Jenna's "Gibson" is a neglected forgotten sheep dog that does nothing but cost her money.

      But go on Pig Shocker, keep trying to get Taylor to notice you on Twitter. Maybe she'll send you thousands in donations and tell her Hollywood friends all about YOU!!!

    2. Remember how she actually was delusional enough to invite TS to come hawking with her? I'm sure that TS sees her as a sick cyber stalker, and JFW has been blocked a long time ago.


  35. Here's an ambiguous tweet:

    "So happy to report that August, and all of SUMMER! is paid for mortgage-wise on the farm. Still working on September, and other needs like wood and hay and so I will keep promoting the hell out of myself. DM to order!"

    August and all of SUMMER is paid, mortgage-wise? Didn't she say August was paid a while back? This labeling of which months are paid for is confusing on purpose. She never says, "The payment due on August 1st was just paid today". You never know when she's talking about a month's mortgage, is that due on the 1st? The 30th? How late before it's REALLY late?

    She's vague so she can't be caught in lies. She is NEVER paying her mortgage late. She never took out a loan to catch up those other payments, or we'd be hearing her report on catching up that loan (like she did with the Kiva loan, and the Merlin loan). She'd be up to hear ears in fees and warning letters if she paid that shit late. She is SUCH a LIAR! It's so crazy watching this play out over the years.

    All of the pants are on fire.

    1. By the way, my theory as to why she hasn't done a third kiva loan is because it's a record that holds her accountable, and if she doesn't repay it, she can't do another kiva loan, and they will publicly show the loan was not repaid.

      So much better to post vague bills and deadlines, where there is no record of who gave what, when, and exactly what they're supposed to receive, when.

      Since she's pushing "pig futures" so hard right now (because it's the only semi-big ticket item she sells) I wonder if any of those buyers get a contract?

      You'd think if she had satisfied customers, she'd have no problem re-selling those pork shares, year after year.

    2. Her dates and times NEVER make any sense. I think she desperately adjusts and tweeks the dates in order to "earn up" whatever money is needed for that day or week. And that's why she has everyone so confused.

      And I think you're right about your Kiva loan theory. Why take out a loan and have to pay it back like the average schmuck, when you can beg for free and never have to repay? And also right about the spam shares...if they were any good, she wouldn't have to create new customers.

    3. Her entire life is lies.


  36. Anyone know how long she is allowed to attempt to trap a hawk? Is there a specified trapping season?

    1. If I recall correctly, she always announces her hawk-kidnapping excursions right before fall. Which is weird because most birds are born in the spring. So maybe it's cuz the hawks have to be at least six months old?

      As for how long, do you mean right now? If so, I believe she announced the cleaning of her mews and preparing her abduction gear about a month ago. And she's been looking the past few weeks with no slung luck. Perhaps word has gotten out among Cambridge hawks to fly off and hide when the ground and trees begin shaking.

    2. I mean, is there a season for capturing a passage bird? Like there is a deer hunting season?

      She always looks for one in the fall because that's when you can get a young bird before it's first winter. They have the highest mortality rates in the wild, and that's part of why falconry has been beneficial for raptor populations.

      I was wondering if she's going to / would be allowed to attempt to trap one all winter? Or does she only have 8 weeks to find one? I already googled it, I couldn't find an answer specific to NY state.

    3. I doubt that she adheres to any rules/regulations when it comes to trapping. She balks at even following recipe directions. It's "Live like fiction!" And always, at the expense of others paying for her lazy lifestyle.


    4. She wants what she wants at any cost 24/7. Laws? Rules? She's too delusional to think that any apply to her.

  37. Hey, JFW. I see that you read our recent comments about you not promoting small farms on Twitter:

    "Small farms out there aren't just selling food ya know. They are also making pun mugs!"


    But we know the truth about you, and that it's all about manipulative marketing for free funds.


  38. Cross-posting to instagram to report:

    Pic of broadwing hawk caught and released that she posted on twitter here: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1304830422862397440

    Caption for instagram is: So far this trapping season I've been collecting broadwings. No tails yet. Seeing a lot. Having many come to the trap, too. But no bird caught yet. It feels like constantly going uphill on a rollercoaster, slow and anxious. Just waiting to finally dive into training.

    Pic of her "medal" for the "run like a wolf" thing she paid, like, $50? to be a part of? Good for you, you bought a backpack banner and a keychain. Money well spent.
    Caption: Did it! Got my medal today for the #runlikeawolfchallenge ��

    Finally, the pic she posted on twitter here: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1304834241503662080 with the caption: Trail riding these last late-summer days of a green mountain ������

    No original instagram content for months. I have no idea why it's still private.

    1. It's probably private because she wants to give the illusion that something special is happening. When it's always the same old shit-show that she's been running for almost a decade.


    2. Thanks for the update, Anon 7:45! It's probably private so she can feel some amount of control.

  39. Anyone thinking of contributing to Pig Shocker, consider this tweet:

    "Spent today doing so many farm-related things that aren't on the farm. Like buying a freezer off craigslist for meat because my current two are full! I'm calling the walkway into the mudroom little Alaska."

    Yet she still whines about not being able to pay her bills? Keep in mind there are now 2 able bodied adults living at the CAF hovel but the begging is as fervent as ever.

    How many people making pity purchases or donating $ outright to Pig Shocker have 2 deep freezers filled with meat and just purchased a third one? Sounds like Pig Shocker should be the one donating to others. As soon as winter hits, she will be whining about how she doesn't have firewood or money for groceries, blah blah blah. Mental illness is alive and well and running rampant at the shithole that is Dead Animal Farm!

    1. Yeah, but she won't use Craigslist to find free firewood, because that could affect her money mooching profits. "Winter's Bottom 3" whining will be on its way.


    2. And she chooses to use firewood when she has a furnace and space heaters. It's just more crappy choices that she wants others to pay for.

  40. Anyone considering a pork purchase from Pig Shocker might want to read this blog post first:


    Are you willing to take a chance with your health?
    I wonder how much extra she charges for the yellow liver?
    Disgusting and not surprising in the least considering the filth she is willing to live in.

    1. I'd rather dumpster dive, and take my chances, then eat her crap meat.


    2. "than" not "then"


    3. That's a confusing blog post. Why wouldn't a butcher butcher a single animal at a time, looking out for signs of problems, and if they see one, follow some standard handling procedure that would allow investigation instead of just being like, "we saw it, we threw it away, and mixed all the meat together". Surely there are some butchery standards or education that covers this. Anyone know anything about butchery?

    4. You're assuming FFF "rote" the truth. It's also possible more of the meat was tainted. After all, she's posted about having tapeworms and roundworms (or was it pinworms) on her property. She seldom cleaned up after her animals and she routinely fed animals on top of their own excrement, all likely causes of parasite infestation. She's also talked about power outages / shutoff for nonpayment so her meat freezer (s) might also thaw.

      Ick. Ick. Ick.

    5. 🤢🤮 There was also the time she processed some rabbits and got sick from cross contamination. So effn didgusting!

    6. Did she refund the people who bought shares?

      Also, in the comments there are several asking about the butcher and his methods, not really believing that the butcher would have done that. And great point about the power outages, which used to be frequent.

    7. Now that she is mooching off of New Girl or her family, in addition to her constant narcissistic begging, maybe she can manage to keep the lights on. If not, she will have a fire sale of the parasitic meat in the "three deep freezers" after it goes from bad to worse without refrigeration.

  41. Twit Shit:

    "Spending the morning with pumpkin coffee by the wood stove working on pet portraits and designs, trying to stay informed but not overwhelmed or anxious by the news. How do you balance being informed with being inundated to the point of tears?"

    Boo fucking hoo. She's sitting in her hipster hovel drinking yuppie coffee, and whining about the world. And her stupid questions are just to engage more foolish followers for free funds. And she used a big word, "inundated," to show what a "real righter" she is in reality.

    "Almost there!!! Working on the last 1/4 of this goal!!! Trying to make it by Tuesday!"

    It's her infamous "fraction finances." Isn't it amazing how the scrappy scammer "makes" her mortgage payment each month?!

    "Have a pig and a half left to sell for next year, these sales now are so important for the future of the farm. If you are local or willing to drive to the farm in upstate NY send a DM!"

    Buy my crap meat.

    "As a liberal, this is devastating. As a lesbian, this is horrifying."

    She's making Ginsburg's death all about her as usual.


    1. Agree on all points. Same old formula with her: Pick a hot topic to tweet about and/or ask a question, and hope the responders check out her Twitter and buy something. Or even better, donate to the last 5 years of woe-is-me bleg posts!

      I don't believe someone as self-obsessed as her gives a rat's ass about much of anything.

    2. She is just parroting what others say. As a narcissistic sociopath, she has to mimic behavior because she is unable to feel actually concern over any situation other than for herself.

      She isn't concerned about other people's plights or deaths. Pig Shocker is only concerned about Pig Shocker and gratifying herself 24/7 at any cost to other people.

  42. Twitter Twaddle - "Possible Revenge of the Pigs" Edition:

    "Just did some research and realized that stinging sensation I feel on my wrists while using my MacBook Air while it is charging, is in fact, electricity constantly shocking me."

    Since when does the Pig Shocker have a new laptop? Last we heard, she was bemoaning the state of her decade-old iMac (given to her by Jon Katz) and was begging for a free new computer. I wonder which beg-fest brought in enough money to afford such a costly item?

    Perhaps the money came from the sale of future pork shares? If so, her being constantly shocked is sweet karmic justice.

    1. How perfect is that if it's true? She purposely shocked a Pig because she is inept at putting up decent fences allowing them to escape and then the main pig gets shocked using the very thing that occupies her every waking moment and therefore keeps her from taking better care of any animals on her shithole property. It's the circle of strife on dead animal farm.

      No doubt the mac was a result of New Girl's parent's money or begging. House payment= third deep freezer, new mac, TS reproduction skin mask, 33 gallon drums of rogaine, a truck load of yarn hair extensions, 552 pairs of wolf contacts, etc, etc, etc.

  43. And this:

    "I hung my perfect inspection scoring from the NY State Ag and Markets peeps on my fridge. It's the review from a recent surprise inspection on my little pig concern here. I am proud of it. On the fridge it stays."

    Lol, kudos to whoever launched this latest inspection. She only passed cuz she's reportedly been keeping the place in much better condition now that the girlfriend is around. Or she's doing things right for a change, thanks to this new influence.

    1. Or she's lying to sell rotten meat. But she doesn't read any of the content of this site....yeah right.

    2. Also, it's funny that she uses old photos of previous pigs (like the recent reposting of the pic of the pigs that lived in the woods along with a chicken years ago) to advertise future Pig shares.

      Why not show the juvenile pigs that will eventually be butchered for the future shares? Most likely because now that whoever's pigs are older, they are more difficult to load up and take to Pig Shocker's for photo opps.

      If they actually belonged to an acquaintance , she would continue to do what she has before and post pics of livestock close ups where the background/location can't be seen in the photo.

      Since she isn't even doing that and is posting old photos instead, I doubt either she or someone she knows owns pigs currently. She will just say that there were less amounts of meat available after butchering and "that's just farming" and won't actually give a single share of meat to anyone who has paid for it.

    3. What also "gets" me is when she says "If you live too far away to buy the shares, then why not donate them to our local food bank for a family in need?!" What a crock of crap. I personally know the one place in Cambridge that she's talking about. They'd never accept it. Clearly, she just wants the money. No one would do what she's suggesting. People want to donate to causes of their own choice. She should be ashamed of herself, but sociopaths lack scruples.



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