Dear Jenna,

I've read your plea on social media.  It seems like you're sort of up against it at the moment.  It seems like if you just had an infusion of cash, it might get you over this hump.  Once caught up you could get momentum and your life could really take off.
There is good news and bad news.  Good news first.  I have means.  Actually, I am half way to retirement...but the joy of my line of work is it's passive income.  That means I can sit and eat bon bons but still make money.  Because bon bons are relatively cheap and I’m not really a "spendy" person....I end up with surplus money every month.   So it would seem that you need and I have.  A perfect situation.
Now the bad news. You are a horrible person and a general piece of shit.  No one will ever give you money.  Why would they?  They couldn't even feel good themselves.  It would be bills down a rat hole and in a very short amount of time the money would be gone and you would be in the same situation.  I would find more joy to feed cash through a meat grinder.
Excuse me while I think out loud....what might give me real joy.... what I could do is contact your lender.  I could offer to make their troubles go away.  They foreclose, I buy the property( not with a risky mortgage.....I pay cash....because that's what I do.).  I then evict your ass.  At that point I hire in locals to clean up the garbage pit of the property and house.  I hire a property manager and rent that puppy out.
This, to me, sounds like a win, win, and win.  I'm happy I've got additional money coming in every month.  The neighbors are happy...decent folks living next door.  Folks that don't continue to use my property and my kindness against me.  Less stench.  The animals are happy and alive.  Various locals are happy for a large variety of reasons.
And..good luck finding another place.  Unemployed and foreclosure.  How much were you making at your last "real" job?  About $9.00 an hour.  Hahaha.  Tell me why this won't work.

Hound Doggy


  1. Lol, love it Hound Doggy.

    You may remember that the remaining portion of the "original property" (97 acres) with 190° views of the valley and mountain are often for sale, last offered at the low price of $169k. I toyed with buying it for the view, the chance to keep trespassers away and a civic duty to stop polluters, but your solution sounds infinitely better.

    Once cleaned up, it would make a great AirBNB.

    1. I didn't know this. Why was the property split up?

    2. The owners sold off the house and six acres to the faux feral farmer. They kept the remaining land, the mountain if you will, and have offered it either as an entire package, or broken up into three building sites. I think they sold a piece with a log/hunter cabin on it.

      Jenna's "mountain" doesn't belong to her - what a shock. She's relied on the goodwill of former owners and others to use their land, something new owners (if the property sells) might be very reluctant to continue. From an insurance liability standpoint, how smart is it to allow untrained riders/city people, usually not wearing protective gear, to drink and ride horses on undeveloped land that you own?

      It's possible the land hasn't sold because no one wants FFF as a neighbor.

    3. Thanks for the explanation. "I live all alone on the side of a mountain that doesn't belong to me!"

      Liability insurance is no joke. But at least the owners can rest assured that the ass riding their horse all over the top of their mountain has had plenty of practice not falling off since she has all day, all week, and all month to practice since she doesn't have a job do keep her from doing so.

  2. When my daughter was in grade school, the mother of one of her classmates, someone I hardly knew, called me with some multi-level marketing scheme. She gave me her sales pitch, and I turned her down repeatedly. Then I'll never forget what she said next. There was so much desperation in her voice when she shouted, "I really want to quit my job!"

    I was floored. I really wanted to quit my job too. I worked full time, was raising two kids and had the lions share of household responsibility as my spouse had a hard time holding onto a job and was pretty much useless around the house. I thought, how dare she! How dare she try to live her life off the backs of others.

    It was only through hard work and frugality that I was able to retire in my late fifties. I have enough passive income to never have to work again and I can do what I please with my time. And I did this all on my own. No handouts from others.

    1. Spoken like a true responsible adult. And hey, that MLM woman would make a great roommate for the CAF beggar! Speaking of which, I'm surprised she hasn't yet tried any MLM schemes, as those people don't really work or make money either. They spend all day online trying to get people to support them...and that's right up Jenna's alley!

  3. Passive income is the best! Jenna's problem is that she received a lot of it early on, got dependent upon it and is no longer able to fend for herself. Expect a lot more of this demanding and entitled behavior. It is only when the flow of free money is cut off completely, that maybe there will be a behavior change. Or not. She once wrote about preferring to live under a bridge than work, so that might be her future.

  4. The organization I work for has been doing emergency relief during the pandemic for folks forced out of work. Even in those emergencies, we are connecting them with long-term wrap-around services to help them improve their financial stability and build resilience so the next emergency doesn't hit them so hard.

    No one (in their right mind, anyway) should throw cash at the situation as it is. The only way "catch up" money would work is if there is a different business plan that ensures she has the means to pay her expense and improve her financial situation going forward. And floating out "working on my next book" is not that plan. How many years since she has been published? and it's public what a disaster the Birchthorn self-publish was. She has mentioned all kinds of book pitches since then and not one bite. She isn't even working consistently at getting other paid writing work.

    Asking folks to just pitch in because they can with her current situation is pure arrogance - fund my lifestyle that is proven not to work every single month, but foolishly believe that this time will make a difference.

    I remember being in a bad place financially'in my early 30's and having the thought that if someone would just give me $15K, I would be fine. But the truth is, I would not have been fine because the change that was needed was in me. Fast forward to truly difficult financial circumstances hitting again in my mid 40's and, because I took responsibility for myself and had learned to do the right thing financially, I was able to get myself back on my feet without wishing for money from someone else.

    I know this is spitting in the wind where FFF is concerned - she is uninterested in making any actual changes either to get out of a real situation or to stop scamming for a made-up one.

    Anon in GA

    1. Great points, all. Even if some stupid foollower gave her say, $10K she'd no doubt be back to begging within a few weeks. Nothing but an exercise in futility. Yet she continues to beg.

      Also note that her brazen beggin' post only received a few likes and only 3 re-tweets. I'd love to know who those three are, as they seem to be OK with and also enabling her begging. SMH.

    2. Wouldn't it be ironic if someone paid off her mortgage? Then she'd have NO REASON to beg, and if she did, everyone would know that she'd just be begging for play money.

    3. Money problems aren't ever solved with money.

  5. HD. Your post, literally, made me laugh out loud. It would be JFW's karmic comedy for you to buy her hovel. I hope that you'll seriously consider doing it. We don't live far from her area in Vermont, and I'd love to see her place restored to its potential before she white-trashed it out.


  6. Twit Shit (the toilet saga again):

    Trying to bolt down a toilet, and it is impossible. We shall have to hover over it forever, darling. No more sitting for us.

    Well, my toilet is now disconnected, in pieces, and off the plumbing and I am still trying to rebolt it but I can't get the old bolts out and I am screaming at the sky frustrated

    nvm they slide out im an idiot



    1. Geez. A toilet is about the SIMPLEST home repair/replacement that you can do. It's truly the definition of "it's not rocket science."

      Also, is "screaming at the sky frustrated" just another version of "fall down the stairs amazing" (or whatever she said...) ??? LOL

    2. Totally shows that it has taken years for that nasty lunatic to fix her toilet. I guess new girl isn't pro yard shitting. It is absolutely disgusting how that piece of garbage lives.

  7. "hawk foods in the freezer," read: animals I killed or let die. P.S. Why hasn't she run a Ponzi scheme yet?

    1. She's also stored purchased "goat milk" for making beauty product soaps in the same freezer. If that doesn't make you gag, consider she doesn't have a generator, so when the power stops (or she doesn't pay for electricity) carcasses and soap "ingredients" thaw.

    2. Don't forget about her homey, hygienic "tip" for storing stinky jeans in the freezer, too.


  8. I'd love to see that happen, and if you attempted it, you'd find out if the mortgage is actually chronically behind or not. I don't believe it is, I think that's just how she manages to line her pockets, very occasionally, with free / low effort money.

  9. Wow, effing PERFECT letter, HD. And excellent point that any fool giving her money would amount to a modern day Sisyphus, as the humps she needs to get over are endless. And lmao at you finding more joy to feed cash through a meat grinder!

  10. It should come as no surprise that Jenna can't see thru her coke bottle lenses to see what BAD OPTICS it is to beg rich folk for money, and then go horsey riding the very next day:

    "Our first trail ride together today!" she said. She plays while fools pay. As Anon in GA stated, it's pure arrogance. And it's outrageous. Lazy, greedy, shameless wench.

  11. "And if you raise your hackles at this, too bad."

    Hmmm. "Raised Hackles"

    New user name anyone?

    1. I love how she's quick to say "too bad" but soon after wants to play woe is me gimme some money.

      She doesn't care what anyone thinks. She only cares about other people's money and how much she can profit from them.

      Pig Shocker is ugly inside and out.

  12. She's referring to herself and Mystery Girl as "a family of two women". A family already, are they?

    After how long, a few months?

    Not more than a year.

    I'm trying to recall when my wife and crossed from partners to family. We went from "girlfriends" to partners when we moved across the country and started a business together. We were common-law married by default after 12 months of living together... but I think the transition to "family" happened in the subsequent 5 years. After 13 years and getting married, we're obviously family now.

    But family so quickly? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

    1. Seems to me like FFF is trying to lock this down suspiciously quickly...

    2. Does this mean they're living together? 🙄😬

    3. I saw that too, WIW. And it sent a chill down my spine because it could mean that they are foolishly thinking about starting a family:

      -In the middle of nowhere on the side of a mountain

      -So soon after dating just a few scant months

      -Without a legitimate income stream

      -No hope of any book deals

      -And before the lettuce starts have come to fruition? WTF

      -Plus the toilet just broke, and the truck ain't working

      -Also: multiple incoming root canals, power outages, cancer scares...

      Oh, the humanity. The thought of Jenna Woginrich becoming a mother has me thinking that I need to put Child Protective Services on speed dial. Like NOW.

    4. God I hope not; that girl does not know what she is getting into if she hitches her wagon to Jenna's ongoing, never-ending shitshow. I think she's a meal ticket to Jenna.

    5. "Family" doesn't have to include children. I was a family with just my late husband.

      Jenna has always been aggressively anti-kid. I've never wanted children myself, but I recall her being borderline nasty about it in the past.

    6. Anonymous 8:29. I agree with what you wrote. My husband and I don't have kids, but we're each other's family. Jenna is almost obsessively anti-children. Look at how she ignores her niece and nephew. Recently she also used the disgusting term "fetus landlord." If anyone gets "knocked up" it'd be her "girl." I hope, though, that she leaves the FFF before that happens.


    7. Yeah, I doubt she'd be interested in having a child with anyone. I didn't go there. I was only thinking that it's awfully early in the dating history to be calling her "family" when they haven't been together for long.

      She's rushing it.

      That's a red flag, trying to "lock it down" by using permanent - sounding language. We MAY see an incoming engagement announcement in the next year, but I doubt by "family" she means children.

      If Mystery Girl did decide to have a child, it would be no relation to FFF, and she wouldn't be tied to FFF for life the way a straight couple creating a family would, unless they are legally married and FFF adopted the child.

    8. WiW. I responded to the other comment, but what you said is true too. The "girl" is her first lesbian relationship, and she's taking it way too seriously. The U-Haul cliche is coming true.


    9. I see FFF posted on lezwolfmemes last week about not wanting kids.

  13. Once again: "But maybe you just have the means and will to simply help a farm out? And if you raise your hackles at this, too bad."

    This has been bothering me more than anything else the Pig Shocker has said. (Well, except for the whole 'pig shocking with a smile on her face' thing.) And I'm wondering, have her parents seen that tweet? And if so, what do they think? Do they care enough to stage an intervention for her?

    And then I realized it's been a long time since the PS has mentioned her parents or any other members of her family. Have they written her off due to embarrassment? Cuz man, if I ever posted anything like that on social media my parents would hunt me down and figure out a way to ground my middle-aged ass. And smack some sense into me.

    If you read the early years of the Pig Shocker's bleg, there was sometimes mention of her parents. And their disapproval of her foolish farm fever dream. And how she had to twist their arms to come visit her that one year. And how her sister said her place reeked even though the PS had spent days cleaning. Even up until the past year there was the odd comment on the PS's twitter about her sister, or something Ma Wog said. But lately it's been radio silence from the Wog Clan, and the PS never talks about any of them anymore.

    It seems like they've given up all hope for her. And they don't want to be associated with the abstract failure that she is, or even know her her in any capacity. And who can blame them? Cuz their daughter, their sister, a member of their family is now begging people "who have the means" to give her money...just because she wants it without having to work for it like normal people.

    "Get your money for nothin'...and your chicks for free"

    Hmmm...I sense a Dire Straits parody coming...but wait, dire, that is Jenna's exact situation in a nutshell!

  14. And what was Jenna thinking when she wrote that awful tweet? Does she possess the cognitive dissonance to see the difference between her earlier successful days of being a published author (and gainfully employed graphic designer) juxtaposed with the begging she is doing now, and with no hope of a book deal? Or is she just so far down the day-drinking path that she just doesn't care? I would hate to spend even one minute inside her brain. Especially since she doesn't have one.

    1. Jenna's only concern is herself, and she has zero self-awareness. I think that the "girl" is just a lesbian notch on her kilts.


    2. Maybe except I seriously doubt girls are lining up to date her. Shes not exactly a catch....has absolutely nothing to offer.

    3. She looks like Action Bronson minus the beard and tattoos. No one wants an obese, animal abusing, narcissistic, sociopath. The new girl has no idea what she has saddled up against. Hopefully when she sees PS for what she really is, she uses that insight for good and reports her.

  15. Hey, anyone here who may be in the Gulf Coast area -- Texas, Louisiana -- the news says Hurricane Laura is coming. May you have strength, perseverance and luck to get through it. Please let us know in the incoming days how you are doing.

    1. Close family were all in the direct Lake Charles path, but all came through safe and without too much home damage. Not sure how places of business fared yet.

      Anon in GA

  16. Twit Shit:

    Jenna Woginrich
    Aug 26
    Guess which of these things happened today with this tiny little family of two women on a farm.

    Cooked Food We Raised
    Rode Valiant Steeds
    Took up The Sword
    All of the Above
    63 votes · Final results

    Tiny and little are redundant, "real righter." And you forgot the question mark, moron. Swords and steeds sounds like a "Live like fiction!" lie-style That's the way you two want to live in reality, but with responsible adults funding the fantasy.


    1. ROFLMAO.

      Her idiot followers now get to support TWO healthy, educated white women who prefer to panhandle in lieu of working to pay for the lazy-as-fcuk lifestyles.

    2. PDD. The only person who'd be interested in having a relationship with a lazy lifestyle loser like JFW is the same kind of human being. Which is why they're a couple. Now, they can scheme and scam together.


    3. LS - god I hope not. At the very least, the standards of animal husbandry seem to have increased... but we don't know which animal died yet or why so... 🤷

    4. She has always purported that her animals are well taken care of even pre-girlfriend. Just because she's involving a new person in her lie doesn't mean that anything has changed. If anything, with the girlfriend as ANOTHER distraction, the care of the animals might be worse.

      PS shows little in photos and she's a crazy, compulsive liar.
      You can't believe a word she says.

  17. Suuuuuuuper cringy humble-brags about her now existent sex life on lezwolfmemes.

    I feel some kind of way about this... like, on one hand the visibility is important, but on the other hand, I know plenty of straight and bi women who have bangin' sex lives too. Chemistry with a partner has little to do with your actual sexual orientation.

    Despite myself, I do find some of those memes funny, even though the funny ones are just recycled queer women's comedy material from the past two decades.

    1. She remains an idiot, no matter her orientation. Now she's screeching that the number of orgasms is dictated by the sexual identity of the individual involved.

      Spoken like someone who's had crappy sex or no sex.

    2. JFW's perma-teen mentality is evident in every aspect of her life. She reeks of massive insecurity. Which is why she's bragging about intimate matters that should be private.

  18. I think what we're seeing with the rapid incorporation of Mystery Girl as "family" and the hyping of the hawk is another attempt at a lifestyle memoir book proposal.

    She's already tried and failed to pitch another memoir based on coming out, which has been done to goddamned death, but now there's more of a potential narrative: falling in love, farming the first year with a partner, the hawk b-story, the sheep again, failure -> redemption arc.

    She's even implied acceptance by her gf's family ie healing.

    I don't know if such a proposal would overcome the decade long trainwreck documented online, which she did not have working against her when she sold Made From Scratch.

    1. Nothing now can overcome her epic failure at farming and everything else. Her ongoing animal abusing and daily begging on Twitter to support her fat ass is despicable.

    2. so much truth here ladies! Don't worry, I won't call you "darlings" ..
      . Barf


    Obviously the girlfriend is going thru a rough patch if she thinks that Jenna is the best she can do. Her family needs to do an intervention asap. I would kick Jenna's fat ass 7 days to sunday if she went anywhere near my daughter and I imagine the girlfriend's parents feel the same.

    Jenna is a predator. She is severely mentally ill and has all of the traits of a narcissistic sociopath with borderline personality disorder

    It's not a good look for the business owner girlfriend to associate with a known scammer and animal abuser. Like the saying goes, If you lie down with fleas, you must be in bed with this monstrosity:

    She looks like she is auditioning for a role of a mentally challenged woman who refers to herself in the third person as "Baby Jenna."

    Baby Jenna likes walks in the woods, killing hawks, abusing animals, scamming, anything with alcohol content she can throw down her wide neck and young women who are easy to manipulate and victimize.

    Though she may look like it in the photo, Baby Jenna is not legally blind and actually chose to put that outfit on.

    Time for new girl to get the restraining order paperwork filled out and on standby.

    1. I just sent SD links to this site and other pertinent information. I appreciate you posting her profile, thanks. It's a public service to warn her and others about JFW.

    2. I found her portfolio of before/after slides to be...quite underwhelming.

    3. Yeah, PS isn't manipulating a picasso or a rocket science. She might be able to pull one over on someone who has an untreated mental illness or a head injury at best.

      I agree with the slides looking like a bear or maybe an elephant managed to rub a paint brush all over a paper. Definitely not the skill level of say KoKo the gorilla.

  20. In case anyone hasn't seen the video of jenna screeching her crappy fiddle at the brewery while slumped forward like gollum's creepier sister, here it is:

    She actually offered lessons for pay. Can you imagine when someone showed up for a lesson and heard her play for the first time. They must have thought they were in a horror movie. It would take a moment to figure out if she was playing a fiddle or summoning a screeching demon from hell.

    Pig Shocker might be able to give a lesson on how to shit in a yard without the neighbors catching you or how to dispose of a murdered hawk but fiddle lessons? Wayyyyy out of her wheelhouse.

    1. OMG thank you for reminding me of that (NOT!). She's just sawing back and forth on two notes. How embarrassing. I'm sure the band members were THRILLED to have her join them for the evening. LOL

    2. This response to the tweet is great:

      "The fiddle is a bit screechy."


    3. That is hilarious.

      Is that Jenna playing the violin or a goblin running its razor sharp claws down a chalk board? Hard to tell if you close your eyes.

    4. Does anyone remember what she was charging for those lessons? Was it $200 or $250? I know it came with a free violin Made In China, but the lesson was only 2 hours (half day) or 4 hours (full day) if I remember correctly. Either way, what a rip off.

      I'd rather waste 6 hours in a fast food drive-thru waiting for them to get my $10 order right.

    5. Anon7. She's always charged an overpriced amount of money for her fake "expertise" in everything.


    6. Anon7 I would rather set that money on fire in my driveway than give it to the Fiddle Killer.

    7. I remember quite a few years back, when she was still pitching fiddle lessons on her blog, she claim that if you could play the fiddle you could also play some other folksy type instrument...the mandolin I think. Does anyone know if that's accurate? Just curious. Also, off topic but another thing I'm curious about... Is " mountain smashing a Jenna-ism? I've tried googling to see what it is and I'm not getting any hits. At least nothing that's seems like it would be what she's talking about.

  21. It's interesting that her "girl" appears to be more successful as a graphic designer than the FFF. Which makes one wonder if she really isn't a sugar mama rather than a romance.

  22. I looked up the New England Art Institute where SD attended. Apparently, SD is yet another entitled millennial. The college was a FOR-PROFIT scam institution that was outrageously expensive. The teachers and staff were only there to line their pockets. It had to close in 2017.

    These are a few of the choice reviews by former students (most are from around 2014):

    “There is no proper way to review this school -- it's a miserable place. There is a reason why the government is suing the Art Institute corporation.”

    “Money wise, this school is not for a hardworking individual or a financially struggling family. It's a "I have or my parents have lots of money to blow and I'm bored" kind of school.”

    “The financial department were cheeky salesman, and rotten to the core. He receive bribes and kickbacks from the things they got me to sign up for, on my own tab, without my permission, in which they got the line their pockets with, while I'm still paying for it.”

    “This is not a place of higher learning. This is a for-profit institution. No screening to weed out lesser qualified students. It is all about getting asses in seats and getting revenue.”

    “I could have spent the last 3 years working a full time job, saving money for my future, and sharpening my skills at the same time. Instead, I chose not to do the research and I have a $100,000+ loan on my shoulders, 3 years wasted, and the ongoing stress and anxiety this school has brought me.”

    “I should have just gone to community college and become a web developer. Five years later and I'm still drowning in loans and without a graphic design job. This school is NOT WORTH IT.”



    1. What a shock. Not.


    2. I actually went to that school back in the 90s in Fort Lauderdale. I took Advertising design. There was no vetting to get in. If you had the money it accepted anyone. But about half the people did drop out. It wasnt easy and you had quite a workload of homework to do. A lot of the dropouts got behind on the work which was easy to do. I was constantly doing layouts, copywriting, drawing, painting, etc. The teachers were excellent where I went. However it was very expensive and they did not have a decent jobs counselor. Once you graduated you were on your own. Luckily I got a job with a graphics and print company which was family owned who taught me the computer side of graphic design. I couldn't have done it without them. Now I am a successful graphic designer and I do enjoy my work. For Jenna to throw it away for farming was a stupid move.

    3. GG. I agree. She could've continued her career at Orvis, or other companies, and still saved money for a future farm. But instead of admitting defeat a decade later JFW has refused to give up her hopeless dream.


    4. I would bet that orvis fired her and she did not start her fartheart dream by choice.

      She's probably been blacklisted by every decent employer in new york.

    5. I've mentioned a few times that I once took almost an entire 1.5 year nursing course...yet I'm sadly not a nurse. It's because I went to a school like that. Grrrrr.

      But hey, at least the two long chapters I learned about infection control came in handy with the Coronavirus, and as a result we are all safe and happy even though everything is bleached to oblivion. So there's that, lol.

    6. Anon7 - lol, the similarities between us continue. In the late 1990s, I completed 1 year of a 2 year RN course - back before RNs required 4 year degrees. I learned that primary care was not for me, but I've certainly gotten my money's worth from that one year of college. It's opened doors for me all through healthcare.

      Finally, now, in my 40s, I'm going back to university to complete an associate's degree. Life takes a meandering path, sometimes. Funny enough, despite being in school, I applied for a new full time job as a renal dialysis tech - something my single year of nursing actually qualifies me to do! Nice little raise too - wish me luck!

  23. I may be a minority comment here, but at the moment I won't pick too much on the "real person" behind the Mystery Girlfriend. So far, all we know is she has bad taste in romantic partners. Unlike PP and a few others, she's remained private. However, if she gets sucked into the deep pile of 💩💩💩 that is FFF's Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm, my opinion may change. 😉.

    1. I'd say that Mystery Girlfriend is already part of the shit-show that's CAF since it looks like she's living there almost full-time.


    2. It's also interesting that SD, who is quite a bit younger than JFW, already has a professional design site: Yet the FFF is always "OMG, that would take too much time to create!" when it comes to her own lack of one. Yeah, right. Jenna is just too lazy and untalented to do it. Plus she doesn't want to attract any IRS snooping etc...

    3. I respect your opinion. I see her as either mentally disturbed or broken as no one else would be attracted to or tolerate PS.

      Also I believe that who people choose to associate themselves with says volumes about that person.
      PS is vile and unattractive on all levels, has no positive traits and zero to contribute to a relationship.

      Anyone in a relationship with that is questionable at best.

    4. PDD - I feel that all comments here, whether they are minority or majority, all are valuable as they bring about intelligent and spirited debate. And other than me feeling that the GF has to be legally blind to get with the likes of the Pig Shocker, I'm on the fence as well. And time will tell.

    5. "Like attracts like."


    6. PDD - I agree. As far as can be seen, Mystery Girl is not asking others for donations, to pay for animal feed, mortgage or otherwise, and she has improved the animal care at CAF.

      All that can be known for sure is she's dating FFF. I do tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, for too long (all too often, I'm afraid.) Until I see her joining in the begging / scamming / animal abusing, I won't drag her. There are a lot of reasons why good people end up dating shitty people, and I for one have a couple of shitty people in my own dating history.

      If anything, I'm concerned for MG if she's getting roped into a permanent-feeling relationship too quickly, because that's the kind of thing shitty people do. They are the *best* partners at first, and after a year or two, things slide and you get dragged down with them.

      The shit my own shitty ex said to me after 4 years together, I could not have imagined those words being spoken to me in year 1.

  24. Twitter Twaddle - Lying, Grifting, Soulless Fug-Hag Edition:

    "Trying to make the August mortgage soon as possible as to not fall behind."

    "No sales the past few days, getting nervous here."

    "Trying to make the August mortgage if I can."

    UGH. A normal person who is worried about their mortgage payment would be seriously considering getting a job to secure that payment. But no, the scam artist that is Jenna Woginpoor instead said this on Twitter:

    "Fall backpacking plans in the works later this season!"

    She's making leisure plans whilst begging for free money. They pay while she plays. They throw money at her while she packs up her entire house and drags it up a mountain just to boil a cup of whisky coffee. How do her idiot foollowers not see this? And then the animal abuser/neglecter grunts:

    "So grateful for beautiful places and people around me that make that possible!"

    I don't doubt she's grateful, as the "people around her" are blind to her schemes and scams. I sure hope they get a tax write off for their donations that pay for her lazy lifestyle.

    1. and lets not forget she is getting a FARM SITTER for this trip away. Must be for several days. My son lives in a very rural area in the south and he pays $100. a day for farm sitter when they go away so I would expect the same for her. He has worked for years and years and has never once in his life begged for money for his farm so it is possible. Must be nice they are planning on their back packing adventure. She plays while everyone else pays. Her motto in life.

    2. I'd bet that her most massive enabler, Pember Patty, will watch the faux farm for a few days. Funny how she has time to "mountain smash" with SD, yet her new projects have to wait for two months.


    3. there has been no mention of Patty lately and she put up 400 bales of hay in her barn and now says she has to buy it and put it in her own barn so thinking she has worn that friendship out to the max.

    4. Anonymous 8:19. Maybe Patty is also just jealous of Jenna and her "girl." I've thought for awhile that there was something other than platonic friendship between P and J. And not necessarily in a physical sense. It seems like they've had an emotional connection that went beyond the boundaries of buddies.

    5. Anyone who sees their needy friend move in another person when they can't even pay for their own lifestyle would have to be pissed.
      Needy PS now has another mouth for PP to feed.

    6. PP is still retweeting FFF's marketing tweets, so I don't think there's any bad blood between them.

    7. The more money PP can help her get via social media, the less PP will be asked to contribute to the loser fund.

    8. Jon Katz abandoned her cause quite publicly, maybe PP will reach a limit one day too.

  25. Is she hiring a farm sitter to go on a backpacking trip before or after she plans on trapping a new hawk?

    How many moon and werewolf soap sets will she need to sell in order to pay for said farm sitter, and the lost work time?

    Thought: if Mystery Girl sticks around for a year or more, she'll get the see the fate of the new captive hawk. Based on past documentation / lack thereof, it seems this future prisoner has a 50/50 chance of survival.

  26. So, where are the harvest photos? What's up with that garden that was planted and bucket-watered all summer long? Where are the shelves lined with full mason jars? The vines and tree branches sagging under the weight of their fruit?

    Where are the photos of the pre-sold pigs who should be getting ready for harvest?

    1. Exactly. They only exist in Pig Shocker's diseased mind.

    2. Needs to leave room in the larder for sweet n sour fish candies. A homestead staple!

  27. Did FFF include a drawing of her OWN DOG in this promo, as though it were a customer order?

    I guess it shows the quality of work.

    1. Before she closed Instagram, it was obvious how many of her "present-day" farming photos are many years old. She counts on followers not caring about the truth, not knowing how farms & animal care is supposed to work, not sticking around long enough to see her discrepancies or being too foolish to see the 💩💩💩 right in front of them.

      Surprised FFF isn't a politician these days.

    2. Which is why she continues to have her profile private on Instagram.

    3. Everything is personal preference, but I dislike the disneyization of her stupid scribbles. They all look the same. Especially her pet portraits. They appear interchangeable, and drawn with little time/talent.

    4. Anon 6:45- that is because it is a program.

    5. Anonymous 6:53. Do you mean that she uses a design program, and the artwork isn't original? I've wondered why her drawings look so similar in style.

    6. In the past month she has started pitching sales every once and a while on Instagram. This is the pattern: First she was on FB doing personal and sales, her pitches for money took over the content. When she started wearing people out, she decided that Twitter was for farm updates and personal stuff and FB for sales. Then she left FB (had to leave probably because her reputation was shit), so eventually she had to start pitching sales on Twitter. Those eventually became most of her content, people are wearing out, and she decided that Instagram was for farm updates and personal stuff. Yadda yadda. She will eventually migrate there for her "fresh meat" for sales and have to make it public. It will take over, wash, rinse, repeat. Not sure what the next hot social media platform is, but as long as there is one, the cycle will continue. I use "sales" loosely obviously.

      Anon in GA

    7. She often includes her personal work in ads for the illustrations, but honestly, this isn't a weird thing to do. In fact, I think most professional artists would use their own work as examples, rather than customer work, since commissions tend to be private/personal things between the artist and the customer. So this doesn't really read as "fishy" to me.

      If people want to pay for her low-quality work (if and when they ever receive them) then that's on them. I'm more annoyed by her stealing clipart for creating logos.

    8. Good point, Anon 9:32 It struck me as weird, since she is showing everyone else's logos, but that makes sense.

    9. Anon 6:53 - That's likely, but I think the drawings themselves are hand done, no?

      One of my favourite artists uses a program to render a 2-D version of a photo, then she paints it. Many artists have methodologies like this. I don't really think it's a big deal or care how she produces pet portraits people order and like.

      The logos are hilarious because you can see on fiverr how much these logos are worth, vs how much she charges - which, whatever, charge what you want if people are willing to pay for it and they're happy with the result.

      The problem I have with the business model is she pretends this is what pays her mortgage (it doesn't, the math doesn't work, it can't possibly pay for the mortgage, she has secret cash flow) and she is leveraging this invented image to get "sales" that are actually recorded as "donations" for tax purposes and to prevent customers from disputing the transaction and getting their money back if they don't like or don't receive the product.

      There are a few very simple things she could to do straighten out her business and then I'd have no issue at all with how she gets her play money. Get a website, and a paypal business account, collect sales tax and pay income tax like you're supposed to, stop crying that you're behind on orders and also behind on your mortgage. "I need sales! I am behind! But I don't want too many sales at once! OMG FIRE SALE! Special offer! A website, are you nuts? A part time job? How dare you???"

      That's another thing - if soap and logo sales pay the mortgage and the feed bill, girl that's a business. It's not a donation. If you're collecting donations, register as a freakin' non-profit and do that properly. Contribute to society. Pay your taxes.

    10. WIW, you've shared many solid ideas. This is one of the best!

      "...if soap and logo sales pay the mortgage and the feed bill, girl that's a business. It's not a donation. If you're collecting donations, register as a freakin' non-profit and do that properly. Contribute to society. Pay your taxes."

    11. Anon 6:45 - They indeed do all look the same. Especially when one of her recipients posts the portrait next to a photo of the actual pet. There is a weak resemblance, but that's about it. It's like she only spends a few seconds, if that, to try to capture the animal's essence and charm. I'd be pissed to receive a hastily made portrait that only slightly resembles my pet.

      And she's charging like what, $30-$40 bucks these days? Remember when she was charging $150 for that crap? Lol. I'll bet those people are pretty upset at this point. Also, her logo price used to be $400 but now it's less than half that. Which goes to show that hardly anyone is buying her crap these days.

    12. PDD - Is it you or someone else that still can see her Instagram? But I think you're right, she's on the 6th or 7th pic recycling of pics so now it's private.

    13. As an artist, I can see the progression of my own skill with each piece I create.

      I feel like the all the portraits JFW produces are still all the same. There's no improvement with technique or anatomy or skill or anything. Just phoning it in.

    14. Anon 7, I can still see her instagram pics. She has been gradually ramping up promoting logo designs on there.

      Her feed goes like this, with a * for recent new content. Everything else is recycled

      *sunset video (recent)
      logo promo
      old photo of hawk
      *sunset photo (recent) and in the same tile, multiple old photos including a soap promo
      *sunrise Gibson photo with a link to GF's instagram
      soap promo again
      old hawk photo
      old hawk photo
      * girlfriend riding mabel
      old pic of gibson
      gibson with lamb and fireplace
      *squash apple thing she made
      old hawk & merlin pic
      friday posed in living room (old)
      *video of gibson, sheep, and goat (from this year but not sure how new)
      *weird pizza
      old hawk on horseback pic
      black and white selfie which I think is an old selfie but not sure

      *a slew of fairly new / recent / current year photos

      pet portrait promo
      logo promo

      *new *new *new
      old old
      not sure
      not sure
      old old

      You get the idea. It's tedious but if I feel like it I might copy & paste some of the captions.

    15. Anon, no I cannot see her IG but I recognize the photos that she endlessly recycles, shamelessly breaking the first law of IG & Twitter that photos be present-time unless otherwise indicated.

      I especially like (barf) when she "slightly" edits the photos to make them appear *new* and interesting.

      There's a lot of effort that goes into making her carefully curated fake lifestyle. Such a quirky feral farmer! Riding an imported Fell pony on a mountainside that isn't hers, dragging a hawk to try for attention, letting geese and chickens wander through her poop-encrusted homestead, spraying lavender on sheets.

      Live like fiction indeed. PayPal her, all you Poodles. ROFLMAO.

  28. Twit Shit:

    "A short overnight backpacking trip in Vermont! My girl, the dogs, and that sunset."

    But. But. But what about making the mortgage for August? And it's already September. She'd better get busy begging again. Or maybe it's all a bunch of bull like others here have suggested, and the donations are simply for fun excursions like backpacking.


    1. I also wanted to add that her numbers of followers on Twitter are always fluctuating. They might go up briefly, but because of her begging and sociopathic personality, then they flee like lemmings once wised up to her crap. She's never made it to even 5,000. Which by social media standards is a small amount.


    2. I would not begrudge a normal farmer or entrepreneur for going on a weekend camping trip.

      It's just not a good look for someone who talks as though she's constantly underwater.

      Proof in the twitter feed - she's not behaving as though her survival instincts have kicked in. To me, it demonstrates she's not actually concerned about her cash flow.

      The photos are beautiful. I'm not mad at the actually current, not recycled content.

      Didn't she say a few months ago that she had never been on vacation, hadn't been away from the farm for a single night since she moved in? Did I hallucinate that?

      It's just interesting to note she's been on overnight trips away from the property twice this year, that she has posted about. Again, not something I'd begrudge a regular person, I'm just making a note for the hyperbole ahead when, in a year or two she starts talking again how she's never been away from "this farm" for a single night.

      Maybe in a desire to get out of her rut and be able to go on adventures further afield, she'll downsize her animal collection. One can hope!

      You can leave a kale yard alone for a week at a time, just sayin'.

    3. You're not hallucinating. She's bragged about never leaving her faux farm for years. It's just an excuse to not visit her family in Pennsylvania. Although her mom has generously offered to pay Pember Patty to watch her hovel for a few days.


    4. And claaaaaaaaaasic, after her little mini vacay, back to begging! This farm NEEEEDS you!

      How many times over has she sold pork shares???

    5. LS 6:24 - I found a post about her leaving the farm after she sold / lost the sheep & goats. In 2018 she said she left her property for the first night since she bought the place.

      I don't think we'll be seeing that television series or bestselling novel on the horizon anytime soon...

      It's a shame, because if she'd done things differently, more responsibly, she'd be seeing some legitimate success by now, at least in the context of running an above-board business and having a much larger audience that she had *not* alienated.

      I also found an old post about all the backlash she'd received when she bought Merlin. I think I'd stopped reading for a few years by then, but it's interesting to see how very many comments her posts used to attract back then. Many of them supportive yet concerned comments about her impulsive, irresponsible, and short-sighted decisions. Then a few posts later I came across "pony chess" where I read in horror her uneducated approach to horse training - completely ignoring the signals he was giving her and "asking with force" (It's NOT and ask if you do it with force!) until he was bucking in frustration and pain from her insistence and whipping.

      It's not like I've never used a crop with a horse, or had to approach a horse on our first spring ride with more determination than I'd need to handle him in the fall, but what Jenna described in the "pony chess" post was straight up abuse. Common in the horse world, still inexcusable.

      I remember an arabian mare who was a sensitive girl, and whenever she'd refuse something it was because the human needed to figure something else out for her. She was always willing. One time on a ride, a weird and scary rock had her dancing on the spot, eyeing it like it could bite her. I dismounted, stomped on the rock to show her it was harmless, and she completely relaxed, with a toss of her head as though to say, "don't I feel silly!"

      That mare was my "magic horse" - like she wrote about Merlin before buying him. I cannot imagine whipping a horse like she described just a few posts later.

    6. I'm reliving all the horses I've ever loved now! There was a 16 hand draft cross I rode one year. HE had his own agenda, for sure. He was the largest in the herd and used to being pushy to get his way. He was like a cattle dog - he wanted to do his own thing, and he was intelligent, logical, and problem-solving.

      He was the boy I was thinking of remembering the first spring ride. He did not want to start a season of work - as a trail ride horse for the public, it's hard work for a horse. I was put on him because I was more likely to be able to get him to go.

      He was last in line, for many reasons, but this made it easy for him to simply turn around and walk back to the barn - regardless of what the human on his back wanted him to do. He did not give a shit about his mouth, either, if he had his mind on something.

      He tried to head back to the barn probably 10 times on that ride; he'd paw the ground as I'd redirect him, walking him in tight circles until he agreed to head in the right direction again. He was having a case of the Mondays, and didn't really have a mind to try and buck me off, but if I'd started a fight with him by whipping him in those minutes of protest, instead of walking him in circles until he made the decision to go on, he easily could have had me off his back.

      I'm not an advanced equestrian, just a horse enthusiast. In my limited experience with my aunts' horses, or volunteering at the local stable, I managed to learn very early on that you don't try and dominate a horse. You need to figure them out.

    7. Exactly, Unknown 1:59 - But, but, but is right. She shows a pic of her mountaintop view, when she really should be showing a pic of a barn that needs to be mucked out.

      And I agree with WIW not normally begrudging a farmer for camping/mountain smashing, but that's all the Pig Shocker seems to do. And with minimal attention paid to her feed lot animals.

    8. I am not a farmer, just an onlooker who started following Jenna after reading her first book. On instagram, her chicken coop has a lot of flat hay that looks like it's been there a while. Should that be getting mucked out? How often?

    9. The bedding isn't horrendous looking, but does look older than a few days. I don't know what's normal for chickens.

  29. I just noticed something funny - FFF is using her instagram profile to like her own posts on lezwolfmemes

    I can't think of a reason to do this. Is she hoping her CAF followers will get recommended lezwolfmemes? Does she just want the like count to be one higher?

    1. It's the lowest form of self-flattery to like one's own comments online. It's only done by losers who know that no one else will approve of what they write. And she's also an attention whore by her own admission.


    2. Good catch, WIW. Wow, that's super pathetic. It could be because the majority of her efforts only receive 1-3 likes on average.

      So it makes you wonder, of all the other profiles who "like" those juvenile memes, how many are also from her, via different IG accounts?

  30. Between the above comments about the GF, and Whackadoodle posting links, I have a small theory as to why the GF might be drawn to the Shocker we call Pig:

    Similar lifestyles -- both the GF and the PS are "freelance graphic designers" aka UNEMPLOYED designers. And so the GF, being about a decade younger than PS, might be in a situation where she's still living with her parents (not shameful thing in this economy) or barely winging it on her own. And thus is drawn to the PS's lifestyle in which the GF sees PS as successful and somehow getting by with sporadic design gigs. And melt-n-pour, questionable art, etc.

    But what GF doesn't realize yet is how much begging the PS has to do to maintain her existence. So far she only sees the picture that PS painted...a chromatic fairy tale of a seemingly sustainable happy scrappy farm. And she only has a vague idea of what exactly the PS actually does to "earn up" money to fund her lazy fantasy lifestyle. So basically, she's clueless.

    The GF may be thinking, "if it works for her...hmmm" and will probably soon move in thinking that the PS has it all figured out: How to live as a "freelance" graphic designer without having an actual job. Thoughts?

  31. And speaking of those links, I found something rather amusing on this page:

    Check out the 5th example of the "Before and After" slides. On the last graph point it says:

    "Do more of the things we like to do! Value added support vs keeping the lights on"

    Lol, now who do we know that lives exactly like that?

  32. Twitter Twaddle: Hairy Eyeball Re-tweet Edition:

    "Don’t get so focused on your goals that you forget to appreciate where you’re at."

    Uh, the Woke Wog doesn't have any goals other than to live off the largesse of idiot foollowers who don't pay enough attention to her schemes and grifting. And she's hasn't forgotten to appreciate where she's at, because she's just where she wants to be: Playing while them suckers are paying.

    1. I'm glad that you like my "Woke Wog." It sums her up. Yeah, she plays while foolish followers pay.

  33. From Twitter:

    "I am extremely lucky that while I am flat broke it costs me nothing to trap a hawk, hunt small game, ride a horse, or backpack. There is something to be said for outdoor sports. Once you have the gear, every outing is usually just a calorie cost."

    Is she maybe just dumb?? I am self employed/sole proprietor of my business. Time is literally money. When I spend time doing anything other than work, it DOES cost me. I am planning on spending a week this month visiting a friend to help them after their surgery, and I am doubling down on hours so I don't have to spend that week stressed about income/clients. Nothing is free--especially when you're not a salaried worker. She just baffles me.

    1. Who's kidding whom?

      Not only is "nothing free", but play horses and play hawks cost plenty of money. Horse hay, shots, farrier trims are mandatory. She doesn't feed grain or supplements but they still need care, fly spray, blankets, etc. The fencing needs renewal and the hawk cage needed refurbishment. She bought home-delivered frozen quail and rats for her hawks, mostly because most of them never successfully hunted.

    2. HERE. WE. GO. AGAIN. Next, she'll be humble-bragging about being broke, and how she's so "slung luck" blessed by abundance. It's all just part of her manipulative marketing. Everything she thinks, writes and projects is based on money mooching for free funds.

    3. PDD - Yeah, and I remember commentators on her blog back in 2012-2013 who were long term, successful farmers, second and third generation farmers, saying the same thing. You have a horse, why are you getting a second one? You have a collie, and very few sheep, why do you need a second dog? All beings on the farm need to be contributing to the sustainable of the farm, and there is always more work that needs to be done.

      I have a full time job, but once you catch the entrepreneurial bug, you're always going to hustle, so my side-hustle which I started in 2012 is still going. It doesn't need the same amount of work put into marketing as it did in the beginning, but I still work six days a week, because I lose a significant amount of money when I don't work in my side biz. I really like to combination, because I get benefits, pension and security through my day job, and I increase my overall income with my side hustle, without having to depend on it to pay the mortgage.

      Still, if I'm going to take a weekend off, I need to budget for the money I won't be making that Sunday.

      As I said above, I wouldn't begrudge a normal person a weekend camping, but if you're worried about paying for survival basics as she says she does in 80% of her content, you just can't afford to take time off.

      I am feeling more critical of Girlfriend knowing she's going to assist in trapping a hawk. Maybe when she sees what happens to it, she'll revise her opinion of FFF's "falconry".

    4. FFF's decisions are all based on what image she's projecting. That's why Merlin was better than Jasper - Merlin was a fairy tale horse. She got into hunting as an extension of farming, but does the woman EVER bring home a deer? OF COURSE NOT! After just a couple of years, "hunting" became flying her hawk for an hour (best case scenario) on a supposedly daily basis.

      Poor thing.

      Has she every posted a photo of the mews?


    5. With all the animals she currently has, how can she possibly have the time to take care of them all properly? Nevermind all the time she supposedly spends on desk work?

      A hawk should take multiple hours a day. It should be out and flying for hours every day. You're supposed to be working with it, helping it build it's hunting chops. Traditional falconers in various cultures literally do nothing else with their lives.

      Horses are TIME CONSUMING and expensive. They should get at least a daily stall clean (they should HAVE stalls) and they also need regular work, training or exercise. There's a reason horse boarding costs so much - proper care requires a lot of work and supplies.

      The dogs, high-energy dogs like border collies, also need training and daily work / exercise. I could see her walking them once a day for an hour, and giving them the run of the property with otherwise no work. She doesn't use them to gather the sheep or move them, and for years she had no sheep at all.

      On top of this, she has pigs and other barnyard animals, time to run 100 miles in a month, garden / harvest, fill freezers, and finally - go camping.

    6. none of this adds up to someone who has nightmares about losing it all.

    7. Her insistence about how everything is "all free" boils down to:

      -Damage control
      -Smoke and mirrors

      She is hemorrhaging ill-gotten donation money on self serving luxury pursuits while trying to spin a different narrative to rope in even more money.

      Luckless - Her "I am so poor but I am sooo wealthy in (fill in the blank)" is barf inducing. And a total lie too, which I know she feels every time she steals sugar and coffee creamers from Stewarts.

    8. PDD - Maybe she thinks it's all free because she really doesn't pay for all that stuff. Her foollowers do. So no real cost to her!

    9. Anon7

      Yeah, the "I'm so poor and so rich" thing is a bit stale.

      There is a time when no amount of money can buy an hour more of my time, and as someone who is now paid to literally throw money at nurses to try and get shifts filled, I see that reality every day. There is a point where money does not matter.

      FFF's "I'm poor but wealthy" broken record has been skipping for years. She talks about anxiety and nightmares a lot more than she talks about the joys of animal husbandry, gardening, cooking, preserving, or making things. She whips out the cliches when she's gearing up for another big scam / push for donations.

      How is it FFF has never taken up sewing?

    10. Hahahahaa! Sewing... She tried a VERY beginner project of sewing a simple cape, and thereafter tried to market them as CAF handmade wool capes for (of course) a ridiculous amount of money. Here's the 'fashionable' result of that debacle.


    11. That cape. That. cape.

      (Sorry, that's all I got)

  34. I am going camping next week for a few days and even though I have owned my tent and most supplies for some years, it is certainly not free. And we know FFF hasn't been backpacking in most of the years we've followed this disaster, so that gear is recently purchased no doubt. Didn't she just grift repairs to the mews? Plus what PDD said.

    Anon in GA

    1. Here is her tent in 2018:

      Here is the tent they used this month.

      Not the same tent.

      Here is a tent from 2013, which looks similar to the one used recently, but the grey on the 2013 tent goes up halfway, and you can see in the 2020 photo, you do not see that grey. Probably not the same tent, given there was a different one in 2018.

    2. At first I thought that could have been the same tent but the bright should show in the door flap and the door is a different shape. Maybe it's the new "girl's" gear, but.....

      Meanwhile my 15 year old tent cranking along fine - though I haven't used it as much as i would like.

      Anon in GA

    3. WIW - Excellent research. Yes, all those tents are certainly different. And all costed the Pig Shocker money. Not to mention hiking poles, other new gear, and it looks like both dogs now have their own hiking pack. I thought she just had the one. And the money spent on the animal mileage pack badges...50 miles, 100 miles, etc. What a waste of donations.

    4. She talks about collecting the camping supplies over time, on sale, or as PR (snort). What PR did she get? Certainly not a tent, or a rucksack, or hiking poles, or sleeping bags, or thermarests, or a camp stove, or dog backpacks.

      Again, for a normal person, who cares if they buy camping stuff? I have collected LOADS of similar stuff. But the whole time, pretty much constantly for the last 10 years, she's been talking about her mortgage, her truck repairs, her teeth, her infections, her feed bills, on and on.

      She knows damn well if you struggle to make the basics, you have no business walking your ass into a walmart and buying a cooler - let alone ordering from REW or Patagonia online. "On sale" means nothing. On sale at $300 from $500? It's still a $300 tent!

      I nearly snorted back my coffee when I read, "gas already in the car" as though it costs nothing to burn that gas.

      My god.

    5. PS doesn't worry about the cost of anything. She will whine and beg her way to covering the costs of her lame hill stomping.

  35. The Asshat:
    Find yourself a girl that will load a car with meat birds for the butcher and then help you trap hawks.

    In other words, "Find yourself an ENABLER!!!"

    Let's see if this hawk survives both idiots and fly away to freedom. Or will Jenna kill it. Again.

    1. "Find yourself a stupid sucker who supports your lazy loser lifestyle, and also enables you to continue money mooching free funds."


    2. Yep. And her former enabler Patty is not amused. Check out her comment to that tweet:

      Patty Wesner: "Oh no - that was my job"

      Lol, may I introduce you to "Pissy Patty" who obviously feels that she's been replaced by the usurper GF. Looks like another bridge being burned in real time. Who here has marshmallows?

    3. LOLOL! Anon7, you never fail to crack me up! (Passing you the Jet Puffs)


    4. I think Patty might be a bit sad. She was getting something out of enabling FFF as much as she has, and I think the socialization / friendship was it. Now that FFF has MG, she'll be spending less time with Patty.

      Even in codependent, unbalanced friendships, it's still a friendship, and it sucks when your main friend finds a partner and you get de-prioritized.

    5. Pember Patty is just jealous that the animal abusing, sociopathic scammer has found another dumb enabler. Looks like PP will need to find a replacement twat to help.


    6. Ooh, love them Jet Puffs!

      It'll be interesting to see what happens with the PP relationship once it really hits her that she's no longer much needed. Imagine, months of silence but then comes Thanksgiving, Christmas, and now the Pig Shocker comes-a-calling?

  36. Not only does Jenna Woginrich frequent this blog, she also fears that some of her foollowers do too. Here's an excerpt from her latest bleg post ("A Small Adventure") where she goes out of her way to explain any costs involved with her frivolous camping trip...and how it's (nearly) free! This just one day after we discussed her suspiciously new-looking camping gear and the costs associated with overnight travels that a certain someone has not earned:

    "What I love about backpacking is it is right here. It's nearly free. Our permits to camp at that amazing spot were $5 a person. The gas was already in her car. The gear and the food already in our home. The gear I have nearly all was on sale, slowly collected over the years. Some of it I got for gear tests for magazine articles. But even if you wanted to buy gear today online to backpack, you could do it for far less than a weekend in a nice hotel and reuse it over and over. Since I had what all four of us needed, all we had to do was arrange time to get away."

    Wow, so much detail there about how the trip cost her nothing. I feel like her mother reading that bullshit. And even though her bleg post was about her "magical" night away from HER farm, with HER girl, she still mentioned HER mortgage:

    "And since home, it's back to winter prep and hoping to cover August's mortgage before mid month. One day at a time. One hope at a time. One amazing view at a time."

    One amazing view at a time...this is what she wants to happen while others pay her mortgage. She couldn't have spelled that out more clearly. YOU pay while SHE plays is the clear message here.

  37. This tweet appears to be the first reference of Mystery Girl, mid-may.

    Maybe they were dating for a month before FFF started talking about her online? Probably not that long.

    For the timeline, they've been together for 3-4 months at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if she were moving in, but how oh how will they ever pay the mortgage???

    I was curious about common law marriage in NY state, and was surprised to find that common law marriage does not exist there! Huh! If you're common-law in another state, NY will recognize, but FFF and MG could live together for a decade and not be considered to be married.

    Here in BC, you're automatically considered to be common-law if you've lived together for a year. You shack up with someone for a year, they could take half your shit when you break up, or if you stay together the one can be held responsible for the other's debts.

    Anyway, they may as well move in together. Why the hell not? Mystery girlfriend can read, if she doesn't see the red flags, go on then! No need to discuss who's going to pay for what, just dive in!

    1. Writing "our home" implies that they're living together. I knew that she'd do the U-Haul lesbian move-in-too-fast cliche, but didn't think that it'd be this quick. Of course, they had to use SD's car since the FFF's "metal-sided classic truck" named Taylor is a POS.


    2. The first mention of MG's insta handle was on instagram on Jan. 25. She's tagged as having taken a video of a hawk landing on Jenna's hand and she says "yesterday's hawking".

    3. Mystery Girl's name is Shannon Doyle, and she's helping JFW trap another animal which will be abused.

    4. Great sleuthing, guys. I still maintain that the GF has to be legally blind. Can't think of any other reason anyone could be at all interested in the Pig Shocking abomination that is Jenna Woggywog.

    5. I noticed the reference to our home as well. Now she will be begging just as hard for money even though there are two grown adults living on the property. She has also referenced that they both do "freelancing."
      Then why is she still begging? Because she has always used other people's money first and always will.

    6. WDH. Why work when one can beg for a living? Which is why she'll never stop until the "donations" dry up.

    7. Totally agree Anon! Yet another reason to question the cognitive function of the new girl who has decided to live and beg with PS. How is that appealing to anyone but another sociopath?

  38. As I read there was no wifi nor cell phone service then she waxed oh so poeticly about listening to podcasts. I do not due podcasts but wouldn't one of those things be necessary for podcast? Asking for a friend.

    1. dahhhh that should be do not due.

    2. No, the whole point of podcasts is you don't need data or wifi. You download them on to your device and take it wherever.

      There are "podcasts" on youtube, which you DO need to stream, but youtube isn't a podcast hosting platform. You can't download the content. Not a podcast. "Podcast" has become a bit synonymous with "self-produced talk show", but that's not what it actually is. A podcast is type of content produced by someone in audio form, in an episodic format. People "subscribe" to a podcast like a newspaper so it gets delivered to their computer or their phone as soon as it's uploaded to the host website on the internet.

      In the days before smart phones, podcasts were downloaded from a host site on the internet as an MP3 file, and played on the computer. Once portable MP3 players came along, people would load MP3 files of all sorts on to their players and be able to take them out and about, like a tape player, but hundreds of files instead of 60 mins of songs.

      Now with smartphones, you don't even need a computer at all. You can use an app on your phone to download the MP3 file right to your phone, then take it with you to listen out and about.

      You can also listen to podcasts streaming, like Jon Katz' podcast here:

      But who wants to sit in front of their computer listening to something?

      You can download a podcast app like Overcast or use Apple's podcast app, and then search for "katz and wulf" which would lead you to their show, and then you can subscribe to it. Open the app when you have wifi, load up the episodes you want, then take them with you to listen on your commute, or wherever.

    3. By "download a podcast app" I meant on your phone, go into the App store (or google play store for an android) and search for podcast player.

      Popular ones are Overcast, Stitchr, Spotify, Pocketcast. Spotify is also a music hub.

  39. While hunting with any of her hawks, has FFF ever posted evidence that the hawk ever caught anything? If so, is the point of falconry to get game for the human to eat? Or is falconry generally a hobby of interacting with wildlife and getting high-mortality species of raptors through their first winter?

    1. I don't think that her hawk (victims" have ever caught any game. But she's posted pics of mangled rabbits on Instagram, and bragged about them in a sadistic manner. Remember, she's a fraudulent poser, and it's all about her manipulative marketing.


    2. ("victims")


    3. She shot the rabbit then posted a pic of it's bloody body. She sickens me.

    4. Anonymous 8:52. It's what one would expect from a sadistic (pig shocking), sociopathic POS like JFW.


    5. When she posted that rabbit pic she also exclaimed, "Watership DOWN!"

      Spoken like a true heartless wench, being that the story is about a group of rabbits trying to survive.

    6. If you google other falconers, they always catch something. Pig Shocker's "hunts" never catch any prey. She's as good at falconry as she is finances.

  40. It's interesting that all the sudden there are a bunch of sunrise pics. Almost like the GF's presence has the Pig Shocker hauling her butt outta bed at a decent hour and seeing them for the first time. Seriously, why no pics of sunrises in the past? Cuz she was always sleeping in late due to hangover?

  41. Also, not sure if y'all scroll up to read older posts on this thread, but I wanted to give a super special thanks to Anon 6:40 pm (on 9/3) who listed the Instagram activity for those here who can't view it. Here's her post:

    Her feed goes like this, with a * for recent new content. Everything else is recycled:

    *sunset video (recent)
    logo promo
    old photo of hawk
    *sunset photo (recent) and in the same tile, multiple old photos including a soap promo
    *sunrise Gibson photo with a link to GF's instagram
    soap promo again
    old hawk photo
    old hawk photo
    * girlfriend riding mabel
    old pic of gibson
    gibson with lamb and fireplace
    *squash apple thing she made
    old hawk & merlin pic
    friday posed in living room (old)
    *video of gibson, sheep, and goat (from this year but not sure how new)
    *weird pizza
    old hawk on horseback pic
    black and white selfie which I think is an old selfie but not sure
    *a slew of fairly new / recent / current year photos
    pet portrait promo
    logo promo
    *new *new *new
    old old
    not sure
    not sure
    old old

  42. I had been active in horse and dog showing events for years. There were people I would describe as "animal bullies". People who claimed to love animals, but whose only desire was to dominate them.

    I would put Jenna in the class of animal bully by the way she treats her animals and animals in the wild. Total, flagrant disrespect for their lives. Posting bloody pictures of her slaughtered pigs, bloody bullet-ridden rabbit, making jokes over her slaughtered lambs, rough-riding Merlin, saying she would rather her missing cat be dead than picked up by a "do-gooder" (she got her wish - she found the cat dead in the road days later). Calling her animals "assholes". She just sickens me.

    1. The only animal abusing, arrogant asshole on her faux farm is JFW. Can't wait until her property is finally foreclosed upon in the future.

    2. She's a sociopath incapable of feeling any affection for anything other than herself.

  43. I notice in all the pictures now she is wearing that rag on her head again. Last year it was the monkey dress and a "hairstyle" this year we are back to rags on her head. Nice.

    1. It looks like being a "late in life lesbian" has brought out her hidden butch. She has no sense of style whatsoever.

    2. I actually wear one similar in the summer - I have for 20 years. It’s cooler than a hat, but still keeps the sun off your head, and it keeps all the fly-away hairs out of your face / eyes.

      Even when I have my hair up, in the summer I wear one in the car as I don’t have air conditioning and the windows are all open.

      Maybe it’s a lesbian thing? (Shrug.)

    3. It's a she's-going-bald thing. Remember the dog got into her rogaine stash? What a clown.

  44. Irony: labor-day weekend for two University-educated white women playing on friends' boat, and trying to capture hawks, followed by FFF lamenting "this queer, woman-ran farm needs you" because she won't take an outside job and cannot make the mortgage or pay her bills. Yawn...more begging - please, please, please give her $$$!

    The ever-amusing (and successful) Lisa Steele replied:

    "Still can't make ends meet?.....or wait is this on old tweet from last year?"


    1. Lisa Steele knows all about JFW, and has commented here before. The only reason that Jenna hasn't blocked her yet is because she's successful. Now, she's adding the queer card to her stupid tweets. Her manipulative marketing must either not be working like it used to, or maybe sycophantic supporters are sick of her lazy loser lifestyle.


    2. Can't see the tweet. It looks like the FFF has deleted it.


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