Shouldn't she be whining about her mortgage

I mean....she's only got a week till the end of the month.


  1. She is not hurting for money. She never has. This has always been one giant scam. I have it on good information, that she brags about how she gets money for her hobbies. She "actually gets people to pay for this stuff". The Karma bus will get there eventually; it always does.

    1. ^^^^ THIS is the logical conclusion I came to as well.

    2. Anon 5:20 - I'm taking what your saying is that shopkeepers have spilled the beans about the stupid stuff she says while making a purchase? Wow, how very telling. And she probably says it with that duper's delight smile on her face. Great info...thanks for sharing!

      And yeah, karma always comes around. It may take awhile, but it eventually finds the right bus.

    3. Someone from her defunct heathen group commented years ago that Pig Shocker always bragged to the group that she basically has suckers funding her lifestyle. If one considers crapping on their backyard lawn (because they would rather buy meaningless junk like wolf contacts, rogaine and a never ending supply of dollar store hair clips ons) rather than fixing the plumbing in their house a "lifestyle."

      Cambridge 911 would seriously reduce 95% of their suspected sasquatch sightings if only she would stop showering (🤮🤢)and shitting outside.

  2. Soon it'll be time for her infamous "fraction finances." I coined the term for how she'll tweet something stupid like "I'm almost 1/4 of the way there!" This is her manipulative marketing at its worst. It implies that if you'll only help donate a small amount of money, then she'll be able to make her mortgage payment. Again. She does this almost every month, and it's beyond belief that anyone would believe her bullshit lying.

    1. small correction Unknown she does this EVERY.....SINGLE......MONTH. Even when she got a "loan" and caught up in May by June she was begging again and was still 35 days late (not counting the time it takes the mail to get it there) and so of course she doesn't have have the money for this month and then it will be time to start begging for August and on and on and on. I also believe she is getting money from somewhere else and is not worried about money this is just her "jam" (isn't that what 13 year olds say?). I don't get the girlfriend who must think this is okay or she is very desperate to put up with it.

    2. LOL! at fraction finances, coupled with made-up stories to keep her foollowers "tethered to her potential" so that she doesn't have to get a job. She's smug now in her ability to fool people, while at the expense of realizing later in life that she's never been anything but a huge fraud. And that will certainly hit her self esteem HARD.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"July 29, 2020 at 12:26 PM

      I'll be shocked if she's still in her hovel when the FFF turns 40 in a few years.

  3. Long time shamster here. She did this 3 months after collecting $15,000 for Birchthorn and claiming the farm had been saved. She also bought a bunch of new stuff with the money which she wrote about on her blog. I wonder how much of that money, if any, went to the mortgage. Anyway, three months later she was whining about wolves at the door. If you put the words “dancing with wolves” in the search bar on her blog, you might be able to find the stupid post.

    1. I remember that - "dancing with wolves, they keep you on your toes". Glorifying the mis-management of her windfall. It was around that time I stopped following her for a few years. The fact she's still recycling the same scam shows that it works.

    2. Glad to see you, Long time Shamster! And glad of your Birchthorn fiasco reminder for any new people here that don't know about that yet. I think all of that money went to the local Subway and brewery. As the Pig Shocker often says, "Hic...burp!!"

    3. Thanks Anon7. I don’t come here much anymore since Whacko sucked the life out of this blog. It used to be so much fun. Jokes, humor, parodies. I miss all the old time shamsters, but they got sick of being called Jenna when Whacko didn’t agree with them. I decided I wasn’t going to let her push me off this blog, so I show up once in awhile, but it’s not much fun anymore.

    4. Awwww 🎻🎻🎻🎻, what a sad story!

      Some people actually think that the true long time shamsters give a shit when they only come here to criticize this site, defend Pig Shocker or whine.

      We have to read enough of that juvenile behavior coming from Pig Shocker. We don't entertain it here.

      Those who are on the same page as us and don't come here just to bitch about this site, defend Pig Shocker or whine are more than welcome. They always have been and always will be. Anyone else can go fuck themselves.

    5. Ditto, Anon 4:34.

    6. Ditto WHS. It's been a while since Pig Shockers crazy ass has posted on here.
      She's afraid her newest stalking victim might see it.
      Or that someone associated with her latest fascination/victim might see it. It's a waste of her pig breath because there are numerous comments on line about what a lazy, crazy, scamming , animal abusing, outcast she is.
      One Google search and the secrets are out.

    7. "Luckless Slinger"July 29, 2020 at 12:34 PM

      It's certainly no secret about her rotten reputation. She's been broadcasting her own dirty details for years about animal abusing, and also scamming innocent victims for "PayPal donations." The FFF has the chutzpah to brag about her livestock numbers. When she can barely support her fat ass on a monthly basis without resorting to daily begging and manipulation at her "market" on Twitter.

  4. well at least now we know what the begging for money was for after begging like a crazy person. SHE WENT ON VACATION in New England!! Not only did she need to pay for that but either she left all 76 of her animals at home for more than a day without food or supervision or she had to pay for a farm sitter. How's that worry about getting her mortgage payment, firewood, hay, and supplies coming along?

    1. We know she didn't drive her truck there, either.

    2. What a total POS!
      She must be stalking the "new girl."

      Hopefully the authorities check on her animals while she is gone. It wouldn't be good for whomever has been left in charge of her animals if the authorities find evidence of neglect/abuse and the "farm sitter" didn't report it.

    3. WHS - I would bet money she just left them all with some extra food and water. Like house cats. Maybe she brought the dogs. And I'd bet it was 36 hours, not 24.

      Maaaaaaybe PP went to feed the ones that really need more than 1 meal in a 24 hour period.

    4. Yep, I agree that PP is probably the person checking on them IF anyone is.

      I emailed a few people to see if they would check on the supposed pigs in the hot barn and Merlin escaping. I also forwarded the bleg post where Pig Shocker alluded to something possibly happening to one of the animals.

      All they need is probable cause to check the property and I'm sure looking at that shit hole from the road they could easily find probable cause. Not to mention the animals could possibly be there on their own in the heat without someone refilling their water and/or food.

    5. WHS - at this point, I don't know why she even posts about animal deaths. She KNOWS it draws criticism and reports. Vague-tweeting about it is almost worse, as people are left to just guess what happened.

      She just can't resist the impulse to garner sympathy. "Hard farm day. 😢"


    6. The progression from 2011 to now: detailed list of dead animals and cause of deaths, plus other shit-shows. Now, "Hard farm day."

    7. Wow, so true and sooooo many good points here. Anon 1:32 - That pool pic she stomach hasn't been quite the same since seeing it. WIW - Agreed. No way that truck would make it that far, plus it's insured as a farm truck only allowed to travel no more than 30 miles from her hovel if I remember correctly. Whackadoodle, did the PS say which day(s) this trip took place? Perhaps that's why one of the neglected animals died?

    8. Three words that will make anyone 🤢🤮:

      Pig Shocker poolside.

      Anon7, I thought she was in town when the "bad farm day" happened but, now that you mention it, she might have had to call so many people because she wasn't there. It could also be that she was home and is just a fu$*ing idiot.

  5. In searching the caf blog for old entries using search terms WHS suggested in the previous post, I came upon this oldie from 2011:


    Some dead chickens outside barn, for some reason did not go into coop at night. Froze outside. Benjamin the angora buck is barely breathing or moving, limp to the touch, still warm. Sheep, geese, and Pig seem fine, but thirsty. Called into work, said I would be late. Going to try to start truck again. Plumbers on-call.

    Commentator: In this weather, its best to do a sweep and physically move all chickens into barn at night. I don't even open the coop door when it is this cold..."

    FFF's response: "All animals were in the barn and coop as of bedtime, these walked out of a whole in the side of the barn on their own volition.

    the shower is backed up with two inches of standing water. we're beyond boiling water."


    Just... 🤦

    A "whole" in the side of the barn. She'd sold her first book at this point.

    Anyway, a "whole" big enough for a chicken to walk through, and freeze to death. No wonder fox, weasel, and raccoons were predating that flock so frequently. It's a wonder she had any eggs at all.

    1. She is just a never-ending, rubber-necking craptastic car crash: Dead animals, freezing temps, animals that are barely breathing, thirsty critters, late for work, truck won't start, plumbing is shot.

      Yo, ya idiotic Pig Shockin' catastrophe aka a nasty fart in the form of a human: Did you not ever suspect that this fantasy farm life dream is something that you're just not cut out for? Ad nauseam X infinity.

    2. JFW said in a recent tweet that even as a girl she dreamed to live on a farm with animals. It looks like it's turned out to be a nightmare, but she's too stupid to alter her lazy lifestyle. Normal adults know when something hasn't worked out that they'll have to make changes. Even if it's not what they want. But the self-entitled FFF expects that stupid supporters will continue to donate to her lost cause.

  6. If you want to be a part of that pricess, like handmade soaps, art, logos, or gays - DM me.
    Hate the blue SUV, red van, got the plates, burp, Taylor Swift me another paypal

    1. Spot on! She's just grifting for the latest Taylor nonsense merch. Money that would be better spent on her next root canal.

    2. Her teenage tweets about pop culture, and creepy crushes on TS, AK etc... are obnoxious and deeply immature.

  7. Insane-in-the-brain Twitter Twaddle:

    "Well, folks. It's Thursday. It's late afternoon here in NY. And I am looking to make $100 on sales before midnight. Why? To keep this farm moving slowly forward towards solvent happiness."

    Utter bullshit. The REAL reason the Pig Shocker desperately needs $100 before midnight:

    "Taylor Swift wrote and recorded all the songs on her surprise album, set for release tonight at midnight."

    I have SO much to say about this. First off, why does JWog lie like that? In her tweet she says that the $100 is for the farm, but then stupidly tweets her real intention? Does she not know that people know how to scroll up 'n down and read her other tweets? And the reason she needs so much emergency money is cuz she wants to buy everything you see here:

    And you know what? Taylor Swift is an asshole. Why? Cuz if you click on that link about her new "surprise album" it says this:

    "New album available now -- Collect ALL 8 Deluxe CDs and ALL 8 Deluxe Vinyl Albums!!!"

    So I did the math for those 16 products and found it that would cost a whopping $330+ to own a bunch of crybaby music/lyrics that only appeal to 13 year-olds who never grew up. Over $300. Fuck you Taylor Swift for trying to convince your fans that them owning one album is not enough and that they HAVE to have it ALL. Fans who are out of work and suffering severe economic hardship -- fans who were only given ONE measly $1200 stimulus payment during a pandemic where necessities are hard to find. And afford, thanks to price gouging.

    In addition, on that store page, there is a plethora of other Taylor Shit crap to entice fans to part with their hard-earned and meagre funds: Keychains, coffee cups, hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. Fugly apparel that a certain Pig Shocker will be sporting soon thanks to her idiot foollowers.

    If Taylor Swift had a brain AND a heart, she would offer her new "surprise album" as a free download during these trying times. You know, show some goodwill towards her loyal sycophants and maybe lift their a lot of them (if not most) don't have expendable income right now.

    But no...Taylor, who has a reported net worth of 400 Fucking MILLION dollars, wants to suck up every last dollar she can from her fans. What a shit-cunty bitch. A greedy bitch who could afford to drop a free album and still laugh all the way to the bank. Ugh. I can't stand greedy selfish narcissists like her. She and the Pig Shocker have lots in common.

    1. Anon7 - I agree. Other artists have released free albums in the past 6 months. My wife's art classes are online and pay what you can.

      I must have missed the TS fan boat at some point in my 30s... oh yeah, that's right when I started my first business.

      I was busy. And I think that's when I discovered podcasts.

    2. There are so many amazing queer women artists / musicians out there. Has she ever tweeted about any of them? Anyone other than TS? I don't recall... I know she retweets LGBTQ blue checks...

    3. WIW - Your wife is a class act for doing that. And great point about the lack of the queer artists she never talks about. And there are so many. Although, perhaps it's a good thing, cuz I'd cringe to associate any of my favorites with her fake-ass self.

  8. The latest treatment of the various animals at Dead Animal Farm has been reported and should be followed up on any day now.
    If I hear anything after they check it out, I will post the details.

    Per usual, Pig Shocker's social media mentioned EVERYTHING that they are following up on. The stupidity is never ending.

    1. I hope we get updates. Was she reported for the mysterious animal death?

    2. They are looking into that when they do a welfare check. I sent all of the social media posts pertaining to the animals' living conditions, whether or not they are being cared for IF she is out of town, etc. to give them an outline of the concerns.

    3. Good. Hope you showed them how in one breath she brags about having 75+ animals, and in another breath begs for donations to feed them. So sad and irresponsible.

    4. Yeppers! I wonder what the new girl will say when the authorities descend onto Pig Shocker's property like they have done several times previously.

      Maybe she won't mind being named as a witness in an animal abuse investigation report. That she saw how severely mentally ill Pig Shocker is and saw that the animals aren't being taken care of properly, with at least one dying within the past 30 days, and she did NOTHING about it.

      I bet her family will just love that their daughter/sister/grand daughter has been sucked into Pig Shocker's criminal lifestyle.

    5. Funny how the "girl" is always available to hangout with FFF at her hovel. It looks like she also doesn't work for a living. What a shock. Not.

    6. Exactly. I would bet that Pig Shocker has offered to "take care of her." Pig Shocker will try to scam more $ to keep new girl in booze and away from any gainful employment.

  9. How on earth did I miss this asinine tweet from July 19th?:

    "Want to protect your bod from disease, support a small farm and get kickass soaps made on a homestead with milk from a local Nubian goat dairy?! DM ME!"

    So her melt-n-pour soaps now protect you from DISEASE?!? Washing your hands with soap helps destroy germs that will give you an illness (i.e. common cold, flu) but they DO NOT protect you from disease, nor does soap prevent disease. Does she not know the difference between illnesses and diseases?

    Or is she trying to fool people into thinking that her sorry soaps can protect you from Cancer, Diabetes, Sickle-cell anemia, Lupus, Congestive Heart Disease...and so on...

    And she's made dangerous and irresponsible claims like this before about her soaps. The best thing that could happen to her at this point is for Merlin or Mabel to kick some sense into her alcohol drenched brain.

    1. Hmmm. Sounds like more promises the FDA would love to hear about regarding her homemade products.

      The FDA can inspect her shit hole property soap making area and can fine her and force her to issue refunds for selling products that aren't what she claims they are.

    2. I have emailed them regarding the soap making in a dirty house. I have included past social media posts discussing the mold in the house, pics of the filth in the house including hawk shit on the walls and multiple posts regarding the non working plumbing.
      I have also included the ridiculous claims she makes about the soap and that she is selling melt and pour and not disclosing it to customers.

    3. There's also issues about proper home business licensing that online businesses have to adhere to as well as taxes on purchases that online businesses have to charge. Apparently they will discuss those complaints with whichever authorities are directly involved with those issues.

  10. Also - In the Twitter comments for another post, in which she begged for fools to buy her soap, someone asked her why she doesn't have a web store. And the Pig Shocker grunted:

    "I know. I honestly haven't had the mental energy to sit and do it, it's always just get through one day at a time. I will get to it. Trickier when there isn't an inventory and it is all made to order."

    So, she can't muster up the "mental energy" to provide a better way to earn income, but she certainly has the mental gusto to peruse Twitter for all things Taylor Swift.

    Point in case: In the past two days the lazy ass made 22 posts about Taylor's new album. A few of the posts were Pig's, but the rest were re-tweets. So let's do some math! Let's suppose that an original tweet takes a few minutes, but then add to that time spent finding out about the news. So let's say 10 minutes per original tweet, which there were two I believe.

    The other 20 tweets take much longer as she has to peruse several Taylor Swift hashtags to even find these tweets. TS is popular right now, so that's probably hundreds or even thousands of tweets to read. So let's be fair and say that for each re-tweet, the PS spent at least 20 minutes finding it. (And that's a generously low estimate)

    2 original tweets X 10 minutes each = 20 minutes
    20 re-tweets X 20 minutes each = 400 minutes
    So 420 minutes in all (estimated)
    420 minutes divided by 60 minutes = 7 muthafcukin' hours
    (Someone please check my math cuz I suck at it)

    So 7 (or more) hours wasted on a teenage-brained sycophant pursuit (aka celebrity stalking). But she doesn't have time to make a web store? I have a friend who used Go Daddy to make a site to sell her skin care stuff -- and it took her less than a day. And she didn't have a college degree for graphic design like Jenna. And so we're supposed to believe that Jenna doesn't have the "mental energy to sit and do it" yet has the mental energy to spend 7 effin' hours to devote to Taylor effing Swift. Liar, liar, pants on fire. And let's not forget all the hundreds of mental energy hours she's spent trying to ensnare and trap her girlfriend. But zero time for a web store!

    And...she also said: "Trickier when there isn't an inventory and it is all made to order."

    Ummm...what is the shelf life for soap? She can't melt-n-pour dozens for stock? And if she DID do that, she could ship straight away and there wouldn't be a need for her customers to have to wait so long to get them. Is she really that stupid that she doesn't realize this? How hard did Ma Wog drop her as a baby? And was the floor made of cement?

    1. What a total moron. What's the difference between having a website showing available inventory or tweeting that the inventory is available?

      The only reasons she tweets to beg for sales vs having a website is what she pays in taxes annually (more of her bullshit math) and a web site would provide evidence of what specifically was promised/sold and that the sales actually took place.

      The "I'm soooooooo busy" rhetoric is just more Pig Shocker lies.

    2. She'll say anything to continue the faux victim narrative that's her life of lies.

    3. It doesn't say much for the collective IQ of those who follow her on social media. Who still believes her bs? There's no short supply of morons in the Twitterverse.

  11. Remember the Pig Shocker's "Hard Farm Day" tweet from July 17th where she killed yet another animal? Well, while trying to figure out if she was out of town prior to that day, I noticed something else while taking a closer look at the timeline for that day's tweets.

    Again, here's what she wrote: "With the help of three other farmers, the internet, and some phone calls I still wasn't able to save a small new spark of life."

    Sounds like that was a long, eventful day, right? I mean, the time it took to see something was wrong with the animal, time spent calling 3 other farmers, time spent waiting for them to show up, time spent trying to deal with the issue, time spent online for info, and time spent making numerous phone calls. Sounds like that would have taken up most of, if not all, of her day, right?

    Well then, check out her Twitter tweet timeline for that day:

    6:02am - First tweet of the day (Pet art sales beg) "Message me for art!"
    6:05am - Brags about sending out "over 50 bars of soap in the mail today!"
    7:41am - Stupid tweet: "Me to 2020, I know I can google it but…blah blah blah"
    8:29am - Retweet from user James Hamblin about being unproductive (lol)
    12:51pm - Another fcukin' Pet portrait art sales beg.
    1:26pm - Bomb drop: "I could use some encouragement. Hard farm day today."

    So either:

    1) This animal's emergency and death took place in the 36 minutes between 12:51pm and 1:26pm. Leaving her less than one hour to discover an animal in distress, call three farmers, wait for them to arrive, troubleshoot the problem, consult the internet, make phone calls…in a half hour?!


    2) The animal's emergency and demise happened in the 4 hours between 8:29am and 12:51pm. But that still doesn't sound like enough time for half the village to come help, and even if that did happen, she tweeted (at 12:51pm) a pet portrait sales beg 30 MERE MINUTES before the heartbreaking tweet where she lamented her "hard farm day"???? And that 12:51pm sales tweet did NOT sound sad as she showed her excitement with several exclamation points!! That doesn't sound like she was in so much pain that it "hurt like hell" as she wrote in her bleg post. Maybe I'm just kooky but when anything dies, the last thing on my mind is making money.

    Something is not making sense here. Shit doesn't add up at all.

    1. Yes! It shows what a total narcissistic sociopathic POS she truly is.

  12. Also, it looks like she WAS out of town on the 16th, which was the day before the animal death on the 17th. Her last tweets before the 17th were made on the 15th:

    5:29am - Retweet from user Rainesford Stauffer about doing your best (right, as if)
    8:17pm - Retweet from user Wendi Muse about about debt (good luck with that)

    Those are the only two tweets made by the Pig Shocker on July 15th. So between 5:29am and 8:17pm -- thats roughly 15 hours that she managed to stay offline? Hmmm...that's not her normal schedule, as we all know she can't stay offline more more than an hour or two. Wonder what could have kept her occupied all that time? Could she have been driving many miles to go to CT to pose for this pic?

    And there were no tweets on the 16th, the day that pool lost half it's water. Also, it makes sense that she'd wait a week to tweet the pool vacation pic, as she didn't want anyone to know she was vacationing a day before that poor animal died. And in case you're wondering, she tweeted on each and every day in between July 17th (Death day) and July 23rd (pool pic day) -- and so how could her 24-hour vacation have taken place during that timeline? Hint: It couldn't. It didn't.

    1. Ah ha! Bravo Anon 7!
      Looks like asshole is going to have some splaining to do Lucy!

  13. Oh, one more thing about that pool pic tweet in which she said:

    "Went on a 24-hour vacation in New England! Got to use faucets that light up when you turn them on..."

    I think what she means is that it's the first time she washed her hands in a sink that was clean. A pristine sink with gleaming, shiny faucets that caught the light when she turned them.And I'll bet she was not only blinded by the glare, but also astonished by the lack of soap scum.

    1. It could be that someone's faucets did actually light up and dumbass considers that to be "fancy."

      I wonder what the family and friends of the "new girl" would think about Pig Shockers begging and animal abusing lifestyle? It would be a shame if they did some research online and saw what kind of monster their daughter is associating herself with.

      I doubt that Bostonians accept that sort of deviant behavior same as the rest of the u.s. 😉

    2. It's funny how the pool pic deliberately hides her obese body. Which was a wise move. But even an inflated toy can't obscure one who has a defective character.

    3. I bet the new girl had a WHALE of a time at the pool!


    4. WDH. LOL!!! Maybe I'm missing something, but what's happened to the original mystery girl? (I haven't been keeping up with the FFF's shit-show this summer due to disinterest, and being burned out by her lazy loser lifestyle.) The last I looked on her Twitter timeline she was with some younger woman who helped her with hogs and the faux farm destroyed garden. I'm guessing that they've already broken up. Otherwise, why would she be dating again? I hope that she got dumped, and had her "heart" broken.

    5. Yeah, who really knows about whom Pig Shocker is speaking of since she lies as often as she breathes.

      She claims to be in a relationship but the latest "girl" doesn't claim Pig Shocker anywhere online.

      Sounds like she's stalking someone who does not share the same feeling for her.

      She has had other women stay at her place but those were women who were clearly just looking for a free place to stay in New York. Little did they know that it would have been much easier to just pay for a hotel room rather than be associated with Pig Shocker online and then be stalked by her. One such guest made dinner with Pig Shocker during her visit and Pig Shocker's social media posts about it made it sound as if they were engaged just because they prepared a meal together!

      Kinda like Pig Shocker charging people hundreds of dollars for "fiddle" lessons and then watching the video of her "fiddling" at the local brewery. I would imagine that a chicken beheading sounds more musical.

      She slumped down completely bent forward like she was having a stroke and raked the bow across the strings without placing any fingers down on the neck. She was open bowing and still sounded like an animal was being tortured. Yet she thinks people should pay her for lessons?
      Also C.R.A.Z Y.

  14. I'll bet it was either a piglet, or one of the lambs that died. Chickens dying don't even register in her mind- they are like lint to her. Right now, heat stress is a real thing in her (and my) area. And animals need no stress, good feed (grain if needed because we are in a drought), a place to be cool, fresh water, and to be free of parasites. You actually have to make sure you do this. The first to die are the young animals.

    1. I agree. The pigs (if they are on her property) living in that hot barn is atrocious.

      You would think that after as many animal abuse investigations she has had, she would grow tf up and take decent care of her animals. Nope. That heifer is forever stuck on stupid.

  15. So shes a satanist now? After Buddhist, Heathenry and who knows what else. Girl has no idea of herself.

    1. The only group she actually belongs to is Idiot. She's perpetually 13 yrs old trying to impress one of the cool kids and never succeeding.

    2. Where/when did she mention Satanism?

  16. Wow, FFF being viscious on instagram on the lezwolfmemes accounts to other queers who dont love or who criticize taylor swift.

    I don’t consider TSwift to be an essential queer icon, above reproach, while clocking foundational cultural moments in queer history as though TSwift were on that level... that’s just such a weird thing to say.

    It would be like me calling another gay woman a self-hating queer for not liking the indigo girls, or carol pope, or Bitch, or Hunter Valentine, or le Tigre or Peaches.

    There are PLENTY of queer femmes / feminist / genderqueer musical artists who came before TSwift, paving the way, and the significance of an artist’s art and cultural impact is always up for discussion and debate.

    She is so skilled at alienating people. It seems to be how she boosts her own self-esteem or self-identity.

    I am noticing a couple TERF dog-whistles in those memes. I don’t know if they are intentional, or if she’s just parroting back anything she encounters on lesbian twitter without fully understanding the context.

    My guess, based on the lack of nuance in her posts and writing in general, is she never clocked it, and doesn’t completely understand what she’s recycling.

    1. Yeah, JFW alienates many people with her bullshit beliefs. Didn't you know that she's the unofficial spokes-dyke for feminism? I sarcastically joke about her being a "born again lesbian" now. Whenever the FFF becomes obsessed with something new like heathenism, farming, fiddles, archery, "mountain smashing," and even "running 3/5ks," she does it to excess. Until she's bored and drops it for a new interest. Rinse and repeat. This sexuality excursion is just her latest version. TS is her juvenile idol. It's childish that an almost forty-year-old, middle-aged woman would worship a stupid celebrity so much. It makes me cringe for her perma-teen mentality.

    2. I remember her Anna Kendrick phase. Then there was Aya Cash. Yes, these celebrity crushes are disturbing for a woman her age.

    3. I also think her ongoing fascination with Buffy the Vampire Slayer's female characters borders on pedophilia. After all, the show followed high school students as they battled demons and vampires. Many of the female roles were played by underage / teen actors.
      Buffy - 19
      Willow - 22
      Faith - 16
      Dawn - 11
      Harmony - 16

      Long-time Shamsters will remember FFF's infamous tweet from December 2017:

      "Somewhere out there is a girl who thinks she's straight who has never watched a single season of Buffy and she shall be my wife. It has been foretold."

      Parents, hide your daughters. It has been foretold.

    4. oh I remember these (and I had no idea who they were since I work for a living and don't have time for this crap) I always thought she was worse than my 12 year old granddaughter having a crush on the Jonas brothers but of course my granddaughter was much more mature than this crazy person is. Now she is embarassed when we bring up her crushes now that she is 18 she thought it was silly.This one never gets over her childish crushes.

    5. Anon, that's the creepy part.

    6. Oddly enough, her creepy crushes have increased as she's grown older, not diminished in a normal manner with maturity.

    7. WIW - Do you have a link to this lez meme? (And Le Tigre...fuk yeah!!)

      PDD - That Buffy comment -- just awful.

    8. Imagine if someone were to check out her hard drive. I can't imagine (and don't wanna) what sort of sick subject matter is on there. That should be the next thing authorities get a warrant for. There's probably enough on there regarding her scams and whatever deviant shit she's into to get her a nice stay in jail.

      Mentally ill social pariahs are usually outcast from society for good reasons.

  17. The Pig Shocker went on a FIVE paragraph Twitter rant to bitch her foollowers out for not buying her crap:

    1) "I always feel guilty constantly tweeting and retweeting what I have for sale. You know why? Because I'm a farmer and a roadside stand or farmers market is how you are supposed to get soap and meat. No one thinks twice about seeing signs for produce screaming at them at a market."

    2) "But I worry following a farmer that markets on social media means you feel like you followed someone trying to make money off you? I mean, I am. It's how I get to stay here. You are my market, following me is going to my stand where we chat about Taylor Swift & politics."

    3) "My concern is though that because it's social media there is something inherently shitty about trying to sell things on it. Why does the most amazing marketing tool in the world feel bad? Like a rude dinner party guest? I guess people that feel that way simply stop following me?"

    4) "The point of all this is I wish I didn't have to push so hard for sales, but between the pandemic and finally starting to catch up around here I just want to feel safe. So I make the income goals daily and hope I make them. I usually make half of what I plan for a month."

    5) "So when you see artists, farmers, craftspeople, anyone constantly selling their wares - know they are doing so to an audience that chose to follow them and they are doing it to pay their bills - like you taking that Zoom team meeting or on the call with a patient, what have you."

    Wow. If she got off her lazy butt and actually had a roadside stand or a table at the farmer's market she'd make more money than begging online. Also, people go to the market to buy stuff they want...and they EXPECT to see signs...cuz duh, it's a market. And any interested people go to the CAF Twitter because they want to read about homesteading -- and not be bombarded with myriad "Buy my shit" tweets.

    Her Twitter bio reads: "Writes books about farming and feelings as well as pieces for Guardian, Huffpost, Outside Magazine"

    There is hardly anything about farming on her Twitter these days. Just a rare mention of planting a garden, but with NO photos, NO advice or tips, NO explanations at all. Her Twitter is 70% begging, 15% pop culture, and 15% re-tweets of other people's statements, jokes, etc.

    Her sales suck because she's not providing what was promised in regards to farming. She's no longer an author. She no longer writes for Guardian, Huffpost, etc. And she's wondering WHY no one is buying? Not to mention the nearly dead bleg -- a place where she could photograph and explain how to make something...and THEN sell that something via Twitter.

    She seriously has shit for brains. No question about that.

    1. And this:

      "You are my market..."

      Wow again. She's basically saying that her foollowes are nothing more than a way to make money. And she doesn't even bother to educate them or tell tales about farming/homesteading to entertain them. But wants their money. Delusional.

      Also note that earlier this morning she tweeted that "clay soap" sales beg and then re-tweeted it a mere 3 hours later?!?

    2. Here's an idea. Get off of your fat ass and get a job.

      Now she expects other to people to pay for her living AND pay her obviously mooching "girl."

      Perhaps they could both get jobs. Pig Shocker is dragging anyone involved with her down the drain.
      The only things that Pig Shocker can contribute to a relationship are woe is me stories, her narcissism, a whole lot of ugly, unlimited nasty body odor, and a chance to be a co-defendant in an animal abuse and/or fraud case.

      Wow! Who would want that in their life?🙄
      Only someone as equally stupid and crazy as Pig Shocker that's who.

  18. In response to her Twitter rant, someone replied: "Personally, I follow you for the farm content, but I totally understand the selling part."

    She. follows. her. for. farm. content. BUT THERE IS HARDLY ANY OF THAT ANYMORE.

    1. There isn't any farm content because THERE ISN'T A FARM!

      It's a shit hole property with a few animals. She keeps pushing the bullshit farm story so she can call it her "dream."

      When really, she has ran a once decent property into the ground. The house should be condemned.
      She often talks about the mold in the house and that the plumbing doesn't work.

      Then there's the outbuildings that are so far gone, they are beyond repair. They need to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch. But that won't ever happen. Pig Shocker won't ever get off her ass and work to get the money to repair the property.

      MANY locals have commented that the property looks abandoned. She doesn't work and is home 24/7 and her property looks abandoned. The ONLY thing Pig Shocker fills her days with is drinking any kind of alcohol that she can get her fat hands on and social media.

      That's why she always posts old photos of her hovel and property. If anyone saw what it actually looks like now, they would never in a million years give her more donations. It is clear that those donations go to stupid things like wolf contacts, dollar store crappy hair clip ons and anything and everything Taylor Swift. Calling her actions mentally ill barely covers her sort of crazy. It is psychotic.

    2. Definitely agree it's not a farm. And it's barely a homestead from what I understand.

      From the outside, house looks OK-ish, but definitely needs to be completely gutted.

      But the barn and other shed-like shelter-wannabe structures need to be burned down to the ground. Or better yet, nuked from space as it's the only way to be sure that they won't fall down and kill even more innocent animals.

  19. Twitter Twaddle:

    "I'm the richest broke person on your timeline."

    Pig Shocker needs to go get lost at a Dunning-Kruger convention.

    1. She's said this kind of crap before. Her bragging about being "broke" yet she's still "the richest" is ridiculous. JFW is really secretly seething with envy over those who have bank accounts that aren't "double digits" like hers with "direct deposits." Her life is an epic failure. I think that she's too stupid to even be aware of the Dunning-Kruger cognitive bias.

    2. You're right. She knows deep down she's not rich in anything but envious longings.

      I think it's yet another manipulative statement that brings in sympathy donations. Otherwise, why else would she keep repeating such nonsense?

  20. Someone responded to her latest beg with: "something i've really found is that it helps A TON to have an online store, even something simple and free like Big Cartel. a lot of people are too shy to DM or want to place orders at exactly when they're ready or doing other shopping"

    Well, that makes sense.

    So FFF responded: "Very good point. I worry because I don't have an inventory, everything is either a commissioned pet portrait or soap made to order. I worry if people just fill out a form and spend money I will get too much too keep up with. I am always working behind as it is?"

    Hahahahaha. The fake farmer laments that she doesn't earn enough poodle scratch, so people, she HAS to keep posting sales to earn more money...but when a person makes an excellent suggestion on how to sell MORE product...the fake farmer cannot handle that idea because (she) "will get too much too keep up with".

    Oh FFS. Give me strength.

    1. I didn't see this comment -- glad you posted it! The Pig Shocker is just chasing her own matted tail at this point. She gets good advice and tries to spin it as something that wouldn't work FOR HER? But how could she know that without trying it? You know, make a website and see if it works or not? So bottom line here: She's not even willing to try. Cuz begging is so much easier! I could understand if she had tried, but saying it won't work without even trying? That's the booze talking.

      And really good point about people being too shy to DM...I never thought of that but it's a real consideration. And her reply about being worried about too many orders? Isn't that what she begs for everyday?

      And she's "always working behind as it is" -- that's because she spends more time online as Taylor Swift's #1 sycophant, hammock napping, mountain smashing, river polluting, and day-drinking whilst re-tweeting anything and everything. If she gave all that up, she'd have 18 hours per day to keep up with a spate of new orders.

      But summertime fun time activities are soooooo much better!

      And only suckers work for a living.

    2. What an absolute joke. She's posted her monthly rant about feeling guilty for her Twitter-begging. Constantly "right up against it"... but she's worried if she put a little effort into a website, she'd have TOO MUCH BUSINESS? She said herself she's struggling for sales due to the pandemic (and before that), so WHY is she still so behind?

      Just put a disclaimer that items bought will ship in 2-3 months. It's bad business, but at least if she put it in writing, people who pay would know what they're getting into.

      Many, many people sell commission-based product via digital stores. It's easy to set up. Create a few different variants for each option (pencil sketch, inked portrait, full color, etc.) and a form to include a link to an image. She can even automate a response to let the buyer know what to expect as far as contact is concerned.

      The real reason she doesn't have a store? She'd become liable to actually do the work. If she uses something like Etsy, Shopify, Bigcommerce, etc. she'd be open to criticism with reviews. Her shady business practices would be right there in the open.


      I follow a lot of small-scale, women and LGBTQIA-owned farms. I buy from the local ones. They post when they've got product for sale, but typically it's when they're going to be available at a farmer's market or if they have products they can ship. The bulk of their content? It's about showing HOW they produce their wares.

      The entire reason I am trying to cut out factory farmed meat and produce is to actually see where my food comes from. The draw is knowing the animals are well-cared for and the produce is grown without harmful pesticides. Seeing the process, whether it's the goat getting milked, the garden getting weeded, the honey getting collected, or the soap being made... that's the reason to follow farmers on social media. Marketing should really only be about 25% of the content. And honestly, I'm pretty sure most real farmers do sell either roadside or at local markets. Selling perishables online is just not really practical.

      Then again, she is not a farmer. She's a hobby homesteader.

    3. Also, she claims her income from "sales" as donations so she can screw Uncle Sam.

      If she had a virtual store that shows prices and inventory, she would have to do her taxes differently.

      The authorities might have to keep coming to check on her animals but her downfall will be tax fraud. The IRS has been informed of her shady business practices and my guess is they have been watching her for at least a year. They will even go so far as to place orders from her, multiple orders under various names, to show that she is indeed committing fraud in regards to how she reports her income and how much she reports.

      She will end up owing so much in back taxes for what she didn't pay, that they will take everything worth anything.


      And to think, all that asshole needed to do was re-home her animals that are living in an abusive environment. Instead she is up to 72+ animals (the number she posted on social media, straight from her fat mouth). We wouldn't have had to get involved in any other aspect of her life if the animals were safe.

      Instead, it is clear that the only way to save those animals from that deviant heifer is to report her for everything that can be reported in order to reach the end goal. The re-homing of the animals to new families who will actually care for them as they deserved to be cared for.

      Wait until Pig Shocker is living in someone's basement or in a cardboard box somewhere and see how fast her new "girl" decides she doesn't want anything to do with her. 🤣🤣🤣

    4. "Luckless Slinger"July 29, 2020 at 12:13 PM

      It's like I've always said here, but it bears repeating for newbies, her entire life is lies. The boldly badass "feral femme" can't make her faux farm achieve "solvent happiness." (Which it never has nor will before it's foreclosed in the future.)

      Once again, her incorrect usage of a question mark is revealing. It's saying that she's lying about it: "I am always working behind as it is?" JFW does this all the time. She's one of the worst writers I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot.

    5. Anon 6:40 - Great points. And just think, if she had TOO MUCH BUSINESS she could perhaps afford to hire someone to help. Maybe even pay some local school kids to help, in which they'll gain homesteading experience. Then the kids might tell their parents and friends about it, which would be word-of-mouth advertising...and even more sales! She could also get teens to help in exchange for horsey rides, archery or fiddle lessons. But sadly, the Pig Shocker doesn't seem to have a enterprising mindset.

      BTW, her "monthly" guilty Twitter rant received just 2 re-tweets, a handful of "likes" and just 1 comment. The jury hath spoken: They are tired of hearing about it.

    6. Except the school kids wouldn't have anything to do besides make her drinks. PS is home 24/7 and yet, according to locals, the property looks abandoned. She needs a bulldozer or a match to fix that.

  21. A Concerned HomesteaderJuly 29, 2020 at 5:52 AM

    I found a female veteran owned soapmaker! I love that she lists the ingredients she uses. Talks about custom orders taking up to 6 weeks to turn around (I believe she contributed it to the fact it takes that long to cure). And she only lists what she currently has in stock on her website.

    I put in a small order and got an email back the same day. She's also very quick to answer questions on her Facebook page.

    My husband wouldn't allow me to order from JW because he doesn't trust PayPal, and thought it was an iffy way to sell stuff that way (which I completely agree, and I don't have a twitter, not do I feel comfortable dm-ing somebody because it's a hassel, also would feel like I'd be being obnoxious if I were trying to follow up on a possibly forgotten order).

    Oh, and cowgirl soapworks currently has a free shipping code that I think is valid through the end of this week which is prepper20 (she did the code special for a prepping page I follow on Facebook, so I thought I'd share in case any of you wanted to support a small American female veteran owned business right now during this crazy pandemic).

    As for what's been going on with me- gardening, new chicks and ducklings (finally! I've missed having them!), hubby totaled the car (that we had just put extra money towards it so it was paid off at the beginning of this year) by hitting a deer in the way to work, grandmother fell and broke her pelvis (which has an infection now even though she's been in the hospital since her fall), baby had gotten 8 teeth by 9 months old (7 of which came through within 6 weeks), oven went out under warranty and the repair parts are no longer available (so we are waiting to see if there are any sales on labor day to replace it), wiring dryer fried due to a plumbing leak (got plumbwe to fix leak, now have to get electrician in), a lot of other rough stuff I'm sure I've forgotten to list, signing up daughter for virtual learning this fall to try to keep her from being miserable wearing a mask all day and to prevent her from from being home covid to her younger brothers), and yeah- if I were to write a book about everything that's happened to me in the last year and a half- nobody would believe it! On top of this all, I haven't begged to have help with any of this! My hubby and I are just reconfiguring our budget to try to fit a new car payment in there, plus pay for all the repairs and stuff (hi savings, we are frugal so we could save enough for any possible future repairs and/or a down payment on a car of we had to, so you will now be utilized)... Yay for frugality and saving money.

    Is 2020 over yet? Lol

    I hope you are all doing okay this year. Sorry if the end of my post causes any anxiety, but I had to vent! I'm sure a few of you are having a rough time too this year.

    -A Concerned Homesteader

    1. A Concerned HomesteaderJuly 29, 2020 at 5:58 AM

      Wow! I apologize! I was writing quickly on my old kindle fire tablet and didn't realize how many grammatical errors and autocorrect failures I had in that post! I need caffeine this morning apparently!

    2. "Luckless Slinger"July 29, 2020 at 12:06 PM

      ACH. Good to "see" you again, and no apologizes are necessary. I'm always making minor mistakes here, and then catching them afterwards. I rely on my morning cup of coffee t help me function, too. I also appreciate the link, thanks! I'd rather go without any new soap then buy them from someone stinky (in every sense of the word) like JFW.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"July 29, 2020 at 12:07 PM

      I made one! I meant to type "morning cup of coffee to..." not "t."

    4. A Concerned HomesteaderJuly 29, 2020 at 2:06 PM

      LOL! Thanks Luckless.

      I tend to lurk from time to time just to keep up with the latest scam. I won't visit her blog because I don't want to generate traffic for any money she might get from my visit, nor will I create a Twitter to be swamped with tweets from the worst "business" I've ever seen run.

      I am excited to try the vanilla burboun scented soap from the cowgirl soapmaker! I was even able to pay via Amazon pay! I'll let you all know how it is when it comes in and I get to try it.

      Cowgirl soapmaker also has 5 oz unscented goats milk soap that looks like it'd be moisturizing for only $5. And it also looks like you can get a sample pack with different soaps so you can try certain ones to see how you best like it.

      Lol. I guess I'm prompting the hell out of a legitimate business website! Her sales probably jumped through the roof with her free shipping promo code this week.

      �� �� Rubba dub dub!

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    5. Good to see you! Great update, sweet baby news, and best wishes to your daughter and gran. Sorry to hear about all the headaches. When it rains it pours, eh? But unlike a certain someone, you know how to adult, lol.

      My truck was hit recently by some crazy lady who claimed she was going slow. The truck was parked so she "allegedly" left a note with her info. Later I learned she was speeding and then tried to drive away. Several neighbors blocked her and demanded she write down her info. It was bad luck being hit, but good karma they saw it and took action.

      Car search/money-saving tip: Check out car rental places as they often sell used rentals after only a year of service. I purchased a loaded $28K (list price) Chevy 4WD SUV for just under $17K that was only one-year old and had just 13,000 miles. And it had no damage...or if it did, they fixed it up. Still under warranty too. Also check with dealerships cuz sometimes they have the same rentals for sale.

    6. Almost forgot: As for the new chicks and ducklings, I'll raise you some mourning doves and hummingbirds! The doves my porch are on their 4th or 5th clutch so far this year (8-10 babies) and a mere two feet away, a hummingbird has twice raised two healthy babies. (!!!)

    7. A Concerned HomesteaderJuly 29, 2020 at 9:02 PM

      Thank you Anon7.

      It certainly does pour! Sometimes I don't know whether I should laugh or cry with how crazy it's been! At least we got good news on grandma this evening, she's eating meals again and is even walking a little! It seems they've gotten her infections under control as well! Huge sigh of relief as we were really worried as she's had taken a turn for the worse.

      I'm glad you have good neighbors who kept you from having to deal with a hit and run! Good neighbors are great to have!

      My hubby is looking around. He's seeing if dealerships are having any clearance since next year's models should be coming out before too long. Also, he has been looking at Hertz as they are getting rid of a ton of vehicles because nobody is renting right now. At least we still have our truck to get around in if need be, just makes it more difficult if I need to take the kids to appointments while hubby works. It's also not great on gas mileage.

      Way cool with the morning doves, and especially the hummingbirds! That must be very neat to see their babies!!! I love hearing about stuff like this!

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    8. What do they say...whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :D

      Good for grandma! If she likes chicken (and it's OK with doctor), make sure she gets a lot of it because the protein and enzymes help heal bed sores, infection, and repair muscle and bone fast. I was a CNA for awhile and took a nursing course and they taught that chicken (and dark leafy greens like spinach and kale) rush to the sites of infection/injury and begin repairing ASAP. (Also check with doctor as some dark greens interfere with certain medications)

      Another suggestion (if the doctor says she can have it) -- Apple Cider Vinegar is an amazing natural cure-all, dating all the way back to Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, circa 400-ish BC who lived into his 90s. Find the recommended dose (about a 1/4 cup or less), add water to taste, and chug-a-lug to improved health at any age. **But always check with a physician before taking advice from well-meaning but random internet strangers like me.**

    9. A Concerned HomesteaderJuly 30, 2020 at 3:37 AM

      Thank you Anon7, I'll mention it to hubby as he talks with the nurse who's helping with grandma (she lives in another state a ways away from us). I don't know what they are feeding her, but I think those would be approved since she is diabetic and happens to like chicken and kale.

      Not sure if she'd take the apple cider vinegar though, she's a bit stubborn and set in her ways. I know their are plenty of health benefits to using it.

      I do appreciate the advice, even if it's from "well-meaning but random internet strangers like" you!! (•‿•) lol, thank you again!!!

      -A Concerned Homesteader

  22. I've said this before. She doesn't want to make sales. She wants donations. She has learned that when she begs, many people will just send her money. If people order something, she has to produce it, which she does not want to do.

    She has gotten used to handouts, like bears in the national parks. The park service had to crack down on people feeding bears because they became dependent and lost the ability to fend for themselves. She is no different. She is not feral. She is no different than an animal at a drive through zoo, who thinks it is wild, but is really dependent on hand outs.

    1. Yep! She doesn't want suggestions when she has a problem, she wants money. She doesn't want to make sales, she wants donations.

      Money problems aren't ever solved with money. Money problems always stem from something else. In Pig Shocker's case, they stem from her being a lazy piece of shit who refuses to work for a living.

      Instead, she calls the few animals that she actually owns and the shit hole where she lives, a farm and claims she's trying to live her "farm dream."
      Yeah, she wants to dream while everyone else pays for it.

    2. One minute you're calling me Jenna, the next you are agreeing with me. Which is it? I will back off calling you out on this when you agree to stop attacking people whose opinion may be different than yours.

    3. Forgot to add, above comment directed towards WHS.

    4. Go fuck yourself. You are Anonymous. If the comment fits Jenna's pattern then I say so.

      You are making others not want to respond to any of the anonymous posters. Not me, I don't give a rat's ass if you like it or don't like it. Soon enough you will be on here whining like a little bitch per usual. Just like Pig Shocker.

    5. Forgot to add, that was for the Anonymous who is stupid enough to think that they are the ONLY anonymous commenter on this blog. Narcissistic much?

      At least those of us who actually report Pig Shocker have the balls to always post under the same account. Unlike whiners who gave hide behind anonymous.
      😭😭😭 wahhhh.

    6. Anon 8:35 - Excellent comparison to national park beasts being dependent on handouts. That's EXACTLY her problem. And it will be the crux of her downfall.

  23. The latest photo of the two hammocks says everything there is to say.

    Pig Shocker is a lazy piece of shit who chooses to spend her life getting drunk while on social media while laying in a hammock. Now she claims there is another piece of shit who is also whiling away her days in a hammock with Pig Shocker while strangers pay their bills under the guise of "donations."

    The definition of "donation" for Pig Shocker is something purchased from her online which is paid for immediately and is never sent to the customer. That's not a fraudulent sale to Pig Shocker and her Pig Pal. Nope, that's a DONATION.

    What is not shown in the hammock pic is the reinforcements needed for Pig Shocker's hammock so her lazy, fat ass doesn't end up on the ground. I'm also wondering if she has a crane that lifts her in and out of it?

    1. "Luckless Slinger"July 29, 2020 at 12:02 PM

      WDH. You made me snicker again. Yup, she found another freeloading femme so they can waste away the summer, and also ignore any past orders until "Winter's Bottom III" looms. She probably has an old milk crate upright to help her fat ass out of the hammock. They're not built for buffalo sizes like the FFF.

    2. I'm surprised she's not rolling everywhere on a scooter. That will be next. 🤣🤣🤣

      Those miles she keeps claiming to run are somehow making her gain weight.

    3. WDH. Exactly. Weird how all of those "3/5ks" and major "mountain smashing" in her beloved "humidity" never change her bulky body into looking not unlike a chunky old Volvo. (No offense to owners they're cool cars.) I've also heard that she's been bragging about her "girl being fiery like whisky." I'd say that JFW is dank like prune juice. FYI: I'm using Unknown again since my "Luckless Slinger" doesn't always go through. It must be a glitch.

    4. Her supposed girl has yet to claim Pig Shocker. She is probably a victim of Pig Shocker's stalking rather than a girlfriend. Pig Shocker lies about everything so lying about a girlfriend wouldn't be much of a stretch.

    5. Her pushing the tensile strength limit of a hammock is pretty dumb since she's always said that any injury to herself would spell catastrophe for the farm.

      LOL at crane and milk crate. Releasing some gas would launch her right up there too.

      Her "fiery like whisky" comment spells doom, as two Alpha females in a relationship usually doesn't work...especially if one is just a Alpha wannabe.

    6. What she doesn't want to say is that the supposed girlfriend is crazy like shit house rat rather than fiery like whiskey.

  24. Twitter Twaddle - *Sad Trombone* Edition:

    "While it will be impossible to make enough sales to pay my July mortgage in the next two days, I sure as hell am going to try!"

    Try = Beg. And only one person commented:

    "Damn. Wish I could help, but am tapped out this month."

    Dude, that's NOT what she wants to hear right now, lol.

    So then she tweeted this:

    "What this farm needs is something ridiculous, like a 100 bar order from some whimsical mysterious benefactor. Putting that out there."

    No one in their right mind is going to spend $600 on soaps. Now THAT would be ridiculous. Dream on, Pig Shocker.

    1. Wow. Asking for a benefactor pretty much smacks of desperation. I would be so embarrassed to put that out there. She doesn't know the meaning of being an adult.

    2. She is also the worst salesperson, as someone else asked her how much to ship overseas and her reply was: "It's very expensive!"

      Moron, how about saying, "It's $20-ish, but I'll throw in a few extra bars!"

      Hell, why not sweeten the deal with a free copy of Birchthorn too?

    3. Asking for a benefactor to buy 100 bars of soap is a dog whistle. What she is putting out there is that she wants someone to GIVE her $600. She has already made it pretty clear in another tweet that she doesn’t want too many orders.

    4. Lol, so true. Her chances of receiving a "whimsical mysterious benefactor" are about the same as winning the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes.

      Whimsical mysterious benefactor = Sympathetic wealthy fool

    5. "Luckless Slinger"July 30, 2020 at 7:20 AM

      ANONYMOUS NAILED IT IN ABOVE COMMENT: "Asking for a benefactor to buy 100 bars of soap is a dog whistle. What she is putting out there is that she wants someone to GIVE her $600. She has already made it pretty clear in another tweet that she doesn’t want too many orders."

      This is an example of her manipulative marketing and sociopathic scamming techniques. What a total and complete POS.

  25. Awwwwww.🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻

    What a loser!

    1. Sad here as it looks like you used emoticons after "Awwww" but all I can see are blank boxes cuz I still haven't been able to have my laptop repaired yet. (During the George Floyd protests, some looters robbed and destroyed the Mac repair place I go to.)

    2. It was a bunch of violins. That sucks about your repair place!

  26. Ahem:

    "My lawn is a poultry carpet."

    Uhhh, who's gonna tell her she spelled "cemetery" wrong?

    1. And her house carpet is poultry carpet as well. Nasty.

  27. And hey, regarding the "poultry carpet" tweet, look again at the twitter link directly above this post that shows the barn. Not sure about you, but I see a door. PoodleDiDoo pointed out, there shouldn't be any doors in that Twitter pic.

    -PDD said on the last thread:
    "A recent perfect example of FFF's hyperbole (lying and exaggeration), from her own tweets: 'Very happy to report in the heat and humidity I rigged up a better ventilation system for the pig barn, getting better airflow and easier water refills today. Not bad.'"

    -PDD then said:
    [Pig Shocker] then admitted: "Which basically means I set up metal gates where old wooden barn doors used to be, but it was raining and hot AF so it sounds better to say ventilation systems."

    *record scratch*

    Where the old wooden barn doors used to be?!

    Ummm, I clearly see barn doors in that Twitter pic. So did she lie about the supposed "metal gates" improvement? And then posted an old barn photo instead? Cuz it sure doesn't look like anything has happened with those barn doors except more weathering and neglect. And recent signs of animals desperately trying to dig their way out.

    1. That's what it looks like to me. She didn't improve anything per usual. She is back tracking trying to cover her ass so she doesn't get another visit.

      Pig Shocker, how's that working out for ya?

  28. Poor Fake Feral Farmer. Writes that her back is up against the wall. Mortgage in jeopardy. Again.

    How nice that it looks like she had enough Poodle cash to buy TWO Bethany extra-large jumbo size hanging chairs - "roomy for any size person" and only $65 each.

    Then there is the hot pink inner tube for floating / polluting the local waterways. Not sure of its price, so let's say $10.

    And her pool toy? It's a BigMouth Inc. Llama pool float, which holds 200 Pounds and sells for $39. Better hurry though - only one left on Amazon.

    She plays while others pay.

    1. PDD. The BigMouth name describes her obnoxious personality. "PayPal me, it means so much, guys."

    2. Pig Shocker and Pig Shocker Companion need to both get jobs. What lazy, disgusting, wastes of space.

  29. A Concerned HomesteaderJuly 30, 2020 at 1:01 PM


    Put in my order to Cowgirl Soapworks a couple days ago- she reached out to me last night to make sure my order was correct. Turns out a glitch in system (or maybe I didn't click the right button when ordering) showed I didn't choose the scent for one of my products and she was double checking to see if that was accurate, which it wasn't. I'm so glad she reached out to me before shipping so it could be straightened out. Today, I received confirmation it was shipped with the tracking number, and I should get my order in about three days, so I should see it on about Monday! That is excellent customer service and quick turn around on an order! It'll be a week max to wait before my order shows up, and I'm on the opposite side of the country from her!

    She is actually offering free shipping through 9/1 using coupon code prepper20 if anyone is interested!

    What an excellent way to handle a small business! (Perhaps someone should be taking notes of how this is supposed to be done?)

    Anyways.... Hope you all are doing well!

    -A Concerned Homesteader

    1. ACH. I'm gonna buy soap from her soon, thanks!

    2. A Concerned HomesteaderJuly 31, 2020 at 6:52 PM

      You're welcome! I figured it didn't hurt to spread the word about a legitimate business, especially one that's trying to help give potential customers a break by giving free shipping. And you can't beat the level of friendly service she (her name is Jody) gives you!

  30. just saw a picture of "her" girl and the poor girl appears to be about 12 years old. She is so young looking as compared to FFF. Go check out her twitter account. Of course she didn't make the mortgage payment on time but does have plenty of time to go hiking with "her" girl.

  31. I wonder how much she's paying the new "girl" to pretend that they are together? Maybe she just feels sorry for Pig Shocker.

    Their matching head scarfs look ridiculous. I guess since Pig Shocker is damn near bald and has to wear something to cover her head, she made the new girl wear one too.

    One thing is for sure- new girl must be desperate. Pig Shocker must be paying her way otherwise she wouldn't give PS a second glance.

    I would bet that as soon as the authorities show up for the animal abuse investigation and to inspect the filthy soap making area, new girl will peace out. Use PS for as much as you can get from her New Girl and then drop her fat ass like a bad habit.

    1. It's kinda creepy concerning her fixation on much younger women. And it looks like the FFF has dropped the pretense at shaving her legs and faking being a femme. I always clocked her as a closet butch anyways. Her hairy legs are so Seventies feminism. She's trying to rock the sexy Sasquatch look now. Jenna, some save of those cookies for your "girl." You don't need the calories.They both like like lesbian, Amish/Shaker wannabes with the stupid scarves. You can also tell that she's very worried about making mortgage money this week. Nothing says "I'm broke!" better than mid-week "mountain smashing." I pity the poor fools who fall for her lies.

    2. "They both look like..." not "like like." I need my morning cup of coffee now.

    3. In every photo posted online of them, they are wearing matching head scarfs.

      New girl doesn't want to make balding Pig Shocker look asinine by herself. Instead she chooses to look asinine with her.

  32. Anyone think this looks like 207 colfax rd cambridge ny
    had a chimney fire and received money from FEMA?,+Cambridge+NY

    1. Pics on that site don't show for me, but that certainly is her address and name. How very interesting. I wonder if she blegged about this supposed chimney fireback in 2011? And it's funny how under "Property Use" it stated "dwelling" and not farm.

    2. It's barely a "dwelling" now that she's depreciated her hovel. Good work, WDH.

  33. Looks like craxy-crazed Taylor Swift fans are a bit psychotic:

    "Taylor Swift fans share music critic's address, phone numbers, and threaten to burn down her home hours after she published an 8/10 stars review of the singer's new album that her followers deemed was not good enough"

    8 out of 10 stars is not good enough? The victim, Jillian Maps is a senior editor of Pitchfork, an online music magazine. *It should also be noted that this victim has a real job, unlike a lazy someone we know.

    This innocent online critic has now received death treats, late night phone calls, threatening emails, etc. And because of Taylor's forever 13-year old rabid fans who showed up at the editors home, she is now living in fear. This is nuts. It's like a ton of Jenna-like fans lost their minds and went viral with rage and unwarranted destruction.

    One Twitter user who was appalled by the rabid abusive Taylor-Stans said this: "Disgusted to hear that this professional journalist is being harassed and even threatened by Taylor Swift stains, with phone calls coming to her house in the middle of the night even. FANDOM IS TOXIC AND THERE'S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THIS.

    We agree, Twitter user...toxic indeed. Thanks for speaking out about scary sycophant music terrorists who wish harm to those who do not 100% worship a mediocre singer. If Taylor-stans reacted like this about an album, imagine how they'd react if Taylor shocked a pig. I bet they'd go full nuclear on her...scored earth and all that.


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