
So.....for some unknown reason, I'm not able to comment on the posts.  I've had this trouble on and off for months.   I'm not ignoring anybody
If anybody would like to take over this blog or start a new one...I would encourage you to do so.  There are so many others here that would do a much better job!

In response to Anonymous....she didn't do anything new....she's just an idiot.  :-)


  1. HD. I wrote the other comment, and appreciate your answer. I think that PDD has mentioned starting a new site, but don't know if she's still considering it. Thanks for your years of effort and time in hosting this blog. It's a public service to warn potential victims about JFW: her animal abusing, obnoxious online begging, and unethical business practices.

    1. Sadly, I am suffering from a bad case of Faux Feral Farmer malaise. It's all so repetitive and boring. Somehow she snags additional animals, gets others to do work for her and cons people into paying for overpriced or sub-par products.

      I cannot even bother to read her tweets, each filled with the same 💩💩💩💩💩.

      She needs. She wants. She can't do. She can't have. Please send her lots of money.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"July 7, 2020 at 7:25 AM

      PDD. I feel the same way. Which is why I took a break from commenting. If people are stupid enough not to do due diligence, and research her before either donating or buying her crap products, then they deserve to be ripped off. I know, though, that even if this blog falters for awhile the FFF will continue ruining her faux farm. She's on a downward descent to being the bag-lady of Cambridge, NY. And as Anonymous said below "She just burns you out completely." BTW: I've done all that was possible to help assist authorities with her animal abusing, but now others have to help.

  2. I think EVERYONE is burnt out on this looser. It comes to a point where you just say if people are stupid enough to buy this crap from her let them have at it. All they have to do is read her crap for a few weeks and they know what they are getting into. When I first started reading her stuff (and I was a bit slow on the uptake at that point) she would go on and on about needing money and not having this or that. Then she up and quit her job and I thought what? Then she would cry and whine about not having something and needing it so badly (heat, electric, dental work,etc.) and then just like that she would have a new dog, or tickets to stuff and I thought what she doesn't have the money.All I could think was my gosh does she have no shame. The answer to that one is pretty easy. She just burns you out completely.

  3. FFF is such a fuckin' liar. June's mortgage went unpaid? SUCH A LYING HOSE-BEAST!

    If we were to take what she has said just in 2020 about her mortgage, how it was late, then sold, then she needed a loan to get it caught up - and now it's late again?

    She'd have an eviction notice on her door today. You cannot fuck up that often with your mortgage payments and get to keep your property. Just ask the 10 million Americans who lost their homes in the 2008 financial crisis.

    Any normal person missing mortgage payments would be panicking about losing their home right now; they certainly would not be riding horses, swinging in a hammock, or taking on more mouths to feed.

    SUCH a transparent liar!

    1. Okay, so it looks like it takes longer than I thought before the actual eviction notice happens.

      Here's a generic article:

  4. I haven't been commenting much because "irony you start with an "i", " I have been working in my garden rebuilding field stone beds (hauling stone to save on $$$ delivery), dirt, and the plants and working way past my normal time of taking this on, but delayed due to Covid and "all of that." In other words--working, digging in the dirt, chopping root systems, tossing rocks. I'm sure not sitting around with role playing board games or pretending to be what I'm not. I haven't forgotten those stupid kilts or the custom made bow.

    1. I found out about that bow after seeing swifthound bows comment on one of her tweets. What a useless, ridiculous purchase. That is not a hunting weapon, that's a showpiece for a renaissance faire.

      Anything to make her feel like a game of thrones character, I suppose.

      I burn out on FFF every couple of years, then I remember her, look her up, and sure enough, she's still up to the same shit.

      If mystery girlfriend sticks around, FFF will have another person to consider when making stupid purchases despite the perpetually "late" mortgage.

      I would be ultra-peeved if my wife made a purchase like that while I was paying the majority of the bills.

  5. Everyone has done a great job informing the authorities, and public at large about her animal negligence/abuse, and her scamming people out of money. Becoming a grifter for her was very easy, and I suspect she will stay that way forever. What I see now is that she has amped up her lying about funds, and that is *always* because it is becoming real. The pandemic has changed everyone. So many are now raising their own food, those same easy marks will now look at her as the loser she is, the one who can't care for livestock yet has two pet horses. The one who can't clean up after a single solitary thing. The one who has no life, except for begging. It's pitiful really. That is her entire life. Begging, lying, abusing, and scamming. There are so many worth while causes, and things to spend money on, I hope people can find them, because enabling this scammer just lets her scam more people.

    1. Well said. And that's it in a nutshell right there: The one who can't afford their current livestock, the one who begs for money for feed...all-the-while having plenty of feed for TWO non-essential horses to cart her lazy butt up and down hills all day. And they must have super high-calorie intake requirements to manage that feat.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello, I wondered why it's been quiet here so I have tried posting but it wasn't working. Just wondered if you knew that.

  8. Just testing to see if this goes through.

    1. It went through. It has been quiet here, what gives? Is everyone truly burned out on Jenna? Anon7 where are ya?

    2. Wackadoodle Horseshit?

    3. Maybe the long-term shamsters set up a new or private forum.

    4. I've been busy running around trying to find paper towels for sale, I kid you not. It's just like back in March where we couldn't find anything due to mass panic buying. Then slowly, the stores re-stocked but then our State Gov announced this week that we may have to go back to strict lockdown so now I'm chasing paper products again. Fun times.

      Also been busy with sales and I have no idea why. Back in February, I felt for sure this virus would halt my sales, but no, people are buying in pre-Xmas fashion. And while I can't fathom how/why people have money for non-essentials like jewelry, I ain't complaining. Birthdays, I guess?

      Still have a tiny few relatives that aren't taking this pandemic seriously enough...throwing parties on July 4th, traveling, meeting new people? WTF, they're nuts I tell ya. So kudos to all of you who are taking precautions to precent the spread of this awful Coronavirus. I wore a mask for hours today in 100 degree temps. And. It. Sucked. But the alternative, no thanks. And yeah, it's hard being patient for real life to resume, but a boring life is much better than a sudden and uncomfortable death. Stay healthy everyone!

    5. It's nice to see y'all back :)

    6. Anon 7

      That's too bad your area has to lock back down. Ugh.

      We have been very fortunate here, on vancouver island, everyone is on the same page. We all did the lockdown, we all wear masks inside, we patiently wait in line, and for a while we had no new covid cases for a month. There are 4 new ones now due to international travel, but their contacts are traced quickly. I think the island is in it to win it. The people employed by the tourism industry are hurting though. My wife found work with the health authority, so that's amazing, because she lost her job due to covid.

      We don't anticipate a second wave until fall, when people start to congregate indoors again, but schools here are only going to be open to the children of essential service workers, and only part-time so the kids can rotate through. We all continue to make personal sacrifices for the greater public health good.

      I actually saw toilet paper on sale the other day, and heard the angels singing! We've been paying $1/roll since February.

  9. Well, I guess I will comment about the latest blog post.

    I was just thinking it had been a while since she mentioned writing a book. Will this one be self-published again, since she seems to have trouble selling the concept of farm = self-discovery / self-validation?

    Mortgage payment is apparently 3 weeks late. Whatever. It's just the tool by which she creates a false sense of urgency. On the face of things, if you continue to make the same choices, you reap the same results. If all that went down about the mortgage getting sold a few months ago was true, you'd think she'd want to make some different decisions, so as to not fall back behind again.

    But that's her shtick, her writing crutch; a false sense of urgency, manufactured anxiety, and run on sentences about contentment or expectations of the future.

    It seems Mystery Girlfriend is having a positive impact on the animal husbandry at CAF. I hope she sticks around, frankly. Maybe her resources will help to break some of the negative patterns we've observed at CAF for the last... 13 years.

    We've seen FFF burn multiple communities out. Will Mystery Girlfriend burn out? I doubt FFF will change.

    1. What stuck out to me about the latest post is it's the first time in a long time she posted without mentioning her mortgage being late... She said something about bills and anxiety but it was kind of in passing...there was no mention of how long she has to pay them, or dire consequences if she misses the due date. She also wasn't hawking her soap, art, pork etc. She said something about having soap to ship, but wasn't offering it at a "bargain" of triple what you'd pay for a similar product elsewhere or any of her usual shenanigans.

    2. WIW, I almost forgot about all that book talk. The editor this, the editor that...and now no word about it at all. It's like she used the talk of a "potential" new book to tether others to her "potential" so they'd keep sending in pity donations.

      And not only is the mortgage for July apparently 3 weeks late, she still hasn't paid the June mortgage -- if she is to be believed. I'll bet she's doing just fine and is crying out for donations so she can buy some Game of Thrones style lingerie to impress the gf. When really she should just wear nothing like Cersei, while we all chant "Shame, Shame, Shame" and ring those damning bells.

  10. The Mystery Girlfriend situation could play out either way... With her positively influencing Jenna, to improve her animal husbandry and change CAF for the better, (as seems to be happening so far) or Jenna influencing her and CAF becoming home to 2 professional scam artists. Then again, maybe Jenna gets tired of Mystery Girlfriend pushing her to change how she "farms" and kicks her to the curb, or Mystery Girlfriend gets tired of dealing with a middle aged woman with the mentality of a teen and she breaks it off. I'm not sure which of those I'm betting on at this point.

    1. "Deja vu all over again."

      It's the same pattern. FFF has always used other people to actually do her farm work - only in this case the worker provides side benefits to FFF.

      There was Jon Katz, Pember Patty, the Christian cult. Think of all the people who repaired her house, barn, sheds, fences, septic tank, inside door, outside porch, doors and truck. The people who dug out filthy paddocks, cut down trees, chopped and delivered wood. Hell, other people even built the insufficient horse lean-to and the hawk prison.

      Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but Ms. I'm-afraid-of-chainsaws and I-don't-use-hand-tools has NEVER done any thing substantive on her property.

      Unless MGF is neurotic, has low self-esteem and likes to be taken advantage of, at some point she'll get tired of being used - like all the others.

    2. Anon 5:33 - I'm wondering this too, as so far the girlfriend's influence seems to be good and it sounds like the animals are finally getting proper attention. Though, no doubt the gf is doing more than her share of work from the sound of it. And it makes you wonder about the attraction, as the Pig Shocker is definitely a "how many beers" type chick. So, maybe the gf is a grifter too. Time will tell.

      PoodleDiDoo - Great point about the Pig Shocker's past patterns. All those people she wrote about over the years in her bleg...and you never hear about them now. Seems like people stick around for a bit, and then they flee!!

    3. I really hope mystery girlfriend doesn't get sucked into "helping" FFF financially. There are so many relationships where a mooch gloms on to someone who's honest, hardworking, and too apt to see the good in people.

      It starts with, "Hey, my credit sucks for *insert lies here* reason, could you co-sign this loan / credit card / car loan / lease for me? I'll totally pay you back."

      Then it ends on Judge Judy.

  11. Just now got caught up with all the malarky the Pig Shocker posted in the past week or so. Pretty much the same stuff as usual. Except what she tweeted here:

    "Okay, running a really big Birthday Sale! Trying to get the June mortgage paid for asap so I can focus on July, which is a third over!"

    Wow...trying to monetize her own birthday. How original. People can't afford her crap right now but she's trying to guilt her foollowers into buying something anyway. Cuz it'z muh birfday!!! Well, at least she's the girl with the most cake. So there's that.

    And then she tweeted this:

    "Support female farmers, we need it now more than ever!"

    Was this inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement? No Jenna, ALL farms matter in this case...even the farms run by males. Also, it's all hard-working famers who need it now more than ever...not lazy ones like you. What you need "more than ever' is a JOB.

    1. Although, if I'm honest, I couldn't help but notice that all her latest tweets and bleg posts contain real talk of actually doing some damn work on that feedlot. Finally. Busy as a bee these days, making improvements, etc. I imagine her computer is relishing the break it's getting -- and enjoying the feeling of not being on the edge of overheating all the time.

      And I guess we have the (legally blind?) girlfriend to thank for that. As it seems like having someone to impress lit a fire under the lazy Pig Shocker's ass. Too bad that the animals had to suffer for so long before this finally came to pass. Maybe now she'll build the horses a proper shelter for winter. We can dream, eh?

  12. On Twitter the PS started a poll: "Which Lesbian are you?"

    a) Subaru, plants, yoga
    b) Volvo, cats, Austen
    c) Jeep, dogs, Disney
    d) Van, kids, sleep

    Oops...looks like she forgot to add one more poll option:

    e) Free 4WD, neglected animals, 6-hour hammock naps (aka 5K runs)

    1. Is FFF identifying as a lesbian now? I thought she was bi... not that it really matters, people can identify however they want, it's just the "lesbian" memes are getting to be a dog-whistle among the queer woman community for the more radical, TERF-y wimmin among us.

    2. Who really knows with her. She seems to have flavor-of-the-day type thinking. Meaning that she'll identify or use whatever hot topic /big news story to get attention and money. Can't wait for her Rachel Dolezal phase to begin.

    3. If FFF were going to embark upon a Rachel Dolezal phase, she'd have to start using her degree to earn a living, as well as start some volunteer work, and have a side-gig to boot.

      (Not at all excusing RD's inexplicable, entitled, fraudulent actions either, but the woman at least paid her own mortgage.)

  13. Twitter Twaddle:

    "One of my favorite all-time summer activities is going outside with a cold drink after a swim or shower and waiting for a thunderstorm to roll in."

    Same here! But I go outside with a long metal pole instead. You should try it!!

    1. And more:

      "Very happy to report in the heat and humidity I rigged up a better ventilation system for the pig barn"

      I can smell this tweet.

    2. Even more:

      "I wish the president cared half as much about pandemics as he does about hiding his taxes."

      Aah, kinda like we wish you cared more about animals than getting online strangers to pay your mortgage.

    3. And the bullshit never ends:

      "Explaining to my girlfriend how I want to get through winter by stocking up on homesteading goods; i.e. 100lbs of flour, 25lbs of sugar, yeast, salt, and firewood and hay in bulk..."

      Lol, can't wait for you to explain to your girlfriend how you trick online strangers into paying for all that. And are you gonna force her to spam Twitter with donation begs whist you nap?

    4. SIDE NOTE: I perused her Twitter feed all the way back to July 1st. And didn't find a SINGLE mention about social inequality. Nor any signs of support. Just mainly mortgage begs.

      So...what happened to that promise she made many weeks ago to use her "voice" and her "platform" to speak out for the Black Lives Matter movement? Lemme guess, she didn't receive any "likes" or "re-tweets" so that potential hot topic avenue wasn't one she was interested in waddling down.

      The only thing she uses her voice for is a megaphone to announce that she doesn't have her mortgage payment. And that while her bleg is free to read, PayPal means soooooo much!!! SMH.

    5. And from the latest bleg post:

      "There is a dead woodchuck somewhere in the weeds I need to find and bury before the heat of the day sets in hard."

      Pssst! Better to brush the teeth and change the underwear before wasting time on a wild goose chase.

    6. That tweet about "dating me is like playing Oregon Trail", had me wondering what the conversation was actually about. Why would you need to "explain" your grocery plans to your girlfriend?

      Was Mystery Girlfriend questioning why, when she's behind on the mortgage, would FFF be buying 100lbs of flour? Why did FFF have to "explain" anything to her, especially since Mystery Girlfriend is from a farming background?

      I would sure be questioning someone I was dating why they are buying things not needed right now, when unpaid housing costs were causing so much anxiety.

      I actually remember a woman I almost dated back in my 20s, who was just an exercise in chaos. One thing would stabilize and she'd make a decision that just created chaos all over again. I was genuinely perplexed why she'd rush into these decisions based on what she wanted or felt she deserved, rather than address the reality of what her situation would actually allow. "Almost dated" indicates how quickly I figured her out, though. I hope Mystery Girlfriend follows up every red flag with questions.

    7. That "playing Oregon Trail" comment made zero sense. I figured she stole it from a lesbian forum somewhere.

      As for "explaining" grocery plans, take no further look than her YouTube videos where she tries to explain everything under the sun in the most obnoxious manner. That's just her thing: Try something once, maybe twice...and now you're the expert!

    8. Dating her is lke playing Oregon she saying you might die of dysentery? From what I've been reading about the condition of the Beast's lair I wouldn't be surprised if that were a possibility.

    9. Anon 3:20 - HA! Or gets stuck in the snow and starves to death... did they have a Donner party ending in Oregon Trail? I can't remember.

    10. Anon7 just in case it's still unclear, "Oregon Trail" refers to a text-based video game released in the late 1980s. I remember playing it on the school computers, as it was considered educational at the time.

  14. A recent perfect example of FFF's hyperbole (lying and exaggeration), from her own tweets.

    "Very happy to report in the heat and humidity I rigged up a better ventilation system for the pig barn, getting better airflow and easier water refills today. Not bad."

    Then admitted: "Which basically means I set up metal gates where old wooden barn doors used to be, but it was raining and hot AF so it sounds better to say ventilation systems."

    Undoubtedly "set up metal gates" means she dragged sorry-ass gates over to the pig area and leaned them against the opening, securing with bailing twine. Some farmer, huh? Female or otherwise.

    1. Now it's a pig barn? Well, it was.. back in the day she kept the two Yorkshires in there in a small stall with a piece of plywood as a gate. Dark, and horrible. Then one day, she had someone come over and blow their brains out. One at a time.. The first one was shot, and the other one was standing next to it, and got the blood on her, and she freaked. Yes, this is how Jenna kills animals, and why her Karma will require bad things to happen to her in life. She is EVIL.

    2. Can you imagine how HOT that shut-in barn would have been during the NE heat waves? With used, urine soaked bedding inside? She truly is vile.

    3. Anon 308 - What...the...f.

      When did that happen? I remember a post from way back about a pig being shot, and there being backlash on the blog after she posted a photo of the hung carcass - but I don't remember anything about a second pig being there and freaking out. Was that incident before or after she alienated vegans the world over after marketing herself as a vegan for the first couple of years on her blog?

      That is absolutely horrifying. Part of the reason meat-eaters want pigs from a small farm is it's supposed to be more humane than the industrial setups.

    4. Vile indeed. Those poor little animals, being made to suffer all that heat and humidity. So basically being "cooked" alive before they are cooked after slaughter. Not to mention being fed food meant for the dumpster. Shocked. And who knows what else.

      Why can't people just be kind to animals? It's really not that hard if you have a heart.

    5. The pig being with the other pig happened a while ago, when she first started keeping pigs. Yes, that is exactly what happened- as usual she shared the post all about it. It was the main reason I decided she was evil. Pigs are super smart. Getting blood spattered on them from another pig being shot is extremely traumatic. She stated that it freaked out, the one who saw it happened. It did not bother this person in the least. Anon7, my whole life is about animals. I literally spend my life with them. My joy is in making them happy and comfortable. Even the ones I eat. A real farmer is like this.

    6. Speaking of pigs, I have an aside:

      Over in the prairies, they have been dealing with the rise of feral "super pigs". I just found out about this yesterday, and it has reconfirmed everything I love about pigs in general.

      These "super pigs" are the descendants of wild boar imported from Europe for industrial farming purposes. The wild boar were housed in a domestic pig setup, but wild boar are, well, wilier, than domesticated pigs, so they broke out. They escaped into the wilds of Canada's farm country.

      It turns out, they're far hardier and more intelligent than domestic pigs, because they adapted very quickly to harsh Canadian winters, adapting their nesting habits and making tunneled shelters wildlife experts call "pigloos". They sometimes break back into industrial pig farming operations to get pregnant, and go on to have cross-bred wild boar / industrial pig hybrid babies, which so far have been weighing in at over 600 lbs! Hence: Super pigs.

      These hybrids are also more prolific than wild boar, which tend to have up to six piglets per litter, super pigs can have far more. It's unpredictable as hybrids often are, but what is certain is they are devastating farmlands and natural landscapes alike! They are not just foragers, but scavengers and are said to even EAT DEER! It was not clear from what I read whether the boar were actually killing the deer themselves, or just running off whichever predators did the killing for them.

      Anyway, given the average domestic pig is considered to be at least as smart as a Labrador, we can extrapolate the super pigs intelligence to be comparable to a border collie, cattle dog, or maybe even wolves, if it turns out they actually hunt.

      I mean, they're devastating to nature and must be stopped, but at the same time, WOW! Aren't pigs super-cool?!?

      Super pigs have been so invasive due to their adaptability and their intelligence, as they quickly learn about hunters, traps, and how to avoid them. Just like most pigs everywhere, they can be formidable if they feel threatened, so they're a very challenging invasive species to attempt to get a handle on.

  15. Per twitter, the usual shit from CAF:

    "I am 35 days behind on my mortgage and I am already getting foreclosure certified letters from my bank. I'm running a farm alone during a pandemic and banks are threatening foreclosure 60 days before it is even legal to do so?! It makes me so angry and I hate that it scares me."

    WHHHHAAAAA WHHHHAAAAA. Don't you think she'd be foreclosed by now? STFU about the letters in the mail; we all know you are making this shit up EVERY MONTH.

    But a mere few days ago:
    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! I will be immensely happy if I pull off running, writing, and napping on this Sunday. Godspeed."

    Well damn girl I know it's a Sunday but what about all those orders you are behind on??? I guess they don't really matter because goofing off is more important.

    1. Oh, she's in full beg-fest mode now.

      Crank up the way-back machine! Trolls were mean to her about animals, not because she was an animal-neglecting fake feral farmer...but because she was a single young woman trying to live her dream *cough*, and people were angry with misogyny.

      And, now, the mean ol' bank sent her a threatening certified foreclosure letter...during a PANDEMIC...*gasp* demanding money, except it wasn't actually. But she was scared, people - although not scared enough to get a job and pay her bills on time, lol.

      Rally round dummies. Don't let the fact that the sky-is-falling for a decade-plus dissuade you. Send FFF ALL your hard-earned money, so she can fritter time away in slovenly bliss. PayPal, it means so much!

    2. It's interesting that her situation is never her fault. The new cause is misogyny. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

    3. Yeah, until I see her moving out, I will not believe the eviction bullshit. If it were true, she'd be doing something different by now.

      If it's true, she deserves to lose that property. She's had a decade to figure out basic-bitch adulting.

    4. Did anyone check out the comments on that tweet?

      One person asked: "Oh that sounds scary (is there a shop link or something I can help promote??"

      The greedy Pig Shocker replied: "If you could retweet either the recent art/logo/soap post or the post it would help tons!"

      Wow...she can't even be bothered to provide a direct link to her begs for art, logos and soaps. But she sure did take the time to provide a link to her PayPal. Cuz that's what she REALLY wants: Free money without the obligation to have to draw, or steal clip art, or rev up the microwave to melt-and-pour -- and that equals more time to swing in her hammock!

    5. Yeah, I did see that. Maybe that person will end up here after a few months.

  16. Copy & paste from twitter:

    I am 35 days behind on my mortgage and I am already getting foreclosure certified letters from my bank. I'm running a farm alone during a pandemic and banks are threatening foreclosure 60 days before it is even legal to do so?! It makes me so angry and I hate that it scares me.

    Update: The envelope said "certified mail" but this is just a vanity stamp to make it look super serious. I realize that now. Also, the wording is made to scare the reader. I am NOT in threat of foreclosure, just behind on the farm's mortgage. But banks use this kind of fear to
    make lenders feel like shit and panic. I will have this payment in by tomorrow, thanks to Twitter honestly, and the sales coming in today! But holy crow - what a shitty thing to do. And it is totally legal to send creative warnings like this.


    I think she meant "borrowers" or "homeowners" or even "debitor". Not "lender", the bank is the lender.

    Again, this is the "authour" who published four books... and can't get a book deal.

    This twitter thread is full of poodles telling her to contact her government officials!

    Puh-lease. Everyone has to pay their mortgage or they get letters. If she was 35 days late on rent she would have been evicted already. If her "mortgage sold" bit were true, then her new lender is one that specializes in high-risk mortgages, so yeah, they are not going to fuck around. You can bet they'll get that foreclosure ball rolling the very hour they are legally entitled to do so.

    1. So at 9:30am the Pig Shocker sounds the alarm that she's gonna lose her farm and then desperately begs for help on Twitter.

      Then two hours later she tweets, "Whoopsie, my turns out it wasn't a 'real' foreclosure notice, just some silly stamp on the envelope that fooled me. Teehee!"

      Some thoughts and questions:
      1) She says it was "really shitty" for her bank to use that "urgent" stamp to scare her. But that's the same tactic she used to incite panic and donations from her foollowers. The exact same "shitty" tactic. So then it's OK for her to do it but not the bank?

      2) She says, "Banks use this kind of fear to make lenders feel like shit and panic." Oh yeah? Well the Pig Shocker used fear to make her foollowers feel sympathy and donate. And it worked. What a bunch of idiots.

      3) She states that as of today, July 13th, she is supposedly 35 days behind on the mortgage. So if you count back 35 days, that would be June 9th. And according to her, her mortgage is due on June 1st, and she most likely has a late grace period of 14 days. So what is this June 9th rubbish? What is the significance of that date?

    2. FFF on twitter:

      OMG how dare they ask me to pay my mortgage!? Such shouty red letters, too! How is this legal!? They made me feel my feelings!

  17. I just found the twitter thread where she thinks she has trolls because she's a single woman with the audacity to go after the farm life she wants, the pluck to strive for a dream, and she wouldn't have such a problem with animal control if she were married to a man.

    Classic deflection. "I'm being criticized because I'm a victim of ____!"

    No, you're being criticized legitimately.

    "Look over here, these people are WORSE than anything I ever did!"

    Still doesn't change what you've done.

    1. First off, people who rightfully complain and report her do so because they can't stand animal neglect and cruelty. Plain and simple as that.

      Secondly, I strongly doubt anyone has ever criticized her simply because she is a woman. (Or at least tries to be.) It wouldn't matter which sex it was that purposely shocked pigs with a smile on their face...and then proudly blogged about it. It's mind boggling that she's now going for the "poor-little-female-me" angle on this.

    2. Yeah, the proudly blogging about it part is the additional factor leading to criticism. Next thing she'll be saying she's a woman refusing to be silenced! How noble.

    3. Anon7 exactly!

      Pig Shocker's gender has zero to do with her being a narcissistic, sociopath who abuses the animals in her care while stealing money from people online via puchased items that never arrive.

      Zip, zero, nada.

  18. She placed her first order for firewood today, according to instagram. It's pretty clear that even though she says the mortgage is late, she has no real fears about losing the property.

  19. had to share this month I paid my July rent payment, paid my cable bill (all on time) and my car payment all my other bills. i did this because I thought this is what grown people do. I didn't once beg for money, I just paid them. Now I want everyone to pat me on the back and throw in for the next month? Does she ever stop? I just can't believe she announces that she paid her bills 38 days late, and was proud of the fact.

  20. The constant liar on twitter:
    "I have 2 horses. One is a huge Belgian cross named Mabel standing 16.2 hands and thick as a tree. But she is scared to jump over fences. Merlin, the little stout 14h pony leaps over things like he was born to do hurdles.."

    I think Mabel is the ever-changing size horse. I thought she was 15.2? Why this girl lie so much? She lies like Trump lies.

    1. She posted this because Merlin again escaped his paddock in search of decent forage. Her "farm" is an accident waiting to happen.

    2. I haven't owned horses but I would think that elderly horses don't escape unless they are lacking something.

      Another reason for a welfare check on the remaining animals.

      The most recent cause for concern- the problem she alluded to when she had to seek a few neighbors'/friends' assistance.
      It could have involved something happening to one of the animals. Such as inability to find an escaped animal.

      I can't see her getting others involved if an animal was found dead. In the past she has always crawled out from under her rock and disposed of the deceased animals without anyone else's involvement.

      She would have went into detail about anything other than something negligent happening to one of the animals.

  21. Sure enough, here is the original size on Mabel:

    "Mabel started refusing the bit. She's almost 16 hands tall (15.3) and as a 5'2" woman a horse with a high head that refuses a bit is near impossible to bridle."

    Lies, all lies. Everything out of her ugly mouth.

    1. This makes me angry - because a horse that starts refusing the bit has something going on. The bit or the work may be associated with pain. Or the horse has endured such poor handling, they have little enjoyment in a day of work (like the trail horses I spent a summer with.)

      It's not at all about height. You just toss the reins over the back of the neck and ask the horse to bring their head down if they need a little convincing. Sometimes I'd cup a little treat in my palm as a reward, to reinforce the bit is a good thing, so they'd happily put their head down and open their mouth.

      Didn't she ride in college? It saddens and puzzles me too, how some people can just be so obtuse when it comes to animals.

      Anyway, yeah, back to your point, here's another documented, easily disproved lie for no reason.

  22. oh my goodness things are so bad for FFF she is now groveling for $1.00 donations!!!! That is pretty low even for our FFF. of course only 14 days till the first of the month and another damn pesky mortgage payment is due. Can you imagine that darned bank wants her to make payments just like regular people. Obviously they don't realize how important she is.

    1. To follow her narrative of lies, "worked on illustrations / logos" being a part of her daily routine, let's follow that thread:

      If it's halfway through July, and she's still working on commissions from June (which paid June's mortgage only yesterday) then she has no possible way of completing enough commissions to pay July's mortgage in the month of July.

      If it takes six weeks to do the work of completing commissions that pay for a month of expenses, then it's just not sustainable. Each month the work in progress cue would get longer by two weeks.

      At that rate, falling behind two weeks every month accumulating, after two years she'd have a workload backlog of ONE YEAR.

      I think I recall her bragging somewhere that she runs the farm without a business plan... it shows.

      I understand she is not saying she's consistently getting commissions, but she writes as though she works on commissions every week day.

    2. Her "girlfriend" (who still has yet to claim PS anywhere online, which makes that relationship most likely a friendship or another Pig Shocker childish obsession) would have to be a vile person.

      Who would be friends with someone, let alone be in love with, a person like Pig Shocker? Someone who is too lazy to work, who literally begs for a living and has had numerous investigations of animal abuse. Only a fellow psychopath would have anything at all to do with Pig Shocker. There is a litany of public information, most of which coming from Pig Shocker's own rotting mouth, that is practically a day by day account of all of her deviant behavior over the past 10+ years.

      There is no "Omg, I had no idea." The questionable woman that PS claims as a girlfriend, would have to be a maniac just like PS or worse.

      Pig Shocker is unattractive, lazy af, with no means to speak of. What's the attraction? What makes the most sense is that the relationship doesn't exist. PS has had numerous unrequited obsessions with various women over the years and it makes the most sense that it's another obsession.

      Now PS is begging for $1.00 online? What kind of person would allow themselves to be associated with Pig Shocker in so much as one photo posted online? It's not as though PS is getting better. She only gets worse as shown by her pathetic begging for $1.00.

    3. Yeah, the depravity of her groveling for $1 got my attention too. Like, seriously?!? Earlier tonight I handed a homeless man a few singles -- yet here we have JWog, who is an able-bodied, home-owning and (self-proclaimed) famous book author...begging for a buck on her social media account? What's next with her?

    4. Whackadoodle - I was thinking that the girlfriend must be legally blind to want to get anywhere near the walking horror shit show that is the Pig Shocker. But now I'm thinking that the gf has gotta be a drunk or meth'd out or something, cuz nothing else makes any sense at all.

    5. Lol@ must be legally blind. That would explain A LOT.

      Even if someone is crazy as hell and can get past what a monster she is, who in the hell would want to cuddle up with THIS:

      Or THIS:

      Yikes. The goat pic should be titled "The Annie Wilkes of Cambridge Sets Googly Eyes On Next Victim."

  23. Twit Shit:

    "I could really use some encouragement. Hard farm day today."

    What she actually means by "I could really use some encouragement" is "Send me money via PayPal now, bitches!!!" The only thing "hard" about her faux "farm" is her stubborn refusal to get a job and support her fat ass like a normal adult. The responses to this stupid tweet are nauseating. Clearly, they're made by foolish followers and sycophantic supporters.


    "I woke up. I took car of a farm. I made, packaged, and organized soap. I worked on illustrations. I cleaned out my kitchen larder and made an inventory for winter...

    But the best thing I did today was make fridge pickles!"

    Just what we wanna see. It's a pic of her huge man thumb. It's "care" not "car," cretin. And she wants kudos for just waking up and existing.

    1. Just when you think she couldn't possibly be more of a moron.

      Hard farm day? Yeah right. First there would have to be a farm, which there isn't. It's a shit hole property with a couple of dogs and horses. Everything else is bullshit.

      Not much mention of the girlfriend on the recent bleg post.
      The person shown in the haying photo at PP's has probably had to firmly tell crazy Pig Shocker to stop posting her photo or calling her "her girl/girlfriend."

      I see a bullshit woe is me break up story coming soon. I would bet that the first inkling is the recent mention of a "hard farm day."🙄🤪

    2. "Hard farm day today" = "Had to get up early to feed furry props whilst nursing hangover."

      I totally agree, Luckless...she's just looking for sympathy donations. Then she lists a bunch of things she did that is random stuff we all do in our spare time. But she tries to make it look like part of her "hard" farm day chores. Go get bent, Jenna Woginrich. (And please private message me if you want to know where you can stuff those fridge pickles.)

    3. Lmao Anon7 @ fridge pickles! 🤣

      This "hard" life she has been whining about for the last 10+ years is her choice.
      She makes it sound like she's living in the 1800s. If it were the 1800s, she'd be rotting in the ground because she couldn't hack the hard life.

      She could easily sell that shit hole she lives in and move into a cheap apartment or wherever.

      Instead she chooses to live like a squatter on someone else's property. Even going so far as using the backyard as her bathroom. 🤢🤮

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Twitter fatigue:

    "Me to 2020: I know I can google it. I am asking you for a moment of human interaction and conversation."

    If people are telling you to google it, you're asking them to do too much emotional labour for a concept that has already been explained ad nauseam. You do not get to ask for these things to be spoon-fed to you by a stranger online. Don't ask people google-able questions, do your own damn reading.

    Instead, support people, lift them up. If you want human interaction, contribute something to someone else for a change.

    1. Lol, just have to crack up cuz what she's saying here is that she understands why 2020 issues (Black Lives Matter, Coronavirus) have killed her sales...but...BUT...puh-lease give her money anywaysie!!

      OMG, wHy iS 2o20 bEinG So MeAn tO mEEe?!?

      Pig Shocker, why don't you go ask yer bud Taylor Swift for some of her millions and leave Twitter alone already?

    2. I know she does not realize that things are only going to get worse, the next year or so. The civil unrest and protests, the largely unchecked virus - all result in people having priorities that do not include donations to someone else's leisure lifestyle.

      Sadly, I doubt there will be any actual consequences, because she doesn't really rely on donations or sales to pay her mortgage or live. It's just fun money.

    3. Anon 7, she has her own movement called "Pig Shockers' Lives Matter."

      She mimics what she thinks is appropriate social behavior. It's easy for her to repeat what others say. The problem is that she can't incorporate those false statements/promises into her day to day life.

      She's like a mentally ill parrot always repeating what someone else said first.

      The solution for her lies in mental health treatment and employment. Those two things would solve just about every problem. However, she won't ever be able to repair her horrible reputation. That is just too far gone.

  26. "Hard farm day". Vague-tweeting again. Where is my teeny tiny violin? 🎻

    Can't just be a "hard day" - it's a "hard FARM day". If someone said, "Hard day at work," you'd assume the boss was riding them, a coworker was being a pain, or a client was being unreasonable.

    What's a hard farm day? Woodchuck destroy the garden? Weasel raid the chicken coop? Horse trod in a gopher hole? Phone call from a creditor?

    I'm sure we'll see a manipulative blog post geared towards generating donations!

    1. incoming lies in 3...2...1...

    2. Yep. She's has to put that "farm" word in there to trick her foollowers into figuring out what what her real day was like:

      -No new Taylor Swift news
      -No "earned up" free money via donations or sales
      -She broke the crown on her 27th molar for the 11th time
      -Her "girl" didn't call today...or yesterday
      -Scary red van man set up camp across the street
      -Bear hunting dogs diarrhea'ed all over her new firewwod
      -Latest Lemur dress doesn't come in her size
      -Local brewery no longer offering her credit for washing beer glasses

    3. The brewery definitely axed her "jumping in and helping out" didn't they? It didn't take long at all for her to be shunned from there.

      Was it the horrible "fiddle playing" that sounded like a dying moose? The badly behaved dog? The rumors of animal abuse and online scamming? Or her inability to pay her tab? I would venture to say it was all of the above and then some.

  27. **WARNING** -- Barf-inducing Twitter Twaddle:

    "Told my girl about today, how sad it's been. She sent this poem hanging up at her family farm."

    So basically, no one gave the Pig Shocker a single pity donation today. Nor did she "earn up" any "slung-luck" money from her art/logos/soap sales begs either. (Cue sad trombone) So she cries to the "girlfriend" who instead of saying something encouraging to uplift the PS's artificial spirits, the wary "gf" sent a poem instead. But look closely at the poem and you can see that it seems to have a possible double meaning...which seems easy to decipher. So without further ado, here is the poem with speculative annotations within the parenthesis:

    I long for a cow of modern make (I long for a girlfriend who's not a fake)
    That milks five days for leisures sake (That WORKS a JOB five days for income's sake)
    That sleeps on Saturday, snores on Sunday (That rests and plays when it's been earned)
    And starts afresh again on Monday (And gets off her lazy ass to do it again come weekday)

    I wish for a herd that knows the way (I wish for a normal girlfriend who knows hard work)
    To wash each other day by day (And who knows to shower at least once a day)
    That never bothers to excite us (A girl who doesn't bullshit me with fake drama)
    With chills, fever, or mastitis (Or try to scare me via Covid, fear or root canal-itis)

    I sigh for a new and better breed (I long for a stronger and more honest girlfriend who's not in need)
    That takes less grooming and feed (That has proper hygiene and doesn't gobble food with greed)
    That from the reason, wit and wisdom (Someone who has a brain, manners, and proper breeding)
    To use the seat and flushing system (To at least endeavor to piss 'n shit in the house, not the yard)

    I pray each weekend, long and clear (I'm totally questioning my initial attraction to this weirdo)
    Less work to do from year to year (Cuz I can't continue to be fooled by psycho chicks like her)
    And cows that reach production peak (And all I want is a normal and caring human being)
    All in a five-day working weak (Who doesn't abuse animals and has a damn fucking job)

    I look for officials by the mob (I'm looking to my friends on Twitter, FB, Instagram)
    To guide the farmers at their job (To help me to decide about this Pig Shocking slob)
    And show these stupid breeders how (And perhaps show her internet foollowers how)
    To propagate a five-day cow (To help stop a job-refusing and animal abusing sow)


  28. I am so sick of her always asking for encouragement. Does she think she's the only one who needs encouragement? Everybody has some type of hardship at one point or another. How about she give encouragement instead of always asking for it.

  29. For those who don't visit Twitter:

    the fake feral farmer, a person who routinely begs for money to feed her animals, tweeted the following: "I just counted all the animals on this farm under my care and it is 76. Hoo!"

    1. she obviously doesn't need my donation (not even $1.00) if she has 76 animals on her 'farm' if she can afford this many animals and has committed to that many than she must be able to afford them, otherwise why would she have so many?

  30. The new bleg post- blah, blah, blah, shhhhh, wahhhhh, wahhhhhhhhh.

    When she mentioned the large animal vet neighbor she had might as well put "$$$$$$" after it. Everyone is a future potential mark and no one gets her attention more than someone who has $ or services she can take advantage of.

    Hey large animal vet neighbor- do you have any idea what a depraved, animal abusing monster is living in your hood?
    Do you like being associated with someone who has the nickname Pig Shocker? Someone who just a year ago this July had to "give away" her livestock after an animal abuse investigation?

    Then there is the firewood. The crazy bitch has mentioned numerous times that she has both a furnace and space heaters that she uses during the winter. She even left an Amazon review of one of her space heater purchases.
    Pig Shocker uses firewood as a con to get more donations from people. Between the furnace, space heaters and the body fat she's carrying around, fire wood is the last thing she needs.

    Once again she had to allude to some sort of disaster rather than just saying what it was. She claims that she has no guilt when she receives the help of other people because she is trying her hardest.
    Trying her hardest? Sitting on her ass all day obsessed with social media and guzzling alcohol is trying her hardest?

    Being financially unstable, as she has mentioned DAILY (if not hourly) yet claiming to have 70+ animals is trying hard? Animals that she wants to have but doesn't need? She can't provide vet care for two dogs and two horses without begging online for someone else to foot the bill AND going to a vet in another town because she most likely has a bill due with the local one. Yet she claims to have acquired 70+ animals. Pig Shocker is so severely mentally ill, she can't even begin to see how crazy that is. How truly unnecessary it is. How it's all one bad choice after another.

    Recently she has mentioned pigs living in that hot, falling down barn on her property.
    Does she not realize that it's another good reason for investigators to check on the welfare of the animals? That those conditions would most definitely be considered animal neglect?

    She mentions spouting her craziness to her supposed girlfriend and what does the girlfriend do? Responds with an idiotic poem! Perhaps if her opinions truly have any influence on Pig Shocker's decision making process, if she were any sort of decent human being and after seeing how Pig Shocker's animals live, she would be honest and tell her she needs some mental health intervention. Nope, according to Pig Shocker, the girlfriend thinks a poem is appropriate.

    I would say that verifies what we have been saying about this "girl."
    Bitch must be crazy as a bedbug if she's involved with Pig Shocker romantically or otherwise.

    1. When I read this bleg post I was struck by how different it sounded compared to others. Starting with all typos in the 2nd paragraph, the crap grammar in the 3rd, and the overall clunky delivery. Not exactly sure what's up, other than the possibility of day-drinking.

      As for the firewood, wasn't it just last year that she paid $250 for a cord? To those in her area: Did the price really go up $100 -- or is she padding the true cost cuz she finally has someone to buy Xmas gifts for?

  31. My money is on a bad farrowing or a pig she bought in died. Most likely the former.

    1. dead pig - yeah, that's my guess too. Too bad for the people who purchased oversold pig shares.

    2. OR her little goat that is her 'pack' animal is what I was thinking and some how she will have to explain that one away.

    3. Anon, if it was because one the animals died, funny how she went from casually leaving a sheep to die on a hill in a wheelbarrow and now suddenly she's calling a people for help and making a huge deal out of it. Yet she didn't take the opportunity to try to garner woe-is-me-pity from social media.

      I think it's more likely something that effected her ability to get online like a power outage for unknown reasons or maybe this time Merlin escaped and it took her a while to find him.

      Once again there are supposed pigs being held in a hot barn in the blistering heat and an elderly horse who repeatedly escapes endangering any vehicles/passengers in the area and himself.

      Sounds like another visit is in order from authorities to check on the animals.

      How many adults only do the right thing when forced to? Not anyone who is responsible.
      Only crazy POS like Pig Shocker have to be told to do the right thing REPEATEDLY.
      She is like a tantrum throwing toddler who refuses to behave.

    4. WH, I remember her casual disregard during lambing season. She couldn't be bothered to build lambing jugs and left pregnant ewes outside to lamb in bitter upstate NY snowstorms. One night, not that long ago, she returned from her evening pounding back drinks at the bar (PayPal, it means so much) and lamented it was too cold for her to waddle outside and check on lambs that might be born. Instead, she wanted people to feel oh-so-sorry for HER - you know, the farmer who lives on the mountain (lie) and must heat her home with a small wood burning stove (another lie) and could not be bothered to provide safe and secure birthing in what is essentially a back yard.

      Wonder how many lambs died from exposure or predation while FFF sat inside, binge watching Netflix and stalking Taylor Swift conspiracy sites??

    5. I would say many lambs. Remember the time she came home drunk and "found" the tiny, newborn, baby lamb? Wasn't it near the horses?

      Or how she would go on and on about how she has been watching expectant ewes around the clock, to the point of exhaustion and then supposedly figured out they weren't pregnant? What a load of sheep shit.

      No way in hell multiple lambs looked ready to go into labor and suddenly weren't pregnant. Instead, she was negligent in not helping the ewes and the lambs died.

      That is what makes Pig Shocker an absolute piece of garbage. Her complete lack of empathy or humanity.

      Anyone who allows Pig Shocker into their lives needs to do some basic due diligence in researching what a monster she is and has been over the years. Go to her bleg under the desktop site. There is a search bar in the upper left hand corner. Search terms like dead, death, dying, sick, vet, Merlin down, chicken driveway, etc.

      It's all there. One just has to look for it.

    6. More search terms:

      Investigation, authorities, police, state police, allegation, goat pen, pig escape, grounding wire, I smiled, reported me, vermont neighbor, landlord.

      I ran across this bleg post recently titled Too Compassionate?"

      Also the search box doesn't seem to come up under "desktop site" but is instead under "view web version."

    7. Well whatever it was, she should bury it alongside her honesty, dignity, and ambition.

  32. Anon 7:10 - oh damn, yeah the goat. Well, we'll have to see which animal she no longer talks / posts about. One less sheep? No goat?

    She doesn't buy bred sows, does she? I thought she just bought piglets to grow out. A piglet dying of heat exposure sounds like a decent possibility.

    Who knows if she called any actual medical professional. HoWeVeR wOuLd ShE pAy FoR oNe?

    1. she farrowed on the farm last year. only photo evidence was photos of one and two piglets, one with a dog which is just so so dumb. you leave piglets that size with mom except for when you pull them to quickly castrate and give them iron shots (which she doesn't). I think she grows feeder pigs to full size and then lets them breed as early as they can (anywhere between five months and a year but chances are they don't cycle properly for a while). farmers only sell bred sows to another farm if they have to downsize for some reason. she had told Kristen Kimball during an interview last month that she was farrowing soon.

      letting feeder pigs breed whenever they want without separating by sex and letting your gilt reach good condition is so hideously irresponsible.

    2. Interesting that she didn't specify which poor animal. That doesn't bode well for any sort of accidental death situation, and her omission implies a guilty conscience.

      She did say that they weren't able to save "a small new spark of life" which could indicate something recently born. Although, that saying usually is attributed to the formation of a zygote, right? So maybe an animal miscarriage?

  33. The latest comment on twitter shows exactly what a foolish jerk she is. ( 5 min ago) How neurotic is she? Girlfriend and future, Run, RUN the hell away!!!

    1. What this tweet?

      "To the driver of the navy suv who stopped in front of my house & drove off when I stepped outside to see what was up; that was creepy. If you're just pulling over to text don't do it in front of the one home on a country road. And if you're being a creep; I got your plates."

      Driver probably sped away thinking, "who is this crazy person writing down my plates?!"

      Scary red van? Scary navy SUVs now?

      Oh, the drama.

    2. "...don't do it in front of the one home on a country road. " Haha, okay, she's got several immediate neighbors.

    3. What's especially crazy is that it most likely didn't even happen.

      She always seems to make up situations like that for attention.
      Same as with the supposed guy who must live at the laundromat.

      Woe is me, all alone, out in the middle of nowhere, with men and strangers trying to get to me. I could even see it as a ploy to try to lure the new person in her life to stay with her permanently.

      Don't fall for it! Pig Shocker is alone for good reason. She's a parasite and social pariah.

    4. So now she's gatekeeping country roads? And what did she mean by "seeing what's up" anyway? What was she gonna do, knock on the window and ask them why they are stopped? How the hell is that any of her business?

      Plus, like Anon 10:14 stated, there are 3 houses within a stone's throw, including one directly across the street. What a delusional busy-body who's obviously just trying to get some attention on Twitter.

      Even Patty thinks she's an idiot for writing down an innocent SUV's plates, as she replied "Nuthin - You're fine." JWog listen to your friend, she's actually making sense for once.

    5. That's pretty bad when PP is telling her to reign it in.

      When Pig Shocker is shocking her pigs on purpose, letting chickens freeze to death on her driveway or letting her goats stand in and eat off of 2+ feet of their own shit, it's an outrage when someone calls local authorities to report her. However, turn your vehicle around or pull over in front of Pig Shocker's shit hole property and she's supposedly writing down license plate numbers. Like everything else she does, it makes her look crazy af.

    6. God forbid that anyone should momentarily stop in front of her hovel. Even if they had a legit reason for doing it (like checking a GPS etc...). It looks like someone slovenly has a guilty conscience. Maybe she's afraid of more future authorities investigating her animal abusing.

  34. Did you see her RT of this with the photo of the long-haired guinea pig?

    "no longer interested in “succeeding.” just want to live in a forest, write actively bad novels no one reads, and look like this"

    She retweeted it with the caption "dream life"

    I mean, she's kind of already there, wouldn't you say?

    1. Yeah, she's there.

    2. Agreed. The Pig Shocker's writing ability is proof that she was NEVER hooked on phonics.

    3. She's already living her "dream life" of subsisting on donations from stupid strangers.

  35. Re-Tweeted Twitter Twaddle:

    "ppl get rlllllly scared when women like themselves"

    No Pig Shocker, people get really scared when lazy, dishonest, and incompetent animal-abusing women like themselves. Oh, the humanity.

    1. I have a pet peeve of morons who elongate vowels for no reason other than to be annoying. And your point was spot-on.

    2. Is she supposed to be more relevant spelling like this? Like a 13 year old? Ohhh...wait, she IS a 13 year old! Sorry, mea culpa. I forgot about her interrupted development.

    3. Fakefarmer. I think that it was a retweet. But it still shows the "interrupted development" of JFW that she would consider it worth broadcasting again.

    4. Loving "Country Road Gatekeeper". FFF, lol, so badass that she worries about a random SUV that momentarily stopped at the side of the road in front of her dump.

      I'm guessing the driver smelled something rank, thought a skunk had died / sprayed inside their car, pulled over and then realized the smell was coming from Pig Shocker's hovel and sped away!

    5. I can imagine the Freaky...damnit!!!...Friendly Beast's place being the "haunted house" of her community. There's one in just about every town, or used to be... You know the run down house with overgrown grass and untrimmed bushed and trees that the local kids tell each other stories about and dare each other to knock on the door or look in the windows.

    6. "bushed" in the above post = bushes.

    7. Unknown, yes!

      People in small towns, even trendy upstate NY communities frequented by Weekenders, always know what's up.

      I'll bet she's avoided in town. Not because she's single, female, LGBTQ, or without partner - but because she lies, uses people, makes snide comments about locals, has burned innumerable suppliers and doesn't take care of her animals.

      The townspeople know...


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