2011 Fire

This should probably be a comment, replying to WHS's comment but for some unknown reason, I can't comment on my own freakin' blog.  Nice job Blogger.

Anywho.....with that incident in mind I read her blog post for that day.   Hahaha.  A little cryptic but hahaha.  Waiting for the chimney sweep. Hahaha.   I know that fires happen but this couldn't have happened to a better gal.  She's lucky she didn't burn her house down....in the middle of December.


  1. I can't believe she got FEMA assistance for that. I would bet that she still kept on begging with the FEMA check in her fat hands.

    If she discussed anywhere on social media or the bleg about cleaning the stove (someone not skilled in doing so and was therefore inept) or needing to clean the stove prior to 12/2011, it could be considered fraud. If she was aware of a problem or attempted to fix a problem on her own, that would leave her liable. I remember a post on the bleg discussing PP fixing the stove but I have no idea when that was.

    FEMA is big on following up on fraud and they definitely prosecute. I would also bet the homeowners insurance paid for the same fire damage.

    1. Again, great find of yours, this FEMA scam of hers. But isn't FEMA for natural disaster relief? Oh wait, she is a natural disaster of epic proportions. Never mind.

      What I can't believe is that the pig-shocking shyster hasn't yet started a GoFundMe beg page. Why? Maybe because she knows that we Shamsters will use our research skills to expose such egregious grifter behavior. And rightfully so.

    2. ^^^^^^Hey, this comment was by me Anon7^^^^^^

      Not totally sure, but I guess my son didn't log out of his email. Not sure exactly how that works exactly.

  2. today we were out and about and we passed this intersection of a highway and a 4 lane side road and there as usual for the last 2 months at least this guy holding up a piece of cardboard with in very light ink written homeless (I don't think he cares that much if you know that or not he just wants you to feel sorry for him and give him money as the light turns red-he walks up and down the middle of the 4 lanes as you wait for the light to change). All of a sudden it hit me that would be FFF if she didn't have a computer to sit at home on her ass doing the same exact thing. "Beggin' for a living" Of course I will give this guy credit he has more ambition than the FFF by being outside during all the heat and rain etc.

    1. Oh man, those highway/freeway people make me so sad. What is it like to have to live like that? Can't even imagine.

      But you're right, Anon 3:49 - The Pig Shocker is misappropriating homeless person's tactics for her own selfish (online) purposes.

      I understand the new girlfriend must be legally blind, but how does she not see all JWog's begging happening on Twitter? How is she seemingly OK with that? Cuz seeing someone beg for their dinner is one thing...but seeing someone beg for their mortgage is quite another. And that would be a giant red flag for any normal person.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"August 3, 2020 at 5:03 AM

      Clearly, her "girl" isn't a "normal person." Otherwise, why would she be attracted to a lazy lifestyle loser like JFW? And now that I've seen a closeup of her face in the "mountain smashing" Twitter pic, there's more than a hint of weirdo in her strange expression.

  3. Just got caught up on comments 🤦‍♀️ FEMA $$ 💸💸💸

    I noticed under her tweet tldr sorry I beg so much but I can’t make too many sales at once as I have a shitty operation apparently - that someone asked what she had considered to resolve the bottleneck.

    Crickets of course. FFF will not hold herself accountable - how dare you?

    1. Yeah, "How dare you question the great Woke Wog?!" She's allowed to beg non-stop, even during a pandemic, because the super special snowflake deserves donations.

    2. Lol, who came up with "Woke Wog"??? So perfect.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"August 3, 2020 at 5:00 AM

      Anon7. "Woke Wog" is another one of my creations like the FFF and Woe is Wog. I thought that it fit, too. FYI: I sometimes use the Unknown option, like above, when my "LS" won't work here.

  4. For some reason, I was letting PS take up some of my brain space and I thought about this: Supposedly, PS's "girl" comes from a farming family. Maybe she's a farmer's daughter and actually helps out. If that pool PS posed in belongs to the farmer, I'd say he's doing well. PS meets her naive "girl", realizes her family has a successful farm, and now, she's hooked a whale. "Mom, dad! PS is really suffering, can't pay for her farm, and she's REALLY TRYING! Can't we help her out?" I can see this one coming.

    1. Yeaaaaaahhhhhh, I think you’re on to something there...

      I was thinking Mystery Girl looked quite young.

      Mind you, my wife is older than me and still looks like she did in high school... i may have married a vampire.

      Anyway, I am concerned Mystery Girl is naive and possibly newly out.

    2. To expand, “newly out” is relevant because, just like young women, newly out women tend to put up with shit from partners that they shouldn't... and buy into tales of woe, and believe things will change if only...

    3. She is either young and naive or has a few screws loose.
      No one else would ever be in that situation with PS.

      She could have a bad home life and was offered to be taken care of by Pig Shocker or someone who has extremely low self esteem and is drawn to anyone who gives her attention.

      Pig Shocker has always appeared and came across as someone who is on somewhere on the spectrum. I'm not saying that as an insult but just as a fact.
      However, she is also a raging narcissistic sociopath.

      Maybe new girl also has some sort of special needs and PS is truly a predator.

      Whatever it is, there's something rotten in Denmark.

      I'm wondering what lies new girl has told her family in boston about her creepy, older, unemployed, broke to the point of possible homelessness in the near future, animal killing, scamming, unhygienic, alcoholic "girlfriend."

      I would bet whatever story she fed them isn't anywhere close to the truth. If her family knew the truth and loved new girl at all, they would swoop in at gun point and rescue her the same as if she were in a religious cult.

    4. Oh, Anon 2:05 - I can totally see that...the new GF trying to get her parents to help out her new hapless and much older wannabe farmer gf. And I can see Jenna trying to capitalize on that while the GF pleads, "Oh, but she has a Kailyard, daddy! LETTUCE STARTS too!! And horseys. WOO!!!"

      WIW - You are so right. When I was newly out, I fell for the U-Haul on the first date statistic thing too. Except it happened after the second date. Meh. Interesting times.

      Whackadoodle - I just don't get the GF's attraction either. Like not even with a ten-foot pole. Or even a pole long enough to wrap around the earth 5 times. It's gonna be interesting to see what happens once the honeymoon is over and the bloom begins to wilt . I mean, on one hand, I'm happy for them because dating and new love is awesome. But I feel bad for the new GF as I don't think she understands the swamp she's currently wading in. But pretty much crossing my fingers here that new GF will be a force for good in Pig Shock'er's world. Maybe GF will move in and encourage the PS to get a damn job and take proper care of those animals. *Fingers crossed*

    5. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 4, 2020 at 3:55 AM

      I'm hopeful that her new gf is a positive influence as well Anon7. Everyone deserves to have a chance at love and a good life, it really can help them become a better person that way. I've seen people, who lived horrible toxic lives, get turned around for the better because they ended up dating someone who was an encouraging, beneficial influence upon their lives. My fingers are also crossed for that to be the case here.

    6. It'll be interesting to see if GF moves in or if the affair fizzles out. I mean, I don't see the Pig Shocker giving up her fauxrm anytime soon. And I imagine if GF did move in, she'd see firsthand 24/7 the animal abuse and neglect...and overall laziness at some point. And arguing would ensue for sure. Love is blind, but only for a short while.

    7. If I had a SO who expected me to shit and shower in the yard...well.. I'm not sure I could deal, no matter how much I liked them. If we're camping doing that outside is one thing, but at home is something else.

  5. Sad off topic news: The mourning doves on my porch, who laid their eggs two Wednesdays ago, flew off today because their eggs didn't hatch. It's been super hot here (100 degree temps) so I think that's why. Total bummer. But they'll be back next year for sure. And will hopefully lay eggs before the hot July weather comes.

    1. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 4, 2020 at 4:00 AM

      That's a shame. I'm sorry Anon7. I'm pretty sure that I had seen you mention them before, and that you were looking forward to seeing them hatch. The heatwave this summer really has been crazy. This whole year has been. Here's to hoping you get to see little mourning doves hatch next year!

    2. This was the fourth (I think) year that they've successfully hatched babies -- up to 3-4 times a year. They show up as early as January and are usually done by June. This year they had babies in Jan, March, April, May and June. It's been fun watching them!

  6. OK, so the title of this thread is "2011 Fire" -- so I took a quick look back at the Pig Shocker's December 2011 bleg entries, and while I haven't yet found any mention of a chimney fire worthy of FEMA assistance, I did see a bunch of music talk. Which got me thinking...when was the last time Jenna talked about playing music?

    Where is all the fiddle and dulcimer talk on her Youtube now? There are no new "how-to" videos as of late. Oh, I guess that's cuz those vids didn't work out for her money-wise. She didn't receive the monetizing clicks, likes, or subscriptions she craved. Womp womp.

    If making music was something she truly loved and was passionate about, wouldn't she still be doing it? Or was she just utilizing those instruments to make a quick buck?

    1. Probably because we made so much fun of her "fiddle" skills. But just wait a second, she will drag it all out as soon as she reads this blog.

    2. yes it will be an ode to the girlfriend!! screeching and all.

    3. Here is a post about the stove being replaced in September of 2011-


      I have not been able to locate anything about a potential chimney fire except for this post back in November of 2010-


    4. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 4, 2020 at 4:36 AM

      Hmm, for some reason it put me as anonymous on my last comment with the links to the 2010 & 2011 blog articles.

      Anyways, I couldn't find anything else in my search this morning, even when narrowing it down to the 2010-2011 timeframe. I know she moved in there in 2010. If the home was properly inspected (I know for a fact that home inspections are not required in all states, some just require a termite and well water inspection, we had to pay separate for a full inspection when we bought or place- glad we did, because the owners had to fix things before we moved in because of it which saved us from potential foundation problems and other things), they should have checked the old stove chimney as well. If a fire had occurred in the old stove, it may not have been her fault if the inspectors hadn't done their due diligence. Just my two cents on the topic.

  7. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 4, 2020 at 4:45 AM

    Side note- I got my order from Cowgirl Soapworks last night! Everything smells amazing! Jars were wrapped in bubble wrap and the bars in tissue paper. The jars were tucked in a burlap bag! Note in bag said the prepper20 free shipping code is in fact good through 9/1 if anyone is interested.

    1. Now that's a well-made website -- and clever name too. Nicely organized, and it legitimizes the products too. Unlike a certain someone...

  8. Tweet:

    “Note! If you are a customer and there is something you NEED from me asap, please do not hesitate to message and remind me. I am being productive and busy filling orders and getting art out, but things do slip and a kind message to remind me HELPS! 😇”

    It is NOT reasonable to ask customers to REMIND YOU of something YOU promised THEM!

    All businesses have a service-based component.

    Providing the agreed upon service or product within a specified time frame is what having a business is all about.

    She’s pathetic, with this limp sense of accountability.

    1. Get a bullet journal or a calendar or something. It’s not hard.

    2. If my wife, with moderate-to-severe adhd can keep track of her responsibilities, so can FFF.

    3. That's her pathetic attempt to cover her ass. If someone orders a product and doesn't receive it in a timely manner (I know, what a shock, right?), she'll say she sent out a social media notice advising people to remind HER about their delivery.

      Ironic that she's been busy hiking, overnighting in CT, swimming, playing in pools, mountain smashing, running and canoodling in front of the Diane-Arbus-wannabe, but she's TOO TOO busy to build a website...or get orders out on time.

      Remember poodles: you pay while she plays.

    4. God forbid she build a website and be *absolutely overwhelmed* with orders!

      Such bullshit. No one relies on twitter to drum up business. You use social media to direct to your website, your blog, and ultimately your MAILING LIST which is where you maintain your customer base.

      Every soap sale she has ever made, every kickstarter backer, every supportive / kind email she has ever received should be on a mailchimp list.

      A tweet is typically visible to your followers for a few minutes before it's bumped down the feed.

      An email sits in that inbox until the person actually sees it! All this social media panicking is just about stroking her ego. She's not making any significant amount of money, what money she does "earn up" is done so in the most inefficient possible way.

    5. "Things do slip! Angel emoji!"

      How exactly, are things slipping? Either you aren't making enough money to pay your mortgage on time, and therefore don't have enough work, or you're so swamped with work that you can't keep up - in which case, your mortgage at the very least, is paid!

      Cold Antler Math! Too much and never enough.

    6. This is her M.O. Pretend she is busy, that is why you do not get your product. When IN FACT she never intended to send it, unless you threaten her. She is a pig, and a shammer, and a stain on society.

    7. WIW said, "Get a bullet journal or a calendar or something. It’s not hard."

      And even easier than that would be to tape a piece of paper to the wall and jot down the date, name, type of soap, and quantity of each order:

      6/03/20 - Sucker #1 - Melt 'n pour Celtic knot - Qty 3
      6/29/20 - Sucker #2 - Melt 'n pour dragons - Qty 5
      7/15/20 - Sucker #3 - Melt 'n pour paw prints - Qty 2
      8/02/20 - Sucker #4 - Melt 'n pour wolves - Qty 6

      Check it once a week, and cross out what has shipped. Simple enough for even a 5-year old. But I'm betting the Pig Shocker's method is to write orders down on the back of unopened bills, which then get shoved under the sofa next to clumps of dog hair, cheeze wrappers and empty booze bottles. Outta sight, outta mind!

  9. What she means is only those who remind her will get their product. For anyone else, she considers it a donation. They will never see what they paid for.

  10. She counts on people to forget or give up. Has been doing this her entire adult life. If someone sends her a "reminder", they go to the top of the list. Anyone who doesn't remind her is written off.

    Back when Julie started the original Cold Antler Sham, Jenna actually posted (as herself, with pic) and actually stated that the reason people didn't get their wool csa refunds is because either she was busy or they didn't remind her. That is when she was sending refunds in the amount of $10.00 per month.

    She counts on people to forget or give up.

    I'm obviously a long time shamster. It's good to have us around because we know the history. So don't tick us off (you know who you are). I wish more long time shamsters would post. I miss you guys!

    1. Julie here (the original coldantlersham blogger). Jenna is absolutely the same as she has ever been. Narcissistic, pre-teen person who neglects animals and scams people out of their money.

  11. Hey all - I didn't have time the other night to bring to your attention a very interesting bleg post from December 11, 2011 titled, "Say Goodbye To My Little Friend" -- in which the Pig Shocker declared "good riddance" to her TV cuz it was a major distraction that kept her from getting anything done. Here are some choice quotes:

    "I don't like that a television has been the center of my relaxation and creative free time on the farm."

    "I'm too distracted by it, too enamored by the endless thrills of Netflix, Crackle, and Amazon Prime. [...] I used to just play music, read, call friends or family, and research farm projects."

    "[Instead] I rewatch shows I had seen a million times. And you know what? All it did was make me put off the work I liked, that I wanted to do!"

    "[If] I had the self control [...] But I don't. For me, the television is poison. It's keeping me from writing, from my animals..."

    "To me, it's a time suck and dangerous to the soul. It has swooned me away from the energy of the farm and my dreams."

    "It's not going on tonight, or ever again. If I want to watch Braveheart, I'll need to set up a computer screen in front of a couch"

    LMAO at, "or ever again"

    Well, that declaration did not age well. Looks like she figured out a wide screen iMac is just as useful as a TV for mindlessly watching movies/shows. And to think that she wrote this way back when she was actually productive. Compared to her activity nowadays, in which a typical "farm" day consists of feeding the animals twice, she must've tripled the hours she wastes doing nothing but being entertained....and spending more time staring at a screen than she ever did!

    Full bleg post here: https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=iraq

    1. Interesting. It's funny, because dumping your TV was a trend for a while there, among the same people who were into urban farming.

      We didn't have a TV for 7 years or so, but it had zero impact on our consumption of media, which increased quite a bit with the advent of smartphones. We didn't get netflix until four years ago or so.

      I think this was back when her bleg was contained a higher percentage of truth, and she probably was still trying to walk the walk.

    2. Ah, that makes sense. She's always jumping on/tweeting about the latest trends to try to attract as many pity donors as she can.

  12. Twitter Twaddle - "Is she fcuking serious?" edition:

    "Hey runners? Why does my upper back hurt/shoulders after a 2+ hour long run? is it just holding up my own arms that long?"

    Isn't this something that only a brand new runner would ask? We're supposed to believe that Jenna, who is (supposedly) experienced at running several 5Ks a week, wouldn't know the answer to this by now? I'm not buying it.

    More like, now that she finally snared a GF, she really does have to start running now. You know, to keep up the facade.

    1. Exactly. She was never a runner to begin with. I also call bullshit on running 2+ hours. That is half marathon time right there so either she is super slow as shit or she's lying. And the fact that she has to even ask that question? If she runs 5ks, 10ks, etc. like she claims, she should know the answer. Dumbass.

    2. Running, also, is not cheap. You need to get new shoes every few months - or at least I did in my running days.

    3. The only exercise that fat ass regularly gets is waddling to the fridge for more ice cream. Her never-changing obese body is proof that the runs and hiking are all a bunch of bull.

    4. Good running shoes are pricy. And someone like her needs the latest state-of-the-art shock absorbing shoe tech. Mucho $$$ -- but hey, her foollowers are paying so what does she care?

  13. More from Twitter:

    "I have 5 pawprint guest soaps here made with activated charcoal. Shipping is $8, DM me any offer over $1 and they are yours!"

    Her desperation has hit an all-time low. So if someone offers and pays $10, that means after $8 shipping, Woke Wog pockets just TWO DOLLARS? This is junkie behavior.

    1. I think it’s more manipulative marketing. She’s saying see I’m so desperate I’ll do anything for a couple of bucks, hoping someone will feel sorry for her and just give her money. Everything she does, and I mean everything, is done for one specific reason. To squeeze money out of people.

    2. Ooh, you're right. Any time a panhandler has asked for spare change "Anything please miss, a few pennies..." they've walked away with at least a few bucks. Shame on the able-bodied Pig Shocker for stealing their tactics.

    3. I believe those pawprint soaps are tiny, and probably cost a dollar or two to ship. So she's guaranteed to make $8 and, undoubtedly, she hopes someone will feel guilty enough to offer >$2.

    4. I mean, just look at the wood grain and dog hair behind the soap in the photo. They must be the size of a silver dollar, lol.

    5. Ugh, dog hair. Good eye!

      And good point Anon 10:44, as those teeny soaps can't weigh more than 4 oz, which costs about $2-$3 bucks to ship anywhere in the US.

  14. Where is everyone? This site has been silent for a few days.

    1. Checking in here! Yeah, it has. I'm thinking that even though we are all on lockdown still, it is summer after all and everyone has cabin fever. But the good thing is that summer activities are outside ones which offer plenty of space to distance themselves from one another. Just a guess though.

    2. Anon7. Thanks for checking in. Not that anything new ever happens in her never-ending shit-show.

  15. Guess what our favorite online panhandler Jenna did back on July 13th? She squandered $45 on a registration fee to join that "Run Like a Wolf" 100 mile challenge. Which is a necessity to be sure.

    But looky here what she wrote on her Twitter that very same day:

    "I am 35 days behind on my mortgage and I am already getting foreclosure certified letters from my bank. I'm running a farm alone during a pandemic and banks are threatening foreclosure 60 days before it is even legal to do so?! It makes me so angry and I hate that it scares me."

    There's been some of you here who have been saying for years that the Pig Shocker is lying about mortgage problems and she's only begging for fun money. Looks like you're all right! BTW, I found the registration info thanks to her photographer buddy (pervy pic dude) who posted a link to this wolf challenge on his Twitter. So if anyone is wondering where she got that new uLtRA fAnCy blue/red hiking backpack, it was an awesome gift she got after paying the $45 registration fee with pity donation cash.

    1. Lol, she just now tweeted:

      "Still working on the July mortgage, not even started on August yet and it's almost a third over!"

      Bet she might've had an easier time making July if she hadn't spent $45 (plus $3 reg fee) on a self-serving social media pic pursuit.

      So hey, some of you here are really good at researching retail products. Take a look at this twit pic here and note the new shoes and socks that both seem to have matching turq blue logos. I wonder who is the maker and how much that cost her foollowers? Also note the new hiking shorts.


    2. Disgusting. See, that behaviour is not someone who is worried about paying their mortgage.

      I have a friend, who earns a good living btw, but who is just constantly without money. Her cell phone gets shit off and she’s months behind on the power bill... but she has had two new vehicles in 5 years, custom manufactured items for the vehicle, purebred dogs, expensive training, events, and gear for the dogs...

      The money just goes on fun stuff. Then her vehicle will need a repair and she’ll post on fb asking someone to do it in exchange for home baked cookies.

      FFF is the next level of my friend, with her online tales of woe and active begging, and perpetuating this idea of herself.

      I have never known a farmer, in my area or online, to go hiking so much. A proper farmer does not have the hours or the energy to hike 100 miles in a month.

      She’s suck an f-ing faker.

    3. JFW is a repellent, parasitic POS. We can't wait until she turns 40 in a few years. What once looked kinda cute and appealing to her sycophantic supporters and foolish followers will be considered pathetic once she's officially middle-aged. She never learns or changes. Which is why she's a lazy lifestyle loser.

    4. WIW - I've known a few people like that too. And I get it, as paying for bills and repairs ain't fun, but it's a part of adulting.

      Unknown - Age 40 will make her constant online begging look more pathetic for sure. But for me personally, her 38 years of sucking the funds out of others works just fine! And hopefully others feel the same. It's not a good look for anyone past their mid-twenties to be begging Twitter strangers for every penny.

      Hey, does anyone have any idea how old the GF is? I'm not great at figuring out people's ages, but if I had to guess, that chick looks to be in her late 20's or very early 30's?

  16. I’ve been following her for 10 years now. Her blog should be called Mortgage and Me. That’s all she ever writes about. How can she possibly have any fans left? Yet she does.

    1. She commented that we should take some inspiration from her because, "after ten years, I'm still here."

      For a decade, I lived in a remote community where employment was seasonal and bartering was a part of the local economy. Bartering really only works for things you have extra of - baked goods for fresh by-catch. Fishermen don't have time to bake, and homebodies have plenty of baking but love fresh off the boat fish. That's bartering that works.

      As soon as you start to barter for things that you NEED, things start to break down. I mentioned my friend who bartered baking for car repairs - maybe one time, that worked. But a mechanic is worth a high hourly wage, and baking can be done by pretty much anyone.

      I encountered a culture of entitlement from the chronic barterers too - "I have a need, you are able to meet this need, therefore you HAVE TO TRADE WITH ME!" No I don't, because I can't pay bills with cookies. Or a poem, or whatever.

  17. Back when I was mailing my mortgage it got lost at the post office and eventually arrived at the bank but about a week late. I got slapped with a hefty fine.

    If she is as chronically late as she claims, she must be paying a fortune in late fines. Every month it seems for 10 years. This is not sustainable.

    Unless she is lying which is a possibility.

    1. She is totally lying. Anyone who is chronically late on their mortgage would have gotten shit-canned the hell out of their house by now. I don't know how many letters she claims she gets from the mortgage company. Yet she is still there. So me thinks she has another revenue stream from something, enough to make mortgage. All the begging is for fun money and the crap she buys for herself.

    2. Anon 10:45 - Totally agree about the other revenue stream. Some type of work from home job. She doesn't dare write about it because then people won't donate. There is no way she is supporting herself on pet portraits and soap.

    3. As I've repeatedly said here, but it bears repeating, her entire life is lies. I still think that she's doing "dirty drawings" for the furry fandom, but doesn't want to admit it. This has happened before in her past.

    4. Good to know, Anon 9:26. She never mentions late fees ever. So either she's too embarrassed to ask for money for that, or she's totally full of it.

      As for the furry fandom drawings, I agree. And she should concentrate more on that instead of grifting Twitter strangers for pity donations.

    5. Good to know, Anon 9:26. She never mentions late fees ever. So either she's too embarrassed to ask for money for that, or she's totally full of it.

      As for the furry fandom drawings, I agree. And she should concentrate more on that instead of grifting Twitter strangers for pity donations.

    6. She is absolutely lying about being late on the mortgage. You can't keep dicking mortgage holders around like that. The fees are insane, and they are entitled to foreclose, just like if you were chronically late on your rent payment. It doesn't matter if you always eventually pay your rent, you have been paying late repeatedly, and that's breaking the contract you signed - the lease, or the mortgage document.

      If any of it were true, we would have seen CAF actually crash and burn years ago. She's just begging for fun money.

  18. You can report potential fraud to FEMA at: https://www.fema.gov/about/offices/security/disaster-fraud

    Granted, this link is disaster relief fraud, but I am sure contacting or writing the tip line would at least warrant a look-see. I swear, I can't remember her reporting on a fire, and she never shuts her yap about anything that might require money, usually from the last of the pack that would send such a thing. I can't imagine anyone buying her stories anymore.

    1. Thanks for posting this.

      I wonder if there's a place to report fraudulent human beings themselves.

  19. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Getting more goats milk tomorrow, so I cant make soap today, but three boxes went out this AM so that's progress."

    Translation: The new shipment of Melt 'n Pour from China doesn't arrive until tomorrow, lads.

    And this tweet:


    So her power went off and she didn't spam Twitter with multiple donation requests to help turn it back on this time? Now THAT'S progress. Lol.

  20. Part of the problem with JFW is that she's a pathetic product of The Snowflake Generation. She's received participation and trophies for just doing what's normal at school. It's ruined millions of people who have been stunted by both stupid parents and educators. But begging online isn't considered appropriate adult behavior. Which is also why her ridiculous lists are annoying. It's like she wants an award for simply existing, and making it through the day.

    1. I meant to type received "participation awards" for doing what's considered expected activities at school. When we were in school the administration didn't do that kind of crap. So we didn't grow up to be juvenile, self-entitled twits well into our late thirties like the FFF.

    2. https://reason.com/2017/10/26/the-fragile-generation/



    3. Those participation awards are the worst. Losing is just as much a part of life as winning. Whoever came up with that idea is a moron.

  21. Does anyone remember what month the Pig Shocker helped load up hay over at Patty's farm? And she said something about how a bunch of it was for her for fall/winter? Someone here (PoodleDiDoo, I think) noted that the PS was all set and shouldn't be begging for any hay.

    But here's what the PS wrote on her bleg today:

    "[T]his winter I am without a hay bank. In years past I could buy hay as I went, getting 20-30 bales at a time. That was a standard truckload and easy to manage as one person loading and stacking small quantities like that of square bales. But this year I need to buy in hay in bulk, pay for it, store it, and do it all soon as possible because there's a shortage from the dry summer. My prices went from $3 a bale I paid as I went to upwards of $7 a bale plus delivery. Now I don't have a lot of critters to feed, but I need about 200 bales to get through the worst of the winter and that is daunting. MY current hay guy has quoted me at $365 for a delivery of only 50 bales. Yikes. So that is the hay situation."

    Anyone else remember her stating that she was "all set" with hay and that it was being stored at Patty's?

    1. On June 11, 2020, Unknown posted:

      "Twitter Twaddle:

      "Woke up and took care of my farm. Filled a friend's barn with hay for both of us this winter (350+ bales). Going to weed whack, run a 5k, and get soap made and a pet portrait in the mail. Logo work in the afternoon. Ready for a lot of nothing by book and hammock by 5pm." "

      Yes, I commented that it was all 💩💩💩. The friend is PP, who used to let FFF take hay from her stash - cheaply and likely delivered when the widdle parasite (hey, now there are TWO of them) needed hay in winter's a$$ crack.

      At what point do people get tired of being used???

    2. She's really grasping at straws here. Surprised she hasn't written about the truck dying, or begged for a new lawnmower.

      From her blog:

      "Haying season has begun! Over 400 bales lifted this last week, getting it up in the barn with neighbors is a good feeling. I never mind the work, but I always mind the people who volunteer to help and complain the entire time. There's always one. But grumps aside, I was able to hay alongside my girlfriend this year and I have to say I prefer sharing a load. Creating a mountain together, what a thing. What a thing!"

      So unless PP has cut her off, I'm not sure what she's talking about.

    3. YES, this is it, PDD! The exact quote I was looking for. And then you wrote:

      "Every time she whines about needing to get hay...remember it's from Patty, who apparently buys the hay, stores it and then lets the widdle farmer pick up a handful of bales at a time (or she, no doubt, delivers it to FFF). Going forward - in the armpit of winter's bottom - we'd better not hear FFF complain about hay because by her own admission she has enough for winter."

      By her own admission. Yep. We better not hear FFF complain...just like she is doing right now while it's STILL summer. And fall and winter haven't even hit yet. So what happened to those 400+ bales in just TWO months? The hay that was supposed to last all thru winter?

      And man, why do people like Jenna just openly lie like that? Is it because she sees something that we don't when it comes to her Twitter analytics? Perhaps that her foollowers come and go, and the new ones haven't yet seen her old bullshit claims?

      Anon 12:34 - I can't believe either that we haven't seen her usual tactics for sucking free money from internet strangers. And you might be right about Patty, cuz other than a few "tweet likes" from her, there hasn't been much physical interaction between those two. Perhaps Patty is jealous of the new GF? Stranger things have happened...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Fake Feral Farmer's bleg is among the worst. Poor sad feral farmer. Needs firewood - despite huge amounts of firewood free for the taking following cleanup from Tropical Storm Isaias. The truth - that she merely has to pick up wood for the upcoming winter - certainly wouldn't bring in 🐩🐩🐩 💸💸💸.

    Then there's the plea for hay. First cutting hay was abundant and cheap. In June, she bragged that she put up hay for the winter "at a friend's barn" (Hello PP) and that she was set for the winter. Now at the end of summer, after first AND second cuttings of hay have been harvested/sold, she's complaining she doesn't have the hay she bragged she had?!

    Makes no sense. As I said in June, reliable farmers negotiate and arrange for hay early in the season. Claiming she must pay $7.30 each for kicker bales to be delivered now either says she's burned every local farmer and has to buy from far away strangers...or she's lying again. As point of reference, my state (unlike upstate NY) is really in a drought, but there were two cuttings of hay earlier this year. I paid $5.50/bale, delivered to barn.

    So what's her deal? Is she telling tall tales, knowing her idiot followers never put 1+1 together? Has PP finally had enough of the user Pug Shocker who can spend money on GF, hobbies and trinkets but cries poor mouth to PP and wants to be continually bailed out. Maybe seeing GF made PP she'll soon be taking care of TWO freeloaders.

    And, by the way, where is the pack goat??? No photos or talk about him recently. Did she kill another unfortunate animal?

    1. Yeah, is that the animal who died? We still don't know.

    2. Twitter: "Pro Tip: don't tell people that are struggling they shouldn't waste time working out. It may be the only thing keeping them sane in hard times."

      First of all, I doubt anyone said this to her. I bet she read the recent comments about how much time she spends running / hiking, and this is her response, designed to elicit sympathetic engagement, which it did.

      Secondly, again, this is not the behaviour of someone who is truly struggling to pay their mortgage. If you are that close to being homeless, you are NOT spending $45 on the Run Like A Wolf fundraiser. By the way, did you notice how she had money for RLAW, but only $10 for BLM?

      I have never once paid rent or mortgage late - but I have had to make do with shitty shoes for a couple of years, because I didn't have money to replace them... because I was paying rent on time. FFF always has hiking boots in good shape, in any of the photos I see. If she's running, she'd need to be getting new running shoes at least twice a year.

      Exercise is free, depending on what you choose - but for the love of god, she has 70+ animals to care for, isn't THAT a workout?

    3. This is a month or two after she used the elastrator to dock the sheep tails too late. The goat was also castrated at the same time, though I believe that was done at the correct age... but given her lack of hygiene and infection control practices, maybe something went sideways there.

    4. Yowsa, great points, both of you.

      PDD - I'm starting to think that her foollowers aren't putting 1+1 together cuz they don't stick around long enough to keep track of all her lies. Her Twitter foollower count jumps around a lot. And very interesting idea there that PP may be noticing the FFF's spending habits: Jenna cries poor whilst splashing cash for the GF dates. Makes sense. As does the pack goat theory...zero mention of him. The little guy probably keeled over trying to carry all her heavy hiking gear.

      WIW - That's right...she only gave $10 to BLM (probably a lie) and then spent $45 (plus $3 handling fee) for wolves? Not to mention the new shoes, socks, etc. Also, those hiking poles looked different from her other ones. They look collapsible = pricey.

    5. There's no way that JFW gave even a penny to BLM or anyone else. She presents a false front to appear compassionate and liberal, but it's only to get more donations. Don't get me started about her refusal to pick up free firewood. I agree with PDD. She's known for years that it's available, but uses it as an excuse for money mooching. I wish that the bank would finally foreclose on her faux farm, and throw her fat ass out.

    6. Anon7 - hiking poles are bullshit. I've been walking in the bush my whole life. The only place you can use hiking poles is on well-groomed trails. Why would you want something else to carry?

      It's like the "nordic pole" fad I saw 15 years ago.

      Interesting hikes are on trails that are worn by the feet of animals and people over many years. There are roots and stones to trip on or catch your poles, so you have to move slowly and carefully. If you hit a steep path, that's where I like to bring out a rope to help steady me - poles are a dangerous liability on a steep slope. Most cases, you can just grab a nearby tree or figure out a less-steep route.

  24. Twitter: "I don't know if I've ever been this overwhelmed."

    😭😭😭😭😭 🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻💔💔💔💔💔

    How quickly she has returned to "normal". Just a few months ago, "this farm" was "in the best financial shape" ever!

    1. What a desperate thing to do...to make a vague and ambiguous statement in the hopes it will attract attention (aNd MaYBE gO VirAL!!) and get her new foollower$. (She only received two comments BTW, so fail.)

      And what was sooooo "overwhelming" anyway?

      1) Several more animal deaths to deal with/conceal?
      2) The decision of whether or not to day drink?
      3) Tuna, Veggie, or Meatball Subway sandwich?
      4) Or all three? Wheat or Italian bread? Chips x3? x4??
      5) If I "pretend" to tip, will the sandwich artists notice?
      6) Lavender or pumpkin spice scent for the clean sheets?
      7) "Oh shit, that means I gotta shower this week!"
      8) Which oft re-tweeted sales beg should I use next?
      9) Nap, river swim, dump visit or hammock lounge-fest?
      10) Would culottes or jorts look better for mountain smashing?
      11) Hmmm...truck problems, 28th root canal, or cancer scare tweet?
      12) Eep! Scary red van! The fuck are my binoculars?!!????

      Eh. Hep, I'd be overwhelmed too.

    2. Oh, my bad. As this "overwhelming" list would not be complete without:

      1) Which Taylor Swift CD to listen to while I eat cheese on the stairs like a Yeti?
      2) Did those chocolate stains come out of my favorite Taylor Swift sweatshirt?
      3) *Remember to check the status of the Karlie Kloss/Jared Kushner marriage*
      3a) That sham marriage CANNOT LAST. Cuz I know Taylor/Karlie are BOTH GAY!
      4) No time today to visit all the 3K plus Taylor Swiftie Twitter sites. Aw, shit. Damn.
      5) Write inquiry letter #72 to the Taylor Swift Fan Club as to WHY TAYLOR HASN'T ANSWERED MY BEAUTIFUL AND PASSIONATE FAN LETTER YET! WTF?!? OHHH OMG MUTHA FU...

    3. WiW. I can't count how many times she's proclaimed herself being overwhelmed and/or terrified. It's probably in the hundreds by now, both on her blog and Twitter. Again, it's all about her manipulative marketing, and trying to squeeze more money out of innocent victims. Poor widdle baby Jenna needs your help to survive the big, bad world. Her faux farm will never be in any shape other than rotten and falling apart due to her laziness and ineptitude.

      Anon7. I'm genuinely laughing out loud at your lists. They're hilarious and spot-on, too.

  25. Last post for today: what in the FUCK was that "claws deep" post?

    Was that typo-infested nightmare an attempt at whimsical poetry? Think she'll try to barter that post for hay?

    1. Lol, I misread that as Balls Deep. Yeah, deep in bullshizz. And since it was written late at night, I'm betting that alcohol inspired that insipid bleg post.

      WTF is a "fetus landlord" anyway? Do I need to drink my weight in alcohol to understand what that even means?

    2. I'm thinking that a "fetus landlord" is an insulting way to refer to a pregnant woman. She is such a piece of shit. So insulting if you ask me.

    3. She's infamous for purple prose posts that are nonsensical, and always full of major mistakes plus stupid typos. I don't have kids either, but "fetus landlord" is beyond obnoxious. She's a disrespectful cunt who is judgmental, yet thin-skinned when it comes to her own crap opinions being scrutinized.

    4. Anon7: YOU LITERALLY MADE ME SCREAM-LAUGH! How did I not see that myself???

    5. "Fetus landlord" is one of many terms floating around in Queer Twitter right now, which I'm sure she lifted from the internet for her personal use to be gender-inclusive. The preferred nomenclature is "pregnant person" as not all people with reproductive parts - even people who use those parts to make new people - call themselves "women".

      "Pregnant person" is what's moving in to replace "pregnant female / pregnant woman" but on twitter, there are all sorts of funny turns of phrase.

      I *highly doubt* FFF came up with that herself, and utilizing it in that post is so... non-sequitur. Weird.

    6. Thanks for the explanation. I really hope that the Pig Shocker never tries to identify as a feminist cuz that awful term she used is an affront to women everywhere.

      Seriously, if she ever acts a feminist on Twitter, I will create an account just to shame her and let everyone know that she used that phrase.

  26. I wish she would stop bragging about how many miles she runs every day. I just don't believe her. She is stocky built. Even giving her the benefit of the doubt that she is in good physical condition for her body type from hiking, road walking here and there, and whatever farm work she actually does, it is SO unlikely that she could be a runner putting on the mileage without injuries. Runners that have "runner bodies" that truly do run that many miles develop injuries left and right. How is it that she has NEVER had an injury or wear and tear problem like tendonitis?????

    So, stop lying!

    1. BINGO. Her obese body is proof that the constant bragging about running and hiking is all a bunch of bull. It's just part of her manipulative marketing to present a false front.

    2. Even if she did sustain an injury "working out" - she's never post about it, because that would spark questions as to why someone perpetually "busy" and "stressed out" and "overwhelmed" has time and energy to spare on physical activity that does not contribute to the farm.

    3. No one believes her. And she only seems to mention injuries when she's seriously short on cash when the usual begging attempts didn't work.


    "My goal for this week is earn up what I need to pay the July Mortgage ASAP so I can focus on this month instead. Happy to continue my $10 off discount on 10 bar orders of soap, 2 pet portraits for $80 and accepting any damn kindness anyone wants to offer! http://PayPal.me/jennacaf"

    She's included her stupid "earn up," which only she uses, and the "damn kindness" is insulting and contradictory.

    1. "any damn kindness"


      From the beginning, she has used what she thinks is "farmer slang". Remember when she used to say, "son" all the time?

      I've noticed the awkward turn of phrases she uses to appear colloquial and folksy. Given the usage is inconsistent, it ends up coming off stilted.

    2. Ugh. Indeed. She's also overused "That'll do, that'll do..." a lot last year. She sounded even stupider than usual if that's even possible. What a pretentious, posing POS. To slightly alter a famous quote on teaching: "Those that can farm. Those that can't pretend to be a FFF."


    3. If we crowd funded $1,000 to shut her up do you think she'd take it?

  28. There it is again, in the latest bleg post - carrying buckets of water!

    1. Her beyond stupid carrying buckets of water is just more of the FFF's manipulative marketing attempts. "Look at how hard I'm trying to keep my faux farm solvent. PayPal me now, bitches!!!"


    2. LOL at "Hoser" -- I don't think I've heard that particular insult since the 80s when my brother used to say that. But what did "hoser" even mean? I never got it cuz he wouldn't explain.

    3. For me, it's associated with the Canadian prairies. "Hoser" synonymous with "loser" or "pisser" or "dick". The hose, you know. Not overly offensive, and the kind of insult thrown around by children before they learn to swear.

      In this case, given her lack of hoses, I was too tempted to employ it!

  29. She doesn't like when people complain while haying? I don't like when people lie about "haying" early in the day, then make soap, then "run a 5k." There is no way on earth that is possible. Those of you who have done the work before know that it's about as exhausting and even painful as just about anything else. You don't hay and then do something else after. Basically- you just try to hydrate and recover.
    Sounds like she's trying to return to her stupid faux country speech patterns. BTW, "fetus landlord" is just plain offensive and meant to be hurtful. Finally - she complains about people complaining about haying. Think about that.
    The Chickqualizer

    1. Yeah, plus she's almost forty and has an obese body. She's not fooling anyone except for dumb enablers. She's trying to be hip by saying "fetus landlord," but it comes across as tone-deaf and disgusting.


    2. It might be that her complaining about people who complain about haying is to make her foollowers think she's some super-human marvel who never complains about anything ever.

      "People complaining? Sheesh. Well, I would NEVER do that because I am tough, feral, and I'm in perfect shape for this job!) Yeah, OK.

  30. How can she be 15 pounds heavier than last year with all the mountain smashing, running 5ks, 10ks, 50ks she brags of? That totally supports our theory that she is a lying bitch when it comes to bragging about running and hiking. Total bullshit.

    1. Honestly, you can run and hike and smash mountains all you want, but if your diet is shit and full of booze and sugar, you're not gonna lose weight--especially as a woman in your late 30s. I walk/bike/hike/run an average of 80 miles a week, but it took a serious diet change and strength training for me to start losing weight and gaining muscle. 15 lbs since April, and I feel great after cutting alcohol down from several drinks a day to one or two drinks per week. But there's a saying that weight loss is 80 percent diet and 20 percent activity, and I am 100 percent inclined to agree with that. Fitness/strength, though, definitely requires you to put in the physical effort. But the anesthetics of that effort definitely aren't going to show if you're eating/drinking sugar glazed pork and beer.

    2. Lol. Aesthetics. Not anesthetics. Damn auto-fill.

    3. What a crock of crap:

      Wednesday, August 12, 2020

      25 Bales

      "It's a start. 25 bales were delivered today and put up in the freshly cleaned-out and opened spaces in my small barn. I have another 175 to go to feel content going into winter, but if I can swing a weekly order of 25 for $145 and keep putting them up - I will get there by October. It felt good, regardless of the amount, to be stacking hay in the barn. I was dripping with sweat but smiling like a wolf. Winter will come and slowly I will get ready for her.

      Between running, barn mucking, and stacking wood and hay bales I end my days with a cold shower, sore muscles, and a nervous but content smile. I am learning to appreciate my body in a new way. I used to curse and despise myself for not looking like the tall, thin, brunette Carhartt models in the magazines. Not being like those women who managed to look stunningly feminine and beautiful in a loose braid with a bale over their shoulder. Now I know the braids are extensions, the images and photoshopped, and the bale is a prop that weighs fifteen pounds. Their job isn't to do my work. It's to look good pretending to do it.

      But this little hobbit body! HOO! This body woke up and ran five miles in a heat wave. It moved hundreds of pounds of muck with a pitchfork. It stacked a quarter-hundred bales. It carried 80lbs of water a turn, uphill, over and over, and did it all for me and my dreams. I may be fifteen pounds heavier than I was this time last summer, but I am fifteen times happier. Part of that is also ending my day patting cellulite and telling her she's a very good girl."

    4. What the heck - "a quarter hundred"? Does that make it sound like more to her? Who says that? Most farmers, my family included, could do that in their sleep. Real farmers talk about moving hundreds, if not thousands, of bales a day. She should be ashamed for even thinking 25 bales equals work. Only a snowflake would be impressed with that.

    5. I know one of those "Carhartt women" and she's one of the hardest working women I know! Yup, she's tall and thin and has a long loose braid but she's had four kids and busts her butt EVERYDAY on her farm and she's as gorgeous on the inside as she is in the outside. Her name is Mary Heffernan of 5 Mary's Farm.
      She's the real deal and a far cry from Miss "I'ved-farmed-this-place-alone-for-10-years-but-still-have-to-beg-for-money-because-I-just-can't-make-it"

    6. Anon 8:06 wrote: "A quarter hundred?" She was probably thinking about 100 quarter pounders from McDonald's. I make similar mistakes when thinking about two things at once.

      Mountain Walker - Thanks for posting that link. We all know the Pig Shocker reads here so maybe she'll check it out and be inspired to stop faking her fake farm life.

  31. Twit Shit:

    "Wake up, farm, emails, write, promote work, hope for sales, laundry, check emails, hope for sales, emails, write, farm, clean, run, hope.


    I'll rewrite the truer version of her stupid tweet:

    Wake up and start day drinking, pretend to faux farm, check out Taylor Swift's site, cyber-stalk creepy crushes, hope for foolish followers to PayPal me mortgage money, waddle to fridge for fattening food, eat on top of dirty stairs hunched over like a yeti, pray for slung luck to magically appear without working for it, patch up hammock hole from fat ass tear, complain to girlfriend about not being recognized for my special snowflake status, write more offensive nonsense on @lezwolfmemes, wallow in the filth from dog dander and other animals who shouldn't be allowed inside, promote my pathetic crap that no one wants to buy, order more melt & pour soap, pretend to the public that I either run or mountain smash daily, hold bulging belly in for photo op, try to capture another hawk victim to name Anna Wintour.



    1. LMAO! Just brilliant. You only forgot one thing: Her drinking at HER local brewery. *burp* (And then driving home while intoxicated)

      And if she were to list her "awesome" daily accomplishments, instead of listing them in a sentence, it would look more like this:

      Wake up (Everyone in the world does this, so no points there)
      Farm (A half hour making sure the animals don't thirst/starve to death)
      Emails (Looking for sales/donation emails; sending out donation requests)
      Write (Begging on Twitter, and maybe on the bleg too)
      Promote work (On Twitter)
      Hope for sales (While enjoying second breakfast, while watching Lord of the Rings)
      Laundry (Yeah, right -- like this activity is twice a month, if that)
      Check emails (Looking for emails denoting donations and/or sales)
      Hope for sales (Chewing her nails down to the quick whilst on the toilet checking Twitter)
      Emails (Writes her 895th, 896th and 897th email to Taylor Swift)
      Write (898th, 899th, 900th, 901st, 902nd, 903rd -- you get it)
      Farm (A half hour making sure animals don't thirst/starve to death)
      Clean (Cleans computer screen. Cleans out bank account for new Taylor Swift shirt)
      Run (Code word for hammock lounging, river polluting, snacking, or napping)
      Hope (She does this all day. It's the one thing she devotes all her time to)

  32. Just when you think her "sale" prices couldn't get any lower... she's offering to do design work for free.

    Just a few days ago she was soliciting logo design sales with a special rate if you can wait on the due date. She doesn't want a website because she couldn't handle a huge influx of sales, yet she's now offering this work for free. Of course, this is in the same post she asks for donations.

    You cannot offer to do work you charge for, for free, and expect to get paid for it ever again. You can't pay your bills with karma. The funny thing about getting paid to do good work - when you get paid to do it, you can actually do MORE of it. When your good work pays the bills, you can actually afford to devote most of your time to doing your good work.

    My side gig is the same - I only offered my work for free under very specific circumstances. If I didn't get paid to do it, I wouldn't have time to do it, because I'd have to spend time doing other things that paid the bills.

    FFF is so inconsistent it makes me dizzy.

    1. Dizzy here too. She's grasping at straws at this point. She's trying to get people to think, "Aw gee, how generous of her to work for free" -- and then reciprocate with donations. And then she wrote this on Twitter:

      "If you *want to*, and can do so without hindrances, & don't want soap, meat, logos or art... You just want to throw in towards twelve years of writing about small farms and following a dream, here's how. Asking because asking is the only way people know."

      WTF...Asking because asking is the only way? What does that even mean? That people should be grateful that she's asking rather than mugging them?

    2. The only way that she "knows" how to operate is being an animal abusing, sociopathic scammer. Her GF must be mentally ill and/or desperate to tolerate her crap.


  33. And on the latest bleg post (Love is a Barter Economy) she laments being worried (as she is every year) about having enough feed and firewood for winter. And then wrote this:

    "I can sit and worry or I can ask for help. I am asking for help."

    So those are her only two options? Yeah, right. Getting a JOB is another option for the lazy ass. But it's not an option to her because begging is easier, faster, and kinder to her brain and body. No work to do, nothing to think about, just laze back in the hammock while "earning up" PayPal pity donations.

    And she's still lying about not having a hay bank, even though she announced back in June that she had a hay bank to last thru winter. And then she said this:

    "I hope all of you are safe and secure in your own homes and farms."

    She doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but herself. She's just saying that as a form of reverse psychology to get people to worry that SHE might not be safe and secure...and that SHE may need some money. Nice try, lazy Pig Shocker.

    1. She feels the opposite of wanting "hope" that "all of you are safe and secure..." It is reverse psychology, and more of her manipulative marketing. JFW is secretly seething with envy, and her predator's purpose is money mooching. Which is why she's a lazy lifestyle loser.


    2. Meant to type "having hope..."


  34. Twitter Twaddle - Ass Wipe Edition:

    "My girlfriend just had 60 [rolls] of sustainable toilet paper shipped to my door. This is love."

    This is sad cringe. And so depressing that the new GF has been roped into buying essentials for Jenna instead of romantic gifts. Toilet paper instead of a necklace...and that is love?!? Sounds more like pity to me. And a relationship that is not sustainable.

    I mean, honestly, can you imagine the odd and awkward conversation that led the GF to pay for and ship her 60 rolls of effin' toilet paper?"

    1) "Hey, how is it you can afford both toilet paper and traveling to visit me?"
    2) "You must be rich to afford dozens of rolls at a time. I wish I were able do that."
    3) "Sorry, I'm fresh out of TP. But I might "earn up" enough cash to buy some next month!"
    4) "The scary red van man snuck in and stole my last few rolls! He took the toilet too!!"
    5) "What do you mean clumps of animal hair are not suitable for wiping? I'm feral farmer!!"

    1. And...note that it's "sustainable" toilet paper. I'm guessing that means it's "especially" biodegradable which means it will break down super fast once buried on her property after one of her "plumbing's broke!" outdoor shit excursions. So disgusting. And if Jenna's peeing and pooping in the yard doesn't scare the GF far, far away, then nothing will.

    2. I think GF is the 2020 version of the town dump. Pig Shocker buys what she wants, then fears her idiot followers might not give $$$ to support her LAF lifestyle if she's seen to waste money. So she claims she found latest trinket at dump, or "friends" donated.

      Why doesn't she get a job? She clearly has a lot of time on her hands.

  35. We are witnessing the crumbling of the facade.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Due to the virus, and her rotten reputation all over online, she can't hide now. Her faux farm has "crumbled," and her "facade" is also doing the same.


  36. Anon 7 we saw sustainable toilet paper at Walmart the other day it is made with bamboo. Saw the paper towels too. To get the amount of a 12 roll pack you would need 60 rolls they are so small same with the paper towels. Girlfriend was just going to get her a 12 pack of Scotts but she wanted to look like she cared about Pig Shockers "farm". I swear this woman is bat shit crazy.

    1. She's either on the spectrum, or has a defective character. Whatever the case may be it doesn't bode will for her financial future, and any romantic relationships. The toilet paper is just the proverbial tip of her icky iceberg.


    2. "bode well" not "will"


  37. Anon 7 - I misread your "soap, meat" for "scrap meat." From today on - it will forever be known as "scrapmeat.." I don't keep close tabs, but you're right - she claimed to be supplied for hay. And as others have noted, this has been the best year for hay in quite a while.

    Free wood is all over the place. I've even seen ads for the equivalent of 2 big cords of wood already cut, but not yet split for FREE. You just need to load it in your truck.

    Why do you need to brag about sustainable toilet paper? Is it like a fossil fuel? Free stuff, etc. - She' just playing psych games with soft-headed chumps.
    Even in a pandemic - nothing changes at Cold Dead Rotten Antler Farm.

    The Chickqualizer

  38. She didn't pay her July farm payment, so I "guess" she hasn't paid August...and we are halfway through the month? With her past history, why isn't this new company riding her 2 big cords ass?

  39. The "girlfriend" is only there for Jenna to fleece. Once she gets wise to Jenna's grifting and cuts off the freebies, Jenna will be searching for her next victim.

  40. As to her latest tweet, imagine having to "trap" your latest pet. I don't get it. Honey, nurturing animals is not your thing. Nurturing is not your thing. You don't have a "thing". Got that?

    1. Her main "thing" is using people. She's about as "nurturing" as a serial killer. BTW: The Unknown profile on this platform is a default profile like the one above mine. Which is why I've started to initialize my responses when using it. "LS" stands for "Luckless Slinger."


  41. Twit Shit:

    Return of her fat face wearing "fake-up," with last summer's altered pic, and tweeting about her bird victims:


    "My girlfriend texted me earlier today to ask what was for dinner tonight? Let me tell you something, Ladies. You date a farmer and your evening menu:

    This farm's roasted pork. Soaked in cider, bbq sauce, onions, and sun-ripenened apples. Rosemary sourdough. Sweet potatos. Wine"

    And it's spelled "ripened" not "ripenened." Periods also end sentences, stupid. And an alcoholic asshole has to drink during dinner and the daytime, too. It's always gotta be "This farm...." She's nothing more than a hipster hobbyist living in her hovel which will be foreclosed in the future.


    "70 MILES!" #runlikeawolfchallenge

    "And in pet-related news that will surprise absolutely no one: I just dusted around a cat."

    Her obese body can barely waddle to the fridge for more ice cream, let alone run the many miles that she brags about. She doesn't dust her filthy home. It's a bunch of bull.


    1. I saw the 70 miles an thought wait a minute she just said it was 50 miles she ran another 20 miles in less than 2 days? Yeah now I have a bridge to sell you. Also if she is so afraid of loosing "this farm" why is she thinking of getting a new bird?

    2. No way with that fat ass she's running 10 miles a day. Unless you're a pretty good runner and have some half marathons and marathons under your belt, you can do it. But for the average person, it's not a good idea to run that many miles back to back. And Jenna ain't the average person. I doubt she runs as much as she says she does. You can't drink and run and eat crap food. Serious running is a life style will changes are usually made such as diet, sleep, very little alcohol, etc. She knows nothing about true running.

    3. "where" instead of "will"

    4. I find it funny that she claims to be 15 pounds heavier, but is now able to run major mileage. And anything with wolves in it gets her attention. It's because she's also a financial and emotional predator. She identifies with that animal for those reasons.

    5. I wanted to also add that wolves are instinctively predatory, it's in their nature, and they can't control their behavior. But the FFF has calculatedly decided to prey on people without compunction and consciously.

    6. I think you're onto something with this reasoning.

    7. Anon 8:08 - Do you remember what date she said that? It would be interesting to compare it to her logged challenge stats which are here:


      8/01 - Run 5 miles
      8/01 - Walk 1 mile
      8/02 - Run 3 miles
      8/02 - Walk 1 mile
      8/02 - Walk 2 miles
      8/03 - Run 5 miles
      8/03 - Walk 1 mile
      8/03 - Walk 2 miles
      8/04 - Run 1.5 miles
      8/04 - Walk 0.5 mile
      8/04 - Walk 1 mile
      8/05 - Run 6 miles
      8/05 - Walk 1 mile
      8/06 - Run 2 miles
      8/06 - Walk 3 miles
      8/07 - Run 3 miles
      8/07 - Walk 1 mile
      8/07 - Walk 2 miles
      8/08 - Hike 5 miles
      8/09 - Walk 1 mile
      8/10 - Run 2 miles
      8/10 - Walk 1 mile
      8/11 - Walk 1 mile
      8/11 - Run 2.5 miles
      8/11 - Walk 1.5 miles
      8/11 - Walk 2 miles
      8/12 - Run 5 miles
      8/12 - Walk 1 mile
      8/13 - Walk 2 miles
      8/14 - Run 3 miles
      8/14 - Walk 2 miles
      8/15 - Run 2 miles
      8/15 - Walk 3 miles
      8/17 - Run 3 miles
      8/17 - Walk 1 mile
      8/17 - Walk 1 mile
      8/18 - Run 3 miles
      8/18 - Walk 1 mile

      Is anyone buying this? It would also be interesting to compare these dates with her bleg, Insta and Twitter activity. But I'm not in the mood to devote that much time to show what a liar she is. We already know that.

  42. Sorry, but wolves are a noble species and are predators by design. They fill a special role in the ecosystem by keeping the number of prey animals in check and healthy. To compare Jenna to this noble beast is a travesty.

    Jenna is a predator of the worst kind. I would actually compare her more to a parasite, one who lives off something or someone else.

    1. I'm with you. Wolves are intelligent and resourceful, pillars of fitness. They are highly independent and very family (pack) oriented. Moreover, ecological studies on apex predators like wolves show they are required to support a healthy ecosystem.

      Pig Shocker is nothing like the noble and necessary wolf.

      Instead, she is a more like a parasite - a thing that feeds off others, contributing little to the ecosystem or the world and causing it to be a lesser place. She's a hanger-on, a cultural tick, sucking the lifeblood from others (animals and people alike) and bringing ugliness wherever she's found.

    2. That was well-put, you two. She views wolves as sexy which is the opposite of the FFF. I also think that "cultural tick" might make a good new name here for someone.

    3. Shes a fat disgusting tick alright sucking the life blood outta everything she meets, be it man or beast.

    4. Lol, "Tick" and "Parasite" are perfect pseudonyms for someone who spends the majority of their time begging and spamming Twitter with PayPal requests instead of farming and working. And perfect for someone who needs help EVERY DAMN MONTH to pay her mortgage. Just PERFECT.

  43. Twitter post today stating the July mortgage was just now paid.


    Baking and kissing to "celebrate". Dear god, I hope Mystery Girlfriend doesn't fall for FFF's bullshit for long.

    IF the late mortgage scenario were true, (it's not, but say for a moment it was) then Mystery Girlfriend, if she were young / naive enough to believe it, might feel compelled to help.

    If she really is bs-ing Mystery Girlfriend (jury's still out on that) then it's just a matter of time before MG figures it out.

    FFF's mortgage scam has to be at an end in the next year or two - OR the relationship with MG will be ending in that time-span.

    Scenario 1: MG moves in with FFF. The mortgage scam would have to end at that point, because there's no excuse to not make the mortgage when there are twice as many people paying it. Mortgage scam ends.

    Scenario 2: MG moves in and mortgage scam continues. MF either figures out FFF is a scammer, and leaves.

    Orrrrr maybe Scenario 3: MG finds out about mortgage scam and finds a reason to be okay with it. In which case, they would deserve each other.

    I don't think MG is aware of FFF's obvious, and documented pattern of lying yet... but then, I tend to think the best of people until proven otherwise.

    1. My youngish niece just ended an engagement after 2.5 years with someone who turns out to be a narcissist. As the details of what this relationship was like for her come out more and more, it is incredible how deft he was at manipulating her and horrifying to think of her staying that unhappy for that long. He is a covert narcissist - playing the victim and always making it about him. One area that is coming more to light is how he somehow put all the financial burden on her and now that she has broken away from the gaslighting she keeps realizing that she was somehow financing most of the whole relationship - car, house, honeymoon. And this is a young woman who has a strong relationship with her family, who is otherwise very intelligent and capable, etc. All that long story to say that the MG, who we are pretty sure is young, could really be held in the sway of an expert narcissistic manipulator in ways you couldn't imagine from a more objective perspective. She should run like the wind.

      Anon in GA

    2. WIW - Those are all great scenarios. If the GF does move in, it will be very interesting to see if the mortgage begging ends or not. Anon in GA, very smart of your niece to be able to see the truth and put and end to things.

      About this GF, she only has a private Instagram right? And doesn't seem to have a Twitter as far as I can tell. So perhaps she's not yet aware of the money begging situation and spamming on Pig Shocker's Twitter cuz she never checks it out.

    3. Anon7 - I wish / hope MG would start at the very beginning of the CAF blog, and skim through. I dated a woman in my mid-twenties who had a livejournal with three years of content on it - and all the red flags were there, even though I didn't want to see it at the time.

      Some things you just have to learn from experience, and with the added layer of being a sexual minority, and likely having very limited dating exposure as a result, I'm afraid MG is set up to believe whatever bullshit FFF tells her about online "haters" or her "dream" of farming.

      It'll be interesting to see how it pans out. My best guess is we'll notice at some point that FFF hasn't mentioned mystery girlfriend in a few months. Then, once people start asking, she'll post about being too heartbroken to say anything, and please commission some art to lift my spirits!

      I just *cannot* see this working out with FFF's status quo. Either FFF will need to change, a LOT, or the relationship is doomed.

      Oh, another alternative - she and MG get engaged *very quickly*. That's a tried and true manipulative tactic.

    4. I wouldn't be surprised if GF (think her name is Shannon Doyle) is either of low intelligence, or has her own mental health issues. No normal adult would tolerate someone like JFW. She's repellent on every level. And I speak from experience. We used to live in her area, and unfortunately, I've met her several times in public places. (BTW: Her hygiene is horrid. She literally, leaves a trail of bad body odor when she walks through a business.)


  44. I think before she said her mortgage is due on the 15th of each month so the mortgage is more than a month behind (plus the time it takes to get it mailed etc.) all I want to know is WHO BRAGS ABOUT THAT? I would be so ashamed and worried but not our old Pig Shocker. I can't believe after all the years of reading her (and some what of a fan at the very beginning until I saw the pattern in what she does) I am still shocked by the things she does and writes and thinks it is okay.

    1. Who brags about that? A lazy grifter who has almost nothing to tweet about except her monthly mortgage struggle. A dishonest fake farmer who is obsessed with getting others to pay it for her. A humongous fool who mistakenly thinks her foollowers actually give a shit.

      And the majority of those "I did it" posts never receive a whole lot of attention because they're all probably tired of hearing about it. I know we are!

    2. Also in that tweet: "Christ, every single month it's like finishing a marathon when you're a dirt farmer slingin' soap and luck!"

      Why doesn't she realize that it doesn't have to be a monthly marathon? (Not that she'd run it anyway.) A simple job, even a part-time one, would solve everything.

    3. Anon 7 - that's exactly it! Is this REALLY her "dream"? Sometimes we start down a path because of a dream, but the lived reality isn't what we thought it was. So you adjust once you have more information.

      FFF has come so far away from the "dream" she originally wrote about in Made From Scratch. She's not a shepherdess. She has a few lambs now that she's going to grow out and sell for meat, I assume. The sheep operation didn't work out. The lambing, the wool CSAs, the meat - none of it worked.

      The pigs were a legitimate possibility to pivot towards, and she really could and should be doing that better by now. The pigs are the only possible venture that might turn a very tiny profit.

      The "shepherdess" dream which involved getting a border collie, and a second border collie, with no sheep to herd for years, was the justification for quitting the day job. "The farm needs me!" was really "it's lambing season and I'm overwhelmed / exhausted, and the solution must be to quit my day job so I can shift all my focus on to lambing when the season rolls around."

      Dumb! It was clear the sheep were too much for her, but after failing at sheep, she started taking up all these hobbies to keep her busy. Horses. Goats. The fucking raptors that should just STAY in the WILD for the love of god! Those birds don't NEED her! Leave them alone!

      Nothing about her cascade of irresponsible choices makes sense, and so many farmers ALSO HAVE JOBS! There's nothing noble about being an unemployed "dirt farmer". There are a million other businesses she could be running, but it's melt n pour soap, which is laughable as that can't be turning more than a couple of hundred dollars a month, and selling / reselling / scamming "meat shares".

      You know what happens to farmers who run at a loss for 10 years? They go under.

      She's got secret white people money coming in from somewhere. Girl needs to be stocking shelves in a grocery store somewhere.

    4. Her childish dumb dream of "living on a farm with animals!" has become a nasty nightmare. When one has a perma-teen mentality, then they're incapable of taking appropriate actions to change self-created circumstances. (Like maybe move, get a job etc...) Or they keep on trying to beg online for a living, sell scribbled pet portraits, sub-par soap, and crap meat. Her bragging about paying a late mortgage is beyond pathetic. (Notice how she never mentions huge late fees?) She's delusional to even broadcast what an epic failure her life is now.


    5. WIW - Great post. This thread is almost 200 posts so I'm gonna copy 'n paste and respond to this once HD starts the next thread.

      LS - Agreed. She said something odd in her latest bleg post -- I posted about it below.

  45. Twitter Twaddle from the other day:

    "If you *want to*, and can do so without hindrances, & don't want soap, meat, logos or art... You just want to throw in towards twelve years of writing about small farms and following a dream, here's how. Asking because asking is the only way people know. http://PayPal.me/jennacaf"

    Asking because asking is the only way people know? That makes zero sense. And duh! It's more like she's asking because that's all she knows how to do. Also:

    -Asking cuz she's too lazy to get a job, work hard
    -Asking because she has no shame, manners, nor class
    -Asking when she'd rather be demanding people donate to her PayPal

    And with her manipulative emphasis on *want to* she's trying to subliminally put those words into the reader's brain in the hopes that "wanting to" will manifest into an actual donation.

    And this: "throw in towards twelve years of writing about small farms and following a dream"

    You can piss right off with that, Jenna. It's more like "a half a dozen years writing about dead animals and burned bridges" and "a half dozen years writing about the mortgage" -- And that's pretty much it.

    1. JFW makes me want to "throw up" in disgust rather than "throw in" money to fuel her lazy lifestyle.


  46. Hi, guys! I haven't been able to see any comments here or comment myself for about two months. Hope everyone is doing well! Come to find out, my browser somehow helped itself to an app that made all comments (on every platform, YouTube, etc., not just here) disappear. Thanks Chrome!

    Anywho, so glad to be back. I have catching up to do reading the latest here.

    Oh! My "teenage" chickens are now laying eggs. Such cute little pullet eggs: dk. brown, lt. brown, olive green and sky blue! And I have ducks again! I can now live up to my name. :-)


    1. Hi DM. (Waves, smiles and clinks coffee cup.) It's good to "see" you again. Nothing new ever changes at her shit-show, but it keep us snarking here. I was going to greet you earlier, but got immersed in leaving comments.


    2. Hey Duckmama! Happy to see you you fixed the issue. Chrome sux. And thanks for the birdie update...they sound lovely. :D

  47. WHAT. A. WARRIOR. WOMAN. The brave, bold badass JFW has once again, triumphed over adversity, and done mission impossible - SHE'S PAID HER MONTHLY MORTGAGE. Of course, it was way late, and she's still behind for August. But the FFF has prevailed by daily begging online for a living, and struggling to survive by bilking money out of foolish followers.


  48. Twit Shit:

    "25 more bales just purchased and delivered. Up in the barn for winter. I know these are small numbers but it's what I can afford at a time and it all adds up to full winter bellies."

    This humble-bragging "bellies" bullshit is a not-so-subtle message to her foolish followers. "PayPal me, bitches."


    "GOOD MORNING FROM COLD ANTLER FARM! I know it is almost noon but some days I get to twitter later than others! Good afternoon to you over the water as well! Building a hawk trap today, or at least starting it. Trapping season is days away!"

    More time to waste trapping another innocent bird victim. It's just to appear like a feral farmer when she's nothing more than a hipster hobbyist.



    "Christ, every single month it's like finishing a marathon when you're a dirt farmer slingin' soap and luck!

    Baking an apple cake and kissing my girl to celebrate!"

    Her hyperbolic capitalization is obnoxious, and also elongating those stupid vowels like she's a teenager. Funny how "my girl" has no name now. She another possession to be used for "Woke Wog."


    1. Would be faster to pay for the mortgage if she weren't paying for barnyard pets. She's not running a farm, there is no business there, and the future hawk prisoner is just future click-bait.

    2. Not that I believe, anymore, that the mortgage is ever paid late. As noted above, she'd be spiraling out of control with late fees, and paying the mortgage chronically late will trigger the eventual foreclosure process. That hasn't happened in 10 years of perpetual delinquency, because the mortgage never really is late.

      FFF, just like most of us, pays for her roof before she pays for anything else - because when it comes right down to it, it's better to be hungry and have a roof.

      Not that I think she ever goes hungry, either.

  49. *facepalm*

    ATROCIOUS logos here. Did Maroni Design Lab actually PAY for that shit???

    Clip art + bad, free fonts + 8 week (cough 16 week cough) lead time = YOUR CAF LOGO!

    1. Maroni is not actually using the logo anywhere on their website. Same font though, low case.

      Helton Homestead isn't using it either - they have a different logo on their FB page & etsy store.

      I couldn't find the other two businesses.

    2. As a former graphic designer, I can assure you each of those logos took no more than 10 minutes. And I'm sure she hasn't paid for the rights to the clipart she used to make these. She's very lucky that their original artists haven't gone after businesses using their designs without paying for them. She's a thief.

    3. I am not a graphic designer, but I have done most of my own graphic design since I learned about Canva, and learned some basic photoshop. All of those logos I could do myself in 10 minutes. With no formal education. They look like they came off of Fiverr, but I'm sure people paid $50 - $150 for them.

  50. Because I'm curious, I'm googling the businesses in these logos:


    Comox Valley Electric is using a different logo now. I was expecting them to be using the orca with the tail plug, because that's at least an original design.

    Nothing comes up when I google the other businesses.

    1. I doubt Comox Valley ever used that logo as it doesn't make any sense. An Orca with an electrical plug for a tail? Hasn't anyone taught her that water and electricity are a bad combo?

  51. Twitter: "Just in from checking on the animals before bed and saw a big pair of green eyes in the woods beyond the barn. My Fight or Flight kicked in and I ran towards it shaking my shepherds crook yelling "WHAT IS YOU!?" and hitting brush and a very confused deer or coyote ambled off."

    More lies.

    1. You can't see the colour of reflective eyes at night. Maybe it's the bad writing and "green eyes" was supposed to be "glowing" or "reflective" eyes.

    2. Deer and coyotes look *completely different* at night, even in pitch black. You're not going to confuse the two, even if all you can see is their eyes. Deer have eyes on the side of their head, and like a horse, peer at you with one or the other when startled. Coyotes, like most predators, have front-facing eyes, and are considerably smaller and shorter than a deer! The height and movement of the eyes would indicate which animal it was!

    I lived in a remote, rural area with cougars, deer, wolves, and other nocturnal woodland creatures. My friend did once say to me, "Oh look a kitty - no wait, it's a deer!" when she saw a cougar - it was her brain mixing signals because she had never seen a cougar in the wild before.

    But having seen cougar, deer, and wolves at night, there is no way I'd mistake any of them for the other, even if I just saw their eyes (while driving at night, that's often all you see until they're right in front of the vehicle.)

    Why would she lie about this? More yarn spinning to evoke the image of a lone woman fending for herself. "What is you!?" Yet again, her attempt at colloquial, farmer speech.

    If I roll my eyes any further I'm going to whack the back of my dead on the drywall.

    1. I could believe confusing a raccoon and a skunk in the pitch dark... until you got too close.

    2. Agreed. Total BS story. She fearlessly ran towards an unknown creature in the dark? Sure she did. And then everybody clapped.

      "What is you?" -- Sounds like alcohol was involved. And if that's the case, then I would believe her "fight or flight" story, as people do stupid shit whilst drink.

  52. The Twit:
    "Can we please stop seeing people constantly promoting their work as something selfish, a callous way to take your money?

    I'm promoting here because THIS is my farmer's market. It's how I get to live here, stay here, feed my flock. Feed myself."

    Or, mute me 'til I'm rich.

    Gee Jenna, maybe people are sick of seeing you post the same old tweets over and over again. At least you're admitting that you do "take money" with no intention of ever delivering a decent logo or whatever crap they asked for.

    1. I think people just ignore her promotions now. They might get a few retweets from people who are also constantly promoting / asking for donations.

      She likes to pretend people are sending her nice letters, or sending her hate mail (never any evidence!) to garner sympathy and engagement on the internet.

      Her complaints of oppression or being misunderstood always get more engagement than her sales tweets, which is a way to sneak into others' feeds thanks to the new algorithms that boost posts with more engagement.

      She is not reliant on internet sales / donations. If she were, we'd see an actual business happening.

    2. I read most all of the Twitter comments she receives and have rarely seen her foollowers say anything to her about the constant spamming. So she must be talking about us. And so NO, Pig Shocker, we won't stop exposing your greedy and shameless attempts to take hard-working folk's money for your own. Line your own pockets via a JOB.

      BTW, someone did reply to her tweet: "Exactly. I’m don’t know any farmers who either terribly indebted for equipment or who don’t have another source of income."

      Lol, that's exactly the Pig Shocker's problem: Twitter is her ONLY source of income. She doesn't do anything else.

  53. I read something in her latest bleg post (The First Tired Light) that may shed light on how her mortgage scam really works. Read these three quotes carefully:

    "I was able to pay the July mortgage and right now, as I type, the month I am earning towards paying for is the month I am living in right now!"

    "To not be trying to catch up and pay for the past while worried about making the future?"

    "I am halfway there and making it while earning this month's house payment."

    Did she slip up there? First she says she's "earning up" for the month she's in right now...which is August. Then she says she's relieved about not playing catch up for July while not having to worry about the future -- which is September, as August is the present month. Then she goes back to saying she's earning this month's payment. But again, August is not the future. It's now.

    So perhaps she's never behind like other's here have suspected. And that her mortgage begging is always for the next month, not the current one she's in, nor the past month. This would make a lot of sense, being that never mentions late fees. And also how she's able to stay there while chronically behind a month or two behind.

    Unless I read those quotes wrong, it sounds like she's begging for September's payment in August.

  54. Lol, the Woke Wog tweeted and then re-tweeted this two more times today:

    "Offering 3 people today this deal: Get a full color custom pet portrait (up 2 three pets in it!), 4 random bars of soap, and a few packets of seeds and a handwritten thank you note from the farm for $100. If I sell two of these I make today's income goal and stay on track! DM!"

    I guess no one was interested cuz then she tweeted: "Having a rough day so I made myself a little pizza." *sad trombone* Having a rough day = PayPal me.

    And what's with her having "income goals" each and every day? Can you imagine how horrible it must be to rely on internet strangers for your income? And how your untenable lifestyle is only possible by getting people feel bad for you and make donations or pity purchases?

    1. "Income goals" are so meaningless too. It's like making a wish, or doing a vision board, and yet not changing anything you're actually doing.

      Are the readers supposed to care whether or not she makes an "income goal"?

      Basically she's taking her $1000 mortgage payment, dividing it by the number of week days she has left in the month, adding a few hundred bucks, and calling that her "daily income goal".

      She has such piss-poor marketing, I'm sorry, but posting the shit she does on twitter does not an audience build. Her blog posts are nothing about farming - nothing much for years. No photos of animals due to the criticism her poor husbandry invites, no talk of breeds, what she's learning, how the farm is progressing.

      Why on earth anyone gives a shit about her "income goals" is beyond me. The fact she sells anything at all is astonishing, but there is no way she's making her mortgage or her obtuse income goals with small and unpredictable arts n craft sales.

    2. Is it just me, or is her grammar and punctuation getting even WORSE? Is this a grade six level of writing now?

      On top of the tortured similes and the over-exaggerated emotion, the lack of needed punctuation, and the many, many grammar errors makes it difficult to even understand what she is *trying* to say - which, I gather, is this:

      The fading light, both beautiful and TERRIFYING!!!!!!! Run for the hills, the days are gettin' shorter! We shall be wedged betwixt winter's ass cheeks afore the lion's roar of March!

      Fall is a-farting! Paypal now!


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