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June 22, 2024
Autumn is coming in at full force.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Hot here, and for next several days. Our fearful fake farmer shared that she started feeding hay where the pasture was bare... news flash: the grass bolts in June. From July on, it slows down. So, this means her grass will not last, and will be eaten to the root. Again. She dies not have enough decent space for her animals given her lack of stewardship of the land.
ReplyDeleteThis video about narcissists sounds as if it is specifically about Pig Shocker. Towards the end when she talks about narcissists preying on people with high levels of empathy, who feel the need to rescue others, it totally describes PS's relationship with PP:
The Faux Feral Farmer has crossed over into Lezwolfmemes on Instagram, directing readers to her other account. Enjoy!
ReplyDelete"Wanted to let you all know this account isn't my main, and between the pandemic, protests, politics and running a farm here in upstate NY I haven't been very active, but that silence has nothing to do with a lack of solidarity with BLM , lazy apathy, or lack of education or effort fixing the shit puddle that is America right now.
I'm over @coldantlerjenna if you want to follow that feed for attempts at online activism, horses, hawks, and hiking..."
Quite the community activist 😂😂😂😂😂😂. PayPal her, it means so much!
Online activism?
Someone should tell her that online activism doesn't mean actively stuffing her face while online. She can't even get off of her ass to pay her own bills, let alone fight for the rights of other people. What a crazy heifer!
Did you see the latest, with the "reduced" prices on her soap? I wouldn't pay that much for hand made, hard milled French soap with attar of roses picked at dawn in Grasse. And "that" is supposed to pay her June mortgage??!!?? (which hasn't been paid yet.) And she absolutely CANNOT let June end with no mortgage payment. That isn't an option? What sane, mature adult would think, "I can't pay my mortgage. I need to sell more soap." How damn plucky of her. I was late starting my gardening this year (Covid lay lows and cold weather) and am still at it in the heat in terms of rebuilding eroded areas with soil and adding in plants for flowers and landscaping. Today I was out in the heat, despite starting early, and I often go back out in the last part of the day. Point being, I'm a lot older than FF and I have to pace myself, but I am still out laboring on a day to day basis, including my other responsibilities including running four at home businesses, daily trips to the post office, having to pay for shipping supplies, etc. And following pandemic guidelines and writing real letters to friends and helping two of my cousins add pictures to their family tree work...and I could go on...and on. I don't even know where she gets the time to go horseback riding or running or any of her fun things to do, let alone pay for a horse and the other animals. Do you really believe she gets up at dawn (knowing her history) and takes care of all of this? I read the feeding hay comment above me. Me being late getting in annual flowers is one thing. But late planting your hay? What on earth is her excuse, because ultimately it all adds up to the old refrain "Get a job." This whole "my mortgage is due thing" has got to be the longest running scam on the books for her. I rarely write anymore. What's there to say? I check in for the freak show value, waiting for the fickle finger of fate to slam her hard one day. You can only pull on the heartstrings with her liar, liar pants on fire scams for so long. At the very least, old age and subsequent illnesses will catch up with her. Yet, she has a responsible sister. So something went right in that family.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Anon 4:59 I have a similar "watch the circus" approach to FFF.
DeleteI doubt we'll ever see the scams end and her actually have to deal with real world consequences because her story is that she *has to* have a secret steady source of income.
Otherwise, we would have seen those natural consequences spin out when she claimed her mortgage was "sold" shortly after Covid hit.
According to the years of yarns she has spun about her mortgage, she would've lost that house years ago, and I thought, maybe, just maybe, she had been telling the truth when she said the mortgage had been "sold" and needed to be caught up immediately.
So the tale goes, she secured a loan to catch up the remainder of the delinquent mortgage... which is yet another bill to pay on top of a lifestyle she apparently can't afford in the first place.
Then she got a goat kid, and three sheep.
It's all such fucking bullshit. It seems her only effort to make money is to post on twitter. That alone is evidence she is on some sort of dole.
No website, not even a subscription service. Just a "donation" paypal link, to keep the paper trail nice and tax-free! She'd be in deep IRS do-do if she were actually living off of thousands of dollars in "donations" and had no source of taxable income.
LOL, just re-read my above post. Sorry for the poor structure, I was distracted a few times. I swear, I am literate!
DeleteWoe: I always worry about my posts, but when you are typing, enraged, just thinking about the length of time this crappage has been going on, it's bound to alter our commas.
DeleteAnon 6:41 - TRUTH!
DeleteI'm confused, as I thought that mortgage payments are to be made in advance of the upcoming month. So does this mean that she's behind already? May was paid, but June 1st she didn't make that payment yet?
DeleteI was thinking that too, but I don't think it matters as I don't believe she is ever behind on the mortgage, hence why she is always general and vague about the payment times, dates, what is owing etc.
DeleteIronic how she says, essentially, if she has to think about money, her audience has to read about it, yet she's never provides specifics or proof. Just vague doom and gloom.
The latest bleg post is yet another bucket of putrid shit from Pig Shocker.
ReplyDeletePig Brick? Brekky? Eating eggs with chopsticks (what a REBEL!)? A body that has no problem running six miles in the heat (her body couldn't run 6 ft)? The place was never without care? I'm not out of the woods?
Every task or "chore" that she claims to perform is something completely unnecessary. That dumbass doesn't have to have livestock or bills she cannot pay. It is all by "choice." Just like it's a choice to sit on her fat ass all the live long day and beg for a living.
There is no struggle. It is all created by her and her insane choices. Every stinking bit of it.
I completely agree
DeleteyEs, I'D LiKe a 5K pLEaSe, wiTH aN eXtRA hELpiNG oF hUmiDitY!!!
DeleteI read the blog and had to laugh. She is such a rebel. She eats eggs with chopsticks and hot sauce whoooo hoooooo. I don't even like chop sticks to eat Asian food but not our girl. And she is in love. Oh and I think that the girlfriend is a rebel also from the way she is talking. So we just may get double begging if we are lucky. Now if you will excuse me I shall go running 60 miles in 90 degree weather as I love to sweat and for it to be humid and it settles my brain. gag. give me a break.
ReplyDeleteWhat struck me about that post is that because she has so little farm work in which to write about, she's forced to aggrandize the simple task of making eggs 'n bacon.
DeleteInstead, she managed to turn it into an entire paragraph detailing the process of her artery clogging adventure. And in such a unique way too! Chop sticks...what a clever girl!!
Pig Shocker using chop sticks must look as graceful as a buffalo using them.
DeleteIt's quite easy to see by looking at her that she eats without any utensils out of a bowl on the floor.
Still talking about her f'ing mortgage:
ReplyDeleteI'm not out of the woods. There is still that forever anxiety of making the bills. I know I write about money a lot, it's because it's the thing I worry about the most. I have my home. I have my health (so far). Figuring out how to make a living every month is the low-grade panic I still have. But it's the kind of panic that helps more than it hinders. It makes every morning a mission, every day a set of goals to make to keep the farm moving forward and feeding people. Sometimes people write me and tell me not to talk about money. That people don't want to hear about it. Well, until I don't have to worry about it you're gonna hear about it. Best you find another farm blog, as there are thousands. This one is about just making it and being grateful as hell I did. And that gratitude makes the reins on my pony feel "Grateful as hell"....you are full of shit.
"Well, until I don't have to worry about it you're gonna hear about it."
DeleteNot sure I've ever seen a more obnoxious and slap-worthy statement...
She sounds like a spoiled brat whining to mommy.
DeleteNo one cares. She could rot in a cardboard box in a gutter and no one would give a single, solitary shit.
BUT she has the animals and people feel bad for them having to rely on an inept monster for their survival.
The animals are the only reason she has managed to scam for a living for so long.
Which is why she keeps acquiring more and more.
I think we should keep track of how many times she uses the key words in her life "luck", "mortgage", "I".
ReplyDeleteYou just gave me an idea: Over on reddit, I've been following the Vallow/Daybell subreddit and the clever users there have been making "word clouds" out of several people's statements. And it's very revealing to see how people think. Here's the link:
There's no direct link on which sites were used to make that word cloud, but in the comments there were several free sites mentioned: GIMP, Tableau Public, WordClouds, Wordart (the last two are dot coms).
But I don't know how to do it, and am short on time as of late. But I bet mortgage would be the largest word, lol.
Woe was woke. What a joke.
ReplyDeleteOn one of the Pig Shocker's latest tweets, in which she begs people to bulk-buy her soaps, a user named "bunella" left the following comment:
ReplyDelete"Do I have to send the money first?? You know why."
What a curious thing to say. "You know why" ??? Wonder what that means?
Sounds like Pig Shocker has scammed her before.
DeleteEVERYONE on Twitter: "Wear a mask!" & "Black Lives Matter!"
ReplyDeleteJENNA on Twitter: "Still working to make this month's mortgage...10 days to make this month's mortgage...I am still trying to make this month's mortgage...Still halfway to the mortgage this month...Please spread the word! I don't want to fall behind again."
So much for her promise to use her voice and platform to bring attention to social inequality and the BLM movement.
Oh, but wait...she DID say this:
Delete"The black soaps are activated charcoal."
I'm surprised she didn't tweet Black Soaps Matter. What a missed opportunity to use a hot topic to beg for sales like she usually does.
oh how I am loving Black Soaps Matter!!! Good one Anon 7.
DeleteHa! She will totally steal that slogan like she steals everything else. She doesn't have a creative bone in her body to come up with her own clever sayings.
DeleteFFF is having nightmares. Mortgage only half "saved" and just a few days of the month to go.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think? Will she say she made it in the nick of time, or will she say she's starting July behind on the mortgage again?
She should rename her blog -> Fake Mortgage Scam
She's a bit too proud of that "girl fiery like whiskey" line. I wonder how long until girlfriend sees through FFF's loosely spun yarn? Lots of holes, there. Easy to see though. Can I torture this metaphor anymore? Or should I ask FFF for a simile?
I've been seeing the meme, "Karen", a lot lately. It is loosely defined as a white woman perceived to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary.
ReplyDeleteIt occurred to me that Jenna is a "Karen". She is entitled to live this life that no one understands and dammit, you have to pay for it! She is too special for some ordinary 9 to 5 job and that's what you people are for. You who have benefits and direct deposit accounts are somehow resposible for filling Jenna's coffers.
And if you don't like her writing about money, well too bad. Because until she gets lucky enough not to have to beg every month, you are going to hear about it, ad nauseum.
Your observation was spot-on. JFW has the "Karen Complex." She reeks (literally, aside from bad body odor) of self-entitlement and white privilege.
Deletebesides the usual blog drivel I laughed out loud at her "diced basil". Definition: Diced - (of food) cut into small cubes.
ReplyDeleteWhat, doesn't everyone cube their fresh herbs?
Gotta go, I need to julienne the lettuce.
What did you expect, Woe? Chiffonade? Now's she's picking strawberries and making jam. How about making your mortgage payment on time and stop living your fantasy life? Get real FF.
Deletegoing to *someone else's farm* to pick strawberries, lol.
DeleteWhat do you think the CAF season's produce haul will be? A potato?
oh, ffs, she doesn't remember to water her garden, causing some blossoms to wither? Isn't watering just BASIC farming? For someone who based their whole online persona on their "farm" wouldn't you think WATERING THE GARDEN would be a priority activity?
ReplyDeleteI had my garden set up with soaker hoses on a timer. Problem solved. Saavy gardeners set up a passive drip system off of rainwater collection barrels. It is not expensive. All you have to do is weed.
And firewood. EYEROLL. Girl. Get your ass a job and buy your own damn firewood. Don't you have a fallen tree on the property? Aren't you ready to chainsaw that thing up?
I can't help but attempt CAF math again. The pigs, at most, bring in a few thousand a year. I doubt they bring in more than $2K, so let's call that a month's salary.
If soap and logos are her only other money-making activities, why the hell is she indulging in all these other non-productive pet animals that require care, feeding, vetting etc., when she claims to be constantly worried about mortgage payments and firewood?
When the actions don't make sense, that means we don't have all of the information. What motivations are indicated by her actions? She's hiding the truth, she's lying about her income.
I don't know why mystery girlfriend would want to hitch her wagon to someone who constantly talks about being on the verge of financial disaster and homelessness.
ReplyDeleteI think FFF thinks she has a cool story, based upon her writing, her reddit post, her attempts to sell her story as a success or inspiration.
Thing is, she isn't actually an inspiration. Who would want to live the way she writes about living - in constant anxiety and fear of the wolves at her door? She can't get her own narrative straight.
So it's funny, that she's trying to recapture the "potential" angle of her story, with the "falling in love" subplot.
I really hope mystery girlfriend does her due diligence before getting too involved with FFF. You know that FFF is not at all skilled in compromise, or sucking it up to do the necessary adulting you need to do in a relationship to take care of each other.
I've been in a relationship with a mooch. It's tiresome. 0/10 do not recommend.
she doesn't even know what day it is she thinks she has 2 days left to make her mortgage payment but it is the 29th and the month ends on the 30th not the 31st. What a dumb ass.
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand her bringing in more animals (sheep and goat) when she isn't sure she can keep the place. Why would anyone want to imitate her?
This whole countdown to the end of the month bullshit has always been suspect. If the mortgage is "due" on the first of each month, that means the cheque needs to be in the bank's hot little paws on or before the first. So is she saying she's going to bounce her mortgage cheque?
DeleteIt has always sounded like she's going to mail in the cheque once she has the funds in the bank, so if that's the case, the payment is definitely going to be late if you're only mailing the cheque on the first.
Talking about writing a mortgage cheque is giving me whiplash - why wouldn't you have your lender automatically withdraw such an important payment? Mortgage isn't rent, you don't drop a cheque in the rental office on the first of the month, you have to get that payment to your lender, that might not even be in your town.
Pig Shocker is an obese narcissistic sociopath who whines on the internet for someone to take care of her. Since no one gives a shit, she has to lie and scam online for money to pay her living expenses. She refuses to work because she is a lazy pos.
ReplyDeleteThat's not even mentioning her lazy eye, bald spots, complete lack of any sort of fashion sense, total absence of hygiene, deviant animal abuse and crazy Charles Manson stare.
Is it any wonder at all why she has to lie about having a girlfriend? Why no one wants to have any sort of relationship with her or be associated with her in any way on social media?
Not that the girlfriend exists, but IF she did, apparently Pig Shocker is perfectly fine with being in a relationship with someone who wants to remain completely anonymous and not let anyone know about Pig Shocker. Who would be fine with that? Only someone who is as pathetic and desperate as Pig Shocker, that's who.
I completely expect her to go full blown Annie Wilkes any day now and take her stalking up another level to hobbling.
She has posted an instagram picture of her girlfriend holding a pig! She's pretty cute! She looks pretty young, though, so that might explain why the mortgage-posting red flag doesn't seem to be deterring her.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that was my thought seeing the photo too. Having said that, my wife looks like she's in her 20s and she's 45, older than I am, so who knows?
DeleteI can see how the lifestyle would look appealing in your late 20s early 30s, especially when it's FFF selling it... before you get your bullshit goggles and hold your partners to a higher standard. Gotta live and learn. 🤷
I have to admit, in my mid-twenties, shortly after I came out, I would probably have fallen for someone who presents themselves the way FFF would, and I would have been very likely to dismiss this blog as "trolls" especially if I saw the remarks about FFF's appearance. I would have wanted to believe the story, and hell yes, I would have loved to go visit, ride horses, garden, hold pigs, admire someone who said they'd been living that life for 10 years. Sure.
I really hope mystery girlfriend doesn't move in with FFF. Mystery girlfriend would end up taking all of the responsibility for running the place and would get none of the benefit of having the name on the property title. Don't fall for it, MG!
Don't do too much labour for free! Don't give up your own job or independence, you're going to need a safe exit strategy at some point!
I think she has convinced someone to pose for some photos. The person probably has no idea what sort of monster PS is and probably felt sorry for her.
DeleteSomeone that age would be blasting a relationship all over social media and anything regarding their "relationship" is all one side and only discussed or posted by Pig Shocker.
She has created a life of lies. I'm surprised she hasn't done this sooner.
Unless the "girlfriend" has a head injury or is legally blind, I call total bullshit. More lies from a compulsive liar.
Anyone who sees allegations of Pig Shocker's animal abuse and scamming OVER and OVER for YEARS and dismisses it because there are also comments about how ugly she is needs their head examined.
DeleteThe Pig Shocker just threatened to pull her support for Patreon artists if her Twitter foollowers don't cough up enough money for her June mortgage:
ReplyDelete"Last day to make the mortgage for June! A ways to go, but hopeful! If you want to support the farm, please do! If you don't - I understand completely. I may have to cancel Patreon support for other artists too, as right now things are tight as hell. But RT if you can!"
Wow. So she's basically saying that if you don't help her "earn up" free money to support HER loser lifestyle, she'll stop giving money to legitimate artists. (As if she ever donated to them.)
Wow again. If she truly supported Patreon people, don't ya think that just once she would have provided a link to their accounts so that others could help as well? But no, she's making a threat to stop supporting people that she doesn't even support. I can't believe she has sunk so low in her attempts for mortgage money donations.
Also note that she said "other" Patreon artists "too" -- Does that mean she has a Patreon account that we don't know about? An account that no one has been giving money to? Why else would she say "too"?? But do pay mind to her mortgage battle cry: "Give to ME or Patreon gets it."
Here's the tweet in case she deletes it (which she should):
She's saying that to get the patreon artists - who have actual patrons donating to them so maybe that audience will donate to her too - to retweet her plea for donations, trying to tug at some strings of solidarity.
DeleteIt also occurred to me recently - she constantly carps on about the mortgage - has she ever once whined about property taxes? You'd think that once a year, there would be an extra-special beg, because not only is the mortgage due, the property taxes are due too!
IF she donates, it's probably not much, but I bet she might donate to a well-known artist with a large audience, so that she could get a follow back and a retweet once in a while. Patreon programs often have a $1/month tier, so whacking down $1/month or $5/month I'm sure isn't going to impact anyone significantly.
DeleteIt does put her $10 one-time donation to BLM into a new context.
Woe is Wog her taxes are probably paid in her mortgage payment each month. When we had a mortgage our taxes (school, property etc.) plus our insurance for the home were all prorated each month in our mortgage payment. Don't give her any idea now she will probably start begging for taxes (even though they are paid through mortgage payment) as an extra incentive for her begging. Hoping her and the girlfriend don't want to have kids or she will expect everyone to pay for her IVF to boot.
DeleteHmmm. It's interesting how differently things work in the US than here in Canada. Here, property taxes are payable to the municipality on an annual basis. It's that way all over the country.
DeleteInsurance you're responsible for getting and paying yourself, separate from the mortgage, unless you had less than 20% down at the time of purchase, in which case you *must* buy the government insurance because people who have less money are more likely to default.
Interesting that in NY it's all wrapped together. That would make adulting a bit easier for some folks.
so, people just never lose their house to the municipality for unpaid property taxes? I guess not unless the mortgage is completely paid off.
DeleteI'm pretty sure even here in Canada many people get their taxes attached to their mortgage and the bank sends that money to the Town/City. I know it was mentioned in our town, when Covid first hit and people were out of work and unable to pay some bills, that unpaid property tax was not going to hit the town hard because in many cases much of it had been paid monthly already.
DeleteAnd I'll add how I HATE that my name has come to mean a certain type of white woman, which I am not.
Often in the US taxes are rolled into a mortgage, but not always. I had to have a tax escrow amount monthly with the mortgage when I first bought my home, but when I re-financed it, I was able to drop that and I just pay those taxes on my own. And yes you can have a tax lien put on your house that could result in losing your house if you don't pay the taxes.
DeleteAnon in GA
When I had a mortgage, my taxes were rolled into it. It was just easier for me. What's in it for the bank? They get to invest the money as it is only due to the town in July and December. Add up all the people doing that and it is well worth the administrative cost of paying the taxes to the towns/cities twice a year. Now that my mortgage is paid, I save up the tax money and pay it myself.
DeleteThank you all for the information. I will ask my mortgage broker about it. I did get a 50% rebate on my property taxes this year because it's my only home, and I live in it. Seniors get nearly a 75% rebate on property taxes where I live. I wonder if these rebates have anything to do with the taxes being billed separately? Or maybe it's just how my mortgage was set up? I wasn't given an option to have them rolled into my monthly payment, or I would have opted for it.
DeleteMy current home is my first home (after nearly 20 years of paying rent and saving for a down payment in a market that just seemed to keep being heartrendingly out of reach) so my experience is limited.
Woe is Wog ..From the BC Government website.....When you sign your mortgage agreement, you can arrange for your annual property taxes to be paid on your behalf. When your mortgage company pays your taxes for you, you are still responsible for:
DeleteApplying for the home owner grant online or by mail, and
Any penalties that result from payment errors made by your mortgage company
Woe is Wog: I live in Ontario, Canada and our taxes are all rolled into our mortgage. Likewise the mortgage insurance. I worked for a real estate lawyer, and then for the Township office that collects property taxes, and MOST mortgages are set up this way. Once the mortgage is paid, then the tax bill comes separately. People could "lose their house" for unpaid taxes, if they fall behind on mortgage payments for long enough that the bank drops them; any default in property tax payments would be added to their tax account and eventually, become a tax sale option. Being the first Chargee on the Transfer (Deed) the bank would have first claim to the property, and I've seen the bank listed as the Seller in these transactions.
ReplyDeleteReally? I'm out in BC and we all have to pay property taxes directly to the municipality. It was this way in the previous community I lived in as well. People would talk about needing to get their property tax in.
DeleteBut we also have weird things like, until recently, BC's version of OHIP (MSP) used to be based on the previous year's income and billed annually. People could fall behind in that, and have it ruin their credit, which is ridiculous because people's income can drop with a job change or a move etc. I was born & raised in northern Ontario, and I recall the additional payroll deduction for healthcare back in the early 2000s.
British Columbia seems to have a history of resisting service fee integration, I guess?
Thanks for the input.
She posted another picture of the gf. The caption included "She looks like she was born to farm," which seems like a funny thing to say since apparently the gf's family has a farm and the gf is obviously having a major influence on the farming practices at CAF (cleaning out chicken coop, growing and weeding the garden). Sounds like Wog is trying to come off as the more experienced farmer, but maybe the opposite is actually true.
ReplyDeleteSounds like gf does most of the farmwork while Jenna sits on her fat ass and begs online. Wow what a deal Jenna is getting.
DeleteMassive enablers, the Pember Pattys, repaired the CAF chicken coop. DAF GF too. No one wearing masks. No work apparently done by FFF. What a shock. Not.
DeleteIf Mystery GF improves the quality of care for the animals at CAF, hurrah hurrah. I don't care who does the animal husbandry, so long as it's done and done well.
DeleteMaybe Mystery GF will convince Jenna to get a damn job to improve her self-sufficiency.
If animal care improves, that will be much appreciated by the animals.
DeleteMaybe Mystery GF will write a book: "My Year of Living With A Fake Feral Farmer".
She must be getting those pesky emails asking where their shit is....
ReplyDelete"Afternoon friends and customers! The farm has lost internet service for a few days until a technician can come out Friday afternoon, so please understand the delay getting back to requests and emails!"
Yea right, another tactic to put off working on orders.
HOW is she on twitter posting about no internet, when she doesn't have internet?
DeletePhone data?
I hear that works for emails too.
Remember a while back she posted about a delay in being able to get "ingredients" for her soap (aka the melt n pour off amazon) due to covid? I'll bet she hasn't done those orders yet.
DeleteThree months behind? More?
How did she pay for new pigs when she can't pay her mortgage. If it got paid, where did the money come from? How will she feed the pigs? What is her future plan with the pigs? Bacon? Not that it's any of my business, but I hope to God some younger girlfriend isn't funding this mess.
ReplyDeleteIn latest blog, it sounds like new gf is working her ass off on the farm. Probably scrubbing, scraping, hosing down the whole festering place. I bet she didnt realize the work she'd have to do while hitching her wagon to this lazy ass bitch. Sweet deal for Jenna though.
ReplyDeleteOf course the late mortgage is mentioned. Couldnt pay Junes for some reason yet plenty of time for swimming and horsey rides. I dont know about you but missing a mortgage payment is not an option. Girl be lying again. All bullshit and lies about owing the bank. Income is coming from somewhere.
Hahaha! So the Faux Feral Farmer found someone to do her work, someone who is repairing, painting, weeding, gardening...someone who's increasing the value of the property FFF let slide into squalor.
ReplyDeleteAs LAF J wrote in her bleg: "And for the first time in years places are being dusted and painted and revived thanks to love and time and someone here who believes in me and this farm. I'm a very happy woman..."
Awww. Wouldn't it be interesting if the apparently unemployed MGF is a bigger con artist than FFF and is improving the property in expectation that it Will become hers???
Now THERE'S a plot for a book.