Happy June

Same stupid "farm".  Month after month, year after year.


  1. "Luckless Slinger"June 4, 2020 at 11:45 AM

    "Guys," what will "Woke Wog" do next?! Maybe she'll attempt a faux farm version of Rachel Dolezal, and fake having black genes.

    1. Heh... Rachel lived in my nearby city. She was a disgrace and embarrassment, and obviously mentally ill.


    2. Whatever it is, expect it to be self-serving, greedy and tone-deaf.

      She reminds me of the people who tried to capitalize on 9/11.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"June 4, 2020 at 2:36 PM

      DM. I could see JFW doing something similar.
      PDD. She tries to "capitalize" on any topic or trend that'll bring her more donations from PayPal poodles and dumb enablers.

    4. Good point, PDD. Like the tone deaf and tasteless commercial by a mattress company who parodied 9/11 to boost sales. They stacked up and knocked down two mattress towers to drum up business:


      Sometimes, I just don't get people.

  2. I can't believe that she was planning on another stimulus check so she could pay her mortgage! Like she didn't have a back up plan and did she think this country can afford to do this forever instead of being grateful for the one we all got?

    1. For JFW the stimulus checks are just another form of more free handouts for doing nothing.

    2. The only "back up" plan Jenna has is her shoving her back up against the front door to keep the wolves away while she desperately pleads for online strangers to save her via PayPal.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Farmermeg on Instagram (also located at farmermegs.com) is a woman-owned (real!!) farmer in upstate NY. She's posting names of recommended black-owned businesses and creatives who can use more support. Be the change you want to see and check it out.

    (Deleted first post because of auto-correct incorrectly modified her web address, grrr.)

    1. "Be the change you want to see." Great words. And thank you for more proof that the Pig Shocker is just virtue signaling.

      Yesterday, the subreddit for Los Angeles had someone asking for recommendations of Black businesses to support. And that person is a true someone trying to help. Good to know kindness and true help is happening in your area too.

  5. So, in the June 1st bleg post the Pig Shocker wrote this:

    "I will still be running my one-woman business and hoping to have luck there just staying safe. But not without bringing attention to resources and voices more needed than my own."

    Meaning, she's still going to beg for sales 'n donations cuz she's in the red, but also PROMISES that she'll tweet about the current social inequality crisis and share resources. Lucky us! But since then, she's made 5 tweets about the shit she has for sale but only TWO tweets that bring attention to resources and voices.

    The rest of the tweets are stupid personal anecdotes and re-tweets of stuff that other people have said...which didn't take any time or effort on her part other than clicking the re-tweet button. That 5/2 ration is abysmal. No original content from her...just the re-tweets of others to make it look like she cares.

    1. Oh, and you can pretty much double that 5 tweets count cuz she deleted the sales begs from June 2nd. So it's more of a 10/2 ratio.

  6. She is not fucking behind on that mortgage. Lies, lies, lies.

    The tone of her begging has not changed one bit, when if her posts had been true, her situation would be rapidly deteriorating.

    Sales, if it were true she depended upon them, would be crashing.

    That magical mystery loan secured to catch up the mortgage would have a payment due.

    It is truly pathetic to see how obvious the lies are when you pay attention for a few months.

    Her mortgage is not behind, it never was. She is not dependent on selling art or soap - she never was. If she were, she'd have a website, remove a few barriers to the sales.

    Art and soap sales are just for fun money. She has a steady income that secures her mortgage and food. Were this not true, she would have lost the property months, or years ago.

    1. Yeah, I'm really starting to lean hard towards this very-likely theory. And great point about how her begging tactics never change. She somehow always seems to "just" make it...right in the knick of time! And as we all know, sometimes things DO happen that way. But it's EVERY time for her...and every month. Year after year!! How convenient for her! She's got so much "luck" on her side!

    2. I think the only reason she makes the occasional soap or art sale is because people impulse buy them out of a sense of "helping" her out. (She markets herself as someone others would enjoy helping.)

      She always *just* makes it because it perpetuates the story and the next round of virtual panhandling.

      But yeah, same lies, year after year.

      And she never tells the real story, how her animals were going to be removed if she hadn't re-homed them.

      I suspect she had an insurance scare with antlerfest. If you're holding an event on your personal property, and someone gets injured and sues you, (because you're doing dumb shit like shopping wood without proper safety precautions) the property insurance (assuming she has any) will *not* cover that.

      Buh-bye farm.

      I've looked into event organization, and have never actually done one because they're legal nightmares and not worth it on a small scale.

      Anything that makes any kind of decent cash is off the table for some reason or another... because she's likely not allowed to make too much additional cash or it would jeopardize whatever scam she's got going that pays her mortgage and grocery bill.

      This specific place in history throws her reality into sharp relief. If she were EVER "right up against it", the "it" would be swallowing her hold right about now.

    3. Good point about her marketing herself as "someone special to help and support"

      UGH. That's sooooo IT with her. Her marketing is not about how amazing her melt-n-pour is...it's about how amazing it will all be if she can pay her mortgage. Nothing else matters.

  7. Hang on - I just saw that tweet about a big tree falling and nearly hitting the barn.

    How the hell does that just happen?

    Was there a storm? Or was the thing rotting away on its' roots?

    A tree should be brought down WAY before it just fucking falls if it's near any building or road.

    Way to fuck up again, FFF. She posts about it as though it's some sort of curve ball the universe threw at her. Girl, you must have walked past that tree twice a day if it was that close to the barn.

    1. The poor tree committed suicide cuz it's base and root structure were undermined from the hundreds of holes she dug around it in order to to bury her poop when the plumbing broke. So that sad tree aimed for the barn as it wanted to put it out of it's misery too. But it fell short of that goal.

  8. She also posted about the lambs dropping their tails a few days ago. Still gross she did that far past the proper time.

    1. "Dropping their tails" is probably her euphemism for dropping dead from Dysentery.

  9. Takeaways from her latest bleg post "Scared of Heights" from June 3rd:

    "Here's a lesson for sheepdogs everywhere: don't climb up into the hayloft if you're afraid of heights! Which was what Friday learned when she came along with me to get hay yesterday at Livingston Brook Farm."

    So she went to get hay from Patty yesterday. Several days ago, in a now-deleted tweet, the PS made a comment to which Patty replied something about expecting PS the next day or so to come over and help unload and stack new hay. And maybe I'm reaching, but if PS were to help out, don't you think Patty would give her free hay to say thanks for helping? Cuz that's how those things usually work. Yet, the PS is always begging for online strangers to "kick in" for hay and other stuff. I dunno, something fishy there.

    Also this: "Then it was time to leave. She [Friday] didn't want to come down!"

    The PS thinks it was all about her dog "facing her fear of heights" -- but more likely, poor dog was dreading having to go back to Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm where receiving food is a crapshoot, especially when the farm is in "the red" as it is right now. She even goes onto say that the scary height was just "a few stacked bales" and thus, I rest my case.

    Aaaaand this: "I am in spring cleaning mode."

    All this entails is her dusting and polishing off her Taylor Swift Shrine and ignoring the rest of the hovel.

    Ooh, but there's more: "Friends gifted me their leftover paint and are teaching me the right way to paint a room, which in my case is the bathroom."

    How does a bathroom get so filthy that you'd have to repaint it? I'd think the kitchen walls or the hawk-chalked living room walls would be a higher priority...especially since she doesn't spend any time in her bathroom. But these oil-based painted bathroom walls that only need soap/elbow grease or at worst, Magic Erase sponges?

    She adds: "It's something I wouldn't have been able to do without the offer of paint"

    So she was ONLY able to do it cuz the paint was FREE?!? Read her words, as it's something she was only able to do cuz it was free. And that's the same attitude she has about paying her mortgage: She's only able to do it cuz of free donation money.

    And this: "Lord knows this place needs a woman's touch."

    Umm...what? She IS a woman. Well, barely, but the point still stands. I don't get her logic here at all. Or wait, is this a hint she's dropping to get her girlfriend to do the hard dirty work for her? For free??

    And just in case you were wondering: "I am still worried about making the month and falling behind."

    And then she goes on to remind her foollowers that she donated $10 to Black Lives Matter. Even though she's in the red. What a hero, her! But now she's even more broke thanks to her selfless generosity...so let's all pull together and kick in some "luck" for this hard working woman!

    Man, I sure hope things get better for her. I'd hate to see July start with her still in the red. I mean, that surely can't happen again, right?

    1. I assumed the bathroom needed to be painted to beat back a mold problem. Perhaps a very bad one... that friends offered to help her with.

      I agree the "woman's touch" think was an invitation for the girlfriend to gussy the place up, or move in... and painting the bathroom might be a precursor to the gf spending more time there.

      That and mold.

    2. Or perhaps...maybe she caught the girlfriend giving the hairy eyeball to filthy bathroom walls and that's what gave birth to the bathroom painting party? This may be a good thing, as once the girlfriend eyeballs the entire house, perhaps the animals and outdoor structures will be addressed next? One can hope.

  10. Twitter Twaddle from a few days ago:

    "It feels bad posting anything for my own farm or business with everything going on right now in America. But if sales don't come in I will have a negative account in a few days or sooner."

    1) "...in America" -- Has she not noticed that the poor treatment and abuse of Black people is a world-wide issue?

    2) Note that she said her account will be "negative" if she doesn't get sales. Does that mean she's a serial bad-check writer? She pays her bills with money she doesn't have whilst hoping that some poor sucker will buy her crap? And I've seen her say this for years, but it's the first time that it occurred to me that you only go negative when you send checks that yer butt cant cash. Sounds like a slip-up to me, which makes two this week. Sounds like she's staring to crack.

    1. I thought the same thing Anon7 to state she is in the red means she is writing bad checks. And who would this be? The baker, banker the candleshop maker? Who sends out bad checks and brags about it? Who did she stiff this time. Doesn't she realize in a small town she is bound to see these people again or NEED these people again. I just don't get it and then brags how she donated money she doesn't have to a cause.

    2. I've often wondered why she would always say something like "fingers crossed waiting for the mortgage payment to clear." Does she think that it wouldn't? When I write a check I KNOW FOR A FACT that I have it covered. I bet she does write bad checks. She is a scammer so she is probably a bad check writer too. Maybe that is why her rep is shit in that town.

    3. I still think FFF has something clinically going on with her. If she is a chronic bad cheque writer, that's not an uncommon problem.

      My wife has multiple times lost track of what automatic payments are coming out when, and has cost herself (*cough* cost us *cough*) hundreds in overdraft fees.

      I am probably a minority here when I say I don't think FFF is 100% malicious. I think it's about 50% legitimate struggles / executive function / clinical reasons for the bad decisions, and 50% low self-esteem because I keep screwing up so fuck it I'll do what I want.

      The lies I think serve the purpose of floating her self-esteem, which is over-inflated, hence why she comes across as smug. It's the insecure folks who come across as know-it-all's, or overly-confident. Over-compensating.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. /amateur psychology for the day

    6. Anon 10:52 - Great observation. I've wondered about that as well. FIngers crossed? Never quite understood what she meant by that either. But bad checks would definitely make the most sense. Surely we've all done that once or twice, whether unintentionally or strategically, but every single month? No excuse for that. Someone needs to get a jobby job with a steady income so she can STFU already.

  11. Hey Shammers - Remember that story on the last thread about that female reporter who created a fake photo-op of herself "helping" the community by pretending to help board up looted businesses? You know, the chick who after posing for two seconds with a drill then handed that tool back to the REAL helper and then jumped back into her car and drove off.

    Just heard today that she was fired as a "reporter" for the Washington Examiner. And oh, her Twitter profile (before she deleted it) claimed that she "only reports the facts" -- yeah, and so did those awesome bystanders who recorded her despicable antics and called her out on her bullshit.

  12. And check this out this link to a reddit post about an MLM (multi-level marketing) salesperson who had the conscience (and decency) to stop peddling their products during the protests:


    Their message reads:

    "PSA: Yes, I'm still running my business.
    Yes, you can still place orders with me.
    Yes, we can still talk products and business.
    I am not posting about it right now.
    Because right now, there are other things way more important to utilize this platform for."

    Jenna Woginrich: I know you read here. And you should take a hint from this person. The MOST important thing for everyone right now is staying healthy and supporting BLM against police abuse. Yet, YOUR top priority is still getting people to pay your mortgage and bills.

    You are one sick sad person. Please. Just. Stop. Begging.

  13. "Luckless Slinger"June 6, 2020 at 5:50 AM

    There's an incident that happened on Twitter over a year ago when I still had an account. (I used to keep track of JFW.) A black business owner specifically tweeted that she wanted a WOC to hire as a graphic designer. She needed a project done. Well, what do you know, the FFF had the chutzpah to respond. She said her usual stupid statement of "I do dope logos!!!" I commented on her tweet, was blocked by JFW, and also sent a DM to the original requester. It showed not only her blatant disrespect, but lack of concern for what the woman wanted.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"June 6, 2020 at 9:34 AM

      I wanted to also add that this incident shows any amount of her fake "woke" crap is just Jenna being disingenuous again. She'll use and appropriate any meaningful movement as a part of her manipulative marketing for more free handouts.

    2. She should be ashamed of herself for trying to get a gig not meant for a white woman. But that's typical of a sociopath who lacks conscience and scruples.

  14. "Luckless Slinger"June 6, 2020 at 5:54 AM

    Twit Shit:

    "It feels really good to hand your girlfriend a BLT with bacon from pigs born on your own farm, lettuce from your own soil, bread you baked just for her, and tomato you bought from the IGA because it's early June in Upstate NY.

    Still. Eating and sharing food grown with the heart."

    Sure. She. Did.

    1. Er, except for the accidental piglets (born to brother and sister maybe? Eww), doesn't she get her pigs from the bartender at her favorite I'm-Too-Poor-To-Pay-My-Mortgage-But-Always-Have-Money-To-Drink brewery?

      The groundhogs who destroyed ALL of her vegetables a few weeks back must have miraculously left her lettuce alone.


      What a liar she is.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"June 6, 2020 at 7:06 AM

      PDD. Yeah, I thought the same thing about the lettuce. And her homemade bacon would taste like stale, day-old donuts. If it even exists. Like I always say here, her life is lies. She doesn't even try to hide them anymore for her foolish followers. Which is why this blog is a public service site to expose her for being an animal abusing, online beggar.

  15. Remind me, what purpose did the dog serve being in the barn? How did it get into the loft? Why? At the very least, tied up in the shade with a cool bowl of water?

    1. If it happened, she's an idiot. She let a middle aged dog jump into Pember Patty's loft and then laughed when the dog was unsure scrambling back out. What a jokester.

      It's tiring that she continually pretends PP is multiple people. Friends = Livingston Farm = older couple = neighbors = Pember Patty. PP is the one who bails out PS most of the time - fixes her truck, lets her buy hay "on time", lets cheap-a$$ spongy NY social media friends stay at her farm for nothing, cuts up firewood wood, fixes fences, and preps/paints her disgusting bathroom.

      It's all Patty...all the time.

      I can never figure out the deal between them. Maybe it's because FFF was in-the-know when PP's non-profit library/museum (under her direction) awarded a $250,000+ contract to PP's husband, which seems to have upset all sorts of people in town? Maybe it's because the much younger FFF brings fake NY hipster cred to the older, more staid PP? Or maybe it's because PP is a kind person who continually falls for / enables an entitled, healthy, college-educated middle-class white woman (young enough to be her daughter) who feels no shame in hustling others for donations?

      Thoughts, Shamsters?

    2. "Luckless Slinger"June 6, 2020 at 1:00 PM

      PDD. I think that Pember Patty is simply a dumb enabler and sycophantic supporter who is stupid. No offense to her face, but I've never seen her have an intelligent expression. She seems willfully blinded to JFW's animal abusing, online begging, and unethical business practices. I don't know which one is worse. Both she and the FFF are not normal adults.

    3. I agree that PP has never looked intelligent in any photo posted online.
      Not nearly as dumb as the photos of Pig Shocker but not intelligent nonetheless.

      I think that PP also seems to be a kind person. She seems as though she takes good care of her disabled son and her many animals.

      That being said, one has to question how someone who appears to be kind can associate with a psychopath like Pig Shocker. I would NEVER associate with an animal killer and scamming liar like her.

      If PP has not figured out that her help or kindness isn't helping Pig Shocker whatsoever, then she has to have a screw loose. Pig Shocker is the same piece of shit she was 10 years ago when she moved to town and she will not change.

      Pig Shocker has made PP and anyone else who associates with PS an accessory to her criminal behavior.

      If we have learned anything, it is that human garbage festers and drags down everyone around them. They use anyone and everyone who comes into contact with them and they only get worse with each passing day. Bad people who go unchecked only get increasingly worse as time goes on.

    4. I wonder is PP feels like she can't withdraw her support from FFF after so many years. I have found that some people who get into a groove of care-giving, just answering the needs of another without really thinking about it as an active choice, can get caught up in toxic friendships or relationships like this one. They're the relative always bailing the alcoholic out of jail, or the spouse who works two jobs because the partner can't hold on to one.

      Since they're neighbours, and PP is socially isolated / disliked by others in the town, PP may not be willing to cut ties with the only social contact she has. As someone who is better resourced than FFF, FFF will be more careful to keep on good terms with PP.

      PP may not feel she wants to set new boundaries with FFF, insisting for more help than FFF is inclined to give, or having some real talk about the uneven reciprocation in their friendship.

      Additionally, being able to "help" FFF may give PP a sense of power and even some control in her life. Being the primary caregiver of a special needs son / daughter is a lifelong commitment, a permanent change to life that she may not have chosen, but instead accepted. Being able to choose how & when she helps FFF could give PP a much-needed sense of variety, or importance outside of her own family? There's a lot in it for PP when you think about it.

      It's clear that if it weren't for PP's help, FFF would have a tougher time keeping up the "farmer" story.

    5. Totally agree with everything you said WIW!

  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywOWxaUePjE

    Check out this video from a channel called DirtPatchHeaven if you want to see a woman really doing it year in and year out with very little money spent. If anything, it should be easier for the FauxFarmer since she already has homesteading fame behind her, and lives in an area with willing customers who like to buy local.

    I've been trying to figure out how to make some side money on my suburban property, and can think of several ways. Even the freakin rabbits. But of course, she' have to keep the animals alive first. But that place has no resources that she doesn't have, and she already has publicity.

    The Chickqualizer

    1. TC, thank you for sharing this. As shown on this video, there are many ways for PS to earn money legitimately, and if you coupled her "logo and cartoon" skills, she should be in much better financial shape.
      However, here's where PS probably fails: the DPH homesteader is obviously a hard worker and a lateral thinker. Selling baby animals is a no-brainer, but she also sells fruit and vegetable starts each spring, from free farm stock. She has both long-term rentals (with steady income) and an AirBNB cabin for income, and she coach homesteading skills. I'm guessing she has excellent relations with local customers, so she can sell local and save time/money.

      Unlike PS, who doesn't seem to do "much of anything" on a farm, this homesteaders makes the land, plants and animals work for her. Her ability to earn money from low initial investment is really quite impressive. My hat's off to her.

    2. FFF raised rabbits many years ago, and the same animal neglect and abuse we're still seeing did them in as well. There was a post that explained in graphic detail how a mother doe hurt herself in the hutch, and I can only imagine what condition the hutch must have been in for that to happen.

  17. PDD - And that Air BnB is "off-grid" so people can have the experience. It's basically a shed. Pretty sure she could find space for others in her house, too. If she wanted to earn money instead of having it gifted to her. She's a published homesteading author. That would be an advantage.
    The Chickqualizer

  18. Sooooo #publishingpaidme is trending on twitter. Authours are posting how much their various book contracts got them.

    You’d think FFF would consider the opportunity to interact with a few blue-check profiles...

    Made from scratch went into a second edition and so likely “earned out”, meaning she probably got a few residual cheques for a few years, in addition to what was likely a $10k advance.

    Given none of her subsequent books went to second printings, I’d wager none of those books earned back the cost of the advances.

    Aaaaaaand if course there’s the Birchthorn nightmare...

    1. It surprises me that Made from Scratch did that well... I skimmed through it in Borders back when they were still in business a time or 2, but never bought a copy.. from what I remember anyone who knew of her blog could have gotten the same content for free, as the book was more or less a compilation of her blog posts.

    2. I remember checking out Made From Scratch from the library and reading through it and thinking it didn't contain much real information. There was a coffee recipe in it that was absolutely terrible. And I made it twice just to make sure I hadn't just messed it up the first time...

      That book came out when homesteading started to reach a new audience because of blogs, so she was able to capitalize when there wasn't much out there by centering herself as an expert. That shiny patina of being an "expert" seemed to wear off when more people started doing similar things, only better.

  19. How low will go numbers go? She's down to 4,790 today. Time to buy more bots to attract potential PayPal poodles.

    1. "How low will her numbers go?"

    2. Jenna dear. It's okay to be single. It's okay to be lonely. It is not okay to lie, and scam people for the attention you are so desperate for.

  20. Re: today's entry for June 7th. Just out of curiosity, how much does a plastic hawk cost? Just being bratty. I hope it saves her lettuce. Being sarcastic again. You know. For those dew drop rising sun bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. For someone with such a strong fantasy life, you think she would master fiction.

    1. Who needs a plastic hawk when she could use the remains of one of the several hawks that she let die under her "care."

      Beware little birds! This "farmer" is a bird killer.

    2. At least a plastic hawk has a chance at making it through the summer... I get a few garden catalogs each year and have only seen plastic owls offered. Another story?


  21. "Safe" is the freaking wrong (privileged) for JW to use when talking about paying her mortgage or other loans at time when people are talking about whether human beings are physically safe (vs killed).

    And with her begfest on Twitter, she is posting pics of an evening outing with the GF (I assume) on Instagram. It's a picture from behind that says "Following her as long as she lets me" and then a picture of an evening campfire in a field.

    Anon in GA

    1. "Luckless Slinger"June 8, 2020 at 12:30 PM

      Yeah, "safe" is one of her emotional trigger words in an attempt to garner more free handouts from dumb enablers. No one cares about the supposed "safety" of a privileged white woman living in an upscale community. I saw the same pic on Twitter with a different description.

  22. "Luckless Slinger"June 8, 2020 at 12:27 PM

    Twit Shit (the "Gag me" version):

    "This farm is heading into June unsure how to make the mortgage. That is every month when you figure it out as you go along. But if you want to help keep a woman on her farm and get some artwork, soap, or a share of the spoils of this small place - let me know via DM."

    Here's her manipulative marketing at its most obnoxious. I'll rewrite it for disingenuous Jenna.

    I'm heading into June unsure how to make the mortgage as usual. That is every month when one is a lazy lifestyle loser like me. (Why work when I can beg online for more free handouts?) But if you want to keep carelessly enabling an animal abusing, able-bodied, college-educated privileged white woman in her hovel, then please pay me in advance for crap meat, lousy logos, subpar soap, or fiddle and falconry lessons in the future before I'm foreclosed. I don't have a site, since that would alert the IRS, so DM me bitches!!!

    1. Yep.

      “Unsure how I will pay the mortgage.”


      More like, “I would like some extra cash, but the only way I get sales on any of my bullshit products is by bringing up my mortgage and pretend housing inscurity to tug at your heartstrings.”

      She is not paying the mortgage with soap and cartoons. She never has. She knows damn well where the mortgage is coming from.

      I think the biggest threat is animal control. No animals, no photo ops, no story, no online image.

  23. If the protests and BLM movement meant anything at all to Pig Shocker, she would get off of her fat ass, get a job and work for the change she supposedly wants.

    Instead, she festers in cambridge like a rotten piece of meat and continues to drain the kind people who try to help her via sales of her crappy soap and juvenile drawings.

    People who want to help others but fell prey to the con of an able bodied, lazy piece of garbage who refuses to work and make her own living.

    These same people could help those who truly need it right now. Instead, they are probably afraid to be taken advantage of again. Pig Shocker is hurting any other good cause with her scams and lies.

  24. "It's something good in all the madness."

    This woman really tries to make writing about nothing sound profound or poignant.

    It comes across and tone-deaf.

  25. It looks like the FFF has finally found someone stupid and enabling enough to tolerate her animal abusing, online begging, and unethical business practices. Yeah, she is a "goner" in more ways than one:


    1. Let's hope her focus goes to this new person, and the animals can get away.

    2. Let's also hope that this new person can get away from her. (After her animals are re-homed.)

    3. Holy shit! Mystery date is real! Wow!

      I hope Mystery Girlfriend brings some much-needed change to CAF.

      I wonder if she will ever reappear?

    4. Aside from the direction in which the Pig Shocker's head is facing, the rest of her body language is very telling. Like that idiom: Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Or in her case, her eyes are bigger than what she can manage to stomach.

    5. Anyone else notice her "smitten" expression is the same one she used for viewing PP puppies???

      Such a poser.

    6. She is soooooo creepy. Her smitten face is as nasty as any of her other three expressions.

      The picture could have a million explanations. She probably paid the poor woman to take the photo with her.

      It wouldn't be the first major lifestyle lie and I'm sure it won't be the last from her.

      The first one being that she's a "farmer."
      A farmer isn't investigated for animal abuse at least once a year.
      A farmer isn't forced to re-home their livestock after one such visit.
      A farmer doesn't have to raise any future livestock on some else's property.
      A farmer owns livestock and/or plants/raises crops.

      Pig Shocker doesn't have any livestock living on her property, nor is she raising an crops. Her pitiful delusion of a farm consists of two run-down horses, two mistreated dogs and a hawk that was either seized by authorities (doubt it) or died (most likely).

      The "farm" is a shit pit of a property fueled by scams and mental illness.

  26. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Woke up and took care of my farm. Filled a friend's barn with hay for both of us this winter (350+ bales). Going to weed whack, run a 5k, and get soap made and a pet portrait in the mail. Logo work in the afternoon. Ready for a lot of nothing by book and hammock by 5pm."

    She can't just go for a run. Nah, it has to be either a "3 or 5k," terms that only applies to races. Her life is "a lot of nothing" with fodder to fill it up. It's all about appearing productive, and the facade of helping "a friend" (Pember Patty).

    1. Really not getting why she has to publish her every move. Every. Single. Move. Is she afraid of being forgotten?

    2. Her stupid little lists and bragging about being productive are all a set-up for future online begging.

    3. That should be the heading of the next post here.. just a giant reminder to everyone.

    4. I think that "The facade of FFF and CAF" would be a good title, too. The post could include pertinent links. It's been talked about to have a sticky on the sideline, but I don't know if it's possible on this platform. That way newbies could easily access information, "reminders," and it would give us more credibility.

    5. Every time she whines about needing to get hay...remember it's from Patty, who apparently buys the hay, stores it and then lets the widdle farmer pick up a handful of bales at a time (or she, no doubt, delivers it to FFF).
      Going forward - in the armpit of winter's bottom - we'd better not hear FFF complain about hay because by her own admission she has enough for winter.

      Btw, She "barely" has enough. Yes, she's an idiot because two horses should minimally eat 1 bale per day, so FFF would need 182 bales to go November-April. That doesn't count extra for her other animals, or to hide feces on the ground for animal photographs. It also doesn't allow extra hay because her aged horses will need more calories since they are forced to live in below-zero weather with sub-standard shelter.

    6. PDD. But she's boasting about the bales to look like an authentic farmer, and one who knows about her horses' nutritional needs. I always appreciate your real expertise on equines and information, thanks!

    7. PD is right. I feed sheep. I have it calculated pretty well, but inevitably, I always need a little more and get it. I make sure my sheep have enough hay that so they leave just a little bit until the next day- that way I know they are satiated.

    8. Yep, it'll be interesting to see if she forgets she said this and then lies about needing hay during Winter's Bottom.

      "The coyotes and possums ran off with it!"

      "And the man in the red van stole some too!"

  27. Instagram Idiot:




    1. https://www.instagram.com/lezwolfmemes/ (If links won't work.)

    2. "...care more about people THEN property..." LOL! What a righter!


    3. Who had "Wog is Woke"???


      Here she is. Fake Feral Farmer. Manipulator of facts. Hyperbolic Princess. Begger of money that could be spent on more deserving enterprises. Buyer of trash trinkets to fill the emptiness of her soul: wolf contacts, hiking patches for a DOG, hair extensions, $$$ boots, hipster phones, preachy-preachy hiking gear.

      Who is she trying to fool? Oh yeah, everyone.

    4. "Luckless Slinger"June 11, 2020 at 12:00 PM

      PDD. I came up with "Wog is Woke," but call her "Woke Wog" for short. She's a hypocritical cunt. The FFF uses anything, including meaningful movements and even political protests, to further her asinine agenda.

    5. Could also be Wog is Broke.(In more ways than one?) ;-)


    6. "Luckless Slinger"June 12, 2020 at 1:26 PM

      DM. LOL!!!

  28. Dear God she is wearing a house dress now because her "girl" friend wore her grandmother's house dress. I can see it now. By the way if you don't have a grandmother with a house dress where does one buy one? Also do we use these for running 5K's? Asking for a friend.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"June 12, 2020 at 1:25 PM

      Well, she has a new injury which will prevent running, so she'll have to wear the house dress for faux farming instead.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"June 12, 2020 at 1:27 PM

      Oh, she'll find her house dress at the local dump, like she did with a brand new bike etc...

    3. Lol, I've seen those poly house dresses at my local CVS drug store. And also at thrift stores.

    4. I'm sure you can find them on Amazon.

    5. There's something very Norman Bates (Psycho) about housedresses. Unfortunately, FFF can't say she wouldn't hurt a fly.

  29. "Luckless Slinger"June 12, 2020 at 1:21 PM

    Twit Shit:

    "I pulled a muscle in my right leg from my groin to my knee so I'm just on my computer, or shuffling around, or deciding what to eat next and I hate it."

    It looks like she's run outta rotten teeth and truck repairs to kvetch about. So the subtext to this stupid tweet is probably: I'll need orthopedic surgery soon, so please PayPal me now, bitches!!!

    1. "Luckless Slinger"June 12, 2020 at 1:23 PM

      I also guess that her ridiculous "3 or 5k" runs and "mountain smashing" will have to wait until poor widdle JFW heals from her injury.

    2. We all have seen how little work FFF actually does, and it must be harder to keep up the pretense of being a warrior-feral-farmer with a warm body shuffling around. The injury is perfectly timed to ramp up pity.

      Maybe this is a golden opportunity for GF to do her work. She can clean walls that haven't been cleaned since Jenna moved in (yuck), pick up manure on the animal turnouts or even *GASP* run a garden hose to water the animals. I hear it's the latest technology so farmers don't have to water their animals by carrying buckets of water!

    3. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh! Somebody call Pig Shocker a wahhhhhhmbulance stat!

      She realizes the heroes working in healthcare are at max capacity right now but it's really hard to run back and forth to the fridge hauling that much weight with a pulled muscle.

      I'm surprised she doesn't have a gofundme in place and a request for everyone to turn on their porch lights tonight in support of her healing!

    4. Luckless - It could also be that with the girlfriend around now, the Pig Shocker can't lie about pretend disasters, as I imagine the GF likely reads the PS's social media and might be like, "What power outage?" or "Your truck is running just fine" or "Root canal? But you chomped that taco like a pro!"

      Have the feeling that GF's physical presence will keep the PS from bullshitting foollowers and abusing animals...now that she's being watched closely.

    5. Anon7, unless she's also a grifter, my thoughts exactly!

    6. "Luckless Slinger"June 14, 2020 at 7:47 AM

      "Guys?!" Exactly.

  30. She's Shameless:

    "A third of the way into the month of June and my bank account is in the double digits. To figure out the mortgage without a stimulus check or swift load of luck means promoting art, soap, and logos like nuts today. Hoping for sales, so please do retweet what this farm can offer!"

    And then:

    "Or if you just want to kick in for over 12 years of recording my story and sharing what I have learned along the way on the free blog, you can contribute towards the writing here:" (PayPal link)

    1. What she has learned "along the way" is "There's a sucker born every minute." and "Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the American public."

      PayPal her...it means so much.

  31. I wonder why her imaginary girlfriend can't pull her own weight and pay half of the imaginary bills?

    Why should everyone else pay for two able bodied women to sit on their asses and play horsey instead of getting jobs and providing for themselves financially?

    Apparently the imaginary girlfriend is also a pos loser, who thinks that scamming and animal abusing are fine and great qualities for a beastly girlfriend to have.

    I'm also guessing that the imaginary girlfriend doesn't own a vehicle. I mean, come on people, the truck is getting old and Pig Shocker and Mrs. Pig Shocker have their hands out hoping to scam up a new vehicle.

    Wow. The imaginary Mrs. Pig Shocker must be a lazy scammer, fine with abusing animals and a total leech just like Pig Shocker.

    PS has waited a long time to find a big enough loser to lead around by the nose, stupid enough to believe Pig Shocker, who will put up with PS's crazy petulant behavior and assist with the lies needed to prolong the con that is CAF.

    1. So many miracles! She whined about a pulled muscle only yesterday (everyone felt sorry for her, sob), but today it's miraculously healed so she can run 5 miles.

      Then she and three-four other people put up, by her admission, 350+ bales. There are now 400 bales and FFF handled them all, so I guess no one except for the GF and FFF did ANY work. Shame!

      The biggest miracle is that FFF and her GF (who I assume is also unemployed) can now both screw off, play house, drag old arthritic horses out for rides, hike and camp on someone else's mountain...and fully expect other people to support them!

      PayPal. It means so much.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"June 14, 2020 at 7:31 AM

      She's been blessed by abundance with multiple miracles (cons).

  32. "Luckless Slinger"June 14, 2020 at 7:27 AM

    Twit Shit:

    "Be my sale today! One set of pet portraits covers:

    Bag of sheep grain
    Bag of hog feed
    Bag of chicken feed
    and $30 towards the mortgage!

    150lbs total animal feed and some savings!"

    Here's the true tweet:

    Be my dumb enabler today! One set of stupid scribbles covers:

    Ugly polyester house dress at Walmart
    Bottle of bourbon
    New Taylor Swift sweatshirt

    and nothing towards my mortgage which is already paid for by poodles

    No animal feed, because my livestock was already re-homed, and some savings for more Death Wish coffee!

  33. Desperate for ongoing attention during Covid and BLM, the Faux Feral Farmer has again dragged her parents into her sob story by announcing to ALL her readers that her parents have a Trump sign on their lawn - several states away.

    Oh no!! Poor FFF. How dare they! Condolences! Sympathy! Please be strong, widdle farmer! One of her sycophants wrote: "That betrayal runs deep." and another noted "it's especially tough when (people) do things that hurt their children."

    We get it. Her parents are older, conservative and Republicans. Yawn. Seeing older white people that might support POTUS is not exactly a revelation.

    OK, but they also cared for her growing up and dealt with what-seems like a fairly-creepy, socially awkward child who was fixated on werewolves. They supported her entitled derriere and likely paid towards the University education she threw away like so much tissue.

    I'll bet they remember the MANY years that their daughter searched for Mr. Right, even asking readers to set her up on dates. Mama Wog gamely tried to help, visiting her homes, offering parental advice, even letting baby Wog know that a filthy house/yard/person is not appealing to would-be suitors. Her advice, like that of more knowledgeable farmers who tried to help FFF run a profitable and humane farm, was ignored / mocked.

    At this point, her parents no doubt regret that ONE time they didn't use birth control! FFF seems very ungrateful and she barely writes about them except to criticize or whine. When is the last time she sent them a heartfelt greeting or wished them well on a holiday?

    I get not everyone's family is a Hallmark greeting card (really!), but it's disingenuous for a nearly 40 yo to essentially ignore them, rarely visit (using lie that she cannot leave the farm), barely acknowledge receiving gifts but then never fail to use them as props to further her begging for poodle dollars.

    Her parents probably deserve better.

    1. For the newbies here, back when Jenna had a Facebook page, she and her mother had public battles. At first people were saying things like, "her poor mother". Then it became more apparent that her mother wasn't so innocent. What kind of mother picks fights with her daughter on a very public forum?

    2. PDD, very well written. As to anon 5:01, Jenna baits her family all the time. I have no sympathy for Jenna. Jenna's karma is her life.

    3. Anon 3:33 - She baits them, but her mother baits back. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  34. I can understand how it feels to have your parents openly support a bigot who is actively trying to undo rights and protections that affect you personally.

    If it’s true, that her parents have a trump sign on their lawn, knowing their daughter is a queer woman, well that emotional brutality could explain a lot about how FFF turned out.

    Not that this is an excuse for lying continually about her story for years online. Plenty of queer folks with contentious relationships with their patents don’t feel the need to lie about their mortgage being behind to solicit attention and donations.

    1. Good points. Hey, it occurs to me that we only have FFF's word that her parents have a TRump sign in their yard.

    2. Totally. Aligning herself with queer folks who have been rejected by their families (a contributing factor to why gay and trans youth are at 10x the suicide risk as typical teenagers) is a great way to pull sympathy.

      In 2020 though, more often families are actually changing their views when a loved one comes out, because for most honest, loving people, the love for their kids will inform their political opinion and turn around ignorant stereotypes and assumptions.


      I have no idea is FFF's parents really do have a trump sign on their lawn. If they do, they are assholes, which means FFF was raised by assholes, and such an upbringing likely exacerbated a lot of problems.

      People who vie for attention like this online for years, lying about their lives, do so because of deep-seated problems they are unable or unwilling to deal with.

      Given FFF's proven track record for lying, maybe her parents are accepting of whatever chaos she brings into their lives. Maybe they didn't believe her right away - because of her track record of lying - and because parents often want to deny the truth (my own parents did, but came around after a few years) or maybe they really are assholes.

      Even so, as a public figure, using your platform to announce your disenfranchisement in your own family, thereby shaming them publicly, is just immature. Lots of queer folks have been rejected by their families. Yes it sucks. But it's not a topic of conversation to broadcast, it's usually a private, painful thing.

    3. correction: I meant to say "public figure" in quotes.

    4. Woe is Wog, you are going to believe Jenna now? In this instance? Why? Has she had an epiphany. Jenna is a self entitled loser, who will do anything for attention and money. Riding the anti Trump train and aligning herself with the gay crowd is very popular and in fact will garner more sympathy donations. Try and remember every single word from her mouth, and keyboard are lies.

    5. "Luckless Slinger"June 16, 2020 at 7:31 AM

      Anonymous 3:36. It's like I always say here, but it bears repeating, her life is lies.

    6. Anon 3:36

      I'm just running an either / or scenario. TLDR: *IF* it were true, this may shed some more light on the whole picture, but would still not excuse her compulsive lying.

    7. They have a Trump sign. They are very Republican. I've popped in here and there over the years as I'm from the same small town she is from. Everyone knows everyone down to what house everyone grew up in and even who lived there before them.

  35. okay, this soap advert is hilarious:

    "Hey there! Do you like having a body free of germs, gently moisturized by a 3-ingredient bar of pure handmade goatsmilk soap that also keeps a woman in her home with working utilities!? ME TOO!"

    3 ingredient soap??? LOL!!!! She is counting ingredients like this:
    1. Goats milk
    2. essential oils
    3. Melt n pour soap made from an unknown number of ingredients so I will count it as 1.

    1. That advert inadvertently (ha) shows how little effort goes into making her soap.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"June 16, 2020 at 7:36 AM

      She's done different variation of the same manipulative marketing tweets. Her hyperbolic bullshit baiting always mentions money and/or bills, and ends with "ME TOO!" Again, it's all about her unethical techniques, and trying to get more free handouts for doing nothing.

  36. Time for a new truck!!!!! Worried about keeping the mortgage up to date! Like a hero, I REFUSE to let money steal the joy of summer from me!!!!! (donate if you can)


  37. Throw Back Tuesday: from May 2019, some CAST humor on possible replacement vehicles for Taylor, the hipster POS truck.

    Anonymous, May 29, 2019 at 3:51 PM
    "If any of you have a BMW, or old Rolls or even a klunky Mercedes 320SL coupe I am looking for one so I can get around the county in style. Of course I barely have the change you'd find in between the seats but I can dream, plus we could barter, I could do maybe 10 pet portraits, 8 bars of goat soap, give you a quarter share of pork I just found behind the sofa..... And you give me the effin car keys. Throw in your used washing machine and we'll have haymakers under the King Maple in October as long as you bring 2 cords of wood, 3 cases of rogaine and $300 In small bills. Yep this farm will not fall, she is a mighty fine farm she is, now do yer part for the Antler, we're all counting on you to come through with a Green New Deal of Cash"


    Anon7May 29, 2019 at 4:29 PM
    "Exactly. Total choosing beggar. In her bleg post (she)sprinkled around some specifications here and there, but let's be clear about what she is asking for free:

    ☞ Needs a used Subaru, VW or Volvo
    ☞ Must be able to fit two dog crates
    ☞ Must be a hatchback
    ☞ Must have 4WD - This is non-negotiable
    ☞ Must be dependable and not need any work
    ☞ Must be in good enough condition to drive hours away from home
    ☞ Any state taxes need to be paid by the donor
    ☞ All this must be FREE

    The absolute gall of this request. Just unbelievable. And as someone pointed out on the last thread, this new need of (FFF)'s is so that she can drive to the Appalachain Trail for all the long day hikes and overnight camping trips she's planning this summer.

    Does anyone know how far the AT is from Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm?"

  38. A year later, still claiming TS is gay:

    Thinking Taylor Swift is straight in 2020 is the same mentality that was certain George Michael was straight in the eighties.

    Who gives a f*ck? All this going on in the world with Covid-19, riots and protests and she's still obsessing over TS's sexuality? What an immature moron. Hey Jenna whatever happened to BLM? I bet you are doing your part donating to their cause. Sure you are.

    1. I thought one of the biggest no-nos was outing people without their permission, so why does Jenna keep suggesting TS is a lesbian?

      First, who cares what someone's personal preferences are? Second, WTAF is wrong with Jenna and her continual obsession over Taylor Swift's sexuality?

      And you're right, the narcissistic fake feral farmer is back to focusing on her favorite topic: herself.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"June 16, 2020 at 7:29 AM

      It looks like "Woke Wog" didn't last long.

  39. "Luckless Slinger"June 16, 2020 at 7:42 AM

    Twit Shit:

    "I made the goal to walk/hike/run 100 miles in just under 2 weeks. I do not know if I can do it, but today should get me to mile 35 with 8 days to go after that. Weather could be an issue but I like this little challenge! Runs in the morning, walks and hikes in the day."


    "Looking for a logo? I've got my BFA in design and have worked for HGTV, Coldwater Creek, and Orvis before I quit to run this farm and write full time. Logo design is a skill I use to help keep the farm running and stock fed! DM to order, flat rate!"


    "What a day in Lesbian Taylor Swift Fan Twitter."


    1. HGTV? That's the first I've heard of working for/doing work for them, and I've been around since FFF was in Idaho.

    2. Just did a quick search on her bleg and found mention of HGTV in Tennessee where she worked for two years...then it was off to Idaho for Coldwater Creek. She's mentioned why she left CC and why she left Orvis, but doesn't explain her departure from HGTV. Probably cuz it ended badly. She's always saying that TN was her favorite state...so then why move?

  40. I wonder, if more words have been written on this blog than in all of FFF's books combined?

    1. This blog...the old CAST blog...and the one before that. Not to mention Meredith's blog and that GOMI one. Definitely more words have been written about her animal abusing ways.

  41. Twitter nonsense: "Let the Republicans not wear masks."

    COMPLETELY misunderstanding the whole effing point of wearing a mask. It's not for your personal protection, it's to catch the aerosolized droplets we exhale just by living. A mask does virtually nothing to protect you personally, because your EYEBALLS are still out there, nice juicy vulnerable mucus membranes!

    It's shocking to me to see such poor public health leadership among the conservatives of the US. The conservatives in Canada, generally, have pulled up their panties and put on masks for the benefit of all.

    1. Please let's not go down the politics rabbit hole. And yes, the mask is to protect others. If you are tested negative, on a regular basis you are in good shape.

    2. Exactly! The mask catches most of what we spew, and if we're carrying Covid-19 (or a cold or flu) it helps keep transmissions down.

      To fully protect ourselves, we'd need to wear bio-hazard suits (or tyvek suit, gloves, mask, goggles, face shield, head covering etc). But that would be impractical and almost impossible to manage.

      So to lower our risk, we do the next best thing - stay at home and keep away from others. Wear a mask and social distance.

      Throughout the NY quarantine, FFF shouldn't have traipsed around towns, invited friends for horsey rides, and posed for selfies adjacent to other people. She remains an idiot.

    3. I agree. I'm in NY where we are about to go to phase 3, but I'm laying low for now. I was tested for covid Monday and am negative :)

    4. Fakefarmer, congratulations! I'll get tested soon, now that tests are open to asymptomatic people. Local residents have been excellent about social distancing and wearing masks, so area Covid-19 hospitalizations are low now. The bulk of the state's economy has reopened, although people are being cautious.

      "Better safe than sorry" is an old expression that's quite apt today.

    5. People are pretty good at wearing masks in my part the city and testing seems to be more available. Encouraging since I am in a state that couldn't reopen fast enough. I am going to the beach with extended family soon, and given the location, I am a bit concerned since it's a hot spot. I already plan to self quarantine at home for the week following and get tested. I already only go to essential locations - groceries, gas -- and get curbside pick up food to support local restaurants.

      Anon in GA

  42. "Listen ladies, I don't want to rock your world too much, but if you're a little sweaty and gross and already using dry shampoo as a quick hair remedy - it is also wonderfully refreshing on your armpit hair. You are welcome!"

    Or you could just take a shower you disgusting pig of a woman. Gross.

    1. Which explains why we smelled her body odor "trail" in a local store once.

    2. Honestly. She is so disgusting. The person she calls her girl must have 0 sense of smell. Why doesn't she shower?

    3. Ugh. How dirty is she to need topical powders under her armpits?

      Also, on a per ounce basis, dry shampoo is exorbitantly expensive, especially since it's basically cheap corn starch (or kaolin clay) with aromatics thrown in. Victorian ladies used arrowroot powder, also cheap.

      Some frugal homesteader FFF is. 😂

    4. Every since she became a "born again lesbian" the FFF has been bragging about body hair, and how sexy she finds it now. But no one wants to know about her horrid hygiene. Ugh.

    5. Dry. Shampoo. On. Armpit. Hair.

      Uh...eh...wh...h..ow...I don't get it. Isn't that stuff used to absorb oil? Is there even such thing as an oily armpit? She can't quickly take a whore's bath or at least a quick swipe with a wet wipe? Sheesh, her attempt to think-up quirky shit for Twitter attention has reached a new low.

    6. That. Is. DISGUSTING.

      Pits have bacteria which multiply in a moist, warm environment - like when you've been out and about all day.

      Adding dry shampoo to that, which contains corn starch - is basically feeding the bacteria. It's not CLEANING anything. It's designed to absorb oil, like Anon7 said.

      In an armpit, it just reduces the moisture for a bit. Not even a deodorant.

      Dry shampoo is insanely expensive for what it is, too. It's over my budget, and it's an unnecessary product. In a developed country with modern plumbing, there is no reason not to bathe daily.

      This is INSANE. Just grab a wash cloth and give your pits a scrub, and apply fresh deodorant. OH. MY. GOD.

      How repulsive. I just don't understand why she has such a problem with hygiene. I know plenty of outdoorsy people and real farmers. The only people I know who walk around stinking have serious mental health & addiction issues, hence are not coping with life in general.

      Hygiene. It's a basic life skill. Even the "dirty hippies" in my neck of the woods who are voluntarily transient, will have a daily bird bath and smell of patchouli (ick) not unhindered body odour.

      This is such a point of privilege too. The folks I know who had been temporarily homeless due to circumstances beyond their control focused a huge amount of time and energy on staying clean while living on the streets / out of their cars so as to not "look or smell homeless".

      Not caring about the stigma your stank creates really shows how secure you believe your housing and financial situation to be.

      Someone who needs to keep a job, or not get kicked out by roommates, has to uphold basic standards of cleanliness.

      I really, really wish FFF would just commit to some therapy. She's so bent on being different and questioning social norms because ShE's So SpEcIaL I don't think she's ever stopped to ponder *why* she feels the need to buck against so many social expectations, when doing so results in no actual social change.

  43. On the latest bleg post ("Quick Update") the Pig Shocker makes sure to let everyone know that there's "No mortgage paid for the month yet" and then writes:

    "[That] all there is to do is keep doing what I can, be smart as possible, and keep trying."

    ALL there is to do? "All there is" should include getting an actual fcukin' job...which WOULD be the smartest thing possible. How has she not made this simple realization? And to "keep doing what she can" translates to begging which is all she ever does.

  44. And on the bleg post before that one she writes:

    "The last few weeks have had this farm looking the best it has in years."

    Sounds like the new girlfriend is good for something at least. As her visits have the Pig Shocker doing some actual work on Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm for a change. And about time.

    But this girlfriend... If I were Jenna, I'd be super wary of her. Groucho Marx once said, "I don't want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of it's members." Certainly this girlfriend has eyes and can read, right? Which means that she's laid eyes on PS and has seen all her online panhandling and begging...and she's OK with that?!? If I were human garbage, I'd be suspicious of anyone who'd want to hang around me. That girlfriend must have an ulterior motive.

  45. At the beginning of this month the PS tweeted: ""I will still be running my one-woman business and hoping to have luck there just staying safe. But not without bringing attention to resources and voices more needed than my own."

    I just perused her Twitter and found it to be a spate of sales begs with hardly any tweets about social inequality. In fact, her last "using my voice" tweet was on 6/12, and it was a re-tweet which is someone else's voice, not hers. So much for that promise. Not that I was holding my breath.

    So instead of supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, her Twitter is just a bunch of crap about double digit bank accounts, Taylor/Gaylor/Pride, mountain smashing, and her new girlfriend...speaking of which, all of Jenna's "my girlfriend this, my girlfriend that" drivel reminds me of junior high days where one of our friends would get a new boyfriend and we'd grow weary as that would be ALL she could talk about. Like totally tuned out unless the conversation was about him. I'm sure some of you remember times (and chicks) like that. Typical 13 year old behavior.

  46. Questing re these photos:


    The wild hearth and dancing rooster logos basically have the same font, right? With a few minor things changed?

    Is the using pre-created fonts for her logos?

    I would be pissed if I paid for a logo I could have designed myself in canva.

    1. Woe, in past Cold Antler Sham sites, multiple examples were posted of her "shortcuts" in logo design. For example, she sold a logo to a business using free cow clip art whose use was restricted to non-commercial purposes only. For her own heathen medallion, she shamelessly stole someone else's published design. Graphic designers commented that her logos relied on clip art. Her clients were too unknowing to see how they were ripped off, getting half-a$$ designs whose business use may be illegal.

      Recently, she started Lezwolfmemes and relies 100% on other people's images, several of which are copyright protected. Most are free photos but they are restricted to private, non-commercial use. If she hopes to monetize them, the original artist photographers may object. She's also posted photos taken by other people, not giving credit, most notably one to sell her pork (she was forced by photographer to give credit).

      My opinion is many of her logos and designs are cheater designs. They fly under the radar because her "little scams" are too small to bring criminal or civil cases against her.

      Besides getting sub-par designs, any business or commercial user who buys a logo from her - without receiving indemnification on images, is taking a big risk.

    2. WOW, thank you for the history, PDD. That's not surprising, but is new information to me. Do you have a link to the "heathen medallion"? I'm curious to see it. Did she ever have to pay the original artist, or take it down?

    3. Woe, Brynner42 used Twitter to sometimes post evidence of FFF's re-use of old (and sometimes non-credited) farming photos to make it appear she was currently (and actively) farming.
      They're fun to read.

      Here's the link:


    4. And, Woe, I suspect part of the reason FFF's Instagram is now private is to prevent observant readers from noticing the "faux" in her farming.

    5. PDD - thank you. brynner42's twitter account is protected, so I set up a twitter account with this same handle, and sent a follow request. Hopefully they will accept it.

      I agree FFF keeps her insta private for those reasons. That's an account she can keep private because she likely does not get many "donations" off those followers anyway - so it's maintained just to boost her ego.

      Anyone want to take bets on whether FFF will transition to gender neutral pronouns?

  47. I'll chime in here to say jenna and I are are from the same town. I didn't know of her until well into her scams. Her family is likely appalled. Her sister is a teacher and on the local school board. I'm sure the last visit back a few years ago was enough for them for the next decade. Remember the lectures she wrote about, about how dirty her house was? Anyway yes her parents are staunch Republicans as are many in a small PA town. It is the norm for that. But you do have the other 50% trying to make change. Anything anyone wants to know? I will caution you I don't know much at all as I accidentally went down the rabbit hole a few years back and found Meredith's blog. Then followed the next and the next.

    1. Thank you anon, for contributing to the discussion. Please stick around and continue to chime in. :) I am very interested in the context you bring. I don't have any specific questions, but am interested to hear anything you think is relevant.

    2. Welcome Anon 346!

      Did you attend school with her? I'm wondering if her whining about being called The Beast in school was her usual b.s. or if it was true.

      I can't imagine that swine ever being anything close to popular. She is truly gruesome both inside and out and I would bet that she has been that way for years.

      Her family probably wants to distance themselves from their animal abusing, lazy, scamming daughter as much as possible.
      They must be so ashamed of her.

    3. We did not attend the same years of school. We do have mutual acquaintances though being it is a small town.

  48. Latest bleg post ends with this horrendous paragraph:

    "Hoping to update soon with good news and good tidings. With a paid June mortgage and miles on my shoes and stories of campfires and trail rides and dreams of a September hawk and October perfection. Right now it's about making it to Sunday. And that is fine by me."

    The word "and" is used six times. *eyeroll*

    "good news and good tidings" - good tidings literally means good news. *eyeroll*

    This paragraph is a fucking mess... my brain wants to rewrite it.

    Revision #1

    "Soon, I am hoping to share good news: mortgage paid, miles on my shoes, stories of campfires and trail rides, and dreams of a new hawk in the fall. Right now, I will focus on this week."

    There! So much better on my eyeballs! But wait, it needs another revision.

    Revision #2

    "Soon, I will announce the mortgage is behind. I will fan the flames of my poodles' anxiety, as though my inability to change is somehow not my responsibility, while I continue to make the same choices that result in this apparent threat to my survival, year after year."


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