"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. A little operation on the side of the mountain that needs a lot of dusting inside but has really great dogs."
Yeah, she lives on a hill not a "mountain." We used to live locally so I'm speaking from experience. The hyperbole is obnoxious and a lie. Her hovel "needs a lot of dusting inside," but the lazy lifestyle loser is too busy mooching money on Twitter, and posting that Taylor Swift is a "babe" just like a star-struck teen boy. She needs more than a "little operation" on her defective character.
I've been in her house years ago. She had been in there a while and never cleaned it. The place smelled back then. Lots old dust- you know how that looks/smells. From her more recent pictures, it just looks like thicker filth. It's just gross in there.
I predict by the time she's fifty that the FFF will be a weird, reclusive character. (Even more so than now.) But by then she'll be "living under a bridge," which she once stated would be preferable to "working for the man."
WDH. I hope that her sis and bro are prepared for the hysterical phone call or email someday. "Can I please stay for awhile, guys?! I'll draw a few shitty pet pics for payment, and you can have some subpar soap for free."
Lol @ subpar soap. On one of her latest beggin' tweets she offered a pet portrait and 3 bars of soap for $75 -- but here's the catch, she chooses which design/color/stench you'll receive. So while she shows a pic of black werewolf soaps, that's not what yer getting.
Same for me too. HD, do you know what happened there? Seems a lot of posts went *poof* for some reason.
Several evenings ago, I checked in (but didn't have time to post) and I saw at least one post from Cryokid. It was late and can't remember all she said, so Cryokid, can you repost on this thread pretty please?
Ahhh I only just now saw this, sorry!! It was mostly just me being confused by her rainbow-flag-gatekeeping. Which, at the time I posted, I hadn't seen you posted basically the same thing under the "Load more" button, haha. But it was pretty much just me reiterating what you'd said about that!
I want to share a small New England farmer's success story. He has a small farm of organic gardens. His CSA shares are all sold out and he's booked into 2021. His reputation is excellent and he supports or spearheads local charities. He even served in State government.
He started with an overgrazed, run-down property. Over the years he's gradually added greenhouses. He supplies restaurants, local customers and is a regular at summer farmer's markets.
On this farmer's website, he wrote:
"The farm has literally grown every season into what is now 5 acres of beautiful garden plots on top of a hill side, with the original Three Springs still flowing beneath it.
Organic is a choice we take to heart and are really proud to sustain with our minimalist-style approach farming practices. We understand that the soil feeds the plant as the plant feeds the person, so we're committed to never spraying our crops or soil with synthetic chemicals.
We are Certified by Baystate Organic Certifiers and are also a member of NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association).
With a straight-forward, raw approach using ethical farming practices, our goal is to grow nutrient-dense food for ourselves and our community without harming the planet.
Our team loves inspiring people to know that with time and hard work, anyone can grow healthy food to achieve a healthy body and a healthy mind."
*** Shocked that he doesn't need to go on line and beg for money - and pity sales? In a small town, word gets around, good or bad, and unlike certain rural NY incompetents, he's got an excellent reputation.
How does this relate to the Faux Feral Farmer?
After 10 years, FFF doesn't have a website (I'd say refuses because she knew how to make them), doesn't participate in farmer's markets, has no certification or organizational affiliation and isn't involved in any legitimate (verifiable) charity or community work.
Based on what happens in rural Connecticut, if the Faux Feral Farmer was any good, she'd be absolutely booked locally, without space for outsiders to buy into her farm products. That she isn't says it all. Those who know her - and her farm "products"- avoid them.
PDD. Good to hear about his success story. Yeah, she's never been known to sell her stuff at any local markets. Which is why she resorts to online begging and whining for free handouts. And it's bogus to brag about loving "her community" frequently when she contributes nothing of merit to it. She also setup her blog and heathen site, so it's a bunch of bull that she can't create another one.
On a related note, last week, I asked our hay delivery guy how His business is doing. Since he grows vegetables, raises meat animals, sells CSA and has a farm stand, I figured he would be a good indicator of what's happening to low-scale farm operations. His response?
"Can't keep up! Crazy busy, and the community has been terrific in supporting us."
He also said that every farmer he knows has more business than they can handle. He reiterated butchers are backed up, with butchering dates pushed into February 2021 or later.
Why then does FFF have "wolves at the door" and is barely getting by?
Either she is doing better than she claims, or her farming methods are so poor that no one local is buying her farm products.
PDD. No one knows how her finances are in reality, because it's all a bunch of bull. Like her new garden that she said was destroyed, but as usual, there were no pics of how it looked afterwards. Funny how she loudly proclaims to "love wolves," but always worries about them being "at her door." She has no "community support" either due to not being worthy of it.
Her laziness and both alcohol and social media addictions will most definitely be her demise.
She has wasted every good opportunity and burned every bridge. If she didn't scam people via accepting payment and never sending the person what they paid for, she could have a ton of business contacts, repeat business, etc.
That will never happen. She has gotten a free ride with other people's money for way too long and at this point couldn't financially support herself if her life depended on it.
In the 10+ years she has been begging online, she has NEVER had a romantic partner. If it was by choice that's one thing but she has been looking for a partner the entire time. That shows how crazy and what a social pariah she is. Which is a huge reason farmers market type sales could never work for her. Who wants to buy anything from someone who is nasty and smells and all of the gross things people who have met her experienced.
Online she can at least hide her stench and dirty appearance. Not to mention there's no way someone could meet the googly eyed maniac and not know she is nuts. She has to hide behind her life of lies online and hope that no one figures out who she really is.
WDH. Unfortunately, we've met her several times in person when we lived locally in her area. Not only is she repellent on every level, but her hygiene is horrid too. JFW comes across as a snobby, belligerent bigot. She's gotten less opportunities in the past few years due to her well-deserved, rotten reputation. Her "free ride" is slowing grinding to a halt.
Wow, great write-up PDD. A real success story there. Thanks for sharing!
And this: "The farm has literally grown every season..."
That is the antithesis of CAF. Like you said, in 10 years she went from promising and productive homesteader to someone who has permanent fake-wood linoleum marks on her ass from hours of sitting in front of her computer non-stop streaming Taylor Swift media, perusing Twitter, and eating day-old donuts whilst online panhandling. She's beyond a cautionary tale.
"Sorry but if you're following me with a new anonymous account without your real name and pic of a human being you're blocked. Tired of the bullshit. Go bother someone with clout."
But the big, badass "public person" doesn't have "clout." I'm shocked.
"She mails me books and notes (emoticon with hearts)"
Sounds like "my girl" is gone. What a surprise. If she even existed. The old book could've been found at "her dump." Like when she discovered a brand new bike. Right.
"I did enough. I am ready to do nothing until morning."
The lazy lifestyle loser never does "enough." You must be joking, Jenna. Maybe you'll have time over the holiday weekend to scribble another stupid hobbit map. Those are a hoot. We know that you can never leave your "livestock" for long, since they require hours of chores, so you won't travel anywhere. LOL!!!
It's so ironic that she now refuses to deal with anonymous people, when she in fact is now the anonymous one because of it. Ssshhh- don't mention this. I am enjoying watching the real Jenna distill out of all of this. I know when I am following someone and they begin to lose it on people, I pretty much stop following, because I see they are a hot head.
Anonymous 6:35. I thought the same thing. I also wouldn't put it past JFW to have mailed the heart note and old book to herself. We once busted her about sending herself a job application, but then she claimed her victim narrative, and said it was some meanie instead. The handwriting was her own in addition to other suspicious signs. The "real Jenna" is an animal abusing, sociopathic POS whose life is lies.
Everyone who has ever defended her on here has posted anonymously. She is a constant hypocrite.
Plus any decent person wouldn't want to follow her. There's only the few who haven't muted her who, once in a blue moon, respond to her tweets. Everyone else only reads her craziness because it's a total shit show and spectacle.
WDH. She's always been a huge hypocrite. JFW is judgmental about everyone's opinions and values that differ from her own, yet she feels free to be a critical cunt. Her "shit show" is due to massive self-entitlement, extreme laziness, and an unwillingness to work to support herself like a normal adult does.
Anyone else notice that the tone of her bleg posts and tweets has changed recently? Especially after she announced that "her girl" had gone home. It's like she's writing exclusively for her now...like she's trying to convince her of something. And there's a bit less beggin' words too.
Anon7. Yeah, I've noticed that too. Her followers also keep dropping again. This morning she's down to 4,806. Which is no surprise due to her bitching and begging.
"Morning on the farm included a lot of moving electric fences and watching sheep butts to make sure all the diarrhea is over. IT IS! MY FLOCK HAS ENTIRELY SOLID POOPS AND CLEAN FLUFFY BUMS!"
Her "flock" is a few sheep. And they're "shitty." Ugh.
"This farm makes an income goal every day. To make it, folks like you have to read this tweet, decide to buy something, and send a DM to purchase. So if you're considering it, send a note to me here and perhaps buy some soap, meat, or art! It's how this place gets paid!"
I never knew that a faux farm without a brain "makes an income goal every day." I guess that it has a mind of its own.
"Trying to cover a hay and farrier bill this week. If you'd like a pet portrait with three bars of soap, the total cost s $75 and includes all shipping! Gotta sell at least 2 of these bundles today! *soap molds and scents random selection! Not necessarily charcoal wolves!!!"
The FFF always comes across as hysterical, desperate, and a pathological liar. Her "tiny treasure," "double digit bank account" just can't "cover" basic living expenses. Boo fucking hoo. Which is why she begs online for PayPal poodles to give her more free handouts.
This. As many times as she's written that, I just don't get it. I mean, I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type, but not when it comes to having an income. That shit takes hard work and planning.
"Trying to cover a hay and farrier bill this week."
Like anyone needs to know that. She might as well be honest and say, "Trying to get you to 'kick in' for hay 'n farrier bills this week."
I am SO glad that PS posted a picture of the backpacking goat on her blog. If EVER you wondered why she was begging (fill in the blank—rent, wood, vet bill, root canal), if she can’t pay her mortgage for June, ask yourself why she’s worried about training a goat for hiking and buying it a backpack. There’s your answer to EVERYTHING.
Hear hear! Total waste of time and monetary resources. She claims that it's an "altered" dog pack...the one Friday used to wear while mountain smashing. And what about Gibson, you ask? He ded.
Why does a 240lb+ woman who claims to run "miles" on a regular basis, need a small goat with a backpack to carry 4oz of water, a family sized bottle of rogaine, Mad Dog 20/20, a laptop, a jade roller for her face, 12 pairs of Groucho Marx glasses, 2 dozen day old donuts fresh out the dumpster, a photo album (found at the dump) filled with weird surveillance type photos of women, a map hand drawn in crayon of a place called Psychovale, a hibachi, a dozen fast food burgers (warmed up on the hibachi- duh), 5 Indiana Jones hats (that look as though they actually came from the dump), a shit brown two sizes too small pleather jacket, 3 cellphones, a hawk that she "taxidermied" with twinkie wrappers, 12 head scarves that she stole from a homeless person and "wolf contacts" she created out of two pieces of egg shell and a marker? All this to drive a mile and then waddle around for a few minutes, take 34 photos of said goat and go back home.
This is the middle aged, woman child who is too busy to get a job. So she begs online and scams people out of their hard earned money instead of being an actual grown woman who provides for herself financially.
This is also the same woman child who has been investigated multiple times for animal neglect, which after one investigation last summer "decided" to give away all of her livestock because she just didn't have time for a social life.
After she begs people to buy her art (that looks like it was created during rec time at a psych hospital), she gives excuse after excuse as to why she isn't sending the buyers that which they paid for. That is fraud and online fraud is especially frowned upon.
Can you imagine that locals and non locals alike think that she is mentally ill? Those are the people she calls "trolls."
Whacky? You funny. The hibachi made me "snort." If you can buy a goat you can't afford (anymore than you can pay to care for it,) and then a tiny little backpack? You are NOT living in the same dimension as most of us.
Instagram shows she is definitely not social distancing and is getting in nice and close for hiking selfies with several friends. That kind of behavior really pisses me off.
I've asked this question before for those here who follow her on Instagram. But no one has yet responded. Has she shown any pics of her girlfriend? Since her profile is private we can't see it. I'd appreciate an answer. Thanks.
I have not seen a picture of her on Instagram. She has been tagged in a couple of posts, but none with a picture of her. She apparently hiked yesterday with the woman who she rides horses with, but that is also on Twitter.
The fact that there are no pics as proof makes it even more mystifying. I thought that maybe her Instagram profile was private 'cause of girlfriend photos. Which is why it's weird that she's not opening it up like her Twitter account.
Seriously? How can you guys care more about whether or not she has a girlfriend than the fact that she's potentially contributing to the spread of disease?
She's basically a rural wannabe, unwilling to learn and grow, dismissive of others and without empathy for the land, the community and animals.
At her core, she's an ugly user. Certainly there are SM people who are users, but the most successful are also attractive, talented or offer an intriguing or unique perspective. FFF doesn't. She's derivative and a trend chaser, never a setter. In part, this is because she's intellectually lazy. She learned the bare minimum of rural living and animal husbandry, only enough to write about it, pretend she's a "content expert" and court social media likes. She simultaneously flatters the right people, and she no doubt hopes these actions would have skyrocketed her to fame.
Laugh. Anyone remember when she revealed she thought her lifestyle would be SO FASCINATING that she'd snag a tv show or movie deal and get rich because of it?
Unsurprisingly, this didn't happen. No one is interested in a scammer who uses others, neglects animals, lies incessantly and never seems to improve.
10 years of home ownership and she's (allegedly) barely scraping by. Money donated by well-meaning people to improve the "farm" was wasted (hello, hair extensions and wolf contacts). Even now, she relies on others to do the work. Pember Patty, we're looking at you. 😉
PDD. That was well-put as always. I'm clapping at your comment. (But not loud enough to wake my napping hubby.) Hope that you have a nice holiday weekend, and that others here do too.
Honestly, her dismissiveness of others is such a glaring character flaw. Her rainbow flag gatekeeping shit from the past week...it is a perfect example of that. For those out of the loop, she grew irate that people were trying to cheer up quarantined kids by hanging rainbows all over their towns and homes. Here's her 3-part petty rage tweet:
"There's a quarantine trend in my area called the 518 Rainbow Hunt. It's for kids. Parents drive around houses with painted rainbows in and kids point them out and count them. Then people, churches, and businesses started raising Pride Flags, because they're also rainbows?! 1/3"
"As a gay it's annoying, confusing, and a bummer. Like imagine being French and seeing a bunch of houses in America during the 4th of July hoisting French flags because they're also red, white, and blue? Harmless, but tone deaf. 2/3"
"There are voters, churches, & people using the Pride Flag that don't give a shit about the sacrifice or history behind it and are using it instead as a prop for bored kids. If you're not an ally/queer don't hang a Pride Flag. Gays don't own the rainbow but we own that flag. 3/3"
NOW...juxtapose that nonsense with what she tweeted today: She ranted about how it took her SO LONG to come out because there was NOTHING representing gay culture when she was growing up. So now, with this pandemic, you have children seeing rainbow flags all around town, and surely, a few children are gonna pick up on the gay connotation and ask/wonder about it, right? And that would be a good thing, rrright? Cuz in her tweets from today, she sure made it sound like seeing gay people and rainbows would've helped her come out sooner:
"But I feel growing up in the 80s and 90s, I wasn't given much of a chance. There was no representation. [...] And I think a lot of this representation was not put out there on purpose. People didn't want their kids seeing gay representation... [...] Had I seen things like (gay stuff) I would have felt so much more normal and less alone. [...] So, let your kids watch queer stuff. Let your kids know queer people. Take your kids to pride."
BUT...SHE HAS A PROBLEM WITH RAINBOW FLAGS AND SYMBOLS BEING HUNG ALL AROUND TOWN. Cuz it what, hurts her gay feelings? She's gone all gay-butt hurt?
Jenna Woginrich, the tea leaves have spoken...and they want you to shut the fuck up.
She's so classy discussing lesbians liking "period sex," as opposed to straight people being disgusted by it. (As if she's an expert on sapphic sexuality. Just like she proclaims to be a pro at raising chickens, teaching the fiddle, growing gardens, and how to shoot arrows etc...)
Twit Shit:
"Found a pic of me at 16 with my dog Murray. Why didn't every single lesbian in the world tell me how gay I was sooner. I blame you all"
It's no wonder why JFW was nicknamed "The Beast" in high school. Warning: she hasn't "grown into her looks." FYI: We've known that she was gay for years, but she kept trying to attract men in denial.
How can anyone stand her? I really, really try to stick with facts regarding her scamming and animal abuse, but she insults people left and right. "I blame you all"? What the heck kind of thing is that to say to people? She insults her followers, she insults her donors...I don't know how she has any followers left. Yet she does.
The Pig Shocker's only expertise is figuring out the cleanest finger in which to pick her nose. And the least root canal-ed tooth to crunch down on her farm-crusty boogers without breaking a crown.
BTW, she's got it ass-backwards as usual, cuz most hetro males are chill with period sex cuz menstruation is kinda a mystery and as long as the chick ain't Niagara Falls, they view the blood as free lube. Whereas lesbos know all too much about it and tend to forego that time of the month. I'm speaking from experience, both mine and friends that I know.
And speaking of her "lezwofmemes" Instagram cringe-fest, check out this one:
"Oh, you're tired of hearing about gay stuff? Weird. Because I've been having to witness heterosexual couples, cartoons, movies, shows, ads, sex ed, legislation, politicians, presidents, and porn most of my life."
Pig Shocker, please re-read what you wrote there. And then compare it to your rage-tweets from earlier today. Basically, if people are telling you to shut up about yer "gay stuff" it's probably because you're shoving it down their throats in an attempt to convince them of something. Seriously, STFU and go date another leper or something.
What a defensive, clueless cunt. JFW wants to rant like she's the only lesbian on our planet who has felt oppressed by being in a minority group. Grow the fuck up.
Hey, so who's ready for some CAF math? On Twitter, the Pig Shocker posted a pic of herself at age 16 and blamed EVERY SINGLE LESBIAN in the world for not telling her she was "so obviously" gay back then. (Like it's their fault she doesn't pop up on anyone's gaydar)
One person, annoyed by her dumb comment, replied: "Ya gotta figure it out for yourself." And then PS replied to that with this:
"I understand this and agree. But I feel growing up in the 80s and 90s, I wasn't given much of a chance. There was no representation. No out lesbians to talk or look up to. No cartoons or shows and the ones that did exist were Ellen and Rosie - neither were like me."
She's so full of shit. Born in 1982. And there were no role models or inspirational gay women?
1992 - k.d. lang came out (Jenna was 10) 1993 - Melissa Etheridge came out (Jenna was 11) 1997 - Ellen Degeneres came out (Jenna was 15)
I'm about a decade older than the Pig Shocker and I clearly remember this era. Those three ladies came out very publicly, and in a big way. It was HUGE news back then. She never saw their faces next to a glaring "GAY" headline on the cover of People magazine in the grocery store checkout lines? And BTW, this groundbreaking trio of brave women inspired a ton of closeted or questioning lesbians to come out as well after that.
So what does she mean "No representation" and "No one to look up to"?! Sure, she mentions Ellen, and Rosie (who didn't come out until 2002) but conveniently doesn't remember k.d. and Melissa? I call bullshit on that.
And what about Ellen and Rosie and how "neither were like me"?!? WTF? So in order for someone to be inspired to come out, they have to be just like themselves? What a fcuked up thought process that is. It makes literally no sense. As for her insipid claim that there were no shows in the 80s-90s, just check out this nifty Wiki link that states otherwise:
And the next tweet: "And I think a lot of this representation was not put out there on purpose. People didn't want their kids seeing gay representation in media or art or music because they didn't want gay kids."
Uhh...that's not how the tv and film industry works. The choice about what to create/produce is based almost entirely on money. For the most part, entertainment execs make financial decisions, not moral ones. At that time, homosexuality was a touchy subject...but they still touched on it. Not as much as today, but it was a start. And while some of it may have been for educational reasons, it all really boils down to how much money they think they can make. Not how many kids they can save from the big bad gay monster.
It's funny you touch on those dates and events... I was 10 when Ellen came out. I remember asking my parents why Ellen ended because I used to watch it after school with my dad. They explained it was because she came out as a lesbian (and explained what a lesbian was to me), and told me a lot of people didn't like that so the show was cancelled. I asked what was wrong with her liking girls? Her show was funny! Why did it matter who she dated? My parents responded was there was nothing wrong with it, there are plenty of gay people out there.
I also remember watching "The Truth About Jane" on that network for women when I was in middle school.
My parents didn't hide me away from lgbt, and they told me they would still love me if I decided to date girls. I'm attracted to men, but my youngest sister actually was engaged to a woman for awhile.
Her saying she couldn't relate is asinine, it's more about her perspective of the topic at the time. If she was in denial, she could have come across as homophobic in the way she viewed same sex relationships. But blaming the world for her not being comfortable in her own skin and not finding examples for herself is BS.
I agree with what you all wrote. She'll say anything to continue her victim narrative. I also find it funny that she considers herself to be femme when she comes across as butch.
Remember when Roseanne’s sister Jackie became a gay character in the mid 1990s?
I think that was my first conscious exposure to lgbt folk in media. What I remember most is the backlash - it was vicious.
There were only two out gay kids at my high school. Both were beaten to the point of hosputalization on different occasions.
I had very good cause to repress my own gayness until I moved to Toronto. Even then, it took a few years.
I recently showed a childhood photo of myself to my friend (another wueer woman) and we had a good laugh at how much of a baby butch I clearly was. “How did no one tell you?” She laughed. “I blame them all!” is literally what I laughed back.
This is a really common sentiment among the queer community, especially for people who figure out their sexuality in adulthood.
FFF has either picked this up through following other queers on social media, or maaaaybe it’s a rare authentic experience.
Regardless, the purpose in posting is to present herself as a victim - yet again.
total bullshit.
It’s well-established she posts online for ego boosting, attention, validation and sympathy.
WIW. Your last sentence succinctly sums up the FFF. BTW: I don't care how someone views their sexuality, but her needing little labels like "femme," "futch" etc... seems strange at her age. Maybe it's because she's middle-aged, and "came out" relatively late in life. She has not one to "blame," however, but her stupid self for poor choices in quitting a career, buying a farm when it wasn't wise, and then continuing to beg online for more free handouts on an almost a daily basis.
Highlights from the newest bleg post (Oink to the Future):
-Bank account only has money for bills, fees...and nothing for the June mortgage. -Hoping for the "luck" of another stimulus check. Keepin' the faith in that! -Talk of fighting threats of foreclosure and keeping ahead of the bank! -Offering "future" pig shares - Buy one to help out a non-existent local family! -She met up w/friends to make NOT practicing social distancing a fun group activity!! -She needs new hiking boots; but has zero moneys. But that's where YOU come in! -She's watering FOUR gardens -- but hasn't photographed a single one!
Here Shammers, you can use my bucket while I hold your hair back.
I'm tearing up over her hardships. Maybe I'll send her some more Death Wish coffee from Saratoga Springs, NY. It's so strong that it'll keep her wide awake, and long enough to finish all of those pre-paid projects.
Electric weed whacker charger? What? It's either electric (plug in with extension cord) or battery. And I am just speechless really, over her having a battery operated weed whacker on that "farm". NO ONE I have EVER HEARD OF has one of those in use on a farm. They either use a gas, or corded one, and usually, a gas one. And how about just using an old fashioned whip Jenna, oh, wait, you are too lazy. I remember now. Oh, and butchering? Um, good luck.. All butchers are booked through into early next year. Again, there you go spouting false truths.
"When people find out I'm a farmer and ask what I raise I usually say mostly pork and lamb, but I know it's a lie. What I raise, in reality, is burdock and catbirds."
What a witty wordsmith. Not. The "lie" is that she's an authentic farmer. And she doesn't "raise" any animals worth buying and consuming. Unless one likes crap meat, or wants to "donate shares" to complete strangers. Right.
Her supporters must be a special kinda stupid. She writes: "I'm trying to stay solvent, on top of things, figuring out the best ways to be frugal..."
*Yeah, right. Keeping pet horses and a play goat (with his teensy back pack) is not frugal.
"...and sane and save amongst a pandemic where people are not thinking about archery lessons or pet portraits.."
*OMG. Our local farmers cannot meet demand with prepared jams, jellies, meals, meats, flowers, soaps, masks, etc, but FFF can't figure out how to monetize a food shortage during a pandemic except by begging for more 🐩 $$$.
"...They are thinking about meat but my shares for what is available right now are sold out..."
*ROFL so the three pigs are already sold? If people bought paid for their pigs (food, care and butchering), why is she hustling for their feed? Their food should already be covered. Guess she spent $$$ on something else. You know her free range pigs are eating crap food which is why they take FOREVER to put on weight.
"...So I am going to start selling shares for the winter/fall soon as I figure out some pig futures."
* Pig Futures? WTF is she talking about? She doesn't have pigs but she's going to sell shares in pigs she doesn't own for butchering that cannot take place until Spring 2021? Sounds like she'll be pig napping someone else's pork, or repackaging Stewart's hog jowels into her product. Dearheart (we know you read our posts), be sure to add few yellow cysts to the meat so fans think it comes from Dead Animal Farm.
Only FFF could fail in a pandemic when NE farmers are turning away customers for lack of enough product to sell.
In our rural area and many, butchering spots are not available. People are butchering lots of animals because of the meat shortage and there are no open slots for us until next year. She's probably screwed at this point. But hey, maybe her pigs will put on enough weight for her to share a couple more halves and quarters! haha....
Lmao at "pig napping" other folk's pork! And repackaging for sure. As for "pig futures" it's more like "Help me pay my mortgage now, and I'll figure out how to somehow get some pork to you in the future!"
Hahaha! Pig futures... I don't know if she was trying to be funny (which always falls flat), or if she really meant "pork futures" and got it wrong again. Remember "brass tax?" LOLOL
Pig Shocker's property does not look like the property in the pig pic at all. However, PP's does.
And since when has Pig Shocker let a pig that large freely graze? She just lets them out and rounds them up? Not likely. Her past pigs only got out if they escaped.
Interesting probability. Her land doesn't get a whole lot of sunlight like Patty's does. The Pig Shocker's hovel is North facing while Patty's is South. And without a big hill to block the light.
If true, I wonder what excuse PS gave her? "Hey, let me raise my spam shares on your property cuz mine is over-grazed and barren. Plus, you can afford to care for them properly."
Her Twitter account is down now to 4,803 followers as of this afternoon. She's lost three more today. We all know why they're leaving. The lemmings are once again fleeing from the sinking shit-show that's CAF.
Here's another critical tweet that's guaranteed to lose even more:
"Hey are you a nice person without a profile pic? How about your put on a profile pic of yourself on your twitter, you're freaking out public figures with that gray outline man."
How about you stop telling strangers what to do, JFW? And it's "you put" not "your," moron. And your second run-on sentences sound stupid. Must be that daytime drinking again. After all, it's another lonely holiday without her imaginary girlfriend. Yeah, she's really one of those important "public figures" that's "freaking out" over nothing of importance. Go whine for more free handouts, JFW, so you can buy a new pair of "mountain smashing" boots.
She is not a public figure, anymore than ANYONE who has a Twitter account. Don't you love her conundrum? She does not want anonymous people following her, but she wants their money. So.. she has to add the "if you are a nice person" bit. No one is freaked out about anything, especially her. She's just angry that she felt compelled to go private in Twitter and her donations fell off. That's how it goes my dear! You gotta pay to play!
And she's far from being a "nice person" herself. In fact, she's the exact opposite. She wants to whine about something to draw more attention to her pathetic existence.
In addition to going private, I wonder if the sudden exodus of former foollowers is a result of the Coronavirus? A few months back, a guy online tweeted that the pandemic has shown him that there are certain people in his life whom he really doesn't care about ever seeing again. What he meant by that is that the pandemic has brought out the very best in people...and the very worst.
I agree with that and can relate because there is a certain person I know who has shown their true colors with the most reprehensible behavior these past few months: Very selfish, not taking it seriously, not wearing a mask, driving around going places cuz bored, thinking it's just a flu, and even had to be talked out of going on a date with a stranger they met online. Like, WTF? Especially since this stranger frowned upon a 6-foot separation type date. Add to that, a heavy increase in daily phone calls to whine and bitch about how stupid it all is and trying to make excuses to come over because they bought us non-essential goodies that we have to have. No, we really don't need your surplus Costco goods that you purposely bought in bulk so that you'd have a reason to come over when you should be adhering to the lockdown. And this was back in March when things were super scary and that would have meant exposing our home to someone who's been all over town, and bringing unnescessary products that we'd have to disinfect. I hate to sound ungrateful, but people really needed to stay the fcuk home at that time. And I get it, as there are many people I haven't seen in person for months. But that's just the nature of this horrid pandemic and we're just trying to avoid becoming ill.
But yeah, there are some people who have shown their true awful colors. Like the Pig Shocker...continuing her hardcore online panhandling during a time when people had lost their jobs and hadn't received their stimulus checks. Yet, the PS wanted their money anyway. Ugh. Zero respect for her and zero fucks to give about her self-made problems.
You know, there is a simple way for her to avoid getting freaked out over a "gray outline man" profile pic. She could just get a job like everyone else and stop tweeting stupid things. It's really that simple.
Seriously great suggestion and very simple indeed. If she ditches social media and gets a real job, she'll be among real flesh-toned people who don't have scary grey outlines.
I think that many are muting her. But her count is nothing in terms of Twitter numbers. When you consider that often popular people have millions of fans. She's never been able to reach even 5,000 due to losing followers all the time.
yeah, it's likely a good number of them are bots. I've written before how easy it is to get semi-legit followers on twitter through the use of paid auto-follow services. Trouble is, so many people use auto follow and auto-follow-back services, that a follow on twitter doesn't have much significance. Anyone can get up to 100k followers in a few years by paying $10 - $20 / month and staying reasonably engaged / putting out decent content. I half-assed my way to 10K followers in a little under a year.
Facebook / instagram followers are a lot harder to fake. Regardless, actual engagement activity is a better indication on twitter how many followers she actually has. 30 likes = probably 500 actual real people seeing her posts. You can see there is a bot on twitter automatically sharing her blog posts, so that's one retweet that doesn't mean much.
Instagram engagement is a lot easier to fake than followers if you have money to spend, but based on the activity we see consistently, I don't think she's paying for engagement on any platform. I think her >5K followers were mostly obtained in the first few years after she wrote her first book, which would have attracted bot follows, and what we see now are the leftovers - bots which gradually drop off, twitter accounts no longer in use which twitter deletes after a year or two, and I bet no more than 100 actual real people reading her tweets.
However, the use of hashtags on her lezwolfmemes account DOES result in a lot of fake likes. There are a million bots out there that will auto-like anything posted to a certain hashtag on instagram, because that bot wants you to look at it's profile, which is usually promoting something. You can tell she has a lot of auto-bot activity if you click and see who is consistently liking those posts.
vague comments like "great shot!" etc., are usually auto-commenting bots on instagram too.
when the social blade is "in the red" it's a "dying" account.
It's an easy way to check how many followers have been gained / lost in a period of time.
For this month, on average she's lost 18 followers and gained 15, but you can see she's also increased who she is following - which is the main way to drive your follow numbers up.
I think she's following people by hand when she sees her follower numbers decrease.
Or maybe she doesn't care about her numbers...
Seriously though, for a grifter she doesn't really have any decent grifts anymore. That's a good thing.
Anon 1:02 - that's the thing that gets me shaking my head. She had a book that went into it's second printing, meaning it did well. She could easily have FAR more followers than she does if she had just *tried* a little bit.
Sat down and learned about how to market her blog / writing. Gone to conferences. At the very least, taken online courses or listened to one of the many podcasts on social media marketing. MAN did she miss that boat.
She reminds me of Julie Powell, who wrote "Julie & Julia" - the book that was picked up and produced as a movie with Meryl Streep as Julia Child. Powell was by all measures a great success story! Then she wrote her second book and everyone went, "ohhhhhhhhhhh.... she's terrible!"
The second book "Cleaved" was about Powell learning butchery and travelling the world for the purpose of butchery material and also destroying her marriage by cheating on her husband, and oh yeah, she has two biological children somewhere in florida resulting from selling her eggs to pay off credit card debt.
I went through a similar fan-crash with Powell as I did with FFF. Great first book, expect good things then *sad trombone*.
And because I was curious, Powell has a few hundred twitter followers less than FFF.
She's now at 4,800. The rubicon is about to be crossed...
WIW - That socialblade link is a nifty one! It's very telling that out of 4,800 foollowers she only averages 18 "likes" per tweet. And her total grade according to that site is a B- (B is for Begging)
So this author Julie Powell sold her eggs to pay off debt? Lol, don't give the Pig Shocker any ideas, as that's a gene pool that needs to be drained for the safety of animals everywhere.
Anon7. I saw the drop, too. Check out this ridiculous, run-on stupid sentence with not one comma:
"One of my pork customers is a librarian and when she gets a share of meat she takes it home and catalogues it and gets all the cuts and such into a spreadsheet and I really want that freezer to have a wooden card catalog next to it."
"I am very honored I am getting random @AnnaKendrick47 tweets direct from HBO like they know she's the love of my life."
She comes across like a creepy celebrity stalker.
"Just back from laundromat and post office. Only people not wearing masks are white guys "
" I know you don't want to wear that mask at the grocery store because you're scared you'll run into one of your bros, Todd. But there's a 100,000 dead Americans that wish you didn't have the self esteem of a middle schooler."
LOL!!! Talk about "The pot calling the kettle black." She has the mindset of a teen twat herself. And her stupid sentences have stilted syntax. Who knows or cares why people don't wear masks? But judgmental Jenna has to give her worthless opinions. Maybe "Todd" has harassed her at the laundromat, too. Where we live in Vermont there are plenty of people not wearing masks, and they include women and POC. At least her ugly mug is covered up for now. I'd consider that a community service.
Wow, just wow. Do you all see the sexism, and racism in her posts? She has absolutely no room to judge anyone. She is the most horrible animal abusing, SCAMMER that ever graced the north east of the USA.
Down to a new low this morning: 4,798. It's no wonder why it's falling faster now.
And if you hate it I don't want to hear about it. I just spent every day of the upstate NY winter carrying firewood inside to be kept warm. People who hate the heat use thermostats."
Well, we don't "want to hear about" your obnoxious and rare love of "HUMIDITY!" Draw out those hyperbolic vowels a little more, moron.
Why does she share anything on social media if everything she writes is followed up with "shut up if you don't like it"? She does not need to use a wood stove- she has a WORKING furnace. The fire wood is her shtick so that she can get farmer clout. Which she is not. Just like hauling BUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKETTTTTSSSSS of water. Again, all solved by using a hose. People who hate the heat hate the heat because it makes WORK harder. Those who play farmville online all day like her, love it because it literally is just the same as winter!
Exactly. Her whining about having to use wood to heat her hovel is a bunch of bull. She chooses to do it, because it's one way to mooch more money from foolish followers. Her hauling buckets of water is stupid and unnecessary.
"things like hay delivery, a farrier visit, feed, butchering, etc. " AND she's worried about her June mortgage payment. Every single thing on that list she could be living without; i.e. find new homes for her animals. With so many people dead in such a short period of time? The craziness we are exposed to on the media? I'm weary of her bullshit. I usually don't write, just sit back and watch the shit show. How can people buy crap soap and animal cartoons (stolen from clip art) when they aren't even getting paychecks? If she's telling the truth on her home debt, I would expect this new company carrying her would be eager to drop the anvil.
"Note to soap customers: I am getting out orders fast as I can but there is a delay in the supply chain. Local stores are out of the fats I used often, and so ordering them online is happening but jugs of coconut and olive oil aren't shipping fast as high priority items."
It's melt and pour soap folks. There are no such ingredients as olive oil and coconut in her soap; it's just another excuse as to why people aren't getting their orders AGAIN. I'm sure they ordered the crap months ago before all this COVID-19 business. People are hounding you cuz it's obvious you loaf around all day and then cry and complain when you need money.
Ha haaa Jenna, hope they bang on your door and drag you out by your straggly ass hair.
"Please be patient, everything is effecting everything right now."
It's "affecting", I thought she was a wordsmith.
As always, she takes money for soap that hasn't been made yet (inexplicably skipping the curing process altogether), and is selling shares of pigs that haven't even been born yet, depending on slaughter dates that she has no chance of securing.
We also haven't seen any evidence of her pigs in a while.
She still doesn't get the difference between effect and affect, even though it's been pointed out to her numerous times. She's still stubborn and stupid. And "everything" is always falling apart at her shit-show faux farm. It has nothing to do with the virus crisis.
Is it just me or all of a sudden our FFF is upset/ashamed about being white? Many articles pertaining to this or that about white men or white people in general. Now it has something to do with white people in 2016. Doesn't make sense to me but this is what I take from this.
She's a spoiled, suburban-raised privileged white woman who suddenly has a consciousness of class and race. It's all a bunch of bull to attract more free handouts.
She doesn't have any empathy, so she really doesn't care, but if NY hipsters and LGBTQ post common social opinions, she's right there, trying to be part of the gang.
Essentially, she chases after - and copies - social commentary trends posted by NYC trust-fund buddies and social media connections.
Only in small, eccentric ways does she differ. "I LUV heat and humidity." "I enjoy killing bunnies."
She's also a huge hypocrite who has no POC friends. She's never once posted a pic of anyone who is black, Asian, Mexican, Native American, Hindu etc...
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Here's to a day of a little more luck and a lot of work. Hopefully the two are related."
She could solve most of her money woes by just getting a part-time job. But JFW is too self-entitled and spoiled to even consider working to support herself by doing menial labor. Her infamous "luck" has "little" to do with her being a lazy lifestyle loser.
I just checked delivery dates on Amazon Prime (her favorite) for "jugs" of Coconut Oil, Oilve Oil and Melt and Pour Soap. Guess what? No delivery delays. If I ordered today (Friday), I'd get by Tuesday.
Sounds like FFF is spewing more lies, since she already undoubtedly spent the money people sent for soap - and she cannot buy more melt-n-pour ingredients.
LS, oh yes, hahaha. Goat's milk is available at most NE trendy shops, many grocers and assuredly online. All lies to explain late/no deliveries. The truth wouldn't be appealing to her foolish followers.
I knew it was a bunch of BS regarding soap orders. Guess she's gotta lie again to explain why no orders are getting out. Go ahead and sit on your fat ass Jenna, but don't whine on twitter about all the hate. Just get it done Bitch.
Say it ain't so!!! It looks like "her girl" has left "after a long visit." I guess that the bloody "period sex" that she bragged about wasn't working out. Watch for a U-Haul in the future, if she even exists since there are no pics as proof.
I hesitated before writing about the bloody period sex, but thought that it showed how repellent JFW is in reality. She has no discernment when it comes to grossing people out.
"If you still support this president, hang your head in shame.
But you won't. Because you've become immune to it."
Why don't you "hang your head in shame," JFW? You're a college-educated, able-bodied and privileged white woman who is too lazy and self-entitled to work a part-time job. So you beg online almost daily for free handouts. You're beyond pathetic, and an embarrassment to authentic farmers.
She's also an embarrassment to rural women, pet-owning women, horse women, daughters, sisters, neighbors and single women. She never does preventive or corrective maintenance, instead relying on others to do it for her. She improves nothing. She cannot figure out how to use a garden hose to water the animals FFS, so any recent improvements were probably because her quarantine "friend" was visiting.
And the times she "broke down" over the stupidest, most preventable sh** imaginable. Don't get me started !!!
Yeah, I remember her adult temper tantrums over nothing of importance. Such a big, badass faux farmer. JFW doesn't deserve to have a home. She does the bare minimum to maintain her hovel, and it's far from being "shabby chic." It's like the Cambridge/Jackson version of Grey Gardens, but she doesn't even have half of Little Edie's entertaining aspects.
LS, lol at comparing Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm to Grey Gardens. To be fair, though, the Big and Little Edie had better artwork, pedigrees, literacy, fashion sense, and they loved cats.
Perhaps someone will rescue FFF's falling-down hovel on the side-of-the-mountain and give it the TLC it deserves. Even the run-down Grey Gardens was rescued (by Sally Quinn and Ben Bradlee), so there's hope for Cambridge.
"Big tree fell and nearly took out l barn. Need a friend with a chainsaw to help clear it away. First I need to rewire the fences so the pigs dont escape. What a morning...."
The brave, badass faux farmer is "terrified of chainsaws," so once again, "a friend" has to help her. Of course, there are no pics as proof that anything happened. Again. The tweet's stupid subtext is "I need more free handouts now!" And is it "I barn" or "1 barn"? Since she doesn't take time to proofread her tweets we'll never know. It doesn't make any sense. She probably meant "my barn," but is already doing daytime drinking to steady herself "to rewire the fences." What a hard life she leads. LOL!!!
Pember Patty is her most massive dumb enabler. She doesn't want free firewood, because it's one more way for her to whine about needing more money. The FFF ignores all sage advice given to her for years.
From her bleg: "...I am weeding and planting like mad, which is part of the influence of my girlfriend who has promised to assist me in weeding (which she will certainly regret)..."
All the, ahem, "work" on the farm prompted - or probably done - by someone else.
Heaven forbid the fake homesteaders weed her own gardens.
"It feels bad posting anything for my own farm or business with everything going on right now in America. But if sales don't come in I will have a negative account in a few days or sooner. I am trying to make ends meet and feel safe."
GIMME A FUCKING BREAK!!! Here she goes again with the "negative (it's usually "double digit") account" crap. Sure she "feels bad," but not enough to just get a part-time job. Without a doubt she's one of the dumbest people I've ever met. She never learns her lessons, yet expects other normal adults to give her more free handouts. If she really wanted to "feel safe" or "lucky," then she'd get off her lazy fat ass, and accomplish something other than online whining and begging. If anyone feels sorry for this lying, sociopathic POS they need a therapist even more than she does.
Less than an hour later, Cambridge's finest righter tweeted:
"If you're getting dressed to go horseback riding, pick whatever feels the most comfortable to fall off a horse in."
Lol, she has zero fcuks to give about problems in America; she only cares about things that affect HER. Not out earning money with a J.O.B., busy playing with her horses.
You know, if Taylor Swift hadn't made posts about race relations, neither would the faux feral farmer.
DM. Exactly. No one in their right mind gives a shit about an able-bodied, college-educated white woman who is too lazy to just get a part-time job. She can shove her "negative account" up her fat ass. PDD. She'd probably write "effect" again instead of "affect," 'cause she's a real "righter." And I also noticed the connection between the FFF's sudden interest in race relations, and her creepiest celebrity stalking crush, Taylor Swift.
Someone stupid has bought more bots to shore up her dwindling Twitter account. But the numbers will drop again soon. They always do, and she's not fooling anyone with followers.
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Looking for folks who are interested in supporting this farm through art sales, logo work, handmade soap or meat shares! Trying to make sales every day to be safe going into June. With big bills coming every bar or sketch helps!"
Trigger words for the FFF: "this farm," "safe," and "big bills." She uses words to incite emotion, and get more money. It's all part of her manipulative marketing.
Here are more of her usual trigger words: "facing foreclosure, "scary red van man," "wolves are at my door, "terrified," "anxious" and "afraid." I'm sure that regular readers here can come up with others.
About her soap... I find it curious that Patty supports and promotes a REAL soap maker in their area, Goats Galore. And if you check out their Instagram, they are a scrappy little Homestead with so many of the features that Jenna tries to say she has, but really doesn't.
If she was really making serious soap, she would have an area set up for cooking it and molds and fresh soap curing and tons of photo ops of the process. All good soapers do. She never shows any of the behind the scenes works because the cat would be outta the bag.
Quality handmade soap MUST cure for weeks. Even Granny's old homemade lard and ash soap has to cure. You just can not sell day old soap. It is so soft and mushy, it's not right. And it's rarely made in plastic molds. It will melt them, it's HOT... melt and pour soap can be ready in a few hours, a day.
For the price she is hawking her soap for, it oughta be super supreme and hand crafted. As all things Cold Antler Farm, she is fleecing her innocent 'fans' and they will shake their heads one day and just be amazed they knew so little about all things farmy...
I agree with what you wrote. She's never once shown any pics as proof of her process. It's similar to not posting bills that she's begged about (truck and teeth repairs), and even "her girl" who hasn't appeared online. It's like I always say here, but it bears repeating, her life is lies.
Actually you can make cold process soap and use plastic molds. By the time the soap hits trace, it will have cooled down. Also, in using goat's milk to make the soap you use slushy milk so it cools the lye. If you don't use frozen milk it ends up burning the milk and ruining the soap. Half of the soaps I made were in plastic molds, the other half went into silicone molds. Plastic is cheaper for starting out and honestly there are some cute plastic molds and they hold up OK.
"...This farm is starting June in bright red. I need to fight my own fight just to keep this place from sinking back into delinquency or danger. And I will. But keeping my farm above water isn't exactly the most pressing issue in the world right now.
So I will be donating part of what this farm earns this month to Black Lives Matter. I will be using my voice on social media more to educate and make people in my position (the majority of us white, female, farmers or future farmers) aware of how they can help as well. I will still be running my one-woman business and hoping to have luck there just staying safe..."
I doubt pig shocker is gay, I’m thinking this is just the latest scamming bandwagon she’s jumped on. Next she’s going to discover some Native American or long lost Black ancestor, just so she can fleece those demographics. I would put nothing past her lying ass.
I've also doubted she's gay. Having lived in the heart of the Castro District in SF for a couple decades, my 'gaydar' never went off with her. I think she's just a totally effed up individual with no idea who she is and who has no self-awareness. She rides the coattails of whatever or whoever's "in" to pick up any crumbs of followers (cha-ching).
I don't think she's gay either, but it doesn't matter what her sexuality is; I couldn't care less. However, when you are using it to appeal to a certain demographic to get money and have someone come over to "co-quarantine with" and they end up doing your yardwork, that's when its wrong. If she even exists. She does whatever she can to make money.
Now she's all over "Black Lives Matter" to hopefully win favor and see if she gets any money from that. She alleges she is going to donate whatever the farm earns to the cause. I highly doubt that; she's way too selfish.
An excerpt:
"So I will be donating part of what this farm earns this month to Black Lives Matter. I will be using my voice on social media more to educate and make people in my position (the majority of us white, female, farmers or future farmers) aware of how they can help as well. I will still be running my one-woman business and hoping to have luck there just staying safe. But not without bringing attention to resources and voices more needed than my own.
I am trying to figure out how to do that and how to simply pay the bills around here. But every single time I post about something this farm sells, something made from a white woman safe from pandemic and prejudice, I feel like an ass. How insanely unimportant I am in this, my farm is in this. But the reality is we all have to keep paying our bills and figuring out how to keep our banks accounts in the black. I am not there today. This farm is starting June in bright red. I need to fight my own fight just to keep this place from sinking back into delinquency or danger. And I will. But keeping my farm above water isn't exactly the most pressing issue in the world right now."
It's one thing to mention what is going on in the country and how you want to change it; it's another thing to also mention your mortgage. That is what that post is really about.
Jenna is disingenuous. It's all about her manipulative marketing for more free handouts. Her fake, "woke" social consciousness about racial issues is just part of the overall scamming.
She is making this about her (again) in a post designed to garner sympathy for an able-bodied, college-educated white woman, living in trendy New York. She devotes her life to frivolous activities, a woman who could work an outside job to pay bills but chooses not to.
Now, she is using racial conflict and Black Lives Matter as a lure to get more sales. If ANYONE believes she will donate a significant portion of proceeds towards Black Lives Matter, I have some "home made, mint-filled, never-cured, melt-n-pour soap" to sell you at greatly overpriced rates.
As many other white folks who are just deciding it's time to speak up are doing, she is 'centering' herself in the issue. And her repeated use of saying she needs to be safe is, frankly, an insult. She isn't unsafe, she is trying to avoid the consequences of her laziness and poor choices and manipulation. It is disgusting. And JW, since I know you read, the correct response is to listen, make a change within your self and amplify the voices of POC.
Here's another pertinent point. Why isn't she seen at any local protests? If she were really so upset about racial issues, then she'd get off her fat ass and take direct action. Although her stupid sign would probably say "Wolves are at my door!"
So she'll be donating "part of what this farm earns this month..."???
"Part" could be as little as $0.01, and since she isn't publicly audited or accountable (and since she has been caught in multiple lies and exaggerations), her weak-ass promise to donate a "part"...of what she earns..."this month" means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
PDD. The FFF really means that she'll be donating part of what she gets from free handouts this month. Once the mortgage is paid, and other bills too. Unless she shows pics as proof of a donation, then it's all a bunch of bull.
Now she claims she is going to donate part of what she earns this month to Black Lives Matters. SURE SHE IS!
Hope she's ready to show some receipts of that donation or else there's a lot of peeps who will be knocking on her door wanting to know why she is trying to make their movement part of her scam.
"What this farm is doing with its single voice and small platform to help Black Lives Matter this month. All of us have the power to help change this world. https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2020/06/bright-red.html...
She's so full of shit that it would turn her eyes brown if they already weren't that color. It's like her lies about wanting to support Patty and her husband in their retirement, or giving money to female artists once "this farm is finally solvent." Which it has never been, and never will be.
Damn straight. I want to see those receipts too. This is her MO. She has been doing this for YEARS. She jumps on a cause and hopes that people will notice her. And click on her Twitter feed. And then take notice of her problems and needs. And then subscribe. And then donate to her. Or at least buy her melt-n-pour soaps. Doesn't matter to her either way...as long as she can still buy her Death Wish Coffee and the latest Taylor Swift release.
This is such a new low for her. Using BLM, and appropriating a movement BY BIPOC that is focused on their right not to be murdered by police, just to bring attention to herself (a middle class raised, educated white woman who consciously CHOOSES to be unemployed and owns a home & property) in order to solicit donations- is disgusting. The fact that she said she's going to "educate" tells you everything. What education does she have on white privilege? What anti-racist work has she been engaged in for decades? What publications has she created to speak of the insidious nature of white privilege and institutional racism? I have NEVER heard her speak about or promote black owned farms, indigenous farmers, the horrors of racism in agribusiness, the centuries of institutional racism in land ownership that has kept black folks shut out of owning their own farms, the discrimination that still exists for black (especially black women) farmers who attempt to get USDA loans so they CAN farm. The very same loan she (a privileged white woman) got, PLUS donations, in order to buy a home and land. I am so angry that this privileged white woman is using her platform for more free handouts at a time when people are hurting! True allies post links to black writers and black owned businesses in order to support/uplift those folks and to educate white folks by pointing them to resources WRITTEN BY BIPOC! They don't say THEY'RE going to educate you on racism 101, and then mention their own personal bills and mortgage. That, my dear, IS the epitome of white privilege!
Your comment was spot-on, thanks. She doesn't even have POC as either friends or business associates. JFW is an able-bodied, college educated "privileged white woman" who is too lazy and self-entitled to even get a part-time job to support her hovel. Basically, she's unethically using this racial crisis as another opportunity to solicit free funds for doing nothing. Her behavior is despicable.
Great comments, Anon 12:50. I can't believe she's doing this either. Although, I shouldn't be too surprised, as every time there is some great big story dominating the news, she's sooooo fcuking on it, and incorporating her "thoughts and prayers" into tweets that are designed to get people to follow her and give money to her. For new hiking boots. And booze.
And...agree with you totally, as I have NEVER heard her speak about anyone black, much less their rights...or glaring lack of. The only time ever, is on her Instagram where she posted pics of her at a gathering with "real" falconers...in which one was indeed black. But if he hadn't been holding a falcon, I doubt she would have given him the time of day.
Let’s not forget Harvey Milk. A gentleman, a hero and a friend to all. He was championing Gay rights in the early 80’s, surely pig shocker heard of him, unless she was under a rock somewhere.
You know, in FFF's earlier blogs, she busily scouted for men, even asking readers to set her up on dates. In one infamous post, she listed her preferences for her man. It was laughingly superficial, a bearded, plaid-shirted middle class hipster that would "fit" her fake country lifestyle. She never found the guy.
She also lamented (multiple times) that she was unlucky in love and that a boy she madly desired in high school referred to her as "the beast". Yuck. I kinda feel sorry for her, carrying all that emotional baggage.
As far as I could see, despite her really trying, no one settled down with her, which is amazing since she isn't the worst looking woman on the planet, is college-educated and a property owner. Guessing her insufferable personality must have been too much for anyone to take.
Then, either catching onto a trend, searching for a new demographic to fleece or having an awakening afte zero interest in women, she became bi, queer, gay and now lesbian.
PS I forgot to add, I don't ever remember reading early blogs that discussed LGBTQ, BIPOC or any disenfranchised people. She was ALWAYS about herself, what she wanted to learn, what she could show off and how very "special" she was.
Being "woke" is yet another manifestation for pig shocker. She wants to add it to her string of fake personas: falconer, farmer, martial artist, Buddhist, heathen, vegan, omnivore, carnivore, straight, queer, bi, gay and lesbian.
God Bless the late Harvey Milk. The movie about his life was fcuking amazing. He was a revolutionary being. A true class act. And the fact that Gerrymandering was going on way back then...Grrrrr. And don't even get me started on how Gays were treated.
PDD, as usual, has a lot of good points and spot-on observations. I agree with everything. But then this, "she isn't the worst looking woman on the planet"
And to that I say: I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, Lou. (Lol, I stole that from Fargo) Beauty is only skin deep, and by that reckoning, she's the WORST and ugliest person on this planet to be begging for free money and taking those donations away from those who need it most. Not sure if y'all know, but there are dozens of GoFundMe accounts set up to bail out peaceful protesters who've been arrested for fighting for social justice. Donate to them instead.
Just re-read this and realized I might've come off like I was being critical of Poods' comment. I am not. I was just joking around at the expense of the Pig Shocker with my Fargo humor. I LOVE everyone on here who participates in helping to educate others about the scams and lies of a certain FFF. I truly love everyone here. Can't even think of one person whom I don't like. You are all beautiful and wonderful. And we all fight the good fight for the sake of the animals. And people's wallets everywhere.
Anon7, it's all good. I get your humor. I was trying to suggest that on the outside, she should have had an appeal. But when you add her narcissistic, lying, condescending, frumpy, animal-neglecting ways, her potential dates practiced social distancing way before 2020.
Obv, if you include FFF's habits and personality, she's 💯 ugly.
She was, for a nanosecond. I read the article. I don't know... if it were me and I saw blatant looting (not protesting) I would have called the cops. The looters were just taking advantage of the "cover" that the protests provided.
Oh no she didn't. Is there no end to her depravity? The current situation has gone from a local (MN) protest, to a nation-wide uprising, to now a world-wide uprising, with people all over the WORLD protesting for social equality and justice for People Of Color. And then the Pig Shocking bitch tweets this:
"It feels bad posting anything for my own farm or business with everything going on right now in America. But if sales don't come in I will have a negative account in a few days or sooner. I am trying to make ends meet and feel safe."
Fuck you, Jenna Woginrich. It 'feels bad' to you because your online panhandling at a time like this IS bad. You need to read the room and trust your instincts when they tell that you you're being a jackass. "BuT iF $aLEs dOn'T cOmE..." You'll what? Become homeless like a lot of black people in America who don't have your entitled white privilege? Or your college education? Good. Become homeless. You deserve it. And as per always, so many black people have a hard time getting a job because of the color of their skin...yet you with your over-abundance of white skin can't even be arsed to look for a job to support your sorry ass.
Oh, and folks, she's "trying to feel safe" whilst living in a very safe tiny community, far from any big city -- while people in big cities are legit trying to feel safe from the police. Oh, but wait, she's not talking about that...she's talking about being safe from THE WOLVES AT THE DOOR. At a time like this? What the hell is wrong with you, ya cunt??
With so many legitimate public figures sitting out this content creation cycle, and instead choosing to post links to resources / donations instead, and with FFF's lack of imagination, she has to just say, "I'm going to keep the content coming, business as usual because I need LUCK!"
Her woe is wog song is sounding uglier with every passing day.
And jeezus...her in latest bleg post (Bright Red 6/1/20) she says this:
"My platform is small. My audience is small. But I do have a few thousand people I can reach through social media. I am trying to use my voice there for good."
BUT THEN, she immediately says this:
"I am trying to figure out how to do that and how to simply pay the bills around here."
Of course you are. Because you won't exercise your white privilege to score an easy job that so many Black Americans would love to have. And then she goes on to play the victim by pointing out that she's a "WHITE WOMAN" going thru hard times. Oh, man. I can't even. She is ONLY using her "platform" to beg for more sales. Then she laments:
"But the reality is we all have to keep paying our bills and figuring out how to keep our banks accounts in the black."
Ummm, that WAS the situation during the (ongoing) Coronavirus pandemic. Now it's about people being taken seriously and fighting for their lives. And hey, notice how she said she wants to keep her bank account in the BLACK? If memory serves correct, this is all she ever has to say about anything BLACK. And its always about her bank account. She never uses the word BLACK to talk about people. Have you ever seen on her Twitter tweet about the rights of BLACK people? No...it's ALWAYS about her wanting to keep her bank account black. Cuz that's the only black she's concerned about.
Bitch, streets all over the WORLD are red with fear, protest, revolt...and the red blood of those who have been beaten by police for peacefully protesting. Wake up! This is not about you and your self-caused problems! And she doesn't stop:
"I need to fight my own fight just to keep this place from sinking back into delinquency or danger."
Wow. You've picked the wrong hill to die on. You'll fight for yourself only? But then you go on say this:
"So I will be donating part of what this farm earns this month to Black Lives Matter."
Oh hell no she won't. I'll bet my son's life that she won't donate a single penny. And she's gonna educate people too? Educate them on how "white women" like her can help the situation? The sheer nerve of her. If she's actually been watching any TV coverage of the peaceful protests and the rioters/looters, she would have seen that there are MANY BLACK people who are already doing that. Educating others on so many issues. There have been Black Civic Leaders, Preachers, and others who are spreading helpful words and insight. And they don't need some Pig Shocking privileged white woman trying to educate others about anything.
Oh gawd, it just doesn't end with her. After faking compassion and begging for money to give to BLM, she then writes this:
"I will still be sharing stories of the farm, hiking, nature, gardens..."
Wow...so while the world burns, Jenna Woginrich wants YOU to know that she will be living a privileged white life in a home that she owns, while mountain smashing, enjoying nature while on horsey rides, and tending to gardens in a leisurely fashion. While the rest of us have much more pressing issues. Like how to make our voices heard about racial inequality. While having to deal with curfews.
She'll be using her Black Lives Matter (I'm a white woman and I'm) Mad Money for new hiking boots and glitter lacquer for her goat's horns. Riot Grrrl. The only time she's been tear gassed or pepper sprayed was when she showed up at one of "her girl's" dwelling unannounced. The world burns? That's OK. Feral Farmer has the fiddle!
Lol, Nero. Seriously, she's no where near a big city where shit is real. She's mountain smashing. And day drinking. And forever online panhandling. Boy, if I could get her to visit here so I could take her down to the flashpoint intersection (Florence and Normandy -- where I have friends) and take her down there to see how so many under privileged people really live. Screw the Pig Shocker and her wolf contacts and new hiking boots. People are suffering and dying right now. And she says she'll send .01 cent of each dollar to BLM?
Two posts here, cuz it's too many words for just one:
OK, I gotta say one more thing. But before I do, a little background info because even though I pass for a white person, it's important to me for you to know that I have been a staunch lover of Black people since I was a tiny child. And because I'm about to relate what the past few days here have been like, please know that it's not out of fear of Black people, not even the looters (whom I don't totally agree with, but I heartedly understand) -- it out of fear from the POLICE right now. We are somewhat safe, but not really.
So as brief as I can do this: My blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin fools people into thinking I'm white. But I'm exactly half Hispanic. Dad was from a poor village deep in Mexico, born dark with black hair. Mom, also blonde and pale, was from a wealthy white family on the east coast. I sadly did not get any of the dark coloring of my father who is super dark with black hair. Instead I grew up with chronic sunburn, but spent an amazing amount of time with my Spanish grandmother and my Mexican aunt. They loved me, unlike my horrible white racist grandmother who wasn't happy that her socialite daughter married a "beaner" -- so I learned very early on about racism.
The reason the Black Lives Matter revolution is very important to me is because a very kind and gentle 40-50 year old Black HUman comforted me after a bad auto accident whilst my mom was talking with police officers. He was a street construction worker about 40 feet away when he noticed that I was kinda confused (no seatbelt so my head made hard contact with the dashboard after we were rear-ended at a stoplight) -- and I was wandering towards the busy street. He came over, grabbed me and took me to his work truck where he gave me a cup of water and told me not to be scared. I remember him vividly, being kind and calming. I also remember when the white cop came over and roughly snatched me away, like I was in danger from him. And I remember wondering why, when this beautiful Black man had been kinder to me than my father had ever been. I later (in middle school) had a Black boyfriend who my parents were not happy about. There's more, but I think that's enough to outline by what I have to say about the shit that's going on here in where I live. And to let you know that my fear is not due to Black people (not even the looters)...it's all because of the police.
OK, so that being said: Here's what the past few days here (big city 10 miles from downtown Los Angeles) have been like. Horror in watching almost 24-7 of the live news coverage. The peaceful protests are great...but some of the asshole cops beating down protesters is not. And the looting is sad, but I get it. And what makes me happy this time (as compared to the 1992 riots) is seeing soooooo many non-black people (whites, latinos, asians) protesting right along side with Black people. This is good.
Yesterday, our city got a curfew. Not a huge deal, cuz thanks to the lovely Coronavirus, we've been stocked up on everything for months. But the curfew came down with just two hours notice. 6PM. And so here was our problem: There's this feral stray cat that we've been feeding for 5+ years. She's not far, just across the street and down a few blocks. BUT, there's a curfew and you can't be out if you don't wanna be arrested and slapped with a 1K fine.
Why didn't we feed the cat before curfew? Cuz she only comes out once it's dark. And it's her only chance to eat in a 24 hour time period. And she's starving. And is always crying for us. So I got online and brought up our city's police scanner and also the FlightRadar site which shows police helicopter activity. I told my son how to dress-- in neutral colors to blend in, and no hat or mask (which might be seen as trying to disguise himself) and how not to run, but to walk quickly with purpose, and how, when going down alleyways, not to look into driveways, carports, so that he doesn't appear to be a looter. We put some serious thought into this.
So I sent him out, while I monitored the feeds, and it was a success. Pretty little kitty cat was fed! She got her full can of wet food, her kibble and treats, and a bunch of fresh deli turkey. Yeah, she's spoiled, but it was great. Though there was a moment when I grabbed my cellphone to alert my son while he was still out, as a call came over the scanner of a "man spotted" -- but turns out it was in another neighborhood.
Tonight didn't go as smooth. I told him to keep the empty can with him, for two reasons: To save him time from walking to a dumpster to dispose of it, and to have proof of what he was doing if the police stopped him. (We've both been stopped in that alley before because they thought we were doing something suspicious. They frisked us and ran our names...and then released us after 20 minutes of hassle.)
***BTW, hardcore cop sirens right now...helicopters too...3 of them...blocks away....at just after midnite here (12:38am) ...taking a quick break to listen to the scanner. 12:45am - Nothing on the scanners...but the helicopters. Hard core looting took place two cities over from us earlier today. This might be some of the stragglers. Oh, the just mentioned the avenue we live off of, but then a bunch of random codes. 12:54 - The danger has passed. Probably were chasing someone racing thru.
Anyway, so back to tonight. He dressed the same way as last night and this time I decided to walk to the street corner with him, just to check out the street, see if there are any people out. We didn't get far cuz on our very corner there was already a police car that had stopped a Latino male on a bike, who was wearing all black and a face mask and backpack. So we went back inside to brainstorm another way. But there wasn't another way, because of all the intersection cameras, which our city watches closely. So we waited.
15 minutes later, he went to try again. This time, he almost made it to the kitty, but the parking lot/corner store lot that she lives behind had cop cars in it. So he had to sneak back home again. This time, I was really frustrated because I learned that a cat's hunger pains are not like ours. They feel serious pain when their bellies are empty. So I decided that I would drive him over there and that we'd take our chances when it comes to jail. And hope for some sympathy from the cops for our mission, or at least we could play dumb about the curfew.
So...it actually went well. Although it was scary. Were we scared of any nearby protesters or looters? Nope, not at all. We were scared of coming into contact with our local police who have, in the past 10 years, gotten very aggressive with everyone who lives in this city. Even people who feed feral cats. This seriously needs to change. And it wasn't just us with this problem tonight. I saw on our local websites so many people worried about being arrested or fine for taking their dogs out for a walk 'n a poop. People are just that scared here right now.
Anon7, my thoughts are with you and the rest of those who are in flash point areas. Horrible to see. I cannot imagine what it's like to be in the middle of it. Stay safe, everyone.
Anon 7, its Anonymous 12:50 here (of earlier post- from yesterday), thank you for sharing your story. I can hear the trauma and pain in your experience and I hope you and your son (and the cat) are okay. Thank you for making the points that you did about how racism works and the brutality of the police. The fear you mention (of police, surveillance, helicopters) is something J.W. has NEVER even come close to experiencing. Her appropriation of Black Out Tuesday and the Black Lives Matter hashtags in order to solicit funds or HERSELF is unconscionable, and I repeat, a new low even for her. I hope her followers are able to see through the thin veneer she fronts (she's no farmer) during this time of racial crisis in our country and finally leave her and her begging in the dust. It's just disgusting how she's done nothing, not even tried to mention black farmers, homesteaders, or orgs working on equality in agriculture and land ownership, NOTHING w her platform in all these years. Yet, now she thinks posting an African proverb is going to help? Really? How about posting links to orgs where you can donate bail $ to help protestors, or links to orgs that are actively working to change racist systems? She's about as anti-racist as George Wallace was. Thank you again Anon 7 for sharing your truth. Be safe.
Anon 7, I feel you and am sorry for the stress and fear. I live in Atlanta 2 neighborhoods west of where a lot of the late night disturbance after the peaceful protests have happened, so we have had 4 nights of unrest with National Guard on the ground and 3 of those have had curfews -- Make that 4 per the text that just came in. You are correct, my fear is for the reaction from police and a governor who will allow troops to escalate. You may have seen the college couple tasered and drug from their car a couple of nights ago. My co-worker is a cousin of Ahmaud Arbery. My community is generally poor and black so affected by it all. Last night we had a gathering here in our park for prayer and action. It was wonderful, but I was anxious that it started after 6 and our curfew was coming up at 9. JFW needs to shut up, listen and amplify BIPOC voices. Oh wait - that would assume sincerity on her part. Her GF must be more aware and she's afraid she won't get her back over to weed.
Poor fake feral farmer. All of her social media friends are getting woke (even PP) and some have even muted their SM accounts. So what's a hypocritical couldn't-care-less wannabe to do? Imitate, imitate, imitate their concern and pretend to care.
But be sure to slip in "poor me" posts and ads for overpriced junk to keep her in $200+ hiking shoes and horsey rides.
Yep, the Twit posted another two ads for her cartoon dog pics with "...This place needs to pay electric and internet bills ASAP. Some people sing for their supper. I'll paint for my 'puter..."
The bitch won't quit. Here's a "woke" retweet so followers will think that she cares about racial issues. But she'd rather be speculating about Swift's sexuality, and bragging about "Loving huuummmiiidddiiitttyyy!!!"
"the child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth"
"I am offering a sale on pet portraits, 2 for $80. This includes a 9x12" ink and watercolor original piece of artwork shipped anywhere in the world for free. This farm is a hair's breath from being in the red tomorrow and all and any sales keep it safe. DM."
"Well, it does include that. But 2 of them. And if you want up to 3 animals in one pic. I'll draw 6 pets total. This place needs to pay electric and internet bills ASAP. Some people sing for their supper. I'll paint for my 'puter."
Her pet portraits are always on sale, so this is just more of her manipulative marketing. And again, she mentions the trigger word "safe" to elicit emotions. Her "hair's breath" bullshit is ridiculous hyperbole. It's you, JFW, that needs to pay the bills. Not "this farm or place." But you won't own up to any adult responsibilities, and try to get more free handouts for doing nothing. The 'puter is a also failure to be funny:
To anyone wondering why she repeats the word "luck." It's her substitute word for money, and can pretty much be replaced in all cases. She thinks if she says it a lot, it will appear. Seems to have worked so far.
Is there an antonym for "feminist"? Because that's what she is. A tree falls, and before anything can be done, somebody else has to show up with a chainsaw. PP's dh must loooovvveee her.
If she didn't have the materials, she shouldn't have taken the orders for soap. That's pure scamming. And of course, the materials are available, even locally.
Oops, sorry Anon 7 - see you there! One more thing though - Do you all think "public figures" care about whether a follower has a photo? If I had thousands of followers, I think I could find better use of my time than poring over twitter accounts. Chickqualizer
For anyone interested, I recently listened to a podcast called "Behind the Bastards". The episode titled "The man who teaches our cops to kill" was released June 1.
"How many people are in the position of wanting to get into the streets and protest but can't afford the hospital bill if their maced, gassed, or trampled?
America is so fucked right now."
Really? Their?
Also, way to miss the point of the protests. People risk their lives to demonstrate during a pandemic and public disorder because they are desperate to increase their chances of survival in the future. They already factor in the potential for physical injury, and they still do it.
she's essentially saying "so many more people could demonstrate if they had universal healthcare!"
Yeah, I just saw that tweet. And again, she just DOESN'T get it. I recently saw a thoughtful comment on reddit regarding a possible new revolution (which seems to be happening right now) in which someone said, "If that happens, you need to approach it knowing that you may get hurt and even die fighting. And that you are willing to lay down your life for the cause and/or freedom that you believe in."
And that is so true. All those brave people out there right now, they are there because they are thinking about the end game and what they can achieve in regards to racial equality. They're not worried about themselves. Nor are they cowardly snowflakes like Jenna Woginrich who think about just themselves and their potential hospital bills -- no, they're thinking about the long-oppressed peoples and putting THEM before their OWN interests, concerns and fears. Because that's what a TRUE protester does.
Pig Shocker, those protesters are not thinking about themselves right now. They're more concerned with inequality and getting their brave asses out there to peacefully protest for a great cause, whether or not it will cause them harm. And the fact that they're doing this in the face of many violent cops, as they the threat of arrest, teargassing and injury, further proves that point.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. A little operation on the side of the mountain that needs a lot of dusting inside but has really great dogs."
Yeah, she lives on a hill not a "mountain." We used to live locally so I'm speaking from experience. The hyperbole is obnoxious and a lie. Her hovel "needs a lot of dusting inside," but the lazy lifestyle loser is too busy mooching money on Twitter, and posting that Taylor Swift is a "babe" just like a star-struck teen boy. She needs more than a "little operation" on her defective character.
I've been in her house years ago. She had been in there a while and never cleaned it. The place smelled back then. Lots old dust- you know how that looks/smells. From her more recent pictures, it just looks like thicker filth. It's just gross in there.
DeleteA member of her defunct heathen group posted on the old site that Pig Shocker told them that one of the hawks "died in the house overnight."
DeleteAll of that nastiness isn't fit for man nor beast.
I predict by the time she's fifty that the FFF will be a weird, reclusive character. (Even more so than now.) But by then she'll be "living under a bridge," which she once stated would be preferable to "working for the man."
DeleteShe will be living under a bridge, in a tent on someone else's property or in a relative's dark dank basement.
DeleteWDH. I hope that her sis and bro are prepared for the hysterical phone call or email someday. "Can I please stay for awhile, guys?! I'll draw a few shitty pet pics for payment, and you can have some subpar soap for free."
DeleteLol @ subpar soap. On one of her latest beggin' tweets she offered a pet portrait and 3 bars of soap for $75 -- but here's the catch, she chooses which design/color/stench you'll receive. So while she shows a pic of black werewolf soaps, that's not what yer getting.
DeleteIs it just my computer, or are the previous posts messed up? It jumps from May 9 to May 20 on the comments. (Yes, I did "load more.")
It's not your computer. I see that too.
DeleteDM & Anonymous. Same. The newest comments aren't showing.
DeleteDitto. That's weird.
DeleteSame here.
DeleteSame for me too. HD, do you know what happened there? Seems a lot of posts went *poof* for some reason.
DeleteSeveral evenings ago, I checked in (but didn't have time to post) and I saw at least one post from Cryokid. It was late and can't remember all she said, so Cryokid, can you repost on this thread pretty please?
Ahhh I only just now saw this, sorry!! It was mostly just me being confused by her rainbow-flag-gatekeeping. Which, at the time I posted, I hadn't seen you posted basically the same thing under the "Load more" button, haha. But it was pretty much just me reiterating what you'd said about that!
DeleteSame here.
Morning All,
ReplyDeleteI want to share a small New England farmer's success story. He has a small farm of organic gardens. His CSA shares are all sold out and he's booked into 2021. His reputation is excellent and he supports or spearheads local charities. He even served in State government.
He started with an overgrazed, run-down property. Over the years he's gradually added greenhouses. He supplies restaurants, local customers and is a regular at summer farmer's markets.
On this farmer's website, he wrote:
"The farm has literally grown every season into what is now 5 acres of beautiful garden plots on top of a hill side, with the original Three Springs still flowing beneath it.
Organic is a choice we take to heart and are really proud to sustain with our minimalist-style approach farming practices. We understand that the soil feeds the plant as the plant feeds the person, so we're committed to never spraying our crops or soil with synthetic chemicals.
We are Certified by Baystate Organic Certifiers and are also a member of NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association).
With a straight-forward, raw approach using ethical farming practices, our goal is to grow nutrient-dense food for ourselves and our community without harming the planet.
Our team loves inspiring people to know that with time and hard work, anyone can grow healthy food to achieve a healthy body and a healthy mind."
Shocked that he doesn't need to go on line and beg for money - and pity sales? In a small town, word gets around, good or bad, and unlike certain rural NY incompetents, he's got an excellent reputation.
How does this relate to the Faux Feral Farmer?
After 10 years, FFF doesn't have a website (I'd say refuses because she knew how to make them), doesn't participate in farmer's markets, has no certification or organizational affiliation and isn't involved in any legitimate (verifiable) charity or community work.
Based on what happens in rural Connecticut, if the Faux Feral Farmer was any good, she'd be absolutely booked locally, without space for outsiders to buy into her farm products. That she isn't says it all. Those who know her - and her farm "products"- avoid them.
PDD. Good to hear about his success story. Yeah, she's never been known to sell her stuff at any local markets. Which is why she resorts to online begging and whining for free handouts. And it's bogus to brag about loving "her community" frequently when she contributes nothing of merit to it. She also setup her blog and heathen site, so it's a bunch of bull that she can't create another one.
DeleteOn a related note, last week, I asked our hay delivery guy how His business is doing. Since he grows vegetables, raises meat animals, sells CSA and has a farm stand, I figured he would be a good indicator of what's happening to low-scale farm operations. His response?
Delete"Can't keep up! Crazy busy, and the community has been terrific in supporting us."
He also said that every farmer he knows has more business than they can handle. He reiterated butchers are backed up, with butchering dates pushed into February 2021 or later.
Why then does FFF have "wolves at the door" and is barely getting by?
Either she is doing better than she claims, or her farming methods are so poor that no one local is buying her farm products.
PDD. No one knows how her finances are in reality, because it's all a bunch of bull. Like her new garden that she said was destroyed, but as usual, there were no pics of how it looked afterwards. Funny how she loudly proclaims to "love wolves," but always worries about them being "at her door." She has no "community support" either due to not being worthy of it.
DeleteHer laziness and both alcohol and social media addictions will most definitely be her demise.
DeleteShe has wasted every good opportunity and burned every bridge. If she didn't scam people via accepting payment and never sending the person what they paid for, she could have a ton of business contacts, repeat business, etc.
That will never happen. She has gotten a free ride with other people's money for way too long and at this point couldn't financially support herself if her life depended on it.
In the 10+ years she has been begging online, she has NEVER had a romantic partner. If it was by choice that's one thing but she has been looking for a partner the entire time. That shows how crazy and what a social pariah she is. Which is a huge reason farmers market type sales could never work for her. Who wants to buy anything from someone who is nasty and smells and all of the gross things people who have met her experienced.
Online she can at least hide her stench and dirty appearance. Not to mention there's no way someone could meet the googly eyed maniac and not know she is nuts. She has to hide behind her life of lies online and hope that no one figures out who she really is.
WDH. Unfortunately, we've met her several times in person when we lived locally in her area. Not only is she repellent on every level, but her hygiene is horrid too. JFW comes across as a snobby, belligerent bigot. She's gotten less opportunities in the past few years due to her well-deserved, rotten reputation. Her "free ride" is slowing grinding to a halt.
DeleteWow, great write-up PDD. A real success story there. Thanks for sharing!
DeleteAnd this: "The farm has literally grown every season..."
That is the antithesis of CAF. Like you said, in 10 years she went from promising and productive homesteader to someone who has permanent fake-wood linoleum marks on her ass from hours of sitting in front of her computer non-stop streaming Taylor Swift media, perusing Twitter, and eating day-old donuts whilst online panhandling. She's beyond a cautionary tale.
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Sorry but if you're following me with a new anonymous account without your real name and pic of a human being you're blocked. Tired of the bullshit. Go bother someone with clout."
But the big, badass "public person" doesn't have "clout." I'm shocked.
"She mails me books and notes (emoticon with hearts)"
Sounds like "my girl" is gone. What a surprise. If she even existed. The old book could've been found at "her dump." Like when she discovered a brand new bike. Right.
"I did enough. I am ready to do nothing until morning."
The lazy lifestyle loser never does "enough." You must be joking, Jenna. Maybe you'll have time over the holiday weekend to scribble another stupid hobbit map. Those are a hoot. We know that you can never leave your "livestock" for long, since they require hours of chores, so you won't travel anywhere. LOL!!!
It's so ironic that she now refuses to deal with anonymous people, when she in fact is now the anonymous one because of it. Ssshhh- don't mention this. I am enjoying watching the real Jenna distill out of all of this. I know when I am following someone and they begin to lose it on people, I pretty much stop following, because I see they are a hot head.
DeleteAnonymous 6:35. I thought the same thing. I also wouldn't put it past JFW to have mailed the heart note and old book to herself. We once busted her about sending herself a job application, but then she claimed her victim narrative, and said it was some meanie instead. The handwriting was her own in addition to other suspicious signs. The "real Jenna" is an animal abusing, sociopathic POS whose life is lies.
DeleteEveryone who has ever defended her on here has posted anonymously. She is a constant hypocrite.
DeletePlus any decent person wouldn't want to follow her. There's only the few who haven't muted her who, once in a blue moon, respond to her tweets.
Everyone else only reads her craziness because it's a total shit show and spectacle.
WDH. She's always been a huge hypocrite. JFW is judgmental about everyone's opinions and values that differ from her own, yet she feels free to be a critical cunt. Her "shit show" is due to massive self-entitlement, extreme laziness, and an unwillingness to work to support herself like a normal adult does.
DeleteAnyone else notice that the tone of her bleg posts and tweets has changed recently? Especially after she announced that "her girl" had gone home. It's like she's writing exclusively for her now...like she's trying to convince her of something. And there's a bit less beggin' words too.
DeleteAnon7. Yeah, I've noticed that too. Her followers also keep dropping again. This morning she's down to 4,806. Which is no surprise due to her bitching and begging.
DeleteMental Midget Moron:
ReplyDelete"Morning on the farm included a lot of moving electric fences and watching sheep butts to make sure all the diarrhea is over. IT IS! MY FLOCK HAS ENTIRELY SOLID POOPS AND CLEAN FLUFFY BUMS!"
Her "flock" is a few sheep. And they're "shitty." Ugh.
"This farm makes an income goal every day. To make it, folks like you have to read this tweet, decide to buy something, and send a DM to purchase. So if you're considering it, send a note to me here and perhaps buy some soap, meat, or art! It's how this place gets paid!"
I never knew that a faux farm without a brain "makes an income goal every day." I guess that it has a mind of its own.
"Trying to cover a hay and farrier bill this week. If you'd like a pet portrait with three bars of soap, the total cost s $75 and includes all shipping! Gotta sell at least 2 of these bundles today! *soap molds and scents random selection! Not necessarily charcoal wolves!!!"
The FFF always comes across as hysterical, desperate, and a pathological liar. Her "tiny treasure," "double digit bank account" just can't "cover" basic living expenses. Boo fucking hoo. Which is why she begs online for PayPal poodles to give her more free handouts.
"This farm makes an income goal every day."
DeleteThis. As many times as she's written that, I just don't get it. I mean, I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type, but not when it comes to having an income. That shit takes hard work and planning.
"Trying to cover a hay and farrier bill this week."
Like anyone needs to know that. She might as well be honest and say, "Trying to get you to 'kick in' for hay 'n farrier bills this week."
I am SO glad that PS posted a picture of the backpacking goat on her blog. If EVER you wondered why she was begging (fill in the blank—rent, wood, vet bill, root canal), if she can’t pay her mortgage for June, ask yourself why she’s worried about training a goat for hiking and buying it a backpack. There’s your answer to EVERYTHING.
ReplyDeleteHear hear! Total waste of time and monetary resources. She claims that it's an "altered" dog pack...the one Friday used to wear while mountain smashing. And what about Gibson, you ask? He ded.
DeleteWhy does a 240lb+ woman who claims to run "miles" on a regular basis, need a small goat with a backpack to carry 4oz of water, a family sized bottle of rogaine, Mad Dog 20/20, a laptop, a jade roller for her face, 12 pairs of Groucho Marx glasses, 2 dozen day old donuts fresh out the dumpster, a photo album (found at the dump) filled with weird surveillance type photos of women, a map hand drawn in crayon of a place called Psychovale, a hibachi, a dozen fast food burgers (warmed up on the hibachi- duh), 5 Indiana Jones hats (that look as though they actually came from the dump), a shit brown two sizes too small pleather jacket, 3 cellphones, a hawk that she "taxidermied" with twinkie wrappers, 12 head scarves that she stole from a homeless person and "wolf contacts" she created out of two pieces of egg shell and a marker? All this to drive a mile and then waddle around for a few minutes, take 34 photos of said goat and go back home.
ReplyDeleteThis is the middle aged, woman child who is too busy to get a job. So she begs online and scams people out of their hard earned money instead of being an actual grown woman who provides for herself financially.
This is also the same woman child who has been investigated multiple times for animal neglect, which after one investigation last summer "decided" to give away all of her livestock because she just didn't have time for a social life.
After she begs people to buy her art (that looks like it was created during rec time at a psych hospital), she gives excuse after excuse as to why she isn't sending the buyers that which they paid for. That is fraud and online fraud is especially frowned upon.
Can you imagine that locals and non locals alike think that she is mentally ill? Those are the people she calls "trolls."
Whacky? You funny. The hibachi made me "snort." If you can buy a goat you can't afford (anymore than you can pay to care for it,) and then a tiny little backpack? You are NOT living in the same dimension as most of us.
DeleteLmao! I didn't know that jade rollers came in steamroller size. Huh.
DeleteInstagram shows she is definitely not social distancing and is getting in nice and close for hiking selfies with several friends. That kind of behavior really pisses me off.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she'll get sick and her animals will have to be rehomed.
DeleteI've asked this question before for those here who follow her on Instagram. But no one has yet responded. Has she shown any pics of her girlfriend? Since her profile is private we can't see it. I'd appreciate an answer. Thanks.
DeleteI have not seen a picture of her on Instagram. She has been tagged in a couple of posts, but none with a picture of her. She apparently hiked yesterday with the woman who she rides horses with, but that is also on Twitter.
DeleteFirst "she" in my post above refers to 'girlfriend'. "She" in 2nd sentence refers to FFF.
DeleteAnonymous 7:31. Thanks! I also understood the reference to "she."
DeleteThe fact that there are no pics as proof makes it even more mystifying. I thought that maybe her Instagram profile was private 'cause of girlfriend photos. Which is why it's weird that she's not opening it up like her Twitter account.
DeleteAnon 6:14 - The Pig Shocker's friend has an Instagram in which has posted a pic around the same time the "girlfriend" was supposedly visiting:
(It's the 3rd pic that shows 4 people, and a tree that presumably has weight load restrictions.)
Seriously? How can you guys care more about whether or not she has a girlfriend than the fact that she's potentially contributing to the spread of disease?
DeleteAnon 3:58, Bravo!
ReplyDeleteShe's basically a rural wannabe, unwilling to learn and grow, dismissive of others and without empathy for the land, the community and animals.
At her core, she's an ugly user. Certainly there are SM people who are users, but the most successful are also attractive, talented or offer an intriguing or unique perspective. FFF doesn't. She's derivative and a trend chaser, never a setter. In part, this is because she's intellectually lazy. She learned the bare minimum of rural living and animal husbandry, only enough to write about it, pretend she's a "content expert" and court social media likes. She simultaneously flatters the right people, and she no doubt hopes these actions would have skyrocketed her to fame.
Laugh. Anyone remember when she revealed she thought her lifestyle would be SO FASCINATING that she'd snag a tv show or movie deal and get rich because of it?
Unsurprisingly, this didn't happen. No one is interested in a scammer who uses others, neglects animals, lies incessantly and never seems to improve.
10 years of home ownership and she's (allegedly) barely scraping by. Money donated by well-meaning people to improve the "farm" was wasted (hello, hair extensions and wolf contacts). Even now, she relies on others to do the work. Pember Patty, we're looking at you. 😉
JFW, the scam continues.
PDD. That was well-put as always. I'm clapping at your comment. (But not loud enough to wake my napping hubby.) Hope that you have a nice holiday weekend, and that others here do too.
DeleteHonestly, her dismissiveness of others is such a glaring character flaw. Her rainbow flag gatekeeping shit from the past week...it is a perfect example of that. For those out of the loop, she grew irate that people were trying to cheer up quarantined kids by hanging rainbows all over their towns and homes. Here's her 3-part petty rage tweet:
Delete"There's a quarantine trend in my area called the 518 Rainbow Hunt. It's for kids. Parents drive around houses with painted rainbows in and kids point them out and count them. Then people, churches, and businesses started raising Pride Flags, because they're also rainbows?! 1/3"
"As a gay it's annoying, confusing, and a bummer. Like imagine being French and seeing a bunch of houses in America during the 4th of July hoisting French flags because they're also red, white, and blue? Harmless, but tone deaf. 2/3"
"There are voters, churches, & people using the Pride Flag that don't give a shit about the sacrifice or history behind it and are using it instead as a prop for bored kids. If you're not an ally/queer don't hang a Pride Flag. Gays don't own the rainbow but we own that flag. 3/3"
NOW...juxtapose that nonsense with what she tweeted today: She ranted about how it took her SO LONG to come out because there was NOTHING representing gay culture when she was growing up. So now, with this pandemic, you have children seeing rainbow flags all around town, and surely, a few children are gonna pick up on the gay connotation and ask/wonder about it, right? And that would be a good thing, rrright? Cuz in her tweets from today, she sure made it sound like seeing gay people and rainbows would've helped her come out sooner:
"But I feel growing up in the 80s and 90s, I wasn't given much of a chance. There was no representation. [...] And I think a lot of this representation was not put out there on purpose. People didn't want their kids seeing gay representation... [...] Had I seen things like (gay stuff) I would have felt so much more normal and less alone. [...] So, let your kids watch queer stuff. Let your kids know queer people. Take your kids to pride."
BUT...SHE HAS A PROBLEM WITH RAINBOW FLAGS AND SYMBOLS BEING HUNG ALL AROUND TOWN. Cuz it what, hurts her gay feelings? She's gone all gay-butt hurt?
Jenna Woginrich, the tea leaves have spoken...and they want you to shut the fuck up.
Instagram Idiot (https://www.instagram.com/lezwolfmemes/)
ReplyDeleteShe's so classy discussing lesbians liking "period sex," as opposed to straight people being disgusted by it. (As if she's an expert on sapphic sexuality. Just like she proclaims to be a pro at raising chickens, teaching the fiddle, growing gardens, and how to shoot arrows etc...)
Twit Shit:
"Found a pic of me at 16 with my dog Murray. Why didn't every single lesbian in the world tell me how gay I was sooner. I blame you all"
It's no wonder why JFW was nicknamed "The Beast" in high school. Warning: she hasn't "grown into her looks." FYI: We've known that she was gay for years, but she kept trying to attract men in denial.
How can anyone stand her? I really, really try to stick with facts regarding her scamming and animal abuse, but she insults people left and right. "I blame you all"? What the heck kind of thing is that to say to people? She insults her followers, she insults her donors...I don't know how she has any followers left. Yet she does.
DeleteThe Pig Shocker's only expertise is figuring out the cleanest finger in which to pick her nose. And the least root canal-ed tooth to crunch down on her farm-crusty boogers without breaking a crown.
DeleteBTW, she's got it ass-backwards as usual, cuz most hetro males are chill with period sex cuz menstruation is kinda a mystery and as long as the chick ain't Niagara Falls, they view the blood as free lube. Whereas lesbos know all too much about it and tend to forego that time of the month. I'm speaking from experience, both mine and friends that I know.
And speaking of her "lezwofmemes" Instagram cringe-fest, check out this one:
Delete"Oh, you're tired of hearing about gay stuff? Weird. Because I've been having to witness heterosexual couples, cartoons, movies, shows, ads, sex ed, legislation, politicians, presidents, and porn most of my life."
Pig Shocker, please re-read what you wrote there. And then compare it to your rage-tweets from earlier today. Basically, if people are telling you to shut up about yer "gay stuff" it's probably because you're shoving it down their throats in an attempt to convince them of something. Seriously, STFU and go date another leper or something.
What a defensive, clueless cunt. JFW wants to rant like she's the only lesbian on our planet who has felt oppressed by being in a minority group. Grow the fuck up.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI can't be the only one who is wondering what WDH removed.
DeleteLolz...what did I miss?
ReplyDeleteHey, so who's ready for some CAF math? On Twitter, the Pig Shocker posted a pic of herself at age 16 and blamed EVERY SINGLE LESBIAN in the world for not telling her she was "so obviously" gay back then. (Like it's their fault she doesn't pop up on anyone's gaydar)
ReplyDeleteOne person, annoyed by her dumb comment, replied: "Ya gotta figure it out for yourself." And then PS replied to that with this:
"I understand this and agree. But I feel growing up in the 80s and 90s, I wasn't given much of a chance. There was no representation. No out lesbians to talk or look up to. No cartoons or shows and the ones that did exist were Ellen and Rosie - neither were like me."
She's so full of shit. Born in 1982. And there were no role models or inspirational gay women?
1992 - k.d. lang came out (Jenna was 10)
1993 - Melissa Etheridge came out (Jenna was 11)
1997 - Ellen Degeneres came out (Jenna was 15)
I'm about a decade older than the Pig Shocker and I clearly remember this era. Those three ladies came out very publicly, and in a big way. It was HUGE news back then. She never saw their faces next to a glaring "GAY" headline on the cover of People magazine in the grocery store checkout lines? And BTW, this groundbreaking trio of brave women inspired a ton of closeted or questioning lesbians to come out as well after that.
So what does she mean "No representation" and "No one to look up to"?! Sure, she mentions Ellen, and Rosie (who didn't come out until 2002) but conveniently doesn't remember k.d. and Melissa? I call bullshit on that.
And what about Ellen and Rosie and how "neither were like me"?!? WTF? So in order for someone to be inspired to come out, they have to be just like themselves? What a fcuked up thought process that is. It makes literally no sense. As for her insipid claim that there were no shows in the 80s-90s, just check out this nifty Wiki link that states otherwise:
Pig Shocker, you need to do your homework before making such idiotic statements.
And the next tweet: "And I think a lot of this representation was not put out there on purpose. People didn't want their kids seeing gay representation in media or art or music because they didn't want gay kids."
DeleteUhh...that's not how the tv and film industry works. The choice about what to create/produce is based almost entirely on money. For the most part, entertainment execs make financial decisions, not moral ones. At that time, homosexuality was a touchy subject...but they still touched on it. Not as much as today, but it was a start. And while some of it may have been for educational reasons, it all really boils down to how much money they think they can make. Not how many kids they can save from the big bad gay monster.
It's funny you touch on those dates and events... I was 10 when Ellen came out. I remember asking my parents why Ellen ended because I used to watch it after school with my dad. They explained it was because she came out as a lesbian (and explained what a lesbian was to me), and told me a lot of people didn't like that so the show was cancelled. I asked what was wrong with her liking girls? Her show was funny! Why did it matter who she dated? My parents responded was there was nothing wrong with it, there are plenty of gay people out there.
DeleteI also remember watching "The Truth About Jane" on that network for women when I was in middle school.
My parents didn't hide me away from lgbt, and they told me they would still love me if I decided to date girls. I'm attracted to men, but my youngest sister actually was engaged to a woman for awhile.
Her saying she couldn't relate is asinine, it's more about her perspective of the topic at the time. If she was in denial, she could have come across as homophobic in the way she viewed same sex relationships. But blaming the world for her not being comfortable in her own skin and not finding examples for herself is BS.
I agree with what you all wrote. She'll say anything to continue her victim narrative. I also find it funny that she considers herself to be femme when she comes across as butch.
DeleteRemember when Roseanne’s sister Jackie became a gay character in the mid 1990s?
DeleteI think that was my first conscious exposure to lgbt folk in media. What I remember most is the backlash - it was vicious.
There were only two out gay kids at my high school. Both were beaten to the point of hosputalization on different occasions.
I had very good cause to repress my own gayness until I moved to Toronto. Even then, it took a few years.
I recently showed a childhood photo of myself to my friend (another wueer woman) and we had a good laugh at how much of a baby butch I clearly was. “How did no one tell you?” She laughed.
“I blame them all!” is literally what I laughed back.
This is a really common sentiment among the queer community, especially for people who figure out their sexuality in adulthood.
FFF has either picked this up through following other queers on social media, or maaaaybe it’s a rare authentic experience.
Regardless, the purpose in posting is to present herself as a victim - yet again.
total bullshit.
It’s well-established she posts online for ego boosting, attention, validation and sympathy.
WIW. Your last sentence succinctly sums up the FFF. BTW: I don't care how someone views their sexuality, but her needing little labels like "femme," "futch" etc... seems strange at her age. Maybe it's because she's middle-aged, and "came out" relatively late in life. She has not one to "blame," however, but her stupid self for poor choices in quitting a career, buying a farm when it wasn't wise, and then continuing to beg online for more free handouts on an almost a daily basis.
Delete("no one to blame...") and ("on an almost daily basis.") Where's my morning cup of coffee?
DeleteHighlights from the newest bleg post (Oink to the Future):
ReplyDelete-Bank account only has money for bills, fees...and nothing for the June mortgage.
-Hoping for the "luck" of another stimulus check. Keepin' the faith in that!
-Talk of fighting threats of foreclosure and keeping ahead of the bank!
-Offering "future" pig shares - Buy one to help out a non-existent local family!
-She met up w/friends to make NOT practicing social distancing a fun group activity!!
-She needs new hiking boots; but has zero moneys. But that's where YOU come in!
-She's watering FOUR gardens -- but hasn't photographed a single one!
Here Shammers, you can use my bucket while I hold your hair back.
I'm tearing up over her hardships. Maybe I'll send her some more Death Wish coffee from Saratoga Springs, NY. It's so strong that it'll keep her wide awake, and long enough to finish all of those pre-paid projects.
DeleteElectric weed whacker charger? What? It's either electric (plug in with extension cord) or battery. And I am just speechless really, over her having a battery operated weed whacker on that "farm". NO ONE I have EVER HEARD OF has one of those in use on a farm. They either use a gas, or corded one, and usually, a gas one. And how about just using an old fashioned whip Jenna, oh, wait, you are too lazy. I remember now. Oh, and butchering? Um, good luck.. All butchers are booked through into early next year. Again, there you go spouting false truths.
ReplyDelete"When people find out I'm a farmer and ask what I raise I usually say mostly pork and lamb, but I know it's a lie. What I raise, in reality, is burdock and catbirds."
ReplyDeleteWhat a witty wordsmith. Not. The "lie" is that she's an authentic farmer. And she doesn't "raise" any animals worth buying and consuming. Unless one likes crap meat, or wants to "donate shares" to complete strangers. Right.
Her supporters must be a special kinda stupid. She writes: "I'm trying to stay solvent, on top of things, figuring out the best ways to be frugal..."
ReplyDelete*Yeah, right. Keeping pet horses and a play goat (with his teensy back pack) is not frugal.
"...and sane and save amongst a pandemic where people are not thinking about archery lessons or pet portraits.."
*OMG. Our local farmers cannot meet demand with prepared jams, jellies, meals, meats, flowers, soaps, masks, etc, but FFF can't figure out how to monetize a food shortage during a pandemic except by begging for more 🐩 $$$.
"...They are thinking about meat but my shares for what is available right now are sold out..."
*ROFL so the three pigs are already sold? If people bought paid for their pigs (food, care and butchering), why is she hustling for their feed? Their food should already be covered. Guess she spent $$$ on something else. You know her free range pigs are eating crap food which is why they take FOREVER to put on weight.
"...So I am going to start selling shares for the winter/fall soon as I figure out some pig futures."
* Pig Futures? WTF is she talking about? She doesn't have pigs but she's going to sell shares in pigs she doesn't own for butchering that cannot take place until Spring 2021? Sounds like she'll be pig napping someone else's pork, or repackaging Stewart's hog jowels into her product. Dearheart (we know you read our posts), be sure to add few yellow cysts to the meat so fans think it comes from Dead Animal Farm.
Only FFF could fail in a pandemic when NE farmers are turning away customers for lack of enough product to sell.
In our rural area and many, butchering spots are not available. People are butchering lots of animals because of the meat shortage and there are no open slots for us until next year. She's probably screwed at this point. But hey, maybe her pigs will put on enough weight for her to share a couple more halves and quarters! haha....
DeleteFarmland, lol. Cold Antler Farm math!
DeleteFarmlass!! Darn sneaky auto correct!
DeleteLmao at "pig napping" other folk's pork! And repackaging for sure. As for "pig futures" it's more like "Help me pay my mortgage now, and I'll figure out how to somehow get some pork to you in the future!"
DeleteHahaha! Pig futures... I don't know if she was trying to be funny (which always falls flat), or if she really meant "pork futures" and got it wrong again. Remember "brass tax?" LOLOL
Time to contrast and compare, shamsters.
ReplyDeleteLook at the pig pic from the latest bleg post:
Now look at an old pic taken by Pig Shocker and posted on Twitter of her visitors playing with the new puppies at PP's place:
See the similarity?
Pig Shocker's property does not look like the property in the pig pic at all. However, PP's does.
And since when has Pig Shocker let a pig that large freely graze? She just lets them out and rounds them up? Not likely. Her past pigs only got out if they escaped.
Interesting probability. Her land doesn't get a whole lot of sunlight like Patty's does. The Pig Shocker's hovel is North facing while Patty's is South. And without a big hill to block the light.
DeleteIf true, I wonder what excuse PS gave her? "Hey, let me raise my spam shares on your property cuz mine is over-grazed and barren. Plus, you can afford to care for them properly."
Her Twitter account is down now to 4,803 followers as of this afternoon. She's lost three
ReplyDeletemore today. We all know why they're leaving. The lemmings are once again fleeing from the sinking shit-show that's CAF.
Here's another critical tweet that's guaranteed to lose even more:
"Hey are you a nice person without a profile pic? How about your put on a profile pic of yourself on your twitter, you're freaking out public figures with that gray outline man."
How about you stop telling strangers what to do, JFW? And it's "you put" not "your," moron. And your second run-on sentences sound stupid. Must be that daytime drinking again. After all, it's another lonely holiday without her imaginary girlfriend. Yeah, she's really one of those important "public figures" that's "freaking out" over nothing of importance. Go whine for more free handouts, JFW, so you can buy a new pair of "mountain smashing" boots.
("run-on sentence sounds stupid.") At least, I take time to correct my typos.
DeleteShe is not a public figure, anymore than ANYONE who has a Twitter account. Don't you love her conundrum? She does not want anonymous people following her, but she wants their money. So.. she has to add the "if you are a nice person" bit. No one is freaked out about anything, especially her. She's just angry that she felt compelled to go private in Twitter and her donations fell off. That's how it goes my dear! You gotta pay to play!
DeleteAnd she's far from being a "nice person" herself. In fact, she's the exact opposite. She wants to whine about something to draw more attention to her pathetic existence.
DeleteIn addition to going private, I wonder if the sudden exodus of former foollowers is a result of the Coronavirus? A few months back, a guy online tweeted that the pandemic has shown him that there are certain people in his life whom he really doesn't care about ever seeing again. What he meant by that is that the pandemic has brought out the very best in people...and the very worst.
DeleteI agree with that and can relate because there is a certain person I know who has shown their true colors with the most reprehensible behavior these past few months: Very selfish, not taking it seriously, not wearing a mask, driving around going places cuz bored, thinking it's just a flu, and even had to be talked out of going on a date with a stranger they met online. Like, WTF? Especially since this stranger frowned upon a 6-foot separation type date. Add to that, a heavy increase in daily phone calls to whine and bitch about how stupid it all is and trying to make excuses to come over because they bought us non-essential goodies that we have to have. No, we really don't need your surplus Costco goods that you purposely bought in bulk so that you'd have a reason to come over when you should be adhering to the lockdown. And this was back in March when things were super scary and that would have meant exposing our home to someone who's been all over town, and bringing unnescessary products that we'd have to disinfect. I hate to sound ungrateful, but people really needed to stay the fcuk home at that time. And I get it, as there are many people I haven't seen in person for months. But that's just the nature of this horrid pandemic and we're just trying to avoid becoming ill.
But yeah, there are some people who have shown their true awful colors. Like the Pig Shocker...continuing her hardcore online panhandling during a time when people had lost their jobs and hadn't received their stimulus checks. Yet, the PS wanted their money anyway. Ugh. Zero respect for her and zero fucks to give about her self-made problems.
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ReplyDeleteWDH. What's up with your recent removal of comments? I'd bet that they were worth viewing.
DeleteYes, I'm curious as well! I wonder if it has anything to do with the glitch on the last thread where a bunch of posts disappeared?
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ReplyDeleteYou know, there is a simple way for her to avoid getting freaked out over a "gray outline man" profile pic. She could just get a job like everyone else and stop tweeting stupid things. It's really that simple.
ReplyDeleteSeriously great suggestion and very simple indeed. If she ditches social media and gets a real job, she'll be among real flesh-toned people who don't have scary grey outlines.
DeleteOh, and she is neither a public figure nor a farmer.
ReplyDeleteThe fraudulent FFF keeps losing more followers: 4,801.
ReplyDeleteThat still sounds like an awful lot, especially for someone who has no interesting content. I wonder how many are muting her?
DeleteI think that many are muting her. But her count is nothing in terms of Twitter numbers. When you consider that often popular people have millions of fans. She's never been able to reach even 5,000 due to losing followers all the time.
Deleteyeah, it's likely a good number of them are bots. I've written before how easy it is to get semi-legit followers on twitter through the use of paid auto-follow services. Trouble is, so many people use auto follow and auto-follow-back services, that a follow on twitter doesn't have much significance. Anyone can get up to 100k followers in a few years by paying $10 - $20 / month and staying reasonably engaged / putting out decent content. I half-assed my way to 10K followers in a little under a year.
DeleteFacebook / instagram followers are a lot harder to fake. Regardless, actual engagement activity is a better indication on twitter how many followers she actually has. 30 likes = probably 500 actual real people seeing her posts. You can see there is a bot on twitter automatically sharing her blog posts, so that's one retweet that doesn't mean much.
Instagram engagement is a lot easier to fake than followers if you have money to spend, but based on the activity we see consistently, I don't think she's paying for engagement on any platform. I think her >5K followers were mostly obtained in the first few years after she wrote her first book, which would have attracted bot follows, and what we see now are the leftovers - bots which gradually drop off, twitter accounts no longer in use which twitter deletes after a year or two, and I bet no more than 100 actual real people reading her tweets.
However, the use of hashtags on her lezwolfmemes account DOES result in a lot of fake likes. There are a million bots out there that will auto-like anything posted to a certain hashtag on instagram, because that bot wants you to look at it's profile, which is usually promoting something. You can tell she has a lot of auto-bot activity if you click and see who is consistently liking those posts.
vague comments like "great shot!" etc., are usually auto-commenting bots on instagram too.
Just for funsies, you can check out her social blade:
when the social blade is "in the red" it's a "dying" account.
It's an easy way to check how many followers have been gained / lost in a period of time.
For this month, on average she's lost 18 followers and gained 15, but you can see she's also increased who she is following - which is the main way to drive your follow numbers up.
I think she's following people by hand when she sees her follower numbers decrease.
Or maybe she doesn't care about her numbers...
Seriously though, for a grifter she doesn't really have any decent grifts anymore. That's a good thing.
Anon 1:02 - that's the thing that gets me shaking my head. She had a book that went into it's second printing, meaning it did well. She could easily have FAR more followers than she does if she had just *tried* a little bit.
DeleteSat down and learned about how to market her blog / writing. Gone to conferences. At the very least, taken online courses or listened to one of the many podcasts on social media marketing. MAN did she miss that boat.
She reminds me of Julie Powell, who wrote "Julie & Julia" - the book that was picked up and produced as a movie with Meryl Streep as Julia Child. Powell was by all measures a great success story! Then she wrote her second book and everyone went, "ohhhhhhhhhhh.... she's terrible!"
The second book "Cleaved" was about Powell learning butchery and travelling the world for the purpose of butchery material and also destroying her marriage by cheating on her husband, and oh yeah, she has two biological children somewhere in florida resulting from selling her eggs to pay off credit card debt.
I went through a similar fan-crash with Powell as I did with FFF. Great first book, expect good things then *sad trombone*.
And because I was curious, Powell has a few hundred twitter followers less than FFF.
tangent continued re Powell:
DeleteI found this:
which quotes: "When you write a memoir, it seems to me you have to ask this question: Why would anyone care?"
EXACTLY! Little miss 3 memoirs and a chicken book!
She's now at 4,800. The rubicon is about to be crossed...
DeleteWIW - That socialblade link is a nifty one! It's very telling that out of 4,800 foollowers she only averages 18 "likes" per tweet. And her total grade according to that site is a B- (B is for Begging)
So this author Julie Powell sold her eggs to pay off debt? Lol, don't give the Pig Shocker any ideas, as that's a gene pool that needs to be drained for the safety of animals everywhere.
Anon7. I saw the drop, too. Check out this ridiculous, run-on stupid sentence with not one comma:
Delete"One of my pork customers is a librarian and when she gets a share of meat she takes it home and catalogues it and gets all the cuts and such into a spreadsheet and I really want that freezer to have a wooden card catalog next to it."
I doubt she even has that customer if she sells underfed and cyst infused pork. Her sentence is incoherent.
DeleteHer stupid sentences are often "incoherent" due to daytime drinking, and also not caring about proper punctuation. Her syntax is stilted, too.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"I am very honored I am getting random @AnnaKendrick47 tweets direct from HBO like they know she's the love of my life."
She comes across like a creepy celebrity stalker.
"Just back from laundromat and post office. Only people not wearing masks are white guys "
" I know you don't want to wear that mask at the grocery store because you're scared you'll run into one of your bros, Todd. But there's a 100,000 dead Americans that wish you didn't have the self esteem of a middle schooler."
LOL!!! Talk about "The pot calling the kettle black." She has the mindset of a teen twat herself. And her stupid sentences have stilted syntax. Who knows or cares why people don't wear masks? But judgmental Jenna has to give her worthless opinions. Maybe "Todd" has harassed her at the laundromat, too. Where we live in Vermont there are plenty of people not wearing masks, and they include women and POC. At least her ugly mug is covered up for now. I'd consider that a community service.
Wow, just wow. Do you all see the sexism, and racism in her posts? She has absolutely no room to judge anyone. She is the most horrible animal abusing, SCAMMER that ever graced the north east of the USA.
DeleteNo one wants to see her deformed fat feet in water on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteThis is the only positive aspect of her character, and it's that she doesn't want to be a mom. Otherwise, her kid/s would be fucked-up for life.
Down to a new low this morning: 4,798. It's no wonder why it's falling faster now.
And if you hate it I don't want to hear about it. I just spent every day of the upstate NY winter carrying firewood inside to be kept warm. People who hate the heat use thermostats."
Well, we don't "want to hear about" your obnoxious and rare love of "HUMIDITY!" Draw out those hyperbolic vowels a little more, moron.
Why does she share anything on social media if everything she writes is followed up with "shut up if you don't like it"? She does not need to use a wood stove- she has a WORKING furnace. The fire wood is her shtick so that she can get farmer clout. Which she is not. Just like hauling BUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKETTTTTSSSSS of water. Again, all solved by using a hose. People who hate the heat hate the heat because it makes WORK harder. Those who play farmville online all day like her, love it because it literally is just the same as winter!
DeleteExactly. Her whining about having to use wood to heat her hovel is a bunch of bull. She chooses to do it, because it's one way to mooch more money from foolish followers. Her hauling buckets of water is stupid and unnecessary.
Delete"things like hay delivery, a farrier visit, feed, butchering, etc. " AND she's worried about her June mortgage payment. Every single thing on that list she could be living without; i.e. find new homes for her animals. With so many people dead in such a short period of time? The craziness we are exposed to on the media? I'm weary of her bullshit. I usually don't write, just sit back and watch the shit show. How can people buy crap soap and animal cartoons (stolen from clip art) when they aren't even getting paychecks? If she's telling the truth on her home debt, I would expect this new company carrying her would be eager to drop the anvil.
ReplyDeleteAnd the bullshit at CAF is flowing again today:
ReplyDelete"Note to soap customers: I am getting out orders fast as I can but there is a delay in the supply chain. Local stores are out of the fats I used often, and so ordering them online is happening but jugs of coconut and olive oil aren't shipping fast as high priority items."
It's melt and pour soap folks. There are no such ingredients as olive oil and coconut in her soap; it's just another excuse as to why people aren't getting their orders AGAIN. I'm sure they ordered the crap months ago before all this COVID-19 business. People are hounding you cuz it's obvious you loaf around all day and then cry and complain when you need money.
Ha haaa Jenna, hope they bang on your door and drag you out by your straggly ass hair.
"Please be patient, everything is effecting everything right now."
DeleteIt's "affecting", I thought she was a wordsmith.
As always, she takes money for soap that hasn't been made yet (inexplicably skipping the curing process altogether), and is selling shares of pigs that haven't even been born yet, depending on slaughter dates that she has no chance of securing.
We also haven't seen any evidence of her pigs in a while.
She still doesn't get the difference between effect and affect, even though it's been pointed out to her numerous times. She's still stubborn and stupid. And "everything" is always falling apart at her shit-show faux farm. It has nothing to do with the virus crisis.
DeleteIs it just me or all of a sudden our FFF is upset/ashamed about being white? Many articles pertaining to this or that about white men or white people in general. Now it has something to do with white people in 2016. Doesn't make sense to me but this is what I take from this.
ReplyDeleteShe's a spoiled, suburban-raised privileged white woman who suddenly has a consciousness of class and race. It's all a bunch of bull to attract more free handouts.
DeleteShe doesn't have any empathy, so she really doesn't care, but if NY hipsters and LGBTQ post common social opinions, she's right there, trying to be part of the gang.
DeleteEssentially, she chases after - and copies - social commentary trends posted by NYC trust-fund buddies and social media connections.
Only in small, eccentric ways does she differ. "I LUV heat and humidity." "I enjoy killing bunnies."
She's also a huge hypocrite who has no POC friends. She's never once posted a pic of anyone who is black, Asian, Mexican, Native American, Hindu etc...
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Here's to a day of a little more luck and a lot of work. Hopefully the two are related."
She could solve most of her money woes by just getting a part-time job. But JFW is too self-entitled and spoiled to even consider working to support herself by doing menial labor. Her infamous "luck" has "little" to do with her being a lazy lifestyle loser.
I just checked delivery dates on Amazon Prime (her favorite) for "jugs" of Coconut Oil, Oilve Oil and Melt and Pour Soap. Guess what? No delivery delays. If I ordered today (Friday), I'd get by Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteSounds like FFF is spewing more lies, since she already undoubtedly spent the money people sent for soap - and she cannot buy more melt-n-pour ingredients.
PDD. Remember how she "ran out of goats milk" so she had to wait to make more soap? She was proven to have lied again about it.
DeleteLS, oh yes, hahaha. Goat's milk is available at most NE trendy shops, many grocers and assuredly online. All lies to explain late/no deliveries. The truth wouldn't be appealing to her foolish followers.
DeleteI knew it was a bunch of BS regarding soap orders. Guess she's gotta lie again to explain why no orders are getting out. Go ahead and sit on your fat ass Jenna, but don't whine on twitter about all the hate. Just get it done Bitch.
DeleteInstagram Idiot (https://www.instagram.com/lezwolfmemes/)
ReplyDeleteSay it ain't so!!! It looks like "her girl" has left "after a long visit." I guess that the bloody "period sex" that she bragged about wasn't working out. Watch for a U-Haul in the future, if she even exists since there are no pics as proof.
Grosssss! An image of Jenna is bad enough but bloody period sex, I can not. Yuck!
DeleteDon't think "her girl" will be back.
I hesitated before writing about the bloody period sex, but thought that it showed how repellent JFW is in reality. She has no discernment when it comes to grossing people out.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"If you still support this president, hang your head in shame.
But you won't. Because you've become immune to it."
Why don't you "hang your head in shame," JFW? You're a college-educated, able-bodied and privileged white woman who is too lazy and self-entitled to work a part-time job. So you beg online almost daily for free handouts. You're beyond pathetic, and an embarrassment to authentic farmers.
She's also an embarrassment to rural women, pet-owning women, horse women, daughters, sisters, neighbors and single women. She never does preventive or corrective maintenance, instead relying on others to do it for her. She improves nothing. She cannot figure out how to use a garden hose to water the animals FFS, so any recent improvements were probably because her quarantine "friend" was visiting.
DeleteAnd the times she "broke down" over the stupidest, most preventable sh** imaginable. Don't get me started !!!
Yeah, I remember her adult temper tantrums over nothing of importance. Such a big, badass faux farmer. JFW doesn't deserve to have a home. She does the bare minimum to maintain her hovel, and it's far from being "shabby chic." It's like the Cambridge/Jackson version of Grey Gardens, but she doesn't even have half of Little Edie's entertaining aspects.
DeleteShe needs to find a new word for "luck". Perhaps find a new word for begging and use that.
DeleteLS, lol at comparing Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm to Grey Gardens. To be fair, though, the Big and Little Edie had better artwork, pedigrees, literacy, fashion sense, and they loved cats.
DeletePerhaps someone will rescue FFF's falling-down hovel on the side-of-the-mountain and give it the TLC it deserves. Even the run-down Grey Gardens was rescued (by Sally Quinn and Ben Bradlee), so there's hope for Cambridge.
PDD. Thanks for the link. I doubt that even Edie would've liked the FFF's shit-show faux farm.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Big tree fell and nearly took out l barn. Need a friend with a chainsaw to help clear it away. First I need to rewire the fences so the pigs dont escape. What a morning...."
The brave, badass faux farmer is "terrified of chainsaws," so once again, "a friend" has to help her. Of course, there are no pics as proof that anything happened. Again. The tweet's stupid subtext is "I need more free handouts now!" And is it "I barn" or "1 barn"? Since she doesn't take time to proofread her tweets we'll never know. It doesn't make any sense. She probably meant "my barn," but is already doing daytime drinking to steady herself "to rewire the fences." What a hard life she leads. LOL!!!
"Nearly took out barn..." = didn't touch the barn.
DeleteMore faux drama from the faux feral farmer. Poodles, send 🐩🐩🐩💵💵.
Plus we know "friend" = her ever-enabling, resigned-under-a-cloud-of-financial-mismanagement, bestie.
If true, FFF should have plenty of firewood for winter.
Pember Patty is her most massive dumb enabler. She doesn't want free firewood, because it's one more way for her to whine about needing more money. The FFF ignores all sage advice given to her for years.
DeleteDid I call this, or what???
ReplyDeleteFrom her bleg: "...I am weeding and planting like mad, which is part of the influence of my girlfriend who has promised to assist me in weeding (which she will certainly regret)..."
All the, ahem, "work" on the farm prompted - or probably done - by someone else.
Heaven forbid the fake homesteaders weed her own gardens.
Yeah, you called it. Her laziness and stupidity are beyond belief.
DeleteWhat "farmer" only plants crops if they are promised assistance in maintaining those crops from a "girlfriend"?
DeleteIt's especially crazy considering said girlfriend doesn't even exist.
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete"It feels bad posting anything for my own farm or business with everything going on right now in America. But if sales don't come in I will have a negative account in a few days or sooner. I am trying to make ends meet and feel safe."
GIMME A FUCKING BREAK!!! Here she goes again with the "negative (it's usually "double digit") account" crap. Sure she "feels bad," but not enough to just get a part-time job. Without a doubt she's one of the dumbest people I've ever met. She never learns her lessons, yet expects other normal adults to give her more free handouts. If she really wanted to "feel safe" or "lucky," then she'd get off her lazy fat ass, and accomplish something other than online whining and begging. If anyone feels sorry for this lying, sociopathic POS they need a therapist even more than she does.
"But if sales don't come in I will have a negative account in a few days or sooner."
DeleteAnd I (or anyone else in the world) should care about this exactly WHY?
Less than an hour later, Cambridge's finest righter tweeted:
Delete"If you're getting dressed to go horseback riding, pick whatever feels the most comfortable to fall off a horse in."
Lol, she has zero fcuks to give about problems in America; she only cares about things that affect HER. Not out earning money with a J.O.B., busy playing with her horses.
You know, if Taylor Swift hadn't made posts about race relations, neither would the faux feral farmer.
DM. Exactly. No one in their right mind gives a shit about an able-bodied, college-educated white woman who is too lazy to just get a part-time job. She can shove her "negative account" up her fat ass.
DeletePDD. She'd probably write "effect" again instead of "affect," 'cause she's a real "righter." And I also noticed the connection between the FFF's sudden interest in race relations, and her creepiest celebrity stalking crush, Taylor Swift.
It's called survival of the fittest and that fat ass sure isn't fit by any means. Mentally, physically or financially.
DeleteHe has a lot of white/gray hairs on his face bc he is old. Similar to how old dogs get white muzzles.
ReplyDeleteSomeone stupid has bought more bots to shore up her dwindling Twitter account. But the numbers will drop again soon. They always do, and she's not fooling anyone with followers.
ReplyDeleteReject Retweet:
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Looking for folks who are interested in supporting this farm through art sales, logo work, handmade soap or meat shares! Trying to make sales every day to be safe going into June. With big bills coming every bar or sketch helps!"
Trigger words for the FFF: "this farm," "safe," and "big bills." She uses words to incite emotion, and get more money. It's all part of her manipulative marketing.
Here are more of her usual trigger words: "facing foreclosure, "scary red van man," "wolves are at my door, "terrified," "anxious" and "afraid." I'm sure that regular readers here can come up with others.
DeleteAbout her soap... I find it curious that Patty supports and promotes a REAL soap maker in their area, Goats Galore. And if you check out their Instagram, they are a scrappy little Homestead with so many of the features that Jenna tries to say she has, but really doesn't.
ReplyDeleteIf she was really making serious soap, she would have an area set up for cooking it and molds and fresh soap curing and tons of photo ops of the process. All good soapers do. She never shows any of the behind the scenes works because the cat would be outta the bag.
Quality handmade soap MUST cure for weeks. Even Granny's old homemade lard and ash soap has to cure. You just can not sell day old soap. It is so soft and mushy, it's not right. And it's rarely made in plastic molds. It will melt them, it's HOT... melt and pour soap can be ready in a few hours, a day.
For the price she is hawking her soap for, it oughta be super supreme and hand crafted. As all things Cold Antler Farm, she is fleecing her innocent 'fans' and they will shake their heads one day and just be amazed they knew so little about all things farmy...
I agree with what you wrote. She's never once shown any pics as proof of her process. It's similar to not posting bills that she's begged about (truck and teeth repairs), and even "her girl" who hasn't appeared online. It's like I always say here, but it bears repeating, her life is lies.
DeleteActually you can make cold process soap and use plastic molds. By the time the soap hits trace, it will have cooled down. Also, in using goat's milk to make the soap you use slushy milk so it cools the lye. If you don't use frozen milk it ends up burning the milk and ruining the soap. Half of the soaps I made were in plastic molds, the other half went into silicone molds. Plastic is cheaper for starting out and honestly there are some cute plastic molds and they hold up OK.
DeleteJust waiting to see how she makes the current anti-racist protests and riots about her. Going to pop some popcorn, sit back and wait.
ReplyDeleteYou called it. Here's how:
Delete"Monday, June 1, 2020
Bright Red
"...This farm is starting June in bright red. I need to fight my own fight just to keep this place from sinking back into delinquency or danger. And I will. But keeping my farm above water isn't exactly the most pressing issue in the world right now.
So I will be donating part of what this farm earns this month to Black Lives Matter. I will be using my voice on social media more to educate and make people in my position (the majority of us white, female, farmers or future farmers) aware of how they can help as well. I will still be running my one-woman business and hoping to have luck there just staying safe..."
She is so full of caca.
PDD. I used the word "shit" in my comment below instead of "caca," but it's all the same kind of "crap" with her manipulative marketing.
DeleteI doubt pig shocker is gay, I’m thinking this is just the latest scamming bandwagon she’s jumped on. Next she’s going to discover some Native American or long lost Black ancestor, just so she can fleece those demographics. I would put nothing past her lying ass.
ReplyDeleteI've also doubted she's gay. Having lived in the heart of the Castro District in SF for a couple decades, my 'gaydar' never went off with her. I think she's just a totally effed up individual with no idea who she is and who has no self-awareness. She rides the coattails of whatever or whoever's "in" to pick up any crumbs of followers (cha-ching).
I don't think she's gay either, but it doesn't matter what her sexuality is; I couldn't care less. However, when you are using it to appeal to a certain demographic to get money and have someone come over to "co-quarantine with" and they end up doing your yardwork, that's when its wrong. If she even exists. She does whatever she can to make money.
DeleteNow she's all over "Black Lives Matter" to hopefully win favor and see if she gets any money from that. She alleges she is going to donate whatever the farm earns to the cause. I highly doubt that; she's way too selfish.
An excerpt:
"So I will be donating part of what this farm earns this month to Black Lives Matter. I will be using my voice on social media more to educate and make people in my position (the majority of us white, female, farmers or future farmers) aware of how they can help as well. I will still be running my one-woman business and hoping to have luck there just staying safe. But not without bringing attention to resources and voices more needed than my own.
I am trying to figure out how to do that and how to simply pay the bills around here. But every single time I post about something this farm sells, something made from a white woman safe from pandemic and prejudice, I feel like an ass. How insanely unimportant I am in this, my farm is in this. But the reality is we all have to keep paying our bills and figuring out how to keep our banks accounts in the black. I am not there today. This farm is starting June in bright red. I need to fight my own fight just to keep this place from sinking back into delinquency or danger. And I will. But keeping my farm above water isn't exactly the most pressing issue in the world right now."
It's one thing to mention what is going on in the country and how you want to change it; it's another thing to also mention your mortgage. That is what that post is really about.
Jenna is disingenuous. It's all about her manipulative marketing for more free handouts. Her fake, "woke" social consciousness about racial issues is just part of the overall scamming.
DeleteAnon. 💯
DeleteShe is making this about her (again) in a post designed to garner sympathy for an able-bodied, college-educated white woman, living in trendy New York. She devotes her life to frivolous activities, a woman who could work an outside job to pay bills but chooses not to.
Now, she is using racial conflict and Black Lives Matter as a lure to get more sales. If ANYONE believes she will donate a significant portion of proceeds towards Black Lives Matter, I have some "home made, mint-filled, never-cured, melt-n-pour soap" to sell you at greatly overpriced rates.
As many other white folks who are just deciding it's time to speak up are doing, she is 'centering' herself in the issue. And her repeated use of saying she needs to be safe is, frankly, an insult. She isn't unsafe, she is trying to avoid the consequences of her laziness and poor choices and manipulation. It is disgusting. And JW, since I know you read, the correct response is to listen, make a change within your self and amplify the voices of POC.
DeleteHere's another pertinent point. Why isn't she seen at any local protests? If she were really so upset about racial issues, then she'd get off her fat ass and take direct action. Although her stupid sign would probably say "Wolves are at my door!"
DeleteSo she'll be donating "part of what this farm earns this month..."???
"Part" could be as little as $0.01, and since she isn't publicly audited or accountable (and since she has been caught in multiple lies and exaggerations), her weak-ass promise to donate a "part"...of what she earns..."this month" means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
PDD. The FFF really means that she'll be donating part of what she gets from free handouts this month. Once the mortgage is paid, and other bills too. Unless she shows pics as proof of a donation, then it's all a bunch of bull.
DeleteLuckless Slinger - you always call it right.
DeleteWith FFF, it may be a different day, month or year...but it's always the same 💩 💩 💩.
PDD. We know her number. I can't wait until her "train" finally "crashes." It will be an epic failure.
DeleteNow she claims she is going to donate part of what she earns this month to Black Lives Matters. SURE SHE IS!
ReplyDeleteHope she's ready to show some receipts of that donation or else there's a lot of peeps who will be knocking on her door wanting to know why she is trying to make their movement part of her scam.
The Monday Moanin' Blatant Lying Edition:
Delete"What this farm is doing with its single voice and small platform to help Black Lives Matter this month. All of us have the power to help change this world. https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2020/06/bright-red.html...
She's so full of shit that it would turn her eyes brown if they already weren't that color. It's like her lies about wanting to support Patty and her husband in their retirement, or giving money to female artists once "this farm is finally solvent." Which it has never been, and never will be.
Damn straight. I want to see those receipts too. This is her MO. She has been doing this for YEARS. She jumps on a cause and hopes that people will notice her. And click on her Twitter feed. And then take notice of her problems and needs. And then subscribe. And then donate to her. Or at least buy her melt-n-pour soaps. Doesn't matter to her either way...as long as she can still buy her Death Wish Coffee and the latest Taylor Swift release.
DeleteThis is such a new low for her. Using BLM, and appropriating a movement BY BIPOC that is focused on their right not to be murdered by police, just to bring attention to herself (a middle class raised, educated white woman who consciously CHOOSES to be unemployed and owns a home & property) in order to solicit donations- is disgusting. The fact that she said she's going to "educate" tells you everything. What education does she have on white privilege? What anti-racist work has she been engaged in for decades? What publications has she created to speak of the insidious nature of white privilege and institutional racism? I have NEVER heard her speak about or promote black owned farms, indigenous farmers, the horrors of racism in agribusiness, the centuries of institutional racism in land ownership that has kept black folks shut out of owning their own farms, the discrimination that still exists for black (especially black women) farmers who attempt to get USDA loans so they CAN farm. The very same loan she (a privileged white woman) got, PLUS donations, in order to buy a home and land. I am so angry that this privileged white woman is using her platform for more free handouts at a time when people are hurting! True allies post links to black writers and black owned businesses in order to support/uplift those folks and to educate white folks by pointing them to resources WRITTEN BY BIPOC! They don't say THEY'RE going to educate you on racism 101, and then mention their own personal bills and mortgage. That, my dear, IS the epitome of white privilege!
ReplyDeleteYour comment was spot-on, thanks. She doesn't even have POC as either friends or business associates. JFW is an able-bodied, college educated "privileged white woman" who is too lazy and self-entitled to even get a part-time job to support her hovel. Basically, she's unethically using this racial crisis as another opportunity to solicit free funds for doing nothing. Her behavior is despicable.
DeleteGreat comments, Anon 12:50. I can't believe she's doing this either. Although, I shouldn't be too surprised, as every time there is some great big story dominating the news, she's sooooo fcuking on it, and incorporating her "thoughts and prayers" into tweets that are designed to get people to follow her and give money to her. For new hiking boots. And booze.
DeleteAnd...agree with you totally, as I have NEVER heard her speak about anyone black, much less their rights...or glaring lack of. The only time ever, is on her Instagram where she posted pics of her at a gathering with "real" falconers...in which one was indeed black. But if he hadn't been holding a falcon, I doubt she would have given him the time of day.
Let’s not forget Harvey Milk. A gentleman, a hero and a friend to all. He was championing Gay rights in the early 80’s, surely pig shocker heard of him, unless she was under a rock somewhere.
ReplyDeleteYou know, in FFF's earlier blogs, she busily scouted for men, even asking readers to set her up on dates. In one infamous post, she listed her preferences for her man. It was laughingly superficial, a bearded, plaid-shirted middle class hipster that would "fit" her fake country lifestyle. She never found the guy.
DeleteShe also lamented (multiple times) that she was unlucky in love and that a boy she madly desired in high school referred to her as "the beast". Yuck. I kinda feel sorry for her, carrying all that emotional baggage.
As far as I could see, despite her really trying, no one settled down with her, which is amazing since she isn't the worst looking woman on the planet, is college-educated and a property owner. Guessing her insufferable personality must have been too much for anyone to take.
Then, either catching onto a trend, searching for a new demographic to fleece or having an awakening afte zero interest in women, she became bi, queer, gay and now lesbian.
It's all enough to make one's head spin.
DeletePS I forgot to add, I don't ever remember reading early blogs that discussed LGBTQ, BIPOC or any disenfranchised people. She was ALWAYS about herself, what she wanted to learn, what she could show off and how very "special" she was.
Being "woke" is yet another manifestation for pig shocker. She wants to add it to her string of fake personas: falconer, farmer, martial artist, Buddhist, heathen, vegan, omnivore, carnivore, straight, queer, bi, gay and lesbian.
God Bless the late Harvey Milk. The movie about his life was fcuking amazing. He was a revolutionary being. A true class act. And the fact that Gerrymandering was going on way back then...Grrrrr. And don't even get me started on how Gays were treated.
DeletePDD, as usual, has a lot of good points and spot-on observations. I agree with everything. But then this, "she isn't the worst looking woman on the planet"
And to that I say: I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, Lou. (Lol, I stole that from Fargo) Beauty is only skin deep, and by that reckoning, she's the WORST and ugliest person on this planet to be begging for free money and taking those donations away from those who need it most. Not sure if y'all know, but there are dozens of GoFundMe accounts set up to bail out peaceful protesters who've been arrested for fighting for social justice. Donate to them instead.
Just re-read this and realized I might've come off like I was being critical of Poods' comment. I am not. I was just joking around at the expense of the Pig Shocker with my Fargo humor. I LOVE everyone on here who participates in helping to educate others about the scams and lies of a certain FFF. I truly love everyone here. Can't even think of one person whom I don't like. You are all beautiful and wonderful. And we all fight the good fight for the sake of the animals. And people's wallets everywhere.
DeleteAnon7, it's all good. I get your humor. I was trying to suggest that on the outside, she should have had an appeal. But when you add her narcissistic, lying, condescending, frumpy, animal-neglecting ways, her potential dates practiced social distancing way before 2020.
DeleteObv, if you include FFF's habits and personality, she's 💯 ugly.
Wasn't our feral farmer supposedly represented by Red Sofa Literary??
She was, for a nanosecond. I read the article. I don't know... if it were me and I saw blatant looting (not protesting) I would have called the cops. The looters were just taking advantage of the "cover" that the protests provided.
ReplyDeleteOh no she didn't. Is there no end to her depravity? The current situation has gone from a local (MN) protest, to a nation-wide uprising, to now a world-wide uprising, with people all over the WORLD protesting for social equality and justice for People Of Color. And then the Pig Shocking bitch tweets this:
ReplyDelete"It feels bad posting anything for my own farm or business with everything going on right now in America. But if sales don't come in I will have a negative account in a few days or sooner. I am trying to make ends meet and feel safe."
Fuck you, Jenna Woginrich. It 'feels bad' to you because your online panhandling at a time like this IS bad. You need to read the room and trust your instincts when they tell that you you're being a jackass. "BuT iF $aLEs dOn'T cOmE..." You'll what? Become homeless like a lot of black people in America who don't have your entitled white privilege? Or your college education? Good. Become homeless. You deserve it. And as per always, so many black people have a hard time getting a job because of the color of their skin...yet you with your over-abundance of white skin can't even be arsed to look for a job to support your sorry ass.
Oh, and folks, she's "trying to feel safe" whilst living in a very safe tiny community, far from any big city -- while people in big cities are legit trying to feel safe from the police. Oh, but wait, she's not talking about that...she's talking about being safe from THE WOLVES AT THE DOOR. At a time like this? What the hell is wrong with you, ya cunt??
With so many legitimate public figures sitting out this content creation cycle, and instead choosing to post links to resources / donations instead, and with FFF's lack of imagination, she has to just say, "I'm going to keep the content coming, business as usual because I need LUCK!"
DeleteHer woe is wog song is sounding uglier with every passing day.
And jeezus...her in latest bleg post (Bright Red 6/1/20) she says this:
ReplyDelete"My platform is small. My audience is small. But I do have a few thousand people I can reach through social media. I am trying to use my voice there for good."
BUT THEN, she immediately says this:
"I am trying to figure out how to do that and how to simply pay the bills around here."
Of course you are. Because you won't exercise your white privilege to score an easy job that so many Black Americans would love to have. And then she goes on to play the victim by pointing out that she's a "WHITE WOMAN" going thru hard times. Oh, man. I can't even. She is ONLY using her "platform" to beg for more sales. Then she laments:
"But the reality is we all have to keep paying our bills and figuring out how to keep our banks accounts in the black."
Ummm, that WAS the situation during the (ongoing) Coronavirus pandemic. Now it's about people being taken seriously and fighting for their lives. And hey, notice how she said she wants to keep her bank account in the BLACK? If memory serves correct, this is all she ever has to say about anything BLACK. And its always about her bank account. She never uses the word BLACK to talk about people. Have you ever seen on her Twitter tweet about the rights of BLACK people? No...it's ALWAYS about her wanting to keep her bank account black. Cuz that's the only black she's concerned about.
Aw shit, then what she says get's worse:
Delete"This farm is starting June in bright red."
Bitch, streets all over the WORLD are red with fear, protest, revolt...and the red blood of those who have been beaten by police for peacefully protesting. Wake up! This is not about you and your self-caused problems! And she doesn't stop:
"I need to fight my own fight just to keep this place from sinking back into delinquency or danger."
Wow. You've picked the wrong hill to die on. You'll fight for yourself only? But then you go on say this:
"So I will be donating part of what this farm earns this month to Black Lives Matter."
Oh hell no she won't. I'll bet my son's life that she won't donate a single penny. And she's gonna educate people too? Educate them on how "white women" like her can help the situation? The sheer nerve of her. If she's actually been watching any TV coverage of the peaceful protests and the rioters/looters, she would have seen that there are MANY BLACK people who are already doing that. Educating others on so many issues. There have been Black Civic Leaders, Preachers, and others who are spreading helpful words and insight. And they don't need some Pig Shocking privileged white woman trying to educate others about anything.
Oh gawd, it just doesn't end with her. After faking compassion and begging for money to give to BLM, she then writes this:
Delete"I will still be sharing stories of the farm, hiking, nature, gardens..."
Wow...so while the world burns, Jenna Woginrich wants YOU to know that she will be living a privileged white life in a home that she owns, while mountain smashing, enjoying nature while on horsey rides, and tending to gardens in a leisurely fashion. While the rest of us have much more pressing issues. Like how to make our voices heard about racial inequality. While having to deal with curfews.
She'll be using her Black Lives Matter (I'm a white woman and I'm) Mad Money for new hiking boots and glitter lacquer for her goat's horns. Riot Grrrl. The only time she's been tear gassed or pepper sprayed was when she showed up at one of "her girl's" dwelling unannounced. The world burns? That's OK. Feral Farmer has the fiddle!
ReplyDeleteLol, Nero. Seriously, she's no where near a big city where shit is real. She's mountain smashing. And day drinking. And forever online panhandling. Boy, if I could get her to visit here so I could take her down to the flashpoint intersection (Florence and Normandy -- where I have friends) and take her down there to see how so many under privileged people really live. Screw the Pig Shocker and her wolf contacts and new hiking boots. People are suffering and dying right now. And she says she'll send .01 cent of each dollar to BLM?
DeleteTwo posts here, cuz it's too many words for just one:
ReplyDeleteOK, I gotta say one more thing. But before I do, a little background info because even though I pass for a white person, it's important to me for you to know that I have been a staunch lover of Black people since I was a tiny child. And because I'm about to relate what the past few days here have been like, please know that it's not out of fear of Black people, not even the looters (whom I don't totally agree with, but I heartedly understand) -- it out of fear from the POLICE right now. We are somewhat safe, but not really.
So as brief as I can do this: My blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin fools people into thinking I'm white. But I'm exactly half Hispanic. Dad was from a poor village deep in Mexico, born dark with black hair. Mom, also blonde and pale, was from a wealthy white family on the east coast. I sadly did not get any of the dark coloring of my father who is super dark with black hair. Instead I grew up with chronic sunburn, but spent an amazing amount of time with my Spanish grandmother and my Mexican aunt. They loved me, unlike my horrible white racist grandmother who wasn't happy that her socialite daughter married a "beaner" -- so I learned very early on about racism.
The reason the Black Lives Matter revolution is very important to me is because a very kind and gentle 40-50 year old Black HUman comforted me after a bad auto accident whilst my mom was talking with police officers. He was a street construction worker about 40 feet away when he noticed that I was kinda confused (no seatbelt so my head made hard contact with the dashboard after we were rear-ended at a stoplight) -- and I was wandering towards the busy street. He came over, grabbed me and took me to his work truck where he gave me a cup of water and told me not to be scared. I remember him vividly, being kind and calming. I also remember when the white cop came over and roughly snatched me away, like I was in danger from him. And I remember wondering why, when this beautiful Black man had been kinder to me than my father had ever been. I later (in middle school) had a Black boyfriend who my parents were not happy about. There's more, but I think that's enough to outline by what I have to say about the shit that's going on here in where I live. And to let you know that my fear is not due to Black people (not even the looters)...it's all because of the police.
OK, so that being said: Here's what the past few days here (big city 10 miles from downtown Los Angeles) have been like. Horror in watching almost 24-7 of the live news coverage. The peaceful protests are great...but some of the asshole cops beating down protesters is not. And the looting is sad, but I get it. And what makes me happy this time (as compared to the 1992 riots) is seeing soooooo many non-black people (whites, latinos, asians) protesting right along side with Black people. This is good.
Yesterday, our city got a curfew. Not a huge deal, cuz thanks to the lovely Coronavirus, we've been stocked up on everything for months. But the curfew came down with just two hours notice. 6PM. And so here was our problem: There's this feral stray cat that we've been feeding for 5+ years. She's not far, just across the street and down a few blocks. BUT, there's a curfew and you can't be out if you don't wanna be arrested and slapped with a 1K fine.
DeleteWhy didn't we feed the cat before curfew? Cuz she only comes out once it's dark. And it's her only chance to eat in a 24 hour time period. And she's starving. And is always crying for us. So I got online and brought up our city's police scanner and also the FlightRadar site which shows police helicopter activity. I told my son how to dress-- in neutral colors to blend in, and no hat or mask (which might be seen as trying to disguise himself) and how not to run, but to walk quickly with purpose, and how, when going down alleyways, not to look into driveways, carports, so that he doesn't appear to be a looter. We put some serious thought into this.
So I sent him out, while I monitored the feeds, and it was a success. Pretty little kitty cat was fed! She got her full can of wet food, her kibble and treats, and a bunch of fresh deli turkey. Yeah, she's spoiled, but it was great. Though there was a moment when I grabbed my cellphone to alert my son while he was still out, as a call came over the scanner of a "man spotted" -- but turns out it was in another neighborhood.
Tonight didn't go as smooth. I told him to keep the empty can with him, for two reasons: To save him time from walking to a dumpster to dispose of it, and to have proof of what he was doing if the police stopped him. (We've both been stopped in that alley before because they thought we were doing something suspicious. They frisked us and ran our names...and then released us after 20 minutes of hassle.)
Ahh, still I wrote too much. So here's the rest:
Delete***BTW, hardcore cop sirens right now...helicopters too...3 of them...blocks away....at just after midnite here (12:38am) ...taking a quick break to listen to the scanner. 12:45am - Nothing on the scanners...but the helicopters. Hard core looting took place two cities over from us earlier today. This might be some of the stragglers. Oh, the just mentioned the avenue we live off of, but then a bunch of random codes. 12:54 - The danger has passed. Probably were chasing someone racing thru.
Anyway, so back to tonight. He dressed the same way as last night and this time I decided to walk to the street corner with him, just to check out the street, see if there are any people out. We didn't get far cuz on our very corner there was already a police car that had stopped a Latino male on a bike, who was wearing all black and a face mask and backpack. So we went back inside to brainstorm another way. But there wasn't another way, because of all the intersection cameras, which our city watches closely. So we waited.
15 minutes later, he went to try again. This time, he almost made it to the kitty, but the parking lot/corner store lot that she lives behind had cop cars in it. So he had to sneak back home again. This time, I was really frustrated because I learned that a cat's hunger pains are not like ours. They feel serious pain when their bellies are empty. So I decided that I would drive him over there and that we'd take our chances when it comes to jail. And hope for some sympathy from the cops for our mission, or at least we could play dumb about the curfew.
So...it actually went well. Although it was scary. Were we scared of any nearby protesters or looters? Nope, not at all. We were scared of coming into contact with our local police who have, in the past 10 years, gotten very aggressive with everyone who lives in this city. Even people who feed feral cats. This seriously needs to change. And it wasn't just us with this problem tonight. I saw on our local websites so many people worried about being arrested or fine for taking their dogs out for a walk 'n a poop. People are just that scared here right now.
Anon7, my thoughts are with you and the rest of those who are in flash point areas. Horrible to see. I cannot imagine what it's like to be in the middle of it. Stay safe, everyone.
DeleteAnon 7, its Anonymous 12:50 here (of earlier post- from yesterday), thank you for sharing your story. I can hear the trauma and pain in your experience and I hope you and your son (and the cat) are okay. Thank you for making the points that you did about how racism works and the brutality of the police. The fear you mention (of police, surveillance, helicopters) is something J.W. has NEVER even come close to experiencing. Her appropriation of Black Out Tuesday and the Black Lives Matter hashtags in order to solicit funds or HERSELF is unconscionable, and I repeat, a new low even for her. I hope her followers are able to see through the thin veneer she fronts (she's no farmer) during this time of racial crisis in our country and finally leave her and her begging in the dust. It's just disgusting how she's done nothing, not even tried to mention black farmers, homesteaders, or orgs working on equality in agriculture and land ownership, NOTHING w her platform in all these years. Yet, now she thinks posting an African proverb is going to help? Really? How about posting links to orgs where you can donate bail $ to help protestors, or links to orgs that are actively working to change racist systems? She's about as anti-racist as George Wallace was. Thank you again Anon 7 for sharing your truth. Be safe.
DeleteAnon 7, I feel you and am sorry for the stress and fear. I live in Atlanta 2 neighborhoods west of where a lot of the late night disturbance after the peaceful protests have happened, so we have had 4 nights of unrest with National Guard on the ground and 3 of those have had curfews -- Make that 4 per the text that just came in. You are correct, my fear is for the reaction from police and a governor who will allow troops to escalate. You may have seen the college couple tasered and drug from their car a couple of nights ago. My co-worker is a cousin of Ahmaud Arbery. My community is generally poor and black so affected by it all. Last night we had a gathering here in our park for prayer and action. It was wonderful, but I was anxious that it started after 6 and our curfew was coming up at 9. JFW needs to shut up, listen and amplify BIPOC voices. Oh wait - that would assume sincerity on her part. Her GF must be more aware and she's afraid she won't get her back over to weed.
DeleteAnon in GA
Poor fake feral farmer. All of her social media friends are getting woke (even PP) and some have even muted their SM accounts. So what's a hypocritical couldn't-care-less wannabe to do? Imitate, imitate, imitate their concern and pretend to care.
ReplyDeleteBut be sure to slip in "poor me" posts and ads for overpriced junk to keep her in $200+ hiking shoes and horsey rides.
Yep, the Twit posted another two ads for her cartoon dog pics with "...This place needs to pay electric and internet bills ASAP. Some people sing for their supper. I'll paint for my 'puter..."
PDD. Exactly. I made my comment before reading yours.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDeleteThe bitch won't quit. Here's a "woke" retweet so followers will think that she cares about racial issues. But she'd rather be speculating about Swift's sexuality, and bragging about "Loving huuummmiiidddiiitttyyy!!!"
"the child who is
not embraced by
the village will
burn it down to
feel its warmth"
_ african proverb
Twit Shit Won't Quit:
Delete"I am offering a sale on pet portraits, 2 for $80. This includes a 9x12" ink and watercolor original piece of artwork shipped anywhere in the world for free. This farm is a hair's breath from being in the red tomorrow and all and any sales keep it safe. DM."
"Well, it does include that. But 2 of them. And if you want up to 3 animals in one pic. I'll draw 6 pets total. This place needs to pay electric and internet bills ASAP. Some people sing for their supper. I'll paint for my 'puter."
Her pet portraits are always on sale, so this is just more of her manipulative marketing. And again, she mentions the trigger word "safe" to elicit emotions. Her "hair's breath" bullshit is ridiculous hyperbole. It's you, JFW, that needs to pay the bills. Not "this farm or place." But you won't own up to any adult responsibilities, and try to get more free handouts for doing nothing. The 'puter is a also failure to be funny:
"The 'puter is also a failure..."
DeleteTo anyone wondering why she repeats the word "luck." It's her substitute word for money, and can pretty much be replaced in all cases. She thinks if she says it a lot, it will appear. Seems to have worked so far.
ReplyDeleteIs there an antonym for "feminist"? Because that's what she is. A tree falls, and before anything can be done, somebody else has to show up with a chainsaw. PP's dh must loooovvveee her.
If she didn't have the materials, she shouldn't have taken the orders for soap. That's pure scamming. And of course, the materials are available, even locally.
Where's Anon 7? Hopefully safe and sound.
The Chickqualizer
Yeah, I noticed that too.
DeleteOops, sorry Anon 7 - see you there! One more thing though - Do you all think "public figures" care about whether a follower has a photo? If I had thousands of followers, I think I could find better use of my time than poring over twitter accounts.
She only cares because she thinks profiles without real names / photos of people are more likely to be one of the shamsters.
DeleteRather ridiculous since her profile is public again, and her blog is public. Why have a twitter account if you can't deal with exposure?
For anyone interested, I recently listened to a podcast called "Behind the Bastards". The episode titled "The man who teaches our cops to kill" was released June 1.
ReplyDeleteOh FFS:
ReplyDelete"How many people are in the position of wanting to get into the streets and protest but can't afford the hospital bill if their maced, gassed, or trampled?
America is so fucked right now."
Really? Their?
Also, way to miss the point of the protests. People risk their lives to demonstrate during a pandemic and public disorder because they are desperate to increase their chances of survival in the future. They already factor in the potential for physical injury, and they still do it.
she's essentially saying "so many more people could demonstrate if they had universal healthcare!"
Yeah, I just saw that tweet. And again, she just DOESN'T get it. I recently saw a thoughtful comment on reddit regarding a possible new revolution (which seems to be happening right now) in which someone said, "If that happens, you need to approach it knowing that you may get hurt and even die fighting. And that you are willing to lay down your life for the cause and/or freedom that you believe in."
DeleteAnd that is so true. All those brave people out there right now, they are there because they are thinking about the end game and what they can achieve in regards to racial equality. They're not worried about themselves. Nor are they cowardly snowflakes like Jenna Woginrich who think about just themselves and their potential hospital bills -- no, they're thinking about the long-oppressed peoples and putting THEM before their OWN interests, concerns and fears. Because that's what a TRUE protester does.
Pig Shocker, those protesters are not thinking about themselves right now. They're more concerned with inequality and getting their brave asses out there to peacefully protest for a great cause, whether or not it will cause them harm. And the fact that they're doing this in the face of many violent cops, as they the threat of arrest, teargassing and injury, further proves that point.