She's hit another new low today on Twitter: 4,817. Yeah, she's a failed fuck-up at everything that she's tried to accomplish. Her life is one big whine about not having enough. And yet even when she's blessed by abundance it will never last long. How's that "garden" growing, Jenna?
Right on schedule, and in response to my sarcastic question. I'm sure that she has a great garden this year. But she never reads here. Right.
"The gardens are being planted with greens and peas and other cold crops. I spent the day mostly in the sunlight or with warm wind at my back while I worked on fencing, raised beds, cleaning up winter deadfall and trash and the regular chores."
Only someone with Pig Shocker's Narcissistic Sociopathic Borderline Personality disorder would claim ownership of someone else's livestock.
Pig Shocker has an imaginary girlfriend and now she is pretending to own sheep.🤪 Someone call the local looney bin to come get their emergency admit! 😜
If anything, I'm thinking that she did buy those sheep, but keeps them on Patty's property cuz she's not allowed to own livestock. And then you wonder, wouldn't Patty call her out for doing so? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Patty just sees the Pig Shocker's false social media claims and then just lets it pass without comment, because, "Silly Jenna' you know.
And you are totally onto something about the Narcissistic Sociopathic Borderline Personality disorder. I know that we often debate about her supposed income streams, animal abuse, neglect and deaths, and other crazy crap, but one thing's for sure: She's not right in the head. Cuz who hates cats and shocks pigs for spite? Crazy. People.
Her bragging about the new romance has suddenly subsided. Maybe it really was imaginary. There's also no doubt in my mind that she's mentally ill in combination with having a morally defective character.
I posted this at the end of the previous thread. It's my opinion as to why PP, or whomever actually owns the lambs, would help Pig Shocker perpetuate her farm/livestock lie:
It definitely is a property other than Shit Show Farm.
What a loser to have to claim someone else's livestock as their own. Since there are only a few lambs, I would not put it past Pig Shocker to load them up and bring them to her place. So far, her laziness has prevailed per usual and she has been taking photos of them on the property where they ACTUALLY live.
Can you imagine?
PS: So the lambs are getting their shots? Mind if I come over and take photos of it for my crappy bleg?
Lamb Owner: Sure! (Thinking as long as Pig Shocker's crazy ass is keeping her farm lie alive and scamming for a living, it's less money that she will be asking to borrow).
And as of right now, late Wednesday night (11:59) it's down to 4,811. Lol.
Any day now...any day.
But wait, why would we care if she went back to public? Let her foolish self continue to keep it private and continue to lose more foollowers. (And lose even more pity donations) It's not like she's been able to keep us from finding out the crazed depravity stuff anyway. We're all just good like that. We still see all.
From the last thread: Anon 4:20 (on 4/29) said, "Especially since she probably bought and paid for 4,500 of them."
Holy're right. And that explains why she hardly ever has any people commenting on her insipid tweets. I know we had this realization awhile back, how we noticed that her foollower number count had jumped, practically overnight, by hundreds if not a thousand or two. So yeah, she must really be crappin' her pants right now.
Also from the last thread: Anon 6:05 (on 4/30) said, "I wish that there was a way to post pics here. I've never seen HD do it. Anyone know how?"
I also wonder about this and really wish we had the capability. But only Hound Doggy has the answer. In the meantime, the best way to share a photo is to copy and paste the link into your post.
HD. Is it too much trouble for you to occasionally post pics? At least, in the header. If nothing else it would add visual interest. I've never seen any blogs before that are have only written information like this one. It gets a bit boring at times. (No offense.) I'd appreciate your consideration of my request. Thanks.
And again from the last thread: Anon 5:00 (on 4/29) said, "I drove past Jenna's house yesterday..."
Thanks for taking one for the team! And so, so sorry that you had to experience that. I truly hope that your eyes and nose weren't damaged. *hugs* But really, thanks for taking the time to do a welfare check on those poor innocent animals. They need someone to advocate for them.
Just a few days prior, the Pig Shocker was oinkin' and bleggin' about just how lucky she is...and just how great things are...and how the mortgage crisis was magically absolved...but how?
And then she blegs the old "Help and Subsrcibe cuz I'm just like NPR" bullshit? Really? Seriously? That's like leaving rehab and going straight to a bar to celebrate your newfound sobriety. What the fcuk is wrong with her? I mean, I imagine that all of us Shammers are not perfect, and we can sometimes be dishonest and pull a trick now and then to get something that we need when the cards are stacked against us, but shit, the Pig Shocker is just a trick pony at this point. Milking suckers for her income. Like, scamming and begging is ALL that she knows. And I know that I shouldn't sound so surprised at this realization, but man, I...uh...the fuck is wrong with her?!?
And then she follows up the PayPal me/I'm NPR bleg post bullshit saying that she's "working" to get any sort of income into the farm? No, you mountain-crushing-human-hydraulic-nature-flower-crushing-obliterator, no you are not. Cuz you do NOT have a REAL JOB -- because you refuse to get one. If you said that you were "begging" for any sort of income, I'd believe that.
But no, instead you write about how even though the 3 months of delinquent mortgage payments just "magically" disappeared (poof!) that you NOW need the mortgage payment for MAY?? You know, there's no shame in asking anyone if they want fries with their shake. Cuz that's a real and honest job. Not the funnest job, but it puts hard-earned food on the table. And you won't have to beg.
So...what happened to the money you had "earned up" for one and one half of those past due mortgage payments? Wouldn't those funds be still available and more than enough to cover May? Oh wait, you probally bought some new counterfeit Rag & Bone jeans. My mistake. (And I understand, as you gotta look sizzling HOT for that imaginary girl who you are quarantining with!) But again, what about that money you "earned up" for the past due mortgage payments?
You know what? Don't bother answering. Cuz as we all know, and as a lot of your foollowers are recently finding out. is that everything that comes out of your mouth is a LIE. BK Whopper, meet the human Whopper. You are now at the threshold of 40...which is not old per se...IF you are a normal honest person. But if you are still begging and doing your crazy online panhandling bullshit that you started in your 20's, which, at that time, you might have been considered a YOUNG and scrappy upstart, well, you've got another thing coming.
But if there is anything positive about you, it's that before I had the misfortune to learn about you, I didn't know much about farm animals, being that I'm from a large city. But thanks to you, I've learned a whole lot about how to avoid animal abuse and neglect. So I guess I can say thanks for that. Idiot. Hey, that dead frozen chicken you found in your driveway, did you make chicken tenders with it? Cuz your furry art customers would want to know.
Anon7. Your comment was spot-on. Yep, it's her usual mercurial moods quick flip from "This farm has never been better!" to "Woe is Wog, I need mo' money!" She's a pathological liar, and animal abuser.
It looks like the group has been around for a decade, and it also appears to be fairly inactive. Although there are signs that stupid posted something the other day. Gotta keep potential PayPal poodles tethered to her potential. It's no wonder why there have been no new members for a month probably plus.
I have a serious question. We've noticed how her numbers have been drastically dropping since she's made her profile private. Do you think that it's probably due to the pandemic, and people are sick of her obnoxious begging now? There has to be a reason, and this is the only one that makes sense.
"have CDT shots and tail docking on the schedule, along with the regular work appointments with the farrier coming up."
Okay, so cd and t shots on the schedule? What does that mean Jenna? What I surmise it to mean is that you are throwing around lingo to appear to be farmy. Scheduling three shots is like saying you are scheduling brushing your teeth. It actually takes less time than brushing your teeth... So, just *stop*. Further, a typical moronic methods would connote- docking the tails? It's late for that. It's also FLY season. The only HUMANE way to dock now, is to use a cauterizing scissor. Those are not cheap. And there is no way she will be doing it. If she bands them at this age, she is going against AVMA practices, and I will report her. Myself. No matter how she does it at this point, the flies will be a real problem. Once again, she is NO farmer. Work appointments with the farrier? What do you mean? Bring the horse to the shit pile to have his feet trimmed? Go ahead and photograph again, we want to see how high the manure pile has grown.
Making your account private shouldn't adversely affect her existing followers, just potentially stunt her growth for new followers. Anyone already following her when she made the profile private would not notice a difference with her posts, other than the little "lock" symbol by her name and being unable to share her posts.
The "is she broke, or is she flush" debate has been going on for a long time. When she got the $15,000 from the Birchthorn Kickstarter fund, she claimed her farm was saved, yet a short three months later (yes, only three months) she was whining about late mortgage payments and wolves at the door.
It's CAF-a-matics folks, 'cause nothing adds up.
She somehow has to keep up the pity party to get donations to flow in, yet show she is able to support herself all on her own, except I don't know how you can say that when your income comes from begging.
Yarn hair weave from the dollar store, Rogaine, 56 pairs of Groucho Marx glasses, the most ridiculously expensive cell phone that she could find, a shit brown pleather jacket that was 3 sizes too small, an ugly shit brown hat and anything she lied about getting from the "dump." And LOTS of booze that she bought and drank by the gallon.
Sounds about right, lol. BTW, you should know that when I read your reply I was low-chuckling in the most un-lady like manner. It's amazing how much pricey stuff she found at her "lucky" dump.
I tried to clean this facebook dialog up to make it more readable, but it is still long. Sorry. Her atta girls went after me pretty heavy for posting a link to this page.
Susan Hill 17 hrs ·
For someone who wants to sell items to support her farm, it is really impossible to get anywhere. I have tried emails, twitter and here. And no one has posted here since 2018. I was interested in some soaps, but this has just become so difficult.
11 25 Comments Like Comment Comments
Patricia J Winter She’s on Instagram and gave up facebook
Troy A Ford This platform sucks for farms so it’s a waste of time posting here !!!
Susan Hill Tried Instagram, Twitter and emails.
Trish Thompson Kleinfelder Jenna wogenrich is very active on Twitter and Instagram. You can find her there. Trish Thompson Kleinfelder
COLDANTLERFARM.BLOGSPOT.COM coldantlerfarm coldantlerfarm Kittyanni Dilatush You can go to this and order.
Susan Hill I tried email, twitter, Instagram And I don't see anywhere to order from her blog. Only how to donate. Trish Thompson Kleinfelder
Susan Hill i reached out to jenna on your behalf. Hopefully she will contact you.
Susan Hill Thank you!
Trish Thompson Kleinfelder
Susan Hill you're welcome!
Debby McLeod She’s on Twitter selling soap almost every day and also you can find contact info on her blog...Cold Antler Farm. She needs to make some sales and would love to hear from you
Erin Abler Don’t bother. It takes her months to ship (if you get it al all) but she takes your money right away and then ignores emails and everything else when you try to contact her Tracy Moorman
Debra Davidson Nickol do you write this? This is the most hateful shit I’ve seen in a while.
Sara McNarbour
Debra Davidson Nickol this page is fucking disgusting. This is a hard-working woman, who is doing it alone. Try it for yourself, and get back to me.
Holly Monroe Glaski
Debra Davidson Nickol this is just awful. If people don’t like what she’s doing just simply don’t follow her. It’s that simple. Stop spreading hate. So unnecessary.
Margret Raines Why in the world are you picking on this woman? Don’t you have some of your own business to mind?
Mike Madore perhaps if she has taken money for orders and not shipped them??? or is that ok because she has a farm she can't afford and wants all us hard working folk to help her pay for it so she doesn't have to work a regular job??? just a guess...
Mike Madore oh and I was foolish enough to send her money...she recently called pres Trump and idiot...perhaps she is right...but she was quick to take him money lol...
Erin Abler Why are you defending her? Hasn't she stolen any of YOUR money yet? Or doesn't it matter because she hasn't stolen from you?
Carol Bailey There have been many people over the years who have trolled her, called authorities with false reports, etc. She left fb years ago because of the constant harassment. And no, she never ripped me off. I’ve bought several products from her over the year… See More
Erin Abler You are one of the few lucky ones then.
Holly Monroe Glaski Jenna is a hard working single woman manning her farm alone. It’s a tough job. If she’s not mailed an order to you have you contacted her personally? She may just be overwhelmed with the amount of work she has to do.
Erin Abler what farm???? she has 2 dogs and 2 horses and no other job! She had all of her other animals taken away from her. You people need to see the light. Seriously. She's a grifter and a scam artist.
It seems cognitive dissonance is big with the CAF enablers, or the majority of her most ardent supporters have never done business with her!
I firmly believe FFF goes above and beyond for a small number of people (like blue check people) so she can fish in their pond and they will defend her.
Her actions are those of a grifter and scam artist. Yeah, perhaps she's just too gosh darn busy to get your PREPAID order out to you.
Warped Mind. I appreciate this comment, and efforts, thanks. None of this is news. It just affirms what we've known here for a long time. But it's still surprising at how many dumb enablers she's attracted over the years. NEWBIES: before you judge us too harshly, see for yourselves what we're talking about. We're not just a bunch of mean girls dissing a poor little feral farmer who is fraudulent for no good reason. Do a search on "Jenna Woginrich scammer/animal abuser." There are also numerous links in posts here that are informative. FYI: I was one of the women who did the work necessary for officials to investigate her hovel. The most recent one involved two separate authorities. And it wasn't based on "false reports," but photos, posts, and proof that she's stupidly bragged about. We've done our due diligence on CAF, maybe you should too.
PDD. Yeah, she's "just too gosh darn busy" making moronic memes on Instagram, watching reruns of Gilmore Girls or Buffy, and handcrafting her melt & pour mold soap. And taking time to tweet about being broke, but begging non-stop for mortgage money.
Thanks for this WM. This shit show has been going on for years; I can't believe the stupid people that still defend her. Question, were these recent posts? Also, if we can get in touch with these people, we can point them in the right direction. In other words, they are wasting their time dealing with Jenna Woginrich.
Yes they were recent. I posted the link yesterday and they started slamming me for being hateful. The users who defended the link posted sometime last night. I checked out the atta girls facebook sites, and decided it wasn't worth being bothered by.
Smart move, WM. To people like this I say "Give Jenna ALL your money to help her run her scrappy farm." However, I'll bet they're more about "heartfelt thoughts" than the hard, cold cash that's wanted, lol.
Yes, big thanks to WM for posting this! Some interesting comments there:
>>Susan: "I don't see anywhere to order from her blog. Only how to donate."
Ah yes, classic Jenna right there. Doesn't really want to sell stuff cuz then she has to make it...which means work. So just donate instead! So much easier and faster for everyone!!
>>Mike: "she recently called pres Trump and idiot...perhaps she is right...but she was quick to take him money lol"
Funny that. Wonder how the Pig Shocker would reply to that?
>>Holly: "If she’s not mailed an order to you have you contacted her personally? She may just be overwhelmed with the amount of work she has to do."
Rotflmao!! Overwhelmed? Seriously!?! Something tells me Holly is a casual foollower who hasn't seen all the posts about mountain stomping, horsey riding, swimming, time-wasting hawk hikes, endless tweeting, Netflix watching, T-Swift stalking, etc. If she has sooooo much work to do, then how would she be able to fit in all these activities? Learn some math, woman.
You can't reason with the dregs that come here on Pig Shocker's behalf to criticize this site. It's just a waste of time encouraging them to look into Pig Shocker.
It is most likely Pig Shocker posting all of the anonymous posts agreeing with themselves. She's done it plenty of times before.
When she/they start posting critical comments, we know it is because our methods are SUCESSFUL. It's because we have observed, documented and reported her narcissistic sociopathic borderline personality fat ass and she has been contacted by investigators recently.
When Pig Shocker posts comments, it's a good thing. It means she's pissed and we are succeeding in freeing the animals of Shit Show Farm.
Luckless - My theory is that the 50+ who un-followed her in one month chose this time specifically to evade detection -- people who were tired of her crap but felt bad about abruptly un-following. Perhaps it was a combination of the Coronavirus distraction, coupled with her making her page private. And hoping she won't notice who's un-followed her. And if questioned, they could plausibly deny it and suggest they were lost in the shuffle when she went private. Blame it on a Twitter glitch.
Also, in mid-March she had the gall to ask her foollowers for $200 a day ($6K per month) via buying the crap she sells. That must've pissed a lot of people off. At that time, the public panic buying set in and many of her foollowers were no doubt more consumed with finding TP and sanitizing products than with helping some online panhandler.
Which is why it is so important to stick to the facts and stop the name calling. People see the name calling are immediately turned off and dismiss this as a hate site. Name calling defeats the purpose of this blog, if the purpose of this blog is to warn others. If the purpose of this blog is to let off steam and sling mud at Jenna, I would say it is fulfilling its purpose, but is doing nothing to convert others.
I would be more inclined to direct them to the Kickstarter Birchthorn site. At least it has comments from people who were scammed and useful information from the editor, minus the name calling.
I wonder if there is a way to start off each thread here with a pinned or sticky-ed post that has links to Birchthorn and/or basic scammy-animal-abusey Jenna info.
That way, it would be the very first thing a newcomer sees. Just the plain facts. And it would get them up to speed real quick. And then they can read our comments, opinions, satirical humor and decide if they want to stay.
Anon 4:50 - I completely agree. And good idea, Anon7. For the long-time posters here who have put so much time and effort into the great work reporting and protecting the animals, it is such a shame to see y'all undermine your own efforts.
I feel like a troll when I read or post here sometimes, except that there is real truth to the scams, to how the numbers never add up and the stories always fall apart.
They ain't gonna change though, Anon 4:50 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We won't ever please everyone. We have accomplished A LOT in observing, documenting and reporting Pig Shocker.
Unfortunately, because Pig Shocker is such a whiney bitch, we have to refer to her as Pig Shocker (or other fitting nicknames) since this blog can be shut down like the last one, if we use real names. Posting nicknames makes it more difficult to prove who we are speaking of.
Because of that, we aren't able to inform the amount of new potential victims as much as we would like. However, this is a great resource for those of us who are observing, documenting and reporting her as we can provide information to eachother.
There have been very few posts on here complaining ever since we decided that we will not tolerate people who only come here to bitch and whine.
These complainers always post as anonymous and always receive an immediate reply from another anonymous supporting their comment. What a coincidence!
We could waste our time watching one person post under multiple anonymous user names so it looks like other people agree with their comment but we have bigger fish to fry. MUCH bigger, like 250+ lbs!
There are some really good ideas and opinions here. And this is a contentious situation it seems. So many of us with so much to say. All of us are different, but we all are on the same page when it comes to believing about proper animal care and kindness. Some of us have been directly affected, ripped off and hurt by her. And others were not but are still here because of her self-documented animal neglect and abuse. Not to mention the scamming and online panhandling.
Regardless of which side this may help, I can only offer my first experience about the Shocker I call Pig. It was about 2-3 years ago, and I didn't find her, she found me via Reddit. She made some fantastical "I Made It!" post about how great farm life is. (But was really a post to attract new followers to donate to her.) And so I clicked on that thread because of the picture that showed what appeared to be Medieval-like imagery: Some chick on a horse wearing a kilt and holding a hawk. And she practiced Heathenry and archery...It all seemed so cool!
So I read thru the thread and saw some people calling her out, saying she was full of it. And I wondered what she had done to raise such animosity. So I used DuckDuckGo to Google her and found this Cold Antler Sham website. And then I suddenly understood all that was said about her. And I realized it was due to her painting a false picture of herself. And neglecting her animals.
And to be honest, I was surprised, but never turned off by the highly colorful things that were said about her. If anything, it made me curious. So after reading about dead frozen chickens, shocked pigs, and a sheep left to die in a wheelbarrow, I understood the inclination and anger to say such things about her. And so I joined this blog to lend my equally outraged voice.
I try hard not to go too far, but man, when you read her own words about gleefully and spitefully shocking innocent pigs, well, that just takes your emotions to a level where all you can do is cuss, scream, and warn others not to donate their hard-earned cash to a cretin who uses animals as furry props to create an illusion of a desolate fake farm on the brink of foreclosure, so you need to DONATE NOW to keep the wolves from the door. And the liquor flowing. And Netflix showing. Hair extensions flowing. And lies forever sowing.
Anon 7, you can't reason with Pig Shocker or her ilk.
What they are really upset about is that she's about to be investigated AGAIN.
By the looks of all of the recent comments criticizing this site, I would say the investigation has started and is in full swing. As of a few weeks ago it was pending due to Covid...
Anon 7 2:05, you make a fair point, and that's the reason I come back here too.
As for an anon replying to another anon, only us anons truly know how many of us there are, because only we know which of the anon comments are ours, and which belong to others, mua ha ha haaaa!
There's really no point in posting with a handle just for this blog, because then my handle agreeing with an anon would just get dismissed as being the anon, so again, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I still might get around to making one, just for continuity.
Playing games under "anonymous" posts is just a colossal waste of blog space.
No matter what Pig Shocker and her twit herd try to do, it won't thwart our efforts whatsoever.
THREE investigations this year alone says it all. The investigators know that it is only a matter of time before Pig Shocker completely shits the bed and ends up without animals and paying huge fines possibly ending with a jail sentence that has been a long time coming. One is coming any day now and has possibly already started.
The latest hawk disappearance has also sparked more documentation on a case from an entirely different agency than before.
That agency is just getting their ducks in a row. Or should I say hawks in a row?
Looks like she received some sort of news about her supposed book deal, as one foollower commented:
"The editor might just be looking for ways to shave extra words with the goal of tightening? I’d guess if you pushed back and shared your concern they’ll be fine with keeping your original wording."
Looks like her editor is not a fan of word salads. Or purple prose.
i.e. The editor is stringing you along and trying not to tell you the truth about how you are a talentless hack, spewing repetitive, childish drivel, who has already screwed patrons out of $15,000 and is now officially publishing poison.
I'm not. Anything to do with her supposed "writing" is most likely lies. No one could possibly read her asinine, childish writing and think that there is a market for it.
Pig Shocker knows that she was only published years ago out of luck. It sure wasn't because she was talented. Now after she stole $15,000 from her kickstarter patrons, forget it. No decent publisher would touch her with a twenty foot pole.
My educated guess is that the steady drop in followers aren't real followers. I have an account with nearly 10,000 followers on twitter. I have not purchased any, however I got to 10K by utilizing a paid service which seeks out people interested in my content by directing the bot to follow people who follow other users similar to me, or to my other followers. It was a great way to just automate the expansion of my reach... except the reach is a much lower quality than it is on a platform like facebook, where such automation is prohibited.
Basically, there are a bunch of low-use accounts that automatically follow people who follow them, and automatically unfollow people who unfollow them.
The flaw in the program, is once you get say 5K followers, then lots of these bots start auto-following you. They won't unfollow you until a regular check in the program detects they are blocked from accessing your follower information. Then it unfollows you.
So I suspect that at some point, Jenna used a similar service to the one I use, which is legit and looks effective when you just need numbers to impress, but don't want to buy fake followers, you want a chance that some of the people you engage are actual, real, people who could convert to your marketing mailing list or whatever. If I made my 10K account private, I'll bet I'd steadily lose numbers until I got down to the few hundred or so people who are actually actively engaged in my brand.
I have no reason to go private, so I just let the numbers sit, but my homepage is a mess of spam, as I have auto-followed so many damn bots. Twitter's greatest weakness.
A more accurate picture of CAF's actual follower count would be on instagram, because it is a *pain in the ass* to use twitter tactics on instagram, and fake bots drop off really fast if you go private.
She has like, 2600 followers in insta. that's the account you should watch, imho. The difference between the actual, engaged, donation-making, comment-writing poodles and the empty follows that mean nothing is much less on instagram than on twitter.
The only reason she should care about her follower account dropping on twitter is that potential publishers like to just see high numbers. 5K isn't that high, though, as far as publishers are concerned. It didn't take me long to get to 10K or cost me much, unfortunately, I learned that a follow on twitter isn't worth nearly as much as a follow on my blog or a subscribe to my mailing list. THOSE are the follows that actually count!
Wow, Anon 6:49...I'll take your educated guess over my theory any day. What a well thought out post made from your solid experience. Lots of good information you shared. And while I had heard of Twitter folks buying followers, I didn't know about the method you used, which sounds legitimate; like an aggregate for followers. Neat idea. And legit.
Also interesting that you pointed out her 2,600 Instagram followers, as I've often wondered why that number was roughly half of her Twitter count. Especially being that Instagram is so much better and informative that a collection of tweets. It will be interesting to see if those follower numbers drop too.
Thanks for sharing with us the how and why in regards to Twitter foolowers and bots.
^^^^^Hey, that was me who wrote that post below Anon 6:49. Anon7 here. Not exactly sure what happened. Usually when I hit the "publish" button my email name comes up and then I have to sign in my password to post. But earlier tonight I helped my son with his tax return and at one point we switched from his iPhone to my Mac, where he had to sign into his gmail account. So I guess that when I went to post here hours later, his email replaced my email as a default? I'm not sure. Weird. But I fixed whatever the heck happened. So this is me. And that^^^^ post from 12:34 was also me. Sorry for any confusion.
Anon 7:21 - I am a long time shamster too, all the way back to Meredith's blog. I became curious after Jenna blocked Meredith. I started having my suspicions about Jenna not being the person she claimed to be. Her business plan seemed to be e-begging, and her animal care sketchy.
I got a real eye opener when I read Meredith's blog. Many posters reported their direct experience dealing with Jenna. And many people with experience in animal care were mortified by her animal husbandry. There was no name calling and the only time her weight was discussed was when Jenna wrote about it herself. And then it was only commentary about what she wrote.
If I had gone to Meredith's blog and read comments like those posted today, I probably would have been turned off and left.
But you're right, nothing will change. And they will also alienate any new, potential shamsters.
So as long as their purpose is to sling mud and alienate Jenna's fans, I say they are doing a great job.
We will continue to observe, document and report until every animal living on that shithole property with that animal abusing, cross eyed hag, is free from her.
WDH. Exactly. We're all allowed her to express ourselves here, and some of us discuss the details differently than others. The main thing is that we've seen results with reporting her multiple times for animal abusing.
LS, of course y'all are allowed to express yourselves. I don't think Anon 11:00 was saying you should not be "allowed" to do or say whatever you want. It's just if the actual goal of this blog is to shine light on the CAF sham, the pure vitriol, however justified, undermines the purpose.
But what do I know? I've only been commenting here for a few months.
Maybe I'll end every one of my posts with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The last blog did not get shut down because Jenna's name was used. It got shut down because someone here posted her parent's phone number and address and encouraged people to call and harass them.
Bwahaha! Just when we thought Pig Shocker couldn't get any crazier, she proves us wrong!
I wonder what her imaginary girlfriend and the lambs she pretends to own are doing during the latest animal abuse investigation?
Good thing, the girlfriend doesn't really exist or else she would pack her imaginary bags and get into her imaginary car and immediately leave the animal abusing, narcissistic, sociopathic, cross eyed freak a.k.a. Pig Shocker.
In case anyone is wondering why there is a sudden influx of critical comments about this site, it is because there is yet ANOTHER pending investigation of Pig Shocker.
As of a few weeks ago it was pending due to Covid but by the looks of the critical comments, I would say that fat ass has most likely been visited/notified recently.
In case it has not happened yet, I won't discuss the details but will after it's begun.
Anon 6:41, I'm going to totally transparent with you.
I have very good instincts. I have made a living out of investigating and my instincts are a huge part of my success.
My immediate thought when I read your comment above is that someone in Pig Shocker's camp has realized the dueling anonymous posts are too obvious. So the best thing to do would be to agree with us half heartedly and try to blend in. To me, that sticks out like a sore thumb.
First critical and then suddenly "one of us." That's why I won't be taking your posts seriously whatsoever and will pretty much ignore you from this point on.
What others think of you is completely up to them. The main shamsters on here have proven themselves trustworthy again and again and are capable of weeding out the moles. There's no loss of respect of they don't agree with me.
I thought long and hard about how to respond, so I will be totally transparent with you. I find you to be incredibly vulgar. When I write in generalities, you always believe I am referring to you, so you are aware of this too. I normally skip past everything you write, but when I read that some new person is turned off by this site, it's not hard to know why. If that's what you want to do, fine. I really don't care anymore.
Anon, 3:16 I think WHS was talking to me, and since we have multiple anon posters, I finally just registered this profile.
I do agree with you, and though I'm not sure it's you bringing attention to how the fat-shaming etc., undermines a part of the express purpose of this online discussion. Whenever I see some anon commenting on this, I agree / back it up.
I also get why / how this behavior can feel like venting when you're frustrated by seeing someone like FFF can keep you engaged, year after year. I do find it ironic that we can all talk about how FFF doesn't seem to connect the predictable and undesirable result with the action she takes repeatedly, and not see or care how the language used (fat-shaming, mental health / addiction stigmatization) is not just harmful to the supposed goal of having a public forum like this, but does a larger, broader harm by perpetuating the use of these insults in general.
I have commented this before and also ended by saying my expectation of this behavior changing is zero.
I have been running my own side-hustle for nearly 10 years now, and as I do it in addition to my day job, I need to automate as much as I can. "An aggregate for followers" - yes, exactly. My hope was that out of every 1000 followers, I'd get maybe 10 who are actually engaging and interested enough to click on my tweets to find my blog and services... in reality, I'd say maybe 1 or 2 out of 1000 NEW twitter followers actually engage (not to be confused with total long term followers). So do the math - my efforts to get 10K followers resulted in only 10 or 15 actual engaged people who gave me their email address. Once they're on my email list, there are fewer people who actually engage my services.
So yeah, twitter was a big, fat, not worth it. As much as facebook is the evil Big Brother that's spying on ALL OF OUR SHIT, facebook has been the best place for me to find new people.
They're a lot more likely to read a blog post than a twitter user, more likely to see it in the first place, more likely to follow my page without prompting, and more likely to engage my services. There is marketing research that backs up my observations.
And I keep my clients around. The only reason I use facebook at all is because it's the best way to reach my current and potential clients to remind them I exist. Since FFF is not even on facebook, I will assume she has a better twitter conversion than I do, but based on the number and frequency of her followers' comments, there is no way she has as much engagement on twitter as I have on facebook, because facebook is just a better marketing tool in my humble opinion and experience. Twitter just looks impressive, all swole with 10K followers, and might be good for my ego if my facebook page's 1K followers weren't kicking the hell out of twitter with engagement, link-clicks, and sales.
Real talk, just for funsies. I have 10K twitter followers. 2K instagram followers and 1K people liking my facebook page.
This translates to roughly 200 people who engage my services annually... but of all the time and money invested into expanding my online reach, you know where most of my new clients come from?
Referrals. My repeat clients refer their friends, and they become repeat clients. The only thing my online presence does is help them to not forget about me, and tempt them to sign up to my email list.
Basically, my blog and social media presence is there almost entirely to prop up my "brand" - so that when a referral wants to check me out, there is current content available.
When I had to deal with a life crisis last year, I unplugged ALL of my automated marketing, and I fully expected my business to shrink - it hasn't. What I learned is that generally, online presence and social media is mostly smoke and mirrors anyway. Unless I have a promotion, there's no need for me to post anything online, because my client base is large enough to be self-perpetuating, and I have a referral program.
Long story short, I highly, HIGHLY doubt CAF is selling much of anything in the way of design or soap, and I've seen enough comments from frustrated or pissed-off customers of CAF to know she's not retaining all of them. My educated guess is that her actual client base has shrunk in 10 years, since the launch of her first book (when I found her.)
I agree with the hypothesis that she has a secret source of income. There is NO WAY she has this poor quality online engagement and makes anywhere near what she'd need to make to pay her mortgage, when her sales are less than $100 each. I would believe that she was behind on payments when she said she was, but she has said that for so long, and the just look how the latest foreclosure crisis vanished into thin air - there is no possible way her online business is generating enough to maintain her.
Another fun fact - I lived for 10 years in one of the top illegal weed grower areas in Canada. I know what money laundering looks like. I ran a brick and mortar business for a few years that had to compete with similar outward-facing shells that were just laundering drug money. It was incredibly frustrating, law-enforcement would do a big bust every few years, but it was so widespread and the RCMP only have so much funding and community presence. They'd do a bust and three more grow ops would pop up.
I'm glad I went back to full-time employment and satiate my inner entrepreneur with a side-gig. I don't think FFF is laundering money, but I am absolutely certain she has undisclosed regular income. She's like that random tanning salon or tattoo parlour that's never open yet inexplicably continues to exist. Or that coffee roasting company that only sells out of one store front and maybe a couple of restaurants, yet appears to support a family of four. It's just an illusion.
CAF is the same thing - FFF's outward-facing straw man attempting to legitimize her presence in the community, and giving her an ego-boost by offering her a cool self-identity. I saw lots of "career surfers" and "photographers" who really were just weed-pickers for a few months a year, then lived off the cash and traveled the rest of the year. If you ever find yourself asking "how do afford it?" when someone seems to have a really cool life without having to work very hard, the answer is usually secret cash flow.
Anyway, my online reach is equivalent to hers across multiple platforms, my services are luxury / non-essential, and I have some long-standing "fans" who retweet / share my posts with about the same frequency.
Conversion to online sales is crazy-small with online marketing for the average person, which I am, and FFF is. Just average. Really, she's much more widely known than I am, and I'll bet I make more with my side gig, based on my average sale ($200). It took me five years to get my earnings up to $200 / sale. I had to slowly acclimatize my long-term clients to the increase, and I had to start engaging with new people who were willing to pay $200 / hour. That's tough. You lose the people who just aren't willing or able to pay you more, so you have to make that up and still grow the business.
FFF, over a longer period of time, appears to have trained her customer base to pay LESS! $20 sketches? WTF? That's not even worth the time you spend to mail them.
The other huge thing I know is killing FFF's online sales is that she doesn't have a website. Before I had my automated booking set up, I averaged 6 emails back and forth per sale. It took about 30 mins of unpaid admin work to generate just 1 hour of paid work. Once I incorporated an online booking system, where people could just go to my website, click my calendar, book themselves in and pay up front, not only did I save myself hours in admin, plus the cost of having an admin assistant, but my sales DOUBLED! That tells you how many people were interested in booking with me but didn't because just sending an email was too much of an initial obstacle.
So when I see those comments from prospective buyers of CAF saying, "What are your prices? I sent you a DM, did you receive it?" That's just the people who are determined enough to engage with her live! For every comment like that, there are likely one or two more people who were interested but didn't find it easy enough to buy from her, and just went to etsy.
She has hamstrung herself by forcing people to use the "donation" link to pay her. She has no business sense at all.
I guess I'm in a chatty mood tonight. Thanks for reading :)
Someone on twitter suggested she made a separate account for marketing. I assume this is in response to people commenting they can't share / retweet her promotions, and she explained Woe is Wog (lol) she has trolls so had to lock down her account for her own mental health.
I really do hope she takes the suggestion to create a separate marketing twitter account, because THAT would really show how many of her 5K followers are actually engaged. My guess is about 20 people would follow the marketing account, and only 5 ish would actually retweet the begs.
Funny thing, the "marketing only" twitter account would have no incentive for people to follow it, as all the actual "content" would be associated with her private twitter account.
Excellent point and I agree. Unless the writer was being sly, FFF's business model is to gain donations and over-priced sales from people who are unfortunately captivated by her faux narrative of being a scrappy single female farmer, barely surviving and "all alone" on the side of a desolate mountain.
Her readers might not throw money her way if they learned she essentially owns an expensive hobby farm in trendy suburban NYC and refuses to take a real job (or be a juror for that matter) because she wishes to continue living her enabled life of riding photogenic horses, hiking, playing with hawks, stalking celebrities and binge watching premium streaming sites.
A business woman would already have a website, would be registered with Washington County, NY as a CSA and would sell products through local farmers markets or Etsy. But FFF does not because she is not running a legitimate traditional business.
I'm glad that someone appreciated my "Woe is Wog." It'd made a good new username. I agree with what you two wrote. She's barely a business. Her real commerce is begging online for free handouts. Her crappy "farm offerings" are little more than pity bait for potential PayPal poodles.
Pig Shocker's twitter account is the least of her mental health problems. 😂🤣
Narcissistic sociopathic borderline personality disorder is rarely caused by people who are observing, documenting and reporting criminal behavior.
The social media accounts being set to private are due to people trying to get their money returned that Pig Shocker has stolen via not giving them what they have paid her for.
She has also set the accounts to private because the investigations of animal abuse have largely came from her own social media photos and posts.
Pig Shocker is way too stupid to realize that out of her purchased 4,000 twitter followers, there are those who are observing, documenting and reporting her.
I just read the post. It's odd how almost five years later her faux farm is still the same. JFW is an animal abusing, putrid person. She's learned almost nothing in ten years except how to be even more manipulative.
Agreed, Unknown 12:35 - And when you put it like that, it's sad to see that the only thing she's really learned in the past decade is what works vs what doesn't when parting fools from their money.
Thanks for taking the time to write all of that out. I'm sure it cleared up a lot of questions. I have some friends in Canada who bought a farm that sells a specific seasonal item. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how they were affording it all--the mortgage (or rent), taxes, etc. plus the upkeep on the land and greenhouses appeared and tractors and things they could never swing. Neither one of them held real jobs, even when they were teenagers. We had a mutual friend who was getting a government pension from a military accident and many of us thought he was fueling them somewhat, but then we realized they must be growing weed. I always marvel at people who don't think they have to work for a living. I'm disgusted with the beggars, and I've known them, too. All of these things she has lined up involving animals. One second she's losing the farm again and in a blink (and life doesn't work like that) she's comfortable and scheduling vet visits, etc. None of it adds up.
It's because she has no humor to her at at all. I also don't find any of them either funny or entertaining. And some of the memes border on creepy like the "happy trail" one.
Yer all absolutely right about her lack of humor. I just took another look at that insipid Instagram in an attempt to find even one meme that made me chuckle. Just one. And I failed miserably.
She's just not funny. Like, at all. If you want to see a truly funny Instagram then check out writer Gary Janetti's account. He pokes fun at the Royal Family. It's hilarious. And while he sometimes goes too far, you can't deny that he's funny and witty. His humor is that of the "You know you were thinking that, so I said it" variety.
And to think of the amount of time she wastes creating those memes...when she should be working hard on her property and spending more time taking care of those poor animals. Also, she comes up with false ideals and stereotypical observations that do not represent the thoughts of queers and the gay community as a whole. I really hope that newly out-of-the-closet folks don't stumble across that mis-guided account. She's doing everyone (straights too) a huge disservice with her attempt to be funny.
I think it's because she's a sociopath. She doesn't have the basic human feelings and therefore is not able to be funny. Also, funny people and people with great senses of humor are usually intelligent.
The latest bleg title Rest Cure is a great title to describe someone as mentally ill as Pig Shocker.
Rest cures were at one time prescribed for the mentally ill. I found this description:
"The cure involved four basic elements: bed rest, force-feeding/overfeeding, massage, and electrical stimulation of the muscles. Later, the rest cure to treat hysteria and other nervous disorders in the civilian population."
The over feeding and hysteria is especially relevant! 😂
Can't she just say "bed rest" like the rest of the world? Nope, as she needs to be "unique" and use oddball words and phrases to attract all that hipster cash.
I cringe upon the realization that we'll be hearing about her love of humidity...any day now. It's just another example of how she baits her tweets for attention. Spending all summer swimming and mountain smashing on hot humid days when she should really be trying to farm something.
Those poor dogs, especially Gibson now that he is older, living in a hot, filthy house with that maniacal idiot. This is the same nasty house that had mold growing in it as described by Pig Shocker one summer. Disgusting.
This is what someone from another blog wrote about Cambridge: Hoosick is a lovely town on the border of VT but sadly due to the Teflon plant there is high Illness in Hoosick and white creek and Cambridge. Not to mention soaring poverty and one of the highest opioid epidemics in the state.
That might explain a lot. The teflon plant might explain her hair loss and sickly appearance in general. At the same time, Pig Shocker has all of the earmarks of an addict!
But in all seriousness, that is interesting and sad that big companies like that put so little value on the health of the surrounding communities. And this happens all over.
In all seriousness, it is horrifying to watch the virus roll out over the US. Truly.
I am so fortunate that our government is replacing the income of most people laid off due to Covid19, which has allowed the majority of people who could otherwise not stay home, actually stay home. It's still going to be hell to pay for our economy, but businesses do not have the option of forcing impoverished and at-risk citizens to ignore social distancing guidelines because they need to go to work to survive.
I sincerely hope for my country, that this terrible pandemic is finally going to move forward initiatives that will give some humanity back to the most vulnerable in our society.
I also hope the labour movement, in the US in particular, gets a good shot in the arm from all of this.
Hola Shammers! So two days ago on the Pig Shocker's Twitter, she was complaining about an ear ache? For real? Looks like she ran out of teeth to crown and is finding other body parts to monetize. But being that she only has two ears, she can use fingers and toes next as she's got 20 of those!
So it's business as usual with her, as there is NO NEED to share ear problems on social media. Unless you are doing it for sympathy and donations of course.
On the latest bleg post ("Old Red Door" 5/4) the Pig Shocker writes:
"My goal right now, above all else, is to make the May mortgage payment before May 15th."
Yes, we know. Because she tells us EVERY MONTH. And if she gets a stimulus check it will cover that payment, but it sadly won't pay for anything else so she wants you to know that she needs even MORE money for:
"hay deliveries, oil for hot water, chicken feed, groceries, electricity, internet and landline, truck repairs or insurance, farrier or butcher, etc etc."
And that's where YOU come in guys! And if you forgot how you can help, check out what she wrote here:
"That magical check leaves me with a basically empty bank account after so I am hustling my wares on social media. I have the same daily income goal."
That income goal? Just a measly $200 a day. Which is only $6K a month. And just $72K a year. Which is more than beginning nurses make. Way more. Which is strange because who knew that wasting time on social media all day would pay so much more that actually helping sick people?
Well Pig Shocker, here's something that I will tell you for free.
When adults need money for things like feed, hay and dollar store hair weaves, THEY GET A JOB.
No one gives a shit if you end up living in a box eating dandelion greens if you are too lazy to get up off of your rotund ass and get a job to provide for yourself. If you won't help yourself then screw you.
Also, if you can't afford to feed your animals, surrender them the next time the authorities show up. They will help the animals find homes with people who aren't nuts and are able to give them the love and home they deserve.
Anon7. She's like an old album stuck on stupid, and keep repeating the same crap. Surely getting a part-time job would be better than begging. But not if you're an animal abusing, sociopathic POS who is a lazy lifestyle loser.
If your friend with the mysteriously large farm is in BC, it's almost certainly weed. The growing season is nearly year-round here. I lived in a rural community for 10 years, and people would plant crops just in the rainforest. Sometimes the RCMP would find it, sometimes not. I learned to never "go exploring" in April or October, which are weed picking seasons, because I was more likely to stumble upon "high-liners" ie people picking weed.
In other areas of the country, most of the illegal growing happens indoors. Now that possession of small quantities of weed is decriminalized in Canada, I hope that the legit farmers and distributors are able to make weed less profitable for organized crime.
Anyway, I used to wonder if FFF was growing weed, but I don't think she fits the type I'm used to seeing. If she can't grow kale, I don't think she could grow weed. I don't know, though. She definitely does have mysterious money though. If the fake foreclosure was real, she'd be posting stressed-out begs right now like we have never seen before, or she would be MIA.
Instead, "this farm" is better than ever!
You know who else she reminds me of? This woman I saw on Dr. Phil who kept catfishing prospective adoptive parents pretending to be pregnant herself. She'd string them along for a few months and a few thousand dollars, then "miscarry".
It reminds me of FFF because it's the same story, repeated for years, generating dollars and attention, seemingly immune to the harm she caused.
Question: Would you rather see FFF on Dr. Phil or Judge Judy?
I like your username (smile). When I thought of it the phrase "woe is me" came to mind, and then I added her name. She's shameless about shopping whenever there's a windfall. But then bitches and moans once the funds are used up. All the while begging for more free handouts.
You know, FFF reminds me of a woman I knew who was very insecure, unhappy and needy. If she'd lived near Cambridge NY, I'm certain she and FFF would have become besties!
This woman worked (unlike PS) and earned a fair-enough hourly wage. However, she envied those who had more, felt SHE deserved more (same delusions of grandeur) and filled the gap with lots of shopping - classic shopaholic.
Soon, she developed serious financial problems; she "hid" purchases or had them delivered to her work address. She left work early to shop before her husband came home. She dodged creditors and asked co-workers to lie for her. Maybe she told her husband she "found" all her pricey items at the dump, or maybe she told him they were unbelievably cheap (like PS's $500+ saddle "bought" for $35). She repeatedly took out emergency loans because her mortgage and taxes were late or unpaid.
After one particularly messy month (creditors hounding her, repeated begs for salary advances) she asked for another emergency loan. Why? To buy a new washer and dryer. When I suggested - in view of her shakey finances - she learn to budget, economize by going to a laundromat or buying used appliances and get financial counseling - she became IRATE and said she wasn't going to let her financial situation stop her from living the life she wanted! Sound familiar?
Whew. It turns out FFFs can live anywhere. While this woman only had one animal to abuse, she took repeated advantage of people's goodwill for personal loans and handouts. She lived life on the backs of others. Karma got her in the end. She was laid off, had NO income and had to start from square one...and with a large amount of debt. She disappeared off my radar and I never found out if she learned any lessons.
Interesting, PDD. Yeah, I've also encountered the "not going to let my financial situation prevent me from living the life I want" mentality.
Funny thing about finances, though. They catch up to you.
Isn't it incredible how CAF is newer and shinier than ever according to the most recent post? She's totally living the life she wants!
I assume she has a fixed, steady income as she'd be losing the farm by now if those foreclosure posts were true, but a fixed income is still a pain for someone with the entitlement attitude, and I'll bet my bacon FFF has big credit problems - maxed out cards, maybe unpaid defunct smaller loans or lines of credit. You know, the sort of thing that wrecks your credit but doesn't force the sale of your property.
I'm also positive she has a "fixed, steady income." Nothing else makes sense. As far as what that might be, there's a few possibilities. We'll probably never know for sure, but she definitely would not have been able to stay afloat for so long without one. The begging is just her play money.
I'll also bet dollars to donuts that she somehow weaseled the Fed unemployment $600 a week. So she's definitely flush, but still feels the need to shout from the rooftops that her mortgage is coming up! When small businesses and individuals are going belly-up from the pandemic/lockdown situation, she has the chutzpah to try to profit off the whole thing.
Oh my wow! Maybe now my sister-in-law will finally come and check out this page! She created a Twitter account recently to share her homesteading journey and tried following the loser because "she's a published author on homesteading so obviously she knows what she's talking about." ROFL! As if! Anyways, she thought that jw's now private page might have been a fan page and kept trying to follow it. She even tried messaging that twat to find out if it was her real page or a fan page and told her she's like to follow it! That bitch blocked her and never even responded to her!!! I can't stop laughing! My sister-in-law thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't know what I'm talking about when I tell her not to put that fake farmer up on a pedestal, but her feelings were actually hurt being blocked by what she thinks is a fan page! And to think that faux farmer probably lost potential soap sales with my idiot SIL!!! Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Obviously jw is shooting her damned self in the foot by going private! I hope her stupid ass goes down in flames!
The "bitch" is blocking potential PayPal poodles with her private profile, and even more free future handouts. She'd only respond to a new follower if the person was a coveted blue check Twitter account. It's because she's an attention whore who is only interested in the rich and famous. It's about her manipulative marketing for money, and also the desire to appear popular. I'd advise your SIL to knock JFW off her self-purported "pedestal."
Yeah, any new twitter account that doesn't have a long history, and a "real person" looking photo and name isn't going to get through her filter. She's too worried about one of the posters here creating a profile to gain access to her posts.
Blue check - I'm sure she'd fall over herself approving that follow.
OK, Shamsters, what do you think about me creating a sister Blogspot site that is only populated by links that show problems we have seen with fake homesteading sites, you know, animal neglect, pig shocking, using hawks to promote sales of products and services. Cold Antler Farm might be included, but there might also be others. I think Anon7 mentioned some well-known fakers.
As this could be a safe site to direct Newbies, it shouldn't be overly provacative. No "saucy" language (you know what I mean), no body shaming, etc...just the links and the facts. I would also include a link to this site, so Newbies can look at our commentary, satire and discussions.
Thoughts? Suggested language? Favorite links for me to include?
I would suggest a link to the Birchthorn Kickstarter site. It contains a wealth of comments from backers who didn't get their book as well as comments from her editor.
I think that's a great idea. I think I still have the screenshots of Merlin I sent to LS I could send along, if that's helpful. It may not be helpful as the video was black and white, and it looked like there were bald spots, but it wasn't crystal clear.
Also that series of her doing shit with the hawk - on the lamp, with headphones on etc. Using it clearly as an accessory and not honoring the actual animal. Seeing that series of photos was a real eye-opener for me.
If she ever bothers to copyright any of the images posted on a blog not hers, though, she could get probably get the blog removed. It takes $$$ to register a copyright, though, and we have not observed much forethought in her spending habits.
BTW: I appreciated you sending me the Merlin screenshots. They were part of the "package" that I sent to appropriate authorities. Which led to the two animal abusing investigations.
Just so that you're aware, you do not need to register to copywrite original creations. "You own the copyright to a photograph as soon as you have taken it. The photograph does not need to be printed or registered with the U.S. Copyright office to obtain copyright protection."
Anon 2:00 Oh really! Interesting. I didn't know that, and assumed you needed to register it if you wanted to, say, sue someone else for using it in promotional material without paying.
WIW. I didn't receive any feedback specifically on the patches. The animal control investigators tend to avoid sharing about what they find, too. It could be due to legality.
I doubt there would be much litigation involved for reposting one of her images, especially since she's someone who constantly uses other people's creative material without permission (and even profits off it—see her logo designs for example). That said, she could likely complain to whatever resource is hosting the content and it could be taken down that way.
Blogger IMO is probably not the best route for this. It might be worth researching website hosting platforms that remove their own liability for what users publish, so that the content won't be controlled by a third party. That said, this most likely would require a paid service.
Anon 6:55 That's a good suggestion. Maybe something like ? I've found that service easy to use and have built my professional website & our wedding website using weebly.
1) Pig Shocker's livestock was rehomed last summer after one of many animal abuse investigations. She has yet to get more.
2)Pig Shocket no longer posts endless photos of any hawks, using them to promote her lifestyle of lies.
3)Pig Shocker had made all of her social media accounts private which could potentially mean NO NEW PIG SHOCKER VICTIMS!
She already has plenty of victims, mostly the remaining pets, but limiting her capacity to lure more in via her social media accounts is HUGE!
I'm proud of all of our tried and true posters here and how much they care about getting the remaining animals out of harm's way. We all might go about it in different ways but our goal is all the same! The results cannot be denied!
No. From what I have been told talking to someone associated with the agency who is doing the next investigation, she does not own any livestock including chickens.
It's a blast from the past, ten years ago on the bleg. That's when I was following her and just so enthusiastic about her journey, and fresh on my own big life change (starting my first business).
Back when the bleg was full of beautiful photos of the property, frequent posts, and the content was more consistently posted, and varied in topic.
Just a few weeks later, she wrote about mailing her first mortgage cheque... little did we readers know what a TOPIC that mortgage payment would become!
Remind me - how did she pay for Gibson? Did she get $$$ because of a tooth, or was that how she paid for Friday?
DM. I'll give you a gold star (smile). No normal adult brags about paying their bills on time. Unless, they're JFW, and always trolling for more future free handouts. Her hyperbolic "happy" mood is mercurial, and will change once her funds run out. Cue: 5, 4, 3...
Here's her latest full post so you don't have to give the bitch click views. It's subtle begging, but thinly disguised:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
"I am so so soooo happy to announce the MAY MORTGAGE IS PAID! Thanks to the stimulus check I am already set for the month of May! At least when it comes to this farm's mortgage payment! But that leaves my bank account in double digits so I am running a promotion here only for blog readers, not on social media accounts. I will do a full color pet portrait for you or as a gift to someone you want to give the gift of a custom-drawn and painted pet portrait for $50. This includes free shipping! Please email me at and I will explain details. My goal is to sell 5 of them today which I know is a lot and a lot of money to come in at once, but I need to keep trying and this is the most return on time of everything I do. If you order them they will be completed and mailed by June."
But this "scrappy, busty gal" must "mountain smash" and also "run 3Ks" first before working. What's a faux feral farmer to do but postpone pre-paid for projects?
Hey whatever happened to the chick that was supposedly quarantined with her? Absolutely no mention in her latest blog. Did it even happen? Was she lying about her? Did the gal pack up and leave when she realized she was being hustled? Or did the smell and deplorable conditions of the house drive her out?
If there was a woman, and she really came for a visit, (possible) it seems she left pretty quickly. It's easy to establish a flirtatious relationship over a dating app, texts, emails, even calls, but once you meet in person it's common for things to fall apart quickly.
Now add to that all FFF brings to the table, lifestyle-wise.
Back in my dating days, I found I could waste months being hopeful about someone before I spent much in-person time with them, meet once, and there would be zero compatibility. I learned to get to the coffee date asap.
FFF lives in a small-ish community and she's unwilling to change or move. An otherwise stable queer person would have a hard time finding a partner under those circumstances.
She's only looking to date women now, right? It's tough enough to date as a queer person in a city, let alone with all these other factors at play.
I'll bet "her girl" caught the Pig Shocker trying to swipe the pink slip to her car to leverage into a mortgage payment. Or...she fed her day-old-donut-bacon-slices that strangely tasted of dirty frozen denim.
That, or she grew weary of staring at Taylor Swift posters while listening to Taylor Swift podcasts, while Taylor Swift latest album blasted in the background, while eyeballing Taylor Swift videos on the computer, at the same time Taylor Swift videos were streaming on the Kindle. All the while sitting next to a pig shocker wearing a Taylor Swift sweatshirt who's talking non-stop about. Taylor. Swift.
Shes so proud of that stupid red door? Is that all shes accomplished? She makes it sound like she should get the Better Homes and Gardens housekeeping award. I've managed to paint a dresser, 4 kitchen chairs and a food pantry so wtf Jenna?
Every, single, day, people worldwide do mundane stuff but don't even think to write about it online for the boredom of everyone. I mean, how many of you want to know about the next time I wash a dish? Buy a new toilet seat? Mail a b-day card? Yeah, didn't think so. Cuz we're all doing things like that already.
Down by another fleeing follower today: 4,808. How will Taylor Swift and other coveted blue check accounts be able to follow JFW if her profile is private? (As if they would anyway. LOL!!!)
I'm waiting for her to suggest that if "direct deposit bank account" poodles don't need their stimulus checks, then she'd be ready to relieve them of the money.
I started paying rent in 1999. Finally bought our first condo this year. Never once in my life, and we have been down and out, have I been late on rent or mortgage. I certainly had to go without buying clothes for more than a year at times, didn't have any non-survival service for quite a while, absolutely had debt that grew and was paid off... but not once would I risk the roof over my head. I paid that before I paid food.
I never understood the mentality of people who were willing to let rent slide, willing to risk eviction, paid for concert tickets before paying for rent.
There are sometimes real mental health reasons why people struggle with executive function decisions like paying for your roof before paying for your fun stuff. There's a spectrum of people who are able to be independent, but really struggle to keep things going on their own, and are a lot more vulnerable to homelessness than others as a result. Just need support.
And then there are the FFFs of the world. She has had and squandered so much support in the past decade, ignored very solid advice, holds up her "stubbornness" like a virtue.
It's not a good look.
You know, if something actually goes seriously wrong in her life, for example if she were actually foreclosed and couldn't continue the farming sham, or lost a court case or something, I think she'd just disappear off the internet. I don't think we'd actually get the story of how it turned out or why she disappeared.
WIW. Your comment was spot-on. Especially this part: "She has had and squandered so much support in the past decade, ignored very solid advice, holds up her "stubbornness" like a virtue." Exactly. She's always bragged about her refusal to follow rules, even when it comes to cake recipes. It's to her own detriment never to make changes. She'd rather lose her faux farm than either downsize or rent an apartment, and also lose the livestock that's left. It's like her stupid saying "Live like fiction!" And always, it's at the expense of others.
Exactly - any reasonable person, if they were actually living months behind on the mortgage, would fucking call it before the bank came and took the property.
It is so clear she's been lying for years about being behind on the mortgage. It's obvious she had to invent a crisis to break through the covid19 news and keep the poodles engaged in her story.
"Uh-oh! Now I really need soap sales because I'm gonna lose the farm, you guys! They're really gonna take it this time! Guys! I'm scared you guys! I'm really scared this time! If you're scared about covid19, I'm twice as scared as you! Money please! I need not just one, but THREE mortgage payments at the WORST possible time! You guys! Guys?"
She's not going to lose that property. I think the best possible outcome will be her becoming banned from owning animals.
Woe is Wog - Totally agree that a roof over one's head should be priority. Health is "technically" more important, but unless you have wiggle room via a family that you can stay with, your home is something that you must have, as most health issues can wait a tad. And then there is food, transportation, care of dependents (human or animal), etc etc.
So yeah, it totally amazes me that the Pig Shocker continually puts her mortgage at the bottom of her list.
My sister was diagnosed with ADHD when we were kids. No one ever explained what that meant exactly, to me, except when she had extreme behavioral episodes, to tell me "she can't help it."
In addition to ADHD, she also has a rare physical disorder that causes her a lot of physical pain. This went untreated and she was basically gaslit for her whole childhood, and experienced medical neglect, as well as emotional / nurture neglect. This resulted in her ADHD causing even more support-seeking behavior so she could get a little bit of what she desperately needed.
The result of her childhood and her mental & physical condition has resulted in genuine narcissism, (a personality disorder) as a result of all the ways in which her mental and physical needs went unmet. She is a very difficult person to get along with at times.
She has made the "stubbornness" work for her, though. She absolutely refuses to take no for an answer. She does alienate the people around her with her behavior (including me - I keep up the contact but have robust emotional boundaries now).
Anyway, my point in sharing this is I think I recognize some of FFF's behavior as being similar to my sister's. The lifetime of seemingly antisocial behavior and ignoring good advice is a reflex for people whose brains operate a certain way.
The tendency to manipulate others is a personality thing, in response to life experience, and it gets worse the longer you go without actual therapy or the will to change.
Anyway, learning about this more recently as another loved one is diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood, I am only just now learning *why* my sister behaves the way she does - how much of it was compulsion as a kid, and how much of it is a choice, or a default, as an adult.
FFF quitting a good job to start a farm? That's textbook ADHD spectrum. I think she has a brain that's just more comfortable with risk. Getting fired and THEN starting a farm, telling people you quit, that's even more typical - because people who actually can't seem to hold their shit together actually feel a lot of shame about it.
I think FFF is an interesting study. I'm not a psycologist (you need a doctorate to actually be able to assess these things, as much as we'd like to read an online description and pronounce FFF a narcissist or a sociopath). I just find it interesting to figure out why people behave the way they do, because I invested thousands in therapy for myself to figure out my own family dynamic and improve my own functionality, so I can live to my own potential.
Just like with my sister, I'm sure a lot of the challenges FFF has encountered in her life in terms of her behavior, choices, and failures, has held her back from where her peers would be given the same opportunities. A young FFF likely had very little control over what happened to her and how she responded.
A more (physically) mature FFF has, along the way, made decisions that it's okay to spin fictions about her life to get donations. That's an ongoing choice she continues to make every day, for which she is completely responsible.
If someone else did an unauthorized biography on her, I'd be all over that shit.
.... ps. Watch FFF now write about getting assessed / diagnosed as ADHD. I've noticed she takes inspiration from this forum.
WiW (great name, BTW) - What an intense and interesting post. Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you are very supportive of your sister, which is wonderful.
I agree with a lot, if not all, of the similarities that you spoke of. Your insights make a lot of sense. Especially the part about the possible textbook ADHS spectrum traits, behavioral issues. So much of what she says/does just confounds me, as I don't understand why certain people do the things that they do.
-first got evicted from her rental for running it down and trying to turn it into a farm (self reported on her blog and her book) -same time she was reported to animal control for neglecting her rabbits and other animals (selfreported, mentioned in her book.) -asked for money to buy her 'farm' (blog) -asked for money to buy her DREAM PONY (blog) -got rid of old pony, Jasper, because now she has her DREAM PONY (blog) -wool CSA that resulted in no fleece and no refunds (blog, various comments on FB; she eventually admitted to the 'mistake') -let her sheep, Maude, die alone in the cold over days because she wouldn't pay for a vet or put her out of her misery (blog) -states she buys double the amount of chickens needed as she "loses 50% to predators" (blog, Facebook) -raised 1K for 'dental issues' and then bought a 1K border collie puppy (blog, Meredith's old blog) -offered special blog posts for a monthly subscription; did 2 and then nothing (blog, comments on blog) -asked for money to buy 'farm vehicle'despite having a working car. Bought an old truck for how it looks and rarely uses it since it's almost always broken (blog, Twitter) -Kickstarter/Birchthorn scam. Raised 15K with the promise of a copy of her book at the end. Took 2-3 years to get a badly edited e-book. A handful of people got a paperback. Editor called her out for her behaviour. Still owes people a book or refund. (Kickstarter) -Kiva loan for 'farm repairs'; no repairs made(blog) -Beekman contest for $2k. had her followers spam the competition so she'd win. shared the winnings with another person to save face. said she'd use the money for repairs. no repairs made. (blog, Facebook, Beekman site) -repeatedly obfuscates about how her hawks were 'released'aka died (blog, Twitter) -has always had bottle lambs leading many to suspect she takes them from the mamas for photo ops (blog) -claimed she was visited by ACO and it WENT SO WELL AND THEY WERE SO IMPRESSED but then rehomed all her sheep/goats (blog, twitter, instagram), making many suspect she was forced to get relinquish ownership -was visited AGAIN by ACO this year (twitter, blog)
Hmm, I know I'm missing things but these are what I can recall that you can search her blog to verify.
I remember all these. I think the wool scams is what made me take a second look at her. That and Meredith's blog.
Also remember the "Cold Antler Clan" bullshit? You could become a special member of the clan if you paid for a monthly subscription. The subscriber would be privy to all of Jenna's "secrets and things she's never told anyone." You were also given a first-hand look at "never before seen photos of the farm", behind the scenes look at how she puts her blog together and other bullshit drivel. Either no one signed up for it or they did and she didn't produce anything.
There was the Reddit fiasco - where she tried to become a popular influencer, and was trounced! She posted the infamous "I gave up a job I hated to farm" to say how wonderful she is, and humble-bragged that she gave up her cell-phone. As Shield Mare, her posts were pretty obnoxious and fake.
She also took money from an elderly man to do repairs and never did them.
And she took money from a young girl who believed her story and felt sorry for the poor feral farmer. Don't remember all the details, but perhaps a Shamster will.
there was also the webinar where you paid a fee and got access. It was supposed to be something like 12 and she only did 1 or 2. She claimed technical difficulty and didn't give refunds. Scam.
GREAT list HH-Anon 8:04...and everyone else as well! I just can't imagine paying someone for something and not getting anything. I mean, with the wool CSA, if she spent the money on the animals and it was gone, couldn't she eventually make good by promising and saving up for a raincheck refund? Like, you can't not give nothing in return when someone has paid you something, right?
IT'S A CAF MIRACLE! JFW has made her profile public again:
"Okay, just made my account public again. Let's see how this goes."
"Trying hard to make some sales today. Looking for art, design, pork, or soap do send a DM!"
"OKay gang - the farm is safe for May as far as the mortgage goes but this place has got to get some income in soon or feed and hay is about to complicated. Get yourself some pet art, handmade soaps, logos! It's all a way to help keep this place growing and gracious into June."
"Guys?!" I never knew that a faux farm could be "gracious." Back to the begging bullshit.
Lmao...well that didn't last long. Did anyone happen to catch her last foollower count number before she switched back to public? I've been super busy past few days and haven't had a chance to look. Did she drop below 4,800?
The girl doesn't exist. Just like the farm doesn't exist. It's just a shitty property with a few animals. The shit hole doesn't even resemble an actual working farm.
Just Me - Likewise, she's also been trimming her toenails for 30+ years but still doesn't know she can use a nail clipper instead of her teeth.
Unknown - I'm beginning to suspect that "the girl" is just one of her hemorrhoids that grew to be life-sized. At least that would explain the absence of photos, being that Twitter and Instagram are pretty PG rated.
Found some time to see what shenanigans the Pig Shocker tried pull whilst the Twitter was made private. Here are a few gems:
"If you simply want to help because you can, every contribution towards this farm goes towards the May mortgage. I want that puppy paid for soon as possible so I can focus on this book and getting ahead of wolves at the door."
>>Nothing trashier than begging during an economic crisis. A lot of people need help right now...because they LOST their JOBS. But she needs some of that stimulus check that will barely cover most people's rent. !!Spend some of yer whopping $1,200 check on HER instead of yer family!!! What a greedy POS she is. Keep it klassy, Jenna!!
>>Then the "earache" problem that she tried to make everyone else's problem too:
"I need to go to an Urgent Care during a pandemic. [...] That means losing all the money I earned over the past two weeks saved towards the May mortgage. Because showing up without insurance means paying $250-$350 a visit out of pocket to see a doctor. [...] I simply can't afford it. Not unless I want to fall behind again"
>>Don't know about her area, but I looked it up where I am (near LA) and the average price to be seen at an Urgent Care is an initial $120 (new patients) and $80 for returning patients. Also, I Yelped her area for UC's and the cost was $60 if you have insurance and $100+ if you don't. And again, there's no real reason to tell online strangers about your medical issues unless you're looking for a handout.
"In America you only can see a doctor if you can afford it, made the choices that click the right boxes, or are someone with insurance's dependent."
>>Not entirely true. Hospitals are mandated by law to treat anyone regardless of being insured or not. You will get a hefty bill, but you can work out a payment plan with them. 'Insurance's dependent???' Why don't you get a JOB with insurance so that you can DEPEND on YOURfcukingSELF? And...just know that if you didn't waste money on luxuries like Taylor Swift $85 sweatshirts, camping equipment, and Netflix/HBO/Hulu subscriptions, you would have been able to save up a rainy day medical fund. Classic shit-for-brains she is.
"This morning I drew a horse near an orange tree as a Mother's Day gift and just mailed it off. I can do the same for you!"
>> Ooh! Cool!! Can you draw a pig shocker with one hand on an electrical grounding rod and the other hand stretched out for money from online strangers? And oh! Don't forget to draw a bucket of water next to the grounding rod!! You know...for spite!!!
"Get yaself sum gooooooooooddddd bbaaaccccoooon!"
>>I wonder if this bacon has colorful rainbow splotches from the day-old-donut sprinkles the pigs were fed?
"I had to unfollow hetero_cringe on IG because even as jokes those posts made me so uncomfortable."
>>Seriously?!? Your demented "lezwolfmemes" Instagram is horrible compared to this. At least a few of the het-cringe ones brought a tiny grin to my face.
"I so appreciate it when people let me know they aren't interested anymore or are unable to buy something like a logo or pork share [...] But it drives me insane when people ask, get quotes, and never respond to a single follow up."
>>Uhh...they don't respond because they're too busy trying to pry their jaw off the floor after seeing your ridiculously greedy prices. Paying what you ask and receiving sub-par crap is not worth the risk vs reward with you, baby. And that's IF they actually receive anything from you.
"Spent an hour going through Netflix and Amazon for something I want to watch..."
>>Meanwhile, the poor animals at CA-wannabe-F would love it if she spent at least an hour with them. But by her own account, she spends less than half an hour in the morning and evening bringing them water and tossing food upon their own feces. So sad that Netflix and Amazon get all the love while the animals get squat.
Ugh...I don't feeling like scrolling down her Twitter feed anymore. She makes me ill.
"I am ready for summer. Bring on heat and humidity and bugs and storms."
>>Yeah. Let's try our hardest to make special-unique-special-snowflake comments so that people will think I'm a special unique special snowflake!! Yeah...everyone on this ENTIRE PLANET hates humidity. So that MUST make her an AWESOMELY UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE!
"Why. Aren't. People. Wearing. Masks?!"
>>To frighten you into finally wearing one around town. Like you should've been doing 10 years ago.
"So far no sales today, and I need to get some padding in the account soon."
>>It's funny...if I needed to "pad my account" I'd get a JOB. Personally, I do well on eBay but when sales are slow I lower some prices and add a few loss leaders. Works every time. But hey, Jenna, you do you. Cuz I can't imagine anyone else would.
The Pig Shocker re-tweeted: "being queer on the internet means getting a DM that says this:
“I ask this without malicious intent but rather a furtherance of knowledge. I don’t tout my heterosexuality. I respect you as a person. Is it necessary for you to always include your sexuality?”
>>Jenna, you need to check out the /r/selfawarewolves subreddit on reddit. Cuz you are soooooooo close to understanding the stupidity about your lezmeme IG account.
"Injured my right hand and drawing, design, and soap making is on a short break."
>>Oh, aww, sweetie-pie pooky-pumpkin love DID that happen? Is it carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking and pasting your PayPal link to every tweet and bleg post? Oh kiddo, you know that was bound to happen after years of online panhandling. So sorry. Thoughts and prayers for you, love.
….I understand anything about her but… I do not understand about the whole cake mix thing. She says she will bake a cake…with this cake mix…if she gets some arbitrary number of subscribers. The whole thing is so stupid I don't have the capacity to even try to think about it. The main question is Who Cares? Is there someone in the world that will subscribe so she can bake a cake? What if she lies and bakes the cake any way?……yeah, okay…WHO CARES? Is this what passes as content nowadays? We're doomed.
She's hit another new low today on Twitter: 4,817. Yeah, she's a failed fuck-up at everything that she's tried to accomplish. Her life is one big whine about not having enough. And yet even when she's blessed by abundance it will never last long. How's that "garden" growing, Jenna?
ReplyDeleteRight on schedule, and in response to my sarcastic question. I'm sure that she has a great garden this year. But she never reads here. Right.
Delete"The gardens are being planted with greens and peas and other cold crops. I spent the day mostly in the sunlight or with warm wind at my back while I worked on fencing, raised beds, cleaning up winter deadfall and trash and the regular chores."
Only someone with Pig Shocker's Narcissistic Sociopathic Borderline Personality disorder would claim ownership of someone else's livestock.
ReplyDeletePig Shocker has an imaginary girlfriend and now she is pretending to own sheep.🤪
Someone call the local looney bin to come get their emergency admit! 😜
If anything, I'm thinking that she did buy those sheep, but keeps them on Patty's property cuz she's not allowed to own livestock. And then you wonder, wouldn't Patty call her out for doing so? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Patty just sees the Pig Shocker's false social media claims and then just lets it pass without comment, because, "Silly Jenna' you know.
DeleteAnd you are totally onto something about the Narcissistic Sociopathic Borderline Personality disorder. I know that we often debate about her supposed income streams, animal abuse, neglect and deaths, and other crazy crap, but one thing's for sure: She's not right in the head. Cuz who hates cats and shocks pigs for spite? Crazy. People.
DeleteHer bragging about the new romance has suddenly subsided. Maybe it really was imaginary. There's also no doubt in my mind that she's mentally ill in combination with having a morally defective character.
DeleteI posted this at the end of the previous thread. It's my opinion as to why PP, or whomever actually owns the lambs, would help Pig Shocker perpetuate her farm/livestock lie:
DeleteIt definitely is a property other than Shit Show Farm.
What a loser to have to claim someone else's livestock as their own. Since there are only a few lambs, I would not put it past Pig Shocker to load them up and bring them to her place.
So far, her laziness has prevailed per usual and she has been taking photos of them on the property where they ACTUALLY live.
Can you imagine?
PS: So the lambs are getting their shots? Mind if I come over and take photos of it for my crappy bleg?
Lamb Owner: Sure!
(Thinking as long as Pig Shocker's crazy ass is keeping her farm lie alive and scamming for a living, it's less money that she will be asking to borrow).
Apparently Pig Shocker is pissed and posting critical comments.
DeleteWonder which thing pissed her off the most.
Calling her out for having an IMAGINARY girlfriend? Or perhaps calling her out for PRETENDING to own livestock that clearly belongs to someone else.
Or was it the latest INVESTIGATION?
And as of right now, late Wednesday night (11:59) it's down to 4,811. Lol.
ReplyDeleteAny day now...any day.
But wait, why would we care if she went back to public? Let her foolish self continue to keep it private and continue to lose more foollowers. (And lose even more pity donations) It's not like she's been able to keep us from finding out the crazed depravity stuff anyway. We're all just good like that. We still see all.
From the last thread: Anon 4:20 (on 4/29) said, "Especially since she probably bought and paid for 4,500 of them."
ReplyDeleteHoly're right. And that explains why she hardly ever has any people commenting on her insipid tweets. I know we had this realization awhile back, how we noticed that her foollower number count had jumped, practically overnight, by hundreds if not a thousand or two. So yeah, she must really be crappin' her pants right now.
The only times that she gets any notable attention on Twitter is when she either asks a stupid question or tweets an annoying poll.
DeleteAlso from the last thread: Anon 6:05 (on 4/30) said, "I wish that there was a way to post pics here. I've never seen HD do it. Anyone know how?"
ReplyDeleteI also wonder about this and really wish we had the capability. But only Hound Doggy has the answer. In the meantime, the best way to share a photo is to copy and paste the link into your post.
HD. Is it too much trouble for you to occasionally post pics? At least, in the header. If nothing else it would add visual interest. I've never seen any blogs before that are have only written information like this one. It gets a bit boring at times. (No offense.) I'd appreciate your consideration of my request. Thanks.
DeleteMeant to type: "I've never seen any blogs before that have..." not "are."
DeleteAnd again from the last thread: Anon 5:00 (on 4/29) said, "I drove past Jenna's house yesterday..."
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking one for the team! And so, so sorry that you had to experience that. I truly hope that your eyes and nose weren't damaged. *hugs* But really, thanks for taking the time to do a welfare check on those poor innocent animals. They need someone to advocate for them.
No problem! I go past there sometimes on my way to Cambridge. The view from the top is pretty. Her hovel...not so much.
DeleteView from the top of what?
Delete"Her mountain" The view opens up to the valley on the other side of her road. At her house, the woods are closed in around her.
DeleteSo...her latest bleg post... c'mon...REALLY?!?
ReplyDeleteJust a few days prior, the Pig Shocker was oinkin' and bleggin' about just how lucky she is...and just how great things are...and how the mortgage crisis was magically absolved...but how?
And then she blegs the old "Help and Subsrcibe cuz I'm just like NPR" bullshit? Really? Seriously? That's like leaving rehab and going straight to a bar to celebrate your newfound sobriety. What the fcuk is wrong with her? I mean, I imagine that all of us Shammers are not perfect, and we can sometimes be dishonest and pull a trick now and then to get something that we need when the cards are stacked against us, but shit, the Pig Shocker is just a trick pony at this point. Milking suckers for her income. Like, scamming and begging is ALL that she knows. And I know that I shouldn't sound so surprised at this realization, but man, I...uh...the fuck is wrong with her?!?
And then she follows up the PayPal me/I'm NPR bleg post bullshit saying that she's "working" to get any sort of income into the farm? No, you mountain-crushing-human-hydraulic-nature-flower-crushing-obliterator, no you are not. Cuz you do NOT have a REAL JOB -- because you refuse to get one. If you said that you were "begging" for any sort of income, I'd believe that.
But no, instead you write about how even though the 3 months of delinquent mortgage payments just "magically" disappeared (poof!) that you NOW need the mortgage payment for MAY?? You know, there's no shame in asking anyone if they want fries with their shake. Cuz that's a real and honest job. Not the funnest job, but it puts hard-earned food on the table. And you won't have to beg.
So...what happened to the money you had "earned up" for one and one half of those past due mortgage payments? Wouldn't those funds be still available and more than enough to cover May? Oh wait, you probally bought some new counterfeit Rag & Bone jeans. My mistake. (And I understand, as you gotta look sizzling HOT for that imaginary girl who you are quarantining with!) But again, what about that money you "earned up" for the past due mortgage payments?
You know what? Don't bother answering. Cuz as we all know, and as a lot of your foollowers are recently finding out. is that everything that comes out of your mouth is a LIE. BK Whopper, meet the human Whopper. You are now at the threshold of 40...which is not old per se...IF you are a normal honest person. But if you are still begging and doing your crazy online panhandling bullshit that you started in your 20's, which, at that time, you might have been considered a YOUNG and scrappy upstart, well, you've got another thing coming.
But if there is anything positive about you, it's that before I had the misfortune to learn about you, I didn't know much about farm animals, being that I'm from a large city. But thanks to you, I've learned a whole lot about how to avoid animal abuse and neglect. So I guess I can say thanks for that. Idiot. Hey, that dead frozen chicken you found in your driveway, did you make chicken tenders with it? Cuz your furry art customers would want to know.
Anon7. Your comment was spot-on. Yep, it's her usual mercurial moods quick flip from "This farm has never been better!" to "Woe is Wog, I need mo' money!" She's a pathological liar, and animal abuser.
DeleteFrom Facebook
It looks like the group has been around for a decade, and it also appears to be fairly inactive. Although there are signs that stupid posted something the other day. Gotta keep potential PayPal poodles tethered to her potential. It's no wonder why there have been no new members for a month probably plus.
DeleteWarped, can you post what that status says? We have to be a member to see what's written there, and, well... I'd rather not be. :P
DeleteI have a serious question. We've noticed how her numbers have been drastically dropping since she's made her profile private. Do you think that it's probably due to the pandemic, and people are sick of her obnoxious begging now? There has to be a reason, and this is the only one that makes sense.
ReplyDelete"have CDT shots and tail docking on the schedule, along with the regular work appointments with the farrier coming up."
ReplyDeleteOkay, so cd and t shots on the schedule? What does that mean Jenna? What I surmise it to mean is that you are throwing around lingo to appear to be farmy. Scheduling three shots is like saying you are scheduling brushing your teeth. It actually takes less time than brushing your teeth... So, just *stop*. Further, a typical moronic methods would connote- docking the tails? It's late for that. It's also FLY season. The only HUMANE way to dock now, is to use a cauterizing scissor. Those are not cheap. And there is no way she will be doing it. If she bands them at this age, she is going against AVMA practices, and I will report her. Myself. No matter how she does it at this point, the flies will be a real problem. Once again, she is NO farmer. Work appointments with the farrier? What do you mean? Bring the horse to the shit pile to have his feet trimmed? Go ahead and photograph again, we want to see how high the manure pile has grown.
Is this from her Twitter account? Thanks.
DeleteHer bleg
DeleteCDT is one shot -chlostridium perfringens and tetanus, it's basically to prevent enterotoxemia and tetanus. You can get it at Tractor Supply
DeleteFor anyone who also confused about what docking and banding are, this site helped:
It states that docking should be done shortly after birth, not one or two months later. How old are these lambs?
Who knows? But by the looks of them, they are at least three months old.
DeleteMaking your account private shouldn't adversely affect her existing followers, just potentially stunt her growth for new followers. Anyone already following her when she made the profile private would not notice a difference with her posts, other than the little "lock" symbol by her name and being unable to share her posts.
ReplyDeleteWhat's weird is how now the numbers are back up to 4,819. Maybe she's messing with them somehow. I'm not sure how it works on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteShe bought some more followers. LMFAO
DM. I'll bet that's right. The "attention whore for more" needs more followers to "donate" money to her faux farm.
ReplyDeleteThe "is she broke, or is she flush" debate has been going on for a long time. When she got the $15,000 from the Birchthorn Kickstarter fund, she claimed her farm was saved, yet a short three months later (yes, only three months) she was whining about late mortgage payments and wolves at the door.
ReplyDeleteIt's CAF-a-matics folks, 'cause nothing adds up.
She somehow has to keep up the pity party to get donations to flow in, yet show she is able to support herself all on her own, except I don't know how you can say that when your income comes from begging.
Do you remember what she spent the $15K on?
DeleteYarn hair weave from the dollar store, Rogaine, 56 pairs of Groucho Marx glasses, the most ridiculously expensive cell phone that she could find, a shit brown pleather jacket that was 3 sizes too small, an ugly shit brown hat and anything she lied about getting from the "dump." And LOTS of booze that she bought and drank by the gallon.
DeleteSounds about right, lol. BTW, you should know that when I read your reply I was low-chuckling in the most un-lady like manner. It's amazing how much pricey stuff she found at her "lucky" dump.
DeleteAnon7 Lmao!
DeleteI tried to clean this facebook dialog up to make it more readable, but it is still long. Sorry. Her atta girls went after me pretty heavy for posting a link to this page.
ReplyDeleteSusan Hill
17 hrs ·
For someone who wants to sell items to support her farm, it is really impossible to get anywhere. I have tried emails, twitter and here. And no one has posted here since 2018. I was interested in some soaps, but this has just become so difficult.
Patricia J Winter
She’s on Instagram and gave up facebook
Troy A Ford
This platform sucks for farms so it’s a waste of time posting here !!!
Susan Hill
Tried Instagram, Twitter and emails.
Trish Thompson Kleinfelder
Jenna wogenrich is very active on Twitter and Instagram. You can find her there.
Trish Thompson Kleinfelder
Kittyanni Dilatush
You can go to this and order.
Susan Hill
I tried email, twitter, Instagram And I don't see anywhere to order from her blog. Only how to donate.
Trish Thompson Kleinfelder
Susan Hill
i reached out to jenna on your behalf. Hopefully she will contact you.
Susan Hill
Thank you!
Trish Thompson Kleinfelder
Susan Hill
you're welcome!
Debby McLeod
She’s on Twitter selling soap almost every day and also you can find contact info on her blog...Cold Antler Farm. She needs to make some sales and would love to hear from you
Erin Abler
Don’t bother. It takes her months to ship (if you get it al all) but she takes your money right away and then ignores emails and everything else when you try to contact her
Tracy Moorman
Erin Abler
it’s not been my experience
Debra Davidson Nickol
Cold Antler Sham Truths
Cold Antler Sham Truths
Emilie Vest
Debra Davidson Nickol
do you write this?
This is the most hateful shit I’ve seen in a while.
Sara McNarbour
Debra Davidson Nickol
this page is fucking disgusting. This is a hard-working woman, who is doing it alone. Try it for yourself, and get back to me.
Holly Monroe Glaski
Debra Davidson Nickol
this is just awful. If people don’t like what she’s doing just simply don’t follow her. It’s that simple. Stop spreading hate. So unnecessary.
Margret Raines
Why in the world are you picking on this woman? Don’t you have some of your own business to mind?
Mike Madore
perhaps if she has taken money for orders and not shipped them??? or is that ok because she has a farm she can't afford and wants all us hard working folk to help her pay for it so she doesn't have to work a regular job??? just a guess...
Mike Madore
oh and I was foolish enough to send her money...she recently called pres Trump and idiot...perhaps she is right...but she was quick to take him money lol...
Erin Abler
Why are you defending her? Hasn't she stolen any of YOUR money yet? Or doesn't it matter because she hasn't stolen from you?
Carol Bailey
There have been many people over the years who have trolled her, called authorities with false reports, etc. She left fb years ago because of the constant harassment. And no, she never ripped me off. I’ve bought several products from her over the year…
See More
Erin Abler
You are one of the few lucky ones then.
Holly Monroe Glaski
Jenna is a hard working single woman manning her farm alone. It’s a tough job. If she’s not mailed an order to you have you contacted her personally? She may just be overwhelmed with the amount of work she has to do.
Erin Abler
what farm???? she has 2 dogs and 2 horses and no other job! She had all of her other animals taken away from her. You people need to see the light. Seriously. She's a grifter and a scam artist.
Oh my. Thank you for posting.
DeleteIt seems cognitive dissonance is big with the CAF enablers, or the majority of her most ardent supporters have never done business with her!
I firmly believe FFF goes above and beyond for a small number of people (like blue check people) so she can fish in their pond and they will defend her.
Her actions are those of a grifter and scam artist. Yeah, perhaps she's just too gosh darn busy to get your PREPAID order out to you.
Warped Mind. I appreciate this comment, and efforts, thanks. None of this is news. It just affirms what we've known here for a long time. But it's still surprising at how many dumb enablers she's attracted over the years. NEWBIES: before you judge us too harshly, see for yourselves what we're talking about. We're not just a bunch of mean girls dissing a poor little feral farmer who is fraudulent for no good reason. Do a search on "Jenna Woginrich scammer/animal abuser." There are also numerous links in posts here that are informative. FYI: I was one of the women who did the work necessary for officials to investigate her hovel. The most recent one involved two separate authorities. And it wasn't based on "false reports," but photos, posts, and proof that she's stupidly bragged about. We've done our due diligence on CAF, maybe you should too.
DeletePDD. Yeah, she's "just too gosh darn busy" making moronic memes on Instagram, watching reruns of Gilmore Girls or Buffy, and handcrafting her melt & pour mold soap. And taking time to tweet about being broke, but begging non-stop for mortgage money.
Thanks for this WM. This shit show has been going on for years; I can't believe the stupid people that still defend her. Question, were these recent posts? Also, if we can get in touch with these people, we can point them in the right direction. In other words, they are wasting their time dealing with Jenna Woginrich.
DeleteYes they were recent. I posted the link yesterday and they started slamming me for being hateful. The users who defended the link posted sometime last night. I checked out the atta girls facebook sites, and decided it wasn't worth being bothered by.
DeleteSmart move, WM. To people like this I say "Give Jenna ALL your money to help her run her scrappy farm." However, I'll bet they're more about "heartfelt thoughts" than the hard, cold cash that's wanted, lol.
DeleteYes, big thanks to WM for posting this! Some interesting comments there:
Delete>>Susan: "I don't see anywhere to order from her blog. Only how to donate."
Ah yes, classic Jenna right there. Doesn't really want to sell stuff cuz then she has to make it...which means work. So just donate instead! So much easier and faster for everyone!!
>>Debra: "This is a hard-working woman"
Lmao. Hard-partying, yes. Hard-relaxing, yup. Hard-playing, check. FTFY Debra.
>>Mike: "she recently called pres Trump and idiot...perhaps she is right...but she was quick to take him money lol"
Funny that. Wonder how the Pig Shocker would reply to that?
>>Holly: "If she’s not mailed an order to you have you contacted her personally? She may just be overwhelmed with the amount of work she has to do."
Rotflmao!! Overwhelmed? Seriously!?! Something tells me Holly is a casual foollower who hasn't seen all the posts about mountain stomping, horsey riding, swimming, time-wasting hawk hikes, endless tweeting, Netflix watching, T-Swift stalking, etc. If she has sooooo much work to do, then how would she be able to fit in all these activities? Learn some math, woman.
"Have you contacted her personally?" Yeah most likely right before she set all of her social media accounts to private.
DeleteIt would be funny if someone posted that in reply and added "so here's her home phone number." (Easily found on google btw).
Don't bother with Google...her phone number is 1-800-EAT-SHIT
DeleteYou can't reason with the dregs that come here on Pig Shocker's behalf to criticize this site. It's just a waste of time encouraging them to look into Pig Shocker.
DeleteIt is most likely Pig Shocker posting all of the anonymous posts agreeing with themselves. She's done it plenty of times before.
When she/they start posting critical comments, we know it is because our methods are SUCESSFUL. It's because we have observed, documented and reported her narcissistic sociopathic borderline personality fat ass and she has been contacted by investigators recently.
When Pig Shocker posts comments, it's a good thing. It means she's pissed and we are succeeding in freeing the animals of Shit Show Farm.
Luckless - My theory is that the 50+ who un-followed her in one month chose this time specifically to evade detection -- people who were tired of her crap but felt bad about abruptly un-following. Perhaps it was a combination of the Coronavirus distraction, coupled with her making her page private. And hoping she won't notice who's un-followed her. And if questioned, they could plausibly deny it and suggest they were lost in the shuffle when she went private. Blame it on a Twitter glitch.
ReplyDeleteAlso, in mid-March she had the gall to ask her foollowers for $200 a day ($6K per month) via buying the crap she sells. That must've pissed a lot of people off. At that time, the public panic buying set in and many of her foollowers were no doubt more consumed with finding TP and sanitizing products than with helping some online panhandler.
Which is why it is so important to stick to the facts and stop the name calling. People see the name calling are immediately turned off and dismiss this as a hate site. Name calling defeats the purpose of this blog, if the purpose of this blog is to warn others. If the purpose of this blog is to let off steam and sling mud at Jenna, I would say it is fulfilling its purpose, but is doing nothing to convert others.
ReplyDeleteI would be more inclined to direct them to the Kickstarter Birchthorn site. At least it has comments from people who were scammed and useful information from the editor, minus the name calling.
DeleteI wonder if there is a way to start off each thread here with a pinned or sticky-ed post that has links to Birchthorn and/or basic scammy-animal-abusey Jenna info.
DeleteThat way, it would be the very first thing a newcomer sees. Just the plain facts. And it would get them up to speed real quick. And then they can read our comments, opinions, satirical humor and decide if they want to stay.
Someone would whine and bitch about that too Anon7!
DeleteAnon 4:50 - I completely agree. And good idea, Anon7. For the long-time posters here who have put so much time and effort into the great work reporting and protecting the animals, it is such a shame to see y'all undermine your own efforts.
DeleteI feel like a troll when I read or post here sometimes, except that there is real truth to the scams, to how the numbers never add up and the stories always fall apart.
They ain't gonna change though, Anon 4:50 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We won't ever please everyone. We have accomplished A LOT in observing, documenting and reporting Pig Shocker.
DeleteUnfortunately, because Pig Shocker is such a whiney bitch, we have to refer to her as Pig Shocker (or other fitting nicknames) since this blog can be shut down like the last one, if we use real names. Posting nicknames makes it more difficult to prove who we are speaking of.
Because of that, we aren't able to inform the amount of new potential victims as much as we would like. However, this is a great resource for those of us who are observing, documenting and reporting her as we can provide information to eachother.
There have been very few posts on here complaining ever since we decided that we will not tolerate people who only come here to bitch and whine.
These complainers always post as anonymous and always receive an immediate reply from another anonymous supporting their comment. What a coincidence!
We could waste our time watching one person post under multiple anonymous user names so it looks like other people agree with their comment but we have bigger fish to fry. MUCH bigger, like 250+ lbs!
There are some really good ideas and opinions here. And this is a contentious situation it seems. So many of us with so much to say. All of us are different, but we all are on the same page when it comes to believing about proper animal care and kindness. Some of us have been directly affected, ripped off and hurt by her. And others were not but are still here because of her self-documented animal neglect and abuse. Not to mention the scamming and online panhandling.
DeleteRegardless of which side this may help, I can only offer my first experience about the Shocker I call Pig. It was about 2-3 years ago, and I didn't find her, she found me via Reddit. She made some fantastical "I Made It!" post about how great farm life is. (But was really a post to attract new followers to donate to her.) And so I clicked on that thread because of the picture that showed what appeared to be Medieval-like imagery: Some chick on a horse wearing a kilt and holding a hawk. And she practiced Heathenry and archery...It all seemed so cool!
So I read thru the thread and saw some people calling her out, saying she was full of it. And I wondered what she had done to raise such animosity. So I used DuckDuckGo to Google her and found this Cold Antler Sham website. And then I suddenly understood all that was said about her. And I realized it was due to her painting a false picture of herself. And neglecting her animals.
And to be honest, I was surprised, but never turned off by the highly colorful things that were said about her. If anything, it made me curious. So after reading about dead frozen chickens, shocked pigs, and a sheep left to die in a wheelbarrow, I understood the inclination and anger to say such things about her. And so I joined this blog to lend my equally outraged voice.
I try hard not to go too far, but man, when you read her own words about gleefully and spitefully shocking innocent pigs, well, that just takes your emotions to a level where all you can do is cuss, scream, and warn others not to donate their hard-earned cash to a cretin who uses animals as furry props to create an illusion of a desolate fake farm on the brink of foreclosure, so you need to DONATE NOW to keep the wolves from the door. And the liquor flowing. And Netflix showing. Hair extensions flowing. And lies forever sowing.
Anon 7, you can't reason with Pig Shocker or her ilk.
DeleteWhat they are really upset about is that she's about to be investigated AGAIN.
By the looks of all of the recent comments criticizing this site, I would say the investigation has started and is in full swing. As of a few weeks ago it was pending due to Covid...
😅🤣😂 Enjoy your investigation, Pig Shocker!
WDH. Please feel free to email me about it if you like. It would make my day. You have my information. Thanks.
DeleteAnon 7 2:05, you make a fair point, and that's the reason I come back here too.
DeleteAs for an anon replying to another anon, only us anons truly know how many of us there are, because only we know which of the anon comments are ours, and which belong to others, mua ha ha haaaa!
There's really no point in posting with a handle just for this blog, because then my handle agreeing with an anon would just get dismissed as being the anon, so again, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I still might get around to making one, just for continuity.
Playing games under "anonymous" posts is just a colossal waste of blog space.
DeleteNo matter what Pig Shocker and her twit herd try to do, it won't thwart our efforts whatsoever.
THREE investigations this year alone says it all. The investigators know that it is only a matter of time before Pig Shocker completely shits the bed and ends up without animals and paying huge fines possibly ending with a jail sentence that has been a long time coming. One is coming any day now and has possibly already started.
The latest hawk disappearance has also sparked more documentation on a case from an entirely different agency than before.
That agency is just getting their ducks in a row. Or should I say hawks in a row?
Twitter Twaddle: Here's the link again that allows you to view comments made to her:
Looks like she received some sort of news about her supposed book deal, as one foollower commented:
"The editor might just be looking for ways to shave extra words with the goal of tightening? I’d guess if you pushed back and shared your concern they’ll be fine with keeping your original wording."
Looks like her editor is not a fan of word salads. Or purple prose.
i.e. The editor is stringing you along and trying not to tell you the truth about how you are a talentless hack, spewing repetitive, childish drivel, who has already screwed patrons out of $15,000 and is now officially publishing poison.
DeleteI'm so curious how much detail she gave about what her editor is asking for!
DeleteI'm not. Anything to do with her supposed "writing" is most likely lies. No one could possibly read her asinine, childish writing and think that there is a market for it.
DeletePig Shocker knows that she was only published years ago out of luck. It sure wasn't because she was talented.
Now after she stole $15,000 from her kickstarter patrons, forget it. No decent publisher would touch her with a twenty foot pole.
My educated guess is that the steady drop in followers aren't real followers. I have an account with nearly 10,000 followers on twitter. I have not purchased any, however I got to 10K by utilizing a paid service which seeks out people interested in my content by directing the bot to follow people who follow other users similar to me, or to my other followers. It was a great way to just automate the expansion of my reach... except the reach is a much lower quality than it is on a platform like facebook, where such automation is prohibited.
ReplyDeleteBasically, there are a bunch of low-use accounts that automatically follow people who follow them, and automatically unfollow people who unfollow them.
The flaw in the program, is once you get say 5K followers, then lots of these bots start auto-following you. They won't unfollow you until a regular check in the program detects they are blocked from accessing your follower information. Then it unfollows you.
So I suspect that at some point, Jenna used a similar service to the one I use, which is legit and looks effective when you just need numbers to impress, but don't want to buy fake followers, you want a chance that some of the people you engage are actual, real, people who could convert to your marketing mailing list or whatever. If I made my 10K account private, I'll bet I'd steadily lose numbers until I got down to the few hundred or so people who are actually actively engaged in my brand.
I have no reason to go private, so I just let the numbers sit, but my homepage is a mess of spam, as I have auto-followed so many damn bots. Twitter's greatest weakness.
A more accurate picture of CAF's actual follower count would be on instagram, because it is a *pain in the ass* to use twitter tactics on instagram, and fake bots drop off really fast if you go private.
She has like, 2600 followers in insta. that's the account you should watch, imho. The difference between the actual, engaged, donation-making, comment-writing poodles and the empty follows that mean nothing is much less on instagram than on twitter.
The only reason she should care about her follower account dropping on twitter is that potential publishers like to just see high numbers. 5K isn't that high, though, as far as publishers are concerned. It didn't take me long to get to 10K or cost me much, unfortunately, I learned that a follow on twitter isn't worth nearly as much as a follow on my blog or a subscribe to my mailing list. THOSE are the follows that actually count!
Wow, Anon 6:49...I'll take your educated guess over my theory any day. What a well thought out post made from your solid experience. Lots of good information you shared. And while I had heard of Twitter folks buying followers, I didn't know about the method you used, which sounds legitimate; like an aggregate for followers. Neat idea. And legit.
ReplyDeleteAlso interesting that you pointed out her 2,600 Instagram followers, as I've often wondered why that number was roughly half of her Twitter count. Especially being that Instagram is so much better and informative that a collection of tweets. It will be interesting to see if those follower numbers drop too.
Thanks for sharing with us the how and why in regards to Twitter foolowers and bots.
^^^^^Hey, that was me who wrote that post below Anon 6:49. Anon7 here. Not exactly sure what happened. Usually when I hit the "publish" button my email name comes up and then I have to sign in my password to post. But earlier tonight I helped my son with his tax return and at one point we switched from his iPhone to my Mac, where he had to sign into his gmail account. So I guess that when I went to post here hours later, his email replaced my email as a default? I'm not sure. Weird. But I fixed whatever the heck happened. So this is me. And that^^^^ post from 12:34 was also me. Sorry for any confusion.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:21 - I am a long time shamster too, all the way back to Meredith's blog. I became curious after Jenna blocked Meredith. I started having my suspicions about Jenna not being the person she claimed to be. Her business plan seemed to be e-begging, and her animal care sketchy.
ReplyDeleteI got a real eye opener when I read Meredith's blog. Many posters reported their direct experience dealing with Jenna. And many people with experience in animal care were mortified by her animal husbandry. There was no name calling and the only time her weight was discussed was when Jenna wrote about it herself. And then it was only commentary about what she wrote.
If I had gone to Meredith's blog and read comments like those posted today, I probably would have been turned off and left.
But you're right, nothing will change. And they will also alienate any new, potential shamsters.
So as long as their purpose is to sling mud and alienate Jenna's fans, I say they are doing a great job.
DeleteSorry not sorry.
We will continue to observe, document and report until every animal living on that shithole property with that animal abusing, cross eyed hag, is free from her.
Your opinion means zilch, zero, nothing.
WDH. Exactly. We're all allowed her to express ourselves here, and some of us discuss the details differently than others. The main thing is that we've seen results with reporting her multiple times for animal abusing.
Delete"We're all allowed to express ourselves here..." I need my afternoon coffee.
DeleteLS, of course y'all are allowed to express yourselves. I don't think Anon 11:00 was saying you should not be "allowed" to do or say whatever you want. It's just if the actual goal of this blog is to shine light on the CAF sham, the pure vitriol, however justified, undermines the purpose.
DeleteBut what do I know? I've only been commenting here for a few months.
Maybe I'll end every one of my posts with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The last blog did not get shut down because Jenna's name was used. It got shut down because someone here posted her parent's phone number and address and encouraged people to call and harass them.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are so sure of this why? That seems to be something only the person who reported it would know.
DeleteI figured the person who would respond to my post was the guilty party. You have now left no doubt.
DeleteBwahaha! Just when we thought Pig Shocker couldn't get any crazier, she proves us wrong!
DeleteI wonder what her imaginary girlfriend and the lambs she pretends to own are doing during the latest animal abuse investigation?
Good thing, the girlfriend doesn't really exist or else she would pack her imaginary bags and get into her imaginary car and immediately leave the animal abusing, narcissistic, sociopathic, cross eyed freak a.k.a. Pig Shocker.
In case anyone is wondering why there is a sudden influx of critical comments about this site, it is because there is yet ANOTHER pending investigation of Pig Shocker.
ReplyDeleteAs of a few weeks ago it was pending due to Covid but by the looks of the critical comments, I would say that fat ass has most likely been visited/notified recently.
In case it has not happened yet, I won't discuss the details but will after it's begun.
Applause!!! We'll look forward to hearing the details when it's appropriate.
DeleteSounds like good news.
Anon 6:41, I'm going to totally transparent with you.
DeleteI have very good instincts. I have made a living out of investigating and my instincts are a huge part of my success.
My immediate thought when I read your comment above is that someone in Pig Shocker's camp has realized the dueling anonymous posts are too obvious. So the best thing to do would be to agree with us half heartedly and try to blend in. To me, that sticks out like a sore thumb.
First critical and then suddenly "one of us."
That's why I won't be taking your posts seriously whatsoever and will pretty much ignore you from this point on.
What others think of you is completely up to them. The main shamsters on here have proven themselves trustworthy again and again and are capable of weeding out the moles. There's no loss of respect of they don't agree with me.
I thought long and hard about how to respond, so I will be totally transparent with you. I find you to be incredibly vulgar. When I write in generalities, you always believe I am referring to you, so you are aware of this too. I normally skip past everything you write, but when I read that some new person is turned off by this site, it's not hard to know why. If that's what you want to do, fine. I really don't care anymore.
DeleteAnon, 3:16 I think WHS was talking to me, and since we have multiple anon posters, I finally just registered this profile.
DeleteI do agree with you, and though I'm not sure it's you bringing attention to how the fat-shaming etc., undermines a part of the express purpose of this online discussion. Whenever I see some anon commenting on this, I agree / back it up.
I also get why / how this behavior can feel like venting when you're frustrated by seeing someone like FFF can keep you engaged, year after year. I do find it ironic that we can all talk about how FFF doesn't seem to connect the predictable and undesirable result with the action she takes repeatedly, and not see or care how the language used (fat-shaming, mental health / addiction stigmatization) is not just harmful to the supposed goal of having a public forum like this, but does a larger, broader harm by perpetuating the use of these insults in general.
I have commented this before and also ended by saying my expectation of this behavior changing is zero.
^^^^ ugh, I feel like I didn't express that very well. It's my Monday and I'm sleep deprived. You get my point. :)
DeleteThanks Unknown 12:34 :) Verbose post coming up:
ReplyDeleteI have been running my own side-hustle for nearly 10 years now, and as I do it in addition to my day job, I need to automate as much as I can. "An aggregate for followers" - yes, exactly. My hope was that out of every 1000 followers, I'd get maybe 10 who are actually engaging and interested enough to click on my tweets to find my blog and services... in reality, I'd say maybe 1 or 2 out of 1000 NEW twitter followers actually engage (not to be confused with total long term followers).
So do the math - my efforts to get 10K followers resulted in only 10 or 15 actual engaged people who gave me their email address. Once they're on my email list, there are fewer people who actually engage my services.
So yeah, twitter was a big, fat, not worth it. As much as facebook is the evil Big Brother that's spying on ALL OF OUR SHIT, facebook has been the best place for me to find new people.
They're a lot more likely to read a blog post than a twitter user, more likely to see it in the first place, more likely to follow my page without prompting, and more likely to engage my services. There is marketing research that backs up my observations.
And I keep my clients around. The only reason I use facebook at all is because it's the best way to reach my current and potential clients to remind them I exist. Since FFF is not even on facebook, I will assume she has a better twitter conversion than I do, but based on the number and frequency of her followers' comments, there is no way she has as much engagement on twitter as I have on facebook, because facebook is just a better marketing tool in my humble opinion and experience. Twitter just looks impressive, all swole with 10K followers, and might be good for my ego if my facebook page's 1K followers weren't kicking the hell out of twitter with engagement, link-clicks, and sales.
Real talk, just for funsies. I have 10K twitter followers. 2K instagram followers and 1K people liking my facebook page.
This translates to roughly 200 people who engage my services annually... but of all the time and money invested into expanding my online reach, you know where most of my new clients come from?
Referrals. My repeat clients refer their friends, and they become repeat clients. The only thing my online presence does is help them to not forget about me, and tempt them to sign up to my email list.
Basically, my blog and social media presence is there almost entirely to prop up my "brand" - so that when a referral wants to check me out, there is current content available.
When I had to deal with a life crisis last year, I unplugged ALL of my automated marketing, and I fully expected my business to shrink - it hasn't. What I learned is that generally, online presence and social media is mostly smoke and mirrors anyway. Unless I have a promotion, there's no need for me to post anything online, because my client base is large enough to be self-perpetuating, and I have a referral program.
Long story short, I highly, HIGHLY doubt CAF is selling much of anything in the way of design or soap, and I've seen enough comments from frustrated or pissed-off customers of CAF to know she's not retaining all of them. My educated guess is that her actual client base has shrunk in 10 years, since the launch of her first book (when I found her.)
I agree with the hypothesis that she has a secret source of income. There is NO WAY she has this poor quality online engagement and makes anywhere near what she'd need to make to pay her mortgage, when her sales are less than $100 each. I would believe that she was behind on payments when she said she was, but she has said that for so long, and the just look how the latest foreclosure crisis vanished into thin air - there is no possible way her online business is generating enough to maintain her.
more below....
Another fun fact - I lived for 10 years in one of the top illegal weed grower areas in Canada. I know what money laundering looks like. I ran a brick and mortar business for a few years that had to compete with similar outward-facing shells that were just laundering drug money. It was incredibly frustrating, law-enforcement would do a big bust every few years, but it was so widespread and the RCMP only have so much funding and community presence. They'd do a bust and three more grow ops would pop up.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I went back to full-time employment and satiate my inner entrepreneur with a side-gig. I don't think FFF is laundering money, but I am absolutely certain she has undisclosed regular income. She's like that random tanning salon or tattoo parlour that's never open yet inexplicably continues to exist. Or that coffee roasting company that only sells out of one store front and maybe a couple of restaurants, yet appears to support a family of four. It's just an illusion.
CAF is the same thing - FFF's outward-facing straw man attempting to legitimize her presence in the community, and giving her an ego-boost by offering her a cool self-identity. I saw lots of "career surfers" and "photographers" who really were just weed-pickers for a few months a year, then lived off the cash and traveled the rest of the year. If you ever find yourself asking "how do afford it?" when someone seems to have a really cool life without having to work very hard, the answer is usually secret cash flow.
Anyway, my online reach is equivalent to hers across multiple platforms, my services are luxury / non-essential, and I have some long-standing "fans" who retweet / share my posts with about the same frequency.
Conversion to online sales is crazy-small with online marketing for the average person, which I am, and FFF is. Just average. Really, she's much more widely known than I am, and I'll bet I make more with my side gig, based on my average sale ($200). It took me five years to get my earnings up to $200 / sale. I had to slowly acclimatize my long-term clients to the increase, and I had to start engaging with new people who were willing to pay $200 / hour. That's tough. You lose the people who just aren't willing or able to pay you more, so you have to make that up and still grow the business.
FFF, over a longer period of time, appears to have trained her customer base to pay LESS! $20 sketches? WTF? That's not even worth the time you spend to mail them.
The other huge thing I know is killing FFF's online sales is that she doesn't have a website. Before I had my automated booking set up, I averaged 6 emails back and forth per sale. It took about 30 mins of unpaid admin work to generate just 1 hour of paid work. Once I incorporated an online booking system, where people could just go to my website, click my calendar, book themselves in and pay up front, not only did I save myself hours in admin, plus the cost of having an admin assistant, but my sales DOUBLED! That tells you how many people were interested in booking with me but didn't because just sending an email was too much of an initial obstacle.
So when I see those comments from prospective buyers of CAF saying, "What are your prices? I sent you a DM, did you receive it?" That's just the people who are determined enough to engage with her live! For every comment like that, there are likely one or two more people who were interested but didn't find it easy enough to buy from her, and just went to etsy.
She has hamstrung herself by forcing people to use the "donation" link to pay her. She has no business sense at all.
I guess I'm in a chatty mood tonight. Thanks for reading :)
Someone on twitter suggested she made a separate account for marketing. I assume this is in response to people commenting they can't share / retweet her promotions, and she explained Woe is Wog (lol) she has trolls so had to lock down her account for her own mental health.
ReplyDeleteI really do hope she takes the suggestion to create a separate marketing twitter account, because THAT would really show how many of her 5K followers are actually engaged. My guess is about 20 people would follow the marketing account, and only 5 ish would actually retweet the begs.
Funny thing, the "marketing only" twitter account would have no incentive for people to follow it, as all the actual "content" would be associated with her private twitter account.
Excellent point and I agree. Unless the writer was being sly, FFF's business model is to gain donations and over-priced sales from people who are unfortunately captivated by her faux narrative of being a scrappy single female farmer, barely surviving and "all alone" on the side of a desolate mountain.
DeleteHer readers might not throw money her way if they learned she essentially owns an expensive hobby farm in trendy suburban NYC and refuses to take a real job (or be a juror for that matter) because she wishes to continue living her enabled life of riding photogenic horses, hiking, playing with hawks, stalking celebrities and binge watching premium streaming sites.
A business woman would already have a website, would be registered with Washington County, NY as a CSA and would sell products through local farmers markets or Etsy. But FFF does not because she is not running a legitimate traditional business.
I'm glad that someone appreciated my "Woe is Wog." It'd made a good new username. I agree with what you two wrote. She's barely a business. Her real commerce is begging online for free handouts. Her crappy "farm offerings" are little more than pity bait for potential PayPal poodles.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThere we go! LS, you have inspired me!
DeleteI did a search on "Jenna Woginrich animal abuser scammer and this popped up:
"Jenna Woginrich animal abuser scammer"
DeletePig Shocker's twitter account is the least of her mental health problems. 😂🤣
DeleteNarcissistic sociopathic borderline personality disorder is rarely caused by people who are observing, documenting and reporting criminal behavior.
The social media accounts being set to private are due to people trying to get their money returned that Pig Shocker has stolen via not giving them what they have paid her for.
She has also set the accounts to private because the investigations of animal abuse have largely came from her own social media photos and posts.
Pig Shocker is way too stupid to realize that out of her purchased 4,000 twitter followers, there are those who are observing, documenting and reporting her.
I just read the post. It's odd how almost five years later her faux farm is still the same. JFW is an animal abusing, putrid person. She's learned almost nothing in ten years except how to be even more manipulative.
DeleteAgreed, Unknown 12:35 - And when you put it like that, it's sad to see that the only thing she's really learned in the past decade is what works vs what doesn't when parting fools from their money.
DeleteThanks for taking the time to write all of that out. I'm sure it cleared up a lot of questions. I have some friends in Canada who bought a farm that sells a specific seasonal item. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how they were affording it all--the mortgage (or rent), taxes, etc. plus the upkeep on the land and greenhouses appeared and tractors and things they could never swing. Neither one of them held real jobs, even when they were teenagers. We had a mutual friend who was getting a government pension from a military accident and many of us thought he was fueling them somewhat, but then we realized they must be growing weed. I always marvel at people who don't think they have to work for a living. I'm disgusted with the beggars, and I've known them, too. All of these things she has lined up involving animals. One second she's losing the farm again and in a blink (and life doesn't work like that) she's comfortable and scheduling vet visits, etc. None of it adds up.
ReplyDeleteInstagram Idiot (
These are sooo dumb! They aren't even clever or funny. Why does she waste her time?
DeleteIt's because she has no humor to her at at all. I also don't find any of them either funny or entertaining. And some of the memes border on creepy like the "happy trail" one.
DeleteShe is one of the few people who actually lack even a speck of humor. It might have something to do with being a sociopath.
DeleteYer all absolutely right about her lack of humor. I just took another look at that insipid Instagram in an attempt to find even one meme that made me chuckle. Just one. And I failed miserably.
DeleteShe's just not funny. Like, at all. If you want to see a truly funny Instagram then check out writer Gary Janetti's account. He pokes fun at the Royal Family. It's hilarious. And while he sometimes goes too far, you can't deny that he's funny and witty. His humor is that of the "You know you were thinking that, so I said it" variety.
And to think of the amount of time she wastes creating those memes...when she should be working hard on her property and spending more time taking care of those poor animals. Also, she comes up with false ideals and stereotypical observations that do not represent the thoughts of queers and the gay community as a whole. I really hope that newly out-of-the-closet folks don't stumble across that mis-guided account. She's doing everyone (straights too) a huge disservice with her attempt to be funny.
I think it's because she's a sociopath. She doesn't have the basic human feelings and therefore is not able to be funny. Also, funny people and people with great senses of humor are usually intelligent.
DeletePig Shocker is as dumb as a box of rocks.
The latest bleg title Rest Cure is a great title to describe someone as mentally ill as Pig Shocker.
ReplyDeleteRest cures were at one time prescribed for the mentally ill.
I found this description:
"The cure involved four basic elements: bed rest, force-feeding/overfeeding, massage, and electrical stimulation of the muscles. Later, the rest cure to treat hysteria and other nervous disorders in the civilian population."
The over feeding and hysteria is especially relevant! 😂
Can't she just say "bed rest" like the rest of the world? Nope, as she needs to be "unique" and use oddball words and phrases to attract all that hipster cash.
DeleteI cringe upon the realization that we'll be hearing about her love of humidity...any day now. It's just another example of how she baits her tweets for attention. Spending all summer swimming and mountain smashing on hot humid days when she should really be trying to farm something.
Those poor dogs, especially Gibson now that he is older, living in a hot, filthy house with that maniacal idiot. This is the same nasty house that had mold growing in it as described by Pig Shocker one summer.
This is what someone from another blog wrote about Cambridge: Hoosick is a lovely town on the border of VT but sadly due to the Teflon plant there is high Illness in Hoosick and white creek and Cambridge. Not to mention soaring poverty and one of the highest opioid epidemics in the state.
ReplyDeleteI thought that was interesting.
That might explain a lot. The teflon plant might explain her hair loss and sickly appearance in general.
DeleteAt the same time, Pig Shocker has all of the earmarks of an addict!
Hoosick? Yousick. (I'll show myself out)
DeleteBut in all seriousness, that is interesting and sad that big companies like that put so little value on the health of the surrounding communities. And this happens all over.
Anon7 - lolz 🙃
DeleteIn all seriousness, it is horrifying to watch the virus roll out over the US. Truly.
I am so fortunate that our government is replacing the income of most people laid off due to Covid19, which has allowed the majority of people who could otherwise not stay home, actually stay home. It's still going to be hell to pay for our economy, but businesses do not have the option of forcing impoverished and at-risk citizens to ignore social distancing guidelines because they need to go to work to survive.
I sincerely hope for my country, that this terrible pandemic is finally going to move forward initiatives that will give some humanity back to the most vulnerable in our society.
I also hope the labour movement, in the US in particular, gets a good shot in the arm from all of this.
Hola Shammers! So two days ago on the Pig Shocker's Twitter, she was complaining about an ear ache? For real? Looks like she ran out of teeth to crown and is finding other body parts to monetize. But being that she only has two ears, she can use fingers and toes next as she's got 20 of those!
ReplyDeleteSo it's business as usual with her, as there is NO NEED to share ear problems on social media. Unless you are doing it for sympathy and donations of course.
Yeah, I saw that too. It's the heath equivalent of "I washed my sheets!"
DeleteGo get some drops and be done with it. Are antibiotic ear drops over the counter in the US? They are in Canada.
On the latest bleg post ("Old Red Door" 5/4) the Pig Shocker writes:
ReplyDelete"My goal right now, above all else, is to make the May mortgage payment before May 15th."
Yes, we know. Because she tells us EVERY MONTH. And if she gets a stimulus check it will cover that payment, but it sadly won't pay for anything else so she wants you to know that she needs even MORE money for:
"hay deliveries, oil for hot water, chicken feed, groceries, electricity, internet and landline, truck repairs or insurance, farrier or butcher, etc etc."
And that's where YOU come in guys! And if you forgot how you can help, check out what she wrote here:
"That magical check leaves me with a basically empty bank account after so I am hustling my wares on social media. I have the same daily income goal."
That income goal? Just a measly $200 a day. Which is only $6K a month. And just $72K a year. Which is more than beginning nurses make. Way more. Which is strange because who knew that wasting time on social media all day would pay so much more that actually helping sick people?
Didn't she just say she was caught up or in great shape not too long ago? Like last week or something? I can't keep up.
DeleteAnon 4:54
DeleteYeah, the "good news" blog post was just a week or two ago. And never again shall we hear about the great foreclosure scare of April 2020.
I wonder when the next scary red van / letter will arrive? August?
Well Pig Shocker, here's something that I will tell you for free.
DeleteWhen adults need money for things like feed, hay and dollar store hair weaves, THEY GET A JOB.
No one gives a shit if you end up living in a box eating dandelion greens if you are too lazy to get up off of your rotund ass and get a job to provide for yourself. If you won't help yourself then screw you.
Also, if you can't afford to feed your animals, surrender them the next time the authorities show up. They will help the animals find homes with people who aren't nuts and are able to give them the love and home they deserve.
Anon7. She's like an old album stuck on stupid, and keep repeating the same crap. Surely getting a part-time job would be better than begging. But not if you're an animal abusing, sociopathic POS who is a lazy lifestyle loser.
DeleteAnon 7:57
ReplyDeleteIf your friend with the mysteriously large farm is in BC, it's almost certainly weed. The growing season is nearly year-round here. I lived in a rural community for 10 years, and people would plant crops just in the rainforest. Sometimes the RCMP would find it, sometimes not. I learned to never "go exploring" in April or October, which are weed picking seasons, because I was more likely to stumble upon "high-liners" ie people picking weed.
In other areas of the country, most of the illegal growing happens indoors. Now that possession of small quantities of weed is decriminalized in Canada, I hope that the legit farmers and distributors are able to make weed less profitable for organized crime.
Anyway, I used to wonder if FFF was growing weed, but I don't think she fits the type I'm used to seeing. If she can't grow kale, I don't think she could grow weed. I don't know, though. She definitely does have mysterious money though. If the fake foreclosure was real, she'd be posting stressed-out begs right now like we have never seen before, or she would be MIA.
ReplyDeleteInstead, "this farm" is better than ever!
You know who else she reminds me of? This woman I saw on Dr. Phil who kept catfishing prospective adoptive parents pretending to be pregnant herself. She'd string them along for a few months and a few thousand dollars, then "miscarry".
It reminds me of FFF because it's the same story, repeated for years, generating dollars and attention, seemingly immune to the harm she caused.
Question: Would you rather see FFF on Dr. Phil or Judge Judy?
Looks like she's been shopping recently, from twitter replies.
ReplyDeleteI like your username (smile). When I thought of it the phrase "woe is me" came to mind, and then I added her name. She's shameless about shopping whenever there's a windfall. But then bitches and moans once the funds are used up. All the while begging for more free handouts.
Delete"Woe is Wog" is such a great name, just sayin.
DeleteYou know, FFF reminds me of a woman I knew who was very insecure, unhappy and needy. If she'd lived near Cambridge NY, I'm certain she and FFF would have become besties!
This woman worked (unlike PS) and earned a fair-enough hourly wage. However, she envied those who had more, felt SHE deserved more (same delusions of grandeur) and filled the gap with lots of shopping - classic shopaholic.
Soon, she developed serious financial problems; she "hid" purchases or had them delivered to her work address. She left work early to shop before her husband came home. She dodged creditors and asked co-workers to lie for her. Maybe she told her husband she "found" all her pricey items at the dump, or maybe she told him they were unbelievably cheap (like PS's $500+ saddle "bought" for $35).
She repeatedly took out emergency loans because her mortgage and taxes were late or unpaid.
After one particularly messy month (creditors hounding her, repeated begs for salary advances) she asked for another emergency loan. Why? To buy a new washer and dryer. When I suggested - in view of her shakey finances - she learn to budget, economize by going to a laundromat or buying used appliances and get financial counseling - she became IRATE and said she wasn't going to let her financial situation stop her from living the life she wanted! Sound familiar?
Whew. It turns out FFFs can live anywhere. While this woman only had one animal to abuse, she took repeated advantage of people's goodwill for personal loans and handouts. She lived life on the backs of others. Karma got her in the end. She was laid off, had NO income and had to start from square one...and with a large amount of debt. She disappeared off my radar and I never found out if she learned any lessons.
Interesting, PDD. Yeah, I've also encountered the "not going to let my financial situation prevent me from living the life I want" mentality.
DeleteFunny thing about finances, though. They catch up to you.
Isn't it incredible how CAF is newer and shinier than ever according to the most recent post? She's totally living the life she wants!
I assume she has a fixed, steady income as she'd be losing the farm by now if those foreclosure posts were true, but a fixed income is still a pain for someone with the entitlement attitude, and I'll bet my bacon FFF has big credit problems - maxed out cards, maybe unpaid defunct smaller loans or lines of credit. You know, the sort of thing that wrecks your credit but doesn't force the sale of your property.
I'm also positive she has a "fixed, steady income." Nothing else makes sense. As far as what that might be, there's a few possibilities. We'll probably never know for sure, but she definitely would not have been able to stay afloat for so long without one. The begging is just her play money.
DeleteI'll also bet dollars to donuts that she somehow weaseled the Fed unemployment $600 a week. So she's definitely flush, but still feels the need to shout from the rooftops that her mortgage is coming up! When small businesses and individuals are going belly-up from the pandemic/lockdown situation, she has the chutzpah to try to profit off the whole thing.
Oh my wow! Maybe now my sister-in-law will finally come and check out this page! She created a Twitter account recently to share her homesteading journey and tried following the loser because "she's a published author on homesteading so obviously she knows what she's talking about." ROFL! As if! Anyways, she thought that jw's now private page might have been a fan page and kept trying to follow it. She even tried messaging that twat to find out if it was her real page or a fan page and told her she's like to follow it! That bitch blocked her and never even responded to her!!! I can't stop laughing! My sister-in-law thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't know what I'm talking about when I tell her not to put that fake farmer up on a pedestal, but her feelings were actually hurt being blocked by what she thinks is a fan page! And to think that faux farmer probably lost potential soap sales with my idiot SIL!!! Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Obviously jw is shooting her damned self in the foot by going private! I hope her stupid ass goes down in flames!
ReplyDeleteThe "bitch" is blocking potential PayPal poodles with her private profile, and even more free future handouts. She'd only respond to a new follower if the person was a coveted blue check Twitter account. It's because she's an attention whore who is only interested in the rich and famous. It's about her manipulative marketing for money, and also the desire to appear popular. I'd advise your SIL to knock JFW off her self-purported "pedestal."
DeleteYeah, any new twitter account that doesn't have a long history, and a "real person" looking photo and name isn't going to get through her filter. She's too worried about one of the posters here creating a profile to gain access to her posts.
DeleteBlue check - I'm sure she'd fall over herself approving that follow.
OK, Shamsters, what do you think about me creating a sister Blogspot site that is only populated by links that show problems we have seen with fake homesteading sites, you know, animal neglect, pig shocking, using hawks to promote sales of products and services. Cold Antler Farm might be included, but there might also be others. I think Anon7 mentioned some well-known fakers.
ReplyDeleteAs this could be a safe site to direct Newbies, it shouldn't be overly provacative. No "saucy" language (you know what I mean), no body shaming, etc...just the links and the facts. I would also include a link to this site, so Newbies can look at our commentary, satire and discussions.
Thoughts? Suggested language? Favorite links for me to include?
PDD. That's a great idea! Please email me if you'd like help.
DeleteThanks LS. I'll do that.
DeleteThis is a great idea! Here is a juicy link!
PDD, that's a brilliant idea! Thanks for thinking of it.
DeleteI would suggest a link to the Birchthorn Kickstarter site. It contains a wealth of comments from backers who didn't get their book as well as comments from her editor.
DeleteI think that's a great idea. I think I still have the screenshots of Merlin I sent to LS I could send along, if that's helpful. It may not be helpful as the video was black and white, and it looked like there were bald spots, but it wasn't crystal clear.
ReplyDeleteAlso that series of her doing shit with the hawk - on the lamp, with headphones on etc. Using it clearly as an accessory and not honoring the actual animal. Seeing that series of photos was a real eye-opener for me.
ReplyDeleteIf she ever bothers to copyright any of the images posted on a blog not hers, though, she could get probably get the blog removed. It takes $$$ to register a copyright, though, and we have not observed much forethought in her spending habits.
ReplyDeleteBTW: I appreciated you sending me the Merlin screenshots. They were part of the "package" that I sent to appropriate authorities. Which led to the two animal abusing investigations.
DeleteJust so that you're aware, you do not need to register to copywrite original creations. "You own the copyright to a photograph as soon as you have taken it. The photograph does not need to be printed or registered with the U.S. Copyright office to obtain copyright protection."
DeleteWhoops, copyright*
DeleteAnon 2:00
DeleteOh really! Interesting. I didn't know that, and assumed you needed to register it if you wanted to, say, sue someone else for using it in promotional material without paying.
Not sure what the threshold would be for Blogger.
LS - did you receive feedback on the photos at all? Were they white patches or bald patches?
DeleteAt least someone went to look.
WIW. I didn't receive any feedback specifically on the patches. The animal control investigators tend to avoid sharing about what they find, too. It could be due to legality.
DeleteI doubt there would be much litigation involved for reposting one of her images, especially since she's someone who constantly uses other people's creative material without permission (and even profits off it—see her logo designs for example). That said, she could likely complain to whatever resource is hosting the content and it could be taken down that way.
DeleteBlogger IMO is probably not the best route for this. It might be worth researching website hosting platforms that remove their own liability for what users publish, so that the content won't be controlled by a third party. That said, this most likely would require a paid service.
Anon 6:55
DeleteThat's a good suggestion. Maybe something like ? I've found that service easy to use and have built my professional website & our wedding website using weebly.
Wix is a popular one too.
**following discussion**
DeleteI'll give it a try next week. Thx for input and ideas.
ReplyDeletePDD. Sounds good. She's dropped down to 4,809 followers today. It's time to purchase more PayPal poodles, JFW.
DeleteGreat idea!!!!!
DeleteThings the shamsters have accomplished thus far:
ReplyDelete1) Pig Shocker's livestock was rehomed last summer after one of many animal abuse investigations.
She has yet to get more.
2)Pig Shocket no longer posts endless photos of any hawks, using them to promote her lifestyle of lies.
3)Pig Shocker had made all of her social media accounts private which could potentially mean NO NEW PIG SHOCKER VICTIMS!
She already has plenty of victims, mostly the remaining pets, but limiting her capacity to lure more in via her social media accounts is HUGE!
I'm proud of all of our tried and true posters here and how much they care about getting the remaining animals out of harm's way. We all might go about it in different ways but our goal is all the same! The results cannot be denied!
No. From what I have been told talking to someone associated with the agency who is doing the next investigation, she does not own any livestock including chickens.
DeleteShe got Gibson 10 years ago today (may 6)
ReplyDeleteIt's a blast from the past, ten years ago on the bleg. That's when I was following her and just so enthusiastic about her journey, and fresh on my own big life change (starting my first business).
Back when the bleg was full of beautiful photos of the property, frequent posts, and the content was more consistently posted, and varied in topic.
Just a few weeks later, she wrote about mailing her first mortgage cheque... little did we readers know what a TOPIC that mortgage payment would become!
Remind me - how did she pay for Gibson? Did she get $$$ because of a tooth, or was that how she paid for Friday?
I recall that the fake tooth scam bought Friday, but am unsure about buying Gibson. I'm sure that she didn't do it herself.
Delete"I am so so soooo happy to announce the MAY MORTGAGE IS PAID!"
ReplyDeleteWho announces this to the world? Hey, FFF, guess what?
Do I get an atta girl? A gold star? A participation in adult life award?
DM. I'll give you a gold star (smile). No normal adult brags about paying their bills on time. Unless, they're JFW, and always trolling for more future free handouts. Her hyperbolic "happy" mood is mercurial, and will change once her funds run out. Cue: 5, 4, 3...
DeleteNarcissistic sociopathic borderline disorder Pig Shocker needs for everyone to congratulate her for being a big girl!
DeleteWho does that?
Instagram Idiot (
ReplyDeleteNow that my May mortgage is paid, it's time to make more moronic memes!
Here's her latest full post so you don't have to give the bitch click views. It's subtle begging, but thinly disguised:
ReplyDeleteWednesday, May 6, 2020
"I am so so soooo happy to announce the MAY MORTGAGE IS PAID! Thanks to the stimulus check I am already set for the month of May! At least when it comes to this farm's mortgage payment! But that leaves my bank account in double digits so I am running a promotion here only for blog readers, not on social media accounts. I will do a full color pet portrait for you or as a gift to someone you want to give the gift of a custom-drawn and painted pet portrait for $50. This includes free shipping! Please email me at and I will explain details. My goal is to sell 5 of them today which I know is a lot and a lot of money to come in at once, but I need to keep trying and this is the most return on time of everything I do. If you order them they will be completed and mailed by June."
Completed and mailed by June....2025. She has no intention of doing anything on time but needs your cash NOW!
DeleteBut this "scrappy, busty gal" must "mountain smash" and also "run 3Ks" first before working. What's a faux feral farmer to do but postpone pre-paid for projects?
Delete"I'm running a promotion here only for blog readers..."
As though the blog were some private club and not the only place she posts publicly anymore!
And as if she's not posting links to her blog in her private social media accounts!
I wonder if this means her locked-down social media accounts have tapped-out on sales / donations?
Delete*wishful wondering*
Hey whatever happened to the chick that was supposedly quarantined with her? Absolutely no mention in her latest blog. Did it even happen? Was she lying about her? Did the gal pack up and leave when she realized she was being hustled? Or did the smell and deplorable conditions of the house drive her out?
ReplyDeleteI also find that interesting. You know that she'd be bragging about "her girl" if she were still around. Unless that was a lie.
DeleteExactly. Giving everyone the gross details of their relationship whether they like it or not. Dont think it even happened. Sad she has to lie.
DeleteThe fact that she hasn't even posted any pics of "her girl" is suspicious.
DeleteIf there was a woman, and she really came for a visit, (possible) it seems she left pretty quickly. It's easy to establish a flirtatious relationship over a dating app, texts, emails, even calls, but once you meet in person it's common for things to fall apart quickly.
DeleteNow add to that all FFF brings to the table, lifestyle-wise.
Back in my dating days, I found I could waste months being hopeful about someone before I spent much in-person time with them, meet once, and there would be zero compatibility. I learned to get to the coffee date asap.
FFF lives in a small-ish community and she's unwilling to change or move. An otherwise stable queer person would have a hard time finding a partner under those circumstances.
She's only looking to date women now, right? It's tough enough to date as a queer person in a city, let alone with all these other factors at play.
I'll bet "her girl" caught the Pig Shocker trying to swipe the pink slip to her car to leverage into a mortgage payment. Or...she fed her day-old-donut-bacon-slices that strangely tasted of dirty frozen denim.
DeleteThat, or she grew weary of staring at Taylor Swift posters while listening to Taylor Swift podcasts, while Taylor Swift latest album blasted in the background, while eyeballing Taylor Swift videos on the computer, at the same time Taylor Swift videos were streaming on the Kindle. All the while sitting next to a pig shocker wearing a Taylor Swift sweatshirt who's talking non-stop about. Taylor. Swift.
Yeah, that'll do!
Shes so proud of that stupid red door? Is that all shes accomplished? She makes it sound like she should get the Better Homes and Gardens housekeeping award. I've managed to paint a dresser, 4 kitchen chairs and a food pantry so wtf Jenna?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, she's a self-entitled twit, and believes that even breathing deserves kudos.
DeleteEvery, single, day, people worldwide do mundane stuff but don't even think to write about it online for the boredom of everyone. I mean, how many of you want to know about the next time I wash a dish? Buy a new toilet seat? Mail a b-day card? Yeah, didn't think so. Cuz we're all doing things like that already.
DeleteDown by another fleeing follower today: 4,808. How will Taylor Swift and other coveted blue check accounts be able to follow JFW if her profile is private? (As if they would anyway. LOL!!!)
ReplyDeleteGood eye! Did you happen to see how low it got prior to her going public again?
DeleteI'm waiting for her to suggest that if "direct deposit bank account" poodles don't need their stimulus checks, then she'd be ready to relieve them of the money.
ReplyDeleteAnon 5:55
ReplyDelete*virtual high-five for being responsible!*
I started paying rent in 1999. Finally bought our first condo this year. Never once in my life, and we have been down and out, have I been late on rent or mortgage. I certainly had to go without buying clothes for more than a year at times, didn't have any non-survival service for quite a while, absolutely had debt that grew and was paid off... but not once would I risk the roof over my head. I paid that before I paid food.
I never understood the mentality of people who were willing to let rent slide, willing to risk eviction, paid for concert tickets before paying for rent.
There are sometimes real mental health reasons why people struggle with executive function decisions like paying for your roof before paying for your fun stuff. There's a spectrum of people who are able to be independent, but really struggle to keep things going on their own, and are a lot more vulnerable to homelessness than others as a result. Just need support.
And then there are the FFFs of the world. She has had and squandered so much support in the past decade, ignored very solid advice, holds up her "stubbornness" like a virtue.
It's not a good look.
You know, if something actually goes seriously wrong in her life, for example if she were actually foreclosed and couldn't continue the farming sham, or lost a court case or something, I think she'd just disappear off the internet. I don't think we'd actually get the story of how it turned out or why she disappeared.
As long as she's writing, things are just fine.
WIW. Your comment was spot-on. Especially this part: "She has had and squandered so much support in the past decade, ignored very solid advice, holds up her "stubbornness" like a virtue." Exactly. She's always bragged about her refusal to follow rules, even when it comes to cake recipes. It's to her own detriment never to make changes. She'd rather lose her faux farm than either downsize or rent an apartment, and also lose the livestock that's left. It's like her stupid saying "Live like fiction!" And always, it's at the expense of others.
DeleteExactly - any reasonable person, if they were actually living months behind on the mortgage, would fucking call it before the bank came and took the property.
DeleteIt is so clear she's been lying for years about being behind on the mortgage. It's obvious she had to invent a crisis to break through the covid19 news and keep the poodles engaged in her story.
"Uh-oh! Now I really need soap sales because I'm gonna lose the farm, you guys! They're really gonna take it this time! Guys! I'm scared you guys! I'm really scared this time! If you're scared about covid19, I'm twice as scared as you! Money please! I need not just one, but THREE mortgage payments at the WORST possible time! You guys! Guys?"
She's not going to lose that property. I think the best possible outcome will be her becoming banned from owning animals.
Woe is Wog - Totally agree that a roof over one's head should be priority. Health is "technically" more important, but unless you have wiggle room via a family that you can stay with, your home is something that you must have, as most health issues can wait a tad. And then there is food, transportation, care of dependents (human or animal), etc etc.
DeleteSo yeah, it totally amazes me that the Pig Shocker continually puts her mortgage at the bottom of her list.
My sister was diagnosed with ADHD when we were kids. No one ever explained what that meant exactly, to me, except when she had extreme behavioral episodes, to tell me "she can't help it."
ReplyDeleteIn addition to ADHD, she also has a rare physical disorder that causes her a lot of physical pain. This went untreated and she was basically gaslit for her whole childhood, and experienced medical neglect, as well as emotional / nurture neglect. This resulted in her ADHD causing even more support-seeking behavior so she could get a little bit of what she desperately needed.
The result of her childhood and her mental & physical condition has resulted in genuine narcissism, (a personality disorder) as a result of all the ways in which her mental and physical needs went unmet. She is a very difficult person to get along with at times.
She has made the "stubbornness" work for her, though. She absolutely refuses to take no for an answer. She does alienate the people around her with her behavior (including me - I keep up the contact but have robust emotional boundaries now).
Anyway, my point in sharing this is I think I recognize some of FFF's behavior as being similar to my sister's. The lifetime of seemingly antisocial behavior and ignoring good advice is a reflex for people whose brains operate a certain way.
The tendency to manipulate others is a personality thing, in response to life experience, and it gets worse the longer you go without actual therapy or the will to change.
Anyway, learning about this more recently as another loved one is diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood, I am only just now learning *why* my sister behaves the way she does - how much of it was compulsion as a kid, and how much of it is a choice, or a default, as an adult.
FFF quitting a good job to start a farm? That's textbook ADHD spectrum. I think she has a brain that's just more comfortable with risk. Getting fired and THEN starting a farm, telling people you quit, that's even more typical - because people who actually can't seem to hold their shit together actually feel a lot of shame about it.
I think FFF is an interesting study. I'm not a psycologist (you need a doctorate to actually be able to assess these things, as much as we'd like to read an online description and pronounce FFF a narcissist or a sociopath). I just find it interesting to figure out why people behave the way they do, because I invested thousands in therapy for myself to figure out my own family dynamic and improve my own functionality, so I can live to my own potential.
Just like with my sister, I'm sure a lot of the challenges FFF has encountered in her life in terms of her behavior, choices, and failures, has held her back from where her peers would be given the same opportunities. A young FFF likely had very little control over what happened to her and how she responded.
A more (physically) mature FFF has, along the way, made decisions that it's okay to spin fictions about her life to get donations. That's an ongoing choice she continues to make every day, for which she is completely responsible.
If someone else did an unauthorized biography on her, I'd be all over that shit.
.... ps. Watch FFF now write about getting assessed / diagnosed as ADHD. I've noticed she takes inspiration from this forum.
WiW (great name, BTW) - What an intense and interesting post. Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you are very supportive of your sister, which is wonderful.
DeleteI agree with a lot, if not all, of the similarities that you spoke of. Your insights make a lot of sense. Especially the part about the possible textbook ADHS spectrum traits, behavioral issues. So much of what she says/does just confounds me, as I don't understand why certain people do the things that they do.
Trying to remember all her scams and begging.
ReplyDelete-first got evicted from her rental for running it down and trying to turn it into a farm (self reported on her blog and her book)
-same time she was reported to animal control for neglecting her rabbits and other animals (selfreported, mentioned in her book.)
-asked for money to buy her 'farm' (blog)
-asked for money to buy her DREAM PONY (blog)
-got rid of old pony, Jasper, because now she has her DREAM PONY (blog)
-wool CSA that resulted in no fleece and no refunds (blog, various comments on FB; she eventually admitted to the 'mistake')
-let her sheep, Maude, die alone in the cold over days because she wouldn't pay for a vet or put her out of her misery (blog)
-states she buys double the amount of chickens needed as she "loses 50% to predators" (blog, Facebook)
-raised 1K for 'dental issues' and then bought a 1K border collie puppy (blog, Meredith's old blog)
-offered special blog posts for a monthly subscription; did 2 and then nothing (blog, comments on blog)
-asked for money to buy 'farm vehicle'despite having a working car. Bought an old truck for how it looks and rarely uses it since it's almost always broken (blog, Twitter)
-Kickstarter/Birchthorn scam. Raised 15K with the promise of a copy of her book at the end. Took 2-3 years to get a badly edited e-book. A handful of people got a paperback. Editor called her out for her behaviour. Still owes people a book or refund. (Kickstarter)
-Kiva loan for 'farm repairs'; no repairs made(blog)
-Beekman contest for $2k. had her followers spam the competition so she'd win. shared the winnings with another person to save face. said she'd use the money for repairs. no repairs made. (blog, Facebook, Beekman site)
-repeatedly obfuscates about how her hawks were 'released'aka died (blog, Twitter)
-has always had bottle lambs leading many to suspect she takes them from the mamas for photo ops (blog)
-claimed she was visited by ACO and it WENT SO WELL AND THEY WERE SO IMPRESSED but then rehomed all her sheep/goats (blog, twitter, instagram), making many suspect she was forced to get relinquish ownership
-was visited AGAIN by ACO this year (twitter, blog)
Hmm, I know I'm missing things but these are what I can recall that you can search her blog to verify.
I remember all these. I think the wool scams is what made me take a second look at her. That and Meredith's blog.
DeleteAlso remember the "Cold Antler Clan" bullshit? You could become a special member of the clan if you paid for a monthly subscription. The subscriber would be privy to all of Jenna's "secrets and things she's never told anyone." You were also given a first-hand look at "never before seen photos of the farm", behind the scenes look at how she puts her blog together and other bullshit drivel. Either no one signed up for it or they did and she didn't produce anything.
Also Tyer's Good Hand.
There was the Reddit fiasco - where she tried to become a popular influencer, and was trounced! She posted the infamous "I gave up a job I hated to farm" to say how wonderful she is, and humble-bragged that she gave up her cell-phone. As Shield Mare, her posts were pretty obnoxious and fake.
DeleteShe also took money from an elderly man to do repairs and never did them.
And she took money from a young girl who believed her story and felt sorry for the poor feral farmer. Don't remember all the details, but perhaps a Shamster will.
there was also the webinar where you paid a fee and got access. It was supposed to be something like 12 and she only did 1 or 2. She claimed technical difficulty and didn't give refunds. Scam.
DeleteGREAT list HH-Anon 8:04...and everyone else as well! I just can't imagine paying someone for something and not getting anything. I mean, with the wool CSA, if she spent the money on the animals and it was gone, couldn't she eventually make good by promising and saving up for a raincheck refund? Like, you can't not give nothing in return when someone has paid you something, right?
DeleteIT'S A CAF MIRACLE! JFW has made her profile public again:
ReplyDelete"Okay, just made my account public again. Let's see how this goes."
"Trying hard to make some sales today. Looking for art, design, pork, or soap do send a DM!"
"OKay gang - the farm is safe for May as far as the mortgage goes but this place has got to get some income in soon or feed and hay is about to complicated. Get yourself some pet art, handmade soaps, logos! It's all a way to help keep this place growing and gracious into June."
"Guys?!" I never knew that a faux farm could be "gracious." Back to the begging bullshit.
I hope the feed and hay gets so complicated she has to rehome all the animals.
DM. She doesn't deserve to have a home herself.
DeleteLmao...well that didn't last long. Did anyone happen to catch her last foollower count number before she switched back to public? I've been super busy past few days and haven't had a chance to look. Did she drop below 4,800?
DeleteGotta get those new victims!!! Step right up, Pig Shocker has plenty of shit that she wants everyone else to pay for!
DeleteYep, yep, yep. I'll bet the amount of "I can't re-tweet you" comments played a part in her decision cuz with less exposure, come lesser sales.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Get yourself a girl that will help you castrate a goat."
Where are the pics of "a girl," JFW?
I second that, where's the gal Jenna? And why is it everyone's fault if the hay gets complicated. It's YOUR fault bitch.
DeleteDid I read that right??? She's raised sheep for 10+ years and didn't know you could castrate with an elastrator band? Rolling my eyes.
DeleteShe's bragged about being involved, and even quarantining with "a girl" for months now, but has never posted any pics as proof.
DeleteThe girl doesn't exist.
DeleteJust like the farm doesn't exist. It's just a shitty property with a few animals. The shit hole doesn't even resemble an actual working farm.
I'm actually curious as to where the goat actually is. Someone local here stated she had NO livestock, not even chickens. "Where's the goat?" LOL
Just Me - Likewise, she's also been trimming her toenails for 30+ years but still doesn't know she can use a nail clipper instead of her teeth.
DeleteUnknown - I'm beginning to suspect that "the girl" is just one of her hemorrhoids that grew to be life-sized. At least that would explain the absence of photos, being that Twitter and Instagram are pretty PG rated.
Found some time to see what shenanigans the Pig Shocker tried pull whilst the Twitter was made private. Here are a few gems:
ReplyDelete"If you simply want to help because you can, every contribution towards this farm goes towards the May mortgage. I want that puppy paid for soon as possible so I can focus on this book and getting ahead of wolves at the door."
>>Nothing trashier than begging during an economic crisis. A lot of people need help right now...because they LOST their JOBS. But she needs some of that stimulus check that will barely cover most people's rent. !!Spend some of yer whopping $1,200 check on HER instead of yer family!!! What a greedy POS she is. Keep it klassy, Jenna!!
>>Then the "earache" problem that she tried to make everyone else's problem too:
"I need to go to an Urgent Care during a pandemic. [...] That means losing all the money I earned over the past two weeks saved towards the May mortgage. Because showing up without insurance means paying $250-$350 a visit out of pocket to see a doctor. [...] I simply can't afford it. Not unless I want to fall behind again"
>>Don't know about her area, but I looked it up where I am (near LA) and the average price to be seen at an Urgent Care is an initial $120 (new patients) and $80 for returning patients. Also, I Yelped her area for UC's and the cost was $60 if you have insurance and $100+ if you don't. And again, there's no real reason to tell online strangers about your medical issues unless you're looking for a handout.
"In America you only can see a doctor if you can afford it, made the choices that click the right boxes, or are someone with insurance's dependent."
>>Not entirely true. Hospitals are mandated by law to treat anyone regardless of being insured or not. You will get a hefty bill, but you can work out a payment plan with them. 'Insurance's dependent???' Why don't you get a JOB with insurance so that you can DEPEND on YOURfcukingSELF? And...just know that if you didn't waste money on luxuries like Taylor Swift $85 sweatshirts, camping equipment, and Netflix/HBO/Hulu subscriptions, you would have been able to save up a rainy day medical fund. Classic shit-for-brains she is.
And a few more vomit inducing tweets:
Delete"This morning I drew a horse near an orange tree as a Mother's Day gift and just mailed it off. I can do the same for you!"
>> Ooh! Cool!! Can you draw a pig shocker with one hand on an electrical grounding rod and the other hand stretched out for money from online strangers? And oh! Don't forget to draw a bucket of water next to the grounding rod!! You know...for spite!!!
"Get yaself sum gooooooooooddddd bbaaaccccoooon!"
>>I wonder if this bacon has colorful rainbow splotches from the day-old-donut sprinkles the pigs were fed?
"I had to unfollow hetero_cringe on IG because even as jokes those posts made me so uncomfortable."
>>Seriously?!? Your demented "lezwolfmemes" Instagram is horrible compared to this. At least a few of the het-cringe ones brought a tiny grin to my face.
"I so appreciate it when people let me know they aren't interested anymore or are unable to buy something like a logo or pork share [...] But it drives me insane when people ask, get quotes, and never respond to a single follow up."
>>Uhh...they don't respond because they're too busy trying to pry their jaw off the floor after seeing your ridiculously greedy prices. Paying what you ask and receiving sub-par crap is not worth the risk vs reward with you, baby. And that's IF they actually receive anything from you.
"Spent an hour going through Netflix and Amazon for something I want to watch..."
>>Meanwhile, the poor animals at CA-wannabe-F would love it if she spent at least an hour with them. But by her own account, she spends less than half an hour in the morning and evening bringing them water and tossing food upon their own feces. So sad that Netflix and Amazon get all the love while the animals get squat.
Ugh...I don't feeling like scrolling down her Twitter feed anymore. She makes me ill.
Oh, but wait...I'm a glutton for punishment:
Delete"I am ready for summer. Bring on heat and humidity and bugs and storms."
>>Yeah. Let's try our hardest to make special-unique-special-snowflake comments so that people will think I'm a special unique special snowflake!! Yeah...everyone on this ENTIRE PLANET hates humidity. So that MUST make her an AWESOMELY UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE!
"Why. Aren't. People. Wearing. Masks?!"
>>To frighten you into finally wearing one around town. Like you should've been doing 10 years ago.
"So far no sales today, and I need to get some padding in the account soon."
>>It's funny...if I needed to "pad my account" I'd get a JOB. Personally, I do well on eBay but when sales are slow I lower some prices and add a few loss leaders. Works every time. But hey, Jenna, you do you. Cuz I can't imagine anyone else would.
The Pig Shocker re-tweeted: "being queer on the internet means getting a DM that says this:
“I ask this without malicious intent but rather a furtherance of knowledge. I don’t tout my heterosexuality. I respect you as a person. Is it necessary for you to always include your sexuality?”
>>Jenna, you need to check out the /r/selfawarewolves subreddit on reddit. Cuz you are soooooooo close to understanding the stupidity about your lezmeme IG account.
"Injured my right hand and drawing, design, and soap making is on a short break."
>>Oh, aww, sweetie-pie pooky-pumpkin love DID that happen? Is it carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking and pasting your PayPal link to every tweet and bleg post? Oh kiddo, you know that was bound to happen after years of online panhandling. So sorry. Thoughts and prayers for you, love.