Happy April!

Stay well and stay at home!


  1. CAF is scared
    I live in NYC, 47,440 cases and going on 2000 dead.
    Veryork - 10 cases, zero deaths
    Get a job, we need mask makers

    1. Thinking of you.

    2. Hi NYC, living in the countryside is a breeze, compared to what you're going through. Also thinking of you.

      Stay safe.

    3. Mask makers indeed. If she wasn't so lazy she could crochet masks with vacuum cleaner bag inserts, or heavy cloth inserts. But she'd rather binge watch shows and cry about how she needs sales.

      Didn't she once say she'd win in the event of an Apocalypse?

  2. "Luckless Slinger"April 2, 2020 at 5:20 AM

    Twit Shit:

    "Also, a small business will ship it faster. Amazon is staggering orders by priority, a small business makes you their priority."

    Now that's blatant lying. She's never made any of her customers and Birchthorn backers her "priority." She routinely puts off doing projects for many months, and then brags about "running 5Ks," "riding her horses" and going "mountain smashing" for fun. All the while ignoring people's tweets about when will they get soap, logos, portraits etc...


    "If you're wondering what bummer living with constant anxiety is like - I just refused to ride a rollercoaster in a lucid dream because I was aware I grind my teeth when I sleep and it may chip a tooth.

    Adulthood. What a gas."

    I thought that the brave, badass "top" had conquered her "constant anxiety." It's called making shitty choices, and then refusing to change out of stubborn stupidity. I'm surprised that she has any teeth left by now.

    1. Boggles the mind that she is trying to sell LUXURY items when there is literally NO economy right now. NARCISSISM is an understatement for her.

    2. She panders to city people who have enough disposable income to spend $$$ on basics, OR she hope to spin great gobs of fear/anxiety to earn up contributions/pity buys from kind-hearted folks who shouldn't waste money.

      Especially during a pandemic, I would be terrified to purchase product that's made and "packaged" from someone who's demonstrated little personal hygiene and poor pandemic judgment. She's posted photos of her wandering around the community, sharing selfies with others - all during a time when New Yorkers were admonished to do social distancing.

      She could be contaminated - so why would I want her making, handling and packaging product to be "quickly" mailed to me? We're all better off with products made in certified beauty/health facilities - or from people we know personally. Our town has several soap makers, dairy farmers and I know they are cautious and produce excellent products. I have NO ISSUE buying from them. Plus, they are local. A fake farmer - far away - and really an unknown entity is not local.


    3. Anonymous 5:42. Her self-entitled, arrogant attitude really is highlighted by this virus crisis.
      PDD. Plus, her soap is overpriced for what it's worth. Who cares about keeping her faux farm afloat now when there are poorer people who have lost homes, jobs, and also have families to support.

    4. And she probably hasn't lowered her ridiculous $6/bar prices. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if she's price gouging, due to near non-existent sales. She should lower her prices as people who have lost their jobs or those who have had a significant loss of income are going to economizing now.

  3. Now the moron says she can't get a job because there aren't any.

    I guess she should have gotten up off of her ass a long time ago and behaved responsibly like the rest of us.

    This is Karma finally arriving for her- looks like the free ride is over and the animals will hopefully get new homes before it is too late for them.

    1. VerYork MeMeMe, in the time of Covid-19 edition.

      In her latest bleg, FFF whines that her fake farming lifestyle isn't so special anymore. Truth be told, she's long since become bored with farming and her neglectful ways are fully,evident to all who see. FFF writes "There isn’t whimsy in it, there is now the stark jab of survival that isn’t sugarcoated with the safety of a functioning society..."

      Let's be perfectly clear. By "...survival that isn't sugarcoated with the safety of a functioning society", she means she PLAYED at her farm while others (who worked jobs in a functioning society) PAID.

      She continues that she wants to HEAR from others, reminds everyone that they should "Offer to share what you have. All of us need to know we are being cared for in some way. It's what we all need."

      In other words: Send money bitches!

      What an entitled POS she is.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"April 2, 2020 at 1:28 PM

      WDH & PDD. That was spot-on. Complaining now that there are no jobs due to the virus and economy is her manipulative marketing again. She's known for years that a part-time job was necessary to support her living-beyond-her-means chosen lifestyle. The FFF quit a decent career that included insurance. And now she's paying the price for her refusal to get "up off of her ass" and stop acting like the world owes her anything. She's been "cared for" by dumb enablers for years. Maybe she can "share" her crap pan pizza with "her town," too. What a whining, narcissist cunt.

    3. WH, according to Indeed.com there are 245 jobs within 15 miles, 1700 jobs within 25 miles. Virtually all grocers are hiring.

      She. Doesn't. Want. To. Work.

      Others are suffering worse and more. She is healthy, physically fit and educated. If she loves her property so much and times are this hard, why doesn't she get a fucking job instead of sitting on her rump watching the British Bake off?

      I've never seen anyone so entitled and allergic to doing what needs to be done.

      Coming soon. Her guilt and manipulative marketing begging machine will go FULL TILT!

    4. "Luckless Slinger"April 2, 2020 at 1:41 PM

      PDD. That's a good point. Many places are hiring people now to pick up slack. But she's addicted to her lazy loser lifestyle, and would rather have free handouts from her foolish followers. "PayPal me, bitches!!!"

    5. what the hell is the matter with you people. You know she is "scared" and she is special and you want her to work during this pandemic? You know she will get this in her teeth and will need to have paypal as soon as possible. Get busy bitches momma needs a new pair of boots.

    6. Anon 3:46, please forgive me. In my case, it must be altitude sickness since I live at a higher elevation than Fake-Heidi on Bogus Mountain.

    7. all right PoodleDiDoo you are forgiven just as soon as you donate to Fake Heidi (oh how I love that). Oh and can we also send her some kind of ointment for her poor ribs she is missing her "girl" so much they hurt. Well hell we all know those ribs don't hurt because of working.

    8. Yep, Whackadoodle, lol:

      "But now all those office jobs and that buzzing world past the threshold of this farm has come to a stand still."

      So she finally has a real excuse to why she can't get a job. It's as if she made a list a few weeks ago, to find all the ways to make the Coronavirus all about HER. And how to make money from it too. She's constantly tweeting about the virus in an attempt to get more eyeballs on her sales tweets.

  4. I cannot believe she had the nerve to post the current blog (April 2nd), about being scared because her life is so uncertain and fragile due to the current pandemic! I have friends and family members who are now jobless (both husband and wife, with small children) in NYC and suburbs...with rent due, and loss of medical insurance. These are hard-working folks who had the rug pulled out from under their feet. Whereas she has had the past ten years of basically being a kept woman. She could have been working and paying down her mortgage these last few years but she CHOSE to be lazy. In my opinion (as a furloughed off employee who skimped and saved and paid off my mortgage early) she has forfeited her right to complain, whimper, or whine about her situation.

    1. Yes, she's been jobless for the past 8 years and without health insurance for many of those years...just like a lot of Americans right now. But they have a legitimate excuse.

    2. Her life has been "uncertain and fragile" due to stubborn stupidity and self-entitlement for years, yet she's making the pandemic personal. It's all about her stuck in perma-teen mentality, and refusal to support herself like a normal adult. "Watch Buffy, bitches, but PayPal me first!"

  5. She's all take and no give.

    1. I'll bet she still swipes all her sugar and creamer packets from Stewart's. Probably napkins too.

    2. And steals the toilet paper. Natch.

    3. And the cashier's hand sanitizer too.

  6. From the lezwolfmemes Instagram:

    "My girl is considering quarantining with me long term."

    Oh really now? So this supposed girlfriend (what state she's from?) this girl is going to move to VerYork after what, just one date or two dates? If this chick didn't have an Instagram account, I'd say she's a completely fabricated figment of the Pig Shocker's warped mind.

    Also, aren't people supposed to be staying at home right now? It would be stupid for her to do all that travel, stopping for gas multiple times, and exposing herself to germs from gas nozzles, atm keypads, doors, etc. All that potential exposure to the virus, just to hang with a horrid woman who shocks pigs? Plus, think about all the alcohol drinking and high-carb nasty food that would double the size of anyone's ass. And having to listen to Taylor Swift on shuffle all day and night. Sounds like a nightmare scenario. And not a bright idea.

    1. Yeah, JFW's poor little "ribs" are "hurting" her because the two date dyke is in another state. "My girl" must not have a life too, if she can just pick up and leave it. It also looks like the cliche but true lesbian U-Haul scenario is happening. She probably just wants Shannon to help "kick in for my mortgage payment," like she tweeted about having "rad writers" stay at her hovel. It's always about her manipulative marketing, and never real concern for the welfare of others. Which is why she's loathed around town.

    2. This sounds just like our Jenna. It is amazing how she thinks she can fake who she is, when in reality, she actually has no real identity in the first place!

    3. One's word choices are important and revealing. It's very telling that it's her ribs that hurt not her heart. Probably because she lacks one.

    4. OOOOOHHHHHHH MY GOD! That's why she's been talking about a "roommate" - she's trying to get the new romantic partner to move in with her and share bills!

      Who called it?! Someone called it.

      As U-Haul-Happy as queer women can be, it'd be a mistake to move in with FFF. It's possible the other woman has lost financial stability too and needs to reduce her expenses.

      Would be ridiculous to move in with someone who is apparently months behind on the mortgage and whose income relies on selling luxury products in a gig economy.

  7. Hope everyone is still doing good. Things are still OK here, but I cannot believe how much extra work this Coronavirus has created. Everything has to be sterilized once it's brought inside. It takes a half hour just for personal items (X 3) and more than an hour for store bought stuff, as everything is wiped down with bleach wipes. But better safe than sorry.

    People in my city are doing really well with staying the hell at home. Not too many people out and about. Just did another once-a-week strategic shopping trip, with extra emphasis on animal needs. I hope this doesn't happen, but in the event that stores completely close due to no employees, we've been stocking up in that area. Cuz try as we might, it would be impossible to explain to them why there's no food or shitter litter.

    Anyway, best of health to all of you. Stay safe!

  8. "Luckless Slinger"April 3, 2020 at 4:57 AM

    Twit Shit (the night fright edition):

    "If one more person scolds me today I'm going to make a blanket fort."

    She received one response, and no one asked why she was scolded. I would hope that the "blanket fort" suffocated her fat face.

  9. testing is this working?

    1. Finally! For weeks now I have been unable to post here. I have been reading all your comments, though. Hope everyone is well.


  10. Newbies, this is why we're here. Her stupid tweet is an example of how the FFF operates, and the manipulative marketing behind what she writes. Poor widdle baby was so stressed about her situation that she typed "im" instead of "I'm." And it's "idiotic" not "idiot," moron. It's only "responsible" if you act like an adult each month, not just on special pandemic occasions. I think that she's lying about making a mortgage payment, and is just trying to get more free handouts. No one cares whether or not you're "broke," bitch. That's how you've chosen to live your lazy life, and have only yourself to blame for poor choices. And also the refusal to change and get a part-time job years ago:

    "Well, I just mailed a mortgage check and now im basically broke and I don't know if that was responsible or idiot but it's done."

    1. Okay, this is the big one that we've been predicting since the pandemic started. You might recall how recently she was bragging about "enjoying every minute" of not having to face foreclosure due to the deferral for home owners. Which once again, proves that she's a blatant liar. I never knew that "fuckingscared" was one word. She's really laying it on thick for maximum panic triggering. The manipulative message is always "PayPal me, poodles!"

      "I just found out my mortgage was sold to another company and they have the right to invoke foreclosure. The check I mailed today won't even be cashed I don't think. I tried to call Chase and the hold time is 5 hours minimum to talk to someone. I am so fuckingscared."

  11. Her last blog post makes it evident that she has long counted on the salaried and partnered to be responsible for her own well-being: "while I was the one living month-to-month by the skin of my teeth I knew the majority of you were safe and partnered up and stable and certain." What presumptuous bullshit! and also with her judgmental attitude of "As the rest of society churned and swayed with commutes and offices and remodeling kitchens and buying seltzer machines and concert tickets I was home, milking goats and raising pullets." She has been home begging from the people she can't help to criticize implicitly to make herself feel better. Shame!

    My friends in small business are pivoting from brewing to making hand sanitizer, making meals for healthcare workers, sharing resources to help each other get through this. Is she donating matching amounts of soap from her over priced sales? Offering discounts to essential employees? Doing anything that is simply to help others? Not a fat chance.

    I am working nearly nonstop trying to help my very vulnerable neighbors and helping keep the nonprofit I work for afloat through this crisis. And for fun, I will be making some masks to share with the folks providing food for neighbors. I dug around through drawers and bins and realized I have enough material, fusable interfacing and elastic to make at least 10. For my own sanity, I am making sure to get in exercise and walks with my dogs, and I am being aggressive with my veggie gardening, but I'm not out playing and hiking and binging on Netflix while complaining about my bank account.

    Hope all are remaining well!
    Anon in GA

    1. Hi Anon in GA...good to hear from you and awesome that you are helping others! I heard that cut-up vacuum cleaner bags make effective filters to place between the fabric pieces.

      And of course the Pig Shocker is only looking to help herself. In fact, she'll probably offer to donate her pork shares to donate to the local food bank again. As if.

  12. Did we call it, or what??

    Twit 💩 :

    "I just found out my mortgage was sold to another company and they have the right to invoke foreclosure. The check I mailed today won't even be cashed I don't think. I tried to call Chase and the hold time is 5 hours minimum to talk to someone. I am so fuckingscared."

    1. Just left a similar comment above, and she just tweeted this one now:

      "If I want to keep my home I need to catch up with two more mortgage payments this month."

    2. PDD. We literally, left our comments at the same time. Mine was also at 9:36.

  13. Things at the fake farm must be getting desperate:

    "I just found out my mortgage was sold to another company and they have the right to invoke foreclosure. The check I mailed today won't even be cashed I don't think. I tried to call Chase and the hold time is 5 hours minimum to talk to someone. I am so fuckingscared.

    I am so fucking tired of her screaming about foreclosure. She has been saying this same line for the past 5 years now.

    Jenna I know you come here and read this, so SHUT THE F UP ABOUT IT ALREADY! All you want is people to feel sorry for you and send money. Everyone on God's green earth has a real battle on their hands right now, no one gives a shit about your self entitled ass and your farm. You are never close to "foreclosure" like you claim. It's quite obvious that you have another revenue stream. Otherwise you would have lost it already. I hope you are fuckingscared, you need to get over yourself. Maybe karma is finally coming around.

    1. Three of us commented about this tweet. She's beyond pathetic.

  14. It's a mortgage miracle! Her "5 hours minimum wait" didn't happen. Time to backpedal, bitch:

    "I talked with the mortgage company, the new one. The woman was very nice. They explained they were sold my mortgage along with a bunch of others. It wasn't personal. But my mortgage is delinquent and was before the pandemic started. The best/safest thing to do is catch up."


    "I know you have 60 days within a transfer that it is illegal to foreclose. I know that no one wins in a foreclosure. I am not losing my house today. But what a fucking reality check and scary as hell."

    The "nice woman" is a lot like the recent animal abuser investigators who she felt were "two new friends. Her "fucking reality check" has been overdue for decades. But she still needs free handouts. "PayPal me, poodles!"

    1. I meant to type "two new friends." And here's her follow-up tweet:

      "So that is what I am going to try and do. I can see what I can sell."

      But better yet, just gimme more money for nothing.

    2. In response to her moaning about her mortgage being sold, someone posted a helpful link about 22 banks that may help with your mortgage during COVID-19. One, of course she doesn't want "helpful links," she wants cash. Two, she is not affected by COVID-19. She was behind before all that came down.

      That Karma train sure is a bitch!


    3. It's good to "see" you again, DM. I also noticed that response, but she'll ignore it like usual. It's the same as when people told her about free firewood in her area, or how to heat her hovel more efficiently. Her only motivation is getting more money for nothing.

    4. DM, good to see you back. The scammer counts on people not hanging around, so for "new readers" her manufactured foreclosure fears seem brand new.

      Only people who have followed her, or who do due diligence on her writings, are able to see the fake narrative, the overarching 💩 💩 💩 and her manipulative begging.

      Remember always. She PLAYS while others PAY.

    5. So true, Anon 10:06. And I chuckled at all the "Mortgages are sold all the time, no biggie" responses she received. That is NOT what she wanted to hear. She wants to hear, "Do you have Venmo or PayPal?" But nope. So suck it, Pig Shocker. Lmao. Karma.

  15. She's already written a new post on the mortgage payment situation. Notice how she's suddenly writing more frequently since the pandemic? It's not a coincidence. Wading through her hyperbolic, purple prose lying is nauseating.

    1. Seriously. While everyone else is scared and worried, she's all excited cuz this Coronavirus situation is a golden opportunity to beg like she's never begged before.

      Just you watch, she's gonna go into HARDCORE online panhandler mode, lol. She gunna jump onto the Covid19 victim bandwagon! HOO!!

  16. You don't have to give her clicks. Here's the new post:

    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Mortgage Sold

    My farm’s mortgage was sold to another bank. I found this out by reading the notice in the mail after coming back to the farm from errands today. Irony of ironies, I had just mailed a house payment that morning via a paper check. The new mortgage company’s letter explained they acquired my delinquent mortgage. They explained I not longer send payments to my old bank. They gave me numbers to call and a pile of paperwork about taxes and insurance and things made for accountants.

    Panic set in, hard. I tweeted. I texted friends. I cried. I paced.

    Then I called the woman assigned to my loan and talked for half an hour about what is happening. I can not tell you how helpful she was. She explained that their bank was not able to foreclose on the farm now if they wanted to, that no bank wants to do that ever, and they are not trying to take away my home. When a loan is transferred the homeowner has 60 days of space to learn this, figure it out, and come up with a plan and it is illegal to foreclose on someone during that time. There’s a pandemic, but my late payments happened before that. And while there may be assistance or options for April and May, I still need to catch up on earlier months to be safe.

    What is happening now s a serious and necessary need to catch up as soon as possible. If I can get two more mortgage payments in we can work out a new payment plan, possibly refinance, possibly get a loan modification. So that is what I am going to try and do. I already sent one in today. So two to go before May. I’m a third of the way there. On first base. That is something.

    I have lived here for ten years. And while I am three months behind I have paid for the past ten years before that. This bank doesn’t want to foreclose. This is all good news. But holy shit is it scary being the only one in a household with this weight on my shoulders.

    Why write this? Because I’ve shared every single aspect of following this farm dream for over a decade. Because I want people to see how hard it is, but also because it is possible. This blog has never been one to pretend everything is perfect. My books haven’t done that either. Following a homesteading, farm, tiny house, or self employment dream is worthy of all your sweat and tears - but I will never sugarcoat how terrifying it can be at times.

    Here is some good news. I am healthy. The animals are healthy. I am working every day on soap orders, art, taking care of my animals and bills. I am not giving up. If my dream has to change then I may have to sell things or figure out a roommate or a thousand other options but it’s still my dream and it’s all I have. There is no plan B. There is not moving back in with my parents. There is no magical trust fund or inheritance or amazing new high paying job. But there is me. And the past ten years has taught me that I am remained here, made it through all sorts of trials and tribulations and the rewards have been the meaning I’ve found in my own life. To be stronger, smarter, and better at this every year regardless of how it changes or changes me.

    So right now I a going to put away the feed and groceries from town. I am going to change the sheets on my bed and clean the house and take care of my farm. I am going to sit down and figure out the most frugal budget and my assets I can part with and catch up on this home because it is my everything and I’m all I’ve got. Yes there’s a community in real life and online. Yes there’s support. Yes there are options. But at the end of the day I go to asleep in this farmhouse alone like I have every night and wake up facing the new day alone and regardless of that changes I have come this far and I am not letting scary letters and the whims of giant banks destroy this place.

    Now to do the next thing that solves this. And to remain.

    P.S. Your emails, comments, and notes from the last post are all being read and helping me feel connected to all of you. Please keep sending them."

    1. what I don't get is on Twitter she is broke after sending in the house payment on this post she is part way there. Does she ever listen to herself even?

      Oh and it is big banks trying to take her home from her. Nope it is not paying big banks for a home they took a chance on her to buy.

      Both my husband and I have been laid off our jobs for at least 4 more weeks (already home 2) and I will probably get small unemployment check as I work part time, husband can't as he was laid off from his last job and not able to get anything again till June. From what we hear with the $1,200.00 people who work are to get since we don't have direct deposit with our tax refunds it could take 5 months to get those. So cry me a soapy bubbly river FFF I could care less if you are in there trying to earn up the money but still doing all your playing. Oh yeah I am 72 and my husband is 73 and we are still working and paying our mortgage ourselves since we never figured out the art of begging on line. Crazy us.

    2. That woe-is-me post made me gag. She will NOT get a roommate, part with her stuff, or ... GASP! get a part-time job. Good luck with that mortgage modification. I went through one of those not too long ago, and it's grueling. For one, the mortgage company 99% of the time will refuse to accept it on the first try. She just does not have the tenacity to do it all over again a second time, which is what it will take - guaranteed. The other thing about modifications is that you have to have enough income to pay the future mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance or the bank won't give it to you. Again, good luck.

      She might skate for a while because of COVID, but only certain mortgage companies are taking that into consideration, not all of them. In the mean time, while she's skating and playing and in denial, the back mortgage payments owed will rack up to an amount that will be impossible for her to catch up on.

      I really believe the ship is sinking this time. (Unless, of course, it's all bullshit and she has that mysterious regular cash flow we've all wondered about.)


    3. Thanks for posing that, Anon 11:05 - I think she's lying, based on a few inconsistencies on both her Twitter feed and this bleg post:

      "They gave me numbers to call and a pile of paperwork about taxes and insurance and things made for accountants."

      If she just found out today via a notice in the mail, how is it possible that she received a "pile of paperwork" so damn fast? Liar. Then she writes:

      "Then I called the woman assigned to my loan and talked for half an hour about what is happening."

      Ok, so after magically getting thru a 5 hour hold time in less than an hour, we are supposed to believe that some lady at the bank spoke to her for half an hour? No way, not at this time would any institution have that much time to spend with each caller. Then she says:

      "And while there may be assistance or options for April and May, I still need to catch up on earlier months to be safe."

      That's what this is really all about. Create a sense of panic for her foollowers during this crazy time so that she can use the pandemic to catch up on past payments.

      Then she writes: "Why write this?" Oh STFU Pig Shocker. We all know you are furiously writing and tweeting about this because it's simply another chance to beg for money. You're hoping some of your financially comfortable foollowers will feel sorry for you and bail you out once again. The nerve of you...disgusts me.

      "Here is some good news. I am healthy. The animals are healthy. I am working every day on soap orders, art, taking care of my animals and bills. I am not giving up."

      Here we go again with a pathetic attempt to keep people tethered to her potential. She's saying, C'mon everyone, help me out! Things are scary!! I NEED YOUR MONEY!!!

      And this line of BS: "I may have to sell things or figure out a roommate or a thousand other options."

      Seriously?!? A "thousand other options" my ass. Name them. I'll wait...

      And this: "P.S. Your emails, comments, and notes from the last post are all being read and helping me feel connected to all of you. Please keep sending them."

      That's a big load of horse shit. I am certain that every email or comment that doesn't ask for her PayPal link, nor any letter that doesn't contain cash money, NONE of these make her feel happy and connected. You just know that every time she gets one, her greedy anticipation turns quickly into disbelief and anger. Cuz she doesn't care about the kind folks who want to "reach out and touch someone" -- no, she's thinking, "To hell with these Covidiots for not sending me their stimulus checks."

      And last: On Twitter she claimed that the "hold time is 5 hours minimum" to talk to her bank. But then, less than one hour later, she got thru? Wow, that was super quick!! And since she spoke for a HALF HOUR with that bank lady, that means she only spent 15 minutes in terror and worry before jumping on Twitter and also writing a very lengthy bleg post. Her numbers just don't add up. I think she's full of shit.

    4. "Luckless Slinger"April 3, 2020 at 3:44 PM

      Anon7. She doesn't even check her lies anymore. Her hyperbolic "thousand other things" can be summed up by two possibilities: Pember Patty's barn, and some stranger's dank basement. I'm sure that Ma and Pa Wog won't want her darkening their doorstep. She'd never get a roommate, and has mentioned that many times. So it's all a ruse for her public persona: "I'm trying like mad/nuts to make this month. I'm up against it!!!" Again. And again. And again...

    5. "Luckless Slinger"April 3, 2020 at 3:50 PM

      I also wanted to add that DM and the Anonymous comments also made pertinent points. I can't believe that she's still scamming her way to free handouts years later. She'll lie about getting a roommate and selling her stuff, but the one thing that she won't ever do is just get gainful employment. There are still part-time jobs in her area even with the virus crisis, but she won't lower herself to work at a Subway, Stewart's etc... Clearly, saving "this farm" isn't that important to her.

  17. Funny how her loan was with JP Morgan, as I've stated on here before, and they are one of the companies deferring payments.

    So OF COURSE she had to come up with the bullshit about her loan being purchased by another company.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 3, 2020 at 3:35 PM

      WDH. I thought the same thing. She's a master manipulator and pathological liar. She could teach a college course in Advanced Scamming Techniques.

    2. Awwww she's running scared because someone knows who holds her mortgage!

      Dear Pig Shocker,
      When reporting your animal abuse to local authorities, we also let the holder of the mortgage know what was happening on THEIR property.

      Public information, dumbass.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 1:54 PM

      WDH. High five for doing that, thanks!

    4. Wow WDH. Speechless at your thoroughness.

  18. Sell the fucking animals and GET. A. JOB!! Sooooo tired of the woe is me shit. Guess what, people are fucking dying. DYING!!! Stop your constant whining and do something. Jesus. H. Christ. I cannot believe I was ever friends with this woman and helped support her.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 3, 2020 at 3:37 PM

      CM. Nothing short of imminent foreclosure will force her to get even a part-time job. And then she'd probably prefer living in Pember Patty's barn with her horses.

  19. Also, the timing of this supposed "mortgage sold" dilemma is super sketchy. It was just yesterday that she announced that her girl from a few states away is considering coming to VerYork to quarantine with her.

    Obviously the Pig Shocker need$ fund$ becuz U-Hauls ain't cheap and she's also gonna need some new lingerie, cuz trying to seduce someone while wearing a hawk shit-covered stank-ass Taylor Swift t-shirt ain't gonna get the job done.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 3, 2020 at 3:38 PM

      Anon7. Bingo! I hope that "her girl" does due diligence, and runs far away from her hovel.

  20. LMAO at the first comment for that "I wrote a sad bleg post" tweet:

    "Sorry I can’t help but you are in my thoughts and wish you only the best. You can do it!!!"

    I'll bet she stuck her tongue out when she read that. Hey, c'mon Shammers, let's be generous for a change...let's all send Jenna "thoughts and prayers" cuz she really needs them right now!

    WE CAN DO IT!!!

    1. And a few other choice comments for similar tweets:

      "Shit. That's awful."

      "Good luck."

  21. Gawd...partner in crime Patty is just as deranged as the Pig Shocker:


    It's a plea to donate to the PayPal of someone who dogs-sleds/mushes. Isn't that just a hobby for those who are financially comfortable? Meanwhile: People are dying. Unemployed. Uninsured. Can't pay their bills. And Patty is re-tweeting this person's PayPal request?

    1. Oh wait...it's because a dog race was cancelled. Never mind. Cuz dog racing is way more important than a pandemic. Silly me.

  22. Now she is really in trouble, there is no one who will send money. And....there are no jobs available. Say bye bye to the horses girl. Try to sell that wrecked farm to someone for what is due on the mortgage. Sorry, that is not going to happen either.

  23. Governor Cuomo at the news conference just now:
    "Things are desperate, people are dying or going to die soon. This is not going to get better unless we all mobilize to conquer this thing. It's not just coronavirus Mr. president, it's Jenna's mortgage! And I'll be damned if we sit here one more day while she suffocates in her blankie fort, scared, alone, afraid. Give her mortgage relieve, direct deposit into her funds, whatever she needs!!"

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 7:30 AM

      Anonymous 7:07. Your funny comment made my morning, thanks!

    2. Yes! It's about her. It's always about her.

  24. Wow she's really getting no sympathy on twitter. People with money have far more important causes to donate to right now. The food bank can do a lot more with CAF mortgage payments worth of cash.

    That would only rescue a failing lifestyle choice temporarily, were her story true. Catching up on back mortgage payments to do what? Fall behind again, inevitably, because any pretense at earning some sort of income is just gone.

    If she doesn't really lose that property in 4 - 6 months, that will be incontrovertible proof of her phantom income. It is just not feasible nor believable that she would get enough sales or donations in the current circumstances.

    IF (and I don't really believe this after years of crying red-van-wolves-at-the-door) but IF what she is saying right now is true, it is already too late and we are witnessing the last days of CAF.

    OF COURSE the institution who purchased her mortgage is going to say nice things to her, and offer her hope. They want her to pony up as much cash as possible. But this institution exists to eat up bad debt written off from other institutions at pennies on the dollar, because they exist to make money off of foreclosing on that property.

    Make no mistake, if that conversation really happened and the service rep said, "No one wins in a foreclosure," that is a script intended to manage the distraught residents of soon-to-be-foreclosed-upon properties. If she can suddenly catch up and pay for a while, that's all the more money them. They will say whatever will get her to pay. She is financial carrion to them.

    It's not possible to discern what parts, if any, of her story is true. If the part about how she makes income is true, reliant solely upon sales of soap, logos, donations, and spare pig shares, there is no way in hell she would qualify for a new loan.

    IF she really is months behind, and has been, off and on for months / years, and her original lending institution sold her off, that means the balance of her mortgage is DUE NOW.

    She fucked up, she broke the agreement of her mortgage contract, and now she has to pay that loan in full, to the mortgage equivalent of a collection agency, plus a shit-ton of fees.

    What that lovely service rep may not have emphasized is that JFW now must qualify for a new loan, with her shit credit and unemployment status.

    If what she has been writing about all these years is true, it is now too late. The character of the FFF and CAF is already dead.


    She is either lying about the mortgage sale and being behind on payments, lying about her income sources, or both.

    OR she is fucked. And she has no one to blame but herself.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 7:30 AM

      Your comment was accurate, and the last line was well-put.

  25. I thought someone here noticed that her mortgage had been paid off or refinanced or something last year? I think I remember someone saying that there was something in the public files that noted her mortgage changed hands. Anyone remember or know about that?

  26. Despite following this fraudfest for years, after reading the comments here, I still double-check her posts to make sure it's all true. Of course, it is. Her twitter and blog are endless moans about her mortgage. Over and over. Seriously. Nobody I've ever met has ever talked about their mortgage so much!
    You'd think at this time you'd at least pretend to be aware of the world around you. Everyone who has parents is worried about them, not to mention other loved ones. She knows people all over the place, but doesn't seem to give a shit. Others are helping, sewing, serving. She has nothing to do, yet is just begging and blathering about feed.
    There are jobs right now, especially for the young and healthy. If you really are able to run 10k (not "a 10k" you moron), you are well enough to work at a hospital in some capacity.
    Suddenly she's interested in a job?! After explaining to all who would listen that having a job would cost her money?
    Finally, all the homesteading vlogs I follow are kicking it up a notch. Really working their tails off. Not Cold Dead Antler Farm. "This farm "runs on store-bought and begged.

    The Chickqualizer

    1. Too true. All of it. If you are a true farmer, you have customers looking for nearby eggs, meat, veggies when available. Eggs especially right now. This whole summer could be a boon for farmers everywhere, if they get up and get moving. Jenna is incapable of actual work for a product. A perennial pubescent teenager, who's biggest concern is how many followers she has, and how to scam the next group of fools. Lots of jobs out there, and especially lots of farming jobs. Can you imagine her trying to actually work a real farm job? She'd probably melt into a sobbing mess.

    2. Chickqualizer and Anon, farmers & farm products being in really high LOCAL demand is exactly what's happening in NY and CT!

      All area farmers are selling out of eggs almost immediately. If FFF's 250 chickens were still alive, she could be earning $100/day from eggs alone. People willingly pay $4-5/dozen, and farmers could probably get more (but they don't because they are decent neighbors).

      CSA's - with local people snapping them up - are sold out. Meats, sold by the package, are nearly gone. Soaps, maple syrup, handmade masks, baked goods...all snapped up.

      All is takes is a sign in the front yard, or a notice posted in town because word gets around FAST.

      That FFF doesn't do this locally tells you (1) how much she's detested in town, (2) how people who know her wouldn't buy her products or (3) how all of her "farming" is a ploy to create the fake narrative that she's a "scrappy single woman farmer alone on the mountain".

    3. PS

      Why don't her idiot followers wonder why she doesn't derive a significant part of her farm income from the town she "loves"?

      Also, why isn't she using all this "down time" to create an online store or website??? Hmm?

      Maybe because she lives like fiction (she lies) and spins false tales of scrappy farming as a cover for online begging and pity purchases & donations.

    4. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 7:26 AM

      PDD. It's because the scrappy scammer is hiding beneath her "blanket fort" and can't come out to work. Kinda like when we were kids, and wishful thinking made monsters disappear. Unfortunately, this one won't for the FFF. Jenna is disingenuous. She's always been a poser, and maybe her dumb enablers will start to see it during the pandemic crisis.

  27. These are words of wisdom that the FFF tweets during a pandemic that's killing people:

    "Go out of your way to be kind."


    "This whole thing makes me like people more."

  28. Anon12: Thanks to all above me who wrote at length about the latest "crisis." I haven't been following her as closely the past few weeks because I have genuine things to deal with on a day to day basis. I knew when she wrote that earlier post on her blog about emailing her, etc. that she would use it as a more direct ploy to seek money. As all of you have noted, why would people going through this pandemic now redirect money to her? As far as I can see, she does nothing to give back to the community she lives in. I have friends who are making masks and taking them to the hospital or other sources; their labor and expenditure waived. No charge. I doubt overpriced soap and crappy cartoons could even fill a grocery bag for her. She doesn't grow her own food (another thing friends are doing--starting up vegetable gardens in a serious way.) She takes on a goat that she doesn't need, yet that goat requires shelter, food and care. I saw a doctor on You Tube who laid things out really well about this virus. He went on to add "What about India" which no one is discussing yet, but there you have a situation with an impoverished nation, many living in squalor, a huge population all sitting ducks for this thing to touch down and wipe out. He raised an interesting point about Go Fund Me sites, which has been effective in regular times, but he set up a scenario where someone couldn't afford to bury Uncle Joe, but here you have all of these people with no money coming in and even if they wanted to help, they cannot. And it will spiral. With concerns like these, who would have the time to worry about some crazed woman with ideals trying to sustain a fantasy? I'm amazed PP put up that site about dog sledding. Who has time or finances to worry about an expensive hobby? Anyway, time to get back to my responsibilities. Thank you to those who wrote at length about mortgages and banks, etc. I would have said the same thing. I do think the selling of her mortgage didn't go to nice friendly people. She's about to get slammed in ways she never dreamed about--that is, if what she wrote is the truth, and that's always the challenge in reading her. Is any of it true?

    1. Pember Patty is her most massive dumb enabler, so the stupid, supportive tweet isn't surprising. FYI: Blair Braverman and her husband are privileged people. I find them asking for any assistance unethical. (When they've both made substantial amounts of money from crowdfunding and followers before. Frankly, I find her very overrated.) They also own a nice home, and seem to have plenty of projects. And I hope that you're right about the FFF getting "slammed in ways she never dreamed about." It's time that she loses her "fantasy" farm. Her motto has been "Live like fiction!" And it's always at the expense of others who work hard for their money. JFW is a predatory parasite even in a pandemic.

  29. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 7:21 AM

    Twitter Twaddle Today:

    "What work of fiction made you feel stronger when you were afraid?"

    It sure wasn't either reading about her shit-pit life of lies, or the bombed Birchthorn book. BTW: This is one of her manipulative marketing techniques. She'll ask a stupid question, and the responses are unimportant, but the underlying subtext is wanting free handouts. "I'm afraid of losing this farm, so please PayPal me poodles."

  30. Her Twitter is now private so only her followers can read her tweets. How is she going to make sales or get donations if only her followers can see her tweets? I realize most of her tweets garner scant reaction from her followers, but I thought she used Twitter to advertise her wares and now it's private? Interesting.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 8:23 AM

      Hah! Just wrote the same. I predict that she'll be public later today.

    2. She HATES getting called out on her fakery.

      Who else, but FFF, uses old photos to pretend there's actual farming going on?

      And she wouldn't know what was being said if she didn't visit this site...and lurk.

      Wouldn't it be easier to do the right thing? Get an outside job. Regime the remaining farm animals. Start again when she is on better financial footing?

      It would even make for a more fascinating read.

  31. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 8:22 AM


    The annoying attention whore of Veryork has finally made her profile private. Which hasn't happened until today. You heard it here first. Apparently, she's hiding beneath her blanket fort in fear of followers calling her out on being an animal abuser, pathological liar, and super scammer. I doubt that it'll last long, 'cause she needs to keep those donations coming. "PayPal me, bitches!!!"

  32. You can still see responses, because she can't block them. Judging by the replies she's in full victim mode. You just type in cold antler farm in the Twitter search bar:


    1. She also locked down Instagram. Poor FFF. Full victim mode is now ENGAGED. You know she's going into overdrive begging for money to, ahem, pay back three months (!) of back mortgage before May.

      Truly, I hope her subscribers enjoy bailing her out. Again. And again.

      But...when her feeds are subscribers only, how can she get new marks...or play the victim herself?

      Bets as to how long this will last???

    2. Hahahahahaaaa! Response to the twit: "Sorry to hear this. There are thousands of people who are in the same situation ATM. You’re not alone.

      Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help you. Worried face

      You may want to speak to a realtor and review your options."

    3. Anon 8:47 - Thanks for finding and posting that link.

      Poodle - I'll bet it will only stay private for a day. She obviously posted something for her foollowers eyes only. Like perhaps a desperate GoFundMe link...

  33. Since Twitter seems to be the ONLY way she drums up business, making her account private seems like a really bad idea.

    1. Poor widdle baby is just making a stupid statement about being picked on by people. How dare they do this to her during a pandemic?!

    2. Unknown, did you see an actual tweet stating that? I did see a foollowers comment about trolls, but am curious to exactly what she said.

    3. Anon7. I didn't see "an actual tweet," just surmised that she's "making a stupid statement" predicated on her past behavior.

  34. i Tried writing this before but it disappeared. It was before the great mortgage sell off. She says she gets it in in time by the postmark and now that we know it was JP Morgan Bank I about peed myself laughing. See even 40 years ago even not so big banks have something strange called a "mail room" and surprise all the mail goes there. Then automatic machines not people open these envelopes an sort the payments and the checks. Then they go through these high speed machines that reads the amount (usually there is a person set up at these machines in case it can't be read) and it is posted. There is no little old lady sitting there looking at the envelope to see when Miss Jenna actually took it to the post office and had the girl there stamp it right away so this has been her big lie all along not even smaller banks do this. So now she has been sent to a mega bank for her mortgage (uumm do they get much bigger than JP Morgan?) So now she has made her account private so no one can call her out on her stupidity. Give me a break........

  35. If anyone here follows her please keep us posted. We need our daily dose of stupidity from the FFF. Although I doubt that her private profile will last long. She needs new daily donations to keep her hovel from being foreclosed.

  36. Blog post “From Home” is open to comments.

    1. She heavily moderates all critical comments, so you can count on only the positive ones being approved. But I wouldn't put it past her to create sock accounts just to show that she has a few fans.

  37. "Guys?!" It will be hard to attract new blue check accounts now that her profile is private. Taylor Swift will be so disappointed. LOL!!! I'll bet that the safe "blanket fort" can't keep out her own internal demons.

    1. Lols.

      Check out this Twitter comment from Judy Melinek M.D.:

      "Trolls are horrid. I’ve dealt with a few. I block & report them. Are you still selling soaps? I’d like to get a few for my mother in law."

      Wow, all of Pig Shocker's begging and pestering has resulted in a DOCTOR having to help out an online panhandler by buying soap. You'd think that a busy doctor during a pandemic would have bigger issues than someone's mortgage crisis.

    2. Anon7. Dr. Melinek's office was sent links to this site today. I know for a fact that this happened, 'cause the informant is closely related to me. (Insert smug smile.)

  38. Anon12: Someone has been busy putting up links to this site and she hasn't deleted them....yet. One follower wrote: don't you have a stay at home order in place where you live? In response to something she said. Another guy wrote, "Happens all the time. Our last two mortgage notes were sold 4 times. Just work with them, keep your payments current." I don't think HE will be kicking in any donations. ;) I loved the "keep your payments current." I thought, "Oh, Mister. How little ye know."

    1. How do you know that someone has put up links to this site? I didn't see that, thanks.

    2. Brynner42 had another post. Maybe that set off FFF.

    3. Anon12 Earlier today, on Twitter, people, including someone call Byrnner (I think) with some number, including pictures of her lies and mentioned this site to go to for the truth. I knew as soon as she saw them she would pull them down, but they were up long enough for some of her followers to do their homework and come over it, even if it's just curiosity. The pictures were a nice touch, btw.

  39. THANK GOD she is private on all social media!!!! We can finally be spared of her dysentery. I'm actually going to have a white claw to celebrate!

    1. Unfortunately, it won't last long. She's too much of an attention addict, and also needs new daily donations. But I'll celebrate today, too, with another mocha latte!

    2. Begging is way too difficult with private accounts. It won't last long. She's an idiot.


      We can talk about spring, gardens, personal protection, home and farm care & preparation, helping neighbors during these hard times...all the important stuff of life.

    4. Agreed. I've got a nasty invasive weed to get rid of, and that's my assignment for the next few weeks.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. It's really hilarious that she has blocked the accounts. Isn't that where "shooting yourself in the foot" comes in?

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 1:50 PM

      The joke's on Jenna, 'cause it'll cost her potential PayPal poodles, and even more foolish followers to fund her faux farm. It won't last long. She'll act out her victim narrative for a short time, and then be back to begging for free handouts.

  41. Who holds the mortgage on any deed is public information that can be easily found online.
    Does she have any idea whatsoever of how legal documents p re training to teal estate are easily found?

    Obviously not!🤣😂😅

  42. She's lost several followers today since going private. I suspect that some of them have found this site.

    1. Yep, 5 in just one day. And that number will probably double each day, just like virus numbers.

  43. How can you tell how many are muting her?

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 1:47 PM

      There's no way of knowing how many followers are muting her, because that information only appears on someone's setting. I strongly suspect that it's many people.

  44. I'm not on Twitter. What did Brynner42 write?

    1. Brynner posted that FFF again used an old photo (this one from 2016 or 2017 - showing sheep) and pretended it was current so casual readers would think "that farm" is "this farm".

    2. "Luckless Slinger"April 4, 2020 at 1:45 PM

      PDD. Which is why I like Brynner42. She shows what a fraudulent faux farmer JFW is in reality.

    3. Brynner42's account is now private as well. Wonder why?

    4. Brynner42 probably expects hate from FFF since she's no doubt gone into overdrive stirring up pity and crazed Attagirls.

    5. Anon12. It was Brynner42 that FLOODED her Twitter site with photographs and comments mentioning to come here to get the truth. I knew tiny Pig Shocker would be yanking every one of them down (and there were a LOT...so bravo Brynner). She also had photographs as evidence with almost every post. It will be really interesting to see what that generates.

    6. What it's generated is Jenna faking Covid, and pretending to have a high temp.

  45. Her narcissism is unbelievable! Millions of people lost their jobs and have their own bills to pay, and there she is with her hand out. Asking, no begging, them to share.

    And that comment of hers about while other people had secure jobs and health care, she was raising chickens. As if someone held a gun to her head and said she had to do it.

    No, she quit a job that so many graphic designers would have loved to have had. She gave it up. Threw it out. And now she is whining about not having money. Sheesh!

  46. The accounts being made private is most likely temporary. I think it's because she made a 4 alarm tweet absolutely begging with all her might, and didn't want us to see. And then, after receiving any donations, will delete that tweet and go back to public.

    Or...she's made a GoFundMe account out of desperation and announced it privately to only her followers. And she doesn't want us to know.

  47. Making a Difference!!!

    One of our local farmers has teamed up with 4H kids, and they've been sewing cloth masks that are available through his self-service farm stand. Donations accepted, and all proceeds go to the community food Bank!

  48. I didn't see the tweets, but let me echo the BRAVO Brynner! She said she raised chickens? When did this happen? As far as I've read on her blog most of her chickens are eaten alive by predators or frozen to death. This despite being "sponsored" and gifted free expensive equipment for raising chickens. And raising chickens is like the number one easiest activity on most homesteads. Does anyone remember how many she brought to her chicken house of horrors this time. Wonder how many she has left? Did she have broilers that made it to the butcher?
    It takes more than raising a a handful of chickens to make a living, Not really a full-time job like all those people she is jealous of are working.
    The Chickqualizer

  49. There's a thing called narcissist rage, that occurs when the narc realizes their facade has cracked, and the flying monkees (enablers) are starting to see, and disperse. She will start doing more and more erratic things, drinking, and finger pointing. I'm getting some popcorn to add to my white claw.

    1. She's doing it now by faking Covid. I can see by the responses.

  50. Her profile is private this morning again. Judging by this response to a stupid tweet, she's now pretending to have Covid. Her behavior is despicable when thousands of people are actually dying, but she's too lazy to just get a job:

    "I scared myself for several hours too when I took temp after a hot shower. Best to do it and log it to see what is your normal range. But only if it helps you to know."

    1. Here's another response to her faking Covid tweet:

      "I am not only taking my temperature, I’m logging it on my phone so I can see the graph. And my pulse oximetry reading. And my blood pressure. Take that anxiety, I’m the boss of you! I have graphs!"

    2. How do you log stuff on your phone when you don't have a cell phone?

    3. Anonymous 1:44. I wrote the comments this morning. To clarify your question, the responses were from two of her followers not JFW. Since the FFF made her profile private yesterday you can't see her tweets. But if you do a search for Cold Antler Farm in the bar, then the replies pop up.

  51. Replies
    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 5, 2020 at 4:54 AM

      You can say that again.

  52. "Guys?!" She hasn't set this account to a private profile yet. She's gotta keep something open for more free handouts:

    Instagram Idiot:


    This one's a winner. It's not funny at all, and makes no sense:

    "Yes. I'm aware there's a global Pandemic, but I'm also a lesbian. Yard work doesn't do itself."

    1. Yeah sure, intrepid all-on-her-own FF on a mountainside it's mainly lesbian women who are feisty and tough enough to do outside labor with big scary yard tools. We lesbians don't just fiddle around with pots and pans, floor mops and spray bottles of disinfectant.

      Indeed, you are so special and burdened with shouldering ALL the work and problem-solving on your FF (that's FF responsible for 'this' FF) that you don't get to just lay about having a lazy pandemic staycation like all the straight (and partnered!) women taking care of homesteads and animals by their widdle selves. They're pretty much soft and helpless unless scrap-booking or sewing kitchen curtains.

    2. My God, I loved this! "...They're pretty much soft and helpless unless scrap-booking or sewing kitchen curtains."

      Yes! Described this cis-woman to a tee! Lol! Except for the tree trimming, wood chipping, garden digging, garlic planting, bread making, yard raking, muck moving, stallion handling, meal making, mask making, sanitizer making, community fund raising and prosecco-drinking periods in my day.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"April 5, 2020 at 2:59 PM

      I also liked the comment. Especially, the last line. She's been an out lesbian for only a few months, yet acts as if she's an expert. I also loathe how she makes herself the spokesperson for whatever new interest she has like heathenism. The scrappy scammer is close enough to town to walk, and far from "living alone on a mountain." What a bunch of bull. PDD. You're the accomplished, busy badass that the FFF only wishes she could become. And I could see you not being "terrified of chainsaws," too.

    4. It's the same way that she was an authority on raising chickens, teaching the violin, and giving archery lessons etc... If you can bear the annoying sound of an opinionated, whining voice on her past YouTube videos, then you'll see what I'm talking about. She'll know next to nothing on a subject, but brag about being an expert.

  53. I have it from the best of friends that Brynner42 absolutely did not spam Jenna's Twitter feed. Jenna blocked Brynner42 eons ago, so this would have been impossible.

    Either a super-enthusiastic fan of Brynner42 did it (doubtful, because why now?) or Jenna herself (or a Jenna-minion) did it to stir up trouble and pity 🐩 🐩 🐩$$$$.

    Brynner42 is much too classy to spam a turd.

    😝 😝 😝

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 5, 2020 at 8:57 AM

      Maybe it was Pember Patty showing support for her best "beast."

    2. Good to know. So the mystery intensifies...

  54. So, she's now got the virus? Right on cue Jenna! Join the thousands who do have it. That's if you do. My money is on either an infected tooth, or a hot flash.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 5, 2020 at 8:54 AM

      FF. Those are good guesses. Maybe it's also needing mortgage money, or more Taylor Swift sweatshirts. The straight singer might have a virus version that JFW needs. (I only mention her seeming sexual preference, because the FFF has endlessly speculated that TS is a lesbian for a long time.)

    2. If she's truly hinting that she might have the Coronavirus, then she is more deranged than I'd imagined. I was certain that privatizing her Twitter was to hide a GoFundMe link or a gigantic beg fest.

      According to the latest stats, Washington County has just 18 confirmed cases -- and while the official website for this county will not release which towns, I'm sure it's safe to assume that the 18 dear souls that are confirmed infected, are most likely from towns with much larger populations than tiny Cambridge.

      And being that she doesn't travel further than her local Subway and the Nordstrom (aka the dump), it's highly doubtful she's run into anyone infected. Plus, I've got a sneaking suspicion that Cambridge folk normally practice the 6-foot guideline of social distancing from the Pig Shocker at all times, even prior to the virus threat.

  55. "Luckless Slinger"April 5, 2020 at 2:49 PM

    I've been waiting for awhile for JFW to pull a stupid stunt like Belle Gibson, the infamous Australian cancer scammer. The FFF was just waiting for the right opportunity. And what could be better than a "scary pandemic" that's even seen in her community? So she's studied the systems, then made her profile private. Right away she starts tweeting about feeling feverish (judging by the responses earlier). I predict that next she'll lie about needing a Covid test from a local doctor. But no bill will ever be posted as proof. It's the same way that she's never shown foreclosure notices etc... I wouldn't put it past her to pretend that she's seriously ill for free handouts from dumb enablers. She's unethical enough to do it. And we all know it.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 5, 2020 at 2:50 PM

      (studied the symptoms not "systems") Although she studies those, too.

    2. Sheesh. She'll no doubt pile on a bunch of other maladies to her fake possible-Covid status too. Teeth problems, truck problems, $10K car accident, etc.

      Wait a minute...she previously had a slew of troubles posted to Twitter and her bleg, but now there's no mention of them at all. Did all those things magically fix themselves? Did she think that faking Coronavirus would give her more bang for the bucks she begs for?

  56. If she is sick and it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY, I'm pretty sure it's the Karma 19 strain....

    1. LOLOL! WH omg... Karma 19. Snort!

    2. "Luckless Slinger"April 6, 2020 at 12:03 PM

      WDH. You're one witty wordsmith. That was gold! (Almost snorted my morning coffee again over it.)

  57. The bleg is still public and here's the latest post, titled "97.9":

    "Today was the kind of spring day I dream about midwinter. I spent hours outside clearing brush, raking, mucking poop and prepping gardens. It felt wonderful to see cleaned up lawn space just waiting for grass seed and warm rain. It felt like a homecoming waltz, padding piles of good dark soil in the raised beds. Since I am more home then ever before (and that is saying a lot for a homesteader) I am cleaning out drawers and dusting inside. If nothing else, this time away from friends and town has helped me become more organized than any spring before.

    Kindness has been abounding this week. Friends and neighbors reaching out and asking how each other are doing. Two friends gave me hand sewn masks to wear. I set one in my truck for trips to town, the other is backup. So far Washington County has been taking this seriously, but without malice of any sort. People give you plenty of space in public but nod and smile as they jump out of your way. It’s odd but not rude, and normal life right now.

    I have been birding a lot! Learning to identify and appreciate the small birds that aren’t hawks, keeping track of everyone that attends the feeder, and making notes and talking about birds with friends. It has been a lovely and calming distraction from the news. This morning a friend told me about her first red bellied woodpecker at the feeder and it was like hearing about a live concert. I found and cleaned up my best pair of binoculars and have been taking time to learn calls and feathers and between that meditation and seedlings - it feels good. It feels good to be reminded that life is happening everywhere."

    97.9?? What is that? A radio station playing teenage oldies but goodies? Or is this her supposed temperature? From the comments on her now-private Twitter, it's been suggested that she's been saying she has a high fever. But 97.9 is lower than the normal 98.6 baseline temp. Did she mean to type 99.9 instead?

    And this: "Two friends gave me hand sewn masks to wear."

    Funny how she assumes those face masks were given to her to avoid breathing in virus droplets. More like those "friends" were simply doing the whole town a solid.

    1. funny if "her town" is taking this so seriously and they are wearing masks etc. then how does she know they smile at her and step aside? Doesn't the mask cover the mouth? I swear the whole post sounds like this calm country "righter" not our FFF. And birds oh my her next book MUST be about birds after all she knows so much about them. I mean she has been studying them for a good solid 2 days now and that is how she usually comes up with books or classes read something about it, see if she can't make money on it then boom we have classes. Thank you very much now pay up suckers.

    2. The reality is that there is no truth in anything that Jenna writes. ZERO truth. Everything is for attention. Right now she is trying to build up a good feeling toward others, but anyone who knows how narcissists work, knows that *everything* is meant to GET something from others. EVERYTHING she writes, says, does. She has no kindred spirit with anything but her own demons. By the way, I follow her on insta a twitter, and see that she is still doing the same things as usual. The good news is, her followers have decreased. AND this blog has moved up in the search, to number two. :)

    3. "Luckless Slinger"April 6, 2020 at 9:02 AM

      Anonymous 5:31. Would you be willing to keep us posted as to new tweets etc...? If so , please let us know. I like to keep current. I also noticed that her numbers have gone down. She'll probably take her profile off private soon, but it'd be nice to know what's going on. Thanks.

    4. It'll make her more of a paranoid person to see that we can still keep track of her tweets despite the private profile. She'll wonder which one of her followers is doing it, and that'll make her even nuttier.

    5. I am also following her. There is no change in her normal begging and fake life. If anything interesting pops up I will share.

    6. "Luckless Slinger"April 7, 2020 at 5:33 AM

      Anonymous 3:12. Thanks! I appreciate it. I've usually done daily updates, and it's good to keep informed.

  58. Repeat after me. JFW is a business owner, selling her brand. She sells meat products from animals she claims are raised humanely, also soap, logos, books and artwork. She promotes an often-faked homesteading lifestyle to generate interest in books she sells, articles and clicks on her blog. She's labeled herself a public figure and She photographs & writes extensively to generate interest in her brand - while continually asking for donations to support her lifestyle.

    It is absolutely fair that her brand and businesses are critiqued, as any business might be. When appropriate, online personalities and "brand businesses", like those of the Kardashians or Gwyneth Paltrow, get called out on their hypocrisy. Cold Antler Farm is no different.

    In fact, Shamsters use the FFF's own narrative and photos, with an attention to detail and timelines, to reveal her lies, half-truths and misrepresented hyperbole.

    What she hates is that we call her out: for her exaggerated claim to be living alone on the side of a mountain, her animal neglect, her financial inconsistencies, her biographical lies and her uncredited use of old photographs to suggest she still farms.

    JFW cannot have it both ways. She cannot be a public figure, promoting her brand & generating money for her businesses from it, and then grow furious when she's reviewed, commented upon and even critiqued.

    Carry on peeps.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 6, 2020 at 9:11 AM

      PDD. Spot-on observations. She's always been a huge hypocrite when it comes to her proclaiming "I'm a public figure!" and then whining about being criticized. She only craves accolades from her dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters. The FFF wants it "both ways," and that ain't gonna happen.

    2. Maybe FFF should spend some of her down time improving her business so she can earn money without pleading for donations.

      Lesson No 1. Complaints are Blessings in Disguise


  59. She's faked chest pains, she's faked a cancer scare and now she's faking Covid-19?

    1. "Luckless Slinger"April 6, 2020 at 9:04 AM

      It looks like she's pretending to have Covid symptoms as of yesterday (high temp).

    2. Having it in NY state is actually not a big deal. She'll have to do better than that.

  60. She's lost even more followers since making her profile private. I'd love to know if any of them are finding this site.

  61. Instagram Idiot: (https://www.instagram.com/lezwolfmemes/)

    Wolf One: "What's wrong, babe?
    Wolf Two: "I didn't want to name my sourdough starter without your input... But I chose Ingrid and we've bonded."

    An epic failure and not funny.


    Wolf 1: "Wanna go run in the woods today?!
    Wolf 2: "I want a steak!"

    Wolf 1: "Oooohhhh or dig holes?!
    Wolf 2: "I want to kissssss"

    Wolf 1: "Let's hang out in exclusive small groups and growl at outsiders?!"

    Another moronic meme that doesn't even make sense.

  62. Those sont even make sense!!
    Hey what happened to the hawk? No mention of it in weeks. Did she kill it?

  63. No idea if she ever caught up on all her late sketches... but she's now definitely late on soap orders. Tweet from FFF today:

    "Folks waiting on soap orders, always check in and see the status. I have four boxes prepped for the mail tomorrow and making more every week. But to avoid going into stores I have ordered my olive oil and coconut oil online and they won't be here till the 12th."
    "So there will be a week delay in some orders, but I am doing my best with what I can and have to offer. If you don't see your soap by end of April, send a DM! Though most should be done before!"

    This posted just before pictures of her out in the woods with the goat, Merlin saddled for "the first ride of spring" and later a post about watching Disney+. She got their money... now it's playtime .. just like everytime before.

    1. She is such a liar... she isn't making real soap, she's doing melt and pour. Thats what you do with molds and the super fast turnaround (normally) with her soap. REAL handmade soap takes weeks to cure. She thinks she can fool people into thinking her expensive crap is real handmade soaps by playing the wait for supplies and not going into stores and all, and you'll get it a week later, if not by the end of the month, which would be able two weeks after her supply order came in.

      That is not enough time to cure it and harden it. It would be crap, IF she was really doing a more elaborate type of soap.

      Of course, she's out playing and watching Disney+ she got all her money from the idiots that have no clue and she is taking advantage of.

      Whatever, Karma19 is going to slap her up one side and another. Yeah maybe people have a little extra cash for her sad pity buys now, but as things drag on, that is going to get thinner and thinner. As people die from this, Jenna hopes to just fiddle along with her poodles throwing money around to save THIS farm...

      Just makes me sick to my heart that good meaning folks are duped by this con artist over and over.

    2. WHY is it up to the person who PAID for the soap to contact her about when to get it? This would so freaking irritate me. If I PAY you for a service, you better pony up. She has done this for YEARS. Ripping people off- via just being so late with the orders that the just give up. It is why she has hoards of people who really dislike her. THIS is why. She lies, and cheats her way through life; using everyone she can along the way, and looking for new marks. She is an absolute pig of a person. Just a pig. User, and abuser. Karma will hit her hard. We all know that.

    3. Anonymous 9:51. Thanks for the update. It's weird how she thinks that making her profile private will stop us from finding out about her online begging, animal abusing, and scrappy scamming. The only thing that it'll accomplish is preventing the FFF from attracting more potential PayPal poodles for free handouts. "She's shooting herself in the fat foot."

    4. Her mediocre melt & pour soap is little more than another scam. And the fact that she refuses to keep track of orders that are already paid for. It's no wonder why we call her out here for having unethical business practices. And again, she's using the pandemic as an excuse for being slow. FarmLass summed it up: "She thinks she can fool people into thinking her expensive crap is real handmade soaps by playing the wait for supplies and not going into stores and all, and you'll get it a week later, if not by the end of the month, which would be able two weeks after her supply order came in." (In addition to not being able to pay for her mortgage. Which happens every month anyway.)

    5. She also can't be tracking that income for tax purposes if she doesn't track it for fulfillment.

  64. https://www.instagram.com/lezwolfmemes/

    "Wolf 1: Cheese
    Wolf 2: Gardening, then cheese.
    Wolf 3: Long walks, thinking about cheese."

    That's what I'd call a childish, "cheesy" post. It's also stupid and makes no sense like most of her moronic memes.

  65. I figured out how to make a name!

    I was the anonymous that posted the tweet update earlier, 4/6 9:51pm.

    She's already posting today about her teeth in response to someone asking about fellow teeth grinders.

    "Crown popped out. Cant get it reinstalled because it's not an emergency."

    This gal makes no sense. If you know you grind your teeth and you have no insurance or funds to fix tooth damage... you wear a mouth guard at night religiously! I have a kid that wears a post-braces retainer every night. It's no big deal.

  66. Might be a frequent post kind of day.

    11:30am FFF

    "Pet sketches are $20 with free shipping! If I sell 5 it covers the electric bill. Trying to earn up three house payments in 4 weeks. Trying."

    The picture she posted with this desperate plea though is of one of her water colored pet portraits... not her $20 pencil sketch. False advertising much? Or has she finally realized her art just isn't that good. $20 is about right for those hasty water color floating head carnival style drawings.

    1. $100 for her power bill? Wait... I thought she heated with wood. Why is the bill so high? I looked at the weather in NY in March, and the lows did not even reach freezing at night, mostly in the mid-40s.

      I can't imagine it being that much if she truly heated with wood. Even in winter when I diligently supplement my gas furnace with my wood stove, my bill is just a bit more than that. (And my climate is similar to hers)


    2. Agreed! Also a similar climate where I live, 1440sq ft house with gas heat, 5 people live here and we are heavy technology users as well as having multiple aquariums running with lights, heaters, filters etc. Only in mid summer with the AC running do my electric bills get up to or over $100.

      She must be running electric space heaters a lot... just too lazy to gather and chop her own firewood.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"April 7, 2020 at 11:29 AM

      GooseGirl. I'd also say "It might be a frequent begging kind of day." But that's typical for JFW. I think that it's just more of her manipulative marketing for free handouts. She never posts pics as proof of her bills so it's likely blatant lying. And here she goes again with the obnoxious "earn up" crap. No one else ever uses that stupid saying. It's just like her annoying "mountain smashing" instead of "going hiking" like a normal adult. My username is in quotes, because it's based on another one of her annoying adjectives that makes no sense.

  67. Do you think she will get a stimulus check? Not sure if she pays taxes.

  68. How to find your nickname for CAF
    1- Using the first letter of your first name, choose a vegetable
    2- Using the first letter of your last name, choose a disease
    3- Add the word "farm"

    So if my name is Randy Klondike, the name of JWs farm is Radish Kidney Disease Farm, which about sums it up peeps

  69. New thread please?


    Not enough she needs TWO more mortgage payments before the end of this month, WE HAVE A BROKEN TOOTH FOLKS! Circle gets the square! Who won the pool???

    Spotted on twitter, replying to one of the private tweets:

    "I’ve started wearing my bite guard around during the day. I usually just wear it at night to sleep. Hopefully you can get your crown fixed soon. ��"

    1. Pardon me, THREE mortgage payments by the end of this month, plus dental! Truck repair coming up? Roof?

  71. She's lost even more followers since making her profile private. It looks like the lemmings are finally abandoning her begging shit-show.

  72. A new sales offering today on Twitter:

    "Offering 3 pencil and watercolor sketches, in this style, of animals right now! price is $50. DM to order! Will be mailed by Monday if bought today! This farm is fighting like hell to get solvent in a pandemic and not giving up."

    The picture below is one of her antlered-wolf hybrid fantasy animals dancing around a fire. Who, besides Jenna, wants a sketch like that? Perhaps folks can request their own freaky animal combo? The sales pitch isn't clear.

    And of course she had to mention the pandemic, as if that's the source of her financial problems and not her lack of a legitimate income plan for the last 10 years.


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