We are absolutely NOT exactly the same

I've never read such BS in my life.
We don't love you back.  You are a liar, an animal abuser, a people abuser, a sloth, a manipulator, and a failure.  Not just a failure at farming but at life......and apparently at reading people and knowing their motivations....don't quit your day job!
Oh yeah....you don't have a day job, have another drink.


  1. it appears she has been up all night worrying. If all went so great with inspectors it would seem she would be quiet smug and satisfied and have nothing to worry about. Just sayin'.

    1. She's just setting her stage for more money mooching. "Awww, poor Jenna was awake all night worrying!" Maybe someone who has a "direct deposit account" can send her a "donation."

    2. she hasn't made a sale all week. So she's saying she's down 1/4 of her income this month already. I was wondering when the sob story would commence again.

      Yeah, corona virus and the stock market is the reason people don't make unnecessary purchases. It's happening everywhere. You know what else happens? Businesses stop hiring new people. Soooooo she's going to be dependent on donations for the foreseeable future, a few months at least. We warned ya.

      Poetic irony, after yesterday's post about how her "success" makes the trolls shake.

      If she makes it through a recession with that property still in her name, we will know she has undisclosed income somewhere for sure. That's my theory.

  2. "Luckless Slinger"March 11, 2020 at 4:53 AM

    Her condescending crap of being "woke" was obnoxious. Yeah, it's obvious that she's "studied Zen Buddhism" and "meditates." I feel fortunate to be "loved" by an animal abusing beggar. Again, it was a masterpiece of manipulative marketing for free handouts. The entire post was passive-aggressive lashing out because we call her out.

    1. well she is hoping for "luck" and sunshine today. We know she could care less about the sunshine (now moonshine that is a different story) but the "luck" part to her is nothing but pity donations and after all that crazy article writing she thinks she deserves a lot is what I am thinking. When was the last time she wrote a bleg that long? And so early in the month she usually saves her blegs for later in the month so she can beg and beg and beg some more. Why waste the writing when if we get it down to the last week of the month and wow is me we need luck from good strangers to get her through.

    2. Anonymous 6:19. Her "small life" depends on "luck," and also donations from foolish followers who are unaware or don't care about her bad rep.

    3. Wow... that bleg post was a tome of bullshit. Oh, the drama! She called the animal control people "kind" about 17 times. I am 100% positive the visit did NOT go as she said. Her gushing about how great they said the 'farm' looked is NOT going to fool us.

      I just bet they were "thrilled" about finding those pigs in a dark, dank barn where she keeps them prisoner. "Pasture raised" my ass. 'They shared information about diseases that could hurt pigs.' Snort! They were probably telling her how to clear up the mange, and that she'd better do it ASAP.

      Pig shocker 'brought to tears?' GOOD! It wasn't about how scared she is of us that garnered that reaction. It's because if she doesn't shape up in the animal care department, she'll be forced to rehome yet more animals, or hopefully the remainder of them. And PLEASE... she spilled her melodramatic guts to animal control officers? Excuse me while I find my shovel... shit's getting deep around here.

      "Because of my fear of you, because of your constant calls to offices and agencies the animals of this farm are never without the most pedantic care." If there's an ounce of truth in that statement (which I doubt), I'm ecstatic that our efforts have resulted in less neglect for those poor beasts.

      And JW? Don't try to psychoanalyze us. You can't even look in the mirror and see yourself truthfully, much less discern any nuance about anyone else. It's more like smoke and mirrors.

      Keep soldiering on, shamsters. For her to put that much effort into a post means we are making a difference.


      "When they pulled away I felt like I made two new friends." ROFLMAO .... Right! They always go out on investigations looking for new friends. The bullshit in that statement is as deep as the pile in the horse pasture.

      HD is right... we are NOT exactly the same... or even REMOTELY the same. She's a thief, a liar, an animal abuser, a mooch, a narcissist, and a sociopath.

    4. DM. What a thoughtful comment, thanks. You've nailed it. I've met investigators before, and they're professional people. There's no way that they view her as a "new friend." In fact, they probably shook their heads at her hovel when they gladly drove away. I will say that she's right about something in her post. I do feel a sense of satisfaction that two investigations happened because of my efforts. (I know that others have done the same in the past.) My "meaning and purpose" to help her animals was accomplished.

      I wanted to address some of her crap now. You didn't "cause" any "pain and anger in me," but your unethical practices are despicable. You didn't "let me down" either. I'm sure that your "complicated family dynamics" say differently. I'll save my "forgiveness" and "understanding" for those who deserve it. Not lazy lifestyle losers who won't work to support themselves like normal adults. You are only "sorry" that we won't stop alerting potential poodles to your scamming. I "think about you" with well-deserved disdain. And that's what my "truth is." You can take your fake "woke" kindness and shove it where the sun don't shine. It's all a bunch of bull. I haven't "failed," Jenna, that's your specialty. Your faux farm is "a sham." You've got that right. My "quiet parts" don't "shake" because of your "small life." I'm not "terrified" or "scared" each month to make ends meet, too. That's the way that you've chosen to exist. Talk about someone "living alone on the side of a mountain" who whines about being "sad and isolated." I don't "Live like fiction!" at the expense of others. I don't lie awake at night wondering if "slung luck" or dumb enablers will bail my fat ass out again.

      Additionally, I don't "care about your farm," or whether or not you're "safe, warm, and well fed." I hope that your "belly" isn't "full." "Hating you" isn't "good," but it's the "fuel" that it takes to keep your livestock safe. We have "community" here in "others that dislike" your pathological lying, arrogant attitude, animal abusing, and online begging. I appreciate you "seeing" me, Jenna. "It means so much!"

    5. She studied Zen Buddhism my ass. More like Jen Foolism.

      GREAT post, DM!! Yep, I'll bet the donut sprinkles around the pig's snouts told them all they needed to know. And being that they read the bleg post evidence where she gleefully and spitefully shocked her pigs (and then went online to brag about it) -- you just know they were giving her the hairy eyeball the whole time.

  3. Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Shovel and hoe

    "I forgot to turn off the comments yesterday when I posted that. I check the "awaiting moderation" tab this morning expecting the worst. What I found was nothing but kindness. Thank you. I read them and I thank you. I did turn the comments back off because they are a dangerous thing an earlier version of me needed for validation. Now I know the price of that validation is people using it as a free punching bag, and having to feel that sinking feeling every day to moderate comments isn't a fair trade. No one should be able to punch you in the stomach on your way to get a bowl of ice cream, but that's the internet."

    Sure she turned them off. But only after reading what we wrote about allowing comments on that post. Of course, she'd show those "kind" remarks (if there were any). But she doesn't read here. Right. It's more like a bottle of bourbon than "ice cream." And "that's the internet" when one is an animal abusing, online beggar. I guess that being "up all night "worrying" didn't affect her ability to write purple prose and put on a false front.

    1. Well, she mention looking for off farm work - let's see what happens there.

    2. She mentioned off farm work? Did hell freeze over?

    3. She's frequently mentioned looking for "off farm work," but the part-time jobs never materialize. It's just a smokescreen technique. Anon7 has stated before here that the FFF wants to "keep potential donors tethered to her potential." It's all about her manipulative marketing, and also an attempt to look like "she's trying like nuts!" to pay her mortgage.

    4. If she truly received nothing but "kind" comments, then why didn't she post them for all her 6 readers to see and then turn comments back off? Hint: She didn't.

      Luckless, I can't take credit for the "tethered to her potential" comment, as another Anon cleverly thought of that. But I am guilty of borrowing it and repeating it often! :)

  4. Notice she mentioned working on her raised bed gardens and repotting her 6 plants - cause she doesn't read here. I dare her to post a picture of your garden monthly - prove us wrong and show that you actually grow anything. Then show how you share, prepare, or preserve it. Not gonna happen.
    Anon in GA

    1. I double-dare her to post weekly photos of every animal she owns. Post weekly photos for the next year. Fill up the instagram.

    2. She's too busy spending time pulling up old pics of her animals, thus no time to post new ones weekly. So give her a break already!

  5. Reading between the lines, it seems the inspectors DID find something amiss. That is probably why they gave her pamphlets and instructions on how to care for the pigs. I doubt they would have done that if she had stellar animal husbandry.

    I agree with the other poster who said animal control was trying to diffuse the situation. Nobody wants to see them coming up their driveway, and it's in their best interest to protect themselves from angry animal owners. I believe the pamphlets and instructions were subtle ways of telling her she needs to do better. Although she has been in the "farm" business long enough that she should know this stuff by now.

    1. I agree. Animal control has to maintain an open dialogue and be "friends" with animal abusers to make accessing the property and keeping an eye on the animals easier. You don't go rolling in and apprehend the animals right away, there is a process.

      I have friends in dog rescues who focus on chained dogs. They foster friendships with the owners of dogs chained in yards and volunteer to walk the dogs. After a few months, the owners usually begin to understand that it's not right to have their dog confined to a small space 23 hours a day - something about that 1 hour daily walk makes them think about it. 9 times out of 10, owners voluntarily relinquish their dogs to the rescue at this point.

      This made me think animal control / inspections officers must have to foster a similar demeanor. They need to build a relationship with potential animal abusers so they can continue to safely access the property, and not project judgement.

      Does anyone know if the horses' teeth were checked when the first inspector dropped in?

    2. Nice observation, Anon 8:56! Yes, if everything was okie-dokie, then why give her any swine feeder pamphlets? Something must've been wrong.

    3. Her standard lie anytime she has been investigated is that everything looked great.

      They keep investigating over and over so apparently that is not true.

      They dont waste their time, they do their due diligence prior to any home visit.

      I agree, the pamphlets were given to her because there were issues found.

  6. I think I'm almost over caring what happens to Jenna, but I just came here, and then I read some parts of her blog. To clear some things up: she stopped the comments on the blog after she went into debt for a pony and quit her job. Before that she had 50 atta-girl comments a day. Absolutely no one hates her or is jealous because they are failed farmers. We hate her begging, unwillingness to work, lack of care for her animals, and her lying about it all. She begs for money for the mortgage, her truck, her teeth, vet bills, and the next week she's going to the beach or the bar, buying expensive jeans. I don't need her to be a sham, she makes that decision every day. I don't care what happens to her, but I'm very sad about her animals.

    1. Redhorse. That was well-put. I agree with what you wrote. She's also lying about "not needing validation." If that were true, then she wouldn't be "hungry for attention" on Twitter. She tweeted something stupid today that showed zero self-awareness, and once again, I was reminded of why we're here. The FFF made the virus all about herself. I know Connie and Chris who own Battenkill Books. They're successful business owners who don't beg online for a living like JFW. So she has her hand out because of "the effects of covid-19" as an opportunity to score cash:

      "local businesses are suffering from the effects of covid-19. I just received this email about efforts my local, rural indie book store is offering. They are canceling knitting groups and driving books to people's doors. Support small businesses. We all need it."

    2. Good point there, in clarifying that it's not the Pig Shocker we hate, it's the shocking of pigs that we hate. And who wouldn't hate that?

  7. Her attempts to amateur analysis us is laughable. (Complete with inappropriate usage of question marks again.) Considering that she lacks the ability and discernment to even know her own motives let alone others.

  8. Her post yesterday was full of humble-bragging and virtue signalling while still saying nothing of merit. But that's disingenuous Jenna for you.

  9. We also don't worry about "wolves at our door," "the scary red van man from the bank," or weird ones in small town "laundromats" who freak us out for no reason. We don't have "anxiety" that's caused by living beyond our means in a home that we can't afford like the FFF.

    1. Honestly, I have maybe 1-2 unpleasant creepy stranger situations a year...and I live in a big city. She's either totally full of it, or there's something seriously and obviously wrong with her that she runs into so many creepy situations.

  10. Boo hoo for you, too:

    "Haven't made a sale all week, so here I am, sharing what I can offer! Soap is $6 a bar, sketches $20! DM for more information!"

    1. And just a few hours later she tweeted this:

      "This is the first night I'm worried about this virus. Not for my health, but for the farm. I haven't gone this long without making some sort of income in a while. I'm worried the collective anxiety is most dangerous."

      Damn, all that stress is gonna lower her immune system and make her more susceptible to the virus! Where in fcuk is my damn violin?

    2. Just noticed that two hours before that, she tweeted this:

      "Its been 5 days since a sale. Is the corona virus why?!"

      So predictable. Always tweeting about the latest trending topic, movement, etc, solely for the purpose of driving up sales. Pathetic ogre.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"March 12, 2020 at 6:06 AM

      Maybe her lack of sales are also because her bad rep has finally followed her online. And how many people want lousy logos, scribbled pet portraits, melt & pour soup, and crap meat? Plus, she demands payment for products that either might not be delivered (Birchthorn books), or will have a wait of six months+.

    4. "Luckless Slinger"March 12, 2020 at 6:07 AM

      Soap not soup. Time for my morning cup of coffee to wake up.

  11. I'm wondering what Connie is thinking from the bookstore that FFF has put her in the same plight as the Pig Shocker. By saying her business is in danger due to the virus it looks like Connie wants her to beg for her also. I have never met Connie but from all the gracious things Jon Katz has written about her her business does not seem like it has to beg nor needs Jenna to make it all better for her.

  12. LS - Did you get a copy of the inspector's report? I'd love to know the truth.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"March 12, 2020 at 5:20 AM

      Anonymous 6:42. I haven't received any reports, but will let everyone know if I do.

  13. As Luckless Slinger mentioned above, the Pig Shocker received an email from Battenkill Books email re the Conrona Virus, and shamelessly used it as an opportunity to make herself some quick money.

    And then tonight she tweeted about how worried she is about the virus and how she hasn't made any sales, and some foollower commented: "You're selling soap in a time when everyone is being told to wash their hands a zillion times a day. Surely you've had some soap orders?"

    So expect her to be up bright and early tomorrow spamming Twitter to buy her "virus fighting" soaps.

    And what's with all the worry anyway? She lives all alone on the side of the mountain and hardly sees anyone. And since she claims she is most prepared person to survive an apocalypse, she should be just fine, right?

    1. To a narcissist, *everything* is about them. And, everything is a chance to capitalize on things to gain from them. *EVERYTHING*. It's so disgusting, it makes me throw up a little in my mouth. She is disgusting.

  14. My question is: How many times can one person be inspected by animal control? To be inspected ONCE is usually enough. Jenna has been inspected enough times now, that she thinks of these people as friends. Read that again. If they truly believe Jenna was being unfairly reported, they would not bother going out. Again and again, they go to her hovel. And each time she gets more excited about visitors, any visitors. Soon, she'll be absolutely ECSTATIC when the Dept of Health shows up to check out her non functioning septic system. That will *really* be a boon to her ego.

  15. "They will publicly post that this farm has zero feeding issues, mange, or concerns but the online harassment won't stop. Next will be someone from another government office inspecting something else because of a blog post or instagram picture from 2016."

    This is a quote from her Twitter. She states it here: she is being inspected because of the evidence she shares internationally. SHE shares it. She CONTINUES to share the disgusting images- she does not believe she is doing anything wrong. Ever.

  16. PEOPLE it is Thurs. morning, you know what that means almost the weekend and she has had no sales all week. How in the hell do you expect her to do her D&D to entertain all her friends for this on a Friday night with no money? Also there will be the weekend drinking at ABC I mean come on now whats a girl to do? Don't bother sending that cash snail mail get your poodle finger ready and hit that pay pal button many many times. It means so much.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"March 12, 2020 at 5:17 AM

      It's time to break out her Hobbit map for savings and meditation, too.

  17. It looks like some stupid sucker bailed her out for a $50 soap order yesterday. Her whining paid off again. Yet that small amount of money won't go far towards making her mortgage payment.

    1. good googly moo who would buy $50. worth of her worthless soap? You can go to Michael's, AC Moore and buy the whole damn kit for way less than that and make you own which is crappy soap to begin with. I just don't understand people at all that's for sure. But at least she will have drinking money now for the weekend which I worry about for her.

    2. Everything CAF produces is mediocre at best, from soap to meat to art. People buy it because of her story, her "brand". Her customers become enchanted by the books or her blog and want to feel like they are a part of the story. I know that happened to me.

      I was inspired by her books over a decade ago and when I re-discovered her Twitter, and saw she was struggling, I didn't mind ordering some soap. I was caught off guard by the price she quoted for six bars, but I honestly considered it a donation to someone I had admired—and saw the soap a 'bonus'. (At that time, the soap's quality as fine. It may have since deteriorated judging by photos from recent buyers)

      The problem is that when your brand is scrappy farmer, people want to support that narrative. She's made it fairly clear she's bored with farming and seems to be doing the minimum to keep at it. And you know what, that's fine! Pursue something new, change direction, and write about that journey. Reshape the narrative. But she's treating her past work/lifestyle as a never-ending well from which she can draw income and support, without putting the work in to continue sharing what so many people want to see—actual farming.

    3. Anonymous 7:07. Your comment was spot-on. We're also former fans of the FFF, and admired what she was doing years ago. But she continues to milk her "scrappy" brand when it's changed. Now she focuses on making lesbian wolf memes, insipid tweeting about Taylor Swift/pop culture crap, and constant online begging. The fact that she frequently links her PayPal account implies that she wants free handouts for doing nothing but breathing.

    4. Anon 7:07

      I agree, with the caveat that it is very clear she is scamming. If she were just a rather stubborn and/or dumb failed homesteader, i would be with you 100%.

      But the numbers never add up. The math never works. It is impossible that she is sustaining her lifestyle on soap, illustrations, and pork shares.

      She has some other income, and that is enabling her to continue / preventing her from facing reality.

      I don’t think CAF will ever go under, because it’s being artificially subsidized. I find it hard to imagine that subsidy is consistent donations, but it’s possible she has a secret patron. Whatever it is, she makes choices to get the new shiny animal rather than improve the care for the ones she owns.

      She is doing nothing to expand on the part of farming that supposedly works - the pigs.

      But she’s planning on getting another goat? She keeps capturing hawks and they dissappear.

      I get the IDEA if who JW presented herself to be is appealing, but it’s evidently not who she actually is.

  18. "Spent the morning buying in and stacking 350+ lbs of feed for the farm, dog food, and some soap making supplies. I don't know if this is overreacting but I am glad I did it."

    So if sales are so slow, then how could she afford all of this food and supplies? I'm sure that she's also buying enough booze to last for a while.

    1. "The numbers never add up at CAF." She's either lying about sales being slow, or has enough money for purchases. Which one is it, JFW? (As if she would tell the truth about anything.)

    2. uummm anon 7:13 the booze goes without saying it is #1. then her food then the dogs and the animals if anything left over.

  19. Here we go again with her "goal for the day." It's disgusting how she's playing on the virus fears to attract sales. Considering that she lives with constant anxiety herself due to poor choices. What a manipulative POS:

    "My goal today is to make $150 in sales. I have handmade soaps delivered to your door. I have digital art/logo designs you never have to touch anything but your email to receive! I have pet portraits! DM TO ORDER!"

    1. I also predict that she'll use the virus fears as an excuse not to get a gig off her fake farm.

  20. Deep in the comments, a Twitter user advised JW to "add some tea tree oil and elderberry & call it anti viral soap'! Holy cow, what bad advice! Making a claim like that can get you in deep trouble with the FDA. Her followers aren't the brightest bulbs in the package, are they?

    1. I would enjoy seeing her make health claims for her soap, which would immediately trigger FDA requirements. They might not like that soap products are stored in same freezer as dead wildlife, road kill and hawk food. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but dog hairs stuck to the package is probably a no-no.

      Go ahead, Jenna, make our day.

    2. See how I used a little Clint Eastwood humor here ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ?

      Seriously, I don't really care about FFF's ultimate fate, but I do care about her animals as well as her general misrepresentations on her "farm", "animal care", and live-like-fiction narrative, designed to coerce money from kind-hearted readers, some of whom probably cannot afford to send her money.

      Based on her past hyperbole and tales about her "farm made" soap, I have no doubt she has edged very close to product claims that would require FDA oversight.

      We know she reads our site, so let this be a caution to NOT misrepresent the overpriced ~melt-and-pour~ soap. We would hate readers and the innocent to be fooled by false claims.

  21. "Some days the state. shows up at your door because trolls online who have never met your or your animals have already decided you're a monster. This is what happened."

    Note multiple errors in the tweet suggesting stress. If she was so secure that everything was fine, as proudly stated a few days ago, then why would she tweet about the inspections again? It's because she lied about what they found out about her pigs. And using "monster" is more of her victim narrative and hyperbolic bullshit.

  22. holy farmer Batman our girl has been out planting the south 40 today. What a gal. I mean she got 4 pea shoots transplanted. I am worn out from all that work she has done. I think this deserves a drink or 2 for her.

  23. Still waiting for the outcome of the discovery of those aliases.

    1. I haven't seen WDH comment lately about the aliases so maybe she's been busy.

    2. There's been emails between a couple of us discussing it.

      Pig Shocker can wonder exactly what has been found and who has been contacted.

      She doesn't deserve any warning as to the steps taken.
      As soon as it's complete we will post a full report on here.

  24. I see PIG SHOCKER is hovering over this site again! She now refers to her "girlfriend" as a woman after it was stated many times she was using girl instead of woman. She is showing us pictures of her "garden" hahaha 6 little pea shoots, and now she is waiting on the aliases in above statement. Is she desperate much or what. Look at all the time she spends here when she could be doing the vast amount of drawings she says she has to do, or melt and pour that soap she makes and sells the next day. Or she could clean up horse shit so her animals could eat out of a hay feeder instead of off the horrid ground.

    1. Yeah, the pretend girlfriend who doesnt exist on social media or anywhere other than Pig Shocker's demented mind.

      It's that mentally ill 12 yr old mentality rearing its ugly head again!

  25. "Luckless Slinger"March 13, 2020 at 5:46 AM

    Twit Shit:

    "If you want to know my lesbian power level I'm waiting for the woman I'm dating to feed her cat and then we are pressing play at the same time from different states to watch the Hillary doc on Hulu while texting."

    She can afford Hulu and Amazon Prime subscriptions yet begs online for mortgage money. Her "lesbian power level" is fabricated crap. No one "wants to know" about her bragging over nothing.


    "I'm having trouble relating to the wider panic because I haven't had a paycheck from a 9-5 job since 2012 and basically been in quarantine since, working from home, never traveling, and spending a lot of time with my pets.

    It's been the end of the world here for a long time."

    It was her choice to quit her career, and buy a farm that she couldn't afford to maintain. Her "quarantine" is self-imposed and stupid. She likes to brag about "never traveling," because the FFF can't afford to. Clearly, she's just jealous of those who have "direct deposit bank accounts" and can explore the wider "world."

    1. Q. What farmer takes time off during spring to have a HULU binge party?

      A. No one.

      The only "fans" who stick with Dead Antler Farm (1) like watching a shit-show worse than their own pitiful lives (2) enjoy the slow-moving train wreck (3) are running their own social media scams (4) know the square-root of ZERO about rural living and proper animal care or (5) are too depressed, drunk or drugged to accomplish much in life, making FFF their spirit animal.

      If there's an "L" connected with her, it must stand for "Loser".

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 13, 2020 at 8:58 AM

      PDD. Exactly. Your "L" line made me smile.

  26. The twat: "I'm having trouble relating to the wider panic because I haven't had a paycheck from a 9-5 job since 2012 and basically been in quarantine since, working from home, never traveling, and spending a lot of time with my pets.

    It's been the end of the world here for a long time."

    Oh boo fucking hoo.

    1. FYI: That tweet was commented about above.

    2. Well pardon me.

    3. Anonymous 9:17. Sorry if you're such a sensitive snowflake, but if you took time to read other comments first, then you could add yours to the topic.

    4. Children... children...

    5. (Different anon here) Sorry Anon 9:35, but that was rude and uncalled for. Have you ever missed anything? Have you ever made a mistake? Do you get everything perfectly all the time?

    6. Sometimes for me the comments don’t load in a timely manner. This is the fault of my provider, but it happens.

    7. Yes very rude of you 9:35. And dont insult me with your sensitive snowflake crap. I've been on this site for about 8 years and have done my share of contributing and commenting and I've never had a problem with anyone being rude and disrespectful before. If you're going to be like this to a fellow shamster get the hell off this site. What are you, the posting police? Excuse me if the post was stated before.

    8. Anonymous 7:45. This site hasn't existed for "about 8 years" so that's an impossibility. HD restarted it over a year ago when the last one was deleted.

    9. The site has been around for a very long time, in various incarnations, for at least 5 years and there were other sites before including GOMI and Meridith's blog. So yes, maybe not this exact site for 8 years, but we've been complaining about Jenna since 2012 easily.

    10. Anon 5:51 - Lambchop is correct. "This site" has had many incarnations, which you also recognized when you stated that HD restarted it over a year ago. The shamsters have indeed been around since at least 2012 on Meredith's blog and GOMI. For some reason, you continue to nitpick. Please be respectful. We have a common purpose.

    11. Yes 5:51. Maybe not this exact site, but we have been around for a long time. Let it go with your nitpicking. Enough already.

    12. You have to laugh at Pig Shocker's attempt to blame her abusive behavior towards her animals on everyone but herself.

      It just verifies that she is batshit crazy and incapable of remorse.

  27. What's funny is that her Covid-19 post is just reminding people how they need to be more frugal, which means that those who were planning to live like "business as usual" may rethink purchasing things from her or donating to her. She is giving a wake-up call that is further messing with her ability to gain financial support from her fans. That's the last thing you want to do if you are a business in uncertain times. Pretty stupid.

  28. I don't think those snap peas are in the ground.

  29. "Just walked three miles after the rain. There was some gentle wind. Now feeding horses and planting seeds."

    "Today I am mailing soap, making more soap, and planting basil."

    No one cares, Jenna. Your lame little efforts to appear productive for begging are transparent. I'm surprised that she didn't mention either "mountain smashing" or "running a 5K."

  30. Does the Pig Shocker have access to fresh goat's milk? Check out this exchange on Twitter:

    -PigShock: "Need soap? This farm needs sales! Handmade soaps mailed to your door! DM to order!"

    -EmilyRay: "I would love soap. Especially fresh goats milk soap. If it is that. Where are ordering links??"

    -PigShock: "You DM. I don't have a store. I make them to order!"

    Notice how she doesn't say (either way) if they are made with fresh goat's milk or not. So, let's say we give her the benefit of the doubt, and suspend the melt-n-pour probability, is it at all possible she could be using fresh goat's milk?

    She doesn't have a goat anymore, but I do remember her once say she bought some from a farmer there. Do goats produce milk year-round and in the winter? Or is milking a spring/birthing thing only? (Also keep in mind that the appearance of her supposedly handmade soaps differed greatly after she no longer owned a goat.)

    And if so, would goat's milk purchased from a grocery store still count as "fresh" goat's milk? Being that she didn't assure her potential buyer that she's using the real deal, I'm thinking that she's full of shit as usual because all she really cares about is a sale, not customer satisfaction.

    BONUS QUESTION: If any of you have used soap made with fresh goat's milk, would you be able to tell the difference if you washed yourself with a bar that had none?

    1. I have said before and I will say it again, she buys them in bulk on etsy, or ebay, and resells. This is why she does not have a store.

    2. You can buy melt and pour goat milk soap too. I think that's what she does. It's not anywhere near the quality homemade goat milk soap is, but this enables her to say it's goat milk soap and sell it without having a goat or access to the milk.

    3. I have made goat's milk soap with milk from my goats and store bought. It needs to be frozen before you make the soap so "fresh" is a questionable term. The only discernable difference is my goats provided a higher fat content than the sore bought so the soap made with their milk was mildly richer. I could tell the difference but even when asked no one else could. It is though, far superior either way to melt and pour

    4. brokenteepee - Can I ask if you think it would be profitable to sell goat milk soap? The milk isn't cheap, but maybe you only use a little per batch? Thanx

    5. It made me a little money if I didn't consider goat overhead or my labor hahaha. But if I had to factor in what it cost to keep the goats it was not profitable. But I figured I was keeping the goats and they were giving me far more milk than the two of us could use (drink, yogurt, cheese, ice cream) so why not have a little hobby on the side. I enjoyed it and made a little money

  31. A Concerned HomesteaderMarch 14, 2020 at 6:50 AM

    Just wanted to swing in and say that I hope you all are doing well, and I hope that you have everything you need to get by right now.

    Schools in my area are closed for the time being and my children are at home.

    It's kind of crazy times right now, so be safe.

    -A Concerned Homesteader

    1. Thanks, CH. I'm in Washington state, so things are bad here. Thankfully I'm on the east side, but they're not very organized here in coordinating anything. A good friend of mine likely has COVID-19 and even though our Health Dept said "anyone can get tested" they lied. She went to get tested, and the health facility REFUSED. She's isolated at home, VERY, very sick. I hope she makes it, truly.

      I'm so grateful that I've worked from home for years now. I'm ordering a lot of things from online and severely limiting my contact with the "outside world." Things that get shipped to me get sanitized outside before coming into my house. This thing is bad.

      Please, everyone, take precautions. Stay safe.


    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 14, 2020 at 9:35 AM

      I was also hoping that our gang here is okay. It's a hard time to live through. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather hoard chocolate than Charmin.

  32. "Luckless Slinger"March 14, 2020 at 9:53 AM

    Even though we're in a pandemic situation, I wanted to point out that these posts are why we're here. (Aside from the animal abusing.) It's disingenuous of Jenna to be promoting "food" when her pigs won't be butchered for awhile. Notice how she doesn't even mention meat. Yet she demands payment up front. She's always "working like mad" or "nuts" not just normal adult activity. It's got to be hyperbolic showmanship. And "this farm" is not "like a lot of small businesses," because it's based on unethical practices and blatant lying:

    Instagram Idiot:

    "This farm, like a lot of small businesses, is working like mad to make ends meet while people are not thinking about normal everyday life. But this farm happens to sell 2 things people are into right now, food and soap. If you want some handmade goats milk bars mailed to your home in the US, it's $6 a bar plus flat rate priority shipping ($8 or $15 based on bar count). Message to order! Ships within 2 weeks!"


    Twit Shit:

    "If I had a movie coming out now I'd take if out of theaters and make a deal with Amazon Prime or Netflix or YouTube to make it free to stream so people could watch from home and pay what they can/if they want. We all need distracting and everyone would watch."

    Sure she would do it for free. Right. It's easy to say because she'll never have "a movie coming out now" or ever. Nor another book for that matter.

  33. New instagram picture with a goat kid and a deranged face (on her). Does she really dare to get another goat or even pretend to get a goat? or did I miss something? Sometimes I do.

    1. It's on Twitter, too.


      And the pic is complete with ugly grimace. She can't take a normal photo and the "deranged face" is her fallback. The classless tongue showing is an extra attraction. When "this farm" is foreclosed in the future there will be more livestock to re-home. "But sales are so slow!!!" Liar.

    2. For newbies to the CAF shit show. This is a good example of why we keep track of her tweets and Instagram. She's been whining all week about not making sales, but then goes and gets a goat. She did the same thing years ago with wanting $1,000, and using the funds to purchase a purebreed puppy.

    3. I find it interesting that she got a buckling. Honestly, they're usually a dime a dozen, because they are only useful once a year for breeding purposes or maybe for clearing brush on your property. I wonder if she's going to try having a pack goat again, a la the discarded Finn.

      I hope she remembers that goats do NOT do well alone. You need at least one other goat so they don't get lonely....

    4. She said it was going to be a pack goat. You know, like the first goat she got and then got rid of. Bucklings are cheap because no one wants to keep an intact smelly male goat around, so they castrate them. Again, this is Jenna getting an animal as a prop for photos, to enable her to get followers to enable her to get donations. This is after she says she is not making any sales, and that life is scary. This animal will fall by the wayside after she gets all the donations she can out of it. Just like the goats, just like the sheep (well they were removed) just like Jasper, just like Merlin, just like the mare. The only reason animals are in her life are to get donations to live on. She makes true animal people like me sick to my stomach.

    5. That kid might have been cheap, but the replacement milk isn't.

    6. Every time she does a photo with that weird expression, I can't help but think about the person taking the picture. She's all, hold on, I gotta do my pose... If I was behind the camera I'd be dying laughing. It's so bizarre.

  34. I just ran across this blog and got sucked into the black hole of reading old posts as one does. I have an honest question though. Let's put the alleged animal cruelty charges aside for a bit. Why do you all care what this woman does? What's it to any of you that she doesn't have a "real job" or makes "fresh goat's milk soap" or any of the myriad condemnations against her? It seems that you posters think the general public are too stupid to assess Cold Antler Farm for ourselves and make a decision about whether or not to support her and her farm. Quite insulting when you think about it that way, that you small group of posters need to protect us from her and from ourselves. Aren't there better ways for you to use your discretionary time? Being this hateful must be exhausting.

    And as to the animal cruelty accusations...have any been proven? Has she ever been fined or arrested? These aren't rhetorical questions as I couldn't find any information about this. Surely people on the ground in her area and neighboring farmers have a much better idea as to the goings-on around her property. How many of you that are posting comments live geographically near her farm?

    Get off your high horses people. Tend to your own lives. Your self-righteous moral superiority stinks.

    Now, let me have it. You all are good at that.

    1. I've been there, I have seen it. She has shared the photos and stories too. Jenna is very proud of her animal abuse, and stealing money. ALL by her OWN ADMISSION.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 15, 2020 at 6:20 AM

      Read what others have said about JFW:

      * https://www.bedlamfarm.com/2016/06/14/the-complexities-of-being-jenna-helping-her-fend-off-the-bank/

      * https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/565140028/the-legend-of-birchthorn/comments

      * https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/7d6pnu/image_5_years_ago_i_quit_a_job_i_hated_to_farm/

    3. Pig Shocker is completely clueless.

      She blames her animal abuse on everyone else.

      She blames her hideous appearance on everyone else.

      Somehow if we discuss those topics, they become our fault.
      This is not a conclusion drawn by a mentally healthy mind. They are the self justification of a crazy person.

      It's deflecting on all levels and is both mentally ill and juvenile behavior. Her reactions prove our points over and over again.

  35. Simply put shes a scammer. And I will not get off my high horse.

    1. This is for all of you: Why do you care about her in particular? As far as scammers go, they are a dime a dozen. Did she scam you? Do you have first person knowledge of these scams or are you outraged in the third person? Is any of your evidence first hand or is it all hearsay? If it's the latter case then you are ridiculous for wasting energy on this. If it's hearsay then this is mob mentality at its worst and least productive. There are so many more important things you could devote your care and attention towards. All this negativity is ugly and kills a little piece of your soul with every attack and post.

      How would I blog about your life if I could see just a glimpse? What labels would I give you if I didn't know you, but thought I did because I thought I knew something about you? Would I call you out on your dirty house? The way you raise your children? The food you eat? What you watch and read? How you manage your finances? How you treat your parents? What you do in your free time?

      You are judge and jury with what looks like little to no real evidence. Some social media pictures and stories that you keep recycling? No one can know the truth about another's life and circumstances from such scant information. But you all sure do think you know it all.

      And shame on all of you who mock her for drinking. I don't know if she has substance abuse issues and neither do you. You bullies are no better than the alleged scammer you spend so much time knocking down.

    2. I've been to her place. I have seen the health of the animals. The condition of the place. I have read all her stories, by her own admission- her own abuse of animals. The filthy conditions that they live in- her own photos prove this. HER OWN PHOTOS. Please do not defend the indefensible. Have you been to her place, and met her? Yeah, didn't think so. Her track record for stealing money for products never received is *all over the internet, on sites not related to this*. Do a little research.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"March 15, 2020 at 6:12 AM

      Anonymous 8:13. We lived locally in her area for years. So I speak from personal experience as to how her hovel looks. Her rotten reputation is well-known to many people including Jon Katz. Type in a search for scammer with her name, and see the incriminating evidence. She's been doing this for a long time: https://highstfarm.blogspot.com/2015/06/cold-antler-assholes.html. I guess that gloating over deliberately shocking a poor pig doesn't count for animal abusing to you. And she's the one who's bragged about it in a post not us.

      Anonymous 5:53. Exactly. And she shouldn't own any "horses" either.

    4. Anon 8:13 - I started out as a fan (as have most of us), but something seemed fishy about her. Then many people started complaining about paying her for product and not receiving anything. Other people donated money after one of her begfests only to find out through her blog that she spent the money on something frivolous or unnecessary.

      People started asking for refunds so Jenna shut down comments on her blog and deleted her Facebook account. A website was started to help people get refunds. People began posting their stories. Check out the Kickstarter Birchthorn site and you can see all the complaints.

      Many of us are here to warn people of her scams. I will not go away. I see my mother, grandmother, sister and aunt in all of the people who were scammed, either by not receiving product or by donating for her mortgage only to see her money spent on some foolish trinket. Those people have big, kind hearts and they are the ones most easily fooled.

      One does not have to be personally scammed to warn others. That is why consumer protection agencies exist.

      I do not use vulgar language or attack her looks. I am here to warn others and am not going anywhere.

    5. Anonymous 8:01. That was well-put. We're not "going anywhere" either until she stops scamming innocent people, like that young girl and old man who donated funds that they couldn't really afford. But they fell for her bull. The FFF lied and that she needed the money for fencing/infrastructure repairs, but used their donations for other "foolish trinkets" instead. It's the same thing that happened with her Kiva loan.

    6. Anon 8:13 - I was scammed by JW. I do not have the time nor inclination to rehash details for you. But after my experience, I wondered if it had happened to others and found this site. I am grateful this site exists.

    7. Each time she is investigated for animal cruelty, Pig Shocker and/or one of pathetic acquaintances posts on here in her defense.

      It's laughable considering that she posts all of the photos and social media comments that are then used by investigators to build the animal cruelty cases against her.
      She practically draws them a map and signs a statement of admission.

      If that alone doesn't show her complete and utter stupidity, she adds to it by blaming everyone else for the investigation.

      Even further she posts on here blaming everyone on this site for her problems.
      Which shows how batshit crazy she truly is.

      Eventually, the need for attention on social media and begging for a dollar to pay her pathetic bills so she can continue to live in the shithole she calls a house, takes priority over whining on here and she eventually stops her juvenile commentary.

      Keep in mind the only thing that really upsets her is when we tell the truth and call her crazy and unattractive.
      Calling her an animal abuser doesn't bother her at all.

      Once again blaming us for only mentioning the obvious which she shows daily on social media via her scary selfies and crazy ramblings.

  36. There was a well-known writer yesterday on Twitter, who happens to also be a lesbian, generously giving needful people free money. I thought of JW who would've had her hand out, too. Fortunately, she wasn't one of them. (Probably because she didn't know about the offer.) I scrolled down the tweets looking for the FFF, and would've warned the woman about her. Some of these folks were laid-off due to the virus, homeless and/or had serious illnesses. Compare that to an able-bodied, college-educated woman who won't work a part-time job to support herself, but begs online almost daily for funds.

  37. The person who is complaining about this site forgets two important aspects. (1) FFF identifies herself as a "PUBLIC FIGURE" and (2) she is running a BUSINESS (well, several actually) which are publicly discussed and photographed by her. The money she collects through various means support her meat production business and she is clearly promoting and selling her BRAND in an effort to obtain more money.

    Businesses that have, discuss or display animal neglect or cruelty have long been fair game on social media. Think of protests that have improved the quality of life for animals kept at Sea World, traveling circus acts, roadside attractions or abusive, non-critical, animal test labs.

    As FFF is a business owner who discusses her business practices, she is not immune to critiques of her business & her handling of farm animals or business products. She cannot have it both ways: she cannot proclaim to the world that she is a public figure who is running a farm and making products for sale from that farm – while simultaneously expecting privacy or no criticism of her own posted examples of animal neglect, questionable product quality, misrepresentation and late / absent product deliveries.

    We have long said if she did not have neglected animals that are mostly used as social media props to enhance her BRAND (and get more money), we would not have much to say. Others may wish to call her out on misrepresentations and lies, but personally if adults are willing to send her money for whatever reasons, I couldn’t care less.

    And as for comments about her many posts on personal aspects of her life? Well, I’m not the biggest one to post on her weight, etc., but I absolutely understand the inclination to do so. She is selling a BRAND and if she posts lies or misrepresentations, calling this out is probably fair game. Really, it needs to be drilled into everyone’s thinking that she is a businesswoman and she is selling her brand as a public figure. She may be largely unsuccessful at it, but she is earning money on her BRAND each and every day.

    For people who question why FFF is “fair game” for criticism, let’s use another example. Suppose the head of your local business, farm, church, animal rescue or charity kept asking for donations and wanted folks to purchase overpriced products to earn money for their “scrappy efforts”. And suppose that over time you gradually came to understand this same person neglected animals, used money to make frivolous purchases (while claiming to be broke) and seldom had stories that “added up”. You would be right to question their methods and posts. If this same person continued to collect money using the same methods, you would hope someone would warn unsuspecting people. CAST and other sites are the result of wanting to alert people to issues, identify correct animal care / husbandry and act as a sounding board to what appears to be a bad business advertised publicly on the business.

    1. PDD. I agree with what you wrote, and couldn't have said it better. The FFF is a huge hypocrite, and wants it both ways. "I'm a public figure when it's convenient for me." Again, this site is a public service to alert potential victims of her manipulative marketing tactics, and unethical animal abusing practices.

    2. Bravo. Excellent post. A must-read for any newbie.

  38. Funny how the newly liberated lesbian is a "lady" only when it comes to sales. And she has to mention the "mortgage payment, truck repairs and hay deliveries" to impart a false sense of urgency:

    "Making 2-4lbs of soap every day. I am hoping I make enough sales to mail a mortgage payment in within 2 weeks and end of the month. Still paying off truck repairs and hay deliveries so every single sale counts and helps. Get soap! Help a lady out!"

    1. This lovely lady took time to respond to the tweet yesterday, yet the FFF didn't acknowledge it in any way. Not even a "like," or "I hope that you feel better." Because all she wants is free handouts. JFW lacks the conscience to be kind.

      "If I had anything that would be considered extra money I would! Sadly been quite sick for a week and off from work."

    2. Can't really blame PS. I mean, what's the point of wasting a few seconds to show some compassion to a selfish jerk who won't give you money? In fact, she should have told her to go die. What a wasted opportunity.

    3. ^^^^^Whoops...I fOrgOT tO uSe tHE SaRcAsM FoNt when I typed that.

  39. Just popping in for a quick comment as I have been working a million hours these past two weeks.

    We mention that she's a drunk and addicted to social media because combined with her general laziness and feelings of being owed a living from strangers, she has ruined her reputation and life.

    If she weren't a drunk or addicted to social media or lazy af, she might actually take care of her animals. Instead she can't get off of social media long enough to muck their areas or love on them or take proper care of them period. Same thing goes for not having a job. If she wasn't a drunk or addicted to social media she would be more likely to actually get a job and not have to beg and scam online for a living.

    All of those factors effect her animals. No one gives a shit if she self destructs alone. The only thing any of us care about are the animals who are trapped with her and have no say so. In turn she realizes that if not for having the animals, no one would pay attention to her. Nor would her farm lie be remotely believable without them.

    Thanks to those various issues, she has been investigated for animal cruelty at least THREE times while living in New York. There have been more investigations in other states before she moved to New York. After one of the New York investigations, she supposedly "decided" to give away all of her livestock rather than admit she had no choice but to do so.

    As someone who has reported her, I can say that the investigators use her own photos and posts on social media to make their case prior to an in person investigation.
    They don't just show up. They gather facts and document and lay out their case prior to a visit to the property.

    Only a narcissistic sociopath describes themselves abusing an animal on social media thinking that they will garner pity for themselves. Of course it only garners pity for the abused animal. It also leads to an investigation.
    Only someone who is severely mentally ill would then blame everyone but themself for that investigation. Those of us who report her only point the investigators in the right direction. The rest she provides to the investigators on a silver platter.

    Speaking of severe mental illness, there are also the aliases she purports online.

    One such alias is Julius Lucas.
    She has created an email, LinkedIn account and fake companies said to be co-owned by her and Julius Lucas. Any sane person would ask why she would do something like that? The answer is most likely to catfish unsuspecting women.

    The supposed proud lesbian takes her male alias one step further with cultural appropriation as Julis Lucas is portrayed as a black man.
    She couldn't be more insane if she tried.

    No one wants a condescending, lying, lazy, animal abusing, scammer as a partner. So she poses as a man for shits and giggles and attention. She is used to lying to strangers online and per usual she will stoop to any low to get what she wants.

    All of her actions effect the animals who depend on her for their survival. No one gives a shit if she self destructs by herself. We only care if the animals suffer because of her.
    She has realized that without the animals, no one would pay any attention to her. She is boring af, crazy and unattractive. So she keeps the animals no matter the cost to the animals' well being. As long as the animals are there we will continue to document and report as needed to hopefully keep them safe.

    We aren't going anywhere.
    Anyone who doesn't like that, we really could not care less.

    The animals come first and foremost before anyone's opinions on the matter.

    1. Just another personal attack with no substantiation. And you know she's a drunk how? And if she has "severe mental illness" as you claim doesn't she need help? Man, she really peed in your cornflakes didn't she?

    2. Any comment criticizing this site is only a waste of time for the commenter.

      We have been steadfast in our goal of helping the animals forced to depend on an animal abusing, mentally ill, drunk, scamming lowlife for their survival.

      We will continue to document and report any concerns to investigators regardless of any opinions otherwise.

    3. Thanks, WH. And Jenna? Get the fuck outta here.


    4. Pig Shocker is a crazy drunk and behaves as such.

      There are other organizations preparing to visit her in person soon.
      All this time spent whining and acting crazy on here will once again come back to bite her on her fat ass.

      It shows that even after yet another visit for an animal abuse investigation, she still continues to feed her social media addiction rather than care for her animals and their living areas properly.

      It's more fuel, that she is once again presenting on a silver platter, for investigators to show she clearly isn't capable mentally or physically to care for the animals properly. There's no remorse or need to rectify the situation on her part which is textbook for a narcissistic sociopath like Pig Shocker.

    5. And what does the size of her ass have to do with your own stated goal of helping her animals? You are a bullying, name calling child.

    6. Awwwww, Pig Shocker is angry.

      Everyone already knows you are a lazy fat ass who pretends to "run miles" so that potential victims/donators won't realize you refuse to get off of the couch or off of social media long enough to actually earn a living.

      We aren't saying anything about your hideous appearance that people aren't already well aware of thanks to your social media. Also, your ugliness isn't our fault either.

      Now waddle into your kitchen and crawl back behind your dirty refrigerator with the rest of the roaches.

    7. Not Jenna and not "the complainer" here...not that you Wack will believe me. But why do you accuse anyone and everyone of being Jenna if they don't agree with you? You've done this for ages and although I don't agree with all that the various "supporters" occasionally come and post here, I do agree that your "that MUST be Jenna" rebuttals come off as childish, condescending and and slightly insane. It certainly contributes to the lack believability on this blog.

    8. Anonymous 10:31. I know that others, not just WDH, have accused commenters of being the FFF. We used to call that person "the repeater" on the other site. I don't know their real identity here. For the record. I don't think that Jenna comments here, but believe that some of her stupid supporters do. I was even once accused of being her, and our styles aren't similar.

    9. "For the record, I don't think..."

    10. For the record, no one gives a shit as to what you think. Animal abusers aren't wanted on this site. Also any criticism will be completely ignored.

  40. It's me again..."the complainer." If she is an animal abuser and scammer then she should be investigated and made to answer. Funny though, no one has answered my previous question. So I will ask again: Have any of your allegations been substantiated, resulting in citations, fines, arrests, or shutting down any of her businesses? It appears that you all have been at this for years. So, what are the fruits of your labors? Again, not rhetorical questions so can someone please answer?

    You all have lost any credibility you may have started with, once you attacked her as a person, even if she puts herself out there as a public figure. Almost 100% of your posts at this point are personal attacks. If you are trying to nail her on animal abuse or business fraud do you really think a thread about whether she really had a first date on February 14th makes it seem like you are really serious or have any proof of your allegations? You all need to reread these threads. It isn't a crime to sell overpriced products, live in a hovel, ask for donations, beg, or use donated money to buy a puppy. Focus your efforts on what is criminal and leave off the personal attacks if you want to be believed.

    And those who defend yourselves by claiming that you don't attack her personally are kidding yourselves. By posting to this site you are tacitly approving of the attacks. The name calling alone is childish and counterproductive. But you all feel that it is perfectly acceptable that others are "inclined" to attack her appearance, her weight, her clothes, her taste, her religion, her sexuality, her personal relationships, and her leisure activities, just to name some of what I have read. Being a public figure doesn't give the public license to critique every aspect of one's life. How is this furthering your alleged goals of exposing bad animal husbandry and business practices? And don't defend yourselves by saying it exposes a pattern of behavior. That is a weak defense and seems that you are grasping at straws to "prove" what you allege.

    Stop being bullies. Stop the personal attacks. Focus your efforts on what is illegal and provable. And someone answer my question. The lack of an answer will tell me everything I need to know about your motivations.

    1. We aren't here to answer your questions or try to sway your opinion.

      Your opinion means absoloutely nothing and won't change our goal one iota.

      We are here to help the animals trying to survive despite having to live with her. People like you who aren't working towards our goal are only a waste of our time.

      Anymore comments that are not helpful to our goal of saving the animals from their current abhorrent conditions will be met with this same comment or will be ignored entirely.

    2. You have no credibility anymore. Your personal attacks make you look crazy and desperate. I would like to help you work towards your goal if you had one iota of a clue about how to help those animals. How are you helping the animals by calling her a drunk and debating whether she photoshopped an Instagram picture? Your "goal of saving the animals from their current abhorrent conditions" is never going to be met with your current tactics and blustering. I hope someone steps in who can actually effect the change you claim to want. This blog sure as heck can't do it. You all are fooling yourselves. Don't strain anything trying to pat yourselves on the back with how noble and righteous you are.

    3. Ok Pig Shocker, keep telling yourself that.
      Lmao! 🤤🤣😂

    4. We already have effected change. She was forced to rehome her animals last summer through the DIRECT EFFORTS of people here, including myself. She is also on NY State's radar for her mismanagement of her falcons, again, through our direct efforts. If you don't like this forum or its purpose, just move on.


    5. Exactly DM! High Five!
      We are close to helping the remaining animals just like we helped all of her livestock get new homes.

      DM, there's no reasoning with a crazy person like Pig Shocker. She keeps digging her hole deeper and deeper via social media and eventually she will bury herself. Good riddance to bad garbage.

    6. Can you answer a question Complainer? Why does Jenna feel entitled to live a life of leisure 24/7 while others work 40+ hours a week in a boring cubicle job to support her? Don't you think they should know what they are supporting? Don't you think they deserve the truth about how the money is spent and why she can't get a paying job? She is a public charity case and people who support charities usually demand answers about where the money is going.

    7. Complainer here. I don't mind engaging in civil discourse and your question is easy for me to answer. I don't know why Jenna feels entitled. And neither do any of you. Why do you care if she works a boring cubicle job or begs for scraps on social media? What difference does that make to your life? There are so many more important things to feel outraged about than a woman who seems to barely make a living with all of this charity. Good grief.

      By the way, despite what Whackadoodle Horseshit has posted, I am not Jenna. I've never met her and have no skin in this game. I originally wanted to know why, if your purported goals are to protect her animals, that you call her names and comment about her appearance. I don't know if what you allege about her is true but your discourse and posts are childish and lack any validity. Just look at Whackadoodle's post at 2:53. Why do you continue to call Jenna unattractive and obese? I hate bullies.

    8. Yes, the animal abusing and scamming has definitely made her ugly both inside and out.

      I hate animal abusers.

    9. Complainer here. So do I. You have completely missed my point or chosen to disregard it.

    10. You sound very angry for someone with no skin in the game. I also hate bullies. I know Jenna is one. I don't care at all about her, but I do think she scams a lot of people. A lot of them have come here and told us about it. Ask yourself where she'll be 5, 10, 20 years from now. I used to wonder that 5-10 years ago. Her life has gotten worse. She's caused a lot of suffering in her animals. People need to stop enabling her.

    11. That would be because your point is total b.s. as is everything that comes out of Pig Shocker's rotting mouth.

    12. Complainer again...Why would I ask myself where Jenna will be 5, 10, 20 years from now? Why would I care? Why do you care so much? You guys are fun to spar with, I'll give you that.

    13. I've read this blog (and Meredith's) for a long time and haven't never commented until now. Two things Complainer, that I hope will be adequate answers to some of your questions:

      1. Meredith's blog and this blog has had many visitors who described how they didn't receive products paid-in-full at the time of order, not when the product has been completed. And when people contact her to try and get their money back, she ignores (or changes) her email addresses to avoid these customers. She is hoping people will get frustrated and stop contacting her because they just don't want to deal with her any more. This runs from wool shares (because she didn't understand how the sheep she has were not wool producers to Birchthorn, a book she wrote (and again people had to pay in advance), that still has not been delivered (and you can find that evidence on the Kickstarter page for Birchthorn). She asks for donations for her blog...a blog that she uses to complain about her lack of money. When it comes to the care of her animals, reading about how much she liked shocking her pigs, to buying large flocks of chicks because she estimates she'll lose 50% to predators (which is not a good farming practice), and making her animals eat off of their own feces (as evidence by before and after pics of the large piles of it especially near the barn door), it depressing and alarming.

      2. In addition to the above, Jenna, doesn't have a professional website where you can purchase what products you want. Instead you have to DM her, pay up front, and your payment is listed by Jenna as a donation. This means she is not reporting this as income to the IRS, which is a serious offense.

      3. "Being a public figure doesn't give the public license to critique every aspect of one's life. " Unfortunately, in this day and age, it does. I'm not of fan of it on this site but I also appreciate the fact that HD allows everyone to have a say.

      4. In terms of why we worry about how she spends her time or wondering where she will be in the future, it goes back to her animals. Her financial situation determines how much food and the quality of life her animals will receive. Also, if you look at past comments, there are many where the poster worries about how Jenna will take care of herself as she ages because what she's doing now is not a sustainable career. You'll see many of the posters and lurkers on this site (me included) were fans of Jenna way back in the day of when she was in Idaho, At that time, she was a avid student of homesteading and we got to learn right along with her. She worked outside of the farm in addition to her farm chores. If you look at her first entries we she purchased her NY "farm," with government assistance I might add, she was working hard on both the farm and her job. But now, she brings in no steady income for her and her animals. Anytime she is met with the idea of getting a part-time job for income and health insurance, she says she's already working 5 jobs and is angry that we would suggest her getting another job. But yet, those 5 jobs can't possibly be enough because she is on social media every single month begging for people to buy over-priced goods or contribute to her blog. In the midst of this, people who have already paid for goods (and have waited months again verified by people asking her on social media how much longer it will be for them to receive what they paid for), we all get to read about how she went "mountain smashing," to horseback riding, to going to the bar instead of working on orders.

      I so sorry this is so long but I hope it answers some of your questions. I'm back to lurking now.

    14. And, as always, I see a million grammar errors after I hit "publish." So sorry!

    15. Pig Shocker likes to post on here because she is psychotic.

      She will do anything for attention. Including spending her time talking to the very people who would love to see her in jail for the things she has done.

      She has a very distinct pattern in her commenting that is easy to recognize once you see it a few times.

      We know for a fact that past comments were left by her because the host of this site was/is able to see ip addys. So whenever we recognize her crazy comments, we waste no time in letting everyone know that she's making the pro Pig shocker posts.

      It usually occurs after the authorities make a home visit OR if we discuss how dog faced ugly and crazy she is.

      It's like ringing a bell and that heifer waddles to the site stat.

    16. Complainer, you're the one who came here asking questions. I'm over twice as old as Jenna. I see things in her future that she should be thinking about. One thing is: every crook gets caught and they can never deal with the consequences.

    17. Let me add: I've loved dogs and horses, cats and hawks all my life, I'm absolutely heartbroken at how she treats hers, I'm especially heartbroken at what she's done with the hawks she's captured and killed. I've never seen anyone tell such bald faced lies to the world and then complain that others notice.

    18. Complainer 1:09. And you are choosing to "completely miss our points or have chosen to disregard them." As it has been mentioned, we've already had results due to our diligence. Just out of curiosity, how did you discover this site? I'm sure that it wasn't by accident. It's time for you to answer a question.

      There have been also many pertinent points made above my comment by Redhorse, Unknown and WDH, thanks.

    19. The good thing about the Complainer's complaints is that all of the Pig Shocker's abuses, scams and lies are recounted on one thread. No need for anyone new to go back into older threads to learn about her deceit. It's all right here on the most current thread. How convenient!

    20. Pig Shocker needs to be in a mental institution.

      Luckily, she has the local authorities' full attention.

  41. For anyone new to the site, please note that Pig Shocker has decided to post on here and blame her abusive treatment of her animals and the investigation that followed on this site.

    Somehow in her demented mind, we are to blame for her own stupidity that made her post photos and comments on social media revealing that her animals are living in an unacceptable, abusive situation. She also thinks that her unattractiveness and obesity are also our fault.

    Please know that we are currently working with investigators who are planning another visit to her property soon. As much as she tries to clog up the comments with her insane commentary, we are still continuing to document and report and assist investigators as needed.

  42. Complainer - You are wasting your time. WHS will call anyone who disagrees with her, "Pig Shocker".

    1. If the kvetching complainer isn't Jenna, then they're probably a dumb enabler and sycophantic supporter. I noticed how they've never remarked on either reading my links, or responded to those who've cited that the FFF has scammed them before. They're selectively responding to a few issues, and not to what we're saying.

    2. Bingo! It's totally her. And the more time she spends here trying to defend her rotten reputation, the less time she has to beg!

    3. Of course it's her.
      No one else would be crazy enough to stick up for her.

      Which is especially stupid on her part.
      Investigators could show via ip addresses on this site, that she chooses to go after anyone who might be helping investigators.

      Judges would have a field day with a crazy, animal abusing hag harassing those she feels are to blame for reporting her animal abuse.

      Tsk tsk, big girl.🤤🤣

  43. Why does anyone care about anything?

    Seems like an odd line of questioning considering it's normal for people to pick and choose what gets their attention. There's always going to be more important things than what one person has chosen to focus on so it's a moot point. I've had flack for caring about charity for dogs over kids, for instance.

    If someone wants to judge me over my interest in following the Jenna Show, have at it. I'd love to see her change her manipulative ways and get back to how she was when she seemed to genuinely care about farming.

    Either way, I don't know anyone involved in homesteading or farming who has had AC visit quite so many times. Most AC are criminally understaffed and don't make visits because someone out of state emailed about a blog. There has to be more to send them out there, and by her own words she has been reprimanded before and then evicted because of her failure to provide adequate care for her animals.

    Then she had that visit last year that just happened to coincide with her 'deciding' to rehome all her sheep and goats.

    And now she's being told how to raise her pigs. I wonder if they're going to do a follow up visit?

    1. They usually go twice, however other agencies are preparing to visit her soon as well.

      Along with neglecting and abusing her animals, she also makes soap in unsanitary conditions where the plumbing frequently doesn't work and she has said there is mold throughout her house.

      Remember the photo of the hawk glove left in the mews that was covered in mold? She wanted to brag about how well she eventually cleaned the glove.

      No one paid any attention to the cleaned glove but were instead mortified that the hawks mews was completely filled with mold in order for that glove to be covered in mold.
      She has also mentioned more than a few times having mold inside her house.
      Inside the house, ya know, where the dogs live and where the hawks are often forced to stay? Where someone from her kindred group said that Pig Shocker admitted to them that one of the hawks she had told everyone had disappeared had actually died during the night inside her house.

      So she is making soap in unsanitary conditions. Which is also very near walls and by furniture that is covered in hawk shit.
      This is easily seen in the photos SHE has posted on social media.

      Any home soap operation creating soap that is sold to the public is subject to inspections and there will be multiple inspections once they find something.

      There's other issues as well such as selling products online without charging New York sales tax. Which leads to multiple problems with uncle sam.

      The priority at the moment is helping the animals get out of their current horrendous living situation.

      However, other investigations can occur simultaneously.

    2. Anonymous 4:54. I agree with your comment:

      "Why does anyone care about anything?

      Seems like an odd line of questioning considering it's normal for people to pick and choose what gets their attention. There's always going to be more important things than what one person has chosen to focus on so it's a moot point. I've had flack for caring about charity for dogs over kids, for instance."

      That sums it up for me, too. As adults we're allowed to focus on whatever we want to. Provided that it's not illegal. I care about what happens to her abusing animals, because it's been a lifelong focus for me. And I also loathe how she scams caring people out of money with blatant lying. I have a few friends who've been burned by her before. It's personal for me, too, because we lived locally in her area for years. In any event, we don't need to justify our interest with Jenna.

    3. Hey, just realized...when is the last time the Pig Shocker mentioned having the hawk inside and perched on her hot computer whilst watching movies together? Perhaps she was told not to do that anymore when she was investigated?

    4. She was warned not to use hawk photos on social media as it could be seen as advertising and that's a huge falconry no no.

      Which is the only reason she has had so many hawks in the first place- so she can get attention. Without the animals, no one gives a shit about her or her crappy life.

  44. An example of an animal abuser describing herself abusing her animals via a blog post:

    ...It took another half hour but I grabbed an old two-mile plug in charger and set it up to replace the ten-mile charger that was a deadbeat. With the ground cleared around it (note to self, do not bite nails for a few days or you may end up with ringworm) I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite.


    ...One, Two, Three, and Four. All were inside. One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. No part of me felt any pity at all. I smiled. If you think that's crule you haven't rewired a charger with the slow burn of nettles on your inner thighs while blood ran down your arms. Peta my ass. The most abused animal on this farm is me, hands down.

    Then when she is investigated for animal cruelty she posts a totally different blog post to make themselves appear innocent.

    1. WDH. It made my blood boil when I saw that she deliberately lied about the incorrect quote. It's just more proof that she can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything.

    2. Mine as well. And it's hard to believe that anyone would come here to try to defend her.
      Like we're really gonna change our minds about the animal abusing wanker?

      Not a chance.

    3. The only person crazy enough to defend Pig Shocker is Pig Shocker.

    4. Yep. And notice how every time this one person comes here, it's always after an inspection. Like clockwork. And the same argue points every time.

    5. Yep with the same phrases and names for certain things.

      She couldn't have an original thought if her life depended on it.

      It's hilarious that she is such an idiot to pretty much give the inspectors all of the evidence they need even before the home visit. Then she's crazy enough to blame other people for it.

      It's getting harder and harder to believe that porky Pig Shocker hasn't been locked away in a psych ward yet.

  45. Twit Shit: (Monday Moanin' Edition):

    "$513+ dollars in new brake lines paid off today. The last check of the two payments cashed. I ooofed at my bank account but am grateful for the repairs and the truck! halfway towards a mortgage payment. Making as much soap as I can. Wish me luck."

    Poor widdle Jenna has expenses to pay like every adult on this planet. But she's got to mention "luck" again rather than just working to support herself. Once more mentioning the financial fraction "halfway" to let everyone know that she's begging for mortgage money. And her stupid cycle never ends, because others enable her to be have a perma-teen mentality. I wonder what "ooofed" at her "bank account" sounds like? I expect it to resemble a heifer in heat.

    1. And this too:

      "This farm is working like hell to make a late mortgage payment to avoid the state cut off for possible foreclosure. This is not a comfortable place to be alone during the apocalypse. I'm getting scared about my home, about closings, and seriously considering a roommate."

      Her parents must be so proud of their daughter that begs all day, every day. BTW, check the comments for that tweet -- two gullible foollowers offered to send her money. Just like that! What an easy way to get the mortgage paid with no work on her part!! Why have I never thought of this?

    2. Anyone here on twitter that can warn these two about her? Shes taking this devastating world crisis and making it about her. She doesnt need any help. She seems to be sitting pretty every month. She should be bitch slapped in her fat fucking face for this.

    3. Notice how she doesnt even say thank you? Just slaps a PayPal in there. What a cunt. Yes I said the c word. Sorry if it offends but these are desperate times and she is taking full advantage of it.

    4. "Luckless Slinger"March 17, 2020 at 5:20 AM

      I've noticed for years her lack of gratitude. Unless, it's a public posturing for approval. She's shameless in using a worldwide crisis as an opportunity for money mooching. And the "getting a roommate" is bullshit. We've heard that one before, but then she never follows through. (The FFF claims that she's too private of a person to share her hovel.) It's kind of like her lying about looking for an "off farm job." "This farm" has been on the verge of "foreclosure" for awhile. That's nothing new. But is it true? Her blatant lying is beyond belief.

  46. Here's another blast from the past. Over four years later, and nothing has changed:


  47. From the bleg:

    "Happy 10th Birthday to Redtop Gibson! A decade together and we have never spent one night apart, not once, your whole life."

    Uhhhh...didn't she go away for a few days to see Coast Girl last year? So more lies?

  48. she is thinking of getting a room mate? Can you imagine and have you ever said to yourself oh boy I love the smell of chicken shit in the living room in the morning? Or maybe no plumbing so you are shitting outside and no showers wow sounds like a fun time to me?! said no one ever. Yesterday she was bragging about buying a goat (don't care if it was even free) the feed the shots the expense etc. of raising another animal and besides I though Friday the dog was her pack animal? Now today she is so broke and so worried about the money to pay her late mortgage (she said she paid it on time just 2 weeks ago) but hey we got another prop eerrr I mean animal.

    1. She should get a roommate. Shammer have long suggested she get someone to split expenses, but she previously wrote she was 'too terrified' or 'too private' to get one. These excuses are supremely laughable coming from someone who's posted her home address (to get Christmas luck), held paying gatherings at her home (AntlerStock!) and routinely invites strangers to ride or play with that poor hawk.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 17, 2020 at 6:16 AM

      PDD. You might recall her recent stupid tweet inviting "rad female writers" to come and live with her during the virus crisis. Provided, of course, that they "chip in towards her mortgage payment." It's always about getting free handouts with her. It's not ever helping people out during an emergency situation.

  49. Annnnnd classic FFF:

    "This farm is working like hell to make a late mortgage payment to avoid the state cut off for possible foreclosure. This is not a comfortable place to be alone during the apocalypse.

    I'm getting scared about my home, about closings, and seriously considering a roommate."

    Then you had no business getting a goat or chickens. You should be rehoming the animals NOW. PATHETIC.

  50. A roommate- a.k.a. someone stupid enough to pay her bills while living in a filthy home with a mentally ill, animal abusing, narcissist sociopath.

  51. A lot of catching up to do, here and on her drivel. Thoughts:

    Effect / Affect Learn the difference Jenna. You're a writer.

    "Lesbian power level" Don't even know what to say about that. Dumbfounded.

    New baby goat? She begs for money, and buys a pet goat? That needs to get formula?
    Takes a lot of time for someone who is working like mad. How terrible
    of her.

    To the Anon who questions our ongoing interest in what goes on at "this farm".... Don't read these blogs. Read HER blog. Everything you asked for is right there. That's how we found out about the animals and scams. Ask yourself, "What are the odds of this one blogger attracting enough people who don't know each other to come together on the internet."

    I would share some of the stories of her animals with you, but it's a stressful time, and I don't feel like crying. Why don't you ask her who Jasper was? I look forward to that back and forth on twitter.

    The Chickqualizer

    1. Didn't she just sell Jasper? F. What happened to him? Maybe someone else could answer.

  52. Mary Thompson
    Dennie Cain
    Julius Lucas




    Can anyone guess what the above names and emails have in common?

    They are just a few of the aliases used by a mentally ill, animal abusing, hag.

    It takes someone who is absolutely batshit crazy to come up with and perpetuate the amount of aliases/fake identities that Pig Shocker has created and uses frequently.

    This is just a tiny tip of the crazy iceberg.....

  53. "Luckless Slinger"March 17, 2020 at 5:15 AM

    It's interesting how the complainer hasn't responded again to my comments questioning her and the links that were shown. She dropped in here with a huff and puff "I'll blow your site down!" I think that WDH might be right, and she's either JFW or a dumb enabler.

  54. she is talking about the amazing videos on National Parks you can watch on your phone for free. Wait? What? I thought she didn't have a phone unless of course you can watch the videos on your hamburger phone or you Pepsi phone? I'm not very tech savy so it could be.

  55. The Complainer is probably an enabler or maybe Patty. I doubt it’s Jenna. Not her writing style.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"March 17, 2020 at 9:09 AM

      Anonymous 8:48. I think that you're right. The FFF has a distinctive, stupid style. There would've been many grammatical mistakes had it been her "effected righting."

    2. I think you're right , but we have had commenters on the old blog and Meredith's blog that made the same spelling errors. On the very first sham blog, Jenna came on th argue with us a few times, and used her own name.

  56. Hi All,

    I just finished Chris McDougall's book, Running with Sherman, which is the story of his "rescue" of an abused donkey, his interactions with neighbors in PA, and their/his training of the donkey so he could take the donkey to a world championship donkey race in CO. Some thoughts:

    1. He is clearly a better writer than FFF. No comparison. Not even close.

    2. He is clueless about living in the country, animal training and animal care. Think "Green Acres" level of incompetence.

    3. He could easily be fooled by rural people who "teach" him about rural living or animals. Thank God some of the people gave him good advice.

    4. When he befriends locals as "quirky people to write about", he glosses over their flaws in order to romanticize them and he's weirdly defensive. (He does this a LOT with the Amish.)

    5. It's certainly possible his interactions with people - and animals - are mostly self-serving, as he searches for material for that "next book" or article.

    6. It's also evident that although he "loves" animals, they exist mostly to be used by him/his family.

    Bottom line is after reading this book, I can totally see how he might have gotten captivated by eccentric FFF and also be so ignorant about what she told him that he could not (or chose not to) separate her lies from truth.

    Below - just because it was so much fun to read, here is a review of Running With Sherman by Barry Davidoff:

    "Not since PT Barnum exhibited a whale in a small tank at his Natural History Museum in Manhattan has there been an animal exploited as much as McDougall's donkey. It is not a tale of animal rescue but rather how to monetize a poorly treated donkey.

    McDougall had known about donkey racing in Colorado and found a meal ticket with Sherman. He already knew he would write about training the donkey and sought his next bestseller. He would have been better off just donating to charity and letting his donkey enjoy the farm.

    His style is pedantic and wanders off course. He attempts to present scientific concepts and distorts most of them. He makes to many comments about his Amish and Mennonite neighborhoods yet he has chosen to live in their corner of the Keystone State.

    The book at over 300 pages is too long for young adults though due to its lack of content can be easily skimmed. Boring and mediocre through most of the text it often just stops.

    In the words of the great general William T Sherman "I shall not run and shall not serve" Although the donkey is named after the Sherman Brothers who were the songwriters for Mary Poppins, the donkey would have had a far better life if it was allowed to roam the farm and "did not run and did not serve" the ego and coffers of Chris McDougall."

    Of course, most people "loved the book". Because they love animals... and donkeys... and rural living... and small towns... and did I mention donkeys?

    This is why FFF uses animals to attract people and money.

    1. Very interesting PDD, thanks for sharing. I wondered how Jenna managed to "charm" him. I guess he knows nothing about animals and rural living. She easily bamboozled him. Probably gave him a bunch of bullshit and stories about "training" her horses, dogs, hawks, etc.

  57. "Made a frittata and ate half of it. How are you dealing with anxiety today?"

    She's ramping up for an "anxiety" based beg later on Twitter: truck repair, tooth issue, possible foreclosure, out of firewood, goat's bottle busted, needs new Taylor Swift sweatshirt etc...

    1. We're dealing with it as well as can be expected in the middle of a raging pandemic that knows no borders. Don't make this about yourself asshole.

    2. I wrote the comment at 12:19. The difference is that most of us don't use a "raging pandemic that knows no borders" for free handouts and pity donations. But an animal abusing "asshole" does. She has a history of being an opportunist to scam innocent victims. Which is why we warn them here. Go fuck yourself, "complainer."

    3. Right on, especially when asshole posts this:
      This farm is working like hell to make a late mortgage payment to avoid the state cut off for possible foreclosure. This is not a comfortable place to be alone during the apocalypse.

      I'm getting scared about my home, about closings, and seriously considering a roommate.

      Really bitch? You've been whining about foreclosure for years now; how does the "apocalypse" figure in now? People are dying, getting ill, wondering how they are going to manage without a paycheck, trying to homeschool their kids, making sure their kids get proper meals, etc., etc.. Why don't you get your damn head outta your ass and see what the rest of the world is going though instead of making it about you and your problems ALL THE TIME.

    4. Anonymous 2:32. I like being right. She set the stage with "anxiety," and then later on tweeted:

      "Still making, mailing and selling soap as much as I can. Help support this farm, it is already right up against it and needs to mail a house payments in 2 weeks to stay safe."

      It's not "her" that "needs to mail a house payments in 2 weeks to stay safe." It's "this farm." I never knew that her hovel could write a check on its own.

    5. Yes. Right on time. Set the stage, and bring on the actor. She is a whopping embarrassment to the human race. She *chooses* to be this way. And it is not her that needs to send a check, it is US. You all see that? The newcomers? Do you see that now?

    6. Anonymous 5:30. If her stupid supporters refuse to "see" the truth about the animal abusing online beggar, then they deserve to be duped by her unethical tactics. What a "scrappy" little liar.

  58. Today's Bleg post:


    Someone call Pig Shocker a wahhhhmbulance!

    Guess she should have removed her ass from her couch years ago and got a job like EVERYONE else.
    Now unemployment will be on the rise and no one will be able to donate to the animal abusing, lazy, scamming, narcissistic sociopath.

    Hard working folks will have hard times. Lazy assholes will have dire times. If she can't buy food for the animals or keep her house, the animals will FINALLY be rehomed to new owners who will love and care for them properly.

    I love how the good always win in the end and what is done in the dark always comes out in the light.

    Time to start looking for a bridge to live under or a basement room to borrow, Pig Shocker. 😂🤣😅


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