I am an essential services worker. I am going to work. Our office has implemented greater distances between work stations - 3 people per room instead of 6, is investigating work-from-home options, but that's challenging as we use multiple applications, three screens, and a phone with a headset. I am safer than my friends in primary care.
My wife is a private residence cleaner. She called in sick on Monday for the week because our area was not yet taking things seriously, and she didn't want to ride public transit or risk spreading pathogens from the wealthy houses of people who refused to stop travelling, to the houses of their elderly clients. It was a wise choice, as now, three days later, it's looking like the business is going to shut down and she will be laid off. As we are in Canada, she will be able to access employment insurance, so it will pinch, but not put us in a financial crisis. She will be able to find replacement employment eventually.
Friends of mine left for Ireland last Thursday night, and immediately upon arrival had to turn around and try to get home. After 60 plus hours of travel they are finally one short domestic flight away. I paid for their hotel room, because they're significantly younger than my wife and I are, and because I was in a similar situation 10 years ago and I was helped by my friends.
Money legit solves problems, and I'm happy to give what I can spare to genuine friends or people in actual (not self-perpetuating) crisis.
I am so grateful to be in a position to do this.
I am not worried about food stores, as we had an earthquake stash and simply topped it off last week before the frenzy hit. As I have multiple contacts in healthcare, I had a bit of advance warning (the outbreak in Seattle) and contacts in the supply chain, so I am comfortable with what I can expect in terms of shortages.
In my neck of the woods, we pool or trade food resources, check on the old folks. I worked at the epicenter of SARS during that outbreak, so the actual virus doesn't scare me - the global impact will have a bigger impact on me personally. I do believe the economic consequences of this will make permanent changes in all of our lives.
I appreciated your thoughtful comment. Not that it matters, but out of curiosity, I was wondering if you were male? I've asked this question before on other posts, but no one has ever responded. I've thought that most of our commenters are women. I also realize that with same sex marriages your spouse could be female. So I mean no offense if so. I hope that's not too nosy, and would appreciate an answer if you have time. I'm an American, and think that Canadians are cool. I look forward to exploring your country someday when it's safer. Thanks.
Anon 11:36 - Thanks for sharing your story. Very interesting to hear how our neighboring countries are handling this pandemic. And thank you for continuing to be an essential services provider. The world needs more people like you. Best of luck to you and yours.
Anon 2:04 - When you visit beautiful Canada someday, make sure to drive north on the Sea-To-Sky Highway in British Columbia. We drove it from Vancouver to Squamish, and boy, what a grand adventure that was. Such beauty, everywhere you looked.
I am tired- like everyone else, about the worry. Hard not to get a bit depressed when the world is closed. But, I keep busy with my animals- who have no clue about this virus.
I hope you feel better soon. And you're so right about the animals. They have zero clue. Which is why last week we majorly stocked up on cat food. Cuz we, as humans, are able to understand if there is a food scarcity and know why we are hungry. But the animals, not so much. So they were our first priority.
We are basically hunkered down and continue to work from home, with very few visits to other businesses. We're secure financially, in good health but we're in a vulnerable demographic. For the day-to-day, living on a farm gives us lots to do and room to roam, so we're not bored by any means. There's plenty of food in the larder, so we're in good shape.
Our state governor realized the seriousness of Covid19 early on, closing schools, movie theaters, pubs and restaurants to everything but take out. There was stunned silence for the first few days after this announcement, but it's settled down. Businesses that remain open have adjusted to viral distancing. Our communities are figuring out how to help neighbors, using FB to stay in touch, forming weekly checks of the most vulnerable and elevating donations to food banks etc. Area stores are limiting hoarding and have "early morning" senior shopping hours. Some also offer home deliveries. Local farms with legitimate meat, veggie and herb sales / CSAs are doing very well, I think, with on-farm pickup and home delivery.
Unfortunately, people in service sectors have been slammed hard. Unemployment in our state jumped from 3,000 to 28,000. I don't know how they will survive, but I do know we're all in this together and we will help where we can.
Nice post, poodle. I try and stay focused that from every crisis can come great growth and wisdom. It can also mobilize connection and the good side of folks (and also the ugly side). Here lies an opportunity for our country to be humbled and acquire much more gratitude and humility. Perhaps there will be hope for the millennial generation after all. :) I don't think generations under 80 have ever "gone without" and this will be a wake up call. We will hopefully realize what we need and what is really important.
Wow Poods, sounds like your city is going thru the same thing as us, as of tonight. Smart governor you have, doing what's best to flatten the curve, so to speak. I hope you keep posting updates as to how the situation there is going, as it sounds like your city is several days ahead of us. And any new info would be good to know.
From what I've heard, Americans making less than $75K will be receiving stimulus checks for around $1,200 each, which will help. Also, don't know about your area, but there's talk about mortgages being suspended and landlords not being able to evict those that can't immediately pay their rent, due to suddenly being laid off. So that's nice that there's help for differing living situations.
Hi Anon7, to some extent our state had to move fast, being close to NY. For example, very early on, we had people test positive for Covid-19; the individuals were two degrees away from an early NY patient. Living in a scenic area, we see a lot i\of weekenders from NYC, so odds are community contamination has already occurred! In response, every hospital in our state provides testing for symptomatic people (with doctor note) and there are on-line doctors available to diagnose. This week, beauty salons, barbers, nail salons are shut. Bars and restaurants remain closed, except for take out. Special hours are getting organized for seniors to visit grocery stores - including buses, rides etc to the stores.
What does this mean in the day to day? Traffic is nonexistent, except for grocery stores and big box-stores. Public transportation is shut down or dropped off. A large casino closed for the first time in its history, laying off thousands. Some restaurants decided to permanently close. As I mentioned earlier, the biggest hit is to people in the service sectors. Local towns are rallying, with respect to fuel, food and clothes for affected people. Since grocers are seeing HUGE demand, some are hiring displaced employees. Our state is not yet "stay in place" - although I firmly believe that will come in urban or suburban areas. My personal opinion is we are still several weeks away from the worst of it.
With all this being said, my area is fairly rural - a lot of people have gardens or raise chickens, so we all have a tendency to have sufficient food for ourselves and our animals. Successfully living in the Northeast (where we have power outages due to snowstorms) teaches such preparation! Our town hall may be shut down, but we receive video and phone messages from town government almost daily. So far, our rural community is doing okay.
As I read the messages from everyone, I am struck by how difficult it must be in cities or congested areas. Covid-19 test kits are extremely limited so we cannot do testing to see where contagious folks are located, as done by South Korea (who contained their pandemic very effectively). We can only self-isolate and wash those hands and any potentially contaminated surfaces.
Thank you, Anon7, for reminding us about our wildlife friends. Videos are floating around showing hungry animals in urban parks because the people who normally feed them aren't around. I'm glad people like Anon7 thought of this and provide some extra food!
Last, please continue to share your stories. It's vital we keep in touch and share what normal - non-scamming - people do to survive the Covid-19 pandemic. With all my heart, I hope you and yours weather this!
Wow, sounds like your state is REALLY on it, in terms of being proactive. Thanks for the additional information. Sorry I didn't respond to your post until a few days later, but as you might understand, I've have been busy trying to protect my family and trying to glean the latest information from all the news sites.
I've been seeing more and more news stories and social media posts about people fleeing big cities to the safety or small towns like yours. And gosh, I hope they are being respectful and following strict disinfection protocols. What a crazy time this is. But if everyone just does what is right, it hopefully won't be so bad. Stay safe, everyone.
I cannot say we are happy that people from the highest infection area are fleeing to the countryside. The New Yorkers haven't been tested so odds are they carry the Covid-19 infection. This is generalizing but those of you in tourist areas recognize the rude New Yorker stereotype, and it's there for a reason. In the past week, they have rented every available house in our County, descended on grocers and literally push locals out of the way to hoard-buy meat, vegetables, toilet paper etc. Our little gourmet grocer has seen a four-fold increase!
Still we are all trying to cope. They were welcomed but locals do wish they'd be polite and respectful during this whole mess.
I am a mental health therapist and luckily have worked from my cabin for the last two years since moving to the Ozarks. I do telehealth (was way ahead of the curve, LOL). I am prepared that my business will crash soon if we don't recover in a short amount of time which is unlikely. Many clients of mine and also friends have lost either all income or a large percentage of it. Although therapy may be needed and wanted by many, it will not be an essential during a time when money is short. I am alone (widowed young) on 30 acres but have a great start on my huge garden, have plenty of eggs and mushroom season and poke salad are gonna pop up everywhere soon. Also blessed to have a freezer full of veggies from last year's garden. I am also growing microgreens. My plan is to sell at farmer's market this year and I just hope they don't shut it down. I have started a local Facebook group in my area (small town of 450 people near the Buffalo River) where we can keep tabs on anyone in need and hopefully mobilize to support the basics. Our food store was fine but lately people from the city an hour away have come to buy what we have and now we're out of what we need. I do admit I'm nervous and I don't get rattled easily. Not nervous about health risks but economic instability and longer term effects on our economy. I feel blessed to have a current income from my cabin and am able to homestead on my 30 acres during time off. Time to stock up on seeds and ammunition... not TP. Hope you all are doing well.
Sylvia, I was the one who sent you a link to this site recently. (I read one of your responses to JFW on Twitter.) I don't know if you knew about us before, but it's good to "see" you here. I find your blog and journey inspirational. It's far from being the whining begging that's CAF.
Anonymous... Hi there! Yes, I tried to reply to the email you had sent me but it bounced. I had visited this site previously and read on occasion. Thanks! For some reason, it will not let me comment or post as "anonymous" any more and I would prefer to do that because of my profession. Any idea if that has to do with setting by the admin? Have tried over the past couple of weeks to no avail. I appreciate the positive feedback about the blog. I don't update it nearly as much as perhaps I should cause I'm a bit more active on Facebook for that page. I hope you're well and praying for a rebound for us all soon!
Sylvia. I wrote the comment, thanks! That email address was wonky, but I appreciate you trying. I'm not sure about the settings, because I can still comment anonymous. You can also scroll down to "Select Profile... Name/URL" in the posting options, and put whatever name you choose. We're okay here for now. Glad that I have an extra supply of toilet paper. I wish that panicked people would understand that they're causing their own shortages.
Sylvia. FYI: Sometimes Unknown pops up instead of Anonymous depending on which one I choose. So there are a few "Unknown" profiles here. Apparently it's a default. Which can be confusing.
Sylvia, welcome! Kudos to you for being in a profession that helps others. And it sounds like you are a very prepared person, with all your past preparations and good sense. As I mentioned up above, there's word that Americans making less than $75K will receive a stimulus check of $1,200. Best of health and luck to you and yours.
Jenna, it's clear that you read here. I just sent Veronica Belmont a link to this site, along with an explanation of why you won't sell on either a site or have a store:
JW: "I gotta make $200 in sales every day for a while to make it through this month and cover every bill just to tread water to next month. Buy soap and art if you can! Offering discounts on large orders of soap and logos! http://PayPal.me/jennacaf"
VB: "We gotta get you set up with an online store. This PayPal thing isn't working."
In the past, FFF has ignored or snarkily dismissed every suggestion to set up an online store, but VB holds a coveted "blue check". It will be interesting to see what happens.
PDD. She's clearly trying to not pay those pesky taxes. JW is also too lazy to create a store. DMs and PayPal are ways for her to avoid doing both, and not be held easily accountable.
Unknown 11:57, I happen to agree with you. There's also the theory that sales are merely a way to build sympathy and get gifts or tax-free donations. Shamsters have commented about past relationships with FFF, which lasted as long as they sent $$$ or proved useful to her.
For those who think making a website might be too hard for that scrappy VerYork farmer, know FFF had a website under the business name Oakpaw, and she did business on Etsy. She's also (as I remember) refused offers from people to build / help construct an online store for her.
This behavior is unusual for someone who frequently laments she needs "more sales" to support her failing farm.
PDD. I heard that she was kicked off Etsy for failing to mail items. (Kind of like her bombed Birchthorn book.) And banned from having another account. And she had no problem making the former Ty's Good Hand site, too. It's also odd that she refuses to do any local farmers' markets in the summer. That would be one way to sell products, and drum up new business.
I can't believe the Pig Shocker had the gall to ask people to send her $200 A DAY so that she can continue to live without working a real job. Yeah, let's give money to her so we don't interrupt her ability to order $75 Taylor Swift sweatshirts that she wears while feeding her furry props their breakfast and dinner.
In the "silver lining" department of this scary virus situation, it's most likely that the Coronavirus will wipe CAF off the map for good. And what I mean by that is animals being re-homed and her going to live in her parent's basement. I do believe that this will be the final end of CAF, cuz people will be hyper focused on their own families and finances right now. Time focused on their own circumstances, and their own well being and survival. No one is going to have the time, mind or money to "save" a hobby fake farmer from her own detriment. She's properly screwed. And about time. Good riddance to the serial animal abuser.
Crikey, Jenna, get a job already. Quit trying to get internet strangers to send you money. Go back to school and learn to be a nurse or at least something useful to society.
Glad to hear folks are doing well. Hopefully those who are not are finding resources to help.
I live in the city, and in a poor neighborhood as a lifestyle choice. There are so many emergency needs with schools, restaurants closing, etc. that hit my neighbors disproportionately hard. 95+% of our students rely on breakfast/lunch at school, so there is a scramble to keep that going since many parents can't absorb the cost of feeding those extra meals. Plus most employed adults work in some type of service industry like catering, hotels, Uber/Lyft, restaurants - it's something like 75-80, so again a hard hit to the community. Figuring out what the emergency is and how to respond is weird - it's not like an earthquake or tornado where you know where to go and help clean up or hand out blankets.
I am working almost totally from home - though our office is very close and I can have my office to myself, so I am going there some just for a change of scenery.
Personally, I happily realized that I keep a 2 week supply of food on hand, so I am able to "top off" with a normal grocery shop instead of the panic shopping we have experienced. Plus my small, but way more productive than FFF, gardens and my commitment to preserving leave me with stocked goods for my little household. I also have 2-3 weeks of food for my dogs, so again can get by with just a normal additional bag, although I have some concerns and may do a little stocking up there.
Finally, for mental health, I am trying to work away from the news, take walks and check on neighbors.
Karen, are you from the east coast? Cuz you're describing what just started happening here, so I'm just curious. (And you don't have to answer if you don't want to.)
I'm so glad to hear you are a part of that very important program to help feed students in need. Good on you for providing a service that truly counts. From everything you wrote, it sounds like you are doing the right things to help others. And that's awesome.
I am in the Southeast -- (not so) Anon in GA. We have been at groups less that 50 for 8 weeks since Monday, but have been "office light" all week. Our governor is letting each community decide - ya know the one that did his campaign ads holding a rifle sitting on the porch with his daughter's boyfriend? Thankfully I have a sane mayor. But there are yahoos in community close enough that they would claim to live in our city, that continue to have full service restaurants, St Patrick's parties at pubs and crowds of teenagers hanging out in the parks.
I have come in 3 of 5 days, worked at home the other 2. Most large offices and industries went to work at home last week and schools closed for 2 weeks beginning this week. The state University system had to be forced to close. With a scheduled spring break coming up, I will be very surprised if the local schools go back before the end of April if at all.
I saw that announcement, and thought the same thing. I think that she'll just justify needing more items that she requires for the "End Times" as stated in her blog.
Her teeth will start falling out in rapid succession. At this point shes lost every tooth in her head at least once.
She would normally lie and say that one of the dogs has an illness or injury to get pity money. Now I doubt she would say one of the dogs needs a vet visit that she can't afford because the various agencies who have investigated her for animal abuse would be allllll over that.
Oh yeah, Whackadoodle, she's gonna have like 40+ root canal needs by week's end. You heard it here first. And then she'll report many frozen pipes (even though it's now Spring), and her truck is gonna need a C-Section cuz it's brake line babies just had quintuplets, and her new baby goat is gonna have like, Syphilis, or Herpes or something, and that it will harm his pregnancy, even though he's a boy goat. And man, the emergencies coming out of that fake farm are going to hit a fever pitch. Can't fucking wait.
Not surprising that while she's oh-so worried on her bleg, she posted on Lezwolfmemes that she has "The quiet confidence of being a pedantic, over-prepared, lesbian during the coming End Times."
Is anything for real with a person who "lives like fiction"?
Well, for one thing, I'm grateful for the participants on this site. I'm in the process of looking for a job at the moment, but I think the current circumstances will make it a little tough.
I've always had a bit of a prepper mindset, and I suspect that is true for many of us who are interested in a more self-sufficient lifestyle. I've relied on some good farmer's markets the last couple of years, mostly because I can obtain a large enough quantity of produce at one time to make it worth preserving. This year we're going to have to get into our own gardening a lot harder. I have some ducks and quail, and am thinking of raising some meat chickens.
In addition, I've learned to dehydrate and can. I even canned meat for the first time last year. First aid items have been put aside, and I even have lots of toilet paper. Paper towels are running short, though. It's funny that people ride you for trying to be prepared, but at the moment, I'm a little disappointed in myself that I'm not more ready.
I don't know why, but I'm feeling a little down about all of this. I think a lot of Americans want to help others during difficult times, but in this case, we're supposed to stay away. I'm trying to look at it as an opportunity to do things that there is not usually time for.
I'm not in my 80's, but I do remember gas rationing, and people having gardens because they needed to. I hope this is an overreaction and the long-term health consequences aren't too bad, but I guess we won't know until it is over. Sending blessings to you all.
I still can't believe she's BEGGING for $200 a day/$6K a month so she doesn't have to lift her ass off of her living room floor and tear herself away from her Twitter, Instagram, Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Amazon, Lesbos.com accounts, and other websites. Yeah, poor her, let's give money to HER, lest she starts to withdrawl from her internet addictions.
I've never played that game called "Whack a Mole" but if given the opportunity, I wish each and every mole was her. Seriously, what is wrong with her? Like really? Bitch needs an internet reality slap. And a hard one at that. I just don't understand people like her. The greed. The lies. The insanity.
People with drug addictions usually need $200+ a day to support their habit. Just saying......
Whatever money she has received thus far most definitely has went to something other than home/property upkeep, animal care, medical care or truck repairs. She begs for every single $ needed to live her lame life.
Begging for $200 a day raises all sorts of red flags.
Heya - Hope everyone is OK, and in good health, and being careful to follow anti-virus protocols.
Well, even though "shit got real" here about a week ago (10 minutes from Los Angeles), tonight shit OFFICIALLY got really REAL. As in our governor held a press conference and told everyone to stay home after midnite tonight. You can only go out for essentials (food, gas, doctor, pharmacy) and some places (banks, gas stations) will stay open. But everything else is closed (gyms, bars, restaurants, movie theatres, malls, hobby shops, beauty parlors etc).
Last Friday I convinced everyone here in my home that things were becoming serious, so in addition to strict hand washing/sanitizing procedures once we all got home (phones, keys, wallets), we also did a big shopping. Being that we live in earthquake country anyway, we already had emergency supplies on hand (food, water, etc) but went out anyway and bought more additional food provisions. And already last week, there were no paper towels, no toilet paper, no hand sanitizing products and no bread to be found. But we already had some of that, so no biggie.
But then at 6pm-ish today we get word about the midnite curfew -- which totally turned my evening into a real barn burner cuz just this morning my elderly, health-declining cat decided to pee on my bed. Like a lot. My wet ankles woke me up. My plan for the evening was to take my bedding to the laundromat, but now we had to fit in trips to non-essential businesses in between the wash/dry cycles. It was madness. But we managed to get everything we needed. *big sigh of relief* And BTW, laundromat was crowded but I didn't see even ONE creepy person. I guess they're all in Cambridge NY.
Although, while still at the laundromat, I noticed a homeless person and all their stuff in a dark storefront alcove. And I thought, if housed people are having difficulties right now, what must it be like for the homeless? This person was sleeping, so I thought to tuck some money where they might find it later. But it was kinda windy, so instead I just asked, "Excuse me, are you awake?" And to my surprise, it was a man and from the way he spoke (educated) and the way he looked (recently homeless) I realized that he must be really freaking out. So I gave him $25 to which he thanked me and he said it really meant a lot. Poor guy. If I see him tomorrow I'll give him more. And some food and hand wipes.
So I guess, this is a heads up for anyone reading this, that if you see a homeless person, know that they're going to have a harder time than us with this crazy virus shit, so if you can spare it, hand them some money to get by...cuz with some restaurants closing, there's gonna be less trash cans for them to try to fish food out of. Maybe give them some hand sanitizer or wet wipes if you have spares. Just anything you can give that may help them.
And also, think about the elderly in your area. If you personally live near some, maybe check on them. See if they need anything. If they need shopping done or medicine picked up. Warn them of scams like fake Coronavirus "officials" going door-to-door offering Q-tip nose swab tests in exchange for money. (Yes, this is really starting to happen.) Ask if they have family and if they are in touch with them. Reach out and help protect.
And last, try to care for the animals in your area, especially if you live in a big city. Like birds and squirrels who'll have less pickings if there aren't people walking around dropping the food scraps they depend on. Last Friday I bought several bags of unsalted nuts to throw around, especially since it's been raining hard here. I've also been strewing around bird seed. And placing some not-quite-expired food out by the trash for the stray cats, raccoons and possums.
Anyway, everyone stay stay safe. Practice good hygiene and health measures. Look out for your neighbors. Remember to wash your hands often and not touch your face. And good luck.
Ugh, I just re-read this for errors and realized I made a mistake in implying that I made it sound like the homeless guy was creepy. He was not. He's just a human like you and me. So the paragraph I wrote just after mentioning him, I shouldn't have used the word "although" and should have said "Additionally" instead. Grrrr...I hate it when I fuck up like that. So yeah, just to be clear, I did not mean to make it sound like I thought he was creepy. In fact, I'd rather have him as an overnight guest over the Pig Shocker any day.
anon7 - i was born in san diego so i understand the homeless situation and until you mentioned it i hadn't thought of it. good story and thanks for looking out for folks who can't do much for themselves. i have a ton of friends in southern california and the bay area and it's more than weird there. so many people losing all their income or a lot of it. you take care and glad you were able to stock up. we gotta make the best of it and keep looking out for others when we can. we can either freeze in situations like this or become mobilized.
Anon7, so kind to reach out to the man who was homeless. We have a large population here as well. Yesterday, a group installed handwashing stations in some areas where a lot of them congregate, since the shelves are long cleared of hand sanitizers.
The stay at home order is freaky. I wonder at what point we will be there? Our state numbers of cases and deaths are doubling or more daily.
Another good reminder is for those of us who can, donate cash to food banks. This allows them to buy what is needed, be it tampons or kraft dinner, and not have one thousand tubs of peanut butter. They also pay less for provisions they purchase than we do.
Thanks guys, for your kind replies. Sylvia, you are so right: It's "Flight or Fight" time right now. Karen, so wonderful to hear about those handwashing stations for those in dire need. This warms my heart. And Anon 6:20, great reminder about food banks, as they are so important to the less fortunate. I'm going to go thru my canned goods to pick out non-expired food that no one here fancied so that I can donate it. And remember, food banks accept other things too, like socks and feminine hygiene products which are in great demand for these dear souls. Please give all that you can, if you are able.
OK, so an update:
I didn't see my homeless man the next day. Which sucks cuz I had two $20s for him. But I'm still keeping an eye out for him, cuz man, I can't imagine what he's going thru. And our grocery store...they smartly adopted a protocol where people can't just rush in. They started a procedure where you line up outside, and then they let you in a few at a time. So that everyone can keep a safe distance. So great, that.
I live off a busy street and my windows are always open, so I've been hearing a dramatic increase in cars racing by with a selfish disregard for others. It's cuz the police are too busy to give traffic citations right now, so as a result, many assholes are speeding to their heart's delight just for fun. So fuck those people. Really.
Other than that, we are continuing to stay isolated and going out only when we have to, and limiting that to just once a week. Or hopefully less. Still haven't found toilet paper, but still have several rolls left.
And hey, I have more new Mourning Doves in the hanging plant on my porch! The female laid her eggs on 3/7 and 3/8...and they hatched this weekend! And it's such a lovely distraction during this confusing and stressful time. It's kinda funny how they seem to have no idea what's going on around them. Nature is amazing.
But I think the squirrels do know something's up. I've lived here for years and have fed the neighborhood squirrels peanuts on occasion and had noticed that when I did, they never seemed to be in any real hurry to procure them. But today, despite not seeing any squirrels around, I threw some nuts out the window of the bedroom, and by the time I walked back to the kitchen window, I saw one racing to get to those nuts, which was a first in all these years. So yeah, keep feeding urban wildlife, as they seem rather hungry as of late.
They need the Johnny on The spots that they have in Paris (or at least had in the mid 2000's) for the homeless population. They are completely washed inside and out when someone is finished using them. It's like an automatic car wash.
"Up here in the Hinterlands this is bringing me closer to my community. Picking up groceries for an immune-comped friend. Sharing work and resources. Meeting new people willing to deliver hay. It's not all bad."
After using and taking from her "community" for years, she's going to show what a giving, caring citizen she's become. And almost overnight, too. Not buying her bullshit. It's hilarious how she refers to her area as "the Hinterlands." Here's the definition: 1. the often uncharted areas beyond a coastal district or a river's banks, 2. an area lying beyond what is visible or known. Cambridge is far from being "uncharted." She's close to Greenwich, Wilton and Saratoga Springs. And Albany isn't that far away either. JFW wants to give the false impression that she's a "scrappy, living alone on the side of a mountain" victim of the virus who needs donations now.
She must have read CAST discussion on community, so now she's "giving" to her community. Must be hard since she lives alone...in the wilderness...on top of a mountain.
But, Shamsters, you know she's talking about PP / family, lol, who she drags out whenever she pretends community interaction in a way that doesn't involve drinking.
LOL at the FFF referring to herself on @lezwolfmemes Instagram as a "lesbian lumberjack." Since she's been whining for years about "being afraid of chainsaws." And won't cut down trees even on her own property for free firewood. What a fucking poser. She really likes her little labels. Calling herself a "futch" is funny.
There has long been talk / jokes about how lesbians love camping because we are basically expecting to be ejected from society at any moment, and camping is a way we can escape the oppressive environment of society to just be.
It is also a true stereotype that lesbians who have had to become self-sufficient and learn "man jobs", and indeed tend to occupy higher-stress and trades jobs more frequently than straight-passing women, and there are many theories as to why. Indeed in health care, I see queer women in positions of leadership more often than straight-passing women, and social workers, psych workers (counselors, outreach) and hellish yet necessary administration jobs (which is my own career path, lol).
Queer woman have a legacy of doing the tough public service jobs that no one else really wants to do (because we will do more for less pay, due to workplace hiring discrimination practices for non-femme women.)
My point being, FFF identifying as a "lumberjack lesbian" or just posting as a character as such, is disingenuous, given she doesn't actually work at all. :( She gets people to pay for her services through a "donation" link (making it impossible for people to dispute charges through paypal.) She's not towing the legacy line.
That was well-put. Your explanation makes sense. I've often described Jenna as "disingenuous," and a fraudulent poser. She "identifies" with whomever and whatever will give her free handouts.
She might have it at her shit pit of a property for photo ops but otherwise that goat will be living on someone else's property.
She can't pay her bills yet still keeps buying crap that is non essential. She continues to make immature decisions like a mentally challenged 12 yr old.
That goat was a "gift" - a bottle baby. Jenna wants to be like Lee, who runs a true one woman farm: https://www.moxieridgefarm.com/ . Lee has been posting pictures of her cute-as-hell kids, so naturally Jenna had to have a cute little kid of her own, too.
Up here in the Hinterlands, alone in the woods and scared. This pandemic is bringing me closer to my infected community. Picking up groceries for an immune-comped friend before she dies because I infect her. Sharing work and resources, they do my work and I use their resources! Meeting new people willing to deliver hay, the suckers. It's not all bad this plague, keep that PayPal coming folks
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. She got up that morning, poured a cup of coffee 'n whisky and then sat her ass back in bed, guzzling whilst perusing Twitter for new targets to fleece.
Just know this: She's not picking up groceries for anyone. She's picking her nose.
It seems like lately the liberated lesbian realizes that overt begging is bad optics. Even though she keep retweeting her greedy "I need to make $200 a day for awhile" tweet she's toned it down a little. Or maybe she's received backlash from friends, fans and foes.
Yes, it seems as if she finally had a moment of clarity where she realized that begging for mortgage donations was extremely bad optics when people who HAVE money can't even buy toilet paper, bread, milk, along with a plethora of the latest "I Can't Find this product" internet rumors.
Really hope this serves as a severe wake up call to her to finally stop begging for other people to save her ass and her horrible pig shocking farm.
Hello everyone. I'm located in Kentucky and have to give kudos to our Governor for being extremely proactive. I've been recovering from a total knee replacement so haven't been venturing far from anyway. Now it's just going to longer. I have stopped out patient PT and I'm expecting those facilities to close shortly anyway. My husband and I have always maintained enough food to last for weeks so we're in good shape. I have my canning stocks as well and eggs from the chickens. I'm most concerned about my daughter who has a small shop and is closed. I don't know how long a closure she can withstand. I also have a brother in cancer treatment and sister in remission. Both are in their 70's. Hopefully they will maintain enough isolation that they will not become ill. As to the mess at Cold Antler Farm I just hope she keeps feeding the animals during this time. While it's always scary times for Jenna, I think a lot of us have a feeling of dread right now. Selling $200 worth of soap daily is laughable. Discretionary spending is really going to tighten up and overpriced soap might be kicked off the shopping list.
Hi Anon-Kentucky, stay strong and hang in there. I've been reading about your Governor and he's someone who's doing what's best for your State. If they haven't already done so, maybe KY can "pause" some mortgage and rent payments or offer no-interest loans to small businesses to help your daughter.
What we're seeing in NE are opportunities for "personal shoppers", grocery store supply chain helpers, almost anything that supports people staying in quarantine.
Also, I've noticed an increase in out of towners at local stores these past two weeks. It turns out city folk (NYC) are flocking to our county to escape the city. Prime rental homes are now mostly taken, but several people have recently suggested rural folk rent out homes or rooms to as a way to generate income.
Thankfully there aren't many like FFF, who does nothing and then begs for donations.
And, no, Pig Shocker, we don't consider it community service to have PP arrange to cut wood on your property (by a big scary man with a chainsaw), and we don't consider it responsible for you to swan around the community then post a photo of you hugging a retired woman (who has a disabled son) in the middle of a freaking pandemic!
Thank you PDD. Appreciate the kind words. My daughter is actually in North Carolina and her shop is in a tourist town in the Mountains. It's a Catch-22 situation they need the tourists and their $$ but it's beyond crazy. Folks are descending on them for a "safe" place to wait this out. Lady from NY brought the virus with her and is isolating in her vacation home. There is only one large grocery and it's wiped out. Not normal shopping but the hoarding mentality. Most of the shops in town are closed but a few stubbornly remain open and she said there are some people still wandering around like nothing is wrong. I hadn't read CAF blog and did today. My DIL raises dairy goats and bucklings are difficult to sell, so I'm betting someone gifted him to her to save the milk which has more value at this time. Know that sounds cruel but it's what happens. We have a doe kidding in the next 10 days. Hopefully they will be does but if not we will raise them and sell for meat or butcher ourselves. Farm life isn't pretty sometimes but it feeds us. We also make goat milk soap and it frosts my cupcakes that Jenna "makes it order and ships immediately". That's a fraud, Other posters are right. It's bulk purchase melt and pour and readily available from several supply houses. I truly hope all the posters on here stay safe and well. Good wishes from the Bluegrass State.
You would do better and safer to just buy Dove soap from the Dollar Store and save the money for more important things then shoring up Miss HinderlandSnowflake...
Kentucky Anon - Thanks for sharing your story and situation with us. Always nice to hear how everyone is doing. Glad to that hear you have a competent governor who cares about people. And I hope that your family will be OK. Your daughter, and her business, is there any part of it she could bring online to help get by?
you all got it wrong she got the baby goat at the dump like everything else around there. No paying money for almost brand new bike came from the dump, books they came from the dump. Some day I am going to have to visit that dump.
Lol, so true! Funny how everything "pricy" she acquires just "happens" to have been found at her lucky dump. Like, it must be, like, the luckiest dump in the world! Yeah, and let me bend over and show you all the monkeys that fly out of my butt.
"Guys?!" We're doing okay so far. Our small town in Vermont hasn't seen any Covid cases yet. Unfortunately, stupid people are still hoarding essential supplies. I also hope that everyone here is doing well. It's funny how "the complainer" never responded to my questions, yet had the chutzpah to say that we were avoiding hers. (When we took time to answer, and I even supplied multiple links.) I'm waiting for the FFF's next fake disaster. She's been unusually silent on Twitter lately. I'm sure that she's plotting what will bring in more free handouts.
Thanks for checking in, Luckless! Hope you and your town continues to be OK.
And yes, she's gone near radio silent on Twitter for a few days now. It's finally probably hit her that she can no longer count on foolish internet strangers to pay her mortgage and buy her Taylor Swift sweatshirts. And so she's shaking in her $200 boots. Good. I hope she craps her Rag & Bone pants too. And chokes on her expensive Death Wish Coffee while eating day old donuts meant for pigs whilst watching a new premium subscription channel she purchased from an unused and loaded gift card she found at the dump.
"What if this Pandemic is the only time in my life I'm not scared of foreclosure and enjoying every minute of it?!"
We knew this one was coming soon. She wouldn't be "scared of foreclosure" if the FFF would get off her fat ass and work a part-time job to support "this farm" and herself. I wouldn't celebrate just yet, Jenna. The "scary red van man" and "wolves are at my door!" will be back in a few months once the grace period is over. You don't deserve a home. So you don't "need" the "$200 every day" after all, but you'll accept donations anyways.
Since she's so dishonest about how her income is earned, and there's never any pics as proof, I wouldn't be surprised if her "fear of foreclosure" is fabricated for free handouts.
PDD. She is a sociopath. It's like she's gloating about not having a looming foreclosure. Unfortunately, it's at the expense of a worldwide health crisis. I think that eventually it'll happen to her hovel, because she's a failure at farming. (And everything else.) WDH. Exactly. She'll probably plan a party now, and make a new Hobbit map for fun.
If I were her, having done all of the horrible things she has done, I would be worried about Karma choosing to strike now during the coronavirus. I'm shocked she hasn't used this as another reason to put down those who travel. She has always been such a jealous hag about people who have the means to travel while she sits around her hovel getting uglier and crazier.
Unknown 10:13 - She recently wrote, in her bleg post from 3/18, that:
"Almost all of my income right now comes from freelance, handmade soaps, meats, and artwork."
Hmmm..."almost all"??? So she is getting pity money from someone else? Like the red-faced parents perhaps? And then Pig Shocker said this:
"If people are not in the mindset to purchase anything, even soap, this farm won't survive this."
Good. The less pigs that are shocked in this world, so much the better. And yeah, her dumb "enjoying every minute of this virus" statement is so tone deaf to the world's current crisis. Reddit has/or had subreddit's called "PunchableFaces" and "I'mATotalPieceOfShit" and many others. The insensitive tales of the selfish Pig Shocker's statements and antics would be appropriate in all of them.
"If people are not in the mindset to purchase anything, even soap, this farm won't survive this."
Yea well too fucking bad Jenna. It's about time you lost your farm anyway. In New York alone, there is 15,000 cases of the virus. When you write shit about enjoying every minute of the pandemic, you deserve to lose the farm.
People have much more important things to worry about right now.
Being "right up against it" in a good economy as she wrote in her latest bleg should have been followed by action and different choices. That indicated what she was doing was not working.
I call bullcrap on her being behind on the mortgage at this point. surely you can't be behind on mortgage payments this frequently or for this long without the foreclosure process actually moving forward. This has been going on for seven years.
I have been reading up on mortgage / foreclosures given the time we are currently in, and it seems that if you're behind by 4 months you're pretty screwed, but a process is initiated just 15 days after you're late on your first payment.
If you're multiple months behind chronically, for years, that is more than enough reason for the lender to dump you. You would have to get another mortgage through someone else, sell up and bug out, or just bug out and go bankrupt. If she was really behind when she's said she's been behind, she would have lost the place long ago.
I am looking into my crystal ball and I see another kiva loan in her future! I don't think there is a way to see if she repaid her last kiva loan, and if not, she wouldn't be eligible to do a campaign through them again.
Can you imagine how far ahead she would have been if she had kept her job, and just did additional fundraising / soap selling / solicitation for donations just for specific expenses and not for monthly recurring expenses?
Girl, your poor choices landed you exactly where you are. It's not "the system", not because you're "a farmer" or a single woman, or an artist / creator.
Here's another thing: if you are chronically delinquent in payments, you're racking up HELLA fees and late charges. It costs the banks money to send those wolves to your door, and to keep the property in your hands, you generally have to reimburse the bank for their costs in getting you to pay up.
Being habitually late on a mortgage payment is like living from payday loan to payday loan. you're pissing your money away and it inevitably catches up with you.
Anon 6:55 - Yep, she wrote that on one of her bleg posts this month.
Anon 5:35 - Pretty sure you can click on her Kiva profile to see any new/old actions and loans. And consider that she may try a GoFundMe campaign next. She won't get away with that cuz periodically I search GoFundMe for:
-Woginrich -Jenna Woginrich Cambridge NY -Jenna Woginrich Sandgate VT -Jenna Woginrich Palmerton PA -Border Collie, NY -Gibson, Friday NY
Searches for Merlin and Mabel too, etc, etc...you get the gist. If she even tries to pull that sorry shit, we'll be onto her real quick. And shut that down right quick.
Hey guys - Found this nifty link to a website that was developed to help you figure out how much toilet paper your household needs during the ongoing shortage, thanks to people who are hoarding. It's a calculator to suss out your wiping needs. It's pretty simple, and also has an "Advanced Options" setting for if you live with additional people. (And credit to this website link goes to Alabama's AL.com, who are awesomely helpful folks for sharing this!)
it appears she is NOT worried about the mortgage anymore as she will be able to not pay the mortgage now and she can have fun money that she was saving up for to spend like crazy. Happy Days are here again. When she isn't tweeting you know she has money kind of a indication for her. Good times folks, good times.
Yeah, normal adults might be glad for a brief reprieve, but then they'd save up their mortgage money. But not the FFF. She'll blow her resources now, and beg for free handouts in a few months. She'll probably use up her "tiny treasure" Hobbit map money. It was a measly amount, and laughable that she bragged about it.
Not sure how it works in her state, but even if you get a brief reprieve, you STILL have to pay that month's mortgage money at some point later on. So I just don't get that she's traipsing around trying smash mountains when she should be getting a J.O.B.
And oh, remember her whole prideful "I never wash my hands" nasty bleg post?
Yeah, so, that means she's waddling all over her beloved town spreading germs everywhere. The laundromat, post office, Stewarts, Subway, etc. And potentially spreading the Coronavirus...not to mention the regular flu and the common cold viruses. She should quarantine herself for the sake of humanity.
She is nasty. PERIOD. She looks like she doesn't ever wash anything. I wouldn't let her step one cloven hoof inside my place of business or home.
Anon7, I said the same thing about having to pay her bills eventually. It's not like they just forgive the loan. She is so seriously stupid it's almost scary.
If PP is letting Pig Shocker into her house with her disabled son, shame on her.
Nasty Pig Shocker could find herself becoming an actual social outcast that is shunned by her town. No one wants to be around someone who blatantly ignores good hygiene. With this virus it's not just disgusting, it's deadly.
It's a very educational video that clearly explains and shows exactly how germs are spread. Yes, it's 10 minutes, but it's also very entertaining, not boring at all, and all the kids are awesome. And you'll learn some life saving tips on how to avoid (and not spread) this horrid virus.
And...after you are done, call, email, or text this video to everyone you know, because the more of us who are educated, the more people will survive.
Also know that when it comes to proper handwashing, it's not the temperature of the water (cold is fine) it's the amount of time you spend doing it. They say to sing "Happy Birthday" two times. And get into every nook and cranny. There are Youtube videos that show this, just like the ones I watched in nursing school.
And...I want to share something stupid that I did tonight: We've been shopping just once a week to limit our exposure to the public. After we were done, we still had one more place to drive to. And while driving, I took off my jacket and rested the backs of my forearms on the steering wheel while waiting at a stoplight. A steering wheel that I had touched after touching potentially germy surfaces in the store (products, ATM keypad, etc.)
And even though I had used a disinfectant wipe on my hands after loading the groceries, I may have missed a spot and the steering wheel was now compromised since I had touched just about every point on it. And I remembered in school how important it was to wash not only your hands, but your forearms as well (like a surgeon does).
And so, here's what might have potentially happened: I go home, put the groceries away (after wiping them down with Chlorox wipes) and then go to wash my hands only, forgetting about my forearms that had been on the germy steering wheel. Then later, I touch my germ ridden forearms right before rubbing my eye or eating something. Then voila! Virus germs are now inside me, ready to multiply.
I swear, I'm not trying to spread panic, as I learned all about Infection Control years ago in nursing school. And it's not paranoid to think this way because it's proven that it's how germs spread. And in the video, they do explain this. So, be careful after coming home from being in public. Pay attention to what you've touched, and remember to disinfect common surfaces in your home like doorknobs, water faucet handles, light switches, fridge door handles, etc.
Stay safe, everyone. And don't forget to wash your hands...and forearms!
Awwww, shit...one more thing (sorry for being so yappy tonight):
Please, if you go to any store, please take the time to thank the cashier (and any workers) for working during this unusual time. On Reddit, I've been seeing so many posts about retail workers talking about the verbal abuse they've been receiving from a scared and irate public. They are being yelled at for:
1) The store's new limited hours (Closing too early) 2) Being out of certain hard-to-find products (Not having toilet paper or bleach) 3) Just about anything and everything (Another customer coughed near them)
Please be kind to these AWESOME retail workers. They happen to work in industries that are deemed essential and they do not really have the option to stay safe at home like most of us. They are literally putting their lives on the line to make sure all of us consumers get what we need. So they need love right now, not verbal abuse.
Tonight, at the grocery checkout, we looked the cashier in the eye, smiled, and said, "Thank you for staying open for us so we can get what we need. We really appreciate it." Please, if you go anywhere to buy anything, please repeat these kinds words often. And I kinda feel silly about saying all this here, cuz I believe y'all are already kind and considerate folks to begin with, as you are all so compassionate about animals, but just wanted to share all this anyway. I'm just being throurough just in case.
I live in a small town and know most of the workers where I shop. I always ask them how they've doing, how things are going, and thank them. I have to admit though, I haven't seen any of the behavior I've heard about in other areas, no cussing or fighting over things, no long lines waiting to get into the stores.
That's nice to hear. I also haven't seen any abhorrent behavior yet. People are being pretty quiet and respectful so far.
But...price gouging is something I saw at my grocery store a few days ago. Normally I purchase a few high quality rolls of paper towels ($1.99), and then grab a few of the cheap-ass .77 cent rolls. So on Monday, I see that they only had about 50-75 rolls and it was a brand I hadn't seen before. And they were asking $2.65 per roll (limit one) for what looked to be a pretty skinny roll. Well, I thought, for that price this better be good quality.
It was not. It was actually crappier than the .77 cent rolls. -- as those tend to tear a bit when pulling off a sheet, but this new roll, you try to pull a sheet off and it just shreds into small pieces. So you're stuck with a wad of torn up thin-as-fcuk paper. I wasn't happy. And quite annoyed that I spent $2.65 for the damn thing. Grrrrr.
WOW pig shocker must really have come into a bunch of donations or she is spending her money she "earned up" by now as not one little tweet on her site. She is only quiet when she has money to burn and now 6 days before her mortgage is due and not a peep. Will be interesting when she gets rolling again.
That was well-put you two. She's never quiet on Twitter this time of the month when mortgage money is needed. So either her dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters have helped her with handouts again, or she's finally found a stupid sugar mama. I think that the former is more likely than the latter. Stay safe.
Well, she's got 3 months of deferred mortgage payments, and probably $1200 coming from the stimulus. At the end of 3 or 4 months I wonder what she'll have to show for it? She could have all her bills paid, or have some repairs done around her "farm" or just be Jenna and drink more, play more and then have a big panic at the end of it.
I would bet she actually thinks that deferred means forgiven.
She's busy playing and probably on PP's ass to entertain her, house and feed her. As I said earlier, it would be very irresponsible to let the likes of Pig Shocker inside PP's house with her disabled son.
Anonymous 8:09 I heard it was also for the self employed. If she pays taxes she probably qualifies. But the bill hasn't passed yet, so no one knows for sure.
From what I read earlier today, any qualifying American who files taxes will receive money the soonest. So what about people who don't have to file taxes? If they are on Social Security, Disability or are a Veteran, they will receive their money thru whatever payment system they already have set up.
Back in 2008, it was a requirement (for those who don't need to file taxes) that they must sign up anyway in order to receive a stimulus check. But it looks like this time gov't officials have/are deciding to forgo that requirement. Which is good cuz back in 2008, nearly 20 million either received their check very late, or didn't get it at all.
I just worry about younger people who started working for the first time (last year or this year) who have yet to file for taxes for the first time. Especially those who don't have Direct Deposit set up. Sounds like those are the folks who may experience difficulty in gaining access to that check.
For anyone near Porky Pig Shocker, do you utilize the Next Door app where people can report things going on in their neighborhood? I can't imagine what the talk about Colfax rd would be. Lots of Sasquatch sitings I imagine.
Wouldn't it be amazing if the reason she's gone radio silent is because she panicked and *GASP* finally got a part time job? Or perhaps she packing up and moving back to Ma and Pa Wog.
She must be stewing that she hasn't been able to make it all about her.
No one gives a shit about Pig Shocker. She will either say that she doesn't feel good after delivering groceries to 100 elderly ladies who can't go out and shop OR she will say one of her dogs has it because she is stupid af.
Hola amigas (y amigos) - Over on her Instastories the Pig Shocker posted a curious pic of her supposed "Handmade" soaps. Curious because what in hell is going on with that one bar? Did she spill paint on it? It looks diseased.
And...the accompanying text states: "Kills Viruses" <----------WTF?!?
Properly washing your hands (for at least 20 seconds) with regular soap only gets rid of bacteria, fungi, basic germs. It can help WASH AWAY viruses down the drain but it doesn't kill them. So if fools believe her virus-killer claim, she's gonna contribute to more folks becoming sick.
Here's the link to the pic: https://www.insta-stories.com/en/stories/coldantlerjenna
Sometimes you'll get this message: "There has been an error. Please try again later." (This glitch happens often but things return to normal a bit later.)
People who make FAKE claims about remedies that will kill the virus will get their (in Pig Shocker's case- fat) asses handed to them.
She just hands this stuff to us on a silver platter, doesn't she? Next the FDA will send her a letter and she will blame everyone but her own stupidity for it.
I'm pretty sure that she is getting groceries from the local food pantries. She could scam her way into going to three of them using Patty to go to two of them.
A few of my posts this week have vanished into the ether. These days, I have a hard time caring anything about the resident feral farmer, but I am worried about the truly hardworking folks who are getting swept away by this health and economic tsunami. Is everyone okay? I am pretty "feral" today myself, all posted up in the home office (grateful for work for now) and glad for being home to nurture along my spring veggies. Radishes and pea shoots are the only things I can harvest so far, but so much else is coming along. Our city is on 2 week stay at home orders. I spent half a day yesterday riding a public school bus route dropping off breakfast & lunch to students at home. Though there were protective measures in place, I still came home, stripped off clothes that went straight to laundry and did a big scrub down. God bless the healthcare, food retail, first responder, and all other workers who are literally putting their life on the line to keep things running!
Also, regarding FFF's silence, I think that with a real emergency going on that impacts everyone, she doesn't have anything to say because she can't be a special emergency snowflake (yet) and she hasn't talked about anything else for years. Or she's moved in with her new girlfriend !
I have a toddler who has decided that stripping and running around completely naked is the best thing ever! Now, if I can only get him to use his training potty more than 1 out of every 3 times, I'd be golden!
My teenage daughter doesn't like that I've added home economics into the school curriculum. I've already had to threaten to fail her due to lack of participation!
Spring veggies are starting to poke up in the raised beds. Have radishes, spinach, lettuce, garlic, and onions popping through, while last year's strawberry plants are reviving and a gorgeous green.
Peach trees are blooming a bit early, and the other fruit trees are flowing suit. Only lost 4 fruit trees over the winter, meaning all the rest are getting well established.
Extension service had done a soil test for us and recently gave us the results and told us how we can amend the soil in the large garden area. Will be tilling on garden lime.
I worry about my hubby every day because the manufacturing company he works for is designated as an essential business down in a city where some people have tested positive for the COVID19 virus. He's also becoming less worried about the virus and starting to say the government is overreacting and it's just another flu... Yeah, tell the folks who died stirring the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 that.
Just celebrated our anniversary last night. Didn't do anything fancy, but did exchange gifts. I have him some seeds he's been wanting, he gave me some awesome zombie signs to add to my collection. I love zombie fiction.
I did go on a baking spree the other day. I baked cinnamon rolls, sweet raspberry rolls using my homemade raspberry jam, 3 ingredient chunky peanut butter cookies, and 2 loaves of artisan bread - all from scratch. I shared half the rolls and bread with our elderly neighbors so they could enjoy them with their grandson. They are always giving us their grandson's hand-me-downs for our boys, which has been extremely appreciated. We tend to help each other out off and on anyways. Now that there is the Coronavirus to worry about, they've been staying in, and the only bread they were able to stock up on was hamburger buns, found that out after my hubby delivered the goodies I made them. I'll be making more loaves of bread to share with them this weekend. Maybe I'll see if any of my other neighbors could use a loaf while I'm at it.
My absolute biggest worry though is that my baby sister got pneumonia after flying within the country a few weeks ago. They didn't test her for the virus, but at least it sounds like she is recovering. Hopefully it won't cause any serious, lifelong, or reoccurring issues for her.
What a nice read that was, thank you. I find it neat to hear how others are doing, living. And lol, I remember the toddler days when the little buggers figured out how to yank the diaper off. Also, it's heartwarming to hear that you are looking after your elderly neighbors. Good on you for doing that!
Karen, hello. Glad to hear you are well and are taking proper precautions. Things here (Los Angeles area) are spooky quiet. With the exceptions of beaches and hiking trails, most people are staying indoors and self-quaranting. <--- (i can't spell)
At last count, CA has just under 4,000 confirmed cases which is not too bad compared to other states. So it's here, but it isn't raging. And it's like everyone is just waiting and continuing to shelter in place. So there's quite a bit of quiet anticipation. And a ton of hope that it doesn't hit too hard.
I'm in the midwest and our state has around 500 cases. It's weird to be in the house for what seems like forever but has only been since this past saturday. Friday was my last day of work for who knows how long.
Luckily my husband is in one of the essential job fields and my employer is straight up paying everyone their regular salary while we are off. I work for some awesome people and I am extremely grateful for them.
I have a teenager at home and worry most about him. Thanks to Xbox and various things, social distancing with his friends doesn't seem to be too challenging at all. I would have went absoloutely apeshit had I been stuck in the house when I was his age!
"Been staying off twitter for the better part of a week. What did I miss?"
What a bunch of bull and blatant lying. JFW has admitted an addiction to social media. I'm sure that she checks her timeline frequent for Taylor Swift updates. Now, she probably wants people to ask her why she's been MIA for attention and donations. "My tooth hurts! My truck needs repairs! I'm out of firewood! I need a new car!"
"Still working towards this goal I set last week. Trying to still make the month! Get soap!"
It's always all about her and money mooching. But no mention of a worldwide crisis that's impacted people in terms of health and economics. She lacks empathy and compassion. Which is why the FFF is a sociopath. And why would anyone buy her substandard soap when they can purchase local goods? (Not to mention the stress that delivery drivers are under etc...)
Yes, the timing of that "What did I miss" tweet is unbelievable. And manipulative.
So...she stays off Twitter for several days. Then posts a comeback "What did I miss" tweet. And then proceeds to beg yet AGAIN for $200 a day AND spam her feed with SIX sales pitch tweets for:
1) Soap (But this soap kills viruses, she says!) 2) Soap AGAIN, along with her book 3) Logo design 4) General sales + Contribution request + her Paypal link 5) Logo design AGAIN 6) Pet portraits, soap (AGAIN), sketches, logos (AGAIN), pork, archery lessons
Sounds like she purposely stayed off Twitter hoping to create some "where is she?" drama. And knowing that people just love to answer questions, she tweets in the hopes that everyone will flock to her Twitter account and see not just that question, but the SIX other tweets in which she begs for money. Manipulative Marketing 101 at it's best.
Hey it's the first poster here, the Canadian healthcare worker. I just heard on the news that the US homeland security wants to militarize our border??? What the heck? Canada has responded that this is not in our mutual best interests.
But seriously??? How expensive would militarizing the border be??? To keep out "illegal immigrants" who might be carrying COVID19? That is NUTS! Community spread is already happening in the US! The border is already closed to all non-essential traffic. Those border guards are intense on a good day - I think they can handle it. Canada is simply turning undocumented immigrants trying to come North, back to the US.
There is a human catastrophe happening in New York right now, and today the USA's numbers surpassed China's total case count... and the outbreak in the USA is just beginning. China has the outbreaks well under control, 80+K cases is their end count.
Surely the military has better things to do. In Italy, the military is removing bodies and decontaminating buildings. The USA's case count surpassed Italy's yesterday.
I feel like I'm watching the twilight zone when I turn on the news. President Trump's approach to the outbreak in his own country, in his home town, is just beyond belief.
Wow, that is pretty strange. Over on Reddit yesterday, someone in my area showed phone video footage of a long train carrying military tanks...like tons of them. They said the tank progression lasted 5 minutes with the train only going about 35 MPH.
In the comments, some people were panicking, but others were saying that the military is in the process of decommissioning them and that the timing is just a coincidence. Also, someone found that they were being transferred from Point Magu down the coast to San Diego. Whatever the reason, it was certainly something we've never seen before.
What does goat-piggyback-ride-smashing-mountains have to do with farming? And what's the purpose of a pack goat anyway? I mean, it's a cute goat and all, but I just don't get why she bought it or what she plans to do with it.
There is no point in carrying the goat on her shoulders on a hike; the only purpose is to say, "Hey, wheeee! Look at my cute goat baby and don't ask me about my hawk that died this winter!"
Just curious- has anyone started a new supplement or vitamin regimen since the Covid 19 smackdown?
I have been giving myself and my family mega doses of vitamin C since this first started. Now recently, I read that Vitamin C might actually help. If it's good for the immune system, it definitely can't hurt. Plus it's water soluble so you pee out any extra. I have also been taking Lion's Mane mushroom supplements for a few months and have continued with that. It's been shown to repair the myelin sheath around cells. It has helped my memory 1,000%! It's amazing!
Something not very healthy but yummy af that I make once in a while- one can (or same amount fresh) small diced tomatoes mixed with 3 heaping tablespoons of minced garlic, add garlic salt to taste, slap it on top of the three (or is it five?) cheese texas toast found in the frozen section and bake for 20-25 min at 425. It's a whole lot of garlic but soooo good.
"Today the world is scary and I am bottle feeding a baby goat, transplanting seedlings to larger spaces, making soap and doing laundry. I am trying to keep things normal and safe. I miss my girl."
Here's another stupid tweet. The scrappy scammer, animal abuser, and online beggar always finds "the world" to be "scary." It's her choice. While the world is immersed in a huge health crisis, she still manages to make it all about her "dumb little life."
She misses her girl who doesn't actually exist. The "girl" who hasn't been plastered all over her social media or acknowledged her at all.
If a scourge like Pig Shocker actually managed to find someone who could stand her, she would have that relationship documented all over social media.
Everyone knows it's just another PS lie. It's more of the "Beast" lying to fit in because she's a narcissistic sociopath that no one can stand. You don't get a nickname like the Beast just because you look like one. It's because your soul is also rotten to the core.
WDH. Believe it or not, I think that "her girl" really exists. It looks like she's a closed profile on Twitter and Instagram as Shannon Doyle. But I doubt that she feels the same way about Pig Shocker or she'd show it online. I also don't think that this new romance will last long. Once SD discovers that the "Beast" of "Veryork" is a sociopathic POS, then she'll probably dumb her fat ass. Why would anyone want to date a lazy lifestyle loser?
That makes sense. Pig Shocker is always fawning over women who want NOTHING to do with her animal abusing, nasty ass.
Like when Ivy? came to visit and they prepared dinner together. Pig Shocker made it sound as if they were practically engaged afterward. Meanwhile Ivy posted ZERO about her as if it was just a bad experience she was trying to forget. More like a total nightmare I'm sure.
Karma is kicking her fat ass in the relationship department.
Yeah, I remember Ivy. And it was the same way when Sarah Marshall visited her. (She was one of the "rad writers" that the FFF worships because she's successful. Unlike JFW.) PS gushed about her few day stay like she was expecting Taylor Swift, but Sarah said nothing about her visit to Grunt Acres. (Maybe I've coined a new term for CAF.) I also hope that you're doing well. Your above comment makes it sound like you're in a good place.
Thank you LLS! I hope that you are also doing well. I'm tired of cooking and would love to go to restaurant. Who knows how long until we can all do that again.
Only Pig Shocker would have someone take her pic to show her social distancing. She is a real dumbass.😅🤣😂
We're okay, thanks! Our area only has a few corona cases so far. I just wish that stupid, panic people would stop hoarding most of the toilet paper. I also miss going out for mocha lattes etc... Fortunately, my husband has always done all of our cooking. (I make coffee in the morning, and also do the cleanups after meals.)
Notice the new bleg post doesn't mention the "girl" who is Pig Shocker's latest unreciprocated obsession.
Once again she is lying about planting and garden work but per usual doesn't mention cleaning the horses' area. That's because she never does (as shown in her own pics).
Only Pig Shocker would say she finds comfort in a post apocalyptic audiobook. That's because she is a sociopath who doesn't know what is socially appropriate. She just mimics behaviors and usually gets it wrong.
I find it hard to believe that the laundromat is still open. How do they practice social distancing? Although I'm sure that people leave when she shows up there and keep driving if they see her truck parked outside.
It is HILARIOUS that during this health crisis, she still has to go to a laundromat and doesn't have anyone who will allow her to do laundry at their house. Not even PP. 😂🤣😅
She's burnt every bridge ever placed before her. Now she is home, all alone, without a partner or even a platonic roommate to go through this crisis with. Instead she has a goat. That she had to BUY and has NO CHOICE but to live with that animal abusing maniac.
The picture of her with the goat on her shoulders shows exactly what she's really been doing. EATING. She has obviously continued her mainstay diet of fatty food and alcohol.
WDH. I thought the same thing about her physical fitness. (Or lack thereof.) Maybe her hawk took the pic. The goat is just Jenna's latest pet prop for photo ops. Now, she'll lie and say that she's been "running 5Ks" and "mountain smashing" during the virus crisis. Our local laundromats are open, but they've shortened their hours. And I've never seen any "scary" men hanging around their entrances either.
Yep, her "social distancing" is using a tripod to take pics. Right. Maybe she's planning on making goat casserole if the local store runs out of meat. "I put the laughter back in slaughter!"
Luckless, If you're not too far from the Fraudulent Farmer, we could meet partway if you really needed toilet paper. I hate running out of things, so I have some on hand.
Anonymous 10:57. Thanks for the kind offer. I appreciate it. We finally found toilet paper last night at a local drugstore. (Had a secret stash but didn't want to deplete it yet.) Maybe we can meet for coffee sometime in the spring when it's safer. I'm about an hour and a half from Cambridge. WDH. Exactly. You only have to look at her obese body to know that she's lying about her physical fitness.
More Twit Shit:
"Before I checked the news, before the rain started pounding, I made sure every critter on this farm had breakfast, clean bedding, and my goat had his bottle and the dogs got to run. Making many lives better starts mine best."
Ain't she just a caring, scrappy scammer? Clearly, the animal abusing pig shocker is trying to repair her rotten reputation with blatant lying. We don't buy her bull.
While other farmers are taking genuine actions to help the community during a pandemic, the scrappy, crappy fake farmer is binge-watching time-wasting shows and pretending to take care of her animals.
PDD. #BeBestBull. Maybe that means she'll also hire a Bobcat operator to muck out the manure that her poor pigs left. Like she was forced to do last spring due to another investigation, and it got stuck in the muck, because she's too lazy to clean up after them.
In regards to an above comment that you made, I've been wondering about her hawk too. Now, she'll probably post pics of Auburn. But we'll never know how current they are. She's infamous for using old photos on her carefully curated accounts. I guess that her horses eating hay mixed with poop on Twitter was an overlooked error. That was one of the videos that I sent to appropriate authorities.
Good Afternoon Everyone! Kentucky reporting in after a few days. I don't want to talk about the poor little goat being exploited at CAF. Hopefully he's providing enough entertainment for her that she's feed him enough. We however, had two kids born on the farm yesterday! A buckling and a doeling. So stinking cute they are LaManchas so tiny little elf ears. Unfortunately, the mama is a first freshener and does not care for them much. Didn't clean them very well and only let them nurse once. So she's being milked out and the babies given bottles of colostrum. Mama goat does seem to be a milking machine through. After babies had their fill this morning, a half gallon was left. . Unlike our faux farmer we're not pulling them yet. Going to leave them with Mama to see if she eventually figures out these little critters are her responsibility. If not we will separate then. Next project is building new nest boxes for the chickens. I hope all on here are well and safe.
Hi Kentucky. Enjoy reading your stories. Those of us with farms, land, gardens and/or animals are blessed in some ways because we have plenty to keep active. Baby animals are the best! Hope Mama figures it all out and happy you're not a baby-snatcher / attention media "who're" like the Fake Farmer.
Such a BS artist. The WHOLE of her County (Washington County, NY) only has seven (7) Covid-19 cases.
At the start of this, FFF bragged how Covid-19 quarantine was no different than her usual lifestyle, then wandered around town and even posed for hugs with 60+ yo woman with older husband and disabled son, and others. She traveled to NS Farm. (with drinking buddy) to play with goats, and pose with more hugs.
Her hugging pose with PP was days after Washington County went on Emergency Alert, and long after social distancing was enacted.
Jenna is disingenuous. She'll tweet about being "scared" so that her dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters will feel sorry for her fear. And either give her free handouts, or buy crappy products that they don't need. It's all about her manipulative marketing.
So, the governor of NY just said NY state is basically bankrupt. Good luck getting pity donations Jenna. You, like so many fake internet personalities are going to be the first to fail. People just do not have money to play your sympathy fiddle anymore.
"Well, here goes another 25 minutes on hold to reach a student loan representative that will also hang up on me because my landline has roo much static today."
The twat:
I can't pay my loan now, because the scary virus took away my income. Even though it's no one's business, I'll whine about it anyway. PayPal me, bitches!!!
It's weird that if she's still paying student loans, she doesn't write more about that along with her mortgage and other various bills. But also, all federal student loan payments will be automatically suspended until September, so unless she has a private loan I'm not sure what she's calling about.
Nothing says "I'm an alcoholic" like being excited to drink online. I'm sure that no one will be happy to see her fat face. She'll probably cake on makeup, and also do her hair for a photo op. And if her hawk is still alive, then she can pose it with the goat. Sick of the FFF proclaiming her town love when she's loathed by locals. And I'm speaking from personal experience.
"My brewery just sent out an email to regulars that there will be a zoom meeting for all of us to drink together. I love this town."
Sun goes away: I wonder if there's any more documentaries on youtube about disappearances in National Parks?"
She used the same stupid format recently to talk about "running a 5K" and her "clean good sports bra." But then the "sun disappeared," and instead, she wondered about "there being gummy worms left in her cupboard." JFW mistakenly thinks that she could've been a comic. Her lame attempts to be funny always fall flat. We wish that she'd just "disappear" for good.
WDH. Exactly. She's still begging for soap sales today on Twitter:
"Still working towards this month's mortgage. My goal since the 18th was $200 a day (this of course, was a huge goal and not what happened) BUT! I am almost there! Get some soap! You need it and this farm needs the sales!"
"This farm" needs nothing, asshole. It's "you" who wants free handouts. The soap is just a screen for donations. "BUT!" Gotta use that hyperbolic, all in caps word to try and generate panic. Her infamous fraction finances will be next, like "I'm 3/4 there!" It's a manipulative marketing technique that she frequently uses to convince foolish followers that a small amount of money will help her reach a goal. And not a word of concern about what others are facing now due to the virus: no home, jobs, food, supplies etc... She's a sociopathic POS.
Eww. Let's not forget the FFF - rapidly approaching 40 - has been lusting after teenaged characters in the Buffy series, and while most actors Who played the H.S. students were adult, the lead was only 19 and the actor who played Faith was 16.
Does she ever wonder if the "woman she is dating" follows her on social media? Because I am thinking that "woman she is dating" would find it extremely creepy that she is sharing details about her on line.
PDD. It's "creepy" and makes me cringe. Anonymous 3:16. Apparently, her "girlfriend" Shannon Doyle has a Twitter and Instagram account. Just imagine how stupid and desperate she must be to date an animal abusing, sociopathic POS like JFW. Talk about having no character discernment. It's also possible that she's a dumb enabler like Pember Patty.
So, she's running 10 ks every morning and yoga at night, and farming in between. What about the soap, and logo sale work? Jenna trying so hard to stay relevant. No farmer I know, truly, seriously, no farmer I know runs every morning. We are literally too busy. She is bored spitless.
"...trying so hard to stay relevant..." LOL. Impossible, because she's lazy and doesn't actually farm. She can only pretend to farm with city people, or perhaps UK people who must think US farms differently.
In an earlier tweet, to bolster her fake narrative of rural farming, she wrote that a "local farmer" brought her hay (of course, the local farmer was ever-enabling Pember Patty). She also allegedly "bartered" for candles - pfft, she is either harassing poor locals, or it's PP (again).
Here's what real farmers are doing: having farm babies, growing lots of plants, selling and delivering to people in their local community. Our main CSA farm has partnered with others to create "farm baskets" that are delivered to locals ($28 for a box of vegetables). Another farmer partnered with a nearby cafe to offer prepared meals at their self-service farm stand, in addition to vegetables, frozen vegetables and frozen meat .A third farmer donated 3 tons of corn, so the local distillery could make hand sanitizer bottles and GIVE them away.
Several of her twitters continue about supporting her farm and whether or not her supposed girlfriend has watched Buffy, while the rest of the world is dealing with this devastating virus. She is so damn tone deaf.
"What about meeeeee!!!?????" No one gives a fuck Jenna.
Good Morning Everyone, Kentucky here with a Goat kid update. Mama goat finally figured out that those two little critters following her around were her responsibility. They're nursing well, growing and being adorable as baby goats are. They're going to be let out in the field today with Mama and Grandma Goat. We'll see how this goes. We're probably two weeks out from baby chicks. Now if it would just dry up a bit so I can get some seeds in the ground. I urge everyone to take care of themselves as best as you possibly can. These are difficult times but we will make it through. I feel like everyone here is a friend and I want all my friends well.
My hubby almost bought a pregnant goat the other day. And he's looking at full grown chickens for sale in the area. I swear, if he shows me one more photo of an animal for sale, but doesn't buy it and bring it home, then I'm going to burst into tears! I told him tip stop teasing me with them because I'm seriously getting my hopes up now.
It feels like forever since we last had livestock, and since we moved to this property, it's always "we'll get them next year". My heart is breaking a little more every day.
But on a positive note, my raised beds are showing growth! Onions, peas, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, radishes, and spinach are all popping up! I told hubby we need to put up a temporary fence to protect the area, otherwise the wildlife will eat all muy hard work and we'll be left with nothing.
New thread please? This one is almost to 200 and is already taking forever to load in my rural area. It's April! I love this month because everything is really starting to grow and it's the green that signifies new life.
"Single femme tops in social isolation are learning what loneliness feels like for the first time.
Keep them in your prayers."
Oh, boo fucking hoo. Someone call the wahhhmbulance again. She's whined about "loneliness" even when trying to attract men. The FFF really likes her little labels. I'll bet that the brave, badass "top" is still "scared" of dudes in small town laundromats, and also the "red van man" from her bank.
Her sentence makes no sense. Is she talking about herself again or other femmes? I think it's hilarious that she mentions she's a "top" when talking about anything. Who does this????
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
I am an essential services worker. I am going to work. Our office has implemented greater distances between work stations - 3 people per room instead of 6, is investigating work-from-home options, but that's challenging as we use multiple applications, three screens, and a phone with a headset. I am safer than my friends in primary care.
ReplyDeleteMy wife is a private residence cleaner. She called in sick on Monday for the week because our area was not yet taking things seriously, and she didn't want to ride public transit or risk spreading pathogens from the wealthy houses of people who refused to stop travelling, to the houses of their elderly clients. It was a wise choice, as now, three days later, it's looking like the business is going to shut down and she will be laid off. As we are in Canada, she will be able to access employment insurance, so it will pinch, but not put us in a financial crisis. She will be able to find replacement employment eventually.
Friends of mine left for Ireland last Thursday night, and immediately upon arrival had to turn around and try to get home. After 60 plus hours of travel they are finally one short domestic flight away. I paid for their hotel room, because they're significantly younger than my wife and I are, and because I was in a similar situation 10 years ago and I was helped by my friends.
Money legit solves problems, and I'm happy to give what I can spare to genuine friends or people in actual (not self-perpetuating) crisis.
I am so grateful to be in a position to do this.
I am not worried about food stores, as we had an earthquake stash and simply topped it off last week before the frenzy hit. As I have multiple contacts in healthcare, I had a bit of advance warning (the outbreak in Seattle) and contacts in the supply chain, so I am comfortable with what I can expect in terms of shortages.
In my neck of the woods, we pool or trade food resources, check on the old folks. I worked at the epicenter of SARS during that outbreak, so the actual virus doesn't scare me - the global impact will have a bigger impact on me personally. I do believe the economic consequences of this will make permanent changes in all of our lives.
I appreciated your thoughtful comment. Not that it matters, but out of curiosity, I was wondering if you were male? I've asked this question before on other posts, but no one has ever responded. I've thought that most of our commenters are women. I also realize that with same sex marriages your spouse could be female. So I mean no offense if so. I hope that's not too nosy, and would appreciate an answer if you have time. I'm an American, and think that Canadians are cool. I look forward to exploring your country someday when it's safer. Thanks.
DeleteAnon 11:36 - Thanks for sharing your story. Very interesting to hear how our neighboring countries are handling this pandemic. And thank you for continuing to be an essential services provider. The world needs more people like you. Best of luck to you and yours.
DeleteAnon 2:04 - When you visit beautiful Canada someday, make sure to drive north on the Sea-To-Sky Highway in British Columbia. We drove it from Vancouver to Squamish, and boy, what a grand adventure that was. Such beauty, everywhere you looked.
Testing to see if this posts
DeleteOkay, so it looks like I can post again.
DeleteI’m Anon Mar 18 11:36
I don’t mind you asking - I’m a woman, so’s my wife. We are in BC, yes I can vouch for the sea to sky drive!
As well, when visiting vancouver island, the drive from port alberni to Tofino is just as breathtaking.
My wife and I moved to BC from ON in 2009. When all this passes, I strongly encourage y’all to visit rural BC. There is so much here.
I suggest you select a destination with hot springs :)
Oh and there is at least one other wueer woman anon, and one other canadian anon.
DeleteIt is interesting to see how our governments are handling this crisis differently.
Anonymous 6:06. I asked you the question, and appreciate your answer. B.C. and hot springs are on our list.
DeleteAnon7: Thanks for your suggestions, too.
I am tired- like everyone else, about the worry. Hard not to get a bit depressed when the world is closed. But, I keep busy with my animals- who have no clue about this virus.
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon. And you're so right about the animals. They have zero clue. Which is why last week we majorly stocked up on cat food. Cuz we, as humans, are able to understand if there is a food scarcity and know why we are hungry. But the animals, not so much. So they were our first priority.
DeleteWe are basically hunkered down and continue to work from home, with very few visits to other businesses. We're secure financially, in good health but we're in a vulnerable demographic. For the day-to-day, living on a farm gives us lots to do and room to roam, so we're not bored by any means. There's plenty of food in the larder, so we're in good shape.
ReplyDeleteOur state governor realized the seriousness of Covid19 early on, closing schools, movie theaters, pubs and restaurants to everything but take out. There was stunned silence for the first few days after this announcement, but it's settled down. Businesses that remain open have adjusted to viral distancing. Our communities are figuring out how to help neighbors, using FB to stay in touch, forming weekly checks of the most vulnerable and elevating donations to food banks etc. Area stores are limiting hoarding and have "early morning" senior shopping hours. Some also offer home deliveries. Local farms with legitimate meat, veggie and herb sales / CSAs are doing very well, I think, with on-farm pickup and home delivery.
Unfortunately, people in service sectors have been slammed hard. Unemployment in our state jumped from 3,000 to 28,000. I don't know how they will survive, but I do know we're all in this together and we will help where we can.
Nice post, poodle. I try and stay focused that from every crisis can come great growth and wisdom. It can also mobilize connection and the good side of folks (and also the ugly side). Here lies an opportunity for our country to be humbled and acquire much more gratitude and humility. Perhaps there will be hope for the millennial generation after all. :) I don't think generations under 80 have ever "gone without" and this will be a wake up call. We will hopefully realize what we need and what is really important.
DeleteWow Poods, sounds like your city is going thru the same thing as us, as of tonight. Smart governor you have, doing what's best to flatten the curve, so to speak. I hope you keep posting updates as to how the situation there is going, as it sounds like your city is several days ahead of us. And any new info would be good to know.
DeleteFrom what I've heard, Americans making less than $75K will be receiving stimulus checks for around $1,200 each, which will help. Also, don't know about your area, but there's talk about mortgages being suspended and landlords not being able to evict those that can't immediately pay their rent, due to suddenly being laid off. So that's nice that there's help for differing living situations.
Hi Anon7, to some extent our state had to move fast, being close to NY. For example, very early on, we had people test positive for Covid-19; the individuals were two degrees away from an early NY patient. Living in a scenic area, we see a lot i\of weekenders from NYC, so odds are community contamination has already occurred! In response, every hospital in our state provides testing for symptomatic people (with doctor note) and there are on-line doctors available to diagnose. This week, beauty salons, barbers, nail salons are shut. Bars and restaurants remain closed, except for take out. Special hours are getting organized for seniors to visit grocery stores - including buses, rides etc to the stores.
DeleteWhat does this mean in the day to day? Traffic is nonexistent, except for grocery stores and big box-stores. Public transportation is shut down or dropped off. A large casino closed for the first time in its history, laying off thousands. Some restaurants decided to permanently close. As I mentioned earlier, the biggest hit is to people in the service sectors. Local towns are rallying, with respect to fuel, food and clothes for affected people. Since grocers are seeing HUGE demand, some are hiring displaced employees. Our state is not yet "stay in place" - although I firmly believe that will come in urban or suburban areas. My personal opinion is we are still several weeks away from the worst of it.
With all this being said, my area is fairly rural - a lot of people have gardens or raise chickens, so we all have a tendency to have sufficient food for ourselves and our animals. Successfully living in the Northeast (where we have power outages due to snowstorms) teaches such preparation! Our town hall may be shut down, but we receive video and phone messages from town government almost daily. So far, our rural community is doing okay.
As I read the messages from everyone, I am struck by how difficult it must be in cities or congested areas. Covid-19 test kits are extremely limited so we cannot do testing to see where contagious folks are located, as done by South Korea (who contained their pandemic very effectively). We can only self-isolate and wash those hands and any potentially contaminated surfaces.
Thank you, Anon7, for reminding us about our wildlife friends. Videos are floating around showing hungry animals in urban parks because the people who normally feed them aren't around. I'm glad people like Anon7 thought of this and provide some extra food!
Last, please continue to share your stories. It's vital we keep in touch and share what normal - non-scamming - people do to survive the Covid-19 pandemic. With all my heart, I hope you and yours weather this!
Wow, sounds like your state is REALLY on it, in terms of being proactive. Thanks for the additional information. Sorry I didn't respond to your post until a few days later, but as you might understand, I've have been busy trying to protect my family and trying to glean the latest information from all the news sites.
DeleteI've been seeing more and more news stories and social media posts about people fleeing big cities to the safety or small towns like yours. And gosh, I hope they are being respectful and following strict disinfection protocols. What a crazy time this is. But if everyone just does what is right, it hopefully won't be so bad. Stay safe, everyone.
I cannot say we are happy that people from the highest infection area are fleeing to the countryside. The New Yorkers haven't been tested so odds are they carry the Covid-19 infection. This is generalizing but those of you in tourist areas recognize the rude New Yorker stereotype, and it's there for a reason. In the past week, they have rented every available house in our County, descended on grocers and literally push locals out of the way to hoard-buy meat, vegetables, toilet paper etc. Our little gourmet grocer has seen a four-fold increase!
DeleteStill we are all trying to cope. They were welcomed but locals do wish they'd be polite and respectful during this whole mess.
I am a mental health therapist and luckily have worked from my cabin for the last two years since moving to the Ozarks. I do telehealth (was way ahead of the curve, LOL). I am prepared that my business will crash soon if we don't recover in a short amount of time which is unlikely. Many clients of mine and also friends have lost either all income or a large percentage of it. Although therapy may be needed and wanted by many, it will not be an essential during a time when money is short. I am alone (widowed young) on 30 acres but have a great start on my huge garden, have plenty of eggs and mushroom season and poke salad are gonna pop up everywhere soon. Also blessed to have a freezer full of veggies from last year's garden. I am also growing microgreens. My plan is to sell at farmer's market this year and I just hope they don't shut it down. I have started a local Facebook group in my area (small town of 450 people near the Buffalo River) where we can keep tabs on anyone in need and hopefully mobilize to support the basics. Our food store was fine but lately people from the city an hour away have come to buy what we have and now we're out of what we need. I do admit I'm nervous and I don't get rattled easily. Not nervous about health risks but economic instability and longer term effects on our economy. I feel blessed to have a current income from my cabin and am able to homestead on my 30 acres during time off. Time to stock up on seeds and ammunition... not TP. Hope you all are doing well.
ReplyDeleteSylvia, I was the one who sent you a link to this site recently. (I read one of your responses to JFW on Twitter.) I don't know if you knew about us before, but it's good to "see" you here. I find your blog and journey inspirational. It's far from being the whining begging that's CAF.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnonymous... Hi there! Yes, I tried to reply to the email you had sent me but it bounced. I had visited this site previously and read on occasion. Thanks! For some reason, it will not let me comment or post as "anonymous" any more and I would prefer to do that because of my profession. Any idea if that has to do with setting by the admin? Have tried over the past couple of weeks to no avail. I appreciate the positive feedback about the blog. I don't update it nearly as much as perhaps I should cause I'm a bit more active on Facebook for that page. I hope you're well and praying for a rebound for us all soon!
DeleteSylvia. I wrote the comment, thanks! That email address was wonky, but I appreciate you trying. I'm not sure about the settings, because I can still comment anonymous. You can also scroll down to "Select Profile... Name/URL" in the posting options, and put whatever name you choose. We're okay here for now. Glad that I have an extra supply of toilet paper. I wish that panicked people would understand that they're causing their own shortages.
DeleteSylvia. FYI: Sometimes Unknown pops up instead of Anonymous depending on which one I choose. So there are a few "Unknown" profiles here. Apparently it's a default. Which can be confusing.
DeleteSylvia, welcome! Kudos to you for being in a profession that helps others. And it sounds like you are a very prepared person, with all your past preparations and good sense. As I mentioned up above, there's word that Americans making less than $75K will receive a stimulus check of $1,200. Best of health and luck to you and yours.
DeleteJenna, it's clear that you read here. I just sent Veronica Belmont a link to this site, along with an explanation of why you won't sell on either a site or have a store:
ReplyDeleteJW: "I gotta make $200 in sales every day for a while to make it through this month and cover every bill just to tread water to next month. Buy soap and art if you can! Offering discounts on large orders of soap and logos! http://PayPal.me/jennacaf"
VB: "We gotta get you set up with an online store. This PayPal thing isn't working."
In the past, FFF has ignored or snarkily dismissed every suggestion to set up an online store, but VB holds a coveted "blue check". It will be interesting to see what happens.
DeletePDD. She's clearly trying to not pay those pesky taxes. JW is also too lazy to create a store. DMs and PayPal are ways for her to avoid doing both, and not be held easily accountable.
DeleteUnknown 11:57, I happen to agree with you. There's also the theory that sales are merely a way to build sympathy and get gifts or tax-free donations. Shamsters have commented about past relationships with FFF, which lasted as long as they sent $$$ or proved useful to her.
DeleteFor those who think making a website might be too hard for that scrappy VerYork farmer, know FFF had a website under the business name Oakpaw, and she did business on Etsy. She's also (as I remember) refused offers from people to build / help construct an online store for her.
This behavior is unusual for someone who frequently laments she needs "more sales" to support her failing farm.
PDD. I heard that she was kicked off Etsy for failing to mail items. (Kind of like her bombed Birchthorn book.) And banned from having another account. And she had no problem making the former Ty's Good Hand site, too. It's also odd that she refuses to do any local farmers' markets in the summer. That would be one way to sell products, and drum up new business.
DeleteI can't believe the Pig Shocker had the gall to ask people to send her $200 A DAY so that she can continue to live without working a real job. Yeah, let's give money to her so we don't interrupt her ability to order $75 Taylor Swift sweatshirts that she wears while feeding her furry props their breakfast and dinner.
DeleteIn the "silver lining" department of this scary virus situation, it's most likely that the Coronavirus will wipe CAF off the map for good. And what I mean by that is animals being re-homed and her going to live in her parent's basement. I do believe that this will be the final end of CAF, cuz people will be hyper focused on their own families and finances right now. Time focused on their own circumstances, and their own well being and survival. No one is going to have the time, mind or money to "save" a hobby fake farmer from her own detriment. She's properly screwed. And about time. Good riddance to the serial animal abuser.
Crikey, Jenna, get a job already. Quit trying to get internet strangers to send you money. Go back to school and learn to be a nurse or at least something useful to society.
Glad to hear folks are doing well. Hopefully those who are not are finding resources to help.
ReplyDeleteI live in the city, and in a poor neighborhood as a lifestyle choice. There are so many emergency needs with schools, restaurants closing, etc. that hit my neighbors disproportionately hard. 95+% of our students rely on breakfast/lunch at school, so there is a scramble to keep that going since many parents can't absorb the cost of feeding those extra meals. Plus most employed adults work in some type of service industry like catering, hotels, Uber/Lyft, restaurants - it's something like 75-80, so again a hard hit to the community. Figuring out what the emergency is and how to respond is weird - it's not like an earthquake or tornado where you know where to go and help clean up or hand out blankets.
I am working almost totally from home - though our office is very close and I can have my office to myself, so I am going there some just for a change of scenery.
Personally, I happily realized that I keep a 2 week supply of food on hand, so I am able to "top off" with a normal grocery shop instead of the panic shopping we have experienced. Plus my small, but way more productive than FFF, gardens and my commitment to preserving leave me with stocked goods for my little household. I also have 2-3 weeks of food for my dogs, so again can get by with just a normal additional bag, although I have some concerns and may do a little stocking up there.
Finally, for mental health, I am trying to work away from the news, take walks and check on neighbors.
Karen, are you from the east coast? Cuz you're describing what just started happening here, so I'm just curious. (And you don't have to answer if you don't want to.)
DeleteI'm so glad to hear you are a part of that very important program to help feed students in need. Good on you for providing a service that truly counts. From everything you wrote, it sounds like you are doing the right things to help others. And that's awesome.
I am in the Southeast -- (not so) Anon in GA. We have been at groups less that 50 for 8 weeks since Monday, but have been "office light" all week. Our governor is letting each community decide - ya know the one that did his campaign ads holding a rifle sitting on the porch with his daughter's boyfriend? Thankfully I have a sane mayor. But there are yahoos in community close enough that they would claim to live in our city, that continue to have full service restaurants, St Patrick's parties at pubs and crowds of teenagers hanging out in the parks.
DeleteI have come in 3 of 5 days, worked at home the other 2. Most large offices and industries went to work at home last week and schools closed for 2 weeks beginning this week. The state University system had to be forced to close. With a scheduled spring break coming up, I will be very surprised if the local schools go back before the end of April if at all.
I appreciate your response and the updates. April, I keep hearing this too. And then a few months beyond that too? Wow.
DeleteThe gov of NY just announced that he is suspending mortgage payments. Will be curious to see how JW retools her begging....
ReplyDeleteI saw that announcement, and thought the same thing. I think that she'll just justify needing more items that she requires for the "End Times" as stated in her blog.
DeleteHer teeth will start falling out in rapid succession. At this point shes lost every tooth in her head at least once.
DeleteShe would normally lie and say that one of the dogs has an illness or injury to get pity money.
Now I doubt she would say one of the dogs needs a vet visit that she can't afford because the various agencies who have investigated her for animal abuse would be allllll over that.
Next she will claim to have a terminal illness.
Oh yeah, Whackadoodle, she's gonna have like 40+ root canal needs by week's end. You heard it here first. And then she'll report many frozen pipes (even though it's now Spring), and her truck is gonna need a C-Section cuz it's brake line babies just had quintuplets, and her new baby goat is gonna have like, Syphilis, or Herpes or something, and that it will harm his pregnancy, even though he's a boy goat. And man, the emergencies coming out of that fake farm are going to hit a fever pitch. Can't fucking wait.
DeleteNot surprising that while she's oh-so worried on her bleg, she posted on Lezwolfmemes that she has "The quiet confidence of being a pedantic, over-prepared, lesbian during the coming End Times."
ReplyDeleteIs anything for real with a person who "lives like fiction"?
Quiet confidence? Yea right. Bitch be dreamin on that one.
DeleteI never knew that "quiet confidence" was laced with "anxiety" and being "terrified" constantly.
DeleteShe's so transparent and predictable that it's almost amusing. She had to mention a triggering emotion like "scarier" to keep the free funds flowing.
Delete"Things here a chicks, seedlings, banjos, baby goats and mud. Feels like any other spring, but scarier."
Well, for one thing, I'm grateful for the participants on this site. I'm in the process of looking for a job at the moment, but I think the current circumstances will make it a little tough.
DeleteI've always had a bit of a prepper mindset, and I suspect that is true for many of us who are interested in a more self-sufficient lifestyle. I've relied on some good farmer's markets the last couple of years, mostly because I can obtain a large enough quantity of produce at one time to make it worth preserving. This year we're going to have to get into our own gardening a lot harder. I have some ducks and quail, and am thinking of raising some meat chickens.
In addition, I've learned to dehydrate and can. I even canned meat for the first time last year. First aid items have been put aside, and I even have lots of toilet paper. Paper towels are running short, though. It's funny that people ride you for trying to be prepared, but at the moment, I'm a little disappointed in myself that I'm not more ready.
I don't know why, but I'm feeling a little down about all of this. I think a lot of Americans want to help others during difficult times, but in this case, we're supposed to stay away. I'm trying to look at it as an opportunity to do things that there is not usually time for.
I'm not in my 80's, but I do remember gas rationing, and people having gardens because they needed to. I hope this is an overreaction and the long-term health consequences aren't too bad, but I guess we won't know until it is over. Sending blessings to you all.
The Chickqualizer
I still can't believe she's BEGGING for $200 a day/$6K a month so she doesn't have to lift her ass off of her living room floor and tear herself away from her Twitter, Instagram, Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Amazon, Lesbos.com accounts, and other websites. Yeah, poor her, let's give money to HER, lest she starts to withdrawl from her internet addictions.
DeleteI've never played that game called "Whack a Mole" but if given the opportunity, I wish each and every mole was her. Seriously, what is wrong with her? Like really? Bitch needs an internet reality slap. And a hard one at that. I just don't understand people like her. The greed. The lies. The insanity.
People with drug addictions usually need $200+ a day to support their habit.
DeleteJust saying......
Whatever money she has received thus far most definitely has went to something other than home/property upkeep, animal care, medical care or truck repairs. She begs for every single $ needed to live her lame life.
Begging for $200 a day raises all sorts of red flags.
Heya - Hope everyone is OK, and in good health, and being careful to follow anti-virus protocols.
ReplyDeleteWell, even though "shit got real" here about a week ago (10 minutes from Los Angeles), tonight shit OFFICIALLY got really REAL. As in our governor held a press conference and told everyone to stay home after midnite tonight. You can only go out for essentials (food, gas, doctor, pharmacy) and some places (banks, gas stations) will stay open. But everything else is closed (gyms, bars, restaurants, movie theatres, malls, hobby shops, beauty parlors etc).
Last Friday I convinced everyone here in my home that things were becoming serious, so in addition to strict hand washing/sanitizing procedures once we all got home (phones, keys, wallets), we also did a big shopping. Being that we live in earthquake country anyway, we already had emergency supplies on hand (food, water, etc) but went out anyway and bought more additional food provisions. And already last week, there were no paper towels, no toilet paper, no hand sanitizing products and no bread to be found. But we already had some of that, so no biggie.
But then at 6pm-ish today we get word about the midnite curfew -- which totally turned my evening into a real barn burner cuz just this morning my elderly, health-declining cat decided to pee on my bed. Like a lot. My wet ankles woke me up. My plan for the evening was to take my bedding to the laundromat, but now we had to fit in trips to non-essential businesses in between the wash/dry cycles. It was madness. But we managed to get everything we needed. *big sigh of relief* And BTW, laundromat was crowded but I didn't see even ONE creepy person. I guess they're all in Cambridge NY.
Although, while still at the laundromat, I noticed a homeless person and all their stuff in a dark storefront alcove. And I thought, if housed people are having difficulties right now, what must it be like for the homeless? This person was sleeping, so I thought to tuck some money where they might find it later. But it was kinda windy, so instead I just asked, "Excuse me, are you awake?" And to my surprise, it was a man and from the way he spoke (educated) and the way he looked (recently homeless) I realized that he must be really freaking out. So I gave him $25 to which he thanked me and he said it really meant a lot. Poor guy. If I see him tomorrow I'll give him more. And some food and hand wipes.
So I guess, this is a heads up for anyone reading this, that if you see a homeless person, know that they're going to have a harder time than us with this crazy virus shit, so if you can spare it, hand them some money to get by...cuz with some restaurants closing, there's gonna be less trash cans for them to try to fish food out of. Maybe give them some hand sanitizer or wet wipes if you have spares. Just anything you can give that may help them.
And also, think about the elderly in your area. If you personally live near some, maybe check on them. See if they need anything. If they need shopping done or medicine picked up. Warn them of scams like fake Coronavirus "officials" going door-to-door offering Q-tip nose swab tests in exchange for money. (Yes, this is really starting to happen.) Ask if they have family and if they are in touch with them. Reach out and help protect.
And last, try to care for the animals in your area, especially if you live in a big city. Like birds and squirrels who'll have less pickings if there aren't people walking around dropping the food scraps they depend on. Last Friday I bought several bags of unsalted nuts to throw around, especially since it's been raining hard here. I've also been strewing around bird seed. And placing some not-quite-expired food out by the trash for the stray cats, raccoons and possums.
Anyway, everyone stay stay safe. Practice good hygiene and health measures. Look out for your neighbors. Remember to wash your hands often and not touch your face. And good luck.
Ugh, I just re-read this for errors and realized I made a mistake in implying that I made it sound like the homeless guy was creepy. He was not. He's just a human like you and me. So the paragraph I wrote just after mentioning him, I shouldn't have used the word "although" and should have said "Additionally" instead. Grrrr...I hate it when I fuck up like that. So yeah, just to be clear, I did not mean to make it sound like I thought he was creepy. In fact, I'd rather have him as an overnight guest over the Pig Shocker any day.
Deleteanon7 - i was born in san diego so i understand the homeless situation and until you mentioned it i hadn't thought of it. good story and thanks for looking out for folks who can't do much for themselves. i have a ton of friends in southern california and the bay area and it's more than weird there. so many people losing all their income or a lot of it. you take care and glad you were able to stock up. we gotta make the best of it and keep looking out for others when we can. we can either freeze in situations like this or become mobilized.
DeleteAnon7, so kind to reach out to the man who was homeless. We have a large population here as well. Yesterday, a group installed handwashing stations in some areas where a lot of them congregate, since the shelves are long cleared of hand sanitizers.
DeleteThe stay at home order is freaky. I wonder at what point we will be there? Our state numbers of cases and deaths are doubling or more daily.
Another good reminder is for those of us who can, donate cash to food banks. This allows them to buy what is needed, be it tampons or kraft dinner, and not have one thousand tubs of peanut butter. They also pay less for provisions they purchase than we do.
DeleteThanks guys, for your kind replies. Sylvia, you are so right: It's "Flight or Fight" time right now. Karen, so wonderful to hear about those handwashing stations for those in dire need. This warms my heart. And Anon 6:20, great reminder about food banks, as they are so important to the less fortunate. I'm going to go thru my canned goods to pick out non-expired food that no one here fancied so that I can donate it. And remember, food banks accept other things too, like socks and feminine hygiene products which are in great demand for these dear souls. Please give all that you can, if you are able.
DeleteOK, so an update:
I didn't see my homeless man the next day. Which sucks cuz I had two $20s for him. But I'm still keeping an eye out for him, cuz man, I can't imagine what he's going thru. And our grocery store...they smartly adopted a protocol where people can't just rush in. They started a procedure where you line up outside, and then they let you in a few at a time. So that everyone can keep a safe distance. So great, that.
I live off a busy street and my windows are always open, so I've been hearing a dramatic increase in cars racing by with a selfish disregard for others. It's cuz the police are too busy to give traffic citations right now, so as a result, many assholes are speeding to their heart's delight just for fun. So fuck those people. Really.
Other than that, we are continuing to stay isolated and going out only when we have to, and limiting that to just once a week. Or hopefully less. Still haven't found toilet paper, but still have several rolls left.
And hey, I have more new Mourning Doves in the hanging plant on my porch! The female laid her eggs on 3/7 and 3/8...and they hatched this weekend! And it's such a lovely distraction during this confusing and stressful time. It's kinda funny how they seem to have no idea what's going on around them. Nature is amazing.
But I think the squirrels do know something's up. I've lived here for years and have fed the neighborhood squirrels peanuts on occasion and had noticed that when I did, they never seemed to be in any real hurry to procure them. But today, despite not seeing any squirrels around, I threw some nuts out the window of the bedroom, and by the time I walked back to the kitchen window, I saw one racing to get to those nuts, which was a first in all these years. So yeah, keep feeding urban wildlife, as they seem rather hungry as of late.
They need the Johnny on The spots that they have in Paris (or at least had in the mid 2000's) for the homeless population. They are completely washed inside and out when someone is finished using them. It's like an automatic car wash.
DeleteVirtue Signalling on Twitter:
ReplyDelete"Up here in the Hinterlands this is bringing me closer to my community. Picking up groceries for an immune-comped friend. Sharing work and resources. Meeting new people willing to deliver hay. It's not all bad."
After using and taking from her "community" for years, she's going to show what a giving, caring citizen she's become. And almost overnight, too. Not buying her bullshit. It's hilarious how she refers to her area as "the Hinterlands." Here's the definition: 1. the often uncharted areas beyond a coastal district or a river's banks, 2. an area lying beyond what is visible or known. Cambridge is far from being "uncharted." She's close to Greenwich, Wilton and Saratoga Springs. And Albany isn't that far away either. JFW wants to give the false impression that she's a "scrappy, living alone on the side of a mountain" victim of the virus who needs donations now.
She must have read CAST discussion on community, so now she's "giving" to her community. Must be hard since she lives alone...in the wilderness...on top of a mountain.
DeleteBut, Shamsters, you know she's talking about PP / family, lol, who she drags out whenever she pretends community interaction in a way that doesn't involve drinking.
LOL at the FFF referring to herself on @lezwolfmemes Instagram as a "lesbian lumberjack." Since she's been whining for years about "being afraid of chainsaws." And won't cut down trees even on her own property for free firewood. What a fucking poser. She really likes her little labels. Calling herself a "futch" is funny.
ReplyDeleteYeah, she really walks that fine line where quiet confident protectiveness shades into sheer terrified incompetence.
DeleteFFF must have encountered this article which is circulating social media:
There has long been talk / jokes about how lesbians love camping because we are basically expecting to be ejected from society at any moment, and camping is a way we can escape the oppressive environment of society to just be.
It is also a true stereotype that lesbians who have had to become self-sufficient and learn "man jobs", and indeed tend to occupy higher-stress and trades jobs more frequently than straight-passing women, and there are many theories as to why. Indeed in health care, I see queer women in positions of leadership more often than straight-passing women, and social workers, psych workers (counselors, outreach) and hellish yet necessary administration jobs (which is my own career path, lol).
Queer woman have a legacy of doing the tough public service jobs that no one else really wants to do (because we will do more for less pay, due to workplace hiring discrimination practices for non-femme women.)
My point being, FFF identifying as a "lumberjack lesbian" or just posting as a character as such, is disingenuous, given she doesn't actually work at all. :( She gets people to pay for her services through a "donation" link (making it impossible for people to dispute charges through paypal.) She's not towing the legacy line.
That was well-put. Your explanation makes sense. I've often described Jenna as "disingenuous," and a fraudulent poser. She "identifies" with whomever and whatever will give her free handouts.
DeleteShe claims to have a new goat.
She might have it at her shit pit of a property for photo ops but otherwise that goat will be living on someone else's property.
She can't pay her bills yet still keeps buying crap that is non essential. She continues to make immature decisions like a mentally challenged 12 yr old.
That goat was a "gift" - a bottle baby. Jenna wants to be like Lee, who runs a true one woman farm: https://www.moxieridgefarm.com/ . Lee has been posting pictures of her cute-as-hell kids, so naturally Jenna had to have a cute little kid of her own, too.
DeleteLast year she had another one that was a "gift" from someone who donated firewood to her. She always claims that things she has are gifts.
DeleteUp here in the Hinterlands, alone in the woods and scared. This pandemic is bringing me closer to my infected community. Picking up groceries for an immune-comped friend before she dies because I infect her. Sharing work and resources, they do my work and I use their resources! Meeting new people willing to deliver hay, the suckers. It's not all bad this plague, keep that PayPal coming folks
ReplyDeleteBullshit, bullshit, bullshit. She got up that morning, poured a cup of coffee 'n whisky and then sat her ass back in bed, guzzling whilst perusing Twitter for new targets to fleece.
DeleteJust know this: She's not picking up groceries for anyone. She's picking her nose.
Anyone who delivers hay or anything else to her hovel is putting themselves in harm's way.
DeleteWake up local suckers, Pig Shocker doesn't practice basic hygiene. Would it be worth it to take something to her and put your families at risk?
She's made her bed (with dirty sheets), let her lie in it.
It seems like lately the liberated lesbian realizes that overt begging is bad optics. Even though she keep retweeting her greedy "I need to make $200 a day for awhile" tweet she's toned it down a little. Or maybe she's received backlash from friends, fans and foes.
ReplyDeleteOr realized it sounds as if she has a habit she needs to support...
DeleteYes, it seems as if she finally had a moment of clarity where she realized that begging for mortgage donations was extremely bad optics when people who HAVE money can't even buy toilet paper, bread, milk, along with a plethora of the latest "I Can't Find this product" internet rumors.
DeleteReally hope this serves as a severe wake up call to her to finally stop begging for other people to save her ass and her horrible pig shocking farm.
Hello everyone. I'm located in Kentucky and have to give kudos to our Governor for being extremely proactive. I've been recovering from a total knee replacement so haven't been venturing far from anyway. Now it's just going to longer. I have stopped out patient PT and I'm expecting those facilities to close shortly anyway. My husband and I have always maintained enough food to last for weeks so we're in good shape. I have my canning stocks as well and eggs from the chickens. I'm most concerned about my daughter who has a small shop and is closed. I don't know how long a closure she can withstand. I also have a brother in cancer treatment and sister in remission. Both are in their 70's. Hopefully they will maintain enough isolation that they will not become ill. As to the mess at Cold Antler Farm I just hope she keeps feeding the animals during this time. While it's always scary times for Jenna, I think a lot of us have a feeling of dread right now. Selling $200 worth of soap daily is laughable. Discretionary spending is really going to tighten up and overpriced soap might be kicked off the shopping list.
ReplyDeleteHi Anon-Kentucky, stay strong and hang in there. I've been reading about your Governor and he's someone who's doing what's best for your State. If they haven't already done so, maybe KY can "pause" some mortgage and rent payments or offer no-interest loans to small businesses to help your daughter.
DeleteWhat we're seeing in NE are opportunities for "personal shoppers", grocery store supply chain helpers, almost anything that supports people staying in quarantine.
Also, I've noticed an increase in out of towners at local stores these past two weeks. It turns out city folk (NYC) are flocking to our county to escape the city. Prime rental homes are now mostly taken, but several people have recently suggested rural folk rent out homes or rooms to as a way to generate income.
Thankfully there aren't many like FFF, who does nothing and then begs for donations.
And, no, Pig Shocker, we don't consider it community service to have PP arrange to cut wood on your property (by a big scary man with a chainsaw), and we don't consider it responsible for you to swan around the community then post a photo of you hugging a retired woman (who has a disabled son) in the middle of a freaking pandemic!
Thank you PDD. Appreciate the kind words. My daughter is actually in North Carolina and her shop is in a tourist town in the Mountains. It's a Catch-22 situation they need the tourists and their $$ but it's beyond crazy. Folks are descending on them for a
Delete"safe" place to wait this out. Lady from NY brought the virus with her and is isolating in her vacation home. There is only one large grocery and it's wiped out. Not normal shopping but the hoarding mentality. Most of the shops in town are closed but a few stubbornly remain open and she said there are some people still wandering around like nothing is wrong. I hadn't read CAF blog and did today. My DIL raises dairy goats and bucklings are difficult to sell, so I'm betting someone gifted him to her to save the milk which has more value at this time. Know that sounds cruel but it's what happens. We have a doe kidding in the next 10 days. Hopefully they will be does but if not we will raise them and sell for meat or butcher ourselves. Farm life isn't pretty sometimes but it feeds us. We also make goat milk soap and it frosts my cupcakes that Jenna "makes it order and ships immediately". That's a fraud, Other posters are right. It's bulk purchase melt and pour and readily available from several supply houses. I truly hope all the posters on here stay safe and well. Good wishes from the Bluegrass State.
You would do better and safer to just buy Dove soap from the Dollar Store and save the money for more important things then shoring up Miss HinderlandSnowflake...
DeleteKentucky Anon - Thanks for sharing your story and situation with us. Always nice to hear how everyone is doing. Glad to that hear you have a competent governor who cares about people. And I hope that your family will be OK. Your daughter, and her business, is there any part of it she could bring online to help get by?
Deleteyou all got it wrong she got the baby goat at the dump like everything else around there. No paying money for almost brand new bike came from the dump, books they came from the dump. Some day I am going to have to visit that dump.
ReplyDeleteLol, so true! Funny how everything "pricy" she acquires just "happens" to have been found at her lucky dump. Like, it must be, like, the luckiest dump in the world! Yeah, and let me bend over and show you all the monkeys that fly out of my butt.
Delete"Guys?!" We're doing okay so far. Our small town in Vermont hasn't seen any Covid cases yet. Unfortunately, stupid people are still hoarding essential supplies. I also hope that everyone here is doing well. It's funny how "the complainer" never responded to my questions, yet had the chutzpah to say that we were avoiding hers. (When we took time to answer, and I even supplied multiple links.) I'm waiting for the FFF's next fake disaster. She's been unusually silent on Twitter lately. I'm sure that she's plotting what will bring in more free handouts.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in, Luckless! Hope you and your town continues to be OK.
DeleteAnd yes, she's gone near radio silent on Twitter for a few days now. It's finally probably hit her that she can no longer count on foolish internet strangers to pay her mortgage and buy her Taylor Swift sweatshirts. And so she's shaking in her $200 boots. Good. I hope she craps her Rag & Bone pants too. And chokes on her expensive Death Wish Coffee while eating day old donuts meant for pigs whilst watching a new premium subscription channel she purchased from an unused and loaded gift card she found at the dump.
I appreciate you checking in, too. Your comment made me smile. She's still staying silent which is weird. We're waiting for her next faux crisis.
DeleteHopefully her service was cut off and the laundromat is closed. Or she is ramping up to say she has the virus and she's been soooooo sick.
DeleteWould not surprise me one bit if she did.
ReplyDelete"What if this Pandemic is the only time in my life I'm not scared of foreclosure and enjoying every minute of it?!"
We knew this one was coming soon. She wouldn't be "scared of foreclosure" if the FFF would get off her fat ass and work a part-time job to support "this farm" and herself. I wouldn't celebrate just yet, Jenna. The "scary red van man" and "wolves are at my door!" will be back in a few months once the grace period is over. You don't deserve a home. So you don't "need" the "$200 every day" after all, but you'll accept donations anyways.
Since she's so dishonest about how her income is earned, and there's never any pics as proof, I wouldn't be surprised if her "fear of foreclosure" is fabricated for free handouts.
DeleteAnyone who would write that she is "enjoying every minute of it (the pandemic)" is a sociopath.
DeleteShe's a dumbass. At some point she will have to catch up on her house payments or they will foreclose. It's not as if the house is now free.
DeletePDD. She is a sociopath. It's like she's gloating about not having a looming foreclosure. Unfortunately, it's at the expense of a worldwide health crisis. I think that eventually it'll happen to her hovel, because she's a failure at farming. (And everything else.)
DeleteWDH. Exactly. She'll probably plan a party now, and make a new Hobbit map for fun.
If I were her, having done all of the horrible things she has done, I would be worried about Karma choosing to strike now during the coronavirus.
DeleteI'm shocked she hasn't used this as another reason to put down those who travel.
She has always been such a jealous hag about people who have the means to travel while she sits around her hovel getting uglier and crazier.
Unknown 10:13 - She recently wrote, in her bleg post from 3/18, that:
Delete"Almost all of my income right now comes from freelance, handmade soaps, meats, and artwork."
Hmmm..."almost all"??? So she is getting pity money from someone else? Like the red-faced parents perhaps? And then Pig Shocker said this:
"If people are not in the mindset to purchase anything, even soap, this farm won't survive this."
Good. The less pigs that are shocked in this world, so much the better. And yeah, her dumb "enjoying every minute of this virus" statement is so tone deaf to the world's current crisis. Reddit has/or had subreddit's called "PunchableFaces" and "I'mATotalPieceOfShit" and many others. The insensitive tales of the selfish Pig Shocker's statements and antics would be appropriate in all of them.
"If people are not in the mindset to purchase anything, even soap, this farm won't survive this."
DeleteYea well too fucking bad Jenna. It's about time you lost your farm anyway. In New York alone, there is 15,000 cases of the virus. When you write shit about enjoying every minute of the pandemic, you deserve to lose the farm.
People have much more important things to worry about right now.
Did she actually write that? Honestly? Well, that is one good thing that will come from this.
DeleteBeing "right up against it" in a good economy as she wrote in her latest bleg should have been followed by action and different choices. That indicated what she was doing was not working.
DeleteI call bullcrap on her being behind on the mortgage at this point. surely you can't be behind on mortgage payments this frequently or for this long without the foreclosure process actually moving forward. This has been going on for seven years.
I have been reading up on mortgage / foreclosures given the time we are currently in, and it seems that if you're behind by 4 months you're pretty screwed, but a process is initiated just 15 days after you're late on your first payment.
If you're multiple months behind chronically, for years, that is more than enough reason for the lender to dump you. You would have to get another mortgage through someone else, sell up and bug out, or just bug out and go bankrupt. If she was really behind when she's said she's been behind, she would have lost the place long ago.
I am looking into my crystal ball and I see another kiva loan in her future! I don't think there is a way to see if she repaid her last kiva loan, and if not, she wouldn't be eligible to do a campaign through them again.
Can you imagine how far ahead she would have been if she had kept her job, and just did additional fundraising / soap selling / solicitation for donations just for specific expenses and not for monthly recurring expenses?
Girl, your poor choices landed you exactly where you are. It's not "the system", not because you're "a farmer" or a single woman, or an artist / creator.
Things could have been so different.
... continued from 5:35
DeleteHere's another thing: if you are chronically delinquent in payments, you're racking up HELLA fees and late charges. It costs the banks money to send those wolves to your door, and to keep the property in your hands, you generally have to reimburse the bank for their costs in getting you to pay up.
Being habitually late on a mortgage payment is like living from payday loan to payday loan. you're pissing your money away and it inevitably catches up with you.
Anon 6:55 - Yep, she wrote that on one of her bleg posts this month.
DeleteAnon 5:35 - Pretty sure you can click on her Kiva profile to see any new/old actions and loans. And consider that she may try a GoFundMe campaign next. She won't get away with that cuz periodically I search GoFundMe for:
-Jenna Woginrich Cambridge NY
-Jenna Woginrich Sandgate VT
-Jenna Woginrich Palmerton PA
-Border Collie, NY
-Gibson, Friday NY
Searches for Merlin and Mabel too, etc, etc...you get the gist. If she even tries to pull that sorry shit, we'll be onto her real quick. And shut that down right quick.
Hey guys - Found this nifty link to a website that was developed to help you figure out how much toilet paper your household needs during the ongoing shortage, thanks to people who are hoarding. It's a calculator to suss out your wiping needs. It's pretty simple, and also has an "Advanced Options" setting for if you live with additional people. (And credit to this website link goes to Alabama's AL.com, who are awesomely helpful folks for sharing this!)
That's helpful, thanks! We have a few Covid cases now in our area, so we're being extra careful with going out to buy supplies.
Deletehaha, the calculator says we will last 3 days. LOL!
Deleteit appears she is NOT worried about the mortgage anymore as she will be able to not pay the mortgage now and she can have fun money that she was saving up for to spend like crazy. Happy Days are here again. When she isn't tweeting you know she has money kind of a indication for her. Good times folks, good times.
ReplyDeleteYeah, normal adults might be glad for a brief reprieve, but then they'd save up their mortgage money. But not the FFF. She'll blow her resources now, and beg for free handouts in a few months. She'll probably use up her "tiny treasure" Hobbit map money. It was a measly amount, and laughable that she bragged about it.
DeleteNot sure how it works in her state, but even if you get a brief reprieve, you STILL have to pay that month's mortgage money at some point later on. So I just don't get that she's traipsing around trying smash mountains when she should be getting a J.O.B.
DeleteAnd oh, remember her whole prideful "I never wash my hands" nasty bleg post?
Yeah, so, that means she's waddling all over her beloved town spreading germs everywhere. The laundromat, post office, Stewarts, Subway, etc. And potentially spreading the Coronavirus...not to mention the regular flu and the common cold viruses. She should quarantine herself for the sake of humanity.
She is nasty. PERIOD.
DeleteShe looks like she doesn't ever wash anything. I wouldn't let her step one cloven hoof inside my place of business or home.
Anon7, I said the same thing about having to pay her bills eventually. It's not like they just forgive the loan. She is so seriously stupid it's almost scary.
If PP is letting Pig Shocker into her house with her disabled son, shame on her.
Nasty Pig Shocker could find herself becoming an actual social outcast that is shunned by her town.
No one wants to be around someone who blatantly ignores good hygiene. With this virus it's not just disgusting, it's deadly.
It's a very educational video that clearly explains and shows exactly how germs are spread. Yes, it's 10 minutes, but it's also very entertaining, not boring at all, and all the kids are awesome. And you'll learn some life saving tips on how to avoid (and not spread) this horrid virus.
And...after you are done, call, email, or text this video to everyone you know, because the more of us who are educated, the more people will survive.
Also know that when it comes to proper handwashing, it's not the temperature of the water (cold is fine) it's the amount of time you spend doing it. They say to sing "Happy Birthday" two times. And get into every nook and cranny. There are Youtube videos that show this, just like the ones I watched in nursing school.
DeleteAnd...I want to share something stupid that I did tonight: We've been shopping just once a week to limit our exposure to the public. After we were done, we still had one more place to drive to. And while driving, I took off my jacket and rested the backs of my forearms on the steering wheel while waiting at a stoplight. A steering wheel that I had touched after touching potentially germy surfaces in the store (products, ATM keypad, etc.)
And even though I had used a disinfectant wipe on my hands after loading the groceries, I may have missed a spot and the steering wheel was now compromised since I had touched just about every point on it. And I remembered in school how important it was to wash not only your hands, but your forearms as well (like a surgeon does).
And so, here's what might have potentially happened: I go home, put the groceries away (after wiping them down with Chlorox wipes) and then go to wash my hands only, forgetting about my forearms that had been on the germy steering wheel. Then later, I touch my germ ridden forearms right before rubbing my eye or eating something. Then voila! Virus germs are now inside me, ready to multiply.
I swear, I'm not trying to spread panic, as I learned all about Infection Control years ago in nursing school. And it's not paranoid to think this way because it's proven that it's how germs spread. And in the video, they do explain this. So, be careful after coming home from being in public. Pay attention to what you've touched, and remember to disinfect common surfaces in your home like doorknobs, water faucet handles, light switches, fridge door handles, etc.
Stay safe, everyone. And don't forget to wash your hands...and forearms!
Awwww, shit...one more thing (sorry for being so yappy tonight):
DeletePlease, if you go to any store, please take the time to thank the cashier (and any workers) for working during this unusual time. On Reddit, I've been seeing so many posts about retail workers talking about the verbal abuse they've been receiving from a scared and irate public. They are being yelled at for:
1) The store's new limited hours (Closing too early)
2) Being out of certain hard-to-find products (Not having toilet paper or bleach)
3) Just about anything and everything (Another customer coughed near them)
Please be kind to these AWESOME retail workers. They happen to work in industries that are deemed essential and they do not really have the option to stay safe at home like most of us. They are literally putting their lives on the line to make sure all of us consumers get what we need. So they need love right now, not verbal abuse.
Tonight, at the grocery checkout, we looked the cashier in the eye, smiled, and said, "Thank you for staying open for us so we can get what we need. We really appreciate it." Please, if you go anywhere to buy anything, please repeat these kinds words often. And I kinda feel silly about saying all this here, cuz I believe y'all are already kind and considerate folks to begin with, as you are all so compassionate about animals, but just wanted to share all this anyway. I'm just being throurough just in case.
And thank you for being so awesome Anon7. Thanks for the tips!
DeleteI live in a small town and know most of the workers where I shop. I always ask them how they've doing, how things are going, and thank them. I have to admit though, I haven't seen any of the behavior I've heard about in other areas, no cussing or fighting over things, no long lines waiting to get into the stores.
DeleteThat's nice to hear. I also haven't seen any abhorrent behavior yet. People are being pretty quiet and respectful so far.
DeleteBut...price gouging is something I saw at my grocery store a few days ago. Normally I purchase a few high quality rolls of paper towels ($1.99), and then grab a few of the cheap-ass .77 cent rolls. So on Monday, I see that they only had about 50-75 rolls and it was a brand I hadn't seen before. And they were asking $2.65 per roll (limit one) for what looked to be a pretty skinny roll. Well, I thought, for that price this better be good quality.
It was not. It was actually crappier than the .77 cent rolls. -- as those tend to tear a bit when pulling off a sheet, but this new roll, you try to pull a sheet off and it just shreds into small pieces. So you're stuck with a wad of torn up thin-as-fcuk paper. I wasn't happy. And quite annoyed that I spent $2.65 for the damn thing. Grrrrr.
WOW pig shocker must really have come into a bunch of donations or she is spending her money she "earned up" by now as not one little tweet on her site. She is only quiet when she has money to burn and now 6 days before her mortgage is due and not a peep. Will be interesting when she gets rolling again.
ReplyDeleteWhen her bills become due she will be back to kissing ass and crying woe is me.
DeleteEveryone can see that her concern for others is absolutely non-existent. If she doesn't need to use anyone for money, she completely ignores everyone.
Karma is waiting for the right time to strike that insufferable hag.
That was well-put you two. She's never quiet on Twitter this time of the month when mortgage money is needed. So either her dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters have helped her with handouts again, or she's finally found a stupid sugar mama. I think that the former is more likely than the latter. Stay safe.
DeleteWell, she's got 3 months of deferred mortgage payments, and probably $1200 coming from the stimulus. At the end of 3 or 4 months I wonder what she'll have to show for it? She could have all her bills paid, or have some repairs done around her "farm" or just be Jenna and drink more, play more and then have a big panic at the end of it.
DeleteRedhorse. We all know that her choice will be "and then have a big panic at the end of it." It's a done deal for the dumbass.
DeleteI thought the $1,200. was for people who worked? If that's the case then nope she won't be getting it but I am probably wrong.
DeleteI would bet she actually thinks that deferred means forgiven.
DeleteShe's busy playing and probably on PP's ass to entertain her, house and feed her. As I said earlier, it would be very irresponsible to let the likes of Pig Shocker inside PP's house with her disabled son.
Anonymous 8:09 I heard it was also for the self employed. If she pays taxes she probably qualifies. But the bill hasn't passed yet, so no one knows for sure.
DeleteFrom what I read earlier today, any qualifying American who files taxes will receive money the soonest. So what about people who don't have to file taxes? If they are on Social Security, Disability or are a Veteran, they will receive their money thru whatever payment system they already have set up.
DeleteBack in 2008, it was a requirement (for those who don't need to file taxes) that they must sign up anyway in order to receive a stimulus check. But it looks like this time gov't officials have/are deciding to forgo that requirement. Which is good cuz back in 2008, nearly 20 million either received their check very late, or didn't get it at all.
I just worry about younger people who started working for the first time (last year or this year) who have yet to file for taxes for the first time. Especially those who don't have Direct Deposit set up. Sounds like those are the folks who may experience difficulty in gaining access to that check.
For anyone near Porky Pig Shocker, do you utilize the Next Door app where people can report things going on in their neighborhood? I can't imagine what the talk about Colfax rd would be. Lots of Sasquatch sitings I imagine.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard about that app. If we were still living in her area, then I'd use it to report her. "She's shitting in her yard again!!!"
DeleteLmao! Hopefully someone on here who is local gets on the app. If for no other reason than to warn others.
DeleteTaking bets on whether Pig Shocker is staying off of social media so she can eventually say she is/has been extremely ill.
ReplyDeleteNarcissistic sociopaths like her cannot help but put themselves in the spotlight no matter what is going on around them.
Wouldn't it be amazing if the reason she's gone radio silent is because she panicked and *GASP* finally got a part time job? Or perhaps she packing up and moving back to Ma and Pa Wog.
DeleteShe must be stewing that she hasn't been able to make it all about her.
DeleteNo one gives a shit about Pig Shocker.
She will either say that she doesn't feel good after delivering groceries to 100 elderly ladies who can't go out and shop OR she will say one of her dogs has it because she is stupid af.
Hola amigas (y amigos) - Over on her Instastories the Pig Shocker posted a curious pic of her supposed "Handmade" soaps. Curious because what in hell is going on with that one bar? Did she spill paint on it? It looks diseased.
ReplyDeleteAnd...the accompanying text states: "Kills Viruses" <----------WTF?!?
Properly washing your hands (for at least 20 seconds) with regular soap only gets rid of bacteria, fungi, basic germs. It can help WASH AWAY viruses down the drain but it doesn't kill them. So if fools believe her virus-killer claim, she's gonna contribute to more folks becoming sick.
Here's the link to the pic: https://www.insta-stories.com/en/stories/coldantlerjenna
Sometimes you'll get this message: "There has been an error. Please try again later." (This glitch happens often but things return to normal a bit later.)
People who make FAKE claims about remedies that will kill the virus will get their (in Pig Shocker's case- fat) asses handed to them.
DeleteShe just hands this stuff to us on a silver platter, doesn't she? Next the FDA will send her a letter and she will blame everyone but her own stupidity for it.
Soap actually does kill viruses with a lipid bilayer.
True soap generally removes / washes away and does not kill things like MRSA, C-DIFF, etc., but lucky us, soap does kill the covid19 virus.
Perhaps regular soap does but I doubt anything made by Pig Shocker works as it should.
DeleteWas there a new blog post here, and it disappeared? Am I that tired?
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that she is getting groceries from the local food pantries. She could scam her way into going to three of them using Patty to go to two of them.
ReplyDeleteA few of my posts this week have vanished into the ether. These days, I have a hard time caring anything about the resident feral farmer, but I am worried about the truly hardworking folks who are getting swept away by this health and economic tsunami. Is everyone okay? I am pretty "feral" today myself, all posted up in the home office (grateful for work for now) and glad for being home to nurture along my spring veggies. Radishes and pea shoots are the only things I can harvest so far, but so much else is coming along. Our city is on 2 week stay at home orders. I spent half a day yesterday riding a public school bus route dropping off breakfast & lunch to students at home. Though there were protective measures in place, I still came home, stripped off clothes that went straight to laundry and did a big scrub down. God bless the healthcare, food retail, first responder, and all other workers who are literally putting their life on the line to keep things running!
ReplyDeleteHow are you all coping? How are you helping?
(non)Anon in GA
Also, regarding FFF's silence, I think that with a real emergency going on that impacts everyone, she doesn't have anything to say because she can't be a special emergency snowflake (yet) and she hasn't talked about anything else for years. Or she's moved in with her new girlfriend !
DeleteJust trying to stay sane here, lol.
DeleteI have a toddler who has decided that stripping and running around completely naked is the best thing ever! Now, if I can only get him to use his training potty more than 1 out of every 3 times, I'd be golden!
My teenage daughter doesn't like that I've added home economics into the school curriculum. I've already had to threaten to fail her due to lack of participation!
Spring veggies are starting to poke up in the raised beds. Have radishes, spinach, lettuce, garlic, and onions popping through, while last year's strawberry plants are reviving and a gorgeous green.
Peach trees are blooming a bit early, and the other fruit trees are flowing suit. Only lost 4 fruit trees over the winter, meaning all the rest are getting well established.
Extension service had done a soil test for us and recently gave us the results and told us how we can amend the soil in the large garden area. Will be tilling on garden lime.
I worry about my hubby every day because the manufacturing company he works for is designated as an essential business down in a city where some people have tested positive for the COVID19 virus. He's also becoming less worried about the virus and starting to say the government is overreacting and it's just another flu... Yeah, tell the folks who died stirring the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 that.
Just celebrated our anniversary last night. Didn't do anything fancy, but did exchange gifts. I have him some seeds he's been wanting, he gave me some awesome zombie signs to add to my collection. I love zombie fiction.
I did go on a baking spree the other day. I baked cinnamon rolls, sweet raspberry rolls using my homemade raspberry jam, 3 ingredient chunky peanut butter cookies, and 2 loaves of artisan bread - all from scratch. I shared half the rolls and bread with our elderly neighbors so they could enjoy them with their grandson. They are always giving us their grandson's hand-me-downs for our boys, which has been extremely appreciated. We tend to help each other out off and on anyways. Now that there is the Coronavirus to worry about, they've been staying in, and the only bread they were able to stock up on was hamburger buns, found that out after my hubby delivered the goodies I made them. I'll be making more loaves of bread to share with them this weekend. Maybe I'll see if any of my other neighbors could use a loaf while I'm at it.
My absolute biggest worry though is that my baby sister got pneumonia after flying within the country a few weeks ago. They didn't test her for the virus, but at least it sounds like she is recovering. Hopefully it won't cause any serious, lifelong, or reoccurring issues for her.
I hope you are all doing well.
-A Concerned Homesteader
What a nice read that was, thank you. I find it neat to hear how others are doing, living. And lol, I remember the toddler days when the little buggers figured out how to yank the diaper off. Also, it's heartwarming to hear that you are looking after your elderly neighbors. Good on you for doing that!
DeleteKaren, hello. Glad to hear you are well and are taking proper precautions. Things here (Los Angeles area) are spooky quiet. With the exceptions of beaches and hiking trails, most people are staying indoors and self-quaranting. <--- (i can't spell)
DeleteAt last count, CA has just under 4,000 confirmed cases which is not too bad compared to other states. So it's here, but it isn't raging. And it's like everyone is just waiting and continuing to shelter in place. So there's quite a bit of quiet anticipation. And a ton of hope that it doesn't hit too hard.
I'm in the midwest and our state has around 500 cases.
DeleteIt's weird to be in the house for what seems like forever but has only been since this past saturday. Friday was my last day of work for who knows how long.
Luckily my husband is in one of the essential job fields and my employer is straight up paying everyone their regular salary while we are off.
I work for some awesome people and I am extremely grateful for them.
I have a teenager at home and worry most about him. Thanks to Xbox and various things, social distancing with his friends doesn't seem to be too challenging at all. I would have went absoloutely apeshit had I been stuck in the house when I was his age!
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Been staying off twitter for the better part of a week. What did I miss?"
What a bunch of bull and blatant lying. JFW has admitted an addiction to social media. I'm sure that she checks her timeline frequent for Taylor Swift updates. Now, she probably wants people to ask her why she's been MIA for attention and donations. "My tooth hurts! My truck needs repairs! I'm out of firewood! I need a new car!"
"Still working towards this goal I set last week. Trying to still make the month! Get soap!"
It's always all about her and money mooching. But no mention of a worldwide crisis that's impacted people in terms of health and economics. She lacks empathy and compassion. Which is why the FFF is a sociopath. And why would anyone buy her substandard soap when they can purchase local goods? (Not to mention the stress that delivery drivers are under etc...)
She is sooooo much like Trump. A total lying narcissist. Everything is about them.
DeleteYes, the timing of that "What did I miss" tweet is unbelievable. And manipulative.
DeleteSo...she stays off Twitter for several days. Then posts a comeback "What did I miss" tweet. And then proceeds to beg yet AGAIN for $200 a day AND spam her feed with SIX sales pitch tweets for:
1) Soap (But this soap kills viruses, she says!)
2) Soap AGAIN, along with her book
3) Logo design
4) General sales + Contribution request + her Paypal link
5) Logo design AGAIN
6) Pet portraits, soap (AGAIN), sketches, logos (AGAIN), pork, archery lessons
Sounds like she purposely stayed off Twitter hoping to create some "where is she?" drama. And knowing that people just love to answer questions, she tweets in the hopes that everyone will flock to her Twitter account and see not just that question, but the SIX other tweets in which she begs for money. Manipulative Marketing 101 at it's best.
She is going to be living in someone's basement or a cardboard box if this Covid 19 takes a long time to resolve.
DeleteHey it's the first poster here, the Canadian healthcare worker. I just heard on the news that the US homeland security wants to militarize our border??? What the heck? Canada has responded that this is not in our mutual best interests.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously??? How expensive would militarizing the border be??? To keep out "illegal immigrants" who might be carrying COVID19? That is NUTS! Community spread is already happening in the US! The border is already closed to all non-essential traffic. Those border guards are intense on a good day - I think they can handle it. Canada is simply turning undocumented immigrants trying to come North, back to the US.
There is a human catastrophe happening in New York right now, and today the USA's numbers surpassed China's total case count... and the outbreak in the USA is just beginning. China has the outbreaks well under control, 80+K cases is their end count.
Surely the military has better things to do. In Italy, the military is removing bodies and decontaminating buildings. The USA's case count surpassed Italy's yesterday.
I feel like I'm watching the twilight zone when I turn on the news. President Trump's approach to the outbreak in his own country, in his home town, is just beyond belief.
Wow, that is pretty strange. Over on Reddit yesterday, someone in my area showed phone video footage of a long train carrying military tanks...like tons of them. They said the tank progression lasted 5 minutes with the train only going about 35 MPH.
DeleteIn the comments, some people were panicking, but others were saying that the military is in the process of decommissioning them and that the timing is just a coincidence. Also, someone found that they were being transferred from Point Magu down the coast to San Diego. Whatever the reason, it was certainly something we've never seen before.
If they couldn't afford to militarize our borders before, how could they afford it now? I have no doubt it could happen.
DeleteI would guess it is because our president Nero loves stupid stunts.
DeleteIn about a month, we went from "No threat, we have it under control. It's a hoax." to "It's really serious. I always knew it was a pandemic."
DeleteIf our administration starts to say they feel "really scared", I'm going to think FFF is ghost-writing for them!
So...this new Instagram post:
What does goat-piggyback-ride-smashing-mountains have to do with farming? And what's the purpose of a pack goat anyway? I mean, it's a cute goat and all, but I just don't get why she bought it or what she plans to do with it.
There is no point in carrying the goat on her shoulders on a hike; the only purpose is to say, "Hey, wheeee! Look at my cute goat baby and don't ask me about my hawk that died this winter!"
DeleteHow many hawks have disappeared now? Four?
And by "disappeared" we mean killed by Pig Shocker's direct actions or neglect.
DeleteThe baby goat just shows anyone investigating her that she will continue to hoard and abuse animals until someone forces her to stop.
Yes, I see another Hawk down the drain.... I hope the goat peed on her, not that she would notice. Piggy pig pig.
DeleteDid I miss hawk news, or are we assuming because she has a new social media prop, Auburn is dead/missing?
DeleteJust curious- has anyone started a new supplement or vitamin regimen since the Covid 19 smackdown?
ReplyDeleteI have been giving myself and my family mega doses of vitamin C since this first started. Now recently, I read that Vitamin C might actually help. If it's good for the immune system, it definitely can't hurt. Plus it's water soluble so you pee out any extra.
I have also been taking Lion's Mane mushroom supplements for a few months and have continued with that. It's been shown to repair the myelin sheath around cells. It has helped my memory 1,000%!
It's amazing!
Yes, I've upped my vitamin/herb intake. Lots of vitamin C and garlic!
DeleteLOVE garlic! Never too much.
DeleteSomething not very healthy but yummy af that I make once in a while- one can (or same amount fresh) small diced tomatoes mixed with 3 heaping tablespoons of minced garlic, add garlic salt to taste, slap it on top of the three (or is it five?) cheese texas toast found in the frozen section and bake for 20-25 min at 425. It's a whole lot of garlic but soooo good.
Twit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Today the world is scary and I am bottle feeding a baby goat, transplanting seedlings to larger spaces, making soap and doing laundry. I am trying to keep things normal and safe. I miss my girl."
Here's another stupid tweet. The scrappy scammer, animal abuser, and online beggar always finds "the world" to be "scary." It's her choice. While the world is immersed in a huge health crisis, she still manages to make it all about her "dumb little life."
She misses her girl who doesn't actually exist. The "girl" who hasn't been plastered all over her social media or acknowledged her at all.
DeleteIf a scourge like Pig Shocker actually managed to find someone who could stand her, she would have that relationship documented all over social media.
Everyone knows it's just another PS lie. It's more of the "Beast" lying to fit in because she's a narcissistic sociopath that no one can stand. You don't get a nickname like the Beast just because you look like one. It's because your soul is also rotten to the core.
WDH. Believe it or not, I think that "her girl" really exists. It looks like she's a closed profile on Twitter and Instagram as Shannon Doyle. But I doubt that she feels the same way about Pig Shocker or she'd show it online. I also don't think that this new romance will last long. Once SD discovers that the "Beast" of "Veryork" is a sociopathic POS, then she'll probably dumb her fat ass. Why would anyone want to date a lazy lifestyle loser?
DeleteDump not "dumb"
DeleteThat makes sense. Pig Shocker is always fawning over women who want NOTHING to do with her animal abusing, nasty ass.
DeleteLike when Ivy? came to visit and they prepared dinner together. Pig Shocker made it sound as if they were practically engaged afterward. Meanwhile Ivy posted ZERO about her as if it was just a bad experience she was trying to forget. More like a total nightmare I'm sure.
Karma is kicking her fat ass in the relationship department.
Yeah, I remember Ivy. And it was the same way when Sarah Marshall visited her. (She was one of the "rad writers" that the FFF worships because she's successful. Unlike JFW.) PS gushed about her few day stay like she was expecting Taylor Swift, but Sarah said nothing about her visit to Grunt Acres. (Maybe I've coined a new term for CAF.) I also hope that you're doing well. Your above comment makes it sound like you're in a good place.
DeleteThank you LLS! I hope that you are also doing well. I'm tired of cooking and would love to go to restaurant. Who knows how long until we can all do that again.
DeleteOnly Pig Shocker would have someone take her pic to show her social distancing.
She is a real dumbass.😅🤣😂
We're okay, thanks! Our area only has a few corona cases so far. I just wish that stupid, panic people would stop hoarding most of the toilet paper. I also miss going out for mocha lattes etc... Fortunately, my husband has always done all of our cooking. (I make coffee in the morning, and also do the cleanups after meals.)
DeleteNotice the new bleg post doesn't mention the "girl" who is Pig Shocker's latest unreciprocated obsession.
ReplyDeleteOnce again she is lying about planting and garden work but per usual doesn't mention cleaning the horses' area.
That's because she never does (as shown in her own pics).
Only Pig Shocker would say she finds comfort in a post apocalyptic audiobook.
That's because she is a sociopath who doesn't know what is socially appropriate.
She just mimics behaviors and usually gets it wrong.
I find it hard to believe that the laundromat is still open. How do they practice social distancing? Although I'm sure that people leave when she shows up there and keep driving if they see her truck parked outside.
It is HILARIOUS that during this health crisis, she still has to go to a laundromat and doesn't have anyone who will allow her to do laundry at their house.
Not even PP.
She's burnt every bridge ever placed before her. Now she is home, all alone, without a partner or even a platonic roommate to go through this crisis with. Instead she has a goat. That she had to BUY and has NO CHOICE but to live with that animal abusing maniac.
The picture of her with the goat on her shoulders shows exactly what she's really been doing. EATING. She has obviously continued her mainstay diet of fatty food and alcohol.
WDH. I thought the same thing about her physical fitness. (Or lack thereof.) Maybe her hawk took the pic. The goat is just Jenna's latest pet prop for photo ops. Now, she'll lie and say that she's been "running 5Ks" and "mountain smashing" during the virus crisis. Our local laundromats are open, but they've shortened their hours. And I've never seen any "scary" men hanging around their entrances either.
DeleteLmao @the hawk taking the photo.
DeleteIf the hawk is alive, he's probably been ignored during her latest online unreciprocated obsession and he's most likely too weak to move.
The photo looks like a sasquatch in a hat carrying its dinner.
Yep, her "social distancing" is using a tripod to take pics. Right. Maybe she's planning on making goat casserole if the local store runs out of meat. "I put the laughter back in slaughter!"
DeleteSomething tells me her social distancing isnt a problem. People have been keeping their distance from her for years!
She's so predictable as mentioned in my comment above about "mountain smashing." God forbid that Jenna should just take a hike like normal adults.
ReplyDeleteTwit Shit:
"Friday the Mountain Smasher"
DeleteIf you're not too far from the Fraudulent Farmer, we could meet partway if you really needed toilet paper. I hate running out of things, so I have some on hand.
She is a mountain smasher all right but not in a good way.
DeletePig Shocker makes a huge deal out of waddling up and down minuscule hills.
She's completely out of shape and has been for years. It's all part of her total lack of self awareness and compulsive lying.
She thinks that all of her lies are believable even though one just has to look at her to know she's completely full of shit.
Anonymous 10:57. Thanks for the kind offer. I appreciate it. We finally found toilet paper last night at a local drugstore. (Had a secret stash but didn't want to deplete it yet.) Maybe we can meet for coffee sometime in the spring when it's safer. I'm about an hour and a half from Cambridge.
DeleteWDH. Exactly. You only have to look at her obese body to know that she's lying about her physical fitness.
More Twit Shit:
"Before I checked the news, before the rain started pounding, I made sure every critter on this farm had breakfast, clean bedding, and my goat had his bottle and the dogs got to run. Making many lives better starts mine best."
Ain't she just a caring, scrappy scammer? Clearly, the animal abusing pig shocker is trying to repair her rotten reputation with blatant lying. We don't buy her bull.
"Making many lives better starts mine best."
DeleteVerYork's very own "Be Best" campaign.
While other farmers are taking genuine actions to help the community during a pandemic, the scrappy, crappy fake farmer is binge-watching time-wasting shows and pretending to take care of her animals.
PDD. #BeBestBull. Maybe that means she'll also hire a Bobcat operator to muck out the manure that her poor pigs left. Like she was forced to do last spring due to another investigation, and it got stuck in the muck, because she's too lazy to clean up after them.
DeleteIn regards to an above comment that you made, I've been wondering about her hawk too. Now, she'll probably post pics of Auburn. But we'll never know how current they are. She's infamous for using old photos on her carefully curated accounts. I guess that her horses eating hay mixed with poop on Twitter was an overlooked error. That was one of the videos that I sent to appropriate authorities.
Good Afternoon Everyone! Kentucky reporting in after a few days. I don't want to talk about the poor little goat being exploited at CAF. Hopefully he's providing enough entertainment for her that she's feed him enough. We however, had two kids born on the farm yesterday! A buckling and a doeling. So stinking cute they are LaManchas so tiny little elf ears. Unfortunately, the mama is a first freshener and does not care for them much. Didn't clean them very well and only let them nurse once. So she's being milked out and the babies given bottles of colostrum. Mama goat does seem to be a milking machine through. After babies had their fill this morning, a half gallon was left. . Unlike our faux farmer we're not pulling them yet. Going to leave them with Mama to see if she eventually figures out these little critters are her responsibility. If not we will separate then. Next project is building new nest boxes for the chickens. I hope all on here are well and safe.
ReplyDeleteHi Kentucky. Enjoy reading your stories. Those of us with farms, land, gardens and/or animals are blessed in some ways because we have plenty to keep active. Baby animals are the best! Hope Mama figures it all out and happy you're not a baby-snatcher / attention media "who're" like the Fake Farmer.
DeleteKeep us posted.
"Okay. I'm scared."
ReplyDeleteI predict that she'll use her fears of the virus to try and generate more donations.
Such a BS artist. The WHOLE of her County (Washington County, NY) only has seven (7) Covid-19 cases.
DeleteAt the start of this, FFF bragged how Covid-19 quarantine was no different than her usual lifestyle, then wandered around town and even posed for hugs with 60+ yo woman with older husband and disabled son, and others. She traveled to NS Farm. (with drinking buddy) to play with goats, and pose with more hugs.
Her hugging pose with PP was days after Washington County went on Emergency Alert, and long after social distancing was enacted.
Jenna is disingenuous. She'll tweet about being "scared" so that her dumb enablers and sycophantic supporters will feel sorry for her fear. And either give her free handouts, or buy crappy products that they don't need. It's all about her manipulative marketing.
DeleteThat's what her animals would post, if they could.
DeleteSo, the governor of NY just said NY state is basically bankrupt. Good luck getting pity donations Jenna. You, like so many fake internet personalities are going to be the first to fail. People just do not have money to play your sympathy fiddle anymore.
DeleteLLS, the English major in me loves that you used "sycophantic" in a sentence! Lol!
DeleteWDH. And the English major in me also appreciates your acknowledgement, thanks!
DeleteSomeone who is "scared" has been busy making more moronic memes:
I finally broke down and looked. Just as stoopid as her old comic was.
DeleteWhen will I learn?
The tweet:
ReplyDelete"Well, here goes another 25 minutes on hold to reach a student loan representative that will also hang up on me because my landline has roo much static today."
The twat:
I can't pay my loan now, because the scary virus took away my income. Even though it's no one's business, I'll whine about it anyway. PayPal me, bitches!!!
She is 35 (or more) years old. She went to undergrad school. HOW can she still owe on these loans? And she did not go to an ivy league institution.
DeleteAnon 3:06. I think that it's blatant lying to get more free handouts. Her timing was because of the virus.
DeleteIt's weird that if she's still paying student loans, she doesn't write more about that along with her mortgage and other various bills. But also, all federal student loan payments will be automatically suspended until September, so unless she has a private loan I'm not sure what she's calling about.
DeleteNothing says "I'm an alcoholic" like being excited to drink online. I'm sure that no one will be happy to see her fat face. She'll probably cake on makeup, and also do her hair for a photo op. And if her hawk is still alive, then she can pose it with the goat. Sick of the FFF proclaiming her town love when she's loathed by locals. And I'm speaking from personal experience.
ReplyDelete"My brewery just sent out an email to regulars that there will be a zoom meeting for all of us to drink together. I love this town."
ReplyDeleteSun goes away: I wonder if there's any more documentaries on youtube about disappearances in National Parks?"
She used the same stupid format recently to talk about "running a 5K" and her "clean good sports bra." But then the "sun disappeared," and instead, she wondered about "there being gummy worms left in her cupboard." JFW mistakenly thinks that she could've been a comic. Her lame attempts to be funny always fall flat. We wish that she'd just "disappear" for good.
She's 250++lbs and not an ounce of humor to be found.
DeleteWDH. Exactly. She's still begging for soap sales today on Twitter:
Delete"Still working towards this month's mortgage. My goal since the 18th was $200 a day (this of course, was a huge goal and not what happened) BUT! I am almost there! Get some soap! You need it and this farm needs the sales!"
"This farm" needs nothing, asshole. It's "you" who wants free handouts. The soap is just a screen for donations. "BUT!" Gotta use that hyperbolic, all in caps word to try and generate panic. Her infamous fraction finances will be next, like "I'm 3/4 there!" It's a manipulative marketing technique that she frequently uses to convince foolish followers that a small amount of money will help her reach a goal. And not a word of concern about what others are facing now due to the virus: no home, jobs, food, supplies etc... She's a sociopathic POS.
"I just found out the woman I'm dating and whom I hope to woo has not seen a full season of Buffy."
ReplyDeleteHer level of immaturity and interests are astonishing. This is like something a teenager would say. ("13/14 year old Jenna")
Eww. Let's not forget the FFF - rapidly approaching 40 - has been lusting after teenaged characters in the Buffy series, and while most actors Who played the H.S. students were adult, the lead was only 19 and the actor who played Faith was 16.
DeleteHer obsession with young characters is creepy AF.
Does she ever wonder if the "woman she is dating" follows her on social media? Because I am thinking that "woman she is dating" would find it extremely creepy that she is sharing details about her on line.
DeletePDD. It's "creepy" and makes me cringe.
DeleteAnonymous 3:16. Apparently, her "girlfriend" Shannon Doyle has a Twitter and Instagram account. Just imagine how stupid and desperate she must be to date an animal abusing, sociopathic POS like JFW. Talk about having no character discernment. It's also possible that she's a dumb enabler like Pember Patty.
The latest bleg post from today:
ReplyDeleteSHARE with ME everyone!!!!!!
WDH. I don't drink alcohol (hate the taste), but almost need to before reading her hyperbolic purple prose.
DeleteSo, she's running 10 ks every morning and yoga at night, and farming in between. What about the soap, and logo sale work? Jenna trying so hard to stay relevant. No farmer I know, truly, seriously, no farmer I know runs every morning. We are literally too busy. She is bored spitless.
ReplyDelete"...trying so hard to stay relevant..." LOL. Impossible, because she's lazy and doesn't actually farm. She can only pretend to farm with city people, or perhaps UK people who must think US farms differently.
DeleteIn an earlier tweet, to bolster her fake narrative of rural farming, she wrote that a "local farmer" brought her hay (of course, the local farmer was ever-enabling Pember Patty). She also allegedly "bartered" for candles - pfft, she is either harassing poor locals, or it's PP (again).
Here's what real farmers are doing: having farm babies, growing lots of plants, selling and delivering to people in their local community. Our main CSA farm has partnered with others to create "farm baskets" that are delivered to locals ($28 for a box of vegetables). Another farmer partnered with a nearby cafe to offer prepared meals at their self-service farm stand, in addition to vegetables, frozen vegetables and frozen meat .A third farmer donated 3 tons of corn, so the local distillery could make hand sanitizer bottles and GIVE them away.
THESE are actions real farmers take!
Several of her twitters continue about supporting her farm and whether or not her supposed girlfriend has watched Buffy, while the rest of the world is dealing with this devastating virus. She is so damn tone deaf.
ReplyDelete"What about meeeeee!!!?????" No one gives a fuck Jenna.
Good Morning Everyone, Kentucky here with a Goat kid update. Mama goat finally figured out that those two little critters following her around were her responsibility. They're nursing well, growing and being adorable as baby goats are. They're going to be let out in the field today with Mama and Grandma Goat. We'll see how this goes. We're probably two weeks out from baby chicks. Now if it would just dry up a bit so I can get some seeds in the ground. I urge everyone to take care of themselves as best as you possibly can. These are difficult times but we will make it through. I feel like everyone here is a friend and I want all my friends well.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kentucky, agreed. Hope everyone is well!
DeleteHow exciting!
DeleteMy hubby almost bought a pregnant goat the other day. And he's looking at full grown chickens for sale in the area. I swear, if he shows me one more photo of an animal for sale, but doesn't buy it and bring it home, then I'm going to burst into tears! I told him tip stop teasing me with them because I'm seriously getting my hopes up now.
It feels like forever since we last had livestock, and since we moved to this property, it's always "we'll get them next year". My heart is breaking a little more every day.
But on a positive note, my raised beds are showing growth! Onions, peas, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, radishes, and spinach are all popping up! I told hubby we need to put up a temporary fence to protect the area, otherwise the wildlife will eat all muy hard work and we'll be left with nothing.
Health wise, we are doing okay.
-A Concerned Homesteader
New thread please? This one is almost to 200 and is already taking forever to load in my rural area. It's April! I love this month because everything is really starting to grow and it's the green that signifies new life.
ReplyDelete-A Concerned Homesteader
Instagram Idiot (https://www.instagram.com/lezwolfmemes/):
ReplyDelete"Single femme tops in social isolation are learning what loneliness feels like for the first time.
Keep them in your prayers."
Oh, boo fucking hoo. Someone call the wahhhmbulance again. She's whined about "loneliness" even when trying to attract men. The FFF really likes her little labels. I'll bet that the brave, badass "top" is still "scared" of dudes in small town laundromats, and also the "red van man" from her bank.
Her sentence makes no sense. Is she talking about herself again or other femmes? I think it's hilarious that she mentions she's a "top" when talking about anything. Who does this????
DeleteWhat is a top?