Happy March


  1. Happy March to Pig Shocker's horses and dogs. Let's hope that this March is when she is ordered to re-home them to the kind, loving homes that they all deserve!

  2. Note her expensive Patagonia jacket in that gas photo. I know I can't afford patagonia and I don't beg.

    1. now sash you know she got it at the dump along with all the other new stuff she has.

    2. Oooh right, Anon 4:57 how could i forget!

    3. And the latest hipster jeans with the holes. So we know where she spends her money, not on farming or vet care!

      That's a hideous picture by the way.....yikes.

    4. Anonymous 5:53. The pic is awful due to being fake. It's like the weird ones with caked on makeup and saggy cleavage from last year. Her entire life is full of lies. She's an inauthentic poser with nothing of value to offer.

    5. Mostly it's awful because Pig Shocker is truly ugly- both inside and out.

      As for the expensive jacket- she really doesn't get it does she? It's like putting lipstick on an animal abusing, scamming pig.

      It doesn't help one iota.

    6. It just proves what a lying cunt she is.

    7. Anonymous 7:23. That's what I think about her too. I'm glad that others aren't afraid to label her in those terms.

    8. A lot of us feel that is the perfect adjective for that mentally ill, animal abusing, demented asshole.

    9. Anon 6:06 - That pic, as to whether or not it was faked, it DOES appear to be Photoshopped. Look again at the Instagram pic and you'll notice that all those red poles are perfectly straight...except that last pole that is between her arm and her waist:


      See how it looks like it's bent and leaning towards her body? The base of the pole to where it ends at her armpit is NOT straight, as it curves towards her. Which would be a result of trying to drag her waist in to look smaller...it also drags the pole along with it.

      Need more proof? Check out this link below and and zoom in past the first two gas pumps to the third pump next to that propane tank -- now take a look at that last pole. See how perfectly ramrod-straight it is?


      Just more proof that she lies about everything to get sympathy and donations. As she states that she runs several 5Ks a week...but then Photoshops her pictures to remove fat tires and chins to show a false narrative that she works SO HARD. So hard on the farm, and so hard on her body too. So send her some free money already!

  3. Jenna Woginrich
    Feb 28
    So an anonymous (of course) person saw a picture of my 26 year old fell pony on IG in his winter coat resting in the snow and said "horses don't lie down in snow" and that his graying face was a skin disease Face with tears of joy Horse owners, please post pics of your horses laying in snow!

    Yeah. Well, like an anonymous person can't use IG or Twitter really, they have to have an account or a handle or something.

    She's talking about us! haha.... she just doesn't want to share that she has several sites devoted to her scammy ways.

    And that picture of her at the diesal pump, shesh. the gapping mouth, stupid poses. Makes me want to just punch the crap outta her. Grow the F up. And who is taking these stupid pictures? Jenna is have Kindle, will travel, eh?

    And expensive jackets, jeans, and then the saving $10 outta every purchase. She sounds like she thinks it's not her money to begin with. Like it's the store giving her an extra $10. Basically, she saying she can't even keep money in her account, she has to have it cash and locked up somewhere else or she will spend it.

    Honestly, this chick. Mama Wog really failed her in basic living skills, didn't she????

    1. FarmLass. Yep, she always wants her stupid supporters to rally around her victim narrative. She doesn't dare link to this site, because it highlights who she is in reality, and her scamming, animal abusing ways. There's nothing natural about her forced poses. I'd also like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fat face. I don't think that her family is entirely to blame for JFW being a begging loser. Both of her parents worked, and her siblings do too. I think that she's the proverbial "bad seed."

    2. Of course the photo was of her horses eating their food and the food was thrown on top of piles of their own shit. Same thing happened with the goats and the goat pen.

      She is lying thru her rotten tooth.

    3. Yeah that pull cash to save whenever I spend thing is BONKERS.

      The hobbit map savings plan is childish.

      Here is how adults do it:

      Option A:

      Money in -> 10% to savings you NEVER TOUCH. Absolute unplanned emergency only

      $100 or more -> car repair / maintenance savings, because this is an inevitable fact of life, and if you don’t use it all the excess purchases a new car eventually.

      That is just basic.

      Less optimal but also ok:

      Money in -> auto withdrawl of a set amount to savings which you NEVER TOUCH.

      Savings for dates this summer isn’t actual savings, it’s fun money.

      Fun money might come from the grocery budget once in a while, but never ever out of the mortgage payment.

      You know what ocurred to me?

      How much could she be pulling in from book residuals? Surely not much? My understanding is authors make about $1 off each book sold. Often less.

      Anyone know?

    4. ano 10:02p.m. I wrote a piece down below all of these explaining how it all works. There is good money in selling books when you buy them wholesale from the publisher and resell to public. Of course she will never do this as it is to much work.

    5. She might as well just link to this site as people are going to find it anyways. And it cracks me up that whether you search CAF or her name, "cold antler sham/scam" always shows up right below. And people tend to be curious as you know!

      As for the supposed money saving, I think she's saving up for something BIG. Cuz normally she doesn't talk about savings, but then frequently debuts some new fancy item and either says nothing or claims it came from the dump. So if she's actually talking about savings, it may be because she's gonna buy some super-duper fancy expensive non-essential luxury item and figures she can explain it away with her stoopid Hobbiton money saving plan.

    6. aaaaand she's planning on getting more piglets and a goat kid again.

      You'd think if the pig operation was working, she'd gradually be scaling up that operation. Sheep weren't a money-maker (strange she ever expected to be able to pay her mortgage with a small herd of sheep, especially when she kept trading ram lambs for services), but pigs are?

      Or are pigs just better-able to tolerate the living conditions there without dying? Are the welfare laws for pigs so pathetic, she can pretty much get away with keeping them?

      So whatever, say the pigs make her a small amount of money, maybe a couple of grand a year at best, what the hell are you doing getting a goat again? WHY???

      Someone who struggles to pay the mortgage every month has no business keeping horses.

      She was bailed out, again, apparently.

      I still think she has a secret income. She should have crashed and burned a long time ago, and anyone really living like she has been living would have realistically been forced to sell up or been foreclosed years ago.

      I call bullshit. AUDIT! AUDIT! AUDIT!

      Shouldn't she have to declare those donations as income? Where she lives, do you have to pay income tax on monetary gifts? Because she seems to be living off of soap sales and "luck" - all of that's taxable income!

  4. There is so much to comment on please drop the vulgarity. Only cheapens the impact of this blog.

    1. Anonymous 10:17. We all have different ways of expressing ourselves. Some of us dislike everything about JFW, and for good reason. Which is why we speak harshly about her in all aspects. If you find the "vulgarity" too upsetting, then maybe this isn't the right site for your sensitive nature.

    2. Agreed. This site might not be for you.
      We discuss foul things regarding Pig shocker and sometimes use foul language.

    3. First of all, this site is for everyone. HD allows all opinions. If someone wants to say the vulgarity cheapens the blog, they have every right to say it without being attacked. I was under the impression that this site is to call out Jenna’s scams and treatment of animals.

    4. There is no statement for "this site" that prevents anyone from offering personal opinions. And some might say that labeling comments as "vulgarity" is "attacking," too. We discuss every aspect of her life of lies. It's beyond just her "scams and treatment of animals."

    5. Awwww, Pig Shocker, we knew your nasty ass would be commenting soon.

      If course you will deny it like you usually do.

      Have you catfished anyone lately "Julius"?

      Shouldn't you be cleaning up the hoseshit your horses are eating their food of off?

      Go crawl back under the rock you came out from. No one here is going to tolerate your
      whining bullshit.

    6. Hey I'm the original poster about vulgar language. Not Jenna. I go back as far as Merediths blog. I was an idiotic contributor until I found Meredith. So been here through all the Sham blogs. Post occasionally but maybe it is time for.me to go. Have seen many times that folks on here criticized Jennas language. All I was trying to say was that if a new reader checked out Truth blog for the first time and sees her being referred to as a c---. It going to reinforce Jenna claim that we're haters.

    7. The language bothers you but you keep coming back? Yep, makes lots of sense.

      Mentioning Meredith doesn't mean anything. Pig Shocker was well aware of Meredith's blog.

      You also, word for word, said exactly what Pig Shocker has said on here before. You aren't fooling anyone and we don't cater to assholes or cunts who abuse animals and scam people for a living.

      Yep, I said CUNTS.

    8. Anon 10:17 - I value your opinion and I respect the good point you made. And just want to add that the talk you speak of was quite rampant at one point, but then it toned down considerably. Which is good. Personally, if those types of comments are only made occasionally, I don't feel offended. But in every comment by every person, yeah, I see what you're saying.

      Also consider that it very may well be HER herself coming here to make said comments for the sole purpose of doing exactly what you suggest: Being vulgar in an attempt to cheapen the blog and make us all look petty. Something to consider, as I wouldn't put those antics past her, especially since she's done it before.

    9. I'm a different anon than the one above who commented on the vulgarity, chiming in. I understand the anger and frustration that causes the venting here, and I think that happens when you watch a grifter / scammer perpetuate their cycle.

      But I do see how excessive venting and name-calling (as opposed to just labeling her actions) could cause new people to quickly dismiss this whole site as a bunch of trolls with too much time on their hands. None of us want that.

      I also personally find it offensive (but pull up my big-girl panties and deal) when people here go on about how fat / obese / ugly they find FFF to be. Her actions and conduct are ugly, but the body-shaming language is actually harmful to some of us reading. Weight and appearance has nothing to do with the quality of a person, and reading about how someone is shitty because they're fat is shitty for me as a medium fat person myself. I'm fat for good reason, and I'm a good person, and I know that my own fatness has nothing to do with my morality, but my overall life and genetics.

      As I said in an earlier comment, I'd rather FFF be 50 lbs heavier and a harder worker. Her weight has nothing to do with her actions.

      She is only virtue-signalling about 5K runs, meditating, etc., because society generally finds fatness to be associated with immorality, and thinness to be associated with goodness and purity. I know fat runners who regularly do 5Ks. One of my fattest friends is *far* more active than I am, and the state of her fatness is a result of her hormones and not her lifestyle, and regardless, she's a very hard-working, generous, and capable person in a challenging profession.

      Anyway, that's my little tangent. You can continue to write whatever you like, I don't expect or ask anyone to change. This is just food for thought.

    10. I come for the show at this point, been reading for a long time Honestly there are a few folks on here that appear to be just as Batshit crazy as Jenna is herself lol.. Heaven forbid you might not agree with them.. O my, you must be Jenna.. Bla Bla Bla.. and yet, I still swing by once a week or so to read.. its like a bad soap show at this point..

  5. The thing is- the dolt.. every time she shares information about complaints regarding her livestock, everyone starts to question the veracity of her claims of being such a great farmer. Subconsciously, you can't help but be curious. And slowly, she adds more people who question her claims and then, once they do realize she is full of it, they join the rest of us. Do you know Jenna, we know you come here daily by the traffic reader... do you know how many good farms are out there, that have an internet presence that do not get reported regularly? You just have that perfect combination of incompetence, victim, and lazy all wrapped up into one.

    1. Anonymous 11:24 Ironically, she constantly volunteers proof of her incompetence online. No one forces her to post pics on social media, and her "hunger for attention" is her worst enemy. She can only blame herself for being stupid.

    2. And don't forget that she recently tweeted about being called out for pig shocking abuse, but then posted a somewhat benign bleg post about the incident, instead of the heartless bleg post we were referencing. The one where she wrote about purposely shocking the pig and using extra water whilst a smile on her face. I sure hope some of those commenters figure out her dishonesty that day.

  6. "Someone just wrote me a paragraph on Instagram about how I am talking too much about my sexuality instead of farming so it's time to unfollow me.

    1. Why would you ever write someone that?
    2. You're going to HATE my next book!"

    "Also, do you have any idea how many farm blogs and memoirs are about straight couples farming together? Or cowboy husbands? Or homeschooled kids from straight parents in linen frocks?!


    Yet one of the responses is from a lesbian who has proved her stupid tweet wrong:

    "Here’s one" hit by a farm (Catherine Friend) Of course, Jenna didn't either acknowledge this reply or even "like" it. And no one does dirty chores wearing "linen frocks." She's used that lame line before.

    1. What "next book"?


      That heifer won't ever get another publishing contract EVER.
      Her writing is juvenile at best and she tells stories no one gives a shit about. She's a talentless hack.

      No one made that comment to her.
      She is simply is trying to think up reasons as to why people are "picking" on her since she is being investigated for animal abuse.

      People would really be offended if they knew their "proud" lesbian was creating male aliases online most likely used to catfish women.

      C.R.A.Z.Y. with a capital C.

    2. And that paragraph is mysteriously missing. I doubt that anyone said that to her. Just like there's never any posted proof of truck repairs, dental bills etc... She just wants to be the only lesbian who writes farming memoirs. Even though for decades she was after men for sex. Now, she's the Queen of Dykes.

    3. https://www.catherinefriend.com/about/about.html

      Unlike JFW, who has only just started "dating" lesbians, Catherine Friend has a real wife. And appears to live on a lovely farm.

    4. https://www.catherinefriend.com/books_adults/bk_sheepish.html

      She's written another book called Sheepish. I just found out they selling the farm after being there for 24 fulfilling years. Compare that to JFW's unsuccessful venture.

    5. I wanted to clarify that Catherine Friend didn't write the referral tweet about her own book, but someone else did in response to JFW's stupid statement that only "straight couples" are writing "farm blogs and memoirs." This might seem small to point out, but it's indicative of her bullshit bragging and lying.

    6. Catherine Friend most likely doesn't pretend to be a guy (Julius Lucas) online so she can catfish unsuspecting women.

      Only demented hags like Pig Shocker do crazy things like that.

    7. I read "Hit By a Farm"! It was great. *cough cough* they raise sheep *cough* Of course she's not going to acknowledge it.

      I am really surprised as a blogger that she didn't know you can tell where people are posting from. Basic blog metrics.

    8. Oh wow, I read that too! Great book.

    9. It was me who tweeted about the Hit by a Farm book but just for the record I am straight.

    10. Speaking of homesteading/off grid lesbians, this couple has lived off grid in Canada for more than 11 years. They have a lovely place that they mostly built themselves. Check it out.


    11. Oh man I posted the wrong vid, now I can't find it! LOL

    12. Anonymous 6:28. Not to be nosy, but how did you find this site? It'd be interesting to know if you already knew about it, or did your own research after seeing her lack of response. Thanks!

    13. andziulus 6:28 I thought that your response was great, and showed what a liar the FFF is on Twitter.

  7. https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGGKID2B4DXO6XQYQYRDXKD4D7MQ/ref=cm_cr_getr_mb_gw_btm?ie=UTF8

    On the last thread, Anon posted the above link to FFF's Amazon reviews. What fun! While worried about making mortgage payments, she took time to purchase expensive hiking shoes, animal paw crew socks, $$$ Meri wool socks, horse tack, electric room heater and games.  Her reviews were actually fairly informative.

    As Anon mentioned, yes, she reviewed her own books, giving them 5 stars each. This probably should have been reported to Amazon.

    She also reviewed her purchase of an Australian endurance saddle that appears to have cost hundreds of dollars. While it's no longer available, methinks this is the same saddle she said cost only her "only $60", due to a pricing error on Seller's part. Anyone believe that?

    And for people who've never believed her stories about heating her house with a poor widdle wood stove (yes, we know she also has a thermostatically-controlled oil furnace) she reviewed a 1500 watt VonHaus Electric Stove, and she apparently used the stove so much she broke it! FFF wrote "I have been using it nearly every day... and It was on often to help with the wood stove heat... it made my home cozy and looked great."

    Wish she stuck to writing Amazon reviews. No animals would be harmed in that process.

    1. I just went and flagged all of those reviews on her books for abuse. What a raging narcissist.

    2. Her Amazon About reads:

      "Author, farmer, troublemaker."

      It should be:

      Animal abuser, online beggar, arrogant asshole

    3. Anon 1:01 high five!
      That is awesome!

      If someone buys a book from an author and that author has rated their own book with 5 stars, the buyer has more money than sense.

    4. Poods, I hadn't seen this -- thanks for posting. And yep, if you go back to her bleg during the time of those purchases, you can see she's crying about how broke she is, but then buying all that crap?!?

      In particular, those stupid $12 paw print socks she bought -- as a gift for a friend -- was at the same time she blegged about single digit bank account, broken furnace, dead truck battery, no mortgage money, needs another root canal, and MORE. Check out the bleg posts for November 2018 to see for yourself. Begging for money, claiming she's broke with a ton of new problems, and then buying a bunch of Amazon stuff.

      Maybe she found an unused Amazon gift card at the dump? Yeah, that must be it!!

  8. We often joke about the quickly-drawn sophomoric Disneyesque cartoons of FFF. Art is in the eye of the beholder, so who am I to say what people should buy, lol, even if their purchases take six months to arrive, look like they were slapped together in five minutes and are paid in advance?

    However, Iain Welch is the real deal, with whimsical and beautiful pieces for dog lovers and art lovers. He also draws dog portraits and takes no money until the piece is finished. Enjoy his work!


    1. Yep, that's what a real artist's website looks like. My wife is also an artist (among other things because lord knows art doesn't pay bills consistently) so I know damn well what a successful artist makes. We have artist friends, some of whom are living legends with their own galleries and I know that the galleries and art sales are not about profit, but brand elevation. The real money is made in licensing the work. Book illustrations, designs that are re-printed a million times on mugs and pillows sold at Home Sense, etc.

      FFF ain't licensing shit. She ain't selling shit.

      She ain't shit.

    2. Back when she sold pet portraits for a whopping $150 they were much better quality and more precise than what she's offering now for, what, $50? $75?

      And don't even get me started on the newest crappy $20 sketch attempts...

  9. So where is the new blog post whining about how she is currently being invested for animal abuse AGAIN? What is this, the fourth or fifth time she has been investigated starting with when she was in Vermont?

    That was when her landlord evicted her shortly after the investigation. Which was another time she said that the authorities said "everything looked great." Yeah everything looked great enough to get evicted days later. 🤣😂

    Funny how the authorities never find a problem yet a significant change happens shortly after. Like when she GAVE away ALL of her livestock for FREE. Things must have looked especially great that time 😂🤣!

  10. U people sick, washy u mouth with soap, CAF soap you get right in yer trap, 6 bars for $37 and we have to use it all on you foul mouth shits

    1. Whackadoodle, lol, there is a new bleg post but it's all about how spring is just around the corner, along with a reminder of how much she HATES April.

      Also, she talks about the 6 furry new future-fox-feed chicks currently in her living room AND buying lambs and goats. And planting a kailyard too!

  11. Hey, J Katz is talking about how he and his wife have been enablers to unhealthy people. They're not talking about FFF but another friend who recently passed away, but I wonder if this means they're considering other people whom they have enabled down a self-destructive path?

    You can listen to the episode here, it's about 15 mins into the episode "Friendship, wool, stickers, awakening"


    1. Thank you for sharing this. During the podcast, Jon Katz made a brief comment about unhappy people who want to move to the country and adopt a farming lifestyle, thinking it will solve their problems.

      Seems to me this is a big draw in the Faux Feral Farmer's fan base. They're not running to another lifestyle - they're running from their own lives. She is the poster child for the disillusioned and disaffected.

    2. PDD - yes, I completely agree. I was disillusioned and running from city life myself when I found her blog shortly after her first book was published, so I fit the bill at the time too.

      FFF is certainly not the only person trying to sell this idea that if you quit your 9 to 5 and really commit to making your dream happen, you can do anything! Leap and the net will appear! Be a real life Hobbit / Game of Thrones character! Other short-sighted maxims!

      I'm afraid there is no shortage of people eating that shit up.

      I recently looked up falconry in my own area. There is a falconry club, and they have a FAQ page that consists of, in a nutshell, telling prospective falconers that unless you are prepared to take your bird out EVERY SINGLE DAY for hours to work with them, you are not positioned to be a falconer, because the bird will suffer for lack of exercise and hunting experience.

      They also spent some time denigrating people who wanted to get into falconry because having a raptor on your fist looks cool.

      Damn, that reminds me of FFF, and it made me feel terrible for her birds. There is no way she's out there working that bird every day. No way.

    3. Someone local with ties to falconers in PS's area said that she is an outcast from their falconry groups.

      I bet Pig Shocker makes real falconers sick.

    4. Just like she was an outcast in the border collie herding club in the area.

    5. "Luckless Slinger"March 4, 2020 at 6:30 AM

      WDH. Please let me know if you've received information. Just a line will be fine. Sorry to bother you about it, but I'd feel better knowing that it's safe. I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

    6. FFF and her enablers posted one video and one photo of Auburn, and they laughed about the bird walking a lot. A hawk that prefers to walk seems odd to me. Maybe it doesn't get enough exercise to fly for long periods???

    7. I was also disillusioned with my 9-5 when I was really into reading Jenna's blog. I did end up quitting my stable job working at a college to pursue my art career (not because of Jenna, she was more of a cautionary tale to me at that point). I quit in 2013. So 7 years later, I'm still successful in my art career, and I've done some of the best art fairs on the east coast. A year after I quit my job, my husband also quit his and we opened our own business (he's an artist as well, he is a sculpter and oil painter but became a tattoo artist for money) and ONLY this year, 7 YEARS later, has our tattoo business really taken off to the point where we're making $100k a year. But it took SO MUCH HARD WORK. I can't stress that enough. Managing a business, doing everything the right way, and keeping at it is the key. You have to be consistent and persistent. Something Jenna is not and will never be. You CAN quit your 9-5 job and be successful. You just have to be committed. We have never missed a mortgage payment, even when we were struggling. For 6 years we had our home mortgage, our rental property mortgage (which we were underwater in, it was my husband's house before we met), and the rent on our tattoo shop. Never once did anyone know we were struggling, we never made it public and we never asked for help. She will never be successful with what she's doing. Eventually she will run out of subcultures to appeal to. Then it will be over. I just hope the animals are gone before then.

    8. An outcast from the Falconry groups...I can see that. Years ago when she first started out, there were a bunch of photos showing her at events with other falconers. But in the past few years there hasn't been a single one.

    9. Brava Anon 9:26! My wife and I too had a foray into business, and of course it's the hardest either of us has ever worked. I had a job AND a business, no days off ever. I burned out after two years, even though we were just on the edge of turning a profit. It was a right choice for us, and a very nice young family purchased the business from us. Wife and I both went on to start our own sole proprietorships, and mine is now 1/3 of our income. I'll soon be going back to university part-time. Funny how a work ethic just continually drives you, no matter where you are in life.

      Yeah it's not about employment being the only answer; would you agree that having a full time job with benefits is a heck of a lot easier than starting a business with brick and mortar overhead from the ground up?

      Employment makes it a LOT easier to get financing for a vehicle, line of credit, mortgage and other things which when managed responsibly, an adult can leverage into upward mobility. No sane person would yell in all caps on the internet at FFF to START A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ALREADY! GET ANOTHER SIDE GIG!

      Lol. No! We chant, "GET A JOB!" Not because it's "easier" exactly and FFF seems to think uncertainty and "feeling capable without those things" (cough cough BEGGING cough) are for her, but because it's the only responsible course of action she can take which is truly an honest effort to change her situation.

      Everything else she says is so much hot air, just like pulling cash when she uses her debit card isn't "saving money". FFS, FFF, it's like a toddler telling Daddy to just go to the ATM to get more money. Savings ain't savings when you don't have the mortgage paid.

  12. When I had my business before I used to carry certain authors books that pertained to my business, one became incredibly popular and I ordered them from the publisher and was given half off the selling price so I doubled my money (it was around a $30. book at the time big beautiful decorator pictures etc.). In a matter of a few months I sold over 2,300 of them so I cleaned up like no ones business plus the author made money on each books sold. So what I have never figured out is why doesn't Pig Shocker have stacks of her books at her house and offer to sell them to the public? She would make whatever she makes as the author but also double her money on each book that she sold. Just makes common business sense to me. Of course I don't have a college degree just hard work degree.

    1. Good idea, Anon. Even famous musicians have extra copies of CDs, T-shirts etc, for sale at concerts. How many times have interested potential customers asked about her having an online store or website?

      Except for constant woe-is-me begging over the last few years, she does no business development: no website, no Etsy, no online store, no farmers markets, no inclusion in County and State CSA lists.

      Her business IS begging - the Artful Dodger of VerYork.

    2. That's a great idea. But Jenna has no interest in doing anything legit or that even makes sense. All she wants to do is beg, rip off people and play Wanda Wildabeast.

    3. I thought she did have extra copies of Birchthorn laying around... not for sale, of course.

    4. hahaha I was talking about the ones that actually sold in public not that horrid mess. You know back when she tried to be a "righter" and make a living at it instead of begathons all the time.

    5. I think that some of the bilked Birchthorn backers still haven't received their promised hard copies yet, and it's doubtful that they ever will.

    6. Betcha' those Birchthorn books are covered in hawk chalk and riddled with rodent feces and chew marks. That's why she can't send them out.

  13. She's Shameless:

    "If the virus does become dangerous and we fall into a dystopian panic state, happy to accept rad female writers from Twitter to come live in this little oasis of running mountain streams, green fields, and gobs of food if you can kick in towards the mortgage."

    So the real reason to "accept rad female writers from Twitter" is because she's begging for mortgage money. She doesn't give a fuck about helping anyone other than herself.

    1. and yet all she talks about the end of time there, can't do the wood from her property she doesn't grow anything but kale (which might get old oh I don't know after about 10 days of that) but she has gobs of food BUT she is still going to pay her mortgage-well as usual with other peoples money.

    2. Please keep in mind that "this farm" will be foreclosed in the future. It's not "if" it's "when" her "luck" finally runs out. I'm surprised that she didn't stipulate "only lesbians will be welcome" as if "writers" isn't exclusionary enough.

    3. Sapphic Snowflake:

      "I can't stress enough you have to be an overly vulnerable, not private, very public figure, who writes about feelings, because everyone else on this website scares the shit out of me."

      Accomplished adults is who "scares the shit" out of her. And her "feelings" are fearful and based on a teenage mentality. The "rad writers" will also have to be prepared to use her backyard as a bathroom due to crappy plumbing that won't work.

    4. Anon, puh-leaze, only RAD female wtiters would be allowed. Sigh. Sounds like more shameless sucking up to Sarah M and Danielle T and anyone who might come equipped with wealthy parents, trust fund or a real job.

    5. *writers


    6. Funny how a few years ago no strangers were allowed visit CAF, due to her fears, but now she's inviting over anyone who may be infected and possibly expose her to the virus? All for the sake of the mortgage? Gawd, she's lazy and stupid.

  14. The contrarian cunt strikes again:

    "I don't know why we associate fall with spookiness. Historically fall was when the harvest was in, firewood was stacked, we were ready and fat. Spring is what we had to get to, when food stores were low, then things were harsh - waiting for life to come back. Fall is amateur."

    She's the "amateur" and faux farming failure. Normal people find fall to be spooky not spring.

  15. Translation

    "If the virus is anywhere near CAF and we fall into a dystopian panic state, happy to accept rad female writers from Twitter to feed me gobs of food, kick in towards the mortgage, takes more photos of me, stock up on beer and wood, continue internet scams, go out and starve and abuse the critters, and be ready to rub my back before we romance, bitches about to die!"

    1. Id rather stick needles in my eyes than live with Jenna Woginrich. Shes looking for an easy mark not a partner.

    2. The fact that she mentioned her "mortgage" is very revealing. She put it at the end to soften the intention, too. It's all about manipulative marketing.

    3. Funny to hear that from Pig Shocker since she recently announced to social media that she is "infected." She's infected in more ways than one.

    4. Jenna's day drinking again.

    5. Anon 7:39 - I'd take living with Casey Anthony over Jenna.

    6. Anon 8:44

      Yep, and you can tell because she's not constantly posting about being sober.

  16. Hmm she's bragging about the dog hair on the packaging tape she uses for sending out soap... correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it not a good thing to brag about all the dog hair you send out with your soap? And she acts like it's a lucky thing to get that dog hair!

    1. Not to mention the dog hair that is probably IN the soap.

    2. I saw that stupid tweet, too. She calls attention to her own inanity like posting a video of horses eating hay on poop, and pics of pigs who have mange. Again, she's her own worst enemy.

    3. Yeah, saw that. Disgusting. Not everyone likes dogs. Some people are allergic. Plus, all pet hair is kinda gross anyway. Yet she's bragging about it and trying to pass it off as some sort of perk. More like puke.

  17. Tweet Bleats:

    "Hay was delivered by a farmer this morning! 25 bales! The local baker that gives me day-old donuts heard I can't drive to pick up so she's DELIVERING THEM NOW! Another friend is coming to repair the broken front door tonight so the woman I am dating doesn't drive up to a mess.

    Another friend offered to drive me to the Dentist on IG last night. My girl said she'd take me to the dentist. Feeling lucky as heck in this muddy hellscape!"

    Her poor pigs will be dining on "day-old donuts" again. It's no wonder why she has a tough time selling her crap meant. The "25 bales" of hay is probably due to her online begging. The truck, teeth, and door issues are just more attempts to milk money from foolish followers. At least, she's calling her a woman now instead of a girl. The biggest "mess" at CAF is the odious owner. And "Dentist" need not be capitalized, "real righter." It looks like she's found some "slung luck," but it won't last long. Her hyperbolic happiness is always transitory, and based on how much is in her "double digit bank account."

    1. The "local farmer" who delivered 25 bales (a pick up truck full) is undoubtedly Pember Patty, who's called many names as FFF pretends she is popular with locals. I'd guess PP or her husband are also repairing the door. Yesterday, FFF took to IG story to whine Billy about being abandoned by her friends. God, it must be irksome to have her constantly standing around with her handout.

      More day old donuts??? Way to feed her "fake organic pigs". What idiot buys organic pork fed rotten old donuts and deli sandwiches. No surprise why she's not listed in any legitimate area CSA.

    2. uuhhhh "guys" I think you are all wrong. She didn't say the day old donuts were for the pigs they are just being delivered. I would say they are more for her than the pigs the pigs can't hunt and peck for themselves.

    3. "Luckless Slinger"March 4, 2020 at 2:04 PM

      PDD. Yeah, she's such a social butterfly in "her town." Not. The locals loathe her, and I'm speaking from personal experience. If JFW ever ran for mayor of Cambridge she'd bomb like that loser Kay Ward. Pember Patty is her most massive dumb enabler, and her husband is an accomplice. I'll bet that they delivered the hay to her. Poor baby is "stuck" without a truck, and acting like lady of the mangy manor while her staff make deliveries like "day-old donuts."

    4. "Three cheers for community! My truck is in the shop and as a single farmer that means I'm stuck here. Been stuck here a week now, BUT!"

      She doesn't do shit for her "community." I think that's why Jon Katz, her heathen group and others are former friends. All she does is take without giving back. It's because she's a stupid farmer not a "single" one that she's still "stuck."

    5. Luckless - And don't forget that "Selfish, Broken or Trouble" bleg post where she wrote that the locals are wary of her, and how she doesn't feel safe in her town:


      Agreed. A social butterfly popular with the locals my ass.

  18. I feel sorry for anyone who is desperate enough to date a loser like JFW.

    1. She should be very wary of whomever does show interest, as she has no redeeming qualities and zero appeal of any kind. Not to mention the animal abuse. So anyone interested must have ulterior motives. Cuz...just...why?!?

  19. "Luckless Slinger"March 4, 2020 at 1:57 PM

    Instagram Idiot:

    I'm sure you'll all be relieved to know that JFW has "Made it to Hobbitron!" She's bragging about meditating for a measly "2 hrs," and "saving "$75! " What a winner. This middle-aged woman behaves like a ten-year old who is just learning about finances. I wouldn't be surprised if she puts her cash in a kiddie piggy bank. Cue: 5, 4, 3...

    1. my granddaughter saved better than that when she was 8 years old. I guess she saved all that money by eat tons of day old donuts.

    2. It probably won't be long 'til she tries to monetize Hobbiton as a sponsored walk where foollowers pledge a certain amount of money for every mile she waddles.

      Can you imagine, making an olde tyme map of your grocery store, complete with "goals" of certain isles, all painstakingly watercolored -- and then stopping every shopper in the store to show them your progress? Cuz that's pretty much what she's doing in a sense.

      She's an attention whore of a bore. Just online, not in a store.

  20. Howdy all - I posted this up at the top, but in case some of you only read the new comments, here it is too:

    Anon 6:06 - That pic, as to whether or not it was faked, it DOES appear to be Photoshopped. Look again at the Instagram pic and you'll notice that all those red poles are perfectly straight...except that last pole that is between her arm and her waist:


    See how it looks like it's bent and leaning towards her body? The base of the pole to where it ends at her armpit is NOT straight, as it curves towards her. Which would be a result of trying to drag her waist in to look smaller...it also drags the pole along with it.

    Need more proof? Check out this link below and and zoom in past the first two gas pumps to the third pump next to that propane tank -- now take a look at that last pole. See how perfectly ramrod-straight it is?


    Just more proof that she lies about everything to get sympathy and donations. As she states that she runs several 5Ks a week...but then Photoshops her pictures to remove fat tires and chins to show a false narrative that she works SO HARD. So hard on the farm, and so hard on her body too. So send her some free money already!

    1. Thank you for sharing this. Even before you posted this, I noted that the red pole barriers were blurry next to her. That is what happens in photo shop. And that second photo clearly confirms what you are saying.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 5, 2020 at 6:08 AM

      I also noticed that the pic appeared altered. She doesn't have an authentic bone in her obese body.

    3. And yet again with the gaping mouth. Can't she just smile naturally?

  21. She doesnt run shit. She runs to the booze cabinet and refrigerator. And as a fellow runner, I dont get why she says she runs 5ks all the time. Why not say 3 miles? No runner talks like that unless they are in a race. She clearly doesn't run.

    1. Beyond naive, she thinks that if she SAYS she did something, people will automatically believe her just because. Like the proverbial ostrich with it's head in the sand, she thinks "if I can't see them, they can't see me" and thus she figures how would anyone know the real truth of how lazy she is? Uh we do...cuz we are not blind.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 5, 2020 at 6:06 AM

      Twit Shit:

      "Me sipping coffee, checking emails, planning the day...

      "*SUN COMES OUT*

      Oh! I'll get my shoes! Go for a 5k! I think my good sports bra is clean!?


      I wonder if there's still those gummy clown fish in the cupboard?"

      Here's that stupid "5k" mention again. JFW can't just go for a regular run or hike ("mountain smashing") without making a special snowflake deal out of it. She shouldn't care if her "good sports bar is clean!?" when she brags about being dirty a lot. And her humor always falls flat.

  22. I just saw this blog post (old but WTF?) https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=cruel+staff

    Who the hell looks at cats this way?

    As someone who identifies with wolves and likes to "go hunting" with her birds, you'd think she'd swing the other way, reveling in what efficient killers her cats are and how much she loves them for it.

    I'll be honest, I love predators. I'm much more of a predator person than a cute fluffy prey animal fan. I was lucky enough to witness orcas hunting seal twice in my life, and they're so similar to the way eagles hunt for fun and glory. One big female orca brought a chunk of seal up to the whale watching boat to show us what she did! Predators are awesome.

    As someone who genuinely appreciates efficient hunters, how cruel and cold it is for the benefiting human to refer to them as "staff", and project evil villain adjectives on to them. Poor cats.

    "Cruel staff"? Yikes.

  23. If you go to realtor.com and type in FFF’s address it shows this property sold April 2019, for the same amount FFF purchased it for in 2010. I think her Mom and Dad bought it from her, just to save her ass. What do you guys think?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 5, 2020 at 2:33 PM

      I just checked and you're right. So if that's true, and it was sold last year, then it makes her begging for mortgage money a blatant lie. And it also explains how she's able to always afford pricey purchases and entertainment. That's new low even for the FFF.

    3. Others have noticed that before. I think it is incorrect. Zillow shows the property last sold for $158,000 in 2010. It also show the current estimated value at $94,403. Geez, quite a depreciation. Meanwhile, Zillow predicts other houses in her neighborhood will increase 3% in value next year......but probably not the feral farmer's ...sad.

    4. Nocashfromme, I suggest you delete the address. "doxing" could get this blog deleted.

    5. If anyone is planning on getting in touch with a realtor for legit reasons, you could always inquire via the MLS for accurate information on this property. Zillow / Redfin is not always reliable or correct.

      Would be REALLY INTERESTING if it sold in 2019 though, would be good to have that confirmed from a reliable source. So really, she's just trying to make her "rent" payments.

      I was under the impression that FFF came from a wealthy family. I don't know why I thought that. Maybe it's the sense of entitlement? She reminds me of a couple of people who grew up privileged that I know, who weren't able to adult on their own. (Not all rich kids, obviously, but the few who resented their wealthy parents actually expected them to make it on their own.)

    6. Doesn't all real estate transactions have to be printed in some local paper there? I believe that used to be the case. Should be able to look up April 2019 and see there...

      Does sound like someone bought her out to save her, or the property was refinanced.

    7. Yes! Just contact the county person and request to get a copy...


      Someone needs to do this and find out for sure what is up!

    8. It's Washington County Assessment Rolls that I've looked at before. It still has JW listed as property owner, but still with the Vermont address, as it always has been. I think Zillow may just be wrong on the year.

  24. "Luckless Slinger"March 5, 2020 at 2:37 PM

    Her Twitter follower count continues to descend again. Maybe it's because of blatant begging:

    "Are you looking for a pet portrait? Homemade goat soaps? Sketches? Logos? pork? archery lessons? This farm makes, grows, raises and teaches and is DETERMINED TO GET THROUGH MARCH better than we got through February! DM TO ORDER! Or just kick in here http://PayPal.me/jenncaf"

    1. Appalling. I remember a friend of mine, talking about people here not bathing their kids every day, or showering themselves every day, and saying, "In a developed country (she was from a place where indoor plumbing was not widely available) it is completely unnecessary for anyone to go to bed dirty."

      I feel the same about FFF and her begging. In a developed country, this part of the world where we are so damn LUCKY to live, it is completely inexcusable to be scratching and clawing and begging your way through life.

      She needs therapy.

      She reminds me of the obnoxious business owners in the small town I lived in - who were business owners because they simply could not maintain employment anywhere else, but as a small business owner and small employer, they could pull pretty much any bullshit with their staff and get away with it, because there just weren't that many jobs available.

      She needs therapy, though I doubt she'd ever engage in it. There's a reason she "hated" being employed so much, and a reason she can't maintain or grow her multiple side-gigs or the overall business of CAF. There's a reason someone chooses to beg, borrow, and steal over applying themselves, seeking self-improvement and employment when faced with the (apparent) bleak uncertainty of making a mortgage payment.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 6, 2020 at 11:59 AM

      That was well-put. Here is her latest asinine attempt at begging for funds:

      "New Brake Lines" (image of downcast eyes)

  25. Testing... doesn't seem to be any activity.

    1. I thought the same thing when I got home from work.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 8, 2020 at 3:55 PM

      "Guys!" The FFF has been busy having sizzling Sapphic sex with her new woman, and she didn't even have time to beg on Twitter. (She'll double down soon.) But she just tweeted this weird one, so I guess that Shannon has left:

      "Don't be the guy that forces a woman to throw her clothes straight from the dryer into bags to fold at home because you're making a space so uncomfortable."

      Funny, I used to go to that Greenwich, NY laundromat, and never once were there any issues. Yeah, Jenna is just so desirable to dudes and dykes that they come on to her while she's washing her dirty jeans. (The pair where she stashed them in the freezer 'cause they stank so bad.)

    3. I have never used a laundromat but know people who have and have never heard that each and every single time they step foot in the place there is a leary guy there just to harass women. And this being such a small town shouldn't the police get involved? I mean they should know who he is after all he is threatening and bothersome to the areas semi famous celebrity. Oh the madness of being famous in a small town.

    4. Another test... my posts aren't showing up - could be happening to others and that's why it looks like no activity

    5. Bigger question is why a farmer on a mountain uses a laudromat to being with?

    6. "Luckless Slinger"March 9, 2020 at 11:46 AM

      Anonymous 8:36. That's a good question, and one that we've wondered about before here. I think that her excuse (aside from not wanting to waste money on a washer/dryer) is that her home plumbing is too old for it to properly work. I doubt that's true.

    7. Anon 6:50 - Yes, it's funny how she seems to always get creeped out by all these clothes washing men, right? They're probably giving her dirty looks because of the stench she drags in. I mean, c'mon, who in their right mind would even bother with that amount of crazy on the loose. She's just pissed that she gets so many dirty looks when she's out and about.

      And how come she didn't offer up any more details about what this man did? Cuz nothing even happened. She's just trying to glom on to the International Women's Day thing on Twitter, with her poor-little-female-me fake story.

  26. "Luckless Slinger"March 9, 2020 at 11:43 AM

    "Well, isn't that special?" The lazy lifestyle loser has tweeted another fake list bragging about her asinine accomplishments. I'm surprised that she didn't include "I crapped in my backyard!" I couldn't stomach reading another bullshit blog post, but maybe someone else here will do it.

    1. What stood out for me was that "earn $125" goal and that she actually wrote it down. I could understand if that was an amount she wants to "save" that day. But it's not. It's the amount that she expects to make off of her Twitter foollowers in a single day.

      True, a few of those dollars may be legitimately for portraits or soap...but then what? Cross yer fingers and hope idiots just throw free cash at you? Yup. That's exactly what the loser expects. And she calls it her "daily income goal" but it's really her daily begging goal. Nothing but disgust for her.

    2. Aaaannd...her desperation continues:

      "The next person to DM me and buys a pet portrait gets 2 free bars of soap shipped tomorrow!!!"

      Gee, can I use those bars of soap to wash away all the dog hair germs?

  27. So what's going on with the aliases that were reported on the previous thread? A dead end?

    1. I also was wondering about the aliases. Maybe WDH will update us soon.

    2. Sounds like a dead end. I don’t expect anything to come out of it.

  28. "So today, after chores I took some time to enjoy this small life with music and mindful sipping of blueberry coffee (which reminds me of Sandpoint, Idaho so so much!)"

    I live in Eastern Washington about an hour from Sandpoint, ID. I really don't get this comment about the blueberries. Idaho is a notoriously bad place to grow blueberries. The soil is too alkaline, and it's very hot and dry in summer. Now, if she would have said huckleberries, that's a different story. Idaho is huckleberry heaven. Just more inconsistencies and moronic comments about stuff she knows nothing about.

    1. Poor widdle Jenna with her insignificant "small life." Sucks to be a middle-aged loser like the FFF.

  29. Welp...she finally came right out and said it:

    "This farm only exists and continues to because people want to see that happen."

    That's right. It doesn't exist due to hard work, or well, any work at all. Feeding a bunch of animals that don't produce any real product is a hobby farm. Not a real one. And it doesn't exist due to her having a real job and earning an honest income. It exists because foolish suckers give her money.

  30. Funny how "earn $125" doesn't mean produce $125 of product she's already sold, it means get $125 into the paypal account, however possible. Doing the work is "earning" it. Making the sale is just a promise to do the work.

    I make paypal sales and don't consider them "earned" until I've provided the service. If I'm paying the mortgage with money paid on services I won't be providing for three more months, I have a serious accounting issue. Basic principles of accounting is the money is counted in the month the services were rendered. In December, the money I brought in for next year sales is not counted in my current year's earnings, because it's not actually income yet, it's a liability and a potential refund waiting to happen (technically. refunds are very rare for me.)

  31. Twitter Twaddle: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1237005039132192768

    First I thought, "Awww, how cute..."

    Then: "If it survives..."

    "Ruuuuuuuuuuunnn! RUN, little innocent chicky, RUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  32. "This small life..."

    Is this really all you want from life? To live on the edge, bottoming out the bank account with no wiggle room and very limited options day to day? To live at the mercy of the emotional and fiscal investment of your readers?

    My god.

    "This small life..." Really? I remember when she wanted a bigger life, when she wanted multiple book deals, maybe a movie option, events at the farm, a wild thriving life. I think it's a lie when she writes about contentment as it relates to coffee and horse tails and $10 in the chequing account.

    There is nothing wrong with ambition. It's not a requirement, nor a crime, just as it is no virtue to offer up daily mindfulness practices and transparent self-deprecating references to "this small life".

    Not buying it.

    I vacillate between disappointment and anger when I occasionally check in on the blog. If you truly want just a simple, small life, then why do you need all of these props to prove you're not one of the regular people?

    I wonder if she feels her marketability as a unique person worthy of book contracts would be threatened if she acquired a modest position of employment?

    The why of it all is perhaps what keeps me attached to watching this painfully-slowly unfolding train wreck; love of a small life is not a reasonable or satisfying explanation.

    Try again, please.

  33. CAF the Movie, Rated PG-13 (for stupidity)

    The Cast:

    JW - Adele
    Pember P - Kate Blanchard
    Laundry Guy - Joe Pesci
    The "Girlfriend" = RuPaul
    Ypubg JW - Greata Thuberg
    Old JW - Betty White
    Jack the lawyer - Steve Carell
    Assorted friends - the cast from Hamilton
    Jon Katz - playing himself
    Mamma Wog - Rosanne
    Animal Control - Swartzenegger

    On a farm, far far away, lived a dream, a fuckin nightmare.....

    1. Oh, thanks so much for the laugh! I needed that!

    2. So much better than the vulgarity and name calling. More of this please!

    3. LOL! I love it and would watch the shit out of that movie.

      Meanwhile, I found a single woman who actually DOES live on a mountain side, in an off-grid tiny house, and has been doing so since 2014. Living in her tiny cabin with limited amenities allows her to pursue her passions of photography, spending time in nature, and hiking with her dog.

      She does this by....... you guessed it! Working part time in town as a server! I don't see a single begging or solicitation post!


      Hurrah for responsible, independent women!

    4. Wow, she's doing really well too! Fy Nyth is a youtube channel with over 30,000 subscribers!

    5. Fy Nyth is responsible, confident, even-tempered, pleasant and her blog shares real information. In other words, the exact opposite of FFF. (For the life of me, I cannot figure out why FFF enablers still fall for her pathetic, whining💩. )

      In March, F2f Nyth wrote:

      "I've been asked many variations of these questions over the years. "What if you get sick?" "What if you get hurt?" "What if you are snowed in?" "What if your vehicle breaks down?" "What if any of the other million things someone can think of goes wrong?"

      The short answer is that I plan on things going wrong, breaking down, and getting ill. Because this is what I've observed through both my life and broader history. Stuff breaks. Weather does unexpected things. Things wear out. I get ill. And usually all these things happen at the most inconvenient times too.

      So I simply plan on such things happening. Not in a I'm-going-to-live-in-terror-all-the-time kind of way at all. Just an expectation that things will eventually go wrong."

      She then presents a handful of realistic, common sense situations with her solutions, including the following:

      "Finances are another great place to work toward creating a buffer. With cash on hand and/or easily accessible in a checking account or similar. Preferably, according to most financial advisers, enough to cover whatever standard living costs are for you for 3-6 months. Which could also cover emergencies like a broken down car, broken leg, emergency vet bill if you have a pet, and so on. This alone is another huge topic I couldn't possibly cover comprehensively in one post and there are many great places to find lots more advice on that. https://www.mrmoneymustache.com , in addition to having a great website name, is one I've really enjoyed reading over the years thanks to his clear advice and entertaining writing. No I didn't get to having a financial buffer overnight. In fact I think being ready for things to go wrong in this department took me longer to be able to build up to than almost anything else I discuss here. It might take you a while too, but that doesn't mean it's not worth working towards. Imagine the amount of stress having a buffer like that would take off your life in many situations! Again, whether it's a big disaster that affects lots of people, or just a personal injury or even lay off from a job that only affects you or your family."

      Quick, FFF, time to beg for more money, bwahahahaha!!!

  34. I see the Veryork Farmer has her plants starting and pictures of them everywhere. My goodness I will bet there are at least 6 plants starting to come up. Bet she will be talking farmers market soon should pay off the mortgage with that.

    Also love the movie credit Anon.

    1. Pretty sure she has never actually transplanted those snap peas. In fact, I seem to remember her saying that one year. I am a gardener, and I post tons of pictures of what I grow, all season long. The only pictures she ever posts is of maybe some newly planted kale. Never mentions weeding or harvesting. Why? Cause it does. not. happen. She may plant stuff, but I am sure it just withers and dies in the overgrowth. It's a shame because she could actually feed herself with very little effort even if she isn't willing to work hard and create a market garden to *gasp* earn money.

      Anon in GA

    2. yep that is what I thought she usually throws up a few of these pics each year and that is that. I mean there might be a good 6 plants there I think she said snap peas. Okay that isn't gonna take you very far over the summer. I bet they end up dead in the same container and she is bragging about new chicks I could count 4, again not to much of a "farm" going on there and of course with her possum there could be less now of those.

  35. "Luckless Slinger"March 10, 2020 at 1:53 PM

    PDD alerted me today to the FFF tweeting about another animal inspection on Twitter. Which was weird, because I hadn't been informed of one happening. So she's either lying for any attention, or one of my connections came through. Another possibility is that her rotten reputation, and posting pics of pigs and horses eating off of their own waste drew attention to her crappy practices. As I've said before, she's her own worst enemy. Now, her victim narrative can continue. It should bring in more manipulative marketing money.

    1. We only have her word that the inspection went fine. It's like WDH said in an above comment. She said the same thing in Vermont, but was evicted afterwards for animal abusing. And some of her livestock was re-homed in NY, too, after she was reported for multiple violations. Since she's a well-known liar about her life, and also an online beggar, I don't believe it until an official report is posted.

    2. according to her they were kind of thrilled with her animal care (that was my take she didn't actually say that----yet). They told her to keep on doing what she has been doing, you know since she is so good at it. She must have been riled up as she posted 3 or 4 things about it. Bet she is steaming and of course we don't want the new girlfriend to know about this as she is also a farmer.

    3. She stated they would publicly post that the farm was inspected and found to have no issues? Why would they waste time to do that if they didn't find anything?

      Also, if things were peachy, why did they bother to take photos? And as for them saying "keep doing what you're doing" perhaps it's because they are going to return in the future? Like they saw some questionable stuff, but not quite enough to take action. So keep on, keep on...and we'll be back. To take more pics.

  36. If it happened, why post about it? A real farmer, especially if running a good clean operation, wouldn't give a rat's behind about an inspection, and a fierce feral warrier would never get her knickers in such a twist.

    More manipulative marketing from the victim of Veryork?

    1. I'm sure that every time she posts stuff like this, she receives pity donations.

      So they only looked at the pigs? And not the other animals? That's probably why she was shaking in terror when they showed up. The pigs may have been fine at that moment, but somewhere on that farm must have been some evidence of neglect regarding all the other animals. Sounds like she got lucky this time.

  37. Looks like someone had an eventful day, lol.

    "And this was because I choose to share my life online as a public figure."

    No sweetie, it's because you chose to share your animal abusing ways, and how spitefully shocking pigs brings a smile to your face.

    "PETA my ass" you declared! And you wonder why you keep being investigated? It's really a no-brainer. Your own words are what bring you trouble. And that part at the end of that bleg post where she claims to "love her trolls" -- what a guilty butt-hurt thing to say. Bottom line, treat your animals better. Or best, re-home them.

  38. CAF the Movie, original 1937 version

    The Cast:

    JW - Bette Davis
    Pember P - Marilyn Monroe
    Laundry Guy - Boris Karloff
    The "Girlfriend" - not applicable, shes dating Cary Grant
    Young JW - Shirley Tmple
    Old JW - Katherine Hepburn
    Jack the lawyer - WC Fields
    Assorted friends - the munchins
    Jon Katz - too young
    Mamma Wog - Mae West
    Animal Control - Jimmy /stewart

  39. forgot Humhrey Bogart as the red van guy

  40. Ok, I read that long blog post. Nice try, Jenna. You got it all wrong. We're watching you because you scam people. You prey upon their sympathy and get them to give up their hard earned money. We watch them pay while you play. We watch you beg for mortgage money then spend it foolishly on the next new shiny toy. We watch people scraping by on Social Security send you money for firewood. We watch a guy with a missing tooth send you money for a "root canal" (and your purchase of a $1,000 puppy shortly after). We watch a guy give up a pizza to send you money for your latest "woe is me" beg. We watch you stiff a 12 year old girl who wanted to join your "clan". We watch the Birchthorn backers waiting years for their book. We watch people ask, "where's my stuff that I paid for?".

    None of us care where you live, what you do and how you look. (well, except for one poster who shall remain anonymous). We do care a lot about the people who you've scammed. Everything you have has been built upon the backs of those people.

    1. Well said. I was just done when she bought the puppy after a mortgage panic post. I can see she's been doing similar ever since. Grow up.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 11, 2020 at 5:02 AM


  41. I'm very glad the pig inspectors were there. Thank you to those who arranged the inspections, as the photos were genuinely worrying. If something is amiss, they'll be able to take action again.

    I think the post she wrote about it contained a higher-than-usual percentage of honesty, or authenticity. It's interesting she can bring herself to see this "troll" site in a different way, which is great. Dismissing CAST as just a hate site is a missed opportunity for her. There are many valid criticisms here.

    I think it is possible to have these workers visit, find problems, and still feel like you've made two new friends. It's their job to deescalate conflict, fill in the information gaps, and be able to leave safely. I think it's possible they said, "Keep doing what you're doing, AND ALSO do these things."

    I hope there will be follow up to animal inspections. I hope one day she can take a new, honest inventory of herself. I hope she can find the maturity to become more responsible, and self-reliant. I would f-ing cheer if I saw that happen.

    1. "Luckless Slinger"March 11, 2020 at 5:00 AM

      I was the one who spent hours giving appropriate agencies information which led to the two inspections. And even though we live in Vermont now, we resided in her area for years. So I speak from personal experience. But I disagree with what you wrote about her post. I think that it "contained a higher-than-usual percentage of bullshit." She doesn't have an "authentic" bone in her body. Everything that she does and writes is fake and for show. JFW hates this site, and what we stand for. It's all about manipulative marketing for free handouts.

  42. if all of this is true why was there an inspection last week and more came this week? Wouldn't the ones who came last week be enough and not need further follow up?

  43. It's also interesting that she's allowed comments on the post, which she rarely does due to not wanting any criticism. Yet no one has responded as of this morning. It looks like her few fans aren't supporting what she wrote. (Or maybe she's deleting any critical remarks.)


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