Well in doing some math, if her place was 25% paid off 2 years ago (per her reddit thread that still pops up in the top search results of her name) and she paid $150K for it when she bought it, she should have a *minimum* of $40 K built up.
That's significantly more than the majority of people in the world, even in North America. Most people own nothing, live paycheck to paycheck, and have a normal life thing become a setback that takes years to come back from.
Anyway, my point being if she'd just ovary-up and sell the damn place before it's foreclosed upon, (if that's even a real threat), she could walk away with a minimum of $40K plus whatever appreciation the property may have had. I'm not accounting for any, as she has not maintained that house or any of the outbuildings / infrastructure, and after 10 years, it might be considered a tear-down. Even if that were the case, based on other listings in the area, the actual land itself should hold its' value and appreciated, so I think it's totally fair to expect she could get $150K for that place if she listed it for spring.
$40K seems like more than enough to get established in a new life and never have to beg again!
And it's a hell of a lot of money to lose if she lets that place go to the bank after inconsistently paying the mortgage for 10 years. But she did say she's "foolish as hell" so maybe we can all "throw in" and buy that place at the lender's property auction.
By the way, has she ever written about getting the mortgage refinanced? Because that should be happening soon. She should have had to do that 5 years ago, and it should be coming due again... so girl has to qualify for another mortgage, no?
It's getting tougher to qualify for mortgages. Maybe she's already effed, knows it, and it just laying the groundwork for her readers before she lists the place for sale...
By the way, she didn't actually state a date for "If the book doesn't sell or flops, I will." Meaning, what is her exit date? When does she pull the rip cord? She should list that place now, because if she tries to sell it in the winter, she might default on the mortgage before she can close a sale.
I checked - Jenna only mentioned refinancing the mortgage in 2013. She should have had to get a new one in 2018 at the latest, so now I don't think she needs to get a new mortgage, though how she pulled off the last round of refinancing with no regular income and recurrent late payments is beyond me.
Plus, she bought that place for approx. $150k but now Zillow has its value listed at only $96k, so she has run the place into the ground. I don't know if property values in general in that area have gone down, but obviously hers has. Even if she sells, she'll end up owing the bank money.
I don't believe any of the drivel on the last CAF blog post. If you notice that after the declaration of I'll sell if the book doesn't sell. In the next sentence or change drastically how she does things. Right. Just as always, when there is a failure on her life/plans/projects she comes up with a new scheme. $20 pet scribbles are the latest example. There are lot of very good memoirs out there of interesting people who have done amazing things, led interesting lives, impacted others who wants one about self entitled woman that has done nothing since a bit of early success and turned herself into a grifter and internet pan handler?
I'm not familiar with Zillow, I checked it out and I wonder about those numbers. I'd believe the property was assessed at $94K for municipal taxes, but real estate typically sells for significantly more than the assessed value due to market demand. Maybe there just isn't market demand? Baaaaaaaad news if that's the case. I'd expect the bank to list it at $100K but not when it's being sold by the owner. My read could be way off though, because I am not a local to that area.
About refinancing, that term is usually used to get a *better* mortgage rate if interest rates go down, getting a new loan before the term of the old loan was up, but most mortgages are loans for a five year term, based on the 20+year amortization rate, but you don't keep the same loan & interest rate for the entire time you have a mortgage on your house.
This is a contributing factor when the housing bubble to burst - interest rates shot up, and people who were eventually forced to get new mortgages after their term was up found themselves unable to be able to get a new mortgage. They were forced to sell, but suddenly most people couldn't get a mortgage, so nothing was selling, and the whole market crashed.
Again, I'm not a local and I'm not familiar with the specifics in that state, so mileage may vary, but in general after the term of your mortgage is up, you have to go right on out and get a new mortgage to keep your home, or you are forced by your lender to sell it, because they want their money back.
So the fact this charade has gone on *this* long is shocking... unless she has some undisclosed regular income that would satisfy the lenders.
This is how things work in my neck of the woods, maybe it's vastly different where she is.
Normal mortgages are 15-30 years, fixed rate. People would refinance when interest rates went down. But, the housing bubble led to some ...creative... options being offered - adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), 5 year balloon payments, interest-only loans, etc. Those were really only available for a couple of years, though, since they only make sense if you presuppose constant large amounts of appreciation.
Most likely Jenna has a normal 30 year mortgage, since in 2010 no one was offering the craziness of 06-07.
Sussing out the truth is like trying to complete a puzzle with missing pieces. We'll never know what the truth is about her income/mortgage/expenses. What she chooses to disclose/write about should not be treated as anything more than fiction.
Very true. She can write anything and there is no way to prove if it is right or wrong. We've all noticed inconsistencies. She could be sitting on a fortune for all we know.
And no book is going to save the "farm" (I use that term loosely). When she received the $15,000 from Birchthorn, she claimed the "farm" was saved. Three months later she was whining about being behind on the mortgage. Either she was lying or money burns a hole in her pocket.
ANIMAL ABUSER ALERT: Even more progress is being made today. I'll keep you all apprised if possible. I don't want her to know the details now. Which is why I'm not sharing more.
Anonymous 11:05. I appreciate the compliment, thanks. I consider this a public service. That disgusting video of her horses eating hay on top of their own filth was my "last straw." (Pun intended.) But I'm far from being the only person who has reported her in the past, and is also doing it. WDH is on her case now, and others are too.
But thank you so much for helping out and trying to get her animals in a better place. Its not the worse I've ever seen, but it's just not good at all.
If there is an email address for me to send the screen shots from the latest insta story showing potential bald spot(s) on Merlin's face, please post. Thanks.
Anonymous 10:57. I just created a new email address for more information. I'd appreciate any assistance from you folks, thanks! (I've made more progress, too.)
"This is a REALLY good time to support this small farm. I have ten days to cover a house payment, a hay order and delivery, a dental appointment, and so far I'm only halfway with ten days to go."
"Shit, 9."
Let's use hyperbolic panic again, and manipulative marketing to con people into supporting her faux farm and pet props. It's never "a good time" to "support" an animal abusing, lazy beggar who won't work a part-time job to earn her own money.
This is a REALLY good time to support this small farm. I have ten days to cover a house payment, a hay order and delivery, a dental appointment, and so far I'm only halfway with ten days to go.
AAAANNNNNDDDDDD whose fault is that? It ain't nobody's fault but yours Jenna.
You spent all weekend farting around, drinking and listening to music. Dont wanna begrudge you for having a good time but when there is work to be done to help pay the bills, where are ya?
And then, what about next month? And the month after it? When does this folly end? Who is she fooling? Cuz all us adults (the majority of people on Twitter and such) know that this is not sustainable in any shape or form and it's just pouring good money after bad because she won't do anything different next month but whine about all her needs and that we need to help.
Because she is curing cancer. ah, no.
Because she is raising endangered animals. ah, no.
Because she is handicapped and challenged in some major way. ah, no.
Because she is a blessed saint and helping children to learn. ah, no.
Why is her cause, helping a stubborn, entitled, able bodied white woman, our worry when there are so many other important causes to champion?
That was well-put. Yeah, it's also more important to take time and create more moronic memes, than work to support yourself, like this weird one:
"Sometimes I lose entire hours of my day thinking about how it feels to reach out and hold onto a girl's hips and pull her close to kiss, because it may be the greatest small thing I've ever done with my dumb little life."
Well, at least she's got the "dumb little life" part right. Funny how she always calls women "girls."
LOL. Borrowing a book from the library or buying it second-hand is vastly different from illegally downloading music / tv shows instead of streaming them through a legit service.
If enough people borrow books from the library - the library buys more copies!
So ironic how she begrudges people for living within their own means when she has no desire to live within her own means and expects others to financially supplement her property-owning degree-having animal-neglecting behind.
OK poodles step right up to my last deal to support this farm: The Cold Antler Continuum Fund 2030 With a small monthly investment of just $60 a month we guarantee: - sparkling, clean and healthy teeth - happy animals with regular vet visits and poop gone - trucks that start and pipes that work - more hawking and less stalking - an annual visit home to Ma Wog for some fresh apple pie - bills paid, art made, and getting laid So stop your whining and get me fine dining, all trustees to be memorialized in the sequel to Birchthorn that is almost finished Get that money rolling in, it tax destructible!
okay Poodle Doodles step right up and read her latest on Twitter she is giving parenting advice, this of course you don't want to miss as she knows so much.
"Every parent that raised their children to think physical appearance or beauty was an important factor of self worth should be forced to carry a brick in public so everyone knows what a burden they are to society."
It should be:
Every permissive parent that raised brats to think that their self-entitlement allows other adults to support them, due to personal laziness, should be forced to carry the burden of their own stupidity.
She's gotten a good response only an hour ago. It was one of two. It seems by the lack of replies that most of her followers disagree with the dumb bitch. The tweet sounds like something one of us would say:
"Even worse are the entitled snits some grow up to be."
So Taylor Swift's mom, who no doubt drilled into her the importance of her appearance, her mom should carry around a brick? Yeah, maybe to throw at stalkers like Jenna.
"Warning: once you come out to yourself and fully accept your sexuality, no one prepares you for how off-putting it is to see straight people kiss."
Jenna, judgemental much? Talk about an opinionated cunt. She was once involved with men, but now it's nauseating. She's the one who needs a "Warning" label slapped on her fat ass.
Geez, JW. Let's reverse the tables: "No one prepares you for how off-putting it is to see GAY people kiss." Would you like people to think that? Then don't be judgmental. Although I'm not religious, 'treat others as you'd like to be treated' rings true.
Anonymous 1:05. I thought exactly the same thing. She's become "heterophobic." JW has always liked labels: farmer, falconer, pagan, heathen, and homo now.
She likes labels when it gets her attention, approval, affirmation and ultimately pity bucks. People who are gay are not disgusted when they see straight people kiss, they are secure enough in themselves that it doesnt bother them. Why be judgemental? And again she is painting a whole contigent of people with a wide brush. It bothers her because she hates seeing anyone in a loving relationship.
Anonymous 1:25. Your comment is spot-on. She only "likes labels" within the narrow perimeters of Jenna's judgements. And she is jealous of those who have a "loving relationship." Unfortunately, having sex with women (not "girls") won't give her the emotional intimacy that she wants, because she lacks the mature capacity for it.
I agree anon 1:25. Queer folks aren't fussed at straight folks PDA anymore than we hope straight folks aren't fussed with us.
It occurs to me that the high level of processing that happens in w4w relationships means Jenna is under-prepared to engage in a long term relationship with anyone, but particularly another queer woman. After I came out and started dating women, I was blown away by the level of social awareness and self-examination I was expected to have, at least from the women I was into (there are plenty of immature people in every walk of life, but they get tossed back into the dating pool quickly.)
Anonymous 11:41. That was well-put. She's so used to her own narcissistic navel-gazing, that having to deeply connect with women will be out of her league. I noticed that she didn't receive any comments on that post, too. Even the lesbian meme makers didn't like it.
That stupid comment is all the proof you need to show that she's only pretending to be gay just for attention and donations. She's foolishly grasping at things she *thinks* a real gay person might say but she couldn't be further from reality. Hardly anyone comments on those lame memes, and when they do, it's only 1 or 2 people at most. And that should be a HUGE clue that other lesbians simply do not relate to any of her insipid Insta-drivel.
Oh no, she's been a lesbian for at least 150 years and is writing THE book about it you know, next. It will be the book to save her world and take care of Patty and hubby forever.
Yes, she is an expert at being a lesbian, you know. She will be giving classes soon at THIS FARM. Just $150 deposit and in 6 months you have to pay off the rest of the $450 for the class in 14 months at Patty's house. Er, ah, the New Cambrige Lesbian Center for the Farming ARts. The famous NCLCFA you know.
She'll teach you everything about lesbianism. You will come out of the closet as perfectly gay as she did so long ago, but was just afraid to admit it.
FarmLass. Your comment cracked me up, and was spot-on. Maybe she can get another Kiva loan for the "NCLCFA." It's like how she became an instant expert at raising chickens, or becoming a heathen, or even teaching archery and violin when she's a rank newbie.
"Today I got a lot done for the farm. I finished knitting a hat I'm wearing now. I sold five bars of soap. My dogs have full bellies. My cats are asleep by the woodstove. The girl I like let me know she's thinking of me. I have coffee for the AM.
That'll do, Friday. That'll do."
Maybe it's just personal preference, but I find her frequent usage of "full bellies" annoying. There's that strange "That'll do" repetition again. She must be channeling the pig flick. I wonder if the woman she likes minds being referred to as "the girl." And her puny accomplishments are pathetic.
"Yesterday I got a letter from a woman explaining how something I wrote 8 years ago gave her the strength to change her life. Today I got an email from another woman telling me to quit the farm and get a job so she could stop being ashamed of me."
Writing books is fun!
"Not to dwell on the negative, but why the heck did she even bother?? Just as much effort to send a little cash and keep her lips shut. People never ceases to amaze me. On the positive side, I love your books and can't wait til you pump out another one! Children's book, maybe?"
It's another dumb enabler. Unfortunately, JFW wants a lot not "a little cash." Notice how she never gives any proof of either letters or bills? Like the one where someone sent a job application to her, and it was proven by the writing that the FFF did it herself.
Of course, the inspirational words came from 8 years ago, because nothing recently written shows strength. Her only plodding perseverance is for begging, and being frightened / anxious / insecure / terrified / jealous.
Obviously, FFF's biggest fans have not read much past a book or two; have not read months/years of begs to discover the truth and patterns of deceipt or have not figured out that she fakes her farming life with old, curated photos.
PDD. Exactly. If the letter even exists, which we doubt it does, it was probably something stupid like "Live like fiction!" BTW: I know that my nitpicking of her tweets can be excessive sometimes, but my frustration with her animal abusing, online begging, and arrogant asshole attitude pisses me off. I hope that you "guys" understand.
Amy time things are really desperate, she pulls the 'letter/email/verbal exchange" outta her arse about someone admiring or condeming her lifestyle choices.
The girl gets a zillion of these. Apparently. Highly unlikely. They are as routine as her begging cycles. Its just anothe manipulation tactic to get 'atta girls' and 'you are a tough chick' responses and help to support her lifestyle choices.
But notice... they are getting fewer and fewer responses and never from her close 'friends' or neighbors, relations, etc.
Luckless, I'm glad you jump on each and every tweet, as her constant begging and manipulative marketing schemes need to be called out every single time. Sometimes I think, I just keep saying the same stuff over and over -- but it serves to show that her begging and irresponsibility are never-ending...just like her lies.
And her "today I got a lot done for the farm" BS with all her hat knitting, five measly bars of soap, full bellied dogs, slumbering cats, girl-thinking, coffee prep -- what the hell does any of that have to do with helping the farm? It doesn't.
If her situation was really "so getting kinda scary" (weird wording), then she'd go get a job. Apparently, it's preferable to pitifully beg rather than work to support herself.
I swear, she's just copying and pasting the same old begs. On the bleg she wrote a short paragraph with the usual padded chores, you know, to keep foollowers "tethered to her potential" and then typed out this predictable beg:
"Not much else worth updating. I had had the truck repair and dental bills this month, along with feed and hay delivery and hopefully more firewood. But even with those expenses I am halfway to making a house payment this month to stave off wolves at the door. I still have a week left in this month to figure it out. I still have time."
Copy 'n paste, day after day, month after month, year after failed year. But at least she's showing some shame and anxiety over it, as she's addressed it the past few days. And she should feel ashamed!
I am so sick of her bullshit lament about "wolves at the door." She's the endless victim of her own self-imposed laziness, and stubborn refusal to mature beyond the mentality of a teenager. It's no wonder that she constantly refers to "14-year-old Jenna." Grow the fuck up, twat.
Oh look, on Instagram she's giving everyone an early warning:
"Soaking computer paper in tea and stones. Making one of my Hobbit maps to help with spring goals for health, prosperity, and peace of mind. Will share map and goals once ready!"
Oh goody, it's almost time for Hobbit Week...I can't wait. This Hobbit-tron or whatever she calls wasting a full week traipsing all over her property with a detailed, hand drawn, carefully painted map when she could be working on past due pet portraits. The Pig Shocker invented the art of time wasting, that's for sure.
well now boys and girls if you need more proof that she DOES read here last night she posted that the "woman" she has been dating is spending the night tending to a sick lamb on her family farm. For the first time she called her a woman and not a girl which has been mentioned here quit a bit. And plus she let us all know her girl/woman is a farmer how cute.
Yes we are tea soaking our extensive map for the biggest week of the year for her. A middle aged woman trapsing through the woods for a week (I do hope people waiting 8 months or an order will understand oh hell I am sure anyone would understand) so she can play act. I just can't imagine anyone of this age doing this crap.
I'm sure that "14-year-old Jenna" would love to make stupid Hobbit maps, and then waste more time talking about them. I also noticed her calling the new femme farmer a woman. Funny how they're "dating" after only a few encounters. Maybe "Shannay" (https://www.instagram.com/heyshannay/) will pay for the U-Haul someday if it works out. And JFW claims not to read here. Right.
"I hope chick orders, lamb pickups, and even a possible goat kid follow."
What?! Wait! She was forced to rehome her livestock. Now more lambs and goats? Whoever was in close touch with the animal authorities there, please check into this. I'm quite sure, especially with how the horses are being neglected, that there should have been an order that she could not have more animals in the future.
PLEASE CHECK WITH THEM! This is outrageous. She can't even pay her bills and take care of herself, let alone take on more mouths to feed. A true animal hoarder mentality.
Spending all her time on a stupid map is not going to help make goals. She might get to one or two checkpoints then chuck the whole idea like she does everything else. Why not spend the time it takes to do the map and get caught up on pet portraits, mail out books you still owe?? Does one really need to do a hand drawn map to achieve goals? I dont know if this is sad or hilarious.
I'll bet that the map has "LUCK!!!" written all over it. As if that's a substitute for supporting herself. Her only "goal" is goofing off, and expecting responsible adults to give her mortgage money.
Here's Jenna's justification for her Hobbit map. Nah she never reads our comments;
"This map symbolizes 200 miles of real life walking, hiking, or running, 6 hours of meditation, and $185 tucked away a little at a time for summer dates and fun. Each checkpoint is colored in when a small section of the larger goal is completed.
For example, I'm 14 miles into the first checkpoint. I still need to do a few 20 min meditation sessions and save a little cash but once there I color in that spot. Then I start the next small set of goals. I carry this map everywhere on my person, reminder of the bigger picture.
This helps me focus on self care and my health and savings as if it's an adventure. I'm trying to focus on a better me during these really stressful times."
She's just gotta remind all of her followers how "stressful" her "times" are now. Which is the way she always lives. Instead of looking at supporting herself as "an adventure," it might be helpful to stop begging for handouts. Maybe she could "meditate" on getting a spring job.
I'm surprised she hasn't tried to monetize Hobbit-Tron by turning it into a sponsored walk where her foollowers donate money for every milestone on that dumb map. What a wasted opportunity to "earn up" more free money.
"I need to make $225 a day for the next week. Here I go. Wish me luck and please retweet sale offers! If you can, buy something! It makes a huge difference in this little life!!l"
She often diminishes herself by using "this little life" a lot. The omnipresent "Wish me luck" and "please retweet sale offers!" is nothing more than code for free handouts. Her hyperbolic panic is obnoxious. "Here I go." Again. And again. And again...
She needs to make $225 a day. For a normal person working 8 hours a day that would be $28 dollars a hour. Pretty entitled, eh?
And if she needs say 5 days of this, it would be over a thousand dollars.
Wake up chick. You need to stop doing the same things over and over and expecting different outcomes.
I have never ever seen anyone like her, just constantly 'begging', selling, always in foreclosure, in fear, causing animals distress, offering absolutely no content any more, insulting everyone, posting her immature thoughts without a single thought about offending her hands that feed her.
"...this helps me focus on self care and my health and savings as if it's an adventure."
Gosh. Where to start?
First, I have never seen anyone fritter away so much time and screw off like our Fake Feral Farmer. Everything she does is for herself. No children, no charity work, no community work, no caring for family.
And on what planet do able-bodied "farmers" not clean up after their livestock or property, feed their animals on top of their own manure and generally let land fall into disrepair?
Second, she has to really fake an "adventure" (Hobbit Monster Trek, or some such) to remind herself to save money? Is she an eight year old with a movable piggy bank???
We all know this latest post is more shameless hustling. "Oh, please kind people", throw her some money so she can continue to avoid work, hang out at bars, buy new clothes & Taylor Swift collectibles and generally act like a 13 year old. She has such a "little life" - all you selfish people with direct banking, a cell phone, vacation $$$ and secret family or trust fund caches need to open up the poodle money vault and SEND FFF MONEY!
Still unbelievable her duped followers haven't figured out the disconnects. SMH again...and again.
PDD. Exactly. This always bears repeating, especially, for the newbies who aren't aware of the FFF's unethical tactics. It's just more of her manipulative marketing. Everything that she writes, does and says is untrustworthy. Her "little life" is full of lies. "Live like fiction!" At the expense of others.
Yes, unlike Jon Katz, the Pig Shocker does absolutely zero for her community. Although...being that her lazy ass spends all day on the internet, I suppose that accounts for a large amount of time that she DOESN'T spend waddling around town terrorizing innocent community folks. So maybe it's for the better.
I noticed on FFF’s Twitter a comment from Swift HoundBows. These things are handmade and quite nice. I couldn’t find a price for them but bet they’re not cheap. Jenna ordered one in 2018. Pissed away a lot of money.
Anon 1:35 she designed swift hound bows logo https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiCv_rL6ujnAhW-HjQIHR-cDL8Q3YkBegQIARAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fcoldantlerfarm%2Fstatus%2F674770541589434369&psig=AOvVaw0DEZAOuHLIZgoBPfeHHT8A&ust=1582587121002233
which is not in use on the swift hound bows website. Maybe she didn’t like it? The logo that is in use is quite simplistic but can be embossed on to the bows.
There is a photo on SwiftHound Bows’ twitter showing the stock of the bow Jenna ordered.
Part of me wonders if Jenna paid for it, or if she negotiated some sort of barter / trade on services later renegged upon? Who knows.
FFF reminds me of a friend of mine who never has money for essential shit like rent and utilities, but manages to get a new vehicle every few years, and splurges on all sorts of stuff out of my own budget.
well now $225. a day times 5 days (not counting weekends because we all know how they go) would be $1100.00 so that is HALF of her mortgage payment? She says she has half already saved. She sure has a hefty mortgage for someone without a trust fund or even direct deposit. Damn life is hard.
You can't ever "do the math" for JFW, because the numbers never add up. Recall how she stole $15,000 from the Birchthorn book backers? Yet only three months later she was whining about needing mortgage money.
Being that she doesn't follow normal business hours and she begs Mon-Sun, I took her comment to mean $225 x 7 days. Which means she expects people to donate $1,575...which is an insane asshole amount to ask for.
“I want to stay here and stay farming. I was that very bad.“
Does she mean “I want that very badly.” ???
Blogging is more informal and not polished, sure, but for a “professional writer” this is terrible. No surprise there, I suppose.
The “got a lot done on the farm, knit a hat, fed the dogs” thing made me realize I don’t give myself nearly enough credit.
Allow me to celebrate my mundaneness: today I called the plumber and shut off the water to my kitchen sink, I fed my cats and trained them by locating a motion-sensor air puffer to the dining table, I made a tuna salad sandwich from scratch (well from the can and a store bought loaf of bread but that counts), I turned on the supplemental lighting for my peace lilly that is in a less than ideal household location, I thought about watering it but am exhausted from my urbal farming chores so I think I deserve to spend money on entertainment tonight rather than save it for the plumber I will surely need to pay tomorrow.
I invite you to celebrate your own mundane activities!
I have been following a really nice family on the youtube channel “Homsteady” if anyone else in interested. Makes me realize how much work Jenna would have to actually do, how much money it takes to do things right, and they talk openly about their business and activities that DO make money - hint! It is not the farm animals!
Jenna is such a failure as a “farmer” and a social experiment. I feel quite cruel saying so, but she is perpetuating this disaster willingly. It’s such a shame because she had the platform to do something like what Homesteady has done, and squandered it.
She never takes time to edit either her rotten writing or her Twitter too. I find major mistakes on almost every purple prose post and stupid tweets. Even Heather, her former Birchthorn editor, criticized her for not reading the final proofs. The FFF said that wasn't her job, even though she wrote the book. I agree that she's "squandered" many opportunities which were handed to her. And I'm "celebrating my mundaneness" this morning by making us coffee. I'll also add taking our dog out to pee.
My old house got cold during the night, so I warmed it up, then thanked the little gods for the gift of heat. This scrappy gal made French Press coffee and hiked to the barn, where I fetched hay, fed three (3) tons of livestock and free-ranged the horses.
Farm life is a hard life, but I always was to farm. Between my six gigs, I'm hoping for a little bit of luck to repair a life-saving $185 blanket, locate much-needed firewood, haul it to the house and prepare for another dark night. Later on, I hope to meet the postal guy with a package I must mail and then trek up the mountain and through the valleys, looking for horse dung and hobbit fur. Goddess willing, I'll return to my little farm house that needs me and hold the line against the cold night and wolves at the door. Luck and support mean so much to me. Please, if you have a trust fund or are independently wealthy, please share this post and send some token of encouragement. PayPal, it means so much.
PDD. Well, there goes my cup of coffee. Once again, I laughed out loud while reading your funny comment. I'm thinking about making my own Hobbit map today, because it will be "an adventure!"
LOL, you guys crack me up! Well, I got y'all beat as I've had a bad cold?flu? for a week so I've done near-nothing at all except hack up lung butter and feel sorry for myself. But I did get up several times to turn on the A/C. I also made myself a colorful hand painted tea-stained map to make sure I didn't get lost on the way to BathroomShire to puke. And I heroically still managed to give my cats both food AND water each day. Please PayPal my god-like greatness and epic efforts.
I'm hoping her new girlfriend reads all about the map and sees for herself that IF she sticks around for the summer months (should someone warn her about the bodyoder we have heard of?) that FFFonly plans on spending a grand total of $185.00 for the entire summer on the 2 of them to "date". Perhaps "new girlfriend" is a trust fund baby so she can supply the cash?
This supposed girlfriend ought to know better than to date someone who can't even afford to take proper care of her animals or pay her bills. But in doing so, she's creating even more hardship for the animals...and thus complicit in their neglect. "Here, I got you this new necklace, boo! I can afford it cuz the animals are all on a diet this month!"
So I made another winters bottom, damn weather didn't cooperate for the "end of the winter" sale on logos I had planned. Nevermind Patsy Hottub paid the vig. got Getreude started and shelled out eh beans for the big M Meanwhile, the clan or club or whoeverdafuk is being reimagined into a new litearry society of Birchthorn 2 developers, cone on down Nadelman and STFU about my progress Now if i wash a few more beer mugs I can down the Raspblurry Ale without a nod, hand me my fiddle girlfriend and put some CAF cotton in yer ears Now, these here pet ports piling up in the corner near the butternutz are getting on my nerves, you folks just have to wait a wee bit little longer, yep I'm going into town now don;t move Paul Sheldon, just you don';t or I'll bring in the HAMMER Damn I love farmin!!!!!!!!
anno 9:35 spot on!!! Funny she won't work but do remember her going to the ABCompany and would gladly wash glasses so she could drain out the ones people didn't finish and also get more for "doin' her part helpin out."
Oh Gosh NO to the fiddle playin' as there isn't enough cotton in all the south for that there kind of musik.
I thought it was interesting watching a video by "Cole the Corn Star" (lol) a young farmer on youtube break down the $$$ of running their farm.
Even for a full family operation, with over $1 million in gross sales per year, they would not survive without multiple family members being employed full time.
They keep farming their land because they all love the lifestyle, and the homestead has been in their family for generations, but these legit farmers *need full time employment*.
Oh and yes, they also have side-gigs. AND STILL HAVE JOBS.
Get a fricking job like a real farmer, Jenna. Take some actual responsibility.
How interesting! Anyone have a rough ballpark idea of what the talent-challenged Pig Shocker's gross sales are in a year? (Based on pet portraits, logos, soap, spam shares, etc.) I'd take a stab at it, but I only have the math skills of a 2nd grader.
There is no way to estimate her gross sales based on the available information, and she could be getting significantly more in donations with no way to tell that either. However, unless you're actively telling a story, people won't donate, and if the story goes on for years and doesn't resolve, the old loyal readers drop off and new ones read the history of years of crisis and see the big black pit they could throw their money into... so I would be surprised if she received for than $200/month in donations.
I think she sold so many sale pet portraits to cover short-term money issues that she's taken on months of work and doing that work doesn't actually go towards solving the current month's crisis. You should never actually *use* the money paid in advance for a service until the service is done, just in case you need to refund them. That's my policy anyway, but my guess is for years Jenna has been pushing "sales" at a rate far below what she actually needs to make to keep her life afloat and now has such a backlog that it doesn't make financial sense to actually work on the old assignments who are already pissed, but to prioritize quick-turnaround $20 sketches to try and build up a whole new client base who would be willing to purchase a full colour pet portrait later on, and those projects would take higher priority than the 6 month old commissions because she knows she's lost those customers anyway.
Basically, she's in the hole in many ways. I'll bet she has maxed out credit cards, garbage credit, a dwindling client list, no email marketing plan, no BUSINESS PLAN, and whatever her gross sales are I'm positive including expenses and work owing, her net worth is negative tens of thousands.
Her gross cottage industry sales are just spit in the wind. She needs to make it rain, downsize / rehome those animals, stop taking on feeder lambs / pigs, not torture another goat with solitary confinement, and get a real job.
Maybe she could keep the border collies and cat, but she definitely could find good homes for them in her area so she could relocate to whatever job will have her. Beggars can't be choosers after all.
And hey, no hawk pictures lately. I wonder if she took off?
I think she always does that one pose with the pursed lips and the up-the-nostril angle to avoid the appearance of a double-chin.
To be clear, I don't think there is any issue with her weight, and I would rather she be 100 lbs heavier and a harder worker than 50 lbs lighter and as ineffectual as she is. I'm commenting on the weird posing that is in every. single. selfie she does! I realized I think she's stretching the skin away from her jaw as much as possible.
In other insta-story observations, does Merlin have two big bald spots on his face from the halter? I've taken a bunch of screen shots if someone wants me to email them. It's a black and white video, but it seems like there's at least one significant rub sore on his face there. Poor boy. Seems like he has a bit of a dull eye too, but it's hard to tell with black and white video.
It's hard to tell for sure that he has a sore on his face, but I'm certain there's a bald spot. Something to add to the call for an animal welfare check file. It really needs to be ruled out in person.
Merlin has Sarcoptic Mange. Pigs have the same thing. He's probably rubbing his face against the trees near his pen constantly. The amount of photos she posts of them both, showing his distinct bald spots on his face and their backlines just show how fucking clueless she is about basic animal care. Imagine being an animal with mange that severe in the winter? You can't keep yourself warm enough because parts of your skin are dry and scaly and missing fur, and you have to decide between itching and conserving calories for warmth. Your skin and hair literally can't do its job properly because the external parasites will always put their needs first. It's a slippery slope, and you just continue to lose condition. No wonder her pigs are so small still, despite being 8-9 months old. She also has boasted about not using wormers. Sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep I end up thinking about Jenna's animals. Which is unfair - I have my own to worry about, and do everything I can to end every day knowing that I'm providing them the best possible care. I don't think I'll get a truly restful nights sleep until she is no longer raising livestock.
He has parasites because bitch doesn't worm him. He doesn't get proper vaccines every spring and fall and eats crap feed. She also cannot be bothered to groom him.
He is in terrible shape. Poor thing. I think he's a wonderful pony and a saint to put up with her fat ass riding him.
Where are the pics/vids with sores on his face? I see he's going white/grey, which is typical for old horses. But it also wouldn't surprise me if those horses are torn up. I can't imagine their feet are in good shape standing on moist manure all day and night.
Thank you, I emailed the screen shots of the video she posted of Merlin with the bald patches on his face. The black and white video made it tough to get a good look, but it is very plain to see something isn't right.
He for sure has at least one bald patch on his face. You can see the skin in one still where the face is closest to the camera.
Horses are such an expensive hobby, and if she can't pay her freaking mortgage without hustling, she has NO BUSINESS owning a horse. SPCA should step in. Poor Merlin. He was such a gorgeous boy when she first got him. My aunts always kept their hobby horses to the end of their lives, and they *never* looked like he does. They would become unsound for riding, but still maintained their personalities and opinions.
I am horrified that these horses have only a 3-sided shelter. What the actual fuck?? Horses are more delicate creatures. They need barns with stalls, yes and mats and shavings. Even the shitty trail ride stable I worked at as a teen provided better living conditions in winter.
I put this new email address above, but wanted to type it here too. I'd appreciate any assistance with more information on JFW and/or pics as proof. I'm not on Instagram so don't have access to her stories (PDD's method didn't work on my Mac for unknown reasons.) Thanks!
I agree about Merlin. He never looks groomed and always looks sad and miserable. I have a horse and know what it takes to properly care for them. She never mentions shots, worming or teeth floating. Horses need spring and fall vaccines to protect them against diseases (rabies, EEE/WEE, tetanus, Strangles, and West Nile Virus). They need worming a few times a year or at least a fecal test to see if there are worms and then get the right wormer to kill whatever worms they may have. They also need dental floating once a year. That is when a horses teeth are filed down so there are no hooks or sharp teeth and their chewing surfaces are smooth. Being a senior horse he also needs senior feed and supplements. I bet you dollars to donuts, none of that has taken place at CAF. All this is done by an equine vet and she NEVER mentions a vet coming out to look at the horses. She only mentions a farrier and thinks she's done for the year. They are suffering. If you cannot properly take care of animals or your money goes toward booze instead of their BASIC care, you need to rehome them. I would take Merlin in a heartbeat.
Very good points. I would like to add that the feds finally labeled horses as livestock. This means that they now are covered just like her goats, sheep, etc.. Whomever is reporting her might mention this to the local humane officer. What strikes me about Merlin is he seems very quiet and dejected. I used to take care of horses for a living, so I have an idea even what really old ponies act like. And he is not happy.
I agree with your comments about Merlin. He looks depressed and in poor condition. His formerly glossy black coat has long looked bedraggled and bleached out. Years ago, FFF, a fake and ignorant horsewoman, complained that Merlin had too much energy and so she quit giving him grain. To cease giving balanced food because it gives the horse "energy" is absurd. Of course, horses can get hot if given too much high-energy food, but this is an aged pony and it is impossible to provide him with the nutrients and micro-nutrients he needs with a diet that consists only of hay. It is also likely his teeth need to be done. His "saintliness" is partially due to his low-energy diet - he simply doesn't have the fortitude to render strong opinions. No doubt he and Mabel are willing to go up the hill because there is rich forage up there - whereas their usual paddock is overgrazed, with crappy forage and probably filled with weeds.
Also note that whenever her fat ass rides him, he wears a nylon "training halter". I am a long-time horse owner and trainer, and these sorts of unbreakable halters are ONLY to be used in special very-controlled training situations, not as a cheap replacements for regular halters. Their knots are placed at nerve points on the horse's head, so a light touch sends a pretty strong message. Having them stay on, or using them with too-strong or sloppy hands (looking at her drinking buddies) is unacceptable.
When I saw the last black and white photo of Merlin, he looked like a horse I once rescued; just "hanging on" but with no good top line or flesh because it is hidden by winter hair. Notice again, Shammers, that she NEVER posts photos of the supposed shelter/pole-barn the horses have but somehow never use??? My horses choose to stand inside their cozy stalls during inclement weather, but their stalls are clean and airy, with dry soft bedding and nearby hay.
Even her supposed mentor, Pember-Patty is something of a joke. She uses an old cow barn without bedding for her horses. There is nothing wrong with a re-purposed cow barn. Yes, the quality is much better than what FFF has (three walls, a roof and able to be closed) but how comfortable is it for horses to stand on concrete all day/night? It is not, and any farrier/vet will tell you horses need softer footing and that standing on concrete is bad for their feet/legs/joints. At our barn, for example, we use a compacted dead sand base, covered by rubber mats, topped with shavings. The incompetence of FFF irks me no end. She does not deserve to have horses.
She gets away with sub-par care because her peer group is more ignorant than she is and others - who only catch glimpses of her animal husbandry - assume she is doing the right thing. Since we've been discussing her abysmal horse care, watch for her to post some BS about vets, supplements, blah blah, in the near future.
Yes PDD, we can certainly count on that post coming up soon! Now if she only did it for real, but we all know it's gonna be bullshit and lies.
Which brings up another thing, what is she doing about their water? You can bet with NY winters, their water is pure ice all the time. Im sure her selfish ass is not investing in a heated water bucket or a submersible in a trough. She probably figures they can eat the snow.
She had a submersible de-icer for the sheep trough in 2011. Yet, in 2014, she was saying she had to break the horse and sheep troughs with a maul. She probably sold it (I think it was donated to her).
"I am 3/4 of the way towards this month's mortgage payment, and if I can swing it, Dr's office visit. So if you can spread the word about this farm it helps!"
It's not "the word about this farm" that "helps!" her, it's the free handouts for doing nothing. Her fraction finances are nothing more than attempts to con kind people. (As if the animal abusing wasn't bad enough, but the begging is despicable.)
Friends, I need your help now. When did Maude the ewe die in a wheelbarrow? A link to the post would work. I looked but couldn't locate it. I also need to know when the pigs with mange photos were taken. I'm in contact with appropriate agencies, and they want to know dates if possible, and the specific posts too.
Maude died from lack of vet care and lingered forever it seemed. I think the wheelbarrow was a younger animal, maybe one of the lambs? I'm not totally sure on that.
The trio of pigs pic is from February 8th (twitter) and another one showing babies is September of 2019 on her blog. Not sure if its mange or mud around the eyes. I think the wheelbarrow incident happened 4 or 5 years ago. But several animals have died since then. Wheres the hawk? She had 3 that mysteriously disappeared.
Anon 4:39 you can try using the wayback machine if you think she has deleted posts from her blog. It's cumbersome to work through, you have to click on the date in the calendars to pull the posts up, but if you have time and know aproximately when the animals died, you can find it there. Also you can use the wayback machine to locate deleted tweets.
I spent an hour or so looking for the the post on maude's death and couldn't find it, but I was looking in 2012.
That looks like white/greying hair to me. Lots of black horses will grey with age. There's enough to nail JFW on, let's make sure we get everything correct.
Anon 11:17 Yes I agree in the photo above that is from 3 years ago it's mostly white hair, but in the photos I emailed to LS the close up shows a bald patch on the left side of his face. Notice the photo on her insta today shows a straight on, and hides the left side of his face.
I would LOVE to see a current photo of the left side of his face showing no bald spots. But I think she's taking photos from these angles, and making the video black and white, to try and hide a bald spot. Someone on her insta commented about a bald spot on the right side of his face, not sure if she's a reader here or saw it on her own.
Okay, it looks like Maude's death has been scrubbed from the blog.
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right... I think you can use tools in the google search to filter by posts of a date range, so in the search field type: site:coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com maude
this will search the blog only for mentions of maude. Then you can use the tools button below the search bar to show only results in a certain date range. I chose April 2011 to today, this narrows the results down to the last 4 posts on the bleg which mention maude. In the last post, http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2014/11/why-wait-just-play.html the only mention is a comment asking how maude is doing.
Assuming that Maude's death post was hidden or deleted, it should still be available on the wayback machine, but I don't know how to search through those posts efficiently.
October 21, 2014 was when Maude died. However, I don't think it was Maude with the wheelbarrow incident. It was another sheep/lamb, but I can't find that one. Don't forget, she had a regular habit of dumping the pig slaughter offal in the woods, which I'm sure is illegal disposal.
Is there any way to send current photos of Merlin to the woman who sold him to Jenna? Maybe she needs to be made aware of what sad state that boy is in.
In all the years I took care of horses for a living (and many of them for a well respected equine vet), I have never seen one lay down and stay there in the snow. They would roll over (especially if a blanket on to rid themselves of it), but never just stay there. Add to the fact that Mabel is standing near him, as if concerned is a bigger deal. My gut says that Merlin is not well. He's probably wormy as hell and needs his teeth floated. She would never notice him having trouble eating because they can chew away, and then spit it out when you don't see. The bald spots on the left of his face were highlighted in her recent photos, because HI JENNA! she wants you to see it is whitening, not bald. Whitening comes from CHRONIC rubbing of a piece of tack. You will see it on withers from saddles too. Anyway, someone needs to contact the local law enforcement about Merlin as soon as possible.
Anon 4:38 I am a horse lover too, though not that knowledgeable as my experience is limited, but I too thought it was very odd he was laying down in the snow. They can get cold quickly that way, and become too stiff to get up. But if he's not feeling well and hasn't a decent stall to lay down it, then down in the snow he goes. Poor boy, it's just heartbreaking he doesn't have the basic comforts you would afford a dog.
I've received a lot more information thanks to caring people here. In particular, PDD has gone above and beyond. I've already forwarded it to appropriate agencies. Will keep all posted when more is known. Thanks!
Now the bitch is crying about needing more money for either mortgage or a new infection that has cropped up. Yes of course! Also whining about having to actually talk to someone on the PHONE about work cause you know it's so hard. Her twitter is pathetic.
Then all will be forgotten when the weekend comes.
"Welp, today already entirely belongs to anxiety. Woke up at 3AM worried about my roof, then started the day under the gun for the mortgage, now working like mad to finish things so I can take on more work. I want to crawl under the blankets. Today sucks."
"I have a doctors appt for an infection on Friday that may cost anywhere from $120-$300. I have to decide if I should cancel because that is money that could go towards a mortgage payment. I am voting for whatever candidate doesn't make me choose between my roof and my body."
"The anxiety of having to talk on the phone with someone for work is insane. I wasn't like this before, now it is like having to jump into a pool of ice cold water. I know it won't kill me but I dread it."
Summary: It's manipulative marketing for mooching money.
first she said she had Dr. appointment for today now she is saying she has Dr. appointment for Friday but may have to cancel it, it is for an "infection". Is there some magic Hobbit cure she can use instead of getting perscription from a doctor? Eye of nute?
Yesterday she was 3/4 of the way to mortgage payment today doesn't sound like it how her money goes up an down is amazing. Perhaps a new TS thing she needed? BUT she is finishing up old work to take on new work bet those people waiting almost a year are happy to hear that if they even remember what the work was suppose to be?
Also have been thinking about her work she is doing for $20. a clip now. Thinking about it is like the "art" you find on the boardwalk or at fairs and they run $5. or 6. bucks a pop there but here $20. gezzzzzzz
I guess that she forgot to include the emergency money on her Hobbit map. "It's an adventure!" And her fraction finances are always suspicious. The numbers never add up at CAF.
So obnoxious. I used to work at PetSmart, and they offer health and dental insurance options (and those options were very good) EVEN FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES, unless that has somehow changed.
Anon 11:20 AGREED. GET A JOB. There is NO EXCUSE for this perpetual bullshit.
I have experienced the type of anxiety that wakes you up at 3am, the phone anxiety, that 0-100 incapacitating panic attack that derails the entire day. You know what helps? CHANGING YOUR SITUATION. Therapy helps too, but you can't do that in a money-survival situation. Jenna should get therapy after she's sold the house, rehomed most of the animals, and moved into an affordable rental somewhere, so she can figure out how to not repeat this situation.
Four previous books haven't changed this situation. If she continues to do the same things, she will keep seeing the same results... except one day one of these "infections" or "car repairs" or "roof leaks" or "frozen pipes" is going to be real, OR an actual real life crisis. When that hits, with no cushion, no insurance, and a decade of foolish choices behind her, she'll have no choices left at all.
And won't she sound the siren song of victimhood then?
She needs money for something who knows what. But sound the alarm cuz she needs it now. Pull out the whole doctor visit "I have an infection" "my mouth is bleeding" "I'm having an anxiety attack!!" bullshit. whaaaa, whaaaa, whaaaa.
It makes me ill to think about this, but I believe it was a lamb in the wheelbarrow incident. She had a lamb inside her house and it was having difficulty walking or standing. She took it outside and left it to die. I wish I could remember when this happened.
As for Maude, she was dying and so many people begged Jenna to have her euthanized to end her suffering. Jenna refused. She then wrote on her blog something about she couldn't stand to see Maude die, so she went in the house to write about it.
Maude's death and the wheelbarrow incident were discussed on Meredith's blog. Maybe we can find some dates there. I'm not able to get to it today, but maybe some intrepid Shamster can. If not, I'll try to check tomorrow.
"CAFaux Son! My heart aches for the lamb Jenna Woginrich from Cold Antler Farm 'lost'.
Found immobile on 11/2 and brought inside a warm home for 2 days...after no vet care and slow recovery (if any?) put back outside with the flock. If no recovery was seen, why put a down animal back where it was pulled from for being down?
"I have a weak little ram lamb that has been down since Saturday morning when I found him near the water trough. He was brought inside to be inspected, medicated, and observed constantly - so I made him a lay-lined bed in the dog crate right in the living room. He spent two days inside and showed slow recovery, if any. It was confusing because when most sheep go down like this they either die or are back on their feet in under 36 hours. Not this little guy. ProPen and electrolytes weren't helping, but his body seemed unable to walk and stiff. I decided it was most likely White Muscle and gave him a shot of selenium. He was also drenched for worms... I'll check on him in a bit, as I hope that will do the trick. I can not call the vet, as its simply too expensive right now to even consider for the cost of the lamb. So I am trusting my own experience and care, time, and a little prayer."
3 weeks later, on 11/20 he is still immobile and not able to walk, Jenna worries about his fate.
"The lamb is still unable to walk, but eating and drinking well. He seems mentally sound, just as if his spin stopped working. I'm talking it over with some small livestock neighbors, friends and farmers but I may have to put him down. I won't until I talk with a veterinarian and several friends, but I worry about it."
On Monday November 25th she found him dead. Based on her post of having to bring the body down a hill it appears he was put back out with the flock.
I don't know her property layout personally, but I believe that means he was in a run in shed...immobile for over 3 weeks. Letting him in a warm house to be put back outside, not able to move to a sun spot or get in close proximity to other sheep, I imagine he experienced a long slow cold death never even being seen by a vet.
From the 2nd to 23rd time, money, and energy was spent on hunting deer (how often does she even target shoot for practice?), hunting hawks (endless hours and GAS...doesn't she drive a V8?), and...game night!
"Every day, for hours, I am outside in my truck with hawk traps, scanning the countryside for a juvenile redtail."
It truly is hard to believe the neglect.
Sorry for your loss little lamb, you were born onto the wrong farm."
AnonymousDecember 1, 2013 at 3:51 AM As hard as it is to believe, I think she's just really clueless and terrible with animals. I went to college with her, and I know for a fact she got kicked off our college's equestrian team for being too hard on the horse's mouths (the captain of the equestrian team was my next door dorm neighbor), and I remember hearing from a mutual friend that she let Jazz attack and kill one of her ferrets. Her past of animal neglect goes back way further than you think, tragically!
Lol, kicked off the equestrian team? I wonder if the "hard on mouths" reason was true or if it was to disguise something else like...uh...horse exhaustion?
The post about finding Maude down is 10/21/14. She gives story details in the comments when some suggests the vet or shooting her to out her out of her misery.
Okay so now her "breaks" dont work. Shes laying it in thick...poodles get out yer wallets! Sorry Jenna but when you waste time all goddamn day, thems the "breaks."
oh no she is going to have to talk on the phone Poodles with her mechanic!!! The horror of it all we know how she panics at having to talk on the phone. What shall we all do? Send her a bunch of cash to get rid of the pain? Nahhhhhhh
I do say I feel sorry for her as she is the only one who has ever had a doctor bill, car repairs and a mortgage payment all at the same time. It's horrible I say.
"I think the breaks just died on my truck. They either work at the slightest tap or you have to run the peddle into the floor and it sinks in like an air mattress. Have a call into my mechanic."
I would like to return today, please."
I thought that her truck, Taylor, was a coveted classic. Say it ain't so! It's time for Pember Patty, to come to the rescue! Again. This "breaks" my heart just hearing about her self-inflicted woes. It's all because she won't work to support herself, and wants handouts from kind people.
There's nothing wrong with the truck. I bet Jenna Waaaa Waaa Woginrich just needs some extra cash from people so she can continue to goof off and tell pity stories.
It's sad to think that the bulk of her mental energy is spent on trying to think-up new crises and emergencies all the time. How utterly exhausting that must be.
i have been following this thread for a while. what really, really triggered me today is her comment that
"I have a doctors appt for an infection on Friday that may cost anywhere from $120-$300. I have to decide if I should cancel because that is money that could go towards a mortgage payment. I am voting for whatever candidate doesn't make me choose between my roof and my body."
no, she doesn't have to choose between her roof and her body. what she did choose is to leave a job that would have paid her bills. and, she continues to choose a life where she cannot pay her bills. responsible people delay what they want until they can afford it. she just wants people, the government, whomever to pay for what she wants. that really flipped my switch. and, yes... this is coming from a lesbian who is single, widowed, doesn't have a trust fund and waited till i worked a long time to follow my dream in rural america! damned her.
Hey anon 6:25 I'm a lesbian too! *gay wave*. I'm sorry to hear you lost your wife. I do worry about the day when either I or my own wife is widowed (we have life insurance, because we are responsible grown up adults, so at least money problems won't materialize for the surviving spouse.)
We've been together 13 years so far. We have moved for a crack at a dream life, and we have no regrets about that time, but the financial uncertainty of that time left it's mark. I learned first hand what happens when you take big risks to chase a dream! We lived that dream too, for a good long time. We did have to make pragmatic decisions about leaving an area we loved because we simply could no longer afford to continue to live there (rural Canada). But life is good where we landed too.
I'm not the biggest fan of my new job in the new city, and much more of a rural / country lady myself, which is part of the reason I loved reading Jenna's early blog posts. I'm making plans to go back to school part-time, which will take me 5-7 years to complete a degree, (something Jenna already has) so that I can move into a higher-paid field of work. It's not a field I have rose-coloured glasses about, mostly administrative and legal work, but it's a solid income in a growing field, and it's work I can do well, so that we can have access to the increased choices you have when have financial stability.
I spent 10 years in an area where a lot of hippies and draft-dodgers settled, and saw first hand what a life of only prioritizing immediate gratification, and feeling entitled to what others have worked hard for results in - seventy-year-olds who have nothing, who can't retire, who end up paying market-rate rent and working nearly full time (as their breaking-down bodies allow). It's a life of diminishing returns and perpetual uncertainty. That will NOT be me, nor my wife. I'm aware not all of us will live to see retirement, but "live like fiction" is just a head-in-the-sand approach to reality, and a choice to push away with both hands the ways in which you can influence your current and future situation.
I liked Jenna's blog back when she was working full time and finding ways to build agriculture into her life. When you go back to the beginning of the blog, you can see she actually used to call the vet. She used to be a vegetarian. After she quit her job though, the animals needed to live or die on their own, with minimal help from Jenna.
I wonder if her hawking / hunting / riding / farming / futzing around days are worth the uncertainty still, or if her skills are just so out of date she has no idea where to begin to find a job? It's changed a LOT in the last 10 years.
Jenna is not a special case, even if she thinks she is. She's got to actually take appropriate action to turn her life in a new direction. She makes me feel angry and disgusted. She actually reminds me of a couple of the older hippies where I used to live, whose sense of "community" really meant they felt entitled to what you have because you have it and they don't, or you're capable of "helping" (usually shelling out food or money or housing for nothing in return).
How is Jenna giving back to her "community"? Exactly. She's not a community member, she's a mooch. She doesn't have "friends" she has enablers - because I doubt she's able to reciprocate in any way.
Excellent points, both of you! Yep, let's blame the lack of money on the politics, especially since that's not what caused her to quit a perfectly good job.
And yes, for some strange reason, she definitely feels entitled to money that other "lucky" people seem to make with ease. And that it should be given to her because she struggles. That's not how it works.
Jenna on Twitter: Worried about my roof. The truck's brakes are shot. I don't have my mortgage. Nor do I have $120-$300 I need for a doctor appointment.
Too much information...especially since NOBODY asked. Pig Shocker, just admit to yourself and to the world that the ONLY reason you are over-sharing all this info is because you want (and expect) others to clean up your messes. Pick up your pieces. Fix all your problems by donating money for you to "earn up" -- and that poor, pretend girl you're supposedly dating, she's gonna sour on you when she figures out that grifting is what you're all about.
And just when I think you couldn't further disgust me, you put the petal to the metal. And since you have no "breaks" as you so elegantly tweeted...yer fucked as usual, due to your refusal to get a real job.
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It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Well in doing some math, if her place was 25% paid off 2 years ago (per her reddit thread that still pops up in the top search results of her name) and she paid $150K for it when she bought it, she should have a *minimum* of $40 K built up.
ReplyDeleteThat's significantly more than the majority of people in the world, even in North America. Most people own nothing, live paycheck to paycheck, and have a normal life thing become a setback that takes years to come back from.
Anyway, my point being if she'd just ovary-up and sell the damn place before it's foreclosed upon, (if that's even a real threat), she could walk away with a minimum of $40K plus whatever appreciation the property may have had. I'm not accounting for any, as she has not maintained that house or any of the outbuildings / infrastructure, and after 10 years, it might be considered a tear-down. Even if that were the case, based on other listings in the area, the actual land itself should hold its' value and appreciated, so I think it's totally fair to expect she could get $150K for that place if she listed it for spring.
$40K seems like more than enough to get established in a new life and never have to beg again!
And it's a hell of a lot of money to lose if she lets that place go to the bank after inconsistently paying the mortgage for 10 years. But she did say she's "foolish as hell" so maybe we can all "throw in" and buy that place at the lender's property auction.
By the way, has she ever written about getting the mortgage refinanced? Because that should be happening soon. She should have had to do that 5 years ago, and it should be coming due again... so girl has to qualify for another mortgage, no?
It's getting tougher to qualify for mortgages. Maybe she's already effed, knows it, and it just laying the groundwork for her readers before she lists the place for sale...
By the way, she didn't actually state a date for "If the book doesn't sell or flops, I will." Meaning, what is her exit date? When does she pull the rip cord? She should list that place now, because if she tries to sell it in the winter, she might default on the mortgage before she can close a sale.
I checked - Jenna only mentioned refinancing the mortgage in 2013. She should have had to get a new one in 2018 at the latest, so now I don't think she needs to get a new mortgage, though how she pulled off the last round of refinancing with no regular income and recurrent late payments is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused... there is no requirement to refinance when you get a mortgage, that I'm aware of.
DeletePlus, she bought that place for approx. $150k but now Zillow has its value listed at only $96k, so she has run the place into the ground. I don't know if property values in general in that area have gone down, but obviously hers has. Even if she sells, she'll end up owing the bank money.
DeleteI don't believe any of the drivel on the last CAF blog post. If you notice that after the declaration of I'll sell if the book doesn't sell. In the next sentence or change drastically how she does things. Right. Just as always, when there is a failure on her life/plans/projects she comes up with a new scheme. $20 pet scribbles are the latest example. There are lot of very good memoirs out there of interesting people who have done amazing things, led interesting lives, impacted others who wants one about self entitled woman that has done nothing since a bit of early success and turned herself into a grifter and internet pan handler?
DeleteAnon 6:28 & 6:34
DeleteI'm not familiar with Zillow, I checked it out and I wonder about those numbers. I'd believe the property was assessed at $94K for municipal taxes, but real estate typically sells for significantly more than the assessed value due to market demand. Maybe there just isn't market demand? Baaaaaaaad news if that's the case. I'd expect the bank to list it at $100K but not when it's being sold by the owner. My read could be way off though, because I am not a local to that area.
About refinancing, that term is usually used to get a *better* mortgage rate if interest rates go down, getting a new loan before the term of the old loan was up, but most mortgages are loans for a five year term, based on the 20+year amortization rate, but you don't keep the same loan & interest rate for the entire time you have a mortgage on your house.
This is a contributing factor when the housing bubble to burst - interest rates shot up, and people who were eventually forced to get new mortgages after their term was up found themselves unable to be able to get a new mortgage. They were forced to sell, but suddenly most people couldn't get a mortgage, so nothing was selling, and the whole market crashed.
Again, I'm not a local and I'm not familiar with the specifics in that state, so mileage may vary, but in general after the term of your mortgage is up, you have to go right on out and get a new mortgage to keep your home, or you are forced by your lender to sell it, because they want their money back.
So the fact this charade has gone on *this* long is shocking... unless she has some undisclosed regular income that would satisfy the lenders.
This is how things work in my neck of the woods, maybe it's vastly different where she is.
"but most mortgages are loans for a five year term"
DeleteI don't know about you, but my mortgage has a 30 year term. Five year term? I've never heard of that.
Maybe the 5 year is a balloon? Here, too, normal mortgages are 15 or 30 years.
DeleteNormal mortgages are 15-30 years, fixed rate. People would refinance when interest rates went down. But, the housing bubble led to some ...creative... options being offered - adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), 5 year balloon payments, interest-only loans, etc. Those were really only available for a couple of years, though, since they only make sense if you presuppose constant large amounts of appreciation.
DeleteMost likely Jenna has a normal 30 year mortgage, since in 2010 no one was offering the craziness of 06-07.
Sussing out the truth is like trying to complete a puzzle with missing pieces. We'll never know what the truth is about her income/mortgage/expenses. What she chooses to disclose/write about should not be treated as anything more than fiction.
ReplyDeleteVery true. She can write anything and there is no way to prove if it is right or wrong. We've all noticed inconsistencies. She could be sitting on a fortune for all we know.
DeleteAnd no book is going to save the "farm" (I use that term loosely). When she received the $15,000 from Birchthorn, she claimed the "farm" was saved. Three months later she was whining about being behind on the mortgage. Either she was lying or money burns a hole in her pocket.
ANIMAL ABUSER ALERT: Even more progress is being made today. I'll keep you all apprised if possible. I don't want her to know the details now. Which is why I'm not sharing more.
ReplyDelete👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
DeleteLS, you are amazing. Thank you so much for the work you are doing.
DeleteAnonymous 11:05. I appreciate the compliment, thanks. I consider this a public service. That disgusting video of her horses eating hay on top of their own filth was my "last straw." (Pun intended.) But I'm far from being the only person who has reported her in the past, and is also doing it. WDH is on her case now, and others are too.
DeleteWDH? Just not sure what that is.
DeleteBut thank you so much for helping out and trying to get her animals in a better place. Its not the worse I've ever seen, but it's just not good at all.
FL. WDH is our own Whackadoodle_Horseshit.
DeleteIf there is an email address for me to send the screen shots from the latest insta story showing potential bald spot(s) on Merlin's face, please post. Thanks.
DeleteAnonymous 10:57. I just created a new email address for more information. I'd appreciate any assistance from you folks, thanks! (I've made more progress, too.)
Whine Time:
ReplyDelete"This is a REALLY good time to support this small farm. I have ten days to cover a house payment, a hay order and delivery, a dental appointment, and so far I'm only halfway with ten days to go."
"Shit, 9."
Let's use hyperbolic panic again, and manipulative marketing to con people into supporting her faux farm and pet props. It's never "a good time" to "support" an animal abusing, lazy beggar who won't work a part-time job to earn her own money.
uuum Luckless Slinger that would be "wine" time for her.
DeleteAnonymous 10:57. I seriously thought about including "wine."
DeleteIt's called "adulting", Jenna.
DeleteThere's that "hay delivery" again.
DeleteThis is a REALLY good time to support this small farm. I have ten days to cover a house payment, a hay order and delivery, a dental appointment, and so far I'm only halfway with ten days to go.
ReplyDeleteAAAANNNNNDDDDDD whose fault is that? It ain't nobody's fault but yours Jenna.
You spent all weekend farting around, drinking and listening to music. Dont wanna begrudge you for having a good time but when there is work to be done to help pay the bills, where are ya?
And then, what about next month? And the month after it? When does this folly end? Who is she fooling? Cuz all us adults (the majority of people on Twitter and such) know that this is not sustainable in any shape or form and it's just pouring good money after bad because she won't do anything different next month but whine about all her needs and that we need to help.
ReplyDeleteBecause she is curing cancer. ah, no.
Because she is raising endangered animals. ah, no.
Because she is handicapped and challenged in some major way. ah, no.
Because she is a blessed saint and helping children to learn. ah, no.
Why is her cause, helping a stubborn, entitled, able bodied white woman, our worry when there are so many other important causes to champion?
well said, FL!!!
DeleteThat was well-put. Yeah, it's also more important to take time and create more moronic memes, than work to support yourself, like this weird one:
Delete"Sometimes I lose entire hours of my day thinking about how it feels to reach out and hold onto a girl's hips and pull her close to kiss, because it may be the greatest small thing I've ever done with my dumb little life."
Well, at least she's got the "dumb little life" part right. Funny how she always calls women "girls."
"Funny how she always calls women "girls."
DeleteThat she says that creepily reminds me of the time she wanted to watch Buffy and make a teenage girl her wife, or some such.
Maybe we should add pedophile to her list of character traits? Just ewww....
DeleteThis is it, I think.
Pedophile Pig Shocker or Pig Shocker the Pedophile
ReplyDeleteAnother blast from the past: how dare people read books at the library instead of buying them from original authors!
LOL. Borrowing a book from the library or buying it second-hand is vastly different from illegally downloading music / tv shows instead of streaming them through a legit service.
DeleteIf enough people borrow books from the library - the library buys more copies!
So ironic how she begrudges people for living within their own means when she has no desire to live within her own means and expects others to financially supplement her property-owning degree-having animal-neglecting behind.
OK poodles step right up to my last deal to support this farm:
ReplyDeleteThe Cold Antler Continuum Fund 2030
With a small monthly investment of just $60 a month we guarantee:
- sparkling, clean and healthy teeth
- happy animals with regular vet visits and poop gone
- trucks that start and pipes that work
- more hawking and less stalking
- an annual visit home to Ma Wog for some fresh apple pie
- bills paid, art made, and getting laid
So stop your whining and get me fine dining, all trustees to be memorialized in the sequel to Birchthorn that is almost finished
Get that money rolling in, it tax destructible!
okay Poodle Doodles step right up and read her latest on Twitter she is giving parenting advice, this of course you don't want to miss as she knows so much.
ReplyDeleteTwit Shit (the "I know nothing" edition):
Delete"Every parent that raised their children to think physical appearance or beauty was an important factor of self worth should be forced to carry a brick in public so everyone knows what a burden they are to society."
It should be:
Every permissive parent that raised brats to think that their self-entitlement allows other adults to support them, due to personal laziness, should be forced to carry the burden of their own stupidity.
She's gotten a good response only an hour ago. It was one of two. It seems by the lack of replies that most of her followers disagree with the dumb bitch. The tweet sounds like something one of us would say:
Delete"Even worse are the entitled snits some grow up to be."
I do believe that she's referring to JFW.
So Taylor Swift's mom, who no doubt drilled into her the importance of her appearance, her mom should carry around a brick? Yeah, maybe to throw at stalkers like Jenna.
DeleteI think someone is pissed about good looking people. Yikes!
ReplyDeleteI think that someone is pissed about her own inadequate characteristics, and is trying to pathetically project them on others.
DeleteInstagram Idiot (https://www.instagram.com/lezwolfmemes/)
ReplyDelete"Warning: once you come out to yourself and fully accept your sexuality, no one prepares you for how off-putting it is to see straight people kiss."
Jenna, judgemental much? Talk about an opinionated cunt. She was once involved with men, but now it's nauseating. She's the one who needs a "Warning" label slapped on her fat ass.
Geez, JW. Let's reverse the tables: "No one prepares you for how off-putting it is to see GAY people kiss." Would you like people to think that? Then don't be judgmental. Although I'm not religious, 'treat others as you'd like to be treated' rings true.
DeleteAnonymous 1:05. I thought exactly the same thing. She's become "heterophobic." JW has always liked labels: farmer, falconer, pagan, heathen, and homo now.
DeleteShe likes labels when it gets her attention, approval, affirmation and ultimately pity bucks.
DeletePeople who are gay are not disgusted when they see straight people kiss, they are secure enough in themselves that it doesnt bother them. Why be judgemental? And again she is painting a whole contigent of people with a wide brush. It bothers her because she hates seeing anyone in a loving relationship.
Anonymous 1:25. Your comment is spot-on. She only "likes labels" within the narrow perimeters of Jenna's judgements. And she is jealous of those who have a "loving relationship." Unfortunately, having sex with women (not "girls") won't give her the emotional intimacy that she wants, because she lacks the mature capacity for it.
DeleteI agree anon 1:25. Queer folks aren't fussed at straight folks PDA anymore than we hope straight folks aren't fussed with us.
DeleteIt occurs to me that the high level of processing that happens in w4w relationships means Jenna is under-prepared to engage in a long term relationship with anyone, but particularly another queer woman. After I came out and started dating women, I was blown away by the level of social awareness and self-examination I was expected to have, at least from the women I was into (there are plenty of immature people in every walk of life, but they get tossed back into the dating pool quickly.)
Anonymous 11:41. That was well-put. She's so used to her own narcissistic navel-gazing, that having to deeply connect with women will be out of her league. I noticed that she didn't receive any comments on that post, too. Even the lesbian meme makers didn't like it.
DeleteThat stupid comment is all the proof you need to show that she's only pretending to be gay just for attention and donations. She's foolishly grasping at things she *thinks* a real gay person might say but she couldn't be further from reality. Hardly anyone comments on those lame memes, and when they do, it's only 1 or 2 people at most. And that should be a HUGE clue that other lesbians simply do not relate to any of her insipid Insta-drivel.
DeleteOh no, she's been a lesbian for at least 150 years and is writing THE book about it you know, next. It will be the book to save her world and take care of Patty and hubby forever.
DeleteYes, she is an expert at being a lesbian, you know. She will be giving classes soon at THIS FARM. Just $150 deposit and in 6 months you have to pay off the rest of the $450 for the class in 14 months at Patty's house. Er, ah, the New Cambrige Lesbian Center for the Farming ARts. The famous NCLCFA you know.
She'll teach you everything about lesbianism. You will come out of the closet as perfectly gay as she did so long ago, but was just afraid to admit it.
FarmLass. Your comment cracked me up, and was spot-on. Maybe she can get another Kiva loan for the "NCLCFA." It's like how she became an instant expert at raising chickens, or becoming a heathen, or even teaching archery and violin when she's a rank newbie.
DeleteWhat is this "violin" you speak of? She plays a " mountain fiddle" dammit!! :)
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Today I got a lot done for the farm. I finished knitting a hat I'm wearing now. I sold five bars of soap. My dogs have full bellies. My cats are asleep by the woodstove. The girl I like let me know she's thinking of me. I have coffee for the AM.
That'll do, Friday. That'll do."
Maybe it's just personal preference, but I find her frequent usage of "full bellies" annoying. There's that strange "That'll do" repetition again. She must be channeling the pig flick. I wonder if the woman she likes minds being referred to as "the girl." And her puny accomplishments are pathetic.
"Yesterday I got a letter from a woman explaining how something I wrote 8 years ago gave her the strength to change her life. Today I got an email from another woman telling me to quit the farm and get a job so she could stop being ashamed of me."
Writing books is fun!
"Not to dwell on the negative, but why the heck did she even bother?? Just as much effort to send a little cash and keep her lips shut. People never ceases to amaze me. On the positive side, I love your books and can't wait til you pump out another one! Children's book, maybe?"
It's another dumb enabler. Unfortunately, JFW wants a lot not "a little cash." Notice how she never gives any proof of either letters or bills? Like the one where someone sent a job application to her, and it was proven by the writing that the FFF did it herself.
Of course, the inspirational words came from 8 years ago, because nothing recently written shows strength. Her only plodding perseverance is for begging, and being frightened / anxious / insecure / terrified / jealous.
DeleteObviously, FFF's biggest fans have not read much past a book or two; have not read months/years of begs to discover the truth and patterns of deceipt or have not figured out that she fakes her farming life with old, curated photos.
What a bunch of dopes.
PDD. Exactly. If the letter even exists, which we doubt it does, it was probably something stupid like "Live like fiction!" BTW: I know that my nitpicking of her tweets can be excessive sometimes, but my frustration with her animal abusing, online begging, and arrogant asshole attitude pisses me off. I hope that you "guys" understand.
DeleteAmy time things are really desperate, she pulls the 'letter/email/verbal exchange" outta her arse about someone admiring or condeming her lifestyle choices.
DeleteThe girl gets a zillion of these. Apparently. Highly unlikely. They are as routine as her begging cycles. Its just anothe manipulation tactic to get 'atta girls' and 'you are a tough chick' responses and help to support her lifestyle choices.
But notice... they are getting fewer and fewer responses and never from her close 'friends' or neighbors, relations, etc.
They know. It's not real.
Luckless, I'm glad you jump on each and every tweet, as her constant begging and manipulative marketing schemes need to be called out every single time. Sometimes I think, I just keep saying the same stuff over and over -- but it serves to show that her begging and irresponsibility are never-ending...just like her lies.
DeleteAnd her "today I got a lot done for the farm" BS with all her hat knitting, five measly bars of soap, full bellied dogs, slumbering cats, girl-thinking, coffee prep -- what the hell does any of that have to do with helping the farm? It doesn't.
Thanks, Anon7. I appreciate your support!
DeleteHey guys, things are so getting kinda scary as the month comes to a close. Help spread the word about this farm's goods if you please can
ReplyDeleteBlue heart
The rest of my response didn't go through:
DeleteIf her situation was really "so getting kinda scary" (weird wording), then she'd go get a job. Apparently, it's preferable to pitifully beg rather than work to support herself.
I swear, she's just copying and pasting the same old begs. On the bleg she wrote a short paragraph with the usual padded chores, you know, to keep foollowers "tethered to her potential" and then typed out this predictable beg:
Delete"Not much else worth updating. I had had the truck repair and dental bills this month, along with feed and hay delivery and hopefully more firewood. But even with those expenses I am halfway to making a house payment this month to stave off wolves at the door. I still have a week left in this month to figure it out. I still have time."
Copy 'n paste, day after day, month after month, year after failed year. But at least she's showing some shame and anxiety over it, as she's addressed it the past few days. And she should feel ashamed!
I am so sick of her bullshit lament about "wolves at the door." She's the endless victim of her own self-imposed laziness, and stubborn refusal to mature beyond the mentality of a teenager. It's no wonder that she constantly refers to "14-year-old Jenna." Grow the fuck up, twat.
DeleteOh look, on Instagram she's giving everyone an early warning:
ReplyDelete"Soaking computer paper in tea and stones. Making one of my Hobbit maps to help with spring goals for health, prosperity, and peace of mind. Will share map and goals once ready!"
Oh goody, it's almost time for Hobbit Week...I can't wait. This Hobbit-tron or whatever she calls wasting a full week traipsing all over her property with a detailed, hand drawn, carefully painted map when she could be working on past due pet portraits. The Pig Shocker invented the art of time wasting, that's for sure.
Anon7. She has a bad Hobbit habit.
Deletewell now boys and girls if you need more proof that she DOES read here last night she posted that the "woman" she has been dating is spending the night tending to a sick lamb on her family farm. For the first time she called her a woman and not a girl which has been mentioned here quit a bit. And plus she let us all know her girl/woman is a farmer how cute.
ReplyDeleteYes we are tea soaking our extensive map for the biggest week of the year for her. A middle aged woman trapsing through the woods for a week (I do hope people waiting 8 months or an order will understand oh hell I am sure anyone would understand) so she can play act. I just can't imagine anyone of this age doing this crap.
I'm sure that "14-year-old Jenna" would love to make stupid Hobbit maps, and then waste more time talking about them. I also noticed her calling the new femme farmer a woman. Funny how they're "dating" after only a few encounters. Maybe "Shannay" (https://www.instagram.com/heyshannay/) will pay for the U-Haul someday if it works out. And JFW claims not to read here. Right.
Delete"I hope chick orders, lamb pickups, and even a possible goat kid follow."
ReplyDeleteWhat?! Wait! She was forced to rehome her livestock. Now more lambs and goats? Whoever was in close touch with the animal authorities there, please check into this. I'm quite sure, especially with how the horses are being neglected, that there should have been an order that she could not have more animals in the future.
PLEASE CHECK WITH THEM! This is outrageous. She can't even pay her bills and take care of herself, let alone take on more mouths to feed. A true animal hoarder mentality.
DM. Thanks for the information. I'll add it to the list.
DeleteSpending all her time on a stupid map is not going to help make goals. She might get to one or two checkpoints then chuck the whole idea like she does everything else. Why not spend the time it takes to do the map and get caught up on pet portraits, mail out books you still owe?? Does one really need to do a hand drawn map to achieve goals? I dont know if this is sad or hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet that the map has "LUCK!!!" written all over it. As if that's a substitute for supporting herself. Her only "goal" is goofing off, and expecting responsible adults to give her mortgage money.
DeleteHere's Jenna's justification for her Hobbit map. Nah she never reads our comments;
ReplyDelete"This map symbolizes 200 miles of real life walking, hiking, or running, 6 hours of meditation, and $185 tucked away a little at a time for summer dates and fun. Each checkpoint is colored in when a small section of the larger goal is completed.
For example, I'm 14 miles into the first checkpoint. I still need to do a few 20 min meditation sessions and save a little cash but once there I color in that spot. Then I start the next small set of goals. I carry this map everywhere on my person, reminder of the bigger picture.
This helps me focus on self care and my health and savings as if it's an adventure. I'm trying to focus on a better me during these really stressful times."
She's just gotta remind all of her followers how "stressful" her "times" are now. Which is the way she always lives. Instead of looking at supporting herself as "an adventure," it might be helpful to stop begging for handouts. Maybe she could "meditate" on getting a spring job.
I'm surprised she hasn't tried to monetize Hobbit-Tron by turning it into a sponsored walk where her foollowers donate money for every milestone on that dumb map. What a wasted opportunity to "earn up" more free money.
Delete"I need to make $225 a day for the next week. Here I go. Wish me luck and please retweet sale offers! If you can, buy something! It makes a huge difference in this little life!!l"
ReplyDeleteShe often diminishes herself by using "this little life" a lot. The omnipresent "Wish me luck" and "please retweet sale offers!" is nothing more than code for free handouts. Her hyperbolic panic is obnoxious. "Here I go." Again. And again. And again...
She needs to make $225 a day. For a normal person working 8 hours a day that would be $28 dollars a hour. Pretty entitled, eh?
DeleteAnd if she needs say 5 days of this, it would be over a thousand dollars.
Wake up chick. You need to stop doing the same things over and over and expecting different outcomes.
I have never ever seen anyone like her, just constantly 'begging', selling, always in foreclosure, in fear, causing animals distress, offering absolutely no content any more, insulting everyone, posting her immature thoughts without a single thought about offending her hands that feed her.
No one.
Clapping at your comment.
DeleteOh, she's SERIOUS???
Delete"...this helps me focus on self care and my health and savings as if it's an adventure."
Gosh. Where to start?
First, I have never seen anyone fritter away so much time and screw off like our Fake Feral Farmer. Everything she does is for herself. No children, no charity work, no community work, no caring for family.
And on what planet do able-bodied "farmers" not clean up after their livestock or property, feed their animals on top of their own manure and generally let land fall into disrepair?
Second, she has to really fake an "adventure" (Hobbit Monster Trek, or some such) to remind herself to save money? Is she an eight year old with a movable piggy bank???
We all know this latest post is more shameless hustling. "Oh, please kind people", throw her some money so she can continue to avoid work, hang out at bars, buy new clothes & Taylor Swift collectibles and generally act like a 13 year old. She has such a "little life" - all you selfish people with direct banking, a cell phone, vacation $$$ and secret family or trust fund caches need to open up the poodle money vault and SEND FFF MONEY!
Still unbelievable her duped followers haven't figured out the disconnects. SMH again...and again.
PDD. Exactly. This always bears repeating, especially, for the newbies who aren't aware of the FFF's unethical tactics. It's just more of her manipulative marketing. Everything that she writes, does and says is untrustworthy. Her "little life" is full of lies. "Live like fiction!" At the expense of others.
DeleteYes, unlike Jon Katz, the Pig Shocker does absolutely zero for her community. Although...being that her lazy ass spends all day on the internet, I suppose that accounts for a large amount of time that she DOESN'T spend waddling around town terrorizing innocent community folks. So maybe it's for the better.
DeleteI noticed on FFF’s Twitter a comment from Swift HoundBows. These things are handmade and quite nice. I couldn’t find a price for them but bet they’re not cheap. Jenna ordered one in 2018. Pissed away a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:35 she designed swift hound bows logo https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiCv_rL6ujnAhW-HjQIHR-cDL8Q3YkBegQIARAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fcoldantlerfarm%2Fstatus%2F674770541589434369&psig=AOvVaw0DEZAOuHLIZgoBPfeHHT8A&ust=1582587121002233
Deletewhich is not in use on the swift hound bows website. Maybe she didn’t like it? The logo that is in use is quite simplistic but can be embossed on to the bows.
Oh and it looks like bows range from $350-$650+
DeleteOh, the logo was used on a tshirt run.
DeleteThere is a photo on SwiftHound Bows’ twitter showing the stock of the bow Jenna ordered.
Part of me wonders if Jenna paid for it, or if she negotiated some sort of barter / trade on services later renegged upon? Who knows.
FFF reminds me of a friend of mine who never has money for essential shit like rent and utilities, but manages to get a new vehicle every few years, and splurges on all sorts of stuff out of my own budget.
well now $225. a day times 5 days (not counting weekends because we all know how they go) would be $1100.00 so that is HALF of her mortgage payment? She says she has half already saved. She sure has a hefty mortgage for someone without a trust fund or even direct deposit. Damn life is hard.
ReplyDeleteSilly anon, $550 is for the late mortgage and $550 is her finder's fee for arranging the begathon.
DeleteGeez, get with the program! hahaha
You can't ever "do the math" for JFW, because the numbers never add up. Recall how she stole $15,000 from the Birchthorn book backers? Yet only three months later she was whining about needing mortgage money.
DeleteCAFamatics - Where nothing adds up.
DeleteBeing that she doesn't follow normal business hours and she begs Mon-Sun, I took her comment to mean $225 x 7 days. Which means she expects people to donate $1,575...which is an insane asshole amount to ask for.
Delete“I want to stay here and stay farming. I was that very bad.“
ReplyDeleteDoes she mean “I want that very badly.” ???
Blogging is more informal and not polished, sure, but for a “professional writer” this is terrible. No surprise there, I suppose.
The “got a lot done on the farm, knit a hat, fed the dogs” thing made me realize I don’t give myself nearly enough credit.
Allow me to celebrate my mundaneness: today I called the plumber and shut off the water to my kitchen sink, I fed my cats and trained them by locating a motion-sensor air puffer to the dining table, I made a tuna salad sandwich from scratch (well from the can and a store bought loaf of bread but that counts), I turned on the supplemental lighting for my peace lilly that is in a less than ideal household location, I thought about watering it but am exhausted from my urbal farming chores so I think I deserve to spend money on entertainment tonight rather than save it for the plumber I will surely need to pay tomorrow.
I invite you to celebrate your own mundane activities!
I have been following a really nice family on the youtube channel “Homsteady” if anyone else in interested. Makes me realize how much work Jenna would have to actually do, how much money it takes to do things right, and they talk openly about their business and activities that DO make money - hint! It is not the farm animals!
Jenna is such a failure as a “farmer” and a social experiment. I feel quite cruel saying so, but she is perpetuating this disaster willingly. It’s such a shame because she had the platform to do something like what Homesteady has done, and squandered it.
She never takes time to edit either her rotten writing or her Twitter too. I find major mistakes on almost every purple prose post and stupid tweets. Even Heather, her former Birchthorn editor, criticized her for not reading the final proofs. The FFF said that wasn't her job, even though she wrote the book. I agree that she's "squandered" many opportunities which were handed to her. And I'm "celebrating my mundaneness" this morning by making us coffee. I'll also add taking our dog out to pee.
DeleteMy old house got cold during the night, so I warmed it up, then thanked the little gods for the gift of heat. This scrappy gal made French Press coffee and hiked to the barn, where I fetched hay, fed three (3) tons of livestock and free-ranged the horses.
DeleteFarm life is a hard life, but I always was to farm. Between my six gigs, I'm hoping for a little bit of luck to repair a life-saving $185 blanket, locate much-needed firewood, haul it to the house and prepare for another dark night.
Later on, I hope to meet the postal guy with a package I must mail and then trek up the mountain and through the valleys, looking for horse dung and hobbit fur. Goddess willing, I'll return to my little farm house that needs me and hold the line against the cold night and wolves at the door. Luck and support mean so much to me. Please, if you have a trust fund or are independently wealthy, please share this post and send some token of encouragement. PayPal, it means so much.
PDD. Well, there goes my cup of coffee. Once again, I laughed out loud while reading your funny comment. I'm thinking about making my own Hobbit map today, because it will be "an adventure!"
DeleteLuckiest, oh please do. I have more coffee!
DeletePDD. "This farm" and "little life" thanks you!
DeletePDD 6:24
DeleteMy late-in-life bladder can't take this! LOL
LOL, you guys crack me up! Well, I got y'all beat as I've had a bad cold?flu? for a week so I've done near-nothing at all except hack up lung butter and feel sorry for myself. But I did get up several times to turn on the A/C. I also made myself a colorful hand painted tea-stained map to make sure I didn't get lost on the way to BathroomShire to puke. And I heroically still managed to give my cats both food AND water each day. Please PayPal my god-like greatness and epic efforts.
DeleteI'm hoping her new girlfriend reads all about the map and sees for herself that IF she sticks around for the summer months (should someone warn her about the bodyoder we have heard of?) that FFFonly plans on spending a grand total of $185.00 for the entire summer on the 2 of them to "date". Perhaps "new girlfriend" is a trust fund baby so she can supply the cash?
ReplyDeleteThis supposed girlfriend ought to know better than to date someone who can't even afford to take proper care of her animals or pay her bills. But in doing so, she's creating even more hardship for the animals...and thus complicit in their neglect. "Here, I got you this new necklace, boo! I can afford it cuz the animals are all on a diet this month!"
DeleteNotes from the Kaleyard in February
ReplyDeleteSo I made another winters bottom, damn weather didn't cooperate for the "end of the winter" sale on logos I had planned. Nevermind Patsy Hottub paid the vig. got Getreude started and shelled out eh beans for the big M
Meanwhile, the clan or club or whoeverdafuk is being reimagined into a new litearry society of Birchthorn 2 developers, cone on down Nadelman and STFU about my progress
Now if i wash a few more beer mugs I can down the Raspblurry Ale without a nod, hand me my fiddle girlfriend and put some CAF cotton in yer ears
Now, these here pet ports piling up in the corner near the butternutz are getting on my nerves, you folks just have to wait a wee bit little longer, yep I'm going into town now don;t move Paul Sheldon, just you don';t or I'll bring in the HAMMER
Damn I love farmin!!!!!!!!
anno 9:35 spot on!!! Funny she won't work but do remember her going to the ABCompany and would gladly wash glasses so she could drain out the ones people didn't finish and also get more for "doin' her part helpin out."
DeleteOh Gosh NO to the fiddle playin' as there isn't enough cotton in all the south for that there kind of musik.
"Oh Gosh NO to the fiddle playin' as there isn't enough cotton in all the south for that there kind of musik."
DeleteROFLMAO! Anon 10:11
Hahaha. Perfect!
DeleteAnon 10:11 - WHAT!!!??? She volunteered to wash glasses at a pub so she could *drink the backwash*????
DeleteOkay that's some scrappy alcoholism at work.
Lmao, I can actually imagine her doing that. Glancing around, and then quickly finishing someone's warm backwashed beer. Gross.
DeleteI thought it was interesting watching a video by "Cole the Corn Star" (lol) a young farmer on youtube break down the $$$ of running their farm.
ReplyDeleteEven for a full family operation, with over $1 million in gross sales per year, they would not survive without multiple family members being employed full time.
They keep farming their land because they all love the lifestyle, and the homestead has been in their family for generations, but these legit farmers *need full time employment*.
Oh and yes, they also have side-gigs. AND STILL HAVE JOBS.
Get a fricking job like a real farmer, Jenna. Take some actual responsibility.
How interesting! Anyone have a rough ballpark idea of what the talent-challenged Pig Shocker's gross sales are in a year? (Based on pet portraits, logos, soap, spam shares, etc.) I'd take a stab at it, but I only have the math skills of a 2nd grader.
DeleteI love Cole the Cornstar!!! That family is super hard working, decent and amazing... funny too!!!!!
DeleteAnon7 8:31
DeleteThere is no way to estimate her gross sales based on the available information, and she could be getting significantly more in donations with no way to tell that either. However, unless you're actively telling a story, people won't donate, and if the story goes on for years and doesn't resolve, the old loyal readers drop off and new ones read the history of years of crisis and see the big black pit they could throw their money into... so I would be surprised if she received for than $200/month in donations.
I think she sold so many sale pet portraits to cover short-term money issues that she's taken on months of work and doing that work doesn't actually go towards solving the current month's crisis. You should never actually *use* the money paid in advance for a service until the service is done, just in case you need to refund them. That's my policy anyway, but my guess is for years Jenna has been pushing "sales" at a rate far below what she actually needs to make to keep her life afloat and now has such a backlog that it doesn't make financial sense to actually work on the old assignments who are already pissed, but to prioritize quick-turnaround $20 sketches to try and build up a whole new client base who would be willing to purchase a full colour pet portrait later on, and those projects would take higher priority than the 6 month old commissions because she knows she's lost those customers anyway.
Basically, she's in the hole in many ways. I'll bet she has maxed out credit cards, garbage credit, a dwindling client list, no email marketing plan, no BUSINESS PLAN, and whatever her gross sales are I'm positive including expenses and work owing, her net worth is negative tens of thousands.
Her gross cottage industry sales are just spit in the wind. She needs to make it rain, downsize / rehome those animals, stop taking on feeder lambs / pigs, not torture another goat with solitary confinement, and get a real job.
Maybe she could keep the border collies and cat, but she definitely could find good homes for them in her area so she could relocate to whatever job will have her. Beggars can't be choosers after all.
And hey, no hawk pictures lately. I wonder if she took off?
On Insta-stories...that "selfie" post legit made me flinch and squint. Hard.
ReplyDeleteI think she always does that one pose with the pursed lips and the up-the-nostril angle to avoid the appearance of a double-chin.
DeleteTo be clear, I don't think there is any issue with her weight, and I would rather she be 100 lbs heavier and a harder worker than 50 lbs lighter and as ineffectual as she is. I'm commenting on the weird posing that is in every. single. selfie she does! I realized I think she's stretching the skin away from her jaw as much as possible.
In other insta-story observations, does Merlin have two big bald spots on his face from the halter? I've taken a bunch of screen shots if someone wants me to email them. It's a black and white video, but it seems like there's at least one significant rub sore on his face there. Poor boy. Seems like he has a bit of a dull eye too, but it's hard to tell with black and white video.
Continued from 10:47
DeleteIt's hard to tell for sure that he has a sore on his face, but I'm certain there's a bald spot. Something to add to the call for an animal welfare check file. It really needs to be ruled out in person.
Merlin has Sarcoptic Mange. Pigs have the same thing. He's probably rubbing his face against the trees near his pen constantly.
ReplyDeleteThe amount of photos she posts of them both, showing his distinct bald spots on his face and their backlines just show how fucking clueless she is about basic animal care.
Imagine being an animal with mange that severe in the winter? You can't keep yourself warm enough because parts of your skin are dry and scaly and missing fur, and you have to decide between itching and conserving calories for warmth. Your skin and hair literally can't do its job properly because the external parasites will always put their needs first. It's a slippery slope, and you just continue to lose condition.
No wonder her pigs are so small still, despite being 8-9 months old. She also has boasted about not using wormers.
Sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep I end up thinking about Jenna's animals. Which is unfair - I have my own to worry about, and do everything I can to end every day knowing that I'm providing them the best possible care. I don't think I'll get a truly restful nights sleep until she is no longer raising livestock.
He has parasites because bitch doesn't worm him. He doesn't get proper vaccines every spring and fall and eats crap feed. She also cannot be bothered to groom him.
DeleteHe is in terrible shape. Poor thing. I think he's a wonderful pony and a saint to put up with her fat ass riding him.
Where are the pics/vids with sores on his face? I see he's going white/grey, which is typical for old horses. But it also wouldn't surprise me if those horses are torn up. I can't imagine their feet are in good shape standing on moist manure all day and night.
DeleteThank you, I emailed the screen shots of the video she posted of Merlin with the bald patches on his face. The black and white video made it tough to get a good look, but it is very plain to see something isn't right.
DeleteHe for sure has at least one bald patch on his face. You can see the skin in one still where the face is closest to the camera.
Horses are such an expensive hobby, and if she can't pay her freaking mortgage without hustling, she has NO BUSINESS owning a horse. SPCA should step in. Poor Merlin. He was such a gorgeous boy when she first got him. My aunts always kept their hobby horses to the end of their lives, and they *never* looked like he does. They would become unsound for riding, but still maintained their personalities and opinions.
I am horrified that these horses have only a 3-sided shelter. What the actual fuck?? Horses are more delicate creatures. They need barns with stalls, yes and mats and shavings. Even the shitty trail ride stable I worked at as a teen provided better living conditions in winter.
ReplyDeleteI put this new email address above, but wanted to type it here too. I'd appreciate any assistance with more information on JFW and/or pics as proof. I'm not on Instagram so don't have access to her stories (PDD's method didn't work on my Mac for unknown reasons.) Thanks!
Is this AnimalAbusing@gmail.com or how you have it?
DeleteAnonymous 7:42. It's as I wrote it. Sometimes with their system it takes a short time for me to receive emails at a new address. But it will work.
DeleteFYI: I just tested it out, and my own email went through fine.
DeleteI agree about Merlin. He never looks groomed and always looks sad and miserable. I have a horse and know what it takes to properly care for them. She never mentions shots, worming or teeth floating. Horses need spring and fall vaccines to protect them against diseases (rabies, EEE/WEE, tetanus, Strangles, and West Nile Virus). They need worming a few times a year or at least a fecal test to see if there are worms and then get the right wormer to kill whatever worms they may have. They also need dental floating once a year. That is when a horses teeth are filed down so there are no hooks or sharp teeth and their chewing surfaces are smooth. Being a senior horse he also needs senior feed and supplements. I bet you dollars to donuts, none of that has taken place at CAF. All this is done by an equine vet and she NEVER mentions a vet coming out to look at the horses. She only mentions a farrier and thinks she's done for the year. They are suffering. If you cannot properly take care of animals or your money goes toward booze instead of their BASIC care, you need to rehome them. I would take Merlin in a heartbeat.
ReplyDeleteVery good points. I would like to add that the feds finally labeled horses as livestock. This means that they now are covered just like her goats, sheep, etc.. Whomever is reporting her might mention this to the local humane officer. What strikes me about Merlin is he seems very quiet and dejected. I used to take care of horses for a living, so I have an idea even what really old ponies act like. And he is not happy.
DeleteAnonymous 7:27. Do you live near the FFF in terms of taking Merlin? If so, please email me at: AnimalAbusing@mail.com. Thanks.
DeleteNo I don't live anywhere near her. I live in Virginia. I wish I did, I'd drive by taking pictures of her place, her animals, etc.
DeleteAnonymous 7:43. Thanks for your response.
DeleteI agree with your comments about Merlin. He looks depressed and in poor condition. His formerly glossy black coat has long looked bedraggled and bleached out. Years ago, FFF, a fake and ignorant horsewoman, complained that Merlin had too much energy and so she quit giving him grain. To cease giving balanced food because it gives the horse "energy" is absurd. Of course, horses can get hot if given too much high-energy food, but this is an aged pony and it is impossible to provide him with the nutrients and micro-nutrients he needs with a diet that consists only of hay. It is also likely his teeth need to be done. His "saintliness" is partially due to his low-energy diet - he simply doesn't have the fortitude to render strong opinions. No doubt he and Mabel are willing to go up the hill because there is rich forage up there - whereas their usual paddock is overgrazed, with crappy forage and probably filled with weeds.
DeleteAlso note that whenever her fat ass rides him, he wears a nylon "training halter". I am a long-time horse owner and trainer, and these sorts of unbreakable halters are ONLY to be used in special very-controlled training situations, not as a cheap replacements for regular halters. Their knots are placed at nerve points on the horse's head, so a light touch sends a pretty strong message. Having them stay on, or using them with too-strong or sloppy hands (looking at her drinking buddies) is unacceptable.
When I saw the last black and white photo of Merlin, he looked like a horse I once rescued; just "hanging on" but with no good top line or flesh because it is hidden by winter hair. Notice again, Shammers, that she NEVER posts photos of the supposed shelter/pole-barn the horses have but somehow never use??? My horses choose to stand inside their cozy stalls during inclement weather, but their stalls are clean and airy, with dry soft bedding and nearby hay.
Even her supposed mentor, Pember-Patty is something of a joke. She uses an old cow barn without bedding for her horses. There is nothing wrong with a re-purposed cow barn. Yes, the quality is much better than what FFF has (three walls, a roof and able to be closed) but how comfortable is it for horses to stand on concrete all day/night? It is not, and any farrier/vet will tell you horses need softer footing and that standing on concrete is bad for their feet/legs/joints. At our barn, for example, we use a compacted dead sand base, covered by rubber mats, topped with shavings. The incompetence of FFF irks me no end. She does not deserve to have horses.
She gets away with sub-par care because her peer group is more ignorant than she is and others - who only catch glimpses of her animal husbandry - assume she is doing the right thing. Since we've been discussing her abysmal horse care, watch for her to post some BS about vets, supplements, blah blah, in the near future.
Yes PDD, we can certainly count on that post coming up soon! Now if she only did it for real, but we all know it's gonna be bullshit and lies.
DeleteWhich brings up another thing, what is she doing about their water? You can bet with NY winters, their water is pure ice all the time. Im sure her selfish ass is not investing in a heated water bucket or a submersible in a trough. She probably figures they can eat the snow.
She had a submersible de-icer for the sheep trough in 2011. Yet, in 2014, she was saying she had to break the horse and sheep troughs with a maul. She probably sold it (I think it was donated to her).
DeleteShe's such a piece of shit...
"I am 3/4 of the way towards this month's mortgage payment, and if I can swing it, Dr's office visit. So if you can spread the word about this farm it helps!"
ReplyDeleteIt's not "the word about this farm" that "helps!" her, it's the free handouts for doing nothing. Her fraction finances are nothing more than attempts to con kind people. (As if the animal abusing wasn't bad enough, but the begging is despicable.)
ReplyDeleteFriends, I need your help now. When did Maude the ewe die in a wheelbarrow? A link to the post would work. I looked but couldn't locate it. I also need to know when the pigs with mange photos were taken. I'm in contact with appropriate agencies, and they want to know dates if possible, and the specific posts too.
Maude died from lack of vet care and lingered forever it seemed. I think the wheelbarrow was a younger animal, maybe one of the lambs? I'm not totally sure on that.
DeleteLS I emailed the photos of Merlin. thank you for your help.
Delete10/21/14 is when she mentions finding Maude down 4 days prior. I just googled Cold Antler Farm Maude. You should be able to find it from there.
DeleteThe trio of pigs pic is from February 8th (twitter) and another one showing babies is September of 2019 on her blog. Not sure if its mange or mud around the eyes. I think the wheelbarrow incident happened 4 or 5 years ago. But several animals have died since then. Wheres the hawk? She had 3 that mysteriously disappeared.
ReplyDeleteI will keep looking
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:39 you can try using the wayback machine if you think she has deleted posts from her blog. It's cumbersome to work through, you have to click on the date in the calendars to pull the posts up, but if you have time and know aproximately when the animals died, you can find it there. Also you can use the wayback machine to locate deleted tweets.
DeleteI spent an hour or so looking for the the post on maude's death and couldn't find it, but I was looking in 2012.
DeleteHere is a photo of Merlin from three years ago where you can see the beginning of that bald patch on his face.
She should have switched halters back then, assuming that's what is causing it, or had the skin treated. It's a lot worse now.
That looks like white/greying hair to me. Lots of black horses will grey with age. There's enough to nail JFW on, let's make sure we get everything correct.
DeleteAnon 11:17 Yes I agree in the photo above that is from 3 years ago it's mostly white hair, but in the photos I emailed to LS the close up shows a bald patch on the left side of his face. Notice the photo on her insta today shows a straight on, and hides the left side of his face.
DeleteI would LOVE to see a current photo of the left side of his face showing no bald spots. But I think she's taking photos from these angles, and making the video black and white, to try and hide a bald spot. Someone on her insta commented about a bald spot on the right side of his face, not sure if she's a reader here or saw it on her own.
DeleteHere is a post from this group where Maude's death was discussed...
Maybe it'll jog some memories?
Okay, it looks like Maude's death has been scrubbed from the blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I'm doing this right... I think you can use tools in the google search to filter by posts of a date range, so in the search field type:
site:coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com maude
this will search the blog only for mentions of maude. Then you can use the tools button below the search bar to show only results in a certain date range. I chose April 2011 to today, this narrows the results down to the last 4 posts on the bleg which mention maude. In the last post, http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2014/11/why-wait-just-play.html the only mention is a comment asking how maude is doing.
Assuming that Maude's death post was hidden or deleted, it should still be available on the wayback machine, but I don't know how to search through those posts efficiently.
DeleteOctober 21, 2014 was when Maude died. However, I don't think it was Maude with the wheelbarrow incident. It was another sheep/lamb, but I can't find that one. Don't forget, she had a regular habit of dumping the pig slaughter offal in the woods, which I'm sure is illegal disposal.
DeleteIs there any way to send current photos of Merlin to the woman who sold him to Jenna? Maybe she needs to be made aware of what sad state that boy is in.
ReplyDeleteIn all the years I took care of horses for a living (and many of them for a well respected equine vet), I have never seen one lay down and stay there in the snow. They would roll over (especially if a blanket on to rid themselves of it), but never just stay there. Add to the fact that Mabel is standing near him, as if concerned is a bigger deal. My gut says that Merlin is not well. He's probably wormy as hell and needs his teeth floated. She would never notice him having trouble eating because they can chew away, and then spit it out when you don't see. The bald spots on the left of his face were highlighted in her recent photos, because HI JENNA! she wants you to see it is whitening, not bald. Whitening comes from CHRONIC rubbing of a piece of tack. You will see it on withers from saddles too. Anyway, someone needs to contact the local law enforcement about Merlin as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:38
DeleteI am a horse lover too, though not that knowledgeable as my experience is limited, but I too thought it was very odd he was laying down in the snow. They can get cold quickly that way, and become too stiff to get up. But if he's not feeling well and hasn't a decent stall to lay down it, then down in the snow he goes. Poor boy, it's just heartbreaking he doesn't have the basic comforts you would afford a dog.
ReplyDeleteI've received a lot more information thanks to caring people here. In particular, PDD has gone above and beyond. I've already forwarded it to appropriate agencies. Will keep all posted when more is known. Thanks!
Now the bitch is crying about needing more money for either mortgage or a new infection that has cropped up. Yes of course! Also whining about having to actually talk to someone on the PHONE about work cause you know it's so hard. Her twitter is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThen all will be forgotten when the weekend comes.
Yep, just addressed that in my comment. It's classic JFW.
Delete"Welp, today already entirely belongs to anxiety. Woke up at 3AM worried about my roof, then started the day under the gun for the mortgage, now working like mad to finish things so I can take on more work. I want to crawl under the blankets. Today sucks."
"I have a doctors appt for an infection on Friday that may cost anywhere from $120-$300. I have to decide if I should cancel because that is money that could go towards a mortgage payment. I am voting for whatever candidate doesn't make me choose between my roof and my body."
"The anxiety of having to talk on the phone with someone for work is insane. I wasn't like this before, now it is like having to jump into a pool of ice cold water. I know it won't kill me but I dread it."
Summary: It's manipulative marketing for mooching money.
first she said she had Dr. appointment for today now she is saying she has Dr. appointment for Friday but may have to cancel it, it is for an "infection". Is there some magic Hobbit cure she can use instead of getting perscription from a doctor? Eye of nute?
ReplyDeleteYesterday she was 3/4 of the way to mortgage payment today doesn't sound like it how her money goes up an down is amazing. Perhaps a new TS thing she needed? BUT she is finishing up old work to take on new work bet those people waiting almost a year are happy to hear that if they even remember what the work was suppose to be?
Also have been thinking about her work she is doing for $20. a clip now. Thinking about it is like the "art" you find on the boardwalk or at fairs and they run $5. or 6. bucks a pop there but here $20. gezzzzzzz
I guess that she forgot to include the emergency money on her Hobbit map. "It's an adventure!" And her fraction finances are always suspicious. The numbers never add up at CAF.
DeleteSo obnoxious. I used to work at PetSmart, and they offer health and dental insurance options (and those options were very good) EVEN FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES, unless that has somehow changed.
DeleteSo there's no damn reason she can't get a part time gig as a cashier or bather and get paid and get insurance.
DeleteAnon 11:20 AGREED. GET A JOB. There is NO EXCUSE for this perpetual bullshit.
DeleteI have experienced the type of anxiety that wakes you up at 3am, the phone anxiety, that 0-100 incapacitating panic attack that derails the entire day. You know what helps? CHANGING YOUR SITUATION. Therapy helps too, but you can't do that in a money-survival situation. Jenna should get therapy after she's sold the house, rehomed most of the animals, and moved into an affordable rental somewhere, so she can figure out how to not repeat this situation.
Four previous books haven't changed this situation. If she continues to do the same things, she will keep seeing the same results... except one day one of these "infections" or "car repairs" or "roof leaks" or "frozen pipes" is going to be real, OR an actual real life crisis. When that hits, with no cushion, no insurance, and a decade of foolish choices behind her, she'll have no choices left at all.
And won't she sound the siren song of victimhood then?
She needs money for something who knows what. But sound the alarm cuz she needs it now. Pull out the whole doctor visit "I have an infection" "my mouth is bleeding" "I'm having an anxiety attack!!" bullshit. whaaaa, whaaaa, whaaaa.
ReplyDeleteCrybaby bitch.
It makes me ill to think about this, but I believe it was a lamb in the wheelbarrow incident. She had a lamb inside her house and it was having difficulty walking or standing. She took it outside and left it to die. I wish I could remember when this happened.
ReplyDeleteAs for Maude, she was dying and so many people begged Jenna to have her euthanized to end her suffering. Jenna refused. She then wrote on her blog something about she couldn't stand to see Maude die, so she went in the house to write about it.
Maude's death and the wheelbarrow incident were discussed on Meredith's blog. Maybe we can find some dates there. I'm not able to get to it today, but maybe some intrepid Shamster can. If not, I'll try to check tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteFrom Meredith's blog, Nov. 28, 2013
ReplyDelete"CAFaux Son!
My heart aches for the lamb Jenna Woginrich from Cold Antler Farm 'lost'.
Found immobile on 11/2 and brought inside a warm home for 2 days...after no vet care and slow recovery (if any?) put back outside with the flock. If no recovery was seen, why put a down animal back where it was pulled from for being down?
"I have a weak little ram lamb that has been down since Saturday morning when I found him near the water trough. He was brought inside to be inspected, medicated, and observed constantly - so I made him a lay-lined bed in the dog crate right in the living room. He spent two days inside and showed slow recovery, if any. It was confusing because when most sheep go down like this they either die or are back on their feet in under 36 hours. Not this little guy. ProPen and electrolytes weren't helping, but his body seemed unable to walk and stiff. I decided it was most likely White Muscle and gave him a shot of selenium. He was also drenched for worms... I'll check on him in a bit, as I hope that will do the trick. I can not call the vet, as its simply too expensive right now to even consider for the cost of the lamb. So I am trusting my own experience and care, time, and a little prayer."
3 weeks later, on 11/20 he is still immobile and not able to walk, Jenna worries about his fate.
"The lamb is still unable to walk, but eating and drinking well. He seems mentally sound, just as if his spin stopped working. I'm talking it over with some small livestock neighbors, friends and farmers but I may have to put him down. I won't until I talk with a veterinarian and several friends, but I worry about it."
On Monday November 25th she found him dead. Based on her post of having to bring the body down a hill it appears he was put back out with the flock.
I don't know her property layout personally, but I believe that means he was in a run in shed...immobile for over 3 weeks. Letting him in a warm house to be put back outside, not able to move to a sun spot or get in close proximity to other sheep, I imagine he experienced a long slow cold death never even being seen by a vet.
From the 2nd to 23rd time, money, and energy was spent on hunting deer (how often does she even target shoot for practice?), hunting hawks (endless hours and GAS...doesn't she drive a V8?), and...game night!
"Every day, for hours, I am outside in my truck with hawk traps, scanning the countryside for a juvenile redtail."
It truly is hard to believe the neglect.
Sorry for your loss little lamb, you were born onto the wrong farm."
AnonymousDecember 1, 2013 at 3:51 AM
DeleteAs hard as it is to believe, I think she's just really clueless and terrible with animals. I went to college with her, and I know for a fact she got kicked off our college's equestrian team for being too hard on the horse's mouths (the captain of the equestrian team was my next door dorm neighbor), and I remember hearing from a mutual friend that she let Jazz attack and kill one of her ferrets. Her past of animal neglect goes back way further than you think, tragically!
She's clueless about most things and stupid enough not to realize it. I think she also has some anger issues.
DeleteHer "anger issues" are due to feeling self-entitled to an easy life.
DeleteLol, kicked off the equestrian team? I wonder if the "hard on mouths" reason was true or if it was to disguise something else like...uh...horse exhaustion?
DeleteThe post about finding Maude down is 10/21/14. She gives story details in the comments when some suggests the vet or shooting her to out her out of her misery.
ReplyDeleteOkay so now her "breaks" dont work. Shes laying it in thick...poodles get out yer wallets! Sorry Jenna but when you waste time all goddamn day, thems the "breaks."
ReplyDeleteoh no she is going to have to talk on the phone Poodles with her mechanic!!! The horror of it all we know how she panics at having to talk on the phone. What shall we all do? Send her a bunch of cash to get rid of the pain? Nahhhhhhh
DeleteI do say I feel sorry for her as she is the only one who has ever had a doctor bill, car repairs and a mortgage payment all at the same time. It's horrible I say.
"I think the breaks just died on my truck. They either work at the slightest tap or you have to run the peddle into the floor and it sinks in like an air mattress. Have a call into my mechanic."
DeleteI would like to return today, please."
I thought that her truck, Taylor, was a coveted classic. Say it ain't so! It's time for Pember Patty, to come to the rescue! Again. This "breaks" my heart just hearing about her self-inflicted woes. It's all because she won't work to support herself, and wants handouts from kind people.
There's nothing wrong with the truck. I bet Jenna Waaaa Waaa Woginrich just needs some extra cash from people so she can continue to goof off and tell pity stories.
DeleteI also don't think that her teeth have any issues, but also she uses them constantly as an excuse for begging.
DeleteIt's sad to think that the bulk of her mental energy is spent on trying to think-up new crises and emergencies all the time. How utterly exhausting that must be.
Deletei have been following this thread for a while. what really, really triggered me today is her comment that
ReplyDelete"I have a doctors appt for an infection on Friday that may cost anywhere from $120-$300. I have to decide if I should cancel because that is money that could go towards a mortgage payment. I am voting for whatever candidate doesn't make me choose between my roof and my body."
no, she doesn't have to choose between her roof and her body. what she did choose is to leave a job that would have paid her bills. and, she continues to choose a life where she cannot pay her bills. responsible people delay what they want until they can afford it. she just wants people, the government, whomever to pay for what she wants. that really flipped my switch. and, yes... this is coming from a lesbian who is single, widowed, doesn't have a trust fund and waited till i worked a long time to follow my dream in rural america! damned her.
Hey anon 6:25 I'm a lesbian too! *gay wave*. I'm sorry to hear you lost your wife. I do worry about the day when either I or my own wife is widowed (we have life insurance, because we are responsible grown up adults, so at least money problems won't materialize for the surviving spouse.)
DeleteWe've been together 13 years so far. We have moved for a crack at a dream life, and we have no regrets about that time, but the financial uncertainty of that time left it's mark. I learned first hand what happens when you take big risks to chase a dream! We lived that dream too, for a good long time. We did have to make pragmatic decisions about leaving an area we loved because we simply could no longer afford to continue to live there (rural Canada). But life is good where we landed too.
I'm not the biggest fan of my new job in the new city, and much more of a rural / country lady myself, which is part of the reason I loved reading Jenna's early blog posts. I'm making plans to go back to school part-time, which will take me 5-7 years to complete a degree, (something Jenna already has) so that I can move into a higher-paid field of work. It's not a field I have rose-coloured glasses about, mostly administrative and legal work, but it's a solid income in a growing field, and it's work I can do well, so that we can have access to the increased choices you have when have financial stability.
I spent 10 years in an area where a lot of hippies and draft-dodgers settled, and saw first hand what a life of only prioritizing immediate gratification, and feeling entitled to what others have worked hard for results in - seventy-year-olds who have nothing, who can't retire, who end up paying market-rate rent and working nearly full time (as their breaking-down bodies allow). It's a life of diminishing returns and perpetual uncertainty. That will NOT be me, nor my wife. I'm aware not all of us will live to see retirement, but "live like fiction" is just a head-in-the-sand approach to reality, and a choice to push away with both hands the ways in which you can influence your current and future situation.
I liked Jenna's blog back when she was working full time and finding ways to build agriculture into her life. When you go back to the beginning of the blog, you can see she actually used to call the vet. She used to be a vegetarian. After she quit her job though, the animals needed to live or die on their own, with minimal help from Jenna.
I wonder if her hawking / hunting / riding / farming / futzing around days are worth the uncertainty still, or if her skills are just so out of date she has no idea where to begin to find a job? It's changed a LOT in the last 10 years.
Jenna is not a special case, even if she thinks she is. She's got to actually take appropriate action to turn her life in a new direction. She makes me feel angry and disgusted. She actually reminds me of a couple of the older hippies where I used to live, whose sense of "community" really meant they felt entitled to what you have because you have it and they don't, or you're capable of "helping" (usually shelling out food or money or housing for nothing in return).
How is Jenna giving back to her "community"? Exactly. She's not a community member, she's a mooch. She doesn't have "friends" she has enablers - because I doubt she's able to reciprocate in any way.
Excellent points, both of you! Yep, let's blame the lack of money on the politics, especially since that's not what caused her to quit a perfectly good job.
DeleteAnd yes, for some strange reason, she definitely feels entitled to money that other "lucky" people seem to make with ease. And that it should be given to her because she struggles. That's not how it works.
People on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteJenna on Twitter: Worried about my roof. The truck's brakes are shot. I don't have my mortgage. Nor do I have $120-$300 I need for a doctor appointment.
Too much information...especially since NOBODY asked. Pig Shocker, just admit to yourself and to the world that the ONLY reason you are over-sharing all this info is because you want (and expect) others to clean up your messes. Pick up your pieces. Fix all your problems by donating money for you to "earn up" -- and that poor, pretend girl you're supposedly dating, she's gonna sour on you when she figures out that grifting is what you're all about.
And just when I think you couldn't further disgust me, you put the petal to the metal. And since you have no "breaks" as you so elegantly tweeted...yer fucked as usual, due to your refusal to get a real job.
If her problems even truly exist or is she fabricating disasters once again so she can buy something. Asshole.
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