Keep tuning in to this Bat Channel for some breaking news.

please be patient while the ducks are being put in rows.


  1. Okay folks, as I am preparing my post, I invite you to check out this LinkedIn account:

    Pig Shocker,
    You remember Julius Lucas don't you? 🤯

    1. That link said I had to be a member to view that page, but I found this other one:

      And if that doesn't work, here's another one (Click on the second name on the list where it says "Owner of 1 Stop Construction LLC")

  2. I've been thinking about anxiety and "J" names. (I welcome grant money from researchers), The question is do J names cause anxiety? Do J names cause anxiety in people with J names?
    Let's talk this through for a minute. J names.....Jenna, Jennifer, Jenn, Julie (not our Julie *grin*,Jules, Julius Jenna has anxiety. I wonder if the J name Julius causes the J name Jenna anxiety.

    1. I would bet that seeing the J name Julius would cause another J name a HUGE amount of anxiety...

      Tsk Tsk, Pig Shocker.

      Things that are done in the dark ALWAYS come to light!

      Especially pretending online to be someone else......

    2. I really have NO idea what you people are talking about.....


  3. Public information online has revealed a curious pastime of a certain Pig Shocker.

    It seems that when creating a fake LinkedIn account under Julius Lucas, as well as two fake companies, she was stupid enough to link her real name to both.

    The aforementioned linkedin account is listed as one of her online accounts. An email address connected to that account is listed as her most frequently used email address.

    The two companies that Julius Lucas co-owns have none other than our Pig Shocker listed as the other co-owner on her list of previous and current employers.

    So Miss woe is me, I don't think that I can make it, financially inept Pig Shocker co-owns 1 Stop Construction and the Solar Energy Construction Co.?
    Obviously both companies only exist in her sick mind.

    This is the sort of psychotic behavior we have discussed on here for years. Animal abuse, scamming and now fake identities?

    All of it is public information. One only needs to know where to look. Hound Doggy has also seen the documentation.

    I can only imagine how many women or men out there think that they are communicating with Julius Lucas online but are actually communicating with sick, twisted Pig Shocker.
    I would bet there are more than a few people out there who fell for it.

    I wonder if Pig Shocker mentioned her new pastime when she was issuing her supposed complaints to authorities recently?

    1. Woah...this is so strange! Good work! How did this come to light?

      And...but, what would be the purpose of creating a fake identity and companies? Catfishing scam? Tax evasion?

    2. Wow. I was blown away by this new information. Great detective work!

    3. This is EXACTLY what I brought up on a comment a year or so ago---if she is "scamming" people with the Jenna name, she is probably creating fake names and situations and casting that scam-net even wider, trying to get more unsuspecting victims!!!

  4. There's a couple other names that I am following up on and then will post....

    1. I'm going to think of you now as Sherlock Horseshit for your sleuthing skills.

  5. Can she be arrested for fraud when this comes to light? Justice finally!

    1. It depends on how far she went with it. Finding out will take a little time but I am on the case.

    2. Thank you for being on the case and sussing out info. My hat is off to ya!

    3. Applause to the best darn sleuths around!

  6. She would definitely lose the farm then.

  7. So...I work in contracting as a sole proprietor, and I don't understand how she could possibly gain anything from posing as a construction person/contractor. Even if a person doesn't hire me, all my bids are done in person, and the only time I charge for a bid/estimate is if the person is asking me to a). travel more than 20 miles or b). provide a multi-page, detailed assessment of the work required.

    The internet is full of weird, shitty mysteries--including fake accounts that someone's email address can get attached to. I have had it happen to me.

    JFW is a begging scammer, yes, but I feel like whatever this is, it has nothing to do with her. She would have nothing to gain from it. No one gets paid for simply existing as a contactor by name. I barely get paid for being a contractor by trade. Hahaha.

    1. *contractor, not contactor. Sorry for the typo.

    2. Also, I scoured the link posted and saw neither JWs name nor email address, so I am thoroughly confused.

    3. "Also, I scoured the link posted and saw neither JWs name nor email address, so I am thoroughly confused."

      I'm thoroughly confused, too. I didn't see any reference at all on that account to JW. I also looked at JW's and saw no connection back to JL account.



    4. I've tried to find the connection now, but didn't see it yet too. It must be hidden fairly well.

    5. One of the ways it would also show up is in a light background check. Light as in there wouldn't be any information such as social security number, current creditors, etc.

      It would list aliases, all email addys known for that person, websites tied to their name, employers, etc.

      All of that information is public information and anyone can get it.

    6. WDH. Aha! I understand now how to locate it.

    7. How can one do a light background check without paying for it? I always have to sign up and pay a fee.

    8. Anonymous 7:43. I want to know the same thing. I tried to do it on JW, but they wanted $22. She's not even worth $1.

    9. If someone served subpoenas and summons part time and used the background check to find people to serve them and already paid for the service, it wouldn't cost anything extra to run her name. Just saying 😁....

    10. Anon 10:39, it definitely goes beyond an email addy and it definitely is linked to Pig Shocker..

  8. Did she make a website for them or something in the past and thus her name is connected to it as a login for working on it? I am a graphic artist and that has happened a time or two with some of my very very un-techy clients. Just wondering. Very intrigued by this new development...

  9. Weird.

    Doesn't feel right, but who knows with a woman who "lives like fiction".

  10. Thank you to those trying to help Merlin. I know nothing about horse care, but I do know when an animal looks sad. And he looks sad; he has for years now. That pic of her going to throw hay over the fence with her skirt on made me so mad. Take some time to care for them!! And now she's begging and whining all over the place. Jenna, we know you come here. REhome your animals and get a f*cking job.

  11. Twit Shit (the beyond bullshit edition):

    "Spread the word about my farm if you can, sales really matter right now."

    So sad. Too bad.


    "With two days left in the month I am trying to get in the sales needed to mail in a house payment before any threat of foreclosure hits the farm, pay for a doctor visit, and repair broken brake lines on the truck. As soon as I feel somewhat safe and close, something comes up."

    Poor widdle baby needs to "feel somewhat safe and close" for comfort like a swaddled infant. Her "trying to get in the sales" is nothing more than overt begging for handouts.


    "I know this is like everyone else's life. Shit happens. I am talking about it here because I live alone in the woods and the pigs don't really care about brake lines, as they don't drive."

    No, it's not "like everyone else's life." Most normal adults have some savings for when "Shit happens." Here we go again about "I live alone in the woods." She's surrounded by neighbors, and they're not "woods" (we know her area). She could also walk to town because it's so close. The damsel in distress is a liar. The pig line is so unfunny and stupid that it made me wince.

    1. LS, I was going to post the same thing. Exactly, like you said. All this is her fault for putzing around every day, refusing to get a job with a regular paycheck and not saving for emergencies. So glad you bought all the TS crap right Jenna? How's that working for you now? And whose fault is this? Get a job and all this won't happen. Well it will but you can pay for it instead of having people bail you out once again.

      And you don't live in the middle of the woods, so quit lying about that too. And who cares??? What the fuck does that have to do with your problems?

      WHHHAAAAA WHHHAAAAAA here we go again!

    2. She posted her sad poor-farmer-all-alone-in-the-woods crap on Twitter, while her Instagram stories are filled with the newest Taylor Swift video captures.

      A normal adult might have spent the morning self-checking her truck's brake line or working on customer orders...but not Pig Shocker. FFS, what is wrong with this nearly 40 year old woman?

    3. She used every scam she has under her big belt, except for Gibson hurt his paw, in this morning's bleg post.
      That's a good sign that she is especially desperate. Good.

  12. Latest woe is me bullahit posted on the blog today.
    She's in a cold house because she doesn't want to use "the last of the firewood."
    Well, waddle on over to the thermostat and turn it on.
    While walking past the space heaters, turn those on too.

    Her brakes went out on her POS truck. Remember how everyone told her not to get an older vehicle and per usual she did anyway? Now she's whining about it.

    She has to go to the Dr. for an infection. She IS an infection.
    She was even stupid enough to say she will have to wait to get any prescriptions. Does she have any idea how cheap antibiotics are now? Most are under $5 without insurance. Once again she chooses to lie about things she clearly knows nothing about.

    Pig Shocker needs to get a job. When you beg for a living, you never know where your next $ is coming from. When you screw people over for money and beg for a living, you deserve all that worry and bad "luck" that comes your way.

    Keep in mind, this crazy heifer has enough time on her hands to create fake identities/aliases.
    With email addys and websites.
    Most likely used to catfish women, that stuff takes time and a whole lot of crazy.
    What other proud lesbian women pose as a male online?

    She only has two horses and two dogs and yet claims to not be able to leave her property for hours to work. Bullshit. She's lazy and crazy and addicted to social media. She chooses not to work. If you cannot pay your bills, you are unemployed not self employed.


      As for the antibiotics, I saw on reddit the other day a tip about how you can buy fish antibiotics from any pet store if you are too lazy to have a job that will allow you to visit a doctor. And apparently it's the same amoxicillin prescribed to us humans. So go choke on a fish pill, Pig Shocker and stop yer begging already.

    2. I was wondering if those "wolves" that she worries about didn't knock down her door. I wouldn't put it past them. SMH

  13. On Twitter yesterday:
    AC Shilton: Tell me your coping strategies for when 7 super stressful things happen at the same time
    Jenna Woginrich: Bourbon

    1. Right. Drinking would be the best "coping strategy" for being a lazy lifestyle loser.

    2. Thanks to bourbon, her social media addiction, her multiple mental illnesses and pure laziness, Pig Shocker has ruined her life. Only an idiot repeatedly makes the same mistakes and/or choices and NEVER learns from them.

    3. Alcohol is her answer for everything it seems. And since she herself will always be a super stressful being AND a completely helpless lying greedy grifter, that poor liver of hers doesn't stand a chance.

    4. But "she doesn't drink now." Right.

  14. Can someone tell me what is going on? Tax evasion? Shell companies? Fraud?

    1. Whackadoodle_Horseshit uncovered what looks to be fake online personas that Jenna created. And we are speculating what they could be for and why. And so far, your guess is as good as ours. Who knows what her insanity-addled brain is up to. So stay tuned...

  15. Does anyone use these paid background check services? If so, which one? I'd like to sign up for one as long as it's reasonably priced and legitimate.

    1. I know of a few people who use Been Verified. You get unlimited number of background checks per month. It gives you (from what I can remember) 10 "monitors" per month. Which is when you choose to monitor someone and if there are any changes in their info, you will be notified.

  16. It's been a while since I dropped in for a visit and I'm out of the loop... she's creating aliases now?? Just when you think crazy has hit its limits...

    1. Cryokid. It's nice to "see" you again. I was wondering where you'd went. Maybe you needed a break from the constant chaos at CAF. I hope that you've been well. I was looking at older posts the other day and saw your comments. It was when you announced a bit about your background.

    2. Ahh it's good to see y'all too!! I've been busy-- going through a divorce now, had to sell my goats and move-- but things are settling down again! It looks like not much has changed around here...

    3. Hey, Cryokid! Welcome back. I've missed your commenting. So sorry to hear about the divorce. That's never easy, but sounds like you're getting a handle on everything. Hope to see more of you around the ole' FFF water cooler here!


    4. Woah! Hello!! You have been sorely missed! Sorry to hear about your present circumstances. I wish you well. And hope you stick around or drop in from time to time, as you have great insight. :D

    5. Ahh thanks yall!! 💖 Yeah, I'm doing what I need to do and I'll be much happier for it.

      I'll be here!!

  17. What the actual duck. Jenna re-tweeted a post From Big Sky, commending her talent on a pet portrait he "just received". Only problem is it was drawn in 2004 ( by Oakpaw?) and advertised by her in 2018 (and probably other years). Does this chick have aliases all over the place???

    1. I don't see the retweet. When was it posted??


    3. Terribly sorry. It was not a re-tweet. It was a posting by "Big Sky" and turned up by searching "Cold Antler Farm". What are the odds she's using a fake account to promote her live-like-fiction lifestyle?

    4. It looks like instead of showing the actual portrait he received, Big Sky just used the photo JW has been using to promote her portraits lately. That tells me that his portrait probably sucked or at least was inferior to the c 2004 piece JW trots out for all of her begging tweets.

    5. After what I have recently seen, I would not doubt that if someone compliments her crappy art online, it could very well be an account she created.

      She apparently has huge amounts of spare time on her hands and lots of crazy.

    6. That's strange...when I do a search for "Cold Antler Farm" all I get is photos of fecal matter. Underneath hay. Hay that horses are trying to eat.

  18. While we're on the subject of Oakpaw, an early business enterprise of our faux feral farmer, please read artists_beware, and learn from some of her many dissatisfied customers.

  19. This tweet just in:

    "If you're wondering how low my self esteem is today I have showered and done my hair and make up before a friend picks me up to go workout.


    1. No one is "wondering" about how you are, because they don't GAF about a begging animal abuser.
    2. If her "self esteem" (missing hyphen) was really that "low," then she wouldn't be going to "workout," and likely wouldn't even focus on making her appearance attractive. Frankly, that's an almost impossible task.

    1. A Concerned HomesteaderFebruary 27, 2020 at 12:05 PM

      Ummm...Why is she announcing that she's going out after making sure to tell everyone that her front door is busted? Isn't that just begging to get robbed? Or is she planning to report a "theft" when she gets back?

      Personally, I wouldn't announce a broken door to the entire internet until AFTER it was repaired and for sure secure. I certainly wouldn't leave home until it was, unless there an emergency that forced me to leave, just to make sure no one took advantage of a busted door.

      Perhaps I misunderstood the blog post and those extra long screws fixed the hinge and properly secured the door...? But still, for someone afraid of people driving by and who has claimed they've had trespassers in the past attempting to "rescue" her animals, you'd think she wouldn't be as free with the information that her home is unattended with a weakened point of entry...

      (*shrug*) not my house, not my property, and not my problem...

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    2. One of her other email addys has "gymchick" in the name. 🤣😂🤣

      She doesn't look as though she spends a second in a gym.

    3. "before a friend picks me up to go workout"

      Translation: I called Patty to beg for some money. And since my truck is broke, she's bringing it to me. In return, she's dragging my lazy ass to go work out with her. Ugh. What a selfish bitch, as she knows I hate to exercise. AND I'll be missing a live podcast on Taylor Swift's new video. Double damn that Patty! But hey, there might be a potential sugar mama or daddy at the gym, so I'll slap on some makeup just in case!

    4. Pig Shocker's BFF might not need to work out. She appears to clean up after her animals and keeps up her property.

      Someone who claims to be a farmer but has to go to a gym for a workout!

      That's effn HILARIOUS!

  20. She complains that she just gets routine bills covered and then something happens that costs money. She is not special or unlucky that way--this is called LIFE! This is how everyone lives, especially if they own property, animals, and vehicles. That's why most people have an emergency fund. I hate it when she acts as if she is the only one who "suffers" this way. OMG!

    Jenna, there is a cure for living on the edge financially--it's called increasing your income, either by earning more from home or getting a job. She keeps doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

    1. She repeatedly says others have bank accounts, etc. - well, yeah, because most people got to work for a living and it wasn't given to them via trust fund, spouse, etc. And no matter what, if you are about to lose your house, you don't have a gym or netflix membership. Self-care is keeping that roof over your head first. The rest can come later.

    2. *go to work for a living. Sheesh.

    3. Anon 11:55, those PayPal accounts (she has two at least) must be going somewhere. Last I heard, PayPal normally deposits money as - what are the words - direct deposit bank accounts. Who does she think she's fooling - other than her dumber-than-dirt followers? She absolutely has bank accounts - with direct deposit from people she's scammed and unsuspecting "clients".

    4. I will definitely check her list of email addresses to see if there are PayPal accounts linked to them. I can only imagine how many she actually has.

    5. Anon 11:25, after seeing the amount of time she spent this morning documenting Taylor Swift's new video on IG, it's clear that all this begging is for money to buy a "Miss Americana" sweatshirt just like the one in the video. So expect to see the Pig Shocker wearing that new sweatshirt in 5, 4, 3, 2...

    6. That's if they have it in Pig Shocker's size- Circus Tent.



    I just wanted to update everyone here. The investigation is now very active. Appropriate authorities have been sent information: online accounts, pics, posts, links etc... I've been busy since last week with this project. I'll report more when possible. If I reveal details it could adversely affect the outcome for obvious reasons. I haven't had time to acknowledge each individual comment, but your help has been appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Looks like animal control already visited per her twitter

    2. While I think her animal husbandry skills are extremely lacking, I think it has to be a lot worse for authorities to actually do something (which is a shame). Either way, posting about it here was probably not a great move, as it gives her time to cover up issues.

    3. No details were posted. Just a general description of an investigation. People here who are invested in her history have a right to know what's going on.

    4. It should be shared, certainly, *after* the authorities performed their investigation. Instead she could see here that another investigation was about to be performed.

    5. Awesome! SO glad to hear it. The horses deserve so much better than eating off of their own waste and not having decent shelter. They should be in a home where they are loved and cared for.

    6. Anon 1:56, as someone who has also reported her in the past, I say post what you want.

      It's not like she can get rid of the evidence.
      They have already went to her house and have had plenty of time prior to the visit to go thru her social media posts with a fine tooth comb.

      Thank you for posting what you have so far and I look forward to hearing more details whenever you feel comfortable posting them.

      This blog and its members GET SHIT DONE. We don't just sit around and whine about Pig Shocker's behavior.

    7. Luckless Slinger, me and everyone here, and all those poor animals at CAF would love to THANK YOU for doing all that you are. Those animals need you in their life. Good on you! Seriously, this is amazing news!

    8. I didn't think that the investigation was going to happen yesterday. Apparently, they went after the "workout." (I hope that her hair and makeup looked good.) I'll find out more details this morning, and will share them later.

    9. Wow, that is AWESOME. Was this the same day she reported the visit or did they come back a second time? Either way, that's great.

      LS, could you ask them if there's anyway to get a copy of the report and how to do that?
      I wouldn't post the answer on here or the method, until you receive a copy if possible.

      Let Pig Shocker wonder if the report will be posted online.

  22. "Feeling safe is for people with bigger bank accounts, stronger hinges, newer vehicles, and health insurance.

    Feeling capable without those things is for me."

    She's about as incapable a human I've ever run across. Then, on the 'feeling capable' note, she starts whining about how scared, panicked, worried she is, and how it's getting 'harder' and she wished it would get 'easier.'

    But you know what?! She'll 'figure it out' and hope for 'luck.'

    Every. single. blog. is her wailing about her finances. GET A JOB!


  23. "Just had the state police and animal control officer at my farm. Why? Because of things I wrote on my blog in 2014 and photos I posted people from out of state considered "abuse". The police/AC saw nothing wrong with my farm or animals and I am getting a copy of the report."

    "Through the FOIL system in NY I can get a copy of this woman's report and information for my lawyer. The law around here has to deal with actual animal abusers, neglect, and criminals and are tired of petting my horses every few months because of stalkers online."

    "So for anyone keeping score: This week I am struggling to make a late house payment, trying to afford a doctor, my truck's brakes don't work and I just had the police at my door."

    "I'm not angry. I'm not scared. I am tired."

    "This is the blog post cited as abuse. (The writing is rushed and horrific, so guilty of that) but we cheered after spending hours in the cold getting the electric fence to work in the pig pen. The complaint was I enjoyed shocking animals."

    1. What a liar. It's primarily the current conditions of her hawk, horses and poor pigs that's concerning. That one quote was just an example of her asshole attitude towards treating livestock like non-entitles.

    2. "non-entities"

    3. Oh FFS. What a load of horseshit. I'm sure LS did NOT complain to the authorities about something from 2014. Gimme a break.

      Those pigs, and possibly the horse(s), have mange. The horses are eating off a "compost pile" of their own feces. They have inadequate shelter, and Merlin looks like he's on his last legs. I'm sure the hawk's mews is covered in mold and bird squirt, if it hasn't died by now. (No word about the hawk lately at all.)

      LS, please fill us in on what REALLY was reported to them. If JW's mouth is moving (or her fingers are typing), she's LYING.


    4. Oh, she has a lawyer? Who, that Jack fellow? Jenna, lawyers require payment of MONEY for their services, not logos or pet sketches. Good "luck" with that! LMFAO!


    5. DM. That quote was only one of a multitude of information sent to appropriate authorities. (And it was to prove a point on how she treats animals.) I focused on the livestock mange, fecal matter consumption, and related matters. I've also been in touch with her hawking former friend. That's another subject. My main connection will contact me tomorrow morning with details. If possible, I'll pass it on here. The fight is far from over. It's also ironic that JFW mentioned having a lawyer when she can barely afford to feed herself. (Let alone afford an attorney.)

    6. DM. I almost mentioned "that Jack fellow." Thanks, for making me smile. I guess she thinks that legal aid is free. Maybe with other matters, but I don't think that it includes her situation.

    7. BTW: You might recall that even though I live "out of state" in Vermont now, we resided in her area for years. So we've witnessed firsthand the deplorable state of her property, and how her livestock is kept. Poor little victim wants her dumb enablers to feel like she's being picked on again for no good reason. Why not? Then she can beg for more money. And her stupid cycle continues.

    8. "Through the FOIL system in NY I can get a copy of this woman's report and information for my lawyer."

      Doesn't JW realize that WE (or anyone) can also get information about HER on the FOIL system? As I don't live in NY, thanks FFF for alerting me to the FOIL system! What an idiot... LOL

    9. She always says the authorities think everything is fine.

      Even when she GAVE away her livestock shortly after the last investigation.

      You can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth and there is absoloutely nothing wrong with calling to have someone check on her animals. There is a multitude of photos and social media posts to warrant as much. It isn't anyone else's fault that she stupidly posts photos of animals with mange, horses eating hay off of piles of their own shit and the crappy environment that her hawks live in.

      Mews with mold and gaps that let the cold in and the nasty, rusted lamp she uses as a perch in her living room are just a few things she has posted photos of or discussed online.

      She mentions reports. We can get reports regarding the investigation that led to her re-homing ALL of her livestock. Not to mention reports that have her aliases and online accounts where she is pretending to be other people like Julius Lucas. There are at least two other names she has used.

      Good thing she has an attorney because using aliases and pretending to be someone you are not as well as being a co-owner or partner of two companies that don't exist can get you in a whole lot of trouble. Add the animal abuse and she's going to need the attorney she supposedly has.
      (I guess he works for soap?)

    10. Also, the authorities could do an entire investigation into the hawks she has had that "disappeared."

      One well documented (by her of course) disappearance took place after she described going to a store and getting bandages for gouges in her face. Hmmm, it ain't hard to figure out what happened to that poor animal.

      We have also had someone from one of her ridiculous heathen groups who posted on the previous site about Pig Shocker telling them a hawk died in her home during the night. That was another one that, according to her, "disappeared."

      I'm shocked that more people haven't complained or requested that authorities do a check on the remaining animals.

    11. The Pig Shocker grunted: "Because of things I wrote on my blog in 2014..."

      There is NO statute on animal cruelty as far as society is concerned. And if she gleefully admitted to purposely shocking pigs (and adding water for spite) just imagine all the horrible shit she's done that she doesn't write about. Ugh. She disgusts me utterly.

      And as for her having a lawyer, is she fucking stupid or what? Every day she posts about how broke she is, but then wants everyone to believe she can afford to retain one? That shits not cheap. No way, no day, ya loony liar. No one believes that for a minute.

    12. What attorney would work a pro bono case for someone who is clearly guilty of all she is accused of? For someone stupid enough to broadcast her animal abuse all over social media?

      Next she will attempt to impersonate an attorney as the one representing her.

      Maybe Julius Lucas will go to law school!


    13. Lol at lawyer Julias Lucas! Pro bono cases are almost always granted for a plaintiff looking to sue a corporation or company that has big bucks. And almost never to defend a broke pig-shocking loser with no money. She's dreaming.

      But...on the off chance that she's telling the truth, she and her lawyer can join her to discuss the details while on her infamous 5K runs! You know, like the amazing multi-tasker she is!!

    14. I don't think that anyone here has commented on this tweet from her thread:

      "Through the FOIL system in NY I can get a copy of this woman's report and information for my lawyer. The law around here has to deal with actual animal abusers, neglect, and criminals and are tired of petting my horses every few months because of stalkers online."

      If that's even slightly true, although exaggerated, then she's stating that "the law" investigates her "every few months" for allegations of animal abuse. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if there have been several instances of attempted intervention on behalf of her livestock.

  24. LS, thank you for following up on group concerns.

    You know, I think this is only the second AC check that she's had in quite a few years. For a person who's lost up to 50% of farm animals from predation and wrote publicly that she deliberately gave her runaway pigs an extra electric shock, that's not many visits!

    Now, if she was any kind of farmer or large animal owner, she'd take the animal welfare check in stride. After all, AC is doing their job to check on the animals after being alerted for whatever reason(s). I have friends who regularly get visited because their horses choose to lie flat on their sides - right in front of a main road; yes, they look like "dead horses". I've had other friends with very old horses (over 30) and it can be almost impossible to keep horses from looking skinny, and so they are reported.

    After AC visits, do my friends have emotional outbursts, post online and threaten legal action because they were reported? Nah. They recognise people were worried about the animals, and they move on. Like adults. In fact, you rarely hear about the incidents.

    However, a self-centered narcissist won't see it like that. They'll take it personally, play the victim, get angry and deeply resent people for taking action and Worrying. About. Animals.

    There is the crux. Some people believe animal owners have an obligation to take requisite care of their animals while they are raising them (for whatever end)...and other people do not. For FFF, animals are her props, to be used as desired, to enhance her ego and put the "laugh back in slaughter".

    She will never understand.

    1. There's another side to stories like this, and yes, there are times when concerned parties must do the right thing. It's never easy to know ahead of time. A few years ago, I learned of several horses were kept in a situation not unlike that of FFF. Horses were not particularly well looked after but they had a run-in shed (with sides!) and owner always tossed hay over the fence and provided water. His horses had thick winter coats. People who drove by noticed one horse in particular looked "thrifty" (New England term for skinny) and he lay down a lot in the snow, but not a single person said anything to anyone for a long time. The vet saw the horse infrequently and the farrier seldom came. Neighbors thought it wasn't their place to contact AC. When neighbors finally contacted authorities and the horse was removed, it turned out the horse's teeth were bad and he was starved under all that winter coat. He was very ill and he had to be euthanized. The end of his life wasn't pretty. He suffered when he needn't have. He could have been saved if authorities were notified sooner, but they weren't. Because no one wanted to be the "complaining neighbor", no one wanted to be the "bad guy", everyone thought someone else would take care of it. His death was on the hands of a lot of people.

      I'm not saying CAF is the same. Her care of animals is minimal in my opinion. She maybe does "just enough".

      But if you have concerns about her care of animals (or anyone else) NEVER stop trying to do right by animals. Better to be wrong but have tried, than never to have tried to help. As a large animal owner I understand and will always support people who care.

    2. I am SO GLAD that an animal welfare professional has laid eyes on the horses, other livestock, and their living situation.

    3. ALL of her animals, every single one, is for her bleg, Twitter and Instagram purposes only. If those social platforms disappeared, do you think she'd keep all those animals? Of course not. Cuz without picture proof, how would she get any donations? Shit like that should be illegal.

    4. Any investigator who frequently investigates animal abuse, could read thru her various social media posts and map out a case.

      Pig Shocker thinks that she is showing people how hard her life is or how happy her animals are but really it just shows how sick in the head she is and the horrible conditions the animals live in.

      She is so totally narcissistic that she makes everything about herself. She is so blinded by her incessant need to constantly woe-is-me, she has no idea that SHE is the person making the case against herself.

      All we have done is pay attention, document and report it to local authorities at various times.

      She has only herself to blame for 1)mistreating innocent animals and 2)broadcasting that mistreatment to the world of social media.

    5. I still can't believe she hasn't deleted all of her self-incriminating posts. Not that it would do any good, as many of us have screen shots proof. But still. She's like those idiot criminals who rob places and then upload shots of their booty on the internet.

      In kindergarten, when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up she answered, "A cautionary tale!"

      And all these animal-abusing years later, she's certainly accomplished that. Congrats, Pig Shocker!

    6. I'm going to attack her hawk issue next. According to the deputy it's a separate department from the sheriff's office. BTW: I've heard firsthand from a source who knows her well, that the falconry community doesn't approve of her unethical practices, and they don't even consider her part of their group.

    7. Why can't they ban her from owning a hawk if she doesn't abide by the rules and regulations?

    8. Anonymous 7:07. I'm currently researching that important question.

    9. The dept that disperses NYS falconry licenses could absoloutely yank her license.

      She's been warned about using the hawks in photos as "advertising."
      So we know of at least one strike against her license and we know the dept is at the very least familiar with her.

      I'm not sure what they consider violations as they aren't specific in any falconry literature.
      We can just report anything that could be considered neglect or abuse and hope it makes a difference.

  25. I have only just tuned into the jenna sham. I was aware she got kicked out of her cabin because she was degrading the property with her livestock, and there was a welfare check then... but did animal welfare force her to give away her sheep?

    What happened to the sheep?

    How many times has she been forced to downsize her livestock?

    1. I'm not using any real names because the previous site was taken down because Pig Shocker most likely complained. Now without using any real names, we could be speaking about anyone.

      So regarding Pig Shocker:
      There was an investigation two summers ago in July. The investigators were in communication with a local who also posts here. Shortly after the investigation, she gave away (for free) ALL of the livestock (including chickens).
      She made it sound as if she just happened to decide to downgrade. Cough**cough** bullshit!

      She has since then tried to make it appear as though she has pigs on her property.
      Any photo posted of the pigs were close shots not showing any background. Most of us believe that is because the pigs were living on someone else's property.

      The investigation happened for the same reasons the most recent one has happened. Her goat herd was literally living/standing on 2+ feet of their own shit and their food was thrown on top of it.
      The animals didnt have shelter. There was a barn next to the goat pen that looked as if it could collapse on the goats at anytime, etc.

      When the initial investigation began, they must have given her a time period to clean it up. She had to rent a backhoe to muck out the goat pen. It was so bad THE BACKHOE GOT STUCK. Absolutely shameful! Except she is so mentally ill, she has no shame.

      Obviously she didn't remedy the situation and shortly after the authorities were out a second time "she decided" to give away all of the livestock keeping only the two horses, multiple hawks and the two dogs. Now the horses are living in the same terrible conditions as the previous livestock (as shown in photos that she posted online).

  26. WHAT A LIAR. She tweeted, "This is the blog post cited as abuse" and then shared a link from a 2014 bleg post that is NOT the one where she gleefully shocked the pigs on purpose. No, in this bleg post (which I hadn't seen before), all she says is:

    "The three of us cheered when a pig got a zap on the snout and stopped digging around their barriers."

    NO, Pig Shocker...that is NOT the correct post and you know it. Why don't you link to that other post, that awful one where YOU SAID:

    "I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite."

    THAT is the post and you KNOW it. Nice attempt at damage control, Pig Shocker. Hoping to fool your foollowers by digging thru your bleg to find something less incriminating. You are such a loser. You know full well which bleg post was on that report.

    1. That heifer lies as often as she breathes. There's a link to that post if you click on my user name.

      She is disgusting in more ways than one.

    2. Anyone that posts here still tweet regularly? If so they could copy that link and tweet it out. Anyone who responds to her bullshit tweet with a comment or a like, could also receive a DM with the link.

    3. Oh, and fooled they were, as here are some of the comments she received:

      Kassandra Appel wrote:
      "um, how did they come to that conclusion from that post? In no way are you ever gleeful for the shocking of animals?"

      No, Kassandra, that's not the post in question. Your hero Jenna Woginrich is LYING TO YOU. And you naively fell for it.

      Rhymes-with-dandy wrote:
      "i take it that this is the quote that triggered them? [...] complete madness that you had to take time out of your day to deal w AC & police over a normal farm practice"

      No, Rhymes, complete madness is people like you who listen to liars and don't bother to do your own research.

      Someone who is on Twitter you tweet the real link to all these idiot supporters so they can learn the truth.

    4. Yes, someone PLEASE do!

      What's important is that the authorities and state police know the truth. They know EXACTLY what sort of beast they are dealing with.

    5. BTW, the bleg post in question is from August 25, 2013 and it's titled, "I'm There" in which she also made this lovely comment:

      "One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. No part of me felt any pity at all. I smiled. If you think that's crule you haven't rewired a charger with the slow burn of nettles on your inner thighs while blood ran down your arms. Peta my ass. The most abused animal on this farm is me, hands down."

      Her foollowers need to read THAT.

    6. This is terrible:

    7. I just updated my son on the situation (the pig mange, horses eating off their own poop, and her linking the wrong pig shocking post) and he said, "Wow, she's the perfect definition of a POS, isn't she?" Yes son, she most certainly is.

    8. We have to keep in mind that with all the information available online, anyone who believes her is also an idiot. If anyone believes that both the state police and an animal control agency came to her hovel over the blog post she referred to, they are dumb, dumb, dumb.

      Also, the town she lives in does not have an animal control agency. That is why state police respond to animal control calls. If there was another agency there it was a larger agency than local animal control or else the state police would have went by themselves.

      Other agencies don't step in unless there's a definite problem that they believe warranted the visit.

    9. Agreed. When I first saw those comments I wondered how stupid those guys could be. But then I saw she linked the wrong post on purpose. What a lying witch.

    10. WDH,

      Overall that post was entertaining, full of adventure even. It's something I'd like to read more of. Though there are a few parts that made me cringe and want to rewrite them so they didn't sound so cruel...

      "With the ground cleared around it (note to self, do not bite nails for a few days or you may end up with ringworm) I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite."

      Rewrite: With the ground cleared around it (a fact firmly embedded under my nails) I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of surprise that brought a feeling of achievement to the sweat, blood, and tears that would have been otherwise wasted had rewiring to the backup charger not worked. I ran off to get the pics their water and poured some of it on the grounding rod to ensure the wire remained hot.

      "One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. No part of me felt any pity at all. I smiled. If you think that's crule you haven't rewired a charger with the slow burn of nettles on your inner thighs while blood ran down your arms. Peta my ass. The most abused animal on this farm is me, hands down."

      Rewrite: One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. I tamped down any feeling of pity at doing what I needed to do to keep my pigs safe and secured. I smiled partly in relief at the wire still being hot, and partly in satisfaction at having the know-how to have done that myself. I'd gladly deal with thighs burning from stinging nettle, while blood drips down my arms, as I rewire a charger any day. This is the life I chose, because this is the life I want to live, no matter how hard things get.

      There, didn't that make make things sound less cruel? All while actually telling what happened? It didn't sugar coat farm work and make it seem like raising livestock is easy, but it also wouldn't have painted a picture of someone relishing in a pig's pain.

      I haven't had a chance to raise pigs yet, but I've learned enough to know they will challenge fences. Therefore- if you are using electric fencing- you need to make sure the ground is cleared of anything that could short the wire, and you need to keep the area around the grounding rod damp (this way you can make sure the wire stays hot).

      That's my two cents I guess.

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    11. concerned homesteader... nice writing! (and, from what i've seen she is a less than mediocre writer... i'm sure they published because of the appeal of a young, solo woman "homesteading" and then heavily edited). - amy

    12. Thanks Amy! I just threw that together quickly and posted it (I just noticed the "pics" instead of "pigs" autocorrect error my kindle did! Lol.). Anyways, I've always wanted to be a writer, but struggle with getting the courage to submit anything to a publisher. Perhaps one day.

      -A Concerned Homesteader

  27. What also floors me is that in the SAME HOUR she posted her rant about the Animal Control visit, she immediately seized the opportunity to use that news to solicit donations:

    "So for anyone keeping score: This week I am struggling to make a late house payment, trying to afford a doctor, my truck's brakes don't work and I just had the police at my door. I'm not angry. I'm not scared. I am tired."

    Yeah, I'm a victim so please help me with my mortgage and other bills cuz I'm a victim. I'm mean, really think about it: In the same hour that she was supposedly freaking out about the visit, her greedy, grifting little mind was already thinking about how to use the situation to her advantage. WHO THE HELL THINKS LIKE THAT?!?

    I'll tell you who: Someone who deserves to be locked in a room full of angry PETA folk with cattle prods. Shit, I'd pay good money to see that.

    1. Yes! A cattle prod would be the equivalent (for her large ass) amount of pain as the electric fence with water purposely poured on it was for the pigs.

      I don't think that anyone has ever contacted Peta about the mentally ill, animal abusing blogger. I bet they would have a field day with her photos and social media posts.

    2. I've felt the pain of an electric fence firsthand. When I was 7 or 8, my sadistic and cruel older brother led me over to one and told me to grab the wire with both hands. I was young and dumb, so I did. And it's a feeling I'll never forget. It's not so much the pain, as that fades after a bit. It's the terrifying jarring jolt to your brain, to your system, to your core being. It, I don't know, it gives you a momentary feeling of dying, of your life abruptly ending in a horrifying manner. And for awhile afterwards, you're still quite shaken up. Being shocked is not cool. It hurts. But more than that, it scares the shit out of you.

      What kind of person would intentionally do that to a human or an animal?

    3. It takes an extremely sick individual to do that.

      It takes an even sicker individual to defend that sort of horrific behavior AND immediately try to use the situation to get pity cash donations for herself.

    4. Yeah, being shocked like that is like a hard slap to the face. You wind up completely stunned after. And to think that she doles out that kind of abuse with a smile on her face.

      Man, I can't wait for more karma to catch up with her. I mean, it already has...just look at her and look at her miserable and undesirable existence thus far. And imagine what's in store for her pig-shocking ass. Can't wait. Hopefully the wind will blow her door off again...right onto her truck's windshield...and right as she's drunkenly pulling into her driveway after a visit to her bar.

    5. Note to Shammers: Use a long blade of grass to test if electric fence is hot...or leave it alone.

    6. It's kind of interesting- the blog post she referred on her Twitter account was pretty benign. The post I remember that caught my attention was the one where she poured water on the ground wire then lured the pigs over w food so their noses would come in contact w the hot wire. Their squeal in pain when they hit the wire was what brought a smile to her face. I dont know if that's a different post or she cleaned up this one from 2014.

  28. So...the Cold Antler Farm Twitter supposedly has 4,800+ foollowers. But after Jenna's bombshell tweet about the visit from State Police and Animal Control, guess how many people showed concern by commenting?

    9....but two of those comments were from her.

    So 7.

    Only SEVEN.

    Pssst...Pig one believes you. And no one cares. Get a job already.

    1. That's just more proof that she buys her followers, I guess. My Twitter has a fraction of her followers, yet my average post gets more interaction than she gets with her own.

      It makes ya wonder... 🤔

    2. Cryokid. We've been watching her Twitter numbers go up and down for a long time. But she's never reached even 5,000 (small for an account), because once followers wise up to her conning, then they delete her. Even if she buys a handful it doesn't make a difference.

  29. On the latest bleg post about her broken door and other catastrophes, she wrote:

    "I want this month to be over. I need the next 48 hours to last forever."

    Translation: "I want this month to be over cuz as usual, I only "earned up" enough money to cover a day or two. But I need these next two days to last forever so that I have enough time to beg you all for money I need."

    BTW, is anyone buying the "wind blew the door down" story? There are too many conflicting details. Wind strong enough to blow a door off? In a tornado, perhaps. And the door shattered but she was able to put it back up? What, after she glued it back together?!? And the dented hinge? That would indicate that the wind battered it around a bit. Yet it it blew clean off?

    Seriously, can anyone here from her area attest to hurricane strength winds last night? I can see a gust blowing the door open, sure. But violently off, wood all shattered? Wouldn't the deadbolt have held it in place? Can't wait for the next time she posts a pic that shows this unfortunate door. It'll be interesting to see it all pieced back together and hanging slightly askew. As a blown-off door fixed-by-an-amateur might look.

    1. Thank you Anon7! I addressed this very topic further up, but I guess it got lost in the excitement of the ac visit.

      I was curious to as why she'd tell the world about a broke door, then announce she was going out to the gym. For someone so afraid of people and their nefarious intents, she sure set herself up to potentially be robbed.

      I was wondering if she was going to try to report-and then do an insurance claim for loss of property due to-a home invasion after she got back from her gym trip...?I

      Again, I personally wouldn't announce it, but mention I had to replace a busted door AFTER the fact. And I certainly wouldn't leave the house unattended, unless I had no other option, until after it was replaced and the frame repaired- especially if I was always afraid of potential trespassers...

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    2. I think her door "blew down" another time, so it's either a fabrication or door wasn't properly repaired.

      Winds were 18+ mph last night, high gusts intermittently, but certainly not hurricane force. No trees were toppled, although there were some smaller branches knocked down.

      We debated about locking up livestock, and in the end decided to keep them inside their cozy barn. High winds with below-freezing temperatures are never fun. The thought of elderly horses outside in such weather is upsetting.

    3. I'll bet it was the screen door that blew off. And she blew it up to be some major catastrophe. And, as for the sheep that had to be rehomed, I think I remember that they escaped into the road and were running away just before the shearer arrived and she had to tell the shearer to go to Katz's home instead of hers. You can't believe a thing she writes. All seem like exaggerations for extra money.
      The horses look well fed, but I wonder about their arthritis.

      The ASPCA is on a campaign to stop the caging and harvesting of furs from all kinds of live animals. The ASPCA folks picket stores such as Nordstrom's, who still sells real furs, and have horrible stories about inhuman practices and electrocutions of animals. Makes me uneasy about even wearing a fake fur on my hood.

  30. well now I wonder how the visit from State Police and Animal Abuse people will sit with the new girlfriend? After all her family has a farm she said so a few days ago that she stayed up all night nursing a sheep. Will this make the romance heat up or turn this girl/woman on more to this bad assed FFF? Stay tuned to this ongoing soap opera people and pass the pop corn.

    1. I know how her door blew down. It was that damn wolf. He huffed and he puffed and so on.

    2. Unknown. I said something similar above. She's been whining about those "scary," "wolves are at my door!" for years. Maybe she wasn't lying about them. That would be a first for the FFF.

  31. Today from the skank:
    Hey, Twitter! I'm mailing a mortgage payment today! I'm going to the doctor! A friend is giving me a ride there and to the post office. My mechanic is towing the truck to be looked at.

    Yesterday seemed hopeless. Today feels better.

    THANK YOU! For sales, kindness, & support!!!

    Really? All of the sudden all her wishes were answered? I doubt there was a problem to begin with. How can someone get bailed out EVERY. MONTH?

    1. Her hyperbolic "high" will soon be over, because she'll need more money, and the stupid cycle will never end.

  32. I've entered 2 different responses so far and neither show up nor do I get the pictures that come up after you push publish. So strange.

    1. Weirdly I have the same thing happen on my computer. No idea why. My profile name and photo show up on Google and Blogger, but not CAST. Anyone have ideas?

  33. I’ve pretty much given up commenting because my posts disappear. I read that a solution is to go to “settings“ on my iPad, then Safari and “clear website history and data”. If you are reading this it worked.

  34. It was early this morning, before sunrise, that wind roared down the mountain and blew the front door off the hinges and shattered the wood. Gibson jumped up into bed and held onto me so fast I am not sure he wasn't what woke me instead of the BANG. I tried to screw the dented hinge back on, but it broke once again in another gust. Now, a few hours later, the bluster has turned into a squall of snow covering everything on the farm in fresh powder.

    Roared, blew, shattered. Bang. Gust. Bluster. Squall. May I add "Purple?" "Prose?"

    Yesterday while driving home from the post office I felt my truck's brake peddle collapse all the way to the floor. It was as if the brakes were disconnected from the tools that work them. A bit panicked, I realized they worked at a tap or a stomp, but no play in between. The brake lines were shot. I drove home slow and nervous, but safe. She's parked in the front yard and I am waiting to hear back from my mechanic. I know I need to get a newer vehicle soon, but right now that isn't an option. So she'll have to be repaired again - back in the shop the second time this month. Going outside to a muddy farm, a broken door, a broken truck...

    Collapsed. Disconnected. Panicked. Nervous. Broken. Broken. Writing Haiku now?

    This is America. Feeling safe is for people with bigger bank accounts, stronger hinges, newer vehicles, and health insurance. Feeling capable without those things is for me.

    When I first started reading her blog, and believing it for a bit, I still thought, as she left her job, "That's fine....for now. You are still young. But what will you do as you age if you continue on this path? There will be a day when you need health insurance--and strong hinges and a functional vehicle unless you live in a city." Funny that rainy day is here, as the song goes. Sooner than I thought.

    This is wearing me down creatively, physically, emotionally, and I can't tell if that's winter's ending making me feel helpless or a sign that I need to write and write NOW. Write something that will save this farm.

    Does she REALLY believe that "writing something that will save this farm?" Who is she? The female James Patterson. Better yet, Patricia Cornwell.

    The only thing "beating her down" is the fact that her past supporters are dwindling. She has outreached through newer media venues, and they haven't helped either. Fail. Fail. Now what to do, what to do? Uh. *ding* 1) move back into your parent's basement; or 2) move in with Patty. Maybe you could help her in caring for her disabled adult child; or 3) GASP. Dare I say it? In unison onetwothreee. GET A JOB! (Although, as others have mentioned earlier, her skill set is probably zip. That field changes over so quickly and she's never uttered a peep about getting re-certified in newer training, etc.) So forge on, Wilderbeest Wanda. Be that strong, independent warrior spirit you just know you are. And good luck.

    1. That was a good comment, but it helps if you put her "purple prose" in quotes. Especially, if your responses are below. Thanks!

    2. Wilderbeest Wanda!!!! Her new name!

      Yes as usual her bleg is a crock o' shit!

  35. I hope that either Brynner42 or Whackadoodle_Horseshit (who I believe has a "Wendy W. account on Twitter) posts the real pig shocking quote and/or link. Otherwise, she's making up look like liars, when it's the other way around.

  36. One stupid supporter referred to her as "a lesbian farmer." Good thing that I wasn't drinking at the moment. I would've sputtered over my screen. She'll label herself whatever will work to get more donations.

    1. A lesbian farmer who has created a fake identity/alias online who is a male. Yeah, that screams proud lesbian- NOT.😂🤣

  37. This is very interesting... and telling...

    "Yesterday while driving home from the post office I felt my truck's brake peddle collapse all the way to the floor. It was as if the brakes were disconnected from the tools that work them. A bit panicked, I realized they worked at a tap or a stomp, but no play in between. The brake lines were shot. I drove home slow and nervous, but safe. "

    She lies even in her narrative. She had no clue it was the brake lines until she posted that crap on twitter and someone said oh, it probably air in the brakes, or/ and a brake line failure.

    She hadn't talked to the mechanic or anything. So now, it's the brake lines for sure.

    Sorry honey... could be a lot of things. Could be the master cylinder went. Could be that your brakes are so bad that there is nothing left of them. Brake line failure would show with no brake fluid. I doubt that she checked that. She's just guessing and hoping that it is, or, there is nothing wrong and she's just got a new scam going.

    Isn't it interesting that exactly what was suggested she is now so sure of that was the problem and drove home carefully... etc. etc. She knew nothing of the sort. She's no truck whisperer. She has got a rat's ass of a clue to anything on that stupid POS. We have one, just 2 years younger. And my young woman daughter works on it all the time. They are so easy. FFF can't do anything without a Twitter committe and online funding.

    Her lack of any personal responsibilty is just so annoying when compaired to other very capable young women in her age group. In fact compired to many of her own twitter friends, she is the weakest link for certain.

    And who goes on and on about having an infection. Ewwwww. Her girlfriends better get some gloves and Purell handy... shesh.

    1. And wait a minute... she was driving and felt the peddle collapse... and THEN realized that a tap or a stomp made them work? How would you know that the peddle collapse? Does she mean that she tried to stop and it was mushy? She's just such a big freaking liar.

      Oh, so driving a truck on the road without brakes working properly made her nervous, but safe and then a few days ago her emergency brake fails and she's a sobbing mess of anxiety that Patty has to rescue?

      Bi-polar much? Such a drama queen.

    2. But Taylor, the truck, is "metal-sided" and special. (Her penchant for naming vehicles and animals after celebrities is stupid and stalking.) It's also like liar much? Her victim narrative is nauseating. Anyone who calls her a badass is delusional. She's more like Blunder Woman than Wonder.

    3. FarmLass,

      She probably meant she felt the peddle hit the floor with no resistance, but by pumping the breaks she was able to get them to work enough to get her home. She probably has air in her brake lines and needs them to be bled. I had that happen to me once while my young daughter and my teenage sister were in the car with me. Let me tell you, that's a terrifying feeling when you are approaching a red light and are frantically trying to get the vehicle stopped. Now I keep a manual brake bleeder and extra brake fluid on hand, just in case, because I never want to worry about that again.

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    4. Oh. We name our vehicles... more fun than saying oh the truck or the other truck and so on. :-) but not after celebrities. And we are women take care of our vehicles.

    5. ACH... yeah, I'm sure that things were a little different then how she wrote them, if they even happened. I guess I was trying to say that her post after getting home and interacting with all her twits was totally different then what she posted when it first happened, if it did. we have had brake issues as well, one time a line went out and I ran into the corner of the garage!!! We have an old F150 as well. I think that she is lying totally. Just to iffy. All the sudden once she has more validation on an actual issue with brakes, suddenly she is an expert of it all. Yeah, right.

      I think she puts things out in a vague panic and then when others fill in the blanks, she builds it up to something more distinct to catch people's "aw, me, too!" reactions that might bring in more donations.

      She does this ALL the time. She is a classless manipulator.

    6. FarmLass,

      Oh goodness! You must reminded me of when our brake line broke on our truck a couple years ago! We were hauling a stock trailer to go pick up some livestock, took an exit and went on an off ramp to fill up with gas, when my husband stated the breaks weren't working. He started blaring his horn at the stopped traffic in front of us, and they weren't budging!! They actually honked back like we were being annoying. I hit the emergency flashers on the dashboard while my husband was telling my we might crash. The people ahead of us realized we weren't stopping and were having issues and finally moved out of the way. We were able to pull into the has station and finally roll to a stop without hitting anyone. Some of the cars that moved out of the way had pulled into the station ahead of us, and some of the people asked if we were okay. Again, my daughter was in the vehicle when the brakes failed (I really hope this doesn't become a pattern! Lol!) The truck went to a mechanic and a friend brought their truck so we could finish getting our livestock. Turns out the break line snapped clean through near the front tire if I remember correctly. Mechanic guessed another vehicle must have kicked up debris that sheared the line.

      I do understand the point you were trying to make now. (I blame my developing migraine for not seeing it before without an explanation). I'm not sure if her brakes really went out on her or not, it's believable on an older vehicle to get air in the lines, but I certainly hope it's not something she made up to garner pity donations. It's something that is scary, and also dangerous, to have happen (to both the person driving and any innocent bystanders that may be in the way).

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    7. FarmLass. BTW: I hope that you weren't offended. We've also named our cars for fun. But it wasn't in an attention whore manner. My husband and I kept it between ourselves.

    8. Oh, no I wasn't offended, I just wanted to let ya all know that I might have not been as clear as I meant to be.

      One of those days here on our little farm that we have a zillion issues, too and yet are not whining about them, and I just wrote out my little post in just annoyance at seeing Jenna's post that made it sound like she is some badass farm lez and knew what was up and is truck-woke and blah blah blah... when in reality, at first she had NO CLUE and thought up the brake thing, and then went to Twitter to get more details to fill in her little narrative and her foollowers suggested the brake line/air scenario and so took it and ran. (That's gotta be worth a couple hundred in pity rememberances of people with other brake issues.... yeah....)

      Thing is, big old trucks like the F150 have drum brakes in the back usually, and pads up front, and are kinda a weird beast. They function a little different then most modern vehicles. When our truck had the mushy high pedal issue the last time, not the brake line issue that we hit the garage with, but another time, it turned out to be the drum brakes and pretty pricey. Trying to remember... thinking master cylinder? It was awhile ago. Ended up needing a big brake job that time and even with friends it was over $600 in parts and beer. haha...

      Buying that piece of crap truck for the amount she did , was just the dumbest hipster stupidity she has done in quite a while. Kiva loan funded, no less... Running that first truck into the ground, dumber. Heck, not taking care of the Subaru was brain dead on her part as well, and then basically giving it away for someone to fix it instead of junking it... just shows how unprepared she is to rough it rural by herself.

      What am I saying, she does nothing by herself with all her enablers, and then her cast of thousands, er, hundreds online in her Atta Girl wannabe chorus.

      Zombie time hangout... ahahahahaha.... yeah, right. Everyone should go to Cold Antler in case of end times because Jenna will be an easy mark, what curled up in the fetal position, weeping and anxiety stressed as her dogs gnaw away at her leg.

    9. "Zombie time hangout... ahahahahaha.... yeah, right. Everyone should go to Cold Antler in case of end times because Jenna will be an easy mark, what curled up in the fetal position, weeping and anxiety stressed as her dogs gnaw away at her leg."

      My turn to spit up my morning coffee! 😂

    10. PDD. Our morning coffee is brewing now, and I'm ready for CAST laughs!

    11. Definitely safe from zombies at Pig Shocker's hovel since zombies eat brains.

      They would definitely pass up her shit pit of a property! No brains there!⚠️🧠🚫⚠️

  38. UPDATE: Someone asked in an above comment if PETA had ever been contacted. Part of my project was sending them the same information that the local authorities received. They're still working on it. The Humane Society of NYS is also involved at the highest level.

    1. Yay! I thought the "animal control" that she said showed up was the Humane Society.

      Dumbass should know by now, after multiple investigations and animal welfare checks, that there isn't an animal control where she lives. All animal welfare calls are taken and followed up on by the state police.
      Then again, she's a liar and wouldn't tell the truth even if she did know there wasn't an animal control.

      I have a good feeling about this investigation, LS!
      I am hoping this is the end of the abuse for the hawk and future hawks and the horses.

      They should definitely re-home the dogs as well. If she can't have livestock, horses or hawks, she should not have any other animals either.

    2. "Luckless Slinger"March 1, 2020 at 9:10 AM

      WDH. I'd appreciate it if you'd email: I'd like to discuss the issues with you if that's okay. I need your advice. Thanks.

  39. Other than issues with sub-par animal care (which I cannot excuse from a college-educated, able-bodied adult) the really sad aspect about FFF is her squandered opportunities.

    I didn't originally read her blog, but when I went back to earlier posts I could see an enthusiasm and zest-to-learn that are simply no longer there. It likely was a case of a little fame going to her head, but since she quit her job and became a "full time farmer" (laugh) alone on the mountain (laugh) she has become less interesting and less self-reliant (unless begging for money is a homesteading skill set).

    Who wouldn't want to read about her learning to use tools, build proper fencing and diagnose her POS truck that she promised investors would be "easy to fix"? Readers would enjoy hearing she took a real job (even part-time) where we could meet interesting characters through her.

    But no. She does the same thing day in and day out. And she's clearly bored with her life. Now, any bump in the road becomes a huge obstacle, and she needs money (from others) or friends to fix it for her. In the meantime, she pouts or cries, or wants to curl up under the covers, and whines how she doesn't have money to fix whatever bit of adversity presents itself. It seems she only has interest in wolf memes, Netflix, Taylor Swift and hipster collectibles. In what world does she think she'd be prepared for adversity?

    She didn't train her horses, and she doesn't trim feet or do her own shots. Her riding amounts to trodding the same route up and down a hill. Her sheep and goat raising skills (based on survival rates of lambs) are laughable. She PLANS to lose up to 50% of her chickens to predators. It seems she can barely manage pigs. Her property is rotting away. She is unsuccessful as a hunter or fisher and she's too house-bound (hello, social media and Netflix) to garden.

    Since she reads CAST, here's free advice to better her situation. For the foreseeable future (up to next five years), get rid of the animals. Form a co-op and let others, better accomplished, raise them. She can act as agent and take a cut for providing advertising / getting sales. Pember Patty would be a perfect partner. I know she relies on cute animal photos and stories to keep the "feral farmer" brand going, but trust me, her readers won't care about the difference. If she takes oodles of close-up photos and drops them here and there (like she does now) she can continue that fake "farmer" narrative.

    Then, she must improve design skills. Update them. Build that website. Have experiences that are worthwhile to read about. A story about becoming the woman you are depends on the woman being a fascinating person...or a top-notch writer...and unfortunately at this point she is neither. She damaged her potential when she quit learning and growing. How sad when someone who barely grasps a skill feels she "knows it all" and parades her lack of knowledge - and even offers to teach it for $$$.

    It's not too late to turn it around. Everyone likes a success story. But make it a genuine success, not faked and not with collateral damage she currently has - in animals and deterioration of property.

    1. Unfortunately, she's too narcissistic, petulant, and mentally ill to take your sage advice, or anyone else's for that matter. I can't count how many knowledgeable, caring people have reached out to her for years. Yet she only becomes defensive, and appears stuck on being stubbornly stupid.

    2. Very good advice and a nice "life plan."

      However, she will never, ever do any of it because it would take the dreaded four-letter word: W-O-R-K.

    3. Very well said, PoodleDiDoo.

      I also hope that she turns things around and lives up to the potential she had. That was more enjoyable to read about.

      Yes, every great story has trying times or tragedies, but when it dominates the narrative, most will bail when there is no foreseeable change to that anytime soon.

      Her story started out with her being an eager learner trying to better herself. That had morphed to constant drama, begging, fear, etc over the last 5 years or so.

      If her motto is "live like fiction", then she (as the heroine of her own story) truly needs a drastic change to grow as a character, and to get out of this rut she's in, so she can have that happily ever after she's wanting (where she's thriving and successful, not constantly behind and worried).

      Whether or not that means she starts pushing tons of books out under a pseudonym (self published), she sets up a legitimate website to sell her skills, or even picks up a work from home gig or a job bagging groceries a few days a week at a local store- somethings gotta change! And people would read about it because they would be more able to relate to someone pushing themselves out of their comfort zones to make ends meet, rather than reading the same old sob story over and over again, from a once successful and respected author, while aggressively shoving her products and pay pal button down everyone's throats.

      She's still young and healthy enough to turn things around. Quite frankly, I'd be willing to cheer her on if she did.

      I'd love to be a successful author while having a self sufficient homestead. That's why I was drawn to her blog in the first place. That's my current goal that I'm working towards, even though time and money are tight (meaning I can only do a little here and there as I'm able to), but that's my dream and I'll work my butt off to make it a reality.

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    4. Mostly posted this reminder because many readers (including CAS, CASToo, and CASTruths) have honestly tried to help the Faux Feral Farmer over the years. Her current crop of supporters and enablers are no doubt unaware of her long history at using animals and a rural narrative to generate money.

      Members of our group sent money & gifts, bought products, had friendships and offered business counseling. At some point, they realized their relationship was too one-sided and since FFF refused to listen to good advice and/or wanted continual handouts, they gave up on her.

      Even today, FFF presents herself as a victim because it garners sympathy and donations. "Buy my soap, so I can feed my hawk." "Buy art so this farm can survive." "Support this small town farmer trying to survive in a mean I'm world." "Help me because I live alone on a mountain."

      Of course, her business model is a numbers game. She chases social trends, then posts timely or provocative quips in hopes someone will visit her page and get hooked by her story. If she hits right, they soon see sad stories, pleas for financial help and they donate money. One of our members wrote that CAF followers get "tethered to her potential" by the dramatic stories. She's "so close" to getting another book published... she's "almost able" to have the farm secure... she's 3/4 of the way to pay the mortgage. These tactics are well known and they're used by scammers and con artists everywhere.

      Our FFF's admitted many times that she likes the attention. She calls herself a "Public Figure". She famously told readers she wanted a movie or TV show done about her. She reminds readers she's not poor, she's "broke", but she'd rather live in a cardboard box under a bridge than work for someone else. She drives a hipster truck. She lives adjacent to a trendy upstate NY town, popular with weekenders who hike, bike and shop. She has neighbors and is within walking distance to the town.

      Her narrative changes all the time. She knows most people only glance at posts, and few research history to understand the full story. She's changed identities, religions and interests quite often. She's been a fierce warrior, but is afraid to get a roommate. She invites strangers to go hiking or riding, but claims she's terrified of others. She raises money to pay her insurance, then states she's a rural woman without insurance.

      It goes on and on. Ad infinitum and ad nauseum.

    5. I know former friends of hers in Cambridge, and they've told me that she's completely fake. Her life is lies. She might've started out with good intentions, but she's learned that helplessness and begging works.

    6. Anonymous and PDD, you are spot on. She want something as long as she doesn't have to do the work (or too much of it) to achieve it. She's like a cat with a sparkly item in her view...she goes after it, but once she has it and it's lost it's sparkle, she's on to the next thing. Hubby and I have seen this firsthand.

    7. Narcissistic Sociopaths think only of themselves and are not capable of taking any living creature's feelings into account.

      Everything is used to promote themselves.
      They will even announce they that they are being investigated for animal abuse because in their deranged minds they believe it garners pity for themselves.

      In reality it makes the very few people who are not aware of her past and present animal abuse and scamming suddenly aware and asking questions.

      She is essentially spreading the word about her many misdeeds for us.

  40. Tweet Bleats:

    "Yesterday I went to @PPFA
    for a full health checkup, breast exam, pap, concern over an infection and counseling. As a rural woman without health insurance this place is a godsend. Affordable health care, pristine office, amazing staff. Even the music was good. So grateful."

    Well, we know that the "counseling" isn't because she wants to have her own kids. Poor baby doesn't have "health insurance," a "trust fund," or "direct deposit" for her "double digit bank account." Looks like she needs a new sugar mama.

    1. Since she's a "proud lesbian now" maybe she should've said "goddess-send." Although she seems to like male aliases.

    2. A proud lesbian posing as a man, Julius Lucas, online.

  41. I have horrible ovarian cysts that wreak havoc on my body every few months, and all my friends know it because it's the reason I have to cancel plans or leave parties suddenly, etc.

    But...i don't think i would take to Twitter to announce that i have an infection. TMI, JFW.

    1. I think that mentioning the "infection" is a set-up for more begging later on when her followers' funds run out.

    2. She is one nasty heifer.
      I thought the same thing. Begging is much more important than self respect to her- per usual.

      She will probably announce a vag infection with her twisted way of thinking that will make people think she's having lots of sex.

      When in reality it will only confirm how she is lacking in any sort of personal hygiene. One only needs to look at her to know that she is infected.

  42. "saved $50 cash aside by taking $10 cash back at places like the grocery store when shopping with my debit card."

    This is my absolute favorite thing about her goals. I wish I had known I could save money by shopping as normal plus getting extra cash!

    1. Yeah, she's great at "goals" like saving money. Which is why she's always begging for funds.

    2. Sounds like day drinking once again.

      She always has money for alcohol. Always.

  43. For newbies to the shit show. Don't believe what we're saying? Try this search:

    You'll find a lot of information on her background.

    1. Interesting... Like how she rates her own books...

  44. ""Yesterday I went to @PPFA
    for a full health checkup, breast exam, pap, concern over an infection and counseling. As a rural woman without health insurance this place is a godsend. Affordable health care, pristine office, amazing staff. Even the music was good. So grateful."

    Sounds like she wants something for nothing. It's not like she lost her job or is disabled and cannot afford health insurance. She is college educated and quit and job and has chosen a "life no one understands". She expects others to pay her bills, period. When you get free or low cost health care, it is because someone else is paying for it, whether in taxes or charitable donations.

    She is not unable, she is unwilling.

    There are a few ways of looking at socialism. One is that people pool their money together to get benefits they could not afford on their own. Think public schools, libraries, health care in the form of insurance, police, fire, roads, etc.

    She does not want to contribute to any of those, yet she wants the benefits. I doubt she pays much or anything in the way of taxes. She doesn't pay for health insurance. Yet she wants all the benefits, and dammit, the government shouldn't make her chose between her mortgage and her body! It is her right and she shouldn't have to pay for it!

    1. What she didn't mention- the staff had to don hazmat suits and close the office afterward for a deep cleaning so as not to spread the Pig Shocker infection!

  45. So unemployed, body odor and an infection? Hmmmmmm sounds like someone I could date said NO ONE EVER!

  46. Pay attention to me for nothing:

    "This is the smile of happy farmer in the wild"

    There goes that gaping grimace complete with tongue. What a tasteless twat.


    "Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010. It's been tough. Done without a partner, family assist, govt assist, inheritance or a trust fund. I make a living now writing, farming, and making art. Your sales & contributions keep the lights on."

    Those "contributions" mean free handouts. And she "bought" her hovel with a government assisted USDA loan. She "trusts" that stupid people will help her "keep the lights on."

    1. She is not capable of looking any other way in her photos because she is very unattractive.

      She has begged online for years and way before she purchased her hovel (which was a decent enough place before she let it go to total shit).

      She has asked for donations to pay every bill she owns, every car repair she has had and every medical bill and veterinarian bill she has had.

      Every single one.

      It goes to show how mentally ill she is that she refuses to acknowledge that she would have NOTHING had she not begged and scammed for money constantly over the years.

  47. "Anxiety is a Lesbian Right."

    None of the lesbians that I know are "anxious," because they work to support themselves like normal adults. They don't whine about "Wolves are at my door!" again, and not having "direct deposit banks accounts." And they don't beg online for a living.

    1. Pig Shocker is severely mentally ill and it has ZERO to do with her supposedly being a lesbian.

      I say supposedly because she adapts her religious beliefs and her sexuality to whichever she feels at the moment will generate the most cash donations and provide a reason as to why she is being "picked on."

      Truth is, we, as a collective group on this site, detest animal abusers and people who scam generous people online.

      We could not care less about her religion or sexuality, which she changes often.

  48. I feel so sorry for the cute little chick in the instagram picture. It'll be dead and/or mistreated before the year is up. What'll it be? Dog, cat, coyote....?

    1. It could even end up frozen in her driveway like that poor chicken. But she isn't an animal abuser out of negligence. Right.

    2. It's probably not even her chicken.

      Here she has ANOTHER animal neglect investigation going on and she's posting pics of chickens.

      Yet again, she could care less if anyone knows that she is an animal abuser.

      However, you can bet that if someone posts the truth about how nasty looking she is on this site, her fat little fingers are smoking because she's posting on here so quickly.


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