Happy Groundhog's Day!

Of course in Jenna World it's Groundhog Day everyday.


  1. From twitter -
    Jenna Woginrich
    If one more person with a direct-deposit regular income who shares bills with a partner or family tells me "I try to sell things too much" on here I'm going to plunge my face into a snowbank and bitescream.

    Again, just wow.

    1. And just how the hell does she KNOW that these people have partners or families, direct deposit, or anything else about them? Just because people might have direct deposit, doesn't mean they have a steady income. I'm self-employed, have direct deposit, but my income varies wildly. Thing is, you don't see me begging on the internet for someone to pay my bills. She need to quit dissing the very people that have supported her, and GROW THE FUCK UP!


    2. Lol, glad to hear some of her sycophants are tired of her non-stop sales begs...and letting her have it.

  2. Last night, FFF posted "I'm bored! "and took questions from her adoring fans. Someone asked "Why don't you talk about farming more?" FFF replied: "I've been farming over ten years now. So, the same reason why people you know that have been married a decade don't talk about their honeymoon whenever they see you."

    In other words, dummies, she's OVER farming. Let that sink in.

    1. She must've deleted that stupid tweet because I couldn't see it.

    2. Instagram story. This is her new ego-zone.

    3. That doesn't even make sense if you breakdown what she's saying. No, married people do not talk everyday about their honeymoon, but the DO talk about their marriage. And the farming equivalent of a honeymoon would be say, the the day she bought the farm. So it would be understandable if she no longer talked about that day (which she actually does all the time, lol). But instead she doesn't talking about the farming...cuz she isn't really doing any.

  3. Her base consists of people with direct deposit regular income.

    1. And also her base consists of dumb enablers and sycophantic followers.

  4. Get a fucking job idiot. That way people won't tell you "you sell things too much." Guess what? You do. Also having a direct deposit regular income is what most people have these days. Why don't you try it?

    And go ahead and plunge your fat face into a snowbank; fine with me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Professionals post interesting content, with link in bio that connects to their website or store. Not FFF, who posts to collect $$$ and addresses of soft-hearted (or gullible) marks.

  5. Wow. Just wow. She’s had several great jobs with major companies that offered good salaries and great benefits. Steady income and direct deposit to boot. No begging required. Not only did she throw those jobs away but kicked her former employers in the face.

    And now she has the gall to diss the very people who support her, who are probably wondering why she won’t get off her lazy ass and stop begging.

    1. well if you think about it there is no real reason to think she kicked those jobs to the curb could be the other way around. I remember when she was on her goat milk kick and she kept taking it in there for EVERYONE to use for their coffee I can imagine not everyone was thrilled with that one, plus there is HER they had to deal with and I am sure she was not showering that much back in that time either.

    2. Anon 6:10 - The lack of showering is a really good point. I doubt she took a shower every single day. Actually, she would need to take two, right? One in the morning after animal chores and before work...and then another later in the evening after a second round of animal chores and before going to bed. That's what normal farmers do I imagine.

      But we are talking about someone who brags about only showering a few times a week. And even if she did shower 1-2 times daily, there would still be the general smell of farm on her clothes, right? Not to mention her truck probably reeks too. Ugh...working with stinky people sucks.

  6. It looks like JFW was wrong about her stupid speculations as to whether her crush, Taylor Swift, was gay or not. TS was seen sporting an engagement ring recently. I guess that the fat femme faux farmer will have to cyber stalk another celebrity.

    1. nahhh she will take it as a coy move to throw people off. Secretly TS really wants the FFF but for now they must keep it a secret.

    2. Looks like she's already stalking a new celeb, as she re-tweeted something about Shakira talking about a "she wolf" in a closet and to let it out so it can breathe. As usual, the Pig Shocker tries to make it all about herself and trying to "gay" it up.

      In reality, here's what Shakira had to say about the title of her She Wolf album: "A 'She Wolf' is the woman of our time. The woman who knows what she wants and is free of prejudice and preconceived notions. She defends her deepest desires with teeth and claws like a wild animal."

      Also, there's no evidence that Shakira has dated anyone other than men. But the PS will surely try to challenge that notion. Shakira, please accept our apologies in advance.

  7. now she is worrying weather or not to drink on Valentines Day (we KNOW she will) with her "date". Oh good heavens she sounds like a 14 year old. Oh and if anyone is waiting on a pet picture she is working just as hard as she can but not on the weekends that is D&D time for her. You know all almost 40 year olds need to play D&D. Thank heavens this woman has never reproduced could you imagine a more screwed up child (the little one not the grown up one).

    1. She is not working on pet portraits because she is selling $20 hastily drawn sketches. Those prepaid pet portraits will have to wait. In Jenna’s world, the last shall be first.

    2. I don't understand why she's NOT drinking heavily everyday because if I were her, I'd need to be shitfaced 24/7 to deal with the reality that I'm a washed up online panhandling animal abusing loser.

  8. I don't understand how FFF can keep generating lezwolfmemes using uncredited photos of wolves. She's done 100+ posts and a lot of "stories", but wolf photos show no credit. Isn't this unethical or maybe even illegal??

    I know the posts are intended to be humorous or social commentary, but since the original photos aren't hers, do the owners have a legitimate complaint about someone misappropriating their IP?


    1. uuummmmm PoodleDiDoo the key word being "unethical" she can't even pronounce that word let alone think about it. Would never cross her mind.

      Saw her new pic out of a Monday when she should be working on her um "art" but nope she was out hawking in full make up!!! What a joke.

    2. I don't get it either, unless they are not copyrighted. Or she may be lifting them off a free stock image website.

      Over in Europe the entire EU, in a move to crackdown on piracy, created a law that is so broad it would devastate the meme world as meme creators would be breaking the law by just grabbing any old photo which is how most memes are made. There was a huge uproar about this and I don't know of they enacted this law or not.

  9. Some questions: I haven't posted in days for a couple of reasons, primarily because when a thread here goes past 200 posts, the page just doesn't load properly or show any comments past 205 or so and also I'm not able to post because my post just disappears. Does this happen for any of you also? And since I wasn't able to read the newer 40+ posts, did I miss anything shocking?

    The other reason is cuz my 18 year old cat kinda peed on my laptop. He's old and getting rather confused so I watch him closely, but he did it when I was asleep. So my laptop is momentarily unusable -- but I didn't beg online strangers to buy me a new one -- instead I'm going to use my big girl savings account money to have it fixed. In the meantime, I using a spare desktop MAC, and man, is this keyboard dorky and clunky making it hard to type, and since it's not a MAC keyboard I can't figure out how to make the emoji page pop up. But I remember giving instructions awhile back on how to do it with a PC keyboard but can't remember when. Does anyone have a ballpark idea when we started using emojis here? Cuz I think what I posted is in that thread.

    1. Oh, Anon7, I'm sorry about your cat. Poor, poor kitty. Older pet confusion/incontinence is hard. Hang in there (and keep laptop where kitty cannot reach). I don't remember emoji origin story, thinking about a year since we had them?

      I lost three posts, thought it was me and never copied text before posting. Didn't give any warning before content disappeared. Poof! Gone.

    2. when comments hit about 200 at the bottom of the page left hand side (I know nothing about computers and feel like a fraud offering advice but I figured this out several months back and about broke my arm patting myself on my back) it will say in small letters load more and it will load onto the next page and there will be how ever more comments including yours. Go back to the older post and give it a try and a high 5 when you figure it out.

    3. Sorry guys, I read the comments via email and don't see how many there are. They get away from me. If it gets crazy just comment we need a new thread......and there will be.

    4. Anon 8:58, you're right about the "load more", but my comments still disintegrated before publishing. I checked this morning, reading every comment in the previous thread in case I'd missed entries, but They definitely weren't there. It's a puzzle.

    5. Hound Doggy - Sorry if my comment appeared to be complaining, as I was just explaining. (hey that rhymed) and thanks for the fresh new thread!

      Anon 8:58 - Thanks for the tip...I'll try that again as I have used "load more" but I've never seen a second page. It just loads the missing posts onto the same page. I suspect that different browsers are the reason we see different things. Like this new one I'm using, it's so much easier than my other one where I had to change cookie preferences for a log-in screen to pop up, and I had to log-in every time I visited. Today, I didn't need to log-in cuz I already was for some reason.

  10. Another thing: She keeps spamming with the "$20 pencil sketch" tweet, but she's still showing it alongside a full color and ink portrait. According to her she's now done at least 7-10 pencil sketches, so why not take a pic of one of them and post that? Could it be that they look so crappy that no one would want to buy one? It's almost like a bait-and-switch.

  11. If I paid for a pet portrait a month or three ago and am still waiting, then see her working on $20 sketches, I would be super po'd. I wonder if her clients are calling her out on this?

    1. I think the color sketch clients ARE calling her out because there are deleted comments and then she posted “ if you are waiting on a color sketch, those are being worked on as well..” or something in those lines. As soon as I read that I knew someone had called her out, as they should. It’s unprofessional, unethical, and plain wrong.

    2. On 2/1 FFF posted
      " If you have a color and ink portrait already ordered, these are being worked on, mailing out 5 a week! 7 sketches and portraits went out in the mail Thursday! If you need a status update, send a DM!"

      Hmmm. This must be more Dead Animal Farm math.

      She previously wrote she works on at least 3 logos/portraits per day. In her five-day "workweek" (laugh), she could therefore create 15 logos/portraits. But she doesn't. Instead she congratulates herself on sending out 5. Guys??? That's only one-a-day.

      In the meantime, she whips out 5 minute trash sketches.

      No wonder clients who paid $$$ are antsy. Good for them. I hope they report her to FCC.

    3. ^^^^^Someone did the math!

      I really hope that one of those $20 suckers tweets a pic of what they received. I have a good idea of what a half-assed pencil sketch looks like, but I want to see the goods.

    4. She showed one on her instgram... hard to unsee after being seen. $20????

  12. oh my goodness she has retweeted a remark that her pork is "organic"!!! If that is true with the rotten deli meats and donuts then by gosh I have the wrong idea as to what organic means. I could not believe this when I saw it.

    Also she is highly upset this morning about women who ask what something costs and they say they have to check with their husbands. Who is she kidding I remember when she would have given the world for a husband and now a wife so get off your high horse bitch. Person was just shocked at the price of your crap and she was trying to be polite to get the hell away from you.

    1. Yes, says the heifer who has to beg strangers for anything that she wants or needs!

    2. She has used the "check with her husband" attempted insult more than once before. Show her lack of understanding even the basics of any normal human relationship.

    3. Well she hates anyone who is married and happily even more. Very jealous of it.

    4. Here's the obnoxious tweet in all it's glory:

      "Every week a woman asks about buying soap or art or something under $80 and tells me "I have to check with my husband!" instead of saying no thank you. Ladies, everyone knows this is bullshit or you live in the Handmaid's Tale. Stop doing this or get out of your dystopia."

      Not only is she publicly shaming her female fans that are trying to support her, but I was taken aback by the hostility and the use of the word "bullshit" - Really?!? Talk about biting the hand that over-feeds you -- she's straight up calling them liars. And so what if some of these women happen to be in a patriarchal marriage? Some women prefer that for whatever reason. No need to shame their life choices...especially if you don't even know if that's the case. As usual, Pig Shocker needs to STFU.

    5. Sometimes the husband is the sole support of the family. If this is the case, I can understand a woman checking with her husband. Sometimes when a couple is trying to get out of debt or is saving for a large purchase, they check with each other before they spend a certain amount of money. And sometimes it is just an excuse to back out of a purchase.

      In any case, it's none of Jenna's business.

    6. My husband and I have a very equal marriage in every respect, including finances and salaries. I still check with him (read: DISCUSS) most unnecessary purchases because we're on a budget (foreign word to Jenna) and that's the respectful thing to do, and he does the same with me before buying things we don't need. Jenna is the most narrow-minded, judgmental POS I've ever encountered. She wouldn't know what discussing money is like because she's never been in a partnership like that.

    7. Excellent examples, both of you. She's in denial if she doesn't realize that those women are just politely declining to fork over money for her over-priced, weird looking soap.

    8. Right on sister, very well articulated

    9. I'm sorry, but like WHO pays $80 for crappy cartoon mold soap????

      I've bought super nice goat milk soap online from Beekamn 1802 (not far from her little rathole) and it was only like $15 a bar for fancy scamancy soap! How much fancy soap does a person really need? Its all mercy purchases anyway... Let's help the little lesbian urchin on the side of the mountain... oh shesh, what? $60 and $14 shipping???? ah, ah, hey, let me get back to you about that.... (running to the dollar store instead)

  13. I wish there was a way to show you all the "logo" she "designed" for our farm. Jesus, it is pathetic. We paid her for it a few years ago when we were still suckers and felt sorry for her. Paid a hefty price for it too.

    1. Are you on Twitter? @brynner42 still tweets. Send your ugly logo photo to Brynner and then attach a link, so we can see it.

    2. An oldie but goodie from @brynner42:


    3. Alas, I'm not on Twitter. Just looked at the tweet...yup, it's somewhat like that.

    4. I'd love to see it too. Tell us, what was so bad about it? Did she ignore your instructions? Use wrong colors? Was it sloppy and unprofessional? Perhaps it looked like she spent about 10 minutes on it? All of the above?

    5. My hubby and I have a small homestead on a quarter acre and have named it Laughing Lab Farm. Looking forward to the day when we have MUCH more acreage and can put the land to work. So, Jenna was in need of money and was offering a "sale" of logos for $150. I told her we just wanted a pic of a lab laughing with the name on it. Not sloppy, but as I've become more educated (thank you) I can now see it's a graphic she grabbed from somewhere and added the words. Yeah, not sure how much time she spent on it, but it probably wasn't much.

    6. Thanks for replying. That's actually worse than I imagined. And that puny amount of work sounds like something you'd do for a friend...for free. Sorry she bamboozled you. BTW, great farm name!

  14. *Sob* The bleg is real.


    Tuesday, February 4, 2020
    gather wood and sit
    I am grateful for the mild weather most of January gave us. There wasn’t a week of nights 20 below zero. There wasn’t a storm that caused trees to fall or ice coat the farm like a test. There’s been days in the 30s and 40s and mild snowfalls and I have been able to hunt with the bird, do ground work with the horses, and yesterday I even went for a short run outside. Today I hope to walk a 5k with Friday and pick up some hay after the morning client work online. It’s been this every day.

    But what I want, what I hope for? I hope for the kind of security that lets me start planning for spring. The kind of luck that lets me start planning spring chick and seed orders. The kind of luck that lets me sigh and not be behind on the mortgage and scared of losing my home or being scolded by strangers for not doing things the way they have. I hope for the kind of luck that starts saving for a new vehicle. I hope, mostly, for the kind of luck that encourages and invigorates me to write, draw, teach, and make the things that bring the luck I need. I don’t expect luck in the form of any kind of magical gifts. But what I need is the will to make things happen. I think that is what has been lost most of all in these hard winters. The desire to find the version of me that never gave up on her dream. That always figured out the next bill, or the next step, and rewarded herself with jars of strawberry jam she canned or a quiche from her hens’ eggs.

    That person is still here but she’s cold as hell. And she’s trying to gather the energy to make it through the month safely, and it makes all the creative energy I muster and have to go towards other people’s work - logo and pet portraits and art - not my own. And at the end of the day I just want the lights to stay on and the house to remain warm. It’s scary here. And I worry writing about that prolonged scariness will just invite more criticism or the same “Just get a job!? Emails I always get from people that don’t realize I do have several part-time jobs because I don’t write about them here in detail.

    Mostly I don’t write here because I’m not at the place yet where I can be excited about chicks and seeds and I am not sure I will. I don’t know what will happen to me or this farm. I don’t know if I will sell this book. I don’t know what March will be like. But I know today I can work on the people I have planed to work for. I can promote what I have to offer. I can take care of my animals, my home, my body, and be there for my friends. I can do the kind work of being a person not interested in hurting anyone else. I can be patient with people. I can gather wood and sit quietly.

    I am not sure these are the posts you want to read. But I am still here."
    Jenna Woginrich at 10:29 AM

    1. tick.... tick.... tick.... KER-CHUNK tick.... tick.... tick.... KER-CHUNK

      Same ole' broken record.

    2. I think "luck" equates to "poodle bucks"

      Another stupid bleg. Jenna "woe is me Woginrich" has been singing this same song for 3 years now.

    3. Yet Instagram tells another story.....

    4. *sniff* Would someone kindly pass me the Kleenex? That poor dear...

      Pig Shocker said: "ground work with the horses"

      What the hell does that mean anyway? She couldn't mean using them to drag logs outta the woods as all that wood would be wet, right? What other ground work involves horsies?

    5. Ground work is training with horses without being on their backs. Things like moving over when you ask them to. To respect you and not push into your personal space. Manners.

    6. Thanks Karen, for that explanation. Silly me, your first sentence had me picturing horses literally on their backs, lying on the ground. And I was so confused! But I get it now.

    7. “Just get a job!? Emails I always get from people that don’t realize I do have several part-time jobs because I don’t write about them here in detail.

      Ah, well, honey, apparently, those part time jobs are cutting it.

      Part time jobs? Well, tell us about them. if they were real part time jobs and not just hustles, then people would stop talking about you getting a job. duh...

  15. Arrghhh! There’s that most overused word - luck. I know this sounds mean, but I wish she would get zapped every time she used that word. How about substituting “full time job with benefits?” That’s how her poodles are paying their bills. If what she’s doing isn’t working, maybe it’s time to do something else.

    1. Right there with you re the zapping idea. It's annoying because she's using "luck" as a euphemism for "donations" plain and simple. Luck implies something just falling into your lap. It doesn't mean working an honest day to put food on the table. Especially when she has poodles to do that for her.

      When you wish someone "luck" it's because the outcome is uncertain and not entirely up to them. Having the security of a job/regular income IS something that is a certainty, to an extent. But she's too lazy for that and begs for "luck" instead.

  16. I remember when she was po’d at potential clients who couldn’t buy her products because they had car repair bills. How dare they! Only she is allowed!

    1. She is a massive gatekeeper. And she had the nerve to tweet this today:


      Once more, Jenna Woginrich, that responsibility is YOURS ALONE. And it's bad enough that you spam Twitter to buy items of questionable quality, but get rid of the damn donation button. A very soon-to-be middle aged woman should not be begging strangers to help you get your farm thru each and every month. Sheesh.

    2. "Let's"? Last time I looked it was Jenna's house (it's not a farm!). If I'm going to get anyone's house through February, it's going to be mine!

    3. Yeah, it's her usual group effort to support the faux farm. She does this almost every other month. I guess that she missed the adulting classes in college, and never learned it on her own. It's just more of her manipulative marketing. Pity poor little JFW, and help the loser out, PayPal poodles. "Donate, bitches!!!"

    4. Hear, hear Anon 7:18! The nerve she has asking online strangers to pay her monthly expenses in addition to their own. How does she not see this? How does she not care how bad this makes her look? She must be on the spectrum cuz how else could she not understand societal norms and behaviors?

  17. *Me and Auburn (you'd think a righter would know when to use "me" and when to use "I". If you don't know, a handy trick is to take out the rest of the sentence and see if your word choice still makes sense.)

    1. Lol, check out her latest bleg post...one of her other personalities wrote "Auburn and I"

  18. The picture she posted of Mabel 13 hours ago - I do believe that gate is about 4 feet tall. Way to go, Jenna, just let that manure and old hay keep piling up, like you did the goats. Lazy is uncurable.

    1. So right!!! If you look at the 2012 Antlerstock photos, you'll see that the gate Mabel is standing behind is a six-rail gate! Only four rails are clearly visible now. The rest is built,up filth.

      Yes, the Veryork "horse expert" who taught classes in 'Horsemanship 101' has rotted hay and manure built up, just like she did with the goats.

      When FFF feeds her horses, she obviously just waddles far enough to toss hay over the fence...and doesn't clean up afterwards. This is a textbook way for horses to get parasites and stomach problems. Idiot!

      You know, I'm endlessly surprised at the depth of her animal neglect. Guess that means I'm one of many strangers "scolding" her for not doing things my way, so she'll whine and her know-nothing Attagirls will come to her defense. Bottom line is you do not let your animals eat on top of their own filth. Period. If she wants some motivation for future "luck", maybe she should get off her useless rump and clean the areas where her animals are forced to live.

      SMH at this POS.

    2. What was her reasoning again? Something about the compacted hay/urine/poo created some sort of insulation/heat to keep the animals warm?

  19. Twit Shit:

    She's posing heroically with her hawk (latest victim)
    "I grew up to be the kind of woman I was warned about."

    Oh, she must mean one who has the following:

    1. animal abuser
    2. lazy lifestyle loser
    3. untalented artist and writer
    4. dependent on "luck" for survival
    5. unwillingness to work to support herself like a normal adult
    6. critical and opinionated of everyone's opinion that's different from her own
    7. immature and emotionally stunted
    8. pathological liar about almost everything
    9. zero self-awareness and stubbornly stupid

    1. PDD. Her asinine attempts to be flippant and funny are always failures. BTW: I thought of a few more to add to my list:

      10. arrogant asshole
      11. scamming sociopath

    2. Great list! Might I add:

      12. gatekeeping idiot
      13. online panhandler
      14. massive drama queen

    3. Anon7. Your additions are spot-on, thanks! And for those here who hate body-shaming, note how nothing on the list addressed her appearance.

  20. I saw that twit and in a way, she's right. Although I don't mean that in the heroic sense like she does. I mean a lazy, unemployed grifter.

    Don't think any woman would want to be like her.

  21. More lying math from Dead Antler Farm.

    Today she posted the following: "Still offering these sketches at $20 (and free shipping!) selling 5 a day keeps this small farm in feed and hay for a week. Selling 5 more covers the electric bill for the month. It all adds up."

    Let's break down the 💩 💩 💩. She needs $500 per month to feed her *chuckle* farm.

    We know she doesn't give grain or supplements to her horses (it gave them too much energy, she said), so she only feeds hay. If she fed each horse one bale per day = 14 bales per week. In upstate NY, kicker bales like she uses probably cost $5-6 per day. 14×6=$84 per week.

    So she wants us to believe A handful of geese, tiny amount of not-yet-dead chickens and five pigs eat a remaining $400+ per week in food? Hahahaha.

    A 2018 Vermont homesteading family estimated $115 in feed costs for the LIFE of a feeder pig, or about $2 per pig per week. With five pigs, that's $10 per week in pig feed. Now the Vermont family fed actual balanced pig food (not free rotten deli food and stale donuts) for about six months to get to harvesting weight, but it should give you some idea. Not so much $. And as I write this, haven't the pig share customers ALREADY PAID for their pig's food??? In advance???

    Then there's the cost to feed a handful of geese? Nah, can't be much. Cost to feed the few chickens not yet eaten by predators? Probably all but $0

    So unless the captive, useless prop hawk is eating a LOT of expensive quail, FFF spends about $100-$120 per week on feed. Expensive enough...but surely not $500 per week.

    SMH again.

    1. But those Taylor Swift limited edition sweatshirts are sooo expensive! And now the "futch" (her hideous new identity label on Instagram) will probably need new clothes for her VD "date."

    2. Correction.
      Oops. My typo mistake in paragraph 3. FFF says she needs to earn $20×5×5 or $500 per WEEK to feed her *cough* farm.

    3. I think it's the 6th pig that eats the remaining $400 in food. BTW, what's a feeder pig?

    4. A Concerned HomesteaderFebruary 6, 2020 at 5:24 AM

      Anon7 a feeder pig is basically a piglet you buy with the intent of feeding it until it reaches butcher size. That's what my hubby and I intend to do with 1-2 pigs a year once we get all the fencing and buildings into place. We don't want, or have enough room, to breed pigs and raise a litter of them.

      We only have 7 acres and intend on having either goats or a cow again for milk. Man, I miss fresh milk! But either way, we are carefully planning out our little homestead and were lucky enough that this property used to be a field that cattle grazed on once upon a time ago... So it was a blank slate. (Unfortunately, that did mean we had to start our homesteading journey all over from scratch.)

      Anyways, careful planning, budgeting and watching expenses (super important since we are a one income family that keeps growing. And no, we don't make a lot of money, we actually fall into the "poverty level" of earned income, but you can't actually tell because how frugal we learned to be. Yay discount outlets and clearance sales!lol), are how we are getting things done slowly but surely. We are not throwing together the cheapest and easiest things either. I'll point out that we are using 8' woven wire deer fencing to protect our orchard/garden area where we will also put a chicken coop to protect them from predators. You gotta do it right the first time and then keep up with proper maintenance to keep it from failing.

      Okay, I apologize, I went off on a bit of a tangent there. Whoops. :)

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    5. I truly appreciate you writing all that. You and everyone else here are rich in farm knowledge and I feel I learn so much here.

    6. A Concerned HomesteaderFebruary 7, 2020 at 5:52 AM

      Your welcome Anon7.

      I'm not afraid to admit, I learn something new all the time and seem to find new challenges that must be overcome. Whether it's bugs and critters wiping out my garden that I need to figure out how to manage, too much rain one year causing 100% ground saturation where we realize we need to reshape part of the field so it drains and doesn't become a bog that our future livestock will get stuck in, or overcoming my fear of pressure canning to put up more food for our family cheaply and more nutritious than store bought foods... I keep encountering new and unique things to learn, and I've been doing this for almost a decade!

      I'll also admit I still read tons of homesteading books and magazines as well and I'm always discussing different information and ideas with my husband. There is such a wealth of information out there that I'll probably still be reading and learning when I'm 80! Lol.

      Yeah, I'm a nerd. ☺

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    7. Hi A Concerned Homesteader,

      Nerds always appreciated on this site. I enjoy your comments and love that you understand rural living is a process -- there's always something to learn. Also, it's great that you plan ahead to prevent problems - water management/runoff control is a big aspect of successful farming. For non-farmers (like Anon7), the problem with wet ground is animals can get significant leg and foot problems if required to stand on wet ground. Flies breed in damp conditions; mosquitoes breed in wet conditions and parasites live longer in damp surroundings.

      Like you, we spent a lot of time thinking about how to manage our surface water runoff. We live near the top of a hill, and while one would think this is ideal - it isn't. We have very little topsoil, mostly bedrock, and so there isn't "water absorption" from a thick base of soils. It was especially bad near the farm animals. After speaking with local people and state experts, we contoured land around the barns, added drains and added all-weather ground cover, so animals NEVER have to stand in water (or mud).

      It's critical for farmers to learn from others and to only make mistakes ONCE. The health and lives of animals depend on us. That was one of the first things that struck me as "odd" about FFF - her unwillingness to listen to other more-experienced readers. It made no sense to me; then, after googling her, I realized "live like fiction" scammed people and probably allowed or even created bad situations with her farm/animals, so she could play the victim and collect pity buys and donations.

      It's a sad and BAD situation at Dead Animal Farm.

    8. A Concerned HomesteaderFebruary 8, 2020 at 11:32 AM


      Thank you. ☺

      Agreed. You have to know your property and plan accordingly. Learning to homestead a property that gets so much rain that you have standing water is sooo much different than the high desert climate I grew up and lived with for most my life.

      You definitely don't want to keep making the same mistakes, it's a waste of time and money for sure.

      Even if she doesn't agree with the advice, there is usually merit to at least hearing it out and thinking about it. You never know if someone can offer a new perspective you hadn't thought of that can make things easier and work more sufficiently overall.

      I used to enjoy reading her blog because she was ahead of me in my journey in homesteading, but now it just makes me sad to see the rut she's settled herself into. She had such potential, but would rather blame fear for her failings than to step up and fix things in order to make them better.

      -A Concerned Homesteader

  22. The Scrappy Scammer:

    "Spent the day free-ranging pigs, loading hay bales in the truck, repairing barn lighting, buying feed, blanketing a mare, planning spring meat bird orders and lambs... and yet because the farm is only a 1/2 my income I still feel like I'm not a real farmer.

    Who did this to us?"

    What a fucking joke. She "did" it to herself because the FFF runs a faux farm. JFW is just looking for more unearned kudos from her sycophantic followers and dumb enablers. What about the endless hours she wastes posting stupid tweets about Taylor Swift's sexuality, being a rutting "futch," and making childish @lezwolfmemes? The irresponsible twat is accountable for all of her asinine actions. It's no wonder why she'll be single the rest of her lonely lifetime.

    1. Free-ranging pigs? Doesn't that mean they just roam around on their own? How would that create any work for her? Opening a gate or two?

      Her barn has electricity and she's doing the work herself? Bye, bye barn.

      As for the lezwolf instagram, she's really making an ass out of herself over in queerland. I'm embarassed for her and almost kinda feel sorry for her. Many of those hashtags are super cringy. It's like she's furiously waving her arms at the popular kids, just begging to be noticed and accepted. She needs to calm down.

    2. LS. Indeed. 👋👋

    3. Anon7, feeder pigs are slightly older pigs that are fed during summer, usually to be butchered in the fall. With good food, their growth is fairly predictable. PS probably cheaps out on food, expecting them to forage for their own, supplemented by free rotten deli food and stale donuts. Really organic, huh?

      Here's an interesting address on costs to raise pigs:


    4. Interesting link, thank you. I swear, I've learned so much from all you Shammers. Even without any experience, I feel I'd make a better (and kinder) farmer than the Shocker we call Pig.

      From the link: "Raising pigs during the winter is less efficient due to extra feed required to keep the pigs warm, and a lack of garden waste to supplement their diet."

      Wow, so she's doing it all ass-backwards. This is solid proof that Ma Wog dropped baby Jenna on her head. Like a dozen times.

  23. Our favorite pretend farmer is ramping up her victimhood and tweeted the following, which prompted a response from an actual farmer.

    "Spent the day free-ranging pigs, loading hay bales in the truck, repairing barn lighting, buying feed, blanketing a mare, planning spring meat bird orders and lambs... and yet because the farm is only a 1/2 my income I still feel like I'm not a real farmer.

    Who did this to us?"

    She received an idiotic response suggesting we "blame the patriarchy", and then JustTracey wrote:

    "When I was farming, we both worked off farm.  Him, full time, and me part time, I think a lot of farmers have too."

    Almost tripped up, FFF had to take back the narrative with:

    "Right, mostly of us have to supplement our income. But when did the idea that doing so made you less of a farmer?"

    How sad for Pig Shocker that JustTracey didn't play victim. Instead, JustTracey replied:

    "Maybe the big producers/cash croppers considered us less, but almost all my fellow cattle breeders have their main income off farm.  I bred Berkshire Hogs, sold about 40 a year, and made $11,000 after expenses.  For sure needed more than that to live!"


    JustTracey was too polite to say what I'll say: when you aren't actually running a farm, you aren't a "farmer".

    Pig Shocker's two horses, two dogs and captive hawk are neglected pets. They aren't used on the farm, so their food, hay, supplies and time spent are NOT farming.

    As for her pretend farm of five pigs? She spent the day "free ranging pigs". WTH does that even mean? Guess it's purple prose for "opened the barn door and let pigs run in the back yard".

    Planning spring meat bird orders and lamb orders. Oh FFS. She's going to buy a box of baby chick fox food and she'll scour CL for cheap orphaned lambs. Who is she kidding?

    I might agree that repairing barn lighting = farming, except we never heard a woe-is-me story about failed lights, so I'm pretty sure she plugged in the barn lamp or changed a light bulb.

    All in all, usual Pig Shocker 💩.

    However, THE most interesting part of the whole exchange was when JustTracey wrote that she only made $11,000 after expenses on 40 hogs they need and raised. In her best year, Pig Shocker has something like six animals total for sale. Unless she suckers kind hearted people into paying WAY too much for their meat shares, or she has ZERO expenses, she can't be living off that income.

    More Dead Animal Farm math at work??.

    1. PDD. Once again, "Great minds think alike." Your comment posted shortly after mine. We have her nasty number.

    2. LMAO...wow, indeed. Good on JustTracey for letting her have it. Totally cracked up at "baby chick fox food" -- sad but true. We still don't know whatever happened to those 150-200 baby chicks that one year.

    3. Sometimes I wonder if she feeds those baby chicks to the hawk. I was checking the price of frozen quail online (not cheap) and noticed they also sell bags of frozen chicks for hawk food.


    4. I'll bet you're right, as making any effort to do things the right way is not in the Pig Shocker's mentality or game plan. I shudder to imagine all the horrible shit that goes down on that farm with those poor animals. We only know about what she admits to in her writings. Just imagine all the cruelty that she doesn't talk about.

    5. "Just Tracy" is the Twitter name of the Canadian woman who successfully raised and bred hogs. (Sorry for my earlier typos). I looked at her Twitter and, wow, she raises beef cattle and gardens. THIS is what farming is about!

      But, as point of clarification and for the record, you can be a farmer if you farm a miniscule/huge piece of land, raise animals, use hydroponics or grow whatever you want. Real farmers care about their land and livestock, and they take the best possible care if both. Pig Shocker uses animals as social media props. She doesn't practice sound land/animal management, and this is why she must never consider herself a "farmer", feral or otherwise. She is more akin to a locust, using up and destroying what is already there. The farm is a lesser place with her on it.

    6. ""Spent the day free-ranging pigs, loading hay bales in the truck, repairing barn lighting, buying feed, blanketing a mare, planning spring meat bird orders and lambs... and yet because the farm is only a 1/2 my income I still feel like I'm not a real farmer."

      I mean, how long would any of that responsibly take? I have 11 horses, so I know a thing or do about blanketing mares, loading hay, buying feed, and fixing barn lightening. I'm not sure what exactly "free-ranging pigs" means, aside from maybe letting them out of the barn and checking fences, which might take (let's be generous) 20 minutes if the snow is deep. Loading hay bales INTO the truck?? Shouldn't it go into the barn? At any rate, that might take an hour, depending on how far you're transporting each bale and how deep the snow. I've had to drag bales on sleds to get from the snowed-in barn to my herd, so it can be time consuming. But I doubt she has more than a dozen bales.
      Repair barn lighting? 20-30 minutes?
      Buying feed? Again, 30 minutes to the store and back?
      Blanketing a horse? C'mon, that takes 10 minutes.
      Planning spring chicken and lamb orders? You're not running Tyson here, Jenna. Buy a dozen for meat and a dozen for the predators and you're good.
      So we're looking at, what? maybe 3 hours of "work" if we're being extremely generous? Most of us here do all that and more after working our 9-5s and with juggling kids and other obligations. Anyone here want to pay for my mortgage? I'm a scrappy writer with horses too. No? Didn't think so.

    7. FFF wrote: "...loading hay bales in the truck..." . It just occurred to me: is it possible she picks up a few bales of hay, keeps them in the truck bed and NEVER delivers hay to her barn? It's obvious FFF feeds her animals at the front of each paddock, and based on past photos (and manure-hay buildup), she's always done this.

  24. Blanketing a mare? How long does that take? Like 5 minutes. Wow I thought I was busting my butt till I read that. Shes gonna actually add that to her accomplishments list? What a joke!

    Hey Jenna, no matter how pretty you put it, you ain't no farmer.

    1. Yep. You ever notice how she almost never writes about cleaning her house? Well, I guess there was that one time when her sister came to visit and declared that it still stunk. And she also never writes about cleaning her barn. Hint: It's cuz she doesn't. And you can blame Netflix, HBO and podcasts for that. You know, all the things she doesn't say about what she does, says the most about her.

  25. So, of course, the Pig Shocker ended her day on Twitter by re-tweeting this shizz again:

    "Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010. It's been tough. Done without a partner, family assist, govt assist, inheritance or a trust fund. I make a living now writing, farming, and making art. Your sales & contributions keep the lights on. https://paypal.me/JennaCAF"

    Oh lawd...how daft is she that she doesn't realize that if her writing, farming, art were any good, any good at all, that she wouldn't need to beg for sales and contributions? The cautionary tale that is the despicable Jenna Woginrich is what happens when someone stops becoming a person and starts trying to become a brand. All that "famous writer" stuff truly went straight to her head. And for what?!?

    Right now, she's probably sucking her thumb while she tries to fall asleep. And that thumb is no doubt poking around for a new tooth to blame for her next, and inevitable, root canal crisis. You heard it here first.

  26. Why, oh why, aren't many supporting Pig-Shocker-as-Victim in her feral farming fiction? *sniff My gods, people, yesterday she let the pigs out, picked up some hay, changed the lightbulb in the barn, thought about ordering live animals and put a blanket on her horsie!

    Lazy Dog Ranch smartly responded:
    "i don't think any"body" did this to us.  culture and society change and industries change with them.  your identity as a farmer must come from within yourself and not what others may or may not think about you.
    in other words, we become a victim when we let other people influence our identity.  i farm only a small percentage as it equates to income, but my identity as such is large.  the lifestyle, work and time given, values and passion are what give shape."

    1. I just left a link to this blog on Sylvia's site (Lazy Dog Ranch). She sounds like she's far from being "lazy" like the loser, JFW.

    2. I recommend that you check out Sylvia's inspirational story. She's the polar opposite of JFW, and not much older. This first post doesn't even mention "luck" once. And also compare her 30 acres as a single woman owner to the FFF's measly 6. (Which she does nothing with except devalue each year.)


      And this second one is a bit about her background. Although she's had tragedy in her life, losing a life partner at a young age, she's still strong, capable and resilient, and she doesn't have her hand out either for donations or a PayPal button on her blog.


    3. Lazy Dog Ranch
      Jan 2
      If you’re looking for a great logo at a good price, I suggest using @ArtbyJonz
      ! She just finished my ranch logo.

      She must not have known about the "great logos" that the FFF does, or she did her research beforehand, and chose an accomplished artist rather than a untalented hack who makes clients wait months before finishing their pre-paid projects.

    4. Thanks for posting the Lazy Dog link. That was refreshing to read the words of someone who lives to tackle life and doesn't ask for handouts. And welp, what she has to say in that first post answers the Pig Shocker's attention-seeking question of being a "farmer" or being "enough" -- conclusion: compared to Sylvia, Jenna is most decidedly NOT. She should spend more time reading truly inspirational blogs like Sylvia's.

  27. Did she really write that half her income comes from the “farm”? I call bs. Maybe she sells a few eggs and gets a little something from pork shares after expenses. And as for “who did this to us?”. Stop blaming everyone for anything that happens to you! If you can’t make a living “farming”, congratulations! You are with all the other small farmers who can’t either.

    1. JFW makes her "living" from being a beggar online, and relying on the sympathy of strangers who aren't aware of her rotten reputation. Yet.

  28. Not a surprise: today's IG video shows that "free ranging" amounts to traipsing out to the barn, dragging open door part-way, then letting animals (pigs and geese) run back to the house, where she's thrown a pile of hay. No sign of fox-food, oops, I mean chickens

    Yep, pigs are running loose in her front yard, next to a state road. Safety first, right? SMH.

  29. Another sad series of posts for new readers. She's so afraid. Cannot make it. Voices of negativity. A few Attagirls are offering well-meaning advice. They are likely new readers.

    How many of her readers know her "farm" consists of five pigs, four geese and few, if any, chickens (50% mortality rate expected at purchase). She doesn't garden, also has no rabbits, sheep, goats or bees.

    She owns two elderly horses, kept as pets, who don't receive supplements or have full shelter, despite living in brutal upstate NY winters. Her hawk should be set free, but is used as a social media prop, as are her two household cats and two dogs.

    She watches a lot of streaming video and fritters time, whether hunting celebrities, chasing TS trivia or creating lezwolfmemes. She's refused good advice from people who have vast experience as rural homesteaders, farmers and/or graphics artists.

    Her income doesn't meet expenses, yet she won't change her "business model". No website. No Etsy. No farmer's markets. Her "farm" isn't listed with the State or County. She's refused to get an outside job, one with a predictable salary and possibly benefits.

    Instead she shuffles through her life doing just enough to get by. Her periodic melt downs seem designed to get sympathy, pity buys and donations (or "luck" as she calls it).

    She's approaching 40, no longer an ingenue at this, and it's time she grab herself by the scruff of the neck and do what she should to put her on firmer footing. And I don't mean begging and cajoling.

    1. Brilliant synopsis you wrote there. It would make a perfect introduction for a tragic novel. And when she says "I'm not looking for advice" she's not kidding. She wants handouts, not yer stoopid worthless advice.

      Meanwhile, check out what her REAL farmer friend Lee is up to:


      Just LOOK at that immaculately clean, tiled creamery room! If Lee threw freshly-made cheese on the floor there, I'd for sure eat it, as he has clearly gone out of his way to create sanitary conditions. Now that's hardwork and dedication for ya. Someone who works their ass off instead of whining like Woginbitch.

    2. Also note that the Pig Shocker is nowhere to be seen in the comments, neither cheering or congratulating her friend -- despite that post being up for 10 days already. Naw, Jenna's too busy seething in jealousy and Googling voodoo doll instructions no doubt.

    3. Anon7, Lee and others are what farming is all about. It doesn't matter how much land you have, it's what you do with the land. For example, Lee applied for and received a grant to expand farm operations, and (hang on to your hats, Shammers) he used it for his intended purpose! His products look fabulous and he works hard to keep them that way.

      I live in a rural area of New England, not that far from FFF. All the farmers I know work full time /part-time outside jobs to bring in a steady income. Even so, some farmers are expanding into new offerings (cheese, ice cream, meats, gourmet chocolates, baked goods, expanded CSAs, restaurant hydroponic veggies), but they almost all use their outside income to stabilize their finances while they diversify or expand. And never do they bit** and moan publicly.

      For FFF to turn getting a meaningful outside income into something shameful or an existential crisis is absurd.

      I don't care how many "part time gigs" she claims to be working. If she isn't earning enough money to be self-sufficient, she's doing it wrong! She needs to raise income, or lower expenses as many have tried to tell her. And if her current ways of raising income don't work she needs to do something different, not more of the same. Like the rest of the farming world, she could even (doh) get a job.

    4. Exactly. Whittle off what isn't working is her best bet. Pick one of her "jobs" that makes the least money and try something different. Kinda seems like she's given up on pushing archery and fiddle lessons. People can only buy so much soap and pet portraits. Time to expand in one of the ways you listed above. Sagging sales means you need new product. Period.

  30. Twitter Twadle - "Stupid Stuff Jenna Says" edition:

    "Zero respect for anyone who still supports this president. Zero."

    And one of her foollowers replied:

    "How sad - This President gives me massive heartburn, but I can usually muster at least 20-50% respect for almost everyone I have deep philosophical differences with, based on the other good things they are doing with their lives. Unfollowed; goodbye……"

    Lol, what a way to alienate people and lose support. Can't wait 'til Trump lovin' Mama Wog reads that her daughter has zero respect for her. Zero.

  31. Just now on twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich
    All my work is based on lack: not earning enough, not thin enough, not producing enough, not growing the farm enough, not enough.
    Show this thread

    Jenna Woginrich
    Part of me is worried that constantly being anxious I'm not doing enough is the negative rocket fuel that forces any productivity out of me at all. Another part of me wishes I could do nothing for 3 days straight. (I haven't done this in the last 12 years.)
    Show this thread

    Jenna Woginrich
    Today I farmed, worked on two logo projects, packaged soap orders/made soap, updated the blog, ran a 5k, split and carried the wood that heats my home, changed my sheets, worked on illustrations, managed emails, and prepared for this storm. It isn't enough to feel like enough.
    Show this thread

    Jenna Woginrich
    Because I'm behind on the mortgage and owe art and updates to a lot of people I never feel okay, caught-up, or that I'm doing enough. Lists help, daily goals help, not drinking helps. But I constantly feel like I don't deserve to be here because of how damn hard it is.

    1. Yeah these updates are frustrating as fuck. “Not asking for advice-“

      YOU SHOULD BE. And you should take the advice given and GET. A. REAL. JOB!

      Get rid of one or more if your “gigs” and GET A JOB yes with a direct deposit paycheck and set hours with set pay.

      Also changing the sheets makes the list of accomplishments???

      Shit, Jenna, most people do not need to pat themselves on the back for standard, totally basic, normal chores that literally every grown adult in North America does.

      I mean, sorry, what you’re doing is NOT enough,and is the WRONG stuff! Sort your shit out, girl!

    2. Something that wont ever come out of her mouth- getting a job helped.

      She will do everything but work for a living. She's definitely earning that cardboard box that she will spend her later years in...

    3. Methinks she stalks real farmer's pages and sees all that they accomplish, some single people, with more land, more animals, more everything, and it is getting to her that she does NOTHING compared to them. I can understand how she feels she's not a farmer, because she isn't one! Well, except a �� farmer!

      As someone else said, her friend Lee is killing it! I wish I lived in that community just to buy his stuff, it looks awesome. And there are many small farms in her area doing really awesome growing and producing on a very small scale. She knows she's not one of them.

    4. Well, if you list "not drinking helps" as a reason you are slightly less behind on deliverables, you have a big problem.

    5. Funny, how not being "thin enough" was on the fat ass loser's list, too. The entire tweet thread was a pity ploy for foolish followers to pay for her living expenses.

    6. And it's a blatant lie that she doesn't take time off. She wastes much more than "I could do nothing of 3 days straight" weekly just goofing off with hawk hunting, tweeting bullshit, and making moronic memes that won't earn her any money.

    7. Could you even imagine her putting in a real full day of hard work? Waking up early and doing physical farm-related stuff all day until evening. Outside working the whole time. No breaks except for food and bathroom.

      Like that ratty old barn...has she done any work on it at all in 10 years? It looks the same but faded and worse for the wear. At this point, wouldn't it need to be re-painted or at least protect the rotting wood with water sealant or something?

    8. That barn is only one snowstorm away from collapsing.

  32. Twitter update about the $280 truck repair bill:

    "Paid off half of this with dog sketches, and half I hope to still earn while working towards a mortgage payment, insurance, and all the other farm feed and utility expenses! Buy if you can! Share please!!!"

    First off, how about a "THANK YOU" to those who helped you "earn up" half that bill?

    Secondly, in addition to begging for the other half, did you really need to mention the mortgage, insurance, farm feed and utility expenses in the same sentence? Wow, you are one greedy piece of work, aren't you?

  33. Today I farted, worked on two lego projects, packaged dope orders/made soup, It is enough to feel like enough, SEND THE FUCKIN MONEY

  34. sorry I haven't posted for over a day. I am in mourning and so upset as FFF has zero respect for me and I just can't deal with it. She means so much her respect and her approval after all she is the authority on EVERYTHING. Now I shall go weep in the corner.

  35. When the only way horses can get life-sustaining hay is to move to the front of the paddock (where FFF tosses it over the fence), you can bet they'll leave their crappy pole barn. Oh, and by the way, a roof without sides is not an adequate winter shelter for aged horses.

    1. I posted this after seeing PS post a clip of her horses going through the snow to get hay. OK. But then she added a photo of snow-drenched Merlin with an idiotic note that said:
      "And, Yes, they have a perfectly fine pole barn shelter but never use it unless it's hailing or a torrent of rain. They prefer to stand out in snow."

      Coincidentally, she quickly removed the story soon after I made my comment, because it's so much 💩. The horses have no choice but to go where the food is, and if her lazy rump tosses it over the front gate, that's where they must go! Their "shelter" is a joke, as is her idea of adequate horse care.

      Btw, she replaced her bogus messages with a tight head shot of Mabel. Look for more close-ups as seeing filthy backgrounds is never a good look for a neglectful animal owner.

    2. Wait, so her pole barn has no sides at all? So like a lean-to? I know you once explained it to me, but that was awhile ago and I forgot. Also, even though I don't know much about horses, it seems hard to believe that any animal would prefer to stand outside in very cold weather.

    3. I genuinely don't think Jenna knows what a pole barn is - I think she thinks it's a roof literally held up with poles (ie, no walls). A pole barn is actually a proper barn WITH WALLS constructed from poles. She should google it. Her shelter is completely inadequate for our weather in upstate New York, which included an ice storm, 20 mph winds, and sub-freezing temps yesterday (and it was probably colder where she was, which is north of me).

    4. There was a lot of hoopla when a tin roof was placed on top of poles, with others doing the work (of course). FFF apparently bartered sheep for the work, then posted a bragging photograph of the construction-in-process. She promised next steps were to construct walls for the horses, "hoped" to obtain salvage wood, donated wood, fairy dust (okay, I made that part up) etc. She promised to post Part II of the barn raising when that was done. I even think there was an elderly man who gave her $$$ to help build/finish off the horse barn? Alas, I cannot find ANY photos of the pole barn for the horses, including walls. There is a small pole barn with sides for sheep, but zero for the horses. Also, I cannot find a single photograph showing the horses inside their pole barn, or even standing in front of their pole barn.

      Not surprised there aren't any photos. If the barn closest to her house is so poorly kept, that far away pole barn must be a real disgusting mess. For someone who documents the shit out of everything, funny she never documented her precious ponys' home, isn't it?

    5. Her public images are carefully curated as to only highlight the positive aspects of her hovel and fake farm. When we lived in her area, however, driving by told a very different scenario.

  36. Totally random and off topic question cuz I'm always hyper curious about stuff -- I was messing around on reddit just now and saw this nifty little guide to firewood:


    It basically shows different types of wood, their characteristics, and how they burn. So I was wondering about all of you who buy firewood cords...how does that work? Is there a choice of wood or do you just get whatever they have? Are there shady sellers that try to sell you crap wood that isn't fully/properly seasoned? And if you request a certain kind (like oak) do dishonest sellers try to sneak in a few pieces of bad wood like pine or elm? Sadly, I don't have a need to buy firewood but I'm just wondering.

    1. That chart is very basic, sort of Firewood 101, and obviously written by someone in the East. I'll explain.

      The wood characteristics are somewhat correct, but why did I say it was written by someone from the East? Because here in the West, we burn almost exclusively pine. There are many types of pine, not just the "sappy" ones. We have some some species that burn as hot and create almost as many BTUs as the hardwoods. The coveted pine species here for firewood is Tamarack (a type of Larch). Red fir, Douglas Fir, and Ponderosa Pine are also not bad, along with elm, all of which we have a lot of.

      As for buying wood, I watch Craigslist and also have the names of a couple of guys that make a lot of their living off just selling firewood. These guys go out in good weather with a permit, cut down the trees, split the firewood, and season it for a year to sell the next year (if they're honest). I'm sure there are dishonest people who try to sell green wood, but if you know your firewood, you can avoid making the mistake of buying it. One way to tell is check the ends of the pieces of firewood and look for cracking. That means it dried and cracked some, as opposed to green which would have solid ends. You can also lift it and tell by how heavy it is whether or not it's been seasoned. Green wood will be much heavier because it still contains a lot of water.

      I buy my wood by the cord, and premium, dried Tamarack can be well over $300 per cord. The other woods I mentioned are a bit less. I do find deals on CL for mixed species, and I do take advantage. I've also bought huge truckloads of mill ends for cheap, which are the little scraps of wood from the ends of 2x4s when they're cutting lumber at the yard.

      A full cord of wood is a stack (think rectangle) that's 8 feet long by 4 feet high and 4 feet deep. A face cord or rick cord is 8 feet long by 4 feet high, but only 16-18 inches deep (the length of a piece of wood to throw in the stove).

      Here's a better chart showing the heating power (BTUs) of various types of wood.

      Hope I didn't bore you to death here! LOLOL


    2. Not at all boring! Very interesting to know and I hope some day to live in a cold climate and able to put this info to good use. One thing I found odd about that guide is that it didn't list the same characteristics for each wood. Like it mentioned one that doesn't produce too much smoke...but what about the others?

      The tip about cracking on the ends is interesting. Next time I hit the store I'll be taking a peep at the firewood for sale...you know, for science. Thanks again for writing all that!

    3. Not at all boring! Very interesting to know and I hope some day to live in a cold climate and able to put this info to good use. One thing I found odd about that guide is that it didn't list the same characteristics for each wood. Like it mentioned one that doesn't produce too much smoke...but what about the others?

      The tip about cracking on the ends is interesting. Next time I hit the store I'll be taking a peep at the firewood for sale...you know, for science. Thanks again for writing all that!

    4. We are on the west coast, just a few miles from the border, in Canada, same climate as western Washington. We burn mostly Alder. Basically a weed tree, but burns well and is easy to split. We have about 3 -3.5 acres of 'bush' on our property, and have cut our own wood for 34 years from our own trees. We burn maybe 1.5 cords a year, maybe less. I have never calculated it, but we always have enough to get us through a winter. (Our rows are longer and higher than the 8'x4'x4' regular cord)

    5. Howdy neighbor Karen! I'm in Eastern Washington. We don't have much Alder over here with our very different climate. Nice to see someone from my general area!


    6. DM and Anon7, thank you for the firewood charts. No, not boring at all. I live in Northeast and we use mostly maple and oak for firewood, with occasional ash or elm thrown in. Anon7, it's pretty easy to tell the woods apart once you've seen them (at least NE hardwoods and softwoods). Also, Mother Earth News has a nice summary on seasoning firewood. (FFF didn't write it - lol. Can you imagine her version?).


      While we're on the topic of firewood...at our place we fell our own trees, then cut-up & split firewood. We love trees, but each year 1-3 trees need to be dropped, usually because of wind damage, lightning strike or disease. We use a chain saw to slice trees into 16 inch cross sections and share a logsplitter with neighbors to split wood. Some of these logs are further cut into kindling (fire starter).

      For years I used a hatchet to chop up kindling, and it's easy, but using a small ax carries a bit of a risk. Earlier this year I bought a Kindling Cracker King to split my logs. What a wonderful tool. I give it Five Stars. All that's needed is a 3-pound mallet and wood logs are quickly turned into kindling. No more fussing with a hand ax.

      Here's an Amazon link. There are other brands but I like to keep tools "forever" so I try to get items that have been well-reviewed through multiple sources. Amazon had the best price when I looked.


    7. Thanks PDD! That looks like something I could really use, especially at my age. Ha!


    8. PDD - That sharpening tool is neato! But how do you sharpen the blade when it dulls?

      BTW, I took a look at the firewood for sale at the grocery store. They had two kinds: One called "Almondwood" that looked to be properly seasoned, as the ends were just as DM described. And the other was "Birchwood" and it appeared to be green, as the ends looked freshly cut. Each bundle had about 5-6 foot long logs and were $9 and $11. Seems kinda pricey for just a few pieces of wood.

    9. Anon7, it doesn't have any sharp edges - safe for children. It's a vertical wedge; when you pound on logs, they split apart where they meet the wedge. It's nice to have one less pointy object around the house.

  37. So the Pig Shocker finally posted pics of her $20 sketches and they're worse than I imagined. They are extremely rough sketches...and she didn't even bother to erase the early rendering marks. Unless she is drunk, I can't see how those sketches could take more than 5 minutes. Thus, she should only be charging $5 for that (with shipping included).

  38. There's a saying, "If I always do what I've always done, I'll always get what I always got". Well, she keeps getting the same thing over and over. She thinks if she just does more of what she's always done, she will succeed. Ain't happening. She needs to do something different.

  39. Those pigs look like shit.

    She supposedly had two farrowings in May and June, which turned into 5 pigs. She doesn't castrate. They absolutely have mange, you can see the bare skin around their eyes. You can see frizzed, dull, uneven fur. The video from yesterday showed that they have hair loss along the spine. Mange, nutritional deficiency, general stress. It just breaks my fucking heart. They are not "living the dream".
    And they're over 8 months old now. Should have been up to slaughter weight 8 weeks ago. The gilts are at risk of getting pregnant, or perhaps that's her twisted plan.
    Then by the time the boars are big enough to slaughter, they'll be tainted!
    They need to be taken away.

  40. I had to laugh at the brand new looking ( short on money is she?) latte heating equipment that she packed along on a 2k snowshoe hike. (Instagram) Does she make Friday carry it, I wonder, or what else would be in that dog pack that Friday seems to wear every hike. Most normal people would just stick a hot drink in a thermos.....

    1. Karen. I snickered at the "latte heating equipment," too. She has to drink and eat even when outside for a relatively short time. And it's always annoying how she'll brag about the distances traveled either "mountain smashing" or running (her stupid 5ks). Funny, how no one does that but her unless they're really racing. But what would one expect from the fake farm femme?

    2. I thought the same thing. Brand new snow shoes, brand new looking equipment-and you need money, you say? You are behind on mortgage and insurance, you say? Also, making your dog drag all that around in their back for what, a little more than a mile walk?? Because that’s what “2K” is. And why are we calling distances 5 and 2 K? Attention seeking, that’s all. Glorifying simple mundane things, as per usual.

    3. ‘2K’ also known as 1.24 mile is exactly how far I take my dog to get him to stretch his legs and poop after his supper. Let’s not call that a hike and by gosh, let’s not pack a hiking bag full of BS trinkets to go walk it!

    4. She walked 12 NYC blocks up, and 12 blocks back. Whew. No wonder she had to have a pack dog carry supplies and then stop for a latte break!

    5. It's amazing that her fat ass can even walk that far without huffing and puffing.

    6. But Karen, an ordinary thermos isn't as Instagram-able doncha know?

      Anon 10:51 - She recently posted a short clip of her talking on her driveway and even though she was just standing there, she was huffin' and puffin' away, lol.

    7. That is BRAND NEW camp stove, kettle etc. I bought a similar model of camp stove ages ago. It was a $60 stove setup at the time. Those collapsable silicone cups are at least $5 possibly up to $20, and that kettle is at LEAST $20, likely more. It all matches, and is in pristime condition, no scratches or colouring from use at all.

      Oh and matcha powder is more expensive than coffee.

      It’s a conservative $60 setup there, but could easily be $80-$100.

      THAT is shit she can / should sell to “fix the truck”.

    8. That’s shit she should buy in the first place, if she can’t scrape money together to fix the truck.

    9. Should NOT, lol

  41. Twit Shit (the desperate edition):

    "Since people asked! Here is a link to a blog post explaining pet art, options, prices, etc. Trying to get through this month and between truck repairs and more firewood I'm a couple hundred behind and offering pencil sketches for $20 and free shipping!"

    I don't think that anyone has "asked" her about anything. It's all a bunch of bull, and more of her manipulative marketing.


    "Still offering $20 sketches, get some! Please!"

    And she still won't work to support herself like a normal adult. Her begging is obnoxious and byond pathetic.

    1. beyond not "byond"

    2. Agreed. Emphasis on greed. Any time someone starts off with "since people asked" you just know they're full of shit.

  42. Jenna Woginrich

    "People in therapy are there because of all the people in their lives that refuse to go to therapy."

    If there was ever someone who needed intensive therapy, and also money management advice, it's JFW. I'm sure that her family would applaud her efforts to seek help. It's too bad that they can't stage an intervention for her epic train wreck that's gonna happen someday soon.

    1. What she oughta do is give herself electroshock therapy with her zappy little fence.

    2. There she goes again blaming everyone else for her problems.

    3. Did y’all see the infographic in her insta story earlier, about manipulation? It was the height of lack of insight.

      It said manipulation is placing yourself as the victim, making your problems the problens of others, waiting until the last minute to ask for help with something urgent, withholding crucial parts of a story to curry favour etc.

      I wish I’d grabbed a screen shot.

    4. Anonymous 9:06. Again, she has zero self-awareness, and has no idea how stupid she sounds. She's the very definition of a manipulative, pathological liar. Whoever believes her bullshit stories, without checking her out online first, deserves to be taken advantage of by the FFF.

  43. She is on Twitter claiming the truck is broken down AGAIN.

    Didn't it literally just come back from the shop??

    Maybe her valentine's "date" is with a mechanic.

    1. And what's the purpose of tweeting about it? Why do her foollowers need to know? Ah, so they can donate out of sympathy of course! I'm surprised she didn't slap her PayPal link on that tweet.

    2. I'll say it again. Everything that Jenna Woginrich does in public is all about her manipulative marketing. She's a scheming cunt who has been behaving like this for over a decade.

  44. So what do y'all think the truck's new problem will be? I'm betting it's a cheap alternator problem but the cost to fix it will be high, due to the fact that it's in a hard to get to spot. So like, $348 parts and labor. Get yer wallets out!

    1. Just searched her bleg for "alternator" and looky what I found:

      From 2018: "The truck isn't running. It needs a new alternator, a several hundred dollar repair." And two days later: "My truck is in the shop again, and I am trying like hell to earn up the cash for that. That alternator repair is why I can't repair my wood stove or buy firewood."

      Aaaannnd, she pulled this crap in 2015 too: "So the house needs a plumber and the truck needs to go to the shop - nothing dangerous - just need to repair the hot water and (i think?) the alternator."

      Is it just me or does that truck go thru a lot of alternators?

    2. As many alternators as her and her root canals.

    3. Funny with all those shitty alternators, truck hasn’t needed a new battery?

  45. Again, more crazy bull 💩 to sell her "living like fiction" narrative.

    Last night, FFF posted a WP meme showing Antarctica at 65 degrees, it's warmest temperature ever recorded. That's useful information.

    Then she wrote a note on top. "Not such a bad life choice, huh? Me quitting corporate design for farming in the upstate wilderness with horses, hawks, wells and gardens?"

    WTH? She essentially lives in suburban NYC, a weekenders paradise filled with quirky pubs, restaurants and businesses. She lives on a main road with neighbors on either side. She is NOT on a mountaintop. She is NOT in the wilderness. She barely gardens, if at all. The truth is out there - why must she lie?

    1. I still say she didn't quit corporate design they quit her as in fired. Oh and just where are these vast "gardens"? In her mind? And wilderness? What a possum comes to visit? I know she is n o good as a writer and washed up in that field but lets face it she sure has an imagination that's for sure.

    2. "its"
      I HATE auto correct. It sneakily inserts the grammatically incorrect word after I've typed the correct word!

    3. Her consistent misuse of question marks is annoying and infuriating ("gardens?"). It sounds like she's questioning herself. She can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything, let alone how she really lives in her hovel. And I also believe that Orvis fired her. I think that it's another lie that she quit her career. JFW likes to portray herself as a victim of circumstances, instead of someone stupid who has made bad choices for years.

  46. "Guys?!" Say it ain't so. There are no new morning tweets from Asinine Antler Faux Farm. It's a miracle not to see any obnoxious begging. Yet. Apparently, she's whining at home alone, and scheming on how to mooch money for funds. I also pity her poor VD "date," and hope that she does her due diligence on the animal abusing, serial scammer POS.

  47. Her alter-ego shared another gate-keeping meme.

    Sad she doesn't share it on Dead Animal Farm, so "straight people" can stop reading her and sending her money.


  48. Wake me up when the pipes freeze, is this Season 6 already?

  49. This is sort of off-topic, but I just saw this ad on my local CL. It seems the poster is probably a bit like JW, a very entitled millennial.

    "Eager to learn and hardworking young adult looking for a farm job. Not mucking out horse stalls, but rather learning sustainable agriculture methods :-) Must be close to the XXXX area as I would commute daily. Can't work weekends. Anywhere from 1-4 days a week. Yes I sound picky, but no reason to waste my time with jobs I'm not interested in. I have a lot of things I'd like to learn and add to my previous farm experiences. Email me what your looking for and I'll see if it sounds like a good fit!"

    Geeze Louise... 'Sorry, but I'll only do the 'fun' jobs, not the actual day-to-day grunt jobs. I'll leave those jobs to you, the real farmer. Oh, and I don't work weekends. Those animals can just wait for their feed and care until Monday when I decide to roll out of bed!'

    Just wow... I highly doubt anyone in this ag area where I live would hire such an entitled little brat.

    1. It would be so nice to reply offering to let this person volunteer anywhere from 1-4 days/week for no pay. "Yes I sound picky, but no reason to waste my own hard earned money on someone too entitled and lazy to do the actual work I need done."

    2. ROFLMAO! I did it! I sent the following message to the entitled little bugger:

      "I have a volunteer position for anywhere from 1-4 days/week for no pay. Yes I sound picky, but no reason to waste my own hard earned money on someone too entitled and lazy to do the actual work I need done."

      Let's see if I get booted off CL for that! "Signed, shit disturber" Ha!


    3. Ha! Let us know how that turned out.

      Anon in GA

  50. Twat Tweet:

    "Truck isn't here but going to meet the post office lady when she delivers the mail today and hand her 5 mailers of pet portraits..."

    I guess they do things differently in Veryork. In the rest of the USA, people put stamped envelopes inside the mailbox and put up the red flag.

    😂 😂 😂

    1. now now lets not be snarky after all she got 5 countem 5 sketches done this weekend at probably 5 min. each that girl works so hard. And figure in D&D this weekend and visiting Patty all in all it was an exhausting weekend.

      Yes most people just put their mail in a mailbox with stamps on them but you forget this is the FFF and she is special.

      Also truck is fixed thanks to Patty FFF did nothing to help but as she put it "us" farm girls are getting things done or something like that. She does nothing but acts like she could have done it herself even though she didn't. What a shit show this is.

  51. Shepherdess posts about mucking out animals twice daily.


    FFF doesn't talk about cleaning her animals eating and sleeping areas because she doesn't do it! Neglecting animals is a trait for someone who plays while others pay.

    If she has time to binge Netflix, visit others, camp, hike and play boardgames, she has time to clean up her animals.

  52. On her latest blog: "My friends and chosen family in this small farming community have helped me become such a better person, and such a stronger woman."

    Stronger woman???? Patty, once again, rescued you out of a big mess because you sat there and bawled like a baby and she had to fix everything for you. You aren't strong, you're a child that needs constant help. A strong person will realize what they do every day (beg on the internet) isn't working and get a job to support themselves. A strong person won't spend the day "mountain smashing" with new gear on when there is work to be done and then cry about not making the mortgage. A strong person will figure out how to make money with the farming resources they have and do something with it. You have not done any of these things.

    Stop being delusional. You need a damn reality check, you giant baby.

    1. Don't be mean!

      FFF who, as near as I can tell NEVER gives a gift without trade or expectation (and is SO much better at receiving), has pledged the following: "I hope if I ever write a book that pays off this farm I make sure Patty and Mark have the most comfortable elder years a human being can experience."

      Uh huh...

    2. I'm not being mean, I'm just telling it like it is.

    3. Anonymous 10:40. Clearly, PDD was just joking. But I agree with what you wrote. Jenna is a "giant baby," an arrogant asshole, and online beggar.

    4. PDD. Yep, I knew it. I was Anonymous 10:51. Sometimes I don't take the extra moment to type in my name. And I also specialize in sarcasm.

    5. Okay thanks all. I just don't understand all this talk she does about being badass, feral woman, hear me roar, wolf-like, etc. and then she curls up in a giant ball and cries when things go wrong. Things go wrong because she'd rather play and deal with them later.

  53. I just had a realization while browsing Instagram. There are a lot of farm sanctuaries out there that don't produce anything, just the ~idea~ of again life in congress with animals. Donations from internet followers keep the animals' needs met since they don't actually produce anything. CAF is a farm sanctuary, and Jenna is the rescue.

  54. New thread please? Comments almost 200 and I can ever get them to load once they go past that...


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