Do people have a first date on V Day?


  1. It's highly unlikely that there's any "date." Just recall the mystery "coast girl" last year. She wasn't seen in any of the ocean pics that the FFF posted. JFW would've bragged about her online, and also shown carefully curated images. Just like she does with her "livestock" and adventures on Instagram.

    1. Another thing about that coastal trip is how she managed it without a cellphone. How did she call her "date" once she arrived to her town? It's not like pay phones are everywhere like they used to be. Thus, the possibility that she was alone and had to ask strangers to take those beach pics.

    2. We've seen her with a cellphone around town. So she's a huge hypocrite and liar.

  2. Perhaps they will have their first date at a "state agency" reporting more "harrassment."

    You know, by those annoying folks who want the drawings they paid for and are waiting on. It's so annoying how people insist on getting what they paid for and promised.
    Like the $15,000 taken from the book kickstarter..

    Too bad she didn't report that the horses are trapped inside a frozen gate and have been forced to eat their food on top of the piles of horse shit that hasn't been cleaned out because she is too busy whining on every available platform on social media.

    1. WDH. Exactly. That was well-put as always from you.

    2. Interesting that she has so much harassment to report....and so often. Note to Jenna: It's not them. The problem is with YOU.

      IF she really did go to her state police, I wonder how hard they LOL'd after she left.

  3. First: a PSA for new readers.

    Cold Antler Sham Truths (et. al.) comments on farm living and public social media posts that discuss rural living. Our topics are varied and include gardening, foraging, animal husbandry, graphics and cooking/crafts. We enjoy satire and humorous posts. We may discuss people who advertise themselves as "public figures", run businesses (no matter how ineptly), keep animals as social media props and neglect those same animals (or provide lesser care) because animal welfare isn't nearly as important as carefully created "false narratives" about animal welfare.

    What sort of public claims might get our attention? They vary, but false public statements and inaccurate/changing stories are apt to be of interest. Some examples:

    *If you repeatedly post that you live on the side of the mountain - in the wilds - with the strong suggestion that your remote lifestyle has few amenities...but the reality is you live near a trendy weekender community, with close neighbors and adjacent to a main road;

    *If you promote meat sales by stating your animals are raised humanely and organically...but the reality is multiple public posts that reveal a long history of untimely deaths, preventable accidents and an animal diet that includes discarded commercial deli food.

    *If you wax poetically about your animals…but we read posts that show neglect, unacceptable animal care (electro-shocking pigs for spite), and lack of overall quality care; and

    *If you repeatedly claim that you cannot work away from your home because the farm needs you and that you earn too much money to take outside employment...but you often leave the property to hike or take day-trips and then you lament your lack of money and repeatedly broadcast questionable crises to ask for donations /pity purchases.

    All this - and more - may be open for a chat.

    1. Hear, hear!! Yep, Cold Antler Sham Truths endeavors to educate an unwitting public about an online grifter and serial animal abuser.

  4. Excuse the PSA if you've been around and this is old news. I was thinking a reminder of why the Fake Feral Farmer may be discussed is a good thing to have near the top of each thread.

    Now - ON with the usual merriment, Shammers!

  5. Great post PDD and thank you. I'm sure we do get a lot of new people here and it's good for them to see right up front, what a shammer/fleecer/animal abuser Jenna Woginrich really is. HD, is there a way to put this as a static placeholder at the top?

    1. Anon 12:47, I love the idea of a placeholder, but perhaps a better Shammer could take a crack at it. I didn't mention the many scams and poor customer relations: OakPaw without full delivery of paid-for art; wool shares for sheep wool that was only suited to carpets; unfulfilled CSAs; Etsy complaints; video subscribers left in the lurch; unfulfilled seminars and, of course, the infamous Birchthorne.

    2. I recall that on the other site it was also discussed, and someone even volunteered to do it. A "static placeholder" or timeline is a great idea to track all of JFW's lies, scams and animal abusing. Otherwise, newbies won't know where to start.

  6. Twit Shit:

    "The good news is my truck repairs are paid off and the truck is at y farm, runs, and here and whole! The bad news is after repairs and bills I am only a 1/4 of the way towards a house payment and the month is halfway over. Going to be promoting A LOT today! I got pork, soap, art!"

    What's "y farm"? Describing her truck as "and here and whole!" is a weird way to talk about a vehicle named Taylor (Swift). What an immature ditz. It's obvious that she's trolling, again, for more money. Which she does almost daily. JFW acts like this is something new to February. But she lives with one constant crisis after another on a monthly basic (teeth needs fixing, power got shut off, almost out of firewood etc...). Once again, we have her infamous "I am only 1/4 of the way..." It's a technique that liars use a lot. I've never seen anyone else online break her financial needs down into fractions like the FFF. She also mentions that "the month is halfway over" to instill a false sense of panic among her followers. When it's her own damn responsibility to be held accountable as an adult to support herself. Her "promoting" is pleading for funds. I'm surprised that she didn't include her PayPal link. Cue: 5, 4, 3... "Donate, bitches!!!"

    1. (monthly basis not "basic") My cold and congested sinuses are wrecking havoc on my head today, sorry. So I'm staying home with extra time to type.

    2. What I'm curious about is why she's not whining about the cold and ranting about frozen pipes this year. Is this winter in her area warmer than it was the past few years when she blegged daily about the below zero temps and reported frozen toilets? Or did she decide to drop that strategy as it didn't work very well for her?

    3. It’s been a very mild winter, very little snowfall and above average temps. But temps will be cold Friday so I’m sure you’ll hear about it.

    4. Cool...I can't wait! It's been sooooo long since I've heard someone bitch and moan about frozen pipes. (p.s. thanks for the weather info!)

    5. "Winter's Bottom" is back. (That could be the title of a sleazy lesbian novel that she might write. Kind of like the weird werewolf one that she was nattering on about.)

    6. The Pig Shocker definitely reads this blog. Looky what she wrote in her latest bleg post:

      "I have been really lucky this winter with the plumbing. I am hoping that luck continues a few more days!"

      You hear that, guys? The weather may turn bad, so get yer wallets ready cuz her pipes will no doubt freeze in just a few days time! And you know, it's always up to us to save her!!

  7. From the latest bleg post about her friend Patty:

    "She talked me down, leaning her calm and kind arms on the driver’s side door through the open window. [...] We got into her farmhouse and she let me cry it out. [...] She helped me get hay for my animals and loaded it into her truck, and she drove me to get anything else I needed in town while I didn’t have a vehicle. She took me home to my farm and helped me unload and stack the hay out of the weather."

    Yeah, I'm sure that's how Patty envisioned spending her weekend. Having to calm down an anxiety riddled woman-child. Driving around a hapless and helpless fully grown adult. Fixing her truck AND doing chores for an able-bodied cry baby.

    And what's this crap about writing a book that will not only pay off her mortgage...but also provide a luxury retirement for Mark and Patty? Yeah, good luck with that.

    1. all I could think was how the much the hell does she think she will make off one book? Good Lord it isn't Gone with the Wind. She is going to pay off her mortgage with it and she is now going to fund Patty and Mark's retirement? I thought that got settled when he got all the contracts at the museum she worked for.

    2. "I thought that got settled when he got all the contracts at the museum she worked for."

      LOL (I actually snorted). Those greedy fcuks probably spent it all on the Pig Shocker's disasters + mortgage. And that's why she feels indebted to them. But what about Ma and Pa Wog? She's not going to help her parents in their golden years? Of course not...cuz they are Republicans who she has zero respect for. Zero. Even though they raised her for 18 years and put up with her feral teenage wolf crap. Nope, they don't get shit.

    3. Anonymous 5:00. Your comment cracked me up. You're right. She acts as if her new book won't bomb like Birchthorn, and will be a bestseller. Talk about delusional. I don't see any "happy endings" happening here. I doubt that she'll even sell it. She's publishing poison now due to her bad rep online. Look how long it took her to fulfill the Kickstarter campaign pledges, and probably some of the backers still haven't received their hard copies yet. The proof is in the most current comments:

    4. If she wants a big book that will bring in the big money, she should stick to writing about what she knows: Online Grifting and Panhandling 101. Teach others how to go thru life without have a job whilst conning naive poodle fools to part with their hard-earned cash.

      Hell, even I would buy that book...just so that I could share the smarmy content with all you Shammers!

  8. Thanks for the new thread HD! And to answer your question, while it's probably not unheard of, a first date on VDay is unusual. Restaurant meal prices are typically jacked up on that day -- so you're taking a chance of wasting money on a stranger if the date goes badly.

    So if she's telling the truth, and not fabricating this date for her Lezwolfmeme followers, she'll follow up with juicy details that include wearing her edgy lemur dress! And new shoes she got for 50% off! And a brand new purse she found at the dump!! And how it just so happened to match the new shoes!! WOO-HOO!!!

    1. Good heavens Anon 7 you forgot the faux leather jacket and her cowboy hat to it will go swell with the monkey dress. OR it could be the cowgirl skirt again that sure was an attention getter, don't forget that.

    2. Being that she switches religions as often as her pipes freeze, her best bet would be to become Muslim next so she can fully cover her sorry self in a burka, thus saving the eyesight of her date. Cuz no one likes it when their eyes bleed.

    3. I recall the cowgirl skirt that a child would wear, and the ugly lemur dress which was "bought on sale!" (At a time when she was also money mooching on Twitter, and couldn't even afford her mortgage payment.) The matching yellow accessories only made the latter, odious outfit worse. I'm sure that the bile brown pleather jacket will also make an appearance. The one that's too tight, and makes her look like a stuffed sausage.

  9. I never want to wish ill on anyone's love life, because so much of my love life has royally sucked balls, but JW just posted an Instagram pic of her making a kissy face at the camera, wishing a happy valentine's day to the girl she "can't wait to go hawking with."

    If this girl is real, this is a bad omen. In my experience, the more public you are with your love life, the more likely your relationship is to go up in a spectacular blaze.

    I was never public with mine. I just dated abusive assholes for far too long. But Jenna is getting sappy and hyped and desperate, and if I were her date, I would take these publicly fawning posts as an enormous red flag.

    1. Sorry to hear that, and I hope things become better and great for you. I also saw that IG post and came here to chime in. And in case the Pig Shocker deletes it, here's what she said: "Happy Valentine's to the girl I can't wait to go hawking with - KISSES!!" (with puckered-up smoochy kissy lips)-- and here's the post in case anyone is interested:

      In addition to that being a huge no-fucking-way red flag, it's also mega cringe worthy. From all thats been written by her about this new "date" ...she hasn't even met her yet!! But she's telling the internet about future kisses? Gag.

      I also was expecting to see her "date" respond in the comments, but there are just two replies so far. One from Patty, and the other from that kooky boudior guy who wants to take nakey pics of Jenna. Note to Jenna's supposed date: RUN FAR AND FAST.

    2. Ooh! I just received a tweet from Ripley, who's still busy fighting aliens and dealing with all their bullshit. She wanted to know about the animal abusing hovel that is Cold Antler Farm. I gave her all the details and she sent me another tweet:

      Twitter name: FeD uP wItH aCid fOR BloOD @ I_Hate_Paul_Reiser
      Ripley: "I say we nuke the entire farm from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
      Comments: 570K Retweets: 5.4 million Likes: 7 billion

    3. That fake photo made me cringe with embarrassment for JFW. She's a sleepwalker not "woke." I think that the "date" is doomed to be a first encounter of the creepy kind.

  10. I'm sorry but reading through those lame lezwolfmemes of hers are just depressing as hell. She is trying so so hard to move in on the whole lesbian culture and act like she's so woke. But those memes are so like desperate and pathetic. Like she just bought some Guide to Lesbians and is using each defination to make up something that sounds like she's been gay for 150 years. and she lets slide all her own disappointing little encounters with her rather limited amount of experience for certain. Just makes me feel a little sad for her. Shesh.

    Time to ditch the farm, sweetheart, and move to where all the girls are. You can keep your dogs and get some little one acre subrural place to rent so you can keep your horses and hawk. I hear Columbus, Ohio is a big gay hotspot and is still cheap to live in... Or how about Provincetown, Massachusetts... another hot spot and much closer to her now. So many options!!!

    1. FarmLass - I couldn't agree with you more cuz I've been thinking the same thing. Her whole "gay pride!" thing came out of nowhere. It seems that when donation fatigue sets in, she sets her sights on another target demographic. And what you said about her trying to "sound like she's been gay for 150 years" is spot on. I'm sure there are exceptions, but most people who come out of the closet are quiet at first. But here she is, trying to shove a pride flag up all of her foollowers butts. Not cool. And as far as I know, it's the dolphin that is the lesbian animal icon. Not this wolf shizz. It's a fact that a majority of us lesbians prefer dogs. But dogs are not wolves. I think she's really reaching there.

      And the one thing that really gets me, is how for sooooo long she's touted Astrology as total and complete utter crap. But now she's screeching about how much sense it makes? Just do a search on her bleg for all her "astrology people are idiots" posts. And that's sad cuz if she wasn't an animal abuser, and I was one of her idiot foollowers, I'd send her my copy of "Astrology for Lesbians" book. As it's a really good read if you are in-the-know and need to find a way to avoid the second date U-Haul inevitability. Cheers.

    2. I literally, laughed out loud at the "Guide to Lesbians" line. When she called herself a "futch" on Instagram I groaned. She needs an "out" bumpersticker for her truck, Taylor, with "PUSSY POWER!!!" on it. The locals will love that. JFW has always been a poser. Remember her kooky kilts and the pagan phase? When I looked last year for her Ty's Good Hand site it had been deleted. I guess that it wasn't "gay enough" for her new image. Or maybe the few remaining members got sick of being used by JFW to do her "farm chores."

    3. LS, that is what happened. Jenna had them do all sorts of chores for her and then was always whining about "her farm." I think they got tired of her bullshit and lies and disbanded.

      She is quite the poser. Always has been, always will be.

    4. Hahaha, Tyr's Good Handout officially bit the dust? Makes total sense, as she NEVER talks about Heathenry anymore. I wonder when was the last time she placed a bowl of milk, whisky, dog hairs, body lice, and possum teeth underneath her King Maple tree? Cuz that's the kind of lame shizz she did when she first started trying to be an Instagram influencer. Oh, the memories.

    5. Anonymous 7:31. I appreciate the verification. Which is what I thought.
      Anon7. Your comment made me smile.

  11. I just saw the kissie face picture and no matter what I cannot unsee it! Now what I want to know but not good at this but to me it looks like a selfie. How can this be with the badass with no cell phone? I mean she is holding a hawk and posing for the camera with of course her make up on don't tell me she carried a kindle out with all the shit she takes on a stroll (food, heater, probably blender, drink, books, change of cloths in case she meets someone etc.). Help a girl out here folks.

    1. Snickers in agreement with what you wrote. She can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything.

    2. Definitely a selfie, as her arm extends and ends exactly the direction where the cellphone camera would be. Unless she's pointing at the picture-taker, demanding they donate to her PayPal for the privilege of going hawking with her feral highness.

  12. I just want to say that I am really impressed with the articulate, and intelligent people who come to this blog. Seriously. Not only do you see through her BS like laser vision, but you take the time to explain to new readers what is going on. Jenna is a victim in her head, and lives her life this way. The only victim in her life are her animal props and those who she takes money from.

    1. Thanks! I appreciate your kind comment.

    2. Thanks as well. How did you come upon this website? Were you once a fan of hers? We do try and educate new readers who will hopefully look up Jenna out of curiosity and see she is not what she seems.

    3. I'd also like to thank Hound Doggy who hosts this site. Without her work it wouldn't exist. I consider this information on a unethical, animal abusing POS to be a public service. We warn potential "poodles" (JFW's stupid name for anyone who has money) not to give money to a scammer and beggar.

    4. How very nice of you to say, Anon 4:44! And yes, major kudos to the super smart Hound Doggy for understanding computer software, programs, and applications which makes this all possible. :)

  13. Does anyone remember when Jenna came "out" and how it relates to when Tara left Tyler? I'd bet money it was around the same time.

    1. HD. Your observation is spot-on, and I thought the same thing. I might've even mentioned it in a previous post. Maybe Anon7, or someone else here who has good recall, can remember the timeline.

    2. Tara left Tyler and she's out now? And then Jenna decided to "come out?" How laughable. Anyway imo, Jenna is just desperately trying to find a mate. She can see her future looming up quickly. It didn't work with guys so she's hoping it will work with women. Sad.

      I don't want to begrudge anyone finding a partner in life, however she needs to really take a good hard look at herself, her choices in life, how she spends her time, and how she treats people and animals. Truth hurts.

    3. Anonymous 7:41. JFW didn't have any long-term, romantic relationships with men that worked out, so she's trying women on now thinking that they'll be fooled by her bullshit. It also makes me annoyed how she keeps calling her date a "girl." It's dated, sexist and anti-feminist, too. It goes along with that creepy statement she once said. It was something stupid like: "It's been foretold that a virgin who hasn't seen Buffy will be my wife." She's coming across as almost being predatory with her "I'm a femme top!" label. Spouting all of the lesbian lingo in the world won't make her gayness authentic, because she's always been a poser and wannabe.

    4. Tara's timeline was summer/fall of 2018.

    5. She's definitely predatory. Preys on people and animals.

    6. She comes across as being predatory in person, too. It's like there's an awful aura around her entire being that's off-putting and creepy.

    7. It was "roughly" around the same time. If memory serves, she started hinting about her newfound sexuality before the Tara revelation. And then when Tara made that IG post, I vaguely remember wondering if that's what had inspired the Pig Shocker. She just can't do her own thing -- has to come up with new shit to increase the donations.

  14. From the attention whore's own mouth (
    Carry a Hammer:

    "I’m still attention-hungry and overly-enthusiastic, but tempered by a mountain farm that taught me patience and self-reflection. I am still off-the-charts imperfect, but I am not scared to like girls."

    Again, they're grown women, Jenna, not "girls." And if you're really attracted to underage people, then you need to get into therapy. I saw that you "Seconded." your support about therapy the other day that someone else tweeted, yet you've never mentioned getting any on your blog: You'll say anything just to get noticed by the hip cliques on Twitter. And the "off-the-charts imperfect" personality is true, too.


    "I can do the kind work of being a person not interested in hurting anyone else. I can be patient with people. I can gather wood and sit quietly."

    Yeah, she's just so "kind" and "patient" to people on Twitter who have different, opposing beliefs from her own, and also to her clients who have pre-paid for projects, and yet haven't received them yet for a few months. And she has "hurt" those who have helped her out in the past. Like the old man and young girl who donated to her faux farm when they couldn't really afford to. Then she "thanked" them by using their money for items other than what they were intended for (fencing, shelter etc...).

    1. What an outright fabrication that she's not interested in hurting anyone else.

      Let's not forget how much she and some of her disgusting followers chortled when the 26-year Town Justice, husband and father Carl Ackley, died in a farming accident (November 2018). Robyn added multiple laughing emojis. Kevin asked "Was this judge also the mayor and dentist?" Wes added "Also owned the local tire shop." Erin posted "Oh my. Poor Carl" with gif of "sad face" peanut butter. Nuria added "I'm going to hell if it exists. I haven't laughed this hard in days." Mick posted "Hahahaha haha omg!...the first thing I've laughed about all day!"

      No wonder people don't want to date after they read her online "brand."

    2. I also remember that nauseating, childish display on Twitter, and her lack of compassion towards Carl Ackley. Yeah, it's real amusing to mock decent people who have died, or anyone else for that matter. Wait until she croaks someday. If this site still exists we can give her a eulogy that befits a begging animal abuser.

    3. It's almost unbelievable all the stupid shit she says. Don't forget she made some horrible comment about how she's so feral and awesome that she could have avoided Mollie Tibbetts fate. Someone like Jenna needn't ever worry about being pursued. In any fashion.

  15. Oh, that instagram kissy- face picture....imagine that coming at you, woman or man. Yow!!

    1. I'll bet that she practiced kissing like that on a Taylor Swift poster since she's had so little experience in real life.

    2. I don't know what would be worse: That, or realizing she's eyeballing your savings account.

  16. Dating enticement from the Fake Feral Farmer's blog (2-4-17):

    "After these hours of hunting, chores, dead things, poop, and mold I went inside and made a cup of afternoon tea and didn't wash my hands or worry about residual deer blood on my lips. I was grateful for no longer moving. Later that night I would invite my working dogs in my bed —under the covers if they liked — and fall asleep breathing in black silky fur and feeling toenails rake past my naked body. I will not have showered first.

    If this all sounds gross, that's fine. I'm not everyone's ideal partner, for sure. But I can assure you there are five sets of clean sheets in this house, which are changed every single time I shower (twice or thrice a week)..."

    Wow. I commented on this during Coast's May 2019, discussion of "rural" living. The deer blood in Jenna's write-up (entitled "Germ Freaks & Ice Cream") came from a fawn carcass Jenna found. She had no idea how the fawn died, or even if it suffered from a transmissible disease. She didn't appear to use any precautions before handling the carcass.

    Based on posts, her freezer has been used to store meat shares, soap ingredients, rats, squirrels, wild animals and dirty jeans (to freshen them up).

    My suggestion to any would-be date?? Go eat at a restaurant.

    1. I also remember how she's bragged about going to the Cambridge Rite Aid covered in blood and manure. She had no fears of offending locals. Unfortunately, we've been by her at a Battenkill Books reading, and can personally attest to her horrid hygiene.

    2. I'll never forget the shock and disgust I felt when first reading that awful bleg post. And Anon 1:25, there were many other posts where she bragged about polluting the Battenkill River by using it to wash up after a gritty and animal fluid day.

      Go eat at a restaurant indeed. And avoid any sexy time cuz even professional working girls keep their bodies cleaner than the Pig Shocker. Ugh.

  17. Get a load of this one. The other day on Twitter a foolish follower said "Jenna, you make the world a better place." (Ironically, she's some sort of retired women's studies professional.) It's the exact opposite. Beggars, liars and animal abusers are what's wrong on our planet.

    1. ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆

      What Anon says.

    2. She sure didn't make the world a better place when she shocked those poor pigs. And poured water on the grounding rod for spite.

    3. Anon7. Let's also not forget that poor chicken who froze to death in her driveway, and the other animal whose carcass was carted around in a wheelbarrow. She made light of both "accidents," when it was her own negligence that made the livestock die. JFW has made mention many times, too, how she'll deliberately buy more chicks in the spring, because she expects a lot of them to die. We don't know of any real farmers who have such a callous attitude.

    4. LS, what about the time she wondered out loud if she would find her aged horse dead in a back field because of inclement weather? She wouldn't need to worry if she provided a proper shelter from the winter elements. And, please, if I hear one more time from FFF that her imported Fell Pony lived outside in its native land, I'll be the one who needs therapy. The UK does not have the extreme temperatures of the US, nor the low winter temperatures of upstate New York. They rarely have snows that last and temperatures are more consistently in the 40s (high) and 30s (low). Therefore a young, healthy pony, like Merlin was at the time, would have no trouble living outside, or even living inside a rough shelter. However, FFF lives in upstate NY. She keeps an aged Pony into a survival situation, with inadequate shelter, probably no supplements (it makes them too energetic, you know) and no blanketing. God know what the water situation is. She should be ashamed of herself.

    5. PDD. "She should be ashamed of herself," but sociopaths lack a conscience to care about anything other than themselves.

  18. From the latest bleg post (Warming Up! 2/13) the hard working feral 'n scrappy Pig Shocker is preparing to take several well-deserved days off:

    "Today was a long day of preparing for a few quiet days off. I have plans for romance and adventure, and I am hoping both go well. But a farm isn't something that wait for either and today was spent doing three times the usual client work and emails than a usual work day to make up for it."

    >>>Why can't she do that amount of work every day? Her lazy ass wouldn't be so far behind with client orders if she did. So normally, she does the least amount of work in order to increase her quality of the expense of her foollower's patience and goodwill.

    >>>She also has big plans to increase her work load with more animals, bigger garden, bees and new construction:

    "One handy friend wants to rebuild the deck off the living room (sorely needed the current one is in very bad shape, has been since I bough this place). Another friend wants to help me cut down some brush and make space for pigs to roam in new areas."

    >>>As usual, she's getting suckers to do the work for her. She even aspires to run with "Sherman" -- just like her author buddy who is more successful than her:

    "I want to possibly raise a male goat or alpaca for packing, as in backpacking with - a dream I started back in Vermont a long time ago and wasn't prepared to follow through with."

    >>>She also made sure to keep everyone "tethered to her potential" with this drivel:

    "But these things are all swirling in my mind. It doesn't mean they will all happen but they are active."

    >>>Oh, that sounds fabulous! Let me donate some cash for all your new projects! And if that wasn't enough she just HAD to remind all her foollowers just how poor she is:

    "The firewood situation is getting hairy. I am done with all the utility, truck repair, hay, feed, and insurance bills for the month but only halfway to the mortgage and no cash for firewood."

    >>>Translation: If the date goes well, she's gonna need some extra cash to help secure her desired sugar mama. You know, to be able to take her to fancy places!

    1. Must have been such a hard working day. She forgot she also posted on IG that yesterday was the day for watching "Pitch Perfect" with drinking buddy teacher (snow day, y'all) and watching pay-per-view Frozen 2, complete with screen clips of the movie to "prove" her bat-shit theory it's a lesbian coming out story. Gosh, project much?

    2. The pack goat... poor Finn. He's one of the reasons she got kicked out of her Vermont rental. She imprisoned him on a short chain in the yard, and animal control was called. At that time, she also got in trouble for the rabbits. Her version: the animal control officer told her the place looked "pristine." Hopefully, there's some sort of record of the most recent animal control visits where she had to rehome practically every animal so that her "dreams" of more animal hoarding never come to fruition.


    3. It's also interesting how she doesn't allow comments on her blog now, and hasn't for a very long time. Once in awhile she'll do it, I think as a kind of tentative test, but the FFF knows that there are a lot of people who loathe her for good reason. Since she only wants kudos, and no constructive criticism, JW can't cope with any negative public opinions.

    4. yes the very modern Miss FFF will not allow comments and if you want to make one you must first "right" it out in long hand then find an envelope stuff it in find a stamp put it on and address that sucker and wait outside for your mail lady to come by so you can give it to her and she will take it directly to Miss FFF and deliver it to her. That is mode of comments these days if you want to comment on anything she was "righten".

    5. Anon 5:36, 😂 😂 😂.

      But, if you mail long-hand comments to her previously-posted and publicly available street address, you'll TERRIFY her and she'll have to report you for stalking.

      Better mail fan letters to:

      Ms. Selfish, Broken or Trouble Righter
      Side of the Mountain
      Upstate Wilderness, NY

  19. How often does this girl buy feed and hay? In her "Hammer" post on 2/11 she writes that Patty "helped me get hay for my animals and loaded it into her truck..." then in her 2/14 post she writes "I also ran out to get the feed, hay, and groceries needed..." She seems to mention these purchases regularly, WAY more than she should. I know her argument would probably be that she can't afford more than that, and/or that she's unable to store it (someone else mentioned how she keeps hay in her truck bed - this seems to be true, in the past she's written about Merlin escaping and eating hay out of the truck, and we know the inside of her barn is too messy for storage), but that's a ridiculous waste of money to buy feed that way. And the groceries - remember how she posted about not having bare cupboards, and keeping frozen food and prepackaged meals on hand like a good prepper? Instead of, you know, putting up her own food and keeping dry goods on hand??

    1. I'm pretty sure the ever-enabling "Pember Patty (PP)" is the frequent hay source. FFF posted several times that PP allows her to pick up hay from their farm. In truth, FFF has probably burned every hay supplier in town, likely due to non-payment, late payment or posting weird online stories. Last year, I'm pretty sure one local hay supplier point-blank told her hay wasn't available - at a time when LOTS of hay had been grown due to very rainy season. Yes, they were hoping to lose her as a customer!

      Funny how FFF turns a simple chore (getting grain and hay) into a complicated mess. Most horse/livestock owners get hay delivered ONCE (maybe twice) and pay the small charge for delivery (or they get it themselves and fill up their barn). They also get grain delivered on a regular schedule - again for a low cost (or they pick up). But this supposes proper storage for animal feed, that is, clean, safe and protected from the elements. Shammers, what are the odds the fierce feral farmer has proper food storage for her animals??? ZERO you say?

      So I'm guessing FFF scoots over to PP as often as she can, hoping for free dinner, drinks, donated household "treasures" and hay with a promise-to-pay and a hope-like-hell-PP-forgets-what-she-takes!

    2. have you forgotten PDD that this is part of her 5 gigs a day? She is a very busy lady you know. And just like Whimy she will gladly pay you Thurs. for a hamburger today.

      I am wondering if the smooching face is getting any practice yet or it is still just a Taylor picture she is working on. Did notice in todays bleg she hit all the answers we have been wondering about i.e. frozen pipes, etc.

    3. err that should have been Whimpy.

    4. She probably mentions "getting hay" cuz it sounds like real farm work, and she's hoping no one will notice the inconsistencies of her lies.

      Anon 9:38 - Yup. And she says she doesn't read here. Sure, right, OK Pig Shocker.

    5. I am a livestock farmer, and I buy hay twice a year, then store it in my hayloft in barn. Most (REAL) farmers I know buy large amounts of hay once, maybe twice a year. But, JW does not A.) Plan B.) Pay C.) Work like ALL other REAL farmers. So, she uses friends to go grab a bale here and there when she has the $ or can convince them to give it to her.

  20. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Be my Valentine! Support this scrappy mess of a happy place!!!"

    I thought that she already had a "date" for VD. I don't think that many normal adults would take her up on that awful offer. But I agree with the "scrappy mess," and not at all with the "happy place!!!" part. Half the time her plumbing doesn't adequately work well, and she's confessed multiple times to using her backyard as a toilet. Her hovel is also filthy with doggy dander, hawk shit and other assorted detritus. And don't get me started about the slummy exterior. Her horses live in a freezing hell during the winter, and livestock like pigs, eats on top of their own fecal matter. Yep, it sure sounds like a jolly place to live. No one needs to "support" a middle-aged, able-bodied and college-educated jerk who is too lazy to support herself.

    1. My thoughts when I read “hapy place” too. Really? Because you were having a panic attack last weekend.

      Do something different, Jenna!

      And - her solicitations don’t get much of a response. I have an online side gig too, I know what engagement looks like. She maybe sells a few hundred dollars worth of stuff a month, based on her (public) metrics.

      I maintain my hypothesis that there is some other income source for her.

      Even if she were doing PA work, it wouldn’t bump her income enough.

      Sketches / design is not turning a profit - she just isn’t charging enough for those services to live off of them. Ditto soap, pig shares etc.

      I would LOVE to audit This Farm. (I have a finance background.)

    2. Be my Valentine by giving me money on this special day. For no reason! What will you get in return? Absolutely nothing!!

      I don't know how she can face herself in the mirror every morning.

    3. Anon7. Unsurprisingly, as of this morning she had zero responses, and only a small handful of "likes."

  21. Lies:

    "Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010. It's been tough. Done without a partner, family assist, govt assist, inheritance or a trust fund. I make a living now writing, farming, and making art. Your sales & contributions keep the lights on."


    Cold Antler is a faux farm that others enabled me to buy, and also to maintain since 2010. It was done by begging online, and also mooching money from innocent strangers. I don't make a living doing anything other than pretending to be whatever will bring me bucks. I'll occasionally do lousy logos and pet portraits which won't resemble your animal. My meats are also crap since the pigs eat on top of their own filth. Your free donations keep me from becoming a mature adult. My motto is "Live like fiction!" (At the expense of others.)

    1. USDA loan = government assistance

    2. Every word you wrote...SO TRUE. And on her bleg she once again posted that "Help and Subscribe...I'm just like NPR!" This in addition to spamming Twitter earlier with five obnoxious "Buy my crap" posts.

      While on her VDay date, how many times you think she whipped out her phone to check her PayPal balance for new donations? Probably every half hour. I mean, she's gotta tip the waiter somehow.

    3. Anonymous 1:33. BINGO!!! The "I'm so scrappy, feral, badass and self-sufficient" FFF is a complete liar. She obviously "stole" the NPR comparison (which was wrong) from Jon Katz who used it on his blog first.

  22. Happy VDay Shammers!

    Are you wondering how Jenna spent all that truck repair bill money she begged for? Then check this out. *SPOILER* She wore the baby shit brown pleather sausage jacket:

    Hmmmm...the date looks like she's trying to ignore her. And who is Jenna talking to anyway? Invisible lesbian equestrian fairies?

    1. Jenna in the video: "...And Im a semi celebrity here in Washington County, I've written five books you know, I own a farm that I bought all by myself, I like horsies, playing let's pretend and kids movies...hey did you know Taylor is really gay, Frozen 2 is about coming out, I shit in the woods and sometimes dont bathe btw, hey you gonna pay for this meal I hope...blah, blah, blah....
      Date: zzzzzzz

    2. The body language doesn't bode well for the future. Notice how her "date" was faced away from the gaping, non-stop slaughter of purple prose. I'll bet that the FFF didn't pay for her, too. "Damn, I forgot my wallet at home. If you front me the money, then I'll pay you back when the next poodles donate."

    3. Well I'm totally confused. From Jenna's IG stories:

      Happy Valentine’s Day from warm, delicious, yet iced in #hoosickfalls with @coldantlerjenna @byte15johnst

      That's the women she rides her horses with. Is that her date or is she just tagging


    4. I think that Natalie is married to a man, but it is kinda confusing.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Rewriting this to protect the innocent. Here's the timeline, as I understand it:

      FFF posted she wanted a friend for free horsey rides on the side of the mountain.

      A local schoolteacher showed up.

      FFF has lavished attention on local schoolteacher.

      *FREE horsey rides!
      *BEER drinking on the side of a mountain!!
      *PLAY with a hawk!!!

      Lol, FFF is like a 5 year-old showing a comparative stranger her pet rocks and box turtle.

      And the local schoolteacher? It seems she's in it for the free horsey rides, IG content and BEER.

    7. PDD. Thanks for the timeline. Natalie is another enabler who lives locally, and always wears a gaping grimace when she mugs for their horse rides. I think that the "date" drank all night to forget her bad decision in ever meeting JFW. In the brief video it's obvious that she's not paying any attention to what the FFF is nattering on about. It's also funny how we were right about the ugly, bile brown pleather jacket being worn. I'm surprised that she didn't bring her hawk for show & tell, and wear the Indiana Jones wannabe hat.

    8. Anon 6:45 - I imagine that's exactly what she talked about, rather than farm stories. And I would have loved to have seen her date's face when the Pig Shocker claimed she "runs 2-3 5Ks each week" before stuffing her face with beer and pizza.

      PDD - I forgot that's how she met Natalie. And so bizarre she had to cyber-dangle her furry props on the internet in order to rope in new friends.

  23. Yes you're right LS. I'm sure she was bombarded with Jenna's pontificating on herself the entire night. I cant imagine being on a date with Jenna. It would be quite the study in narcissism.

    1. JFW: "Did I tell you yet about my...?"

      Date: "Bartender, bring me the bottle!"

    2. Maybe she'll get an autographed copy of the ugly muscle-man pic as a remembrance. The one where Jenna is posing with flexed, bulging biceps, but her back fat and thick torso are very obvious. The curled hands can't disguise her obese body.

    3. Just watch any one of her YouTube videos. In every one she talks in an obnoxious "I know everything so listen to ME" manner. She also comes off as cocky and super opinionated. Until she drastically changes (and becomes an honest person who truly farms and makes an honest living) she's totally wasting her time (and foollower's money) on a useless quest to find her other half. As far as I know, there is no one in the world who sets out to purposely hook up romantically with a dishonest person who has a questionable income and reputation.

  24. " I own a farm that I bought all by myself".

    Huh? First of all, the bank owns the farm. And secondly, she begged for donations for a down payment and continues to beg for mortgage payments. If anyone owns "the farm", it's her donors.

    1. This was brought up in an above comment, too.

    2. AnonymousFebruary 14, 2020 at 1:01 PM


      "Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010. It's been tough. Done without a partner, family assist, govt assist, inheritance or a trust fund. I make a living now writing, farming, and making art. Your sales & contributions keep the lights on."


      Cold Antler is a faux farm that others enabled me to buy, and also to maintain since 2010. It was done by begging online, and also mooching money from innocent strangers. I don't make a living doing anything other than pretending to be whatever will bring me bucks. I'll occasionally do lousy logos and pet portraits which won't resemble your animal. My meats are also crap since the pigs eat on top of their own filth. Your free donations keep me from becoming a mature adult. My motto is "Live like fiction!" (At the expense of others.)

    3. "Your free donations keep me from becoming a mature adult" Anonymous, this is SPOT ON! Reading her recent blog post just infuriated me. There are so many wonderful blogs out there, with great writing, and she writes nothing but self-serving begs and narcissistic crap. Plus, she can't write!!! Her writing is some of the worst I've ever read. I'm now convinced that her editors bascially wrote her books. The fact that she mentions not having a "trust fund" in her bags is telling. Nobody I know would ever even think of trust funds as a regular thing. It tells me that she has delusions of grandeur and has hobnobbed w NYC elite, so that she views life in terms of rich kids and celebs. It also tells me that she comes from a middle to upper middle class background and can't understand any of the realities that true farmers deal with. My guess is that she gets a regular paycheck from social security, SSI, disability payout, annuity from a lawsuit (I wouldn't doubt she's the kind of person who actively searches for potential lawsuits), or inheritinance. The lie about barely making it each month is just not plausible. She does NOT have farm income, and even if she does, it's so minute that she couldn't survive on it. Most (real) farmers have to work off-farm. Her pet sketching business and soap making absolutely does not pay all her bills. There's a steady income from one of these aforementioned sources and she lies to her followers about being close to poverty. It's sad and disgusting. This woman had things just handed to her! Plus, she has a college education. No excuse for begging. Her writing is also so bad that any book deals she got were based on her connections to the publishing/design world. So many homesteaders and farmers with real stories to tell never get the chances, breaks, handouts that this woman has been given. And they don't use animals as props. I remember reading her first book and the story about the rabbits that she tried to raise in Idaho, in her garage, and how she let her dogs startle one of them to near death. Then she bragged about calling a neighbor w a 22, and how she shot it because it was her responsibility. I was thinking, it was your responsibility to keep your damn dogs away! Then, in same book, when she talked about the makeshift chicken coop (some kind of plywood A-frame) caving in on her hens- I was shocked! She seemed blase' about it, and was surprised the chickens survived. This was all way before she got the USDA and donors to GIVE HER the money for a house. It's a house on property, by the way, not a farm. My tax dollars were used to help her buy a HOUSE. No humility in those early animal deaths, no humility in the help she got to finance her house. It's just shocking that she continues to say the right thing to dupe people into giving her money. The best thing for this narcissist would be if she went off social media and tried living a real life, w real sentiments, and real interactions w real human beings. But, I have a strong suspicion that she already does that, and the online persona is just that, a persona aimed at extracting dollars from unsuspecting donors.

    4. I appreciate your compliment on my comment, thanks. Sometimes I use Anonymous instead of typing out my usual name. And I agree with what you wrote, too.

    5. Anon 9:25 - Great post. And I agree about the "trust fund" talk. No need to mention one's lack of one unless you are trying to appeal to those who have one... in the hopes that they'll take pity on you and toss some of that silver spoon money her way. And she's like a broken record, year after year, trying to get wealthy people to "throw in" to fund her lazy lifestyle. Yeah, that's not how real farmers and homesteaders do it, is my understanding.


  26. Everytime i hear her spout out about owning her farm without any help, I am puzzled.

    If she is so good at stuff like that, why on Earth would anyone need to help her with her electric bill? That's usually a fairly small bill.

    Oh, sorry, just using logic there. I forgot it doesn't work with Jenna.

    Also, yeah, I know its just a few seconds but that video date doesn't look like it was going very well. Body language and all. Shesh. And who wants to sit next to a date... across gives you so much more feedback and all. Why not a booth or table? Doesn't seem that crowded.

    1. I wish I could see that video. Tried the link above but didn't see anything.

    2. FL. I agree with you. I also said something similar the other day about the bad body language. It also makes one wonder how the date went, since JFW is rarely silent for over a day on Twitter and Instagram. I wouldn't be surprised if she was already dumped. I'm sure that she'll double down on desperate tweets for donations soon.
      Unknown. I don't know why the link wouldn't work for you. I clicked on it and the video started playing. Try this other one on their Facebook :

    3. And if that link doesn't work, just go to their Instagram page -- it's the middle post on the top that shows a bunch of people standing around. (It's a short and fast video but if you click on the video while it's playing, it will pause until you click again. And if you click repeatedly you can view it slo-mo style.)

      The footage shows from left to right: Some guy, Natalia, some girl, Jenna. As the camera pans towards them you can see Nat notices the camera but continues to eat and chat with that guy. And note that Nat is turned away from Jenna and the other girl. Also at this very moment you can see that Jenna is looking at/yapping at this other girl who is staring straight ahead.

      A few clicks later Jenna is now looking towards Nat and the guy and you can now see that the girl is drinking water and still not looking at Jenna. At this moment Jenna tries to jump into Nat/guy's conversation and loudly asks "Is that Travis?" And if you slow it down enough you'll see that Nat/guy never even looked over at Jenna. And "watergirl" is still drinking and staring straight ahead.

      Then, it's really quick but you see Jenna finally notices the camera and doesn't smile but instead follows the camera with an annoyed-looking glare. Meanwhile, watergirl never stops drinking and has still not even glanced in Jenna's direction. Either the salty pizza cheese made her super thirsty, or she figured out she doesn't have to talk if her mouth is filled with water.

      At least that's my take on it.

  27. "Help and SUBSCRIBE! I'm just like NPR" she hollers!!!

    Let's crunch some numbers, shall we?

    $5.00 x 12/mo = $60.00/yr
    $10.00 x 12/mo = $120.00/yr
    $15.00 x 12/mo = $180.00/yr
    $25.00 x 12/mo = $300.00/yr

    She wants people to pay her those rates for a bleg she hardly writes in? And when she does, it's all about how broke she is and only sometimes she bothers to mention the animals. Hardly anything about farming or homesteading. Just a few updates of which animals are still alive.

    So let's imagine out of her supposed 4,800+ foollowers, 10 of them and stupid enough to subscribe to her bleg:

    4 people paying $60.00/yr = $240
    3 people paying $120.00/yr = $360.00
    2 people paying $180.00/yr = $360.00
    1 person paying $300.00/yr = $300.00

    That's a grand total of $1,260 that the Pig Shocker wants for hardly writing anything. Now, what if we were to generously imagine not just 10, but 50 subscribers that she'd LOVE to have?

    50 people paying $1,260/year = $63.000

    Wow...I'd love the chance to "earn up" easy money like that for writing nothing but made-up disasters and how anxious and terrified I am. I could do this! I've never experienced a root canal, but I figure I could just copy and paste from her bleg. So where do I sign up?

  28. If that was her date in the video, she looked like she was in disguise. Pig Shocker is leaning towards her direction and the "date" just drinks her drink and stares straight ahead.

    It doesn't take a super genius to figure out how the "date" happened in the first place. Pig Shocker's victim was invited as part of a large group get together.

    Something along the lines of: Hey me and some friends are meeting up at the brewery vday night to hang out. Beats sitting at home alone. Wanna meet us there?

    After she agrees to attend, Pig Shocker immediately starts practicing writing their names together and telling the dogs all about their new step mom.

    Little does the "date" know of the horrors that await her on Valentine's Day.

    1. Whackadoodle - Kudos to you, as you see things that I can't. Like your observation about how this high-hopes date manifested in the first place. And how right you the Pig Shocker must've known that she wasn't a good enough draw due to her past and well-documented history of animal abuse and neglect, so she had to dangle "a BIG FUN night out with FRIENDS" to lure poor water girl in. I totally see it now. And can also see why so much water was chugged in so little time.

    2. I dont think that woman beside Jenna in the video was her date.

      I think her date bailed.

      I think, based on my own experiences as a woman dating women, that in the messaging / email phase a date was arranged, Jenna told Date about her blog / instagram, and posted the kissy photo... at which point Date ghosted.

      Because kissy photo demonstrated poor judgement and low emotional intelligence, I think Date saw the writing on the wall.

      People flake all the time in early dating stages, and Jenna actually gave Date a reason to flake...

      So then Jenna tagged along for this group thing in a loud brightly lit setting.

      That is not a first date setting at all.

      And I agree the woman Jenna was seated next to was not interested in Jenna.

    3. I agree with what you all wrote. And WDH's hilarious line made me literally, laugh out loud: "After she agrees to attend, Pig Shocker immediately starts practicing writing their names together and telling the dogs all about their new step mom." If the date had gone well at all, then there would've been bragging about it by now on either Twitter or Instagram. BTW: That public kissy face was weird. It's pathetic that a middle-aged woman would act so childish. But she named her truck, Taylor, too. Only someone stuck in a perma-teen mentality would do that.

    4. Interesting theory, Anon 11:13 - The tagging along makes sense as the restaurant was 20+ miles away roundtrip so it's not like she chose that over her own local stomping grounds being that her truck, Taylor, only can be driven a few tiny miles around Cambridge these days.

      Cuz if that girl was her date, even if she wasn't interested you'd think that merely being politely receptive would've been something she could've mustered up, despite a mouth-breathing wildebeest dominating the conversation.

      But if that was her date, it's kinda hard to tell, but she looked to be a serious book type -- and upon mentioning her love for books, the Pig Shocker interrupted and cackled, "Gosh, I LOVE books TOO! I have all 13 of Taylor Swift's autobiographies!!!"

  29. Oh yeah she got dumped for sure. 3 days and not a word since VDay? No gushing no details no sly remarks that girl was out of there at the soonest of breaks. Probably said she was going to the bathroom during dinner and never returned.

    1. I hear that sad song playing: "Alone Again (Naturally)."

    2. She just posted a new meme on her Instagram-stories page. It's a pic of a woman holding up a still-bleeding human heart in a manner that implies that she ripped it straight from the chest of someone who disappointed her. And the caption reads:


      Ouch. So the date didn't go as planned. Well, at least she seems to be learning. Too bad she hasn't learned how to properly take care of her animals.

    3. She's so brave and scrappy! What a shock. Not. The only thing that's being "served" at her dirty table is stale pizza and old donuts.

  30. "Recovering from the long, beautiful weekend. Don't let anyone tell you that your thirties won't kick ass."

    What an ageist, stupid statement. And people recover from colds and the flu, not a supposedly "beautiful weekend."

    1. She's waiting with bated breath for someone to ask, "I'm so curious! What did you do this weekend?!"

    2. "Did you get to use the new strap-on to dominate your date?!"

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. PDD. Was Shannon Doyle the original owner of her hawk? ( I thought that Auburn was given to her by a going away for college student who lived locally. She's intimated, by the pic credit, that SD is her date. And Pember Patty is her most massive, dumb enabler.

      Twit Shit (Let the begging begin again):

      "Happy to report that this month's truck repairs, utilities, insurance, heating, feed, hay, etc are all paid! Now I am working every day towards getting work done and money earned to mail in a house payment to keep things safe. Sharing what I have to offer helps!"

    5. saw this and my first thought was she said she lost her insurance since she couldn't pay it since Poodle Doodles didn't come through with the hard cold cash. I knew once I wrote that I thought she was dumped and she read that she would be posting her blather about a wonderful weekend. If you have to "recover" from a weekend she must have drunk Jackson/Cambridge dry.

    6. Hmmm. From interpretation of photographic evidence, she was intrusive and apparently ignored at Byte on Friday night. No doubt she then shuffled over to Argyle brewery for Saturday night (hey, how's that sobriety coming?). For Sunday, she shared a photo of Pember Patty's place at dusk, taken by Shannon D, who recorded FFF showing off with Auburn on January 26. It seems FFF can't help but invade PP's premises when she wants to show off.

      But, it's a VERY smart move to hide her hovel for Valentine's weekend, lol. Ain't no amount of hay tall enough to hide Dead Animal Farm's shit and misery.

      Last, a huge thank you to "Luckless Slinger" for correcting my misinterpretation of Shannon's place in Pig Shocker's world. She's not a past hawk owner; she's a would-be hawk holder. Say, I wonder how she likes hawk chalk on walls???

    7. WTF? She's acting like being in your thirties is one step away from the nursing home. I hate to break it to her, but thirties are still young. Especially from the vantage point of someone in her sixties.

    8. Well, being that back in July she proudly celebrated the 24th anniversary of her 13th birthday, what she's saying kinda makes sense. If you're drunk.

  31. LS. Thank you. I got my enablers confused. I will delete the reference and correct. On January 26, Shannon Doyle took a video of FFF and the captive-hawk-who-should-be-released. FFF was of course showing off her toy.

    I think Liz R*** was the college girl who left poor Auburn under the care of she-will-do-anything-for-attention FFF.

    1. Showing off her toy indeed. She's like that one kid after Christmas break who came back to school wearing and holding every single gift they got. "Hey, look what I have! Be my friend!!"

    2. PDD. You're welcome. I just took an educated guess.
      Anon7. The hawk is just another pet prop for her faux farmer costume.

    3. When Pig Shocker first got interested in falconry, it had NOTHING to do with "saving" juvenile raptors. If you look at her public postings, you'll see that she did it to play-pretend, look "cool" and maybe make some friends with her newest hobby. She had ZERO interest in altruism. As required of a newbie, another person trapped her bird, and she used others to build the raptor jail. Few of her birds actually caught their intended prey, so they were likely at a disadvantage when they escaped. I think Pig Shocker created the fictional story of "saving raptors" to make the factually incorrect NYT story sound better, to make herself look more significant and get more attention for her kill-hobby.

      Of all the birds she's held hostage as playthings, by the way, only one (her first) had a verifiable and correct separation. Her second was said to have died in her house; her third had a very questionable "release" (no notice, no photos) soon after scratching her on the face; her fourth flew away (wearing leathers right before a major winter storm, may it RIP); her fifth (Auburn) is still held prisoner even though it is PAST TIME to release.

      Bottom line is she uses the birds as props to sell her brand and to sell product. After reportedly being slapped down by NYSDEC she has stopped the direct advertising using raptors, but the offensive and celebrity-whoring posts remain on her blog, in Twitter and on Instagram. She routinely tells people to read her "ten years of writing" so she continues to use past birds as advertising fodder.

      Anyone else remember her pathetic beg for pity-purchases that effectively said "Buy my soap, so the hawk can eat."

      What a POS she is.

    4. PDD. Yeah, she's a rotten human being. As I've said many times here, it's all about her manipulative marketing. She doesn't deserve to have any animals, because she can't take care of them, and also uses them as pet props.

  32. Good god...JW just posted a pet portrait that was "commissioned last summer" and still isn't finished. It's almost March!!! No wonder people are hounding the crap out of her....

    1. Good God is right. It doesn't even have teeth. And pushing 3/4 of a year for a cartoon. She is an embarrassment to true artists every where.

    2. and I wonder how many times this person had to contact her to even get her started drawing that sad sad picture? All her pictures look alike she must just photo copy them then fill in the color later.

      Now that she has said it is from over seas we shall here how she is internationally famous! Well we all know famous for scamming but still......

    3. The lack of self awareness is concerning. How can she post that tweet and not realize how unprofessional she sounds? 8+ months for a simple drawing? The good news is that anyone paying attention will never buy anything from her. Anyone not paying attention will have to learn the hard way.

    4. I just read that! It was commissioned over the summer and she is just now working on it??? What a bad business model she has. If I was that person I'd be super pissed with all her goings on about hawking, mountain smashing, her date (which never happened...ha ha) and TS crap. It's not even a good drawing and she probably spent a half hour on it.

      Obviously she does not need the money.

    5. I was also going to comment on that stupid tweet. She has zero self-awareness of how callous she comes across as being. I think that Anon7 might call it "bad optics," too. She's constantly whining about not having enough money for her mortgage, but screws around town when it comes to doing work for pre-paid clients. It's no wonder why she's a lazy lifestyle loser. Even in love.

  33. Twit Shit:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! May your day only have bright things and good luck!"

    There she goes again with her magical thinking and "good luck!" bullshit. It's never about hard work, patience and perseverance with the FFF. As someone wise here once said (think it was WDH), "She plays while others pay."

  34. I just saw a small video on her twitter page. First I want to say I know nothing about animals except to be nice to them. I have never wanted any of my own because I don't want to take care of them. That being said my God I was shocked to see that Merlin was trying to eat hay with horse shit mixed in with it plain as day you can see it till she takes it down. I am honestly shocked and I have been reading her shit for years mostly just to see what kind of crap she is up to now.

    I used to follow her thinking I would learn something but when she quit her job after begging for a down payment on her place and then kept begging for more and more money well then I couldn't stop watching to see where it would all go. Go see this "crappy" little video and I do mean crappy before the scammer takes it down.

    1. Was it a recent post? If so, it's already gone. ��

    2. I just saw the sickening video. She should have her horses re-homed. Someone intelligent named Iris (she'll be blocked soon for telling the truth) tweeted:

      "Hay and shit..yum yum"

      And Ellen Weatherbee (another "yea-sayer" who also appears to have a crush on the FFF) stupidly said:

      "Looking good!"

    3. nope it is still there and more gross after watching it again. Oh yes and of course no sales today so teeth issues are a-risin' kids.

    4. Anonymous 2:48. My heart hurts for her horses. After her "long, beautiful weekend" (with no details as to what happened) she needs to double down on daily begging. The teeth and truck are her usual con stories for money mooching.

    5. "When you still need to feed hay, but are already dressed for your date..."

      So she has time to "feed hay" to her horses, but not enough minutes to muck our their manure. It looks like the ugly brown pleather sausage jacket is making an appearance again. Maybe one of her rotten teeth will fall out tonight during their dinner.

    6. "out their manure."

    7. jesus, that is horrible. Really? She can't build a feeder for these poor animals? Even my chickens aren't fed on top of their own shit.

    8. You can make a hillbilly hay feeder outta just about anything. Free stuff! Four pallets tied together with bale twine will work in a pinch. A 4 or 5 foot piece of field fence tied to a fence will make a nice little pocket feeder to get your horses fodder up off the ground. Hell, a kitty pool works! We get those cheap at the dollar store and believe it or not, they work pretty well in a pinch. A sawed off 55 gallon barrel works well. Ten dollar hay nets work good. $20 of cheap pine lumber will make a decent little feeder for two old horses. My gosh, Pinterest, Instagram and the whole stinking internet has a zillion ways to make cheap feeders for all kinds of livestock. Feeding on the ground like that is just amazingly lazy.

      I'll bet Patty doesn't even do that for her steeds.

  35. Oops...I take it back. I thought the video was gone, but I see it now. Holy crap (literally). That horse is trying to eat around its own shit. What the hell??? NO animal eats, drinks, or sleeps where it shits unless it is FORCED to. By refusing to buy or build a goddamn hay rack, jenna is forcing her horses to do something that goes completely against their instinct and is so, so unhealthy. Why does the ASPCA seize dogs from puppy mills? Because they are forced to live in similar conditions.

    This is awful. I grew up with horses, and we had a big round hay feeder in the pasture and hay racks in the stalls. And we went around with a wheelbarrow and picked up poop from the pasture every week!

    This is sheer laziness, pure and simple. Literally ANYTHING would be better than what she is doing right now, which is jack shit.

    1. And she has the chutzpah to treat her pigs the same way, and then try to sell their crap (literally) meat to the public for human consumption. I'll be following up on this issue by contacting local police soon. She needs to have another officer pay her hovel an animal welfare visit. (I was one of the people responsible for making that happen.) Then she can lie, like last time, and say that "He thought that my livestock looked great!!!" Jenna Woginrich is a disgusting cunt who deserves to have "this farm" foreclosed.

    2. She'd only need to spend $20 for two hay nets to fill with hay, then hang from post or tree branch to prevent horses from having to eat on top of their own Shi*. Yeah, she's that lazy and that uncaring.

    3. PDD. But she'd rather buy another expensive Taylor Swift sweatshirt with that $20 or more coffee instead of helping her horses be healthy.

    4. "Wahhh!!! The meanies are harassing me again for abusing animals. Donate, bitches!!!"

    5. So all those little chunks on the ground...they are...not...meatballs?

  36. Twit Shit (the evening edition):

    "Are you even an adult if you don't spend an entire day worrying about dental issues?"

    I'll rewrite it for her:

    Are you even an adult if you spend an entire day begging online, tweeting about Taylor Swift's sexuality, abusing animals, and also using manipulative marketing messages to con kind strangers into giving you mortgage money?

    (JFW: I never worry about "dental issues," because I actually have "direct deposit" and ample savings.)

  37. oh how precious she is out "feeding" her horsies in heels. So...darn....cute.....gag no it isn't but somehow I am guessing one of the dogs had to be on the porch to take a picture of her in heels going to feed the horses and the picture is of her from behind. So Gibson took it? Oh and of course the faux fun jacket is on also only thing missing for her date get up is the cowboy hat.

  38. Yeah, one wonders who snapped the shot? Or did she set up the camera on the timer to do so? Even lamer...

    That little amount of hay for two horses? Crazy. Horses eat a lot... or they should.

    1. Maybe her date picked her up so she wouldn't have to drive her stinky truck. But asking your date to take a pic of you feeding your animals is kinda weird...and red-flaggish.

    2. As a horse owner, I call horse 💩 on her "impromptu" photo.

      First, horses need regular feedings of hay, continually being ideal. So she would know if she feeds her horses an evening meal of hay - and the timing. Therefore, she wouldn't just "dash out" to feed the horses.

      Second, no horse person runs through snow when you have boots everywhere. Slip on boots, feed horses, change back into shoes. We are to believe she went on a date with soaking wet stockings and dress shoes?

      Third, more evidence that LAF Pig Shocker merely tosses food over closest gate, where horses must come to eat. By the level of the gate, there is at least 1-2 feet of mashed-together hay and manure. Yes, she treats them the same way she treated goats - give them food on top of 💩 and don't clean up.

      Fourth, notice the light-colored trees near the gate? The horses have likely eaten bark off the trees, girdling (killing) the trees. This happened with her pigs in the pig gulag. Horses like to nibble on wood, true, but they do it less if they have sufficient hay and mineral supplements. Pica exists in horses too.

      As for who took the photo, I'm betting a timer on the camera or perhaps one of her local enablers. I mean, who the fcuk takes a photo of themselves tossing hay (and not enough) to horses'? This is the sort of contrived photo she specializes in!

    3. Staged photo...yes, it appears to be. One of those, "Whoopsie, accidental selfie...might delete later!"

  39. So now that shes gone for the night, it leaves her house open for intruders. I would never say on twitter or any social media site I am going out for the night. What a moron.

    1. She also once announced to Twitter that her across-the-street neighbors were out of town for a few weeks. What a smart girl and fantastic neighbor she is, eh?

    2. but wait she can't leave her house for hours at a time. She has to tend the fires (in her heels) she has to protect her animals she has to be at home damn it. What is this going out all about anyway? I am so worried for her she will come home to an empty house no one there to protect her? I am very worried.................

    3. Anon7, remember when she posted information on the empty mansion that had New Jersey owners with embarrassing marital problems? So adult of her to share unfounded personal rumors on absent owners. One might even say it was extremely hurtful.

    4. Yep. And she also posted an ariel photo of said mansion. Funny how she doesn't like being doxxed, but is totally fine with doing it to others.

  40. Twit Shit (the morning moanin' edition):

    "To stay on track this month, and to cover the price of a tooth repair today, I am making it a goal to earn $500 today. That is an insane amount of money for me to make in one day. But if I do I can relax and feel safe this month. So, here I go trying."

    It's a truck or tooth emergency. Again. And again. And again... The fact that she lists specific amounts of money to make is suspicious. Clearly, she just wants donations. I'm surprised that she didn't gush "Wish me luck!!!"

    1. Check out today's bleg. Sad face. How will she do it. Where will she get much-needed $$$ to run the farm. Oh God, please don't ask her to get an outside job to earn much-needed funds.

      Laughing at her cheering readers, who are too stupid to remember she wasted yet another weekend, and by all indications she's back on alcohol.

      From yesterday, her brag for the weekend: "Three days of local music, local smiles, and local beer."

    2. Yea she can't be that bad off if she's wasting time once again on booze and bars. The other day she said she was just now getting to a commission that started in the summer. It's freaking February! And another toothache? She is laying it on thick once again in the latest bleg to get pity bucks.

      The same ole shit from Jenna "WHHAAA WHHAAA" Woginrich.

      I call bullshit again on all this crap she writes. "Now I am sitting down with my emails, messages, client work, bank account balance, bills, dental appointment later today, and knowing I have ten days to make this payment happen to avoid any possible foreclosure."

      Cut the crap on the "foreclosure" bullshit because we all know it's nothing but lies. If she were truly worried about foreclosure, she wouldn't be going to bars, flying her stupid hawk when there is work to be done, buying outfits, mountain smashing with her dog and carrying heavy gear just to make tea (hello, most people just carry a thermos)....that was the stupidest thing I ever saw btw.

      She writes about the same damn thing over and over. "This farm is up against it." "I need $500 to make my mortgage." "I have to see the dentist again." "My truck won't start."

      Then she writes..."And I'll tell you this for free. If this next book doesn't sell, or flops, then I will. I will have to. " She means sell the farm.


      Then "Or change my life drastically in some way because waking up ready for battle every day just to keep a roof over your head and your house warm enough to keep the pipes from freezing is worse than smoking three packs a day."

      Yes, GET A JOB MORON!

    3. Everyone: exactly.

    4. 20 hours a week x $13.00/hour. That would come close to covering the mortgage. Four days for 5 hours a day. Not that much do you want to keep that farm? I'd do whatever I fucking had to to keep my home.

    5. The Pig Shocker wrote ten paragraphs to say she needs $200. As for a book deal, keep dreaming. She ruined her own name via all the well-documented animal abuse and neglect. How does she not realize that THAT IS WHY she hasn't had a new book deal in half a decade?

  41. She really needs to start reading instead of listening to podcasts and retweeting other's random thoughts. I suggest Kristen Kimball's books as they tell of a successful and useful farm. Also, How to Carve a Living From the Land. Everything written in these books and many, many other magazines, articles etc. are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she does on a daily basis.

    And NO! She is not "awesome, and amazing" and worth a "you go girl".
    Please. Followers, Wake the HELL up.

    1. Her foollowers are idiots. One of them asked her today if she has a Patreon account and she said "no" but said she "might consider it"

      WTF? Does she not understand how Patreon works? It's a platform for content creators to get paid. Writers, podcasters, videographers, artists. The closest thing she has to offer is that boring bleg of hers -- but she already has a subscription button there. Why would she need a Patreon as well? Oh, greed...yeah, that's the ticket. Adding yet another avenue directly to her bank account.

  42. "Are you even an adult if you don't spend an entire day worrying about dental issues?"

    WTF? What adult spends an entire day worrying about dental issues?

    1. I guess one does if they are thinking of pulling out the old "dental issues" to scam others. I will rewrite that.

      Are you even a dishonest person if you don't spend an entire day thinking of ways to scam people?

  43. Heh. Here's how you know that the tooth emergencies AREN'T REAL--she NEVER shows an actual receipt. IF she were really concerned about being transparent, she'd show a receipt. If it's a question about naming the dentist, she would blur that out, but if I were one of these dummies still donating to her, I'd at least want some sort of evidence.

    Reputable folks asking for donations on ANYTHING have some sort of breakdown to present to their sponsors. It's the least she could do if she were honest.

    1. *Let me clarify--I meant a receipt from a dentist--ANY dentist or dental clinic, that breaks down what was done for ALL of these MANY tooth emergencies.

      On that note, how many teeth does this girl have?? By now, she should be ready for for dentures, for how horrible her teeth are every other week.

    2. Doesn't matter if she posts a receipt. She's a graphic designer. She can create one.

      And if she posted one, AND if it was real, there is still no reason people should pay it. Responsible adults pay their own bills.

    3. Anonymous 12:58. Amen! Jenna Woginrich is so self-entitled and lazy that she expects other adults to support her fat ass.

    4. In the past two years alone she's supposedly had 3-4 root canals, several cracked crowns, and at least 2 or 3 broken teeth. How is there anything left in her mouth? She really needs to stop chomping on the ice cubes in her evening cocktails.


    I took action against her animal abusing today. Unfortunately, for now, I can't tell you what was accomplished. But I'll divulge that appropriate agencies already have copies of that incriminating video, as do I and others. So even if she deletes the evidence it's too late.

    1. Good! And the animals thank you! That's pretty damning proof too. Horses nosing poo out of the way just so they can eat.

  45. Apologies, but this is kind of long. I’m reading a very good book by Mark Manson called, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” which, of course, attracted me as that’s sorta me in a nutshell… heh. Clarification: It’s not about not giving a fuck about ANYTHING, but more about caring about the right things. He’s got some good insights.

    Anyway, this excerpt explains the FFF to a T, I thought.

    “Jimmy is entitled. That is, he feels as though he deserves good things without actually earning them. He believes he should be able to be rich without actually working for it. He believes he should be liked and well-connected without actually helping anyone. He believes he should have an amazing lifestyle without actually sacrificing anything.

    Once people have developed the thought pattern to constantly construe what happens around them as self-aggrandizing, it’s extremely hard to break them out of it. Any attempt to reason with them is seen as simply another “threat” to their superiority by another person who “can’t handle” how smart/talented/good-looking/successful they are. Entitlement closes in upon itself in a kind of narcissistic bubble, distorting anything and everything in such a way as to reinforce itself.

    People who feel entitled view every occurrence in their life as either an affirmation of, or a threat to, their own greatness. If something good happens to them, it’s because of some amazing feat they accomplished. If something bad happens to them, it’s because somebody is jealous and trying to bring them down a notch. Entitlement is impervious. People who are entitled delude themselves into whatever feeds their sense of superiority. They keep their mental facade standing at all costs, even if it sometimes requires being physically or emotionally abusive to those around them. But entitlement is a failed strategy. It’s just another high. It’s not happiness.”

    Manson, Mark. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck (Mark Manson Collection) (p. 46). Harper. Kindle Edition.

    1. Wow...that sounds EXACTLY like her. Every bit. And the part about "thought patterns" would definitely explain why she thinks it's OK to beg each month. Her brain won't allow anything else. (And thanks for the book recommendation -- sounds interesting!)

    2. Duckmama, you're right. The description exactly fits FFF, a forever-child who wants to live an entitled dream life while others to pay for it.

      She's clearly jealous of people who are happy, have partners, travel or lead better-managed lives. She tries so hard to convince herself (and her readers) that her "fictional life" is somehow better. It isn't. She harms and neglects animals, and she uses people. It's frankly pathetic that a healthy and educated adult chooses to beg and scam for money instead of working to create a genuinely self-sufficient life. If animals weren't harmed, I might actually feel sorry for her.

  46. "Dear 14-year-old Jenna, Know you'll some day live in a very weird, small, farm town that holds regular women's mounted archery practices 4 minutes from your home. Just get through High school and you have some good things ahead."

    Once again, on Instagram, she pretends like she's talking to her teen self. I've never seen another adult do this repeatedly like she's done. It appears as if 14 is the emotional age that she's still stuck at in her stunted mindset.

    1. Perhaps it was a typo? She always says 13-year-old because that's how old she was when she stopped maturing mentally and emotionally. Forever-teen syndrome.

    2. Well maybe she is actually maturing.......but in dog years.


  47. On February 13, FFF posted the following on IG from the account of @catpowerman5000:

    "I'm thankful that I'm hotter now than I was in high school and that technology has evolved in a way that makes it easy to remind all the people who wronged me of this fact."

    Her insecurity, teen fixation and mean-spiritedness are never hidden for long.


    From the bleg "Every single one of us knows there's a desk or a ditch out there calling our names and we don't have to struggle with making our land work. We can sit down to a spreadsheet or pick up a shovel - yet we remain."

    FFS, office work is not equivalent to DIGGING FREAKING DITCHES LIKE A PRISON WORKER.

    "...get back to the job and life I hated..." Again, FFS, having the enormous privilege of living in a part of the world where one can access a desk job makes us wealthier than the majority of humans on this planet. I hated accounting (the slavery of finance and spreadsheets, poor moi) and so I don't do that anymore. I do other administration work. There is a whole world of decent-paying work out there, and I don't even have a degree. I am hoping once my mortgage is paid down a bit, I can leverage some of that equity to begin my own post-secondary education and maybe do even better paid work. But as it is, here I remain, toiling over a ditch - I mean desk.

    I sincerely hope she is in therapy. "The minute this farm went from joy to fear..." Girl, you've lived these eight long years in a state of fear (apparently) and lacking the resources (ahem INCOME) to truly thrive. You've spent nearly a decade now trying to convince readers this is some sort of dream, you made it, what a magical life!

    Yet the constant solicitation, the posting of piddling income goals, and the expressions of stress and fear tell a different and frankly depressing story.

    Not even getting into the poor animal husbandry. No one who wants to farm should feel good about the situation perpetuated at CAF.

    Girl, sell that farm so you can walk away with something. Yeah it'll be heartbreaking, and I do have sincere empathy for anyone having to liquidate and walk away from a dream. Sometimes that's reality, and you're better off counting your blessings and finding long-term practical solutions. Speaking of which -

    "Knowing I have ten days to make this payment happen..." Then you had *no business* taking the weekend off, that was shamefully short-sighted.

    "I know this blog went from hopefulness and joy of country living to the constant uphill clawing to keep what I have." But you're not keeping what you have. You can't maintain your property, your definition of savings is having enough in the bank to make a mortgage payment. All these years and no nest egg? You're losing ground you can't see.

    And for what? There is no reason you need that "scrappy freehold" - for feeder pigs? Hens? Hawks and horses? Perpetuating a romanticized fiction of your own life? Side gigs that pay a few hundred a month, and farm income that pays a few thousand a year? It's been ten years, and what are you actually doing?

    "90% of my energy goes into simply figuring out if I get to keep my house this month."

    Is another book going to save all that? The story of CAF and Jenna is not at all inspirational.

    1. And PS - I would totally follow a blog of the post CAF Jenna. I'd rather read about a great camping trip with 6 other women once a year, the occasional trail ride, and how to grow squash on a rooftop city garden and convert your collies from farm dogs to agility contenders. Go meet a cute girl in a dog park! I would truly love to see Jenna reinvent herself. The end of CAF could be a real opportunity. You don't have to be original to be authentic and engaging.

  49. An evening in my life. Back in Jan. I had a tooth break off in the back after taking a bite of bacon at Cracker Barrel. Well went to the dentist and it was $1700. for a new crown, didn't really have the money for it at that time and didn't want to take it out of savings so I did the big girl thing and put it on my credit card. You see I have no blog to beg in. Tonight had a coughing fit for some reason and I swear I just had a cap come off that cost even more than the other one by a different dentist 2 years ago. So now tomorrow I will need to call the dentist and see how fast something can be done and I will have to pay for it. You see I have no blog to beg in. I am still working 4 or 5 days a week I am 72 and pay our own bills. You see I have no blog to beg in. Damn this grown up shit is for the birds, how do I start a blog?


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