Jenna says....

I know people are trying to be helpful, but telling someone already working 5+ gigs to pay the bills they should "consider a part-time job" isn't helpful unless you want to see me throw my eyeballs at drywall.  

I personally would LOVE to see her throw her eyeballs at drywall.


  1. Holy shit, what does this even mean? And since when are hunting for leisure, playing D&D, and drinking at a brewery considered "gigs"?

  2. well if she did throw her eyeballs against the wall for once it won't be hawk shit. So dramatic this woman. And the 5 "gigs" a day? How in the hell long does it take to type a bunch of begging words and call it a gig? She ISN'T doing all this stuff all she is doing is writing down she is capable of doing this stuff (I know I know the jury is still out if she is capable) not like she actually does them. She doesn't give archery lessons every work day, she doesn't do each and everyone of the shit she has listed each day hell not even weekly or monthly so she isn't doing 5 gigs a day. She is dramatic though.

    1. Her only "gig" is goofing off.

    2. If you are putting your time and effort into working "5 gigs" and aren't making enough money to pay ANY of your bills, you are a G.D. moron.

  3. Guys?? Maybe one of her five (5) gigs is offering ridiculous pronouncements???

    This - talking about handling axes as an outdoor skill. It's from her proto-homesteader period: "The men throw the sharp pointies and the women have the babies, this is a model that has stood the test of time."


    For those who haven't suffered enough, I offer a link to the full story of "lumberjackin 101":

    1. Oh jeez, she looks like a crazed lunatic with that axe. This is interesting, what she had to say after chopping down a tree on her property:

      ❝ The 30+ foot tree fell to the ground with an autumn crash, leaves sputtering everywhere. I realized, as it fell, that I just acquired a few weeks of warmth. it'll take a year to season, but fall we'll likely be chopping and stacking this very tree. ❞

      Ok, while I understand chopping down her mere 6 acres of woods is not sustainable, could she at least chop down two 30 footers, leave them to cure for a year, and then instead of running out of wood come mid-Winter's Bottom, she'd have some free wood for herself? Then she wouldn't have to beg. But oh, all that would take actual work on her part. Never mind.

    2. Anon7, she didn't chop the tree down. Our feral female had a man do it for her. Likely she's burned most people in her community (so they won't come out), doesn't want locals on her property (to see condition) or is just too lazy to bother.

      We cut our own wood, but if we didn't it would be easy to find someone to cut the wood and split the load.

      These days, she's an absolute loser at rural living.

    3. With 6 acres of ungroomed woods (at least 10 years+) she should have enough deadfall to keep her through quite a bit of winter. Any picture she posts shows enough weird bits and fallen trees that a little grooming each year would make her property even more desirable for wildlife and such. And she could get a little electric/battery chainsaw off Amazon for under $50 that will do a pretty good job and is hardly scary. (We have one, they are pretty decent and easy!)

      Oh, but that is work. Hmmm. yeah better just get bundles at Stewarts for premium so you have more time to whine and beg online.

  4. Twit Shit:

    "This farm needs all the kindness it can gather this winter. I know I share this a lot. That's because only about 1 in 15 times does someone respond looking for art or soap or possibly pork! I am sharing it in hopes to making this month and mailing out a late mortgage payment~"

    There she goes again, mentioning "This farm" and its "needs for kindness." It's more of her manipulative marketing. What will happen to poor, desperate little JFW if she loses her hovel?! What she's really saying to followers is:

    I want you to excuse my laziness, and don't pester me for progress reports on projects. I'd rather eat cheese hunkering down like a yeti on my stairs, and make memes to attract some dumb dame to date me, rather than be an adult and work to support myself.

    1. "Buy my crap, or the farm animals die."

    2. Yeah, without her poor pet props there would be no good reason to donate.

    3. Yep, once she's no longer able to have pigs for spam shares and geese/chickens for eggs, she's totally screwed. Cuz no one is going to want to donate to a lazy near-40-year-old with a couple of horses, dogs, and cats. Oh, and that bird too. That's no farm.

    4. The only farm she will ever live on is when she's shipped off to the funny farm in her special huggy suit.

  5. Well, snowflake... if your 5+ gigs are paying the bills, time to ditch one or two and get new ones.

  6. Jenna loves to lose supporters and followers. Now that is something she could espouse.

  7. Take a look at her latest twitter. OH. MY. GOSH. Seriously, if you know you are going to take months, be very clear on that. RUDE.

    1. She deleted them - but said to the effect that people being rough on her because they don't have their orders need to be nicer. She is not Target customer service. And by a wait, she doesn't mean 2 weeks - she means months. Oh -and she can only do 2-3 a day, MAX.

    2. Sorry I missed them, as I was, you know, taking care of farm animals in freezing cold weather. Mine have shelter, dry fresh bedding, heated drinking water, plentiful hay and blankets for those who need "extra" comfort.

      The FFF? Pfft. Not much care about her animals. She's overworked, unloved and can "barely make it" but has no problem having the same enabling friends over to play D&D with added bonus of stepping outside to play. Plenty to eat and drink too. Maybe she and her friends should have shoveled out paths for the elderly horses, given them extra food or helped make their lives easier while they stood around, thumbs-in-bums.

      Again, I ask, since anyone with half a brain can figure out that her various social media feeds tell different stupid are the people who hire her these days???

    3. Next time I will copy them but there were 4 tweets and she was angry because someone reamed her over the lateness. How in the world can she think that a 4-5 month delay is okay?

    4. Wow. Maybe someone copied them and we will see them. But wow. You can’t demand pre-payment in full, then have a 3-4-5 month delay hoping people would forget their orders or not want the trouble of contacting you, etc., and then post all over social media how you are wasting days on expensive hobbies and wants, all while begging for “survival” money and not doing work.
      Just doesn’t work that way.

    5. Here's the thing. If she can only do 3 a day, let's be generous, and she only works 4 days a week... that is 12 a week. And 12 a week is like 48 a month. And 48 a month times being behind say even 2 months is nearly 100 of these crappy cartoons. At 50 bucks a crack, that's like $5 grand... She wouldn't be behind so much on her bills and such if she was making $2500 a month for just that one gig.

      Someone is not telling the truth.

      Someone is playing around way too much and working on the same 3 or 4 a week apparently. Cuz she would be a shit headed fool to not ramp it up to 5 or 6 a day and rake in the cash and stop all her worries with a little extra work on that gig. You would think that all her happy customers would be sharing her with all their friends, after all, nearly everyone has a pet these day, maybe even two or three.

      Like usual, her math is way off track or she's just lying through her teeth. Or both.

    6. They should just file a complaint with the FCC regarding her online scam of taking money and not producing the product that was paid for.

      This is the mobile link for assistance in filing the complaint. There is a section regarding online shopping:

      She can get into further shit with the FCC for blasting her buyers on social media when they ask for the products the paid for.

    7. FarmLass did the math! 🏆

      She's definitely bullshitting about something. I'd say she only gets one commission a week, if that. But tries to make it look like she's got a plethora of orders. But then cries about being broke. You can't have it both ways.

    8. Yeah, her role calls of activity and such never ever add up.

    9. Now now... she says she WORKS on 3 a day... not finishes them.

      What constitutes "work?" 5 minutes per each?

    10. How long is a typical podcast? She says she listens to them while she "works" on art.

  8. "Incel and the Country"January 20, 2020 at 10:26 AM

    Twitter Twaddle:

    "I am realizing I don't have to tweet everything. I can just cry."

    Oh, boo fucking hoo. It looks like Ms. Super Snowflake is having a mini Monday meltdown. And she'll never stop oversharing and burdening followers with her begging. She just wants stupid strangers to affirm her pathetic existence.

    1. She is so creepy! She truly acts like a child and it's just gross.
      She is probably pouting and sucking her thumb as well.

      No way in hell does she have anywhere near 2-3 commissions per day to work on.
      No one believes that for a second. She's managed to sell a couple of her shitty drawings and once she had the person's money, she couldn't care less about producing what was paid for.

      Pig Shocker is way too busy acting crazy and feeding her social media addiction to do anything else.
      She even ignored her past livestock's basic needs to the point of death.

      What makes anyone think she won't break her promises to her buyers rather than spend anytime offline?

    2. I’m starting to think that she promotes the theory to her buyers that she works on their pieces for, say, ten hours for a pet drawing. Then she works for an hour each day on three separate drawings, thus stretching the time it takes to get a ten-minute sketch into the months. Seems that she is “working” on the same three pieces for many weeks. Like someone else already said, why not sit your ass down and make that 5 a day, and double the time you work on each, and get done faster so you can book more jobs? Oh well. That wouldn’t suit her lifestyle.

    3. Whackadoodle - She bites her nails down to the quick, so thumb sucking isn't any stretch of the imagination!

      Anon 4:26 - I never thought of that -- that she's privately telling them the portraits take many hours to do. I can't see why they'd take more than an hour: just pencil sketch the face, do a minimal amount of water coloring, then outline in black. And since most of her portraits look the same, it's clear she's not taking the time to make them accurate or even recognizable. So yeah, definitely less than an hour.

    4. Her cartoons are pretty much the same poses with a slight variation and coloring. Ten hours? I am a graphic artist and illustrator and if she takes more than an hour or two at MOST it would be stunning. And reflect in the work. Which it does not.

      She has plenty of time to be online for hours and making up stupid lez wolf memes... she has time to hustle and get the promised stuff done.

    5. No, you don't have to Tweet everything and you don't have to cry. You could *HORRORS* get a part time job with a steady, reliable paycheck. OMFG!!

  9. A tweet like that is nothing but a forced validation ask.

    1. Anonymous 12:54. Exactly. She wants "a forced validation ask" and affirmative responses in order to feel justified in being a lazy, unethical cunt.

    2. Totally! Pig Shocker wants more yes women in her life to tell her how right she is and how terribly she is being treated. Only problem with that is that she couldn't be more wrong and her yes women are dropping like flies.

      The only people who would agree with her lame woe is me bullshit are other crazy losers like herself.

    3. WDH. Her follower account on Twitter only goes up slightly, and then abruptly drops again. Bitch can't even hit 5,000 because new people do research, and then drop her fat ass when they read about the JFW's rotten reputation.

    4. At this point, the only follows she has are people who can't look away from her shit show of a life and the ones she has purchased with woe is me money.

  10. I can't help but feel sorry for Pig Shocker's relatives everytime I see her embarrassing, mentally ill social media posts.

    She could be a product of her environment and how she raised. However, I lean more towards Pig Shocker being an entitled narcissistic sociopath who most likely ignores her family's pleas to get help.
    If that is the case, I feel extremely bad for them.

    1. I'm sure that they wish she'd change her last name.

    2. The Pig Shocker once told a story on her bleg, something about a talk (at age 13) with Mama Wog who said to her, "Jenna, you're a Woginrch, figure it out" or something like that. What it means, I don't know. But I'll bet Ma Wog regrets saying that now in light of what a lazy online panhandler her daughter has become.

  11. "They should just file a complaint with the FCC regarding her online scam of taking money and not producing the product that was paid for."

    Ain't happening. The original Cold Antler Sham was created for people to air their complaints and information was given to them on how to file in small claims court, or with the attorney general, etc. Very few people followed through. It was unbelievable.

    The reason? Many people did not feel it was worth their time. They felt that it was a 200 dollar (or other amount) lesson learned. We begged them to not let Jenna get away with it. I think a few people may have tried but not many.

    Someone came on one of the previous blogs saying her mother bought a pork share but never received it. This young woman was given information on where to file a complaint, but she said her mother was too nice to do that.

    And this is how Jenna gets away with it.

    I have yet to hear from anyone who filed a complaint somewhere and received a refund as a result. Maybe it has happened, but it was never reported here.

    1. That's too bad cuz small claims court is not as difficult as people think. It's cheap ($35 years ago, probably more now) and it's a simple form to fill out. Then you just show up.

    2. It very well could happen.
      Using an app to file a complaint couldn't be more different than what it would take to sue her in small claims court.
      Especially for victims who live in states other than New York.

    3. Oh then that makes it even easier -- filing online rather than drive to the courthouse to pick up the form (which is what I had to do many moons ago).

  12. 🤑 In a tweet where she laments the usual "I know I beg a lot but..." she received a few interesting comments today:

    From Sarah: ❝ I know it's very forward of me to ask, but how much do you need to pay off your mortgage? It may be an amount that micro lenders are willing to refinance with better rates than a bank. ❞

    I wouldn't hold your breath for an answer to that one, Sarah. When Jenna is super broke and needs money, she has no problem letting everyone know that her bank account is down to single digits. But try to get that info coupled with wanting to give advice? She won't tell you shit.

    And Lori said: ❝ Pulling for you! ❤️ ❞

    I'd like to think that Jenna mis-read that as "PayPaling you!" before realizing it didn't, lol. 💔

    1. She's hoping Sarah will just shut up and pay it for her.

    2. And she still hasn't bothered to respond. I hope Sarah unfollows her cuz that's just rude.

  13. Odd observation: Looking at her bleg from this past Fall/Winter, it appears that it was the first time the Pig Shocker DID NOT beg all her foollowers to send cards for Halloween/Christmas. Remember, she used to do that all the time, the greedy hack.

    So she either stopped because:

    a) There's no readers to ask anymore
    b) They weren't sending money anyway, just cards
    c) Both

    1. I've also noticed that. It might be because she knows that we'll ream her for it.

  14. ❓ From the last thread Anon 1:06 wrote: ❝ So who wants to hear her new dating app ad? ❞

    So was it posted? I don't see it anywhere.

    1. No - sharing it here would violate the terms of use of the app.

    2. It couldn't be shared anonymously via cut and paste?

    3. She has one ad app which is the usual (top/bottom, butch/femme, Beauty/Beast), but what I found interesting was the missed connection ad for someone she made eye contact with last summer on the Battenkill. It had a line something like, "You were with the person I hope is now your ex, and I was with the person who's now mine."

      Now there's a new ad that includes the line, "The locals whisper how she is a top with her shit together, but is somehow unlucky in love? Preposterous but true!"


    4. Shesh. Desperate people seeking sex partners online just seems so, so... oooewwy.

      The locals whisper... yuck. I would be freaked out if the locals were whispering about my choice of sexual positions. Like my feed guy or something... "I hear she prefers a roll in timothy hay, if ya know what i mean... wink, wink, nudge, nudge, knowwhatImean?

      Her ex... hahaha, for what like 10 seconds? What a crappy thing to say. I dunno, so romantic... ugh.

    5. Thanks for the info, Anon 5:49! Welp, that's horrible that she's wishing her missed connection to be broken up. I mean, I can see the humor but it's a pretty inappropriate thing to say...especially to a stranger. Creepy.

      So is this an Instagram app? Or something else?

    6. I really don't think the locals give two shits about Jenna's love life or lack thereof. But the line "with her shit together"????? I don't think so. Never has her shit together and never will.

    7. She likes to include lame lines with words like "whisper" in them. JFW thinks that it makes her appear alluring and sexy instead of stupid and pathetic.

    8. Anon 6:47, I too prefer a roll in timothy hay. I find Bermuda grass is so dry it makes my butt itch. Alfafa's alright though. It has a high protein content.

    9. What a psychopath.

      I guess one of her houseguests last summer (who clearly only stayed with her for a free room in new york) is now being referred to as an "ex."

      The entire paragraph mentioning the locals should be a huge 🚩that she is batshit crazy.
      With her unfortunate looks, total lack of a work ethic and condescending twat personality, no one will be willing to put up with the additional baggage of untreated mental illness.

      If someone is attractive, kind, witty, or funny, a person might let some bad qualities slide. However, none of those qualities describe Pig Shocker.

  15. I didn't see it on her Insta-stories either. But if anyone is curious, here's a direct link:

    ☞ ☜

    A few questions: Is pork supposed to look like that? And how is it she's out of breath while standing still in the Taylor Swift/Hawk one?

    Also, some of them have a "play" button where it plays instantly -- while others have a download button but I don't know what that means. Will something of hers then be on my computer? I'd like to avoid this contamination if possible.

    1. Top 10 signs of Pig Shocker computer contamination:

      1) Your computer starts drinking heavily.

      2) Your computer shows an adversion to working.

      3) Your computer smells like a dirty armpit.

      4) Your computer begs incessantly for money.

      5) Your computer starts wearing yarn hair extensions.

      6) Your computer is responsible for multiple hawk "disappearances."

      7) Your computer resembles Groucho Marx in an Indiana Jones costume.

      8) Your computer starts begging for wood despite having a furnace.

      9) Your computer starts posing like a creepy toddler in photos.

      10) Your computer's homescreen mysteriously changes to this terrifying photo:

    2. Lol, sounds about right! I also don't want Facebook cookies following me around. Especially since I don't use FB, so as far as I'm concerned they have no business knowing who I am and what my interests are.

      BTW, the pic of the pork is gone. Bummer, as I really wanted to know what in the hell was wrong with it as it looked a gawd-awful mess. (Dried out, swollen, yellow...just overall weird.)

    3. Nah, she never reads here. Frequently she'll delete incriminating pics and tweets after we've commented about them. It's happened too often to be coincidental.

    4. The pork photo sounds disgusting.
      I can't imagine buying any sort of food from her let alone butchered livestock.

      Back before she had to give them away, her livestock were fed garbage and must have been stressed out due to their horrible living conditions. That's a recipe for really bad meat.

  16. FarmLass, it's pretty remarkable how far down her "rural homesteading" attitude and skills (if they ever existed) have fallen. In 2011, she at least appeared to understand the importance of using one's own trees for firewood. Now she doesn't harvest her own wood, buys wood already seasoned (at highest prices of the year) and even buys bundled fire starter at Stewart's instead of making her own.

    Those of you who have watched this Whackadoodle sh** show for awhile probably remember when she kept pigs outside in their electrified gulag, without proper shelter. Of course, the pigs girdled nearby trees, which means trees are dead and can be harvested. Free firewood! Yet, she's NEVER done this. As local people continually point out, she has wood on her property and there is plenty of wood "free for the taking" in her part of New York. However, during summer/fall, she's too busy playing to collect meaningful supplies of firewood. Then, like clockwork, winter's bottom finds her lamenting she is without firewood and begging for $$$.

    Her MO for the past few years seems to be mimicking city folk who only visit Dead Animal Farm when they want amusing "rural stories / pics", free lodging (especially when Pember Patty is vacationing and her farm is available) or social media praise, courtesy of FFF. These people wouldn't know their rear ends from holes in the ground, which means FFF can impress them & hide her insecurities by being better with at least one thing. Sad way to live.

    1. I totally agree. She runs a sort of weird dude ranch homestead for bluechecks and wanna bes. We have 3 acres and there are always lots of deadfall and big branches and stuff to burn. We do get seasoned cut wood from a neighbor but we buy it by the huge truckload in the late fall and it's all ready to go. And after 9 years, like her, we know how much wood we will need and plan accordingly. Its rare that we need any wood and if we do, it's just because April is chilly or something weird.

      Can you only imagine the respect and interest she would get if she was really homesteading? Not just pretend, a couple horsies and random chickens and all. Even her feedlot hogs, hardly a real operation. We've raised hogs, broilers, goats, sheep, etc. Honestly, its a hard thing to really make much cash at unless you have quanitity of animals and a good feed source. Just buying piglets and growing them off single bags from the feed store of food is hard. You need to buy feed in bulk and even grown some of your own forage to really make much money in regards to the time needs. At the most she might make like a hundred a hog... so yeah, half a year of daily work, feed, cost of piglets etc to make $300 for three feeders? Shesh, you can make that in one week with a real job and none of the daily labor.

      You make money feedloting stock by having a lot of animals, or a cheap feed source, or both. Takes the same time to feed 10 hogs as it is to feed 3, pretty much. We did far better selling piglet than finished hogs. We spent the cash and got a breeding trio of good, pedigree American Guinea Hogs and each litter we would get about a grand or more for 5-7 piglets. One litter we had 10 piglets and sold them all for $2,000.

      For someone that has written homestead books and was even asked to speak at a Mother Earth Fair and such, she has certainly blown it. She could have had a lucative little nitch there and now she makes craft soap, draws cartoons and plays GOT extra with the horsies and hawk all day long. And of course, works hard at minipulating and stressing her kind readers and supporters. I have lots of friends online, and read blogs and other Twitter accounts and such and I have NEVER heard of anyone that begs and whines about her condition for years and years, neary every freaking day. Not one.

      Insanity is doing the same things over and over without change and expecting different results...

    2. So basically she's doing the daily work (of feeding pigs) for an outcome of just a few hundred bucks? That doesn't make much sense. Well, maybe back when she was actually homesteading, I could see how that much money would help supplement her other mini incomes via sheep wool, goat's milk, etc. But this pork shares thing on it's own, it doesn't seem like it's worth the effort.

      Which makes it more likely that she's just buying freshly expired meat from the grocery store and re-packaging it in an attempt to pass it off as her own.

    3. It's easy enough to do the math.

      Cheap piglet $50
      6 months of feed $250-$300
      (a piglet might eat a bag of feed in a month, but by the time they are hogs they should be eating a pretty good amount. when we had full grown hogs they were going through 300-400 pounds of feed a week... 3 of them)

      Butchering $100

      She routinely butchers at pretty small hanging weight. I remember once she was excited to get like 80 pounds meat back, something like that. Lets give her 100 finished pounds of meat a hog. If she is really lucky with her poorly marketed meat and she pays the butcher as part of the deal, even at $8.00 a pound and being generous in all accounts that would be $800 a finished hog.

      Minus just the piglet, feed and butchering... -$450

      Maybe, maybe, maybe, she is seeing about $300 or so a hog. That is also after 6 months of daily care, watering, electricity for the fence, etc etc.

      And I'm giving her the best deals and such, our butchering was usually around 125 - 150 a hog... but we raised them bigger. Oh, yeah, and smoking and curing was usually about $40-$50 a hog, I forgot, that is extra usually. If you want real bacon, etc.

      We're in Ohio and I know for SURE New York prices are higher. I visited a farmer a few years ago and i was stunned at the higher prices for everything there!!!

      I may have been off a bit saying about $100 profit a hog, but it's not a whole lot more and that is depending on the best prices both for her inputs and her prices from her customers. Frankly, I would be very surprised that she can get $400 for a half a smallish hog. That seems high to me, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

      Add in all the time to care and any sort of special needs, oh wait, she doesn't vet her animals or give them shelter or anything... well, she does occasionally throw them some bedding, oops, more money there...

      Even if she made $300 a hog, times 2 or three hogs... $600 - $900 profit for a half year work, that is not enough to live on.

    4. 👍 Thank you for writing such a detailed explanation for those of us who know nothing about farming/raising animals.

    5. You're welcome... There is a sort of logic to it all... what goes in, comes out. In raising small amounts of feed lot animals of just random breeding, it's usually not a big profit maker when you leverage in all the time involved.

      Time that she could be working on more cartoons or working a part time job to meet her lesbian princess of her dreams. (Oh yeah, and paying her bills... AND raising some hogs...)

      That is the whole thing. You know, she can keep all her gigs and still work a side job.
      Lots of people do it. Feeding and watering her little feedlot shouldn't take more than an hour a day. That leaves 23 hours left to do something to help keep it rather than just these little hobby windfall and uncertain payouts.

  17. I just saw a segment on the news where a couple paid off $114,000 in debt in one year! They both worked full time and took on part time gigs in the evening and weekends. They also created a budget and drastically slashed their spending.

    The results? They are now debt free. They dropped their part time gigs and are now planning some R & R travel.

    No whining, begging, guilting, or taking money for product and not delivering. No whining about no inheritance or government handouts. One year of really hard work - that's all it took. That's how it's done, Jenna.

    1. I can't think of a bigger oxymoron than a debt free Jenna. 😆

      If she doesn't put on her big girl pants soon her life will continue to be 💩

  18. On the lezwolf Insta account a user named "illfuckanythinginajeanjacket" left a comment on one of Pig Shocker's lame memes. Cue a pic of PS wearing a denim jacket in 5...4...3...2... ⏰

  19. Morning whine: "If you're wondering how things are going here: my truck died in the driveway 5 mins ago, I told the girl I've been seeing this winter I have feelings (she does not), and my house is 48 degrees. Bright side: I get to eat the Wonder Woman chocolates I got her for Valentines Day."

    Send 💲💲💲💲💲💲

    1. Well maybe she can hook up with the girl she saw at the Battenkill over the summer. You know the one she locked eyes with. Just like she locks eyes with the laundry man. Jenna thinks if someone simply looks at her they want to be with her. I think it's her wild imagination.

    2. it's January and she already bought her Valentines Day candy for this girl that is like a month away? Good grief desperate much? I just don't get her at all spending money on this cause we all know it didn't come from Walmart. Funny this is the first we have heard of this girlfriend now that she has scared her away.

    3. No Jenna, I haven't been wondering how things are going there, I don't care if your truck died or how cold your house is. Now go get a job and stop whining.

    4. My god, her posts sound like the lyrics to a bad country western song.

    5. I call Bullllllshit that's there's a girl at all.

      She's using the same lame ass attempt to lure a partner as she uses to get commissions. Pretend others are interested even though they are not.

      If she's so damn broke, how dod she already but a V Day present?

    6. *how did she already buy a V Day present?

    7. I think that she's lying about the fake girlfriend. Otherwise, she would've been bragging about it on either Twitter or Instagram. There were zero mentions and pics so it's all a bunch of bull. Yeah, eating a lot of chocolate and cheese will really help maintain all of the weight that she lost this summer (said with sarcasm). JFW never looks any drastically different no matter how hard she (supposedly) exercises. Funny, how all of that rigorous running and "mountain smashing" doesn't change her shape.

    8. She put up a missed connections ad something like 5 days ago, put up a personal 1 day later, took the missed connection down a day later, and then put up a new personal yesterday. Make of that what you will.

    9. Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking she's 100% full of shit about everything she said in that tweet. The truck died 5 minutes ago and the first thing she does is run to Twitter to whine about it? And she happened to check the room temperature beforehand? There is so much to unpack with that tweet.

      A gigantic load of horse 💩 it is and nothing more. Also, she should get rid of the driveway since it has a tendency to kill things. First the chickens and now the truck.

      😡 BAD, BAD DRIVEWAY!!!

    10. Anon 2:33 - Where are you seeing all this activity? On Instagram Personals?

    11. Instagram personals become an app called Lex. I looked up how far Cambridge was from me and then searched on a few keywords I thought might turn up in her ads, and sure enough they did.

  20. Jon Katz wrote on his blog that he is officially not writing books anymore. The industry has changed so much. Instead of begging/whining, he actively posts on his blog multiple times a day. He volunteers at a retirement home, and fundraises for multiple organizations. He rescued an abused/sick dog and is training a puppy to be a service animal. The reason I'm using Jon for an example is because I've been reading Jon's blog for as long as I've been reading Jenna's and it is remarkable how much Jon has evolved and how much Jenna has not.

    Jon wrote:
    My blog is more successful than any book I ever wrote, I am finally liberated from corporate marketing departments and free to write what I want, I am up to my neck in good work with the elderly and refugee children.
    I love every day of my life on the farm, and every minute with the wonderful person with whom I share it. This is the most joyful sad decision I have ever made; it is the saddest happy ending.
    And you know what?
    I’ve never written better in my whole life.
    Entire post:

  21. Amen.
    Totally different people of course, but more importantly - totally different philosophies of how to Be in the world.

  22. I am no fan of Jon Katz but what he wrote is so true. He has written 26 books so far 5 best sellers and if HE can't get a book deal what makes her think she can? He does ask for promotions a few times a month for himself, for his causes several times a day so it proves you don't have to do everything like FFF does that it is the end of the world to be sure. He is making a living at just his posts so who is to say she can't also along with her of course 5 "gigs" a day she does. Then she wouldn't have to throw her eyesballs against the dry wall (where the hell did that saying ever come from never heard it before).

  23. Another DUMB FF phrase really.

    1. I thought what he said here was interesting:

      ❝ I was feeling like one of those people I always dreaded becoming; someone who fights to hang on, who can’t let go, who doesn’t grasp when he is no longer valued or wanted. ❞

      That sounds a lot like the Pig Shocker's current state: Someone who's foolishly fighting to hang on to, and can't let go of her failed farm dream, and someone who just isn't grasping the reality that her life story is no longer valued or wanted.

  24. While FFF is busy with her woe-is-me Twitter post, hoping to take in sympathy pity-orders or poodle-cash, lezwolfmemes is chock-a-block with time-wasting, no-cares-in-the-world jokes and entertainment commentary.

    Reminds me of the time she complained publicly of her unmanageable tooth pain on Twitter, then was accidentally outed by Pember Patty who showed a laughing, eating PS at her Thanksgiving feast.

    Bottom line is if she's communicating, she's lying. Must be really creepy to date, or even hang out, with someone like that.

    1. I remember that. From her bleg post on Thanksgiving Day 2018:

      ❝ I'm not sure how much I'll be participating in Thanksgiving this year. I'm heading out to meet friends later, and am ready with a giant round loaf of sourdough, but eating anything too chewy isn't happening. My tooth is actually pounding. I am taking antibiotics and a lot of ibuprofen and I'll call the dental surgeon tomorrow, but there's nothing else I can do for it today besides Orajel and whiskey. ❞

      Then Patty posted a pic on Instagram that showed Jenna's jolly self at the dinner table, hands up in the air, and her obnoxious gaping pie-hole shouting "Woooooo!" Yeah, cuz people in serious pain do things like that.

    2. I remember that too.

      Every year, Pig Shocker is magically transformed into a christian, rotund Tiny Tim who uses the holidays as a con to get pity cash on social media.

      What's hilarious is that every year Pig Shocker's bff P.P. shows what a liar P.S. is by posting photos of her celebrating the holidays. They aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch.

  25. Truck still won't start. Soon as I turn the key the battery reads dead even with a full charge. I think it has to go to the mechanic tomorrow via tow. Not great.

    AAANNNNDDDDD, HERE IS THE BIG FAT BEGATHON COMING UP SOON ONCE AGAIN. Hurry up, Winter's Bottom is soon upon her. Oh no, what's next? Will she be outtta firewood, will she have no food for the animals, hay is getting down to 2 measly flakes, pipes burst, root canal needed, dogs need to be taken to the vet, what's she gonna do????

    Come on poodles, buy her a new truck already! What the hell is everyone waiting for???

    1. What does she mean, "full charge"? Does she expect us to believe she actually has a car battery charger sitting around?

    2. Here guys: 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 Plenty for everyone!!

      Good catch Anon 2:32 - She's never mentioned a battery charger before. But little details like that sure make it all sound legit, right?

    3. Wait, you don’t have wire cutters to fix your fence, but you have a battery charger? I just bought a portable one for my college kid, and hubby got one for his atl and tractor, both were over $80 each. I don’t buy it.

    4. Probably purchased with Poodle money or borrowed from her bff P.P. I have no doubt that she owns a lot of stuff she supposedly can't afford.

  26. There are those who can talk and write about erotica effectively, and then there are those who should STFU. JFW is in the latter lesbian category. The thought of her sexuality makes me wanna hurl Ho Hos. She's repellent in every way. I can see her saying something stupid and dated to a woman like "Hey, baby. Was it good for you, darlin'?"

    1. Dating FFF must be like the old joke about an utterly self-absorbed person who, after talking about herself non-step, says to her date, “But enough about me. Let’s talk about you. What do you think about me?”

    2. LOL, that totally sounds like her. People like that also try to make every thing about themselves. I'll bet she's a one-upper too.

    3. LS, that darlin' comment made me want to projectile

      Imagine this person calling anyone darlin' in a romantic way:

      The goat looks terrified and rightfully so. Pig Shocker looks like the town lunatic in a low budget horror film.


  27. BTW, she wrote that "truck died 5 minutes ago" tweet at 4:57am. That means the truck died at 4:53am. Where the hell was she going at that time? Also, that would mean that she was awake for at least a half hour or more to get ready to leave the house. So, up at 3am to go...where?

    More like she experienced alcohol-induced insomnia and was up all night and then drunkenly wrote that tweet. Cuz it sounded like a good idea in her boozy state.

    1. Also note that soon after she re-tweeted her sales begs for:

      -Pet portraits
      -Spam shares

      Then tweeted AGAIN that the truck won't start. And finally, she tweets:

       ❝ Any help, helps. ❞ 💵 💰

      Fcuking pathetic.

    2. Yet she refuses to HELP herself. Get up off the couch and get a job.

      If you aren't making enough money to pay your biils, you are UNemployed, not self employed.

  28. ❝ I told the girl I've been seeing this winter I have feelings (she does not), and my house is 48 degrees. Bright side: I get to eat the Wonder Woman chocolates I got her for Valentines Day. ❞

    Someone commented: "Why the flip was she wasting your time then?"

    Newsflash: There is no "she" who wasted Jenna's time. There's been zero mention of any dates besides the Coast Girl one, in which she was sooooo excited about, that she couldn't even wait to get home before writing all about it and offering pics as proof. Where are the pics of this girl she's been seeing all Winter? And show me anywhere on her Twitter, bleg, or IG, anywhere she made mention of someone she liked sooooo much that she bought chocolates well ahead of Valentine's Day?

    Phantom Girl simply does not exist. 👻

    1. She exists only in Pig Shocker's demented mind...

    2. It's just another lie but it helps her situation two-fold. One it gets people to feel sorry for her and maybe pull out their wallet and two, it tells other people in her dating pool that she is experienced and at least one person had a relationship with her. Which I highly doubt.

    3. OR there was this 'girl' (UM, FFF is almost 40 - it should be 'woman') that was just hanging out with a group of friends and FFF secretly crushed and imagined reciprocation. Finally told her she was crushing on her and the 'victim' said 'Sorry, don't feel the same'.

    4. Her referring to women as "girls" is annoying and anti-feminist. I guess that she doesn't have the latest lesbian etiquette manual. We all know that she's still stuck in perma-teen mode so that's probably the reason. I also suspect that she was secretly stalking this person.

    5. I agree with Anon 6:27.
      If this person somehow exists at all, it does sound as if they hung out socially in a group which Pig Shocker took as "seeing" eachother.

      Hell, Pig Shocker is so crazy, this person could be someone that Pig Shocker only sees in town once in a while and made up in her head that she was dating her. Then when P.S. approached this unfortunate woman, she made it clear that she was not interested.

      A person has to be very firm with someone who is severely mentally ill if they want to keep any sort of boundaries in place. I can't imagine what it took for Pig Shocker to realize the woman was not interested. A billboard placed on Pig Shocker's street? A restraining order?

      Pig Shocker puts out a very Annie-Wilkes-from- the-movie- Misery vibe.

    6. Can you even imagine what social media horrors it would be to date or be serious with our feral farmer? She overshares every little thing about her life, so like, yeah, she would overshare


      about a girlfriend and their intimate life.

      Afterall, she needs street cred in her new sexual preference. Its so clear by the way she posts that she is on the outside, peering in through the window and hoping someone will take pity on her and teach her the ways. Sheesh...

    7. Remember when Ivy (I think that was her name?) stayed with her?
      The first visit, Ivy didnt post anything on her social media about staying at Death Wannabe Farm with Pig Shocker and of course P.S. posted a million times on her social media during the visit.

      One of the posts described Pig Shocker and Ivy preparing a meal together. P.S. made it sound as if they had gotten engaged during the mea . It was over the top and pathetic and clearly one sided.

    8. If I remember correctly at the time, some other Twitter friend asked Ivy is she was going to post pics and do a write-up...but Ivy didn't never bothered to do either. Lol. Guess once she escaped CAF she didn't want to mentally re-visit that mess.

    9. Anon 5:35, I agree. Also note that she once again used her favorite number "3"

      1) Truck died
      2) Girlfriend denied
      3) Cold 48˚ temp inside

      🔥 A big beggin' cry for firewood is next 🔥

  29. The little troll is begging again. Come on people she needs money to get her truck running again. Or she needs more money for something else. Girl doesn't even have $200??? Ha ha, you might want to rethink your choices in life. Apparently it ain't working.

    1. Lol @troll. That's a great adjective for her!

      She begs for anything and EVERYTHING.
      Pig Shocker doesn't wipe her own ass unless someone else buys the toilet paper.

    2. Double lol. Just imagine the anxiety she feels knowing she has to beg and how she'll be called out for it. But she just keeps doing it anyway. Not as hardcore as before, but still relying on others to give her 🐩 💰for life.

  30. what I don't understand is the starter and the labor is covered but the truck is like 100 years old so how can it be covered? It gets curiouser and curiouser all the time on Colfax Road.

    1. Even more curious, why doesn't she have AAA? Especially living where she does. Towing would be free. Help with a dead battery would be free.

      Remember that lame Taylor Swift sweatshirt she paid $75 for? That totally would have covered a AAA membership. And all her new clothes, monthly streaming/cable services, booze, new camping/mountain smashing gear? Some of that money also could have been used for AAA. But why spend the money on that when you can just beg internet strangers for help?

    2. That was my first thought - how does your 30+ year old truck that you bought used, presumably from the owner and not a dealer, which you've had for years now, fall under warranty? Like, if you're gonna lie, lie about something believable. And yes, her excuse for not having AAA is probably that she "can't afford it," but she can certainly "afford" to earn up cash for a tow. A little foresight would be nice: "Hey guys, I need to make at least three soap orders today because I finally realized that AAA should be a priority and I'm planning ahead for once!"

    3. Maybe the part has been replaced before and it is under warranty. She'd still have to pay labor.

    4. according to the pig shocker labor was also under warranty. So strange for sure even for her.

    5. Sounds like more bullllllshiiiiit from the compulsive liar.

      Once again she chooses to lie about something that she obviously has no idea of how it works, such as the warranty, knowing that many people who read it will know how it works and that she is lying.

      It's like she is so severely mentally ill that she actually believes she is beyond reproach.

  31. New FFF photos on IG reveal again that horse's hay is thrown on top of their horse 💩💩💩. Of course, Lazy-a** had excuses but bottom line is she tosses hay over the fence and is too lazy to clean up horse manure. Therefore they have no choice but to eat hay contaminated by fecal material.

    Horses eating their own sh** is a proven way for them to get intestinal parasites and worms.

    Really - such a lazy POS to not take proper care of the few animals she has.

    1. Irresponsible Pig Shocker is doing the same thing she did with the goat area. Absoloutely nothing. She never mucked it out and the goats had to stand on and eat off of 2+ feet of their own shit, as can be seen in this photo:

      Thats not piles of clean hay that they are standing on. That's hay thrown over their waste . How do we know this? Because she wrote about (woeeeee is her) she had to pay for a backhoe to remove the nasty piles from the goat pen and the backhoe actually got stuck in it.
      Pig Shocker thought that people would feel sorry for HER for having to pay for the backhoe, when of course anyone who looks at the photos of the goat pen only felt outraged that the goats had to live in those horrid conditions.

      Regular maintenance could have prevented that. Thank goodness the livestock finally had to be re-homed and they aren't living in their own filth.
      It took a lot of phone calls and emails from a lot of people to get Pig Shocker investigated and now the authorities need to do their due diligence for the horses as well.

    2. I saw that too. Just wow. So okay, I want to understand this. I've never really been around horses, but I imagine that after 2 or 3 piles of poop you'd then go fetch a shovel and clean it up, right? Like you do with dog poo on your lawn, yes? So what's going on there? That's not a poop area where you could step around carefully...that's a full-on poop field that you'd have to go completely around. And that's the area she chose to have her farrier preform his work? Like, there's a huge pile of stinky poo right below his face!

      This can't be normal conditions, right? This is like scorched earth mental illness, yes? Cuz the only thing I can think of is that her depression is drowning her in a sea of apathy. Sorry for all the questions, but this pic really stunned me. The amount of poop right

    3. Exactly so, Anon7. We muck stalls daily, and the outside paddocks get done every other day (although many barns clean the outside daily). Most importantly, we never feed hay near manure, certainly not on top of it or allowed to mix into manure. If hay gets contaminated, we toss it.

      She's admitted to having pinworms and tapeworms on her property, signs of poor sanitation, and such parasites will likely contaminate for a long time unless a solid anti-parasite program is put in place.

      On one occasion, FFF had to destroy all her meat due to animal infection (diseased yellow liver & white cyst throughout). Don't worry though. She turned her woe-is-me tale into a personal fundraiser, because poodles were gosh darn sorry she'd had such terrible bad luck.

    4. Woah...wait...I remember reading about the yellow diseased meat, but didn't know about the fund-raiser part. Does that mean the pork share folks lost their money AND she expected them to give her more?

    5. No, she whined so much, poor brave little farmer, that 🐩🐩🐩 showered her with donations, as noted in her comments.

    6. Just finished reading the comments. What a shit show that was. To be clear, did the Pig Shocker have to issue refunds for the bad meat? And how much (ballpark figure) did she mean when she called it a "financial hit"?

      Funny how there were a handful of people poking holes in her story. Rightfully so as there were several things that didn't make sense. And a few things that stood out for me, like how she'd jump over comments to shut-up the loudest people questioning her story and ignore the atta-girls. And her lack of blame/anger for the butcher was strange. Favorite part was when someone accused her of too much drama -- she denied this and in the same breath screeched, "If get sick and this farm is F*&@* there's no one here to watch it if I get sick and now that I am an hourly employee I don't get paid for sick days."

      Yeah, no drama there. None whatsoever! 👌

  32. For anyone considering the purchase of a nasty pork share- does this crazy heifer look as if she practices responsible animal husbandry?:

    Does it look as though her pigs are raised in a decent stress free environment?

    Why would anyone give this abusive monster money?

    1. Man, I hate that pic. Horrible human garbage she is. Yes, I understand that may be the best way to grab a pig, but show a little respect. Instead of living a long life, that poor piggy will live in squalor before becoming someone's meals. But there's the Pig Shocker in all her glory and coming up with shwitty comments like, "I put the laughter back in slaughter." This makes me so angry.

    2. And something the Pig Shocker really needs to consider: I truly believe that there is someone for everyone, even if you are hugely unattractive. UNLESS you are a mean person and/or incel-like. Then there's really no hope.

      Her best option at this point would be to legally change her name, as it's beyond salvageable. Anyone checking her out on a dating app is going to Google her and see all the references and links for "Cold Antler Sham" and "Cold Antler Farm Controversy" and quickly find out why she's called the Pig Shocker. And right there, on that bleg of hers, they can see for themselves her "Peta my ass" comment and how she spitefully smiled when she heard a pig squeal in pain. NO ONE, other than a serial killer, no one would be interested in dating someone like that. She's going to live a date-less life alone, devoid of affection and companionship...and she did that to herself.

    3. It's ironic that one pig would enjoy hearing another pig squeal in pain. Though pigs are awesome animals and comparing them to Pig Shocker is a disservice to pigs everywhere.

  33. 🍿 Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ Why do people assume the absolute worst about someone as the knee-jerk reaction to anything going wrong? ❞

    Well, darlin' it's probably cuz last year you wrote about being seen as "Selfish, Broken or Trouble" abuse animals, you refuse to get a job, you beg all the time, you lie, you are utterly lazy and useless, you shirk responsibility, you rip people off, and by your own admission, you stink. And you brag about pooping in your yard. Is that enough reasons why, or should I continue? Cuz I could do this all night...

    (p.s. $50 bucks says you just got off the phone with Mama Wog)

  34. ⚠️ There's nothing wrong with the truck. It didn't need to be towed. This is why she wanted $200:

    ❝ First date tomorrow. I am so damn nervous. What do you do to get over yourselves and just have a nice time? ❞

    May I suggest a muzzle and a bag over your head? Seriously, just be yourself. Oh, wait...

    1. Aaaannnd...she already deleted that tweet. Probably cuz she realized it was bad optics.

    2. "Big fan" Mark Gruen responded to this now-deleted tweet with a kind message: "...When I was single I enjoyed dating. I always looked at it as a chance to maybe gain a new perspective, hopefully challenge my thought processes, enjoy some new company. I tried not to treat it as an audition. Good luck!"

      Poor, deluded Mark. She didn't want his advice, lol.

  35. Check out the comment.

    1. An well it doesn't look like you can see the comments unless you look at it through the Instagram app itself...

    2. I can see it without the app.
      Is it just me who sees the irony in an organization that has Applied Behavior Analysis in the name with a quoted comment from JW???

    3. It's kind of a long comment and it won't let me copy/paste but someone commented about her being a scammer and how they should do their research on who said the quote before posting.

    4. This is what a very informed person wrote in response:

      Jenna Woginrich is a scammer who makes a living by tricking kind-hearted people into donating to her out of pity. She sells art and products from her "farm," but after the money has been paid, her customers never receive their purchases. She also neglects the animals under her care. They live in appalling conditions. It's not a bad quote, but perhaps you should have done your research before sharing; I don't think it's a good idea to promote this person.

      Thank you for setting them straight on Jenna "the little troll scammer" Woginrich

    5. Oh nevermind you said CAN not can't. I'm an idiot. �� But yeah, she's a problem behavior case alright.

    6. They seem to have deleted it now. But you know, that "quote" of hers is just a rip off of a longer quote by some other person. Let me see if I can find it...

      "The older I get, the more I realize that it's okay to live a life others don't understand."

      She just changed it a wee bit and the world thinks she's so wise. Shesh... annoying.

    7. Pig Shocker doesn't have an original thought in her head. She mimics other social media posters, jumps onto Twitter / IG trends and tries SO hard to be with the "in crowd", but she'll never pull it off. She's a cheap copy, not an original.

    8. The only way to be an "original" is to know yourself, be yourself, and not care what others think. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it! I've never been with the "in crowd," and never wanted to be. It is an independent, although more isolating (going against the flow) way to live, but I could never do it any other way. She really is a copier. At this point, she'll never truly know herself or follow her own drummer, which is what being a true 'original' is all about. (Or just eccentric, like me Ha!)


    9. So right Duck Mama. If you look at the history of Pig Shocker, I'll bet you can find her influencers & inspirations (ie those she steals from).

      Early on she was a fan of the Shepherdess. who has two border collies, sheep, lives on a mountaintop and posts pastoral photos of old-fashioned home interior, hillside and animals/plants.

      For a while I think FFF lusted after twwly's Canada lifestyle. Twwly posted shots of taxidermy, animals she raised and rocked some fascinating body art, clothing and house decoration. The romance ended (I think) when twwly, a hard, no BS farmer who properly cares for her animals, threw shade at people (like FFF) who remove babies from parents to raise "inside the home" and get attention.

      Then there was her fascination with murder, copied off one of her NY buddies...and the whole snarky, hipster, stranger-in-your-own-land vibe.

      She toyed with Star Trek (an admirer was really into it). She got into falconry for attention (wonder who inspired her). She stalked dog sled teams. She began the crazy "outdoor hiking and biking" stunt after hanging with Tara and others. It's trendy in upstate NY to bike and hike, and since Tara's schtick was to enjoy a gourmet meal on the trail, derivative FFF had to do the same.

      But let's not forget the biggest influences: Pember Patty and Jon Katz. PP really got FFF into horses, driving and the whole NY rural lifestyle. Both she and Jon Katz no doubt opined on ways to separate people from their money (PayPal, it means so much.) Katz finally "dumped" her needy derriere, and while PP still checks in with her much younger bestie, there's a wider separation now.

      I may have missed a few but the pattern is always there. FFF reads or sees something that impresses her, or more importantly, that she believes will make her seem cool, and so she tries to appropriate it.

    10. This! ^^^^^^

      Thanks for that account, PDD. She really is a poser.


    11. And an appropriator, I might add...

    12. Don't forget her Celtic and Viking stages. I remember her writing about watching Braveheart something like 150 times. What kind of grown woman does that? Only children can watch shows that many times without getting bored (I know, because my kids would watch the same Disney videos over and over).

      She was into kilts, wore the St. Brigid cross and was hooked on Outlander. Then the show Vikings came out and she switched to wearing Thor's Hammer and started Tyr's Good Hand.

      She went from being Buddhist to pagan to heathen.

      It would be pathetic if it weren't for her immoral or criminal activity. Taking money and not delivering product. Publicly shaming people for asking for their product or refunds. And tax evasion.

    13. It's like being a lesbian is her religion now. What will it be next? One can only wonder.

    14. Or being a condescending twat is her most recent religion...

      Members must be narcissistic sociopaths who blatantly abuse animals and scam people online for a living. Bad hygiene, body odor and at least one lazy eye is also a must!

    15. Suburban HomesteaderJanuary 27, 2020 at 9:00 AM

      So, I think I may have figured out where that all came from... I actually did end up reading many of the books she recommended at one point, and one of them ("Dies the Fire") is a novelization of the "end of the world"... in the first couple of books, they are Wiccan (she was too) and wear kilts. This section also features the SCA & archery. At a certain point in the series (I can't stop now... I'm hooked... haha), the main characters run into a group that practices Asatru (heathens)... surprise, now she practices that and wears a Thor's hammer...

      Not sure if the main characters are all of a sudden going to be lesbians next or what...

    16. I read Dies the Fire and a couple of the others in the series, too. I'm sure that's where she got her religion and her get-ups. Hahaha on the lesbians!

    17. I have to try them out. Guys??? Must I Now wear a kilt???

  36. So I commented on her insta farrier photo about cleaning up that shit. I'm now blocked. LOL She really is demented.

    1. Good for you Sash! Her horses' paddock isn't the only thing full of sh**!

      She pathetically tries to make it seem "normal" that horses eat food heaped on top of Horse sh**. It isn't.

      In the wild, horses roam and they do not eat where they defecate. This is instinctive protection for equine health, to keep parasitic infections down. In small paddocks and stalls, or where horses must eat where we feed them, responsible owners keep turnouts clean and remove manure frequently.

      Not our fake little farmer though. She tosses hay over the fence, the closest spot, so horses must come there to eat. Her lazy a$$ never bothers cleaning up this feeding area, so they eat, and poop, and then eat hay on top of their own manure.

      Also, horse owner etiquette is to always give the farrier clean feet and a clean work area. I can't imagine expecting him to work in such filth. The locals may "whisper" about her, but it's about what a neglectful slob she is. SMFH.

    2. Just like the nasty goat pen and we all remember what happened to the goat herd! She had to GIVE them away to a more responsible owner!

    3. Just saw that pic of hoof care... I would be so embarassed to have my couple times a year farrier out and I didn't even take a rake to the ONLY ice free area... Goodness. What about the driveway of death?

      Oh, yeah, I forgot, she can't open her freaking gates in the winter to let the horses out. I forgot about that. She lets them get all snowed and iced in.

      So safe.

    4. I bet the authorities might make a trip out to see the horses if they knew they were literally trapped inside a frozen gate with ice all around.

      I would imagine that horse owners need to have a clear emergency exit for the horses in case of emergency like predators, fire or large patches of ice on which they could easily injure themselves.

  37. As seen in this photo:

    Look at how high the stacked goat crap and hay is (to the right of the barn) compared to the ground outside of the pen.
    It's a wonder that the goats survived between standing in and eating off of their own waste and their so called "shelter" in the barn that now looks as if it will collapse any minute.

    Authorities intervened just in time for the livestock and it took a lot of emails and phone calls from many of us to make it happen. Now it looks as if we need to step up our campaign to get the same help for the horses.

  38. An article written by Jenna got shared by Hobby Farm's FB page today.
    It's about raising sheep.

    Does Hobby Farm know they shared a story from someone who routinely severely neglected and abused her sheep? Who had countless unusual deaths from her flock?
    Who gave away or sold her flock to better owners because she couldn't take care of them anymore?
    Yeah, real authority.

    1. Hobby Farms doesn't care. They deleted two online comments. One said they needed better due diligence. The second pointed out the many reported problems with Dead Animal Farm. It seems Hobby Farms isn't interested in the truth. Sad.

    2. It is sad but you never know, they might still speak to her about.

      Which will make her crazy ass livid.

      Doesn't she still have a Hobby Farm ad on her dusty old blog page? One of the many ads posted that she does NOT get paid for.

      Who posts ads that are not a source of income? A crazy scammer attempting to look legit, that's who.

    3. Also, if Hobby Farm was aware of the Birchthorn page with the patron comments, they might think twice about promoting a scammer who took $15,000 from patrons and never fulfilled most of their orders.
      The comment from her own editor is especially telling.

  39. Ah, the good old days. Antlerstock 2012, when FFF at least pretended to be interested in homesteading. She was in her "kilt phase", thrilled she got people to pay good money to gawk at other people doing country chores. Notice she's never productive in these photos?

    In 2012, she'd only had her "farm" for two years, hardly enough time to run it down. Likely, it's far worse these days and chain-saw guys are no around to cut her wood & hitch her pony. You know, I'll bet the neighbors wish the hovel looked this "nice" today.

    1. Looking at those photos brings me back to when I was a fan of hers. Even though things were far from perfect, and I could pick some of those pictures was a time when she had a legit following and Antlerstock seemed like an honest & fun way to simultaneously give people what they wanted and make a lot of money. One of the few things she did that wasn't a scam (I think...I could be wrong on that).

    2. PDD, where do you find this stuff? OMG, I'm laughing way too hard at some of these pics. That gawd-awful feral image she's trying to portray to seem legit. And the people's faces, some of them look soon pissed off, lol. Check out photo #28 -- the girl in the red sweater coat looks utterly dejected and is staring daggers at the Pig Shocker for wasting her day.

      BTW, what was the point of the pumpkin carving when all she did was 3 sloppy letters? People paid money to watch her do that? Seriously, I can't stop cracking up...

    3. This is a treasure trove of bad country living. Lousy fencing. Trash everywhere. Broken panes of glass. Runaway sheep. Fire wood stacked right against house. Old broken bicycles used as a chicken roost. Gutters collapsed. Hay badly stored, likely moldy. The guy using ax and chainsaw doesn't wear eye protection. Kids & adults are cutting wood, using ax, without any protection. People mill around while others throw hatchets? They press fruit and make cider after handling animals? Lol.

      An insurance adjuster would have a heart attack looking at Antlerstock.

    4. Back in the day I was pondering how to go to Antlerstock. I thought it was too far (I'm in Maryland) but I have been up that way to ski. I'm glad I decided not to.

  40. I was getting worried about our little Snowflake since she hasn't posted anything on her "bleg" for over 2 weeks and nothing on twitter etc. But besides peeing herself over Taylor winning album of the decade she got some hawking time in! I know she has been working her fingers to the bone trying to keep her orders up with 5 gigs and all but what a little trouper she is. Now don't expect her to work on YOUR order on the weekend she has other things to do but please do remember she is at least thinking of you.

    1. Being that she is able to see how many views her bleg gets, she probably stopped writing anything because there's no one reading it anymore, so what's the point.

    2. But I thought she was a famous author? A celebrity of sorts in little ole' Cambridge. I thought writing was in her blood and she just had to get it outta her little head and put it down on paper? Isn't that what REAL author's do? I guess she isn't one....

  41. She's hawking her spam shares. Shammers, let's remind everyone just how "happy" her pigs were before their deaths.

  42. Is that a pig by her truck next to the road in her photo of Mabel's hoof trim? W(reckless).

    1. Good eyes. Yep, that's a loose pig. Aren't they supposed to be fenced in? Or is it OK to let them roam like that?

      This is the pic in question:

  43. In the pictures of Antlerstock, some observations:

    There is a shitload of wasted hay under some ratty boards. What a freaking waste. I hope she didn't plan on feeding that to her animals. In fact I see a ton of wasted hay all around the farm. Get a tarp you idiot!!!!!

    It looks to me like Jenna needed some chores done around the farm and decided to get the locals to do it so she invented Antlerstock. Let's see, I need a tree chopped down, some pumpkins carved, a loaf of bread made so I can eat it, some wood chopped and stacked, and feed my chickens while you are at it, etc.

    Poor Jasper, I'm glad he got the hell outta here and has a better life. Merlin is an absolute saint.

    The place looks like it needed a good scrubbing back then. I can't imagine what it looks like today.

    It looks like she starts projects and then thinks "the hell with it. I'm getting a drink and call it a day." And it sits there for years, like the huge roll of fencing that never got put up.

    I wonder what people's conversations were when they headed back home. Probably along the lines of....WTF??


    1. She reminds me of my husband's lazy daughter. She starts big projects and then leaves all of the supplies before ever finishing. Hazel is also an alcoholic. The FFF is infamous for trying to get guests, gullible locals, and her former heathen group members to do her dirty work.

    2. Anon 2:38 - If I remember correctly re that board-topped cube of hay, the inside was hollow and it was where she kept chickens. With a heat lamp.

  44. oh my goodness just went to look at the pictures I had never seen them before. I will say no one can rock a kilt like Pig Shocker, it cannot be unseen dear Lord.

    All those people there she was making this little bowl of cheese? What they didn't even get a taste and the apple cider looked like it was being drained into an old scrub bucket it was so nasty looking.

    I also can only imagine the ride home after paying bunches (anything over $.99 for that crap would be crazy). People must have been kicking each other all the way home.

    1. You also can't ignore her obese body and beer belly. She looks like shit.

    2. Ugh, that one pic where she's handling the cheese with ungloved hands that she brags about never washing. I wonder how many folks got food poisoning that day?

    3. She looks like she is wearing an inner tube around her waist under her shirt.

      Who in the hell believes that land monster runs "miles" on a regular basis?

      Her knees would be in need of replacement if she ran "miles" on a regular basis on pavement as she often claims to do.
      Someone who is as obese as she is and remains obese has not been running on a regular basis.

  45. Earnest begging on Twitter a short while ago.

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's cold and clammy here. Truck is still in the shop (not the starter so not covered by warranty ;( but I am diving into work and writing and doing my damned best. Here's to another day forward."

    "Truck repair special! Offering sketches (just pencil, no ink or color) for $20 and that includes free shipping! The catch is I surprise you with it - no revisions or changes - you get what I draw! If you're interested send a DM! Trying to cover repairs so I have wheels again!"

    "Or if you don't want art or soap or farm goods and just want to throw in $5 towards my writing. It is so so so appreciated."

    1. ❝ You get what I draw ❞

      Is she serious? Bad enough that it's pencil only, but you don't even get to choose? And you have to pay her money to insult you like this?

      ❝ I surprise you with it ❞

      In other words: "I'm going to do the least amount of work possible. And you pay me for it! What an absolute arse she is.🖕

    2. As if they weren't horrid enough, now she must be sending out 2 second drawings.

      She is a terrible, terrible sales person. She is basically saying that the drawings will be complete shit and tough titties, no complaining.

      What a crazy bitch.

  46. The surprise is that you'll never get your drawing.

    1. What I want to know is how long she expects people to wait for it. Two months? Three?

  47. An acquaintance posted a GoFundMe on Facebook to help a family whose 8 year old just died of brain cancer. It was a horrific year for the child. He suffered greatly and the family is deeply in debt.

    So it makes my blood boil over when I hear a educated, able bodied grown woman whine and moan about her mortgage, broke truck, cold house and how she won't get a job because she doesn't want to be tied down in a cubicle, blah, blah, blah...

    1. Those donations have GOT to be running thin. Maybe a trickle of $20 or so per day.

      I just do not understand the self-destructiveness and refusal to be proactive and change things. I can’t believe it’s gone on this long.

    2. My blood boiling right along with yours. There are so many truly needy people who have legitimate concerns -- and then you have able-bodied jerks like Jenna who think that broken trucks and missed mortgage payments are emergencies requiring donations. I can't believe it's gone on this long either. Her luck will run out eventually.

      And it's going to be spectacular! 🎉

    3. I mean, at this rate she’s going to actually lose her house. You can’t be chronically late and months behind on mortgage payments consistently forever (if that part is actually true.)

      IF her posts are true, then when some life thing ACTUALLY goes wrong - not regular life stuff like vehicle repairs and fucking basic housing costs - but something major like an actual health crisis, she’s going to go bankrupt and lose 10 years of equity in that property. Clearly it’s her only asset. She is going to end up in such deep shit, and after 10 years of unemployment / self-employment doing gigs, she’s going to find herself painted into a corner if she ever does decide she wants a job.

      It’s the ten year long trainwreck I can’t stop watching.

      Even if she fucking SOLD the property she’d be able to walk away with SOMETHING. If she loses the farm, she’ll experience poverty and uncertainty to a degree she hasn’t yet.

      As much as she cries poor, she OWNS PROPERTY which places her in an economic class above the norm.

  48. 💩 On Instagram:

    ❝ Not feeling well today. Got all winded and broke into cold sweats on a normal hunt with Auburn doing some light hiking. Feeling out of breath, tired, and overall weak. I don't like feeling this way. It isn't useful on a farm and it forces me to slow down which I hate. So here's a picture of me not feeling like curling into a ball under the blankets with the dogs until tomorrow. ❞

    Meanwhile she felt good enough to write new "lezwolfmemes" and upload more IG stories and spam Twitter with sales begs. But not good enough to write a bleg entry despite begging folks to "throw in" $5 for the writing. This "not feeling well" is just a ploy for sympathy. Oh I feel sorry for her alright. Poor thing.

    1. She wrote something like one-and-a half dozen memes and posts the last 24 hours - filled with clothes she WAAANTS, bogu$ observations and people she lusts after.

      Very odd that she posted, then removed a creepy "ad-like" illustration that shows a pretty brunette woman, in sexy resort wear, sitting next to a handsome man in a bathing suit...with a GUN pointed at them. The heading reads: " Wait, how are you Bisexual and dating a man?" The remainder admonishes "It's almost as if bisexuals are attracted to more than one gender, which includes men for some people."

      Or, in some people's cases, attracted to anyone willing to pay attention and support neglectful, lazy a$$e$.

  49. Also Anon 7 she had time for D&D this weekend and hawking and running through the woods!!! No work on peoples orders but play time as usual. But she does want you to "throw in" some money for well for nothing since she doesn't write any more blogs although she will anytime now since she will sooner or later realize this is another revenue source sometimes she forgets that. I don't have ag account but resort cloths she wants? Wow that must be something. Another girlfriend perhaps real or imaginary?

  50. Has there ever actually been proof of mortgage being behind?

    Or any proof offered of any of the emergencies she has had?

    1. Nope, there's never been proof.

      When she received her last Kiva loan years ago, she had recently claimed her usual boo-hoo-woe-is -me-garbage about wolves at the door and being behind on her mortgage.

      One of Kiva's terms for receiving the interest free loan is that the person applying cannot be behind on their mortage. They dont want the small business loan used for personal debts.

      Guess what? She received the loan.
      That heifer lied AGAIN about being behind on her mortgage.


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