It will always be the same.
She does nothing different. We keep hearing the exact same thing time after time after time. She can try to make a cheesecake if she wants.....she will fail. Just like she fails at every single solitary thing she ever tries. No mystery, no cliffhanger, no hope just sobbing on the floor failure.
Way to go Jenna.....what a fuck up.
Be prepared by early next week (probably Monday) she will be offering cooking classes on how to make cheesecake from scratch. Of course you won't be allowed into her home to do it because of insurance you know but you can stand on the porch and watch and the class will only be $300.00 and if you can wait till spring to do it you get 10% off.But there will be a $30. waiting fee and you MUST pay for the class now.
ReplyDeleteLol π
Delete... she's literally published a book called "Made From Scratch", and has been a homesteading guru for a decade, and she's bragging about planning on making a dessert from scratch? Wtf?
ReplyDeleteAlso confused by the eggbound goose... It's the dead of winter. Why would a goose be trying to lay? Why would her instinct be an abdominal massage and not the basic start of goose care: giving them clean water to swim in? Epsom salts? Calcium?
All good questions. On this site, we all collectively scratch our heads at the dumbass that lives at CAF. Cheesecake is pretty easy to make; however Jenna prides herself on not following directions so who knows how this will turn out. Again who really cares. Certainly not me.
DeleteAs far as the goose, she probably had one die on her, however she spins it like she's the hero and nursed it back to health. Again quite possibly another story of bullshit and lies.
Her next book should be called "Born to Beg" π π΅ π° π π
DeleteBut seriously, that Made from Scratch book was all about being inspired and becoming a homesteader. And for awhile, she did just that. But...since then, especially in the past few years, what exactly has she been doing that could be considered homesteading? (Well, apart from raising her own eggs.)
She no longer grows a garden. No longer makes her own clothes. And her meat shares? I wouldn't be surprised if she was faking that too, and just buying cheap, about-to-expire pork from the grocery store and re-packaging it for her CSA customers. But other than that, where is the homesteading these days?
Anon7, you just sparked an excellent thought about the pork shares. Most animal shares don't include butchering, but Jenna brags that her fee includes butchering and packing (also "bothering," which she hasn't yet corrected) - I wonder if that's because that way she can package up whatever pork she wants and claim it came from pigs she raised. She wouldn't be able to fake that if clients bought a full, uncut side of pork....very hmm.
Delete^ Not correct. Most shares like this do include butchering (cut n wrap) in the up front cost. It's usually based on the hanging weight of a whole or half animal. She has claimed to use Stratton for processing. If anything, she may resort to buying pork shares from other local pig farmers through Stratton and then selling cuts at a premium with the Stratton label. But that would require a chunk of change. And good relationships with other pig farmers.
DeleteI don't think she would be repackaging grocery store meat, that doesn't make any sense and would be way too much work. I anticipate that if overselling pork happens and people become upset, she will buy from another farm, or say that the CSA was "feast or famine" and there was always risk involved, or just hope that the city folks she sells to don't know shit about pigs and think that 10 lbs of sausage equals a quarter pork share. Or she'll claim that vegan activists stole her pigs. I'd put my money on that.
The whole notion of having the meat producer be responsible for all aspects of handling meat shares is goofy. By shaving a bit here and there and suggesting share-holder's particular animal was lower weight, an unscrupulous producer (hmm, who might that be?)might sell/distribute more than two halves from the same animal.
DeleteWe buy meat from local farmers. With one, we purchase meat cuts by the pound (they are licensed to sell cuts of meat). With the other, we buy a share of an animal (half or quarter share); after butchering, it's sent to an independent processor who tells us starting weight, processed weight and gives us the cuts we want. The processor is certified, licensed and insured and we know our meat won't be stored next to road kill, uncleaned wild rodents, feces-speckled jeans or dead rats. As a plus, they pay their electric bills, so I know the power won't be turned off, letting my frozen meat start to rot!
Truly, anyone who buys meat from a questionable operation, sight unseen and without being intimately familiar with the process, is a special kind of naive.
When we sold beef, the customer paid the butcher. The price for cutting and wrapping is by the pound, and that isn't known until you have the hanging weight.
DeleteWe have been buying a half pig from a local farmer for years. We pay for the butchering and decide what kind of sausage we want, full ham or steaks, etc. We know these people and can go to the farm to see the animals anytime we want. We know the meat is raised humanely and healthfully. We don't pay the farmer the full amount up front - rather we pay in increments as the animals grow. Pay for the butchering when we pick up the meat. And more later once the bacon and stuff are ready. We also get our t-day turkey from them every year - the farmer butchers the birds themselves. We pick up fresh a few days before the holiday.
DeleteThere is an order of nuns 5 minutes a way in Cambridge who are known for their world famous cheesecakes, maybe join their order and call it a day
ReplyDeletehysterical and she hasn't tried that yet being a nun so there is that going for her. BUT she could not have cooking classes at her hovel and charge $300.00 to watch her make a cheesecake. Perhaps she could teach the nuns a thing or 2 about this and then say she taught them how to sell on line and not really have to ship a thing.
DeleteAmish. She needs to try that next. She's even from Pennsylvania, born in a county not far from Lancaster Co. Just like her, they don't pay taxes either!
DeleteCheesecakes are one of the easiest things to make. People are impressed when I bring a cheesecake to an event, but the reason I make them is because they are so easy.
ReplyDeleteSome totally misinformed person wrote on twitter:
ReplyDeleteIs there a good rescue in your area that needs puppy fosters? You seem like an ideal candidate - you are a great caretaker, you are home a lot of the time. Fostering is so rewarding - all of the puppy snugs, none of the commitment or cost!
Are you kidding me? Jenna wrote that she wants another puppy so get ready for the big beg. Great caretaker???? Ha! Yea go ask Maude or the goat that was tied to a tree or the chicks, the hawks that are dead, etc. etc. There is a long list of animals she has neglected or killed over the years.
Instead of misinformed, I'd say whoever that is must be comatose.
DeleteAnd another thing... she would never foster puppies because that is a VOLUNTEER thing and she wouldn't make any money. We all know she avoids that like the plague.
DeleteI suspect that we'll see pics of her new puppy soon...along with claims that she found it at the dump. It's crazy the things people throw away these days!
DeleteFriday growls and snaps at other dogs. No way she'd do well with a foster puppy.
DeleteCheck out Instagram stories before they disappear, rofl.
ReplyDeletewhere in the name that all is holy is this? And what is PWB? I just can't even begin to figure this picture out. Oh and God bless her biological clock. yeah right. Asian Fusion restaurant/bar/music venue in Hoosick Falls which is 20 miles roundtrip. And the fact that she's in public acting like that adds a new dimension of horror to that photo. Yikes.
DeleteSure hope she didn't drive the road home in her seemingly-drunken state. And between the gas money, booze money, new dress, it looks like she made that π© π°go a long way! BTW, that pic reeks of rotten ego.
I can only imagine she is refering to Pacific Brewing CO., a cheap beer out of B.C. Someone comments: don't you mean PBR ? (Pabst Blue Ribbon, a favorite beer of hipsters.)
She's referring to Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who is amazing, creative, hardworking, and nothing like Jenna.
Deleteπ‘ It just occurred to me that what lazy Jenna Woginrich DOESN’T say, actually says a lot. Have you guys ever noticed that she hardly ever says that she’s tired? The reason I noticed this is because every so often I check out Lee’s Instagram page. Lee is Jenna’s friend(?) who runs Moxie Ridge Farm and was formerly known as Leah before undergoing a FTM transformation. (Incidentally, this awesome person is the one who took in Jenna’s sheep last year when she was forced to re-home them.)
ReplyDeleteAnd so, while perusing his Instagram I was struck by the ambition, hard work, dedication, etc. How he drives 3.5 hours to Manhattan each weekend to participate in a farmer’s market there. The dude works HARD to deliver artisan cheese to the masses. And is so successful that he’s now in renovations to make Moxie Ridge Farm even better. While looking at all the fabulous pics, I was also struck by the sheer number of posts I’ve seen where he mentions how tired he is. And then it dawned on me: Jenna never says she’s tired. So why isn’t the Pig Shocker more inspired by Lee? He is successful and living his best life…why not follow his example?
And why is she never tired? It’s because she doesn’t work. She doesn’t farm. She doesn’t homestead. She doesn’t run. All she does is hit the refresh button on Taylor Swift’s Twitter all day long. And how much energy does that take? Not enough to make one tired it seems. Need proof of this? I gotcha. Take a look at a search I did on her bleg for the word “tired” — It only came up a handful of times…a handful of times out of “12 years” of “righting” — There was only ONE result for “tired” in all of 2019. And then here’s the rest of the results:
2010 - Tired from being a new homeowner and taking care of new animals.
2011 - Tired from working with cows and greenhouses all day. (On someone else’s farm.)
2012 - The word “tired” mentioned in a story about people who actually work.
2013 - "Tired" August - Nothing about her, just about how tired the month of August is.
2014 - Tired from working before dawn until late evening. (On what? A distiller?)
2014 - Tired from a day of trying to put up new fencing on her fauxrm.
2014 - Tired from chasing animals around. (Due to inadequate fencing.)
After all of these “tired” posts she wrote about rewarding herself with booze. (Building a bad habit there.) And note the gap between 2014 to 2019. That’s 5 years in which she didn’t use that word. Like not even once. Why? Because she’s been begging for and then fcuking off with poodle cash to buy Taylor Swift merch, hair extensions and wolf contact lenses. Sad and meaningless purchases via ill-gotten gains.
Also note that the ONE time she mentioned being tired in 2019 was cuz she only had two hours of sleep the night before. In all the other entries her “tiredness” was due to actual fatigue, from back in the day, when she actually got off her ass and tended to the farm and those poor animals.
BTW, in one of those aformentioned posts, she wrote: ❝ I love this tired. It can eat me up. ❞
Well darling, it looks like it did. And then it vomited you back up. Natch.
Oh....My.....God.....that picture she looks like a Unihog.
ReplyDeleteWonder who took the picture for her. Or did she set up her kindle with an auto timer and them ran and posed like some ditzy booze chick???
DeleteYou might be onto something...being that normally she name drops anyone she can...or at least says "friends"
DeleteIt's an odd picture. I would not be proud of it. Where in Gods name is it?
ReplyDeleteSo did Indiana Jones (see latest picture on instagram it's a hoot) make her cheesecake and since it could be at least 24 hrs. since that happened has she won any awards for it yet? Been mentioned in the New York Times cooking section? James Beard? Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteMy money's on the probability that she drunkenly slept thru the entire weekend. So no cheesecake.
DeleteAn oldie but goodie (and still relevant).
ReplyDelete(Sung to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Jenna ran a little scam
Wool and ham
On her fans
Jenna ran a little scam
She fleeced them out of dough
Everywhere that Jenna went
Cash was spent
Every cent
Nothing left for food and rent
So she asked her fans for mo'
good one now to get the song Mary Had a Little Lamb out of my head.
Deleteπ Sad but true.
DeleteShe rarely posts on her blog any more. I wonder if she thinks about the possibility/probability that the people who have been sending her voluntary blog $$ contributions are going to stop contributing if they are not getting anything for their money? Amazing how she doesn't foresee things like this. Doesn't worry about anything until it happens ... and then cries "poor me!"
ReplyDeleteI feel kinda sorry for any foollower who paid the top tier $25 a month to read practically nothing about homesteading.
DeleteIf Jenna blogged about what she crows about in her bio (copied/pasted below), it might actually be worth reading. Side note: Interesting that graphic designer & pet artist didn't make the list.
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time she had a solid blog post about any of these topics? She doesn't blog about it because she isn't doing any of it. It's time for her to edit her bio to two words: Internet Panhandler.
self-employed writer,
martial artist,
geek, and
real-life Game of Thrones Extra
(the delusion is real with the last one lol)
Wow, she's not doing any of that anymore -- with the exception of hunting/falconing. Hasn't even bothered to write up a new 2020 bleg post yet outlining all her hopes (free car) and dreams (keeping the wolves at the door).
DeleteSounds like someone is sitting around watching a ton of TV.
Guys, oh my the blog is unusually quiet the last few days. Sure hope all the "regulars" and new readers are just thinking of funny things to "right". It means so much.
ReplyDeleteFor whatever reason she's been keeping a low profile since The Big Christmas Beg of 2019. It's almost like she's waiting on some type of news. Foreclosure? Book deal? Taylor Swift's next ovulation cycle?
DeleteAlthough, it's now 7 days into January and she's still re-tweeting that tweet...still chasing after that elusive Christmas Miracle! And lucky for everyone, she's gonna keep sharing it thru the end of THIS year too!
π π© π° π§ ✨
Guys, could it be she is in mourning since on yahoo they say there are several pictures of Taylor Swift kissing her boyfriend? It may have all been to much for her is what I am thinking. That and no James Beard award for her cheesecake. Oh wait maybe she was talking about "cheesecake" pictures of her?
DeleteSounds like she's given up on TS. Can't wait to see who she'll "stan" next. Any guesses to who that will be?
DeleteHmmm... This just popped up on my news feed on Facebook from Hobby Farms... I am honestly shocked they published it. This has to be the worst written article on why sheep are the best for a small homestead. All opinion and hardly any actual information.
As someone who had raised sheep, and scoured absolutely everything I could read about them before I ever purchased them, I have never read anything less helpful or convincing on this topic. It was very vague...
π Whaa...the date says Jan 6 2020...which means she just wrote this tripe, which is interesting since she's someone who no longer has sheep. Someone who really isn't doing anything except allegedly babysitting some pigs. Someone who is pretending to run a farm. Someone who's ass is glued to linoleum 20+ hours a day.
DeleteAnd the other shizz she says about CSA wool shares? Wasn't that a failed venture for her? She shouldn't be advising on that at all. The whole article was dishonestly engineered to make everything sound current-- like this is her day to day -- when we all know she's barely doing anything these days. What a poser. I guess she'll say just about anything to make a few bucks.
(BTW, thanks for posting this ACH!)
Several huge red flags with this article.
DeleteSomeone who had to rehire their sheep due to negligence should not be giving advice on raising sheep.
Someone who cheated people out of wool shares should not be giving advice on making money from sheep.
Someone who killed their bees should not be putting in their bio that they currently raise bees.
Also did someone else catch in the bio that she says she lives with a horse? Also says that she had a flock of sheep. All lies.
She has no authority to offer advice on this topic, period.
She also has no rabbits, nor does she live with “ a border collie in training”. Wtf
DeleteHer bio clearly hasn't been updated since she was a more regular contributor. And yes, that article is incredibly unhelpful and somewhat misleading. I'm thinking primarily of how glib she is about pasture requirements - that's my biggest barrier to sheep right now, is figuring out how to effectively and reliably do rotational grazing on my few acres. I guess I could *technically* house sheep in a single pasture and feed them hay, but that hardly seems like the best option for their needs. As with every other animal and venture she's undertaken, she grossly undersells the amount of work and resources that would be required, which just speaks to how half-assed she does everything.
DeleteI just left Hobby Farms a comment on the article including a link to this site.
DeleteNo problem Anon7.
DeleteI just couldn't stand her article.
I used to have a small flock of Katahdin/dorper cross sheep. Loved their temperament, how their meat tasted, and that I didn't have to sheer them because they were HAIR sheep (seriously, she put that they shed their fleece! I've never heard of the hair those sheep shed being called FLEECE before). If I ever get sheep again, katahdins are what I'd get for meat. That is a great starter sheep that is low maintenance.
As for sheep being easier to care for than goats... I really don't agree, especially if you are keeping sheep to sheer and processing the wool yourself. If I wanted an animal to sheer for wool, then I'd invest in an alpaca. God knows alpaca wool is pricey, softer, and less itchy that regular sheep wool. Alpacas also won't break you if they decide to headbutt you. Sheep have been known to break bones in, or even kill, people and other animals with a well placed headbutt.
She basically made it sound like you were raising bunnies, not a potentially 200 pound battering ram.
Thanks Anon 4:45. I did as well. Let's see if they publish it.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteUnconscionable that Hobby Farms is too lazy to properly vet "righters" like Jenna Woginrich before giving them a platform. For people interested in learning to farm, the integrity of the writer and their advice is paramount. If you cannot trust the writer's word, you cannot trust the advice, and Jenna's bio is clearly misrepresented, either through sloppiness or deliberate misrepresentation.
DeleteAnyone looking to purchase or subscribe to Hobby Farms is well advised to keep away if such journalistic/editorial ineptitude continues. I was seriously considering subscribing, but using someone like Jenna to deliver articles makes me absolutely distrust their message.
Wow. Just wow. I actually am a beginning sheperdess, on my small farmstead in the midwest that I run all by myself, as a middle aged woman- and that article had no real info, and some problems. I raise Icelandics, one of the breeds she mentions in the article, and these sheep are well-known as triple purpose, wool, meat, milk. That was not mentioned. Also, when raising sheep as compared to goats, the most important thing to mention is copper toxicity. Not mentioned. Although with Icelandics since they are what's considered a primitive breed, they actually need small amounts of copper. I just spent some time very carefully mixing sheep and goat minerals for my flock so they'd get a little copper as necessary. Most of us test livers for copper levels in order to get the formula right. Also not mentioned was parasite problems. Most folks I know who raise sheep struggle w parasites, and using the FAMACHA scoring system is very important to make sure not to dose too much, producing immunity to the meds. Sigh. Also, finding a shearer if you have a small flock is critical! Most won't come out to your farm for less than double-digit numbers. So, before investing in sheep, check to see if you can go in w a neighbor sheep farmer on shearing. Also, pasture rotation is a definite science, so much could have been said there. I'm still trying to figure it out! Dry lotting in winter eats up some of your usable pasture, so if you don't have alot of acreage, then you need to plan carefully. Lastly, spring fleeces were mentioned as a good way to make $$ Not necessarily so. With fleece prized by hand spinners (thus bringing the biggest bucks, but admittedly still not alot)its always the fall fleeces. Those are on summer pasture and tend to have the least amount of VM (vegetable matter). I'm also a hand spinner, and one of the reasons I chose Icelandics was for hand spinning. I'm currently practicing spinning my English Angora rabbit's fiber. π. Anyway, I wish Hobby Farms would have asked for a much more informational article. There is a link to Sue Weaver in the article, and she's definitely an expert. I'm glad I had/have excellent sheep mentors nearby to give me good advice!
DeleteSGH - She’s not a shepherd, never was, not from what I’ve read and seen of her. I’m no farmer, never had the desire to be, but I spent the first 18 yrs of my life on a farm being raised by 3rd generation farmers, my mom farmed well into her 80’s until she finally had to give it up a few years ago, so Even though I’m no farmer, I know a faker when I see one. She may have started out with good intentions, but she became a scam artist somewhere along the way. I don’t understand why these magazines allow her articles to be published, unless she’s doing it for free and they need filler.
DeleteI wish you luck with your endeavors, it sounds like you’re a hard worker and that’s what it takes, lots of hard work! I was way too lazy to want to work a farm :)
Thanks Jesse, sounds like you know how hard (but rewarding) farming can be. It's just a shame that she misrepresents that, when there are so many amazing women out there doing it, and struggling, who could use the help much more. I have connections to so many women and minority farmers/homesteaders who I'd love to see get even one iota of the attention that she has gotten. They have so much knowledge and heart to offer, and take care of their animals w love. Just a shame, and frustrating to see followers who could put their time/attention and even financial assistance towards some of these other women and people of color who are truly making our world a better, more sustainable place. THAT'S what gets me. ☹
DeleteI did as well and pointed them to the Birchthorn project as well as some basic research online.
ReplyDeleteGuys, for once in my life I am almost speechless! I just read the drivel on keeping sheep. She curently has a flock of black faced sheep? She is bubbly and oh so upbeat and has raised flocks for CSA shares of wool!!!!! My first inkling as to her being a scamer after reading her posts for so long was when everyone lost money on her shares of wool. I just can't believe what I just read. Each and every line was such a lie and of course you can't respond as you have to leave your name and info and she would hunt you down so she knows she is safe in that area. I am just dumbfounded. Oh and she never gave any instructions of on line begging I guess that is for another article? It means so much.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think that the picture of those four skinny little pigs is recent? Is this the basis of the pork shares she's trying to sell or are these last years pork shares? They just look so small. I grew up on a farm our hogs were huge and ate a lot. They sure didn't run around out in the yard. They had a fenced enclosure with fresh water source.
ReplyDeleteWe can call or email them and tell them she lost sheep and she has ripped off a lot of people with her wool scams.
ReplyDeleteI've already contacted them, too.
DeleteI did as well. As an actual person who raises sheep, I can't stomach the misinformation.
DeleteSo many of us left comments and contacted them yesterday, yet, not a single posted comment as of right now. I didn’t even receive a message back from hobby farms telling me they won’t publish my comment or anything like that. And my comment wasn’t ugly, I just pointed out publicly available information discrediting their author and damaging their own credibility.
Deleteπ€ I was confused at some of the comments above, but then realized that I didn't scroll down far enough to the bottom of the article which has this bio:
ReplyDelete❝ Jenna Woginrich is a homesteader and the author of Barnheart, Chick Days, Made from Scratch, Cold Antler Farm and more. She blogs at Cold Antler Farm, as well as The Huffington Post. A Pennsylvania native, she has made her home in the mountains of Tennessee, in northern Idaho, in rural Vermont and most recently in upstate New York, where she lives with a flock of Scottish Blackface sheep, a border collie in training, chickens and geese, a hive of bees, a horse and several amiable rabbits. ❞
Obviously she refused to update it to reflect the true and current farm status which is:
Homesteader ❌
Fauxrmer ✅
Blogger ❌
Sheep ❌
Training Collie ❌
Chickens/geese ✅
Bees ❌
Horses ❌
Rabbits ❌
Huge lair ✅ ✅ ✅
Thanks to all you who emailed that site to let them know what's up.
This is totally laughable! She hasn't had Scottish Blackface sheep in years! a border collie in training ( to go to the brewery with her), a hive of bees???? (since when? ask, Tyr's Good hand about that one), blogger (beggar), etc.
DeleteKeep dreaming Jenna, maybe one day you will be all this. Not now.
she blogs at Huffington Post? or she ONCE wrote a blog post for the Huffington Post.
ReplyDeleteI see the article is still up and no replies so I guess they are quiet happy with our farmer who knows everything about everything. What a joke and goes to show a lot about the magazine itself.
ReplyDeleteI am no farmer can only keep a few house plants going but it seems to me if you are encouraging people to go out and buy animals then you should have good info to back it up not use an article by a washed up failed "farmer" who "rights" for a living and is now a word farmer. Hell she couldn't even keep a worm farm going if you asked me. But guys, it means so much. Oh and when was the last time she made a living at this farming thing she tries to say she does? All she has done is beg for mortgage money, truck repair, etc. so she isn't making a living at this after 10 years in fact she is probably worse off now than when she started which didn't seem possible.
I often wonder how she can look at her real farmer friends, like Lee, and compare herself to them? How can she not see that she is not even as much as hobby farming at this point? No wonder she has self esteem problems!
DeleteShe actually was sent a Worm Factory in 2011 from a company for her to "try out." (Free) She apparently kept it going for a while, but that too went by the wayside at some point. Why would she need vermiculture now anyway? She doesn't grow a thing that she could use the compost on. I'm sure she sold it for fun money. Incidentally, I haven't heard her mention that expensive Eggloo chicken coop that another company sent her (again, free). I bet she sold that, too.
So Taylor Swift being photographed in PDA with her boyfriend is not enough to "convince" JW that she is straight. It's like a teenager being crushed by reading Tiger Beat that her heart throb is dating. Oh well, I'm sure she is hard at work on all the back orders pending, and that new book she's writing and all the other BS that happens at Cold Dead Farm.
ReplyDeleteLol @ Tiger Beat. Now that's a blast from the past! Well, at least she's not spamming her feed with that insipid TS bullshit.
DeleteThe π· π ⚡️ there's a new bleg post:
ReplyDelete❝ ...fight back against the anxiety of losing the farm. ❞
❝ Firewood is burning fast, income is coming in slow... ❞
❝ ...Winter's Bottom will hit and kick my ass. ❞
❝ [I'm] 2 months behind on the mortgage... ❞
So there ya have it. The usual money problems carefully hidden in a 6 paragraph word salad in which she details all the hard work she's supposedly doing. Nothing ever changes with her.
And this paragraph:
ReplyDelete❝ I want to finish this book proposal because I am writing a book (trying to) about what this farm helped me accomplish as a terrified woman lacking in identity and confidence. I want to write about how it turned me into the person I am today and how the fight to keep it changed how I see everything. ❞
π I am so confused. I thought she already wrote it, submitted it to her editor, and was working on revisions? She recently said it was finished? But now it's not? Someone needs to get her story straight.
Who wants to read a book about how her farm helped her when it clearly has not done so if she's begging online, making cartoons and soap, hardly anything from her farm and is 2 months behind on her mortage with a broken down piece of crap truck and only pet farm animals for the most part.
DeleteGenerally, Jenna, publishers and readers want to find a good ending, something that says, hey, I made it and you can too. Not something that is horridly unresolved and failing. Makes no sense at all.
Now, write a good honest book about grifting and how your hipster lies trick innocents of their money and how you ended up in some baseent somewhere and want to warn others of staying away from this lifestyle, then you might have something.
WINTERS BOTTOM HAS REARED ITS UGLY HEAD!!!!!! I'm actually kind of disappointed that this is the first we've heard about it.
ReplyDeleteFirewood must be getting really low as she only bought 2 cords.
DeleteDrama incoming! π₯ πΏ π₯ πΏ π₯
So she is fine to curl up and watch shows all day just so she "works on" 3 clients first. Not "finishes work", so it could be any little thing. Caught one of those trying to catch up tweets recently, but she's not trying very hard. Wonder how someone who's been waiting a few months would feel to realize that she didn't spend a day working on and finishing as many clients' work as she could -- hell just 6-7 hours a day -- but just emailed a proof or spent 15 minutes coloring or melted some soap stuff for half an hour, patted herself on the back, and took the rest of the day off.
ReplyDeleteAlso what happened to her YMCA membership and all that working out?
Anon in GA
Even if she actually finishes, working on 3 clients is pretty pathetic when packaging soap is on the list! Packaging 3 orders of soap would take, what, half an hour if we're being generous? She doesn't even mention making the soap itself. She's just repackaging the damn stuff.
DeleteGeez loueez...all her talk about "doing her best" to catch up on months-overdue client work and then she posts this deranged drivel:
Delete❝ I bought this for $2.09 at Wallgreens and regret nothing. ❞
What she "bought" with money she "earned up" is a puzzle of The Breakfast Club. You know, that 80's classic about a bunch of miserable teens. Yeah, lets waste a few hours putting together a puzzle of a bunch of high schoolers who wouldn't want to be friends with you...not even desperate-for-friends Brian. Cuz he's not into animal abusers.
And I'm not saying that she shouldn't take time to relax, but personally, if I had scores of people buying my crap in good faith and bailing me out all the time, I'd be busting my ass to complete their orders ASAP. Not just 3 a day...but as many as possible day after day 'til done.
Anon in GA: I was just wondering about that too cuz I was looking at Patty's Instagram and remembered that she bought the Pig Shocker another membership...something about a horse archery club I think? No mention of either of course cuz she'd rather be home perusing Twitter all day.
DeleteAnd to think, it was just yesterday afternoon that our Faux Feral Flim-Flamming Farmer wrote the following on Instagram:
ReplyDelete"I think it would be good to stop sharing every feeling I have on here and allow myself time to be sad, thoughtful & quiet.
So I'm going to do that."
Bwahahahahaha...oh, she expected someone to think she was SERIOUS???
I'll bet she's looking for her enablers to say, "No, please don't stop!" So that she can continue to beg with their permission. Can you imagine if she were to write an entire blog entry without mentioning her finances? That would be a miracle.
Delete(BTW PDD, thanks again for sharing with us the IG stories that we without accounts aren't able to see. I'm still on the fence about creating one, but the fact that Facebook now owns IG gives me serious pause.)
Anon7, try this link:
The first times I used it spam ads popped up. I closed them and no spammy ads have been seen since. It sometimes says there is an error, but this rarely happens. If there aren't any IG stories to be found, it will post this.
To access her public IG account anonymously, enter her IG name, ColdAntlerJenna, and search. It reveals IG stories, posts and allows you to download, whilst giving time stamp of FFF posts. She is VERY active with IG stories. Her narcissism cannot be contained!
The link occasionally misbehaves, but it generally works. And you don't need an IG account to see what's going on at Animal Neglect Farm.
π― Awesome link, thanks! It worked just fine for me, no ads. She sure does waste a lot of time doing absolutely fcuk all for worthless internet likes. I mean, there's no farming stories, no shepherding, no gardening activity. It's all just falcons, hikes and horsey rides.
DeleteMy favorite bits of utter nonsense from FFF's latest bleg:
ReplyDeleteFarm "chores". Shocked she's serious about posting nonsensical items that she considers work. Perhaps she assumes her readers truly are a special kind of stupid? Let's see.
1. Farrier appointment. Oh my, that's a toughie. Use phone to call farrier. A normal horse person sets up recurring appointments at the time of the last hoof trim. My farrier trims every 9 weeks in the winter, no phone call needed unless there is an emergency.
2. Hawk weighing and notations. I don't have a money- and time-wasting hawk, but it needs to again be mentioned that the hawk is kept HUNGRY so it will hunt. If it can successfully hunt, there is no earthly reason for her to still have it, except her vanity and piss-poor attempt to look "cool". It's past time to release the hawk back into the wild.
3. Tracking feed and hay needs, the usual. Haha. This is another laughable farm "chore". Her horses probably eat 1-2 bales of hay per day. Must be hard to count bales and divide by use/day. Her pigs also have a feed burn rate. How hard is it to calculate how many days are left of food? It's as simple as looking at bags of feed & bales of hay, 60 seconds tops.
4. Her "actionable items" like "Check water levels in pig's paddock" or "Inspect hooves on mare". More Wows. Check water levels means she has to visually inspect a water bucket or small trough and SEE IF IT CONTAINS WATER. Inspect hooves on mare means she must look at feet to see if hooves look long. Poor lass. I don't know how she manages!
And then, by taking time to write down (or expecting her readers to believe she writes down) teensy bulls*** action items, she wastes more time in order to create a fake morale booster for her???
Maybe if she has the "need to feel that I am being productive and useful during these dark months..." she could clean her animals filthy homes, paddocks, repair fences, get a water hose, release the time-wasting hawk and quickly complete remaining client orders, so she can earn enough money to stop her pathological need for shameless social media attention, validation and begging.
Nah...never gonna happen.
Agree on all fronts. She's trying to make it look like an hour of chores takes the entire day. π
DeleteYou all are so right! She has to WRITE IT DOWN to check water and her mares feet? Isnt that something you do automatically? Without thinking. Well it is for me. Make farrier appointment. Okay that takes 1 minute and like someone said it should be already made at the time of the last one. This list is totally laughable! Maybe she has a serious case of ADD. That would explain a lot.
Well, GG, when you live on the 'side of a mountain', you have to frighten away the wolves at the door, then hitch the wagon to go to the feed mill, to borrow their phonebook, to look up the farrier, to make a call, then wait to hear back, then climb back into the wagon and return to the mountain. Takes time, you know!
DeleteOh I love this so much I can see the FFF doing this now in her Rag and Bone jeans and her plaid flannel shirt and of course a straw hat and really expensive boots. But by gosh she got through she is so feral it makes you want to cry.
DeleteDont forget her perfectly shaped eyebrows and red lipstick. I guess most farmers get dolled up to do farming amirite? Well at least the cabbage patch hair extensions have not made an appearance so there's that.
Deletedang forgot the eyebrows and red lipstick and new glasses along with wolf contacts. The cabbage patch hair extensions are now being used by the cats for a "nest" to keep warm. The struggle is real running a farm you know.
DeleteSee, this is what I expect from a Hobby Farms article:
It gives a little more information for the pros and cons of raising (in this case) chickens for consumption. It makes you want to learn more or even get excited at the prospect and wanna jump into raising meat birds!
Oh, and if we don't get layers this year like we wanted, then I'm going to at least try talking hubby into getting some Cornish cross chicks again. Man those little velociraptors can eat, but boy oh boy are they tasty! So much better than store bought. Can't wait until we finish getting our little homestead set up! It really sucks having had to start over from scratch (miss everything we had set up and the animals we owned), but can't say I regret moving here a couple years ago to do it!
Wow, that really is a lot more informative than what the Pig Shocker wrote.
DeleteShe has a new Instagram called lezwolfmemes
ReplyDeleteChecked it out via Instastories. Oh, my. Even worse than Dead Animal Farm. Total π© FFF blathers on IG that she won't post personal stuff and then simultaneously posts many, many pathetic, whining posts, using "her" alter ego of a predatory wolf?? FFS. No wonder She can't get a serious romantic partner.
DeleteGirl needs some serious self reflection. And alone time. And therapy. No, really.
π³ This IG account is so bizarre...I have so many questions. Like, why? And it's definitely hers cuz if you read thru them, there are tell-tale phrases like "eating cheese in the dark" and mentions of Taylor/Gaylor, etc.
DeleteShe also makes it sound like she's experienced and has had actual relationships. It also seems like she's been on many more dates than just two. If true, that's a lot of money better spent on proper fencing, firewood, the mortgage.
And the amount of work is mind-boggling. This took a lot of time. 32 memes created for the sole purpose as what? Is she trying to get a date via this account? And some of the stuff she says...all in all a very disturbing IG.
Details, details please!!
DeleteHere's the direct link: ☞ ☜
DeleteI was confused at first but then saw that it's indeed her IG account and it's dedicated to lesbian-themed memes. Basically she finds a pic of a wolf/wolves and adds captions to it to humorize lesbian dating and relationship aspects. She is following 75 other IG'ers and so far has 25 following her. I guess she thinks that one of them might ask her for a date?
For example, the latest one shows two cuddling dogs with a caption that reads, "It's your turn to top." By top, she means which lesbian gets to lay back and receive sexual pleasure (aka be a pillow princess). This would imply that she's experienced and that this is a common situation. And that she's been there before.
The next one is of two fighting wolves with captions about what to have for dinner -- and the comment, "When we fight, it's going to be over food." Again, it sounds as if she has a girlfriend to have arguments with. Why is she doing this? I dunno, except that maybe she's trying to look experienced so that she can get a date. Because yeah, seeing an almost-40 year old inexperienced person on a dating app might make people wonder what's wrong with her and are less likely to ask her out.
What kills me is the staggering amount of time she put into these 30+ memes. We're talking many hours over many days. Time that would be better spent working a part-time job instead of internet panhandling.
That's one thing that drives me insane on lesbian social media, this obsession with sexual roles that seeks to mimic gay male cruising culture. I hate that lesbians are trying to make "tops" and "bottoms" a thing. Lesbian tops make sense, but to actually identify as a bottom or a "pillow princess" and have that be your EXCLUSIVE role? No fucking thanks. Imagine having to tell your sexual partner that it's your turn to relax and have an orgasm, and they freak out because it's "not in their nature". I honestly can only imagine that kind of content being created by someone who loves the ~idea~ and persona of lesbianism, but has never and would never touch a vagina.
DeleteThanks Anon7! They are bizarre, they are not even funny, clever or make any sense!
DeleteAnd yes a precious amount of time spent on this drivel. Well Jenna, now we know what you spend your time on so no whining about trying to get orders done or firewood is gone, etc. Give it up, these are nonsense.
If you expected her content to be funny, clever, or make sense - you must not have seen her Intact comic strip. Ughmygawd.
DeleteShe's made more cringe-worthy, stupid memes today. The FFF is obviously very sexually frustrated since she's fixated on "tops." I also loathe the appropriation of terms that she's infamous for.
DeleteAccording to the latest bleg, she is a "soldier" for "this farm."
ReplyDeleteNew terminology placed within her bleg is rarely accidental.
Now this lazy, irresponsible, mentally ill, obese, liar wants readers to think of her as a soldier. She is the very opposite in every way possible.
Oh my gosh a soldier? Really? Excuse me while I gag. Speaking of gagging what ever happened with her cheesecake? To much to handle in one day?
DeleteLol, I missed that. Who is she kidding? A soldier is one who works diligently for a cause. Well, she begs diligently for money, I'll give her that. But she's only doing the minimum farm work required to keep those animals alive. Nothing more. It's weird how her ego allows her to make such a preposterous determination.
DeleteIt's funny when she proudly proclaimed on Twitter that "I, Jenna Woginrich, will make a cheesecake this weekend." Then she never mentions it again. We're left to assume that it was another fucking failure.
DeleteWords of wisdom from Lezwolfmemes:
ReplyDelete"Why pursue any sort of human contact when I could spend the non-work hours of my entire winter sleeping, eating cheese and doing yoga*
* by yoga, I mean doing 2-4 minutes of stretching and then just watching Netflix laying on a yoga mat by the woodstove."
"Why are there so many catfishing accounts on OKCupid?...If someone seems too good to be true. They probably are."
"Did you say hard cider?"
Lol, I saw that "by yoga I mean..." comment and thought that it sounds a lot like us when we speculate as to whether or not she's really done what she claims.
DeleteSo we were right. Total fraud she is. An all day long Netflix watcher.
Man serious laziness going on right there.
DeleteIt sounds like her IG stories is pretty eye opening. This girl is more unstable by the day!
Her silly memes are also kinda creepy.
DeleteThese are absolutely cringe-worthy, as usual. She is trying so hard to be relevant and funny and they flop on both. It is definitely her though. Many of the sentences don't make sense, her usual style, and there is one on her twitter page this morning. Unbelievable the amount of time she spends on junk like this yet she works on 3 clients a day...THREE! And she doesn't have the time to work a part-time job, and she makes more money at home, blah, blah, blah.
DeleteShe doesn't have anything "fancy" like a website for the junk she sells because she lacks the time. Are you kidding me? Why does anyone buy her crap and support her laziness? I don't understand! Big surprise why she is single. She better get used to it.
Luckless Slinger, those memes are cringeworthy too. She literally making them up with having no experience at all. Does she think she's going to make money at that? It doesn't make sense, her wasting all that time when she could be doing something like working "to keep the deed in her hands" as she's so fond of saying.
DeleteRemember her short lived writing of erotica? This sounds like the newest version. I think she has plenty of time to do spend doing this. I don't believe that she has backorders of drawings or logos to produce. I think she get's an occasional order and the rest of her funds come from outright donations for "this farm". Holidays brought in extra from new donors. I have not doubt there will be a mighty crisis looming shortly. If a major winter storm does blow in, it will be firewood is gone. There will be no hay or grain for the animals, the roof will collapse, the truck will die, coffee runs out, pipes are frozen and I've fallen and can't get up. Oh the woes be coming.....
ReplyDeletewhat the hell would she know about erotica? She has never even been in a relationship except for one time she followed someone across the state line to be with them for a day.And she bought a monkey dress to do it in. I don't think she has any back orders either well yes back orders but not that many she just ignores what she does have.
DeleteSaw the video of her with the hawk on her I think it is called IG account she wasn't looking good huffing and puffing her way on this road with the hawk.
She'd be great at the joking genre of "neurotica."
DeleteLMAO at Anon 6:50's "And she bought a monkey dress to do it in."
Deleteπ I seriously guffawed. And chortled. π
Her time-wasting attempts at relationship humor tell me she wants to be the new Carrie Bradshaw: "Incel and the Country".
ReplyDeleteHey, whatever. If it makes her get rid of her neglected farm animals I'm for whatever fake persona she chooses.
And by the way, it's way past time to release that poor hawk back into the wild.
PDD. I'm literally, laughing out loud at "Incel and the Country." That's a great new username, too.
DeleteHaha...LMAO! π
DeleteUsing Freud's idea of the human psyche, we proudly present the monumental motion picture "Incel and The Country" starring:
Jenna's "id" as Carrie Bradshaw
Jenna's "imagination" as Samantha Jones
Jenna's "ego" as Charlotte York
Jenna's "super-ego" as Miranda Hobbs
Jon Katz as Mr. Big
boy oh boy is she working hard at the bar doing a board game (how childish is that?) and running through the woods with her hawk. Well the bird was running she was just standing there with her newest pleather jacket on, such a style icon. No wonder she is so far behind in her work, fun and play come way before any work being done.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I also noticed the bile brown and too tight jacket. And the Indiana Jones wannabe hat. It all looks like a costume instead of comfortable clothing. She seems incapable of buying items that properly fit her body.
DeleteShe has no sense of style, and doesn't know what a flattering fit even means.
DeleteShe really should do herself a favor and burn that jacket. She wears it just as she does her other prop clothing pieces in order to paint a picture of a hardworking farmer that people should donate to. Everything she does (and wears) only serves the purpose of "earning up" π© π°
DeleteAnon7, if she burned that plasticized, fake leather jacket, the fumes would violate NY air quality standards and the residue would make Cambridge a toxic dump site.
DeleteThe ugly jacket made another unattractive appearance in an Instagram pic. It looks like it's strangling and bisecting her body.
DeleteShe once said in an idiotic interview that her "superpower was stubbornness." Unfortunately, she doesn't realize when it's also a defect, and hinders the ability to support herself.
ReplyDeleteπ To be tenacious is a virtue.
Deleteπ‘ To be stubborn is foolish.
Both words appear to mean the same thing, but they don't really. Tenaciousness means to cling to something you believe in and hold dear. Stubbornness is refusing to move or change one's mind about something sensible. It's hold on vs fcuk you. She's an idiot.
Jenna Woginrich should write a book about the art of time-wasting. In just 5 days she's made 50 lezwolfmemes. That's a lot of time creating utter nonsense for internet strangers for non-monetary purposes. And then she had the nerve to tweet this today:
ReplyDelete❝ Nothing happens fast - there's a wait to get your art - but each sell literally keeps this place's deed in my hands. ❞
"Yeah, pay me ASAP cuz I'm too lazy to get a job -- but your artwork will have to wait cuz I'm too busy making dumb memes."
And this meme: ❝ Me, going through adolescence all over again since coming out later in life, complete with playlists for every girl. ❞
ReplyDeleteπ Hold up...playlists for every girl? She hasn't had any girls yet. So either she's lying and trying to look like an established lesbian, or she's become completely unhinged and makes a playlist for the few girls she's made online contact with.
And oh, according to Twitter she's now targeting k.d. lang fans. Good luck with that, shitster.
Jenna is so darn transparent. There is not *one* thing that she does that is not for a reaction for someone. Not. One. I think at this point a book on her psychopathy needs to be written. This is NOT a dig. This is a serious statement. We have all seen her progression into the dark world of narcissism. Those who did not know what one is, now knows very clearly.
DeleteIt's weird how she focuses her creepy crushes on straight celebrities. Especially, since there are many talented lesbians to follow like k.d. lang.
DeleteShe's trolling for new sources of money. If you look at IG/Twitter feeds, the only posts that generate a lot of likes are animal photos, followed by "Poor me, do-I-look-okay?"photos. Apparently a lot of people enjoy boosting apparently sad people with "You go, grlll!"
ReplyDeleteBut what to do? At this point, she's too lazy and disinterested in real farming, and that trend has skipped by her. People genuinely interested in animal husbandry won't keep following. They might wonder what happened to all the chickens (hint: they're long dead); why finding a goose egg in the dirt is celebrated and why her pig litter was so small & pig growth stunted. She doesn't garden. Doesn't raise profitable meat animals. Has no plans, schedules, informative lessons or legitimate articles on farming.
Her "farm" is gone. Her life is spent watching Netflix, stalking celebrities, pretending she is productive while occasionally doodling cartoon dogs for people who feel sorry for her, stealing non-commercial clip-art for re-sale as logos, re-selling melt-and-pour soap and despirately trying to find an emotional "hook" to get π©π²π²π².
She's tried vegan, omnivore, hunter (*cough*), single woman looking for a man, dog owner, farmer (*cough*), homesteader (*cough), shepherdess (*cough*), heathen, Buddhist and recently, a disaffected, lonely coming-out-late person.
IMHO, she's pinging, trying everything to find a signal that resonates with π©π©π©π and brings in π²π²π².
That was well-put. Yet the one sensible action that she'll never do is just get a job to support herself like a normal adult. PDD, I couldn't resist trying out the new username.
Delete"Incel and the Country"...ROFL
DeleteUse it in good fun!
At this point, the only way Jenna will change, is if it is forced (loses her house, gets arrested for scamming people). Even then...she may lack the mental capacity to change.
ReplyDeleteI just heard of a study where animals were presented with food on the other side of a glass wall. Some would boop their noses against the glass repeatedly to the point of starving. Some would realize they could walk around to the other side of the wall to access the food.
Guess which one Jenna is haha
JFW actually wrote once that she'd rather be a bum, living under a bridge, than to have a job that didn't meet her criteria. I guess that making money isn't on her agenda.
DeleteThere are many women who "come out late in life," but they don't display the FFF's adolescent behavior by making memes that are juvenile, and a complete waste of time.
ReplyDeleteHer emotional immaturity level and behavior are beyond belief for a woman who is almost forty.
ReplyDeleteIf she were able to Photoshop this unflattering photo, like ones that she has control over on Twitter and Instagram, then here's what she'd do:
Delete1. Reduce jowls
2. Slim torso and arms
3. Enhance cleavage
Who's she trying to kid with the one buttoned jean jacket? It barely fits her body. And the side-eye expression also appears devious. Cue the smug smirk, too.
Her number of followers on Twitter is dropping again.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt those former foollowers were tired of being spammed to buy her crap all day long. Take a hint, Pig Shocker, hardly anyone wants yer dumb doggy drawings!
DeleteInstagram: “Summer is on my mind, especially with the hard cold, cancelled plans, and frozen pipes ahead. Take me back, girl, I promise I won’t take you for granted”. Once again she’s hinted about not being able to sustain a relationship. Anybody surprised? Also on Twitter today: she’s more anxious than ever, working her fingers to the bone on three orders a day and requesting that disgruntled customers refrain from being mean to her. No wonder she doesn’t blog anymore. She has absolutely nothing to say. ZERO.
ReplyDeleteYet she has plenty of time to waste on making memes that earn no income at all. She deserves her dismal future. It'd be hard working her fat fingers to bones.
DeleteI'm pretty sure in this case she's referring to Summer as the girl, and not taking it's season for granted. She doesn't have a chance of anything even close to actual date.
DeleteHer latest twitter - unbelievable. She has 5 gigs going on? And to publicly shame someone trying to help her? Come on Jenna -just be honest and say "I never want to work" because it's pretty evident that you only want things your way and woe to anyone with common sense who suggests you do what most people do - WORK.
ReplyDeleteAnd so much for your being "kinder and gentler". Sheesh.
Delete"I know people are trying to be helpful, but telling someone already working 5+ gigs to pay the bills they should "consider a part-time job" isn't helpful unless you want to see me throw my eyeballs at drywall."
DeleteGod forbid that Jenna should just "consider a part-time job" to support herself without depending on dumb enablers to donate.
I just read her twitter account oh my gosh talk about a pity party!! Sounds like she invented the idea of a pity party. But wait! Didn't she just this past week say she got an unusually large order? Also end of Dec. she got some cra cra person to pay her mortgage? I am confused. Also she is juggling 5 different gigs (really what are they?) so she can't get a part time job you bunch of loosers.
ReplyDeleteAlso figure all this Netflex stuff she watches for hours on end and has tried writing a erotic novel so this leads me to believe instead of watching Little Women she is watching the XXXRRRR rated version of Little Women and lots and lots of porn otherwise how would she know anything about erotica? Not like she has had the chance to live it. Just a thought.
She's a sociopath and pathological liar who can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything.
DeleteSo please understand if you are waiting for sketches or art or logos. I am making sure, no matter what, 3 are worked on a day min. Today I am mailing out 3 portraits and working on 2 design clients. Reminders are welcome, but please be kind.
ReplyDelete11:46 AM · Jan 15, 2020·Twitter Web App
Jenna Woginrich
Replying to
It's just me here. And sometimes just me isn't enough. But I swear I am not ignoring you or shirking work. I am overwhelmed in ways I have never experienced before and scared of losing my house.
Asking someone to “be kind” and not ask for work they paid for three months ago fight after you publicly shame someone trying to kindly offer you a suggestion on how to make the extra money you non-stop beg Just wow.
Spending hours upon hours creating a childish, creepy, useless meme site when you have clients that are waiting on things they paid for in September, in mid-January? No good. You can’t tell people that you are not shirking responsibility and then post photos of yourself drunk and playing board games in bars, and expect them to believe you. Especially if they have been waiting on paid-for stuff since September.
You also can’t claim you are two months behind on the mortgage and constantly post photos of you spending money on frivolous, stupid extras like booze, bar dates, game nights, clothes, play hats, make up, going to newly released movies, donating to artist sites (wtf on this one, you beg on one hand and donate on the other?) and so much more. Those would be the very first things I would cut out of my budget if I couldn’t pay my mortgage. Or at the least, stop publicly bragging about wasting what little money you do have on those things.
And damn in, sit on your butt, go nowhere for a week, and get all these prepaid orders done and gone, that’s ridiculous.
THIS. Totally agree. She is petulant and beyond rude.
DeleteI also agree with what you wrote. Again, her "anxieties" and "terrors" are cash cards for sycophantic followers. It's more of her manipulative marketing.
DeleteOn January 10, FFF wrote this on her bleg:
ReplyDelete"It's a new year and I have never been more disciplined." She proceeded to list all the AMAZEball stuff she does, including her usual ultra-padded list of farming *chores*.
In the days since, and based on social media postings (looking at you lezwolfmemes) she has literally spent hours and hours posting insipid memes, hanging out at bars, playing with her hawk, posing with new clothes and binge-watching Netflix +Disney +God knows what.
Clients who already paid for crappy artwork have obviously been getting worked up over not receiving it, so much so that our poor widdle fake farmer took to Twitter to respond. For those not on Twitter, earlier today she wrote:
"I've never dealt with anxiety this bad. It has made everything so much harder. Every day I make sure to take care of this farm, me, and work towards deadlines and client needs but honestly it feels like everything is falling apart. Sales are bad. Temp is about to get -10. Scary.
So please understand if you are waiting for sketches or art or logos. I am making sure, no matter what, 3 are worked on a day min. Today I am mailing out 3 portraits and working on 2 design clients. Reminders are welcome, but please be kind.
It's just me here. And sometimes just me isn't enough. But I swear I am not ignoring you or shirking work. I am overwhelmed in ways I have never experienced before and scared of losing my house."
A kind-hearted newbie then had the audacity to suggest FFF consider outside employment. Hahahahaha! Please - someone clue her in that FFF doesn't want no pedestrian JOB! Like NPR, she wants poodles to pay for her know, so she can live the life that no one understands.
"Have you thought about working for a virtual assistant agency for more steady income? I’ve worked with several doing web development and I know they have graphic designers on staff also. (As well as email marketing, social media, etc.) DM me and I can send you links if it helps."
Usually FFF ignores such misplaced advice, amirite Shammers? This time, FFF decided to put the ignorant reader in her place. FFF wrote: "I know people are trying to be helpful, but telling someone already working 5+ gigs to pay the bills they should "consider a part-time job" isn't helpful unless you want to see me throw my eyeballs at drywall."
Poor naive reader. FFF doesn't want a job. She wants income. Preferably for doing as little as possible...and ideally nothing.
Remember π·⚡π plays while π©π©π© pay!
Someone out there playing with Hawks is not anxious. True anxiety keeps you stuck in survival mode. The only survival mode is on her keyboard under the guise of asking for donations.
Deleteπ Brilliant summary. This should be her new bio. (And lol, at AMAZEballs.)
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Screw you, I am the person my dog thinks I am."
Oh, so both of them have your nasty number: sociopath, scammer, animal abuser, online beggar, pathological liar, and lazy lifestyle loser. She also could've made the stupid observation without the hostile swearing first, but I guess that "late in life lesbians" have leeway to be arrogant assholes.
The lazy scamming twat:
ReplyDelete"It's just me here. And sometimes just me isn't enough. But I swear I am not ignoring you or shirking work. I am overwhelmed in ways I have never experienced before and scared of losing my house."
This shit again? Overwhelmed my ass. Scared of losing the house....yea right. Not scared enough to go to the brewery and play card games or flying your stupid hawk. Spending HOURS on ridiculous wolf memes to attract someone. Sorry bitch, ain't buying it.
And yes you are shirking work; like you always have done. Hoping people will forget it and move on. Shut the f up and do the work. When you post "woe is me" whinings and then people see what you really do during your time, I hope they are giving you a lot of shit.
I hope you eventually do lose the farm, you don't deserve it if you play people like that. You deserve everything coming to you. It's your fault.
Oh come on....she already works on 3 clients a day. Looking at her "art", that probably hour? What more do you people expect?
DeleteHow can someone who supposedly works "5 gigs already" not see that if you still have to beg and cry woe is me, that those supposed gigs aren't paying the bills?
What I can't understand is why don't more people call her out? Are her "foolowers" as bad as her? Or are they just worried they might hurt her already fragile emotional state? She certainly doesn't worry about offending anyone!
I don't get it either. I would definitely call her out and keep records of our email, text transactions and what was promised and never delivered and monies taken and take her fat ass to small claims court.
DeleteIf she were "so scared" of losing her faux farm then she'd get a part-time job. There are lots of locals who have them including our friends and family. I think that her fear is of PayPal poodles not giving her handouts anymore. This has been mentioned before, but I find it funny that it's always "3 clients" she's working on. She has zero personal and professional credibility. Especially after the Birchthorn book Kickstarter campaign, and using the Kiva loan for fun stuff instead of repairing her hovel's infrastructure.
DeleteShe is incapable of doing the right thing to help her circumstances.
DeleteJenna --------------------> ππ½ ⚖ <-------------------- Common sense
And what are these supposed "5+ gigs" anyway?
Delete1) Pet portrait artist
2) Logo maker
3) Book proposal writer
4) Meat share grower
5) Soap melter/pourer
Sorry, but those few things are not enough to make a sufficient income. Can't believe she doesn't see that...especially with people on Twitter telling her so.
Real gigs:
Delete1. Spinning the wheel-of-misfortune to ID fake catastrophes so she can generate pity purchases /donations.
2. Recycling old photos and stories to pretend her life is more than celebrity stalking and binge- watching Netflix.
3. Posting random excuses for why she cannot get an actual job, complete projects in a timely manner, do jury duty, operate a profitable farm, create a website or fix her goddamn fences.
4. Ripping off social media sites to generate ideas for her dying brand.
5. Using photo editing software to hide hair, improve figure and slim her face to that of a praying mantis.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lie that she has no time to work on clients' projects ("It's just me, please be patient!!!") but then has hours to waste on making memes. Note the obsession with stupid sexual roles, and constant kvetching about having no girlfriend.
Scratching my head at some of those memes. The desperation is palpable. Take a look at this one:
Delete❝ Don't be sad. Your girl, she's out there, somewhere. Or she's dead, or in an alternate timeline, or Nevada. I wouldn't let the charge die on that vibrator today is what I'm saying... ❞
π² WTF?!? No one needs to know that, Pig Shocker. (Dear Brain, please don't make a mental image of that, thanks.) She's getting mighty aggressive there, like she thinks this type of humorless personal information will help snag her a date.
More socially inappropriate comments from her. Once again, she misses the mark for humor by trying to imitate normal behavior. Hey, Jenna, your psychopathy is showing.
well she must have some time to fritter away as she is "hosting" a big old dungeons and dragons this weekend and there will be mead! (uuummm that's booze right?). When my kids were 12 years old they wouldn't have been this excited about D&D if you ask me and she is a grown assed middle aged woman. I mean come on is she for real? Are past due back orders going to be worked on this weekend? Not on your life buster this is D&D. If she is so scared of loosing the farm then why not get back orders done so she can take on more "orders" (which I don't believe she has). And why does she keep advertizing for new orders? She can't get old ones from months and months ago done so why take on new ones. She just leaves me with my head shaking.
ReplyDelete"Isn't that special?!" I'm waiting for her to buy Barbies and dress them as bottoms for play props on her new Instagram meme account.
DeleteBut they'd have to be "pretty brunette femme" Barbies to meet her high standards.
DeleteYep Anon 8:17, mead is indeed alcoholic. She's hosting this D&D so she'll have an excuse to drink.
DeleteYESTERDAY: ❝ Sales are bad. [...] It's just me here. And sometimes just me isn't enough. But I swear I am not ignoring you or shirking work. ❞
TODAY: I'm planning a new way to waste time and shirk my responsibilities! Instead of working on client artwork, I'll be spending time figuring out music and food, and then playing this time-consuming game, complete with wandering the woods by lantern light for hours! And I'm going to do this once a week!!
I think Jenna either missed the point or ignored it when a helpful follower wrote:
ReplyDelete"Have you thought about working for a virtual assistant agency for more steady income? I’ve worked with several doing web development and I know they have graphic designers on staff also. (As well as email marketing, social media, etc.) DM me and I can send you links if it helps."
I think the poster meant working for a virtual assistant INSTEAD of trying to hustle business on her own. She mentioned STEADY income rather than the piecemeal income Jenna receives.
Of course, this would all make sense. Which is why Jenna won't do it. It would mean that Jenna would have to produce product in a timely manner and pay taxes.
And her latest insta post? She is officially taking the day off.
DeleteJust wow is right. That is not the behavior of someone who is trying to catch up and keep a roof over her head.
DeleteIf I was waiting for product I would be PO'd indeed!
ReplyDelete"First week of posting these! Over 55 posts and 65 followers!! Not bad for a farmer in her 30s burning time and dealing with anxiety through memes!"
Are you kidding me. Burning time? Focus girl and get your customer's work done.
DeleteThe salient parts to that post is her pubescent reference to followers. Burning time? Farmer? Do those even belong in the same universe? No. No Jenna dear, you are not a farmer. You are an social media you know what.
DeleteAnonymous 5:21. I'll finish the sentence. She's a social media attention whore.
DeleteBack to the “scared of losing the house” tweet-if you are really that behind and really scared of losing the house, WHY would you be selling shares in pigs that haven’t even been born yet that would have to be raised in a house you may no longer have in a month? Who would be stupid enough to sign up for this scam?
ReplyDeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"If you hire me, please do! Just want to pitch in, please do! Trying to make this month!"
Yet nothing can make her just get a job. But she has ample time to tweet about bullshit, and also make memes. What a worthless, lazy slob.
The top of winters bottom has begun
ReplyDeleteCopies of Birchthorn are in the wood stove smoking
Gibson's reading about the Donner party
Neighbors are waiting for the door to knock so they can barter their food for an offering of logo
Candles are lit and the party is about the beg IN!
So the world's worst farmer posted this on IG yesterday.
ReplyDelete"Ever have to try to get a blanket on a nervous draft cross mare in wind gusting so strong it pulled your door off its hinges? By headlamp? With 2 dogs barking at geese?
I miss drinking."
First, how stupid are you to not put on the mare's blanket BEFORE the winds kicked up and the sun went down?? Nobody waits until low temps and howling winds and nightfall to then put on a blanket.
Second, let's remind ourselves that her aged horses do not have proper shelter. Her old Fell Pony doesn't even get a blanket. So while she's moaning about how hard it is for HER, her horses were forced to stand outside in weather conditions that felt like -19F with wind chill factor. What a POS she is.
Third, who does she think she's fooling with her "I miss drinking."comment? Again, she took minimal care of her animals because she was busily posting lezwolfmemes, you know, "burning time" because she does f*** all from a farming standpoint.
Yeah, she was drinking water not alcohol in Hoosick Falls when that unflattering Unihog photo was recently taken. Right. (
DeleteSo who wants to hear her new dating app ad?
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to share the loser's latest ad. I didn't see anything new on her Insta-scam account, but I can't stomach her stupid stories so it might be on one of them.
DeleteI DO I DO. I just got home from a very long and busy day at work standing on my feet for 6 hours and I want to hear how hard she works and juggling 5 jobs at once--yeah right. I can't see her stuff so please share I need a good laugh tonight.
DeleteAnonymous 1:06. A few people have expressed interest in hearing about her new dating app ad, yet you haven't followed up yet. It's called common courtesy.
DeleteShe never varies in her insane descriptions of herself. She's a rebel, blah blah blah. She's a lone wolf with mange in an unfair world, blah blah blah.
DeleteNothing has changed since she was on the other various dating apps/sites.
No one wants a liar for a partner. No one wants an animal abusing psychopath for a partner. No one wants a lazy, whining, talentless hack for a partner. No one wants a person raging with untreated mental illness for a partner.
No one wants someone who is hideous both inside and out for a partner.
Unless the dating app is called Narcissistic Twats Looking For Love, it's not going to help her find any type of relationship.
We're expecting 5-10 inches of snow today into tomorrow...what is going to happen to those poor horses?
ReplyDeleteSince Anon 1:06 pm hasn't yet shared, I thought I'd make one up.
ReplyDeleteFor Lex:
"Homesteading social media sensation, unlucky in love, seeks financial mama to keep wolves from the door and let me live MY life. YOU must love bad righting, screaming narcissism, hawk chalk, whiskey and a rural lifestyle where Darwinism rains and food/ road kill / dirty jeans are stored together.
Ads from trust fund babies will always be answered."
PDD. That made me smile. I'll also add:
DeleteFaux feral farmer seeks stupid brunette femme who has no character discernment to support my lazy loser lifestyle. You must be willing to shit in my yard, since the toilet often doesn't work, and help me pay for frequent teeth and truck issues. Plus points for anyone who knows how to use a chainsaw because they scare little ol' me. Please don't believe anything that you've read about my rotten reputation online. They're just jealous haters.
Let's "Live like fiction" at the expense of others, bitches!!!
Your last paragraph!!!ππππ
DeleteWhat someone retweets is revealing:
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich Retweeted
Lauren Duca
Verified account @laurenduca
Jan 17
PSA: If you don't like a tweet, you can actually just keep scrolling. You're actually *not required* to belch your toxic insecurity in response to everything you disagree with. Alternatives include: closing the tab, drinking a glass of water, and/or going to fucking therapy.
57 replies 170 retweets 1,821 likes
Lauren Duca, an intelligent "brunette femme," is an accomplished and successful writer (unlike JFW). Maybe LD will be the next new crush for our FFF to cyber stalk, since she's another notable blue check account, and has over 400,000 followers.
just saw the picture again (looks like a polaroid this time) of her at the Hog place oh my gosh she looks like she is drunk on her ass in this picture which is different than the one before. I would be so ashamed for this to get out if it were me.
ReplyDeleteSociopaths lack the capacity for shame. And she's always an attention whore. Unfortunately, she doesn't realize how stupid and pathetic she appears in public.
DeleteShe isn't capable of any normal social behavior because she is a textbook sociopath.
DeleteInstead she tries to
mimic other people's behavior and she always ends up looking bat shit crazy.
"Guys?!" I have a psychological observation. Let me know if you think I'm correct. When people have either responded on Twitter or acknowledged her Instagram posts, if they're not her narrow "type", then they're always ignored. She reminds me of a fat, ugly loser man who thinks that he deserves to date only models. JFW is the same way with women. She wants the "pretty brunette femmes" who happen to have thinner bodies and are also successful. Otherwise, she won't even acknowledge them online. It's like the others have no worth to her at all.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to add that she's missing major opportunities to connect with women, but since they don't meet her criteria, she ignores their responses and existences. So she has only herself to blame for being a solitary single incel.
DeleteIt's almost the end of January 2020 and I don't think I've popped into CAF for more than a year. You'd think things would have changed by now, but it's just the same old story. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. You'd think she would have figured this out by now with all the professed self reflection. She's either a gluten for punishment or very slow on the up-take. Pushing 40 with her state of affairs is not a good look.