When it's bad....

....she'll get a job.  Until then she's just playing.


  1. I don't think she can get a job. She is not willing to learn a new skill, work with others, take directions or be nice to others. Thank you and have a nice day aren't in her phrase vocabulary. And imagine waiting for your sandwich at Subway for two months.

    1. While I agree and I believe she is an idiot....I can't see anybody just losing everything that supposedly means so much (haha) without some sort of effort. Or maybe she'll end up under a bridge with her two hay burners.

    2. You mean like her post from several years ago?

      " If you are okay with ending up living under a bridge instead of giving up on the thing you love, than you should probably be doing that thing.* I am one of the Bridge People. I am 100% certain I would rather end up starving under a bridge than give up this amazing life I have created for myself."

      (correction: this amazing life that OTHERS have created for her)

    3. Interesting. That's lovely....but you lose it all. You don't just sleep under the bridge and still have your farm. No house, no land, no animals, no nothing. Or.....stock shelves four hours a day and keep it.

    4. That's her childish black-and-white thinking though, that she either gets EXACTLY what she wants, or nothing. An adult understands that you can have a job AND a farm, or that you can put things on hold temporarily without giving them up forever. She's just so married to her fantasy that she refuses to compromise. Like a toddler. (For the record, I don't actually believe she's in dire financial straits because she goes out and buys non-necessities way too much for that - even if her judgment is poor, unless she's got a boatload of credit card debt she just literally wouldn't be able to live like she does.)

  2. Perhaps the "compassionate" "mental health specialist" from the previous post can offer professional advice on how JFW can change her life in 2020. (I'm still waiting for my request of a rebuttal while my morning cup of coffee is cooling.)

    1. I agree with that "mental health specialist"'s comment. Theirs was the most spot-on comment I've ever read on this site. I'm not sure why you're trying to start an extended argument about it.

    2. You sound like a sycophantic supporter. "I'm not sure why you're even on this site."

    3. Anonymous 8:08. You're like a fundamentalist nut who comes to comment on a site for serious atheists. Why would you, and the strangely similar MHS, bother to check us out? Obviously, you'll be outnumbered by those here who loathe Jenna Woginrich. Maybe it's just toxic trolling for fun. I've been burned by Jenna Woginrich before, so know what kind of unethical twit she is in reality.

    4. Now, now. HD said all opinions are welcome on this site. Let's not quarrel.

      That being said, Jenna doesn't want advice on how to change her life. I learned a hard lesson recently. I have a relative with very self destructive behaviors. All family members recognize it, but I was determined that I would be the one to rescue her. All I got for my efforts is the fact that she now avoids me.

      And that is fine with me. I learned from my Al-Anon group that if someone doesn't want to change, there is nothing you can do. And it will often be met with hostility. Just check out Jenna's responses to some of her fans' well meaning advice.

    5. I'm the mental health specialist. And if the worst thing you can call me is compassionate, then I'm pretty okay with that. I'm not a sycophant or a troll, or JW for that matter, but I'm sure you won't believe me. I'm just an actual human who apparently has committed the cardinal sin of disagreeing with the mean girls on this site. I'm here because I got burned by Jenna when I paid for her Clan private blog, and then, because I gave her another chance, during the Birchthorn debacle. I've followed her for years, since she was in Idaho, because I lived close by at the time.
      I don't need anybody's permission to be here. Jenna was someone I considered to be a friend, as we had corresponded through FB and email, and to me it is sad to watch her life unravel so profoundly.
      What I think she should do? I think she should find a part time job, something with minimal responsible like a barista or a bartender. I think a part of her problem is the isolation, which increases and is caused by her depression. I think she needs steady income (though I do agree with some of you that her money "problems" may be entirely fictional). I think she should sell any remaining animals she has, with the possible exception of her dogs as they seem to provide the only companionship she can stand (I notice her paranoia, that her town and her family are against her, watching her, etc.). But certainly she should sell any livestock she has left, including the horses.
      Now assuming she is who and what she says she is, and that the persona she presents is at least somewhat accurate, I think she then she needs to see a therapist and get on antidepressants. Or some other form of medication, depending on diagnosis, because as I have stated before, she has very serious mental health issues. I don't believe that she is just a terrible person. She is sick. Mental health disorders are legitimate medical issues and she is a very sick person who is not receiving the help she needs. I very much hope that someone can get through to her and get her into care.
      Luckless Slinger, if there is another statement you made for which you wanted a "rebuttal" (are we debating?) I didn't see it. I'm not on this site every day.

    6. MHS, thanks for your insightful reply. I , too, think she is very mentally ill and needs help. The problem is, I believe (with no mental healthcare credentials) that one of her problems is that she's narcissistic. Narcissists, as you no doubt know, are notoriously hard to treat because the very condition itself precludes the self-admission of any problem at all. It's "the rest of the world." So really, I don't know how family/friends would go about trying to help someone like that when even the professionals admit there's no cure, and only intense behavioral modification MIGHT help, if at all.

      A sad case, indeed.


    7. Unless you count her raging narcissism, I don't believe for a second that she's mentally ill. My opinion is her posts are carefully crafted to elicit various responses from readers, with an eye towards increasing their financial contributions to her. She intermittently rewards readers, occasionally offers promise and keeps them tuned into her fictional dramatic life. As Jon Katz said, people want drama. FFF knows this.

      Many threads ago, a Shamster described FFF's ongoing scheme perfectly. FFF creates a fictional rural life for her readers: she could have this oh-so-perfect life, she's "this close" because of her scrappy work, if ONLY the readers would help overcome this 'one little hurdle'. She ties them to her potential. Continually.

      If you'll notice, her messages ebb and flow depending on the forum she uses. She is perky on Instagram, but depressed on Twitter. She lives the ideal life on IG, but tweets about night terrors. Her blog is a mix, but mostly a slosh of scrappy quaisi-homesteading tales, with occasional begs thrown in.

      Her 'illness' is lack of empathy and joy at separating suckers from their money. I doubt cash from selling melt-and-pour soaps is enough to fund her lifestyle, even coupled with $50 drawings (months late in delivery). She is getting $$$ from somewhere, either donations from soft-hearted people, or unnamed income.

      Personally, and I say this repeatedly, if she didn't have defenseless animals, I wouldn't care what happened to her and her befuddled followers. The day her animals leave is the day I quit following
      her, and I'm not alone.

    8. "The day her animals leave is the day I quit following her, and I'm not alone."

      Same here PDD.

      However, I think that much criminal behavior (like hers) stems from mental illness. So we can agree to disagree. I'm not defending her actions, and I would love to see her held accountable especially for her animal neglect (humans have a choice - they don't), but she's obviously mentally/emotionally effed up and needs help, jail, or both.


    9. PDD - You nailed it!

    10. Morning DM and Mental Health Specialist (and others)!

      Just my $0.02 and I can certainly agree to disagree. Whatever her issues, they ain't good!

    11. I agree with Mental Health Specialist 100 percent, mainly because issues like severe, chronic anxiety and depression are legitimate health issues which stop people from living self-sufficient, rewarding lives. I don't comment much because I've realized it's got to be a mental health thing, so I don't want to throw stones at someone who is struggling with something they cannot control. But on the other hand, there are also issues of misleading people and getting so bogged down by said mental health issues that you won't care for your livestock properly, so I'm grateful for the people who stay on this and keep her from more animal hoarding or neglect, as well as keeping a cyber trail which anyone who is considering donating will see if they do even a small amount of research.

    12. PDD. I agree with what you wrote. I also appreciate the other perspectives given here all snideness aside. I understand that mental illness affects every aspect of someone's life. (Depression runs rampant in our family.) But that doesn't give people permission to abuse animals, and relentlessly rip off victims without remorse. So I suppose that JFW has a double whammy to deal with. I seriously doubt that she'll ever see a therapist. She's far too stubborn, and lacks the self-awareness to scrutinize her behavior for destructive patterns. Unfortunately, I think that she'd use her psychological pain as another excuse for money mooching and manipulative marketing.

    13. I don't want to write a novel here, but....do you all remember the Friendly Beast post? I don't remember it verbatim, but she wrote about how her sister was considered to be thin and beautiful and how she (JW) was called a friendly beast by the boys she considered to be friends? That post has always stuck with me because I wonder about her upbringing. That post implies to me that her low self esteem and body issues started very early and that the personas she creates (Wiccan, heathen, Celtic, feral farmer, I'm sure I'm missing some) are coping mechanisms to deal with all of the unresolved gender issues, body issues, and depression. It's interesting to me that she is now dropping explicit hints about possible disordered eating. I don't think her gender issues are small ones. I think that her issues with her body and her sexual orientation are major issues that she is struggle to deal with. I predict that we will see many more references to these issues in the future.
      To address the big question (Why does she abuse animals and scam people) - that's what I struggle with. I guess that's why I read her blog, and this one too, I guess. I keep hoping that she will finally take the steps that are so obviously needed. Sell whatever animals that remain. Get a job. Get a therapist. It's okay to step back and refocus when you've lost your way. Obviously this "business" isn't working and it just does to show how depressed she is that she refuses to admit it.

  3. Mornin' Moanin':

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Consider doing some of your gift giving shopping with me! I can offer gift vouchers for pet portraits or custom logos (printable pdfs you can slip into cards) handmade milk soaps with herbs on this farm! Pork shares! Archery classes! DM!"

    If you read between the lines her message is clear:

    Send me mortgage money, and enough extra to buy Taylor Swift items. The gift vouchers for pet portraits and lousy logos will be worthless, since I'm still working on summer projects. I've also oversold the pork shares, but maybe the food bank in Cambridge won't care. And my melt & pour soaps might not be made due to running out of goat milk again. Unfortunately, the local store doesn't stock it. Archery lessons can only be given if this farm isn't foreclosed in the future. PayPal me now, poodles!!!

  4. Unbelievable. She is selling an electronic promise PDF that Is paid-in-full before the product is made, and the buyer must print out the PDF and stuff it into a holiday card/mail/deliver, so the gift recipient can then contact FFF (good luck with that), send a photograph, wait for product delivery (like forever) and/or chase down Jenna repeatedly.

    FFF knows there most people won't jump hurdles to get their lousy piece of "art" so it's her perfect job: money for nothing!

    1. "that"
      Auto correct strikes again.

    2. PDD. She's just retweeted this Jenna gem:

      "Working to make a house payment by the 15th to stay safe and sound for the holidays as far as the mortgage is concerned! Get yourself soap, art, or a logo. Get meat! Chip in towards ten years of free writing! All helps!"

      Her hyperbolic panic is amusing. She's gotta mention the mortgage payment per her usual "It's your responsibility to help me support myself, because I don't want to work like a normal adult." And no one cares whether or not she's "safe and sound for the holidays" or any other time of year. Screw her "ten years of free writing," too. I'm surprised that she didn't compare herself to NPR again. As if there's any similarities.

    3. And you know, she won't keep records of the sold PDFs of gifts, so she won't check on the giftees and it will just get forgotten until the gifter asks and they are like, oh, I tried and didn't hear and then just got sidetracked!

      What a slimy MO for our con-artist...

  5. From a disillusioned fan. An oldie, but goodie. Nothing has changed.

    AnonymousJanuary 6, 2015 at 8:58 PM
    You know, I do not and never have meant any harm to JW or anyone in her family. The only reason I am on this "sham" blog is because I felt so down and out about my experience with JW and was interested that others felt the same way. Many years ago, I LOVED cold antler farm and everything that it seemed to be about. I wanted to leave my job and have a farm. I was too scared to take the plunge so I enjoyed seeing a young woman brave enough to make that happen.

    I admired JW SO much at first. I actually donated to that farm and prepaid for various things as well. When I didn't get what I paid for, I chalked it up to a young person in over her head and I gave her the benefit of the doubt about it all - even the way she raised her livestock. I just decided to think of the money stuff as a donation because I saw zero mal intent from JW. I thought she was great even after all that happened.

    As the years passed, I started to really be turned off with the begging for money on JW's blog. All the interesting homesteading tips and stories dried up and it was all panic about keeping the farm going. It became all about money. It became a fearful life that I was grateful I did not have. As even MORE time went by, I saw that so many other people prepaid for stuff from coldantler but never got it either. After reading a lot more homesteading blogs out there and taking animal husbandry classes, I no longer believe in JW's livestock tactics.

    In the past 6 months, I have started to feel so stupid that I believed in it all. I feel like I am a good judge of character and still had a hard time believing I was so wrong about JW. Then, I read the above artist web address in which people were complaining about prepaying her back in 2005 and not happy with the outcome. That was the last straw. I was wrong about JW and Cold Antler. Whether intentional or not, I was duped.

    That said, the fact that so many people prepaid for stuff they never got is a poor business practice and I will be honest with anyone who asks me and advise them not to give money to her. I am allowed to share my experience on the web blog about a business in which I had a poor experience. I am grateful for this "sham" website so that I can see I am not alone in my experience. Thank you for making this site available. I am so much wiser now and learned a huge lesson from all of you.

  6. It just hit me! I know why she says there is a two month wait for product. Paypal has a 45 day window in which you can file for a refund. Anyone who files a claim after 45 days is out of luck. By the time her client gets restless for their product, it is too late to get a refund from Paypal.

    1. Wow! You hit the nail on the head! I didn't know that about PayPal, but I'm absolutely positive now that this is why you'll have to wait for that period of time. (Not because she's busy with previous orders, or anything.....) What a racket. Actually, I'm a bit surprised that she figured that out. It must have happened accidentally once, and the light bulb went off. She should write a book, not about homesteading, but entitled "How to Succeed as an Internet Scam Artist."


    2. I am Anon 7:03. I checked Paypal's claim policy and they changed it from 45 days to 180 days. So I stand corrected.

      When I was going through the wool CSA comments, one buyer said she tried to file a claim through Paypal, but the window had closed.

      I'm not sure when Paypal changed from 45 days to 180 days, but I discovered they had many complaints that the window for filing a claim was too short.

    3. My proposed wording for future FFF promotions: "Working the hardest I've ever done to get this month's (truck bill/mortgage/electricity/insurance/dentist/bar bill/quail food for hawk) paid. If you can wait 6 months and one day to start, 50% off. PayPal, it means so much to the farm."

    4. Darn...that would have made sooooo much sense!

  7. From Twitter...SHARES OF PORK FOR 2020 on sale now! Local pickup (no shipping meats) but price is very competitive and includes the cost of pig, feed, bothering, smoking, and packaging meat!!! DM for info!

    So I'm assuming that 'bothering' is supposed to be 'butchering'. If I was trying to sell something, it would be bothering (lol) me greatly that there was a spelling mistake like that. I certainly wouldn't be retweeting it a million times....I would fix it! I would not buy anything from someone as unprofessional as she is.

    1. Nah, Jenna probably means "bothering." She'll bother those poor pigs until they day they die.

    2. Her lawyer must have insisted she put that in. You see, the cost includes "bothering". It's called truth in advertising. You will be bothering her for the meat when she doesn't deliver or respond to your inquiries.

    3. Lol, at her "lawyer's insistence" -- Yep, the "bothering" is a freudian slip.

  8. The twit:
    "Stop asking queer women who is the man and who is the woman in their relationship. Ask who has the post-apocalypse survival skills and who has the 401k."
    Jenna is really asking "who has the money to support my lazy ass?"

    1. FFF had better have a 401k because she sure couldn't survive an apocalypse with her lack of skills.

      She can't use an ax, a chain saw or hand tools. It appears she buys kindling or has firewood delivered. She's never successfully hunted a deer (or caught fish as I remember). Her hawk "hunts" are so lousy, she must buy gourmet frozen quail so the bird can eat.

      She can't fix anything - fences, structures, vehicles. She's terrified of strangers. She doesn't butcher meat, trim horses or shear sheep. She relies on old deli meat and rotten donuts to feed pigs. Her bad animal care is legendary.

      Post-apocalypse, where on earth would she get 100s of baby chicks to replace the ones she can't keep alive? Or loses to predators? And, if she didn't have a spring and creek, how would she get drinking water.

      Besides insipid poses with bow and arrow, who even knows if she can hit a target. I've never seen any evidence.

      Poor fake live-like-fiction can only appeal to people who know even less about the country than her.

    2. PDD wrote: "She can't fix anything"

      I dunno, seems like she can fix a mean plate of food. But agreed, she's totally useless at everything else. Including paying her own bills.

    3. She depends on others for everything. She wouldn't survive day one of Armageddon.

    4. It appears that this is her new scheme. She's looking for a sugar mama.

    5. Anon5:15 am. Agree. She wants a benefactor in the worst way. Remember: she plays while others pay.

  9. Mental Health Specialist - I agree with you. She has serious mental issues and needs help. I think all of her fans (I used to be one) at one time or another have offered suggestions similar to yours. I myself had suggested a part time job and I even suggested bartender. My niece tended bar part time to pay off debts and made more money per hour than she did at her day job.

    Many people suggested she re-home all of her animals except her dogs. Never happened.

    If you can convince Jenna to get help for her psychological issues, more power to you. You will have accomplished what no one else has been able to do.

    Please try and let us know if you were successful.

  10. stop asking queer women who is the man and who is the woman. Well how would she know this she has never been a queer couple? She is acting like she has so much advice to give to people how you should treat a gay couple and let's face it she ain't no queer couple. Well dogs don't count as part of the couple even if you sleep naked with them.

    1. Well dont you know Jenna is an authority on every subject known to man? I agree with the others, she is looking for a sugar momma. Yea good luck with that. No wonder her ass gets kicked to the curb after the first date.

    2. What she's talking about is an almost archaic concept of lesbian sexuality. (I'm bi and speaking from experience.) Considering that she's only briefly dated a few women (if that's even true), then she has no concrete experience to offer. Again, she's always been an opinionated bitch who can't back up her statements.

    3. She is using her only reference points to how gay people are treated from like 90's sitcoms and movies.

      She is just a big pretender like she is with all the other things she appriopriates and is a sudden expert. What a maroon.

  11. Jenna is crazy like a fox. Every move of hers is calculated to separate money from unsuspecting followers.

    1. anon 7:12am,
      That was my first impression of her and that hasn’t changed over these last couple of yrs I’ve been watching her shit show. She appears to be a professional scammer.
      I also find it hilarious that she puts herself out there as a survivalist! Anyone that’s ever been raised on a farm would be laughing their ass off at the shenanigans she pulls! She doesn’t even have a full winter of wood stocked up! Most ppl who heat solely with wood have a minimum of 5 yrs worth, always with piles in different stages of curing. My family did anyway. Not to mention all the other preps survivalists have. I find it even more hilarious that older ppl buy into her shit! Young, ignorant city ppl you can sort of understand, older ppl should have lived long enough to recognize a scam when they see one, especially if they’ve been following along for awhile.

    2. She is a master at manipulation. I also agree that she's a "professional scammer," even though it might have started out innocently years ago. She's learned from experience how to create drama, and tug on emotions for empathy. JFW couldn't "survive" for long without tweeting about Taylor Swift's sexuality, and using Instagram for grifting. Recall what happens when her electricity is shut off due to non-payment of bills. (Which we've often thought was suspicious.) She becomes quickly panicked, and drives to town in order to use Wi-Fi at "her cafe."

  12. So there are two podcasts that I follow that could put together a really interesting episode about Jenna. One is called Reply All, and it's about all kinds of Internet phenomena. The other is called Scam Goddess, and it's all about modern and historical scams. Perhaps one of the OGs wants to pitch to them?

    1. Why won't you show initiative and "pitch it to them"?

    2. Thanks for the podcast suggestion of Scam Goddess, Anon 8:09! I enjoy Reply All, so I'm looking forward to listening to that.

    3. Knowing Jenna she would revel in the infamy.

  13. IRONY: FFF re-tweeting the following quote: "You know what’s actually boring? Being so devoid of empathy and imagination, and having such a narrow-minded perspective of the world, that you think your limited taste is the only one that matters."@BlairBraverman bringing the 🔥🔥🔥

    Hahahahahahahaha *takes breath* hahahahahahahahaha. Oh, she's SERIOUS???

    This re-tweet is brought to you by the biggest gatekeeper in upstate NY, a woman who castigates (list not inclusive):

    People who work 9-5 jobs
    People who work in offices
    Women who drive SUVs
    Women she deems to be "poodles"
    Straight women who call their female friends "girlfriends"
    People who renovate barns instead of keeping animals in them
    People who wash their hands after handling filth, animal organs and blood
    People who use dog strollers
    People who walk past her house on a public road
    People who talk in public cafes while she's trying to work
    People who borrow her books from library instead of buying them


    1. People who lean on counters. Which was weird when she mentioned it.

    2. People who are partnered in a good relationship.
      People who have kids.
      People who are rich.
      People who advance in their careers (or actually have a career...)
      People who travel.
      People who have "nice things" ("I don't want your living room set...")
      People who have views and opinions other than her own.
      People who have AC (cars and houses).
      People who are comfortable.


    3. People who enjoy cultivated gardens instead of recreating in the wilderness.
      Ultralight hikers and backpackers.
      People who buy eggs from the store.

    4. What's so incredibly baffling is that the vast majority of these things describe Taylor Fucking Swift. ��

  14. I also wanted to add that she worships her never met in real life "friend" Blair Braverman, another notable blue chip account, because BB is professionally successful, happily married, and making money with writing. But BB doesn't seem to reciprocate with retweeting or responding to JFW.

    1. I loved when Blair's husband made a snarky comment about Pig Shocker on Twitter. Just goes to show that a lot of people have PS's b.s. figured out.

    2. Lol, did he really? What did he say?

      Also, last month Patty posted this dog sledding video that shows a driver who looks a lot like the Pig Shocker. Is that really her?


    3. On one of her posts on opinions about Fjords when Jenna was $camming for a new pony (or probably just money for something else), Blair's husband replied "You can't afjord one." LOL

  15. People who don’t hike with heavy backpacks.
    People with trust funds.

  16. This is a bit off topic, but I just love this little ditty that goes around the homesteading internet occasionally.

    For some reason, I just love this one! "If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around."

    Advice from An Old Farmer - a must read ��

    Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
    Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
    Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
    A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
    Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
    Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
    Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
    Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
    It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
    You cannot unsay a cruel word.
    Every path has a few puddles.
    When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
    The best sermons are lived, not preached.
    Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
    Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
    Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
    Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
    Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
    Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
    If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
    Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
    The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
    Always drink upstream from the herd.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
    Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
    If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..
    Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
    Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
    Most times, it just gets down to common sense.


  17. Luckless Slinger nailed it when she wrote, " Unfortunately, I think that she'd use her psychological pain as another excuse for money mooching and manipulative marketing."

    I was thinking the same thing. I can already hear "woe is me, I have no health insurance, send money". And I have become cynical enough after following her for 10 years to believe not a dime would go towards counseling. And sure, she could provide "proof" in the form of an invoice, but remember, she is a graphic artist and can easily create one. When someone cries wolf for as long as she has, it's hard to believe anything she says.

    I also agree with MHS when she writes, "Get a job. Get a therapist." Yes. In that order. Support yourself. Get your own health insurance. Pay your own way. Just like all the poodles you mooch of off.

    Last of all, I think Luckless Slinger sums it up with this line. "But that doesn't give people permission to abuse animals, and relentlessly rip off victims without remorse."

    Correct. And that is why I'm here. I don't care what she looks like, how much she weighs or what her gender identity is. I'm here to warn others of her scams.

    1. Anonymous 5:01. I appreciate your support, thanks! Can I hire you to do my PR? (Just joking.) I've backed off on my criticism of her appearance, due to requests here, but the animal abusing and constant scamming still aggravates me.

  18. Instagram Idiot:

    "Merlin the Fell Pony has been by my side since 2012. The same year I quit my desk job, went feral, and decided to take up falconry and full time freelance/farming. We're both still here. I love him every minute of his life."

    Yeah, "feral" women sit on their asses all day long, beg online for a living, and tweet about Taylor Swift's sexuality. She did another post featuring one of her dogs. Someone here recently mentioned how she hadn't posted about any of her animals recently. But she doesn't read the critical comments here. I doubt that it could be a coincidence. And if she "loves" her horses so much, then why do they exist in a state of frozen misery all winter long? Along with the rest of her dwindled "deadstock." It's because she didn't use the funds which were allocated for repairing "this farm's infrastructure," and spent the money on non-essential crap. Finally, her only "full-time" activity is being a lazy lifestyle loser.

  19. I just read a good quote on the internet today:
    "You will never get the truth out of a Narcissist. The closest you will ever come is a story that either makes them the victim or the hero, but never the villain."

    Remind you of someone?

  20. If you want to read a small listing of Narcissistic traits, here ya go:

    1. Always Using Others To Their Advantage
    Narcissists are always taking advantage of the others around them. Mentioned before, everyone essentially a piece of their master plan which involves getting exactly what they want no matter who gets in their way.

    The thing with a narcissist is that they will find new and inventive ways to manipulate you, your friends, and anyone else who decides to be apart of that persons life.

    There really is no other way to avoid this kind of behavior because they do it to literally anyone that wants to communicate. They see this as a weakness and prey upon those willing to give their help to just about anyone.

    2. Always In Need Of Praise
    Another thing that you will notice about a narcissist is that they are always needing constant approval from everyone.

    If there is even one person who defies them this praise they will act out in a temper tantrum to the likes that no one has ever seen before. You may think that this is an over exaggeration but I promise you it's not.

    Narcissists thrive off of attention which is one of the reasons why they keep you and everyone around for so long is because they need that validation.

    3. Extremely Arrogant With Everything
    Narcissists are prone to being arrogant especially when you are trying to confront them on the things that are hurting those around them.

    They will consider this a personal attack from you and decide that you are doubting them at every turn, that you've never supported them or their ideas, and that you are the worst person on the planet.

    Again, you may think that this is an over exaggeration but this is truly how a narcissist feels whenever someone defies their wishes. These people will always prove to be toxic in the end.

    4. Obviously Jealous
    Narcissists do not hesitate with their jealousy and will proudly display it whenever they see something they don't have.

    They are the most envious whenever they see someone who is essentially better than they are and will act out in every single possible way to deprive that person of praise or attention.

    All of this seems like a bit much for one individual to carry out but it's true.

    A narcissist absolutely hates it whenever they find someone or something that is just far beyond their league and they know it's going to drive them crazy thinking about how much that specific thing is going to gain that much more attention than them.

    5. Having Feelings Is Your Fault
    Whenever you decide that you want to confront them about all of the things they've done wrong to you or someone else they will simply brush it off.

    If you give them any kind of emotion or any kind of feeling that goes against what they want they will just tell you that it's your fault for feeling that way.

    A narcissist has no empathy or sympathy for the people around them and it will clear as day when that happens to you.

    You may think that this person couldn't possibly say such horrible things to you but with a narcissist it comes naturally.

    6. Over Exaggerate Their Accomplishments
    Above all else a narcissist will always boast about themselves as if they were the crown jewels. A narcissist will not let down any opportune moment for them to speak highly of themselves to others.

    Again, it's all about that false validation, they will do absolutely everything and anything to obtain it. This is one of the biggest indications that you are dealing with a narcissist right off the bat.

    Especially if you are meeting this person for the first time ever. Since you are a clean slate this means that they can talk about every false little achievement they've made in their life up until this point.

    If you're lucky you might even get a chance to speak.

    So, the next time you think you or someone you might know is dealing with a narcissist, try to keep these six things in mind. They will make themselves very obvious and you will know the truth sooner rather than later.

    These all describe Jenna to a T!

    1. Great list. Yes, she's definitely "always in need of praise" as evidenced by her lame "looky-what-I-did" status tweets (Today I farmed, made soap, shocked pigs, ran...). Everyone the world over has days filled with stuff they gotta do. But it takes a special person to write a list and expect likes, retweets and praise for it.

      She's also one to "exaggerate her accomplishments" by boasting about mundane stuff like she's all that. These two comments she made back in 2016:

      ❝ Oh man, to wake up with a mission and to have the power to overcome the elements, you feel like a damned superhero! ❞

      ❝ To wake up comfortable under a pile of wool and sheepskins and see the steam rise off your body makes me feel like a woman warrior from another time. ❞

      🙄 Superhero...woman warrior...too bad she doesn't don a cape and pick up her sword when it's time to take on the mortgage.

    2. Ha ha Anon7, love the last comment! I remember reading that about the "steam rise off her body" and I gotta admit, I was grossed out. It's like the one about the dog raking his nails against her naked body. Are we all supposed to get turned on? Newp, don't think so.

  21. Long time shamsters, help me out here and fill in details I may have forgotten.

    Someone appeared on one of the blogs (it may have been Meredith's or HD's first one) and said her elderly father had offered to pay for a shelter for Merlin. He said he would buy the materials and hire the contractor, but Jenna asked for the cash and said she had friends who would build the shelter.

    Well, she took the money, but the shelter was never built.

    The woman said her father was too hurt and embarrassed to ask for his money back. I believe he may have passed away since then.

    That was the last straw for me. Getting teased at school for her appearance is NO EXCUSE for this kind of behavior and all the scammy behavior before and after.

    And this is why I will NEVER believe her when she begs for money for anything. She will spend it where she pleases with no regard for the donor.

    1. Millions of people suffer from mental illness, however, they aren't scammers and animal abusers. I recall that incident, too.

    2. I remember that incident, but I have no way of going back and finding it. I don't think it's on her blog. I do remember from her blog a bunch of friends came over to build the shelter for the horse(s) (Merlin and Jasper? or just Merlin?), but I think that was before. That shelter was not really adequate, so I believe the gentleman donated for something better, as I remember.

    3. OMG this breaks my heart. Look at times I was teased too, I think most people are teased in school about something. I eventually grew up both emotionally and physically and have a very healthy outlook on life and people. And most people do. So yea, no excuse for this behavior.
      Wow, that's just unbelievably cruel.

    4. What an awful story. But none too surprised as she's a horrible person. Can't believe she had the gall to ask for cash. BTW, I searched her bleg for any writing about this situation but couldn't find any mention of it.

    5. Anon7 - There was never any mention on her bleg. The man's daughter came to the shamster blog to report it. I think it may have been on HD's first blog that disappeared.

  22. Okay, now I know she's a narcissist.

    She just described the season premiere of the reboot of The L Word as "fun". What? FUN?

    I haven't stopped thinking about the characters all day. The conflicts and motivations that were set in place in just one episode was impressive. The emotional depth of this show is profound, thus utterly lost on her.

    1. So lemme get this straight: She begs for money 24/7 and struggles to pay the mortgage, but somehow has money for subscriptions to Showtime as well as HBO, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime?


    2. Yep. The bitch ain't hurting for money at all.

    3. Anon7. I thought the same thing about her multiple subscriptions. Her dumb enablers deserve to be taken advantage of by the "I've turned feral!" con-cunt.

  23. Blast from the past. (From Meredith's blog)

    On Jenna's (un)business(like) practices:

    Anonymous November 16, 2015 at 6:46 PM
    I remember when I started looking into her trustworthiness, I checked out her feedback on he Etsy page. There too, were complaints about not delivering product. Her Etsy store is now defunct so no reviews are available to see.

    On her book about Merlin from one of the Cold Antler Clan subscribers:

    Anonymous November 16, 2015 at 6:18 PM
    One thing she did post to the Clan blog over the summer was the prologue and outline to her proposed Merlin book. I wish you all could read it--it's just rambling, narcissistic garbage, full of self-help buzzwords and without any real narrative structure. In my judgment, it's absolutely unpublishable.

    Note, both of the posts were from fans and paying customers.

    As to why she cannot get her new book published, maybe Anon 6:18's comment is the reason.

    Also, she was writing the Merlin book right after she received $15,000 from the Birchthorn Kickstarter campaign. So instead of working on Birchthorn, she went on to the next new thing. A pattern that repeats over and over.

  24. she is being so quiet on her bleg and her twitter and I think it is so people will worry about her. She is waiting for the "are you all right dear girl" kind of stuff and she is being all down cast eyes and poor pitiful pearl. Oh I'll be okay it is just so hard right now blah blah blah. Her last bleg was crazy, tiny but crazy so people will worry about her.

  25. The fact that she retweeted the video of the pigeons with cowboy hats on really shows her predilection for animal abuse. Those birds' flight is probably impeded and are most likely now being ostracized (and maybe attacked) by other members of their flock. But, much like shocking pigs, Jenna thinks it's funny.

    1. I saw that video and there is nothing funny about it. At the very least, those poor birds are confused. And may even become targets. And if glue was used to keep those hats on, there is no hotter place in hell for the person who did that.

      Every single person who re-tweeted and "liked" that video should be deeply ashamed at condoning animal cruelty.

  26. Take a peek at Reddit's threads about Shield Mare - many examples of her insufferable smugness. I discovered, for example, that she attempted a cartoon series on Tumblr showcasing her two dogs, called "Intact", a thumb-your-nose reference to keeping her dogs unneutered. Her patently unfunny observations are voiced by her two border collies, examples below:

    *"...a cease and desist on the term "Furbaby" is now in full effect. We hate this term. All of us."
    *"I hate the idea of adult coloring books." and my favorite
    *..."Reading is boring...Did you know that if you drink enough you time travel to the next day? Boom! Boringtown is over!"

    Lol, I can't imagine why these nasty little cartoon gems weren't more popular. Maybe she can turn them into a book.

    1. This makes me so sad for her animals. The whisky in her morning coffee, the probable day drinking, the proven and established nighttime drinking. Instead of those poor animals being fed in the early morning and again in the evening, I'll bet it's more like noon and 4PM...and hours of starvation in between.

  27. On Instagram, the Pig Shocker presented her most popular picture posts of the year. And of course the torrid Photoshopped-boob-cleavage-sudden-growth-explosion one was in the #2 spot. Which is sadly going to encourage her into thinking that her sexuality sells, thus we can expect more ego-driven, gag-inducing debauchery from her in 2020.

    And the majority of the other pics are old tired recycled ones from many years past. Well, when you've lost all motivation in life, and you can't guilt any foollowers into buying you a new camera, I guess that's the best you can do.


    1. Her pics were pathetic. But what would one expect from an inauthentic, overly obsessed with her image FFF?

  28. Off Topic Subject: Pet Health. I know you're all real badass farmers who already know about natural remedies and how to properly take care of animals, but just in case, I wanted to share something I just learned about: Brewer's Yeast.

    I have an 18 year old cat who up until a few months ago was very healthy. Despite eating like a pig, he was losing weight. Not rapidly, but still. And he was acting a bit like he was developing dementia and hearing loss. And then he started meowing a few months ago. Not getting lost and confused in another room, but walking over to his water and howling at it. But still drinking plenty of it. Just acting odd in general.

    Took him to the vet last week and he was given a clean bill of health, although doc suggested he may have anxiety and prescribed Prozac, 1ml once a day. On day three, my cat refused all water and food. This went on for 5 days and I grew very worried as I understand that lethal liver failure comes next. He was also very lethargic and looked to be at death's door. So I stopped giving him the Prozac med.

    Enter my ex, who is a lot older and was a hardcore hippie back in the 70s -- think vitamins galore, wheat grass, Apple Cider Vinegar, lentils, ew, and Brewer's Yeast. He says it's really good for health, safe for animals and it's stinky so it might appeal to my cat, who loves stinky shit. I make a bowl, and while he sniffed it interestedly, he wouldn't touch that or any water. It was as if he couldn't remember how to drink.

    So I decided to syringe feed him some. Gave him two syringes full (that was a fun challenge), then waited an hour and syringed him some water, and then two hours later gave him two more syringes of Brewer's Yeast. A bit later he seemed more alert so I decided to mix up some wet food (pate kind) with water and try to syringe that. But before I did, I offered him a plate of it.

    What happened next blew my mind: He chowed down. Ate non-stop for 30 minutes. Then he drank a ton of water. He also appeared more steady on his feet. And he stopped meowing and howling. Today, more of the same...an appropriately hungry and thirsty cat eating like normal again. Excessive meowing has stopped. It's a miracle. Just two days ago he seemed at death's door while I was searching online for how to deal with a dying cat. I'll take him to the vet again just to be sure, but I think the awesome health-enthusiast ex really knows his nature-based stuff.

    So, just thought I'd share this in case anyone here hasn't heard of it. But please research it for yourself and check with your vet first. Make sure it's safe to give to your animal before proceeding.

    1. Check his teeth.

    2. A Concerned HomesteaderDecember 11, 2019 at 4:34 AM

      That is wonderful that your cat had bounced back, Anon7!

      I have used brewers yeast to help my milk supply, when I was struggling with making enough, after a friend of ours told us how they used to give a bunch to the cows they raised when they were having trouble with having enough milk come in for their calves. (Word of caution- you really do have to take a lot for it to be useful, and boy oh boy can it make you gassy!)

      Anyways. I know how devastating it can be to lose a cat you love, I'm glad you at least we're able to make him feel better and be back to his usual eating habits. Let us know how the follow up with the vet goes, please.

      Now, back to what I originally came to the internet to do- find out how many stitches I need to chain to crochet a queen sized blanket using dk weight yarn...

      Just in case I don't pop back in before hand, I want to say Merry Christmas everyone!

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    3. That's pretty cool. I've heard a lot of health claims about Brewer's Yeast but have been doubtful. A couple of the dog food recipes I use call for it, but I could never find a good reason to put it in (unlike calcium supplements, which are essential with homemade dog food), but I may try it now with both my dog and cat! They're both seniors, old but healthy, but if a supplement gives them better health and doesn't have side effects, why not?

    4. Thanks guys! He is continuing to do well and is pretty much back to normal. He's now fully eating all of his meals and snacks, along with plenty of water. This Brewer's Yeast was nothing short of a miracle as he would've been a goner after many days of no food or water, and no peeing/pooping at all.

      Anon 4:28, thanks for the advice. But by checking his teeth, what would I be looking for specifically? The vet did pry his mouth open to look, but didn't mention any concerns. Is there something he may have missed?

  29. The latest moan:

    I haven't been very active on Twitter. I am having a hard time. The winter hit fast and hard with the reddest slap of seasonal depression I ever experienced. Like someone took my life and turned the saturation to zero. The farm is fine. I am trying like hell to pay the bills, but everything is slower. Morning chores take longer. The energy to work out is almost totally gone again (usual for me in winter), My days are mostly centered around work and orders and getting through them. Do any of you that also experience this have tips or advice on being more productive and present, both for your friends that don't deal with this sort of dark slump and for the deadlines and responsibilities of everyday life? I don't care how small the advice - what gets you to spring?

    Are you f'in kidding me? You are whining about not being productive when you had all freakin summer and fall to get shit done. BUT you were too busy mountain smashing, riding your pony, going to the brewery, going to the movies, flying your hawk (which you did the other day, pictures on IG). There is no excuse for this at all. You did it to yourself.

    Your days are centered around work and orders? Doesn't look like it. More like drinking and doing whatever the hell you want. Sorry babe, hard to feel sorry for you. Especially when you don't have to go to a job which 95 percent of the adults around here do. My husband has to get up at 4 to get to his job, he's not moaning on twitter about it. Yea guess what, deadlines and responsibilities are part of every day life and especially part of being a graphic designer. I know, I do it every day.

    For crissakes, grow the hell up!!!!

    1. The best thing that could happen to her right now is to step on a rake which might beat some sense into her thick head.

  30. The hard time is because of her self imposed isolation. She refuses to get mental health, and so continues her woe is me mentality. The holidays are hard for many of us, but we have to continue, because you know what? Life goes on. Bills continue to come in. We are there for our family. Have you noticed that she left the term "family" out of her being there? She has spent so long snubbing her family, but in the end, I will bet you that they would be there for her. She's like a perpetual 13 year old in life. Literally STUCK on being some where between eating cereal in a bowl and trying to figure out what jeans makes he butt look smaller. What gets me to spring is being productive and trying to be a better person, and having hope and faith in life. And GIVING to others, not taking.

    1. DS. That was well-put. And your sentences " She's like a perpetual 13 year old in life. Literally STUCK on being some where between eating cereal in a bowl and trying to figure out what jeans makes he butt look smaller." were spot-on in describing her character. I've made similar statements here, too. Her juvenile, almost cyber-stalking of celebrities is very odd for a middle-aged woman. Especially, since none of them ever responds to her tweets. I wouldn't be surprised if she's either blocked or muted by most of them (Taylor Swift, Anna Kendrick, Aya Cash etc...)

  31. Either her "woe is me" is really going on, or she is using it again to get pity donations. It's very hard to feel sorry for her; I do not and never will. She's a grifter, scammer and does this constantly to get money from hard working people.

    Everybody has responsibilities, she just has to take care of herself and her dogs. The other animals she does the bare minimum for. She doesn't have children she has to drive to school or pick up or take care of, or buy shoes, clothes and food for, she doesn't have an elderly parent she has to caregive. She doesn't have a job she needs to go to. The house....well, if she took better care of it. But she seems to think the farm is fine; I don't think so. Fences are falling apart, animals don't have adequate shelter, etc. But of course, she is more worried about herself.

    Such a child.

  32. Even if she spends every holiday at Patty's, at the end of the day she has to go home to an empty house that no one wants to share with her. She has never been single by choice. Add to that mental health issues...I don't know how this is going to turn around in her favor. Even if she pays the mortgage on time every month and never scams/begs again - - her life has no meaning. She never helps anyone (making heathen members do it for her and donating fake meat shares to the food pantry don't count), she is estranged from her family and most of her friends, and from the little she writes on her blog there is nothing that truly gives her joy on a deep level. She is lost.

    1. Her life has no meaning because she is selfish. What you stated above is all her doing. Until she quits the games with people she will be coming home to an empty house the rest of her life.

    2. Not really believing her seasonal complaining and suspect it's the continuation of the annual holiday guilt trip for people who don't send her money. It's only a matter of time before she posts the *sniffling* message of being oh-so-satisfied with the little she has, unlike all you trust fund babies who wallow in $$$. Please send PayPal to support this little American farm.

      Not meaning to sound cynical but this repeats every time she 'appears' to run out of money. Meanwhile, on IG, she's gone out to ABC almost weekly, enjoys day tripping with Tara, visited teacher-who-rides, certainly hangs with her No 1 enabler PP, plays with hawk, binge watches subscription programs, buys tacky jewelry and fritters time away...instead of doing the work for which people paid good money.

      Over the years, folks offered her all sorts of good suggestions.

      She has repeatedly refused to work outside the home.

      She refused to perform her civic jury duty because the "farm needed her".

      She refused to get a roommate because she doesn't trust strangers. Uh-huh, this from the person who posts to thousands of people that she sleeps naked with dogs, goes to the bathroom in her woods and drinks, then drives home after ABC visits.

      It's more likely manipulative 💩 than genuine depression over the winter. But sure, enablers, tell her to take vitamins, take some time for herself (laughing at that one) and/or hang out with friends. More justification for her to continue to do the square root of not much.

    3. Amen, PDD, amen! So agree that this is a repeat of the "woe is me" mantra that she trots out (especially around winter time) when she needs more pity bucks. IG tells a very different story. To those that are starting to feel sorry for her, please don't fall for her lies and bullshit.

    4. I agree with what you all wrote. Even though "she never helps anyone," recently on Twitter, she claimed to give money monthly between $10-20 to women on the internet in small dollar amounts. "Boy, does it ever add up!!!" And Anon7 astutely said that it was just another hint to give herself a donation instead.

    5. PDD wrote: "Not meaning to sound cynical but this repeats every time she 'appears' to run out of money. "

      Good observation. Yes, the "sad stories" repeat due to an alleged lack of funds. In the past, once the mortgage was paid, there would be a short time period right after where she was downright giddy and not complaining about sadness or money woes at all. And during that time, not once did she ever bust out any sad stories. It was all happy happy happy.

  33. Life is about close relationships, and having a natural rhythm between people-centric activities and rest. There are plenty of times in my life when either seeing my "work family" each day, or seeing my students when I was teaching was what kept me mentally together, as I was single a long time and went through periods when my social life was pretty absent. Other times (when I lived closer to them), it's been my actual family, but if you have neither, and don't have a close-knit group of friends you see and talk to regularly, I think you'd start to feel like you were going crazy after awhile, the loneliness would get so intense.

    1. She gets together with friends, she goes to the bar quite regularly and drinks and hangs out rather than work. Doesn't sound lonely to me.

      I can't believe you guys are falling for her depression bullshit.

    2. Anonymous 11:20. Most of us here don't believe any of her blatant lying, because it's been happening since she graduated college. Her being "lonely" is just a Jenna code for cash.

    3. I can't believe that she does IM or message any number of crazies out there on various social platforms. There are always some other pathetic inviduals out there to discus Taylor Swift or whatever. She has enough weirdo passions that she could be chatting for hours and hours every day. Adding that to her bar trips, Patty and other crap going on in her IG, she's just milking her cash cow poodle.

      Heck, it's not even been that bad yet at all. I can't believe it's almost January! We are in her same sort of weather belt level over here in Northern Ohio near the great lakes. We have had a couple cold days, a little snow that is gone now. And we have had days up in the high 30's even to 40's.

      The ugly raw red bottom of winter ain't even chapped yet. Shesh.

    4. She's not depressed from lack of friends or companionship. She's depressed due to lack of money. And obviously, she's very materialistic so when she can't afford to buy stupid stuff, she becomes crazy sad.

  34. "I don't care how small the advice - what gets you to spring?"

    A job, Jenna. A freakin' job!

    1. Lol, so true! Did you read any of the replies? Here's a couple of favorites that I'll bet she just loved:

      "Pray and read the bible. You’ll feel better."

      "I'm seeking therapy for the first time because these skies are very dark right now."

      Yeah Pig Shocker, call Dr. Phil while you're on hold with Joel Osteen.

  35. Instagram Idiot:

    "Be gentle out there. Everyone needs a little kindness as the cold settles in."

    Her subtext is always:

    "Be generous to me. I need more money now, during winter weather, because I won't work to support myself like a normal adult."

    1. All the time she wasted this previous spring and summer with horsey rides, mountain smashing, bar hopping, TS obsessing, etc. She asked for the poverty and misery she's experiencing now. But she still wants foollowers to be kind, gentle, sympathetic and generous with her.

  36. you people are horrible!
    She has SAD, Scam Alert Disorder
    She needs Vitamin D, $$$$$$$

    1. 😂 And just love how she wrote those three "I'm so sad" tweets followed by the mortgage begging tweet I posted below. Talk about manipulation.

  37. 😴 Broken record Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ Okay. I have a few days to make my goal of mailing a house payment by the 15th. It's not this current month's payment but it will stave off any threats of losing the farm. I am going to be pushing the meat shares, gifts, soaps, and logos like mad. Wish me luck. Please share! ❞

    Here we go again. Once more she can't pay her mortgage. And once more it's everyone else's problem but HERS. Will ever she ever become responsible and deal with that shit? When will she make the connection that a job = paycheck = mortgage and bills paid. And maybe even money left over to buy Taylor Swift's used tampon on eBay.

    When is the last time...or how many years has it been where she actually had the mortgage for the month and didn't have to beg? She's two years away from being 40. Two years away from never again being seen as an endearing scrappy upstart with potential. She really needs to make a plan ASAP cuz if things are this bad now, they're going to be beyond dire real soon.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think that the reason she can't even reach 5,000 followers on Twitter, and the numbers are like a roller coaster ride, is because folks get wise to her wily ways. Her constant, almost daily begging is obnoxious, manipulative and puts people off. "Wolves are at my door!!!" "The scary red van man is here again!!!"

    3. And the "Tayor Swift's used tampon on eBay" was hilarious. Unfortunately, I could see her bidding to buy it with donations from PayPal poodles.

  38. I feel that with the 15th coming, and no sales, something major is gonna happen. Who wants to play buh-buh-buh-beggin' Bingo?

    💠 Root Canals 💠 Frozen Pipes 💠 Power Outage 💠 Cut Dog Paw 💠 Old Vet Bill 💠

    💠 Broke Toilet 💠 Hurt Horseys 💠 Needs TS CD 💠 Hawk Surgery 💠 Dead Battery 💠

    💠 New Fences 💠 Empty Larder 💰 DONATIONS 💰 10K Accident 💠 Mortgages X 3 💠

    💠 Tranny prob 💠 Broken Stove 💠 Gas Monies 💠 Landline Down 💠 Dog Root Canal 💠

    💠 Newer Tires 💠 Cancer Scare 💠Bust Window 💠 Health Insur 💠 Date Nite Money 💠

    1. Hahaha. This is GREAT!

      Also, whatever happened to?

      ❄ Busted Refrigerator ❄ New Laptop ❄ No-good Camera ❄Werewolf Kittens ❄ Bucatini ❄ Expensive Winter Boots

    2. and one we never thought about or planned for is root canal or some type of dental surgery for the hawk. Always a possibility you know.

    3. This time I actually snorted my morning cup of coffee, thanks!

    4. HA! I want to play!

      ❄ Movie tickets
      ❄ XL Popcorn - extra butter!
      ❄ Disney+
      ❄ New cell phone - I mean Kindle!
      ❄ Security system to keep out all her manic fans.

  39. Let's see, I'll take Root Canals and Busted Pipes for $500 please.

  40. I think Anon7 is on to something.

    We could launch a Kickstarter campaign for a game called Beggin' Bingo. In the true spirit of CAF, we can take donations, make endless excuses for delays and then never produce product.

    We can then split the donations among the shamsters to be spent on booze, music, hair extensions, designer jeans, etc. You get the picture.

    1. I'm loving this idea, but lets concentrate mostly on the booze.

    2. How about "Wheel of Misfortune"?

    3. also a great one. I'll be Vanna White. okay?

  41. and your Jeopardy categories are:

    Dead Animals on the Driveway
    Crops that failed
    Crowd Sauce Recipes
    She's bought WHAT
    Taylor Swift's underwear
    Haters, Red Vans and Bills

    OK Megan, you're up first
    Alex I'll take She bought what for $50
    "She bought this in 2018 for $120"
    Joe - What is Warby Parker glasses
    Ding ding ding

    OK, Alex, I'll take...

    1. 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

      Pure Gold Anon 5:07!!

      Anon7, brilliant kick-off. I adore your sense of humor.

      And the rest...wonderful!!

    2. 😆 😂 LMAO...OMFG...this is the tops! Here I was, quickly checking in here for shits and giggles before bed and now I'm guffawing. It's 2am here so I can't comment more as I have much work tomorrow and need sleep. But I'm loving this Whackadoodle Horseshoe Farm Jeopardy. So I'll be back. Cuz this idea needs to be a thing!

    3. OMG 5:07. Pure gold!

  42. I was thinking about the conversation between MHS and the shamsters about compassion. But what about compassion for those who were scammed?

    So here's my roll call of people who were victimized by the FFF:

    The broke college students during Jenna's Oakpaw days, the wool and webinar CSA-ers, Birchthorn backers, the young girl who saved three months allowance to buy a non-existent Clan membership, the elderly gentleman who gave thousands for a shelter that was never built, the woman who had to wait for her Social Security check so she could donate for firewood, the man with the missing tooth who donated for her "root canal", the man who gave up pizza one night to send her money, the people who had to hound her for their logos, drawings, meat shares, and to all the donors who thought they were giving money for one thing while she was spending it on another.

    Sure I have compassion. For the people listed above.

    1. You forgot so many. There is the guy that buys her crap and let's her "store" it for him. The car service folks that she owes money and still fixes her truck, the family that did work for her and disappeared. Bret that made her stuff and helped with wood and all... The cloak people. The help me out a little paypal people. The people that paid good money for her books only to find they are based on lies.

      Anyone else?

    2. I'd say probably about 3/4 of the people in Cambridge. I compiled a long list once of all the names of people she wrote about on her bleg. Tons of names dropped around 5-10 years ago but she no longer mentions any of them.

  43. Does she honestly think new donors are going to read a blog that is essentially dead? Just a few sentence paragraphs that are completely focused on the woes of JW. If you go back to the beginning it was worth reading but that so far in the past no longer has any relevance to the JW of now. She often says she never looks bac or reads the old posts. She should. Maybe it would jold her realize at one time she was interesting and readable. No more, or should I say nevermore?

    1. See, this is the problem with her lately: She refuses to give up her dream even though it's dead since she's no longer willing to work hard. She believes that things should be as they used to be despite zero effort. What is that old saying? You're only as good as your last success? So yeah, she's expecting people to pay for absolutely nothing but her tired woe-is-me broke ass drama.

    2. She's probably disappointed that her self-entitled "SUPER QUEER!" fake femme persona doesn't net her more donations. Her writing is rotten and the purple prose can't disguise it. Look at how Birchthorn bombed.

    3. Here's the thing - her fame was built on being a tenant farmer. That was her schtick. Lots of people want a farm, but few people have the resources to buy one. She was farming while renting, and that's what got her famous.

      However, as we saw in VT, it's not a sustainable practice. A landlord can decide at any time to boot you, and then all of the work was for nothing.

      The minute she bought the farm, she needed to rebrand. Otherwise she was just like any other homesteading blogger, and would get lost in the sea of other more resourceful homesteaders. But instead she coasted on her previous successes, and that's how we got here.

  44. Her most recent blog post just cried out to be written in Haiku format. So here it is, re-written.

    This is the hardest
    And saddest I’ve ever felt
    But I’ll be okay

    1. Translation:

      Me need your money.
      Me always need your money.
      Please send me your money...and grandkid's money too.

  45. Twitter: "Have to run to the dentist to repair a broken crown and it was the thing that just snapped my entire spirit."

    Ok bingo players - get your chips ready! Starting slow with a broken crown, but I'm sure she can get to some more teeth easily. Have faith in her scamming!

    1. Also, based on her previous tweets, I thought her spirit was already broken? Maybe she forgot?? Easy to do when everything you say is a lie.

    2. On Friday the 13th too. Lmao.

    3. Funny, how her "snapped spirit" becomes quickly fixed whenever she receives more money from PayPal poodles and dumb enablers.

    4. Her stupid tweet has so far received only one lone "like" and zero responses. And it's been three hours. It looks like CAF donor fatigue has set in again. I hope that a lot of her followers are finally seeing her as a scammer who creates a crisis whenever she needs mortgage money, and also extra for fun, booze, Taylor Swift crap etc...

  46. Twitter Twaddle: I'm-going-to-hell-for-laughing-at-this Edition 😆

    ❝ Have to run to the dentist to repair a broken crown and it was the thing that just snapped my entire spirit. ❞

    I'm not laughing at the situation, but the timing. Between Beggin' Bingo and the Dec 15th mortgage payment deadline, we so called this shit. She'll lay it on thick when she returns -- and probably milk the "Friday the 13th bad luck" angle real hard.

    1. Poor, desperate little Jenna Woginrich and her "snapped spirit." Boo fucking hoo. What a bunch of bull.

    2. Holy Shit! Do you guys have her number or what?!? Just sitting here at DFW waiting for a flight and thought I’d check in, Hubby looked at me like (What?)when I suddenly snorted rather loudly :) How many crowns does that girl have anyway?
      Okay, Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas & and a Safe and Happy New Year!

    3. Wow, you're getting an early start for your holiday travel. Be safe and have a wonderful time!

  47. LOLOL! I just read her most recent lament, but the bleg entry before that one, I about split a gut! She wonders if she should "just whole up" and stay in. LOL!

    She tries to use these colloquialisms, but fails miserably!

    It's "hole up" you idiot!


    1. Someone spotted that error maybe on the last post. And even when she's corrected can't be bothered to fix her many mistakes. What a whiner.

  48. I have so many crowns I could be royalty. Not only crowns, but crowns that have cracked and needed replacement or repair. I have dental insurance but it only covers about $300 for a $1200 crown.

    I must have spent over $10,000 or more on my teeth. Yeah, it sucks to pay the bills. I have a job. No one pays my dental bills for me.

    Which is why it is so irritating to hear her whining about her teeth. She complains she doesn't have a trust fund. Shut up, Jenna! The vast majority of us don't. You know what I don't have? I don't have fawning sycophants paying my bills.

    Get a job, pay your own bills and shut the f*ck up!

    1. Lol, royalty...nice one! 👑

      Honestly, she has to be out of teeth by now.

    2. Anon7. Unfortunately she's never "out of" lies.

  49. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ Still have 4!!! ❞

    🙄 4 of what?!?

    Brain cells?
    Animals still alive?

    Oh, the suspense...

    1. It's her oversold crap meat. I pity the people who eat her poor pigs:

      Twit Tweet:

      "SHARES OF PORK FOR 2020 on sale now! Local pickup (no shipping meats) but price is very competitive and includes the cost of pig, feed, bothering, smoking, and packaging meat!!! DM for info!"

    2. As someone who bought shares in the past (yes, when I was a sucker) I can tell you it's not great. We ended up throwing out all the sausage because of the off flavor.

    3. Oh, so you don't like rotten-dumpster-donut flavored sausage? Picky now, aren't we? 😏

  50. Have to run to the dentist to repair a broken crown and it was the thing that just snapped my entire spirit.

    5 likes and no responses. Well Jenna, sounds like no one gives a shit.

    1. I also noticed that "no one" has offered any obvious donations.

    2. Funny how instead of choosing to "whole up" in bed with crippling sadness due to broken spirit, she was chipper enough to peruse Twitter for interesting things to re-tweet! And a Taylor Swift mention as well! HOO!!!

  51. In response to her "people with 401Ks vs prepper skills", I bring you this:

    Sept. 15, 2014 - A Week at Home (when her truck was out for repairs)

    "So this post begins a week back in time, a week truly at home... I am not allowing myself to eat outside of what my larder and farm produces...It's a test in making due with what is at hand, and help me prepare for winter weeks ahead where travel is rare and the larder really matters! I'm stocked up and learning to work within the rations of supplies I pre-bought before this weekend.

    Fast forward three days to Sept. 18. She did what any prepper would do in the midst of Armageddon. She phoned in an order for a ham sandwich. What should have been a 45 minute ride by horse and cart turned into a five hour debacle.

    So much for making due and living off the land. She wouldn't survive day one of Armageddon.

    You can read it here: https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=3+inch+assumptions

    1. She's such a F'ing idiot. Confused and applauded her 'stubbornness' in driving her pony, when it was her ignorance and lack of proper preparation that bedeviled her. She's lucky there wasn't a major accident with the horse.

      Her animals should have been taken away a long time ago.

    2. Poor Merlin. He deserves so much better.

    3. Thanks for posting that, Anon 6:25. It's a common theme with her, saying she's gonna do something and then not. By the way, in an unrelated post a few days later she wrote this:

      ❝ Some gals get up in the morning wanting to look like their favorite celebrity. Some get up hoping to beat their best run time. Others get up and want to be the best teacher, mother, or spouse. I wake up wanting to live like fiction, to feel like a heroine in her own story. ❞

      I'd say she succeeded there, in "living like fiction" with all her pretending these days, trying to make it look like she "farms" as well as posting old photos to prove her false narrative. Some things never change. And oh, begging is not something any "heroine" does. Like, ever.

    4. I hate to break it to her, but everyone is a heroine/hero in their own story. I read a saying somewhere that said, "Everyone is a hero in their own story and a spear carrier in someone else's".

  52. Twit Tweet:

    "100% relate"

    This was in response to another coveted blue check account:

    "When this decade started I wasn’t out, now I a essentially only talk about being gay and gay things."

    Ashly Perez has almost 200K followers. I also noticed that JFW has lost even more today. AP is a "pretty brunette femme," and that's who the FFF is attracted to. And even AP made a mistake "I a essentially." Why can't people take time to proofread their tweets? Especially, if they make a living from being a writer.

    1. Ashly's bio lists her pronouns as "she/her" and I'll bet that's where the Pig Shocker got the idea to add pronouns to her bio as well. Watch that space for when she inevitably changes it to "they/they're" in an attempt to expand her donor pool since networking with blue checks doesn't seem to be working on it's own.

  53. Okay guys she cannot make a mortgage payment this month? Does anyone out there care? Hellloooo? Guess not.

    1. So what else is new? And announcing it on Twitter is just an asinine attempt for donations. It's rare that she's every up to date on her mortgage payments. It's only a matter of time before "this farm" is foreclosed.

    2. "ever up to date..."

    3. C'mon all you stingy poodles! It's December -- 'tis the $eason to be generous!! Do you really want her to have a miserable xmas while worried sick about her future? At least "throw in" something so she can get smashed on eggnog all alone on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere! With a broken crown!! And no firewood!!

  54. "I don't think I'll be able to make a house payment by tomorrow, still trying to gather sales somehow before the deadline. Going to keep sharing what I have to offer and stay optimistic."

    Translation: "Going to keep pestering the hell out of everyone until they send me enough money to shut me up."

    1. She really needs to stop harassing online strangers for her mortgage. If she had to resort to standing outside Stewart's with a "Please Help" sign, she'd realize how ridiculous it is to be a jobless yet able bodied person begging for handouts. But, gee, I guess hiding behind a computer monitor makes it so much easier!

    2. She's received a response from Katharine Eagan Kellerman who happens to be the CEO of a Port Authority in Pennsylvania (where JFW was born and raised). Here's what she wrote:

      "Check your DMs" (with a winky face).

      Can you say handout? It looks like the damsel in distress has attracted another foolish follower to help her out again. Too bad that she wasn't warned about the FFF beforehand, or did her own due diligence in online research. She can kiss that mortgage money goodbye.

    3. She is FULL OF IT. She's made the payment, she just wants to buy stuff.

    4. All of this is really starting to make her look as bad as people who use their social media to shill for MLMs. It actually loses followers for her. No one likes to read "woe is me" posts, or "look at me I'm gay/heathen/Minny Mouse" posts. She is supposed to be a homesteading expert, and that is what people are looking for with her. She's destroying her own brand.

  55. Billion dollar idea - heathens anonymous

  56. I still don't understand her pork shares. Is she selling shares of the pigs she has now? Weren't those supposed to go to the 2019 shareholders? Or did I miss a butchering and new piglets? Saying she has a certain number left implies she has a fixed number of pigs, but for 2020 wouldn't you buy piglets in spring and butcher in fall, meaning, again, she has no set number of shares and will just buy as many pigs as she gets money for? CAFonomics are so confusing :(

    1. If she's to be believed, she recently posted a pic showing 5 pigs. Two older fat ones and three smaller ones that she procured a few months back. I'd guess the two older ones are already sold and will be for 2019 buyers and she's trying to sell shares of the little ones for later in 2020.

      But anyone who buys her spam shares is a damned fool to invest in someone who's not sure if she'll be able to keep her fauxrm or not.

  57. I think these are magical pigs that are grown on doughnuts and old deli meat. Since share isn't defined in her ad who knows what you get. Maybe a snout and ears for that last lucky buyer.

    From the recent post she must of sold a share and she's off with Patty to Trader Joes for her coffee run. For the "cheap stuff". Right, now everyone run out and mail her a package of the her favorite so she doesn't have to drink that swill.

  58. How do you make too much for ACA insurance yet have to beg for your mortgage and utilities every single month? You don't. When she has to truthfully disclose her finances it always points to her having revenue.

    Anon in GA

    1. She is full of it. Go to "compare NY state health insurance" just for kicks and giggles I plugged in her zipcode, her approx age, and gender. Some plans are zero per month, and then you go up to $20 something, and then as you scroll WAAAAY down you get up in the hundreds. I also put in earnings of $20000 a year just because I needed a leap off place. Again, she is full of IT.

    2. When she was asked why she didn't qualify for lower cost dental care, she got angry and haughtily told readers she was "broke, not poor."

      That statement probably says it all. She's not poor. She has income, but because she is a pandered self-entitled wannabe, she spends more than she takes in.

  59. I am in my 70's and still work very long hours so maybe I am missing something. Cheap coffee from Trader Joes? I don't find it cheap it is good but not cheap (Walmart is probably cheaper and I use that also but I am so STUPID we pay our own bills damn it).

    As for her insurance she said she already had insurance so what is it? And like above poster said how can she be charged so much if she has to beg for mortgage money each month? I thought it was based on what you report you make? I gotta get a life like hers.

    1. You wouldn't want "a life like hers" that's based on blatant begging and lying for mortgage money, abusing animals, and still stuck in a perma-teen mindset when she's a middle-aged moron.

    2. Trader Joe's in Albany, NY is not inexpensive. She cannot afford her mortgage, is months behind, is the 'saddest she's been', yet travels two hours away on a Monday for a gourmet food jaunt?

      The money her enablers sent her was obviously burning a hole in her pocket.

      Remember always: she plays while others pay.

    3. "Live Like Fiction!" At the expense of others.

    4. Coffee my ass. She's stocking up on $2 Chuck. 🍷🍾

      Hey, what would y'all rather: Be stuck in a car for two hours listening to the Pig Shocker's yammering...or listening to a dentist drill into your teeth? (I'll take a root canal, thanks.)

  60. why oh why is she out on an adventure on a weekday? Thought those were for laboring away on peoples drawings and logos and soap making. Doesn't she know some people just might want those things for gifts (gag) for Christmas presents? I would be more interested in clearing up my end of the year work to be done so I could start the New Year fresh. Oh and where is the money coming from for a whole winter's worth of coffee and other stuff (no bagel toppings though). Money coming from some place. I think the one on twitter must be someone she went to school with and feels sorry for her so she paid her mortgage for this month at least.

    1. I think that the foolish follower who gave her mortgage money, Katharine Eagan Kellerman, might be "someone she went to school with," but that she has no clue as to the FFF's rotten reputation.

    2. Imagine starting off 2020 having to reluctantly complete work that you were paid to do in 2019.

      I wonder if the $eptember $uckers have received their orders yet? Knowing her, she's still working on August.

  61. It's halfway thru December and she/her still hasn't updated the bleg. But she/her still wants you to subscribe. Yeah, all I want for Christmas is to pay $25 a month to read this crap:

    ❝This is the hardest it's ever been.
    This is the saddest I've ever felt.
    I'll be okay.
    I just want this winter to pass and feel safe and warm. ❞

    Wow. What a profound and inspiring 💩 post there.


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