not worry about any begging for right now some foolower sent her money for her mortgage so now it is time to play and play and play and oh shop too. We won't be hearing her whining for a while now anyway. She will be on a manic high.
Someone on Twitter posted a pic of the soap they received from the Pig Shocker. And I don't know how, but she managed to make what looks like diseased soap?
It doesn't look like her other melt-n-pour's somehow nasty looking and doesn't look the same as the soaps in the pics where she's trying to sell it. Do any of you soap makers know what is so off about this?
I'm a soap maker but have never used the melt and pour but that last phot sure doesn't look like the ones in on JW's twitter ad. I'm inclined to think these were purchased and resold. They look extremely solid and almost abrasive. I do know that some sites I buy supplies from also sell pre-made soaps at much less than JW charges. Just a thought.
It's a double sided mold with different design on each side. BUT...the ones in that pic look fluffy and decent as compared to the new diseased ones. I also checked online and found similar snowflake soaps at $12 for 100 count. Wouldn't surprise me if she stopped melting-n-pouring out of sheer laziness.
She posts photos and videos on Instagram: dogs, two horses (still eating on top of their own filth), pigs and a handful of geese. Never see chickens.
Judging by the lack of shoveled path to the falling-down barn, she doesn't clean out pig's shelter and probably throws them food near the house. Since Pig Shocker is inherently LAF, pigs carve their own trail and must come to her to eat, thus providing her opportunity to take pig-train pics.
Blog is still dormant. Wonder if she's working on a long Christmas post. She sniped out her parents this week. Guess they didn't come through with the Christmas goodies. She alleges she's estranged and I'm assuming she's talking about family. Why then does she feel the need to blast them online?
Because she is a bratty kid. Spoiled as a child and now, here we have the adult version. I hope her parents and family have her blocked, for their own sanity.
They are probably begging her to get some professional help for her mental disorders and she refuses. So Pig Shocker's "revenge" is to blast them on social media.
It's just another example of her circling the drain.
A normal person wouldn't likely admit that their parents are Trump supporters. But the Pig Shocker did it for sympathy and donations. Pretty much right after that she tweeted about not having $399/mo for health insurance in the hopes that some fool would "throw in"
Is THAT why those pigs are walking to her house? I felt something strange was going on there, but didn't now what. As for the barn, it's interesting that she's raked the sagging side that's soon to cave in -- which you can see in this pic:
When it does fall, I imagine any animals inside are doomed, yes? Don't understand why she hasn't done anything to reinforce it. Maybe barter with townsfolk for help in fixing it? But what did she do about it all spring and summer? Nothing but spend any extra money on TS crap. I really hope no animals are in that barn when it falls.
Anon7, if you check backgrounds on photos, you'll see horses still fed on top of their sh**, and pigs are also thrown food on top of snow. Also, in a recent photo, barn door was partially open with a single-file "pig train" moving towards her. No reason for pigs to come towards house unless food is there. No reason to be single-file except they have to carve out their own path. Re feeding: Clearly her past practice was to throw hay just over the fence, and no reason to think her LAF practice has changed. Who wouldn't want to eat on top of their own filth or on top of snow?
Twitter Twaddle - Seeking Validation For Her Lazy Lifestyle Edition
A re-tweet from one of the blue checks:
"If you wanna use the insult “if they had a regular job” about people who act, play music or are in visible media/arts in any way you must stop watching movies/TV, or listening to music. Don’t go to an art museum or buy a comic book. Boycott the fuck out of us or shut the fuck up."
And of course the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️is rolling around all the enabler comments like a pig in slop with her "Marry me" comment. But she's missing the point: Her blue check friend is talking about successful artists, not someone who wrote a few books half a decade ago who now does nothing but beg online. Daily. Nothing artistic about that. There comes a time where you need to get a job if your art is not bringing in an income. But no, everyone in the comments is like, "Yeah! It's OK to be lazy cuz you're an artist!"
What the blue check is trying to say is that it's difficult for a musician to hold down a regular job because it would mean asking for a lot of time off for touring, recording, interviews, photoshoots, etc. That's understandable.
But the Pig Shocker thinking she's in the same league is preposterous. M-a-y-b-e, just maaaaybe if she was as busy now as she was 5+ years ago with full-time animal duties, workshops, Antlerstock and all the stuff she USED to do. It's not the same thing.
My college roommate was a substance abuser, irresponsible, self-centered and unproductive as hell. She called herself an artist, mostly as a cover for her undisciplined and marginal behavior.
The good news is once she received help for her substance abuse and mental health issues (years later) she did, in fact become an artist. She discovered that being an artist is hard work and it requires considerable effort, something quite unknown to the daily Cambridge beggar.
Pig Shocker refers to herself as self employed when really she is unemployed. Same as her claims of being an artist.
Pig Shocker doesn't have an artistic bone in her body. Unlike people who truly have talent, she will never be able to make a living from selling her "art."
This is why she has to beg and whine and grift for a living instead. That tweet did not apply to her and she looks like an idiot for putting herself in the same category as actual artists.
That's what I don't get: The fact that she's clearly not able to sell enough "stuff" and "art" should be a giant red flag that her self-sufficient farm plan "dream" just isn't working out.
Anon7. She's far too stupid and stubborn to give up her hovel nightmare. And why would she stop? Unfortunately, JFW has enough dumb enablers and sycophantic fans to help her out indefinitely.
Anon7, our animals have a fully protected barn, with clean dry bedding, heated water and they are fed with feeders and hay racks that stay above the ground (ground feeders would be above the snow). Also, if the snow is too deep, we dig a path for them.
I don't expect everyone to do this, but giving animals a warm dry place to shelter and eat isn't too much to expect during the winter.
I'm trying to work out what I can about the welfare of CAF's pigs.
Supposedly, she had expected at least one sow or gilt farrow in mid-june. She didn't specify how many. She also claimed to be sending two boars to be butchered in mid-june. She clearly doesn't castrate - the photo used in her constantly-retweeted promotion features an intact boar, probably around 6 months old.
So she's definitely breeding her own pigs. And those pigs are taking upwards of a year to come up to full size, due to poor nutrition, scarce access to clean water, worms (she has bragged about not using wormers, and she doesn't rotate them through woods, nor does she seem to clean out her barn ever, so... yeah there's a fuckton of worms here). If she had a breeding sow who was well cared for, you bet your ass she'd be using her as a prop on social media, but she doesn't. So she has probably just been breeding gilts year after year, which seems completely insane to me. And she sends sows to be butchered too, unless they die first?!
The three small pigs in her recent twitter posts were allegedly born July 26th.
No, I believe she is getting pregnant pigs some where and bringing them home. And the fact that she has maybe two piglets that live, show that she is freaking clueless about pig husbandry. Do you honestly think Jenna could handle a breeding boar? I do agree that the sows get killed too. She has no empathy for anything as a narcissist, so it's easy peasy for her to kill anything.
She uses old photos of livestock she owned a long time ago or she takes close up pics where you can't see the background because the animals are on someone else's property.
"This farm is heading into winter just barely making it by each month. If you want to help make things easier, consider buying some handmade goatsmilk soaps, a pet portrait, share of pork, custom logo, or take a class! I am trying to keep thing place until my luck changes!"
And what kind of "class" will be available this summer if her hovel is foreclosed? The stupid sentence "I am trying to keep thing place until my luck changes!" makes no sense ("thing place"), and is indicative of her magical beliefs that only "luck" instead of supporting herself like a normal adult will work.
When she makes little typos like that it's cuz she's struggling to come up with the most sympathy-inducing statement. Then changes her mind, and as usual, doesn't proof read anything she writes.
Bunch of bullshit. Apparently she didn't think about the "farm barely making it" when her and Patty took their little trip into Albany to spend, spend, spend.
Seems like your luck has changed so shut the f**k up.
What a strange but interesting story. I mean, if she purposely became poor to obtain research to write a book, that's one thing...but just for shitz 'n gigglz? However, she's right about how having less choices is a bit freeing and less complicated. And being poor does force you to become extremely creative when it comes to finances.
In Jenna's case, she quit her job to pursue becoming a famous homesteader and have a Hollywood movie written about her. Lol. Instead she's become a cautionary tale.
Compare and contrast. On December 6th the Pig Shocker wrote:
❝ This is the hardest it's ever been. This is the saddest I've ever felt. ❞
😢 😩
Since then, here's all the happy 'n jolly stuff she posted on Twitter and Instagram:
❝ Morning hunt on the farm in the storm. Hawk, horse, and Hobbit all together! ❞
❝ This morning marks a special event: Patty and Jenna's Annual Adventure to Trader Joe's!! ❞
❝ In for the landing! ❞ (With photo of leisurely stroll thru the woods with the hawk.)
❝ How to internet!! ❞ (Then joked about dogs, cats, Star Wars, vodka, and Taylor Swift pics.)
❝ The new episode of the L Word was fun (+another show) -- you should give it a shot! ❞
❝ Condolences to any of you not crawling into bed with this warm cuddle monster tonight. ❞
❝ You celebrate your Christmas, I'll celebrate mine. ❞ (Alongside cheery, happy emoticons!!)
❝ Sure your friends are cool, but are they (posts a weird pic) Cool? ❞
❝ HQ ❞ (Alongside a cozy pic of a warm roaring fire.)
❝ Little barn. Happy pigs. Quiet snow. ❞
🙄 👌
So...does that sound hard or sad to you? Of course not. But see, she would like you to think she's miserable so that you'll "throw in" some 🐩 💰 her way to cheer her up!
sure sounds like a fun life with no one to answer to. She always asks in begging about just throwing in some money for all of her 10 years of "righting" but now she has changed that to over 12 years of "righting". Yeah like in the last over 2 months you have written 4 blegs that is it and they sure weren't very informative just blah blah blah look at me things are so bad. I had a brilliant thought this morning if things are so bad and I am sure they are then easy peasy get a job.
It's also funny how the dates of owning "this farm" change whenever she wants them to. Which is why we don't believe anything the pathological liar either says or "rights."
She quit her job fully expecting that her fame would increase & a movie offer / reality show was around the corner. When that didn't happen she lost some weight, put on eyebrows that could be seen from space,and tried to become a YouTuber (if this would have worked she would be making millions). That failed miserably (have a look for a cringe-worthy laugh). Workshops & publishing new books probably made her feel famous, but now both are non-existent. She is an internet beggar, nothing more. Even if she successfully pays her mortgage every month, this is a far cry from the fame and fortune she was hoping for. She's functioning at the lowest level with no plans to ever do better. She'll be 70 and making (re-selling) soap.
I think her laziness and personality is the reason why she hasn't clicked with anything. Something very off putting about her. Smugness, arrogant and just plain unlikeability. She has no camera presence or charisma.
SOTM & Anonymous. I agree with both of you. I also think that her real life friends, like Patty and Miriam, must be as obnoxious. Otherwise, they wouldn't even connect.
While skimming her Twitter beg feed, it occurred to me today that she isn't even trying to manipulate any more. Her begging used to at least be veiled, now it is no different than standing at a stop light. Actually, standing at a stop light is probably more work that she would do.
Holy cow. I went and looked up socio/psycho path, and anti social disorder. You need three of the following to be diagnosed with this:
Regularly breaks or flouts the law Constantly lies and deceives others Is impulsive and doesn’t plan ahead Can be prone to fighting and aggressiveness Has little regard for the safety of others Irresponsible, can’t meet financial obligations Doesn’t feel remorse or guilt
"Morning hunt on the farm in the storm. Hawk, horse, and Hobbit all together! Went with @nataliak_line and this was taken in our way back from the woods! You can be whatever the hell you want when you grow up"
I think that she meant to type:
Morning goof-off again when others are working to help support me. This was taken on our way back from binging on booze! You can be whatever the hell you want, including online begger and animal abuser, when you're an immature, arrogant asshole who lacks scruples. PayPal me, poodles!!!
Yo, its 5 degrees and the pipes about to burst We're burnin a lot of the woodpile, goat is in the LR and the squash is roasting near the stove Yep, its a winter solstice nightmare cooking up SEND MONEY!!!!
There she goes again appropriating the culture of hunters (again), of which group she is certainly not a member. But she has to make herself relevant and butt in on someone else’s popular tweet, so...
68 608 5.5K
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · 10h Wait till the CBC hears about all the grandmothers I know out "slaying" deer with their rifles in November around these parts....
Hunting isn't murder. Hunting isn't malicious. Hunting is eating. Don't make us look like monsters, regardless of species.
She hasn’t eaten a single thing she has hunted, ever, according to...her. Can she not see how irrelevant she is and how desperate she appears to be when she posts BS like this? Furthermore, can you imagine listening to that in person?
now take that back Ann. 349 she has hunted plenty just the other day her and Patty set out for a great adventure at Trader Joes! She hunted up cheap coffee (cause she is a rebel), and all kinds of bargains. Oh and can you imagine the other people in line with her having to listen to her loud foolish talking and commenting on everything? We won't even mention the smell I am sure.
That hunter comment annoyed the F out of me for some reason. I'm no hunter, and I'm mostly vegetarian, but she took it to a dishonest level here. It was the "us" that annoyed me! What does she hunt for besides money?
Such an ignorant comment coming from a person who has ZERO RESPECT for animals (witness the crap she puts on the deer heads in her hovel) and is an animal abuser and failed hunter.
The average person living anywhere in Canada (even cities) probably has numerous family and friends who hunt. So anyone reading her comment would know it's 💩.
It again shows the qualities that make FFF so unattractive - gate-keeping and always setting up us-vs-them scenarios (real or imagined) where she is warrior, rebel or victim.
She has never killed a deer and even though her hawk has caught maybe two rabbits, can it really be a true hunter when 99% of its meals are frozen quail ordered online? Jenna really does live like fiction - it's all lies.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · Dec 15 The Hallmark Channel pulled an ad because a Christian organization complained that it had two women kissing. Also, my parents are probably still voting Trump in 2020 even though he passed laws against me as a human being!
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the rights I don't have!
Babette @sleekypanther Replying to @coldantlerfarm That's awful! Everyone deserves the same rights!!
WTF is she talking about? Jenna? First off Presidents don't pass laws. And I don't recall any laws being passed that say gays are not human beings? Did I miss something? What human rights doesn't she have?
Did you see this guys reply? Bob Wilson wrote: "What laws did he pass?"
The Pig Shocker replied: "List of his bullshit here:"
Funny how she's to pass the supposed "proof" off and avoid answering the question. I really hope Bob replies to that and calls her out for talking out of her ass.
The president alone doesn't pass laws, but he and the garbage people he works with have been instrumental in decreasing protections and removing rights for LGBTQ+ folks. That's undeniable. It's part of his conservative appeal (you know, all the people who supposedly practice Christ's love?).
Smartass Wog doesn't seem to know that it's not "glad" - the acronym is GLAAD, for Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Link ought to work if you change it to
She would probably protest "I've course I know there are two As - it's a typo" - which, of course, are an FFF hallmark - but I doubt it in this instance. The error fits in perfectly with her tendency to immediately jump in as an authority and important representative of whichever is the next group she declares herself part of, a proud swagger-queen: always ready with some b.s and sloppy, half-baked info; not doing her homework or earning any cred, or her keep!); jumping in like a long-term, in-the-know member of whatever community she next claims.
The twaddling twit just re-tweeted this very interesting advice from a real writer:
❝ Jessica Reed @GuardianJessica wrote: 1. Are you excellent at what you do? 2. Do you do what you say you're going to do? 3. Are you a nice person to work with? If you have two (2) of those, you are a writer editors will want to work with. ❞
Whaaat?!? Did she forget about the 💩 B I R C H 💩 T H O R N 💩 disaster already???
1. The reviews said it sucked. Far from excellent. 2. She promised to deliver it in 1 year. It took over 4 years. 3. Her editor found her difficult, lazy, dishonest and bitchy.
❝ Help spread the word if you can. Trying like mad to be okay. I wish it wasn't so tough and this wasn't what I am always talking about on here, but I need to. ❞
👉 Translation: "Help send money if you can. Trying like mad to buy CATS movie tix. I wish I wasn't always so broke and didn't have to spam so much, but I need to beg."
The photo shows her hand gripping an ugly landline phone. There's no further explanation for the tweet, but it infers that the FFF is going to call a crush. It's no wonder that there's only one response which was a question mark.
She's attached a "pop socket" to the back of her landline. These are made to attach to the back of cell phones, to make them easier to hold onto. Part of her ongoing "I don't have a cellphone" shtick.
Most people give up (smart) cell phones to reduce their time on social media, so there's nothing impressive about her lack of a cell phone—she's on social media all day. In fact, it's actively dangerous. People living alone and participating in outdoor activities alone *should* carry cell phones. If not for her, then for the safety of her dogs or horses.
This is a minor but interesting thing I've noticed about Jenna, sparked by her recent IG story in which she captioned a picture of a bat with "I want a sky puppy." First, it's that she regurgitates the most trendy internet jokes ad nauseum (ie, renaming animals with cutesy euphemisms). But second, that she can never just appreciate something, she has to HAVE that thing (ie, "I need a werewolf cat" etc). It's never "I like this thing," it's always "I want this thing," "I must have this thing." In a way I think it stems from her gatekeeping tendencies; her desire for ownership instead of just enjoyment. It's also probably why she spends so impulsively - she can't just be a fan, she has to own a piece of that fandom and advertise it to everyone (ie, Taylor Swift sweatshirts, hiking patches for her dog). I have nothing really to say about this, just a recent observation...
Great observation. I think some of it goes back to her immaturity. She's that perma-teen, "Mom I want this! I must have it!" But more deeply, I think it speaks to her complete lack of self. I found this article online, and think it's right-on. In part:
"That's one way that possessions can be an obstacle to a full life--they can disappoint us when we expect much out of them. [Such as a snazzy car making us more attractive to partners.] We may expect the fact of ownership to be fulfilling or to make our lives better, but it won't. And that leads to disappointment, disillusionment, disenchantment--hurt.
Another way that possessions can hurt us is when they start piling up, never being used any more. When we constantly need new things, we're looking for something outside of ourselves to provide us with satisfaction. "
She has extreme 'external locus of control' or the belief that she has no control over what happens to her and that external influences are to blame for her situation. This is opposed to a (healthier) internal locus of control wherein one believes that they DO have a certain amount of control over situations that arise, and believe they can use their own abilities to influence their life outcomes.
That said, nobody is 100% internal or external, but people with external locus of control tend more toward stress and clinical depression. If you have more internal locus, you tend to feel more powerful, in control, but also take responsibility for your actions. (Something that seems to be beyond our snowflake's abilities....)
I agree with what you both wrote, and have noticed the same myself. JFW always wants to own whatever she covets. And it can be an animal, designer clothing, or Taylor Swift trinkets etc... I believe that even if she were rich it wouldn't last long. Look at how quickly she spent the $15,000 that the Birchthorn backers gave her, and also the Kiva loan for farming infrastructure repairs. She's like a bottomless pit of endless yearning. Maybe she should become a Buddhist next, and learn merits of the middle way.
Instagram Idiot (the pimp yo'self holiday edition):
"I wrote this book about a year living on this farm, from October to October. It is a gentle book of diary entries and lovely illustrations. If you're looking for a fine last minute gift, get yourself a copy online or at your local book store!"
Shouldn't she have a handful of her books at "this farm" by now? That way she could mail out autographed copies, and make more money from the direct sales. Nah, that would be too professional, and unlike the FFF's fly-by-the-seat-of-her-kilts, lazy loser lifestyle.
"Yesterday a friend convinced me to do absolutely nothing. We burned all daylight watching Christmas movies on the couch. We discovered a secret corner of Hulu called "extras" where you can just watch 50 minutes of a rack of lamb in an oven or thermostat on the wall. Amazing."
What's "amazing" about this tweet is that most days she does "absolutely nothing." She doesn't need any "convincing" from either "a friend" or clients waiting on already pre-paid projects. And "We burned all daylight..." makes no sense at all. The ridiculous "rack of lamb" sentence is stupid.
My thoughts exactly. I'm all for hard working folks taking a break and doing whatever they please to recharge. JW has nothing to recharge from. A pity donation paid her mortgage this month. Her blog is dormant/dead. The rinse and repeat cycle goes Twittering on. I'm sure if there is a snow storm she will be "dangerously low" on firewood. Maybe she's working on a new scam for the New Year.
Yep, there it is. The whine, whine, I'm so sad post saved for Christmas Eve so she can get the most donation bucks for her bullshit.
Anyone new to the shit show, don't let her fool ya. Every year she shows her ass and does her woe is me tap dance and every year there are pics posted by her few acquaintances that show her celebrating the holidays with them. It's all part of her grift.
Merry Christmas shammers, hope everyone enjoys their well deserved holiday celebrations!
For fun, go to her past posts from December. It is a hoot. Same story. Jenna, please try and get a new schtick soon. We are bored with the same hilarity.
This paragraph says it ALL. "I want, I want, I want, I WANT DAMMIT! SEND MONEY!
I want a flock of sheep again. I want stronger fences and gates. I want chickens and gardens and the hum of honeybees. I want kisses on my forehead. I want river swims and summers where I smell more like horse sweat and soil than my own skin. I want hawk wings and hunting scars. I want warm nights by the fire and October bonfires. I want to remain here and learn what lessons it has for me yet. I want to keep running, and hoping, and being.
Her hyperbolic purple prose is obnoxious, and it's rotten "righting." I'm waiting for a stupid tweet about how "This small town estranged lesbian is being ignored by my local community, but if you poodles PayPal me money it'll be better."
Okay everyone, get out your violins, Jenna is sad again. Christmas is a miserable time for her and life on the farm is soooooo hard. She is so lonely. Then she writes how much she "wants". Which she could have. But she doesnt want it bad enough to work for it so it's the usual "feel sorry for me" bullshit that she trots out every Christmas. When you spend money on TS crap, you will never have a stronger fence. Boo f'ing hoo Jenna.
Yes! And since Pig Shocker fritters her time away (imagine, fellow "farmers", spending a WHOLE day "doing nothing" but watching TV movies and a rack of lamb baking in someone else's oven) and doesn't spend time and donated $$$ to actually MAKE stronger fencing --- it will NEVER HAPPEN.
So here we are: her annual white whine -- she wants and wants, gimme, gimme, all for her laughable scrappy farm. Poor FFF, with her tiny footprint, and un-fancy farm, sigh, sigh. It made her the woman she is today *cough * cough. The fake farm isn't fancy, but it squeaks by - if only trust-fund poodles will kick in $$$$ to make her Christmas just a tiny bit better.
Better to donate hard-earned $$$ to the Cambridge Animal Control Officer so s/he can continue to watch over Cambridge's No 1 animal abuser and re-home the poor animals when the time comes.
Merry Christmas to everyone, except the animal abusing Pig Shocker and her sycophant enablers. May all your holidays be bright.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
not worry about any begging for right now some foolower sent her money for her mortgage so now it is time to play and play and play and oh shop too. We won't be hearing her whining for a while now anyway. She will be on a manic high.
ReplyDeleteSomeone on Twitter posted a pic of the soap they received from the Pig Shocker. And I don't know how, but she managed to make what looks like diseased soap?
It doesn't look like her other melt-n-pour's somehow nasty looking and doesn't look the same as the soaps in the pics where she's trying to sell it. Do any of you soap makers know what is so off about this?
I have been saying for a long time that she does not even make these. Someone else does.
DeleteI'm a soap maker but have never used the melt and pour but that last phot sure doesn't look like the ones in on JW's twitter ad. I'm inclined to think these were purchased and resold. They look extremely solid and almost abrasive. I do know that some sites I buy supplies from also sell pre-made soaps at much less than JW charges. Just a thought.
DeleteExactly. Does anyone really think Jenna would actually do anything resembling work? For any amount of money?
DeleteNotice that the woman who bought the soap is a naturopathic "doctor." Only a doctor could afford to buy that soap!
DeleteThey're not even the same snowflake molds as shown in her ads:
I purchased her soap years ago, before I knew better, but they more closely resembled the soap in her ad, nothing like what that woman just posted.
That soap looks horrendous. Ashy and hole-y and all around very poor.
DeleteAnon 6:50 - That's what I thought too (not the same mold) but I found a pic from a foollower who posted what the Pig Shocker sent in November:
It's a double sided mold with different design on each side. BUT...the ones in that pic look fluffy and decent as compared to the new diseased ones. I also checked online and found similar snowflake soaps at $12 for 100 count. Wouldn't surprise me if she stopped melting-n-pouring out of sheer laziness.
She posts photos and videos on Instagram: dogs, two horses (still eating on top of their own filth), pigs and a handful of geese. Never see chickens.
ReplyDeleteJudging by the lack of shoveled path to the falling-down barn, she doesn't clean out pig's shelter and probably throws them food near the house. Since Pig Shocker is inherently LAF, pigs carve their own trail and must come to her to eat, thus providing her opportunity to take pig-train pics.
Blog is still dormant. Wonder if she's working on a long Christmas post. She sniped out her parents this week. Guess they didn't come through with the Christmas goodies. She alleges she's estranged and I'm assuming she's talking about family. Why then does she feel the need to blast them online?
ReplyDeleteBecause she is a bratty kid. Spoiled as a child and now, here we have the adult version. I hope her parents and family have her blocked, for their own sanity.
Delete"Why then does she feel the need to blast them online?"
DeleteBecause she's an asshole...
They are probably begging her to get some professional help for her mental disorders and she refuses.
DeleteSo Pig Shocker's "revenge" is to blast them on social media.
It's just another example of her circling the drain.
A normal person wouldn't likely admit that their parents are Trump supporters. But the Pig Shocker did it for sympathy and donations. Pretty much right after that she tweeted about not having $399/mo for health insurance in the hopes that some fool would "throw in"
DeleteWhen did she blast them online?
DeleteIs THAT why those pigs are walking to her house? I felt something strange was going on there, but didn't now what. As for the barn, it's interesting that she's raked the sagging side that's soon to cave in -- which you can see in this pic:
When it does fall, I imagine any animals inside are doomed, yes? Don't understand why she hasn't done anything to reinforce it. Maybe barter with townsfolk for help in fixing it? But what did she do about it all spring and summer? Nothing but spend any extra money on TS crap. I really hope no animals are in that barn when it falls.
Anon7, if you check backgrounds on photos, you'll see horses still fed on top of their sh**, and pigs are also thrown food on top of snow. Also, in a recent photo, barn door was partially open with a single-file "pig train" moving towards her. No reason for pigs to come towards house unless food is there. No reason to be single-file except they have to carve out their own path. Re feeding: Clearly her past practice was to throw hay just over the fence, and no reason to think her LAF practice has changed. Who wouldn't want to eat on top of their own filth or on top of snow?
ReplyDeleteThat is awful. And with her being so sad and depressed lately, the animals probably aren't getting much attention.
ReplyDeleteTwitter Twaddle - Seeking Validation For Her Lazy Lifestyle Edition
ReplyDeleteA re-tweet from one of the blue checks:
"If you wanna use the insult “if they had a regular job” about people who act, play music or are in visible media/arts in any way you must stop watching movies/TV, or listening to music. Don’t go to an art museum or buy a comic book. Boycott the fuck out of us or shut the fuck up."
And of course the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️is rolling around all the enabler comments like a pig in slop with her "Marry me" comment. But she's missing the point: Her blue check friend is talking about successful artists, not someone who wrote a few books half a decade ago who now does nothing but beg online. Daily. Nothing artistic about that. There comes a time where you need to get a job if your art is not bringing in an income. But no, everyone in the comments is like, "Yeah! It's OK to be lazy cuz you're an artist!"
What the blue check is trying to say is that it's difficult for a musician to hold down a regular job because it would mean asking for a lot of time off for touring, recording, interviews, photoshoots, etc. That's understandable.
DeleteBut the Pig Shocker thinking she's in the same league is preposterous. M-a-y-b-e, just maaaaybe if she was as busy now as she was 5+ years ago with full-time animal duties, workshops, Antlerstock and all the stuff she USED to do. It's not the same thing.
My college roommate was a substance abuser, irresponsible, self-centered and unproductive as hell. She called herself an artist, mostly as a cover for her undisciplined and marginal behavior.
DeleteThe good news is once she received help for her substance abuse and mental health issues (years later) she did, in fact become an artist. She discovered that being an artist is hard work and it requires considerable effort, something quite unknown to the daily Cambridge beggar.
Pig Shocker refers to herself as self employed when really she is unemployed.
DeleteSame as her claims of being an artist.
Pig Shocker doesn't have an artistic bone in her body. Unlike people who truly have talent, she will never be able to make a living from selling her "art."
This is why she has to beg and whine and grift for a living instead. That tweet did not apply to her and she looks like an idiot for putting herself in the same category as actual artists.
That's what I don't get: The fact that she's clearly not able to sell enough "stuff" and "art" should be a giant red flag that her self-sufficient farm plan "dream" just isn't working out.
DeleteAnon7. She's far too stupid and stubborn to give up her hovel nightmare. And why would she stop? Unfortunately, JFW has enough dumb enablers and sycophantic fans to help her out indefinitely.
DeleteAnon7, our animals have a fully protected barn, with clean dry bedding, heated water and they are fed with feeders and hay racks that stay above the ground (ground feeders would be above the snow). Also, if the snow is too deep, we dig a path for them.
ReplyDeleteI don't expect everyone to do this, but giving animals a warm dry place to shelter and eat isn't too much to expect during the winter.
I'm trying to work out what I can about the welfare of CAF's pigs.
ReplyDeleteSupposedly, she had expected at least one sow or gilt farrow in mid-june. She didn't specify how many. She also claimed to be sending two boars to be butchered in mid-june. She clearly doesn't castrate - the photo used in her constantly-retweeted promotion features an intact boar, probably around 6 months old.
So she's definitely breeding her own pigs. And those pigs are taking upwards of a year to come up to full size, due to poor nutrition, scarce access to clean water, worms (she has bragged about not using wormers, and she doesn't rotate them through woods, nor does she seem to clean out her barn ever, so... yeah there's a fuckton of worms here). If she had a breeding sow who was well cared for, you bet your ass she'd be using her as a prop on social media, but she doesn't. So she has probably just been breeding gilts year after year, which seems completely insane to me. And she sends sows to be butchered too, unless they die first?!
The three small pigs in her recent twitter posts were allegedly born July 26th.
Oh gawd...wormy meat...gag. She'd be better off digging expired pork products out of store dumpsters and repackaging to pass off as farm shares.
DeleteNo, I believe she is getting pregnant pigs some where and bringing them home. And the fact that she has maybe two piglets that live, show that she is freaking clueless about pig husbandry. Do you honestly think Jenna could handle a breeding boar? I do agree that the sows get killed too. She has no empathy for anything as a narcissist, so it's easy peasy for her to kill anything.
DeletePig Shocker isn't breeding anything but bacteria.
DeleteShe uses old photos of livestock she owned a long time ago or she takes close up pics where you can't see the background because the animals are on someone else's property.
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"This farm is heading into winter just barely making it by each month. If you want to help make things easier, consider buying some handmade goatsmilk soaps, a pet portrait, share of pork, custom logo, or take a class! I am trying to keep thing place until my luck changes!"
And what kind of "class" will be available this summer if her hovel is foreclosed? The stupid sentence "I am trying to keep thing place until my luck changes!" makes no sense ("thing place"), and is indicative of her magical beliefs that only "luck" instead of supporting herself like a normal adult will work.
When she makes little typos like that it's cuz she's struggling to come up with the most sympathy-inducing statement. Then changes her mind, and as usual, doesn't proof read anything she writes.
DeleteBunch of bullshit. Apparently she didn't think about the "farm barely making it" when her and Patty took their little trip into Albany to spend, spend, spend.
ReplyDeleteSeems like your luck has changed so shut the f**k up.
Do you think Jenna offered to "throw in" towards gas and Patty's 30+ years of driving experience?
DeleteI'll bet that the FFF is more likely to "throw up" than "in."
DeleteDoes this sound like anyone we know?
What a strange but interesting story. I mean, if she purposely became poor to obtain research to write a book, that's one thing...but just for shitz 'n gigglz? However, she's right about how having less choices is a bit freeing and less complicated. And being poor does force you to become extremely creative when it comes to finances.
DeleteIn Jenna's case, she quit her job to pursue becoming a famous homesteader and have a Hollywood movie written about her. Lol. Instead she's become a cautionary tale.
@Anon7: I believe the article is supposed to be satire.
DeleteCompare and contrast. On December 6th the Pig Shocker wrote:
ReplyDelete❝ This is the hardest it's ever been. This is the saddest I've ever felt. ❞
😢 😩
Since then, here's all the happy 'n jolly stuff she posted on Twitter and Instagram:
❝ Morning hunt on the farm in the storm. Hawk, horse, and Hobbit all together! ❞
❝ This morning marks a special event: Patty and Jenna's Annual Adventure to Trader Joe's!! ❞
❝ In for the landing! ❞ (With photo of leisurely stroll thru the woods with the hawk.)
❝ How to internet!! ❞ (Then joked about dogs, cats, Star Wars, vodka, and Taylor Swift pics.)
❝ The new episode of the L Word was fun (+another show) -- you should give it a shot! ❞
❝ Condolences to any of you not crawling into bed with this warm cuddle monster tonight. ❞
❝ You celebrate your Christmas, I'll celebrate mine. ❞ (Alongside cheery, happy emoticons!!)
❝ Sure your friends are cool, but are they (posts a weird pic) Cool? ❞
❝ HQ ❞ (Alongside a cozy pic of a warm roaring fire.)
❝ Little barn. Happy pigs. Quiet snow. ❞
🙄 👌
So...does that sound hard or sad to you? Of course not. But see, she would like you to think she's miserable so that you'll "throw in" some 🐩 💰 her way to cheer her up!
sure sounds like a fun life with no one to answer to. She always asks in begging about just throwing in some money for all of her 10 years of "righting" but now she has changed that to over 12 years of "righting". Yeah like in the last over 2 months you have written 4 blegs that is it and they sure weren't very informative just blah blah blah look at me things are so bad. I had a brilliant thought this morning if things are so bad and I am sure they are then easy peasy get a job.
DeleteIt's also funny how the dates of owning "this farm" change whenever she wants them to. Which is why we don't believe anything the pathological liar either says or "rights."
DeleteThat all sounds so wonderfully kind and responsible! Animals need more people like you. 😊
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't heat their water, does she? I vaguely remember reading several bleg posts that mentioned her animal's water buckets had frozen over.
She quit her job fully expecting that her fame would increase & a movie offer / reality show was around the corner. When that didn't happen she lost some weight, put on eyebrows that could be seen from space,and tried to become a YouTuber (if this would have worked she would be making millions). That failed miserably (have a look for a cringe-worthy laugh). Workshops & publishing new books probably made her feel famous, but now both are non-existent. She is an internet beggar, nothing more. Even if she successfully pays her mortgage every month, this is a far cry from the fame and fortune she was hoping for. She's functioning at the lowest level with no plans to ever do better. She'll be 70 and making (re-selling) soap.
ReplyDeleteI think her laziness and personality is the reason why she hasn't clicked with anything. Something very off putting about her. Smugness, arrogant and just plain unlikeability. She has no camera presence or charisma.
DeleteSOTM & Anonymous. I agree with both of you. I also think that her real life friends, like Patty and Miriam, must be as obnoxious. Otherwise, they wouldn't even connect.
DeleteWhile skimming her Twitter beg feed, it occurred to me today that she isn't even trying to manipulate any more. Her begging used to at least be veiled, now it is no different than standing at a stop light. Actually, standing at a stop light is probably more work that she would do.
ReplyDeleteShe has no shame because of being a sociopath who lacks conscience.
DeleteHoly cow. I went and looked up socio/psycho path, and anti social disorder. You need three of the following to be diagnosed with this:
DeleteRegularly breaks or flouts the law
Constantly lies and deceives others
Is impulsive and doesn’t plan ahead
Can be prone to fighting and aggressiveness
Has little regard for the safety of others
Irresponsible, can’t meet financial obligations
Doesn’t feel remorse or guilt
WOW. We have a winner!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 8:16. Exactly. She more than meets the diagnostic criteria, but is a loser not "winner."
DeleteShe is definitely a narcissistic sociopath.
DeleteInstagram Idiot:
ReplyDelete"Morning hunt on the farm in the storm. Hawk, horse, and Hobbit all together! Went with @nataliak_line and this was taken in our way back from the woods! You can be whatever the hell you want when you grow up"
I think that she meant to type:
Morning goof-off again when others are working to help support me. This was taken on our way back from binging on booze! You can be whatever the hell you want, including online begger and animal abuser, when you're an immature, arrogant asshole who lacks scruples. PayPal me, poodles!!!
Two days until the Winter Solstice. I'll bet she surfaces with some woe-filled tale on her blog then.
ReplyDelete"It was a dark and stormy night..."
DeleteYo, its 5 degrees and the pipes about to burst
ReplyDeleteWe're burnin a lot of the woodpile, goat is in the LR and the squash is roasting near the stove
Yep, its a winter solstice nightmare cooking up
by gosh I think you got it!!!
DeleteThere she goes again appropriating the culture of hunters (again), of which group she is certainly not a member. But she has to make herself relevant and butt in on someone else’s popular tweet, so...
Jenna Woginrich
Wait till the CBC hears about all the grandmothers I know out "slaying" deer with their rifles in November around these parts....
Hunting isn't murder. Hunting isn't malicious. Hunting is eating. Don't make us look like monsters, regardless of species.
She hasn’t eaten a single thing she has hunted, ever, according to...her. Can she not see how irrelevant she is and how desperate she appears to be when she posts BS like this? Furthermore, can you imagine listening to that in person?
now take that back Ann. 349 she has hunted plenty just the other day her and Patty set out for a great adventure at Trader Joes! She hunted up cheap coffee (cause she is a rebel), and all kinds of bargains. Oh and can you imagine the other people in line with her having to listen to her loud foolish talking and commenting on everything? We won't even mention the smell I am sure.
DeleteThat hunter comment annoyed the F out of me for some reason. I'm no hunter, and I'm mostly vegetarian, but she took it to a dishonest level here. It was the "us" that annoyed me! What does she hunt for besides money?
DeleteI was going to say potential suitors, but the police have called that "stalking."
DeleteSuch an ignorant comment coming from a person who has ZERO RESPECT for animals (witness the crap she puts on the deer heads in her hovel) and is an animal abuser and failed hunter.
DeleteThe average person living anywhere in Canada (even cities) probably has numerous family and friends who hunt. So anyone reading her comment would know it's 💩.
It again shows the qualities that make FFF so unattractive - gate-keeping and always setting up us-vs-them scenarios (real or imagined) where she is warrior, rebel or victim.
She has never killed a deer and even though her hawk has caught maybe two rabbits, can it really be a true hunter when 99% of its meals are frozen quail ordered online?
DeleteJenna really does live like fiction - it's all lies.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
Dec 15
The Hallmark Channel pulled an ad because a Christian organization complained that it had two women kissing. Also, my parents are probably still voting Trump in 2020 even though he passed laws against me as a human being!
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the rights I don't have!
Replying to
That's awful! Everyone deserves the same rights!!
WTF is she talking about? Jenna? First off Presidents don't pass laws. And I don't recall any laws being passed that say gays are not human beings? Did I miss something? What human rights doesn't she have?
She is such a maroon...
Did you see this guys reply? Bob Wilson wrote: "What laws did he pass?"
DeleteThe Pig Shocker replied: "List of his bullshit here:"
Funny how she's to pass the supposed "proof" off and avoid answering the question. I really hope Bob replies to that and calls her out for talking out of her ass.
The president alone doesn't pass laws, but he and the garbage people he works with have been instrumental in decreasing protections and removing rights for LGBTQ+ folks. That's undeniable. It's part of his conservative appeal (you know, all the people who supposedly practice Christ's love?).
Delete'Page not found'
Smartass Wog doesn't seem to know that it's not "glad" - the acronym is GLAAD, for Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Link ought to work if you change it to
DeleteShe would probably protest "I've course I know there are two As - it's a typo" - which, of course, are an FFF hallmark - but I doubt it in this instance. The error fits in perfectly with her tendency to immediately jump in as an authority and important representative of whichever is the next group she declares herself part of, a proud swagger-queen: always ready with some b.s and sloppy, half-baked info; not doing her homework or earning any cred, or her keep!); jumping in like a long-term, in-the-know member of whatever community she next claims.
Pig shocker would rather whine and wallow in her own slop than get up off of her ass and contribute to finding solutions.
DeleteMerry Christmas! Enjoy sitting on your fat ass while pouting and sucking your thumb!
The twaddling twit just re-tweeted this very interesting advice from a real writer:
ReplyDelete❝ Jessica Reed @GuardianJessica wrote:
1. Are you excellent at what you do?
2. Do you do what you say you're going to do?
3. Are you a nice person to work with?
If you have two (2) of those, you are a writer editors will want to work with. ❞
Whaaat?!? Did she forget about the 💩 B I R C H 💩 T H O R N 💩 disaster already???
1. The reviews said it sucked. Far from excellent.
2. She promised to deliver it in 1 year. It took over 4 years.
3. Her editor found her difficult, lazy, dishonest and bitchy.
More Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete❝ Help spread the word if you can. Trying like mad to be okay. I wish it wasn't so tough and this wasn't what I am always talking about on here, but I need to. ❞
👉 Translation: "Help send money if you can. Trying like mad to buy CATS movie tix. I wish I wasn't always so broke and didn't have to spam so much, but I need to beg."
It's tough because you're a lazy bitch. Get a job moron.
ReplyDeleteTwit Tweets:
ReplyDelete"Am I doing it?!"
The photo shows her hand gripping an ugly landline phone. There's no further explanation for the tweet, but it infers that the FFF is going to call a crush. It's no wonder that there's only one response which was a question mark.
What she's NOT doing:
Delete➡ Calling Birchthorn contributors to tell them she's FINALLY express-mailing their hard copies.
➡ Telephoning the local vet to put Gibson on Lyme disease medicine.
➡ Calling for a part-time job.
➡ Calling Animal Control to say she's come to her senses and knows she cannot take care of animals.
➡ Calling AA to say she's giving up hooch for her New Year's resolution.
➡ Telephoning her parents to apologize for being a public embarrassment.
PDD. I'm clapping at your comment, thanks!
DeleteShe's attached a "pop socket" to the back of her landline. These are made to attach to the back of cell phones, to make them easier to hold onto. Part of her ongoing "I don't have a cellphone" shtick.
DeleteMost people give up (smart) cell phones to reduce their time on social media, so there's nothing impressive about her lack of a cell phone—she's on social media all day. In fact, it's actively dangerous. People living alone and participating in outdoor activities alone *should* carry cell phones. If not for her, then for the safety of her dogs or horses.
DeleteWritten by an alcoholic, because that's how they think:
ReplyDelete"Billion dollar idea: Vitamin D Vodka."
0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes
This is a minor but interesting thing I've noticed about Jenna, sparked by her recent IG story in which she captioned a picture of a bat with "I want a sky puppy." First, it's that she regurgitates the most trendy internet jokes ad nauseum (ie, renaming animals with cutesy euphemisms). But second, that she can never just appreciate something, she has to HAVE that thing (ie, "I need a werewolf cat" etc). It's never "I like this thing," it's always "I want this thing," "I must have this thing." In a way I think it stems from her gatekeeping tendencies; her desire for ownership instead of just enjoyment. It's also probably why she spends so impulsively - she can't just be a fan, she has to own a piece of that fandom and advertise it to everyone (ie, Taylor Swift sweatshirts, hiking patches for her dog). I have nothing really to say about this, just a recent observation...
ReplyDeleteGreat observation. I think some of it goes back to her immaturity. She's that perma-teen, "Mom I want this! I must have it!" But more deeply, I think it speaks to her complete lack of self. I found this article online, and think it's right-on. In part:
Delete"That's one way that possessions can be an obstacle to a full life--they can disappoint us when we expect much out of them. [Such as a snazzy car making us more attractive to partners.] We may expect the fact of ownership to be fulfilling or to make our lives better, but it won't. And that leads to disappointment, disillusionment, disenchantment--hurt.
Another way that possessions can hurt us is when they start piling up, never being used any more. When we constantly need new things, we're looking for something outside of ourselves to provide us with satisfaction. "
She has extreme 'external locus of control' or the belief that she has no control over what happens to her and that external influences are to blame for her situation. This is opposed to a (healthier) internal locus of control wherein one believes that they DO have a certain amount of control over situations that arise, and believe they can use their own abilities to influence their life outcomes.
That said, nobody is 100% internal or external, but people with external locus of control tend more toward stress and clinical depression. If you have more internal locus, you tend to feel more powerful, in control, but also take responsibility for your actions. (Something that seems to be beyond our snowflake's abilities....)
I agree with what you both wrote, and have noticed the same myself. JFW always wants to own whatever she covets. And it can be an animal, designer clothing, or Taylor Swift trinkets etc... I believe that even if she were rich it wouldn't last long. Look at how quickly she spent the $15,000 that the Birchthorn backers gave her, and also the Kiva loan for farming infrastructure repairs. She's like a bottomless pit of endless yearning. Maybe she should become a Buddhist next, and learn merits of the middle way.
Delete⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆
Instagram Idiot (the pimp yo'self holiday edition):
ReplyDelete"I wrote this book about a year living on this farm, from October to October. It is a gentle book of diary entries and lovely illustrations. If you're looking for a fine last minute gift, get yourself a copy online or at your local book store!"
Shouldn't she have a handful of her books at "this farm" by now? That way she could mail out autographed copies, and make more money from the direct sales. Nah, that would be too professional, and unlike the FFF's fly-by-the-seat-of-her-kilts, lazy loser lifestyle.
I'd title the book "One Woman Whining" (My life as an online beggar, toxic tweeter, and animal abusing asshole.)
DeleteMy local bookstore doesn't carry her crap. Why doesn't she spend her time mailing out hard copies of Birchthorn?
DeleteThat book is awful. Smelly, really. I honestly do not know how anyone could get through it.
DeleteA little late, but has anyone else noticed there is no cord attached to her land line phone? Just another prop.
ReplyDeleteIt's there, but blends into the background a little.
Delete"Yesterday a friend convinced me to do absolutely nothing. We burned all daylight watching Christmas movies on the couch. We discovered a secret corner of Hulu called "extras" where you can just watch 50 minutes of a rack of lamb in an oven or thermostat on the wall. Amazing."
ReplyDeleteWhat's "amazing" about this tweet is that most days she does "absolutely nothing." She doesn't need any "convincing" from either "a friend" or clients waiting on already pre-paid projects. And "We burned all daylight..." makes no sense at all. The ridiculous "rack of lamb" sentence is stupid.
My thoughts exactly. I'm all for hard working folks taking a break and doing whatever they please to recharge. JW has nothing to recharge from. A pity donation paid her mortgage this month. Her blog is dormant/dead. The rinse and repeat cycle goes Twittering on. I'm sure if there is a snow storm she will be "dangerously low" on firewood. Maybe she's working on a new scam for the New Year.
DeleteYep, there it is. The whine, whine, I'm so sad post saved for Christmas Eve so she can get the most donation bucks for her bullshit.
ReplyDeleteAnyone new to the shit show, don't let her fool ya. Every year she shows her ass and does her woe is me tap dance and every year there are pics posted by her few acquaintances that show her celebrating the holidays with them. It's all part of her grift.
Merry Christmas shammers, hope everyone enjoys their well deserved holiday celebrations!
For fun, go to her past posts from December. It is a hoot. Same story. Jenna, please try and get a new schtick soon. We are bored with the same hilarity.
DeleteThis paragraph says it ALL. "I want, I want, I want, I WANT DAMMIT! SEND MONEY!
DeleteI want a flock of sheep again. I want stronger fences and gates. I want chickens and gardens and the hum of honeybees. I want kisses on my forehead. I want river swims and summers where I smell more like horse sweat and soil than my own skin. I want hawk wings and hunting scars. I want warm nights by the fire and October bonfires. I want to remain here and learn what lessons it has for me yet. I want to keep running, and hoping, and being.
Her hyperbolic purple prose is obnoxious, and it's rotten "righting." I'm waiting for a stupid tweet about how "This small town estranged lesbian is being ignored by my local community, but if you poodles PayPal me money it'll be better."
DeleteOkay everyone, get out your violins, Jenna is sad again. Christmas is a miserable time for her and life on the farm is soooooo hard. She is so lonely. Then she writes how much she "wants". Which she could have. But she doesnt want it bad enough to work for it so it's the usual "feel sorry for me" bullshit that she trots out every Christmas. When you spend money on TS crap, you will never have a stronger fence. Boo f'ing hoo Jenna.
ReplyDeleteExactly. This was also discussed in the comments above yours.
DeleteYes! And since Pig Shocker fritters her time away (imagine, fellow "farmers", spending a WHOLE day "doing nothing" but watching TV movies and a rack of lamb baking in someone else's oven) and doesn't spend time and donated $$$ to actually MAKE stronger fencing --- it will NEVER HAPPEN.
DeleteSo here we are: her annual white whine -- she wants and wants, gimme, gimme, all for her laughable scrappy farm. Poor FFF, with her tiny footprint, and un-fancy farm, sigh, sigh. It made her the woman she is today *cough * cough. The fake farm isn't fancy, but it squeaks by - if only trust-fund poodles will kick in $$$$ to make her Christmas just a tiny bit better.
Better to donate hard-earned $$$ to the Cambridge Animal Control Officer so s/he can continue to watch over Cambridge's No 1 animal abuser and re-home the poor animals when the time comes.
Merry Christmas to everyone, except the animal abusing Pig Shocker and her sycophant enablers. May all your holidays be bright.