So I guess she's Christian again.

And she's sad.
I'd be sad too if I had to live her life.
She is beyond help or hope.

In other news....Happy Holidays to all y'all!
We've come together in a weird way....but I appreciate you.  Smart and interesting people!


  1. I can only speak for myself, but you're appreciated too. Thanks for taking time to host this site. Maybe in the future it won't be necessary once her farm is foreclosed. I also agree that "She is beyond help or hope." The FFF is almost middle-aged, and still has a perma-teen mentality. Happy Holidays!

  2. May we all have joy in our hearts this season. Thank you H D for hosting this blog.

    1. Yes and thank you! Happy Christmas Eve everyone! ⛄️

      And Merry Christmas too! ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„

  3. "I want to remain here and learn what lessons it has for me yet."

    Ok. Here is what is so wrong. She has learned NOTHING from the lessons "this farm" has given her. She has had 10 friggin' years and has learned nothing! She has ignored all sensible advice. The things she wants so badly are the things she had and lost.

    Let me help you out, Jenna. "This farm" wants you to get a job to support it! This farm wants you to stop begging. This farm wants you to learn proper animal husbandry. This farm wants you to take advice from people with experience.

    There. All spelled out for you. Now do it, dammit!

  4. From the last thread - Anon 8:27 wrote: "For fun, go to her past posts from December. It is a hoot. Same story. Jenna, please try and get a new schtick soon. We are bored with the same hilarity."

    So true. Here's the sob story from last December:

    ❝ I still have 2 house payments to be made to be caught up, but that is well away from foreclosure threat. Heck that's a month away and while that isn't exactly something I am proud of it is something that keeps me fueled to work even harder in 2019. Had the same funds been available minus the dental work, dog at the vet, and meat processing I wouldn't be behind right now. ❞

    And the copy pasta from this December:

    ❝ This winter, especially this holiday season, has been very hard on me. I haven’t been doing much outside of working on keeping this place mine. My days are to do lists and self promotion and the work of the farm. Even with scaling back the livestock and expenses it’s been hard catching up from this summer’s medical bills and truck repairs on top of the usual expenses. I lost my health insurance and can’t afford to renew it. I’m sadder than I have ever been... ❞

    ๐Ÿš‘ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿ˜’ You'd think that if she really wanted things to change and be better she'd get a damn job already. This would benefit her, the fauxrm animals...but the general public, not so much.

  5. Wishing you all peace and joy. This group, under the gentle oversight of HD, is filled with knowledgeable, creative, funny people and loyal people.

    Thank you HD for bringing us together and keeping us together.

    1. And filled with non-animal abusers and people who don't beg for a living!

  6. Begging bingo...what do y'all think it will be next? My money's on firewood. Back in November she had only two cords. She normally uses 4-5. And it's been very cold early-on this year. She's probably burned thru most of it. And you know that between now and New Years Day there will be some sort of made-up disaster.

    1. Just tell her to turn on the damn furnace. Sheesh.

    2. Anon7 I do think you are so right. Also there may be a medical emergency thrown in there since she mentioned she no longer has insurance. Of course she probably gets sick from having to ration her firewood since all you poodles are not sending her cash and paypal. I hope you are all happy.........

    3. My bet is on another dental emergency. She has a few teeth left. One of them will probably start to fester at the christmas meal with PP.

    4. Haha! Remember last year at Patty's on Thanksgiving, she wrote that she could barely chew with all the "pounding pain" and then proceeded to beg for root canal money all the way 'til January.

  7. Instagram Idiot (the heathen Christmas edition):

    "Merry and Happy from Cold Antler Farm. Know that crows in pairs are good luck, and I hope you see a pair on your holiday travels. If you need a warm fire I'll keep a light on."

    Maybe she's trying to channel Tom Bodett for Motel 6: "I'm Tom Bodett for Motel 6, and we'll leave the light on for you." Frankly, I'd prefer them over staying at her hovel. At least their lodging wouldn't have hawk crap on the walls, cold temps due to lack of firewood, and a toilet that often doesn't work. Now, it's time for fresh coffee, good food, and unwrapping my gifts. Enjoy!

  8. I see she has written her annual Christmas "woe is me" letter. Nothing changes.

  9. Twit Shit:

    "Wrote about where I'm at, the tears and hopes ahead. Been a very hard month."

    Every single "month" is "very hard" for the FFF. December ain't any different than the other 11. Again, this is just more of her manipulative marketing. The not-so-subtle message is "Poodles, please pity poor me. I'm just a small town estranged lesbian. PayPal me, now!!!"

    1. ummm Luckless Slinger you forgot pay me now damn it, not just pay pal me after all we have 12 years of real righting going on here or 10 or whatever you whatever fits the bill.

    2. Yeah, her "real righting" is worth even less than the pigs that she's peddling.

  10. Welp. She went there folks. Begged strangers to send her money on Christmas:

    ❝ Sharing in case of Christmas Miracles. Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010. It's been tough. Done without a partner, family assist, govt assist, inheritance or a trust fund. I make a living now writing, farming, and making art. Your sales & contributions keep the lights on. ❞

    This Christmas, give the gift of poodle cash! ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿฉ ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐ŸŽ„ It means so much!! Be her Christmas Miracle!! Yes, a miracle for a fully grown, lazy-ass woman!!!

    1. Poor Faux Feral Farmer. Only had time the past few days to (1) waste a whole day / night watching Christmas movies with a "friend" (2) waste time at the brewery / bar in town and (3) drag her hawk outside today because nothing says Christmas like maiming defenseless animals unnecessarily.

      So please pay her poodles. She is so, so sad she doesn't have the strength to work...only has strength to spend YOUR hard-earned money.

    2. "Guys?!" It made me "sadder than I've ever been" to think about poor, desperate little Jenna Woginrich yesterday. Since she's so "estranged and alone" in her "small town" while everyone else in the world is celebrating. So I mentally wished her well in getting a job next year. Now that would be beyond "miraculous."

    3. Her "Christmas miracle" hasn't happened yet, so she shamelessly retweeted her pathetic plea for free money:

      "This didn't work at all. But a gal can try."

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all! I've been busy lately, but appreciate HD keeping our "home" here, and all of you who recognize lazy, self-aggrandizing, animal abusing frauds when you see them!
    BTW, how can she have "shares left" of pigs she hasn't even bought yet? Disgusting.

    The Chickqualizer

  12. Anon12. Dragon smoke? Yeah, SHE is in touch with reality. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

  13. Hold on. I'm confused. She wants a Christmas miracle, yet she is a heathen who has nothing but contempt for Christianity.

    And I'm so sick of hearing about how she has no inheritance, trust fund, government assistance, blah, blah, blah. Wake up Jenna. Most of us don't. But what we do have are JOBS!

    1. She's a Christian when it's convenient for cashing in. Just like her heathenism didn't last long.

  14. Tweet Bleats:

    "Made a ridiculous income goal for today, the day no one is buying anything at all, but hoping to make something in sales. Waiting to see if my last mortgage payment cleared and was accepted so I can start working towards another. Wish me luck, I really need it."

    Plenty of people are purchasing today, including myself, but no one wants to give her free money. Her code for cash is "hoping to make something in sales." Naturally, her "mortgage payment" had to be mentioned to instill a false sense of urgency with her manipulative marketing. The omnipresent "luck" is typed, too. What she "really needs" is a job, but this able-bodied, college-educated weirdo won't work to support herself.

    1. FYI: Begging on Twitter, while on Instagram she has a "anyone have a used Ipad for sale or trade?" It was in one of her stories so it's probably gone now.

    2. When she asks if something is either "for sale or trade?" it really means gimme money for free. Like the car that she was trying to get.

    3. FFF always has time to play on social media, good off and beg for $$$$. Poor waif ("GAL") just needs a Christmas miracle. Yep. Again. Like she needs miracles every freaking month.

      It's utterly amazing how people don't perform due diligence and willingly send con artists / questionable scammers money.

      By this point, she's not a farmer...hasn't been for years. Her animal neglect is legendary. She's rather watch streaming videos and post creepy homages to Taylor Swift than actually do animal husbandry, homesteading or farm work.

      She has no sheep. She has no goats. She has no rabbits. Her chicken mortality rate due to predation is 50%. Her fences don't work. Her animals get minimal care. Her backyard is, by her own admission, infested with roundworms and tapeworms.

      What fools support "this farm"???

    4. Even when she had sheep, and goats, they were only props to illustrate her fictional life, to obtain money.

    5. Last night, she again searched for "luck" at the local brewery/bar. So sad, so poor, but no problem having nights out and frittering away the days.

      Funny how her IG partying stories never see the light of day on Twitter - which is reserved for her pitiful begging.

    6. PDD. "Looking for luck in all the wrong places..." It sounds like that hokey country song.

    7. Did you see the reply from the Lorca lady? She offered to send money in exchange for children's book illustrations. This is why the Pig Shocker begs so much. The squeaky wheel eventually gets some oil.

    8. We've already warned the "Lorca lady" about JFW a few days ago. I sent a comment to her site. She now has informational links including CAST, Jon Katz and Meredith's blog. I also mentioned the Kickstarter campaign for her bombed Birchthorn book.

    9. For those who feel that it's unfair to warn potential clients about an animal abusing begging scammer, then you probably haven't been burned by her before. I'm speaking from personal experience.

    10. I wouldn't be surprised if she knows some of these people and they lie and say that they are buying various things from her. She wants people to see that and then think, "wow she must be pretty good if they are having her illustrate a children's book."

      There have been more than a few who choose to ignore warnings about her and blatently ignore examples of her scams. I think there's more to those situations than we are aware of.

  15. Instagram Idiot:

    She posted two pics of when she first became a faux farmer. The first one was natural even though she has that smug smirk. The other one was the gaping, cleavage lipsticked photo where she looks deranged. The caption is "Start of the decade vs the end. Sorry everybody." When asked why for the "sorry" she replied: "2010 me was a lot more wholesome!"

    At some low level of consciousness, even the zero self-awareness FFF realizes that her younger self wasn't a femme parody, and there's even a hint of natural honesty in the first photo. The second one is pretentiously posed, and shows what a fake she's become. Not one follower raved about how great she looks now compared to before. I also find it interesting that she apologized for her horrible transformation when she had complete control over it.

    1. Yeah, I was also struck by the strange juxtaposition of those two pics. In the first you have a starry-eyed dreamer looking to make an honest attempt at "living a life no one understands" and doing some actual work.

      In the second, you have a certifiable nut job hawk-killing animal abuser playing with props. And don't forget, that's the "before" pic she Photoshopped to give herself bigger cleavage. From wholesome-y to phony baloney.

    2. It's a jarring juxtaposition, and very uncomfortable to look at.

    3. Let's not forget her other attempt at a "wholesome" photo which is the demented toddler pose seen in the photo I use for my account.

      You can see she is trying to do the doe-eyed- batting-her-eyelashes gesture in an attempt to look sweet or innocent.

      Instead she looks deranged. She's a grown woman who looks like a crazy, demented, over fed, toddler.

  16. Yes at least in the old days she appears to at least try to farm. Now it's all lies and bullshit. Why she thinks that's an improvement I have no idea.

  17. You know, she can't have it both ways. Either she truly needs help "saving" her farm every month and "keeping the lights on", or she is doing well, meets the bills and doesn't need help from anyone. Her entire brand now consists of "I need/ I want" wish lists, and fervent prayers for luck, yet she does nothing to acquire the stability she craves by doing much of anything for herself. By getting a job she could eliminate the need for a middle man (donations for soap or whatever), meaning she could stop wondering every month where the money will come from, and wishing for luck, and riding that whole rollercoaster. On some level, she must really hate herself to be putting herself through this each and every month and living a life that basically would fuel anyone's anxiety.

    1. She could really re-brand herself. Make it so that she can actually make a living (get a job) and also do the stuff she enjoys. She really could...

    2. Ugh...imagine having to rely on a middle man for your happiness and security. She's been "hoping" and begging for so long she's forgotten any other way to be.

  18. The most recent dog drawing post on Twitter... if you follow the post back to the author's Twitter account... you see that she posted in SEPTEMBER that Jenna was working on her dog portraits... I think it's safe to assume with her post yesterday of the drawing...that she just recieved it. Three and and a half months for a crappy 5 minute fairground caricature cartoon with a little bit of color added.

    1. I cannot figure out why clients post photos of their sophmorish animal drawings. Seriously. If you buy a product or piece of throwaway art, how many of you post photographs of it? This is something a 12 year olds would do...or massively insecure people with need to overshare their possessions.

      Do you think Pig Shocker begs them to promote her (*it would mean so much*) or offers them a discount if they do???

    2. The perspective on the dog's snout is completely off. I'd be so mad if I got something like that, I cannot for the life of my understand the people posting about what "beautiful" art it is.

    3. At least her dogs kinda look like a dog, maybe not the actual dog, but a dog... her cats are just freaky bad...

      Has she ever seen a cat? hahaha...

    4. Those poor cats look in need of anti-depressants.

      And the dog's nose sticks out like a sore...penis.

      And yes, PDD, she most certainly begs customers for a shout out. But doesn't offer any discounts.

    5. OK, OK... why did I make so many errors in the above post? Lack of coffee and auto-correct are a dangerous combination, lol.

      Corrected copy - good to reinforce concept anyway!

      "I cannot figure out why clients post photos of their sophomoric animal drawings. Seriously. If you buy a product or piece of throwaway art, how many of you post photographs of it? This is something 12 year olds would do...or massively insecure people with need to overshare their possessions.

      Do you think Pig Shocker begs them to promote her (*it would mean so much*) or offers them a discount if they do???"

  19. Did anyone see her IG stories where she had people ask her questions? One person asked if she was dtf and she responded "no I've never done that." She could have just ignored such a stupid, gross question. So weird.

    1. I had to look up "dtf" to find out the Urban Dictionary definition. Ugh. I've never seen her stories, but wonder if that was an actual proposition, or just a curious question. Do you recall whether the query was from a male or female? Since she's outed herself as a lesbian lately.

    2. Her reply sounds like she doesn't realize what the question meant. She's such an idiot. If someone says are you down to f#&%, the answer of "no I've never done that" doesn't make sense.
      Once again she is entertaining bad behavior rather than ignore those types of questions. Next she will be whining about how people are sexually aggressive and scare her.๐Ÿ™„

    3. She knew what it meant when she answered that way; she initially responded something like "down to farm? always!" and I thought she was being funny to avoid a dumb question, but then the person wrote again "no it means down to f***" and THAT'S when she responded with "no, I've never done that! Go away" So...

  20. "No sales here in days, trying to get the word out and get this place okay as I work on this book proposal for longer term stability. Things seem shitty, but hoping for luck into the weekend."
    0 replies 1 retweet 8 likes

    There's that word "luck" tweeted about again. While she weeps about "No sales here in days..." the Pig Shocker still has plenty of time to drink and play with pals. The lack of responses speak volumes about donor fatigue, and no one giving AF about this middle-aged loser.

    1. Donor fatigue big time. Has anyone noticed how lately she hasn't been using her favorite word "Guys" to address her foollowers? I'm thinking that on her end, she can see the donor fatigue more clearly, and that support has dwindled, therefore not feeling surrounded by a bunch of enablers, suckers, GUYS.

    2. I've noticed that, too. And also how her stupid, inappropriate usage of question marks has been slightly curtailed. But she doesn't read our critical comments, and act accordingly. Nah.

    3. But today she said she hasn't had any booze for 2 weeks.

      Liar, liar, pants on fire... two weeks in Jenna land means 2 hours in real people land.

      Normal people do not go around talking about lengths without booze unless they know and acknowledge they have a real problem with it.

    4. More pretending to be all about self improvement. That's why she lies about her level of physical fitness and claims to be going without booze.

      When in reality, she is too drunk to get off of her couch, let alone able to run anywhere.

    5. I've also noticed that her bragged about "gig" at Outside Magazine seems to have disappeared. I hope that they got wise to her wiles.

    6. "0 replies 1 retweet 8 likes"

      Okay, didn't someone here take a count at how many followers she has and it's in the thousands (4,000, I think)? If she truly had that many followers, there would at the very least be dozens of "likes," if not hundreds.

      She really is buying followers through one of those programs, isn't she?


  21. How long has she been working on this book proposal?!?

    1. ⌛️ Short answer: Forever. ⏳ Long answer: She first mentioned it in earnest back in the spring. I did a search on her bleg for the word "proposal" and found it mentioned several times this year. But then I kept scrolling back, and back, and back...all the way 'til 2015. Is this the same book proposal she's been working on for years? Or is it several failed ones? Here, you decide (and pay attention to the dates):

      January 2015: ❝ But while I'm designing or working on a new book proposal... ❞

      June 2016: ❝ So far an 8,000 word proposal has made it's way to my agent's hands and he is shopping it around. ❞

      June 2017: ❝ There's a new book proposal to work on... ❞

      August 2017: ❝ ...checked emails from my agent about my new book proposal and writing revisions. Took notes and worked out deadlines. [...] I've been working with my agent to prepare a book proposal for early fall. [...] There is hope of a new book agent and I are working out the last kinks of the proposal. ❞

      September 2017: ❝ My new agent and I have completed a new book proposal and it has been sent out to a list of publishers. ❞

      July 2018: ❝ I'm toying with a romance novel and reworking my book proposal. ❞

      January 2019: ❝ I am starting a brand new book proposal. It's something I've been meaning to write...but was far too afraid to share it. ❞

      April 2019: ❝ I am putting together a book proposal... ❞

      May 2019: ❝ I have sent the first draft of a 38-page proposal to my literary agent and she is going thru it in the hopes to prepare it for the marketplace. ❞

      June 2019: ❝ My agent has my completed book proposal and she and I will work on it... ❞

      October 2019: ❝ writing energy is going into two powerful sample chapters for a book proposal... ❞

      ๐Ÿ™„ Like a broken record she is. So either this is a string of many failed book proposals, OR she's not writing any at all but throws that line out there every few bleg posts to keep people "tethered to her potential" which in turn keeps the pity donations rolling in. Also, note that her agent went from a "he" to a "she" -- possibly a sign that she wrote more than one stinker and the agent dropped her.

    2. I'd be shocked if a reputable publisher contracted a writer who has such a rotten reputation. Unless, they don't do due diligence, which would be weird nowadays.

    3. Agreed LS. I think that her lack of writing talent coupled with the whole Birchthorn debacle was the final nail in the coffin of her already shakey writing "career."

      For anyome new to the Birchthorn scam, she accepted $15,000 for a kickstarter to write a book, publish it and then send to donors.

      Four plus years later there are still many patrons waiting for their books.
      It's available on Amazon but she couldn't manage to send a copy to the people who gave her the $15,000 windfall.

      Her own editor called her out on the Kickstarter comments saying she had personally hand delivered some hard copies to Pig Shocker that she never sent out to patrons.

      Any publisher aware of Birchthorn would take her book proposal and file it in the trash. Not to mention the actual writing was garbage.

      She is a talentless hack. Her past books had to have been corrected by the editors involved to the degree that the books were more of the editor's writing than her own. It's the only explanation as to how she managed to get anything published.

    4. Lol, that comment section was hilarious. Remember poor Eileen who's repeated requests for a refund landed on deaf toddler ears? This is why she asks everyone to DM her now, so that any complaints for non-fulfillment are hidden from the general public.

    5. WD & Anon7. Exactly. "She is a talentless hack." who would prefer to keep critical comments "hidden from the general public." We're her worst nightmare.

  22. I've never seen anyone squander opportunity like she has. She had quite a following and could have created some type of successful business. But she mistook a hand up for a hand out. She thought it would last forever. She would play and write and people would throw money at her.

    People are happy to help a start up, but she is way beyond that. It's pretty much like living on welfare now, except instead of a steady government check, she has to beg for it. She claims she receives no government assistance, yet she relies solely on handouts.

    And why the hell doesn't she have a website for her graphic design business? Grow up, Jenna!

    1. Welfare, exactly. It's two days past Christmas and she's still begging for a miracle. And no one is giving her any money:

      ❝ No sales here in days, trying to get the word out and get this place okay as I work on this book proposal for longer term stability. Things seem shitty, but hoping for luck into the weekend. ❞

      Hoping for ๐Ÿฉ ๐Ÿ’ฐ so she can enjoy the weekend. Most people work all week so they can enjoy their weekend. But not the Pig Shocker! Why work when you can just beg?

    2. Ka-Ching...the twit on Twitter.

      "Today has been good!

      Sun is shining!
      Days getting longer!
      Made a big sale!
      House is warm!
      Bird had a successful hunt!
      Friends coming for Game Night!
      Today is 2 weeks no alcohol!

      Getting better!"

    3. 2 weeks without booze. hahahaha

    4. It's Christmas season which means people gift you bottles of wine, whiskey, etc. She probably means two weeks since she's had to buy any.

    5. I guess that either another dumb enabler or sycophantic supporter has given the lazy lifestyle loser a handout (not "Made a big sale!") I don't buy her bull. Her mercurial moods go up and down like a person dieting.

  23. I have seen her friend Christopher McDougall's book "Running with Sherman" placed prominently in the Barnes and Noble bookstores where I was shopping this Christmas.

    Jenna's probably wanting some of that success.

    Also, there is a book and a follow-up book by a farmer Kristin Kimball there in the store, too. She wrote "The Dirty Life" about her leaving her city life to start a farm 10 or so years ago, and now has another book out about how hard it was called "Good Husbandry". She's in Essex, New York state.
    From what I understand, most farmers also work off the farm to keep their farm going.

    1. I loved "The Dirty Life!" Because you alerted me to the fact Kimball has another book out, I just reserved the new one at the library. Thanks! (I guess I should have bought it, though. According to our FFF it doesn't support the artist if you get it from the library! Weirdo....)

    2. Seems like the Pig Shocker just got lucky in the beginning with her first few books. Publishers saw a new homesteading lifestyle that was trending and snapped her up since she may have been one of the first. But now there's more competition:

      "The Dirty Life chronicled Kimball’s move from New York City to 500 acres near Lake Champlain where she started a new farm with her partner, Mark. In Good Husbandry, she reveals what happened over the next five years at Essex Farm."

      Sound familiar? PS did the same thing, albeit alone. But the big difference is that in double the amount of time, nothing's really happened at CAF. Except lots of dead chickens...and a shit-ton of emergency root canals, broken trucks, frozen pipes...

    3. Her "train" has run out of "gravy."

    4. Jenna's initial success was because she was a renter who seemed to be successfully homesteading. Lots of people wanted to get into homesteading after the Great Recession but couldn't afford to buy farms, so Jenna had the potential to fill in a unique homesteading niche. That's when she was picked up by Mother Earth News, and her popularity soared from there.

      However, tenant farming is incredibly unstable - your landlord can kick you off the property any time so all of your hard work is wasted on someone else's land. Jenna made the right call in buying a farm, but with that purchase should have come a rebranding. It didn't - she rested on her previous attention instead and burned bridges. It will be very difficult to bounce back from that.

  24. I always wonder about repeat business. If people were really happy with her pig shares, she'd have repeat customers and wouldn't have to beg people to buy them. I think buying anything from Jenna is a "once and done" type of deal for the public.

    1. Has anyone ever commented on her pork shares? She often re-tweets comments from satisfied soap and art customers, but not sure I've ever seen anyone mention her questionable meat products...except Chicken Mama who recently said here that she had to throw the meat out do it an "off" flavor. Gag.

    2. CM is lucky she didn't end up in the ER. I can't imagine what could be in that nasty meat.

    3. WH. Her crap meat is filled with stale donuts and deli leftovers, because she's bragged in her blog about feeding her "deadstock" that kind of "healthy nutrition."

    4. They're not even "leftovers." I've seen her write about getting deli discards for free. She won't even pay for proper pig food.

    5. Pigs like to root around in the dirt and mud on that farm, yes?

      The Pig Shocker says she pees 'n poops on the farm when the plumbings shot.

      Yeah. Enjoy your sausage e colia omelette with cystic sauce du liver.

  25. Just wanted to comment that I am of similar age as Jenna and donated years and years ago when I also had no money. I was so surprised to find this and find out she is still asking for money! O_o


    1. Sorry to hear that. But glad you are here. To be honest, I can't picture a day where she doesn't ask for money. It's like once she started, she can't stop.

  26. Here is a legit farm right here in Jackson, NY, that sells pastured pork, and grass fed beef. RIGHT in Jackson: Perhaps those looking to actually get healthy pork, should look here. :)

    1. We'll check it out, thanks! I like the idea of her losing local business.

    2. Thanks Anon. This is another example of how questionable Cold Antler Farm is. As far as I can tell, she doesn't participate in farmer's markets; isn't listed in the community as a local farm; isn't shown on the County/State lists of area CSA; and refuses to legitimize any of her "businesses" with a website, despite clearly knowing how to create them.

      Guys??? WTF???

    3. "WTF" ??? IRS....

    4. And she's selling pork from pigs that... Aren't born yet.

    5. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    6. Another place that's local and good is Fictitious Farm. Just got 1/2 pig and it was delish. Amazing how good meat is when the pigs are allowed to free roam and forage, treated wonderfully.

    7. Ironic that a New York farm called Fictitious Farm is the real deal, while FFF's neglectful animal hell is mostly lies.

      Btw, since they are a genuine enterprise, Fictitious Farm has a website at:

      Thank you for the local tip, Chicken Mama.

    8. OMG...I suggest everyone old or new check out this farm link. With just TWO clicks I was able to see a myriad of info about how the pigs are raised, available cuts and pricing, and also how every Sunday you can find them at the local farmer's market. An amazing website by productive people with all the info plain and simple. No need to DM these folks with questions. And I didn't see a PayPal donate button either.

      To the Pig Shocker: THIS is how it's done apparently. An honest meat farm with prices up front. Photos of a real farm with happy looking animals. So what the f*#k is wrong with you that you do everything ass backwards?!?

      (And thanks to Chicken Mama for the heads-up and PDD for the link!)

    9. And thank you too, Anon 5:37 for that link to yet another farm that is legit. And I didn't see any PayPal links on that site either.

      The ๐Ÿท ๐Ÿ”Œ ⚡️is doing it all wrong.

    10. Morning guys! You're welcome! This guy is the real deal. We met him at the farmer's market you mention PDD. When we picked up the pork, he also had a 21 lb. turkey for us. It was sooooo good. It's the Spa City Farmers Market and is run by friends of ours. Amazing vendors, food, crafts - we love it. Going there today as a matter of fact.

      Way back when we were naive, we tried to get Jenna to see about selling items at the farmers market in Cambridge. There was always a reason not to, "too much money, people wouldn't buy it...blah, blah, blah." I now see that that translates into "too much work". She isn't willing to put the effort and time into things for the long haul, she wants too quick a return. This is why she fails. If you love doing something, if it's your passion, you do what's needed no matter what you have to sacrifice. And you DON'T beg for money by being passive-aggresive.

    11. CM. She has stupid excuses for everything like "I'm only one person, and can't do it all." Even though she's a "Scrappy, busty gal living alone on the side of a mountain, without the support of a partner, trust fund, and/or government assistance!!!"

    12. I also wanted to add "without the support of funds from followers, family and friends..." What a lot of lies.

    13. Every time she says she's "just one person" she has to be directed back to Lee of Moxie Ridge Farm, who does absolutely everything himself and has a very successful business. Speaking of, they're supposedly friends but we haven't heard any mention of him in a long, long time...

  27. saw on her site yesterday that she hasn't had no booze for 2 weeks now. Who advertizes this? She did this last fall when she went off booze for 2 months then the shit show got real after that. I would be so humiliated to keep saying I am off booze now etc. Like she knows this is her problem go to meetings and get yourself straight but you don't have to write it on your twitter or blog or is that just me?

    1. I think the same thing. Clearly, she has an issue with alcohol. Why mention it online when she'll return to drinking soon? It's probably just another angle of her manipulative marketing for funds.

    2. I actually think this is a good thing. Sadly it's a lie, as we know she's been to Argyle Brewing quite a bit lately, but she herself has acknowledged a problem with alcohol and I think any efforts toward sobriety are a positive. Let's be better people, yeah?

    3. "Let's be better people." Try pointing the finger at the online beggar, animal abuser, serial scammer, and pathological liar. "Yeah?"

  28. JFW Rarity:

    "Today has been good!

    Sun is shining!
    Days getting longer!
    Made a big sale!
    House is warm!
    Bird had a successful hunt!
    Friends coming for Game Night!
    Today is 2 weeks no alcohol!

    Getting better!"

    FFF Reality:

    Today has been bad
    Hovel is shitty
    Days are too long
    Didn't make much from begging
    House is cold
    Captive hawk tried to escape again from being my prisoner like the others
    Didn't make crush call, but tweeted about Taylor Swift's sexuality
    Today is the first day I didn't drink in months

    Getting grumpy

  29. The picture of the spotted horse on instagram show the poor animal standing in a slurry of horse feces. A lot of horse feces! You can’t have that, they deserve better! I’ve had horses my whole life and never would that happen at my place! You have clean that crap up. I want to rub her face in that crap. Stupid bitch.

    1. Oh dear, this looks like Ms Jenna again. Honestly..

  30. File this under "some people never learn" (or some never admit the truth):

    Twitter twaddle :

    "Going to keep sharing this through the end of this year! I never know when it might be the reason magic happens, or in this case - voluntary contributions towards women writing a lot for 12 years!"

    1. So are we to believe that magically at midnight on dec 31 she will (gasp) stop “sharing that”?
      Me thinks I’m not buying “that”.

    2. And the "I never know" bullshit. Yes, she does and that's why she posts it over and over. She knows that eventually some poor sap will take pity on her.

    3. It's always nebulous "magic" and "luck" that she's seeking. It's never working to support herself with a practical purpose.

  31. According to her timeline, she quit drinking a day before her 12/15/19 Tweet:
    "Billion dollar idea: Vitamin D Vodka."

    1. And that idea is something thought up whist drunk.

    2. Only an alcoholic would think like that. And the lack of "likes" and responses shows how her contrived comedy fell flat again.

  32. I see we are back to now being 12 years of "righting" again instead of 10 years of "righting". So where is all this "righting" taking place this year? on fb? nope, on her blog? nope. You have to really look for her crap and then wait for her to sober up and "right" something, unless of course it is a root canal, broken pipes, broken truck, etc. you get the idea.

    1. The latest bleg post was 6 paragraphs about how sad she is, her money woes and lost health insurance. And then just three small sentences about wanting new animals and fences.

  33. This!
    "Going to keep sharing this through the end of this year! I never know when it might be the reason magic happens, or in this case - voluntary contributions towards women writing a lot for 12 years!"

    She hasn't written shit in months. It's always the same ole begfest. That is not writing, that's moaning and begging. What exactly are people contributing for? A few tweets, a few IG pics, everything else is a whine and a moan.

    1. I was just thinking to my self "self I said lets just throw some money at someone who just begs for more money and more money and more money. Yes you have to get up in the morning and go to work to pay your bills, but is it fair that you don't throw some of that money at a capable middle aged woman who won't work?" Self didn't win this round, self is tired and sending money off to this nut is not going to happen.

    2. She has a lot of nerve begging for money for her near-dormant bleg. Only 2 posts in December and neither was about anything anyone signed up for. And in November and October, just 3 posts about the same. And she is asking for $5-$25 a month for that?

    3. What a fucking moron. Of course, they'd be "voluntary contributions." Would she use her masterly martial arts skills to kick their asses if fools didn't contribute funds? I find it funny how the dates change according to her moods. She's done this with other things like "I've owned this farm for ten years!" This has been said before, but it's like she wants a medal just for existing. Many women have been "righting" for much longer, but you don't see them begging online, and loudly cajoling people into donating to them with a PayPal link.

    4. Lol, I forgot about the whole martial arts thing. And like a lot of things she gives up on, she never mentions it now. Surely it was all about trying to fleece funds from that online community.

  34. This is interesting: On Instagram the Pig Shocker posted an old b&w pic of her on a horse and gave photo credit to @bedlamfarm -- which is Jon Katz's account. Not sure about IG, but on twitter if you use the "@" symbol before someone's user name it flags them.

    So it's curious that she'd be trying to get his attention all the sudden. At one time they were as thick as thieves but that soon soured and now they only exchange half-hearted waves when driving past each other. Plus, she surely didn't appreciate the 4-5 hyper-critical posts he wrote about her on his blog. What pray tell, is she in such a desperate state that she's trying once again to get him to help?

    1. Okay...just found a post on Jon's blog from December 26th where he said he got an emergency call from a friend who desperately needed money. At first Jon said no, but then changed his mind and emailed one of his "army of good" angels to see if she could help. And here's what happened next:

      ❝ This beautiful angel sent me $500 via Paypal for him, no questions asked. I messaged him and said I was sending the money to him; he could take it or leave it. Neither she nor I wanted him to have to pay it back. ❞

      A $500 gift just like that. The very "Christmas Miracle" that Jenna wanted. For the past several years there's not been ANY mention of Jon or Bedlam Farm by Jenna. But today she tagged him in a comment.

      ๐Ÿค” Coincidence? Or is she hoping he'll ask his "angel" to help her too? ๐Ÿ’ฐ

    2. Or, it was in fact actually Jenna who got the help.....

    3. That was my first thought. I think that the anonymous "angel" helped out the lying beggar who had her mortgage paid again by someone else on Twitter, but wanted extra funds for entertainment money etc... Jon Katz is also a sucker for sob stories.

    4. I think that money was for the teacher he helped this past summer/fall? Not sure of the date but works at the school he is helping now. He said it was a he and his child had been through a lot (his one son died and they did a bunch of stuff for the son that was alive) and he mentioned the man's wife it was very thinly veiled so I was pretty sure right away he was talking about the teacher. But hey our FFF is never one to miss a chance for a few good luck bucks thrown her way so she thought okay a guy lost his son (I think it was MS but can't remember he got donations to pay for the funeral) so I am also entitled to some bucks thrown my way for all my "righting" this past 10,12 you pick a number of years.

    5. No, it wasn't for Jenna. It was for a male friend of Jon who's wife had just lost her wallet with all they money they had, the day before Christmas. So Jon called a lady he knows who generously donates to a lot of Jon's causes and charitable cases. And because he mentioned her quick action of offering $500, I figure that a light bulb went off in Jenna's lazy little head: "Why don't I flag the Bedlam Farm insta and maybe Jon will see all my recent sob stories and get his lady friend to send me money too?"

      It's a bit far-fetched a theory, but I can't think of any other reason she'd be trying to get his attention again after he made it publicly clear that he was done with her crap. And the timing...just a week after he wrote about that on his blog.

  35. Instagram Idiot:

    "Can't wait to get back in the saddle. Found this pic of Merlin when he was less gray and I was less me."

    She acts as if her transformation from before to after has been positive instead of negative. I'm sure that Merlin is really looking forward to her fat ass weighing him down again. If he makes it until spring living in a lean-to.

    1. Absolutely. We all go through transformations. That's normal. But most of the time, they are for the better. Even if just a little. We get more introspective, we try to be better people, we give more without asking for anything in return, we understand others better. Jenna has done the exact opposite of all of them. She has transformed into someone who cares less about others, takes more by asking, begging, cheating, proclaims everyone horrible if they disagree with her (aka trolls/haters). I see no improvement. Who does she ever give to? Can someone tell me?

    2. She "claims" that whenever she has a bit of extra money she donates on Kiva. But since she's always begging, there's no money to donate.

  36. Possibly the worst New Year's Resolution I read today. Instagram inanity from FFF:

    "...Learn when to stop pursuing people and relationships that don't SERVE or reciprocate..."

    (Emphasis mine)

    1. ๐Ÿ™„ Wow, she actually said that? How very telling.

  37. Also on Instagram, she posted a picture of Sal the sheep and says she will have them again *ahem* as soon as she gets a new car. (the entire point of the picture and post? Help me buy a new car!) Has she even paid off the truck loan? Can't wait to see what sort of status symbol/stupid choice she makes when she begs for her next vehicle.

    Anon in GA

    1. Whoops, I replied to this below. As for a car, she should just go Amish and get a buggy. She could legally dodge paying taxes that way too.

  38. Dear Jenna,

    I decided to give you up a few days ago, after seeing one of your pet illustrations and realizing it looked exactly like every pet illustration you’ve ever done. Different breed, maybe slightly different features, but otherwise it was just another extra from "Lady and the Tramp." You’ve been drawing the same picture for years—and writing the same blog post and tweeting the same tweet. I keep expecting you to change, to do something differently, but you never do. Oh, you try on new clothes from time to time, or trade out one celebrity crush for another, but in essentials, you haven’t changed in a decade.

    The fact is, Jenna, you’re the most stuck person I’ve ever seen. I’ve always thought it a shame you were successful so early in your career, and successful for something—farming—which you mostly faked being good at. That’s some toxic stuff right there, and a lot of people don’t recover from it.

    I know you don’t take advice, but I’m going to give you some anyway. Sell everything you have and move to a new town. Get a job; it doesn’t matter what kind. Humble yourself. Go underground—no tweets, no Instagram—for a year.

    Find a therapist with a sliding scale fee and figure out why you’ve been in a rut for a decade. Join a writing group and listen to feedback; take the advice you’re given and revise. Revise again. Learn to tell the truth. You could be a very fine writer if you tried, but you'll never be one if you never learn to tell the truth.

    You’re relatively young, but you won’t be for much longer. Still, it’s not too late. Quit asking the universe for miracles and slung luck. You're a free adult in a free country. Grow up and do the work.

    Stop faking it.

    I’m not hanging around to see if you take my advice; in fact, I know you won’t, which is why I’m giving you up in 2020. I have followed you for ten years now, first as a fan, then as a concerned bystander, and finally as a head-scratching unbeliever. For the longest time, I thought that you would either have a conversion or you’d go down in flames. Believe it or not, it was the former that I crossed my fingers for. I mostly expected the latter.

    Instead: nothing. Ten years is a long time for nothing to change, Jenna. You might want to think about that.


    1. Damn...that is some great advice right there. Spot on with the digression determination. Look at her bleg 10 years ago and you'll see there was no begging, no PayPal button. Then, some of her foollowers suggested she get one. She did. And she's been begging ever since, and that seems to be the moment she gave up on hard work.

    2. I hope you printed that out and mailed it to her. Good advice.

  39. Very well written Anon55. Very on point and in fact; she has digressed. She may have started the decade full of hope, although she was a begger and scammer even back then.

    I find it laughable that she truly expects to get a new car. She certainly isn't working toward it so she is up for a lot of begging and scamming in 2020. I saved for 2.5 years for a new car and I just bought it in December. I was able to pay cash for it. But I worked a lot of hours, and saved as much as I could every 2 weeks. That is what it will take. You have to keep your eyes on the prize and not blow your money on stupid stuff that she tends to buy. I just don't see her having the discipline enough to do it.

    1. Anon 55 here. Yes, I think it's accurate to say she's digressed. I think at the beginning she really wanted to be a farmer--or at least thought she did. To be honest, I think she liked the idea of being a farmer more than actually farming. I don't judge her for that--a lot of people try on roles in their twenties, a lot of people feel a pull toward farming or homesteading and realize it's not really for them. One of the reasons I think it's a shame that Jenna became a poster child for young farmers is that it made it so much harder for her to say, "You know what? I don't want to do this after all."

      I know that Jenna's got issues that go beyond this, and maybe her issues would have kept her from succeeding in any career. But I honestly think if she'd made a real go of it as a writer, she would have been happy as a novelist or someone who wrote scripts for video games. It's a perfect occupation for people who want to live like fiction. You can be a farmer or a falconer or a warlock or whatever--you can play all sorts of roles and have all sorts of fun.

      I fear that there's something in Jenna's make-up, though, that doesn't allow her to accept constructive criticism or advice. My guess is she's very difficult to edit. I don't mean to be cruel, but Jenna's writing has degenerated over the years. She's always been a little purple-y with her prose, and always a little too in love with the sound of her own voice, but there was still a lot to enjoy. Now--no.

    2. Ah, so that's what we have to look forward to in 2020: Non-stop begging for folks to "gift" her a new 4WD hatchback that can go further than 25 miles from her farm, can fit two dog crates, and must be a Subaru, VW, or a Volvo. That, or she'll probably start a GoFundMe.

  40. ๐Ÿ”ผ ๐Ÿ”ผSuccinctly and correctly put.

  41. On Instagram the Pig Shocker mentioned that after she gets a new car she wants to "save up" money to buy some sheep this coming summer. And one of her friends replied:

    "It would be so amazing just once to not have to hash and rehash every nickel and dime. Happy New Year, I am sure sheep will be arriving soon."

    I can't she subtly telling Jenna to stop talking about money all the time? Or is she referring to her own finances?

  42. Hey, I almost forgot: ✨๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‰ HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ๐ŸŽŠ ๐Ÿพ ✨

    ✨ ๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿ‘ Wishing everyone good health and happiness in 2020 ⭐️ ☮️ ✨

  43. Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous year 2020!

    Like Anon55 above, I have become tired of watching JW slog through life. I read her blog back in the early days, when she was moving from Idaho to Vermont. I was amazed at the brave youth who could manage her life, animals, and finances to make such a huge change. I read as she worked and encouraged others to follow their dream. Then she started to change.

    She had the issues with her neighbor and landlord in VT. She started "blaming" others for her predicament. It all went downhill after that. Even her Antlerstock and lessons; she couldn't have people stay on her property or provide their food at events. She didn't try to upgrade and get the proper permits. It was not her "responsibility".

    I could go on and on, but you're all aware of the story. And it has been just a complete sob story/beg fest the past few years. I can't abide the lies and excuses:
    It's everyone else's fault (especially the neighbor in VT)
    The red van man
    The scary guy in the laundromat
    Living alone
    I'm depressed
    Had to do the "farm chores"
    A friend encouraged me to take a day off
    etc, etc
    She will never get back on her feet (unless she gets a big windfall, which seems to be her current hope).

    And using your property as a toilet??? Oh, my goodness. Trying to befriend a possum, which could eat your chickens??? Just plain stupid. Completing artwork commissioned three months prior all the while you are out playing in the woods??? I would be furious if it were my commission. Ditto the pork that was promised for the Autumn of 2019, it's not "ready" yet, while she's promoting 2020 pork!

    And what are we looking forward to this winter? Another winter's bottom, naturally. I can't listen to another excuse for begging; frozen pipes, truck won't start and needs $$$, animal illness, root canal or chipped tooth, or no health insurance while she is paying for the YMCA membership and Netflix (neither of which I have - and I have a job.)

    Sooooo, I am turning off the Jenna show - bleg, twitter, and IG. If it were on tv it would have been cancelled years ago. I hope you all can get the remaining animals re-homed, as they need better accommodations. I hold out no hope for her to better herself. She would have to move to an unknown location and start over with no social media, just honest work.

    I wish you all well.

    From Anon MO (moving on)

  44. just an observation here but as I read about her being in Idaho, VT and Veryork why oh why does she only do these very very cold and very very long winter areas? She hates Winter's Bottom she hates the cold weather she hates the short days so why oh why does she keep moving to these places? Why not the south where it would be warm and as she LOVES to sweat and LOVES the humidity why in all that is holy doesn't she move to a warm climate? Just wondering. Happy New Year to all here.

  45. She writes occasionally about the time she spent in Tennessee. She actually moved to those locales because she had real employment. I don't think at this point she could move if she wanted to. Doubtful she has any equity in the farm and selling it in the condition it appears to be in would be a nightmare. She's stuck there. We all know the answer is gainful employment but as long as begging keeps the lights on it won't happen.

    1. oh she will never get her money out of that shit show and besides she owes the bank so much and she is so far behind it will be taken from her (as she often hints at). I just don't understand what is keeping her there where she hates it. She is always boasting how she loves the humidity (unlike almost 100% of other people) and loves the heat. No job to keep her there no family to keep her there, no boy/girlfriend to keep her there. And yes Doesn't make sense to me but then again whatever does she do that makes sense?

  46. WOW! I'm on the edge of my seat. JW is making a cheesecake this weekend. Wonder if there will be a video to follow?

  47. Jenna frustrates me... The thing is, I want to like her. I see quite a few similarities between her and myself... We're around the same age, we have a lot of common interests, we farm similar sized parcels in what seem like similar places. ( I'm in northern lower Michigan) What I would like to think is a big difference though, is that I have a job and make no bones about my spread being a hobby farm. What it brings in is a nice supplement to what I make at what I think of as my " real job", but I wouldn't want to try to survive on it for long. I stumbled onto Jenna's blog after her move to "Veryork", but I don't think she had been there very long before I found her. I used to visit her blog regularly, but after a few months the constant begging wore on my nerves and I stopped.. I would go months or years between pulling up her site just to see if it still existed. Anyway , sorry for rambling. What I meant to say is because in some ways she reminds me of myself I want to like her, I want to trust her, I want to support her ( by buying something from her, I don't think giving her money just because is really helping her), but I also know that's what she's going for and unless and until I believe she's not looking to screw me over for personal gain, I'm not going to do that. Because at least right now, I don't believe it. That may change... I checked her blog out the other day and she was posting about the changes she wants to make. She had also made a post contemplated giving up her farm. I suppose I'll leave her alone for a bit. If when I check on her site again she's turned things around to " Make Cold Antler great again" as an orange individual we all know might say, or is making a genuine attempt to do so, I might rethink trying to do some kind of business with her. We shall see I guess.


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