Weather in New York in mid November



  1. shocking I tell you. Imagine getting cold weather and snow in Nov. in upstate NY. What a brave soul she is to endure so much.

  2. This is her cash cow the image of a girl all alone in the middle of a blizzard, ala Little House on the Prairie. Only, she has next door neighbors, and can walk to Subway. But let's not destroy that little narrative in her head... because it's her living dammit!

    1. #TheFeralFarmerIsSoBraveLivingAloneOnTheSideOfAMountain

  3. And so it begins, whoa is me. She has been out having fun the last few months and now it has caught up to her. Oh and for you poodles she only has a couple of weeks worth of hay for the horses and pigs so get your donating finger ready to press the magic button, truck is on it's last leg (even though it passed state inspection just a month or so ago), and she has farm chores to do. What is this she speaks of? Farm chores? With no animals nor harvest etc. hhhmmm. I think her "high" phase is now gone and we are going into our serious begging stage.

  4. My oh my. Brynner42 posted how our snowflake entertains herself INSTEAD of buckling down, completing orders and getting ready for winter.

    Fan favorites: bar visits, playing with a hawk who should be set free and generally frittering her time away.

    This is my favorite.

    1. Ha! That is pure gold!

    2. Brynner42 is the best! She perfectly captures what a lying hypocrite Jenna is.

    3. I don't know why Brynner42 doesn't come here and comment more. She's only done it a few times that I know of.

  5. "Every day, no matter how much I do, I feel like I am never caught up. Taking breaks to do anything else makes me feel guilty."

    Are you freaking kidding me???? She took a break for that past couple of months. Somehow, she didn't feel guilty then.

    1. Of course she's not caught up. How could she be? Her life is one big break.

    2. She constantly buys (or sells) the lie that just getting caught up, or getting a windfall of money, or slung luck, or the right new used car will solve her problems, when her own writing demonstrates over and over that she will just fritter any of that away. And her own writing confirms that she will refuse to do the 1 thing that could change her life - consistent hard work. ( Not a busy morning here and there.) Her failure is the direct result of her failing to show up and do the work, day after day.

      Or maybe she is "successful" because she does show up and do the consistent work of begging to support doing whatever the hell she wants most of the time.

      Begging set up from her recent post: more wood, car, medical bills, frozen pipes.

      Anon in GA.

    3. Sociopaths don't have any guilt. That would require a conscience. But she's manipulative enough to try and make it seem like she experiences remorse. Basically, she's faking the feeling. Which is why she continues to attract fools who believe her lies.

    4. Translated to a aPig Shocker:

      I am still useless and spend my days doing whatever sounds the most fun at the time.
      I've been taking people's money for the garbage I sell online without caring if the buyers ever get their merchandise.

      Now I will feign regret and guilt as I laugh at the idiots dumb enough to believe me.

      Perhaps one of the said idiots will even throw some money my way and pay for a night out. I deserve it.

    5. Her typical day is one long break from life interrupted by having to get up off her ass to feed the furry props. And you just know she grumbles the whole time.

  6. In the responses to her tweet about the PO being closed on Veteran's Day, she says this:

    "I will try! I did make soap, finish a pet portrait, package soap orders, try to mail them, inked 3 of yours (coloring in the AM), took care of a farm, ran errands, got feed, and flew my bird!"

    Her follower is impressed by all of this "work", but let's break it down. I'm lumping things together by type:

    " I did make soap" - so, she poured liquid into molds, takes maybe 5 minutes?
    "package soap orders" - putting soap into a box with some bubble wrap, another 5 minutes?
    "try to mail them" - maybe if you kept track of your shit you wouldn't have wasted the time/gas

    "finish a pet portrait" - this could mean anything, even just signing her name
    "inked 3 of yours (coloring in the AM)" - as an artist and someone who has seen her work, this could take no more than 10 minutes for each and that's being generous

    "took care of a farm" - lol what farm, feeding your pets doesn't take all day
    "got feed" - alright, I'll allow this one, but again not something that takes long

    "ran errands" - you mean going to the post office and getting feed? yea, you said that already

    "flew my bird!"" - this is a leisure activity and keeping a bird that you have to pay to feed is a waste of precious income, release it and do not take in another

    1. Perfectly said. She is a master at lies of omission. At this point, her followers must be brain dead or so fcuking lazy that they consider her "hard working".

    2. Oh and another thing—if she shipped packages priority, it would not only be cheaper for the buyer—she'd most likely be able to do carrier pick-up instead of driving to the PO. Meaning she could package them at her house, print the postage, and leave them at her door. Scheduling a pickup is free if the mail carrier collects the package during scheduled mail delivery. Less wear on the truck, saves gas, saves time.

    3. And why does she need to go to town to buy chicken? What happened to the 30,000 chicks she raised? The fact that she authored a book on raising chicken and doesn't even do that boggles the mind.

    4. Yea Anon 10:27!
      And it's not like she's afraid to slaughter the birds. Doesn't she just love to do that? What kind of farmer is she, she writes about raising chickens and then has to go to the store to get one to eat. This is both sad and hilarious.

    5. And the other day while "squatting on her haunches like a yeti," she claimed to have eaten so much chicken masala that "it made her sick." Now, she needs more?!

    6. Goes to show that the only animals who have managed to survive on her property are the dogs and horses.

      No livestock allowed at the Looney Bin on Colfax Rd.

    7. WDH. (Clinks coffee cup to say "Hi") It's good to see you commenting again. I hope that you've been well. Unfortunately, the FFF seems to keep declining with no positive changes in sight. And she has to have a few dogs for pet pic props to attract more dumb enablers.

    8. Hey Whackadoodle...good to see you! 😀 I'm sure you were busy washing your eyes out after the latest batch of pics PS posted. 😭

    9. Anon 7:19 - I couldn't agree more. All those things she does can probably be done in half an hour. The rest of her day is dedicated to deciphering Taylor Swift lyrics for hidden meanings.

      Jenna all day long -------> 🤔 😮 💡❗️>>>>> 🦄 🍆 👑 🌈 <------ TS's lyrics CD in a nutshell

  7. Suburban HomesteaderNovember 12, 2019 at 1:28 PM

    The FFF's latest bleg post is mentioning her "agent" and "hopes of a book deal"?!?! I can't wait to read more about that. Wonder what it's going to be about?

    1. SH. She tweeted this crap on 5/16/18:

      "While on my run I came up with the idea to write a collection of Lesbian Equestrian Werewolf Erotica titled BIT"

      And then said:

      "I'm 67% kidding."

      Her stupid percentages are always annoying. And someone who has no love life will be a failure at erotica. I've read tweets, too, that a book about "Living Like Fiction!" based on her lazy lifestyle might also be a possibility. In any event, her rotten reputation and writing will make it tough to find a professional publisher.

  8. Damn its cold, throw some more free firewood onto the wood stove and tweet for help, I needs the money!!!!!

    Sincerely SCAM (Supporters of Cold Antler Madness)

  9. In the latest Instagram post I am amazed that any animal was able to survive much less thrive in the paddock that is pictured behind the dog in the forefront. It’s the same paddock where at times the horses and goats were kept, not sure about sheep. As an animal advocate I am appalled to see what amounts to a hill almost as tall as the gate which, according to locals who have been on the property, was made of animal feces.
    Who, who condemns animals to existing in such conditions? Who has the gall and smugness to publicly post a photo depicting such dire conditions?

  10. What is wrong with you fools. The chickens died in the driveway. I guess you could get a shovel and scoop up some chicken DNA if you were really pressed to find chicken. Why doesn't she get a job at Subway? The pub? The Y?

    1. The Great Chicken Mystery of 2019. When I have time I want to go back and add up all those chickens she said she purchased. Somewhere in between 100-200 chicks via mail order. And then not a word about them. Something's not right there.

  11. Twitter Twaddle - Beyond Pathetic Edition:

    ❝ Cold Antler is a farm I bought & ran alone since 2010. It's been tough. Done without a partner, family assist, govt assist, inheritance or a trust fund. I make a living now writing, farming, and making art. Your sales & contributions keep the lights on. ❞

    🙄 Many years ago I bought a pricey SUV when things were going great. Until they weren't, and I struggled to continue paying the near $500 a month loan. Years after that I became ill and wasn't able to work for a bit. Scary times, but guess what I didn't do? I didn't beg online strangers for money. I figured that shit out myself.

    Why oh why does she think that's ok? "I bought a farm. Waaahh, it's been tough. Waahhh. I did it all alone. Waahhhhhh!! Can I have some free money?"

    Yeah, contributions for a bleg she only wrote in 3 times last month and only once this month. And it was all talk about how tough it's been. Sure, let me throw some money at that.🖕

    1. She hasn't done a single grown-up thing "alone". I bought a house and land without a partner, family assistance, government assistance, inheritance, or trust fund. And you know what? I make too much money in my hard-earned career to qualify for a USDA loan, which I believe she has. The farm was bought and survives on hand-outs and assistance.

  12. Also on Twitter, several foollowers raving about supposed melt-n-pour goodness. I wonder how many of them are actual genuine customers?

    The only thing her soap is good for is a game of throwing a bar at the wall and guessing how many pieces it will break into before it hits the floor. But I ain't paying' no $6 for that.

  13. Fresh from the most dismal place on the internet, AKA the CAF bleg, a bit of foreshadowing...and a threat:

    ❝ I will let the pipes drip all night and hope that nothing freezes, though a cold this fast and hard may very well do just that. ❞

    🍿 Man, I just can't whip my wallet out fast enough. Where's her PayPal link? 🍿

    Also, did it not occur to her that if she lit the house on fire, the pipes wouldn't freeze? Some people are so dumb.

  14. She has done nothing ALONE. EVERYTHING has been with donations, and assistance by the fools who donate. Let me repeat: She has done *nothing* alone.

  15. she even said on line that she is making and sending out soap every other day. Now back in the day I made some melt and pour soap for some gifts and added stuff etc. but never did I pass it off as stuff like the "real" stuff soap is made from. That takes time and skill which she doesn't have. So any fool stupid enough to buy her soap has been warned by Pig Shocker herself it is made every other day no curing time nothing. What fools she has and then them all raving about it. Get yourself people down to A.C. Moore or Michaels or Hobby Lobby buy yourself a bunch of it put it in a crock pot let it melt and pour into any size mold you would want. The end.

  16. Why does she keep saying she did it alone without government assistance, an inheritance or trust fund? As if those are common occurrences?

    Earth to Jenna - the vast majority of people make it without any of the above.

    I would like to ask her to go back to the beginning of her blog and find the entries where she begs for money for a down payment on her house. Then find where she begs for money for a down payment on Merlin. And then begs for money to pay him off. Then begs money for payments on her truck that is about to be repossessed. And on, and on, and on...

    1. Here, I'll help. The first post is her begging for Merlin's down payment.

      Scroll down to "the hail mary" post, and she's begging for a down payment for the house.


    2. Anon 5:15 - She says that because she thinks everyone in this life has had it easy, and she's the only one ever to do it on her own. If she only knew.

      Anon 8:46 - Thanks for posting that. It's been awhile since I've seen it. Funny how in both of those posts she worries that her begging might sound crass and ridiculous. Because she knows it is. But she begs anyway.

  17. Lindsay Graham when asked about CAF - "There’s a pony in there somewhere if we can find it.”

  18. I am sure that we could do a count here as to who had government asst., inheritance, parental help etc. and on and on to buy their homes. Nope we probably all just bought it the old fashion way we worked for it (that is why we are called dumb poodles after all) and we continue to work for it and for our cars, trucks, play toys etc. She pats herself on the back for doing it all herself which she didn't I was reading her blog back in the day and I was shocked she begged for people to send her money for her down payment! If you don't even have the money for a down payment how are you going to make the monthly payments (well we all know the answer to that one)?

    I had never seen or heard of anyone begging on line for money before her then I started to watch others do it as well and when I see it now in a few blogs that I read I recognize it right away. These people do have a way with words.

  19. Her latest post is further evidence that she has nothing to write about unless she is begging. She must be doing next to nothing with "the farm."

    1. Oh no, you're wrong about that. She has PLENTY to do on that fauxrm:

      8:45 am: Wakes up to the sound of cold, hungry, neglected animals.
      9:30 am: Lumbers down the stairs Yeti style; stumbles on empty whisky bottle.
      9:31-935 am: Stares at her reflection in toaster, trying to remember anything at all.
      9:36 am: Makes coffee...burps...fires up the pity begs.
      9:40 am: Pours whisky into "This might be whiskey" coffee cup. Re-tweets more begs.
      10am-10:09 am: Feeds animals. Sees new broken fencing issues. *shrugs*
      10:15 am: Argues via cellphone with sister over who should pay more for Ma Wog's xmas gift. Pig Shocker thinks sis should pay more cuz sis has a job. And a life.
      10:30: Pours over the latest news on Taylor Swift's website, Twitter and Instagram.
      3:30 pm: Finished with TS news, she tweets that she's going for a run. Naps instead.
      6:30 pm: Wakes up once again to cold hungry animals. But checks Twitter first.
      6:55 pm: Puts a chicken in the oven to roast. Slams a Red Bull whisky bomb.
      6:15: Drives to Subway for dinner. Day old donuts for dessert. Hits the bar on the way home.
      8:00 pm: Debates a shower. Decides to conserve water, saving the planet instead.
      8:01 pm: Listens to a podcast while coloring 5 pet portraits. Using all the wrong colors.
      8:13 pm: Eats the roasted chicken. Calls Patty to borrow $15 for a farmer's matinee.
      8:30 pm: Re-tweets more pity begs. Checks Twitter for new Taylor Swift news.
      11:30 pm: Goes outside to howl at the moon. Plays fiddle for fireflies and imaginary lesbian equestrian werewolves.
      11:40 pm: Brushes her teeth by crunching a mixture of crushed ice, sugar and whisky.
      11:44 pm: Enviously reads Jon Katz's blog about his new $2K puppy. Sobs herself redfaced.
      11:57 pm: Pens and addresses the 15th invitation to Taylor Swift to come hawking at CAF.
      12:59 am: Writes a list of brand new possible farm disasters and pity scenarios to present to her foollowers.
      1:35 am: Considers a GoFundMe campaign. Drinks herself to sleep instead.

      Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

    2. O.M.G. this was the best comment I have ever read! Thank you!!!! This is GOLD!!!!!!!!!

    3. Lol, Anon7, my applause. You never fail to give me a good giggle!

    4. Thank you! Hope y'all noticed that I inserted 8 hours dedicated to her online Taylor Swift obsession in that there timeline..although I may have been off as it might be closer to 15 hours.

  20. Of course she has a trust fund! She trusts her fans will fund her lazy lifestyle.

    1. oh that is a good one and yes she trusts her poodles to work and hand over the dough to her so she doesn't have to be one of those icky worker bees she is the Queen instead in her very tiny little mind.

    2. 🏅Gold medal comment right there🏅

      👍 😆

  21. The karma of leading a scam-centric lifestyle is that she is a virgin who has never had an adult relationship...and at this rate never will.

  22. Missed out on pork shares? Get your Cold Antler Spam! Melted and poured right into cans on this farm. Your pity keeps the lights on!

    1. ❝ Your pity keeps the lights on! ❞

      Man oh man! This legitimately made me guffaw AND snort. That statement should be the tagline for her life! 😂

  23. She was writing about the same crap years ago as she is now. Nothing has changed except she begs more. She writes about nothing.

    1. Yep. And it makes you wonder about all of the nasty stuff she's not sharing if everything is about nothing. The thing is, everything that comes out of her mouth nowadays is for the sole purpose of getting pity donations and sales. What a fcuked up way to live.

  24. This Instagram pic she posted 5 days it new or old?

    And people local to the Pig Shocker, what would that amount of pumpkins cost in your area? Cuz for me, living in LA, that heap right there would be about $70 bucks. ($30 for the big fat one, $20 for the medium one, $15 for the small one, $4 for the white one and about $2 for the tiny one.)

    I imagine pumpkins are cheaper where she lives as they don't have to be trucked in. But still, between those and the ones you know she has on her porch, that's money that would've been better spent on that mortgage she can't seem to manage.

  25. I find it hysterical one of the coments with the pumpkins is you have excellent taste oh my gosh I nearly spit my coffee out. I have been involved in home decor(mostly with antiques) for more than 30 years and just laughed and laughed. It looks like a musty dirty junk shop with everything lined up against the wall like all the stuff is prisoners.

    1. And it smells like old dust. I've been there, I know this.

    2. No shit. Someone here, and I forget who -- sorry, they once said that her living room with all that crap was set up like a thrift store. Indeed, it is. A bunch of weird random stuff that is a hipster's wet dream. One mustn't try so hard.

  26. Today's Twitter Twaddle:

    "Good morning I think my fridge is dead. It had a good run. But do companies still deliver new appliances and remove your own units for you? Or am I thinking of a commercial from 2002?"


    A normal person, who claims to be without money, would purchase a used refrigerator from Craigslist since there are so many of them offered for sale. A homesteader might even post a note at the local library or laundromat. As for getting rid of her old refrigerator, a normal rural person with a pickup truck would haul the old refrigerator to the recycling center (dump) where it would easily be disposed for about $5.

    Instead she feigns ignorance of the whole "new appliance" process, hoping her readers will offer $$$, or - better yet - buy a new refrigerator for her, have it delivered and have her old one removed.

    God forbid she take responsibility and act on her own behalf!

    1. You are correct. She does not want to know if companies deliver appliances and remove old ones. She could call Home Depot with that question. Actually, she already knows that they do.

      She wants everyone to know that her refrigerator is dead and hopes either that someone will buy her a new one or send her money for one.

      She is shameless.

    2. When I was a kid and wanted something, I would throw obvious hints at my parents like that to get them to buy it for me. But then I grew up.

      Jenna, I suggest you do the same.

    3. No, Jenna. No one delivers appliances anymore. They expect everyone, including little old ladies, to toss a fridge in the trunk of their sedan, haul it into their kitchen and install it. Then heave the old one onto the tree lawn.

      Sheesh, Jenna. Your begging is soooooo transparent!

    4. Ha! Do we have her number or what? I just knew I'd come here to find that we all came to the same conclusion: Bitch was bitching for a new free fridge courtesy of some foollower sucker with deep pockets.

      Oh, but wait...perhaps she was asking because, as we all know, sHe LiVeS oN tHe sIDe oF a MoUnTaIn iN tHE mIDdle oF nOWhere aND mAybE tHeY dOn'T DeLIveR oUt ThAt Far??? 😜

  27. Yes folks its official, we have the new beg. A new fridge right? We knew her little hamster wheels were spinning in her tiny mind when we didnt hear the usual beg from her. Well, here it is. I bet her fridge is just fine, she wants an expensive, new something. A new puppy perhaps? Or that fjord that bucked her fat ass to kingdom come? Anybody take a guess?

    1. well the new puppy sounds about right I mean after all Jon Katz just got one so she should too. It is only fair (she says stomping her big old boot). It could be the pony but my bet is on the puppy. And of course some one offered for free to come by take a look at the fridge and it only needed a $.99 piece and it is as good as new until of course she wants something else.

    2. HAHAHAHA...
      Did you see this?

      Just loves me some Lisa! Passive Agressive much?

      Lisa Steele
      Replying to
      They will absolutely take the old one. Better get that go fund me set up😁

    3. Oh FarmLass, bless you for capturing that as it's deleted now. Lol, of course it is!

    4. I emailed Lisa Steele awhile ago, and told her more dirty details about the FFF. But she'd already had her own suspicions about the scamming and begging. She's nailed JFW with the deleted tweet.

    5. Good on you, Luckless Slinger! 👍

  28. Finally someone calling her out on Twitter. I bet she is blocked now. Jenna doesnt like hearing the truth.

  29. Good for Lisa, worth the block.
    A+ for capturing and sharing this now deleted tweet.

    1. Lisa's reply is still there...with 5 likes.

    2. Anon 6:06 - You're right, it is. But...for a time it wasn't. And she's done this before. I think she's doing it to mess with us. But hey, if that's the high point of her day...

  30. Twat Tweets:

    "So many Sarah's this weekend!"
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    It's not a shock that no one responded to this nonsensical crap.

    "So looking forward to watching the TAS sordid romance biopic in 30 years with my wife."
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    And again, no one even gave her a lone "like." She can't ever get a date, let alone a committed relationship.

    1. Always great when her absurd tweets get the zero likes they deserve.

      Hmmmm....tweets + absurd = turds. Man, I love math. 💕

      Anyway, more Twitter Twaddle:

      ❝ I am not sure I deserve a deer. I am not getting up at dawn in 4° to go sit in the woods. I will chase rabbits at 10 though with a certain bird. ❞

      I don't know how anyone with a heart can look at a deer and want to kill it. Or a bunny rabbit. But never mind, since I get that some people like to hunt for meat so whatever. But what I think she meant to say here is that she's not getting up at dawn still hungover in 4˚ weather cuz she's a damn pussy. And lazy.

    2. Of course she doesn't deserve a deer. She doesn't want to put in the effort to get one.

      And I don't understand how she gets pleasure terrorizing rabbits. I have nothing against anyone hunting for meat, but with her, it is just a sick pleasure. Like the time she posted a picture of a bloody rabbit. She has zero empathy for animals or people. Zero.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. What did you delete? "Inquiring minds wanna know." Or just nosy ones.

    5. Typos, lol. Here's my contribution.


      We must continue to point out lies about her captive hawks in general, and specifically Auburn, the Red-Tailed Hawk.

      Unlike the information presented in her favorite NYT article and by her own admission, FFF does not keep a wild raptor for only a season in order to "save it". Auburn, her latest hawk, is well past the age at which it should have been released.

      IMHO, she has bastardized and unnaturally profited from natural raptor behavior. Instead of allowing an adult hawk to hunt in the wild, she keeps it prisoner. Instead of allowing a hawk to hunt its typical prey, she scares larger prey into the hawk's sight for attacks. For readers who've followed her fascination with falconry, the process is: Capture a young wild hawk, using food as a lure. Keep it caged. Keep it hungry (this is why hawks are weighed) and deprived of normal exercise. Make sure it associates its captor with food. Train hawk to come, using food as the incentive (it is kept hungry, remember?). Use hawk as a tool to hunt desired, larger prey, such as rabbits. Relentlessly exploit hawk for social media sport.

      In the wild, hawks hunt when they are hungry and the majority of the time (85%), their diet is comprised of small rodents (voles, rats, ground squirrels and mice). While they are opportunistic (and will eat virtually anything), in the wild they are less likely to kill larger creatures, such as rabbits, making larger preys more available to other carnivores. Certainly, wild hawks do not sit in cages for hours and hours, often hungry but unable to be sated unless "allowed to eat" by their captor.

      Never forget: there is NO NEED for FFF to keep a wild raptor, except for vanity. She is not living in the wilderness, without access to food. She is not feeding a family, without nearby stores. She doesn’t save or protect them. Indeed, three out of her last four hawks “departed” under questionable circumstances. We all know she keeps raptors for the attention and to make her feel like less of a loser. Quite possibly, she also enjoys maiming and killing small animals. After all, this is a woman who wanted to put the "laugh" in "slaughter" and who professes to relate to farm predators more than the animals she is supposed to protect.

      Thankfully, she is NOT at all like any legitimate farmers, ranchers or hunters that I know. They honor and respect animals each and every day, and they work hard to protect their livestock. They want their animals to have a good life and, if required, a quick death. Unlike them, FFF cares little for animals, except for the social media attraction they provide. She is a suburban wannabe, a fake homesteader who appears to do the "bare minimum" and has only succeeded in wearing out her homestead. She truly must be the laughingstock of Washington County, NY.

    6. 🏆 DAMN EXCELLENT AND BRILLIANT post, Poods. The research of that really did your homework and you have a great memory. Seriously, this is "Why Jenna Shouldn't Have a Hawk 101" material.

      Yes, her initial reasoning in both that lame article and her ongoing defense is to keep them for just ONE year to help propagate the species. Fine. Yet, as you point out, she's now keeping them indefinitely since she doesn't have anything else worthy to bleg about. They are all just props to her at this point, which is beyond sad and disgusting.

      And thank you for your explanation as to why the hawks are weighed (I had wondered) as it does show that they are starved (which is something I didn't know). The whole starvation tactic is disheartening. Gosh, I just wish she'd move onto something else to collect like Beanie Babies or Pokemon. Anything else other than something that yearns to live, breathe and hunt freely.

      Again, truly great post you wrote. Mucho kudos. I honestly can't think of anything else to add other than an assumption that she uses the talons (from the ones she killed) to clean out the gunk from underneath her nasty-ass fingernails.

    7. Another grammatically incorrect poster from the "author". "Sarah's" = possessive. It's fifth grade grammar. Come on, Fake Farmer.

    8. FF. I also noticed that. She often makes mistakes that are basic, but won't take time to correct them. Or maybe it's because she's too stupid to know that they're errors.

    9. I'm thinking it's the latter. LOL

  31. Twitter Twaddle: *NEW* PattyPem Edition:

    Patty Wesner Retweeted:
    Taylor Swift@taylorswift13
    "Don’t know what else to do"

    Patty Wesner Retweeted:
    Taylor Swift Updates @swiftsupdates
    “When you get where you're going, you'll look around and you will know that it was YOU and the people WHO LOVE YOU who put you there. And that will be the greatest feeling in the world.”

    Patty Wesner Retweeted:
    Taylor Swift Updates @swiftsupdates
    "#IStandWithTaylor is trending worldwide. Please keep tweeting and spreading the word!"

    Patty Wesner Retweeted:
    Zainab Amir @zainubamir
    "I urge everyone to spread the word and call @scottborchetta & @scooterbraun out for taking advantage of a self-built woman in in the music industry. If we let this slide, this gives the expectation to men with power that this is okay."

    WHAT the effing fuck? Did the Pig Shocker just infect Patty with her Taylor Swift disease? Like seriously? Man. Just wow.

    At least to Patty's credit, she followed up those shit tweets with a tweet of her son watching Blair Braverman dog sledding videos. Probably because she felt the need to cleanse his soul and hers.

  32. Twitter Twaddle - "Awww, Crap WTF" Edition: (As in, "Awww crap, I just wanted to go to bed but I just found something disturbing that the Pig Shocker wrote...WTF?)

    Here it is:

    ❝ Jenna Woginrich's Twitter bio: Author, Farmer, Falconer 💩 Writes books about farming and feelings as well as pieces for @Guardian, @huffpost, @Outsidemagazine 👉 👉 she/her 👈 👈 ❞

    🙄 OK, I understand pronouns. Especially how they are utilized specifically by Transgender people and their fight for respect and understanding. They have preferences of him/he, she/her, they/them, etc. And the more power to them.

    But why is the Pig Shocker now just using them? Is she transgendered now? Eh, no. And yes, I'm gatekeeping here because those pronouns belong to Transgendered folks. It's almost like she's grasping at straws to be more like her very succesful friend Lee, who rescued her sheep.

    Or maybe not. I just don't know what to make of this. Except that she's up to some new angle to get people to donate to her.

    1. Anon7. She's a sheeple when it comes to trends. I find it annoying how the appropriation of pronouns on social media has become common. And I agree that it's part of her manipulative marketing. In other news, I wonder if her guest Sarah has spent the night at Pember Patty's home rather than the dusty hovel of the FFF? Also:

      "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! My goal is to somehow earn $200 a day through art, soap, and logo sales so I can make a mortgage payment on the farm before December. I'll be promoting like mad to make this happen! Please share links if you can!"

      Her hysteria is palpable in this stupid tweet. I guess that mama's money ran out before the mortgage payment was due. It's obnoxious how she implores people to help her sell crap. any normal adult would rely on their own sense of responsibility. Of course, she could create a professional site, but that would mean paying taxes. What a POS.

    2. True to form, she posted a photo from 2016, showing livestock on her property and inferring photo is from TODAY. LIAR LIAR

    3. Absolutely right, Luckless Slinger. Anything to try to make a buck, eh? Any trend...any person...any all shows up on her Twitter feed in an attempt to make a dishonest buck. Mama Wog must've dropped her pretty hard on her head as a baby.

  33. well new bleg up but it is only a thin disguised beg for money as usual. Funny she has mentioned the fridge that died last week wonder what happened with that? Right now she is trying to earn up $200. a day to pay the mortgage so she can enjoy the holidays there.

  34. ooppps that should have said she HASN'T mentioned the fridge that died last week. dahhh

    1. I knew what you meant. She also hasn't mentioned the fake truck accident a few months ago. I think that she was gearing up for a big beg-a-thon, and then when we called her on crap, somehow the $10,000 for damages done disappeared.

    2. You're right. And hey, isn't it about time that one of her root-canaled-re-root-canaled-re-re-root-canaled-yet-rootless-yet-re-rootless-re-root-canaled teeth need to be canaled? I'm sure she'll go for the canines or the incisors next...or claim that she still has some of her baby teeth that need work.

  35. On one of Patty's tweet, she asked, hey want to go to the Y today and Patty wrote back, yes... One wonders if Patty is getting the member ship for her little weirdo friend? Or did weirdo friend decide to get it because she had keep up with moneyed Patty? This whole thing stinks of privledge, one way or another.

    1. She got the membership because she really does have the money. Y memberships aren't cheap no matter how she tries to make it sound.

      Now she wants a werewolf cat but in the same breath she mentions:
      "Pet portraits are a way I make some cash to keep this place legit between books, harvests, & luck. Ordering one means you get a hand-drawn & painted image of your pet done in a few weeks by a homesteader on a mountain trying to keep the lights on. Quite literally. DM to order!

      Keeping this place legit? Yea right, more like "what can I buy for myself NOW??"

    2. On Instagram, the Pig Shocker mentioned she has a Thanksgiving Day invite to a "loving farmhouse with some amazing friends" which must mean Patty. With any luck, Patty will mistake her for the turkey and end up serving Pig Shocker roast instead. Plenty to go around.

    3. LOL when was the last time she harvested anything besides her neighbor's garden?

  36. And now she wants a door mat that says "Hope You Like Taylor Swift." On the TS website they cost $55. What do you bet she is "surprised" by one in her mail box within 2 weeks?


    1. If she ends up getting that ridiculous doormat I really hope someone puts a bag of dog crap in a paper bag, lights it on fire, knocks, and runs off. (Pics of her stomping it out would be a bonus.)

      Also, you can do-it-yourself for much cheaper if you're really are hell-bent on telling the wolves at the door that you have questionable taste in music. Just buy a plain doormat, paint and some stencils. Even better, use your porch to make a smarter statement, like "World Peace Now" or "Save the Planet" -- or, just be like the village idiot who would like you to consider Taylor Swift's music instead. What the hell is wrong with people?!?

  37. My goal is to somehow earn $200 a day through art, soap, and logo sales so I can make a mortgage payment on the farm before December. I'll be promoting like mad to make this happen!
    It will take me 1 hour of hardly working to do this, so pay me my $200 an hour salary or else something may happen to my hair, or truck, or pipes or hawk or wood pile or me!
    we can do this, send money

    1. $200 A DAY. *Hard eye roll* Then become a damn stripper! Oh, wait. Forgot who I'm talking to.

      Eh, she yammered on about this on her bleg too. And then said this to reeeaaallly lay on the "I need donations" guilt trip:

      ❝ This time of year weighs really heavy on me but all of that could be lifted with a little luck and company... ❞

      Awww...poor Jenna Woe-ena. The only thing heavy on her are all those...never mind. How pathetic of her to say that when no one even asked. Hmmmm...maybe the next time I'm out in public surrounded by strangers I'll blurt out that the holidays are hard on me and see if anyone throws cash in my direction.

  38. oh my goodness yes a Taylor Swift door mat just what every home with a 13 year old needs. But also did you see a TS mouse pad and I bet they have coasters and oh my the stuff we can have all with TS on it. By gosh she will have the coolest house in all of Veryork and she will finally be the cool kid.

    1. LMAO, I chuckled so hard at this my son asked me what's so funny. 😆

  39. The Pig Shocker on Instagram today:

    ❝ Pet portraits are one of the 12 jobs I do to support this farm! ❞

    Twelve jobs? What the hell are they? OK, I'll take a gander:

    1) Badly colored pet portraits
    2) Sucky melt-n-pour soaps
    3) Logos that go unused
    4) Spam shares
    5) ?
    6) ??
    7) ???
    8) ????
    9) ?????
    10) ??????
    11) ???????
    12) ????????

    I didn't count writing books or teaching archery or music lessons cuz we all know she doesn't do that anymore since no one is stupid enough to spend that much money on her. So what in the hell is she referring to? And...I've got PMS so my memory is shot today...this is twice this week that she's tried to sell her crap on Instagram. Is this a first or has she done this before?

    1. And no, I'm not being lazy by not looking to see if she's hocked her crap on IG before. I did start scrolling to search, but was asked to log in to continue since Facebook now owns IG and are screwing it up as only they can do. And don't even get me started on Mark Fuckerberg.

    2. Anon7, she didn't previously hock Her crap on IG, but she does it now. Fortunately, IG has a reporting feature, which I use on all of her spammy IG posts.

    3. Good for you PDD, thank you. Her shit needs to stop.

    4. I've been trying to report her Twitter & Instagram spam as well. I've noticed that she retweets the same thing on Twitter, which makes it seem to the algorithms that she isn't tweeting spam as much. Nevertheless, I persist!

  40. Unsurprisingly, the visit from sexy Sarah seems to have not been mentioned by either one of them. Perhaps, Pig Shocker made a pass at her and it wasn't reciprocated. And "the perfect doormat for her hovel" would be "Lazy Lifestyle Loser." Now, "all she wants in life is a werewolf cat." But what about the fact that she dislikes cats and calls them assholes? They'd match her "lesbian equestrian werewolf" bullshit book. I suspect that it's more about manipulation for funds 'cause they're pricey. (Like the puppy that she begged for before.)

    1. Ms. Woe-ena mentioned the coming of Sarah multiple times and posted a photo of her sitting in the craptastic living room. Unless drunk, I cannot imagine "anyone" spending the night in that house. So far, social media crickets from Sarah, although Ms. Woe-ena will be hinting and begging like crazy to get social media cred from Sarah in exchange for her free food/lodging courtesy of Pember Patty.

    2. It's not a public picture. I don't have an Instagram account so it must be on one of her stupid stories. What a dumb enabler Pember Patty is, too. She's always struck me as being too trusting and gullible for an older woman.

    3. Don't underestimate Patty. She has found a kindred spirit. Patty is no stranger to scandal. She left a job under suspicious circumstances. Something akin to embezzling or government contracts to her husband.

      Maybe some astute shamster remembers the details or who can provide a link to the newspaper or public record where this information is to be found.

    4. Here it is:

    5. Hmmmm...late payments. Funds supposedly for one thing used for another. Sound like anyone we know?

    6. according to the crafty one she sold $100. worth of melt and pour soup yesterday. Either her followers are the biggest fools out there or are just plain nuts to buy this stuff. A fun hobby for a 10 year old girl scout troop but a dumb ass grown woman? Geeezzzzz.

    7. Well, that's only two orders, since we know they're $50 a pop.

  41. Y'all need to get IG accounts if you want to keep up with FFF shenanigans. She posts a lot of stories on there - maybe six (6) stories per day.

    For example, this morning she posted videos of smallish pigs in her backyard, coming towards her, then running away to the falling-down, former goat, barn. Frankly, I'm shocked she still has livestock, but at least the pigs have access to shelter.

    Also, for people counting her ill-gotten pennies, she posted pic of new running shoes and last night's visit to a concert at Argyle Brewery, complete with glass of hard liquor. No worries. No wolves scratching at the door. I'd say she's living La Vida Loca.

    1. Except.. if you check out weather underground for her location, you will see that there was less than an inch that fell, and melted right away. Those photos are old. Again, full of shit.

    2. Is there a way to view her stories without revealing my Instagram name? I'm thinking about creating an account, and prefer to be anonymous. Thanks.

    3. The instagram story is a video, not photo, and there has been a small amount of snow sticking around the area. While it is possible to share old videos via stories, I don't think that's the case here. She has pigs on her property.

    4. Anon637, you can create an IG account with any name you choose. IG verifies your account with an email address, although I don't know all the details on privacy/security.

    5. Thanks, PoodleDiDoo. I need to clarify my question. I thought that when one viewed an Instagram story, then their name was seen by the owner (FFF). (So she could block you.) Is there any way to see a story and still maintain your privacy? If you don't know the answer, perhaps someone else here does.

    6. Anon, try this.

      A little clumsy, but it promises anonynmity.

    7. Thanks, again! Unfortunately, this happened when I tried it twice:

      "An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details. You can do this from the Heroku CLI with the command
      heroku logs --tail"

      So it's either inoperable or a glitch that they need to fix.

    8. You can only see stories if you're following the person.

    9. Anon 11:10, I do not follow her instgram but can see her stories. Anon 8:28, your name should only show when you make a comment.


    10. Anon1109, not sure the problem isn't with your system. I tried it before I sent the App name and it worked fine. Perhaps try again? App is a little clumsy to use.

      Also, Anon1110, I don't follow her but can see stories. They stick around no more than 24 hours. Also, she's posted and frequently changed out. Honestly, I think she's compelled to talk about herself and IG is the latest vehicle for carrying her load of 💩 💩 💩.

  42. get ready Poodles here it comes she has dental surgery this morning. This has not been mentioned in the past so a complete surprise even for her!! Also she did sell $100. worth of soap 2 days ago she even said so BUT now she is saying she has had no sales for 2 days. Which is it? Also she needs slung luck etc. get busy poodles you are in for a big ride.

    1. Silly Ano... she sold that soap about a month ago! Just getting around to shipping it.

      I wonder if she uses like a spreadsheet to keep track of all her lies?

    2. Farm Lass you are probably right! She even says she can make it in a day and then ship but that sure doesn't mean she will do it. Now the dental surgery has reared it's ugly head and then also no talk of the fridge that died, the car accident when the old woman hit her or whatever and I think there are a few more in there that never got traction.

    3. I can tell you she does not keep a spreadsheet. Back when we were "friends" I tried giving her advice about how to keep track of everything she had going on. Was summarily dismissed. Imagine that.

  43. The only thing she harvests is other people's money.

  44. Another pathetic twitter post from Jenna "whhhaaa wwhhaaa" Woginrich. She needs dental work AGAIN this morning and woke up to a cold house. Poor baby whatever will she do??? I cant sleep at night in my comfy cozy home knowing poor Jenna is cold. Maybe I should send her some money...she has it soooooo tough. NOT! Dont think so. LIKE NEVER EVER!!
    Suck it up baby.

    1. Don't you realize she is the only person in the whole wide world that has to have dental work and is cold?

      Oh wait. She only THINKS she is the only person in the world who needs dental work and is cold. Guard your wallets, poodles!

    2. Jenna Whaaaaaaginrich. Love it!

    3. "Jenna Whaaaaaaginrich"

      😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


      Btw, she posted that her house was cold and she "just started a fire" at 2:27 in the afternoon. Also she was at the YMCA, using a treadmill first thing this morning. 3.17 miles was "miserable" according to Jenna Woe-is-me. Bwahahaha.

      Such a poser!

    4. If she was a "runner" as she claims, 3 miles is absolutely nothing. Didn't she boast she would run 12-15 miles EVERY DAY. Goes to prove she ain't no runner. Or farmer, or horsewoman, or author or anything she claims to be.

      Liar, liar, pants on fire.

    5. yes she was always running 10-15 miles at a time in drenching humidty and heat but 3 miles was so bad for her? I don't get it. I saw how she was so cold and was just starting a fire I guess that was to make us feel sorry for her?

    6. Just turn the damn furnace on, Whine&bitch...

  45. So the dental surgery must've been nothin' since she was able to pound away on the treadmill for 3 miles the next day.

  46. What gym does she belong to that lets people take cell phone photos inside????? I would definitely be speaking with management if I were a member there.

    1. When we lived in her area a few years ago there was no YMCA. I've even looked online now but couldn't find it. Apparently, it's so small that there's no site. There is one in Greenwich and Saratoga Springs, but that's too far for her POS "metal-sided truck" to drive to.

    2. She has to be going to the Greenwich branch.

  47. Woooooow. Jenna Woe-is-me-ginrich is really on a role tonight. She is now an "estranged small town lesbian."

    That. Is. Ludicrous.

    She estranged HERSELF from her family. Long before she came out, she was trash talking them.

    According to her, she has many friends in her PROGRESSIVE town. It's not like she's going to spend the holiday curled up in the fetal position being kicked in the ribs by the town elders.

    She CHOSE to stop visiting her family a long time ago. And if she is truly estranged from them, it's because they are ashamed of her panhandling, refusal to get a job, flippant treatment of animals, and borrowing money with no hope of ever paying it back.

    If her family is "estranged," it's NOT due to her sexuality. And her cheap attempt to make it look that way is an enormous slap in the face to anyone who truly is unable to go home due to their family's bigotry.

    I almost never post here because it tends to make me feel negative for the rest of the day, but that tweet just pissed me right the hell off.

    1. "There is nothing sadder than an estranged small town lesbian during the holidays."

      I'll fix it for her:

      "There is nothing sadder than a middle-aged moron who begs online daily, because she's too lazy to support herself like a normal adult."

    2. Luckless Slinger - "There is nothing sadder than a middle-aged moron who begs online daily, because she's too lazy to support herself like a normal adult."


  48. well she didn't say she was estranged from her family (although it appears she hasn't been in their lives for years) she may be whining about being estranged from someone in her small town? Could that be Patty who may be fed up with her doings? Or someone else in her town? I thought it was strange the way she worded it except for the part of it was truly meant to make people feel sorry for her mostly to you know get $$$$$$$.

    1. It's like I've said many times here. The FFF doesn't write anything without it being about manipulative marketing for money.

    2. I don't think she meant her family who she only cold heartedly mentions as not financially $upporting her Sounds like Patty is having her over for thanksgiving dinner again so not her. My first thought was "ocean girl" but after her devisive comment on high esteem/low confidence women vs low esteem/ high confidence women I'm thinking our little narcissist is estranged from own mind.

    3. In the case of FFF, her "high confidence" is the result of Dunning-Kruger effect.

      She only excels at self-aggrandizement and fleecing customers.

  49. the more I think about it the madder I get "nothing sadder than a small town lesbian" how about our military out there keep her dumb ass safe and so far away from their own families during the holidays or any day? Or people in hospitals having treatments that they can't be home for holidays with their families? Or first responders who would be there to help her out if need be? But oh no it is all about her cause she is the first lesbian in the world and the most important. She is so self absorbed it makes me cringe.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I can think of a thousand things sadder than her sorry ass. If she is estranged from anyone, it's her own damned fault.

    2. How about children in cancer wards, Jenna? Is that sadder than you? Children never asked for cancer, but any loneliness you're feeling is because you brought it upon yourself.

    3. I remember way back when she would get hundreds of comments on her blog, the vast majority positive. She would get people coming to her workshops from hundreds of miles away, not necessarily to learn a skill, but for the chance to meet her. She had so much potential.

      So what did she do? She lied, stole, insulted, cheated, fleeced and alienated just about everyone who supported her. And now she is all boo hoo, no one loves me because I'm a lesbian, blah, blah, blah...Go cry me a river.

    4. Anon 8:43, you hit the nail on the head. She alienated herself, then suddenly claimed that she is gay so she had ammunition to fling when people don't want to be associated with her.

    5. The First Lesbian in the World! Cracking me up over here!

  50. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities.

    1. I recently listened to a podcast about this (an episode of Factually!, for those interested) where they interviewed David Dunning. I could not stop thinking about Jenna!

    2. TY Fake Farmer. I'll check it out.

  51. Now shes saying how after watching a movie she wants to be "nicer" to everyone. I guess the sad lesbian whine didnt work for donations. So now the latest ploy is to believe how nice she is. Right.... nice while she is trying to manipulate and fleece people. She really is reaching far into her big bag of tricks isnt she?

    1. Even a thousand sentimental Hallmark Channel movies won't make her "nicer." And she's a despicable cunt to compare her "single lesbian alone" crap with others who have real tragedies and hardships to bear.

    2. Well poor baby has always had it the hardest.

    3. She's nothing more than a self-entitled suburban raised brat who has delusions of being special.

    4. Did she watch the Mr. Rogers movie? Apparently no one wants to be her neighbor. Who remembers that stupid comment she made, "it takes a village to raise a Jenna"? Her neighbors gave her a hand up when she moved to Cambridge, but she took it as a hand out. And expected it to continue. Now it looks like they are avoiding her.

      I wonder how many merchants she has stiffed?

  52. The FFF did a humble-bragging post on Instagram. And some stupid follower called her "An icon!" Yeah, an idiotic "icon" of greed, stupidity, classlessness, and zero self-awareness.

  53. She's still pulling the same scams four years later:



      Apparently, even her hipster heathen group is over since there aren't any current Meetups. When you click on Events it says:

      "Sorry, the group you're looking for doesn't exist."

      JFW has either scared everyone off, or they're sick of being used by the bitch. Although she's still trying to sell merchandise: "It means so much!!!"

    3. oh my goodness she was doing the same thing 10 years ago that she does now. She says it was her first farm workshop but she had never owned a lamb nor a goat but she is lecturing and "teaching" people how to? I could read a book and tell you how to do open heart surgery doesn't mean anyone would want me to though. What a poser and a pos she is.

    4. When I first started following her blog 10 years ago, I wondered how a 20 something who was just learning herself could offer workshops. Now I know she was just winging it.

    5. I guess you can do anything and say anything you want to even if you don't know a damn thing. I used to think also without growing up on a farm how did she learn all this she was suppose to know in her 20's? Again offer still open if anyone wants me to do open heart surgery---I got this.

    6. oh and if you can wait a few weeks on that surgery it will be half price I will send you a gift certificate PDF so you know it is legit.


  54. If you do a search on Twitter for just ColdAntlerFarm, you get some funny little bits that come up and are somehow not really seen on her main page for SOME REASON... like this!

    See new Tweets

    Jenna Woginrich
    Nov 23
    Quote Tweet

    Jenna Woginrich
    · Nov 9
    Offering sets of 6 chunky, minty, amazing snowflake soaps to the next three people that order! I can make 18 bars this Monday to ship! DM to order!

    pam branagan
    Replying to

    Don't they have to cure for some time?

    6:59 PM · Nov 23, 2019·Twitter Web App

    HAHAHA no, not melt and pour, just a few hours, don't worry!

  55. Oh Lord... what a maroon. Another one takes the bait.

    Do you really think that she gave a share of meat to a food pantry? They are not allowed to take that kind of thing generally.

    teen oc factory
    Nov 18
    Sometimes that means supporting a small business, sometimes it’s just sending ppl cash because I have enough for what I need already. Sometimes it’s both—
    once let me buy a share in a livestock animal which was donated to a local food pantry once butchered!

  56. Oh my Goodness... another good one!

    Gourmet Goatling & Lambwath View Flock
    Nov 21
    Jenna, are you on Facebook? There is a page called ‘The Artful Farmers wife’ women from farming backgrounds showcase their art etc. It might be good for your products and pictures.

    Jenna Woginrich
    Replying to

    nope. facebook is scary.

    3:59 PM · Nov 21, 2019·Twitter Web App

    Yeah, cuz she done been run outta town in that social media platform. Too hard to control the "haters"

    1. Facebook is not scary for honest folks who just casually post about their lives. But definitely scary for scammers and liars who are hoping not to be called out for their bullshit antics. No wonder she fled from there.

  57. Oh Goodness... Jenna don't want any suggestions on making real money! Shesh, when are they gonna learn?

    Jenna Woginrich
    Nov 20
    Good morning from Cold Antler! Getting the day started, heading out for a run soon, then WORK! Goal to earn is $300 today to stay on track since yesterday I was off by half of my $200 a day goal. Mailed out 5 pet portraits and 6 boxes of soap since Monday. The hustle is real.

    Megg Meg
    Replying to

    Have you thought about illustrating or writing children’s books? You are so good. It won’t solve things in the short run, but could be more sustaining. Plan a series of books...

    8:05 AM · Nov 20, 2019·Twitter for iPad

    1. Although she doesn't do it that well, Jenna can write and draw enough to procure several past book deals and sell questionable furry artwork. So why not do a children's book? It would probably be successful.


      Doing all that would require actual work. Real work. Her biggest avoidance in life.

    2. Haha. Yeah after the Bitchthorne debacle, she'll never publish anything again.

  58. She keeps re-tweeting the post about buying and running the farm all by herself. Something's brewing with that. I bet there's some sort of contest coming up for women in farming or some other thing like the Beekman contest she cheated at and won.
    I can't think of any other reason why she would continue to re-post this. Once people read it they say ok and move on, or in our case we say okaaaay and keep an eye on it. Either way, it's not serving any purpose to keep repeating it unless there's a specific reason that hasn't shown up yet.

  59. Anonymous 12:53. It's just Jenna's weird way of boasting about her faux farm, and it's all about her manipulative marketing for money.

  60. Trying to raise $200 each day to make a mortgage payment, but spent the afternoon at Browns' Brewing Co (pub) by the river with a friend enjoying ale and soup because Frozen 2 was sold out, according to her IG stories.
    PLUS an Instagram post that says "what I do on the weekend is none of your business". How professional....Not!

  61. Let's respond to the unprofessional serial fibber by continuing to post links that highlight her lies and animal neglect/abuse.

    I've copied some of the links previously posted and look forward to seeing more. Thank you for sharing and keep 'em coming!

  62. how charming out of faux farmer what she does on the weekends is none of your business but doesn't she make it our business when she wants people to throw money in the hat she passes around daily? Also funny she was at Browns Brewing Co which Jon Katz just posted about going there Friday night so of course she had to go there it is in Hoosick Falls NY for a truck ready to fall apart she sure gets around.And a grown assed woman off to see Frozen? Give me a break. Must be wonderful to have so much money to throw around.

    1. Ok, hold up there, Anon. A fully grown woman without children (and without a job to afford movie tickets) going to see Frozen is fine by me. Especially when said woman may or may not be just like may or may not be possibly gay Elska, or whatever that cartoon chicks name is. And plus, Elska is FROZEN...she's hella frigid!...just like the Pig Shocker will be in a few weeks when her first cord of firewood is gone. So of course she should waste good money on tickets...she needs to learn some tips!

  63. 😍 Hey Pig Shocker! Cuz I wuv you sooooo much, I did you a big favor and updated yer stale and dishonest Twitter bio:

    ❝ The latest Tweets 'n Lies from Jenna Woenotrich (@Whackadoodle_Horseshit_Farm). Former author, Former farmer, current Falcon abuser, and all-time Queen of Bullshit. 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ WROTE books about homesteading as well as ONCE WROTE pieces for @Gullible, @puffpastry, @InsideNappin'magazine, @Slackcountry and udders...but no longer, as all I do now is drink, bitch, moan, and think up ways to get YOU to part with your hard-earned cash. ❞

  64. PoodleDiDoo wrote: "Y'all need to get IG accounts if you want to keep up with FFF shenanigans. She posts a lot of stories on there - maybe six (6) stories per day."

    I'm starting to think maybe I need to do this. Been a fan of Instagram for quite awhile, love the simple and easy format. But ever since I found out Facebook bought them, I've been wary to do so. And now FB has been fcuking up IG by asking people to login to see content, well, that just pisses me off. I can understand if a login requirement is for private accounts, but what about folks who use IG for business and advertising? They can't be happy about losing potential customers who don't have IG accounts.

    Eh. But I may have to, as I use IG for research purposes (jewelry, trends, fashion, etc). And it seems like the Pig Shocker has not only abandoned the bleg, but also Twitter. As a person who once wanted to and still my want to advertise on IG, as well as being a fierce defender of animal rights abuses committed by a certain fake farmer, I may just have to break down and allow FB to document me as a user of one of their awful social media info traps. But I really don't want to. But...

    1. For anyone who is wondering, you used to be able to view someone's Instagram account freely with the ability to scroll down forever to have a look at their pics. And I was doing this a lot. (Jen Meyer jewelry is just one example). But just recently, Instagram (err, Facebook now) only lets you scroll down a tiny bit before asking you to sign-in or create an account to continue. And if you don't, the freeze the page. You can't even scroll back up. This inability to do research is affecting my business.

      And this is just wrong. Why? Because Meyer's stuff is super trendy and sells for lots of $$$ -- and my customer only has $-$$ to spend, so the trends they are looking for are not available right away -- as they take a while to trickle down to an affordable price point. Which is why I like to take a deep look back, up to six months, to see past jewelry trends. And blocking of past info is also wrong for lesser known people or artists who want other folks to see all they have to show and offer.

      Also, what if my sister gets married and posts a billion photos of it? I can only see about a dozen before I'm cut off? BTW, this happened to me on FB many years ago, but it was worse: I wasn't able to see even a single pic of my friends wedding unless I created an account. So lame. So wrong. So messed up.

      And another one of the reasons I don't like Facebook is because years ago (more like more than a decade ago) I learned that FB was not just a social media hosting site, but a site that rifles thru and sells your info to advertisers. And at the time I thought, well, at least I'm not a member. But then I found out that even if you were NOT a FB member, they still followed you all over the internet, regardless of whether you had or had not accessed the FB site. Like say, if you had read a news article that had a FB login button -- even if you didn't have FB account to login to -- their "cookies" would follow you all over the internet, recording what you do and say. And then sell that info. Without your obvious knowledge or permission.

      And that is not right. If you do not have a Facebook account they should not be able to spy on you and gather your likes and interests. And even though I don't have anything to hide, that's not the darn point. It's the principle that matters. On the internet, as long as you don't create accounts and reply to things publicly, you should have a reasonable expectation of internet browsing privacy when simply and innocently perusing content. And you shouldn't be subjective to seeing ads for shit you don't want. But Facebook disagrees with that. And man, I can't even start to tell you how much I despise that company.

      Sorry for this unsolicited off-topic rant, but I really can't stand Facebook and any of the sites that they have taken over.

    2. It's a bummer because Facebook/Instagram/etc. have become such a major part of our culture. That said, these are giant money-making corporations. When something appears to be "free", you are really what's for sale. (In this case, your data.)

  65. She wore out her welcome on Facebook. And pretty much everywhere else.

  66. Taylor Swift won a bunch of awards last night and aside from 1 re-tweet, Jenna hasn't said anything! Is she ok?!?!?

  67. The insufferable twat on IG:
    "What I do on the weekend is none of your business."

    Yes but you sure make it our business when you need money now don't you? Personally I don't give two shits what you do on the weekend or any other day for that matter. Unless you are fleecing people or abusing animals.

  68. Twit Shit:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. It was a nice weekend but today is back to packaging soap orders, making soap, catching up on art and design work and all of that when the farm and weather grants me the time to do so. I'm doing my best during this hellscape time of year."


    "Trying to make as many sales as I can handle before the holidays. Farm is behind on mortgage and some other bills and it's a scary time of year in general. So promoting hard all week!"


    "SHARES OF PORK FOR 2020 on sale now! Local pickup (no shipping meats) but price is very competitive and includes the cost of pig, feed, bothering, smoking, and packaging meat!!! DM for info!"

    What a warrior woman and scrappy trooper! How can anyone not want to help her out? I worry when she's so "scared." Especially, since she's an "estranged small town lesbian." Boo fucking hoo.

  69. First time poster here, I've followed along here and there over the years, and the more I see the more I just DON'T GET. I used to enjoy her writing and was even jealous of her life for a long time. I'm a successful designer - I've freelanced full time and worked full time for employers - I know it's a struggle, and have often looked at her life from a wistful point of view - the whole live like fiction ideal. But the last year or so have given me so much anxiety and the constant pity party gets under my skin.

    I can't help but think that she secretly wants out of this "career" but is too stubborn to "give up." If she wanted her lifestyle to be successful, she could do it. Her design work isn't bad, and her illustrations definitely serve a niche. Especially with how popular Disney is. But she doesn't even do the bare minimum to create success for herself. Twitter is not a business model.

    There are SO MANY MANY MANY simple things she could be doing to boost her business. She knows this. She's a designer. To not have any kind of site is ridiculous. She has time to set something up. There are so many free sites out there for designers. From what I see above with the Tyrsgoodhand site, she already knows about WIX (reliable free platform for creatives), she could put her logos and artwork on Behance, or make a Tumblr page or even upload images on Flickr - no coding or extra payments required. I'm just so baffled. The only thing I can think at this point is that she wants to pivot, but has tied herself too tightly to this identity and just wants things to fail so she has an out. Otherwise she would be making better (or any) business decisions outside of Twitter posts to keep her farm. end rant.

    1. I agree but I also think she has realized that her "learned helplessness" has netted her some money over the years. There is a TON she can do and she knows it. But she'd rather whine and beg because it works. She knows what shes doing.

    2. If only Jenna would take advice from an experienced and sucessful designer like you she could make a decent living but her arrogance and stubborness won't let her. If you offered her well meaning advice online she would probably block you. Seems she would rather beg. She really is her worst enemy.

    3. JFW doesn't want a professional site because then she'd be liable for taxes. She doesn't want any accountability. If followers send her DMs on Twitter the IRS won't know about it. Remember, it's all about manipulative marketing for money. Which is why I repeat that statement a lot here. Her whole motivation is not to support herself with work, but to have handouts from dumb enablers. This has been happening for years. It's nothing new. Her hovel will "fail" and face foreclosure sooner or later. The only "baffling" thing to me is why it's taken so long. I guess it's like the saying "You can't fix stupid."


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