Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

I'd like to be positive before this big US holiday.....so I have nothing to say about the loser.
What are y'all doing this long weekend?
I'm spending Friday with my mom and one brother and my other brother and his wife and their two kids....the whole family.  We are ordering the whole spread from the grocery store so no cooking for us....whoo hoo.


  1. I'll be doing the usual, which is with family on the day, and the evening before, helping to get things together. We almost lost my mother twice this year, and she has literally risen from the ashes, just about and is back on the mend. I work every holiday, but since we don't eat until later, it works out well. I look forward to: Turkey, sweet potatoes, and stuffing. Pretty much that !!!

    1. So happy to hear that -- she sounds like a fighter. Her improved health must've made the holiday extra special!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    Tomorrow, we're having Thanksgiving dinner at home. Our free-range turkey is sourced from a legitimate local farmer, who's immensely proud of his animal care and welcomes visitors any time.

    We'll have turkey, roast Brussels sprouts, baked sweet potato and whole cranberry relish, accompanied by fresh baked bread and maybe an apple-cranberry pie.
    Our dinner isn't "too much" and comes together quickly, as our unstuffed bird is roasted at a high temperature.

    After dinner, we'll take a family walk through the countryside, and perhaps enjoy a campfire later on. Temperatures are unseasonably warm right now (high 50s), so it's perfect hiking weather.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'll be baking pies today ( apple and huckleberry) to take to the big family dinner at my niece's home, a 90 mile drive to the city. We'll go early so we can take a walk with our 3 little great granddaughters. We got 16 inches of snow last night but tomorrow looks


  4. I am thankful for this blog.

  5. Thanksgiving is a little hard for me, as it was my late husband's absolute favorite holiday, and I lost him to cancer two years ago.

    I'll be going to my sister's house. Though she and my other sister have met my new boyfriend, my brother hasn't yet, and I'm looking forward to that. Even though me and my siblings are well into our 30's (and me closer to 40), we all tend to cut up, act like 8 year olds, and have a riot of a time.

    1. Sorry about your loss. But that's nice that you've found happiness once again and can enjoy the holidays.

  6. Having three daughters, the torch was passed last year and they've taken over t-day and xmas meals. We provide the turkey - purchased fresh from the same farmer friend we buy a pig share from every year. FOR REAL humanely and healthfully raised local farm meat. :) I wish everyone here a wonderful holiday.

  7. As both my kids are now in Fairbanks and I'm in WA state, and many of my friends are empty nesters, I'm having a "FriendsGiving" at my house this year. Some still have family stuff to do, so we are having our shindig on Saturday. Plenty of food, games, and fun will be had by all! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here.


  8. I hope that you all have a happy holiday. (If you're celebrating.) We're staying home this year, and my husband is making a special dinner. I also don't want to focus on "the loser," but these Instagram Jenna gems popped out.

    "With the holiday's approaching I'm going to pitch my books! They are great gifts! You like farms? You like women? You like women out there turning feral and farming small pieces of land and trying to make a living because they were absolutely miserable and bad at corporate office jobs?! I got just the titles for you!"

    "Found a picture of this sketch I did a long time ago. Always been a beast, always looking for ways to keep my antlers warm."

    The first post is similar in style to her panic about "keeping the lights on," and weirdly worded in a hyperbolic manner. I'm surprised that "scrappy" wasn't mentioned along with her bragging about "turning feral." (It always sounds stinky.) Funny, how being called a "beast" in high school has stuck with her until she's almost middle-aged.

    1. So odd. You are right about feral. It just seems so slovenly to me. Like she grunts like a pig all day or gets down on the floor and eats with her dogs. She licks herself instead of bathing. She shits in the woods and it's normal to her. It all sounds so gross.

    2. I didn't know that feral farmers were obsessed with pop culture, and sat on their fat ass all day long to tweet about bullshit.

  9. "You like women out there turning feral and farming small pieces of land and trying to make a living because they were absolutely miserable and bad at corporate office jobs?!"

    Let's see, she farms nothing.

    She was bad at her corporate office job because she has no self discipline.

    She's not trying to make a living. She is begging for a living.

    1. She hasn't had a book out since Birchthorn, and still hasn't mailed all of the backers their hard copies. The only garden she's grown lately is a crappy kailyard so her harvests are blatant lies.

  10. I don't understand why she is going to pitch her books she doesn't make any money off them at this point. If she had been smart she would have bought several cases of them when they were published and be ready when someone wanted one she could scribble a few words in the front and send it out directly from the author and let the world know each time she did. Instead she has to direct them to bookstores. Good heavens she is thick minded.

    1. Not sure, but I think that if people continue to buy her books and they sell out, the publishing company would have to do a second printing. And I imagine she'd make more money from the additional sales.

      I wonder how many they printed in the first place?

  11. Much of my family is gathering at a relative's house for a great meal and happy day. I plan to eat too much and have a wide grin all day.
    Wishing everyone here a Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Homestead chores in the a.m. and eating turkey in the p.m.! Did some holiday shopping today; there were LOTS of Black Friday deals, with the stores almost empty. Guess everyone's waiting for official Black Friday (which has crept into Thanksgiving evening, sadly). I wouldn't be caught dead there during all that chaos and madness. Just not my cup of tea at all.

  13. Going on a hike with family, then off to a restaurant for dinner. Cooking is not my thing. Avoiding any shopping centers this weekend like the plague.

    1. I wish to add that I've become so disgusted with the over commercialization of Christmas, that years ago I decided not to participate. My husband and grown children are all in. We do not exchange gifts and haven't since they entered adulthood. If I want to give my children something, I will do it when and how I please.

      We are minimalists and nature lovers. Being outdoors or with our pets is more important than buying things.

      I find it worrisome that our country is dependent on the working classes to prop up the economy, especially during the time between Thanksgiving and New Years. All the meanings of the holidays are lost on the bottom line. The American Dream becomes the American nightmare as savings rates fall and debt rises. It is insanity, so I opt out.

      Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. I am thankful that it is not raining as we prepare for our hike. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    2. Just had a great dinner with family and friends. Maybe I'll cook tomorrow.

  14. 🦃 Hope everyone had a nice holiday! The matriarch of our family was not into cooking this year so we celebrated the day at a restaurant. Soooooo many places were closed but we found one open and ended up eating Chinese. 🍜

    Was planning to relax today but got a bunch of sales overnight so now I'll be packing and shipping. Boy, I just love the sound of packing tape! 📦

    The weather has been great -- several days of actual rain. I mean, water was actually falling from the sky! ⛈ It was fabulous to experience a cold Thanksgiving rather than the nasty 80˚ ones we normally get. And it's supposed to rain for 5 days next week...can't wait!

    Almost forgot: My son went elsewhere for the day and came back with fresh roasted turkey so we decided to treat the cats to a bit of it. (The pieces without any spices) They went apeshit over it. When I opened the container they all jetted over, meowing loudly. I had trouble setting it on the floor for them as one was trying to bite it out of my hand and the other was trying to grab it. They really, really love that stuff. 😻

  15. Anon 6:12's "Cooking is not my thing" comment reminded me of a sort-of disastrous Thanksgiving I once had. The food was fine...it all came out good and there was plenty of it. But what nearly ruined the day was my cousin's new girlfriend. Totally obnoxious woman who was looking to marry so she could stay in the US. First time I met her she grilled me about how many homes my parents owned and where they got the money to buy them. She also asked if my brother was single and if I had any other brothers (for her female friends and sisters to come to the US and marry).

    Anyway, she shows up on Thanksgiving and I'm super duper busy in the kitchen. First thing she does is haul 3-4 huge bags of El Pollo Loco take-out and ask me where she can put them. (They were going to another dinner after ours and the take-out was for that). I was annoyed cuz my kitchen is rather small and I had no place to put that crap except on top of the fridge, which looked trashy. Thanks.

    Then she goes over to the bar area where all the hors d'oeuvres are and loudly asks for a big knife. I stop what I'm doing and fetch her one. Two minutes later..."Do you have a platter or plate?" and "I also need a small bowl." And then..."do you have any tin foil?" WTF lady? Each time I had to stop what I was doing. Turns out she was preparing her pita and hummus appetizer for the next party. But preparing it at mine and bugging me while I'm trying to cook. Grrrrrrr.

    A short while later my son tells me she's on a self-guided tour of my place, pointing out all the decor she likes to her boyfriend. "We've just got to have crown molding like this" and "I love everything about this bathroom" -- they'd only been dating a few months and already she wants to redecorate HIS home? Then I hear she not only went into the bedroom, but she opened my closet!?!

    Meanwhile, my mother-in-law are at the stove, trying to get the juice to make gravy. The turkey was roasted in one of those disposable tin baking pans and we were trying to lift/tip it carefully to pour the juice into a bowl. The girlfriend wanders in and asks if we need help. I said "no" as nice as I could. She ignores me and suddenly she squeezes in between us, grabs the pan and tips it. Now, I didn't know it at the time, but when she did this, the pan bent and a ton of fatty juice spilled straight into one of the burner holes. I found out a few days later while cooking when the stove started smoking. I lifted up the range top and there must have been 2-3 cups of solidified grease waiting to catch on fire. But at the time I just fumed at her rudeness and whispered to mom to "Get. Her. Out. Of. The. Kitchen."

    Oh, and the following year, she did the Thanksgiving over at HER new home now that she'd married my cousin. He had 5 or 6 wolf-type dogs who were on the patio just outside the kitchen door. She had opened the door at one point to let a cold breeze in to cool down the hot kitchen. After I'd grabbed a plate of food I went back into the kitchen to close the door and when I turned around, I saw the most horrific sight: All the food was in dishes or pans on top of the stove and countertop, and at the angle I was standing, the kitchen light illuminated all this dog hair that had blown in and attached itself to the sticky edges of all the dishes. Tons of dog hair blowing in the breeze. I immediately emptied my plate into the garbage. No one saw. And then I quietly called my son in, showed him, and said we'll get a burger on the way home. No way we were eating that stuff. Ugh.

  16. oh my goodness Anon 7 what a great story!! I am more than sure it wasn't at both Thanksgivings but it sure was funny. I'm with you if I saw dog hair on the bowls and pans mine would have been in the trash also.

    So are your cousin and her still married and did she get any other sisters married off in the process?

    1. Yes, they are still married and I'm fearing that she'll divorce him in a few years and then try to get half his home. I told my mother-in-law (his mom) to tell him to put the house in his son's name. We will see. To give you an idea of how rotten she is, check this out: She met him on an online dating site and they started going out. A few months later they broke up, and the VERY NEXT DAY she already had her dating profile back up with new pics of her that were taken on some of their dates (just her in them). Does that sound like a heartbroken woman to you? I don't know why that wasn't a red flag for him that she was just trying to find her green card man. She hasn't found any willing men in our family to marry whomever, but she did try to set up my ex with one of her friends. He of course was not interested in being some strangers meal ticket, lol.

      Oh, and earlier this year, mom-in-law gave her a very nice gift for her birthday: Two fancy candle holders that were very nice quality. A week later, this woman handed them back to mom and said, "They don't match my decor so I don't want them. Maybe you can give them to someone else." And...get this...she kept the gift bag they came in. WTF?

      Also, she somehow came across hundreds of designer purses that she claims are authentic and is trying to sell for thousands each even though she got an AMAZING deal on them for just $25 each. There is no way they are genuine. And a few years ago she got into this pyramid scheme and tried to sell insurance to everyone in the family at our parties, making everyone uncomfortable. Sometimes I just can't even.

  17. One more quick disaster story involving food and animal hairs (and more spilled grease): Many years ago I hosted a family party (xmas or bday) and it was potluck. One of my aunties offered to bring her roasted herb cheesy potatoes. Great! She brought them over in the same turkey-style roasting tin just like the one in my first post. She puts 'em in the oven and that's that. But when it came time to take them out, she didn't pick it up properly and the oil and butter leaked out all over the oven. Within a few minutes the kitchen and dining room filled with smoke. It was awful, but we turned the oven off and fanned away the smoke. But it doesn't end there...

    Because I was the host, I served myself last. The potatoes looked great, all hot with chunks of garlic and glorious melted cheese. As I spooned some onto my plate, I noticed a cat hair. Not a huge deal...I guess it happens. So I tossed that scoop into the garbage. But when I went to grab more, that's when I noticed another hair. And another. Upon closer inspection, I saw that there were many more cat hairs. OMG. And everyone had already started to eat.

    Quietly called mom-in-law (who is her sister) into the kitchen, showed her, and then asked what the hell should I do? Do we tell everyone? Cuz I really wanted to. But that would suck cuz auntie would be mortally embarrassed. I looked over at everyone eating and no one had noticed yet. But still...it was so wrong to let them continue eating. But mom took charge and said, "Just leave it alone. No one has noticed. It'll be fine." And it was, I guess. No one said anything. Though I did tell both husband and son to stop eating them. And for future potlucks, auntie was told to bring either chips or soda only...but not told why. BTW, this and the turkey ordeal were rare events out of the hundreds of family get-togethers we've had that were just fine. Sometimes you're just unlucky.

  18. Love this story and it reminds me of the first Thanksgiving after we'd moved to New England. The kitchen of our house was pretty pathetic, with a barely working oven (previous owners didn't cook) and so we decided to eat out. We searched in vain for a restaurant that was open on Thanksgiving. I should mention we live in a bucolic area, with old-fashioned rural homes / stately homes and the tradition is for friends and relative to drive TO our neck of the woods and celebrate Thanksgiving dining at home! Absolutely NO LUCK (slung or otherwise) finding a restaurant that was open. We ended up a few towns away and located a Chinese restaurant where we enjoyed a scrumptious, if unconventional, Thanksgiving meal.

    1. This was supposed to be posted higher up - after Anon7's Chinese Thanksgiving dinner story. Not sure what happened...

    2. Haha...you too! Our first choice was Italian but couldn't find a single restaurant open. So Chinese it was. 👍

  19. Twat Tweets:

    "Looking for book recs for memoirs dealing with body dysmorphia, self esteem, and eating disorders. Preferably audiobooks. Anything that helps with women and body image."

    Now, she's angling for a new PayPal pity party. Of course, she could look up the books herself, but whining about recommendations from followers is more manipulative. Wait for a new issue with "eating disorders" to try and attract funds. i guess that problems with rotten teeth, no firewood, truck accidents, and dogs' paws aren't working any longer for money mooching.

    1. You're right. She's casting a wide net.

    2. Oh, this doesn't surprise me at all. There have been numerous red flags over the years that she has some sort of disordered eating, accompanied by low self esteem and body dysmorphia (her compulsive exercises, eating until she is sick, hunched like a yeti, etc). All of that body image stuff likely has some overlap with her gender identity and orientation. The pressure to have a conventionally attractive (slim, feminine) body doesn't ease up when one comes out as queer; rather there are new pressures to conform to another label such as femme or butch. I imagine Jenna is struggling on how to present herself as a self-described femme while having a bigger body. It's not an easy mindset to be in and I'm sad for her that she's clearly struggling with so many mental health issues.
      HOWEVER... girl needs to get help. I work in mental health and if she can recognize that she has these disorders, then she needs professional help to overcome them. Imagine how much better off she'd be if she just got the mental help she so clearly needs. I see so many people this time of year and I just want to scream out: there is help! You don't have to feel this way! Get the mental help you need!

    3. Why would you waste any energy feeling "sad" for someone who uses excuses to beg online for a living? My take is that the FFF has a defective character, and wouldn't be helped even by a skilled therapist. Maybe she's BPD and a sociopath. Her histrionic style seems symptomatic of either one. She could also be just stubborn and stupid.

    4. I wouldn't be surprised if being trans/non-gendered was the next thing she tries on for attention. Like being a Buddhist vegan, a Celtic Pagan in a kilt, a carnivore Heathen, and for now a lesbian/queer woman. She's seems desperately lonely and flailing about for some kind of fulfilling identity.

    5. I'm waiting for her "Jewish phase" to start. Oy fucking vey.

    6. Why waste time feeling compassion? Because she is a human being. Did you forget that? She is a human being with mental health issues, likely undiagnosed and certainly untreated, and she is in psychological pain because of it. I'm a mental health specialist. Everyday I work with people far more violent and criminal than JW and I feel compassion for them too. No human has a "defective character".

    7. Anonymous 5:45 & 2:18. I disagree with what you wrote. I believe that many people have "defective characters." They're the Hitlers, Trumps and Woginrichs of this world. Fuck her "psychological pain," because she's inflicted far worse damage on abusing animals, and relentlessly ripping off people for years. Included a young girl and old man who both donated money when they couldn't really afford it. I hope that she suffers in some form if that's possible for a sociopath. You also sound like one of her sycophantic supporters, and I wonder why you're even on this site. There are those of us who hate her for good reason. Occasionally, comments like yours appear here, and they're usually found to be either friends of Jenna's, or innocent strangers who don't know any better. We're happy to warn them about her before they become victims.

    8. Well said, Anon 5:47, about the horrid animal abuse she proudly bragged about.

      🐷 🔌 ⚡️ She. Purposely. Shocked. Innocent. Pigs. And added water just for spite.

      That's not the actions of a normal human being. That's cruel, sick and deranged.

      ⚡️ ZAP ⚡️ Who's the boss of you now, piggies? ~Jenna Woginrich

    9. (Written to the tune of Kumbaya for the "compassionate" "mental health specialist").

      We haven't "forgotten" all of the animals which were/are abused by JFW. Yeah, she's a terrible "human being" who deserves to be dissed for her duplicitous behavior. Go ahead and try to refute any of her atrocious actions. I'll sip my morning cup of coffee and wait...

    10. What a shock that there's no refutation. (Said sarcastically.) But I'll make myself another morning cup of coffee anyways.

  20. It's strange how she's posted no happy, smiling images of her Thanksgiving at Pember Patty's home. She usually brags about her holidays with pics, as if it's proof that she has real life friends instead on online Twitter connections. Maybe "the small town estranged lesbian" lost the invite.

    1. Lost the invite...apparently so. On Patty's Instagram she posted about Thanksgiving canoli she made and told "some" person "she'd bring some" over. But no pics of the Pig Shocker at the party. And judging by the pics Patty posted last year, where Jenna was trying to be the BIGGEST and LOUDEST person at the table, you can see why:

      (Second photo at this link)


  21. Jenna Woginrich
    I am averaging 2 logo clients, 5 illustration clients, and 8+ soap orders out the door every Monday through Friday. Please know I am trying my very best to get everything done.
    Show this thread

    Jenna Woginrich
    My next sale is their refund, which means this place already right up against it is at a deficit for daily sales. This person had every right to have their money back if they felt it was too long to wait, but damn if that doesn't terrify me. I'm trying to pay the October bills.
    Show this thread

    Jenna Woginrich
    It is always okay to check in on the status of your order. I am juggling so many things and nothing happens fast. Today I was asked refund someone who ordered in Sept because they didn't want to wait any more. If you NEED the art ASAP please let me know before this happens.

    So many things about this string of posts.
    1. Start from the bottom, NOBODY should be waiting since September into December for a crappy illustration or melt and pour soap order. There is simply too many options out there supporting truly talented and honest artisans.
    2. Calling a client out on twitter for asking for a refund on a three month old order is crappy
    3. Paying the October bills? In December? Yet going to the latest movie releases, brewery, shopping on line and donating to artists accounts...doesn’t add up
    4. If you are averaging all these orders a week, how are you still broke?
    5. If you are averaging all those sales per week, how is it that one single refund has you “right up against it”?
    6. You are making and packaging the soap in the same day and you are telling on yourself? At least make a half assed effort at pretending you are making the soap. Come up with a pretend cure time, I don’t know.
    7. You have no job outside the home. You have a couple of pets. You admit to spending your days gallivanting around breweries and movie theaters and friends houses and hikes. And yet, you are backed up to September orders of, say, drawings, that according to your own admission you sell five a week? The math just doesn’t add up.
    8. If, according to your own admission, you have been taking this many orders of logos, pictures, and soap and you are backed up and haven’t sent out September orders yet but you are still selling ahead in December-that’s a pyramid scheme if I ever saw one.
    I can keep going but I’m just amazed at the gall.

    1. Anon 1:44pm - Agree with all your statements.

      I would never do business with someone who is depending on the next sale to be the refund of a client from two months prior.
      She is looking for pity but is showing how terrible a business person she is.

    2. Don't expect it to make sense because it's all a bunch of bull. You can't "do the math" when she's a blatant liar. I think that mama's mortgage money finally ran out, and she's desperately trying to get more pity donations from dumb enablers.

  22. Has anyone here actually ordered soap, logos, or illustrations from her? Since she generously listed her weekly workload, I'm curious how that comes out dollar wise.
    2 logo clients = how much does she charge per logo? Anyone know?
    5 illustration clients =
    8+ soap order = isn't it about $25 bucks for one order (containing three bars of soap each)? so approximately $200 a week from soap orders?

    Anyone know the other prices so we can fill this in?

    1. Yeah, but if she still hasn't got September orders out and she has no money, then something is sure fishy. She's robbing Peter to refund Paul, Sam and Sally.

      I've never seen a worse sales person and "public figure" before. She just is one hot mess.

    2. Well, in the past her logos were like $200 but she always discounts them heavily... I would guess maybe $50-$100. And her cartoons are usually under $50 unless she stumbles on some boob that has no clue... And soap is yea, $25-$40 a box of her melt and pour crap.

      Thing is, if she was getting this much a week and is like behind with most from September onward? The WTF... her logos, let's just pretend and they take a WHOLE DAY... that is 2 days. Her drawings, lets be generous and say they are 2 a day, that's 2.5 days. And melt and pour soap shouldn't take more than an afternoon. That's 5 days of work. And it's being very very generous. As a graphic artist and farmer myself, and a woman, with 5 various companies to run... I can tell you, she's full of shit. She's making these excuses because she takes in money for these things and then has conditioned all her victims into thinking it going to take forever and they do. And then she can just work on the things that are hot mess fires because someone FINALLY has fussed or something. Just amazing. If she really did all that she says, she should have plenty of cash to keep things going. That would be about $500-$700 a week.

      Someone's pants are on fire, somewhere. Either she is not getting those kind of sales, or she is but she's lying about not having funds, and so on. She freely admits that she gets contributions as well as her "work" funds.

      Whatever, honey, yeah, we believe you. What a crock of....

    3. Her statement fro Twitter was "I am averaging 2 logo clients, 5 illustration clients, and 8+ soap orders out the door every Monday through Friday".
      So yes, assuming the highest price on each of these items, it breaks down to:
      2 logos/week = $400/week
      5 illustration clients/week = $250/week
      8+ soap orders = $200/week

      A total of $850 per week. Which comes out to about $40k a year. Tax free, of course. Not a bad haul. How is this not sustainable?

  23. She is trying to guilt the person who asked for a refund.

    Hey, person. Don't you know your "purchase" is really supposed to be a donation? Ask her other suckers who paid for product and got stiffed. You're supposed to just walk away from this and feel privileged to keep the lights on on "this" farm. Sheesh. Don't you people learn?

    1. Yeah, it's really nervy of people to expect products that they paid for months ago. And her hyperbolic panic is just trying to mooch money from innocent strangers.

  24. Hey people! She's been doing this since the great Wool CSA Scam! And the people who dared asked for a refund were given the back of her hand. She spent the money as fast as she got it, so those who wanted their $200 back got it doled out at a rate of $10.00 a month, when she felt like doling it out.

    And then when they complained about not getting their refunds, she blamed them for not reminding her. That was what, 10 years ago? And she's still doing it!

    1. Thanks for getting the ball rolling about the Great Wool CSA Scam. I've been wanting to see the comments of that era and if you look down below, there it is!

  25. The Great Wool CSA Scam, continued.

    Some people gave up the fight and resigned themselves to calling it a donation. Jenna made sure it was in black and white on her blog for all to see so that others might either do the same or at least shut up about asking for their money back.

    Folks, when you buy from Jenna, it's a crapshoot as to whether you will get your product or not. Consider it a donation, and as a bonus, you just might get your logo or soap or whatever piece of crap she's selling.

    1. Can we get more details on the wool CSA scam? For all us new folks.

    2. I didn’t get burned in it but used to read her blog when the wool scam went down. If I remember it all correctly, she pre-sold “processed” wool from her sheep much in the way Maria Katz does. But then it all went to hell. She didn’t have the funds to have the sheep properly shorn, didn’t have the money to properly process the wool (Maria takes it to a small mill in Vermont ), and spent the money she had already taken in. When she couldn’t deliver, I remember her telling people that was the risk they took with a CSA-supporting an enterprise that may not produce anything in the end. When people didn’t buy that, she eventually said she would offer refunds. However, she said she couldn’t do refunds or notify people that there was no wool coming because she “lost” all the contact information or didn’t keep up with who had participated. When people called her out and proved they had paid her, she agreed to do refunds but it was on a very tiny payment plan, something like $10 a month, and if I recall correctly the share had been around $240. So two years to get your refund..
      Someone please correct me if I am blurry on the details but that’s what I remember from reading her blog. Someone who was burned by the scam may remember more details or have better information.

    3. As I recall (and I may be wrong), it was because she thought she was selling wool suitable for spinning, or maybe it was to be spun into wool for knitting, but the Scottish Blackface wool is too course, is more carpet grade. Something like she realized, after she had collected the money, that she had the wrong type of wool and backed out of the 'CSA'.

    4. Yep, you got it right. That the amazing to watch slowly unfold.

      She gives Farm CSAs a bad bad bad name.

    5. Her whole life is blatant lying about almost everything. She can't be trusted to tell the truth. I'm waiting for "Winter's Bottom 3" to appear soon. That way she can whine about not having enough firewood etc...

    6. Actually, she's been ripping people off since her college days. I remember reading somewhere on Reddit that she was drawing (maybe?) furry stuff, and people were bitching that they sent money, but never received their order. I tried to find it, but it's old. So, yeah. She's had decades to fine-tune her ripoff artistry.


    7. Duck Mama. I hope that you're doing well. We're having a snow day in Vermont so I'm keeping busy online. Yep, she's been "ripping people off since her college days," and it's become a way of life for her. I also recalled the "furry stuff," and had time to look it up:




    8. Thanks, LS! Doing well. I wish it would snow here! It's just cloudy, gray and very cold. That was the art I was thinking of, the oakpaw days. Somewhere there are quite a few bad reviews about her not producing after being paid.

  26. Let's not forget the other tripe FFF twitted earlier today:

    Up First - ask for kindness because she knows the poodles she's crapped on are starting to rebel.

    "Most of us have no idea what any of us are actually going through. Do your best. Be kind. The holidays suck."

    Next: list bogus excuses of why she cannot be expected to DELIVER the products people paid for.

    "Busy day." (ROFL, her IG is filled with Posts on TS, movies, drinking and screwing off).
    "Storm prep all morning with moving hay and firewood under cover on top of regular chores (plus extra bedding, blankets, and calories for the animals)." (What, she had to move hay and firewood under cover, lol? Hay is always put under cover (or it mildews) and she already bragged about stacking her firewood. So they are under cover...or...big whoop, she would have had to throw a plastic tarp over them. Whew! So hard!)

    Third, instead of listing all the ways she screws off on Twitter, pretend to work.

    "Made soap, packaged soap, worked on illustrations from the summer, fall, and winter." (Working on illustrations from summer? It's DECEMBER FFS. How stupid are these people?)

    Last: "Trying my best to get it all done." (YAWN. Honey if this is your "best", you don't deserve the business.)

    1. Did you happen to see this re-tweet she posted today?

      ❝ Don't put things off until tomorrow. Be decisive! Commit today to never doing them. ❞

      Commit to never doing them?!? Yep, that's her M.O. right there. I can't believe how stupid she is to post something like this.

  27. I normally could care less about Taylor Swift other than just appreciation of her music and gutso... but I just squeeled in happiness to read this...

    Taylor Swift celebrated Thanksgiving across the pond this year with her #Lover Joe Alwyn.

    And Joe is definately a GUY.


    And the article goes on to say that he and she have been together now 3 years! And that she has kept her relationship quite secret and private.

    Sounds like our feral fan farmer should take a lesson from Taylor's play book. Love is special and needs to be protected. Not flaunted and dragged around like some sort of media prop.

    Guess some people will never learn. It's okay for Jenna to go on and on and on like a deranged 12 year old about her theories and wet dreams about her idol. Yet, she hates our discussion here of her own sexual antics... or does she? I dunno. I'm just so confused anymore, he, she, them, me, us, whatever.

    I hope Taylor finds love and someone to love her with all their heart and kindness. :-)

    I wish that for everyone.

    1. I guess that the "small town estranged lesbian" will have to start another juvenile crush on a straight celebrity.

    2. Funny how now that Pride month is long past both TS and the Pig Shocker have ceased spamming Twitter for every last gay penny.

  28. Twit Shit:

    "Every pasta meal I made with spaghetti instead of bucatini was a failure of me being an adult."
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    No surprise that this stupid tweet yesterday didn't receive any attention. And it's "I've made" not "I made," moron. I'll rewrite it more truthfully:

    Every time I've begged online for a living is a failure of me being an adult.

    1. Actually, it should say instead "Every time I beg online..." since she's still doing it almost daily.

    2. This is typical Jenna code-speak for someone to send her some "gourmet" Bucatini. Or better yet, for some sympathetic and deep-pocketed foodie to send her a gift card to Trader Joe's AND the gas money to get there. And back.

  29. Uh, oh. It looks like her POS "metal-sided" truck is stuck in snow. Time to call the wahhhmbulance for WoeAndBitch.


    1. Any minute she should tweet about not being able to afford a plow dude to dig her out. It's a "terrifying" emergency because she has so many daily orders to mail at the post office. You'd think that she'd own a snowblower by now, but that wouldn't fit with her victim thinking.

    2. Does she really need to be dug out? I know nothing about snow...can't you just put on chains and drive in that? It only looks to be about a foot deep. On another note, I'm surprised she hasn't milked her old "truck won't start in cold weather" schtick.

    3. My weather is about like hers. We've had about 6 inches of snow, a heavy icy snow, but it can be higher where snow has drifted (say alongside the truck). While A normal truck (and functional car) can drive through a half-foot of snow, without a problem, most people would dig a path in front of the car, to make it easier to leave. She lives right along a road, so she also could have parked her truck closer to the road to minimize the dig-out. Truly, she is unbelievably lazy and makes such a f***ing big deal out of all of this.

    4. Thanks for the info, Poods! As someone who's only seen snow less than 10 times, this is interesting to know. Funny/dumb story: Years ago I was visiting friends in Canada at Christmastime. We were in the car, on the way home from dinner, and the car had heated seats...which freaked me out cuz why do I need to have a warm butt? And then we stopped at this intersection and I saw all this weird confetti stuff falling from the sky. Couldn't figure out what I was looking at. So I asked, "What is that?" And they were like, "Dumbass, that's SNOW!!" I mean, I had seen snow falling in the movies, but not all fluttery like that. But I still have yet to BE in snow that is falling. One day, someday.

    5. Anon7, you will always be welcome to visit my farm/stay over. We're in the beautiful Berkshires - very touristy in some spots. As a bonus, our farm has functioning plumbing INSIDE the house, and we don't have chicken sh**, hawk sh** or goat sh** on the floors!

      Regarding winter weather - FFF's complaints are either baseless whining for money - or they reveal a person who is so unprepared and unqualified to live a rural life that she should just get an apartment in the suburbs.

      Here is what "really" rural people do with cars:

      1. First, always buy a vehicle that will make it through the winter. If you live in the city/suburb or have access to public transportation, you may ignore, but ALL vehicles with low profiles or bad winter steering go away. Bye Bye MGs and Mustangs.

      2. Then winterize your vehicle. This can mean changing oil, assuring radiator fluid is correct and making sure tires are correct. A lot of my friends change to winter tires (deeper tread). If you are REALLY in the boonies, studded tires or chains may be appropriate. It's just that they wear out on roadways that are normally plowed out and they make the ride noisy as hell (with poor gas mileage) so you don't get studs or chains unless you really must. Also, many states put restrictions on their use.

      3. Try for AWD or 4WD in your vehicle. If you don't have this, add weight to the back of whatever you're driving. Bags of cement, bags of kitty litter (also useful if you get stuck on ice) or big logs in the bed of your pick-up truck will work.

      4. Always carry a shovel - and flares or road signs - in case the worst happens and you run off the road or get stuck on impassable roads. I made a winter kit for my car that includes a little bit of everything: spare tools, tire sealer, starter fluid, sterno cans, lighter, emergency light/whistle, reflective space blanket and extra food/water.

      5. Have a cell phone (duh!) and/or let friends know where you're heading. No joke being on remote rural roads in the winter. Roads get snowed in, iced up and trees may collapse onto the roads.

      FFF, of course, doesn't have these problems. She lives NEXT to a road that is plowed out and since she only drives around to eat, shop and screw off, she likely never gets into trouble that isn't caused by her own stupidity or carelessness. She's the pathetic neighbor who always needs her place plowed or driveway shoveled because she's too lazy to do it herself. Some Fierce Feral Female, LOL.

    6. Aww, what a kind offer! Must be so beautiful there. And all that auto prep info, very interesting as the only thing to do here in SoCal is buy new windshield wipers every 5 years. Also curious to see that having a shovel in your car is a thing, as here, you'd have some explaining to do, lol.

      The sheer amount of winter prep, wow. Sounds like it costs a bit as well. And being that the Pig Shocker is always supposedly broke, I imagine she's the least prepared in her area, and a danger to drivers everywhere.

  30. More on The Great Wool CSA Scam That Won't Go Away.

    Newbies - Did you know the original Cold Antler Sham was started as a platform to help the wool and webinar CSA-ers get their money back? I sure wish it were still available online for you to see. There was so much good information there, especially from the people who had been scammed.

    Jenna actually appeared on the blog defending herself with all sorts of excuses for not sending refunds. CSAs are a risk. She was busy. She forgot. People didn't remind her.

    She also claimed she didn't know the wool from Scottish Blackface Sheep wasn't suitable for spinning or knitting. Liar! A simple Google search will show the breed is used primarily for meat and the coarse wool is suitable only for carpets, upholstery, etc.

    Jenna definitely wanted the CSA-ers to go away, and she could have accomplished that by sending refunds, not pointing fingers.

    Jenna, if you are reading this remember - when you point a finger at someone, you have three pointing back at yourself.

    1. Yeah, it's too bad that both the first and second CAS blogs are gone. Would have loved to have read the first one especially.

      There's a website called the "Wayback Machine" that might be able to pull up those blogs, but I'm a moron and have never been able to figure out how to use that site.

    2. Julie sometimes comes here. She hosted the first CAS blog. Maybe she can resurrect it. There was some great dialog between a Jennafan and the shamsters. The Jennafan blamed the victims and said if they lost money, it was their own fault. Her name was Angela, I believe. She became a Birchthorn backer to the tune of $300. You can find her posts on the Kickstarter site asking Jenna over and over where her copy of Birchthorn was. And guess what. Jenna never responded. Not one word to the the person who zealously defended her on the CAS blog.

    3. Anon7, I'm willing to dig into the wayback machine - what were the old URLs?

    4. Ooh goody...thanks Anon 4:20! I found what I believe is a link to the first blog and I think the blog after that one had the same address, but with the word "too" after coldantlersham -- but hopefully someone here who was a Shammer back then can confirm or correct if this info is wrong:


      and (possibly)


    5. Anon7, those are correct! Wishing you success in uncovering the links. There's a lot of history in those blogs!

    6. Here's a few links. Some posts you can click through to and read comments!



      Hope these work for you all.

    7. The "too" one is mine that was shut down previous to this current one. Julie and Meredith each had one before.

    8. So I got the wayback machine to work and poked around for a little bit. Then had to stop because it's, in essence, the same as this blog! All the same shit with different time stamps! It's remarkable to a new reader like me to see that she's been doing the same shit for so many years.

    9. Fake Farmer, your first link totally worked and boy, what a read. Thank you. And what an insufferable scammer she was even back then. Tomorrow I will find time to read the other threads in that link. The second link, I was only able to see titles, but not able to click and read those threads. Not sure why. But thanks again for posting this!

    10. Yes, unfortunately it's only what was captured, so not all links work. But I felt the same way as you did: same shit, different year!

  31. For Newbies: Links on Reddit to FFF drama.


    1. Meredith's blog also has numerous posts on JFW. Here's just one of them:


    2. Jon Katz has also written about her on his blog, and it's far from being flattering. They were friends for years, but he got sick of her being a user:


    3. Oh, what I wouldn't do to sit down with Jon Katz and hear his stories about her in greater detail.

      And there's more than just that one scathing blog post about her. Do a search on his blog for "Jenna Woginrich" and you'll see about 5 others where he regrets his friendship with her as she took advantage and refused advice from him. Here's a sample:

      ❝ Jenna’s farm has been a spectacular and wrenching soap opera since the beginning, she is always in trouble, always sounding the alarm, always chasing her sheep up and down the road, rushing to fix fences, shooting raccoons, picking up body parts, repairing busted heaters, cracking a tooth, fixing a truck... ❞

      ❝ In a sense, [begging] is a great part of her appeal. People are drawn to struggle and rebellion, especially these days. [...] Stability and predictability are not very exciting. Drama works. ❞

      This post is from about 5 years ago when he grew tired of having to bail her out, lend her money. His wife even called Jenna "his disease" before he finally had enough.

  32. Still doing work from the Summer???? I'm a graphics person and I can do a complete book in three months, there is no excuse why she can't get a simple logo done. I don't know about the drawings, but they all look the same with the same colors so they probably are done in one hour or two hours tops. A logo takes me a few hours. People on this website are right, it does not add up. I think she is taking money in and has no intention of getting any of the work done. She has absolutely no time management skills, lies, does crap work so I'm guessing that is what happened at Orvis and they eventually fired her.

    The response to the person on Twitter is outright amateur hour. She makes herself look bad instead of the person. Then don't be bragging about drinking at the pub, mountain smashing, riding your pony, going to matinees, wondering about TS's sexuality....all complete time wasters. You deserve to be called out on this, you should be in jail really.

    1. She's very manipulative, and won't take ownership of her responsibilities. I hope that she's successfully sued someday. Her overt bragging about lazy days, but then refusing to honor clients' projects is disgusting. I've always thought that Orvis fired her fat ass rather than the lying about quitting a decent career.

    2. She will never be sued. She nickles and dimes people and they don't believe it is worth their time and money to sue.

      We begged people who came here reporting being ripped off to sue in small claims court. It was always the same answer. Not worth it. All they would say is "lesson learned".

      The original Cold Antler Sham blog was for the purpose of gathering together the people who were ripped off in the wool and webinar scam and either getting refunds or filing a class action lawsuit. One or two refunds were issued. The others were ignored. And the lawsuit never happened.

      So she has been getting away with this for years and will continue to do so. The only way for it to stop is for people to get wise and stop throwing their money at her.

    3. She may never be sued, but it looks like the karma train is already running her over. Ironically, on her site: https://www.tyrsgoodhand.com/about_us it says:

      "What's Good for The Tribe is Good.

      That is Heathenry in a nutshell. What is good for our people is good. Meaning right action and proper conduct is what makes not just yourself, but your larger community better. Heathenry does not have a book of rules or a list of commandments, but it does have a code of ethics based on keeping the larger tribe in mind. If your actions hurt another or the reputation of your Kindred, that is not acceptable. Our ancestors had the concepts of Innangard and Utangard (Inneryard and Outteryard) for how they saw society. Your inneryard was your tribe, your family, your home. In your inneryard concepts such as order, law, and civilized conduct were valued. The Outteryard was the world outside your control, where chaos and wildness dwell. Our Kindred is our Innangard and we keep it so. Your deeds and the deeds of this group matter. Abiding the law, respectable conduct, keeping yourself in good reputation, and being of use is what matters. We live a life and practice a faith that values this."

      JFW is a huge hypocrite, and doesn't practice what she preaches.

    4. Those pet drawings can't take more than an hour. Because her drawings somewhat resemble an animal, she does have some drawing ability. From my own experience, looking at a photo and penciling a rough sketch takes no more than 10-15 minutes. Next up is erasing any unnecessary lines and then water coloring it in...probably about 20 minutes for that, especially since she doesn't take the time to mix the proper colors. Any shade will do! Then after it dries, take a fat black marker to outline all the penciled lines...about 5 mins. Sign yer sullied name and Voila! Yer done. One hour tops.

    5. Her pet portraits look just like her furry drawings. They all look the same. Once you have that style done, it's nothing to churn out the work.

  33. To those who are wondering why we keep bringing up the wool and webinar CSAs that took place years ago...it is because Jenna continues to do the same thing. Take money for product and not deliver.

    1. Still giggling over how she unknowingly(?) produced coarse carpet-grade wool.

      To anyone who remembers, did she disclose at the beginning that they were Scottish Blackface sheep? Or did she offer that as an excuse afterwards?

    2. She was in her Braveheart / Celtic phase then and only Scottish Blackface sheep would do. Yes, she disclosed that at the beginning and her blog had plenty of pics.

    3. It goes without saying that it was not up to her fans to know what kind of wool Scottish Blackface sheep produce, it was up to her.

    4. Lol at the Braveheart / Celtic phase. Tell me, did she also go thru a wannabe Cold Mountain phase? Between the name of her feed lot, her fiddle playing, her Ada Monroe helplessness, I'm thinking yes?

    5. LOL there's no phase she has not gone through! OH WAIT she hasn't gone through the supporting herself phase...but that seems like no fun at all. HMPH

    6. 😆 Lol at her supporting herself. You know, she'd be a happier person if she just tried a little.

  34. Twitter Twaddle - 🐩 💰 Edition :

    ❝ One thing I try to do is keep a $15-$20 monthly budget for Patreon - which is a small way for me to contribute to 3-6 creators making videos, podcasts, and art I love! Most allow $1 a month pledges and while that doesn't seem like much does it ever add up. ❞

    One thing I've learned here is that nothing she tweets or writes is what it seems. EVERYTHING she says has one purpose: To elicit pity donations. And once you learn how to read between the lines with her, it's painfully obvious.

    Here she's trying to make herself appear generous by claiming she supports other artists. Like fcuk she does. And her math doesn't add up: She supports 3-6 artists by giving them $1 each month? So then that's just $3-$6 bucks a month. So what's with the $15-$20 amount? And her remark about how all those $1 contributions "really add up" (does it ever!) well, that's her way of subliminally suggesting that you give her $1 too...but $15-$20 is what she really wants.

  35. Yesterday she tweeted:

    ❝ It is always okay to check in on the status of your order. I am juggling so many things and nothing happens fast. Today I was asked refund someone who ordered in Sept because they didn't want to wait any more. [...] Please know I am trying my very best to get everything done. ❞

    And then this re-tweet from today:

    ❝ Don't put things off until tomorrow. Be decisive! Commit today to never doing them. ❞

    🙄 Wow. What is wrong with her? She's basically condoning blowing people off. Take the money and run...all the way to the day-old 🍩 store.

    1. And the snide remark about the person having the gall to ask for a refund cuz they "didn't want to wait anymore" -- like 3 months is an unreasonable time to expect something that you paid a lot of money for?

      Also, if memory serves, Sept is around the time she changed the wait from "a few months" to a "couple of weeks" right? So that's why they wanted a refund. Her turn-around time for any of the crap she sells should be no longer than a month, tops.

  36. Another newbie question - what's up with the poodles? What's the story there?

    1. Check out this post on the CAF blog:

      THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 2014
      Wolves and Poodles

  37. I was looking at the comments in the Wolves and Poodles post and found this gem from 2014 about her firewood. Nothing changes.

    Karen said...
    What made the most impact on me reading this post is the fact that you are BUYING kindling and burning wet wood.
    Why are you not splitting your own wood for kindling and bringing it into the house to dry? You could also bring in firewood a few days ahead and get that dryer than it is outside.
    Feed bags rolled up make good kindling, as do newspapers and dirty cardboard egg cartons (All things we use)
    Hope you stay warm through the storm you are getting.

    January 2, 2014 at 8:39 PM
    Blogger Jenna said...
    thanks for the comments. I do know that wood takes a year to dry, and I also know how to burn flammable materials :)

    I don't have the time, ability, tools or money to cut or purchase a full year in advance right now. When I can or am able, I will. I spend the whole summer collecting and cutting up just enough to get through to spring.

    As for kindling. I am not buying kindling, I'm buying big honkin' logs that are super dry. I can 6 bucks on a bag of ten logs and burn three in the monring to create enough heat to keep my wood going fine and raise the house 10 degrees in 2 hours. I have cut up my own wood and dried to to burn indoors, that is what the super dry wood is fueling.

    You guys need to have some faith in me!

    January 2, 2014 at 8:47 PM

    1. I just got a whole pickup truck loaded to the brim, split, year old, delivered and stacked by a wonderful nice young man for $60.

      I know her area is kinda pricey, but still, there are young men wanting cash all over the place and if she hadn't burned all her bridges, she could have the same delivered and ready to go. Get one a month during the summer and she'd had PLENTY ready to go.

      How many years has she been doing this? Some homesteader. She's got 6 acres as well and you now there is plenty of deadfall and little junk trees that would certainly make a huge kindling pile with just a cheap little hand ax or a pair of loppers.

      If she would manage her "farm" she might even get a few clear areas that the deer would use and MAYBE she could finally shoot one! Woods management is good for stuff like that.

      Oh too bad she burned that bridge with Bret... why he even wrote a BOOK about proper wood lot management and such... And he was her friend until she burned him.

      She's just a big whiney butt cry baby with an attitude. She ain't no farmer or homesteader. Sorry. Not even close.

      If she had half a brain she would get every package of pumpkin, squash, etc seeds at the dollar store when they discount by 75% in the fall and plant them alllll over his woods and in the grassy areas and such. Super good fodder for all her livestock and herself. And a good reason not to mow most the place. And fodder for deer and such...

      Oh, what am I saying? There are a dozen and three score cheap great things she could be doing with 6 acres to help sustain and provide for her props.

      Look what that family out in LA does with like an acre... she has six! And livestock and so on and so on. She ain't paid her dues for anything to write about or teach about or whatever. My young kids outshine her any old day in the homesteading, farming category. Shesh, business too.

    2. Ha, I'm the Karen mentioned above making the comment about her buying firewood. Can't believe I'm still here waiting for the train wreck. I don't think there will ever be a wreck.

    3. She claims to be afraid of chainsaws, but after every big wind storm up here, we have piles of downed trees and branches to use for firewood and kindling. Just need to go out and collect it and let it dry out. She could get a gear sled and drag it with her when she goes "hunting", grabbing sticks and logs along the way. Use an axe to make things smaller. That way, she can actually do something useful with her time-wasting leisure activities that she refuses to give up.

    4. Anonymous 7:04. Even though she brags about being a badass, in reality, the FFF is fearful and "terrified" in real life. Many women that we know are competent in handling power tools, but JFW refuses to even learn how to properly use them.

    5. Exactly—I'm one of them. I live on my own (and pay my own way, shocker) and taught myself how to use a chainsaw my first fall. They're really great devices, and the lightweight electric ones are easy as heck to use. A child could do it (with supervision, ha).

  38. Ok everyone, ready for this? Thanks to astute shamster, Fake Farmer, I have found the conversation I was looking for in the original Cold Antler Sham blog.


    Angie D, a Jennafan and Birchthorn backer ($300 level), came to Jenna's defense with swift and terrible fury. Here are a few of her gems:

    "This blog is absurd. All I see are a bunch of anonymous posts by pissy and whiny high schoolers."

    "May I suggest that those on here attacking Miss Woginrich step up and own their own responsibility of understanding they are not owed a thing."

    "The saying "buyer beware" exists for a reason."

    Ok, now wait for it.......

    From the Birchthorn Kickstarter website, posted by the same Angie D:

    "Hi Jenna,

    I had reached out to you quite a while ago about a change in address for me to receive the hardcover (I pledged $300, I believe) at the correct address. I have not heard from you. Please email me at ... .

    "Hi Jenna, I moved since I backed. How do I make sure the book is mailed to the correct address?"

    "Hi Jenna,

    This is the third time I've posted telling you that I need to give you my updated address to mail the hardback to.

    Please reach out to me at ... so I can give you my new address."

    Karma's a bitch.

    1. Beautiful how that went full circle

    2. The joke's on you, Jenna. I'm sure that she's feeling frustrated that we were able to access the old site. Although she and her dumb enablers had it deleted awhile ago, it still stands as a testimony to her scams and animal abusing.

    3. Holy crap, wow. Thanks for this Anon 7:21. You'd think that someone like the Pig Shocker would embrace anyone who came to her defense. But no, she chewed Angela up and spit her out.

    4. Great job, Anon 7:21! It always comes full circle with her. Some people just take a bit longer to realize what's going on.

  39. To the newbies, and especially Anon7 who likes to do her research, please check out the original Cold Antler Sham blog. There is a wealth of information there from people who were ripped off in the wool and webinar scam,


    Start with Saturday, August 16, 2014
    The sham that is Cold Antler

    1. That's great, thanks! I appreciate your efforts in finding it.

    2. Wow, I remember all this when it was happening. Well karma's a bitch Jenna. One day it will get ya.

    3. Anonymous 11:44. It's already happening because her rotten reputation is trailing along online. She can't keep it hidden anymore.

    4. Seriously, thank you! I've been hearing about this CSA scam for years, but to actually set eyes upon and read what when down is...I was shaking my head through out the entire read. Utterly unbelievable, all that drama.

  40. As I was re-reading the original Cold Antler Sham blog I realized I forgot about the Cold Antler Clan Scam. Honestly, there are so many scams, I lose track. Here is one comment from a "Clan" member:

    "I joined her clan blog because I did not know any better at the time. It was soon apparent that it was just a scam. She posted there less than her regular blog... which may not have been a bad thing in hindsight, but i digress. I got tired of her whining for money all the time and just basically being an idiot. In one post she complained about her tires being bald while she was driving around looking for a wild hawk to trap. I felt sorry it for it when she caught one."

    1. It's like she had good intention$, probably thought up at night whilst drunk, but then the next day hungover Jenna was like, "I said I'd do what?" #HalfBakedPlans

  41. Jenna never talks about her animals. When was the last time she posted an essay about Gibson, Friday, Merlin, the mare, the hawk, the cats, etc... (them escaping and Friday "herding" doesn't count). That paired with her recycling old photos of them makes me wonder how many are still alive.

    1. How much ya wanna bet her next whine will be about whatever (tooth, firewood, truck) and she will make sure to mention the animals. Shes so predictable.

    2. just thought the very same thing she will now post about the animals and how well they are doing but having trouble finding enough hay for the horses for this winter and where oh where will the money come from for the hay anyway? Plus she has such a long list of stuff she hasn't mentioned of late. The old lady wreck, and so much more.

    3. Keen observation, SOTM. She's gone radio silent in regards to those poor animals. She boasted all summer about the horses dragging her ass up and down the hills, friends in tow. But now that summer is over, how is Merlin doing now? And how's that other one...the brown/white one? Can't remember his/her name. Sable? Table?

      No mention of her animals at all, except for an Instagram post from a few days ago where she took a pic of her dog Friday at the Argyle Brewing Company, just begging for a new owner while Jenna was off begging some local for a beer:


    4. Again using her animals as a prop only. She's probably begging because she's being fed half rations of Ol' Roy and is hungry!

    5. Anon7 and FF, you guys are hilarious!


  42. She's been running scams for a long time. Back around 2004, she drew furries under the name Oakpaw. Here's a collection of complaints about her taking money and not delivering: https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/127761.html

    1. A few of us were discussing the Oakpaw complaints above in the comments. Your further information is appreciated.

    2. Seriously appreciated. I wish we could sticky this thread, as it's chock full of past info about all the Pig Shocker's scams. And the link that Anon 5:33 posted is from friggin' 2005. She's been ripping off people since then? She's a human fail for sure.

  43. Looks like in addition to begging on Twitter, she's now doing the same on Instagram:

    ❝ I don't know about you, but this winter hit fast and hard here in NY. The season is already hard for me, for so many reasons, but all of them circling around fears of isolation, loneliness, and failure. Being productive is hard. My saving grace is this farm that will never let me rest, I have to keep moving and caring for others. Not being able to make a long winter about me, makes it tolerable. ❞

    🙄 So the animals are finally gonna get some attention? She continues to lament:

    ❝ All that said, I really do hope for some bright moments. I hope to spend time with friends, and get out there and date, or just take a dog to the brewery to bitch with locals about the snow. Keep the social plates spinning. Because this winter will devour me if I let it. Basically, be patient with my clearly needy ass till thaw. ❞

    😶 <------- This is the closest I could find of an emoji with a thousand yard stare.

    Translation: "FEEL SORRY FOR ME. I've treated animals like shit and have worn out my welcome in this town where everyone gives me the hairy eyeball. I am not safe in my town. But I refuse to change...so love me anyway and don't forget to send money cuz Taylor Swift is dropping a new limited edition CD wrapped in a Stella McCartney sweatshirt that I just GOT to have, as it features special heart shaped 'Lover' glitter designed especially for Taylor. Hoo!"'

    Imagine if she spend as much time obsessing over and uber caring for her animals as she does TS.

    1. And BTW, one of her sycophants replied:

      "Just so that YOU know, you are a constant source of inspiration to me."

      I feel you, crazy blind lady, as Jenna inspires me too. She inspires me to be a person who doesn't abuse animals. What on earth ever happened to those 150-200 chickens she had delivered in spring of this year?

    2. I would venture to say that just about all of her mental illness, save for her narcissism, would *go away* if she had a job. Something that got her out of the house, and around people (humans are social beings) and made her feel proud to be herself. And no, peddling soap and stealing money for meat that does not exist, and will never be in the hands of the buyer, that is not a job, that is a hobby for her. Nothing will change until she decides it needs to.

    3. Argyle should ban her, she's terrible for business. I've received many a text warning me not to go over because she was there! Just look at the terrible turnout at the event she was trying to publicize for that runner.

    4. I would love to sit at the Argyle and observe her. In her drunken, warped mind she probably feels she's a small town celebrity or lonely lost lesbian. Who knows.

      As for the runner, he really shouldn't associate with her. She is bad for his business.

  44. And on Twitter:

    ❝ All and any contributions towards the blog, the farm are welcome and so so so appreciated. Trying to make a mortgage payment before the 15th and sometimes sharing links like this makes magic happen. And I need to believe in magic these days! ❞

    Translation: "I need you to pay me for a bleg I no longer write. But there's 10 years of whackadoodle horseshit there, so pay me! I need enough money for my mortgage...Pay Me! And when I pitifully beg and get all Ray Liotta Goodfellas on yer ass, fcuk you, PAY ME! Sometimes enough poodles will feel sorry for me and thus I am able to beg Ma Wog for just part of my mortgage rather than the whole shebang."

    😣 And this "magic" schtick. Does she not know that true magic is something that just happens? You do not ask for it. You do not beg for it. Online strangers giving pity donations is not magic. It's desperate and sad. If you want your mortgage payment paid by the 15th, you need to get job, work hard, wait a few weeks, and then take that first paycheck and pay your mortgage. Wash, rinse, repeat. I promise, it's not that hard. Just peel yer ass off that linoleum floor, go fill out and application at Subway...or Stewarts...and done!

    1. Off topic Ray Liotta anecdote: Stood next to him in a grocery store in 1991. I had just watched him in "Goodfellas" and before that, the sinister character he played in "Something Wild". Not gonna lie, the dude scared me. And he's crazy tall. Like towering. I looked at the conveyer belt and saw he was buying just cat food and tuna fish. Interesting combination. I imagine he went home and enjoyed a tuna sandwich while his cat chowed down on the Friskies. Anyway, he caught me stealing a wide-eyed glance and surprised me with the nicest smile. Very warm and totally unexpected as I was anticipating a hard glare, lol.

  45. She's begging again! Gotta make that pesky mortgage payment, jeez why won't it go away!

    "All and any contributions towards the blog, the farm are welcome and so so so appreciated."

    Okay what blog and what farm? She has not written in her blog for weeks and when she does it's all the same drivel about her finances and how hard she has it. Yawn. The farm? What two horses, some infested pigs and a few dogs? That is NOT a farm. Sorry babe, gotta work hard just like everyone else. And as for the appreciation, yea right. I hear she never bothers to even say thank you so there's that.

    You can bet there will be a huge blog about her loneliness, her isolation, blah, blah, blah but how she's gonna resolve all that by working harder, figuring it out as she goes along, this farm is hers dammit and she's gonna make it!!! OMG, I'm crying already.

    Same. old. shit.

    1. "All and any contributions towards the blog, the farm are welcome and so so so appreciated. Trying to make a mortgage payment before the 15th and sometimes sharing links like this makes magic happen. And I need to believe in magic these days!"

      She's received only one irrelevant response so far when all she wants is mortgage money not magic:

      "Killer wood stove!"

    2. But wait!
      Did anyone else catch the date the mortgage is due this time-the 15th? It’s always been due by the last day of the month before. I wonder what’s changed.

    3. Anon1:30, if a mortgage payment is due by the end of a month, there's normally a 15-day 'grace period' before it's considered late & further late charges accrue so I wonder if she's talking about the November mortgage payment.

    4. Wouldn't be surprised if it was Sept's or Oct's mortgage she's chasing down. The changing due date may not have changed at all and perhaps she's trying to "earn up" more than one payment this month.

  46. Anon7 and others - There was a situation where a young girl gave $65 to Jenna for the clan blog. She also sent Jenna a get well card for her "root canal' and enclosed $10. Her grandmother wrote about it on Meredith's blog. It took the girl three months to save up the money for the Clan. But she never received her password for the clan blog and Jenna never responded to her emails.

    Many of us on Meredith's blog pooled our money together and made a donation to Send a Girl to School, a charity chosen by April, the girl that was wronged.

    Here are some excerpts from her grandmother from 11/19/2015 on Meredith's blog. Get your kleenex out.

    "AnonymousNovember 18, 2015 at 2:24 PM
    Hi everyone, Meredith now my jaw is the one that is dropping. What a wonderfully kind and thoughtful thing to do. My granddaughter's name is April and knowing her like I do, she will want this $ to go to another little girl.

    In the next couple of days I think I will start a conversation with her about us not donating to people anymore unless we've done our research. She's too young in my opinion to hear some of the things we all know to be true about donating to JW. But I will make it clear to her that JW did not keep her word about updating the clan blog, it wasn't because she forgot to let my granddaughter into her secret blog. Which is what my granddaughter thinks. I want that part corrected in her mind because that's not right.
    (to be continued)

  47. (part 2)

    AnonymousNovember 19, 2015 at 1:05 AM
    Thank you, thank you everyone. I am overwhelmed, to say the least, with this thread and its good people... However, I said-“on this particular blog I found some folks who had also sent $ to read JW’s special blog, who were also upset that JW hadn’t kept her promise”. She wanted to know if any of the other people ever got an answer to their email. Apparently she’d had her Mom send an email last fall asking JW if she’d received her donation and never received a response. To date we have never received anything back from donating to CAF/JW.

    Just to be clear here, I helped my granddaughter make the donation in 2014. This was before the girls lost their parents, and I my son and daughter-in-law. After I made the donation for her I didn’t think much of it. She was carrying around the Chick Days book, I remember that much. Chickens were #1 on the list when they decided to start buying stock.

    She loves going to her other grandparent’s farm and both her parents and I had/have always encouraged both girls to share and be kind to those in need. Both girls are allowed to do what they choose with their allowances. I’m certain her Mom thought the CAF blog was harmless and likely thought it was a companion to the book. April likes to look at photos of animals.

    I checked PayPal today, after I picked up the girls, and so far I’ve found one donation made in 2014. It was made on 8/2/2014 for $65.00, I cannot find the other one. I cannot remember if it was last year or this year we sent her a get well card. I think we may have put the $10.00? It’s the only other explanation I have unless I am missing it in PayPal. She had to save a little over three months for the $65.00. That’s a pretty generous little girl of which I am very proud.

    It wasn’t until this past summer that she reminded me of the donation we made when we unpacked boxes with her books in them. I asked her if she’d ever talked with the author after she signed up for the special blog. She said “it just didn’t work out, the chicken lady (that’s what she calls her) never got back to me”. She thinks JW lost her address and doesn’t care that she sent her money to save her farm. Knowing April she probably feels like she didn’t send enough.

    I emailed JWs email address this past summer and never heard back so I googled JW scam and found coldantlerscam site and then this blog. Truthfully, after reading through JWs blog, April probably had seen something written about a new book, but then also at the same time JW was soliciting money for Clan blog. I think April thought the money she was donating was for the new book and entry to the new blog where she and others would see the book being written and maybe become a character in it. Since I didn’t do my research I sent the $65.00 which ended up being for the personal Clan blog instead. Which of course, in a way, I am glad April lost interest in due to the fact it contained adult content and then abruptly stopped without further updates.

    Again, everyone thank you for all your kindness. April likes the idea that she is included in a group that is going to be choosing a gift for someone. Which of course makes grandma happy. Kay

    1. Anonymous 6:55. The "young girl" who gave a donation was mentioned above in a comment, but your further information is appreciated. Clearly, all that JFW wants is money, and lacks the common courtesy to thank people. She lacks basic scruples, and deceives even children without remorse.

    2. What an unbelievable piece of shit Jenna is. I would walk up and bitch slap her if I lived in the area.

    3. Anonymous 8:28. You'd have a long line ahead of you. I'd like to see the smug smirk slapped off her by someone.

    4. Thanks for posting that Anon 6:55 - What a disheartening thing to read...my mouth dropped open the entire time. Children are so impressionable, innocent and trusting, I don't understand how anyone could be so cruel. And no doubt April will always associate the name Jenna Woginrich with her first lesson in how adults can be dishonest and deceitful. And the child's age is probably why she thought she'd get away with it. Glad the grandmother stepped in to let everyone know.

  48. Interesting to read about her history of appearing with a new email/website, apparently scamming people by not delivering promised product, and then reappearing with a new email/website/story and starting the whole thing over again to a new crop of people online.
    This seriously reminds me of a Catfish situation. I really wonder if she is "creating" her story and farm on another blog somewhere, under a different name, and starting the process all over again.
    She seems like a serial-abuser, changing her situation to get money out of a whole new crop of poodles!

    1. Hey you bring up a good point. She probably does use several aliases. How could one find that out?

      She is a serial-abuser and sick. Im going to look into this...thanks.

    2. She used to go by another name --- Corbie, I think? She used that name w/ her Heathen people and possibly w/ the furries as well. Serial scammer.

    3. She has also used a long list of emails, the itsafarwalk one, something about dogs in the park, the oak paw mess, several others. The link posted above about her oakpaw in-deliverables listed several of her email aliases. There are probably more.

    4. Here's the thing though - she had most of her successful books under the Cold Antler Farm "brand". If she drops that and moves on to something else, she's cutting herself off from the brand that made her. She's in a no-win scenario: she can't drop CAF and make a new brand like she used to, because that is her crowning achievement and most of her income is built around that.

    5. Anons 11:09 and 11:37 - Every now and then I search GoFundMe and other sites to see if she's trying to crowdfund on the sly. I suppose you could also do a reverse image search since we know she loves to recycle old pics. Also, searching on DuckDuckGo and Google will show any new activity under her name. Fun fact: On DDG, Jon Katz's scathing blog post shows up in the results on the first page, lol.

      I did find an old IndieGoGo fund raiser from a few years ago and am wondering how many of those people actually received their promised postcards? Cuz she wrote this update using her same 'ol avoidance tactics:

      ❝ Thank you all who donated, postcards are in the mail and anyone who does not receive their soon, PLEASE contact me to let me know! ❞


    6. I recall that campaign. She should start a "Lazy Lifestyle Loser" one to fund.

  49. Twit Shit:

    "Today: woke up at 7, got this farm squared away, packaged a soap order, made breakfast, worked on three illustration clients, walked a thank you card and bacon to the neighbors for plowing my driveway. Logo work later. Trying to keep sales coming in and head above water!"

    Ain't she just the scrappiest feral farmer you've ever seen? Someone give her a goddamn medal just for existing. What a mature adult with her little lists of asinine accomplishments. We're waiting for the "wolves are at my door!!!" tweet to appear. Or maybe "the scary red van man!!!" It's all a bunch of bull.

    1. So she supposedly sold out of pig shares, yet kept bacon for herself and enough to give away?

    2. Do dogs ever need root canals? Cuz that's probably next...

    3. I was also thinking that no one wants her own crap bacon. Can you imagine how it tastes after letting her pigs eat on top of their own filth?! Let alone the health hazards. I agree about another dog disaster looming on the cold horizon of "Winter's Bottom 3."

    4. Luckless slinger- all meat is a what you put in you get out situation. Garbage in, garbage out. I know good pig raisers and they are almost obsessive about what they feed.

    5. She woke up at 7? I know of not one farmer who sleeps in like that...

    6. Anonymous 10:24. I agree with what you wrote. And since she's bragged about feeding her poor pigs stale doughnuts and deli leftovers, I'm sure that their bacon tastes bad.

  50. CAFinition of the day:

    Magic - A handout; getting something for nothing.

    1. 🌟 💫 MAGIC! ✨💫

      𝕄 e, poor little 'ol me needs $$
      𝔸 nything helps and means SO much
      𝔾 ive me all yer monies
      𝕀 won't bother to thank you
      ℂ uz I deserve a subsidized life

    2. That made me smile.

    3. Oh Anon7, you never fail to give me a giggle with my coffee. This and the medal for the heels below!

  51. For the newbies - a tweet from 2015

    "Drove home from a dinner party in my 1989 Ford F-150 in 2 inch heels. Where is my award?"

    9:22pm - 14 Nov 15

    Yep. She wants an award for driving in heels. Don't you know she is the only woman who has ever driven in heels?

    What's that you say? It's been done before?

    Shhhhhh....don't tell her.

    1. Two inch heels ain't nothin'. Do it in 4 inch heels after standing and walking in them all day. What a freaking moron.

    2. If anything deserves an award it's the 2" heels for strength and endurance. 🏅

    3. Strength and Endurance medal. I laughed right out loud!!!!

  52. From her blog:
    "This is the hardest it's ever been.
    This is the saddest I've ever felt.
    I'll be okay.
    I just want this winter to pass and feel safe and warm."

    1. Poor, poor pitiful her. Donations and atta girls must be drying up. So hard. So sad. But she'll be ok. It's just so darned hard and sad. Send money, dammit!

    2. Poor, poor baby. Too bad, so sad. Always has it so tough and she cries herself to sleep every night. So lonely all the time, no friends, no family, whaaa, whaaa, whaaa.

      Such bullshit. Cause IG tells quite a different story. This is just a ploy to get kind strangers to open up their wallets.

      Jenna, FCK YOU, we can see right through you.

    3. She's said the same crap for years regarding her emotional shit. But then bravely writes "I'll be okay." Sure she will. And it's only due to her stupid supporters giving her handouts. Personally, I feel so bad for little frozen Jenna. She's living alone on the side of a mountain, without a woman by her solitary side. JFW is the only "single estranged lesbian" in the world.

  53. Then there's this:
    Me, at 4AM, is this mild pain in my leg from running up hills on I've irritating an old injury or will I be dead by morning from a blood clot? Just be the second thing because anxiety is always right.

    She's pouring it on thick today isn't she? I guess donations have dried up.

    1. Reminds me of the most well know catchphrase on Sanford and Sons.

      " Oh, my God! This is the big one! I'm coming, Elizabeth!"

  54. Love that she added "promoting sales" to her list of things she did. Umm so you retweeted?

    I agree, Anon 7:37...seems that she is throwing all of her tactics out there today.

  55. Wow. The punctuation and grammer are bad enough.

    1. Yeah, the "real righter" rarely uses proper punctuation and good grammar. But she likes to brag about "her agent."

  56. The pattern continues. While she's being dire and dark on her blog and Twitter an hour or so ago, she posts a cheerful, chirpy photo of her barn and pigs in the snow on Instagram, like everything is picture perfect.

    Remember how she used to beg and whine on Facebook and be perky and interesting on Twitter to lure in new followers? But she got exposed for her usual lies and begs on FB and left. Then she had no choice but to beg on Twitter since that's her business model. Now she's using Insta to draw in new followers and her Twitter is the same unending beg that is wearing out her followers and exposing her usual lies and hypocrisy. Wonder how long til she says she needs to take a break from Twitter and will be focusing on Instagram for farm updates?

    Anon in GA

    1. Damn, do you have her number. She's a pathological liar, and it's all a bunch of bull.

    2. Imagine waking up each day knowing that your main job is to beg for money from online strangers. I really don't know how she does it day in, day out. Also must be very exhausting trying to "think up" new disasters all the time.

  57. Very recently in one of her IG stories , JFW said she was cutting back on IG and not going to share personal information there. She has to be getting push back from commenters on both IG and Twitter..not that we'll ever see those comments.

    1. Hmm, I wonder what that’s about.

  58. On Twitter an hour ago: "This is the hardest it's ever been"

    I think she is referring to selling a book. She has been re-working her "how farming saved my life" book for quite a while with no offers. It's at the point where she needs to throw that in the trash and write something new...and she knows that she has nothing new to write about. No wonder she's freaking out.

    1. I think that it might be a manipulative marketing attempt for money mooching. I've noticed a definite pattern. She'll passively refer to "hardest," however, without supplying details. Then she can create new fake scenarios: dogs' paws issues, truck repairs, tooth decay, no more firewood, and the old lady accident. It also allows future dumb enablers to send the poor, depressed FFF some extra cash for Taylor Swift sweatshirts etc...

  59. Yes, FFF is definitely pulling out all the stops to catch attention of passers-by.

    1. On December 4 (IG) she posted: "I don't know about you but this winter hit fast and hard here in NY. The season is already hard for me, for so many reasons, but all of them circling around fears of isolation, loneliness and failure...Basically, be patient with my clearly needy ass til thaw."

    2. A few minutes later she re-tweeted the following "imma tell people I'm in cats and see what happens." and commented that this testimony to lying is "Best tweet of the day, also a life lesson."

    3. Without mentioning that she has a whole-home oil heater she can use, she posted a moody B&W photo of a thermostat showing 49 degree with the pitiful comment "When you heat with wood and decide to leave for a run and errands instead of heating your home."

    4. And since she would rather screw off than work, IG was treated to stalker photos of TS and a short video of her horse madly licking an expensive Himalayan salt lick (which, if stored outside where it can dissolve away is an insane waste of money).

    5. By late afternoon, she posted a photo of her drinking in front of a roaring fire, wood stove’s door wide open because b&*^% like to be inefficient and as icing on a do-nothing cake, she posted pics of the hawk, letting readers know she pranced outside, playing with the hawk during a “workday” and you know, not working.

    6. Unsurprisingly, by December 5 (Twitter) she returned to begging. “Working to make a house payment by the 15th to stay safe and sound for the holidays…Chip in towards ten years of free writing. All helps!”

    7. Laughingly (at least for me), she posted an IG notice on December 5 that read: “Making an effort to spend less time online, specifically here…I’m trying to share less personal stuff online, and spend more time writing, running, and with friends”

    8. By 3:53 pm that same day, she tweeted to lament her “Long day… “. She listed a fraction of what normal people do in a day and ended with “meeting tonight about possible writing work. I am tired.”

    9. On December 6, (4 am) she complained to Twitter about a mild pain in her leg and her anxiety. After collecting a few concerned tweets by readers she tweeted at 9:23 am that “I do feel better, but didn’t get back to sleep…and now I’m trying to work on selling this book. Hoping to nap later if I can make time.” About an hour later, she tweeted “This is the hardest it’s ever been.”

    10. And didn’t we all know her narcissistic ego couldn’t keep away from IG? A little after 8 am on December 6, she posted: “This is the hardest it’s ever been. This is the saddest I’ve ever felt. I’ll be okay. I just want this winter to pass and feel safe and warm.” She used IG to promote her melt and pour soaps and posted a photo of five pigs escaping from the barn, probably trying to get fresh air after being locked inside.

    OMG, folks, it’s only December 6th. Winter hasn’t even started! The temperature hasn’t been that cold, the snowfall fairly minor – can you imagine what a complaining pain-in-the-derriere FFF will be in the butt crack of winter? Poodles, end all our potential future misery and SEND HER YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY.

    1. That was well-put. I'll start the popcorn soon for "Winter's Bottom 3."

    2. Yea I can't wait to read what Jenna "whaaa whaaaa" Woginrich comes up with next for her big beg. I'm getting my popcorn started NOW!

      Thanks for the entertainment Jenna!

    3. More like:

      ❝ Thi$ i$ the harde$t it'$ ever been.
      Thi$ i$ the $addest I've ever felt.

      I'll be okay. (If you $end me the monie$)
      I ju$t want thi$ winter to pa$$ and feel $afe and warm. ❞

      Sounds like donor fatigue has hit her bank account hard. 🍿

  60. Twat Tweets:

    "In just heard a woman brag about having two lungs, she was so happy. I really need to lower my bar a little."

    I think that it's "I just" not "In just," stupid. And her "bar" should be "raised" to working like an adult to support her fat ass. I don't think that she can "lower" herself any further and not hit the dirt.


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