Definitely something very strange going on. On October 1st, she stated that she didn't make the mortgage payment for the month before:
❝ I didn't make a mortgage payment for the last month so that's where my attention is, as usual. ❞
And at the beginning of September, she still hadn't made the August payment. This from Sept. 3rd:
❝ In less good news, I am three days into September and didn't manage to take care of August's most important bill (a mortgage payment) or get firewood delivered. ❞
And the very next day:
❝ The bank sends someone to talk to you about your third month behind on the mortgage threatening a short sale if you don’t pay up fast - pace and sell whatever you can offer legally to make at least one payment to keep the door only covered in scratch marks instead of bite marks. ❞
And now there's hardly any talk about the mortgage. But she did say something strange back on October 6th:
"Hold on loose and don't let go."
Shouldn't that be "hold on tight"?? The word "loose" would seem to imply that she's already lost her grasp on the mortgage/property but she's still going to try to hang on...just barely. At least that's what I thought when she wrote that, cuz hanging on loosely is a weird thing to say for someone in her situation.
If she did get a book deal, you'd think she'd make a big announcement. Unless she doesn't want to jinx it. Or maybe because people might not make pity donations if they think she was given book advance money. some of you have speculated, Ma 'n Pa Wog bailed her out.
I'd be shocked if she ever got a book deal again. And I think that mama's sent her mortgage money this month. Otherwise, she'd be whining non-stop about the "scary red van man" and "wolves at my door!!!"
She must have gotten money somewhere. This comment says it all.
"I NEED A DAY. So I'm hiking this AM w/ my girl, Friday. Hunting in the afternoon. And listening to ghost stories over cider tonight w/ friends. Minimal work. Maximum Fall."
Just a few days ago she asked her foollowers if she should go to a Halloween "Festival of Darkness" which, if you do the math, would have cost a pretty penny:
☞ $15 gas money to travel from Cambridge to Rupert VT. (40 miles round trip. Gas prices are $2.75 a gallon and the rusted-out truck probably gets about 8 miles a gallon.)
☞ $10 entry fee to the festival and $10-$20 for snacks to stuff her pie hole.
💵 Total: $35-$45 that she must've got from somewhere. 💰
exactly my thoughts she has gotten money from "somewhere" there was hardly any begging all month long and one of her posts on Twitter had something to do with #37 or something. Do you think our little snowflake has a sugar momma? Or maybe her real momma has sent her a big fat check and she is sitting back and spending that money like crazy. Either way she is not sitting home waiting on a begathon. Maybe she has seen the light and realizes this farm is about to go and be long gone.
37...she's either referring to her age or the overnight temperature maybe.
Certainly something has happened, as the normal begging routine has practically ground to a halt. No foreclosure talk, no disasters or emergencies. This is not like her.
Perhaps she DID get that book deal and they cut her a check?
It must really suck for her to realize how much she had, and how irrelevant she is now. She used to be a young/hipster/ homesteader/ author. People (even me in the beginning) ate it up. Now she is middle aged/ weird/ unemployed/ can't get published.
Seriously. Any time I search past bleg entries and old YouTube videos I'm struck by the contrast between then and now. Back then, she had tons of projects, classes, Antlerstock etc. But now all she does is watch TV and tweet about Taylor Swift.
When is the last time she offered archery classes or over-priced music lessons?
Who was our contact that got the animals removed from her "care"? She is professing to have piglets and lambs, which is scary. I wonder if we should send her recent tweets and have them follow up.
I also searched and didn't see it anywhere obvious. Maybe she's deleted it after reading the comment here. We all know that she often does that to hide her crap.
Also earlier this week on her IG stories, she listed all she had accomplished that day. The usual: farm chores, going to the post office, promoting her wares , working on logos....ect. Then she whined that someone telling her to get a "real job" could ruin a good day. She then stated she has worked harder and made MORE money the past few years then when she held a job.
Maybe she's not on twitter so much because others are telling her to get a job. But If she is making more money then when employed how come she cannot pay her basic bills like uitilities and morgage ?
from everything Jon Katz says there are no more up front monies for book deals and no expense accounts etc. He has had much more exposure and books than she can ever think about doing (not that I am a fan of his at all) so it doesn't seem like she has gotten a big fat check for maybe writing a book.
Let's talk about hawks. FFF still has Auburn, the red-tailed hawk, which is beyond the age at which it should have been released to the wild. According to posts, the hawk has already caught/killed chipmunks, which means it is able to survive on its own. Like with poor Aya Cash, FFF is keeping the hawk for social media cred only.
Further, she never deleted the self-promoting hawk photos on her Instagram account. Considering that she tells readers and donors to "check out" old posts, this is tantamount to currently posting promotional ads using raptors - a big NO NO according to Federal and State laws. It is time to AGAIN report FFF to NYS DEC as she hasn't removed old posts.
And, speaking of social media pimping, along comes the Diane Arbus-Wannabe MR, shilling the untruthful NYT article which states FFF "saves" hawks, that is catches them when they are juveniles and releases them in their second spring, having better assured their survival by keeping them over the winter, training and feeding; HA! Nothing could be further from the truth. FFF has admitted publicly that falconry is a sport for her. She enjoys the attention she gets, and weirdly she gets a kick out of killing/maiming animals. What whack job, would gleefully post a photo of an animal's fur ripped off, as a "near kill" and something to celebrate? What loser posts they are hoping for "Bunny Down"? It's like a hunter bragging about an ear that was ripped off a deer, or a fisherman happily posting that a fish's tail fin was torn. She remains a disgusting and abusive as ever.
Then there's the wildly inaccurate NYT times article about "The Girl Who Hunts With Hawks". If you haven't read the article, it's a fantasy piece - FFF lied to the author and/or the author neglected to do fact check or follow-up. I guess I'm not surprised that the NYT puff piece is self-serving and promotes FFF lies. She promotes the author's books & articles and he's purchased and promoted her products. Additionally, MR and her husband socialize with FFF, and both have made money through their connection with Appalachia-of-the-North.
Sad that the animals - as always - suffer with FFF and her complicit social media wannabes.
PDD. That was an astute comment, thanks. Only a sick sociopath would proudly post anything about "killing/maiming animals." We'll continue reporting her to appropriate authorities. And MR is a dumb enabler and accomplice. Maybe not in deed but creed.
Yup PoodleDiDoo, I was also disgusted with her "almost killed a bunny" IG post. Just horrible that she found it amusing and necessary to show clumps of fur that had been ripped from that poor little bunny.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · 1h Just fed a freshly slaughtered lamb's heart to my hawk before heading out on a date with a lady. Ya know, girl stuff.
Jenna seems to think that she is the only person on the internet or something. That like her "dates" are never going to look her up or google her. Shesh, can you imagine being some nice lonely shebeing and think, wow, this other shebeing seems kinda quirky and all but nice enough, sure, lets get coffee or something . And then you think, oh, she sure has a lot of things going on and you get a little overwhelmed by her strong ME ME ME kinda vibe and that evening you look her up and OMG... shesh. Even the most un-comfortable with the internet person would quickly run across all her internet slime trail. Shesh, if nothing else, her Twitter and to read something like that post above... OMG RUN RUN RUN! shesh, that is hardly romatic sounding.
That was well-put. You'd have to be a fool not to do due diligence on dating a virtual stranger. I know that most of her conversations are monologues starring JFW and her "Live like fiction!" reality. Ironically, it's always paid for by others.
For anyone who's ever watched a few of the Pig Shocker's Youtube videos, I'm sure you've noticed the one characteristic that pervades every single one: SMUGNESS.
It's her crippling lack of self esteem that makes her talk that way. And her know-it-all-ness as well. It's apparent in the videos, her tweets, her bleg, etc. She'd have more luck on dates if she were to be more humble, less smug.
Anon7. Her smirking smugness is mega annoying among all of the other despicable characteristics. Even my husband hates her voice, and he's usually much more lenient than I am.
She has that annoying stammer of someone who is not sure of themselves. Add to that a sprinkling of cockiness and you have a voice that grates on every nerve.
"Some mornings on the farm are light and sunny. Some start with chores and sweat and a run just for the hell of it, fueled by coffee and the need to stretch my legs. But some mornings are like this one - dark and covered in frost and with hard work ahead. The traveling butcher comes today to fulfill CSA shares and while I never look forward to this sort of work, I do look forward to the recipes and stories around dinner tables during the dark months ahead. #homesteading #smallfarm"
Just because the photo shows her hand and animal, there's still no proof that it was taken at CAF. Or that it was even of JFW. I don't believe a word that she says, because so much of it is based on bullshit. And she's probably oversold the sheep shares like always. I thought that she also "put the laugh back in slaughter" like she's bragged about before on her blog. It sounds like something a sociopath would say. Oh, wait...
How interesting that she's starting to use hashtags in her Instagram comments. The only purpose for doing that is to attract new people who happen to be exploring tags for #homesteading and #smallfarm(s).
I think that's an old photo of her old ewe Sal. I remember that raggedy brown sweater. I think she wore it in her kilt stage. Anyway, that sheep looks full grown. She got her runty lambs late in the season. No way they are that big.
Anon7. I also noticed her stupid, self-promotion hashtags. Again, it's all part of her manipulative marketing. Anonymous. Which is what I thought. So it's blatant lying to pretend that it's a pic of current livestock, and the illusion leads potential buyers to envision a sheep that's fully grown.
Sheep owners, if she really had lambs, how much would they weigh? She got them during May, with one being a runt. At best they are six months old, with dressed weight about 50% of live weight. With neglect and crap food, what could they weigh? 100 pounds? If she actually had lambs at her place (something I seriously doubt), her "share holders" will be getting about 20-25 pounds for a half-share of lamb. Not sure what she charges for a half share, but I'll bet it was $$$$ per pound.
I used to raise lambs. Bought them in March and had them butchered this time of year. They were grass fed til late summer when hay and grain were added. They averaged 45 to 50 pounds cut and wrapped. I sold it to family members for the going price per pound. Definitely was not a money maker. P.B.
Poods, I looked at those pics and I think you're right. That does look like Sal. And that's her MO, showing old pics hoping naive foollowers won't know the difference. She recently reposted a pic of her (on Instagram) in a diner from years ago, and didn't bother to correct a commenter who thought it was a recent pic. Then, someone else commented and PS said the pic was from either 2017 or 2018. Nope, she posted that years earlier.
On Twitter, she's practically foaming at the mouth over Chris McDougall's book signing event at her local bookstore. His new book is about running with donkeys. Jon Katz also has a donkey. I'm curious, what is the purpose of having a donkey? They are too small to ride, right? They aren't raised for meat, are they? So I'm guessing they are just pets?
Anon7, my husband and I are entertaining the idea of getting a donkey. They can be used to ride (depending on size), as pack animals, pets, or even livestock guardians. We want one as a livestock guardian because they have been known to kill coyotes, and those are one of the biggest predators in our area. They will bray and charge as opposed to running in fright. Being that the coyotes around here are drawn by dogs, we think having a dog might not be the best for us, especially if they bark all night in response to some of the neighboring dogs.
Seeing as how JW likes predators in her area and wants to coexist, I don't think getting a donkey would be the best option for her (as donkeys have also been known to break a coyote's neck by biting the scruff of its neck and jerking its head side to side).
Donkeys, to my understanding, don't require as intensive of care as a horse would either.
My husband and I do a lot of research and planning before adding anything to our little homestead. Though, we are looking at possibly a mini Jack or Jenny instead of a full sized donkey for ease of handling.
Her juvenile, weird worship of well-known people is nauseating, aside from the Taylor Swift obsession, and it's obvious that she only wants their association plus funds. I've never understand why CM doesn't see through her scamming and begging bullshit.
We're also looking into donkeys, but I'm a little nervous about potential noise issues. We used to live near a neighbor who had a couple, and when they start braying it sounds like Chewbacca and family is having a party on the next farm over from yours. But they're great livestock guardians, don't need to be ridden regularly, and can keep a pasture mowed down nicely.
Has “VerYork” had snow this year? There’s a sprinkling in that picture. But 99% sure it’s Sal from years gone by and there is absolutely no way that is one of the runty lambs she had earlier. We keep sheep. Nope.
I'm guessing her silence means she got a chunk of money somehow. Usually when that happens she has that devil may care attitude like she displayed when she went hiking and wrote "minimal work, maximum fall".
HD - For awhile, that annoying "Prove you're not a robot" feature was gone. Now it's back again and I have to click on school buses, fire hydrants, crosswalks, etc. Most times I miss something and have to start over again. Is there a way to remove it? I think a lot of us would appreciate it! Thanks.
Strange, I've never seen the robot thing in the almost two years I've been logging in here. But if it makes a difference, I log into Blogger via my Google email.
But one thing I did notice is that the auto-spell-correct feature seems to be back as of last week. I know that it's spelled "blog" but I type "bleg" for a reason, lol.
The non-robot validation isn't required if you have a Google/Blogger user name, but it pops up if you sign on anonymously. At least that's been my experience.
Off topic: Did you know that some of those "prove you're not a robot" requests have a dual purpose: One is to prove you're not a robot and the other is to teach AI how to identify the correct answers. Which...kinda sounds like they are trying to teach robots how to game the system, lol.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · 2h Please help spread the word! Haven't made many sales all last month, really need to pay off this firewood delivery that just arrived and keep the lights on! Every sale helps!!
Firewood and lights? Something’s up with the mortgage.
Poor, desperate little Jenna Woginrich. It looks like mama's mortgage money wasn't enough to also cover firewood (which she could easily get for free), new vinyl, and Taylor Swift sweatshirts (IT WAS A SURPRISE GIFT!). Her hyperbolic "keep the lights on!" is one step away from "The scary, red van man, and wolves are at at my door!"
Crap, I meant to respond to this comment, but forgot to hit reply in the correct spot. (My comment is down below, the one with the flames.)
When I read this blog, I'm not yet signed in until I go to make a comment. I click "reply" right under the comment, which takes me to a login screen. After logging in, it takes me back to this page, but then it moves my comment down to the bottom where it becomes a new post, rather than a comment. To avoid this, once you're signed in you need to scroll back up to the comment you were replying to and once again hit the reply button, which magically brings your post back to the correct spot.
That's why sometimes you see replies at the bottom that don't seem to make sense at first, until you realize they were directed at a comment higher up. Just FYI.
Her funky fiddle playing will require a lot more than simply "dusting it off." We've heard here play in person before at "her bar" in Cambridge. Once she started sawing away, we left with our friends. It was like a form of musical torture.
Good memory, Anon 11:10! She did indeed say that. But then Taylor Swift dropped a new album and that sent the Pig Shocker into an internet tizzy on Twitter, so the fiddle fizzled.
BTW, check out the time she played a concert for a hurricane on her fiddle. And note that she can't play any clear, true notes. Her notes are muddy and off key. And keep in mind that she charges a whopping $250 for fiddle lessons. Just, no.
She loves the idea and the romanticism of the fiddle, but is too lazy to put in any real practice time so she always sounds like a struggling beginner.
So she allegedly hasn't made many sales all last month, which was October? Well, look what she said on the bleg on October 21st:
❝ I have been keeping up with fulfilling at least three orders a day between soap, illustration, and logo work. ❞
Correct my math if I'm wrong, but saying she works on (at least) 3 orders a day, that would imply each and every day for the past 3 weeks. So 21 days x 3 sales a day would = 63 sales (at least).
But now she's saying she "hardly" made any last month? Sure, some of them may have been sales from September, but either way she's lying. And I think the lie was what she said in the bleg post...just trying to make it look like she's successful.
very odd her friend Running with donkeys is doing a reading at the brewery and not at the local bookstore. Of course Pig Shocker will be there and as he says they are staying till they throw them out. This should be quiet a sight to see the love fest between the 2 of them.
Yep. I'm surprised she didn't spring for a new dress via donations. There was another photo that was removed. It was a shot of the three of them standing against the brewery wall. The Pig Shocker had slung her arm up on the shoulder of the guy who is not McDougall, and the body language was very telling as he was leaning away from her.
But Miriam took down that pic and posted the one of them all lying down on the train tracks, for whatever reason.
Why yes it is her monkey dress. Where are the yellow grandma shoes? The little girl purse? Did she get new boots AGAIN? Btw, I think everyone is asleep. I would be too listening to Jenna drone on about herself. Zzzzz. -GG
OMG... blow up the picture. That first table of people are not interested t all, one guy looks asleep, they are not even looking at her. And the second big table is all that guys book table and I am assuming the guy in the blue weird hat thing is him. The other front table is totally empty, and there are two ladies at the middle table mildly interested. Shesh, like NO ONE is there. He must be thinking, goodness, what a waste of my time...
Anonymous 6:13. You're quite right. So I wanted to apologize on the behalf of stylish librarians. And I've seen quite a few in Vermont. I was thinking of the dated cliche which is still around in some small towns, like the ones who wear old granny glasses, frumpy fitting clothes etc...
OMG, Farmlass, you are right. I almost feel sorry for the poor guy. Dismal turnout indeed. I wonder if the fact that Jenna publicly and widely promoted it is the reason hardly anyone showed -- as if no one in town wanted to be anywhere near her, lol.
"Please help spread the word! Haven't made many sales all last month, really need to pay off this firewood delivery that just arrived and keep the lights on! Every sale helps!!"
She has zero self-awareness, and also adult accountability. Just last week she was bragging about taking a day off to frolic in the woods, and let her hawk maim rabbits for fun. Now, she has the chutzpah to complain about not having "made many sales all last month." It's no one's responsibility to "Please help spread the word!" about a college-educated, able-bodied lazy lifestyle loser who won't work to support herself.
I can imagaine some poor guy dumping the load of wood and then JFW telling him she can't pay, not caring that he or she who "prepped" her firewood has bills too.
Also she was just bragging on her instagram stories that she has made more money working for herself than when she had a "real job". Everything she writes is fantasy. P.B.
She probably just barely scraped up enough money for it, paid the guy, but now her bank account is in single digits, so she lied about needing to "pay it off" -- what she really means is she needs more new sales or donations to plump up her bank account without having to get a J-O-B.
So someone got a new chair on Instagram. Although the right side looks spotted and dingy with dirt. Maybe she found it at the dump like the bike. Right. There's also a silly pic of her lying on the railroad in the ugly monkey dress with two dudes. It looks ridiculous. (Too bad that the train doesn't run through regularly there anymore.) And those boots look expensive. What a liar about not having enough funds. "She plays while we pay."
I don't understand IG. I search for "coldantlerfarm" and get the page, but I NEVER see any pics that people here are discussing. (Incidentally, looks like there are 2 CAF IG accounts, and one under "jennawoginrich" but alas, never the pics being discussed. What am I doing wrong????
Duckmama, try this direct link: 👉
She only has this one Instagram account, and it shows up in results whether you search for "Jenna Woginrich" or "Cold Antler Farm"
There's also an unofficial account of sorts that is a result of people using tags (hashtags that are combined under one account). And that link looks like this:
That IG account is not controlled by Jenna. It's a collection of photos that have been tagged #coldantlerfarm and they are pics that other people took. Namely, people who have visited or are friends with the Pig Shocker. I check this out once in awhile to see if there is anything new. And it's how I found that ghastly drunken pic of her on her bday, as it's not a photo she would have chosen to post. And here's why:
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · 51m Trying to track down goats milk. Haven't been able to make soap since Friday but am working on it. Please be patient!
Soap maker here. Asking someone to be patient because you haven’t made soap since “Friday” is not even a thing. No matter if you made the soap on Friday, or today, or last week, or next week-soap still takes 4-6 weeks to cure. Good soap, that is. Soap which has been allowed to mellow out and for the moisture to evaporate, making for a harder, longer-lasting bar with a good PH range. If you have soap in the works (like we do, at all times, in all stages of curing), not having milk for three days doesn’t matter in the least (unless you have such a booming production and demand that you HAVE to make soap every single day in order to deliver...and by the begging, bemoaning, and how rarely she seems to get orders by her own admission, at least lately, we know that’s not the case.)
1. I don't believe she is having trouble finding goats milk
2. I believe the reason for this post is because someone must have asked why she was out hiking and doing minimal work when she had orders to fill.
3. She could have faked it. How would her customers know if there was goats milk in the soap. If I understand correctly, it is a very small proportion.
4. You can easily find goats milk at the supermarket.
Google goat's milk Cambridge NY, and you'll see many sources in her hipster suburb. Of course, she's using more excuses because, as usual, she does Fcuk all, except play while others pay. Hiking, hawking, hanging at the pub, binge watching tv. Not working and "too busy" to get an outside job. Honestly, I wish a customer would make a formal complaint on her. What a POS she is.
PDD. You're right about JFW. She shamelessly brags about her fun little expeditions during the work week, and yet begs for money at the same time. We all know that it's just donations for nothing that she really wants. (Or for patrons to pay for the honor of reading her poorly written crap blog.) I've also never seen anyone who wants people to "Please be patient!" while waiting for long overdue orders. Of course, she always wants their money up front. Her non-existent "business model" isn't sustaining and ethical.
You can get the goat's milk melt and pour base from Amazon.... no excuse.
And you're right, if she was really making REAL soap, it would need weeks to cure. And normally, you don't make REAL soap in molds. It's usually done in a bar and sliced and such. She just really thinks everyone is stupid and doesn't have access to any sort of internet knowledge at the push of a button.
Google "how to make soap" and you will see that all her antics are just postering and delay tactics for her crappy hobby soap and anyone can make in an afternoon.
❓Just curious: If anyone here who makes soap could get ahold of one of the Pig Shockers bars, would you be able to tell what is in it just by examining it? Like I'm no soap maker or expert, but I can tell the difference between a known quality brand bar of soap vs a cheap dollar store bar made of gawd nows what.
And yeah, I agree...her "can't find goat's milk" sounds like someone did complain.
In order to have goats milk, the doe needs to have kids. How many people kid in November? None if they're smart and don't want the stress of trying to keep a tiny kid alive in the winter. She has the citidiots fooled but not us livestock people. If my goats kidded now, I'd be freaking out. But I also practice good animal husbandry so I know that's not going to happen.
just looking at the black and white picture of Miriam at the "farm" sitting in PS "new" chair. Does that mean it doesn't have hawk shit all over it yet? Boy is that woman brave sitting any where in that house and breathing the air in there that must be loaded with germs gives me the willies just thinking about it. Also notice how the door of the wood burning stove is open so the wood burns faster that way. Really really smart.
__________________ (fill in scam) are on sale! Trying to get ___________ (put in a big number) sold today! It's a way to support this ___________ (farm, life, community or whatever) and get a gift in time for the holidays! DM to order! Please help spread the word! Haven't made many sales all last month, really need to pay off this ________________ (fire wood, rogaine, pizza dough, new truck) that just arrived and keep the ______________(lights, heat, Taylor videos) on! Every sale helps!!
Lol, Anon 6:18...I like your style. Ok, I'll give it a go:
(Portraits that barely resemble your pet) are on sale! Trying to get (None...I just want donations) sold today! It's a way to support this (effort to avoid living in my parent's basement) and get an (unwanted) gift in time for the holidays! DM to (donate only)!! Please help spread the word (that I can't hack it in the real world, nor in this alternate boozy animal abusing hell hole that I've created)!!! Haven't made many sales all last month (You hear that, IRS?) and really need to pay off this (new $1K iPhone, the $2K pup I'm gonna say I found sniffing around the dump, $200 for a genetic testing kit to see if I'm the Lindbergh baby and claim an inheritance, $2.50 for extra butter on the popcorn I ate at the Farmer's matinee, $500 for the private detective that I hired to see if Patty is telling me the truth about how there's no room for me at her home, $4.99 for the new nail file I had to buy to replace the one I snapped in half trying to pry open the locks at the ABC brewery at 2am, and finally, the $7.95 Priority Mail postage that Ma Wog is insisting that I reimburse her for sending me a pity check to bail me out. Phew. *takes a breath* You know, it costs A LOT of money to be meeeeeeeee. To be myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy best self. HOO!!!!!
Profit margins on that soap have to be so slim, she can't be making much from it. I'm guessing "soap" is a code word for "donation". People must be slinging a little extra luck her way.
FFF has taken to whining on IG Create Mode stories. Earlier today, she wrote:
"...I'm finding these darker days lonely so I'm reaching out to friends for company. I'm worried about money and winter prep, so I'm working hard as I can. It's never about the getting there that makes me feel better...friends still flake out on plans and you can only work so much..."
Wow. If you think the poor FFF is buckling down to prepare for winter and earn money... you would be wrong. Soon after, she played with her captive hawk, wasting time outside and generally frittering another workday away. Further, she persists in keeping This latest raptor a prisoner even though it is way beyond its second spring and should have been released many months ago.
So there! All you selfish poodles who expect timely delivery of product for your hard-earned money, STOP BUGGING JENNA. She has an artistic life to lead, and you cannot halt her free spirit with your pedestrian complaints about money. She watches tv, reads, stalks TS, parties, pretends to be fit and generally swans around. You pay and she plays. Get it? FFS, what's so hard to understand?
Good God.... she makes it sound like she's in the middle of Alaska or Mongolia and that soon, she will have to chew off her leg to survive.
Normal people just go and get a part time job. Extra cash, time to make new friends, at least have a little people time and there are often perks (goodies to bring home, etc)
No, not our Snowflake. She will while away her winter darkness like she's part of the Donner Party.
The Donner Party of 2019, It was THE END of a harsh fall, soap sales were nigh and the truck had died weeks earlier. The bean crop had rotted and the hawk had fled with the last rodent livers. Gibson had taken to hunting and not too many critters were around after that first frost and drunken harvest night where I let them all run free down Colfax while blessing Samhain and the gods. Now it was dark and stormy, I could see the skeletal structure on Friday and I weighed a wasted and emaciated 240, but I could still run, but for fear of starvation I held my calories and dare not take that chance. Patty had already pulled up her gates as resources were scarce and she pretended that I no longer existed, given this famine and pestilence that she called "employment". Dear God, I would not hear such nonsense as she spewed, I would rather fight to survive a free and crazy woman than embrace a servitude of water cooler and health insurance. And yet, as I boiled the bones of the man from the red van, I thought of my father recipe for human pot roast that he had tried to hide from me, but I knew to toss more salt onto the ruddy flesh that dared to take pictures of this here homestead and threaten me with doom. Yea, I would eat 1000 sinners before I would eat another carrot, and yet as the snow will fall and this will be a long winter, I may not have enough firewood but I have bodies enough to burn in the wood stove, Netflix and video's to keep me sane, and enough marketing chutzpah to leverage this into yet another book. Yes, I am a Donner, proud to eat my neighbors, and I will never give up the dream....
And PoodleDiDoo, very well said. And thanks for reporting the IG stories that some of us can't see unless we create an account. You're right, here lack of prep this year is nearly non existant. We may see again the nasty Winter's Bottom she experienced two years ago.
And her blog is deader than dead. She hasn't written anything because she isn't doing anything. So there's zero to write about. Yet she wants people to "kick in" for that.
Still waiting for the confluence of events that lead to this winter's disaster...
1 - So far JW only has two cords of firewood, some of which she has already been burning, and we've got a lot of winter ahead.
2 - Sometime within the past 2 - 3 months she mentioned that she would have to give up her medical insurance (but this wasn't confirmed, was it?)
3 - On 9/3 her truck passed inspection thanks to "a small loan", which she now owes. (Later it was revealed that it cost $520 for the repairs.
4 - But on 9/20 she needed a jump, so it's still unreliable. Even so, her 11/4 IG post said "I love this truck" so there will be more drama on that end.
5 - Did we ever hear whether her mortgage has been paid up to date?
6 - What is the status of her tooth?
7 - How old is Gibson now? She rarely takes him anywhere. How is he faring?
She hasn’t mentioned the mortgage since August or September. As a parent of a millennial (but one who is busting her ass and working two jobs to afford to live in the city she loves and has never asked us for money) i can see the parents being finally shamed so much by her postings that they have taken over the mortgage. I wouldn’t do it for a child that’s not doing their damn best to make it, but like I said, they may have just been driven to it by shame. I just have a strong feeling someone else is paying it. There is no way we are a week in November and haven’t heard anything about it in months now.
Some commentators have speculated that mama Wog is paying some of her bills. Maybe Jenna read that here because earlier this week on her IG storiets she wrote: If your family won't support your life at least you can have a community. Her sister used to respond on twitter. Once offering her a coat when Jenna was wishing for a very expensive jacket and offering her a bike when she insisted she needed one. Maybe the family has written her off. Who knows, its like Anon 8:16 says; It's all CAFamatics. P.B.
Why does ANYBODY have to support her life? No way I would allow people on the internet to pay for me. It's her life, she wanted it, she should be able to pay for it. And if she can't, she doesn't deserve it.
It looks to me like the Twitter well has finally run dry so she’s not wasting her breath, you can only beg for so long before folks start to take notice. Looks like she’s moving on to IG, it’s obvious that she’s setting the stage and carefully drawing in her targets. She blocked me from my account on my iPad, but I can still somewhat watch her from my phone, I just can’t see her stories. I have a friend watching her too, we’re closely watching the hawk situation. It’s funny watching her build her fantasy world thru IG pics though, all those carefully curated pics to draw in the “live like fantasy” group(that’s where the hawks will prominently feature)and the solo women farmers(pig, sheep pics). IG is a tough group though, they expect photographic evidence, and since she’s a fake farmer she won’t be able to get away with recycling photos for long. I don’t think the begging will go over very well either, nor the lack of a website or Etsy account for her decorative melt and pour soaps. I’m betting she won’t fare well on IG.
And I forgot to mention the Gay community, per example -
JFW on Twitter
“If you are my friend here, and you are on Instagram, and ESPECIALLY if you are a queer woman please please please DM me your insta name so I can add you to my nightly closed stories drama of gay wolf memes.”
Jesse. I noticed that insipid tweet last night, too. She sounds like a perpetual teenager trying to impress the cool kids. Why would anyone want to miss her "nightly closed stories drama of gay wolf memes"?! What an exciting life she leads. Not.
Fake are correct, as ALL of us homos gayz know each other! Each and every one of us gay peoplz!! We can sniff each other out via our multiple STDs. How could we not???
LieK wE JuSt ALL kNow eAch oTHer...cUz We'rE JuST tYpiCal GayS LieK tHAt!!!!!!! Please DONATE NOW all you queers and sycophants! And straight folks are welcome to to "kick in" for anything!
Fake Farmer. I can't count how many times poor, desperate little Jenna Woginrich has whined "I want to go on a date." As if by making that statement someone will respond with either "I'll fix you up!" or "Please pick me!"
If you EVER want to go on a date, you must not EVER have ever shocked a pig on purpose. Like not EVER. Or EVER. Just NO. Got it? Like not even once.
Do you see a pink nose/snout on your farm? Give it a kiss...or a gentle touch...or a loving nuzzle. do not shock a pig's nose EVER. Like, go sit in yer bathtub and grab a hair dryer and switch it on if you want to do something electric. And leave your innocent pigs alone, you horrible beast.
If you do shock pigs, you are a sick animal abuser who should have been drowned at birth. Sorry if my sentiments seem harsh, but since birth I have developed a deep love of animals everywhere. Animals (and insects) of all types. So yeah, I grow quite angry when horrible people treat them badly for no reason at all. Jenna Woginrich, you suck.
Idle thoughts, as my outside chores are done and it's raining - quite icky outside.
1. Yes, lots more FFF activity on IG "stories". Almost a frenzy of stories that are (what a surprise) all about her, much like a 12 year old. In fact, I have a 10 year-old family member who is significantly more mature in her social media postings. IG stories last for 24 hours, so my guess is she uses them in hopes of attracting a casual viewer who might then DM her (a sure way to get those hooks inside a potential donor). Today's offerings included three face close-ups, with photo filters applied: Godawful stuff and more ways to not perform that nasty four-letter word.
2. She's quit posting current photos of farming or farm animals. She posts about her hiking companion, the poor prisoner hawk and the two old horses used for props and drunken rides (say, what kind of teacher is that who appears to adore alcohol-fueled horsey rides?). It's fairly cringe worthy when compared to her earliest, more productive years.
3. Without any legitimate farm or homesteading material, FFF can't appeal to people who want to farm or homestead. Instead, she goes for pity donations and pity purchases. She counts on city people not knowing what actually is supposed to occur in the country or on a farm - in that way, she can continue to bamboozle them. Oh, poor little FFF, she works SO HARD. Why, she had to call the farrier the other day and she also had to locate goat milk. However does she do it?
4. I've long thought her recent business model is to attract unsure, unhappy, unproductive and disaffected readers, and ask them for donations. At one time, I reviewed the profiles of her most zealous supporters. The most strident often appeared to have drinking/drug problems, serious family or gender issues, depression and a generally poor quality of life. It makes sense. She calls out to them - the social misfits, the "weirdos", the ones who live a "life no one understands". To them, FFF is a Goddess. To normal people, she's a lazy, delusional, fraudulent farmer who preys on others - a con.
5. I don't think ocean girl is real. No commentary from the mysterious ocean nymph, no name, no photos, nothing, but a supposed "holiday photo" of FFF cavorting in the ocean - by herself, without anyone near her and in a manner that clearly could have been captured by a camera on a tripod or timer.
6. Regarding her complicit social media and other buddies: I am stiff baffled why people knowingly put up with someone who by her own admission has abused animals. Jeffrey Epstein had friends. Perhaps her loyal friends share behavioral traits with FFF - I won't speculate here, but there are red flags if one knows where to look. Clearly FFF has something that resonates with them.
Thank you again, Poods, for your reporting of the IG "stories" -- as most of us are only able to see the pics only. And wow, you are so right, as her aim has shifted from true farmers and homesteaders to random people who might find her interesting and donate. As if.
And yep, she's looking for cidiots like me who don't know a thing about homesteading or farm life. She's hoping to throw out some keywords and glossy pics to attract the folks who are tired of city life. No one can cast a net as wide as her. She should move to Asia.
I think people (her foollowers) put up with her (for awhile) because of pride. They found her and they thought she was amazing at first. But then they learned otherwise. But who wants to admit that they were wrong? So that's why they stick around. For awhile at least.
Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. No sir. Didn't happen.
So, by her own admission, she does not have any sheep or chickens.
Today's IG blurb says that the "pigs are in a nest of hay eating pumpkins"...."horses, hawk, dog, cats, and wolf (herself) are all safe and sound".....
Anonymous 3:17. I agree with what you wrote. She's like one of those kids in school who wants stickers just for showing up and breathing. Her silly lists are the same way. I find it funny how she identifies with wolves, too. I still see her as a raised in the suburbs and wannabe faux feral farmer.
Chickens. What the eff happened to the 150-200 chicks she purchased earlier this year? I am remembering this correctly, right? She announced several times that she had ordered big batches of chicks? Or was that last fall? Either way, how did so many chickens disappear?
yes the non begging is startling for sure and nothing on her blog for weeks I am guessing she can't get any money out of the bleg anymore so she figures why bother. I think the same as above she has gotten one hell of a windfall from someplace and as soon as she goes through that she will be back in the saddle again begging like a maniac. And we all know she will go through all the money she has been given in a blink of an eye.
Although I've speculated about mama's mortgage money, I doubt that the windfall has come from her folks. My understand from her whining about not having a trust fund is that they're not a wealthy family. And I've seen her mom's snide comments on Facebook about working. I think that it's one or more of her dumb enablers. Maybe even Miriam or Pember Patty.
Anon 4:46 wrote: "...nothing on her blog for weeks I am guessing she can't get any money out of the bleg anymore so she figures why bother."
That's exactly it. And it's sad, cuz years ago her bleg was brim full of activity. But if you've got hardly any farm animals, no gardens, no homesteading projects, you've got nothing to write about.
She'd be better off moving to Hollywood and getting a studio catering job slinging day-old donuts. ⌛️🍩
"Is it wrong to roast a chicken just to fill a house with the smell if you plan on eating it the next day? I am not hungry, but I like the idea of sensory hygge."
She's used the Scandinavian concept of "hygge" before, and also appropriates it again. The international interest in it started in 2016 not now, so once again, she's late to the trend party. It's another one of her attention-seeking devices, like those insipid polls or requests for pet pics. I'll rewrite a more truthful version of her tweet:
Is it wrong to tweet something stupid, and when six nice people take time to respond, to ignore them all because they're not any notable blue check accounts?
I don't think ocean girl is real either. I think it refers to a trip that Taylor Swift and her friend Karlie Kloss took to Big Sur in California a few years ago. There's lots of pictures of the two of them in a Vogue magazine article and Jenna seems obsessed with it. Last June she mentioned it a lot and the picture on Jenna's twitter homepage is of Karlie taking a picture of Taylor with, I think, the Pacific in the background.
Big Sur is beautiful and mystical. The whole coastal route is too.
Maybe she's been so quiet because her begging just looks so bad to a prospect date. Or she's trying to do what Christopher McDougall is doing publishing and now pushing his new book.
Wow that's sad that shes gotta make this shit up. And driving all the way to a beach town by herself in order to recreate vacation pictures of a celebrity crush. And then stick Patti with taking care of the animals while shes in total fantasyland! OMFG! Yea so weres the girl in the pics at the ocean? She would definitely do selfies with the two of them. I'd almost feel sorry for her if she wasnt such a smug bitch.
I dunno...I think coast girl was real. Someone had to take those pics of Jenna. And even if she had asked a stranger, you don't act and smile in a familiar way like she did. I think what happened is that coast girl wanted to meet her, but when she did she lost interest fast. Long distance relationships are indeed a thing, but the person has to be exceptional to make it worth the effort. And they cannot have shocked a pig. Like ever. So I think coast girl realized it was a waste of time.
But I agree that the whole cringe-worthy beach date was totally TS inspired. And Anon 1:57, yes, Big Sur is amazing! You mid-westerners and east coasters make me jealous with your awesome weather and snow, but at least we get Big Sur, lol.
"At what point on a Saturday is it too early time to make a gigantic skillet of spicy curry with veggies and chickens and then carry a bowl to the top of the stairs and eat it on your haunches like a yeti? 3pm?"
I guess that the FFF is too uncivilized to eat either in her new chair, that's already filthy looking, or at the table like a normal adult. The thought of her pigging out on her "haunches" like a "yeti" is slightly disturbing and repellent. It's no wonder why she's still single. And "chickens" should be singular not plural, moron.
James Brown @br80595755 · 3h How much would a set of 6 cost, Jenna? 1
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm Replying to @br80595755 $6 a bar $14 shipping
Are you freaking kidding me? 6 mini bars of melt and pour(because she tells on herself, “making 18 to ship on Monday”) for $50? $36 for 6 tiny bars plus $14 to ship 6 tiny bars...$50?? She has to be out of her mind, but more so, anyone falling for this BS has to either a clueless urban-dwelling farm-life-deamer, or just plain enabler.
It's highway robbery, Pig Shocker style. Seriously, I remember when she first offered those mini sized bars and they were way cheaper than her $6 bars. Even worse, she could ship that crap much cheaper if she used a USPS Priority Flat Rate Envelope is just $6 or $7 bucks. HALF of her rip-off price.
She's obviously looking to make a quick $50 and is hoping people won't ask too many questions and just do it. Like many people, sometimes I just wanna cyber-slap the stupidity outta her.
Where has Whackadoodle_Horseshit been lately? And not just her, as there are other Shammers also missing in action:
Red horse Maisie Dancing Shepherdess Jesse Cryokid PayPal Poodle
I miss you all. Where have you been? Was it something I said? Was it my breath? (BTW, if I didn't mention you, it was cuz you recently posted here. But there are others missing as well. And just like Rose said to that rescue boat, "Come back, come back!")
Dancing shepherdess here. Sometimes I reply anon, to save time. Busy earning a living, taking care of my sheep. Here checking out what's going on. Her soaps are a massive ripoff.
Hey Anon 7, I’m not on here much because we’re retired and travel quite a bit, but I did comment earlier this week, you must’ve scrolled right past me :) I do keep an eye on JWF and her handling of the hawk though. I also have a friend watching her. Thanks for asking about me, hope you’re doing well!
I'm still here, just don't read JW anymore, so I mainly come here to find out what's up. I was wondering about Cryokid the other day. There've been a couple stories in the news that made me think of her.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm Today I signed up at the local gymnasium of the Young Men's Christian Association! 5:38 PM · Nov 10, 2019·Twitter Web App
Yeah, someone got a windfall. Cuz the YMCA has like a $75 yearly fee and then its like at least $30 a month for the facilities.
I know, cuz it's too much for us to join. We have to work for a living instead of begging online.
God she pisses me off. "LA-DEE-DAH I'm spending my poodle money and rubbing in you all's faces." I can't even afford the "low income" rate for the Y. As a matter of fact, she probably got that rate because she cheats on her taxes. You have to show documentation of income, and her income shows nil because it's all 'gitfts.' Grrrrrrr..........
It's possible she got a scholarship. Our local Y offers them if you are below a certain income. I'm more pissed off about the time she has to go to the gym. No time for a job but plenty to go to the gym and whine about life so people will feel sorry for her and send money. Christ.
I love how she has to spell it out instead of just the YMCA I think she is laughing as she points out she joined a Christian assoc. like it is a joke or something. But wait the begging should begin and she is onto her next phase as she is now having to make sales right away. Must have been on a big high this last month or so and now she is being brought back to manic reality. Get ready folks I am going to go make the popcorn.
This is what a lot of homeless people do. I bet the only reason she joined the Y is because her plumbing is on the fritz again. She can shit & shower there...Cheaper than hiring a plumber!
A frugal writer once coined the term "earth gym". I'm a fitness buff, but during my most frugal years while working my way out of debt, I figured out low cost or free ways to work out.
I bought a set of free weights and lined them up under my sofa. I then purchased a workout with weights VHS tape and did my hour workout every other day. That tape lasted for years, so I sure got my money's worth.
For aerobics I either hiked, ran, rode my bike, or cross country skied. Cold weather never bothered me. When it rained, I'd go to the grocery store and walk up and down the aisles.
For Jenna, I can think of no better upper body strength training than chopping and splitting wood.
She's whining about "weather" coming in. We're supposed to get about 4"...nothing to make any of us in this area even slow down. Except, maybe, our little Jenna. She just needs to hunker down and burn some firewood. Couldn't possible go outside!
I have just confirmed in my mind my unkind thoughts about her followers. They are as flaky as she is. She didn't realize that today was a holiday. Oh I get cell phone and no calendar, I guess.Clueless in Cambridge once again. Jerk.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
But how will she make "this farm's" mortgage payment!? I can't believe we ended a month without whining about that. Something is going on.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely something very strange going on. On October 1st, she stated that she didn't make the mortgage payment for the month before:
Delete❝ I didn't make a mortgage payment for the last month so that's where my attention is, as usual. ❞
And at the beginning of September, she still hadn't made the August payment. This from Sept. 3rd:
❝ In less good news, I am three days into September and didn't manage to take care of August's most important bill (a mortgage payment) or get firewood delivered. ❞
And the very next day:
❝ The bank sends someone to talk to you about your third month behind on the mortgage threatening a short sale if you don’t pay up fast - pace and sell whatever you can offer legally to make at least one payment to keep the door only covered in scratch marks instead of bite marks. ❞
And now there's hardly any talk about the mortgage. But she did say something strange back on October 6th:
"Hold on loose and don't let go."
Shouldn't that be "hold on tight"?? The word "loose" would seem to imply that she's already lost her grasp on the mortgage/property but she's still going to try to hang on...just barely. At least that's what I thought when she wrote that, cuz hanging on loosely is a weird thing to say for someone in her situation.
If she did get a book deal, you'd think she'd make a big announcement. Unless she doesn't want to jinx it. Or maybe because people might not make pity donations if they think she was given book advance money. some of you have speculated, Ma 'n Pa Wog bailed her out.
I'd be shocked if she ever got a book deal again. And I think that mama's sent her mortgage money this month. Otherwise, she'd be whining non-stop about the "scary red van man" and "wolves at my door!!!"
DeleteShe must have gotten money somewhere. This comment says it all.
ReplyDelete"I NEED A DAY. So I'm hiking this AM w/ my girl, Friday. Hunting in the afternoon. And listening to ghost stories over cider tonight w/ friends. Minimal work. Maximum Fall."
Just a few days ago she asked her foollowers if she should go to a Halloween "Festival of Darkness" which, if you do the math, would have cost a pretty penny:
Delete☞ $15 gas money to travel from Cambridge to Rupert VT. (40 miles round trip. Gas prices are $2.75 a gallon and the rusted-out truck probably gets about 8 miles a gallon.)
☞ $10 entry fee to the festival and $10-$20 for snacks to stuff her pie hole.
💵 Total: $35-$45 that she must've got from somewhere. 💰
exactly my thoughts she has gotten money from "somewhere" there was hardly any begging all month long and one of her posts on Twitter had something to do with #37 or something. Do you think our little snowflake has a sugar momma? Or maybe her real momma has sent her a big fat check and she is sitting back and spending that money like crazy. Either way she is not sitting home waiting on a begathon. Maybe she has seen the light and realizes this farm is about to go and be long gone.
ReplyDelete37...she's either referring to her age or the overnight temperature maybe.
DeleteCertainly something has happened, as the normal begging routine has practically ground to a halt. No foreclosure talk, no disasters or emergencies. This is not like her.
Perhaps she DID get that book deal and they cut her a check?
It must really suck for her to realize how much she had, and how irrelevant she is now.
ReplyDeleteShe used to be a young/hipster/ homesteader/ author. People (even me in the beginning) ate it up.
Now she is middle aged/ weird/ unemployed/ can't get published.
Seriously. Any time I search past bleg entries and old YouTube videos I'm struck by the contrast between then and now. Back then, she had tons of projects, classes, Antlerstock etc. But now all she does is watch TV and tweet about Taylor Swift.
DeleteWhen is the last time she offered archery classes or over-priced music lessons?
Who was our contact that got the animals removed from her "care"? She is professing to have piglets and lambs, which is scary. I wonder if we should send her recent tweets and have them follow up.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I thought she didn't have any lambs. She never talks about them. But if you check the blog, you can see she mentioned them more back in June.
DeleteShe mentioned her mom for the first time in years. She hasn’t not begged the mortgage for years. I doubt that’s a coincidence.
ReplyDeleteWait, where did she mention Mama Wog? I didn't see anything. What did she say?
DeleteI also searched and didn't see it anywhere obvious. Maybe she's deleted it after reading the comment here. We all know that she often does that to hide her crap.
DeleteShe recently mentioned her mom found her "book" she wrote the summer she was 12 yoa.
Also earlier this week on her IG stories, she listed all she had accomplished that day. The usual: farm chores, going to the post office, promoting her wares , working on logos....ect.
DeleteThen she whined that someone telling her to get a "real job" could ruin a good day.
She then stated she has worked harder and made MORE money the past few years then when she held a job.
Maybe she's not on twitter so much because others are telling her to get a job.
But If she is making more money then when employed how come she cannot pay her basic bills like uitilities and morgage ?
from everything Jon Katz says there are no more up front monies for book deals and no expense accounts etc. He has had much more exposure and books than she can ever think about doing (not that I am a fan of his at all) so it doesn't seem like she has gotten a big fat check for maybe writing a book.
DeleteThanks P.B. So Mama Wog found and sent an old book?
Delete🤔 😮 Oh snap! She probably found it while cleaning out the basement for the Pig Shocker's return home!
Let's talk about hawks. FFF still has Auburn, the red-tailed hawk, which is beyond the age at which it should have been released to the wild. According to posts, the hawk has already caught/killed chipmunks, which means it is able to survive on its own. Like with poor Aya Cash, FFF is keeping the hawk for social media cred only.
ReplyDeleteFurther, she never deleted the self-promoting hawk photos on her Instagram account. Considering that she tells readers and donors to "check out" old posts, this is tantamount to currently posting promotional ads using raptors - a big NO NO according to Federal and State laws. It is time to AGAIN report FFF to NYS DEC as she hasn't removed old posts.
And, speaking of social media pimping, along comes the Diane Arbus-Wannabe MR, shilling the untruthful NYT article which states FFF "saves" hawks, that is catches them when they are juveniles and releases them in their second spring, having better assured their survival by keeping them over the winter, training and feeding; HA! Nothing could be further from the truth. FFF has admitted publicly that falconry is a sport for her. She enjoys the attention she gets, and weirdly she gets a kick out of killing/maiming animals. What whack job, would gleefully post a photo of an animal's fur ripped off, as a "near kill" and something to celebrate? What loser posts they are hoping for "Bunny Down"? It's like a hunter bragging about an ear that was ripped off a deer, or a fisherman happily posting that a fish's tail fin was torn. She remains a disgusting and abusive as ever.
Then there's the wildly inaccurate NYT times article about "The Girl Who Hunts With Hawks". If you haven't read the article, it's a fantasy piece - FFF lied to the author and/or the author neglected to do fact check or follow-up. I guess I'm not surprised that the NYT puff piece is self-serving and promotes FFF lies. She promotes the author's books & articles and he's purchased and promoted her products. Additionally, MR and her husband socialize with FFF, and both have made money through their connection with Appalachia-of-the-North.
Sad that the animals - as always - suffer with FFF and her complicit social media wannabes.
PDD. That was an astute comment, thanks. Only a sick sociopath would proudly post anything about "killing/maiming animals." We'll continue reporting her to appropriate authorities. And MR is a dumb enabler and accomplice. Maybe not in deed but creed.
DeleteYup PoodleDiDoo, I was also disgusted with her "almost killed a bunny" IG post. Just horrible that she found it amusing and necessary to show clumps of fur that had been ripped from that poor little bunny.
DeleteI'm sure that she wouldn't find it funny if one of her precious dogs was mauled by a hawk or another predator.
DeleteTrue that. Imagine if a coyote gravely injured Gibson. Would she still worship them then?
DeleteJenna Woginrich
Just fed a freshly slaughtered lamb's heart to my hawk before heading out on a date with a lady. Ya know, girl stuff.
Disgusting, sad, disheartening.
Jenna seems to think that she is the only person on the internet or something. That like her "dates" are never going to look her up or google her. Shesh, can you imagine being some nice lonely shebeing and think, wow, this other shebeing seems kinda quirky and all but nice enough, sure, lets get coffee or something . And then you think, oh, she sure has a lot of things going on and you get a little overwhelmed by her strong ME ME ME kinda vibe and that evening you look her up and OMG... shesh. Even the most un-comfortable with the internet person would quickly run across all her internet slime trail. Shesh, if nothing else, her Twitter and to read something like that post above... OMG RUN RUN RUN! shesh, that is hardly romatic sounding.
DeleteThat was well-put. You'd have to be a fool not to do due diligence on dating a virtual stranger. I know that most of her conversations are monologues starring JFW and her "Live like fiction!" reality. Ironically, it's always paid for by others.
DeleteFor anyone who's ever watched a few of the Pig Shocker's Youtube videos, I'm sure you've noticed the one characteristic that pervades every single one: SMUGNESS.
DeleteIt's her crippling lack of self esteem that makes her talk that way. And her know-it-all-ness as well. It's apparent in the videos, her tweets, her bleg, etc. She'd have more luck on dates if she were to be more humble, less smug.
Anon7. Her smirking smugness is mega annoying among all of the other despicable characteristics. Even my husband hates her voice, and he's usually much more lenient than I am.
DeleteShe has that annoying stammer of someone who is not sure of themselves. Add to that a sprinkling of cockiness and you have a voice that grates on every nerve.
DeleteInstagram Idiot:
ReplyDelete"Some mornings on the farm are light and sunny. Some start with chores and sweat and a run just for the hell of it, fueled by coffee and the need to stretch my legs. But some mornings are like this one - dark and covered in frost and with hard work ahead. The traveling butcher comes today to fulfill CSA shares and while I never look forward to this sort of work, I do look forward to the recipes and stories around dinner tables during the dark months ahead. #homesteading #smallfarm"
Just because the photo shows her hand and animal, there's still no proof that it was taken at CAF. Or that it was even of JFW. I don't believe a word that she says, because so much of it is based on bullshit. And she's probably oversold the sheep shares like always. I thought that she also "put the laugh back in slaughter" like she's bragged about before on her blog. It sounds like something a sociopath would say. Oh, wait...
How interesting that she's starting to use hashtags in her Instagram comments. The only purpose for doing that is to attract new people who happen to be exploring tags for #homesteading and #smallfarm(s).
DeleteI think that's an old photo of her old ewe Sal. I remember that raggedy brown sweater. I think she wore it in her kilt stage. Anyway, that sheep looks full grown. She got her
Deleterunty lambs late in the season. No way they are that big.
Anon7. I also noticed her stupid, self-promotion hashtags. Again, it's all part of her manipulative marketing.
DeleteAnonymous. Which is what I thought. So it's blatant lying to pretend that it's a pic of current livestock, and the illusion leads potential buyers to envision a sheep that's fully grown.
Her 'sad' present day photo of a "lamb" sure looks like that of a mature sheep (see above) not a late lamb from this summer.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDidn't really delete my comment, just moved it down to the right place!
DeleteSheep owners, if she really had lambs, how much would they weigh? She got them during May, with one being a runt. At best they are six months old, with dressed weight about 50% of live weight. With neglect and crap food, what could they weigh? 100 pounds? If she actually had lambs at her place (something I seriously doubt), her "share holders" will be getting about 20-25 pounds for a half-share of lamb. Not sure what she charges for a half share, but I'll bet it was $$$$ per pound.
DeleteI used to raise lambs. Bought them in March and had them butchered this time of year.
DeleteThey were grass fed til late summer when hay and grain were added. They averaged 45 to 50 pounds cut and wrapped. I sold it to family members for the going price per pound. Definitely was not a money maker.
Poods, I looked at those pics and I think you're right. That does look like Sal. And that's her MO, showing old pics hoping naive foollowers won't know the difference. She recently reposted a pic of her (on Instagram) in a diner from years ago, and didn't bother to correct a commenter who thought it was a recent pic. Then, someone else commented and PS said the pic was from either 2017 or 2018. Nope, she posted that years earlier.
DeleteOn Twitter, she's practically foaming at the mouth over Chris McDougall's book signing event at her local bookstore. His new book is about running with donkeys. Jon Katz also has a donkey. I'm curious, what is the purpose of having a donkey? They are too small to ride, right? They aren't raised for meat, are they? So I'm guessing they are just pets?
ReplyDeleteAnon7, my husband and I are entertaining the idea of getting a donkey. They can be used to ride (depending on size), as pack animals, pets, or even livestock guardians. We want one as a livestock guardian because they have been known to kill coyotes, and those are one of the biggest predators in our area. They will bray and charge as opposed to running in fright. Being that the coyotes around here are drawn by dogs, we think having a dog might not be the best for us, especially if they bark all night in response to some of the neighboring dogs.
DeleteSeeing as how JW likes predators in her area and wants to coexist, I don't think getting a donkey would be the best option for her (as donkeys have also been known to break a coyote's neck by biting the scruff of its neck and jerking its head side to side).
Donkeys, to my understanding, don't require as intensive of care as a horse would either.
My husband and I do a lot of research and planning before adding anything to our little homestead. Though, we are looking at possibly a mini Jack or Jenny instead of a full sized donkey for ease of handling.
Her juvenile, weird worship of well-known people is nauseating, aside from the Taylor Swift obsession, and it's obvious that she only wants their association plus funds. I've never understand why CM doesn't see through her scamming and begging bullshit.
DeleteWe're also looking into donkeys, but I'm a little nervous about potential noise issues. We used to live near a neighbor who had a couple, and when they start braying it sounds like Chewbacca and family is having a party on the next farm over from yours. But they're great livestock guardians, don't need to be ridden regularly, and can keep a pasture mowed down nicely.
DeleteThanks for the info guys...very interesting. I had no idea they are able to ward off predators. And lol at the Chewbacca comment!😀
DeleteThe photo of the sheep is of Sal long gone Sal. Is she intimating that this was a lamb she killed? What is she on about now?
ReplyDeleteShe posted a photo on IG that looked considerably similar to Sal, which is why I posted the links to old Sal pics.
DeleteHas “VerYork” had snow this year? There’s a sprinkling in that picture. But 99% sure it’s Sal from years gone by and there is absolutely no way that is one of the runty lambs she had earlier. We keep sheep. Nope.
ReplyDeleteThere's been no snow so far, and we live locally. It's just one more lie on the pretense of being an authentic farmer.
DeleteHas to be an old pic. We have not had snow here yet.
DeleteI'm guessing her silence means she got a chunk of money somehow. Usually when that happens she has that devil may care attitude like she displayed when she went hiking and wrote "minimal work, maximum fall".
ReplyDeleteHD - For awhile, that annoying "Prove you're not a robot" feature was gone. Now it's back again and I have to click on school buses, fire hydrants, crosswalks, etc. Most times I miss something and have to start over again. Is there a way to remove it? I think a lot of us would appreciate it! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that it's annoying. Often it doesn't work the first time, and you have to do it repeatedly before posting.
DeleteWeird....I haven't changed anything. I'll see what I can do.
DeleteStrange, I've never seen the robot thing in the almost two years I've been logging in here. But if it makes a difference, I log into Blogger via my Google email.
DeleteBut one thing I did notice is that the auto-spell-correct feature seems to be back as of last week. I know that it's spelled "blog" but I type "bleg" for a reason, lol.
The non-robot validation isn't required if you have a Google/Blogger user name, but it pops up if you sign on anonymously. At least that's been my experience.
DeleteI post anonymously and for a long time the "prove you're not a robot" feature was gone. Now it is back.
DeleteI'm Anon 3:47 and just like that, poof it is gone!
DeleteOff topic: Did you know that some of those "prove you're not a robot" requests have a dual purpose: One is to prove you're not a robot and the other is to teach AI how to identify the correct answers. Which...kinda sounds like they are trying to teach robots how to game the system, lol.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
Please help spread the word! Haven't made many sales all last month, really need to pay off this firewood delivery that just arrived and keep the lights on! Every sale helps!!
Firewood and lights? Something’s up with the mortgage.
Poor, desperate little Jenna Woginrich. It looks like mama's mortgage money wasn't enough to also cover firewood (which she could easily get for free), new vinyl, and Taylor Swift sweatshirts (IT WAS A SURPRISE GIFT!). Her hyperbolic "keep the lights on!" is one step away from "The scary, red van man, and wolves are at at my door!"
DeleteCrap, I meant to respond to this comment, but forgot to hit reply in the correct spot. (My comment is down below, the one with the flames.)
DeleteWhen I read this blog, I'm not yet signed in until I go to make a comment. I click "reply" right under the comment, which takes me to a login screen. After logging in, it takes me back to this page, but then it moves my comment down to the bottom where it becomes a new post, rather than a comment. To avoid this, once you're signed in you need to scroll back up to the comment you were replying to and once again hit the reply button, which magically brings your post back to the correct spot.
That's why sometimes you see replies at the bottom that don't seem to make sense at first, until you realize they were directed at a comment higher up. Just FYI.
On today's IG "Time to dust off the fiddle." Um, wasn't she going to learn 50 fiddle tunes by summer? Does she stick to anything?
ReplyDeleteHer funky fiddle playing will require a lot more than simply "dusting it off." We've heard here play in person before at "her bar" in Cambridge. Once she started sawing away, we left with our friends. It was like a form of musical torture.
Delete"her play..."
DeleteGood memory, Anon 11:10! She did indeed say that. But then Taylor Swift dropped a new album and that sent the Pig Shocker into an internet tizzy on Twitter, so the fiddle fizzled.
DeleteBTW, check out the time she played a concert for a hurricane on her fiddle. And note that she can't play any clear, true notes. Her notes are muddy and off key. And keep in mind that she charges a whopping $250 for fiddle lessons. Just, no.
She loves the idea and the romanticism of the fiddle, but is too lazy to put in any real practice time so she always sounds like a struggling beginner.
🔥 🔥 🔥 Liar liar pants on fire! 🔥 🔥 🔥
ReplyDeleteSo she allegedly hasn't made many sales all last month, which was October? Well, look what she said on the bleg on October 21st:
❝ I have been keeping up with fulfilling at least three orders a day between soap, illustration, and logo work. ❞
Correct my math if I'm wrong, but saying she works on (at least) 3 orders a day, that would imply each and every day for the past 3 weeks. So 21 days x 3 sales a day would = 63 sales (at least).
But now she's saying she "hardly" made any last month? Sure, some of them may have been sales from September, but either way she's lying. And I think the lie was what she said in the bleg post...just trying to make it look like she's successful.
Anon7. Yep, true to form, she's back begging again. It was just a matter of time before mama's money was spent on stupid purchases.
Deletevery odd her friend Running with donkeys is doing a reading at the brewery and not at the local bookstore. Of course Pig Shocker will be there and as he says they are staying till they throw them out. This should be quiet a sight to see the love fest between the 2 of them.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is interested, here's the link to the brewery's Twitter where they might post pics of the event:
😵 Looks like there's one photo already. Click to enlarge. Oof. My eyes.
Looks like a real lively group. Is that the lemur dress?
Yep. I'm surprised she didn't spring for a new dress via donations. There was another photo that was removed. It was a shot of the three of them standing against the brewery wall. The Pig Shocker had slung her arm up on the shoulder of the guy who is not McDougall, and the body language was very telling as he was leaning away from her.
DeleteBut Miriam took down that pic and posted the one of them all lying down on the train tracks, for whatever reason.
Why yes it is her monkey dress. Where are the yellow grandma shoes? The little girl purse? Did she get new boots AGAIN? Btw, I think everyone is asleep. I would be too listening to Jenna drone on about herself. Zzzzz.
OMG... blow up the picture. That first table of people are not interested t all, one guy looks asleep, they are not even looking at her. And the second big table is all that guys book table and I am assuming the guy in the blue weird hat thing is him. The other front table is totally empty, and there are two ladies at the middle table mildly interested. Shesh, like NO ONE is there. He must be thinking, goodness, what a waste of my time...
DeleteFarmLass. LOL!!! That was also my impression. Her outfit reminds me of something that a middle-aged, frumpy librarian would wear.
DeleteSorry LS, but that is an insult to librarians everywhere.
DeleteAnonymous 6:13. You're quite right. So I wanted to apologize on the behalf of stylish librarians. And I've seen quite a few in Vermont. I was thinking of the dated cliche which is still around in some small towns, like the ones who wear old granny glasses, frumpy fitting clothes etc...
DeleteOMG, Farmlass, you are right. I almost feel sorry for the poor guy. Dismal turnout indeed. I wonder if the fact that Jenna publicly and widely promoted it is the reason hardly anyone showed -- as if no one in town wanted to be anywhere near her, lol.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Please help spread the word! Haven't made many sales all last month, really need to pay off this firewood delivery that just arrived and keep the lights on! Every sale helps!!"
She has zero self-awareness, and also adult accountability. Just last week she was bragging about taking a day off to frolic in the woods, and let her hawk maim rabbits for fun. Now, she has the chutzpah to complain about not having "made many sales all last month." It's no one's responsibility to "Please help spread the word!" about a college-educated, able-bodied lazy lifestyle loser who won't work to support herself.
Who gave her firewood on credit? I hope they realize it was a donation.
DeleteI can imagaine some poor guy dumping the load of wood and then JFW telling him she can't pay, not caring that he or she who "prepped" her firewood has bills too.
DeleteAlso she was just bragging on her instagram stories that she has made more money working for herself than when she had a "real job". Everything she writes is fantasy.
She probably just barely scraped up enough money for it, paid the guy, but now her bank account is in single digits, so she lied about needing to "pay it off" -- what she really means is she needs more new sales or donations to plump up her bank account without having to get a J-O-B.
DeleteSo someone got a new chair on Instagram. Although the right side looks spotted and dingy with dirt. Maybe she found it at the dump like the bike. Right. There's also a silly pic of her lying on the railroad in the ugly monkey dress with two dudes. It looks ridiculous. (Too bad that the train doesn't run through regularly there anymore.) And those boots look expensive. What a liar about not having enough funds. "She plays while we pay."
ReplyDeleteI don't understand IG. I search for "coldantlerfarm" and get the page, but I NEVER see any pics that people here are discussing. (Incidentally, looks like there are 2 CAF IG accounts, and one under "jennawoginrich" but alas, never the pics being discussed. What am I doing wrong????
DeleteD.M., You click on her smirky face at the top left and you can see her current IG stories, but they are only there for a certain time, maybe 24 hours.
Duckmama, try this direct link: 👉
DeleteShe only has this one Instagram account, and it shows up in results whether you search for "Jenna Woginrich" or "Cold Antler Farm"
There's also an unofficial account of sorts that is a result of people using tags (hashtags that are combined under one account). And that link looks like this:
That IG account is not controlled by Jenna. It's a collection of photos that have been tagged #coldantlerfarm and they are pics that other people took. Namely, people who have visited or are friends with the Pig Shocker. I check this out once in awhile to see if there is anything new. And it's how I found that ghastly drunken pic of her on her bday, as it's not a photo she would have chosen to post. And here's why:
Jenna Woginrich’s Tweets
Jenna Woginrich
Trying to track down goats milk. Haven't been able to make soap since Friday but am working on it. Please be patient!
Soap maker here. Asking someone to be patient because you haven’t made soap since “Friday” is not even a thing. No matter if you made the soap on Friday, or today, or last week, or next week-soap still takes 4-6 weeks to cure. Good soap, that is. Soap which has been allowed to mellow out and for the moisture to evaporate, making for a harder, longer-lasting bar with a good PH range.
If you have soap in the works (like we do, at all times, in all stages of curing), not having milk for three days doesn’t matter in the least (unless you have such a booming production and demand that you HAVE to make soap every single day in order to deliver...and by the begging, bemoaning, and how rarely she seems to get orders by her own admission, at least lately, we know that’s not the case.)
We've heard that it's melt & pour soap, so the goats milk is a bunch of bull. Notice how she never posts pics of her process?
Delete1. I don't believe she is having trouble finding goats milk
Delete2. I believe the reason for this post is because someone must have asked why she was out hiking and doing minimal work when she had orders to fill.
3. She could have faked it. How would her customers know if there was goats milk in the soap. If I understand correctly, it is a very small proportion.
4. You can easily find goats milk at the supermarket.
5. Since it's melt and pour, she doesn't need goats milk.
DeleteGoogle goat's milk Cambridge NY, and you'll see many sources in her hipster suburb. Of course, she's using more excuses because, as usual, she does Fcuk all, except play while others pay. Hiking, hawking, hanging at the pub, binge watching tv. Not working and "too busy" to get an outside job. Honestly, I wish a customer would make a formal complaint on her. What a POS she is.
DeletePDD. You're right about JFW. She shamelessly brags about her fun little expeditions during the work week, and yet begs for money at the same time. We all know that it's just donations for nothing that she really wants. (Or for patrons to pay for the honor of reading her poorly written crap blog.) I've also never seen anyone who wants people to "Please be patient!" while waiting for long overdue orders. Of course, she always wants their money up front. Her non-existent "business model" isn't sustaining and ethical.
DeleteYou can get the goat's milk melt and pour base from Amazon.... no excuse.
DeleteAnd you're right, if she was really making REAL soap, it would need weeks to cure. And normally, you don't make REAL soap in molds. It's usually done in a bar and sliced and such. She just really thinks everyone is stupid and doesn't have access to any sort of internet knowledge at the push of a button.
Google "how to make soap" and you will see that all her antics are just postering and delay tactics for her crappy hobby soap and anyone can make in an afternoon.
❓Just curious: If anyone here who makes soap could get ahold of one of the Pig Shockers bars, would you be able to tell what is in it just by examining it? Like I'm no soap maker or expert, but I can tell the difference between a known quality brand bar of soap vs a cheap dollar store bar made of gawd nows what.
DeleteAnd yeah, I agree...her "can't find goat's milk" sounds like someone did complain.
In order to have goats milk, the doe needs to have kids. How many people kid in November? None if they're smart and don't want the stress of trying to keep a tiny kid alive in the winter. She has the citidiots fooled but not us livestock people. If my goats kidded now, I'd be freaking out. But I also practice good animal husbandry so I know that's not going to happen.
DeleteLast time I looked, goat's milk is available in cans at the supermarket and even Walmart. It's not exactly a luxury or exotic item.
Deletejust looking at the black and white picture of Miriam at the "farm" sitting in PS "new" chair. Does that mean it doesn't have hawk shit all over it yet? Boy is that woman brave sitting any where in that house and breathing the air in there that must be loaded with germs gives me the willies just thinking about it. Also notice how the door of the wood burning stove is open so the wood burns faster that way. Really really smart.
ReplyDeleteStove door was left open so that the loud cracklin' poppin' hissin' of burning wood would drown out the sounds of the bank pounding at the door.
DeleteIt also stifles the sounds of those scary "wolves at my door!!!"
ReplyDelete__________________ (fill in scam) are on sale! Trying to get ___________ (put in a big number) sold today! It's a way to support this ___________ (farm, life, community or whatever) and get a gift in time for the holidays! DM to order!
Please help spread the word! Haven't made many sales all last month, really need to pay off this ________________ (fire wood, rogaine, pizza dough, new truck) that just arrived and keep the ______________(lights, heat, Taylor videos) on! Every sale helps!!
Lol, Anon 6:18...I like your style. Ok, I'll give it a go:
Delete(Portraits that barely resemble your pet) are on sale! Trying to get (None...I just want donations) sold today! It's a way to support this (effort to avoid living in my parent's basement) and get an (unwanted) gift in time for the holidays! DM to (donate only)!! Please help spread the word (that I can't hack it in the real world, nor in this alternate boozy animal abusing hell hole that I've created)!!! Haven't made many sales all last month (You hear that, IRS?) and really need to pay off this (new $1K iPhone, the $2K pup I'm gonna say I found sniffing around the dump, $200 for a genetic testing kit to see if I'm the Lindbergh baby and claim an inheritance, $2.50 for extra butter on the popcorn I ate at the Farmer's matinee, $500 for the private detective that I hired to see if Patty is telling me the truth about how there's no room for me at her home, $4.99 for the new nail file I had to buy to replace the one I snapped in half trying to pry open the locks at the ABC brewery at 2am, and finally, the $7.95 Priority Mail postage that Ma Wog is insisting that I reimburse her for sending me a pity check to bail me out. Phew. *takes a breath* You know, it costs A LOT of money to be meeeeeeeee. To be myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy best self. HOO!!!!!
You two made my morning. Thanks for the laughs.
DeleteAnytime 😏
Delete*Bows down in admiration to:
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:18pm and Anon7.
Thanks! 😜
DeleteA CAF soap miracle has occurred just moments ago:
ReplyDelete"Found goat's milk!!!"
Could it be that she read our comments yesterday? Otherwise, I'd call that a coincidence.
DeletePDD. I've emailed the Vatican because this might qualify her for farming sainthood.
DeleteShe's so predictable.
ReplyDeleteWell you best get on it Jenna! Get 'er done, man, get 'er done.
Ha! CAF Mad Libs. I love it!
ReplyDeleteGotta say, I miss those. And I had a blast writing that. 😀
DeleteProfit margins on that soap have to be so slim, she can't be making much from it. I'm guessing "soap" is a code word for "donation". People must be slinging a little extra luck her way.
ReplyDeleteFFF has taken to whining on IG Create Mode stories. Earlier today, she wrote:
ReplyDelete"...I'm finding these darker days lonely so I'm reaching out to friends for company. I'm worried about money and winter prep, so I'm working hard as I can. It's never about the getting there that makes me feel better...friends still flake out on plans and you can only work so much..."
Wow. If you think the poor FFF is buckling down to prepare for winter and earn money... you would be wrong. Soon after, she played with her captive hawk, wasting time outside and generally frittering another workday away. Further, she persists in keeping This latest raptor a prisoner even though it is way beyond its second spring and should have been released many months ago.
So there! All you selfish poodles who expect timely delivery of product for your hard-earned money, STOP BUGGING JENNA. She has an artistic life to lead, and you cannot halt her free spirit with your pedestrian complaints about money. She watches tv, reads, stalks TS, parties, pretends to be fit and generally swans around. You pay and she plays. Get it? FFS, what's so hard to understand?
Good God.... she makes it sound like she's in the middle of Alaska or Mongolia and that soon, she will have to chew off her leg to survive.
DeleteNormal people just go and get a part time job. Extra cash, time to make new friends, at least have a little people time and there are often perks (goodies to bring home, etc)
No, not our Snowflake. She will while away her winter darkness like she's part of the Donner Party.
The Donner Party of 2019, It was THE END of a harsh fall, soap sales were nigh and the truck had died weeks earlier. The bean crop had rotted and the hawk had fled with the last rodent livers. Gibson had taken to hunting and not too many critters were around after that first frost and drunken harvest night where I let them all run free down Colfax while blessing Samhain and the gods. Now it was dark and stormy, I could see the skeletal structure on Friday and I weighed a wasted and emaciated 240, but I could still run, but for fear of starvation I held my calories and dare not take that chance. Patty had already pulled up her gates as resources were scarce and she pretended that I no longer existed, given this famine and pestilence that she called "employment". Dear God, I would not hear such nonsense as she spewed, I would rather fight to survive a free and crazy woman than embrace a servitude of water cooler and health insurance. And yet, as I boiled the bones of the man from the red van, I thought of my father recipe for human pot roast that he had tried to hide from me, but I knew to toss more salt onto the ruddy flesh that dared to take pictures of this here homestead and threaten me with doom. Yea, I would eat 1000 sinners before I would eat another carrot, and yet as the snow will fall and this will be a long winter, I may not have enough firewood but I have bodies enough to burn in the wood stove, Netflix and video's to keep me sane, and enough marketing chutzpah to leverage this into yet another book. Yes, I am a Donner, proud to eat my neighbors, and I will never give up the dream....
Wasn't it the kale crop that failed?
OMG Anon 4:58, that was so amazing to read. So well written. So spot on. So perfect, every sentence!
DeleteThat being said, I laughed as heartily as FarmLass. Especially the human pot roast red van man, lol. This was simply brilliant.
😆 🏆 👏 💯
And PoodleDiDoo, very well said. And thanks for reporting the IG stories that some of us can't see unless we create an account. You're right, here lack of prep this year is nearly non existant. We may see again the nasty Winter's Bottom she experienced two years ago.
DeleteAnd her blog is deader than dead. She hasn't written anything because she isn't doing anything. So there's zero to write about. Yet she wants people to "kick in" for that.
I almost spewed my morning cup of coffee when reading the Donner Party comments.
HAHAHAHA!!!! Well done PDD and Anon 4:58! I am cackling!!!
DeleteStill waiting for the confluence of events that lead to this winter's disaster...
ReplyDelete1 - So far JW only has two cords of firewood, some of which she has already been burning, and we've got a lot of winter ahead.
2 - Sometime within the past 2 - 3 months she mentioned that she would have to give up her medical insurance (but this wasn't confirmed, was it?)
3 - On 9/3 her truck passed inspection thanks to "a small loan", which she now owes. (Later it was revealed that it cost $520 for the repairs.
4 - But on 9/20 she needed a jump, so it's still unreliable. Even so, her 11/4 IG post said "I love this truck" so there will be more drama on that end.
5 - Did we ever hear whether her mortgage has been paid up to date?
6 - What is the status of her tooth?
7 - How old is Gibson now? She rarely takes him anywhere. How is he faring?
Winter's coming...
Who knows. You can't believe anything she writes.
DeleteAnd it's all CAFamatics - a branch of mathematics where nothing adds up.
She hasn’t mentioned the mortgage since August or September. As a parent of a millennial (but one who is busting her ass and working two jobs to afford to live in the city she loves and has never asked us for money) i can see the parents being finally shamed so much by her postings that they have taken over the mortgage. I wouldn’t do it for a child that’s not doing their damn best to make it, but like I said, they may have just been driven to it by shame.
DeleteI just have a strong feeling someone else is paying it. There is no way we are a week in November and haven’t heard anything about it in months now.
Maybe Chris McDougall (sp?) gave Jenna some of his book/movie rights $$$. He is one of her biggest enablers.
ReplyDeleteSome commentators have speculated that mama Wog is paying some of her bills. Maybe Jenna read that here because earlier this week on her IG storiets she wrote: If your family won't support your life at least you can have a community. Her sister used to respond on twitter. Once offering her a coat when Jenna was wishing for a very expensive jacket and offering her a bike when she insisted she needed one. Maybe the family has written her off. Who knows, its like Anon 8:16 says; It's all CAFamatics.
Why does ANYBODY have to support her life? No way I would allow people on the internet to pay for me. It's her life, she wanted it, she should be able to pay for it. And if she can't, she doesn't deserve it.
DeleteIt looks to me like the Twitter well has finally run dry so she’s not wasting her breath, you can only beg for so long before folks start to take notice. Looks like she’s moving on to IG, it’s obvious that she’s setting the stage and carefully drawing in her targets. She blocked me from my account on my iPad, but I can still somewhat watch her from my phone, I just can’t see her stories. I have a friend watching her too, we’re closely watching the hawk situation. It’s funny watching her build her fantasy world thru IG pics though, all those carefully curated pics to draw in the “live like fantasy” group(that’s where the hawks will prominently feature)and the solo women farmers(pig, sheep pics).
DeleteIG is a tough group though, they expect photographic evidence, and since she’s a fake farmer she won’t be able to get away with recycling photos for long. I don’t think the begging will go over very well either, nor the lack of a website or Etsy account for her decorative melt and pour soaps. I’m betting she won’t fare well on IG.
And I forgot to mention the Gay community, per example -
DeleteJFW on Twitter
“If you are my friend here, and you are on Instagram, and ESPECIALLY if you are a queer woman please please please DM me your insta name so I can add you to my nightly closed stories drama of gay wolf memes.”
Yep, she’s gearing up to start a new scam on IG.
Jesse. I noticed that insipid tweet last night, too. She sounds like a perpetual teenager trying to impress the cool kids. Why would anyone want to miss her "nightly closed stories drama of gay wolf memes"?! What an exciting life she leads. Not.
DeleteIt's like she thinks all gays are best friends.
DeleteFake are correct, as ALL of us homos gayz know each other! Each and every one of us gay peoplz!! We can sniff each other out via our multiple STDs. How could we not???
DeleteLieK wE JuSt ALL kNow eAch oTHer...cUz We'rE JuST tYpiCal GayS LieK tHAt!!!!!!! Please DONATE NOW all you queers and sycophants! And straight folks are welcome to to "kick in" for anything!
Back to drunk tweeting, I see.
ReplyDeleteLast night at 6:50 PM: "I want to go on a date."
Then one hour later, she replied to her own tweet: "This is hard to do. But damnit, I still want to go."
How much do we wanna bet those are promptly deleted when princess rolls out of bed this morning?
Fake Farmer. I can't count how many times poor, desperate little Jenna Woginrich has whined "I want to go on a date." As if by making that statement someone will respond with either "I'll fix you up!" or "Please pick me!"
DeleteWhatever happened to the "ocean girl" or whatever she was? Her relationships don't seem to last at all. Gee, I wonder why?
DeleteI think that "ocean girl" was the one who "dumped "JFW. And we know the reason why here.
DeleteIf you EVER want to go on a date, you must not EVER have ever shocked a pig on purpose. Like not EVER. Or EVER. Just NO. Got it? Like not even once.
DeleteDo you see a pink nose/snout on your farm? Give it a kiss...or a gentle touch...or a loving nuzzle. do not shock a pig's nose EVER. Like, go sit in yer bathtub and grab a hair dryer and switch it on if you want to do something electric. And leave your innocent pigs alone, you horrible beast.
If you do shock pigs, you are a sick animal abuser who should have been drowned at birth. Sorry if my sentiments seem harsh, but since birth I have developed a deep love of animals everywhere. Animals (and insects) of all types. So yeah, I grow quite angry when horrible people treat them badly for no reason at all. Jenna Woginrich, you suck.
Idle thoughts, as my outside chores are done and it's raining - quite icky outside.
ReplyDelete1. Yes, lots more FFF activity on IG "stories". Almost a frenzy of stories that are (what a surprise) all about her, much like a 12 year old. In fact, I have a 10 year-old family member who is significantly more mature in her social media postings. IG stories last for 24 hours, so my guess is she uses them in hopes of attracting a casual viewer who might then DM her (a sure way to get those hooks inside a potential donor). Today's offerings included three face close-ups, with photo filters applied: Godawful stuff and more ways to not perform that nasty four-letter word.
2. She's quit posting current photos of farming or farm animals. She posts about her hiking companion, the poor prisoner hawk and the two old horses used for props and drunken rides (say, what kind of teacher is that who appears to adore alcohol-fueled horsey rides?). It's fairly cringe worthy when compared to her earliest, more productive years.
3. Without any legitimate farm or homesteading material, FFF can't appeal to people who want to farm or homestead. Instead, she goes for pity donations and pity purchases. She counts on city people not knowing what actually is supposed to occur in the country or on a farm - in that way, she can continue to bamboozle them. Oh, poor little FFF, she works SO HARD. Why, she had to call the farrier the other day and she also had to locate goat milk. However does she do it?
4. I've long thought her recent business model is to attract unsure, unhappy, unproductive and disaffected readers, and ask them for donations. At one time, I reviewed the profiles of her most zealous supporters. The most strident often appeared to have drinking/drug problems, serious family or gender issues, depression and a generally poor quality of life. It makes sense. She calls out to them - the social misfits, the "weirdos", the ones who live a "life no one understands". To them, FFF is a Goddess. To normal people, she's a lazy, delusional, fraudulent farmer who preys on others - a con.
5. I don't think ocean girl is real. No commentary from the mysterious ocean nymph, no name, no photos, nothing, but a supposed "holiday photo" of FFF cavorting in the ocean - by herself, without anyone near her and in a manner that clearly could have been captured by a camera on a tripod or timer.
6. Regarding her complicit social media and other buddies: I am stiff baffled why people knowingly put up with someone who by her own admission has abused animals. Jeffrey Epstein had friends. Perhaps her loyal friends share behavioral traits with FFF - I won't speculate here, but there are red flags if one knows where to look. Clearly FFF has something that resonates with them.
That's all for now.
PDD. I always appreciate your intelligent, thoughtful comments. Thanks!
DeleteThank you again, Poods, for your reporting of the IG "stories" -- as most of us are only able to see the pics only. And wow, you are so right, as her aim has shifted from true farmers and homesteaders to random people who might find her interesting and donate. As if.
DeleteAnd yep, she's looking for cidiots like me who don't know a thing about homesteading or farm life. She's hoping to throw out some keywords and glossy pics to attract the folks who are tired of city life. No one can cast a net as wide as her. She should move to Asia.
I think people (her foollowers) put up with her (for awhile) because of pride. They found her and they thought she was amazing at first. But then they learned otherwise. But who wants to admit that they were wrong? So that's why they stick around. For awhile at least.
Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. No sir. Didn't happen.
So, by her own admission, she does not have any sheep or chickens.
ReplyDeleteToday's IG blurb says that the "pigs are in a nest of hay eating pumpkins"...."horses, hawk, dog, cats, and wolf (herself) are all safe and sound".....
Doesn't sound like much of a farm...
Um, why would hay be in the rain? Why anything? Getting ready for what? Seriously. She actually wants kudos for being an adult.
DeleteAnonymous 3:17. I agree with what you wrote. She's like one of those kids in school who wants stickers just for showing up and breathing. Her silly lists are the same way. I find it funny how she identifies with wolves, too. I still see her as a raised in the suburbs and wannabe faux feral farmer.
DeleteShe's a wolf in her mind because she likes preying on people. Sounds psycho to me.
DeleteChickens. What the eff happened to the 150-200 chicks she purchased earlier this year? I am remembering this correctly, right? She announced several times that she had ordered big batches of chicks? Or was that last fall? Either way, how did so many chickens disappear?
DeleteIt IS weird that she has toned down the begging. It's like she had a major bail out.
ReplyDeleteTime will tell. You know she can't keep things to herself for very long. Either a bail out...or she's about to bail out.
Deleteyes the non begging is startling for sure and nothing on her blog for weeks I am guessing she can't get any money out of the bleg anymore so she figures why bother. I think the same as above she has gotten one hell of a windfall from someplace and as soon as she goes through that she will be back in the saddle again begging like a maniac. And we all know she will go through all the money she has been given in a blink of an eye.
ReplyDeleteI dunno. A grand a month to keep my basement empty and the drama clear for Momma Wog might be a good deal.
DeleteYa know?
HER basement empty. Not mine. Momma Wog's basement. Shesh... Late night commenting.
DeleteAlthough I've speculated about mama's mortgage money, I doubt that the windfall has come from her folks. My understand from her whining about not having a trust fund is that they're not a wealthy family. And I've seen her mom's snide comments on Facebook about working. I think that it's one or more of her dumb enablers. Maybe even Miriam or Pember Patty.
Delete"My understanding..."
DeleteAnon 4:46 wrote: "...nothing on her blog for weeks I am guessing she can't get any money out of the bleg anymore so she figures why bother."
DeleteThat's exactly it. And it's sad, cuz years ago her bleg was brim full of activity. But if you've got hardly any farm animals, no gardens, no homesteading projects, you've got nothing to write about.
She'd be better off moving to Hollywood and getting a studio catering job slinging day-old donuts. ⌛️🍩
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Is it wrong to roast a chicken just to fill a house with the smell if you plan on eating it the next day? I am not hungry, but I like the idea of sensory hygge."
She's used the Scandinavian concept of "hygge" before, and also appropriates it again. The international interest in it started in 2016 not now, so once again, she's late to the trend party. It's another one of her attention-seeking devices, like those insipid polls or requests for pet pics. I'll rewrite a more truthful version of her tweet:
Is it wrong to tweet something stupid, and when six nice people take time to respond, to ignore them all because they're not any notable blue check accounts?
Man, just roast the dang chicken and eat it. No one cares when. Or better yet, buy a fresh roasted chicken air freshener.
DeleteThis is yet another example of casting her net wide for attention and donations.
You know how it is when you have a house full of noisy kids and then it goes very, very quiet? You just know something is up.
ReplyDeleteThat's the impression I get from her silence on the mortgage. My guess is she got a windfall somewhere and she's not showing her hand.
We're fairly certain that she's received funds from someone.
DeleteExcellent point, Anon 6:10. Something is up for sure. Either a windfall, or she's about to fall. Hard.
DeleteI don't think ocean girl is real either. I think it refers to a trip that Taylor Swift and her friend Karlie Kloss took to Big Sur in California a few years ago. There's lots of pictures of the two of them in a Vogue magazine article and Jenna seems obsessed with it. Last June she mentioned it a lot and the picture on Jenna's twitter homepage is of Karlie taking a picture of Taylor with, I think, the Pacific in the background.
ReplyDeleteBig Sur is beautiful and mystical. The whole coastal route is too.
Maybe she's been so quiet because her begging just looks so bad to a prospect date. Or she's trying to do what Christopher McDougall is doing publishing and now pushing his new book.
Wow that's sad that shes gotta make this shit up. And driving all the way to a beach town by herself in order to recreate vacation pictures of a celebrity crush. And then stick Patti with taking care of the animals while shes in total fantasyland! OMFG! Yea so weres the girl in the pics at the ocean? She would definitely do selfies with the two of them. I'd almost feel sorry for her if she wasnt such a smug bitch.
DeleteI dunno...I think coast girl was real. Someone had to take those pics of Jenna. And even if she had asked a stranger, you don't act and smile in a familiar way like she did. I think what happened is that coast girl wanted to meet her, but when she did she lost interest fast. Long distance relationships are indeed a thing, but the person has to be exceptional to make it worth the effort. And they cannot have shocked a pig. Like ever. So I think coast girl realized it was a waste of time.
DeleteBut I agree that the whole cringe-worthy beach date was totally TS inspired. And Anon 1:57, yes, Big Sur is amazing! You mid-westerners and east coasters make me jealous with your awesome weather and snow, but at least we get Big Sur, lol.
It's time for more banal bullshit:
ReplyDelete"At what point on a Saturday is it too early time to make a gigantic skillet of spicy curry with veggies and chickens and then carry a bowl to the top of the stairs and eat it on your haunches like a yeti? 3pm?"
I guess that the FFF is too uncivilized to eat either in her new chair, that's already filthy looking, or at the table like a normal adult. The thought of her pigging out on her "haunches" like a "yeti" is slightly disturbing and repellent. It's no wonder why she's still single. And "chickens" should be singular not plural, moron.
I also wanted to add that her ridiculous sentence needs commas.
DeleteJeez, is that a drunk tweet or what?
Delete❝ it too early time to... ❞
❝ ...carry a bowl to the top of the it on your hunches like a yeti ❞
🙄 So is day drinking a thing these days? Like, am I missing out on something?
Anon7. I was also thinking that the tweet sounded drunken. Here's her stupid follow-up:
Delete"I ate so much chicken masala I feel sick so don't you tell me dreams can't come true after 35."
It's not even funny. And her rotten writing has become worse lately. The lack of proper punctuation, and coherent thought is obvious.
James Brown
How much would a set of 6 cost, Jenna?
Jenna Woginrich
Replying to
$6 a bar $14 shipping
Are you freaking kidding me? 6 mini bars of melt and pour(because she tells on herself, “making 18 to ship on Monday”) for $50? $36 for 6 tiny bars plus $14 to ship 6 tiny bars...$50??
She has to be out of her mind, but more so, anyone falling for this BS has to either a clueless urban-dwelling farm-life-deamer, or just plain enabler.
Has to be*
DeleteAlso the above screenshot refers to someone asking her the cost of her miniature snowflake melt-n-set soap bars.
It's highway robbery, Pig Shocker style. Seriously, I remember when she first offered those mini sized bars and they were way cheaper than her $6 bars. Even worse, she could ship that crap much cheaper if she used a USPS Priority Flat Rate Envelope is just $6 or $7 bucks. HALF of her rip-off price.
DeleteShe's obviously looking to make a quick $50 and is hoping people won't ask too many questions and just do it. Like many people, sometimes I just wanna cyber-slap the stupidity outta her.
Where has Whackadoodle_Horseshit been lately? And not just her, as there are other Shammers also missing in action:
ReplyDeleteRed horse
Dancing Shepherdess
PayPal Poodle
I miss you all. Where have you been? Was it something I said? Was it my breath? (BTW, if I didn't mention you, it was cuz you recently posted here. But there are others missing as well. And just like Rose said to that rescue boat, "Come back, come back!")
Dancing shepherdess here. Sometimes I reply anon, to save time. Busy earning a living, taking care of my sheep. Here checking out what's going on. Her soaps are a massive ripoff.
DeleteI miss the gang, too.
DeleteAgree to disagree. There is one foul mouthed poster I don't miss. Have to say, it's been refreshing to not have her (or him) around.
DeleteHey Anon 7, I’m not on here much because we’re retired and travel quite a bit, but I did comment earlier this week, you must’ve scrolled right past me :)
DeleteI do keep an eye on JWF and her handling of the hawk though. I also have a friend watching her. Thanks for asking about me, hope you’re doing well!
I'm still here, just don't read JW anymore, so I mainly come here to find out what's up. I was wondering about Cryokid the other day. There've been a couple stories in the news that made me think of her.
DeleteI think Cryokid's busy writing. Also, where she lives was wickedly hot. Maybe this didn't leave much time to think on FFF.
DeleteI wonder what's happened to Orchidlove? She was very active on the last defunct site. Maybe she's using another name.
DeleteWhackadoodle is Orchidlove.
DeleteAnonymous 5:54. I suspected that was her by the same style. I appreciate your confirmation.
DeleteJenna Woginrich
Today I signed up at the local gymnasium of the Young Men's Christian Association!
5:38 PM · Nov 10, 2019·Twitter Web App
Yeah, someone got a windfall. Cuz the YMCA has like a $75 yearly fee and then its like at least $30 a month for the facilities.
I know, cuz it's too much for us to join. We have to work for a living instead of begging online.
Cambridge YMCA is $50 fee plus $49/mo for her age group.
DeleteGod she pisses me off. "LA-DEE-DAH I'm spending my poodle money and rubbing in you all's faces." I can't even afford the "low income" rate for the Y. As a matter of fact, she probably got that rate because she cheats on her taxes. You have to show documentation of income, and her income shows nil because it's all 'gitfts.' Grrrrrrr..........
DeleteLOLOL! Anon 2:47. So true...
DeleteIt's possible she got a scholarship. Our local Y offers them if you are below a certain income. I'm more pissed off about the time she has to go to the gym. No time for a job but plenty to go to the gym and whine about life so people will feel sorry for her and send money. Christ.
DeleteOur Fake Feral Farmer: alone on the mountain, lol, but close enough to have a "Y" membership. Must be hell living in $uburban Washington County.
ReplyDeleteI love how she has to spell it out instead of just the YMCA I think she is laughing as she points out she joined a Christian assoc. like it is a joke or something. But wait the begging should begin and she is onto her next phase as she is now having to make sales right away. Must have been on a big high this last month or so and now she is being brought back to manic reality. Get ready folks I am going to go make the popcorn.
ReplyDeleteIt's a funny joke because she's not young, she's not a man, she's not a Christian, and nobody wants to associate with her.
DeleteThis is what a lot of homeless people do. I bet the only reason she joined the Y is because her plumbing is on the fritz again. She can shit & shower there...Cheaper than hiring a plumber!
ReplyDeleteIt can go either way. She may be using the facilities for their plumbing or she got a large bailout and is now frittering it away.
DeletePeople who live paycheck to paycheck and are struggling to make ends meet do not join gyms, no matter what the cost.
A frugal writer once coined the term "earth gym". I'm a fitness buff, but during my most frugal years while working my way out of debt, I figured out low cost or free ways to work out.
ReplyDeleteI bought a set of free weights and lined them up under my sofa. I then purchased a workout with weights VHS tape and did my hour workout every other day. That tape lasted for years, so I sure got my money's worth.
For aerobics I either hiked, ran, rode my bike, or cross country skied. Cold weather never bothered me. When it rained, I'd go to the grocery store and walk up and down the aisles.
For Jenna, I can think of no better upper body strength training than chopping and splitting wood.
She's whining about "weather" coming in. We're supposed to get about 4"...nothing to make any of us in this area even slow down. Except, maybe, our little Jenna. She just needs to hunker down and burn some firewood. Couldn't possible go outside!
ReplyDeleteI have just confirmed in my mind my unkind thoughts about her followers. They are as flaky as she is. She didn't realize that today was a holiday. Oh I get cell phone and no calendar, I guess.Clueless in Cambridge once again. Jerk.
DeleteHi HD, can we have a new thread? Thank you!