She may want a date but she should work on accepting that she will be alone forever. There is the thought that there is a lid for every pot....but in this case......I just don't see it. She has Zero to offer anyone.
Pigs don't routinely test electric fencing. Her fencing likely hasn't worked for ages and because her piglets aren't trained to it out they went. It's sad she doesn't simply rotate the pigs around the apple/oaks. Electric fencing can be expanded in minutes if you leave tposts up year after year. Run polywire through insulators and throw in a few step in posts if necessary. Putting pigs in new locations and watching their joy is contagious and good for the soul.
Clear water isn't a "comfort"'s what you provide daily...or several times daily if necessary.
"The electric fence was down and the piglets found a weak part of the fence and squeezed out - their mother's did shortly after. But there wasn't a panic about it, not from me. Years of raising pigs taught me how much they ache for comfort. It was a blustery day so soon as their bellies were full of apples, grass, plants, and acorns they would want their nest in barn. So I made it as comfortable as possible - soft hay for days, clear well water, plenty of sweet grains and scraps in their feeder. I repaired the electric fence. I stuck around long enough to watch the first pig saunter in, and then the rest."
FYI Jenna if you want to see what women your age in farming are up to, check out this webinar on pigs, apples, and nuts.
October 8 - Eliza Greenman, HogTree - Silvopasture at Work: integrating livestock into fodder producing orchards
It's not dating related, but it's definitely farming related. Meredith's pointing out how relatively easy it would be to set up pastures for the pigs, yet, despite being a "pig famer" for years, PS hasn't. I haven't raised pigs, but I've seen enough videos to know that they are not too hard to fence. The fence is usually 2 or 3 lines and low enough that you can step over it.
Well...they are super hard on fencing but super respectful of electric. Some of the sows I worked with were incredibly leary to cross the line where the electric once was! It was very rare for an older market pig or breeding stock to ever be loose. Occasionally we'd have a sly one but that was like 1/500.
I agree, HD. She's a user not a giver, and that won't work in an intimate relationship. Or any other for that matter. JFW's "lid" will be left alone in her town dump.
Well seeing that most relationships are built on trust, it wont ever work right from the getgo. Lying, cheating and being chronically unemployed does not exactly make a good catch.
There is nothing wrong with being alone. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be in a relationship. We are all in different places. I just cannot grasp why every single thing that she thinks she has to share on line. Is it because she believes social media is real? That the people who follow her actually *care, and will be there* for her? Tis not true.
She probably tweeted this because: 1) It will make people feel sorry for her and maybe send her $$; 2) A date may = someone buying her drink and/or food. It's all about the $$$$ with JFW.
Exactly. It's all about her manipulative marketing. And as of today, no one has responded at all except for a few lone "likes." She's the catch that keeps getting thrown back in the water.
Our feral farmer is crumb hunting the blue checks hard this afternoon. Stay tuned for a hot and heavy round of woah is me, a poor down trodden "insert whatever terms would best appeal" to new crumb licked naive followers... can't they spare just $5... or $50 .. not that she'll say thank you for either.
I love how she wrote that her followers are "forever welcome to kick in towards the writing" on her bleg. Forever welcome...seriously? Yeah, forever welcome to subsidize her lazy-ass lifestyle and boozy binge drinking.
Where are all of my fave regular commenters like PDD, DM, WDH, Anon7 etc...? I miss hearing from you "guys." It's like you all took a trip at the same time. Or maybe you're just bored with her bullshit drama. Can't blame you for that. JFW is like a repeat record with scratches.
I'm around, Anon 11:53. Been working a lot trying to make ends meet. Just can't bring myself to beg on the internet to pay my bills!
It's been very cold here in the Inland Northwest with lows in the 20s. I have a cord of wood in a huge pile that needs to be stacked in the woodshed, and I've put my garden to bed for the most part. I'm hoping that the little carrots make it with their pine shavings as cover. We really didn't have too much of a fall. It went directly from summer to winter, it seems! My poor chickens are going through their fall molt, they're bald, and it's cold! LOL
You're right about the repeat performances of our FFF. It's like groundhog day sometimes. Tooth, truck, animal injury, firewood, plumbing issues, ad nauseam...
Hope everyone is having a good autumn. Check-ins welcome! I like hearing from you all, too.
I've been away a lot. Reading and enjoying comments, although not always in WIFI coverage area. DM, this week & next week, I'm probably in your neck of the woods. It does get chilly out here in the evenings.
I do have to say, it's been a nice break from all the attacks on JFW's appearance. It lends more credibility to the blog when we focus on her scams and animal abuse.
Anon, I miss reading the comments too. It's the busy season at my place of employment so work takes up most of my time. It's like I live there and visit home once in a while.
I'll be commenting more frequently soon. Thanks for mentioning me!
Thanks for mentioning me as well! When you don't see me, it's a good thing cuz that means sales are UP and I get busy with packaging and shipping. Business before pleasure!
Also, the holiday season is just around the corner so I'm frantically trying to list as much product as possible. I do pop in both here and Pig Shocker's Twitter to see what shenanigans she's up to, but don't always have time to post.
"Got $100 to earn to make today's goal. Which also happens to be what I charge for a logo bought 8 weeks in advance! Want to be the owner of a custom piece of branding? Want to buy one as a surprise for my next customer?! DM!"
This was tweeted 17 hours ago, and no one has responded at all. Not even Patty, Miriam, or more of her dumb enablers. It looks like donor fatigue has happened. Again, it's her manipulative marketing. Like anyone is going to buy a lousy logo for a Twitter stranger. It's similar to her stupid suggestion this summer of trying to sell rotten meat to the local food bank. And it's always a wait to get her crap. When we know she wastes much of her time tweeting about Taylor Swift and other pop culture inanities. So it's just that Jenna is too lazy to work and support herself. If she were that desperate for funds then she'd do the damn drawings immediately.
No one wants Pig Shocker's crap that she repeatedly tries to sling. It's all bottom of the barrel quality.
Anyone who buys anything from her is out of pity. The customer most likely doesn't see much difference between a pity donation to her and a donation to a charity that benefits the mentally ill.
One of my favorite games is Googling the companies of the logos she posts to see which ones are actually using hers. Spoiler alert: the percentage is LOW.
Also, I recently crowd sourced a logo for a business I'm starting. That could be a way for her to pick up some money, if she were any good. There's no 8 week wait though, so that might be a non-starter for her.
The 8 week wait is so bizarre. Also, she expects the entire amount up front. No deposit and then pay more later once the work is finalized. I mean, that's how it normally works, right? You don't pay the full amount until you are satisfied?
"I love holding the door for 65yo+ male dairy farmer's in this town. They always say thank you, and I always say "Anytime, Gorgeous!" and it never fails to get a real laugh."
🤢🤮 What an asshat. Total disrespect and creepy.
If it were an older man saying Anytime Gorgeous to Pig Shocker, she would whine and cry about boundaries and feminism and the male chauvinist mindset.
This once again shows more sociopath behavior. She is unable to act appropriately in social situations and therefore sticks out like the social pariah she is.
Calling an elderly person 'gorgeous' is clearly intended to be ironic (younger female calling older male a sexual pet name) and humorous (to her). It isn't.
This is a person who publicly calls women babe, baby, bitch, but if someone did that to her, she'd curl into a fetal position and talk about being harassed.
Her enablers must have loose screws to continue to support her.
WH & PDD, I also saw that stupid tweet the other day, and thought something similar. She's such a condescending, arrogant twat. Funny, how now she's bandying about dated terms like "internalized misogyny" like she's invented female oppression. It's good to see you two again. I've also missed your comments lately.
As another who is local to her, I can confirm. In fact, I personally know quite a few people who describe themselves as out to get her after she has screwed over either them or someone close to them.
Also, it's just common decency to hold open a door for someone! JFC! Another manipulative way to show what a good person she is.
And why is farmers possessive? I'm pretty sure I learned about the possessive apostrophe in, um, 5th grade?
I feel like I'm watching Season 12 of a drama I used to find interesting, but has become the same, repetitive boring nonsense. I want to walk away, but I have 12 years vested in it, so I'm sticking around to see the series finale.
Anon 11:44 - You perfectly describe how I felt trying to get thru the final season of Game of Thrones, lol.
BTW, I wonder what would happen after a you think she'd continue to blog? Or would she just quietly fade away while wallowing in utter shame and humiliation?
Anon7. Her ego is too huge to "quietly face away." I think that she'd attempt to create a new narrative probably at Patty's farm, or maybe in her parents' basement.
I doubt she will go gently into that good night. She will wail, wring her hands and write purple prose pointing fingers at anybody and everybody for her downfall. The only thing is, she may be shouting into the void. I think people are getting tired of her whiny narrative.
The thing is I really think she would be better off being forced off her six acre fauxfarm. Maybe she could travel to other places, meet real people , have a few new interesting experiences and actually have something to write about besides yet another memoir ( I throw hay and tote buckets of water....zzzz). She would need to take some writing classes though :)
A day later and no responses. Of course, she could look up the link herself. Just like all of the other stupid information she requests from followers, because she's too lazy to look. Or just wants to be an attention whore:
"Can some Swiftie please link me to an HD version of that Enchanted/Wildest Dreams mashup with the squid piano and the Karlie homage glitter onesie? You know exactly what I mean."
Yeah, she could look it up herself alright, but then HoW eLsE cOuLD sHe TrY tO rOpE iN nEw FooLOwerZ??? She's gotta cast her desperate donation net as wide as she can.
Two days later, and still, no responses at all. It's obvious that even her stupid "Swifties" don't want to give her the silly link. Yeah, a college-educated woman just can't manage to get information all by her "kick ass" self without whining for faux help.
On a new Instagram post, the online panhandler wrote a long humble-brag about buying the farm "all by herself" and included these fine words:
❝ Women are told not to be proud. We’re not supposed to boast, brag, or hold ourselves too high. We’re supposed to be demure, and humble, and quiet. Fuck that. I kick ass. ❞
🙄 O....kay. Seems like I'm not the only one, as someone commented, "Congrats to you... but strange, I never got told all that shit..." to which someone else replied "Right?" Lol, the Pig Shocker getting called out on her bullshit. And *spoiler* she doesn't kick ass.
Woman were told that stuff in Victorian times, but last I looked it went out with the horse and buggy. Second wave feminism occurred in the 60s and 70s. Third wave in the 90s. Jenna was raised during that period and I doubt was ever taught that crap. Just another instance of how special she thinks she is.
I just read that stupid, self-entitled post. What a bunch of bull. She's had help from others to buy her hovel even at the start, and now it's non-stop begging on Twitter to maintain it. JFW has done nothing by herself, but behaves as if "this farm" is her handiwork alone. There's nothing badass about her her lazy lifestyle which was never deserved.
Yep. She asked for donations outright to help her buy the house and wrote afterwards that she was going to take down her Paypal link. Ha!
She then begged for donations to put a down payment on Merlin, then begged for money to pay off that loan. She begged for money to save her truck from repossession. And it just goes on and on.
❓Hey, did anyone catch the tweet where the Pig Shocker was offering logos for just $100? Pretty sure that's what I saw when I took a quick peep at her Twitter early Saturday morning before work.
Anyway, while her sub-par logos are not worth the $450 she originally charged, they are certainly worth more than $100 -- she must be mighty desperate to have offered that price AND to have deleted that tweet.
I think that, once again, she read my comment and then deleted the tweet. It's happened before, and can't be a coincidence. I've even timed it out of curiosity, so it's obvious that her "old Mac" is bookmarked to this site, and constantly refreshed for our current comments.
I think she deleted it because it was a desperate move to make a quick $100. But then probably realized it's not enough for what she does, not worth it.
I've been reading a lot about the F.I.R.E movement (Financial Independence Retire Early) and Extreme Early Retirement. Everyone has their own opinion about what age constitutes early retirement, but they have one thing in common. They are working their butts off trying to achieve it. And not by panhandling.
I read a blog by a woman in her 20's who hopes to achieve retirement by her mid 30s. She has a six figure salary, lives on very little and invests the rest. All of the F.I.R.E people I've read about have jobs and are doing something similar. Working, living frugally, and saving enough so they can generate passive income.
Jenna wants early retirement without the work. She wants other people to finance her lifestyle. No surprise here. She openly admits it.
Jenna worked for three large companies; Orvis, HGTV and Coldwater Creek. Many people would give anything for those opportunities. But my guess is she became a Jon Katz wannabe when she moved to Washington County, NY.
The difference is Jon Katz did not really become well known until his 50s. He worked as a reporter for years, including at the Washington Post and CBS, before quitting to write full time. He was married and his first wife had a successful career at the Washington Post, so there was a steady income stream and health care benefits.
By the time Jenna met him, Katz was supporting himself as a writer, but he was not an instant or overnight success.
Jenna just does not want to put in the work to make it on her own, no matter how much she claims to have done it on her own. Although she has been a successful beggar so far, I'll give her that.
Very well said. I agree 100%. Once Jenna saw the success of Jon, and his support, she took it and ran with it. Except... she missed like 30 years of working.......
I'm always interested in the stories of people who have retired early, but wonder about how they pay for their health care policies. People who retire at 65 have Medicare. What do these 30-somethings do -- pay for a policy for 35 years, with no assistance from any employer? That's a massive expense.
I should also add that if Jon Katz was in his 50s, maybe he only had to do it for 10 years, or maybe his wife was working and had insurance through her employer. But JWs going to have to pay into the insurance system for 30 years...unless she's filed for public assistance and is helped out through subsidized healthcare, food stamps, etc. which would not surprise me, because on paper her numbers do not add up.
I'm not sure I'm retired but I'm I have worked for others but I've been self employed for ages. I chose to not have health insurance until I was 40. It was calculated and an educated risk. Now I just pay for it. I have always been pretty good with money and business...unlike our dear friend. Sometimes the plan changes but the end goal is always in my sites. At this point...I'm 49....the wheels are just in motion and things will carry on with or without me. I made my "fortune " owning a flea market in a small town. It's not how much you make it's how much you spend. Now I own rental properties. I have only one mortgage that will be paid in full in just a few more months. Two years from when I got the house. We all make our choices and decisions along the way and we pay or gain in different ways.
I was widowed very young (26) with 4 small children and never worked one was an infant and I paid for my medical insurance for all 5 of us for the last 40 years, well not the children when they reached a certain age and also my second husband as we were self employed. It can be done but you just have to figure out what is most important to you. Oh and we never begged for money either!!! If we had only known of Pig Shocker way back when life would have been a bit easier!
HD - When I read "The Millionaire Next Door", I was surprised to learn that many auctioneers are millionaires. Not because they made a lot of money, but because they spent less. They usually lived in low cost rural areas, drove ordinary cars and rarely paid full price for anything because they had access to high quality, second hand items at a fraction of the original cost.
You remind me of those auctioneers. You are a smart and savvy woman. I am in awe of you.
I had no idea 'The Millionaire Next Door' was about auctioneers. I have a friend who is one, and does very well. His 'come to Jesus' moment was when he used to buy items cheap from auctions that he thought he could sell for a profit. Soon he thought, "Wow, I'm on the wrong side of this fence (as the auctioneer made most of the money). He put himself through auctioneer school and has done very well since.
Dang I'm going to have to read that! I worked for an auction too. It's all part of the same "lifestyle ". Except the auctioneer I worked for was an idiot..haha. Someone asked me once at an auction what I bought to put in the shop. The price is what mattered...not the item. I didn't deal much in furniture because it was too heavy. I ran everything by myself....not ideal...but I couldn't trust anybody to work with me and employees are the highest expense for a business. Although, I was pretty scrappy....I got by...grrr. Now I'm old and tired. I'm glad I don't do that anymore. At the same time I sold books on Amazon. I had better than 10,000 in inventory at any given time. Books are heavy.
Anon 10:54 - The Millionaire Next Door isn't about auctioneers, although they are mentioned there. It is about ordinary people who accumulate their wealth, not so much by earning a lot, but by spending less and living a modest lifestyle.
I've been eBaying, Facebook marketplacing, estate sale/yard sale heavy this year. I'll sell ANYTHING. My own stuff, foraged items, curbside free items, thrift/flea/ yard sale flips. Everything sells.... eventually. It's an AMAZING source of supplemental income for me and at times been my only income.
10,000 books?!?!?! I can't imagine the storage!
I loved running estate sales. A brick and mortar must have been a blast!!!
I rented a big metal building for the was a production. I had the flea market for about 15 years. It was fun for a long time. I like learning and figuring out things. There was a lot to figure out. I also sold new gift shop stuff. Each area was a whole nother thing.
HFH - You wrote, "I'm always interested in the stories of people who have retired early, but wonder about how they pay for their health care policies." Good question! I was always curious about that too. I follow some early retirement blogs and everyone has their own plan.
Some go without health care. Some buy low premium, high deductible policies. One couple said they eat healthy so they won't get sick (man plans, God laughs!). One man said if he had a fatal illness, like cancer, he would just accept it and die naturally.
Most hospitals will deeply discount services for low income, uninsured people.
I remember when JFW was asked what she would do if she got injured or became ill and had high medical bills. Her stock answer? She would crowd fund it.
I recall her stupid answer, too. Of course, it makes sense. Why wouldn't she fund her own health responsibilities through dumb enablers? She lives her lazy lifestyle each day the same way.
The stories here of how people actually wrangled early retirement and/or lucrative self employment here are inspiring. Spending less seems to be key, and that was something that, once upon a time, JW was quite keen on doing -- for awhile, anyway. Anon. 4:37, going without health care is definitely a gamble, but depending on your age, I guess the odds could be in someone's favor if they had youth on their side. JW planning on crowd-funding any disaster that hits, whether its medical or needing a new roof, does not surprise me at all. The only question is whether she still has enough donors to make it happen once more time. Problem is, the more and more time that passes, the greater the odds that something large will need funding. I guess we'll see how it plays out.
In my case not having insurance was an educated risk. Still certainly a risk. I was always very healthy. I've still never had the flu. Rarely I'd get a cold for a day or two. Even Chicken Pox...back in the day...I had over a weekend. I also had a low risk lifestyle. I did not have a farm or animals other than cats and a dog. There were times when things were more dangerous but I had insurance at that point through employers. Like I was a funeral director and embalmer. I was probably without insurance for about 8 years.
In Jenna's situation....I would absolutely keep insurance. She is not a generally healthy person. She has(had) animals....and has been hurt before by them. She rides horses and runs. The idea of crowdfunding for medical?.....she has no idea. Her fans don't have that kind of money and why would they care. If she breaks a leg...maybe. If it's something serious....I don't think so.
I just looked up reviews for The Millionaire Next Door and found this gem that can apply to the FFF.
"Parents [or in this case fans] giving money to their children [AKA JFW] develops and reinforces poor financial habits. This money is almost always immediately spent, and these children [JFW] generally have no savings since they are looking to their parents [fans] as their safety net."
Hi everyone! I am new to this site (like just found it last week I think), but have to comment on some of this stuff. I found the book "One Woman Farm" at my local Ollie's (similar to Big Lots) and bought it for $1.99. I read it, as I have been interested in Homesteading for a couple of years now, but I still live in town. I found it to be fairly interesting, and it got me to start reading our favorite FFF's "blog"... I was pretty intrigued and started reading it from the beginning, and made it to almost 2016. At some point, I saw a recent post (from October) about needing to "earn up" the mortgage payment, and I was a little disheartened. After 10 years, the farm still isn't solvent? There was mention in a post about Yelp, so I tried to find CAF on there, and was lead to this page in the search results. I was disappointed, but not really surprised, and started reading through Meredith's older blog posts and the archives of the old CAS site. The more stuff on here I read, the more I think about things that I'd read on the bleg that didn't make sense. I think there was a point where she was going to do a "week of eating only from the farm" and then 2 days later was off to a farm stand for a sandwich? Also, why are people who were such good friends (the Daughtons and Brett are the biggest 2 that come to my mind) no longer being mentioned? Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's helped to document this, and I hope that we're not going to see too much more animal abuse happening in the future. Also, I think that the living expenses thing must be being covered by commissioned Furry art (probably porn). I think the art style that we've seen matches, and when I was reading about the Oakpaw stuff, and about the sexualized "sleeping naked with a dog" (and being "a dire wolf") it would make sense that FFF is involved in that community... No disrespect to anyone else who might be, but definitely not making a living on a farm if that's how you're paying the bills. Anyone have any good links for folks who actually have made a living off their farms/homesteads and their story of how they got there?
SH. Welcome! Jenna Woginrich is a huge hypocrite when it comes to telling the truth about how she lives. I've also said for awhile that she's probably part of the furry fandom community. Clearly, she's too embarrassed to mention it on Twitter. And the "sexualized sleeping naked with a dog," and "claw marks on my naked body" is indicative of that, too. It's interesting that Jon Katz, who used to be a "good friend," no longer is part of her life. He even mentions that in a post, and said that "they've only waved to each other for a few years." When we lived in the Cambridge area for a few years, I personally witnessed how she's alienated many people with her constant begging and using. So it's no surprise that eventually, the FFF is dumped like the social parasite that she is in reality.
Hi SH! So I've been racking my brain trying to think of a really good, consistent homesteading blog. The Elliot Homestead comes close, and so does the Down To Earth blog by Rhonda Hetzel. The problem (IMO) is that homesteading is a tremendously satisfying, but monotonous lifestyle. Slow living, conservative spending is all pretty predictable (i.e., the same things happen at the same time every year), and I think that's a problem for writers. We do a lot of homesteading at our place, but I just can't bring myself to write about canning tomatoes one more time. I've been canning tomatoes for 15 years and it's pretty much the same thing every time! So there are a lot of first year homesteaders who blog and then after year two or three their writing just drops off the map, because they've written about it already. JW really did have a gift of making things seem fresh and wonderful in her first few years of homesteading, until she bought her own place, quite her day job, and then her life went off the rails. Apparently monotony was not her "thing," and so now she's re-styled herself (to her dwindling audience) as kind of a "farm-based social influencer," even though at this point her place is about as far from a real farm as the local McDonald's is. To me, with her expensive boots, penchant for hawking, riding and owning purebred dogs, she just reminds me of a bored Vermont housewife, only one who can't make the bills every month and with no humans in her life to interact with or care for on a daily basis. It's quite sad, but I feel most for the animals in her care, which because of her inattention and financial instability, do not receive proper care.
Welcome, Suburban Homesteader! Thanks for sharing your story. Pretty amazing that you read up to 2016, as I tried from the beginning also and could only stomach about two years worth of her schtick.
And like you, I also noticed all the people that have disappeared from her life. In the beginning, there were SO MANY different names. She sounded like she had a lot of support, being the new girl in town and all. But she's a bridge-burner and a taker, not a giver.
Also, it's really difficult to know what happened because she never really says anything. You realize that she simply just stops mentioning those people. No longer does she have a solid physical support system in that town, so she's shifted her neediness and greed to the internet in search of suckers.
I believe that if Jenna ever tried to make money from the furry community, she didn't treat them better than she did anyone else. She probably cheated them the same as she did all of us, the heathen community, the gay community, her family...
Hey, SH--are you familiar with Heather Bruggeman? I just started following her recently, but she's someone who has slowly moved from a suburban homesteading life to fulltime homesteading. Her site is
Kristin Kimball has just published her second book about farming--her first book, The Dirty Life, tells the story about how she fell in love with a man who had a small farm, married him, and became a farmer herself. The new book, Good Husbandry, continues the story.
@HFH: I agree about homesteading being monotonous, as a lot of it is once you get established (I think, I'm still pretty small-time with some gardens, and attempting to plan for meat rabbits next year possibly). @Anon7: I agree about never hearing the stories of what happened. I was kinda hoping that maybe some of the people would be around here and share their stories (I know Meredith was mentioned quite a bit at the beginning after sending knitted socks). @Anon 6:03: I'm not familiar with Heather Bruggeman, but going to start reading her stuff now. I do have the first Kristin Kimball book on my Thriftbooks wishlist (along with about 30 other farming/homesteading books...), so I'll be sure to check it out.
I do have to say that, regardless of my disappointment in JFW, I'm thankful that reading her "stories" has reignited my desire to be more self-sufficient and to focus on doing things that I not only enjoy, but are beneficial (ie: doing homesteading projects that make money or save money vs. the ones that seem the most "fun"). Also, a lot of the books I've found that I'm interested in came from her reviews/lists over the years, and many of them have been recommended elsewhere, so they can't all be bad. Haha.
Not a blog, but the Roots and Refuge YouTube channel is PHENOMENAL. They're very gracious, down to earth people who share a ton of wisdom in their videos (mostly about gardening, but they have a whole variety of animals too). Their vlogs are slow but sweet and very genuine.
I wonder how the people who "donate to this farm for the past 10 years of writing" feel about the last few weeks of nothingness on her blog and twitter. Make that months. She has nothing to say at all is is no longer any of the things in her twitter description. None. She has totally lost her way and is nothing at all now but a fan of the lives of others.
It is quite odd that she's asking for people to "kick in" for a bleg where almost nothing is happening. What I think she means is that for new people who don't yet know her story, she's hoping they'll go back and read the past 10 years and then "kick in" for that. So they're paying for the past -- not the present.
Hey, SH--are you familiar with Heather Bruggeman? I just started following her recently, but she's someone who has slowly moved from a suburban homesteading life to fulltime homesteading. Her site is
Kristin Kimball has just published her second book about farming--her first book, The Dirty Life, tells the story about how she fell in love with a man who had a small farm, married him, and became a farmer herself. The new book, Good Husbandry, continues the story.
The pretend farmer is becoming a pretend blogger. She may not go out swinging, but just sneak away. She seems to have changed her attention from Twitter to Instagram, working her way through various social media platforms. The people I follow there aren’t beggars so I don’t know how Instagram handles people who rely on thievery for beer money.
Yeah, I noticed that as well. Hasn't written anything on the bleg in more than a week. Also hasn't been tweeting as much...not a single tweet today so far. And not the usual amount of begging. Something is definitely up.
Can anyone be more specific about the townsfolk's gripes against Jenna? We know her online customers pay up front and either have to pester her for product or never receive it at all.
From what's been said throughout the years it would seem that she burned a lot of bridges by not paying what she owed. Stuff like firewood, hay, etc.
The only specific example is somewhere on her bleg several years ago, she somehow "forgot" to pay a mechanic bill. Something about how she didn't have the money and sort of hoped it would go away.
Yes, a lot of that. Also, much like her obsession with random celebrities, she becomes obsessed with a person and takes from them - whether it be knowledge, training, equipment, etc. - until she doesn't like what they have to say any more (no, Jenna, you're doing it the lazy way, not the right way) or it no longer suits her and then she burns that bridge. This is a small town area and word of people like her travels pretty quickly.
HD - You are a stellar example that you don't have to work in a cubicle to make a living. Jenna could learn a lot from you. Not only did you work hard, you worked smart. And by investing in real estate, you have built up a nice, steady passive income stream (although I know there is a lot involved in being a landlady).
I'm guessing you are about 10-12 years older than Jenna. You have built up so much and she has nothing. She has so much gall saying she's done it all on her own. She has no idea what that means.
There is so much Jenna could learn from you but she would never listen.
Thanks! The real estate thing is interesting...I work with an agency that finds the tenants. They show the property and do background checks and financial checks. I have my tenants pay rent directly to my bank so I don't have to deal with "the checks in the mail". I don't do any of my own maintenance so I just call the guy if there's a problem. The houses that I buy are nice mid range so the rent is enough to keep a lot of the riff raff out...not that there aren't problems...but not as many as I might have. The greater joy is that for about 6% of collected rents my agency will "manage" the property. The tenants don't even know my name. Money just gets zapped into my account. I'm not to that point yet...but if I get tired of it or fall off a cliff or's an option.
People that worry about money don't realize how different life is if you don't have to worry about money. If Jenna made just a couple very minor changes her life would be completely different....but she didn't ask me. Also, Dr. Phil says "money problems aren't about money". I certainly believe that. She would be a stupid yayhoo with or without money.
HD - You continue to amaze. Having an agency manage your real estate is brilliant. My mother-in-law had a rental and it was nothing but problems. She wasn't a good manager and had one deadbeat tenant after another. We were so relieved when she sold it because she was constantly calling my husband with her complaints.
I'm assuming you're single. If so, you are truly a single woman making it on her own. Not like the FFF who depends on handouts for a living.
I am single. Never married and no skin kids. I have fur kids...haha. I've pretty much always been independent and have done what I want. A lot of my general characteristics work well for what I'm doing. They may not be good for everything. Like, I'm about 3 % emotional. This is maybe a weird thing...but... no exaggeration...the worst moment of my life was when my back was really against the wall and I had to ask a long term family friend for money. She didn't give it to me. I lost my business, my parents lost their house, I had to completely rebuy my house that was paid off. Bad times. But nothing worse than sitting in her living room and asking for that money.
Suburban Homestead brought up an interesting point, maybe she is getting her money from furries. Apparently it's quite lucrative. Read this:
Wow...that is...something...else. Well, to each their own as they say. At least it's honest work and much better than online panhandling for a living. But I still have trouble understanding what exactly it's all about. On reddit recently, someone posted a pic of a female furry shopping in a store. She was wearing a skirt and also a tail. Kinda weird, I shrugged, but whatever. Until someone pointed out the possibility that the tail might not be pinned on, but one of those butt-plug tails...and what would happen if a child ran up and pulled it out, lol. So yeah, that's where it seems kinda strange.
I'm not sure I understand it either. Is it a sex thing or is it just dressing up as an animal character? I guess there are different levels. I used to want to be a lion but that was over in third grade.
I guess it's kind of like Cosplay where people dress up at conventions as their favorite animated characters. From what I can tell, it's a pricey hobby as it most everything has to be handmade.
Hey there, longtime lurker here through the various iterations of this blog. This is a topic I have tons of firsthand experience with! My partner and I own a small artisan business making costumes for theatre, ren faires, and other performances. Between big name jobs, our main clientele are furries! They are wonderful clients, and the community is a lot like cosplay. Focused on art, costume performance, and imagination. It's a way to "try on" another identity for fun and/or self-actualization, just like acting or other kinds of roleplay. The sexual angle is not the draw for the majority, and definitely not among the clients we've served. But hey - where there's people, there's people who really like sex. I imagine its prevalent in the cosplay crowd too. To each their own!
Btw, Lisa Lang did a great documentary on furries last year. I highly recommend it if you want to fulfill your curiosity!
‼️ Hey, check out this "blind item" found on Jon Katz's blog in which he's talking about angels and their attitudes towards people:
❝ I think my angel is keeping an eye on me. I imagine her to be loyal and generous, but also grouchy and impatient. She has no time for bullshit or dissembling. [...] I think she has no patience for people who binge Netflix shows all day, or who complain about their difficult lives but refuse to change them. I would not think of whining around her or talking poorly of my life. Perhaps I’m just projecting. ❞
🤔 Hmmm...I wonder "who" he is referring to? People in general? Or someone in particular? 😏
I believe Jenna doesn't know the difference between a hand-up and a hand-out. When she first moved to town, I'm sure there were a lot of people willing to help her until she could stand on her own two feet.
I think Jenna believed the handouts would last forever. I think maybe now reality is beginning to hit.
Yep, people don't mind helping someone out when they are just getting started, but when the asking becomes a habit that's when you are branded a leech.
When you are knocking on forty's door, able bodied but refusing to work and refusing to get treatment for an obvious mental illness, the whole girl next door with a dream in her heart and stars in her eyes no longer applies.
Now she is a crazy, lazy, washed up, has been writer, whose life has spiraled into a shit storm of various addictions. She will have to beg for the rest of her life for scraps of leftovers that no one else wants.
There's no social security retirement money or medicare retirement insurance in her future. She hasn't earned enough work credits to receive those benefits.
Now, not even McDonalds would want her for an employee.
something is truly up with our little snowflake no begging no whining nothing. Nothing on her blog, nothing on twitter, I don't do instagram so not sure about that but for her to be this quiet something is rotten in Denmark or at least Colfax Rd. I'm popping the corn right now and gonna watch this shit show on and on.
Aaaaaagreed. In fact, earlier today (may have been this morning) there was a new post on her Instagram. It was a bright yellow pic (fall leaves) with the hawk. Some long rambling story about it -- and then later it was deleted. Strange.
Also, on that black and white throw-back IG post some one commented about her Thor's Hammer necklace and asked if she is a Heathen. The Pig Shocker has yet to reply.
I think that since she received the warning regarding using the hawk in advertising, she hasn't posted much with the hawk or left the posts up for very long. The NYSDEC must have let her know that aren't playing around and like the pussy she is, she isn't taking many chances.
All of her talk about looking for a new bird is just more of her crazy delusions. Nothing that complulsive liar says is ever completely true.
And don't forget that lately she's been driving all over the countryside, wasting gas and putting wear-n-tear on her truck, searching for another hawk that she doesn't really need. There's no way she's gonna be prepared for this year's Winter's Bottom.
People never get tired of posts about animals. It's automatically good content. The fact that she doesn't regularly post any CURRENT photos / videos of her animals raises a huge red flag for me. She also hasn't mentioned one thing that she has grown this summer. No photos/videos of the garden. Jenna's "farm" does not exist anymore and probably hasn't for a long time.
Yeah, it's strange how she doesn't really do anything anymore. And if it's that obvious to us internet observers, it must be glaringly obvious to those who are local to her. Perhaps that's why Jon Katz made that cryptic remark about a lazy binge-watching person who's doing absolutely nothing except whine about their shit circumstances.
HD - I had my back against the wall too. I married a man who was on the fast track to a brilliant career but developed substance abuse problems. I realized at some point the cavalry wasn't coming. I worked, lived frugally, saved, taught myself investing and retired debt free. I never would have done that if money came easily. Certainly not if I received bailouts like our FFF.
Hardship can be a wonderful teacher if you are open to learning.
Latest IG post claiming Aya was "released," instead of the truth that she flew away still in her jesses. This kind of blatant lying and irresponsibility is why she should have her license revoked.
I think it was Dash who flew away in his jesses. Aya was suddenly released with no photos or explanation as to why she released her. It seemed odd as she had just said she was going to be training her for another season. Who knows what really happened.
You're right, 11:54, my bad. I thought it was Aya because the post said she was released last fall, so it sounded like her most recent bird - I forgot about Dash. I need to refresh my memory but who can keep up??
This is a great day to send me your fuckin money break open the piggy banks poodles mama needs a new Amazon order support this one scammer farm with overpriced melty soap, lame artwork and one of our 7 quarter shares of pasterized bacon seeds Fly the hawk, this shit is gettin real
I wonder if the Pig Shocker has one of those Amazon Wish Lists? It sounds like something she'd do: Choose and list a bunch of stuff you can't afford and hope that total strangers will buy it for you. What a concept!
I love it too. Perfect for the person who they are referring too- poor grammar, disjointed thoughts, and over-riding theme of shamming people out of their money. It's really quite sublime.
I ordered pet portraits from the insane................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Are you studying the crappy artwork of narcissistic sociopaths with severe social media and alcohol addictions who also have psychopathic tendencies shown in her treatment of any animal she comes in contact with?
❝ I spent a few days off Twitter. Turns out without constant hustle and advertising, I don't make any sales. So I'll be back in the morning - doing my best. This farm has a ways to go! ❞
🙄 Does she ever really hear herself? She might as well have said, "When I don't beg all day for sales, I don't make any. So I'm gonna go back to whining non-stop so you'll feel sorry for me and buy my stuff."
Constant hustle and advertising = Spamming for pity handouts
Anon7. She has zero self-awareness, and doesn't care about begging for handouts. She should be ashamed of herself, but lacks the consciousness. What a sociopath.
Maybe she uses that random guitar to pack the soil after she plants her "kailyard" After all, she can't have a common vegetable garden like most of us common folk have. I believe that's an old picture anyway.
Also if she didn't make a sale for a day or two, shouldn't that give her time to catch up with all the back sales that take 8 long weeks to fulfill?
That photo is from her blog on April of 2017. She was really into banjos in 2011 and was gifted that banjo from a fan with the condition she never sell it. I wonder if she still has it?
Sorry about the banjo/guitar mistake. My son does guitar videos and I guess my brain sees what it wants sometimes. I just didn't look close enough. Embarrassing.
Outside Online just posted an article about a female hiker who frightened off a mountain lion by playing Metallica.
Never to be "outdone" by another woman, look for our fake feral farmer to soon post that she frightened off a humongous bear by playing TS music, bwahahahahaha.
Or she will go on and on about how mountain lions are so misunderstood.
From one of her lame, pro coyote bleg posts:
"Living with predators, writing about predators, learning and reading and knowing I am also a predator. Yes, I have put down my gun. I'll share with the hungry fox and wave to the trotting coyote. It took me a long time to find my people. I don't need to scare them away."
Living with predators? 🤣😂 She lives with cockroaches and rodents in that nasty house of hers.
Pig Shocker is a predator but not in the sense she says she is. She's always on the hunt for a fool to exploit.
The big difference between pig shocker and other predators is that most predators are intelligent with an innate sixth sense. Pig shocker is neither.
The feral farmer has been real quiet over the last week or so. Anyone else think she's just thrown in the towel and is waiting for the bank to take the property?
I have been thinking the very same thing hardly NO begging now for 2 weeks or so this just isn't normal so it goes to show she has money coming in from someplace to pay her bills. All her begging was for her fun play. What a nutcase.
Well she says she is writing /editing. I wonder if she's putting all her eggs in one basket and counting on a big book deal to bail her out...... not gonna happen.
Instagram: “Hello new followers from Cold Antler Farm! I am an open book. Message any time, read the books, read the 10+ years of blogs. I’m here and happy to chat with you! Please do send a message. This is my living room and my work dog, Gibson. Sheepdog and co-owner of CAF Jackson NY”.
Maisie, I just checked that fake friendly post out. One weirdo woman said: "I just want to come live with you tbh," and it had a face with hearts on it. Her name is Ruby Danger. Little does she know the "dangers" that would await her at CAF living with the lazy loser. And another dumb comment said: "Jenna I absolutely love your books is another one on the cards?" Maybe she means the one about the lesbian werewolf, or her inspo book about how "She made it by quitting her job and farming for a living!"
….I understand anything about her but… I do not understand about the whole cake mix thing. She says she will bake a cake…with this cake mix…if she gets some arbitrary number of subscribers. The whole thing is so stupid I don't have the capacity to even try to think about it. The main question is Who Cares? Is there someone in the world that will subscribe so she can bake a cake? What if she lies and bakes the cake any way?……yeah, okay…WHO CARES? Is this what passes as content nowadays? We're doomed.
Pigs don't routinely test electric fencing. Her fencing likely hasn't worked for ages and because her piglets aren't trained to it out they went. It's sad she doesn't simply rotate the pigs around the apple/oaks. Electric fencing can be expanded in minutes if you leave tposts up year after year. Run polywire through insulators and throw in a few step in posts if necessary. Putting pigs in new locations and watching their joy is contagious and good for the soul.
ReplyDeleteClear water isn't a "comfort"'s what you provide daily...or several times daily if necessary.
"The electric fence was down and the piglets found a weak part of the fence and squeezed out - their mother's did shortly after. But there wasn't a panic about it, not from me. Years of raising pigs taught me how much they ache for comfort. It was a blustery day so soon as their bellies were full of apples, grass, plants, and acorns they would want their nest in barn. So I made it as comfortable as possible - soft hay for days, clear well water, plenty of sweet grains and scraps in their feeder. I repaired the electric fence. I stuck around long enough to watch the first pig saunter in, and then the rest."
FYI Jenna if you want to see what women your age in farming are up to, check out this webinar on pigs, apples, and nuts.
October 8 - Eliza Greenman, HogTree - Silvopasture at Work: integrating livestock into fodder producing orchards
I don't mind off-topic sometimes, but this comment makes no sense in terms of the thread.
DeleteIf any topic is in reference to Jenna, it is not "off topic".
DeleteIt's not dating related, but it's definitely farming related. Meredith's pointing out how relatively easy it would be to set up pastures for the pigs, yet, despite being a "pig famer" for years, PS hasn't.
DeleteI haven't raised pigs, but I've seen enough videos to know that they are not too hard to fence. The fence is usually 2 or 3 lines and low enough that you can step over it.
Well...they are super hard on fencing but super respectful of electric. Some of the sows I worked with were incredibly leary to cross the line where the electric once was! It was very rare for an older market pig or breeding stock to ever be loose. Occasionally we'd have a sly one but that was like 1/500.
DeleteI agree, HD. She's a user not a giver, and that won't work in an intimate relationship. Or any other for that matter. JFW's "lid" will be left alone in her town dump.
ReplyDeleteWell seeing that most relationships are built on trust, it wont ever work right from the getgo. Lying, cheating and being chronically unemployed does not exactly make a good catch.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with being alone. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be in a relationship. We are all in different places. I just cannot grasp why every single thing that she thinks she has to share on line. Is it because she believes social media is real? That the people who follow her actually *care, and will be there* for her? Tis not true.
ReplyDeleteAnon 3:17 - well stated, and true!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing Jenna has to offer is clean sheets (lol)
ReplyDeleteWell, only if it's on a day she has showered!
DeleteShe probably tweeted this because: 1) It will make people feel sorry for her and maybe send her $$; 2) A date may = someone buying her drink and/or food. It's all about the $$$$ with JFW.
ReplyDeleteExactly. It's all about her manipulative marketing. And as of today, no one has responded at all except for a few lone "likes." She's the catch that keeps getting thrown back in the water.
DeleteOur feral farmer is crumb hunting the blue checks hard this afternoon. Stay tuned for a hot and heavy round of woah is me, a poor down trodden "insert whatever terms would best appeal" to new crumb licked naive followers... can't they spare just $5... or $50
ReplyDelete.. not that she'll say thank you for either.
I'm waiting for her classic "My bank account is double digits!" Yet she never posts pics of it, so I believe that it's just another lie.
DeleteI love how she wrote that her followers are "forever welcome to kick in towards the writing" on her bleg. Forever welcome...seriously? Yeah, forever welcome to subsidize her lazy-ass lifestyle and boozy binge drinking.
DeleteWhere are all of my fave regular commenters like PDD, DM, WDH, Anon7 etc...? I miss hearing from you "guys." It's like you all took a trip at the same time. Or maybe you're just bored with her bullshit drama. Can't blame you for that. JFW is like a repeat record with scratches.
ReplyDeleteI'm around, Anon 11:53. Been working a lot trying to make ends meet. Just can't bring myself to beg on the internet to pay my bills!
DeleteIt's been very cold here in the Inland Northwest with lows in the 20s. I have a cord of wood in a huge pile that needs to be stacked in the woodshed, and I've put my garden to bed for the most part. I'm hoping that the little carrots make it with their pine shavings as cover. We really didn't have too much of a fall. It went directly from summer to winter, it seems! My poor chickens are going through their fall molt, they're bald, and it's cold! LOL
You're right about the repeat performances of our FFF. It's like groundhog day sometimes. Tooth, truck, animal injury, firewood, plumbing issues, ad nauseam...
Hope everyone is having a good autumn. Check-ins welcome! I like hearing from you all, too.
I've been away a lot. Reading and enjoying comments, although not always in WIFI coverage area. DM, this week & next week, I'm probably in your neck of the woods. It does get chilly out here in the evenings.
DeleteI do have to say, it's been a nice break from all the attacks on JFW's appearance. It lends more credibility to the blog when we focus on her scams and animal abuse.
DeleteAnon, I miss reading the comments too.
DeleteIt's the busy season at my place of employment so work takes up most of my time. It's like I live there and visit home once in a while.
I'll be commenting more frequently soon.
Thanks for mentioning me!
Thanks for mentioning me as well! When you don't see me, it's a good thing cuz that means sales are UP and I get busy with packaging and shipping. Business before pleasure!
DeleteAlso, the holiday season is just around the corner so I'm frantically trying to list as much product as possible. I do pop in both here and Pig Shocker's Twitter to see what shenanigans she's up to, but don't always have time to post.
Anon7 are you an eBayer too?!
DeleteYes...although I'm always on the lookout for another/or additional venue. eBay just isn't what it was, but at least sales have suddenly picked up.
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"Got $100 to earn to make today's goal. Which also happens to be what I charge for a logo bought 8 weeks in advance! Want to be the owner of a custom piece of branding? Want to buy one as a surprise for my next customer?! DM!"
This was tweeted 17 hours ago, and no one has responded at all. Not even Patty, Miriam, or more of her dumb enablers. It looks like donor fatigue has happened. Again, it's her manipulative marketing. Like anyone is going to buy a lousy logo for a Twitter stranger. It's similar to her stupid suggestion this summer of trying to sell rotten meat to the local food bank. And it's always a wait to get her crap. When we know she wastes much of her time tweeting about Taylor Swift and other pop culture inanities. So it's just that Jenna is too lazy to work and support herself. If she were that desperate for funds then she'd do the damn drawings immediately.
No one wants Pig Shocker's crap that she repeatedly tries to sling. It's all bottom of the barrel quality.
DeleteAnyone who buys anything from her is out of pity. The customer most likely doesn't see much difference between a pity donation to her and a donation to a charity that benefits the mentally ill.
Lol, FCW, I just wrote about this tweet below. So she DID write that before deleting it. Desperate times, it seems.
DeleteOne of my favorite games is Googling the companies of the logos she posts to see which ones are actually using hers. Spoiler alert: the percentage is LOW.
DeleteAlso, I recently crowd sourced a logo for a business I'm starting. That could be a way for her to pick up some money, if she were any good. There's no 8 week wait though, so that might be a non-starter for her.
The 8 week wait is so bizarre. Also, she expects the entire amount up front. No deposit and then pay more later once the work is finalized. I mean, that's how it normally works, right? You don't pay the full amount until you are satisfied?
DeleteMore Twitter jackassary:
ReplyDelete"I love holding the door for 65yo+ male dairy farmer's in this town. They always say thank you, and I always say "Anytime, Gorgeous!" and it never fails to get a real laugh."
🤢🤮 What an asshat. Total disrespect and creepy.
If it were an older man saying Anytime Gorgeous to Pig Shocker, she would whine and cry about boundaries and feminism and the male chauvinist mindset.
This once again shows more sociopath behavior. She is unable to act appropriately in social situations and therefore sticks out like the social pariah she is.
Agree. Her behavior is unbelievably juvenile.
DeleteCalling an elderly person 'gorgeous' is clearly intended to be ironic (younger female calling older male a sexual pet name) and humorous (to her). It isn't.
This is a person who publicly calls women babe, baby, bitch, but if someone did that to her, she'd curl into a fetal position and talk about being harassed.
Her enablers must have loose screws to continue to support her.
WH & PDD, I also saw that stupid tweet the other day, and thought something similar. She's such a condescending, arrogant twat. Funny, how now she's bandying about dated terms like "internalized misogyny" like she's invented female oppression. It's good to see you two again. I've also missed your comments lately.
DeleteJust another example of why you can't believe a thing she says. One minute the town hates her and the next they are adoring fans. So which is it?
DeleteIt's definitely the former, hate, because we've lived locally for a few years. So I can personally vouch for how much "her town" loathes the FFF.
DeleteAs another who is local to her, I can confirm. In fact, I personally know quite a few people who describe themselves as out to get her after she has screwed over either them or someone close to them.
DeleteAlso, it's just common decency to hold open a door for someone! JFC! Another manipulative way to show what a good person she is.
And why is farmers possessive? I'm pretty sure I learned about the possessive apostrophe in, um, 5th grade?
Ooooh FF, please tell more about those people? Their gripes? We would just love to know a bit more...
DeleteI feel like I'm watching Season 12 of a drama I used to find interesting, but has become the same, repetitive boring nonsense. I want to walk away, but I have 12 years vested in it, so I'm sticking around to see the series finale.
ReplyDeleteI hope that her hovel's "finale" will be foreclosure in the future.
DeleteAnon 11:44 - You perfectly describe how I felt trying to get thru the final season of Game of Thrones, lol.
DeleteBTW, I wonder what would happen after a you think she'd continue to blog? Or would she just quietly fade away while wallowing in utter shame and humiliation?
Anon7. Her ego is too huge to "quietly face away." I think that she'd attempt to create a new narrative probably at Patty's farm, or maybe in her parents' basement.
DeleteNarcissists never wallow in utter shame and humiliation. Just not in their DNA.
DeleteI doubt she will go gently into that good night. She will wail, wring her hands and write purple prose pointing fingers at anybody and everybody for her downfall. The only thing is, she may be shouting into the void. I think people are getting tired of her whiny narrative.
DeleteI meant "fade away" not "face." It was a Freudian Slip, though, that makes sense in terms of the FFF.
DeleteThe thing is I really think she would be better off being forced off her six acre fauxfarm. Maybe she could travel to other places, meet real people , have a few new interesting experiences and actually have something to write about besides yet another memoir ( I throw hay and tote buckets of water....zzzz). She would need to take some writing classes though :)
A day later and no responses. Of course, she could look up the link herself. Just like all of the other stupid information she requests from followers, because she's too lazy to look. Or just wants to be an attention whore:
ReplyDelete"Can some Swiftie please link me to an HD version of that Enchanted/Wildest Dreams mashup with the squid piano and the Karlie homage glitter onesie? You know exactly what I mean."
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Yeah, she could look it up herself alright, but then HoW eLsE cOuLD sHe TrY tO rOpE iN nEw FooLOwerZ??? She's gotta cast her desperate donation net as wide as she can.
DeleteTwo days later, and still, no responses at all. It's obvious that even her stupid "Swifties" don't want to give her the silly link. Yeah, a college-educated woman just can't manage to get information all by her "kick ass" self without whining for faux help.
DeleteOn a new Instagram post, the online panhandler wrote a long humble-brag about buying the farm "all by herself" and included these fine words:
ReplyDelete❝ Women are told not to be proud. We’re not supposed to boast, brag, or hold ourselves too high. We’re supposed to be demure, and humble, and quiet. Fuck that. I kick ass. ❞
🙄 O....kay. Seems like I'm not the only one, as someone commented, "Congrats to you... but strange, I never got told all that shit..." to which someone else replied "Right?" Lol, the Pig Shocker getting called out on her bullshit. And *spoiler* she doesn't kick ass.
Woman were told that stuff in Victorian times, but last I looked it went out with the horse and buggy. Second wave feminism occurred in the 60s and 70s. Third wave in the 90s. Jenna was raised during that period and I doubt was ever taught that crap. Just another instance of how special she thinks she is.
DeleteI just read that stupid, self-entitled post. What a bunch of bull. She's had help from others to buy her hovel even at the start, and now it's non-stop begging on Twitter to maintain it. JFW has done nothing by herself, but behaves as if "this farm" is her handiwork alone. There's nothing badass about her her lazy lifestyle which was never deserved.
DeleteYep. She asked for donations outright to help her buy the house and wrote afterwards that she was going to take down her Paypal link. Ha!
DeleteShe then begged for donations to put a down payment on Merlin, then begged for money to pay off that loan. She begged for money to save her truck from repossession. And it just goes on and on.
❓Hey, did anyone catch the tweet where the Pig Shocker was offering logos for just $100? Pretty sure that's what I saw when I took a quick peep at her Twitter early Saturday morning before work.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, while her sub-par logos are not worth the $450 she originally charged, they are certainly worth more than $100 -- she must be mighty desperate to have offered that price AND to have deleted that tweet.
I think that, once again, she read my comment and then deleted the tweet. It's happened before, and can't be a coincidence. I've even timed it out of curiosity, so it's obvious that her "old Mac" is bookmarked to this site, and constantly refreshed for our current comments.
DeleteDid she delete the tweet because she got her $100 or because someone called her out on the begging?
DeleteI think she deleted it because it was a desperate move to make a quick $100. But then probably realized it's not enough for what she does, not worth it.
DeleteI've been reading a lot about the F.I.R.E movement (Financial Independence Retire Early) and Extreme Early Retirement. Everyone has their own opinion about what age constitutes early retirement, but they have one thing in common. They are working their butts off trying to achieve it. And not by panhandling.
ReplyDeleteI read a blog by a woman in her 20's who hopes to achieve retirement by her mid 30s. She has a six figure salary, lives on very little and invests the rest. All of the F.I.R.E people I've read about have jobs and are doing something similar. Working, living frugally, and saving enough so they can generate passive income.
Jenna wants early retirement without the work. She wants other people to finance her lifestyle. No surprise here. She openly admits it.
Jenna worked for three large companies; Orvis, HGTV and Coldwater Creek. Many people would give anything for those opportunities. But my guess is she became a Jon Katz wannabe when she moved to Washington County, NY.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is Jon Katz did not really become well known until his 50s. He worked as a reporter for years, including at the Washington Post and CBS, before quitting to write full time. He was married and his first wife had a successful career at the Washington Post, so there was a steady income stream and health care benefits.
By the time Jenna met him, Katz was supporting himself as a writer, but he was not an instant or overnight success.
Jenna just does not want to put in the work to make it on her own, no matter how much she claims to have done it on her own. Although she has been a successful beggar so far, I'll give her that.
Very well said. I agree 100%. Once Jenna saw the success of Jon, and his support, she took it and ran with it. Except... she missed like 30 years of working.......
ReplyDeleteI'm always interested in the stories of people who have retired early, but wonder about how they pay for their health care policies. People who retire at 65 have Medicare. What do these 30-somethings do -- pay for a policy for 35 years, with no assistance from any employer? That's a massive expense.
DeleteI should also add that if Jon Katz was in his 50s, maybe he only had to do it for 10 years, or maybe his wife was working and had insurance through her employer. But JWs going to have to pay into the insurance system for 30 years...unless she's filed for public assistance and is helped out through subsidized healthcare, food stamps, etc. which would not surprise me, because on paper her numbers do not add up.
DeleteI'm not sure I'm retired but I'm I have worked for others but I've been self employed for ages. I chose to not have health insurance until I was 40. It was calculated and an educated risk. Now I just pay for it. I have always been pretty good with money and business...unlike our dear friend. Sometimes the plan changes but the end goal is always in my sites. At this point...I'm 49....the wheels are just in motion and things will carry on with or without me. I made my "fortune " owning a flea market in a small town. It's not how much you make it's how much you spend. Now I own rental properties. I have only one mortgage that will be paid in full in just a few more months. Two years from when I got the house. We all make our choices and decisions along the way and we pay or gain in different ways.
DeleteCongratulations, HD!!! You planned well and can now enjoy the fruits of your labor :)
DeleteI was widowed very young (26) with 4 small children and never worked one was an infant and I paid for my medical insurance for all 5 of us for the last 40 years, well not the children when they reached a certain age and also my second husband as we were self employed. It can be done but you just have to figure out what is most important to you. Oh and we never begged for money either!!! If we had only known of Pig Shocker way back when life would have been a bit easier!
DeleteHD - When I read "The Millionaire Next Door", I was surprised to learn that many auctioneers are millionaires. Not because they made a lot of money, but because they spent less. They usually lived in low cost rural areas, drove ordinary cars and rarely paid full price for anything because they had access to high quality, second hand items at a fraction of the original cost.
ReplyDeleteYou remind me of those auctioneers. You are a smart and savvy woman. I am in awe of you.
I had no idea 'The Millionaire Next Door' was about auctioneers. I have a friend who is one, and does very well. His 'come to Jesus' moment was when he used to buy items cheap from auctions that he thought he could sell for a profit. Soon he thought, "Wow, I'm on the wrong side of this fence (as the auctioneer made most of the money). He put himself through auctioneer school and has done very well since.
DeleteDang I'm going to have to read that! I worked for an auction too. It's all part of the same "lifestyle ". Except the auctioneer I worked for was an idiot..haha. Someone asked me once at an auction what I bought to put in the shop. The price is what mattered...not the item. I didn't deal much in furniture because it was too heavy. I ran everything by myself....not ideal...but I couldn't trust anybody to work with me and employees are the highest expense for a business. Although, I was pretty scrappy....I got by...grrr. Now I'm old and tired. I'm glad I don't do that anymore. At the same time I sold books on Amazon. I had better than 10,000 in inventory at any given time. Books are heavy.
DeleteAnon 10:54 - The Millionaire Next Door isn't about auctioneers, although they are mentioned there. It is about ordinary people who accumulate their wealth, not so much by earning a lot, but by spending less and living a modest lifestyle.
DeleteI've been eBaying, Facebook marketplacing, estate sale/yard sale heavy this year. I'll sell ANYTHING. My own stuff, foraged items, curbside free items, thrift/flea/ yard sale flips. Everything sells.... eventually. It's an AMAZING source of supplemental income for me and at times been my only income.
Delete10,000 books?!?!?! I can't imagine the storage!
I loved running estate sales. A brick and mortar must have been a blast!!!
I rented a big metal building for the was a production. I had the flea market for about 15 years. It was fun for a long time. I like learning and figuring out things. There was a lot to figure out. I also sold new gift shop stuff. Each area was a whole nother thing.
DeleteHFH - You wrote, "I'm always interested in the stories of people who have retired early, but wonder about how they pay for their health care policies." Good question! I was always curious about that too. I follow some early retirement blogs and everyone has their own plan.
ReplyDeleteSome go without health care. Some buy low premium, high deductible policies. One couple said they eat healthy so they won't get sick (man plans, God laughs!). One man said if he had a fatal illness, like cancer, he would just accept it and die naturally.
Most hospitals will deeply discount services for low income, uninsured people.
I remember when JFW was asked what she would do if she got injured or became ill and had high medical bills. Her stock answer? She would crowd fund it.
I recall her stupid answer, too. Of course, it makes sense. Why wouldn't she fund her own health responsibilities through dumb enablers? She lives her lazy lifestyle each day the same way.
DeleteThe stories here of how people actually wrangled early retirement and/or lucrative self employment here are inspiring. Spending less seems to be key, and that was something that, once upon a time, JW was quite keen on doing -- for awhile, anyway. Anon. 4:37, going without health care is definitely a gamble, but depending on your age, I guess the odds could be in someone's favor if they had youth on their side. JW planning on crowd-funding any disaster that hits, whether its medical or needing a new roof, does not surprise me at all. The only question is whether she still has enough donors to make it happen once more time. Problem is, the more and more time that passes, the greater the odds that something large will need funding. I guess we'll see how it plays out.
DeleteIn my case not having insurance was an educated risk. Still certainly a risk. I was always very healthy. I've still never had the flu. Rarely I'd get a cold for a day or two. Even Chicken Pox...back in the day...I had over a weekend. I also had a low risk lifestyle. I did not have a farm or animals other than cats and a dog. There were times when things were more dangerous but I had insurance at that point through employers. Like I was a funeral director and embalmer. I was probably without insurance for about 8 years.
DeleteIn Jenna's situation....I would absolutely keep insurance. She is not a generally healthy person. She has(had) animals....and has been hurt before by them. She rides horses and runs. The idea of crowdfunding for medical?.....she has no idea. Her fans don't have that kind of money and why would they care. If she breaks a leg...maybe. If it's something serious....I don't think so.
I just looked up reviews for The Millionaire Next Door and found this gem that can apply to the FFF.
ReplyDelete"Parents [or in this case fans] giving money to their children [AKA JFW] develops and reinforces poor financial habits. This money is almost always immediately spent, and these children [JFW] generally have no savings since they are looking to their parents [fans] as their safety net."
Hi everyone! I am new to this site (like just found it last week I think), but have to comment on some of this stuff.
ReplyDeleteI found the book "One Woman Farm" at my local Ollie's (similar to Big Lots) and bought it for $1.99. I read it, as I have been interested in Homesteading for a couple of years now, but I still live in town. I found it to be fairly interesting, and it got me to start reading our favorite FFF's "blog"... I was pretty intrigued and started reading it from the beginning, and made it to almost 2016. At some point, I saw a recent post (from October) about needing to "earn up" the mortgage payment, and I was a little disheartened. After 10 years, the farm still isn't solvent? There was mention in a post about Yelp, so I tried to find CAF on there, and was lead to this page in the search results. I was disappointed, but not really surprised, and started reading through Meredith's older blog posts and the archives of the old CAS site.
The more stuff on here I read, the more I think about things that I'd read on the bleg that didn't make sense. I think there was a point where she was going to do a "week of eating only from the farm" and then 2 days later was off to a farm stand for a sandwich? Also, why are people who were such good friends (the Daughtons and Brett are the biggest 2 that come to my mind) no longer being mentioned?
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's helped to document this, and I hope that we're not going to see too much more animal abuse happening in the future.
Also, I think that the living expenses thing must be being covered by commissioned Furry art (probably porn). I think the art style that we've seen matches, and when I was reading about the Oakpaw stuff, and about the sexualized "sleeping naked with a dog" (and being "a dire wolf") it would make sense that FFF is involved in that community... No disrespect to anyone else who might be, but definitely not making a living on a farm if that's how you're paying the bills.
Anyone have any good links for folks who actually have made a living off their farms/homesteads and their story of how they got there?
SH. Welcome! Jenna Woginrich is a huge hypocrite when it comes to telling the truth about how she lives. I've also said for awhile that she's probably part of the furry fandom community. Clearly, she's too embarrassed to mention it on Twitter. And the "sexualized sleeping naked with a dog," and "claw marks on my naked body" is indicative of that, too. It's interesting that Jon Katz, who used to be a "good friend," no longer is part of her life. He even mentions that in a post, and said that "they've only waved to each other for a few years." When we lived in the Cambridge area for a few years, I personally witnessed how she's alienated many people with her constant begging and using. So it's no surprise that eventually, the FFF is dumped like the social parasite that she is in reality.
DeleteHi SH! So I've been racking my brain trying to think of a really good, consistent homesteading blog. The Elliot Homestead comes close, and so does the Down To Earth blog by Rhonda Hetzel. The problem (IMO) is that homesteading is a tremendously satisfying, but monotonous lifestyle. Slow living, conservative spending is all pretty predictable (i.e., the same things happen at the same time every year), and I think that's a problem for writers. We do a lot of homesteading at our place, but I just can't bring myself to write about canning tomatoes one more time. I've been canning tomatoes for 15 years and it's pretty much the same thing every time! So there are a lot of first year homesteaders who blog and then after year two or three their writing just drops off the map, because they've written about it already. JW really did have a gift of making things seem fresh and wonderful in her first few years of homesteading, until she bought her own place, quite her day job, and then her life went off the rails. Apparently monotony was not her "thing," and so now she's re-styled herself (to her dwindling audience) as kind of a "farm-based social influencer," even though at this point her place is about as far from a real farm as the local McDonald's is. To me, with her expensive boots, penchant for hawking, riding and owning purebred dogs, she just reminds me of a bored Vermont housewife, only one who can't make the bills every month and with no humans in her life to interact with or care for on a daily basis. It's quite sad, but I feel most for the animals in her care, which because of her inattention and financial instability, do not receive proper care.
DeleteWelcome, Suburban Homesteader! Thanks for sharing your story. Pretty amazing that you read up to 2016, as I tried from the beginning also and could only stomach about two years worth of her schtick.
DeleteAnd like you, I also noticed all the people that have disappeared from her life. In the beginning, there were SO MANY different names. She sounded like she had a lot of support, being the new girl in town and all. But she's a bridge-burner and a taker, not a giver.
Also, it's really difficult to know what happened because she never really says anything. You realize that she simply just stops mentioning those people. No longer does she have a solid physical support system in that town, so she's shifted her neediness and greed to the internet in search of suckers.
I believe that if Jenna ever tried to make money from the furry community, she didn't treat them better than she did anyone else. She probably cheated them the same as she did all of us, the heathen community, the gay community, her family...
DeleteHey, SH--are you familiar with Heather Bruggeman? I just started following her recently, but she's someone who has slowly moved from a suburban homesteading life to fulltime homesteading. Her site is
DeleteKristin Kimball has just published her second book about farming--her first book, The Dirty Life, tells the story about how she fell in love with a man who had a small farm, married him, and became a farmer herself. The new book, Good Husbandry, continues the story.
Thanks everyone for the welcome!
Delete@HFH: I agree about homesteading being monotonous, as a lot of it is once you get established (I think, I'm still pretty small-time with some gardens, and attempting to plan for meat rabbits next year possibly).
@Anon7: I agree about never hearing the stories of what happened. I was kinda hoping that maybe some of the people would be around here and share their stories (I know Meredith was mentioned quite a bit at the beginning after sending knitted socks).
@Anon 6:03: I'm not familiar with Heather Bruggeman, but going to start reading her stuff now. I do have the first Kristin Kimball book on my Thriftbooks wishlist (along with about 30 other farming/homesteading books...), so I'll be sure to check it out.
I do have to say that, regardless of my disappointment in JFW, I'm thankful that reading her "stories" has reignited my desire to be more self-sufficient and to focus on doing things that I not only enjoy, but are beneficial (ie: doing homesteading projects that make money or save money vs. the ones that seem the most "fun"). Also, a lot of the books I've found that I'm interested in came from her reviews/lists over the years, and many of them have been recommended elsewhere, so they can't all be bad. Haha.
Not a blog, but the Roots and Refuge YouTube channel is PHENOMENAL. They're very gracious, down to earth people who share a ton of wisdom in their videos (mostly about gardening, but they have a whole variety of animals too). Their vlogs are slow but sweet and very genuine.
DeleteI wonder how the people who "donate to this farm for the past 10 years of writing" feel about the last few weeks of nothingness on her blog and twitter. Make that months. She has nothing to say at all is is no longer any of the things in her twitter description. None. She has totally lost her way and is nothing at all now but a fan of the lives of others.
ReplyDeletemake that "and is no longer"
DeleteIt is quite odd that she's asking for people to "kick in" for a bleg where almost nothing is happening. What I think she means is that for new people who don't yet know her story, she's hoping they'll go back and read the past 10 years and then "kick in" for that. So they're paying for the past -- not the present.
DeleteHey, SH--are you familiar with Heather Bruggeman? I just started following her recently, but she's someone who has slowly moved from a suburban homesteading life to fulltime homesteading. Her site is
DeleteKristin Kimball has just published her second book about farming--her first book, The Dirty Life, tells the story about how she fell in love with a man who had a small farm, married him, and became a farmer herself. The new book, Good Husbandry, continues the story.
Sorry--posted this (6:02) under the wrong thread!
DeleteAnd no dessert for you either. 🚫🍦 🚫
The pretend farmer is becoming a pretend blogger. She may not go out swinging, but just sneak away. She seems to have changed her attention from Twitter to Instagram, working her way through various social media platforms. The people I follow there aren’t beggars so I don’t know how Instagram handles people who rely on thievery for beer money.
ReplyDeleteI'm noticing she isn't blogging much any more. I think the wheels are falling off the wagon. Finally!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I noticed that as well. Hasn't written anything on the bleg in more than a week. Also hasn't been tweeting as much...not a single tweet today so far. And not the usual amount of begging. Something is definitely up.
DeleteNow that we mentioned it, I'm sure one will appear soon. ;)
DeleteCan anyone be more specific about the townsfolk's gripes against Jenna? We know her online customers pay up front and either have to pester her for product or never receive it at all.
ReplyDeleteFrom what's been said throughout the years it would seem that she burned a lot of bridges by not paying what she owed. Stuff like firewood, hay, etc.
DeleteThe only specific example is somewhere on her bleg several years ago, she somehow "forgot" to pay a mechanic bill. Something about how she didn't have the money and sort of hoped it would go away.
Yes, a lot of that. Also, much like her obsession with random celebrities, she becomes obsessed with a person and takes from them - whether it be knowledge, training, equipment, etc. - until she doesn't like what they have to say any more (no, Jenna, you're doing it the lazy way, not the right way) or it no longer suits her and then she burns that bridge. This is a small town area and word of people like her travels pretty quickly.
DeleteHD - You are a stellar example that you don't have to work in a cubicle to make a living. Jenna could learn a lot from you. Not only did you work hard, you worked smart. And by investing in real estate, you have built up a nice, steady passive income stream (although I know there is a lot involved in being a landlady).
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing you are about 10-12 years older than Jenna. You have built up so much and she has nothing. She has so much gall saying she's done it all on her own. She has no idea what that means.
There is so much Jenna could learn from you but she would never listen.
Thanks! The real estate thing is interesting...I work with an agency that finds the tenants. They show the property and do background checks and financial checks. I have my tenants pay rent directly to my bank so I don't have to deal with "the checks in the mail". I don't do any of my own maintenance so I just call the guy if there's a problem. The houses that I buy are nice mid range so the rent is enough to keep a lot of the riff raff out...not that there aren't problems...but not as many as I might have. The greater joy is that for about 6% of collected rents my agency will "manage" the property. The tenants don't even know my name. Money just gets zapped into my account. I'm not to that point yet...but if I get tired of it or fall off a cliff or's an option.
DeletePeople that worry about money don't realize how different life is if you don't have to worry about money. If Jenna made just a couple very minor changes her life would be completely different....but she didn't ask me. Also, Dr. Phil says "money problems aren't about money". I certainly believe that. She would be a stupid yayhoo with or without money.
Smart of you to keep your anonymity HD, there are some crazies for sure.
DeleteAnd yes, the stress she must feel daily is not healthy. Stress can make you physically ill.
HD - You continue to amaze. Having an agency manage your real estate is brilliant. My mother-in-law had a rental and it was nothing but problems. She wasn't a good manager and had one deadbeat tenant after another. We were so relieved when she sold it because she was constantly calling my husband with her complaints.
DeleteI'm assuming you're single. If so, you are truly a single woman making it on her own. Not like the FFF who depends on handouts for a living.
I am single. Never married and no skin kids. I have fur kids...haha. I've pretty much always been independent and have done what I want. A lot of my general characteristics work well for what I'm doing. They may not be good for everything. Like, I'm about 3 % emotional.
DeleteThis is maybe a weird thing...but... no exaggeration...the worst moment of my life was when my back was really against the wall and I had to ask a long term family friend for money. She didn't give it to me. I lost my business, my parents lost their house, I had to completely rebuy my house that was paid off. Bad times. But nothing worse than sitting in her living room and asking for that money.
Suburban Homestead brought up an interesting point, maybe she is getting her money from furries. Apparently it's quite lucrative. Read this:
Wow...that is...something...else. Well, to each their own as they say. At least it's honest work and much better than online panhandling for a living. But I still have trouble understanding what exactly it's all about. On reddit recently, someone posted a pic of a female furry shopping in a store. She was wearing a skirt and also a tail. Kinda weird, I shrugged, but whatever. Until someone pointed out the possibility that the tail might not be pinned on, but one of those butt-plug tails...and what would happen if a child ran up and pulled it out, lol. So yeah, that's where it seems kinda strange.
DeleteI'm not sure I understand it either. Is it a sex thing or is it just dressing up as an animal character? I guess there are different levels. I used to want to be a lion but that was over in third grade.
DeleteI guess it's kind of like Cosplay where people dress up at conventions as their favorite animated characters. From what I can tell, it's a pricey hobby as it most everything has to be handmade.
DeleteHey there, longtime lurker here through the various iterations of this blog. This is a topic I have tons of firsthand experience with! My partner and I own a small artisan business making costumes for theatre, ren faires, and other performances. Between big name jobs, our main clientele are furries! They are wonderful clients, and the community is a lot like cosplay. Focused on art, costume performance, and imagination. It's a way to "try on" another identity for fun and/or self-actualization, just like acting or other kinds of roleplay. The sexual angle is not the draw for the majority, and definitely not among the clients we've served. But hey - where there's people, there's people who really like sex. I imagine its prevalent in the cosplay crowd too. To each their own!
DeleteBtw, Lisa Lang did a great documentary on furries last year. I highly recommend it if you want to fulfill your curiosity!
I saw that documentary. I thought it was really good and I could see that Jenna would be drawn to something like that.
Delete‼️ Hey, check out this "blind item" found on Jon Katz's blog in which he's talking about angels and their attitudes towards people:
ReplyDelete❝ I think my angel is keeping an eye on me. I imagine her to be loyal and generous, but also grouchy and impatient. She has no time for bullshit or dissembling. [...] I think she has no patience for people who binge Netflix shows all day, or who complain about their difficult lives but refuse to change them. I would not think of whining around her or talking poorly of my life. Perhaps I’m just projecting. ❞
🤔 Hmmm...I wonder "who" he is referring to? People in general? Or someone in particular? 😏
I think we all know.
DeleteI believe Jenna doesn't know the difference between a hand-up and a hand-out. When she first moved to town, I'm sure there were a lot of people willing to help her until she could stand on her own two feet.
DeleteI think Jenna believed the handouts would last forever. I think maybe now reality is beginning to hit.
Yep, people don't mind helping someone out when they are just getting started, but when the asking becomes a habit that's when you are branded a leech.
DeleteWhen you are knocking on forty's door, able bodied but refusing to work and refusing to get treatment for an obvious mental illness, the whole girl next door with a dream in her heart and stars in her eyes no longer applies.
DeleteNow she is a crazy, lazy, washed up, has been writer, whose life has spiraled into a shit storm of various addictions. She will have to beg for the rest of her life for scraps of leftovers that no one else wants.
There's no social security retirement money or medicare retirement insurance in her future. She hasn't earned enough work credits to receive those benefits.
Now, not even McDonalds would want her for an employee.
something is truly up with our little snowflake no begging no whining nothing. Nothing on her blog, nothing on twitter, I don't do instagram so not sure about that but for her to be this quiet something is rotten in Denmark or at least Colfax Rd. I'm popping the corn right now and gonna watch this shit show on and on.
ReplyDeleteAaaaaagreed. In fact, earlier today (may have been this morning) there was a new post on her Instagram. It was a bright yellow pic (fall leaves) with the hawk. Some long rambling story about it -- and then later it was deleted. Strange.
DeleteAlso, on that black and white throw-back IG post some one commented about her Thor's Hammer necklace and asked if she is a Heathen. The Pig Shocker has yet to reply.
I think that since she received the warning regarding using the hawk in advertising, she hasn't posted much with the hawk or left the posts up for very long.
DeleteThe NYSDEC must have let her know that aren't playing around and like the pussy she is, she isn't taking many chances.
All of her talk about looking for a new bird is just more of her crazy delusions. Nothing that complulsive liar says is ever completely true.
If she's doing this year what she did last year she's been playing hawk while not securing fire wood or paying her mortgage. Just a guess!?
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget that lately she's been driving all over the countryside, wasting gas and putting wear-n-tear on her truck, searching for another hawk that she doesn't really need. There's no way she's gonna be prepared for this year's Winter's Bottom.
DeletePeople never get tired of posts about animals. It's automatically good content. The fact that she doesn't regularly post any CURRENT photos / videos of her animals raises a huge red flag for me.
ReplyDeleteShe also hasn't mentioned one thing that she has grown this summer. No photos/videos of the garden. Jenna's "farm" does not exist anymore and probably hasn't for a long time.
Yeah, it's strange how she doesn't really do anything anymore. And if it's that obvious to us internet observers, it must be glaringly obvious to those who are local to her. Perhaps that's why Jon Katz made that cryptic remark about a lazy binge-watching person who's doing absolutely nothing except whine about their shit circumstances.
DeleteVery well said. Your last sentence is right on point.
ReplyDeleteHD - I had my back against the wall too. I married a man who was on the fast track to a brilliant career but developed substance abuse problems. I realized at some point the cavalry wasn't coming. I worked, lived frugally, saved, taught myself investing and retired debt free. I never would have done that if money came easily. Certainly not if I received bailouts like our FFF.
ReplyDeleteHardship can be a wonderful teacher if you are open to learning.
Latest IG post claiming Aya was "released," instead of the truth that she flew away still in her jesses. This kind of blatant lying and irresponsibility is why she should have her license revoked.
ReplyDeleteShe forgets that we have long memories and are here to call her out on her lies.
DeleteI think it was Dash who flew away in his jesses. Aya was suddenly released with no photos or explanation as to why she released her. It seemed odd as she had just said she was going to be training her for another season. Who knows what really happened.
DeleteYou're right, 11:54, my bad. I thought it was Aya because the post said she was released last fall, so it sounded like her most recent bird - I forgot about Dash. I need to refresh my memory but who can keep up??
DeleteThis is a great day to send me your fuckin money
ReplyDeletebreak open the piggy banks poodles mama needs a new Amazon order
support this one scammer farm with overpriced melty soap, lame artwork and one of our 7 quarter shares of pasterized bacon seeds
Fly the hawk, this shit is gettin real
Have you ever used proper punctuation like periods to end your stupid sentences?
DeleteAnon 3:56 - Ignore the insult. Most of us love your posts. They are spot on and humorous, unlike some others.
DeleteI hate her humor, and don't find it funny.
DeleteLook out! The humor police is here.
DeleteUgh...."the humor police ARE here"
DeleteGrammar Police too! Bwaaahaaahaaa.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist)
Awwww, sounds like the comment hit close to home to Anon 5:16.
DeleteBy the way, the proper punctuation for Anon 5:16's comment is as follows:
Have you ever used proper punctuation (like periods) to end your stupid sentences?
Know what you're talking about before you criticize others, dumbass.
I wonder if the Pig Shocker has one of those Amazon Wish Lists? It sounds like something she'd do: Choose and list a bunch of stuff you can't afford and hope that total strangers will buy it for you. What a concept!
DeleteI love it too. Perfect for the person who they are referring too- poor grammar, disjointed thoughts, and over-riding theme of shamming people out of their money. It's really quite sublime.
DeletePig Shocker couldn't buy a sense of humor. She is boring and stupid. A sense of humor requires wit.
DeleteAnon 3:56's imitation was dead on. A toddler could write better than Pig Shocker.
Toddlers also know better than to pee and poop in their own yard. 😜
DeleteI ordered pet portraits from the insane................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ReplyDeleteAre you studying the crappy artwork of narcissistic sociopaths with severe social media and alcohol addictions who also have psychopathic tendencies shown in her treatment of any animal she comes in contact with?
DeleteDid you really order a pet portraitor from her?
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete❝ I spent a few days off Twitter. Turns out without constant hustle and advertising, I don't make any sales. So I'll be back in the morning - doing my best. This farm has a ways to go! ❞
🙄 Does she ever really hear herself? She might as well have said, "When I don't beg all day for sales, I don't make any. So I'm gonna go back to whining non-stop so you'll feel sorry for me and buy my stuff."
Constant hustle and advertising = Spamming for pity handouts
Anon7. She has zero self-awareness, and doesn't care about begging for handouts. She should be ashamed of herself, but lacks the consciousness. What a sociopath.
DeleteFunny how her inside barn picture has a garden seeder hanging in the corner. She plants a handful of kale and she needs a garden seeder. ����
ReplyDeleteMaybe she uses that random guitar to pack the soil after she plants her "kailyard" After all, she can't have a common vegetable garden like most of us common folk have. I believe that's an old picture anyway.
DeleteAlso if she didn't make a sale for a day or two, shouldn't that give her time to catch up with all the back sales that take 8 long weeks to fulfill?
What a waste of good space and air she is.
That photo is from her blog on April of 2017. She was really into banjos in 2011 and was gifted that banjo from a fan with the condition she never sell it. I wonder if she still has it?
Sorry about the banjo/guitar mistake. My son does guitar videos and I guess my brain sees what it wants sometimes. I just didn't look close enough. Embarrassing.
DeleteExactly Anon 6:48. She says she buys starts from a local store..haha some farmer.
Outside Online just posted an article about a female hiker who frightened off a mountain lion by playing Metallica.
ReplyDeleteNever to be "outdone" by another woman, look for our fake feral farmer to soon post that she frightened off a humongous bear by playing TS music, bwahahahahaha.
Link to OO article:
Or she will go on and on about how mountain lions are so misunderstood.
DeleteFrom one of her lame, pro coyote bleg posts:
"Living with predators, writing about predators, learning and reading and knowing I am also a predator. Yes, I have put down my gun. I'll share with the hungry fox and wave to the trotting coyote. It took me a long time to find my people. I don't need to scare them away."
Living with predators?
🤣😂 She lives with cockroaches and rodents in that nasty house of hers.
Pig Shocker is a predator but not in the sense she says she is.
She's always on the hunt for a fool to exploit.
The big difference between pig shocker and other predators is that most predators are intelligent with an innate sixth sense.
Pig shocker is neither.
The feral farmer has been real quiet over the last week or so. Anyone else think she's just thrown in the towel and is waiting for the bank to take the property?
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking the very same thing hardly NO begging now for 2 weeks or so this just isn't normal so it goes to show she has money coming in from someplace to pay her bills. All her begging was for her fun play. What a nutcase.
DeleteWell she says she is writing /editing. I wonder if she's putting all her eggs in one basket and counting on a big book deal to bail her out...... not gonna happen.
DeleteInstagram: “Hello new followers from Cold Antler Farm! I am an open book. Message any time, read the books, read the 10+ years of blogs. I’m here and happy to chat with you! Please do send a message. This is my living room and my work dog, Gibson. Sheepdog and co-owner of CAF Jackson NY”.
ReplyDeleteMaisie, I just checked that fake friendly post out. One weirdo woman said: "I just want to come live with you tbh," and it had a face with hearts on it. Her name is Ruby Danger. Little does she know the "dangers" that would await her at CAF living with the lazy loser. And another dumb comment said: "Jenna I absolutely love your books is another one on the cards?" Maybe she means the one about the lesbian werewolf, or her inspo book about how "She made it by quitting her job and farming for a living!"