
Patty must have those lambs.  It's probably all Patty's deal anyway....meat and fleeces.


  1. Anybody here that is local to Jenna that can drive by and see? I'm curious as to what animals (if any) she does have on the farm?

  2. surprising how quiet she is this weekend again. I guess she needs to party all weekend and have fun even if wolves are at the door the scary man in the red van is driving past, notices from the bank and on and on and on. Won't stop that party girl in the monkey dress for a minute. Really though it is up to you poodles to do the worrying and paying so get busy people "momma" needs a new pair of shoes (or boots or whatever).

  3. Anon 8:59, all you have to do is check her Instagram to see why it’s so quiet. After the sunset horsey ride and picnic on the side of that mountain, it is now Sunday donut cart time!
    This girl eats out and parties more than a regular upper-middle class, two income couple.
    The mortgage must have miraculously gotten paid by the mortgage fairy!

    1. Of course, it's paid. Perhaps she's at the beach again?

  4. She has posted about the donut cart before. Thinking it’s located in Cambridge.

  5. well she just posted a pic of herself in shorts and her friend Tara (is this the one who just divorced her husband and is now a lesbian?) anyway it is titled Beach Lesbian look so not sure if she is at the coast again with her new friend and old friend. Either way pretty mysterious for her and oh she has her yellow pocketbook that so goes with her monkey dress.

    1. She's in her backyard picture spot.

    2. Yeah, she had time to preen for a fake pic on Instagram. The ugly new yellow purse should be donated to the senior center in Cambridge. Note how her huge potato nose and loose jowls are attempted to be softened by gazing upwards. Funny how now she's a "lesbian" after claiming to be supposedly "straight" for decades. SMH

    3. Okay I know people are going to get all huffy, and possibly accuse me of being Jenna, but I have to say it: STFU with the body shaming. Jenna is a terrible person with a boring/infuriating blog, and I'm sure she lies about how much she runs and hikes, but 1. I have seen her around town and she is genuinely not very large, and 2. It doesn't even matter because calling her fat is the dumbest, most childish insult and discredits all of the real grievances people have. Grow up.

    4. And for anyone claiming you only talk about her appearance because she edits pictures: fine, point out the editing, but also EVERYONE does it. You know what everyone doesn't do? Scams, neglects animals, lies about their income. Stop picking the lowest-hanging fruit (and, again, she is a pretty average-sized person in real life so it just makes it look like WE'RE the lying, petty ones).

    5. Anon 2:15 - I agree with you but we are in the minority. You have every right to express your opinion without being called Jenna. I give Hound Doggy credit - she allows ALL opinions and never criticizes those she disagrees with.

    6. I agree with you too. I hate the constant body shaming on this site. I also hate how judgmental certain people are about JW being queer. Those things are not related to Jenna's scams, dishonesty, or treatment of her animals. I wish we could focus on those things instead of being so mean about her looks and her sexuality - things which she can't control. I mean, I teach middle school and it's sad to see that for some people, they never move past the cruelty of adolescence.

      P.S. I like the lemur dress. I think it's cute.

    7. Jenna is an animal abusing, scamming, fat ass.

      She looks like a serial killer. Always has and always will.

    8. FarmLass, point of clarification: she's near a body of water (river?). It's cut off in Instagram's 1:1 but evident on Twitter.

    9. Oh wow, you're right. Good eye! I also thought that was her backyard but thought it looked a bit too green and lush. So then, playing in the river instead of working hard to pay for firewood? She's gonna freeze. ❄️

    10. Good catch, it sure looked like her backyard spot, it must be down by the river then. Doesn't really look like beachy area...

  6. Ok hate to break it to ya Jenna; but no lesbians would be caught dead with a bright yellow purse. You are such a wannabe.

    1. Oh come on, that’s just dumb. Lesbians carry any purse they want to, if they want to.

    2. The yellow grandma sandals are hideous as is everything she owns.

    3. No it isn't dumb. It's true.

  7. Let's talk about creatures who deserve better than to be dragged out for social media fodder only.

    Notice how PS is again pushing the narrative of falconry as a bad-ass $port??? How I wish she would release her latest captive and spend her non-work time lecturing others on how to capture and keep raptors.

    She seems much better at talking the talk instead of walking the walk.

    1. She's way too stupid to heed the warning given to her by the NYSDEC.
      Which could be great news for any bird in her possession if they yank her lowly apprentice license.

      Only a moron would remain an apprentice for as many years as she has. Obviously, she's too much of a bumbling idiot to advance any further.

    2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. She is no longer an apprentice. She switched sponsors from Leigh Foster to an unknown earlier in the year and was upgraded by the dummy to general falconer. I want us to stay as fact-based as possible.

    3. If her status was upgraded, I wonder why she didn't brag about it?

    4. FF, I've never heard anything other than she is a lowly apprentice.
      Until there is proof otherwise, I will continue to call her an apprentice.

      Saying she is more than an apprentice without any proof, is not staying fact based in my opinion. Pig Shocker would have made a huge deal out of making it to general falconer status.

      I will continue to say "apprentice falconer."

  8. 😵 WOW. The Pig Shocker's Twitter vs Instagram contrast is such a slap in the face to foollowers who stupidly fall for her BS and send poodle cash.

    On Twitter, the usual panhandling re-tweets:

    ❝ Still trying to make last month's bills!
    Really need the sales to get the firewood ASAP!
    If you don't want to purchase anything, PalPal me anyway!!
    I'm offering deep discounts for returning customers!
    Sharing links like this feels bad...give me money!!
    Want to help support a one woman farm?
    Every month this farm is right up against it!
    Share if you can! Things are getting scary! ❞

    Now look at today's Instagram pics:

    - A pic showing she spent $12.00 on doughnuts
    - A pic of her lazing about, holding all her new purchases
    - A pic from the brewery and probably more money spent on beer

    How do her foollowers not see that apart from feeding her animals twice, she did fuck-all, all day long? Gosh, people are stupid, lol.

    1. I am not on instagram Anon7 so I don't get to see her playdates at all. I just sneak into her twitter stuff now and then since I am not on there either but I kept thinking she must be up to a bunch of stuff today since she can't help but brag and show off what she is doing for a day all day long. You are so right begging on twitter but playing on instagram. Why are her foolowers so damned stupid and keep sending her money? There is no way she is worried about her mortgage or firewood or she would be home working like a normal person would. Opps there I go again talking about normal.

    2. She lives by luring in casual Twitter readers who toss money her way, buy overpriced crap as a sort of charity and/or retweet, thus opening her begging to more readers. If you'll notice, she often posts provocative comments to social media influencers with large numbers of followers, hoping to pick up crumbs.

      Her feed doubles down with bait like photos of:

      1. Cute Animals
      2. Baby animals
      3. Farming
      4. Archery (badass)
      5. Hawking (double badass)
      6. Horsies (Ohhh)
      7. Mountain views

      She then sets the hook with her:

      1. Identity crises
      2. Sexuality crises
      3. Self-Image crises
      4. Survival crises

      There you are - a simplified guide to Fake Feral Farming scamming a la Twitter.

    3. Anon 1:47 - I don't have an account either, but you can still see the pics and comments. And if she tags someone she hung out with, you can click on their name and see pics on their account -- ones that she's not able to edit, lol.

      Link here 👉 👉 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ 👈

      PoodleDiDoo - Picking up crumbs is right. I used to scratch my head at the random stuff she'd retweet before realizing she's trying to reel in more suckers from as many walks of life as possible. What an insincere way to grab attention.

  9. Interesting. She miraculously made a mortgage payment Friday, yet not a word about that all weekend until today. She did, however, have time to retweet her "need money" posts repeatedly.

    1. well after all it isn't like she could say got my money and paid the mortgage suckers now get busy on my firewood don't just sit there snap to it. So she politely said nothing about not needing money for the mortgage. After all she had women friends to entertain and have fun with. Don't tell me you didn't want her having fun on her weekend? And not spend money on stuff? What an insult. Snowflake "needs" her time out and the bar needs her so badly after all how do you think they stay in business if it wasn't for her?

    2. Honest folks live by the "work hard, play hard" credo -- but the Pig Shocker only wants to play while suckers pay. But that won't last forever. What is that saying...that every 7 or 9 years brings a sea change? Well, that's about how long she's been working her online panhandling game, so a radical change is a comin'.

  10. I noticed the difference between twitter and instagram as well. This is very telling..

    1. Yep, she pretty much hides all the playtime activities on Instagram, and only posts an occasional fun pic on Twitter. And notice how there's no direct link on Twitter for her Insta either.

      If she were to post that stuff on Twitter, her foollowers would catch on fast.

  11. She is scamming people left and right. She must have had the money for the mortgage payment all along. I just don't understand how she has the nerve to beg in a way that people can see right through, and then have the nerve to post about how she is entertaining friends and riding horses as her primary activities. Don't you just love a homesteader/farmer who rarely has actual farming/homesteading activities to talk about??

    What she said about friends worth their weight in gold--that doesn't even make sense! Weird.

    Well, at least the horses look pretty healthy, although I'd love to see what their hooves look like up close. I doubt she is attending to them.

    1. Pretty sure she said she coats their hooves with J-B Weld a few times a year.

  12. OH NO!!! It appears PS is having a bad day! The horrors of it all. Did you poodles forget to send her money? Could you get on that right away? This is a public service announcement thanking you in advance.

    1. SAD! She frittered away Friday, Saturday and Sunday and no one sent her "firewood" $$$.


      Today, on IG she posted a Xena lookalike, riding two horses, Roman-style, labeled:

      "Me balancing the farm/freelance and a social life while trying to sell a book I'm proud of."

      Hahahaha...oh. She's serious? Possible titles for her new book:

      I Am a Fake Farmer: Hear Me Whine

      How I Turned Part-Time Farming Into Full-Time Begging

      Same Shite, Different Day

      DeadHeart: Where Animals Go to Die

      How to Become Less Competent: My Ten Year Plan

      Confessions of a Rural Con Artist

    2. All extremely good titles and all apply to her. How wonderful her life must be nothing to worry about except taking some time out of her playing to write a beg or two and show a picture now and then.

    3. These titles are hilarious!

      Glad she is having a bad day. She deserves it.

    4. Yup, "some days are just bad" translate to "not one person sent me free money."

      Womp womp. 🎻

      BTW, several people in the comments asked what happened and if she was OK. And she didn't bother to respond to a single one. Why? Because their comments made clear they have no intention of sending her 🐩 💰 . They just want to know what's up, and she doesn't have time for that kinda chit chat. She wants cold hard cash...not their sympathy.

    5. She didn't respond because because how would it sound if she said she was having a bad day because no one sent her money. (Which is very likely the reason for the bad day).

      Another thought is that she remained silent to let her readers use their imagination for all the horrible things that might be happening to Jenna right now! Another manipulative move to get people to hand over their hard earned money.

  13. I wonder how well publishers vet an author. Remember A Million Little Pieces by James Frey? That so called memoir turned out to be a piece of fiction. He was even on Oprah but was outed during an investigation.

    Of course, Jenna is small potatoes compared to James Frey, but surely publishers must do their homework.

  14. I drove by her place today and didn’t see any lambs and their pasture is very overgrown. She may have moved them to another pasture, but I don’t think she has any lambs there.

    1. Thanks for doing that! Her property is so small that you can see the entire thing from the road, yes?

      Maybe she's buying the meat from another CSA person and then doubling the price and pretending that it's her meat that she raised on that rotting whackadoodle horseshit fauxrm.

    2. You can clearly see the old sheep pasture, the crumbling barn and a small bit of the back pasture. It looks very neglected.

    3. There's no way she has any livestock.

      She was investigated for animal abuse/neglect in July 2018.
      Shortly after, she decided 🙄 (was forced) to rehome the herds of goats and sheep.
      Then she stopped mentioning chickens and pigs. She must have rehomed them too.

      Once in a while she takes pics of livestock but doesn't show the background area in the pics. Most of the time she uses very old photos of her previous livestock.
      The lamb photos earlier this summer were clearly just a photo op.
      The area shown in the lamb photo wasn't prepared for any livestock to actually live in. After the photos, the lambs must have went to their real home.

      They don't let someone get more livestock after they were made to rehome theirs because of abuse and neglect.
      The livestock didn't have shelter and they were kept in small areas standing in 2+ feet of their own waste.
      She hasn't made any improvements that she could say makes the place more livestock friendly now vs. then.

      There is no livestock. She has to keep claiming there is so she can call that shithole property a "farm."
      No livestock, no crops, no farm.

      She's crazy and delusional and a liar per usual.

  15. Maybe our Fake Feral Farmer can make money with stand-up comedy. Today, she wrote:

    "Logos are on sale, always, for HALF PRICE if you can wait 2 months to start. They are done in spare time here on the farm - so if you're not in a rush and want to help support CAF - send a DM!"

    Let me get this straight. Logos - that is, income-generating work so she can pay for mandatory mortgage and firewood - are created in her SPARE TIME???

    Oh, by that she must mean AFTER she plays on social media, stalks TS, binge watches Netflix, takes long weekends to relax, heads out on work-day horsey rides, plays with a hawk that should be released into the wild, day drinks, pub lounges and drives to the ocean. What a business model!!!

    How can people actually fall for this and send her $$$???

    1. She is trying to make it sound like she lives on an actual *farm* where actual crops *grow* and are physically *tended to* and *harvested*.
      I feel sorry for the fools who fall for that utter BS.

    2. No livestock....check

      No produce grown....check

      No farmer....check


      🚫NO FARM🚫

      At this point, anyone who believes her garbage about how busy she is, deserves to be taken advantage of. It's not rocket science figuring out that she's a lazy, crazy, pos who refuses to work and plays all day.
      The evidence is all over her social media.

    3. And did you see her soap "sale"??? She's offering a tiny bundle for $25.

      -There are 2 full sized soaps which she normally sells for $5 each, so $10 total.
      -There are 3 tiny soaps that equate to 1/2 of a normal bar $2.50 then.

      $10 + $2.50 = $12.50

      So what in hell is she charging a whopping $25 for?!? That's double the price!!

    4. Common, it's free shipping! Pity sale!!!

  16. This does not have a negative intention but have you noticed that the photos she posted of her trail rides with friends always seem to be "slanted"? By tilting them, they appear to be riding on hilly terrain. But if you look at the clouds you can see that the ground is pretty level, it's the photo that's tilted. (See the photos on IG from 9/07 and 9/09)
    She may just be trying to be artistic, or she may be trying to exaggerate the ride as part of her persona/brand?

    1. 😒 What an odd thing for her to do, huh. While we should expect no less than general trickery from the Pig Shocker, what would be the purpose of tilting the camera like that?

      BTW, heads up: I just tried to scroll thru her Instagram to see if all horizon pics are like that but I came to a screeching halt by a pop-up window telling me that I now have to log-in to proceed. Of course, Instagram is now owned by Facebook, who up until this point had refrained from pulling asshole moves like that. It was only a matter of time, it seems.

  17. I cringe at people who hold the reins like Jenna's friend is.

    1. Yes, it drives me crazy. AAARRRGGGHH.

  18. Over on IG, the Pig Shocker is celebrating the arrival of Fall. 🍂🍁

    More accurately the arrival of Fail due to her lack of winter prep. 👎🏻💥🆘

  19. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ Apologies for my feed being mostly a hard scramble for sales right now, things are scary and sometimes a retweet is what causes luck. I am scaling back on Taylor Swift content, so there's that. ❞

    There it is. She knows and is admitting she's being an online nuisance. About time.

    ❝ My mind is 100% on stacking firewood, which I need to buy and have delivered first! But then I'll know I have some heat in my back pocket. ❞

    Yeah, and my mind is 100% on eating pizza tonite, which I need to buy and have delivered first. But I've got the money for it in my back pocket, natch!

    What a manipulative creep. 🔥 🏧

    1. There is a large parcel just down the road from her being logged. I bet they would give her the stuff they don’t want or at least sell it very cheaply. She’s just too lazy to get it. It’s so much easier to beg than work.

    2. Awww. Just about 30 minutes after FFF posted about cutting back on TS, one of her Attagirls posted:

      " support Jenna! Not only are her Halloween soaps adorable additions for any queer aesthetic this fall and her independent life aspirational, but less of a hustle for Jenna this month means more time for her to chat with me about Taylor'd be doing good for EVERYONE!!! "

      Poodles, get out your cold, hard $$$$.

    3. It shows that her followers are as batshit crazy as she is.

    4. She should pay that mortgage herself. I don't care about Taylor Swift.

  20. Don't you just love to see her "friends" pushing other's wares and companies that do the same thing that Jenna does?

    Cheese making- fresh chèvre! Thanks to @goats_galore_soap for the fresh goat milk ❤️#farmlife #farmgirl #washingtoncountyny #cheesemaking #chevre #goat #goatmilk

    HAHAHA... That Goats Galore Soap company looks real legit and bonafide. REAL goatsmilk soap with goats and proper curing and pictures of the process.

    Not the melt and pour crap in the microwave that Jenna makes up daily for her stupid fans that don't understand REAL ARTISAN SOAP... Not just craft time at the nutty farm.

    Of course, they don't offer turkey handprint fall hangups or those macaroni necklaces that she makes around the holidays for special gifts, ya know?


  21. Jenna Woginrich
    Same tonight. Trying like hell. Always just* ahead of failure. Get some soap, get a pic, a logo, or just kick in $1 below.

    Jenna Woginrich
    · Aug 5
    This farm really needs to get out of the red today, so if you want to just help out and not buy something; here is how you can.

    A dollar, really?
    What the hell is wrong with this chick...I mean, middle-aged chick. Imagine being almost 40 and begging strangers over the internet for a dollar. While you splurge on everything from craft beer at the brewery, donuts at the gourmet cart, clothes from ModCloth, all the paid premium channels and streaming services, hipster jeans, $400 riding boots...the list is a mile long.

    1. To look at her, you would never guess that she spends money on anything for her appearance. Clearly she is wasting her money in that area.

      As for begging for a dollar....her untreated mental illness is running rampant. Functional adults her age just don't do things like that.

    2. Begging for "just a dollar" is cagey as hell. Kind readers will think "Poor farmer, a dollar makes all the difference to her. I'll send her $5." Pig Shocker wishes she'd receive a $1 from each of her readers - that's nearly $5K!!!

    3. Wow! And just as quick, she removed that tweet. Glad I screenshot it this morning!

    4. A dollah makes her hollah, honey.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerSeptember 11, 2019 at 1:18 PM

      She's a despicable, lazy loser who has no class whatsoever.

  22. Has anyone found old photos of Pig Shocker using her various victim hawks to advertise her crap that she sells?

    I'm hoping someone found more to report so that she receives more than her initial warning.

    In case anyone missed the earlier post/thread, Pig Shocker received a warning from the NYSDEC advising her to discontinue using her hawk(s) to advertise her various charlatan wares.

    She received the warning for a photo she posted on social media of her astride a horse holding one of the now deceased hawks. The caption advertised her goofy archery classes. The lame archery classes where she huffs and puffs and misses the target repeatedly.

    There were many photos of the hawk(s) with captions containing advertisements.
    Hopefully someone saved some of them.

    1. I specifically remember one photo of her hawk which she used numerous times that had the hawk perched on a stack of her books.

    2. There is also one that is still on bing images (just did the search, not sure how to link up to it) that shows her fiddle and a hawk’s leg balancing atop. It was used to advertise fiddlin’ classes.

    3. Ohhhhh, that's a good one. We could all email the NYSDEC with a link to the pic. The more the better.

      The NYSDEC could have seen the photo they warned her for and didn't look for more or see any others.

      I can't wait until she is no longer allowed to practice her trashy version of falconry.
      She's already had 3/4 birds that had "disappeared." Who knows what has happened to #5.
      Time for that nonsense to stop.

    4. Soo...I really do think that if you post pics of your hawk and, in the same day, make multiple posts about not being able to pay your bills, being late on the mortgage or potentially losing your "farm", there's an obvious implication that if you don't pay up, the hawk will suffer, the same as its owner will. Meaning, IMO the hawk is being used for self-promotion. I mean, what else are people supposed to think? What happens to the hawk if she loses her house? (not that I believe for one moment she needs donations to pay her mortgage.)

    5. Sorry Whackadoodle, as I mentioned I'd search for the photo list last week but forgot. So here's the exact post made back in July that lists possible violations re the hawk:

      Anon wrote: Chicken Mama - Your consideration and efforts are much appreciated, thank you. Here are some pics that may show violations:

      Hawk perched on a HOT iMac. I had this same got scorching hot. Plus, it's nighttime...shouldn't the hawk be sleeping in it's mews rather than watching a 3 hour LOTR movie? Plus, that movie is loud and must be an abuses to hawk senses.

      This one while being interviewed by the NY Times. Can't use hawks for entertainment purposes or used to make money. This rule was definitely against regulations.

      Using the hawk as a prop while teaching archery class. And she wrote this comment next to the photo: "Getting ready to teach a 4-hour intro course on traditional archery here at the farm."

      Hawk perched on rusty lamp...right on the bare metal.

      Closeup shot of lamp. She should have wrapped leather around it.

      Using the hawk to make artistic blog photos to generate monetary donations.

      I don't even know what's going on here. Are those headphones?

      And if it's a violation to let anyone but the apprentice handle the hawk, there are also several assorted pics of letting guests handle the hawk. Can't remember if the regulations said anything about this, but I would think that untrained strangers should not be handling a hawk.

      There are two pics that seem to be missing: The one with all the unsanitary hawk shit on the walls, and the pic from her trip to a vineyard that showed the hawk next to a glass of wine in the hot sun and it looked to be panting.

    6. Wow! Great job with the post Anon7.

      The one taken at the winery where the hawk looked like it was panting was infuriating. Had she been within range, I would have kicked Pig Shocker in her fat ass for allowing that animal to suffer like that.

  23. Jenna Woginrich Retweeted

    Jenna Woginrich
    still trying to make a sale today. Be that sale!

    Jenna Woginrich
    · 19h

    This was last night. First, she retweeted herself (again). Then, her over 4000 followers gave it a grand total of one like and one retweet.
    How is she allowed to spam so often on twitter? Her content is nothing but begs and spamming featuring the same “goods” and the same recycled stories and words each and every month.

  24. The twat:
    Most of my morning is biding time until the mail comes an hoping like hell there's a freelance check or a nice letter or something positive

    More like biding her time waiting on poodle cash. Biding her time? Is that why it takes 2 goddamn months to get her working on your logo? Why doesn't she GET SHIT DONE instead of waiting on money? She doesn't deserve "something positive". Quit waiting for it to come Jenna and go out and find it yourself by EARNING INCOME.

    Lazy fat twat.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerSeptember 11, 2019 at 1:15 PM

      Twit Shit:

      "Most of my mornings are spent coming up with stupid, cyber stalking Taylor Swift tweets, superficial pop culture crap, and also begging for mortgage money."

  25. Twitter: "Most of my morning is biding time until the mail comes an hoping like hell there's a freelance check or a nice letter or something positive."

    Translation: I'm sitting on my ass all morning complaining about not having any money.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerSeptember 11, 2019 at 1:17 PM

      Why would she work when her dumb enablers keep donating to her faux farm?

  26. Mentally healthy adults don't sit around and whine and hope that someone mails a check to them. Mentally healthy adults work to provide financially for themselves.

    She needs to get off of her animal abusing fat ass and get a job. Whatever she can't afford after getting a job, needs to be subtracted from her life. Par down and live within her means. That's what adults do.
    Being a lazy asshole is a one way ticket to living at the dump on a cardboard box.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerSeptember 11, 2019 at 1:11 PM

      WH. Amen! That was well-put. Her stupid sense of superiority, and arrogant attitude with no basis at all is bullshit.

    2. I mean, she does find a lot of great stuff at the dump. ;)

  27. Interesting thread with Sarah Marshall (@Remember_Sarah), regarding a woman who appears to be a social media serial fraudster. Unfortunately it's NOT about our favorite faux feral farmer, but fascinating how much leeway SM appears to give the woman in question (Caroline Calloway).

    1. Wow, interesting indeed. I clicked on a linked link that was quite the read. And at first I was thinking that this Caroline Calloway chick is an even bigger POS than Scammy Whine 'n bitch, but then realized that there was zero mention of any animal abuse.

      So the Pig Shocker gets to keep her POS crown for now. 👑 💩 👑

      BTW, here's that link in case anyone is interested:

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anon7, what I found interesting is SM is not overly concerned about a scammer who is female. She conflates criticizing a fraud with criticizing a woman. I guess it's never okay to criticize a woman. Maybe this is why she ignores the signs that FFF is a scam artist. SM is too strong of an apologist - in denial about people who are con artists and who happen to be women.

    5. Keen observation! Definitely seems to be defending her...but that woman is guilty for sure. Total grifter.

    6. SM is young and obviously is easily duped if she associates with Pig Shocker.

      I question anyone's level of intelligence who thinks it's okay to have their name associated with the likes of Pig Shocker.

    7. Everyone should read the link to Caroline Calloway's shammy-live-above-your-means lifestyle.

      She's what Pig Shocker wishes she was. It's all there: puffed up fantasy life, sexual infatuation, obsessive posting, self-created drama, living above her means, squandering book money, etc.

      The only differences? Caroline was far younger, is prettier, earned more money, attracted more followers and scammed more people. Oh, and as Anon7 pointed out, didn't hurt / neglect / abuse animals.

    8. Hey, Christmas is just around the corner...which one of these would suit JFW best?

  28. Biding her time until the mail comes? How about working on those logos or soap orders that are piling up. Oh right. They've already been paid for so no need to rush.

    1. She also tweeted a list of how she spends her days -- (the arrowed comments are mine):

      ❝ AVERAGE DAY ❞
      Farm chores <----- 20-30 minutes, tops
      Emails <----- More like perusing Twitter
      Writing <----- Writing tweets
      Promote work <----- Spamming Twitter
      Package orders <----- 10-15 minutes, if that
      House work <----- Kicks animal droppings under the furniture, licks last night's dishes clean
      Fight the constant hum of low-grade panic about the majority of my choices and hope something offers a sigh of relief/validation <----- Tries to think up more emergency scams
      Illustration <----- 10-15 minutes, if that
      Design <----- Sends her sole client the 17th do-over for approval
      Post office <----- Excuse for a Subway run and day-old donuts for dessert
      Soap making <----- Microwaves melt-n-pour, picks teeth for spinach resembling mint flecks
      More promo <----- Spams Twitter yet again in between Taylor Swift speculation/epiphanies
      Run <----- There's just no way, sorry
      Stretch <----- If this means reaching high up for booze on a pantry shelf, I'll allow it
      Farm chores pt2 <----- Again, less than a half hour
      Social life <----- This means drinking; sometimes at the bar, but usually alone
      Sleep <----- According to her, anxiety prevents this...send money plz

    2. Very funny! Thanks for the snickers and aughs!

    3. 😜 The Pig Shocker deserves thanks as well for providing fodder material daily.

  29. I have an honest question about *meat shares*.
    She continues to sell them, but at most she is raising two piglets, if that. For a half pig share, that’s four shares.
    She continues to talk about eating *pork raised on this farm* which to me means she is keeping at least one share, which means she has one less share to sell.
    She continues to refer to the shares as *for 2020* and in the same sentence says thebfarm may not be hers next month.
    Every time she has shown pictures of the two piglets, they seem tiny.
    No mention of lambs although she supposedly sold a bunch of shares and at one time said that she sold out of lamb shares.
    Also re: lambs, she said someone bought a lamb for her to raise and donate to the local soup kitchen. We volunteer at our local soup kitchen and also our community garden, and I can tell you with 100 percent certainly that according to health code, at least local health code, our soup kitchen can not accept that type of meat. Sometimes not even veggies out of the garden, unless they are prepped or cooked.
    I am just very confused by her meat shares enterprise. And I know that’s a generous word for it.

  30. You are confused, because it is all lies. Jenna does not come up with the "shares" anymore because word has gotten around that the meat she supplies is so paltry, or never appears, that no one bothers. Now, instead of actual meat, she sells concepts of meat shares- so you can feel good to support a "farmer". No meat will ever be processed at her place again, because of the investigation into neglect at her place last year. So, if you still want to give her money, go ahead and purchase a "concept share".

  31. The liar/scammer:
    Between these piglets and the lambs I got to enjoy the type of morning that made me fall in love with farming to begin with - which is working beside animals to raise other animals to produce food I am proud of.

    I guess she is letting us know that she does have piglets and lambs on the farm and does produce her own food. I still very much doubt it.

    1. Not that she visits CAST or anything...

    2. I flat out reject that she has pigs or lambs on her place.

    3. Agreed Anon 7:34. There hasn't been any livestock on her farm since July 2018.

      Unless she does some major renovations, nothing has changed that will allow her to have livestock ever again.

  32. I am no animal expert (like Jenna) but all I know is those pigs haven't grown one single bit since the last time she posted their picture quiet a while ago. Why no pictures her Friday "herding" the pigs?That would make great fodder for her IF it were true. She is such a busy busy woman you know.

    1. There are sooooooo many activities that she could be posting pics of, but she doesn't. But in her defense, it's hard to do so when those activities aren't actually happening. And posting pics of herself sitting in front of a computer all day wouldn't help her cause.

    2. If she spent the morning with piglets and lambs, she must have been at Patty's house.

      I love how someone posted on here that they drove by Pig Shocker's shithole and said they didn't see any livestock and the place looked overgrown and abandoned.

      Then the next bleg post was about pigs and lambs and how the pigs are put into the barn when she leaves the house.

      No one believes her bullshit. There is no livestock at Pan Handler farm.

  33. Well, color me shocked! The Pig Shocker actually managed to write a bleg post that didn't mention needing money or any other disaster.

    But you know what that means...a big "I'm terrified" doomsday post is a comin' soon. Seems to be a pattern with her: Write a happy benign bleg post, followed up by a nuclear crisis. BTW, isn't she about due to crack another tooth? And Friday the 13th is tomorrow... ☁︎⚡️☁︎

  34. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ It's okay to live a life other people don't understand. ❞

    True...but only if you are independently funding that life AND it doesn't involve purposely shocking innocent animals. Until then, I'll continue to keep my pitchfork handy, 🐷🔌⚡️ing 🍳🖐ler.

    1. Lol, she should change Cold Antler to Pan Handler Farm, eh?

    2. Pan Handler Farm.


      My new favorite name!!!

    3. We should commission her to do a logo for it...oh, but then we'd have to wait more than two months before we could start sending her reminder emails.


    5. OH. MY. GAWD. Holy shit, that is genius!!!!!!!! I can't breathe..."Where animals go to die"

      😂 😂 😂

      That is seriously perfect with the frozen driveway chicken and all. LMAO. Thank you for this!

  35. ❗️📰 NEWSFLASH - Extra! Getcha' newspaypah, read all aboooout it! 📰 ‼️

    But seriously, histrionics aside, it looks like the hard-working and always-broke fake farmer spent MORE than $65 for that new Taylor Swift sweatshirt...more like $80 bucks she doesn't have...or doesn't want you to know she had. The pig post up above had me take a looking thru her Twitter pics and I saw a tweet I don't remember seeing before. On Aug. 20th, she wrote "I WANT THIS SWEATSHIRT" (In all caps to make sure you know she really, really wants it bad.) And then posted this pic:

    That tweet received zero comments, no retweets and only 3 likes. But then miraculously, on Sept. 4th, she tweeted that she received it as a "surprise" -- vague wording to imply it was a "gift" -- she wrote: "I HAVE RECEIVED THE MOST GLORIUS SWEATSHIRT IN THE MAIL AS A SURPRISE AND I AM SO HAPPY!" And then posted this lovely pic:

    At the time I checked out TS's merch site and while I didn't find this "Summer's A Knife" sweatshirt, I saw others all going for $65. Which we all know is money she shouldn't be spending while begging her foollowers to send a her just a SINGLE DOLLAR.

    So back to the "I WANT THIS SWEATSHIRT!" tweet -- it shows the entire sweatshirt and at the bottom it says: "Stella McCartney x Taylor Swift" -- and it turns out that this exclusive limited-edition sweatshirt was only available on Stella's site and if you look at this link here, you'll see that it's $80, not $65.

    (Pic of fug sweatshirt is on the 3rd photo slide)

    LIAR. And it's funny, how when she posted that pic on 9/4 of her wearing it, she cleverly cropped out the bottom of it so you can't see the Stella McCartney collaboration info. And since she didn't "thank" anyone for it, you can be near certain that she blew 80 poodle bucks on it.

    For anyone new here, this is a prime example of what a lying scam artist Jenna Woginrich truly is. Spread the word so that people will stop giving her money for doing nothing but mistreating animals and pretending to be a homesteader.

    1. Excellent catch, anon 7.
      It doesn’t surprise me. She was going through a manic phase at that time and purchasing the new album, tweeting TS conspiracies 24/7, ordering fancy merchandise. What’s another $80 for a sweatshirt?
      I just can’t wrap my mind around all that she does, and how there are still blind people out there who seem to fall for her BS and continue to PayPal her and pity-buy her crap, while she chuckles behind the computer screen (or her cracked iPhone screen) as she ordered another dress, pair of jeans, sandals, purse, purebred puppy, Stella X Taylor sweatshirt, cat gift set, riding boots, hiking patch, new tent....

    2. Excellent catch Anon 7. Wow no boardwalk sweatshirt for the princess nope Stella McCarthy one for her. Loved her wording on it about a "surprise". Why was it a surprise because she was drunk when it was ordered and she forgot she ordered it? Seems last few days twitter and blogs have been "cagey" or sounds like it to me.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerSeptember 13, 2019 at 6:24 AM

      I think that the FFF really wants to emulate women like Anna Delvey and Caroline Calloway, but she lacks the looks and imagination to scam on their levels. The best that she can accomplish is buying sloppy sweatshirts to waddle around town in them. Maybe for a holiday gift we should send her one with either Faux Feral Farmer or Pig Shocker on it.

    4. Anon 3:20 - A manic phase perfectly describes that silly purchase, as she was losing her shit over TS at the time. And all the money she spent during that time...the $250+ for the date outfit and the trip, and then $80 on the sweatshirt...that's $300+ that could have gone towards the firewood she's now begging for.

      Anon 5:55 - That must be it! She forgot she drunkenly ordered it...thus the surprise!!

      FCW - That Anna Delvey situation was crazy. The depths of her's unbelievable she got away with it as long as she did. Now she's serving 4-12 years.

    5. Her being manic as well as high and/or drunk would explain a lot about her actions.

  36. Failed Cubicle WorkerSeptember 13, 2019 at 6:18 AM

    Twitter Twaddle:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Here to tell you no matter how tough it gets, or how hopeless you feel, or how scary things can get - there are still dogs. And we'll be okay."

    Of course, she posted a puppy pic of Friday (or Gibson) laying on her foot. It's more of her manipulative marketing with the tactical usage of "tough," "hopeless" and "scary" to motivate PayPal poodles to send her mortgage money. Maybe she needs another expensive "SURPRISE!" sweatshirt. Apparently, a faux farm femme can't own enough Taylor Swift trinkets.

    1. That pic grosses me out. The dog has her toe in it's mouth. Gag.

    2. Wtf?! She lets the dog suck on her filthy feet and she writes about the dogs sleeping with her and their claws touching her naked body.

      Not only is she abusive by neglect of her animals but it looks as though she is sexually abusive to the dogs as well (as described by her on social media and as seen in pics posted by her).

      Someone needs to remove the remaining animals from that disgusting piece of trash's "care."

    3. Sexually abusive?

  37. I think the sweatshirt is kinda fug. It looks like something you would buy at a tee shirt shop in Ocean City for teenagers. She is perpetually 13 isnt she?

    1. Considering who designed it, it's unbelievably plain. They just took a dark photo and slapped it on a white background. No interesting border, just straight ugly lines. No doubt it appealed to the Pig Shocker as it's as unimaginative and stark as are her logos.

  38. I don't quite understand this: The Pig Shocker tweeted a link to a Twitter account called "Blog for Agriculture" which has this to say in their bio:

    BLOG FOR AGRICULTURE - RSS feed of 650+ blogs, podcasts and YouTube channels about #food and #agriculture topics. Submit your site via profile link to be featured.

    Okay, that part makes sense. But when you click on TPS's link, it shows that she submitted her latest bleg post which is NOT about food or agriculture. It's about how she's broke, how she badly needs firewood, how hard this summer has been, how exhausted she is and how hard she's trying to make the month, and how she *just* barely makes it, how she needs money for feed and hay, mortgage and bills and how discouraging today has been, etc etc.

    WTF does any of that have to do with food and agriculture? And why did that Twitter account publish a link to her pathetic rant? I totally do not get what's going on here.

    This was her tweet: Heat | via @coldantlerfarm #agchat

    Link here:

    1. New Twitter feed. FFF is free content. Obviously they don't know wtf they are doing.

  39. BTW, here's that bleg post we all knew was coming (Heat 9/13/19):

    ❝ As we're making our way to the middle of the month I am only thinking about getting firewood delivered so I have some security in my heart and hearth. Slowly I am getting there. It's been such a hard summer and every month feels like I am inching towards just making that stretch of the finish line. It's been exhausting as it's been encouraging. Exhausting because I have never pushed and tried so hard before to make this place work - and encouraging because I *just* make it every month. And when I say just I mean razor thin margins. And the things that keep me motivated are the animals and people counting on me. The desire to keep this particular roof over my head, and the dream I've been holding onto for years. Every day I hope to make a sale that covers the costs of daily feed and hay and the usual gas, groceries, utilities and such and then adds a little more padding to the pot. Yesterday was encouraging. Today has not been. That's how it goes in the world of freelance luck-and-go. But I am working towards that delivery of firewood before I start saving for the mortgage. And once I know some heat is stacked and I'll be okay if a frost hits early - then I can hunker down and focus on the usual work and usual goals. One day at a time. That's how this farm rolls. ❞

    It's 🐩 💰time!

  40. The weather forecast for Cambridge NY shows nighttime temps dipping down into the low 40's at one point.

    And she has no firewood. 🎻

    Perhaps she can burn the sweatshirt, dress, purse and shoes to keep warm. And the stench of burning vinyl and synthetic fibers can help mask the fetid animal odors in her home. It's a win win!!

  41. OMG Did you see this cartoon she drew for this poor lady's dog???

    It's supposed to be a rough collie... it looks NOTHING like the picture of the dog. OMG.

    1. That looks like it takes 10 minutes to do. All her animals have the same expression.

    2. Oh god, that's an extra bad one. WTF is up with the weird hair? But then, did you see the twitter account - it's supposed to be in the voice of the dog, but it's in that sickeningly twee, grammatically incorrect style that's even worse than the average I Can Has Cheezburger.

  42. So worried about money...and firewood.

    But plenty of time and money to go see a first-run movie

    Today, opining on movie on Twitter, while begging for $$$ on her blog.

    "FIRE(wood) SALE! Do you want to help get an order of firewood delivered to this farm? It's what I depend on for winter heat and so far I have none stacked - the most behind I've been by September...Send me an email or DM on Twitter or Instagram to order!"

    1. Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich. It was more important to stupidly tweet and speculate about Taylor Swift's sexuality this summer than to behave like a normal adult. And she's always "behind" when it comes to "this farm."

    2. I wanted to also add that normal adults are accountable for taking care of themselves. She chooses not to use either her furnace or other means of supplying heat. I can't count how many times a follower has suggested getting free firewood on Craisglist, but that would require effort on her part.

    3. She literally spent the bulk of her summer analyzing TS's every move, photo, lyric, etc. The hours she spent tweeting is unbelievable. The grasshopper who "taylored" all summer is gonna freeze this winter.

  43. The Lie:

    "I farmed, ran a 5k, did laundry and spent two solid hours writing and editing on the weekend and now I'm going to train a hawk and that's enough for a rainy Saturday."

    The Truth:

    It's a bunch of bull that she "farmed." How is that possible without any real livestock on her hovel? And there's never any explanation for the activity either. Maybe she means "doing chores" instead of tweeting insipid banalities about begging or pop culture. It's pathetic that she lists typical errands like "laundry" as if they're authentic accomplishments. So many of her issues would be dealt with if the FFF would just get a part-time job. Apparently, she considers working at either Stewart's or Subway down the street to be beneath her dignity. And asking strangers for monthly money is so much classier. She's always running "a 5K" which doesn't reflect in the condition of her obese body. FYI: It's not body shaming to call someone out for lying about their level of physical fitness which is part of what she's basing her "brand" on.

    1. I scrubbed my bathroom earlier today. Now PayPal me...or the kitchen gets it.

      And I agree that she thinks she's above any retail job. I mean, c'mon, she's an accomplished and famous author who is deserving of a movie deal documenting her AMAZING life and struggle! You can't expect her to ask people if they want the combo or just the sandwich!! Gosh!!!

    2. Farmed = she threw a couple flakes of hay at her horses? Also, I regularly work more than 2 hours on a weekend. Oh, I work 60-80 hour weeks too. But you don't see me bragging about it on twitter...

  44. Agree and for the love of God why can't she just say I ran 3 miles. Like running a 5k is such an accomplishment ?? Its the same thing. But to Jenna I guess it sounds impressive...if she even ran it. Such a poser.

    1. I have done a ton of running, including lots of 5Ks, 10Ks and half marathon events. If I run an event, i would say I ran a 5K, 10K, etc. If I just go on a run, I say I did 3 miles, 5 miles, whatever. People who train for distance races like half marathons talk about doing their long runs, and we say we did a certain number of miles. Never, ever once, in 14 years of running have I heard another runner talk about doing a non-event run in any terms than miles. Of course I'm 98% Scots heritage, and I don't have the need to run around in a kilt either.

      Anon in GA

    2. Most runners, who run long distances on a frequent basis (as she claims), don't manage to hang onto the belly fat/extra 80ish lbs like she has.

      She lies about running to fool people into thinking she isn't a lazy, pos who refuses to work.

      Anyone can look at a photo of her and see the actual truth- that she is morbidly obese and the running is a total lie.

    3. Are we looking at the same photos? She is NOT morbidly obese. She is overweight. Overweight people can still run, FFS. I, for example, am quite overweight and I run. It's hard as hell moving extra weight but I can still do it and I STILL have way more belly fat than she does. I look at her pictures and I see an short, overweight woman. I do not see what you see.

    4. Anon in GA - I also have never ever heard a single person use that term for a non-event run. She does it because she thinks it makes her sound special.

      Yep, she sounds "special" alright. 😏

    5. I agree, Anonymous 5:56. She's not huge.

    6. I run too and unless I'm running a race, I don't say "ran a 5k". I say "ran 3 miles." Guess what Jenna, no one gives a fuck.

    7. Aren't 5K, 10K, marathon or half-marathon the names of events/races? It's not what you run when you're out running. Then it's just measured in miles (or blocks if you're me lol). It's like saying you were in a baseball game when you were just at batting practice.

  45. She just said that her hens have quit laying so she had to buy eggs. What about the new chickens started in early spring? They should be laying like crazy now....mine are. I only have 7 chickens but have so many eggs that I am sharing with anyone who wants some. Probably her pet coyotes and werewolves got them.

    1. As the days get shorter, hens taper off significantly in their laying--even the young ones. Winter always sucks for me. I either buy pastured eggs from the grocery in winter or just stop eating eggs altogether :(

    2. Anon 9:36 Do you not give your hens supplemental light over the winter? It keeps them laying.

    3. I agree with Karen. I [unfortunately] live nearby Cold Antler Hovel and my chickens lay regularly all year with a light on a timer during the winter.

    4. It should also be mentioned that other factors (other than less than 15 hours of daylight) cause chickens to quit laying.

      Poor nutrition
      Fear of predators
      Illness / disease

      Any seem like they might occur at a fake feral farm???

      PS more info here:

  46. So she is begging like crazy for firewood money, but she went out to the movies to see a new release and bragged about it? How are people still falling for her BS?
    Also, someone from that area chime in, but a cord of wood is $250? That’s what she says.
    In my area a cord of wood is around $80.

    1. In my area, a cord of top quality firewood is over $300.


    2. Cords of hardwood is whatever people will pay. If you Google the area, you'll see prices from $180-$275 for seasoned cords. In my area (2 hours away), it's $180/cord.

      Of course, being the massively incompetent "farmer" that she is, she's buying wood during high season and therefore needs it already seasoned, which means a higher price.

      There's a reason smart people cut, forage or buy wood the year before - best wood value occurs if you buy green wood and dry it yourself (called seasoning).

  47. Lounging in a new rainbow colored hammock while hiking today. Must be nice.

    1. Because when you are 2 months in arrears for prepaid orders, going out to see a movie and spending the day hiking is exactly the kind of thing you should do, and then post on your social media accounts to rub in the faces of those who prepaid for those orders.

    2. Is that her Kindle? The one she takes pictures with? Oh!, I get it...Friday is the one with the cell phone. Jenna just borrowed it to take a picture of her Kindle.

      She has done this before. She's an idiot.

    3. She sure has HD.
      Dumbass knitted a cover for her Kindle and then magically took a pic of the Kindle inside its ugly knitted cover. 🙄🥴

  48. she sure takes a lot of stuff to go for a hike. A big old ugly hammock that looks brand new no fading of the colors etc. a kindle and a cell phone. Not to mention I am sure water and treats for the dog oh and her book and heaven knows what else. All for a few hours away to read a book. Wouldn't it have been easier just to put the hammock up in her own yard get over the smell of her place and read there?

    1. That hammock does look new...good catch. So even more misspent firewood money.

      She seems to think that hauling all that crap and writing about it makes her look badass and hipster-y awesomesauce! Remember her ridiculous "Pack as Heavy as You Can" article she wrote for Outside? Redditors had fun with that one, lol:

      It's all about imagery with her. How she looks. How she looks doing it.

  49. More proof that nothing is ever what it seems with the dishonest fake farmer: Look at this photo and then look to the left at her Twitter bio pic. See the massive difference when she's not able to edit pics? And there's that $80 sweatshirt that she'd like you to believe was a surprise gift.

    You know, she'd be a lot more respectable if she was honest and didn't lie about purchases or use Photoshop to alter her appearance from lazy slob to the lean mean farming machine that she pretends to be. And wouldn't you know, she's at the brewery when she really should be out gathering up free firewood. But instead, she'll utilize her nifty online panhandling skills for that. SMH.

    1. Out of the mouths of babes: "She looks like she drinks A LOT." (My son's comment as he walked by and saw this pic.)

    2. Well, Anon7, that pic was taken inside Argyle Brewery in Cambridge. Maybe her face swells to double its size when she has beer? LOL

    3. And why does she always seem to be gazing off into the distance instead of smiling at the camera? Makes her look like she's a loon. Oh, wait.....

    4. According to our super-duper pixel analyzer, her "impromptu" photo with PP was "probably edited".

      Oh well, I guess this is the only unedited representation of our Veryork FFF.

    5. At least, her mouth wasn't open in her usual gaping grimace. But Pember Patty is grinning a lot. I wonder what their relationship is really like behind the scenes.

      "Sometimes I write something and I'm not sure if it's good or bad so I imagine it's a line Julianne Moore is saying in the wind and if I don't crack up laughing I keep it."

      I can guarantee that it's probably bad, and her glaring grammatical errors are problematic too. Apparently, she's allergic to commas in this stupid tweet.

    6. More like, "Sometimes I write something and I'm not sure if it's good or bad but if it doesn't sound like I've been smoking crack, I keep it."

      Pig Shocker, you haven't had a book deal in over half a decade. So it's safe to assume that everything you've written lately is bad. Especially that steaming turd of a book, Birchthorn.

  50. And speaking of online panhandling, did you all see this?

    This is genius and I'm still laughing. 😝😂👏

    1. That's awesome! So funny, I love her stuff.

    2. I wonder why she doesn't comment more frequently here. Unless, she's doing it under an anonymous account.

  51. Pan Handler: "This lady! @pattypem is a an amazing friend, farmer, horse trainer, mom, all around badass that taught me so much about being kinder to myself and others!"

    Translation: This lady! Taught me so much about buying more stuff for myself while ripping off others!


    1. Yeah, we can see how the "kindness to others" has affected her endless begging on Twitter for nice strangers to help her lazy ass out.

  52. That is the face of a full blown alcoholic.

    1. Indeed. And also the fat face of an animal abuser.

  53. Don’t know if anyone caught it, but she did a gloomy twitter post about her nightmares at 7 this morning, then quickly took it down. Then after saying yesterday that she sold 3 out of the five total $50 “spots” for portraits in her firewood sale (that’s $150 if you do the math out of the $250 she was trying to raise), this morning she has upped her need to $125 instead of $100 remaining to raise in order to buy the $250 cord of wood. What gives??

    1. Bitch can't do the math.

    2. Oh, she "can do the math," but that would mean less money from dumb enablers. Get ready for her "I'm down to double digits in my bank account" announcement.

  54. Today:

    Jenna Woginrich
    Still trying to get $125 in towards the firewood today for delivery tomorrow. What a great time to get art, soap, or a logo! #WarmAntlerFarm

    Sep 14
    C'mon! 2 spots left!

    Jenna Woginrich
    · Sep 14
    FIRE(wood) SALE! Do you want to help get an order of firewood delivered to this farm? It's what I depend on for winter heat and so far I have none stacked - the most behind I've been by September. I am offering the next 5 people a painted pet portrait for $50 to buy it! DM!

    1. Her frantic "C'mon 2 spots left!" sounds like her begging has become beseeching. Talk about someone who has no pride at all. She's far from being a badass.

    2. She's trying to create a sense of urgency by looking like she's about to "sell out" of spots. Like she'd really turn down a 6th or 7th person willing to pay her for art. I'll bet no one bought anything from her that day.

  55. Her recent stupid tweet with the lame line "Better than most things, that." makes me cringe with annoyance. It should read "That's better than most things."

    1. Yes, annoys me too, that.
      She is trying to sound like Farmer Hoggett in “Babe” because don’t you know it, she is basically living his life. Not!
      Someone posted her picture with Patty in the brewery. This is not at all body shaming-but it is very hard to not notice how extremely different she looks in others’ photos (look at the hay day photos on Patty’s twitter) and her very altered photos on her own twitter, including her very altered head shot. Considering all those photos were taken at practically the same time. This may have already been discussed at length, I just noticed it today when someone posted the brewery photo link.

    2. It's like when she uses "gal" in an irritating, folksy manner. It always seems insincere as if she's playing the part of a vintage farmer. "Live like fiction!" At the expense of others.

    3. She is an absolute unit who really could use some fiber in her diet.

  56. So I'm going back and reading her old blog posts. I found her after buying One Woman Farm from Barnes & Noble, and I loved the book. Then I found Meredith's blog.

    Whatever happened to her first horse, Jasper? The one that she used to pull logs? And what happened to Annie and Jazz, her husky sled dogs? As soon as Merlin and Gibson show up, you don't really see anything about them anymore on the blog. I hope that she got them good homes once she got bored with them.

    1. If I remember correctly, she lost interest in Jasper and “rehomed” him shortly after she bought Merlin. If I remember, she caught some heat about it on the blog and got very defensive.
      The two huskies died, I think, around the time she got Gibson. Sounded like she was just keeping them cooped up in the house. It’s been a while, though, someone please fact check me.

    2. Just did a jasper search on her blog and so far I have caught one discrepancy. She talks about buying him from Rob but in 2011 she says she bought him for $500, and a couple of years later when she mentions buying him, she says “ I bought him for $275, half of his purchase price.”

    3. From 2011:
      The man who sold him to me (for $500) bought him at the annual Cobelskill Amish Horse Auction down state.

      Then from oct 2012:
      I paid him half his selling cost on the spot ($275) and arranged to have him delivered by Rob in a few days.

      So she was lying back then, too.

    4. Going back and reading her old bleg posts always blows my mind because they are chock-full of real homesteading and farming activity. And soooooo many mentions of other folks too. Fast forward to today's posts and 98% of them are about losing the farm and how she needs money and slung luck. And what happened to all those people she used to know? Did she really burn that many bridges?

  57. Didn't you hear her, fans? She wants firewood and she wants it now! The faux, feral, made-from-scratch-do-it-yourself badass wants it cut, split, stacked, signed, sealed and delivered! No Craig's List or harvested logs from her own woods for Jenna Kardashian, no siree Bob!

    And she wants YOU to pay for it!

    1. On Instagram there's a pic of her dog next to a pile of firewood. At first I thought she succeeded in having some sucker buy that for her, but then saw it's an old photo. So basically she's trying to inject that image into people's brains -- she wants them to visualize a big 'ol pile of wood...and have them pay for it, yep!

  58. I see nothing wrong with the brewery photo. Not sure what you all are seeing.

    1. I agree, but the only thing I see with that photo is that it looks different than her chiseled chin and cheeks photos that she recently posted and that she uses with her bio on twitter.

    2. What's "wrong" is that she hasn't slimmed herself down like other altered photos this summer. So her face is fuller.

    3. What you are seeing is blatant dishonesty. Jenna Woginrich is trying to sell a brand: Cold Antler Farm. But since there are no longer any farming animals, save a few chickens, the brand is not as strong as it once was. And a big part of her brand is her image, which is all she has at this point. Her entire business model is based on sales and donations via Twitter.

      So she's trying to "earn up" money by presenting herself in a certain way by selling the image of a hardworking, adventurous, badass, homesteading farmer. But apart from her mountain smashing and river adventures, she's not doing any of that. She's not growing or selling anything apart from her artwork...which isn't the same as running a real farm.

      But she wants people to root for her, the underdog, and send her money. So she presents a false narrative of someone who does several "5K" runs a week. But a lot of us don't feel that's possible, being that she spends 95% of her time online, tweeting. And well, look at her.

      She also heavily edits her photos to present someone who looks like they are super active. She uses filters to maker herself look healthy and trim. Now, a lot of people on social media do this too, and normally we wouldn't care...but in her case, there are animals involved. Her laziness, coupled with her refusal to get a job, mean that she doesn't have enough money to properly care for her animals.

      Responsible animal owners make sure they have the funds to schedule routine appointments to ensure good animal health. But it seems her animals only get vet care in emergency situations. And even then she has to beg for the money. Not just for the animals, but for the mortgage, all her bills, and all her entertainment needs.

      Thus, most all of her pics are edited to present a false image in order to trick her followers into sending her money. But it seems she doesn't receive much, which is not fair to the animals. But every once in awhile, she posts a pic that she isn't able to edit, which shows that she is a lazy, booze guzzling, animal neglecting grifter.

      So that's why those two photos were pointed out. You can clearly see the difference in regards to the brand she's trying to sell. (BTW, I suck at explaining things in a concise manner, but I hope this rambling post made sense.)

  59. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ So I recommend it, but expect more than you signed up for. If you're local it's playing at Images in Williamstown, MA. ❞

    She mentioned she went to see this movie Friday night -- not at matinee prices. So approx. $12 for the movie ticket, plus gas for the nearly 60 mile round trip drive, so at least $20 there, and let's say $15 for hot dog, popcorn, candy...and $10 for the bottle of booze she smuggled in. That's around $60 of poodle cash that could've gone towards firewood.


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