It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
ReplyDeleteTrucks & Trials
"Happy to report that the truck is going into the shop today for all the repairs and surgery it needs to pass inspection. And that is only possible because I got very lucky with a Hail-Mary small loan offer. But it does mean that by sunset today I should be driving home in an inspected, road legal, 1989 pickup truck that is safe and sound from danger and the law. I had it's registration, insurance, and such all updated in August so this is the last hurdle in the most pressing issue on the farm right now and the sigh of relief is long and real! Without a truck I can't do any of the other things I need to keep this place lit, fed, and solvent. It picks up hay, feed, runs orders of meat to customers and soap and art to the post office. She's the roaring heart of this small farm. I am so grateful and happy she will be okay to drive again soon.
In less good news, I am three days into September and didn't manage to take care of August's most important bill (a mortgage payment) or get firewood delivered. My goal is to make both of those things happen as quickly as possible, for my mental health and peace of mind above all other needs. Then I need to focus on a hay delivery of at least 25 bales to start stocking up for winter since my usual hay banks are not available like earlier years and I can't just buy-as-I-go through the cold months. So planning is different this year, but the good news is all I need to focus on is 2 horses and piglets going into snow fly. There won't be sheep here through the winter again this year - both to save costs and to satisfy lamb customers and clients.
More news as soon as I have it. Today is about catching up on work after the Holiday Weekend, making soap, writing for my agent's deadlines, hope, force, and gritted teeth going into some hard trying. "
How about she uses that truck to...I don't know...go pick up all the free firewood on Craig's List? I just checked Glens Falls and Albany's and there is a bunch. She can't use the excuse that she can't leave the "farm" for that long anymore. Oh wait, that would take her getting off her ass...It's hard to load/unload/split firewood and tweet about Taylor Swift. *eye roll*
DeleteI wonder if the "small loan offer" was what she meant by making bad decisions.
ReplyDeleteGuessing Patty, or someone else who cares that Jenna has a date, gave her the "loan" (which you know Jenna will never pay back).
This $$ went towards her weekend away. Does she think she can do this every weekend?
Dating is not cheap!
I love how she says it was a small loan OFFER... cuz like she would never beg for money from anyone... they just offered it from the bottom of their heart! Awww,,, how sweet.
DeleteShe just is so amazing. The gall on that girl. Shesh.
Loan offer? She doesn't take "loans," she takes "donations." I agree, Pig Shocker is full of it per usual.
DeleteShe hadn't posted on the blog for a week ... and when she finally does, the only thing she has to write about is money and begging related, with more of the same old "I can't pay my bills" crap.
ReplyDeleteYears ago, she had an interesting farming/homesteading blog, but since she quit her job it's just one financial mess after another, and then begging thrown in as her way of solving the problem. I agree with person above--the lender is never seeing that money. But I'm sure they already know that.
I do think she has paid the mortgage payment already because she doesn't seem all that desperate about foreclosure any more. I noticed a change in that a few months ago. Something has happened--maybe her parents or sister bought her out with her having life use of the property??? That's a possibility. People do that with elderly parents all the time. Maybe they have taken pity on her and have done the same, even though she should be earning her way in life. My gosh, she is only in her 30s! Something has happened that is making her less scared about losing her home. The mortgage has turned into an after thought: "I'm buying things for my date!!" "I have to get the truck on the road, or life will end!!" "And, oh yeah ... I have a mortgage payment past due." Someone has bailed her out on that. Now all her money is fun money.
Anyone local want to go to the county clerk's office to check and see if the property was transferred into anyone else's name?
It should all be online. I've looked it up before but it wasn't very straight forward and I can't remember the exact order of steps I took to get the info.
DeleteI just looked. It's been in her name since 4/16/2010 with no changes in ownership since.
DeletePoodleDiDoo asked in the last thread, "Why does PP keep bailing out the deceitful, pathetic, begging Pig Shocker?"
ReplyDeleteI don't know the answer, but PP has a dark history of her own. Some astute shamster discovered in public records that PP left her job under suspicious circumstances. Something about embezzling and giving contracts to her husband's firm. I think she worked for a library and/or another public institution. Maybe a shamster can provide more information or give a link.
I remember PP defending Jenna during the wool and webinar scam. Calling it a grudge match because the people who were stiffed wanted their money back.
Predators stick together. They sing eachother's praises in an attempt to cover themselves.
DeleteWhoever made the "small loan offer" better kiss their money goodbye. They'll never see it again.
ReplyDeleteShe probably had the money but used the situation to try to get more pity donations.
DeleteI’ve also noticed a change in her tone regarding the mortgage, which was verging on hysteria. I decided that she had moderated it a bit so she wouldn’t scare away the hot prospect from the ocean.
ReplyDeleteperhaps she has changed her tone due to the fact that after all this is her second date with coast girl so to her that is true love and she is probably at home right now packing up stuff and ready to move into her place. Hope the girl is ready for all of this.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope she has found true luv, moves to the ocean and gives up her animals!
ReplyDeleteFrankly, if it wasn't for neglected and abused animals, I couldn't care less if she scams her way through life and dupes enabling dotards.I am only here for the animals.
At this point, there is enough information that indicates her lying, scamming ways; anyone too lazy or ignorant to perform due diligence deserves to be fleeced.
🍸Cheers to that possibility!! And it's a strong one, as it is nearly impossible to have a long-distance relationship between lesbians who are lower middle class or in her case, poverty stricken. And then there's that whole U-Haul thing, lol.
DeleteEach month the Pig Shocker barely "earns up" enough mortgage and bill money, so weekly or even monthly trips to the coast are not doable. And so what would be the point of having a phone relationship?
So she borrowed $500+ to fix the truck. Needed to haul hay for the animals that aren't at the farm. From the new hay supplier she hasn't found yet. So many unknowns. Just waiting for her to take off for the "coast" in her old trusty truck and it breaks down far from home. Somehow I doubt she'll find anyone so willing to get her home as has happened before. Just waiting for her next disaster to pull in the cash.
ReplyDeleteshe is feeling down last night. Do you think it is due to donor fatigue? She is playing she is having fun but wants people to donate to her so she can pay her bills? I don't believe for one minute her foolowers are smartening up but maybe they are tapped out this month or are doing stuff over a long weekend? Who knows but get ready America she is coming for you and your poodle cash.
ReplyDeleteHere's a thought. Since being a "farmer" is KEY to her public persona and scamming, maybe she could post new (current) photos of - oh, I don't know - her lambs, chickens, pigs and vegetable gardens. Not old pics. Not super close-ups. Actual farm photos.
DeleteSMH. Does "this farmer" farm anything other than 💩 💩 💩 ???
Okay okay.. this is off the hook.. Jenna tweeted that "I am a farmer I grow my own food". What an absolute and complete liar. She does not grow *anything* except tall tales.
ReplyDeleteI saw that bullshit bragging yesterday, and thought the same thing. Where is proof that she grows her own food? Her pathological lying and defective character has reached a new low.
DeleteThis is the same woman who buys firewood at Stewarts. The closest she comes to growing her own food is driving to Patty's place to get some, or raiding her neighbor's garden.
DeleteSadly, I think she truly believes in her lies. How else could she possibly go on a platform like Twitter and say some of the things she says. I am embarrassed for her! And absolutely no one will call her on it because they either have her muted or they have seen how she attacks anyone that questions anything. What I am fascinated by is how she has any IRL friends! How do they not read some of those lies and not call her on it? What kind of friend doesn't help point out some inconsistencies between what she says and what she does and how that might look to people? I really, really want to look away but am just so fascinated by it all that I can't!
DeleteYep, epic shit shows like this make it hard to tear your eyes away. So much cringe and unbelievable antics...never seen anyone so entitled before.
DeleteAs for her IRL friends, it's crazy to see all the multitudes of names on the bleg back in the day -- names that are now long forgotten. There's a few new ones lately, but those will disappear as well. Seems that they catch on to her eventually...or she's a pyromancer with a fondness for bridges.
Anonymous @ 6:09 AM said: "What I am fascinated by is how she has any IRL friends! How do they not read some of those lies and not call her on it? What kind of friend doesn't help point out some inconsistencies between what she says and what she does and how that might look to people?"
DeleteEarlier in the blog, Jenna mentions friends and family. And in Jon Katz's blog, he mentions Jenna quite frequently coming over. She also had a guy friend who came over to chop wood for her. Now her focus is on new friends, Patty, and coast girl. The wood guy is MIA. Jon Katz even mentions that he wishes her well, but that aside from a wave across town they haven't spoken in year.
I think that she has lost all of her old friends, and only has hangers-on like Patty and new people that she can dupe in her orbit. As soon as the new people wise up, they are out of there, and Jenna has to begin the cycle again.
I read Katz's blog almost each day, and unless I've missed something it's been years since he mentioned Jenna at all. He was mixed in his opinion on her in a years-back mention, when a friend (Scott Carrino) had been upset about people 'picking on' her. Katz seemed to sense she was a negative vortex of some sort, tho he also had some sympathies as I recall. I don't think they were pals, but this is from far away. People in the area may know better.
DeleteI've followed Jenna for a couple of years or so only. It is indeed dismaying how this is all falling out. I respect that sometimes people live on a shoestring, and it's a hard life sometimes to keep it all together. But the repetitive cycle of animal portrait fire sales, logo 'sales,' please-support-me pleas, and the endless round of I can't pay my bills so please support my blog...well, it's tiresome to say the very least.
I had not especially noted that so many of her recent posts are text until I saw it mentioned here that there are few current animal pics, etc. Hmmm...
I will admit I've found Shamsters to be both incredibly judgmental and angry towards this person. I still question the vehemence of people's feelings against her, but I also get it: If you are a rural person and work hard on your farm and do not blog, write, or cartoon, and you see someone who does those things, and who also is trying to half-baked 'farm,' while asking for money as she blogs about all the mishaps, it's got be upsetting. Likewise if you enjoyed her early depictions of farming and working with hawks, and then got shafted on some work, or never received a book you paid for. That's infuriating.
I support Katz (and his wife, Maria). They detail a lot of artistic and literary work each day. They are thoughtful, actual creatives. Real farm animals, wool sales from the sheep, etc. And Katz is a beast when it comes to helping people in need. All quite admirable, imo. Maria's sales are public on Etsy. Her prices are public, her work is interesting and I'm sure she'll see continued (and increasing) success just as Jon has. Katz writes and takes photos - his blog is his foundational work now, he says. He largely turned away from a traditional print publishing world that was wilting on the vine. I respect that. It's a real life. It's anchored, it's honest, it's open to readers and it apparently holds the interest of many - myself included. They have expanded to videos and podcasts. They never stop reaching for new venues for their work, and I admire them.
Jenna, however, has lost me. She's just not of that caliber, and I've had the sense for some time now her farm endeavor is circling the drain. I wish no one ill, and she strikes me as quite fragile despite boasts to the contrary, but I have come to agree with you all...though I'll never be as harsh. This is an interesting posting place, for sure!
Thought the begging took on a new tone this morning. Went from if you want to help, to if you "can" help. I can help a lot of folks but not an able bodied, educated woman who refuses to work. I'll happily help with hurricane relief, to the families of violence, to the Salvation Army. We all have charities we support in terms of money and time. She is not a charity. She is not a relief worker. She is not a victim. She is lazy and believes she is entitled. How pathetic.
Ladyfire, I was struck by her new low of asking people to "pray for her truck" to pass inspection. This was posted on same day as Dorian's devastation.
DeleteShe has ZERO empathy for anyone but herself.
At this point I would only contribute to an employment counselor or mental counseling for her.
DeleteLol, Red, you are far too kind.
DeleteLadyfire, totally agree...and I was struck by the desperation in this tweet:
❝ This farm HAS to make some sales right quick or it may not stay my farm. ❞
HAS to. This farm. What an entitled slug she is. HAS TO. And the farm doesn't need anything, SHE does. But I'll bet the thought of having to say "I HAVE to" makes her cringe.
I wouldn't contribute a penny. Nothing. Nada.
Delete"Has to".... just like you have to wait for anything you order because she "has to" do anything else but deliver!
DeleteShe doesn't GROW any food, she grows bullshit.
Seriously, has she even once mentioned her "garden" this year? So not growing any food, and there's no goats so she's having to supposedly buy goat milk from someone else. She doesn't have any bees to produce honey, nor any sheep for wool.
DeleteThat farm just contains a super lazy imposter with a bunch of useless animals -- except for the egg-producing chickens...well, I guess there's that at least. There's no wood harvesting going on, and nothing being grown except bullshit and lies. She must be so proud of the lie-fe she's living.
Her latest blog entry is odd. It almost sounds as if she's ready to throw in the towel, like she no longer "needs" the farm (as she calls it). But then by the end of it, it's the same old story. I wonder if she's setting the groundwork for if/when she loses it.
ReplyDeleteShe's done that before. She does it to wring every last cent from her readers.
Delete"Rinse, regurgitate, repeat..." It's all about her manipulative marketing.
DeleteJenna cycles through personas. First she was the animal-loving vegetarian Buddhist. Then she was the scrappy hipster Heathen homesteader. I believe that she's jumping onto a new, shiny thing with coast girl, lesbianism, and pop-culture social media. And if that means abandoning the farm and the old fan base to do it, then she will. After all, she dropped vegetarianism for animal butchering just for writing gigs and internet brownie points. Becoming an urban lesbian with a new gal pal will be a smaller leap than ones that she has taken before.
DeleteI just read her latest blog entry for the first time in months. It's all BS. She had no plan when she bought the place, so she begged for help. She had a small amount of success with the books and the workshops, so she quit her job, still without a plan. The begging increased and now it's become a ridiculous joke. She claims to be writing yet another book about her "success" as a farmer. It will be fiction, more incredible and outlandish than Birchthorn. She better keep it to herself.
ReplyDeleteWhat she's doing to herself is destructve, she is setting herself up for an utterly humiliating failure. If you put another person through this, it would be called abuse.
So now, donations and scammed money are "free lance checks." If she loses the "farm" and one can only hope, I hope she moves to the ocean....The Pacific...and moves INTO it. For every animals sake.
DeleteBlech! What a delusional, revisionist load of crap!
DeleteA publisher would have to be monumentally stupid to fall for it.
I wonder what considerations a publisher makes before choosing to publish a book? The most important ones would be whether it's interesting and if there is a market for it. And of course, past book sales figures are an important factor.
DeleteBut I wonder if they ever consider an author's reputation? Do they Google to see the public's current perceptions and attitudes of said author? Cuz if they do, that might explain why the Pig Shocker hasn't been able to sell a book in over 5 years.
I think she could get it printed as a vanity project. I work for a publisher and do the actual design on books, but we don't market them. The author does that. However, she would have to pay for the printing. Now let's see how that will work out. HA HAAA.
Unknown 9:59 - Noooooooooooooo!!! Not the Pacific Ocean -- we don't want her on this coast, fouling up our waters!!
DeleteMay I suggest a trench deep down in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge...far, far away from all decent humanity?
Works for me. With the perfect storm on top.
DeleteActually, what I see happening if this thing with "my girl" heats up, she will close up CAF for good and move to the MA coast because long distance lesbian relationships are near non-existant. And it's doubtful that someone who lives in a metro area would want to give it all up to live on some dusty crap covered fauxrm in a village where lesbos can't feel safe, due to the local people's wariness and suspicions of LGBT folk.
DeleteRemember that lame "I am not safe" bleg post?
The latest blog is yet another self-congratulatory pat on the back. What a crock of shit. Jenna you haven't gotten any stronger; in fact you have grown weaker. The begs are coming fast and furious where before they were once in a while. You used to post actual content about the farm, the animals, your garden, etc. Now it's all blathering on about how strong you are and what the farm has made you into, blah, blah, blah. And of course at the end is the real reason you wrote up that post. To beg for more money for firewood and mortgage. Jenna you will never change. Don't kid yourself and stop kidding your readers.
One thing I've noticed is that you can measure her desperation by how many paragraphs about "this farm" she writes before the inevitable "need to make the mortgage" malarky. A bunch of dumb, uninspired dreck to instill foollower pride and keep them "tethered to her potential." Don't give up on me now, guys?
DeleteAnd this bullshit here:
❝ The work of the farm stopped being a blog, books, and workshop vehicle and started becoming an actual brand. ❞
This is completely ass-backwards. When she was blogging about real farm stuff and still writing books and having workshops, THAT was when she became an actual brand. But she doesn't do any of that stuff anymore. Well, she still blogs, but nearly every entry is about being broke and terrified. She's no longer a viable brand. She's become an ember-y effigy of everything she used to be. Her brand, while not totally dead, is in the death rattle stage. The CAF dream is now 🕸
Her "brand" is being a lazy lifestyle loser. And I'd say that to her fat face, too.
DeleteOn Instagram today:
ReplyDelete❝ It's trapping season! Good luck to all the new apprentices and seasoned falconers alike on the lookout for new hunting partners! I'll be out trapping soon too! ❞
🙄 Huh? Where's the current hawk? Why is she trapping another one?
And on Twitter yesterday, a woman who purchased a pet portrait saw her portrait in one of Jenna's re-tweeted "buy my art" begs and replied:
❝ Aww, that's the pic of my boy Ivan who just died. So glad I have this to remember him by! ❞
And here was the Pig Shocker's response:
❝ I am sorry for your loss. ❞
🙄 🙄 That's it? A cold, robotic, unconcerned, tired reply that shows zero empathy? How about something like, "I'm so sorry to hear of this. He was a beautiful dog and I enjoyed sketching him." Something, anything to show that the woman and her dog represent more than just money to pay bills. But since that woman no longer has a dog, Jenna won't be making any more money from her...hence the cold, uncaring response. She is human garbage.
She is a cold, uncaring C**T. I hope I didn't offend anybody with that word, but in her case it's justified.
DeleteShe has zero compassion and I have zero compassion for her. I hope she is cold, has no food and the truck breaks down this winter.
I've called her a cunt quite a few times. Even though it's an offensive word "in her case it's justified."
DeleteShe still has no firewood, so that means "no heat at all." Bullshit. She has a freaking furnace, FFS. I know she had space heaters, too. Po' widdle Jenna... I wish the bank would stop lollygagging around and take the place back. (If the woe-is-me is even true about being behind on the payments.)
What a whopper of a lie. She's trying to paint a mental picture of herself, huddled in the corner of her living room during winter, shaking and shivering and freezing her ass off.
DeleteSurely the liar's flaming pants on 🔥would be enough to keep her warm?
Her large amount of bulging body fat will help with staying warm. And again, she's chosen to use firewood so she can continue to bilk poodles out of their hard-earned money.
DeleteRemind me, isn't her other solution to pay around $150 for furnace oil that will provide heat all winter long? Cuz that sounds much smarter than begging for $500-$800 for firewood.
DeleteOh, but then she wouldn't have those cozy prop fire pics to post online. Never mind.
I ran a calculation last year (posted on CAST), that compared cost of oil vs wood and used local NY prices. They were roughly equivalent but oil heat did cost less. Oil heat allowed payment to be spread out over 12 months,which made it very affordable.
DeleteBut as Anon7 points out, using oil in her whole house furnace negates the mental image of a shivering Pig Shocker, next to her empty wood stove, waiting for poodles to donate $$$ to keep her warm.
Jenna Woginrich
This farm HAS to make some sales right quick or it may not stay my farm, so please helps spread the word about pet portraits, soap, meat shares, and logos!!!
1. Has to. She is putting her money and life management problems in others’ laps
2. Entitlement at an all time high
3. Selling meat shares for 2020 in the same sentence where she says the farm may not be hers by next month
4. Creating a sense of urgency over a situation that is only urgent because of her doing
It will be a great day here on Earth if the farm is no longer yours Jenna!
DeleteLol, Anon 1:52, I just posted the same thing up above about that irritating "HAS to" remark. Despicably entitled, she is. And yeah, if you break that statement down, she is indeed saying that if people don't give her money (either via sales or donations) she's gonna lose the farm. What a bitch to say that to her foollowers.
DeleteIt's never been "her farm," because the faux farm femme doesn't own it. The bank has possession. And at the rate she's going now it'll be foreclosed in her future.
DeleteIn her bleg post today she tried to justify the intensity of her online panhandling for the mortgage money:
Delete❝ The bank sends someone to talk to you about your third month behind on the mortgage threatening a short sale if you don’t pay up fast - pace and sell whatever you can offer legally to make at least one payment to keep the door only covered in scratch marks instead of bite marks. ❞
🙄 😆 Scratch marks and bite marks? Oh Pig Shocker, stuff it already.
Three months behind.
DeleteNo wonder she is hearing crickets from her followers and twits... Even if EVERYONE bought a dang bar of soap or a cartoon, what is that going to help in 2 months from now when she's behind again. Or 6 months... when is Miss Snowflake going to wake up?
Her fantasty life is just that. Fantasy.
Time to change horses in midstream, and get a more sustainable life plan, sweetheart.
Notice how she always uses "this farm". First of all it's not a farm. Saying the farm needs money brings in more money than saying SHE needs money.
ReplyDeleteShe knows how to wring every last cent from her foolowers.
You're spot-on. Many of us have observed her usage of "this farm" for years.
DeleteThere should be a dictionary for ridiculously manipulative Jenna-isms:
Delete"This farm"
"earn up money"
"hoping for slung luck"
"make the month happen"
"figure out the money"
"manage to pull trapeze moves"
"wish me luck"
"if you want to"
"magical freelance check"
"keep the farm keepin' on!"
"single digit bank account!!"
Etc, etc. And they all equate to PayPalMe/Jenna. And I'm sure there are many others.
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDeleteNice new sweatshirt...not. 😝 How much did that cost her poodles?
Probably between $20-$30
DeleteI just looked it up and sweatshirts on the TS store site range from $55-$65. Yikes.
DeleteSo between the $120 she spent on the monkey dress outfit, and this, that's $175. Add to that all the money she spent on her coast date, that's probably $250 in total.
🤔 Isn't that about the price of a cord of wood? Well, at least the sweatshirt will keep her warm this winter.
And in the tweet, she's states the sweatshirt was a "SURPRISE" trying to indicate it was a gift.'s been two months since her birthday, and there's no other gift-giving holidays at the moment, so no doubt she used poodle cash to purchase it. Really smart decision when you don't even have your mortgage payment.
and don't forget the new jeans she got. Hers were to big she ordered a smaller size and was shocked how small the new ones were when she pulled them out of the box and when she tried them on they fit!!! Oh Glory Be.....We know she only likes Rag and Bone jeans and they run around $300. a pair. Don't know how many pairs she bought though.
DeleteMy dears, Jenna bought that herself.
Delete‼️ - Hey...just thought of something: If the Pig Shocker doesn't own a cell phone, how did she communicate with coast girl during the trip? Cuz once she set forth from her hovel, she would've presumably needed to make a few calls: At least one location update, a call with a firm ETA, and another call to announce her arrival...
ReplyDelete❗️Plus, everyone knows it's stupid to travel without one in case of car trouble, an emergency...
Maybe someone "gifted" her a super, super, duper long cord for her yellow land line phone?
She is not desperate. I did a little trial. Trust me, she is not desperate.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of trial?
DeleteTell us about the trial if you can!
DeleteI've emailed and requested pricing for a pet portrait on more than one occasion. One email bounced back the other never got answered. If someone is desperate for that check or luck or whatever, they'll answer you for any kind of work they can get. Someone willing to pay and she doesn't respond? That's not desperate to me. But man she is whining on the blog for sure.
DeleteAnon 6:10 - Thanks for taking one for the team. This is interesting to know.
DeleteJenna Woginrich
Share if you can! Things are getting scary.
But why? Because you’d rather play than work, travel than batten down the hatches, spend money on frivolous TS merchandise and albums and clothes rather than on bills, be dishonest about future meat shares, play with hawks, float on the river, have a beer and see a movie on release night?
Why should the rest of the world have an emergency because of your choices, Jenna? So infuriating.
From her blog this morning:
ReplyDeleteThursday, September 5, 2019
All I want is to mail this mortgage check. Get a cord of firewood stacked. And watch a scary movie with a cup of coffee on a rainy fall night knowing I get to stay here and be warm. That's all I'm thinking about.
posted by Jenna Woginrich at 9:14 AM
She wasn't thinking about this last weekend. She wasn't thinking about this when she bought a dress, shoes, purse, TS sweatshirt, gas$ to go to the ocean, etc. etc. etc.
What a loser.
It sucks to want...but you know what the solution is.
DeleteStop your damn whining.
A little random, but I notice that she (finally!) unpinned the article about falconry from the top of her twitter feed. She's been using that to seem "legit" for literally years now. And until she takes on some regular, hourly work doing anything it takes to make ends meet, she does not, in fact, want more than anything to stay on her "farm".
ReplyDeleteAnon in GA
Great observation! Unless she has something else big going on to pin at the top of her Twitter feed, I don't know why she would un-pin that article about her & falconry. It's one of the few things that makes her seem legit.
DeleteI'd love to think that she lost her falconry license. No talk of the new hawk lately, I wonder if that one also died or flew away...
Maybe the warning she received from NYSDEC turned into something more and the bird was finally taken from her. I can't think of any other reason for unpinning the article.
DeleteAt 7pm last night she says to 'watch Booksmart, it is so good'.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what everyone else is doing at 7pm, but we sure as hell aren't planted on the couch watching TV... no reason she can't pick up a shift at Stewart's or Rite Aid, which are 3.8 miles from her house in the 'middle of nowhere'.
Even if she claims she makes more working from home (I believe she said that at some point to justify not having a job?), if the 'farm' is 'right up against it', why wouldn't you take on an extra few shifts to give yourself some breathing room? 'Winter is coming' Jenna....
Back when we were "friends" we would mention to Jenna about picking up a short shift at Stewart's and were always rebuked with, "I can't leave the farm/animals for that long". Hmmmm, funny how things change.
DeleteYes "Winter is coming" and she deserves all the hardships that winter brings.
ReplyDeleteThe twat:
ReplyDeleteIs there a word for the sadness you feel when someone you never met in real life (but have been a mutual with on social media for years) unfollows you? It makes me so bummed out.
Gee, maybe they unfollowed you because they realized what a POS scammer you are! All anyone has to do is google your name and all kinds of scammer stories comes up. I'd unfollow you too. And it's social media for God's sake, who gives a shit? Boo Hoo on you Jenna.
FFF: “This day has been consistently embarrassing and involved many bad choices based on romantic whims and I have no idea how it is going to pan out.”
ReplyDeleteThis is the difference between you and me. I knew exactly how it was going to “pan out” based on watching you do the same thing over and over and over again. You’ve moved the dial from laziness to idiocy. Deal with it.
Her latest blog post 9/5/19--She wants to buy firewood and pay a mortgage payment. Well, then get a freaking job. But, why do that when suckers will finance your life. She really does amaze me with her frank and obvious begging. That is all her blog is these days--telling her sad tale of "Oh, I just want to be a kept woman!" or "Send money so I can stay here a freeloader while you earn your way through life. Gee, I (Jenna) wonder what that feels like??? No, I don't want to know." Truly amazes me, but it no longer surprises me, coming from her.
ReplyDeleteHer anxiety must be off the charts. But she ignores it in order to rationalize that this latest dry spell is temporary and hopefully she'll get that new book deal she wants so badly.
DeleteShe will never work retail cuz her college degree renders her above that. In her mind.
Why is it up to her fans to do her marketing for her?
ReplyDeleteYes, she tosses that in their laps all the time. But I just realized something, even though it has been pointed out here before.
DeleteShe has more than 4000 followers, supposedly. Her last, desperate, “ it’s getting scary, please retweet post” got a grand total of 6 retweets and only 7 more likes for a total of 13 likes.
That’s very telling.
And the bemoaning of someone unfollowing her?? Girl, please. Have you read your feed lately? Also, as one of her comments pointed out, who actually sits there and keeps up with “unfollows”?
I'll bet the majority of those 4,000 foollowers are abandoned Twitter accounts, or belong to folks who rarely log-in. And of course, people who have muted her but are too polite to un-follow. And no doubt many of them are fake profiles that Jenna purchased. Cuz yes, low double digit "likes" is indeed very telling. She probably only has between 50-100 true foollowers, based on the math.
DeleteTwit twat:
Me: When we are inside a Trader Joe's please refer to me as Trader Jenna."
Closest Trader Joe's is in Albany, approximately a hour and 40 miles (80 miles round trip) away. So, that's 2 hours plus shopping time away from her "farm". Also, assuming she gets 15 mpg, approximately $15 in gas. Doesn't seem like scraping by to me...
❝ All I want is to mail this mortgage check. Get a cord of firewood stacked. And watch a scary movie with a cup of coffee on a rainy fall night knowing I get to stay here and be warm. That's all I'm thinking about. ❞
ReplyDelete🙄 "All I want..." she says. Then get off your ass and get a JOB.
But she's not willing to do ANYTHING but beg and try to sell stuff that VERY few people want.
She won't get a retail job because she thinks she's above that. And she's not being honest with herself about who she really is, what she's become. In her mind, she's still a famous homesteading author who just happens to be "in between book deals" and just needs a little financial help at the moment. What she refuses to see is that her star has faded. People are onto her and know that she's no longer farming or homesteading. And that's why she's not stirring up any interest.
Things are "getting scary" because no one wants to fund the lazy lifestyle of someone as uninspired as the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️
OK CAST poodles, I have an important update form the DMV of both New York and Vermont, aka, Veryork. For a limited time only -- the following vanity plates are on offer from both state!
ReplyDeleteCAF SCAM
Sham 4evr
P Pal Me
Brew Me
Send in those applications today!
😀 Lol, I'm torn between "JobAppNo" and "SoapScum"
Bir Thorn Meh
And for the people warning me about the dangers of rabies this is your annual reminder that....
OK then maybe you can think about this Miss Smartty pants
*drum roll*
Birds and Their Droppings Can Carry Over 60 Transmissible Diseases
Bird infestations can prove more of a hazard than most people realize, as many carry more than 60 transmissible diseases* – this list continues to grow and is not exhaustive of all possible risks posed by pest animals.
Allergic Alveolitus occurs when humans inhale particles of bird dander in the air. Also known as “Pigeon Lung Disease,” this affects the alveoli if the lungs, decreasing the lungs’ ability to function & making it difficult to breathe.
Avian Influenza, also known as “The Bird Flu” is the H5N1 virus which is transmitted through the fecal matter of infected birds. This serious disease is able to live in objects such as bird feeders, baths, and houses, as well as in birds themselves. This disease is well-known for being deadly in humans, causing more severe symptoms than typical flu viruses including high fever, cough, respiratory difficulties, and muscle aches.
Avian Tuberculosis is caused by inhaling microscopic organisms found in the feces of birds. Potentially fatal, this disease is difficult to treat and symptoms include weight loss, swollen stomach, diarrhea, and impaired breathing.
Campylobacteriosis causes gastrointestial distress, usually transmitted through food and water that’s been contaminated by bird fecal matter. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy.
Candidiasis is a yeast or fungus infection spread by pigeons. The disease affects the intestines, mouth, skin, urogenital tract, and the respiratory system.
Cryptococcosis is caused by yeast found in the intestinal tract of pigeons and starlings, usually passed by ingestion of infected fecal matter. This illness begins as a pulmonary disease & can advance to affect the central nervous system.
E.coli is generally spread via fecal contamination of food. Birds frequently peck on cow manure, which is one place where E.coli 0157:H7 originates. Infected birds are unaffected but spread the bacteria into food and water supplies.
Erysipeloid is passed by direct contact between humans and birds. Broken skin is affected, which changes from red to blue-red, and the infection can spread to joints.
Giardiasis is caused by an intestinal parasite Giardia found in contaminated food, causing diarrhea, weight loss, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration.
Histoplasmosis or “Ohio River Valley Fever” is transmitted when humans inhale the Histoplasma capsulatum fungus that grows in dried bird and bat droppings. It is an extremely serious respiratory disease that can prove fatal, especially in those with compromised immune systems, including children.
Love the licenses and might get one. Any ideas for Tyr, godpole, or Corbie, or shieldmare?
ReplyDeleteBTW, my dh's knew a family killed by parrot fever.
Her latest post, "Lesson Embers," is such a mess. It verges on nonsensical, both in content and writing style. This is the first time I've been really, truly worried about her mental health and wellbeing. (Also, who's going to buy a book about a "farmer" who was once popular for her farming content, now saying all of that content was a facade, but as a result of living that lie she's self-actualized into her authentic self - which is apparently a panicked, incompetent woman?)
ReplyDelete"And it wasn’t a fairy godmother waving a wand and turning my rags into a sparking dress - it was violent and awful, a writhing werewolf transformation from a terrified girl into a powerful woman."
DeleteYeah, a "powerful woman" whines, manipulates, and begs online all day long for normal adults to pay their living expenses like mortgage money. What a bunch of bull.
Sounds like it's still all a facade.
DeleteUgh, I got to "writhing werewolf" and didn't bother to finish the rest of the sentence.
DeleteThe "terrified girl into a powerful woman" is completely ass-backwards and laughable. She actually started out confident, able, and powerful -- but later devolved into the useless, uninspired, anxiety-ridden and terrified lazy beggar she is now. SMH.
We’re overlooking the obvious... she probably can’t get a job at Stewart’s or anywhere local because of her reputation with the locals... no “hay banks” this year? That’s very telling of the local opinion climate... she’s burned every bridge she had and has painted herself right into a corner. But when you don’t have the faculties to realize begging bc *up against it* in one post, and posting about your coastal vacay in another makes you look like a delusional shitshow, then you aren’t playing with a full mental deck, and no amount of “earning up” is going to help. Her poods need to clue in. She needs a mental health intervention before she destroys herself.
ReplyDeleteI don't care if she does "destroy herself." The FFF has literally, created her own hell through poor choices, and lack of self-awareness. I'm all about her abusing animals, and their need for new homes.
DeleteShe must have really burned her local hay suppliers. As the summer moved on, NE weather was perfect for hay, at least three cuttings likely at most places, and perhaps even a fourth cutting was made.
DeleteAnd speaking of hay and pasture, did anyone else notice how freaking overgrazed her horse paddocks are? The photo PP took showed a decided lack of good grass on Pig Shocker's fake farm.
DeleteNo wonder poor Merlin is willing to stand still at the top of the mountain (on someone else's property) - it's the only chance he gets to eat good grass!
Lol, Poods...that's probably her entire reason for using the neighbor's and decent grass.
DeleteSo basically, in 10 years she's done nothing for the soil on that feedlot? No maintenance, no liming...nada?
The burning of the bridges is probably why the locals aren't as friendly with her anymore, rather than the fact that she is now an out lesbian. She blames their coolness towards her on homophobia, and while that may be the case her behavior certainly hasn't endeared her to them. See the "I'm not safe" post.
DeleteI don't believe a word that Jenna says. It's all lies.
ReplyDeleteMaybe her new MO is to feign a mental breakdown for more poodle cash. What could be more pitiful than a faux, feral farmer who is up against it and needs some slung luck. Everyone loves an underdog, right?
ReplyDeleteShe's crazy like a fox. Don't underestimate her. The one thing she is truly a master at is separating fools from their money.
I can totally see this happening. She's done it in the past. And she knows that people generally like to be helpful and will donate if she turns on the water works. 😂 🎻 = 🐩 💰
DeleteANON12: PYG SHKR is available. o:)
ReplyDelete...and these are available. ANON12
PoodleDiDoo, true on the hay. This was an excellent year for hay. Rain at the right time and dry at the right time. I live 2 hours from her. I got amazing hay this year. I did notice how over grazed the paddocks are. Only two horses, but with no maintenance over the years it is ruined.
ReplyDeleteDS, We should meet up in Cambridge.
DeleteAgree it was a terrific year for local hay. NO ONE should have difficulty getting right-priced hay for animals -- except, of course, for the Pig Shocker. Not surprised no one wants to do business with an animal abusing/neglecting POS who has destroyed local goodwill and who continually crosses decency lines. Who would want want their name associated with a fake farm fabricator who makes up stories for clueless social media followers?
I'd love that!! Perfect time of year for it. Can get some yummy appley things on the trip!
DeleteI really hope you two do this!
DeleteI also tried to organize a hangout in Cambridge last year before we moved to Vermont. And even extended an invite recently on another thread to WH and others. It stings a little to not be included with you two, because clearly, I'm not one of the "cool kids" here. Even though I've been commenting for over three years, have contributed a lot of insights and Jenna gems (the FFF, Twitter Twaddle etc...). I also was one of the locals who was instrumental in reporting her to appropriate authorities. Which led to most of her livestock being re-homed last year. Sorry, but it stings a little to be left out after I've suggested the same thing several times. PDD was going to contact me via HD, but it never happened despite my attempts.
DeleteFCW, it didn't work out, much to my disappointment. As I remember there was a relatively small window of time before you left for Vermont and we unexpectedly had family visiting. Alas, life sometimes get crazy. It would have been great to get together, and sorry it didn't happen.
DeletePS You also changed your handle (?) and I wasn't entirely sure if you were still on CAST after you moved to Vermont. I had my suspicions but didn't put 2 and 2 together.
DeleteNever fear, you are one of the original cool kids. I am a latter-day participant, but I "try" to keep up with you who have so much knowledge and experience. Hats off to those who fought the original good fight!
FCW is definitely one of the cool kids and I always enjoy reading her comments.
DeleteToo bad we are all scattered in different states. You guys seem like a lot of fun.
Thanks, PDD & WH. I appreciate what you wrote. Sorry for seeming sensitive now. We just moved to a new place in Vermont, and I'm tired of trudging around with boxes. I'm completely pooped out. It would be nice to connect via DS's comment below. like my DH. Ignore the least important boxes. Lol, he still has unpacked boxes from 20 years ago.
DeleteIf any of you guys ever get out West, I'd love to show you around my neck of the woods. ;-)
DM, where out West?
DeleteEastern Washington state, about 5 miles from the North Idaho panhandle. :-)
DeleteI was randomly doing a Jenna search just to see what stories pop up about her these days and this post someone wrote in 2011 pulled up, it’s about the uathor’s reaction to her nonsensical rant against vegetarians, and her cruel statements surrounding the “harvest” of her animals. You all may have seen it already, it was new to me.
Make that, the autor’s reaction..sorry!
DeleteOMG, an article that uses the word "c*nt" twice!! That guy does not like her, lol. He wrote of her writing:
Delete❝ Woginrich's article is also infuriating because it contains bizarre phrases that make no fucking sense... ❞
😏 Agreed.
❝ Jenna Woginrich isn't middle class, or rich, or posh. ❞
😆 He's right about that too. Then he quotes philosopher Peter Singer:
❝ All animals are equal. Except Jenna Woginrich. She's just a cunt. ❞
😝 LMAO! Tell us how you really feel!
(BTW, Anon 11:20, this article is new to me too -- so thanks for posting it!)
Also agree that the Pig Shocker's argument that it's "kinder to raise animals and kill them yourself" is oxymoronic at best. And he's right that she's just doing this free range thing cuz it's "Guardian-friendly" and a hip thing to do. She doesn't really love animals, she just wants to look cool.
DeleteIf that blogger is still around, he should do an update on her. Seven plus years later and there is little pretense that animals live a good life before she kills them.
DeleteShe is indeed a c**t.
Quiet today. Maybe a mountain smashed her.
ReplyDeleteYeah, nothing but the oft re-tweeted, "This farm HAS to make some sales" bullshit.
DeleteSo, if the "farm" fails to make any sales, who's fault will that be really? (Rhetorical question; no real need to answer that.)
Bad Farm. It's to blame if it doesn't make some sales.
DeleteThis farm needs to be punished.
The reason why is perhaps because she has played horsies today with her friend Natalia according to Instagram post a few minutes ago showing her two horses, saddled, and giving credit to her friend for the picture.
DeleteThere is nothing better than playing horsey all day on the side of the mountain, bills be damned.
Anon 4:24 pm, apparently the only thing better than FFF "playing horsey all day (*Friday*) on the side of the mountain, bills be damned." is drinking alcoholic HARD CIDER while doing so.
DeleteShe plays (*urp) while poodles pay.
Oh really. Imagine that. But y’all be sure to PayPal her because things are scary and dire.
DeleteANON12. Farmageddon. Why didn't we ever think of this?
ReplyDeletePoodleDiDoo, let's connect and plan this, and also WH if you want to come?! I am in NY, an easy shot getting there- been there before, even to the Stewarts ;) How do we connect?
ReplyDeleteHi everyone:
ReplyDeleteI'd like to organize a meet and greet, and maybe a lunch, or something up in that area. I am happy to start a FB page to go to where we can chat about meeting. Would you be interested in this? If I get some yeses- I will go ahead and start a page for an Fall is coming meet and greet :)
I'm in. Fall can be a crazy time for me because we travel a lot in the fall, but I'd love a meet-up with local Shamster sisters and/or brothers.
DeleteFall will be an excellent time to support local, reputable businesses. Yep, by definition that excludes the FFF.
If you make a private/secret FB page and give address to HD, I think we can link up.
Excellent! I will do it!
DeleteI'm also in, but don't "do" Facebook. (I had a few negative experiences which made me delete my account.) Maybe I can pass my info onto HD if she wouldn't mind.
DeleteFailed CW, sure, that would work. I am going to set up the group today. Would love to meet you.
DeleteThanks, DS & HD.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Depending of the angle of the photo I look like a hobbit warrior goddess or a toe."
I'll vote for fat foot.
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Picture taken last night during a sunset picnic ride. This tiny happy life is what I'm fighting to keep until I'm not."
Someone call the wahhhbulance for poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich. Her "tiny happy life" is used, once again, on Twitter as manipulative marketing to entice people to give her mortgage money. She likes to imply that "wolves are at her door" with "scratch marks" to give a false sense of "scary" urgency to her stories. The "until I'm not" is her bullshit begging disguised as a tweet.
Jenna,if you are lurking here, Target Warehouse in Wilton is hiring starting at 19.40 bucks an hour. With a $1000 sign up bonus after 180 days.
ReplyDeleteJust a little heads up to Jenna's lamb customers. You being robbed.
ReplyDeleteLambs... she got those in late summer as bottle babies. Probably born in early summer or even late summer.
Meat lambs are generally not harvested until they are at least 9 months old, or closer to a year. She's talking about harvesting them soon, because she says there will be no sheep on the farm come "snow fly" for customers.
From the pictures she has posted, those lambs are going to weigh like nothing. Maybe 30 pounds? And after harvest, you are going to be lucky to see 15 -20 pounds of meat, and that is going to be really lucky. Baby lambs are nothing but skinny muscles and bounce until they start packing it on later in their first year. And I'm sure she is charging like way way premium because her prices are always wack.
Lambs generally have about a 50% yield for the carcass weight and then about a 75% yield of meat from that carcass or about 34 pounds of meat from a whole 90 pound lamb.
There is just NO way that she took those skinny little baby lambs up to 90 pounds in 3 months. Once again, she is shafting her adoring customers into shoddy pity merch to fund her fantasy lifestye.
And yes, I raise sheep. Goats and hogs. Small homestead.
I wish I could post a picture of the "ham" we have in our freezer from when we bought a pig share a couple years ago. That's how bad (small) it hasn't been eaten.
DeleteFarmlass, thanks for sharing- I raise sheep too. Those lambs, I believe are either dead, or at Patty's and no way ready until probably next year.
DeleteChicken Mama..... I am sure, Jenna Woginrich does not have the patience it takes to properly raise animals to food weight. I've always thought she butchers way too early, and thus gives out shitty shares. Even she admits it... that one time she had an animal weigh in at a more normal weight, she promptly split it AGAIN into a extra share and got caught at it... she doesn't have a clue. She butchers based only on her need for money.
DeletePeople think lamb is like baby newborn lamb, but it's not, its really more like 'yearling' sheep. haha... still young and tender, not mutton, but it's rediculous to think that some skinny little sack of bones that is a baby lamb of under a few months old is going to fill your freezer. I always tell my customers... look at the animal. You're going to get back about half the size of the animal, perhaps a bit more.
Processed meat doesn't somehow expand to create a whole freezer full of a year's supply of meat from one half hog. (Steer maybe!) But lamb is a smaller animal. It's just not going to be a whole lot. And she charges WAY too much. If you want to pay $25+ a pound for crappy, feed lot, refuse fed meat, then, hey, you're a big dummy.
There are lots of really decent grassfed humane farmers out there with farm shares that do it right. Don't fall for this crappy, seat of her pants, pity shares to keep THIS farm going.
FarmLass...we learned our lesson the hard way. Once we stopped the donating, gifting and share buying we stopped hearing from her.
DeleteI wish I could meet you all. I'm down here in Maryland and upstate New York is like an 8 hour drive for me. I hope you all are able to meet each other and put a face to a name. Let us all know how it goes.
We are already grouping up virtually. I can't wait for us all to meet :)
DeleteYou're welcome to stay at my place (CT). The floors don't reek of animal piss, the dog doesn't sleep on the bed, the walls aren't covered in hawk scat and we have central heat/AC!
DeleteI draw the line at spraying lavender on the sheets, lol, so you'll be "roughing it".
I sent HD my email. I'll look forward to seeing you "guys" this fall. PDD. Your place sounds a lot nicer than her hovel:).
DeleteFCW, thank you but it's a low bar to be better than 🐷🔌⚡ 's hovel.
DeleteEvery time I think of her freezer that stores road kill, raw meat, hawk food and feces-covered jeans - along with purchased goat milk for face soap - I want to vomit!!!