It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Mine too. I had my first bunch of apple cider donuts last weekend. I love them so much!
ReplyDeleteJust snagged some apples this weekend (along with muscadines and a huge $7 box of canning tomatoes). It's still getting into the 90's here for the next 2 weeks, but it feels a little like fall for about 30 minutes in the early morning :)
ReplyDeleteAnon in GA
Even though we only get two seasons here in So Cal, I know what you mean about it suddenly feeling like fall...or even spring. Twice a year, and it always happens in the kitchen, it'll be morning, and the window is open, and things just smell and feel different. It's almost eerie. I used to think I was crazy to feel this sensation, but I looked it up and sure enough, it's a true really can sense a change in the seasons.
DeleteHappy Fall to all of you here! We're going to have a frost this weekend, so busy covering some garden plants and harvesting others that won't make it. Need to clean out the coop and put the litter on the garden for winter. Chickens are molting, so no eggs. Leaves are turning. Can't wait for the brilliant red of my Burning Bush plants. Fall is my favorite season! What are you all doing this fall???
ReplyDeleteI love fall! Though I'm more stuck inside while my hubby is outside working on protecting the fruit and nut trees from deer, prepping the garden for winter, fencing, etc. I'm just crocheting and knitting and counting down the days until my baby comes. He's not due until the end of next month, but if the Braxton hicks and other symptoms are anything to go by, then he'll be making his appearance sooner than that!
DeleteWow, congratulations on your new baby! Such a special time in your must be so excited! I hope you'll let us know when the big day is! Best of luck to you!! 🍼 🎉
DeleteDear Concerned
ReplyDeleteMazel Tov, please don't name him Merlin, Jasper, Gibson or PayPal
LOL! Or Redvanman!
DeleteLol! Thank you! And no, we already have his name picked out, and it is nothing I've seen named on that "farm". I won't write it here because I don't want someone getting ideas and naming something that before my baby is born, and then insinuating I'm their biggest fan and went out of my way to name my baby after one of their animals...
DeleteShe has twenty new followers in the last few hours. How'd that happen?
ReplyDeleteShe's been stalking a person with 187K followers. Perhaps she picked up some crumbs.
DeleteIt's called buying followers. JFW has done it before to look like she's more popular. Once again, it's her manipulative marketing to get new donators.
DeleteAnd fall is also my favorite time of year. I look forward to the foliage, cooler weather, and even Halloween. I bought a bag of fresh candy corn yesterday, too. But it didn't last long. Once my husband discovered where I'd hid it...
How can you tell she is buying followers?
DeleteAnon 1:26 - No one can know for sure, but it's a common thing for account holders to purchase foollowers for pretty cheap. And a lot of fake people do this.
DeletePersonally, my gut instinct tells me they are purchased. (Because) I tend to glance at her numbers each time I peruse her Twitter. And most of the time, the numbers go up and down in the single digits. A few lost, a few gained. But every once in a while, she gets a big surge that's hard to explain. But then, consider Occam's Razor. Did she just magically happen to write something so amazing that appealed to a bunch of people who all suddenly wanted to follow her? Or did she just buy them?
I second what you said. It's just an educated guess since her numbers go up and down more frequently than a scale. So I strongly suspect that more than a few followers were bought by her to appear like a popular person.
DeleteHow exciting!! Best wishes for smooth delivery!
ReplyDelete:) Thank you! I'm hoping this delivery will be as easy as the last one was! Last one I was in labor for a few hours, water broke, then pushed for five minutes and had a healthy 9 pound 5 ounce baby. Wasn't the biggest baby born that morning, but was the fastest!
DeleteConcerned Homesteader, we are birthing twins almost. My first (and only) labor was brought about by my bag being broken on accident. After being induced, I only suffered thru 2 hours of labor and pushed less than ten minutes for a little 5 pound 5 ouncer who was born one month early. And then I later heard stories about women who go thru 20-30 hours of labor and loads more pain. How do they do it? My hat is off to all of those women. I can't even imagine. And I admire any woman who goes thru thru the birthing process more than once. Cuz that's really something!
DeleteHappy Fall! Our September-October weather this year is ranging in 70s-low 80s, with cool evenings. It's beautiful outside, terrific for hiking, riding horses and generally enjoying nature. We definitely need more rain though!
ReplyDeleteAt our farm, we schedule big projects before weather turns cold, and so far we've completed barn repairs, cut down trees and replaced about 900 feet of fencing. The summer veggie garden is slowing down, although fall crops like pal choi, kale and Swiss chard are loving the cooler temps. I haven't yet prepped gardens for winter.
You know, every fall, I play the game of trying to keep container plants around as long as possible. I cover them at every hint of frost, figuring bees need any flower they can get. Most flowers don't do well inside, with exception of hanging geraniums, begonias, lemon grass, lemon verbena, rosemary and coleus. I love torenia and mandevilla but can't seem to successfully keep them inside!
Our local farmers have completed most of harvests; I belong to a CSA for extra vegetables, buy properly raised pork and chicken from a nearby farmer and have several orchards nearby. The farmers who succeed (even with small acerage) diversify.
Out local orchard no longer have cows, but they now raise many types of organic veggies (greenhouse grown) and supply restaurants and homes. They offer fruits most of the year, right now six varieties of apples, fresh cider, baked goods and sauces. They improved a scenic portion of their farm and rent it for weddings, parties and business functions. Several times a year, they create a farm-to-table event as a fundraiser.
Living in New England in early fall really is splendid. Weather is cooler, humidity almost non-existent, leaves are turning brilliant colors and until the leaves fall, work is somewhat reduced for we prepped during longer summer days.
Enjoy the weather wherever you are!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete*pak choi. Auto correct doesn't know its vegetables!
DeleteSounds lovely PDD!
DeleteWow, your Fall season activities sound just divine, Poods. And your lifestyle so idyllic! The farm-to-table event sounds awesome. Gotta admit, even Pember Patty's Instagram entries have me envious for those farm fresh foods like eggplant, cheese, and that fresh tomato, beet and cucumber photo...I had to restrain myself from licking my computer screen.
DeleteI also really enjoy reading about all you guys here who live in states that are northern, mid-west and east coast. You guys actually get real seasons -- although you can keep your humidity -- while here it was freakin' 90˚ today with temps dipping down to 80˚ later this week, if we're lucky. We also don't get the fireworks-like tree colors you all have. But hey, we have the, never mind.
Anon7, beautiful and often, but not always, idyllic on a farm. Animal care is 24/7, cleaning paddocks, disinfecting stalls, moving muck, tending gardens and UGH battling stink bugs that want to overwinter inside. We work a lot on the property.
DeleteLol, unlike FFF, I'm not often lying in a hammock, pounding back drinks while animal needs go unmet. Even the Cowboys of the Wild West knew to first look after their animals!
Can someone explain her book stuff to me? She's always talking about "book proposals" and "sample chapters" to submit to her agent. So am I understanding this right? She HASN'T actually written the books - not the falcon book, not the horse book, not the most recent memoir - she has only written proposals for them? So when she says that her agent is "shopping around" her book, what she means is that she has a book proposals with two sample chapters that her agent is pitching to publishing companies. And then if a publishing company bites and wants to buy the book, she then gets an advance to finish the book. Do I have this right?
ReplyDeleteYes, that's pretty much how it works for nonfiction. For novels you need to have a completed manuscript, but for nonfiction you do a proposal and chapters.
DeleteFrom what I understand from recent posts of hers, she made mention earlier in the summer of having a book proposal ready to send to her agent. Now she's talking sample chapters and at first I thought that meant correcting whatever she sent in that the agent sent back for corrections. But now it looks like she's just very behind on getting the proposal in. Of course she is...cuz she did nothing but play all summer.
DeleteBut one thing's for sure: She frequently mentions book deals and book proposals to keep all her foollowers tEthERed TO hEr PoTEnTiaL so they'll keep sending her donations.
Generally authors start with a pitch letter, getting the agent interested in the manuscript (this might be a phone discussion if you are on good terms and close to your agent). If you already have an agent, you get a green light on that from your agent and YOUR AGENT submits the pitch/sample chapters to publishers, attempting to secure a book contract and an advance. Once THEY'VE greenlighted it and given you your advance, you generally have a deadline you have to work towards for publication. You submit, and editing comes. You make or at least review the edits and resubmit. This can go on several times. Once the manuscript is the best it will be, it gets the final OK from the publisher and it goes to press. At this point you're expected to run around making appearances to promote the book. You generally don't make anything the first two or three years your book is out, as your money goes towards paying back the advance. But at a certain point, once that's happened, you get a small check from your publisher each quarter. Jenna doesn't talk about this, but she is still making some amount of money from her published books. How much? It depends on how many people are still buying her book. Could be four bucks a title, could be $100, but probably not more than that.
DeleteDid I imagine her twitter bio at one time stating outright that she was either gay or queer.... but that now it doesn't? Still has the rainbow flag in it... but lots of straight people use that as a show of solidarity and a welcoming community. She also posted a couple bi-sexual retweets this week... wondering if there is a male financial benefactor she's trying to lure in....
ReplyDeleteMy reply directing below was meant for you -- Sowry, I forgot to hit "reply"
DeleteOoooh, good catch! Yes, it once stated queer, then gay, and now anything goes! 😜
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that the "queer" was to test the waters, and when she received encouragement, she turned the faucet on full blast with "gay" but then went on a few dates and probably realized that she'd have to dive (😏), so she backed off and is now a bi, err, begsexual rather. In that she'll date whomever the hell will will put up with her shit and pay her bills.
When she's unsuccessful dating men, she changes her preference to women.
DeleteNow by her own admission she hasn't had any success with women.
When will she realize that no one wants an animal abusing scammer as a partner?
Totally off-topic, so I apologize, but I just wanted to explain a few weird typos that I just made. I'm dyslexic and also have dyscalculia, so I make it a point to re-read my entires for clarity before submitting them. And then I re-read them again, after I post, to find anything that I missed so I can delete it if necessary, just so I don't confuse anyone with goofy wording.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I just found that I wrote, "thru thru" and "will will" in two different posts on accident. I have no excuse to offer. My mind just does weird stuff like that. I'm also a serial abuser of the comma. And I refuse to place a period or any exclamation point within quotation marks. It just feels wrong. But hey, I've never purposely shocked a pig. Or added water for spite. Nor have I allowed a chicken to freeze and die in a driveway. So there's that.
I would never guess as your writing and comments are always well thought out and well written.
DeleteI find this pic of her face and expression sorta scary. Seriously, she looks psycho.
ReplyDeleteForgot link:
DeleteAt least she's not covered in makeup. Maybe her femme phase is over.
It reminds me of a Kathy Bates character.
DeleteAnon7, you are right. She will date whoever has the most money. Begsexual!
ReplyDeleteI know someone who will probably be very envious of Chris and/or will re-double efforts to suck up to him.
I wonder if he realizes how much of a flake she is yet? At least she unpinned the link to his article on her Twitter. Unless she has put it back again by now. I'm guessing she took it down when she received the NYSDEC warning.
DeleteIsn't he the "Born to Run" author who lives in Pennsylvania for whom Jenna did the BuffaDonk painting on the side of his barn? Maybe they'll put her in the story too.
ReplyDeleteI'd call it "Born to be Bamboozled." He seems to have not done due diligence on the FFF, or maybe he doesn't care about her rotten reputation.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"If I ever make it big I'm going to invest in some seriously comfy blankets. Please recommend your comfiest blankets! I need some inspo, baby!"
Of course, she could look online for reviews and find her own. What she really wants is for someone stupid to send her a new cashmere blanket. She'll probably "find one at her dump" soon in mint condition. Or maybe it'll be another "SURPRISE SWEATSHIRT!!!" "gift." Her condescending "baby" and "darlin'" are way overused. Dream on about "making it big" with crappy content and daily begging to support herself.
Yep. She wants someone to send her a blanket.
DeleteBecause only someone who has made it big can afford a comfy blanket.
And in order to recommend a comfy blanket, you must own a comfy blanket, ergo, you have made it big.
And if you have made it big, you must share with wealth.
Unreal. She has zero shame.
DeleteSeeing how she's a homesteader and all, she should sew a big ol' comfy patchwork quilt!
DeleteAnon, WH & PDD. Yep, normal adults can't afford comfy blankets earned with the money they've made. It's only those who have "made it big." Having a sense of shame is for those who have a conscience. Why would she sew anything when one of her dumb enablers will probably send her a quilt?
DeleteShe ain't gonna make it big. The only big is the big house when her ass is finally in jail.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about anyone else on here but I am WORRIED beyond worried in fact that dear little Jenna has NOT been out right begging as usual and it is 4 days left in the month! Something is terribly wrong if you ask me. No man in red van, no creepy guy at the laundry, no scary letters in the mail, no chipped tooth, no old lady wanting $10,000.00 to fix her car. What is going on? My world is turned upside down.
ReplyDeleteIt'll happen soon. She could be concerned about donor fatigue with her followers. Cue moaning, morning tweet or bleg: 10, 9, 8, 7...
DeleteJenna's friend getting the Netflix deal may have thrown her over the edge. Most of her friends have been experiencing some major success lately.
DeleteSOTM, exactly. I think she's struggling to find the next "thing" to hoodwink $$$ out of people.
DeleteShe's tried straight, queer, gay, bi, undefined. She's stalked celebrities left and right. She's been Christian, Buddhist, heathen and pagan (I think).
She was an obnoxious vegan and now She's an obnoxious omnivore who gleefully hurts and eats animals. ("Take THAT, all you sissies with a conscience for animals!")
She's been feral/badass (archer, shooter, martial artist) who's laughingly never succeeded at hunting and is seemingly TERRIFIED of everyone and everything in her rural town.
So, hmmm, what shall she pick??
I think she'll double down on falconry, but without the pretense of doing it to "help" the birds. We know that narrative was always 💩 💩 💩. She's too self-centered to care about wildlife. It was always about her wanting to look cool, be cool, and know something no one else cares much about. Also, she wanted to generate a book deal and lots of $$$. She thought falconry ("This girl plays with sharp objects.") would be the golden ticket. With Chris' story about running with a donkey getting media play, she must be secretly pissed!
Why do I think this?
First, she removed the link to Chris' fawning (but wildly inaccurate) NYT article about her falconry: you remember, the tall tale of how she keeps falcons captive to save them? The lie that she safely releases them each Spring?
Either NYSDEC thought it was too-self serving (doubtful), Chris asked her to take it down (doubtful), or she removed it because she's ticked at Chris or is changing her narrative.
I'm going for changing her narrative.
She's been hunting another bird for weeks (great way to waste time for a broke loser), and she's been posting AMA questions about falconry on her IG account.
Her 'live like fiction' needs more stories and new raptors will do the job! Right now, she depends on two old horses and riding on someone else's property (the mountain). She barely posts about farm animals, can't even keep her chickens laying eggs (if they are even still alive) and surely cannot sell meat shares locally since people have figured out that bad living = bad meat.
Her life is dull and the opposite of feral and/or exciting. Only massively enabling readers (and Twitter drop ins) are likely to send her money. Posting about personal angst, insecurity and stress gets old after awhile. Donor fatigue follows.
Thoughts on my theory?
Fantastic observations and theory. It really is curious why she un-pinned that article and made no mention of why. That's her claim to semi-fame. Something she wouldn't have taken down unless told to. Agreed.
DeleteThings she hasn't tried: $cientology, water aerobics, speed walking, taxidermy, bookbinding. Heck, she could even message Instagram influencer models to offer her Photoshop skills for cheap. But taxidermy is her best bet...she can get started with all the dead animals on her property.
Oh, and coxswain. That's wannabe hipster-y, and it's a big thing in New England yes? She can hit up all the rowing Twitterers next, as they no doubt have the money she wants.
DeleteWait Wait....she did try taxidermy!....sort of. I don't know if she actually tried but she was going to and I believe she bought the tools. Some guy wanted to buy her first attempt.
DeleteI can't find the post....anybody remember this.
DeleteWhat's weird is that she doesn't have a new pinned tweet. Mostly everyone on Twitter highlights one, but not the FFF lately. Wait for it. She'll read here and then do it. I think that she was told to take it down. Otherwise, she wouldn't have done it on her own.
DeleteTwit Shit:
"I spent much of tonight stuffed on pizza listening to fiddle, mandolin, and guitar at a bonfire. It was good. Didn't take pictures. Trust me, guys. Good."
If it was so double "good," then why would she need to convince her followers, or even take time to tweet about it?
My husband and I are leaving (leafing) on a fall foliage weekend soon. I hope that yours is good, too.
December 2014
Delete"A rabbit was a meal for me, a meal for the hawk, and a long-awaited first taxidermy project. I had been researching that skill for a while now and decided the first small mammal I took in good condition would be my first project. All the references I looked into said it was better to start with squirrels but oh well, I find it is best to just start. And start I shall."
"I wonder if taxidermy is a skill worth learning for extra income?"
Now, whether or not she actually tried it, I'm not sure.
Thanks for finding this!
DeleteYes, I agree with you. She's probably working furiously on her own book to pitch.
ReplyDeleteChris McDougall is apparently coming to pitch his new book at the Argyle Brewery in Cambridge, Jenna's town on November 3, 1-3 pm. Maybe the book is good. Locals should check it out. (Maybe she'll bring the hawk and try to steal the attention!)
He has an events schedule on his webpage.
hey that is Jenna's town and Jenna's bar how dare someone else come in there an take up all the air in the room.
DeleteWhile FFF was querying social media on what movies to watch, Merlin and Mabel escaped her crappy fencing and ran off the property. Unfortunately (using a bucket of grain in hand), she recaptured them. If there was an accident with those horses loose on the road, there's no beg-a-thon big enough to save her.
ReplyDeleteI cannot comprehend those horses willfully escaping any place unless there was not enough feed, and the feed they have makes it so they can climb over the fences. I took care of horses for many years. I take care of my own livestock. I know what I am talking about. I feel for these poor horses.
DeleteCorrection: Merlin escaped first, then Mabel. FFF Couldn't resist posting a video of Merlin outside the fence, in the rain, with her jocular fake concerned voice..."oh pony, what are you doing out HERE?..."
DeleteHere's a thought: instead of frittering time away, perhaps she could fix the fcuking fencing! You know, like a real farmer?
And you are right DM, horses generally don't leave their home surroundings if there's plenty to eat. But we can see her fields are overgrazed, likely manure-ridden, and horses prefer eating uncontaminated food. Likely the only reason her horses are willing to go to the top of her neighbor's property is because she lets them eat clean, green grass (his grass).
DeleteWait, what? They escaped? There's nothing about this on Twitter, IG or the bleg. Did she delete it?
DeleteAnon7, IG story. Now missing.
DeleteSend pets, songs, funny clips, etc and thank you.
ReplyDeletePS Etc is defined as FUCKIN MONEY, now send it
Yup, even without the "etc" you just know she meant 🐩 💰 only, bitches!
DeleteShe received 88 replies from strangers who just wanted to show off their pets. (And not a single reply from a coveted blue-check account. Womp womp.) But Jenna doesn't want pics of cuddly cats, people. She wants money AND also wants those 88 to pay more attention to her logo, art and soap sale re-tweets next time. Which is tomorrow.
And hey, was the Argyle Brewery throwing shade at her? They sent pic of several stacked firewood cords...knowing that she only has one. What's up with that?
Anon7, the Argyle Brewing Company photo was unusual. It showed stacked firewood in a semi-decrepit barn.
DeleteIs it her stacked firewood? In her barn? Did they stack the firewood for FFF because her feral hands don't do maintenance chores? Did someone move the firewood into her unused barn?
Are they promising her free firewood? You know, slung luck after her publicly begging?
Or are they trolling? Here you go, something to cheer you up...firewood that others have.
And speaking of firewood, I know if I begged and worried about firewood to keep my hovel warm in the winter...and happily bought a cord of it...I'd certainly waste wood having a bonfire on a warm fall evening.
Maybe she didn't waste her firewood. Perhaps she stoked the mystery Friday night bonfire with undelivered copies of Birchthorn books and untouchable scamuscripts.
Where is this pic of firewood? Link please.
DeleteSo...the Pig Shocker is making bacon werewolf soap now? Just gross. And probably filled with dog hair as well. I mean, if Patty can manage to get dog hair in her freshly prepared butter (See her Instagram -- pic #2) then you know the hairs flying around PS's home will no doubt get into the soap. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI hope that's a dog hair...or shadow of a break in the butter. Otherwise, oh myyyy.
DeleteAlso, couldn't help but notice on Twitter...her Photoshop skills are, uh, on fleek!
ReplyDeleteTwitter waddles: "I spent most of today driving on dirt roads looking for small falcons and hawks and throwing traps out of windows in hopes of making a wild animal my roommate and then we watched Devil Wears Prada and sipped spiked rootbeer.
ReplyDeleteBeing an adult is whatever you want it to be."
1) She's getting another hawk? 2 hawks sound like a lot of time and I can't imagine it's cheap to feed them.
2) That sounds like a lot of time she could use to work a PT job at Stewart's.
"Being an adult is whatever makes me a lazy loser." She wants to name the next victim Anna Wintour, too. What an attention whore.
Delete"Being an adult means unemployment, self indulgence, day drinking, begging on the internet and lying on my fat ass binging on movie reruns" said no one ever.
She tweeted about self-awareness? Uh....people in glass houses and all....
ReplyDeleteI know that's hilarious! She's the least self-aware person out there.
DeleteShe's always been a huge hypocrite, and this stupid tweet proves it.
DeleteTwit Shit:
Delete"Self Awareness: Try it, we'll like it!"
And as of this moment, almost a day later, she still doesn't have any responses. Not even a lone "like" from a dumb enabler. She also forgot the hyphen between Self and Awareness. A "real righter" would know how to properly spell.
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm, this beautiful bird, and hope for luck, prosperity, and mailing that mortgage check this week ASAP!"
She must mention "mailing that mortgage check this week ASAP!" to tell her PayPal poodles not to delay donations. I find it funny how it's "that" not "my." It's subtle but it implies that it's not her responsibility. JFW is a master at marketing manipulation.
Autumn is my favorite season, and I live in an area where it shows all of it's glories--when it is in the mood. I fear this year of overly hot days and lack of rain that it's going to be less than perfect. Still, I will enjoy it as I find it. Heavy clay mugs that come from these noble hills with apples passed through a functioning press from 1910. The crackle of the fire, and the promise of warmth in snow, and the crisp fruity bounty of the golden bough. Oh wait. I lost my thought thread.
ReplyDeleteYeah. Lots of raking, lots of acorns. I saw a male deer with a twelve point rack out eating in a neighbor's yard. They usually stay hidden in the city woods while the females and their young come into the neighborhoods. I have a nice pile of doo to clean up tomorrow before I cut the grass.
This weekend I will make up a recipe I found in the NY Times called "Cinnamon Apple Quick Bread with Apple Cider Glaze."
Hi Anon 7:57 - Yes, our Oak tree has dropped more acorns this year than I've seen in many seasons past. They say it's a sign of a hard winter to come!
DeleteI also think that this past drier summer will affect the autumn colors, sigh.
Enjoy your quick bread, it sounds delicious :)
That all sounds really lovely...thank you for sharing! 👍
DeleteI was curious after reading JW's current excited thread about T Swift's "bury the hatchet" saying so I googled part of it and found it earlier from a book published in 2013 by Kyle Taft ("Confess to Stress: A Christian Teacher's Approach to Defeating Stress").
ReplyDelete"We go as far as to bury the hatchet, but before we leave the graveyard, we draw a detailed map with directions on how to find it!"
This predates T Swift's song, which was released in 2017. And this thought/saying probably existed even before that in some form.
I feel like that whole tweet belongs in r/thathappened. She did not have that exchange. No 65 year old dairy farmer said "bitch gets deep..." (and if they DID, their use of the word "bitch" would not come off as cutesy as she is implying). Jenna is, as usual, making things up in an attempt to sound funny.
DeleteYes. And the 'dive bar' (if it exists) is the same bar, Argyle Brewing Company, that she haunts.
DeleteShe does the same thing with Pember Patty, uses her multiple ways to make it seem like she's multiple people. Depending on fake narrative FFF is trying to create, Patty (+/husband) may be:
Local farmer
Older friend
Livingstone Farm
Older couple
People I know
Nah, she never reads here:
Delete"*this is a paraphrased convo I remembered from 2017, not dialogue from last night*"
She tweeted this response today. I'm sure that it was after reading what we wrote. JFW has done this many times on Twitter. I've made many punctuation and spelling corrections, and then she's edited her tweets in response. Sometimes, it's within minutes of my making them. So I know that her "old Mac" is bookmarked to CAST.
Also in the category of misleading (and stealing really), she almost never puts photo credit or artwork credit in the text of the tweet or Instagram post where she shares it, but will drop it in a comment below. This is essentially NOT giving photo and artwork credit because it requires a click to see the later comments.
DeleteAnon in GA
Lol, Anon 2:52 at r/thathappened -- and everyone clapped! A lot of what she writes would make great fodder for r/quityourbullshit as well. And perhaps r/cringepics too.
DeleteFurther evidence about not giving a shit about her animals:
ReplyDeleteJust letting some person with no experience pull your horse's face around. Yikes. She probably was yanking the horse wherever she wanted to go. *face palm*
My pet peeve is people, like FFF, who misuse nylon "rope halters".
DeleteThese halters are made of unbreakable nylon. They are very cheap and unbreakable. They are used in "natural horsemanship training", where the trainer attaches a rope to the nylon halter and controls the horse. There isn't even supposed to be a clip that attaches to the halter. The reason? The knots on the halter hit horse pressure points/nerve and transmit a stinging sensation if used incorrectly. Leaving the rope halter on - or worse attaching it to an object - is even more ignorant. If the halter catches or gets hung up, it won't break, but instead acts like a knife and can cause serious damage to a horse's head/neck.
I won't post any links, but for brave souls, Google "accidents with nylon horse halters" or equivalent.
Horse trainers who actually know something use leather or breakaway halters - or attend to their horses - for a reason. It's called SAFETY.
Yet again, FFF shows her ignorance.
Yeah that pic made me cringe as well. And she's been doing it all summer. No wonder Mabel looks pissed...
DeleteI hate how she is holding the reins too. Jeez at least put someone on her that knows how to ride. It's a matter of time before Natalia gets bucked off and with no helmet, she's gonna be in a world of hurt. Jenna will be held liable ; she needs to have her sign something so she doesn't get her ass sued. Of course, the thought never crossed Jenna's mind.
DeleteCan someone explain to someone who's only been on a horse once, for about 20 minutes when they were 14, exactly what is wrong with the rein holding? The Pig Shocker posted another pic of the same chick holding the reins awkwardly but I don't understand what was going on in either photo.
DeleteAnon7 The normal way to hold the reins is with the part of the rein connected to the bit, entering the hand under the little finger, with the excess rein exiting the hand between the thumb and forefinger. That gives you much more finesse in handling the reins and sending messages to the horse because you can slightly turn the hands or loosen the fingers to apply or release pressure in a much subtler way. Google pictures of people riding english and you will see what I mean.
DeleteThe rider is "plow reining" the horse, which is exactly how it sounds - gripping each rein in a fist and essentially pulling the horse in the direction she wants it to go. It's a very forceful and "clunky" way to control a horse, and puts a ton of pressure on the mouth. Both painful and irritating. English riding holds the reins the way Karen described above, western riding holds both reins in one hand and a well-trained horse responds to the feel of the reins touching their neck, no force necessary.
DeleteNo blog post in a while. I wonder if there is a Cold Antler Farm any longer. It is the first of the next month, after which a mortgage payment was due. Hmmmm ... I sense a guy in a red truck taking pictures, lol
ReplyDeleteand voila! a blog post. I wish we could manipulate her into taking care of her animals, telling the truth, and actually working through this blog.
DeleteAnon in GA
❝ I didn't make a mortgage payment for the last month... ❞
Delete🙄 Gee, wonder why? Could it be because of this?
❝ I'm spending any free time I have to myself out trapping, looking for a kestrel... ❞
Clearly her priority is not the mortgage payment, as that's the responsibility of her stingy poodles. So does this mean she missed the September payment? I always thought the end of the month payment was in advance of the upcoming month. And isn't she already behind with August? Agreed, the red van man will be paying a visit. 🚗 📸
The twat on twitter:
ReplyDeleteI would give anything to not feel this sad tonight
Me thinks she is setting the table for another major beg. Is she really sad or just casting her line so people will feel sorry for her and donate.
She always seems to cry the crocodile tears when mortgage is due. Anxiety will be mentioned soon. I'm getting popcorn.
🍿 Here ya go! Has anyone seen my violin bow? This is so typical of her. The master manipulator strikes again with a vague woetic tweet moments after retweeting the usual, "Do you want to see me stay on this farm?" bullshit.
DeleteNotice the lack of punctuation...for impact. She's too sad and dejected to finish her sentence! Nor does she elaborate, as she's trying to build intrigue. What could make her so sad? Did the brewery not have her favorite beer on tap? Did she pass by a mirror? And look what day it's October 1st!! Her favorite month of all time. She can be sad any other month, but not this month! That's just not fair!! And forget the thoughts and prayers, as she won't respond anyway. She doesn't want your concern...she wants your dollars.
So in the latest bleg entry from Cold Antler Farm aka Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm -- a farm that should be growing things and housing animals -- here is all she had to say about that:
ReplyDelete❝ And the animals are all doing well. ❞
😒 Seriously, that's it?!? Five paragraphs about horsey rides with a friend, finally having firewood, the missed mortgage, butcher bills, medical bills, everyday debt...and just one measly sentence about her supposed farm animals. Well, I guess that's something considering no one asked.
so what is with the butcher bills? We have seen the pigs they are 2 very small pigs so she isn't butchering them. Does she still owe the butcher from the last lot of mangey meat she sold? She has been really quiet on twitter and her blog for the last few weeks so I figured she was playing way to hard to write anyway we all know the drill just send money or paypal while she is riding horses or having fun at the brewery.
DeleteI seem to recall that the pricing of "half-shares", etc including butchering, wrapping, and so on. So why does she always need to earn up money when it's time to call the butcher?
ReplyDeletesorry, this was meant as a reply to Anon 3:40. my apologies
DeleteI cannot STAND to see how those horses are ridden. Yanking up those reins that are held INCORRECTLY makes me CRINGE. Someone mentioned "direct or plow reining" above...even those reining methods require the correct holding of the reins: Pick up one rein in each hand with your palms facing down towards the horse's withers. Run the rein in between your ring finger and your pinkie finger. Reins are NEVER held like this inexperienced rider does. AAARRRGGGHH
ReplyDeleteThese riders need to be lunged sans reins in order to develop a secure seat and QUIT using the reins to hang onto the horse.
She lit a fire, with her precious/limited firewood, and opened her WINDOWS. Never mind that it's about 60°F out. What a waste.
ReplyDeleteYes, she is!
DeleteWhich tells us all, she doesnt truly need firewood! Ever!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone here mentioned her Instagram and I checked it out. VERY carefully curated pics, and she honestly makes her life look lovely and 'farmy'.
ReplyDeleteI wondered why she doesn't share all those pics on Twitter or her blog, and then answered my own question: she can't beg poor with those pics as they involve a LOT of playing and social time. As much as they would initially garner her new followers, I think people would quickly call foul on seeing all her time spent on hobbies while bemoaning how poor she is and how desperate she is for donations.
I suck at taking social media ready photos, whereas she obviously has a knack for it. instead of applying that talent honestly, it's just another example of an opportunity she is squandering.
Someone should copy the address to her insta on a comment in her twitter.
DeleteOh look, another picture of the wood stove going with the windows open. BUT HOW COULD SHE MAKE IT THROUGH THE WINTER WITHOUT THE FIREWOOD - THIS FARM NEEDS FIREWOOD!
ReplyDeleteFWIW, I am local to her and we have not needed to turn the heat on yet. It's very comfortable in the house with the windows closed. Just another example of her manipulative tactics to get what she wants - not what she needs - without doing anything to earn it.
I have a wood stove as well as a propane heating system in my house. Despite having plenty of wood stacked and enough propane to last the entire season (and then some—I prepaid for it in July when prices were cheapest), my thermostat is set on 60°F and I have yet to light a fire. It's been unseasonably warm here, so why waste the money?
Delete(Additionally, with the amount of CO2 we're collectively pumping into the atmosphere, limiting the use of fossil fuels until absolutely necessary is just a kind thing to do for the planet.)
I live near her too. Heat hasn't been turned on. We've had uneasonably warm temps this September-October, and even though there are 1-2 cooler evenings ahead, the higher daytime temperatures make it doable.
DeleteAnd by-the-by, who in heaven's name operates a wood stove with windows open??? What a waste of resources. Especially for someone who claims to be broke and always short of firewood.
Is she nuts? Oh, yeah, never mind. Don't answer that. She is.
We had record heat yesterday in NY.
DeleteRegarding her twitter pic: what the hell is that near the stove? I thought it was one of her dead cats. Some sort of sheep pelt or wool something. It looks disgusting.
At least there's finally some form of self-awareness. She is right that she is no longer a farmer, but "luckless slinger" would probably be one of the nicest phrases I'd use to describe her current status... Get your purses ready poodles, you need to keep this luckless slinger going!
ReplyDeleteLooks like another night of drinking for the "luckless singer".
DeletePerhaps if she stayed sober, took proper care of her animals and worked during the day instead of screwing off like a 13 yo, she'd find some luck ($$$).
"Really looking forward to the day when straight women stop calling their female friends their "girlfriends".
ReplyDeleteFuck you. I've been doing this for over 50 years and I'm not stopping.
I'll stop when she stops addressing everyone as GUYS
DeletePersonally I like it when straight women use the term "girlfriends" because sometimes that's the only way I know they're straight ;p
DeleteHer obnoxious overuse of "guys" makes her sound like a junior high school student. I'm surprised that she doesn't say "dude."
DeleteUm, why is she labeling women as straight or gay in the first place? Do the aforementioned have tattoos on their foreheads to state that they are gay? Talk about intolerance. How's this one instead "Really looking forward to when grifters stop stealing money from people"
ReplyDeleteI've always found her writing very devisive: urban vs rural, meat eater vs vegitarian, traveler vs home body and now gay vs straight. Of course she always sees her position as morally superior. Ignorant and arrogant she is.
DeleteI'm enjoying fall , we actually had snow last weekend here in the Oregon mountains.
Though we have a 5 year supply of wood split and stacked ( we cut our own on Forest Service and our own land) we sure would'nt waste it burning a fire with all the windows open. My husband and I are 30 years older then the "feral farmer" but aren't afraid of chainsaws or hard work. LOL.
It was near 80 where she is yesterday.
DeleteAnon. 11:17, I agree 100 percent. Don't forget cubicle poodles vs. feral farm types, too. She used to throw a lot of shade at women wearing make-up as well, if I recall. Of course once she does a 180 on something, her negative viewpoint skews the other direction quickly and she's making snide comments about people whose position she agreed with just a few months back. She has no concept of how to not offend others and be tolerant.
DeleteCan't make the mortgage payment, but booze is priority #1!
ReplyDelete"Things are shaky here, and I am still a long way off from making the monthly house payment but I'm trying like hell. I have an afternoon of artwork ahead of me. I have logos to update. If I make a sale I'll spend $5 of it on a mug of cider and listen to the Celtic Music Jam at the brewery. "
Trying like hell??? WTF-ing F??? If she really were 'trying like hell,' she'd be beating the pavement for a job. She's shaky because she's too broke to buy a drink and has the DTs? And thank the stars she's not playing in the Celtic Music Jam again. That was just painful...
DeleteThis new name was too good to waste, so I'm nabbing it for now. It sounds like a character in a cowboy movie. She's brought all of her own misfortune on herself, but is too stubborn and stupid to admit it. JFW has been "gay" for like five minutes, but wants to dictate terms for everyone else. She's always "trying like hell" to make "this farm" not a flop, however, just getting a job won't work for her. It sucks to be an almost forty, lazy lifestyle loser. It's also dumb how she's wasting her precious firewood during warmer weather when she could've gotten it for free around town. And she has the chutzpah to talk about Hygee in the latest bleg. It's another trend to try like heathenism, queerness, archery, or falconry. Apparently, her insane obsession with Taylor Swift is still going strong, too.
ReplyDeleteGreat name! 😆
Delete“I am still a long way off from making the monthly house payment but I'm trying like hell. I have an afternoon of artwork ahead of me. I have logos to update. If I make a sale I'll spend $5 of it on a mug of cider and listen to the Celtic Music Jam at the brewery”
ReplyDeleteThat text was not written by someone who understands what it’s like to be flat broke and worrying about making the mortgage payment or winter prep. She has never truly been broke a day in her life. She’s a liar and a scammer. If you’re truly scrambling to pay your mortgage, every penny counts, you wouldn’t be spending $5 on cider. She’s so full of shit. I can’t believe the twitterverse allows her continue spouting her bs.
I'm often flat broke, and I mean like $5 in my checking account and no savings account. You all here who are better off might say I made "bad choices" the same as CAF, but really, I used to be successful before the economy went to shit (the first time it went to shit) and I became a single mother. Since then, it was survival mode (and still is). She has NO FUCKING IDEA what it is like to have absolutely NO resources at your disposal. I'm the working poor, near retirement (which will never come). She is so privileged she doesn't even realize she is.
DeleteAnon 12:58. Hang in there. You may be surprised by the number of people here who went through tough times and support your fight.
DeleteAlso you are 💯 - she has NO idea what poverty or deprivation is like. She is a privileged educated single woman, frittering time away and somehow conning other people into paying for it.
None of her behavior is what a broke person would do.
Anon 12:58 - You're right. She doesn't know what true hardship is. If she did, she wouldn't blow $5 on booze...she'd put every penny towards the mortgage. I hope things get better for you. I don't know if you use reddit, but they have some very good subreddits that offer great ideas and help.
DeleteThere's this subreddit which is a good place to start and find answers:
Then there's this one, which offers great ideas:
And this one that is more specific:
Redditors are generally very friendly with lots of great advice. And I've seen, quite often, very generous ones who offer to pay for things if you are in a super tight spot. No shame in that.
Also, there's a subreddit where you can borrow from other redditors. It's instant and you can choose when you can pay them back:
Let me know if you have any questions about this.
Luckless? Who the hell is she fooling? She's had over ten years of luck slung at her. Winning contests, getting 15 grand for a crappy fan fiction story, gofundmes and indegogos and Kiva loans for toys and playing... sheesh. I about had a stroke when I read that.
ReplyDeleteTen years of other people paying her way. I'd call that pretty freaking lucky, if you ask me.
Perhaps she's hinting that her luck has finally run out? Can't really see her foollowers buying her another truck, used or otherwise.
DeleteI am constantly shaking my head at how she claims to be working hard at drumming up sales. All she does is re-post her pitches for logo, soap, and drawing and wait for her followers to forward them to their followers to catch a few newbies. So maybe she changes a word or two every once in a while. That is not work.
ReplyDeleteFor Anon 12:58: Keep plugging away. Anything you can do now will pay off later. Best wishes from someone who's right there with you. I just retired from full-time but will have to work part-time for many years.
Yep...repeatedly hitting the re-tweet button does not equate to a normal work day. Nor is feeding a few animals twice a day considered farming.
DeleteMerlin escaped again. Second time in a little over a week.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is wrong with her!
Is it true that horses only try to escape if they are hungry and there is not ample feed?
DeleteYes Anon7. Horses don't generally go on walkabout unless looking for feed, or the fences are so low, that they can walk under them. Since Jenna likes to feed hay in the same place for years on end, it builds up, so that basically, it is a mounting block to climb over the fence.
DeleteOops, should be OVER them.
DeletePoor real shelter...not enough food. Yet she expects them to carry her and her enablers up and down mountains.
DeleteInstagram stories, this morning: “Pray for Taylor. Bad diagnosis at the mechanic. Body and frame starting to rust out. May need to let her go and the only thing sadder is losing a dog. Seeing if welding friends can do triage”.
ReplyDeleteSounds like we're setting the stage for a beg-athon!
DeleteIf memory serves....that heap of crap was used as a salt truck and was rusting when her enablers bought it.
DeleteAll that's wrong with the world, with children kept in cages, real farms going under, people addicted to opioids, bear cubs being hunted inside their dens...and we're supposed to pray for a TRUCK?
DeleteWhat an entitled sell-absorbed bitch.
When all else fails, and your dumb enablers have donor fatigue, trot out a tried & true tale of woe. Her teeth or truck usually are a cash combo for a few bucks. Hey, she's late again for her mortgage money so this sob story is right on target.
DeleteI can't see the story now on either Instagram or Twitter. It looks like little Ms. "I never read critical comments" deleted it per our outrage here. It was probably a bunch of bull anyways.
DeleteAnon, it's an IG story. Need to click on the circle around her smug face.
DeleteThanks! I don't have an Instagram account so it won't work. It looks like you have to join to see stories.
DeleteGood catch, Maisie! Yes, you can only read the Instagram stories if you have an account and are logged in. Wonder why she didn't post about this on Twitter, the bleg or even in a regular IG post? It's almost like she's trying to hide it. Maybe testing the waters or something.
DeleteI remember reading something on reddit from people who live where it snows...something about salt on the roads and needing to have the under-carriage of your automobile treated once a year? Is this true? If so, I'm guessing she didn't fork out the bucks for that kind of routine maintenance.
I lived in Western MA for four years, and every year around this time I'd get the undercarriage of my little Mazda GLC treated because the salt on the roads was so corrosive over the six months (or so it seemed) of winter.
Delete"Really looking forward to the day when straight women stop calling their female friends their "girlfriends".
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm really looking forward to the day when JFW gets a job and stops begging people to pay for her lazy lifestyle.
I won't hold my breath though.
Her constant gatekeeping on Twitter is for attention. She's hoping that her random statements will rein in new foollowers. She's also trying to be quirky, but manages to look petty instead. She reminds me of this chick I once dated who, while driving, asked me to stop saying "straight" when giving directions. She wanted me to say "forward" instead. 🙄
DeleteThe Pig Shocker posted a supposedly new pic of pigs on her Instagram. Wonder if it's an old pic? Anyway, someone commented:
ReplyDelete❝ Question for ya, think you'll ever do more YouTube videos or is that just not a part of your life anymore. ❞
Betcha' she won't answer that. I mean, what would be there for her to videotape? There are hardly any animals, now she's not gardening or growing food, and there's no more wool to mess around with. And even if she did have any of those things, she's exhausted every conceivable way to monetize them. Plus, making video tutorials requires actual work...and leaving her living room to go outside.
As of today, she still hasn't answered that person's question.
DeleteI don't know which is worse, either her usage of either "guys" or "baby." It sounds like she's still drunk from her "$5 cider," too. I'll bet that it was more than a mug. She's also copying Lady Gaga with "beautiful monsters." Again, she's a compilation of pop culture sayings, and nothing original at all. Her fake motivational "inspo" tweets are stupid and superficial.
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm you beautiful monsters! Let's light our fires, gallop our horses, catch our falcons out of the sky!"
Or nap. Napping is pretty great, too. It's your life, baby. Roar or nap accordingly."
It's "either her usage of..." I did a double on the word. Clearly, I need my morning cup of coffee.
DeleteDefinitely still drunk, as the night before she says she drank a bottle of wine.
DeleteFrom Twitter:
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich Retweeted Ginny Reese
When I hear girlfriend I assume a lady means lover/partner. When I hear "girlfriends" I assume she means a collection of gal friends, but I still cringe. It feels like my sincere hope for a partner is slung around as pet name. Like if I called my dog "hubby!"
harmless but...ew.Jenna Woginrich added,
Ginny Reese
Replying to @coldantlerfarm
As a straight woman I never once considered this to be problematic. I can understand the problem with “girlfriend” but not the plural. If you don’t mind answering, would you please tell me what I’m missing?
For being queer, Jenna is SO heteronormative. You are describing friends who are girls, there doesn't HAVE to be a sexual or romantic implication. Her thinking around these terms is so rigid and outdated - grow the fuck up!
I'm applauding your comment! It's obnoxious how whenever she changes trends JFW becomes an authority on the topic. She acts like the language police in determining how something is said. I'm married to a man but bisexual, and will call my "gal pals" girlfriends until the end.
DeleteTwit tweeted "When I hear girlfriend I assume a lady means lover/partner."
DeleteFunny, when I hear "Lady", I assume a person means a woman with title of nobility, or the wife of a lord, a baronet, laird, or a knight.
It feels like my Lady friends are slung around as a pet name for online poseurs.
Knock it off. Sh** works both ways!
Agree with all above.
DeleteAs a heterosexual female, I will always say girlfriend or girlfriends for my gal pals.
JFW, don't assume they're speaking romantically. it's all in your perception - not anyone else's problem.
Pretty sure we've seen the Pig Shocker refer to Gibson as her hubby or man -- Merlin as well -- she once blegged she went on a date with a British fellow who turned out to be the horse.
DeleteIt's also just SO entitled: "*I* don't have a girlfriend so none of you are allowed to use the word!" That's like beyond gatekeeping, that's just wanting people to alter their language so she doesn't feel bad.
DeleteOr she's trying to start a Twitter conversation that goes viral so she can attract new eyes to her account, gain more foollowers.
DeleteSo...what is going on with her soaps these days? While they never looked stupendous, they didn't totally look terrible...until now.
ReplyDeleteHere's a pic of how they used to look (darker, nicer color, smoother etc):
Then today, a foollower posted a pic of ones she just bought:
The quality doesn't look the same, the color is stark, ugly, there are holes, it doesn't look rich or lux at all. It looks coarse and brittle. And she wants $5-6 a bar for this shizz? If she was using melt-n-pour before, then what is she using to make this nastiness?
If melt and pour is too hot the texture gets weird. Too much time in the microwave.
DeleteThese are available by multiple vendors on etsy' . She probably buys and resells. This would result in a bit of wear and tear
DeleteFakefarmer, you are right! I saw goat-shaped soaps (same mold) as well as same type of "Handmade" soaps. I didn't waste time looking for Celtic knot,soaps, but see Etsy offers penis-shaped soaps, including her stolen-joke of offering dicks-in-a-bag.
DeleteHow unfortunate for her that video clips can't be easily Photoshopped. 😏
ReplyDelete"If I make a sale I'll spend $5 of it on a mug of cider and listen to the Celtic Music Jam at the brewery”
ReplyDeleteThis is so manipulative. The impression she is giving is that she is working so hard and she will only allow herself a little frugal treat if she makes her sales goal. Which is to encourage people to just pitch in five bucks (or more) as an atta girl. If she can't convince a few people to give her $100, maybe she can convince a lot of people to throw $5 her way.
That's so true. Her "frugal little treat" happens all of the time. Whether or not she's made a "sales goal." It's like I've said before here, she's a master at manipulative marketing. And also trying to falsely portray her image as "a scrappy, hardworking gal living alone on the side of a mountain!" What a bunch of bull.
DeleteI think these dollar amounts are subliminal suggestions. They must work because she's been using them for years.
DeleteSo, did the mortgage get paid?
ReplyDeleteWho cares? Bitch can live under a bridge for all I care.
DeleteI say who cares too. She probably lies about it anyway. She may be caught up, she may be behind but I don't believe anything she says.
DeleteShe definitely said she missed the September payment. And I'm pretty sure she was also behind in August as well. Being on that farm must not be very important to her if she's not willing to get a real job in order to keep it.
DeleteIt may or may not be true that she is behind. Who knows? I'll never forget when she received the $15,000 from Kickstarter. She said the farm was "saved". Three months later she was whining about being behind in the mortgage. She lies so much you can't believe anything she says.
DeleteOK, so IF she is telling the truth -- and that's a big "if" -- she's behind two months now. Just checked this blog and in early September she stated that she didn't make August. And earlier this month she said she didn't make Sept either.
DeleteOr maybe she did, and as others have suggested, she's just begging for play money. But in a tweet today she claimed she became "dead-ass scary broke" so things are getting interesting over at Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.
Probably all lies. If I was her parent I'd pay the mortgage to keep her out of my basement. But I'm sure the scrappy homesteader wouldn't admit that.
DeleteSome fresh new begs today by the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️on Twitter:
ReplyDelete❝ Trying to make one sale today to be safer going into Monday. ❞
❝ This is a really crucial time to support this farm if that is something you are inclined to do. ❞
❝ This farm makes it on sales like this - handmade goatsmilk soaps, meat shares for next season, pet portraits and logos too! ❞
And then on the bleg she posted that tired "Help and subscribe - I'm just like NPR" bullshit. She also posted about how the fencing was down and the pigs got out. Again. But this time she made a point to say how she went out of her way to make things comfortable for them instead of zapping their noses. Riiiight.
This is a really crucial time to support this bullshit
ReplyDeleteI'm a grown woman who posts DAILY begs to pay for my grandiose life of delusional farming
Like NPR I'll always be here ready to accept your money, pay pal me now so I can have more fun and not have to "worry"!!!!
That, in a nutshell, is exactly why so many of us are interested in her story. It's simply unbelievable that a grown woman would behave this way.
DeleteTwo logo sales today, and she'll go to the movies. How about saving those dollars for the next mortgage payment? Or firewood? Or hay? instead of begging for help with those necessities later?
ReplyDeleteNo, instead just let your enablers see how valuable their hard-earned cash can enjoy a first run movie and a night out because they spend the day in a cubicle.
I just don't understand why she refuses to see what bad optics it is to beg for money and then mention booze drinking and movies. Is she really that daft?
DeleteEven if Jenna loses her house and "farm", I bet Patty would let her (the horses & the dogs) move in and mooch off of her forever. She'd be able to still do her extreme closeup photos and pass it off as Cold Antler "Farm". This isn't ever going to end.
ReplyDeleteI think you're right. If she lost the "farm" she'd eventually make it home to Ma and Pa's basement, but initially she'd have to go Patty's place would be a safe bet. But I don't think it would last long, as the Pig Shocker would certainly wear out her welcome right quick via her laziness.
ReplyDeletebrian gilchrist
Replying to
do you participate in Taste NY and sell your soap through their markets?
Jenna Woginrich
Nope! Not enough inventory, or a reliable vehicle for travel. I make them to order. One step at a time.
brian gilchrist
Most locations don't require a lot of inventory. You can apply to bend at the nearest location. I think people would love them!
Working On My Roar!
Replying to
No pressure but what’s the ETA on my order?
Oops-being called out on some BS today. You can’t post that you are about to take yourself to a new release movie with the money you just begged for, if you are this behind on orders. Glad she is being called out publicly. She can’t block that because she owes the lady some soap!
Also, as a soap maker, I am looking at the recent photos of her soaps and she has to be using melt and pour. Cold process soap is so thick and wholesome, even if you pour it in fancy ornate molds you will not get these air bubbles that appear all over her soaps. The picture someone posted yesterday of soap they bought from her looked terrible.
Lol, I just saw that: "No pressure, but where TF is my soap?" BTW, that was in response to this tweet:
Delete❝ GOAT MILK SOAPS HERE! Trying like mad for a sale today. You reading this right now, saying "What the hell, I like soap." and sending a DM is how I keep the lights on. Be my "What the Hell" today. $6 a bar! ❞
So Jenna is shouting for people to buy her soap and she's "trying like mad" to make a sale -- but why isn't she "trying like mad" to fulfill past soap orders? And then she announces she wants to go to a movie? No wonder that chick asked where her soap order is, cuz clearly it's not high on a list of priorities. Would love to know what month she paid for those soaps. Sept? Aug? July?
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete❝ I twisted my ankle, got dumped, became deadass scary broke, and it's pouring rain all within 24 hours. Also, there's no wine in this house. I should be asleep by 8PM by emotional forfeit. ❞
Funny she mentioned being dumped, as I was just reading an article about young people and why they are so consumed with documenting every little thing on their Instagram. And then I remembered those pics the Pig Shocker posted of her at the coast with her date. There was something about it that seemed strange, but I couldn't put my finger on it until now.
You don't take pics on a first date! Not to sound like a gatekeeper, but it's a strange thing to do. So I imagine that coast girl felt the same. And the fact that she posted right away on her IG was an act of desperation. Coast girl no doubt found it odd that PS would whip out a camera and ask her to document her standing on the beach on a first date. And who could blame her?
Uh oh, someone asked about delivery of her late soap order, and another person asked why FFF doesn't run her business like - uh - a business. Quick! CHANGE THE SUBJECT.
ReplyDeleteTwit wrote:
"I twisted my ankle, got dumped, became deadass scary broke, and it's pouring rain all within 24 hours. Also, there's no wine in this house. I should be asleep by 8PM by emotional forfeit."
Yeah, I'd be asking for my soap order too if all I saw was an internet beggar riding horseys all day long. If this chick is asking, then it's safe to say it's probably been more than one month. So what is PS thinking when she receives payment? "Oh, I'll fulfill this order next week" and then forgets about it? Can't wait to see if she responds or deletes that comment.
Delete😆 😂's been deleted! Lmao.
DeleteAnd that foollower was fast-tracked to Jenna's 💩 list. Just like that! I mean, how dare she publicly asked where her soap order is? Doesn't she know how BUSY Jenna is?
Hi All, Could someone please explain why sometimes I can see IG stories and sometimes I can't? Do they have a short life, or does the person (owner) delete them?