What an insufferable twat. Every time she needs something begging online is her answer. When she finally crashes and burns it'll be an epic disaster. Don't forget that she also has to buy more Taylor Swift trinkets and albums.
In VA, WV, and PA you get your vehicle registered first and license plate and have x amount of days to get inspected which also means passing emissions if that stare/locality requires it.
My check engine light has been on since...2012 and I haven't gotten it inspected since because it requires passing emissions and mine won't pass because of the check engine light. WV doesn't require emissions but I still didn't have it inspected because I moved shortly after to PA.
I've gotten several tickets over the years... about every other year which is about equal in price to getting the issue fixed at a garage. I purchased the catalytic converter but my then bf never installed it. This is a good reminder to pay a garage for just the labor to do that.
and mortgage is due along with all her streaming services. Also she said she got her metal sided truck registered for the next 2 years but she can't pass inspection? Whats with that? Maybe TS can help her with the bills to be paid after all she spends all her "free" time with her and tweeting about her they are like best of friends you know.
I know nothing about registering vehicles in NY, but wouldn't you get the inspection BEFORE you went to register it??? Just this year our state got rid of emissions tests, but you got the emission test performed BEFORE you went to register it. If it didn't pass, you dealt with it THEN registered the vehicle. Something's fishy in Denmark.
I agree. In my state...not NY...you get it inspected and take that paperwork and other stuff to get it registered. Then they give you the new stickers to put on your license plates.
Duck Mama, yep! According to NYS DMV it appears you cannot renew your vehicle's registration unless it has passed its vehicle inspection.
They write:
"All vehicles registered in New York State must get a safety inspection at a DMV-licensed inspection station every 12 months."
"...If your vehicle does not have a valid inspection you cannot renew the registration (1) you can receive a fine (2) you can receive a parking ticket (3)..."
Please see https://dmv.ny.gov/inspection/inspection-requirements
I know, Shammers, Pig Shocker may be fabricating a crisis in an attempt to get donations...lying about what she did, didn't do and what she owes??? Hard to believe (NOT).
Bears repeating: how ignorant are her followers to keep sending her $$$$???
My state too (CA) you have to pass inspection BEFORE you are allowed to register. She really has some nerve to lie so boldly. So in addition to the mortgage, firewood, another tooth disaster, she also needs $500 by next Tuesday.
She laments: ❝ This really, really, really sucks. ❞
Well of course here in NYS we do things ass backwards. Our cars get inspected every year but the registration is for two years. Did anything ever come of that "accident" and letter in the mail?
Beyond the initial registration, I'm fairly sure you can update your vehicle's registration online or through the mail without any proof of that it passed inspection.
That said, to be legally driven, there must be an up-to-date inspection sticker on the windshield.
Every state and county within the state is different.
I'm in the midwest and in my state one county might require emissions and safety inspections while another might not.
Our state, effective yesterday, decided that if a vehicle is 10 yrs or older or has 150,000 miles on it, it has to pass a safety inspection prior to getting license plates (renewed). If it's newer than 10 yrs and under 150,000 miles it doesn't require the safety but might still require an emissions.
After receiving the bad news about her metal-sided truck, FFF posted on Instagram asking if anyone had a truck that she could borrow overnight on Sunday. She promised that she was insured and that her two dogs would be in crates if necessary. Broken truck, cracked tooth, cancelled health insurance, no firewood, and no prospects be damned. The girls got a new dress, new shoes, matching bag, money for an overnight trip and a date. The post was immediately taken down.
Letting a person borrow your car who's posted about drinking and driving?? What could go wrong? And good luck getting your insurance company to pay for an accident after you loaned your car to a known risk.
You know, I'm really starting to lean towards the theory that a lot have, in which she does somehow make her bills and that all the begging is for extra luxury crap.
Yep. She either makes the money for bills or has people in her life who will pay them for her if she is short. Whoever that person is who helps her most likely encourages taking money from strangers so they don't have to pay for her entertainment as well.
The more she makes begging, the less financial burden she is to friends and family.
It makes me sick to think that anyone would ever beg for money and use people for their money.
When you are trash like Pig Shocker you attract other people who are trash. No decent person could be friends with someone like her.
Once again...Stewart's is always hiring. As many or as few hours as you want and starts at $12 an hour. How bad does she REALLY need the money/love the farm/want to keep the animals/have a truck?
She couldn't get a job shoveling shit at this point. As long as there is google, any employer can see just how crazy and lazy she is with a few clicks of a mouse.
She needs money for her truck to pass inspection but hey she had enough $$ to get a stupid haircut (and lipstick). Hey you CAN put lipstick on a pig, twitter pics to prove it!
Looks like she's trying to appear more butch. Next she'll being tearing the sleeves off of her flannel shirts. And why is she doing this? Cuz she's been watching Taylor Swift rake in money for her Pride-themed album and she wants the same. Monkey see, monkey do.
I'm Pagan, of which Heathenry is a branch. It is dominated by very, very masculine guys, and some fringe members of the population are white supremacists. Most Heathens are nice, regular people and not racists, but they are really, really into being macho Vikings.
Jenna probably thought that, being a homesteader, that she'd get instant respect amid the Heathens. But it is so, so male dominated, so I wouldn't be surprised if she met people in that community who knew more about homesteading than she did and called her on her bullshit, or if they just talked down to her for being Heathen. She also caught a lot of flack on the Reddit Heathen pages too.
Heathenry also has this thing where you not only gather together to worship, but part of that is in making oaths. These oaths can be anything, with the aim that you are improving yourself to be a better person. However, the thing about these oaths is that when you make them, you are tying up your groups "luck" or "karma" into the oath. So if you fail through your own bad choices or laziness, you negatively impact the group. One of the ways that the group works is that you are supposed to discuss the oath before you make it with the group, so that they can tell you if it is feasible, and then as you progress through attempting to keep the oath the group holds you accountable. This means that if you are slacking off, it is the duty of the group to call you on your bullshit so that you don't harm the group. It's an intense process, and one of the reasons why I'm not Heathen despite really liking some of their ideas about divinity.
I don't see Jenna doing well with a hyper-masculine group that will not allow you to get away with your bullshit. So I'm not surprised that she dropped it.
One person who had been in her Heathen Group posted on here and said that Pig Shocker told her/him that one of the hawks that she said had flown away actually "died overnight in her house."
That member of her group apparently had it with her constant bs enough to post on here and out Pig Shocker for the hawk killing lie.
The stupid twat: "Trying to find a car I can borrow overnight to see my girl is harder than buying a horse for $45 in this town." Hey I have a novel idea, why not RENT A CAR? Who in their right mind would let that drunk driving lazy bitch drive their car? You know she is probably uninsured. Her shit reputation in that town bites her in the ass. Why dont you saddle up Mabel or get Patty to take you in the buckboard? LOL. What about the animals that need morning feeding? Oh yea, you dont have that either.
Patty won't loan her a car? How many people believe that? No way she wouldn't do that for Pig Shocker.
She's hoping someone will say that they live too far away to let her borrow their car but here's some money to rent a car or to take an uber for 300 miles.
Also, in a lot of states the insurance covers the car not the person.
She's middle aged and can't even rent a car. A small compact car can be rented for under $50 a day. If she can afford to fill up a vehicle's tank with gas, she can afford to rent a car.
She just doesn't want to because that doesn't jive with her "woe is me I can't pay my own bills" story. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she ends up renting one and then says she borrowed it. That might be the plan all along.
In the latest bleg post (Inspection! 8/27) the Pig Shocker wrote this:
❝ But all of these stresses are low-grade and no different than any other farmer in this county. We're all getting together plans for harvests, hay, firewood, and fuel. Everyone who lives in a rural area has this same mindset of getting to a solvent, safe, space to let out a sigh of relief before the snow dares to fall. And even though it'll be ten years at this farm (TEN YEARS) of proving to myself I can pull off winters on this mountain - it doesn't get easier. ❞
"Any other farmer..."
"We're all..."
"same mindset"
She's trying to appeal to people's sympathies by comparing herself to REAL FARMERS. Funny how that paragraph is sandwiched in between the ones where she spoke of much-needed firewood, the mortgage, new dental bills.
And then this:
❝ I try to make at least my daily minimum a day, keep orders moving for handmade soaps and artwork, while keeping the farm and CSA customers happy. Feels like a juggling act for the ages. But I have learned to juggle better than most. ❞
Is she even serious? She's learned to juggle better than most? She must've had a stroke whilst typing and mistook "juggle" for "beg" -- Pig Shocker, you are a joke. Thanks for making me laugh to often.
Such a moron. No, real farmers got their hay settled June-July, firewood cut in 2018 (or gathered it way before Fall) and only have ongoing harvests (and preserving/canning) to manage. No one in farming is as disorganized and ill-prepared as Pig Shocker.
The fact she has ZERO self awareness is just another way to tell how truly crazy she is.
She juggles better than most? She doesn't do anything "better than most" aside from ruining her life.
Pig Shocker is way better at losing opportunities, killing animals and screwing up everything from the care of her livestock to her falconry apprentice license.
I bet she has to borrow someone's car instead of renting one cuz bitch has no car insurance or she cant afford it. Boo fucking hoo Jenna. Sux to be you.
That's right...her insurance is only $48 a year for her metal-sided truck that can't be driven more than 30 miles from her feed lot.
Plus, you just know she doesn't own a single credit card at this point. Bet her credit score is single digits just like her bank account. Wonder how "her girl" feels about getting mixed up with an indigent con artist?
❝ The book I am hoping to sell and have been working towards all summer may be ready to shop around by Labor Day. ❞
⌛️Well, that's just a few days away! Can't wait for the good news! Although, since then, does anyone remember a single instance where she's mentioned writing or editing anything? Yeah, me neither. 😏
Her writing is dog shit. After she took the money for the Legend of Birchthorn kickstarter and ran without fulfilling her promises to the patrons, she is publishing poison.
Professional publishers with decent reputations don't want their name associated with a crappy writer who stole from the patrons of her kickstarter who she promised to write, publish and send them a book to for their donation.
Over 4 YEARS later, there are still patrons leaving comments on the kickstarter's page asking for refunds.
Of course, she already has their $15,000 so she couldn't care less if they get what was promised to them.
I’m amazed how quickly she goes from bedding for tires to begging for firewood to begging for mortgage to begging for cracked tooth to.....light switch flips and she is retweeting stupid pop culture posts, then she is tweeting smug selfies with heavy make up and a new haircut, and tweeting about needing to borrow a car to go see her girl on an overnight trip. I’m getting whiplash just ending all this today. And while doing all that online, one has to deduce there was no time left in her day to fulfill old orders, or to care for animals, or to clean and maintain her place, or to write on that new book she was shopping around. Also I wonder if those birchthorns ever got mailed? I bet not, judging by her heated exchange posted a while ago on Kickstarter.
That's the inner workings of a severely unstable and disturbingly juvenile mind. (i.e. Bat shit crazy).
It also seems like a desperate attempt to try to be all things to all people. Visualize Jenna in one of those windy cash-grab machines, scrambling to catch every last dollar flying around. That's what she's doing with her frantic switch-flipping behavior.
I would bet that if someone called around to different auto shops in her area to inquire about the $500 she needs to fix her POS truck (asking as if they are interested in paying said bill depending on the amount owed in total) so it passes inspection, the shops wouldn't have a clue as to what the person is talking about.
It's another lie to get money from kind hearted strangers that she can blow on her trip to stalk some poor girl that she is infatuated with.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · 2m Looking to borrow a car for Sunday afternoon, back Monday afternoon. Anyone local have a non-manual car I can loan? Am insured, will return with full tank of gas!
I thought she couldn't be away from her 'farm' (not a farm) for that long? If she can go somewhere overnight, she can surely work a 4 or 6 hour shift in 'her' town - many places to grab a part time job there and literally a 10 mile round trip from her house. If her inspection doesn't run out till 8/31, she has no reason to have to borrow a vehicle. And, I don't know a farmer who can't drive a stick LMAO. Some 'farmer' she is...
‘A car I can loan”-how about try “ A car I can borrow”, dum dum. Some writer.
And how desperate can you be to be begging for a car to go on a road trip while you are begging for every bill under the sun and those bills are all supposedly due this weekend??
Me too. I wonder if "her girl" has read about JFW yet online. I seriously doubt that anyone in their right mind would become involved with an animal abusing, devious online beggar. If so, and they've done due diligence, then they deserve each other. I also find it suspicious that this woman is already being referred to in such an intimate manner. It's sorta like her cyber stalking of celebrities like Taylor Swift, Aya Cash and Anna Kendrick, and acting overly familiar with personal tweeting to them all the time.
She even had the chutzpah to invite TS to visit her hawk awhile ago: "Upstate NY has oversize sweaters for days!" That's a direct quote from her on Twitter. I can recall it because of its stupidity. As if any famous person would stay at her hovel, shit in the woods, and freeze because of no free firewood.
"Please...I need money to pay for all these new emergencies!!"
"And while I'm waiting for you to donate money, I'm gonna go on date!!!"
"But my truck is broke and I need to "loan" a car ASAP! And gas money too!!"
"And because I had to cancel my dentist appointment, I'm going to subject "my girl" to kissing my rotten cracked-tooth mouth whether she likes it or not! Go me!!"
I dont know what is more absurd. The fact that she has to go online to beg for the use of a strangers car, or she fully expects someone will loan it to her, and she cant drive a stick!!!! What "farmer" cant drive a stick? What a fucking loser. Thanks for the laughs this morning Jenna. I bet "your girl" is really impressed.
ANON12: My first car was manual, and I have since learned to drive several variations of manual--on the steering wheel, for example in a 1939 Plymouth. Why would anyone lend her a car? She should rent one, and if she made it clear to "her girl" (possessive, diminishing her to property) certainly the WOMAN might want to make the effort to visit the farm, instead. I guess Patty would feed the horses and (maybe) piglets, etc. The cats? The dogs? Why would you go out of town if you have all of these financial issues looming and it's the end of the month? I agree with others. She has to have a regular source of income coming in; either family or maybe SSI--Supplemental Security Income. At her age, she would have to establish some pretty serious disabilities to get that, and they've been cracking down on it the past decade.
I wrote before about canning, and I was thinking about it again the other morning because this is the week my mother died (some time ago) and August was our big canning-preserving month. We had grape vines and made grape jelly. We would bring up damson plums from the South and do the same. We would go South, again, and gather up pecans into burlap sacks and spent time shelling them (and walnuts and black walnuts) for the freezer for Christmas baking. We would go to orchards and pick peaches and pickle them or freeze them. Freeze a lot of fresh corn, can tomatoes in a variety of ways, make a ton of pickles including okra, can string beans. It just never stopped for that month. Even if she's not growing food, these are foods she can buy cheaply and then have all winter and beyond. And every farmer I've ever known has a separate free standing freezer. She would need one for all of her butchered meat, as well, and that's another thing we would do is buy shares in a cow, etc. and freeze that. I also wrote earlier that she should have started on her firewood by July at the latest. I just don't get it. What does she get out of pretending to be this strong woman running a farm alone? Fantasy.
P.S. Good work to the others who pursued the hawk laws. I had googled a ton about New York laws on that. She's such a violator. THAT needs to stop. No more photo ops.
Nice to see Meredith pop up, and she's right. Nothing's changed. Sadly.
Pig Shocker, the animal killer, would tie the dogs to the bumper if it meant getting to do what she wants.
She's a narcissistic sociopath. It's all about her all day everyday.
Who is watching the hawk? If it's left alone for 24 hours, what happens if the hawk's water gets spilled? He just goes without until fat ass waddles home?
I think there's several scenarios about how the mortgage and being paid, and it's not because she's paying it.
1) Her family is paying it (with the caveat that she pay the rest of the bills). 2) She's on SSI for mental and gets enough for the mortgage and/or some bills. Begs for the fun money. 3) Patti (or someone else, maybe family) is paying it because they are under a private contract to buy the place. That way, it wouldn't show up on any official records until it was paid off.
DM. That makes sense, and I've thought the same thing. I also wonder if she's not doing drawings for the furry fandom, and is too embarrassed to mention it on Twitter. Apparently, she'd done it in the past. For all we know she's selling old, stinky socks on Adult eBay to faux farm femme foot fetishists. (Wow. What an alliterative mouthful.)
#2 makes the most sense. How many root canals/cracked teeth can one person possibly have? And at least one new expensive "emergency" every single month? The truck always needs work? A $10K auto collision??
No one is THAT unlucky, month after month, year after year. No, like Jon Katz stated, the Pig Shocker has learned that drama and crises bring in the money while she sits on her ass, drooling over TS videos.
I think she got tired if begging every few weeks for money.
So the moron that she is, she came up with the woe is me I owe $10,000 for an accident that wasnt my fault. Then perhaps someone mentioned that screwing people over for that amount of money could result in some serious charges with jail time.
Then like the birds (PLURAL) she has murdered, the "accident" was never mentioned again.
This can't be a coincidence with her "coming out" story:
"One of my closest friends shared her story of a 10-year marriage ending, falling in love with a woman, and coming out in her 30's. If you want to read about a life falling apart and beautifully coming together again: http://journal.goingslowly.com/2019/08/barns-burnt-down-now-I-can-see-the-moon …"
I think that Jenna is just jealous of her happiness, and wants to compete with her own girlfriend.
Wow, yes, the timing...about the same time the Pig Shocker made her announcement.
Although, I find it amusing that her BFF Tara, who has for years made comments about how "awesome" and "amazing" and "beautiful" Jenna is, that she was ultimately not into her that way. Lol, what a burn. 🔥💔
Apparently Tara was trying to make Pig Shocker feel better about being a fat, animal killing, mentally ill loser.
Once Pig Shocker declared her love for Tara, Tara backed away from the compliments lickity split. PS is too much of an idiot to realize they were pity compliments only given to her because she's such a loser.
👏 👏 Oh yay, it's the usual end-of-the-month-crunch-time-beg-fest on Twitter:
❝ Only three days left to make the mortgage on top of truck repairs to pass inspection. Feeling hopeful I can make it work but it requires getting the word out about logos, meat shares for 2020, and artwork! ❞
It doesn't require a job, she claims. It only requires getting the word out! But wait, isn't the "word" already out about 3-6 times a day, every day, all week, and all month long? Last time I checked, "getting the word out" meant making a brand new announcement. Or perhaps introducing a new line of products. Unless her foollowers are blind, they already KNOW she wants their money in exchange for her stale products that only appeal to select people. The "word" has been "out" forever. The whole spam-begging via Twitter is really the only consistent thing she does with her life. THEY EFFING KNOW BY NOW.
It's missing her stupid "Let's do this!" By that she means "Please PayPal me the mortgage money, and make sure that there's extra for Taylor Swift trinkets, my metal-sided truck repair/inspection, and a cracked tooth or two. Plus, I might need that $10,000 for the accident which was never mentioned again. Oh, and I still need to use your car for a trip to see my girl. HMU!!!"
❓The Pig Shocker has been on Twitter since 2010, and I'm wondering if anyone here remembers how much she posted back then? (I'm not aware of a way to search back that far.) Did she spend her whole day on Twitter like she does now?
Reason I'm asking is because of a few comments on the last thread: Both were about the contrast between the early days of the bleg and now, about how the farming duties and homesteading activities have dwindled down to almost nothing.
And it's alarming to see the depth of her social media addiction. Where's the young lady who used to be so busy and productive? Why is she now always online and begging all day? I'm wondering if being lonely is what drove her to the internet? Because back then her bleg was filled with names of friends, but it seemed that she pissed off a lot of people and found herself all alone. Which would explain why she spends ridiculous amounts of time watching Taylor Swift's every move. Barnheart is dead. Infected no longer, as the donation button proved to be the cure. Sad.
Back in 2013, due to her laziness, her pigs got loose. And because it took her so long to round them up, she grew angry and did this to them:
❝ It took another half hour but I grabbed an old two-mile plug in charger and set it up to replace the ten-mile charger that was a deadbeat. I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite. ❞
That disgusting and inhumane behavior is why we now call her the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️
Full post here: https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=pink+nose
(BTW, good to see you here! I'm still kinda new here, but have spent a good amount of time reading the info on your blog...and I'm happy that you to the time to educate folks.)
"This farm is right up against it every month. If you'd like to be part of the reason it makes it to September, this is a great way to do so. Also happy to offer art, meat shares, handmade soaps, logos and more!"
Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich. No one GAF if "This farm is right up against it every month." It's because the "renter" won't get off her lazy fat ass and work like a normal adult. She's only really "happy" if a PayPal poodle "offers" her money.
"If you don't want to buy soap or art and just want to kick in towards the decade's worth of sharing my story online you can do that here!"
And that's the meat of her manipulative marketing. "Gimme money for nothing!!!" Her putrid purple prose is crap, the animal abusing is disgusting, and endless kvetching about bullshit is boring.
Oh look, shes pulling out the "I made it" picture from Twitter a few years ago when she was expecting everyone to tell her how awesome she is. Instead she got ripped to shreds.������
Try putting a space or two between them. Also, if you are asked to sign-in after your comment, and you've already selected emojis, they won't show up when your message re-apprears. At least not for me.
Hopefully Pig Shocker's "new girl" has read PS's social media posts and knows that Pig Shocker is planning to stalk her this holiday weekend. Even if she has to beg, borrow or steal a vehicle to get there.
It's most definitely not a two sided relationship as there's never been any social media posts claiming that Pig Shocker is someone's "girl" (new or otherwise). The only mutual behavior is in Pig Shocker's demented mind.
Pig Shocker is desperate, crazy and dangerous. Just ask all of the animals who have "disappeared" at Pig Shocker's man hands.
according to her she is "right up against it" again this month (and every month) but dollars to donuts she is still trying to figure out how to get to coast girl Sunday through Monday. How will the animals survive? She has never been able to leave for more than a couple of hours in years and now this? oh whoooa is me.
I remeber reading in the falconry guidelines that they can leave their bird in the care of someone else temporarily.
More likely, she doesn't want anyone peeping around on her property so the hawk would be left on its own. Pig Shocker covers her wide ass first and foremost.
Not that she ever leaves. She runs her fat mouth about leaving a lot and never does. She has the secrets that all abusers have and keeping them comes first.
🎺 Sad trombone time, along with the world's smallest 🎻 :
❝ This day has been consistently embarrassing and involved many bad choices based on romantic whims and I have no idea how it is going to pan out. ❞
I was wondering what the hell she is alluding to, and what happened, but then saw this:
❝ Sharing links like this feels bad, something I'm told I should be ashamed of. But I've shared 10 years of my story online, the entire farm. And sharing this link may be the reason I can keep it. (The link she shared was the "farm is right up against it, PayPal me" one.) ❞
Anyway, if you put those two comments together, what she's saying is that she was embarrassed to spend her entire day consistently begging because she doesn't have her mortgage cuz she spent all that she had on this date she wanted to go on. "Bad choices based on romantic whims" sounds like she blew all the mortgage money and thought "slung luck" would kick in to replace it. But it didn't. And that's why she supposedly "feels bad" to be tweet spamming.
❝ But I've shared 10 years of my story online, the entire farm. ❞
Yeah? And who asked you to do that? That was your choice, your idea. "But" nothing.
❝ This bleg will ALWAYS be free... ❞
Yeah, up until you don't have your mortgage and then you try to guilt-trip everyone into PayPaling you. And your timing sucks -- just about everyone is out and about enjoying their Labor Day get-togethers. No one is spending time on Twitter this weekend like they do during their work week. Whatever you spent the money on (car rental? more new clothes? a toothbrush?) was stupid because instead of being out and about having fun, you're stuck inside begging for strangers to save your butt once again.
No sympathy here. 🚫 🐩 💰 🚫 And no poodle cash for you.
I knew she was stalking the "new girl" and that the only romance in the relationship is in her demented mind
It fits her sociopath personality disorder to a T. Of course no one wants a begger or an animal abuser. No one wants someone who is ugly on the inside as well as ugly on the outside.
Don't forget her trip to the ABC pub's potluck-get drunk evening (money money spent), including baking a cake for @goldenearthdesigns. Eww.
She plays while poodles pay.
You know, Twitter IS the perfect forum for her begging, because fly-bys don't bother checking out ten years of repetitive mistakes, lies, animal neglect and irresponsibility. They see "farm", "single woman" "alone on mountain" "struggle" but never put the pieces of 💩 💩 💩 together.
I just can not reconcile her comments. She swings wide from need money for truck repairs, bills, mortgage, cord of wood. Then truck repairs are covered. No word about cord of wood (available for free by the way in her area ), now it’s on bills. What about the mortgage? But wait, she also is begging for a car rental so she can go in an overnight adventure (in the midst of a money crisis), but she also just bought a new wardrobe complete with a dress, matching shoes and a purse, but also wait, she has friends over this weekend. Oh, and also she made a string of bad decisions yesterday, according to her, in the romantic department. And also, there was the cracked tooth, the almost canceled health insurance because she hasn’t paid in months, and the threatening $10K letter from the fender bender she was in. Not to mention, birchthron is still sitting in a box in her livingroom, along with month’s-old orders of soap and drawings. And her meat shares? I can’t even wrap my mind around that. Now she is saying meat in 2020..but she took money in for shares for animals she didn’t seem to ave, but then said she was sold out, and then she was offering them again. I mean, who can ever keep up?? How does she ever keep up with all these seeming lies?
She counts on people not keeping up. Just seeing the drama du jour and resonating with it and then helping out. I saw TWO people remark about how broke they were and could not buy soap but that they sent a little something along and hoped it woud help and that others would help. They just are not spending enough time with dipshit to know that there is a whole serial scamming thing going on. They are just not that invested in her and her life, so she is living off that to her advantage. If they looked deeper than a quick tweet read and some feels, they would start to wonder, what the HECK is going on here... But they are not spending that much time. Such a scam. I just can't believe she has this going on month after month after year and so on.
Regarding firewood: reading back through her Reddit AMA and she repeatedly claims to use horsepower to "log, chop, and stack" her own firewood. I'm not going to go back through the blog, but I do remember there was a guy who came to her house a few times to drag logs with Merlin. That was years ago though. I wonder whatever happened to that guy, and why we don't hear about "logging with horsepower" anymore.
That was Brett. If I remember correctly....there were a couple of people that were wondering if she should have a romantic interest in him. She got funny about it and then we didn't hear much about Brett anymore. It was my theory that she came on to him and he ran away. I think later he got married. P.s. He did any work for her. The only work she ever did was walk behind the horse. She'd have the Antlerstock attendees chop the wood for her.
does anyone else remember the time a guy from her high school came to live with her? It seems to me he had encountered some troubles and needed a place to stay and she was going to teach him how to farm. Heard about him for a week or two then nothing. I guess jail or whatever his problem was sounded good rather than be there with her.
Do you mean Ajay? If you do a search on both Jenna's bleg and Jon Katz's blog you'll find a bunch of entries about him. He lived with both of them for a few weeks and then moved in with that Common Sense cult. Jenna rambled on about how smart and amazing he was back then, but hasn't mentioned him for years now. Wonder what happened?
oh my goodness oh my goodness she made it to the coast!!! It appears someone was dumb enough to trust her with their car (I think all the begging was really for car rental and that is what the money was for.) Who in their right mind would do that on the last big holiday of the season? I live in a seaside town and believe me you don't want to go near a major (or even back road) highway this whole weekend let alone drive a 3 hr. drive which around here a normal 3 hr. drive will take you 6 hours.
Also I don't believe for one minute she had overnight guests yesterday. I know of NO ONE who would stay in a hovel like that one. I could never ever be desperate enough to stay there if no inn is available I would sleep in my car first. Can't wait to hear how she spins this story if she hasn't already run off got married and movin' on up to the big time.
I just checked she has deleted that post from early this morning. It talked of a charming seaside town with places named after famous whales etc. Just boom it is gone. Guess she didn't want her poodles knowing she was having so much fun. After posting that she had company over night I figure she now wants people to believe she is still home "farming" away.
And she usually boasts about those infamous "friends" who stay in her hovel. The broadcasts usually include carefully curated pics, and then she lamely attempts to "alter" her huge jowls, fat torso etc...
Anon 7:01 - She posted some new ones including one of a boat that she projected her Taylor Swift obsession onto. I'm sure "my girl" was real impressed hanging out with PermaTeen Woginrich who no doubt played "Lover" non-stop.
Anon12: She's put up a picture of a hawk with it's head outside her truck. I thought there was some kind of law about using pictures for social media???
Raptors may not be used for advertising or self-promotion. Every time she posts a photo of a hawk, an argument can be made it's self-promotion since Pig Shocker sells subscriptions to her drivel, but especially when she advertises her books or 'classes' or to make $$$.
😆 Lol, this upcoming week is gonna be interesting, as she said that she didn't make the mortgage and monthly bills, yet took a pricey trip to the coast anyway. So be prepared for lots of photos and nauseating date talk alongside pleas to help keep CAF keepin' on. It means so much!!!
Or if there aren't any photos of her stalking adventure, it's because she stayed home and stalked her new girl prey from afar.
There certainly won't be any proclamtions of love on social media for Animal Abusing Waddles. No one in their right mind would get into a relationship with a narcissistic sociopath like Pig Shocker.
So it's all just more crappy fiction from her demented mind.
Patty just posted a pic of Jenna's horses standing in the rain on Instagram and did an @ her... she's not there. She must be in her sea port locale. The pic is nothing cool or unusual. Why would Patty be there on a Sunday afternoon other than to check on them and such.
Obviously she quickly deleted her screwing-off-on-the-coast post because that won't jibe with her 💩 narrative of a poor-gal who is stuck on the mountain and cannot possibly leave to get a (GASP) job or perform jury duty.
She's a blemish against every farmer and especially against every woman farmer.
I don't think she's considered the logistics of trying to date someone who lives 200+ miles away when she:
a) can't really leave for long periods of time b) can't drive her truck more than 30 miles from her feed lot c) can't make her mortgage and bills, much less extra gas money needed
Maybe she's just trying to put a one-time notch on her belt so she can further push her agenda for extra 🐩 💰
😏 Lol, she's tweeting about her date while still on the date. Gotta get those fresh new pics on Twitter to keep donations coming in! And good choice to visit the ocean -- if things go as planned, she can blame the hodor de pescado on that.
I don’t know about you, but if I’m broke as hell, and it’s the last day of the month, and I have begged for the last thirty days to get strangers to pay for my bills, truck registration and repairs, clothes and shoes, mortgage, health insurance, cord of wood, etc..you better believe that A) I am not going to the coast, 200 miles away, playing in the water and spending money I don’t have. I would be taking my ass to the first place in town that’s hiring, and taking whatever hours they could offer me. And B)I am for DAMN sure not going to tweet about my trip to the same people whom I’ve flooded with my begging tweets just a day earlier. Only a sociopath will do this, and furthermore, do it with zero regret and flaunt it in the faces of the ones who have paid her bills each month for the last almost ten years.
She verifies almost daily, that she is in no need of money. She just wants play money. And if people are willing to give it to her, then I guess that's just how it goes.
I keep thinking something isn't right about her whole picture. She can't be getting that many drawings and stupid soap to keep a place going without having to "go out to work" someplace. Then it just popped in my mind suppose she still works for Cabela but from home so she has a paycheck coming in from that? There has to be money coming from some place and it makes sense to me that she would have been scamming all these years so she has extra cash her play money coming from her poodles. Just a thought. She is to easy to get distracted and go for a swim, go for a ride go here go there. People with no income coming in except what they earn by their own 2 hands don't do these kind of crazy things.
Or my guess would be a check each month from the government for her various mental disorders.
I think she's on disability. She's certainly crazy enough to get it.
However, disability wouldn't be enough to cover entertainment. She could make enough to pay her mortgage, utilities and truck insurance. Those are her only expenses.
But Animal Abusing Waddles wants to play. In order to do that, she sells a minimum amount of crayon pet drawings and shitty dog hair and hawk crap soap. Yet it's still not enough.
Pember Patty is the Queen of enablers; she's the one who looked after Pig Shocker's animals while PS flitted away the weekend. She's the unnamed "friend (s)" PS pretends to have on many occasions. She invites PS to meals, bails her out, repairs her hovel and entertains social media friends who want free-digs, free-food and free-pony trips. At this point, PP may be eligible for sainthood!
PS never reciprocates. She takes and PP gives. There is something quite odd in their relationship. For the longest time, I thought PS acted as a front for selling PP meat. I figured PP raised it, and FFF sold it. Maybe they have a business connection. What else ties them together?
Why does PP keep bailing out the deceitful, pathetic, begging Pig Shocker? Why does she keep on when Jon Katz and others abandoned PS long ago - after figuring out what a scammer she was.
And a shameless beg this morning: I know I went to the beach for the weekend, but, I promise, I am still behind on bills and mortgage and firewood, so just don’t try to rationalize, send money for last month’s bills and don’t forget to start saving again because my new month’s bills will be coming due right after last month’s bills!
So, she needs hay money for pets. That's cute. She says no sheep to satisfy customers? What happened to the bottle lambs? As expected, those were just more props - they were never hers. Those lambs, if alive would be on hay/grain now, and NO WHERE near old enough to slaughter. The hay banks not being available, translation: people got sick of her not paying for the hay.
She's not behind on shit. She never has been. Jenna has a steady stream of old subscribers that probably have long forgotten about that monthly deduction from their accounts, non-stop revenue of new drive by donators, as well as old faithful fools that are either naive or simply stupid and likely offer large sums at various times of the year because they truly think their action will save the day. Jenna strategically preys on each of these groups. She writes specifically to appeal to those who will subscribe and forget, randomly donate and infrequently check in, and the bleeding hearts that are invested. Each and every word, photo, action, inaction etc is a manipulative appeal for money.
It is clear in each and every blog post and has been for over a decade. I suspect Jenna realized about 20 years ago how easy it was to fleece people for money and she has certainly perfected the art of internet panhandling.
She wants for nothing. Don't fall for anything she says.
This chick is sitting pretty. Her financial situation is one that allows her to enjoy expensive hobbies, shop, play, get away etc.
Don't fall for her words or what she portrays online. It's all lies and webs of deception.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
What an insufferable twat. Every time she needs something begging online is her answer. When she finally crashes and burns it'll be an epic disaster. Don't forget that she also has to buy more Taylor Swift trinkets and albums.
ReplyDeleteIn VA, WV, and PA you get your vehicle registered first and license plate and have x amount of days to get inspected which also means passing emissions if that stare/locality requires it.
DeleteMy check engine light has been on since...2012 and I haven't gotten it inspected since because it requires passing emissions and mine won't pass because of the check engine light.
WV doesn't require emissions but I still didn't have it inspected because I moved shortly after to PA.
I've gotten several tickets over the years... about every other year which is about equal in price to getting the issue fixed at a garage. I purchased the catalytic converter but my then bf never installed it. This is a good reminder to pay a garage for just the labor to do that.
and mortgage is due along with all her streaming services. Also she said she got her metal sided truck registered for the next 2 years but she can't pass inspection? Whats with that? Maybe TS can help her with the bills to be paid after all she spends all her "free" time with her and tweeting about her they are like best of friends you know.
ReplyDeleteI know nothing about registering vehicles in NY, but wouldn't you get the inspection BEFORE you went to register it??? Just this year our state got rid of emissions tests, but you got the emission test performed BEFORE you went to register it. If it didn't pass, you dealt with it THEN registered the vehicle. Something's fishy in Denmark.
I agree. In my state...not NY...you get it inspected and take that paperwork and other stuff to get it registered. Then they give you the new stickers to put on your license plates.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSorry. Hit the wrong button!
DeleteDuck Mama, yep!
According to NYS DMV it appears you cannot renew your vehicle's registration unless it has passed its vehicle inspection.
They write:
"All vehicles registered in New York State must get a safety inspection at a DMV-licensed inspection station every 12 months."
"...If your vehicle does not have a valid inspection
you cannot renew the registration (1)
you can receive a fine (2) you can receive a parking ticket (3)..."
Please see https://dmv.ny.gov/inspection/inspection-requirements
I know, Shammers, Pig Shocker may be fabricating a crisis in an attempt to get donations...lying about what she did, didn't do and what she owes??? Hard to believe (NOT).
Bears repeating: how ignorant are her followers to keep sending her $$$$???
No one would get their vehicle inspected unless you had to have the inspection to get the plates. Good lord she's an idiot.
DeleteMy state too (CA) you have to pass inspection BEFORE you are allowed to register. She really has some nerve to lie so boldly. So in addition to the mortgage, firewood, another tooth disaster, she also needs $500 by next Tuesday.
DeleteShe laments: ❝ This really, really, really sucks. ❞
No, 🐷🔌⚡️, you suck.
She waits until the last minute to get them renewed because she is too busy buying Taylor Swift junk.
DeleteThen she has the nerve to whine about it.
What an immature, demented fool.
Well of course here in NYS we do things ass backwards. Our cars get inspected every year but the registration is for two years. Did anything ever come of that "accident" and letter in the mail?
DeleteBeyond the initial registration, I'm fairly sure you can update your vehicle's registration online or through the mail without any proof of that it passed inspection.
DeleteThat said, to be legally driven, there must be an up-to-date inspection sticker on the windshield.
Every state and county within the state is different.
DeleteI'm in the midwest and in my state one county might require emissions and safety inspections while another might not.
Our state, effective yesterday, decided that if a vehicle is 10 yrs or older or has 150,000 miles on it, it has to pass a safety inspection prior to getting license plates (renewed).
If it's newer than 10 yrs and under 150,000 miles it doesn't require the safety but might still require an emissions.
After receiving the bad news about her metal-sided truck, FFF posted on Instagram asking if anyone had a truck that she could borrow overnight on Sunday. She promised that she was insured and that her two dogs would be in crates if necessary. Broken truck, cracked tooth, cancelled health insurance, no firewood, and no prospects be damned. The girls got a new dress, new shoes, matching bag, money for an overnight trip and a date. The post was immediately taken down.
ReplyDeleteMaisie. I've noticed that her stupid, begging tweets and posts are often deleted after she reads our comments.
DeleteLetting a person borrow your car who's posted about drinking and driving?? What could go wrong? And good luck getting your insurance company to pay for an accident after you loaned your car to a known risk.
DeleteThe person would have to be g.d. moron to let that psycho drive their vehicle.
DeleteShe's the most irresponsible person I have ever heard of.
HAHAHA, so glad she is missing her overnight whatever.
Thanks, Maisie! I just love it when one of us catches something that she deleted.
DeleteBTW, she just tweeted this:
❝ Trying to find a car I can borrow overnight to see my girl is harder than buying a horse for $45 in this town. ❞
🙄 My girl? One supposed date and she's calling her my girl? Well, it should come as no surprise that the failed farmer is a clingy type.
And this "cracked tooth" business combined with dating talk just broke the needle on my Barf-o-meter.
She is probably referring to a Taylor Swift poster that she wants to buy!
DeleteThere's no way it's an actual person. If she was truly "her girl" she would visit Pig Shocker and not make her beg to use someone's truck.
On the off chance that the girl actually exists, Pig Shocker is most likely in a one sided relationship and stalking her.
The "girl" sure as hell isn't online proclaiming her love for batshit crazy Pig Shocker.
It definitely sounds made up or a one sided infatuation.
Hey Jenna, of course your truck didnt pass. You need $500 for more TS crap. Liar.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm really starting to lean towards the theory that a lot have, in which she does somehow make her bills and that all the begging is for extra luxury crap.
DeleteYep. She either makes the money for bills or has people in her life who will pay them for her if she is short.
DeleteWhoever that person is who helps her most likely encourages taking money from strangers so they don't have to pay for her entertainment as well.
The more she makes begging, the less financial burden she is to friends and family.
It makes me sick to think that anyone would ever beg for money and use people for their money.
When you are trash like Pig Shocker you attract other people who are trash.
No decent person could be friends with someone like her.
Once again...Stewart's is always hiring. As many or as few hours as you want and starts at $12 an hour. How bad does she REALLY need the money/love the farm/want to keep the animals/have a truck?
DeleteNot that bad, CM!
DeleteThe faux farm femme of "Veryork" wouldn't work for a patriarchal corporation again now that she's "SUPER QUEER!"
DeleteShe couldn't get a job shoveling shit at this point. As long as there is google, any employer can see just how crazy and lazy she is with a few clicks of a mouse.
DeleteShe needs money for her truck to pass inspection but hey she had enough $$ to get a stupid haircut (and lipstick). Hey you CAN put lipstick on a pig, twitter pics to prove it!
ReplyDeleteShe cut her hair? She's lost so much of it, you would think she would hang on to as much of her hair as possible.
DeleteLipstick on a beast still looks beastly. She is proof👄🐗.
And no one responded to that narcissistic tweet bragging about her ugly haircut. That lurid lipstick and smirking fat face slays me.
DeleteBut TS wears red lipstick!
DeleteThe red lipstick tops off her crazy lady look.
DeleteIts like putting lipstick on a baboon's ass.
It just makes the ugly stand out even more
Oh darn, guess shes not gonna wear the cabbage patch braids anymore. They were so convincing...NOT!
ReplyDeleteLooks like she's trying to appear more butch. Next she'll being tearing the sleeves off of her flannel shirts. And why is she doing this? Cuz she's been watching Taylor Swift rake in money for her Pride-themed album and she wants the same. Monkey see, monkey do.
DeleteGirl doesnt know what she is and what she stands for. Just careening from one thing to the next.
DeleteExactly. LiEk wHaTevR HaPpuND wITh tHe hEAthEnrY tHiNg???!!!???
DeleteI really really hope her next venture is Scientology or a multi-level-marketing pyramid scheme. That would be so awesome!
Her entire life is a lie so she stands for nothing- spiritual or otherwise.
DeleteShe probably realized she didn't make much money claiming to be a heathen so that was the end of that.
I'm Pagan, of which Heathenry is a branch. It is dominated by very, very masculine guys, and some fringe members of the population are white supremacists. Most Heathens are nice, regular people and not racists, but they are really, really into being macho Vikings.
DeleteJenna probably thought that, being a homesteader, that she'd get instant respect amid the Heathens. But it is so, so male dominated, so I wouldn't be surprised if she met people in that community who knew more about homesteading than she did and called her on her bullshit, or if they just talked down to her for being Heathen. She also caught a lot of flack on the Reddit Heathen pages too.
Heathenry also has this thing where you not only gather together to worship, but part of that is in making oaths. These oaths can be anything, with the aim that you are improving yourself to be a better person. However, the thing about these oaths is that when you make them, you are tying up your groups "luck" or "karma" into the oath. So if you fail through your own bad choices or laziness, you negatively impact the group. One of the ways that the group works is that you are supposed to discuss the oath before you make it with the group, so that they can tell you if it is feasible, and then as you progress through attempting to keep the oath the group holds you accountable. This means that if you are slacking off, it is the duty of the group to call you on your bullshit so that you don't harm the group. It's an intense process, and one of the reasons why I'm not Heathen despite really liking some of their ideas about divinity.
I don't see Jenna doing well with a hyper-masculine group that will not allow you to get away with your bullshit. So I'm not surprised that she dropped it.
One person who had been in her Heathen Group posted on here and said that Pig Shocker told her/him that one of the hawks that she said had flown away actually "died overnight in her house."
DeleteThat member of her group apparently had it with her constant bs enough to post on here and out Pig Shocker for the hawk killing lie.
The stupid twat:
ReplyDelete"Trying to find a car I can borrow overnight to see my girl is harder than buying a horse for $45 in this town."
Hey I have a novel idea, why not RENT A CAR? Who in their right mind would let that drunk driving lazy bitch drive their car? You know she is probably uninsured. Her shit reputation in that town bites her in the ass. Why dont you saddle up Mabel or get Patty to take you in the buckboard? LOL. What about the animals that need morning feeding? Oh yea, you dont have that either.
Patty won't loan her a car? How many people believe that? No way she wouldn't do that for Pig Shocker.
DeleteShe's hoping someone will say that they live too far away to let her borrow their car but here's some money to rent a car or to take an uber for 300 miles.
DeleteAlso, in a lot of states the insurance covers the car not the person.
DeleteShe's middle aged and can't even rent a car. A small compact car can be rented for under $50 a day. If she can afford to fill up a vehicle's tank with gas, she can afford to rent a car.
She just doesn't want to because that doesn't jive with her "woe is me I can't pay my own bills" story.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if she ends up renting one and then says she borrowed it.
That might be the plan all along.
In the latest bleg post (Inspection! 8/27) the Pig Shocker wrote this:
ReplyDelete❝ But all of these stresses are low-grade and no different than any other farmer in this county. We're all getting together plans for harvests, hay, firewood, and fuel. Everyone who lives in a rural area has this same mindset of getting to a solvent, safe, space to let out a sigh of relief before the snow dares to fall. And even though it'll be ten years at this farm (TEN YEARS) of proving to myself I can pull off winters on this mountain - it doesn't get easier. ❞
"Any other farmer..."
"We're all..."
"same mindset"
She's trying to appeal to people's sympathies by comparing herself to REAL FARMERS. Funny how that paragraph is sandwiched in between the ones where she spoke of much-needed firewood, the mortgage, new dental bills.
And then this:
❝ I try to make at least my daily minimum a day, keep orders moving for handmade soaps and artwork, while keeping the farm and CSA customers happy. Feels like a juggling act for the ages. But I have learned to juggle better than most. ❞
Is she even serious? She's learned to juggle better than most? She must've had a stroke whilst typing and mistook "juggle" for "beg" -- Pig Shocker, you are a joke. Thanks for making me laugh to often.
Such a moron. No, real farmers got their hay settled June-July, firewood cut in 2018 (or gathered it way before Fall) and only have ongoing harvests (and preserving/canning) to manage. No one in farming is as disorganized and ill-prepared as Pig Shocker.
DeleteThe fact she has ZERO self awareness is just another way to tell how truly crazy she is.
DeleteShe juggles better than most? She doesn't do anything "better than most" aside from ruining her life.
Pig Shocker is way better at losing opportunities, killing animals and screwing up everything from the care of her livestock to her falconry apprentice license.
I bet she has to borrow someone's car instead of renting one cuz bitch has no car insurance or she cant afford it. Boo fucking hoo Jenna. Sux to be you.
ReplyDeleteThat's right...her insurance is only $48 a year for her metal-sided truck that can't be driven more than 30 miles from her feed lot.
DeletePlus, you just know she doesn't own a single credit card at this point. Bet her credit score is single digits just like her bank account. Wonder how "her girl" feels about getting mixed up with an indigent con artist?
Yep or she doesn't have any room left on her credit card for a rental car deposit.
DeleteAlso, I doubt they rent cars to people who act insane and smell like cheap booze.
⚡️FLASHBACK to July 9th:⚡️
ReplyDelete❝ The book I am hoping to sell and have been working towards all summer may be ready to shop around by Labor Day. ❞
⌛️Well, that's just a few days away! Can't wait for the good news! Although, since then, does anyone remember a single instance where she's mentioned writing or editing anything? Yeah, me neither. 😏
DeleteHer writing is dog shit.
After she took the money for the Legend of Birchthorn kickstarter and ran without fulfilling her promises to the patrons, she is publishing poison.
Professional publishers with decent reputations don't want their name associated with a crappy writer who stole from the patrons of her kickstarter who she promised to write, publish and send them a book to for their donation.
Over 4 YEARS later, there are still patrons leaving comments on the kickstarter's page asking for refunds.
Of course, she already has their $15,000 so she couldn't care less if they get what was promised to them.
I’m amazed how quickly she goes from bedding for tires to begging for firewood to begging for mortgage to begging for cracked tooth to.....light switch flips and she is retweeting stupid pop culture posts, then she is tweeting smug selfies with heavy make up and a new haircut, and tweeting about needing to borrow a car to go see her girl on an overnight trip.
ReplyDeleteI’m getting whiplash just ending all this today. And while doing all that online, one has to deduce there was no time left in her day to fulfill old orders, or to care for animals, or to clean and maintain her place, or to write on that new book she was shopping around. Also I wonder if those birchthorns ever got mailed? I bet not, judging by her heated exchange posted a while ago on Kickstarter.
That's the inner workings of a severely unstable and disturbingly juvenile mind. (i.e. Bat shit crazy).
DeleteIt also seems like a desperate attempt to try to be all things to all people. Visualize Jenna in one of those windy cash-grab machines, scrambling to catch every last dollar flying around. That's what she's doing with her frantic switch-flipping behavior.
Definitely erratic and immature behavior.
DeleteHer family must be mortified to be associated with her.
Reading, not ending. Autocorrect :(
ReplyDeleteI would bet that if someone called around to different auto shops in her area to inquire about the $500 she needs to fix her POS truck (asking as if they are interested in paying said bill depending on the amount owed in total) so it passes inspection, the shops wouldn't have a clue as to what the person is talking about.
ReplyDeleteIt's another lie to get money from kind hearted strangers that she can blow on her trip to stalk some poor girl that she is infatuated with.
On twitter just now:
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
Looking to borrow a car for Sunday afternoon, back Monday afternoon. Anyone local have a non-manual car I can loan? Am insured, will return with full tank of gas!
I thought she couldn't be away from her 'farm' (not a farm) for that long? If she can go somewhere overnight, she can surely work a 4 or 6 hour shift in 'her' town - many places to grab a part time job there and literally a 10 mile round trip from her house.
DeleteIf her inspection doesn't run out till 8/31, she has no reason to have to borrow a vehicle.
And, I don't know a farmer who can't drive a stick LMAO. Some 'farmer' she is...
Woops. Just looked at the calendar and realized my dates are wrong. I thought the 31st was Monday - my bad! DOH!
Delete‘A car I can loan”-how about try “ A car I can borrow”, dum dum. Some writer.
ReplyDeleteAnd how desperate can you be to be begging for a car to go on a road trip while you are begging for every bill under the sun and those bills are all supposedly due this weekend??
and afford a full tank of gas? Must not be that broke.
DeleteI thought the same thing Anon!
DeleteMe too. I wonder if "her girl" has read about JFW yet online. I seriously doubt that anyone in their right mind would become involved with an animal abusing, devious online beggar. If so, and they've done due diligence, then they deserve each other. I also find it suspicious that this woman is already being referred to in such an intimate manner. It's sorta like her cyber stalking of celebrities like Taylor Swift, Aya Cash and Anna Kendrick, and acting overly familiar with personal tweeting to them all the time.
DeleteShe even had the chutzpah to invite TS to visit her hawk awhile ago: "Upstate NY has oversize sweaters for days!" That's a direct quote from her on Twitter. I can recall it because of its stupidity. As if any famous person would stay at her hovel, shit in the woods, and freeze because of no free firewood.
🐷 🔌 ⚡️: "I don't have any money to pay my bills!"
Delete"Please...I need money to pay for all these new emergencies!!"
"And while I'm waiting for you to donate money, I'm gonna go on date!!!"
"But my truck is broke and I need to "loan" a car ASAP! And gas money too!!"
"And because I had to cancel my dentist appointment, I'm going to subject "my girl" to kissing my rotten cracked-tooth mouth whether she likes it or not! Go me!!"
(Why is there not a vomit emoji?)
DeleteI dont know what is more absurd. The fact that she has to go online to beg for the use of a strangers car, or she fully expects someone will loan it to her, and she cant drive a stick!!!! What "farmer" cant drive a stick? What a fucking loser. Thanks for the laughs this morning Jenna. I bet "your girl" is really impressed.
ReplyDeleteANON12: My first car was manual, and I have since learned to drive several variations of manual--on the steering wheel, for example in a 1939 Plymouth. Why would anyone lend her a car? She should rent one, and if she made it clear to "her girl" (possessive, diminishing her to property) certainly the WOMAN might want to make the effort to visit the farm, instead. I guess Patty would feed the horses and (maybe) piglets, etc. The cats? The dogs? Why would you go out of town if you have all of these financial issues looming and it's the end of the month? I agree with others. She has to have a regular source of income coming in; either family or maybe SSI--Supplemental Security Income. At her age, she would have to establish some pretty serious disabilities to get that, and they've been cracking down on it the past decade.
ReplyDeleteI wrote before about canning, and I was thinking about it again the other morning because this is the week my mother died (some time ago) and August was our big canning-preserving month. We had grape vines and made grape jelly. We would bring up damson plums from the South and do the same. We would go South, again, and gather up pecans into burlap sacks and spent time shelling them (and walnuts and black walnuts) for the freezer for Christmas baking. We would go to orchards and pick peaches and pickle them or freeze them. Freeze a lot of fresh corn, can tomatoes in a variety of ways, make a ton of pickles including okra, can string beans. It just never stopped for that month. Even if she's not growing food, these are foods she can buy cheaply and then have all winter and beyond. And every farmer I've ever known has a separate free standing freezer. She would need one for all of her butchered meat, as well, and that's another thing we would do is buy shares in a cow, etc. and freeze that. I also wrote earlier that she should have started on her firewood by July at the latest. I just don't get it. What does she get out of pretending to be this strong woman running a farm alone? Fantasy.
P.S. Good work to the others who pursued the hawk laws. I had googled a ton about New York laws on that. She's such a violator. THAT needs to stop. No more photo ops.
Nice to see Meredith pop up, and she's right. Nothing's changed. Sadly.
And all those chickens she ordered...150-200 by her count.
❓🐓 🐓❓🐓 🐓❓🐓 🐓❓ 🐓 🐓❓🐓 🐓❓🐓❓🐓❓🐓❓🐺 ❓❓❓
"Where Have All her Chickens Gone?" (Sung to the tune of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?"
Delete) Ugh.
DeleteOne of her posts said that she would crate the dogs in the loaned car, so she plans on taking them with her.
DeletePig Shocker, the animal killer, would tie the dogs to the bumper if it meant getting to do what she wants.
DeleteShe's a narcissistic sociopath. It's all about her all day everyday.
Who is watching the hawk? If it's left alone for 24 hours, what happens if the hawk's water gets spilled? He
just goes without until fat ass waddles home?
I think there's several scenarios about how the mortgage and being paid, and it's not because she's paying it.
ReplyDelete1) Her family is paying it (with the caveat that she pay the rest of the bills).
2) She's on SSI for mental and gets enough for the mortgage and/or some bills. Begs for the fun money.
3) Patti (or someone else, maybe family) is paying it because they are under a private contract to buy the place. That way, it wouldn't show up on any official records until it was paid off.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
DM. That makes sense, and I've thought the same thing. I also wonder if she's not doing drawings for the furry fandom, and is too embarrassed to mention it on Twitter. Apparently, she'd done it in the past. For all we know she's selling old, stinky socks on Adult eBay to faux farm femme foot fetishists. (Wow. What an alliterative mouthful.)
DeleteJenna's a furry? EEEEWWWWWWW!
Delete#2 makes the most sense. How many root canals/cracked teeth can one person possibly have? And at least one new expensive "emergency" every single month? The truck always needs work? A $10K auto collision??
DeleteNo one is THAT unlucky, month after month, year after year. No, like Jon Katz stated, the Pig Shocker has learned that drama and crises bring in the money while she sits on her ass, drooling over TS videos.
I think she got tired if begging every few weeks for money.
DeleteSo the moron that she is, she came up with the woe is me I owe $10,000 for an accident that wasnt my fault.
Then perhaps someone mentioned that screwing people over for that amount of money could result in some serious charges with jail time.
Then like the birds (PLURAL) she has murdered, the "accident" was never mentioned again.
This can't be a coincidence with her "coming out" story:
ReplyDelete"One of my closest friends shared her story of a 10-year marriage ending, falling in love with a woman, and coming out in her 30's. If you want to read about a life falling apart and beautifully coming together again: http://journal.goingslowly.com/2019/08/barns-burnt-down-now-I-can-see-the-moon …"
I think that Jenna is just jealous of her happiness, and wants to compete with her own girlfriend.
Wow, yes, the timing...about the same time the Pig Shocker made her announcement.
DeleteAlthough, I find it amusing that her BFF Tara, who has for years made comments about how "awesome" and "amazing" and "beautiful" Jenna is, that she was ultimately not into her that way. Lol, what a burn. 🔥💔
Apparently Tara was trying to make Pig Shocker feel better about being a fat, animal killing, mentally ill loser.
DeleteOnce Pig Shocker declared her love for Tara, Tara backed away from the compliments lickity split.
PS is too much of an idiot to realize they were pity compliments only given to her because she's such a loser.
👏 👏 Oh yay, it's the usual end-of-the-month-crunch-time-beg-fest on Twitter:
ReplyDelete❝ Only three days left to make the mortgage on top of truck repairs to pass inspection. Feeling hopeful I can make it work but it requires getting the word out about logos, meat shares for 2020, and artwork! ❞
It doesn't require a job, she claims. It only requires getting the word out! But wait, isn't the "word" already out about 3-6 times a day, every day, all week, and all month long? Last time I checked, "getting the word out" meant making a brand new announcement. Or perhaps introducing a new line of products. Unless her foollowers are blind, they already KNOW she wants their money in exchange for her stale products that only appeal to select people. The "word" has been "out" forever. The whole spam-begging via Twitter is really the only consistent thing she does with her life. THEY EFFING KNOW BY NOW.
It's missing her stupid "Let's do this!" By that she means "Please PayPal me the mortgage money, and make sure that there's extra for Taylor Swift trinkets, my metal-sided truck repair/inspection, and a cracked tooth or two. Plus, I might need that $10,000 for the accident which was never mentioned again. Oh, and I still need to use your car for a trip to see my girl. HMU!!!"
DeleteYes and its everyones fault if she doesnt make it. But of course she will make it because she doesnt really need it. It's just fun money.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think that she was Jewish with her guilt-trips. Maybe she'll get into the Kabbalah next to replace being a hipster heathen. Oy.
Delete❓The Pig Shocker has been on Twitter since 2010, and I'm wondering if anyone here remembers how much she posted back then? (I'm not aware of a way to search back that far.) Did she spend her whole day on Twitter like she does now?
ReplyDeleteReason I'm asking is because of a few comments on the last thread: Both were about the contrast between the early days of the bleg and now, about how the farming duties and homesteading activities have dwindled down to almost nothing.
And it's alarming to see the depth of her social media addiction. Where's the young lady who used to be so busy and productive? Why is she now always online and begging all day? I'm wondering if being lonely is what drove her to the internet? Because back then her bleg was filled with names of friends, but it seemed that she pissed off a lot of people and found herself all alone. Which would explain why she spends ridiculous amounts of time watching Taylor Swift's every move. Barnheart is dead. Infected no longer, as the donation button proved to be the cure. Sad.
"pig shocker"? Do I even want to know?
ReplyDeleteBack in 2013, due to her laziness, her pigs got loose. And because it took her so long to round them up, she grew angry and did this to them:
Delete❝ It took another half hour but I grabbed an old two-mile plug in charger and set it up to replace the ten-mile charger that was a deadbeat. I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite. ❞
That disgusting and inhumane behavior is why we now call her the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️
Full post here: https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=pink+nose
(BTW, good to see you here! I'm still kinda new here, but have spent a good amount of time reading the info on your blog...and I'm happy that you to the time to educate folks.)
Yes...I recall that. Seeing an animal shocked should never bring joy or a smile. It's the absolutely worst part of using electric fencing.
DeleteAwhile later she went to check on the pigs to make sure the fence was working:
Delete❝ All were inside. One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. No part of me felt any pity at all. I smiled. ❞
This is the #1 reason she shouldn't be allowed to own animals.
She's a fucking sociopath.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTwitter Twaddle
ReplyDelete"This farm is right up against it every month. If you'd like to be part of the reason it makes it to September, this is a great way to do so. Also happy to offer art, meat shares, handmade soaps, logos and more!"
Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich. No one GAF if "This farm is right up against it every month." It's because the "renter" won't get off her lazy fat ass and work like a normal adult. She's only really "happy" if a PayPal poodle "offers" her money.
"If you don't want to buy soap or art and just want to kick in towards the decade's worth of sharing my story online you can do that here!"
And that's the meat of her manipulative marketing. "Gimme money for nothing!!!" Her putrid purple prose is crap, the animal abusing is disgusting, and endless kvetching about bullshit is boring.
Absolutely nothing but spamming with ads today all day on twitter.
ReplyDeleteI've already reported her a few times this week for excessive spamming. She's beyond obnoxious.
DeleteOh look, shes pulling out the "I made it" picture from Twitter a few years ago when she was expecting everyone to tell her how awesome she is. Instead she got ripped to shreds.������
ReplyDeleteI'm not on twitter. What were the responses?
DeleteLet's put it this way...it got shut down the responses were so numerous and negative.
DeleteGuys my bad it was reddit. Google Jenna 5 years ago I quit a job...on reddit.
My emojis didnt work. Supposed to be smiley faces.
ReplyDeleteTry putting a space or two between them. Also, if you are asked to sign-in after your comment, and you've already selected emojis, they won't show up when your message re-apprears. At least not for me.
Delete😀 😀 😀
Hopefully Pig Shocker's "new girl" has read PS's social media posts and knows that Pig Shocker is planning to stalk her this holiday weekend. Even if she has to beg, borrow or steal a vehicle to get there.
ReplyDeleteIt's most definitely not a two sided relationship as there's never been any social media posts claiming that Pig Shocker is someone's "girl" (new or otherwise). The only mutual behavior is in Pig Shocker's demented mind.
Pig Shocker is desperate, crazy and dangerous. Just ask all of the animals who have "disappeared" at Pig Shocker's man hands.
If "her girl" see's that the Pig Shocker can't swing a visit, perhaps she'll realize early on what she's getting herself into.
Deleteaccording to her she is "right up against it" again this month (and every month) but dollars to donuts she is still trying to figure out how to get to coast girl Sunday through Monday. How will the animals survive? She has never been able to leave for more than a couple of hours in years and now this? oh whoooa is me.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she's even allowed to leave that hawk in another unlicensed person's care?
DeleteI remeber reading in the falconry guidelines that they can leave their bird in the care of someone else temporarily.
DeleteMore likely, she doesn't want anyone peeping around on her property so the hawk would be left on its own. Pig Shocker covers her wide ass first and foremost.
Not that she ever leaves. She runs her fat mouth about leaving a lot and never does. She has the secrets that all abusers have and keeping them comes first.
🎺 Sad trombone time, along with the world's smallest 🎻 :
ReplyDelete❝ This day has been consistently embarrassing and involved many bad choices based on romantic whims and I have no idea how it is going to pan out. ❞
I was wondering what the hell she is alluding to, and what happened, but then saw this:
❝ Sharing links like this feels bad, something I'm told I should be ashamed of. But I've shared 10 years of my story online, the entire farm. And sharing this link may be the reason I can keep it. (The link she shared was the "farm is right up against it, PayPal me" one.) ❞
Anyway, if you put those two comments together, what she's saying is that she was embarrassed to spend her entire day consistently begging because she doesn't have her mortgage cuz she spent all that she had on this date she wanted to go on. "Bad choices based on romantic whims" sounds like she blew all the mortgage money and thought "slung luck" would kick in to replace it. But it didn't. And that's why she supposedly "feels bad" to be tweet spamming.
❝ But I've shared 10 years of my story online, the entire farm. ❞
Yeah? And who asked you to do that? That was your choice, your idea. "But" nothing.
❝ This bleg will ALWAYS be free... ❞
Yeah, up until you don't have your mortgage and then you try to guilt-trip everyone into PayPaling you. And your timing sucks -- just about everyone is out and about enjoying their Labor Day get-togethers. No one is spending time on Twitter this weekend like they do during their work week. Whatever you spent the money on (car rental? more new clothes? a toothbrush?) was stupid because instead of being out and about having fun, you're stuck inside begging for strangers to save your butt once again.
No sympathy here. 🚫 🐩 💰 🚫 And no poodle cash for you.
I knew she was stalking the "new girl" and that the only romance in the relationship is in her demented mind
DeleteIt fits her sociopath personality disorder to a T.
Of course no one wants a begger or an animal abuser. No one wants someone who is ugly on the inside as well as ugly on the outside.
No one wants a Pig Shocker.
Don't forget her trip to the ABC pub's potluck-get drunk evening (money money spent), including baking a cake for @goldenearthdesigns. Eww.
ReplyDeleteShe plays while poodles pay.
You know, Twitter IS the perfect forum for her begging, because fly-bys don't bother checking out ten years of repetitive mistakes, lies, animal neglect and irresponsibility. They see "farm", "single woman" "alone on mountain" "struggle" but never put the pieces of 💩 💩 💩 together.
Cold Antler Faum...where animals go to die.
I just can not reconcile her comments. She swings wide from need money for truck repairs, bills, mortgage, cord of wood. Then truck repairs are covered. No word about cord of wood (available for free by the way in her area ), now it’s on bills. What about the mortgage? But wait, she also is begging for a car rental so she can go in an overnight adventure (in the midst of a money crisis), but she also just bought a new wardrobe complete with a dress, matching shoes and a purse, but also wait, she has friends over this weekend. Oh, and also she made a string of bad decisions yesterday, according to her, in the romantic department. And also, there was the cracked tooth, the almost canceled health insurance because she hasn’t paid in months, and the threatening $10K letter from the fender bender she was in. Not to mention, birchthron is still sitting in a box in her livingroom, along with month’s-old orders of soap and drawings. And her meat shares? I can’t even wrap my mind around that. Now she is saying meat in 2020..but she took money in for shares for animals she didn’t seem to ave, but then said she was sold out, and then she was offering them again.
ReplyDeleteI mean, who can ever keep up?? How does she ever keep up with all these seeming lies?
She counts on people not keeping up. Just seeing the drama du jour and resonating with it and then helping out. I saw TWO people remark about how broke they were and could not buy soap but that they sent a little something along and hoped it woud help and that others would help. They just are not spending enough time with dipshit to know that there is a whole serial scamming thing going on. They are just not that invested in her and her life, so she is living off that to her advantage. If they looked deeper than a quick tweet read and some feels, they would start to wonder, what the HECK is going on here... But they are not spending that much time. Such a scam. I just can't believe she has this going on month after month after year and so on.
DeletePeople... wake up !!!
And she didn't even have the common courtesy to publicly thank them either. She's one of the most despicable pieces of shit I've ever seen.
DeleteAnimal Abusing Waddles definitely takes the cake (and then eats it like a slopped hog).
Regarding firewood: reading back through her Reddit AMA and she repeatedly claims to use horsepower to "log, chop, and stack" her own firewood. I'm not going to go back through the blog, but I do remember there was a guy who came to her house a few times to drag logs with Merlin. That was years ago though. I wonder whatever happened to that guy, and why we don't hear about "logging with horsepower" anymore.
ReplyDeleteThat was Brett. If I remember correctly....there were a couple of people that were wondering if she should have a romantic interest in him. She got funny about it and then we didn't hear much about Brett anymore. It was my theory that she came on to him and he ran away. I think later he got married.
DeleteP.s. He did any work for her. The only work she ever did was walk behind the horse. She'd have the Antlerstock attendees chop the wood for her.
does anyone else remember the time a guy from her high school came to live with her? It seems to me he had encountered some troubles and needed a place to stay and she was going to teach him how to farm. Heard about him for a week or two then nothing. I guess jail or whatever his problem was sounded good rather than be there with her.
ReplyDeleteIf he made it out of there alive...
DeleteWH. Maybe he's male compost for her crappy "kaleyard."
DeleteOr he's mummified wearing a dress and a wig and she calls him "new girl."
DeleteDo you mean Ajay? If you do a search on both Jenna's bleg and Jon Katz's blog you'll find a bunch of entries about him. He lived with both of them for a few weeks and then moved in with that Common Sense cult. Jenna rambled on about how smart and amazing he was back then, but hasn't mentioned him for years now. Wonder what happened?
DeleteIt's hard to believe someone like Pig Shocker could be that much of a loser.
DeleteUnrequited love leaves and moves in with the local cult?
He could have stayed and played Pig Shocker like a fiddle and used her up. Instead he would rather be in a cult.
oh my goodness oh my goodness she made it to the coast!!! It appears someone was dumb enough to trust her with their car (I think all the begging was really for car rental and that is what the money was for.) Who in their right mind would do that on the last big holiday of the season? I live in a seaside town and believe me you don't want to go near a major (or even back road) highway this whole weekend let alone drive a 3 hr. drive which around here a normal 3 hr. drive will take you 6 hours.
ReplyDeleteAlso I don't believe for one minute she had overnight guests yesterday. I know of NO ONE who would stay in a hovel like that one. I could never ever be desperate enough to stay there if no inn is available I would sleep in my car first. Can't wait to hear how she spins this story if she hasn't already run off got married and movin' on up to the big time.
I would bet she's either home sitting on her couch or stalking someone in her rented car.
DeleteI just checked she has deleted that post from early this morning. It talked of a charming seaside town with places named after famous whales etc. Just boom it is gone. Guess she didn't want her poodles knowing she was having so much fun. After posting that she had company over night I figure she now wants people to believe she is still home "farming" away.
DeleteAnd she usually boasts about those infamous "friends" who stay in her hovel. The broadcasts usually include carefully curated pics, and then she lamely attempts to "alter" her huge jowls, fat torso etc...
DeleteThe friends are in her head. She probably dresses her dogs up and pretends they are the "guests."
DeleteAnon 7:01 - She posted some new ones including one of a boat that she projected her Taylor Swift obsession onto. I'm sure "my girl" was real impressed hanging out with PermaTeen Woginrich who no doubt played "Lover" non-stop.
DeleteShe's sitting in her rental car takjng pics of the scenery while she's out stalking her latest obsession.
DeleteAnon12: She's put up a picture of a hawk with it's head outside her truck. I thought there was some kind of law about using pictures for social media???
ReplyDeleteRaptors may not be used for advertising or self-promotion. Every time she posts a photo of a hawk, an argument can be made it's self-promotion since Pig Shocker sells subscriptions to her drivel, but especially when she advertises her books or 'classes' or to make $$$.
DeleteI thought she rented/borrowed a car and couldn't drive her truck?
DeleteWhatever Jenna Wants
ReplyDelete(sung to the tune of "Whatever Lola Wants" from the musical "Damn Yankees"
Whatever Jenna wants
Jenna gets
And foolish fan
Jenna wants $$$
Make up your mind
To part with your $$$
Resign yourself
You're through
She always gets what she aims for
Your soul and cash is what she came for
Whatever Jenna wants
Jenna gets
No use to fight
You know you can't win
You're no exception to the rule
Just pay her you fool
Give in
Give in
Give in
😆 Lol, this upcoming week is gonna be interesting, as she said that she didn't make the mortgage and monthly bills, yet took a pricey trip to the coast anyway. So be prepared for lots of photos and nauseating date talk alongside pleas to help keep CAF keepin' on. It means so much!!!
DeleteOr if there aren't any photos of her stalking adventure, it's because she stayed home and stalked her new girl prey from afar.
DeleteThere certainly won't be any proclamtions of love on social media for Animal Abusing Waddles.
No one in their right mind would get into a relationship with a narcissistic sociopath like Pig Shocker.
So it's all just more crappy fiction from her demented mind.
Patty just posted a pic of Jenna's horses standing in the rain on Instagram and did an @ her... she's not there. She must be in her sea port locale. The pic is nothing cool or unusual. Why would Patty be there on a Sunday afternoon other than to check on them and such.
ReplyDeleteSaw that. Liar, liar, Pig Shocker's kilt on fire.
DeleteObviously she quickly deleted her screwing-off-on-the-coast post because that won't jibe with her 💩 narrative of a poor-gal who is stuck on the mountain and cannot possibly leave to get a (GASP) job or perform jury duty.
She's a blemish against every farmer and especially against every woman farmer.
okay she is giving little hints as to where she went to stalk yesterday. Hell it is only New Bedford Mass. Hope she took the monkey dress with her.
ReplyDeleteNow she has proven she can get away for an over nighter but don't expect her to get a job "off farm" or jury duty or anything like that.
I don't think she's considered the logistics of trying to date someone who lives 200+ miles away when she:
Deletea) can't really leave for long periods of time
b) can't drive her truck more than 30 miles from her feed lot
c) can't make her mortgage and bills, much less extra gas money needed
Maybe she's just trying to put a one-time notch on her belt so she can further push her agenda for extra 🐩 💰
I bet she wore the shit out of those yellow grandma sandals...
Delete😏 Lol, she's tweeting about her date while still on the date. Gotta get those fresh new pics on Twitter to keep donations coming in! And good choice to visit the ocean -- if things go as planned, she can blame the hodor de pescado on that.
ReplyDelete😂 😂 😂
DeleteI don’t know about you, but if I’m broke as hell, and it’s the last day of the month, and I have begged for the last thirty days to get strangers to pay for my bills, truck registration and repairs, clothes and shoes, mortgage, health insurance, cord of wood, etc..you better believe that
DeleteA) I am not going to the coast, 200 miles away, playing in the water and spending money I don’t have. I would be taking my ass to the first place in town that’s hiring, and taking whatever hours they could offer me. And
B)I am for DAMN sure not going to tweet about my trip to the same people whom I’ve flooded with my begging tweets just a day earlier.
Only a sociopath will do this, and furthermore, do it with zero regret and flaunt it in the faces of the ones who have paid her bills each month for the last almost ten years.
She verifies almost daily, that she is in no need of money. She just wants play money. And if people are willing to give it to her, then I guess that's just how it goes.
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking something isn't right about her whole picture. She can't be getting that many drawings and stupid soap to keep a place going without having to "go out to work" someplace. Then it just popped in my mind suppose she still works for Cabela but from home so she has a paycheck coming in from that? There has to be money coming from some place and it makes sense to me that she would have been scamming all these years so she has extra cash her play money coming from her poodles. Just a thought. She is to easy to get distracted and go for a swim, go for a ride go here go there. People with no income coming in except what they earn by their own 2 hands don't do these kind of crazy things.
ReplyDeleteOr my guess would be a check each month from the government for her various mental disorders.
DeleteI think she's on disability. She's certainly crazy enough to get it.
However, disability wouldn't be enough to cover entertainment.
She could make enough to pay her mortgage, utilities and truck insurance. Those are her only expenses.
But Animal Abusing Waddles wants to play. In order to do that, she sells a minimum amount of crayon pet drawings and shitty dog hair and hawk crap soap.
Yet it's still not enough.
So she begs, like the loser she is.
Hail Mary loan for FFF = Patty ?!!!
ReplyDeletePember Patty is the Queen of enablers; she's the one who looked after Pig Shocker's animals while PS flitted away the weekend. She's the unnamed "friend (s)" PS pretends to have on many occasions. She invites PS to meals, bails her out, repairs her hovel and entertains social media friends who want free-digs, free-food and free-pony trips. At this point, PP may be eligible for sainthood!
PS never reciprocates. She takes and PP gives. There is something quite odd in their relationship. For the longest time, I thought PS acted as a front for selling PP meat. I figured PP raised it, and FFF sold it. Maybe they have a business connection. What else ties them together?
Why does PP keep bailing out the deceitful, pathetic, begging Pig Shocker? Why does she keep on when Jon Katz and others abandoned PS long ago - after figuring out what a scammer she was.
I think Pig Shocker reciprocates in ways that no one knows about. 🤢🤮
DeleteAnd a shameless beg this morning: I know I went to the beach for the weekend, but, I promise, I am still behind on bills and mortgage and firewood, so just don’t try to rationalize, send money for last month’s bills and don’t forget to start saving again because my new month’s bills will be coming due right after last month’s bills!
ReplyDeleteSo, she needs hay money for pets. That's cute. She says no sheep to satisfy customers? What happened to the bottle lambs? As expected, those were just more props - they were never hers. Those lambs, if alive would be on hay/grain now, and NO WHERE near old enough to slaughter. The hay banks not being available, translation: people got sick of her not paying for the hay.
ReplyDeleteNow it's for "piglets" only with no mention of grown pigs.
DeleteLiar knows she hasn't had livestock on her property for over a year since the animal abuse investigation.
So all of the hay she claims to need is for 2 horses? 😂🤣😁
What a moron.
Hasn't paid August's mortgage and now September is due? One can only hope foreclosure proceedings are imminent.
ReplyDeleteSorry babe, its nobody's fault but your own that you are behind.
ReplyDeleteShe's not behind on shit. She never has been. Jenna has a steady stream of old subscribers that probably have long forgotten about that monthly deduction from their accounts, non-stop revenue of new drive by donators, as well as old faithful fools that are either naive or simply stupid and likely offer large sums at various times of the year because they truly think their action will save the day. Jenna strategically preys on each of these groups. She writes specifically to appeal to those who will subscribe and forget, randomly donate and infrequently check in, and the bleeding hearts that are invested. Each and every word, photo, action, inaction etc is a manipulative appeal for money.
ReplyDeleteIt is clear in each and every blog post and has been for over a decade. I suspect Jenna realized about 20 years ago how easy it was to fleece people for money and she has certainly perfected the art of internet panhandling.
She wants for nothing. Don't fall for anything she says.
This chick is sitting pretty. Her financial situation is one that allows her to enjoy expensive hobbies, shop, play, get away etc.
Don't fall for her words or what she portrays online. It's all lies and webs of deception.
Always has been. Always will be.
DeleteI have always believed that, too Meredith. You're spot on!