I noticed the picture of her riding the "free" horse and damned if those jeans looked to loose to me. Yeah I am petty like that. Free horse my ass she wants a pat on the back for NOT being able to talk this woman into payments on that horse. Probably the woman is wise to her type of "bookkeeping" if you ask me.
oh and I see NO helmet she was suppose to be wearing while riding that pony. Remember it was suppose to be at the end of the ride she got excited and threw it? That is why the pony threw her? And the story she told then was the girl wanted her to take the pony for a few weeks to train it better to ride (cause you know she is an expert on that to -- book to come out soon) now it is she wanted to "give" it to her. uuuuummm yeah and do I have some water front property in AZ to sell you.
and on closer look at the picture she is wearing a completely different outfit and not the helmet either so she must have been there a few times. Yep someone wants to "give" her and 8 or 10 thousand dollar horse since she is a bronco busting horsey person. gezzzz.
One minute she buys a new dress and shoes, the next minute- firewood beg. The buffoon with a working oil furnace and space heaters insists on using a woodburning stove.
She could easily use 2 space heaters, close off the second floor and be plenty warm. But oh no, that won't generate any donations.
Anon 5:59, she doesn't even have to go on Craigslist. I live in her area, you would not believe the amount of wood there is on the roadsides free for the taking. My husband said, all she would have to do is go up to a town crew taking down trees, bring them a carton of Stewart's coffee and doughnuts. They'd be happy to let her take whatever they were cutting down. Free food/coffee and less work for them.
After reading that new bleg post (The Ghosted Mare 8/12) I was struck at how much it didn't sound like her...AND...how much it sounds like damage control. There's an awful lot of explaining going on there. Why is that?
Either way, she's up to something. Setting up for the next big beg. And she's already made it clear that she does need things, namely the cords of firewood, new truck tires, and money for the upcoming optometry bill...and new glasses no doubt. So get out those wallets, poodles!
yes and she is just now thinking about firewood when she used more than 4 cords last winter? She wants one now and again in Sept. (big check mark for those begging dates). She got new dress and shoes for coastal dating site that could have gone a long way towards a cord of wood and of course nothing she owns now fits her fit body so she can't wear Walmart jeans only Rag and Bone for her fine body. Good thing I don't have pay pal or I would be hitting that button so she doesn't have to suffer so.
That is exactly what I thought as well, damage control. After the mismatched mortgage check information-posted one thing on twitter and a totally different thing on the blog; then all of a sudden had over $70 to spend on a brand new dress and shoes; something happened and she ended up without the horse that she was priming her few readers for..this blog really sounded like major clean up. I wonder if someone she trusts strongly advised her to do this, in light of her “almost not making” this month’s bills.
I loved how Blair Braverman's husband told her on Twitter that she couldn't afford a Fjord! I'd say maybe that made a difference but Pig Shocker doesn't take advice from anyone. Nor does she deny herself anything.
It had to have been a lie from the get go about the Fjord or that the owners wouldn't buy her "just a poor lil' girl begging for a horsey to love" bit.
You are right CM. BUT that would mean she would actually have to work to LIFT those pieces of wood and some how, heft them into the truck. That is NOT happening.
Really makes you wonder what's wrong with the mind of a person who would rather mess around on Twitter all day and beg for money instead. I mean, it's free wood! All ya gotta do is go get it!!
It's because she wants people's money, not firewood. She probably gets it for free from someone or somewhere but wants the cold hard cash she begs from strangers to buy more ugly clothes and other worthless crap.
The stupid twat: What is good about all this is how I am learning to plan and manage well in advance - a skill that took so long to actually truly learn.
I don't think she's learned it yet folks. Sorry Jenna, keep lying to yourself. We all know planning into the future is not your strong point.
Also, am not buying the bullshit that someone offered you a FREE HORSE. A fjord at that, don't think so. I guess her reputation as a "horse whisperer" abounds around Washington County.
I think maybe Jenna was going to buy the horse and the owner looked into her, read about her sterling reputation and withdrew the offer. No way in hell Jenna says no to herself.
I can totally see Pember Patty and FFF "tag teaming" the Massachusetts owner of the Fjord mare, with PP talking up her bestie. Praying the Fjord owner had the good sense to realize any home that leaves an elderly horse exposed to New York winters - and brags about not supplying aching joints with supplements or giving horses grain - is not the right home.
Arrogance and ignorance are always a poor combination when it comes to horses. In a perfect world, FFF would never be allowed to own another sentient creature.
I don't believe she was offered that horse for free. She is using the made up story to set the stage for another big beg. Winter is coming and that means higher expenses. I think she is trying to convince people that she is finally becoming responsible. The phrase she wrote that she is finally learning to plan ahead and prepare--wasn't she the queen of preaching preparedness at one time?? To take her statement at face value means she was even making up the preparedness stuff she was preaching. Hard to figure her out.
I'm always amazed that she doesn't run out of track. She lives so haphazardly. I have horses, dogs, and cats. Right now I have some older animals that need more vet visits and medications. I've lost 2 cats in the past couple of months, and their deaths weren't cheap--vet visits. x-rays, labs, etc. to figure out what was wrong and then finally euthanasia fees. I can't imagine how I would afford that if I lived on the edge of self-induced poverty all the time. Her animals must go without so many things--Merlin is old, Mabel has arthritis, Gibson is older and I'm sure he has needs she is ignoring. Not fair to them.
And, there is no way she can say that they are all perfectly healthy and don't need a thing. I've spent a couple of thousand dollars on senior animal care over the past year. Mine were healthy and strong when they were young, but when they get older pretty much every animal ends up needing additional vet related procedures, medications, supplements, etc.
I would love to not work a full time job, but I won't do that to my animals, even if I could eek out a living for myself by retiring early with a smaller pension or doing small jobs here and there. Heck, I can make soap too. But that doesn't pay the bills.
Great post! I shudder to think that some of those poor animals are suffering right now due to her negligence. Anyone without an emergency fund should not be allowed to own animals.
Ok, I just read that blog post and here is my takeaway:
First off, she made a shopping list of all her needs, just to be sure her foolowers know what to send money for.
Secondly, she is trying to convince her foolowers that she is making good decisions now, so they can send her money and be assured she won't spent it frivolously. I'm guessing she has been getting a lot of push back from people who send her money for her mortgage or truck repairs, then watch her spend it foolishly.
Only when she has taken down her paypal button and gotten a real job will I believe she's turned over a new leaf.
There's no way that horse was free. They didn't even know her really, no one thinks, oh, I have a troublesome mare and I'll give it away free to some weird woman a state away. Bullshit.
She wanted it, she heard it was available, she rode it and it showed her who was boss and she decided against it, because of that, or a combination of the fact that the owner wasn't going to fall for some pay part, pay some, pay later bullshit.
And she would get so much pushback and lack of funding afterwards. No one has three horses, no job and begs online to "get by". Horses just cost way too much money, even "free" ones.
new jeans in the mail today. Boy we must have had a good shopping spree. I mentioned before no Walmart jeans for her only Rag and Bone since she is so hip and all not that she said that is what they are but we all know from the past that is all she has worn. Piss poor, begging for money but shopping for new cloths. Yep that is how this princess rolls.
New dress, new shoes, new jeans, new glasses (cuz you know she is going to get them because she mentioned it and she never recycles her frames or anything, she's had more new glasses than any person I know!) and new dog patch and dates and hiking and all that.
But shesh, poor me. I need firewood and I haven't paid my bills.
Was just thinking, there hasn't been any mention of the 'elderly woman who hit her metal sided truck', after which she received a letter stating that she might owe 10k for the accident. I wonder if that fjord was around 10k....
when you do freelance work don't you get paid for it within 30 days of publishing? Or is this a pretend freelance work she thinks she might have gotten? I swear she gets crazier and crazier each day.
Your contract terms lay out when you are supposed to get the check, but if you haven't been paid, there's not much you can do on a freelancer writer's budget, so publications are lazy about it. It's a real problem for freelancers.
This article went semi-viral in the writers corner of Twitter recently, and I'm guessing she's looking for sympathy/donations from people who read it: https://medium.com/@wudanyan/i-was-owed-more-than-5-000-from-late-paying-publications-47db55dfba2a
There must have been some new sunglasses and lipstick in that "surprise" box she got in the mail. Have to say I've been delighted when I've ordered something and it fit but never, ever, have I cried. It just gets more weird by the day.
The main thing to know about the FFF is that her entire life is lies. It's all about her manipulative marketing for money, and not wanting to support her own fat ass.
❝ Trying to buy in the first cord of firewood and get used tires for the truck so it passes inspection, soon as I can. If you want to help make that happen consider buying some artwork?! ❞
If you want to "help" make that happen? More like if you'll just straight up buy this stuff for me. And notice how she says "used" tires so that people will give more 🐩 💰 for new ones.
And then, just two hours later, she re-tweeted the "If you don't want to buy anything PayPal me anyway" message and wrote:
❝ Maybe 1 out of 10 times I share this link someone throws in and I wake up to that and it changes the energy of the entire day. This farm has been on the edge for so long the anxiety of losing it is a normalized but luck has stayed with me so far. To you who support it, thank you! ❞
Will YOU be that special 1 in 10 persons who falls for my bullshit?
Who else says "buy in" to describe purchasing firewood? It's like her stupid and annoying "earn up money" which I mock. It's a lame, linguistic attempt to soften her hardcore online begging. And anyone who "falls for her bullshit" almost deserves to be taken advantage of by the FFF.
They don't look the same quality as the ones she used to make. The color is off and they just look overall sloppy. The "Handmade" one looks like she nibbled on the edges and the dragon one looks like she dropped it. Compare the soaps in that pic to the ones on her Instagram and you'll see the difference in quality. Whatever melt-and-pour she's now using is sticking to the mold, as evidenced by the rough surfaces.
I noticed that too. I think they had a rough ride to wherever. Her soaps are just grade school projects. Can't belive that people get snookered over and over on those.
Not to mention that Pig Shocker was using goat's milk for her soaps sourced fresh from the child abusing cult next door. Maybe she's leaving out the goat's milk now because she's too cheap to buy it. The soaps look a lot different than they used to.
Why even bother to add any extra or buy it from the cult down the road.
She didn't even trim them up or make them look nice before letting them get beat up in the mail. No wrapper, no tag, no pride in her work.
And yeah, I make soap. And have sheep and raise wool and chickens and hogs. And I care about what I do. I have a website and I have tags and cute wrappers and such. Because it's a legimate business, not some consolation gift for donating to a fake cause.
The date must have been another disaster so now she's in her "everyone owes me a free ride because I can't manage to sucker anyone into a relationship" mode. She's been begging to beat the band ever since she slithered into that ugly monkey dress and slapped on those yellow grandma sandles.
Well I think dumb ass finally realizes she has bills to pay and instead blew her money on jeans, a dress and shoes and who knows what else, new shades and lipstick.
Sorry Jenna people are tired of bailing you out. Get a job freak.
I don't know if the second "date" even happened. It's suspicious because she hasn't been either bragging about the "coast girl," or even posted any pics on her "carefully curated" Instagram crap.
So for every ten asks she gets a donation. Wonder what the rate is for the scammers standing at the intersection is? Every 10th car drops a buck? At least those folks are putting a little effort into it. JW just hits a button. Why anyone who publicly asks for donations for strictly personal use would publicize their success rate is mind blowing. I'm not referencing legitimate fundraisers here.
"It's now officially mid August and I need to really hustle and focus. Two weeks to make this month's bills, buy in and stack the first cord of firewood, and get my truck new (used) tires and inspected. The goal for today is to earn $100 towards the bills and $100 towards those tires. That is what I will be writing down on my daily to do list. Besides those goals I have a batch of soap to make with the milk I have from Northern Spy Farm. I have 2 pet portraits to finish and mail out the door. I have logo clients to update. I have hay to pick up and pay for. I have the usual evening chores and house work and the same routine that makes up our days as all of you have as well."
Well, dumbass, had you saved the money you spent on that ugly monkey dress and the florescent yellow grandma sandles, you would have one of the $100 you claim to need.
Let me guess. Your shitty date attire that repelled yet another first date, was owed to you because your life sucks. Not only was that owed to you but since the date didn't work out because you are crazy with a capital C, everyone owes you money for firewood, money for tires for your hunk o junk truck and money for your mortgage and other bills.
Why? Because you don't want to get off of your ass and social media long enough to earn a living and take care of yourself.
I literally, laughed out loud at your "ugly monkey dress and florescent yellow grandma sandals." What's next for her new wardrobe? Maybe lesbian-lavender Crocs combined with the barf brown pleather jacket, and the new small jeans that came in the mail. Yeah, the large ones that she probably bought on eBay.
Funny, I automatically spelled "sandals" that way without checking yours first. Check out this Twit Shit:
"Friends tell me if I get a really great relationship going I'll stop caring so much about pop culture and I really hope that isn't true. That sounds awful."
Yeah, it'd be "awful" to stop stupid tweeting about Taylor Swift's sexuality, and other childish crap that normal adults don't care about. They're too busy supporting themselves, and not buying ugly outfits when they can't afford them. And forget about getting "a really great relationship going..." because she's too narcissistic to see beyond her own faux image.
The lazy ass mooch: "I can't stress enough how much this farm needs a lucky break."
In other words....I can't stress enough how much my bills need to be paid by you people. Get out your damn wallet or click hard on my PayPal button dammit!
THIS farm's lucky break would be snowflake getting off her ass and picking up a part time job so that $100 for tires or $50 for feed isn't a beg online.
Even a part time job would bring home four or five hundred a month. And would shut up half of her negative commenters and put the rest in shock.
And who knows, she might even meet Ms/Miss/Mr Right!
I looked at her latest blog and had to remark on the picture of the horses eating hay. Why she feels she needs to feed them an ENTIRE BALE of hay is beyond me. It looks like there is decent pasture behind them. Horses only need 2 flakes in the am and 2 flakes in the pm or maybe none if they have enough grass in the summer. What a freaking waste!!! And if you're gonna feed them hay, at least separate them a few feet and spread the hay out a little. She can't even be bothered to do that.
Jenna, you can get the hay to last a lot longer if you don't feed them so much; they don't need it. I thought you were such an expert?
Typically, she throws down large amounts of hay to partly cover old manure. It's better for PayPal poodle$ not to see she's too lazy to clean horse paddocks and/or feed horses away from their own filth.
Even feedlot owners know not to feed animals on top of their own feces. However, our Pig Shocker is much too busy editing her online images to properly look after her livestock.
No wonder she posted her property had tapeworms and ringworm and previous pork product was infected with internal diseased yellow cysts (pork meat was subsequently destroyed).
Funny there's been no photos of the piglet, lambs or hawk lately. It's obvious that the pigs and lambs aren't living on her property and hopefully the hawk has been rescued. She can run her mouth about the various animals but the lack of any recent photos expose her lies.
Without livestock or crops there is no farm. Just a rundown house, collapsing barn and a couple of tiny outbuildings owned by a lying, scamming, lazy af, animal abuser.🐷🔌⚡
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's mid August and the fall-prep panic is moving me to hustle like mad. Goal for today is to earn $100 towards bills an $100 for new (used) truck tires to make sure she passes inspection before the end of the month! That's my day!"
I'm always in a panic, not just now, because I'm a lazy lifestyle loser who won't work to support herself. So I hustle like mad by begging PayPal poodles to donate. That's my life!
The whole hoping her "freelance" check is in the mail is just more pretending.
Pig Shocker is trying to make it look as though she's earning money, when the reality is she just begs and waits for Paypal payments.
The majority of the articles she writes, she doesn't get paid for. People feel sorry for her and throw her the scraps of article assignnments that no one else wants to write. She gobbles them up just to be able to say she wrote them and then pretends to make money from them. No one actually pays for that condescending, self entitled drivel.
It's the same way she pretends she lives on a farm. No crops, no livestock, no farm. It's a shit hole property where she plays horsey with elderly and arthritic horses who should not be subjected to her 250 lb rides.
Pig Shocker doesn't care. The horseys are her props. The few animals she does have are only there so people will look at her social media pics. Without the animals, the pics would only show a middle aged, shabbily dressed, animal abusing, too lazy to work, single forever, loser.
Also, it's worth mentioning (but almost too boring at this point) that the photo she used to illustrate her two elderly horses was originally posted June 2018 - it's over a year old! Pig Shocker rarely uses present-time photos of the animals. Most are old pics - re-cropped, re-edited and re-purposed.
Many of the photos that don't show up in history search are probably outtakes from past photo shoots: lighting /plant growth suggest similar times and locations.
Yep. That's also why she takes polaroids of old photos. You can't search the history of the old photo within the polaroid.
Between that and taking selfie photos up above her head, as if the camera is hanging from a tree branch so no one sees her non runner's body, Pig Shocker spends a lot of time trying to lie via photo.
She spends more time on that than she spends begging and that is saying something.
Another reason she reuses old photos: Taking new ones would require ripping herself away from the computer and actually having to walk around the property. But then she might miss the latest Taylor Swift news.
She's out of the manic phase and going into the doom and gloom phase which sounds as if it will hit any day now. Always whining about being stressed, scared, etc. Blah, blah, wahhhh, blah.
Now she's went from yet another unsuccessful first date to worrying about things that are completely within her control and easily solved by getting a JOB with a steady paycheck. However, she's never worried enough to actually find employment. She's never worried enough to get off of social media and work for a living.
An excerpt of the bleg drivel:
"...Sometimes all that gets done in a day is I make 10% of what I needed to to feel okay - but I made that eye doctor appointment finally, and the animals are fed and good, and I got two soap orders mailed, and I can see on paper that even if things aren't ideal I am doing something good in my day towards something better.
So right now as I am trying to figure out this month I am cleaning, running, and making lists. I am doing the things I know I can do. And right now that's what is keeping me grounded and sane as fall is starting to plow into my every thought and firewood and hay seem as faraway as possible."
What a whiny bitch. She's a pathetic, middle aged, mentally ill, loser. She goes to the eye dr and gets new glasses every few months. Oh woe is her, however does she stand it? 🙄 A new style of glasses aren't going to help her looks. They are beyond her control. Pig Shocker the animal abuser is ugly inside and out.
That was well-put. And more Twitter Twaddle today:
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Some mornings I slay dragons and train hawks and ride horses up mountains but today I am doing laundry and trying to sell pet art. Today's dragon is the mortgage!"
Wow. What a badass bitch. It's too bad that her pesky monthly mortgage payment is rearing its ugly head again. It sucks being a responsible adult, doesn't it Jenna? (Which is why she isn't one.) It's unfortunate for her budget that she bought the ugly dress and accessories. "They were on sale!!!" She's always anxious and worried because it suits her begging narrative. It's funny how she went from being so excited about her "date," to tweeting nothing new. I think that the "coast girl" went online and read about her animal abusing, and also sees what a scammer JFW is in reality.
I honestly don't think I've ever seen anyone else detail their financial woes online as much as she does. So much unnecessary detail about ordinary and mundane tasks. She must be hella lonely to be babbling on about that crap.
And FCW, I agree..."coast girl" probably read all about the feral farmer here and then bailed when she realized that all she was wanted for is to help procure hay bales, new tires, the mortgage.
It's amazing, isn't it? Month after month of this crap from her. Stupid her is so stupidly stupid. And then she says this:
❝ I am doing the things I know I can do. ❞
That's a BIG FAT LIE right there. She knows she could get a job. But stupidee stupid head flat out refuses. And once again, I ask: Where are her parents? They must look at her social media now and then...so are they OK with knowing their daughter is a lazy online panhandler? I would love to have a chat with Mama Wog about her.
I believe that Pig Shocker was raised by a narcissist which is how she became one herself. That being said, I'm sure the narcissistic parent only worries about themselves. The other parent must just go along with whatever, like Eeyore the donkey.
Her constant "I'm figuring out finances" is simply a cyber smokescreen for "Gimme mortgage money!!!" And Ma Woginrich came across as snippy and arrogant when I read her Facebook comments.
In the latest bleg post the Pig Shocker is going all out for the feels, isn't she? In the first paragraph she writes, "things are stressful" and "I am so worried." And in the second paragraph she laments, "my heart hurts." Please worry about me! Feel sorry for me!! PayPal me!!!
And then she drones on and on about her precious lists. Sure hope she's using pencil, and not ink, cuz it would be a shame if her falling tears were to blur out those hopes and dreams.
Good. Well deserved Karma for the pain she has caused so many innocent animals over the years.
Also, that's what she gets for lying. All of her lies about running mutiple miles a few times each week lured a runner into her web, who supposedly wanted to date Pig Shocker.
Then this date met Pig Shocker in person and realized she had been snake bitten. The date knew immediately that Pig Shocker was not a runner. She realized that Pig Shocker's constant lies about her physical fitness are indicative of Pig Shocker being extremely mentally ill.
So that date used her running skills and beat feet away from Pig Shocker as fast as her feet could carry her. She was but a blurr as she ran the hell out of dodge.
No one wants a partner who has the black soul and cursed looks of an animal abuser. No one wants a compulsive liar who is too lazy to work to provide for herself. No one wants a begger who whines for other people to pay her bills.
Hare krishma I can't stress enough how much this farm needs a lucky break. Hare rama I can't stress enough how much this farm needs a lucky break. Hurry monay
"Drivers of Washington County: Please stop texting and driving because if one of you car-murders me on my run and the last thing I hear before I die is Carly Rae Jepson's Too Much I will haunt you an your progeny for generations for my ironic death."
Says the absolute MORON who films herself driving while videotaping her dogs who are in the car with her.
Pig Shocker's beady eyes aren't on the road, she's DRIVING while making a VIDEO.
Let's not forget that she frequently DRINKS at a local bar and then DRIVES herself home.
Pig Shocker needs to take care of her own dangerous and felonious behaviors before criticizing others. She has zero self awareness of her faults which is yet another symptom of her many untreated mental disorders.
"Every night at dusk they peck and ask to come inside the sliding glass doors and gently walk over to their pen and perch on top of it. "
Anyone who has actually kept chickens knows that they create copious piles of shit overnight. And chicken shit is some of the most vile smelling stuff ever. Her living room would reek of it and would require scrubbing every damn day. She's too damn lazy for that... and its definitely never appeared as a chore on her weak to-do lists.
I thought the same thing. I clean out underneath the roost in our chicken coop once a week and put fresh cedar shavings to keep the smell and the flies at bay...OUTSIDE. We also keep playground sand, several inches deep, in their run that is connected to the coop to clean their feet and reduce smells further. Also my chickens roam out of the run as they wish on a ten acre farm. And it still smells out there by the coop! It just does. I could see keeping a couple of chicks in if it’s cold and you can’t put them out yet and even then they stink to high heaven. But full grown chickens in the living room, overnight? No. Just no. I can’t even begin to imagine the stink.
Like Whackadoodle Horseshit stated up above, it was 3 paragraphs of "blah blah blah" chickens, followed by the real purpose of that post: To beg for money.
I actually think that she's doing much better than she pretends to. Here's why:
1. Everyone loves an underdog. She's sold an image of herself where she's a scrappy farmgirl doing it all alone. So to keep that narrative going, she "needs" her patrons to want to see her beat the odds.
2. If she was successful, then no one would give her donations. But if she's constantly on the verge of losing everything, then because of point #1 her folllowers will pitch in.
I mean, she has no flocks anymore, and at most some hogs and horses. So the farm CSA is gone and she can't make any money off of that. She's always getting potential foreclosure notices, and yet she's still there. She has broken plumbing and always has truck problems, yet she's still on the internet and online shopping.
It's a real mystery. Is she or isn't she broke? But the truth will come out sooner or later. It always does. But you're right about the underdog angle. Even Jon Katz wrote about her conniving ways:
❝ Stability and predictability are not very exciting. Drama works. [...] And Jenna knows a lot of ways to ask for help. ❞
according to her own words, she is not eligible for medicaid et al as she makes too much income. (sic!) So, my guess is: not so broke after all. Where her income comes from is really beyond me. (and no, I would generally not speculate about a strangers income that much). She appears to be chronically late on all things soap/design related and her sense of business and customer service as portrayed by herself online is questionable at best. For the love of all things holy, I cannot comprehend how this business model is actually successful. Yes, there are the donations (I myself have contributed a substantial amount) - but are they really enough? And, my biggest pet peeve: This ain't no farm! Not in the business sense. It might be a homestead - except there is no self-sufficiency coming from the farm. She is a freelance graphic designer with a bit of land and a few animals (which do not contribute much to the farm, safe the hypothetical pigs and maybe the lambs). A couple of donations, maybe a bit of money from the sponsors on her blog, overpriced soap and logos (I might need to revise my statement on her business sense - the profit on these items is quite astounding and they seem to sell...) Her marketing strategy is purely "woe is me, save the farm" - instead of putting the quality of her product as a main selling point, she guilts people into buying her stuff -exlusively, not as an exception of a very dire month in an otherwise profitable undertaking. But if she were a true freelance graphic designer, there would still be a website with a portfolio (there used to be, before she quit her dayjob, it was dogsinourparks) and maybe even rates! I do not know what to make of it all.
Anon210 - I just read that you contributed a substantial amount to her. What was your aha moment? How did you feel when she was blowing her money on unnecessary stuff while crying wolves at the door?
I think she gets a lot of donations. Even though many people are onto her, there are still newcomers and golden oldies who just won't give up their blind faith in her, for whatever reason. Let's say 100 people--realistic with the number of followers she has--give her $10/month. That's an easy $1000/month for doing nothing except complaining and begging on her blog and twitter. And I'm sure some people give her more. That pays the mortgage, so the money she gets for the art, logos, and soap pays the other monthly bills and gives her fun money.
We recieve some assistance and health insurance help. The limits are really rather high. If she says that she is making too much money, then she should be doing much better than she pretends. With just her couple $20 drawings, soap and cut rate always logos, she just can't be making that much money only. I really think she gets a LOT of donations from poor suckers. I was one once. Okay, three times. Hard to admit. I think that it is starting to kinda of dry up though. She's lost her persona and hipster farm fantasy hawk chick vibe after she turned into the lesbian drag queen faux-farmer pop star stalker.
I predict a new persona change soon... After all in the last 8 or 9 years she has switched like three or four religions and came out, no bi, no whatever, and was a heathen, then a GOT extra and runner, then hiker, then a hipster chick and now trying to be a pop influencer and blue check nose rubber... Remember when she was into folk music and Civil War? And sled dogs? And super politics? And writing books? Spinning? Sewing cloaks? Making beer, growing wheat, having a clan... haha, on and on and on.
She's due for a flip over to a new genre to suck those people dry after she is an expert in whatever. Donor fatique is not a problem to her.
I'll bet she considers hmmm... Imperialism.... and ah, raising rare parrots. Yeah... Okay, maybe not. ANy ideas for Jenna 6.0?
And it is really sad. Remember when she was a Buddhist vegan, and then tried to claim that eating meat was more ethical and became a heathen? I just checked the heathen hof home page, and there are no more meet-ups.
It's a shame. There was something so damned charming about the book "One Woman Farm" that brought me into her orbit. And with where she is currently, I really don't see her being able to pull off being an Instagram pop-culture influencer. That's a younger person's game, not for an almost 40 year-old.
But sticking with the farm chick personality is something that she CAN pull off. I'm Jenna's age, and lots of women my age have the dream of retiring to a farm. Hell, if she could get her shit together, she could run it as a BNB if she really didn't want the work of animals.
Just in case you missed this... the polaroids of the "free range troublemakers" are lying on a new purse from Modcloth. compare the zipper with tassel, the rivets, the double stitching, the handle.
polaroids tweeted on 8/17 at 11:56 am: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1162800506462507008
modcloth purse $24.97 on closeout sale: https://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/structured-supporter-suede-satchel-in-mustard/164866.html
Yes, she had herself a shopping spree on ModCloth. She didn’t mention the purse in her post about the dress and sandals, but just couldn’t keep her mouth shut about it. It’s a slap in the face of those who send her money to bail her out of her dire emergency of the month, every month.
So let’s think about the timing of her clothes/shoes/purse splurge. It arrived literally days after her mortgage emergency and her “mailed a check and it cleared” as stated on the blog, even though she was still begging on twitter. So are we to believe that while she was begging for the last pennies to make her mortgage and hoping the check would clear and all that, and spamming the shit out of the twitterverse and saying how she was “oh so close” to paying the mortgage, she also spent well over $100 on a new wardrobe? The whole thing is so fishy. She either had the money all along, and was never in danger of not making the mortgage, or she is the most irresponsible, pathologically lying beggar and user.
Fishy indeed. She said on the 10th that she ordered those things "a few days ago" which would have been during the first week of August. Liar liar fugly 👗 on 🔥🔥
Makes you wonder if she ever tells the truth about anything.
Ya know, now that I'm thinking about it, Jenna's exhibiting behavior that my sister is. See, my sister moved from the Florida suburbs to the country in Idaho. She HATES it. She's bored and lonely. So what does she do? Spends an ungodly amount of money on cosplay and going to conventions.
I'm wondering if Jenna, stuck up on her farm, is bored and lonely. Farm life didn't give her the satisfaction that she felt was missing from office cubicle life. Neither did Buddhism or Heathenry. So now she's trying to be an Instagram pop-culture influencer. But for that to work, you need to look a certain way and be up on your references, or you will be horribly outdated. Which means splurging on makeup, hair, and clothes. She will also need to admit that her farm is a failure, and move back to a city.
It will be interesting to see if she chooses to return to her farm roots where she received a mild bit of fame, or if she will chuck it all to chase the latest shiny object to catch her fancy.
So...those two new pics on Twitter: The one with the veggies that she claims were gifted to her by a neighbor, why are the bell peppers so shiny? They look like the wax-covered ones you get from the grocery store. Or do they really grow all shiny like that? (Never had a garden, lol.)
And the one with the two lamb polaroids on top of what looks like a new yellow purse to match the new yellow shoes, doesn't it? With the dress being $55 and the shoes $35 and the purse probably around $30, that's approx $120 she could have spent on firewood.
I noticed the brand new yellow purse to match the yellow sandals too! That’s the first thing I noticed in the photo. I could be wrong but to me it looks almost like she is rubbing it into the faces of all her critics. “ no matter what you say about me, I will buy whatever the F I want and in the same minute I will ask the internet for money for tires and mortgage and bills.”
does it not seem strange that her "neighbor" planted a HUGE garden and was planning a trip to Europe for several weeks also? I mean why would you plant a garden and just as the veggies were ready to pick you are leaving? Makes no sense to me. I also think Aono 7 is right probably all store bought vegetables. Also the begging has sure been amped up.
I would be ticked if I was her neighbor. She just announced that their home is going to be vacant for weeks. With the availability of GIS maps and all, it would be pretty easy to pick out the house. What an idiot.
Any one notice that the lamb pics are just single? And they don't look like they have aged much? I raise sheep. They grow like weeds when they are young. I think those are pics from the first day that she got them. And she's just sharing them out as she can but they are really over at Pattys or dead. One or the other.
❝ Hey guys, I know I am posting a lot of sale and promo posts. I promise I wouldn't spam you if I didn't need to. If they are annoying you can always mute me. ❞
Could she be more rude? "None of you are buying anything so I'm pushing sales even harder." She also kinda implying that it's not her fault. GUys, sHe HAs BilLz shE nEEdZ tO PaY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😜
The "I wouldn't spam you if I didn't need to" part instantly reminded me of teenage arguments with my sister in which one of us would blame the other for our bad behavior: "I wouldn't have taken it if you had just lent it to me in the first place." In other words, it's your fault that I did that! But in Jenna's world, her stingy foollowers are to blame.
Scary, creepy realization here..... Jenna searched for and bought that brown floral/lemur dress... because it looks similar to the one Karlie Kloss is wearing in Jenna's Twitter cover photo. Brown background with an all over print in the same general colors... sleeves are different but Jenna's body type doesn't do long sleeves well.
An almost 40 year old woman, trying to imitate the (imagined) love interest of her pop star obsession. Ewwww.
The funny thing is that no matter what she wears, she won't ever look like Karlie. It's like she's back in middle school idolizing the popular girl, even going so far as to imitate her, and it just looks obvious and ridiculous and psychotic.
Then after rejection, Pig Shocker gets into her "everyone owes me" mindset. If she were less condescending and narcissistic and didn't abuse animals and didn't beg for a living, she would not come across to others as such an unattractive freak. No one owes her anything for her bad choices and terrible personality.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · 11h I have a till the end of the month to get myself 4 used tires on the truck, pass inspection, and get it registered. (all due at once) so I am running a sale on LOGOS! You want a logo at half price - DM ME!
So, what, no mortgage due this month? Only tires and inspection?
Regarding the neighbors on an extended vacation-I wonder what they think of the "farmer" who has a few pets, no job and spends all day doing.....what? She has all the time in the world to supplement her diet with all kinds of produce from her OWN garden yet she does none of it.
I work part time 5 days a week, garden and can extensively and I produce more in my assorted raised beds on less than half an acre in a small town than she does on her farm. I even sell at a local farmer's market every Saturday, including selling my own bread. How can people continue to support her and think she's a farmer?
okay listen up Poodles poor FFF is really having an awful time (although watching as many movies as humanly possible and talking about TS). She needs these tires, she needs her mortgage paid and just in case you didn't know she has to drop her insurance because of YOU. You guys have just not been donating for the last 10 years of begging and I hope you are happy now. Now to get back into her good graces go get your credit cards and your pay pal buttons and hit those suckers hard and maybe then you will be back in her graces oh and while you are at it could you throw in some extra for new dresses, shoes, purses and of course new jeans also. Thanking you all in advance.
Yeah, doncha just love that? "If I don't make these very-needed sales I'm gonna have to drop my health insurance!" Do you want that to happen? You know what? We don't care.
But she started out that bleg post by giving out a recipe! How generous of her. Now pay her!!
And all this bullshit in the second paragraph:
❝ I need ❞
❝ It'll be a couple hundred bucks ❞
❝ It has to happen... ❞
❝ I have 11 days to figure it out ❞
❝ Not having winter heat or truck and a roof over my head -- I need to deal with right now. ❞
Then why don't you put on your big girl pants and get a job like a normal person???
It's because she's far from being a "normal person." The FFF has a defective character, and is a self-entitled animal abuser who begs online for a living. She wants others to pay for her "Live like fiction!" fantasy existence. It's unreal that she does this every single month without exception. What a total loser.
She's been trying to "figure out" her finances for years, and it still hasn't happened. Which is why she won't work to support herself, because her dumb enablers do it instead.
"My neighbors have left for a long vacation at the peak of their garden's bounty. Their loss is my gain as I have full permission to gather whatever I want or it will rot from their community plot in town."
Every community garden (including Cambridge NY) makes provisions for excess produce to go to food pantries, senior centers or to those who are actually in need. It would have been easy to donate excess produce from the community garden.
But FFF has NO problem benefiting from the work of her neighbors and making sure their produce isn't shared with the needy in the community.
How laughable that she expected people to buy meat shares that she would then "share" with less fortunate when she won't even donate someone else's hard worked vegetables to benefit the community of the town that loves her so much.
What a selfish, self-centered miserable excuse for a human being she is.
Up above, Anon 8:13 pointed out that her neighbors should be furious that she just tweeted to the world that they'll be out of town for a long time. And being that she only has 3 close neighbors it wouldn't be hard for some thief to figure out who it is and clean them out.
PDD - It didn't occur to her to share the veggies with the less fortunate because she doesn't share her meat with them in the first place. It's all lies.
I agree with what you wrote. The local food bank at the senior center in Cambridge wouldn't even accept her "meat shares" even if she "donated" them for others. (We used to give them items, too.) Her rotten reputation has gotten around town. Again, it's more of her manipulative marketing.
That tweet was made on the 17th, and then today she repeated it on her bleg. Someone local should let the Cambridge police know that they should run a few patrols past that house since their dumbass neighbor announced to the world that the home will be empty for quite some time.
The funny thing is that the neighbors most likely told multiple people to take what they want out of their "community plot in town" of produce. Of course, saying that to Pig Shocker makes her the 2019 Cambridge Veggie Queen in her diseased mind. 🥦🥒🍅🥬👑
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
"What is good about all this is how I am learning to plan and manage well in advance - a skill that took so long to actually truly learn. "
ReplyDeleteOMFG! She's joking, right?
She is sooo crazy. Her date must have been a total disaster and she is currently in full blown psychoses.
Delete"How before I get firewood delivered I need to clean out the woodshed and store the garden tools somewhere else."
ReplyDeleteHang on, let me write that down. Who else knows you need to empty out the woodshed before storing delivered firewood?
No wonder she considers herself an expert in self sufficiency. What a homesteader!!!
Being that she doesn't even use those garden tools, she should just bury them.
DeleteSoon to come, she will discuss how she must wipe her ass after a bowel movement...
ReplyDeleteI noticed the picture of her riding the "free" horse and damned if those jeans looked to loose to me. Yeah I am petty like that. Free horse my ass she wants a pat on the back for NOT being able to talk this woman into payments on that horse. Probably the woman is wise to her type of "bookkeeping" if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteoh and I see NO helmet she was suppose to be wearing while riding that pony. Remember it was suppose to be at the end of the ride she got excited and threw it? That is why the pony threw her? And the story she told then was the girl wanted her to take the pony for a few weeks to train it better to ride (cause you know she is an expert on that to -- book to come out soon) now it is she wanted to "give" it to her. uuuuummm yeah and do I have some water front property in AZ to sell you.
ReplyDeleteShe wants her foolowers to beg her to get another prop pony. Hey, maybe they'll PayPal the money. It means SO much to the farm!
Deleteand on closer look at the picture she is wearing a completely different outfit and not the helmet either so she must have been there a few times. Yep someone wants to "give" her and 8 or 10 thousand dollar horse since she is a bronco busting horsey person. gezzzz.
DeleteIsn't that just a recycled Merlin photo? The Fjord was light tan.
DeleteFjords have very specific coloring. That photo is of Merlin, and that's not Jenna.
DeleteAre you guys talking about the pic on Instagram she posted two days ago?
DeleteI don't think that's her either. I immediately thought is was of the friend she mentions in the description.
Also, it looks like that person has a tattoo on their back. Or am I seeing things?
One minute she buys a new dress and shoes, the next minute- firewood beg. The buffoon with a working oil furnace and space heaters insists on using a woodburning stove.
ReplyDeleteShe could easily use 2 space heaters, close off the second floor and be plenty warm. But oh no, that won't generate any donations.
If she'd get off her ass and jump in her metal-sided truck, there's plenty of free firewood to be had around her area:
Anon 5:59, she doesn't even have to go on Craigslist. I live in her area, you would not believe the amount of wood there is on the roadsides free for the taking. My husband said, all she would have to do is go up to a town crew taking down trees, bring them a carton of Stewart's coffee and doughnuts. They'd be happy to let her take whatever they were cutting down. Free food/coffee and less work for them.
DeleteAfter reading that new bleg post (The Ghosted Mare 8/12) I was struck at how much it didn't sound like her...AND...how much it sounds like damage control. There's an awful lot of explaining going on there. Why is that?
ReplyDeleteEither way, she's up to something. Setting up for the next big beg. And she's already made it clear that she does need things, namely the cords of firewood, new truck tires, and money for the upcoming optometry bill...and new glasses no doubt. So get out those wallets, poodles!
yes and she is just now thinking about firewood when she used more than 4 cords last winter? She wants one now and again in Sept. (big check mark for those begging dates). She got new dress and shoes for coastal dating site that could have gone a long way towards a cord of wood and of course nothing she owns now fits her fit body so she can't wear Walmart jeans only Rag and Bone for her fine body. Good thing I don't have pay pal or I would be hitting that button so she doesn't have to suffer so.
DeleteThat is exactly what I thought as well, damage control. After the mismatched mortgage check information-posted one thing on twitter and a totally different thing on the blog; then all of a sudden had over $70 to spend on a brand new dress and shoes; something happened and she ended up without the horse that she was priming her few readers for..this blog really sounded like major clean up.
DeleteI wonder if someone she trusts strongly advised her to do this, in light of her “almost not making” this month’s bills.
I loved how Blair Braverman's husband told her on Twitter that she couldn't afford a Fjord! I'd say maybe that made a difference but Pig Shocker doesn't take advice from anyone. Nor does she deny herself anything.
DeleteIt had to have been a lie from the get go about the Fjord or that the owners wouldn't buy her "just a poor lil' girl begging for a horsey to love" bit.
You are right CM. BUT that would mean she would actually have to work to LIFT those pieces of wood and some how, heft them into the truck. That is NOT happening.
ReplyDeleteReally makes you wonder what's wrong with the mind of a person who would rather mess around on Twitter all day and beg for money instead. I mean, it's free wood! All ya gotta do is go get it!!
It's because she wants people's money, not firewood. She probably gets it for free from someone or somewhere but wants the cold hard cash she begs from strangers to buy more ugly clothes and other worthless crap.
DeleteThe stupid twat: What is good about all this is how I am learning to plan and manage well in advance - a skill that took so long to actually truly learn.
ReplyDeleteI don't think she's learned it yet folks. Sorry Jenna, keep lying to yourself. We all know planning into the future is not your strong point.
Also, am not buying the bullshit that someone offered you a FREE HORSE. A fjord at that, don't think so. I guess her reputation as a "horse whisperer" abounds around Washington County.
I think maybe Jenna was going to buy the horse and the owner looked into her, read about her sterling reputation and withdrew the offer. No way in hell Jenna says no to herself.
ReplyDeleteI can totally see Pember Patty and FFF "tag teaming" the Massachusetts owner of the Fjord mare, with PP talking up her bestie. Praying the Fjord owner had the good sense to realize any home that leaves an elderly horse exposed to New York winters - and brags about not supplying aching joints with supplements or giving horses grain - is not the right home.
DeleteArrogance and ignorance are always a poor combination when it comes to horses. In a perfect world, FFF would never be allowed to own another sentient creature.
I don't believe she was offered that horse for free. She is using the made up story to set the stage for another big beg. Winter is coming and that means higher expenses. I think she is trying to convince people that she is finally becoming responsible. The phrase she wrote that she is finally learning to plan ahead and prepare--wasn't she the queen of preaching preparedness at one time?? To take her statement at face value means she was even making up the preparedness stuff she was preaching. Hard to figure her out.
ReplyDeleteI'm always amazed that she doesn't run out of track. She lives so haphazardly. I have horses, dogs, and cats. Right now I have some older animals that need more vet visits and medications. I've lost 2 cats in the past couple of months, and their deaths weren't cheap--vet visits. x-rays, labs, etc. to figure out what was wrong and then finally euthanasia fees. I can't imagine how I would afford that if I lived on the edge of self-induced poverty all the time. Her animals must go without so many things--Merlin is old, Mabel has arthritis, Gibson is older and I'm sure he has needs she is ignoring. Not fair to them.
And, there is no way she can say that they are all perfectly healthy and don't need a thing. I've spent a couple of thousand dollars on senior animal care over the past year. Mine were healthy and strong when they were young, but when they get older pretty much every animal ends up needing additional vet related procedures, medications, supplements, etc.
I would love to not work a full time job, but I won't do that to my animals, even if I could eek out a living for myself by retiring early with a smaller pension or doing small jobs here and there. Heck, I can make soap too. But that doesn't pay the bills.
Great post! I shudder to think that some of those poor animals are suffering right now due to her negligence. Anyone without an emergency fund should not be allowed to own animals.
DeleteOk, I just read that blog post and here is my takeaway:
ReplyDeleteFirst off, she made a shopping list of all her needs, just to be sure her foolowers know what to send money for.
Secondly, she is trying to convince her foolowers that she is making good decisions now, so they can send her money and be assured she won't spent it frivolously. I'm guessing she has been getting a lot of push back from people who send her money for her mortgage or truck repairs, then watch her spend it foolishly.
Only when she has taken down her paypal button and gotten a real job will I believe she's turned over a new leaf.
oh PLEASE don't hold your breath for that one!!!!
DeleteA bit off topic, but does anyone know what's happened to Meredith? There's been no updates on her blog for awhile.
ReplyDeleteThere's no way that horse was free. They didn't even know her really, no one thinks, oh, I have a troublesome mare and I'll give it away free to some weird woman a state away. Bullshit.
ReplyDeleteShe wanted it, she heard it was available, she rode it and it showed her who was boss and she decided against it, because of that, or a combination of the fact that the owner wasn't going to fall for some pay part, pay some, pay later bullshit.
And she would get so much pushback and lack of funding afterwards. No one has three horses, no job and begs online to "get by". Horses just cost way too much money, even "free" ones.
Common, Snowflake. We're not that dumb.
FarmLass, but she could have traded them three logos, a carton of eggs, two 10-minute doggo cartoons and six bars of melt-and-pour werewolf soap!
DeletePDD, had she thrown in her 12 pairs of wolf contacts, 7 yarn muppet wigs and 359 tubes of red lipstick, she might have pulled the deal off.
DeleteHahahahaha, yeah, maybe you guys are right! That would be worth an expensive pony!
DeleteYou need to throw in the pleather jacket, then you got a deal!
DeleteOh yes, the baby shit brown pleather jacket. The family size bottle of Rogaine might sweeten the pot as well.🤣
Deletenew jeans in the mail today. Boy we must have had a good shopping spree. I mentioned before no Walmart jeans for her only Rag and Bone since she is so hip and all not that she said that is what they are but we all know from the past that is all she has worn. Piss poor, begging for money but shopping for new cloths. Yep that is how this princess rolls.
ReplyDeleteNew dress, new shoes, new jeans, new glasses (cuz you know she is going to get them because she mentioned it and she never recycles her frames or anything, she's had more new glasses than any person I know!) and new dog patch and dates and hiking and all that.
DeleteBut shesh, poor me. I need firewood and I haven't paid my bills.
Just don't add up, do it?
Like a broken calculator, Pig Shocker doesn't add up.
DeleteLooks like she bought new black sunglasses too. So smart of her to make all these purchases instead of saving up for firewood. And new tires.
DeleteWas just thinking, there hasn't been any mention of the 'elderly woman who hit her metal sided truck', after which she received a letter stating that she might owe 10k for the accident.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if that fjord was around 10k....
Also those mysterious medical bills. Seems like she just throws random amounts out there to see if anyone stupid will bite.
DeleteTwitter: "Me walking to the mailbox: Oh boy! I hope that freelance check appears today so I can buy some firewood!
ReplyDeleteNarrator: It did not."
Hmm let's tally all the money you've spent on useless things that are not firewood in the past few weeks? I'll start...
$50 dress
$35 shoes
$___ jeans
.....the list goes on.
Translation - Send money!
Delete"I hope that logo arrives today!"
DeleteNarrator: It did not
"I hope that soap arrives today!"
Narrator: It did not
"I hope my copy of Birchthorn arrives today"
Narrator: It did not
Anon - it's funny cause it's true! And sometimes things are so sad, you just have to laugh...
Deletewhen you do freelance work don't you get paid for it within 30 days of publishing? Or is this a pretend freelance work she thinks she might have gotten? I swear she gets crazier and crazier each day.
ReplyDeleteYour contract terms lay out when you are supposed to get the check, but if you haven't been paid, there's not much you can do on a freelancer writer's budget, so publications are lazy about it. It's a real problem for freelancers.
DeleteThis article went semi-viral in the writers corner of Twitter recently, and I'm guessing she's looking for sympathy/donations from people who read it: https://medium.com/@wudanyan/i-was-owed-more-than-5-000-from-late-paying-publications-47db55dfba2a
There must have been some new sunglasses and lipstick in that "surprise" box she got in the mail. Have to say I've been delighted when I've ordered something and it fit but never, ever, have I cried. It just gets more weird by the day.
I think she just says she cried so people will feel sorry for her dumb ass.
Delete"I've always felt so fat in my clothes no matter how slim I get." Please PayPal me.
The main thing to know about the FFF is that her entire life is lies. It's all about her manipulative marketing for money, and not wanting to support her own fat ass.
DeleteThis is really sad and really, really pathetic:
ReplyDelete❝ Trying to buy in the first cord of firewood and get used tires for the truck so it passes inspection, soon as I can. If you want to help make that happen consider buying some artwork?! ❞
If you want to "help" make that happen? More like if you'll just straight up buy this stuff for me. And notice how she says "used" tires so that people will give more 🐩 💰 for new ones.
And then, just two hours later, she re-tweeted the "If you don't want to buy anything PayPal me anyway" message and wrote:
❝ Maybe 1 out of 10 times I share this link someone throws in and I wake up to that and it changes the energy of the entire day. This farm has been on the edge for so long the anxiety of losing it is a normalized but luck has stayed with me so far. To you who support it, thank you! ❞
Will YOU be that special 1 in 10 persons who falls for my bullshit?
Who else says "buy in" to describe purchasing firewood? It's like her stupid and annoying "earn up money" which I mock. It's a lame, linguistic attempt to soften her hardcore online begging. And anyone who "falls for her bullshit" almost deserves to be taken advantage of by the FFF.
DeleteWhat is wrong with these soaps here?
They don't look the same quality as the ones she used to make. The color is off and they just look overall sloppy. The "Handmade" one looks like she nibbled on the edges and the dragon one looks like she dropped it. Compare the soaps in that pic to the ones on her Instagram and you'll see the difference in quality. Whatever melt-and-pour she's now using is sticking to the mold, as evidenced by the rough surfaces.
I noticed that too. I think they had a rough ride to wherever. Her soaps are just grade school projects. Can't belive that people get snookered over and over on those.
DeleteNot to mention that Pig Shocker was using goat's milk for her soaps sourced fresh from the child abusing cult next door. Maybe she's leaving out the goat's milk now because she's too cheap to buy it. The soaps look a lot different than they used to.
DeleteYou can buy goats milk melt and pour.
DeleteWhy even bother to add any extra or buy it from the cult down the road.
She didn't even trim them up or make them look nice before letting them get beat up in the mail. No wrapper, no tag, no pride in her work.
And yeah, I make soap. And have sheep and raise wool and chickens and hogs.
And I care about what I do. I have a website and I have tags and cute wrappers and such. Because it's a legimate business, not some consolation gift for donating to a fake cause.
The date must have been another disaster so now she's in her "everyone owes me a free ride because I can't manage to sucker anyone into a relationship" mode.
ReplyDeleteShe's been begging to beat the band ever since she slithered into that ugly monkey dress and slapped on those yellow grandma sandles.
Well I think dumb ass finally realizes she has bills to pay and instead blew her money on jeans, a dress and shoes and who knows what else, new shades and lipstick.
DeleteSorry Jenna people are tired of bailing you out. Get a job freak.
I don't know if the second "date" even happened. It's suspicious because she hasn't been either bragging about the "coast girl," or even posted any pics on her "carefully curated" Instagram crap.
DeleteI agree. Either she never existed in the first place or she ran screaming when she met Pig Shocker in person.
DeleteSo for every ten asks she gets a donation. Wonder what the rate is for the scammers standing at the intersection is? Every 10th car drops a buck? At least those folks are putting a little effort into it. JW just hits a button. Why anyone who publicly asks for donations for strictly personal use would publicize their success rate is mind blowing. I'm not referencing legitimate fundraisers here.
New bleg post recap:
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah, blah, chickens.
Then the entire purpose of the bleg post:
"It's now officially mid August and I need to really hustle and focus. Two weeks to make this month's bills, buy in and stack the first cord of firewood, and get my truck new (used) tires and inspected. The goal for today is to earn $100 towards the bills and $100 towards those tires. That is what I will be writing down on my daily to do list. Besides those goals I have a batch of soap to make with the milk I have from Northern Spy Farm. I have 2 pet portraits to finish and mail out the door. I have logo clients to update. I have hay to pick up and pay for. I have the usual evening chores and house work and the same routine that makes up our days as all of you have as well."
Well, dumbass, had you saved the money you spent on that ugly monkey dress and the florescent yellow grandma sandles, you would have one of the $100 you claim to need.
Let me guess. Your shitty date attire that repelled yet another first date, was owed to you because your life sucks. Not only was that owed to you but since the date didn't work out because you are crazy with a capital C, everyone owes you money for firewood, money for tires for your hunk o junk truck and money for your mortgage and other bills.
Why? Because you don't want to get off of your ass and social media long enough to earn a living and take care of yourself.
I literally, laughed out loud at your "ugly monkey dress and florescent yellow grandma sandals." What's next for her new wardrobe? Maybe lesbian-lavender Crocs combined with the barf brown pleather jacket, and the new small jeans that came in the mail. Yeah, the large ones that she probably bought on eBay.
DeleteLol! I noticed I spelled sandals "sandles" a few times this morning. Definitely pre caffeine!
DeletePig Shocker definitely looks like a Crocs type of gal!
Funny, I automatically spelled "sandals" that way without checking yours first. Check out this Twit Shit:
Delete"Friends tell me if I get a really great relationship going I'll stop caring so much about pop culture and I really hope that isn't true. That sounds awful."
Yeah, it'd be "awful" to stop stupid tweeting about Taylor Swift's sexuality, and other childish crap that normal adults don't care about. They're too busy supporting themselves, and not buying ugly outfits when they can't afford them. And forget about getting "a really great relationship going..." because she's too narcissistic to see beyond her own faux image.
What the "friends" really mean is that she sounds crazy and needs to get a life.
DeleteShe plays and the poodles pay.
ReplyDeleteI will bet you a dozen donuts that Jenna buys her goat soap off of etsy, and resells it.
ReplyDeleteWould somebody just send her some tires?
ReplyDeleteThe lazy ass mooch:
ReplyDelete"I can't stress enough how much this farm needs a lucky break."
In other words....I can't stress enough how much my bills need to be paid by you people. Get out your damn wallet or click hard on my PayPal button dammit!
Ha, ha Jenna.
THIS farm's lucky break would be snowflake getting off her ass and picking up a part time job so that $100 for tires or $50 for feed isn't a beg online.
DeleteEven a part time job would bring home four or five hundred a month. And would shut up half of her negative commenters and put the rest in shock.
And who knows, she might even meet Ms/Miss/Mr Right!
This "farm's" lucky break would be foreclosure so someone can finally rescue the property and the animals.
DeleteI looked at her latest blog and had to remark on the picture of the horses eating hay. Why she feels she needs to feed them an ENTIRE BALE of hay is beyond me. It looks like there is decent pasture behind them. Horses only need 2 flakes in the am and 2 flakes in the pm or maybe none if they have enough grass in the summer. What a freaking waste!!! And if you're gonna feed them hay, at least separate them a few feet and spread the hay out a little. She can't even be bothered to do that.
ReplyDeleteJenna, you can get the hay to last a lot longer if you don't feed them so much; they don't need it. I thought you were such an expert?
Typically, she throws down large amounts of hay to partly cover old manure. It's better for PayPal poodle$ not to see she's too lazy to clean horse paddocks and/or feed horses away from their own filth.
DeleteEven feedlot owners know not to feed animals on top of their own feces. However, our Pig Shocker is much too busy editing her online images to properly look after her livestock.
No wonder she posted her property had tapeworms and ringworm and previous pork product was infected with internal diseased yellow cysts (pork meat was subsequently destroyed).
Funny there's been no photos of the piglet, lambs or hawk lately.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious that the pigs and lambs aren't living on her property and hopefully the hawk has been rescued. She can run her mouth about the various animals but the lack of any recent photos expose her lies.
Without livestock or crops there is no farm. Just a rundown house, collapsing barn and a couple of tiny outbuildings owned by a lying, scamming, lazy af, animal abuser.🐷🔌⚡
Of course, she did a hawk update tweet today in response. But she never reads here. Right.
DeleteAnd she also included another tweet of animals in the woods. But there's no telling that they're on her property.
DeleteMore Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's mid August and the fall-prep panic is moving me to hustle like mad. Goal for today is to earn $100 towards bills an $100 for new (used) truck tires to make sure she passes inspection before the end of the month! That's my day!"
I'm always in a panic, not just now, because I'm a lazy lifestyle loser who won't work to support herself. So I hustle like mad by begging PayPal poodles to donate. That's my life!
The whole hoping her "freelance" check is in the mail is just more pretending.
ReplyDeletePig Shocker is trying to make it look as though she's earning money, when the reality is she just begs and waits for Paypal payments.
The majority of the articles she writes, she doesn't get paid for.
People feel sorry for her and throw her the scraps of article assignnments that no one else wants to write. She gobbles them up just to be able to say she wrote them and then pretends to make money from them. No one actually pays for that condescending, self entitled drivel.
It's the same way she pretends she lives on a farm. No crops, no livestock, no farm.
It's a shit hole property where she plays horsey with elderly and arthritic horses who should not be subjected to her 250 lb rides.
Pig Shocker doesn't care. The horseys are her props. The few animals she does have are only there so people will look at her social media pics. Without the animals, the pics would only show a middle aged, shabbily dressed, animal abusing, too lazy to work, single forever, loser.
Also, it's worth mentioning (but almost too boring at this point) that the photo she used to illustrate her two elderly horses was originally posted June 2018 - it's over a year old! Pig Shocker rarely uses present-time photos of the animals. Most are old pics - re-cropped, re-edited and re-purposed.
ReplyDeleteMany of the photos that don't show up in history search are probably outtakes from past photo shoots: lighting /plant growth suggest similar times and locations.
There isn't much real about a FAKE FERAL FARMER.
Yep. That's also why she takes polaroids of old photos. You can't search the history of the old photo within the polaroid.
DeleteBetween that and taking selfie photos up above her head, as if the camera is hanging from a tree branch so no one sees her non runner's body, Pig Shocker spends a lot of time trying to lie via photo.
She spends more time on that than she spends begging and that is saying something.
Another reason she reuses old photos: Taking new ones would require ripping herself away from the computer and actually having to walk around the property. But then she might miss the latest Taylor Swift news.
DeleteLatest bleg post:
ReplyDeleteShe's out of the manic phase and going into the doom and gloom phase which sounds as if it will hit any day now. Always whining about being stressed, scared, etc. Blah, blah, wahhhh, blah.
Now she's went from yet another unsuccessful first date to worrying about things that are completely within her control and easily solved by getting a JOB with a steady paycheck.
However, she's never worried enough to actually find employment. She's never worried enough to get off of social media and work for a living.
An excerpt of the bleg drivel:
"...Sometimes all that gets done in a day is I make 10% of what I needed to to feel okay - but I made that eye doctor appointment finally, and the animals are fed and good, and I got two soap orders mailed, and I can see on paper that even if things aren't ideal I am doing something good in my day towards something better.
So right now as I am trying to figure out this month I am cleaning, running, and making lists. I am doing the things I know I can do. And right now that's what is keeping me grounded and sane as fall is starting to plow into my every thought and firewood and hay seem as faraway as possible."
What a whiny bitch. She's a pathetic, middle aged, mentally ill, loser. She goes to the eye dr and gets new glasses every few months. Oh woe is her, however does she stand it?
A new style of glasses aren't going to help her looks. They are beyond her control. Pig Shocker the animal abuser is ugly inside and out.
That was well-put. And more Twitter Twaddle today:
Delete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Some mornings I slay dragons and train hawks and ride horses up mountains but today I am doing laundry and trying to sell pet art. Today's dragon is the mortgage!"
Wow. What a badass bitch. It's too bad that her pesky monthly mortgage payment is rearing its ugly head again. It sucks being a responsible adult, doesn't it Jenna? (Which is why she isn't one.) It's unfortunate for her budget that she bought the ugly dress and accessories. "They were on sale!!!" She's always anxious and worried because it suits her begging narrative. It's funny how she went from being so excited about her "date," to tweeting nothing new. I think that the "coast girl" went online and read about her animal abusing, and also sees what a scammer JFW is in reality.
I honestly don't think I've ever seen anyone else detail their financial woes online as much as she does. So much unnecessary detail about ordinary and mundane tasks. She must be hella lonely to be babbling on about that crap.
DeleteAnd FCW, I agree..."coast girl" probably read all about the feral farmer here and then bailed when she realized that all she was wanted for is to help procure hay bales, new tires, the mortgage.
Methinks the freak doth protest too much.
DeleteOne thing that has emerged as a Pig Shocker pattern over the years is the more elaborate the tale, the more likely it is a lie.
If she goes on and on about something, like the whole running lie, it's most likely not true.
Why is she always "figuring out" how to make the bills??? Good Lord. There's nothing to 'figure out.' It's called: get a J-O-B !!!
It's amazing, isn't it? Month after month of this crap from her. Stupid her is so stupidly stupid. And then she says this:
Delete❝ I am doing the things I know I can do. ❞
That's a BIG FAT LIE right there. She knows she could get a job. But stupidee stupid head flat out refuses. And once again, I ask: Where are her parents? They must look at her social media now and then...so are they OK with knowing their daughter is a lazy online panhandler? I would love to have a chat with Mama Wog about her.
I believe that Pig Shocker was raised by a narcissist which is how she became one herself. That being said, I'm sure the narcissistic parent only worries about themselves. The other parent must just go along with whatever, like Eeyore the donkey.
DeleteHer constant "I'm figuring out finances" is simply a cyber smokescreen for "Gimme mortgage money!!!" And Ma Woginrich came across as snippy and arrogant when I read her Facebook comments.
DeleteIn the latest bleg post the Pig Shocker is going all out for the feels, isn't she? In the first paragraph she writes, "things are stressful" and "I am so worried." And in the second paragraph she laments, "my heart hurts." Please worry about me! Feel sorry for me!! PayPal me!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd then she drones on and on about her precious lists. Sure hope she's using pencil, and not ink, cuz it would be a shame if her falling tears were to blur out those hopes and dreams.
😢 🚑 😂
Widdle Pig Shocker's heart hurts.
DeleteGood. Well deserved Karma for the pain she has caused so many innocent animals over the years.
Also, that's what she gets for lying. All of her lies about running mutiple miles a few times each week lured a runner into her web, who supposedly wanted to date Pig Shocker.
Then this date met Pig Shocker in person and realized she had been snake bitten. The date knew immediately that Pig Shocker was not a runner.
She realized that Pig Shocker's constant lies about her physical fitness are indicative of Pig Shocker being extremely mentally ill.
So that date used her running skills and beat feet away from Pig Shocker as fast as her feet could carry her. She was but a blurr as she ran the hell out of dodge.
No one wants a partner who has the black soul and cursed looks of an animal abuser. No one wants a compulsive liar who is too lazy to work to provide for herself. No one wants a begger who whines for other people to pay her bills.
No one wants a Pig Shocker.🐷🔌⚡
Hare krishma
ReplyDeleteI can't stress enough how much this farm needs a lucky break.
Hare rama
I can't stress enough how much this farm needs a lucky break.
Hurry monay
Ha! It's posts like yours that keep me coming back!
Delete😆 I LOLed at "Hurry monay"
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Drivers of Washington County: Please stop texting and driving because if one of you car-murders me on my run and the last thing I hear before I die is Carly Rae Jepson's Too Much I will haunt you an your progeny for generations for my ironic death."
Says the absolute MORON who films herself driving while videotaping her dogs who are in the car with her.
Pig Shocker's beady eyes aren't on the road, she's DRIVING while making a VIDEO.
Let's not forget that she frequently DRINKS at a local bar and then DRIVES herself home.
Pig Shocker needs to take care of her own dangerous and felonious behaviors before criticizing others. She has zero self awareness of her faults which is yet another symptom of her many untreated mental disorders.
Don't understand why she hasn't gotten a DUI yet.
DeleteMaybe she has. She would never admit as much.
DeleteHer "Night Chickens" story is complete bullshit.
ReplyDelete"Every night at dusk they peck and ask to come inside the sliding glass doors and gently walk over to their pen and perch on top of it. "
Anyone who has actually kept chickens knows that they create copious piles of shit overnight. And chicken shit is some of the most vile smelling stuff ever. Her living room would reek of it and would require scrubbing every damn day. She's too damn lazy for that... and its definitely never appeared as a chore on her weak to-do lists.
I thought the same thing. I clean out underneath the roost in our chicken coop once a week and put fresh cedar shavings to keep the smell and the flies at bay...OUTSIDE. We also keep playground sand, several inches deep, in their run that is connected to the coop to clean their feet and reduce smells further. Also my chickens roam out of the run as they wish on a ten acre farm. And it still smells out there by the coop! It just does.
DeleteI could see keeping a couple of chicks in if it’s cold and you can’t put them out yet and even then they stink to high heaven. But full grown chickens in the living room, overnight? No. Just no. I can’t even begin to imagine the stink.
Like Whackadoodle Horseshit stated up above, it was 3 paragraphs of "blah blah blah" chickens, followed by the real purpose of that post: To beg for money.
DeleteI actually think that she's doing much better than she pretends to. Here's why:
ReplyDelete1. Everyone loves an underdog. She's sold an image of herself where she's a scrappy farmgirl doing it all alone. So to keep that narrative going, she "needs" her patrons to want to see her beat the odds.
2. If she was successful, then no one would give her donations. But if she's constantly on the verge of losing everything, then because of point #1 her folllowers will pitch in.
I mean, she has no flocks anymore, and at most some hogs and horses. So the farm CSA is gone and she can't make any money off of that. She's always getting potential foreclosure notices, and yet she's still there. She has broken plumbing and always has truck problems, yet she's still on the internet and online shopping.
I think Jenna's crazy. Like a fox.
Everything out of her mouth is a lie.
DeleteIt's a real mystery. Is she or isn't she broke? But the truth will come out sooner or later. It always does. But you're right about the underdog angle. Even Jon Katz wrote about her conniving ways:
Delete❝ Stability and predictability are not very exciting. Drama works. [...] And Jenna knows a lot of ways to ask for help. ❞
according to her own words, she is not eligible for medicaid et al as she makes too much income. (sic!)
DeleteSo, my guess is: not so broke after all.
Where her income comes from is really beyond me. (and no, I would generally not speculate about a strangers income that much). She appears to be chronically late on all things soap/design related and her sense of business and customer service as portrayed by herself online is questionable at best. For the love of all things holy, I cannot comprehend how this business model is actually successful. Yes, there are the donations (I myself have contributed a substantial amount) - but are they really enough?
And, my biggest pet peeve: This ain't no farm! Not in the business sense. It might be a homestead - except there is no self-sufficiency coming from the farm. She is a freelance graphic designer with a bit of land and a few animals (which do not contribute much to the farm, safe the hypothetical pigs and maybe the lambs). A couple of donations, maybe a bit of money from the sponsors on her blog, overpriced soap and logos (I might need to revise my statement on her business sense - the profit on these items is quite astounding and they seem to sell...) Her marketing strategy is purely "woe is me, save the farm" - instead of putting the quality of her product as a main selling point, she guilts people into buying her stuff -exlusively, not as an exception of a very dire month in an otherwise profitable undertaking.
But if she were a true freelance graphic designer, there would still be a website with a portfolio (there used to be, before she quit her dayjob, it was dogsinourparks) and maybe even rates!
I do not know what to make of it all.
Anon210 - I just read that you contributed a substantial amount to her. What was your aha moment? How did you feel when she was blowing her money on unnecessary stuff while crying wolves at the door?
DeleteI think she gets a lot of donations. Even though many people are onto her, there are still newcomers and golden oldies who just won't give up their blind faith in her, for whatever reason. Let's say 100 people--realistic with the number of followers she has--give her $10/month. That's an easy $1000/month for doing nothing except complaining and begging on her blog and twitter. And I'm sure some people give her more. That pays the mortgage, so the money she gets for the art, logos, and soap pays the other monthly bills and gives her fun money.
DeleteWe recieve some assistance and health insurance help. The limits are really rather high. If she says that she is making too much money, then she should be doing much better than she pretends. With just her couple $20 drawings, soap and cut rate always logos, she just can't be making that much money only. I really think she gets a LOT of donations from poor suckers. I was one once. Okay, three times. Hard to admit. I think that it is starting to kinda of dry up though. She's lost her persona and hipster farm fantasy hawk chick vibe after she turned into the lesbian drag queen faux-farmer pop star stalker.
DeleteI predict a new persona change soon... After all in the last 8 or 9 years she has switched like three or four religions and came out, no bi, no whatever, and was a heathen, then a GOT extra and runner, then hiker, then a hipster chick and now trying to be a pop influencer and blue check nose rubber... Remember when she was into folk music and Civil War? And sled dogs? And super politics? And writing books? Spinning? Sewing cloaks? Making beer, growing wheat, having a clan... haha, on and on and on.
She's due for a flip over to a new genre to suck those people dry after she is an expert in whatever. Donor fatique is not a problem to her.
I'll bet she considers hmmm... Imperialism.... and ah, raising rare parrots. Yeah... Okay, maybe not. ANy ideas for Jenna 6.0?
And it is really sad. Remember when she was a Buddhist vegan, and then tried to claim that eating meat was more ethical and became a heathen? I just checked the heathen hof home page, and there are no more meet-ups.
DeleteIt's a shame. There was something so damned charming about the book "One Woman Farm" that brought me into her orbit. And with where she is currently, I really don't see her being able to pull off being an Instagram pop-culture influencer. That's a younger person's game, not for an almost 40 year-old.
But sticking with the farm chick personality is something that she CAN pull off. I'm Jenna's age, and lots of women my age have the dream of retiring to a farm. Hell, if she could get her shit together, she could run it as a BNB if she really didn't want the work of animals.
Just in case you missed this...
ReplyDeletethe polaroids of the "free range troublemakers" are lying on a new purse from Modcloth. compare the zipper with tassel, the rivets, the double stitching, the handle.
polaroids tweeted on 8/17 at 11:56 am: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1162800506462507008
modcloth purse $24.97 on closeout sale: https://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/structured-supporter-suede-satchel-in-mustard/164866.html
Lmao...I just posted about this too! So that's $115 she could have spent on firewood. Or gotten those new "used" tires.
DeleteIf she were going to spend money on new clothes, she should have gotten a decent push-up bra. Yeesh.
DeleteYes, she had herself a shopping spree on ModCloth.
DeleteShe didn’t mention the purse in her post about the dress and sandals, but just couldn’t keep her mouth shut about it. It’s a slap in the face of those who send her money to bail her out of her dire emergency of the month, every month.
So let’s think about the timing of her clothes/shoes/purse splurge. It arrived literally days after her mortgage emergency and her “mailed a check and it cleared” as stated on the blog, even though she was still begging on twitter.
DeleteSo are we to believe that while she was begging for the last pennies to make her mortgage and hoping the check would clear and all that, and spamming the shit out of the twitterverse and saying how she was “oh so close” to paying the mortgage, she also spent well over $100 on a new wardrobe?
The whole thing is so fishy. She either had the money all along, and was never in danger of not making the mortgage, or she is the most irresponsible, pathologically lying beggar and user.
Fishy indeed. She said on the 10th that she ordered those things "a few days ago" which would have been during the first week of August. Liar liar fugly 👗 on 🔥🔥
DeleteMakes you wonder if she ever tells the truth about anything.
Ya know, now that I'm thinking about it, Jenna's exhibiting behavior that my sister is. See, my sister moved from the Florida suburbs to the country in Idaho. She HATES it. She's bored and lonely. So what does she do? Spends an ungodly amount of money on cosplay and going to conventions.
DeleteI'm wondering if Jenna, stuck up on her farm, is bored and lonely. Farm life didn't give her the satisfaction that she felt was missing from office cubicle life. Neither did Buddhism or Heathenry. So now she's trying to be an Instagram pop-culture influencer. But for that to work, you need to look a certain way and be up on your references, or you will be horribly outdated. Which means splurging on makeup, hair, and clothes. She will also need to admit that her farm is a failure, and move back to a city.
It will be interesting to see if she chooses to return to her farm roots where she received a mild bit of fame, or if she will chuck it all to chase the latest shiny object to catch her fancy.
So...those two new pics on Twitter: The one with the veggies that she claims were gifted to her by a neighbor, why are the bell peppers so shiny? They look like the wax-covered ones you get from the grocery store. Or do they really grow all shiny like that? (Never had a garden, lol.)
ReplyDeleteAnd the one with the two lamb polaroids on top of what looks like a new yellow purse to match the new yellow shoes, doesn't it? With the dress being $55 and the shoes $35 and the purse probably around $30, that's approx $120 she could have spent on firewood.
I noticed the brand new yellow purse to match the yellow sandals too! That’s the first thing I noticed in the photo. I could be wrong but to me it looks almost like she is rubbing it into the faces of all her critics. “ no matter what you say about me, I will buy whatever the F I want and in the same minute I will ask the internet for money for tires and mortgage and bills.”
DeleteIt looks like she borrowed the yellow sandals from a 90 yr old woman.
DeleteGrandma called. She wants her shit back.
She has no sense of style. Whatever she wears makes her look fat and frumpy.
DeleteIt's Saturday, and while most real farmers are working, doing chores, this is how the Pig Shocker is lazily spending her afternoon:
ReplyDelete❝ Rewatching IT and I just don't feel that the promise of floating anywhere is a heavy bargaining chip. ❞
Why spend time fixing fences or collecting free firewood when you can sit on your ass instead?
I wonder what her clients who are waiting for products feel about this?
Deletedoes it not seem strange that her "neighbor" planted a HUGE garden and was planning a trip to Europe for several weeks also? I mean why would you plant a garden and just as the veggies were ready to pick you are leaving? Makes no sense to me. I also think Aono 7 is right probably all store bought vegetables. Also the begging has sure been amped up.
ReplyDeleteKeen observation! It doesn't make any more sense than those highly polished bell peppers.
DeleteI would be ticked if I was her neighbor. She just announced that their home is going to be vacant for weeks. With the availability of GIS maps and all, it would be pretty easy to pick out the house. What an idiot.
DeleteOh shit...you're right. She really should delete that.
DeleteAny one notice that the lamb pics are just single? And they don't look like they have aged much? I raise sheep. They grow like weeds when they are young. I think those are pics from the first day that she got them. And she's just sharing them out as she can but they are really over at Pattys or dead. One or the other.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed the solo lamb pics, and thought the same thing.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle - "Just Wow" Edition:
ReplyDelete❝ Hey guys, I know I am posting a lot of sale and promo posts. I promise I wouldn't spam you if I didn't need to. If they are annoying you can always mute me. ❞
Could she be more rude? "None of you are buying anything so I'm pushing sales even harder." She also kinda implying that it's not her fault. GUys, sHe HAs BilLz shE nEEdZ tO PaY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😜
The "I wouldn't spam you if I didn't need to" part instantly reminded me of teenage arguments with my sister in which one of us would blame the other for our bad behavior: "I wouldn't have taken it if you had just lent it to me in the first place." In other words, it's your fault that I did that! But in Jenna's world, her stingy foollowers are to blame.
Yep! She's blaming her foolowers.
DeleteI wish I was on Twitter so I could say, "Stop begging and buying shit, get a fucking job, and PAY YOUR BILLS like an adult".
DeleteJenna tries to justify her serial spamming all the time, but there's no excuse for her daily begging for living expenses.
DeleteScary, creepy realization here..... Jenna searched for and bought that brown floral/lemur dress... because it looks similar to the one Karlie Kloss is wearing in Jenna's Twitter cover photo. Brown background with an all over print in the same general colors... sleeves are different but Jenna's body type doesn't do long sleeves well.
ReplyDeleteAn almost 40 year old woman, trying to imitate the (imagined) love interest of her pop star obsession. Ewwww.
Great catch! I didn't notice at first, but her dress choice is creepy af.
DeleteKarlie's dress has a blue-green belt. It has a dark background with small red, blue, white and yellow flower shapes.
FFF's knockoff dress has a blue-green sash, dark background and small patterns of similar colors.
Her "live like fiction" is starting to look more and more like "Single White Female".
The funny thing is that no matter what she wears, she won't ever look like Karlie.
DeleteIt's like she's back in middle school idolizing the popular girl, even going so far as to imitate her, and it just looks obvious and ridiculous and psychotic.
Then after rejection, Pig Shocker gets into her "everyone owes me" mindset. If she were less condescending and narcissistic and didn't abuse animals and didn't beg for a living, she would not come across to others as such an unattractive freak. No one owes her anything for her bad choices and terrible personality.
I've said before that she seems stuck in a teenager's mentality.
DeleteI may be very wrong here but isn't this Karlie girl the one who married earlier this summer a Kushner guy? I just keep thinking that was her name.
ReplyDeleteOur FFF doesn't let a little thing like marriage to a man or dating a man get in the way of her trying to "out" celebrity women.
Jenna Woginrich Retweeted
Jenna Woginrich
I have a till the end of the month to get myself 4 used tires on the truck, pass inspection, and get it registered. (all due at once) so I am running a sale on LOGOS! You want a logo at half price - DM ME!
So, what, no mortgage due this month? Only tires and inspection?
She's spamming Twitter again. Is someone reporting this???
DeleteShe just tweeted this too:
Delete❝ Just want to kick in towards the blog! That is also an option! Everything helps!!!! ❞
🐩 💰 💵 🏧 💰 🐩 💵 🏧 💰 💵 🐩
"It means SO much to this farm!!!"
DeleteImagine what a steady paycheck from a real job could do for that fauxrm.
DeleteRegarding the neighbors on an extended vacation-I wonder what they think of the "farmer" who has a few pets, no job and spends all day doing.....what? She has all the time in the world to supplement her diet with all kinds of produce from her OWN garden yet she does none of it.
ReplyDeleteI work part time 5 days a week, garden and can extensively and I produce more in my assorted raised beds on less than half an acre in a small town than she does on her farm. I even sell at a local farmer's market every Saturday, including selling my own bread. How can people continue to support her and think she's a farmer?
okay listen up Poodles poor FFF is really having an awful time (although watching as many movies as humanly possible and talking about TS). She needs these tires, she needs her mortgage paid and just in case you didn't know she has to drop her insurance because of YOU. You guys have just not been donating for the last 10 years of begging and I hope you are happy now. Now to get back into her good graces go get your credit cards and your pay pal buttons and hit those suckers hard and maybe then you will be back in her graces oh and while you are at it could you throw in some extra for new dresses, shoes, purses and of course new jeans also. Thanking you all in advance.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Gibson is getting older, so you're going to have to throw in extra for her to buy and fly a purebred puppy from the other side of the continent.
DeleteYeah, doncha just love that? "If I don't make these very-needed sales I'm gonna have to drop my health insurance!" Do you want that to happen? You know what? We don't care.
DeleteBut she started out that bleg post by giving out a recipe! How generous of her. Now pay her!!
And all this bullshit in the second paragraph:
❝ I need ❞
❝ It'll be a couple hundred bucks ❞
❝ It has to happen... ❞
❝ I have 11 days to figure it out ❞
❝ Not having winter heat or truck and a roof over my head -- I need to deal with right now. ❞
Then why don't you put on your big girl pants and get a job like a normal person???
It's because she's far from being a "normal person." The FFF has a defective character, and is a self-entitled animal abuser who begs online for a living. She wants others to pay for her "Live like fiction!" fantasy existence. It's unreal that she does this every single month without exception. What a total loser.
DeleteOnce again with the broken record of "figuring out" how she's going to pay her bills. Here's an idea. GET A JOB!
DeleteShe's been trying to "figure out" her finances for years, and it still hasn't happened. Which is why she won't work to support herself, because her dumb enablers do it instead.
DeleteFrom Fake Feral Farmer's bleg:
ReplyDelete"My neighbors have left for a long vacation at the peak of their garden's bounty. Their loss is my gain as I have full permission to gather whatever I want or it will rot from their community plot in town."
Every community garden (including Cambridge NY) makes provisions for excess produce to go to food pantries, senior centers or to those who are actually in need. It would have been easy to donate excess produce from the community garden.
But FFF has NO problem benefiting from the work of her neighbors and making sure their produce isn't shared with the needy in the community.
How laughable that she expected people to buy meat shares that she would then "share" with less fortunate when she won't even donate someone else's hard worked vegetables to benefit the community of the town that loves her so much.
What a selfish, self-centered miserable excuse for a human being she is.
Up above, Anon 8:13 pointed out that her neighbors should be furious that she just tweeted to the world that they'll be out of town for a long time. And being that she only has 3 close neighbors it wouldn't be hard for some thief to figure out who it is and clean them out.
DeletePDD - It didn't occur to her to share the veggies with the less fortunate because she doesn't share her meat with them in the first place. It's all lies.
I agree with what you wrote. The local food bank at the senior center in Cambridge wouldn't even accept her "meat shares" even if she "donated" them for others. (We used to give them items, too.) Her rotten reputation has gotten around town. Again, it's more of her manipulative marketing.
DeleteAnon7. I didn't see that tweet. It's like when she exposed those people who had a huge home in Vermont when they were away.
DeleteThat tweet was made on the 17th, and then today she repeated it on her bleg. Someone local should let the Cambridge police know that they should run a few patrols past that house since their dumbass neighbor announced to the world that the home will be empty for quite some time.
DeleteThe funny thing is that the neighbors most likely told multiple people to take what they want out of their "community plot in town" of produce. Of course, saying that to Pig Shocker makes her the 2019 Cambridge Veggie Queen in her diseased mind.