just read her new post and wow is she so upbeat after being so sad about the shootings this weekend. Her town has embraced her so much and they love her so much and oh what fun she has been having. She hasn't been working on anyone drawings or soap or what ever because it is the weekend and she just can't seem to work then but she sure can party. From the sound of it she went from party to party all weekend long with single digits in her account (on her twitter account it says she is in the red which is single digits or in the red. You know if she stayed home got her work done she would be that much closer to being caught up with her past due accounts.
Also how could she still begging for money for her mortgage payment on Friday and Sat. and then she mailed it off on Sat.? and it already was delivered to the bank then posted already by Monday? Boy things sure move fast in that little town on the side of the mountain. She must have had the girl at the post office post mark it then not give it to a delivery guy she walked (or ran) it to the bank handed it to them as they were locking up the bank and they went right back in and posted it for her since she is such a celebrity in that town. She can't keep a story straight to save her soul. ugh what a piece of work she is.
Thank you! I tried to post the same thing on the old thread and twice couldn’t get it to post. Glad HD started a new one. Yes, I caught that, too. How is she still retweeting the tweet that she needs to make 2 sales to make the mortgage-she retweeted that this morning!-but on the blog she not only made the mortgage, she made it long enough ago that she mailed it AND THE CHECK HAD TIME TO CLEAR... Sometimes a scammer scams so hard that details about the scam can’t be bothered to be kept straight. Also caught the other thing that you mentioned-if I’m up against it to get my mortgage, I wouldn’t be playing all weekend and rubbing it in the noses of people waiting 8 weeks to get a drawing that takes literally 5 minutes.
She's in her manic phase which will soon shift to her woe is me phase.
Her "new friend" went from romantic interest to "friends" by the end of the weekend. Yet another woman had to have a just want to be friends talk with her. She is so desperate, she takes any form of niceties as an invitation to a relationship.
No one wants an animal abusing, scamming, begger for a girlfriend. No one wants a Pig Shocker. π·π⚡
❝ Ten years in this town and I feel a part of it in a way I feel people can only dream of. It's Stars Hollow and Cheers and Twin Peaks all at the same time. ❞
But just a few months ago in May, she wrote a long bleg post about being a social outcast and how unsafe she felt in her town:
❝ Everywhere I go I know people that look me directly in the face and smile think I am selfish, broken, or trouble. I'm one step away from neighborhood kids telling each other I'm a witch. People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me. Men blatantly stare like a hyena is driving a truck. I'll be considered an outsider for a very long time. I'm okay with this. I'm fine with people keeping me at a distance. I'm fine keeping my distance from them. ❞
This was a super long bleg post -- 22 paragraphs -- a ridiculous self-serving rant that was nothing more than a bunch of lies carefully crafted to illicit pity and donations.
Anon7, I could not view the YouTube for more than a few minutes. What self-absorbed tripe!
Without even getting into her looks, dirty clothes / hair, dueling banjo music or sloppy & unkempt paddock...her attitude and tone are awfully arrogant. Lifted eyebrow and painful smirk as she dolls out crappy advice. I feel sorry for anyone who paid to receive such garbage.
She's willing to just eat spaghetti, not buy any clothes, live as frugal as possible and save six months' salary to buy a farm. Hahahahhahahahhaaaaa!!!!! She wouldn't know anything about frugality if it smacked her in the face!
Bet she'd still buy those yearly pair of pricey Dublin boots to ruin, because she doesn't value them enough. Why would she? She can always beg for more on Twitter. (Like wanting new running shoes.)
Poods, do you happen to know how much she charged for the videos? If I am remembering correctly, the bulk of them were free but then she offered special ones for sale?
I find her videos insufferable. (I've also never seen someone with such a slappable fat face.) Which is why I can't watch them. It's also curious that she stopped making any around three years ago. I guess that they either weren't lucrative enough, or she's just too lazy to take time out from tweeting about her Taylor Swift obsession.
Not only do lies come out of her mouth, but also out of her fingertips as she uses Photoshop to manipulate her photos to get rid of extra chins and stomach mass, just so she can continue to push the false 10K-runner-hard-working-farmer-donate-to-me narrative.
BUT...it's so very telling when her buddies post pics of her that she isn't able to edit. Check out pics #3 and #5 here -- pics that she'd rather no one see:
No way in hell that chubs the Pig Shocker is running "miles" daily or at all. Photos don't lie. (At least before PS photoshops them).
If that was this past weekend, where's the new friend? The woman sitting next to PP in front of the campfire doesn't appear to be with Pig Shocker. She's sitting as far away as possible and down wind of her.
Anonymous 10:46. I've said the same observation before about her "mouth gaping open." It's like nothing about her is authentic. Even her fat face is a caricature of smiling.
She does it to show how cool she is and it's supposed to help with double chins and chubby face.... it's the new hip thing to do! Didn't you get the memo?
Poor Jenna...shes really up against it again. Come on guys never mind paying your own bills, stop and write lazy ass a check so she can keep on playing. Well Jenna I guess reality hit you....after all that wasting time during the weekend and your bills still need to be paid. Not enough poodles paying up huh. Too bad, so sad. Ha haaaa!!!
❝ Still trying to make the July bills for the farm now a few days into August. ❞
❝ Still catching up from last month & trying like mad to rally some sales ASAP today ❞
❝ Also an option if you're far away and don't want a logo, soaps, farm goods, etc. ❞
❝ This is going to be one of those days I promote sales and panic until I know the bank account is back in the black so bear with me. Really right up against it right now and trying like hell. ❞
❝ Still on sale! Pet Portraits are on sale! If I sell 2 today I make my goal!!!! ❞
❝ Trying to get at least 2 sales today to get the farm on track and safe! DM! ❞
❝ This farm really needs to get out of the red today, so if you want to just help out and not buy something; here is how you can. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF ❞
π± π π± And that was just on Twitter alone. She blew the bleg up too:
❝ I need to start thinking about how the hell am I going to get through another month. (I have) a single-digit bank account after a late mortgage check cleared. [...] I can't buy a tank of gas right now. ❞
❝ Help and Subscribe! I'M JUST LIKE NPR!! Donate to my PayPal!!! ❞
And also, just for good measure, she mentioned that her running shoes are "very worn" so please send her money for that too. But as we all know, she should be "trying like hell" to get a real job and support her sorry self. Pig Shocker: All your dreams tonight will be filled with foreclosure nightmares. Sleep well!!
This week she will manage to drive to go waddling up and down hills, to the brewery for begged for beers, to PP's for several free meals and anywhere else she wants to go to. It will be a gas miracle. π
Not having any gas in her tank is yet another reason she shouldn't be allowed to own animals: What would happen if she had to take one of them to the vet for an emergency? Between that and her inability to stay sober at night, those poor animals don't stand a chance if something were to suddenly happen.
Good Lord. Maybe if she just told everyone she was on fire or something, send MONEY now to put it out!
Talk about beg-a-thon! Shesh. What is she going to do in 3 months? 6 months? I mean honestly, I'm sure that this is all just a scam because ain't no one can keep this kind of begging for real up for months after months, after years after years... It's just nuts.
Like a traffic accident, you just can't look away!!!!
I've tried to put myself in her shoes. Tried to imagine living the way she does. I really gave it some thought once, and figured that if I had no other choice, I guess I could do it once. (Beg for money, that is.) But I'd have to be super desperate with no family or friends at all. And I'd have to be on the brink of homelessness. And starving. And physically unable to work.
And it would be hard, to beg and plead everyday for people to send me money. And the shame, I shudder at the thought of how heavy a weight that would be. And if it worked, and I did receive enough to get thru the month, I'd be gratefully mortified and relieved it was all over. And I'd do whatever it took to never be in such a desperate state again.
So to think that she does this, month after month, just blows my mind. But I guess after many years, the shame fades and it becomes easier? I don't know. But this lifestyle of hers, it's no wonder she drinks so much.
I still don't think she's actually on the verge of financial collapse - I think the begging is all supplementary, and she does it because it's easy money. Her story just never adds up (like going from needing mortgage money to the check clearing in the same day) and there's no way she could do the things she does and still be okay (like buying fancy donuts when her account is supposedly in the red). I'm more and more convinced she has some other income source.
I think she feels that she is "working" when she really is manipulating people into pity sales. So it's not "begging" although she does that pretty outright with the whole if you don't want something from me, how about a few bucks for all this great writing she has done. Shesh. There are a thousand bloggers out there you can read with interesting content and they never ask for anything... she is such a class(less) act...
Does anyone know what month it starts to become cold in her area? It's already August and she has zero firewood. Expect a huge increase in begging for that, hay, and other wintery-items.
It can be chilly in late September, but it's usually not consistently cold until mid to late October. Fall and winter have been getting more mild in the northeast, aside from the occasional "polar vortex".
She could easily keep her furnace set on 60 during the winter. Instead she would rather whine about firewood. She also has space heaters but never mentions them either.
She claims that with TWO wood stoves blazing, she has difficulty getting the house temp above the 50s and 60s.
Considering the small size of her house and that her bff PP put a closing door on her stairs to the second floor, Pig Shocker would have to be a g.d. moron at building stove fires to not be able to get the house to a comfortable temp.
Both stoves burning would make it so hot in her house that she wouldn't be able to stand it. Especially being as overweight as she is.
In the real estate photos for her house, you can see she's got some sort of baseboard heating system. I vaguely remember someone on here saying something about the heat not working after she bought the house, but that she had it fixed. I believe she only references oil for her hot water heater. Not sure what the baseboard heat uses.
Installing the wood burning stove right next to those big, likely poorly-insulated windows/door surely isn't doing her any favors. And it sounds like the second stove is in a mud room and likely doesn't transfer heat well.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the throwback (2015) cringe that is her "food storage" video?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIJL8LJOfLQ
Here our self-sufficient, feral farmer explains that people should have up to five whole days of food stored (like, does she not keep pantry staples?), which in her mind means $20 worth of pre-packaged meals. Forget rice or flour or pasta, stored food to her means freeze-dried seasoned meal packs. She also shared the novel idea of canned items (not things that she's canned, mind you, just grocery store canned food), and the revolutionary life hack of rinsing out 2-liter soda bottles to keep water.
At the end of the video she tries to convince the viewer not to be embarrassed about having food on hand (again, who does not regularly keep food on hand?) by saying "it's not like you're looking at child porn." Seriously. I shit you not.
This woman wrote a book on farming, and this is her idea of being prepared. You cannot make this up.
Like...who tries to draw a comparison between food storage and literally the most vile and disgusting thing you can think of? Who thinks in those terms? I actually regret even posting that quote, it makes me nauseous.
She has an extreme lack of social skills and a demented sense of what is acceptable social behavior.
Mentioning such a terrible thing in a joking manner could be a sign of having been abused. Which could explain why she is stuck at a mental age of 13 if that is when the abuse occurred.
WH. That's another good point. It must also mean that "child porn" was on her mind when she filmed the video. So the stupid sentence about Buffy, and her future wife, makes more sense now.
Wow, what an utterly useless video. Was this one of the free ones or the ones people paid for? It sounded like she had run out of stuff to talk about. Food/water storage is just plain old common sense.
BTW, I only made it thru a few minutes of that -- her voice is soooooo irritating and know-it-all-y. No thanks. As for the porn remark, she must be fixated on that because she also mentioned it in that other video I posted. She adjusts her top and says something like "What is this, a porn?" Grow up. You're not funny, ya weirdo.
Yeah don't be embarrassed about not having food on hand, i.e.:
I never have food on hand because I only eat fast food and guzzle alcohol. Yet I purport online that I make lots of homemade things to eat (back when she did). Don't be embarrassed when your entire life is a lie and when friends see your empty fridge, freezer and pantry and then call you on your so called "homemade goods."
What a profound and mature tweet. Of course, no one wanted more information. It must be her mystery "coast girl."
"This farm really needs to get out of the red today, so if you want to just help out and not buy something; here is how you can. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF "
What a shock. Not. It's more manipulative marketing from the Queen of Scam. Funny, how it's "This farm..." instead of "My fat ass doesn't want to work like a normal adult to support myself."
She continues to harass blue check accounts, like Blair Braverman and Caissie St.Onge, to try and attract more PayPal poodles.
I have noticed the harassment of blue check accounts too. I about fell out of my chair when Blair Braiverman's husband (@QuinceMountain) replied to her thoughts about Fjords tweet with, "You can't affjord one." At least they aren't buying into her BS!
She likes her so, so, much -- but not enough to get a job in order to bring something to the table. In the past I've seen lesbian dating ads with a "must be employed" requirement. And at first I thought it was odd, but it seems it's there to weed out any potential moochers.
As for this "coast girl" (if she even exists), I wonder if she's seen the Pig Shocker's Twitter with the constant begging? To most people that would be a huge red flag, so I imagine anyone who still seeks a date with her must be pretty deranged themselves.
No one except another sociopath would want anything to do with THAT.
Only another predator, who sees an easily influenced person who is desperate for love and companionship who obviously has some sort of income to be able to afford her own home, would try to get close to her in order to take anything they can from her.
Pig Shocker is so desperate for a partner, she shouts it from the rooftops of various social media platforms. That makes her a prime candidate for someone with predatory behavior to take advantage of her.
That would be Pig Shocker's ultimate karma to lose everything to a scammer like herself.
did you see on her Twitter account how she now wants this specialty cat? You know the woman who thinks cats are assholes but this one is probably really really expensive so of course she wants that one. I say there is a new cat in her future.
checked out "werewolf" cat on google and they cost from $1,500.-$2,500. each. there is a waiting period right now for them but yes our gal will have one ASAP you can bet on that.
How many posts have we read about how she only tolerates cats? I would guess she wants one because Taylor Swift's cat breed of choice is a Scottish Fold...
Oh great...another furry prop for her to post pics of. It's sad that this cat is being specially bred and there's a waiting list, while at the same time there are tons of cats in shelters all across America who are waiting to be adopted. But she wants a "special" cat...even though she admits that she doesn't really like them. And FF, you're right...she's posted many times about her dislike and how she think's they're assholes.
Forgot to mention: Yesterday a Taylor Swift topic made it to the front page of reddit, and I was surprised to see that she has her own sub-reddit forum. So I clicked on it to see if anyone was talking about TS being gay or not. I perused 8 pages that had 25 topics per page, and in all of those 200 posts, NOT A SINGLE ONE was about her sexuality. No one is talking about that. Which just goes to show that the Pig Shocker is just trying to project her own issues onto TS and is freakishly obsessed.
Pig Shocker totally lacks any self awareness whatsoever or else she would realize that she is the type of crazy person that ends up in court facing charges of stalking celebrities.
If she lived closer to LA, she could have a real problem with showing up on the radar of various celebrity's security teams.
I've said this before, but it bears repeating. Her juvenile and creepy celebrity crushes are borderline cyber stalking. She is "freakishly obsessed" with females especially, which is why any potential partners should research her background before connecting with JFW. I don't think that she'd handle rejection and abandonment well, and I could see her harassing someone in weird ways.
As far as that specialty cat is concerned, it is definitely a prop.
Does anyone remember when one of her cats went missing? She wrote that she would rather see it dead on the side of the road than picked up by some do-gooder. Who the heck wishes that for their cat?
She got her wish. The cat was found dead by the road. That's how cold hearted she is.
That's just awful. I didn't know about that one, but I remember reading about several cats that have disappeared -- in particular, a kitten that she brought home and when she opened the truck door, it ran off into the woods and she never saw it again. Poor little thing.
My guess is she killed the kitten somehow. Maybe by neglect. If I'm bringing home a new kitten, it's either in a box or a transport cage, not running free while I'm driving. Kittens run everywhere and can stuck underneath your foot. What a f'ing moron.
Ok, found the sad and doomed kitten story from July 2010:
❝ So I saw the twenty-dollar kittens in the cage and fell for an 8-week-old long-haired, yellow-eyes gray kitten. I picked her up and she hissed. I liked her spunk. [...] I named her June Carter and drove her home in the pickup.
When we got back to the farm I scooped her up in my arms (still hissing, mind you) and held her outside the truck. I had her in one hand, like you would a puppy, arms securely under her armpits and body safe against my body. My right hand searched for my camera to take a picture. I wanted to post it on the blog and text it to friends in the office.
She slipped right out of my hands and ran into the woods.
I desperately tried to get her back. We played hide and seek for a while but soon her meows stopped and I could not locate her. [...] I felt absolutely horrible. I feel horrible now. I had a cat for twenty minutes and blew it. How could I mess this up so fast? ❞
πΏ πΎ Pig Shocker, you messed up because you're an absolute dipshit who thought that taking a selfie was the most important thing to do at that moment. Your greed for donations and your attention-whoring photo op antics caused that poor kitty it's life, most likely. Ugh.π
Fake Farmer. I've been calling "this farm" her hovel for ages. We've driven by many times when living in her area. It looks like white trash central, too, now that she's depreciated the property.
She has mentioned the bank telling her that they take photos of her property because she's behind on payments and the property looks abandoned.
How many actual working farms ever look abandoned? Pig Shocker sits on social media 24/7 and barely goes outside let alone does any property maintenance.
Well, I have a few. I rolled my eyes hard when I read that. Let's take a look at the life the Pig Shocker lives:
☞ Constant drama/crises created for the sole intent of begging for donations. ☞ Animal neglect and abuse. Especially likes to purposely shock pigs. ☞ Refusal to become a responsible adult and get a real job. ☞ Has no sense of personal identity. Frequently lies about stupid stuff. ☞ Obsesses over Taylor Swift and her sexual identity. ☞ Delivers product late or blows you off entirely. ☞ Brags about how filthy she is and how she hardly ever showers. ☞ Urinates and defecates on her property when plumbing is down. ☞ Dislikes Taylor's favorite animal (the cat) and calls them assholes.
Oh honey, no. Taylor would never want to meet someone like you.
Taylor Swift is her new religion - a community and identity she can cling to. Jenna wants desperately to belong to something, to feel like an authority on something, to be included and admired...After her Heathenry fizzled out, she needed somewhere else to fit in.
Found something interesting, but need to preface it to say that I am NOT suggesting the Pig Shocker is a white supremacist. I was reading about David Duke because of the Tulsi Gabbard situation and found this info on Wikipedia:
❝ In 2002, Duke pled guilty to felony fraud. Specifically, he defrauded his political supporters by pretending to be in dire financial straits, and asking them for money to help him pay for basic necessities. ❞
Sound like someone we know? A more detailed story here:
❝ Tax fraud conviction and defrauding followers: On December 12, 2002, David Duke pleaded guilty to the felony charge of filing a false tax return. [...] According to The New York Times: "Mr. Duke was accused of telling supporters that he was in financial straits, then misusing the money they sent him from 1993 to 1999. [...] The mail fraud charges stemmed from what prosecutors described as a six-year scheme to dupe thousands of his followers by asking for donations. Using the postal service, Duke appealed to his supporters for funds by fraudulently stating he was about to lose his house and his life savings. Prosecutors alleged that Duke raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in this scheme. ❞
This is exactly what the Pig Shocker does. Begs her foollowers to help save her farm. But her in case, it would be wire fraud, as she utilizes the internet rather than the mail system. And there are quite a few here who think that she does fraudulently beg for additional income.
For starters, her tax returns would be a curious thing to see. She also has two PayPal accounts, and as someone who uses PP, I can't understand why someone would need more than one account -- unless they were trying to stay under the $20K a year income radar. Any income beyond that, PP reports to the IRS.
Anon7 - I believe it. Like when she begged for money for a $1,000 root canal, then bought a $1,000 puppy. Or when she begged for donations for Birchthorn to "save the farm", received $15,000, then was begging for mortgage money 3 MONTHS LATER!!!.
Wonder if someone she actually listens to suggested she clean up her Twitter account. She's removed a ton of the repeats asking for money and selling her "products".
Ever since a Shamster brought up FFF'S spamming, I've reported her obnoxious and repetitive spam sales ads. Twitter is a medium that sells ads, not one that allows spamming. Hope Twitter reined her in!
P.B. - Many months ago, or maybe last year, I was perusing her older tweets and found it odd that there were hardly any ads/begs. So I kept track of how many of those tweets she posted per day, and then compared that number to her feed one month later.
As it turns out, the amount of those ads/begs was in the hundreds for a current month, but then she deletes them in an attempt to sanitize her feed, making it look as though she hardly ever begs. Even the dishonest Pig Shocker knows how bad it would look to scroll thru her past tweets and see nothing but ads/begs.
"Reports are coming in that this album is her "straightest yet" but the same reports last year said Gorgeous, DWOHT and Dress was about Joe Alwyn so...."
I just checked her account, and she shit this one out seconds ago. Right. There are so many "reports" having to do with Taylor Swift's sexuality as reflected in her albums. Again, why would any normal adult be this obsessed with a celebrity? She should have "chores" to do after her infamous "5K run" in the rain. Too bad that lightening wouldn't strike her down.
❝ If I sell a pet portrait tonight I will use the money to buy a dress for a date. I am 100% dead serious. If you want to support this romantic endeavor, DM! ❞
...and this:
❝ I should not buy a dress. I absolutely should not. But it's on sale for $50 and I want to wear something besides jorts and plaid shirts out of doors. This is an irresponsible romantic choice. ❞
What a sorry POS she has become. It's bad enough she asks for donations to buy animal supplies. Now she wants online strangers to subsidize her social life. "Buy me a dress because I want one!"
Unreal! Remember her ugly skirt she purchased to wear on the date with the rose in the black dress? Good God that skirt was ugly and must have made her look even shorter and fatter than she already is.
Once again, the FFF has deleted her disgraceful tweet about buying a date dress. It also appears that the spam ones are gone. But she never reads here. Right. She could just wear a tent from the Dollar Store, and no one would know the difference anyway. I think that the bright red "ugly cowgirl skirt" is probably too tight for her now. It's always the opposite of what she says: "I'm physically fit from running, and my clothes are loose!"
She could go to Cambridge, where there are two stores that have clothes, and buy a date dress. (We were there recently, and I checked them out.) One of them even has larger sizes. But she wants a new item to wear once.
Lol, I knew she'd delete that one. It probably sounded like a grand idea after knocking back a few beers. But then she sobered up and realized how pathetic it sounded, even for her.
Before she deleted it, she received one comment that I wasn't able read...because she deleted that too. Probably someone telling her how lame she is.
Of course she wants something new. I'm amazed she didn't post a link so someone could surprise her with it. If she were really serious about paying bills it would be a thrift shop trip. Remember those cloaks she made? Why not find something and repurpose it something unique to match her live like fiction lifestyle.
oh LOOK!!!! she got a bag of running shirts they are of course DOPE and boy can that word be used a few times. So glad they were "gifted" to her so she didn't have to find them at the dump!! Of course it was a pretty girl--thank heavens not an ugly girl. What a piece of crap.
She looks demented in that blue -shirt. She's so repulsive, in word and actions, that I can't fathom anyone wanting to be around her. FYI, I live in a big city where there are lots of lesbians. Believe me when I tell you this, no lesbian from around here would go anywhere near her. She's so obviously not gay. If she were to come to a gay bar where I live, no one would talk to her.
Notice she won't show her entire body because she's hauling around all that abdominal fat which would not be present on a real runner.
So now she's "dating" a professional runner. A professional runner would know she's full of shit the instant she sees Pig Shocker in person.
I hope that the runner is scamming her, like she has scammed so many. It's hilarious how she is supposedly talking to someone online and considers that to be "dating." What a crazy loser.
It's like a commenter here said in a recent post: "You can't out-train a bad diet." Her obese, bulging body is living proof of that quote. Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich would consider meeting someone at a store "dating," too. "The pretty girl shook my hand! If she hasn't watched Buffy yet, then maybe she'll be my wife. It has been foretold!"
Like with Ivy. Ivy came to visit and Pig Shocker made such a huge deal over them preparing a meal together that it sounded as if Pig Shocker considered herself engaged by the time dessert was served.
My hand is making a big L over my forehead now. She thinks that any available females, like Ivy and Sarah, who come to briefly visit are potential partners. It doesn't even matter if they don't identify as "SUPER QUEER!"
Not unlike her stalking TS, who in her interview for September Vogue, said even though she's not part of the LGBTQ community, she can work to support them.
PS will probably consider that TS playing SUPER hard to get.
Seriously, this might be her biggest lie yet. Why would a "professional runner" be interested in an animal abusing, morbidly obese online beggar? She's implying that her "girlfriend" makes a living from being an athlete. That's highly unlikely. And since she's only just met this person, then they're really not "dating" yet. In JFW's mentally ill mind, though, this broad is probably her future wife. We can look forward to a winter wedding, with frozen in the driveway chickens, where the "honeymoon" is delayed due to not having enough money. SMH
Exactly EUM. If she's real, this new person must be an even bigger psycho than Pig Shocker. She has her eye on the prize and that prize definitely isn't chubs the non runner. The prize is the property and Pig Shocker's income generated from begging. They see a free ride for themselves if they pretend to love her.
Yes, Anon 11:31 - thank goodness a pretty person gifted her those shirts. I don't know about you, but whenever I receive a gift from an ugly person, it goes straight into the trash.
Poods, in addition to software testing you can also compare any pic she posts with this one that she wasn't able to edit:
Anon 12:07, you are so right. The only kind that would be attracted to her are the toxic ones. The ones in which everything they do and say, along with how they look is a constant effort to prove just how lesbian tough they are. They are the ones who are always picking fights and ready to wrestle anyone who looks at them. And these types are not picky at all...they'll date anything to add notches to their belts.
FCW - Your checklist cracked me up! And also, being that she runs all the time and how she's always broke, why doesn't her body shape reflect that? Most people who can't afford to eat much don't look like that.
WH and EUM - She claims she's dating this "pro" runner, but didn't she only go on one date so far? Or did I miss where she spoke of another one? Either way, seems a bit soon to be claiming that. I suspect she's doing so to keep her foollowers tethered to her potential so they'll buy her that dress.
Anon7 & WH. I doubt it, too. And I think that it's just been one meet & greet. But when you're desperate like JFW, then hanging out a single time probably seems like an engagement.
Meant to type that if she has even met the "professional runner in person," then it's just been one time. Basically, I doubt everything that pathological liar tweets and writes.
My guess is 9 people will tell her to get a job and the 10th one will give her $50 for the dress.
Ok, maybe it won't happen that way but I bet she hears "get a job" a lot. I think she has become immune to it. She probably just deletes the emails or tweets. It bounces right off her. She knows someone will come through. She is shameless.
I agree that "she is shameless." But just wait a few more years. Her 40th birthday is right around the corner. Then she'll be a begging, middle-aged broad who has blown her chances in life to redeem herself.
Gee WH - Thanks for the supporting comment. And to think a few threads back you were accusing me of being Jenna. Oh wait, that's because you agree with me this time.
Definitely a numbers game. All it takes is one sappy idiot to believe her story and she'll be gifted that dress. Which is odd, as she doesn't strike me as a lipstick lesbo, but whatever.
All I know is that the person who gifts her that dress had better be pretty.
WH. I think that she's pushing the plus sizes. JFW could waddle into Walmart and easily find clothes that fit, but that wouldn't be the hipster image that she wants to convey in public.
Anon7. Your "kith" cracked me up. WH. I'd settle for chocolate instead of flowers. Maybe we really can meet halfway for coffee sometime in the future. (If that would work for you.) I didn't realize that you live relatively close to Vermont. I promise to not wear a pleather jacket, too.
WH. I'm from Michigan. If you (or any other nice shamster) are ever close to Vermont please let me know. In the meantime, I'll try to buy an ugly, red cowgirl skirt. (My husband will hate it, too.)
Today the lazy π· π ⚡️made 8 organic tweets and received a grand total of:
1 Re-tweet
π Yet she has 4,800+ supposed foollowers. Yikes...she's been muted. Hard.
BTW, the two comments were just her and Patty. The re-tweet was for the Int'l Cat Day tweet, and not for any of her sales pitches/begs. Also, I didn't bother including any re-tweets because the Comments, Likes, etc. carry over, thus don't really count.
I kind of hope she does find someone who will taker her away from the farm and rehome all of the animals and release the hawk. Frankly, that would be a perfect ending. I don't really believe that it's going to happen but one can hope. Someone earlier in the blog mentioned Taylor Swift's interview with Vogue. Guess there is going to be no mention of that because it makes all of JW's silly crush tweets all the more cringeworthy .
Her donated t-shirt(s) have what looks like a big typo on it: "The Eastern States - 20 Mile Half Marathon". Isn't a half marathon about 13 miles? No wonder they were given away!
"Eastern States 20 Mile & Half-Marathon Sunday, March 24, 2019 Kittery, Maine to Salisbury, Massachusetts along the spectacular New Hampshire Seacoast. Seven towns, three states - all in one race!
Running The Boston Marathon? The Eastern States is a great final training run! Originally designed as a pre-Boston Marathon training race, the Eastern States 20 Mile race (11am start) has been called the single best and freshest idea in road running in ten years. The race runs through historic Portsmouth, along scenic Route 1A overlooking the Atlantic, to the finish in Hampton Beach. If you are looking for a flat fast 20 mile run then the Eastern States 20 Mile is your best bet. The race fits nicely into the training schedule for those training for the Boston Marathon.
Also! Run for the Border Half Marathon - 11:00 a.m., Wallis Sands Beach, Rye, New Hampshire to the Massachusetts border. "
Re: the shirts:
** They could have also come from Goodwill - nothing wrong with that - I shop there myself for barn jeans - a bag of good shirts would be a excellent find for not much $$ - Now that would be smart if you really needed them of course.
#I bike for exercise in cotton t-shirts - but then I would rather spend my $ on the animals = naturally.
You know, for years the occasional person would suggest to Jenna that she might be gay, and she always (good naturedly and respectfully) told them she was not. And people respected that and wished her luck finding the right man. Can you imagine if someone had started a social media blitz back then where every post they made was about the fact that they absolutely KNEW Jenna Woginrich was gay -- all the hints that pointed to it, basing the analysis on what she wore, wrote, what music she liked, and how she acted -- how all of that absolutely announced it. I think she would have been mortified and have felt very violated -- even if it was all true. In both the gay and straight world, outing someone involuntarily, before they ARE READY to come out is such an awful thing to do, and so is insisting someone has a sexual preference they say they do not have. ("You ARE gay! You ARE gay! I just know it, no matter what you say about it!") I can't imagine the (understandable) meltdown she would have had if someone had dedicated their twitter feed to doing this to her, yet here she is doing the exact same thing to another human being.
Wow, I didn't even think about that...but you're right. She doesn't like it when people speculate about her at all, especially her sexuality. Look at this January 2018 bleg post titled "Needs for Restraint" in which she wrote:
❝ In recent months an obsessed person has followed my every move online. I can not use any social media without her watching or commenting under several usernames and accounts. [...] She doesn’t only discuss the farm, animals, and my writing - she discusses my dating life, appearance, weight, sexuality, friends, family, and finances. She knows the brand of jeans I wear, shampoo I use, and what my keychains say. This person has not kept her stalking activity online either. ❞
Funny how the Pig Shocker thinks it's OK for her to do it. But when other people do it, she considers it stalking.
Anon7 - You may not know this, but she was referring to Hound Doggy and this blog. The funny thing is, everything we know about her is because she posts it online! Her Rag and Bone jeans, her Rogaine shampoo and whatever her keychain says (can't remember). It was all on her blog. As well as her appearance, weight, sexuality, friends, family and finances. Everything we know about her comes straight from her on her blog or Twitter!
HFH, it's honestly disgusting. Someone called her out on how distasteful (and sometimes harmful) it is to speculate on someone's sexuality, and her response was basically that Taylor Swift leaves easter eggs all the time and she's practically begging for it. Such a fucking hypocrite - gross, childish, and disrespectful.
Have to chuckle at Friday's 100 mile patch. Poor dog used as a pawn in a fictional world. No longer does JW feel it's necessary to embellish and stretch out her "accomplishments". She is again using one her animals to be so, so special.
Thar she blows again. Once again re-tweeting that "If you don't want to buy anything, PayPal me anyway for all the wonderful bleg posts I've made" crap. Then on her bleg there's a suggested donation menu:
$5 monthly = $60.00 per year <-------- π $10 monthly = $120.00 per year <-------- π $15 monthly = $180.00 per year <----------- π $25 monthly = $300.00 per year <--------------- π±
πYeah, sign me up for a full year so I can read nothing but this:
❝ I need to start thinking about how the hell I'm going to get through another month ❞
❝ I haven’t been able to post mark a mortgage check ❞
❝ I need to pay the mortgage and this root canal plumbing bill ❞
❝ The certified letters being sent reminding me I still am not caught up on my mortgage ❞
❝ As for the farm I have to figure out butcher bills, more lambs, a house payment ASAP ❞
❝ Got a very bad certified letter in the mail today. Farm is on final notice from the bank. ❞
❝ I have 2 days to earn half my mortgage and have my check postmarked. ❞
Yeah, I wanna pay $300 a year to read the same lame shit over and over and over. Keep dreaming, loser. BTW, all of these quotes are from just a mere 3 month period from May to August. Of this year.
❝ There is a very small amount of people who follow me on Twitter and also see me in town at The Brewery pretty often and these people know more about my life than anyone in my immediate family. ❞
Is she trying to get her foollowers to feel sorry for her? My family doesn't love me...so please PayPal me. What she doesn't realize is that the people in town only follow her to see what the local freak show is up to.
" https://t.co/kbwg15999Q is a running show of "influencers" who have manipulated their faces and bodies. It's also a good way to learn what to look for. "
The referenced Reddit site exists to show the reality of contrived and manipulated social media images.
As a "public figure", does this mean FFF supports outing people who manipulate their public images to try and influence others on social media?
"Every once in a while I will suggest you consider subscribing to this blog. " Excuse me. I just fell on the floor.
What's with the dress, lipstick and yellow shoes? I must have missed something.
She wears Rag and Bone jeans? They all cost over $200 and some are over $300. Now I know I missed something. How can she afford them and not pay on her mortgage or animal feed or wood? What happened to that project where she was hauling felled trees out of the woods and chopping them up. Free wood. Who knew?
I love the latest photography shoot from the perspective of the photographer hanging from a tree branch above Pig Shocker.
It's hilarious the lengths she will go to in order to hide that non runner's body of hers. Yes, Twitterverse peeps, Pig Shocker is a compulsive liar and only runs a couple feet to the refrigerator several times a day.
So let me get this straight. Pig Shocker's latest dating victim lives by the ocean, according to Pig Shocker. That person is driving that far just for a date? From which ocean no one knows.
Or is that person staying somewhere in town and instead of driving straight to Pig Shocker's, she has to wait for a date. Why did she mail the running shirts to Pig Shocker and not bring them along since she recently mailed them?
Sounds like something other than the truth. Here's hoping Pig Shocker is walking into a huge scam with a predator just like herself.
Oh, but she supposedly bought the designer jeans on eBay. Just like she found the brand new bike and saddle at the dump. Right.
Twitter Twaddle:
Note how the unflattering photo is shot from above so that her bulky body won't look so large. It's another stupid trick pose that she uses, like the one with her thick thighs jutting out at angles. You're not fooling anyone, faux farm femme. And sagging cleavage never looks sexy. BTW: The "on sale" dress is $54.99: https://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/outgoing-guidance-knit-dress-in-black/165239.html. Of course, it's a hipster site. Someone who is actively begging for her next mortgage money is instead spending her poodles PayPal pity donations on ugly clothing.
And another lazy lifestyle loser's list:
"Farm chores Hiked 5.5 miles Made soap Designed Painted Sketched Ran 4 miles Farm chores, Pt2 Drink Movie
Good Day"
I'll rewrite it for her:
Begged Lied Tweeted about Taylor Swift's sexuality Reused old pet prop pics Binged on bourbon at "my bar" Flirted with imaginary "coast girl"
PDD. The "Pig Shocker Barbie outfit" was spot-on. Her asinine attempts to try and be a femme are atrocious. She almost looks like a cross-dresser in drag. I figured that the image was edited. It's just another one of her lies.
But can someone explain how she got that photo? Hung the camera in a tree and set the timer? There's no honesty or straight forwardness in any of the photos she takes. Weird angles to hide weird bulges. Zoomed-in tightly framed yard shots to hide the animal neglect. Photoshop editing, smoke 'n mirrors etc.
How many actual runners go to such lengths to hide their bodies?
Waddles the Pig Shocker knows that anyone who looks at her knows there is no way in hell she is running any number of miles on a regular basis.
She's been claiming to do so for at least a year and claiming that she's also been hiking on a weekly basis. Bitch would be streamlined by now if that were true!
Just more lies to try to convince potential donators that she isn't a lazy piece of garbage who refuses to work to support herself.
I also don't know how she took that unflattering photo. I doubt that it's a drone. I've never once seen an honest photo of her that wasn't manipulated to look different. (Recently, while riding her horse, she even had to fake flex a beefy bicep to try and hide her belly bulges.) It's just like her life of lies.
The fact that our FFF has described herself as a “lady” would have my grandmother rolling in her grave. In the strictest sense of the word (meaning ‘woman’), maybe, but a pooping in the woods, sleeping naked with dogs, keeping filthy clothes in the freezer, no running water, hawk shitting in the living room, potty mouthed pig shocker wouldn’t meet standards. HA HA! JFW, a lady?
I've met her before in person when we lived locally, and there's nothing remotely "ladylike" about either her appearance or actions. (Her horrid hygiene is another stinky story. Ugh.)
On Instagram, the Pig Shocker said this about her new dress:
❝ Date night perfection for under $75 ❞
1) This is money that should've been spent on firewood. Money that she'll be begging for in a month's time.
2) She lied about the total cost. Dress was $55 and the shoes were $35 on sale -- not $14 like she claims. So that's a whopping $90 spent to look like a hot mess. Wouldn't $90 buy a half cord of firewood? Or used towards the mortgage? The power steering issues? The plumbing bill? The $500 medical lymphoma-scare bills?
It would cost more money than she will ever have in a lifetime to improve her look and even then she will still have the black soul of an animal abuser.
Anon7 & WH. Exactly. I also can't believe that she has the gall to boast about her ugly date dress and accessories, even when she cries "Crisis!" at every opportunity.
The thing is, she can't afford to pay every day bills. She literally begs daily for money to get by. Now she's openly sharing that her beg money is going to date clothes? I'm so glad this blog exists, to reveal exactly what she is, a liar, and scammer.
Wow, her post about "the new rules of dog ownership" is pretty fucking rich considering Friday routinely growls at both people and dogs when out (by her own admission), AND she lets her off-leash on trails.
Hey Anon7 - It's me again. During her Braveheart phase, it was all about kilts. I had to post this gem in full. She even considered the look badass - well maybe on Mel Gibson, but not her.
"TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014 Kilts, People! KILTS! This photo was taken by accident, I thought the camera was recording and was fixing my shirt and instead it took a still. But in this little mistake is a great snapshot of one intentional life, one awesome horse, and one badass albaphile.
You just got to be yourself. That's what it comes down to. What you see here is my usual wardrobe. I'm most comfortable in kilt, sporran, riding chaps, good hiking boots, worn jacket and wool hat. And by wool hat I mean a wool western hat you've seen in many of the vlogs. It has a pewter falconry pin of a raptor on a fist and usually is adorned by one of my turkey's feathers until it falls off while riding that horse too fast.
If you like kilts, I suggest you get a hold of one and start bringing them back as agricultural normalcy. To hell with the overalls and jeans, a good kilt is the best! I wear it riding, working, hunting and hanging out. With a good pair of full-seat breeches cut above the knee they never chaff your thighs. You have mobility, brush protection, pockets, and layers of touch canvas over your swimsuit places. I'm talking to you, too, gentleman. Man up and wear those kilts during chores!"
Okay folks help me out here. I'm a bit behind. Has she had an actual date yet with the mysterious person driving from the ocean? Is this new dress for a second date? Were the t-shirts a gift from this mystery woman or some other "friend". I actually like the pattern of dress it is cute. Please don't rain down abuse on me, I just like lemurs. She should spend her money on bills.
I think that she's trying to make a late payment on her "perfection" date dress:
Twit Shit:
"No sales this Sunday yet, but maybe you'll be it? I don't know unless I ask!"
There's no need for a question mark again. And the second sentence implies aggravation that anyone would mind her annoying begging.
Then she retweeted this desperate one, but it's from Aug 3rd. So either she can't keep track of her "goals," or that they're interchangeable:
"Pet Portraits are on sale! If I sell 2 today I make my goal!!!!"
I also find it funny that there's been no mention of an actual encounter with the "professional runner" and "coast girl," but she's making implications that they're already involved. What a bunch of bull, and so seventh grade.
"Morning run of 10 lazy miles and it feels easy and good."
I guess that zero responses doesn't ring a bell that no one care about poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich, and her blatant lying about being physically fit with running and hiking. Yet all of her supposed, strenuous athletic activities never changes her body's appearance.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
just read her new post and wow is she so upbeat after being so sad about the shootings this weekend. Her town has embraced her so much and they love her so much and oh what fun she has been having. She hasn't been working on anyone drawings or soap or what ever because it is the weekend and she just can't seem to work then but she sure can party. From the sound of it she went from party to party all weekend long with single digits in her account (on her twitter account it says she is in the red which is single digits or in the red. You know if she stayed home got her work done she would be that much closer to being caught up with her past due accounts.
ReplyDeleteAlso how could she still begging for money for her mortgage payment on Friday and Sat. and then she mailed it off on Sat.? and it already was delivered to the bank then posted already by Monday? Boy things sure move fast in that little town on the side of the mountain. She must have had the girl at the post office post mark it then not give it to a delivery guy she walked (or ran) it to the bank handed it to them as they were locking up the bank and they went right back in and posted it for her since she is such a celebrity in that town. She can't keep a story straight to save her soul. ugh what a piece of work she is.
Thank you! I tried to post the same thing on the old thread and twice couldn’t get it to post. Glad HD started a new one.
DeleteYes, I caught that, too. How is she still retweeting the tweet that she needs to make 2 sales to make the mortgage-she retweeted that this morning!-but on the blog she not only made the mortgage, she made it long enough ago that she mailed it AND THE CHECK HAD TIME TO CLEAR...
Sometimes a scammer scams so hard that details about the scam can’t be bothered to be kept straight.
Also caught the other thing that you mentioned-if I’m up against it to get my mortgage, I wouldn’t be playing all weekend and rubbing it in the noses of people waiting 8 weeks to get a drawing that takes literally 5 minutes.
She's in her manic phase which will soon shift to her woe is me phase.
DeleteHer "new friend" went from romantic interest to "friends" by the end of the weekend. Yet another woman had to have a just want to be friends talk with her. She is so desperate, she takes any form of niceties as an invitation to a relationship.
No one wants an animal abusing, scamming, begger for a girlfriend. No one wants a Pig Shocker. π·π⚡
I cant imagine what shes like on a date. Probably comes on so strong its embarrassing.
DeleteManic phase indeed, WH. She says this today:
Delete❝ Ten years in this town and I feel a part of it in a way I feel people can only dream of. It's Stars Hollow and Cheers and Twin Peaks all at the same time. ❞
But just a few months ago in May, she wrote a long bleg post about being a social outcast and how unsafe she felt in her town:
❝ Everywhere I go I know people that look me directly in the face and smile think I am selfish, broken, or trouble. I'm one step away from neighborhood kids telling each other I'm a witch. People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me. Men blatantly stare like a hyena is driving a truck. I'll be considered an outsider for a very long time. I'm okay with this. I'm fine with people keeping me at a distance. I'm fine keeping my distance from them. ❞
This was a super long bleg post -- 22 paragraphs -- a ridiculous self-serving rant that was nothing more than a bunch of lies carefully crafted to illicit pity and donations.
Anon 6:17 - Just imagine sitting at a restaurant table listening to this for two hours while trying to digest food:
Deleteπ½ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak26kiUEIHw π
Anon7, I could not view the YouTube for more than a few minutes. What self-absorbed tripe!
DeleteWithout even getting into her looks, dirty clothes / hair, dueling banjo music or sloppy & unkempt paddock...her attitude and tone are awfully arrogant. Lifted eyebrow and painful smirk as she dolls out crappy advice. I feel sorry for anyone who paid to receive such garbage.
She's willing to just eat spaghetti, not buy any clothes, live as frugal as possible and save six months' salary to buy a farm. Hahahahhahahahhaaaaa!!!!! She wouldn't know anything about frugality if it smacked her in the face!
DeleteBet she'd still buy those yearly pair of pricey Dublin boots to ruin, because she doesn't value them enough. Why would she? She can always beg for more on Twitter. (Like wanting new running shoes.)
DeletePoods, do you happen to know how much she charged for the videos? If I am remembering correctly, the bulk of them were free but then she offered special ones for sale?
DeleteI find her videos insufferable. (I've also never seen someone with such a slappable fat face.) Which is why I can't watch them. It's also curious that she stopped making any around three years ago. I guess that they either weren't lucrative enough, or she's just too lazy to take time out from tweeting about her Taylor Swift obsession.
DeleteI think she quit making them because they wouldn't match her photoshopped pics.
DeleteAs always, WH, you've made me smile.
DeleteAwww, thanks EUM!
DeleteNot only do lies come out of her mouth, but also out of her fingertips as she uses Photoshop to manipulate her photos to get rid of extra chins and stomach mass, just so she can continue to push the false 10K-runner-hard-working-farmer-donate-to-me narrative.
ReplyDeleteBUT...it's so very telling when her buddies post pics of her that she isn't able to edit. Check out pics #3 and #5 here -- pics that she'd rather no one see:
What's going on with her arm/hand in the first pic? It looks way weird.
DeleteNo way in hell that chubs the Pig Shocker is running "miles" daily or at all. Photos don't lie. (At least before PS photoshops them).
DeleteIf that was this past weekend, where's the new friend? The woman sitting next to PP in front of the campfire doesn't appear to be with Pig Shocker. She's sitting as far away as possible and down wind of her.
Anon 6:23 - She's reaching into Patty's purse to swipe some spare change.
DeleteWhy does she always have her mouth gaping open in pics? Geez Louise.....
DeleteAnonymous 10:46. I've said the same observation before about her "mouth gaping open." It's like nothing about her is authentic. Even her fat face is a caricature of smiling.
DeleteShe does it to show how cool she is and it's supposed to help with double chins and chubby face.... it's the new hip thing to do! Didn't you get the memo?
DeleteFarmLass. I must've missed the "memo." I always thought that a subtle smile is more attractive than her ghoulish, gaping grimace.
DeleteFCW, nothing could help her and her mouth filled with rotten teeth.
DeleteWH. There's no "help" for her at all. She's doomed to be single forever.
DeletePoor Jenna...shes really up against it again. Come on guys never mind paying your own bills, stop and write lazy ass a check so she can keep on playing. Well Jenna I guess reality hit you....after all that wasting time during the weekend and your bills still need to be paid. Not enough poodles paying up huh. Too bad, so sad. Ha haaaa!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like the π© really hit the Cold Antler fan today, lol. All this begging is from today:
Delete❝ Still trying to make the July bills for the farm now a few days into August. ❞
❝ Still catching up from last month & trying like mad to rally some sales ASAP today ❞
❝ Also an option if you're far away and don't want a logo, soaps, farm goods, etc. ❞
❝ This is going to be one of those days I promote sales and panic until I know the bank account is back in the black so bear with me. Really right up against it right now and trying like hell. ❞
❝ Still on sale! Pet Portraits are on sale! If I sell 2 today I make my goal!!!! ❞
❝ Trying to get at least 2 sales today to get the farm on track and safe! DM! ❞
❝ This farm really needs to get out of the red today, so if you want to just help out and not buy something; here is how you can. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF ❞
π± π π± And that was just on Twitter alone. She blew the bleg up too:
❝ I need to start thinking about how the hell am I going to get through another month. (I have) a single-digit bank account after a late mortgage check cleared. [...] I can't buy a tank of gas right now. ❞
❝ Help and Subscribe! I'M JUST LIKE NPR!! Donate to my PayPal!!! ❞
And also, just for good measure, she mentioned that her running shoes are "very worn" so please send her money for that too. But as we all know, she should be "trying like hell" to get a real job and support her sorry self. Pig Shocker: All your dreams tonight will be filled with foreclosure nightmares. Sleep well!!
This week she will manage to drive to go waddling up and down hills, to the brewery for begged for beers, to PP's for several free meals and anywhere else she wants to go to. It will be a gas miracle. π
DeleteNot having any gas in her tank is yet another reason she shouldn't be allowed to own animals: What would happen if she had to take one of them to the vet for an emergency? Between that and her inability to stay sober at night, those poor animals don't stand a chance if something were to suddenly happen.
DeleteShe's already paid her bills, she wants new shoes. And beer.
DeleteYup...and don't forget she recently announced that NONE of her clothes fit her anymore. So she'll be expecting online strangers to pay for that too.
DeleteGood Lord. Maybe if she just told everyone she was on fire or something, send MONEY now to put it out!
ReplyDeleteTalk about beg-a-thon! Shesh. What is she going to do in 3 months? 6 months? I mean honestly, I'm sure that this is all just a scam because ain't no one can keep this kind of begging for real up for months after months, after years after years... It's just nuts.
Like a traffic accident, you just can't look away!!!!
I've tried to put myself in her shoes. Tried to imagine living the way she does. I really gave it some thought once, and figured that if I had no other choice, I guess I could do it once. (Beg for money, that is.) But I'd have to be super desperate with no family or friends at all. And I'd have to be on the brink of homelessness. And starving. And physically unable to work.
DeleteAnd it would be hard, to beg and plead everyday for people to send me money. And the shame, I shudder at the thought of how heavy a weight that would be. And if it worked, and I did receive enough to get thru the month, I'd be gratefully mortified and relieved it was all over. And I'd do whatever it took to never be in such a desperate state again.
So to think that she does this, month after month, just blows my mind. But I guess after many years, the shame fades and it becomes easier? I don't know. But this lifestyle of hers, it's no wonder she drinks so much.
As a narcissistic sociopath she doesn't feel any shame. She feels she is owed it.
DeleteI still don't think she's actually on the verge of financial collapse - I think the begging is all supplementary, and she does it because it's easy money. Her story just never adds up (like going from needing mortgage money to the check clearing in the same day) and there's no way she could do the things she does and still be okay (like buying fancy donuts when her account is supposedly in the red). I'm more and more convinced she has some other income source.
DeleteShe should be ashamed of her daily online begging, but it would require having a character that's not defective.
DeleteI think she feels that she is "working" when she really is manipulating people into pity sales. So it's not "begging" although she does that pretty outright with the whole if you don't want something from me, how about a few bucks for all this great writing she has done. Shesh. There are a thousand bloggers out there you can read with interesting content and they never ask for anything... she is such a class(less) act...
DeleteDoes anyone know what month it starts to become cold in her area? It's already August and she has zero firewood. Expect a huge increase in begging for that, hay, and other wintery-items.
DeleteIt can be chilly in late September, but it's usually not consistently cold until mid to late October. Fall and winter have been getting more mild in the northeast, aside from the occasional "polar vortex".
DeleteShe could easily keep her furnace set on 60 during the winter. Instead she would rather whine about firewood. She also has space heaters but never mentions them either.
DeleteShe claims that with TWO wood stoves blazing, she has difficulty getting the house temp above the 50s and 60s.
Considering the small size of her house and that her bff PP put a closing door on her stairs to the second floor, Pig Shocker would have to be a g.d. moron at building stove fires to not be able to get the house to a comfortable temp.
Both stoves burning would make it so hot in her house that she wouldn't be able to stand it. Especially being as overweight as she is.
I wonder what the real story is.
DeleteIn the real estate photos for her house, you can see she's got some sort of baseboard heating system. I vaguely remember someone on here saying something about the heat not working after she bought the house, but that she had it fixed. I believe she only references oil for her hot water heater. Not sure what the baseboard heat uses.
Installing the wood burning stove right next to those big, likely poorly-insulated windows/door surely isn't doing her any favors. And it sounds like the second stove is in a mud room and likely doesn't transfer heat well.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the throwback (2015) cringe that is her "food storage" video??
Here our self-sufficient, feral farmer explains that people should have up to five whole days of food stored (like, does she not keep pantry staples?), which in her mind means $20 worth of pre-packaged meals. Forget rice or flour or pasta, stored food to her means freeze-dried seasoned meal packs. She also shared the novel idea of canned items (not things that she's canned, mind you, just grocery store canned food), and the revolutionary life hack of rinsing out 2-liter soda bottles to keep water.
At the end of the video she tries to convince the viewer not to be embarrassed about having food on hand (again, who does not regularly keep food on hand?) by saying "it's not like you're looking at child porn." Seriously. I shit you not.
This woman wrote a book on farming, and this is her idea of being prepared. You cannot make this up.
Like...who tries to draw a comparison between food storage and literally the most vile and disgusting thing you can think of? Who thinks in those terms? I actually regret even posting that quote, it makes me nauseous.
DeleteShe has an extreme lack of social skills and a demented sense of what is acceptable social behavior.
DeleteMentioning such a terrible thing in a joking manner could be a sign of having been abused. Which could explain why she is stuck at a mental age of 13 if that is when the abuse occurred.
WH. That's another good point. It must also mean that "child porn" was on her mind when she filmed the video. So the stupid sentence about Buffy, and her future wife, makes more sense now.
DeleteOkay, so.. as I tried to watch the video, honest, I did TRY! I saw on the side navigation bar, videos for Narcissism. I kid you not!
DeleteWow, what an utterly useless video. Was this one of the free ones or the ones people paid for? It sounded like she had run out of stuff to talk about. Food/water storage is just plain old common sense.
DeleteBTW, I only made it thru a few minutes of that -- her voice is soooooo irritating and know-it-all-y. No thanks. As for the porn remark, she must be fixated on that because she also mentioned it in that other video I posted. She adjusts her top and says something like "What is this, a porn?" Grow up. You're not funny, ya weirdo.
I honestly couldn't make it through it. I thought "damn, I got better things to do than listen to this self-absorbed bullshitting moron."
DeleteYeah don't be embarrassed about not having food on hand, i.e.:
DeleteI never have food on hand because I only eat fast food and guzzle alcohol. Yet I purport online that I make lots of homemade things to eat (back when she did).
Don't be embarrassed when your entire life is a lie and when friends see your empty fridge, freezer and pantry and then call you on your so called "homemade goods."
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"I like her so, so, much."
What a profound and mature tweet. Of course, no one wanted more information. It must be her mystery "coast girl."
"This farm really needs to get out of the red today, so if you want to just help out and not buy something; here is how you can. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF "
What a shock. Not. It's more manipulative marketing from the Queen of Scam. Funny, how it's "This farm..." instead of "My fat ass doesn't want to work like a normal adult to support myself."
She continues to harass blue check accounts, like Blair Braverman and Caissie St.Onge, to try and attract more PayPal poodles.
I have noticed the harassment of blue check accounts too. I about fell out of my chair when Blair Braiverman's husband (@QuinceMountain) replied to her thoughts about Fjords tweet with, "You can't affjord one." At least they aren't buying into her BS!
DeleteHa ha really? Oh what a burn! I guess he knows her reality and not her fiction bullshit.
DeleteShe likes her so, so, much -- but not enough to get a job in order to bring something to the table. In the past I've seen lesbian dating ads with a "must be employed" requirement. And at first I thought it was odd, but it seems it's there to weed out any potential moochers.
DeleteAs for this "coast girl" (if she even exists), I wonder if she's seen the Pig Shocker's Twitter with the constant begging? To most people that would be a huge red flag, so I imagine anyone who still seeks a date with her must be pretty deranged themselves.
No one except another sociopath would want anything to do with THAT.
DeleteOnly another predator, who sees an easily influenced person who is desperate for love and companionship who obviously has some sort of income to be able to afford her own home, would try to get close to her in order to take anything they can from her.
Pig Shocker is so desperate for a partner, she shouts it from the rooftops of various social media platforms. That makes her a prime candidate for someone with predatory behavior to take advantage of her.
That would be Pig Shocker's ultimate karma to lose everything to a scammer like herself.
did you see on her Twitter account how she now wants this specialty cat? You know the woman who thinks cats are assholes but this one is probably really really expensive so of course she wants that one. I say there is a new cat in her future.
ReplyDeletechecked out "werewolf" cat on google and they cost from $1,500.-$2,500. each. there is a waiting period right now for them but yes our gal will have one ASAP you can bet on that.
DeleteGreat another thing she can kill.
DeleteHow many posts have we read about how she only tolerates cats? I would guess she wants one because Taylor Swift's cat breed of choice is a Scottish Fold...
DeleteOh great...another furry prop for her to post pics of. It's sad that this cat is being specially bred and there's a waiting list, while at the same time there are tons of cats in shelters all across America who are waiting to be adopted. But she wants a "special" cat...even though she admits that she doesn't really like them. And FF, you're right...she's posted many times about her dislike and how she think's they're assholes.
DeleteJust wait. She will scam her way to buying the cat and one of those coyotes, that she loves so so much, will snatch it and make a meal out of it.
DeleteForgot to mention: Yesterday a Taylor Swift topic made it to the front page of reddit, and I was surprised to see that she has her own sub-reddit forum. So I clicked on it to see if anyone was talking about TS being gay or not. I perused 8 pages that had 25 topics per page, and in all of those 200 posts, NOT A SINGLE ONE was about her sexuality. No one is talking about that. Which just goes to show that the Pig Shocker is just trying to project her own issues onto TS and is freakishly obsessed.
ReplyDeleteIt shows how mentally ill Pig Shocker really is.
DeletePig Shocker totally lacks any self awareness whatsoever or else she would realize that she is the type of crazy person that ends up in court facing charges of stalking celebrities.
If she lived closer to LA, she could have a real problem with showing up on the radar of various celebrity's security teams.
I've said this before, but it bears repeating. Her juvenile and creepy celebrity crushes are borderline cyber stalking. She is "freakishly obsessed" with females especially, which is why any potential partners should research her background before connecting with JFW. I don't think that she'd handle rejection and abandonment well, and I could see her harassing someone in weird ways.
DeleteIf this new chick is real, she must be a predator just like Pig Shocker.
DeleteAs far as that specialty cat is concerned, it is definitely a prop.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember when one of her cats went missing? She wrote that she would rather see it dead on the side of the road than picked up by some do-gooder. Who the heck wishes that for their cat?
She got her wish. The cat was found dead by the road. That's how cold hearted she is.
That's just awful. I didn't know about that one, but I remember reading about several cats that have disappeared -- in particular, a kitten that she brought home and when she opened the truck door, it ran off into the woods and she never saw it again. Poor little thing.
DeleteMy guess is she killed the kitten somehow. Maybe by neglect. If I'm bringing home a new kitten, it's either in a box or a transport cage, not running free while I'm driving. Kittens run everywhere and can stuck underneath your foot. What a f'ing moron.
Did she get a new kitten? Or she just wants one?
DeleteOk, found the sad and doomed kitten story from July 2010:
Delete❝ So I saw the twenty-dollar kittens in the cage and fell for an 8-week-old long-haired, yellow-eyes gray kitten. I picked her up and she hissed. I liked her spunk. [...] I named her June Carter and drove her home in the pickup.
When we got back to the farm I scooped her up in my arms (still hissing, mind you) and held her outside the truck. I had her in one hand, like you would a puppy, arms securely under her armpits and body safe against my body. My right hand searched for my camera to take a picture. I wanted to post it on the blog and text it to friends in the office.
She slipped right out of my hands and ran into the woods.
I desperately tried to get her back. We played hide and seek for a while but soon her meows stopped and I could not locate her. [...] I felt absolutely horrible. I feel horrible now. I had a cat for twenty minutes and blew it. How could I mess this up so fast? ❞
πΏ πΎ Pig Shocker, you messed up because you're an absolute dipshit who thought that taking a selfie was the most important thing to do at that moment. Your greed for donations and your attention-whoring photo op antics caused that poor kitty it's life, most likely. Ugh.π
Actually, the kitten eventually came back (poor thing). She lived at CAF for quite a while, but I have no idea what happened to her.
DeleteCan we call it Cold Antler Hovel from now on? LOL
DeleteFake Farmer. I've been calling "this farm" her hovel for ages. We've driven by many times when living in her area. It looks like white trash central, too, now that she's depreciated the property.
DeleteShe has mentioned the bank telling her that they take photos of her property because she's behind on payments and the property looks abandoned.
DeleteHow many actual working farms ever look abandoned?
Pig Shocker sits on social media 24/7 and barely goes outside let alone does any property maintenance.
DeleteFCW, you're right about that. It's downright disgusting. I've seen better kept trailer parks.
Delete"Live a life that makes Taylor Swift want to meet you."
ReplyDeleteI have.... no words....
Well, I have a few. I rolled my eyes hard when I read that. Let's take a look at the life the Pig Shocker lives:
Delete☞ Constant drama/crises created for the sole intent of begging for donations.
☞ Animal neglect and abuse. Especially likes to purposely shock pigs.
☞ Refusal to become a responsible adult and get a real job.
☞ Has no sense of personal identity. Frequently lies about stupid stuff.
☞ Obsesses over Taylor Swift and her sexual identity.
☞ Delivers product late or blows you off entirely.
☞ Brags about how filthy she is and how she hardly ever showers.
☞ Urinates and defecates on her property when plumbing is down.
☞ Dislikes Taylor's favorite animal (the cat) and calls them assholes.
Oh honey, no. Taylor would never want to meet someone like you.
Cryokid. As if any celebrity would be interested in a fat, faux farm femme like JFW. Anon7. Your list made me smirk.
DeleteTaylor Swift is her new religion - a community and identity she can cling to. Jenna wants desperately to belong to something, to feel like an authority on something, to be included and admired...After her Heathenry fizzled out, she needed somewhere else to fit in.
ReplyDeleteFound something interesting, but need to preface it to say that I am NOT suggesting the Pig Shocker is a white supremacist. I was reading about David Duke because of the Tulsi Gabbard situation and found this info on Wikipedia:
ReplyDelete❝ In 2002, Duke pled guilty to felony fraud. Specifically, he defrauded his political supporters by pretending to be in dire financial straits, and asking them for money to help him pay for basic necessities. ❞
Sound like someone we know? A more detailed story here:
❝ Tax fraud conviction and defrauding followers: On December 12, 2002, David Duke pleaded guilty to the felony charge of filing a false tax return. [...] According to The New York Times: "Mr. Duke was accused of telling supporters that he was in financial straits, then misusing the money they sent him from 1993 to 1999. [...] The mail fraud charges stemmed from what prosecutors described as a six-year scheme to dupe thousands of his followers by asking for donations. Using the postal service, Duke appealed to his supporters for funds by fraudulently stating he was about to lose his house and his life savings. Prosecutors alleged that Duke raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in this scheme. ❞
This is exactly what the Pig Shocker does. Begs her foollowers to help save her farm. But her in case, it would be wire fraud, as she utilizes the internet rather than the mail system. And there are quite a few here who think that she does fraudulently beg for additional income.
For starters, her tax returns would be a curious thing to see. She also has two PayPal accounts, and as someone who uses PP, I can't understand why someone would need more than one account -- unless they were trying to stay under the $20K a year income radar. Any income beyond that, PP reports to the IRS.
Anon7 - I believe it. Like when she begged for money for a $1,000 root canal, then bought a $1,000 puppy. Or when she begged for donations for Birchthorn to "save the farm", received $15,000, then was begging for mortgage money 3 MONTHS LATER!!!.
DeleteI wonder what agency handles internet fraud minus the tax proof?
DeleteWonder if someone she actually listens to suggested she clean up her Twitter account. She's removed a ton of the repeats asking for money and selling her "products".
ReplyDeleteI've been reporting her for spamming everytime she does that. Maybe I'm not the only one and Twitter finally said something?
DeleteEver since a Shamster brought up FFF'S spamming, I've reported her obnoxious and repetitive spam sales ads. Twitter is a medium that sells ads, not one that allows spamming. Hope Twitter reined her in!
DeleteGood going WH and PDD. And that TS shit? Having TS want to meet me is not one of my life's goals.
DeleteTS would look at π·π⚡'s nasty, no working, lazy, animal killing ass and run in the other direction.
DeleteI don't know much about TS because I'm a grown woman but I have seen pics of her cute cat and I would bet that animal abusers make her sick.
Maybe JFW is deleting her old spammy ads but she has retweeted 4 ads/begs in the last 8 hours. Geez, she is boring.
P.B. - Many months ago, or maybe last year, I was perusing her older tweets and found it odd that there were hardly any ads/begs. So I kept track of how many of those tweets she posted per day, and then compared that number to her feed one month later.
DeleteAs it turns out, the amount of those ads/begs was in the hundreds for a current month, but then she deletes them in an attempt to sanitize her feed, making it look as though she hardly ever begs. Even the dishonest Pig Shocker knows how bad it would look to scroll thru her past tweets and see nothing but ads/begs.
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Reports are coming in that this album is her "straightest yet" but the same reports last year said Gorgeous, DWOHT and Dress was about Joe Alwyn so...."
I just checked her account, and she shit this one out seconds ago. Right. There are so many "reports" having to do with Taylor Swift's sexuality as reflected in her albums. Again, why would any normal adult be this obsessed with a celebrity? She should have "chores" to do after her infamous "5K run" in the rain. Too bad that lightening wouldn't strike her down.
No shit. Who cares???? TS is doing this to make money anyway, plus I don't care if she likes girls. What difference does it make to any one's life?
DeleteGirl be trippin'.
Drunken Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete❝ If I sell a pet portrait tonight I will use the money to buy a dress for a date. I am 100% dead serious. If you want to support this romantic endeavor, DM! ❞
...and this:
❝ I should not buy a dress. I absolutely should not. But it's on sale for $50 and I want to wear something besides jorts and plaid shirts out of doors. This is an irresponsible romantic choice. ❞
What a sorry POS she has become. It's bad enough she asks for donations to buy animal supplies. Now she wants online strangers to subsidize her social life. "Buy me a dress because I want one!"
Unreal! Remember her ugly skirt she purchased to wear on the date with the rose in the black dress?
DeleteGood God that skirt was ugly and must have made her look even shorter and fatter than she already is.
Wow, just wow. Asking for money for clothes, straight up. Well, at least she is showing her actual value, which is 0.
DeleteHer "date" must be super impressed to see that she's begging for clothing to wear. π
DeleteOnce again, the FFF has deleted her disgraceful tweet about buying a date dress. It also appears that the spam ones are gone. But she never reads here. Right. She could just wear a tent from the Dollar Store, and no one would know the difference anyway. I think that the bright red "ugly cowgirl skirt" is probably too tight for her now. It's always the opposite of what she says: "I'm physically fit from running, and my clothes are loose!"
DeleteYep. It's more like she can't fit into any clothes.
DeleteHer date, if real, will recoil in horror when she sees a silverback gorilla in a dress approaching her.
A $50 dress!? Really!? I could teach her a thing or two about couponing...but why care when you aren't spending your own money?
DeleteShe could go to Cambridge, where there are two stores that have clothes, and buy a date dress. (We were there recently, and I checked them out.) One of them even has larger sizes. But she wants a new item to wear once.
DeleteLol, I knew she'd delete that one. It probably sounded like a grand idea after knocking back a few beers. But then she sobered up and realized how pathetic it sounded, even for her.
DeleteBefore she deleted it, she received one comment that I wasn't able read...because she deleted that too. Probably someone telling her how lame she is.
The comment is most likely what made her delete the tweet.
DeleteOf course she wants something new. I'm amazed she didn't post a link so someone could surprise her with it. If she were really serious about paying bills it would be a thrift shop trip. Remember those cloaks she made? Why not find something and repurpose it something unique to match her live like fiction lifestyle.
I'm sure there's a circus tent available somewhere on craigslist...
DeleteHere is the lovely handmade cloak Ladyfire is referring to:
This pic is from 2013...back when she was at least trying to be productive.
oh LOOK!!!! she got a bag of running shirts they are of course DOPE and boy can that word be used a few times. So glad they were "gifted" to her so she didn't have to find them at the dump!! Of course it was a pretty girl--thank heavens not an ugly girl. What a piece of crap.
ReplyDeleteAnother EDITED IMAGE (e.g. PROBABLY FAKE) according to software testing.
DeleteWhat a con!
She looks demented in that blue -shirt. She's so repulsive, in word and actions, that I can't fathom anyone wanting to be around her. FYI, I live in a big city where there are lots of lesbians. Believe me when I tell you this, no lesbian from around here would go anywhere near her. She's so obviously not gay. If she were to come to a gay bar where I live, no one would talk to her.
DeleteOkay peeve: so in running circles you don't wear a shirt unless you've actually participated in the event it signifies.
DeleteJenna Woginrich Twitter Twaddle Checklist:
Delete1. Ghoulish, gaping mouth - check
2. Tacky tongue showing - check
3. Fat fingers pointing to chest - check
4. Overt bragging about bullshit - check
5. Blatant lying about the "gifted item" - check
6. Probably edited image - check
7. Inappropriate mention of "pretty girl" - check
8. Lurid lipstick caked on - check
9. Deranged toddler expression - check
Notice she won't show her entire body because she's hauling around all that abdominal fat which would not be present on a real runner.
DeleteSo now she's "dating" a professional runner.
A professional runner would know she's full of shit the instant she sees Pig Shocker in person.
I hope that the runner is scamming her, like she has scammed so many. It's hilarious how she is supposedly talking to someone online and considers that to be "dating." What a crazy loser.
It's like a commenter here said in a recent post: "You can't out-train a bad diet." Her obese, bulging body is living proof of that quote. Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich would consider meeting someone at a store "dating," too. "The pretty girl shook my hand! If she hasn't watched Buffy yet, then maybe she'll be my wife. It has been foretold!"
DeleteLike with Ivy.
DeleteIvy came to visit and Pig Shocker made such a huge deal over them preparing a meal together that it sounded as if Pig Shocker considered herself engaged by the time dessert was served.
My hand is making a big L over my forehead now. She thinks that any available females, like Ivy and Sarah, who come to briefly visit are potential partners. It doesn't even matter if they don't identify as "SUPER QUEER!"
DeleteNot unlike her stalking TS, who in her interview for September Vogue, said even though she's not part of the LGBTQ community, she can work to support them.
DeletePS will probably consider that TS playing SUPER hard to get.
Seriously, this might be her biggest lie yet. Why would a "professional runner" be interested in an animal abusing, morbidly obese online beggar? She's implying that her "girlfriend" makes a living from being an athlete. That's highly unlikely. And since she's only just met this person, then they're really not "dating" yet. In JFW's mentally ill mind, though, this broad is probably her future wife. We can look forward to a winter wedding, with frozen in the driveway chickens, where the "honeymoon" is delayed due to not having enough money. SMH
DeleteExactly EUM. If she's real, this new person must be an even bigger psycho than Pig Shocker. She has her eye on the prize and that prize definitely isn't chubs the non runner. The prize is the property and Pig Shocker's income generated from begging. They see a free ride for themselves if they pretend to love her.
DeleteYes, Anon 11:31 - thank goodness a pretty person gifted her those shirts. I don't know about you, but whenever I receive a gift from an ugly person, it goes straight into the trash.
DeletePoods, in addition to software testing you can also compare any pic she posts with this one that she wasn't able to edit:
Anon 12:07, you are so right. The only kind that would be attracted to her are the toxic ones. The ones in which everything they do and say, along with how they look is a constant effort to prove just how lesbian tough they are. They are the ones who are always picking fights and ready to wrestle anyone who looks at them. And these types are not picky at all...they'll date anything to add notches to their belts.
DeleteFCW - Your checklist cracked me up! And also, being that she runs all the time and how she's always broke, why doesn't her body shape reflect that? Most people who can't afford to eat much don't look like that.
WH and EUM - She claims she's dating this "pro" runner, but didn't she only go on one date so far? Or did I miss where she spoke of another one? Either way, seems a bit soon to be claiming that. I suspect she's doing so to keep her foollowers tethered to her potential so they'll buy her that dress.
I doubt she's met this professional runner in person.
DeleteAnon7 & WH. I doubt it, too. And I think that it's just been one meet & greet. But when you're desperate like JFW, then hanging out a single time probably seems like an engagement.
DeleteMeant to type that if she has even met the "professional runner in person," then it's just been one time. Basically, I doubt everything that pathological liar tweets and writes.
DeleteMy guess is 9 people will tell her to get a job and the 10th one will give her $50 for the dress.
ReplyDeleteOk, maybe it won't happen that way but I bet she hears "get a job" a lot. I think she has become immune to it. She probably just deletes the emails or tweets. It bounces right off her. She knows someone will come through. She is shameless.
I agree that "she is shameless." But just wait a few more years. Her 40th birthday is right around the corner. Then she'll be a begging, middle-aged broad who has blown her chances in life to redeem herself.
DeleteYes, her young woman with a dream has jumped the shark to middle aged animal abusing, scammer who refuses to work to support herself.
Delete"Just like that."
DeleteCon artists and scammers know it's a numbers game. The majority won't fall for the lies but only a few marks are needed to make it all worthwhile.
DeleteGee WH - Thanks for the supporting comment. And to think a few threads back you were accusing me of being Jenna. Oh wait, that's because you agree with me this time.
DeleteGee, you aren't the only Anon who posts here but if you want to be bitch, suit yourself.
DeleteDefinitely a numbers game. All it takes is one sappy idiot to believe her story and she'll be gifted that dress. Which is odd, as she doesn't strike me as a lipstick lesbo, but whatever.
DeleteAll I know is that the person who gifts her that dress had better be pretty.
Someone should send her a dress that's a size 6 or whatever size she likes to claim.
DeletePut a 1 in front of the 6 and that might fit.
WH. I think that she's pushing the plus sizes. JFW could waddle into Walmart and easily find clothes that fit, but that wouldn't be the hipster image that she wants to convey in public.
DeleteTwitter Twit:
ReplyDelete"Keep the Car Running by Arcade Fire just came on the playlist and I'm 23 again. Like that."
More like: I just begged online for money to pay my bills and I'm 10 again. Just like that.
Hah! I saw that one the other day, and almost said a similar comment. "Great minds..."
DeleteYes, great minds! π
DeleteWH. I wish that we could have coffee sometime. We'd probably get kicked out of a cafe for causing a public ruckus.
DeleteI'm sure we would lol!
DeleteI'd even buy an ugly, red cowgirl skirt to impress you, too.
DeleteLmmfao! I will run 234 miles to the cafe while piggybacking a red rose wearing a black dress!
DeleteAwww, you two! Now kith!!
DeleteLol, just friends sharing a dislike of animal abusing, scammers!
DeleteAnon7. Your "kith" cracked me up. WH. I'd settle for chocolate instead of flowers. Maybe we really can meet halfway for coffee sometime in the future. (If that would work for you.) I didn't realize that you live relatively close to Vermont. I promise to not wear a pleather jacket, too.
DeleteI'm actually in the midwest. Otherwise, that would be great!
DeleteWH. I'm from Michigan. If you (or any other nice shamster) are ever close to Vermont please let me know. In the meantime, I'll try to buy an ugly, red cowgirl skirt. (My husband will hate it, too.)
DeleteThe day I wear a red skirt with little cowgirls on it will be the day my husband has me committed.
DeleteAmen, friend.
DeleteToday the lazy π· π ⚡️made 8 organic tweets and received a grand total of:
ReplyDelete2 Comments
1 Re-tweet
π Yet she has 4,800+ supposed foollowers. Yikes...she's been muted. Hard.
BTW, the two comments were just her and Patty. The re-tweet was for the Int'l Cat Day tweet, and not for any of her sales pitches/begs. Also, I didn't bother including any re-tweets because the Comments, Likes, etc. carry over, thus don't really count.
I kind of hope she does find someone who will taker her away from the farm and rehome all of the animals and release the hawk. Frankly, that would be a perfect ending. I don't really believe that it's going to happen but one can hope. Someone earlier in the blog mentioned Taylor Swift's interview with Vogue. Guess there is going to be no mention of that because it makes all of JW's silly crush tweets all the more cringeworthy .
Her donated t-shirt(s) have what looks like a big typo on it: "The Eastern States - 20 Mile Half Marathon". Isn't a half marathon about 13 miles? No wonder they were given away!
ReplyDeleteLooked up the race in March 2019:
Delete"Eastern States 20 Mile & Half-Marathon
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Kittery, Maine to Salisbury, Massachusetts along the spectacular New Hampshire Seacoast. Seven towns, three states - all in one race!
Running The Boston Marathon? The Eastern States is a great final training run! Originally designed as a pre-Boston Marathon training race, the Eastern States 20 Mile race (11am start) has been called the single best and freshest idea in road running in ten years. The race runs through historic Portsmouth, along scenic Route 1A overlooking the Atlantic, to the finish in Hampton Beach. If you are looking for a flat fast 20 mile run then the Eastern States 20 Mile is your best bet. The race fits nicely into the training schedule for those training for the Boston Marathon.
Also! Run for the Border Half Marathon - 11:00 a.m., Wallis Sands Beach, Rye, New Hampshire to the Massachusetts border. "
Re: the shirts:
** They could have also come from Goodwill - nothing wrong with that - I shop there myself for barn jeans - a bag of good shirts would be a excellent find for not much $$ - Now that would be smart if you really needed them of course.
#I bike for exercise in cotton t-shirts - but then I would rather spend my $ on the animals = naturally.
Her running friend probably had some left over and gave her some. I remember my coaches always had leftover shirts for the taking.
DeleteAll the media outlets are speculating TS is getting married soon. Interesting...
ReplyDeleteTo a guy, lol.
DeleteYou know, for years the occasional person would suggest to Jenna that she might be gay, and she always (good naturedly and respectfully) told them she was not. And people respected that and wished her luck finding the right man. Can you imagine if someone had started a social media blitz back then where every post they made was about the fact that they absolutely KNEW Jenna Woginrich was gay -- all the hints that pointed to it, basing the analysis on what she wore, wrote, what music she liked, and how she acted -- how all of that absolutely announced it. I think she would have been mortified and have felt very violated -- even if it was all true. In both the gay and straight world, outing someone involuntarily, before they ARE READY to come out is such an awful thing to do, and so is insisting someone has a sexual preference they say they do not have. ("You ARE gay! You ARE gay! I just know it, no matter what you say about it!") I can't imagine the (understandable) meltdown she would have had if someone had dedicated their twitter feed to doing this to her, yet here she is doing the exact same thing to another human being.
ReplyDeleteExactly HFH!
DeleteAfter all, she is a PUBLIC figure! As she has told us before.
DeleteWow, I didn't even think about that...but you're right. She doesn't like it when people speculate about her at all, especially her sexuality. Look at this January 2018 bleg post titled "Needs for Restraint" in which she wrote:
Delete❝ In recent months an obsessed person has followed my every move online. I can not use any social media without her watching or commenting under several usernames and accounts. [...] She doesn’t only discuss the farm, animals, and my writing - she discusses my dating life, appearance, weight, sexuality, friends, family, and finances. She knows the brand of jeans I wear, shampoo I use, and what my keychains say. This person has not kept her stalking activity online either. ❞
Funny how the Pig Shocker thinks it's OK for her to do it. But when other people do it, she considers it stalking.
Anon7 - You may not know this, but she was referring to Hound Doggy and this blog. The funny thing is, everything we know about her is because she posts it online! Her Rag and Bone jeans, her Rogaine shampoo and whatever her keychain says (can't remember). It was all on her blog. As well as her appearance, weight, sexuality, friends, family and finances. Everything we know about her comes straight from her on her blog or Twitter!
DeleteHFH, it's honestly disgusting. Someone called her out on how distasteful (and sometimes harmful) it is to speculate on someone's sexuality, and her response was basically that Taylor Swift leaves easter eggs all the time and she's practically begging for it. Such a fucking hypocrite - gross, childish, and disrespectful.
DeleteHave to chuckle at Friday's 100 mile patch. Poor dog used as a pawn in a fictional world. No longer does JW feel it's necessary to embellish and stretch out her "accomplishments". She is again using one her animals to be so, so special.
Pet props are important to the faux farm femme. Without them to use for money mooching, she'd be living in her hovel alone.
DeleteSurprised she hasn't painted all the miles driven on the door of her metal-sided truck.
DeleteAnon7, people would think that it's a number of farts per month rather than miles driven.
DeleteThar she blows again. Once again re-tweeting that "If you don't want to buy anything, PayPal me anyway for all the wonderful bleg posts I've made" crap. Then on her bleg there's a suggested donation menu:
ReplyDelete$5 monthly = $60.00 per year <-------- π
$10 monthly = $120.00 per year <-------- π
$15 monthly = $180.00 per year <----------- π
$25 monthly = $300.00 per year <--------------- π±
πYeah, sign me up for a full year so I can read nothing but this:
❝ I need to start thinking about how the hell I'm going to get through another month ❞
❝ I haven’t been able to post mark a mortgage check ❞
❝ I need to pay the mortgage and this root canal plumbing bill ❞
❝ The certified letters being sent reminding me I still am not caught up on my mortgage ❞
❝ As for the farm I have to figure out butcher bills, more lambs, a house payment ASAP ❞
❝ Got a very bad certified letter in the mail today. Farm is on final notice from the bank. ❞
❝ I have 2 days to earn half my mortgage and have my check postmarked. ❞
Yeah, I wanna pay $300 a year to read the same lame shit over and over and over. Keep dreaming, loser. BTW, all of these quotes are from just a mere 3 month period from May to August. Of this year.
Don't forget:
Delete"I want Taylor Swift to pay attention to me just because I'm the FFF!"
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete❝ There is a very small amount of people who follow me on Twitter and also see me in town at The Brewery pretty often and these people know more about my life than anyone in my immediate family. ❞
Is she trying to get her foollowers to feel sorry for her? My family doesn't love me...so please PayPal me. What she doesn't realize is that the people in town only follow her to see what the local freak show is up to.
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ReplyDeleteFFF had a very interesting re-tweet on her feed:
ReplyDelete" https://t.co/kbwg15999Q is a running show of "influencers" who have manipulated their faces and bodies. It's also a good way to learn what to look for. "
The referenced Reddit site exists to show the reality of contrived and manipulated social media images.
As a "public figure", does this mean FFF supports outing people who manipulate their public images to try and influence others on social media?
*simplified first post
It's a subreddit called "Instagram Reality" and it's hilarious. And sad:
ReplyDelete"Every once in a while I will suggest you consider subscribing to this blog. "
Excuse me. I just fell on the floor.
What's with the dress, lipstick and yellow shoes? I must have missed something.
She wears Rag and Bone jeans? They all cost over $200 and some are over $300. Now I know I missed something. How can she afford them and not pay on her mortgage or animal feed or wood? What happened to that project where she was hauling felled trees out of the woods and chopping them up. Free wood. Who knew?
I love the latest photography shoot from the perspective of the photographer hanging from a tree branch above Pig Shocker.
DeleteIt's hilarious the lengths she will go to in order to hide that non runner's body of hers.
Yes, Twitterverse peeps, Pig Shocker is a compulsive liar and only runs a couple feet to the refrigerator several times a day.
So let me get this straight. Pig Shocker's latest dating victim lives by the ocean, according to Pig Shocker. That person is driving that far just for a date? From which ocean no one knows.
Or is that person staying somewhere in town and instead of driving straight to Pig Shocker's, she has to wait for a date. Why did she mail the running shirts to Pig Shocker and not bring them along since she recently mailed them?
Sounds like something other than the truth.
Here's hoping Pig Shocker is walking into a huge scam with a predator just like herself.
*Meant to post that ^^^
Deleteseparately and not as a reply.
Oh, but she supposedly bought the designer jeans on eBay. Just like she found the brand new bike and saddle at the dump. Right.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
Note how the unflattering photo is shot from above so that her bulky body won't look so large. It's another stupid trick pose that she uses, like the one with her thick thighs jutting out at angles. You're not fooling anyone, faux farm femme. And sagging cleavage never looks sexy. BTW: The "on sale" dress is $54.99: https://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/outgoing-guidance-knit-dress-in-black/165239.html. Of course, it's a hipster site. Someone who is actively begging for her next mortgage money is instead spending her poodles PayPal pity donations on ugly clothing.
And another lazy lifestyle loser's list:
"Farm chores
Hiked 5.5 miles
Made soap
Ran 4 miles
Farm chores, Pt2
Good Day"
I'll rewrite it for her:
Tweeted about Taylor Swift's sexuality
Reused old pet prop pics
Binged on bourbon at "my bar"
Flirted with imaginary "coast girl"
Typical twat today
WH. Again, "Great minds..."
DeleteLmao FCW!
DeleteRan a quick scan on the Pig Shocker Barbie outfit.
DeleteResults: Image Edited? PROBABLY
PDD. The "Pig Shocker Barbie outfit" was spot-on. Her asinine attempts to try and be a femme are atrocious. She almost looks like a cross-dresser in drag. I figured that the image was edited. It's just another one of her lies.
DeleteThat she had to edit a photo that barely shows her says volumes lol.
DeleteLMAO at Pig Shocker Barbie Dress!
DeleteBut can someone explain how she got that photo? Hung the camera in a tree and set the timer? There's no honesty or straight forwardness in any of the photos she takes. Weird angles to hide weird bulges. Zoomed-in tightly framed yard shots to hide the animal neglect. Photoshop editing, smoke 'n mirrors etc.
How many actual runners go to such lengths to hide their bodies?
DeleteWaddles the Pig Shocker knows that anyone who looks at her knows there is no way in hell she is running any number of miles on a regular basis.
She's been claiming to do so for at least a year and claiming that she's also been hiking on a weekly basis.
Bitch would be streamlined by now if that were true!
Just more lies to try to convince potential donators that she isn't a lazy piece of garbage who refuses to work to support herself.
I also don't know how she took that unflattering photo. I doubt that it's a drone. I've never once seen an honest photo of her that wasn't manipulated to look different. (Recently, while riding her horse, she even had to fake flex a beefy bicep to try and hide her belly bulges.) It's just like her life of lies.
DeleteThe fact that our FFF has described herself as a “lady” would have my grandmother rolling in her grave. In the strictest sense of the word (meaning ‘woman’), maybe, but a pooping in the woods, sleeping naked with dogs, keeping filthy clothes in the freezer, no running water, hawk shitting in the living room, potty mouthed pig shocker wouldn’t meet standards. HA HA! JFW, a lady?
ReplyDelete"Lazy" is more like it.
DeleteI've met her before in person when we lived locally, and there's nothing remotely "ladylike" about either her appearance or actions. (Her horrid hygiene is another stinky story. Ugh.)
DeleteI've seen her "walking" in her videos and she really does look like a lumbering gorilla.
DeleteLadies are graceful, have exquisite manners and maintain self control at all times.
Pig Shocker is the exact opposite of a lady. π¦π¦π¦
On Instagram, the Pig Shocker said this about her new dress:
ReplyDelete❝ Date night perfection for under $75 ❞
1) This is money that should've been spent on firewood. Money that she'll be begging for in a month's time.
2) She lied about the total cost. Dress was $55 and the shoes were $35 on sale -- not $14 like she claims. So that's a whopping $90 spent to look like a hot mess. Wouldn't $90 buy a half cord of firewood? Or used towards the mortgage? The power steering issues? The plumbing bill? The $500 medical lymphoma-scare bills?
More like date night deficiency!
It would cost more money than she will ever have in a lifetime to improve her look and even then she will still have the black soul of an animal abuser.
Anon7 & WH. Exactly. I also can't believe that she has the gall to boast about her ugly date dress and accessories, even when she cries "Crisis!" at every opportunity.
DeleteThe thing is, she can't afford to pay every day bills. She literally begs daily for money to get by. Now she's openly sharing that her beg money is going to date clothes? I'm so glad this blog exists, to reveal exactly what she is, a liar, and scammer.
ReplyDeleteThe faux farm femme lies about everything, and has the chutzpah to do it daily. Her dumb enablers deserve what they get if they donate to this loser.
DeleteWow, her post about "the new rules of dog ownership" is pretty fucking rich considering Friday routinely growls at both people and dogs when out (by her own admission), AND she lets her off-leash on trails.
ReplyDeleteAnon7 - Jenna's Rag & Bone jean obsession came during her Anna Kendrick phase. Apparently that was the preferred brand for the celebrity.
ReplyDeleteHer celebrity stalking of females is super creepy. And imitating what they wear is like someone who mentally is still in junior high. Oh, wait...
DeleteHey Anon7 - It's me again. During her Braveheart phase, it was all about kilts. I had to post this gem in full. She even considered the look badass - well maybe on Mel Gibson, but not her.
ReplyDelete"TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014
Kilts, People! KILTS!
This photo was taken by accident, I thought the camera was recording and was fixing my shirt and instead it took a still. But in this little mistake is a great snapshot of one intentional life, one awesome horse, and one badass albaphile.
You just got to be yourself. That's what it comes down to. What you see here is my usual wardrobe. I'm most comfortable in kilt, sporran, riding chaps, good hiking boots, worn jacket and wool hat. And by wool hat I mean a wool western hat you've seen in many of the vlogs. It has a pewter falconry pin of a raptor on a fist and usually is adorned by one of my turkey's feathers until it falls off while riding that horse too fast.
If you like kilts, I suggest you get a hold of one and start bringing them back as agricultural normalcy. To hell with the overalls and jeans, a good kilt is the best! I wear it riding, working, hunting and hanging out. With a good pair of full-seat breeches cut above the knee they never chaff your thighs. You have mobility, brush protection, pockets, and layers of touch canvas over your swimsuit places. I'm talking to you, too, gentleman. Man up and wear those kilts during chores!"
To hell with jeans? That is until she discovered Anna Kendrick and Rag & Bone.
DeleteOkay folks help me out here. I'm a bit behind. Has she had an actual date yet with the mysterious person driving from the ocean? Is this new dress for a second date? Were the t-shirts a gift from this mystery woman or some other "friend". I actually like the pattern of dress it is cute. Please don't rain down abuse on me, I just like lemurs. She should spend her money on bills.
I think it's so hard to keep track of because the entire scenario is riddled with lies.
DeleteI think that she's trying to make a late payment on her "perfection" date dress:
DeleteTwit Shit:
"No sales this Sunday yet, but maybe you'll be it? I don't know unless I ask!"
There's no need for a question mark again. And the second sentence implies aggravation that anyone would mind her annoying begging.
Then she retweeted this desperate one, but it's from Aug 3rd. So either she can't keep track of her "goals," or that they're interchangeable:
"Pet Portraits are on sale! If I sell 2 today I make my goal!!!!"
I also find it funny that there's been no mention of an actual encounter with the "professional runner" and "coast girl," but she's making implications that they're already involved. What a bunch of bull, and so seventh grade.
I also wanted to include:
Delete"Morning run of 10 lazy miles and it feels easy and good."
I guess that zero responses doesn't ring a bell that no one care about poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich, and her blatant lying about being physically fit with running and hiking. Yet all of her supposed, strenuous athletic activities never changes her body's appearance.
I managed to find one photo from Pig Shocker's date and as usual she came on way too strong:
The snorting sound that you hear is me almost spewing my morning cup of coffee, thanks!