I'm shocked!

It seems as though Jenna is in financial trouble.  There are so many really important things that she needs right now.  What ever will she do?!?

Maybe she needs to buy a new dress, shoes, purse, jeans, beer, and whisky.  Yeah, that will make things better.


  1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 19, 2019 at 2:37 PM

    The ugly monkey dress and accessories were meant for her hot "date." Which we haven't heard anything new about. Why would she work when her dumb enablers keep donating to this total loser?

    1. She probably sees those wasteful and unnecessary purchases as an investment. Using them to try to snag a wealthy girlfriend who will pay her bills.

  2. I think when it gets really cold and she has no wood for heat she can wear her monkey dress, shoes etc. and it will keep her warm.

    1. she can't use them as a fire starter because poor widdle Jenna doesn't have any firewood for her stoves. If you paypal poodles don't get off your rear and start donating to her what the hell is going to happen? She can't use "her" brewery money for this stuff after all she is so loved in this town and people will be scared if she isn't there.

  3. Who in their right mindset would spend over $100 on new wardrobe (ESP since by their own admission, they don’t get to ‘leave this farm) when they have just finished begging for the umpteenth time for their mortgage, and are also currently begging for the next mortgage, insurance, tires, registration, bills, and inspection?
    And who in their right mind would advertise this reckless spending to the same internet that they are begging for money, each single month?
    I don’t get it.
    You can’t afford vet care for your dying sheep, you can afford to cobble together a warm coop for your freezing chickens, you can’t afford to clean your animal pens or basic vet care for your pets, but you can afford brand-new hipster clothes from one of the pricier hipster companies out there?

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 20, 2019 at 6:51 AM

      That was well-put. You succinctly summed up why we're here.

    2. She probably knows she's pushing her luck, but is hoping that people will understand that the poor widdle hardworking feral farmer, living all alone on a mountain, is utterly wutterly lonely and really needs to meet someone.

      And she knows it's bad optics, which is why she lied about how much she really paid for the shoes, and altogether didn't even mention the pricey new purse. She most likely also bought other stuff like new underwear (one would hope) and makeup, nail polish and crap.

      She had one hand on her mouse, clicking away at new stuff to add to her shopping cart, while she held the other out to beg for firewood, new tires, mortgage, etc. So yeah, that's exactly why we're here...to point out the obvious to the oblivious foollowers.

  4. I am bothered by her constant advertising of how poorly she feeds her dogs. Any dog, but especially a working breed (even one that’s not being worked like hers) needs a balanced and healthy diet. A couple of days ago she once again tweeted how she “fried her dogs an egg’’ for their meal. That’s not a healthy and balanced meal for a dog. An egg? And fried? Nope.
    A dog needs age and weight appropriate kibble, with her older dog needing probably extra supplements and I wouldn’t be surprised if he also needs to be on an arthritis medicine such as Galliprant or Metacam, according to her own admission of his condition. Of course you can add goodies to their bowl such as a BOILED egg, canned dog food, yogurt, berries, sweet potato or green beans. But that’s all extra, that’s what we call filler.
    You know damn well these dogs aren’t being properly cared for, nutritionally and otherwise.
    But let’s go shopping for new clothes, yellow sandals and a yellow purse. And buy premium channels. And tweet all day. And buy make up. And buy wolf lenses. And buy hair extensions. And buy Polaroid cartridges. And waste time floating on the river.
    We don’t deserve dogs as a people, but for damn sure her dogs deserve better.

    1. While I agree she most likely feeds them crap dog food, don't assume the 'fried' eggs are bad. I give my dogs over easy eggs cooked in a non stick pan - my husband calls them fried eggs. Eggs are very good for dogs so as long as she isn't 'frying' them in butter or oil, it might be the healthiest thing they get.

      What I don't understand is how she can be so enamored with her dogs when they're young and totally dump/ignore them once they're elderly. She did it to the huskies and now Gibson. She would happily be one of those scumbags that dump their elderly dog at the pound and never look back if she didn't have to worry about poodles calling her out on it.

    2. Eggs once in a while for dogs is good for their coats. Hopefully it's not cooked in lard!

    3. This bothered me as well. I'm worried that her dogs' entire diet consists of eggs, since she likely has an abundance of them, and we never hear about her buying dog food.

    4. Get out your wallet, FFF wants to go to the fair! Unbelievable! Entertainment you have to pay for is something you do when you have extra money. She is truly clueless.

    5. She's begging for a $12 entry fee???

      By the way, no show cow exhibit tonight and she sadly missed:

      11:00 am - Best Dressed Swine in the Swine Barn

    6. Why bother frying the egg, just give it to them raw, shell and all. I don't want to get into a dog food discussion, but IMO kibble is not what they need. Depending on the time of the year, my dogs may get an egg at each meal, always raw though, along with an assortment of meat/organs/bones. This brings me back to when FFF used to dump the pig offal in the woods. A lot of wasted dog food there. Oh well.

    7. Yea, don't get me wrong—a properly balanced raw diet (with eggs) is generally better than whatever crummy kibble she'd likely feed them. But there's zero chance she'd put in the time and energy (and money!) to do proper portioning.

  5. Yes the POS wants your money so she can go to the fair. If you dont pay her way, the lil whining baby cant go. She says she wants to look at the cows. Jenna just look in the mirror.

  6. Going to the fair:
    Gas in truck- $10
    Entry - $12
    Fair food and Drink - $10
    Stop at the brewery on the way home - $15

    Can't buy used tires but wants a $50 outing to the fair. I'm sure she'll claim the mystery friends paid for her extras, again.

    1. I love the fair here, (I'm in the West) but it is SERIOUSLY EXPENSIVE. I can't even go some years. I'm not sure how big the fair is where she's at, but ours has events that you have to pay extra for if you want to see like bands, demo derby, some years a rodeo. Sure it's only $12 to get in or whatever, but the food and drink? Outrageous. I also think her brewery is pricey, as well, with specialized micro brews and such. More like a $75 to $100 outing.


    2. Oh yeah, around here in the midwest, a corn dog and a lemonaid ends up being 15 bucks!

    3. So she begged for someone to buy a pet portrait so that she could afford to go to the fair. And in return, offered to post a pic with any animal at the fair.

      But today: No animal pic, indicating no one took her up on the offer. So how was she able to go? Even if she went with friends who paid for her, imagine being a 37 year old charity case who can't even "earn up" $12 measly bucks?

    4. Begging for $12 online for money to go to the fair is like a teenager asking their mom for movie money.
      Except she is middle aged and asking strangers.

      Anyone who sees that on her social media will immediately realize that she is mentally ill on some level. That is far from normal adult behavior.

  7. Maybe the "new girl" could take her....oh yeah....

    The new girl who drove "from the ocean," was subjected to Pig Shocker in her monkey dress and grandma sandals after which new girl immediately drove back home clinching the steering wheel and crying in fear of what she had just been subjected to.🧟‍♀️

    My guess is that a second date at the fair isn't on Pig Shocker's calendar.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 21, 2019 at 1:39 PM

      Yeah, you know that she'd be boldly broadcasting about her "coast girl" if it had happened to work out. Now, it's classic silence.

    2. Yup. Falling for the "I run 50 miles a week" claim and then seeing the truth in person is what tanked that date.

    3. It sure did! The date saw what she actually looked like in person, realized there's no way in hell she participates in the physical activities she claims and got the hell outta there.

      Once someone sees in person the amount of lying she does on a daily basis, they must be in shock. They obviously believe her bs to let it get as far as a first date.
      Pig Shocker probably keeps lying until the last possible second up to when they meet in person.

      One of these days, someone is going to be extremely pissed off that she had the nerve to waste their time and lie to them.

    4. Where does she mention Coastal Girl? I can't seem to find it.

  8. Hahahahaha. Oh.My.Sweet.Baby.Jesus. Gahahaha. I can't breathe....oh my god...my eyes!!

    Ahhhhh. Nice outfit Jenna!

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 21, 2019 at 1:31 PM

      I noticed her trim runner's body, too. You can tell that she's lost weight, and also wears a smaller size of jeans now. Right. That ugly outfit is something that a middle-aged broad trapped inside of a teen's head would wear.

    2. I thought she recently said that none of her clothes fit her anymore? Implying of course that she's above alterations. But now the skirt somehow magically fits again?

    3. Great catch Anon7!
      That skirt doesn't appear loose at all.

      Anyone paying attention to her daily selfies, can see that she has not lost weight at all despite claiming to run multiple miles a few times a week.

      Her body would be streamlined by now if she participated in the physical activities she claims to participate in.

      It's another lie in an attempt to hide the fact that she is an extremely lazy, able bodied woman, who refuses to get a job and work to support herself financially.
      Instead, she spends her time feeding her social media addiction, begging for money and lying.

  9. In New York state her truck will fail inspection with a power steering leak. I'm guessing the only reason she's not milking that for money is because she doesn't know...

  10. The thing is, she just comes off so fake in all her outfits. And mean. She does not look happy, or peaceful, just someone to scam you.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 21, 2019 at 1:32 PM

      She's insincere in both her actions and appearance. No contrived costumes can hide her defective character.

  11. Proper hat? I think she meant to say poopy hat.

    She looks like a middle aged dork who thinks way too highly of themselves. Everyone is in on the joke except her.

  12. OMG so now while she's begging for her fair entry fee, she also donates monthly to Planned Parenthood? COME ON! Who would believe that?

    Not gonna lie though, I almost donated her fair entry fee under the condition that she go last night, so I have no chance of running into her this weekend...

    1. Agreed...no way she donates monthly while crying how she's always broke.

      Love your fair entry fee donation idea...clever!

  13. When I was young (many years ago) the county fair was a hot spot for checking out the boys. You always wanted to wear something a bit different to get noticed. I think she nailed it, just 20+ years too late. Reminds me of a lady that I've seen several times while visiting my daughter in another state. She dressed all in red except for her coat which is white. Very heavy exaggerated makeup and very high heels. She's easily on the other side of 75 so she can rock the look however. On our fake farmer it just looks silly.

  14. Oh man... this latest tweet thread about being a public figure and not responding to anyone who isn't another public figure, verified account, etc, has me WHEEZING.

    1. I know.... pubic figure is so laughable. So she has a website and a few books out that easily falls under "vanity publishing" which ANYONE can do. Jenna you are not a public figure. That's why I've been watching this shit show for years, it is so funny and pathetic.

    2. Cryokid, WHEEZING for sure! It seems like the fake feral farmer is about to pull out one of her favorite sympathy begs: she's a poor-farmer-alone-on-a-mountain who is frightened by meanies out in the world. It seems she is down on contributions and the signs are there. Her latest Twitter crisis: a person who had previously attended a workshop sent her a hand-written note! What's wrong with this world?

      FFF lives her life of fiction and this is another bit of false narrative. Unlike some of her recent postings the truth is:

      1. She lives in a "rural chic" NYC - Hudson Valley suburb, in an old farmhouse with a little bit of arable land.
      2. She lives on a fairly busy street.
      3. She has close-by neighbors.
      4. She does not live on a mountain, but she lives along the road. The hill that she rides on belongs to someone else.
      5. She has previously published her farm address because she has hosted numerous workshops and gatherings (including Meet Ups).
      6. She has publicly asked people to meet her at the farm for (a) falconry (b) horse riding (c) holidays (d) heathen get togethers and (e) hanging out.
      7. She has publicly invited multiple social media strangers (male and female) to stay with her at her farm.
      8. She has posted about wearing skimpy clothing, sleeping in the nude, showering outside in the nude and using her backyard as a bathroom.
      9. She posted Instagram photos showing a gun leaned against a wall, near a window.
      10. She posted multiple times about drinking throughout the day, drinking at the nearby pub and driving home (apparently) under the influence.
      11. She posted about evenings that she did not notice her outside environment because she'd had too much wine (or whisky) to drink.

      This doesn't include the many times she bragged about being "badass" and able to take out anyone who might threaten her or the many times she posted questionable posts, many of which were charged with sexual innuendo.

      She's a faker, and her fears, much like her narrative of being an actual farmer, are fabricated to try and get money from unsuspecting readers.

      Always remember: She brags that she lives like fiction and by definition, this means she lives a lie. Don't pay while she plays.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 21, 2019 at 1:34 PM

      PDD. Your long list is spot-on. She's only a "public figure" in her delusional, dysfunctional mind. Many locals loathe her, and abhor her animal abusing. I'm speaking from personal experience.

    4. Great list! She also once had a photo that showed an axe and arrows propped against her front door. Not the smartest thing to do.

    5. PDD, just want to clear up a couple of things. She lives in Washington County, NOT the Hudson Valley. No self-respecting upstater would consider the Hudson Valley upstate - lol. I guess you could consider where she lives a small mountain or a very large hill. I live nearby and have been there. But to be fair, it's Washington County and trying to find flat land is hard - it's mostly hills and mountains.

    6. Yes she is totally delusional in thinking she is a public figure.

      One of her tells when she posts on here is mentioning her "fans."
      The majority of us would say her readers, followers (as in Twitter followers), Foolowers, poodles, etc. Most of us would never use the term "fans."

    7. CM, you are right. She wishes.

  15. So I'm going to to back to the animal neglect again....I saw a few comments on a previous thread here about some of her chickens living inside with her and checked her blog to find out what the story was. ONCE AGAIN, a predator got to her hens and killed some of her flock. I just do not understand why, after so many years of owning chickens, she cannot keep them safe at night. Honestly, this burns me up more than anything else. If you can't house or care for your animals properly, don't keep them! And letting them live inside the house because they are terrified is not a healthy or long term answer. Creating a predator-proof coop is. I'm just venting here because I know, no matter how many times it happens, she wishes to remain willfully ignorant about her responsibility regarding the safekeeping of the creatures who depend on her.

    1. Because she doesn't give two shits about animals and livestock and has always identified with the "predator", her being a feral asshole.


    2. And now she is also pretending to like cats...sweet and fluffy...touching in the rain.... yuck.

      Public figure, my heiney.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 21, 2019 at 1:37 PM

      It's just like she's "pretended" to be a feral farmer, then a hipster heathen, now a luridly lipsticked, lesbian cat lady. It's all about her manipulative marketing.

    4. Not a surprise but her posed denim shirt n' cowgirl skirt photo is another fake. Yep, software analysis indicates it's PROBABLY EDITED.

      FFS, who has time to set up a phone or camera on a timer, pose in your yard like a juvenile, take a bunch of photo(s) in various poses, run inside to edit out fat and wrinkles, then post?

      No wonder her farm is littered with the souls of countless dead animals whose lives could have been spared if only they'd had proper care and attention.

    5. I think the reason she poses for pics outside is that the dense foliage makes it hard to spot bendy lines. Inside her home are the straight angles of walls, door frames and flooring which become warped when one uses Photoshop to hide lumps and bumps.

      FCW - It'll be interesting to see her next incarnation after she grows bored of the lesbo lifestyle. I really hope she chooses Scientology.

    6. Also, the inside of her house most likely looks as though it should be condemned.

      Sewers and plumbing aren't working most of the time, she has mentioned there is mold in her house numerous times,
      various livestock such as chickens are allowed into the house and we have all seen the photos she posted with hawk shit all over her walls and nearby furniture. The house must look and smell disgusting.

      She goes on and on about having overnight "guests" (i.e. people looking for a free overnight stay in New York) though she immediately takes them to her bff's house to stay.

      I also agree with Anon7 that the visual lines inside the house would make it evident that she photoshops her photos.

      The whole setting the timer for a twirl photo and for a photo taken above Pig Shocker as if the camera is on a branch in the tree above her, shows what the narcissistic sociopath spends her time on.

      It isn't spent on fulfilling the orders people paid up front for when she was begging for sales.
      Nope, once she has someone's money, it's on to the next victim.

      After that it's back to focusing on herself and making herself happy above anything else.

  16. https://www.mylife.com/jenna-woginich/e1242981091716

    1. It looks like the FFF is disliked online. I also noticed the negative red alerts above for financial fuck-ups. What a shock. Not.

    2. Lol, there are so many more "I would not be friends with Jenna" reviews than before.

      But I really lost it at: "I would not date Jenna" 😆 👍

    3. Lol! Apparently that is the majority opinion regarding not wanting to date the Pig Shocker.
      She has nothing to bring to a relationship besides mental illness, lies and financial burdens.

      No one wants a Pig Shocker.🐷🔌⚡

  17. According to the latest bleg post, Pig Shocker received a letter in the mail from someone asking her why she blocked them on Twitter.

    Pig Shocker then went on her people- who-are-anonymous-online-might-not-be-safe bullshit.

    What Pig Shocker fails to mention is that she probably owed that person money or whatever item they bought from her.
    The person probably contacted her on Twitter repeatedly asking where their money/item is and Pig Shocker blocked them.
    Then they had no other choice, after unanswered emails and being blocked on Twitter, than to contact her via snail mail.

    Pig Shocker is one crazy heifer if she thinks anyone would believe that someone would go to the trouble of mailing her a letter just because she blocked them on Twitter.

    She needs to be an adult and fulfill her promises instead of running away from/blocking them.

    1. Be an adult and fulfill her promises?? You have a better chance of seeing god.

    2. Yes, Pig Shocker's tail will straighten out before she becomes a normal adult with any integrity.

  18. I think she better stop playing around with this person. You never know who she may piss off. If they have taken the trouble to send her a hand-written letter. They know where she lives. In fact, a lot of people know where she lives. I think she relies on the fact that most people drop it eventually, but it only takes one person to not drop it and pursue it.

    1. She used to invite all sorts of people to her farm, so obviously a lot of people know her address. Also she must give out her address, because,how on earth would she receive all her free gifts of coffee, dragon steamer, cameras etc?

      I also seem to have remembered her publishing an address for her heathen Meet Up, Tyr's Good Hand. Lol, just this morning I tried to find a copy and see that she deleted all traces of her disasterous Meet Up gathering. Anon7, I guess she is done with heathenry.

    2. She published her address a few years ago when she asked for Christmas cards . Apparently she got the responses she wanted because she mentioned the cards and "little gifts" tucked inside.

    3. Even worse was her telling everyone not to expect a card in return. What a selfish narcissist Mama Wog raised.

    4. Pig Shocker is exempt of social skills.
      I believe she is somewhere on the spectrum.

      Throw in some narcissism and sociopath and you have a ticking time bomb.

  19. Twitter Twaddle - Pathetically Desperate Edition:

    ❝ This farm has to make $175 by midnight to be on track. I will be promoting links like all hell broke loose. This is fair warning. ❞


    ❝ MY goal is to make 2 sales before end of the night, and I'll be up till midnight. So if you want some art, soap, or want to gift art or soap HMU this girl needs to pay for 2 years of registering her pickup today! ❞

    🙄 This is a new low for her. Bad life decisions have put her into a position of having to beg like this. How awful it must be to rely on the kindness of strangers to pay your bills. She is most likely drinking and crossing her fingers that someone, somewhere will buy something in the next few hours. Just unbelievable.

    Can't wait to hear tomorrow's sob story about how no one bought anything. 🍿 🍿 🍿

    1. BTW, what does "HMU" mean anyway?

      Help My Uselessness?

      Hear Me Upchuck?

      Hold My Uterus?

      Heed My Urgency?

    2. HMU=Hit Me Up, hip chatspeak for CCLFFFITK (cool chicks like FFF in the know:)). She could use HMUBYCP when she's feeling even younger and more attractive than usual,: Hit Me Up Baby, You Cute Poodle

      Hit Me Up. Pay Pal me 'cause I am too lazy to work.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 23, 2019 at 1:20 PM

      Don't forget that she "does dope logos," too. Whenever she tries to be hip it's always an epic failure. Her mimicry falls flat due to her defective character.

    5. 🏅for Anon and PDD -- Super cringy that she does that. I mean, BTW is one thing, but using chatspeak at her age...

      FCW - Too bad that no one "stans" her "dope" logos, lol.

  20. So...the Pig Shocker took to Twitter tonight to beg for $175 she desperately needs by tomorrow. And then she tweeted this:

    ❝ I didn't listen to a leak. Bought the album, for me and mine, just plain excited. ❞

    How does she have money to buy this?!? I truly hope that she didn't make those sales tonight, because she needs to learn a hard lesson that you can't responsibly get by in life by begging people for money. Something big has to happen to make her realize that a job is the only real solution.

    1. Oh yeah, always look at her tweets and replies or whatever that is on Twitter. If you just look at her feed it's just the boring blah blah take care of me crap. But if you look at all the stupid stuff she tweets in reply to others, you start to see a different story. You see her sucking up to blue checks, spending money, gushing about her pop crushes and crap like that. Oh yeah, and flirting up and such. She is such a creeper...

    2. I think she's a predator in more ways than abusing animals and grifting for money.

      Narcissistic sociopaths are all about themselves and their needs and they will do anything to satisfy those needs.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 23, 2019 at 1:16 PM

      She's becoming creepier lately if possible. I do believe that she's a sexual predator in her own weird way. How about that icky, Buffy virgin wife crap? And she can't even keep track of her lies and begging. I hope that she's forced off "this farm" someday for "me and mine."

    4. FarmLass, you have to be signed in to your account to see her tweets and replies to others, yes? Do you really see that much more craziness? I have an older account that I haven't used for years and no idea where the password is. But now you have me curious!

    5. Yes, I think you do. I have been signed in to my account and I can see her tweets and such. I am not following her, though. No thanks! haha

  21. "Taylor Swift is the reason 67% of lesbian relationships start since 2012"

    I'm cringing for her. Absolutely none of my (many) lesbian friends share this opinion. None.

    1. Yeah, that creeped me out totally. She just basically dissed nearly all lesbian relationships since then to be stupid girl crushes on a pop star. Yeah, great for helping to mainstream things, there... How stupid she sounds. No wonder she's single. Shesh.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 23, 2019 at 1:13 PM

      Her stupid statements are unbelievable. And making up fake stats about sexuality is juvenile and pathetic, too.

    3. Cringing along with you, Cryokid. Perhaps TS is bi...who cares? But here you have PermaTeen Jenna trying to play detective so she can get a 🍪 for being the first one to figure it out.

      If only she spent half the time on her animals as she does her TS obsession. Sorry guys, your owner could care less about you it seems.

  22. I’m glad she had extra cash laying around to spend on an album when she could have listened to it on Spotify for free.
    More importantly, now that the album is out and it is so clearly about TS’s happiness stemming from her relationship with Joe, I hope “this girl “ SHUTS UP about Taylor’s sexuality. Didn’t she have any better things to do for the last few months that she wasted in a manic tweet storm about how gay TS was and how the rest of us were complete idiots for not seeing it, and how she was laying the foundation for so many years to come out with this album...
    Oooookkkkkkk, Jenna. Please shut up now.

    1. She doesn't have a clue as to what proper/normal social etiquette is.

      If anyone had said that Pig Shocker was actually hetero and here are the reasons why they think so, she would have become enraged and acted all kinds of crazy.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 23, 2019 at 1:12 PM

      She'd never admit to being wrong about Taylor Swift's sexuality. She'll just try and bury it with bullshit tweets.

  23. She does not need that $175 for bills. She needs it to buy fun stuff. Can people not see this? Paypal money needed at the time of day when Amazon is busiest. Wake up people!!!

    1. Some of her foollowers must notice this...how can they not? Can't wait 'til someone calls her out on all her BS.

  24. Are people seriously buying stuff from her and donating her money still?! She posts that she needs $175 by midnight to pay for her truck crap, then 3 HOURS LATER posts that she bought Taylor Swifts new album! How are there people that don't see what a POS she is??

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 23, 2019 at 1:10 PM

      If anyone is stupid enough to hand her more money, then they deserve to be taken advantage of by a professional scammer.

    2. Some dumb fool PayPal'd her $10 for some recipe. So I guess the TS album is now legitimately paid for!

  25. It is just amazing that people are still falling for this shit. She tries to justify it as "But I'm designing logos, making soap, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile she throws out the occasional, "But if you want to just donate money." Christ.

    1. I really hope those dumb foollowers wise up and take note of all the discrepancies and inconsistencies with all her bullshit sob stories.

      Take for example last night and her "need to make $175 by midnight" caterwauling. She didn't meet her goal so I was expecting to see her ripping out her hair today over her missed truck registration/inspection. But she didn't mention anything.

      So...I guess she didn't really need the money?

  26. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 23, 2019 at 1:08 PM

    Twitter Twaddle:

    "Still trying for this today! Almost there! get some art and help propel a farm forward to middle-class solvency!"

    If "this farm" hasn't been "solvent" in almost a decade of "trying," then maybe it's time to move to an apartment. And her panicked "Almost there!" again, is just manipulative marketing to convince dumb enablers to donate.


    "Do you get dirty? Do you like small farms? Do you want to support a one-woman operation that's right up against it? Get yourself some handmade goatsmilk soap from Cold Antler Farm! Or order more! DM!"

    She wouldn't be "right up against it" if fat ass would just get a job like a normal adult. But she'd rather beg online for a living rather than support herself.


    "I told myself I'm not allowed to go for a run until three clients' work is done and I'm angry at myself for being a mean boss."

    She's really "a mean boss" with all her goofing off this summer. And why is it always "three clients" with her crap? We've all noticed that number before, and it's also very suspicious.

    1. I love how she considers herself "middle class". I never realized one could beg themselves into middle class. What the hell have I been working all my life for? If I had only known this years ago life would have been easier.

    2. She wishes she was middle class.🤣😂

      She's not self employed, she's unemployed if she has to beg for money to pay her bills.

      Financially she's lower class and as a person she' has no class.

    3. Middle class...wut? No, definitely not, but trying to appeal to those types with a decent amount of disposable income. I don't think she even qualifies for lower middle class. A very tentative "maybe" if she had a real job. But as someone who barely gets by and has to beg in order to "earn up" donations to survive -- that's poverty level right there. Just because your parents are/were middle class and you were raised that way, doesn't mean squat once you leave home.

    4. Middle class? My broke ass has a college degree, works full time, and I'm still solidly working class! And this bitch owns a house and wants MY money? Aw hell naw!

  27. The Pig Shocker just deleted this tweet:

    ❝ I forgot I preordered the "cat bundle" from http://Taylorswift.com for $19 and tonight came home to the new CD, 8 enamel pins, and 8 sew on patches of Taylor's 2 Scottish folds - Dr. Meredith Grey and Detective Olivia Benson. What is this life. ❞

    What is this life? It's the life of a lazy animal abusing con artist who just realized the bad optics of begging for $175 and then wasting money on the same album twice.

    1. Just realized: Even though she deleted that tweet, be on the lookout for new pics of those pins and sew-on patches. She won't be able to resist showing them off, lol.

    2. What a whack job.
      TS would be completely disgusted by Pig Shocker's animal abuse, laziness and serial killer looks.

      That doesn't stop Pig Shocker from spending her begged for money on TS trinkets like a child.

      Pig Shocker gets so excited over the stupidest things.
      She couldn't waddle to Twitter fast enough to tweet about her latest waste of money.

      Beware of giving her money to pay her "bills." Once she has the money in her chubby man hands, she is on to the next victim and could not care less about giving her customers what they ordered.
      Instead, she spends her time looking for the next ridiculous trash to buy for herself instead of paying for her living expenses.

    3. I wonder which of her "emergencies" paid for that Taylor Swift bundle?

  28. Now we have incontrovertible proof that her begging for mortgage money, and bills is for clothes,.music, tickets, etc. Finally, the truth is out.

    1. Yes. I think the truth has been out many times but people are too blind to notice.

      They get caught up in hoping to get a public mention of their generosity from Pig Shocker.

      Rarely does she thank anyone and if she does it is barely mentioned on social media.

  29. Jenna has always rubbed her fans noses in her frivolous purchases after crying wolves at the door.

  30. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 24, 2019 at 6:14 AM

    The morning, moaning Twit Shit:

    "Good morning from a slightly chilly Cold Antler Farm! Thinking about firewood, gotta get some in and stacked soon. Gotta pay the mortgage first. This is my Saturday Mission. Work towards that goal!"

    Maybe if the FFF got off her fat ass, and tried searching locally, then she could find free firewood. And here's a radical idea. There are also trees on her "mountain." But that would require work, and the poor widdle baby is scared of chainsaws. She also has heaters, but refuses to use them. I think that it's all a guise and game. Jenna just wants more money for Taylor Swift trinkets, stupid dog patches, and alcohol.


    "Goal today is to sell one logo or 2 illustrations towards the goal of getting a cord of firewood ordered and stacked as soon as possible. That's my heat for winter and so important! All art is on sale and makes a great gift!"

    This was tweeted only within an hour of the other one. Apparently, she panics when no one responds right away to her desperate pleadings. She's the queen of manipulative marketing for PayPal poodles.

    1. She also has an oil-heat all-home furnace, so her claims about needing wood for heat are so much 💩💩💩💩.

    2. Even though she claims that will be the amount of firewood she needs for the winter, she ALWAYS claims to run out. Sure, moron.

      Like PDD mentioned, she has an oil furnace and she has mentioned having space heaters.
      Once she even went on and on about leaving an Amazon review regarding one of her space heaters.

      Firewood is just another want vs need that she uses to solicit donations.
      For all anyone knows, she might not even use firewood at all.

      Compulsive liars lie as often as they breathe.

    3. More accurately, her "goal for the day" is to sit on her ass and beg people to buy her crap. In the comments of one of those tweets she wrote:

      ❝ DM for rates and prices! Pencil Sketches start at $20 - 3 color portraits mailed free are $125 right now. ❞

      $20 for a pencil sketch? Would love to see what that looks like. 🙄

    4. I can't imagine what she considers to be a "basic" sketch looks like.

      The color "portraits" are bad enough and look like they were completed during rec time in a mental institution.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 25, 2019 at 6:29 AM

      Sue Guzman responded to her stupid tweet yesterday:

      "Hey there,

      There is a boatload of free firewood on Albany Craigslist. Just saw while looking for stuff for daughter's apartment.."
      0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

      But the FFF didn't either "like" or say "Thanks!" It's obvious that she doesn't want free firewood. The mooched money is for other items. This is just more proof of her manipulative marketing. I can't count how many times she's ignored friendly advice. All she wants are donations.

    6. Exactly FCW!

      Pig Shocker isn't interested in solutions to her supposed problems. She just wants $$$$.

    7. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 25, 2019 at 11:40 AM

      WH. The best "solution" is for her to give up the faux farm, but that won't happen until she's forced into foreclosure. It''ll eventually happen once her "slung luck" finally runs out.

    8. I totally agree FCW!

      We know it will happen it's just a matter of when.

    9. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 26, 2019 at 5:06 AM

      WH. Then we can have an online party here celebrating the FFF being booted off her hovel.

  31. Missed the tweet about the CD and trinkets she ordered. I'm sure the gal that sent her the ten bucks last night is delighted. Did anyone else wonder JW was being snarky with the all caps thank you. That's the first thing that came to my mind. It's been many years ago since I stupidly donated to her and for two donations. All I got was the word thanks (once). Sadly it was for much more than ten bucks. NEVER again.

    1. Yep. You just know she was disappointed there wasn't another "0" at the end of that figure. $10...Gee, tHaNKs LaDY!!!

      And sorry, Anon, that she wasn't more appreciative of your generosity. Glad you shared that though, as people need to know what an ingrate she is.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 25, 2019 at 11:41 AM

      She rarely thanks anyone for gifts, so making a big deal out of $10 is her hyperbolic crap.

    3. For all anyone knows, the $10 donation never happened and she is just saying that so others will think it's legit to give her money.

  32. 😂 One of the Pig Shocker's foollowers just tweeted this gem:

    ❝ I've bought soap from Jenna multiple times. It's wonderful, well worth the cost (which is in par with any handmade soap) and supports a one woman farm. 👉 👉 👉 Jenna was an inspiration to me to find a way to do what I wanted, instead of what I was supposed to do. ❞ 👈 👈 👈

    😆 LMAO...I'm sure she meant that as a compliment but she's basically pointing out that Jenna is a LAZY HACK who refuses to get a job.

  33. Re the three new pics of Merlin on Twitter: In the first one, why does he look so sad? Is that normal for them to look all suicidal like that? (Serious question)

    And in another showing a flask o' liquor tucked into the saddle, she writes:

    ❝ Find yourself someone tall dark and handsome to take you out to a dinner picnic on the mountain and buy you drinks... ❞

    I don't know much about horses, but it seems a real bad idea to ride while drinking. Really hope she doesn't do anything stupid that injures that poor horse.

    1. Merlin has looked extremely sad for years. Good question Anon7. I also wonder if that is normal.

      As for drinking and riding horses, that sounds like a horrible accident waiting to happen.

      I could not care less if Pig Shocker hurts herself.
      It would be terrible if that drunken idiot hurt Merlin because her mind was clouded with alcohol in addition to her normal stupidity.

  34. Can't remember if I mentioned this before, but it seems that the Pig Shocker's obsession with the sexual orientation of TS is a quest to somehow validate her own. Like, if TS being a lesbian is cool, then that makes Jenna cool too.

    1. I agree!
      Also with Pig Shocker's extreme narcissism, I would not doubt if she has convinced herself that she somehow influenced TS's sexuality.

      That heifer is crazy with a capital C.

    2. What has occurred to me recently is that if Taylor Swift is gay (and I don't think she is, but I also don't care), what does it say about her that she's not out, when it would mean so much to so many people if she were?

      Imagine being in middle school, in the closet, really not sure about how to deal with your sexuality, when suddenly one of the biggest pop stars in the world comes out! It would be such a gift if TS said to the world, "I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it"--were she gay; which she's probably not.

      If she is gay, then the fact that she's not out and yet being very coy about it, teasing her fans with suggestions that she *is* but not actually owning it, well, that would mean she's kind of a jerk, no?

      I think most reasonable adults and adolescents understand that Taylor Swift has been playing at being gay because it's a way of signaling support to her gay fans. Anyone who thinks she really is gay should ask themselves what it means that she's not out. Maybe it means she's ashamed. Maybe she's more concerned about the bottom line than her gay fans. If you love TS for being secretly gay, what does it say about you?

    3. Very interesting. Well one thing's for sure, there are a lot of online comments accusing her of trying to cash in during Pride month. And if that's the reason for that one video, that's not cool.

  35. Merlin is an aged horse. I probably wouldn't be riding him. I would be spending my time making a real run in shed for him. As horses age, like all animals, it's harder to keep warm in very cold weather.

    1. The lack of care for Merlin is one of the main reasons I keep reporting her animal neglect and abuse.

      The hope for Merlin to be rehomed to an owner who will love him and give him the cushy retirement that he deserves is what gives me the dedication to endure the Pig Shocker shit show.

  36. Hey Everyone, just wanted to let all of you know who have concerns about the hawk in JFW’s that my friend at the wildlife conservancy was able to get a tidbit of info. One of the things that I found significant is that JFW has been “Cautioned” (and it was noted) not to use a bird for “Self Promotion.” So in the future if anyone sees any sign of that happening, please make copies and send all info to the DEC.

    1. So that's why we haven't heard about the hawk at all lately. Good!


    2. Shouldn't we keep up the pressure on Federal Regulators regarding her use of hawks for self-promotion? Even if she appears to "back off", she did a lot of self-promotion with the hawk (and still does in her public forum). The Feds are quite clear that use of raptors is forbidden in advertising. Her apprentice license should have been pulled.

      I, for one, will contact NYS DEC again. If NYS DEC does not remove her license, they are in effect saying such behavior is allowed by the State, and this puts them in direct violation of Federal laws. Raptors are NOT to be used in advertising.

    3. Jesse THANK YOU for letting us know!

      That is fantastic! I bet her supposed love of falconry comes to an end soon as the hawk can no longer get her attention online.

      PDD, I totally agree. As long as that asshole still has a falconry license, I will continue to report her.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 25, 2019 at 11:36 AM

      Thanks, Jesse! We can make a difference here with our reporting. I'll bet that Baby Jenna was furious when she found out, and the smug smirk on her fat face was wiped out temporarily.

    5. There's a pic of her hawk in her house from 5 days ago on her instagram.

    6. FCW, I would have loved to have seen her reaction when the NYSDEC showed up and gave her the warning.

      HAHAHAHA, ya bitch!

      She can't help herself and I'm sure she will screw up and do it again.

    7. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 26, 2019 at 5:02 AM

      WH. I would've savored seeing the deranged toddler throw a temper tantrum, too. LOL!!!

    8. I bet she became "furious" 😡🤬 and slapped herself around or something as equally crazy 🤪🥴.
      I'd love to read the NYSDEC report regarding the warning.

  37. I was in a hurry when I left that first comment, my husband’s 65 yr old brother has been missing from the VA hosp for 7 days today so you can imagine how scary and crazy things are right now.

    JFW had already been cautioned when my friend made the inquiry, so it was probably one or more of you guys that brought that about. Apparently you do get one slap on the wrist first before you lose your license. From what we understood, she used a photo of herself and the hawk on horseback to promote an Archery Class for her Own Gain, nothing to do with saving the bird or its habitat. That is a big no-no and the sort of things we should be watching for. She can have pics of her and her hawk together, everyone does it, sadly, just look at IG, it’s full of stuff like that. I don’t like it, but it’s not a violation, unfortunately. Hope this makes sense, sorry I wasn’t clear before.

    1. Jesse, thank you for the clarification. So sorry to hear about your husband's brother. Hope he is safe and sound.

    2. Jesse, so sorry you are going through that and I hope that he is found soon and safe.

      Now that we know what Pig Shocker has been warned about, we can make it our mission to report her when she does it again.

    3. Great news, Jesse. Thanks for sharing!

      Sorry to hear about your missing relative. Have you tried using social media? I've seen people make posts on reddit and also maybe Facebook to get the word out.

  38. There's other photos of her using the bird for advertising and I have saved most of her photos I thought were questionable (not always ones of the hawk). I'm not sure if I have a particular one I recently remembered seeing.

    I know Anon7 also mentioned a photo of the hawk perched on either one of her books or a stack of copies of her book. It might have been of the hawk's banded foot on top of the book(s) or there could be photos of both the full hawk and a photo of the hawk's foot on the book(s). It's been months since the photo was posted.

    As I'm sure she has removed any images that are advertising her crap using the hawk's image, did anyone save the hawk with book (s) photo?

    The NYSDEC might think that the pic of her on horseback with the hawk promoting her archery class is the only one.
    If someone reported only that photo.

    There's been many others and if anyone has saved any of them, we should all report them and forward the photo (s) to the NYSDEC asap. We shouldn't assume they know about photos prior to the one they warned her about.

    The more of us who report the same photos, the more attention our complaints will get.

    1. I believe I made a list of incriminating photos a few months ago. Tomorrow when I have time I'll look for that post.

      Also, if she removes any of the photos, won't they still show up on Google when you do a search for CAF?

  39. 🔥 Couple of random comments from the Pig Shocker's foollowers:

    ❝ There is a boatload of free firewood on Albany Craigslist. ❞

    This was in reply to one of the manymanymany "Need to buy firewood and pay the mortgage" tweets. Of course, she didn't bother to reply.

    And on Instagram she posted a pic of Merlin and mentioned how long she's had him. And someone had this to say:

    ❝ I helped you buy him ❞

    Did Jenna reply to this person? Send her thanks once more? Nope.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 26, 2019 at 4:59 AM

      Anon7. You must've missed my comment above talking about the same free firewood tweet. "Great minds..."

    2. Hey, that would mean W-O-R-K. You know that dirty 4 letter word she is allergic to. I have never seen any other homesteader who does exactly nothing for themselves. She raids other people's gardens, buys most of her food at the store, washes and likely drys her clothes at the coin laundry, does not garden, does not can, does not cut up wood! She buys everything already done and hires everyone to do things around her place. How she can seriously call herself a homesteader is beyond me! She is a legend in her own mind only.

  40. So sounds like someone gave her the money for the truck tires, inspection and registration. Seems like we are on to wood today through Thursday, I bet we will move on to mortgage on Thursday.

  41. I think she has money all along. The money she moans about needing is for spending money.

  42. Exactly. She does not need money for bills. This is the deal.

  43. I was doing a search on JFW this afternoon, and found this online. She's nailed the FFF:
    Weekly Show & Tell Thread 11/20:

    After reading Shieldmare's reddit post and all of the accusations accusing her of scamming, I've been reading the recent posts on:


    According to Shieldmare, it's a hate site by trolls. It appears to me to be more of a warning regarding her manipulative behavior and donation scams.

    One minute Shieldmare is losing her farm and the next she is buying something ridiculous. It points to someone taking advantage of the kindness of strangers and the site is worth looking at.

    I can remember a few years ago when Shieldmare via her blog, Cold Antler Farm, treated the harvesting of her animals as some sort of sick joke. She posted inappropriate pics of the animals' entrails and blood along with cringe worthy, casual jokes. After expressed outrage by the readers of the blog, the offensive material was taken down. Ever since, Shieldmare goes overboard on how respectful she is at harvest time and a help to the community, etc. Those of us familiar with her, remember her now hidden psychotic behavior. Shieldmare will say this is from a troll or a vegetarian. I am neither. I believe in the harvesting of animals and the respect they deserve. I also believe that consumers deserve to know what sort of person they are purchasing goods from.

    After reading Shieldmare's reddit post and all of the accusations accusing her of scamming, I've been reading the recent posts on:


    According to Jenna, it's a hate site by trolls. It appears to me to be more of a warning regarding her manipulative behavior and donation scams.

    One minute she is losing her farm and the next she is buying something ridiculous. It points to someone taking advantage of the kindness of strangers and the site is worth looking at.

    Everyone should check out Shieldmare's blog: Cold Antler Farm. You will enjoy her posts about going on long runs, swimming in the river and drinking. There is very little farm work taking place. As you know, she claims she doesnt own a smartphone, so every time she posts on here, on her blog, on Facebook and on Twitter she is posting from her laptop. If you look at the times of her posts, shes on her laptop 98% of the day. Doesn't leave much time for farming and animal husbandry does it? She does have a lot of time for begging online for money to pay her bills. Whether it's mortgage payments, utility payments, truck repairs, laptop repairs, etc. she'll ask for donations to cover the costs. There is a donate button on the blog and if you read the blog often enough you know that the donations are her main source of income. My favorite would have to be when she posted about having an impacted tooth and how much pain she was in. She needed $1,000 to get it fixed at the dentist. Per usual, donations rolled in. Shortly after she bought a pure bred border collie which was delivered via plane. Guess how much the breeder she bought him from charged for puppies? Yep, $1,000. And that's only one of many times that "Shieldmare" has done something like that. Those of us familiar with her m.o. refer to her blog as "Cold Anter Sham." She's just a really shitty person who has taken advantage of countless good hearted people. To see her on this site begging for "attention and validation" makes me want to puke. Good catch for those of you who have seen through it and called her on it. You are right on the money!

  44. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 26, 2019 at 2:40 PM

    (part 1 of 2)

    I just don't understand JW- Why beg? I understand personal hardships and tragedies and unexpected financial pitfalls probably as much or more than she possibly does!

    Just this march I found out I was pregnant (not planned), then had an emergency appendectomy at twelve weeks along in April where they told me they had to risk my baby's life to save us both! Dealt with them trying to figure out of the placenta and umbilical cord was too low (which would have resulted in bed rest and a c-section), which thankfully wasn't the case especially since I have an active toddler. In June, my father-in-law was t-boned by someone claiming to be going only the speed limit of 55 mph, oh and my 13 year old daughter was in the car with him and it was my hubby's birthday (father-in-law and daughter were on the car following us on our way to dinner that evening) - they were released that night, my daughter only had minor injuries and my father-in-law was pretty banged up. My father-in-law had a follow up with the doctors and was talking about having physical therapy a week and a half after the accident, then the next day after visiting the doctor for his follow-up appointment, he had a massive stroke (down in his brainstem) and had to be airlifted from our property to a hospital. He died in the hospital the first week of July at only 63 years old. My stepfather died just last Monday in a car accident at only 42 years old (my mom married younger), and I almost went into preterm labor because of the stress, and my mom didn't just lose her husband but her only source of income. I also just went through the 3 hour glucose test for my pregnancy to hopefully rule out gestational diabetes because the 1 hour test came out abnormal/slightly elevated! This doesn't include the issues we've had with our car and truck and tractor and all the other minor little headaches we've dealt with like needing new tires, dealing with registration, etc! I haven't begged for money or posted my sob story all over the internet for pity donations! So JW, why in the hell do you do it for the stupidest things?

    The deer are using our fruit trees and garden as a buffet line, what we are doing is putting up an 8 foot tall woven wire fence to keep them out. By the way, I'm less than 9 weeks from my due date and am still doing what I can to help my husband get that fencing up! JW has predator issues and her response is pretty much to only string a few panels together to protect her lambs (God knows what her chicken enclosure is like) and hope for the best instead of putting the time and energy into putting up proper fencing.

    And her garden? Whatever happened to that? My garden has been ravaged by all manner of wildlife and insects this year and yet I've still got an abundance of tomatoes and squash I'll need to can or freeze so it won't go bad! I only ever saw her mention kale this year, and very few kale varieties are heat tolerant.

    And I'm personally wanting to get into soap making, not just for personal use, but to sell as well. My question it's why does it take her two months to make it and mail it? Seems like a horrible business plan to me. I know cold process soap takes longer than hot process soap to cure.... But why wouldn't you have an abundance of your best selling scents/molds built up so they are ready to ship on demand? Then, if someone wants a special scent or mold, you explain because it's a special order it'll take a bit longer because you need to take xyz steps or need to buy the special ingredients for it?

    1. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 26, 2019 at 2:44 PM

      (Part 2 of 2)

      All I ever see is her talking about anymore are her runs, hikes, horseback riding, or complaining about what's broken and whining about not having enough money to pay for anything, or talking about Taylor Swift, or complaining about random people who contact her.

      I used to enjoy reading her blog when she talked about real stuff and shared recipes and whatnot. Now I'm just sick of the broken record that keeps replaying the same bs over and over and over again, especially after the year I've had.

      I'm sorry, my heart is broken and I have so much weighing on my mind and to see her bs "Blocked" blog post just sent me on a rant. Most people want to be anonymous online anymore, simply because of how easy it is to steal your identity and how many creeps are out there. If you are a public figure, then you have to get over it! They are less likely to prey upon someone who is known than they are to try to prey upon someone who isn't. Usually public figures are able to get more publicity and their lives put back together more quickly than just another random person on the street.

      JW- you want to be a one woman farm? Then buck it up and get off social media and work your ass off! It takes a huge amount of work to try to take care of a small homestead with help from a spouse and a child, it should take all your energy to do it on your own while filling client orders! That means no time for endless video streaming and Twitter posts.


      Okay, I think my rant is over.

      -A Concerned Homesteader

    2. I'm so sorry for your losses and troubles. The thing is we all have struggles....maybe not all in one year, though. Jenna will have her's too. Many problems can't be solved with a $100 donation. She will have to pay the piper. She is alone and will have no support. I predict she will fail spectacularly. But more importantly she will run up against real trouble.

    3. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 26, 2019 at 3:18 PM

      Thank you, Hound Doggy. It's been a hard year for sure. Anything and everything that can go wrong has, but we just keep putting one foot in front of the other and try to keep positive. We've never had such trials in our lives before, but we are trying to deal with it like adults and not depend on others to fix our problems for us. It's been a bumpy road for sure.

      If JW is truly scamming people for their money, then hopefully that type of fraud will be identified and dealt with by the authorities.

      If she's always truly in need, then hopefully she learns to stand on her own two feet, and not depend on donations sooner rather than later, before donor fatigue sets in and the rug gets ripped out from under her feet.

      I don't wish any ill will her way as I believe most people can learn from their mistakes and grow into a better person. I can just hope she gets her head screwed on straight so she makes wiser choices and does better with her animals. Maybe then, we will see a homesteader/farmer worth cheering on instead of what we see from her now...

    4. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 26, 2019 at 3:32 PM

      Sorry, I'm not trying to defend her or smooth over her past transgressions... There is just so much negative in the world that I do try to hope for the best in people.

      Seeing that last blog post just didn't set well with me, hence my long winded rant. I just don't understand how her mind works sometimes...

    5. You are much more kind than I am. I do wish her ill. I used to be kind but humanity beat it out of me. Jenna is a terrible person. There are terrible people out there. She isn't Just making mistakes or bad decisions, she is doing all of this on purpose. With purpose every single day. She has zero regard for any other being.

    6. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 26, 2019 at 3:53 PM

      I can certainly understand your point of view Hound Doggy, especially seeing the way she's been on her blog and Twitter over the last couple of years. I just hope she isn't as much of a narcissistic sociopath as others claim, and that there is a way that she'll fix her lazy begging ways and become a hard working role model for others seeking out a self reliant lifestyle (like I had viewed her as when I first started my homesteading journey years ago).

      No, I've never read her books or sent her money. I he wanted to buy some of her soap, but thought the prices she was advertising and the time it took to complete the order was worrisome.

      It's very disappointing to see how fake some of these "public figures" are/become.

    7. I started reading her years and years ago. I read her books from the library. I never gave any money....she did influence me to buy a banjo.
      If she changes....I'll eat my hat. She's been doing this consistently since she was in college. She thinks it works for her and it is so ingrained now. She has driven herself into a hole regarding employment....IMO. Graphic design is a pretty fast moving field. She's been out of the loop for 10 years and counting. I sure wouldn't hire a 40 year old with little experience over a 22 year old that was up on latest tech and trends.

    8. I totally agree HD!

      As long as there is a Google, Pig Shocker won't ever find employment again.

      If speaking to her or reading what she has to say doesn't give away how much of a narcissistic sociopath she is, google definitely will.

      Pig Shocker is excuse laden and lazy. She is flat out addicted to social media and it has ruined her life.
      She couldn't stay off of it long enough to care for her animals like she should have and she was investigated for animal abuse and then rehomed her livestock. She can't stay employed because there aren't any employers that will pay her to stalk celebrities and comment on social media 24/7.

      She won't ever be published again because 1) Her writing is atrocious. (The only possible explanation for the books she has had published in the past is that her editor pretty much wrote them by the time they corrected 99.99% of her terrible writing).

      2) Birchthorn. The kickstarter where she promised patrons to use their donations to fund the writing/publishing/distribution of her first and last fiction book.

      Not surprising to anyone, she took over $15,000 in donations and failed to do as promised. Now over FOUR YEARS later there are patrons who have yet to receive their crappy books.
      It is, however, for sale on Amazon 🙄. Go figure. I believe it's in a new section of books on Amazon called "Flaming Turds."

    9. Concerned homestead, I'm so sorry for your horrendous year. I had one of those about 20 years ago when my husband committed suicide after I found out I was pregnant with our second child, and we had a 9 year old. Then I moved and had to support two children by myself. The 'stress test' where they ask you what stressors you've had in the past year was off the charts. (Spouse died, change jobs, move, had a baby, etc.)

      I'm not saying any of this for sympathy or anything (it was long ago) but to encourage you to keep your chin up. These things will pass, and you will get through it. Just don't forget to grieve... it's difficult when things are so chaotic, but so necessary.

      Hugs to you and yours.


    10. A Concerned HomesteaderAugust 27, 2019 at 5:22 AM

      You are a strong woman to have gone through what you did, Duckmama. I appreciate your advice. I'm doing what I can do.

      My husband's only prayer is that the baby is healthy, goes to term, and there are no problems for either of us come time to deliver. He says that will be the bright point of our bad year if we can get through that and be okay.

      Just gotta stay positive about as much as I can in the mean time.

  45. Money problems are rarely solved with money.

    I'm with HD. I hope she feels the pain and fear her animals have felt at her hands. She deserves that and more.

  46. Agree with former writer who wondered why she's so into TS, who either won't come out of the closet, is bi, or is just working her business plans in a gay pay day. What is so admirable about her lesbian messaging that it drives the likes of JW wild with abandon and fantasy time. There are kids committing suicide TS, grow TFU and deal with your followers

    1. Yup, right on time. Truck didn't pass inspection, needs cracked tooth fixed, might have to delay fire wood delivery BUT...she is really good at juggling things, better than most. Really? She's not good at anything, worst than most, I say.

    2. She's really good at conning kind-hearted, ignorant, disaffected or demented fans out of their money.

    3. Can this girl make a move without posting on twitter? Announcing that my truck failed inspection would not inspire me to let the world know. Oh wait, it's beg fest time - I got it now. Sorry - I have this job and all, so I have a means to pay for my stuff as needed.
      Jesus H Jenna, get a godamn job and you'd be amazed on how much better your life will be. Oh yeah, and you are WAY the fuck behind on firewood. As everyone has been saying, the time to start that was months ago - it's called planning, which you still haven't grasped after 10 years of bragging about your skills.
      I have lived in Washington County since 1995, please know that not all the residents here are this stupid.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 27, 2019 at 12:37 PM

      Anon3. I agree. We lived in Washington County for awhile, and it's filled with intelligent people. JFW and her stubborn stupidity is the exception. And her "planning" is all about manipulative marketing and online begging.

  47. Oooh my goodness. I haven't looked at her page in years but it appears absolutely nothing has changed....but why would it. People love a con artist.

    1. Hi Meredith - Welcome back!

    2. Hi! How's life treating you on the "outside"? Haha.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 27, 2019 at 12:35 PM

      Meredith, it's good to "see you" again. Your blog is still a great resource for past posts regarding the FFF.

    4. Hello Meredith, I was not one of the "early" Cold Antler Sham brigade, but when I first began to suspect that CAF was a giant scam (a couple of years ago), I spent considerable time visiting your site. You were an inspiration, opened my eyes, and provided a fun read to boot! Thank you. Thank you.

  48. Latest bleg says truck didn't pass inspection. She has to pay $500 to fix it.

    Sure ya do, liar!

    Guess she shouldn't waste her money on stupid TS crap and dresses and ugly yellow old lady sandals and maybe she would have more money.
    It's not rocket science, dumbass.

    Now she had to cancel a dental appt to "fix a cracked tooth" and use the money for the truck repair.

    How many teeth has she had fixed? 200+?

  49. Just wanted to let you all know that my brother in-law has been found safe and sound. Thank you all for your well wishes, it was greatly appreciated.

    I just saw JFW’s latest bleg. I have no words.

  50. Spectacular!!! :)

  51. I just did a CAF drive by and it's literally a twilight zone cluster fuck of the same song and dance year after year.

    My house is going to be foreclosed on.
    My car won't pass inspection.
    I need dental work.
    I can't keep my chickens alive.
    My fencing doesn't contain my livestock.
    I love to play and spend while refusing to get even a pt job.
    I pretend to be worried scared and anxious so you'll send me money because it's an effective technique that's worked for 10 years.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerAugust 27, 2019 at 1:47 PM

      Meredith. She should be ashamed of herself, but that would require a conscience.


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