I've looked at those cleavage pictures....until my retinas started burning...I don't get it. Is one better than the other? Do folks over 13 care if ones boobs are bigger? I mean...yeah...to a point...but...many very obese people have large breasts and that doesn't seem to increase their overall attractiveness. She can do all the altering of photos she wants...it seems to be working out for her....just ask her wife. Or those gals she's been on a second date with.
Sorry about your retinas, HD. There are only two reasons I can think of why she gave herself bigger boobs:
1) To entice someone (doesn't matter which sex) to ask her out. And pay her bills.
2) She knows that sex sells. But she's not ready to pull the trigger on her webcam-girl career yet, but this is a good first step. Show some skin for extra clicks!
HD. She'd be "slung lucky" if "the rose wearing a black dress," or another unknown woman ever went on a date with her again. And the cleavage pics are really strange. JFW seems mighty proud of having a saggy crack between her breasts.
Lol, she deleted the "small cleavage" shot pic on Twitter. But it's still on Instagram. Why leave any evidence? Delete them both.
FCW, it's not even a good Photoshop job either. She took that little cleavage dent and placed it up a few inches higher, and then filled the space in between with a thinner line. As a result, she looks like she has a dimpled baby's butt below her neck.
She writes: "Between the part-time work (she applied for a job and now it's morphed into an actual job?), freelance (one bad article in Outside Online),writing (another WWII werewolves on horseback romance novel?) and the farm (Hahahaha - what farm?) I feel like I am doing more than ever to stay behind."
If she seriously believes this, she's the most underachieving "farmer" I've ever seen!
You know what...that bleg post has "delete me" all over it, as it seems she wrote that after she posted that 'whisky-in-a-wine-glass' tweet -- so here it is in it's entirety:
❝ Things here are a mixed bag of emotions. There are things I am excited about, energized by, working towards. For example the book I am hoping to sell and have been working towards all summer may be ready to shop around by Labor Day. That is encouraging. So is the time I spend running, or hiking, or feeling more like myself and active than I've been all winter when things were so glum through into spring. I have more optimism now - which I think is directly related to the light and activity - and I am grateful for it. That said:
But there are also a lot of things making everyday life troubling - like the plumbing still being out of working order. The household feeling out of sorts. The certified letters being sent in the mail reminding me I still am not caught up on my mortgage. It's all stressful and all I can do is work on one problem at a time, taking care of the most important things and then down the systematic list towards a resolution. Between the part-time work, freelance, writing, and the farm I feel like I am doing more than ever to stay behind. This marathon towards my end game - the farm's success and solvency - well I'm hitting mile 19 and feeling my legs shake. I've ran too far to quit and am scared of what'll happen during the last stretch. That's my everyday right now. The combination of energy and hope and this fear that it will all fall apart right before I hit the finish line.
So what is there to do? Just the day in and day out work of moving forward. Try to make sales, make soap, make art, land more work. Take advantage of part time opportunities that arrive and always make the choices that best serve the farm. That is why I'm still here, almost ten years into purchasing this place, and I know to trust my gut. My house's digestion might be off but mine remains intuitive enough to make it this far. ❞
🙄 The plumbing has been broken for what, three weeks now? So she's still using her yard as a toilet? Is that legal?
😖 Alright...who has the barf bucket? Pass it to me quick...
Between those two new horrid photos of her guzzling whisky (and mentioning that tomorrow is her birthday) to also making a very dumb and egotistic statement, I am beyond queasy. Let's start with the statement:
❝ I hope I write a bestseller only for the fact that hundreds of people will have pictures of their dogs drawn by that author when she was worried the lights would get shut off. ❞
Uhhh...what? Does she think her doodles will go up in value just because she writes another book? Does she really think people will care or even make that connection? Doubtful. And most of those were probably pity purchases anyway. What a rotten ego she has.
And about those two boozy pics on Twitter: In the first, she had the good idea to cover her face...although you can still see part of her gaping maniacal smile. The sun is still up and she's drinking already?!?
And in the second, she sadly does show her face, along with another demented smile. She also states:
❝ Tomorrow this human being turns 37! ❞
First off, everyone knows you don't go around telling people it's your birthday. That's desperate. And really sad. Second, the clock is officially ticking now. Being a scrappy wannabe GoT hobbit trying to buy her first farm in her 20s was probably cute and amusing to her foollowers. But to be almost 40 and still begging for money a decade later? No. She then tweeted:
❝ Happy to sell you products, classes, soap, meat, etc. But if you just want to throw in $5 for a decade of free writing, I happily and gratefully accept. If you don't like seeing authors ask for voluntary compensation - you must have owned copies of everything you ever read. ❞
Those are really bad optics...showing yourself day drinking and then begging strangers for $5...well shit, that's beyond sad. And the gatekeeping, she's saying that unless you've bought every book she's written, you need to give her $5 and not dislike or complain about it. Man, what a piece of work she is.
⌛️ Tick tock, tick tock Jenna...online panhandling and inability to pay your mortgage is not admirable or endearing at almost 40. While age 36 still seems like the middle 30s, once you've hit 37, it turns to almost 40 years old. With no job, wolves at the door, and problems galore, you're just pathetic. Time to get a job.
Forget the barf bucket...just take me straight to the 🚽 because she just tweeted that her "sexuality" is "perfect" -- what does that even mean?
❝ My sexuality is Anna Kendrick, Taylor Swift, and anything Allison Williams has ever done. You can call it basic, but honestly it's just perfect. ❞
I know some of you guys live near her, uh, maybe you could go over there and pry that whisky bottle outta her hands before she publicly proposes to Taylor Swift online.
No normal adult constantly brags about their sexuality. (When they have no love life.) It's like she's still emotionally a teenager. Jenna jumbles it in with her juvenile girl crushes. Seriously, it's like creepy cyber-stalking.
She's the girl in middle school who claims to have an older boyfriend who is away at college (i.e. doesn't exist) just to get attention. Yet everyone knows she's full of it because she looks so crazy.
📌 Brought over from last thread cuz it's excellent and spot on! PoodleDiDoo wrote: 📌
❝ My thoughts on her flurry of activity after being called out for begging:
1. FJORD HORSES. By posting something inane like a query about another "very expensive/rare" horse breed, Pig Shocker can guarantee lots of photos and discussion. She did something similar when she asked people to tweet photos of their dogs. She's trying to change the narrative and drive the "bad" tweet w/Lisa further down in Twitter history. Repeat maneuver.
2. PHANTOM JOB: Her "announcement" that she's applied for an online magazine job is another repeat maneuver. Perhaps people have noticed she's doing an awful lot of "non work" for someone who cannot pay her bills. Maybe *GASP* one of her followers suggested that Pig Shocker get a job?
Long-time Shamsters will remember her previous job announcements that seemed to have amounted to the square root of nada: she (a) might work at a local farm (b) might represent a NY farmers organization (c) might teach falconry (HA!) or archery (HAHA!)?
Also, by the way, whatever happened to the photos she promised to send of cutting down the fencing and repairing the filth that is her horses paddock/ her front yard? By now, the weeds and grass should have covered all the manure left behind by the two old horses.
Now, if there is an online magazine that would hire her, I'll nominate Outside Online. She's probably given them free articles and has promised free/cheap rates for writing drivel. Outdoors Online's new business model is watered-down, entertainment-today style dose of bullsh**. Sad, but true (I used to like them).
Her ridiculous piece on hiking with heavy packs (!) generated a lot of hits - mostly because people realized what a poser she is. But, hey, in the Internet world a hit is a hit. Further, let's not forget she's endlessly sucked up to magazine staff and contributors. Who else sends a FREE TRAIL SADDLE PAD to a member of an online magazine's writing team? Can anyone else say "Conflict of Interest"?
She is so predictable. When the heat gets turned up, she distracts, deflects and lies. Look for the next online crisis and "terror on the farm". What trauma will occur next? Who, oh who, will help that poor gal who lives alone on the side of a mountain??
I think you're right about her asking about Fjord horses, as she received 20+ comments and didn't bother to reply to a single one. So, not really interested after all, and just wanted to attract new foollowers. Also note that most comments we about how "expensive" they are...which shows she was trying to attract new foollowers with LOTS of money. Nice try. Get a job.
As for the Outside article, not only did it receive lots of hits for it's gatekeeping lunacy, it also inspired it's very own reddit thread. Useless fodder like that just had to be shared, lol.
"Did I buy a 2XL tour shirt on ebay for $5 and then spend an hour this morning cutting it and resewing it to fit me as an undershirt perfectly? Yes, yes I did."
So, when she has extra money, instead of socking it away, she buys a shirt? Yes, I know it's only $5 but how many times has she done this and then the next week is begging people to buy things or send her a donation. Some folks just don't learn.
What a lie. If she had to cut and sew a 2xl to fit her, she had to add fabric to it.
Waddles, everyone knows you use photoshop to make yourself appear to be a 2xl rather than the 3xl you really are. To say you are smaller than a 2xl is totally delusional. Scary.
Chicken Mama - Any time Jenna reports the cost of something, it's a safe bet to either double or triple the amount she claims to have paid for it. And I agree, what a dumb thing to do. Between that and her new $400+ boots, she could've paid the electric bill she keeps hinting about.
So the plumbing isn't fixed but she's taking showers. Wonder if that is outside or at a friends. Plumbing isn't fixed but she's making soap. Has to be melt and pour. I make soap and it's a continuous cleaning process of your pots and utensils with hot water. Where is all the gray water going?
Good point, Anon 7:32, I didn't even think of that. You see, that's why it's so easy to catch her many lies...cuz she doesn't think about those inconsistencies either. Agreed, has to be melt and pour.
Who would have company overnight without working plumbing? I wouldn't even want my family to have to endure that - and some of them are NOT my favorite people. lol
So it looks like Waddles spent her bday riding with Patty. No problem there BUT looks like very expensive boots she is sporting. I thought you need to pay your mortgage Jenna? Somehow you can pay for those boots and don't say you found them in the dumpster. Also, do your horse a favor and take a comb to him. He doesn't look like he's been groomed in ages. He needs some TLC especially his mane and forelock.
She always has expensive boots that she doesn't take care of. She has mentioned in the past how at least once a year she purchased new ones.
That's an example of where the donations for bills and mortgage payments go to.
Waddles makes enough money from her awful pet art and crappy soap to pay all of her bills. The donations she receives for her financial panic and woe is me tales goes to pay for her entertainment and extras.
You are correct, Anon 2:34! And here's what the Pig Shocker had to say about them:
❝ Thanks! They are Ariats, tested them for a magazine article! ❞
Yup...she's implying that they were given to her to "test out" for a magazine. Riiiiight.
Lately, companies are wary of giving out free merchandise because there are too many asking, due to the new "Instagram influencer" craze. Not only did I read an article about this, but also see a lot of complaints about this on reddit's "Choosing Beggars" subreddit.
These companies are being inundated with requests for free stuff in exchange for a review or a promise of promotion on their IG page. Thus, they aren't giving freebies so freely anymore. It's more likely she wasted 🐩 💰 on them. I say wasted because they look awful on her. A short person should never wear any boot that ends right at the knee, as it makes you look even shorter.
She's lying. I took a quick look at Ariat's Twitter and there are no links to product reviews. Also did a Google news search and found a few new articles, but none written by her.
I won't believe her claim unless she tweets a link to the article. And even then, that's not proof that she didn't buy them.
Ariat would give them to a qualified, accomplished equestrienne who is known in the horse world, not some nutjob nobody who rides her pony up a little hill. Ariat is a very well known brand in the equestrian field that sells apparel, accessories, etc....horsey stuff. They would NEVER pick someone like Jenna who doesn't know anything about horses be an ambassador for the brand. And if she did get some free stuff from them, it would be more like a curry brush or a hoof pick, not $400+ boots.
Jenna, if you're gonna lie make it at least slightly realistic, you stupid idiot.
Also, check out this pics that Jenna wasn't able to Photoshop, as Patty posted then on her own Instagram:
Funny how her jawline doesn't look as sharp as the edited photos on Jenna's IG. Her double chin melts into her neck. Her face is also much wider and her cheeks are bulgy lumps.
She also looks angry and mean, as though she HATES the poor goat - just as we expect she feels toward most of the animals who have ever had the misfortune of being prisoners at the Cold, Cold, Antler (on the wall) notaFarm.
I will find the site and send them the pic of their crest being used on a tshirt.
Waddles removed their writing from it and added her own. I remember they stated on their site that their intellectual property could not be used by anyone.
Lol, I just posted about the possible origin of the crazy smile below. Our brains are in sync today. Let's just be grateful she didn't do the duckface thing. Or did she?
Sounds like someone with waaay too much social media time on their hands. Call me uninformed and not with it, but I'm just too busy with my 'real' life to even notice juvenile things like this.
Haha. Looked up the Mashable article and found these reasons for posing with a fake surprise face (sorry, FFF, obviously they don't work on you).
"The benefits of this fake surprised face are numerous:
Opening up your eyes to the point of bugging out makes them look bigger, and less like you're in desperate need of a 2:30 p.m. nap.
You can smile without making your face all wrinkly, as human faces tend to be.
An open mouth actually makes your lips look fuller.
Leaving your mouth open elongates your face, and makes it look slimmer.
The final secret benefit is seeming like you're constantly being followed by paparazzi — even though you have no idea how they got so close to your face — but still want to give them a cute, sultry photo. Of course, the paparazzo is just you."
Wow, you're not kidding! She didn't bother to change hardly anything. Just like her logos: Find some clip art that works...steal it...make a few changes....Voila!! Then charge the customer $450...but offer sale price of $250 if they can wait 8 weeks.
Ripping off both customer and the person who created the original artwork. Man, how does she live with herself?
I know it's a lot to ask, but I really hope Brynner42 does a side-by-side with both this logo, and the expanding boobs.
Who the hell gets all dolled up to go on a goddamn trail ride? I ride 4 times a week and I never do. Shes got on eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, a new shirt and obviously new boots to waddle her fat lazy ass up a hill. What a poser. But it's her birthday!!!! Guess what? No one gives a shit. Hey Waddles, wheres your cabbage patch hair extensions and wolf contacts?
Ugh. I made the mistake of looking at her fake pic before breakfast. That garish, gaping mouth with the loud lipstick is ugly and unauthentic. And the tall boots make her bulky body even more squat.
I think you're thinking of the Tyr's Good Hand logo. She basically flipped the Stark family direwolf sigal from Game of Thrones. If you google the images you'll see they are practically identical.
I was curious and looked up Tyr's Good Hand. It appears to be defunct now due to no new members. None of them want to be her hired help for free like the losers who quit. Her last Meetup was March in 2018. And there were only two who attended. JFW was one of them.
The Pig Shocker re-tweeted some random person's random quote:
❝ Hating on me won’t make you happy and won’t make me unhappy so it’s mostly just a waste of energy. ❞
Nice try, Jenna. People hate your animal abusing ways, not you. Ridicule? Yes. But hate? That's your imagination coming from your guilty mind. And every minute of energy we spend spreading awareness of your animal neglect, mistreatment, and the fact that you can't afford them, is a good thing.
If you re-homed all your animals there wouldn't be a need for this blog. But as long as you keep them, and beg for money to feed them, we'll keep on criticizing and mocking your every move.
Her over-use of the blurring tool to hide her chins resulted in a five-o-clock jawline shadow and a bad case of psoriasis on her neck. Nice job there, toots.
She's ramping up for a huge beg for a Fjord horse. Merlin's getting older, Mabel's not that "cool." She starts mentioning them on Twitter, now she's visiting farms with Fjords. Just watch. It's coming...
Funny that she can't leave her 'farm' for a job, but she can go to Mass and ride. I realize Mass isn't that far out of Cambridge, and that the horses may have been at Patty's, but still... she can make time to play, but she can't make time to work. Hopefully her foollowers are getting this concept. Lazy and entitled... We just put 500 bales of hay in the barn this week, and have stacked 5 cords of wood so far for winter prep. I'm guessing she hasn't started any of that yet. We would have preferred to go riding or fishing instead of doing those chores, but we like the securoty of having hay and heat stocked up. Not to mention it's cheaper now and you can spread the payment part out over the summer. What was her stupid little GoT catch phrase - 'winter is coming'? Yes, it is Jenna. Are you preparing? Didn't she offer workshops (some years ago) on how to prep for things? LOL.
I just want to know how she managed to wrangle a truck with NO power steering all the way from NY to MA...and then back again.
Anon3, wood-wise it'll be the same shit show as last year, where she'll start begging around October...and all throughout Winter's Bottom. Meanwhile, her buddy Jon Katz already has several cords and new pastures. And money in the bank.
Duckmama - She recently said on her Instagram that Merlin in in his mid-twenties. Shouldn't she be "earning up" and setting aside money for his future care?
Oh JFW, getting thrown off a horse is surely not the same as falling off a horse. But it sounds much more dramatic for your followers, huh? Maybe some "injury" from the fall will get your some pity money? $$$$
She will wait until October to "prep." And then whine like crazy that there is no firewood or hay is scarce and she just doesn't have the money so can you please contribute. Blah, blah, blah.
Just a fyi... there has been so much free wood on Craigslist, etc. lately, near her. Much of it cut. I think it's the time of year people are moving and or cleaning out their places. She can't be bothered picking it up. Literally picking it up for free. Because that would involve manual labor. She does not work with her body and hands. We should have a contest of who can put away the most free wood by September. She would lose. Then she'd tell us we don't really need ours and try to con us into giving it to her for free. And delivering it.
FARMING IS FENCING. If you have animals, you need fencing. If you want a garden, you need fencing. 10 YEARS, STILL NOT PROPERLY FENCED!!!!!! 10 years!!! If you view the homesteading videos on Youtube, much of what they do is fencing and thinking about fencing. And training their livestock to fencing. Farmers train livestock, not hawks.
Again - if you have bought meat shares from her. Realize that she did NOT produce them. She's hardly raising them. They are bought bottom of the barrel, and some will have spent very little time on her property, yet she purports that they are "Cold Antler Farm" meat shares. I wouldn't be surprised if she buys them a month or less before butchering. I wouldn't trust meat coming from her.
WHERE ARE THE CURRENT PICTURES OF FARMING ON HER PROPERTY? THE NEW PIGLETS?! Everyone loves baby animal pictures. Definitely more than baby Jenna pictures.
The only pig living on her property lives in the house and goes by the name of Waddles.
She can take hideous photos of herself daily and yet there hasn't been a new photo of pigs/piglets posted since last summer.
July of last summer is when Waddles was investigated for animal neglect and then lied and said that SHE decided to rehome both the goat and sheep herds. That is also when the pigs were rehomed.
Waddles couldn't admit as much because without any livestock left on her property, she couldn't call it a farm. Which would effect donations she received for livestock feed and care.
She hasn't even bothered to take photos of pigs on someone else's property and call them her own. Social media is used to her photos zoomed in tightly around whatever subject so the nasty background can't be seen. It wouldn't be anything new to do the same with someone else's pigs.
Yet she is so lazy, she only uses old photos from years ago when she did have pigs on her property.
Just scroll thru her Instagram. A year ago she posted lots of pics of sheep, lambs, goats, piggies, chickens, geese, etc. But lately it's only pics of her dogs, horses and hawk.
And she also posts pics of her faux farm femme makeup. That lurid lipstick is tacky and classless. Unfortunately, she'll always be the fat loser who wants to eat lunch with the popular people in the high school cafeteria.
Apparently a local photographer took a series of photos of everyday life with this Jenna person. She felt the need to include that disgusting photo. I bet the neighbors love that!
More appealing to look at than her latest Photoshopped Polaroid pic. She went a bit nuts this time, shaving more than an inch off her chin, and slimming her face to unrealistic proportions. Just goes to show that nothing she does is ever truthful.
Let's talk about a certain person (FFF) who is likely getting bored with her elderly and arthritic Fell pony, so she begins talking up the idea of getting another horse. She drives her beater truck (the "I'm afraid to drive it more than 30 miles" truck) to another state to see another hipster breed (Fjord).
Astoundingly, she is allowed to try a Fjord. As any horse owner knows, NO ONE would allow a stranger to try an ill-behaved horse, because no one wants risk of injury or lawsuit. So it's a given that the horse was pretty well behaved and/or the horse owner was told that FFF was an accomplished 'equestrian', wearing new Ariat boots and shiny red lipstick.
When FFF got tossed off like a piece of trash, I'll bet the horse owner's jaw hit the ground. FFF couldn't even stay on a pony wearing a Western saddle (and folks, the saddle comes with a grippy handle - the horn - no less)!
Then, instead of rightfully slinking away FFF virtually brags about getting tossed, like she's some sort of bucking Bronco rider. Er, no. She managed to fall off a horse that now may have learned a nasty habit. Plus, if the horse is for sale, the owner will now have to reveal that the horse dumped a rider. Great job, FFF.
As icing on the cake, FFF posts a photoshopped picture of her crouched down in front, in the horse's blind spot (a horse she doesn't know). I'm sure she intended to show how cool she is, but instead she showed what an idiot she is. Again. Horse training 101. Must be she isn't used to sitting or being around a horse that isn't old and unable to move because it is in pain and is poorly nourished.
Poodles - From the comments on Instagram, I had the impression she tagged along with Patty to go see this horse. But after re-reading those comments, it does look like a solo outing for the purpose of buying.
BTW, here's what the Pig Shocker had to say about why she fell:
❝ I spooked her by taking off my helmet and throwing it right past her head, she didn't buck me off as much as get scared and dart left. She panicked and I didn't ride out the buck in the strange saddle and hit the ground. Good times, and my fault since I was warned she was spooky! No harm done to me, horse, or helmet. ❞
Okay I'd say if that Fjord tossed her it means she is trying it out to buy it. She obviously doesn't have the riding skill (aids, cues, balance, sit the canter, post the trot....good riding takes some finesse) to properly ride the horse and ended up getting thrown. Yay for the horse!! I dont care how expensive your riding attire is Jenna, at this point it's all a costume. Like everything else you struggle to do, it's a costume. Merlin must be an absolute saint to put up with your lousy riding. -GG
Anyone else remember the video where she was trying to ride Patty's horse, sitting on the horse but banging on its mouth, sloppy hands, so unbalanced, and spouting words like "I'm not afraid of you!"
If she tried that with one of my horses, she would be on her derriere - either from the horse dumping her or me pulling her off.
Patty's draft must be used to bad hands or must be a saint.
Yes I remember. What a tool. Hanging onto the mouth, kicking like a little kid, yanking the reins all over the place. Girl could use some lessons. Actually I think she did get kicked off of a college equestrian team because she didnt ride properly.
They have a driving bit in that horse's mouth, which can do severe damage if you aren't careful. The bit has a series of sharp grooves on it. I've seen it cause bleeding when used wrong.
She looks like a total beginner to me. Sitting forwards going down a hill, hanging onto his mouth, hands clumsy and too far apart, jerking the reins to turn, flailing hands and legs. She shouldn't be on a horse until she learns to ride properly. -GG
I've seen this video before, but thanks for the reminder. OMG she looks like me when I was first trying to ride a pony at age 3. By age 5, I had her beat in technique, balance, and sensitivity (to the horse).
Waddles says via Twitter that she's never felt better than she does at 37.
She's been 37 for a day.
Too bad she will forever be a 12 yr old mentally. She has a broken down, middle aged, obese body that she loves to lie about and photoshop and the mind of a mentally ill child and hasn't figured out why she will be single forever. Too bad she didn't get a brain for her birthday
And in that same breath she tweets this about falling off that horse:
❝ Oh I'm fine. Just a sore shoulder and calves/ankles but I will be fine. I am taking 3 days off running and pacing around the house feeling anxious unable to get some energy out. ❞
She feels better than she ever has even with a sore body and crippling anxiety? I think she's laying the groundwork for her next crisis: Physical injury due to horse fall. She's already received 10+ comments including this one:
❝ I'm feeling the falls from my teens and 20's now that I'm in my 40's. ❞
So that will be her angle...delayed injury...just like a car crash where you feel fine at first, but then days later you feel the whiplash and other ailments. Wait for it...
Lies, lies, and more lies. On Twitter today the Pig Shocker wrote:
❝ Find a town that accepts you and likes you enough that during your birthday week you aren't allowed to pay for a meal or a beer anywhere you go. Damn, I am lucky. ❞
🙄 🙄 🙄
But on her bleg back in May, here's what she had to say about her town:
❝ Everywhere I go I know people that look me directly in the face and smile think I am selfish, broken, or trouble. [...] People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me. [...] Men blatantly stare like a hyena is driving a truck. [...] I'm one step away from neighborhood kids telling each other I'm a witch and daring to knock on my door at Halloween. [...] I must be alone because something is wrong with me. That, or I am something to be avoided altogether. So I am. [...] I'll be considered an outsider for a very long time. ❞
Okkk-ay. So what's more likely: That she won over the townspeople in just over a month and is suddenly Miss Popular? Or that she's trying to hide the fact that she blew poodle cash on restaurant meals and booze?
I see she slipped in the fact that she was "gifted" a new camera for her "birthday". Now she can go on pretending she doesn't have a cell phone. Good work.
OMG - That video. Made sure I deleted it from my Youtube history. Don't want others to get this recommended to them based on my viewing history. In front of a brand new chicken tractor, how convenient. How'd she make it without owning any tools? Wait, probably somebody else made it..........
"GIFTED" a new camera. Wouldn't it be nice if regular hardworking people received such expensive gifts? No attribution to the gifter. Could you imagine giving something so valuable and not being thanked for it in one of the dozens of social media shout-outs this lady does in a week?
May I make a suggestion? Maybe our next thread could be titled "Fraud Antler Farm." We need to emphasize the fact that this is a fraud of a farm, fraud of business (from her Oakpaw art days till now), and an animal mistreater and and animal user.
I know it is her "birthday week" and all but really all she does is tweet about Taylor Swift (and she is 37 and this is her life?) and go on about all she is doing. People want their "art" work, she has no plumbing and not working to "earn up" more money etc. To me if you are 37 you grow up and do what is expected of you weather you like it or not. I just can't believe how she can go on and on about this great time she is having none of it involving work. If you are self employeed you work all the time to get your work done. I have never known anyone to keep a 9-4 job when working for themselves.
I've said the same for a long time. JFW is emotionally still stuck at the teenage level. Her childish infatuations with celebrity girl crushes are borderline cyber stalking.
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! A place where mowers get fixed, coffee is hot, and I dust about once a year."
It looks like it, too. Then she admits that "this pic "is few years old" in a response regarding her "got wandering the house?" We know here that many of her funky photos are recycled from years ago. Yet she doesn't make that clear to followers. Again, it's all part of her manipulative marketing.
"I am insanely proud of repairing my lawn mower this AM."
But what about the "repairing" of fences and "this farm's infrastructure" that was the main reason for her Kiva loan? Yeah, it makes so much sense that a "lawn mower" would take precedence over her hovel. Way to go, faux farm femme.
It's also "insane" to brag about dusting that infrequently. It's like she's proud of being a pig. Which is one of the reasons why "this farm" has depreciated since she's "rented" it. The bank still owns her hovel.
I had no idea that Katz's agent is Christopher Schelling who is married to one of my favorite authors Augusten Burroughs! I have spent many an hour cracking up while reading A.B.'s books (I own all of them). Small world.
"I try to make it clear that nothing hear happens fast, months wait at times, but please know that if you purchased anything from me it will get to you. It is not my intention to ever fall so far behind but when things are as rough as this year has been, I have."
Funny how when she spends days constantly spamming to make enough money for the month's bills, she doesn't mention that it will take MONTHS to receive whatever is ordered.
Anyone who spends as much time with their thumb up her ass as Waddles does, should be struck by lightning for such a lie.
She is constantly talking about her days spent waddling up and down hills, playing horsey and taking on yet another hawk to further take up time that could be spent working.
She claims to work on her "work" a couple of hours a day at the most. The rest of the day is spent playing like the overgrown, mentally ill, physically challenged, child that she is.
If she spent 8 hours working per day, like most adults, she would be caught up in no time. But that isn't what makes widdle waddles squeal with delight. Widdle waddles prefers to roll about in the mud and stuff herself with food instead.
She just liked the following tweet: "Typing is writing. Plotting is writing. Outlining is writing. Editing is writing. Reading, recharging, creatively consuming is writing."
Of course she'd like something like this. I wonder if this is when she says she's "writing", she actually "creatively consuming."
I write. I know it isn't always an easy, straightforward process. But she's using this tweet as an excuse for non-work, and then she'll turn around and claim she's been "writing" when she's actually doing non-stop "creative consuming".
Honestly, I would never call reading something "writing." The whole tweet was somewhat confusing to me, but then again, if it fits her narrative... 🤷♀️
I'm a writer, too. It's what I do for a living. The only thing that's writing is writing. Butt in the chair, fingers tapping out sentences, most of which will have to be rewritten half a dozen times. It's pretty to think that watching "Stranger Things" or scrolling through your Twitter feed is the same as writing, but it's not.
I know a few actual writers. They work their butt's off- literally disappear for days at a time or weeks.. working on their newest work. They do not incessantly post on social media. None of them.
Her usual bullshit: I try to make it clear that nothing hear happens fast, months wait at times, but please know that if you purchased anything from me it will get to you. It is not my intention to ever fall so far behind but when things are as rough as this year has been, I have.
In other words, I'm too busy playing to fill your order you have already paid for. So try and forget it and go away please!
It just boggles my mind that Jenna believes that taking payment up front then filling orders 2 months or more later is a sound business practice. I "retired" to our farm years ago and there are not enough hours in the day to keep up with all the work. the claims she making about farming is a total farce.
Exactly. She's too busy tweaking her profile pictures in Photoshop and keeping up with the latest Taylor Swift news. She has got to be the biggest time waster on the planet.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
I've looked at those cleavage pictures....until my retinas started burning...I don't get it. Is one better than the other? Do folks over 13 care if ones boobs are bigger? I mean...yeah...to a point...but...many very obese people have large breasts and that doesn't seem to increase their overall attractiveness.
ReplyDeleteShe can do all the altering of photos she wants...it seems to be working out for her....just ask her wife. Or those gals she's been on a second date with.
DeleteSorry about your retinas, HD. There are only two reasons I can think of why she gave herself bigger boobs:
Delete1) To entice someone (doesn't matter which sex) to ask her out. And pay her bills.
2) She knows that sex sells. But she's not ready to pull the trigger on her webcam-girl career yet, but this is a good first step. Show some skin for extra clicks!
Sex sells except in Jenna's case. She makes me want to vom.
DeleteHD. She'd be "slung lucky" if "the rose wearing a black dress," or another unknown woman ever went on a date with her again. And the cleavage pics are really strange. JFW seems mighty proud of having a saggy crack between her breasts.
ReplyDeleteShe had no problem with the white clown kabuki makeup on her face and didn't adjust that so she actually appeared human.
DeleteYet she felt the cleavage needed to be bigger? Photoshop mega fail.
Of course she had to slim herself down or else everyone would know that all of her running miles malarkey was just more of her sick delusions.
Lol, she deleted the "small cleavage" shot pic on Twitter. But it's still on Instagram. Why leave any evidence? Delete them both.
DeleteFCW, it's not even a good Photoshop job either. She took that little cleavage dent and placed it up a few inches higher, and then filled the space in between with a thinner line. As a result, she looks like she has a dimpled baby's butt below her neck.
The latest bleg, wash, rinse, repeat. Mortgage still behind, plumbing still inoperable, writing still sucks as evidence by the last line in the beg:
ReplyDelete"My house's digestion might be off but mine remains intuitive enough to make it this far."
That's a big, fat HUH????
She writes: "Between the part-time work (she applied for a job and now it's morphed into an actual job?), freelance (one bad article in Outside Online),writing (another WWII werewolves on horseback romance novel?) and the farm (Hahahaha - what farm?) I feel like I am doing more than ever to stay behind."
DeleteIf she seriously believes this, she's the most underachieving "farmer" I've ever seen!
Intuitive digestion? WTF????
Delete❝ I feel like I am doing more than ever to stay behind. ❞
DeleteHuh? Shouldn't she be trying to get ahead? I don't get this. Oh wait, she's day drinking.
And yes, what's that about part-time work? Riiiiiight. Definitely drunk.
You know what...that bleg post has "delete me" all over it, as it seems she wrote that after she posted that 'whisky-in-a-wine-glass' tweet -- so here it is in it's entirety:
Delete❝ Things here are a mixed bag of emotions. There are things I am excited about, energized by, working towards. For example the book I am hoping to sell and have been working towards all summer may be ready to shop around by Labor Day. That is encouraging. So is the time I spend running, or hiking, or feeling more like myself and active than I've been all winter when things were so glum through into spring. I have more optimism now - which I think is directly related to the light and activity - and I am grateful for it. That said:
But there are also a lot of things making everyday life troubling - like the plumbing still being out of working order. The household feeling out of sorts. The certified letters being sent in the mail reminding me I still am not caught up on my mortgage. It's all stressful and all I can do is work on one problem at a time, taking care of the most important things and then down the systematic list towards a resolution. Between the part-time work, freelance, writing, and the farm I feel like I am doing more than ever to stay behind. This marathon towards my end game - the farm's success and solvency - well I'm hitting mile 19 and feeling my legs shake. I've ran too far to quit and am scared of what'll happen during the last stretch. That's my everyday right now. The combination of energy and hope and this fear that it will all fall apart right before I hit the finish line.
So what is there to do? Just the day in and day out work of moving forward. Try to make sales, make soap, make art, land more work. Take advantage of part time opportunities that arrive and always make the choices that best serve the farm. That is why I'm still here, almost ten years into purchasing this place, and I know to trust my gut. My house's digestion might be off but mine remains intuitive enough to make it this far. ❞
🙄 The plumbing has been broken for what, three weeks now? So she's still using her yard as a toilet? Is that legal?
😖 Alright...who has the barf bucket? Pass it to me quick...
ReplyDeleteBetween those two new horrid photos of her guzzling whisky (and mentioning that tomorrow is her birthday) to also making a very dumb and egotistic statement, I am beyond queasy. Let's start with the statement:
❝ I hope I write a bestseller only for the fact that hundreds of people will have pictures of their dogs drawn by that author when she was worried the lights would get shut off. ❞
Uhhh...what? Does she think her doodles will go up in value just because she writes another book? Does she really think people will care or even make that connection? Doubtful. And most of those were probably pity purchases anyway. What a rotten ego she has.
And about those two boozy pics on Twitter: In the first, she had the good idea to cover her face...although you can still see part of her gaping maniacal smile. The sun is still up and she's drinking already?!?
And in the second, she sadly does show her face, along with another demented smile. She also states:
❝ Tomorrow this human being turns 37! ❞
First off, everyone knows you don't go around telling people it's your birthday. That's desperate. And really sad. Second, the clock is officially ticking now. Being a scrappy wannabe GoT hobbit trying to buy her first farm in her 20s was probably cute and amusing to her foollowers. But to be almost 40 and still begging for money a decade later? No. She then tweeted:
❝ Happy to sell you products, classes, soap, meat, etc. But if you just want to throw in $5 for a decade of free writing, I happily and gratefully accept. If you don't like seeing authors ask for voluntary compensation - you must have owned copies of everything you ever read. ❞
Those are really bad optics...showing yourself day drinking and then begging strangers for $5...well shit, that's beyond sad. And the gatekeeping, she's saying that unless you've bought every book she's written, you need to give her $5 and not dislike or complain about it. Man, what a piece of work she is.
⌛️ Tick tock, tick tock Jenna...online panhandling and inability to pay your mortgage is not admirable or endearing at almost 40. While age 36 still seems like the middle 30s, once you've hit 37, it turns to almost 40 years old. With no job, wolves at the door, and problems galore, you're just pathetic. Time to get a job.
Forget the barf bucket...just take me straight to the 🚽 because she just tweeted that her "sexuality" is "perfect" -- what does that even mean?
Delete❝ My sexuality is Anna Kendrick, Taylor Swift, and anything Allison Williams has ever done. You can call it basic, but honestly it's just perfect. ❞
I know some of you guys live near her, uh, maybe you could go over there and pry that whisky bottle outta her hands before she publicly proposes to Taylor Swift online.
No normal adult constantly brags about their sexuality. (When they have no love life.) It's like she's still emotionally a teenager. Jenna jumbles it in with her juvenile girl crushes. Seriously, it's like creepy cyber-stalking.
DeleteShe's the girl in middle school who claims to have an older boyfriend who is away at college (i.e. doesn't exist) just to get attention. Yet everyone knows she's full of it because she looks so crazy.
DeleteLol WH, "My boyfriend? You wouldn't know him. I met him in Paris."
DeleteNo doubt if the Pig Shocker still had an office job, she'd be that girl who sends herself flowers on special occasions.
📌 Brought over from last thread cuz it's excellent and spot on! PoodleDiDoo wrote: 📌
ReplyDelete❝ My thoughts on her flurry of activity after being called out for begging:
1. FJORD HORSES. By posting something inane like a query about another "very expensive/rare" horse breed, Pig Shocker can guarantee lots of photos and discussion. She did something similar when she asked people to tweet photos of their dogs. She's trying to change the narrative and drive the "bad" tweet w/Lisa further down in Twitter history. Repeat maneuver.
2. PHANTOM JOB: Her "announcement" that she's applied for an online magazine job is another repeat maneuver. Perhaps people have noticed she's doing an awful lot of "non work" for someone who cannot pay her bills. Maybe *GASP* one of her followers suggested that Pig Shocker get a job?
Long-time Shamsters will remember her previous job announcements that seemed to have amounted to the square root of nada: she (a) might work at a local farm (b) might represent a NY farmers organization (c) might teach falconry (HA!) or archery (HAHA!)?
Also, by the way, whatever happened to the photos she promised to send of cutting down the fencing and repairing the filth that is her horses paddock/ her front yard? By now, the weeds and grass should have covered all the manure left behind by the two old horses.
Now, if there is an online magazine that would hire her, I'll nominate Outside Online. She's probably given them free articles and has promised free/cheap rates for writing drivel. Outdoors Online's new business model is watered-down, entertainment-today style dose of bullsh**. Sad, but true (I used to like them).
Her ridiculous piece on hiking with heavy packs (!) generated a lot of hits - mostly because people realized what a poser she is. But, hey, in the Internet world a hit is a hit. Further, let's not forget she's endlessly sucked up to magazine staff and contributors. Who else sends a FREE TRAIL SADDLE PAD to a member of an online magazine's writing team? Can anyone else say "Conflict of Interest"?
She is so predictable. When the heat gets turned up, she distracts, deflects and lies. Look for the next online crisis and "terror on the farm". What trauma will occur next? Who, oh who, will help that poor gal who lives alone on the side of a mountain??
(Hint: Poodles... SEND MONEY NOW.) ❞
I think you're right about her asking about Fjord horses, as she received 20+ comments and didn't bother to reply to a single one. So, not really interested after all, and just wanted to attract new foollowers. Also note that most comments we about how "expensive" they are...which shows she was trying to attract new foollowers with LOTS of money. Nice try. Get a job.
DeleteAs for the Outside article, not only did it receive lots of hits for it's gatekeeping lunacy, it also inspired it's very own reddit thread. Useless fodder like that just had to be shared, lol.
I think it's very telling.... she posts some "oh no, poor me" post and there are a few likes, maybe one atta girl comment.
DeleteShe asked about horsies... or dogs? 20+ comments immediately.
Can you say... Donor Fatigue?
I know you can.
Happy Barfday, Jenna
ReplyDeleteyou are a piece of shit.
You're stuck on being stubborn
and years later still won't quit.
Your rotten rep is known now
and even though you're "gay."
Dyke dames don't wanna date you
they will look and run away.
Why lie about your running
when it's clear that you're a fatty.
We can't wait until you fail
and you're forced to live with Patty.
So celebrate with bourbon
and play your fucking fiddle.
But beg online today
'cause there's donors left to diddle.
She should enjoy herself while she can. It could be her last birthday not spent in jail or a facility for the severely mentally ill.
DeleteLMAO at "We can't wait until you fail and you're forced to live with Patty."😆
DeleteYou know, I'll bet that's exactly what will happen when the bank rips the farm out from under her.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
Jul 9
"Did I buy a 2XL tour shirt on ebay for $5 and then spend an hour this morning cutting it and resewing it to fit me as an undershirt perfectly? Yes, yes I did."
So, when she has extra money, instead of socking it away, she buys a shirt? Yes, I know it's only $5 but how many times has she done this and then the next week is begging people to buy things or send her a donation. Some folks just don't learn.
What a lie. If she had to cut and sew a 2xl to fit her, she had to add fabric to it.
DeleteWaddles, everyone knows you use photoshop to make yourself appear to be a 2xl rather than the 3xl you really are.
To say you are smaller than a 2xl is totally delusional. Scary.
Chicken Mama - Any time Jenna reports the cost of something, it's a safe bet to either double or triple the amount she claims to have paid for it. And I agree, what a dumb thing to do. Between that and her new $400+ boots, she could've paid the electric bill she keeps hinting about.
DeleteWH - Check out the second photo in this IG post:
Notice how she made sure to arrange the t-shirt to prominently show the "L" for Large. It'll be interesting to see if/when she tries to wear it.
And...that green bowl thingy...someone got her a bedpan with a special overflow drain.
So the plumbing isn't fixed but she's taking showers. Wonder if that is outside or at a friends. Plumbing isn't fixed but she's making soap. Has to be melt and pour. I make soap and it's a continuous cleaning process of your pots and utensils with hot water. Where is all the gray water going?
ReplyDeleteWho would buy soap made at a person's home who admits their sewer and plumbing hasn't been working for a long time?
DeleteThat makes me want to puke!
Good point, Anon 7:32, I didn't even think of that. You see, that's why it's so easy to catch her many lies...cuz she doesn't think about those inconsistencies either. Agreed, has to be melt and pour.
DeleteWho would have company overnight without working plumbing? I wouldn't even want my family to have to endure that - and some of them are NOT my favorite people. lol
DeleteSo it looks like Waddles spent her bday riding with Patty. No problem there BUT looks like very expensive boots she is sporting. I thought you need to pay your mortgage Jenna? Somehow you can pay for those boots and don't say you found them in the dumpster. Also, do your horse a favor and take a comb to him. He doesn't look like he's been groomed in ages. He needs some TLC especially his mane and forelock.
ReplyDeleteShe always has expensive boots that she doesn't take care of. She has mentioned in the past how at least once a year she purchased new ones.
DeleteThat's an example of where the donations for bills and mortgage payments go to.
Waddles makes enough money from her awful pet art and crappy soap to pay all of her bills. The donations she receives for her financial panic and woe is me tales goes to pay for her entertainment and extras.
I think her parents give her money to pay her mortgage and electricity. And yes her constant financial panic pays for her toys. What a giant baby.
DeleteHer actions agree with the way she looks.
DeleteWhen you see a photo of her, it all makes sense.
Looks like Ariat Berwicks to me. Retailing for a cool $440.00. I work 60 hour weeks and don't have boots that expensive!
DeleteYou are correct, Anon 2:34! And here's what the Pig Shocker had to say about them:
Delete❝ Thanks! They are Ariats, tested them for a magazine article! ❞
Yup...she's implying that they were given to her to "test out" for a magazine. Riiiiight.
Lately, companies are wary of giving out free merchandise because there are too many asking, due to the new "Instagram influencer" craze. Not only did I read an article about this, but also see a lot of complaints about this on reddit's "Choosing Beggars" subreddit.
These companies are being inundated with requests for free stuff in exchange for a review or a promise of promotion on their IG page. Thus, they aren't giving freebies so freely anymore. It's more likely she wasted 🐩 💰 on them. I say wasted because they look awful on her. A short person should never wear any boot that ends right at the knee, as it makes you look even shorter.
And where's the article? Ariat is intended for well-heeled equestrians, not wannabes whose old horses are obviously not properly looked after.
DeleteShe's lying. I took a quick look at Ariat's Twitter and there are no links to product reviews. Also did a Google news search and found a few new articles, but none written by her.
DeleteI won't believe her claim unless she tweets a link to the article. And even then, that's not proof that she didn't buy them.
I'm sure the article only exists in Kabuki Waddles' diseased mind.
DeleteI thought they were winter boots. Why is she wearing them now? And I don't believe they were given to her.
DeleteAriat would give them to a qualified, accomplished equestrienne who is known in the horse world, not some nutjob nobody who rides her pony up a little hill. Ariat is a very well known brand in the equestrian field that sells apparel, accessories, etc....horsey stuff. They would NEVER pick someone like Jenna who doesn't know anything about horses be an ambassador for the brand. And if she did get some free stuff from them, it would be more like a curry brush or a hoof pick, not $400+ boots.
DeleteJenna, if you're gonna lie make it at least slightly realistic, you stupid idiot.
I found this photo online. This person, whoever she is, looks like a serial killer.
She does not look normal.
You know when you think about it, Jenna IS a serial killer. She has killed several animals.
DeleteThat is true Anon 12:46.
DeleteShe looks sadistic and demented.
Lol, Anon 12:46 - She's also killed several boxes of Cookie Crisp cereal.
DeleteWH - That photo reminds me of this one, taken around the same time:
First time I saw the thumbnail for it, I honestly mistook her for a large garden gnome statue.
Lol! Good lord she is unfortunate looking.
DeleteI guess that being a compulsive liar and an animal abuser makes a person butt ass ugly?
The guy looks like he's asking her to stop playing the "fiddle."
We've all heard how horrible her playing sounds. It's bad enough to make ears bleed.
That 37 yr old woman standing beside her pretty little pony(that she’s too big to ride, btw) looks totally demented. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteAlso, check out this pics that Jenna wasn't able to Photoshop, as Patty posted then on her own Instagram:
Funny how her jawline doesn't look as sharp as the edited photos on Jenna's IG. Her double chin melts into her neck. Her face is also much wider and her cheeks are bulgy lumps.
She also looks angry and mean, as though she HATES the poor goat - just as we expect she feels toward most of the animals who have ever had the misfortune of being prisoners at the Cold, Cold, Antler (on the wall) notaFarm.
DeleteThe birthday shirt made by the bff has the "crest" that was stolen by Waddles from a site online.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing a post about it on the CAS site.
I will find the site and send them the pic of their crest being used on a tshirt.
DeleteWaddles removed their writing from it and added her own. I remember they stated on their site that their intellectual property could not be used by anyone.
I think you're right. She posted this design on her IG too and said this:
Delete❝ If Cold Antler Farm had a Clan Motto and Crest this would be it: wolf with antlers and to be of use. ❞
She should change that motto to "Be Useless"
OMG... her stupid poses are called a thing... of course.
ReplyDeleteJust googled... pictures with mouth open... and its a thing! Like duckface and fish gap...
Of course, it was a thing like a few years ago.
Lol, I just posted about the possible origin of the crazy smile below. Our brains are in sync today. Let's just be grateful she didn't do the duckface thing. Or did she?
DeleteSounds like someone with waaay too much social media time on their hands. Call me uninformed and not with it, but I'm just too busy with my 'real' life to even notice juvenile things like this.
Haha. Looked up the Mashable article and found these reasons for posing with a fake surprise face (sorry, FFF, obviously they don't work on you).
Delete"The benefits of this fake surprised face are numerous:
Opening up your eyes to the point of bugging out makes them look bigger, and less like you're in desperate need of a 2:30 p.m. nap.
You can smile without making your face all wrinkly, as human faces tend to be.
An open mouth actually makes your lips look fuller.
Leaving your mouth open elongates your face, and makes it look slimmer.
The final secret benefit is seeming like you're constantly being followed by paparazzi — even though you have no idea how they got so close to your face — but still want to give them a cute, sultry photo. Of course, the paparazzo is just you."
Just realized how slow I am: The reason she announced her bday ahead of time was in the hopes that her foollowers would send her money.
ReplyDeleteBTW, her sister wished her a happy bday on Instagram, but no wishes from Mama Wog either there or on Twitter. Hmmm...
On Twitter Veronica B. wished Happy Bday along with this pic collage:
Know we know who to thank for teaching Jenna how to grin like a maniac.
ReplyDeleteLook familiar?
Wow, you're not kidding! She didn't bother to change hardly anything. Just like her logos: Find some clip art that works...steal it...make a few changes....Voila!! Then charge the customer $450...but offer sale price of $250 if they can wait 8 weeks.
DeleteRipping off both customer and the person who created the original artwork. Man, how does she live with herself?
I know it's a lot to ask, but I really hope Brynner42 does a side-by-side with both this logo, and the expanding boobs.
Who the hell gets all dolled up to go on a goddamn trail ride? I ride 4 times a week and I never do. Shes got on eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, a new shirt and obviously new boots to waddle her fat lazy ass up a hill. What a poser. But it's her birthday!!!! Guess what? No one gives a shit. Hey Waddles, wheres your cabbage patch hair extensions and wolf contacts?
ReplyDeleteUgh. I made the mistake of looking at her fake pic before breakfast. That garish, gaping mouth with the loud lipstick is ugly and unauthentic. And the tall boots make her bulky body even more squat.
DeleteWho can find the original heathen (?) Image of wolf with antlers? CAS discussed it at length. I think PS stole part of that image too.
ReplyDeleteMore input for Brynner42.
I think you're thinking of the Tyr's Good Hand logo. She basically flipped the Stark family direwolf sigal from Game of Thrones. If you google the images you'll see they are practically identical.
DeleteI was curious and looked up Tyr's Good Hand. It appears to be defunct now due to no new members. None of them want to be her hired help for free like the losers who quit. Her last Meetup was March in 2018. And there were only two who attended. JFW was one of them.
You can even leave her a "nice note" there.
Brynner42 delivered! There's now a nice side-by-side pic featuring the stolen artwork:
#fakery indeed
The Pig Shocker re-tweeted some random person's random quote:
ReplyDelete❝ Hating on me won’t make you happy and won’t make me unhappy so it’s mostly just a waste of energy. ❞
Nice try, Jenna. People hate your animal abusing ways, not you. Ridicule? Yes. But hate? That's your imagination coming from your guilty mind. And every minute of energy we spend spreading awareness of your animal neglect, mistreatment, and the fact that you can't afford them, is a good thing.
If you re-homed all your animals there wouldn't be a need for this blog. But as long as you keep them, and beg for money to feed them, we'll keep on criticizing and mocking your every move.
And it's time well spent, 🐷 🔌 ⚡️
Lol, she deleted that tweet. Probably realized curious foollowers might search and find this bleg.
DeleteShe's not important enough to hate.
DeleteWaddles' animal neglect and scamming have gotten so bad that we had to take a stand against both.
Waddles likes to play pretend and conjures up stories in her head all about how well known she is and how she has haters.
Her ramblings are schizophrenic and totally delusional.
Ever since the Photoshopping has been confirmed, it's so easy now to spot:
Her over-use of the blurring tool to hide her chins resulted in a five-o-clock jawline shadow and a bad case of psoriasis on her neck. Nice job there, toots.
She's ramping up for a huge beg for a Fjord horse. Merlin's getting older, Mabel's not that "cool." She starts mentioning them on Twitter, now she's visiting farms with Fjords. Just watch. It's coming...
Funny that she can't leave her 'farm' for a job, but she can go to Mass and ride. I realize Mass isn't that far out of Cambridge, and that the horses may have been at Patty's, but still... she can make time to play, but she can't make time to work. Hopefully her foollowers are getting this concept. Lazy and entitled...
DeleteWe just put 500 bales of hay in the barn this week, and have stacked 5 cords of wood so far for winter prep. I'm guessing she hasn't started any of that yet. We would have preferred to go riding or fishing instead of doing those chores, but we like the securoty of having hay and heat stocked up. Not to mention it's cheaper now and you can spread the payment part out over the summer.
What was her stupid little GoT catch phrase - 'winter is coming'? Yes, it is Jenna. Are you preparing? Didn't she offer workshops (some years ago) on how to prep for things? LOL.
I just want to know how she managed to wrangle a truck with NO power steering all the way from NY to MA...and then back again.
DeleteAnon3, wood-wise it'll be the same shit show as last year, where she'll start begging around October...and all throughout Winter's Bottom. Meanwhile, her buddy Jon Katz already has several cords and new pastures. And money in the bank.
Duckmama - She recently said on her Instagram that Merlin in in his mid-twenties. Shouldn't she be "earning up" and setting aside money for his future care?
DeleteOh JFW, getting thrown off a horse is surely not the same as falling off a horse. But it sounds much more dramatic for your followers, huh? Maybe some "injury" from the fall will get your some pity money? $$$$
ReplyDeleteJust what she needs- another head injury.
DeleteAnon 6:14 - I was thinking the same thing. She'll end up using this as an excuse to beg for money. She'll need x-ray or physical therapy money.
DeleteAnd then she will end up with a new horse.
DeleteSeen this before.... puppies from root canals????
She will wait until October to "prep." And then whine like crazy that there is no firewood or hay is scarce and she just doesn't have the money so can you please contribute. Blah, blah, blah.
ReplyDeleteJust a fyi... there has been so much free wood on Craigslist, etc. lately, near her. Much of it cut. I think it's the time of year people are moving and or cleaning out their places. She can't be bothered picking it up. Literally picking it up for free. Because that would involve manual labor. She does not work with her body and hands. We should have a contest of who can put away the most free wood by September. She would lose. Then she'd tell us we don't really need ours and try to con us into giving it to her for free. And delivering it.
ReplyDeleteFARMING IS FENCING. If you have animals, you need fencing. If you want a garden, you need fencing. 10 YEARS, STILL NOT PROPERLY FENCED!!!!!! 10 years!!! If you view the homesteading videos on Youtube, much of what they do is fencing and thinking about fencing. And training their livestock to fencing. Farmers train livestock, not hawks.
Again - if you have bought meat shares from her. Realize that she did NOT produce them. She's hardly raising them. They are bought bottom of the barrel, and some will have spent very little time on her property, yet she purports that they are "Cold Antler Farm" meat shares. I wouldn't be surprised if she buys them a month or less before butchering. I wouldn't trust meat coming from her.
Everyone loves baby animal pictures. Definitely more than baby Jenna pictures.
The Chickqualizer
The only pig living on her property lives in the house and goes by the name of Waddles.
DeleteShe can take hideous photos of herself daily and yet there hasn't been a new photo of pigs/piglets posted since last summer.
July of last summer is when Waddles was investigated for animal neglect and then lied and said that SHE decided to rehome both the goat and sheep herds.
That is also when the pigs were rehomed.
Waddles couldn't admit as much because without any livestock left on her property, she couldn't call it a farm. Which would effect donations she received for livestock feed and care.
She hasn't even bothered to take photos of pigs on someone else's property and call them her own.
Social media is used to her photos zoomed in tightly around whatever subject so the nasty background can't be seen. It wouldn't be anything new to do the same with someone else's pigs.
Yet she is so lazy, she only uses old photos from years ago when she did have pigs on her property.
Just scroll thru her Instagram. A year ago she posted lots of pics of sheep, lambs, goats, piggies, chickens, geese, etc. But lately it's only pics of her dogs, horses and hawk.
DeleteAnd she also posts pics of her faux farm femme makeup. That lurid lipstick is tacky and classless. Unfortunately, she'll always be the fat loser who wants to eat lunch with the popular people in the high school cafeteria.
DeleteI found this image online taken of the gut pile left in the woods after a pig slaughter at Jenna Woginrich's property (warning, it's disgusting):
Apparently a local photographer took a series of photos of everyday life with this Jenna person. She felt the need to include that disgusting photo. I bet the neighbors love that!
More appealing to look at than her latest Photoshopped Polaroid pic. She went a bit nuts this time, shaving more than an inch off her chin, and slimming her face to unrealistic proportions. Just goes to show that nothing she does is ever truthful.
DeleteLet's talk about a certain person (FFF) who is likely getting bored with her elderly and arthritic Fell pony, so she begins talking up the idea of getting another horse. She drives her beater truck (the "I'm afraid to drive it more than 30 miles" truck) to another state to see another hipster breed (Fjord).
ReplyDeleteAstoundingly, she is allowed to try a Fjord. As any horse owner knows, NO ONE would allow a stranger to try an ill-behaved horse, because no one wants risk of injury or lawsuit. So it's a given that the horse was pretty well behaved and/or the horse owner was told that FFF was an accomplished 'equestrian', wearing new Ariat boots and shiny red lipstick.
When FFF got tossed off like a piece of trash, I'll bet the horse owner's jaw hit the ground. FFF couldn't even stay on a pony wearing a Western saddle (and folks, the saddle comes with a grippy handle - the horn - no less)!
Then, instead of rightfully slinking away FFF virtually brags about getting tossed, like she's some sort of bucking Bronco rider. Er, no. She managed to fall off a horse that now may have learned a nasty habit. Plus, if the horse is for sale, the owner will now have to reveal that the horse dumped a rider. Great job, FFF.
As icing on the cake, FFF posts a photoshopped picture of her crouched down in front, in the horse's blind spot (a horse she doesn't know). I'm sure she intended to show how cool she is, but instead she showed what an idiot she is. Again. Horse training 101. Must be she isn't used to sitting or being around a horse that isn't old and unable to move because it is in pain and is poorly nourished.
She sucks. Really.
Omg, she is so delusional. The entire story sounds like bullshat.
DeletePoodles - From the comments on Instagram, I had the impression she tagged along with Patty to go see this horse. But after re-reading those comments, it does look like a solo outing for the purpose of buying.
DeleteBTW, here's what the Pig Shocker had to say about why she fell:
❝ I spooked her by taking off my helmet and throwing it right past her head, she didn't buck me off as much as get scared and dart left. She panicked and I didn't ride out the buck in the strange saddle and hit the ground. Good times, and my fault since I was warned she was spooky! No harm done to me, horse, or helmet. ❞
Why would anyone throw anything near a horse?
Okay I'd say if that Fjord tossed her it means she is trying it out to buy it. She obviously doesn't have the riding skill (aids, cues, balance, sit the canter, post the trot....good riding takes some finesse) to properly ride the horse and ended up getting thrown. Yay for the horse!! I dont care how expensive your riding attire is Jenna, at this point it's all a costume. Like everything else you struggle to do, it's a costume. Merlin must be an absolute saint to put up with your lousy riding.
Anyone else remember the video where she was trying to ride Patty's horse, sitting on the horse but banging on its mouth, sloppy hands, so unbalanced, and spouting words like "I'm not afraid of you!"
DeleteIf she tried that with one of my horses, she would be on her derriere - either from the horse dumping her or me pulling her off.
Patty's draft must be used to bad hands or must be a saint.
That is not the way to ride a horse.
Yes I remember. What a tool. Hanging onto the mouth, kicking like a little kid, yanking the reins all over the place. Girl could use some lessons. Actually I think she did get kicked off of a college equestrian team because she didnt ride properly.
DeleteI haven't seen this video. Anyone have a link?
DeleteIs this it? 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdLoVKsNsPk
DeleteThe sound is low and muffled, but she clearly looks like a toddler having a tantrum. Why does she punch the horse? (at 0:20)
I remember that, and how upset the horse was. Draft horses are known for their placid temperaments.
DeleteThey have a driving bit in that horse's mouth, which can do severe damage if you aren't careful. The bit has a series of sharp grooves on it. I've seen it cause bleeding when used wrong.
DeleteShe looks like a total beginner to me. Sitting forwards going down a hill, hanging onto his mouth, hands clumsy and too far apart, jerking the reins to turn, flailing hands and legs. She shouldn't be on a horse until she learns to ride properly.
There's nothing graceful about her. She's too large and gangly to ride properly.
DeleteI've seen this video before, but thanks for the reminder. OMG she looks like me when I was first trying to ride a pony at age 3. By age 5, I had her beat in technique, balance, and sensitivity (to the horse).
DeleteWaddles says via Twitter that she's never felt better than she does at 37.
ReplyDeleteShe's been 37 for a day.
Too bad she will forever be a 12 yr old mentally. She has a broken down, middle aged, obese body that she loves to lie about and photoshop and the mind of a mentally ill child and hasn't figured out why she will be single forever. Too bad she didn't get a brain for her birthday
And in that same breath she tweets this about falling off that horse:
Delete❝ Oh I'm fine. Just a sore shoulder and calves/ankles but I will be fine. I am taking 3 days off running and pacing around the house feeling anxious unable to get some energy out. ❞
She feels better than she ever has even with a sore body and crippling anxiety? I think she's laying the groundwork for her next crisis: Physical injury due to horse fall. She's already received 10+ comments including this one:
❝ I'm feeling the falls from my teens and 20's now that I'm in my 40's. ❞
So that will be her angle...delayed injury...just like a car crash where you feel fine at first, but then days later you feel the whiplash and other ailments. Wait for it...
Lies, lies, and more lies. On Twitter today the Pig Shocker wrote:
ReplyDelete❝ Find a town that accepts you and likes you enough that during your birthday week you aren't allowed to pay for a meal or a beer anywhere you go. Damn, I am lucky. ❞
🙄 🙄 🙄
But on her bleg back in May, here's what she had to say about her town:
❝ Everywhere I go I know people that look me directly in the face and smile think I am selfish, broken, or trouble. [...] People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me. [...] Men blatantly stare like a hyena is driving a truck. [...] I'm one step away from neighborhood kids telling each other I'm a witch and daring to knock on my door at Halloween. [...] I must be alone because something is wrong with me. That, or I am something to be avoided altogether. So I am. [...] I'll be considered an outsider for a very long time. ❞
Okkk-ay. So what's more likely: That she won over the townspeople in just over a month and is suddenly Miss Popular? Or that she's trying to hide the fact that she blew poodle cash on restaurant meals and booze?
I live nearby. Her May post it DEFINITELY accurate.
DeleteOMG. *wipes tear from eye* I'm just gonna leave this here:
(My son asked if she was drunk.)
At first blush it's cute, but as it went on I got uneasy.
DeleteI see she slipped in the fact that she was "gifted" a new camera for her "birthday". Now she can go on pretending she doesn't have a cell phone. Good work.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a Polaroid camera. She's been playing with it like a ten year old.
DeleteOh yeah, that's because she plays while everyone else pays.
OMG - That video. Made sure I deleted it from my Youtube history. Don't want others to get this recommended to them based on my viewing history. In front of a brand new chicken tractor, how convenient. How'd she make it without owning any tools? Wait, probably somebody else made it..........
ReplyDelete"GIFTED" a new camera. Wouldn't it be nice if regular hardworking people received such expensive gifts? No attribution to the gifter. Could you imagine giving something so valuable and not being thanked for it in one of the dozens of social media shout-outs this lady does in a week?
May I make a suggestion? Maybe our next thread could be titled "Fraud Antler Farm." We need to emphasize the fact that this is a fraud of a farm, fraud of business (from her Oakpaw art days till now), and an animal mistreater and and animal user.
This Chickqualizer
She probably bought it for herself. Jenna:
ReplyDeleteI want, I want, I want. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Serious question - if her plumbing is not working is her house even legally habitable? How is it not condemned?
ReplyDeleteGood question. I have no doubt that it could be condemned.
DeleteI've looked up the info for cambridge building code violations but that was years ago.
Looks like someone new to email/call about crazy Waddles.
I know it is her "birthday week" and all but really all she does is tweet about Taylor Swift (and she is 37 and this is her life?) and go on about all she is doing. People want their "art" work, she has no plumbing and not working to "earn up" more money etc. To me if you are 37 you grow up and do what is expected of you weather you like it or not. I just can't believe how she can go on and on about this great time she is having none of it involving work. If you are self employeed you work all the time to get your work done. I have never known anyone to keep a 9-4 job when working for themselves.
ReplyDeleteMentally and emotionally shes 13.
DeleteI've said the same for a long time. JFW is emotionally still stuck at the teenage level. Her childish infatuations with celebrity girl crushes are borderline cyber stalking.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! A place where mowers get fixed, coffee is hot, and I dust about once a year."
It looks like it, too. Then she admits that "this pic "is few years old" in a response regarding her "got wandering the house?" We know here that many of her funky photos are recycled from years ago. Yet she doesn't make that clear to followers. Again, it's all part of her manipulative marketing.
"I am insanely proud of repairing my lawn mower this AM."
But what about the "repairing" of fences and "this farm's infrastructure" that was the main reason for her Kiva loan? Yeah, it makes so much sense that a "lawn mower" would take precedence over her hovel. Way to go, faux farm femme.
Her plumbing/sewer pipes haven't been working for months and on and off for years.
DeleteYet she's insanely proud of fixing her lawn mower. She's insane alright.
It's also "insane" to brag about dusting that infrequently. It's like she's proud of being a pig. Which is one of the reasons why "this farm" has depreciated since she's "rented" it. The bank still owns her hovel.
DeleteShe probably put fuel in the lawn mower, then amped it up to "lawn mower repairs".
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that Katz's agent is Christopher Schelling who is married to one of my favorite authors Augusten Burroughs!
I have spent many an hour cracking up while reading A.B.'s books (I own all of them). Small world.
Waddles' incessant Twitter Whining:
ReplyDelete"I try to make it clear that nothing hear happens fast, months wait at times, but please know that if you purchased anything from me it will get to you. It is not my intention to ever fall so far behind but when things are as rough as this year has been, I have."
Funny how when she spends days constantly spamming to make enough money for the month's bills, she doesn't mention that it will take MONTHS to receive whatever is ordered.
Anyone who spends as much time with their thumb up her ass as Waddles does, should be struck by lightning for such a lie.
She is constantly talking about her days spent waddling up and down hills, playing horsey and taking on yet another hawk to further take up time that could be spent working.
She claims to work on her "work" a couple of hours a day at the most. The rest of the day is spent playing like the overgrown, mentally ill, physically challenged, child that she is.
If she spent 8 hours working per day, like most adults, she would be caught up in no time.
But that isn't what makes widdle waddles squeal with delight. Widdle waddles prefers to roll about in the mud and stuff herself with food instead.
She just liked the following tweet: "Typing is writing. Plotting is writing. Outlining is writing. Editing is writing. Reading, recharging, creatively consuming is writing."
ReplyDeleteOf course she'd like something like this. I wonder if this is when she says she's "writing", she actually "creatively consuming."
I write. I know it isn't always an easy, straightforward process. But she's using this tweet as an excuse for non-work, and then she'll turn around and claim she's been "writing" when she's actually doing non-stop "creative consuming".
Honestly, I would never call reading something "writing." The whole tweet was somewhat confusing to me, but then again, if it fits her narrative... 🤷♀️
I should also add: I'm friends with a bunch of writers on Twitter, yet as soon as I saw that retweet, I knew immediately who had posted it.
DeleteI'm a writer, too. It's what I do for a living. The only thing that's writing is writing. Butt in the chair, fingers tapping out sentences, most of which will have to be rewritten half a dozen times. It's pretty to think that watching "Stranger Things" or scrolling through your Twitter feed is the same as writing, but it's not.
DeleteI know a few actual writers. They work their butt's off- literally disappear for days at a time or weeks.. working on their newest work. They do not incessantly post on social media. None of them.
DeleteHer usual bullshit:
ReplyDeleteI try to make it clear that nothing hear happens fast, months wait at times, but please know that if you purchased anything from me it will get to you. It is not my intention to ever fall so far behind but when things are as rough as this year has been, I have.
In other words, I'm too busy playing to fill your order you have already paid for. So try and forget it and go away please!
It just boggles my mind that Jenna believes that taking payment up front then filling orders 2 months or more later is a sound business practice. I "retired" to our farm years ago and there are not enough hours in the day to keep up with all the work. the claims she making about farming is a total farce.
ReplyDeleteExactly. She's too busy tweaking her profile pictures in Photoshop and keeping up with the latest Taylor Swift news. She has got to be the biggest time waster on the planet.
DeleteOMG she really has another new profile picture!?