Liar, Liar, Liar

um....liar, liar, liar.

I could go on.


  1. Replies
    1. A list of all the things she constantly lies about:

      1) How she bought her farm all by herself
      2) How she doesn't have time for a real job
      3) How what she "does" pays more than a real job would
      4) The true state and health of her animals
      5) What actually happened to all her missing animals
      6) Her physical fitness/how much she supposedly runs
      7) Having root canals, medical bills, other emergencies
      8) Truck problems, no electricity -- it's all made up for pity donations
      9) How people "gift" her stuff, as well as things she "finds" at the dump

      Did I miss anything?? 🤔

    2. That pretty much covers it!

      Widdle Waddles weally hates when people figure out her scamming ways. If only she was smart enough to lie effectively...

    3. If she had to give up cyber begging, #3 wouldn't be true. She would have to beg on the street corner like other bums.

    4. She will eventually get banned from Twitter and end up living in a cardboard condo in the nearest gutter.

      She won't be able to get a real job because she doesn't have any skills and she's way too crazy.

    5. After she loses the fauxrm and once she hits 40 (which is soon) she's gonna have a real rude awakening when she tries to get a corporate job and has to explain such a long unemployment gap. Not to mention all the new software programs and graphic design developments that she doesn't know how to use.

      Would you hire a middle-aged has-been, with almost zero work history, over a fresh and newly-graduated twentysomething? The only future for her now is in fast food -- which is fine for a teen in school, or to supplement an income...but it's not a living wage for an independent adult who should also be saving for retirement.

  2. Can someone bluecheck her for 295, let''s keep the dream ALIVE
    C'mon, you have the dough, cough it up

  3. ❝ Still here ❞ she writes in her latest bleg post.

    Nothing brings disaster faster than egotistical over-confidence. Congrats, just jinxed yourself. Now buy me a Coke.

    1. She's still there for now. However the livestock are no longer there and neither are 4/5 hawks that she couldn't take care of properly.

  4. I remain mystified about why she still has so many enablers. I know she somehow manages to snare new clueless marks as is the way of social media, but what's up with those she still, apparently, counts as 'friends' IRL and presumably read her blegs and the endless, obnoxious I'm out playing but help, please fund my mortgage tweets? And with those who have actually seen -some frequently - her poorly (if at all) cared for animals and property?

    WTfF. Been following this irresponsible shit show for around 12 yrs and her montstrous chutzpah, in your face, down in writing outrages - and fan-funding of - never end. And I will never understand how she gets away with having so much unearned 'luck'...'slung' at her lying, undeserving, uncharismatic self.

    I suppose there are more people who pity her - but why pity? - than detest her character, riddled with lies, cheating, laziness, and indifference to the suffering of animals. She seems to be shameless.

    1. I'm guessing it's because the enablers never looked too closely at her life, and thus only consider what she offers on the surface. When I first saw her on reddit, I was momentarily impressed...until I found out from the Cold Antler Sham Blog what a talentless, lying, animal-abusing hack she is.

      It's kind of like if you're a thief, you're not gonna hang out with honest people, you're gonna hang out with other shysters. Or like what Jesse said on the last thread, "I have a feeling that the friends she does have are just as big of an asshole as she is..."

      That would go for the enablers as well.

    2. Or she doesn't have many at all. She could be lying about donations and sales.

      For all anyone knows she could get a check from the government every month for being batshit crazy.
      Just like she insists that she doesn't have a cell phone and yet one of the devices that showed up under her home IP address on the original Sham site was a cell phone.

      She frequently claims she doesn't get any assistance the same way she frequently claims to not have a working cell phone.

    3. It's because her books are still in circulation, available in libraries, amazon, garage sales, etc. New readers come along and think, "well this chick sounds cool." And because they don't know the history long-time followers do, it takes awhile for the ball to drop and in the meantime, they may donate or pity-buy because of the novelty.

    4. Spot on, Anon 3:11 - At first glance she does seem interesting: Someone who got out of the rat race to pursue her dream farm. But then you look closer and see she's just running a laptop mouse race with her online panhandling. Eventually, people do wise up.

  5. Twitter Twaddle - Drunken egotistical fool edition:

    ❝ My life is scary and good and full. ❞

    No one asked, but thanks for letting us know? I'll just file that comment under "B" for bullshit.

    And oh, it's obvious that this is just another example of manipulative marketing: Make a vague and ambiguous statement to create curiosity and elicit pity donations from online strangers.

    1. If it's good and full, she should be able to pay this month's bills and future month's bills all by herself like a big girl.

      Oh yeah that's right, she refuses to work to support herself and never knows where her next dime will come from.

      She has also lived for years without a working sewer or plumbing and shits in her yard. Sounds like she's living the dream 🙄!

  6. From the last thread PoodleDiDoo wrote:

    "She's also posted "pictures of pictures" so she can Photoshop the hell out of the selfies, take a picture and have an image that cannot be evaluated by an App that determines fakery."

    You're so right! What a coincidence that just days after exposing her Photoshopped pic antics, she suddenly starts posting pics of pics. Like her newest, current Twitter profile pic, that's not her natural face shape. She shaved down the sides and removed several chins.

    Also, she's now using the term "throwback" for her antiquated pics. Wonder where she got that idea from?

    1. Yep. You can't click on those pics and search google for similar pics. So she thinks no one will know they aren't current.

      I guess that means she needs to keep posting old photos from when she had livestock living on her property so she can still ask for "farm" donations.

      She doesn't grow any crops and she doesn't have any livestock. She hasn't had livestock living on her property since last July when she was investigated for animal abuse.

      Her hovel and rundown property aren't anymore a farm than an apartment on the 10th floor of highrise is. Two horses and two dogs do not a farm make.

    2. Her first tweet this morning was an old pic of her dog atop a pile of sheep hair. Because she didn't say it was a throwback pic, she's obviously trying to imply that she sheared sheep early this AM...making her look like the busy farmer she's not.

    3. She likes to pretend she wasn't forced to give away her sheep herd after the investigation for animal abuse last summer.

  7. okay the damn wolf it is at the door for this month again (oh forgot she loves wolves) anyway it is scary but to get over her frightening situation she goes to the movies ('cause she has to be the first to see it so she can let us all know her opinion) and then to the brewery to party hardy with "friends" which I am sure she will say they paid for her ticket in to this musical event and oh yeah they paid for all her drinks too! Now that is a hefty price right there for all her drinks. My question is where in this town or surrounding one do you go and buy friends cause that is the only way she is suddenly getting all these "friends" when 6 weeks ago she was being harassed in "her town".

    1. Lol! The friends only exist in her head.

      Anyone who would hang out with Waddles the animal abuser would only do so as charity. She's incapable of being anyone's friend.

    2. Anon 2:30 - This is exactly how we know she lies about everything. She said that she didn't "feel safe" in her town, and waxed pathetically about people not treating her nicely, and how they saw her as a threat to their marriages. (Cuz she's single and just gorgeous.)

      But now...everyone in town is suddenly her friend and she's receiving free drinks hand over fist? Riiiiiight.

    3. Lmao @ how crazy she must be to ever think that anyone would be worried about her stealing their spouse.

  8. Funny how we outed Waddles on here for lying about having pigs and sheep and neither have been mentioned by her in a while.
    She hasn't lied about feeding them or anything. We know that's because she legally isn't supposed to have livestock on her property since the investigation last July.

    She probably got a knock on the door everytime she claimed on social media to have them. The authorities wouldn't investigate her for animal abuse, tell her to rehome her livestock and not keep tabs on her in the future.
    What a freak.

  9. Widdle Waddles' Twitter:

    "I'll be doing laundry and reading in the truck, because while it doesn't have AC I don't have to talk to anyone in the laundromat."

    In other words, she smells so bad, they have asked her to leave. Who can blame them.

    1. Nice response to the people in town that love her and buy her birthday week goodies and just love everything about liddle snowflake Jennawenna...

    2. who says anyone wants to talk to her anyway?

    3. Bet she doesnt think that way in the brewery. She depends on talking to people cuz that way she can get free drinks!

    4. If only she was self aware enough to realize that she is the town nutjob.

      Her scary looks and horrible reputation have made her a laughing stock in the town, online, everywhere.

    5. Most people who resort to using laundromats are low-income folks who can't afford a washer/dryer setup at home.

      So WTF is up with her snotty elitist attitude when she's lower-than-low-income? Little Miss Online Panhandler thinks she's too good to converse with them?

    6. I would bet that everyone who goes to the laundromat and sees Waddles'piece of shit truck parked there, turns around and goes back home.

      The people who are stuck there waiting for their clothes to finish probably give off a major you aren't welcome vibe to her when she waddles in the door.

      Not to mention she probably owes money to most of the townspeople and tries to avoid them.

  10. wow I had no idea. She actually has no animals anymore? And was reported for abuse? I only check in on her blog now and then. It started out being interesting but then became something else. Those poor animals. I feel bad for the horses and dogs....

    1. It appears that she still has the following victims: Two horses, two dogs, two cats and one hawk. Basically a bunch of pets that serve as props.

      She talks of pigs and sheep, but hasn't posted a pic in ages. So we think she's full of it.

    2. Last July, authorities in her town kept in touch with one of our shamsters on this site about an upcoming animal abuse investigation at Waddles' property.

      That particular shamster had reported her. Most of us have reported her over the years to various agencies but we think they found the local to be the most credible rather than those of us who live in other states.

      Shortly after that communication, Waddles announced that she had decided to sell her goat and sheep herds. Then she ended up quickly giving them away for free. She also gave away her pigs but didn't mention that.

      Had she mentioned that the only animals left were two horses and two dogs, her followers would have caught on that she was made to find new homes for all of the livestock and had not chosen to.

      She has not taken a new photo of any pigs since last July.
      We have checked the photos she posted of pigs since then and they had all been posted previously.
      She uses old photos because she no longer has any livestock living on her property.

      She also likes to post photos of animals that are zoomed in closely on the animal so no one can see the background. Be it because they are most likely standing in piles of their own waste or because the animal is not on her property.

      She took a photo of a few lambs earlier this summer standing behind a couple of poles with loose, torn up netting barely strung in between the poles. That photo appeared to be taken on her property but it was obvious that the lambs stopped by her property for a photo and then went to their actual home.
      She hasn't mentioned the pigs or lambs since the beginning of this summer.

      I think the authorities were called about her having livestock again or they saw it on her social media and they made contact with Waddles and reminded her that she cannot own livestock.

    3. Nice writeup, WH. And bless that particular Shamster for a job well done.

      Just wondering: Has anyone local to her been able to drive by to confirm no other animals on her feedlot besides the unfortunate horses and dogs?

    4. Thanks Anon7 and I've wondered the same thing.

      I think she claims the pigs are in the barn (the barn that has partially collapsed 🙄). She obviously says that just in case someone drives by looking for them.

      The only pig on that property is the one who lives in the house and goes by the name of Waddles.

  11. The lonely demented hobbit said she still needs to "earn up" $295 of her $500 panhandling goal. So what did she do today to make that happen?

    ☞ She tweeted about 30 times -- the bulk of them were about Taylor Swift.
    ☞ 1/4 of those were re-tweets, which meant hours spent looking up crap to re-tweet.
    ☞ If my math is correct, she started drinking whisky at around 8 o'clock in the morning.
    ☞ She read a book in her truck at the laundromat instead of looking for part-time gigs.
    ☞ She said she went for a long run. (In actuality, she did not.)
    ☞ She messed around with her record collection. How productive.
    ☞ She watched a minimum of 3 Taylor Swift videos...and tweeted about them.

    Do any of these things sound like she tried to make any money at all today? No. She basically sat on her ass all day praying that the funds would magically appear in her PayPal.

  12. During today's inane flurry of Taylor Swift tweets, and her on-going campaign to prove to everyone that she and TS are gay, she also referred to TS as a "bitch" no less than 3 times. In addition, she told her foollowers that she's going to continue to spew TS nonsense and that they can:

    ❝ Feel free to unfollow me if this does nothing to your heart. I do not want you. ❞

    Wow, what a harsh way to alienate those who support you. The "I do not want you" had to be the booze talking.

    Claiming that you are a farmer and then rattling off mentally unhinged statements like this while not doing a single farm-related thing all day. I really hope this latest series of tweets opens some more eyes to the truth about the Pig Shocker.

    1. ❝ I should plug @taydar an entire podcast focusing on queer themes in TAS albums and the bedrock of breadcrumbs that fuel our night sweats. ❞

      I have a better idea, Jenna: Take care of your animals. Fix your crappy fencing. Get a JOB.

    2. So Snowflake has about 4K followers. And they say that about, oh maybe 8-10% of the population are gay. Safe to say that even at 10%, that's only about 400 people that are truely maybe interested in her stalker crap about this young woman. (And frankly, it's highly creepy talking about night sweats and all the bitch this and bitch that... if a white man posted that sort of thing about a celebrity... oh, wait, it's okay, it's Jenna, never mind)

      So yeah, keep it up honey! Those 3, 600 fans that came to you for your spunky homesteader farmer persona are really really going to want to fund your pathetic middle schooler girl crush life...


    3. Yeah very few queer folks give a shit about it either

    4. Funny that she's telling the followers that she purchased to unfolllow her.

      The ones that weren't purchased, have her muted anyway. 4,000+ followers and yet she rarely gets more than 10 responses to her tweets! 😂🤣

      What a LOSER!

    5. Tyr... I can only imagine. She is slowly but surely winnowing down her scam victim pool...

      Hey, wait, that is a good thing!

      Keep at it Jenna! Say, I heard that Taylor might like border collies... you should obsess about that too!

    6. 10 responses! You are being generous!

      Most the time, it's just a few of the same old same old butt lickers...

      Yet, what is telling is that when she asks for dog pictures, she gets a bazillion.

      If I were her, I would be freaking out at that. It means her content sucks for the majority of her "fans".

      If she had HALF a brain, she would be posting all sorts of happy little doggo and farming pics and her actually working at logos and art and crap. Have you noticed that you never see a pic of her working at ANYTHING??????

      She is just not as smart as she thinks she is. She could EASILY have two twitter accounts... the farm one where all the money magic happens... and the Jennastalkerweirdo one... just for her lame friends and all her manic drunk love tweets.

      Doesn't she ever consider that her legitimate income is based on the whole gal on a mountain scrapp lass thing? The art, the soap, the pigs, the writing etc. ANy editor worth their weight in playdoh is going to check her out. And even it they pass over this site and other as "hate sites" they are still going to see fairly offensive and unprofessional tweets galore on her account.

      She thinks she is edgy and cool. She's not.

      She pathetic and extremely unprofessional.

      That kind of behavior is just going to severly limit her true legitimate income potention. And her relationships as well. Of all kinds.

      Lots of people have a business social media and a personal social media appearance. It's what professional, grown up people do.

    7. Her narcissism tells her that every decision she makes is best decision.

      Just like she thinks that just because she is interested in a hobby she is automatically qualified to give lessons.

      The video of her playing the fiddle shows that she is a horrible player and yet she has no problem charging hundreds of dollars for one lesson.
      She is the creepy and scary kind of crazy with major delusions of grandeur.

    8. Pig Shocker loves people who don't know anything because they won't know how bad she is at technique and hopefully they won't realize they just wasted their money.

      Just recently, in fact, the twit confirmed this:

      "I love teaching beginners about archery, and fiddles, or anything really."

      Sure, Jan, sure.

    9. I have never seen an aknowedgement on social media from someone she scammed into a "lesson" saying how great the lesson was, etc.

      That tells me those people who are scammed into paying for a crazy person to mumble for an afternoon leave feeling screwed over.

      They are probably embarrassed that they fell for her lesson scam.

    10. So she'll teach anything really? Hmmmm...

      I would like to learn how to 💩 in the woods. How much for that workshop? Do I bring my own garden shovel and toilet paper roll? Or will that be provided??

      FarmLass, a second Twitter account for all her pop culture crap only wouldn't work for her because how would anyone know about CAF? That's why she combines them. And spends hours each day looking for hot topics to tweet about in order to get new eyeballs on the stuff she sells.

    11. Yes, I do understand that is how she gets her whole grifting scam thing off the ground.

      I guess I kinda meant that if she was FOR REAL professional, she would seperate the two.

      Just more fuel for her "live like shyster scammer" persona... SMH...

  13. Did anyone else see this comment on the last post? It's gotta be just a joke.

    Husband for Jenna July 21, 2019 at 8:16 PM

    All Jenna needs is a good husband, a man to share the load. I already emailed her but got no response. It's hard for a mature gentleman (age 63) to find a wife, a companion. I bring to the marriage: Two late model vehicles, my 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan, and whatever she wants up to 2017, like a Ford 3/4 ton pickup. I bring $2,000 a month income to the marriage. And I can still do farm work, and I ain't afraid of a chain saw. I also have a ton of tools, so I can help restore farm to new condition. After a year of me and Jenna, that farm will be like new. Seriously, were have all the single farm gals gone? I would prefer a farm gal in her 40s or 50s with short grey hair. But can't find one.

    1. I wonder why this comment was completely ignored? And no one here has any input on its strangeness.

    2. Waddles needs a straight jacket, not a husband.

    3. I couldn't find it - assume she removed ASAP?

    4. PDD. It's still there on the last post, and it's the final comment #258. Which is why most of us didn't see it:

    5. Thanks for the clarification. It's from this blog and you'll need to click the "Load more" link at the bottom for all the comments to show up.

      So who wrote that? Don't think I've seen that name before. And have they posted since?

    6. Thx. Just found it. Dryest sense of humor in town???

    7. That was posted after this current thread was started. So why not post it on the current thread that everyone is currently reading?

      Then the same person posted as Anon 12:05. The "no one here has any input on its strangeness" sounds similar to the writing style of the initial comment.

      Obviously attention seeking behavior from a total nutjob. Lame.

  14. Yeah, but here’s the thing, Farmlass, it IS working for her, that’s why she keeps doing it over and and over and over again. She IS getting the funds, every single time she puts out an SOS, someone rides in on their White Charger to save her. She wouldn’t keep doing it if it wasn’t still working. I truly do not believe she’s stupid, on the contrary, I think she’s found a gimmick and she’s working it. She is arrogant, self involved, and perhaps a bit mental, but she not stupid. She knows how to ‘make’ money and she’s a champ at hiding it from Uncle Sam. If it wasn’t working, she’d move on to the next thing, that IS her job, she’s a modern day panhandler.

    1. Yeah... I guess I meant more that IF she was not scamming, and wanted to be more professional, that two accounts would be a sign of it.

      Clearly she is doing well. I mean, she on year nine of this crap and every freaking month it's a Jennathon to get her bills paid.

      Honestly, I just don't know how any of her foolowers stick around more than 2 months at least... it's like watching a Go Fund Me channel with just one pathetic individual over and over with quirky oneliners for fun.

  15. Her newest scam???

    Oh, no she might be liable for $10K in damages to another person's vehicle. The incident happened a "few weeks ago". Send money soon.

    $10K sounds awfully like the purchase price of a Fjord horse that's kinda "spooky".

    1. If there were $10k in damages to a vehicle, the insurance company would just total it.

    2. You have got to be kidding.

      That's what car insurance is for, idiot.

      There's no way in hell she got into a wreck and didn't immediately run her fat ass to social media to whine about it.
      Sounds like a total scam to buy a new horsey for her to abuse.

      That's a large enough amount to be prosecuted for fraud charges.
      She needs to look at the freaks who have been caught raising money for their cancer that they claim to have but it's just a scam. Those people go to jail.

      Let's hope she continues with this scam and opens herself up for prosecution.

    3. Anon 8:26 - You are so right. In my experience, both personal and others I've known, have had their cars declared a total loss around the $5,000 mark and below. No insurance company is gonna shell out big bucks for an older car. The Jeep Liberty was manufactured between 2001 to 2012, so at best that "elderly" ladies vehicle is over 7 years old. So with depreciation, I doubt it's still worth $10K in 2019. She is lying.

      Look at this example:

      That's my first Blazer. Some lady ran a light and hit me. It doesn't look that bad, does it? At least I didn't think so. But my insurance company said the repairs would be $4,500, and declared it a loss and sent me a check for $4000, which I thought was crazy cuz it just looked like bumper damage to me, but then again, I'm no expert.

  16. Okay as we here have all predicted, here is the big beg and latest scam:

    A few weeks ago an elderly woman turned into my stopped truck. She dragged her car at 6 mph across my metal scratching her jeep liberty and pulling off her plastic bumper. I just got a letter that the incident may have over $10k in damages and I am responsible for it.


    This has bullshit written all over it. PDD, you are right, Jenna wants that horse. She would have mentioned this earlier if it happened and written up the conversation. This has come out of nowhere.

    1. There is NO way a 6 MPH scrape is going to cost 10K unless it was a high end luxury car. Last time I checked, the Jeep Liberty was not.

      Also take physics into consideration: At such a slow speed, the lady's car would have most likely stopped -- it's inertia halted by friction. And IF this did happen, the 6 MPH estimate is probably an exaggeration. What a stu

  17. I came across this article about "Narcissists" and it describes our Waddles/Pig Shocker to a T!!
    Sorry for the long read, but it makes a lot of sense and is very interesting:

    Narcissists can be difficult to spot, especially if they are older and more sophisticated. Over time, they learn how to optimally manipulate their victims, and get by with their schemes without anyone questioning them.

    People with dark triad personalities thrive off other people’s chaos, so a common game of theirs is to set their romantic partners up for failure all the time, then punish them for doing so. Sometimes they make empty promises, then get a kick out of the reaction when they don’t deliver.

    “They do what they want to do when they want to do it,” said Shannon Thomas, a licensed clinical social worker who wrote the book “Healing from Hidden Abuse.” “And then they make themselves look like the victim.”

    Some even deny making promises in the first place, gaslighting their partner into think they are losing their mind. Over time, the victim may completely lose touch with reality, known as perspecticide.

    It may stem from covert narcissists wanting to be worshipped. Greenberg said they are conflicted because they think a lot of themselves, but are also incredibly insecure.

    “A closet narcissist doesn’t say, ‘I am special,’” she said. “They point to something else — a person, a religion, a book, a dress designer — and they are special, so they feel special by association.”

    You may wonder why anyone would be in a relationship with a covert narcissist in the first place, and the answer is complicated. Covert narcissists are highly skilled at sucking their victims in with sob stories. This, she said, is a very effective trap for people who are high in empathy.

    “Think about it like the covert narcissist has wormed their way into your heart,” she said. “There tends to be a string of misfortune, like every single ex is a jerk, every single friend they have is unhealthy. Always ask yourself what kind of circle of friends this person has. If they have zero friends, that’s an alarm bell, because the whole world cannot be that unhealthy.”

    Spinning tales about their abusive childhood, or their battles with addiction, leads highly empathetic people down a path where they start to feel sorry for the covert narcissist. Further down the line you’ll develop a sense of responsibility over them, Neo said, because you feel “tethered to their potential.”

    “But this covert narcissist has no intention of changing their lives,” she said. “It’s all a way of sucking you in and a way of getting attention, and a way of justifying their s****y behavior towards you.”

    The problem is, whether the covert narcissist is a colleague, friend, or partner, if you are their chosen victim, you will already know about their alleged problems. And often they can be hard to ignore. Some even claim they are suicidal, meaning walking away feels essentially impossible for the victim.

    “This will be a way to condition you into a sense of fear and walking on eggshells around them, so next time you are not going to hold them accountable,” Neo said. “They may even say this very common statement: ‘I’ve never felt this way about someone before.’”

    This, again, gives you this responsibility to take care of them, even to the point you allow them to isolate you from your other friends and family.

    With a covert narcissist, their emotions are paramount, but the victim’s needs and feelings are up for debate, Neo said. Everything is a competition, and nothing that happens to you even comes close to what they’ve been through, they say.

    They will also never apologize, Neo said. Essentially, covert narcissists have a high contempt for others, and anything that threatens their superiority is taken as a direct attack, Neo said. That’s why they are so hung up on being superior and looking down on everyone else.

  18. Continued

    “People who are above them in any way, in terms of their assets, or their career potential, or their talent, it’ll be ‘privilege,’ or the government’s fault,” Neo said. “Everyone else is just a rich w****r. They had rich parents. There’s always a way of blaming another person. And someone’s fortunes or talents are attributed to something external from them.”

    They may appear to root for the underdog, but it’s just a way of making them look better, Neo said. By supporting liberal parties, or defining themselves as a feminist, they essentially trick people into thinking they have morals, when really their integrity is in the gutter.

    They commonly tell other lies about their past, like beautiful or famous people they have slept with, or amazing job opportunities they’ve turned down. It’s all lies, Neo said. She added that covert narcissists tend to watch a lot of television because they are trying to mimic behaviors they see, such as empathy (which they are incapable of.)

    Escaping the clutches of a covert narcissist is hard because they drain their victims of energy and resources until they find a new target. Thomas calls it an “IV drip of poison” that doesn’t stop until they move on.

    It’s not until the covert narcissist is gone that the victim finally realizes what they were going through wasn’t normal. But hopefully they do, and then they can start the process of healing, realizing it wasn’t their fault, and putting healthy boundaries in place to never be a covert narcissist’s resource again.

    thanks for reading.


    1. That is most definitely Waddles to a T.

      "Further down the line you’ll develop a sense of responsibility over them, Neo said, because you feel 'tethered to their potential.'"

      That is her entire schtick in one paragraph.

      Thanks for posting GG!

    2. Wow, what an insightful read...thank you GraphicGirl!

      "Spinning tales about their abusive childhood, or their battles with addiction, leads highly empathetic people down a path where they start to feel sorry for the covert narcissist. Further down the line you’ll develop a sense of responsibility over them, Neo said, because you feel “tethered to their potential.'”

      Jenna does this all the time, but instead of abuse and addiction, she uses "emergencies" -- frozen pipes, broken truck, no electricity, root canals, etc. But then she writes those "Yeah, things suck, but look how far I've come" bleg posts to keep foollowers "tethered to her potential" -- classic narcissist strategy.

    3. And this:
      “People who are above them in any way, in terms of their assets, or their career potential, or their talent, it’ll be ‘privilege,’ or the government’s fault,” Neo said. “Everyone else is just a rich w****r. They had rich parents."

      How many times has she used the "I don't have a trust fund" line? Too many to count.

  19. She had some archery students come to the farm recently. Interesting how she repaired her plumbing just days before they were to arrive. Some people would say she had to do it to have guests there ... but I think it's more like there was never a big plumbing problem, no plumbing bill, and guests would have discovered that and she would have been exposed as a scammer and liar.

    1. People who have been to her place for Laughing Stock, or whatever she called those get togethers, said that people were not allowed to use her bathroom and had to drive somewhere to use one.

      That's because she didn't want a group of people shitting in her yard like she does.

    2. LMAO at "Laughing Stock" 😆

      Anon 12:01 - I think you're right...the timing. She probably had the money, but was waiting to see if people would donate first. But then realized she had to fix it for company. And to save face.

  20. Today on Twitter:

    "If it wasn't for pop culture and this new album in general this summer would be nothing but a ball of stress and nerves."

    0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

    It shows you what her priorities aren't, (like really running an authentic farm, and earning an adult living,) and how none of her followers respond to her crap. She wants them to ask about her poor "stress and nerves." It's all caused by her laziness, and lack of ambition.

    1. One more:

      "This month is wrapping up so fast and I have no idea how I'm going to pull it off."
      0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

      Even though she tweeted this pathetic plea for money four hours ago, no one has given her the correct response: "I'll PayPal you mortgage money, honey!"

    2. The one's a doozy:

      "Anything I tweet on my second glass of wine the night before is deleted at 3AM, not because I don't stand behind them but because everything is too much at 3AM."

      WTF?! It makes one wonder how much alcohol she drinks on a daily basis.

    3. She drinks all day everyday so if she's up by 7 am, the second glass of wine is consumed at 7:03 am.

    4. This Taylor Swift obsession: It's like she's hoping TS will notice her tweets, make her president of her fan club, gift her concert tix/backstage passes (where they become fast friends) and then TS comes for archery lessons and donates $25K to CAF.

      Dream on, Jenna.

  21. Here's the newest scam tweet as mentioned by PDD:

    "A few weeks ago an elderly woman turned into my stopped truck. She dragged her car at 6 mph across my metal scratching her jeep liberty and pulling off her plastic bumper. I just got a letter that the incident may have over $10k in damages and I am responsible for it.


    There's a 99.99% chance it didn't happen. Supposedly the letter was from Waddles' insurance company. If Waddles was found to be drunk driving, her insurance company can refuse to pay it.

    Waddles needs to post a pic of the letter. Otherwise STFU.

    1. Great comments, WH (and others). There definitely is something "off" about this. I do not believe it happened or is being reported truthfully. I know, hard to imagine our favorite faux feral farmer is lying, right? If the accident truly happened, PS would have rambled on at the time of the accident. Second, taking care of events like this is why people have auto insurance (and required by law). Third, a simple phone call to her insurance agent should have it sorted.

      So, hmmm, why might someone ask/demand payment?

      Oh, let's think. Perhaps the truck wasn't insured. Perhaps it wasn't actually stopped or wasn't in its own lane. If there was an accident report, perhaps PS was found to be at fault. Based on her posted frequency of drinking and driving tweets, perhaps PS had been drinking/was drunk. DUI is a big NO NO and insurance companies will frown on payouts for such cause.

      Also, don't you love Pig Shocker's snarky comment that the driver was "elderly" (ageism, tsk, tsk) and it was a "plastic bumper" that was pulled off (we all know plastic bumpers aren't hip). Gee, I wonder if the driver was one of the townspeople who (1) love her and rush to buy her food/beers for her birthday week or (2) detest her, warn their children and cross the street to avoid.

      Grabbing popcorn for the rest of the saga...

    2. If it happened, it must have 100% been her fault to the point where even she couldn't spin it at the to look otherwise at the time.

      I wouldn't doubt it if she left the scene of the accident. If so, the other driver could have taken her plate down and called the police to file a report.
      If that's the case, she didn't offer insurance information at the scene and so the other driver's insurance sent the letter to her demanding payment.

      A letter demanding payment would not be sent to Waddles from her own insurance company. She's a moron.

    3. She wants a new horse. But even her dumb-as-dirt foolowers should be able to see that she barely scrapes by every month, there's no way she can afford another very large mouth to feed. Another scam indeed.

    4. 🍿🍿 🍿 Here guys. Plenty for everyone. Dig in!! 🍿 🍿 🍿

      As far as her lying scams, this has to be the biggest one so far. $10K she needs??? Sorry but no car going 6 MPH is gonna cause $10K in damages. Period.

      And you know that she would have tweeted about this a few weeks ago if it had really happened...ESPECIALLY if it wasn't her fault. Her ability to lie like this just flabbergasts me. You guys are right...this is all for that Fjord horse. And if she gets it, she'll lie some more and say the person sold it to her for $1...just like her last horse.

    5. reread it folks she doesn't actually say she has to pay it!! She mentions that it is $10,000.00 and she is already aware her foolowers are dumber than a box of rocks and they will think oh no poor little Pig Shocker is having so many problems just as she was pulling out of stuff that was hard on her. Let me get my paypal account ready to send her money so she can feel calm and safe and that nasty elderly woman will rot in hell for what she has done to our favorite "farmer". IF anyone should point out that she shouldn't have to pay for it and others agree then she will say oh I didn't say I had to pay for this just this is how much it costs to fix a non metal sided car.

    6. I was in a fender bender a few years ago where a car didn't slow down enough behind me at a traffic light in the rain. That car pushed me into the car in front of me but barely.
      The car in front of me was a brand new van, fresh off the dealer lot a few days prior. My car scraped their bumper so the insurance company replaced it. My insurance paid but I was informed of the costs $1300.

      Waddles likes to lie about things she has no knowledge of. She gets caught in lies about vehicles, vehicle repairs etc. most frequently because she has no idea of what those things actually cost.

  22. This is where I would have pissed her off a few years ago. I would have asked her if a police report was filed, were photos taken? Is there an estimate or two on the repairs? If she didn't take photos of her truck on the day it happened, could she take one now and send it? A fjord would cost at least 10K.

    1. Redhorse, you gave me an idea:

      On Twitter this month there are 4 new pics of the truck (3 of the driver's side and one of front bumper) and the truck looks like it always shit. But no signs of any collision. Also 4 new truck pics on Instagram (some are duplicates) and no evidence of damage there either.

      And no pics of the damage at all? I remember years ago on her bleg, she hit some green well on her property and took pics of the damage. So why not this time? Especially if it wasn't her fault?

    2. You are so right Anon7. I'm sure she will say that her super strong (i.e. rusty POS) truck didn't have any damage 🙄.

      Waddles could have been T-boned and it wouldn't cause $10,000 in damage.
      She proves what an imbecile she is

    3. Anon 7, how do you know they were new pictures? The way she does things, they could be 6 years old.

    4. Red, come scroll with me: Go to her Twitter and click on the link on the left that says "4,528 photos & videos" -- this way you don't have to scroll past 500+ Taylor Swift tweets.

      Scroll down to the pic on:
      -July 18th: This one definitely new cuz new haircut and new-ish glasses.
      -July 17th: Haven't seen this one before...similar ones yes, but not this one.
      -July 13th: Truck is too far away, but pic is from new camera.
      -July 5th: Also haven't seen this one before, plus new haircut and black tank she's been wearing all summer, everyday.
      July 4th: This one is old, but can't see much of truck anyway.
      July 3rd: Very similiar to July 17th one, but also doesn't look like an old one.

      I could be wrong, but usually it's obvious to me when pics are old cuz you realize it looks familiar. But I suck at figuring out the new vs old animal pics for some reason.

    5. Click on any pic and select "search google for this image."

      If she's posted it before, it will show up in the results. There are also sites than can tell you the date it was taken but I can't remember where I ran across the site before.

    6. Good to know! But how do you do it on a Mac? I see options when I "right click" but searching on Google isn't one.

    7. I'm not familiar with Macs but I found this article:

    8. Anon 7, I rarely go to her blog or twitter anymore, but I'll give that a try.

  23. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ I am taking breaks between soap making, art, and design tasks reading chapters of a romance book in the rain and I've never had a better day. ❞

    🙄 Really? Blowing off work that people paid for, and reading about something you'll never experience is better than the day you received that $15K Kickstarter money?!?

    See, this is the kinda bullshit she spouts to keep people "tethered to her potential" like GG mentioned up above.

    1. Once she gets her payment she moves on to the next sucker.

  24. how can she be oh so much better with a 10 thousand dollar bill staring her in the face along with the fact that she has a mortgage payment coming up and also a plumbing bill and medical costs for the lump she had a few months ago? Also wonder if she mentioned the name of the plumbing company so if she did have her plumbing fixed someone would call them and pay the bill for her as a wonderful surprise for her.

    1. Probably Mom and Dad paid the bill.

    2. She sure did mention it! In a bleg post: Ed's Plumbing, Salem NY.

      And I think her parents did pay the medical bills cuz she complained on Twitter that her Mom had bitched her out about her poor life choices. If you need something from Mom & Dad, you'll put up with their nagging. But if you don't, it's more like, "Hey Mom, sudden case of diarrhea...gotta ya!" *click*

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 5:55 AM

      That's more of her manipulative marketing. Once when her POS truck needed a repair she mentioned her mechanic's name, and magically, one of her dumb enablers paid the bill. She's also done that with dental issues. It's crazy that such a scamming, ugly on every level, arrogant asshole continues to get people to pay her way in life.

    4. And for veterinary bills (like when Gibson cut his paw).

      "I carried him off to the truck and came inside with my check book to settle the bill. I was promptly told by the folks at the desk that my appointment was already taken care of? What?!

      As it turns out one of you sweet readers called the Cambridge Valley Vet Hospital here in town and told them you'd cover my pup's bill today. I don't know who you are, but thank you so much."

  25. FICTION A few weeks ago an elderly woman turned into my stopped truck. She dragged her car at 6 mph across my metal scratching her jeep liberty and pulling off her plastic bumper. I just got a letter that the incident may have over $10k in damages and I am responsible for it.

    NON FICTION I can't remember when as I was stewed but an elderly lying poodle woman who gives me the finger in the laundromat ran into my truck with her walker, I kicked her ala black belt then dragged her at 6 mph across my metal scratching her head and pulling off her plastic prosthesis. I just got a letter that the incident may have over $10k in damages and I am responsible for it.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 5:57 AM

      I found this funny for the slob whose slogan is "Live like fiction!" (At the expense of others.)

  26. She begs for money to pay bills and yet she seems to have a never ending supply of the expensive polaroid film. I have a polaroid camera that takes the exact same type of photos and the film isn't cheap.

    Most people post digital photos, yet Waddles who wants everyone to think she's desperate and destitute posts photos of polaroids. Makes sense 🙄.

    1. The only thing I can think of is if the camera truly was a gift, and it came with a cartridge, and the generous gifter purchased a second one too. Does anyone know how many pics come in a cartridge? I seem to remember about 10 pics per cartridge.

      So far she's taken approx 14-15 not many left. Time will tell, depending on how many more pics she is able to take. But at the rate she's been taking them, it seems like she has an endless supply. Weird.

  27. but how can she post photos of her polaroid pictures if she has no cell phone to take a picture of a picture? And her poor lap top was on it's last leg many many months ago and ready to die at any minute as she was looking for a new Mac. Hey maybe the $10,000. is for a new/used Volvo she was looking for. She will be the hottie queer in a new ride.

    1. She claims to have found an old iphone in a drawer that she was using to take photos.
      She also claims to use her Kindle.

      Sure Jan, sure.

    2. Patti has a phone, and I thought she was recently gifted a new camera.

  28. Almost forgot: I use DuckDuckGo to Google "cold antler twitter" because the Pig Shocker doesn't deserve a spot in my bookmarks menu. Anyway, the search results are usually the same, but sometimes the results are different, thus I just saw this old article:

    It's from 2013, and while some of you may have seen it, it's new to me. And it's disturbing and sad. In it, what she writes will tell you everything you need to know about how she views animals -- and why you should worry for the ones she owns:

    ❝ No animal even remotely compares in import to the dog here at Cold Antler Farm. Dogs get the lion’s share of attention, love, and care. ❞ if you don't have exalted dog status on that farm, you're screwed.

    ❝ They get the best medical attention, food, and effort I can afford. ❞

    Being that she's always broke, those animals must not get much. Of anything.

    ❝ I refuse to see all animals as equals. [...] Don’t you dare compare [dogs] to a pig. ❞

    I don't think I've ever heard a single human being say something so awful. And this is the reason she thinks it's OK to shock pigs.

    ❝ For those who don’t like dogs, my heart goes out to you. It must be hard going through life all alone like that. ❞

    Again, wow. What a gatekeeping moron. The only pet that can fulfill you is a dog? As for going thru life all alone, I'd say she's achieved that, dogs or not. That's her bad karma for writing such hateful things about animals that don't happen to be dogs.

  29. My take on the comment about the "accident". Jenna has an old tank of a truck that most likely has only minimal insurance. It would be easy for a new vehicle to be heavily damaged in a fender bender without her truck showing any damage at all. The 6 MPH is most likely a hoax, as is her being at a complete stop. She never mentions where this occurred. Stop light or intersection? This lady filed a claim with her insurance who naturally contacted the other persons insurance company as well. Most likely J never called her insurance company and reported it. Letter was likely asking if the claim was valid. I'm sure it wasn't a demand for money but hey if J can suck in a few bucks over this she's up for it!

    1. Back in December she said she pays $48 a month for insurance. And when she first purchased the truck, she said she got cheaper insurance because it was a farm truck, and not meant to be driven more than 20 or 30 miles away from her fauxrm.

  30. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 5:48 AM

    Twitter Twaddle:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! The next few days are key in me being able to keep saying that, since I have till the end of the month to make the mortgage! I have art, classes, meat shares, gift certificates, soaps, logos, bows and fiddles! DM TO SUPPORT CAF!"

    "If you don't want to purchase anything, but like the idea of contributing to ten year's worth of writing on - the story of Cold Antler - you can do so with …"

    What a bunch of bull.

    1. How many meat shares can one girl try to sell?

    2. She doesn't even have meat shares to sell unless people are donating their meat from one of their animals to her. Waddles is a total charity case.

  31. Popcorn ready???

    Poor Pig Shocker!!!

    The letter stating that that SHE is responsible for over $10,000 in potential damages is from her own insurance company.


    IF TRUE, I guess not everyone believes rules don't apply to them.

    *Sniff* urgently needed!!!

    Pig Shocker will need a lot more social media and pop culture to survive this terrible, horrible, really bad summer. Perhaps one of you can fly her out to a Taylor Swift concert???

    1. Does anybody believe that? If the insurance paid out, then she's covered. If they didn't pay, why are they sending her the bill? Why isn't it the other woman's insurance company? I learned a long time ago not to believe JW's tales of woe without iron clad proof.

    2. No, none of it makes sense. Another lie from an idiot.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 3:06 PM

      We've seen this pattern many times before. Waddles wants more money, and will resort to any lies to get it without working.

    4. Funny how there's not a word about it today. Nor did she bother to respond to the rest of the comments for that tweet. Looks like it didn't drum up any pity donations so she's letting it drop.

      Just like the medical bills, the power steering problem...

    5. Waddles may have had someone tell her privately that she could get into some serious trouble scamming that amount so she backed off.

  32. Anon 7 - as rough as her comments regarding non-dogs are, she provides them minimal care as well. In fact, dog ailments have been one of her most reliable fund-raisers. She has spoken downright hatefully about cats before, to the point that the reader wonders if it's safe for them to be left in her care.

    Regarding the narcissism.... she does play the alcoholic card, too. If you were really an over-drinker that was ashamed of their alcohol abuse, you wouldn't allude to it continuously. Like when you drank, who paid for your drinks, where you drink, what you post on social media when you drink. I'm sure she uses this as a little lure to taunt her parents as well, like an implied threat.

    Her description of the car accident is both narcissistic and purposely obtuse. It includes descriptions of objects and subjects, but not what actually happened. Let's analyze... She says her car was "stopped," not "parked," big difference. She describes the other car as being plastic vs her metal vehicle. This is done to minimize the damage done to the other vehicle, which is what you do when you're at fault. The same as mentioning the other woman's age.

    No discussion of where it happened, what activity brought their vehicles together, exchanging insurance information, calling the police or her insurance company. If it was caused by the other driver, you know she'd have called their insurance asap to collect a few hundred dollars for the damage. Puh-leez

    BTW, this Taylor Swift stuff is getting scary. Not normal at all. Stephen King could work with this. Faux Con Artist Farmer spends days and nights fantasizing about Taylor Swift's sexuality. Now there's a Birchthorn for ya.


    1. I think he did....Misery. Yeah, she's weird all right.

    2. As Annie Wilkes would say, "You're just an old dirty birdy."

    3. Really sad that each time the dogs cut their paws and needed vet care the Pig Shocker relied on social media strangers to pay the bill. I'm stunned that those dogs are still alive.

  33. Am I understanding all this bullshit fangirling? She thinks Taylor Swift is going to schedule, market, and tease coming out??

    1. NEWSFLASH JFW: Neither Taylor Swift nor Anna Wintour will ever acknowledge your ugly existence. You'd be a bug beneath their expensive Manolos. They'd only walk around your waddling, bulky body. Classy ladies don't deal with sociopathic scammers like you.

    2. Breaking news: Taylor Swift is live on Instagram saying absolutely nothing of value to anyone. And she DID NOT COME OUT AS GAY.

    3. Newsflash: Taylor Swift announced she doesn't like anyone accused of animal abuse.
      She also doesn't like people who sit on their asses and refuse to work to support themselves.

      Taylor says she has always worked her ass off and lazy people disgust her.

      Taylor also said that she is going to take out a restraining order against someone named Waddles who refuses to stop stalking her and involving her in conspiracy theories

    4. Whatever Taylor Swift is doing right now serves one purpose only: To make as much money as possible on this new album.

      And perpetual 13 year-old fools like Jenna are falling for it. 😆

    5. TS could spit in a can and Waddles would buy it. Waddles is certifiable.

  34. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 2:18 PM

    Twit Shit:

    "Please help spread the word! Got to make as many sales as possible in the the net few days to make it. Thank you!"

    Once again, her manipulative marketing is trying to attract new victims to pay her mortgage money. Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich. It looks like donor fatigue is affecting her hovel's future.


    This ick pic features fatty wearing one of her many expensive kilts, and trying to look like a "real-life Game of Thrones extra." Of course, it's all about her childish crush on Taylor Swift. Seriously, she's becoming more deranged by the day. It's sorta scary.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 2:22 PM

      I also wanted to add that the Freudian Slip in typing "net" instead of "next" in the first tweet is revealing her intentions. And the double "the the" shows that her confidence is slipping.

    2. Fatty in her kilts looks like a joke. To think she actually chose to wear something that makes her look like a circus tent, shows how much she lacks any self awareness whatsoever.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 3:04 PM

      WH. Exactly. I've never once seen her wear anything that looks good. It's all about her contrived imagery as a "scrappy gal who lives alone on the side of a mountain," but in reality it's a bunch of bull.

    4. No doubt it's an old pic. She looks even bigger these days and I doubt the kilts fit her.

    5. She posted that pic on Instagram 3 days ago and said it was taken in 2013 or 2014. And posted that same pic 3 times this month on Twitter. She's using a 5-6 year old photo of herself in her (somewhat) more productive days to paint a false narrative of a busy farmer.

      Just when I thought she couldn't be more of a manipulative loser, she doubles down with even more stupidity.

  35. Where is the new hawk?
    Did the hawk succumb to being caged in the heat or did Waddles fly into one of her rages and kill the latest hawk?
    Did the NYSDEC take her away from the hawk killer?

    There's been no mention of the hawk at all. NYSDEC has received multiple requests to check on the hawk's welfare. Let's hope they do so before it's too late.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 23, 2019 at 3:04 PM

      I've been wondering about "her hawk," too.

    2. Apparently, we are the only people holding her accountable for any of her misdeeds.

      I guess it's time that we send out another email to the NYSDEC if no one has received a response yet.

    3. I'll email DEC again and see if anything has happened. I haven't heard back from them.

  36. "The straightest thing you could do is not give af about what Taylor Swift is serving up these days. Carry on, but we are swaying."

    Are you fucking kidding me? The straightest thing I could do? No, the adult thing to do. JFC, she sounds like a teenager with a crush. There is a ten year difference in their ages, this is getting fucking creepy.

  37. Help if you want to. Help if you can.

    OK here's some help, STOP STALKING ME

    Sincerely, Gaylor Taybor Swiftter 2019

    1. My mouth dropped when I saw she said that. It would have been bad enough had it been alongside tweets of how she spent her day fixing fences, harvesting vegetables, caring for animals. And this:

      ❝ Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! The next few days are key in me being able to keep saying that, since I have till the end of the month to make the mortgage! ❞

      Instead of doing something, anything productive to make that happen she spends her entire day tweeting about TS...and drinking too. Just unbelievable.

  38. On her Twitter today, not ONE single tweet about farming, animal care...nothing. Instead she begged for money and help several times. "Help if you want to. Help if you can." This sounds like an appropriate plea for a family who's home burned down. But not for someone who sits on their butt all day hoping that strangers will make her mortgage payment once again.

    Then, as the day was ending, she poured herself an "adult beverage" and continued to waste more time on Twitter. How much time? Enough to make 35+ tweets about Taylor Swift. Her enablers must be blind not to see the contrast there. And the pure laziness.

    But "Help if you can!" Crossing my fingers that this is the month where she falls catastrophically behind on the mortgage and the foreclosure ball starts rolling and the poor animals are re-homed. She deserves it.

    1. I know these monthly Jennathons happen every single month but I do sense a sort of fatigue coming out of her peoples...

      This just can't go on forever. Can it? Are there that many people out there that want creepy kinda not so close pictures of their pets and melt and pour soap?

      Cuz if so, I gotta get my pencils out! And start making some macaroni necklaces and maybe some dixie cup candles, too!!!!

    2. Jennathons...

      Good one, FarmLass!

  39. Okay what the hell does Ramsay Bolton and Taylor Swift have anything to do with each other? Well guess what dumbass Ramsay happens to be one of my fave GOT characters and I dont give zero fucks about TS, The Archer bullshit. I guess that makes me Ramsay Bolton. How stupid.

  40. Where have all the turkeys gone?
    Long time passing
    Where have all the chickens gone?
    Long time ago
    Where have all the piglets gone?
    Waddles killed them every one
    When will they ever learn?
    When will they ever learn?

    Where have all the young lambs gone?
    Long time passing
    Where have all the young chicks gone?
    Long time ago
    Where have all the kitties gone?
    Missing in action every one
    When will they ever learn?
    When will they ever learn?

    Where have all the dollars gone...

    1. Because as of my last count...

      The newborn piglets of a month ago... MIA

      The turkeys from her videos... MIA

      The bottle lambs from a few weeks ago... MIA

      The 200+ chicks she got in the spring... MIA

      The roosters she got from somewhere not too long ago... MIA

      The new hawk... MIA

      We know the sheep and the goats were rehomed. But what about all these other animals that she pops in with and then... NADA... nothing.

      Give us a break Jenna. If you had them, you would be parading them through social media and Instagram and all that. Even if the hawl was molting, why not show it? What happened to all the piglets? Cute piglet pictures? The little lambs? The 200+ chicks?


      MIA... RIP...

    2. All of the livestock has been gone since july of last summer after she was investigated for animal abuse.
      She claims to only have rehomed the goats and sheep but that was just an attempt to save face. She's only posted old photos since last summer.

    3. I wonder why not the horses? I guess authorities thought they had adequate shelter and food? They looked in good health? That "farm" needs to be shut down.

    4. That's the only thing I can think of Anon 7:45. She must have convinced them that she has usable shelter for the horses.

      When really she leaves the horses outside unprotected in the dead of winter.

      Who can forget the dead chicken bleg post where she announced that a chicken had frozen to death in her driveway and she hoped she didn't find Merlin "down" in the field from the cold.
      She's a real bitch.

  41. Former horse rescuer here. In general, horses need to be virtually at death's door for animal control/the state to take action.

    Evidence of malnourishment or clear danger is normally required.

    Finding horses with untreated wounds/illness or without water can be cause for an animal neglect investigation.

    That she doesn't provide adequate care for them unfortunately isn't enough, since she provides "some" care.

  42. Good job Farmlass! Sadly, I was singing right along in my head. That last line “Where have all the dollars gone? That’s the million dollar question.

  43. HD, can you start a new thread? I heard back from DEC and would like to post it at the top of the page so everyone can see.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. The suspense is killing me!


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