Hawk Information


  1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 24, 2019 at 3:26 PM

    WH. I also can't wait to hear what happened to "her hawk." I hope that it's finally freed from her hovel.

    1. Me too! I can't help but think it must be something positive for CM to want to post it in a new thread.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 24, 2019 at 3:59 PM

      Impatiently taps foot while waiting for Anon7 to bring the hot popcorn and cold Cokes. (She's known for her hospitality here.)

    3. Yes, hopefully Anon7 joins our watch party soon!

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 26, 2019 at 5:05 PM

      Anon7 forgot the snacks this time.

    5. Whoops...sowry. Here ya go: šŸæ šŸŒ® šŸ• šŸŒ­ šŸ°

      Eh, now I'm craving a chili cheese dog.

  2. Ooooooo chicken mama .....we are anxiously awaiting your Hawk News!

  3. Sorry for the delay. Below is what he wrote back to me. I thought maybe one of you would have more info/pictures of the hawk at the bar.

    Good morning,

    Thank you for your concern and for contacting our office to ensure that the wildlife of our state is held and used in a manner consistent with law and regulation and which does not pose a threat to the health and well-being of the animal or the public.

    We’ve checked the records that we have on file in our office for Ms. Woginrich and she is in compliance with the New York State Falconry regulations. The complete falconry regulations are found in Title 6 of the Codes, Rules and Regulations of New York State, Part 173 https://www.dos.ny.gov/info/nycrr.html

    I do not know the details of the time when she brought a raptor into a bar. If this was for conservation educational purposes then it may be allowed by regulation. There are no prohibitions that would prevent a licensed falconer from bringing a raptor into their home.

    We cannot release any personal information, however, you may obtain documents that we have on file by requesting them through the online Freedom of Information request system at: https://www.dec.ny.gov/public/103696.html

    Thank you again for your inquiry. Please contact our office if you have any additional questions or if we can be of further assistance.

    Joseph Therrien

    Wildlife Biologist, Division of Fish and Wildlife

    Special Licenses Unit

    New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

    625 Broadway Albany NY 12233-4752

    P: 518-402-8985 | F: 402-402-8925 | joseph.therrien@dec.ny.gov

    1. Well, we can get the documents and see if she filled out the appropriate paperwork for the missing hawks that by law she had to fill out.

      Then we can go from there and piece everything together and report the disappearances of the 3 hawks. I guarantee there is something amiss with the missing hawks.

      Especially the one which she discussed being excited about starting training, then a few days later going to the store for bandaids for the mysterious cuts on her face (where the cashier asked what had happened to her face) and then a few days later the sudden "release" of the hawk without any photos or videos as she had when she released the first hawk.

      She mentioned the "release" of the hawk that most likely scratched her face after she released it and in passing. No details and nothing mentioned prior to the release.
      Even a blind man can see there's sonething wrong with the entire story.

      It appeared that something happened where the hawk scratched her face and she gravely injured it.

      I still have faith we will help the current hawk.
      Thanks for sharing their reply with us Chicken Mama!

    2. Chicken Mama - Your consideration and efforts are much appreciated, thank you. Here are some pics that may show violations:

      šŸ“ø https://www.instagram.com/p/BkijPj2gN1d/
      Hawk perched on a HOT iMac. I had this same computer...it got scorching hot. Plus, it's nighttime...shouldn't the hawk be sleeping in it's mews rather than watching a 3 hour LOTR movie? Plus, that movie is loud and must be an abuses to hawk senses.

      šŸ“ø https://www.instagram.com/p/BeWInCWDSlf/
      This one while being interviewed by the NY Times. Can't use hawks for entertainment purposes or used to make money. This rule was definitely against regulations.

      šŸ“ø https://www.instagram.com/p/BXI3bCwD5WW/
      Using the hawk as a prop while teaching archery class. And she wrote this comment next to the photo: "Getting ready to teach a 4-hour intro course on traditional archery here at the farm."

      šŸ“ø https://www.instagram.com/p/BarHOPBjbIh/
      Hawk perched on rusty lamp...right on the bare metal.

      šŸ“ø https://www.instagram.com/p/Bab8Z7eDlvo/
      Closeup shot of lamp. She should have wrapped leather around it.

      šŸ“ø https://www.instagram.com/p/BYJRpCijCFZ/
      Using the hawk to make artistic blog photos to generate monetary donations.

      šŸ“ø https://www.instagram.com/p/BY1ekcCDfBV/
      I don't even know what's going on here. Are those headphones?

      And if it's a violation to let anyone but the apprentice handle the hawk, there are also several assorted pics of letting guests handle the hawk. Can't remember if the regulations said anything about this, but I would think that untrained strangers should not be handling a hawk.

      There are two pics that seem to be missing: The one with all the unsanitary hawk shit on the walls, and the pic from her trip to a vineyard that showed the hawk next to a glass of wine in the hot sun and it looked to be panting.

    3. From the letter itself: "There are no prohibitions that would prevent a licensed falconer from bringing a raptor into their home."

      This needs clarification as she's still just an apprentice, right? And not an officially licensed falconer?

      WH - Great idea about seeing if she completed all the necessary paperwork for each and every one.

    4. That "official" letter? Blah, blah, blah. "I'm close to retirement, and I don't need you to hassle me about doing my job."

    5. Yeah, I kind of got that feeling from the email too. I'm going to follow up with the picture documentation.

    6. I think she does have a license. You can't trap a bird without one.

    7. She can trap a bird in the presence of the falconer she apprentices under.

      Which what was done with the falconer and what was done without and told about after the fact who knows. I think there is a lot of leeway given.

    8. Also regarding the hawks can be brought into the home- that may be but there are regulations regarding the perch inside the home, etc.

      The more I read the reply, it seems like a b.s. form letter.

    9. I'm thinking that the photo of the hawk wearing a hood and HEADPHONES is pretty damning. Those things look pretty heavy and it probably hurt the hawk to hold its head up while wearing them. I could have sworn there was a photo of the hawk in the brewery, but after digging around for a while, I still haven't been able to find it.

    10. There's a photo of the hawk outside on a sunny day surrounded by green grass with a building behind it.

      That was taken outside at a winery or bar. The hawk is in direct sun and it is panting.

      The caption on the photo was something about when falconers get together they always argue over where to drink, or can't decide where to drink. Something to that effect...

  4. Did Gibson pass away?

    1. What has she said to make you think that,

    2. One of her friend's dogs passed away.

    3. I didn't see anything either, except that she tweeted less than 10 times today. Which is very unusual for her.

      Rumor has it that Taylor Swift consumed oxygen today. Why didn't Jenna tweet about that, I wonder?

    4. Mystery solved: One of Patty's dogs died, according to her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EH3VOl8rR/

      And in the comments, the Pig Shocker wrote:

      ❝ Can I guy you guys a beer tonight? ❞

      Well, that's a kind gesture and all, but with those brewery beers fetching $8+ a piece X 3, that's $24 that would be better spent on the mortgage payment, doncha think?

      šŸŗ šŸŗ šŸŗ = šŸ’µ šŸš½ šŸ’µ šŸš½ šŸ’µ šŸš½

    5. Ah, thank you! And $18.00 plus a $1-$2 tip for each beer is still way too much money to be wasting if you don't yet have the monthly mortgage payment. I don't feel sorry for her at all with her irresponsible money management skills.

    6. One thing is for sure, she most definitely isn't low on food.

      Between all of the physical fitness and needing money claims, you would think she would be under 200+ lbs.
      Yet she isn't, hmm...

  5. Another thing to consider regarding that letter: Investigations require paperwork, which in turn equals extra work. In some professions (police, public transportation) they will often decline to investigate a matter because they don't want the extra workload/paperwork even though it's part of their job.

    I'm inclined to believe that the gentleman who sent the letter is a good employee who does his job as required. But keep in mind that there are some less honest ones who might give the Pig Shocker's file no more than a cursory glance, thus failing to see any glaring violations -- and then erroneously conclude that all is in order, and the case is closed. It may not be the situation here, but it's something to keep in mind.

    That's why it may be important to determine what he meant when he said she is a "licensed falconer" as it may be a catch-all term that encompasses all those involved in any aspect of falconry...or it may have been something that he didn't catch.

  6. I think if enough of us follow up with our concerns, they will need to do something. I would also keep Scott Crocoll in the loop, that way there is more than just one person involved.

    1. Just ask to speak with his supervisor. Trust me, that will get traction.

    2. It sounds like they must not know how many hawks she has had that have disappeared. Who knows what lies she has told.

    3. Someone posted that he is the person to contact directly about any hawk mistreatment. I haven't looked into him online to know any more about it.

    4. Anon7, he is the first gentleman I emailed and he looped in the second guy.

  7. I'm shocked that she is in compliance. There is no way. With 3 missing? How can that be?

    1. I think they glanced at the file to see if she has handed in the basic paperwork and that was it.

      They might not have any record of the missing hawks to know they are missing. It didn't sound like they even knew she is an apprentice.

    2. She's on her 5th hawk right? So two pieces of paperwork for each bird: One to document the trapping, and one to document the release. So 9 pieces of paperwork should be there.

    3. Plus any paperwork involving the sponsor agreeing to sponser her, etc.

  8. I might be reading into it but it sounded to me as if they were encouraging chicken mama to request the documents. As in, I can't tell you but...

    1. Yes, please CM, REQUEST THE DOCUMENTS! There may be just hum-drum rubber stamp info in them, but on the other hand... there could be blatant lies about how previous hawks disappeared, how they were handled, or where they were (or were not) taken for 'educational' purposes.

      Also, I've always found that SOMEONE regulates the regulator. If you don't get a sufficient response from a company or organization, there is ALWAYS someone above them that they will jump through hoops for. (Talking about the DEC here).

      I had a horrible, drawn-out experience with a phone company years ago. Incidentally, they were voted the worst phone company in America at the time. After months and months of the phone company blaming me for their equipment failure, I figured out who regulated them: the Public Utilities Commission. After contacting the PUC, the matter was resolved WITHIN 48 HOURS! So, just sayin'.... somebody regulates the DEC if they're not cooperative or responsive.


    2. I’m kind of a newbie on here. I really just ended up here because I bumped up against JFW on twitter, leading to her blocking me, making me wonder what was that all about? I was newly retired, a bit bored and had time to research her out of curiosity. Long story, short, I ended up here and found out about her decade old begging online.

      I mentioned on here recently that I’ve always made more money than my husband because he chose a noble profession. We met almost 40 years ago through a conservation group, he was a newly hatched wildlife biologist, I was a volunteer. The only reason I mention this is because of what I’m about to say next.

      I’ve explained the circumstances surrounding JFW to my husband, I’ve also talked to a friend in my conservation group(The Nature Conservancy).
      I’ve always been on the fence when it comes to falconry, but all the falconers I know truly are trying to save birds of prey and the animals they prey on. That being said, there are people, mostly online, exploiting these birds for their own profits. I think what the official at the DEC was trying to say is that JFW is complying with all regulations, as far as they know, if she has a license she must have passed the inspection.
      I’ve never been on that side of falconry, I’ve only met these people through programs where we’re trying to raise awareness(and money!) for our programs. There’s always a falconer there showing off the bird, flying it, letting it sit on someone’s arm, letting little kids touch its feathers, etc, etc.
      But all that is for a good cause, Not exploitation to draw attention to The Falconer, it’s to draw attention to The Conservation of Birds of Prey and the animals they Prey On, and the Environment they need to Survive.

      As for regulations - My husband tells me that if you pass the inspection and get the license, that’s pretty much it after that. No one is really policing these people. And there are always people taking advantage of that. People who can’t stand to part with their bird so they never release it. People who didn’t do the work to train their bird to independence. People who get bored and hand over their bird to another falconer or to a rescue group. People on social media who are in it simply for gain, which is the group I feel JFW falls into. She’s trying to become an online celebrity any way she can, appealing to animal lovers and “want to be farmers.” She’s tapped into a group of mostly city people, who work and live in a concrete jungle and they live vicariously through social media. Those of us who are immersed in nature or who are actual farmers or even hobby farmers, know that JFW is full of shit but most of these other people are naive. Most of the ones who do figure her out can’t be bothered, so they just shake their heads and move on, the ones who have been ripped off just take the loss and move on because they were really only trying to help her out anyway. That’s why I admire the tenacity of the group of people on here. You guys are trying to right a wrong. But it’s hard to prove anything. I do believe she’ll hang herself all on her own eventually.

      I’ve ask my husband and my good friend from TNC what can be done about the hawks, they both shrugged their shoulders and sadly admitted that it’s rare that a license is pulled. It’s just not policed closely enough. It’s one of those things where they rely on the group to police themselves, and JFW seems to be pretty isolated from others in her group. Where is her mentor?
      I think the person who needs to be made aware of her shenanigans is her sponsor/mentor.

      That’s the info I’ve gotten. Just thought I’d throw it out there, for what it’s worth. In my personal life, I don’t agree with falconry. I believe in conserving their habitat and their prey, if you do that everything else falls into place.

    3. Jesse, you may be right. NYS is great at creating all kinds of red tape but not real good about following through. I'm on va-cay next week, I'll put together something with documentation and send it to him and his supervisor. If enough of us raise a stink, hopefully they'll get tired of listening to us and will check into things. One can only hope.

    4. I fervently hope you’re right, Chicken Mama. I hate that you have to spend any part of your vacation on that worthless piece of shit, but I certainly understand your passion. Fingers crossed all your hard work pays off.

    5. Like CM said, the more of us who report Waddles, the more it will motivate them to at least look a little closer at her.

      It puts the responsibility back into their laps. If someone is blatantly abusing a hawk under the guise of falconry online and throughout social media and the DEC has received multiple complaints and they do nothing, it looks really, really bad.

      If we find out anything with the facts of the documents, we need to go to a reporter and ask them to look into it for an exposĆØ.

    6. Jesse as someone familiar with falconry, maybe you should be the one to contact her sponsor. It might make them take notice more than if a random someone without knowledge of falconry contacted them.

      You could send a brief email asking if they are aware of how Waddles' hawk is depicted on social media, that 3/4 hawks disappeared, etc. and to let them know that multiple people have compiled information and have contacted the DEC and will continue to contact the DEC. That might make their ears perk up a little.

      The documents should include the sponsor's name. She changes sponsors as much as she should change her underwear so we might not know who the latest one is.

      The last one we know of was named Leigh something. I can't remember his last name. I'm sure someone here does.

      The rest of us could also contact past sponsors, hopefully listed in the documents, and ask them why they no longer sponsor Waddles. They should have a goldmine of info if they are willing to share.

    7. WH - The first sponsor was Ed Hepp who passed away recently. Her current sponsor is guy named Leigh Foster, as of January 2018 at least, or earlier.

    8. Jesse - Thank you for a very informative post and also for sharing your story with us. What was the reason she blocked you on Twitter? Did you dare try to give her advice?

    9. Last I heard, Leigh was no longer her sponsor. She has yet another, who was dumb enough to upgrade her to general falconer.

  9. F the Hawk, she be the Stalk
    Did Swiftter come out as BI or are fake homos prying open closets and breaking her privacy
    Every post be like -
    --Ooo my bra is wet just thinking about this new song, can you poodles please send more monay!
    --Yo, if you don't know, Taylor is hot and we're close - damn that mortgage bill is still here I thought I told you Tweeters to pay that damn thang
    --Have any of you heard Song 5 yet, its the bomb, speaking of which I NEED YOUR MONAY bitches
    --OMG, this beer is so cold and Tayborg is so damn hot, let se the compilation on Yputube with another drink, then I'm going to the brewery to play TS albums on my fiddle and force people to pet Friday, but first, I'm awaitin on the MONAY CARD Aunt Everybody!!!!!!!!

    1. LMAO...That perfectly sums up her behavior the past few days. The obscene juxtaposition of all the TS tweets and the constant money begs.

      I am happy to say that she's lost over 10 followers since she made that tweet telling those who don't like TS to go away. "I don't want you" she drunkenly wrote...and then deleted it the next morning.

    2. The other 4,000 have Waddles blocked.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Now, regarding JFW’s recent lengthy silence and paucity of tweets. Did you miss this one?

    “If this girl and I work out, it will 1000% be because of conversations surrounding TAS and reputation and how we started off talking about queer love, which was so delicate and quiet and now.... now tomorrow she is driving here from the ocean.

    I'll delete this in 10 minutes”

    Obviously JFW is either involved in the first mad passionate love affair of her life at the tender age of 37, OR busy draining her “mark’s” bank accounts, OR BOTH. “Will you step into my parlor?” said the Spider to the Fly.

    1. "...driving here from the ocean..,"

      Such hyperbole.

      The "ocean" is about 3 hours away.

    2. Oh dear! Did you get a screen shot?

    3. I call baloney! Anyone who bonds with a 37 yr old woman over Taylor Swift is a nutjob.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 25, 2019 at 12:24 PM

      "Well, Isn't that special?!" Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich has bonded over her cyber stalking of Taylor Swift and "reputation." Her own is rotten. Maybe her prospective sweetie will suss that information out online. There's nothing "quiet" or "delicate" about the waddling, animal abusing POS and her faux farm. She tries to use her horrid purple prose to describe mundane feelings, and it's always an epic failure.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 25, 2019 at 12:25 PM

      "isn't" not "Isn't"

    6. For all Waddles knows, it's someone undercover checking out all of the scamming and animal abuse. Waddles is definitely dumb enough to fall for it.

    7. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 25, 2019 at 12:29 PM

      WD. That's an astute point. Why else would anyone in their right mind drive hours to see an ugly on every level arrogant asshole?

    8. That would be quite the article someone could write about that experience.

    9. And who would tweet such a thing out to 4,000 people in such a desperate sounding hope to hook up with someone? Shesh. How romantic.

      Sorry Jenna, new girl is gonna get the shivers when she start googling you and wants to know what all these "hate" sites and comments are all about...

    10. The new girl likely exists only in her head.

      If (and it's a huge if) she does exist, she would have to be super crazy.
      Crazy on the same level as Waddles. Odds are someone sees a single woman living alone who has a blog and a home and they see a situation they can take advantage of.

      Little do they know the level of mental illness awaiting them, living in a hovel, unable to sober up or disengage from social media.

      I hope someone takes the few things she has and leaves her feeling the same way her abused animals and the people she scammed feel- broken.

    11. I'd be shocked if she ever has an intimate connection with a real person. She seems to view people only as objects to be used for her personal gains.

    12. Me too EUM. Narcissistic sociopaths are incapable of emotions like empathy or love for anyone but themselves.

      I recently watched a youtube video of Diane Downs. She was convicted of shooting her three children. Two lived to tell authorities that she shot them instead of the bushy haired stranger as Downs claimed. She was diagnosed as a narcissistic sociopath and she says tge same sort of things as Waddles. All of it is me, me, me with no feelings for anyone else.

    13. Maisie - Thank you for "paucity" -- I love learning new words! And yes, totally missed that tweet...thanks for sharing.

      Earn Up Money - I agree. Relationships take work and are a combination of give and take. Jenna only knows how to take. About the only thing she won't take is advice. Her narcissism and her belief that she's the smartest person in the room are repellant. Good luck to that ocean-driving person.

  12. Twitter Twaddle:

    "As far as first date's go (and since she's not on twitter) I'll just say Enchanted was on repeat for most of my run."

    I might not be an English expert, but "date's go" doesn't sound grammatically correct. There should be a comma before the first, and after the second parenthesis, too. And I'll bet that there won't be a second encounter. Just like "the rose wearing a black dress" in Saratoga Springs wasn't a repeat performance.


    "I only planned on running 5 miles but on my way an elderly neighbor (late 80s) stopped me while getting her mail just to tell me she's seen me since I started and was proud of me and how hard I am working.

    I ran all the way to the next town & back."

    Right. Sure she did. Which is why her bulky body is suddenly slim and toned, too. JFW is also appearing to be an ageist. There's no need to mention how old the neighbor is, or that elderly driver in her fake truck accident.

    1. Bwahahaha!

      Waddles' lies get bigger and bigger, just like her body.

    2. I just looked at her Instagram to see if there were any pics of the date. Of course, there weren't. Just like she never shows any proof of bills, emergencies etc... And why does she often use either "bitch" or "baby" for no obvious reason? My theory is that she thinks that it sounds sexy instead of stupid:

      "Cows gathered in the shade on Content Farm Road. It's a hot one, baby."

    3. Looking at her and how she looks like a demented serial killer, the thought of her calling anyone baby makes my skin crawl.


    4. Seriously, the thought of her having an intimate relationship makes my skin crawl.

    5. If there is a romantic interest, hopefully she gave someone close to her explicit details of where she's going and who she is staying with. Just in case she disappears like the three hawks.

    6. So she did go on an actual date last night? Well, that would explain yesterday's Twitter silence, as she probably spent the entire day trying to cram her arms into the sleeves of that tan pleather jacket.

      If she did go out, she most certainly wasted money that could have been used for the mortgage payment. But help her if you can. It means so much.

    7. She tweeted earlier that a love interest was on her way to her hovel all the way "from the ocean."
      She also said she was going to delete the tweet, which I guess she did.

      The new girl most likely doesn't exist but if she does, I can't imagine how nuts she must be.

  13. I agree with Jesse - The people who make the laws aren't the people who enforce them. I'm guessing law enforcement is already overworked with other issues they deem more important than birds. I doubt there will be any investigation. I feel sorry for the hawks.

    1. I would agree except for the three hawks that have disappeared.

      We never thought in a million years that reporting her continually would end in authorities stepping in and making her rehome her livestock. Then it happened last July.

    2. She'd only admit that they'd been forcibly re-homed under threat of death. Pathological liars like JFW are allergic to telling the truth. Even though then she could cry "I'm a victim gimme money!" to her dumb enablers.

    3. Definitely EUM.
      She would never admit to it. She's so severely mentally ill she might be incapable of realizing it wasn't her decision. She does live in a fantasy world.

      Had one of our shamsters from this site not been in contact with the authorities who investigated Waddles last summer, we would have never known for sure.

  14. Waddles retweeted:

    "Getting soft - I know it’s not usually done but I just tube fed an injured chicken. And I had help from @coldantlerfarm I thought @ACShilton should be aware."

    Too bad Waddles couldn't have taken care of the 3/4 hawks that she had in her care that mysteriously disappeared never to be seen again.

    Or too bad Waddles couldn't have given a shit about her own chickens enough to gather them up and put them into the insulated coop she owned prior to the dangerous cold in which some froze to death on her driveway.

    Such an animal lover šŸ™„!

    1. Just saw that on Patty's Instagram. Some unknown creatures killed a bunch of her farm animals. Good thing Waddles doesn't have to worry about that, being that she has none.

      Off topic clueless city person question: Patty is selling chunks of raw honeycomb. What would someone do with that?

      See here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RIktBFMeP/

    2. PP is Pig Shocker's PR person, talking up PS to a contributor to Outside Online (likely the place FFF wants to "work") What's up with that?!

    3. I'm guessing that they tube fed the injured chicken outside rather than inside?

    4. PDD, I have always thought that PP pays some of her bills each month.

      If that's the case, the more donations Waddles gets, the less money PP has to spend. So PP is constantly pushing for sales for her or like you mentioned, a writing gig.

      I have thought this about PP ever since Waddles set up a gofundme for PP's son's specialized chair or some sort of equipment he needed (PP's son is in a wheelchair).

      It was so ridiculous that a gofundme was set up for someone like PP who obviously has financial stabilty, that it seened to me as if Waddles somehow benefited from it too. I would not be surprised if PP gave the money that was raised to Waddles.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 26, 2019 at 4:32 PM

      WH. You brought up a curious matter. Why would a "straight," married women who has kids help out a lazy lifestyle loser? It makes one wonder.

    6. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 26, 2019 at 4:33 PM

      "woman" not "women"

    7. Exactly FCW. She must have something to gain to put up with such a leech.

      Maybe a local can enlighten us. Is PP's reputation as crappy as Waddles' reputation in their town?

    8. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 26, 2019 at 5:01 PM

      I know that it's gross, but maybe there's something sleazy between those two. I wouldn't put it past either of them. I also recall that one of Waddle's dumb enablers said that her husband called JFW "the other woman," when referring to the wife's monthly money that she donated. It's unbelievable that anyone would help support an able-bodied, college educated white woman who doesn't want to work.

    9. FCW, that was one of the last things shamsters were discussing on the old blog before it was taken down.
      I have little doubt they are more than friends.

      I have also thought that Waddles the con has dirt on PP and that keeps PP indebted to Waddles.
      Otherwise, who would sacrifice time and money for a person who only takes, takes, takes and makes everyone associated with her look as criminal and crazy as she is.

  15. The Cold Antler Con Artist never used to share details of her love life. She only mentions it here as bait for her new pool of suckers. Why would she date a "girl?" Ever since that turning a young girl into her wife tweet I've been so unnerved by her references. Of course our Con Artist can't be bothered visiting her.

    The DEC is pretty serious as enforcement agencies go. I get the newsletters from them. Some family just saved a fawn and kept it for a bit, and they tracked them down, took the fawn, and the people have been charged. To my mind that's nothing compared to hawks dying and disappearing in one's custody and raising them indoors. Why do they insist on having a mews?

    BTW, people are giving away free wood hand over fist in the area. All you have to do it pick it up.


    1. Lol, the acronym for "Cold Antler Con Artist" is CACA.

      Very fitting, considering everything to do with her and that fauxrm.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 26, 2019 at 5:02 PM

      And a new name is born! You all know how much I like them.

    3. Hopefully someone starts using CACAšŸ˜†

  16. In reply to Anon7 and WH - I was new to Twitter, joined for political reasons, but somehow the twit got suggested to me as someone I might like to read. So I checked her out and was instantly confused as to why her site was suggested. Sometimes you just have to scratch your head over these things. Anyway, she was freaking out because she’d splattered antifreeze in her face and thought she could possibly DIE! LOL! I said something like, if you’re gonna own an old truck you’re gonna have to get used to ingesting some fluids from time to time, you’ll live. Those may not have been my exact words, but close. I still own my dad’s 1968 Chevy truck, it only leaves the yard for lumberyard runs, but I know how to maintain it, I was taught as a child. Old vehicles are easy to work on, it’s the news ones that boggle the brain. The next time I pissed her off was over her not owning a cell phone. I just didn’t understand her bragging about not having one. By this time she was just comic relief for me, all fluff, no substance. I ask her what not having a cell phone did for her? It sure didn’t keep her off of social media! A lot of folks give up their cell phones because they want to unhook, right? What was her reason then? I joked that all it did was make it hard for her mother to call her. And that was the end of that. I only had about 300 followers at the time so she pointed out how I was a nobody, picking on a Public Person, LOL! It was pretty funny, but it did make me google her just to see who this Public Person was. I’d never heard of her.

    As for contacting her sponsor, I have no problem doing that, but I prefer to do it as a conservationist who discovered her on social media and has concerns. I actually told her that I had concerns on her Instagram account, where I also got blocked.
    And I know that some of you don’t want to hear this, but if you want this site to be taken seriously by officials, you’ve got to stop with the name calling. Just a suggestion. That’s why I’d prefer to contact her sponsor without bringing this site into it. I love reading here and I respect what all of you are trying to do. Most of the time you crack me up and I totally understand why you feel the way you do about her. But I can guarantee you that if I bring this site to the attention of any official, they’re going to blow it off as a hate site. Get me the name and email address of her sponsor and I’ll send an email, then share it here if I get a response.

    1. We aren't using her name because the last site was taken down. Better to have nicknames rather than have this site taken down again.

      I have reported her until I was blue in the face from constant emailing. I have never had the need to mention this site nor should anyone.

      We can easily link to her own social media and photos and that's more than enough to sink her. Reporting her is about her. It has nothing to do with us.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 26, 2019 at 5:04 PM

      I still sometimes use her name here so the search engines pick up on it.

    3. FCW, That's a lot different from the last blog.
      Her full name was used in almost every comment.

  17. Looks like non-anonymous comments are allowed on her latest blog post!

    1. Her blog is so barren of readers, there are tumbleweeds blowing across it.

  18. Twit in Twitter:

    "This will be all I'll be thinking about in every hot yoga class for the rest of my life."

    (Included a video of a panda rolling around in the snow).

    Um. Most hot yoga classes aren't free. Funny how the person who is supposedly too broke to pay her own bills always has the funds to pay for her entertainment or hobbies.

  19. Naked yoga in the woods with Taylor playing in the Ipod = hot

  20. Hot yoga class? Just another random thought to hopefully catch a comment from a hipster.

    1. She's casting a wide net hoping to catch rich grouper.

  21. So, she alleges piglets born last night. Pic of sow and piglets? No one piglet removed from Mom with Gibson for a photo. Not what a responsible farmer does. Is it even real or is this an old photo. I don't remember seeing it before but could easily have missed it.

    1. I totally agree. She won't ever take a pic of the other adult pigs or of the area on her property where the pigs live because they don't live there.

      She's incredibly stupid as are her Foolowers.

  22. This is a really worrisome pic. The piglet is very fresh w the umbilical stump still attached. When we raised piglets the babies were always w their mother in the earliest days. The piglets have a hard time regulating their temperature and need the warmth of the litter and mother even if it's the middle of summer.

    1. She also kept talking all spring about how she needed to find piglets for meat shares, not one word about her sow being bred (does she even own a boar?). Extraordinarily suspicious. Also, where are the bottle lambs she supposedly got? I figured she would've milked those cute photos for all they're worth, but not a single mention in a month.

    2. The piglet has to be alone. She's a total piece of garbage who would have no problem taking a new piglet from its mother.

      Do pigs usually have just one baby? I thought they had litters like cats or dogs

  23. I still don't understand the whole "don't use her name so we won't get busted again" logic. This blog is clearly about Jenna. If it's reported to Blogger, the case won't be adjudicated in a court of law in which the criteria for libel must be met on the part of the plaintiff. The Blogger folks will know it's about Jenna (plenty of links to Jenna's tweets and IG, for one thing) and will use whatever criteria they use about these things to decide whether or not to delete it. I don't think anyone is going to say "Well, the name Jenna Woginrich was never mentioned, so therefore we can't say for sure it's about her."

    If the point of this blog is to warn others about the fact that Jenna is a fraud, then not using her name is counterproductive, no? With some of the old blogs, you could google Jenna's name and the blog would come up third or fourth in the listings. Now the first anti-Jenna mention comes on page 6, and it's a link to Meredith's blog, not this one.

    On another note, last night I was looking at Meredith's blog posts from way back in the day--like 2013--and the amazing thing is how nothing has changed except that Jenna is no longer on FB. It's true that Jenna has done a lot of costume changes, but she always plays the role the same way. Whether she's a homesteading expert, a heathen, a pop star groupie, or a lesbian, she always creates a dividing line between her people and the rest of us jerks. Right now, the line is between the lesbians (all of whom, it appears, share her Taylor Swift obsession) and the straight women (the Beckys, she's calling them--tho, she deleted her most recent Becky tweet). In the earliest version of the Jenna Show, it was the Self-Sufficient Homesteaders v. the Sad-assed Poodles. Whatever Jenna's into, she has to create shadow opponents. Whether it's Hamilton, stand-up comedians or Pitch Perfect or intact dogs, Jenna creates armies of people who are too uncool to get it. But who doesn't love Hamilton? And what straight person (or sensible lesbian) cares about Taylor Swift's sexual preferences? It's 2019. No one has a pony in that race other than Jenna.

    The other thing that has never changed is her mode of getting money--wolf at the door/wolf amazingly chased away at the last second! Or: wolf at the door, wolf never mentioned again. Everything is great! Everything is very, very scary! On and on and on, over and over and over.

    It's amazing to go back and read Meredith's blog and see the same scams being discussed, the same issues. I doubt that the local paper will send out a report to investigate Jenna (local papers don't have that kind of bandwidth anymore), but I wish that someone with the time and the skills to find out the real story would look into it.

    Sometimes I wonder why I keep following Jenna, and what it comes back to is the fact that she should have self-destructed by now, but she hasn't. People have been predicting a train wreck for years now, but the train keeps running down the tracks. It doesn't make sense, and I have the sad desire for things to make sense.

    1. Really it's not so much following her as it is documenting her mental illness and inability due to that mental illness to successfully take care of any animal in her care.

      Luckily she constantly shows how crazy she is on social media and it's easy to report her using links to her social media and photos. She's a complete idiot and her own worst enemy.

      She makes it very easy for us to use her own words against her.

  24. I am going to agree with Jesse here. In order for this blog to NOT be considered a hate site, it's got to be about exposing the lies, fraud, manipulation and inconsistencies with Jenna Woginrich's business tactics which she employs over the internet to people who aren't familiar with her long and storied past. Name calling, comments about her physical attractiveness will NOT help the cause, in fact it trivializes everything else she does -- the seriously wrong stuff -- and makes it look like it's just a bunch of women with a grudge (reasonable or not). I know it's frustrating to see this shit show still going without serious repercussions, but holding a responsible "tone" on this blog would mean there is no way anyone could claim it was a hate site, since the facts are there in black and white and there is no hate in facts. I also think it's unreasonable to expect that not using her name keeps things safe, it's pretty transparent who everyone is talking about, from the title of the blog and onto posts and comments (which is good if you want to raise awareness). What keeps it safe is sticking to the facts...not as much fun as poking fun and having a laugh, but more goal-oriented, if the goal is to educate people before they donate money. I think people have to choose what they'd rather do -- take the low road and crack a nasty (and probably really funny) joke, or call out inconsistencies so others can take heed.

  25. Anon 7:35 and HFH - Thank you, thank you, thank you for being the voice of reason. The last blog did not get shut down because Jenna was mentioned by name. It got shut down as a hate site.

    This blog used to focus on the scams, deception and treatment of animals. The posts were thoughtful and intelligent. It has now devolved into petty name calling, foul language and juvenile behavior. Any attempt to restore sanity is shot down by one poster in particular. I don't have to name her. Everyone knows who it is and she will be here shortly to accuse me of being Jenna or a Jenna supporter.

    I'm so glad to have Jesse here as a new reader and voice of reason. So glad to hear from HFH too! (Should be HRH, because HFH has class!)

    I would never refer anyone to this blog anymore. I would only refer them to the Kickstarter site. The backers state the facts and nothing but the facts on how she took their money and didn't deliver.

    I am here for one reason and one reason only. To warn others of her scams and pity promotions. And I'm not going anywhere.

    1. Opinions are like assholes ladies. As much as one person would like to determine how everyone else behaves, it's not going to happen.

      So keep clogging up the blog going on and on about how terrible everyone in this site is vs how terrible Waddles is.

      Those of us who constantly report her and dont just run our mouths, will still be here long after you aren't.

  26. Okay, hang on a minute. It was not my intention to divide the readers of this site. I think the people on this site are doing a fabulous job compiling info on JFW(initials I believe she used to refer to herself) If you all agreed not to use her name I’ll respect that. I’m just a visitor here. I could be here today and gone tomorrow, I do not have a dog in this race. I do have concerns about her exploiting hawks, but I will address that issue in my own way, on my own time.
    All I was saying about this site being seen as a hate site, is if you guys were wanting to refer officials to this site because of all the info you’ve compiled. I actually went to her blog when I found out she had one and could not stomach slogging thru the bullshit. But I do totally agree with Anon 7:35’s assessment of JFW, imo, she hit the nail on the head.
    So what it comes down to in my book is whether you guys are just sorta socializing and having some fun while compiling info on JFW or whether you want this site to be something you can refer officials to. And as Muller said, that’s the last time I want to address this subject, lol! Like I said, I’m just a visitor here.

    1. Hi Jesse, I don't really have a dog in this fight either, I have never lost any money to JFW or her money-making "donation" schemes.; I was just a reader who kept up with the blog and saw a lot of the financial deception and animal mistreatment that was taking place over time. I don't want to divide the blog either; it's not my blog and it can go whatever direction its owner wants it to. I do lurk, and I've noticed some of the comments nudging close to what Blogger shut the last blog down for (whether anyone agrees with it being "hate speech" or not, does not matter. Blogger appears to not care and will just shut it all down with no recourse by the blog owner). And sadly, there was a literal treasure trove of information on that blog that is no longer available, meaning she can separate even more people from their $$$ because years of information is now gone.

    2. Hotflash, When did blogger contact you to tell you why the last blog was shut down?

      Oh yeah, that's right, they didn't.

      A bunch of people discussing an unnamed person is of no interest to Blogger.
      That seems to be especially difficult for some of you to understand.

      You come here once in a blue moon and you always have something to say about those of us actually making the calls and emailing to report her.

      Sounds like a whole lot of yapping and no action on your part

    3. Thank you for your reply, Hot Flash, I appreciate your opinion and understand what you’re saying. I’ve only been around a little over a year, on and off. I think JFW will eventually hang herself, but I’m sure all of you guys are starting to doubt that will ever happen, considering how long she’s been getting away with scamming the public.
      I’m not familiar with any of the other blogs, just this one, but it would be a shame to see the info lost. I’m not familiar with blogger so I don’t know the rules and regulations.

      WH- I don’t even know how to reply to that comment, lol!

    4. Jesse, you are new to this shit show so you don't know the level of crazy Waddles goes to when it comes to this blog.

      About every six months, she posts on here as anonymous. On the old site, HD would let us know when her IP address was lurking. After knowing when she was posting, her style of posts/language/wording, etc. became more than apparent.

      We are used to the anonymous posts that only post to start shit and leave. Most of us work too hard reporting her to ever write a long post going off on the other regulars on this site.

      It clogs up the blog.
      Nothing screams hate site to the new people than a long rant about this being a hate site.

      Just like everything else, she gets tired of posting (all of those words makes her tiny brain feel like it's going to explode) and then it's back to business as usual.

    5. One phrase that Waddles always uses is "voice of reason ."

    6. WH - I think I understand what you’re saying, JFW comes to this site and tries to stir up shit? Well, you’re right, I wouldn’t recognize that if it happened. The 2 people I responded to seem like legit people to me. I really liked what 7:35 had to say and Hot Flash seemed like a concerned reader. But I don’t really know any of you, do I?
      Anyway, I wish you all luck. I hope you get to see JFW brought down eventually. And if anything comes out of my research about JFW I’ll come back on here to let you guys know. I’d like to see her falconry license get pulled, if it’s at all possible. I’d also like to wish chicken mama good luck on her efforts too. Fingers crossed CM! And Anon7, you rock! Just saying. :)

    7. Thanks Jesse. We have enjoyed everything you have had to say about falconry. Take care!

    8. Thanks Jesse. Stay tuned...I'm on vacation and on the case!

  27. Piglets born in the night- on someone else's property.

    Where is the sow and the other adult pigs?

  28. Agree WH, that does not look like her farm. Probably Pattys.

    1. I agree that it's from someone else's property. Anyone who would give a baby animal to psycho waddles should also be reported.
      So sad!

  29. WH that's where you are wrong. I have written to Storey Publishing (waaay back in the day), to her "Red Sofa Literary Agency," to the Beekmans' during their contest she entered for the 5K and what seems like a LONG time ago, to the NY office that regulates raptor handling apprentices, when she had her FIRST raptor, the red-tailed hawk. All regarding her treatment of animals as stated on her blog, and shady financial tactics. On that last one, I never heard a word back, so I do think someone's asleep at the switch over there, if Jesse is reading this. If you have a long enough history of reading JWs blog, you can also find some of my comments regarding her animal husbandry errors as far back as 2011 and earlier. Meredith and I used to TRY and help her by giving advice, which of course she never heeded because she already knew everything. So do I know -- for sure -- the last blog got shut down for hate speech? No, I've not seen that in writing anywhere. But why else would it have been shut down? It was a popular blog with lots of hits. But then people started publishing JFWs address, her parents' phone number and shit like that and, ya, I'm guessing it was deemed either hateful or threatening by the Powers That Be on Blogger. Just a guess though. Hound Doggy might know, but as far as she's said here, they've never responded to any of her requests for an explanation, or to have the blog restored.

  30. Apparently WH feels she calls the shots on this blog and is hell bent on getting it yanked again.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 27, 2019 at 2:49 PM

      Not to white knight WH, because it's not necessary, but she's one of the most prolific posters here. I also find her entertaining and intelligent. I doubt that she "calls the shots on this blog," and is "hell bent on getting it yanked again." I don't know whether or not JFW ever comments on this site, but we should stand strong together against her animal abusing and almost daily online begging.

    2. Thank you FCW.

      Waddles just wants to start discourse on here and leave. When it doesn't work she scurries back under her rock again.

    3. I do not believe any of these commentors are JFW. That's always your go to when people have other opinions.


  31. Obviously, the new girl driving to Waddles all the way "from the ocean" was another figment of her demented imagination. Instead, Waddles is posting on here.

    She needs to waddle on over to the new piglet (that belongs to someone else) and take care of it.

    Where is the sow? Besides the one living in the house? Where's the other pigs? Where is the area where the pigs are supposedly kept?

    On someone else's property, that's where. Animal abusing Waddles isn't allowed to own livestock ever since that pesky investigation last July. That's why she has so much free time to sit on social media 24/7. šŸ·šŸ”Œ⚡

  32. Whackadoodle H.S.. How do you know the animals were taken away. Do you have proof? I'd like to think they are somewhere else but how are you so sure?


    1. Not anything that I will post on here as it's part of another investigation now.

  33. Part 1: Anon 7:35 here. Hotflash, nice to see you again! As I was scrolling around Meredith's blog last night, I was reminded of how much I've appreciated your comments over the years, which have always insightful and thoughtful. There were a number of folks who used to comment regularly on the old blogs, mostly about Jenna's farming practices. Now that Jenna writes so little about farming and posts so few pictures of her farm (please insert air quotes every time I used the word "farm" here), I suppose there's not much for farmers to comment upon, other than concern about whatever animals live on Jenna's property.

    Jesse, you've been a great source of information in a very short time! After reading your comments about how falconry regulation works, I don't have much hope that Chicken Mama's laudable and much-appreciated work will result in Jenna losing her license. You would think that one of her hawks flying off while still wearing its anklets would be a cause of concern, maybe even an investigation, but I guess not.

    For years, people have been reporting Jenna to the authorities, to her publishers (see HFM's comment above), to the folks who buy ads, publish her articles, allow her to use their platforms to raise money, etc. etc. But so far nothing seems to have stuck. Some people believe that Jenna's choice to relocate her various flocks last summer (I think it was last summer) was not her own, but the result of someone contacting the authorities. A good investigative journalist could track down whether or not authorities were involved; a cursory search of the Internet by an amateur like me yields no information.

    You know what I think will stop the Jenna train eventually? The IRS. They're the only ones mean enough and with enough incentive to go after her. Like many people here, I highly doubt that Jenna pays taxes on the money she earns on soaps, classes, portraits, what have you. That's the thing that could finally get her. Which is sad. You'd like to think that the cheating, the scamming, the fraud, and most of all, the mistreatment of those birds would have gotten her in serious trouble by now. But mostly Jenna is small potatoes. No one's going to take her to small claims court over a pet portrait that was never delivered. The authorities have bigger problems on their hands than following up on whether or not she mucks her stables adequately.

    I also wish that her fans would wise up. How many months of following Jenna does it take before you scratch your head and go, "You know, this doesn't add up. How can she be a self-reliant, feral farmer when she's always asking us to buy soap or donate to her blog? And, by the way, why don't we ever see pictures of the farm? Why isn't she at the farmer's market every Saturday? How can she spend so much time running/riding/hiking when she's got a farm to run?" I have to remind myself that those of us who follow Jenna for sport (or out of sheer disbelief that she's still around) track her much more closely than anyone else. Not only that, but Jenna controls her narrative to a degree that might not seem obvious to those who haven't followed her for as long as some of us here. Getting off FB and disabling blog comments was sheer brilliance on Jenna's part. No more having to defend herself against criticism, no more pushing back against unwanted advice. So if you're following her casually (and given how little response her tweets generally garner, I would say most people follow her casually at best), it might never occur to you that this is all a game of smoke and mirrors.

    (continued in Part 2)

    1. I agree that Waddles should not have the dogs or the horses either.

      The crazier she gets, the more that the few remaining animals are in danger.

    2. Anon. 3:53, thanks, and I agree with you completely -- the IRS is probably her biggest "wolf at the door" and I don't think she has any clue the magnitude of the trouble she could be in for selling her goods online and labeling the profits as "donations," or worse, not claiming them as any kind of income at all.

    3. Good to see you, HotFlash. The IRS angle makes sense, as her finances are certainly fishy. Take a look at what she tweeted yesterday:

      ❝ If you don't want to purchase anything, but like the idea of contributing to ten year's worth of writing on http://barnheart.com - the story of Cold Antler - you can do so with https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/JennaCAF ❞

      That link says "paypalme2" -- and she also uses another donation link that says just "paypalme" -- this would indicate that she has at least two separate PP accounts. And I think the reason is that she's trying to hide her income, as you don't have to pay taxes if you make under $20K in one year. But once you go over that amount, PP alerts the IRS.

      Ugh, the thought that she's raked in that amount of money for donations and sales while just sitting around makes me sick.

  34. Part 2/Anon 7:35. As for this blog, I'm someone who has complained from time to time about the nastiness of some of the comments, although I understand people's frustration and why some folks might resort to name-calling. Jenna is such a fraud--and yet she keeps getting away with it! If you let yourself get sucked in--and believe me, I have and am not entirely happy about it--it's hard not to want a place to tear out your hair, call names, yell WTF? The farmers can't believe she's getting away with calling herself a farmer, the writers can't believe she has the audacity to refer to herself as a writer, the animal lovers can't stand to watch how she uses her animals for props, the artists can't believe she's selling her art when there are so many truly talented people who have set up shop online. If, in the near future, this blog is run over by pissed-off lesbians who are furious that Jenna claims to speak for them, I for one wouldn't be a bit surprised. Hell, sooner or later, Taylor Swift may show up saying, "I just cannot deal."

    Having said that, some of what is said here is truly ugly, accomplishes nothing and could prove counterproductive (and perhaps has). I understand by saying this I've earned myself a scolding from WHS. Given that no one could mistake my writing style for Jenna's, I don't think the charge that I'm Jenna-in-Disguise will stick. I suspect that a lot of the readers of this blog, most of whom are lurkers (no judgment--I'm mostly a lurker, too), will know that I'm not writing these remarks to clog up the blog, in spite of what WHS will claim, but because I've thought a lot about the Jenna situation (obviously!) and think it might be helpful (or at least therapeutic) to share my thoughts here--because, frankly, where else could I share them? We seem to be the only ones who care.

    1. You must be the only anonymous posting on here. šŸ™„

    2. Anon 3:53 - Standing up, applauding! As for WHS, don't pay attention, she thinks her opinions are the only ones that matter.

      As much as I hope the IRS will go after her, I'm afraid they will also find her small potatoes. I've read that audits have gone down because of budget cuts, and they only go after the high rollers. But we can still hope...

      I really thought the sh*t show would have been over by now. Until her $$$ is cut off, the show will go on. It would be great if we could remain as watchdogs and focus on the facts. People will pay attention to that.

    3. Waddles should worry about the few animals that haven't been taken from her yet and working on her crappy drawings and nasty dog hair soap.

      Then there's the hawk that she hopefully hasn't killed yet.
      Like the other three that "disappeared."
      Wink, wink.

    4. Well I could be wrong but I've been thinking Whackadoodle H.S. is the "repeater" from the
      old blog.

    5. The repeater- another Waddles term.

      Did the new girl reject you, Waddles? Did she get to your nasty house and then run in the opposite direction?
      Or more likely, she never existed in the first place. That is hilarious!

    6. ""been thinking Whackadoodle H.S. is the "repeater" from the
      old blog."

      I'm with you, Anon 6:01 - gotta be one and the same. I've been quite sure of it for several months. It's the critter who I allowed to knock me off commenting for ages, close to or even past a year now, ridiculously sensitive soul that I am :)

      She got onto one of her 'hey JW, go back to your nasty lair' jags with me (and surely many others) whenever I expressed dismay or frustration over the ugly tone that had been brought to the blog. I got weary of insisting that I was NOT jw and started to feel actually distressed - like I was being pushed around by, well, a kinda mean and crazy person.

      I've been on one iteration or another of the blog since the Meredith days and used to comment pretty frequently until we got trapped in repeater hell. Finally, poof! it took a powder and gave us a break for several months .

      These days, once more, CAST is pretty bad for my b.p. Wish repeater2.0 would take a long thru-hike.

    7. Only crazy Waddles comes here and posts as Anon and then replies to herself as Anon.
      She's so desperate for someone to talk to, she talks to herself.

      I guess that's what you do when you get ditched by the make believe new girl that you lied about on Twitter. šŸ˜†

      It's pretty much impossible to find anyone who would even so much as glance your way when you abuse animals and kill hawks and beg online for money to pay your bills like Waddles.
      No one wants a loser like Waddles who doesn't have anything to offer other than various untreated mental illnesses. No one wants a Pig Shocker.

  35. We should have known that Waddles was spiraling into another psychotic break when she tweeted and deleted about the "new girl" coming to visit her. Last I checked, most single womrn aren't looking for an animal abuser who looks like a demented Groucho Marx.

    Now she's going to obsess over this site for the weekend.
    Let's hope she didn't take the new pig from someone's property. Like those crazy women who steal other people's babies. I

  36. Twiiter Twit:

    "Please share if you can! Trying to get the word out, no sales yet today. Sometimes a simple RT makes all the difference!"

    Hahahaha. No sales! She's way too busy playing on social media. Maybe she would make more salss if she gave her customers the items they have paid for instead of whining on social media about not having the time to work on them.

    1. She would get more sales if she was able to attract new foollowers. Her Twitter account tally has been dropping lately. It seems that she's exhausted her existing pool of buyers. But instead of doing any real farming, she's off to the river. No sympathy for her. None.

    2. She would also get more sales if she could actually get return customers.

      Once someone orders from her and pays up front and then has to play email tag to get their item, they are finished with her b.s.

      Not to mention the actual product is crap.
      We have all seen the mutant pet drawings she does and the worse than basic clip art logos. No one wants more of that after being suckered and begged into buying it.

  37. The new piglet most likely came from an actual farm in Waddles' area. Moxey Ridge farm takes in animals from local bloggers who are too crazy to care for them.

    Perhaps in exchange, the piglet was given to her. Here's some of the MR farm pigs. (There are also photos of black pigs on the MR instagram):


  38. I absolutely know WHS is The Repeater and Orchidlove from the previous blog. Identical writing style. And it was her posts that got the blog deleted.

    1. Lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

      You have really went off of the deep end, Waddles. It took you all night to come up with that?

      Oh well, at least when you are posting on here, you aren't begging on Twitter.
      Multi-tasking isn't your strong suit, is it?

  39. Attention Waddles' customers:

    If you're waiting on the crappy artwork or bar of dog hair that you ordered, Waddles is extremely busy. She's busy posting on the site that is used to warn others about her scamming and animal abuse. No one else will pay any attention to her šŸ™„.


  40. Put on your waders before reading the new bleg post.

    Waddles turned down the offer of training a horse. That was extremely hard to type with a straight face šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. Because when you want someone to train a horse, you ask the person with the least amount of knowledge who also happens to abuse animals.šŸ™„ Sure Waddles, sure.

    Waddles also posted on her bleg and then a few minutes later she waddled here to post as Anon at 4:33. So predictable and so cuckoo.

    1. Do you think this was the Fjord horse that she recently visited?

      As for turning down that offer to help and train it, my immediate thought was that she did so because there wasn't anything in it for her...except maybe a new photo op.

      She doesn't strike me as the kind of person that does things for others without anything in return. Either way, looks like that horse dodged a bullet.

    2. She couldn't train a horse to fart. If you look at any photos or videos of her with a horse it's like dynamite in a glass factory. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

  41. My interpretation of the latest bleg.

    “With August on the way it is time to start planning for winter firewood, which I know seems soon to some of you but not to anyone on a budget with a wood stove.”

    August seems soon???? Good lord. I supplement my heat with a wood stove, and I’ve been looking for and picking up free wood off Craigslist since early spring! I guess since she didn’t wait until October, it seems ‘soon’ to her.

    “such as declining to take on a horse for a month to help train and work with. It would have been a blast having a new mare to saddle up and ride and learn from…”

    First, she’s training the horse, then she’s learning from the horse? What an idiot.

    “There were not any surprise with the truck (though the month isn't over!)”

    Get your PayPal button ready, Poods, she’s gonna need more $$$$ for the truck before the month’s over!

    “…lots of riding the two horses I do wish to keep on the mountain, and yesterday a litter of piglets was born!”

    She’s wishing to keep the horses. That’s where you come in, foollowers$$$ Yesterday piglets were born (but not on the faux farm, she forgot to mention…)

    And then the usual monthly mortgage beg, ad nauseam…


    1. DM, she is more careful now. Note she never actually said they were born on her farm or the photo was taken at her farm.

      But the inference, of course, is HUGE especially for urban dwellers who just want to see pretty pics of animals.

    2. In that bleg post she said:

      ❝ I'm close to a lot of very good things. I can't see the finish line but I know it's around the next few turns. ❞

      This is a prime example of the manipulation described in that article that Graphic Girl posted on the last thread that highlighted the narcissist's tactics for keeping her foollowers "tethered to her potential"

      "I'm so close! I'm almost there! I'll make it if you just give me some more šŸ© šŸ’° !!!"

    3. She is always a step away from turning it around šŸ™„. The step she never makes is actually getting a job and learning to take care of herself.

      Until she does that, it will always be beg, beg, beg and cry, cry, cry.

  42. Did anyone else notice the pitch for "future" meat shares? Are the new piglets to fulfill the shares already sold are these for spring 2020? I personally prefer purchase my bacon when the tomatoes are in season. Also, there's been silence about the plumbing bill. I'm sure she would crow if it was paid.

    1. Someone will probably give her a few of their pigs to use for meat shares.
      She's unable to successfully raise her own pigs.

      The only things she has acquired are by begging and whining for them and they are usually only scraps that no one else wants.

      After seeing how disgusting her home is and remembering the goat pens she had at one time where the goats had to stand in two feet of their own waste, I can't imagine anyone buying any sort of food item from her.

      She constantly talked about how after she had her fill of the week old donuts given to her, she would feed them to her pigs.
      Who wants pork from pigs that have grown up eating donuts? Gross!

  43. Wackjob Horseshit is definitely the old Orchid Love repeater. I've actually been getting more entertainment from Wackjob's insane/obsessed posts here than Jenna's childish Taylor stalking and lame beg attempts on Twitter. Jenna hasn't had a creative or even interesting beg story in awhile. At least, on this blog Wackjob is straight up consistent with her pettiness and unsubstantiated lack of farm animal claims. Gotta wonder what this person looks like on the other side of the computer screen. Not even sure if they are a man or a woman. My guess would be she looks lot like Jenna but with 15+ more years on her and likely just as sorry a life since she has as much or more time to post her nastiness here as Jenna does to post Taylor stalking nonsense on Twitter.

    1. Anon 7:51 I think you're trying to stir up WJH. While I don't care for some her posts attacking anyone on this forum is unnecessary and rude. Respectful disagreement is sufficient. Since I'm posting as another Anonymous I've decided to add a nickname.


    2. Another Anon chiming in here. I agree we shouldn't attack each other, but WH is practically begging for it. She attacks anyone who has a different opinion so leaves herself wide open for counter attacks. She is here a lot, so one wonders what her life is like

      We need to agree to disagree at times. We will not all have the same opinions but we need to state them respectfully.

    3. I agree also that we shouldn't attack one another. Everyone who contributes here adds value to this blog. Do some go too far? Yes. While WH is one of the more colorful posters, it's important to remember that the bulk of her contributions are informative, especially the recollection of key facts, figures, and all-around ability as a CAF historian of sorts.

      I like Ladyfire's idea of "respectful disagreement" -- as it's a smart and very diplomatic way to voice any concerns.

    4. Also, I saw above some speculation as to whether or not those pigs were born at her property as she claimed. I was able to find some pics of the back of the house on a realtor site. Look at the 3rd pic, taken from the same angle as the first of those pics where the piglet is next to her dog:


      There's a structure on the left that might be the new mews extension. Other than that, it looks like her property. Does anyone else see this?

    5. Oh crap... ☝︎ that post ☝︎ was meant to follow my other post, up above, the one made by Anon 7:22 which is about the latest bleg post.

    6. The piglet could be on her property in the photo but it wasn't born there.

      She obviously doesn't have any pigs because she only uses old photos.
      Yet she manages to take photos of herself waddling up and down hills or stuffing her face with food on a trail every five minutes.

  44. Welcome Jesse! As you so quickly pointed out, the name calling and personal attacks are not only ineffective, but counter productive. Many of us have been saying that for a long time. However, when we say that, a certain someone will accuse us of being Jenna.

    While I'm sure Jenna comes here to read, I doubt if she posts. She has a distinctive writing style that many of us would recognize immediately.

    Actually for a time, I wondered if WH was Jenna. What better way to shut down the blog than to make it a hate site. The last one got shut down I have no doubt for that reason.

    Anyway, I am glad you are here and welcome your thoughtful input.

  45. Wow...lots to read here. I admit I'm totally guilty of going too far sometimes with unnecessary remarks, as I often get carried away with my disgust and contempt for the fake farmer who thinks it's funny to shock pigs.

    But for the sake of this blog, I will tone it down, starting today. I will think twice about the words that fly from my fingertips when it comes to her appearance. But I still think carefully constructive remarks about her physical state are relevant, but only to point out her dishonesty in claiming that she's a hard-working and active farmer that people should donate to, as it's obvious that she's lazy and should not have animals in her care.

    So, my apologies for anything I've said in the past was unwarranted. Going forward, it's best to remember the true purpose of this blog: To save the animals of CAF.

    1. Thank you Anon7! So much appreciated!

  46. I will interchange Waddles with Pig Shocker more often. šŸ¤£

    Clearly the Anon insisting on giving PS's actual name is trying to have the blog shut down. Blogger is not interested in a group of people discussing "Waddles" or "Pig Shocker" or any other unidentifiable name.

    Since we cannot actually name Pig Shocker, this blog will not necessarily warn others.

    However, we can discuss amongst ourselves what we are each doing to report her.
    I have never reported her and linked to this site in my email.
    I have always provided links to her social media and photos as she is stupid enough that we are able to use her own words against her.

    The only thing that will eventually get her animals relief is reporting her to as many agencies as will listen.
    This blog has never made a dent in her animal cruelty or scams. It's the reporting of her that has made the difference.
    She would still have livestock had we not been been diligent in getting her investigated.

    P.S. I am also Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

    1. Whether or not this blog has made a dent, I do firmly believe that it's been very effective in warning new curious people about her animal abusing ways and many lies. It definitely did that for me, two years ago, when I saw her reddit "Get motivated" thread. I clicked on both her bleg and Twitter and thought, "Wow, cool chick!"

      Then I found this blog and was quickly set straight, lol. And I'm so glad that we show up on the first page of any CAF search on all the big search engines. šŸ˜†

    2. True, Anon 7.
      That was back when we were using her name a lot. Now it might be confusing but if someone looks through the posts, they will figure it out.

    3. With all due respect, WH, can you explain your theory about how not using her name protects this site? Because this is a blog called "Cold Antler Sham Truths." Her blog is "Cold Antler Farm." Why would anyone think this was anything other than a blog about JW? I don't comment much, and I don't tend to use her name when I do, but you're so insistent on this point and I'm not clear as to why.

  47. From the latest bleg post (Sighs Instead of Sweat):

    ❝ ...lots of riding the two horses I do wish to keep on the mountain... ❞

    Interesting...she doth wish. I think this is the first time I've seen her say this. I wonder if she's hinting that she may not be able to afford them. Well, oh noes! Send money now! Run to your nearest šŸ§ and help CAF keep it's horseys!!

    1. She will probably start her "give me money or my animals will starve" posts soon.

      One thing she will never say is "I had better find a job so my animals don't starve."
      Working to support oneself is for big girls.
      Not grown women who pose for photos like the one in my profile pic.

  48. How is a piece of rundown property a farm if there aren't any crops grown or any livestock?

    Technically that's just a rundown piece of property with a couple of dogs and horses, isn't it?

    So on top of the animal abuse and the scamming for money, there are also the claims of running a "farm." The whole living on a farm claim is Pig Shocker's biggest scam.

    She couldn't hack having any livestock and she couldn't hack growing any crops.
    Instead she plays all day in a fantasyland like a child.
    Sometimes I think her life is her punishment.

  49. Instead of working on the orders she accepted payment for and then never filled, Pig Shocker is third wheeling it with PP and husband at the river.

    End of month sales are such a priority for Pig Shocker šŸ™„.
    She plays while everyone else paysšŸ’µšŸ’°šŸ’µ

    1. Exactly. This is why we stopped supporting her. Took us awhile to catch onto the game but we finally saw the light. She thinks because she asks people to buy pictures, soap, and lessons, she is "working". Uh, no. It's working when you actually supply the product, and a decent product at that...one worth the money someone has shelled out.

      The animal welfare is what really bothers me. You don't treat animals the way she does. No animal should have an elevated status over another. A chicken freezes in your driveway and it's "Ho-hum, oh well". Disgusting. One of my girls almost froze to death in the run and I was beside myself (I was a newbie chicken raiser). She was brought inside, wrapped in towels, held close to me, had a warm blow dryer on her and lived inside in a plastic bin until she was better. This was on Thanksgiving Day, which took a backseat until I knew she was okay. When you bring animals into your life, this is what you do. She lost her claws on one foot and it is a daily reminder to me that I need to be vigilant .

  50. WDH, I can tell you how I bought into her having a farm. Years ago I found a copy of Barnheart at the library. Read it and thought she was genuine. Found her blog and started following. Got sucked in. Made a couple of donations for vet bills (yeah, my bad) then for me it started to unravel. At that time she was still allowing blog comments and she was talking about the "haters" blog. Then I found Meredith and Kelpie and those that followed. Been watching the drama ever since. I appreciate all who post and report.


    1. That's similar to my story, Lady Fire. I also read about the "haters" on her social media and realized where there's smoke there's usually fire. Then I found Meredith's blog.

      We have been actively reporting Pig Shocker lately for the mistreatment and disappearance of the hawks. I have also been working with an investigation and have been gathering a ton of info for a particular agency. As soon as it can be said, I will give more details.

      Usually it's when someone contacts her about a complaint that she spirals out of control on this blog posting as Anonymous.

      It's killing her that we won't use her actual name. I'm sure she has been harassing blogger to take this blog down but blogger doesn't care if we are discussing someone using nicknames.
      They only care if we are actually naming someone and then they will shut it down.

      This morning she posted her latest bleg post and immediately posted on here as Anon. According to Twitter, she's playing at the river today and as you can see, the crazy Anon has not been posting.

      Thank you for sticking around despite her nonsense. She has the attention span of a gnat, so she will stop posting soon.
      If you aren't familiar with the reason we call her Pig Shocker, it's because of what she said in this bleg post:


      It's disgusting and demented and she needs some serious help. I for one will continue to call her Pig Shocker. If she doesn't like it, too bad.

    2. "I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite."

      The were shocked because Pig Shocker doesn't know how to build a decent pen that will keep them contained. Her ineptitude became their fault and she punished them by shocking them.
      She is disgusting and vile.

  51. ANON12 Part Two

    In this current posting I think WH wrote “how about finding a job to care for my starving animals.” I’m not going to single out one animal group. They’ve all suffered at her hands. And this is where I will tell you, after reading the most recent comments, to clarify things, and taking a cue from Anon7, I am now changing from Anon (there are several) to Anon12. Just recently I wrote a few lengthy pieces and you may remember my comment about the farm in the reins of her tiny, capable hands. That was me.

    I will continue to read and add with you. I have so many questions about how these people expect others to fund their lifestyle choices (and in the case of JW, their fantasies. I’m on Game of Thrones, but for real!”) I have friends who have been falconers in my past, but I know no current person. I do know the basics, just from what I’ve read and picked up over time. That letter that was received was a blow off form letter. One thing that I’ve found effective is to start at the top and let the problem trickle down, rather than start at the bottom up. Go to that higher source with photographs, her own comments, etc. Maybe even asking them to clarify the rules of this bird ownership and showing opposing behavior (in your belief) and getting them to answer you. Her mentor-sponsor won’t do anything. You need to go higher. Why, you could soar, like a falcon!

    And “yes,” welcome to Jesse who writes with a clear, knowing voice. Many of us share your concerns not only over the birds, but the remaining livestock.

    And just some thrown in tidbits. It’s not only her careless behavior in caring for these animals. Your chickens FROZE in the driveway? The lamb died HOW? So many animals have died at her indifferent efforts while she continues to live inside of her head. I also wrote recently about how I was sure her parents were glad she wasn’t living in her basement. Now THEY would really have some good stories. Stories you’ll never hear.

    You’re never going to get away from the physical, personal attacks. Her fabrications set her up for it, and you'd better believe she certainly doesn’t perceive herself that way. It will take Snow White’s magic mirror to set that straight. Anyway, if you’ve made it this far, thanks for indulging me in clarifying my position here. I don’t post often, but I do read your comments, with interest.

    Thanks, WH

  52. ANON12 Part One


    For those readers of this site, I beg your indulgence. I just read through all of the comments in this latest posting (after reading the farm’s current tale) and since we seem to be redefining and sharpening up this site, I wanted to make my own position more clear, plus addressing some of the things that have been going on recently at the farm.

    I started reading CA ages ago. I had heard about it from a friend, who also had shown me a blog some time ago about a woman and her daughter that traveled around a lot. But there were similar issues with CA and this woman: always asking for things (in the case of the woman an Amazon wish list), using money on odd things when they implied the money was needed for something else. People would write her, “Did you get the ____ I sent you?” Never a thank you and often (as she neurotically uprooted again, she would leave those things behind. An example: she decided to become a proponent of cast iron cookery and bought a ton of the stuff. “Cowboy eatin’!” Bury it in the dirt! Then she shifted and left all of it in her Exodus. Very early on, with this woman (now deceased) it became pretty obvious she had some degree of mental illness and her daughter ran away several times, finally to leave for good in her teen years. The daughter married, and she has a stable family through her husband’s people and her children now. A miracle, really. She wrote a sad piece back when she had a blog, about how she finally found security and love through these people. The woman died two years ago of Necrotizing Fasciitis. All of her fantasy illnesses and something horribly real and rapid got her. Talk about karma. So that was my first exposure to the begging blog.

    Obviously, I found it repeat again in CA. When I first started reading CA, I thought, “I know what a working farm” is (and how it works and goes for centuries) and things keep popping up that made me think “what?” You did what to chickens, pigs, horses? I admit I know nothing about the care of sheep and goats although I’ve had friends that did have them so—stories I’ve heard. Then the begging began with seriousness, and I thought to this other blog that was still going, and I wanted to introduce them. JW could have learned a lot from that “gypsy.” As good as she was (the other woman) at the conning of people, I want to add that as she grew older (and she had 25 years on JW) over time her world became smaller, her readership smaller (she, too, blocked comments over time. these people don’t want the truth) and with all of this, the funding dropped. I remember JW talking of her strength, etc. and I thought, “But you are young. Talk to me again when you are seventy and doing it.” A farm is never-ending hard physical labor.

    I read the former blogs that started calling JW out on it. I will state that I never gave her a penny, thank God, because as the years passed, it only got worse. Root canal = custom made bow or purebred dog. I think, for me, it started with the bow and the kilts and the special pony that a *ding* went off and I thought “Welcome to my fantasy.” Like some of you have written above (or below) me, those sites had a treasure trove of information. A living history, so to speak. When the donate me buttons went up, I prayed people wouldn’t fall for it, but it seems they did, and do, still. I am only hoping with diminished results, as her behavior hasn’t altered in the least. If any normal person was going through what she has allegedly endured, they would have returned to a proper job.

    1. Thank you for posting Anon12. Your post was very thoughtfully written and insightful. I hope you post more often.


    2. I second GG! I'm enjoying these more in-depth posts about people's experiences.

  53. Saw this on a realtor site that her property was sold on April 18, 2019.


    1. looks like she refinanced it for the same price she paid 9 years ago hasn't paid one penny towards paying it down in all this time.

    2. Yes, that means it was refinanced- if listed as sold but still owned by the same owner.

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