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June 22, 2024
Autumn is coming in at full force.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
When I finally got my post to go through it was kind of lost in a thread. If you'd like to let the NYS DEC know about the hawk issue, email Scott Crocoll at scott.crocoll@dec.ny.gov.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I have gotten in touch with someone already and they are looking into it.
DeleteLaws are one thing. Enforcement is another. Something tells me enforcement is lax. It may take some nudging but if enough of us report her maybe something will get done.
DeleteAnon 11:01, exactly.
DeleteAnon 10:47 - thank you.
Just sent my email to him, too. Thanks for the information.
DeleteScott forwarded my email to Joe Therrien who is with the Special Licensing office.
DeleteHer own words, from her August 11, 2013 blog, make a lie of the fact that Auburn must continue to be held captive after apparently not being properly trained or kept by her prior Apprentice Falconer, Liz R***.
DeleteAccording to the August 11, 2013 blog:
"...Red tails can leave humans and do just fine (which is why beginner's start with such hawks. If I mess up the hawk can be free and live its normal, wild life)..."
Manic behavior and no begging = large infusion of cash. I've been following her for years and have seen the pattern over and over.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed the same set of behavior. Baby Jenna is currently sated, but will want a big bottle soon when the "milk money" runs dry.
DeleteFailed Cubicle Worker wrote: "Baby Jenna is currently sedated..."
DeleteFTFY (Fixed that for you!)
Anon7. Stop making me spew my morning cup of coffee, thanks! (I literally, laughed out loud. And your comment on the last post regarding the rodents in her rectum was hilarious.)
DeleteHaha. I actually thought 'sated' was the better choice of words. ;-)
I wonder how much money Outside magazine pays for an online essay?
ReplyDeleteI wrote an online essay for a magazine from the same publishing Co as Outside, and it paid $275, I think.
Deleteshe probably spent more than that buying equipment to do the story.
DeleteShe probably did it for free like the huffpost articles.
DeleteAnon 2:49 - Great observation! Yes, she spent more money on makeup, a new camera, new clothes, and who knows what the hell else to prove that her writing means something.
DeleteIn the meantime, the animals at CAF are wondering where their supper is.
🐎🐓 🐣 🐖 🐐 😿 + 💅 👄 👗 💄 👠 = ⚰ <------- A certain death for the animals.
Who writes an online article (I'm using the term "writes" very loosely) possibly drawing 1 or 2 people to her bleg and then posts that clown face photo on the next bleg post?
DeleteI think it's obviously because she is nuts and not that she's going to post whatever she wants (as she so eloquently stated on Twitter).
Untreated mental illness is running the show for Waddles.
Why did Jenna panic when she found out the cost of printing Birchthorn? Didn't she research the cost before she started her Kickstarter campaign like a normal person would do? Apparently not.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is absolutely no logical excuse for not mailing the copies when you have them in your possession. Paperbacks are lightweight and media mail is cheap. It wouldn't have cost much more for the hardcovers and I think there were only around 20.
What is wrong with this gal?
Exactly, media mail starts at about $3. Even one a week and she would be done. Surely, she can scrounge up some pop bottles to make $3. It's unexcusable that she would have these books, owed to people that helped her out, for months and years.
DeleteAs someone said on Kickstarter, total disregard for backers. Total disregard for people and animals in general. Thats why you are still single Jenna. People can sniff out a warped mind no matter how hard you try and hide it.
DeleteExcellent point, Anon 11:07 - She didn't think about future costs cuz she's a moron. She just saw a large wad 'o cash coming her way and was only able to see all the shit she wanted to buy. And all the crap she just HAD to own. "Fuck the new fencing" she thought, as she chugged down whiskey in her hammock. And "Fuck animal feed cuz there's still grass on the land...the animals can just chew that shit!" Okie dokie! *Burp*
DeleteAnd she figured (gambled, really) on the hopes that she'd get a future book deal to pay for the end costs of her stupid Kickstarter Birchthorn book. But she lost her quest for a new book deal because NO ONE wants to read about female wolves who happen to be lesbian Nazi equestrians having adventures and being in lurve. Like, not at all.
But in the end, there was no more money. It was already spent on hair extensions and other important stuff! So yeah, she panicked. Hard. And now we are here. Watching her beg month, after, month.
Check out "FauxFreezone" on Twitter by the talented and hilarious Brynner42:
Jenna is using the same hawk picture trying to pass it off as recent. Maybe the new hawk story is bullshit?
Well done.
Hahaha. We need more of that!
Delete#Fauxfreezone indeed!
Let's hope the new hawk has been picked up by the NYS DEC and that's why she's using an old photo.
DeleteMy love for Brynner42 is equal to my cup runneth-ing over. Big love and huge thanks to all those here who have other accounts dedicated to exposing the faux farmer and Pig Shocking animal killer of Cold Antler Fauxrm.
DeleteExcellent!!! I agree, Brynner42 has hit on it big time!
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Farmers follow me on here and unfollow me right quick."
Why would they follow a faux feral farmer? Most of them are probably working instead of tweeting like she does daily. But someone responded with this tweet:
"You never followed me back yet. So I can’t unfollow you."
Even though Nate has over 4,000 followers, apparently he's not hip enough for JFW. Plus, he's not a hot "gay" female.
"Hey! Do you like women living on farms making a living!? ME TOO! DM to order soap, pet portraits, logo designs, meat shares! This gal has got to make the paper that keeps the wolves pacing outside the deed. HMU."
That crap is another nauseating version designed for PayPal poodles to send her pity money.
"I want to know everything about Alex Morgan's eyeliner right now."
Just remember, Jenna, "You can't put lipstick on a pig." All of your insipid, juvenile references to makeup, Anna Wintour, and being a farm femme don't ring true. Unfortunately, your inner and outer ugliness will doom you to being single forever.
Lmao @ Waddles thinking that anything short of plastic surgery could ever help that face.
DeleteUnfortunately for her, they don't offer plastic surgery for an animal abuser's rotted soul and if they did she wouldn't be able to afford it anyway.
Looks like Waddles is stuck looking like a balding, kabuki makeup wearing, demented Groucho Marx.
In her case, I truly believe her rotten inside has leeched onto her outside resulting in pure u.g.l.y.
Utterly FANTASTIC post, FCW. So many great points.
DeleteOf course no real farmer will ever deign to follow her, because she's full of it. And I admit, I'm kinda surprised that she announced that. But kinda...not. Like, she doesn't realize that others can see that fraud that she really is?
I read and see everything that Jenna writes. Most of it, all the farm/animal stuff, I do not believe a word of. But the needing money part...I do believe. She's pathetic and helpless.
Man, if I'd ever tried to pull this stuff with my parents, they'd have beat me to the curb. You know, self sufficiency and all. Gotta help yourself before asking others to do so. Otherwise you're just a washout. And pathetic.
I think that apprentice falconers should not be able to post photos on social media of hawks used for falconry.
ReplyDeleteUnless the hawk is in the custody of a master falconer.
That would completely stop narcissistic sociopaths like Waddles from getting a hawk just to use it as a social media prop.
She has had 4 hawks prior to this most recent one. Only ONE hawk out of FOUR was safely returned to the wild.
The other three disappeared.
What will it take to stop this senseless misuse and slaughter of these gorgeous birds?
A couple of weeks ago, Jenna’s Twitter feed was around 4,820, where it seemed to me it had been holding steady for a while. Then it started doing this weird up and down thing—down by 10, up by 5, then down again.Then last week it went up to around 4,855 after she got the new bird. This week it started going down again—maybe a drop of 20–and now it’s back up to 4,855.
ReplyDeleteAt this point I’m just curious. Maybe this is common for super active people on Twitter and I just never noticed it before. But I’ve followed Jenna for a long time, and over the years the numbers of her followers has slowly risen, but I’ve never seen these strange, small fluctuations before. Is there any explanation for it, or have I just not been paying enough attention to realize this is normal?
People can purchase follows on Twitter.
DeleteThat is the only explanation as she only whines about needing money on social media.
I imagine her followers have been dropping like flies so she used her donated mortgage money to buy more.
More followers = portraying herself as someone worth following which = more pity donations.
I mean she must be legit with that many followers, right?🤣
I've noticed this too, Anon 6:36. The constant fluctuation. Up and down, up and down, weekly. And I wondered, was my working day so hard that I'm not seeing straight now? Because I've seen the numbers change so much recently after a period of a year or more where they didn't hardly move at all.
DeleteA while ago, on HD's old blog, I made a post about how Twitter announced that they were going to investigate and expel fake Twitter followers. (You know, the fake ones people buy.) Expel all the fake accounts that stupid people like Jenna purchase. And that's what is happening right now. She's trying to buy new foollowers, and Twitter is deleting them faster than she can snag donation money.
Whackadoodle is spot on. Jenna has been buying fake followers.
No one in their right mind would look at her Twitter feed of constant begging, whining and daily woe is me and say "I want to follow her. I want to have that begging and whining in my feed everyday."
DeleteNo way. The only explanation is that she uses her donations and buys twitter followers.
Oh gawd...those new pics she took. I almost don't know where to start. On the positive side, she made me very nostalgic for my old Mrs. Potato Head toy...whatever happened to it? (Pretty sure my parents gave it to Goodwill.)
ReplyDeleteOn the negative side, here we go again, witnessing another failed attempt at the failed farmer to try to reinvent her tarnished image. Good luck with that, failure girl Pig Shocker.
Back to the positive: In that one new pic, she's severely and painstakingly pinned her arms behind her back to hide her bursting sausage guns...but the resulting photo looks like she's been arrested, and her arms behind her in handcuffs. It's almost like a mugshot. Oh, one can dream, yes?
But really...her Photoshop skills and use of FaceTune are tight. She's slimmed down her face, adjusted the brightness to make her W.C. Fields nose *almost* disappear, and used a cheap filter to take out any skin texture. (Pores? What are pores?) Not to mention a hefty portion of her mortgage money obviously spent on useless crap like makeup.
Seriously, just compare this pic with the ones Patty posted a few days ago. You'll see the difference. It's like night and day. Unless you are blind.
Link to these photos?
DeleteI'm not JW nor a supporter of hers (once was). I've been on this site and previous ones for years.
DeleteAll of you discussing her appearance suck. And you can't justify that shit by saying she puts her photos out there. You just suck, possibly more than she does for cheating her customers.
Anon7, it's all part of the fantasy that lives inside her animal abusing, diseased mind.
DeleteAnon 7:20 am: I don’t like the appearance shaming either. However, if you look at the pics she posted and then look at the pics Patty posted, it’s obvious she doctored her photos. I don’t think tho people posting here are talking about her looks as much as they are pointing out yet another fake aspect. Nobody would care if she was fat and ugly if she owned it. But she refuses to embrace reality. It’s annoying and a lie just like everything else she posts.
DeleteAnon 7:20:
DeleteTo say we suck more than she does for cheating customers is way over the top. She repeatedly cheats people and has so for years so if we are going to comment on her makeup and hair extensions which she bought with the money scammed from customers, then so be it. It's the way it is.
I'm not overly big on poking fun at looks, and I don't do it often, but PS is fair game because she is obsessed over her looks / brand, and her attempts to disguise what-nature-gave-her are disingenuous at best and kinda creepy.
DeleteThere are lots of popular blogs and Twitter accounts where the person's looks are no-big-deal. It shouldn't be a big deal for Cold Antler Farm. But it is, because she never stops posting about her appearance.
Her brand is she's a hard-working, scrappy female "farmer", yet we don't see photos of the farm, the farm animals, the day-to-day chores or the various crises that cause financial anemia.
As Brynner42 repeatedly points out, Jenna predominantly posts reworked OLD photos of farm animals. Not much is real, and for venues that are supposed to be "in the moment", it's crazy to think people won't object to being lied to like this.
I follow quite a few outdoors and farming accounts, and I like to know they are truthful. If farmers write "Good Morning from XYZ Farm", the photos are real time - and genuine. There is a shared honesty between poster and reader.
Jenna Woginrich's account is quite different. No documentation of chores. No documentation of supposed crises. No real-time photos of farm life. What she posts are faked images of a faked farm fantasy. With nothing real, how can she ever be trusted?
Guessing her slap-dash urban readers don't care if content is real or fake - but,others (like us) do care.
I agree with Poodles: If it ties into her "brand" it's fair game.
DeleteIf she posts a hideous pic of herself and someone comments "ugliest person ever" and nothing else, then no. But if someone points out that the money to buy the makeup/hair extensions would be better spent on animal care, I'm fine with that.
And the state of her body is also important because one of the main reasons she won't get a job is because she claims she doesn't have the time. Yet she writes about running dozens of 5Ks a month, but still looks like a land whale? It's important to point out what a liar she is.
And not having a job with a steady paycheck means she's broke all the time. And in that case, those animals are getting subpar care. It's not fair for them.
Yes, it is all relevant.
DeleteSo the Kickstarter project has become a "birchthorn" in her side. Like the wool and webinar CSAs, it won't go away because the issues were never resolved. But with Kickstarter, the history of her irresponsibility is available for anyone to see.
ReplyDeleteShe's been reported to Kickstarter and they won't do anything about it. But she won't ever get another Kickstarter project and one only need to read the comments to see the recurring pattern in her shoddy business practices.
She won't ever get another book deal either. No one wants her crappy writing or her terrible reputation.
DeleteHey, I just realized that I don't think I ever learned exactly what a "birchthorn" is anyway. Does anyone know?
DeleteA name she made up, I would guess.
DeleteBut did the book ever reveal what it was?
DeleteAn animal?
A part of a tree?
An early 1900s euphemism for a werewolf penis?
Anon 7:20 - I agree with you on the name calling. It degrades the integrity of this blog and makes the posters seem immature. However, I disagree on which is worse. Jenna's cheating is far worse than some of these poster's comments.
ReplyDeleteI still hang out here because I was once a fan but quickly disillusioned. I see how she manipulates her fans for money so I am here to call her on her bullsh*t and to warn others.
The name calling and nicknames completely detract from the purpose of this blog, IMO. It serves no constructive purpose. I say that because a few people have said they've contacted people who had negative encounters with JW and shared a link to the blog. So the former newspaper editor, hawk mentor, local official, etc. looks at this and sees all the name calling, comments on her makeup, weight, etc. and assumes it's just a hate blog run by petty women being petty (without looking any deeper). Not saying the people who comment on her hiking/fitness probably are not correct, but pointing out her physical defects makes the poster look mean. Or worse, someone comes across it, feels sorry for her because of the name calling and begins following or donating to her, remembering their own childhoods and being called things like "Waddles." I understand people want to vent and get frustrated, but it only helps JWs cause, honestly. There are enough hard, published FACTS that if they are kept out there (and added to), they will alert people to not throw away their money or time on this sad, irresponsible person. It seems like she's taking enough heat from the hiking crowd who reads "Outside" magazine that her lack of expertise is outing her as a fraud once again over there. Without any nicknaming or name calling whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, Anon 11:31. Well said.
DeleteCompletely agree. And the name calling gives her ammunition to get this blog shuttered.
DeleteShe comments everytime someone talks about her looks.
My comments don't mention her by name and therefore I use nicknames. Which I will continue to do. Nicknames and "she" and "her" won't get the blog "shuttered."
They could be about anyone.
As usual, her comments are erroneous and everyone gets worked up over them.
I don't care about anything other than exposing her animal abuse, and scamming people out of their hard earned money.
ReplyDeleteEspecially the animal abuse. The fact that she has to beg ALL THE TIME should be reason enough to have those animals re-homed. How can someone who can barely pay their mortgage properly take care of animals? Makes no sense.
DeleteI've met her. I have seen her place. I started the original sham blog. And I can tell you, that it started *only* because of her treatment of animals. The lamb that she got, that she let (and video taped) Jasper chase, and who died shortly thereafter. Then the chicks that got eaten by rats, then she sheep caught in the fence and died, the joviality about the pigs being shot in the head in the barn, when another one was RIGHT next to it, I could go on, but THOSE are the reasons I started the blog all those years ago. Her scamming grew to fruition when she realized that she could not make a living off the animals. So, instead of only abusing animals, she also abuses people.
I've always disliked the personal attacks. I don't care what she looks like, how much she weighs or her sexuality. What keeps me coming here is the continual efforts to stop her scamming and animals abuse. I stupidly bought into her "story" at one time. That was years ago. Little has changed, she keeps reeling in people who believe her for a while. I think the reader turnover is huge. I think most people figure her out pretty quickly and move on. I regret the money I sent, but I learned from it and will never be so trusting again. I don't think her family will let her lose the farm.
ReplyDeleteFirmly believe they continue to bail her out. That's what parents do even if we despair of what our children are doing. At 37, she's obsessing over a singer, playing with makeup, binge watching tv and spending the majority of her time on social media. Yes, her parents are going to take care of her, she's just a big kid, who seems to think spouting bad language and using animals as photo props is going to make her "special" and soon she'll have all the attention heaped on "pubic figures". It's disgusting.
what choice do her parents have? They HAVE to support other wise she will threaten to move back home!! Old Ma and Pa thinking paying a mortgage is much easier and safer than having her on their property for sure. Think about it wouldn't you do the same? I'd be handing that hag money left and right to keep her at arms length.
ReplyDeleteShe will end up living in her parent's or sister's basement. It's only a matter of time.
DeleteWouldn't that be interesting. She hardly ever mentions family members, and when she does, it's usually negative.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"When you're broke and raise chickens and pigs you eat bacon and eggs twice a day and you know what? There are worse brokes."
Her lame attempts to be funny are always epic failures. "Brokes" isn't even a word. And I doubt that JFW is only eating "bacon and eggs twice a day." She just said that to evoke PayPal poodle pity.
"No sale yet today and under the gun. Spread the word if you can, or better yet - get yourself or gift someone a pet portrait!"
If she were really "under the gun," then JFW would waddle into town and just get a part-time job. Again, this is an example of her manipulative marketing.
"Okay guys this farm has got to get out of the red/negative before the holiday starts so running a sale on all I have to offer: logos, pet portraits, soaps, classes! PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD! DM to order there is no magical online store!"
Clearly, Baby Jenna has already run out of "milk money," and is now using hysterical caps to deliberately draw attention to her despair. She also mentions "the holiday," which is one of her money mooching techniques. "How can you all enjoy the 4th of July when I need help!!!" And her faux farm is always in "the red/negative." She hasn't been solvent in almost a decade of living in her hovel.
She also made sure to put the word out in her latest bleg post:
Delete❝ Last week I was able to write the check for the mortgage and butcher bill (half the price of my mortgage, yikes) and now I am back in the red again. Working like mad to get that bank account back to black today before the holiday so I can get gas in my truck and a watermelon in the fridge and start working towards July's bills. ❞
So she needs money so that she can enjoy her 4th of July weekend? Why didn't she plan ahead for this? Both yesterday and today she stated that she desperately needs to make two sales, but her timing sucks. Most people are heading out of town or planning backyard BBQs and are not thinking about ordering soaps or artwork. Good luck with that.
The Pig Shocker thinks Twitter is her personal 🏧 it seems.
I will continue to call her both Waddles and Pig Shocker.
DeleteThose nicknames could apply to anyone as most of us do not use her name.
Calling her by her actual name is what could possibly get the blog yanked. Anonymous nicknames will not.
I could not care less if she doesn't like to be told what an ugly person, inside and out, she is. If she doesn't like to be told that she is hideous, she should work on not being such a terrible person and perhaps she would be a smidge more attractive.
The fact that she lies about EVERYTHING including her level of fitness further shows possible victims that everything out of her mouth is a lie. It's all relevant.
Again, anonymous nicknames aren't hurting this blog at all.
Anyone who has been scammed by her or has heard about the animal abuse and the disappearing hawks would most likely want to call her much worse.
Also in the latest bleg post she wrote:
ReplyDelete❝ Get the recent high school grad in your life a logo of their name to use for resumes! ❞
Is this a thing? Or is she desperately trying to come up with a reason for people to buy a logo? I don't think I've ever seen a resume with a custom logo. Using a special font for the persons name, ok. But this?
Shesh... she probably will charge you like $150 to type out their name in one of the three fonts she only uses. Ugh.
DeleteTotally wackadoodle. Ok Jenna you are beyond desperate now. So people have to give her business pronto with down payment pronto and then WAIT 8 weeks for her to start on it? What kind of business model is that?
ReplyDeleteMost people who need a logo usually need one right away or ASAP. I can't imagine anyone being OK with having to wait that long.
DeleteAs for the down payment, is there one? I thought that her normal rate is $400, but she offers a sale price of $250 if you can wait. But I've always had the impression that in either case, you give her the total price upfront -- which is stupid because if you don't like her work, there's no way she's gonna refund that money.
Jenna will turn 37 next week. 🍰 And after 19 years of being a legal adult, she's still begging online strangers to pay her mortgage, bills, gas money, and a watermelon for her fridge.
ReplyDeleteWe should all chip in and buy her some big girl👖for her birthday.
Funny how we are supposed to abstain from calling "her" a fat ass and yet she has no problem tweeting this:
ReplyDelete"There are people on this website more upset a WOC is playing a mermaid than they are that thousands are sitting in concentration camps right now and I hope they all have fireworks accidents starting now."
Waddles is simply a narcissistic sociopath who has no problem wishing firework accidents on people.
Waddles looks as if she has had a fireworks accident that burnt off half of her hair and melted her huge honker to her glasses like a demented Groucho Marx.
If you don't like that comment, screw off. She's a terrible person who deserves it.
Happy 4th, friends. It looks like the lovely, little JFW is also taking a temporary break from begging on Twitter today. But I'm sure she'll double down tomorrow morning with her whining. Her "real world" consists of badgering people to help pay her mortgage and living expenses:
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm and Happy Independence Day! My holiday will be horses, backyard bbq, and zero emails. Back to the real world tomorrow!"
Morning! Happy Independence Day!
ReplyDeleteFor our 4th of July celebration, we put up nearly 14 tons of first-cut hay. I feel so feral, y'all.
Have a great day.
Wow, good on you!!
DeleteOops. Forgot to say send 💵💵💵 , 🐩🐩🐩!
DeleteHappy 4th everyone!
DeleteI hope you have a relaxing and fun day!
Hope everyone had a nice holiday! The fireworks here sucked. 🎆
DeleteEvery year the show gets shorter and the fireworks smaller and less interesting. There was no happy face one this year -- and the finale, well there wasn't one. Boo.
But, thanks to the sobering earthquake, there wasn't a bunch of crazies illegally setting off fireworks in the streets.
Our local fireworks show was postponed due to flooding.
DeleteThey are usually shot from a barge on the river. The river is up way too high and the park where everyone watches from is currently underwater.
However, a neighbor was stumbling drunk and shooting his own fireworks off of the hood of his truck.
Somehow it just wasn't the same 😁.
Looking at Twitter and Jenna's last couple pictures and recoiling at so many others... I am forced to wonder aloud...
ReplyDeleteDoes she EVER take a normal picture?
Like one where she is just standing there, smilling, not gawking it up and acting like a 8 year old boy? Stupid poses, gapping mouth, acting like a fool?
I guess not.
She's how old??? Shesh...
I don't think she can. She does not feel like just being her is good enough. It's a common problem in Narcs.
DeleteI was wondering the same thing yesterday at her horse and hawk pics. It's an open mouth gaping in stupid surprise for no reason, and a beefy bicep being held aloft to try and slim down her bulky body. And she even admitted it on Twitter, too. Again, her friend Natalia poses like a childish, grimacing goblin. It's no wonder why they're friends: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor, https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1146891247753355264:
Delete"AM trail ride with Natalia, Merlin, and Mabel on the mountain. Feeling badass with lip game on point even if this angle makes my torso look like an igloo cooler."
I guess that's an admission that she looks fat. News Flash: there's no "angle" that will make her appear attractive.
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's hot and lovely here in the valley and I am trying to be patient with how long change takes. Working towards being better is a whole lot of work and wait you hope hits you like a train one day."
The second sentence makes no sense. Which is why she'll never get a book deal again.
And to all of those claiming that we're meanly judging Jenna on the basis of her appearance, I'd suggest looking at the issue from a deeper level. JW is trying to sell a brand that she's physically fit and active, but her obvious obesity shows that it's a lie. So it's disingenuous and presents a false front. It's all about her trying to get more unknowing enablers to pay her normal living expenses.
Delete"but her obvious obesity and laziness shows that it's a lie."
DeleteAgree. We also have to remember she is a business. She posts on Twitter and IG and blogger to increase her business income. $uccessful brand = more money (subscriptions, donations or pity purchases).
DeleteIf she wanted personal accounts, that is easily done.
But she doesn't. Because she's running a business, with branding key to income. She wants her words spread everywhere. She hates truth coming out.
So, yeah, we call her out for neglecting animals, lying, scamming and general bull st** when it occurs.
She looks like a serial killer in the latest pic on Twitter, as she cropped half her face out. She's posing with the hawk and wearing jorts that look like rats attacked the hem.
Delete📷 https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1147107898830532608 📸
Yes, she totally has the serial killer look.
DeleteThere are a lot of photos online where she looks like that.
I can remember one in particular that she was standing near the goat pen (the one that contained 3+ feet of goat manure).
It's a stiff looking, robotic pose and she's got that dead eyed stare that makes her look sadistic.
She looks like a cross between kathy bates on Misery and a textbook serial killer.
I agree with calling her out on her lies. Like when she says she is a physically fit size 10 but her photos show otherwise.
ReplyDeleteBut please consider how the name calling appears to others who have not been following her for years like we have. When someone gives a link to this blog to a potential client of hers (personal or business) and they see the name calling, they will see it as a group of petty mean girls and exit quickly. They may even give business to Jenna, seeing her as a victim of bullying.
It's a free country, do as you like. But if you want to further Jenna's cause, keep up with the name calling.
We use nicknames instead of her name.
DeleteUsing her name could lead to this blog being taken down.
Speaking for myself, the nicknames I use are Waddles and Pig Shocker.
Have you ever seen a video of her walking around? I have.
She walks like a gorilla. She lumbers and she waddles. Therefore I call her Waddles.
Have you read the blog post where she described shocking her pigs and how it brought a smile to her face? If you haven't there's a link in my profile. That's how she got the name Pig Shocker.
The more I read someone going on and on and on about not using nicknames, the more it sounds as if anonymous is trying to get us to use her name. You know, so the blog can be taken down.
Not gonna happen.
There will always be those who want to play both sides of the fence and ask that we not discuss her looks.
ReplyDeleteWe will discuss anything and everything that she throws out there.
To ignore any part of the lie that is her life, looks more suspicious than discussing EVERYTHING.
This site is not the place for bleeding hearts.
I will continue to discuss everything that she posts on social media until she stops the scams and stops the animal abuse.
Now we can continue to clog up this site discussing why we should mention every lie she throws out there, which includes her looks and claims of physical fitness, or not.
The choice is up to the anonymous who continues to post about it.
And she makes it so easy to spot her lies, as she doesn't bother keeping track.
DeleteI wonder how many past bleg entries she's deleted in an attempt to keep her story straight?
WH, I now get what you're saying. Carry on. 😁
DeleteAnon7, Were you anywhere near the earthquake?
ReplyDeleteHas Anon7 been on here since the earthquake in southern california?
I was wondering about Anon 7 also. Hope all is well.
ReplyDeleteDo you know what part of California age is in?
Delete*she is in
DeleteHeya guys - Yes, I'm in Southern California, near Los Angeles, about 100 miles from the epicenter. No damage here but we definitely felt it. Also, there's been 20 aftershocks between 4-5 magnitude, and over 80 aftershocks above 3 magnitude. (You can't really feel much under a 3. But a 4 gets your attention; chandeliers will sway. And a 5 is noisy and knocks things over.)
ReplyDeleteI felt many of the larger ones, especially if I was sitting down, and several of us experienced vertigo dizziness all day and night because even though they weren't strong, they were non-stop, the ground was rolling constantly. As for the big one (6.4 magnitude) I had been asleep and it woke me up quick. It felt like someone had shoved me, but it was a gentle jolt and not a fierce up-and-down shaker that we normally get.
Luckily this quake was out in a sparsely populated area, with no casualties thankfully, and not too much damage. Had it happened closer to LA, this would have been bad because any quake over magnitude 6 is severe and very damaging.
For anyone interested, this link is to a site that has a real seismogram that presents shaking and quakes in real time -- there's no delay:
Delete👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6B5J1TouL0 👈
I was glued to that site yesterday. And it sounds strange, but it's also kinda fun to see the needle start to go crazy, and then wait for the shaking that hits seconds later. It kinda helps make quakes seem less scary. And I was really surprised to see so many of the people in the chat room were from all over the world, and especially from US states far from California.
Glad you're 👌.
DeleteGlad you're fine, Anon7! Thanks for checking in.
DeleteTwo weeks after I first moved to San Francisco in '82, there was a 6.2 quake somewhere just south of where I was. That was a shaker. I was also living in San Francisco during the '89 Loma Prieta quake. I was working in one of the Embarcadero Centers (1 or 3, I think). Talk about rock and roll. It was chaotic. I had to walk all the way home to the Castro District up Market Street in my little office shoes. All electricity was out, the Bay Bridge sections fell, I could see a fire to my right over in the Marina District. So, yeah. Glad I've left the earthquakes behind in my current location!
Stay safe,
Thanks guys!
DeleteDuckmama - I remember both those quakes. The '89 one splashed water out of my parent's swimming pool...in freaking Calabasas more than 350 miles south. It felt like someone picked up the corner of the house and slammed it down.
So I can imagine how it felt up there. And the aftermath pics of beautiful but damaged SF were heartbreaking. My second favorite city ever. ❤️
Glad you're okay, Anon 7! I remember both the 82 and 89 quakes. I grew up in San Francisco and was in my third grade classroom for the first one. For the 89, we were home near the Park, but walked through the Marina that night. Heartbreaking is a good description of the neighborhood that night.
DeleteThank you Anon 10:50 - So as a fellow Californian you know how scary this stuff can be. Earthquakes...they come out of nowhere. And their unpredictability is terrifying.
DeleteFor the past few days, my sleeping pattern has been erratic and sparse. After the initial 6.4 magnitude earthquake, we experienced a 7.1 mag monster. It was insane. Most earthquakes last for only 10-30 seconds (which feels like a life time) but this one had us swaying hard (upstairs) for over 5 minutes and wondering if the walls would fall. (It was a 7.1 followed by 3-4 hard 5+ mag aftershocks that blended into each other. It was never ending.
And I gotta admit, it was violently scary, even though we are more than 100 miles away from the epicenter. I feel so sad and so sorry for all those in the Ridgecrest area who were right on top of that quake. They went thru true hell. But at least there were no casualties. Do a YouTube search for "7.1 California earthquake 2019" if you want to see what they had to suffer. We down here got off easy. If you are so inclined, please think good thoughts for the folks of Ridgecrest because they are in for months of endless aftershocks.
Anon7. I'm also glad that you're okay. No one makes me spew my morning cup of coffee like you do. (It's from literally, laughing out loud.) BTW: I've lived in Los Angeles before years ago. When I experienced an earthquake for the first time it was very scary. I recall my bed bouncing up and down, and I can't even blame having hot sex for it.
DeleteI'm not fall from the New Madrid fault line. Over the years we have had very slight and brief rumblings.
DeleteNothing at all like an actual earthquake.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo no word of whether or not she made that sale she was so desperate to make before the holiday, but it looks like she managed to scrape together some beer money:
ReplyDelete❝ Happy 4th from us two, who did not charge you 92 million dollars today to walk sadly in the rain with rolling metal and instead spent $8.94 on a six pack to take to a bbq in town. ❞
Eh, I can't totally begrudge her that, as the 4th of July with a cold one is pretty nice.
But...begging online strangers for the money? Sad.
Waddles' Twitter Whining:
ReplyDelete"There was a time I just enjoyed an artist's music and didn't wonder at 4AM why the snake is blind and one eye and if city murals are turned upside down crack the nuke codes."
One again, Waddles isn't making a damn bit of sense.
She obviously can't handle her alcohol and was at full tilt by 6 p.m.
Is that fierce and scrappy? Nah. More like flacid and sappy.
**Just a reminder for those who are on Twitter- there is lots of new spam to report on Waddles' Twitter account.
If Waddles wants to advertise her scams, she should pay for a Twitter ad. Why should Twitter miss out on that ad revenue?😆💸💸💸💸
Truth about the Twitter ads.
DeleteWow. The snake thing is about Taylor...and if she's up at 4am thinking about that unimportant crap, I fear greatly for those animals of hers outside.
DeleteCold Antler Farm, otherwise known as Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm really needs to be shut down.
The feral farmer deleted her "From Scratch with Scrappiness" blog post. Anyone capture it? I wonder what she wrote in there she didn't want people to read... was that the post about getting another bird??
DeleteWednesday, July 3, 2019
From Scratch With Scrappiness!
All right! So this has been an upswing in some ways and pretty tedious in others. Physically, creatively, emotionally - things are GREAT. The farm and animals are doing well. I feel driven to get this book sold, make art, and am out with new friends and funships and all sort of happy things I've been ramping up towards. And! Last week I was able to write the check for the mortgage and butcher bill (half the price of my mortgage, yikes) and now I am back in the red again. Working like mad to get that bank account back to black today before the holiday so I can get gas in my truck and a watermelon in the fridge and start working towards July's bills.
So! This is a great time to email about a pet portrait, meat share, logo design, or gift yourself or friends with something like fiddle lessons or archery classes! Sign up for 4-hour workshop here at the farm in the cooler fall! Send your in-laws a voucher for a picture of that labrador they adore! Get the recent high school grad in your life a logo of their name to use for resumes! Or if you are so obliged, become a blog subscriber! There are a lot of ways to support Cold Antler if that is something you want to do and like seeing this place keep on. Happy 4th!
As always, email or DM on socials to order!"
Weird.. maybe she didn't want it known that she made the mortgage and butcher. Harder to set up for this months begathon perhaps if she's not several months behind?? Or that was all lies and she didn't make the month so foreclosure is coming.
DeleteIt must be something about making those payments. Perhaps that they were made a week ago or that they were made at all.
DeleteI love that PDD had copied the bleg post!
While there's no smoking gun as to why she deleted that post, it did reek of self obsessed behavior and bullshit galore. Re-read it and you'll see that she typed out 17 sentences ALL ABOUT HERSELF and how she's doing. (Like anyone cares.)
DeleteAnd then just one small sentence about the animals: "The farm and animals are doing well."
This is insanity, writing just one small sentence about what is supposed to be your purpose in life, and then placing it like an afterthought in between two paragraphs that scream all your needs and wants. God damn, why is this woman allowed to have animals in her care?
After reading the Lisa Steele twitter exchange, I think that Waddles' deleted it for exactly the reasons Anon7 mentioned.
DeleteWaddles sounds like a self obsessed moron.
Of course she always does but I don't think that she wanted that bleg post to be her most recent post.
Lisa Steele would have eaten that post for breakfast with a large side of wtf.
Check out the Twitter chat with a reader who is shocked that one can simply ASK FOR MONEY instead of busting one's butt, writing books and developing products. Our favorite pig shocker seems offended by her comment.
ReplyDeleteAh shoot! Not there now! Anyone screen shot it?
DeleteSearch 'cold antler farm's in twitter and sort by date. Still there, I think.
DeleteFound it! Thanks PDD!
DeleteOhmygoodness! Lisa Steele from Fresh Eggs Daily is the real deal! She's written good, informative books, she been a guest host on multiple different media sites and she been on TV. No wonder she's questioning Jenna about begging for money online!
DeleteFound it! Here's the full exchange:
DeleteThe 🐷 Shocker wrote:
❝ You like farms?! You like women farming them? You like 10-years worth of posts about running a farm alone on a mountain? You like electricity/plumbing?! ME TOO! If you want to support this crazy gin joint - your contributions help keep those things mine. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF ❞
Lisa 💁wrote:
❝ Wait...you can just ask people for money and they send it to you??? ❞
The 🐷 Shocker wrote:
❝ I'm not sure what you are asking? I post this every so often as an option for people that want to contribute to the blog. Maybe 1 in10 times I post it someone sends an actual contribution. I try to support other writers and creators when they post support links often as possible. ❞
The 🐷 Shocker wrote:
❝ I am a big supporter of things like Patreon, Ko-fi, Paypal me, etc. Since I don't have a Patreon this is an option if anyone wants to kick in towards the blog. But support links/crowd sourced sponsorships are very common on social media. ❞
Lisa 💁wrote:
❝ I've never ever seen anyone ask for money to help run their farm. ❞
Neither have we, Lisa.
And notice how the Pig Shocker 'innocently' wrote, "I don't know what you're asking?"
Oh yeah, she did. She knew that her integrity was being questioned. And rightfully so. But she's trying to sound so innocent, so demure. And take note of how she didn't wait for a response, but instead, she injected more bullshit to try to make herself seem more legitimate. Being that, Lisa didn't ask her if she gives to others, but Jenna felt it necessary to add the "I donate to others" statement, even thought Lisa didn't ask.
Remember what has been said and proven about liars: They always provide you with information that you didn't ask for. So Jenna is a liar. Also consider that she calls donating to her is an "option" -- but it's no longer an "option" when you demand it by begging for it every single day. The Pig Shocker needs to get a job.
Another thing to consider, as the Pig Shocker wrote:
Delete❝ You like farms?! You like women farming them? You like 10-years worth of posts about running a farm alone on a mountain? ❞
A normal and HONEST person would have followed that up that statement by saying "You want to hear about all my animal adventures too?"
But instead she says, "You like electricity/plumbing?!"
That right there tells you all you need to know about this sad sorry grifter. She goes from zero to sixty explaining she's a farmer...who can't pay her own bills. And how she desperately needs your help. This is sick behavior. Really.
what I don't understand if she is so broke (except at the liquor store) then why oh why is she donating to other bloggers? I know we should be charitable but charity begins at home when you are broke.
DeleteI think she lies about her generosity to other people. Years ago she made some contributions to a Kickstarter campaign of some local friends of hers, but it doesn't seem to be a regular thing.
DeleteLisa Steele could have found her way to Waddles' malarkey via the gentleman with the many credentials that Waddles had a Twitter exchange with.
DeleteThe exchange where Waddles showed her ass and looked like blubbering idiot she is.
Agree. She has been the recipient of Kiva, Paypal, Kickstarter and others. She pushes the concept of giving (like she would, *cough cough cough) because SHE wants 🐩🐩🐩 to share their hard-earned money with her.
DeleteOn rare occasion (once, twice?) she spoke of giving a small amount to a social media artist she thought was cool.
Agreed, Redhorse. The few times she contributed to others was right before she launched her own Kiva or Kickstarter. As if to say, "Look, I give to others...so give to me too!"
DeleteAnyone else utterly amazed by the lack of response to the latest Kickstarter exchanges between Heather and Sarah??
ReplyDeleteI can not believe it but I guess there is nothing Jenna CAN say to defend the well-described and well-documented abuse of trust and resources. Getting called out is never fun, but I read all 40–plus comments to the campaign and most of them had to do with people unhappy with the wait for birchthorn and asking for refunds or asking where is the book or unhappy with Jenna ignoring their refund requests or emails.
This from the Kickstarter terms page:
DeleteIf a creator is unable to complete their project and fulfill rewards, they’ve failed to live up to the basic obligations of this agreement. To right this, they must make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers. A creator in this position has only remedied the situation and met their obligations to backers if:
they post an update that explains what work has been done, how funds were used, and what prevents them from finishing the project as planned;
they work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion in a timeframe that’s communicated to backers;
they’re able to demonstrate that they’ve used funds appropriately and made every reasonable effort to complete the project as promised;
they’ve been honest, and have made no material misrepresentations in their communication to backers; and
they offer to return any remaining funds to backers who have not received their reward (in proportion to the amounts pledged), or else explain how those funds will be used to complete the project in some alternate form.
The creator is solely responsible for fulfilling the promises made in their project. If they’re unable to satisfy the terms of this agreement, they may be subject to legal action by backers.
I'm totally amazed that those people didn't complain to anyone above Jenna. Instead, they bickered with her in the comments and then they gave up...when they really should have contacted the Kickstarter administration people to get their money back.
DeleteBut because they didn't, the useless waddler got away with $15K for providing a flimsy book that would best be used for toilet paper.
I amazed at how weak that kickstarter guideline was written. It says "go ahead and cheat people as you like, and pretend to make things right". Garbage.
DeleteThanks for the heads up on Lisa Steele. i just ordered her book and can't wait for later this morning as she is on our local station here in Maine. I've never seen the show but my husband has. I've had chickens for over 25 years but am always ready for inspiration and advice.
At one time I believed JW wanted to be just like Lisa when she grew up.
DeleteMercury retrograde strikes JFW as everyone's favorite muscle man pose photo gets dusted off and trotted out yet again for another self-congratulatory bleg post....
ReplyDeleteAh yes, the pseudo muscle man pose.
DeleteThat would be the photo that after it was first posted, everyone on social media realized Waddles' fitness claims were all just a bunch of delusional ramblings of a mentally ill scammer.
Words can't express how much I hate her muscle-moron pose. Everything about it is fake. It's just like Jenna's whole lie of a life.
DeleteAll those purposeful body/face pics are to get her foollowers to tell her how awesome/beautiful she is, as WH pointed out down below.
DeleteShe doesn't like herself because she's a dishonest scammer and all-around bad person. So in order to bump up her self-esteem, she desperately posts pics in which she knows that nothing positive could ever be said, thus depending on other people's pity to offer up false encouragement and appreciation. Yeah, she's desperate enough to do that.
Ha! On the PS/Lisa twitter exchange, Lisa commented more! Saying ps is getting handouts, and that it's wrong to ask people to fund your dream! It's great!!
ReplyDeleteI just checked to see the further exchange, and it appears to have been deleted by JFW. She wouldn't want a real expert to tell the truth about her "handouts" from PayPal poodles.
DeleteIt's still there.
DeleteAnd I "still" can't see it.
DeleteHas she finally fessed up to having a cell phone? Cause she tweeted about getting texts on July 5th. Can you get texts on a kindle?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that you can.....
DeleteWhat a dumbass.
Wow, GREAT catch there, Anon 8:12!! Here is the tweet in question:
Delete❝ Just another day of haplessly grasping for that level of self confidence where getting a text without punctuation doesn't make me panic someone is upset with me. ❞
What other device accepts text messages other than a cell phone?
Apparently there are various apps that make texting possible on a Kindle Fire:
As for the new bleg post, that photo was at least 60 lbs ago.
ReplyDeleteThe photo shows everyone that Waddles' claims of running "miles" (quantities vary but are all laughable) on a regular basis are delusions of grandeur.
Why is that relevant? It's relevant because it shows that everything out of her mouth is a lie. If someone will lie about mundane everyday things, they will lie about anything and everything.
It also shows her level of mental illness. It shows that the poor animals on her property have an absolute lunatic in charge of their care.
It's the same post over and over again....Blather, rinse, repeat.
DeleteIt totally is the same posts over and over again.
DeleteAll of Waddles' social media posts in a nutshell:
Believe my lies that I perceive to be completely believable and above suspicion.
Look at my level of success that I hope to portray and join me in it. Pay my bills because I deserve it.
Waddles' many lies include but are not limited to: a love for and protector of the animals in her care, her fitness level only purported to persuade everyone into believing that she is not lazy and her need of financial rescue from her perceived community.
When in reality: Waddles' lies are so obvious it almost makes the reader wonder if it's a joke.
As for success? How many successful people beg online all day everyday for money?
As for lying about her physical fitness to hide her laziness? There's nothing more lazy than an able bodied adult who flat out refuses to work,
neglects their animals and spends 24/7 on social media while whining and boozing every day away.
As for the need for money to pay bills?
It's a lie. She makes enough money to pay her bills but wants more money for hobbies and entertainment. That's where the bulk of her begged money goes.
Waddles can shuffle her words around in each new bleg post but the summary is always the same:
Pay attention to me.
Tell me I am attractive.
Give me positive reinforcement for making bad decisions.
Encourage my bad behavior.
Support me financially and without question. Encourage the feeding of my many addictions including social media and alcohol.
Make my lying and begging worthwhile.
WH. I agree with what you wrote. That's an intelligent summation.
DeleteBrilliant analysis, WH. And all the supposed exercising is what bristles the most because she knows full well nobody would donate if they thought she sat on her ass all day. So she makes up imaginary 5K runs, and people fall for it. But the truth is in the pics, and in the amount of Tweets per day...it's obvious she's a couch potato and nothing more.
Delete"Coming out of the closet was worth it for the thicker hair alone."
ReplyDeleteUm... what??
Oh, let me guess.
DeleteThe stress of being in the closet made her hair fall out.
It still looks like she's wearing a dollar store wig. She's the only one who thinks it looks thicker.
Again, analyzing her physical features isn't insignificant if she's lying about her appearance to scam people for more money. Her thin hair is still skimpy. She's delusional to think that it's thicker. The short length only makes it look fuller from the front.
DeleteMy issue is that she's bringing it up in an effort to appeal to the gay community. I don't understand the connection at all, and it just seems very distasteful to do so.
Deletewell I see Jenna is getting Artsy Fartsy with her stylish black white photo of herself. My she sure does love herself doesn't she?
ReplyDeleteSo what does coming out have to do with thicker hair?
DeleteScratching my head at that one too. The only thing I can think of is that her effort to attract new foollowers by "coming out" has been successful, as the extra LGBT donation money has allowed her to purchase extra-strength Rogaine at long last.
DeleteHey everyone - Just found out about a website that can analyze a photo and determine whether it's been edited or Photoshopped. I wanted to have analyzed the infamous "muscle man" pose photo cuz I've always suspected that it was heavily edited.
ReplyDeleteBut I can't seem to figure out how this website works. It says to "drag" the pic you want analyzed, but I must be doing something wrong. Perhaps someone could give it a try?
Website here at this link ☞ ☞ ☞ http://imageedited.com ☜ ☜ ☜
I tried out the muscle man and B&W artsy farty photo, and app indicated both were probably edited along with a list of programs that might have been used to do so.
DeleteTo use:
1. Download photo to your files (it doesn't work with screenshots)
2. Tap Analyze File
3. Tap "File" and then select photo you want analyzed. Tap photo to add.
4. Eureka!
Neat tool!
Thank you Poods! You figured out the process and results that eluded me! And you got results! And also your report that those pics were edited. Of course it was, lol.
DeleteClever work, you. I'm smirking right now at the faux human wannabe that is Jenna. And also, thank you for the download info, as I thought that you only needed to do that if you wanted to pay for the advanced analyzation info.
Very cool PDD! I analyzed the muscle man photo and the black and white (from the Twit) facial photo and the results of "Image edited?" on both was: "Probably."
DeleteToo bad there isn't an app that can tell us where the hawk bodies are buried.☹
Just found concrete evidence that Jenna does indeed edit/Photoshop her pics for nefarious purposes for the sake of securing monetary donations from online strangers and fools.
On June 23rd Jenna posted a pic on Twitter that showed her cleavage crease to be less than 1" in length. Here is that pic:
Also on June 23rd Jenna posted the exact same pic on Instagram that also showed her cleavage to be the same less than 1" length. Here is that pic:
BUT THEN...on July 1st, just one week later, she posted a pic on her bleg where her cleavage crease had magically grown to 3"=4" inches overnight. Here is that photo:
WTF? What the fuck? wut da fuq? wut? wat? the fuuuccck...Muckity muckity fuckity!
Wowsa. I don't know if I'm winding my butt or scratching my watch here. I'm so o confused. Like, she didn't think people would notice?!? What the hell is wrong with this woman?
Seriously, did she not think that people wouldn't notice this blatant Photoshopping and manipulation tactics for donations?
You know what? That's enough internet for me tonight. Totally done here.
You are right. Glad to know there is an app to see which photo she has changed, which, are all, probably.
DeleteIt's the curious case of the shrinking cleavage. She's just trying to hide how saggy her torso is in reality. Unfortunately, her fat version just doesn't jive with the physically fit and active image she's trying to fake.
DeleteOMG what a difference! Jenna is fake all around isn't she? This may get her unwanted attention from the "guys". Didn't this bother her a few years ago? Now she's back to doing it again for donations. What a POS.
DeleteThanks for making me look at pictures of that lolol
Holy moly, you're right. She's been having fun with photoshop. That just... bewilders me.
i Noticed from the beginning that her face was majorly photoshopped because I have a niece who’s overweight and she does that to ALL her pics. It was quite shocking to see her in person after only seeing her on IG for a yr. I’m sure I did a double take. It’s a shame, really, because my niece is an attractive young girl and I hate to see her living the photoshop lie on soc media, then being a recluse because she doesn’t want anyone to see the real her. It’s sad. Anyway, notice how JW’s face is so white and almost floating on her neck? Majorly photoshopped.
DeleteShe's trying hard to hide that serial killer/demented groucho marx stare.
DeleteCan you imagine if she managed to snag a date and then they saw the real her in person? They would think they somehow got cast in a horror movie.
To be clear, I didn't use the app for that. I remember seeing the long cleavage shot last week, but I didn't think much of it, other than wondering why I didn't notice the boobs the first time when I commented on it.
DeleteThen last night I saw the original un-shopped one and then it hit me.
I can't believe all 3 photos are still there. You'd think she'd delete on or the other.
Jesse - Yeah, she has a smooth chiseled chin in all her latest pics.
DeleteExcept the one on Patty's instagram...Jenna wasn't able to Photoshop that one, womp womp. It's the second photo here:
You can clearly see 2-3 chins. And the other pics that show her profile...her chin slopes into her upper chest. She doesn't have a neck, unlike her edited photos.
Anon7 - Yep, BIG difference.
DeleteWH- Yes, I can only imagine how shocking it is when people meet her in person.
I'm becoming more worried about the piglets and lambs. Not a word or picture in quite awhile.
ReplyDeleteNo comment at all about the ones she has. Just in passing that she needs more before fall. Obviously doesn't have enough to fill all the pre-orders she accepted. Just another scam.
DeleteYou can expect to see fake pics now that we've mentioned it here. "Pember Patty, I need your help again!!!"
DeleteDon't worry, odds are they don't live on her property.
DeleteThe lambs were used for a brief crappy photo op and the pigs haven't been on her property since July 2018.
That was when she was investigated for animal abuse and then shortly after decided to rehome the goat and sheep herds.
She didn't want to say she also had to rehome the pigs she kept in the woods without shelter in the heat and the cold.
Then people would know that the rehoming wasn't her decision and she was made to do so.
If she owns pigs and lambs, they live on someone else's property.
And the chicks from last year -- she had received between 200-250 but never really mentioned them again.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"If Alex Morgan can have perfect eyeliner for the entire world cup I sure as hell can spend 10 minutes on semi-cat eyes to go hiking with this girl."
She keeps mentioning Alex Morgan in her tweets, like the two have anything in common. I dare say that the FFF is the only one in her area who is going "mountain smashing" wearing any makeup. Who is she trying to fool? This fixation on physical appearance is childish and fake, and the faux femme look isn't real. JFW gives authentic farmers a bad rap. They're the people who actually work hard to produce something, rather than sit on their fat asses and tweet insipid thoughts like daily drivel for more donations.
Delete"I applied to join the team of an online mag, wish me luck!"
She'll need a lot more than "slung luck" when we find out the name of her "online mag." Then they'll be bombarded by multiple links. Which will make them question their candiate's competency and ethical behavior.
It won't ever happen unless the publication is ran by people who aren't capable of using Google.
DeleteThat’s what I was thinking, for anyone, really, do people not google anymore? How has she not been publicly outed as a scammer? It boggles the brain.
DeleteNo profound comment but I'm just curious about how many of us reach back in time for photos to post. Jenna obviously loves that body builder picture. Photoshopped, probably but it's several years old. If she's so buff, why not do a new one? Personally, I do not photograph well. I have one picture of myself that I do really like. It's tucked away in a drawer not splattered all over my social media accounts.
ReplyDeleteThe FFF doesn't "do a new one" because she's lying about her current level of physical fitness. It's like the lies about her life. I believe that she spends most of her time either planning her stupid tweets and carefully curated Instagram images, or playing like a teenager who has no adult responsibilities.
DeleteIt's dishonest to post old photos, without indicating they are re-posts or old pics. I know FB people do that on Throwback Thursday, but of all the people I've seen on social media, she's the only one who routinely uses old, curated & edited pics without explaining up front. There must be an Internet "rule" on that.
DeleteI agree with the great points others have made on this topic. She obviously does little/no actual farming or animal care, so there's nothing to post. However, her false narrative is she's a hard-working farmer, who does it all by her lonesome *sniff* , so people will feel sorry for her scrappiness and donate money or make pity purchases. Therefore, she must post old "farmy" pics to keep the story going.
Like Anon7 and others, I've also noticed she's been deleting old IG photos and re-posting as though they're new. Pig Shocker doesn't seem to know the Internet never really loses anything.
Shame, shame.
Great point Anon 6:36 - If she's buff right now from all the running, why not post a new full body shot insteed of the one from 3 years ago?
DeleteToday she claims she hiked 5 miles and is now going to run 4 miles. Sure, Jan.
Anon7. Yet she claims not having time to go "off farm" for a part-time job. But there's plenty of hours to act like a teen on permanent summer vacation. So when she whines about needing mortgage money, and her dumb enablers help her again, then they have no one to blame but their stupid selves for being taken advantage of by a scammer. And looking at her obese, couch potato body it's clear that she's lying through her rotten teeth.
DeleteEventually one of her foollowers will call her out. This has to happen. There's gotta be at least one person who suspects she's full of it.
DeleteAnon7 - That’s why I keep following this story. Surely she will get busted eventually! Where are the cyber ‘police’? We need a good investigative journalist to get interested in this story.
DeleteI agree, Jesse. Nothing like a big splashy article about online scammers featuring our FFF as fodder. And Anon7, really, he has been called out multiple times. By Reddit, by the Birchthorn backers, by Miriam, all apparently to no real avail as she never has suffered any legal ramifications, that we know of. (Except for the animal removal - thankfully.)
Delete*she* has been called out.... Been working all day. I'm tired. You know, the nasty "W" word? LOL
DeleteTwit Shit:
ReplyDelete"One of these days these certified letters from banks and threats of losing my home will stop because things will be okay, and when that day happens and I'm in a better place I am going to support as many single female farmers as possible."
Yeah, right. Sure she will "support as many single female farmers as possible." We've heard this crap before recently. And the mention of "losing my home" along with the omnipresent "certified letters from banks" is once again, a prime example of her manipulative marketing. Grow the fuck up and fund your own damn dream, moron. It's not up to anyone to help pay for your normal living expenses plus entertainment. What a lazy lifestyle loser.
That is another Waddles lie and can be interpreted as:
DeleteGive me money soon and frequently. I'm obviously lying about paying it forward because I will do and say anything to get someone's hard earned money from them to blow on my many addictions and senseless hobbies.
I am in the place I am currently because of my bad choices and behavior. I am a narcissistic sociopath who only believes in helping myself.
She's trying to paint a picture of how great things are, so when the next big beg comes, people will remember she wrote this:
Delete❝ Well guys it has come to this. I am going running because even though I've been up since 5:30, hiked 5 miles, farmed, drew, cured soap, designed logos, and farmed some more I won't be able to relax or sleep without another 4 miles and 13 songs. ❞
You don't want to see her lose all that, do ya?
And look, now she's adding the amount of songs one can listen to whilst on a run. As if it's proof, cuz how would she know that otherwise? Uh, by looking at the song lengths?
She's stuck on stupid and stubborn. JFW never appears to learn from her many mistakes. She continues to beg on an almost daily basis. Even if she had a form of mental illness, which would be an explanation, I still think that most of her behavior is cold and calculating. She seems to believe that working a mundane job is beneath her phony persona.
Delete"...cured soap..."
The process of letting soap sit out in the air so water evaporates.
Wow. So difficult.
How does she do it?
How dumb are her present-day followers?
Soap maker chiming in here, I saw that about “I cured soap today” and almost fell of my perch. Soap cures itself by the process of moisture evaporation as it literary sits without being disturbed over a period of 4-6 weeks.
DeleteListing “I cured soap” as one of your daily activities is basically like saying, I digested food today. Or I converted oxygen today. It’s a BD statement crafted for an audience of non- farming, non-homesteading folks who won’t know the difference. It’s maddening for the rest of us who do.
Also good job to brynner42 on twitter for exposing the latest recycled photo, the one with the muscle pose.
Make that a BS statement, not BD:)
DeleteI watched the grass grow. I watched paint dry.
DeleteLol, gotta admit, as someone who has never made soap, "cured/curing" sounds like a real process and real work. Thanks for pointing out that it's just soap sitting on a counter. Had no idea.