Fraud Antler Farm

Where EVERYTHING is a fraud.  Literally Everything.


  1. so very aptly named for sure. She plays all day and night work never gets done and hey folks could you remind me that I haven't done your work you paid for months ago. Great way to run a business and I use that term oh so loosely.

    1. Now she' asking new people to DM her if they want a childish drawing or a logo. While just a few hours ago she tweeted that customers need to be patient and expect to wait a few months for the crap to be delivered. Not a good way to do business dumbass, no wonder your ass is broke.

    2. Those disney bastardization drawings and quick dissolve soaps aren't worth a nickel let alone the crazy amount she charges for them.

      People just don't get that Waddles wants their money and as soon as it shows up in her paypal account she is done with them and on to the next mark.

      The most blatant example of that is the $15,000 she received from her Birchthorn kickstarter.

      As soon as the $15,000 was in her grubby man hands, she could not have cared less about the project.

  2. Not only is Waddles' blog/bleg filled with constant begging, bitching and moaning, it also has not been updated in 6 days.

    She wants people to donate money in thanks for reading her whiny bleg posts that she can't bother to contribute to on a regular basis.

    She would much rather play horsey and waddle up and down hills than get a job with a regular paycheck. Then to top it off, she tries to make her laziness, failures and bad decisions everyone else's problem.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 12:21 PM

      Even her former editor, Heather Nadelman, finally confronted her in the Kickstarter comments. She reiterated what we've been saying about the slacker. JFW wants to play all day while other adults pay for her lazy lifestyle.

    2. Yes, every time she begs people to "throw a few dollars at 10 years of writing" I just roll my eyes. That bleg of hers only has, what, about 4 or 5 years of semi-decent writing before it turned into the woe-is-me begging shit show of non-stop terror and anxiety that it is now. And she thinks that's worth throwing money at? I'll give her one thing, it is very entertaining to watch and see just how much one sack of human garbage can bury oneself.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How does someone look themselves in the mirror when they post that they are going riding, hiking, drinking, and then post:

    "I try to make it clear that nothing hear happens fast, months wait at times, but please know that if you purchased anything from me it will get to you. It is not my intention to ever fall so far behind but when things are as rough as this year has been, I have."

    What the ever living fuck?? I think I'll take the next few days off and tell my boss that my work will get done eventually, but she still needs to pay me.


    1. It shows how extremely mentally ill she is. Normal people do not think or act that way.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 12:18 PM

      What's even more shocking is how many of her dumb enablers are still supporting the unethical twat.

    3. Chicken Mama - Because Jenna can't keep track of her own lies, she assumes her foollowers can't either. So she doesn't realize that any moron can stack up her excuses and tardiness against all her playtime activities and see the truth.

  5. what I don't understand when she says when she is solvent and has more money she is going to support all these female "farmers". Well how is she going to do that if she doesn't have a job? One book if she gets another book deal is not an ongoing income (just ask Jon Katz) so there would be initial money but that runs out quick (especial if you are named Pig Shocker) then what back to begging again? And will she beg for the other women farmers also? Does she not know that these bills come like clock work each and every month? Oh and no mention of the $600. medical bills she says she got (she knew right away the amount something we never know till the bill comes in after a few months and it going to insurance company first) did that just disappear or are we holding that one back for another bleg day? You know pay me now or I will not pay my insurance and it will be all your fault.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 1:05 PM

      That's one of her latest lines. She can brag about wanting to "support all these female farmers" without ever donating a dollar. JFW is trying to present a public, fake image of generosity. Again, it's all part of her manipulative marketing.

    2. Yes it is total manipulation. She's trying to purport herself as a generous person who is experiencing a temporary financial setback.

      However, as we all know, that is far from the truth.
      We know that she is an animal abusing, lazy, scamming, narcissistic sociopath who only cares for herself and that she will do or say anything to get what she wants.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 1:30 PM

      I just contacted a Cambridge paper, and asked if they wanted to do an investigative journalism piece on JFW. I already know their editor. I'll let you all know what transpires. It's about time that her unethical business practices, and animal abusing becomes more widely known.

    4. FCC, that is fantastic! There is so much to investigate- hawks, scams, animal abuse investigations, etc.
      Great idea!

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 1:45 PM

      WH. I should've done this a long time ago, and also appreciate your support. Thanks!

    6. dear Failed Cubicle Worker this is a wonderful idea and boy could keep a reporter busy for months on end just investigating let alone doing a series of stories about her.

    7. Thanks to the sunshine laws, the reporter will be able to get copies of reports involving her misdeeds.
      I can't wait to see this play out.

    8. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 2:52 PM

      I've had it with her on every level. "Enough, already." Which is why I took action against her now. I also am partially responsible for getting her livestock re-homed last year. We reported her to appropriate authorities along with other local people.

    9. Wow, FCW, this is encouraging news! It would be so good to see her exposed and unable to continue taking advantage of good people and innocent animals.
      Thank you for taking the time to do this!

    10. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 4:32 PM

      Jesse. It's a team effort here. So I'm happy to help out when it's possible. WH. He hasn't emailed me back yet, but I'll keep you all informed. Even if he can't publish the story, I still have another local paper to contact. But I'm trying him first because of our connection.

    11. What an interesting article it could be. Doesn't have to be ALL about her, it can be able internet begging and scams and then just happen to mention the hometown gal! hahahahahaha SHesh... time to get that job at Stewarts or Subway FAST...

    12. 👏 Great work, Failed Cubicle Worker! And all the proof needed is right there on her social media accounts just waiting to be sorted and complied. Not to mention this blog, where many instances of all her misdeeds and crimes have been documented already.

    13. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 16, 2019 at 12:38 PM

      I still haven't heard back from him yet, but he's a very busy person. And she'll "hang herself" with all of the proof online. All we've done is collect evidence of it.

  6. Is there anything more stupid looking than the pics of polaroids laying on the ground that she's posting on social media? Is that supposed to be artsy?😂🤣😅

    Once again she is grasping at straws trying to be one of the cool kids and it's so obvious it's hilarious. Let me guess, she's taking photos of the polaroids with the "broken" iphone she recently found in a drawer. You know, the cell phone she is adamant that she does not have.

    Too bad she hasn't figured out how to successfully alter her glasses fused with her huge honker via photoshop so she doesn't look like a demented groucho marx. Somethings just can't be fixed.

    1. Being that she just announced via Twitter that she only dusts/cleans once a year, it's a safe bet that the ground outside is cleaner than any surface in her home.

    2. No wonder one of the hawks died inside her house (as confirmed by a member of her heathen play group).

      She has also mentioned the mold in her house on her social media. Including mold on her falconry equipment, which she included a photo of the falconry glove covered in mold next to a photo of the glove after cleaning it.
      She was proud of the before and after showing her cleaning job.

      She was way to stupid to realize that she was showing the disgusting state of her mold covered falconry equipment. The point wasn't wow she cleaned that glove.
      The point was wtf happened to the glove that it was neglected to the point of becoming covered in mold.

      So between Waddles posting on social media about her lack of dusting and the abundance of mold in her house along with how often she posts about the hawk hanging out in her house, it is no wonder a hawk died inside her house and later was said to have "flown away."

  7. I just saw her artsy fartsy picture of HOME and it says Gibson is running towards her. Welllllll dahhhh if she is taking the picture she is BEHIND Gibson and he is walking away from her as you see Gibson tail and his rear. Good heavens she will try to sell anything even when it is there in black and white.

    1. He must be running backwards because she is never wrong 🙄.

      Who takes the time to explain a photo like that? Someone who doesn't want to work for a living to support herself, that's who.

  8. Does anyone have the link to the video from the brewery of Waddles attempting to play the fiddle?

    She's tweeting about her archery and fiddle lessons and people don't have a clue as to how extremely bad her playing is.

    She has every bad habit a new player could have and obviously has no idea what she is doing.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 15, 2019 at 4:34 PM

      I think that the adept Anon7 might have it. She's compiled a lot of stupid screenshots over the past year.

    2. Ask and you shall receive:

      This video is a major pain in the ass to find. Remembering the date helps (April 5, 2018) but it no longer shows up on the Argyle Twitter page...I looked twice just now. But I had bookmarked that link above, which took me to their Twitter only, and I had to scroll down forever to find it. Enjoy. Or not.

    3. Thank you! I wonder if someone on twitter could post it next to her tweet regarding her fiddle lessons.

    4. What's funny is if you look at Argyle Twitter's pic from few weeks later on May 3rd, it shows the same group of musicians together again, but their circle is much tighter this time -- as if to make sure that a certain fumbling interloper doesn't try to join in again, lol.

      🚫 🐷 🍺 🎻 🚫

      Yes, she was drinking beer while playing in that video.

    5. My favorite was when she was playing the slide whistle with the group. Like a clown at the circus.

      I imagine a few members of the band threatened to dosey doe Waddles' face if she came within five feet of them armed with her fiddle.

      So feeling sorry for the town crazy, they allowed her to play the slide whistle.

  9. I didn't copy the link that shows if a photo has been photoshopped.
    Has anyone checked the new Twitter profile pic?
    Only Pig Shocker would take a photo of a polaroid selfie and then edit that pic.

    1. Here's the link to that website:

      But ever since the undeniable proof that she Photoshopped her boobs in that one pic, I think it's safe to assume that all her pics are edited. Most of the time she shortens her chin and slims/smoothes the sides of her face. And I get that, because it's important to her that people believe her fitness routine lies. But the boobs? Chick is mental.

  10. The 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ was hitting the 🍸 🍺 🍷 last night. I didn't have time to post, but took a quick look at her Twitter and saw 2-3 boozy posts -- the one I remember the most is something about a specific question that she'll be putting on her girlfriend application.

    That's right folks, she's now accepting applications for the honor of dating her! Now simmer down everyone...don't push...put those paycheck stubs away. There's plenty of time to prove to Jenna that you can support her and have a chance to win this job. Oh, but she deleted that tweet. Never mind.

  11. PoodleDiDoo - I think it was you who pointed out on the last thread that the Pig Shocker posts old pics and tries to pretend they are new. Specifically never attaching any sort of "throwback" hashtag or other notification. Well then, you'll be chuffed to see that on her Instagram, she finally did. Just goes to show that she does read us here, lol.

    (BTW, it's the comment for the pic of that time she laboriously dragged her vintage record player out onto her lawn for a cheesy Instagram moment.) 🙄

    1. That must be one of her favorites. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

      Once again, like the photos taken of polaroids laying on the ground, she thinks it's artsy. Same as her living room that looks like an episode of Dumpster Diving Hoarders.

      It's not artsy. It's crazy.

  12. ❓Heya - Does anyone know if the person who ran the CAS Twitter is still around? Also, I know we still have Brynner42 fighting the good fight, but is there any other Twitter accounts dedicated to the truth that we should know about?

    The reason I'm specifically asking about CAS Twitter owner is because they had the ability to zoom in on certain pics and post enlargemed details. And with the plethora of edited face pics the Pig Shocker has been posting, I'd love to see them alongside the last known "true" face of PS where you can see at least 3 chins. As it would be great to have more proof of her fraudulent practices.

    It's the 2nd pic at this link:

    If no luck with this query, does anyone here know in general how those -side-by-side shots are made? Is it a Photoshop thing?

    1. It could be a photoshop thing. She is a graphic designer (well at least she calls herself one) and they all usually have photoshop. I'm a gd too and I have it. It would be very easy to do.

    2. You can download an app to your phone to easily do it. PicCollage is one.

    3. I use one called BeFunky. It's really easy to use.

    4. Thank you, Anon. I tried for 20 minutes but I am hopeless. I can repair electronics, take apart a computer and fix it...but I can't operate one. Something is wrong with my brain, lol.

  13. Thanks for the title. Fraud. Her CSA was fraudulent, her Oakpaw art sales were fraudulent. Her Beekman Boys contest entry was fraudulent. Her Kickstarter for Birchthorn was fraudulent. Her last money beg for fence and farm repair was fraudulent.

    I could go on, so can everyone here. If anyone happens here and doesn't believe that these were FRAUDS, please ask for clarification. We can explain. Further, if it went to court, discovery would be interesting because we'd probably only get more proof.

    What kind of agent or publisher would connect their reputation to hers? Their peers should know what they deal in.

    FCW - sending you a big hug for contacting the paper and for what you do. She has a camera now (for at least the third time since I started following her), but her plumbing doesn't work. Wonder how she can be properly caring for those animals...


  14. Just a little reminder:

    Here are the 20 traits on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist
    Do you sense you are someone extremely important?
    Would you say you need constant stimulation?
    Do you find pleasure in manipulating people?
    Would you lie in order to get your own way?
    Do you never say sorry?
    Are you known to be charming and persuasive?
    Would you agree you show little emotion?
    Are you incapable of feeling empathy for others?
    Are you in and out of relationships all the time?
    Do you have a promiscuous sex life?
    Are you impulsive and live for the moment?
    Are you known for behaving irresponsibly?
    Do you fail to accept responsibility for your actions?
    Is it right to get as much as you can from other people?
    Is it hard to control your behaviour?
    Did you display early behaviour problems?
    Do you lack long-term goals?
    Do you have a history of juvenile delinquency?
    Have you ever had your parole or bail revoked?
    Are you known for committing many different criminal acts?

    1. ✅ Big YES to all of those except:

      -While she's not at all charming, she is persuasive enough to get enough idiots to send her money for doing absolutely nothing.

      -She's never been in a single relationship with anyone other than all her debt collectors.

      -Promiscuous sex life? Hah! Promiscuous liar, yes. But zero sex and absolutely no life.

      -As for having her bail or parole revoked, no one but her knows that, but check out what her public MyLife profile has to say:

      🚨 Criminal or Civil Court records found on Jenna's Background Report!
      🚨 Lawsuits, Liens or Bankruptcies records found on Jenna's Background Report!

      You know what they say...where there's smoke, there's fire.

    2. Those are bogus sites, they say that stuff about everyone trying to get you to pay money for the information.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 16, 2019 at 12:35 PM

      Redhorse. I agree that some of them are "bogus sites," but I've never had any of them show negative information about me. And it's probably because I'm clean. "Where there's smoke..."

    4. Redhorse, not all sites are bogus, but preliminary "red flags" may be due to spider searching on similar names. Without age and location, data capture may be erroneous.

      Also, the full report, made up of public records data, typically requires subscription or fee.

      Guessing there aren't many 37 yo women living in NY with same name, so a report on PS might be pretty exact.

  15. 😡 Just found this on reddit: "PIGS HAVE EPISODIC MEMORY. IT IS LIKELY THAT THEY CAN REPLAY AND FEEL PAST EXPERIENCES IN THEIR HEADS - (Excerpt taken from an article from

    ❝ Episodic-like memory, involving simultaneous recall of what, where and when aspects of a past event, has been demonstrated in some non-human species. [...] Our study explored episodic-like memory in pigs. [...] We used a definition of episodic-like memory that equates the recall of time (“when”) with the recall of context (“which”). Pigs performed a novel object recognition test and identified the less familiar of two object/location/context configurations. Since configurations only differed in familiarity if all aspects were remembered simultaneously, we concluded that pigs did recall what/where/which. This finding provides the first evidence of episodic-like memory in pigs. ❞

    In case you are new here or need a refresher, here's what the Porky 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ wrote after catching her escaped pigs and putting them back in their prison:

    ❝ I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite. [...] One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. No part of me felt any pity at all. I smiled. If you think that's crule you haven't rewired a charger with the slow burn of nettles on your inner thighs while blood ran down your arms. Peta my ass. ❞

    Jenna Woginrich is a horrible nasty person who should never be allowed to own any animals. And to think that those poor little pigs could replay that cruel memory of being shocked just makes me sick all over again.🖕 No one is more deserving of looking like Mrs. Potato Head than her.

    1. I totally believe that Pig Shocker is so ugly because she is an animal abuser and a scammer.
      People who are rotten on the inside eventually look like it on the outside as well.

      She thought it was hilarious when she shocked her pig's nose on purpose.

      Yet look at her gigantic nose.
      It looks as if her nose was transplanted from W.C. Fields to her fat face.

      Her hair looks like it has been overprocessed to the point of most of it falling out. I wouldn't doubt if her diet of alcohol and fast food made her lose most of her hair.

      Add being morbidly obese, walking like a knuckle dragging gorilla and a mouth filled with nasty, rotten teeth and you have Pig Shocker's karma.

      She deserves to look hideous. Her horrible appearance is a well deserved prison from which she cannot escape.

  16. Even worse than the shocks, was how she had the butcher come to her place. Here goes, if you are ready- it's in her blog.. the two Pigs were a stall in the barn together. The guy shot one, and the other pig got blood on it and squealed and freaked out. This is absolutely SICK. In all my life I have never seen anyone do this. The horror that the other pig went through..

    1. Her description of that shows what a sociopath she is. No human emotion, no empathy.

    2. Seriously made me sick.

  17. New Bleg alert, copy it while you can before Waddles deletes it.

    It's more of the same regurgitated bullshit. She played horsey instead of working to support herself.
    She was thrown from a horse because she is below basic in her level of understanding horses. Too bad the horse didn't kick her in her fat ass while it had a chance.

    Animals know when they are in the presence of someone who is demented and evil. It's like the movie The Omen when animals scatter away from Damien. They can sense her mentally ill, diseased mind.

    1. Unbelievable that she talks openly about using the "privy" in the woods and still sells soap, etc. from that place with non-draining plumbing. Ewwww. Disgusting. I wouldn't want ANYTHING coming from that fraud farm.

    2. And we all know that "privy" is near a natual stream on her property. Her waste leaches into the ground and contaminates the local water table.

      If that stream goes onto anyone else's property, I wonder if they are aware it's basically Waddles' unflushed toilet water streaming thru their property. I've read a few things about how seriously the local authorities take the wreckless contamination of the water table.

      It's a huge deal with many fines and consequences.

    3. I hope someone local copies it and sends it to the health department in that county.

    4. Hmm I wonder if she went through the application and approval process, which includes a $75 fee? I'm going to doubt it.

    5. No way she has done anything that she is required to do. Her diseased reasoning tells her that rules don't apply to her.

  18. All right, class. We’re going to do a compare and contrast today…

    From the current bleg:

    “I don't think places like Cambridge are normal, and finding a place that I fit into and love being every day feels like the absolute best birthday present there is.”

    From May 2019:

    “People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me, as if looking a gay woman in the wild will be met with a leer? Men blatantly stare like a hyena is driving a truck.”

    “I'm okay with this. I'm fine with people keeping me at a distance. I'm fine keeping my distance from them.”

    So which is it? Is she Ms. Popular and can’t go anywhere in town without people jostling to buy her a beer? Or is she the town leper?

    1. I leave nearby. The May post is generally accurate.

    2. She should be ashamed of herself for insinuating the treatment of her is because she claims to be gay.

      The real reason she has become a social pariah in her town is because everyone is aware of the animal abuse investigations, the promises to pay locals for products or services of which the promised payment never comes, her laziness and refusal to work, the way her property looks as if it is abandoned and currently occupied by meth head squatters, her compulsive lying and need for attention, the gimme gimmee, gimme that her life has become, her delusional ramblings of self importance at local bars and her condescending comments to her fellow townspeople.

      Her sexual preference has nothing to do with the many reasons her neighbors want nothing to do with her.

    3. She is so funny. Like everyone knows she is gay. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact? Aw, sweetheart, that is normal EVERYWHERE... No one wants to get caught staring into the eyes of a possible looney... Shesh, get a life.

      She is so freaking full of herself and her little snowflakery persona.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 16, 2019 at 12:42 PM

      FakeFarmer. I agree with what you wrote. We lived in her area for a few years. So I'm speaking from personal experience not hearsay. Generally, she's loathed by most of the Cambridge community for her animal abusing and serial scamming.

  19. I think that a lot of her social media posts, including the bleg posts should be compiled and distributed to her neighbors and others in her town.

    Towns people need to know what the town lunatic is up to and how it could effect themselves and their families.

    The contaminated water table from using her backyard and edge of woods as a bathroom is a major problem. This isn't something she started doing a few weeks ago. She's been doing it for YEARS and has mentioned as much on social media.

    The driving drunk FREQUENTLY from the brewery and from friends' homes could kill a fellow towns peraon that she has blatant disregard for.

    The animals who escape from her property and end up in the road could also kill someone if they ran into it. She is too busy drinking while immersed in social media to pay attention to her surroundings.

    They (the neighbors in Cambridge) have a mentally ill, environment polluting, animal hoarding, animal abusing, scammer, who is said to be armed as a neighbor.

    Untreated Mental illness mixed with heavy drinking of alcohol is a bad equation when weapons are added to it.
    That makes for a potentially violatile situation.

    Printing out her own words and ensuring everyone sees them could get the ball moving again towards someone saving her animals and future victims. Showing her own words to the entire town could spark some significant changes.

  20. Waddles' Twitter:

    "I'm the asshole trying to write in a cafe upset that people are enjoying talking loudly in a cafe."

    That's because those people are socially acceptable unlike Waddles who is a hemorrhoid on the ass of society.

    If Waddles hates it so much, why can't she write at her hovel?
    Perhaps the broken sewer fumes, lack of a/c and the general blanket of failure looming over the property is too distracting for her feeble mind.

    Knowing her, she's trolling for a date.
    Remember Waddles, photoshop only works on photos. It can't hide your blackened soul.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 16, 2019 at 12:32 PM

      Yeah she's "the asshole" all right. But all of the time, not just in public places.

  21. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 16, 2019 at 1:16 PM

    Twitter Twaddle:

    "Well, it's been years but I still hate the movie The Lobster and everyone associated with it because I had to watch someone kick a border collie to death for fun. Rot in hell, movie."

    What a huge hypocrite. This is the same animal abuser who lets chickens freeze in her driveway, has her chicks get eaten because they're not protected by adequate shelter, sadistically shocks and traumatizes pigs, and "loses" several hawks. In addition to other incidents which others have cited here.


    "Pet portraits! on sale 2 for the price of one! Support this farm if you want! Wait is a few weeks but you can always demand a rush if you need it faster! DM to order!"

    It's more manipulative marketing since her "pet portraits" are always "on sale!" Why would there be any "wait" if she were truly desperate for sales? Oh, that's right. JFW has to spend most of her time tweeting inane thoughts on Taylor Swift, begging for mortgage money, and being a born again lesbian.

    1. "Demand a rush" ????? Like that will make any difference! She's never in a rush about anything spelled W-O-R-K.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 16, 2019 at 4:22 PM

      Twitter Twaddle, too:

      "Okay guys, I need to get a plumber to get the shower/toilet working at this house again ASAP. So I am doing a Flushing Sale tonight on art, logos, and soap. DM for a rate you can't refuse!!!"

      I'll be damned. It looks like someone is getting her big girl panties in a bunch over her hovel not having working plumbing "again." Maybe Pember Patty can help her out.

    3. Too bad it's all a lie and the plumbing/sewer/toilet hasn't worked in YEARS.

      She has said countless times that she was raising funds to fix them but she never uses the money for that. She spends it on her crazy hobbies and entertainment.

      I wouldn't doubt if there are several upcoming "emergencies" because Widdle Waddles wants to buy a new horsey to abuse.

      Hopefully she received a visit from authorities and was told to fix the issues or else the house will be condemned.

  22. I have horses and know that anyone who knows a thing about horses would NEVER take off their helmet and toss it past a strange horse's head while mounted. I'm glad she got bucked off! That was a very stupid, cocky move and she deserved what she got.

    What I'm thinking, though, is that she is going to try to swindle this woman out of that horse. She wants these more rare breeds of horses--It makes her feel important. Fjords are as expensive to buy as Fell ponies, but she found a way to scam her way to get Merlin. She will likely make the current owner believe that the horse isn't safe for her ... and will be better off with her (Jenna). A small down payment ... and then she will forget to make the rest of the payments. Mark my words--that is what she is up to. Merlin is getting old; Mabel scares her unless she is accompanied by Merlin. She needs a new smaller horse that doesn't scare her as much. I just hope the current owner doesn't fall for her line of crap. I'm sure Patty is in on this, as well. Quite a pair.

    1. I feel sick imagining ms-don't give a shit about my animals.chronic mortgage drama/beggar pulling off a way to scheme a Fjord horse to mistreat and ignore. If the monster is prowling for a new pet-prop to abuse and manages to abscond with yet another innocent animal she deserves to be run out of town, for starters. Damn her.

      Check out these lines from section "Caring for a Fjord":
      "Access to a field is important as is regular worming and foot care. Their other major needs are companionship and stimulation, which are often closely linked. These horses thrive on affection even more so than most breeds and their high intelligence means that unless they have a really large field in which to roam and plenty of companions with whom to share it, they may well become bored and frustrated without regular human contact." ;(((

  23. Anons above. I don't have horses, but have been around them enough to know that you don't throw things past their head, or really, anywhere around them. They only catch a glimpse as it goes by and have no idea what's going on. Did you know that Jenna has extensive equestrian experience? From her college days as well? Every moron knows you don't throw things past horses, or crouch behind them!!

    You know, I was just thinking that horses are the only animals that have not been killed (and I don't mean harvested) on that parasite-loaded pasture. Could it be because they're the only ones big enough to defend themselves?

    And as far as her being "armed. " WH. she once posted a photo of her gun leaning on the wall next to her omnipresent sliding glass door. This is in a room full of loose animals, and her constantly going on about being a woman alone. That gun practically screamed "Steal Me!" , not to mention the danger of the gun falling over when bumped into.

    Her biggest fraud is calling that backyard feedlot a farm, and asking people to save it.


    1. Throwing the helmet is bratty, childlike behavior.
      She acts like an overgrown, mentally ill toddler.

      She looks like one too:

    2. Don't know if you are serious with your comment about J having extensive horse experience. I know horses and good riders. When she got Merlin, she was pretty clueless. I judge this by things she said/wrote and a couple of videos she posted. Yes, she said she was on the equestrian team in college, but I doubt she did much riding or actual horse interactions. Maybe she was a member ... but she couldn't have actually done much with the horses.

      She lucked out with Merlin because he was a very well trained horse. She really couldn't mess him up. She's not doing well with Mabel because Mabel scares her and she doesn't know how to handle a horse that is beginner level and bombproof. If she gets the Fjord, she will screw her up too.

      About the horses still being alive, I think she does value them above the other farm animals. The dogs and the horses seem to be her focus--none make her a farmer, and none generate income. They are hobbies. She needs to stop calling herself a farmer. It's an insult to all the actual farmers out there who work their farm.

    3. Long ago, there was a post somewhere from a college roommate of hers. She actually got KICKED OFF the college equestrian team because of her rough treatment of the horses. I believe it was that she was heavy-handed on the bit.


    4. DM, I remember that about her getting kicked off the team.

      That is extremely disturbing, as she wasn't trying to hide that sort of behavior even back then.

    5. To ride on an equestrian team, you have to ride well. They do a lot of jumping competitions, etc. on the East Coast. So to ride well, you ride with a lot of finesse and polish, not yanking and kicking and throwing your weight around. I think Jenna thinks horses need to be man handled. They do not.

      She DOES NOT have extensive horse experience. Her horses have yet to see a vet for spring/fall shots, teeth floating, etc. Jenna knows nothing about decent nutrition or supplements. She just wants to jump on her pony and play horsey like a 8 year old. If she is angling to get this Fjord, what horse is she gonna give up? She doesn't have enough acreage to support 3 horses and while crying poor every year. The cost of the horse is the least of her worries; there is so much other expenses that goes into taking proper care of them which adds up quick.

      And throwing off her helmet like she's dropping the mic? Absolutely stupid on a spooky horse. Some horses wouldn't blink but every horse is different and if she had the knowledge and experience that she claims, she would know not to do that. She's lucky she didn't land on her head since she didn't have her helmet on when he threw her. Idiot.


    6. Nobody in the horse world throws a riding helmet. They are too expensive (unless, lol, you "find" yours at the dump); if they strike the ground (like if you throw it onto the ground or fall off when wearing it) they are supposed to be replaced; and throwing anything near a strange horse's head is a sure way to freak out a horse.

      Criminal that Pig Shocker believes she knows enough about horses to teach others Horsemanship 101.

      Maybe she can read the below article and beg readers for another riding helmet.

    7. It must be part of the narcissistic mentality that makes her think she is expert enough in all of her hobbies to give lessons to other people.

      We saw with her horrendous fiddle playing in the video from the brewery performance that she is flat out delusional.

      I cannot imagine the reaction that people have when she starts sawing her bow and screeching while slouched over like Quasimodo after they have paid hundreds of dollars up front for a single lesson.

      Anyone contemplating a lesson should watch the trifling brewery video on Wendy Waller's twitter:

      Check out Wendy Waller (@WendyWa15361092):

  24. Jenna say on twitter:

    "Okay guys, I need to get a plumber to get the shower/toilet working at this house again ASAP. So I am doing a Flushing Sale tonight on art, logos, and soap. DM for a rate you can't refuse!!!"

    It's scam #3 - also could be called Game of (Clogged) Thrones.

    Maybe she flushed one too many times and is now dealing with turdle soup in the shower. Ha, ha. Probably a lie as we all know.

    1. She's grifting for that Fjord horse. Remember that Friday she had a $1,000 root canal? ;-)

    2. Exactly she is absolutely grifting. There is not plumbing emergency. She wants something new and shiny.

    3. And very expensive.....

    4. As far as anyone knows, she never got the $800 hawk tracking device that she wanted.

      She might be desperate to hold onto this hawk. If she can control herself enough not to kill it.

  25. Theres a new Twitter account under the name Wendy Waller.
    Hopefully they can leave out real names and get the point across with screenshots and retweets.

    If handled correctly, they can get the details of the animal abuse and scamming out to the Twitterverse while being vague and by saying everything except the persons real name.

    Nicknames work well and some names such as street names could use sound alike names such as Cowsax rd, etc.

    We can get really creative and spread the word without breaking any rules.

    1. Let's come up with some names like
      Shocky Whineandbitch, Dead Animal Farm, pets Thursday and Fender, etc.

      What names come to mind?

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 17, 2019 at 5:57 AM

      WH. Could you please give us the link? There are other Wendy Waller accounts, and the newest isn't appearing yet. Thanks! Well, there's the FFF, PS, faux farm femme, Woeandbitch hipster heathen, and your Waddles Kabuki for starters.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 17, 2019 at 6:00 AM

      For newbies to this site, the FFF stands for faux feral farmer. It's one of the first nicknames I came up with a few years ago.

    4. Let's not forget JFW = initials for first name, F'ing, last name. This is the name FFF gave HERSELF when she rudely explained to a reader FFF could do pretty much do anything she wanted with hawks because she had an apprentice license from NYSDEC.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 17, 2019 at 6:26 AM

      PDD. Yeah, I've used JFW a lot here. It first came to my attention on Twitter when she wrote "I'm Jenna Fucking Woginrich and live tweeting while churning buttermilk!" I think that she's borrowed it from a famous Brit's wife who wrote a book using those initials. I can't recall his name now, but it might be Neil.

    6. I earlier used a combination of her Reddit name, Corbie McKenz..., and added a Celtic flare to Waddles: Corbie McWaddles. :-)


    7. Check out Wendy Waller (@WendyWa15361092):

    8. Love the googly eyes. Fits her to a T.

    9. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 18, 2019 at 5:57 AM

      Wendy Waller is wonderful!

  26. Too bad Jenna isn't a real artist...check out
    This is an open studio artists tour going on this weekend in Washington County. This would have been a great way to promote herself if she was legit. And - my goodness - there are several artists in Cambridge participating in the on earth will visitors find that desolate little town in the middle of nowhere?
    I'm local; don't let her fool you. She does not live in the middle of nowhere, not by a long shot.

  27. I am cracking up at the googly eye photos tweeted by Wendy. The latest being the kabuki hawk photo. All of Waddles' photos should have googly eyes!😂🤣😅

    1. OMG, this is hilarious! I chuckled loud and hard when I saw the googly eyes, lol.

  28. I'm reading thru old blog entries and came across this:

    Read the comments. After a lot of woe is me, someone named chance bought Kabuki Waddles a sump pump. She couldn't even buy her own damn sump pump.

    This was in 2011. She's had extensive plumbing problems every year for at least 8 years?
    Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to get donations to fund her play time.

    1. Plumbing, truck, root canal, busted pipes over and over again. Yes it's all bullshit and lies. Shes a lying bitch.

    2. I would bet if someone kept a flow chart of the non existent energencies, a pattern would emerge. It could be certain times of year she claims to have certain emergencies. Or they happen in a certain order over the course of a year. It could be random but something tells me there's a reason why
      she picks specific emergencies at certain times of the year.

    3. In what universe does a plumber do work and gets paid when she earns the money?

  29. I have lived with and owned horses all my life, and we currently have 11 horses, including 3 Fjords. I am disgusted by her account of her getting thrown. First, anyone with ANY experience with horses would not get on an unfamiliar horse without either lunging it out or doing groundwork exercises. Now she said that she does groundwork - I call bullshit. She doesn't know HOW to do groundwork. She doesn't know how to do basic care for horses. She doesn't feed them properly, she doesn't care for their teeth, their feet. She even admits to calling a farrier to trim her horses' feet. Maybe it's different out west where I live, but I don't know anyone who owns horses who can't trim feet.
    She's a child who is unable to recognize others - people OR animals - as subjective entities. She sees everything as an object that she can use. This new Fjord is just a toy for her to play with. It's a shame too because Fjords need TONS of space and will eat you out of house and home. Plus if that mare is anything like mine, she will bust through those flimsy ass fences like nothing. Mine knock down sturdy fences just from scratching their butts on the posts. Plus they can jump cattle guards. She's in for a real wake up call if she thinks she can take an already spooky mare Fjord, shove it in a tiny pen and keep it fed, healthy and contained. Good luck with that, pal.

    1. Nice to see you here. Agreed on the Fjord pony thing. Horses are her luxury prop, and nothing more.

    2. Agree on everything you said about proper horse care. She has NO clue. Poor Merlin looks like he hasn't been groomed in months and who knows how Mabel looks.

    3. All of her animals look miserable in photos. The dogs often look like they are cowering as if she's screaming at them to stay still for the pic.

  30. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 18, 2019 at 5:42 AM

    Twitter Twaddle:



    "Now I have to earn the money for the bill, so here comes a SLEW OF PROMOS!"

    What a twat. She's always tweeting "a SLEW OF PROMOS!" on a daily basis. She's a lazy lifestyle loser who expects normal adults to pay for her living expenses. Everything about this bitch is fraudulent.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 18, 2019 at 5:47 AM

      And this weird one is a response to an Anna Kendrick tweet:

      "marry me"

      As if any celebrity would intimately connect with JFW. She can't even get a date from an average woman who lives locally.

    2. She's raised money to fix the same plumbing problems every year since she's begged her way onto the property.
      People would have better results setting their money on fire than giving it to her.

  31. From the latest Waddles' bleg:

    "...And while every month is still so touch-and-go—and even today I have no idea how I'll reach my income goals written on that to-do list—I have a decade of proof positive behind my back proving that I can. The data doesn't lie."

    The data definitely doesn't lie that she's paid all of her expenses for 8+ years by begging for donations online. Perhaps she needs to see her past bleg excerpts stating as much?

    And more woe is me:

    "...That you don't have to be married, rich, or marry a rich cowboy to end up changing your life and becoming something new."

    You don't need any of those things when you scam people online to pay your bills. Scamming people by way of claiming to have emergencies to raise money and really it's just to get money for hobbies and entertainment.
    She wants a sugar mama so badly to be in a relationship with and pay her bills.

    It. Will. Never. Happen.

    Waddles is hideous inside and out and has nothing but lies and laziness to offer anyone.

    1. She is so insulting of women, I don’t understand how she has any female friends!
      I was not born rich. I did not marry a rich husband, I made more money than my husband did for years and was our sole support while he finished school. No one handed me anything. We chose not to have kids so we were better off than most financially, we made wise decisions, invested well, retired fairly early. Bought an old farmhouse with a couple acres for cash, fixed it up, retired to it, nothing fancy, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath(!).
      My job and chosen profession made all that happen as soon as it did, not my husband’s.
      He chose a noble profession that unfortunately did not pay that well. I went for the $$$$$ and the retirement fund. I did that all on my own, no help from my broke-ass farmer parents, lol! Good parents, just unable to help. I paid my way through college too AND paid my husband’s way through his PhD program. I don’t know what sort of women she’s hanging with but my group of friends are strong and independent women who did not rely on other people to provide their lifestyle. Lordy, she royally pisses me off. I’d bet she’d be hard not to smack if you talked to her in person, lol!

    2. I've been waiting for someone to slap the shit out of her for years. Hopefully it has happened and she just failed to mention it.

      I agree with everything you said. There are obvious mental disorders at play with her but why is it so ingrained in her head that every woman out there has had a good life handed to them? Especially since EVERYTHING that she has was begged for and handed to her.

      It sounds like sour grapes and jealousy which makes me smile. She deserves to be alone, jealous and miserable.

    3. Going back with what Jesse wrote. I could not agree more. You just want to plant your fist in her yapping mouth. I went through something very similar to Jesse and if I wanted college, and then additional college, then by Gawd I earned the money and paid for it. No student loans for me, and so glad of "that." I know many strong, independent women. They never beg.

      When you are dealing with someone like this. I had to stop with that thought. I do think she has some degree of mental illness and she's loose on the world. It's that combined with her continual acquisition of pets when she obviously lacks the skill to care for them in any professional or even personal capacity. I think that's part of her illness, as well, along with her anti-societal stance, the inability to sustain relationships. So many things.

      For someone so attuned to the natural self-sustaining life, she certainly seems to leave a trail of broken things. The year of the horse cart. "Let's go down the road for ice cream!" The exaggerations. The out and out lies, which are pathological and show contempt for her readers and society. Wouldn't she have lied to this most recent plumber who performed work on good faith (according to her.) I cannot believe her parents supply funds any longer. I'm not even sure they would bail her out of jail should things get that bad. I've known too many "farming is my life" people who's day starts before dawn and ends with exhaustion after solid labor. Day after day. It does not include hiking and pretending you're in a scene in Game of Thrones.

      It's sad, but she's so damn obnoxious about it and her approach, you cannot feel sympathy for any of it. You know what would impress me? If she got a job. But then, I don't know how she sustained one in the first place. I would love to hear from former coworkers. Now THERE is a book.

    4. Jesse, you're so funny, and I totally identify with your story. For the last couple of weeks I've been thinking how hard it would be not to slap her.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 18, 2019 at 2:54 PM

      I'll said it again. I'd like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fat face. The "badass martial artist" would probably be bawling like a baby in minutes.

    6. Jesse - I don't understand how she has any friends either. The only thing I can think of is that she has something to offer with that faux farm of hers, as it's an opportunity for others to brag that they know a real "farmer" -- and also it provides a free place to stay on a road trip, and the opportunity for Instagramable pics with animals, horseys.

      If she lived in an apartment with just the dogs, there would be no photo ops, and no one would want to visit or be her friend. That's why having livestock is so important to her. It's her only meal ticket. And the only thing she has to offer.

    7. I think they are pity friendships. They feel sorry for the town crazy.

    8. Anon7, I have a feeling that the friends she does have are just as big of an asshole as she is, self involved, immature and users, who see no problem whatsoever begging money from others to support their lifestyle. She wouldn’t last 10 minutes in a room full of strong women before one of them set her straight.

  32. Today they're coming to service my AC. They will present me with a bill that is to be paid, right now. IF she had plumbers out, and they presented a bill I'm sure they expected payment on the spot. You don't contract services and after completion expect people to wait for payment. Jenna's business plan is PAY UPFRONT and wait for product. Just another example of how normal rules don't apply. Once more disgusting.

    1. I haven't looked them up but my guess is that the plumbers she mentioned (I think the actual company name was mentioned in her recent bleg post) are from out of town. Either that or they are very new to her town or related to one of her three friends.

      She's burned every local bridge imaginable.

      You are so right about how she wants payment up front and months in advance, yet wants anyone who provides a service to her to wait until she has the money. It's called being adult. If you can't pay for something, you go without.

      Just like when she claims to have her internet shut off for non payment, she sure as hell manages to come up with the money in less than 24 hrs to have it turned back on. Funny how that works.

    2. "Ed's Plumbing & Heating. 56 Coon's Lane, Salem, New York. (The readers of this site actually deal with realities, not fantasy.) He's also listed as one of the "30st Best" in the Cambridge, New York" area. So Ed's, as it were, does exist.

      She hasn't had plumbing in how long? And good plumbing in HOW long? And along comes Ed's, a little elbow grease, a "whistle while you work" can do attitude, and you'll get our bill? Call me....questioning.

      Why am I having a hard time believing this company came out and serviced this woman's house and she wasn't required to pay on the spot? It's been decades since I've known any company to say "We'll bill you." She's being mailed "a bill?" Something tells me that Ed's better be given a wake up and smell the dead chickens in the driveway call. about this.

    3. They better kiss that payment goodbye because they will just have to waste more money suing her for it otherwise. What a cockroach of a human being.

    4. What she wrote in her latest bleg post is very telling:

      ❝ I don't know the cost for sure, but it seemed reasonable and I'll get the bill in the mail. ❞

      Ok, even if they do bill later they'd at least give her an estimate, an idea of the cost. But she's saying that they didn't. No way would anyone allow work to be done without knowing even a ballpark cost.

      Unless...someone else will be paying the bill. She thinks that she can "earn up" the money by online panhandling, so she allows the repairs..."Whatever it costs guys, just fix it!" Cuz she won't be paying for it, her foollowers will.

    5. I bet if someone called the company and asked, they would find out that once again she's lying her ass off. If they did business like that, they would be bankrupt.

  33. Did you guys see that article the other day? About the young couple trying to crowd fund their trips around the world because working is "simply not an option" for them? It reminded me so much of JW. She's always saying that she can't get a job because she could potentially make more from her soap or art sales than she would if she drove to town to a day job. Again, I call bullshit. MANY PEOPLE, including myself, have homes in the country, with animals, still work day jobs, and then go home at night to take care of the animals (and in my case, kids as well) and then spend a few hours working side-hustles. Many, many people do this. People that don't expect hand outs from strangers on the internet.

    1. Yes! And I thought of JFW too.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 18, 2019 at 3:14 PM

      The crux of her issue with not working "off farm" is the word "potentially." Clearly, she can't "make more from her soap or art sales" to support herself. Otherwise it would've happened years ago. Which is why she continues to be a beggar on Twitter. I believe that's where her mental illness and defective character comes into play. She could be crazy, but she's also cold and calculating about her manipulative marketing.

    3. She's a textbook narcissistic sociopath.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 18, 2019 at 3:20 PM

      WH. I pity the poor person who might be stupid enough to date her.

    5. Looks aside, I can't imagine anyone wiling to put up with her mouth-breathing "know it all" manner of speaking. Her false bravado and overinflated ego on a human peacock. Just look at any one of her YouTube videos...she comes across as obnoxious in every single one. She's the girl at the office party that everyone goes out of their way to avoid.

  34. Her tweet today was so stupid and yet revealing. It said that she loses a follower when she doesn't mention raising chickens or stacking firewood and she is fine with that. Okay, I am fine with it also. You fool. What about in Jan./Feb. when the winter's bottom hits and same said chickens are frozen to your driveway and the unstacked, non-existant firewood is gone? I am an older, much wiser chicken raising, firewood stacking female who never gave you a cent and never will.

    1. She is insane. What she really meant was that she loses followers when people see that she refuses to get a job and work to support herself.

    2. Yup...across all of her social media accounts she writes more about mountain smashing, swimming and drinking far more than she does about farming. That's the real reason she loses foollowers.

  35. Looks like Waddles is taking polaroid photos of old photos (which would be of a different hawk) and posting them as if they are new in her most recent bleg post:

    She's only had the recent hawk for a couple of months and in this photo she is wearing a huge, fuzzy, winter coat.

    Hopefully that means the NYSDEC removed the hawk and she is pretending to still have it. Otherwise why not just take a new photo?

    1. Yeah, with her birthday present new camera.

    2. There's no way that is the most recent hawk unless she is wearing that monstrous winter coat in the summer heat.

      Has anyone who reported her received a reply from the NYSDEC?

  36. The fat lazy bitch:
    Don't want to buy anything? Just want to kick in $5 for a decade's worth of personal writing? You can do that here!

    Why the hell would I want to kick in to her shitty writing? All she writes about is the same drivel over and over again....the farm, how she deserves to be there, how she is so much stronger, how it's all hers and how hard it is, blah, blah, blah. Jenna you haven't changed. In fact you are even more of a whiny bitch than ever before. You used to write some have interesting shit once in a while, but now it's a constant begfest, self congratulatory fest or some other crap.

    1. Oh there are plenty of them out there: bloggers with diminished readerships now whining about how they've been out there "for years and years" supplying quality writing for free. Uh. Yeah. That's the idea of a blog. You want a job as a writer? Get a job. One I'm thinking of in particular wrote in detail about her attempted suicide on her youngest child's birthday and every moment in the locked ward. I found, on GOMI of all places, the final resting place of people who have been exposing her shit for years. I just knew she was deleting anyone that called her on things, and she is a Queen of Materialism. One woman not long ago wrote on her blog, "If you cannot afford x, y, and z, then maybe you need to change your lifestyle." My God. You would have thought hell had gaped open. Since that time, multiple vacations, elaborate birthdays for the children, front row seats at popular plays, clothes, maids, let's change something in the house AGAIN at great expense and prepared foods delivered. So much for rethinking "lifestyle." This one is the same way. You've heard it for years. My dog will die. Custom made bow. I need a root canal. Buy a horse. When she started on this latest obsession-compulsion, who wisely threw her ass on the ground, I could see it coming. Such a brave little soldier, farming on, the reins in her capable little hands. Wait until she's 60 and toothless. I don't even think it will take that long for things to devolve into a right mess. When I read her blog, and I scan it, believe me, all I can hear are her parents saying, "Thank GOD it's not living in my basement."

    2. Lmao @ "it's" not living in my basement.

      I know which blogger you are referring to. I've read that she's a millionaire from ad revenue same as pioneer woman.

      Waddles must be furious that they are making that kind of money while she begs and cries for scraps to live like a homeless person.😁😂🤣

    3. She's not a millionaire, but her husband makes a very substantial salary. She says she works from home with pick up jobs, but I doubt it. How can you do that while juggling the men building a patio, hot tub, fire pit and you adopt ONE MORE PET, when you can't even take care of your children. By the way, I was never a DOOCE reader, but she crossed my radar lately and man, has she lost her frigging mind? Very strange going ons. Another Mommy Blogger who quickly remarried (which people questioned) and has like seven children now. My lifestyle is my bank.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 18, 2019 at 2:49 PM

      I literally, laughed out loud at this funny sentence "Such a brave little soldier, farming on, the reins in her capable little hands." Little Ms. "I'm a scrappy gal living alone on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere" is a narcissistic nightmare of epic proportions. I predict that she'll be both homeless and "toothless" within a decade.

    5. Dooce is who is was referring to. I know she was committed to a psych ward years ago. Maybe she's off of her meds.

    6. There it is again: The monthly $5 beg for crappy writing. Wanna know why the quality of the writing has gone downhill? She's says why right here:

      ❝ It's no longer a passion and obsession I am so thirsty to learn. ❞

      That's right...she's burned out and now does very little farm-wise. That's why she has nothing interesting to write about. And that's why her bleg has no money coming in.

    7. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 11:07 AM

      Anon7. Where did you get that quote from? Yet she still expects people to pay for her horrid purple prose and rotten "righting." It seems like her "passion and obsession" and being "thirsty to learn" is all about superficial subjects like Taylor Swift, coming out as "gay," and other insipid topics.

  37. "Ed's Plumbing & Heating. 56 Coon's Lane, Salem, New York. (The readers of this site actually deal with realities, not fantasy.) He's also listed as one of the "30st Best" in the Cambridge, New York" area. So Ed's, as it were, does exist.

    She hasn't had plumbing in how long? And good plumbing in HOW long? And along comes Ed's, a little elbow grease, a "whistle while you work" can do attitude, and you'll get our bill? Call me....questioning.

    Why am I having a hard time believing this company came out and serviced this woman's house and she wasn't required to pay on the spot? It's been decades since I've known any company to say "We'll bill you." She's being mailed "a bill?" Something tells me that Ed's better be given a wake up and smell the dead chickens in the driveway call. about this.

    1. According to the website, they offer "affordable rates" but there's no mention of any payment plans. I also have never heard of any plumbing, HVAC, or electricians allowing folks to pay them later. They want their money upon completion, period.

      More likely scenario: She had some funds set aside for something else (med bills? Fjord horse?) and paid the plumber with that. And now she's hustling to replace that money.

    2. Anon 2:47, I live about 40 min from CAF and we do have folks who will bill. However, I bet this will be the first and last time Ed's does it. They expect payment within 30 days (I like to pay as soon as I get the bill), do you think that's going to happen? Nope.

    3. Not that uncommon. Many contractors I've worked with send me the bill after the work is done, and don't expect payment day of.

    4. It seems hard to believe that a company who is established and part of her community, would not know of her horrible reputation.

      It also appears that she offered to give them free advertising by mentioning the company on her social media in exchange for
      discounted services.

      Little do they realize that she is someone a company would never want to be associated with. I'm sure most people automatically dismiss anyone who is associated with her.

    5. WH... they are busy working for a living and are not up on all the gossip of the town, I suspect. Cambridge is not a little burb of 50 or 60 people, it's actually got a pretty decent population count. And if he's from a town over, well, just probably doesn't check on everyone.

      We're rural and we've had people come out and do work without immediate charge, but they are always up front with at least an estimate. And burn them once, forget about a follow up call...

    6. Yeah the whole I don't know how much the bill will be that they are sending me is just straight up crazy.
      Who lets someone work on anything on their property without asking how much it will cost?
      A responsible company wouldn't do the work without ensuring she understands the estimated cost.
      That a crazy thing to obviously lie about.

      She must be doing some massive day drinking.

  38. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ Trying to take more selfies to feel less self conscious. Trying to dig this girl just the way she is. ❞

    Good luck with that, Little Miss Rotten Inside 'n Out. The Pig Shocker reminds me of a failed pencil sketch, where you keep erasing and correcting, but it remains such a mess that you end up crumpling and throwing away. Everything to do with JFW is round file material. From the animal abuse to the constant begging, drinking, and photo's all human garbage activity.

    1. Talk about a pathetic beg for compliments. Anyone who compliments her is straight up lying.

      Funny how she's trying to like herself "the way she is," yet all of her recent photos have been photoshopped to shave off her triple chins and make her tits look bigger. Lies, lies and more lies.

  39. This is curious: Last year at this time the Pig Shocker blegged and tweeted about her daily swims and floats in the Battenkill river. It's now mid-July with temps in the 80s and 90s, and unless I missed it, there hasn't been any mention of her river-polluting activities. Wonder why? Perhaps she finally realized the bad optics of begging for money whilst wasting time frolicking in the river?

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 10:57 AM

      I think that her "wasting time" on Twitter has replaced the "daily swims and floats."

    2. She can't stay off of social media long enough to waddle to the river.

  40. This morning's Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ The pipes are fixed, now I have to earn the cash to pay the bill! ❞

    She then proceeded to spend her day tweeting and re-tweeting 30+ times about pop culture nonsense, as well as wasting time watching Taylor Swift and Hayley Kiyoko videos -- and even taking the time to research who directed each and every video. How productive.

    An entire day devoted to her own entertainment and enjoyment. All of that time she wasted could have been spent at a part-time job in town in order to earn the money to pay the plumbing bill. But no, instead she lazed about and unleashed a "SLEW OF PROMOS" -- aka the usual obnoxious tweets offering art, logos and soaps. "Pay me now and receive your crap later" is her plan to pay the plumbing bill.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 10:59 AM

      Anon7. We had the same observation. Ironically, a "SLEW OF PROMOS" is her usual daily drivel on Twitter. It's nothing new for her to bombard innocent people with her manipulative marketing.

  41. From the latest bleg post titled "Every Single Day" she wrote:

    ❝ I'm less and less the woman who needs rescuing from circumstances and now I'm the one rescuing myself - at least most of the time. ❞

    Wow, delusional much? As of late, she's been more in need of rescuing than ever before. A few years ago she was more self-sufficient as she was earning money with Antlerstock and other workshops. And she was begging less back then. Flash forward to now, where her only income is art and soaps, and her sales are sparse.

    As a result, she begs for money for medical bills, root canals, electricity, truck repair, plumbing, etc. She's constantly sounding the alarm these days and begging people to give her $5...for nothing. So where does she get off saying that she's LESS in need of rescue? BTW, gotta love how she uses the word "circumstances" to describe her poor life decisions and irresponsible mistakes.

    1. I’m still not convinced that ANY of these catastrophes even happen. After all it is the internet. We never see pics of any of her emergencies, yet we see pics of her photoshopped face and anything else she fancies taking a pic of but we NEVER see pics of the broken down truck, the broken tooth, pipes, septic system. In my mind, if there are no pics it likely did not happen, that’s the first rule of the internet, Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

    2. Jesse, I have no doubt you are right on the money. I agree that she most likely makes enough money peddling her crappy drawings and soap.

      Then she lies and says she is in desperate need of financial help to pay her bills but really she just wants additional money to play with.

      She has no problem begging and lying and feels she is owed that because of being ostracized while growing up (thanks to her condescending attitude, lies and creepiness in general).

      She wants to be able to have expensive hobbies and accessories like the "cool kids" but can't afford any of the extras on her own.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 11:03 AM

      I've also never been "convinced that ANY of these catastrophes even happen." It's all a bunch of bull. Otherwise, along with her stupid selfies, she'd be bragging about the bills. She wants people to believe her false narratives without showing pics as proof.

  42. I don't think they happen either. I think she's full of shit all the time and thinks these things up so she can get money out of people.

  43. How does she pay her annual property tax?

    1. Her mortgage company likely pays it and it's part of her mortgage payment.

    2. Actually, I don't think so. I remember a time when she was behind in the property taxes. You can check the county's property tax records, and a couple years ago hers were late/unpaid for a while.

    3. In my area we have personal property taxes (annual taxes on vehicles, boats, etc.) and real estate taxes.

      Our real estate tax is almost always included in the mortgage loan on the property. Once the mortgage is paid in full, the annual real estate state tax plus the annual homeowners insurance payment pretty much adds up to a monthly mortgage payment. So you might own the property but you aren't ever free from the payments.
      I'm not sure what is normal for New York state taxes.

      I had a coworker who claimed that if back real estate taxes were owed on a property, anyone who paid the back taxes could take the property from the owner. That would be hilarious if someone did that to Kabuki Waddles.

  44. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 11:29 AM

    Twitter Twaddle:

    "Being mean on the internet is all you do when it's all you have."

    It looks like the faux farm femme has been reading the truth here again. She hates when that happens. I'd also say that "Being a beggar on Twitter is all you do when one is too lazy to support their fat ass, and mooching mortgage money from normal adults is easier than working."

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 11:35 AM

      More Twit Shit:

      "This farm HAS to make some sales fast to make the month, it's 2/3rds over already and I'm only a 1/3 of the way there! So send a DM to get some art or soap or take a class or get a logo!"

      Poor little desperate Jenna Woginrich. Yeah, it's "This farm HAS to make some sales fast..." not the lazy lifestyle loser called JFW. Once again, it's her infamous sectioning up the month with manipulative marketing.

    2. 😂🤣😅

      Begging on the internet is all you do when you don't have a pot to piss in (literally).

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 11:52 AM

      But she'd be happy to accept "a pot to piss in," provided that one of her dumb enablers buys it for her. (Just like garden hoses, sump pumps, gourmet coffee etc...)

    4. Yeah, pay for a class being "taught" by a talentless hack, who can't even take care of herself, that will take place on a property that she repeatedly says she's getting ready to lose to the bank. Great idea!

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 2:39 PM

      WH. She should be ashamed of herself for constant begging, but that normal emotion is only experienced by those who have a conscience.


    Each week the psychiatric patients were allowed to ride the black pony...

  46. Anyone remember the photo someone tweeted of their package of soaps that they received in the mail from Pig Shocker? It was of a hand addressed box with a stupid little drawing on it.
    When it was tweeted we noticed that she could manage to mail the soap order and pay for that type of shipping but couldn't mail the books people paid her $15,000+ for five years ago.

    Anyone on twitter who can find that photo? I've been searching...

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 19, 2019 at 11:49 AM

      I'll bet that Wendy Waller is about to strike again with another great tweet exposing JFW for being a fraudulent twat. I don't recall that incident, but it sounds like something the FFF would do.

      FYI: Jenna, some of us can make money at home, and still find time to comment on your crappy existence. It's called having a lucrative career that you've been doing for decades. You should try it sometime.

  47. Being mean on the internet is all you do when it's all you have.

    How about begging on the internet is all you have when you can't get a job. What about that Jenna?


  49. I did a search of her bleg to find the help she’s received over the years. People gave her substantial amounts of materials, their time and energy, and even money.

    Part 1

    “My dear friends, James and Phil, gave me their half-day off work to haul a 6-ft tall old chainlink dog run across southern Vermont.”

    July 2009
    “So we borrowed my pal Eric's trailer (pulled by Phil's rig) and the three of us loaded up the pen in Peru and delivered it to Sandgate. Now Finn has a safe and larger place to grow up in. Those boys have no idea how grateful I am they are here to help me. They were the same guys who helped build my sheep shed, and came to feed the animals when I nearly broke my knee this past winter.”

    July 2010
    “…my friends Steve, Patrick, and Phil. I promised them all a good breakfast before they helped me put up the next section of fences.”

    May 2011
    “I'm beat, but happy to know that my friend Brett will be over in a few hours. He'll be stopping by on his way home to the Adirondacks to help me shore-up the barn. We've slowly been repairing it, making it more sturdy and expanding the space inside.”

    January 2012 Bookstore author (JFW) event:
    “A woman up the road who belongs to the Washington County Draft Association (I didn't even know about them) offered to teach me driving with her Percheron. A teacher from Saratoga just bought a homestead near mine, and we got to say hello to each other. A veterinarian with a Border Collie gave me a truckload (no joke) of Jacobs' wool and introduced me to her red Border Collie in her car (Gibson likes any event with girls). Jim Kunstler gave me a box of pots and pans for the farm. My coworkers brought me pie, and Cathy Daughton brought me sharpies tied up in a bow!”

    April 2012
    “I was talking with Elizabeth, a good friend I met through workshops and farm visits. She was up looking at property in Washington County from the Berkshires and stopped by to say hello. After she helped me with some barn chores she was game to come along to a riding lesson with Merlin.”

    June 2012 Horse shelter begins to be built
    “Here is where Holden, Cathy's 16-year-old son took on the world. He took that giant 6x6x16 beam and climbed up the stone wall and helped set it into place. Then he scrambled up top of the frame and helped nail in rafters one at a time until we now had an honest-to-summer building framed up.”

    September 2012
    “Melina and Robert were with me the day I first met Merlin. They helped move locust logs out of my back pasture with Jasper.”

    October 2012
    “I picked up 17 bales and Nelson helped me tie them down. I handed him a check and he asked if it was okay to cash it today? It's the kind of question that keeps me coming back to his farm as a customer. If I told Nelson to hold it three weeks he would (and he has, trust me), but instead I nodded and told him it was okay.”

    “So Brett kindly helped me straighten and repair the weak sheep shed, prune the giant maple, and carry 80-pound bags of Quickcrete. I offer him a hanging basket of strawberry plants and one of the ram lambs. He accepts the barter for his efforts and I feel a little debt repaid. Without the talents and skills of others, this farm would not run.”

    October 2012
    “I want to introduce you to the new pig! He's in his new-and-improved pig pen that Patty, Kate, and Jason helped me build today.”

    December 2012
    “Elizabeth arrived at the farm at 8AM with a cordless drill and a ladder, and helped Brett and I put up a wall of Adirondack milled lumber…” (Horse shelter worked on in the middle of winter)


  50. August 2013
    “My friends Tyler and Tara…showed up last minute to help us unload the critters [pigs]. I think since they were both sharing the pork and helped build the pen, they were pretty invested in Cold Antler's Porcine concerns by this point.”

    September 2013 – Building of the mews
    “Then a mews was built here on my farm, thanks to the amazing Daughton Family and the Wesner's who gave both their time, tools, and energy to this endeavor.”

    “But it [the mews] is here, and thanks to Patty's birthday present of lumber it cost me very little to erect.”

    “…the folks at Common Sense Farm welded me a custom perch.”

    “Patty and I finished Tim's hard work just this week and put together a weathering area out of dog kennel panels and deer netting.”

    August 2015
    “And when those finally birds went outside on pasture three weeks later they did so in the tractors made out of inspiration from Darcie Confar (who mailed me the materials list and aided in design) and crafted by the good hands of the Connelly Clan who helped build the first model. Patty Wesner came over and helped me build the second one. The third tractor was made by the amazing Brett McLeod, it is wooden and strong and did its part with this chicken dinner as well.”

    February 2016
    “Common Sense delivered hay here so the barn is stocked for the snowstorm. That saved me making many smaller trips with a truck unable to handle the burden on the broken springs. Yesheva came up and helped me with that ewe as well, when I first saw the bad lip.”

    October 2017
    “Breakfast was a dozen eggs in a cast iron skillet Jon Katz gave me when he was moving Bedlam Farm.”

    October 2018 Wood stove repair
    “It took three people a few weeks to get through it all but thanks to my friends Patty and Tyler (and their tools and advice) it got done!”

    March 2019
    “My friend Dave…helped me get the truck back in my driveway and out of the road by towing it up the hill and showing me how to steer without power steering… Then he gave me a ride into town to get all the feed I'd need…”

    It’s really unbelievable how much help she’s gotten monetarily, physically (the dreaded W word), and in donated materials.

    Plus, where are all these “good friends” now??? James and Phil, Eric, Steve, Patrick, Brett, Cathy Daughton, Kate, Jason, Tyler & Tara, Tim, the Connelly Clan, Jon Katz, and the crew at Common Sense Farm. I think I know… feeling used and abused by Corbie McWaddles, they dumped her.


    1. Oops... Forgot Robert and Melina. More disgruntled slaves at CAF.

    2. Thanks for posting, that's a lot of research and typing!

      She is a royal pain in everyone's ass thanks to her terrible choices and stupidity.

      Why should everyone have to work twice as hard to take care of an overgrown child?

      She hasn't come close to surviving on her own.
      She should be living under mommy and daddy's roof so they can be burdened with the monster they created instead of Waddles being everyone else's problem.

    3. Thank you, Duckmama for all that hard work.
      WH - You took the words right out of my mouth! “She hasn’t even come close to surviving on her own”

    4. Oh, WH I didn't type it all. Just copy and paste! :-)


  51. If you have the address, look her up.

    1. She's stuck there. They only have it assessed at a little over $84,000. I believe she paid about $150,000 or more.

    2. Wow, that is unbelievable how much she has run that place into the ground. Shame on you Jenna. I would be appalled if I was a neighbor or lived in Cambridge. She should be kicked off that property; authorities should find out what the hell is going on there. That is quite a decrease in value. What a pig.


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