Why do measurements make me crazy?

Oh...it's just her measurements.
She runs 20k.  That is 12.4 miles
Then the next day she runs 12 miles.

She loads 150 lbs of dog food.  That is 3 bags.

Every single thing she says is manipulative.


  1. I saw the 20K earlier today and thought oh she wants to impress people since most don't know what that is in miles. If she ran 12.4 miles today I shall eat my hat. What a poser.

    1. Every runner I know that does anything over a mile a day looks like it. There is no way that she is running 12 miles a day and looks like how she looks. I'm not saying she's bad looking, but runners, they are lean and muscular, they have a look. She ain't got it.

    2. So true, FarmLass. She looks like a couch potato. That's the body of someone who sits and watches TV all day long.

    3. 20k my ass. She is crazy, crazy, crazy. She is also fat, fat, fat.

      As long as she claims to run 20k, I will point out that there's no way that she weighs what she does and runs the distances she claims to run.

      Nope. She would have busted knees and screwed up feet running on concrete at that weight. More delusions on Whackadoodle Horseshit farm.

    4. And if she lies about that, what else is she lying about? EVERYTHING.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 19, 2019 at 5:20 AM

      Lying is a way of life for JFW. I doubt that she could even waddle around town without pausing to breathe every few feet.

  2. I made a post about this last night on the other thread but it didn't show up for some reason. Anyway, glad Hound Doggy called Jenna out for her blatant lie about running a 20K. Surely that must be a typo? But nope, today the porky poser actually said she ran another 12 miles. Yeah, right.

    But at least she FINALLY brought up an issue (chafing) that affects a lot of runners...cuz even she knows that getting people to believe she ran 12 miles is gonna need some proof. Because ever notice that she normally never talks about any of those issues? (Hint: It's cuz she doesn't really run.) Running burns fat, especially in the face, and as a result a runner's body is toned, lean and healthy looking. The Pig Shocker's appearance doesn't show any of those running benefits.

    In addition, in every single one of her videos you can hear her shortness of breath after just walking a few feet. That wouldn't happen if she really ran. Maybe every once in awhile she does run...like a mile. But there's no way she, who just one week ago said that she was "getting up to" 6 miles, is all the sudden running 12.

    How come she never talks about sore knees, feet or toenails? Where is any mention of pulled or sore muscles? How come there are never any pics of her runs? Or of her jogging shoes? How come there aren't hardly any stories of things encountered on her runs? IT'S CUZ SHE DOESN'T RUN.

    So why would she lie? Because it causes people to pay attention to her on Twitter. Case in point: Just look at the lack of comments for most of her posts...there are hardly any. But then today she asked about chafing and received 10 comments from people she hopes will check out her bleg and donate their hard-earned poodle cash. That's why.

    But I'd like to think that anyone who just looks at the waddling lying sausage that Jenna Woginrich is will realize that she's absolutely 100% full of shit.

    1. Jenna's body looks like 10 lbs. of baloney stuffed in a 5 lb. bag.

      Remember when she used to say she had a low pulse because she must have read somewhere that runners have low pulse rates.

      That was hilarious. Jenna hasn't had a low pulse rate since she was an infant. She can lie and say she has every quality a regular long distance runner has and anyone who looks at her immediately knows she is completely full of shit.

    2. Lol, and just goes to show her arrogance in trying to pull of this lie.

      Another thing: She never talks about her routes, where she runs.

      With hiking, she's offered up pics, locations, stories, etc.

      But no details at all about running, other than fake distances.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 19, 2019 at 5:14 AM

      I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. Last year we saw her running on a road not too far from Cambridge. She looked like shit, and was clearly in discomfort. It couldn't be more obvious that she's lying again. In terms of more measurements, her insistence on being a smaller size when it comes to clothes is ridiculous. I'm guessing that she's almost in the plus category. So it's not body shaming when someone isn't honest about anything including what they wear. It's indicative of a defective character, an online beggar, and presenting a false front in order to continue money mooching.

    4. On June 10th she posted she ran a 10k. You don't run double the miles in a week. First, it's improbable, and second, that's how you break femurs. And we know that will draw sympathy.

      And I'm a runner. It's just unlikely is all I'm saying.

    5. I'm a runner too and there is no way in hell she is running back to back distances of 12 miles. That is almost half marathon distance which is 13.1 which takes weeks of training to get to that distance. If you are doing smart training you usually run small distances every day with a long run once a week going farther every other week. No one runs 12 miles every day, that's a blatant lie. You also have to factor in good nutrition and no booze or just booze on the weekends which we all know she isn't doing.

      What a liar and a poser.


    6. Also a runner and agree. You don't jump from 6 to 12 miles at her age and without a consistent base of running. And she has way too long of a list of other things she claims to do on the same day. None of that happens without already having a consistent mileage base.

    7. If she's a real runner with her fat ass and bourbon belly, then I'm going to be a lingerie model in my middle-aged mind.

    8. All of you real runners speak the truth. I perused reddit's "running" subreddit and found that she's totally full of shit.

  3. Speaking of the lack of comments on the Pig Shocker's tweets, she said something today which proves our theory that she tweets about random stuff just to bring in new foollowers to support her lazy lifestyle:

    ❝ Where did I go wrong that my farm content does so well and my Taylor Swift content does not? ❞

    Why would she be paying attention to the comments received for the random non-farm-related stuff that she tweets? Why would that matter? It's because she's measuring the amount of attention she receives in order to adjust her interests and to appeal to the most people possible.

    Her "farm content" doesn't bring enough interest so she has to resort to tweeting about the latest trending issues, popular activities, hot topics, etc. And since all her Taylor/Gaylor nonsense isn't getting her the response she wants, she'll cool her heels on that real soon and move on to someone else.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 19, 2019 at 5:18 AM

      Her cyber stalking of celebrities is creepy and juvenile. Taylor Swift is just her latest female obsession. It will die down, and be replaced by another person. The only "content" on JFW's faux farm are a few pet props, and a degraded property due to her years of neglect.

  4. Twitter Twaddle - Ungrateful Jerk Edition:

    🐷 🔌 ⚡️ "The work week has started and this farm's gotta make some sales to keep the land in my name and the summer solvent! DM to order or gift pet art, logos, handmade soaps, or take a class here at the farm!"

    The begging begins anew. One of her foollowers commented:

    💁 "Do you happen to have a Patreon or anything recurring like that? I did just see your books and bought two of them as presents already!"

    And how did Jenna respond? Did she thank her for buying her books? Did she thank her for her kind support? Did she even say "thanks" at the very least? Nope:

    🐷 🔌 ⚡️ "There's a paypal me link and the option to subscribe to the blog at http://barnheart.com but no patreon as of yet!"

    Wow. No "thank you" from Jenna, just "PayPal me and subscribe to my bleg." She wants this woman to give her money right away, and also more money each month. Hopefully this lady noticed that Jenna didn't have the common decency to offer up a "thank you" and realize she's being used.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 19, 2019 at 5:28 AM

      We've seen this sort of rude behavior many times on Twitter, and I've mentioned it here recently. She mostly pays attention to either blue check accounts, or people who have a lot of followers. When that woman who sent her dog biscuits asked if they'd arrived, JFW didn't even have the common courtesy to respond and thank her. The "no patreon as of yet!" is just like the "no website for graphic design as of yet!" But potential clients have been inquiring about how to contact her for lousy logos for a long time. She refuses to create one, because then she'd be liable for taxes and accountability.

  5. From the last thread, Tyr's Bad Hand wrote: "So just an FYI many Heathens are aware of the scam she has been trying to run. She actually doesn't have a following in the community since she abandoned Reddit. I've always had the impression she is a "Nice Girl" which is the female version of an Incel."

    You are so right! And if anyone is wondering, "Incel" stands for "involuntary celibate" which are men who think it's the women's fault that they can't get laid. These guys are also referred to as "nice guys" and are often overweight, and also referred to as "neckbeards" who objectify women and say things like "M'lady" while tipping their hat.

    Recently Jenna wrote a very Incel-like bleg post blaming the straight people in her town for the fact that she's single and can't get laid. And while she doesn't say "M'lady" she does utter "darling" in a condescending way. As for the hat tipping...well, look no further than to a comment Jenna made today when someone complimented how pretty her dog Friday is:

    ❝ *tips hat* ❞


    Yep, she's definitely an Incel.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 19, 2019 at 5:31 AM

      Under the dictionary definition of "female incel" should be the deranged toddler pic that WH uses for her profile photo.

  6. Twit Shit:

    "I'm not ready to die until My Grand Kaylor Theory of ultimatums, affairs, republicans, and daisies will be an epic romantic drama played by someone born in 2009 I get to watch with my wife constantly while saying "SEE!?!?!?""

    Once again, the fawning FFF was responding to a blue check account on Twitter. The witty woman, who happens to be a lesbian, didn't acknowledge Jenna Fucking Woginrich's stupid response. Why would she? Pig Shocker only wants to kiss the asses of people who have more money and followers than she does. And dream on about "watch with my wife." It ain't gonna happen. JFW is incapable of intimate relationships. They'd require her to be honest about what an animal abusing, online begging POS she's become. Her asinine attempts to be funny are always epic failures, too. They have "I'm trying too hard to be a hipster" written all over them.

    1. Being that there's no such thing as a unicorn, Jenna Woginrich, who fancies herself as a special heroic scrappy unicorn is gonna be single for life.

  7. Twit Shit, too:

    "You like farms?! You like women farming them? You like 10-years worth of posts about running a farm alone on a mountain? You like electricity/plumbing?! ME TOO! If you want to support this crazy gin joint - your contributions help keep those things mine. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF"

    Talk about manipulative marketing, and blatant begging. What a whiner. I'll rewrite that for her:

    You like liars?! You like female scammers? You like 10-years worth of pathetic posts about how poor I am because of my ineptitude?! ME TOO! If you want to support my mentally ill, lazy loser lifestyle - your enabling keeps me barely solvent and stuck in a rut. And none of it is mine, because the bank owns it. My mortgage barely gets paid each month because you won't donate more money!!!

    1. 😆 LOL, yes, that's exactly how I read it! But the part that burns me the most is the "You like electricity/plumbing?! ME TOO!" -- this actually angered me more than it should. She's trying to get people to pity her, plain and simple.

      Jenna, since your parents didn't explain it to you: As an adult, you have to work a job to be able to afford a place to live, electricity/plumbing, and to put food on the table. I see you've figured out the food part, but now put on your big girl pants and pay for your own mortgage and utilities.

      Think about it, for as broke as she claims to be, she surely doesn't look it, body wise. I don't see any protruding bones.

    2. Ummm I think she has already put on her "big girl pants."

      Snark, snark!

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 20, 2019 at 1:02 PM

      Her "big girl pants" are busting at the seams. "Snark, snark!"

  8. The Twat on Twitter today.

    "Finding people to ride with this summer has been like pulling teeth. I have the horses, trails, tack, helmets, and will make time. But I think people are kinda scared of horses on a primal level? Everyone says YES! When I bring it up. When I invite them over to ride, no dice."

    Just guessing here, but maybe they work for a living; spend time actually taking care of farms / animals or are disinclined to ride aged, arthritic horses up a tick-infested hill while listening to a narcissist prattle on? But hey, if I was her insurance provider I'd love to know she is eager to let her horses be ridden by people who are frightened on a primal level. Nothing to go wrong there...

    1. Yea Jenna, people are terrified to ride horses. As usual, you are the only brave one. Hello, maybe they work? Maybe its you.

    2. Um, yeah, it's because they know Jenna is batshit crazy. They know she's too lazy to work to pay her own bills so what else is she too lazy to do?

      Maintain the horse equipment, maintain the health of the horses, etc.?
      You have to trust someone before you will allow yourself to be put into a potentially dangerous situation with them.

      No one in their right mind would trust Jenna or her judgement. If Jenna is okay with being such a loser, she had better get used to being alone.

    3. People are excited at first cuz horsey! And then they realize who'll they'll have to hang out with. With no easy or immediate escape.

      Plus, if you became unconscious from falling off the horse, would you really want to be with someone who'd rummage thru your pockets/bag for loose cash and eBay-able stuff, rather than call 9/11 for you?

  9. Hosting 101: don’t invite anyone over to your house to ride horses or anything else if your plumbing doesn’t work.

    I can’t believe I even have to type that.

    1. Oh wow, that's right. She's still peeing/pooping in the yard! So what happens if someone wanted to buy a 4-hour fiddle lesson this weekend? Would she postpone it due to no working toilet?

      Nope, I bet she'd pocket the poor sucker's $250 and then offer to drive them "a quick 3 miles" into town. And she'd withhold any refreshments in order to prevent them needing a bathroom in the first place. Old Cold Antler hospitality!

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 20, 2019 at 1:00 PM

      I've heard from previous attendees, and a few friends who live locally, that "refreshments" are up to the individuals attending her jerk-shops. God forbid, that the FFF should "make pizza" (like she often brags about), or offer up cold drinks.

  10. One reason for Jenna's crazy measurements is that she just throws random numbers out, but doesn't bother to do the math. And she's hoping that no one else will either. But I did.

    In a time span of just one month, the Pig Shocker claims to have ran/hiked almost 80 miles. (I included hiking because it can be as much of a cardiovascular workout as running.)

    6/18 - Ran 12 miles
    6/17 - Ran 12 miles
    6/12 - Ran 6 miles
    6/9 - Ran 6 miles
    6/7 - Ran 5 miles, PLUS a 5 mile hike!!
    6/4 - Hiked 6 miles
    6/2 - Ran 3 miles
    5/31 - Hiked 5 miles
    5/27 - Hiked "a few" miles...let's assume 3
    5/25 - Hiked 4 miles
    5/23 - Ran 3 miles
    5/20 - Ran 3 miles
    5/18 - Hiked 4 miles

    That's 77 miles. But in a bleg post on 6/16, she wrote "Evening runs are now pushing 6 miles." Soooo...that would imply that she runs almost every night, right? So let's add a few 5K's to the above list of just 13 days out of 30, and she's claiming to run between 75-100 miles a month.

    THAT'S 25 MILES PER WEEK! (If she is to be believed.)

    So out of curiosity, I searched reddit's "running" subreddit community and found that the average non-serious runner averages about 12 miles a week. And they are not at all overweight. They have healthy BMI's and some even post pics.

    But here we have Jenna Woginrich easily weighing over 200 lbs on a 5'2" frame...which is a BMI of 36. And any BMI over 30 is clinically obese. Even if she weighed what she last reported (176 lbs) that's still a BMI of 34. Still obese. And doing obscene damage to her joints with her 25 miles per week.

    Yet somehow Jenna Woginrich has DOUBLE the average in-shape runner's distance averages beat? And never talks of any injuries like the redditors do? Hmmmm...someone must be lying. And hopefully, after she reads this she'll stop all her "ran a 20K, ran a 10K" bullshit. Cuz there's no way it's true. She just wants pity donations from real runners who use Twitter.

    1. You know it's one thing if she is sincere about the running....kudos to her to try and get healthier but it's another thing to absolutely lie about it. Especially when real runners can easily call her out on it.

      Why lie about it? What do people care about how many miles she runs? And it is a lie because as someone stated before you can't run 6 miles (barely) and then jump up to 12 the next day. It's just not done. You have to slowly build on that. And I wonder what her running pace is? She never mentions it. Is it 14, 15, 16? If she does run a 5K, I would guess that's her pace. That means it takes her 14 to 16 minutes to run one mile. Every runner knows their pace. Look for a tweet about her pace now. :)

      Jenna, maybe you are running, maybe not; but I call bullshit on the distance claimed.


    2. Agree GG. I am also a runner. I was going to post about her pace as well. Runners generally do keep track of things like that. I find it very unlikely, as everyone is stating, that she ran 6 one day and 12 the next. It can be done, but one would need to be in quite good shape with proper hydration and fuel to do so. She may be doing a run/walk combo (Jeff Galloway), which would suit her current condition a lot better.
      I don't understand why she would lie about it; my running is a source of pride for what I can do and there is no pride or sense of accomplishment if you don't get the miles in. Just my opinion.
      Has she ever mentioned buying running shoes?
      And, if she is running, good for her for trying to be healthy. But keep it real Jenna, you'll get a lot more support and you'll feel better about yourself - which is something I think you desperately need.

    3. I’m not a runner. I have a 2 acre native landscape that I maintain and some raised beds for veggies, I also hike a couple days a week. My husband is a runner, but only recently. He’s always been fit, he lifts weights does pushups and pull-ups, crunches, etc. And he hikes with me. We are both 63 yrs old. Three years ago we retired and even though I consider us to be extremely healthy eaters with a mostly plant based diet(we eat eggs and fish)and an active lifestyle, we both started gaining weight and I noticed some knee joint pain and heavy breathing when I was doing hard labor in my landscape. My husband gained almost 20 lbs and his BMI went up to 29. He’s a big guy, 6’2 220 lbs before the weight gain. So 3 yrs ago he started running our country road, it’s a horseshoe shape and we live smack in the center of the horseshoe. One side of the horseshoe is not quite as long as the other side. One is exactly 4 miles, the other is 3.something(I can’t remember exactly) but anyway he started out just running the short side to the big road then turned around and came back, so maybe 7 miles total. He did that for about a yr. keep in mind he was almost 61 yrs old at that time. Eventually he worked up to running the entire road, from our house to one end of the horseshoe, back past our house to the other end, then back to our house. As of today he runs about 15 miles a day. I’m not sure about his pace, I’d have to ask him. But here’s the thing, he lost that 20 lbs he gained that first yr of running when he didn’t run as far as he does now. His BMI dropped even below what is was before the weight gain to 18!(as of his last physical in May) I’m not sure what he weighs now.
      So my point here is there’s no way that Jenna Woginrich is running the miles she claims and not achieving a better level of fitness. I’m a lifelong distance hiker, and gardener, but that’s pretty much the only exercise I get, and even though I do a lot of ass sitting in between because I’m also a potter, I’m in way better shape than Jenna Woginrich, and I’m not putting her down! My entire family fights their weight, I’ve struggled with it all my life. I’m 5’4 and 150(size 14 - No way is she an 8). But at 63 I’m strong and agile and I do have a low resting HR and I don’t get out of breath when I’m walking. I gained weight too when we retired and I could really feel it, but I’ve since lost it just by adding in some extra steps into my day. It helps balance out the extra ass sitting I was doing at my wheel.

    4. Great share, Jesse. I'd be impressed if the Wog would weed her field or fix a fence. All those things are difficult physical work. Farming is physical work, not just pouring out feed and water.


    5. Thanks, Chickqualizer, and I agree about the farming part, plus, if she was really farming there’d be a ton of pics showing the proof, she sure doesn’t have a problem posting vanity shots or hiking shots. She’s suppose to be a farmer, why no farming shots?

  11. I guess she behind AGAIN on orders? Thought she needed the money but I guess running, riding her pony, drinking and keeping up with Kaylor is more important.

    The twat:
    People waiting on soap! I think most orders are out that are under 8 bars, some larger orders are not. But if you are still waiting on delivery please message me.

    "Please message me"....otherwise I will conveniently forget about your order but keep your money anyway.

    Girl, why can't you just do the work and keep track.

    1. My guess is she's "behind" on soap orders because she doesn't have the money to mail them out. Remember, the money she got for the orders has already been spent.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 20, 2019 at 12:56 PM

      Just like she got "behind" on shipping out the Birchthorn books. And looks how long it's been. By now, every single backer should've received their copy. Along with an apology, and a bar of subpar soap.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 20, 2019 at 1:21 PM

      "look" not "looks"

  12. Here's an idea, Jenna. You like to make lists and cross things off. Write down all the orders and info as they come in and cross them off as you complete them. Then reread or proofread the list at the end of each day. Oh wait, too much work and we already know that you don't proofread at all. So....never mind.


    1. Jade,
      Right?!? Wtf? Who doesn’t keep a record of orders? Or have a website for their business?
      She’s such a blatant scammer, I’m absolutely amazed that she’s not been caught! Not to mention she’s obviously scamming Uncle Sam! She avoids taxes, that’s why she doesn’t have a website, she doesn’t even claim her ‘business.’ But also takes people’s money in advance of orders, then conveniently forgets to fill the orders. She robs Peter to pay Paul, then she can’t keep up with all the prepaid orders she takes and just hopes people will forget or blow it off, she must just figure these folks as a one time shot because you know she can’t have many returning customers. She’s not interested in building a business with returning clientele, she’s just soliciting money for the immediate need.
      Although I do waffle back and forth about the type of scammer she is - One who truly is living on the edge of losing everything or One who has a regular income that just pays the bills, and the scamming is for extracurricular activity. In either case, she is shameless, completely full of herself and a really, really bad liar.

    2. Sorry, Jude, autocorrect liked Jade better :)

    3. Hey Jesse, as a former acquaintance of Jenna's I can confirm that she does not have a regular income. She really does live in this constant state of chaos. Honestly, I don't know if you could call that living. It must be fucking exhausting. But, there is an easy fix...she just doesn't want to do it. One time I suggested she write a book for kids about Gibson or Merlin or one of the sheep..."A Day on the Farm with Gibson" "A Day on the Farm with Merlin"...nope. She said she didn't like drawing. And now she's doing sketches of people's animals. smh

    4. she is stuck in a bad place she can't get out of because she's always in her own way

    5. How can you believe anything she says? She's so contrary that she'd say she hates drawing even if it was her favorite pastime. Why did she get a degree in graphic design when she doesn't want to do it?

    6. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 21, 2019 at 3:48 PM

      Anonymous 7:32. I'm curious as to what you think about her pathological lying. How can she justify being a serial scammer and poodle parasite? Or maybe she's so deluded that it's not apparent. Any insights into her curious character would be appreciated by many of us. Thanks!

  13. Remember how much Jenna pushed sales of 20-soap bundles? She just Tweeted (emphasis mine): "I THINK MOST orders are out that are UNDER 8 bars, some larger orders are NOT..."

    So she doesn't know how many orders (under 8 bars of soap) are out, and there's NO estimated completion on larger soap orders, like all the 20-soap orders she solicited?

    Astoundingly, just a bit later, our tone-deaf Faux Feral Farmer trolled for even MORE soap orders.

    How can anyone waste time and effort buying a product, where the buyer must remind the seller to deliver? How stupid are her followers???

    1. This is the same old thing she's always done. Back when she had the wool CSA and couldn't deliver on it, she put a message on her blog that anyone who needed a refund should e-mail her instead of going to the list of CSA members that SHE SHOULD HAVE HAD ALL ALONG and just mailing out refund checks. Whenever she can't deliver, the burden of getting a refund is always on the buyer. The same thing happened with her vlog that people subscribed to. And I'm sure she's done the same thing with meat shares. She keeps no records, just cashes the checks and goes on her merry way!

  14. She doesn't need the money. I wrote her about a pet portrait. No response. Someone as desperate, scared, and anxious would respond immediately about a potential sale. Zero, zip, nada. She ain't broke people. She's a lying, scamming, SOB.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 20, 2019 at 12:53 PM

      Exactly. I've said this before, but it's greed not need.

  15. No, she doesn't need the money. The way she goes on and on about not getting money from a spouse, family or any other sources makes me think that she does get a steady source of money from a family member, friend or perhaps in the form of a disability check. She is most definitely mentally ill enough to be on disability.

    She uses the same insistence about not getting financial help as she does about not having a cell phone and we all know that's a lie.

    Receiving disability could also be a major reason why she tries to hide her income from the crap she sells. If she makes too much, she wouldn't qualify for disability. I have always thought it was to avoid paying taxes but now I'm beginning to think it's because she doesn't want to lose the disability income.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 20, 2019 at 12:52 PM

      She could've qualified for disability years ago, but been too ashamed to admit it. (Not that there's anything wrong with it.) Which isn't correct thinking, because she'd then attract money from poodles who'd pity her for being depressed and anxious etc... And it kills me that she makes the accountability of products her buyer's issue not the seller's. Look no further than the Birchthorn books.

    2. Wow, I never thought about disability. Good point.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 20, 2019 at 1:20 PM

      I've thought for a long time that she must have other sources of income. Some people here have speculated that she does drawings for the "furry fandom." Her awful, anthropomorphic scribbles might be appreciated by a bunch of weirdo misfits.

    4. I think her family continues to throw money her way when she goes over the top. Such as the septic system "crisis". No mention of it for days now. If I has having to use a cat hole in the woods you can bet it would be at the top of list for repair. I'm betting Mom and Dad sent money and it's fixed. Jenna just had to endure a lecture from her Mom about life which she tweeted about.

    5. How is she disabled? She's always going on about riding, hiking, running.

    6. It would have to be mentally, but that's pretty hard to get.

  16. Cray cray is harassing Tay Tay once again on twitter:

    "@taylorswift13 If you're into falconry NY State has A LOT to offer in the sport. Big community. Interesting whistles. Oversized sweaters for days. Also, hawks."

    Hey Cray Cray, tell Tay Tay how many hawks you have kept hostage and how many disappeared under mysterious circumstances (i.e.DIED).
    Answer: 3 out 4. Not exactly a stellar record, Cray Cray.
    Rut roh, looks like Tay Tay is trying to escape!

    P.S.Multiple dead hawks are not the little black dress of 2019.

  17. I doubt she even makes soap. I am willing to bet she buys it already made. She has never photographed any of her "soap making". I don't believe any of the things she "sells" other than the drawings that never end up getting to their buyer are actually sold. Her mortgage payment is affordable. She does not have a lot of expenses- so... basically, tweeter can tweet all the day long.

  18. She tweets about no one paying attention to her crazy Taylor Swift obsession. So the logical thing to do is keep spewing and answering herself and suggesting someone "pay" her for a long article. Nutso! Oh and she's pals with Henry Winkler cause he posted a picture of fish in her Twitter Feed. I'm sure that was completely personal. I think she's becoming what she professes at times. Totally alone and cut off from any real friends or family.

    1. Lol, I saw the same Henry Winkler post on my feed - guess we're also besties.

      Btw, has anyone actually seen her make a cartoon drawing? Has anyone seen her make a bullseye with bow and arrow? Has anyone ever seen her make soap?

      I keep imagining she sub-contracts cartoon drawings to someone else, which explains the time and money lag.

  19. Dedicated to those who have purchased product from JFW

    Where Have All the Logos Gone?
    (sung to the tune of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?)

    Where have all the logos gone?
    Long time passing.
    Where have all the drawings gone?
    Long time ago.
    Where have all the soapbars gone?
    All forgotten, every one.
    When will they ever learn?
    When will they ever learn?

    1. Hahaha, Anon 10:50 am. Thanks for this!

    2. LOL, so true. She recently tweeted that she's behind on shipping but re-tweets to try to get even more buyers several times each and every day.

      Her ratio on sales vs shit sent out is askew. She just wants the 🐩 💰 but just can't seem to follow up:

      ❝ People waiting on soap! I think most orders are out that are under 8 bars, some larger orders are not. But if you are still waiting on delivery please message me! ❞

      Yeah, she wants you to "message her" via her PayPal button.

  20. Today's manic bleg!


    Friday, June 21, 2019
    Hogs and Hawks

    I have been feeling a surge of energy recently and I think I can thank running and the longer days for it. When I am outside moving, listening to music, everything else shuts off. I can daydream, breath easier, every stride has a purpose and every day I run a little farther. Running costs nothing but time and when I am home from a long one I feel relieved as jumping into cold water. It was a slow start getting back into the swing of things this summer - but now as the solstice shines in I am hoping this energy is here to stick.

    In farm news, a small litter of piglets has joined the farm! The first-time mother successfully gave birth without problems. This is my second time farrowing, and the first time was so flawless and easy. This one was more cruel, with some piglets dying shortly after birth. It's been a decade of raising livestock and the highs and lows still slam into me on a regular basis. I am as terrified of them as I am grateful. No day passes that doesn't contain an entire soundtrack of emotions. There are little accomplishments like harvesting the first snap pea, learning a new fiddle tune, a new birth, and sunshine returned after such a long, cold, time. But there are also losses, and mud, and rain that seemed to last for weeks. I'm not sure how healthy living in a roller coaster is but it's never boring.

    This weekend I may be getting a new hawk! A local falconer is going to college and won't be able to train up her bird for fall before releasing it back into the wild. I'll be taking over training with the bird, and the family that currently keeps it is coming over to help prepare and update my mews first. So it's a weekend of construction and possibly even a new hawk in my life! A falconer without a bird is a sad thing, and I am very happy to have talons in my life again and someone to feed all the quail in my freezer to!

    So that is what is going on here. New additions and stories. I am working on notes from my agent about a book outline and trying to catch up on all the soap and art orders. I am promoting sales like nuts on Twitter. I am trying to make time to get away from the farm - if only for a few hours a few nights a week - to go into town and meet up with friends new and old. I still have time to make the mortgage this month on top of the butcher's bill - and if I am lucky that will happen and I will just make it another one. Only now it feels less like scratching and clawing to survive and more like scrappy pride in being resourceful. Coyote life is for me.

    Oh, and the fireflies are back. I missed every single one of them.
    Jenna Woginrich at 1:46 PM"

    Posted with an old photo of piglet, natch, so have at it, Shamsters!

    1. OMG.... What's with the "earn up," "meet up," "train up" bullshit? FFS, just SHUT UP!


    2. What happened to the current hawk???

    3. Since when has she not been able to go into town for a few hours? After her most recent financial call to arms, she mentioned someone had bought her a beer. So obviously she has no difficulties going into town. Her untreated mental illness is off the charts at this point.

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 21, 2019 at 3:53 PM

      She's always "promoting sales like mad" or even "nuts" (how prophetic), but her manipulative marketing never seems to really make a difference in "this farm's solvency." Apparently, she's too stupid and stubborn to see that she's not cut out to be a real farmer and homeowner. JFW is a faux "falconer," too. It's just another pet prop to attract money mooching.

    5. Beyond manic. And all that Taylor/Gaylor Swift nonsense on Twitter.

      Taylor would slap a bitch like Jenna. HARD. And then Jenna would tweet, "She it me, and it felt like a kiss!"

      And still, no comments on any of those pathetic sycpohant tweets. Cuz no one cares.

  21. what happened to her truck with the power steering problem needed a new pump, no mention of that either unless that is on the back burner to use at a latter date. You know no sense using up all your ammo in one sitting.

    1. Wondering the same thing myself. And also, what about the sudden $500-$600 in emergency medical bills for that swollen lymph node she found under her fridge? And the root canal cap she needed before that?

      Aaaaand...what about the threat she made just 10 DAYS AGO that she had to make a "mandatory late mortgage payment" in ADDITION to her normal end-of-month payment, otherwise she'd lose the farm?

      Man, if I ever need to learn how to tell a whopping lie, I'm gonna straight up call Jenna Woginrich for advice. I mean, back in the day I could handle the "Hey boss, I'm late because someone blocked my driveway, and no sir, I was not up all night at a concert, kinda lie...but I can't imagine knowing how to bullshit the entire Twitterverse. Week after week. Month after month. And coming up with new lies all the time.

  22. I am really hoping that when the people who are thinking of giving Jenna a hawk see what a mess the farm is they turn and run. Having them come and rebuild the hawk mews is just rich. I don't remember who built it originally but it wasn't Jenna. I also hope they ask a lot of questions about her other hawks. Her track record with them is horrid.

    1. I just hope they have to use the Bathroom

    2. Why wouldn't they just let the hawk go? It's a wild raptor FFS and would have no trouble catching game.

      Sounds like another exaggeration (like finding a new bike at the dump) to appease her readers. In reality, she's buying the hawk from someone, thanks to extra 🐩💵🐩💵.

      FFF needs animal props, because without them there is zero interest in her lousy life and trite opinions.

    3. If the people who are stupid enough to sell her another hawk (no way do I believe they are giving her a hawk that can just be turned free) must now "update and repair" her mews, how bad was it? Did it not meet NYSDEC raptor standards???

  23. Hey guys? The word for today is "Hypocrite" -- yes, H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E. Let's get started:

    Jenna Woginrich wrote (many times) on her bleg:
    ❝ I'll never care about astrology [...] I'm not into astrology [...] I'm not much for astrology [...] I hate that all of these dating sites say every assholes's astrology sign!! ❞

    And today on Twitter Jenna Woginrich re-tweeted:
    ❝ Cancer: This is the month to contact someone from your distant past to tell them you don’t forgive them and never will for as long as you live. ❞

    Uh...eh? I don't get it. I thought she didn't like astrology? And thinks it's for assholes? Then why all the sudden is she looking up her horoscope?

    Oh...wait, she's gonna go after astrology lovers now! A formerly untapped audience!! Bitch, please. Any astro enthusiast can find your birthday and see that you've disgraced your sign with your panhandling and animal abusing ways. I believe that you are the first Cancer person that I've met, who I do not like. You are that awful, Pig Shocker.

    And oh, about that re-tweet: The month is almost over and there's not enough days for you to contact all the distant people who've made you butt-hurt by calling you out for the nasty person that you are. So you'd best get busy!

    1. Ironically, she's like a kind of uncontrolled cancer with her online scamming of innocent people. JFW is so desperate for free money that she'll tweet anything to attract new demographics.

  24. She "promotes sales like mad" to appear hard working and industrious. But she does not put the same energy into producing product. She "thinks" she mailed out small orders and has yet to send out the larger ones.

    Meanwhile, when people question why she is out playing when she has so many orders to fill, she gets indignant and claims she needs time off.

    1. Unfortunately, she can't take "time off" from being a beggar. It's all about her manipulative marketing, and ploy for PayPal poodle pity. Her "hard working and industrious" appearance is a guise to conceal money mooching motives.

    2. I can’t even begin to address the “ I think I’ve mailed all the small orders. ‘
      You THINK???

  25. The Twit on Twitter just wrote this: "I *should* add that speculating about someone's sexuality is usually shitty. But this isn't Emma Stone. This is someone who wants her fans to comb through every pic, video, interview, etc to find hidden messages. She wants us talking about this. Which is why every gay woman is." (Followed by another photo of Taylor Swift.)

    So she's STILL at it. WTF? Speculating about someone's sexuality "is usually shitty" unless, of course, Jenna Woginrich is the one speculating. As you know, rules NEVER apply to her because she's so special.

    1. Once again, JW speaks for ALL gay women! (Or all farmers, or all hunters, heathens, etc. ad nauseam...) I just can't stand it when she generalizes like that, and she does it often.

    2. And she didn’t know it was shitty until one of her commenters schooled her on it a couple of days ago in a tweet.

    3. I know and like some gay women, and I follow some on twitter, and I haven't seen any of them mention Taylor Swift. This is JW's obsession.

  26. My best friend is gay. He loathes Lindsey Graham. One day were trash talking Lindsey and I said if he’d just go ahead and come out of the closet he’d be a happier person. My friend gave me The Look, and with hand on hip, explained to me that, that was not an acceptable comment to make and that I should already know that after being best friends with a gay man for over 30 yrs.
    Well, I know now, lol! And I immediately apologized. You do not speculate about someone’s sexuality. It’s old school and very rude and insulting.

  27. RIP piglets.

    No one seems to be upset about her loss of newborn piglets.

    Having raised pigs I know that sometimes you loose a few. But generally, it's because you are not prepared and do not have adequate care and shelter for your sows. When they are stressed by even a little bit, they will kill piglets and eat them. It's very unfortunate. Since she is already admitting that she has lost piglets, I would expect that she really has very few left, hence, no photos.

    She makes me so ticked. Get off your Taylor kick and take care of your freaking life and animals.

    1. Were piglets even there? No photos of farrowing, no photos of newborns, or mom, only sharing of old photos of other piglets.

      Either their surroundings were so bad, even hay couldn't cover to make photo-ready, or the event didn't happen.

      Remember the departure of 3/4 hawks? When she didn't photo-document their releases, we know it didn't happen. If there is an opportunity to sing her feral praises, she takes it.

      If the piglets did exist, and FFF's usual neglect caused the demise of several, color me unsurprised.
      She needs to have all animals taken away. Stat!

  28. You're right about the piglets. Notice she doesn't mention how many were born or survived. Then she could held to it. From what I've heard, pigs farrow pretty successfully if properly set up and cared for. It's not usually a precarious situation.

    She shouldn't be allowed these animals. The lambs born there inevitably end up bottle-lambs. Why? Piglets born alive die in record time. Poultry that she buys ALIVE usually meet a horrible fate.

    I'll tell you. For the first time in my adult life, I have gone ahead and incubated some eggs. Every day I expect there to be a death, and you know what? It's been more than two months now and I still have every quail, chicken and duck that I hatched. If you thought Jenna was an example of responsible farming you would think it was impossible! And I'm not even well set up for it yet, just figuring it out as I go along while at the same time starting a new job!

    There are people around here selling meat chickens for $12 each. Heck, I could buy and process them then sell them and still be more of a farmer than Jenna Woginrich. But that would be work.

    Her mews was built for her, repaired for her, being repaired for her AGAIN. Can she, a "single feral woman farmer," not maintain a freakin screen house by herself??! WTF???!!!

    The Chickqualizer

    1. You're so right and observant, Chick. I've never raised pigs, but have plenty of experience with poultry. The fact she could not repair a simple, four-sided structure by herself is astounding. I have one acre, at 61 yrs old, and have a 3,200 square foot garden and chickens. (I previously had up to 2 dozen ducks and chickens at one time). Today I spent the day clearing around the raised beds, laying cardboard in the paths, and fencing them to keep deer, rabbits, squirrels and my chickens out of it. And she cannot repair a simple 4x4 structure?! I'm just agog.....



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