I was cracking up over Twitter. She basically says "oh my god, my world is coming to an end. All of these terrible things are happening and I don't know what I'll do!" And her "people " are like...."look at my cute fluffy dog!" Hahahaha.
Nobody gives one crap about her. I find it hilarious!
Cracking up right along with you. Can't help but think that the donor fatigue is the result of everyone here's efforts in putting an end to her animal abusing ways. BTW, thanks for the new thread. Have the feeling the other one will break 200+ pages before the day is thru.
Forgot to add: That lame tactic of hers totally backfired. She listed all those problems and then asked for the dog pics, when you know she really wanted money instead. But her reverse psychology didn't work. So she had to slap a PayPal button onto her foreclosure tweet, LMAO.
Is there really that many people out there that want crappy expensive soap and Disney crappy scrawlings of their pets that really don't look much like their pets?
If she keeps this up a few more years, she just might get that Hollywood movie she wants so badly and thinks she deserves -- the one about her feral and heroic life:
The 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ strikes again: While searching her bleg for the number of times she's cried "foreclosure" in the past (at least 3) I found another sad and sadistic post where she celebrates shocking the pigs after they escaped and were finally re-penned:
❝ The three of us cheered when a pig got a zap on the snout and stopped digging around their barriers. If you think that is unkind, you never had to herd escaped pigs back into a pen after spending several hours in the cold dark mud finding the dang missing link. ❞
Take a careful look how she tried to justify her unkindness and animal cruelty:
1) She blames it on their escaping. But a good farmer would have good fencing in place so they wouldn't be able to escape in the first place.
2) She was working in the dark and cold because she doesn't have a job to pay for proper equipment, thus wasting time trying to troubleshoot her crap electrical system.
These mishaps are NEVER Jenna Woginrich's fault. It's ALWAYS the animal's fault.
Just noticed that when you purchase a 9" x 12" pet portrait from Jenna Woginrich, it'll no longer be that size once you have to crop a few inches off one side because she didn't bother to center the animal. Take a look here:
And that's not just "a little" off-center, that's a lot. And you'll have to order pricy custom size frame mattes to fit the paper. I'd be super pissed if I paid $150 for that level of incompetence.
If she's telling the truth about foreclosure, it all depends on how many suckers donate.
But as Anon 3:45 wrote on the last thread:
"I can't wait to see how she tries to twist and spin this story... She's 3 months behind on art work, evidenced by the customer inquiry a few days ago, she spent all last month rallying for art/logo sales at least another 2 months into the future before they even get started, she has no actual snouts on the ground for the pig CSA shares (claims to have a pregnant sow and those 2 full grown intact tough gamey boar meat males that she says have a butcher date, (how is that getting paid for?) cannot be traded for 8-10 month mild flavor market animals) 3 lambs that are still on bottle feedings but should have been weaned by now if they were getting adequate nutrition and I thought she needed more to fill her CSA shares, 2 horses and 2 dogs to feed, a septic to fix, a truck to fix, medical bills, kiva loan, student loan, multi month past due internet bill, the MANDATORY mortgage bill, plus all the day to day of fuel, food, Netflix account, internet game accounts, dating sites, hiking and camping gear, etc etc."
That is A LOT of expenses for someone that doesn't have a job. Perhaps she'll get a few donations or sales, but not enough to tackle that mountain of problems. She's either going down hard, or will be floating down the river next month at this time on a newly purchased raft, wearing brand new swim duds.
Just you wait until this summer when she brags about all her "floating" down the river. She does it daily, sometimes twice a day. It's both her air conditioning and her shower. And soon to be her new toilet too? Bet on it.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm · 2h Hey @Verizon ! I have been trying to get my phone and internet restored for 2 whole days. The bill is paid through June. I have to drive 4 miles to a laundromat to use your chat bots to try and get it restored. I can't call because you shut off my only phone.
Has she never heard of a payphone?
Or like maybe borrow someone else's phone?
Honestly. Love how she makes it Verizon's fault for her lack of service because she can't call them when they turn off her service.
I think his reply is pure snark and she opened herself up to negative outside criticism by @ing Verizon. I'm sure she'll delete it when she can.... but if anyone has a an old unused twitter account or has the know how to make one that you won't mind getting blocked by her later... now would be the time to comment on her posts with links to the sham blog, birchrhorn, the kiva loan post where she said how she would use the money but is clear from the state of the farm she never did etc. She doesn't have easy access to her own account to immediately remove such comments and links.
Um, if using a chat bot she is using a smart phone and anyone with verizon service has an app that lets you talk with them to set up payment- even when phone off. Basically, all you need is to punch in the info for payment and voila the phone is turned on.
‼️ Just remembered that the Pig Shocker wrote this on June 3rd:
❝ I mailed out the mortgage check! Now I just have to wait to make sure the bank cashes it and there isn't any issue with that, since it was postmarked a day late... ❞
Sooooo...if she was telling the truth there, would that be the reason for the supposed foreclosure?
Hmm... and she said she was down to double digits after she wrote the check... maybe one or more of her auto payments, like Netflix, hit her account before the check was deposited and it bounced. But that would mean she the still had some of the funds in her account so could pay that late Verizon bill. Or attempt to pay.... doesn't seem to have worked yet. I've been fortunate to never bounce a check... does your bank hold any funds as unavailable if you have an insufficient fund alert for a check you wrote someone else?
I didn't even think of that! Is that what she means when she says "I hope it clears?" An auto payment overdraft makes perfect sense. As for insufficient funds, my old bank charged me a $5 or $8 overdraft fee and sent the check back to me, unpaid. But I think it depends on the bank. Awhile back, my ex bounced his $1600+ rent check and the bank covered it, but they charged him a whopping $35 fee. But he said it was worth it his mistake.
I think she means, if it clears, IE that the bank has accepted it and cashed it. When you are so far behind and late, etc., etc., if you don't make your payment plans, you can simply refuse the check and start foreclosure. Any sort of arrangements that you make in arrears can be accepted or not accepted, it's at the bank's discretion. So as she "plays" them like she plays everyone in her life, she is worried that they might not want to play anymore.
That's my take... Might be wrong, but you never know. I lost a house to foreclosure and they really don't like to play around and around and around... ;-(
Back when I was seriously underwater with my credit cards, my account got sent to collections for $.76– this was after I spent hours on the phone with them setting up payment arrangements so it wouldn’t be sent to collections. Collections had no record of my last payment and argued with me about it... two years later when I was able to pay off the account, I got a check back from them for that payment amount because I had overpaid.
But they seriously weren’t fooling around. They had no interest allowing me to make it right; I got caught in the wheels. So if JW had made payment arrangements then didn’t hold up her end of the bargain, they’re not going to wait around.
But in reality, we deserved it and we ended up with way better.
We were in a neighborhood that was too expensive, trying to keep up with them, in a house that was too big and expensive, and then my husband decided he didn't want to be married and left me with the house and the two kids, etc., and I tried SO hard but I could not keep up with the high payments... ($1,470!) So I lost it.
But in the end, it was the best thing. Because we went from a little dumpy rental to a mobile home to our own little homestead farm. And it's all paid off, totally, and we have a marvelous life and raise sheep and goats, ponies and such and are happy happy happy.
I don't wish bad upon JW... To be honest, I think if she were to loose that house and all, it would be a hard blessing. She could regroup, reevaluate and get her head back on straight.
Even if she pulls out a Hail Mary on this month's issue, what about next month? And the month after? Donor/customer fatigue is a REAL thing. She's trying to build a brand on quicksand. Everyone is going to move on to the next darling of the internet. Her time is so limited...
What a nice story -- I'm glad everything turned out well for you! You sound like a great mom and responsible homeowner. And yes, tick tock...the Pig Shocker is not an interesting and scrappy 20-year-old anymore. Flailing at 40 is not endearing, especially when you see all the time she wastes playing and pretending she's a real life Game of Thrones extra.
Here's a list of fun leisure activities that Jenna Woginrich wasted both time and money on (for the past 30 days) instead of working to "earn up" money for her mortgage and avoid foreclosure:
☞ Ran a 5K 9 times, ran a 10K once ☞ Spent hours on OKCupid looking for a date ☞ Perused Twitter non-stop and tweeted hundreds of times ☞ Hosted/fed/entertained a friend...twice ☞ Drove 125+ miles to go hiking with friend ☞ Drove 50-75+ miles to go hiking alone ☞ Mountain smashed (all afternoon) 11 times ☞ Backpacked and camped overnight 1-2 times ☞ Begged for a free car cuz she's broke (Must be a Volvo, Subaru or VW w/4WD) ☞ Paid for 3 new furry farm prop lambs she doesn't need ☞ Bartered logo work for animal hay she can't afford ☞ Took her dog to the bar once (Probably safe to double this amount) ☞ Went on horsey rides 2 times ☞ Played World of Warcraft and other video games ☞ Spent hours researching and tweeting about the Appalachian Trail ☞ Watched 5 or more movies/shows/countless episodes on HBO ☞ Watched 9 movies/shows/countless episodes on Netflix ☞ Watched countless YouTube videos for entertainment ☞ Drank alcohol: 3 (Probably safe to quadruple this amount) ☞ Spent hours writing a 24-paragraph post about how her town hates her...cuz gay ☞ Spent hours writing several posts about upcoming summertime adventures ☞ Reminded her foollowers that she had 10 days or less to make the mortgage
🙄 And now she wants everyone to sympathize and donate to her heroic cause: SAVE COLD ANTLER FARM!!! You pay while she plays! Hand over yer paychecks, bitches!
Forgot to add: There are people who do all this stuff, on top of working a 40 hour job. Not to mention a 1-2 hour traffic commute. Each way, as this is LA.
Anon7. Wow. When you look at that list it's staggering how much time the PS/FFF wastes. It's also strange how resentful she seems in having to finish people's projects that paid her in advance. It's like "How dare they demand their logos, soaps, pet portraits! I want to have fun first." She was the same way with the Birchthorn book backers.
Let's examine again what Jenna wrote about her impending foreclosure and dooms day:
❝ Farm is on final notice from the bank.I have 20 days to make mandatory payment or that's the beginning of the end. ❞
That word "or" seems so tiny and insignificant at first glance, until you realize what it really means. A normal person admitting defeat would say "and" because they don't expect other people to pay their mortgage and bills. They know it's just up to them and that they failed and will now lose their farm. That is what a normal person would say.
But see, she wrote "or" to convey that if you help her, the outcome will be just fine. Pay my bills for me. Only you guys can save my farm. And she doesn't even say pretty please. She's just a hackjob of a human at this point. Sorry if this is redundant or obvious to you all, but I've never seen the likes of a horrible shameless scammer like this before. And it's just so bizarre to me. I just don't quite get it. Call your parents. If they love you, they will help.
And the part about "this will be the beginning of the end." Sooooo dramatic, that phrase. Why not just "the end?" What's the purpose of saying the "beginning?" Is that to buy her some time if things don't go as she planned or wants? Ugh to her and her strange scamming ways.
This is just beyond normal human nature. This is an enigma of toxicity. She is the Krakatoa of deceit, depravity, delusion, and deception. But PayPal her anyway so that "or" doesn't happen.
In the midst of "poor Jenna" sob stories, let's take a moment and see another example of what an animal-neglecting and monumentally careless POS she is.
In her June 11 bleg, she wrote: "I woke up the the sound of three lambs bleating below my bedroom window for their morning bottles. The trio's pen GATE HAD BEEN LEFT AJAR (my caps) and at first light my three lambs made their way to the house and situated themselves below the window where dog heads were poking out. Don't let anyone tell you sheep are stupid. They aren't. They are survivalists."
Yeah, they'd better be survivalists to grow up at Cold Antler Farm. Three tiny lambs, young enough to be bottle-fed, were left wandering the fields at night because LAF 🐷🔌⚡neglected to lock their gate??
Way to go. It's not like there are predators in the woods. 👺 Just days ago, she neglected to lock the chickens inside their coop and they were attacked and killed. There are foxes, coyotes and bears in the neighborhood, and the lambs don't stand a chance.
You know, sometimes I wonder if she deliberately encourages death and destruction of the animals because writing about all the drama provides much-needed attention and pity. Farm animals should be safer under a farmer's care; hers are not.
If farmers had Munchausen-by-Proxy, 🐷🔌⚡would be their poster child.
Careless POS indeed. And the Munchausen-by-Proxy determination is spot on, lol. She definitely uses those animals for attention. And donations. Poor guys.
An observation: Jenna is the laziest "farmer" I've ever known. She's a farmer who wants to keep bank hours. Its 8:15am and she's saying she's just now in the middle of AM chores. I'm not even a farmer but the sun was up at 5:30, so I was up at 5:45, got my kids up at 6:30, had them fed and the oldest to swim practice by 7:15. That's right my 12 year old was up before and had put in more physical effort than the 30 something farmer with months worth of art work backlog to catch up on. Real farmers get the routine tasks of farm life done as soon as the sun is up so they can spend the bulk of the daylight hours working on the big projects that this time of year provides enough hours and fair enough weather for.... like fencing, barn maintenance, garden planting, pasture upgrades etc. But Jenna does none of that because she isn't a farmer. She's a failed cubicle worker with an odd assortment of pets that she sometimes eat if they don't die from neglect or predation first. No doubt after sleeping in and wasting her morning hours, she'll waste more on a hiking trip or a river swim, since she can't shower at her own house with her non-working plumbing. She's about to lose her home. If she takes even one extracurricular fun trip in the next two weeks when she has a house rotting around her and prepaid work piling up, while begging for even more.... she absolutely deserves to lose her house and everything else she owns. If she can't buckle down and focus now.. she deserves every bad thing that comes her way.
Anonymous 5:39. I'm literally, laughing out loud. These two sentences summed it up: "But Jenna does none of that because she isn't a farmer. She's a failed cubicle worker with an odd assortment of pets that she sometimes eat if they don't die from neglect or predation first." You made my morning, thanks! And I have a new name, too.
Does anyone remember the picture she posted of her wall phone? And didn't she have a coke can phone or something like that? So if she has a land line, why does she need to go to the laundromat to make a phone call? Unless she is lying about everything.
Her internet and landline are likely a bundled package from Verizon, so when she failed to pay her bill, she lost both services. And because she has no actual friends, she had to use the laundromat wifi to access the Verizon website customer service chat bots on her laptop. I can't imagine not having even one friend whose home and phone I couldn't access to get something like that fixed. That's a pathetic life.
I still find it hard to believe she was able to make so many trips to the laundromat with a truck with busted power steering. Funny how as soon as she supposedly received that foreclosure letter the truck was suddenly fine and driveable.
If I was in her boots, I'd be desperate to find those horses a good home. I just got photos and a video of my horse being ridden by his new little girl. I'm so happy for them, even though I miss him. But, when the last horse left the farm, I had less than a bale of hay left, and I 'm so relieved that I'm not hunting for hay right now. At some point, the overgrown toddler has to stop putting herself first.
Welcom, new Anon - If you're trying to use emoji and symbols, try putting a space or two in between them to get them to show instead of the questions marks.
She's an "artist" who creates all her "art" on this special paper. How the f*ck did she manage to run out of that with months worth of client jobs in queue? She is just one sad excuse after another for why she doesn't want to work.
I warned two potential victims on Twitter about JFW today. They were the ones who seemed sympathetic about her fraudulent foreclosure letter. I contacted them online. I gave them a link to this site, and information about Reddit and Birchthorn.
Excellent job warning people. So unfortunate it's "buyer beware" on the Internet. Before sending money everyone must do their due diligence and research the person they want to help. There are too many scams on the Internet.
🐷🔌⚡ is a classic con artist, always nice & supportive to people who can help her socially and add credibility. We've all seen the effort she makes for Blue Checks and other influencers (e.g. Jon Katz). She works so hard to have them like her. Influencers can then unknowingly peddle the narrative that she's a good person, allowing a scam to continue.
Among her more questionable enterprises: Oakpaw, Antlerstock, wool shares, You Tube subscriptions, over-promised meat shares, Birchthorne, Kiva, and on and on. The script is essentially the same: sell a narrative, get money up front, delay or drop the work, issue excuses if challenged. Only provide refunds if threatened. Hope (and plan) that most people will forget about their product, in which case completion isn't necessary. Anyone who loses money will likely be too embarrassed to seek legal recourse.
You've nailed it all. I hate the thought of her ripping off strangers just because she's too lazy to work. And look at how even Jon Katz, who used to sing her praises, hasn't written about her in years. When he did before it's far from flattering: https://www.bedlamfarm.com/2016/06/14/the-complexities-of-being-jenna-helping-her-fend-off-the-bank/. Then there's Meredith's insightful posts on her blog. Here's just one of them: https://highstfarm.blogspot.com/2016/02/jenna-woginrich-and-donald-trump.html.
It was well put when PoodleDiDoo said: "Before sending money everyone must do their due diligence and research the person they want to help. There are too many scams on the Internet."
Anon 1:16 pm, wonderful suggestions! I especially liked Meridith's response to Jenna after Jenna referred to doing common homesteading tasks as "uncomfortable" and "not fun". (?!)
PDD. I'm also Anony 1:16. Sometimes when I'm rushed it takes too much time to post a name. I'm glad that you appreciated my suggestions, thanks! Apparently, Jenna thinks that homesteading has to be fun instead of an adult necessity in caring for your animals. Which is why she's a fuck-up at farming.
Lol. Great work, Anon 10:55, in spreading awareness.
And excellent examples, everyone else. I'm all for reiteration and the re-posting of her misdeeds, scams and animal abuse because anyone new who comes here to educate themselves may not go back and read older posts, but they'll for sure read the most current one!
Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich. She needs to buy a new pair of big girl panties, and waddle around town with them on. It's time to throw another toddler temper tantrum, because the FFF has to deal with adult reality.
It sounds like she read our comments. It also sounds like she's in some deep, deep denial. Maybe she still has some enablers who can keep her farm for her, but she'll be back in this spot again. I can guarantee it.
I have another thought on why Jenna is reading this blog. I think she is looking for any type of ammunition to get it shut down. She must have found something on the last blog that crossed the line and was enough to get it yanked. I'd hate to see this one go. Someone said they would just start another, but then all the history would be lost. If we stick to facts, there should be no problem. I looked at Blogger's guidelines and they seem pretty liberal.
If you look closely at her new bleg post "Home" she literally gave us permission to say whatever we want:
❝ If you want to help you can. If you want to sit back and watch me pull this off you can. If you want to jeer and tell me I'm an idiot you can. ❞
Doesn't get more clear than that. Screenshotted for proof if she tries to get this blog removed. And if she somehow succeeds, we'll be back in full force to say "Jenna, you're an idiot". 😀
Alright...after seeing all the BS that she wrote today, I'm now convinced that there was no foreclosure letter. Donor fatigue has set in so she had to pull out all the stops this month. That newest bleg post, her tweets are trying to force a false narrative of a fierce fighting farmer willing to do anything (but a job) to hold onto her farm -- complete with a new selfie where she tries to use sex appeal to engage her audience to donate.
It's so lame that she caked on a bunch of makeup to take that selfie on her horsey ride. And I've seen that tactic many times before in the Hollywood headshot industry where you wear a ton of makeup when taking black and white photos. But for her it's a rather orchestrated and pathetic ploy. High drama hair flip? Get real. And note that she's using that Mike "The Situation" Jersey Shore sunglasses trick where you try to hide your busted face behind glasses. I hurl.
And isn't it just so convenient that practically overnight she's received enough sales to give her "hope" and the strength to fight? I barf at that. She then says:
❝ This farm has a real chance staying put! At least one month at a time! ❞
She might as well say, "We're doing this next month too, bitches! And the months after that!!"
my question is how did she get the selfie while riding her horsey? You know that FFF woman that she is. Could it be the non working cell phone she just happened to find a drawer? If it is non working why on why would she take it on a horsey ride?
Step one: Say you had a horrible day. Ask for dog pics. Gather a big audience.
Step two: Drop the "I'm gonna lose the farm" foreclosure b-o-m-b.
Step three: Beg for donations. Try to cry pretty. Try to take an attractive photo.
For all we know she wasn't even on her horse. But in saying "Saddle Selfie" it adds to her fearless feral farmer angle. If she instead called it "Drunken Hammock Selfie" (which it probably was), that wouldn't garner the same amount of support and donations.
Again, she's a master at manipulative marketing. It's hard to believe that so many people don't see through her fake friendliness. And it is a ploy for PayPal poodle pity. I'm surprised that instead of her stupid sexless selfie, she didn't whip out the ugly muscle-bitch pic. "I am Woginrich, hear me beg!"
On Twitter, the Pig Shocker mentioned that she just spoke to her mom. They are not close so I wonder what brought that about? Did her older sister see Jenna's frantic foreclosure tweets and alert the disapproving mother? Or did Jenna call home to beg for cash? Either way, mom must be tired of seeing her daughter shamelessly beg for money month after month, rather than get a real job.
And while searching her bleg for something, I came across this, written 5 years ago:
❝ I am okay with people I went to college with being wealthy while I am sliding pink packets into my pockets after buying a cup of coffee at a gas station. If the race is about happiness, if that is our actual metric for a good life, I am lapping nearly everyone I know. And the ones ahead of me? I am gaining on them. ❞
Wtf...if this isn't a wake-up call for her nothing will be. All these years later and she's still sounding the alarm, constantly in danger of losing her farm. Does she still really think she's gaining on them? Apart from the weight department, no. These people she went to college with, who are now successfully living her dream life, have done so through hard work. And I'll bet not a single one of them is an online panhandler like Jenna Woginrich.
Anon7. Funny, Jon Katz used the same words "sounding the alarm" when discussing JFW in a past post. I dare say that "the actual metric for a good life" isn't being an online grifter and money mooching moron.
Scammer says: Going to see the bank today. Wow, she is laying it on thick. I guess she didn't get enough poodle bucks the last time or sees a shiny new object she wants. There is no foreclosure; sick of reading about it. It's a lie.
Jenna you need to come up with something new. You've been crying foreclosure for years now and it's not true. Shut the hell up.
Is there even a Chase bank in her area? Aren't those mostly in big cities and such? Which is it, did she go and see them, or call them? Usually mortgages get sold and transferred and end up all over the place. Just kinda weird.
She had her talk with the bank this morning. I'm surprised they're willing to work with her at all, yet here she goes, complaining that their offer should be *illegal*... she's the one who's playing with legality.
There's a lot of predatory banks out there, but... play stupid games, Jenna, and win stupid prizes. 🤷♀️
"This is insane. I talked to my bank. They are willing to offer a $120 less a month payment on my mortgage if I add NINE YEARS onto my loan! That's over 110k, almost what I paid for my house! How is this legal?! What I need to do is simply catch up, keep my current terms and payoff date. I could see how someone not reading the fine print or asking questions could take this offer, but holy shit that seems criminal to do to people."
Welp, that's what banks are in business for...to make money. Is it legal? Yes. Is it moral? No. But you know what? If she got her ass out and got a REAL job, this wouldn't be an issue. Go to fucking Stewart's!! They are paying $12-13 an hour and she could work 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. That's $300 before taxes. Enough money to cover her mortgage and still give time to take care of the "farm", draw portraits and make soap. Oh, wait...no time to go jogging, hiking or riding every day. Call the wahmbulance...poor Jenna might have to actually not be able to do these things. Welcome to the fucking world of being an adult.
She has no interest in "being an adult." Why would she? It's so much easier to throw a toddler temper tantrum, and be an online beggar. And she's a fine one to be talking about anything "legal." What she did with both the Birchthorn book money and Kiva loan was very shifty.
It's legal because they own the house and she is not following the agreed upon conditions of the loan. I find it extremely unlikely that they are offering her anything but the boot after years and years of failure on her part.
"Going to have a long talk with the bank to see where the house stands right now. Wish me luck, the whole farm needs it."
The bankers probably groan whenever they have to deal with JFW. I'll bet that they flip coins to see who'll take her call. I've never heard any normal adults talk about "luck" the way that she does. It's like she doesn't recognize that responsibility is the means to making one's life work.
Note how no one responded or retweeted her "lucky" tweet last night. Getting just "likes" is meaningless on Twitter.
"I made some sales today. I ran. I rode my horse. A friend bought me a beer in town. I'm home to work on portraits into the night. Feeling more optimistic. Let's hope tomorrow is just as lucky." 0 replies 0 retweets 54 likes
I am also surprised the bank made that offer. I have never heard of such a thing. If that is really true, she has used up all her "luck" right there. $120 a month less is $30 a week; Let's think about what Jenna could cut back on that would easily amount to $30 a week so she wouldn't have to extend her loan term....and let's start with the horses. I have 3; they are expensive, and they are not a necessity. I live in Washington County, a few towns north of Cambridge; hay was $4.50 a bale last year. I don't know what it will be this year as we have had a lot of rain, and it's been hard to get it cut and baled. I really can't believe that people still fall for her bullshit. To have the balls to whine about how broke she is and then to announce she was going riding, if anyone feels bad for her, they deserve to be fleeced by her. As Anon 7:22 said above, Stewarts pays decent and there is a Stewarts not far from her. It would give her plenty of time to do whatever she needed to do at her home before and after her shifts. I hesitate to say 'farm' because it really isn't. It's a house on a 6 acre lot about 2 miles from Rt 22, which is a busy main road. It is far from the middle of nowhere as she claims.
Keep in mind, she's a compulsive liar and odds are none of it is true. She's using friend's mortgage experiences or situations she has read about online and lying that they are happening to her.
Most things she mentions with the mortgage could happen. But not all at once to the same mortgage loan over the course of 9 years. That's where she screws up the lie.
You can be late but not every couple months for 9 years. You can refinance. BUT not if your property is a shit pit.
They have to do an inspection and she would never pass. She doesn't have a stable income to show she can pay on a loan.
No way in hell a bank offered her any sort of loan or refinancing.
All the red van guys and photographers and certified letters and phone calls and crap they have had to put up with for 9 years should be worth at least 100K.
Always the victim, our feral farmer Jenna Woginrich. Except of course, when she is the scrappy fighter lass... and then back to the sobbing frightened girl, then back to the tough and crass swearing big girl... and then back.... ugh.
It sounds like someone from the local housing department should stop by the cess pool that is CAF and see if it needs to be condemned. Then there's the contamination of PS using the yard for her bathroom.
How can that be a healthy environment for the dogs and horses?
Multiple agencies to email and/or call today, including the mortgage holder Chase about the state of their property as documented on social media.
The animals need new homes with responsible owners who can afford to care for them properly. As long as she selfishly chooses to keep them in that environment, I will continue to document, email and call.
They don't live with her, it's just part of her trying to say she has a farm.
The lambs would be dead if they lived in that crappy set up she took a pic of. The pigs haven't been photographed since last summer. She only posts old photos. Yet everyday she takes pics of her hikes.
If she still owns them, they are living on someone else's property.
"And I will do fuck-all for my farm I'll let it go to hell and back I will do fuck-all for my farm I'll never pay my debts and that's a fact I'll never get a job and earn the scratch Oh no, no way And I will do fuck-all for my farm I'll let it fall apart in shameful ruin The rotted beams and barn are just the start The indoor plumbing is an outside pool Taking care is too much work So, I won't do that
You must not make me pay my loan You must accept the wreck I've made I'm Jenna Fuckin Woginrich So you can't forget that. No you can't forget that."
And in case anyone (Jenna) wonders, the above is a musical satire of a public figure (Jenna) who publicly gave permission for people to jeer. Thank you 🐷🔌⚡.
We don't need permission period. If Blogger was told that an attorney will be contacting them to find out what happened to the CAS site, I bet we would get an answer.
Discussing Jenna wasn't the issue. That's free speech. There's critical sites of millionaire bloggers and they havent been able to get them removed.
We need to find out the reason so we can adjust accordingly if needed.
That millionaire blogger never addresses any criticism or anything negative. She never whines about haters or admits they exist. The big toddler should follow her example.
I know. She has been a speaker at the big blogger conventions for years. She says she never addresses anything negative in any of her public forums. I don't know if she has lawyers that deal with the worst ones, but she can afford it. I think over the years, most people ignore the real haters who go after her and her family , and she continues to make millions every year. Jenna could learn from that.
The most important thing, I almost forgot, the Pioneer Woman doesn't rip people off or beg for donations, in fact she does some decent give-aways on a regular basis.
WhackH, you are spot on. Actually, I agree we don't need permission from JFW, but since we get new readers, I thought it would be good to remind people that "public figure" Jenna Woginrich did give permission for social media commentary (jeers in my case).
Just doing my part to shine a light on the fiction that is Cold Antler Farm.
Girl is lying about "the letter." I've been following her shitty sob story for years to get a laugh and she resorts to this lie every year or so when pitty donations aren't up to par. Do a search on her blog and you will find several instances of her being "terrified" because the certified letter finally made its way to her mailbox. In fact, one of her blog posts is called "The Letter" and that was about twor three years ago. If you don't find it, she deleted it because she read this. It's a fucking lie. All of it.
She constantly sounds the alarm and then pulls back saying she reached her goal before it goes on for too long. So she can do it again and again and again.
She pays her bills and plays a game to see how many people she can grift for extra cash. If she makes money great, if not there's always next month. She says she reaches her goals but that's unlikely. She wants people to jump on the donation bandwagon thinking they arent the only ones donating.
Okay I was right. This was written almost exactly 2 years ago on June 17, 2017.
I have been farming at my homestead in Jackson, the township area outside the village of Cambridge, New York, for seven years. As a single woman I have purchased this farm, raised good food, taught classes, and wrote books. I’ve followed my passions here. I've fallen apart here. I built myself back up here. This is the place that created the woman I am today. This is home.
Today a certified letter arrived in the mail. A notice of foreclosure. Making monthly mortgage payments is all well and good – but if you are always a month or two behind when you send them - you are still behind. And every day you are behind adds up as default. I haven’t had the ability to earn enough in one fell swoop to cover the back payments. I thought I was keeping the wolves from the door by making regular payments, but the wolves are not waiting any longer.
I have a few days to gather the money and I don’t want to do a crowdfunded charity if I can avoid it. I have zero problem with people using these, but I feel that I have skills and work I can offer instead. I'd much rather have a folder of 30 clients wanting something I made and the ability to give something of value in return for hard-earned money.
So here is what I am going to try. I am going to design a voucher for a pet art commission or logo and offer them to you to purchase.
Same old recycled, lying shit. Let's see what she writes next year.
I've seen this act of hers so many times before. If she screams, whines, wails, and wrings her hands long enough, somebody sends her enough $$$ to shut her up. I just can't believe it is still working for her.
The Logo Design vouchers are $200. It is a flat rate for a custom logo. Please Email me at dogsinourparks(at)gmail.com if you would like to purchase or gift one to someone who could use it.
These are both $50 off the regular price. If you buy one from me you can use it anytime in the future or the person you gift it to can for a drawing or logo. If I can sell enough to catch up it will literally save this farm. It’s made it 7 years and I really, really, want to see it make 8.
If artwork or a logo isn’t your thing, I offer archery and fiddle classes at the farm. there is also an option on my blog, barnheart.com to subscribe as a patron for $5 a month for the writing.
If you just want to make a one time contribution to the blog - there is the option to use www.paypal.me/JennaCAF
And what is the plan if I do manage to save this place in a weekend? The plan is to keep writing, farming, freelancing, and working until I gain the solvency doing what I love. And if I fail, then I fail. If my writing or products created from this place are not valuable to people than that is what should happen and I accept that. But I’m going to keep trying. And hoping to make the break that makes a name for this place that makes all the difference - whatever that may be.
Note: If you do not want to support the blog, that's fine. The blog is free and has been for all ten years of content. I do ask that if you dislike me, this farm, or my work you keep your comments/emails/tweets to yourself for a few days. Please respect my candor, if nothing else. I am trying my best to earn the money I need from people who want to support the farm. I want to use work, and repaid loans like Kiva offers instead of crowdfunding if possible. If asking for that opportunity offends you, I don't know what else to say.
Yay! There will be an opening at the WH that sounds perfect for 🐷🔌⚡. She can earn $172k/year, doing what she does best (lying) and since only one press conference was held in the past three months, there seems to be plenty of free time for playing.
Likely Qualifications.
Must be able to: lie to the public on large and small matters; obfuscate and misdirect with ease; avoid responding to direct questions; appear insincere at all times; show indignation and anger when called out and fail to complete job requirements on a continuing basis.
Personal attributes: arrogance, sarcasm, poor fashion sense, questionable hair and makeup. Wonky eyes and tadpole eyebrows are a plus.
🐷🔌⚡ had better hurry. Twitter is posting Help Wanted Ads already. Full job requirements evolving, but "drinking yourself to sleep nightly" sounds perfect for FFF!
Cold Antler Times - June 13, 2019 Yep even the bad things have happy ending at CAF! The Good witch Glinda just floated down into Jeann's driveway earlier today, as reported by Mrs. Hastings the old lady down the road. "This damn pink bubble came floatin over my barn, I thought it was that lady's busted pipes agin!" As reported, Jenna had to tap together her two ruby muck boots and POOF she went from depressive to manic. Bad witch from the bank came out of a red van and was liquidated when our heroine splashed liquid goat soap accidentally. Carol Highhorse who was camping in the woods near the old apple tree said that flying monkeys were seen heading out to get more logo and pig share orders from around the shire. Yep, these are strange times on Colfax road, please send money directly to Dorothy
"No dog has never dragged me to a second cousin's gender reveal party."
Pandering to dog lovers, transgender LBGBQ and distant relatives - send me some fuckin money!
Now sh'e asking mortgage refi questions and loonies are taking her serious, maybe they should refi her mortgage for her, Club Cold Foreclosure is now open
This whole thing irks my taters. I am on the other side of all this as a landlord. The bank laid out the deal in the very beginning (as do I). A person comes to me and I say "I've got this house and I will let you live here but you can't tear anything up and by the 3rd of every month you have to pay me $1000." It is up to them. They can accept that or not. This is solely a business relationship. I don't care if you lost your job, your dog died, or you are now a guru worshipping wax fruit. Pay your rent on time and don't tear stuff up. It's very very simple. Jenna, the bank isn't criminal just because you are failing. You said when you were first looking at this house that you couldn't afford it. Guess what...you were right. And then you quit your job. Brilliant! Everybody is against the banks....and the landlords.....unless they need a loan or a place to live. You, Jenna, were very fortunate that you were even to get a loan. With all of your outstanding loans at the time you are lucky you didn't wind up in a box.
Yeah, just love how she thinks that it's criminal. And unfair. And insane.
IF she is telling the truth, she should be grateful that the bank is willing to work with her. In a bigger city she'd be shown the door.
Basically what the bank is saying is, "It's clear you can't afford your home, and you are almost always a month or more behind. You must not take your mortgage very seriously, and so if you're asking us to put up with your sorry loser ass, for longer than originally agreed upon, it's gonna cost you."
You said it, HD. PS agreed to make monthly payments at agreed-upon times. By her own admission, she has been egregiously late multiple times. Now, she condemns the bank for wanting a longer repayment period if she pays less money per month? Or she wants them to ignore her bad-faith payments and just wait??
Woman is crazy.
Probably the only thing that has kept the bank from starting foreclosure is the now-sorry state of the property, which they will have to correct, or take a loss.
She was a bad, bad deal for them.
She obtained a loan on a house in good condition, with a functional historic barn, hardwood floors, working septic and attractive yard.
Under her misuse, the property is overgrazed, trees girdled, farm animals kept inside the house (ye gods, the smell), inside water damage (hello, mold), the barn falling apart and the septic system nonfunctional.
Our FFF is more like a human locust, ruining property where ever she lands.
This is interesting: If you search Jenna Woginrich's Twitter account for "foreclosure" it shows that the first time it was mentioned was two years ago back in May/June 2017. But she didn't tweet about it at all in 2018.
And look how many times it's been mentioned (so far) in 2019: Feb 15 - "Dealing with keeping the farm and avoiding 👉 foreclosure 👈 to luck turns around."
Feb 20 - "Right now there's candid posts about an escaped pony, 1AM fence repairs, fighting off 👉 foreclosure 👈 threats..."
Feb 27 - "Trying really hard to make a mortgage payment today to keep the farm from danger of 👉 foreclosure." 👈
March 6 - "I feel like I need to clarify that the bank cashed a mortgage payment I recently mailed, which means they accepted it and aren't moving into any 👉 foreclosure 👈 actions for at least a month."
May 4 - "Tomorrow I hope to have sheep back on the same farm I am fighting off 👉 foreclosure." 👈
May 27 - "Writing about Small Adventures, the ripcord of 👉 foreclosure, 👈 the work of being happy while being busy."
And of course this month, although she referred to it as a "final notice" instead. So not a word, on Twitter at least, about foreclosure in all of 2018. Wonder why? Is this "foreclosure" thing a special-occasion scam that she only busts out every 2-3 years?
The banks don't mess around when it comes to the mortgage. Many years ago when my husband lost his job, I called the bank and asked if they could suspend our mortgage for three months and then tack those three months on the end.
Nothing doing.
They said they could suspend the mortgage for a few months, but they would be adding on late fees and penalties. Then, we would have to play catch up (can't remember for exactly how long), by paying accelerated payments until we were completely up to date.
It wasn't worth it. Our income was cut in half, yet we would be making larger mortgage payments.
It made more sense to go into extreme frugal mode and somehow we managed it. My husband was re-employed within a few months and we worked our tails off to get the mortgage paid off early so it wouldn't happen again.
We never thought to whine and beg over the internet. Didn't even know that was an option. But then, we are responsible people.
I had a similar moment years ago when I was about her age. We always lived in park housing as my husband was a park manager. We moved to a new state with our six kids, 2 dogs and 4 cats into a political mess with layoffs galore. The morning my husband left for work, we were both sure that he was next. We really didn't want to go back to the state we left. His job survived and I swore to him that the insecurity would never happen again. Since I manage the finances, I saved every damn cent for awhile and we bought our own house in the state in which we wanted to end up. Here we are. Kids are grown, we've changed a few things, my clothes are not the newest. BUT we live frugally, truly in the woods, with no bank involved. Jenna, you don't deserve what you have. You have not done the work!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL at "Right after another ride on her pony." Sad but true.
So, late fees and penalties...how come Jenna never talks about those? You'd think if she incurred them that she'd be asking for money for that too. Perhaps it's cuz she's actually up to date on the mortgage and is just lying?
BTW, expect to see the Pig Shocker mention late fees and penalties soon.
Here it is folks. This was my aha moment when I realized CAF was all smoke and mirrors.
MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013 Morning Light
She removed the original post and replaced it with this one which she states in the first paragraph. A repo man showed up for her truck. She was shocked because she had been making payments, but not full payments. She said something about lessons learned. Apparently she still hasn't learned them. You cannot make partial payments and still be considered up to date.
In the original post she wrote something like, 'if you were ever considering donating, now is the time to do it'. The hell I am, I thought. I have my own dreams to fund.
And this from the last paragraph:
"Lessons I needed to learn when I was feeling nearly indestructible for months after quitting that office job, and which spiraled me into fear and depression these last few months. But all sorts of healing is on the way. I refuse to give up Cold Antler, and I refuse to give in, and I refuse to be buried in the ditch I was digging. Things will get better. I promise."
This was in 2013. Sounds like a broken record, doesn't it?
Jenna "Pig Shocker" Woginrich is human garbage and she is not gay.
She is human garbage because although she's supposedly in "big scary danger" of being foreclosed upon, she is still begging for help whilst refusing to get a job...and...still wasting time online looking for proof that Taylor Swift is gay and posting "evidence" on Twitter. A day ago she said, "What I need to do is simply catch up, keep my current terms and payoff date." So what is she doing today to accomplish that? Tweeting about nonsense. And of course, tweeting this: "If you are far away and want to support Cold Antler, throw a few dollars into the hat for the 10+ years of writing about it at http://barnheart.com — you can do so via https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF"
She is not gay because if she truly was she would know that it's horrible etiquette and an unspoken rule that you DO NOT try to "out" people who have not identified as such. Sure, you might hear two gays quietly discussing it at a party, in the corner. But it's totally without class to tweet about people like that...especially celebrities, on such a public website. Yet here she is on Twitter sharing her stupid thoughts for the whole world to read. Not cool. Not gay her. Sure hope that Taylor sees what the Pig Shocker wrote and blocks her.
Jeez, what a sorry ass wannabee. Okay, she's what....38? And cares about whether goddamn Taylor Swift is gay or not? Really? What happened to the mortgage and "talking to the bank?" I guess that doesn't rate; she has more important things to think about. What a pathetic loser.
Yeah, she doesn't sound very worried that she now has only 16 days left to save her farm. You'd think she'd take the time to produce a good stock supply of soaps that she could sell at her local farmer's market.
Or to sell to weekend visitors like the ones who came to the Cambridge hot air balloon festival last weekend. What a missed opportunity to sell overpriced soap to rich out-of-towners. She could've made bank. But instead, she just tweets about the bank.
Oh man...while searching for that truck repossessed bleg entry and I found this cached post from 2015 in which she held an "ask me anything" discussion. Link at the bottom. Here's a few highlights:
💁 "Absolutely no disrespect intended, but why not take a part time job to provided a bit of reliable/consistent income for the farm?"
❝ I don't work off farm because I have yet to find a part-time gig that offers pay that competes with the income I get from doing lots of different things here. [...] Even if I found a reliable part-time gig that paid 15 bucks an hour, 8 hours a day, 4 days a week that is equal to selling 2 logos at sale prices *before* taxes are taken out. I find I'm the best employer around here for me! ❞
💁 "Jenna, what's the five year plan?"
❝ I have no five-year plan. I prefer to keep it that way since life can change so much in half a decade. ❞
💁 "Jenna, how do you resist sugar and sweets in your diet?"
❝ I don't eat sugar, carbs, or sweets much anymore you are correct. I was tired of feeling overweight and unhealthy. Food was a true addiction for me as a way to deal with anxiety and feel content. [...] It feels too damn good to be transitioning from a size 10 to an 8... ❞
🙄 🙄 🙄
And...a few other comments by the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ that made me cackle:
❝ All that said, publishing a first book is easier than publishing a sixth or seventh if the sales aren't fabulous. MY books are niche and I'm no celebrity so I am really hoping for luck and better writing to land me a deal on the Merlin book. ❞
😆 She proposed a book about an old horse? How riveting. And a sure-fire best seller!
❝ I would also like to say that I can only think of 3ish occasions in 8 years that I clearly asked for help money wise. ❞
❗️Boy, how things have changed. It's every single month now!
❝ And yes, need to finish up this Birchthorn first though. Almost done! ❞ 👉 SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 👈
And lastly, someone asked: "I don't recall reading much about your family...what do they think about your amazing, brave life?"
She didn't bother to answer that question. Strange. Wonder why?
Twitter Twaddle - 🍺 Drunken Friday Night Edition 🍷
❝ Today I drove into town forgetting there was a set of boar's hearts in a ziplock bag and a Miskatonic University water bottle on my bumper and when I pulled into the gas station they were perfectly sitting there side by side and I am pissed off I am single. ❞
Wut? And hey, how did she fix her power steering so fast?
Also, in the past two days there have been over one dozen Taylor Swift/Anna Kendricks tweets, among other non-farm related crap. How on earth is this helping her to save Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm? With priorities like that, she deserves to lose her fauxrm.
Shammers: I just had the BIGGEST "WTF OMG" moment ever. I know you guys have always said that the Pig Shocker provides little to poor care for her animals, but this pic, OMG this seems much worse than when the goat pen was over 3' high in manure:
I'm no farmer...can't tell a chicken from a turkey but even I know that this is just not right. I found this in the comments on a bleg post. It was posted by Meredith who noted that Jenna had stuffed 29 chickens in there. That is so very wrong.
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm My Saturday has included digging up my septic tank and checking it out, snaking pipes, and trying to figure out why and how this plumbing isn't draining and no luck and I hate everyone. 1:28 PM · Jun 15, 2019 · Twitter Web Client
To which I say... pics or it didn't happen. More likely she has spent the day trying to find someone else to come do that work for free or in exchange for a crappy logo. Plumbers don't need that kind of crap logo Jenna.
If Jenna can take a hair flip selfie on horseback... she could certainly stand on the ground and take a picture of this supposed work on her supposed farm. If you want farm donations Jenna... you need to prove your story.
This is the same person who shares videos of herself walking a few feet and then barely being able to catch her breath to speak.
Now she's supposedly digging up her septic tank? Is she doing so while riding her unicorn because bish be trippin!
If anythjng is wrong with the septic tank, I hope it is the most expensive repair possible.
Things will be busy around the CAF of death. With the local compliance officers stopping by to check out the multitudes of code violations and a few agencies checking out the horses' and dogs' health and welfare, it will look like a you're screwed parade walking through her property.
Meanwhile, all of the people who are hated by Jenna, can sit back, pop some corn🍿and watch the shit show commence.
No Jenna, you did Not dig up your septic tank by hand...you need to "HIRE" a Backhoe to do that, and pay them a couple thousand $$$ for all that work.
Yeah, didn't happen - we have 2 tanks, buried many feet under ground hence the BIG Machinery... show us the pictures with the machines and the bill - undoctored.
**WOW, an hour ago she "hated everyone" and 9 seconds ago - Everyone is invited for a horse back ride.... Caarrazzzy / YIKES
And she's inviting strangers with no skills to ride a horse that hasn't had consistent saddle work in years. (Merlin or Mabel) That's a disaster waiting to happen.
Having lived my entire life in rural areas with individual septic tank systems ,sadly shook my head at her idiotic "digging" comment. I've lived in my current home for 18 years and luckily no problems. I also have a washer and dishwasher. She has neither. Unless it's a super old system and has just totally fell in, there shouldn't be much to fix. Pump it and run the lines. If it has fallen in or rusted apart then it's going to be thousands to repair. No one(with any sense) would tackle a septic system with a shovel.
If the septic system needs to be dug up, the people Pig shocker hired to do it must have given her one of those toy fisher price shovels so she can pretend to shovel and help the adults.
Now be a good girl and shovel over there out of the adults' way!
Anyone think the random, "please anyone, come horseback riding with me tweet" might be her jealous clap back at Patty for having fun with Steele the unicorn at the festival completely without her?
Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm At this point I want to gain some sort of writing success just to stop hearing my mom tell me how horrific my life is. 5:08 PM · Jun 16, 2019 · Twitter Web Client
Jenna, you're a 30 something woman... stop calling to beg your Momma for money and she'll probably stop commenting on your shitty life and irresponsible life choices. .
As a mother I would be mortified that the Twitter-world knew my 30+ year old was shittin’ and pissin’ in her yard, I don’t care how many books she has published.
❝ At this point I want to gain some sort of writing success just to stop hearing my mom tell me how horrific my life is. ❞
And someone replied: "She's not into farming then?"
Lol, no...it's more like Mama Woginrich is tired of seeing all Jenna's tweets begging for money. Like this new one:
❝ You like farms?! You like women farming them? You like 10-years worth of posts about running a farm alone on a mountain? You like electricity/plumbing?! ME TOO! If you want to support this crazy gin joint - your contributions help keep those things mine. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF ❞
According to the time stamp she tweeted that 2 hours ago, and just re-tweeted it again several minutes ago. She's not even selling anything in that tweet. Just straight up begging for some free cash for electricity and plumbing.
Back when the Pig Shocker was somewhat successful with several books under her belt, I'm sure Mama Wog directed her friends to all Jenna's social media as a way of bragging about her daughter.
But now she's probably regretting that as she knows all her friends are now reading about how sad, lazy and pathetic her daughter has become and the 💩show that CAF now is. If Jenna was my kid I'd be utterly humiliated at all the begging going on.
All new meaning to the phrase "Shit Show." Sooo, this farmer who doesn't own a hose or wheelbarrow is supposedly digging up a septic tank and snaking it? MAYBE, she's dug out the cap to her tank, not the tank itself. The moron. No wheelbarrow, but a snake? You don't snake a tank. It's a tank. A pro would be in and out with that snake and an answer in a 1/2 hour. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a septic tank, but just a cesspool. She should know by now though.
Just imagine, if she had a paying roommate. It would cover the cost. But noooo, the princess can't be expected to encumber her naked with dog sleeping by having a roommate on her giant "farm."
Some of the most recent videos I've seen show Joel Salatin bringing in $60,000 per year on 5 acres with pigs. But there is some work involved. Not much, but some. BTW, any full garden pictures recently?
latest bleg she is planning on more running time more time with friends and working only Mon.-Friday. Heaven forbid she work on Sat. and Sun. to catch up that would be asking to much after all she is in her late 30's and she needs her down time. She mentions 2 different times she was out drinking one time a "friend" bought her a beer (if this is true what a mooch) and the second she cleverly said she met up with an old friend at the train station (that would be Argyle Brewing wouldn't it?). Such a waste of space.
I think that the purpose of that bleg post is to paint a pretty picture of her life so that when she starts hardcore begging a in few days, people might be sympathetic to see her at risk of losing all that crap she wrote about. It's clever. Pathetic, but clever.
"Oh noes, she can't lose her farm at a time when she's finally found balance!
Ole Chunky Waddles McGee seems to think she will be receiving some news about her writings soon!
Sounds to me like she's knee deep in a bottle of MadDog 20/20 dreaming of the day the publishing world forgets all about her Birchthorn Kickstarter scam.
She keeps mentioning needing more lambs. Wonder how many "Shares" she sold? Feel sorry for the lambs she has. They appear small especially the little runt. If course who knows about the authenticity of the photos.As to her Mom comment. I'm betting she hit her parents up to fix the septic system.
I'm not sure why she's looking for more lambs, but as someone who keeps a flock of 40 ewes, I would never buy bottle lambs to raise for butcher. First, they rarely gain as well as traditionally raised lambs. Secondly, the cost of feeding them milk replacer generally does not make them profitable. Never mind that even if her "lamb shares" are incredibly overpriced, no one makes a living off of 3 lambs. Heck, even a flock of 40 won't pay your mortgage.
Jenna just got served, and I want to document it here before she deletes the offending Tweet. It's the latest in her unending stream of speculation re: Taylor Swift's sexual orientation. She writes (condescendingly as always):
"Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm It is absolutely adorable that people still think Taylor Swift is straight.
9:38 AM · Jun 17, 2019 · Twitter Web Client
And in reply, she gets some well-deserved criticism:
"Lauren puts the B in LGBTQIA+ Pride · 39m Replying to @coldantlerfarm It's really bad form to speculate on if someone is or isn't LBGTQIA+. As someone who is part of the community, I am surprised you don't know that"
Fuck yeah, Lauren! Thank you for piping up. Outing/jokingly outing people--celebrity or not--is ridiculously bad form. BOOM.
I saw her original tweet about it and thought please, shut up already. That’s all, literally all she has tweeted about for her last several days. I am glad a member of the community responded and educated Jenna on her bad form. As a mom of an LGBTQ child who didn’t come out until she was 20 and whose friend was outed by clergy which affected his life long term, I absolutely cringe at such statements. It’s not Jenna’s job to out anyone, celebrity or not, and she should simply shut up about it.
Yes, yet another reason to report her to Twitter. Between spamming, stalking and harassing Taylor Swift, her account should be gone. The CAS twitter didn't come close to what she has been up to and it disappeared.
I cannot find the Tweet where she referred to Taylor Swift as "Taylor". The whole stalking-fantasizing - sexualizing posts she makes for women celebrities is very creepy.
I just read that stupid tweet. All JFW did was say "noted" with a Taylor Swift video clip. Of course, she didn't delete or apologize. What an arrogant twat. She can't even attract an average woman, let alone a super celebrity. And it's "absolutely abhorrent" that she speculates on anyone's sexual preferences.
Anon7. I sent the "real gay" woman on Twitter an email with a link to this site, and also more information on JFW, the animal abuser and serial scammer. She also happens to be a heathen. Which is why she likely followed the FFF.
❝ I want to tweet about how much I am enjoying Gaylor Swift Crack Vids on Youtube during my workout but I am not that petty. ❞
It's a few tweets down from the pic of Karlie and Taylor wearing black turtlenecks. And if you scroll back up she also refers to Taylor as "Kaylor" cuz OMG, isn't that just so funny?
There were a NUMBER of times on Reddit that people suggested that Jenna was gay and she quickly and obnoxiously told them that wasn't the case. She needs to grow up and accept the fact that no one....especially some successful celebrity....will be interested in her lazy lying nasty ass.
Hey HD - Do you remember which thread it was? If memory serves, there was the "Get Motivated" one and also the "How much tech I allow" one, and in both she was called out for being a phony. Or which user name? She was both "Shieldmare" and "JennaWoginrich"
I'd be more than happy to search for those comments.
Dur....I have no clue. When I have a minute I'll look back and see what I can find. I don't even remember topics...just that it happened several times.
HD. I said something similar. It'd be a minor miracle if JFW ever has an intimate relationship with a human being. Her creepy crushes on celebrities border on cyber stalking.
FCW, there's also her names for female hawks. FFF doesn't do an amusing play-on-words when selecting names. No, she picks names of current celebrities she crushes on: Aya Cash, Anna Kendrick. It's not a joke, ironic or amusing. It's intended to be an homage to the celebrity and it's a freaking creepy way to curry favor.
Btw, Ashley Richards (Twwly) has some great animal names: her miniature horse is called Pony Danza, 😄.
PDD. Exactly. It's all part of her creepy crushes. It's icky and disturbing. And she has the chutzpah to be "terrified" of innocent men in laundromats and red vans driving by her hovel. What a fucking hypocrite.
On the blog she goes every which way, changing her mind frequently. First she's straight, then bi, then queer, and now lesbian? Or is she still bi so that she can keep her financial options open?
In 2016 she wrote this ("My gender is Farmer" bleg post):
❝ If we're talking about sex, I see myself as a straight woman, but only in those rare moments like zooming through profiles on eHarmony... ❞
O...kay. Then in 2017 she wrote this ("Any Donkey" bleg post):
❝ I'm not gay, but feel free to call me gay if you like. I am queer. A blanket term used by the LGBTQ+ community for the non-straight. I'm bisexual and always have been. [...] I don't talk about it here because I don't think my sexuality has anything to do with farming, wanting a farm, keeping a farm, or the life I built here. I also have never talked about my dating or sex life on this blog. It's not that kind of blog. ❞
Now she talks about it on the bleg and Twitter, and ever since the poodle cash donations slowed to a trickle. Seems she'll say anything to appeal to the widest group possible to support her farm.
Case in point: It's Pride month and the Pig Shocker has doubled down on her supposed gayness with tweets, re-tweets and hash-tags in an attempt to attract as much attention and new customers as possible. And pissing off a few real gays in the process.
In the latest bleg post "Balance" the Pig Shocker wrote:
❝ As for the farm I have to figure out butcher bills... ❞
So to be clear, this money she needs she already received when she sold those spam shares, yes? And she's talking about the pigs? And she was supposed to put some of that money aside for the butchering, right? But she spent it already?
Yeah, that's why I'm confused. On June 10th she wrote on the bleg:
❝ Today is about catching up on work, running errands, preparing for piglets and the butcher. ❞
And then a few days ago it seems they were butchered as she tweeted about pig's hearts in her truck...but now she's asking for butcher money? For what? Those 3 little lambs are too young to butcher. So what's she on about?
Also, I always thought that she collected her spam share money all up front.
OK, here's what the Pig Shocker wrote on February 11th:
❝ Shares are open for 2019 half and whole pigs and lambs! Looking for small-farm raised food at very competitive rates? Send me an email! MY prices include the price of the animal (which you either own or co-own) as well as the butchering and smoking/cutting fees. Most farmers have you pay for the meat and then pay your butcher bill later, I offer a lower rate to pay all upfront. ❞
So it does look like she spent the money. But was able to butcher them a few days ago. But is now asking for more butcher money? None of this makes sense. And on March 22nd she said the lamb was sold out.
Typically you pay the butcher when you pick up your meat. If she actually had animals butchered, they left the organs for her and took the pigs back for butchering. However, if she had boars butchered (pretty sure I read that she's butchering boars and that her sow is ready to farrow - didn't know she kept a sow so maybe she bought piglets to raise, didn't castrate the males, they bred the female and now she's butchering the males?) the meat will quite possibly have boar taint - won't taste good. Given that there haven't been pig pictures in ages, it's all hard to believe. Plus, didn't she say she had to buy weiners just a few months ago??
So just an FYI many Heathens are aware of the scam she has been trying to run. She actually doesn't have a following in the community since she abandoned Reddit.
I've always had the impression she is a "Nice Girl" which is the female version of an Incel.
Tyr's Bad Hand. That's a good username you have. She once bragged about the ludicrous claim "I have curves and know how to use them!" on a past post. It didn't ring true. I'm not surprised that even heathens are aware of her rotten reputation. Your sentence about the "Nice Girl" was funny. Although she's really more of a "Nasty Bitch" in reality.
….I understand anything about her but… I do not understand about the whole cake mix thing. She says she will bake a cake…with this cake mix…if she gets some arbitrary number of subscribers. The whole thing is so stupid I don't have the capacity to even try to think about it. The main question is Who Cares? Is there someone in the world that will subscribe so she can bake a cake? What if she lies and bakes the cake any way?……yeah, okay…WHO CARES? Is this what passes as content nowadays? We're doomed.
I was cracking up over Twitter. She basically says "oh my god, my world is coming to an end. All of these terrible things are happening and I don't know what I'll do!"
ReplyDeleteAnd her "people " are like...."look at my cute fluffy dog!"
Nobody gives one crap about her.
I find it hilarious!
Cracking up right along with you. Can't help but think that the donor fatigue is the result of everyone here's efforts in putting an end to her animal abusing ways. BTW, thanks for the new thread. Have the feeling the other one will break 200+ pages before the day is thru.
DeleteForgot to add: That lame tactic of hers totally backfired. She listed all those problems and then asked for the dog pics, when you know she really wanted money instead. But her reverse psychology didn't work. So she had to slap a PayPal button onto her foreclosure tweet, LMAO.
DeleteYou should ask yourself....
DeleteWhat about next month?
And the next month?
And a few more months?
Is there really that many people out there that want crappy expensive soap and Disney crappy scrawlings of their pets that really don't look much like their pets?
If she keeps this up a few more years, she just might get that Hollywood movie she wants so badly and thinks she deserves -- the one about her feral and heroic life:
Delete🎬 Game of Scams - You Paid, She Played 🎬
The 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ strikes again: While searching her bleg for the number of times she's cried "foreclosure" in the past (at least 3) I found another sad and sadistic post where she celebrates shocking the pigs after they escaped and were finally re-penned:
ReplyDelete❝ The three of us cheered when a pig got a zap on the snout and stopped digging around their barriers. If you think that is unkind, you never had to herd escaped pigs back into a pen after spending several hours in the cold dark mud finding the dang missing link. ❞
Take a careful look how she tried to justify her unkindness and animal cruelty:
1) She blames it on their escaping. But a good farmer would have good fencing in place so they wouldn't be able to escape in the first place.
2) She was working in the dark and cold because she doesn't have a job to pay for proper equipment, thus wasting time trying to troubleshoot her crap electrical system.
These mishaps are NEVER Jenna Woginrich's fault. It's ALWAYS the animal's fault.
For some weird reason this morning I was thinking of the poor hawk she killed.
DeleteJust noticed that when you purchase a 9" x 12" pet portrait from Jenna Woginrich, it'll no longer be that size once you have to crop a few inches off one side because she didn't bother to center the animal. Take a look here:
And that's not just "a little" off-center, that's a lot. And you'll have to order pricy custom size frame mattes to fit the paper. I'd be super pissed if I paid $150 for that level of incompetence.
ReplyDeleteCould it finally be the End ?
If she's telling the truth about foreclosure, it all depends on how many suckers donate.
DeleteBut as Anon 3:45 wrote on the last thread:
"I can't wait to see how she tries to twist and spin this story... She's 3 months behind on art work, evidenced by the customer inquiry a few days ago, she spent all last month rallying for art/logo sales at least another 2 months into the future before they even get started, she has no actual snouts on the ground for the pig CSA shares (claims to have a pregnant sow and those 2 full grown intact tough gamey boar meat males that she says have a butcher date, (how is that getting paid for?) cannot be traded for 8-10 month mild flavor market animals) 3 lambs that are still on bottle feedings but should have been weaned by now if they were getting adequate nutrition and I thought she needed more to fill her CSA shares, 2 horses and 2 dogs to feed, a septic to fix, a truck to fix, medical bills, kiva loan, student loan, multi month past due internet bill, the MANDATORY mortgage bill, plus all the day to day of fuel, food, Netflix account, internet game accounts, dating sites, hiking and camping gear, etc etc."
That is A LOT of expenses for someone that doesn't have a job. Perhaps she'll get a few donations or sales, but not enough to tackle that mountain of problems. She's either going down hard, or will be floating down the river next month at this time on a newly purchased raft, wearing brand new swim duds.
It looks like she's been "floating" through the life of a lazy loser.
DeleteJust you wait until this summer when she brags about all her "floating" down the river. She does it daily, sometimes twice a day. It's both her air conditioning and her shower. And soon to be her new toilet too? Bet on it.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
! I have been trying to get my phone and internet restored for 2 whole days. The bill is paid through June. I have to drive 4 miles to a laundromat to use your chat bots to try and get it restored. I can't call because you shut off my only phone.
Has she never heard of a payphone?
Or like maybe borrow someone else's phone?
Honestly. Love how she makes it Verizon's fault for her lack of service because she can't call them when they turn off her service.
Doesn't she have a nifty cop neighbor across the street who can lend her his megaphone? Or CB radio? Or actual cell phone?
DeleteBTW, in the comments for that tweet, someone named Robb Fehr replied, "Awe, Poor baby."
I wonder if he's being sincere, or taking the piss?
I think his reply is pure snark and she opened herself up to negative outside criticism by @ing Verizon. I'm sure she'll delete it when she can.... but if anyone has a an old unused twitter account or has the know how to make one that you won't mind getting blocked by her later... now would be the time to comment on her posts with links to the sham blog, birchrhorn, the kiva loan post where she said how she would use the money but is clear from the state of the farm she never did etc. She doesn't have easy access to her own account to immediately remove such comments and links.
DeleteUm, if using a chat bot she is using a smart phone and anyone with verizon service has an app that lets you talk with them to set up payment- even when phone off. Basically, all you need is to punch in the info for payment and voila the phone is turned on.
Delete‼️ Just remembered that the Pig Shocker wrote this on June 3rd:
ReplyDelete❝ I mailed out the mortgage check! Now I just have to wait to make sure the bank cashes it and there isn't any issue with that, since it was postmarked a day late... ❞
Sooooo...if she was telling the truth there, would that be the reason for the supposed foreclosure?
Hmm... and she said she was down to double digits after she wrote the check... maybe one or more of her auto payments, like Netflix, hit her account before the check was deposited and it bounced. But that would mean she the still had some of the funds in her account so could pay that late Verizon bill. Or attempt to pay.... doesn't seem to have worked yet. I've been fortunate to never bounce a check... does your bank hold any funds as unavailable if you have an insufficient fund alert for a check you wrote someone else?
DeleteI didn't even think of that! Is that what she means when she says "I hope it clears?" An auto payment overdraft makes perfect sense. As for insufficient funds, my old bank charged me a $5 or $8 overdraft fee and sent the check back to me, unpaid. But I think it depends on the bank. Awhile back, my ex bounced his $1600+ rent check and the bank covered it, but they charged him a whopping $35 fee. But he said it was worth it his mistake.
DeleteI think she means, if it clears, IE that the bank has accepted it and cashed it. When you are so far behind and late, etc., etc., if you don't make your payment plans, you can simply refuse the check and start foreclosure. Any sort of arrangements that you make in arrears can be accepted or not accepted, it's at the bank's discretion. So as she "plays" them like she plays everyone in her life, she is worried that they might not want to play anymore.
DeleteThat's my take... Might be wrong, but you never know. I lost a house to foreclosure and they really don't like to play around and around and around... ;-(
Sorry to hear that, FarmLass. You deserve better. But thank you for the valuable info.
DeleteThis all assumes this person can actually write a check.
DeleteBack when I was seriously underwater with my credit cards, my account got sent to collections for $.76– this was after I spent hours on the phone with them setting up payment arrangements so it wouldn’t be sent to collections. Collections had no record of my last payment and argued with me about it... two years later when I was able to pay off the account, I got a check back from them for that payment amount because I had overpaid.
DeleteBut they seriously weren’t fooling around. They had no interest allowing me to make it right; I got caught in the wheels. So if JW had made payment arrangements then didn’t hold up her end of the bargain, they’re not going to wait around.
Thanks Anon7,
DeleteBut in reality, we deserved it and we ended up with way better.
We were in a neighborhood that was too expensive, trying to keep up with them, in a house that was too big and expensive, and then my husband decided he didn't want to be married and left me with the house and the two kids, etc., and I tried SO hard but I could not keep up with the high payments... ($1,470!) So I lost it.
But in the end, it was the best thing. Because we went from a little dumpy rental to a mobile home to our own little homestead farm. And it's all paid off, totally, and we have a marvelous life and raise sheep and goats, ponies and such and are happy happy happy.
I don't wish bad upon JW... To be honest, I think if she were to loose that house and all, it would be a hard blessing. She could regroup, reevaluate and get her head back on straight.
Even if she pulls out a Hail Mary on this month's issue, what about next month? And the month after? Donor/customer fatigue is a REAL thing. She's trying to build a brand on quicksand. Everyone is going to move on to the next darling of the internet. Her time is so limited...
What a nice story -- I'm glad everything turned out well for you! You sound like a great mom and responsible homeowner. And yes, tick tock...the Pig Shocker is not an interesting and scrappy 20-year-old anymore. Flailing at 40 is not endearing, especially when you see all the time she wastes playing and pretending she's a real life Game of Thrones extra.
DeleteHere's a list of fun leisure activities that Jenna Woginrich wasted both time and money on (for the past 30 days) instead of working to "earn up" money for her mortgage and avoid foreclosure:
ReplyDelete☞ Ran a 5K 9 times, ran a 10K once
☞ Spent hours on OKCupid looking for a date
☞ Perused Twitter non-stop and tweeted hundreds of times
☞ Hosted/fed/entertained a friend...twice
☞ Drove 125+ miles to go hiking with friend
☞ Drove 50-75+ miles to go hiking alone
☞ Mountain smashed (all afternoon) 11 times
☞ Backpacked and camped overnight 1-2 times
☞ Begged for a free car cuz she's broke (Must be a Volvo, Subaru or VW w/4WD)
☞ Paid for 3 new furry farm prop lambs she doesn't need
☞ Bartered logo work for animal hay she can't afford
☞ Took her dog to the bar once (Probably safe to double this amount)
☞ Went on horsey rides 2 times
☞ Played World of Warcraft and other video games
☞ Spent hours researching and tweeting about the Appalachian Trail
☞ Watched 5 or more movies/shows/countless episodes on HBO
☞ Watched 9 movies/shows/countless episodes on Netflix
☞ Watched countless YouTube videos for entertainment
☞ Drank alcohol: 3 (Probably safe to quadruple this amount)
☞ Spent hours writing a 24-paragraph post about how her town hates her...cuz gay
☞ Spent hours writing several posts about upcoming summertime adventures
☞ Reminded her foollowers that she had 10 days or less to make the mortgage
🙄 And now she wants everyone to sympathize and donate to her heroic cause: SAVE COLD ANTLER FARM!!! You pay while she plays! Hand over yer paychecks, bitches!
Forgot to add: There are people who do all this stuff, on top of working a 40 hour job. Not to mention a 1-2 hour traffic commute. Each way, as this is LA.
DeleteAnon7. Wow. When you look at that list it's staggering how much time the PS/FFF wastes. It's also strange how resentful she seems in having to finish people's projects that paid her in advance. It's like "How dare they demand their logos, soaps, pet portraits! I want to have fun first." She was the same way with the Birchthorn book backers.
DeleteAnd that's just the stuff she tells everyone about. Imagine how much other time she wastes and spends money on that she DOESN'T write about.
DeleteLet's examine again what Jenna wrote about her impending foreclosure and dooms day:
ReplyDelete❝ Farm is on final notice from the bank.I have 20 days to make mandatory payment or that's the beginning of the end. ❞
That word "or" seems so tiny and insignificant at first glance, until you realize what it really means. A normal person admitting defeat would say "and" because they don't expect other people to pay their mortgage and bills. They know it's just up to them and that they failed and will now lose their farm. That is what a normal person would say.
But see, she wrote "or" to convey that if you help her, the outcome will be just fine. Pay my bills for me. Only you guys can save my farm. And she doesn't even say pretty please. She's just a hackjob of a human at this point. Sorry if this is redundant or obvious to you all, but I've never seen the likes of a horrible shameless scammer like this before. And it's just so bizarre to me. I just don't quite get it. Call your parents. If they love you, they will help.
And the part about "this will be the beginning of the end." Sooooo dramatic, that phrase. Why not just "the end?" What's the purpose of saying the "beginning?" Is that to buy her some time if things don't go as she planned or wants? Ugh to her and her strange scamming ways.
This is just beyond normal human nature. This is an enigma of toxicity. She is the Krakatoa of deceit, depravity, delusion, and deception. But PayPal her anyway so that "or" doesn't happen.
Her internet is restored, let the desperate begging commence!!
ReplyDeleteIn the midst of "poor Jenna" sob stories, let's take a moment and see another example of what an animal-neglecting and monumentally careless POS she is.
ReplyDeleteIn her June 11 bleg, she wrote:
"I woke up the the sound of three lambs bleating below my bedroom window for their morning bottles. The trio's pen GATE HAD BEEN LEFT AJAR (my caps) and at first light my three lambs made their way to the house and situated themselves below the window where dog heads were poking out. Don't let anyone tell you sheep are stupid. They aren't. They are survivalists."
Yeah, they'd better be survivalists to grow up at Cold Antler Farm. Three tiny lambs, young enough to be bottle-fed, were left wandering the fields at night because LAF 🐷🔌⚡neglected to lock their gate??
Way to go. It's not like there are predators in the woods. 👺 Just days ago, she neglected to lock the chickens inside their coop and they were attacked and killed. There are foxes, coyotes and bears in the neighborhood, and the lambs don't stand a chance.
You know, sometimes I wonder if she deliberately encourages death and destruction of the animals because writing about all the drama provides much-needed attention and pity. Farm animals should be safer under a farmer's care; hers are not.
If farmers had Munchausen-by-Proxy, 🐷🔌⚡would be their poster child.
Careless POS indeed. And the Munchausen-by-Proxy determination is spot on, lol. She definitely uses those animals for attention. And donations. Poor guys.
DeleteAn observation: Jenna is the laziest "farmer" I've ever known. She's a farmer who wants to keep bank hours. Its 8:15am and she's saying she's just now in the middle of AM chores. I'm not even a farmer but the sun was up at 5:30, so I was up at 5:45, got my kids up at 6:30, had them fed and the oldest to swim practice by 7:15. That's right my 12 year old was up before and had put in more physical effort than the 30 something farmer with months worth of art work backlog to catch up on. Real farmers get the routine tasks of farm life done as soon as the sun is up so they can spend the bulk of the daylight hours working on the big projects that this time of year provides enough hours and fair enough weather for.... like fencing, barn maintenance, garden planting, pasture upgrades etc. But Jenna does none of that because she isn't a farmer. She's a failed cubicle worker with an odd assortment of pets that she sometimes eat if they don't die from neglect or predation first. No doubt after sleeping in and wasting her morning hours, she'll waste more on a hiking trip or a river swim, since she can't shower at her own house with her non-working plumbing. She's about to lose her home. If she takes even one extracurricular fun trip in the next two weeks when she has a house rotting around her and prepaid work piling up, while begging for even more.... she absolutely deserves to lose her house and everything else she owns. If she can't buckle down and focus now.. she deserves every bad thing that comes her way.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 5:39. I'm literally, laughing out loud. These two sentences summed it up: "But Jenna does none of that because she isn't a farmer. She's a failed cubicle worker with an odd assortment of pets that she sometimes eat if they don't die from neglect or predation first." You made my morning, thanks! And I have a new name, too.
DeleteAnon 5:39, you have contributed maybe the Year's must-save description of Jenna Woginrich. Thank you, thank you!
Delete"She's a failed cubicle worker with an odd assortment of pets that she sometimes eats if they don't die from neglect or predation first."
PDD. And I'll proudly use my new name!
DeleteFantastic name, Failed Cubicle Worker!
DeleteExcellent description, Anon 5:39!!
Does anyone remember the picture she posted of her wall phone? And didn't she have a coke can phone or something like that? So if she has a land line, why does she need to go to the laundromat to make a phone call? Unless she is lying about everything.
ReplyDeleteHer internet and landline are likely a bundled package from Verizon, so when she failed to pay her bill, she lost both services. And because she has no actual friends, she had to use the laundromat wifi to access the Verizon website customer service chat bots on her laptop. I can't imagine not having even one friend whose home and phone I couldn't access to get something like that fixed. That's a pathetic life.
DeleteI call baloney. If any if it is true, she's tweeting from Patty's hot tub.
DeleteI still find it hard to believe she was able to make so many trips to the laundromat with a truck with busted power steering. Funny how as soon as she supposedly received that foreclosure letter the truck was suddenly fine and driveable.
DeleteAnd off she goes for a 1 hour horsey ride....tick tick tick tick....19 days left!
ReplyDeleteIf I was in her boots, I'd be desperate to find those horses a good home. I just got photos and a video of my horse being ridden by his new little girl. I'm so happy for them, even though I miss him. But, when the last horse left the farm, I had less than a bale of hay left, and I 'm so relieved that I'm not hunting for hay right now. At some point, the overgrown toddler has to stop putting herself first.
DeleteAnd a flip of the bird to clients waiting for products they paid for months ago.
DeleteA girl and her pony . Without a care in this world.
DeleteYeah but she said she got over a third of what she needs in just a day, so why not go riding! Yah! THIS FARM is saved again. And Again. And again.
DeleteToo bad there are actually people in real trouble instead of this fake farmer.
I got a comment to publish, yay!!����
ReplyDeleteSo say something now. Surely you have an opinion on the FFF.
DeleteWelcom, new Anon - If you're trying to use emoji and symbols, try putting a space or two in between them to get them to show instead of the questions marks.
DeleteShe's an "artist" who creates all her "art" on this special paper. How the f*ck did she manage to run out of that with months worth of client jobs in queue? She is just one sad excuse after another for why she doesn't want to work.
ReplyDeleteAnd apparently there is time to run today as will as play with her pony. Broken plumbing and fences be damned!!
ReplyDeleteI warned two potential victims on Twitter about JFW today. They were the ones who seemed sympathetic about her fraudulent foreclosure letter. I contacted them online. I gave them a link to this site, and information about Reddit and Birchthorn.
ReplyDeleteExcellent job warning people. So unfortunate it's "buyer beware" on the Internet. Before sending money everyone must do their due diligence and research the person they want to help. There are too many scams on the Internet.
Delete🐷🔌⚡ is a classic con artist, always nice & supportive to people who can help her socially and add credibility. We've all seen the effort she makes for Blue Checks and other influencers (e.g. Jon Katz). She works so hard to have them like her. Influencers can then unknowingly peddle the narrative that she's a good person, allowing a scam to continue.
Among her more questionable enterprises: Oakpaw, Antlerstock, wool shares, You Tube subscriptions, over-promised meat shares, Birchthorne, Kiva, and on and on. The script is essentially the same: sell a narrative, get money up front, delay or drop the work, issue excuses if challenged. Only provide refunds if threatened. Hope (and plan) that most people will forget about their product, in which case completion isn't necessary. Anyone who loses money will likely be too embarrassed to seek legal recourse.
Sound about right?
You've nailed it all. I hate the thought of her ripping off strangers just because she's too lazy to work. And look at how even Jon Katz, who used to sing her praises, hasn't written about her in years. When he did before it's far from flattering: https://www.bedlamfarm.com/2016/06/14/the-complexities-of-being-jenna-helping-her-fend-off-the-bank/. Then there's Meredith's insightful posts on her blog. Here's just one of them: https://highstfarm.blogspot.com/2016/02/jenna-woginrich-and-donald-trump.html.
DeleteIt was well put when PoodleDiDoo said: "Before sending money everyone must do their due diligence and research the person they want to help. There are too many scams on the Internet."
Anon 1:16 pm, wonderful suggestions! I especially liked Meridith's response to Jenna after Jenna referred to doing common homesteading tasks as "uncomfortable" and "not fun". (?!)
PDD. I'm also Anony 1:16. Sometimes when I'm rushed it takes too much time to post a name. I'm glad that you appreciated my suggestions, thanks! Apparently, Jenna thinks that homesteading has to be fun instead of an adult necessity in caring for your animals. Which is why she's a fuck-up at farming.
DeleteHint: it's not just farming.
DeleteLol. Great work, Anon 10:55, in spreading awareness.
DeleteAnd excellent examples, everyone else. I'm all for reiteration and the re-posting of her misdeeds, scams and animal abuse because anyone new who comes here to educate themselves may not go back and read older posts, but they'll for sure read the most current one!
Someone posted a pissy blog update. Sounds like people are telling her to be an adult and she isn't liking it.
ReplyDeleteShe can't control her temper whatsoever. Classic low mental capacity behavior.
Poor desperate little Jenna Woginrich. She needs to buy a new pair of big girl panties, and waddle around town with them on. It's time to throw another toddler temper tantrum, because the FFF has to deal with adult reality.
DeleteIt sounds like she read our comments. It also sounds like she's in some deep, deep denial. Maybe she still has some enablers who can keep her farm for her, but she'll be back in this spot again. I can guarantee it.
DeleteShe will do whatever it takes. But she will not get a Job !
DeleteI just love how she hints to her readers that she'll resort to illegal tactics if she has to:
Delete❝ I will find, sell, create, write, accept, tell, freelance, farm, story, and song my way however is legally possible. ❞
She wants her foollowers to say, "No Jenna, don't do anything illegal! We're here to help!"
To that I say, "Here widdle Jenna, you dropped this" --------> 🍼
I have another thought on why Jenna is reading this blog. I think she is looking for any type of ammunition to get it shut down. She must have found something on the last blog that crossed the line and was enough to get it yanked. I'd hate to see this one go. Someone said they would just start another, but then all the history would be lost. If we stick to facts, there should be no problem. I looked at Blogger's guidelines and they seem pretty liberal.
ReplyDeleteIf you look closely at her new bleg post "Home" she literally gave us permission to say whatever we want:
Delete❝ If you want to help you can. If you want to sit back and watch me pull this off you can. If you want to jeer and tell me I'm an idiot you can. ❞
Doesn't get more clear than that. Screenshotted for proof if she tries to get this blog removed. And if she somehow succeeds, we'll be back in full force to say "Jenna, you're an idiot". 😀
Alright...after seeing all the BS that she wrote today, I'm now convinced that there was no foreclosure letter. Donor fatigue has set in so she had to pull out all the stops this month. That newest bleg post, her tweets are trying to force a false narrative of a fierce fighting farmer willing to do anything (but a job) to hold onto her farm -- complete with a new selfie where she tries to use sex appeal to engage her audience to donate.
ReplyDeleteIt's so lame that she caked on a bunch of makeup to take that selfie on her horsey ride. And I've seen that tactic many times before in the Hollywood headshot industry where you wear a ton of makeup when taking black and white photos. But for her it's a rather orchestrated and pathetic ploy. High drama hair flip? Get real. And note that she's using that Mike "The Situation" Jersey Shore sunglasses trick where you try to hide your busted face behind glasses. I hurl.
And isn't it just so convenient that practically overnight she's received enough sales to give her "hope" and the strength to fight? I barf at that. She then says:
❝ This farm has a real chance staying put! At least one month at a time! ❞
She might as well say, "We're doing this next month too, bitches! And the months after that!!"
my question is how did she get the selfie while riding her horsey? You know that FFF woman that she is. Could it be the non working cell phone she just happened to find a drawer? If it is non working why on why would she take it on a horsey ride?
ReplyDeleteIt was part of the con artist's plan:
DeleteStep one: Say you had a horrible day. Ask for dog pics. Gather a big audience.
Step two: Drop the "I'm gonna lose the farm" foreclosure b-o-m-b.
Step three: Beg for donations. Try to cry pretty. Try to take an attractive photo.
For all we know she wasn't even on her horse. But in saying "Saddle Selfie" it adds to her fearless feral farmer angle. If she instead called it "Drunken Hammock Selfie" (which it probably was), that wouldn't garner the same amount of support and donations.
It's all just one big ruse for 🐩 💰 and sympathy.
Again, she's a master at manipulative marketing. It's hard to believe that so many people don't see through her fake friendliness. And it is a ploy for PayPal poodle pity. I'm surprised that instead of her stupid sexless selfie, she didn't whip out the ugly muscle-bitch pic. "I am Woginrich, hear me beg!"
DeleteOn Twitter, the Pig Shocker mentioned that she just spoke to her mom. They are not close so I wonder what brought that about? Did her older sister see Jenna's frantic foreclosure tweets and alert the disapproving mother? Or did Jenna call home to beg for cash? Either way, mom must be tired of seeing her daughter shamelessly beg for money month after month, rather than get a real job.
ReplyDeleteAnd while searching her bleg for something, I came across this, written 5 years ago:
❝ I am okay with people I went to college with being wealthy while I am sliding pink packets into my pockets after buying a cup of coffee at a gas station. If the race is about happiness, if that is our actual metric for a good life, I am lapping nearly everyone I know. And the ones ahead of me?
I am gaining on them. ❞
Wtf...if this isn't a wake-up call for her nothing will be. All these years later and she's still sounding the alarm, constantly in danger of losing her farm. Does she still really think she's gaining on them? Apart from the weight department, no. These people she went to college with, who are now successfully living her dream life, have done so through hard work. And I'll bet not a single one of them is an online panhandler like Jenna Woginrich.
Anon7. Funny, Jon Katz used the same words "sounding the alarm" when discussing JFW in a past post. I dare say that "the actual metric for a good life" isn't being an online grifter and money mooching moron.
DeleteI looked at an instagram photo of her this morning. That sure doesn't look like someone scared she's gonna lose her house every month.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like someone who eats a shit diet and has horrible skin.
DeleteScammer says:
ReplyDeleteGoing to see the bank today. Wow, she is laying it on thick. I guess she didn't get enough poodle bucks the last time or sees a shiny new object she wants. There is no foreclosure; sick of reading about it. It's a lie.
Jenna you need to come up with something new. You've been crying foreclosure for years now and it's not true. Shut the hell up.
Is there even a Chase bank in her area? Aren't those mostly in big cities and such? Which is it, did she go and see them, or call them? Usually mortgages get sold and transferred and end up all over the place. Just kinda weird.
DeleteShe had her talk with the bank this morning. I'm surprised they're willing to work with her at all, yet here she goes, complaining that their offer should be *illegal*... she's the one who's playing with legality.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of predatory banks out there, but... play stupid games, Jenna, and win stupid prizes. 🤷♀️
"This is insane. I talked to my bank. They are willing to offer a $120 less a month payment on my mortgage if I add NINE YEARS onto my loan! That's over 110k, almost what I paid for my house! How is this legal?! What I need to do is simply catch up, keep my current terms and payoff date. I could see how someone not reading the fine print or asking questions could take this offer, but holy shit that seems criminal to do to people."
ReplyDeleteWelp, that's what banks are in business for...to make money. Is it legal? Yes. Is it moral? No. But you know what? If she got her ass out and got a REAL job, this wouldn't be an issue. Go to fucking Stewart's!! They are paying $12-13 an hour and she could work 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. That's $300 before taxes. Enough money to cover her mortgage and still give time to take care of the "farm", draw portraits and make soap. Oh, wait...no time to go jogging, hiking or riding every day. Call the wahmbulance...poor Jenna might have to actually not be able to do these things. Welcome to the fucking world of being an adult.
It's SO EASY Jenna. Pay your mortgage, at the agreed-upon rate and due dates, and NO PROBLEM.
DeleteWord to the wise, sister. Mortgage payments come FIRST.
She has no interest in "being an adult." Why would she? It's so much easier to throw a toddler temper tantrum, and be an online beggar. And she's a fine one to be talking about anything "legal." What she did with both the Birchthorn book money and Kiva loan was very shifty.
DeletePDD. Once again, we posted at almost the same minute.
DeleteIt's legal because they own the house and she is not following the agreed upon conditions of the loan. I find it extremely unlikely that they are offering her anything but the boot after years and years of failure on her part.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
Delete"Going to have a long talk with the bank to see where the house stands right now. Wish me luck, the whole farm needs it."
The bankers probably groan whenever they have to deal with JFW. I'll bet that they flip coins to see who'll take her call. I've never heard any normal adults talk about "luck" the way that she does. It's like she doesn't recognize that responsibility is the means to making one's life work.
Only time will tell.
DeleteNote how no one responded or retweeted her "lucky" tweet last night. Getting just "likes" is meaningless on Twitter.
Delete"I made some sales today. I ran. I rode my horse. A friend bought me a beer in town. I'm home to work on portraits into the night. Feeling more optimistic. Let's hope tomorrow is just as lucky."
0 replies 0 retweets 54 likes
I am also surprised the bank made that offer. I have never heard of such a thing. If that is really true, she has used up all her "luck" right there. $120 a month less is $30 a week; Let's think about what Jenna could cut back on that would easily amount to $30 a week so she wouldn't have to extend her loan term....and let's start with the horses.
DeleteI have 3; they are expensive, and they are not a necessity. I live in Washington County, a few towns north of Cambridge; hay was $4.50 a bale last year. I don't know what it will be this year as we have had a lot of rain, and it's been hard to get it cut and baled.
I really can't believe that people still fall for her bullshit. To have the balls to whine about how broke she is and then to announce she was going riding, if anyone feels bad for her, they deserve to be fleeced by her.
As Anon 7:22 said above, Stewarts pays decent and there is a Stewarts not far from her. It would give her plenty of time to do whatever she needed to do at her home before and after her shifts. I hesitate to say 'farm' because it really isn't. It's a house on a 6 acre lot about 2 miles from Rt 22, which is a busy main road. It is far from the middle of nowhere as she claims.
Keep in mind, she's a compulsive liar and odds are none of it is true. She's using friend's mortgage experiences or situations she has read about online and lying that they are happening to her.
DeleteNone of it makes sense otherwise.
Most things she mentions with the mortgage could happen.
DeleteBut not all at once to the same mortgage loan over the course of 9 years. That's where she screws up the lie.
You can be late but not every couple months for 9 years.
You can refinance. BUT not if your property is a shit pit.
They have to do an inspection and she would never pass. She doesn't have a stable income to show she can pay on a loan.
No way in hell a bank offered her any sort of loan or refinancing.
All the red van guys and photographers and certified letters and phone calls and crap they have had to put up with for 9 years should be worth at least 100K.
Always the victim, our feral farmer Jenna Woginrich. Except of course, when she is the scrappy fighter lass... and then back to the sobbing frightened girl, then back to the tough and crass swearing big girl... and then back.... ugh.
Yeah, she's a real badass, female fighter. It's all part of her faux farmer facade. The "terrified" and "anxious" deranged toddler is the real JFW.
DeleteIt sounds like someone from the local housing department should stop by the cess pool that is CAF and see if it needs to be condemned. Then there's the contamination of PS using the yard for her bathroom.
ReplyDeleteHow can that be a healthy environment for the dogs and horses?
Multiple agencies to email and/or call today, including the mortgage holder Chase about the state of their property as documented on social media.
The animals need new homes with responsible owners who can afford to care for them properly. As long as she selfishly chooses to keep them in that environment, I will continue to document, email and call.
No pics of those poor pigs or lambs lately. Wonder how they're fairing?
DeleteThey don't live with her, it's just part of her trying to say she has a farm.
DeleteThe lambs would be dead if they lived in that crappy set up she took a pic of. The pigs haven't been photographed since last summer. She only posts old photos. Yet everyday she takes pics of her hikes.
If she still owns them, they are living on someone else's property.
Jenna singing her song to the bank
ReplyDelete(sing to the tune of I'd Do Anything for Love*)
"And I will do fuck-all for my farm
I'll let it go to hell and back
I will do fuck-all for my farm
I'll never pay my debts and that's a fact
I'll never get a job and earn the scratch
Oh no, no way
And I will do fuck-all for my farm
I'll let it fall apart in shameful ruin
The rotted beams and barn are just the start
The indoor plumbing is an outside pool
Taking care is too much work
So, I won't do that
You must not make me pay my loan
You must accept the wreck I've made
I'm Jenna Fuckin Woginrich
So you can't forget that.
No you can't forget that."
* apologies to Meatloaf
And in case anyone (Jenna) wonders, the above is a musical satire of a public figure (Jenna) who publicly gave permission for people to jeer. Thank you 🐷🔌⚡.
DeleteWe don't need permission period. If Blogger was told that an attorney will be contacting them to find out what happened to the CAS site, I bet we would get an answer.
DeleteDiscussing Jenna wasn't the issue. That's free speech.
There's critical sites of millionaire bloggers and they havent been able to get them removed.
We need to find out the reason so we can adjust accordingly if needed.
That millionaire blogger never addresses any criticism or anything negative. She never whines about haters or admits they exist. The big toddler should follow her example.
DeleteTheres a few sites that go after the pioneer woman and they make a lot of accusations. They have never been removed and she is a multi millionaire.
DeleteSo the sow whining about people who point out her scams and animal neglect is just a lot blah, blah, blah.
I know. She has been a speaker at the big blogger conventions for years. She says she never addresses anything negative in any of her public forums. I don't know if she has lawyers that deal with the worst ones, but she can afford it. I think over the years, most people ignore the real haters who go after her and her family , and she continues to make millions every year. Jenna could learn from that.
DeleteThe most important thing, I almost forgot, the Pioneer Woman doesn't rip people off or beg for donations, in fact she does some decent give-aways on a regular basis.
DeleteWhackH, you are spot on. Actually, I agree we don't need permission from JFW, but since we get new readers, I thought it would be good to remind people that "public figure" Jenna Woginrich did give permission for social media commentary (jeers in my case).
DeleteJust doing my part to shine a light on the fiction that is Cold Antler Farm.
Girl is lying about "the letter." I've been following her shitty sob story for years to get a laugh and she resorts to this lie every year or so when pitty donations aren't up to par. Do a search on her blog and you will find several instances of her being "terrified" because the certified letter finally made its way to her mailbox. In fact, one of her blog posts is called "The Letter" and that was about twor three years ago. If you don't find it, she deleted it because she read this. It's a fucking lie. All of it.
ReplyDelete-Graphic Gal
Totally agree.
DeleteShe constantly sounds the alarm and then pulls back saying she reached her goal before it goes on for too long. So she can do it again and again and again.
DeleteShe pays her bills and plays a game to see how many people she can grift for extra cash. If she makes money great, if not there's always next month. She says she reaches her goals but that's unlikely. She wants people to jump on the donation bandwagon thinking they arent the only ones donating.
Okay I was right. This was written almost exactly 2 years ago on June 17, 2017.
ReplyDeleteI have been farming at my homestead in Jackson, the township area outside the village of Cambridge, New York, for seven years. As a single woman I have purchased this farm, raised good food, taught classes, and wrote books. I’ve followed my passions here. I've fallen apart here. I built myself back up here. This is the place that created the woman I am today. This is home.
Today a certified letter arrived in the mail. A notice of foreclosure. Making monthly mortgage payments is all well and good – but if you are always a month or two behind when you send them - you are still behind. And every day you are behind adds up as default. I haven’t had the ability to earn enough in one fell swoop to cover the back payments. I thought I was keeping the wolves from the door by making regular payments, but the wolves are not waiting any longer.
I have a few days to gather the money and I don’t want to do a crowdfunded charity if I can avoid it. I have zero problem with people using these, but I feel that I have skills and work I can offer instead. I'd much rather have a folder of 30 clients wanting something I made and the ability to give something of value in return for hard-earned money.
So here is what I am going to try. I am going to design a voucher for a pet art commission or logo and offer them to you to purchase.
Same old recycled, lying shit. Let's see what she writes next year.
I've seen this act of hers so many times before. If she screams, whines, wails, and wrings her hands long enough, somebody sends her enough $$$ to shut her up. I just can't believe it is still working for her.
ReplyDeleteThere's more to it:
ReplyDeleteThe Logo Design vouchers are $200. It is a flat rate for a custom logo. Please Email me at dogsinourparks(at)gmail.com if you would like to purchase or gift one to someone who could use it.
These are both $50 off the regular price. If you buy one from me you can use it anytime in the future or the person you gift it to can for a drawing or logo. If I can sell enough to catch up it will literally save this farm. It’s made it 7 years and I really, really, want to see it make 8.
If artwork or a logo isn’t your thing, I offer archery and fiddle classes at the farm. there is also an option on my blog, barnheart.com to subscribe as a patron for $5 a month for the writing.
If you just want to make a one time contribution to the blog - there is the option to use www.paypal.me/JennaCAF
And what is the plan if I do manage to save this place in a weekend? The plan is to keep writing, farming, freelancing, and working until I gain the solvency doing what I love. And if I fail, then I fail. If my writing or products created from this place are not valuable to people than that is what should happen and I accept that. But I’m going to keep trying. And hoping to make the break that makes a name for this place that makes all the difference - whatever that may be.
Note: If you do not want to support the blog, that's fine. The blog is free and has been for all ten years of content. I do ask that if you dislike me, this farm, or my work you keep your comments/emails/tweets to yourself for a few days. Please respect my candor, if nothing else. I am trying my best to earn the money I need from people who want to support the farm. I want to use work, and repaid loans like Kiva offers instead of crowdfunding if possible. If asking for that opportunity offends you, I don't know what else to say.
There is also a place to leave comments.
Yay! There will be an opening at the WH that sounds perfect for 🐷🔌⚡. She can earn $172k/year, doing what she does best (lying) and since only one press conference was held in the past three months, there seems to be plenty of free time for playing.
ReplyDeleteLikely Qualifications.
Must be able to: lie to the public on large and small matters; obfuscate and misdirect with ease; avoid responding to direct questions; appear insincere at all times; show indignation and anger when called out and fail to complete job requirements on a continuing basis.
Personal attributes: arrogance, sarcasm, poor fashion sense, questionable hair and makeup. Wonky eyes and tadpole eyebrows are a plus.
🐷🔌⚡ had better hurry. Twitter is posting Help Wanted Ads already. Full job requirements evolving, but "drinking yourself to sleep nightly" sounds perfect for FFF!
(Sorry, if any staunch SHS supporters are here. I'm posting in good fun.)
Cold Antler Times - June 13, 2019
ReplyDeleteYep even the bad things have happy ending at CAF!
The Good witch Glinda just floated down into Jeann's driveway earlier today, as reported by Mrs. Hastings the old lady down the road.
"This damn pink bubble came floatin over my barn, I thought it was that lady's busted pipes agin!"
As reported, Jenna had to tap together her two ruby muck boots and POOF she went from depressive to manic.
Bad witch from the bank came out of a red van and was liquidated when our heroine splashed liquid goat soap accidentally.
Carol Highhorse who was camping in the woods near the old apple tree said that flying monkeys were seen heading out to get more logo and pig share orders from around the shire.
Yep, these are strange times on Colfax road, please send money directly to Dorothy
"No dog has never dragged me to a second cousin's gender reveal party."
ReplyDeletePandering to dog lovers, transgender LBGBQ and distant relatives - send me some fuckin money!
Now sh'e asking mortgage refi questions and loonies are taking her serious, maybe they should refi her mortgage for her, Club Cold Foreclosure is now open
I think that it should read "No dog has ever..." The "never" makes it a double negative. Am I a "real righter?!"
DeletePig Shocker has the grammar skills of an actual pig.
DeleteThis whole thing irks my taters. I am on the other side of all this as a landlord. The bank laid out the deal in the very beginning (as do I). A person comes to me and I say "I've got this house and I will let you live here but you can't tear anything up and by the 3rd of every month you have to pay me $1000." It is up to them. They can accept that or not.
ReplyDeleteThis is solely a business relationship. I don't care if you lost your job, your dog died, or you are now a guru worshipping wax fruit.
Pay your rent on time and don't tear stuff up.
It's very very simple.
Jenna, the bank isn't criminal just because you are failing. You said when you were first looking at this house that you couldn't afford it. Guess what...you were right. And then you quit your job. Brilliant!
Everybody is against the banks....and the landlords.....unless they need a loan or a place to live. You, Jenna, were very fortunate that you were even to get a loan. With all of your outstanding loans at the time you are lucky you didn't wind up in a box.
Yeah, just love how she thinks that it's criminal. And unfair. And insane.
DeleteIF she is telling the truth, she should be grateful that the bank is willing to work with her. In a bigger city she'd be shown the door.
Basically what the bank is saying is, "It's clear you can't afford your home, and you are almost always a month or more behind. You must not take your mortgage very seriously, and so if you're asking us to put up with your sorry loser ass, for longer than originally agreed upon, it's gonna cost you."
HD. I'm literally, laughing out loud at "a guru worshiping wax fruit." Do I detect a new username? Your comment was spot-on.
DeleteYou said it, HD. PS agreed to make monthly payments at agreed-upon times. By her own admission, she has been egregiously late multiple times. Now, she condemns the bank for wanting a longer repayment period if she pays less money per month? Or she wants them to ignore her bad-faith payments and just wait??
DeleteWoman is crazy.
Probably the only thing that has kept the bank from starting foreclosure is the now-sorry state of the property, which they will have to correct, or take a loss.
She was a bad, bad deal for them.
She obtained a loan on a house in good condition, with a functional historic barn, hardwood floors, working septic and attractive yard.
Under her misuse, the property is overgrazed, trees girdled, farm animals kept inside the house (ye gods, the smell), inside water damage (hello, mold), the barn falling apart and the septic system nonfunctional.
Our FFF is more like a human locust, ruining property where ever she lands.
LOL at "human locust" -- and as annoying as a cicada.
DeleteThis is interesting: If you search Jenna Woginrich's Twitter account for "foreclosure" it shows that the first time it was mentioned was two years ago back in May/June 2017. But she didn't tweet about it at all in 2018.
ReplyDeleteAnd look how many times it's been mentioned (so far) in 2019:
Feb 15 - "Dealing with keeping the farm and avoiding 👉 foreclosure 👈 to luck turns around."
Feb 20 - "Right now there's candid posts about an escaped pony, 1AM fence repairs, fighting off
👉 foreclosure 👈 threats..."
Feb 27 - "Trying really hard to make a mortgage payment today to keep the farm from danger of
👉 foreclosure." 👈
March 6 - "I feel like I need to clarify that the bank cashed a mortgage payment I recently mailed, which means they accepted it and aren't moving into any 👉 foreclosure 👈 actions for at least a month."
May 4 - "Tomorrow I hope to have sheep back on the same farm I am fighting off
👉 foreclosure." 👈
May 27 - "Writing about Small Adventures, the ripcord of 👉 foreclosure, 👈 the work of being happy while being busy."
And of course this month, although she referred to it as a "final notice" instead. So not a word, on Twitter at least, about foreclosure in all of 2018. Wonder why? Is this "foreclosure" thing a special-occasion scam that she only busts out every 2-3 years?
Link: https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=foreclosure%20from%3Acoldantlerfarm&src=typd
The banks don't mess around when it comes to the mortgage. Many years ago when my husband lost his job, I called the bank and asked if they could suspend our mortgage for three months and then tack those three months on the end.
ReplyDeleteNothing doing.
They said they could suspend the mortgage for a few months, but they would be adding on late fees and penalties. Then, we would have to play catch up (can't remember for exactly how long), by paying accelerated payments until we were completely up to date.
It wasn't worth it. Our income was cut in half, yet we would be making larger mortgage payments.
It made more sense to go into extreme frugal mode and somehow we managed it. My husband was re-employed within a few months and we worked our tails off to get the mortgage paid off early so it wouldn't happen again.
We never thought to whine and beg over the internet. Didn't even know that was an option. But then, we are responsible people.
JFW will do whatever it takes to save her Home. Right after another ride on her Pony.
DeleteI had a similar moment years ago when I was about her age. We always lived in park housing as my husband was a park manager. We moved to a new state with our six kids, 2 dogs and 4 cats into a political mess with layoffs galore. The morning my husband left for work, we were both sure that he was next. We really didn't want to go back to the state we left. His job survived and I swore to him that the insecurity would never happen again. Since I manage the finances, I saved every damn cent for awhile and we bought our own house in the state in which we wanted to end up. Here we are. Kids are grown, we've changed a few things, my clothes are not the newest. BUT we live frugally, truly in the woods, with no bank involved.
DeleteJenna, you don't deserve what you have. You have not done the work!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL at "Right after another ride on her pony." Sad but true.
DeleteSo, late fees and penalties...how come Jenna never talks about those? You'd think if she incurred them that she'd be asking for money for that too. Perhaps it's cuz she's actually up to date on the mortgage and is just lying?
BTW, expect to see the Pig Shocker mention late fees and penalties soon.
Here it is folks. This was my aha moment when I realized CAF was all smoke and mirrors.
ReplyDeleteMONDAY, JULY 29, 2013
Morning Light
She removed the original post and replaced it with this one which she states in the first paragraph. A repo man showed up for her truck. She was shocked because she had been making payments, but not full payments. She said something about lessons learned. Apparently she still hasn't learned them. You cannot make partial payments and still be considered up to date.
In the original post she wrote something like, 'if you were ever considering donating, now is the time to do it'. The hell I am, I thought. I have my own dreams to fund.
And this from the last paragraph:
"Lessons I needed to learn when I was feeling nearly indestructible for months after quitting that office job, and which spiraled me into fear and depression these last few months. But all sorts of healing is on the way. I refuse to give up Cold Antler, and I refuse to give in, and I refuse to be buried in the ditch I was digging. Things will get better. I promise."
This was in 2013. Sounds like a broken record, doesn't it?
Thanks for sharing, Anon. My "aha" moment was pretty much this website.
DeleteI would love to see that original post. From what I understand it was posted both on her bleg and Facebook. Jon Katz wrote about it on 7/29/2013.
Here is the link: https://www.bedlamfarm.com/?s=jenna%27s+farm
I see if I can find using Google's cache feature. I would like to use the Wayback Machine but that sucker is so damn complicated, lol.
Jenna "Pig Shocker" Woginrich is human garbage and she is not gay.
ReplyDeleteShe is human garbage because although she's supposedly in "big scary danger" of being foreclosed upon, she is still begging for help whilst refusing to get a job...and...still wasting time online looking for proof that Taylor Swift is gay and posting "evidence" on Twitter. A day ago she said, "What I need to do is simply catch up, keep my current terms and payoff date." So what is she doing today to accomplish that? Tweeting about nonsense. And of course, tweeting this: "If you are far away and want to support Cold Antler, throw a few dollars into the hat for the 10+ years of writing about it at http://barnheart.com — you can do so via https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF"
She is not gay because if she truly was she would know that it's horrible etiquette and an unspoken rule that you DO NOT try to "out" people who have not identified as such. Sure, you might hear two gays quietly discussing it at a party, in the corner. But it's totally without class to tweet about people like that...especially celebrities, on such a public website. Yet here she is on Twitter sharing her stupid thoughts for the whole world to read. Not cool. Not gay her. Sure hope that Taylor sees what the Pig Shocker wrote and blocks her.
Jeez, what a sorry ass wannabee. Okay, she's what....38? And cares about whether goddamn Taylor Swift is gay or not? Really? What happened to the mortgage and "talking to the bank?" I guess that doesn't rate; she has more important things to think about. What a pathetic loser.
DeleteYeah, she doesn't sound very worried that she now has only 16 days left to save her farm. You'd think she'd take the time to produce a good stock supply of soaps that she could sell at her local farmer's market.
DeleteOr to sell to weekend visitors like the ones who came to the Cambridge hot air balloon festival last weekend. What a missed opportunity to sell overpriced soap to rich out-of-towners. She could've made bank. But instead, she just tweets about the bank.
Oh man...while searching for that truck repossessed bleg entry and I found this cached post from 2015 in which she held an "ask me anything" discussion. Link at the bottom. Here's a few highlights:
ReplyDelete💁 "Absolutely no disrespect intended, but why not take a part time job to provided a bit of reliable/consistent income for the farm?"
❝ I don't work off farm because I have yet to find a part-time gig that offers pay that competes with the income I get from doing lots of different things here. [...] Even if I found a reliable part-time gig that paid 15 bucks an hour, 8 hours a day, 4 days a week that is equal to selling 2 logos at sale prices *before* taxes are taken out. I find I'm the best employer around here for me! ❞
💁 "Jenna, what's the five year plan?"
❝ I have no five-year plan. I prefer to keep it that way since life can change so much in half a decade. ❞
💁 "Jenna, how do you resist sugar and sweets in your diet?"
❝ I don't eat sugar, carbs, or sweets much anymore you are correct. I was tired of feeling overweight and unhealthy. Food was a true addiction for me as a way to deal with anxiety and feel content. [...] It feels too damn good to be transitioning from a size 10 to an 8... ❞
🙄 🙄 🙄
And...a few other comments by the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ that made me cackle:
❝ All that said, publishing a first book is easier than publishing a sixth or seventh if the sales aren't fabulous. MY books are niche and I'm no celebrity so I am really hoping for luck and better writing to land me a deal on the Merlin book. ❞
😆 She proposed a book about an old horse? How riveting. And a sure-fire best seller!
❝ I would also like to say that I can only think of 3ish occasions in 8 years that I clearly asked for help money wise. ❞
❗️Boy, how things have changed. It's every single month now!
❝ And yes, need to finish up this Birchthorn first though. Almost done! ❞
👉 SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 👈
And lastly, someone asked: "I don't recall reading much about your family...what do they think about your amazing, brave life?"
She didn't bother to answer that question. Strange. Wonder why?
Twitter Twaddle - 🍺 Drunken Friday Night Edition 🍷
ReplyDelete❝ Today I drove into town forgetting there was a set of boar's hearts in a ziplock bag and a Miskatonic University water bottle on my bumper and when I pulled into the gas station they were perfectly sitting there side by side and I am pissed off I am single. ❞
Wut? And hey, how did she fix her power steering so fast?
Also, in the past two days there have been over one dozen Taylor Swift/Anna Kendricks tweets, among other non-farm related crap. How on earth is this helping her to save Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm? With priorities like that, she deserves to lose her fauxrm.
Shammers: I just had the BIGGEST "WTF OMG" moment ever. I know you guys have always said that the Pig Shocker provides little to poor care for her animals, but this pic, OMG this seems much worse than when the goat pen was over 3' high in manure:
I'm no farmer...can't tell a chicken from a turkey but even I know that this is just not right. I found this in the comments on a bleg post. It was posted by Meredith who noted that Jenna had stuffed 29 chickens in there. That is so very wrong.
Jenna replied that the birds were free to roam during the daytime and that they were only kept there at night.
DeleteBut...like, how would those flimsy straw walls stop nighttime predators? Is this why so many chickens have died on her farm?
And it's a fire hazard. Heat lamp + dry bales of hay = disaster.
DeleteOh crap, I didn't even think of that. Man, she is dumb.
DeletePer her Twitter:
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
My Saturday has included digging up my septic tank and checking it out, snaking pipes, and trying to figure out why and how this plumbing isn't draining and no luck and I hate everyone.
1:28 PM · Jun 15, 2019 · Twitter Web Client
To which I say... pics or it didn't happen. More likely she has spent the day trying to find someone else to come do that work for free or in exchange for a crappy logo. Plumbers don't need that kind of crap logo Jenna.
If Jenna can take a hair flip selfie on horseback... she could certainly stand on the ground and take a picture of this supposed work on her supposed farm. If you want farm donations Jenna... you need to prove your story.
Yeah, like she would dig up a septic tank. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
DeleteSOmeone is there doing it for her.
This is the same person who shares videos of herself walking a few feet and then barely being able to catch her breath to speak.
Now she's supposedly digging up her septic tank? Is she doing so while riding her unicorn because bish be trippin!
If anythjng is wrong with the septic tank, I hope it is the most expensive repair possible.
Things will be busy around the CAF of death. With the local compliance officers stopping by to check out the multitudes of code violations and a few agencies checking out the horses' and dogs' health and welfare, it will look like a you're screwed parade walking through her property.
Meanwhile, all of the people who are hated by Jenna, can sit back, pop some corn🍿and watch the shit show commence.
Did you contact appropriate authorities? It sounds like it, thanks! I've done the same, too.
DeleteMy comment was directed towards WH.
DeleteYeppers! Can't wait to see what happens!
DeleteWD. High Five!!! We "can't wait to see what happens" here.
DeleteFCW High Five!
DeleteWH for the WIN.
DeleteNo Jenna, you did Not dig up your septic tank by hand...you need to "HIRE" a
ReplyDeleteBackhoe to do that, and pay them a couple thousand $$$ for all that work.
Yeah, didn't happen - we have 2 tanks, buried many feet under ground hence the BIG Machinery... show us the pictures with the machines and the bill - undoctored.
**WOW, an hour ago she "hated everyone" and 9 seconds ago - Everyone is invited for a horse back ride.... Caarrazzzy / YIKES
And she's inviting strangers with no skills to ride a horse that hasn't had consistent saddle work in years. (Merlin or Mabel) That's a disaster waiting to happen.
DeleteWhy would someone spend the money to dig up their septic tank if they might be foreclosed?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnyone local happen to drive by and see Pig Shocker "digging up her septic tank"?
ReplyDeleteHaving lived my entire life in rural areas with individual septic tank systems ,sadly shook my head at her idiotic "digging" comment. I've lived in my current home for 18 years and luckily no problems. I also have a washer and dishwasher. She has neither. Unless it's a super old system and has just totally fell in, there shouldn't be much to fix. Pump it and run the lines. If it has fallen in or rusted apart then it's going to be thousands to repair. No one(with any sense) would tackle a septic system with a shovel.
ReplyDeleteI imagine 'digging up', at most, involved digging to find the lid on the top so that it could be pumped out.
ReplyDeleteIf the septic system needs to be dug up, the people Pig shocker hired to do it must have given her one of those toy fisher price shovels so she can pretend to shovel and help the adults.
DeleteNow be a good girl and shovel over there out of the adults' way!
Anyone think the random, "please anyone, come horseback riding with me tweet" might be her jealous clap back at Patty for having fun with Steele the unicorn at the festival completely without her?
ReplyDeletePer the Failed Cubical Worker's Twitter:
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
At this point I want to gain some sort of writing success just to stop hearing my mom tell me how horrific my life is.
5:08 PM · Jun 16, 2019 · Twitter Web Client
Jenna, you're a 30 something woman... stop calling to beg your Momma for money and she'll probably stop commenting on your shitty life and irresponsible life choices. .
As a mother I would be mortified that the Twitter-world knew my 30+ year old was shittin’ and pissin’ in her yard, I don’t care how many books she has published.
ReplyDeleteWell her mother probably knows what a lyin, cheatin, scammer she is. With horrible hygiene to boot!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find the tweet.
DeleteHere it is:
Delete❝ At this point I want to gain some sort of writing success just to stop hearing my mom tell me how horrific my life is. ❞
And someone replied: "She's not into farming then?"
Lol, no...it's more like Mama Woginrich is tired of seeing all Jenna's tweets begging for money. Like this new one:
❝ You like farms?! You like women farming them? You like 10-years worth of posts about running a farm alone on a mountain? You like electricity/plumbing?! ME TOO! If you want to support this crazy gin joint - your contributions help keep those things mine. https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF ❞
According to the time stamp she tweeted that 2 hours ago, and just re-tweeted it again several minutes ago. She's not even selling anything in that tweet. Just straight up begging for some free cash for electricity and plumbing.
Back when the Pig Shocker was somewhat successful with several books under her belt, I'm sure Mama Wog directed her friends to all Jenna's social media as a way of bragging about her daughter.
But now she's probably regretting that as she knows all her friends are now reading about how sad, lazy and pathetic her daughter has become and the 💩show that CAF now is. If Jenna was my kid I'd be utterly humiliated at all the begging going on.
All new meaning to the phrase "Shit Show." Sooo, this farmer who doesn't own a hose or wheelbarrow is supposedly digging up a septic tank and snaking it? MAYBE, she's dug out the cap to her tank, not the tank itself. The moron. No wheelbarrow, but a snake? You don't snake a tank. It's a tank. A pro would be in and out with that snake and an answer in a 1/2 hour. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a septic tank, but just a cesspool. She should know by now though.
ReplyDeleteJust imagine, if she had a paying roommate. It would cover the cost. But noooo, the princess can't be expected to encumber her naked with dog sleeping by having a roommate on her giant "farm."
Some of the most recent videos I've seen show Joel Salatin bringing in $60,000 per year on 5 acres with pigs. But there is some work involved. Not much, but some. BTW, any full garden pictures recently?
latest bleg she is planning on more running time more time with friends and working only Mon.-Friday. Heaven forbid she work on Sat. and Sun. to catch up that would be asking to much after all she is in her late 30's and she needs her down time. She mentions 2 different times she was out drinking one time a "friend" bought her a beer (if this is true what a mooch) and the second she cleverly said she met up with an old friend at the train station (that would be Argyle Brewing wouldn't it?). Such a waste of space.
ReplyDeleteShe must have found someone to pay all her back mortgage payments. On to other things now, and making plans for more leisure time.
DeleteI think that the purpose of that bleg post is to paint a pretty picture of her life so that when she starts hardcore begging a in few days, people might be sympathetic to see her at risk of losing all that crap she wrote about. It's clever. Pathetic, but clever.
Delete"Oh noes, she can't lose her farm at a time when she's finally found balance!
Ole Chunky Waddles McGee seems to think she will be receiving some news about her writings soon!
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like she's knee deep in a bottle of MadDog 20/20 dreaming of the day the publishing world forgets all about her Birchthorn Kickstarter scam.
Never gonna happen, hag!
She keeps mentioning needing more lambs. Wonder how many
ReplyDelete"Shares" she sold? Feel sorry for the lambs she has. They appear small especially the little runt. If course who knows about the authenticity of the photos.As to her Mom comment. I'm betting she hit her parents up to fix the septic system.
I'm not sure why she's looking for more lambs, but as someone who keeps a flock of 40 ewes, I would never buy bottle lambs to raise for butcher. First, they rarely gain as well as traditionally raised lambs. Secondly, the cost of feeding them milk replacer generally does not make them profitable. Never mind that even if her "lamb shares" are incredibly overpriced, no one makes a living off of 3 lambs. Heck, even a flock of 40 won't pay your mortgage.
DeleteBtw, this is my first post. Have been following this craziness for years - can't believe she's still going.
DeleteJenna just got served, and I want to document it here before she deletes the offending Tweet. It's the latest in her unending stream of speculation re: Taylor Swift's sexual orientation. She writes (condescendingly as always):
ReplyDelete"Jenna Woginrich
It is absolutely adorable that people still think Taylor Swift is straight.
9:38 AM · Jun 17, 2019 · Twitter Web Client
And in reply, she gets some well-deserved criticism:
"Lauren puts the B in LGBTQIA+ Pride
Replying to
It's really bad form to speculate on if someone is or isn't LBGTQIA+. As someone who is part of the community, I am surprised you don't know that"
Fuck yeah, Lauren! Thank you for piping up. Outing/jokingly outing people--celebrity or not--is ridiculously bad form. BOOM.
I also screen shot that tweet and reply.
DeleteShe doesn't know that because she is NOT part of the gay community. No matter how hard she tries to fit in.
I saw her original tweet about it and thought please, shut up already. That’s all, literally all she has tweeted about for her last several days. I am glad a member of the community responded and educated Jenna on her bad form. As a mom of an LGBTQ child who didn’t come out until she was 20 and whose friend was outed by clergy which affected his life long term, I absolutely cringe at such statements. It’s not Jenna’s job to out anyone, celebrity or not, and she should simply shut up about it.
DeleteI screenshot the tweet in which she called her “Gaylor Swift”. Jenna is such a lowlife.
DeleteYou should report her to Twitter.
DeleteYes, yet another reason to report her to Twitter. Between spamming, stalking and harassing Taylor Swift, her account should be gone. The CAS twitter didn't come close to what she has been up to and it disappeared.
DeleteI cannot find the Tweet where she referred to Taylor Swift as "Taylor". The whole stalking-fantasizing - sexualizing posts she makes for women celebrities is very creepy.
DeleteShe needs to be reported.
"Gaylor ", darn auto correct.
DeleteI just read that stupid tweet. All JFW did was say "noted" with a Taylor Swift video clip. Of course, she didn't delete or apologize. What an arrogant twat. She can't even attract an average woman, let alone a super celebrity. And it's "absolutely abhorrent" that she speculates on anyone's sexual preferences.
DeleteFuck yeah, indeed! I just LOVE that a real gay schooled a fake wannabe gay. 👏
DeleteAnd the Pig Shocker's bitchy reply shows that mentally, she's still in high school. Bitch should have bent the knee and apologized instead.
Anon7. I sent the "real gay" woman on Twitter an email with a link to this site, and also more information on JFW, the animal abuser and serial scammer. She also happens to be a heathen. Which is why she likely followed the FFF.
DeletePoodleDiDoo - Here's that tweet:
Delete❝ I want to tweet about how much I am enjoying Gaylor Swift Crack Vids on Youtube during my workout but I am not that petty. ❞
It's a few tweets down from the pic of Karlie and Taylor wearing black turtlenecks. And if you scroll back up she also refers to Taylor as "Kaylor" cuz OMG, isn't that just so funny?
No, it's harassment. And it's seriously immature.
Way to go, Failed Cubicle Worker! Fight the good fight!
Delete(BTW, your name is still cracking me up.)
Anon7. Thanks! I can't claim credit for my new name. It was inspired by a creative person here who has remained anonymous.
DeleteThere were a NUMBER of times on Reddit that people suggested that Jenna was gay and she quickly and obnoxiously told them that wasn't the case. She needs to grow up and accept the fact that no one....especially some successful celebrity....will be interested in her lazy lying nasty ass.
ReplyDeleteHey HD - Do you remember which thread it was? If memory serves, there was the "Get Motivated" one and also the "How much tech I allow" one, and in both she was called out for being a phony. Or which user name? She was both "Shieldmare" and "JennaWoginrich"
DeleteI'd be more than happy to search for those comments.
Dur....I have no clue. When I have a minute I'll look back and see what I can find. I don't even remember topics...just that it happened several times.
DeleteHD. I said something similar. It'd be a minor miracle if JFW ever has an intimate relationship with a human being. Her creepy crushes on celebrities border on cyber stalking.
DeleteFCW, there's also her names for female hawks. FFF doesn't do an amusing play-on-words when selecting names. No, she picks names of current celebrities she crushes on: Aya Cash, Anna Kendrick. It's not a joke, ironic or amusing. It's intended to be an homage to the celebrity and it's a freaking creepy way to curry favor.
DeleteBtw, Ashley Richards (Twwly) has some great animal names: her miniature horse is called Pony Danza, 😄.
I remember it being discussed in the comments of her blog more than once, back when she got a lot of comments every day.
DeletePDD. Exactly. It's all part of her creepy crushes. It's icky and disturbing. And she has the chutzpah to be "terrified" of innocent men in laundromats and red vans driving by her hovel. What a fucking hypocrite.
DeleteOn the blog she goes every which way, changing her mind frequently. First she's straight, then bi, then queer, and now lesbian? Or is she still bi so that she can keep her financial options open?
DeleteIn 2016 she wrote this ("My gender is Farmer" bleg post):
❝ If we're talking about sex, I see myself as a straight woman, but only in those rare moments like zooming through profiles on eHarmony... ❞
O...kay. Then in 2017 she wrote this ("Any Donkey" bleg post):
❝ I'm not gay, but feel free to call me gay if you like. I am queer. A blanket term used by the LGBTQ+ community for the non-straight. I'm bisexual and always have been. [...] I don't talk about it here because I don't think my sexuality has anything to do with farming, wanting a farm, keeping a farm, or the life I built here. I also have never talked about my dating or sex life on this blog. It's not that kind of blog. ❞
Now she talks about it on the bleg and Twitter, and ever since the poodle cash donations slowed to a trickle. Seems she'll say anything to appeal to the widest group possible to support her farm.
Anon7. I remember reading that crap. It's all part of her manipulative marketing.
DeleteManipulative marketing. I like that. It's also very targeted and predatory.
DeleteCase in point: It's Pride month and the Pig Shocker has doubled down on her supposed gayness with tweets, re-tweets and hash-tags in an attempt to attract as much attention and new customers as possible. And pissing off a few real gays in the process.
DeleteIn the latest bleg post "Balance" the Pig Shocker wrote:
ReplyDelete❝ As for the farm I have to figure out butcher bills... ❞
So to be clear, this money she needs she already received when she sold those spam shares, yes? And she's talking about the pigs? And she was supposed to put some of that money aside for the butchering, right? But she spent it already?
Didn't she have them butchered already? Where did the pig parts come from that were riding on the bumper of her truck?
DeleteMaybe you pay when you get the meat?
DeleteYeah, that's why I'm confused. On June 10th she wrote on the bleg:
Delete❝ Today is about catching up on work, running errands, preparing for piglets and the butcher. ❞
And then a few days ago it seems they were butchered as she tweeted about pig's hearts in her truck...but now she's asking for butcher money? For what? Those 3 little lambs are too young to butcher. So what's she on about?
Also, I always thought that she collected her spam share money all up front.
OK, here's what the Pig Shocker wrote on February 11th:
Delete❝ Shares are open for 2019 half and whole pigs and lambs! Looking for small-farm raised food at very competitive rates? Send me an email! MY prices include the price of the animal (which you either own or co-own) as well as the butchering and smoking/cutting fees. Most farmers have you pay for the meat and then pay your butcher bill later, I offer a lower rate to pay all upfront. ❞
So it does look like she spent the money. But was able to butcher them a few days ago. But is now asking for more butcher money? None of this makes sense. And on March 22nd she said the lamb was sold out.
Typically you pay the butcher when you pick up your meat. If she actually had animals butchered, they left the organs for her and took the pigs back for butchering. However, if she had boars butchered (pretty sure I read that she's butchering boars and that her sow is ready to farrow - didn't know she kept a sow so maybe she bought piglets to raise, didn't castrate the males, they bred the female and now she's butchering the males?) the meat will quite possibly have boar taint - won't taste good. Given that there haven't been pig pictures in ages, it's all hard to believe. Plus, didn't she say she had to buy weiners just a few months ago??
DeleteSo just an FYI many Heathens are aware of the scam she has been trying to run. She actually doesn't have a following in the community since she abandoned Reddit.
ReplyDeleteI've always had the impression she is a "Nice Girl" which is the female version of an Incel.
Tyr's Bad Hand. That's a good username you have. She once bragged about the ludicrous claim "I have curves and know how to use them!" on a past post. It didn't ring true. I'm not surprised that even heathens are aware of her rotten reputation. Your sentence about the "Nice Girl" was funny. Although she's really more of a "Nasty Bitch" in reality.